小川図書英語・英文学洋書目録第80号 全集・西洋古典・英国文化・事/辞典・言語学・日本学・中国学 この目録には書籍の詳しい状態を目録に掲載しておりません。 当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ でご確認いただきますようお願いいたし ます。 または、お電話(03-3262-0908)、メール([email protected])にてお問合せ くださいませ。そのほかご質問等ございましたらお気軽にご連絡ください。 ページ 作家別個人全集・作品集 〈洋書〉 ページ 1 (文学史/英詩/文芸雑誌) 邦人全集 〈和書〉 22 (作品集・評論/個人全集) 小泉八雲関係書籍 129 日本学・Japanology 141 中国学・Sinology 169 西洋古典籍 23 事典・辞典 〈洋書〉 174 ケルムスコット・プレス 26 辞典 〈和書〉 203 初版本・限定本 27 言語学 〈洋書〉 214 聖書、聖書関連書籍 55 言語学 〈中国語関係〉 218 古代・中世 63 英語関係和書 221 (写本・手稿本/セットもの/作家別研究) 演劇関係 222 ギリシャ関係書籍 72 歴史 224 ホーマー関係書籍 75 背景 226 ロンドン他 都市 76 自然科学 227 ケルト・アイルランド 83 フォークロア・バラッド 229 チャップブック 230 ユーモア 231 書物学 232 (言語学書含む) 英国他 庭園関係書籍 88 建築・インテリア関係 95 西洋美術 96 芸術・デザイン 19世紀を中心としたパリファッション雑誌等 233 104 ロビン・フッド関係書籍コレクション(分売) 235 マックス・ビアボームコレクション(分売) 240 竹友藻風旧蔵洋書限定本コレクション(分売)242 船戸英夫先生旧蔵(洋書)・19世紀英国文化 児童文学 105 女性論 113 評論 118 (分売) 旅行ガイド 120 梅溪昇先生旧蔵書籍(W.E.グリフィス)(分売) 264 永嶋大典先生旧蔵書籍(S.ジョンソン他)(分売)265 縮緬本・平紙本 127 246 作家別個人全集・作品集 他 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1 「W.H.エインズワース作品集」 14 巻(全 20 巻) 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14 巻欠 ¥21,600 ウィンザー版 クロース装 The Novels of William Harrison Ainsworth. 14 vols. (of 20). Windsor Edition. & Co., 1901-1902. [02270-102489] London: Gibbings 2 ケンブリッジ版 「J.オースティン作品集」 8 巻(全 9 巻) 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥108,000 The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen. The Cambridge Austen is the definitive edition for the twenty-first century. 8 vols. (of 9). First published. Cambridge UP., 2005-2006. [02251-102470] 3 「J.オースティン作品集」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 The Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen. The Novels of Janes Austen. The Text based on Collation of the Early Editions by R. W. Chapman. With Notes Indexes and Illustrations from Contemporary Sources. (In 5 vols.) [with] The Works of Janes Austen. Vol.VI. Minor Works. Now firsst collected and edited from the manusripts by R. W. Chapman. With illustrations from Contemporary Sources. In 5 vols. and minor works in 1 vol. The Novels…:Third edition. (Vol.I & III-V: Fifth impression, Vol.II: Six impression) Oxford UP., 1952-1954. [02255-102474] 4 「M.アーノルド詩集」 1892 年 クロース装 Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold. ¥3,240 London: Macmillan and Co., 1892. [f0383-170381] 5 「F.ベイコン作品集」 12 巻 クロース装 ¥162,000 Collected Works of Francis Bacon. With a new Introduction by Graham Rees. 12 vols. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1996. [02000-102147] 6 「W.バーンズ詩集」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 The Poems of William Barnes. 2 vols. Edited by Bernard Jones. ¥12,960 London: Centaur Press, 1962. [01747-101822] 7 「J.M.バリー作品集」 10 巻 キリミュア版 1,000 部限定、No.184 署名入り 背クロース装 天金 The Kirriemuir Edition of the Works of J. M. Barrie. In 10 vols. Limited 1,000 sets numbered and signed, No.184. [02266-102485] ¥54,000 Hodder and Stoughton, 1913. 8 グロサート(編) 「J.ボーモント詩集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Complete Poems of Dr. Joseph Beaumont (1616-1699). (Chertsey Worthies Library). For the first time collected and edited: with memorial-introduction, notes and illustrations, glossarial indes, and portrait, by Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for Private Circulation, 1880. [00224-100324] 9 「トーマス・ラヴェル・ベドーズ全集」 2 巻 750 部限定版 No.184 背クロース、厚紙装 ¥21,600 The Complete Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Edited with a Memoir by Sir Edmund Gosse. And Decorated by the Dance of Death of Hans Holbein. This Edition is limited to seven hundred and fifty copies of which this is No.184. In 2 vols. London: Fanfrolico Press, [1928.] [02082-102271] 10 「A.ビレル評論・演説集」 3 巻 クロース装 The Collected Essays & Addresses of the Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell 1880-1920. In 3 vols. don: J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd, 1922. [00236-100339] 11 「ウィリアム・ブレイクの絵画と素描」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 Butlin,Martin The Paintings and Drawings of William Blake. Text & Plates. In 2 vos. 1 ¥8,640 Lon- ¥54,000 New Ha- ven & London: Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art by Yale UP., 1981. [f0669-170675] 12 W.ブレイク・トラスト/プリンストン大学刊 「W.ブレイク彩飾本集」 6 巻 ¥64,800 ペーパーバック版 初版 函 William Blake's Illuminated Books Collected Edition Vol.1- 6. General Editor by David Bindman. In 6 vols. Paperback edition First published. The William Blake Trust / Princeton UP., 1998. [02267-102486] 13 W.ブレイク E.ヤング 「夜の瞑想」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 Blake,William William Blake's Designs for Edward Young's Night Thoughts. A Complete Edition. Edited With Commentary by John E.Grant, Edward J.Rose, Michael J.Tolley. Co-ordinating Editor David V.Erdman. In 2 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1980. [01774-101849] 14 「R.バーンズ詩集」 2 巻 4 冊 クロース装 三方金 図版及び楽譜多数 ¥32,400 The National Burns. The Airs of All the Songs and an Original Life of Burns. 2 vols. bound in 4. Edited by Rev. George Gilfillan. London, Glasgow & Edinburgh: William Mackenzie, n.d. [02254-102473] 15 グロサート(編) 「N.ブレトン詩集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton. For the First Time Collected and Edited: With Memorial-Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Glossarial Index, Facsimiles, Ec. by Alexander B. Grosart. [Chertsey Worthies' Library]. In 2 vols. Reprint of 1879 ed. New York; AMS Press Inc., 1966. [01961-102108] 16 「C.ブロンテ詩集」 カバー、クロース装 ¥5,400 The Poems of Charlotte Brontë. A New Annotated and Enlarged Edition of the Shakespeare Head Bronte. Edited by Tom Winnifrith. Published for the Shakespeare Head Press by Basil Blackwell, First published. 1984. [01725-101800] 17 「トマス・ブルックス全集」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥17,280 Grosart,Alexander Balloch ed. The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks. Edited, with Memoir, by the Rev. Alexander Balloch Grosart, Liverpool. 6 vols. First AMS Edition. Reprinted from the edition of 1866-7(Edinburgh:James Nichol, London: James Nisbet and Co., Dublin: G. Herbert, Montreal: B. Dawson & Son,). New York; AMS Press, 1978. [01963-102110] 18 「R.ブラウニング作品集」 10 巻 センティナリー版 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Works of Robert Browning. With Introductions by F. G. Kenyon, C.B., D.Litt. In 10 vols. Centenary Edition, 2nd printing. New York: AMS Press, 1973. [02218-102424] 19 「ブラウニング家書簡集」 12 巻 (4 代目ブラウニング 旧蔵書) クロース装 ¥64,800 The Brownings' Correspondence. 12 vols. 1809/9-1846/5. Edited by Philip Kelley, Ronald Hudson & Scott Lewis. Wedgestone Press, 1984-1994. [01905-102052] 20 「J.バニヤン全集」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Complete Works of John Bunyan, Author of "The Pilgrim's Progress." Edited, with Original Introductions, Notes, and Memoir of the Author, by Henry Stebbing, D.D., F.R.S., Illustrated with Engravings on Steel and Wood. In 4 vols. First reprinting. New York: Johnson Reprint Co., 1970. (Originally published in 1658.) [02201-102407] 21 「J.バニヤン作品集」 13 巻 カバー、クロース装 The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan. General Editor: Roger Sharrock. In 13 vols. At the Clarendon Press, 1976-1994. [02219-102425] ¥172,800 Oxford: 22 「R.バーンズ書簡集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Letters of Robert Burns. J.De Lancey Ferguson. Second Edition edited by G.Ross Roy. In 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. [01201-100395] 23 「R.バーンズ作品集」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. Revised by William Wallace. 2 In 4 vols. London: The Waverley Book Co., / By arrangement with W. & R. Chambers, n.d. [02188-102380] 24 マーシャン(編) 「L.バイロン書簡集・日誌」 12 巻 クロース装 Byron's Letters and Journals 1798-1824. In 12 vols. Edited by Leslie A.Marchand. Murray, 1974-82. [01474-100416] ¥64,800 London: John 25 「T.カルウ詩集」 カバー、クロース装 ¥5,400 The Poems of Thomas Carew with His Masque, Coelum Britannicum. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Rhodes Dunlap. [Oxford English Texts] Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition (1949). Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1970. [01735-101810] 26 G.チョーサー 「カンタベリー物語テキスト」 8 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Text of the Canterbury Tales. Studied on the Basis of All Known Manuscripts by John M.Manly & Edith Rickert With the Aid of Mabel Dean, Helen McIntosh, and Others with a Chapter on Illuminations by Margaret Rickert. In 8 vols. The University of Chicago Press, 1940. [01970-102117] 27 G.チョーサー 「カンタベリー物語」 2 巻 厚紙表紙 背クロース ¥21,600 The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer rendered into modern English verse by Frank Ernest Hill. 2 vols. London: Printed for the Limited Edition Club, 1934. [01848-101921] 28 「G.チョーサー詩集」 3 巻 ファクシミリ版・初版 青革装 ¥64,800 Chaucer,Geoffrey The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of Cambridge University Library MS GG.4.27. With Introductions by M. B. Parkes & Richard Beadle. In 3 vols. First published. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1980. [02231-102450] 29 スキート(編) 「G.チョーサー全集」 7 巻 クロース装 ¥27,000 The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited, from Numerous Manuscripts by Walter W. Skeat. In 7 vols. Second Edition. Later Impression. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1924-1926. [01971-102118] 30 スキート(編) 「G.チョーサー全集」 7 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. In 7 vols. Second edition. Edited, from numerous manuscripts by Walter W. Skeat. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. [02056-102245] 31 「G.チョーサー作品集」 1 巻 1532 年 ファクシミリ版 クロース装 ¥21,600 (Thynne,William) The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and Others. Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Collected Edition 1532 from the Copy in the British Museum. With an Introduction by Walter W. Skeat. London; Alexander Morning, Ltd., /Henry Frowde, [1903] One Thousand Copies of this Facsimile have been printed; of which this is Number 169. [02044-102192] 32 C.F.E.スパージョン 「チョーサー批評 500 年史」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥9,720 Five Hundred Years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion 1357-1900. By Caroline F.E.Spurgeon. With twenty-four collotype illustrations, introduction, notes, appendices and general index. In 3 vols. New York: Russell & Russell, 1960. [01139-100452] 33 C.F.E.スパージョン 「チョーサー批評 500 年史」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥9,720 Five Hundred Years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion 1357-1900. By Caroline F.E.Spurgeon. With twenty-four collotype illustrations, introduction, notes, appendices and general index. In 3 vols. New York: Russell & Russell, 1960. [01493-100453] 34 「J.クリーヴランド詩集」 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 The Poems of John Cleveland. [Oxford English Texts] Edited by Brian Morris and Eleanor Withington. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967. [01733-101808] 35 「A.H.クラフ書簡集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥5,400 The Correspondence of Arthur Hugh Clough. In 2 vols. Edited by Frederick L.Mulhauser. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. [e075-100462] 3 36 「W.コングリーブ喜劇集」 2 巻 3/4 革装 ¥5,400 The Comedies of William Congreve. With an Introduction by G.S.Street. [English Classics] edited by W.E.Henley. In 2 vols. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. [s01067-100478] 37 「J.コンラッド批評的評価」 4 巻 函、合皮装 Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments. In 4 vols. Edited by Keith Carabine. 1992. [02161-102353] ¥32,400 Helm Imformation, 38 「J.コンラッド短編集」 4 巻 カバー、厚紙装 ¥12,960 The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad. In 4 vols. Edited with an Introduction by Samuel Hynes. London: William Pickering, 1992-1993. [02159-102351] 39 「J.コンラッド作品集」 20 巻 著者署名入り カバー、背クロース装 ¥270,000 The Works of Joseph Conrad. In 20 vols. London: William Heinemann, 1921-1927. Limited to 780 sets, No.555. Signed by Author. [02262-102481] 40 「J.コンラッド作品集」 22 巻 クロース装 The Collected Works of Joseph Conrad. The Medallion Edition 1925-1928. In 22 vols. / Thoemmes Press, 1995. [02162-102354] ¥129,600 Routledge 41 「J.コンラッド書簡集」 5 巻(全 9 巻) 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥43,200 The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad. 5 vols. (of 9). First published. Edited by Frederick R. Karl & Laurence Davies. Cambridge UP, 1983-1996. [02160-102352] 42 グロサート(編) 「A.カウリー全集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Abraham Cowley. Now for the First Time Collected and Edited: With Memorial-Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Portraits, Ec. by Alexander B. Grosart. [Chertsey Worthies' Library]. In 2 vols. New York; AMS Press Inc., 1967. [01960-102107] 43 「R.クラショウ詩集」 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 The Poems: English, Latin and Greek of Richard Crashaw. Edited by L.C.Martin. [Oxford English Texts] Second edition. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. [01736-101811] 44 「W.ダブナント詩・劇集」 カバー、クロース装 ¥6,480 Sir William Davenant: The Shorter Poems and Songs from the Plays and Masques. Edited with Biographical, Critical and Textual Introduction and Notes by A.M.Gibbs. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. [01731-101806] 45 「W.ダヴナント作品集」 1 巻 初版. 総革装 ¥64,800 Davenant,Sr William The Works of Sr William Davenant Kt. Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which he design'd the Press: Now Published out of the Authors Originall Copies. The first edition of Davenant's collected works. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673. [02090-102279] 46 グロサート(編) 「J.デイビースオブヒアフォード全集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 The Complete Works of John Davies of Hereford (15.. - 1618). For the First Time Collected and Edited: With Memorial-Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Glossarial Index, and Portrait and Facsimile,Ec. by Alexander B. Grosart. [Chertsey Worthies Library]. In 2 vols. New York; AMS Press Inc., 1967. [01962-102109] 47 マッソン(編) 「T.ディ・クウィンシー作品集」 14 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey. In 14 vols. New and Enlarged Edition. Edited by David Masson. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1968. [01415-100506] 48 「T.デッカー演劇集」 4 巻 ¥75,600 附・サイラス・ホーイ 著「T.デッカー演劇集解説」 4 巻 クロース装 The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. In 4 vols. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Cambridge at the UP., 1964-1970. [with] Hoy,Cyrus Introductions, Notes, and Commentaries to Texts in 'The Dramatic Works of 4 Thomas Dekker'. In 4 vols. First published. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Cambridge UP., 1980. [01813-101887] 49 「C.ディケンズ作品集」 20 巻 スタンダード版 クロース装 The Works of Charles Dickens. In 20 Vols. Standard Edition. Co., n.d. [02067-102256] ¥54,000 London: The Gresham Publishing 50 「C.ディケンズ研究年報」 1-38 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥129,600 Dickens Studies Annual. In 38 vols. [Vol.1-7]: Edited by Robert B. Partlow. [Vol.8-38]: Edited by Michael Timko, Edward Guiliano et al. [Vol.1-7]: Southern Illinois UP, / Feffer & Simons, Inc., [Vol.8-38]: AMS Press, 1970-2007. [Vol.8-38]: Essays on Victorian Fiction. [02103-102292] 51 「C.ディケンズ書簡集」 全 12 巻 ピルグリム版 カバー、クロース装 ¥162,000 The Letters of Charles Dickens. In 12 vols. The Pilgrim Edition.Edited by Madeline House & Graham Storey. Associate Editors W. J. Carlton, Philip Collins, K. J. Fielding, Kathleen Tillotson. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1969-2009. [02123-102312] 52 C.ディケンズ 週刊誌「ハウスホールド・ワーズ」 復刻版 全 19 巻・別巻 1 ¥194,400 復刻版第 1 刷 クロース装 Household Words. A Weekly Journal. (1850-1859) Conducted by Charles Dickens. [With] Table of Contents List of Contributors and their Contributions compiled by Anne Lohrli. In 20 vols. Reprinted. Tokyo: Hon-no-Tomosha(本の友社), 1989. [02112-102301] 53 C.ディケンズ 「ハンフリー親方の時計」 復刻版 88 冊 クロース函、ペーパー装 ¥21,600 Dickens,Charles Master Humphrey's Clock. By "Boz." No.1-88. With Illustrations by G. Cattermole and H. K. Browne. 88 vols. London: Nottingham Court Press, 1984. Reprinted in 88 parts 1984. This edition is limited to 750 copies throughout the world. This is copy No.38. [02100-102289] 54 「J.ダン詩集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Poems of John Donne. Edited from the Old Editions and Numerous Manuscripts with Introductions & Commentary by Herbert J. C. Grierson. Vol.I: The Text of the Poems with Appendixes. Vol.II: Introduction and Commentary. In 2 vols. Reprinted Lithographically from sheets of the first edition (1912). London; Oxford University Press, 1953. [01918-102065] 55 「J.ドライデン戯曲集」 2 巻 大型本・肖像画付 初版 3/4 革装 ¥54,000 The Comedies, Tragedies. and Operas. Now first Collected together, and Corrected from the Originals. In 2 vols. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, Thomas Bennet, Richard Wellington, 1701. [00403-100579] 56 W.E.B.デュボイス 「黒人の精神:3 部作」「黒の王女」 3 巻+1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 Du Bois, W.E.B. The Black Flame: A Trilogy. 4 vols. First printing. Reprint of the ed. Published by Mainstream Publishers, New York; with new intro. /Dark…; Second printing. Reprint of the 1928 ed. Published by Harcourt, Brace, New York. Milwood, N.Y.; Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited, 1976. [01891-102038] 57 R.L.ラスク&E.M.ティルトン(編) 「R.W.エマーソン書簡集」 10 巻 クロース装 ¥97,200 The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Vol.I-VI: Edited by Ralph L. Rusk. Vol.VII-X: Edited by Eleanor M. Tilton. In 10 vols. Vol.I-VI: Second printing. New York & London: Columbia UP, Vol.I-VI: 1966. Vol.VII-X: 1990-1995. [02235-102454] 58 「R.W.エマーソン日記・覚書」 10 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 10 vols. Edited by W.H. Gilman, A.R.Ferguson, G.P.Clark, M.R.Davis, Merton M.Sealts,Jr., A.W.Plumstead, Harrison Hayford, & J.E.Persons. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1960-1973. [01583-100633] 59 「R.W.エマーソン初期講義」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥19,440 The Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 3 vols. Edited by Stephen E.Whicher, Robert E.Spiller & Wallace E.Williams. Harvard UP, 1959-1972. [01569-100635] 5 60 「J.イーヴリン日記」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥5,400 The Diary of John Evelyn. Edited from the Original MSS. by William Bray. With Biographical Introduction by the Editor. And a Special Introduction by Richard Garnett. [Universal Classics Library. Oliver H. G. Leigh, Editorial Director. Illustrated with Photogravures on Japan Vellum, Etchings Hand Painted India-Plate Reproductions, and Full Page Portraits of Authors] In 2 vols. Washington & London; M.Walter Dunne, Publisher, 1901. [01919-102066] 61 「R.ファンショウ詩・翻訳集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥17,280 The Poems and Translations of Sir Richard Fanshawe. Edited by Peter Davidson. With an Essay on Fanshawe and Camões by Roger Walker (Vol.II). [Oxford English Texts] 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997 & 1999. [01741-101816] 62 「G.ファークァー演劇集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Dramatic Works of George Farquhar. In 2 vols. Edited, with Life and Notes by Alex. Charles Ewald. London: John C. Nimmo, 1892. Limited to 520 copies. [00453-100639] 63 「G.ファークァー全集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥10,800 The Complete Works of George Farquhar. In 2 vols. Reprinted.Edited by Charles Stonehill. New York: Gordian Press, by arrangement with the Nonesuch Press.1967. (Originally published in 1930.) [00454-100640] 64 「E.フィールド作品集」 12 巻 クロース装 The Writings In Prose and Verse of Eugene Field. In 12 vols. ¥21,600 Charles Scribner's Sons. 1900. [00457-100644] 65 「H.フィールディング小説集」 10 巻 ラージ・ペーパー版 シェイクスピア・ヘッド版 背クロース装 ¥43,200 The Novels of Henry Fielding. In 10 vols. Large Paper Edition.Printed for the Shakespeare Head Press. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1926. [00461-100648] 66 「H.フィールディング小説集」 10 巻 ラージ・ペーパー版 シェイクスピア・ヘッド版 背クロース装 ¥32,400 The Novels of Henry Fielding. In 10 vols. Large Paper Edition. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. / Printed by the Shakespeare Head Press, Stratford-upon-Avon, & published for the Press by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1926. Limited to 520 copies, this is no.342. [01641-101612] 67 「H.フィールディング作品集」 11 巻 ウェスリアン版 カバー、クロース装 The Wesleyan Edition of the Works of Henry Fielding. In 11 vols. endon Press, 1972-1997. [02075-102264] 68 「H.フィールディング伝」 3 巻 再版 クロース装 Cross,Wilbur L. The History of Henry Fielding. In 3 vols. Reissued. sell, 1963. [02175-102367] ¥97,200 Wesleyan UP, / Oxford: Clar¥8,640 New York: Russell & Rus- 69 「コヴェント・ガーデン・ジャーナル」 2 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥6,480 Drawcansir,Alexander (Henry Fielding) The Covent-Garden Journal. In 2 vols. Reissued (First published by 1915). Edited by Gerard Edward Jensen. New York: Russell & Russell, 1964. [02176-102368] 70 「E.フィッツジェラルド書簡・文芸論集」 7 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald. (The Works of Edward Fitzgerald.) In 7 vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1902-1903. Limited to 775 copies. [01758-101833] 71 J.G.フレイザー 「金枝篇」 12 巻 (補遺欠け) クロース装 ¥54,000 Frazer, James George The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. In 12 vols.(of 13. Supplementary volume missing.) Third edition. London: Macmillan and Co., 1922-1927. Reprinted. [01819-101893] 72 J.G.フレイザー 「金枝篇」 13 巻 カバー、厚紙装 ¥64,800 Frazer,James George The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. In 13 vols. Third edition. Reprinted. The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1980. [02064-102253] 6 73 「E.C.ギャスケル作品集」 8 巻 5 冊 ナッツフォード版 クロース装 ¥64,800 The Works of Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell. With introductions by A.W. Ward. [Anglistica & Americana. A Series of Reprints Selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider and Marvin Spevack 147] 8 vols in 5. The Knutsford Edition. Hildesheim & New York: George Olms Verlag, 1974. [02114-102303] 74 「E.グラスゴウ作品集」 12 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥64,800 The Works of Ellen Glasgow. In 12 vols. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co., 1974. Reprint of the Magnificent Virginia Edition, 1938. The new publication is limited to two hundred copies, numbered. The number of this set is 59. [01339-100687] 75 「T.グレイ書簡集」 3 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥9,720 Correspondence of Thomas Gray. (1734-1771). Edited by the late Paget Toynbee and Leonard Whibley. With Corrections and Additions by H. W. Starr. In 3 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1971. (First published 1935) [02085-102274] 76 「J.ハンキン作品集」 2 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥4,320 The Plays of St. John Hankin. With an Introduction by John Drinkwater. In 2 Vols. Reissued. (First publihed in 1912.) London: Martin Secker, 1923. [02221-102427] 77 J.ハリントン 「オセアナ」 1 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥6,480 Harrington,James Works: The Oceana and other Works. With an Account of his Life by John Toland. Reprint of The Edition London 1771. Germany: Scientia Verlag Aalen, 1963. [02227-102433] 78 「T.ハーン作品集」 4 巻 3/4 革装 The Works of Thomas Hearne. In 4 vols. ¥21,600 London: Samuel Bagster, 1810. [00550-100777] 79 「O.ヘンリー全集」 全 14 巻 復刻版第1刷 背クロース、厚紙装 ¥54,000 The Complete Writings of O. Henry. With Illustrations by Gordon Grant. In 14 vols. Reprinted. Tokyo: Hon-no Tomosha (本の友社), 1989. (Originally published in 1917, Memorial edition.) [02094-102283] 80 「T.フッド作品集」 11 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Works of Thomas Hood. Comic and Serious, In Prose & Verse, with all the original illustations.In 11 vols. Edited, with Notes by His Son and Daughter. London: Ward, Lock & Warwick House, n.d.(1882-1884). [01603-101571] 81 「A.E.ハウスマン古典論文集」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Classical Papers of A.E.Housman. Collected and Edited by J.Diggle and F.R.D.Goodyear. 3 vols.(Vol.I: 1882-97. Vol.II: 1897-1914. Vol.III: 1915-36.) Cambridge UP., 1972. [01749-101824] 82 「ヒューム&スモレット 英国史」 13 巻 総革装 ¥86,400 Hume,David & T.Smollett. The History of England, From the Invasion of Julius Caesar, to the Revolution in 1688. By David Hume, to which is Prefixed a Short Account of his Life,Written by Himself. In 8 vols. (together with) The History of England, From the Revolution to the Death of George II. (Designed as a Continuation of Mr. Hume's History). By T. Smollett, to which is Prefixed, The Life of the Author, with Critical Observations on his Works, by Robert Anderson. In 5vols. 8 vols. + 5vols. Together in 13 vols. Edinburgh: Printed for Peter Hill & Company et al. 1818. [01931-102078] 83 「R.ハード作品集」 8 巻 クロース装 The Works of Richard Hurd, D.D. Lord Bishop of Worcester. In 8 vols. T.Cadell and W.Davies, 1811. [01750-101825] ¥32,400 London: Printed for 84 「イプセン作品集」 13 巻 クロース装、天金 ¥32,400 The Works of Henrik Ibsen. Introduction & Translation by William & Charles Archer and C. H. Herford. In 13 vols. The Viking Edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1917. [02207-102413] 85 「ヘンリー・ジェイムズ短編小説全集」 12 巻 英国版 カバー、クロース装 ¥86,400 The Complete Tales of Henry James. In 12 vols. Edited withan Introduction by Leon Edel. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1962-1964 . [02276-102495] 7 86 「ヘンリー・ジェイムズ小説集」 19 巻(全 26 巻) 第 3、9、16、19、23-25 巻欠 ¥54,000 ニューヨーク版 (リニューアル版)クロース装・カバー The Novels and Tales of Henry James. 19 vols. (of 26) Scribner first renewal edition. (New York Edition). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1935-1945. [02277-102496] 87 「H.ジェイムズ書簡集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥4,320 Lubbock,Percy ed. The Letters of Henry James. Selected and Edited by Percy Lubbock. In 2 Vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1920. [01666-101637] 88 L.イーデル(編) 「H.ジェイムズ書簡集 1843-1895」 3 巻 クロース装 Edel,Leon ed. Henry James: Letters (1843-1895). In 3 vols. (of 4) Edited by Leon Edel. Belknap Press of Harvard UP. [01661-101632] 89 「S.ジョンソン書簡集」 5 巻 クロース装 The Letters of Samuel Johnson. In 5 vols. The Hyde Edition. Edited by Bruce Redford. Clarendon Press, 1992-1994. [01579-100850] ¥8,640 The ¥32,400 Oxford: 90 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝」 2 巻 初版初刷 総革装 ¥648,000 Boswell,James The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Comprehending an Account of his Studies and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order; A Series of his Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with many Eminent Persons; and Various Original Pieces of his Composition, Never Before Published. The Whole Exhibiting a View of Literature and Literary Men in Great-Britain, for Near Half a Century, During which he Flourished. In 2 vols. First edition. First issue. London: Printed by Henry Baldwin, 1791. [s05463-212619] 91 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝」 5 巻(全 6 巻)カバー、クロース装 ¥10,800 Boswell's Life of Johnson. 5 vols. of 6. Vol.I-IV: Reprinted. / Vol.V: Second edition. Edited by George Birkbeck Hill. Revised and Enlarged edition by L. F. Powell. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, Vol.I-IV: 1971. / Vol.V: 1964. [02142-102331] 92 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝」 6 巻 クロース装 Boswell's Life of Johnson. In 6 vols. Edited by Augustine Birrell. 1912. [00613-100861] ¥16,200 London: The Times Book Club, 93 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝決定版」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥37,800 Boswell's Life of Johnson. Together with Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a Journey into North Wales. In 6 vols. Edited Geroge Birkbeck Hill. Revised and Enlarged Edition by L.F.Powell. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1979, reprinted (vols.1-4. 22.1x14.5cm) & 1975, second edition in slightly larger format (vols.5-6. 22.8x15cm). [01581-100865] 94 「H.L.スレイル(ピオッツィ)夫人日記」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 Thraliana. The Diary of Mrs.Hester Lynch Thrale(Later Mrs.Piozzi). 1776-1809. Vol.I: 1776-1784. Vol.II: 1784-1809. Published in Co-operation with the Huntington Library. In 2 vols. Edited by Balderston,Katharine C. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1942. [02088-102277] 95 「H.A.ジョーンズ代表作集」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 Representative Plays by Henry Arthur Jones. In 4 vols. Reprinted.Edited, with Historical, Biographical, and Critical Introductions, by Clayton Hamilton. Michigan: Scholarly Press, 1971. [00617-100867] 96 ギフォード(編)「B.ジョンソン作品集」 9 巻 背革装 ¥64,800 The Works of Ben Jonson. With notes critical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir, by W. Gifford. In 9 vols. London, 1816. [00622-100872] 97 「B.ジョンソン及びボーモント&フレッチャー演劇集」 4 巻 1/2 革装 ¥54,000 The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Flecher:The First Printed from the Text, and With the Notes of Peter Whalley. In 4 vols. London: John Stockdale, 1811. [00620-100870] 98 「ユリシーズ」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥37,800 James Joyce Ulysses. A Facsimile of the Manuscript with a critical introduction by Harry Levin and a 8 bibliographical preface by Clive Driver. In 3 vols. including "The Manuscript and First Printings Compared" volume. New York: Octagon Books, 1975. [01143-100881] 99 「J.キーツ作品集」 8 巻 ハムステッド版 復刻版 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Poetical Works and Other Writings of John Keats. Edited with Notes and Appendices by H. Buxton Forman. Revised with additions by Maurice Buxton Forman. With an introduction by John Masefield. In 8 vols. Reprinted (Originally Published 1939. In an Edition of 1050 Sets). New York; Phaeton Press, 1970. [01915-102062] 100 「C.ラム作品集」 6 巻 エンフィールド版 小型本 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Life, Letters and Writings of Charles Lamb. In 6 vols. The Enfield Edition. Edited by Percy Fitzgerald. London: T. and A. Constable Ltd., 1875. [02250-102469] 101 「S.ラニア作品集」 10 巻 センティナリー版 クロース装 ¥43,200 The Works of Sidney Lanier. In 10 vols. Centennial Edition.General editor: Charles R.Anderson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1963-1969. [00647-100906] 102 W.ラングランド 「農夫ピアズの夢」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥8,640 The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, In Three Parallel Texts, together with Richard the Redeless. By William Langland. Vol.I Text. Vol.II Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. In 2 vols. Reprinted. Edited from Numerous Manuscipts. With a Preface, Notes, and a Glossary by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat. Oxford UP, 1979. [01984-102131] 103 「ロレンス研究」 7 巻 カバー・帯 D.H.ロレンス研究会編 (代表者・吉村宏一) ¥21,600 朝日出版社, [01622-101593] 104 「ジル・ブラース物語」 4 巻 4 版 総革装 ¥16,200 The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. A New Translation, By the Author of Roderick Random. Adorned with Thirty-three Cuts, neatly engraved. In 4 vols. The Fourth Edition. London: Printed for W. Strahan, J. Ricington, et al. 1773. [02263-102482] 105 「H.W.ロングフェロー書簡集」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 Hilen,Andrew (ed.) The Letters of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. In 2 vols. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1967. [02148-102340] ¥6,480 Massachusetts: 106 「J.リリー全集」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Complete Works of John Lyly. Now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest quartos with life, bibliography, essays, notes, and index by R. Warwick Bond. In 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902. [00685-100963] 107 「J.リリー全集」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Complete Works of John Lyly. Now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest quartos with life, bibliography, essays, notes, and index by R. Warwick Bond. In 3 vols. Reprinted (First published 1902). Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1973. [01811-101885] 108 「T.マロリー全集」 3 巻 第 2 版 カバー、クロース装 The Works of Sir Thomas Malory. In 3 vols. Second edition. Edited by Eugène Vinaver. At the Clarendon Press, 1967. [02143-102332] ¥12,960 Oxford: 109 「マンスフィールド書簡集」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥97,200 The Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield. In 4 vols. Edited by Vincent O'Sullivan and Margaret Scott. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984-1996. [02252-102471] 110 F.バウアーズ(編) 「C.マーロウ全集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe. In 2 vols. Second edition. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Cambridge, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney; Cambridge University Press, 1981. [02031-102178] 111 「C.マーロウ作品・伝記」 6 巻 クロース装 The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. In 6 vols. General editor: 9 R.H.Case. ¥54,000 London: Methuen & Co. ("Lincoln Macveagh, The Dial Press" to the title page of "Edward II"), 1930-1933. [01646-101617] 112 「C.マーロウ作品・伝記」 6 巻 クロース装 The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. In 6 vols. General editor: Gordian Press, 1966. (reprinted). [01647-101618] R.H.Case. ¥43,200 New York: 113 「A.マーヴェル詩集」 4 巻 6 冊 限定版 函、モロッコ装 天金 ¥324,000 The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Andrew Marvell. For the First Time Fully Collected and Collated with the original and Early Editions, and Considerably Enlarged with Hitherto Inedited Prose and Poems, and A tranlation of the Greek and Latin Poetry: and in the Quarto Form an Original Portrait on Steel, and other Portraits, Facsimiles, and Illustrations. Edited, with Memorial-Introductions and Notes by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. [The Fuller Worthies' Library] In 4 vols. bound in 6. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1872-1875. Limited edition. 100 copies only. [02265-102484] 114 「P.マッシンジャー戯曲集」 4 巻 総革装 ¥43,200 The Plays of Philip Massinger. With Notes Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford, Esq. In 4 vols. The Second Edition. London: Printed for G. and W. Nicol & 11 others, 1813. [02239-102458] 115 クライン(編) 「G.メレディス書簡集」 3 巻 クロース装 The Letters of George Meredith. In 3 Vols. Edited by C.L.Cline. 1970. [01456-2-100995] ¥12,960 Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 116 「A.ミラー作品集」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥8,640 Arthur Miller's Collected Plays. With an Introduction by the Author. In 2 Vols. Vol.I: Fifteenth printing. / Vol.II: First published. New York: The Viking Press, 1981. [02220-102426] 117 「ミルトン作品集」(コロンビア大学編・決定版) 20 巻・23 冊 復刻版 クロース装 ¥237,600 The Works of John Milton. (Published under arrangement with Columbia University Press.)20 vols. in 23. Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本の友社), 1993. [02209-102415] 118 パーカー 「J.ミルトン伝」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 Parker,William Riley Milton: A Biography. In 2 vols. ¥8,640 Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1968. [02086-102275] 119 「J.ミルトン詩集」 1720 年 総革装(背改装) The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton. Volume the First. 1720. [f0666-170672] ¥54,000 London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 120 「G.ムーア作品集」 22 巻 カラ版 (復刻版) クロース装 ¥64,800 The Collected Works of George Moore. In 22 vols. The Carra Edition. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co., 1983. Reprint of the 1922 Carra edition, limited and signed by the author, of Boni & Liveright, inc., N.Y. [01562-101022] 121 「J.V.モーリィ作品集」 15 巻 クロース装 The Works of Lord Morley. In 15 vols. Edition de Luxe. of 500 copies. [01416-101027] ¥32,400 London: Macmillan and Co., 1921. One 122 「W.モリス作品集」 最良版 全 24 巻 背クロース、厚紙装 ¥496,800 The Collected Works of William Morris. With Introductions by His Daughter May Morris. [This edition is in Twenty-four volumes and is limited to one thousand and fifty copies, of which one thousand only are for sale. This is No.507]In 24 vols. Longmans Green and Co., 1910-1913. [02119-102308] 123 R.B.マッケロー(編) W.ローリィ旧蔵 「T.ナッシュ作品集」 5 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 限定 750 部、No.284 The Works of Thomas Nashe. Edited from the Original Texts by Ronald B. McKerrow. In 5 vols. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1910. Seven hundred and fifty copies printed, No. 284. [02222-102428] 10 124 ジェラール・ド・ネルヴァル 「東方紀行」 2 巻 函 カバー、クロース装 Voyage en Orient. Présentation et notes Jacques Huré. In 2 vols. 1997. [02260-102479] ¥8,640 Imprimerie Nationale Éditions, 125 「F.ニーチェ書簡集」 8 巻 函 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 Friedrich Nietzsche: Sämtliche Briefe Kritische Studienausgabe. In 8 vols. Herasugegeben von Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montiari. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag de Gruyter, 1986. [02257-102476] 126 「F.ニーチェ作品集」 15 巻 函 ペーパー装 ¥16,200 Friedrich Nietzche: Sämtliche Werke Kritische Studienausgabe. In 15 vols. Kritische Studienausgabe Herausgegeben von Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag de Gruyter, 1988. [02258-102477] 127 「F.ノリス全集」 12 巻 復刻版 クロース装 The Works of Frank Norris. In 12 vols. Edited by Kenji Inoue. (Reprint of 1898 edition.) [00748-101041] ¥86,400 Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1983. 128 ジェイムス・ノースコット(著・挿絵素案) ウィリアム・ハーヴェイ(挿絵) 「創作寓話百選」 ¥32,400 ロンドン刊 1828 年 背革装 Northcote,James One Hundred Fables, Original and Selected. Embellished with Two Hundred and Eighty Engravings on Wood. London: Geo.Lawford, printed by J.Johnson, 1828. [aj316-101042] 129 ジェイムス・ノースコット(著) 「創作寓話百選」 ロンドン刊 1829 年 第 2 版 クロース装 ¥10,800 Northcote,James One Hundred Fables; Original and Seleced by James Northcote, R.A. etc. etc. Embellished with Two Hundred and Eighty Engravings on Wood. Second edition. London: Geo. Lawford, 1829. [b00265-402786] 130 「S.オケイシイ戯曲集」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥8,640 Collected Plays. In 4 vols. London: Macmillan & Co. Vol.I & II: 1952, Reprinted. Top edge red. Vol. III& IV: 1951. [01283-101050] 131 「S.オケイシイ戯曲集」 5 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Complete Plays of Sean O'Casey. In 5 vols. Macmillan London, 1984. [01371-101051] 132 「E.オニール戯曲集」 12 巻 ウィルダーネス版 著者サイン入り クロース装 ¥129,600 The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. In 12 vols. The Wilderness Edition. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934. Limited to 770 sets. Numbered and signed by O'Neill in 1st vol. [00756-101055] 133 「T.オトウェイ全集」 3 巻 背革装 The Complete Works of thomas Otway. In 3 vols. Edited by Montague Summers. Press, 1926. [00766-101066] ¥32,400 The Nonesuch 134 「T.オットウェイ作品集」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 The Works of Thomas Otway. Plays, Poems, and Love-Letters. Edited by F.C.Ghosh. 2 vols. Reprinted (first published 1932). Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. [01812-101886] 135 「T.オットウェイ作品集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Works of Thomas Otway. Plays, Poems, and Love-Letters. Edited by F.C.Ghosh. 2 vols. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition (1932). Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. [01744-101819] 136 「T.ペイン著作集」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Writings of Thomas Paine. Collected and Edited by Moncure Daniel Conway. In 4 vols. 2nd printing. New York: AMS Press, 1972. [02004-102151] 137 「W.ペイター作品集」 全 10 巻 ライブラリー版 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Works of Walter Pater. In 10 vols. Library Edition, Reprinted. (Originally published by Macmillan and Co., 1910.) Oxford: Basil Blackwell, / New York: Johnson Reprinted Co., 1967. [02113-102302] 11 138 ラッサム・マシューズ(共編) 「S.ピープス日記」 11 巻 ペーパー装 ¥19,440 The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A new and complete transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. Contributing Editors; William A. Armstrong, Macdonald Emslie, Oliver Miller, T.F. Reddaway. In 11 vols. Harper Collins Publishers, 1995. [02047-102195] 139 ラッサム・マシューズ(共編) 「S.ピープス日記」 10 巻 (全 11 巻) クロース装 ¥16,200 第 11 巻(Index)欠 The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A New and Complete Transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. 10 Vols. [of 11 vols.] Vol.1. through Vol.9. (1660-1669) Vol.10. ("Companion") Contributing editors: William A.Armstrong, MacDonald Emslie, Oliver Millar, T.F.Reddaway. University of California Press, 1971-1976, 1983. [01178-101092] 140 ラッサム・マシューズ(共編) 「S.ピープス日記」 11 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A New and Complete Transcription Edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. Contributing Editors: William A. Aemstrong, Madconald Emslie, Oliver Millar, the late T. F. Reddaway. In 11 vols. Vol.I-III: Third printing (Fourth UK impression) / Vol.IV-V: Second printing (Second UK impression) Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1972-1983. [02223-102429] 141 「プラトン作品集」 5 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Platonis Opera. Recongnovit Breviqve Adnotatione Critica Instrvxit, Ioannes Burnet. [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis] In 5 vols. Reprinted. Oxonii, 1950-1952. (First published 1900.) [02225-102431] 142 ハリソン(編) 「E.A.ポオ全集」 17 巻 ヴァージニア版・復刻版 クロース装 ¥86,400 The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. In 17 vols. Virginia edition. Reproduced from 1902 New York edition. Edited by James A.Harrison. New York: AMS Press Inc., 1965. [01894-102041] 143 「K.A.ポーター全集」 全 7 巻 復刻版 外函付、クロース装 The Works of Katherine Anne Porter. In 7 vols. Reprinted edition. の友社), 1992. [02178-102370] ¥54,000 Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本 144 「プーシキン語彙辞典」 全 5 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Tom ПУШКИНА ϹЛОВАРЬ ЯЗЬІКА ПУШКИНА. [АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР. ИНСТИУС ЯЗЫКОЗНАНИЯ] In 5 vols. Tokyo: Nauka Riprint, 1985. [02078-102267] 145 グロサート(編)「F.クォールズ全集」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Complete Works in Prose and Verse of Francis Quarles. (Chertsey Worthies' Library). In 3 vols. Now for the first time collected and edited: with memorial-introduction, notes and illustrations, portrait, emblems, facsimiles, etc. by Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for Private Circulation.1880. [00822-101130] 146 「S.リチャードソン作品集」 18 巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版 クロース装 ¥129,600 The Shakespeare Head Edition of the Novels of Samuel Richardson. In 18 vols. The Shakespeare Head Edition. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1929-1931. [02130-102319] 147 「S.リチャードソン作品集」 全 18 巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版(復刻版) 外函付、クロース装 ¥86,400 The Shakespeare Head Edition of the Novels of Samuel Richardson. In 18 vols. Reprinted edition. Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本の友社), 1997. [02179-102371] 148 「S.リチャードソン作品集」 20 巻 クロース装 ¥64,800 The Novels of Samuel Richardson. With an Introduction by Ethel M. M. McKenna. In 20 vols. J.B, Lippincott and Chapman & Hall, 1902. [00831-101139] 149 バアボウルド(編) 「S.リチャードソン書簡集」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson, …Selected from the Original Manuscripts, Bequeathed by Him to His Family. To which are Prefixed, a Biographical Account of that Author, and Observations on His Writings. By Anna Lætitia Barbauld. In 6 vols. Reprinted from the edition of London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1804. New York: AMS Press, 1966. [01473-101143] 12 150 「J.W.ライリ作品集」 16 巻 ホームステッド版 3/4 革装 ¥43,200 The Poems and Prose Sketches of James Whitcomb Riley. In 16 vols. The Homestead Edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897. [01678-101649] 151 「C.G.ロセッティ詩集」 2 巻 1905 年 3/4 革装、天金 The Poetical Works of Christina G. Rossetti. In 2 vols. ¥12,960 Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1905. [f0380-170378] 152 「D.G.ロセッティ書簡集(1835-1882)」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. In 4 vols. (Vol.5 is not published.) Edited by Oswald Doughty and John Robert Wahl. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1965-67. [01294-101151] 153 J.ラスキン「書簡体論説」 9 巻 総革装 ¥97,710 Fors Clavigera. Letters to the Workman and Laboures of Great Britain. In 9 vols. With index. First edition. George Allen, 1871-1884. [00843-101164] 154 「W.スコット伝記」 10 巻 エディンバラ版 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Life of Sir Walter Scott by John Gibson Lockhart. In 10 vols. Edinburgh Edition. Edinburgh: Printed by T. and A. Constable for T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1902-1903 This Edinburgh Edition consists of one thousand and forty copies, No.89. [02096-102285] 155 W.スコット 「古城の剣豪」 3 巻 1823 年 厚紙表紙 ¥32,400 Quentin Durward. By the Author of "Waverley, Peveril of the Peak," &c. In 3 vols. Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1823. [02046-102194] 156 W.スコット 「十字軍物語」 4 巻 1825 年 3/4 革装 ¥21,600 Tales of the Crusaders. By the Author of "Waverley, Quentin Durward," &c. In 4 vols. Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constabe and Co., / London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1825. [f0325-170323] 157 「シェイクスピアフォリオ原葉」1938 年 サンフランシスコ刊 クロース装 ¥324,000 「尺には尺を」のファースト・フォリオ、「アントニーとクレオパトラ」のセカンド・フォリオからフォース・フォ リオのオリジナル・リーフに加え、1709 年刊行の 4 つ折り版の「リア王」のタイトルページと銅版の挿絵 を収める。この「リア王」は劇作家で桂冠詩人であるニコラス・ロウ(Nicholas Rowe)の編集によるもの。 (Shakespeare,William) Original Leaves from the Shakespeare Folios 1623-1632-1663-1685. San Francisco: Gelber-Lilienthal, 1938. [aj850-102211] 158 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」(ファースト~フォース・フォリオ復刻版) 4 巻 背クロース装 ¥250,000 Mr.William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623 [and] 1632 [and] 1664 [and] 1685. In 4 folio vols. London: Methuen & Co., 1904-1910. [01820-101894] 159 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」(ファースト~フォース・フォリオ復刻版) 4 巻 クロース装 Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. In 4 vols. Thoemmes Press, 1997. [02271-102490] ¥86,400 London: Routledge / 160 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Riverside Shakespeare. In 2 vols. Second Edition. General and Textual Editor; G. Blakemore Evans, J.J. Tobin. Boston New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997. [02020-102167] 161 「W.シェイクスピア全集」 4 巻 J.ギルバート挿絵 クロース装 ¥12,960 Shakespeare's Sämmtliche Werke. Eingeleitet und übersezt von A. W. Schlegel, Fr. Bodenstedt, N. Delins, F. A. Gelbrke, O. Gildemeister, G. Herwegh, P. Heyse, H. Kurz und A. Wilbrandt. Illustrirt von John Gilbert. 4 vols. Vierte Auflage. Stuttgart; Druck und Verlag von Eduard Hallberger, n.d. [01937-102084] 162 「W.シェイクスピア戯曲集」 6 巻・3 冊 大型本 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Plays of Shakespeare. With Notes by Charles Knight, and Illstrations in Photogravure. In 6 vols. bound in 3. London: Virtue & Co., n.d. [00880-101216] 13 163 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 8 巻 ヘンリー・アーヴィング版 クロース装 ¥43,200 The Works of William Shakespeare. With Introdutcions and Notes by Various Shakespearean Scholars and An Account of Recent Shakespearean Investigations by Professor C. H. Herford,Litt.D. Illustrated by Gordon Browne and others. In 8 vols. Edited by Henry Irving & Frank A. Marshall. London: The Gresham Publishing Co., 1922. [02261-102480] 164 C.ナイト(編) 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 8 巻 1/2 革装 ¥43,200 The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakespeare. Edited by Charles Knight. In 8 vols. Vol.5,8; The Second Edition, Revised. New York; Peter Fenelon Collier, n.d. [01936-102083] 165 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 8 巻 ヘンリー・アーヴィング版 1/2 革装、天金 ¥64,800 The Works of William Shakespeare. With Notes and Introductions to Each Play by F. A. Marshall and other Shakespearian Scholars, and Life of Shakespeare by Edward Dowden, LL.B. With Numerous Illustrations by Gordon Browne. [The Henry Irving Shakespeare] In 8 vols. Edited by Henry Irving and Frank A. Marshall. London: Blackie & Son, 1898. [02205-102411] 166 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 9 巻 ケンブリッジ版 クロース装 ¥64,800 The Works of William Shakespeare. In 9 vols. Third Edition 1891, Reprinted. Edited by William Aldis Wright. London & New York; Macmillan and Co., 1894-5 [02008-102155] 167 ジョンソン&スティヴンス(編) 「シェイクスピア戯曲集」 12 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Johnson-Steevens Edition of the Plays of William Shakespeare. Including a two-volume supplement by Edmond Malone. 12 vols. These reprint are taken from original copies of each book. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1995. [02022-102169] 168 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 12 巻 クロース装 The 'Garrick' Shakespeare. The Works of William Shakespeare. In 12 vols. Heinemann, 1905. [00895-101233] ¥64,800 London: William 169 C.ナイト(編) 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 12 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. In 12 vols. The Second Edition. Edited by Charles Knight. New York: AMS, 1968. [01343-101235] 170 「W.シェイクスピア全集」 全 39 巻 (コレクターズ版) 総革装、三方金 ¥129,600 The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. In 39 vols. (Collector's Edition. Bound in Genuine Leather.) Connecticut: The Easton Press, 1992-1993. [02131-102320] 171 ニュー・ケンブリッジ版 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 全 38 巻 クロース装 The New Cambridge Shakespeare. In 38 vols. in all. First published. / Updated edition. bridge UP, 1990-2007. [02208-102414] ¥129,600 Cam- 172 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 50 パーツ・40 冊 (製本済) ペーパー装 ¥43,200 Routledge's Illustrated Shakespeare. In 50 parts. Edited by H. Staunton. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London: Geroge Routledge & Co., c. 1860. [00909-101251] 8 巻 背革装 ¥32,400 Oeuvres Completes de Shakspeare. Traduction de M. Guizot. In 8 vols . Nouvelle Edition Entierement Revue. Paris: A La Librairie Academique, 1860. [00886-101222] 173 ギゾー(訳) 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 フランス語版 174 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 6 巻 ドイツ語版 背クロース装 ¥16,200 Shakespeare in Deutscher Sprache. Neue Ausgabe in Sechs Bänden. In 6 vols. Herausgegeben zum teil neu übersetzt von Friedrich Gundolf. Berlin: Georg Bondi, 1920-1922. [02007-102154] 175 「沙翁全集」 全 10 巻(既巻分揃) 大日本圖書株式会社, 明 39-42. クロース装 ¥43,200 [02048-102196] 176 「シェイクスピアレアプリント・コレクション」 1900 年 フィラデルフィア刊 ¥6,480 12 冊のペーパーホルダーにそれぞれ 12 葉(ホルダーPart I は本来 14 葉あるはずだが、1 葉欠)のシ ェイクスピアの演劇に関する複製(挿絵、俳優のポートレート、広告など)が収められている。 Eaton,Seymour ed. Shakespeare Rare Print Collection. Connoisseur Edition. Issued for private 14 circulation. (Limited. No.555) 12 paper folders with 12 loose prints (13 prints (of 14) in folder;Part I). Philadelphia: R.G.Kennedy & Co., 1900. [aj845-102206] 177 「シェイクスピアレアプリント・コレクション」 1900 年 フィラデルフィア刊 ¥8,640 12 冊のペーパーホルダーにそれぞれ 12 葉のシェイクスピアの演劇に関する複製(挿絵、俳優のポー トレート、広告など)が収められている。 Eaton,Seymour ed. Shakespeare Rare Print Collection. Connoisseur Edition. Issued for Private Circulation No.257. 12 paper folders with 12 loose prints. Philadelphia: R.G.Kennedy & Co., 1900. [02232-102451] 178 「W.シェイクスピアの物語・演劇の源泉」 8 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. In 8 vols . Edited by Geoffrey Bullough. Routledge & Kegan Paul / Columbia UP, 1968-1978. [01676-101647] 179 「W.シャープ作品集」 9 冊セット クロース装、天金 全体的にややヤケ ¥64,800 (Vol.I: Poems の表紙にインクで薄く書込) Selected Writings of William Sharp. Selected and Arranged by Mrs. William Sharp. In 7 vols. London: William Heinemann, 1912-1921. [with] Macpherson,James (trans.) The Poems of Ossian. With Notes, and with an Introduction by William Sharp. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1926. [with] Sharp,E. A. & Matthay,J. (eds.) Lyra Celtica. An Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry. With Introduction and Notes by William Sharp. Ancient Irish, Alban, Gaelic, Breton, Cymric, and Modern Scottish and Irish Celtic Poetry. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1924. 9 vols. set. [02186-102378] 180 「G.B.ショウ作品集」 30 巻 クロース装 カバー付き The Works of Bernard Shaw. In 30 vols. ¥108,000 London; Constable & Co Ltd, 1930-1932. [01983-102130] 181 「P.B.シェリー詩集」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥8,640 The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. In 2 vols. All Published. Edited by Neville Rogers. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, Vol.I: 1972. / Vol.II: 1975. [02190-102382] 182 R.イングペン・W.E.ペック(共編) 「P.B.シェリー全集」 10 巻 背ヴェラム装 ¥129,600 The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. In 10 vols. Newly edited by Roger Ingpen and Walter E. Peck. Published for the Julian Editions in London by Ernest Benn Limited and in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926-1930. This Edition printed from type which has been distributed is strictly limited for Great Britain to 495 sets for sale and for the United States of America to 285 sets for sale. [01902-102049] 183 A.ファージュラ(編) 「P.シドニー散文集」 4 巻 クロース装 The Prose Works of Sir Philip Sidney. In 4 vols. Edited by Albert Feuillerat. University Press, 1962, reprint of the 1912 edition. [01700-101671] ¥12,960 Cambridge at the 184 S.スマイルズ 「J.マレーの伝記と書簡」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 A Publisher and his Friends, Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, With an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843. By Samuel Smiles. In 2 vols. Second edition.With Portraits. London: John Murray, 1891. [01321-101286] 185 S.スマイルズ 「エンジニアたちの生涯」 3 巻 総革装 ¥21,600 Lives of The Engineers. With an Account of their Principal Works; Comprising also A History of Inland Communication in Britain. With Portraits and Numerous Illustartions. Vol.I & II: Fifth Thousand. Vol.III: [George and Robert Stephenson.] In 3 vols. London: John Murray, 1862. [02152-102344] 186 サマヴィル&ロス 「スポーツ作品集」 7 巻 著者署名入 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Sporting Works. In 7 vols. The Hichcock Edition. New York: Privately Printed at the Derrydale Press, 1927. 1/500 numbered sets signed by Edith Somerville. [00942-101294] 187 「E.スペンサー作品集」 限定 375 部 8 巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版 背革装 ¥162,000 The Works of Edmund Spenser. In 8 vols. The Shakespeare Head Edition. The Shakespeare Head Press, 1930. Limited 375 copies (this is no.38). [00948-101303] 15 188 「E.スペンサー作品集」 11 巻 注釈版 ペーパー装 ¥17,280 The Works of Edmund Spenser. In 11 vols. A Variorum Edition. Edited by Edwin Greenlaw, Charles Grosvenor Osgood, Frederick Morgan Padelford, Ray Heffner. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1932-1966. [02247-102466] 189 「E.スペンサー研究」 I-VI. 1980-1985 年 6 巻 クロース装 ¥8,640 Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual. In 6 vols. Edited by Patrick Cullen and Thomas P.Roche,Jr. Univ.of Pittsburgh Press (vols.1-3) & AMS Press (vols.4-6), 1980-86. [01407-101307] 2 巻 3/4 革装 ¥19,440 Observations on The Fairy Queen of Spenser. By Thomas Warton. In 2 vols. A New Edition. London: Printed by C.Stower for R.Dutton and Thomas Ostell, 1807. [01461-101308] 190 E.スペンサー 「仙女王」 批評 191 E.スペンサー 「仙女王」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 Spenser's Faerie Queene. In 2 vols. Edited by J. C. Smith. ¥5,400 Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1972. [02072-102261] 192 E.スペンサー 「仙女王」 1596 年 2 巻 復刻版 クロース装 The Faerie Queene 1596. Introduction by Graham Hough. In 2 vols. 1976. (The facsimile first published.) [02073-102262] ¥12,960 London: The Scolar Press, 193 「H.スペンサー総合哲学大系他」 23 冊 クロース装 ¥129,600 A System of Synthetic Philosophy & other Works. [with] The Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer. & An Autobiography. Vol.I & II. 23 books. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate, / London: Methuen & Co., 1878-1908. [02108-102297] 194 「L.スターン作品集」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 The Works of Laurence Sterne. With a Life of the Author. With Illustrations by Thomas Stothard, R.A. In 4 vols. Edited by James P. Browne, M.D. London: Bickers & Son, 1885. [02253-102472] 195 「L.スターン全集」 6 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥43,200 The Complete Works and Life of Laurence Sterne. In 6 vols. Yorick Edition Deluxe. Reprinted from the edition of 1904. New York: AMS Press, 1970. [02173-102365] 196 「R.L スティーヴンソン作品集」 26 巻 ヴァイリマ版 クロース装 ¥172,800 The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 26 vols. Vailima edition. London: William Heineman... / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922-1923. Vailima Edition, 1-1030 numbered sets. This is no.718 except for Vol.III (No.494). [02043-102191] 197 「R.L.スティーヴンソン作品集」 30 巻 スケリーヴォア版 クロース装 The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 30 vols. Skerryvore Edition (First published). William Heinemann Ltd, 1924-26. [02066-102255] ¥129,600 London: 198 「R.L.スティーヴンソン書簡集」 8 巻 イェール版 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 8 vols. (1854-1894.) Edited by Bradford A.Booth and Ernest Mehew. New Haven and London: Yale UP., 1994. [01230-101332] 199 E.J.バイネック 「R.L スティーヴンソン・ライブラリー」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 A Stevenson Library of Edwin J. Beinecke. In 6 vols. Catalogue of a collection of writings by and about Robert Louis Stevenson formed by E. J. Beinecke. Compiled by George L. McKay. Yale UP, 1951-66. [00960-101319] 200 「A.ストークス著作集」 3 巻 カバー、クロース装 The Critical Writings of Adrian Stokes. In 3 vols. 201 「スウェーデンボルグ作品集」 30 巻 ¥12,960 Thames and Hudson, 1978. [02241-102460] クロース装 ¥129,600 Arcana Cœlestia. The Heavenly Arcana. Contained in the Holy Scripture, or Word of the Lord, Unfolded. Beginning with the book of Genesis. Together with Wonderful Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels. Translated from the Latin of Emanuel Swedenborg. Throughoughly Revised and Edited by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. In 12 vols. Vols.1-8: The 16 Book of Genesis. (New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1946.) Vols.9-12: The Book of Exodus. (New York: The American Swedenboug Printing and Publishing Society, and Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1915-1938.) The Apocalypse Explained. The Apocalypse Explained According to the Spiritual Sense in which the Arcana There Predicted but Heretofore Concealed are Revealed. A Posthumous Work of Emanuel Swedenborg. In 6 vols. The Apocalypse Revealed. Wherein are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold which have Hitherto Remained Concealed. Translated from the Latin of Emanuel Swedenborg. A New Translation by the Rev.John Whithead. In 2 vols. Posthumous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg. Autobiographical Letters, The Coronis, The Consummation of the Age…etc. Rev.John Whithead, Editor and Translator. In 2 vols. The True Christian Religion. Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church. Foretold by The Lord in Daniel VII.13, 14; and in Revelation XXI.1, 2 by Emanuel Swedenborg. Translated from the Original Latin Edition, Printed at Amsterdam, in the Year 1771. In 2 vols. Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen. First published in Latin, London, 1758. Translated to English by John C.Ager. The Four Doctrines with the Nine Questions.Translated from the Original Latin Works and Edited by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. Miscellaneous Theological Works. A New Translation by the Rev.John Whithead. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love After which Follow the Pleasures of Insanity Pertainings to Scortatory Love. First published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1768. Translated by Samuel M.Warren. Translation revised by Louis H.Tafel. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom. Originally published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1763. Translated by John C.Ager. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Providence. Originally published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1764. Translated by John C.Ager. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1946. 30 vols. set. [01537-101339] 202 「スウェーデンボルグ用語索引」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Swedenborg Concordance. A Complete Work of Reference to the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Based on the Original Latin Writings of the Author. Compiled, Edited, and Translated by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. In 6 vols. London: The Swedenborg Society, 1976-1978, reprinted. [01669-101640] 203 「J.スウィフト散文集」 16 巻 クロース装 ¥129,600 The Prose Writings of Jonathan Swift. In 16 vols. Reprinted. Edited by Herbert Davis, Harold Williams. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, n.d. [01977-102124] 204 ウィリアムズ(編) 「J.スウィフト書簡集」 5 巻 クロース装 The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. In 5 vols. Edited by Harold Williams. Clarendon Press, 1963-1965. [02079-102268] ¥37,800 Oxford: At the 205 「J.M.シング書簡集」 2 巻 クロース装 The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge. In 2 vols. Edited by Ann Saddlemyer. Clarendon Press, 1983. [00994-101369] 206 「J.M.シング作品集」 4 巻 J. M. Synge クロース装 Collected Works. In 4 vols. Edited by Robin Skelton and others. ¥32,400 Oxford: ¥21,600 OUP, 1962-68. [01424-101374] 207 「A.テニソン作品集」 12 巻 デラックス版 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Poet Laureate. Edited by William J. Rolfe. 12 vols. Édition de Luxe. Boston: Dana Estes & Company, [1892-1898.] Limited to One Thousand Copies. (This is No.126.) [01886-102033] 208 「M.トウェイン作品集」 29 巻 オックスフォード版 臙脂厚紙表紙 The Oxford Mark Twain. Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Editor. 29 vols. versity Press, 1996. [01932-102079] 17 ¥64,800 New York, Oxford; Oxford Uni- 209 「W.ホイットマン作品集」 15 巻セット カバー、クロース装 The Collected Writings of Walt Whitman. 15 vols. set. ¥64,800 New York UP, 1961-1980. [02150-102342] 210 R.ロス(編) 「オスカー・ワイルド作品集」 15 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 The First Collected Edition of the Works of Oscar Wilde 1908-1922. Edited by Robert Ross. In 15 vols. Reprinted from the edition of Methuen & Co., except for "The pricture of Dorian Gray" from the edition of Charles Carrington. London: Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1969. [01929-102076] 211 「O.ウィスタ作品集」 11 巻 クロース装 The Writings of Owen Wister. In 11 vols. ¥32,400 New York: Macmillan, 1928. [01080-101475] 212 「ヘンリー・ウッド夫人作品集」 32 巻 クロース装 The Works of Mrs. Henry Wood. In 32 vols. millan and Co., 1896-1899. [02269-102488] ¥86,400 London: Richard Bentley and Son, / London: Mac- 213 「V.ウルフ書簡集」 6 巻 カバー、クロース装 The Letters of Virginia Woolf. In 6 vols. ¥32,400 London: The Hogarth Press, 1975-1980. 214 「V.ウルフ作品集」 16 巻(全 17 巻) カバー、クロース装 The Works of Virginia Woolf. 16 vols. (of 17). Uniform Edition. 1947-1957. [02256-102475] [02083-102272] ¥17,280 London: The Hogarth Press, 215 「W.ワーズワス散文集」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. For the First Time Collected, with Additions from Unpublished Manuscripts. In 3 vols. Reprinted from the edition published by Edward Moxon, Son & Co., London, 1876. Edited, with Preface, Notes and Illustrations, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. New York: AMS Press, 1967. [02189-102381] 216 「W.ワーズワス散文集」 3 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥54,000 The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. In 3 vols. Edited by W. J. B. Owen and Jane Worthington Smyser. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1974. [02237-102456] 217 セリンコート(編) 「W.ワーズワス詩集」 5 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. In 5 vols. Vol.II: Second edition. (Reprinted). Edited from the manuscripts with textual and critical notes by E. de Selincourt and Helen Darbishire. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1946-1952. [02238-102457] 218 セリンコート(編) 「W.&D.ワーズワス書簡集 (1787-1853 年)」 8 巻 クロース装 ¥97,710 The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth (1787-1853). Arranged and edited by Ernest De Selincourt. In 8 vols. Second edition. Revised by Chester L.Shaver. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967-2000. [01293-101495] 219 A.ハドソン(編) 「J.ウィクリフ説教集」 5 巻 クロース装 ¥86,400 Hudson,Anne /Pamera Gradon ed. English Wycliffite Sermons. 5 vols. Vol.1; Reprinted with corrections. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1990./1988./1990./1996./1996. [01958-102105] 220 「W.B.イェイツ作品選集」 全 6 巻 復刻版 背革装 The Collected Works of the W. B. Yeats. 6 vols. 復刻版第 1 刷. Reprinted in Japan. (Tokyo, Japan; Hon-No-Tomosha), 1990. [01883-102030] ¥21,600 本の友社 作品集 221 「愚者の船」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 [Brant,Sebastian] Barclay,Alexander trans. The Ship of Fools. In 2 vols. Edited T. H. Jamieson. Edinburgh: William Paterson, / London: Henry Sotheran & Co., 1874. [02264-102483] 222 R.バートン 「千夜一夜物語」 16 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 The Book of the Thousand Nights and A Night. A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments. Translated and Annotated by Richard F. Burton. In 10 vols. [With] Supple18 mental Nights. To the Book of the Thusand and One Nights With Notes Anthropological and Explanatory by Rchard Burton. In 6 vols. 16 vols.in all. Privately Printed by the Burton Club, n.d. [01885-102032] 223 J.ペイン(英訳) 「アラジン/魔法のランプ他」 1 巻 ヴェラム装 ¥8,640 Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: Two Stories Done into English from the Recently Discovered Arabic Text by John Payne. London; Printed for the Villon Society by Private Subscription and for Private Circulation Only., 1889. [01861-101934] 224 J.ペイン(英訳) 「アラビア物語集」 3 巻 ヴェラム装 ¥17,280 Tales from The Arabic. of the Breslau and Calcutta(1814-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night Not Occurring in the Other Printed Texts of the Work, Now First Done into English by John Payne. In 3 Volumes. London; Printed for the Villon Society by Private Subscription and for Private Circulation Only., 1884. This set is numbered 474 to verso of half title page. [01862-101935] 225 「千夜一夜物語」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥8,640 The Book of The Thousand Nights and One Night. Rendered into English from the literal & complete French translatino of Dr. J. C. Mardrus by Powys Mathers. In 4 vols. Ninth impression. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1953. [02165-102357] 226 「アラビア物語集」 1 巻 背クロース装 ¥4,320 Tales of the Arabian Nights. The Text Revised and Emendated thorughout by H. W. Dulcken, PH.D. With Upwards of Two Hundred Illustrations by Eminent Artists. N.J.: Castle, 1984. [02273-102492] 227 「デカメロン」 2 巻 背クロース装 ¥6,480 The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Translated by Richard Aldington. Illustrations by Jean de Bosschère. 2 vols. New York; Covici, Friede Publishers, 1930. Twenty-Five Hundred Copies Have Been Printed on Worthy No.2 Special Laid Rag Paper, of which Five Hundred are for England. This copy is Number 811. [01844-101917] 228 「デカメロン」 2 巻 2000 部限定、No.1891. クロース装 ¥19,440 Boccaccio,Giovanni The Decameron. Translated by John Payne. Illustrated by Clara Tice. In 2 vols. This edition of The Decameron in two volumes is positively limited to 2,000 numberd sets, printed on Special Paper with Illustrations by Clara Tice. The plates of the illustrations will be destroyed after printing. This set is No.1891. Published for subscribers onlu by New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925. [02141-102330] 229 「デカメロン」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Faithfully Translated by J.M.Rigg. With an Illustrated Introduction and Sixteen Hand-Coloured Illustrations from Original Drawings by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. London; Privately Printed for the Navarre Society Limited. n.d. [01839-101912] 230 「デカメロン」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥4,320 The Decameron. The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Coversation. Framed in Ten Dayes, of an Hundred Curious Pieces, by Seven Honourable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen; Preserved to Posterity by the Renowned John Boccaccio, the First Refinder of Italian Prose. Translated into English anno 1620, with an Introduction by Edward Hutton and Wood-cuts in the Rennaissance manner by Fritz Kredel. New York; The Heritage Club, 1940. [01843-101916] 231 「フィローストラト」 1 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥4,320 The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccaccio. A Translation with Parallel Text by Nathaniel Edward Griffin & Arthur Beckwith Myrick. With an Introduction by Nathaniel Edward Griffin. Reprinted. New York: Biblio and Tannen, 1967. [me0511-403176] 232 「カサノヴァ回想録」 2 巻 背革装 ¥4,320 Memoiren. Deutsche Bearbeitung von Walter Heichen. Illustriert von H.Goerke und Paul Telemann. 2vols. Berlin; Paul Franke, n.d. [01832-101905] 19 233 A.マッケン(英訳) 「カサノヴァ回想録」 12 巻 背ヴェラム装 ¥64,800 The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova Di Seingalt. Translated into English by Arthur Machen. 12 vols. London; Privately Printed for Subscribers Only. The Casanova Socy., 1922. This Edition is limited to 1,000 numbered sets, of which this set is number 914. [01858-101931] 234 「カサノヴァ回想録」 全 12 巻 ペーパー装 ¥32,400 Memoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt. Écrits par lui-même. Édition nouvell publií sous la direction de Raoul Vèze, d'après le texte l'édition princeps Leipzig-Bruxelles-Paris (1826-1838). Variantes et Commentaires historiques et critiques. 12 vols. Paris; Aux Éditions de La Sirène et chez tous les bons libraires., 1924-1935. [01884-102031] 235 「ハリソン英国古典集」 8 巻 背革装 ¥64,800 Harrison's British Classicks. 16 periodicals in 8 vols. Comprising: Dr.Johnson's Rambler; Lord Lyttelton's Persian Letters; The Adventurer; The Guardian; The Tatler; The Spectator; [00030-100079] 236 E.アーバー(編) 「イングリッシュ・ガーナー」 12 巻 クロース装 An English Garner. In 12 vols. ¥32,400 Wesminster: Archibald Constable and Co., 1903-1904. [02155-102347] 237 フランク・マギル(編) 「MasterplotsII」 クロース装 Magill, Frank N. ed. Masterplots II. African American Literature Series. In 3 vols. California Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; Salem Press, 1994. [01880-102027] ¥10,800 Pasadena, 文学史 238 「英文学書誌・手引」 4 巻 クロース装 (改装) ¥10,800 Lowndes,William Thomas The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing; With Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which They have been Sold in the Present Century. In 4 vols. London: William Pickering, 1834. [01753-101828] 239 Maggs Bros.書店在庫目録 「15-18 世紀英文学特集」 2 巻 クロース装 (改装) ¥4,320 English Literature & Printing from the 15th to the 18th Century. [Maggs Bros., bookseller's catalogues Nos.503 & 505] In 2 vols. London: Maggs Bros., 1928. [01754-101829] 240 「英文学稀覯本書誌・批評」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Alphabetically Arranged, which, during the last Fifty Years, have come under the observation of J.Payne Collier. In 4 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1966. [01481-100155] 241 E.A.ベイカー 「英国小説史」 10 巻 クロース装 Baker,Ernest A. The History of the English Novel. In 10 vols. Reprinted. Noble, Inc., 1960-61. (First published 1924-36). [01941-102088] ¥12,960 New York: Barnes & 10 巻セット 復刻版 クロース装 ¥129,600 Eighteenth-Century British Erotica. I & II. Set I: In 5 vols. / Set II: In 5 vols. (10 vols. set) London: Pickering & Chatto, Set I: 2002. / Set II: 2004. [02242-102461] 242 18 世紀英国性愛文学 I & II. 243 インド民族文学事典 12 巻・10 冊 クロース装 Encyclopaedia of Indian Folk Literature. 12 vols. in 10. First COSMO Print. Publications, 2000. [02010-102157] ¥27,000 New Delhi; Cosmo 英詩 244 H.E.ロリンズ(編) 「トテル雑集 (エリザベス朝詩歌集)」 2 巻 クロース装 Tottel's Miscellany (1557-1587). In 2 vols. Revised Edition.Edited by Hyder Edward Rollins. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1966. [01652-101623] 20 ¥8,640 245 「英詩における宗教的傾向」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 Fairchild,Hoxie Neale Religious Trends in English Poetry. In 6 vols. Vol.I-III: Third printing. New York & London: Columbia UP, 1957-1968. [02198-102404] 文芸誌・雑誌 246 A.シモンズ(編) 「サヴォイ」 創刊-終刊(8号) 厚紙装 2 冊、ペーパー装 6 冊 The Savoy. Edited by Arthur Symons. 8 分冊 拵帙入 London: Leonard Smithers, ¥162,000 [00014-100059] 247 C.H.シャノン & J.W.G.ホワイト(編) 世紀末文芸誌「ザ・ぺージェント」 2 巻 クロース装 The Pageant. Edited by C. Hazelwood Shannon & J. W. Gleason White. 1896-1897. [00019-100065] ¥54,000 London: Henry and Co., 248 図版入文芸誌「ザ・クォート」 1896 年 1 冊 厚紙装、表紙外れ、背壊れ The Quarto. An Artistic Literary & Musical Quarterly for 1896. Edited by J.B.H. by J.S.Virtue and Co., 1896. [00024-100072] ¥8,640 London: Printed 249 文芸雑誌「コータリ」 7 巻・6 冊 ペーパー装 ¥54,000 Coterie. Nos. 1-6/7. 7 volumes in 6 as issue, all published. 1919-Winter 1920-21. [00026-100075] London: The Bomb Shop, May 250 文芸雑誌「コータリ」・「ニューコータリ」完全揃 12 分冊 挿絵多 ペーパー装 ¥86,400 Coterie. Nos. 1-6/7 (7 volumes in 6 as issue, all published). The New Coterie. Nos. 1-6 (all published). London: The Bomb Shop, 1919-21. London: E.Archer, 1925-27. [00027-100076] 251 新聞「ザ・プアー・マンズ・ガーディアン」 4 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥12,960 The Poor Man's Guardian 1831-1835. Published by H. Hetherington. Complete in 4 vols. London: The Merlin Press, 1969. [00054-100102] 252 雑誌「共産主義と人民」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥8,640 The Red Republican & The Friend of the People. Introduction by John Saville. Complete in 2 vols. London: Merlin Press, 1966. [00055-100103] 253 「18 世紀研究 Vols.1-8」(1967-1975) 合本 8 冊 クロース装 ¥16,200 Eighteenth-Century Studies: A Jounal of Literature and the Arts. In 8 vols. Editors: Robert H.Hopkins, Arthur E.McGuinness et al. New York: AMS Press, 1976, Reprinted. [01690-101661] 254 アメリカ月刊現代詩誌「ポエトリィ」 134 巻 製本済 ¥97,710 Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. In 134 vols. Edited by Harriet Monroe. Vol.1 through vol.133 in complete run. With Index volume to "50 years of poetry: A Magazine of Verse" (index of vol.1-100, 1912-1962) compiled by Elizabeth Wright, published by AMS, 1963. 1912/10-1979/3. All volumes bound. [01248-100239] 255 文芸批評誌「スクルーティニィ」 20 巻 カバー、クロース装 Scrutiny. A Quartely Review. Reissued in 20 volumes, with index. In 20 vols. 1963. Reissued. [02055-102244] ¥97,200 Cambridge at the UP., 256 月刊ニューヨーク文芸誌「ザ・セブン・アーツ」 2 巻 復刻版 クロース装(改装) The Seven Arts. Complete in 2 vols. Edited in chief by James Oppenheim. ¥12,960 AMS Reprint. [00053-100250] 復刻版合本 1 冊 クロース装 The Apple ( of Beauty and Discord ). 1920-1922. Vol. 1-2 No. 2. Kraus-Reprint, 1973. 257 文芸美術誌「ジ・アップル」第1巻-第2巻2号 ¥8,640 [00028-100252] 258 F.M.フォード(編) 文芸雑誌「トランサトランティク・レヴィユ」 合本 6 冊・別冊 復刻版 クロース 装 ¥32,400 21 the transatlantic review. 2vols. in 6. Reprinted. Edited in Paris by F. M. Ford. (1924/1-1924/12) の友社(Tokyo; Hon-No-Tomosha), 1995. [01904-102051] 本 259 アーネスト・ウォルシュ、エセル・モアヘッド(編) 文芸雑誌「ディス・クォーター」 ¥32,400 合本 9 冊・別冊(Index) 復刻版 クロース装 This Quarter. 5 vols. in 9 + Booklet(Contents & Indices). Reprinted. Edited by Earnest Walsh & Ethel Moorhead(Vol.1), Edward W. Titus(Vol.2-5). (1925-1932). 本の友社(Tokyo; Hon-No-Tomosha), 1996. [01910-102057] 260 「ザ・ワールド」 4 巻 1794 年 総革装 Fitz-Adam,Adam (Moore,Edward) The World. In 4 vols. ¥17,280 London: Printed for J. Parsons, 1794. [f0661-170667] 261 ウィンダム・ルイス(編) 芸術文芸誌「ジ・エネミー」 No.3 1 冊 1929 年 ペーパー装 ¥6,480 Lewis,Wyndham (editor) The Enemy No.3. A Review of art and literature. First Quarter, 1929, 2/6. London: The Arthur Press, 1929. [f0681-170687] 262 ルーアリ・マクリーン (編) 美術・文芸誌「モチーフ」 ¥86,400 第 1 号(1958 年)~終刊号(1967 年) 全冊揃 McLean,Ruari ed. (magazine) Motif. Nos.1-13. All published. Press,1958-1967. [aj695-101789] London: The Shenval 263 スティーブン・スペンダー(編) 文芸雑誌「エンカウンター」 4 冊 1953‐1954 年 ペーパー装 ¥8,640 1953 年 10 月号 Vol.I,No.1~1954 年 1 月号 Vol.II.No.1. Spender,Stephen ed. Encounter; Literature Arts Politics. Vol.I, No.1, October 1953-Vol.II, No.1, January 1954. Published by Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1953-1954. [f0682-170688] 邦人全集 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 作品集・評論 264 「英文学叢書」 全 102 巻 復刻版 カバー、クロース装 Kenkyusha English Classics. 研究社, 昭 57-58. ¥108,000 [02059-102248] 265 「英国小説研究」 14 冊(第 1 冊-第 12 冊. 第 14 冊 第 17 冊) ¥8,640 第 13, 15, 16 冊欠カバー、ペーパー装(第 6, 7, 8 冊及び第 12, 14 冊函入り) 文進堂(昭 29-), 篠崎書林(昭 33-), 英潮社(1992.) [01112-101519] 個人全集 266 「逍遥選集」 全 12 巻+別冊 5 巻 復刻版 函、クロース装 ¥21,600 財団法人 逍遥協会(編集) 表紙装幀: 平福百穂、見返し意匠: 結城素明、背文字 題扉: 会津八 一 第一書房, 昭 52-53. [02062-102251] 22 267 (英文) 「新渡戸稲造全集」 5 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Works of Inazo Nitobe. In 5 vols. 東京大学出版会 (University of Tokyo Press), 1972. Reprinted from Nitobe Inazo Zenshu (Tokyo: Kyobunkwan, 1969). [02051-102240] 268 (英文) 「新渡戸稲造全集」 5 巻 クロース装 ¥27,000 The Works of Inazo Nitobe. In 5 vols. 東京大学出版会 (University of Tokyo Press), 1972. Reprinted from Nitobe Inazo Zenshu (Tokyo: Kyobunkwan, 1969). [02197-102390] 西洋古典籍 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 269 アリストテレス 「著作集」 デュヴァル編 2 巻 パリ刊 1619 年 ¥216,000 ギリシャ語ラテン語併記 総革装(擦れ、少々汚れ) 第 2 巻に乱丁あり(ページ欠けなし) [Aristote] Aristotelis Opera Omnia quae extant, Graecè & Latinè. Veterum ac recentiorum interpretum, vt Adriani Turnebi, Isaaci Casauboni, Iulij Pacij studio emendatissima, cum Kyriaci Strozae, patritii Florentini libris duobus Graecolatinis de republicâ in supplementum Politicorum Aristotelis… Authore Guillelmo Du Val Pontesiano, Philosophiae Graecae & Latinae in Parisiensi Academiâ Regio... [with] Aristotelis Operum. Tomus Secundus. In quo libri ethicorum ad Nicomachum... Accesit synopsems analyticae universae doctrinae Peripateticae pars altera, in omnes posteroris huiusce… authore Guillelmo Du-Vallio... Adiecti sunt ad tomi calcem indices tres nonissime aucti & locupletati.2 vols. Lutetiae Parisiorum : Typis Regiis, 1619. Vol.I: (32pp.), 1251pp., (36pp.), 184pp. Vol.II: (2pp.), (2pp.), 3-1104pp., (31pp.), (1pp.), 131pp. [aj1115-102399] 270 プリニウス 「博物誌」 バーゼル刊 1525 年 黒厚紙装(擦れ) 一部ページにシミ ¥432,000 [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Ioannes Frobenius Lectori S.D. en Damus. C. Plinii Secundi divinum opus cui titulus, Historia mundi, multo quam antehac unquam prodijt emaculatius: idque primum ex annotationibus eruditorum hominum, praesortim Hermolai Barbari: deinde ex collatione exemplariorum, quae hactenus opera doctorum nobis quam fieri potuit emendatissime sunt excusa: postremo ex fide uetustissimorum codicum, ex quibus non pauca restituimus, quae alioque nemo, quamlibet eruditus uel deprehendit, uel deprehendere poterat. Absit inuidia dicto. Vicimus superiores omneis. Si quis hanc palmam nobis eripuerit, non illi quide inuidebimus, sed studijs publicis gratulabimur. Bene uale lector, & fruere... Additus est index, in quo nihil desideres. Basileae apud Io. Frobenium, Mense, Martio. An, 1525. (index; 142pp.), (36pp.), 671pp. [aj1111-102395] 271 プリニウス 「博物誌」 新版 3 巻 パリ刊 1741 年 総革装(擦れ) ¥270,000 [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis libri XXXVII. Quos Interpretatione et Notis Illustravit Joannes Harduinus e Societate Jesu, Jussu Regis Christianissimi Ludovici Magni, in Usum Serenissimi Delphini. 3 vols. Editio nova emendatior & auctior. Parisiis, Impensis Societatis, 1741. Tomus primus; (28pp.), 1 folded map., 788pp., 11 plates. / Tomus Secundus; 835pp. / Tomi II. pars altera; 836-1279pp., (1pp.). [aj1113-102397] 272 プリニウス 「博物誌」 第 2 版 3 巻 パリ刊 1723 年 ¥129,600 総革装(擦れ) 第 1 巻表紙、裏表紙の表面剥げ 第 1-2 巻表紙、裏表紙が外れかかっている 第 3 巻綴じ緩み [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis libri XXXVII. Quos Interpretatione et Notis Illustravit Joannes Harduinus e Societate Jesu, Jussu Regis Christianissi23 mi Ludovici Magni, in Usum Serenissimi Delphini. 3 vols. Editio altera emendatior & auctior. Parisiis, Typis Antonii-Urbani Coustelier, 1723. Tomus primus; (32pp.), 1 folded map., 790pp., 8 plates. / Tomus Secundus; 796pp., 3 plates., 797-835pp., (addenda; 2pp.) / Tomi II. pars altera ; 836-1289pp., (1pp.). [aj1114-102398] 273 プリニウス 「博物誌」 3 巻 ロッテルダム刊 1668-1669 年 ¥97,200 総ヴェラム装(やや汚れ) 第 1 巻にムレ、汚れあり [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae, Cum Commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & Variorum. Accedunt praeterea variae lectiones ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatae. 3 vols. Lugd.Batav.Roterodami.: Apud Hackios, 1668-1669. (16pp.), 80pp., 838pp., (index 134pp.) / 917pp., (index 83pp.) / 853pp., (index 83pp.) [aj1167-102438] 274 プリニウス 「博物誌」 11 巻 ロンドン刊 1826 年 ¥129,600 総革装(少々汚れ) 1、3、4、5、9 巻の背のジョイント部分に傷み [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiae Libri XXXVII. Ex Editione Gabrielis Brotier Cum Notis et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini Variis Lectionibus Notis Variorum Recensu Editionum et Codicum et Indicibus Locupletissimis Accurate Recensiti. 11 vols. Londini: Curante et imprimente A.J.Valpy, A.M., 1826. v.1. Preface, etc., Naturalis historiae lib.I-III. (viii,652pp.). v.2. Lib.III-VI, De situ Paradisi Terrestris Disquisitto. (653-1277pp.+ 1 folding map). v.3. Lib.VII-IX. (1280-1837pp.). v.4. Lib.X-XV.(1840-2494pp.). v.5. Lib.XVI-XIX.(2496-3070pp.). v.6. Lib.XX-XXV.(3072-3676pp.). v.7. Lib.XXVI-XXXII.(3678-4298pp.). v.8. Lib.XXXIII-XXXVII, Index.(4300-4954pp.). v.9. Notae variorum, lib.I-XXVIII.(4958-5654pp.). v.10. Notae variorum, lib.XXIX-XXXVII, Notitia literaria, Recensus editionum, Recensus codicum mss., Index. (5655-5869pp., 18 plates, cccx). v.11. Index. (ccccxi-mxxi). [aj1168-102439] 275 プリニウス 「博物誌」 10 巻・13 冊 パリ刊 1827-1832 年 ¥97,200 クロース装(少々擦れ) 見返し少々汚れ 小口及びページ少々ヤケ 一部の巻にのど割れあり [Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder)] Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVII. Cum Selectis Commatariis J.Harduini ac Recentiorum Interretum Novisque Adonitaionibus. [Bibliotheca Classica Latina sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum Latinorum com Notis et Indicibus] 10 vols.in 13. Parisiis: Colligebat Nicolaus Eligius Lemaire, 1827-1832. v.1. Preface, etc., Naturalis historiae lib.I-II, De variis apud antiquos ventorum divisionibus dissertatio. (cxii,480pp.+ 2 folding charts). v.2-1. Lib.III-IV. (viii,394pp.). v.2-2. Lib.V-VI, Excursus etc. (396-904pp.+ 1 folding chart). v.3. Lib.VII-VIII, Excursus etc. (647pp.). v.4. Lib.IX-XI, Excursus etc. (645pp.). v.5. Lib.XII-XVI, Excursus etc. (viii,666pp.). v.6. Lib.XVII-XX., Excursus etc. (650pp.). v.7-1. Lib.XXI-XXIV, Excursus etc.(519pp.). v.7-2. Lib.XXV-XXVII, Tabula. (522-890pp.). v.8. Lib.XXVIII-XXXII, Excursus etc. (642pp.). v.9. Lib.XXXIII-XXXVII, Essai etc. (724pp.). v.10-1. Index. (viii,692pp.) v.10-2. Index. (694-1222pp., 175pp.) [aj1169-102443] 276 ヒポクラテス全集 フランクフルト刊 1621 年 ¥162,000 ギリシャ語ラテン語併記 総ヴェラム装 ページヤケ 一部ページに虫食い及び文字の欠損あり [Hippocrates] Του μεγαλου Iπποκρατουs Παντων των ιατρων κορυφαιου τα ευρισκομενα. Magni Hippocratis Medicorum Omnium Facile Principis, Opera Omnia Quæ Extant, in VIII. Sectiones ex Erotiani mente Distributa. Nunc Denuo Latina Interpreatione & Annotationibus Illustrata, Anutio Foesio Medionatorico Medico Authore ... cum Indice Quadruplici longe amplissimo & utilissimo. Cum Gratia & Privilegio S.Rom Imp. Vicarii ad An. XII. Francofurti, In Officina Danielis ac Dauidis Aubriorum, & Clementis Schleichij, 1621. (12pp.), 1344pp., (45pp.) [aj1020-102392] 277 ホラティウス 「詩集」 ヴェネツィア刊 1562 年 ¥129,600 総ヴェラム装、表面にマーブル模様、汚れ、擦れ タイトルラベル部分欠 タイトルページ、本文、後 遊び紙にインク書込 ページに薄いシミ [Horace] Q.Horatii Flacci Poetae Venusini, Omnia poemata cum ratione carminum, & argumentis vbisque insertis… Scholisque angeli politiani, M.Antonii Sabellici… His nos praeterea annotationes doctissimorum… Nicolai Perotti Sipontini libellus de metris… Index copiosissimo omnium vocabu24 lorum, quae in toto opere animaduersione digna visa sunt. Venetiis: Apud Ioannem Mariam Bonellum, 1562. (4pp.), (index 4pp.), 225pp.(one numbering to 2 pages) [aj1160-102402] 278 プルターク 「英雄伝」 スイス刊 1573 年 ¥86,400 ラテン語 総革装(汚れ) 少々虫食いあり インク書込あり [Plutarch] Plutarchi Chaeronei, Gravissimi et Philosophi et Historici, Vitae comparatae illustrium Virorum, Graecorum & Romanorum, ita digestae ut temporum ordo seriésque constet, Hermanno Cruserio I.C. atque illustriss. Ducis Cliuensis & Juliacensis consiliario, Interprete elegantiss. ac fidelissimo… ccesserunthis Indices locupletissimi. Balileae Apud Thomam Guarinum, 1573. (12pp.), 823pp., (71pp.) [aj1019-102391] 279 ウェルギリウス 「アエネイス」 ガーヴィン・ダグラスによるスコットランド語訳 2 巻 ¥129,600 エディンバラ刊 1839 年 背改装・厚紙装 各巻の表紙、裏表紙擦れ、少々汚れ 小口ヤケ ページ に少々シミ 第 1 巻若干綴じ緩み 第 2 巻前見返しのど少々裂け [Virgil] Douglas,Gawin (Gavin) trans. The Aeneid of Virgil Translated into Scottish Verse by Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkeld. Presented to the Bannatyne Club by Andrew Rutherfurd and George Dundas. 2 vols. Printed at Edinburgh, 1839. 511pp./ 514-915pp., ix. [aj1162-102435] 280 サミュエル・ボシャール 「ヒエロゾイコン」 2 巻 1 冊 ¥194,400 聖書の動物について フランクフルト・アム・マイン刊 1675 年 総ヴェラム装(汚れ) Bochart,Samuel Hierozoicon Sive Bipertitum Opus de Animalibus S. Scripturae, Cuius Pars Prior Libris IV. De Animalibus in Genere et de Quadrupedibus Viviparis & Oviparis. Pars Posterior Libris VI. De Avibus, Serpentibus, Insectis, Aquaticis, & Fabulosis Animalibus agit. Cum Indice Septuplici… Authore Samuel Bocharto, … Opera atque studio David Clodii Hamb.Profess.Gisseni. Recusum vero. 2 vols.in one. Francofurti ad Moenum, Impensis Johannis Davidis Zunneri. Typis Balthas Christophori Wustii, 1675. (68pp.), 1094pp.(numbering each column), (76pp.), 888pp.(numbering each column), (62pp.) [aj1109-102393] 281 パウサニアス(著) ギリシア案内記 ライプツィヒ刊 1696 年 ¥216,000 総ヴェラム装(やや擦れおよび汚れ) Pausaniae Graeciae Descriptio Accurata, Accurata, qua Lector ceu manu per eam regionem circumducitur: cum Latina Romuli Amasei interpretatione. Accesserunt Gul.Xylandri & Frid.Sylburgii annotationes, ac nouae notae Ioachimi Kuhnii. Lipsiae: Apud Thomam Fritsch, 1696. (26pp.), 943pp., (75pp. Index). [aj1176-102446] 282 パウサニアス(著) ギリシア案内記 ハーナウ刊 1613 年 ¥216,000 総ヴェラム装(やや擦れおよび汚れ) Pausaniae Pausaniae Accurata Graeciae Descriptio, qua lector ceu manu per eam regionem circumducitur: A Guilielmo Xylandro Augustano diligenterrecognita, & ab innumeris mendis repurgata. Accesserunt annotationes, quae à G.Xylandro paulo ante obitum inchoatae, nunc verò à Frid. Sylb. continuatae magnaq; accessione locupletatae, non exiguum ad genuinam Pausaniae lectionem momentum afferunt. Additaetiam doctissima Romuli Amasaei versio, antehac quidem seorsum excusa, nunc autem Graeco textui è regione accommodata, quaeq & ipsa plurimis à mendis vindicata breuibusque notatiunculis illustrata est. Appendice quoque aucta est haec Pausaniae ... & aliis, quae sexta abhinc pagina prolixius recensentur. Cum tribus rerum & verborum indicibus amplissimis. Hanoviae: Typis Wechelianis, apud haeredes Claudii Marnii, 1613. (24pp.), 899pp., (76pp. Index). [aj1177-102447] アウスブルグ刊 1661 年 ¥1,800,000 解剖図 3 点(紙を内臓の形に切り、一枚一枚重ね合わせて貼り付けてあり、めくると深層の部位が現 れてくる仕掛けになっている)。全ページ綴じ外れ、ページ欠なし。汚れ、傷み。後見返しに「夜明関 行徳」蔵書票、裏表紙に小さなラベル。(行徳家は久留米藩の御典医を経て、現在まで代々続く医者 の旧家。[大分県日田市観光協会ホームページより]) 著者のヨハン・レメリン(1583〜1632)は、ドイツのウルムに生まれ、チュービンゲン大学で哲学、医学 を学び、1617 年までウルムで市医となった。1613 年に初版(ラテン語)が出たが、これは知人がレメリン に無断で出版したものである。1619 年にレメリン自身解説をつけた通算第 4 版が出た。その後もいろ 283 ヨハン・レメリン(著) 解剖書「小宇宙鑑」 ドイツ語版 25 いろな国語に訳されて、出版が続いた。レメリンがなくなった 1632 年には息子がドイツ語版をアウスブ ルグで出版した。『解体新書』出版(1774 年)に先立ち、日本で最初に翻訳された西洋解剖書『和蘭 全軀内外分合図』は本書のオランダ語版を訳したものである(1683 年頃)。[原三信(編)「日本で初め て翻訳した解剖書」より] Remmelin,Johann Kleiner Welt Spiegel. Das ist: Abbildung Göttlicher Schöpffung an dess Menschen Leib / mit beygesetzter Schrifftlicher Erklärung / So wol zu Gottes Weissheit / als dess Menschen selbst Erkandtnus dienend / Auss / Johannis Remmelini, Philosophiae Et Medicinae Doctoris, Lateinischem Exemplar / in die Teutsche Sprach übersetzet / Durch M. Iohannem Ludovicum Remmelinum, Med. Stud. Authoris Filium. Augsburg: Gedruckt durch Johann Schultes Buchtrucker / In verlegung Johann Görlin Buchhändlers in Ulm, 1661. 22pp. [aj1178-102449] ケルムスコット・プレス 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1897 年 ¥226,280 ケルムスコット・プレス刊 チョーサー活字 背ホランド装 350 部限定 背、天少々汚れ Ellis,F.S. ed. Syr Isambrace. Edited by F.S.Ellis after the edition printed by J.O. Halliwell from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, with a few corrections. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the county of Middlesex, and finished on the 14th day of July, 1897. Hammersmith: The Kelmscott Press, 1897. Limited to 350 copies. [aj804-101968] 284 エリス(編) 「サー・イザンブラス」 285 W.モリス 「クリストファ王子と美女ゴルディリンド」 2 巻 1895 年 ¥194,400 ケルムスコット・プレス刊 背ホランド装 紙刷り・限定 600 部 チョーサー活字 Morris,William Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. 2 vols. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1895. One of limited 600 copies.[aj1004-807954] 1990 年 ¥54,000 170 部限定 クロース装 Peterson,William S. ed. The Kelmscott Press Golden Legend. A Documentary History of Its Production Together with a Leaf from the Kelmscott Edition. Edited with an Introduction by William S.Peterson. Wood Engraved Portrait by John Depol. Univ.of Maryland at College Park Libraries and the Yellow Barn Press (Iowa), 1990. This book was printed at the Yellow Barn Press, Council bluffs, Iowa in the spring of 1990. It has been set in 16 point Monotype Bembo at the Berliner Typefoundry with refinements by hand at the press. The paper was made by the Batchelor & Son Mill at Little Chart, Kent c.1940. The press work was done by Neil Shaver using a Vandercook III. The binder was Campbell-Logan. Of 170 copies, this in number 158. [f0212-170211] 286 ウィリアム S.ピーターソン(編) ケルムスコット・プレス「黄金伝説」より原葉 1 枚 26 初版本・限定本 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 287 ウォルター・アレン Allen,Walter The Novel To-Day. 1955 年 初版 Longmans, Green & Co., 1955. First published. ペーパー装 ¥2,160 [f0099-170098] 288 W.シェイクスピア ジョン・オースティン(画) 「お気に召すまま」 1930 年 クロース装 ¥32,400 Austen, John [illus.] As You Like It by Shakespeare. Decorations by John Austen. Introduction by G.B.Harrison. London: William Jackson (Books) Ltd., 1930. First published. Limited to 125 copies, this is no.107. [f0009-170008] 289 ジョン・オースティン(画) 「ダフニスとクロエ」 1925 年 クロース装 ¥32,400 Austen, John [illus.] Daphnis & Chloe. Translated Out of the Greek of Longus by George Thornley in 1657. With Decorations by John Austen. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1925. Limited to 100 copies, this is no.48, signed by John Austen (illustrator). [f0010-170009] 290 D.ビクター・バラゲル 「モンセラートの吟遊詩人」 1874 年 総革装 ¥21,600 Balaguer,D. Víctor Lo Trovador de Montserrat. Poesías. Edició Completada ab Totas las Composicions Fins Avuy Ineditas. Madrid: Imprenta, Estereotipia y Galvanoplastia de Aribau y C.a, 1874. Full leather bound with gilt title on spine. Flower motif endpapers. [f0516-170522] 291 ジェイムズ・ボールドウィン Baldwin,James One Day, When I Was Lost. 1973 年 初版 カバー有、背合皮・クロース装 A Scenario Based on Alex Haley's “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”. 1973. First published. [f0053-170052] 292 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. 293 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. ¥4,320 The Feast of July. 1954 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 [f0586-170592] The Sleepless Moon. 1956 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 London: Michael Joseph, 1956. First published. London: Michael Joseph, 1967. First published. 299 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. London: Michael Joseph, 1971. First published. ¥3,240 [f0589-170595] A Love of Flowers. 1971 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 Illustrations by Pauline Ellison. ¥4,320 [f0588-170594] A Love of Flowers. 1971 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 Illustrations by Pauline Ellison. ¥4,320 [f0587-170593] 297 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. The Distant Horns of Summer. 1967 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 298 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. ¥2,160 [f0584-170590] [f0585-170591] London: Michael Joseph, 1954. First published. 296 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. [f0583-170589] When the Green Woods Laugh. 1960 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 London: Michael Joseph, 1960. First published. 295 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. ¥4,320 The Cruise of the Breadwinner. 1946 年 初版 クロース装 London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1946. First published. 294 H. E.ベイツ Bates,H. E. New York: The Dial Press, The Cruise of the Breadwinner. 1946 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1946. First published. ¥10,800 London: Michael Joseph, 1971. First published. ¥4,320 [f0590-170596] 300 M.イーストン 「オーブリーと死にゆく婦人」 1972 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 [Beardsley,Aubrey] Easton,Malcolm Aubrey and the Dying Lady. A Beardsley Riddle. Secker & Warburg, 1972. First published. [f0312-170310] 27 ¥6,480 London: 301 ジェームズ・ビーティー 「ミンストレル」 1858 年 総革装、三方金 ¥12,960 Beattie,James The Minstrel. With Thirty-Three Designs by Birket Foster, Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. London: George Routledge & Co., 1858. [f0331-170329] 302 ジェームズ・ビーティー 「ミンストレル」 1801 年 新版 1/4 革装 Beattie,James The Minstrel; Or, The Progress of Genius. With some Other Poems. Printed for J. Mawman, 1801. A New Edition. [f0371-170369] 303 マックス・ビアーボーム Beerbohm,Max ¥8,640 London: Rossetti and His Circle. 1922 年 初版 クロース装 23 枚の図版(うち 1 枚欠) London: William Heinemann, 1922. First printed. ¥4,320 [f0638-170644] 304 ソール・ベロウ 「オーギー・マーチの冒険」 1954 年 初版・3 刷. カバー有、クロース装 ¥10,800 Bellow,Saul The Adventures of Augie March. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1954. [First published 1954] Third impression. [f0084-170083] 1975 年初版. カバー有、クロース装 署名入り ¥27,000 Bellow,Saul Humboldt's Gift. A Novel. New York: The Viking Press, 1975. First edition. 305 ソール・ベロウ 「フンボルトの贈り物」 [s03485-200363] 306 トマス&ジョン・ビュイック 「ビュイック寓話選」 1975 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 Bewick,Thomas & John Select Fables. With cuts, designed and engraved by Thomas and John Bewick. Previous to the Year 1784. Frank Graham Publishers, 1975. (First edition 1820.) [f0690-170696] Bewick's Birds. 1952 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 図版多数 ¥4,320 Bewick's Birds. A Selection. Verses by Tessimond. London: Hutchinson, 1952. First published. 307 ビュイック Bewick [f0689-170695] 308 W.ブレイク 「セルの書」 1965 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 ¥54,000 Blake,William The Book of Thel. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1965. 8 plates in color collotype and stencil + 'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. [aj285-100349] 309 W.ブレイク 「ミルトン」 1967 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 ¥97,200 Blake,William Milton. A Poem. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1967. 51 plates +'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. [aj284-100350] 310 W.ブレイク 「すべての宗教はひとつ」 1970 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 ¥32,400 Blake,William All Religions are One. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1970. 10 plates in color collotype + 'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. [aj287-100351] 311 W.ブレイク 「すべての宗教はひとつ」 1970 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 ¥43,200 Blake,William All Religions are One. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1970. 10 plates in color collotype + 'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. [aj288-100352] 312 W.ブレイク 「自然宗教は存在しない」 1971 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 ¥43,200 Blake,William There is No Natural Religion. In 2 vols. William Blake Trust, London, 1971. [aj290-100353] Published by the Trianon Press for the 313 W.ブレイク 「アハニアの書」 1973 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 ¥43,200 Blake,William The Book of Ahania. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1973. 7 plates (3 in color) in collotype and hand-stencil + 'Commentary and biblographical history' by Geoffrey Keynes. [aj286-100354] 314 W.ブレイク 「エルサレム」 1974 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 Blake,William Jerusalem. The Emanation of The Giant Albion. 28 ¥86,400 Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1974. 25 plates in color collotype and hand-stencil with facsimiles of proofs (8pp.) + 'Commentary and biblographical history' by Geoffrey Keynes. [aj292-100355] 315 W.ブレイク 「ロスの歌」 1975 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 ¥86,400 Blake,William The Song of Los. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1975. 9 plates (8 in color) in collotype and hand-stencil + 'Commentary and biblographical history' by Geoffrey Keynes. [aj291-100356] 316 ジェフリー・ケインズ(著) 「W.ブレイクの彩飾本研究」 1964 年 ¥64,800 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 1/4 革装 Keynes,Geoffrey A Study of the Illuminated Books of William Blake. Poet, Printer, Prophet. London and Paris: The Trianon Press, 1964. First edition. [aj289-100357] 317 W.B.イエイツ(編) 「W.ブレイク詩集」 1893 年 イエイツ署名入 1/4 革装 天金 ¥194,400 London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. First limited Yeats,W. B. ed. The Poems of William Blake. editon. [s05457-212613] 318 ローレンス・ビニヨン(著) [Blake,William] Binyon,Laurence The Engraved Designs of William Blake. 1926 年 クロース装 London; Ernset Benn Limited, New York; Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926. ¥10,800 [s05532-212681] 319 アーチボルト・G. B.ラッセル(編) [Blake,William] Russell,Archibald G. B. ed.The Letters of William Blake. 1906 年 初版 クロース装 ¥8,640 Together with a Life by Frederick Tatham. Edited from the Original Manuscripts with an Introduction and Notes by Archibald G. B. Russell. With Twelve Illustrations. London: Methuen & Co., 1906. First Published. [s05541-212690] 320 ロバート・ブリッジス 「エロースとプシューケー」 1935 年 ¥129,600 エドワード・バーン=ジョーンズのデザインによる木版画 限定 300 部 白ピッグスキン装 天金 Bridges,Robert [Illus.by Edward Burne-Jones] Eros and Psyche. A Poem in XII Measures by Robert Bridges: With Wood-cuts from Designs by Edward Burne-Jones. The Gregynog Press (Newtown, Mont. Wales), 1935. Limited to 300 copies, printed and bound at The Gregynog Press. [aj816-102016] Scenes and Portraits.1954 年 初版 321 ヴァン・ウィック・ブルックス Brooks,Van Wyck カバー有、1/4 クロース装 Memories of Childhood and Youth. 322 H.ラップ・ブラウン Brown,H. Rap ¥3,240 New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1954. First edition. [f0079-170078] Die Nigger Die ! 1969 年 初版・後刷(2 刷) カバー、クロース装 New York: The Dial Press, 1969. Second printing. ¥3,240 [f0315-170313] 4巻 1868-1869 年 初版 クロース装 ¥43,200 Browning,Robert The Ring and the Book. In 4 vols. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1868-1869. First edition. [f0285-170284] 323 R. ブラウニング 「指輪と本」 324 ジョン・バニヤン 「天路歴程」 1741 年 23 版 総革装 ¥21,600 Bunyan,John The Pilgrim's Progress; From this World, to That which is to come: Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. Wherein is Discovered, I. The Manner of his Setting Out. II. His Dangerous Jorney; and, III. His Safe Arrival at the Desired Country. Compleat in Two Parts. The Three and Twentieth Edition. Adorned with Curious Sculptures, engraven by J. Sturt. London: Printed for J. Clarke, 1741. Three and Twentieth Edition. [f0673-170679] 325 サミュエル・バトラー 「ヒューディ―ブラス」 2 巻 1744 年 総革装 ¥21,600 Butler,Samuel Hudibras, In Three Parts, Written in the Time of The Late Wars: Corrected and Amended. With Large Annotations, and A Preface, by Zachary Grey. Adorn'd with a new Set of Cuts. In 2 vols. Cambridge: Printed by J. Bentham, Printed to the University, et al. 1744. [f0674-170680] 29 326 サミュエル・バトラー 「ヒューディーブラス」 2 巻 1744 年 総革装 ¥32,400 Butler,Samuel Hudibras, in Three Parts, Written in the Time of The Late Wars; Corrected and Amended. With Large Annotations, and a Preface, by Zachary Grey. Adorn'd with a new Set of Cuts. In 2 vols. Cambridge: Printed by J.Bentham, Printed to the University, et al. 1744. [f0511-170517] 327 ジョン・バニヤン「天路歴程」 2 巻合本 1 冊 1875 年 初版 1/2 革装 天金 ¥19,440 Bunyan,John The Pilgrim's Progress. As Originally Published. Being a Fac-Simile Reproduction of the First Edition. 2 vols in 1. London: Elliot Stock, 1875. (1678 of First Part. / 1684 of Second Part.)First edition. [LKK603-212599] 328 ジョージ・ゴードン・バイロン Byron,George Gordon Lord The Ravenna Journal by George Gordon Byron. 6th. Lord Byron. 1928 年 500 部限定クロース装 ¥8,640 Mainly compiled at Ravenna in 1821 and now for the first time issued in book form. With an Introduction by the Right Honourable Lord Ernle. London; The First Edition Club, 1928. Limited to 500 copies. [s05524-212673] 329 ジョージ・ゴードン・バイロン ジョン・オースティン(画) 「ドン・ジュアン」 1926 年 ¥21,600 クロース装 Byron,George Gordon Lord Don Juan. With 93 Illustrations & Decorations by John Austen. don: John Lane the Bodley Head / New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1926. [f0004-170003] 330 ロード・バイロン 「チャイルド・ハロルドの巡礼」 第 3 編 1/4 革装 三方金 Byron,Lord Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Canto the Third. 1816. (First edition.) [LKK604-212600] 1816 年 (初版) Lon¥21,600 London: Printed for John Murray, 331 トルーマン・カポーティ 「ローカル・カラー」 1950 年 初刷 ¥43,200 限定 200 冊、No.200. クロース装 Capote,Truman Local Color. William Heinemann Ltd, 1950. First printing. [f0125-170124] 332 トルーマン・カポーティ 「クリスマスの思い出」 1956 年 (初版.) 函、1/4 クロース装 Capote,Truman A Christmas Memory. ¥16,200 New York: Random House, 1956. (First edition.) [f0126-170125] 333 トルーマン・カポーティ 「ティファニーで朝食を」 1958 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 Capote,Truman Breakfast at Tiffany's. A Short Novel and Three Stories. New York: Random House, [1958] (without description of the state of printing at verso of title page). [f0465-170467] 334 トマス・カーライル 「チャーティズム」 1840 年 (初版.) 総革装 Carlyle, Thomas Chartism. ¥54,000 London: James Fraser, 1840. [First Edition] [s05538-212687] 335 トマス・カーライル Carlyle,Thomas ed. Latter-Day Pamphlets. 1850 年 1/4 革装 London: Chapman & Hall, 1850. ¥12,960 [f0327-170325] 336 トマス・カーライル 「フランス革命」 3 巻合本 1 冊 n.d. 総革装 Carlyle,Thomas The French Revolution. A History. 3 vols. in 1. Copyright edition. [f0658-170664] ¥21,600 London: Chapman & Hall, n.d. 337 ルイス・キャロル 「スナーク狩り」 1876 年 クロース装 ¥102,850 Carroll, Lewis The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony of Eight fits. With Nine Illustarations by Henry Holiday. London: Macmillan and Co., 1876. Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, London and Bungay. [aj475-101687] 338 ルイス・キャロル 「牧師館の雨傘」・「ごったまぜ」 1932 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥16,200 Carroll, Lewis The Rectory Umbrella and Mischmasch. With a Foreword by Florence Milner. London: Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1932. First published. [aj471-101688] 339 ハンス・カロッサ 「医師ギオン」 1932 年 初版 Carossa,Hans Der Arzt Gion. Eine Erzählung. [f0398-170396] 30 クロース装 署名入り ¥12,960 Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1932. First edition. 340 レイチェル・カーソン 「海辺‐生命のふるさと」 1955 年 初版・初刷 カバー、クロース装 Carson,Rachel The Edge of the Sea. With Illustrations by Bob Hines. Co., 1955. Fisrt printing September 1955. [f0598-170604] ¥6,480 Boston: Houghton Mifflin 341 レイチェル・カーソン 「潮風の下で」 1941 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥17,280 Carson,Rachel Under the Sea-Wind. A Naturalist's Picture of Ocean Life. Illustrations by Howard Frech. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1941. First published. [f0599-170605] 342 レイチェル・カーソン 「われらをめぐる海」 1951 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 Carson,Rachel L. The Sea Around us. Drawings by Katherine L. Howe. 1951. First published. [f0597-170603] ¥6,480 New York: Oxford UP., 343 ウィラ・キャザー 「愛しのアントニア」 1969 年 初版・3 刷 カバー有、厚紙装 Cather,Willa My Ántonia. ¥3,240 London: Hamish Hamilton, 1969. (First published) Third impression. [f0196-170195] 344 G. K. チェスタートン 「ブラウン神父の無知」 1913 年 クロース装 Chesterton,G. K. The Innocence of Father Brown. ¥6,480 Cassell and Co., 1913. 345 「G.K.チェスタートン」 1928 年 初版 クロース装 [Chesterton,G. K.] G. K. Chesterton. [Essays of To-day and Yesterday] ney: George G. Harrap & Co., 1928. First published. [f0607-170613] [f0421-170419] ¥3,240 London, Bonbay, Syd- 346 ルイ=フェルディナン・セリーヌ 「夜の果てへの旅」 1949 年 ペーパー装、汚れ Céline,Louis-Ferdinand Voyage au bout de la Nuit. Roman. ¥4,320 Bruxelles: Éditions Froissart, 1949. [f0485-170487] 347 エルドリッジ・クリーヴァー 「氷上の魂」 1968 年 初版・後刷(6 刷) カバー、クロース装 Cleaver,Eldridge Soul on Ice. With an Introduction by Maxwell Geismar. 1968. Six printing. [f0314-170312] 348 Sylva Consul Jack Le Patriote. Épisodes de la Guerre de 1870-1871. 1899 年 クロース装、三方金 Tours: Alfred Mame et Fils, 1899. ¥6,480 Mcgraw-Hill Book Co., ¥12,960 [f0335-170333] 349 D. C.コリンズ 「ニーウポールトの戦い」 1935 年 厚紙装 ファクシミリ版 ¥4,320 Collins,D. C. Battle of Nieuport 1600. Two News Pamphlets and a Ballad. With an Introduction on News in Elizabethan England by D. C. Collins. [Shakespeare Assiciation Facsimiles No.9] Published for The Shakespeare Association by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1935. [f0342-170340] 350 ジョン・コリア 「みどりの思い」 1932 年 初版 限定本 著者署名入り クロース装、天金 ¥12,960 Collier,John Green Thoughts. With a frontispiece by Edward Wolfe and a Foreword by Osbert Sitwell. Being No.12 of the Furnival Books. London: The Furnival Books, / William Jackson (Books) Ltd, 1932. First edition. Printed at the Chiswick Press 550 copies, signed by the author, No.376. [f0570-170576] Gemini.1931年 初版 限定本 著者署名入り 背クロース装 ¥17,280 London: Ulysses Press, 1931. First edition. This edition (signed by the author) is limited to 185 copies, No.3. [f0571-170577] 351 ジョン・コリア Collier,John 352 ジョセフ・コンラッド 「放浪者」 1923 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Conrad, Joseph The Rover. London: T.Fisher Unwin, 1923. First published. ¥32,400 [aj466-101689] 353 ハート・クレイン 「七つの抒情詩」 250 部限定、No.19. 初版 ペーパー装 ¥12,960 Crane,Hart Seven Lyrics. Cambridge: The Ibex Press (Jeffrey Kindley, Lawrence Rhu, Laurence Scott), 1966. First edition.Limited to 250 copied, of which 50 are hors commerce. This is no.19. [s03887-201675] Davies,W. H. A Poet's Pilgrimage. 1918 年 初版 クロース装 ¥4,320 London: Andrew Melrose, 1918. First edition. [f0564-170570] 354 ウィリアム・H.デイヴィズ 31 355 C・デイ・ルイス Day Lewis, Cecil The Poetic Image. 1953 年 初版・7 刷 カバー有、クロース装 The Clark Lectures given at Cambridge in 1946. 1947.] Seventh impression. [f0175-170174] 356 ウォルター・デ・ラ・メア De La Mare,Walter London: Jonathan Cape, 1953. [First published Winged Chariot.1951 年 初版 著者署名入り献呈本 カバー、クロース装 London: Faber and Faber, 1951. First published. ¥2,160 ¥16,200 [f0569-170575] 357 デフォー 「英国旅行記」 2 巻 1927 年 背クロース装 ¥64,800 DEFOE,Daniel A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain, Divided into Circuits or Journies. Giving a Particular and Diverting Account of Whatever is Curious and worth Observation. Particularly fitted for the reading of such as desire to Travel over the Island. By Daniel Defoe. With which is Included, a Set of Maps of England and Wales, divided into Counties; and a Map of Scotland. Composed by Herman Moll, Geographer. With an Introduction by G.D.H.Cole. In 2 vols. London: Printed for Peter Davies, 1927. This edition is limited to 1,000 copies for sale. [01649-101620] 358 ジョン・ドス・パソス 「オリエント急行」 1927 年 初版 カバー、1/4 クロース装. 署名入り ¥54,000 Dos Passos,John Orient Express. With Illustrations in Color from Paintings by the Author. New York: Harper & Brothers,1927First edition. [s03879-202287] Airways, Inc. 1928 年 (初版) ¥43,200 カバー、1/4 クロース装. 署名入り (to the flap) A Play. [A New Playwrights' Theatre Production] New York: The Macaulay Company, 1928. (First edition.) First printing. [s03880-202283] 359 ジョン・ドス・パソス Dos Passos,John 360 アルフレッド・ダグラス卿 「ソネット」 ロンドン刊 1909 年 著者署名入 Douglas,Lord Alfred Sonnets by Lord Alfred Douglas. ¥97,200 London: The Academy Company, 1909. [aj300-100565] 361 マーク・ロングエイカー(編) [Dowson,Ernest] Longaker,Mark ed. The Stories of Ernest Dowson. カバー有、クロース装 London: W. H. Allen, n.d. ¥3,240 [f0023-170022] 362 アーサー・コナン・ドイル 「シャーロック・ホームズの思い出」 n.d. ペーパー装 Doyle,A. Conan Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. ¥3,240 London: George Newnes, Ltd., n.d. [f0378-170376] 363 N. M.ペンザー(編) [Drake,Francis ] Penzer,N.M. ed. The World Encompassed and Analogous Con- temporary Documents Concerning Sir Francis Drake's Circumnavigation of the World. 1926 年 限定 975 部 No.897 背ヴェラム革、クロース装 ¥16,200 With an Appreciation of the Achievement by Sir Richard Carnac Temple. London; Argonaut Press, 1926. This Edition of The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake is the first publication of the Argonaut Press and is limited to 975 copies on Japon Vellum, numbered 1 to 975. The original woodcut appearing on the title-page is by William Monk, R.E. The volume has been printed by Walker Lewis, M.A., at the University Press, Cambridge, in the year 1926. This copy is Number 897. [s05530-212679] 364 セオドア・ドライサー 「アメリカの悲劇」 1931 年 新版 4 刷 ¥6,480 カバー有(パラマウント社による映画の場面をコラージュしたもの)、オレンジ・クロース装 Dreiser,Theodore An American Tragedy. Two Volumes in One. New York: Horace Liveright, 1931. New edition in one volume, fourth printing, August, 1931. [f0477-170479] 365 G.デュ・モーリア 「ピーターイベットソン」 1892 年 (初版) クロース装 ¥48,600 du Maurier,George Peter Ibbetson. With an Introduction by His Causin Lady ***** ("Madge Plunket") Edited and Illustrated by George du Maurier. In 2 vols. London: James R.Osgood, McIlvaine & Co., 1892. (First edition.) [hu0011-211371] 366 ポール・ローレンス・ダンバー Dunbar,Paul Laurence クロース装 天金 Candle-Lightin' Time. 1901 年 初版 ¥12,960 32 Illustrated with Photographs by the Hampton Institute Camera Club and Decorations by Margaret Armstrong. New York: Dodd Mead & Co., 1901. First edition. [f0544-170550] 367 ロレンス・ダレル 「アレクサンドリア四重奏」 The Alexandria Quartet. 4 冊セット 1958-1960 年 初版: 3 冊 / 再版 1 冊 カバー有、クロース装 ¥86,400 Durrell,Lawrence (1) Balthazar. A Novel. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1958. [First published 1958.] Second impression. (2) Justine. A Novel. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1958. [First published 1957.] Fourth impression. (3) Mountolive. A Novel. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1958. First published. (4) Clea. A Novel. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1960. First published. 4 vols. set. [f0164~7-170163~6] 368 ロレンス・ダレル 「予兆の島」 1963 年 再版 ペーパー装. ¥2,160 Durrell,Lawrence Prospero's Cell. A guide to the landscape and manners of the island of Corcyra. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1963. [First published 1945. First published as this edition 1957] Reprinted. [f0163-170162] 369 T.S.エリオット 「カクテル・パーティー」 1950 年 米国初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥84,000 Eliot, T.S. The Cocktail Party. A Comedy. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1950. First American edition, first issue (One of only ten copies with page 35-36 printed on uncancelled leaf). 10,000 copies were printed with the corrected cancel leaf. [aj469-101690] 370 T.S.エリオット 「カクテル・パーティー」 1951 年 初版・5 刷 カバー有、クロース装 ¥4,320 London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1951. [First published Eliot,T. S. The Cocktail Party. A Comedy. 1950.] Fifth impression. [f0186-170185] 371 T.S.エリオット 「秘書」 1954 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Eliot,T. S. ¥8,640 London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1954. First published. The Confidential Clerk. A Play. [f0179-170178] 372 T.S.エリオット 「老政治家」 1959 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Eliot,T. S. The Elder Statesman. A Play. ¥5,400 London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1959. First published. [f0180-170179] 373 T.S.エリオット 「一族再会」 1950 年 初版・6 刷 カバー有、クロース装 Eliot,T. S. The Family Reunion. A Play. 1939.] Sixth impression. [f0183-170182] ¥2,160 London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1950. [First published 374 T.S.エリオット & George Hoellering 「映画版 大聖堂の殺人」 1952 年 帯・カバー、クロース装 Eliot,T. S. & Hoellering,George Ltd, 1952. [f0572-170578] The Film of Murder in the Cathedral. ¥12,960 London: Faber and Faber 375 G.エリオット 「G.エリオット初期随筆集」 1919 年 クロース装、天金 Eliot,George Early Essays by George Eliot. is No.185. [f0397-170395] 限定 220 部、No.185 ¥12,960 Privately Printed, 1919. Only 220 copie printed, This 376 ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン Emerson,Ralph Waldo English Traits. 1856 年 初版 クロース装 Boston: Phillips, Sampson, & Co., 1856. First edition. ¥8,640 [f0549-170555] 377 ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン 「文学と社会的目的」 1876 年 初版 クロース装 Emerson,Ralph Waldo Letters and Social Aims. edition. [f0545-170551] ¥5,400 Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 1876. First 378 ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン 「偉人論」 1849 年 初版 クロース装 Emerson,Ralph Waldo Representative Men: Seven Lectures. 1849. First edition. [f0547-170553] 33 ¥4,320 Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co., 379 ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン 「処世論」 1860 年 初版 クロース装 Emerson,Ralph Waldo ¥8,640 Boston: Ticknor & Fields., 1860. First edition. The Conduct of Life. [f0548-170554] 380 ラルフ・ワルド・エマーソン Emerson,Ralph Waldo Uncollected Writings. 1912 年 初版 ¥2,160 クロース装 天金 (落丁・ダブリページあり) Essays, Addresses, Poems, Reviews and Letters. New York: The Lamb Publishing Co., 1912. Now first published in book form. First edition. [f0550-170556] The Year of the Monkey. 1956 年 ¥12,960 著者署名入り・400 部限定、No.362. 厚紙装 A Farewell Edition Privately Printed for the Author by the Board of Directors of Kōnan University Kobe Japan. Kobe: Kōnan University(甲南大学), 1956. The edition is limited to 400 copies, signed by author, No.362. [f0680-170686] 381 D.J.エンライト Enright,D. J. 382 「トリスタンとイゾルデ」 Jean Chièze の木版画 限定 8920 部 (No.8140) 総革装 フランス語 ¥86,400 Espezel,Pierre d' Tristan et Iseut. Renouvelé d'après les manuscrits de Thomas, deux Béroul et de la "Folie Tristan" de Berne conférés avec la "Saga" du Frère Robert, avec Eilhart d'Oberg et Gottfried de Strasbourg par Pierre d'Espezel. A été préfacé par Jean Marx, et illustré de bois originaux de Jean Chièze. [Collection médiévale] Ce volume, le premier d'une collection médiévale éditée sous la direction de Muarice Robert, a été achevé d'imprimer le quinze aout mil neuf cent cinquante-six sur les presses de damien, maitre imprimeur a Paris. Paris: Union Latine d'Éditions, 1956. x,292pp. [aj801-101965] 383 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「寓話」 1955 年 (初版) カバー・帯有、クロース装 Faulkner,William A Fable. London: Chatto & Windus, 1955. (First edition.) ¥17,280 [f0086-170085] 384 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「医師マーティーノ」 1934 年 カバーヤケ、破れ、クロース装 ¥64,800 Faulkner,William Doctor Martino and Other Stories. New York: Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, 1934. First trade edition with $2.50 price at front flap. [Serendipity/Petersen A16.1.b]. [s03885-170513] 385 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「行け、モーセ」 日付なし(1948 年) 初版 2 刷 ¥12,960 カバー有、クロース装 Faulkner,William Go Down, Moses. New York: Random House, n.d. (1948) First edition, second printing. "and Other Storied" has been removed from the title page. Dated 1942 on copyright page. [Serendipity/Petersen A23.3]. [f0499-170501] 386 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「墓地への侵入者」 日付なし(1948 年?) 4 刷 カバー有、クロース装 Faulkner,William Intruder in the Dust. ¥8,640 New York: Random House, n.d. (c.1948) Fourth printing. [f0498-170500] 387 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「駒さばき」 日付なし(1949 年) 初版. カバー有、クロース装 ¥16,200 Faulkner,William Knight's Gambit. New York: Random House, n.d. (1949) First edition, first printing with $2.75 price at front flap. [Serendipity/Petersen A27.2]. [f0495-170497] 388 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「蚊」 日付なし(1933 年) 2 版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥32,400 Faulkner,William Mosquitoes. A Novel. New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation, n.d. (c.1933) Second edition with $3.00 price and "New Edition" at front flap. [Serendipity/Petersen A4.3]. "Copyright 1927 by Horace Liveright, Inc." to colophon. [f0492-170494] 389 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「尼僧への鎮魂歌」 日付なし(1951 年?) カバー有、クロース装 ¥8,640 Faulkner,William Requiem for a Nun. New York: Random House, n.d. (c.1951) First trade edition, later printing with the jacket artist "E.McKnight Kauffer" at front flap. No statement of edition on copyright page. cf.[Serendipity/Petersen A22.3]. Page 21 has "Chocktaw" rather than "Choctaw". [f0496-170498] 34 390 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「サートリス」 1932 年 イギリス版初版 カバー有、クロース装 Faulkner,William Sartoris. A Novel. printing. [f0502-170504] ¥32,400 London: Chatto & Windus, 1932. First UK edition, first 391 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「村」 日付なし(1948 年) カバー有、クロース装 ¥10,800 Faulkner,William The Hamlet. New York: Random House, n.d. (1948) First trade edition, third printing with $3.00 price at front flap. [Serendipity/Petersen A22.3]. "Copyright 1940" to colophon. [f0494-170496] 392 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「館」 (1959 年) 初版 ¥86,400 カバーヤケ、クロース装 ランダムハウスの Review copy カードあり(稀少) Faulkner,William The Mansion. New York: Random House, (1959). First printing. With $4.75 price and dated 10/59 at front flap. [s03882-170515] 393 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「大理石の牧神」「緑の大枝」 1965 年 ¥21,600 ランダムハウス版初版 (それぞれ 1924 年、1933 年の元版からのリプリント) カバー有、クロース装 Faulkner,William The Marble Faun and A Green Bough. New York: Random House, 1965. First Random House edition. [f0500-170502] 394 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「あやつり人形」 1977 年 ファクシミリ版初版 ¥12,960 カバー有、クロース装 Faulkner,William The Marionettes. With an Introduction and Textual Apparatus by Noel Polk. Published for the Bibliographical Society of the Univ.of Virginia by the UP.of Virginia Charlottesville, 1977. This edition first published. [f0509-170511] 395 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「町」 日付なし(1957 年?) カバー有、クロース装 ¥8,640 Faulkner,William The Town. New York: Random House, n.d. (c.1957) First trade edition, later printing with price $3.95 at front flap but no dated "5/57". On the page 327, in error, line 10 repeats line 8. cf.[Serendipity/Petersen A47.1b]. [f0497-170499] 396 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「征服されざる人々」 1938 年 初版・初刷 ¥86,400 カバー有、クロース Faulkner,William The Unvanquished. (to the flap) Sartoris Stories. Drawings by Edward Shenton. New York: Random House, 1938. First edition, first printing. [s03883-202950] 397 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「これら十三篇」 1933 年 イギリス版初版 カバー有、クロース装 Faulkner,William These Thirteen. Stories. ¥64,800 London: Chatto & Windus, 1933. First UK edition. [f0493-170495] 398 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「響きと怒り」 1931 年 クロース装 Faulkner,William The Sound and the Fury. With an Introduction by Richard Hughes. Chatto and Windus, 1931. [f0612-170618] ¥6,480 London: 399 ジョーゼフ・L・ブロットナー(編) ウィリアム・フォークナー 「未発表作品集」 1979 年 ¥5,400 カバー有、クロース装 [Faulkner,William] Blotner,Joseph ed. Uncollected Stories of William Faulkner. New York: Random House, 1979. First trade edition with $17.95 price.[Serendipity/Petersen A70.3]. [f0504-170506] 400 カーヴェル・コリンズ (編) 「ニューオリンズ・スケッチ」 1968 年 カバー有、クロース装 [Faulkner,William] Collins,Carvel ed. New Orleans Sketches. ¥5,400 New York: Random House, 1968. [f0491-170493] 401 マルカム・カウリー 「フォークナーと私 書簡と追憶 1944-1962」 1966 年 初版 ¥4,320 カバー有、クロース装 [Faulkner,William] Cowley,Malcolm The Faulkner - Cowley File. Letters and Memories 1944 1962. New York: The Viking Press. 1966. First published. [f0506-170508] 35 402 J. L.ファント & R.アシュレイ(編) [Faulkner,William] Fant,Joseph L. & Robert Ashley eds. Faulkner at West Point . 1964 年 初版 ¥8,640 死の3ヶ月前に訪れたウェスト・ポイント陸軍士官学校での自作及び文学一般についての質疑応答 集 カバー有、クロース装 モノクロ図版 Edited by Joseph L.Fant, III, Major, U.S.Army and Robert Ashley, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.Army Reserve, with the Assistance of Other Members of the English Department, United States Military Academy. New York: Random House, 1964. First printing. [f0490-170492] 403 ジョン・フォークナー 「フォークナー伝」 1963 年 3 刷 カバー有、クロース装 ¥4,320 New York: [Faulkner,William] Faulkner,John My Brother Bill. An Affectionate Reminiscence. Trident Press, 1963. Third printing. [f0501-170503] 404 E.M.ホームズ [Faulkner,William] Holmes,Edward M. Faulkner's Twice-Told Tales. カバー有、クロース装 His Re-use of His Material. [Studies in American Literature, Vol.X] Co., 1966. [f0505-170507] 1966 年 ¥4,320 The Hague, Paris: Mouton & 405 R.A.ジェリフ(編) 「フォークナー大いに語る」 昭和 31 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 モノクロ図版[Faulkner,William] Jelliffe,Robert A. ed. Tokyo: Kenkyusha Ltd.(研究社), 1956. First edition. [f0489-170491] ¥16,200 Faulkner at Nagano. 406 G.ラングフォード[Faulkner,William] Langford,Gerald Faulkner's Revision of Sanctuary. (1972 年?) カバー有、クロース装 A Collaction of the Unrevised Galleys and the Published Book. Press, 1972 (copyright). [f0508-170510] ¥5,400 Austin and London: Univ.of Texas 407 J.B.メリウェザー(編) ウィリアム・フォークナー 「エッセイ、スピーチ及び公開書簡集」 日付なし(1966 年) 初版. カバー有、クロース装 ¥5,400 [Faulkner,William] Meriwether,James B.ed. William Faulkner. Essays Speeches and Public Letters. New York: Random House, 1966. First edition, first printing, with $6.00 price and dated 1/66 at front flap. [Serendipity/Petersen: A58.2] [f0503-170505] 408 G.K.スマート [Faulkner,William] Smart, George K. Religious Elements in Faulkner's Early Novels: A Selective Concordance. 1965 年 カバー有、クロース装 [Univ.of Miami Publications in English and American Literature, No.VIII, 1965] Florida: Univ.of Miami Press, 1965. [f0507-170509] ¥4,320 Coral Gables, 409 ウィリアム・スプラットリング ウィリアム・フォークナー 「シャーウッド・アンダソンと他の有名なクレ オールたち」 1967 年 The Texas Quarterly(1926 年)からのリプリント カバー有、クロース装 ¥6,480 [Faulkner,William] Spratling,William & William Faulkner Sherwood Anderson and Other Famous Creoles. Published for the Humanities Reserch Center of the Univ.of Texas by the Univ.of Texas Press, Austin and London, n.d. (1967) (copyright 1966) Reprinted from The Texas Quarterly, 1926. [f0510-170512] 410 レスリー・フィードラー 「終りを待ちながら」 1964 年 (初版) カバー有、クロース装 Fiedler,Leslie A. Waiting for the End. ¥4,320 New York: Stein and Day, 1964. (First edition). [f0487-170489] 411 G.フローベール [Flaubert,Gustave] Mounsey,G. A. trans. The Life-Work of Flaubert. n.d. 厚紙装 From the Russian of Merejkowski. ¥3,240 London: Alexander Moring Ltd, n.d. [f0443-170445] 412 アンドリュー・ターンブル 「F.スコット・フィッツジェラルド書簡集」 1964 年 イギリス版初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥6,480 [Fitzgerald,F.Scott] Turnbull,Andrew ed. The Letters of F.Scott Fitzgerald. Edited by Andrew Turnbull. London: The Bodley Head, 1964. First published in Great Britain. [f0488-170490] 36 413 フォード・マドックス・フォード Ford,Ford Madox A Little Less than Gods. 1928 年 (初版) クロース装 A Little Less than Gods. ¥6,480 New York: The Viking Press, 1928. (First edition.) [f0621-170627] 414 フォード・マドックス・フォード Ford,Ford Madox A Man Could Stand Up. 1926 年 (初版) 2 刷カバー、クロース装 A Novel. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1926. Second printing. ¥12,960 [f0625-170631] 415 フォード・マドックス・フォード Ford,Ford Madox A Mirror to France. 1926 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 London: Duckworth, 1926. First published. ¥21,600 [f0624-170630] Ford Madox Brown. 1972 年 クロース装 ¥8,640 A Record of his Life and Work. With Numerous Reproductions. New York: AMS Press, 1972. (Reprinted from the edition of 1896.) First AMS edition. [f0627-170633] 416 フォード・マドックス・フォード Ford,Ford Madox 417 フォード・マドックス・フォード Ford,Ford Madox New York is Not America. 1927 年 (初版) カバー、クロース装 New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1927. (First edition.) ¥16,200 [f0623-170629] 418 フォード・マドックス・フォード Ford,Ford Madox The Last Post. 1928 年 (初版) カバー、クロース装 New York: The Literary Guild of America, 1928. (First edition.) 419 [Ford,Ford Madox] Beinfeld,Solon & Stang,Sondra J. eds. 1988 年 カバー、クロース装 Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana UP., 1988. ¥12,960 [f0622-170628] A History of Our Own Times. ¥4,320 [f0633-170639] 420 [F.M.フォード] D.ゴールドリング [Ford,Ford Madox] Golding,Douglas The Last Pre-Raphaelite. 1948 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 A Record of the Life and Writing of Ford Madox Ford. lished. [f0630-170636] ¥4,320 London: Macdonald & Co., 1948. First pub- 421 [F.M.フォード] D.ゴールドリング [Ford,Ford Madox] Goldring,Douglas Trained for Genius. 1949 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 The Life and Writings of Ford Madox Ford. ¥4,320 New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1949. First edition. [f0629-170635] 422 [F.M.フォード] C.G.ホフマン [Ford,Ford Madox] Hoffmann,Charles G. 1990 年 カバー、クロース装 Updated Edition. [Twayne's English Authors Series] 1967) [f0628-170634] Ford Madox Ford. ¥3,240 Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990. (First edition 423 [F.M.フォード] フォード・マドックス・フエファー [Ford,Ford Madox] Hueffer,Ford Madox The Critical Attitude. 1911 年 (初版) クロース装 ¥8,640 London: Duckworth & Co., 1911. (First edition.) [f0620-170626] 424 [F.M.フォード] フォード・マドックス・フエファー [Ford,Ford Madox] Hueffer,Ford Madox The Soul of London. 1972 年 クロース装 A Survey of a Modern City. edition. [f0626-170632] ¥8,640 New York: Haskell House Publishers Ltd., 1972. Reprint of the 1911 425 [Ford,Ford Madox] Lindberg-Seyersted,Brita ed. Pound / Ford. 1982 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 The Story of a Literary Friendship. The Correspondence Between Ezra Pound and Ford Madox Ford and their Writings about each other. Edited and with an Introduction and Narrative Commentary and Notes by Brita Lindberg-Seyersted. London: Faber and Faber, 1982. First published. [f0634-170640] 37 426 [F.M.フォード] R.M.ルートヴィヒ(編) [Ford,Ford Madox] Ludwig,Richard M. ed. Letters of Ford Madox Ford. 1965 年 カバー、クロース装 New Jersey: Princeton UP., 1965. ¥5,400 [f0631-170637] 427 [F.M.フォード] アン・B.スニトウ [Ford,Ford Madox] Snitow,Ann Barr Ford Madox Ford and the Voice of Uncertainty. 1984 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥3,240 Baton Rouge & London: Louisiana State UP., 1984. [f0632-170638] 428 コラム・フォスター Foster,Coram Rear Admiral Byrd and the Polar Expeditions. 1930 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥6,480 With an Account of His Life and Achievements. Including by Special Permission the Message of Congratulations from the President of the United States and a Special Chapter Prepared from Data Given by the National Geographic Society, Washington,D.C. New York: A. L. Burt Co., 1930. First published. [f0522-170528] 429 エドワード・モーガン フォースター 「インドへの道」 1924 年 限定 200 冊、No.75 背クロース装 署名入り ¥250,000 Forster, E.M. A Passage to India. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1924. [This edition is limited to 200 copies, of which this copy in No.75] [aj453-101692] 430 ジョン・ファウルズ 「アリストス」 1965 年 初版. Fowles,John The Aristos. A Self-portrait in Ideas. カバー有、厚紙装 ¥43,200 London: Jonathan Cape, 1965. First published. [f0096-170095] 431 ジョン・ファウルズ 「黒檀の塔」 1974 年 初版. Fowles,John The Ebony Tower. カバー有、厚紙装 London: Jonathan Cape, 1974. First published. ¥16,200 [f0097-170096] 432 ジョン・ファウルズ 「ダニエル・マーチン」 1977 年 初版 Fowles,John Daniel Martin. カバー有、厚紙装 London: Jonathan Cape, 1977. First published. ¥6,480 [f0093-170092] 433 ジョン・ファウルズ 「マンティッサ」 1982 年 初版 Fowles,John Mantissa. カバー有、厚紙装 London: Jonathan Cape, 1982. First published. ¥4,320 [f0094-170093] 434 ジョン・ファウルズ 「マゴット」 1985 年 初版 Fowles,John A Maggot. カバー有、厚紙装 London: Jonathan Cape, 1985. First published. ¥3,240 [f0095-170094] 435 ロバート・フロスト 「山間の地」 1916 年 クロース装 ¥84,000 Frost, Robert Mountain Interval. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1916. First edition, first state with line repeated on page 88 and come on page 93. [aj444-101695] 436 ロバート・フロスト 「遥かな山並」 1936 年 カバー有、クロース装 Frost, Robert A Further Range. ¥21,600 New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1936. First Printing. [aj446-101700] 437 ロバート・フロスト Frost, Robert A Masque of Reason. 1945 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥21,600 New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1945. First Printing. [aj440-101701] 438 [J.A.フルード] P.S.アレン(編) 「J. A.フルード著作集」1901 年 総革装 ¥17,280 [FROUDE,James Anthony] Allen,P. S. ed. Selections from the Writings of James Anthony Froude. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1901. [LKK601-402742] 439 デイヴィッド・ガーネット 「ビーニー・アイ」 1935 年 (初版) クロース装(カバー欠) Garnett,David Beany-Eye. London: Chatto & Windus, 1935. (First edition.) ¥3,240 [f0610-170616] 440 デイヴィッド・ガーネット 「イナゴの大移動」 1934 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥6,480 Garnett,David The Grasshoppers Come. Edited with Notes by E. Sayama. (編輯者: 佐山栄太郎) Tokyo: Sekibundo(績文堂), 1934(昭 9), [f0611-170617] 441 「オリバー・ゴールドスミス伝」 2 巻 1854 年 2 版 総革装 [Goldsmith,Oliver] Forster,John The Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. In 2vols. Bradbury and Evans, 1854. Second edition. [x076-203389] 38 ¥48,600 London: 442 S.ベアリング・グールド Gould, S. Baring retell A Book of Fairy Tales. 1894 年 クロース装 ¥17,280 Retold by S. Baring Gould with Pictures by A. J. Gaskin. London: Methuen and Company, 1894. [s05536-212685] 443 リチャード・グレイヴス Graves,Richard The Spiritual Quixote. 1926 年 クロース装 ¥12,960 or, the Summer's Ramble of Mr.Geoffry Wildgoose. A Comic Romance, by Richard Graves. With an Introduction by Charles Whibley. 2 vols.(Vol.I: Book I-VI. Vol.II: Book VII-XII.) London: Peter Davies, 1926. Limited 715 copies, of which 700 are for sale. [01746-101821] 444 ロバート・グレイヴス Graves,Robert The Antigua Stamp. カバー、クロース装 New York: Random House, 1937. First edition. 1937 年 初版 ¥12,960 [f0542-170548] 445 グレアム・グリーン 「燃えつきた人間」 1961 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥3,240 Greene,Graham A Burnt-Out Case. Heinemann, 1961. First published of the English language edition. [f0058-170057] 446 グレアム・グリーン 「燃えつきた人間」 1961 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥3,240 Greene,Graham A Burnt-Out Case. London & Melbourne & Toronto: Heinemann, 1961. English language edition first published. [f0685-170691] 447 グレアム・グリーン 「現実的感覚」 1963 年 初版 Greene,Graham カバー有、クロース装 London: The Bodley Head, 1963. First published. A Sense of Reality. ¥21,600 [f0067-170066] 448 グレアム・グリーン 「負けた者がみな貰う」 1955 年 初版 Greene,Graham Loser Takes All. カバー有、クロース装 William Heinemann Ltd, 1955. First published. ¥43,200 [f0056-170055] 449 グレアム・グリーン 「喜劇役者」 1966 年 初版 Greene,Graham The Comedians. カバー有、クロース装 ¥21,600 London: The Bodley Head, 1966. First published. [f0068-170067] 450 グレアム・グリーン 「お人好しの恋人」 喜劇 1959 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Greene,Graham The Complaisant Lover. A Comedy. 1959. First published. [f0479-170481] ¥16,200 London, Melbourne, Toronto: Heinemann, 451 グレアム・グリーン 「愛の終わり」 1951 年 初版 Greene,Graham カバー有、クロース装 ¥32,400 William Heinemann Ltd, 1951. First published. The End of the Affair. [f0063-170062] 452 グレアム・グリーン 「愛の終わり」 1951 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥32,400 Melbourne, London, Toronto: William Heinemann Ltd, Greene,Graham The End of the Affair. 1951. First published. [f0478-170480] 453 グレアム・グリーン 「愛の終わり」 1951 年 初版 クロース装(カバー欠) Greene,Graham The End of the Affair. ¥3,240 William Heinemann Ltd., 1951. First published. [f0609-170615] 454 グレアム・グリーン 「事件の核心」 1948 年 初版・再刷 Greene,Graham The Heart of the Matter. printed. [f0556-170562] カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 William Heinemann Ltd, 1948. First published, re- 455 グレアム・グリーン 「事件の核心」 1948 年 再版 カバー有、クロース装 Greene,Graham The Heart of The Matter. ¥4,320 William Heinemann Ltd, 1948.Reprinted. [f0057-170056] 456 グレアム・グリーン 「掟なき道」 1950 年 3 版 カバー有、クロース装 Greene,Graham The Lawless Roads. ¥4,320 London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950. Third edition. [f0061-170060] 457 グレアム・グリーン 「掟なき道」 1950 年 3 版 カバー、クロース装 Greene,Graham The Lawless Roads. 1939.) Third edition. [f0557-170563] ¥4,320 London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950. (First published, 39 458 グレアム・グリーン 「失われた幼年時代」 1954 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 Greene,Graham The Lost Childhood and other Essays. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1954. (First edition, 1951.) First edition, reprinted. [f0560-170566] 459 グレアム・グリーン 「ポッティング・シェド」 1958 年 初版. カバー有、クロース装 Greene,Graham The Potting Shed. A Play in Three Acts. mann, 1958. First published. [f0480-170482] ¥8,640 London, Melbourne, Toronto: Heine- 460 グレアム・グリーン 「第三の男・転落した偶像」 1950 年 初版. Greene,Graham The Third Man and The Fallen Idol. lished. [f0059-170058] カバー有、クロース装 ¥54,000 William Heinemann Ltd, 1950. First pub- 461 グレアム・グリーン 「第三の男・転落した偶像」 1950 年 初版. カバー有、クロース装 Greene,Graham The Third Man and The Fallen Idol. Heinemann Ltd, 1950. First published. [f0481-170483] ¥54,000 Melbourne, London, Toronto: William 462 [グレアム・グリーン] ジョン・アトキンス 「グレアム・グリーン」 1957 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 [Greene,Graham] Atkins,John Graham Greene. ¥4,320 London: John Calder, 1957. First published. [f0561-170567] 463 ヘンリー・グリーン Green,Henry A Self-Portrait by Henry Green. lished 1940.) [f0613-170619] Pack by Bag. 1952 年 2 刷 カバー、厚紙装 ¥3,240 London: The Hogarth Press, 1952. Second impression. (First pub- 464 「ケイト・グリーナウェイ作品目録」 1986 年 クロース装 ¥21,600 [Greenaway,Kate] Schuster, Thomas E. & Rodney Engen Printed Kate Greenaway. A Catalogue Raisonné. London: T.E.Schuster, 1986. [f0005-170004] 465 ジェフリー・グリグソン 「英国の花」 1955 年 初版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Grigson,Geoffrey The Englishman's Flora. Illustrated with Woodcuts from Sixteenth-Century Herbals. London: Phoenix House, 1955. First published. [f0002-170001] 466 S.C.ホール夫人 [アンナ・マリア・ホール] Hall,Mrs. S. C. The Lucky Penny. クロース装 And other Tales. 1857 年 ¥8,640 London: G. Routledge & Co., 1857. [f0528-170534] 467 C.アンソニー・ハミルトン 「グラモン伯回想録」 2 巻 1760 年 総革装 Hamilton,C. Antoine Memoires du Comte de Grammont, Partie. In 2 vols. Didot, 1760. [f0512-170518] ¥16,200 De L'Imprimerie de 468 トマス・ハーディ 「ダーバヴィル家のテス」 マクミラン刊 1926 年 限定 325 部 著者署名入 背ヴェラム装 ¥280,000 Hardy,Thomas Tess of the D'Urbervilles. A Pure Woman. Faithfully Presented by Thomas Hardy. With Forty-One Wood Engravings by Vivien Gribble. London: Macmillan and Co., 1926. This is one of three hundred and twenty-five copies printed on large paper in 1926. Signed by the author. [aj853-102214] 469 ブレット・ハート 「ローアリング・キャムプの福の神」 他 1870 年 初版 クロース装 ¥64,800 Harte, Francis Bret The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches. Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1870. First edition, first issue without story "Brown of Calveras". [aj477-101702] 470 ブレット・ハート Harte, Francis Bret By Shore and Sedge. 1885 年 初版 クロース装 By Shore and Sedge. ¥5,400 Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1885. First edition, first printing. [aj478-101703] 471 [Harvey,Gideon] An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666: 1769 年 総革装(背改装) ¥21,600 An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666: With Some parallel Cases, and Occasional Notes. London: Printed for W. Nicoll, 1769. [f0343-170341] 40 472 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「ブライズデイル・ロマンス」 1852 年クロース装 Hawthorne,Nathaniel Blithedale Romance. 1st printing. [s04825-212054] ¥54,000 Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1852.First edition, 473 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「雪人形」 1851 年 クロース装 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Snow-Image, and other Twice-Told Tales. Fields. 1851. First edition, 1st printing. [s04826-212058] ¥32,400 Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And 474 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「大理石の牧神」 1860 年 クロース装 ¥32,400 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Marble Faun: or the Romance of Monte Beni. In 2 volumes. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1860. First edition, first issue. [s04828-212056] 475 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「大理石の牧神」 1860 年 クロース装 ¥16,200 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Marble Faun: or the Romance of Monte Beni. In 2 volumes. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1860. First edition, later printing. [s04829-212059] 476 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「われらが故国」 1863 年 クロース装 Hawthorne,Nathaniel Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches. Fields. 1863. First edition, 2nd printing. [s04830-212060] ¥32,400 Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And 477 ナサニエル・ホーソーン Hawthorne,Nathaniel Transformation: or, The Romance of Monte Beni. 1860 年 ヴェラム革装 2 vols. in 1. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1860. Copyright Edition. ¥32,400 [s05899-213054] 478 ナサニエル・ホーソーン Hawthorne,Julian Hawthorne Reading. 1902 年 クロース装、天金 ¥12,960 An Essay. Cleveland: The Rowfant Club, 1902. [s05900-213055] 479 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「大理石の牧神」 2 巻 1860 年 クロース装 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Marble Faun: or, The Romance of Monte Beni. In 2 vols. Ticknor and Fields., 1860. [s05901-213056] 480 トマス・ハインド Hinde,Thomas Ninety Double Martinis. Hodder and Stoughton, 1963. First printed. ¥32,400 Boston: 1963 年 初刷 カバー有、厚紙装 ¥3,240 [f0081-170080] 481 アドルフ・ヒトラー 「我が闘争」 1940 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥64,800 Hitler,Adolf Mein Kampf. Zwei Bände in einem Band, Ungefürzte Ausgabe. Erster Band: Eine Abrechnung. Zweiter Band: Die nationalsozialistische Bewegung. 568.-572. Auflage. München: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1940. [f0639-170645] 482 シェイマス・ヒーニー Heaney,Seamus Preoccupations.1980 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 ¥5,400 Selected Prose 1968-1978. London: Faber & Faber, 1980. First published. [f0307-170305] 483 アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ 「誰がために鐘は鳴る」 1940 年 初版後刷 カバー有、クロース装 ¥21,600 Hemingway,Ernest For Whom the Bell Tolls. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940. First edition, early printing, no Scribner's "A" on copyright page. [f0483-170485] 484 J.ホーン 「J. B.イェイツ」 1944 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 Hone,Josepf ed. J. B. Yeats. Letters to His Son W. B. Yeats and others 1869-1922. Edited with a memoir by Joseph Hone and a Preface by Oliver Elton. London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1944. First published. [f0593-170599] 485 リチャード・ヒューズ Hughes,Richard The Fox in the Attic. 1961 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 The Human Predicament Volume One. ¥4,320 London: Chatto & Windus, 1961. (First edition.) [f0080-170079] 486 テッド・ヒューズ 「ガウデーテ(歓喜せよ)」 1977 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Hughes,Ted Gaudete. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1977. First published. ¥3,240 [f0303-170301] 487 テッド・ヒューズ 「四季の歌」 1976 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 Hughes,Ted Season Songs. London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1976. First published. 41 ¥4,320 [f0304-170302] 488 テッド・ヒューズ Hughes,Ted Meet My Folks! Illustrated by George Adamson. 1961) [f0305-170303] 1970 年 再版 カバー、厚紙装 ¥3,240 London: Faber and Faber, 1970. Reprinted. (First published in 489 テッド・ヒューズ Hughes,Ted The Earth-Owl. 1970 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 And other moon-people. Illustrated by R. A. Brandt. (First published in 1963) [f0306-170304] ¥3,240 London: Faber and Faber, 1970. Reprinted. 490 ゾラ・ニール・ハーストン 「山師、モーセ」 1939 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Hurston,Zora Neale Moses. Man of the Mountain. ¥27,000 J. B. Lippincott Co., 1939. First edition. [f0543-170549] 491 「トマス・フッド作品集」 4 冊セット n.d. 1/2 革装 Hood,Thomas (1) Hood's Whimsicalities in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (464pp.) (2) Hood's Gems in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (xi,448pp.) (3) Hood's Wit and Humour in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (v,468pp.) (4) Hood's Comicalities in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (395pp.) In 4 vols. London, etc.: Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co., n.d. [hu0013-211380] ¥64,800 492 マイクル・イネス「ハムレット復讐せよ!」 1952 年 再版 カバー有、厚紙装 Innes,Michael Hamlet, Revenge ! A Story in Four Parts. [First edition 1937] Reissued. [f0031-170030] ¥6,480 London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1952. 493 マイクル・イネス「オペレーション・パックス」 1953 年 2 刷 (チープエディション) カバー有、厚紙装 Innes,Michael Operation Pax. impression (first cheap edition). ¥4,320 London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1953. [First edition 1951] Second [f0032-170031] 494 マイクル・イネス Innes,Michael The Long Farewell. 1958 年 初版. A Detective Story. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1958. First edition. カバー有、クロース装 ¥4,320 [f0022-170021] Stewart,J. I. M. [Michael Innes] A Use of Riches. 1957 年 (初版.) カバー・帯有、クロース装 ¥6,480 Another novel by J. I. M. Stewart. Author of Mark Lambert's Supper & The Guardians. When Mr. Stewart writes detective stories he is Michael Innes. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1957. (First edition.) [f0033-170032] 495 J. I. M.スチュワート [マイクル・イネス] 496 J. I. M.スチュワート [マイクル・イネス] Stewart,J. I. M. [Michael Innes] The Men Who Wrote De- tective Stories. 1959 年 (初版) カバー有、クロース装 ¥8,640 And other stories. Author of “A Use of Riches'” etc. who himself writes detections as Michael Innes. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1959. (First edition.) [f0034-170033] 497 ナオミ・ジェイコブ Jacob,Naomi Gollantz and Partners. 1958 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥3,240 London: Hutchinson, 1958. First published. [f0686-170692] 498 ストーム・ジェームソン 「モーリー・ロバーツ」 1961 年 カバー、クロース装 Jameson,Storm Morley Roberts. The Last Eminent Victorian. ¥3,240 London: The Unicorn Press, 1961. [f0678-170684] 499 ベン・ジョンソン 「錬金術師」 1927 年 厚紙装 ¥4,320 Jonson,Ben The Alchemist. [The Noel Douglas Replicas] Bradford & London: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co., 1927. (First published in 1612.) The British Museum Copy of the First edition. [f0341-170339] n.d. 総革装 天金 The Shorter Poems of John Keats. London: George G. Harrap & Co., n.d. 500 ジョン・キーツ 「J.キーツ詩集」 Keats,John [f0635-170641] 42 ¥3,240 501 ジョン・キーツ 「イザベラ」 n.d. スウェード装 天金 カラー図版 Keats,John Isabella; or, The Pot of Basil. ¥6,480 London & Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press, n.d. [f0636-170642] 502 R.ロッド & H. N. ガイ(編) [Keats,John] Rodd, Rennell and Gay, H. Nelson eds. No.1 Bulletin of the Keats-Shelley Memorial Rome./ No.2 Bulletin and Review of the Keats-Shelley Memorial Rome. 1910 年 / 1913 年 改装、角背革装 ¥27,000 2 vols. in one. [All issued] London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., New York: The Macmillan Co., 1910. / 1913. [s05544-212693] 503 ラ・フォンテーヌ 「寓話」 1840 年 新版 1/2 革装 ¥8,640 [la Fontaine] Fable de La Fontaine. Précédées de la vie D'Ésope. Suivies Philémon et Beaucis et des Filles de Minée. Paris: Lebigre frères, Libraires, 1840. Nouvelle Édition. [f0651-170657] 504 チャールズ・ラム 「ロザムンド・グレイ物語」 1835 年 1/2 革装(改装) H.ウォルポウル旧蔵 角背革装 Lamb, Charles Rosamund Gray: Recollections of Christ's Hospital, Etc. Etc. Moxon, 1835. 356pp. [aj489-101705] ¥64,800 London: Edward 505 アンドルー・ラング 「文学を語る手紙」 1892 年 新版 クロース装 Lang,Andrew New Edition. Letters on Literature. ¥3,240 London & New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1892. A [f0683-170689] 1912 年 6 月 15 日付 ¥864,000 4 頁・2 葉 封筒 マックレオド(代用教員時代の同僚)宛 フリーダとの不倫を非難された手紙に対す るローレンスの切々たる気持ちを詩的に記した貴重な書簡 ケムブリッジ版書簡集第 1 巻 No.462 に 所収 Lawrence,D.H. A Letter of D.H.Lawrence. To Arthur McLeod, 15 June 1912. Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp on one folded 21.7x27.5cm sheet of Professor Edgar Jaffe's paper. With a small envelope (7.2x11.1cm). [abaj2005-100943] 506 D.H.ロレンス 「署名入書簡」 507 D.H.ロレンス 「亀」 1921 年 初版 ハードカバー Lawrence,D.H. Tortoises. ¥37,800 New York: Thomas Seltzer. 1921. First edition. [aj470-101707] 508 D.H.ロレンス 「メキシコの朝」 1927 年 カバー有、クロース装 Lawrence,D.H. Mornings in Mexico. ¥32,400 New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1927. First American edition. [aj460-101708] 509 D.H.ロレンス 「メキシコの朝」 1927 年 クロース装 Lawrence,D.H. Mornings in Mexico. ¥21,600 London: Martin Secker, 1927. First edition. [aj459-101710] 510 D.H.ロレンス 「三色菫」 1929 年 カバー有、クロース装 ¥21,600 Lawrence,D.H. Pansies. Poems. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1929. This collection, containing one hundred and fifty poems never before published in book form, is the first book of new poems to be issued by Mr. Lawrence in six years. [aj461-101711] 511 D.H.ロレンス 「戯曲集」 1933 年 カバー有、クロース装 Lawrence,D.H. The Plays of D. H. Lawrence. ¥16,200 London: Martin Secker, 1933. 512 T.E.ロレンス 「知恵の七柱」 1935 年 初版 クロース装 Lawrence,T. E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. A Triumph. lished. [f0574-170580] [u216-206213] ¥19,440 London: Jonathan Cape, 1935. First pub- 513 エドワード・リア 「ナンセンスの絵本」 日付記載なし(ロンドン刊 1855 年) 第 2 版 ¥350,000 背クロース装・マーブル表紙(角大きく欠け) プレート 1 点欠、重複プレート(1 枚)あり 稀少 Lear,Edward A Book of Nonsense. [London: Thomas McLean, 1856.] n.d. Second edition. Lithographic title plate and 72 lithographic plates, each on the recto page. The plate "There was an Old Man of Kildare" missing, but "There was an Old Man of Moldavia" in duplicate. With a preserve box. [aj1117-500280] 43 514 ウィリアム・レイトン エリザ・バレット (訳) 「オリヴァーとアーサーの物語」 1903 年 限定 330 部、No.45. 函 ブルース・ロジャース装丁 ¥43,200 Leighton,William & Eliza Barrett [trans.] The History of Oliver and Arthur. Written in French in 1511, Translated into German by Wilhelm Liely in 1521, and Now done into English by William Leighton and Eliza Barrett, 1903. Cambridge: Riverside Press for Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1903. This edition limited to 330 copies, this copy is no.45. [f0001-170000] 515 シンクレア・ルイス 「若き女優」 1940 年 (初版) クロース装 Lewis,Sinclair Bethel Merriday. ¥4,320 New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1940. (First edition.) [f0207-170206] 516 シンクレア・ルイス 「夫婦物語」 1945 年 2 刷 クロース装 Lewis,Sinclair Cass Timberlane. A Novel of Husbands and Wives. 1945. Second printing. [f0209-170208] ¥2,160 New York: Random House, 517 シンクレア・ルイス Lewis,Sinclair Gideon Planish. 1946 年 初刷 クロース装 A Novel. ¥3,240 Cleveland & New York: The World Publishing Co., 1946. First printing. [f0205-170204] 518 シンクレア・ルイス 「人罠」 1926 年 (初版) クロース装 Lewis,Sinclair Mantrap. ¥8,640 New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1926. (First edition.) [f0202-170201] 519 シンクレア・ルイス Lewis,Sinclair Selected Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis. 1937 年 (初版) クロース装 New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1937. (First edition.) ¥4,320 [f0208-170207] 520 シンクレア・ルイス Lewis,Sinclair The Prodigal Parents. 1938 年 (初版) クロース装 A Novel. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1938. (First edition.) ¥3,240 [f0204-170203] 521 シンクレア・ルイス Lewis,Sinclair Work of Art. 1934 年 (初版) クロース装 New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corporation, 1934. (First edition.) [f0203-170202] ¥3,240 522 ヴェーチェル・リンジー 「詩選集」 1923 年 限定 400 冊、No.120 背クロース装 署名入り ¥16,200 Lindsay, Vachel Collected Poems. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923. [Of this autographed edition of VACHEL LINDSAY'S COLLECTED POEMS 400 copies have been printed, of which this is Number 120 ] [aj479-101713] 523 エリック・リンクレーター Linklater,Eric The Faithful Ally. カバー、クロース装 London: Jonathan Cape, 1954. First published. 1954 年 初版 ¥2,160 [f0684-170690] 524 J.G.ロックハート 「アダム・ブレア」 ¥21,600 [Lockhart,John Gibson] Some Passages in the Life of Mr Adam Blair. Minister of the Gospel at Cross-Meikle. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, & London: T. Cadell, 1822. (First edition.) [LKK618-212604] 525 ノーラ・ロフツ Lofts,Norah The Concubine. 1963 年 (初版) カバー有、クロース装 The Concubine. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1963. (First edition.) 526 ジャック・ロンドン London, Jack Smoke Bellew. Smoke Bellew. Illustrated by P.J. Monahan. ¥4,320 [f0100-170099] 1912 年 クロース装 New York: The Century Co, 1912. ¥32,400 [aj467-101714] 527 ヘンリー・ワーズワース・ロングフェロー 「ポール・リビアの真夜中の疾駆」 1963 年 (初版) クロース装 Longfellow,Henry Wadsworth Paul Revere's Ride. Illustrations by Paul Galdone. Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1963. (First edition.) [f0071-170070] 528 ジェイムズ・マクファーソン(訳) 「オシアン」 第 1 巻のみ 1790 年 総革装 ¥3,240 New York: ¥12,960 Macpherson,James trans. The Poems of Ossian. Vol.I. Translated by James Macpherson, Esq. London: Printed for A. Strahan; and T. Cadell, 1790. [f0675-170681] 44 529 バーナード・マラマッド 「白痴が先」 1963 年 初刷 カバー有、背クロース・厚紙装 Malamud,Bernard Idiots First. ¥8,640 New York: Farrar, Straus & Co., 1963. First printing. [f0020-170019] 530 トマス・マロリー 「アーサー王の死」 3 巻合本 2 冊 1889-1891 年 総革装 ¥54,000 Malory,Syr Thomas Le Morte Darthur. The Original Edition of William Caxton Now Reprinted and Edited with an Introduction and Glossary by H. Oskar Sommer, PH.D. With an Essay on Malory's Prose Style by Andrew Lang, M.A. Vol.I: Text. Vol.II: Introduction. Vol.III: Studies on the Sources. 3 vols. in 2. London: Published by David Nutt, 1889-1891. [f0534-170540] 531 キャサリン・マンスフィールド 「マンスフィールド短篇集」 1932 年(昭 7) クロース装 ¥3,240 Mansfield,Katherine The Doll's House and Other Stories. Edited with Notes by Kyohei Hagiwara(萩原恭平・編) Tokyo: Kairyu-do(開隆堂), 昭 7. 再版. [f0448-170450] 532 ベンジャミン・E.マーティン 「チャールズ・ラムの足跡」 1890 年 クロース装、天金 ¥6,480 Martin,Benjamin Ellis In the Footprints of Charles Lamb. Illustrated by Herbert Railton and John Fulleylove. With a Bibliography by E. D. North. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1890. [f0596-170602] 533 W.サマセット・モーム 「作家の手帳」 1949 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Maugham,W. Somerset A Writer's Notebook. ¥14,040 William Heinemann Ltd, 1949. First published. [f0551-170557] 534 W.サマセット・モーム 「アー・キン」 1933 年 ¥64,800 限定 175 冊、No.60 著者署名入 表紙、裏表紙、背ヤケ Maugham,William Somerset Ah King. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1933. This edition of "Ah King" numbered and signed by the author, is limited to 175 copies, for sale in Great Briatin and Ireland. This is no.60. [M092-206846] 535 W.サマセット・モーム 「カタリーナ」 1948 年 アメリカ版初版 カバーヤケ 著者献呈本 Maugham,William Somerset Catalina. A Romance. First edition. [M143-206897] ¥32,400 Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1948. 536 W.サマセット・モーム 「ランべスのライザ」 1947 年 限定本 著者署名入り カバー、3/4 革装 天金 ¥48,600 Maugham,W. Somerset Liza of Lambeth. London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1947. (First published 1897.) Jubilee Edition. Numbered and signed by author is limited to 1,000 copies No.798. [f0552-170558] 537 W.サマセット・モーム 「作家の立場から」 1959 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Maugham,W. Somerset Points of View. Five Essays. edition. [f0553-170559] ¥14,040 New York: Doubleday & Co., 1959. First 538 W.サマセット・モーム Maugham,W. Somerset Six Stories Written in the First Person Singular. 1931 年 初版 クロース装 New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1931. First edition. ¥8,640 [f0554-170560] 539 W.サマセット・モーム 「木の葉のそよぎ」 1921 年 初版 クロース装 Maugham,W. Somerset The Trembling of a Leaf. Little Stories of the South Sea Islands. York: George H. Doran Co., 1921. First edition. [f0555-170561] 540 W. S.モーム 「作家の立場から」 1958 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Maugham,W. Somerset Points of View. Heinemann, 1958. First published. ¥8,640 New ¥12,960 [f0591-170597] 541 W. S.モーム 「作家の手帖」 1949 年 初版 帯・カバー、クロース装 Maugham,W. Somerset A Writer's Notebook. ¥12,960 William Heinemann Ltd., 1949. First published. [f0592-170598] n.d. 3/4 革装 Toine. Illustrations de Mesplès. 542 ギ・ド・モーパッサン 「トワーヌ」 Maupassant,Guy de [f0515-170521] 45 ¥12,960 Paris: Librairie Marpon et Flammarion, n.d. 543 クロード・マッケイ 「ハーレムへの帰郷」 1928 年 初版 クロース装 McKay,Claude Home to Harlem. ¥12,960 New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1928. First edition. [f0540-170546] 544 L.メルヴィル & A.ハモンド Melville,Lewis & Hammond,Aubrey The London Scene. カバー、クロース装 Described by Lewis Melville and Depicted by Aubrey Hammond. First published. [f0573-170579] 1926 年 初版 ¥6,480 London: Faber and Gwyer, 1926. 545 ヘンリー・ミラー 「ビッグ・サーとヒエロニムス・ボッシュのオレンジ」 1957 年 (初版) カバー有、クロース装 ¥32,400 Miller,Henry Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch. A New Directions Book. New Directions, 1957. (First edition.) [f0088-170087] 546 ヘンリー・ミラー 「ビッグ・サーとヒエロニムス・ボッシュのオレンジ」 1958 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Miller,Henry Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch. ¥32,400 Heinemann, 1958. First published. [f0087-170086] n.d. クロース装 Tropic of Cancer. Préface by Anaïs Nin. 547 ヘンリー・ミラー 「北回帰線」 Miller,Henry ¥6,480 n.d. [f0462-170464] 548 ジョン・ミルトン 「失楽園」 2 巻 1770 年 7 版 総革装 ¥43,200 Milton,John Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books. With Notes of Various Authors, by Thomas Newton, D.D. In 2 vols. London: Printed for J. Beecroft, W. Strahan, et al. 1770. Seventh Edition. [f0670-170676] 第 1 巻 1766 年 総革装 ¥8,640 Milton,John Paradise Regain'd. A Poem, in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes; and Poems upon Several Occasions. With Notes of various Authors, by Thomas Newton,D.D. London: Printed for F. and R. Tonson, et al. Vol.I: 1766. [f0671-170677] 549 ジョン・ミルトン 「復楽園」 550 Miss Bowdler Poems and Essays, by the Late Miss Bowdler. 1797 年 9 版 総革装 ¥5,400 The Ninth Edition. Published for The Benett of the General Hospital at Bath. Bath, Printed by R. Cruttwell; and sold by C. Dilly, Poultry, et al. 1797. Ninth edition. [f0676-170682] 551 G.D.H. コール Cole,G. D. H. ed. William Morris; Stories in Prose, Stories in Verse, Shorter Poems, Lectures and Essays. 1934 年 センティナリ版 カバー、クロース装 ¥6,480 Edited by G. D. H. Cole for the Nonesuch Press, Bloomsbury, 1934. New York: Random House, 1934. Centenary Edition. [f0288-170287] 552 アイリス・マードック 「かなり名誉ある敗北」 1970 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris A Fairly Honourable Defeat. ¥6,480 London: Chatto & Windus, 1970. (First edition.) [f0149-170148] 553 アイリス・マードック 「切られた首」 1961 年 初版・4 刷 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 London: Chatto & Windus, 1961. First published, Fourth impres- Murdoch,Iris A Severed Head. sion. [f0604-170610] 554 アイリス・マードック 「魔に憑かれて」 1975 年(初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris A Word Child. London: Chatto & Windus, 1975. (First edition.) ¥8,640 [f0147-170146] 555 アイリス・マードック「アカストス」 1986 年 初版 カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris Acastos: Two Platonic Dialogues. ¥5,400 London: Chatto & Windus, 1986. First published. [f0187-170186] 556 アイリス・マードック Murdoch,Iris An Accidental Man. 1971 年 (初版.) カバー有、厚紙装 ¥4,320 London: Chatto & Windus, 1971. (First edition.) 557 アイリス・マードック Murdoch,Iris [f0145-170144] An Accidental Man. 1971 年 (初版) カバー、厚紙装 ¥4,320 London: Chatto & Windus, 1971. (First edition.) 46 [f0602-170608] 558 アイリス・マードック 「尼僧たちと兵士たち」 1980 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris Nuns and Soldiers. ¥5,400 London: Chatto & Windus, 1980. (First edition.) [f0153-170152] 559 アイリス・マードック 「尼僧たちと兵士たち」 1980 年 (初版) カバー、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris Nuns and Soldiers. 560 アイリス・マードック 「鐘」 Murdoch,Iris The Bell. ¥5,400 London: Chatto & Windus, 1980. (First edition.) n.d. (1958 年) カバー有、厚紙装 London: Chatto & Windus, n.d. (1958.) [f0606-170612] ¥5,400 [f0150-170149] 561 アイリス・マードック 「ブラック・プリンス」 1973 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris The Black Prince. ¥6,480 London: Chatto & Windus, 1973. (First edition.) [f0142-170141] 562 アイリス・マードック 「本をめぐる輪舞の果てに」 1987 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris The Book and The Brotherhood. ¥5,400 London: Chatto & Windus, 1987. (First edition.) [f0151-170150] 563 アイリス・マードック 「本をめぐる輪舞の果てに」 1987 年 (初版) カバー、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris The Book and The Brotherhood. ¥5,400 London: Chatto & Windus, 1987. (First edition.) [f0603-170609] 564 アイリス・マードック 「哲学者の教え子」 1983 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris The Philosopher's Pupil. tion.) [f0152-170151] ¥6,480 Chatto & Windus, / The Hogarth Press, 1983. (First edi- 565 アイリス・マードック 「愛の機械」 1974 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris The Sacred and Profane Love Machine. edition.) [f0143-170142] ¥8,640 London: Chatto & Windus, 1974. (First 566 アイリス・マードック 「砂の城」 1959 年 再版 カバー、厚紙装 ¥2,160 London: The Reprint Society, 1959. (First published 1957.) Re- Murdoch,Iris The Sandcastle. printed. [f0601-170607] 567 アイリス・マードック 「海よ、海」 1978 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Murdoch,Iris The Sea, The Sea. ¥16,200 London: Chatto & Windus, 1978. (First edition.) [f0146-170145] 568 アイリス・マードック Murdoch,Iris The Three Arrows & The Servants and The Snow. 1973 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 Two Plays. London: Chatto & Windus, 1973. (First edition.) ¥6,480 [f0144-170143] 569 アイリス・マードック 「ユニコーン」 1963 年 (初版) カバー、クロース装 Murdoch,Iris The Unicorn. London: Chatto & Windus, 1963. (First edition.) ¥4,320 [f0600-170606] 570 アイリス・マードック 「網の中」 1955 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 Murdoch,Iris Under the Net. A Novel. 1954.) Reprinted. [f0605-170611] 571 R.オドリスコル O'Driscoll,Robert ¥2,160 London: The Reprint Society, 1955. (First published Symbolism and some Implications of the Symbolic Approach: 1975 年 初版 ペーパー装 W. B. Yeats during the Eighteen-Nineties. ¥3,240 Dublin: The Dolmen Press, 1975. [f0456-170458] 572 ショーン・オフェイロン 「生まれながらの天才」 1936 年 250 部限定、No.230 著者署名入り クロース装 O'Faoláin,Seán The Born Genius. A Short Story. to 250, No.230. [f0451-170453] ¥21,600 Detroit: Schuman's 1936. This edition is limited 573 ユージン・オニール 「地平線の彼方」「ゴールド」 1924 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 O'Neill,Eugene Beyond the Horizon and Gold. published. [u185-207680] 47 Two plays. ¥16,200 London: Jonathan Cape, 1924. First 574 ユージン・オニール 「ダイナモ」 1929 年 初版・2 刷. カバー有、クロース装 O'Neill,Eugene Dynamo. ing. [f0135-170134] ¥5,400 New York: Horace Liveright, 1929. [First printing 1929.]Second print- 575 ユージン・オニール 「アナ・クリスティ」「すべて神の子には翼がある」「別物」 1925 年 初版・5 刷. カバー有、クロース装 ¥5,400 O'Neill,Eugene Plays: "Anna Christie." / All God's Chillun Got Wings. / Diff'rent. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925. [First edition 1925. First printing 1925] Fifth printing 1928. [f0140-170139] 576 ユージン・オニール 「地平線の彼方」「藁」「朝食前」 1925 年 (初版) カバー有、クロース装 O'Neill,Eugene Plays: Beyond The Horizon. / The Straw. / Before Breakfast. & Liveright, 1925. (First edition.) [f0136-170135] ¥5,400 New York: Boni 577 ユージン・オニール 「皇帝ジョウンズ」 Gold. / The First Man. / The Dreamy Kid. 1928 年 初版・5 刷. カバー有、クロース装 ¥5,400 O'Neill,Eugene Plays: The Emperor Jones. / Gold. / "The First Man." / The Dreamy Kid. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1928. [First edition 1925. First printing 1925] Fifth printing 1928. [f0138-170137] 578 トマス・オトウェイ 「救われたヴェニス」 1704 年 背革、マーブル厚紙装(改装) ¥21,600 Otway,Thomas Venice Preserv'd, or, A Plot Discover'd. A Tragedy as It is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. London: Printed for Benj.Tooke… and George Straben…, 1704. [f0015-170014] 579 モートン・D.ペイリー 「ウィリアム・ブレイク」 1978 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Paley,Morton D. William Blake. Phaidon Press Ltd., 1978. First published. ¥6,480 [f0668-170674] 580 ヘンリー・B.ウィートレイ(編) 「サミュエル・ピープス日記」 1899 年 クロース装、天金 ¥4,320 [Pepys,Samuel] Wheatley,Henry B. ed. The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A. F.R.S. Supplementary Volume Pepysiana. Or Additional Notes of the Particulars of Pepys's Life and on some Passages in the Diary. With Appendixes. London: Geroge Bell & Sons, 1899. [f0568-170574] 581 W. F. March Phillipps ed. The Book of English Elegies. 1879 年 総革装、三方金 London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1879. ¥8,640 [f0372-170370] 582 シルヴィア・プラス 「ウィンターツリー」 1972 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 Plath,Sylvia Winter Trees. ¥2,160 London: Faber and Faber, 1972. Reprinted. (First published in 1971) [f0302-170300] 583 キャサリン・アン・ポーター 「愚か者の船」 1962 年 初版. Porter,Katherine Anne Ship of Fools. カバー有、厚紙装 ¥3,240 London: Secker & Warburg, 1962. First published. [f0174-170173] [Pound,Ezra] Eliot,T. S. ed. Literary Essays of Ezra Pound. 1954 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥8,640 Edited with an Introduction by T. S. Eliot. London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1954. First published. 584 T. S.エリオット(編) [f0406-170404] 585 アンソニー・パウエル 「時の音楽のなかの舞踏」 A Dance to The Music of Time Comprising: 12 冊セット 1955-1975 年 初版: 9 冊 / 再版: 3 冊 カバー有、クロース装 ¥216,000 Powell,Anthony (1) A Buyer's Market. A Novel. First edition, Second printing. [First published 1952.]Reprinted. (2) A Question of Upbringing. A Novel. First edition, Fourth printing. [First published 1951.] Reprinted. (3) The Acceptance World. A Novel. First edition, Second printing. [First published 1955.] Reprinted. (4) At Lady Molly's. A Novel. First published. (5) Casanova's Chinese Restaurant. A Novel. First published. (6) The Kindly Ones. A Novel. First published. 48 (7) The Valley of Bones. A Novel. First published. (8) The Soldier's Art. A Novel. First published. (9) The Military Philosophers. A Novel. First published. (10) Books do Furnish a Room. A Novel. First published. (11) Temporary Kings.A Novel. First published. (12) Hearing Secret Harmonies. A Novel. First published. 12 vols set. William Heinemann Ltd, / London: Heinemann, 1955-1975. [f0109~20-170108~19] 586 T.F. ポウイス Powys,T. F. Rosie Plum. 1966 年 (初版) カバー、クロース装 ¥3,240 And other Stories. Drawing by John Ward. London: Chatto & Windus, 1966. (First published.) [f0687-170693] 587 ピーター・ケネル Quennell,Peter The Sign of The Fish. カバー有、クロース装 London: Collins, 1960. (First edition.) 1960 年 (初版) ¥3,240 [f0130-170129] 588 F. M. レイノルズ Reynolds,Frederic Mansel ed. The Keepsake for 1829. 1/2 革、マーブル厚紙装 London: Published for the Proprietor, 1829. 1829 年 ¥12,960 [f0287-170286] 589 ルイス・ディキンスン・リッチ Rich,Louise Dickinson The Peninsula. 1958 年 3 刷 カバー有、クロース装 Drawings by Grattan Condon. impression. [f0128-170127] ¥3,240 New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1958. [First published 1958.]Third 590 ジョージ・センツベリー(編) [Richardson,Samuel] Saintsbury,George ed. Letters from Sir Charles Grandison. 1895 年 クロース装 ¥17,280 Selected with a Biographical Introduction and Connecting Notes by George Saintsbury. With Illustrations by Chris. Hammond. In 2 vols. London; George Allen, 1895. [s05534-212683] 591 R.M.リルケ 「オルフォイスへのソネット」 ¥162,000 Kurt Roesch の銅版画 9 点 限定 45 部 (No.27) Roesch サイン入 大型本 表紙、裏表紙、背、小口 に細かなシミ Rilke,Rainer Maria The Sonnets to Orpheus. With Engravings by Kurt Roesch. Thirty-five numbered and signed copies, designed by S.A.Jacobs, were printed the 30th day of November 1944, at The Golden Eagle Press, Mount Vernon, New York. [Ten additional copies, unnumbered, are not for sale.] … All copies are printed on hand-made paper from Arches, [Vosges], France. Kurt Roesch designed and engraved the illustrations on copper, in combination with ground etching; and hand-pulled all engravings on "papier de Montval à la main," made by Gaspard Maillol in France. New York: Wittenborn & Co., 1944. This copy is no.27. Signed by Kurt Roesch. [aj799-101963] 592 R.C.ローマ 「ユニオン・クラブ」 1948 年 初版 クロース装 ¥8,640 Rome,R.C. Union Club. An Illustrated Descriptive Record of the Oldest Members' Club in London, Founded circa 1799. Published on behalf of the Club by B. T. Batsford Ltd., London, 1948. Edition limited to 750 copies (of which 500 are for the members only, the rest being for general sale). [f0003-170002] 593 アラン・ロス Ross,Alan Abroad. Travel Stories. 1957 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 London: Faber and Faber, 1957. First published. [f0083-170082] ¥3,240 594 クリスティーナ・ロセッティ Rossetti,Christina G. Verses. 1893 年 クロース装、天金 ¥12,960 Reprinted from "Called to be Saints", "Time Flies", "The Face of the Deep". Published under the Direction of the Tract Committee. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1893. [f0447-170449] 595 D.G.ロセッティ Rossetti,Dante Gabriel Dante at Verona. Portland: Thomas B Mosher, 1910. [f0446-170448] 49 1910 年 厚紙装 ¥4,320 Poems, Supposed to have been Written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and Others, in the Fifteenth Century; 596 トーマス・ローリー[トーマス・チャタートン] Rowley,Thomas [Chatterton,Thomas] 1777 年 初版 1/2 革、マーブル厚紙装 ¥54,000 The Greatest Part Now First Published from the most Authentic Copies, with an Engraved Specimen of One of the Mss. To which are added, A Preface, an Introductory Account of the Several Pieces, and a Glossary. London: T. Payne and Son, 1777. First edition. 1 engraved plate. [f0289-170288] 597 ウィリアム・サンソム Sansom,William Three. Stories by William Sansom. sion. [f0108-170107] 1946 年 初版・3 刷 カバー有、クロース装 ¥2,160 London: The Hogarth Press, 1946. [First published 1946.]Third impres- 598 ウィリアム・サンソム Sansom,William Something Terrible, Something Lovely. カバー有、クロース装 London: The Hogarth Press, 1948. (First edition.) 1948 年 (初版) ¥5,400 [f0127-170126] 599 ウィリアム・サンソム 「肉体」 1949 年 初版・2 刷. カバー・帯有、クロース装 Sansom,William The Body. A Novel. Second impression. [f0104-170103] ¥3,240 London: The Hogarth Press, 1949. [First published 1949.] 600 ウィリアム・サンソム Sansom,William The Passionate North. 1950 年 (初版) カバー有、クロース装 London: The Hogarth Press, 1950. (First edition.) ¥4,320 [f0103-170102] 601 ウィリアム・サンソム Sansom,William Fireman Flower. 1952 年 (初版) カバー有、クロース装 ¥3,240 [The New Phoenix Library.] London: Chatto & Windus in association with The Hogarth Press Ltd, 1952. [First published 1944.]First published in this Library 1952. [f0102-170101] 602 ウィリアム・サンソム Sansom,William Pleasures Strange and Simple. 1953 年 (初版.) カバー有、厚紙装 London: The Hogarth Press, 1953. (First edition.) ¥3,240 [f0106-170105] 603 ウィリアム・サンソム Sansom,William The Loving Eye. 1956 年 (初版) カバー・帯有、クロース装 A Novel. London: The Hogarth Press, 1956. (First edition.) ¥5,400 [f0107-170106] 604 ウィリアム・サンソム Sansom,William The Cautious Heart. 1958 年 (初版) カバー有、厚紙装 A Novel. London: The Hogarth Press, 1958. (First edition.) ¥5,400 [f0105-170104] 605 ドロシー・L.セイヤーズ 「ナイン・テイラーズ」 1954 年 22 刷 カバー有、クロース装 ¥6,480 Sayers,Dorothy L. The Nine Tailors. Changes Rung on an Old Theme in Two Short Touches and Two Full Peals. London: Victor Gollncz Ltd, 1954. [First edition 1934] Twenty-second impression. [f0028-170027] 606 ドロシー・L.セイヤーズ 「学寮祭の夜」 1955 年 19 刷 カバー有、クロース装 Sayers,Dorothy L. teenth impression. Gaudy Night. ¥10,800 London: Victor Gollncz Ltd, 1955. [First edition 1935] Nine- [f0029-170028] n.d. クロース装、天金 ¥6,480 Scott,Sir Walter The Talisman. A Tale of the Crusaders. With a Preface by the Hon. Mrs. Maxwell Scott of Abbotsford. Illustrated with Reproductions in Colour of Twelve Original Drawings by Simon Harmon Vedder. London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, n.d. [f0376-170374] 607 ウォルター・スコット 「護符」 608 P. B. シェリー 「イスラムの反乱」 1818 年 初版 背革、マーブル厚紙装 Shelley,Percy Bysshe The Revolt of Islam; A Poem, In Twelve Cantos. and J. Ollier, 1818. First edition. [f0290-170289] 50 ¥129,600 London: Printed for C. n.d. クロース装 天金 ¥12,960 [SHELLEY,Percy Bysshe] Collins,John Churton Shelley. Selected and sith an Introducton by John Churton Collins. Frontispiece and Vignette Title by A. S. Hartrick. Coloured Illustrations by Jessie M. King. [The Golden Poets] London: Caxton Publishing Co., n.d. [f0360-170358] 609 J.C.コリンズ「シェリー」 610 ミュリエル・スパーク Spark,Muriel Collected Stories I. カバー有、クロース装 London: Macmillan, 1967. First published. 1967 年 初版 ¥6,480 [f0044-170043] 611 ミュリエル・スパーク Spark,Muriel Collected Poems I. 1967 年 カバー有、クロース装 London: Macmillan, 1967. ¥4,320 [f0045-170044] 612 ミュリエル・スパーク 「クルー女子大修道院長」 1974 年 (初版) カバー有、1/4 クロース装 Spark,Muriel The Abbess of Crewe. ¥5,400 New York: The Viking Press, 1974. (First edition.) [f0041-170040] 613 ミュリエル・スパーク Spark,Muriel The Takeover. 1976 年 初版 London: Macmillan, 1976. First published. カバー有、厚紙装 614 ミュリエル・スパーク 「ヨブと妻」 1984 年 初版 Spark,Muriel The Only Problem. ¥6,480 [f0048-170047] カバー有、厚紙装 The Bodley Head, 1984. First published. ¥4,320 [f0037-170036] 615 ミュリエル・スパーク Spark,Muriel A Far Cry from Kensington. 1988 年 初版 カバー有、厚紙装 London: Constable, 1988. First published. ¥5,400 [f0042-170041] 616 ミュリエル・スパーク Spark,Muriel Curriculum Vitae. Autobiography. Penguin Books, 1993. 1993 年 ペーパーバック 617 ミュリエル・スパーク 「現実と夢」 1997 年 ペーパーバック Spark,Muriel Reality and Dreams. ¥3,240 [f0036-170035] Penguin Books, 1997. ¥2,160 [f0035-170034] 618 エドマンド・スペンサー 「羊飼いの暦」 ジョン・ナッシュ画 1930 年 限定本 クロース装・背ヴェラム ¥54,000 Spenser,Edmund The Shepheardes Calender. Conteyning Twelve Aeglogues Proportionable to the Twelve Monethes. Entitled. To the Noble and Vertuous Gentleman Most Worthy of All Titles Both of Learning and Chevalrie Maister Philip Sidney. London: The Cresset Press, 1930. This edition is limited to 350 copies on Barcham green hand-made paper, numbered 1-350… this copy is number 128. [02185-102377] 619 ジョン・スタインベック「爆弾投下」 1942 年 初版 カバーヤケ、クロース装 ¥21,600 Steinbeck,John Bombs Away. The Story of a Bomber Team. Written for the U.S.Army Air Forces by John Steinbeck. With 60 Photographs by John Swope. New York: The Viking Press, 1942. First published. With $2.50price at front flap. [s02560-170514] 620 ジョン・スタインベック 「忘れられた村」 ¥54,000 Steinbeck,John The Forgotten Village. (to the flap) Life in a Mexican Village. Photographs from the Motion Picture Directed by Herbert Kline. (to title page) With 136 Photographs from the Film of the Same Name by Rosa Harven Kline and Alexander Hackensmid. New York: The Viking Press, 1941. First edition. [s03891-209853] 621 ジョン・スタインベック 「ピピン四世三日天下」 1957 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Steinbeck,John The Short Reign of Pippin IV. First edition. [s03889-209856] A Fabrication. ¥32,400 New York: Viking Press, 1957. 622 ジョン・スタインベック 「ピピン四世三日天下」 1957 年 初版 カバー有、厚紙装 Steinbeck,John The Short Reign of Pippin IV. 1957. First published. [f0198-170197] 51 A Fabrication by John Steinbeck. ¥16,200 Heinemann, 623 ジョン・スタインベック 「われらが不満の冬」 1961 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Steinbeck.John The Winter of Our Discontent. lished. [f0466-170468] ¥12,960 New York: The Viking Press, 1961. First pub- 624 ロレンス・スターン 「センチメンタル・ジャーニー」 2 巻合本 1897 年 クロース装 ¥17,280 Sterne,Laurence A Sentimental Journey. Through France and Italy. With Illustrations by T.H. Robinson. 2 vols in 1. London; Bliss. Sands & Co., 1897. [s05535-212684] 625 M.スタンダール 「尼僧スコラスティカ」 1/2 革装 天金 ¥17,280 Stendhal,M. De Suora Scolastica. Histoire qui émut tout Naples en 1740. Avant-propos de Henry Debraye. Paris: Andrè Coq, Libraire, 1921. Exemplaire sur Hollande pur fil No.730. [f0536-170542] 626 ロバート・L.スティーブンソン 「誘拐」 再版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Stevenson,Robert Louis Kidnapped. Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the year 1751. How he was Kidnapped and Cast away:; his Sufferings in a Desert Isle; his Journey in the Wild Highlands; his Acquaintance with Alan Breck Stewart an other notorious Highland Jacobites; with all that he Suffered at the hands of his Uncle, Ebenezer Balfour of Shaws, falsely so-called: Written by Himself, and now set forth. With Sixteen Illustrations by W. B. Hole, R.S.A. Cassell and Co., 1913. Reprinted. [f0526-170532] 627 ハリエット・ビーチャー・ストウ「アンクル・トムの小屋」 1852 年 英国初版 角背革装 ¥21,600 Stowe, Harriet Beecher Uncle Tom's Cabin. With Twenty-seven illustrations on wood by George Cruikshank. London: John Cassell, Ludgate Hill, 1852. first UK edition. [aj476-101718] 628 アーサー・シモンズ 「オーブリー・ビアズリー」 1948 年 再版 ペーパー装 図版 Symons,Arthur Aubrey Beardsley. With Sixteen Plates. 1948. Reprinted. (First published 1898.) [f0637-170643] ¥6,480 London: At the Sign of the Unicorn, 629 ラビンドラナート・タゴール 「暗室の王」 1914 年 初版 クロース装 ¥4,320 Tagore,Rabindranath The King of The Dark Chamber. Translated into English by the Author. London: Macmillan and Co., 1914. First edition. [f0565-170571] 630 アルフレッド・テニスン Tennyson,Alfred The Princess. 1860 年 総革装 ¥43,200 A Medley. With Twenty-Six Illustrations Engraved on Wood by Dalziel, Green, Thomas, and E. Williams, From Drawings by Daniel Maclise. London: Edward Moxon and Co., 1860. [s05537-212686] 631 アルフレッド・テニスン「イン・メモリアム」 1850 年 クロース装 Tennyson,Alfred In Memoriam. London: Edward Moxon, 1850. ¥4,320 [f0367-170365] 632 アルフレッド・テニスン Tennyson,Alfred The Holy Grail. 1870 年 総革装、三方金 And Other Poems. London: Strahan and Co., 1870. 633 アルフレッド・テニスン Tennyson,Alfred The Princess. n.d. 改装. スエード装、天金 New York & Boston: H. M. Caldwell, n.d. ¥86,400 [aj448-101721] 635 H.D.ソロー 「コッド岬」 1865 年 クロース装 Thoreau,Henry D. Cape Cod. ¥12,960 [f0382-170380] 634 H.D.ソロー Thoreau,Henry D. Excursions. 1863 年 クロース装 Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863. ¥12,960 [f0381-170379] ¥64,800 Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865. [aj449-101723] 636 Tighe,Mrs. Henry [Tighe,Mary] Psyche, with Other Poems. 1816 年 5 版 総革装、天金 By the Late Mrs. Henry Tighe. edition. [f0298-170297] ¥5,400 London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1816. The fifth 637 マーク・トウェイン 「世にも名高いキャラヴェラス郡の跳び蛙」 1869 年 クロース装 ¥86,400 Twain, Mark The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. and Other Sketches. Edited by John Paul. New York: C. H. Webb, Publisher,1869. [aj483-101726] 52 Experiences. 1908 年 背クロース、厚紙装 205 部限定、No.37 London: A. H. Bullen, 1908. Two hundred and five copies printed, No.37. [f0444-170446] 638 キャサリン・タイナン Tynan,Katharine ¥8,640 639 ジョン・アップダイク 「金持ちになったウサギ」 1981 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Updike,John Rabbit is Rich. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981. First edition. ¥8,640 [f0468-170470] 640 ジョン・アップダイク 「帰ってきたウサギ」 1971 年 初版・3 刷 カバー、クロース装 Updike,John Rabbit Redux. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1971. Third printing. ¥5,400 [f0469-170471] 641 ジョン・アップダイク 「走れウサギ」 1961 年 4 刷 カバー、背クロース・厚紙装 Updike,John Rabbit, Run. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961. Fourth printing. ¥8,640 [f0470-170472] 642 ジョン・アップダイク Updike,John The Carpentered Hen and other tame creatures. 1958 年 初版 カバー有、1/4 クロース装 Poems by John Updike. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958. First edition. ¥54,000 [s00497-210520] 643 ジョン・アップダイク 「イーストウィックの魔女たち」 1984 年 2 刷 カバー、クロース装 Updike,John The Witches of Eastwick. ¥4,320 New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. Second printing. [f0471-170473] 644 ネヴィル・ウォリス Wallis,Nevile Fin de Siècle. 1947 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 A Selection of Late 19th Century Literature and Art. Chose by Nevile Wallis. With a Note on the Period by Holbrook Jackson. London: Allan Wingate, 1947. [f0679-170685] 645 ヒュー・ウォルポール 「ペリン氏とトレイル氏」 1949 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥2,160 London: Macmillan & Co., 1949. Walpole,Hugh Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill. A Tragi-Comedy. (First edition 1911) [f0614-170620] 646 ヒュー・ウォルポール Walpole,Hugh Mr. Huffam and other stories. 1948 年 (初版) カバー、クロース装 London: Macmillan & Co., 1948. (First edition.) ¥3,240 [f0615-170621] The Silver Thorn. 1928 年 カバー、クロース装 New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1928. [f0616-170622] 647 ヒュー・ウォルポール Walpole,Hugh A Book of Stories. 648 ヒュー・ウォルポール Walpole,Hugh Cathedral Carol Service. カバー、厚紙装 London: Faber and Faber, 1934. First published. ¥9,720 1934 年 初版 ¥4,320 [f0617-170623] 649 ヒュー・ウォルポール Walpole,Hugh The Killer and the Slain. 1942 年 (初版) クロース装 ¥2,160 A Strange Story. London: Macmillan & Co., 1942. (First edition.) [f0618-170624] 650 ヒュー・ウォルポール Walpole,Hugh The Golden Scarecrow. 1915 年 (初版) クロース装 ¥4,320 New York: George H. Doran Co., 1915. (First edition.) [f0619-170625] 651 アイザック・ウォルトン Walton,Izaak The Lives of Doctor John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton Knight, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Doctor Robert Sanderson. 1904 年 200 部限定、 No.102 クロース装 ¥10,800 London: Printed at th Chiswick Press for George Bell and Sons, 1904. Limited to 200 copies have been printed for sale in Great Britain and 20 for presentation. This is no.102. [f0019-170018] 652 ロバート・ジェームス・ウォーラー 「マディソン郡の橋」 1992 年 初刷 カバー、厚紙装 Waller,Robert James The Bridges of Madison County. ¥2,160 Warner Books, 1992. First printing. [f0463-170465] 653 ウィリアム・ワトソン Watson,William The Eloping Angels. 1893 年 750 部限定 ヴェラム装 ¥16,200 A Caprice. London: Elkin Mathwes & Iohn Lane, 1893. This edition is limited to 750 copies. [f0450-170452] 53 654 イーヴリン・ウォー 「廃墟の恋」 1953 年 (初版.) カバー有、クロース装 ¥10,800 Waugh,Evelyn Love Among The Ruins. A Romance of the Near Future. With Decorations by Various Eminent Hands Including the Author's. London: Chapman & Hall, 1953. (First edition.) [f0073-170072] 655 イーヴリン・ウォー 「ピンフォールドの試練」 1957 年 (初版.) カバー有、クロース装 ¥32,400 London: Chapman & Hall, Waugh,Evelyn The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold. A Conversation Piece. 1957. (First edition.) [f0129-170128] 656 イーヴリン・ウォー 「名誉の剣 三部作」 Sword of Honour Trilogy. 3 冊セット 1952-1961 年 (初版): 2 冊 / 初版・2 刷: 1 冊 カバー有、厚紙装 \43,200 Waugh,Evelyn (1) Men at Arms. A Novel. 1952. (First edition.) (2) Officers and Gentlemen. A Novel. 1955. (First edition.) (3) Unconditional Surrender. The Conclusion of Men at Arms and Officers and Gentlemen. [First published.]Second Impression. 3 vols.set. London: Chapman & Hall, 1952-1961. [f0075~7-170074~6] 657 H.G.ウェルズ Wells,H.G.Brothers. A Story. 1938 年 カバーヤケ、傷 London: Chatto & Windus, 1938. (First edition). [s04656-211580] ¥32,400 658 ユードラ・ウェルティ 「黄金の林檎」 1949 年 初版 カバー有、背クロース装 Welty, Eudora The Golden Apples. ¥43,200 New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1949. First edition. [aj468-101731] 659 レベッカ・ウェスト 「エレジー」 1930 年 限定 250 冊、No.136 クロース装 署名入り ¥21,600 West, Rebecca Elegy. New York: Phoenix Book Shop Inc., 1930. [This edition is consists of two hundred and fifty copies numbered 1-250 for sale. - All copies are signed by the author. This is number 136 ] [aj480-101733] 660 オスカー・ワイルド Wilde,Oscar Epigrams. Illustrated by Fritz Kredel. n.d. カバー、厚紙装 New York: The Peter Pauper Press, n.d. ¥2,160 [f0608-170614] 661 アンガス・ウィルソン 「毒にんじんとその後」 1952 年 再版. カバー有、クロース装 Wilson,Angus Hemlock and After. Reprinted. [f0085-170084] ¥3,240 London: Secker & Warburg, 1952. [First published 1952.] 662 トーマス・ウルフ 「マナーハウス」 1948 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Wolfe,Thomas Mannerhouse. A Play in a Prologue and Three Acts. Brothers, 1948. First edition. [s03890-210972] ¥12,960 New York: Harper & 663 トーマス・ライト Wright,Thomas Blake for Babes. 1923 年クロース装 A Popular illustrated Introduction to the Works of William Blake. [Key to Blake] Thomas Wright, 1923. [f0458-170460] ¥32,400 Olney, Bucks: 664 トーマス・ライト Wright,Thomas Rose-in-Hood. 1925 年 初版 総革装 ¥16,200 Being principally a presentment from various translations of the most striking thoughts of the Persian poet, HAFIZ. With Eleven Illustrations by Cecil W. Paul Jones. Olney: Thomas Wright, 1925. First published. [f0459-170461] 665 トーマス・ライト Wright,Thomas Green Beryl. 1927 年 225 部限定、初版クロース装 ¥12,960 [The Third of a Trilogy, Heart's Desire (Omar Khayyam) and Rose-in-Hood (Hafiz) being the other two of the series.] Being principally a presentment of some of the Thoughts of the Persian Poet SADI. With Ten Illustrations by Cecil W. Paul Jones. Olney: Thomas Wright, 1927. First published. Only two hundred and twenty five copies. [f0460-170462] 666 トーマス・ライト Wright,Thomas Heart's Desire. 1925 年 初版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Being principally a presentment from various translations of the quatrains of Omar Khayyam that relate to SAKI, the beautiful CUPBEARER. With Tne Illustrations by Cecil W. Paul Jones. Olney: Thomas Wright, 1925. First published. [f0461-170463] 54 667 トーマス・ライト Wrigth of Olney,ThomasThe Land of Souls, and other Poems. 1927 年 225 部限定、初版 クロース装 ¥6,480 A numeber of which owe their origin to the Betwitchery of that Queen of the East-Southend-on-Sea, and the Nearling islands, haunt of the ghosts of sea-dities and vikings and dragon ships beached among the sea-wrack. Twelve illustrations by Cecil W. Paul Jones. Printed by A. H. Stanley, Olney., 1927. First published. Only two hundred and twenty five copies. [f0457-170459] 668 「J. B. イェイツ戯曲集」 1971 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 [Yeats,Jack B.] Skelton,Robin The Collected Plays of Jack B. Yeats. Edited with an Introducton by Robin Skelton. The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1971. This collection first published in England, 1971. [f0313-170311] 669 W. B.イェイツ Yeats,W. B. Mythologies. 1959 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 The Celtic Twilight / The Secret Rose/ Stories of Red Hanrahan / Rosa Alchemica / The Tables of the Law / The Adoration of the Magi / Per Amica Silentia Lunae London: Macmillan & Co., 1959. [f0594-170600] Plays for an Irish Theatre. 1911 年 背クロース装 ¥8,640 With Designs by Gordon Craig. Deirdre / The Green Helmet / On Baile'sStrand / The King's Threshold / The Shadowy Waters / The Hour-Glass / Cathleen Ni Houlihan London & Stratford-Upon-Avon: A. H. Bullen, 1911. [f0595-170601] 670 W. B.イェイツ Yeats,W. B. 671 ウィリアム・B.イェイツ 「イェイツ詩集」 1922 年 クロース装 Yeats,W. B. Poems. London: T. Fisher Unwin Ltd, 1922. ¥3,240 [f0566-170572] 聖書、聖書関連書籍 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 672 「グーテンベルグ 42 行聖書」 パリ国立図書館・マザラン文庫本復刻版 1985 年 総革装 天金 ¥540,000 パリのエディション・レ・ザンキュナブル社より 1985 年に出版された「グーテンベルグ 42 行聖書」の復 刻版。2 巻。パリ国立図書館のマザラン文庫所蔵になる、深紅の上下 2 巻に装丁された完本をもとに、 忠実に再現したもの。現存する 48 種のグーテンベルグ聖書のうちで最も美しいものの一つといわれる マザラン版を元に、装丁から用紙の透かし模様の位置まで忠実に再現している。別冊(Jean-Marie Dodu による解説)欠。通函附。 Gutenberg Biblia Sacra Mazarinaea. (Facsimile edition of the Mazarin Library copy of the Gutenberg Bible.) In 2 vols. Paris: Editions les Incunables, 1985. Folio. Original full red morocco, gilt motif to spine with title plate. A.e.g. Marbled e.ps. Front and rear boards of each vol. very slightly stained. 41x30cm. With slipcases (sl.rubbed) and card bord boxes (somewhat worn). [me0557-403625] 673 「羅仏対訳聖書」 3 巻 ウルガタ・フランス語対訳 リエージュ刊 1742 年 ¥324,000 総革装(やや擦れ、傷み) 銅版画口絵、折り込み図版および地図(1 点裂け) La Sainte Bible traduite en franc̜ois le latin de la Vulgate a côté, avec de courtes notes tirées des Saints Peres & des meilleurs Interprêtes, pour l'intelligence des endroits les plus difficiles; et la Concorde des quatre evangelistes, en latin & en françois. Nouvelle edition, enrichie de cartes geographiques et de figures, avec les traitez de cronologie & de geographie, les sommaires des livres tant du vieux que de nouveau Testament, & de toutes les Tables tirées de la grande Bible Latine d'Antoine 55 Vitre. De plus une idée generale de l'Ecriture Sainte, avec differentes manieres & diverses regles pour l'expliquer. Le tout augmenté d'une Table très-ample des Matières en français et en Latin. 3 vols. A Liege, chez Jean-François Broncart (at frontis.) / A Liege, chez J.Delorme de la Tour, … A Amsterdam, chez P.Mortier, J.F.Bernard. A Utrecht, chez Savoye. A Lahaye, chez J.Neaulme (et al.). A Cologne, chez Metternich. A Francfort et a Leipsik, En tems de Foires, chez, P.Mortier. et Van Duren. De l'Imprimerie de J,F,Broncart, ... (at title page), 1742. [aj1175-403219] 674 「家庭用聖書」 n.d. 総革装、留め金 三方金 ¥64,800 Neue Illustrirte Familien Bibel, für Häusliche Erbauung und Belehrung. Enthaltend das Alte und Neue Testament, mit den Apokryphen, der Concordanz und Randparallelen, nach Dr. Martin Luther's Uebersetzung. Nebst Einer umfassenden und kritischen Geschichte allr Bücher der Bibel; Einer Geschichte aller Glaubensgenosser schaften und Secten in der Welt; Geschichte der deutschen Bibel=Uebersetzung; Chronologischen und andern werthvollen Tabellen zur Beförderung und Erleichterung des Studiums der Bibel; Analyse der Bibel; Beschreibung der Thiere, Bäume, Pflanzen, und Früchte der Bibel; Morgenländische Sitten und Gebräuche; die vierzigjährige Wanderschaft; das jüdischeGottesdienst; Gößen und Abgötterei der Alten; Länder und Bölter der Bibel; das Heilige Land; die Stadt Jerusalem und ihre Umgebung; Geschichtlicher Zusammenhang des Alten und Neuen Testaments; Bibelprophezeiungen und ihre Erfüllungen; Bekehrungsreisen des Apostel Paulus; eigens für diese Ausgabe compilirt aus Arbeiten anerkannter, evangelischgesinnter Gelehrten, wodurch das Ganze zu einer populären Encyclopädie für das Studium der Heiligen Schrift gemacht wird. Mit einer Einleitung von Rev. A. Martin. Herausgegben von Der Nationalen Publications Gesellschaft, n.d. [me0554-403338] 675 「ジュネーヴ聖書」 1992 年 函 総革装 ファクシミリ版 500 部限定、No.48 ¥54,000 The Cambridge Geneva Bible of 1591. A facsimile reprint marking 400 years of Bible production by the world's oldest Bible printer and publisher. With an Introduction by David McKitterick. Cambridge UP., 1992. Reissued. [me0526-403205] 676 Holy Bible. 1993 年 カバー、クロース装 インディアペーパー New International Version. Cambridge UP., 1993. Wide Margin Edition. 677 Bedae Venerabilis Opera. 1980 年 クロース装 Pars VI Opera Didascalica 3. [Corpvs Christianorvm Series Latina CXXIII C] Brepols Editores Pontificii, 1980. [me0552-403309] 678 「改訂英訳聖書」 1989 年 再版 函、総革装(合皮) 三方金 The Revised English Bible. Oxford UP. / Cambridge UP, 1989. Reprinted. ¥6,480 [me0525-403204] ¥8,640 Tvrnholti: Typographi ¥5,400 [me0497-403150] 679 新約、「コリント人への第一の手紙」 1977 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 I Corinthians. A New Translation. Introduction with a Study of the Life of Paul, Notes, and Commentary by William F. Orr and James Arthur Walther. [The Anchor Bible; v. 32] New York; Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977. First edition, Second printing. [me0318-402424] 680 Eadie,Johon The Holy Bible; 1852 年 総革装 天金 ¥12,960 With the Commentaries of Scott and Henry, Condensed by The Rev. Johon Eadie, D.D. LL.D. and Containing Upwards of Four Thousand Notes, Critical and Explanatory, Selected from the Great Standard Authors of Europe and America, The Rev. Walter M'Gilvray, D.D. [The Portable Folio Family Bible] The New Testament of Our Lorad and Saviour Jesus Christ, Translated of The Original Greek; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. By his Magesty's Special Command. (781-1022pp.) / The Pslams of David. In Metre: Accoding to the Version Approved by the Church of Scotland, and Appointed to be used in Worship.(1851., 1033-1079pp.) Glasgow: W. R. M'Phun, 1852. [f0667-170673] 681 「アイルランド語訳旧約聖書」 1827 年 総革装 ¥32,400 Bhedel,Uilliam Leabhuir an Tsean Tiomna, Dublin: Printed by G.& J.Grierson & M.Keene, His Majesty Printers, For the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1827. Text in Irish. [me0298-402387] 682 「欽定英訳聖書」 1909 年 4 巻(全 5 巻、Vol.V 欠) カバー、クロース装 Wright,William Aldis ed. ¥12,960 The Authorised Version of the English Bible 1611. Vol.I: Genesis to 56 Deuteronomy. Vol.II: Joshua to Esther. Vol.III: Job to Malachi. Vol.IV: Apocrypha. [Cambridge English Classics] In 4 vols. of 5. Cambridge at the UP., 1909. [me0524-403203] 683 The Translator's New Testament. 1973 年 カバー、クロース装 London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1973. [me0529-403208] ¥4,320 聖書研究 684 Allen,Ward trans. & ed. Translating for King James. Being a true copy of the only notes made by a translator of King james's Bible, the Authorized Version, as the Final Committee of Review revised the translation of Romans through Revelation at Stationers' Hall in London in 1610-1611: taken by The Reverned John Bois, … . Here translated and edited by Ward Allen. Vanderbilt University Press, 1969. [me0433-402706] ¥5,400 685 Barblan,Giovanni Dante e la Bibbia. Atti del Convegno Internazionale Promosso da 《Biblia》Firenze, 26-27-28 settembre 1986. A Cura di Giovanni Barblan. [Biblioteca dell'《Archivum Romanicum》 Serie I-Storia-Letteratura-Paleografia, Vol.210. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1988. [me0490-403126] ¥6,480 686 Bell,David N. ed. Baldvini de Forda Opera. Sermones de Commendatione Fidei. [Corpvs Christianorvm. Continvatio Mediaevalis XCIX] Tvrnholti; Typographi Brepols Editores Pontificii, 1991. [me0376-402482] ¥12,960 687 Bennett,William H. An Introduction to the Gothic Language. Part I: Elementary Grammar, Readings, Glossary. Michigan: Distributed by Ulrich's Book Store, 1965. [me0519-403183] ¥3,240 688 Bennett,William Holmes The Gothic Commentary on the Gospel of John: skeireins aiwaggeljons ƿairh iohannen. A Decipherment, Edition, and Translation. [The Modern Language Association of America. Monograph Series XXI] New York; The Modern Language Association of America, 1960. [LS0149-604981] ¥5,400 689 Blass,F. & Debrunner,A. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. A Translation and Revision of the ninth-tenth German edition incorporating supplementary notes of A. Debrunner by Robert W. Funk. The Univ. of Chicago P.1970.Fourth Impression. [me0263-402216] ¥10,800 690 Blass,F. & Debrunner,A. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. A Translation and Revision of the ninth-tenth German edition incorporating supplementary notes of A. Debrunner by Robert W. Funk. Cambridge at the UP, / Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1961. [me0501-403154] ¥5,400 691 Blass,Friedrich Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch. Bearbeitet von Albert Debrunner. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1949. Achte Auflage. [ds0941-400395] ¥6,910 Göttingen: 692 Blass,Friedrich Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch. Bearbeitet von Albert Debrunner. Anhang. tingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1950. Achte Auflage. [ds0940-400396] ¥2,590 Göt- 693 Bright,William The Age of the Fathers. Being Chapters in the History of the Church during the Fourth and Fifth Centuries. In 2 vols. New York;AMS Press, 1970. First AMS Edition. Reprinted from the edition of 1903. [me0358-402464] ¥12,960 57 694 Brown, Francis with the co-operation of S.R. Driver and Charles A. Briggs. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. With an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramic Basded on the Lexicon of William Gesenius as Translated by Edward Robinson. Edited with constant reference to the Thesaurus of Gesenius as completed by E. Rödiger, and with authorized use of the latest German editions of Gesenius's Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament by Francis Brown with the co-operation of S. R. Driver and Charles A. Briggs. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Reprinted with corrections. (First Edition 1907) [cd0120-301052] ¥5,400 695 Bultmann,Rudolf Das Evangelium des Johannes. Erklärt von D. Rudolf Bultmann. 15. Auflage Unveränderter Nachdruck der 10. Auflage. [Kritische=exegetischer Kommentar über Neue Testament. Begründet von Heinrich Augst Wilhelm Meyer. Zweite Abteilung] Göttingen; Dandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1957. Das Evangelium des Johannes. Ergänzungsheft Neubearbeitung 1957. 6.-11.Tausend. [Kritische=exegetischer Kommentar über Neue Testament. Begründet von Heinrich Augst Wilhelm Meyer. Zweite Abteilung] Göttingen; Dandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1957. 2 冊セット [me0319-402425] ¥4,320 696 Bultmann,Rudolf Theologie des Neuen Testaments. 4. Auflage. Unveränderter Nachdruck der 3., durchgesehenen und ergänzten Auflage. [Neue Theologische Grundrisse. Herausgegeben von Rudolf Bultmann] Tübingen; Verlag J.C.B. Mohr(Paul Siebeck) 1961. [me0320-402426] ¥5,400 697 Creed,John Martin The Gospel According to St.Luke. The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes and Indices. Macmillan & Co, 1965. Reprinted. [L00688-400407] ¥10,360 London: 698 Cruden,Alexander A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament: In Two Parts. Containing, I. The Appellative or Common Words in to Full and Large a Manner, that any Verse may be readily found by looking for any material Word in it. In this Part the various Significations of the Principal Words are given, by which the plain Meaning of many Passages of Scripture is shewn: And also an Account of several Fewish Customs and Ceremonies is added, which may serve to illustrate many Parts of Scripture. / II. The Prayer Names in the Scriptures. To this Part is prefixed a Table, containing the Significations of the Words in the Original LAnguages from which they are derived. To which is added A Concordance to the Books, called Apocrypha. The Whole digested in an Easy and Regular Method, which, together with the various Signiifications and other Improvements now added, renders it more useful than any Book of this kind hitherto published. London: Printed for D. Midwinter, A Bettesworth and C. Hitch and others, 1738. Second issue. [cd0136-301068] ¥21,600 699 Daniell,David William Tyndale. A Biography. [me0324-402430] ¥6,480 New Haven & London; Yale University Press, 1994. 700 Dentan,Robert C. Preface to Old Testament Theology. [L01287-400408] ¥2,590 New York: The Seabury Press, 1963. Revised edition. 701 Diamond,Robert E. The Diction of the Anglo-Saxon Metrical Psalms. Janua Linguarum. Series Practica, X] The Hague; Mouton & Co., 1963. [L03057-604716] ¥5,400 702 Dodd, C.H. New Testament Studies. Manchester University Press, 1967. Reprinted with minor corrections. [me0322-402428] ¥4,320 703 Eissfeldt,Otto The Old Testament. An Introduction. including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, and also the 58 works of similar type from Qumran. The History of the Formation of the Old Testament. Translated by Peter R. Ackroyd. Oxford; Basil Blackwell, 1965. [me0317-402423] ¥6,480 704 Fowler,David C. The Bible in Early English Literature. [me0296-402385] ¥5,400 London: Sheldon Press, 1977. First published. 705 Foxe,John The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe: With a Life of the Martyrologist, and Vindication of the Work, by George Townsend. 8 vols. New York; AMS Press, 1965. [me0401-402523] ¥64,800 706 Fredriksen,Paula From Jesus to Christ. The Origins of the New Testament. Images of Jesus. Yale University Press, 1988. [me0326-402432] ¥4,320 New Haven & London; 707 Friesen,Otto V. & Grape,Anders Om Codex Argenteus. Dess Tid, Hem Och Öden. Med ett Appendix av Hugo Andersson. [Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Litteratursällskapet 27] Uppsala: Svenska Litteratursällskapet, 1928. [me0549-403317] ¥5,400 708 Fuller,Reginald H. The Foundations of New Testament Christology. [L01289-400414] ¥2,590 New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1965. 709 Fuller,Reginald H. The New Testament in Current Study. ¥3,240 New York; Charles Scribner's Sons, 1962. [me0325-402431] 710 Gasquet,Illmo Aidano / Gasquet,Emo Aidano Codex Vercellensis Ab Irico Bianchino Bis Editus Denuo cum Manuscripto Collatus in Lucem Profertur curante Illmo et Emo Aidano Gasquet. Pars Prior [and] Pars Altera. [Collectanea Biblica Latina cura et studio Monachorum Ord.S.Benedicti. Vol.III] In 2 vols. Romae: Fridericus Pustet, 1914. [L00748-400415] ¥17,280 711 Gneuss,Helmut Hymnar und Hymnen im Englischen Mittelalter. Studien zur Überlieferung, Glossierung und Übersetzung lateinischer Hymnen in England. Mit einer Textausgabe der lateinisch-altenglischen Expositio Hymnorum. [Buchreihe der Anglia. Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie. 12. Band] Tübingen; Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1968. [me0350-402456] ¥8,640 712 Haddan,Atthur West & Stubbs,William eds. Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents. Relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Edited, After Spelman and Wilkins, by Arthur West Haddan, B.D. and William Stubbs, M.A. In 3 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1964. [me0506-403159] ¥21,600 713 Hartill, J. Edwin Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics. printing. [me0329-402435] ¥4,320 Michigan; Zondervan Publishing House, 1969. Seventeenth 714 Hastings,Adrian The Church in Africa. 1450-1950. [The Oxford History of the Christian Church edited by Henry and Owen Chadwick] Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1994. [me0328-402434] ¥6,480 715 Hawkins,John C. Horae Synopticae. Contributions to the Study of the Synoptic Problem. Foreword by F.F.Bruce. [Limited Editions Library] Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1968. Second edition, revised and supplemented, reprinted. [L01276-400417] ¥6,910 59 716 Hooker,Richard Richard Hooker of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie Books I-V [1594]-1597. A Scolar Press Facsimile. England: The Scolar Press, 1969. [me0482-403063] ¥6,480 717 Huby,Joseph Christus. Manuel D'Histoire des Religions. Avec la collaboration de Msr A. le Roy MM. L. de Grandmaison, A. Bouyssonie, C. Crivelli, L. Wieger, J. Dahlmann, A. Carnoy, L.de la Valée Poussin, C. Martindale, J. Mac Neill, E. Bominghaus, A. Mallon, A. Condamin, F. Power, Nikel, A. Brou et P. Rousselot. Paris: Beauchesne et Ses Fils, 1947. [f0537-170543] ¥4,320 718 Jellicoe,Sidney The Septuagint and Modern Study. 719 Kenny,Anthony ed. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. [L01271-400418] Wyclif in His Times. ¥10,360 Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1986. [L03321-605165] ¥6,480 720 Knowles,Dom David The Religious Orders in England. Volume I. The Old Orders 1216-1340. The Friars 1216-1340. The Monasteries and Their World. Cambridge at the University Press, 1962. Reprinted. [me0352-402458]¥5,400 721 Köhler,Ludwig Theologie des Alten Testaments. [Neue Theologische Grundrisse] Tübingen: J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1966. Vierte überarbeitete Auflage. [L01285-400421] ¥3,450 722 Kümmel, Werner Georg Introduction to the New Testament. Revised Edition. Translated by Howard Clark Kee. Abingdon, 1981. Fourth Printing. [me0323-402429] ¥4,320 Nashville; 723 Lambert,Joseph Instructions Courtes et Familieres pour tous Les Dimanches de L'Anne'e, En Faveur des Pauvres, & Particuliérement des Gens de la Campagne. Ouvrage néanmoins qui n'est point limité ni pour les personnes, ni pour les lieux, & qui peut être utile à tous ceux qui cherchent à s'instruire des véritez de la Religion. Seconde Anne'e. Sur les Commandemens de Dieu & de l'Eglise. Paris: Philippe-Nicolas Lottin, 1736. [f0538-170544] ¥12,960 724 Lindberg,Conrad The Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible. Volume 6: Baruch 3.20-end of OT edited from MS Christ Church 145. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis XXIX] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1973. [me0531-403210] ¥6,480 725 Lindberg,Conrad The Middle English Bible. The Book of Judges. Norwegian UP, 1989. [me0544-403498] ¥8,640 726 Lindberg,Conrad ed. MS. Bodley 959. Gebesus-Baruch 3.20 in the Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible. Vol.1: Genesis & Exodus. / Vol.2: Leviticus-Judges 7.13. / Vol.3: Judges 7.13-II Paralipomenon. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis VI, VIII, X] In 3 vols. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1959-1963. [me0530-403209] ¥12,960 727 Lindberg,Conrad ed. Ms. Bodley 959. Genesis-Baruch 3.20 in the Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible. Vol.1 Genesis & Exodus, Vol.2 Leviticus-Judges 7.13, Vol.3 Judges 7.13-II Paralipomenon. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English VI,VIII,X] In 3 vols. Stockholm;Almqvist & Wiksell, Vol.1; 1959, Vol.2; 1961, Vol.3; 1963. [L03051-604710] ¥12,960 728 McFadyen,John Edgar Key to the Exercises in the Late Professor A.B.Davidson's Revised Introductory Hebrew Grammar with Explanatory Notes. Edinburgh: T.& T.Clark. 1956. Second edition, reprinted. [me0203-400423] ¥8,640 60 729 Nestle,D. Eberhard hrsg. Das Buch Jeremia. Griechisch und Hebräisch. Herausgegeben von D. Eberhard Nestle. Nach dem Tode des Herausgebers besorgt von Pfarrer Johannes Dahse und Studienrat Dr. Erwin Nestle. Privilegierte Wüttembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart, [1934.] Zwei Auflage. [me0540-403221] ¥4,320 730 Ohkado, Masayuki The Lindisfarne Gloss Database. Nagoya; Sankeisha, 2007. [me0355-402461] ¥6,480 731 Ohlander,Urban A Middle English Metrical Paraphrase of The Old Testament III.Edited by Urban Ohlander. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Göteborges Universitets Årsskrift Vol. LXVI-1960] Göteborg, 1960. [me0518-403182] ¥4,320 732 Pardes,Ilana Countertraditions in the Bibile. A Feminist Approach. Cambridge, Massachusetts land; Harvard University Press, 1992. [me0310-402416] ¥4,320 London, Eng- 733 Payne,John Of the Imitation of Christ: In Three Books. Translated from the Latin of Thomas A. Kempis. New-Haven: William Storer., 1822. [me0495-403148] ¥16,200 734 Pernot,Hubert Les Deux Premiers Chapitres de Matthieu et de Luc. [Commentaire Critique des Évangiles: Fascicule 1] Paris: Librairie Orientale et Américaine, 1947. [L00729-400427] ¥6,910 735 Pope,Hugh English Versions of the Bible. Revised and Amplified by Rev. Sebastian Bullough, O.P. cut: Greenwood Press, 1972. First Greenwood Reprinting.[me0533-403212] ¥8,640 Connecti- 736 Purvis,James D. The Samaritan Pentateuch and the Origin of the Samaritan Sect. [Harverd Semitic Monographs. vol.2] Harvard UP., 1968. [L00691-400429] ¥4,320 737 Richardson, Alan An Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament. Publishers, 1958. [me0321-402427] ¥4,320 New York and London; Harper & Row, 738 Sanders, J.A. The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll. Cornell University Press, 1967. First published. [me0435-402708] ¥12,960 739 Sheahan,J. F. The English in English Bibles. Rhesmes 1582, Authorized 1611, Revised 1881. St. Matthew 1-14. New York: Columbus Institute, n.d. [me0545-403236] ¥6,480 740 Stevens,WM.Arnold / Burton,Ernest Dewitt A Harmony of the Gospels for historical study. An Analytical Synopsis of the four Gospels. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. Twelfth edition, revised. [L00689-400434] ¥6,910 741 Streeter,Burnett Hillman The Primitive Church. Studied with Special Reference to the Origins of the Christian Ministry. The Hewett Lectures, 1928. London; Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1929. Reprinted. [me0316-402422] ¥4,320 742 Susone,Beato Henrico Colloquia Dominiciana:Cum Divino Animae Sponso perdurante Sacro Convivio a Beato Henrico Susone dictata. <Horologium Sapientiae> Bibliotheca Mystica sanctorum Ordinis Praedicatorum Patrum. Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers.1923. [me0244-402197] ¥3,240 743 Trench,Richard Chenevix Notes on the Parables of Our Lord. [LKK553-402753] ¥21,600 London: John W. Parker & Son, 1855. Sixth edition, Revised. 61 744 Tsuji,Manabu (辻学) Glaube zwischen Vollkommenheit und Verweltlichung. Eine Untersuchung zur literarischen Gestalt und zur inhaltlichen Kohärenz des Jakobusbriefes. [Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. 2.Reihe 93] Tübingen: J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1997. [ds0933-400440] ¥8,640 745 Tulloch,Graham A History of the Scots Bible. With Selected Texts. [me0302-402396] ¥5,400 Aberdeen UP., 1989. First published. 746 Vaughan,Robert The Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe, D.D. Illustrated Principally from his Unpublished Manuscripts; with a Preliminary View of the Papal System, and of the State of the Protestant Doctrine in Europe, to the Commencement of the Fourteenth Century. Second Edition, Much Improved. 2 vols. New York; AMS Press Inc., 1973. First AMS edition. Reprinted from the original copy in the collections of the University of Pennsylvania from the edition of 1831(London; Holdsworth and Ball). [me0373-402479] ¥10,800 747 Visotzky,Burton L. The Midrash on Proverbs. Translated from the Hebrew with an Introduction and Annotations by Burton L.Visotzky. Yale UP., 1992. [L02909-604545] ¥5,400 748 von Rad,Gerhard Theologie des Alten Testaments. Band I: Die Theologie der geschichtlichen Überlieferungen Israels. [Einführung in die evangelische Theologie, 1] München: Chr.Kaiser Verlag, 1966. Fünfte, durchgesehene Auflage. [L01286-400443] ¥5,180 749 Workman,Herbert B. John Wyclif: A Study of the English Medieval Church. In 2 vols. 1926. [me0505-403158] ¥12,960 Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 750 Worringer,Wilhelm Form in Gothic. Authorized Translation Edited with an Introduction by Sir Herbert Read. (Containing the Original Illustrations) London: Alec Tiranti, 1957. Present edition. [me0510-403175] ¥5,400 751 Yonekura,Hiroshi (米倉綽) The Language of The Wycliffite Bible. The Syntactic Differences between the Two Versions. Tokyo: Aratake Shuppan (荒竹出版), 1985 (昭 60). First published (初版). [me0543-403234] ¥16,200 752 Young,Karl The Drama of the Medieval Church. 2 vols. [me0342-402448] ¥16,200 Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967. Reprinted. 753 Young,Robert Analytical Concordance to the Holy Bible. Containing about 311,000 References, Subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek Originals with the Literal Meaning and Pronunciation of each; Also Index Lexicons to the Old and New Testaments, being a Guide to Parallel Passages, Prepared by Professor WM. B. Stevenson; With a Complete List of Scripture Proper Names by the same author. London: United Society for Christian Literature, Lutterworth Press, 1973. Eighth edition. Thoroughly revised. [me0528-403207] ¥12,960 754 The Whole Duty of Man. Laid down. In a Plain and Familiar Way for the Use of All, but especially the Meanest Reader. Divided into XVII. Chapters; One Wher of being read every Lord's Day, the Whole may be Read over Thrice in the Year. Necessary for all Families. With Private Devotions for Several Occasions. London: Printed by R. Norton, for E. Pawlet, at the sign of the Bible in ChanceryLane, 1713. [f0662-170668] ¥5,400 755 The Book of Gospels. New Revised Standard Version. Anglicized Edition. published. [me0527-403206] ¥16,200 62 Oxford UP., 2002. First 756 The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Part III. Now First Printed from the Original Manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library. [The Publications of the Surtees Society Vol.XLIII] Published for the Society, by Andrews and Co., 1863. [me0541-403232] ¥8,640 757 The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Part IV. Now First Printed from the Original Manuscripts in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library. [The Publications of the Surtees Society Vol.XLVIII] Published for the Society, by Andrews and Co., 1865. [me0542-403233] ¥8,640 758 The Analytical Greek Lexicon; Consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of Every Occurring In- flexion of Every Word Contained in the Greek New Testament Scriptures, with a Grammatical Analysis of Each Word, and Lexicographical Illustration of the Meanings. A Complete Series of Paradigms, with Grammatical Remarks and Explanations. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons Ltd., n.d. [me0484-403080] ¥5,400 古代 ・ 中世 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 写本・手稿本(主に Facsimile、研究書) 759 P.シェファー印行 グラティアヌス「教例集」 1472 年 マインツ刊 羊皮紙刷零葉 1 枚 ¥287,990 Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt と Charles McCurry によるエッセイが収められた大型本にセットされている 限定 193 部 (no.106) 本体は背革装(少々ヤケ) 羊皮紙は問題なし 函少々ヤケ、擦れ Two Essays on the Decretum of Gratian by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt and Charles McCurry Together with an Original Leaf Printed on Vellum by Peter Schoeffer at Mainz in 1472. 193 copies printed by Saul & Lillian Marks at The Plantin Press, Los Angeles, Binding by Max Adjarian, Malibu. This is copy number 106. Los Angeles: Zeitlin & Ver Brugge / San Francisco: Bernard M.Rosenthal, 1971. [aj808-101951] 760 「ケルズの書」 1988 年 再版 函、クロース装 ¥32,400 The Book of Kells. Reproductions from the Manuscript in Trinity College Dublin. With A Study of the Manuscript by Françoise Henry. 126 color plates 75 monochrome illustrations. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988. Reprinted. [me0483-403065] 761 「ヴァーノン写本」 1987 年 ¥86,400 The Vernon Manuscript. A Facsimile of Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Eng. Poet. A.1. With an Introduction by A.I. Doyle. 45 booklets+ Summary Contents List of Vernon. (Unbound in One). Cambridge; D.S. Brewer, 1987. [me0413-402540] 762 「バナタイン写本」 1980 年 初版 ¥48,600 Fox,Denton and Ringler,William A. intro. The Bannatyne Manuscript. National Library of Scotland Advocates' MS.1.1.6. With an Introduction by Denton Fox and William A. Ringler. London: Scolar Press in association with The National Library of Scotland, 1980. This facsimile first published 1980. [me0469-402854] 763 The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and the Kingis Quair. A Facsimile of Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Arch. Selden. B. 24. with and introduction by Julia Boffey & A.S.G. Edwards and an appendix by B.C. Barker-Benfield. Includes Troilus and Criseyde, The legend of good women, The parliament of fowls, other shorter works of Chaucer and Chauceriana, The kingis quiair, The quare of jealousy, and 63 other shorter Scottish works. Includes bibliographical references. [me0464-402849] ¥21,600 D.S. Brewer, 1997. First published. 764 Bodleian Library. MS Fairfax 16. With an Introduction by John Nortn-Smith. Press, 1979. This facsimile first published 1979. [me0465-402850] London; Scolar ¥21,600 765 Beal,Peter comp. Index of English Literary Manuscripts. Volume I. 1450-1626. Part I: Andrewes-Donne. Part II: Douglas-Wyatt. 2 parts set. London: Mansell & New York: R.R.Bowker Company, 1980. [me0275-402272] ¥43,200 766 Bishop,T. A. M. English Caroline Minuscule. [Oxford Palaeographical Handbooks] 1971. [me0546-403314] ¥12,960 Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 767 Christianson,C.Paul Memorials of the Book Trade in Medieval London. The Archives of Old London Bridge. [Manuscript studeis 3] D.S.Brewer, 1987. First edition. [me0273-402270] ¥5,400 768 (Doyle,A.I.) Beadle,Richard and Piper,A.J. eds. New Science out of Old Books. Studies in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books in Honour of A.I. Doyle. Scolar Press, 1995. [me0462-402847] ¥12,960 769 James, Montague Rhodes A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of St John's College Cambridge at the University Press, 1913. [me0403-402530] ¥32,400 Cambridge. 770 Pearsall,Derek and Cunningham,I.C. introduct. The Auchinleck Manuscript. National Library of Scotland Advocates' MS.19.2.1. With an Introduction by Derek Pearsall & I.C. Cunningham. London: The Scolar Press in association with The National Library of Scotland, 1979.Reprinted. [me0468-402853] ¥37,800 771 Pearsall,Derek ed. Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteen~Century England. The Literary Implications of Manuscript Study. Essays from the 1981 Conference at the University of York. D.S.Brewer, /Biblio, 1983. First published. [L03603-606049] ¥8,640 772 Pearsall,Derek ed. Manuscripts and Texts. Editorial Problems in Later Middle English Literature. Essays from the 1985 Conference at the University of York. D.S.Brewer, 1987. First published. [L03604-606050] ¥5,400 773 Pollard,A. W. & Redgrave,G. R. comp. A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland. And of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640. First compiled by A. W. Pollard & G. R. Redgrave. Vol.I: A-H. (1986.) Vol.II: I-Z. (1976.) Begun by W. A. Jackson & F. S. Ferguson. Completed by Katharine F. Pantzer. Vol.III: A Printer's & Publisher's Index, Other Indexes & Appendices, Cumulative Addenda & Corrigenda. By Katharine F. Pantzer. With a Chronological Index by Philip R. Rider. (1991.) In 3 vols. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1976-1991. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. [me0548-403316] ¥54,000 774 Riddy,Felicity ed. Regionalism in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts. Essays Celebrating the Publication of A Linguistic Atlas of Late Medieval English. [Yoke Manuscripts Conference: Proceedings Series. University of York, Centre for Medival Studies II. General Editor: A. J. Minnis] D.S. Brewer, 1991. First published. [L03608-606054] ¥6,480 775 Schulz, Herbert C., Norma B. Cuthbert & Haydée Noya Ten Centuries of Manuscripts in the Huntington Library. [oz1014-400295] ¥4,320 64 Calofornia: San Marino, 1968. 776 Wright,C. E. English Vernacular Hands. From the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Centuries. [Oxford Palaeographical Handbooks] Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1960. [me0547-403315] ¥12,960 セットもの他 777 「ウォルフラム・フォン・エッシェンバハ研究」 1970-1996 年 14 冊 クロース装 ¥21,600 Wolfram-Studien. Veröffentlichungen der Wolfram von Echenbach-Gesellschaft. Herausgegeben von Werner Schröder et al. In 14 vols. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1970-1996. [01514-100005] 778 ヘイルズ・ファーニヴァル(共編) 「古英語バラッド及びロマンス パーシー・フォリオ」 1905 年 4 巻 キングズ・ライブラリ版 背クロース ¥54,000 The Percy Folio of Old English Ballads and Romances. From the Text of Dr. F. J. Furnivall and Professor J. W. Hales. In 4 vols. The King's Library edition. Edited by Professor Gollancz. London: The De La More Press, 1905. Limited to 320 copies have been printed on hand-made paper. This book in number 80. [01144-100007] 779 N.デイヴィス(編) 「パストン家書簡集」 1971-1976 年 2 巻 クロース装 ¥19,440 Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century. 2 vols. (Vol.3 published in 2005 by EETS lacking) Edited by Norman Davis. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1971. 1976. [02057-102246] 780 G.エリス 「13 世紀~17 世紀の英国詩選」 1811 年 3 巻 1/2 革装 ¥21,600 Ellis, George Specimens of the Early English Poets. To Which is Prefixed an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language. In 3 vols. Fourth edition, corrected. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Brown, 1811. [00116-100019] 781 F.J.E.レイビー 「中世ラテン語詩史」 1934 年 2 巻 クロース装 Raby,F.J.E. A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages. In 2 vols. Clarendon Press, 1934. [01459-100003] ¥6,480 Oxford: At the 782 F.J.E.レイビー 「中世ラテン語詩史」 1957 年 2 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 Raby,F.J.E. A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages. In 2 vols. Second Edition. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. [00060-100004] 783 English Texts. Hymnology & c. 1867-1870 年 5 巻合本 1 冊 総革装 ¥17,280 (1) Lumby,J. Rawson ed. Ratis Raving; And other Moral and Religious Pices, in Prose and Verse. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1870. (2) Peacock,Edward ed. Instructions for Parish Priests. By John Myre. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1868. (3) Perry,George G. ed. Religious Pieces: In Prose and Verse. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1867. (4) Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Stacions of Rome; And the Pilgrims Sea-Voyage: with Clene Maydenhod. A Supplement to "Political, Religious, and Love Poems," and "Hali Meidenhad,". London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1867. } (5) Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. Hymns to the Virgin & Christ; The Parliament of Devils, and other Religious Poems, Chiefly from the Archibishop of Canterbury's Lambeth Ms. No.853. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1867. 5vols. in 1. [LKK599-402780] 784 Lives of Caxton & Gresham. Memoirs of a Working Man . 1844-1845 年 3 巻合本 1 冊 1/2 革装 ¥19,440 (1) Knight,Charles William Caxton; The First English Printer: A Biography. London: Charles Knight & Co., 1844. (2) The Life of Sir Thomas Gresham. Founder of the Royal Exchange. London: Charles Knight & Co., 1845. (3) Carter,Thomas Memoirs of a Working Man. Knight's Weekly Volume. London: Charles Knight & Co., 1845. 3 vols in 1. [LKK602-402783] 65 785 フレデリック・J.ファーニバル Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The First Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. 1870 年 1/4 革装 ¥17,280 Andrew Borde. A Compendyous Regyment or a Dyetary of Helth made in Mountpyllier, Compyled by Andrew Boorde. Barnes in the Defence of the Berde: a Treatyse made, answerynge the Treatyse of Doctor Borde upon Berdes. Edited , with a Life of Andrew Boorde, and Large Extracts from his Breuyary, by F. J. Furnivall, M.A. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1870. [LKK598-402777] 786 フレデリック・J.ファーニバル Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. Early English Meals and Manners: 1868 年 総革装 ¥43,200 John Bussell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans Puer ad Mensam, The Lytylle Childrens Lytil Boke, for to serve a Gord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, &c. &c. With some Forewords on Education in Early England. London: N. Trübner & Co., 1868. [LKK551-402778] 787 ヘンリー・ハラム 「中世におけるヨーロッパの状態概説」 1880 年 総革装 ¥12,960 Hallam,Henry View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. Incorporating in the Text the Author's Latest Researches, with Additions from Recent Writers, and Adapted to the Use of Students. By William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D. London: John Murray, 1880. [f0328-170326] 作家・作品研究 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 788 Flower,Robin & Smith,Hugh ed. The Parker Chronicle and Laws. (Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS. 173) A Facsimile. Original Series, No.208 London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford Universitiy Press, 1941. [s04757-402398] ¥12,960 789 Sprockel,C. The Language of the Parker Chronicle. Vol.1 Phonology and Accidence. Vol.II. Word-Formation and Syntax. 2 vols. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,1965 & 1973. [L01336-400479] ¥12,960 Beowulf 790 Berendsohn,Walter A. Zur Vorgeschichte des "Beowulf". Mit Einem Vorwort von Professor Otto Jespersen. gen: Levin & Munksgaard, 1935. [me0303-402409] ¥4,320 Kopenha- 791 Chambers,R.W. Beowulf. An Introduction to the Study of the Poem with a Discussion of the Stories of Offa and Finn. With a Supplement by C.L.Wrenn. Cambridge at the UP., 1959. Third edition. [me0226-402169] ¥12,960 792 Garmonsway,G.N. / Simpson,Jacqueline trans. Beowulf and its Analogues. including Archaeology and Beowulf by Hilda Ellis Davidson. J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd. 1968.First published. [me0230-402173] ¥4,320 London: 793 Heyne, M. & Levin Ludwig Schücking Beowulf. Herausgegeben von Else von Schaubert. 1.teil: Text. 2.teil: Kommentar. 3.teil: Glossar. [Bibliothek der Ältesten Deutschen Litaratur-Denkmäler 3]3 vols. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 1961-1963. 1: Achtzehnte Auflage Erneut durchgesehen, 1963. 2 & 3: Siebzehnte Auflage. Ergänzte und Verbesserte Neuauflage der Vollständig Umgearbeiteten Fünfzehnten Auflage, 1961. [oz0902-400521] ¥6,480 66 794 Heyne,M. & Levin Ludwig Schückings Beowulf.Herausgegeben von Else von Schaubert. 1.Teil: Text. 2.Teil: Kommentār. 3.Teil: Glossār. [Bibliothek der Ältesten Deutschen Litaratur-Denkmäler 3]3 vols. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 1961-1963. Teil 1: Achtzehnte Auflage Erneut durchgesehen. (1963.) / Teil 2 & 3: Siebzehnte Auflage. Ergänzte und Verbesserte Neuauflage der Vollständig Umgearbeiteten Fünfzehnten Auflage. (1961.) [me0215-402158] ¥6,480 795 Short,Douglas D. Beowulf Scholarship. An Annotated Bibliography. ¥6,480 Garland Publishing, Inc., 1980. [me0229-402172] 796 English Literature and Philology. Annual 1931-1932, Volume III. Special Number. Edited for the Keiogijuku English Literature and Languge Society by Junzaburo Nishiwaki and Published for the Society by Maruzen Company Ltd Tokyo 1932. 編輯兼發行者: 西脇順三郎, 昭 7. 非売品. [me0208-400557] ¥6,480 CHAUCER,Geoffrey 797 (Ando,Shinsuke) Takamiya,Toshiyuki & Beadle,Richard eds. Chaucer to Shakespeare. Essays in Honour of Shinsuke Ando. (Contributors: Lord Butterfield, Anthony Thwaite, Przemysław Mroczkowski, Ruth Morse, Shunichi Noguchi et al.) D. S. Brewer, 1992. First published. [L02948-604607] ¥6,480 798 Benson, Larry D. & Theodore M. Anderson The Literary Context of Chaucer's Fabliaux. Texts and Translations. [The Library of Literature] Indianapolis & New York: The Bobbs-Merrill, 1971. First printing. [oz0993-201055] ¥4,320 799 Benson,Larry D. & Theodore M.Andersson ed. The Literary Context of Chaucer's Fabliaux. Texts and Translations. 1971. First printing. [s00356-201056] ¥4,320 The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 800 Boitani,Piero ed. Chaucer and the Italian Trecento. (contributors: John Larner, Janet Coleman, Wendy Childs, J.A.W.Bennett, Piero Boitani, David Wallace, Barry Windeatt, Robin Kirkpatrick, Nicholas Havely, Peter Godman, Enrico Giaccherini) Cambridge UP., 1983. First published. [oz0988-201062] ¥4,320 801 Brewer,Derek ed. Chaucer: The Critical Heritage. Vol.I: 1385-1837. Vol.II: 1837-1933. [The Critical Heritage Series] In 2 vols. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. First published. [s02520-201080] ¥8,640 802 Brusendorf,Aage The Chaucer Tradition. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1967. Reprinted. [oz0952-201087] ¥6,480 803 Chaucer,Geoffrey The Ellesmere Manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. A Working Facsimile. Introduction by Ralph Hanna III. D.S. Brewer, 1989. First published. A reproduction of the facsimile of the Ellesmere Chaucer manuscript published by Manchester University Press in 1911. [s05340-212467] ¥17,280 804 Chaucer,Geoffrey The Ellesmere Manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. A Working Facsimile. Introduction by Ralph Hanna III. D.S. Brewer, 1989. First published. A reproduction of the facsimile of the Ellesmere Chaucer manuscript published by Manchester University Press in 1911. [s05341-212468] ¥17,280 805 Chaucer,Geoffrey The Canterbury Tales. The New Ellesmere Chaucer Monochromatic Facsimile (of Huntington Library MS EL 26 C 9) Edited by Daniel Woodward and Martin Stevens. San Marino, California; Huntington Library, Tokyo; Yushodo Co., Ltd., 1997. [s05342-212469] ¥17,280 67 806 Crow,Martin M. & Olson,Clair C., ed. Chaucer Life-Records. Oxford UP. (Clarendon press), 1966. [s00359-201129] ¥12,960 807 Eliason,Norman E. The Language of Chaucer's Poetry: An Appraisal of the Verse, Style, and Structure. [Anglistica, vol.XVII] Copenhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1972. [s02342-201143] ¥6,480 808 Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Cambridge MS (Cambridge Univ. Library, Gg. 4. 27) of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I-VII. [Chaucer Society] 7 vols. bound in One. Published for the Chaucer Society by N. Trübner & Co., 1877./1881./1871./1872./1874./1875./1877.Pt.I & II; Reprinted. With Drawings of the 23 Tellers of the 24 Canterbury Tales, Copied from the Ellesmere MS, and Cut on Wood by Mr. W. H. Hooper. [Subtitle] Pt.II: The Miller's, Reeve's, Cook's, and Gamelyn's Tales. Pt.VI: Second Nun. Canon's Yeoman. Manciple. Pt.VII: The Parson's Tale. [me0366-402472] ¥32,400 809 Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Corpus MS (Corpus Christi Coll, Oxford) of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I-VI. [Chaucer Society] 6 vols. bound in One. Published for the Chaucer Society by N. Trübner & Co., 1877./1881./1871./1874./1875./1877. Pt.I & II; Reprinted. With Drawings of the 23 Tellers of the 24 Canterbury Tales, Copied from the Ellesmere MS, and Cut on Wood by Mr. W. H. Hooper. [Subtitle] Pt.II: The Miller's, Reeve's, Cook's, and Gamelyn's Tales. Pt.V: Second Nun. Canon's Yeoman. Doctor. Pardoner. Shipman. Prioress. Thopas. Melibeus. Monk. Nun's Priest. Manciple. Pt.VI: The Parson's Tale. [me0367-402473] ¥21,600 810 Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Hengwrt MS (No.154) of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I-V. [Chaucer Society] 5 vols. bound in One. Published for the Chaucer Society by N. Trübner & Co., 1877./1881./1887./1891./1877. Pt.I - IV. Reprinted. With Drawings of the 23 Tellers of the 24 Canterbury Tales, Copied from the Ellesmere MS, and Cut on Wood by Mr. W. H. Hooper. [Subtitle] Pt.II: The Miller's, Reeve's, Cook's, and Gamelyn's Tales. Pt.IV: Manciple. Man of Law. Squire. Merchant. Franklin. Second Nun. Clerk. Doktor. Pardoner. Shipman. Prioress. THopas. Melibeus. Vol.V: The Parson's Tale. [me0368-402474] ¥12,960 811 Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Ellesmere MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I-VII, Ryme-Index by Henry Cromie. [Chaucer Society] 8 vols. bound in One. Published for the Chaucer Society by N. Trübner & Co., Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1877./1881./1887./1887./1874./1891./1877./1891. Pt.I - IV, VI, Ryme-Index: Reprinted. With Drawings of the 23 Tellers of the 24 Canterbury Tales, Copied from the Ellesmere MS, and Cut on Wood by Mr. W. H. Hooper. [Subtitle] Pt.VI: The Second Nun. Canon's Yeoman. Manciple. Pt.VII: The Parson's Tale. [me0369-402475] ¥12,960 812 Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Lansdowne MS(No. 851) of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I-VI. [Chaucer Society] 6 vols. bound in One. Published for the Chaucer Society by N. Trübner & Co., 1877./1881./1871./1874./1875./1877. Pt.I, II: Reprinted. With Drawings of the 23 Tellers of the 24 Canterbury Tales, Copied from the Ellesmere MS, and Cut on Wood by Mr. W. H. Hooper. [Subtitle] Pt.II: The Miller's, Reeve's, Cook's, and Gamelyn's Tales. Pt.V: Second Nun. Canon's Yeoman. Doctor. Pardoner. Shipman. Prioress. Thopas. Melibeus. Monk. Nun's Priest. Manciple. Pt.VI: The Parson's Tale. [me0371-402477] ¥12,960 813 Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Petworth MS of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Part I-VI. [Chaucer Society] 6 vols. bound in One. Published for the Chaucer Society by N. Trübner & Co., 1877./1881./1887./1874./1891./1877. Pt.I, II, III, V: Reprinted. With Drawings of the 23 Tellers of the 24 Canterbury Tales, Copied from the Ellesmere MS, and Cut on Wood by Mr. W. H. Hooper. [Subtitle] Pt.II: The Miller's, Reeve's, Cook's, and Gamelyn's Tales. Pt.V: Second Nun. Canon's Yeoman. Doctor. Pardoner. Thopas. Melibeus. Monk. Nun's Priest. Manciple. Pt.VI: The Parson's Tale. [me0372-402478] ¥12,960 68 814 Gordon, Ida L. The Double Sorrow of Troilus. A Study of Ambiguities in Troilus and Criseyde. Clarendon Press, 1970. [oz0951-201165] ¥8,640 Oxford: At the 815 Howard, Donald R. The Idea of the Canterbury Tales. Univ.of California Press, 1976. [oz0991-201180] ¥4,320 816 Kean,P.M. Chaucer and the Making of English Poetry. Vol.I: Love Vision and Debate / Vol.II: The Art of Narrative. In 2 vols. RKP, 1972. First published. [s00354-201197] ¥6,480 817 Kittredge,George Lyman Observations on the Language of Chaucer's Troilus. [Chaucer Society Second Series, Vol.28] New York: Russell & Russell, 1969. Reissued. (First published in 1891.) [L02966-604625] ¥2,160 818 Lehnert, Martin hrsg. Geoffrey Chaucer: Canterbury-Erzählungen. Ausstattumg und Illustration: Werner Klemke. lin: Rütten & Loening, 1979. 4.auflage. [oz0923-201221] ¥6,480 Ber- 819 Masui,Michio (桝井迪夫) ed. A New Rime Index to The Canterbury Tales based on Manly and Rickert's Text of The Canterbury Tales. Tokyo; Shinozaki Shorin 篠崎書林, 昭 63(1988). 初版. First published. [me0362-402468] ¥8,640 820 Masui,Michio (桝井迪夫) ed. A New Rime Index to The Canterbury Tales Based on Manly and Rickert's Text of The Canterbury Tales. 篠崎書林, 昭 63. 初版. [s02563-201233] ¥7,560 821 Miskimin, Alice S. The Renaissance Chaucer. Yale UP, 1975. [oz0989-201241] ¥4,320 822 Provost, William The Structure of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde. [Anglistica 20] Bagger, 1974. [oz0975-201262] ¥10,360 Copenhagen: Rosenkilde & 823 Ramsey,Roy Vance The Manly-Rickert Text of the Canterbury Tales. Mellen Press, 1994. [L03605-606051] ¥12,960 Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter; The Edwin 824 Rowland,Beryl Blind Beast: Chucer's Animal World. The Kent State UP., 1971. First edition. [oz0985-201286] ¥4,320 825 Ruggiers,Paul G. The Art of the Canterbury Tales. [oz0982-201287] ¥4,320 826 The Univ.of Wisconsin Press, 1967. Second printing. Schaar,Claes The Golden Mirror. Studies in Chaucer's Descriptive Technique and its literary background. (Kungl.Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet I Lund-Société Royale des Lettres de Lund-54.) Lund CWK Gleerup, 1967. Photographic reprint with an index. [s00358-201291] ¥6,480 827 Stanley-Wrench,Margaret trans. Troilus and Criseyde. Translated into modern English, with Preface, Introduction, Appendices and Notes, by Margaret Stanley-Wrench. Centaur Press, 1965. First published. [s02334-201312] ¥5,400 828 Stevens,Martin & Daniel Woodward eds. The Ellesmere Chaucer. Essays in Interpretation. Tokyo; Yushodo Co., Ltd., 1995. [me0361-402467] 69 San Marino, California; Huntington Library, ¥6,480 829 Whiting,Bartlett Jere Chaucer's Use of Proverbs. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature Volume XI. Harvard UP, 1934. [s04939-212066] ¥6,480 Cambridge: 830 Wood, Chauncey Chaucer and the Country of the Stars. Poetic Uses of Astrological Imagery. [oz0990-201336] ¥6,480 Princeton UP., 1970. 831 Wright, David trans. Gerffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales. A Verse Translation with an Introduction and Notes by David Wright. Oxford UP., 1985. First published. [oz0936-201337] ¥6,480 832 Wright, Herbert G. Boccaccio in England: From Chaucer to Tennyson. [oz0994-201338] ¥6,480 Univ.of London: The Athlone Press, 1957. Cynewulf 833 Schaar, Claes Critical Studies in the Cynewulf Group. [Lund Studies in English 17] Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1949. [oz0815-400577] ¥3,240 Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup / Dunstan,Saint 834 Stubbs,William ed. Memorials of Saint Dunstan. Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited from Various Manuscripts by William Stubbs, Published by the Authority of the Lords Commissiones of Her Majesty's Treasury, Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls. [Rerum Britannicarum MEDII ÆVI Scriptores, or Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages] London: Longman & Co., and Trübner & Co., Paternoster Row; et al., 1874. [me0346-402452] ¥8,640 Gawain-Poet 835 Markus, Manfred Moderne Erzählperspektive in den Werken des Gawain-Autors. [Sprache und Literatur 3] gensburg: Verlag Hans Carl, 1971. [oz1513-400634] ¥6,480 Re- Guy de Chauliac 836 Wallner,Björn The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on Ulcers. Part I: Text. Book IV of the Great Surgery. Edited from Ms.New York Academy of Medicine 12 and Related Mss. [Acta Universitatis Lundensis: Sectio I Theologica Juridica Humaniora 39] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1982. [L01335-603569] ¥6,480 Jack Upland 837 Heyworth, P.L. ed. Jack Upland, Friar Daw's Reply and Upland's Rejoinder. [Oxford English Monographs] UP, 1968. [oz1022-400689] ¥4,320 Oxford LANGLAND,William 838 Donaldson, E.Talbot Piers Plowman: The C-Text and Its Poet. With a New Preface by the author. [Yale Studies in English 113] Archon Books, 1966. Reprinted from the edition of 1949. [oz1527-205889] ¥4,320 70 839 Dunning, T.P. Piers Plowman: An Interpretation of The A Text. Second edition, Revised and Edited by T.P.Dolan. With a Prefatory Memoir by J.A.W.Bennett. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980. [oz1522-205890] ¥4,320 840 Langland,William Piers Plowman. A Facsimile of Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Douce 104. With an Introduction by Derek Pearsall and a Catalogue of the Illustrations by Kathleen Scott. Cambridge: D.S.Brewer, 1992. First published. [s01755-205897] ¥12,960 841 Langland,William Piers Plowman. The C Version. A Verse Translation by George Economou. [Middle Ages Series] Univ.of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. [s01756-205900] ¥8,640 842 Langland,William The Vision of Piers Plowman. Newly Rendered into Modern English by Henry W.Wells. With an Introduction by Nevill Coghill and Notes by the Translator. New York; Sheed and Ward, 1945. Re-published. [s01752-205905] ¥4,320 LYDGATE,John 843 Schirmer, Walter F. John Lydgate. Eein Kulturbild aus dem 15.Jahrhundert. [Buchreihe der Anglia: zeitschrift für englische philologie, 1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1952. [oz0856-400726] ¥4,320 MALORY,Thomas 844 Nakashima,Kunio (中島邦男) Studies in the Language of Sir Thomas Malory. [s05343-212470] ¥6,480 Nan'Un-Do (南雲堂), 1981. First published. 845 Sandved,Arthur O. Studies in the Language of Caxton's Malory. And that of the Winchester Manuscript. [Norwegian Studies in English, no.15] Oslo: Norwegian UP./ New York: Humanities Press, 1968. [s02345-206585] ¥6,480 846 Šimko,Ján Word-Order. in the Winchester Manuscript and in William Caxton's Edition of Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur (1485) - A Comparison. Haale (Saale); Veb Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1957. [L03323-605167] ¥6,480 MANDEVILLE,John 847 Seymour,Michael C. ed. Mandeville's Travels. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967. [oz0860-400730] ¥4,320 Manning(Mannyng),Robert, of Brunne 848 Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Story of England by Robert Manning of Brunne. A.D. 1338. Edited from MSS. At Lambeth Palace and the Inner Temple, by Frederick J. Furnivall, Published by the Authority of the Lords Commissiones of Her Majesty's Treasury, Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls. [Rerum Britannicarum MEDII ÆVI Scriptores, or Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages] 2 vols. London: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationary Office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1887. [me0344-402450] ¥12,960 71 Robert of Gloucester 849 Wright,William Aldis ed. The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester. Edited by William Aldis Eright, Published by the Authority of the Lords Commissiones of Her Majesty's Treasury, Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls. [Rerum Britannicarum MEDII ÆVI Scriptores, or Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages] 2 vols. London: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationary Office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1887. [me0345-402451] ¥12,960 TACITUS,Cornelius ("Germania") 850 Reeb,Wilhelm Tacitus Germania. Mit Beiträgen von A.Dopsch/ H.Reis/ K.Schumacher. Unter Mitarbeit von H.Klenk, Herausgegeben und Erläutert von Wilhelm Reeb. Leipzig, Berlin: Verlag und Druck von B.G.Teubner, 1930. [L01905-400768] ¥4,320 ギリシャ・ローマ関係書籍 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 10 巻 1888-1906 年 新版 クロース装 ¥32,400 A History of Greece; From the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation Contemporary with Alexander the Great. By George Grote. In 10 vols. London: John Murray, 1888-1906. A New Edition. Second impression. With Portrait, Map, and Plates. [01528-100002] 851 G.グロウト 「ギリシア史」 2 巻 1993 年 復刻版 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 North's Plutarch The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. [Ryukei Reprinte Series 1. (復刻 版)龍溪西欧古典叢書①] Tsukada,Takao ed. (編集・解題: 塚田孝雄) In 2 vols. Tokyo: Ryukei Syosha(龍溪書舎), 1993. 第 1 刷. [02206-102412] 852 ノース(英訳) 「プルーターク英雄伝」上下巻 全 6 巻 1993-1994 年 函 クロース装 ¥6,480 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With an Introduction by Hugh Trevor-Roper. In 6 vols. Everiman's Library, Vol.I-III: 1993. / Vol.IV-VI: 1994. [02259-102478] 853 E.ギボン 「ローマ帝国衰亡史」 854 トマス・アシュビー 「古代ローマ水道」 1935 年 カバー、クロース装 図版多数 Ashby,Thomas The Aqueducts of Ancient Rome. Edited by I.A.Richmond. don Press, 1935. [b00917-430050] ¥54,000 Oxford at the Claren- 4 巻 1791 年 総革装 ¥32,400 Beloe,William The History of Herodotus; Translated from the Greek. With Notes. By the Reverend William Beloe. In 4 vols. London: Printed for Leigh and Sotheby, 1791. [f0333-170331] 855 ヘロドトス 「歴史」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 Budge, E. A. Wallis //King, L. W. The Egyptian Heaven and Hell. Vol.I.; The Book Ȧm-Ṭuat. With 180 Illustrations. Vol.II; The Short Form of the Book Ȧm-Ṭuat and the Book of Gates. Vol.III; The Contents of the Books of the Other World Described and Compared. //Babylonyan 856 「古代エジプトの天国と地獄/バビロニアの宗教と神話」 72 Religion and Mythology. With Twelve Illustrations. [Books on Egypt and Chaldea. Vol.XX, XXI, XXII. //Vol.IV.] 4 vols. London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd., 1905. //1899. [01881-102028] 1873 年 総革装 ¥32,400 Rich,Anthony A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities. With Nearly 2000 Engravings on Wood. From Ancient Originals. Illustrative of the Industrial Arts and Social Life of the Greeks and Romans. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1873. Third edition, Revised and Improved. 857 アンソニー・リッチ 「ギリシャ・ローマ古代遺物辞典」 [LKK549-402751] 1822 年 1/4 革装 Maio,Angelo ed. M. Tulli Ciceronis De Re Publica. Quae Supersunt. Apud Burliaeum, 1822. [b00781-403533] 858 キケロ 「国家論」 ¥54,000 Romae: In Collegio Vrbano 1881 年 4 版 クロース装(改装) ¥9,720 Macleane,Arthur John Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia. With a Commentary by A.J.Macleane. Fourth edition. Revised by George Long, M.A. (1869.) [Bibliotheca Classica] London: Whittaker & Co., / George Bell & Sons, 1881. Fourth edition. [b00780-403532] 859 「ホラティウス詩選集」 860 Alscher,Ludger Griechische Plastik, Band II, Teil 1. Archaik und die Wandlung zur Klassik. Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1961. [b00431-403073] ¥4,320 Berlin: Veb Deutscher 861 Alscher,Ludger Griechische Plastik. Band I: Monumentale Plastik und Ihre Vorstufen in der Griechischen Frühzeit. / Band II, Teil 1: Archaik und die Wandlung zur Klassik. / Bnad III: Nachklassik und Vorhellenismus. / Band IV: Hellenismus. In 4 vols. Berlin: Veb Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1954-1961. [b00435-403077] ¥16,200 862 Beaucamp,Cola Griechen Land. Historische Szenen. München: Ernst Heimeran, 1939. [b00427-403069] ¥4,320 863 Bengtson,Hermann Grundriss der Römischen Geschichte. Mit Quellenkunde. Erster Band: Republik und Kaiserzeit bis 284 N. CHR. [Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft] München: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1982. Dritte, Durchgesehene und Ergänzte Auflage. [b00448-403091] ¥3,240 864 Brickhouse,Thomas C. & Smith,Nicholas D. Socrates on Trial. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. [b00779-403531] ¥6,480 865 Cicero,Marcus Tullius / Wieland,S.M. (Hrsg.) Cicero; Briefe. (Band 4 only.) Nach der Übersetzung von S. M. Wieland neu herausgegeben. Vierter Band. München & Leipzig: Verlegt bei Georg Müller, 1913. [b00444-403087] ¥3,240 866 Fechheimer,Hedwig Die Plastik der Ägypter. Mit 168 Abbildungen. [Die Kunst Desostens, Band I] sirer Verlag, 1923. [b00442-403085] ¥4,320 Berlin: Bruno Cas- 867 Friedländer,Paul Platon. Band I: Seinswahrheit und Lebenswirklichkeit. Dritte durchesehene und ergänzte Auflage. / Band II: Die Platonischen Schriften. Erste Periode. Dritte verbesserte Auflage. / Band III: Die Platonischen Schriften. Zweite und Dritte Periode. Dritte durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage. In 3 vols. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1964. [b00423-403497] ¥12,960 868 Geffcken,Johannes Griechische Literaturgeschichte. I & II. Erster Band: Von den Anfängen bis auf die Sophistenzeit. "Mit einem Sonderband: Anmerkungen." & "Anmerkungen." / Zweiter Band: Von Demokritos bis Aristoteles. Text und Anmerkungen. [Bibliotek der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, Band IV] 73 2 vols. in 3. [b00437-403079] Heidelberg: Carl Winster Universitätsbuchhandlung, Vol.I: 1926. / Vol.II: 1934. ¥12,960 869 Hausmann,Ulrich (Hrsg.) Allgemeine Grundlagen der Archäologie. Begriff und Methode, Geschichte, Problem der Form, Schriftzeugnisse. Mit Beiträgen von Hellmut Brunner, Ernst Buschor, Dietz Otto Edzard, Walter Hatto Gross, Ernst Grumach, Ulrich Hausmann, Walther Hinz, Günther Klaffenbach, Hermann Mittelberger, Erich Pernice, Albert Rehm, Wolfgang Röllig, Wolfgang Schiering und Bernhard Schweitzer. Herausgegeben von Ulrich Hausmann. [Hndbuch der Archäologie] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969. [b00434-403076] ¥8,640 870 Kraiker,Wilhelm (Hrsg.) Archaische Plastik der Griechen. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Kraiker. [Wege der Forschung Band CCCIX] Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1976. [b00445-403088] ¥3,240 871 Lane,Arthur Greek Pottery. London: Faber & Faber, 1948. First published. [b00428-403070] ¥6,480 872 Latte,Kurt Kleine Schriften. Zu Religion, Recht, Literatur und Sprache der Griechen und Römer. Herausgegeben von Olof Gigon, Wolfgang Buchwald, Wolfgang Kunkel. München: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. [b00436-403078] ¥8,640 873 Lippold,Georg Die Griechische Plastik. Mit 544 Abbildungen auf 136 Tafeln. [Handbuch der Archäologie, Dritter Band] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1950. [b00430-403072] ¥12,960 874 Marquardt,Joachim Das Privatleben der Römer. In 2 vols. [b00433-403075] ¥12,960 Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1980. 875 Meyer,Eduard Geschichte des Altertums. Erster band, Erster Hälfte: Einleitung. Elemente der Anthropologie. Sechste Auflage. / Erster band, Zweiter Hälfte: Die Ältesten Geschichtlichen Völker und Kulturen bis zum Sechzehnten Jahrhundert. Nachtrag: Die Ältere Chronologie Babyloniens, Assyriens und Ägyptens. Siebente Auflage. / Vierter Band. Das Perserreich und die Griechen erste Abteilung; Bis aum Vorabend des Peloponnesischen Krieges. Mit einer Karte. Vierte Auflage. / Fünfter Band. Das Perserreich und die Griechen. Der Ausgang der Griechischen Geschichte 404-350 V. CHR. 4., Verbesserter Auflage. In 4 vols. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, / Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1944-1958. [b00432-403074] ¥12,960 876 Mommsen,Theodor Das Weltreich der Caesaren. Mit einem Geleitwort von Professor Eduard Norden. Phaidon-Verlag, 1933. [b00440-403083] ¥4,320 Wien & Leipzig: 877 Overbeck,J. Geschichte der Griechischen Plastik. Erster Band: Mit 96 Holzschnitten. / Zweiter Band: Mit einem Titelblatt in Lichtdruck und 64 Holzschnitten. In 2 vols. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1882. Dritte Umgearbeitete und Vermehrte Auflage. [b00450-403093] ¥21,600 878 Pieper,Josef Love and Inspiration. A Study of Plato's Phaedrus. Translated by Richard and Clara Winston. London: Faber and Faber, 1964. [b00454-403116] ¥6,480 879 Poland,Franz et al. Die Antike Kultur. In Ihren Hauptzügen Dargestellt von Franz Poland, Ernst Reisinger, Richard Wagner. Mit 118 Abbildungen im Text, Sechs ein- und Mehrfarbigen Tafeln und Awei Plänen. Leipzig & Berlin: Verlag B. G. Teubner, 1922. [b00429-403071] ¥6,480 74 880 Ribbeck,Otto Reden und Vorträge. Leipzig: Druck und Verlag, 1899. [b00424-403066] ¥8,640 881 Singer,Irving The Nature of Love; 1. Plato to Luther. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1984. Second edition. [b00455-403117] ¥3,240 882 Snell,Bruno (Hrsg.) Antike und Abendland. Band I-VI. Beiträge zum Verständnis der Griechen und Römer und ihres Nachlebens. Herausgegeben von Bruno Snell. In 6 vols. Hamburg: Marion von Schröder Verlag, 1945-1957. [b00443-403086] ¥6,480 883 Taciti,C. Cornelii Opera. Ex Recensione Joh. Augusti Ernesti. Denuo Curavit Jer. Jac. Oberlinus. Argentoratensis Instit. Litter. Francici Socius. In 4 vols. Londini: Sumtibus Ricardi Priestley, 1825. [b00438-403081] ¥43,200 884 Wilamowitz-Moellendorff,Ulrich von Aristoteles und Athen. Band I & II. 2 vols in 1. [b00425-403067] ¥12,960 Weidmann, 1966. 2. unveränderte Auflage. 885 Wilamowitz-Moellendorff,Ulrich von Euripides Herakles. Erklärt. [b00426-403068] ¥8,640 Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1909. Zweite Bearbeitung. ホーマー関係書籍 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 886 Cotterill,H. B. Homer's Odyssey. A Line-For-Line. Translation in the Metre of the Original by H. B. Cotterill M. A. With Twenty-Four Illustrations by Patten Wilson. London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1911. [s06078-213234] ¥10,800 887 Hewlett,Maurice (trans.) The Iliad of Homer. The First Twelve Staves. Translated into English by Maurice Hewlett. The Cresset Press Limited, 1928. Limited edition. [s05462-212618] ¥27,000 London: 888 Lorimer,H. L. Homer and the Monuments. London: Macmillan & Co., 1950. [s06077-213233] ¥12,960 889 Morris,Ian & Powell,Barry eds. A New Companion to Homer. [Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava] Köln: Brill, 1997. [s06075-213231] ¥21,600 Leiden, New York, 890 Nicoll,Allardyce Chapman's Homer. The Iliad, The Odyssey and The Lesser Homerica. Edited, with Introductions, Textual Notes, Commentaries, and Glossaries, by Allardyce Nicoll. Vol.I: The Iliad. Vol.II: The Odyssey & The Lesser Homerica. [Bollingen Series XLI] Princeton UP, 1967. Second edition. (First edition 1956.) [s06076-213232] ¥16,200 75 891 Prendergast,Guy Lushington A Complete Concordance to The Iliad of Homer. New Edition. Completely Revised and Enlarged by Benedetto Marzullo. Hildesheim: George Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1962. [cd0132-301064] ¥12,960 892 Dunbar,Henry A Complete Concordance to The Odyssay of Homer. New Edition. Completely Revised and Enlarged by Benedetto Marzullo. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1962. [cd0133-301065] ¥12,960 ロンドン他 都市 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 イギリス 893 「17‐19 世紀における英国風刺画」 7巻 1986 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥86,400 The English Satirical Print 1600-1832. [Contents as follows]: 1. The Common People and Politics 1750-1790s. By John Brewer. / 2. Caricatures and the Constitution 1760-1832. By H.T. Dickinson. / 3. The Englishman and the Foreigner. By Michael Duffy. / 4. Walpole and the Robinocracy. By Paul Langford. / 5. Religion in the Popular Prints 1600-1832. By John Miller. / 6. Crime and the Law in English Satirical Prints 1600-1832. By J.A. Sharpe. / 7. The American Revolution. By Peter D.G. Thomas. In 7 vols. Cambridge: Chadwyck-Healey, 1986. First published. [02268-102487] 894 「メトロポリタン地区における労働と貧民」 5 巻(全 6 巻) 1980-1982 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Mayhew,Henry The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan Districts. 5 vols. (of 6) Caliban Books, 1980-1982. First published. [02275-102494] 895 「ニューゲイト・カレンダー」 5 巻 1926 年 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Complete Newgate Calendar. Collated and edited with some appendices by J.L.Rayner & G.T.Crook. In 5 vols. London: Privately Printed for the Navarre Society, 1926. One of 2000 sets. [01689-101660] 896 「ニューゲイト・カレンダー大全」 5 巻 1983 年 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Complete Newgate Calendar. Collated and edited with some appendices by J.L.Rayner & G.T.Crook. 附:「解説」小池滋(著) (28pp.), 内容見本(パンフレット). In 5 vols. 臨川書店, 1983. This edition has been reprinted from the Private Edition of 1926, The Navarre Society Limited,London. The New publication is limited to 200 set. [01643-101614] 897 「ハムステッド年代記」 3 巻 1972 年 クロース装 ¥21,600 The Annals of Hampstead. By Thomas J. Barratt. In Three Volumes with Over Five Hundred Illustrations. In 3 vols. Lionel Leventhal Ltd. in association with The Camden Hidtory Society. 1972. Limited to 500 sets. First published in 1912. [01197-100207] 898 「英国歳時記」 2 巻 [1869 年] 背革装 ¥32,400 The Book of Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with The Calendar including 76 Anecdote, Biography, & History Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character. In 2 vols. London & Edinburgh; W. & R. Chambers, [1869] Edited by R.Chambers. [01980-102127] 899 「英国歳時記」 2 巻 1984 年 復刻版・第 1 刷 クロース装 ¥8,640 The Book of Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with The Calendar including Anecdote, Biography, & History Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character. In 2 vols. Meicho-Fukyu-Kai(名著普及会), 1984. (Reprinted from the edition published by W.& R.Chambers (London & Edinburgh), 1863-1864.) Edited by R.Chambers. [02272-102491] 900 「英国歳時記」 2 巻 1988 年 復刻版・第 3 刷クロース装 ¥8,640 The Book of Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with The Calendar including Anecdote, Biography, & History Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character. In 2 vols. Meicho-Fukyu-Kai(名著普及会), 1988. (Reprinted from the edition published by W.& R.Chambers (London & Edinburgh), 1863-1864.) Edited by R.Chambers. [01875-102021] 901 「英国教会改革史」 7 巻 1865 年 新版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Burnet,Gilbert The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. A New Edition Carefully Revised, and the Records Collated with the Originals, by Nicholas Pocock. In 7 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1865. [02153-102345] 902 「英国服飾史」 2 巻 2001 年 再版 クロース装 ¥16,200 Fairholt,Frederick William Costume in England. A History of Dress to the End of the Eighteenth Century. In 2 vols. Thoemmes Press & Edition Synapse, 2001. Reprinted from the 1896 edition. [02174-102366] 903 W.ホーン 「英国社会風俗」 4 巻セット 1826-1832 年 1/2 革装 ¥54,000 The Every-Day Book; or, Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusments, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs, and Events, Incident to each of the Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Days, in Past and Present Times; Forming a Cmplete History of the Year, Months, & Seasons, and a Perpetual Key to the Almanack; Including Accounts of the Weather, Rules for Health and Conduct, Remarkable and Important Anecdotes, Facts, and Notices, in Chronology, Antiquities, Topography, Biography, Natural History, Art, Science, and General Literature; Derived from the Most Authentic Sources, and Valuable Original Communications, with Poetical Elucidations, for Daily Use and Deversion. With Three Hundred and Twenty Engravings. In 2 vols. London: Published for William Hone, 1826-1827. The Year Book of Daily Recreation and Information, Concerning Remarkable Men and Manners, Times and Seasons, Solemnities and Merry-Makings, Antiquities and Novelties, on the Plan of the Every-Day Book and Table Book; or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Customs, and Events, Incident to Each of the Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Days, in Past and Present Times; Forming a Complete HIstory of the Year, and a Perpetual Key to the Almanac. With One Hundred and Fourteen Engravings. London: Printed for Thomas Tegg, / R. Griffin & Co., 1832. The Table Book. With Engravings. Every Saturday. London: Published for William Hone, by Hunt and Clarke, 1827. 4 vols. set. [02210-102416] 904 ジョセフ・ストラット 「イギリス国民のスポーツと娯楽」 1 巻 1831 年 新版 1/4 革装 ¥21,600 Strutt,Joseph The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated by One Hundred and Forty Engravings, in which are Represented Most of the Popular Diversions: Selected from Ancient Paintings. A New Editin, with a Copious Index, by William Hone, London: Printed for Thomas Tegg, 1831. New edition. [LKK613-402774] 905 ジョセフ・ストラット 「イギリス国民のスポーツと娯楽」 1 巻 1855 年 新版 総革装 ¥32,400 Strutt,Joseph The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, Maygames, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, & Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated by One Hundred and Forty Engrabings, in which are Represented Most of the Popular Diversions; Selected from Ancient Paintings. A New Edition, with a 77 Copious INdex, by William Hone. London: Wiliam Tegg and Co., 1855. New edition. [LKK614-402775] 906 ジョセフ・ストラット 「イギリス国民のスポーツと娯楽」 1 巻 n.d. 新版 1/2 革装 天金 ¥37,800 Strutt,Joseph The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. From the Earliest Period, Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions and Pompous Spectacles, Illustrated by Reproductions from Ancient Paintings in which are Represented most of the Popular Diversions. A New Edition, much Enlarged and Corrected by J. Charles Cox, L.L.D., F.S.A. London: Methuen & Co., n.d. [1903.] New edition. [LKK629-402817] 907 Balsdon,Dacre Oxford Life. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958. Second impression. [b00033-401618] ¥3,450 908 Beckson,Karl London in the 1890s. A Cultural History. edition. [b00253-402693] ¥6,480 New York & London: W. W. Norton & Co., 1992. First 909 Chadwick,Edwin Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Gt.Britain 1842. Edited with an introduction by M. W. Flinn. Edinburgh UP, 1965. [b00248-402688] ¥9,720 910 Christiansen,Rupert The Visitors. Culture Shock in Nineteenth-Century Britatin. published. [b00247-402687] ¥5,400 London: Chatto & Windus, 2000. First 911 Clay,Rotha Mary The Hermits and Anchorites. With Fifity-Four Illustrations. [The Antiquary's Books. General Editor: J. Charles Cox] London; Methuen & Co., 1914. First Published. [b00156-402525] ¥6,480 912 Clay,Rotha Mary The Mediæval Hospitals of England. With a Preface by the Lord Bishop of Bristol. With 78 Illustrations. [The Antiquary's Books. General Editor: J. Charles Cox] London; Methuen & Co., 1909. First Published. [b00157-402526] ¥6,480 913 Cox,J. Charles The Parish Registers of England. With Twenty-Four Illustrations. [The Antiquary's Books. General Editor: J. Charles Cox] London; Methuen & Co., 1910. First Published. [b00158-402527] ¥6,480 914 Cropper,Percy J. The Sufferings of the Quakers in Nottinghamshire. 1649-1689. Edited with Biographical and Historical Notes, by Percy J. Cropper. London: Edward Hicks, 1892. Special Edition of Fifty Copies. [b00487-403201] ¥16,200 915 Dibelius,Wilhelm England. [Academy Books No. 8. ] London: Jonathan Cape, 1934. [tl014-401659] ¥6,480 916 Dodds,John W. The Age of Paradox. A Biography of England 1841-1851. Rinehart & Co., 1952. [b00257-402697]¥8,640 917 Earwaker,J. P. East Cheshire: Past and Present; Or A History of the Hundred of Macclesfield, in the Country Palatine of Chester. From Original Reccords. In 2 vols. Printed for the Author, Vol.I: 1877. / Vol.II: 1880. [b00409-403050] ¥54,000 918 Gasquet,Abbot English Monastic Life. With Numerous Illustrations, Maps and Plans. [The Antiquary's Books. General Editor: J. Charles Cox] London; Methuen & Co., 1904. Second Edition, Revised. [b00155-402524] ¥6,480 78 919 Gray,Robert The factory question and industrial England, 1830-1860. [b00252-402692] ¥5,400 Cambridge UP, 1996. First published. 920 Green,Candida Lycett England. Travels Through an Unwrecked Landscape. Photographs by Bill Burlington. vilion Books, 1996. First published in Great Britain. [b00034-401692] ¥4,320 London: Pa- 921 Hobhouse,Christopher Oxford. As it was and as it is to-day. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1941-2. Second printing. (First published 1939.) 図版多数 [b00949-430082] ¥2,160 922 Hook,Judith The Baroque Age in England. With 66 Black and White Illustrations. 1976. [b00052-401714] ¥3,450 London: Thames and Hudson, 923 Hueffer,Ford Madox The Cinque Ports. A Historical and Descriptive Record. Illustrated by William Hyde. and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1900. [b00127-402355] ¥16,200 Edinburgh 924 Higham,Roger Berkshire and the Vale of White Horse. [b00046-401711] ¥3,450 London: B.T.Batsford, 1977. First published. 925 Lucas,John England and Englishness. Ideas of Nationhood in English Poetry 1688-1900. Press, 1990. [b00134-402392] ¥6,480 London: The Hogarth 926 Luce,Richard H. The History of the Abbey and Town of Malmesbury. [b00045-401751] ¥5,180 The Friends of Malmesbury Abbey, 1979. 927 Maclean,Gerald & Landry,Donna & Ward,Joseph P. ed. The Country and the City Revisited. England and the Politics of Culture, 1550-1850. UP, 1999. First published. [b00246-402686] ¥5,400 Cambridge 928 Mandley,J. G. de T. The Portmote or Court Leet Records of the Borough or Town and Royal Manor of Salford. From the Year 1597 to the Year 1669 Inclusive. Transcribed and Edited by J. G. de T. Mandley. [Remains Historical and Literary Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester. Vol.46-47 New Series] In 2 vols. Manchester: Printed for the Chetham Society, 1902. [b00488-403199] ¥12,960 929 Parkes,Joan Travel in England. In the Seventeenth Century. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1970. First Greenwood Reprinting. [b00111-402330] ¥4,320 930 Richardson,A. E. Georgian England. A Survey of Social Life Trades, Industries & Art from 1700 to 1820. Published by B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1931. First published. [b00950-430083] ¥6,480 London: 931 Rowntree,B. Seebohm & Lavers,G. R. English Life and Leisure. A Social Study. [b00249-402689] ¥12,960 Longmans, Green and Co., 1952. New impression. 932 Skeat,Walter W. The Place-Names of Cambridgeshire. London; George Bell and Sons., 1901. [Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Octavo Publications. No. XXXVI] [L03399-605243] ¥17,280 79 933 Soames,Nicolas & Steen,Duncan comp. The Essential Englishman. [b00245-402685] ¥6,480 London: Cassell Publishers Ltd, 1989. First published. 934 Sommerville,C. John The News Revolution in England. Cultural Dynamics of Daily Information. 1996. [b00260-402700] ¥4,320 New York; Oxford UP, 935 Somner,William The Antiquities of Canterbury. Introduction by William Urry. Published by EP Publishing Ltd. 1977. This edition originally printed for R.Knaplock, 1703. [s04408-401835] ¥5,400 936 Swann, Edward An Artist in Old Canterbury.Illustrated guide of old buildings in Canterbury. & Oslo: Charles Skilton, 1970. [oz1254-401850] ¥4,320 London, Edinburgh 937 Turner,B.Carpenter A History of Hampshire. With Maps and Pictures. Cartography by H.S.Parsons. Finlayson Beaconsfield, 1969. Re-issued. [b00024-401864] ¥2,590 England: Darwen 938 Walbank,F. Alan ed. England Yesterday & To-Day. In the Works of the Novelists 1837 to 1938. Edited and Arranged by F. Alan Walbank. B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1949. First published. [b00947-430080] ¥3,240 939 Walvin,James English Urban Life 1776-1851. Hutchinson & Co., 1984. First published. [b00251-402691] ¥5,400 940 Williams,E. N. Life in Georgian England. English Life Series. Edited by Peter Quennell. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., / New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1967. Reprinted. (First published 1962.) [b00948-430081] ¥2,160 941 Wolfram,Sybil In-Laws and Outlaws. Kinship and Marriage in England. [b00110-402329] ¥4,320 London & Sydney: Croom Helm, 1987. 942 Walton,John K. & Walvin,James ed. Leisure in Britain 1780-1939. [b00244-402684] Manchester UP, 1983. ¥5,400 943 Webb,Sidney & Beatrice A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain. Co., 1920. [b00231-402671] ¥4,320 London: Longmans, Green & ロンドン 944 「ロンドンの昔と今」 6 巻 1984 年 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,600 Thornbury,Walter Old and New London. A Narrative of Its History, Its People, and Its Places. Illutrated with numerous Engravings from the most Authentic Sources. In 6 vols. Tokyo: Meicho-Fukyu-Kai(名著普及会), 1984. (First published by Cassell and Co., 1872-8. This edition being the facsimile reprint of its popular edition) Popular Edition. [02101-102290] 945 ルーク・ハワード 「ロンドンの気候」 3 巻 1888 年 2 版 クロース装 ¥86,400 Howard,Luke The Climate of London; Deduced from Meteorological Observations, Made in the Metropolis, and at Various Places Around It. In Three Volumes. In which the Observations are Continued to the Year MDCCCXXX: Illustrated by Engravings on Wood and Copper. In 3 vols. London: Harvey and Darton, 1833. A Second, Much Enlarged and Improved Edition, [b00400-402981] 80 946 Rendle,William / Norman,Philip The Inns of Old Southwark and Their Associations. First edition. [401809] ¥60,480 London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1888. 947 Allen,Robert J. The Clubs of Augustan London. Hamden, Connecticut Archon Books, 1967. [b00127a-402345] ¥4,320 948 Allen,Thomas The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark. And Parts Adjacent. With Engravings. In 3 vols.(of 4) London: Cowie & Strange, 1827-1828. [b00486-403198] ¥21,600 949 Aubyn-Brisbane,F. St. If Stones could Speak. The Old City of London Churches: Their Ancient and Romantic Traditions, Customs and Legends from Earliest Days. With Seventy Half-tone Illustrations. With a Preface by The Vey Rev. Chancellor Ponsonby. London: Alexander-Ouseley Ltd, 1929. [b00479-403190] ¥8,640 950 Beebe,Lucius The Savoy of London. Illustrated by Ronald Searle. The text of this book was originally published in Holiday magazine and is now reproduced by kind permission of The Curtis Publishing Company of the USA. Curtis Publishing Co., n.d. [b00138-402506] ¥8,640 951 Ekwall,Eilert Street-Names of the City of London. Oxford; At the Clarendon Press, 1954. [L03398-605241] ¥4,320 952 Fletcher,Major Benton Royal Homes Near London. With 43 Illustrations by the Author. Head Ltd., 1930. First published. [b00480-403191] ¥8,640 London: John Lane the Bodley 953 Greenwood,James The Seven Curses of London. By James Greenwood, the "Amateur Casual". ers and Co., n.d. [b00126a-402344] ¥4,320 London: Stanley Riv- 954 Jones,Gareth Stedman Outcast London. A Study in the Relationship Between Classes in Victorian Society. endon Press, 1971. [b00406-403003] ¥4,320 Oxford: Clar- 955 Merrifield,Ralph The Archaeology of London. [Regional Archaeologies] 1975. First published. [b00025-401768] ¥1,720 London: Heinemann Educational Books, 956 Mudie-Smith,Richard ed. The Religious Life of London. [b00482-403193] ¥16,200 London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1904. First edition. 957 Murphy,C. E. London Buses. A Challenge from the Driver's Cab. pression. [b00128-402346] ¥4,320 London: G. T. Foulis & Co. Ltd, 1965. First im- 958 Rogers,Mark Down Thames Street. A Pilgrimage among its Remaining Churches. 162 Drawings and many Transcripts. London: Robert Scott, 1921. First edition. [b00483-403194] ¥8,640 959 Stow,John A Survey of London, Written in the Year 1598. A New Edition, with Illustrations, Edited by William J. Thoms, F.S.A. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. [b00481-403192] ¥16,200 960 Wagner,Leopold More London Inns and Taverns. [b00069-402217] ¥5,400 London: George Allen & Unwin, 1925. First published. 81 961 Weinreb,Ben and Hibbert,Christopher ed. The London Encyclopædia. London: Macmillan, 1984. Reprinted. [b00410-403051] ¥4,320 962 Worsfold,T. Cato Staple Inn and Its Story. Being an Account of "The fayrest Inne of Chancerie". With Numerous Illustrations. London: Henry Bumpus, 1903. [b00484-403195] ¥8,640 スコットランド 963 「グレイグ・ダンカン民謡集」 4 巻 1981-1900 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection. General Editor: Emily B. Lyle. Edited by Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle, Peter A. Hall and Andrew Hunter. In 4 vols. Aberdeen UP., 1981-1990. First published. [02249-102468] 964 Haldane,A.R.B. Three Centuries of Scottish Posts. An Historical Survey to 1836. (16-19 世紀のスコットランドの郵便 の歴史) Edinburgh at the UP, 1971. [b00065-401697] ¥8,640 965 Johnston,James B. Place-Names of Scotland. With Additional Notes on the Author. London; S.R.Publishers Ltd., 1970. Republished. First published 1892. This reprint taken from the third edition, London, 1934. [L03407-605250] ¥8,640 966 Kratzmann,Gregory Anglo-Scottish Literary Relations 1430-1550. [b00061-401742] ¥5,400 Cambridge UP, 1980. First published. 967 Linklater,Eric Edinburgh. Cities of Enchantment. Illustrated by Don Pottinger. 1961. First published in the U.S.A. [b00031-401748] ¥3,450 New York: The Macmillan Co., 968 Mackenzie,W.C. Scottish Place-Names. ¥8,640 London; Kegan Paul, Trench, / Trubner & Co,, Ltd., 1931. [L03405-605249] 969 Maxwell,Herbert Scottish Land-Names. Their Origin and Meaning. [The Rhind Lectures in Archæology] and London; William Blackwood and Sons, 1894. [L03406-605242] ¥21,600 Edinburgh 970 Tudor,John R. The Orkneys and Shetland. Their Past and Present State. With Chapters on Geology by Benjamin N.Peach and John Horne. And Notes on the Flora of the Orkneys, by William Irvine Fortescue and Notes on Flora of Shetland, by Peter White. London: Edward Stanford, 1883. [b00003-401863] ¥30,240 971 Turner,A. Logan History of the University of Edinburgh 1883-1933. Edited on Behalf of the History Committee by A. Logan Turner. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1933. [b00071-402219] ¥21,600 アメリカ 972 Chomsky,Noam Hagemony or Survival. America's Quest for Global Dominance. published in Great Britain. [L02122-401643] ¥4,320 Hamish Hamilton, 2003.First 973 Daley S.J.,John M. Georgetown University: Origin and Early Years. [b00070-402218] ¥5,400 82 Washington: Georgetown UP. 1957. 974 The Columbian Gallery A Portfolio of Photographs from the World's Fair. Including the Chief Palaces, Interiors, Statuary, Architectural and Scenic Groups, Characters, Typical Exhibits, and Marvels of the Midway Plaisance. Correct and Graphic Descriptions with each View. Chicago: Werner Company, 1894. ポートフォリオ・オブ・ワールド・フェアシカゴ刊 1894 年 クロース装 モノクロ図版 多数 [aj895-402838] ¥16,200 975 Bryan,William S. ed. Our Islands and their People as seen with Camera and Pencil. Introduced by Major-Generla Joseph Wheeler, with Special Descriptive Matter and Narratives by José de Olivares. Embracing Perfect Photographic and Descriptive Representations of the People and the Islands Lately Acquired from Spain, Including Hawaii and The Phiippines; also their Customs and General Appearance, with many Hundred Views of Landscapes, Rivers, Valleys, Hills and Mountains, so Complete as to Practically Transfer the Islands and their People to the Pictured Page. With a Special Consideration of the Conditions that Prevailed before the Declaration of War, by Senators Proctor, Thurston, Money, and Numerous Prominent Writers and Correspondents, and a Comparison with Conditions as they Now Exist. Edited and Arranged by William S. Bryan. Photographs by Walter B. Townsend, Fred. W. Fout, Geo. E. Dotter and Others. Complete in Two Quarto Volumes. Superbly Illustrated with more than Twelve Hundred Special Photographs, Colortypes, and New Colored Maps. In 2 vols. N. D. Thompson Publishing Co., [1899.] [b00502-403235] ¥17,280 ケルト・アイルランド 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 976 「ケルト評論」 53 巻 1964 年 クロース・ペーパー装 ¥194,400 Revue Celtique. Fondée par H.Gaidoz (1870-1885). Continuée par H.D'arbois De Jubainvillre et J.Loth. Dirigée par J.Vendryes. Vol.1 through vol.51 all published in complete run. 1870-1934. 51 vols.in 53. Kraus Reprint, 1964 (Reprinted with the permission of the Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, Paris). [101575] 977 「シルバ・ガデリカ」 2 巻 1970 年 クロース装 ¥32,400 O'Grady,Standish H. ed. Silva Gadelica (I.-XXXI.). A Collection of Tales in Irish. With Extracts Illustrating Persons and Places. In 2 vols. New York: Lemma Publishing Co., 1970. (Unabridged republication of the first edition published in London, Williams and Norgate in 1892.) Edited from Mss.and translated by Standish H.O'Grady. [01696-101667] 978 「古代中世アイルランド語法令資料集」 6 巻 1978 年 クロース装 ¥54,000 Corpus Iuris Hibernici. Ad Fidem Codicum Manuscriptorum. Recognovit. By D.A.Binchy. In 6 vols. Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath, 1978. [101573] 979 Best,R,I. / Bergin,Osborn eds. Lebor Na Huidre. Book of the Dun Cow. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, & Co. 1929. Published for the Royal Irish Academy. [b00092-402240] ¥17,280 980 Bromwich, Rachel Medieval Celtic Literature: A Select Bibliography. [oz1178-401959] ¥4,320 83 Univ. of Toronto Press, 1974. 981 Carney,James. Studies in Irish Literature and History. [b00087-402235] ¥5,400 Dublin: Institute For Advanced Studies. 1979. Reprinted. 982 Carpenter,Andrew ed. Place, Personality and the Irish Writer. [ire0028-401965] ¥4,320 Colin Smythe,1977.Revised & enlarged edition. 983 Costello,Peter The Heart Grown Brutal. The Irish Revolution in Literature, from Parnell to the Death of Yeats, 1891-1939. Gil and Macmillan / Rowan & Littlefield, 1978. First published in the United States. [ire0009-401968] ¥4,320 984 Davies,Edward Celtic Researches, On the Origin, Traditions & Language, of the Ancient Britons; with some Introductory Sketches, on Primitive Society. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by J. Booth, 1804. [ire0048-430032] ¥17,280 985 Green,Miranda J. ed. The Celtic World. London & New York: Routledge, 1996. Reprinted. [b00118-402326] ¥5,400 986 Harmon,Maurice Modern Irish Literature 1800-1967. A Reader's Guide. published. [ire0004-401982] ¥2,160 Dublin: The Dolmen Press, 1967. First 987 Hogan,Robert & James Kilroy The Irish Literary Theatre 1899-1901. The Modern Irish Drama: A Documentary History 1. [The Irish Theatre Series 6] The Dolmen Press / Humanities Press, 1975. First published. [ire0033-401989] ¥4,320 988 Hogan,Robert (editor-in-chief) Dictionary of Irish Literature. Connecticut: Greenwood Press,1980. First published. [ire0025-401990] ¥6,480 989 Jackson,Kenneth Hurlstone A Celtic Miscellany. Translations from the Celtic Literatures by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson. vard UP. 1951. First published. [b00080-402228] ¥4,320 Har- 990 Jackson,Kenneth Hurlstone A Celtic Miscellany. Translations from the Celtic Literatures by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1951. Second impression. [b00081-402229] ¥4,320 991 Joyce,P.W. The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places. Dublin: MͨGlashan & Gill, / London; Whitaker & Co., Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. / Edinburgh; John Menzies., 1871. Third edition. [L03397-605240] ¥16,200 992 Loomis,Roger Sherman The Grail.From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol. [b00079-402227] ¥5,400 Cardiff: Univ.of Wales Press. 1963. 993 Loomis,Roger Sherman Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance. NY: Columbia UP. 1927. [b00084-402232] ¥21,600 994 MacDonagh,Thomas, M.A. Literature in Ireland. Studies Irish and Anglo-Irish. [b00086-402234] ¥4,320 84 Dublin: The Talbot Press Ltd. n.d. 995 McHugh,Roger & Maurice Harmon Short History of Anglo-Irish Literature. From Its Origins to the Present Day. Press, 1982. First published. [ire0014-402004] ¥4,320 Dublin: Wolfhound 996 Mercier,Vivian The Irish Comic Tradition. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1962. ¥6,480 [ire0030-402011] 997 Mikhail,E.H. A Bibliography of Modern Irish Drama 1899-1970. With a Foreword by William A.Armstrong. Macmillan,1972. First published. [ire0038-402012] ¥4,320 998 Mitchell,Frank The Irish Landscape. London: Collins, 1977. Reprinted. [ire0029-402013] ¥4,320 999 Ó Cuív,Brian The Linguistic Training of the Mediaeval Irish Poet. Statutory Lecture 1969 School of Celtic Studies. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1973. [L02880-604515] ¥3,240 1000 O'Connor,Ulick Celtic Dawn. A Portrait of the Irish Literary Renaissance. published. [ire0012-402023] ¥5,400 London: Hamich Hamilton,1984. First 1001 Ó hAodha,Micheál Theatre in Ireland. [Drama and Theatre Studies] Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1974. [ire0036-402024]¥4,320 1002 O'Sullivan,Sean ed.& trans. Folktales of Ireland. Edited and Translated by Sean O'Sullivan. [ire0040-402028] ¥4,320 The Univ.of Chicago Press, 1966. 1003 Rafroidi,Patrick L'Irelande et le Romantisme. La littérature irlandaise-anglaise de 1789 à 1850 et sa place dans le mouvement occidental. <encyclopédie universitaire> Publications de l'Université de Lille III, éditions universitaires, 1972. [ire0008-402032] ¥8,640 1004 Rodgers,W.R. Irish Literary Portraits. W.B.Yeats, James Joyce, George Moore, J.M.Synge, George Bernard Shaw, Oliver St.John Gogarty, F.R.Higgins, AE (George Russell). W.R.Rodgers's Broadcast Conversations with Those who Knew Them. British Broadcasting Corporation, 1972. [ire0045-402038] ¥5,400 1005 Schleifer,Ronald ed. The Genres of the Irish Literary Revival. [ire0043-402039] ¥2,160 Pilgrim Books / Wolfhound Press, 1980. 1006 Storey,Mark ed. Poetry and Ireland Since 1800: A Source Book. [Routledge World & Word Series] 1988. First published. [ire0010-402044] ¥2,160 Routledge, 1007 Warner,Alan A Guide to Anglo-Irish Literature. Gill and Macmillan, 1981. First published. [ire0013-402051] ¥4,320 1008 Weisgerber,Leo Rhenania Germano-Celtica.Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Dem Autor zum siebzigsten Geburtstag am 25. Februar 1969. Mit Unterstützung des Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland unter redaktioneller Mitwirkung von Henning von Gadow und Gernot Schmidt herausgeggeben von Johann Knobloch und Rudolf Schützeichel. Bonn: Ludwig Röhrscheid Verlag.1969. [b00085-402233] ¥16,200 1009 Welch,Robert Irish Poetry from Moore to Yeats. [Irish Literary Studies 5] First published. [ire0007-402053] ¥4,320 85 Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1980. 1010 Williams, Fionnuala Carson Wellerisms in Ireland. toward a Corpus from Oral and Literary Sources. [Supplement of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volum 12] The University of Vermont, 2002. [L02995-604654] ¥6,480 1011 Standing Orders and Regulations for the Army in Ireland (1794). A Facsimile edition published by Frederick Muller, 1969. Originally published in Dublin: Printed by George Grieson, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1794. [ire0047-402060] ¥12,960 言語学書(ケルト) 1012 Atkins,T. de Courcy The Kelt or Gael. His Ethnography, Geography and Philology. [L04295-606765] ¥5,400 London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. 1013 Ball,Martin J. & James Fife eds. The Celtic Languages. Edited by Martin J.Ball with James Fife. 1993. First published. [L03434-605278] ¥12,960 London and New York; Routledge, 1014 Borsley,Robert D. and Ian Roberts eds. The Syntax of the Celtic Languages. A comparative perspective. First published. [L03432-605276] ¥9,720 Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. 1015 Breatnach,Risteard B. The Irish of Ring Co. Waterford A Phonetic Study. Studies,1947. [L03136-604803] ¥5,400 Dublin: The Dublin Institute for Advance 1016 Calder,George A Gaelic Grammar. Containing the Parts of Speech and The General Principles of Phonology and Etymology with a Chapter on Proper and Place Names. Glasgow: Alex. Maclaren & Sons, [1923.] [L04292-606762] ¥6,480 1017 Keating,Geoffrey The Three Shafts of Death. With Introduction, Indices, and Glossary by Osborn Bergin. (Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis. Séathrún Kéitinn do sgríobh.) Published by the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, & Co. /London: Williams & Norgate, 1931. Second Edition. [L03419-605263] ¥12,960 1018 Lewis,Henry & Holger Pedersen A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989. Third edition, second impression with the supplement of 1961 by Henry Lewis. [L03435-605279] ¥21,600 1019 Macdonald,T. D. Celtic Dialects: Gaelic, Brythonic, Pictish, and Some Stirlingshire Place-Names. Paper read before the Gaelic Society of Stirling, March 31st, 1903. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1903. [L04288-606758] ¥6,480 1020 O'Brien,Paul A Practical Grammar of the Irish Language. [L04571-607041] ¥48,600 Dublin: Printed for by H. Fitzpatrick, 1809. 1021 Ó Cuív,Brian ed. The Impact of the Scandinavian Invasions on the Celtic-speaking Peoples, c.800-1100 A.D. Introductory papers read at plenary sessions of the International Congress of Celtic Studies held in Dublin, 6-10 July 1959. Baile Átha Cliath: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1975. [L02878-2-604513] ¥4,320 1022 Prichard,James Cowles The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations. Proved by a Comparison of Their Dialects with the San86 skrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages. Forming a Supplement to Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Oxford: Printed by S. Collingwood, 1831. [L04300-606770] ¥21,600 1023 Prichard,James Cowles etc. /R.G. Latham etc ed. The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations. Proved by a Comparison of Their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages: Forming a Supplement to Reserches into the Physical History of Mankind. London; Houlston and Wright & Bernard Quaritch, 1857. [L03430-605274] ¥17,280 1024 Quin,E.G. Old-Irish Workbook. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy,1975. [L03137-604804] ¥3,240 1025 Rhys,John Lectures on Welsh Philology. London; Trübner & Co., 1879. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. [L03423-605267] ¥6,480 1026 Schulz,Albert An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition. Upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia; Which Obtained the Prize of the Abergavenny Cymreigyddion Society, at the Eisteddvod of 1840. Translated from the German of Albert Schulz. William Pees, 1841. [L03422-605266] ¥6,480 1027 Sommerfelt,Alf ed. Lochlann. Vol.I-III. (1) A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgstrøm, Reidar Christiansen, Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume I. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind V] Oslo University Press, 1958. (2) A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgström, Reidar Th. Christiansen, Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume II. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind VI] Universitetsforlaget, 1962. (3) A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgström, Reidar Th. Christiansen, Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume III. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind VIII] Oslo University Press, 1965. 3 vols. set. [L03437~9-605281~3] ¥32,400 1028 Stewart,Alexander Elements of Galic Grammar. In Four Parts: I. Of Pronunciation and Orthography. II. Of the Parts of Speech. III. Of Syntax. IV. Of Derivation and Composition. Edinburgh: Printed by C. Stewart & Co., 1801. [L04299-606769] ¥21,600 1029 Stokes,Whitley The Old-Irish Glosses at Würzburg an Carlsruhe. Edited, with a Translation and Glossarial Index. Part I. The Glosses and Translation. Printed for the Philological Societies of London and Cambridge by Stephen Austin & Sons, 1887. [L04298-606768] ¥12,960 1030 Strachan,John Selections from The Old Irish Glosses. With Notes and Vocabulary. Dublin: School of Irish Learning, & Hodges, Figgis, & Co., 1904. [L04287-606757] ¥12,960 1031 Sullivan,William K. Celtic Studies. From the German of Dr, Hermann Ebel, with an Introduction on Roots, Stems, and Derivatives, and on Case-Endings of Nouns in the Indo-European Languages. Williams And Norgate, 1863. xxviii,221pp. [b00082-402230] ¥8,640 1032 Thurneysen,Rudolf A Grammar of Old Irish. Revised and Enlarged Edition. Translated from the German by D.A.Binchy and Osborn Bergin. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1946. [L03421-605265] ¥6,480 87 1033 Thurneysen,Rudolf Old Irish Reader. With a Supplement to a Grammar of Old Irish. Translated from the German by D.A.Binchy and Osborn Bergin. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1949. [L03418-605262] ¥4,320 1034 Vallancey,Charles A Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Language. The Second Edition with many Additions. To which is Prefixed, an Essay on the Celtic Language; Shewing the Importance of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Dialect, to Students in History, Antiquity, and the Greek and Roman Classics. Dublin: Printed by R.Marchbank, and Sold by L.L.Flin, 1781. [L03429-605273] ¥54,000 1035 Watkins,Calvert Indo-European Origins of the Celtic Verb. I. The Sigmatic Aorist. for Advanced Studies, 1962. [L03433-605277] ¥4,320 Dublin; The Dublin Institute 英国他 庭園関係書籍 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1036 Adams,William Howard The French Garden 1500-1800. London: Scolar Press, 1979. [b00295-402872] ¥4,320 1037 Berlanda,Paolo Der Steingarten; Alpenpflanzen zu Hause. Mit 88 teils ganzseitigen Farbfotos und 73 Zeichnungen. Berlin und Hamburg: Verlag Paul Parey, 1985. [b00294-402871] ¥2,160 1038 Barrell,John The Dark Side of the Landscape. The Rural Poor in English Painting 1730-1840. 1985. Reprinted. [b00379-402956] ¥4,320 Cambridge UP, 1039 Beuchert,Marianne Die Gärten Chinas. Mit Tuschzeichnungen von Prof. He Zhengqiang (Kunsthochschule Peking) und Farbfotos der Autorin. Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1983. [b00296-402873] ¥6,480 1040 Charlesworth,Michael The English Garden. Literary Sources & Documents. Edited and with an Introduction by Michael Charlesworth. Vol.I: Chronological Overview: 1550-1730. Vol.II: The Eighteenth Century Opinions, Descriptions, Controversies. Vol.III: Chronological Overview 1772-1910. In 3 vols. U.K.: Helm Information, 1993. [b00320-402897] ¥32,400 1041 Clevely,A. M. Topiary. The Art of Clipping Trees and Ornamental Hedges. ers, 1988. First published. [b00300-402877] ¥3,240 Massachusetts: Salem House Publish- 1042 Coats,Peter Great Gardens of Britain. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1977. [b00299-402876] ¥2,160 1043 Cobbett,William The English Gardener. With an Introduction by Anthony Huxley. as an Oxford UP paperback. [b00314-402891] ¥2,160 88 Oxford UP, 1980. First published 1044 Cowell,F. R. The Garden as a Fine Art. From Antiquity to Modern Times. 1978. [b00287-402864] ¥3,240 London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1045 Crowe,Sylvia & Haywood,Sheila The Gardens of Mughul India. A History and a guide. Text by Sylvia Crowe & Sheila Haywood, Photographs and Research by Susan Jellicoe, Plans and Maps by Gordon Patterson. London: Thames and Hudson, 1972. [b00325-402902] ¥6,480 1046 Feltwell,John The Naturalist's Garden. London: Ebury Press, 1987. [b00293-402870] ¥2,160 1047 Gillespie,Gerald Garden and Labyrinth of Time. Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Literature. [Germanic Studies in America. (Supersedes German Studies in America) Founded by Heinrich Meyer. Edited by Katharina Mommsen, Stanford, California. No.56] Peter Lang, 1988. [b00319-402896] ¥6,480 1048 Grießmair,Brigitte & Kompatscher,Anneliese Vielgeliebter Bauerngarten. [b00335-402912] ¥2,160 Bozen: Verlagsanstalt Athesia, 1989. Zweite, überarbeitete Auflage. 1049 Harvey,John Mediaeval Gardens. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1981. First published. ¥8,640 [b00328-402905] 1050 Hennebo,Dieter Gärten des Mittelalters. München und Zürich: Artemis Verlag, 1987. [b00337-402914] ¥4,320 1051 Holme,Charles The Gardens of England. In the Northern Counties. Ltd., 1911. [b00306-402883] ¥8,640 London & Paris & New York: "The Studio" 1052 Hunt,John Dixon The Figure in the Landscape: Poetry, Painting, and Gardening during the Eighteenth Century. timore and London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1976. [b00322-402899] ¥4,320 Bal- 1053 Hunt,John Dixon Gardens and the Picturesque. Studies in the History of Landscape Architecture. Press, 1992. [b00329-402906] ¥4,320 London: The MIT 1054 Huxley,Anthony An Illustrated History of Gardening. Published in Association with the Royal Horticultural Society. New York & London: Paddington Press Ltd., 1978. [b00298-402875] ¥3,240 1055 Jacques,David Georgian Gardens. The Reign of Nature. [b00303-402880] ¥6,480 London: Bt Batsford Ltd, 1983. First published. 1056 Jarrett,David The English Landscape Garden. [b00302-402879] ¥3,240 London: Academy Editions, 1978. First published. 1057 Lehrman,Jonas Earthly Paradise. Garden and Courtyard in Islam. With 258 photographs by the author, 15 in colour, and 49 plans. London: Thames and Hudson, 1980. [b00288-402865] ¥5,400 1058 Lehrman,Jonas Earthly Paradise. Garden and Courtyard in Islam. With 258 photographs by the author, 15 in colour, and 49 plans. London: thames and Hudson, 1980. [b00304-402881] ¥5,400 89 1059 Littlefield,Susan & Schinz,Marina (text) Visions of Paradise. Themes and Variations on the Garden. Photographs by Marina Schinz. With 280 colour illustrations. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985. First published. [b00311-402888] ¥3,240 1060 MacDougall,Elisabeth B. & Jashemski,Wilhelmina F. ed. Ancient Roman Gardens. [Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture VII] Wasington, D. C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1981. [b00331-402908] ¥4,320 1061 MacDougall,Elisabeth B. & Miller,Naomi Fons Sapientiae. Garden Fountains in Illustrated Books. Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries. Catalogue by Elisabeth B. MacDougall and Naomi Miller with Bibliography by Laura Byers. Exhibition, 30 April-30 June. Wasington, D. C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1977. [b00318-402895] ¥3,240 1062 Mack,Maynard The Garden and the City. Retirement and Politics in the Later Poetry of Pope 1731-1743. sity of Toronto Press, 1969. [b00330-402907] ¥3,240 Univer- 1063 Masson,Georgina Italian Gardens. With 161 black and white illustrations. published. [b00316-402893] ¥3,240 London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. First 1064 Miller,Naomi Heavenly Caves. Reflections on the Garden Grotto. [b00327-402904] ¥3,240 New York: George Braziller, 1982. First edition. 1065 Moore,Charles W. & Mitchell,William J. & Turnbull,Jr.,William The Poetics of Gardens. England: The MIT Press, 1988. [b00289-402866] ¥4,320 1066 Mosser,Monique & Teyssot,Georges ed. The History of Garden Design. The Western Tradition from the Renaissance to the Present Day. With 652 illustrations, 129 in colour, and 51specially drawn plans. London: Thames and Hudson, 1991. First published. [b00313-402890] ¥8,640 1067 Moynihan,Elizabeth B. Paradise as a Garden. In Persia and Mughal India. [b00324-402901] ¥4,320 New York: George Braziller, 1979. First edition. 1068 Nan,Chung Wah (鍾華楠) The Art of Chinese Gardens. (中國園林藝術) Hong Kong UP., 1982. [b00301-402878] ¥6,480 1069 Pereire,Anita & Zuylen,Gabrielle van Gardens of France. Photographs by Robert César. lished. [b00309-402886] ¥4,320 New York: Harmony Books, 1983. First pub- 1070 Phillips,C.E. Lucas & Barber,Peter N. The Rothschild Rhododendrons. A Record of the Gardens at Exbury. Photographs by Harry Smith, Drawings by Gillian Kenny, with a foreword by The Lord Aberconway. London: Cassell, 1969. First edition, second impression. [b00312-402889] ¥2,160 1071 Plumptre,George Collins Book of British Gardens. A Guide to 200 Gardens in England, Scotland and Wales. don: Collins, 1985. First published. [b00315-402892] ¥2,160 Lon- 1072 Racine,Michel & J.-P.,Ernest & Mougenot,Boursier & Binet,Françoise The Gardens of Provence and the French Riviera. Translated from French by Alice Parte, and Helen Agarathé. [The Art of Gardening in France] London: The MIT Press, 1987. [b00310-402887] ¥4,320 1073 Rohde,Eleanour Sinclair Garden-Craft in the Bible. And Other Essays. Essay Index Reprint Series. Libraries Press, 1967. Reprinted. [b00317-402894] ¥2,160 90 New York: Books for 1074 Spens,Michael The Complete Landscape Designs and Gardens of Geoffrey Jellicoe. Foreword by Geoffrey Jellicoe. Special photography by Hugh Palmer. With 243 illustrations, 108 in colour. London: Thames and Hudson, 1994. [b00308-402885] ¥12,960 1075 Stiff,Ruth L. A. Flowers from the Royal Gardens of Kew. Two Centuries of Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Hanover & London: University Press of New England (distributed),1988. [b00290-402867] ¥2,160 1076 Strong,Roy The Renaissance Garden in England. 144 illustrations. [b00336-402913] ¥3,240 London: Thames and Hudson, 1979. 1077 Thacker,Christopher The Genius of Gardening. The History of Gardens in Britain and Ireland. Nicolson, 1994. First published. [b00323-402900] ¥3,240 London: Weidenfeld and 1078 Thacker,Christopher The History of Gardens. London: Croom Helm, 1979. [b00334-402911] ¥3,240 1079 Thomas,Graham Stuart Gardens of the National Trust. Including 16 water-colours of plants raised in the Trust's gardens, and pencil drawings, by the author. Foreword by the Earl of Rosse. Weidenfeld and Nicolson: The National Trust, 1979. [b00291-402868] ¥4,320 1080 Watts,Peter Historic Gardens of Victoria. A Reconnaissance. From a Report of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). Edited by Margaret Barrett. Melbourne: Oxford UP, 1983. First published. [b00297-402874] ¥6,480 1081 Wharton,Edith Italian Villas. And their Gardens. Illustrated with Pictures by Maxfield Parrish and by Photographs. [Da Capo Press Series in Architecture and Decorative Art. General Editor: Adolf K. Placzek.] New York: Da Capo Press, 1976. [b00321-402898] ¥4,320 1082 Whittle,Elisabeth The Historic Gardens of Wales. An Introduction to Parks and Gardens in the History of Wales. Cadw: Welsh Historic Monuments, / London: HMSO, 1992. First published. [b00326-402903] ¥2,160 1083 Wiebenson,Dora The Picturesque Garden in France. New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1978. [b00292-402869] ¥6,480 1084 Wieder,Laurance (Selected and Edited) King Solomon's Garden. Poems and Art Inspired by The Old Testament. Abrams Inc., 1994. [b00333-402910] ¥3,240 New York: Harry N. 1085 Wilber,Donald Newton Persian Gardens and Garden Pavilions. [b00332-402909] ¥5,400 Wasington, D. C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1979. Second edition. Landscape 関係 1086 Angerer,Birgit und Martin Regensburg im Biedermeier. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 1998. [b00357-402934] ¥2,160 1087 Bacon,Edmund N. Design of Cities. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978. Revised edition. 91 [b00355-402932] ¥4,320 1088 Berrall,Julia S. The Garden. An Illustrated History. A Studio Book. lished. [b00305-402882] ¥3,240 New York: The Viking Press, 1966. First pub- 1089 Blythe,Ronald Places. An Anthology of Britain. Chosen by Ronald Blythe. Oxford UP, 1981. [b00389-402966] ¥3,240 1090 Coffin,David R. The Villa in the Life of Renaissance Rome. [Princeton Monographs in Art and Archaeology XLIII] New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1979. [b00364-402941] ¥9,720 1091 Conner,Patrick Oriental Architecture in the West. With 154 illustrations 14 in colour. son, 1979. [b00349-402926] ¥4,320 London: Thames and Hud- 1092 Conner,Patrick Oriental Architecture in the West. With 154 illustrations 14 in colour. son, 1979. [b00350-402927] ¥4,320 London: Thames and Hud- 1093 Drabble,Margaret A Writer's Britain. Landscape in Literature. Photographed by Jorge Lewinski. Knopf, 1979. [b00869-403621] ¥2,160 New York: Alfred A. 1094 Duncan,James & Ley,David ed. Place / Culture / Representation. [b00382-402959] ¥4,320 London & New York: Routledge, 1993. First published. 1095 Eckbo,Garrett Home Landscape. The Art of Home Landscaping. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1978. Revised and Enlarged Edition. [b00344-402921] ¥5,400 1096 Frass,Hermann Der Vinschgau im Bild. Natur und Kultur am "Oberen Weg". Zweite, überarbeitete Auflage. [b00353-402930] ¥2,160 Bozen: Verlagsanstalt Athesia, 1986. 1097 Girouard,Mark Life in the English Country House. A Social and Architectural History. [b00347-402924] ¥3,240 Penguin Books, 1980. 1098 Graber,Oleg The Alhambra. Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 1978. [b00372-402949] ¥2,160 1099 Heffernan,James A. W. The Re-Creation of Landscape. A Study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Constable, and Turner. Published for Dartmouth College by University Press of New England, 1985. [b00380-402957] ¥4,320 1100 Hibbert,Christopher Cities and Civilizations. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987. [b00354-402931] ¥3,240 1101 Höhne,Ernst Auf Alten Spuren. Bergwanderungen zu historischen Zielen. [b00358-402935] ¥2,160 München: Verlag J. Berg, 1989. 1102 Jacobs,Michael The Painted Voyage. Art, Travel and Exploration 1564-1875. [b00362-402939] ¥4,320 London: British Museum Press, 1995. 1103 Jellicoe,Geoffrey & Susan The Landscape of Man. Shaping the Environment from Prehistory to the Present Day. Revised and 92 Enlarged Edition. With 734 illustrations and six maps. edition. [b00340-402917] ¥2,160 London: Thames and Hudson, 1987. Revised 1104 Johnson,Matthew Housing Culture. Traditional Architecture in an English Landscape. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. First published. [b00373-402950] ¥5,400 1105 Jones,Barbara Follies & Grottoes. London: Constable & Co., 1979. Reprinted. [b00348-402925] ¥3,240 1106 Kastner,Jeffrey ed. Land and Environmental Art. Survey by Brian Wallis. [Themes and Movements] don Press Ltd, 1998. First published. [b00366-402943] ¥6,480 London: Phai- 1107 Kemal,Salim & Gaskell,Ivan ed. Landscape, Natural Beauty and the Arts. [Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and the Arts] York: Cambridge UP, 1993. First published. [b00368-402945] ¥6,480 New 1108 King,Ronald The Quest for Paradise. A History of the World's Gardens. With an Introduction by Anthony Huxley. New York: Mayflower Books, 1979. First American edition. [b00307-402884] ¥3,240 1109 Lawton,Richard ed. The Rise and Fall of Great Cities. Aspects of urbanization in the Western World. York: Belhaven Press, 1989. First published. [b00383-402960] ¥2,160 London & New 1110 Lyle,Emily ed. Sacred Architecture in the Traditions of India, China, Judaism and Islam. [Cosmos; The Yearbook of the Traditional Cosmology Society Volume 8, 1992] Edinburgh UP, 1992. [b00386-402963] ¥2,160 1111 Manguel,Alberto & Guadalupi,Gianni The Dictionary of Imaginary Places. Illustrated by Graham Greenfield. Maps and Charts by James Cook. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1980. First printing. [b00363-402940] ¥3,240 1112 McCracken,David Wordsworth and the Lake District. A Guide to the Poems and their Places. 1984. [b00367-402944] ¥3,240 New York: Oxford UP, 1113 Méchin,Benoist L'homme et ses Jardins. Ou les Métamorphoses du Paradis terrestre. [b00387-402964] ¥2,160 Paris: Albin Michel, 1975. 1114 Moore,Gary T. & Golledge,Reginald G. ed. Environmental Knowing. Theories, Research, and Methods. With a Foreword by Kevin Lynch. [Community Development Series, Volume23] Pennsylvania: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., 1976. [b00356-402933] ¥3,240 1115 Mullins,Edwin A Love Affair with Nature. A Personal View of British Art. Book, 1985. First published. [b00352-402929] ¥2,160 Oxford: Phaidon, / A Channes Four 1116 Osborne,Robin Classical Landscape with Figures. The Ancient Greek City and its Conutryside. Philip, 1987. First published. [b00345-402922] ¥2,160 London: George 1117 Pennick,Nigel Mazes and Labyrinths. London: Robert Hale, 1996. Reprinted. [b00385-402962] ¥3,240 1118 Pocock,Douglas & Hudson,Ray Images of the Urban Environment. New York: Columbia UP, 1978. 93 [b00388-402965] ¥5,400 1119 Pregill,Philip & Volkman,Nancy Landscapes in History. Design and Planning in the Western Tradition. Reinhold, 1993. [b00343-402920] ¥3,240 New York: Van Nostrand 1120 Rackham,Oliver The Illustrated History of the Countryside. With Commissioned photographs by Tom Mackie. London: Phoenix Illustrated, 1997. The Paperback edition first published. [b00341-402918] ¥4,320 1121 Reed,Michael The Landscape of Britain. From the beginnings to 1914. [History of the British Landscape] don: Routledge, 1990. First published. [b00369-402946] ¥2,160 Lon- 1122 Rosenthal,Michael & Payne,Christiana & Wilcox,Scott ed. Prospects for the Nation: Recent Essays in British Landscape, 1750-1880. [Studies in British Art 4] New Haven & London: Yale UP, 1997. [b00339-402916] ¥5,400 1123 Schama,Simon Landscape and Memory. London: Fontana Press, 1996. [b00371-402948] ¥3,240 1124 Schama,Simon Landscape and Memory. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995. [b00370-402947] ¥4,320 1125 Schulz,Max F. Paradise Preserved. Recreations of Eden in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century England. bridge UP, 1985. First published. [b00391-402968] ¥6,480 Cam- 1126 Stechow,Wolfgang Dutch Landscape Painting. Of the Seventeenth Century. issued. [b00338-402915] ¥5,400 New York: Hacker Art Books, 1980. Re- 1127 Steenbergen,Clemens & Reh,Wouter Architecture and Landscape. The Design Experiment of the Great European Gardens and Landscapes. With the Co-operation of Gerrit Smienk. Germany: Prestel Verlag, 1996. First published. [b00375-402952] ¥8,640 1128 Stegmann,Markus Architektonische Skulptur im 20. Jahrhundert. Historishe Aspekte und Werkstrukturen. Ernst Wasmuth Verlag Tübingen, 1995. [b00390-402967] ¥4,320 Berlin: 1129 Tinniswood,Adrian Country Houses. From the Air. Photographs by Jason Hawkes. 1994. First published. [b00360-402937] ¥3,240 London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1130 Treffer,Günter Traumstraßen des Abendlandes. Mit 416 Farbbildseiten. Herausgegeben von Günter Treffer. lag Fritz Molden, 1980. [b00361-402938] ¥3,240 Ver- 1131 Turner,A. Richard The Vision of Landscape in Renaissance Italy. Edition. [b00378-402955] ¥2,160 Princeton UP, 1974. First Princeton Paperback 1132 Turner,A. Richard The Vision of Landscape in Renaissance Italy. [b00377-402954] ¥5,400 Princeton UP, 1974. Second Hardcover Printing. 1133 Wall,Derek Green History. A Reader in environmental literature, philosophy and politics. Routledge, 1994. First published. [b00346-402923] ¥3,240 94 London & New York: 1134 White,John The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space. [b00381-402958] ¥4,320 London: Faber and Faber, 1987. Third edition. 1135 Whitney,Charles Bridges. Their Art, Science and Evolution. With a new foreword by Larry Spiller. Illustrated with Photographs and Drawings of Old and New Bridges of Many Lands. New York: Greenwich House, Distributed by Crown Publishers,1983. [b00392-402969] ¥3,240 1136 Wu,Jiahua A Comparative Study of Landscape Aesthetics. Press, 1995. [b00376-402953] ¥12,960 Landscape Morphology. The Edwin Mellen 1137 Lotus International 30. Rivista trimestrale diarchitettura (Quarterly Architectural Review). Milano: Gruppo Editoriale Electa, n.d. [b00359-402936] ¥3,240 1138 Landscape Transformed. Academy Editions, 1996. First published. [b00342-402919] ¥3,240 建築・インテリア関係 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1139 ウィリアム・マーシャル 「植林と田園の外観について」 2 巻 1803 年 3 版 1/4 革装 ¥43,200 Mr. Marshall (Marshall,William) On Planting and Rural Ornament. A Practial Treatise, by Mr. Marshall. In 2 vols. London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co.; For G. and W. Nicol, 1803. The Third Edition. [f0411-170409] 1140 Benn,R. Davis Style in Furniture. With Illustrations by W. C. Baldock. 1920. New impression. [b00119-402337] ¥12,960 New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1141 Nutting,Wallace Furniture Treasury (Mostly of American Origin). All Periods of American Furniture with Some Foreign Examples in America also American Hardware and Household Utensils. Five Thousands Illustrations with Description on the same page. In 2 vols. Massachusetts: Old American Co., 1928. [b00285-402862] ¥32,400 1142 Rivoira, G.T. Lombardic Architecture. Its Origin, Development and Derivatives. Translated by G.McN.Rushforth. Re-edited with Additional Notes. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1933. [b00100-402317] ¥32,400 95 西洋美術 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1143 Alberti, Leon Battista On Painting. Translated with Introduction and Notes by John R. Spencer. Kegan Paul, 1956. [b00814-403566] ¥3,240 London: Routledge & 1144 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Austausch zwischen Deutschland und Japan. Vorträge einer Tagung ehemaliger Humboldt- Stipendiaten in Japan. Vom 20.-22. April 1978 in der International Conference Hall in Kyoto. Bonn 1979. AvH - Tagung in Kyoto. 1979. [b00810-403562] ¥5,400 1145 Anthony, Edgar W. Early Florentine Architecture and Decoration. [b00822-403574] ¥4,320 New York: Hacker Art Books, 1975. 1146 Anzelewsky, Fedja Toggenburg Weltchronik. Vierundzwanzig farbige Miniaturen aus einer Chronik vom Jahr 1411. Verlag Woldemar Klein, Dr. Rudolf Georgi, [1970.] [b00908-430041] ¥4,320 1147 Armbruster, Gisera Artibus Asiae. Institute of Fine Arts. New York University. Cassoni - Emaki: A comparative Study. Reprint from Vol. XXXIV, I Artibus Asiae publishers, 1977. [b00839-403591] ¥2,160 1148 Arnheim, Rudolf Toward a Psychology of Art. Collected Essays. [b00845-403597] ¥4,320 University of California Press, 1966. 1149 Atroshenko, V. I. & Collins, Judith The Origins of the Romanesque. Near Eastern Influences on European Art, 4th-12th Centuries. London: Lund Humphries, 1985. First edition. [b00879-430006] ¥3,240 1150 Baum, Julius Baukunst und Dekorative Plastik Frührenaissance in Italien. Mit 467 Abbildungen. Julius Hoffmann - Stuttgart, 1920. [b00852-403604] ¥4,320 Verlag von 1151 Beardsley, Monroe C. Aesthetics. From Classical Greece to the Present. A short History. Company, 1966. First Edition. [b00817-403569] ¥3,240 New York: The Macmillan 1152 Beazley, J. D. Attische Vasenmaler. Des Rotfigurigen Stils. 1925. [b00818-403570] ¥8,640 Tübingen: Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr <Paul Siebeck>, 1153 Beckwith, John Die Kunst des Frühen Mittelalters. Karolingische, ottonische und romanische Kunst. Mit 206 Abbidungen davon 53 in Farben. Berlin: Deutsche Buch-Gemainschaft, 1967. [b00799-403551] ¥2,160 1154 Berenson, Bernhard The Study and Criticism of Italian Art. First Series. New York: AMS Press Inc., 1976. Reprinted from an original in the collections of the University of Chicago Library. From the edition of 1920, London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd. First AMS edition. [b00802-403554] ¥3,240 96 1155 Beseler, Hartwig & Roggenkamp, Hans Die Michaeliskirche in Hildesheim. Verlag Gebr. Mann, Berlin, 1954. [b00842-403594] ¥3,240 1156 Boeckler, Albert Gotische Buchmalerei. Deutsche Buchmalerei der Gotik. Die blauen Bücher. Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger, Hans Köster Königstein im Taunus, n.d. [b00858-403610] ¥2,160 1157 Boeckler, Albert Deutsche Buchmalerei Vorgotischer Zeit. nus, [1953.] [b00875-430002] ¥2,160 Karl Robert Langewiesche Verlag, Königstein im Tau- 1158 Brenk, Beat Die Romanische Wandmalerei in der Schweiz. Basler Studien zur Kunstgeschichte. Herausgegeben von Joseph Gantner. Neue Folge ・ Band V Mit 69 Abbildungen im Text und Auf 36 Tafeln. Francke Verlag Bern, 1963. [b00812-403564] ¥6,480 1159 Brion, Marcel Die Deutsche Malerei. Die Geschichte der Deutschen Tafelmalerei von den Anfängen bis Gegenwart. Artes Verlag Stuttgart, 1961. [b00877-430004] ¥3,240 1160 Busch, Harald & Lohse, Bernd Baukunst der Romanik in Europa. Monumente des Abendlandes, Eine Buchreihe. Einleitung und Bilderläuterungen von Hans Weigert. Frankfurt am Main: Umschau Verlag, [1959.] [b00901-430028] ¥2,160 1161 Canton, F. J. Sanchez Dibujos Españoles. Ministerio de Instrucción pública y Bellas Artes. In 5 vols. Menet, I: n.d. II: 1930. III: 1930. IV: n.d. V: n.d. [b00797-403549] ¥54,000 Madrid: Hauser y 1162 Cowles, Charles, Clark, Sarah, & Kingsbury, Martha Northwest Traditions. Seattle Art Museum, June 29 December 10, 1978. [b00849-403601] ¥2,160 Seattle Art Museum, 1978. 1163 D'ancona, Mirella Levi Botticelli's Primavera. A Botanical Interpretation including Astrogy, Alchemy and the Medici. With the first color reproductions of the Primavera since its restoration. Arte e Archeologia. Studi e Documenti. 1983. [b00880-430007] ¥8,640 1164 Elbern,Victor H. Goldschmiedekunst im Frühen Mittelalter. [b00830-403582] ¥4,320 Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988. 1165 Fleming, William Art, Music & Ideas. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., n.d. [b00876-430003] ¥2,160 1166 Fletcher, Jennifer Rubens. Mit fünfzig Farbtafeln. Pawlak Verlag, [1975.] [b00866-403618] ¥1,080 1167 Fremantle, Richard Florentine Gothic Painters. From Giotto to Masaccio. A Guide to Painting in and near Florence 1300 to 1450. With 1335 Illustrations and 13 pages of maps. London: Martin Secker and Warbug, 1975. First published. [b00855-403607] ¥12,960 1168 Galavaris, George The Illustrations of the Liturgical Homilies of Gregory Nazianzenus. Studies in Manuscript Illumination, Number 6. Princeton University Press, 1969. [b00910-430043] ¥8,640 1169 Glück, Gustav Peter Brueghel the Elder. London: Thames and Hudson, 1958. First published. [b00897-430024] ¥3,240 97 1170 Goldscheider, Ludwig Leonardo da Vinci. Life and Work Paintings and Drawings. With the Leonardo Biography by Vasari. 1568. Newly Annoted. 114 Illustrations including 41in colour. London: Phaidon Press, [1959.] [b00864-403616] ¥4,320 1171 Guidiol, Josep & Cunill Els Primitius. La Miniatura Catalana. La Pintura Medieval Catalana. 1955. [b00913-430046] ¥8,640 Barcelona: Llibreria Canuda, 1172 Gustafson, Herb The Art of Japanese Gardens. Designing & Making your own Peaceful Space. Publishing Co., Inc., 1999. [b00882-430009] ¥2,160 New York: Sterling 1173 Hackländer, F. W. Krieg und Frieden. Soldaten-Geschichten. Illustrirt von F. Bergen, R. Haug, E. Horstig, L. Marold, E. Rumpf. <Ein Tag bei dem Manöver. / Der alte Lehnstuhl. Ein Schloß in den Ardennen. / Eine Viertelstunde Vater. / Im Damencoupe. / Das Haus der Gespenster. / Aus der Säbeltasche. / Die Montecchi und Capuletti. / Nur natürlich ! > Stuttgart: Verlag von Carl Krabbe, 1885. [b00798-403550] ¥5,400 1174 Haftmann, Werner Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert. Prestel-Verlag München, [1954.] [b00824-403576] ¥3,240 1175 Hartmann, Nicolai Das Problem des geistigen Seins. Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung der Geschichtsphilosophie und der Geisteswissenschaften. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1962. 3 unveränderte Auflage. [b00826-403578] ¥8,640 1176 Hasé, Akihisa & Seckel, Dietrich Emaki. Die Kunst der Klassischen Japanischen Bilderrollen. Herausgegeben von Akihisa Hasé. Einführung von Dietrich Seckel. Max Niehans Verlag AG Zürich, 1959. 欠ページあり [b00838-403590] ¥4,320 1177 Hausenstein, Wilhelm Vom Genie des Barock. Prestel-Verlag München, 1962. [b00884-430011] ¥3,240 1178 Heinz, Skrobucha Die Ikonenmalerei. Technik und Vorzeichnungen. Nach einem russischen Manuskript von Ivan Schneider und Peter Fedorov. Verlag Aurel Bongers Recklinghausen, [1978.] [b00915-430048] ¥3,240 1179 Hofmann, Armin Methodik Der Form-Und Bildgestaltung : Aufbau Synthese Anwendung. / Manuel De Creation Graphique : Forme Synthese Application. / Graphic Design Manual: Principles and Practice. Verlag Arthur Niggli AG, [1965.] [b00874-430001] ¥8,640 1180 Jung, Wilhelm Deutsche Malerei der Frühzeit. Die blauen Bücher. Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger, Hans Köster Königstein im Taunus, n.d. [b00861-403613] ¥2,160 1181 Jung, Wilhelm Deutsche Malerei der Frühzeit. Die blauen Bücher. Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger, Hans Köster Königstein im Taunus, n.d. [b00862-403614] ¥2,160 1182 Kainz, Dr. Friedrich Vorlesungen über Ästhetik. Wien: Sexl-Verlag, 1948. [b00813-403565] ¥3,240 1183 Kollautz, A. Denkmäler Byzantinischen Christentums aus der Awarenzeit der Donauländer. (Only Heft 2.) Zetemata Byzantina. Studien und Vorträge zur byzantinischen Geschichte. Herausgegeben von Adolf 98 M. Hakkert / Amsterdam und Peter Wirth / München. Heft 2. 1970. [b00914-430047] ¥3,240 Amsterdam: Verlag Adolf M. Hakkert, 1184 Kris, Ernst & Kurz, Otto Die Legende vom Künstler. Ein geschictlicher Versuch. Mit einem Vorwort von Ernst H. Gombrich. Suhrkamp, 1980. Erste Auflage. [b00808-403560] ¥5,400 1185 Kunsthalle Köln Herbst des Mittelalters. Spätgotik in Köln und am Niederrhein. Kunsthalle Köln. 20. Juni bis 27. September 1970. [1970.] [b00857-403609] ¥2,160 1186 Kunsthaus Lempertz Lempertz Auktion 684. 21. November 1992. Moderne Kunst. Bis circa 1945. Gemälde, Plastik, Aquarelle, Handzeichnungen, Graphik, Illustrierte Bücher, Mappenwerke. [1992.] [b00856-403608] ¥2,160 1187 Kunsthaus Lempertz Lempertz Auktion 679. 3. Juni 1992. Moderne Kunst. Bis circa 1945. Gemälde, Plastik, Aquarelle, Handzeichnungen, Graphik, Illustrierte Bücher, Mappenwerke. [1992. ] [b00894-430021] ¥2,160 1188 Kunsthaus Lempertz Lempertz Auktion 897 Köln 30. Nov. 2006. Zeitgenössische Kunst. Contemporary Art. [b00899-430026] ¥2,160 [2006.] 1189 Kunsthaus Lempertz Lempertz Auktion 691. 26. Mai 1993 Köln. Moderne Kunst. Bis circa 1945. Gemälde, Plastik, Aquarelle, Handzeichnungen, Graphik, Illustrierte Bücher, Mappenwerke. [1993.] [b00900-430027] ¥2,160 1190 Lassaigne, Jacques Flemish Painting. The Century of Van Eyck. Text by Jacques Lassaigne. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. Painting, Color, History, Collection planned and directed by Albert Skira. Albert Skira, [1957.] [b00890-430017] ¥6,480 1191 Lassaigne, Jacques & Delevoy, Robert L. Flemish Painting. From Bosch to Rubens. Text by Jacques Lassaigne and Robert L. Delevoy. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. Painting, Color, History, Collection planned and directed by Albert Skira. Albert Skira, [1958.] [b00891-430018] ¥8,640 1192 Leff, Gordon Medieval Thought. St. Augustine to Ockham. [b00816-403568] ¥2,160 London: Merlin Press, 1980. Reprinted. 1193 Leymarie, Jean Dutch Painting. Text by Jean Leymarie. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. Painting, Color, History, Collection planned and directed by Albert Skira. Skira, [1956.] [b00889-430016] ¥4,320 1194 Lightbown, R. W. Donatello & Michelozzo. (Only Volume II.) Volume II: Illustrations. Notes and Documents. London: Harvey Miller, [1980.] [b00846-403598] ¥4,320 1195 Lüthgen, Eugen Romanische Plastik in Deutschland. Mit 178 Abbildungen auf 145 Tafeln. Schroeder, 1923. [b00903-430030] ¥8,640 Bonn und Leipzig: Kurt 1196 Mazal, Otto Byzanz und das Abendland. Katalog einer Ausstellung der Handschriften und Inkunabelsammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Mit einem Geleitwort von Generaldirektor Josef Zeßner-Spitzenberg. Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, 1981. [b00895-430022] ¥4,320 99 1197 Micheletti, Emma Santa Croce. Einleitung von Pater Mario Franchi. Firenze: Becocci Editore, n.d. [b00835-403587] ¥2,160 1198 Milojcic, V & Schrickel Kolloquium über Spätantike und Frühmittelalterliche Skulptur. Band II. Universität Heidelberg Institut für UR - und Frühgeschichte. Vortragstexte. 1970. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1971. [b00836-403588] ¥4,320 1199 Molsdorf, Wilhelm Christliche Symbolik der Mittelalterlichen Kunst. Zweite, Wesentlich Veränderte und Erweiterte auflage des "Führers durch den symbolischen und Typologishen Bilderkreis der Christlichen Kunst des Mittelaltes."Mit 11 tafeln. Graz: Akademische Druck-u. Verlagsanstalt, 1984. [b00803-403555] ¥5,400 1200 Müller, Theodor Die Bildwerke in Holz, Ton und Stein. Um 1450 bis um 1540. Bayerisches Nationalmuseum. Von der Mitte des XV. Bis gegen Mitte des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Verlag F. Bruckmann München, [1959.] [b00865-403617] ¥5,400 1201 Münster, Clemens Die Bundesrepublik heute. Eine bestandsaufnahme in Beispielen. [b00820-403572] ¥2,160 Christian Wegner Verlag, 1965. 1202 Myss, Walter Bildwelt als Weltbild. Die Romanische Bilderdecke von St. Martin zu Zillis. Kult und Kunst. Zweiter Band. Beuroner Kunstverlag, [1965.] [b00823-403575] ¥3,240 1203 Nordenfalk, Carl Die Spätantiken Zierbuchstaben. Tafelband. (Only Tafelband.) n.d. [b00829-403581] ¥4,320 1992. [b00885-430012] ¥2,160 1204 O'neill, Amanda Die Biblische Welt. Auf den Spuren unseres Glaubens. Moewig, 1205 O'neill, Amanda Die Welt im Altertum. Von den frühen Hochkulturen bis zum römischen weltreich. [b00886-430013] ¥2,160 Moewig, 1992. 1206 Ouspensky, Leonid & Lossky, Vladimir The Meaning of Icons. Translated by G. E. H. Palmer and E. Kadloubovsky. New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1983. Revised Edition, Second Printing. [b00833-403585] ¥4,320 1207 Pächt, Otto Vita Sancti Simperti. Eine Handschrift für Maximilian I. 1964. [b00863-403615] ¥3,240 Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 1208 Panagopoulos, Beata Kitsiki Cistercian and Mendicant Monasteries in Medieval Greece. 1979. [b00898-430025] ¥4,320 The University of Chicago Press, 1209 Panofsky, Erwin Early Netherlandish Painting. Its Orijins and Character. Volume one: Text. Volume two: Plates. In 2 vols. Harvard University Press, 1958. Second Printing. [b00906-430039] ¥12,960 1210 Pavone, Mario Alberto & Pacelli, Vincenzo Enciclopedia Bernardiniana. Iconografia. Volume Secondo. Only Volume Secondo. [b00911-430044] ¥12,960 1211 Pennington, M. Basil The Cistercian Spirit. A Symposium. In Memory of Thomas Merton. Cistercian Studies Series: Number Three. Irish University Press, 1969. [b00815-403567] ¥4,320 100 1212 Piel, Friedrich Röscheisen. Mäander. [1988.] [b00853-403605] ¥3,240 1213 Piel, Friedrich La Capella colleoni e il Luogo Pio della Pietà in Bergamo. Opera promossa dal Luogo Pio della Pietà Istituto Bartolomeo Colleoni in occasione del quinto centenario della morte del Condottiero. Fotografie, Domenico Lucchetti. Monumenta Longobardica, 1975. [b00888-430015] ¥4,320 1214 Plotzek, Joachim M. Das Perikopenbuch Heinrichs III. In Bremen und Seine Stellung innerhalb der Echternacher Buchmalerei. Inaugural - Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln. Köln: Walter Kleikamp, 1970. [b00801-403553] ¥3,240 1215 Pope - Hennessy, John The Portrait in the Renaissance. The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts. 1963. The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. Bollingen Series XXXV. 12. Princeton University Press, 1979. [b00844-403596] ¥2,160 1216 Read, Herbert The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of the Arts. Architecture, Sculpture, Applied Arts, Painting, Graphic Arts, Literature, Theatre, Cinema, Photography, Music, Opera, Ballet, Biographies, Titles, Styles, Schools, Movements and Groups, Technical Terms, Techniques and Materials. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1966. [b00832-403584] ¥4,320 1217 Ricci, Corrado Romanische Baukunst in Italien. Bauformen-Bibliothek Band XXI. Mit 350 Abbidungen. Stuttgart: Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1925. [b00902-430029] ¥6,480 1218 Riegl, Alois Die Entstehung der Barockkunst in Rom. Kunstwissenschaftliche Studientexte. Aus seinen hinterlassenen papieren herausgegeben von Arthur Burda und Max Dvořák. Mäander Kunstverlag, 1977. [b00827-403579] ¥5,400 1219 Robertson, Martin & Frantz, Alison The Parthenon Frieze. Text: Martin Robertson. Photographs: Alison Frantz. published. [b00848-403600] ¥2,160 Phaidon. 1975. First 1220 Rohde, Elisabeth Pergamon. Burgberg und Alter. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Antiken - Sammlung. Kunst und Gesellschaft Berlin, 1969. [b00811-403563] ¥2,160 Henschelverlag 1221 Royal Academy of Arts France in the eighteenth century. Royal Academy of Arts. Winter exhibition 1968. [b00837-403589] ¥2,160 [1968.] 1222 Russell, Jeffrey Burton Lucifer. The Devil in the Middle Ages. published. [b00819-403571] ¥4,320 Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1984. First 1223 Sachs, Hannelore & Badstübner, Ernst & Neumann, Helga Christliche Ikonographie in Stichworten. Kösel-Verlag München, 1975. [b00828-403580] ¥4,320 1224 Saitschick, Robert Menschen und Kunst. Der italienischen Renaissance. [b00796-403548] ¥6,480 Berlin: Ernst Hofmann & Co., 1903. 1225 Salmi, Mario L'enluminure Italienne. Arts et Métiers Graphiques, [1954.] 101 [b00907-430040] ¥8,640 1226 Saunders, O. Elfrida English Illumination. Volume I. [b00850-403602] ¥2,160 New York: Hacker Art Books, 1969. Reprinted. 1227 Schmid, Andreas & Doering, Dr. Oscar & Bauer, Dr. Lorenz Der Christliche Altar. Sein Schmuck und seine Ausstattung. Nach Dr. Andreas Schmid neu bearbeitet von Dr. Oscar Doering unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Lorenz Bauer. Mit 30 Abbidungen im Anhang. Ferdinand Schöningh, Verlag, Paderborn, 1928. [b00825-403577] ¥8,640 1228 Schneider, Angela Wege der Moderne. Die Sammlung Beyeler. Nationalgalerie Berlin. 30. April - 1. August 1993. Monet. Rousseau. Picasso. Matisse. Mondrian. Klee. Giacometti. Rothko. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 1993. [b00840-403592] ¥3,240 1229 Schoch, Rainer Meister der Zeichnung. Zeichnungen und Aquarelle aus der Graphischen Sammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums. Germanisches Nationalmuseums Nürnberg 6.6 - 27.9.1992. Nürnberg: Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 1992. [b00834-403586] ¥2,160 1230 Semper, Gottfried Der Stil 1 : die Textile Kunst. In den technischen und tektonischen Künsten oder praktische Ästhetik. Ein Handbuch für Techniker, Künstler und Kunstfreunde. Kunstwissenschaftliche Studientexte. Mäander Kunstverlag, 1977. [b00821-403573] ¥12,960 1231 Smith, William & Cheetham, Samuel ed. A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. Comprising the History, Institutions, and Antiquities of the Christian Church, from the Time of the Apostles to the Age of Charlemagne. Illustrated. In 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1908. Fifth Impression. [b00912-430045] ¥8,640 1232 Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin Christus und Maria, Menschensohn und Gottesmutter. [b00878-430005] ¥2,160 Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin 1980. 1233 Stange, Alfred Deutsche Spätgotische Malerei. 1430-1500. Die blauen Bücher. Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger, Hans Köster Königstein im Taunus, n.d. [b00859-403611] ¥2,160 1234 Stange, Alfred Deutsche Gotische Malerei. 1300-1430. Die blauen Bücher. Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger, Hans Köster Königstein im Taunus, n.d. [b00860-403612] ¥2,160 1235 Stokes, Margaret Early Christian Art in Ireland. With one hundred and six Woodcuts. 1887. [b00800-403552] ¥6,480 Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1236 Stubblebine, James H. Guido da Siena. Princeton University Press, 1964. [b00843-403595] ¥8,640 1237 Sturm, Erwin Die Bau- und Kunstdenkmale der Stadt Fulda. Band 3 der Reihe: Die Bau- und Kunstdenkmale des Fuldaer Landes. Fulda: Verlag Parzeller GmbH & Co. KG, 1984. [b00809-403561] ¥6,480 1238 Swarzenski, Hanns Monuments of Romanesque Art. The Art of Church Treasures in North - Western Europe. sity of Chicago Press, 1954. [b00854-403606] ¥5,400 Univer- 1239 Timmers, J.J.M. A History of Dutch Life and Art. Translated by Mary F. Hedlund M. A. Ltd, [1959.] [b00892-430019] ¥6,480 102 Thomas Nelson and Sons 1240 Toesca, Pietro La Pittura e la Miniatura nella Lombardia. Dai più antichi Monumenti alla Metà del Quattrocento. Con 481 Incisioni e 35 Tavole. Ristampa anastatica autorizzata dall'Editore Urico Hoepli. Mirano: Cisalpino Goliardica, 1982. [b00916-430049] ¥9,720 1241 Vayer, Lajos intro. & notes. Master Drawings. From the Collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts 14th-18th Centuries. Corvina Press. 1964. Second Edition. [b00893-430020] ¥8,640 1242 Velmans, Tania Le Tétraévangile de la Laurentienne. Florence, Laur. VI. 23. Préfacé par André Grabar. Bibliothèque des Cahiers Archèologiques. Publiée sous la Direction D'andré grabar et de Jean Hubert. VI. Paris: Éditions Klincksieck, 1971. [b00883-430010] ¥5,400 1243 Vigorelli, Giancarlo L'opera completa di Giotto. Presentazione di Giancarlo Vigorelli. Apparati critici e filologici di Edi Baccheschi. Milano: Rizzoli Editore, 1966. Prima edizione. [b00896-430023] ¥2,160 1244 Walters Art Gallery The International Style. The Arts in Europe Around 1400. ocrober 23 - December 2, 1962. Walters Art Gallery Baltimore, 1962. [b00841-403593] ¥2,160 The 1245 Weitzmann, Kurt Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination. [b00851-403603] ¥2,160 New York: George Braziller, 1977. 1246 Wurster, Carl Chemie und Lebensstandard. Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik AG, n.d. [b00881-430008] ¥1,080 1247 Zarnecki, George Romanesque Art. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, [1971.] First published. [b00831-403583] ¥2,160 1248 Zaske, Nikolaus & Rosemarie Kunst in Hansestädten. Leipzig: Koehler & Amelang, 1985. [b00887-430014] ¥2,160 1249 Georg Dehio Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler. Sachsen. Die Bezirke Dresden, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Leipzig. Bearbeitet von der Arbeitsstelle für Kunstgeschichte bei der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Deutscher Kunstverlag München Berlin, 1965. [b00804-403556] ¥3,240 1250 Georg Dehio Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler. Cottbus Frankfurt / oder. Bearbeitet im Institut für Denkmalpflege. Deutscher Kunstverlag München Berlin, 1987. [b00805-403557] ¥3,240 1251 Georg Dehio Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler. Mecklenburg. Die Bezirke Neubran- denburg, Rostock, Schwerin. Überarbeitet von der Abteilung Forschung des Instituts für Denkmalpflege. Deutscher Kunstverlag München Berlin, 1980. 2. Auflage. [b00806-403558] ¥3,240 1252 Georg Dehio Handbuch der Deutschen Kunstdenkmäler. Sachsen-Anhalt. I Bezirk Magdeburg. II Bezirk Halle. Überarbeitet von der Abteilung Forschung des Instituts für Denkmalpflege. In 2 vols. Deutscher Kunstverlag München Berlin, 1974 & 1976. [b00807-403559] ¥6,480 1253 Cimelia Monacensia. Wertvolle Handschriften und frühe Drucke der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, [1970.] 103 [b00909-430042] ¥3,240 芸術・デザイン 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1254 「モノグラム辞典」 2 巻 1832、1833 年 ミュンヘン刊 背クロース装 ¥64,800 Brulliot,François Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques Figurées, Lettres Initiales, Noms Abrégés etc. Avec Lesquels les Peintres, Dessinateurs, Graveurs et Sculpteurs ont Désigné Leur Nom. Première Partie, Contenant les Monogrammes. Seconde Partie, Contenant les Lettres Initiales. 2 vols. Munich: à l'Institut Littéraire Artistique de la Librairie de J.G Cotta, 1832, 1833. Nouvelle Édition Revue, Corrigée et Augmentée d'un Grand Nombre d'Articles. [aj924-807944] 1255 「フランス出版年鑑」 1922 年 クリスマス 3/4 ヴェラム装 ¥43,200 さまざまな本の挿絵、広告等印刷物の複製を多数掲載 L'Imprimerie Glorifiée par le Poètes & par les Littérateurs. ("Les Maitres imprimeurs de France" to spine). Paris: Bulletin Officiel des Maitres Imprimerurs, Album de Noël 1922. [aj925-807945] 1256 セオドア・レフ「ドガのノート」 1976 年 クロース装 ¥21,600 Reff,Theodore The Notebooks of Edgar Degas. A Catalogue of the Thirty-Eight Notebooks in the Bibliothèque Nationale and Other Collections. In 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976. [b00286-402863] Marine Painting. n.d. クロース装 London Paris & Melbourne: Cassell and Co., n.d. 1257 ウォルター・W.メイ May,Walter W. With Sixteen Coloured Plates. ¥12,960 [f0336-170334] 1258 「ジョルジョ・モランディ」 1992 年 パリ刊 限定 340 部 ¥45,000 Dorothée Lalanne と Patrick Mauriès によるテキスト Michelangelo Giuliani によるアトリエを撮影したモ ノクロ写真 版画作品の複写 麻布装 水彩画の複製 8 点を収めた別冊 函 Giuliani, Michelangelo, Dorothée Lalanne & Patrick Mauriès Giorgio Morandi. Photographies: Michelangelo Giuliani (photographs of Morandi's atelier). Textes: Dorothée Lalanne & Patrick Mauriès. Paris: Librairie Jullien-Cornic, 1992. [aj1001-807951] 1259 「ルイス・C.ティファニー作品集」 1914 年 総革装 ¥150,000 Kay,Charles de The Art Work of Louis C. Tiffany. Garden City & New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914. Of this book ten copies have been printed upon parchment and four hundred and ninety-two copies have been printed upon Japan paper for private distribution. [b00575-403313] 1260 アルフレッド・シャピュイ 「中国の時計」 n.d. [1919 年] ペーパー装 ¥54,000 Chapuis,Alfred La Montre "Chinoise". Introduction sur L'Horométrie et le Système cosmologique des Chinois par Léopold de Saussure. Puvrage orné de 33 planches hors texte en noir et en couleurs et de 245 figures dans le texte. [Relations de l'Horologerie suisse avec la Chine] Neuchatel: Attinger Frères, n.d. [1919.] [cn0076-707595] 1261 Gauthier-Villars,Henry (Willy) Propos D'Ouvreuse. 1925 年 1/2 革装 ¥12,960 Avec le portrait de l'auteur, bois gravés et dessinés par Robert Barriot. Paris: Les Editions Henry-Parville, 1925. [f0377-170375] 1262 ザ・スチュディオ特別号 「スケッチング・グラウンズ」 1909 年 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 Holme,Charles ed. Sketching Grounds. ("The Studio" Special Summer of Holiday Number) With Numerous Illustrations in Colours & Mono Tint by Eminent Living Artists. London, Paris & New York: Offices of "The Studio", 1909. [b00573-403311] 104 児童文学 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 仕掛け絵本 1263 The Jolly Old Man Who Sings Down Derry Down. ¥162,000 ロンドン:ディーン&サン刊 19 世紀中頃 稀少 厚紙装 手彩色プレート 8 点、 描かれた人物の顔にあたる部分がくり抜かれており、最後のプレートにはめ込まれた木彫りの顔が覗 く仕掛け 表紙、裏表紙端および背補修 表紙少々汚れ The Jolly Old Man Who Sings Down Derry Down. London: Dean & Son, n.d. (c.mid 19th century) [aj1147-500294] 1264 The Electrical Wonder Book. ¥108,000 ニューヨーク/ロンドン:パーカー・ブラザース刊 20 世紀中頃? 厚紙装 元函 前見返し中央に先生のイラスト、後見返しに生徒のイラストが描かれており、各ページ のくりぬかれた部分からイラストが見えるようになっている。それぞれの人物の可動式の腕が仕込まれ た磁石で動き、ページに印刷された質問の答えがわかる仕掛け。 The Electrical Wonder Book. New York & London: Parker Brothers, n.d. (c.mid 20th century) [aj1148-500295] 1265 「ストーリー・フロム・ディケンズ」 ¥12,960 ロンドン他刊 日付なし(20 世紀初頭頃?) 厚紙装 カラーイラスト表紙 カラー図版 2 点 仕掛け絵 本(見開き 2 ページのパノラマに配された登場人物たちが飛び出す) 書込あり [Dickens,Charles] Stories from Dickens for Boys and Girls. Told by His Grand-daughter and Others. With Illustration by Harold Copping. With "Come to Life" Panorama. ('The Storyland Treasury' series.) London, Paris, New York: Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd., n.d. (c.early 20th century) [aj1118-500281] 1266 ローター・メッゲンドルファ Scenes in the Life of Masher. ¥237,600 ロンドン刊 1890 年頃 厚紙装 仕掛け付カラープレート 8 点 表紙、裏表紙擦れ Meggendorfer,Lothar Scenes in the Life of Masher. A Movable Toybook by Lothar Meggendorfer. London: H.Grevel & Co., n.d. (c.1890) [aj1149-500301] ANDERSEN,Hans-Christian 1267 Andersen,Hans-Christian Fairy Tales. With 167 Drawings, Etchings & Woodcuts by Grear European Illustrators. Books Ltd., n.d. [ch0278-500300] ¥6,480 Omega BAUM,L. Frank 1268 Baum,L. Frank The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. 「オズの魔法使い」 With Pictures by W. W. Denslow. Books of Wonder / William Morrow and Co., 1987. [ch0160-500166] ¥2,160 BARRIE,J. M. 105 New York: 1269 Barrie,J. M. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. 「ケンジントン公園のピーターパン」 Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Brockhampton Press Ltd, 1976. Fourth impression. [ch0297-500322] ¥4,320 CARROLL,Lewis 1270 Guiliano,Edward ed. Lewis Carroll: A Celebration. Essays on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. New York: Clarkson N.Potter, Inc., 1982. [s03088-500003] ¥8,640 1271 Hudson,Derek Lewis Carroll. Folcroft Library Editions, 1976. Reprinted from the edition of London: Constable, 1954, first published. [s03085-500004] ¥5,400 1272 Sutherland,Robert D. Language and Lewis Carroll. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Maior 26] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. [s03087-500005] ¥8,640 DICKENS,Charles 1273 Dickens,Charles A Christmas Carol. 「クリスマス・キャロル」 Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. 1976. Reprinted. [ch0295-500320] ¥5,400 London: Heinemann, 1274 Dickens,Charls The Children's Dickens. Stories selected from various tales. UP, n.d. [ch0155-500161] ¥3,240 Humphrey Milford, / London: Oxford GRAHAME,Kenneth 1275 Grahame,Kenneth The Wind in the Willows. 「たのしい川べ」 Illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Introducton by A. A. Milne. London: Methuen Children's Books, 1980. Reprinted. [ch0299-500324] ¥4,320 KINGSLEY,Charles 1276 Kingsley,Charles The Water-Babies. 「水の子どもたち」A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby. Illustrated by Linley Sambourne. Macmillan, 1979. [ch0033-500039] ¥5,400 MACDONALD,Betty 1277 MacDonald,Betty Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm. 「ピッグル・ウィッグルおばさんの農場」 Pictures by Maurice Sendak. Philadelphia & New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1954. [ch0288-500313] ¥4,320 MALORY,Sir Thomas 1278 Cutler,U. Waldo Stories of King Arthur and His Knights. 「アーサー王と騎士たちの物語」 Retold from Malory's "Morte Darthur". London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1912. [f0318-170316] ¥12,960 106 1279 Edwardson,E. The Courteous Knight and Other Tales. Borrowed from Spenser & Malory. Illustrated by Robert Hope. Edinburgh & London: T. Nelson & Sons, 1899. [f0319-170317] ¥9,720 MILNE,A.A. 1280 (Milne,A. A.) Stewart,Katie The Pooh Cook Book. 「くまのプーさんの料理本」Inspired by Winnie-The Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne. Recipes by Katie Stewart, Illustrated by Ernest Shepard. London: Methuen Children's Books, 1977. Reprinted. [ch0285-500310] ¥4,320 MINARIK,E. H. 1281 Minarik,Else Holmelund A Kiss for Little Bear. 「だいじなとどけもの」 Pictures by Maurice Sendak. [An I can Read Book] New York, Evanston, & London: Harper & Row, 1968. [ch0290-500315] ¥6,480 1282 Minarik,Else Holmelund Little Bear's Friend. 「くまくんのおともだち」 Pictures by Maurice Sendak. [An I can Read Book] New York & Evanston: Harper & Row, 1960. [ch0291-500316] ¥6,480 1283 Minarik,Else Holmelund Little Bear's Visit. 「おじいちゃんとおばあちゃん」 Pictures by Maurice Sendak. [An I can Read Book] New York & Evanston: Harper & Row, 1961. [ch0292-500317] ¥6,480 POTTER,Beatrix 1284 Potter,Beatrix The Fairy Caravan. 「妖精のキャラバン」 London & New York: Frederick Warne & Co., 1980. Tenth impression. [ch0283-500308] ¥5,400 SCOTT,Walter 1285 Scott,Walter Quentin Durward. 「クエンティン・ダーワード」Illustrated by Eric Thomas. Abridged by Marylyn Robertson. General Editor: Grace Hogarth. [Classics for Today] William Collins Sons & Co., 1972. First published. [ch0146-500152] ¥3,240 SENDAK,Maurice 1286 Sendak,Maurice Very Far Away. 「遠いところへ行きたいな」 New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957. [ch0289-500314]¥5,400 TOLKIEN,J. R. R. 1287 Tolkien,J. R. R. The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. 「トム・ボンバディルの冒険」 And other verses from The Red Book. With Illustrations by Pauline Baynes. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1975. Ninth impression. [ch0164-500170] ¥3,240 1288 Tolkien,J.R.R. Mr. Bliss. 「ブリスさん」 London: George Allen & Unwin, 1982. First published. [ch0284-500309]¥5,400 107 VERNE,Jules 1289 Verne,Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. 「海底 2 万マイル」 Illustrated by Doreen Roberts. Abridged by Olive Jones. General Editor: Grace Hogarth. [Classics for Today] William Collins Sons & Co., 1972. First published. [ch0138-500144] ¥3,240 WILDER,Laura Ingalls 1290 Wilder,Laura Ingalls The Long Winter. 「長い冬」 Illustrated by Garth Williams. Row, 1968. [ch0282-500307] ¥4,320 New York & Evanston: Harper & Comic 1291 Kelly,Walt Positively Pogo. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. First printing. [f0520-170526] ¥4,320 Horn Book 1292 Tuer,Andrew W. History of the Horn Book. New York: Arno Press, 1979. Reprint Edition. [ch0048-500054] ¥8,640 1293 Opie,Iona & Peter ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. [ch0181-500187] ¥4,320 Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1973. Reprinted. 1294 Opie,Iona & Peter ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. [ch0280-500305] ¥4,320 London: Oxford UP, 1975. Reprinted. 1295 Rackham,Arthur illus. Mother Goose. The Old Nursery Rhymes. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. ervane Books. 1978. [ch0077-500083] ¥5,400 New York; Weath- その他作品、評論など 1296 A Lady The Child's Guide to Knowledge; Authorised Edition. Being a Collection of Useful and Familiar Questions and Answers on Every-day Subjects, Adapted for Young Persons, and Arranged in the Most Simple and Easy Language. London: Published by Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1886. Fifty-sixth edition. [f0652-170658] ¥8,640 1297 Allen,Kenneth Soldiers in Battle. Illustrated by James MacIntyre. lished. [ch0128-500134] ¥3,240 London: Odhams Books Ltd, 1966. First pub- 1298 Anglund,Joan Walsh Morning is a Little Child. Poems by Joan Walsh Anglund. Reprinted. [ch0183-500189] ¥2,160 London: Collins, St. James's Place, 1973. 1299 Atwood,Margaret Morning in the Burned House. Toronto: M & S, 1995. 108 [ch0102-500108] ¥3,240 1300 Av,Ritad & Beskow,Elsa Sagan om den Lilla Lilla Gumman. 「ちいさなちいさなおばあさんのおはなし」(北欧スウェーデン 語絵本) Bonniers Juniorförlag AB, 1980. [ch0165-500171] ¥4,320 1301 Avery,Gillian Behold the Child. American Children and their Books 1621-1922. First published. [ch0089-500095] ¥4,320 London: The Bodley Head, 1994. 1302 Avery,Harold Caught Out! Coloured Illustrations and Photographs. n.d. [ch0274-500296] ¥4,320 London & Glasgow: Collin's Clear-Type Press, 1303 Barbour,Ralph Henry ed. The Year's Best Stories for Boys 1927. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1927. [ch0108-500114] ¥8,640 1304 Belting,Natalia The Moon is a Crystal Ball. Unfamliar Legends of the Stars. Illustrated by Anne Marie Jauss. The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1952. [ch0129-500135] ¥3,240 1305 Bottigheimer,Ruth B. Grimms' Bad Girls & Bold Boys. The Moral & Social Vision of the Tales. Yale UP., 1987. [ch0281-500306] ¥6,480 New Haven & London: 1306 Briggs,Katharine Abbey Lubbers, Banshees & Boggarts. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fairies. Illusrated by Yvonne Gilbert. New York: Pantheon Books, 1979. First American edition. [ch0047-500053] ¥4,320 1307 Briggs,Margery Haining A Child's Year with Nature. Being Fifty-Two Primary Talks. With Numerous Illustrations by the Author. London: The Sunday School Union, n.d. [ch0103-500109] ¥4,320 1308 Briggs,Raymond Fee Fi Fo Fum. A Picture Book of Nursery Rhymes. With Grateful Acknowledgement to Iona and Peter Opie. [Picture Puffin PX12] Penguin Books in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1969. [ch0173-500179] ¥2,160 1309 Capon,Paul Roman Gold. Illustrated by Roger Payne. [ch0139-500145] ¥5,400 Brockhampton Press Ltd, 1968. First edition. 1310 Chisholm,Louey (chosen) The Golden Staircase; Poetry. For the Eleven and Twelve Year Old. With Pictures by M. Dibdin Spooner. London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, n.d. [ch0153-500159] ¥3,240 1311 Clark,Mae Knight Worlds of Wonder. Snior Authors: Albert J. Harris & Mae Knight Clark. Illustrated by Amos Sewell, Adrienne Adams. [The Macmillan Reading Program] New York: The Macmillan Co, / London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd, 1965. [ch0151-500157] ¥2,160 1312 Clifford,W. K. Anyhow Stories. For Children. With Illustrations by Lady Stanley (Miss Dorothy Tennant) and the Hon. John Collier. London: Duckworth and Co., 1899. New and enlarged edition. [ch0104-500110]¥4,320 1313 Cole,Michael & Joanne Bod's Apple. [Bod Books] London: Methuen & Co., 1965. First published. [ch0168-500174] ¥2,160 1314 Cott,Jonathan ed. & Introduction. Beyond The Looking Glass. Extraordinary Works of Fairy Tale & Fantasy. Special Introductory Essay by Leslie Fiedler. New York: The Stonehill Publishing Co.in association with R. R. Bowker Co., 1973. [ch0049-500055] ¥8,640 109 1315 Darton,F.J. Harvey Children's Books in England. Five Centuries of Social Life. Second Edition with an Introduction by Kathleen Lines. Cambridge University Press, 1966. Reprinted. [ch0045-500051] ¥4,320 1316 Daudet,Alphonse Aventures Prodigieuses De Tartarin De Tarascon. Édition Pour la Jeunesse. 1936. [ch0056-500062] ¥5,400 Ernes Flammarion, 1317 De Regniers,Beatrice Schenk The Boy, the Rat, and the Butterfly. Illustrated by Haig and Regina Shekerjian. neum, 1971. First edition. [ch0121-500127] ¥3,240 New York: Athe- 1318 Dulcken,H. W. The World's Explorers; Or, Travels and Adventures. Illustrated with Many Engravings from Designs by Eminent Artists. London: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, n.d. [f0329-170327] ¥12,960 1319 Edwards,Margaret Dulles Child of the Sun. A Pharaoh of Egypt. Drawings by Richard B. Beaman. 1947. Third printing. [ch0154-500160] ¥3,240 Boston: The Beacon Press, 1320 Faulkner,Nancy Second Son. Illustrated by Vernon Wooten. Virginia: Colonial Williamsurg, / New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. [ch0152-500158] ¥2,160 1321 Fenn,G. Manville Young Robin Hood. With Twenty-Three Illustrations. [Altemus' Illustrated Dainty Series] delphia: Henry Altemus Co., [1900.] [f0521-170527] ¥4,320 Phila- 1322 Garnett,Eve In and Out and Roundabout. Stories of a Little Town. Written and Illustrated by Eve Garnett. London: Frederick Muller Ltd, 1948. First published. [ch0163-500169] ¥4,320 1323 Henty,G. A. Jack Archer. 「ジャック・アーチャー」 A Tale of the Crimea. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1889. New and Cheaper Edition. [f0317-170315] ¥12,960 1324 Henty,G. A. True to the Old Flag. A Tale of the American War of Independence. With Twelve Full-page Illustrations by Gordon Browne. London: Blackie & Son, n.d. [f0320-170318] ¥6,480 1325 Hillyer,V. M. A Child's Geography of the World. Revised by Edward G. Huey. With Many Maps and Illustrations by Mary Sherwood Wright Jones. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1951. [ch0136-500142] ¥5,400 1326 Hunt,Peter ed. Children's Literature. An Illustrated History. Edited by Peter Hunt. Associate editors Dennis Butts, Ethel Heins, Margaret Kinnell, Tony Watkins. Oxford UP, 1995. First published. [ch0090-500096] ¥4,320 1327 Ish-Kishor,Sulamith The Master of Miracle. A New Novel of the Golem. Pictures by Arnold Lobel. Publishers, 1971. First edition. [ch0125-500131] ¥3,240 Harper & Row, 1328 Jarrell,Randall The Bat-Poet. 「詩のすきなこうもりのはなし」 Pictures by Maurice Sendak. Publising Co., 1964. [ch0293-500318] ¥6,480 New York: Macmillan 1329 Jones,Raymond F. Stories of Great Physicians. Illustrated by Shannon Stirnweis. [ch0118-500124] ¥2,160 110 Whitman Publising Co, 1963. 1330 Keats,Ezra Jack Whistle for Willie. [Picture Puffin PX11] 1969. [ch0172-500178] ¥2,160 Penguin Books in association with The Bodley Head, 1331 Kelly,Eric P. The Christmas Nightingale. Three Christmas Stories from Poland. Illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1952. Eleventh Printing. [ch0100-500106] ¥3,240 1332 Kemp,Gene Christmas with Tamworth Pig. Illustrated by Caroly Dinan. First publised. [ch0116-500122] ¥2,160 London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1977. 1333 Lampman,Evelyn Sibley Wheels West. The Story of Tabitha Brown. Illustrated by Gil Walker. 1965. First edition. [ch0133-500139] ¥4,320 New York: Doubleday & Co., 1334 Lindsay,Maud More Mother Stories. Illustrated by F. C. Sanborn and Mrs. Fanny Railton. Harrap & Co., 1918. [ch0106-500112] ¥3,240 London: George G. 1335 Mackay,Margaret Island Boy. Robert Louis Stevenson and His Step-grandson in Samoa. Illustrated by John Lewis. George G. Harrap & Co., 1969. First publised. [ch0117-500123] ¥2,160 1336 Marryat,Captain The Children of the New Forest. 「森の子どもたち」 [ch0096-500102] ¥2,160 London & Glasgow: Blackie, n.d. 1337 Mason,Miriam E. Hominy and His Blunt-nosed Arrow. Illustrated by George and Doris Hauman. Macmillan Co., 1953. Third printing. [ch0124-500130] ¥2,160 New York: The 1338 McHargue,Georgess The Impossible People. A History Natural and Unnatural of Beings Terrible and Wonderful. Illustrated by Frank Bozzo. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. First published. [ch0149-500155] ¥4,320 1339 Miller,Olive Beaupré ed. From the Tower Window of My Book House. [ch0157-500163] ¥2,160 Illinois: The Book House for Children, 1965. 1340 Mitchison,Naomi The Young Alexander the Great. Illustrated by Betty Middleton-Sandford. London: Macdonald, / New York: Roy Publishers Inc., 1969. Reprinted. [ch0107-500113] ¥2,160 1341 Monjo,F. N. Pirates in Panama. Pictures by Wallace Tripp. [ch0150-500156] ¥3,240 New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970. First printing. 1342 Oram,Sandie Buried History. Illustrated by Ken Kirkland. Written and planned by Sandie Oram. [Starters Long Ago Books 3] London: Macdonald Educational, 1972. First published. [ch0145-500151] ¥2,160 1343 Orton,Lieut. James K. The Secret Chart or Treasure Hunting in Hayti. [f0519-170525] ¥8,640 Philadelphia: David McKay, [1902.] 1344 Parker,Richard Second-hand Family. Illustrated by Gareth Floyd. 111 The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1965. [ch0143-500149]¥2,160 1345 Paxton,S. H. The Dragon New Albion. Illustrated by John C. Wonsetler. First edition. [ch0147-500153] ¥3,240 Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1953. 1346 Perrault,Charles Contes des Fées par Ch. Perrault. La Barbe Bleue, Le petit Chaperon rouge, Les Fées, La Belle au Bois Dormant, Le Chat Botté, Cendrillon, Riquet à la Houppe, Le petit Poucet, L'adroite princesse, Peau d'Ane. Paris: Delarue, Libraire-Éditeur, n.d. (c.late 1800's). Édition illustrée par Henry Émy. [aj1173-170443] ¥12,960 1347 Proctor,Mary Legends of the Sun and Moon. Illustrated by Kathleen I. Noxon. [All Time Tales] London, Calcutta & Sydney: George G. Harrap & Co., 1926. First publised. [ch0098-500104] ¥3,240 1348 Rose,Jacqueline The Case of Peter Pan. Or The Impossibility of Children's Fiction. [Language, Discourse, Society] The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1994. Revised edition. [ch0161-500167] ¥2,160 1349 Russ,Lavinia The Girl on the Floor Will Help You. With Drawings by Mircea Vasiliu. Co., 1969. First edition. [ch0134-500140] ¥3,240 New York: Doubleday & 1350 Salten,Felix Fifteen Rabbits. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Kurt Wiese. London: Souvenir Press, 1975. British edition. (First published in America, 1930.) [ch0109-500115] ¥2,160 1351 Salten,Felix Fifteen Rabbits. Translated by Whittaker Chambers. Illustrated by Kurt Wiese. London: Souvenir Press, 1975. British edition. (First published in America, 1930.) [ch0127-500133] ¥2,160 1352 Spink,Reginald The Young Hans Andersen. Illustrated by Anne Linton. London: Max Parrish, / New York: Roy Publishers Inc., 1967. Second impression. [ch0105-500111] ¥2,160 1353 Trease,Geoffrey The Baron's Hostage. Illustrated by Douglas Phillips. first published. [ch0131-500137] ¥2,160 Brockhampton Press, 1973. Revised edition, 1354 Treece,Henry Vikings Dawn. Illustrated by Christine Price. [ch0119-500125] ¥5,400 London: The Bodley Head, 1955. First publised. 1355 Tuer,Andrew W. Stories from Old-Fashioned Children's Books. Brought Together and Introduced to the Rearer by Andrew W. Tuer, F.S.A. Adorned with 250 Amusing Cuts. London: The Leadenhall Prefs, / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899-1900. [f0413-170411] ¥19,440 1356 Tuer,Andrew W. Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Children's Books. London: The Leadenhall Prefs, / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, [1898-1899.] [f0414-170412] ¥12,960 1357 Unstead,R. J. From William the Conqueror to William Caxton. [People in Histroy: Book 2] Black Ltd, 1968. Reprinted. [ch0130-500136] ¥2,160 London: A. & C. 1358 Van der Loeff,A. Rutgers Children on the Oregon Trail. Translated from the Dutch by Roy Edwards. Illustrated by Peggy Fortnum. Brockhampton Press, 1971. This edition first published 1971. [ch0132-500138] ¥6,480 112 1359 Wells,Rosemary Unfortunately Harriet. New York: The Dial Press, 1972. First printing. [ch0095-500101] ¥3,240 1360 Winwar,Frances Cupid The God of Love. Illustrated by Eleanor Mill. [Legacy Books Y-10] House, 1959. First printing. [ch0140-500146] ¥2,160 New York: Random 1361 Yolen,Jane The Wizard of Washington Square. Illustrated by Ray Cruz. Publishing Co., 1969. [ch0097-500103] ¥2,160 New York & Cleveland: The World 1362 Grande Ménagerie Enfantine Illustrée. Animaux Domestiques. [ch0066-500072] Paris: Chez L'editeur. n.d. ¥32,400 1363 Je Saurai Lire. Alphabet Méthodique Et Amusant Par Un Papa. Ouvrage Enrichi De Nombreus- es Gravures Par Robert Sallès. 1364 Om Huis En Hof. n.d. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, n.d. [ch0073-500079] [ch0060-500066] ¥12,960 ¥4,320 1365 The Boy Mechanic. [Vol.I]: 700 Things for Boys to do. How to Construct Wireless Outfits, Boats, Camp Equipment, Aerial Gliders, Kites, Self-Propelled Vehicles, Engines, Motors, Electrical Apparatus, Cameras and Hundreds of Other Things which Delight Every Boy. With 800 Illustrations. / [Vol.II]: 1000 Things for Boys to do. How to Construct Devices for Winter Sports, Motion-Picture Camera, Indoor Games, Reed Furniture, Electrical Novelties, Boats, Fishing Rods, Camps and Camp Appliances, Kites and Gliders, Pushmobiles, Roller Coaster, Ferris Wheel and Hundreds of Other Things which Delight Every Boy. With 995 Illustrations. In 2 vols. Chicago: Popular Mechanics Co., 1913-1915. [ch0112-500118] ¥21,600 女 性 論 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1366 「フリー・ウーマン」 2 巻 2006 年 復刻版 クロース装 ¥43,200 The Freewoman. Volume I: A Weekly Feminist Review. No.1 - No. 26(23 November 1911 - 16 May 1912). Volume II: A Weekly Humanist Review. No.27 - No. 47 (23 May 1912 - 10 October 1912). Preface by Junko Demizu. 2 vols. (Supplement vol. lacking) Reprint. Kyoto; Eureka Press, 2006. [01995-102142] 1367 M.ヘイズ(著) 「フィメール・バイオグラフィー」 6 巻 2004 年 復刻版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Hays,Mary Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries. Alphabetically arranged. In 6 vols. [Supplement vol. lacking (Supplement in Japanese by Chihiro Umegaki)]. Reprint of 1803 edition. Osaka; Eureka Press, 2004. [01994-102141] 1368 マックス・バウアー 「女性とモラル」 1927 年 クロース装 ¥5,400 Bauer,Max Weib und Sittlichkeit. Die Sittengeschichte der Deutschen Frau. Mit 80 Grossen Bildtafeln und Vielen Illustrationen im Text. Berlin; Eigenbrödler Verlag, 1927. [01849-101922] 1369 メアリー・エヴァンズ(編) 「フェミニズム」 4 巻 2001 年 クロース装 ¥86,400 Evans,Mary ed. Feminism. Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. Edited by Mary Evans. In 4 vols. First published. London and New York; Routledge, 2001. [01998-102145] 113 1370 「英国ビクトリア朝時代 生活百科事典」 4 巻 2001 年 復刻版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Cassell's Household Guide to Every Department of Practical Life. Being a Complete Encyclopaedia of Domestic and Social Economy. In 4 vols. Reprinted from the 1873-4 edition. Tokyo; Edition Synapse, 2001. [02013-102160] 1371 「後期ヴィクトリア朝の結婚問題」 全 5 巻 1999 年 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Late-Victorian Marriage Question: A Collection of Key New Woman Texts. Edited and Introduced by Ann Heilmann. In 5 vols. Reprinted. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1999. [02014-102161] 1372 「後期ヴィクトリア朝の結婚問題」 全 5 巻 1998 年 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Late-Victorian Marriage Question: A Collection of Key New Woman Texts. Edited and Introduced by Ann Heilmann. In 5 vols. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1998. [02015-102162] 1373 「女性と大英帝国 18 世紀初頭~20 世紀初頭の一次資料集成」 全 5 巻 2009 年 復刻集成 厚紙装 ¥86,400 Women and Empire, 1750-1939. Primary Sources on Gender and Anglo-Imperialism. Edited by Susan K. Martin, Caroline Daley, Elizabeth Dimock, Cheryl Cassidy and Cecily Devereux. [History of Feminism] In 5 vols. First Published. London and New York; Routledge, Tokyo: Edition Synapse, 2009. [02011-102158] 1374 「英国フェミニズム史における論争」 全 6 巻 1995 年 クロース装 ¥64,800 Controversies in the History of British Feminism. Edited by Dr Marie Mulvey Roberts and Professor Tamae Mizuta and Introduced by Dr Marie Mulvey Roberts. In 6 vols. London; Routledge/Thoemmes Press, Tokyo; Kinokuniya Company Ltd, 1995. [02016-102163] 1375 Banks,Olive The Politics of British Feminism, 1918-1970. [b00169-402609] ¥4,320 Edward Elgar Publishing Co., 1993. 1376 Basch,Norma In the Eyes of the Law. Women, Marriage, and Property in Nineteenth-Century New York. UP, 1982. First published. [b00186-402626] ¥3,240 Cornell 1377 Bennet,Daphne Emily Davies and the Liberation of Women 1830-1921. published in Great Britain. [b00202-402642] ¥5,400 London: Andre Deutsch Ltd, 1990. First 1378 Berkeley,Kathleen C. The Women's Liberation Movement in America. lished. [b00219-402659] ¥5,400 London: Greenwood Press, 1999. First pub- 1379 Berry,Helen Gender, Society and Print Culture in Late-Stuart England. The cultural world of the Athenian Mercury. [Women and Gender in the Early Modern World] Ashgate, 2003. [b00162-402602] ¥6,480 1380 Blank,Robert H. Fetal Protection in the Workplace. Women's Rights, Business Interests, and the Unborn. York: Columbia UP, 1993. [b00197-402637] ¥5,400 New 1381 Bohls,Elizabeth A. Women Travel Writers and the Language of Aesthtics, 1716-1818. [Cambridge Studies in Romanticism 13] Cambridge UP, 1999. Reprinted. [b00210-402650] ¥5,400 1382 Burdett,Carolyn Olive Schreiner and the Progress of Feminism. Evolution, Gender, Empire. 2001. First published. [b00168-402608] ¥5,400 New York: Palgrave, 1383 Cott,Nancy F. ed. No Small Courage. A History of Women in the United States. Oxford UP., 2000. [b00271-402823] ¥4,320 114 1384 Creighton,Louise Memoir of a Victorian Woman; Reflections of Louise Creighton, 1850-1936. Edited with Introduction and Annotation by James Thayne Covert. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 1994. [b00208-402648] ¥5,400 1385 Davidson,Caroline A Woman's Work is Never Done. A History of Housework in the British Isles 1650-1950. Chatto & Windus, 1982. [b00272-402824] ¥3,240 London: 1386 Demoor,Marysa Their Faire Share. Women, Power and Criticism in the Athenaeum, from Millicent Garett Fawcett to Katherine Mansfield, 1870-1920. Ashgate, 2000. [b00199-402639] ¥4,320 1387 Dolin,Tim Mistress of the House. Women of property in the Victorian novel. Ashgate, 1997. [b00216-402656] ¥5,400 1388 Eberle,Roxanne Chastity and Transgression in Women's Writing, 1792-1897. Interrupting the Harlot's Progress. New York: Palgrave, 2002. First published. [b00192-402632] ¥4,320 1389 Elliott,Dorice Williams The Angel out of the House. Philanthropy and Gender in Nineteenth-Century England. [Victorian Literature and Culture Series] University Press of Virginia, 2002. First published. [b00163-402603] ¥5,400 1390 Emadi,Hafizullah Repression, Resistance, and Women in Afghanistan. [b00203-402643] ¥4,320 Praeger, 2002. First published. 1391 Erickson,Amy Louise Women and Property in Early Modern England. published. [b00211-402651] ¥6,480 London & New York: Routledge, 1993. First 1392 Evans,W. Gareth Education and Female Emancipation: The Welsh experience, 1847-1914. Press, 1990. [b00184-402624] ¥6,480 University of Wales 1393 Fletcher,Sheila Feminists and Bureaucrats. A study in the development of girl's education in the nineteenth century. Cambridge UP, 1980. First published. [b00172-402612] ¥4,320 1394 Freedman,Estelle B. No Turning Back. The History of Feminism and the Future of Women. 2002. First edition. [b00175-402615] ¥5,400 New York: Ballantine Book, 1395 Friedan,Betty The Feminine Mystique. With a new Introduction. W. W. Norton & Co., 1997. [b00170-402610] ¥4,320 1396 Garner,Les Stepping Stones to Women's Liberty. Feminist ideas in the women's suffrage movement 1900-1918. Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1984. First American edition. [b00189-402629] ¥5,400 1397 Gelb,Joyce Feminism and Politics. A Comparative Perspective. [b00174-402614] ¥2,160 University of California Press, 1989. 1398 Gordon,Eleanor & Nair,Gwyneth Public Lives. Women, Family and Society in Victorian Britain. 2003. [b00220-402660] ¥6,480 115 New York & London: Yale UP, 1399 Greenfield,Susan C. & Barash,Carol ed. Inventing Maternity. Politics, Science, and Literature, 1650-1865. tucky, 1999. [b00204-402644] ¥5,400 The University Press of Ken- 1400 Groenewegen,Peter ed. Feminism and Political Economy in Victorian England. [b00165-402605] ¥3,240 Edward Elgar Publishing Co., 1994. 1401 Groenewegen,Peter ed. Feminism and Political Economy in Victorian England. [b00166-402606] ¥4,320 Edward Elgar Publishing Co., 1994. 1402 Hammerton,A. James Cruelty and Companionship. Conflict in nineteenth-century married life. Routledge, 1992. First published. [b00215-402655] ¥6,480 London & New York: 1403 Holton,Sandra Stanley Feminism and Democracy. Women's Suffrage and Reform Politics Britain 1900-1918. UP, 1988. Reprinted. [b00176-402616] ¥2,160 Cambridge 1404 Horowitz,Daniel Betty Friedan and the Making of The Feminine Mystique. The American Left, The Cold War, and Modern Feminism. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998. [b00171-402611] ¥5,400 1405 Ittmann,Karl Work, Gender and Family in Victorian England. [Studies in Gender History] 1995. First published. [b00161-402601] ¥5,400 London: Macmillan, 1406 Janik,Vicki K.& Del Ivan Janik eds. Modern British Women Writers. An A-to-Z Guide. Westport, Connecticut, London: Greenwood Press, 2002. First published. [b00273-402825] ¥4,320 1407 Jelinek,Estelle C. The Tradition of Women's Autobiography: From Antiquity to the Present. Hall & Co., 1986. First printing. [b00180-402620] ¥5,400 A Division of G. K. 1408 Johnston,Judith Anna Jameson. Victorian, Feminist, Woman of Letters. Scolar Press, 1997. [b00173-402613] ¥5,400 1409 Kim,Ai Ra Women Struggling for a New Life. The Role of Religion in the Cultural Passage from Korea to America. State University of New York Press, 1996. [b00178-402618] ¥2,160 1410 Laurence,Anne Women in England 1500-1760. A Social History. [b00200-402640] ¥6,480 London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994. 1411 Laurence,Anne Women in England 1500-1760. A Social History. [b00217-402657] ¥5,400 London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994. 1412 Lewis,Jane Women in England 1870-1950; Sexual Divisions and Social Change. Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books, / Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1984. First published in Great Britain. [b00209-402649] ¥5,400 1413 Martin,Jane Women and the Politics of Schooling in Victorian and Edwardian England. [Women, Power and Politics] London and New York: Leicester UP., 1999. First published. [b00270-402822] ¥2,160 116 1414 Miles,Rosalind The Female Form. Women Writers and the Conquest of the Novel. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987. First published. [b00187-402627] London & New York: ¥5,400 1415 Morgan,Susan Sisters in Time. Imagining Gender in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction. 1989. [b00159-402599] ¥4,320 New York: Oxford UP, 1416 Perkin,Joan Victorian Women. London: John Murray, 1993. First published. [b00214-402654] ¥5,400 1417 Peterson,Linda H. Becoming a Woman of Letters. Myths of Authorship and Facts of the Victorian Market. UP, 2009. [b00201-402641] ¥5,400 Princeton 1418 Pinchbeck,Ivy Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution 1750-1850. With a New Preface by the Author. London: Frank Cass & Co., 1977. New impression.. [b00185-402625] ¥3,240 1419 Rapoport,Rhona & Bailyn,Lotte & Fletcher,Joyce K. & Pruitt,Bettye H. Beyond Work-Family Balance. Advancing Gender Equity and Workplace Performance. [The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series] Jossey-Bass, 2002. First edition. [b00164-402604] ¥5,400 1420 Richardson,Angelique & Willis,Chris ed. The New Woman in Fiction and in Fact. Fin-de-Siecle Feminisms. Foreword by Lyn Pykett. grave macmillan, 2001. First published in hardcover. [b00183-402623] ¥5,400 Pal- 1421 Robinson,Doris Women Novelists, 1891-1920. An Index to Biographical and Autobiographical Sources. & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 1984. [b00196-402636] ¥4,320 New York 1422 Stetson,Dorothy M. A Woman's Issue. The Politics of Family Law Reform in England. [Contributions in Women's Studies, Nember 34] Greenwood Press, 1982. First published. [b00191-402631] ¥5,400 1423 Straub,Kristina Domestic Affairs. Intimacy, Eroticism, and Violence between Servants and Masters in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins UP, 2009. [b00207-402647] ¥5,400 1424 Swindells,Julia Victorian Writing and Working Women. The Other Side of Silence. Minnesota Press, 1985. [b00179-402619] ¥5,400 Minneapolis: University of 1425 Symonds,Richard Inside the Citadel. Men and the Emancipation of Women, 1850-1920. [b00182-402622] ¥5,400 Macmillan Press Ltd, 1999. 1426 Tickner,Lisa The Spectacle of Women. Imagery of the Suffrage Campaign 1907-14. Press, 1988. [b00274-402826] ¥4,320 The University of Chicago 1427 Tuchman,Gaye with Fortin,Nina E. Edging Women Out. Victorian Novelists, Publishers, and Social Change. [b00205-402645] ¥4,320 Yale UP., 1989. 1428 Turner,Cheryl Living by the Pen. Women writers in the eighteenth century. 1992. First published. [b00198-402638] ¥5,400 117 London & New York: Routledge, 1429 Uglow,Jennifer (compiler & editor) The Macmillan Dictionary of Women's Biography. Third Edition. Assistant Editor on First Edition by Frances Hinton. Revising Editor on Third Edition by Maggy Hendry. London: Macmillan, 1982. First published. [b00218-402658] ¥8,640 1430 Vicinus,Martha ed. A Widening Sphere. Changing Roles of Victorian Women. 1977. [b00212-402652] ¥5,400 Bloomington & London: Indiana UP, 1431 Vickery,Margaret Birney Buildings for Bluestockings. The Architecture and Social History of Women's Colleges in Late Victorian England. Newark: Univ.of Delaware Press / London: Associated UP., 1999. [b00275-402827] ¥4,320 1432 Wiley,Catherine & Barnes,Fiona R. ed. Homemaking. Women Writers and the Politics and Poetics of Home. [Gender and Genre in Literature] New York & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 1996. [b00188-402628] ¥5,400 評 論 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1433 フェヌロン 「女子教育論」 1740 年 新版 総革装 ¥16,200 Mothe-Fenelon, Mre de Salignac de la De L'Education des Filles. Archevêque, Duc de Cambray. Augmentée d'une Lettre du Méme Auteur à une Dame de Qualité sur l'éducation de M***sa Fille unique. Paris: Chez Pierre Jean Mariette, 1740. Nouvelle edition. [f0655-170661] 1434 Reading Book. 1863 年 クロース装 For the Use of Female Schools. ¥4,320 Glasgow: William Collins, 1863. [f0656-170662] Maternal Instruction. 1810 年 3 版 総革装 ¥5,400 or Family Conversations, on Moral and Entertaining Subjects, Interspersed with History, Biography, and Original Stories. Designed for the Perusal of Youth. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1810. The Third Edition. [f0657-170663] 1435 エリザベス・ヘルメ Helme,Elizabeth 1436 トーマス・コックス Cox,Thomas A Popular History of The Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth. 1879 年 クロース装 At Heath, Near Halifax. ¥6,480 Halifax: F. King, 1879. 1437 ジョン・グロース Grose,John [f0660-170666] Ethics, Rational and Theological; n.d. 総革装 With Cursory Reflections on the General Principles of Deism. ¥12,960 London: Printed for the Author, n.d. [f0677-170683] 1438 「アニュアル・レジスター総合時事年鑑 1787 年」 1789 年 総革装 ¥21,600 The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1787. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1789. [f0659-170665] 1439 Ancient Bramin The Œconomy of Human Life. 1795 年 総革装 ¥3,240 Bramin,Ancient The Œconomy of Human Life. Translater from an Indian Manuscript. To which is Prefixed an Account of the Manner in which the Said Manuscript was Discovered. In A Letter from an 118 English Gentleman Now Residing in China to the Earl of E****. S. and E. Harding, 1795. [f0672-170678] London: Printed by T. Rickaby, for 1440 P.ヴィレー 「モンテーニュ随想録」 1978 年 2 巻 ペーパー装 ¥8,640 Villey,Pierre Les Essais de Michel de Montaigne. Édition Conforme au Texte de L'Exemplaire de Bordeaux avec les additions de l'édition posthume,l'explication des termes vieillis et la traduction des citations, une étude sur Montaigne, une chronologie de sa vie et de son œuvre, le catalogue de ses livres et la liste des inscriptions qu'il avail fait peindre das sa librairie, des notices, des notes, un appendice sur l'influence des Essais, et un index. Rééditée sous la Direction et avec une Préface de V.-L. Saulnier. In 2 vols. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1978. 3e édition. [b00868-403620] 1441 ヒュー・ブレア 「修辞学と文学に関する講義」 1783 年 2 巻 総革装 Blair,Hugh Lecture on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. In 2 vols. Cadell, & W. Creech, 1783. [b00905-430033] ¥27,000 London: Printed for W. Strahan; T. 1442 ヒュー・ブレア 「修辞学と文学に関する講義」 1806 年 3 巻 1/4 クロース装(改装) Blair,Hugh Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Letters. In 3 vols. 1806. The Tenth edition. [LKK559-605995] ¥32,400 London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1443 ミード 「ヘルメス研究」 1964 年 3 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Thrice-Greatest Hermes. Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis. Being a Translation of the Extant Sermons and Fragments of the Trismegistic Literature with Prolegomena Commentaries and Notes by G.R.S.Mead. In 3 vols. London: John M.Watkins, 1964. Third impression re-set. [01532-100275] 1444 ジェームズ・マッキントッシュ 「倫理哲学の発達について」 1836 年 総革装 ¥21,600 Mackintosh,James Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy; Chiefly During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. With a Preaface, by the Rev. William Whewell, M. A. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1836. [L03620-606067] 1445 デュガルド・ステュアート Stewart,Dugald Philosophical Essays. 1818 年 クロース装 Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co., 1818. Third Edition. ¥19,440 [L03621-606068] 1446 ヴォルテール 「哲学書簡」 1767 年 総革装 Voltaire,De Letters Concerning the English Nation. By Mr. De Voltaire. A New Edition. J. and R. Tonson, 1767. New edition. [LKK584-606019] ¥21,600 London: 1447 ヨアヒム・ワッハ 「理解」 1984 年 3 巻合本 1 冊 クロース装 ¥21,600 Wach,Joachim Das Verstehen. Grundzüge einer Geschichte der hermeneutischen Theorie im 19.Jahrhundert. I: Die grossen Systeme. / II: Die theologische Hermeneutik von Schleiermacher bis Hofmann. / III: Das Verstehen in der Historik von Ranke bis zum Positivismus. 3 Bände in einem Band. Hildesheim et al.: Georg Olms Verlag, 1984. 2.Reprografischer nachdruck der Ausgabe Tübingen 1926-1933. Mit Genehmigung des Verlages J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen. [lk0144-604210] The Olio: 1796 年 総革装 ¥32,400 Being a Collection of Essays, Dialogues, Letters, Biographical Sketches. Anecdotes, Pieces of Poetry, Parodies, Bon Mots, Epigrams, Epitaphs, &c. Chiefly Original. By the Late Francis Grose, Esq.F.R.S. & A.S. Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged, with a Portrait of the Author. London: Hooper & Wigstead, 1796. Second edition. [LKK563-606000] 1448 フランシス・グロース Grose,Francis 1449 ジョン・モーリー Morley,John On Compromise. 1886 年 1/2 革装 London: Macmillan & Co., 1886. ¥12,960 [LKK620-212606] 1450 トーマス・チャーマーズ 「政治経済学について」 1832 年 2 版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Chalmers,Thomas On Political Economy. In Connexion with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of Society. Glasgow: Printed for William Collins, 1832. Second edition. [f0409-170407] 1451 ウィリアム・コベット Cobbett,William Paper Against Gold; 1828 年 クロース装 ¥19,440 Or, The History and Mystery of the Bank of England, of the Debt, of the Stocks, of the Sinking Fund, 119 and of all the other tricks and contrivances, carried on by the means of Paper Money. Printed and Published by WM. Cobbett, 1828. [f0386-170384] London: 1452 フランシス・ウェーランド 「経済論」 1871 年 クロース装 ¥12,960 Wayland,FrancisThe Elements of Political Economy. Fortieth Thousand. Boston: Gould and Lincoln,1871 [f0533-170539] 旅行ガイド 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 ベデカー旅行ガイド 1453 Baedeker,Karl The United States. ベデカー旅行ガイド アメリカ合衆国 1909 年 改訂第 4 版 朱クロース装 With Excursions to Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, and Alaska. Handbook for Travellers. With 33 Maps and 48 Plans. Fourth Revised Edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, / London: T. Fisher Unwin. 1909. [tg0100-403045] ¥8,640 1454 Baedeker,Karl Great Britain. ベデカ―旅行ガイド イギリス 1910 年 改訂増補第 7 版 朱クロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With 28 Maps, 65 plans, and a Panorama. Seventh edition, Revised and Augmented. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1910. [tg0116-403409] ¥5,400 1455 Bædeker,K. Italien. ベデカー旅行ガイド イタリア 1899 年 ドイツ語版 第 12 版 朱クロース装 Handbuch für Reisende. Zweiter Teil. Mittel-Italien und Rom. Mit einem Panorama von Rom, einer Ansicht des Forum Romanum, einer Wappentafel der Päpste von 1417 an, sowie 11 Karten und 46 Plänen und Grundrissen. Zwölfte Auflage (12th edition). Leipzig: Verlag von Karl Bædeker, 1899. [tg0089-403034] ¥6,480 1456 Baedeker,K. Italy. ベデカー旅行ガイド イタリア 1904 年 改訂第 14 版 朱クロース装 Handbook for Travellers. Second Part: Central Italy and Rome. With 14 Maps, 49 Plans, A Panorama of Rome, A View of the Forum Romanum, and the Arms of the Popes Sine 1417. Fourteenth Revised Eiditon. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London: Dulau and Co., / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. [tg0091-403036] ¥4,320 1457 Baedeker,Karl Northern Italy. ベデカー旅行ガイド 北イタリア 1913 年 改訂第 14 版 朱クロース装 Including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna and Routes Through France, Switzerland, and Austria. Handbook for Travellers. With 36 Maps, 45 Plans, and A Panorama. Fourteenth Remodelled Edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London: T. Fisher Unwin, / New York: Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1913. [tg0094-403039] ¥4,320 1458 Baedeker,Karl Northern Italy. ベデカー旅行ガイド 北イタリア 1913 年 改装第 14 版 ソフトクロース装 Including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna and Routes through France, Switzerland, and Austria. Hand120 book for Travellers. With 36 maps, 45 Plans, and a Panorama. Fourteenth Remodelled Edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1913. [tg0113-403144] ¥4,320 1459 Baedeker,Karl Südbayern. ベデカー旅行ガイド 南部バイエルン州 1925 年 ドイツ語版 第 37 版 朱ソフトクロース装 München Oberbayern・Allgäu, Unterinntal mit Innsbruck・Salzburg. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 26 Karten, 25 Plänen und 3 Panoramen. Siebenunddreissigste Auflage. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1925. [tg0063-402994] ¥5,400 1460 Bædeker,Karl. Süddeutschland. ベデカー旅行ガイド ドイツ南部 1898 年 ドイツ語版 第 26 版 朱ソフトクロース装 Oberrhein, Banden, Württemberg, Bayern und die Angrenzend Teile von Österreich. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 22 Karten und 27 Plänen. Sechsundzwanzigste Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Karl Bædeker, 1898. [tg0065-402996] ¥4,320 1461 Baedeker,Karl Süddeutschland. ベデカー旅行ガイド ドイツ南部 1929 年 ドイツ語版 第 33 版 朱ソフトクロース装 Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 42 Karten, 41 Plänen und 21 Grundrissen. Dreiunddreissigste Auflage. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1929. [tg0066-402997] ¥4,320 1462 Bædeker,Karl Süddeutschland. ベデカー旅行ガイド ドイツ南部 1909 年 ドイツ語版 第 30 版 ソフトクロース装 Oberrhein, Baden, Württemberg, Bayern und die Angrenzenden Teile von Österreich. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 51 Karten, 45 Plänen und 11 Grundrissen. Dreissigste Auflage. Leipzig: Verlag von Karl Bædeker, 1909. [tg0110-403141] ¥4,320 1463 Baedeker,Karl Southern Germany. ベデカー旅行ガイド ドイツ南部 1914 年 改訂 12 版 ソフトクロース装 (Wurtemberg and Bavaria). Handbook for Travellers. With 37 Maps and 50 Plans. Twelfth Revised Edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1914. [tg0111-403142] ¥6,480 1464 Baedeker,Karl Berlin and its Environs. ベデカー旅行ガイド ベルリン及びその周辺 1903 年 (初版) 朱クロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With 4 Maps and 19 Plans. (First published.) Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London: Dulau and Co., 1903. [tg0075-403020] ¥12,960 1465 Baedeker,Karl Berlin and its Environs. ベデカー旅行ガイド ベルリン及びその周辺 1912 年 第 5 版 朱ソフトク ロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With 7 Maps and 24 Plans. Fifth Edition. Leipzig; Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London: T. Fisher Unwin, / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912. [tg0076-403021] ¥8,640 1466 Baedeker,Karl Berlin and its Environs. ベデカー旅行ガイド ベルリン及びその周辺 1923 年 第 6 版 カバー、朱 クロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With 30 Maps and Plans. Sixth Edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London: T. Fisher Unwin, / New York: Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1923. [tg0077-403022] ¥12,960 1467 Baedeker,Karl Northern France. ベデカー旅行ガイド 北フランス 1889 年 (初版) 朱クロース装 From Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire. Excluding Paris and its Environs. Handbook for Travellers. With 9 Maps and 25 Plans. (First published.) Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London Dulau and Co., 1889. [tg0084-403029] ¥8,640 1468 Baedeker,Karl Southern France. ベデカー旅行ガイド 南フランス 1914 年 改訂 6 版 ソフトクロース装 121 Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers. With 42 Maps, 63 Plans, and A Panorama. Sixth Revised Edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1914. [tg0109-403140] ¥8,640 1469 Baedeker,Karl Austria. ベデカー旅行ガイド オーストリア 1929 年 改訂 12 版 ソフトクロース装 Together with Budapest, Prague Karlsbad, Marienbad. Handbook for Travellers. With 86 Maps and Plans and 2 Panoramas. Twelfth Revised Edition. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1929. [tg0104-403135]¥12,960 1470 Baedeker,Karl Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. ベデカー旅行ガイド ノルウェー、スェーデン、デンマーク 1895 年 第 6 版 朱クロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With 28 Maps, 16 Plans, and Three Small Panoramas. Sixth Edition. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, 1895. [tg0074-403019] ¥5,400 1471 Baedeker,Karl Norway and Sweden. ベデカー旅行ガイド ノルウェー及びスェーデン 1885 年 改訂第 3 版 朱ク ロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With 21 Maps and 11 Plans. Third Revised Edition. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, / London: Dulau and Co., 1885. [tg0085-403030] ¥6,480 1472 Baedeker,Karl Dalmatien und Die Adria. ベデカー旅行ガイド ダルマチアとアドリア海 1929 年 ドイツ語版 ソフ トクロース装 Westliches Südslawien, Bosnien, Budapest, Istrien, Albanien, Korfu. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 37 Karten und 34 Plänen. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1929. [tg0108-403139] ¥19,440 1473 Baedeker,Karl Belgium and Holland. ベデカー旅行ガイド ベルギー、オランダ 1905 年 改訂増補第 14 版 朱ソ フトクロース装 Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers. With 15 Maps and 30 Plans. Fourteenth Edition, Revised and Augmented. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1905. [tg0062-402993] ¥5,400 1474 Baedeker,Karl Belgium and Holland. ベデカー旅行ガイド ベルギー、オランダ 1905 年 改訂増補第 14 版 朱ソ フトクロース装 Including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Handbook for Travellers. With 15 Maps and 30 Plans. Fourteenth Edition, Revised and Augmented. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1905. [tg0061-402992] ¥5,400 1475 Baedeker,Karl Greece. ベデカー旅行ガイド ギリシャ 1889 年 (初版) ベージュクロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With a Panorama of Athens, 6 Maps, and 14 Plans. (First published.) sic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London: Dulau and Co., 1889. [tg0095-403040] ¥19,440 Leip- 1476 Baedeker,Karl Greece. ベデカー旅行ガイド ギリシャ 1889 年 (初版) ベージュクロース装 Handbook for Travellers. With a Panorama of Athens, 6 Maps, and 14 Plans. (First published.) sic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher, / London: Dulau and Co., 1889. [tg0096-403041] ¥16,200 Leip- 1477 Baedeker,Karl Baedeker's Egypt 1929. 1985 年 カバー、黄クロース装 First Hippocrene Edition. / First David & Charles Edition. London: David & Charles, / New York: Hippocrene Books Inc, 1985. [tg0101-403046] ¥8,640 ナーゲル旅行ガイド 122 1478 Nagel Yugoslavia. ナーゲル旅行ガイドシリーズ ユーゴスラビア 1954 年 クロース装 [The Nagel Travel Guide Series] Geneva, Paris, New York: Nagesl Publishers, 1954. [tg0114-403145] ¥3,240 1479 Nagel Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide Czechoslovakia. ナーゲルガイドブック チェコスロバキア 1970 年 第 5 版 カバー、クロース装 Fifth edition. Geneva, Paris, Munich: Nagel Publishers, 1970. [tg0115-403146] ¥3,240 自動車旅行案内 1480 Official Handbook and Touring Guide of the Auto-Cycle Union. 1924. Secretary: T. W. Lough- borough, A.M.I.A.E. Head Office: 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. Telegrams: "Autocycle London". Telephone: Regent 5350 and 5351. Office Hours: 9-0―5-30, Saturdays 9-0―12-30. Manchester; Cross-Courtenay Ltd., 1924. [tg0024-402787] ¥12,960 1481 The Automobile Association Foreign Touring Guide. tion., [1933-1934] [tg0025-402788] 1482 Royal Automobile Club Year Book. 1916. [tg0042-402805] Published by The Automobile Associa- ¥8,640 London; The Royal Automobile Club, 1916. ¥21,600 イギリス 1483 Harper, Charles G. The Brighton Road. London; A. Treherne & Co., Limited, 1909. [tg0029-402792] ¥8,640 1484 Tristram, W. Outram Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. With 214 Illustrations by Hugh Thomson and Herbert Railton. London, New York; Macmillan and Co., 1894. [tg0044-402807] ¥32,400 1485 Stevens, H. Beresford Picturesque Towns and Villages of England & Wales. With Numerous Pen and Ink Drawings by E. Margaret Holman and H. A. Powell. London: Ed. J. Burrow & Co. Limited, n.d. [1930] [tg0051-402814] ¥5,400 1486 Black's Guide to England and Wales. Containing Plans of the Principal Cities Maps and Charts, and a List of Hotels. Thirteenth Edition. [tg0052-402815] ¥16,200 Edinburgh; Adam and Charles Black, 1883. 1487 Highways of Britain. 100 Recommended Road Routes. [tg0038-402801] London; Glen Freebairn, n.d. ¥4,320 1488 "On the Road" The Dunlop Pictorial Road Plans. Vols. I, II & III, cover the South of England and South Wales. (1) Vol.I: London-Brighton (2 Routes). London-Eastbourne. London-Hastings. London-Folklestone. London-Dover. London-Margate. (2) Vol.II: London-Portsmouth, London-Chichester, London-Southampton, London-Bournemouth, London-Weymouth, London-Exeter. (3) Vol.III: London-Bath-Bristol. London-Milford Haven(Via Brecon). London-Milford Haven(Via Cardiff & Swansea). (4) Vol.IV: London-Worcester-Aberystwyth. London-Shrewsbury-Holyhead. (5) Vol.V: London-Glasgow and the English Lakes. (6) Vol.VII: London to Cambridge, King's Lynn, Norwich, Cromer, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Felixstowe, 123 Ipswich, Harwich & Clacton. 6 vols. set. London; Ed. J. Burrow & Co., Limited, n.d. [tg0032~37-402795~800] ¥21,600 1489 The "Queen" Newspaper Book of Travel. A Guide to Home and Foreign Resorts. Compiled by The Travel Editor (M. Hornsby, E.R.G.S.) With 21 Maps and 58 Illustrations. (Tenth Year.) London; Horace Cox, 1913. [tg0013-402756] ¥16,200 1490 The Grand Junction. Railway Companion to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham; and Liver- pool, Manchester, and Birmingham Guide: Containing an Account of Every Thing Worthy the Attention of the Traveller upon the Line; Including a Complete Description of Every Part of the Rail-Road; of the Noblemen or Gentlemen's Seat Which May Be Seen from It; And of the Towns and Villages of Importance in its Neighbourhood. Dedicated (By Permission) to the Chairman and Directors of the Grand Junction Railway Company. Liverpool: Published by Henry Lacey, 1837. [tg0002-402732]¥54,000 ロンドン 1491 Bancroft,W. B. Bancroft's Americans' Guide to London and the Places Thereabouts. Especially Compiled for the Use of Americans Visiting, the British Capital, Showing Them…What to See, How to See it, What it will Cost, and All About Everything of Particular Interest to Americans. Written and Compiled for Americans by an American, W. B. Bancroft. London: American Publishing Co., 1906. [b00152-402520] ¥4,320 1492 Britton,J. (Re-edited.) The Original Picture of London. Enlarged and Improved: Being A Correct Guide for the Stranger, as well as for the Inhabitant, to the Metropolis of the British Empire. Toghther with a Description of the Environs. The Twenty-sixth edition, Revised and Corrected to the Present Time. Twenty-sixth edition. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, (1826.) [b00140-402508] ¥32,400 1493 The Langham Hotel Management ed. The Langham Hotel Guide to London. Prepared for the Use of Visitors. Revised and Edited by The Langham Hotel Management. Twenty-third edition, London: The Langham Hotel Co., 1909-1910. [b00147-402515] ¥4,320 1494 Wallis,John London: Being a Complete Guide to the British Capital: Containing a Full and Accurate Account of its Buildings, Commerce, Curiosities, Exhibitions, Amusements, Religious and Charitable Foundations, Literary Establishments, Learned and Scientific Institutions: Including a Sketch of the Surrounding Country. With full Directions to Strangers on their first Arrival. Fourth edition. London: Printed for Sherwood, Heely, & Jones, 1814. [b00153-402521] ¥32,400 1495 Ambulator; or the Stranger's Companion in a Tour round London, Whitin the Circuit of Twen- ty-five Miles: Describing Whatever is remarkable, either for Elegance, Grandeur, Use, or Curiosity; and Comprehending Catalogues of the Pictures in the best Collections: To which is prefixed, A Concise Description of London, Westminster, & Southwalk, Shewing their Antiquity, Remarkable Buildings, Extent, etc. etc. etc. With the Addition of an entire New Map, coloured, of the Country within the Circuit described; And a Table of Watermen's Fares: Of Use not only to Strangers, but to the Inhabitants of the Metropolis. The Third Edition, improved and enlarged. London: Printed for J. Bew, in pater-Noster-Row, 1787. [tg0004-402734] ¥54,000 1496 The Australian's Guide Book to London 1930. Issued under the authority of the High Commis- sioner, Australia House, London. 1930. [b00146-402514] ¥2,160 1497 Motor Runs from London (North of the Thames). A Series of Half-Day, Whole-Day and Week-End Trips. Selected, Described and Illustrated by Charles G. Harper. Issued for The Touring Department of the Royal Automobile Club Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. Sixth Edition. Chelteham; Ed. J. Burrow & Co. Ltd., [1929] [tg0026-402789] ¥8,640 124 1498 Motor Runs from London (South of the Thames). A Series of Half-Day, Whole-Day and Week-End Trips. Selected, Described and Illustrated by Charles G. Harper. Issued for The Touring Department of the Royal Automobile Club Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. Sixth Edition. Chelteham; Ed. J. Burrow & Co. Ltd., [1929] [tg0027-402790] ¥6,480 1499 Black's Picturesque Tourist of Scotland. Seventeenth edition. Black, 1865. [tg0006-402736] Edinburgh; Adam and Charles ¥54,000 1500 Black's Guide to the Trossachs. Stirling Loch Katrine, Loch Lomond etc. etc. and Charles Black, 1867. [tg0020-402763] Edinburgh; Adam ¥8,640 1501 The Tourist's Manual; or, An Account of the Principal Pleasure Tours in Scotland. With Maps, Views, and Hand Sketches. Eighth Edition. Edinburgh: Printed by H. & J. Pillans, For John Thomson & Co., et al., 1832. [tg0016-402759] ¥32,400 ヨーロッパ大陸 1502 Freeston, Charles L. Motoring on the Continent. With 9 Maps and 23 Illustrations. Burrow's "R.A.C." Motoring Guides. Third Edition Revised and Enlarged. London; Ed. J. Burrow & Company, Ltd., [1931] [tg0043-402806] ¥12,960 1503 Talor, Bayard Views Afoot; Europe Seen with Knapsack and Staff. Revised by the Author, for Low's Copyright Cheap Editions of American Books. London; Sampson Low, Son, & Marston, 1869. [tg0014-402757] ¥8,640 1504 Crofutt's Trans-Continental Tourist's Guide, Containing a Full and Authentic Description of over Five Hundred Cities, Towns, Villages, Stations, Government Forts and Camps, Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Sulphur, Soda and Hot Springs, Scenery, Watering Places, Summer Resorts; Where To look for and hunt the Buffalo, Antelope, Deer, and other game ; Trout Fishing, etc., etc., In fact, to tell you what is worth seeing - where to see - where to go - how to go - and whom to stop with while passing over the Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific Railroad of Cal., Their Branches and Connections by Stage and Water, From the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Illustrated. Fifth vol., Fourth Annual Revise. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by Geo. A. Crofutt, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington D. C. Vol.V. No.1. 4th. annual revise. New York and Chicago; Geo. A. Crofutt, Publisher, 1869. [tg0010-402740] ¥37,800 その他諸国など 1505 ALB Living Paris and France. A Guide to Manners, Monuments, Institutions, and the Life of the People; and Handbook for Travellers on an Entirely New and Original Plan. With Maps and Plans. A New Edition. London: Ward and Downey, Paris: Galignani, 1887. [tg0045-402808] ¥32,400 1506 Auto- Rundfahrten-Führer. Motor Tour Guide der - of the Ersten Salzburger Auto- bus-Genossenschaft reg. Gen. m. b. H. Grüne Wagen. Abfahrt vom Makartplatz 8, bei Mozart's Wohnhaus. Green cars, departing from Makartplatz 8, at Mozart's house. Herausgeber und Verlag Edited and published by Illustrierter Prospekt- und Kartenbriefverlag - Zaunrith'sche Buch- und Kunstdruckerei, Salzburg. 24921. Salzburg; Zaunrith'sche Buch- und Kunstdruckerei, [1931] [tg0030-402793] ¥3,240 1507 Auto=Rundfahrten=Führer. Motor tour Guide Körutazási vezetöje der - of the - a Salzburger KraftwagenVerkehrsgenossenschaft r. Gen. m. b. H. Herausgeber und Verlag - Edited and published by Kiadó: Illustrierter Prospekt- und Kartenbriefverlag - Zaunrith'sche Buch- und Kunstdruckerei, 125 Salzburg. 25139. Wechselstube Berger & Comp. Salzburg, Rathausplaz 4. Fahrkarten=Ausgabe. Salzburg; Zaunrith'sche Buch- und Kunstdruckerei, n.d. [tg0031-402794] ¥3,240 1508 Black, C. B. Holland. Its Rail, Tram and Waterways. Four Maps and Thirteen Plans. Black, 1894. [tg0009-402739] ¥16,200 London: Adam & Charles 1509 Matheson, Greville E. About Holland; A Practical Guide for Visitors. Limited, 1893. [tg0015-402758] ¥8,640 London; Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., 1510 Reitsma, S. A. Van Stockum's Travellers' Handbook for the Dutch East Indies. Indonesia. Van Stockum & Son Ltd, 1930. [tg0047-402810] ¥32,400 The Hague; W. P. 1511 Lunn., Henry S. and Lunn., W. Holdsworth eds. How to Visit Switzerland. A Guide=Book to the Chief Scenes of Interest in Switzerland. (With Twenty Maps and Two Panoramas), With Which Is Incorporated the "J.E.M." Guide to Switzerland. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. London: Horace Marshall and Son, 1898. [tg0022-402765]¥16,200 1512 Lunn., Henry S. ed. How to Visit Switzerland. A New Guide=Book to the Chief Scenes of Interest in Switzerland. With the Programme of the Grindelwald Conference, 1895. London: Horace Marshall and Son, 1895. [tg0011-402754] ¥16,200 1513 Meurer,Julius Illustrirter Führer durch Ganz Tirol und Vorarlberg. 図説ガイド チロル、フォアアールベルク州 朱ソフトクロース装 Nebst Angrenzenden Alpinen Gebietstheilen. Mit 50 Illustrationen, 3 Karten und einer Grossen Übersichtskarte des Ganzen Gebietes. Wien. Pest. Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1902. [tg0070-403001] ¥5,400 1514 Switzerland. A Practical Guide. With 7 maps. [Grieben's Guide Books ・ Vol.123] Berlin; Albert Goldschmidt Publisher, London; Williams & Norgate, 1909-1910. [tg0019-402762] ¥8,640 1515 Ziock,Hermann Guide to Egypt. 1956 年 黄クロース装 With 4 coloured maps, many sketches and diagrams and 46 plates. Cairo: Lehnert & Landrock Succ., 1956. [tg0117-403410] ¥5,400 1516 Reynolds-Ball, Eustace Cairo of To-Day. A Practical Guide to Cairo and the Nile. With Maps, Plan of Cairo, and Illustrations. Ninth Edition. London: A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1916. [tg0023-402766] ¥16,200 1517 Coufopoulos, Demetrius A Guide to Constatinople. Fourth Edition. [tg0012-402755] ¥17,280 London; Adam and Charles Black, 1910. 1518 Guide to North China. This book excludes PEKING, a Guide to which is being Published separately by the same Company. Published for The Astor House Hotel, Tientsin, by The Publicity Advertising Company, Ltd., 6 Victoria Road, =Tientsin.= Printed by the Tientsin Press, Limited., n.d. [tg0017-402760] ¥32,400 1519 Seidenfaden, Major Erik Guide to Bangkok with Notes on Siam. Over 250 Illustrations. First Edition. alway Department of Siam, 1927. [tg0039-402802] ¥21,600 The Royal State Ri- 1520 Come to Java. 3rd Edition. The Official Tourist Bureau Weltevreden, 1926-27. [tg0046-402809] ¥10,800 126 1521 Lunn, Henry S. ed. How to Visit the Mediterranean. A Guide=Book to Jerusalem, Cairo, Constantinople, Athens, and Other Places of Interest on the Littoral of the Mediterranean. London: Horace Marshall and Son, 1896. [tg0050-402813] ¥32,400 1522 Richardson, J.S. Automobile Association of S.A. Natal Beauty Spots. Guide Book. tion of S.A., [1936] [tg0040-402803] ¥3,240 Durban; Automobile Associa- 縮緬本 ・ 平紙本 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1523 [縮緬本] 小泉八雲 「続 日本昔噺 小泉八雲縮緬本」 3 冊揃 欧文(英語)和装本 稀少本 Hearn,LafcadioJapanese Fairy Tale Series (Enlarged English Edition). ¥280,000 Rendered into English by Lafcadio Hearn. 3 vols.set. Crepe paper book with hand colored woodblocks, Japanese style binding. The Boy who Drew Cats. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.23. 明治三十一年八月一日印刷 同月十日 發行・初版 (青色の表紙). 發行者:長谷川武次郎(日吉町) 著者:ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 繪画と印刷:小 宮屋壽 文字印刷者:柴田喜一 (鈴木華邨 絵) 全体的にヤケ 表紙端少々擦れ 背少々傷 Tokyo, Hiyoshicho: T.Hasegawa, 1898. The Old Woman who Lost Her Dumpling. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.24.明治三十五年五月十五 日印刷 同年六月一日發行・初版 編輯兼發行者:長谷川武次郎(本材木町) 絵畫印刷者:金子徳次 郎 英文印刷者:佐藤義雄 (鈴木華邨 絵) 全体的にヤケ 表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ 表紙下端少々 擦れ 背少々傷 本文 11 ページ目に裂け Tokyo, Honzaimokucho: T.Hasegawa, 1902. Chin Chin Kobakama. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.25.大正十四年九月十日第十五版印刷 同年 同月十五日發行 英譯者:ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 編輯兼發行者:長谷川武次郎(上根岸町) 印刷者:西 宮興作 (新井芳宗 絵) 全体的にややヤケ 表紙少々汚れ 奥付に「MARTIN HOPKINSON & CO.LTD.」印あり Tokyo, Kaminegishicho: T.Hasegawa, 1925. 15th edition. [aj1179-751355] 1524 [縮緬本] ダビッド、タムソン譯述 「日本昔噺 第五号 かちかちやま」 ¥28,000 表紙に「勝々山」 昭和七年三月一日第十六版印刷 同月十日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 欧文 (英語)和装本 美本 Thompson,David (trans.) Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.5. Kachi-kachi Mountain. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa (at front cover) / Published by Y.Nishinomiya, Tokyo (at colophon), 1932. 16th edition. [aj1061-707171] 1525 [縮緬本] (ジェイムズ夫人) 「日本昔噺 第十一號 因幡の白兎」 ¥28,000 昭和十二年二月一日第十七版印刷 同月十日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 (絵師:鮮斎永濯) 欧 文(英語)和装本 著者名記載なし(日本語・英語どちらも) 美本 (James,T.H. Mrs.) Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.11. The Hare of Inaba. Published by Y.Nishinomiya, Tokyo (at front cover), 1937. 17th edition. [aj1062-707172] 1526 [縮緬本] ヂェイムス夫人譯述 「日本昔噺 第十四號 玉の井」 ¥28,000 昭和十二年七月十日第十七版印刷 同月十六日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 127 James,Kate Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.14. The Princes Fire-flash & Fire-fade. Told in English by Kate James. Published by Y.Nishinomiya, Tokyo (Late T.Hasegawa), 1937. 17th edition. [aj1064-707174] 1527 [縮緬本] (ジェイムズ夫人) 「日本昔噺 第二十二號 思い出草と忘れ草」 ¥55,000 表紙および奥付に日本語タイトルなし 昭和十四年五月十五日第十二版印刷 同年六月一日發行 發行兼印刷者:西宮興作 發行所:長谷川商店 欧文(英語)和装本 美本 Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale (at front cover) The Flowers of Remembrance and Forget Fulness. (Japanese Fairy Tales Large Size Edition, No.2). Told in English by Mrs.T.H.James. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1939. 12th edition. [aj1069-707179] 1528 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ 「孝女白菊の詩 」 ¥84,000 原著 井上巽軒(哲次郎) / 絵師 三島蕉窓、新井芳宗 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 繪畫印刷者 小 宮屋壽 / 文字印刷者 齋籐章達 明治二十八年九月三十日發行(初版) 第三版の元帙(少々擦れ、 補修済)及び拵帙入 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 Florenz,Karl Japanischen Dichtungen. Weissaster. Ein Romantisches Epos. Nebst Anderen Gedichten. Frei Nachgebildet von Karl Florenz. Leipzig: C.F.Amelamg's Verlag, Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1895. First edition. [aj790-101984] 1529 [縮緬本] K.フローレンツ 「日本の芝居: 寺子屋・朝顔」 ¥90,000 明治三十三年九月十日 初版 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 絵師 新井芳宗 / 著者 フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 小宮屋壽 / 發行所 長谷川商店 元袋付 元帙 (この本には表紙は2種あ るが、当該本は珍しい。) Florenz,Karl Japanische Dramen. Terakoya und Asagao. Übertragen von Prof.Dr.Karl Florenz. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag / Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1900. First edition. [aj654-704936] 1530 [縮緬本] 英國立徳繙 譯 「老鼠告状」 再版 ¥90,000 明治二四年十一月二八日印刷 同年十二月出版御届 発行人:長谷川武次郎 譯者:リットル 印刷 人:廣瀬安七 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的にヤケ 表紙、裏表紙に少々汚れ 背布少々擦れ Little,Archibald The Rat's Plaint. Published by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, for sale by Kelly & Walsh, Ltd. Shanghai, Hong Kong, Yokohama & Singapore, 1891. Second Edition. [aj1075-707185] 1531 [縮緬本] 「横浜ベーマー商会 1895-6 年 輸出用日本産植物価格表」 ¥150,000 球根、苗木、種など 表紙および奥付に日本語タイトルなし 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的に少々ヤケ、 皺 ページ角折れ 背布の上下端欠け 裏表紙上端に裂け L.Boehmer, A.Unger Price List. Japanese Bulbs, Plants, Seeds & c. Exported by Boehmer & Co. Nurserymen & Florists. Nos.4, 5 & 28 Bluff. Yokohama Japan 1895-6. Druck, Illustrationen & Papier von T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, n.d.(c.1895). [aj1074-707184] 1532 [平紙本] ダビッドタムソン譯述 「日本昔噺 第二号 舌切雀」 ¥30,000 明治十八年八月十七日版権免許同月出版 同十九年七月添題再版御届 弘文社 鮮斎永濯画 欧 文(英語)和装本 全体的に少々ヤケ 裏表紙に薄いシミ. (Thompson,David trans.) Japanese Fairy Tales. Second Series, No.2. The Tongue Cut Sparrow. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1886. [aj1072-707182] 1533 [平紙本] 米國 ダビッドタムソン先生 譯 「日本昔噺 第三號 再版 猿蟹合戦 」 ¥30,000 明治十九年十一月五日再版御届 出版所:弘文社 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的に少々ヤケ 裏表紙 にごく薄いシミ 表紙、裏表紙、奥付イラストはカラー、本文イラストは白黒 (Thompson,David trans.) Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.3. (Second edition). Battle of the Monkey and the Crab. Published by the Kobunsha, Tokyo, 1885. Second edition. [aj1073-707183] 1534 [平紙本] K.フロレンツ 「寺子屋 」 ¥150,000 明治参拾参年壹月壹日發行 印刷者 村岡平吉 / 飜譯者 カール、フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次 郎 欧文(フランス語)和装本 元帙(少々ヤケ) カバー 美本 128 Florenz,Karl (trans.) Scènes du Théâtre Japonais. L'École de Village. (Terakoya) Drame historique en un acte. Tokyo: Publié par T.Hasegawa, 1900. [aj1170-751303] 小泉八雲関係書籍 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1535 ラフカディオ・ハーン 自筆書簡 アーネスト・フォックスウェル東京帝国大学講師宛7通 ¥4,000,000 内、新出書簡5通。 他の2通は "The Life & Letters" (E.Bisland) に所収されているが、当該自筆書 簡により日付が特定された。ラフカディオ・ハーンから東京帝国大学講師アーネスト・フォックスウェル 宛の自筆書簡。明治 31 年 5 月 13 日付から明治 34 年 12 月 25 日付までの7通。最後の 1 通のみフ ォックスウェルが英国帰国後の書簡。内容は日本への西洋の影響や友情など様々。フォックスウェル の人間性を高く評価し、自身の心情を吐露。ハーンの交友の状況が伺える。附 小泉節 自筆書簡2 通 (ハーン訃報等) 小泉節書簡も新出? 全書簡の英文清書、及び翻訳家・木谷滋子氏(東京大学教養学科アメリカ分科卒)による日本語訳文 添付 封筒なし 小泉八雲書簡: 1898 年(明治 31 年)5 月 13 日 2葉4頁、1899 年 11 月 8 日 1葉2頁、1899 年 11 月 20 日 2葉4頁、1899 年 11 月 26 日 1葉2頁、1901 年 12 月 25 日(フォックスウェル帰国後) 2葉 4頁 [以上、新出5通] 1899 年 10 月 11 日 1 葉 2 頁、1899 年 11 月 13 日 1 葉 2 頁 [以上、"The Life & Letters" に所収2通] 小泉節書簡: 1904 年 10 月 11 日 1葉2頁、1905 年 6 月 9 日 1葉 1 頁 [以上2通] (Hearn,Lafcadio) 7 Autograph Letters signed Lafcadio Hearn, to Prof. Ernest Foxwell. (Dated May 13, 1898 - Dec.25, 1901). Discussing western appreciation of Japan and gave his opinions about foreigner society in Tokyo. Tokyo, 1898-1901. (1: May 13, 1898. / 2 leaves. 2: October 11, 1899. 1 leaf. / 3: November 8, 1899. 1 leaf. / 4: November 13, 1899. 1 leaf. / 5: November 20, 1899. 2 leaves. / 6: November 26, 1899. 1 leaf. / 7: December 25, 1901. 2 leaves). With 2 letters by Hearn's widow, Setsu Koizumi. [aj746-101957] 1536 ラフカディオ・ハーン著書出版 生資料コレクション ¥54,000 Dodd,Mead, & Co.と Mitchell McDonald、John Erskin、Albert Mordell、小泉一雄との間の印税契約 に関する書簡等多数。 (Hearn,Lafcadio) Royalty agreement contract, etc. between John Erskin, Albert Mordell, Kazuo Koizumi and the publisher (Dodd, Mead, & Co.). "Talks to Writers", "Books and Habits", "Preraphaelite and Other Poets", "American Miscellany", "Essays on European and Oriental Literature", etc. [aj747-101958] 1537 藤澤桓夫 自筆草稿 「ヘルン先生」 ¥90,000 400 字詰原稿用紙(B4) 28 枚完揃 拵秩入(28x21cm.) 少々シミ. 1-3 枚目上部少々欠け. Fujisawa,Takeo (Hearn sensei) An autograph manuscript. 28pp. This is the manuscripts of a novel about Lafcadio Hearn, written by Japanese novelist Takeo Fujisawa. With in an after-made preserve box. [aj630-101777] 1538 「小泉八雲作品集」 3 巻 第 1 巻及び第 3 巻: 3 版 / 第 2 巻: 再版 函・帯、クロース装 (訳者: 森亮・平川祐弘 他) 129 河出書房新社, 1988. ¥3,240 [02035-102183] 1539 Hearn,Lafcadio A History of English Literature. 「小泉八雲 英文学史」 Edited by R. Tanabe, T. Ochiai & I. Nishizaki. (田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎・共編) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1958 (昭 33). 重版. [s06057-213212] ¥4,320 1540 Hearn,Lafcadio A History of English Literature. 「小泉八雲 英文学史」 Edited by R. Tanabe, T. Ochiai & I. Nishizaki. (田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎・共編) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1970 (昭 45). Revised edition. [s06058-213213] ¥4,320 1541 Hearn,Lafcadio A History of English Literature. 「小泉八雲 英文學史」〈改訂特製版〉 Edited by R. Tanabe, T. Ochiai & I. Nishizaki. (田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎・共編) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北 星堂), 1941. Fifth revised edition. [s06061-213216] ¥12,960 1542 Hearn,Lafcadio A Japanese Miscellany. 「日本雑録」 [Selected Works of Lafcadio Hearn's First Edition] Tokyo: Yushodo Booksellers Ltd., 1982. Facsimile edition(This edition is limited to three hundred copies). [s06053-213208] ¥4,320 1543 Hearn,Lafcadio Appreciations of Poetry. Selected and Edited with an Introduction by John Erskine, PH.D. York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1916. First edition. [s05765-212920] ¥8,640 New 1544 Hearn,Lafcadio Buddha. Neue Geschichten und Studien aus Japan. ¥6,480 Frankfurt Am Maind, Rutten & Loening, 1921. [s04254-203892] 1545 Hearn,Lafcadio Buddha. Neue Geschichten und Studien aus Japan. ¥5,400 Frankfurt Am Maind, Rutten & Loening, 1923. [s04256-203894] 1546 Hearn,Lafcadio Chita: A Memory of Last Island. [s02513-203898] ¥16,200 New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1889. 初版・後刷 1547 Hearn,Lafcadio Das Japanbuch von Lafcadio Hearn. Eine Auswahl aus den Werken von Lafcadio Hearn. Frankfurt a M. Rütten & Loening, 1919. [s04251-203902] ¥4,320 1548 Hearn,Lafcadio Earless Ho-ichi. 「耳なし芳一」 A Classic Japanese Tale of Mystery. With an introduction by Donald Keene. Illustrations by Masakazu Kuwata. Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd.(講談社), 1966. First edition. [s05290-212417] ¥21,600 1549 Hearn,Lafcadio Editorials. Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1926. Two Hundred and Fifty Copies of this First Edition have been bound with Uncut Edges. [s06030-213185] ¥32,400 1550 Hearn,Lafcadio Exotics and Retrospectives and in Ghostly Japan. [The Writings of Lafcadio Heanf, Vol.IX] Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1923. Koizumi Edition. [s06069-213224] ¥5,400 1551 Hearn,Lafcadio Exotics and Retrospectives. 「異国風物と回想」 tion. (初版・初刷) [s06035-213190] ¥32,400 130 Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1898. First edi- 1552 Hearn,Lafcadio Fantastics and Other Fancies. Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. First edition. [s06041-213196] ¥16,200 Boston & New York: 1553 Hearn,Lafcadio "Gombo Zhèbes". 「ゴンボ・ゼーブズ」 Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs, Selected from Six Creole Dialects. Translated into French and into English, with Notes, Complete Index to Subjects and some Brief Remarks upon the Creole Idioms of Louisiana. New York: Will H. Coleman, [1885.] Reproduced. [s05493-212640] ¥10,800 1554 Hearn,Lafcadio "Gombo Zhebès". 「ゴンボ・ゼーブズ」 Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs, Selected from Six Creole Dialects. Translated into French and into English, with Notes, Complete Index to Subjects and some Brief Remarks Upon the Creole Idioms of Louisiana. New York: Will H. Coleman, 1885. [s06029-213184] ¥21,600 1555 Hearn,Lafcadio "Gombo Zhebès". 「ゴンボ・ゼーブズ」 Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs, Selected from Six Creole Dialects. Translated into French and into English, with Notes, Complete Index to Subjects and some Brief Remarks Upon the Creole Idioms of Louisiana. New York: Will H. Coleman, [1885.] [s06046-213201] ¥5,400 1556 Hearn,Lafcadio (contribution) Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Orleans. 「ニューオリンズの歴史的スケッチ及び案内」 And Environs. With Map. Illustrated with Many Original Engravings; and Containing Exhaustive Accounts of the Traditions, Historical Legens, and Remarkable Localities of the Creole City. Edited and Compiled by Several Leading Writers of the New Orleans Press. New York: Will H. Coleman, 1885. First edition. Second issue. (初版・2 刷) 地図欠 [f0472-170474] ¥54,000 1557 Hearn,Lafcadio Japan. 「神 國」 An Attempt at Interpretation. New York: The Macmillan Co. / London: Macmillan & Co.,Ltd., 1904. First edition, first issue. 初版・初刷. ジャケット付. [aj815-102015] ¥97,200 1558 Hearn,Lafcadio Japan. 「神 國」 An Attempt at Interpretation. [Macmillan's Standard Library] & Dunlap, 1906. Repritned. [s05969-213124] ¥5,400 New York: Grosset 1559 Hearn,Lafcadio Japan. 「神 國」 An Attempt at Interpretation. [s06094-213253] ¥5,400 New York: The Macmillan Co., 1904. Reprinted. 1560 Hearn,Lafcadio Japan an Attempt at Interpretation. [The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn, Vol.XII] York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1923. Koizumi Edition. [s06070-213225] ¥5,400 Boston & New 1561 Hearn,Lafcadio Karma. And Other Stories & Essays. [The Harrap Library] London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1921. First published. ジャケット付. [s05768-212923] ¥12,960 1562 Hearn,Lafcadio Kimiko and Other Japanese Sketches. 「キミコ・日本の情景」 [The Evergreen Series] New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1923. First edition. [s06043-213198] ¥21,600 Boston & 1563 Hearn,Lafcadio Kokoro. 「心」 Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life. [The Traveller's Library] than Cape, 1931. First issued in the Traveller's Library. [s06042-213197] ¥4,320 131 London: Jona- 1564 Hearn,Lafcadio Kokoro. 「心」 Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life. Popular edition. [s05681-212835] ¥8,640 London: Gay nad Hancock, Ltd., 1914. 1565 Hearn,Lafcadio Kokoro. 「心」 Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life. tion. [s05757-212912] ¥8,640 London: Gay and Bird, 1906. Popular edi- 1566 Hearn,Lafcadio Kokoro. 「心」 Mit Virwort V. Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Einzig Autorisierte Übersetzung aus dem Englischen V. Berta Franzos. Frankfurt am Main: Rütten & Loening, 1921. [s06095-213254] ¥4,320 1567 Hearn,Lafcadio / Raynal,Léon (trans.) Kokoro. 「心」 ‐Au Cœur de la Vie Japonaise‐ Traduit de l'Angrais Par Mme Léon Raynal. [Bibliothèque Internationale] Paris: Dujarric et Cie, n.d. [s05680-212834] ¥4,320 1568 Hearn,Lafcadio Kwaidan. 「怪 談」 Stories and Studies of Strange Things. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., n.d. First edition, later issue. 初版後刷(3 刷以降). ジャケット付. [aj661-101758] ¥64,800 1569 Hearn,Lafcadio Kyushu. Träume und Studien Aus Dem Neuen Japan. [s04259-203970] ¥8,640 Frankfurt Am Main, Rütten & Loening, 1908. 1570 Hearn,Lafcadio La Cuisine Creole. 「クレオール料理」 A Collection of Culinary Recipes. From Leading Chefs and Noted Creole Housewives, who Have Made New Orleans Famous for its Cuisine. NY: Will H.Coleman, 1885. First edition (Brùlot to "Introduction"). 初版初刷. [aj658-101750] ¥280,000 1571 Hearn,Lafcadio Lafcadio Hearn's American Articles. 「ハーン論説集」 The New Radiance and other Scientific Sketches. / Buying Christmas Toys and other Essays. / Oriental Articles. / Literary Essays. / Barbarous Barbers and other Stories. Edited by Ichiro Nishizaki (西崎一郎・編). In 5 vols. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 昭 25. 再版. [s06063-213218] ¥32,400 1572 Hearn,Lafcadio Lafcadio Hearn's American Articles. 「ハーン論説集」 The New Radiance and other Scientific Sketches. / Buying Christmas Toys and other Essays. / Oriental Articles. / Literary Essays. / Barbarous Barbers and other Stories. Edited by Ichiro Nishizaki (西崎一郎・編). In 5 vols. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂)/ Yushodo (雄松堂出版), 1992. 第 3 刷. [s06064-213219] ¥17,280 1573 Hearn,Lafcadio Lafcadio Hearn's American Articles. 「ハーン論説集」 The New Radiance and other Scientific Sketches. / Buying Christmas Toys and other Essays. / Oriental Articles. / Literary Essays. / Barbarous Barbers and other Stories. Edited by Ichiro Nishizaki (西崎一郎・編). In 5 vols. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂)/ Yushodo (雄松堂出版), 1992. 第 3 刷. [s06073-213229] ¥17,280 1574 Hearn,Lafcadio Lafcadio Hearn's American Articles. 「ハーン論説集」 The New Radiance and other Scientific Sketches. / Buying Christmas Toys and other Essays. / Oriental Articles. / Literary Essays. / Barbarous Barbers and other Stories. Edited by Ichiro Nishizaki (西崎一郎・編). In 5 vols. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂)/ Yushodo (雄松堂出版), 1992. 第 3 刷. [s06074-213230] ¥17,280 1575 Hearn,Lafcadio Lectured on Shakespeare. 「沙翁論」 Edited by Iwao Inagaki (講述: 小泉八雲 校訂: 稲垣巌). Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1928 (昭 3). [s06017-213172] ¥4,320 132 1576 Hearn,Lafcadio Lectures on Prosody. 「作詩論に就いて」 講述: 小泉八雲 校訂: 落合貞三郎 kuseido Press (北星堂), 1929 (昭 4). [s06015-213170] ¥8,640 Tokyo: The Ho- 1577 Hearn,Lafcadio Lectures on Prosody. 「作詩論に就いて」 講述: 小泉八雲 校訂: 落合貞三郎 kuseido Press (北星堂), 昭 10. 再版. [s06016-213171] ¥4,320 Tokyo: The Ho- 1578 Hearn,Lafcadio Lectures on Prosody. 「作詩論に就いて」 講述: 小泉八雲 校訂: 落合貞三郎 kuseido Press (北星堂), 昭 10. 再版. [s01469-203974] ¥8,640 Tokyo: The Ho- 1579 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters from The Raven. Being the Correspondence of Lafcadio Hearn with Henry Watkin. With Introduction and Critical Comment by the Editor Milton Bronner. New York: Brentano's Publishers, 1907. [s05514-212662] ¥16,200 1580 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters from The Raven. 「小泉八雲書簡集: 大鴉の手紙」 Being the Correspondence of Lafcadio Hearn with Henry Watkin. With Introduction and Critical Comment by the Editor Milton Bronner. New York: Brentano's, 1907. First edition. [s06032-213187] ¥19,440 1581 Hearn,Lafcadio Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn Including the Japanese Letters. Vol.I-III. Edited by Elizabeth Bisland. [The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn, Vol.XIII-XV] In 3 vols. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1923. Koizumi Edition. [s06071-213226] ¥16,200 1582 Hearn,Lafcadio Life and Literature. 「人生と文学」 Compiled with Notes by R. Tanabe (田部隆次・編註). The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1926 (大 15). 訂正四版. [s06056-213211] ¥3,240 Tokyo: 1583 Hearn,Lafcadio Literary Essays. Edited by Ichiro Nishizaki (西崎一郎・編). 堂), 1939 (昭 14). [s06055-213210] ¥5,400 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星 1584 Hearn,Lafcadio Lotos. Blicke in das Unbekannte Japan. ¥5,400 Frankfurt Am Main, Rütten & Loening, 1923. [s04258-203983] 1585 Hearn,Lafcadio On Art, Literature and Philosophy. 「文學論」〈改訂特製版〉 Edited by R. Tanabe, T. Ochiai & I. Nishizaki. (田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎・共編) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1941. Revised edition. [s06060-213215] ¥12,960 1586 Hearn,Lafcadio On Poetry. 「詩論」 Edited by R. Tanabe, T. Ochiai & I. Nishizaki. (田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一 郎・共編) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 昭 48. Third revised edition. [s06059-213214]¥4,320 1587 Hearn,Lafcadio Pere Antoine's Date Palm. Texas, Ysleta, Edwin B. Hill, Private Press. Limited to 50 copies. 1940. First edition. 初版 ペーパー装 [s05262-212389] ¥27,000 1588 Hearn,Lafcadio Poets and Poems. Compiled with Notes by R. Tanabe (田部隆次・編註). Press(北星堂), 1926 (大 15). [s06014-213169] ¥4,320 Tokyo: The Hokuseido 1589 Hearn,Lafcadio Some Chinese Ghosts. 「中国怪談集」 Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1906. [s06038-213193]¥16,200 133 1590 Hearn,Lafcadio Some Chinese Ghosts. 「中国怪談集」 Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1910. [s06039-213194]¥12,960 1591 Hearn,Lafcadio Stray Leaves from Strange Literature. 「飛花落葉集」 Stories. Reconstructed from the Anvari-Soheïli, Baitál, Pachísí, Mahabharata, Pantchatantra, Gulistan, Talmud, Kalewla, etc. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1912. [s06045-213200] ¥10,800 1592 Hearn,Lafcadio The New Radiance and Other Scientific Sketches. Edited by Ichiro Nishizaki (西崎一郎・編). Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1939 (昭 14). [s06054-213209] ¥9,720 1593 Hearn,Lafcadio The Romance of the Milky Way & Other Studies and Stories. Mifflin & Co., 1905. First edition. [s06036-213191] ¥21,600 Boston & New York: Houghton 1594 Hearn,Lafcadio The Voice of the Great Bell by Lafcadio Hearn. Retold by Margaret Hodges. Illustrated by Ed Young. Boston,Toronto,London: Little,Brown and Company, 1989. 絵本 [s01417-204014] ¥12,960 1595 Hearn,Lafcadio Two Years in the French West Indies. 「仏領西インドの二年間」With many Illustrations from Photographs by Arthur W. Rushmore and Drawings by Marie Royle. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1923. [s06028-213183] ¥12,960 1596 Hearn,Lafcadio & Farny,Henry eds. Ye Giglampz. A Weekly Illustrated Journal Devoted to Art, Literature and Satire. Introduction, History, Bibliography and Notes by Jon Christopher Hughes. Cincinnati: Crossroads Books with The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton Country, 1983. First edition. 函付. [s06062-213217] ¥21,600 1597 (Hearn,Lafcadio) Erskine,John ed. Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn. Selected and Edited with an Introduction by John Erskine. London: William Heinemann, 1922. [s06033-213188] ¥8,640 1598 Barel,Leona Queyrouze The Idyl: 「イディル 小泉八雲回想」 My Personal Reminiscences of Lafcadio Hearn. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1933 (昭 9). Limited to 250 copies. This is No.185. [s06018-213173] ¥86,400 1599 BAREL,Leona Queyrouze The Idyl. My Personal Reminiscences of Lafcadio Hearn. 1933. Limited to 250 copies. This is no.187. [aj693-101739] Tokyo: Hokuseido Press (北星堂書店), ¥75,600 1600 Bisland, Elizabeth The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. 「ラフカディオ・ハーンの生涯と書簡」 With illustrations. In 2 vols. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin and Co., 1906. First edition, one of 200 copies bound uncut and containing a page of Hearn's original autograph manuscript (in this copy, notes regarding a haiku of Funayūrei; Japanese marine ghosts; Erimoto ye / Mizu kakeraruru / Kokochi seri, / "Hishaku kase" cho / Fune no kowane ni. / etc.). 初版・自筆草稿1葉付. [f0194-170193] ¥216,000 1601 Bisland,Elizabeth The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. 「ラフカディオ・ハーンの生涯と書簡」 With Illustrations. In 2 vols. London: Archibald Constable & Co., 1907. Second impression. [s05763-212918] ¥27,000 1602 Bisland,Elizabeth The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. Vol.II. 「ラフカディオ・ハーンの生涯と書簡」(第 2 巻のみ) With Illustrations. Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1906. [s06007-213162] ¥6,480 134 1603 Bisland,Elizabeth ed. The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Bisland. With Illustrations. London: Constable & Co., 1911. [s05764-212919] ¥16,200 1604 Bisland,Elizabeth ed. The Japanese Letter of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an Introduction by Elizabeth Bisland. London: Constable & Co., / Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911. [s06008-213163] ¥6,480 1605 Chamberlain,Basil Hall et al. Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn. 「ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授の手 紙」 [and] More Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn, and Letters from M.Toyama, Y.Tsubouchi and Others. 「ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授、外山博士、坪内博士の 手紙」 Compiled by Kazuo Koizumi. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1936 & 1937. [s04928-212044] ¥54,000 1606 De Maupassant,Guy Saint Anthony and Other Stories. Selected and Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an Introduction by Albert Mordell. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1924. First edition. First issue. [s06040-213195] ¥21,600 1607 Erskine,John ed. Books and Habits from the lectures of Lafcadio Hearn. Selected and Edited with an Introduction by John Erskine. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1921. [First Edition] [s05966-213121] ¥12,960 1608 Erskine,John ed. Books and Habits from the lectures of Lafcadio Hearn. Selected and Edited with an Introducrion by John Erskine. London: William Heinemann, 1922. [s05758-212913] ¥8,640 1609 Frost,O.W. Young Hearn. 「若き日のハーン」 版. ジャケット付. [aj674-101745] Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1958. First edition. 初 ¥16,200 1610 Frost,O.W. Young Hearn. 「若き日のハーン」 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1958 (昭 33.) First edition. 初版. ジャケット付. [s05620-212770] ¥16,200 1611 Frost,O.W. Young Hearn. 「若き日のハーン」 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1958 (昭 33). First edition. 初版. ジャケット付. [s06023-213178] ¥16,200 1612 Gautier,Theophil Clarimonde. [s06044-213199] [Ten Cent Pocket Series No.345] ¥4,320 Kansas: Haldeman-Julius Co., n.d. 1613 Gould,George M. Concerning Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲論」 With a Bibliography by Laura Stedman. With Five Illustrations. London & Leipsic: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908. [s06022-213177] ¥12,960 1614 Hasegawa,Yoji (長谷川洋二) A Walk in Kumamoto. The Life & Times of Setsu Koizumi Lafcadio Hearn's Japanese Wife. Including a new translation of her memoir 'Reminiscences'. UK: Global Oriental, 1997. [s05489-212636] ¥6,480 1615 Ichikawa,Sanki ed. (市河三喜) Some New Letters and Writing of Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲書翰集」 Colleted and Edited by Sanki Ichikawa. Tokyo: Kenkyusha (研究社), 1950 (昭 25). Reprinted(再版). [s05618-212768] ¥8,640 135 1616 Kennard,Nina H. Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 Containing some Letters from Lafcadio Hearn to his Half-Sister Mrs. Atkinson. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1912. [s06021-213176] ¥12,960 1617 Kirkwood,Kenneth P. Unfamiliar Lafcadio Hearn. 「知られざる小泉八雲」 (昭 11). [s06027-213182] ¥16,200 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1936 1618 Kirkwood,Kenneth P. Unfamiliar Lafcadio Hearn. 「知られざる小泉八雲」 [s01399-204034] ¥16,200 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1936. 1619 Kirkwood,Kenneth P. Unfamiliar Lafcadio Hearn. 「知られざる小泉八雲」 [s01400-204035] ¥12,960 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1936. 1620 Koizumi,Kazuo (小泉一雄) Father and I. 「父と私」 Memories of Lafcadio Hearn. 1935. [s06024-213179] ¥19,440 Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co, 1621 Koizumi,Kazuo comp. (小泉一雄・編) Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn. 「ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授の手 紙」 Tokyo: Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1992. 第 3 刷. [s06050-213205] ¥8,640 1622 Koizumi,Kazuo (小泉一雄) Re-Echo. 「リ・エコー」 Edited by Nancy Jane Fellers. Illustrated with photographs and with original, hitherto unpublished pen and watercolor sketches by Lafcadio Hearn. ID, Caldwell: The Caxton Printers, 1957. Second printing. [aj692-101766] ¥32,400 1623 Koizumi,Kazuo Hearn (小泉一雄) Re-Echo. 「リ・エコー」 Edited by Nancy Jane Fellers. Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1957. First printing. Limited to 1,000 numbered copies signed by author and the editor, No.542. ジャケット付. [s06098-213257] ¥32,400 1624 Koizumi,Setsuko (Mrs. Hearn) (小泉セツ) Reminiscences of Lafcadio Hearn. 「思い出の記」 Translated from the Japanese by Paul Kiyoshi Hisada and Frederick Johnson. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918. (Published September 1918.) [s05756-212911] ¥12,960 1625 Koizumi,Setsuko (Mrs.Hearn) (小泉セツ) Reminiscences of Lafcadio Hearn. 「思い出の記」 Translated from the Japanese by Paul Kiyoshi Hisada and Frederick Johnson. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co./ Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1918. (published Sept.1918) [aj686-101767] ¥10,800 1626 Lewis,Oscar Hearn and His Biographers. 「小泉八雲と伝記作家達」 The Record of a Literary Controversy. Together with a Group of Letters from Lafcadio Hearn to Joseph Tunison Now First Published. San Francisco: The Westgate Press, 1930. Limited 350 copies. [aj679-101768] ¥54,000 1627 McWilliams,Vera Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946. [aj672-101769] Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946. [s05762-212917] ¥12,960 1628 McWilliams,Vera Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 ¥6,480 1629 McWilliams,Vera Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 Boston: Houghton Mfflin Co., 1946. 136 [s06025-213180] ¥6,480 1630 McWilliams,Vera Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946. [s06026-213181] ¥6,480 1631 Mordell,Albert ed. Sketches and Tales from the French. 「佛蘭西文學名篇集」 Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with Preface by Albert Morderll. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1935 (昭 10). [s06012-213167] ¥6,480 1632 Mordell,Albert ed. Stories from Emile Zola. 「エミール・ゾラ短篇集」 Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with Preface by Albert Morderll. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1935 (昭 10). [s06013-213168] ¥6,480 1633 Noguchi,Yone (野口米次郎) Lafcadio Hearn in Japan. 「日本に於ける小泉八雲」 和装・元秩 With Mrs.Lafcadio Hearn's Reminiscences. Frontispiece by Shoshu Saito with Sketches by Genjiro Kataoka and Mr.Hearn Himself. London: Elkin Mathews / Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh, 1910. [aj675-101770] ¥30,000 1634 Noguchi,Yone (野口米次郎) Lafcadio Hearn in Japan. 「日本に於ける小泉八雲」 和綴じ・秩 (部分欠) With Mrs.Lafcadio Hearn's Reminiscences. Frontispiece by Shoshu Saito with Sketches by Genjiro Kataoka and Mr.Hearn Himself. New York: Mitchell Kennerley / London: Elkin Mathews / Japan: Kelly & Walsh, 1911. Second edition. [s01398-204058] ¥30,000 1635 Perkins,P.D. / Perkins,Ione Lafcadio Hearn: A Bibliography of His Writings. 「小泉八雲書誌」 With an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa. Tokyo: Published for the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Committee by the Hokuseido Press, 1934. Limited edition: 200 copies of the book have been issued in Japan, and the present copy is no.93. [aj664-101772] ¥84,000 1636 Starr,S. Frederick ed. Inventing New Orleans. Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited, with an Introduction by S. Frederick Starr. UP of Mississippi, 2001. [s05484-212631] ¥4,320 1637 Starr,S. Frederick ed. Inventing New Orleans. Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited, with an Introduction by S. Frederick Starr. UP of Mississippi, 2001. [s05485-212632] ¥4,320 1638 Stevenson,Elizabeth Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 [aj671-101773] ¥6,480 New York: The Macmillan Co., 1961. First printing. 1639 Stevenson,Elizabeth Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 [s05767-212922] ¥6,480 New York: The Macmillan Co., 1961. First printing. 1640 Stevenson,Elizabeth Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲」 [s06006-213161] ¥6,480 New York: The Macmillan Co., 1961. First printing. 1641 Tanabe,R./ Ochiai,T. eds. A History of English Literature. [With] Supplement to A History of English Literature. Vol.I 「小泉八雲英文學史 (補遺付)」 In a Series of Lectures. [Supplement]: (From Ben Jonson to Restoration Drama) [校訂者: 田部隆次、落合貞三郎] In 2 vols. The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1927 (昭 2). [s05687-212842] ¥17,280 137 1642 Tanabe,R./ Ochiai,T./ Nishizaki,I. eds. On Poets. 「詩人論」 Third Revised Edition. [s06010-213165] ¥4,320 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 昭 46. 1643 Tanabe,R./ Ochiai,T./ Nishizaki,I. eds. A History of English Literature. 「英文学史」 〈改訂特製版〉 (講述著: 小泉八雲 校訂著: 田部 隆次・落合貞三郎・西崎一郎) Fifth Revised Edition. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1941 (昭 16). [s06011-213166] ¥6,480 1644 Tanabe,Ryuji (田部隆次・抄録者) New Selections from Lafcadio Hearn. 「小泉八雲文抄」 Revised edition (訂正再版). [s05615-212765] ¥4,320 Yuhōdō (有朋堂書店), 1911 (明 44). 1645 The Toyama High School Catalogue of the Lafcadio Hearn Library in the Toyama High School. School, 1927. [s05288-212415] ¥4,320 Toyama: Toyama High 1646 Tinker,Edward Larocque Lafcadio Heran's American Days. 「小泉八雲 アメリカの日々」 Desinged and Illustrated by The Author. London: John Lane the Bodley Head Ltd., 1925. [s06020-213175] ¥12,960 1647 Zenimoto,Kenji ed. (銭本健二) Lafcadio Hearn; Letters I [1776(1876)-1890]. [s05495-212642] ¥8,640 Japan: The Hearn Society in Matsue, 2001. 1648 Zenimoto,Kenji ed. (銭本健二) Lafcadio Hearn; Letters I 1776 (1876)-1890. [s06052-213207] ¥8,640 The Hean Society in Matsue, 2001. 翻訳書・評論〈和書〉 開門扇子 八雲会, 1990. 函入り. 台座・栞付き. 『扇面の文字はラフカディオ・ハーンの「耳なし芳一の話」の草稿(松江市立図書館蔵)の一部。たて 20cm よこ 14cm の和紙に書かれた 18 行の上部 10 行です。「へるん」の印はハーンが愛用したもので あります(小泉時氏蔵)。文字・印ともに実物よりやや拡大してあります。』(「開門扇子」の栞より)。 28.5x8cm. [wh0117-706318] ¥5,400 1649 小泉八雲来日百年記念 [帝國文学第十巻第十一 小泉八雲記念號] 大日本図書 明 37 カバー(カバ ー付は稀少). 後見返し部分に「小泉画伯(ハーンの三男)の筆塚できる」の新聞記事添付. [w2501-704604] ¥12,960 1650 文豪小泉八雲 1651 L.ハーン(訳) 伊丹敬吾(編) モーパッサン短篇集 Short Stories by Guy de Maupassant. Tranlated by Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with Notes by Keigo Itami. 北星堂, 1990. 重版. [wh0456-707282] ¥4,320 ラフカディオ・ハーン Edward Thomas Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Translation & Studies by Misao Iida. ‐翻訳と研究‐ 文化評論出版, 1990. 初版. [wh0145-706346] ¥4,320 1652 飯田操 エドワード・トマス 1653 池田雅之 小泉八雲の日本 [レグルス文庫 190] [wh0266-706467] 第三文明社, 1990. 初版第 1 刷. ¥2,160 1654 池田雅之(編注) 文学の解釈 Interpretations of Literature. Edited with Notes by Masayuki Ikeda. 北星堂, 1991. 重版. [wh0459-707285] 138 ¥3,240 1655 池野誠(編) 梶谷泰之・森亮(監修) ヘルンを訪ねる 化協会, 昭 43. 2 版. [wh0122-706323] ¥3,240 山陰路・八雲文学散策 島根出版文 1656 泉田栄(編注) ハーン随筆集 Selected Essays of Hearn. Edited with Notes by Sakae Izumida. 北星堂, 1990. 重版. ¥3,240 [wh0455-707281] 1657 稲垣巌(編) シェイクスピア論 Lectures on Shakespeare. Edited by Iwano Inagaki. 北星堂, 昭 60. 重版. [wh0452-707278] ¥3,240 1658 稲垣巌(編) シェイクスピア論 Lectures on Shakespeare. Edited by Iwano Inagaki. 北星堂, 昭 51. 重版. [wh0453-707279] ¥3,240 1659 上田和夫(編注) 人生と文学 Life and Literature. Edited with Notes by Kazuo Ueda. [Annotated Textbook Library] 北星堂, 1998. 重版. 1660 岡田孝男 松江の茶室 付 [wh0462-707288] [日本小説新書] 装幀:鈴木朱雀. [wh0014-706020] ¥2,160 1662 柏倉俊三(訳注) 神国日本 茶室研究会, 昭 50. 2 刷. [wh0127-706328] 小泉八雲旧居 1661 岡戸武平(著) 小泉八雲 大日本雄辯會講談社, 昭 18. 初版. 解明への一試論 [東洋文庫 292] 1663 梶谷泰之 へるん先生生活記 [山陰文化シリーズ 4] 1664 梶谷泰之(著) 松江市立図書館(編集) へるん百話 八雲会 (発行), 昭 62. 小泉八雲先生こぼれ話集 ¥4,320 [w2937-705941] 松江市立図書館(編集) へるん百話 Two Hundred Unfamiliar Anecdota of 英文つき 八雲会, 昭 62 [wh0139-706340] ¥4,320 非売品・限定 100 部. リーブ企画株式会社, 平 14. ¥21,600 [wh0463-707289] 1667 川島芙美子 こども出雲国風土記 山陰中央新報社, 1994. 初版. “出雲国風土記図”付. ¥2,160 [wh0192-706393] 1668 小泉一雄(解説及編輯) 小泉八雲秘稿畫本 小山書店, 昭 9. 限定 500 部(127 部). [wh0264-706465] 初版第 1 刷. 今井書店, 昭 41. 5 版. 1666 金子三郎(編) 記録 東京帝大一学生の聴講ノート(金子健二) 1669 小泉八雲(作) 平凡社, 昭 51. ¥3,240 [wh0157-706358] Lafcadio Hearn. ¥4,320 ¥3,240 [wh0143-706344] 1665 梶谷泰之(著) ¥3,240 山本和夫(訳) 怪談 ¥4,320 妖魔詩話 [wh0389-706953] [ポプラ社文庫] Japanese Goblin Poetry. ¥86,400 ポプラ社, 1981. 第 4 刷. 1670 山宮允(訳) 耳なし芳一 [日本童話小説文庫(11)] 装幀: 恩地考四郎 さしえ: 福沢一郎 小峰書店, 昭 25. [wh0450-707276] ¥4,320 1671 銭本健二(編集) 小泉八雲コレクション国際総合目録 A General Catalogue of Hearn Collections in Japan and Overseas. Compiled by Kenji Zenimoto. (平 3). [wh0111-706312] ¥12,960 八雲会 (The Hearn Society) 発行, 1991 横山純子(編) 小泉八雲コレクション国際総合目録補巻 A Supplement to a General Catalogue of Hearn Collections in Japan and Overseas. Supervised by Kenji Zenimoto, Compiled by Junko Yokoyama. 八雲会 (The Hearn Society) 発行, 1992 (平 4). [wh0112-706313] ¥3,240 1672 銭本健二(監修) 横山純子(編) 小泉八雲コレクション国際総合目録補巻 A Supplement to a General Catalogue of Hearn Collections in Japan and Overseas. Supervised by Kenji Zenimoto, Compiled by Junko Yokoyama. 八雲会 (The Hearn Society) 発行, 1992 (平 4). [wh0113-706314]¥4,320 1673 銭本健二(監修) 1674 高木大幹(著) 人間小泉八雲 [三省堂選書 102] 139 三省堂, 1984. 第 1 刷. [wh0015-706021] ¥3,240 北星堂 昭 9. 初版. 1675 高田 力 小泉八雲の横顔 [w2053-702230] 1676 高田 力(著) 小泉八雲の横顔 北星堂書店, 昭 9. 初版. 1677 田代三千稔(譯) 日本の面影 愛宕書房, 昭 18. 1678 田代三千稔(譯) 日本の面影 1679 田部隆次(著) 小泉八雲 1681 田部隆次(譯) 續文學論 興風館, 昭 21 ¥3,240 愛宕書房, 昭 20. 3 版. [wh0159-706360] ¥3,240 北星堂, 昭 25. 八雲書店, 昭 23. 落穂 ¥5,400 [wh0383-706753] [wh0020-706026] 小泉八雲珠玉集 ラフカディオ・ヘルン 1680 田部隆次(譯編) 小泉八雲選集 ¥6,480 [wh0016-706022] ¥3,240 [wh0010-706016] [wh0018-706024] ¥3,240 ¥3,240 1682 田部隆次(編注) ロマン派の詩人たち The English Romantic Poets. Byron, Wordsworth, Shelly & Keats. [Hokuseido Hearn Texts] 北星堂, 昭 61. 重版. 1683 田部隆次・戸川秋骨(共譯) 神國日本 [wh0158-706359] 1684 田村のり子(著) [wh0136-706337] [wh0451-707277] 第一書房, 昭 17. [改譯版] ¥3,240 改譯版第 1 刷. ¥4,320 越野勝(編集・装丁) 詩集 ¥3,240 1685 手稲神社記念誌編集委員会(編集) 手稲神社史 御鎮座百年記念事業奉賛会, 平 12. 山陰詩人クラブ, 1990. ヘルンさん 手稲神社御鎮座百年記念史誌 ¥4,320 手稲神社 [wh0175-706376] 1686 天理図書館(編) 矢野峰人・河合忠信・岸本博吉(監修) 天理図書館善本叢書 洋書之部 第 VI 次刊行 小泉八雲 ‐草稿と書翰‐ 解説付 Classica Japonica; Facsimile Series in the Tenri Central Library. Section 6 Lafcadio Hearn -Mss. & Letters非売品. 全 5 冊 天理図書館出版部, 1974. 200 部限定版、No.102. [wh0466-707292] ¥32,400 1687 遠田勝(編注) 日本人の微笑 The Japanese Smile. Edited with Notes by Tōda Masaru. [Annotat- ed Textbook Library] 北星堂, 1996. 重版. [wh0461-707287] ¥3,240 小泉八雲関係文献目録 Catalogue of the Hearnina in the Hearn Library of the Toyama University. [改訂版] 富山大学付属図書 館 (Toyama University Library), 1998. 改訂版. 非売品. カラー口絵、別冊第 1 次補遺版付. [wh0114-706315] ¥17,280 1688 富山大学付属図書館(編纂) 富山大学ヘルン文庫旧蔵 ヘルン(小泉八雲)文庫目録 Catalogue of The Lafcadio Hearn Library in Toyama University. Revised Edition [改訂版(稿)] 富山大学付属図書館 (Toyama University Library), 1999. 改訂版(稿). 非売品. カラー口絵、別冊 第 2 次補遺版付. [wh0115-706316] ¥17,280 1689 富山大学付属図書館(編纂) 富山大学付属図書館旧蔵 1690 富山大学図書館(編纂) 富山大学附属図書館所蔵 ヘルン(小泉八雲)文庫目録 Catalogue of The Lafcadio Hearn Library in Toyama University. Revised Edition. [改訂版(稿)] 富山大学付属図書館 (Toyama University Library), 1999. 非売品. [wh0465-707291] 1691 中山町小泉八雲を語る会 八雲来町百年記念誌 泉八雲を語る会(発行者), 平 3. 非売品. 「盆踊り」ゆかりの地 ¥4,320 なかやま [wh0186-706387] 中山町小 [wh0168-706369] 1692 西川盛雄・A ローゼン・中村青史(編集) 朗読のための対訳ハーン作品抄 記念祭実行委員会, 1991. ¥17,280 ジェーンズとハーン ¥3,240 1693 西崎一郎(編注) 日本瞥見記 Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. (A Selection). With Notes by I. Nishizaki. [Hokuseido Hearn Texts] 北星堂, 1991. 重版. [wh0457-707283] ¥4,320 1694 西崎一郎(訳) 八雲ミステリー Stories of Mystery from Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an Introduc- tion by Ichiro Nishizaki. 北星堂, 1991. 重版. 1695 根岸磐井 出雲に於る小泉八雲 [wh0458-707284] 松江八雲会 昭 5. 140 ¥4,320 [w2935-705939] ¥2,160 [改訂増補版] 1696 根岸磐井 出雲に於る小泉八雲 1697 坂東浩司 詳述年表 ラフカディオ・ハーン伝 八雲会, 昭 6. 再版. [wh0151-706352] ¥2,160 英潮社, 1998. 初版. [wh0126-706327] ¥19,440 ハーン著作一覧 A List of Lafcadio Hearn's Works. tailed descriptions of the contents of the work. 富山大学人文学部紀要第 11 号抜刷 富山大学, 1986. [wh0166-706367] ¥3,240 1698 平田 純 ヘルン文庫所蔵 1699 平田 純 ヘルン文庫所蔵 富山大学, 1989. ヘルン関連文献目録 ¥3,240 With de- 富山大学人文学部紀要第 15 号抜刷 [wh0165-706366] 1700 (社)松江観光協会(編集・発行) 英文対訳: 梶谷泰之・銭本健二 小泉凡(監修) 小泉八雲・松江 Lafcadio Hearn in Matsue. (社)松江観光協会, 平 9. 改訂第 4 版. [wh0167-706368] ¥3,240 1701 丸山 學 小泉八雲新考 北星堂, 昭 11. 初版. 1702 丸山 學 小泉八雲新考 北星堂書店, 昭 11. 初版. 1703 三宅幾三郎・十一谷義三郎(共譯) 東西文學評論 ¥6,480 [w0420-204183] [wh0382-706752] ¥6,480 聚芳閣, 大 15. 正誤表付.[wh0013-706019]¥3,240 1704 焼津市教育委員会・小泉八雲顕彰会(編集) 小泉八雲来焼百周年記念 平成 9 年度(第 7 回) 焼津市教育委員会・戀圖い八雲顕彰会, 平 9. [wh0185-706386] ¥2,160 小泉八雲文学読書感想文集 A Book of Recitations from the Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. 八雲会, 昭 61 初版. 別冊・「解説と注」付. [wh0163-706364] ¥2,160 1705 八雲会 小泉八雲暗唱読本 小泉八雲暗唱読本 A Book of Recitations from the Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. 八雲会, 昭 62 改訂再版. [wh0162-706363] ¥2,160 1706 八雲会 第 1 号~第 38 号揃 昭和 40 年第 1 号~昭和 58 年第 20 号(合刷 版)・昭和 59 年第 21 号~昭和 61 年第 23 号(合刷版)・1987 年 No 24~2001 年 No 38. 17 冊セット (合刷版):八雲会, / 第 24 号以降: 恒文社, 第 1~20 号合刷版: 昭 62. / 第 21~23 号: 平元. [wh0180-706381] ¥21,600 1707 八雲会(編集) 「へるん」 1708 洛北盛年団(編) 英文学から八雲学へ 桝井幹生先生退官記念論集 (小泉八雲に親しむ ‐パ ート 5‐) 京都府立大学, 1998. 初版. [wh0464-707290] ¥8,640 日本学 ・ Japanology 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1709 G.C.アレン Allen,G. C. Breve Historia Economica del Japon Moderno (1867-1937). 1980 年 ペーパー装 Con un Capitulo Suplementario Sobre Recuperacion Economica Y Expansion (1945-1970). Editorial Tecnos, 1980. [jp0268-706230] ¥2,160 1710 G.C.アレン & A.G.ドニソーン Allen,G. C. & Donnithorne,Audrey G. Madrid: Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development. China and Japan. 1962 年・2 刷 カバー、クロース装 George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1962. Second impression. 141 [jp0476-706937] ¥4,320 1974 年・2 版 カバー、クロース装 Andô,Shôei Zen and American Transcendentalism. An Investigation of One's Self. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1974 (昭 49). Second edition. [jp0528-707389] ¥12,960 1711 安藤正瑛 「禅とアメリカ超絶主義‐本来の面目の研究」 1939 年 クロース装 Asahi,Isoshi The Economic Strength of Japan. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1939 (昭 14). [jp0563-707425] ¥6,480 1712 朝日五十四 「皇國の實力」 1713 ルイ・オベール Aubert,Louis Les Maîtres de l'Estampe Japonaise. 1922 年 角背クロース、厚紙装 Avec 55 Planches hors texte. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, [jp0273-706235] ¥32,400 1922. Deuxiéme édition. 3 版 クロース装 Baba,Tatui An Elementary Grammar of the Japanese Language with Easy Progressive Exercises. Revised by G. Ukita. With an Intdoruction by Arthur Diósy. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1904. Third Edition. [aj962-707036] ¥21,600 1714 馬場辰猪 「日本語文典」 [1936 年] クロース装 Bagulesco,Georges Yamato Damashii. Roman, I. L'imprimerie Kenkyusha Co., [1936.] [aj992-707098] ¥16,200 1715 G.バグレスコ 「大和魂」 仏文版 1936 年 初版 限定 300 部 和綴じ本. 帙 Shadows on the Shoji. 中土義敬(発行兼印刷)、北星堂印刷所 1936.(昭 11.) [we0488-704716] ¥4,320 1716 Charlene Balcom 「障子のかげ」 2 巻 1969-1970 年 カバー、背クロース・厚紙装 Barth,Johannes Kamakura. Die Geschichte einer Stadt und einer Epoche. Romantik und Tragödie einer Mittelalterlichen Stadt. [Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur-und Völkerkunde Ostasiens Supplementband XXX] In 2 vols. Tokyo: Japanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft E. V., 1969-1970. [jp0463-706902] ¥12,960 1717 J.バース 「鎌倉」 1718 W.G.ビーズリー Beasley,W. G. ed. Modern Japan. 1975 年 カバー、厚紙装 Aspects of History, Literature and Society. [Studies on Modern Asia and Africa No.11] George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1975. First published. [jp0478-706939] ¥3,240 London: 1719 Beaujard,André Le Théâtre Comique des Japonais. (Introduction à l'étude des kyôghén') 1937 年 ペーパー装 Paris: Librairie G.-P. Maisonneuve, 1937. [jp0452-706866] ¥6,480 1902 年 クロース装 Bellessort,André La Société Japonaise. Voyage au Japon. Paris: Perrin et Cie, Libraires-Éditeurs, 1902. [jp0220-706182] ¥21,600 1720 アンドレ・ベルソール 「日本社会」 1721 アンドレ・ベルソール 「新しい日本」 Bellessort,André Le Nouveau Japon. [jp0222-706184] ¥3,240 1918 年 ペーパー装 Paris: Libraire Acasémique, Perrin et Cie, 1918. 1722 E.ベン-アリ Ben-Ari,Eyal Changing Japanese Suburbia. A Study of Two Present-Day Localities. [jp0467-706928] ¥4,320 1991 年 カバー、クロース装 London & New York: Kegan Paul International, 1991. 1723 フランソワ・ベルティエ Berthier,François Les Temps D'Avant L'Histoire. [Arts du Japon] Publications Orientalistes de France, 1984. [jp0269-706231] 1724 フランソワ・ベルティエ Berthier,François Masques et Portraits. [Arts du Japon] Paris: Publications Orientalistes de France, 1981. 1984 年 ペーパー装 ¥3,240 1981 年 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 [jp0270-706232] 1916 年 クロース装 Binyon,Laurence A Catalogue of Japanese & Chinese Woodcuts. Preserved in the Sub-Department 1725 ローレンス・ビニョン 「日本および中国の版画」 142 of Oriental Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Museum, 1916. [aj1129-707216] ¥17,280 Printed by Order of the Trustees, / British 1726 ローレンス・ビニョン & J.J.オブライアン・セクストン Binyon,Laurence & Sexton,J. J. O'brien Japanese Colour Prints. 1923 年 クロース装 London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1923. [aj1093-707195] ¥12,960 2000 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Bix,Herbert P. Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan. New York: HarperCollins, 2000. First edition. [jp0324-706503] ¥4,320 1727 ハーバート・P.ビックス 「昭和天皇」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 Black,John R. Young Japan: Yokohama and Yedo 1858-79. With an Introduction by Grace Fox. [Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints] In 2 vols. Tokyo: Oxford UP, 1968. [aj945-707013] ¥12,960 1728 ジョン・R. スミス 「ヤング・ジャパン:横浜と江戸」 1973 年 初版 函、クロース装 Blair,Dorothy A History of Glass in Japan. Kodansha International Ltd. & The Corning Museum of Glass, 1973. First edition. [jp0705-707592] ¥16,200 1729 ドロシー・ブライア 「日本之硝子史」 1973 年 初版 函、クロース装 Blair,Dorothy A History of Glass in Japan. Kodansha International Ltd. & The Corning Museum of Glass, 1973. First edition. [jp0705-707592] ¥16,200 1730 ドロシー・ブライア 「日本之硝子史」 1731 レジナルド H. ブライス Blyth,R. H. Japanese Life and Character in Senryu. 初版 函・カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1960. (昭 36.) First printing. 1960 年 [aj977-707083] ¥19,440 1957 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Blyth,R. H. Japanese Humour. [Tourist Library: 24] Tokyo: Japan Travel Bureau(日本交通公社), 1957 (昭 32.). First edition. [jp0694-707581] ¥4,320 1732 レジナルド H. ブライス 「日本のユーモア」 1978 年 ペーパー装 Blyth,R. H. Zen and Zen Classics. Selections from R. H. Blyth. Compiled and with drawings by Frederick Franck. New York: Vintage Books1978. [jp0546-707407] ¥4,320 1733 レジナルド H. ブライス 「禅クラシックス」 1993 年 ペーパー装 Blyth,R. H. Zen in English Literature. And Oriental Classics. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星 堂), 1993. [jp0548-707409] ¥6,480 1734 レジナルド H. ブライス 「禅と英文学」 2002 年 新装 1 刷 カバー、ペーパー装 Blyth,R. H. Twenty-Five Zen Essays. Christianity, Sex, Society, etc. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 2002. (First printing 1962.) New edition. [jp0552-707413] ¥4,320 1735 レジナルド H. ブライス 「禅・エッセイ集」 1958 年 第 4 刷 クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1968 (昭 43). Fourth printing. 1736 レジナルド H. ブライス 「オリエンタル・ヒューマー」 Blyth,R. H. Oriental Humour. [jp0565-707427] ¥8,640 1960 年 初刷 カバー、クロース装 Blyth,R. H. Japanese Life and Character in Senryu. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1960. First printing. [jp0567-707429] ¥21,600 1737 レジナルド H. ブライス 「英訳 川柳」 1969 年 再版 函・カバー、クロース装 Blyth,R. H. Japanese Life and Character in Senryu. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1969 (昭 44). Revised edition. [jp0568-707430] ¥10,800 1738 レジナルド H. ブライス 「英訳 川柳」 2001 年 4 刷 ペーパー装 Blyth,R. H. The Genius of Haiku. Readings from R.H.Blyth on Poetry, Life and Zen. With an Intro- 1739 レジナルド H. ブライス 「俳句のこころ」 143 duction by James Kirkup. [jp0574-707436] ¥3,240 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 2001. Fourth printing. 2001 年 4 刷 ペーパー装 Blyth,R. H. The Genius of Haiku. Readings from R.H.Blyth on Poetry, Life and Zen. With an Introduction by James Kirkup. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 2001. Fourth printing. [jp0575-707437] ¥3,240 1740 レジナルド H. ブライス 「俳句のこころ」 2001 年 4 刷 ペーパー装 Blyth,R. H. The Genius of Haiku. Readings from R.H.Blyth on Poetry, Life and Zen. With an Introduction by James Kirkup. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 2001. Fourth printing. [jp0576-707438] ¥3,240 1741 レジナルド H. ブライス 「俳句のこころ」 1933 年 カバー、クロース装 Bodley,R.V.C. A Japanese Omelette. A British Writer's Impressions on the Japanese Empire. kyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1933 (昭 8). [jp0522-707383] ¥21,600 To- 1933 年 カバー、クロース装 Bodley,R.V.C. A Japanese Omelette. A British Writer's Impressions on the Japanese Empire. kyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1933 (昭 8). [jp0538-707399] ¥32,400 To- 1742 R. V. C.ボドリー 「伸びゆく日本」 1743 R. V. C.ボドリー 「伸びゆく日本」 1957 年 初版 クロース装 Borton,Hugh et al. Japan between East and West. Foreward by Ernest A. Gross. New York; Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper and Brothers, 1957. First Edition. [jp0344-750739] ¥3,240 1744 ヒュー・ボートンほか 「東と西のはざまの日本」 1745 Bouchot,Jean & Cucherousset,Henri Notes Japonaises. Le Pays des Frais Épis de la Luxuriante Plaine des Roseaux. de L'Indochine, 1925. [aj1104-707206] ¥12,960 1925 年 クロース装(改装) Hanoi: Édition de L'Éveil Économique 1746 ドミニク・ヴィックス Bouix,D. Histoire des Vingt-Six Martyrs Du Japon. 1862 年 背革、マーブル厚紙装 Crucifiés a Nangasaqui, le 5 Février 1597. Avec un Apercu Historique sur les Chrétientés du Japon. Depuis Cette Époque Jusqu' a nos Jours. Librairie Catholique de Perisse Frères, 1862. [jp0309-706272] ¥64,800 1895 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Bowes,James L. Notes on Shippo. A Sequel to Japanese Enamels. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1895. [jp0703-707590] ¥12,960 1747 J. L.ボウズ 「七宝についての手記」 1895 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Bowes,James L. Notes on Shippo. A Sequel to Japanese Enamels. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1895. [jp0703-707590] ¥12,960 1748 J. L.ボウズ 「七宝についての手記」 1749 C. R. ボクサー Boxer,C. R. Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600-1850. 1950 年 改訂第 2 版 カバー、クロース装 An Essay. On the Cultural, artistic and scientific influence exercised by the Hollandres in Japan from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. With 17 plates of which 4 in colour. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1950. Second Revised Edition. [aj990-707096] ¥16,200 1750 マーサ・ボイヤー 「日本輸出漆器」 1959 年 ペーパー装 Boyer,Martha Japanese Export Lacquers. From the Seventeenth Century in the National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen: The National Museum, 1959. [jp0704-707591] ¥12,960 1751 マーサ・ボイヤー 「日本輸出漆器」 1959 年 ペーパー装 Boyer,Martha Japanese Export Lacquers. From the Seventeenth Century in the National Museum of Denmark. Copenhagen: The National Museum, 1959. [jp0704-707591] ¥12,960 144 1970 年 ペーパー装 Brochier,Hubert Le miracle économique japonais 1950-1970. [Perspectives de L'Économique. Dirigée par Christian Schmidt. Économie Contemporaine] Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1970. [jp0254-706216] ¥2,160 1752 ユベール・ブロシェ 「日本経済の奇跡」 1904 年 クロース装 Browne,G. Waldo Japan: The Place and the People. With an Introduction by The Hon. Kogoro Takahira. Illustrated with over Three Hundred Coloured Plates and Half-Tones. London: Sampson Low, Marston Co., 1904. [aj993-707099] ¥21,600 1753 G. W. ブラウン 「日本: 場所及び人々」 1754 J. I. ブライアン Bryan,J. Ingram The Civilization of Japan. [Home Uiversity Library of Modern Knowledge Vol.134] First printed. [aj928-706990] ¥3,240 1755 G.カイガー 「日本から日本へ」 Caiger,G. From Japan to Japan. [jp0542-707403] ¥5,400 初刷 カバー、クロース装 London: Williams & Norgate, Ltd., 1927. 1941 年・6 版 カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1941 (昭 16). Six edition. 1905 年 クロース装 Challaye,Félicien Au Japon et En Extrême-Orient. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1905. [aj713-705278] ¥12,960 1756 フェリシアン・シャレーユ 「日本と極東」 1902 年 4 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1902. (明 35.) Fourth Edition Revised & Enlarged. [aj973-707079] ¥21,600 1757 B. H. チェンバレン 「日本事物誌」 1905 年 5 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1905. (明 38.) Fifth Edition Revised. [aj975-707081] ¥19,440 1758 B. H. チェンバレン 「日本事物誌」 1905 年 5 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1905. (明 38.) Fifth Edition Revised. [aj974-707080] ¥21,600 1759 B. H. チェンバレン 「日本事物誌」 1905 年 5 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. For the Use of Travellers and Others. London: John Murray, / Kelly & Walsh, 1905(明 38). Fifth Edition Revised. [jp0351-706756] ¥21,600 1760 B.H.チェンバレン 「日本事物誌」 7 巻 2001 年 復刻版 (初版~第 6 版) 函・クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. (楠家重敏・著: 「B. H.チェンバレン"Things Japanese"について (36pp.)」解説付き) In 7 vols. Tokyo: Yushodo Co.(雄松堂書店), 2001. [jp0686-707559] ¥129,600 1761 B.H.チェンバレン 「日本事物誌」 1762 ウィリアム・ヘンリー・チェンバレン 「アジアを支配する日本」 Chamberlin,William Henry Japan Over Asia. With Illustrations. 1937. First edition. [aj1037-707136] ¥5,400 1937 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1938 年 初版 クロース装 Chamberlin,William Henry Japan Over Asia. With Illustrations and Maps. London: Duckworth, 1938. First published. [jp0475-706936] ¥3,240 1763 ウィリアム・ヘンリー・チェンバレン 「アジアを支配する日本」 1764 E.W. & F. チャンプニー Champney,Elizabeth W. & Champney,Frère Romance of Old Japan. 1917 年 (初版) 1/2 革装、天金 New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1917. (First edition) 145 [aj1032-707131] ¥21,600 1919 年 ペーパー装 Champsaur,Félicien Poupée Japonaise. Illustrations de Hanafusa Ittcho, Haru Kawa. Vingt-Sixième Mille. Paris: Librarie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1919. [jp0453-706867] ¥6,480 1765 フェリシアン・シャンソール 「日本人形」 1923 年 角背朱、マーブル革装 Chauvelot,Robert Le Japon Souriant. Ses Samouraïs, Ses Bonzes, Ses Geishas. Avec une Reproduction de Peinture Ancienne et 39 Photographies. 34 Emblémes et Dessins sur Bois et Cuivre D'Artistes Japonais Contemporains. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1923. [jp0275-706237] ¥32,400 1766 ロベール・ショウヴーロ 「微笑みの日本」 1767 ジャック・シェロワ Chéroy,Jacques Oú Va Le Japon. Hachette, 1954. [jp0248-706210] 1954 年 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 1768 E.W. クレメント Clement,Ernest W. A Handbook of Modern Japan. 1904 年 4 版 クロース装 With New Map, Made Especially for the Book, and Over Sixty Illustrations from Photographs. London: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1904. Fourth edition. [aj1044-707143] ¥8,640 2 巻 1907 年 クロース装、天金 Clement,Ernest W. ed. Hildreth's "Japan as it Was and Is". A Handbook of Old Japan. Edited, with Supplementary Notes, by Ernest W. Clement. Introduction by WM. Eliot Griffis. With One Hundred Illustrations and Maps. In 2 vols. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1907. [aj982-707088] ¥16,200 1769 E.W. クレメント(編) 「ヒルドレス "日本の今昔"」 1936 年 ペーパー装 Close,Upton Le Péril Japonais. Préface de Francis Delaisi. Avec huit gravures hors texte. [ Bibliothéque Politique et Économique] Paris Payot, 1936. [jp0265-706227] ¥6,480 1770 アップトン・クローズ 「日本の危機」 1990 年・初版 カバー、厚紙装 Cortazzi,Hugh The Japanese Achievement. [Sidgwick & Jackson Great Civilizations Series] London: Sidgwick & Jackson, / New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990. First published. [jp0494-706978] ¥8,640 1771 ヒュー・コータッツィ 「日本の偉業」 1988 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Cortazzi,Hugh & Webb,George (eds.) Kipling's Japan. Collected Writings. The Athlone Press, 1988. First published. [jp0493-706977] ¥12,960 1772 ヒュー・コータッツィ & ジョージ・ウェッブ 「キプリングの日本発見」 1930 年 初版 クロース装 Cosenza,Mario Emilio The Complete Journal of Townsend Harris. First American Consul General and Minister to Japan. Introduction and Notes by Mario Emilio Cosenza, PH.D. New York: Japan Society, / Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1930. First edition. [aj1054-707156] ¥8,640 1773 マリオ・E. コゼンツァ 「タウンゼント・ハリスの日記」 1774 Coyaud,M. Contes Japonais. 1984 年 ペーパー装 Paris: P.A.F. (Pour l'Analyse du Folklore), 1984. [jp0443-706857] ¥3,240 1939 年 初版 クロース装 Crow,Carl He Opened the Door of Japan. Townsend Harris and the Story of His Amazing Adventures in Establishing American Relations with the Far East. Illustrated. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1939. First edition. [aj1034-707133] ¥6,480 1775 カール・クロウ 「日本の扉を開いた男」 1872 年 背クロース、厚紙装 De Beauvoir,Le Comte Pékin, Yeddo, San Francisco. Voyage Autour du Monde. Ouvrage Enrichi de Quatre Cartes et de Quinze Gravures-Photographies par Deschamps. Paris: Henri Plan, Imprimeur-Éditeur, 1872. [aj1028-707127] ¥16,200 1776 コント・ド・ボーヴォワール 「北京、江戸、サンフランシスコ」 1918 年 背クロース、厚紙装 De Becker,J. E. The Criminal Code of Japan. Translated from the Original Japanese Text. All Rights Reserved. Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh, 1918(大 7.) [jp0310-706273] ¥16,200 1777 J.E.デ・ベッカー 「日本の刑法」 146 フィラデルフィア刊 1917 年 De Benneville,James S. The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari. Takes of the Tokugawa. Retoled from the Japanese Originals by James S.De Benneville. Philadelphia: Press of J.B.Lippincott Co., 1917. [aj253-706115] ¥37,800 1778 デ・ベンヴィル 「四谷怪談」 1847 年 角背革、クロース装 De Charlevoix,P. Histoire et Description Du Japon, D'Après. [Bibliothèque de la Jeunesse Chrétienne] Tours: Ad Mame et Cie, 1847. Cinquième édition. [jp0308-706271] ¥32,400 1779 P.ド・シャルルヴォア 「日本の歴史と案内記」 1982 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 Deacon,Richard A History of The Japanese Secret Service London: Frederick Muller Ltd, 1982. First published. [jp0468-706929] ¥3,240 1780 R.ディーコン 「日本の情報機関」 1930 年 第 3 版 図版 Dening,Walter The Life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Kobe: J.L.Thompson & Co., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1930. Third edition with Preface, Notes and an Appendix by M.E.Dening. [aj251-706109] ¥12,960 1781 W.デニング 「豊臣秀吉の生涯」 第 1 巻のみ 1887 年 和綴本 Dening,Walter Japan in Days of Yore. I. Human Nature in a Variety of Aspects. Tokyo: Hakubunsha(博聞社), 1887 (明 20). [aj1024-707123] ¥27,000 1782 W. デニング 「昔の日本 I: 様々な状況における人間性」 1884 年 クロース装 Depping,Guillaume Le Japon. Bibliothéque Instructive. Ouvrage. Illustré de 46 Gravyres Sur Bois et Accompagné d'une carte du Japon. Paris: Jouvet et Cie, 1884. [aj715-705280] ¥16,200 1783 ウィリアム・デピング 「日本」 n.d. [1900 年] クロース装、三方金 Depping,Guillaume Le Japon. Ouvrage illustré de 58 gravures sur bois. Et accompagné d'une carte du Japon. Paris: Ancienne Librairie Furne, / Combet & Cie., n.d. [1900.] Troisiéme édition. [jp0272-706234] ¥27,000 1784 ウィリアム・デピング 「日本」 1898 年 クロース装 Dickson,Walter Japan. With Two Supplementary Chapters of Recent Events by Mayo W. Hazeltine. Illustrated. New York: Peter Fenelon Collier, 1898. [jp0337-706516] ¥4,320 1785 W.ディクソン 「日本」 1898 年 1/2 革装、天金 Dickson,Walter Japan. With Two Supplementary Chapters of Recent Events by Mayo W. Hazeltine. Illustrated. New York: Peter Fenelon Collier, 1898. [aj1047-707146] ¥6,480 1786 W. ディクソン 「日本」 1936 年 ペーパー装 Direction Generale du Tourisme Chemins de fer du Governement Japonais Petit Guide du Japon. Comprenant une Description Spéciale des Coutumes, de l'Histoire, de l'Industrie, de l'Instruction, de l'Art et des Arts d'Agrément Japonais; des Attractions, etc. Tokyo: Direction Generale du Tourisme Chemins de fer du Governement Japonais, 1936. [jp0231-706193] ¥4,320 1787 日本政府観光局 「日本の小さなガイド」 1788 オーギュスタン・カバネス Les Cinq Sens. 1926 年 ペーパー装 Docteur Cabanès (Cabanès,Augustin) Les Cinq Sens. [Les Curiosités de la Médecine] Librairie E. le François, 1926. [jp0451-706865] ¥4,320 Paris: 2 巻 1986‐1989 年 2 版 カバー、クロース装 Dōgen Zenji Dōgen Zenji's Shōbōgenzō, Band I & II. Die Schatzkammer der Erkenntnis des Wahren Dharma. In 2 vols. Zürich: Theseus-Verlag, Band I: 1986. / Band II: 1989. 2. Auflage (2nd edition). [jp0393-706805] ¥12,960 1789 道元禅師 「正法眼蔵」 1970 年 2 刷 カバー、クロース装 Dore,R. P. ed. Aspects of Social Change in Modern Japan. Edited by R. P. Dore. Contributors: Reinhard Bendix, John W. Bennett et al. [Studies in the Modernization of Japan] New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1970. Second Hardcover Printing. [jp0402-706816] ¥5,400 1790 R. P. ドーア(編) 「近代日本における社会変化の諸相」 147 1791 ロバート・K. ダグラス Douglas,Sir Robert K. Europe and The Far East 1506-1912. 1912 年 改訂版 クロース装 Revised & Corrected. With an additional Chapter (1904-1912) by Joseph H. Longford. [Cambridge Historical Series] Cambridge: at the UP, 1912. Revised edition. [aj1046-707145] ¥8,640 n.d. ペーパー装 Dr. Tresmin-Trémolières La Cité d'Amour; Au Japon. Courtisanes du Yoshiwara. Illustrations de R. de la Nézière. Paris: Librairie Universelle, n.d. [jp0450-706864] ¥8,640 1792 トレマン‐トレモリエール 「日本の遊郭」 1879 年 ペーパー装 Paris: E. Plon et Cie, 1879. [jp0449-706863] 1793 モーリス・デュバール 「絵のように美しい日本」 Dubard,Maurice Le Japon Pittoresque. ¥19,440 1947 年 ペーパー装 Duboscq,André Les Japonais. [Problémes Internationaux] Paris: Sosiété d'Editions, Françaises et Internationales (SEFI), 1947. [jp0223-706185] ¥6,480 1794 アンドレ・デュボスク 「日本人」 1969 年 ペーパー装 Dufourcq,Élisabeth B. Les Femmes Japonaises. [Collection Grand Format Femme] Gonthier, 1969. [jp0417-706831] ¥2,160 1795 エリザベート・D. デュフルク 「日本人女性」 Paris: Denoël / 1905 年 クロース装(改装) Dumolard,Henry Le Japon: Politique, économique et social. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, Quatriéme édition. [jp0229-706191] ¥6,480 1796 ヘンリー・デュモラー 「日本の政治経済社会」 1905. 1905 年 ペーパー装 Dumolard,Henry Le Japon: Politique, économique et social. Palis: Librairie Armand Colin, 1905. Quatriéme édition. [jp0233-706195] ¥4,320 1797 ヘンリー・デュモラー 「日本の政治経済社会」 1798 クロード・デュリックス 「禅もしくは流水と月光の心」 1984 年 ペーパー装 Durix,Claude Zen ou L'Esprit de l'eau courante et du rayon de lune. (enseignement pendant zazen) Paris: Guy Trédaniel / Éditions de la Maisnie, 1984. [jp0255-706217] ¥3,240 1799 クロード・デュリックス 「禅もしくは流水と月光の心」 1984 年 ペーパー装 Durix,Claude Zen ou L'Esprit de l'eau courante et du rayon de lune. (enseignement pendant zazen) Paris: Guy Trédaniel / Éditions de la Maisnie, 1984. [jp0256-706218] ¥3,240 1901 年 クロース装 Edwards,Osman Japanese Plays and Playfellows. With Twelve Coloured Plates by Japanese Artists. London: William Heinemann, 1901. [aj1029-707128] ¥9,720 1800 O.エドワード 「日本の芝居とその仲間たち」 1969 年 再版 クロース装 Embree,John F. comp. Japanese Peasant Songs. Compiled and Annotated by John F. Embree. With the Assistance of Ella Embree and Yukuo Uyehara. [Memoirs of the American Folklore Societ Vol.38] New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1969. Reprinted. [aj978-707084] ¥5,400 1801 ジョン・F. エンブリー 「日本の農民歌」 1802 ジャン・エスカラ Escarra,Jean L'Honorable Paix Japonaise. 1938 年 ペーパー装 Paris: Editions Berbard Grasset, 1938. 7 éme Edition. [jp0232-706194] ¥6,480 1924 年 オランダ語版 クロース装 Forest,Ellen Yuki San. Modern Meisjesleven in Japan. Rotterdam: W. L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1924. [aj1042-707141] ¥6,480 1803 エレン・フォレスト 「ゆきさん」 1944 年 ペーパー装 Fortune (Revue américaine) Le Japon. Par les Rédacteurs de Fortune (Revue américaine). York: Overseas Editions, 1944. [jp0446-706860] ¥2,160 1804 アメリカ・フォーチュン誌 「日本」 148 New 1805 藤原銀次郎 「日本工業精神」 1936 年 カバー、クロース装. 天金. Fujihara,Ginjiro The Spirit of Japanese Industry. [jp0562-707424] ¥8,640 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1936. 1964 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Fujikawa,Asako Daughter of Shinran. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1964 (昭 39). First edition. [jp0592-707456] ¥4,320 1806 藤川朝子 「王御前」 1958 年 ペーパー装 Fujisawa,Chikao Concrete Universality of The Japanese Way of Thinking. ‐A New Interpretation of Shintoism‐ Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1958 (昭 33). [jp0532-707393] ¥12,960 1807 藤沢親雄 「神道普遍」 1889 年 クロース装(改装) Fujishima,Ryauon Le Bouddhisme Japonais. Doctrines et Histoire des Douze Grandes Sectes Bouddhiques du Japon. Paris: Maisonneuve et Ch. Leclerc, 1889. [jp0260-706222] ¥16,200 1808 藤島了穏 「日本の仏教」 1966 年 3 版 函・クロース装 Fujiwara,Ryōsetsu (trans.) The Tanni Shō. Notes Lamenting Differences. Translated and Annotated by Ryōsetsu Fujiwara. [Ryoukoku Translation series Vol.II] Kyoto: Ryukoku University, 1966. Third edition. [jp0395-706807] ¥32,400 1809 藤原凌雪(訳) 「歎異抄」 1936 年 カバー、クロース装 Fukuda,Ippei The Japanese at Home. Some Intimate Sketches of Life and Personalities. With the Preface by Don Brown. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1936 (昭 11). [jp0523-707384] ¥16,200 1810 福田市平 「親しき日本」 1936 年 カバー、クロース装 Fukuda,Ippei The Japanese at Home. Some Intimate Sketches of Life and Personalities. With the Preface by Don Brown. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1936 (昭 11). [jp0540-707401] ¥16,200 1811 福田市平 「親しき日本」 2001 年 アラビア語訳版 ペーパー装 (Fukuzawa,Yukichi) The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi. Translation by Arabic. Dhabi: Cultural Foundation Publications, 2001. [jp0588-707450] ¥6,480 Abu 2001 年 アラビア語訳版 ペーパー装 (Fukuzawa,Yukichi) The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi. Translation by Arabic. Dhabi: Cultural Foundation Publications, 2001. [jp0589-707451] ¥5,400 Abu 1812 福沢諭吉(原著 「福翁自伝」 1813 福沢諭吉(原著 「福翁自伝」 1963 年 増補改訂再版 カバー、クロース装 (Fukuzawa,Yukichi) Kiyooka,Eiichi trans. The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi. With an Introduction by Shinzo Koizumi. New Translation. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1960 (奥付: 昭和 38 年 11 月 30 日) Revised edition. [jp0583-707445] ¥4,320 1814 福沢諭吉(原著) 清岡暎一(翻訳) 「福翁自伝」 1966 年 カバー、クロース装 (Fukuzawa,Yukichi) Kiyooka,Eiichi trans. The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa. Revised Translation by Eiichi Kiyooka. With a Foreword by Carmen Blacker. New York & London: Columbia UP, 1966. [jp0584-707446] ¥4,320 1815 福沢諭吉(原著) 清岡暎一(翻訳) 「福翁自伝」 1981 年 カバー、クロース装 (Fukuzawa,Yukichi) Kiyooka,Eiichi trans. The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi. With Preface to the Collected Works of Fukuzawa. Translated by Eiichi Kiyooka. With an Introduction by Shinzo Koizumi. New Translation. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1981 (昭 56). 1981 edition. [jp0585-707447] ¥6,480 1816 福沢諭吉(原著) 清岡暎一(英訳) 「福翁自伝」 2004 年 1981 年版第 4 刷 カバー、クロース装 (Fukuzawa,Yukichi) Kiyooka,Eiichi trans. The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi. With Preface to the Collected Works of Fukuzawa. Translated by Eiichi Kiyooka. With an Introduction by Shinzo Koizumi. New Translation. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 2004. [jp0586-707448] ¥6,480 1817 福沢諭吉(原著) 清岡暎一(翻訳) 「福翁自伝」 149 「日本語の複文構造」 1985 年 ペーパー装 Garnier,Catherine La Phrase Japonaise. Structures complexes en japonais moderne par Catherine Garnier. [Bibliothèque Japonaise] Publications Orientalistes de France, 1985. [jp0439-706853] ¥4,320 1818 カトリーヌ・ガルニエ 1819 (民間情報教育局) 「GHQ 連合国最高司令部・民間情報教育局報告書」 第 1 巻 ペーパー装 General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Civil Information and Education Section Education Division Education in the New Japan. Volume I: Text. Tokyo: General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Civil Information and Education Section Education Division, 1948. [aj951-707019] ¥5,400 1967 年 ペーパー装 Goodman,Grant Kohn The Dutch Impact on Japan (1640-1853). [Monographies du T'oung Pao, Volume V] Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1967. [aj988-707094] ¥12,960 1820 G. K. グッドマン 「日本へのオランダの影響」 n.d. 5 版 クロース装、三方金 Goudareau,G. Excursions au Japon. Illustré de 42 Dessins de Notor. Nationale, n.d. Cinquième Édition. [aj1131-707218] ¥32,400 1821 G. グダロー 「日本旅行」 Paris: Librairie D'Education 1933 年 ペーパー装 Gowen,Herbert H. Histoire du Japon. Des Origines a Nos Jours. Traduit de L'Anglais par S. Jankélévitch. Avec une carte. [Bibliothéque Historique] Paris: Payot, 1933. [jp0261-706223] ¥6,480 1822 ハーバート・H・ゴーウェン 「日本の歴史」 1886 年 図版多数 著者識語入献呈本. Greey,Edward A Captive of Love. Founded upon Bakin's Japanese Romance Kumono Tayema Ama Yo No Tsuki (The Moon Shining Through a Cloud-rift on a Rainy Night). Twenty-Six Illustrations from the Original Work. Boston: Lee and Shepard, New York: Charles T.Dellingham, 1886. [aj252-704864] ¥32,400 1823 エドワード・グリー 「恋の虜」 (馬琴「雲妙間雨夜月」より) 1883 年 図柄厚紙装 Greey,Edward The Wonderful City of Tokio. Or Further Adventures of the Jewett Family and their Friend Oto Nambo. One Hundred and Sixty-Nine Illustrations. Cover Designed and Drawn by the Author. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1883. [jp0304-706267] ¥27,000 1824 エドワルド・グリー 「素晴らしい街東京」 1825 パスカル・グリオレ Griolet,Pascal La Modernisation du Japon et la Réforme de son Écriture. 1985 年 ペーパー装 [Bibliothèque Japonaise. Collection dirigée par René Sieffert] 1985. [jp0279-706241] ¥3,240 Publications Orientalistes de France, 1904 年 クロース装 Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1904. 1826 A. B. ドュ・ギュエルビル 「日本」 Guerville,A. B. De Au Japon. [aj722-705287] 1827 シャルル・アグノエル Haguenauer,Charles Morphologie du Japonais Moderne. ペーパー装 Volume I. Généralités Mots Invariables. ¥16,200 1951 年 Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1951. [jp0217-706179] ¥16,200 1973 年・3 刷 カバー、クロース装 Hanayama,Shoyu Buddhist Handbook for Shin-shu Followers. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星 堂), / New Jersey: Seabrook Buddhist Church, 1973 (昭 48). Third edition. [jp0527-707388] ¥6,480 1828 花山勝友 「英文 仏教入門」 1980 年 クロース装 Hardy, Arthur S. Life and Letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima. Kyoto: Doshisha UP.(同志社大学), 1980. Reprinted from the edition of Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1891. [oz0872-207603] ¥8,640 1829 (新島襄) A.S.ハーディ 「新島襄書簡集」 2 巻 1902 年 (初版) クロース装、天金 Hartshorne,Anna C. Japan and Her People. Illustrated. In 2 vols. Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates & Co., 1902. (First edition.) [aj979-707085] ¥32,400 1830 アナ・C. ハーツホーン 「日本および日本人」 150 2 巻 1902 年 (初版) クロース装、天金 Hartshorne,Anna C. Japan and Her People. Illustrated. In 2 vols. Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates & Co., 1902. (First edition.) [aj980-707086] ¥27,000 1831 アナ・C. ハーツホーン 「日本および日本人」 1984 年 カバー、背クロース・厚紙装 Haugaard,Erik Christian The Samurai's Tale. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1984. [jp0332-706511] ¥3,240 1832 エリック・C.ホガード 「侍物語」 1833 エリック・C.ホガード 「侍物語」 1984 年 カバー、背クロース・厚紙装 Haugaard,Erik Christian The Samurai's Tale. [jp0333-706512] ¥3,240 Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1984. 1880 年 クロース装 Heine,W. Japan. Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Kandes und Seiner Bewohner. [with] In Wort und Bild (207pp.). Dresden: Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers., 1880. [aj1126-707213] ¥162,000 1834 ヴィルヘルム・ハイネ 「日本」 1965 年 ペーパー装 Herbert,Jean Les Dieux Nationaux du Japon. Paris: Éditions Albin Michel, 1965. [jp0415-706829] ¥2,160 1835 J.ハーバート 「日本全国の神々」 1967 年 ペーパー装 Herbert,Jean Dieux et Sectes Populaires du Japon. Paris: Éditions Albin Michel, 1967. [jp0416-706830] ¥2,160 1836 J.ハーバート 「神々と日本」 1983 年 ペーパー装 Herrigel,E. Le Zen Dans L'Art Chevaleresque du Tir A L'Arc. Traduit de l'allemand. Préface du Professeur D. T. Suzuki. [Collection Mystiques et Religion Série B] Paris: Dervy-Livre, 1983. [jp0412-706826] ¥2,160 1837 E.ヘリゲル 「弓術における禅」 1956 年 初刷 1/2 革、厚紙装 Hideo,Kishimoto comp. Japanese Religion in the Meiji Era. Compiled and Edited by Kishimoto Hideo. Translated and Adapted by John F. Howes. Japanese Culture in the Meiji Era, Volume II: Religion. [Centenary Cultural Council Series] Tokyo: Ōbunsha, 1956. First impression. [aj1100-707202] ¥8,640 1838 岸本英夫 「明治時代の日本の宗教」 500 部限定、No.83 クロース装 Hildreth,Richard Japan: As it was and is. Edited with Supplementary Notes by K. Murakawa. 翻刻兼發行者: 島久我三 Tokyo: Printed at the Sanshūsha(三秀舎), 1902(明 35). This edition only 500 copies, No.83. [aj941-707009] ¥32,400 1839 リチャード・ヒルドレス 「日本の今昔」 1902 年 クロース装 Hildreth,Richard Japan: As it Was and Is. (Boston: Phillip Sampson & Co.) Edited with Supplementary Notes by K. Murakawa. Tokyo: Shanshūsha(三秀舎), 1902 (明 35). This edition only 500 copies, No.240. [aj998-707117] ¥27,000 1840 リチャード・ヒルドレス 「日本の今昔」 1900 年 クロース装 Hitomi,I Daï-Nippon. Le Japon. Essai sur les Mœurs et les Institutions. 74 Photogravures Hors Texte. Paris: Librairie de la Société du Recueil Général des Lis et Arrêts, / L. Larose, 1900. [jp0277-706239] ¥37,800 1841 人見一太郎 「大日本」 1914 年 1500 限定版、No.1028 背クロース、厚紙装 Hobson,R. L. & Morse,Edward S. Chinese, Corean and Japanese Potteries. Descriptive Catalogue of Loan Exhibition of Selected Examples. The Chinese and Corean Authenticated by R. L. Hobson, B.A. and The Japanese by Edward S. Morse, M.A. All Exhibited under the Auspices of The Japan Society, at the Galleries of M. Knoedler & Co. With Illustrations in Colour and Half-Tone, and with a Report on Early Chinese Potteries, Compiled from Original Sources by Rose Sickler Williams. New York: Japan Society, 1914. One of an Edition Limited to 1500 copies, No.1028. [jp0706-707593] ¥21,600 1843 R. L.ホブソン & エドワード・S.モース 「中国・韓国・日本の陶磁器」 151 大型本 カラー・モノクロ図版多数 和紙サンプル 43 ページ 背クロース装・表紙、裏表紙に和紙を使用 元帙 元箱 数ページにごく薄いシミ Washi. The World of Japanese Paper. Tokyo, New York and San Francisco: Kodansha International, 1978. First edition. [aj1174-403203] ¥55,000 1844 Hughes,Sukey 「和紙」 1845 C.ハンフリーズ Humphreys,Christmas Via Tokyo. Hutchinson & Co., 1948. First published. 1948 年 初版 クロース装 ¥5,400 [jp0474-706935] 1940 年 カバー、クロース装 Idditti,smimasa The Life of Marquis Shigenobu Okuma. A Maker of New Japan. kuseido Press (北星堂), 1940 (昭 15). [jp0561-707423] ¥6,480 Tokyo: The Ho- 1955 年 初版 函、和綴じ本 Iddittie,Junesay When Two Cultures Meet. Sketches of Postwar Japan 1945-1955. Kenkyusha (研究社), 1955 (昭 30). First edition. [aj985-707091] ¥4,320 Tokyo: 1846 伊地知純正 「大隈候傳」 1847 伊地知純正 「東西文化の交流」 1940 年 クロース装 Japaninstitut in Berlin und vom Deutschen Forschungsinstitut Bibliographischer Alt-Japan-Katalog 1542-1853. Kyoto: Deutsches Forschungsinstitut, 1940 (昭 15.) . [jp0702-707589] ¥21,600 1848 日本研究所・獨逸文化研究所(編纂) 「古日本文献目録」 2 巻揃 1728 年 第 2 版 革装 Kaempfer,Engelberto The History of Japan, Giving an Account of the Ancient and Present State and Government of that Empire; of Its Temples, Palaces, Castles and other Buildings… Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam. Written in High Dutch by Engelbertus Kæmpfer…and Translated from his Original Manuscript, never before Printed, by F.G.Scheuchzer... With the Life of the Author, and Introduction... Illustrated with many Copper Plates. In 2 vols. London: Printed for the Publisher, and fold by Thomas Woodward at the Half-Moon over against St.Dunstan's Church Street, and Charles Davis in Pater-Noster Row. 1728. Second edition. [jp0208-750512] ¥2,000,000 1849 ケンペル 「日本誌」 英語版 8 巻 1995 年 クロース装 Kaiser,Stefan ed. The Western Rediscovery of the Japanese Language. Edited with an Introduction by Stfan Kaiser. In 8 vols. Curzon Press Ltd, 1995. [jp0685-707558] ¥194,400 1850 シュテファン・カイザー(編) 「19 世紀西洋における日本語の発見」 1952 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 Katsumata,S. Gleams from Japan. Tokyo: Kenkyusha (研究社), 1952.(昭 27.) Reprinted. [jp0354-706760] ¥4,320 1851 勝俣銓吉郎 「和光集」 1938 年 カバー、クロース装 Kawai,Tatsuo The Goal of Japanese Expansion. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1938 (昭 13). [jp0580-707442] ¥4,320 1852 河相達夫 「発展日本の目標」 1966 年・初版 函. カバー、クロース装 Keene,Donald Nō. The Classical Theatre of Japan. Photographs by Kaneko Hiroshi. With an Introduction by Ishikawa Jun. Kodansha International Ltd.(講談社), 1966. First edition. [jp0679-707552] ¥21,600 1853 ドナルド・キーン 「能」 1970 年 1/2 クロース Keene,Donald ed. Twenty Plays of the Nō Theatre. Edited by Donald Keene. With the Assistance of Royall Tyler. Illustrated with drawings by Fukami Tanrō and from the Hōshō Texts. New York & London: Columbia UP, 1970. [jp0672-707544] ¥8,640 1854 ドナルド・キーン 「謡曲 20 選」 1939 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 Keenleyside,Hugh Ll. & Thomas,A. F. History of Japanese Education and Present Educational 1855 ヒュー・L.l.キーンリーサイド & A. F.トーマス 「日本教育史」 152 System. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1939 (昭 14). Revised edition. [jp0570-707432] ¥8,640 1964 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1964 (昭 39). First edi- 1856 ヴィヴィアン・ケンリック 「日本の馬」 Kenrick,Vivienne Horses in Japan. tion. [jp0521-707382] ¥12,960 1857 ヴィヴィアン・ケンリック Kenrick,Vivienne Side Winds in Kinuta. A Collection of Short Stories. [jp0590-707454] ¥3,240 1963 年 初版 ペーパー装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1963 (昭 38.). First edition. 1970 年 総革装 Kidder,J. E. O Japão. Antes Do Budismo. 19.ͦ volume da colecção 《Historia Mundi》. rial Verbo, 1970. [aj703-7060] ¥12,960 1858 J. E. キダー 「日本仏教の前に」 Lisboa: Edito- Kiyooka,Chiyono Sugimoto But The Ships are Sailing- Sailing-. 1959 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1959. First edition. [jp0525-707386] ¥8,640 1859 清岡千代野 1995 年 第 1 刷 カバー、ペーパー装. Kodansha International Ltd, (published.) Japan Profile of a Nation. Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd., 1995. First edition. . [jp0199-706013] ¥5,400 1860 講談社インターナショナル株式会社 「英文日本小事典」 1861 久我俊一 「緑化の恩人 ノースロップ博士」 1972 年 クロース装 非売品 Kuga,Shunichi Dr. Birdsey G. Northrop: The Founder of Arbor Day in Japan. Compiled & translated by Teruyo Ueki. Osaka: Inter Osaka Corp., 1972. English edition. [jp0193-705905] ¥4,320 背クロース、マーブル厚紙装 (改装) 本文ロシア語 Kuropatkin,A. Записки генерала Куропаткина. О русско-японской войнъ. Итоги Войны. Gen.Kuropatkin Memoiren. (Zapiski generala Kuropatkina o russko-iaponskoi voinie : itogi voiny). Berlin: J. Ladyschnikow Verlag, [1909.] [aj950-707018] ¥12,960 1862 A. クロパトキン 「日露戦争回顧録」 1939 年 ペーパー装 Capitalisme Japonais. Paris: Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1939. [jp0447-706861] ¥2,160 1863 André Labrouquère 「日本の資本主義」 1864 Mette Laderrière ed. 「日本を訪れたデンマーク人」 ペーパー装 Danes in Japan 1868 to 1940. Aspects of Early. Danish-Japanese Contacts. emisk Forlag, 1984. [aj944-707012] ¥3,240 Copenhagen: Akad- 1865 A.ラヒリ Lahiri,Amar Japanese Modernism. 1939 年 クロース装 Tokyo: Hokusei Press (北星堂書店), 1939 (昭 14). [jp0356-706762] ¥4,320 1866 A.ラヒリ Lahiri,Amar Japanese Modernism. 1939 年 クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1939 (昭 14). [jp0564-707426] ¥6,480 1867 A.ラヒリ Lahiri,Amar Japan Talks. 1940 年 クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1940 (昭 15). [jp0535-707396] 1868 チャールズ・ランマン 「米國在留日本人」 Lanman,Charles The Japanese in America. [aj997-707103] ¥10,800 ¥5,400 1872 年 クロース装 London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer., 1872. 1872 年 クロース装 Lanman,Charles ed. The Japanese in America. Edited by Charles Lanman. Publishing Co., 1872. [aj1000-707119] ¥16,200 1869 チャールズ・ランマン(編) 「米國在留日本人」 153 New York: University 1883 年 ペーパー装 Lapeyrére,P. De Le Japon Militaire. Avec Gravures D'aprés des Dessins Originaux. et Cie, 1883. [jp0224-706186] ¥27,000 1870 P.De ラペイレール 「日本の軍隊」 Paris: E. Plon [1905 年] クロース装 Lauterer,Joseph Japan. Das Land der aufgehenden Sonne. Einst und jetzt. Nach seinen Reisen und Studien. Geschildert von Dr. Joseph Lauterer. Mit 108 Abbildungen nach japanischen Originalen sowie nach photographischen Naturaufnahmen nebst einer Karte des Kriegsschauplatzes in Ostasien. Leipzig: Verlag von Otto Spamer, [1905.] Zweite Auflage. (Second edition.) [aj731-705296] ¥16,200 1871 ジョセフ・ロータラー 「古今日本」 1929 年 カバー、クロース装 Lehmann,F. W. Paul Geografía Del Japón. Traducción y notas de Carlos De Salas. Colección Labor. Sección VII Geografía N.ͦ195. Barcelona: Editorial Labor, 1929. [aj709-705274] ¥12,960 1872 F. W. ポール・レーマン 「日本の地理学」 1983 年 ペーパー装 Lesage,Jean-Loup Les Grandes Sociétés de Commerce Japonaises. Les Shosha. [Bibliothèque Japonaise. Collection dirigée par René Sieffert] Publications Orientalistes de France, 1983. [jp0280-706242] ¥3,240 1873 ジャン=ルサージュ 「日本の大手商社」 1983 年 ペーパー装 Lesage,Jean-Loup Les Grandes Sociétés de Commerce Japonaises; Les Shôsha. [Bibliothèque Japonaise] Publications Orientalistes de France, 1983. [jp0438-706852] ¥3,240 1874 ジャン-ループ・ルサージュ 「日本の大手商社」 1875 W. S. ルイス & 村上直次郎 (編) 「ラナルド・マクドナルドの生涯」 1990 年 カバー、クロース装 Lewis,William S. & Murakami,Naojiro ed.Ranald MacDonald. The Narrative of his early life on the Columbia under the Hudson's Bay Company's regime; of his experiences in the Pacific Whale Fishery; and of his great Adventure to Japan; with a sketch of his later life on the Western Frontier 1824-1894. Edited and annotated from the original manuscripts by William S. Lewis and Naojiro Murakami. Oregon Historical Society Press, 1990. [jp0196-705909] ¥6,480 1876 フランセス・リトル Little,Frances Little Sister Snow. With Illustrations by Genjiro Kataoka. 1909 年 クロース装 New York: The Century Co., 1909. [aj1022-707121] ¥8,640 1907 年 再版 クロース装 Little,Frances The Lady of the Decoration. New York: The Century Co., 1907. Reprinted. [aj1023-707122] ¥4,320 1877 フランセス・リトル 「勲章の貴婦人」 1878 J. L. ロング Long,John Luther Miss Cherry-Blossom of Tôkyô. Philadelphia & London: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1905. [aj1043-707142] 1905 年 クロース装、天金 ¥6,480 1879 C. Bogue Luffmann 「日本の収穫」 クロース装 The Harvest of Japan. A Book of Travel with some Account of the Trees, Gardens, Agriculture Peasantry, and Rural Requirements of Japan. London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, Ltd., 1920. [aj936-706998] ¥6,480 1986 年 ペーパー装 Macé,François La Mort et les Funérailles Dans le Japon Ancien. [Bibliothèque Japonaise. Collection dirigée par René Sieffert] Publications Orientalistes de France, 1986. [jp0281-706243] ¥16,200 1880 フランソワ・メイス 「古代日本における死と葬儀」 1969 年 クロース装 Maraini,Fosco Japon. Traduit de l'italien par Angélique Lévi 76 photographies de l'auteur. Arthaud, 1969. [jp0454-706871] ¥5,400 1881 フォスコ・マライーニ 「随筆日本」 154 Paris: 1898 年 クロース装 Paris: Bibliothéque-Charpentier, 1898. 1882 フェリックス・マーティン 「ありのままの日本」 Martin,Félix Le Japon Vrai. [aj714-705279] ¥12,960 1985 年 初版 カバー、厚紙装 Martin,Jo Nobuko A Princess Lily of the Ryukyus. Illustrated by Tsutomu Makishi. Tokyo: Shin Nippon Kyoiku Tosho Co.(新日本教育図書株式会社), 1985. First edition. [jp0696-707583] ¥5,400 1883 ジョー・ノブコ・マーチン 「プリンセス・リリー」 1884 グレイアム・マーター 「龍南五高生=龍南物語」 Martyr,Graham Gokosei of Ryunan. 厚紙装 熊本: 稻本報徳舎出版部, 1930 (昭 5). [aj947-707015]¥21,600 2001 年 4 刷 帯・カバー、クロース装 Maruyama,Masao Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan. Translated by Mikiso Hane. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press (東京大学出版), 2001. Fourth printing. [jp0698-707585] ¥12,960 1885 丸山眞男 「日本政治思想史研究」 1964 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Matsuhara,Iwao On Life and Nature in Japan. Illustrated by Tatsuo Yamasaki. kuseido Press (北星堂), 1964 (昭 39). First edition. [jp0557-707419] ¥4,320 1886 松原巌 「日本の生活と自然」 Tokyo: The Ho- 1928 年 ペーパー装 Matsumoto,Nobuhiro Le Japonais et les Langues Austroasiatiques. Étude de Vocabulaire Comparé. [Austro-Asiatica. Documents et Travaux. Publiés sous la Direction de Jean Przyluski. Tome I] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1928. [jp0218-706180] ¥12,960 1887 松本信広 「日本とオーストラリアアジアの言語」 1968 年 カバー、クロース装 Fragile Victory; Saionji-Harada Memoirs. Prince Saionji and the 1930 Lndon Treaty Issue from the Memoirs of Baron Harada Kumao. Translated with an Introduction and Annotations by Thomas Francis Mayer-Oakes. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1968. [jp0699-707586] ¥8,640 1888 Thomas Francis Mayer-Oakes 「儚き勝利」 1957 年 カバー、クロース装 Members of the Japan Poet's Club The Lyric Garland. An Anthology of Poems in Foreing Languages. Edited by Makoto Sangu. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1957 (昭 32). [jp0554-707416] ¥3,240 1889 日本詩人クラブ(代表者: 山宮允) 「リリック・ガーランド」 1957 年 カバー、クロース装 Members of the Japan Poet's Club The Lyric Garland. An Anthology of Poems in Foreign Languages. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1957 (昭 32). [jp0555-707417] ¥3,240 1890 日本詩人クラブ(代表者: 山宮允) 「リリック・ガーランド」 1891 モーティマー・メンピス 「日本絵画紀行」 クロース装、天金 Menpes,Mortimer Japan: A Record in Colour. Transcribed by Dorothy Menpes. Charles Black, 1903. Reprinted. [aj943-707011] ¥8,640 London: Adam & 1905 年 再版 クロース装、天金 Menpes,Mortimer Japan; A Record in Colour. Transcribed by Dorothy Menpes. Charles Black, 1905. Reprinted. [aj1101-707203] ¥12,960 London: Adam & 1892 モーティマー・メンピス 「日本絵画紀行」 n.d. カバー、クロース装 Miyake,Shūtarō Kabuki. Japanisches theater. Mit einer einführung von professor Nicolas Nabokov. Herausgegeben von Dr.Wolfgang Schimming. Ins deutsche übertragen von Ingeborg Dalchow. Mit 4 farbtafeln und 33 fotos auf kunstdrucktafeln. Berlin: Safari-verlag, n.d. [jp0019-703536] ¥3,240 1893 三宅周太郎 「歌舞伎」 1894 H. B. モンゴメリー Montgomery,H. B. The Empire of the East. クロース装 A Simple Account of Japan as it was, is, and will be. With Nineteen Illustrations. McClurg & Co., 1909. [aj942-707010] ¥10,800 Chicago: A. C. 1895 A.ムーア Moore,Adrienne Interviewing Japan. 1939 年 カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1939 (昭 14). [jp0537-707398] ¥16,200 3 巻 [1928 年] 角背革装、マーブル厚紙装(改装) Moraes,Wenceslau De Cartas Do Japão. Vol.I-III. In 3 vols. Lisboa: Portugal-Brasil, Sociedade Editora, [1928.] A limited edition of 200 copies. [jp0300-706263] ¥48,600 155 1896 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「日本通信」 1923 年 ペーパー装 Porto: A Renascença Portuguesa, 1923. 1897 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「おヨネとコハル」 Moraes,Wenceslau De Ó-Yone e Ko-Haru. [jp0293-706256] ¥27,000 1898 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス Moraes,Wenceslau de Permanências e Errâncias no Japão. n.d. カバー、クロース装 (モラエスが日本から妹フランシスカに送った絵葉書を集めたもの) Lisboa: Fundação Oriente, n.d. [jp0708-707596] ¥16,200 [1925 年] 角背革装、マーブル厚紙装(改装) Moraes,Wenceslau De Relance da Alma Japoneza. Lisboa: Portugal-Brasil, Sociedade Editora, [1925.] A limited edition of 200 copies. [jp0301-706264] ¥32,400 1899 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「日本精神」 1946 年 角背モロッコ、マーブル厚紙装(改装) Moraes,Wenceslau De Traços Do Extremo Oriente. Siam-China-Japão. Com um prefácio de Angelo Pereira e Oldemiro César. Lisboa: Livraria Barateira, 1946. 2.a Ediçao. [jp0296-706259] ¥27,000 1900 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「極東遊記」 1901 サミュエル・E. モリソン 「ペリー提督伝」 初版 クロース装 Morison,Samuel Eliot "Old Bruin": Commodore Matthew C. Perry 1794-1858. The American Naval Officer who Helped Found Liberia, Hunted Pirates in the West Indies, Practised Diplomacy with the Sultan of Turkey and the King of the Two Sicilies; Commanded the Gulf Squadron in the Mexican War, Promoted the Steam Navy and the Shell Gun, and Conducted the Naval Expedition which Opened Japan. An Atlantic Monthly Press Book, 1967. First edition. [aj949-707017] ¥8,640 1971 年 カバー、クロース装 Morley,James William ed. Dilemmas of Growth in Prewar Japan. Edited by James William Morley. Contributors: George M. Beckmann, James B. Crowley et al. [Studies in the Modernization of Japan] New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1971. [jp0405-706819] ¥5,400 1902 ジェームス・W. モーリー(編) 「日本近代化のジレンマ」 1935 年 カバー、クロース装 Morri,Yasotaro Sunrise Synthesis. Aspects of Changing Japan. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星 堂), 1935 (昭 10). [jp0536-707397] ¥16,200 1903 毛利八十太郎 「移りゆく日本の姿」 1969 年 ペーパー装 Morris,Ivan La Vie de Cour Dans L'Ancien Japon. Au Temps du Prince Genji. Traduit de L'Anglais par Madeleine Charvet. Gallimard, 1969. [jp0418-706832] ¥3,240 1904 アイヴァン・モリス 「古代日本の宮廷生活」 1980 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Morton,William Fitch Tanaka Giichi and Japan's China Policy. Wm Dawson & Sons Ltd, 1980. First published. [jp0469-706930] ¥3,240 1905 W. F.モートン 「田中義一と日本の中国政策」 1873 年 クロース装 Mossman,Samuel New Japan, The Land of the Rising Sun; Its Annals During the Past Twenty Years, Recording the Remarkable Progress of the Japanese in Western Civilization. With Map. London: John Murray, 1873. [aj1097-707199] ¥32,400 1906 サミュエル・モスマン 「新生日本 幕末明治二十年史」 1994 年 ペーパー装 Munakata,Kuniyoshi & Guest,Michael eds. Essentially Oriental. R.H. Blyth Selection. Edited by Kuniyoshi Munakata and Michael Guest. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1994. Paperback edition. [jp0577-707439] ¥3,240 1907 宗片邦義・M.ゲスト(編) 「エッセンシャリ―・オリエンタル」 1994 年 ペーパー装 Munakata,Kuniyoshi & Guest,Michael eds. Essentially Oriental. R.H. Blyth Selection. Edited by Kuniyoshi Munakata and Michael Guest. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1994. Paperback edition. [jp0578-707440] ¥3,240 1908 宗片邦義・M.ゲスト(編) 「エッセンシャリ―・オリエンタル」 n.d. 厚紙装 Muther,Richard (Hrsg.) Die Kunst. Der Japanische Farbenholzschnitt. Seine Geschichte-Sein Einfluss von Friedrich Perzynski. Berlin: Julius Bard, n.d. [jp0230-706192] ¥4,320 156 1909 リヒャルト・ムーター 「芸術」 1991 年・2 刷 カバー、クロース装 Mutsu,Munemitsu Kenkenroku. A Diplomatic Record of the Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95. Edited and Translated with Historical Notes by Gordon Mark Berger. Tokyo: The University of Tokoyo Press, 1991. Second printing. [jp0470-706931] ¥3,240 1910 陸奥宗光 「蹇々録」 明治 42 年 クロース装 Nakamura,Katsumaro trans. Lord Ii Naosuké and New Japan. Translated and Adapted by Shunkichi Akimoto from Ii Tairo to Kaikō by Katsumaro Nakamura. 著作兼発行者:中村勝麻呂, ジャパン、 タイムス社印刷, 明 42 (1909). [aj262-706112] ¥10,800 1911 中村勝麻呂 (訳) 「井伊大老と開港」 1970 年 函・カバー、クロース装 Narazaki,Muneshige Mitchell,C. H.(English adaptation.) The Japanese Print: Its Evolution and Essence. Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd., 1970. Third Printing. [jp0180-705893] ¥16,200 1912 楢崎宗重 ミッチェル,C. H.(英語翻案) 「浮世絵選集」 1954 年 カバー、厚紙装 Narita,Kiyofusa Japnese Paper-Making. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1954. [jp0531-707392] ¥12,960 1913 成田潔英 「和紙の本」 (1911 年) ペーパー装 Naudeau,Ludovic Le Japon Moderne. Son Évolution. [Bibliothéque de Philosophie scientifique]. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, (1911.) [jp0236-706198] ¥5,400 1914 リュドヴィック・ノードー 「現代日本」 1919 年 ペーパー装 Naudeau,Ludovic Le Japon Moderne. Son Évolution. [Bibliothéque de Philosophie scientifique]. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, 1919. [jp0235-706197] ¥5,400 1915 リュドヴィック・ノードー 「現代日本」 1967 年 5 刷 カバー、クロース装 Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai The Noh Drama. Ten Plays from the Japanese. Selected and Translated by the Special Noh Committee, Japanese Classics Translation Committee, Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai. [Unesco Collection of RepresentativeWorks: Japanese Series] Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1967. Fifth printing. [jp0674-707546] ¥4,320 1916 日本学術振興会 「能楽」 2 巻(第 1 巻欠) 1959-1960. カバー、クロース装 Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai Japanese Noh Drama. Vol.II & III. Ten plays. Selected and Translated from the Japanese. In 2 vols. (of 3) Tokyo: The Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai, 1959-1960. [jp0676-707548] ¥17,280 1917 日本学術振興会 「日本の能楽」 1927 年 クロース装 Nitobé,Inazo Japanese Traits and Foreign Influences. With a Coloured Frontispiece. Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1927. [jp0507-707114] ¥5,400 1918 新渡戸稲造 「日本人の特質と外来の影響」 London: 1934 年 函・カバー、クロース装 Nitobé,Inazo Reminiscences of Childhood. In the Early Days of Modern Japan. With Introduction and Comments by Mary Patterson Elkinton Nitobé. Tokyo: Maruzen Co.(丸善), 1934 (昭 9). [jp0506-707113] ¥27,000 1919 新渡戸稲造 「幼き日の思い出」 1938 年 クロース装(カバー欠) Nitobé,Inazo Editorial Jottings. Vol.II. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1938. [jp0545-707406] ¥3,240 1920 新渡戸稲造 「編集余録」 第 2 巻 1937 年 カバー、クロース装 Noël,Percy When Japan Fights. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1 月 1 日発行). [jp0524-707385] ¥16,200 1921 パーシー・ノエル 「戦ふ日本」 1922 野上豊一郎 Nogami,Toyoichirō Zeami and His Theories on Noh. Translated by Ryōzō Matsumoto, M. A., Ph.D. [jp0457-706874] ¥4,320 1937 (奥付: 昭和 13 年 1955 年 厚紙装 Tokyo: Hinoki Shoten (檜書店), 1955. 157 1923 野上豊一郎 Nogami,Toyoichirō Zeami and His Theories on Noh. 1955 年 厚紙装 Tokyo: Hinoki Shoten(檜書店), 1955. Translated by Ryōzō Matsumoto M. A., Ph.D. [jp0675-707547] ¥4,320 1924 ヘンリー・ノーマン 「東洋諸民族の研究」 1901 年 6 刷・500 部 クロース装 Norman,Henry The Peoples and Politics of The Far East. Travels and Studies in the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese Colonies, Seberia, China, Japan, Korea, Sima and Malaya. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1901. Six impression, 500 copies. [jp0458-706875] ¥6,480 1892 年 3/4 革装 Norman,Henry The Real Japan. Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administration, and Politics. Illustrated from Photographs by the Author. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. Second Edition. [aj994-707100] ¥12,960 1925 ヘンリー・ノーマン 「本当の日本」 1926 ヴァーニャ・オークス Oakes,Vanya Desert Harvest. 1953 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 A Story of the Japanese in California. Illustrated by Isami Kashiwagi. Philadelphia・Toronto: The John C. Winston Co., 1953. First edition. [jp0339-706518] ¥4,320 1979 年 ペーパー装 Oda,Makoto Les Intellectuels Japonais. Traduit du japonais et préfacé par Jean-Michel Leclercq avec une Post-face de l'auteur. Publications Orientalistes de France, 1979. [jp0278-706240] ¥3,240 1927 小田 実 「日本の知識人」 1928 Oguro,Tatsuo Der Rettungsgedanke bei Shinran und Luther. Eine religionsvergleichende Untersuchung. 1985 年 ペーパー装 George Olms Verlag, 1985. [jp0388-706800] ¥2,160 1929 大貫恵美子 Ohnuki-Tierney,Emiko The Monkey as Mirro. Symbolic Tranformations in Japanese History and Ritual. [jp0477-706938] ¥3,240 1987 年 カバー、クロース装 New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1987. 1925 年 ペーパー装 Omori,Annie Shepley & Doi,Kochi Journaux Intimes des Dames de la Cour du Vieux Japon. Publiés en anglais par Annie Shepley Omori et Kochi Doi. Traduction de Marc Logé. Avec une Préface de Amy Lowell. [Collection D'Auteurs Étrangers] Paris: Librairie Plon, 1925. 5 éme Edition. [jp0237-706199] ¥5,400 1930 アニー・シェプレー・大森 土居光知(著) 「昔の日本官女の日記」 1925 年 ペーパー装 Omori,Annie Shepley & Doi,Kochi Journaux Intimes des Dames de la Cour du Vieux Japon. Publiés en anglais par Annie Shepley Omori et Kochi Doi. Traduction de Marc Logé. Avec une Préface de Amy Lowell. [Collection D'Auteurs Étrangers] Paris: Librairie Plon, 1925. 6 éme Edition. [jp0238-706200] ¥5,400 1931 アニー・シェプレー・大森 土居光知(著) 「昔の日本官女の日記」 1932 P. G. オニール O'Neill,P. G. A Guide to Nō. 1960 年 再版 カバー、ソフトクロース装 Toyko & Kyoto: Hinoki Shoten(檜書店), 1960 (昭 35). [aj1050-707149] ¥4,320 「イェイツと日本」 1965 年・限定 1000 部 No.169. 函、クロース装 Oshima,Shotaro W. B. Yeats and Japan. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1965. One Thousand Copies of this book have been printed on Special "Honshu" Paper and published by The Hokuseido Press, No.169. [w2637-704598] ¥8,640 1933 尾島庄太郎 1965 年 函・カバー、クロース装 Oshima,Shotaro W. B. Yeats and Japan. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1965. [jp0681-707554] ¥8,640 1934 尾島庄太郎 「W. B.イェイツと日本」 1973 年 第 1 刷 カバー、クロース装 Oxford,Wayne H. The Speeches of Fukuzawa. A Translation and Critical Study. Assisted in Translation by Eiichi Kiyooka and A Foreword by Kurakichi Aida. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1973 (昭 48). First printing. [jp0587-707449] ¥12,960 1935 W.H.オックスフォード 「福沢諭吉演説の研究」 158 n.d. [1920 年] クロース装 Ozaki,Madame Yukio Romances of Old Japan. Rendered into English from Japanese Sources. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., n.d. [1920.] [aj991-707097] ¥8,640 1936 尾崎テオドラ 「日本の古物語」 1937 E. パピノー Papinot,E. Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan. Yokohama, 1909. [aj1095-707197] 1909 年 クロース装 ¥16,200 1928 年 総革装、天金 Paske-Smith,M. England and Japan. The First Known Account of Japan in English extracted from the "History of Travayle" 1577. Preface by M. Paske-Smith, C.B.E. Kobe: J. L. Thompson & Co (Retail) Ltd.(ゼー、エル、タムソン株式會社), 1928 (昭 3). [aj1048-707147] ¥16,200 1938 M. パスケ-スミス 「英国と日本」 1939 モーリス・ペルシェロン Percheron,Maurice Sur le Chemin des Dieux. Portraits japonais. [La Révolution Mondiale] Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1924. 1924 年 ペーパー装 [jp0264-706226] ¥3,240 1940 フェリシアーノ・アントニオ・マルク・ペレイラ 「コルベット艦ドン・ヨアン一世号: 1860 年日本への旅」 1863 年 角背革装 地図付. Pereira,Feliciano Antonio Marques Viagem da Corveta Dom João I.: Á Capital do Japão. No Anno de 1860. Capitáo de fragata e commandante da mesma corveta. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1863. [aj701-705266] ¥64,800 1944 年 クロース装(改装) Peri,Noël Etudes sur le Nô. Drame Lyrique Japonais. Préface de Naojiro Sugiyama. Franco-Japonaise (日佛會館), 1944. [jp0678-707550] ¥12,960 1941 ノエル・ペリー 「能の研究 (佛文)」 Tokio: Maison 日本語訳 全 3 巻・海図(14 枚)付セット 1997 年 函、クロース装. 図版及び地図多数. [Perry,M.C.] United States Japan Expedition by COM. M. C. Perry. Vol.I & II: アメリカ艦隊によ る中国海域および日本への遠征記(図版付) / Vol.III: 合衆国の日本遠征観測報告 黄道光 (翻 訳・構成: 株式会社オフィス宮崎) 栄光教育文化研究所, 1997. [aj1108-707210] ¥97,200 1942 ペルリ提督 「日本遠征記」 全 3 巻・図版、図表多数 米国議会上院版 1856 年 クロース装 [第一巻]: P.190-191 及び P.445 欠. [第二巻]: P.213-216 欠. [Perry,M.C.] Hawks,Francis L. comp. Narrative of The Expedition of an American Squadron to The China Seas and Japan. Vol.I & II: Performed in the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854. Under the Command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by Order of the Government of the United States. Compiled from the Original Notes and Journals of Commodore Perry and his Officers, at his Request, and Under his Supervision. With Numerous Illustrations.Vol.III: Observations on The Zodiacal Light. From April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855, Made Chiefly on Board The United Sates Steam-Frigate Mississippi. Durling her Late Cruise in Eastern Seas, and her Voyage Homeward: With Conclusions fom The Date Thus Obtained; by Rev. George Jones, A. M. In 3 vols. Published by Order of the Congress of the United States. / Washington: Beverley Tucker, 1856. [aj1119-707211] ¥129,600 1943 F. L. ホークス(編) ペルリ提督 「日本遠征記」 1959 年 カバー有 クロース装 Petit,Karl La Poésie Japonaise. Anthologie des origines à nos jours. [aj711-705276] ¥5,400 1944 カール・プティ 「日本詩」 Paris: Éditions Seghers, 1959. 1945 マリー・フィロメーヌ Philomène,Marie White Birches and The Fire Tree. カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1978. [jp0597-707461] ¥3,240 1946 マリー・フィロメーヌ Philomène,Marie White Birches and The Fire Tree. カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1978. [jp0598-707462] 159 1978 年 ¥4,320 1978 年 1947 Pickering,Ernest H. Japan's Place in the Modern World. With Illustrations from Photographs. [aj931-706993] ¥6,480 初版 クロース装 George G. Harrap & Co., 1936. First published. 1938 年 カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1938 (昭 13). 1948 ウィラード・プライス 「日本の新地平線」 Price,Willard Japan's New Horizons. [jp0543-707404] ¥32,400 1938 年 クロース装(カバー欠) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1938 (昭 13). 1949 ウィラード・プライス 「日本の新地平線」 Price,Willard Japan's New Horizons. [jp0544-707405] ¥8,640 1950 ミシェル・ランダム Random,Michel Japon: La Stratégie de l'invisible. [Collection: Les hommes de la connaissance] 1985 年 ペーパー装 Paris: Editions du Félin, 1985. [jp0252-706214] ¥2,160 1951 ミシェル・ランダム Random,Michel Japon: La Stratégie de l'invisible. [Collection: Les hommes de la connaissance] 1985 年 ペーパー装 Paris: Editions du Félin, 1985. [jp0253-706215] ¥2,160 1927 年 2 刷 背クロース、厚紙装 Raucat,Thomas The Honorable Picnic. Translated by Leonard Cline. Decorations by Lorraine Combs. New York: The Viking Press, 1927. Second printing. [aj1026-707125] ¥8,640 1952 トマス・ロオカ 「御遠足」 1941 年 ペーパー装 Ray,Jean Le Japon. Grande puissance moderne. Avec deux cartes. [jp0241-706203] ¥3,240 Paris: Librairie Plon, 1941. 1941 年 ペーパー装 Ray,Jean Le Japon. Grande puissance moderne. Avec deux cartes. [jp0242-706204] ¥4,320 Paris: Librairie Plon, 1941. 1953 ジャン・レイ 「日本」 1954 ジャン・レイ 「日本」 2 巻 クロース装 Reed,Sir Edward J. Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions. With the Narrative of a Visit in 1879. Vol.I: With Map and Illustrations. Vol.II: With Illustrations. In 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1880. [aj969-707051] ¥86,400 1955 エドワード・J. リード 「日本: 歴史、伝統、宗教」 1956 エドワード・J. リード 「日本: 歴史、伝統、宗教」 (Vol.II のみ) クロース装 Reed,Sir Edward J. Japan: Its History, Traditions, and Religions. (Vol.II Only) With the Narrative of a Visit in 1879. With Illustrations. London: John Murray, 1880. [aj968-707050] ¥16,200 1973 年 ペーパー装 Reischauer,Edwin O. Histoire du Japon et des Japonais. 1. Des origines à 1945. Traduit de l'américain et annoté par Ricahrd Dubreuil. Deuxiéme édition revue et corrigée. Editions du Seuil, 1973. [jp0243-706205] ¥2,160 1957 エドウィン・O.ライシャワー 「ライシャワーの日本史」 1973 年 ペーパー装 Reischauer,Edwin O. Histoire du Japon et des Japonais. 2. De 1945 à 1970. Traduit de l'américain et annoté par Richard Dubreuil. Édition revue et corrigée en 1981. Editions du Seuil, 1973. [jp0244-706206] ¥2,160 1958 エドウィン・O.ライシャワー 「ライシャワーの日本史」 1959 E.O.ライシャワー 加藤一郎 他(監修) 「カラーペディア 英文日本大事典」 1994 年 第 4 刷 函・カバー、クロース装 Reischauer,Edwin O. & Katō,Ichirō et al. Japan; An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Tokyo: Kodansha(講 談社), 1994. Fourth printing. (First edition, 1993.) [jp0509-707222] ¥8,640 9 巻 1983 年 クロース装 Reischauer,Edwin Oldfather Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. More than 10,000 entries, 3.9 million words. Entirely in English, with romanized Japanese. Editor in chief: Gen Itasaka (板坂元).In 9 vols. Kodansha(講談社), 1983. First edition. [01825-705212] ¥54,000 160 1960 E.O.ライシャワー 都留重人 他(監修) 「英文日本大百科事典」 1961 A.アイリーン・レイザー Reiser,A. Irene The Dwarf Pine. Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1958. Second printing. [jp0315-706494] 1958 年 2 刷 カバー、クロース装 ¥2,160 1953 年 ペーパー装 Renondeau,Gaston Nô. Premier Fascicule. Tokio: Maison Franco-Japonaise (日佛會館), 1953. [jp0677-707549] ¥12,960 1962 G.ルノンドウ 「能曲解釋 (佛文)」 1963 ローランス・P.ロバーツ 「日本美術人名辞典」 1976 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Roberts,Laurance P. A Dictionary of Japanese Artists. Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Prints, Lacquer. With a foreword by John M. Rosenfield. Tokyo & New York: Weatherhill, 1976. First edition. [jp0701-707588] ¥6,480 1938 年 ペーパー装 Ruellan,Francis La Production du Riz au Japon. Etude des conditions naturelles et historiques de la culture et des problèmes qui s'y rapportent. Avec 7 cartes et 3 figures dans le texte, 12 reproductions photographiques et une carte hors texte de la répartition des rizières et de la population. Ouvrage publié sous les auspices de l'Institut d'Etudes japonaises de l'Université de Paris. Préface de M. Alfred Foucher. Paris: Larose, 1938. [jp0287-706249] ¥4,320 1964 フランシス・ルエラン 「日本における米の生産」 1938 年 ペーパー装 Ruellan,Francis La Production du Riz an Japon. Etude des conditions naturelles et historiques de la culture et des problèmes qui s'y rapportent. Avec 7 cartes et 3 figures dans le texte, 12 reproductions photographiques et une carte hors texte de la répartition des rizières et de la population. Ouvrage publié sous les auspices de l'Institut d'Etudes japonaises de l'Université de Paris. Préface de M. Alfred Foucher. Paris: Larose, 1938. [jp0288-706250] ¥4,320 1965 フランシス・ルエラン 「日本における米の生産」 1850 年 クロース装 Rundall,Thomas ed. Memorials of the Empire of Japon; In the XVI and XVII Centuries. Edited, with Notes by Thomas Rundall. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1850. [aj1098-707200] ¥32,400 1966 トマス・ランドール(編) 「16・17 世紀の日本帝国記録」 改訂増補第 2 版 本文ロシア語 クロース装 РОМАНОВ,Б. А (Romanov,B. A.) ОЧЕРКИ ДИППЛОМАТИЧЕСКОЙ ИСТОРИИ РУССКО-ЯПОНСКОЙ ВОЙНЫ 1895-1907. ИЗДАНИЕ ВТОРОЕ ИСПРАВЛЕННОЕ И ДОПОЛЕННОЕ. (Ocherki diplomaticheskoi istorii russko-iaponskoi voiny, 1895-1907). МОСКВА: ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР, 1955. Second edition. [aj952-707020] ¥54,000 1967 ベ・ア・ロマーノフ 「日露戦争外交史概説 1895-1907 年」 1968 年 2 版 背クロース、厚紙装 Sakanishi,Shio ed. A Private Journal of John Glendy Sproston U.S.N. With a New Foreword by George Alexander Lensen. [A Monumenta Nipponica Monograph] Tokyo: Sophia University(上智 大学) in cooperation with Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1968. Second edition, revised & reset. [aj1089-707191] ¥3,240 1968 坂西志保(編) 「J.G.スプロストンの私的航海日記」 1938 年 ペーパー装 Sansom,G. B. Le Japon. Histoire de la Civilisation Japonaise. Préface de M. Joseph Hackin. Avec 74 gravures. [Bibliothéque Historique] Paris Payot, 1938. [jp0266-706228] ¥6,480 1969 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム 「日本」 1962 年 カバー、クロース装 Sansom,G. B. Japan. A Short Cultural History. Revised Edition. London: The Cresset Press, 1962. Third Impression. [jp0386-706794] ¥4,320 1970 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム 「日本」 1950 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 London: The Cresset Press, 1950. First published. 1971 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム 「西欧世界と日本」 Sansom,G. B. The Western World and Japan. [jp0385-706793] ¥6,480 161 1972 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム 「日本史 1334 年から 1615 年まで」 Sansom,George A History of Japan 1334-1615. Stanford University Press/Stanford,California, 1987. Original edition. [jp0169-704659] ¥5,400 1973 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム 「日本史 1615 年から 1867 年まで」 Sansom,George A History of Japan 1615-1867. Stanford University Press/Stanford,California, 1987. Original edition. [jp0170-704660] ¥4,320 1896 年 印(小)有 クロース装 Satoh,H trans. Agitated Japan. The Life of Baron II Kamon-No-Kami Maosuké. (Based on the Kaikoku Shimatsu of Shimada Saburō) Revised by Wm.Elliot Griffis. Tokio: Dai Nippon Kabushiki Kaisha(大日本圖書株式会社); Z.P.Maruya & Co., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1896. [aj261-706111] ¥32,400 1974 佐藤顯理 (訳) 「井伊大老伝」(英訳 島田三郎「開国始末」より) 1932 年 クロース装 Satow,Ernest A Guide to Diplomatic Practice. By the Late Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest Satow. Revised by H. Ritchie. [Contributions to International Law and Diplomacy] Longman, Green & Co., 1932. Third edition. [jp0305-706268] ¥32,400 1975 アーネスト・サトウ 「外交官実務案内」 1921 年 クロース装 Satow,Sir Ernest A Diplomat in Japan. The Inner History of the Critical Years in the Evolution of Japan when the Ports were Opened and the Monarchy Restored, Recorded by a Diplomatist who took an Active Part in the Evens of the Time, with an Account of his Personal Experiences During that Period. With Illustrations and Plans. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1921. [aj1053-707155] ¥32,400 1976 アーネスト・サトウ 「一外交官の見た明治維新」 1935 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 Scherer,James A.B. Pilot and Shogun. A Story of Old Japan. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1935 (昭 10). Revised edition. [jp0539-707400] ¥32,400 1977 ジェイムス・A.B.シェーラー 「家康と三浦安針」 1936 年 カバー、クロース装 Scherer,James A.B. Three Meiji Leaders: Ito, Togo, Nogi. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1936 (昭 11). [jp0541-707402] ¥21,600 1978 ジェイムス・A.B.シェーラー 「明治の三傑」 1938 年 第 5 版 カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1938 (昭 13). 1979 ジェイムス・A.B.シェーラー 「躍進の日本」 Scherer,James A.B. Japan's Advance. [jp0569-707431] ¥5,400 1933 年 再版 クロース装 Scherer,James A.B. The Romance of Japan Through the Ages. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北 星堂), 1933 (昭 8). [jp0581-707443] ¥4,320 1980 ジェイムス・A.B.シェーラー 「ロマンスの日本」 1953 年 カバー、クロース装 Scott,A. C. Kanjincho. A Japanese Kabuki Play. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1953 (昭 28). [aj1049-707148] ¥4,320 1981 A. C. スコット 「勧進帳」 1953 年 カバー、クロース装 Scott,A. C. "Genyadana". A Janapese Kabuki Play. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1953 (昭 28). [jp0558-707420] ¥4,320 1982 A. C.スコット 「玄冶店」 1983 ドン・C. サイツ Seitz,Don C. Surface Japan. 1911 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Short Notes of Swift Survey. Illustrated in Colour by Photogravure and Marginal Sketches After Hokusai. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1911. [aj1092-707194] ¥12,960 1990 年 カバー、クロース装 Shaver,Ruth M. Kabuki Costume. Illustrations by Sōma Akira and Ōta Gakō. Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1990. Second printing. [jp0400-706812] ¥12,960 1984 R.M. シェイバー 「歌舞伎衣裳」 162 Rutland & Tokyo: 1985 グレン・W.ショー 「大阪スケッチ」 Shaw,Glenn W. Ōsaka Sketches. [jp0520-707381] ¥5,400 1929 年 クロース装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1984 年 ペーパー装 Shimizu,Christine L'Art Japonais. [La Grammaire des Styles] [jp0435-706849] ¥2,160 1929 (昭 4). 1986 クリスティーヌ清水 「日本美術」 Paris: Flammarion, 1984. 1987 新村出 Shimmura,Izuru Western Influences on Japanese History and Culture in Earlier Periods (1540-1860). 1936 年 ペーパー装 Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1936. [jp0141-704631] ¥3,240 1956 年 クロース装 Shioya,Sakae Chûshingura. An Exposition. Illustrated with Hiroshige's Coloured Plates. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1956 (奥付: 昭和 47 年 7 月 20 日重版発行) Second edition. [jp0566-707428] ¥4,320 1988 塩谷栄(英訳) 「忠臣蔵」 1971 年 カバー、クロース装 Shively,Donald H. ed. Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture. Contributors: Carmen Blacker, Tovert H. Brower et al. [Studies in the Modernization of Japan] New Jwesey: Princeton UP, 1971. [jp0695-707582] ¥5,400 1989 ドナルド・H. シャイブリ(編) 「日本文化における伝統と近代化」 1983 年 ペーパー装 Sieffert,René Théâtre Classique. Avec la Collaboration de Michel Wasserman. [Arts du Japon] Maison des Cultures du Monde, / Publications Orientalistes de France, 1983. [jp0271-706233] ¥4,320 1990 ルネ・シフェール 「古典演劇」 1973 年 カバー有 厚紙装 Sims,Richard Modern Japan. A Bodley Head Contemporary History. published. [jp0214-706150] ¥2,160 1991 リチャード・シムズ 「現代日本」 The Bodley Head, 1973. First 1925 年 第 4 版 クロース装 Stratz,C. H. Die Körperformen in Kunst und Leben der Japaner. Mit 152 in den Text Gedruckten Abbildungen und 4 Farbigen Tafeln. Stuttgart: Verlag von Ferdinand Enke, 1925. Vierte Auflage. [aj989-707095] ¥16,200 1992 C. H. シュトラッツ 「日本人の芸術と生活の中での身体の形」 1993 杉本千代野 Sugimoto,Chiyono Japanese Holiday Picture Tales. 1933 年 クロース装 清岡暎一署名入り、中土義隆宛献呈本 Illustrated by Tekisui Ishii. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1933. [jp0599-707463] ¥12,960 1940 年 カバー、クロース装 Suma,Yakichiro Where Japan Stands. Addresses Delivered in America on the Sino-Japanese Conflict. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1940 (昭 15). [jp0559-707421] ¥12,960 1994 須磨彌吉郎 「支那事変を語る在米講演集」 1995 J. T. サンダーランド Sunderland,Jabez T. Rising Japan. 1918 年 クロース装 Is She a Menace or A Comrade to be Welcomed in the Fraternity of Nations? With a Foreword by Lindsay Russell. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1918. [aj1039-707138] ¥6,480 1996 (末松謙澄) Suyematsu,Baron A Fantasy of Far Japan or Summer Dream Dialogue. London: Archibald Constable and Co., 1905. [aj940-707008] クロース装 ¥6,480 1967 年 ペーパー装 Swann,Peter C. Japon. De L'Époque Jōmon Á L'Époque des Tokugawa. [L'Art Dans le Monde] is: Éditions Albin Michel, 1967. [jp0436-706850] ¥2,160 1997 ピーター・C. スワン 「日本」 Par- 3 巻 1913 年 改訂版 クロース装 大判 Takenobu,Y. & Kawakami,K. (trans.) A History of The Japanese Arts. From the Japanese Original. Compiled by The Imperial Museum, Undercontrol of Baron R. Kuki(九鬼隆一). 1998 武信由太郎、河上清(訳) 「日本美術の歴史」 163 東京帝室博物館蔵版 In 3 vols. Tokyo: The Ryubun-Kwan Publishing Co.(隆文館), 1913(大 2). Revised edition. [jp0710-707634] ¥86,400 2000 武内義範 Takeuchi,Yoshinori The Heart of Buddhism. 1983 年 カバー、クロース装 In Search of the Timeless Spirit of Primitive Buddhism. Edited and Translated by James W. Heisig. [Nanan Studies in Religion and Culture] New York: Crossroad, 1983. [jp0391-706803] ¥4,320 2001 R.テイラー Taylor,Richard The Drama of W. B. Yeats. 1976 年 カバー、クロース装 The Drama of W. B. Yeats. Irish Myth and The Japanese Nō. New Haven & London: Yale UP, 1976. [jp0673-707545] ¥4,320 2002 田沢担 Tazawa,Yutaka (Supervising editor.) Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Art. 1981 年 カバー、クロース装 Tokyo: International Society for Educational Information, Inc. / Kodansha International Ltd. (collaboration.), 1981. First edition. [jp0207-706085] ¥8,640 1920 年 クロース装(折り込み地図) Terry,T. Philip Terry's Guide To The Japanese Empire. Including Korea and Formosa. With Chapters on Manchuria, The Trans-Siberian Railway, and The Chief Ocean Routes to Japan. A Handbook for Travelers. With 8 Specially Drawn Maps and 21 Plans by T. Phili Terry, F.R.G.S. Author of Terry's Mexico, Terry's Short Cut to Spanish, Terry's Spanish-English Pocket Interpreter, etc. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1920. [aj739-705304] ¥27,000 2003 トーマス・フィリップ・テリー 「テリーの日本帝国案内」 1909 年 クロース装 The Bureau of Mines (published.) Mining In Japan, Past and Present. Published by The Bureau of Mines, The Department of Agriculture and Commerce of Japan. Tokyo: The Bureau of Mines, 1909. (明 42.) [aj736-705301] ¥16,200 2004 日本鉱山局 「日本の鉱業、過去と現在」 1914 年 クロース装 (折り込み地図) The Imperial Japanese Government Rialways An Official Guide To Eastern Asia. Vol.III North-Eastern Japan. Trans-Contiental Connections Between Europe and Asia. Prepared by The Imperial Japanese Government Railways. Tokyo: The Imperial Japanese Government Rialways, 1914. (大 3.) [aj744-705309] ¥48,600 2005 鐡道院 (編纂) 「東亜英文旅行案内」 Vol.III: 北東部日本 1980 年 7 版 ペーパー装 The Tannishō Kenkyūkai Perfect Freedom in Buddhism. An Exposition of the Words of Shinran, Founder of the Shin Sect, the Largest Buddhist School in Japan. Originally Written in Japanese by The Tannishō Kenkyūkai. Translated by Shinji Takuwa. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1980 (昭 55). Reprinted. [jp0595-707459] ¥3,240 2006 歎異抄研究会(著) 多久和新爾(翻訳) 「英文歎異抄入門」 1998 年 再版 ペーパー装 The Tannishō Kenkyūkai Perfect Freedom in Buddhism. An Exposition of the Words of Shinran, Founder of the Shin Sect, the Largest Buddhist School in Japan. Originally Written in Japanese by The Tannishō Kenkyūkai. Translated by Shinji Takuwa. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1998. Reprinted. [jp0596-707460] ¥3,240 2007 歎異抄研究会(著) 多久和新爾(翻訳) 「英文歎異抄入門」 2008 東京女子高等師範學校(編輯) The Tokyo Higher Normal School for Woman Life of the Japa- nese Woman of To-day. 1937 年 クロース装(和綴じ本) Compiled from Contributions by the Teaching Staff of The Tokyo Higher Normal School for Woman. Tokyo: Kenkyusha (研究社), 1937 (昭 12). [aj1125-707212] ¥12,960 2 巻 クロース装 Thompson,Edward Maunde ed. Diary of Richard Cocks. Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan 1615-1622 with Correspondence. First series. Vol.I: No.66 /Vol.II: No.67 In 2 vols. New York: Burt Franklin, n.d. [jp0191-705903] ¥16,200 2009 エドワード・モーンド・トムソン(編) 「リチャード・コックス日記」 164 2010 クララ・ベル・サーストン Thurston,Clara Bell The Jingle of a Japan. Boston: H. M. Caldwell Co., 1908. [aj986-707092] 2011 東京市役所 Tokyo Municipa Office The Reconstruction of Tokyo. Tokyo Municipal Office, 1933(昭 8). 1908 年 クロース装 ¥21,600 [aj1155-707226] 1933 年 クロース装、天金 ¥32,400 1973 年 カバー、厚紙装 Tomlin,E. W. F. Japan. With 29 illustrations and 2 maps. [New Nations and Peoples Library] don: Thames and Hudson, 1973. [jp0490-706974] ¥2,160 2012 E. W. F.トムリン 「日本」 Lon- 2013 アラン・トゥレーヌ Touraine,Alain Japon le Consensus; Mythe et Réalités. 1984 年 ペーパー装 Avec Une Étude-Préface de Alain Touraine. Coordination Jean-Marie Bouissou, Guy Faure. [Cercle D'Études sur la Société et L'Économie du Japon] Paris: Economica, 1984. [jp0437-706851] ¥6,480 1895 年 クロース装、天金 Tristram,H. B. Rambles in Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun. With Forty-Five Illustrastrations by Edward Whymper from Sketches and Photographs. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1895. [aj939-707007] ¥19,440 2014 H.B.トリストラム 「日本そぞろ歩き」 2015 上田邦義 Ueda,Kuniyoshi Noh Adaptation of Shakespeare. ‐Encounter and Union‐ 2001 年 カバー、ペーパー装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 2001. [jp0533-707394] ¥4,320 2016 上田邦義 Ueda,Kuniyoshi Noh Adaptation of Shakespeare. ‐Encounter and Union‐ 2001 年 カバー、ペーパー装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 2001. [jp0534-707395] ¥4,320 2017 梅本誠一 「ジャパン・ヒア・アンド・ゼア」 Umemoto,Seiichi Japan; Here and There. First edition. [jp0593-707457] ¥2,160 1959 年・初版 ペーパー装 Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1959 (昭 34). 2018 梅棹忠夫 Umésao,Tadao Le Japon a L'Ère Planétaire. Traduit du Japonais par René Sieffert. 1983 年 ペーパー装 Publications Orientalistes de France, 1983. [jp0440-706854] ¥2,160 2019 H.フェイクフィールド Wakefield,Harold New Paths for Japan. 1948 年 初版 クロース装 With an Introduction by Sir Paul Butler. Issued under the auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1948. First published. [aj1033-707132] ¥4,320 1968 年 カバー、クロース装 Ward,Robert E. ed. Political Development in Modern Japan. Edited by Robert E. Ward. Contributors: Ardath W. Burks, Albert M. Craig et al. [Studies in the Modernization of Japan] New Jersey: Princeton UP, 1968. [jp0403-706817] ¥5,400 2020 ロバート・E.ウォード(編) 「近代日本における政治的発展」 2021 G.ヴェンク 「日本語の音声学」 ペーパー装 Wenck,Günther Japanische Phonetik. Band I: Die Lautlehre des modernen Japanischen. / Die Geschichte des Lautbewuβtseins und der Lautforschung in Japan. / Die Quellen der japanischen Lautgechichte. Band II: Die Phonetik der Manyōgana. In 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1954. [aj963-707037] ¥32,400 1910 年 5 版 ペーパー装 Weulersse,G. Le Japon d'aujourd' hui. Études Sociales. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1910. Cinquième Édition. [jp0448-706862] ¥4,320 2022 G. ヴーレルス 「今日の日本」 1917 年 クロース装(改装) Weulersse,G. Le Japon d'aujourd'hui. Études Sociales. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, Sixiéme Édition. [jp0228-706190] ¥4,320 2023 G.ヴレルス 「今日の日本」 2024 H.W.ウィルソン (英文) 「ジャパンズ・ファイト・フォー・フリーダム (日露戦争史)」 ロンドン刊 白黒図版多数 クロース装 ページにヤケ、汚れ、破れあり 165 2巻 1914. 第 1 巻:Part 30 乱丁(Part 29 が 700 ページで終わっているが、Part 30 が 1157 ページから始まって 1180 ページで終わっている。1180 ページでこの巻は終了) 第 2 巻:Part 49 乱丁(Part 48 が 1156 ページで終わっているが、Part 49 が 701 ページから始まって 724 ページで終わっている。Part 50 は 1181 ページから始まっている。Part 51 裏表紙欠) Wilson,H.W. Japan's Fight for Freedoom. The story of the war between Russia and Japan. Told by H.W.Wilson. To be Published Fortnightly. Vol.I: part 1-30 (1895-1904), vol.II: part 31-60 (1904-1905). In 2 vols. Printed for the Proprietors at Lavingtin Street, Southwark, S.E. [aj883-102235] ¥86,400 2025 Wittermans,Elizabeth P. & Bowers,John Z. (trans.) Doctor on Desima. 1970 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Selected Chapters from JHR J. L. C. Pompe van Meerdervoort's. Vijf Jaren in Japan [Five Years in Japan] (1857-1863). Translated and Annotated by Elizabeth P. Wittermans & John Z. Bowers. [A Monumenta Nipponica Monograph] Tokyo: Sophia University (上智大学), 1970. [aj1088-707190] ¥3,240 2 巻 1960 年 函・カバー有 クロース装 Yukio,Yashiro Editor in Chief Art Treasures of Japan. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1960. [jp0179-705892] ¥32,400 2026 矢代幸雄(編集) 「日本の重要美術品」 1957 年 カバー、クロース装 Yabuki,Katsuji comp. Japan Bibliographic Annual 1957. A Classified List of Old and New Books and Postwar Articles on Japan in English, with the Index Including all the Titles from the Japan Bibliographic Annual 1956. Publishd by the Hokuseido Press for the Japan Writers Society(北星堂), 1957 (昭 32). First printing. [jp0556-707418] ¥12,960 2027 矢吹勝二 「日本書誌年鑑 1957 年版」 2028 吉田茂 Yoshida,Shigeru Japan im Wiederaufstieg. Die Yoshida-Memoiren. 1963 年 カバー、クロース装 Düsseldorf: Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1963. [jp0464-706925] ¥2,160 1885 年 ペーパー装 表紙に薄いシミ 裏表紙、背、小口ヤケ 森有礼(明治 18 年初代文部大臣)? Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. No.4 - 1885. Education in Japan. Washington: Govermant Printing Office, 1885. [aj772-101945] ¥32,400 2029 (英文)「明治 18 年 日本の教育 No.4-1885. Education in Japan」 2030 (英文)「明治 43 年 日本の逓信概要」 1910 年 地図付 建物、人物写真多数 厚紙装 Outline of the Means of Communication and Correspondence in Japan. The Department of Communications of Japan, 1910. [aj774-101947] ¥32,400 2031 The Imperial Japanese Mission 1917. 1918 年 クロース装 A Record of the Reception Throughout the United States of the Special Mission Headed by Viscount Ishii. Together with the Exchange of Notes Embodying The Root-Takahira Understanding of 1908 and The Lansing-Ishii Agreement of 1917. Foreword by Elihu Root. [Carnegie Endowment for Internation Peace, Division of Intercourse and Education, Publication No.15] Washington, D. C.: Carnegie Endowment for Internation Peace, 1918. [aj987-707093] ¥6,480 日本語研究 2032 アンソニー・アルフォンソ Alfonso,Anthoy Japanese Languages Patterns. 2 巻 1974 年 3 刷 カバー、クロース装 A Structual Approach. With th Co-operation of Yoshisuke Hirabayashi, Hisakazu Kaneko, Kazuaki Niimi, Yooichi Yamaura, Kazukiyo Shiga, Edmund R. Skrzypczak. [Center for Japanese Studies of 166 Sophia University] In 2 vols. Tokyo: Sophia University L.L. Center of Applied Linguistics (上智大 学), 1974. Third printing. [jp0481-706954] ¥21,600 1898 年 第 3 版 改装本 全体的にヤケ タイトルページから p.59 に少々虫喰あり Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Co./ Tokyo: The Shuyeisha(秀英舎)/ Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, 明 治三十一年 (1898) Third edition. 第 3 版 [aj628-704853] ¥32,400 2033 B.H.チェンバレン 「口語体日本語手引」 3 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., / Tokyo: The Shūyeisha(秀英舎), / Kelly & Walsh, 1898 (明 31). Third Edition. [aj954-707028]¥17,280 2034 B.H.チェンバレン 「口語体日本語手引」 3 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Sampson Low, Marston, & Co., / Tokyo: The Shūyeisha(秀英舎), / Kelly & Walsh, 1898 (昭 31). Third Edition. [aj955-707029]¥16,200 2035 B.H.チェンバレン 「口語体日本語手引」 4 版 クロース装 Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Crosby Lockwood & Son, / Kellye & Walsh (發賣所: ケリー・ウォルシ商會), 1907 (明 40). Forth Edition. [aj956-707030] ¥21,600 2036 B.H.チェンバレン 「口語体日本語手引」 2037 趙承福 (チョ・スンボク) Cho,Seung-bog A Phonological Study of Early Modern Japanese. 2 巻 1970 年 ペーパー装 On the Basis of the Korean Source-Materials. Vol.I: Material, Historical Background, Methodology and Sound Correspondences. Vol.II: Analysis and Reconstruction of Early Modern Japanese Phonology. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Oriental Studies 8 & 9] 2 vols. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. [jp0129-704902] ¥16,200 2038 E.R.エドワーズ 「日本語の音声学的研究」 原書・和訳書セット Ernest Richard Edwards Étude Phonétique de la Langue Japonaise. 著者より協力者・新村出への 識語署名入り献呈本 3/4 革装 背及び角の革装擦れ 小口ヤケ Edwards,Ernest Richard Étude Phonétique de la Langue Japonaise. Thèse pour le doctorat d'université de Paris, présentée à la faculté des lettres à la Sorbonne. Leipzig: Imprimerie B.G.Teubner, 1903. 208pp. 3/4 calf with cloth boads (rubbed), gilt title to spine (rubbed). This copy was presented from the author to Izuru Shinmura, cooperator of this work (inscription on half title page). 4.2x16.7cm. [and] E.R.エドワーズ(原著) 高松義雄(訳) 「日本語の音声学的研究」 恒星社厚生閣 1969 年 初版 クロース装 前見返しにインクサイン. 【「・・・ただ残念なのは、同氏(エドワーヅ氏)がパリのソルボンヌ大學の學位論文として出版した原著の一本 を署名寄贈されたのを・・・未知未見の一外人教師に貸してつひ其儘になってしまったことである・・・」新村 氏が紛失を悔やんだ当の書籍が、廻りめぐって当店の在庫となりました。この本への思いを綴った、氏によ る本書序文を合わせて読んで頂くと、本の辿った歴史に思い至り感慨深い。】 [w2588 & aj624-704851] ¥64,800 1987 年 2 版 ペーパー装 Hadamitzky,Wolfgang & Durmous,Pierre Kanji & Kana.Manuel de L'Écriture Japonaise et Dictionnaire des 1945 Caractères Officiels. Suivi de Caractères Composés Importants Formant un Vocabulaire de 11000 Mots. Paris: J. Maisonneuve, 1987. 2e édition corrigée. [jp0419-706833] ¥3,240 2039 W.ハダミツキー他 「漢字とかな」 2040 ジェームズ・W.ハイジック Heisig,James W. Remebering The Kanji II; A Systematic Guide to Reading Japanese Characters. 1998 年 9 刷 ペーパー装 Tokyo: Japan Publications Trading Co., 1998. Ninth printing. [jp0671-707543] ¥4,320 2041 J. J. ホフマン 「日本語文典」 1876 年 2 版 クロース装 Hoffmann,J. J. A Japanese Grammar. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1876. Second Edition. [aj964-707038] ¥64,800 167 2042 ルドルフ・ランゲ 「口語体日本語教本」 1906 年 クロース装 Lange,Rudolf I Lehrbuch der Japanischen Umgangssprache. Formenlehre und die Wichtigsten Regeln der Syntax. Berlin: Druck und Verlag von George Reimer, 1906. [aj1133-707220] ¥21,600 1984 年 改訂 1 刷 カバー、ペーパー装 Pye,Michael The Study of Kanji. A Handbook of Japanese Characters. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1984. Revised edition, First printing. [jp0604-707468] ¥4,320 2043 マイケル・パイ 「常用漢字の学習」 2044 G.ヴェンク Wenck,Günther The Phonemics of Japanese Questions and Attempts. ペーパー装 Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1966. [L04136-606583] 1966 年 ¥4,320 2045 板坂元・ 牧野成一・山下喜久子(共著) 「上級日本語読本 上下巻」 2 巻 1974 年 初版 函 ペーパー装 Itasaka,Gen & Makino,Seiichi & Yamashita,Kikuko Modern Japanese. An Advanced Reader. Volum I: Text. Volume II: Vocaburary and Notes. In 2 vols. Kodansha International Ltd. (講談社), 1974. First edition. [L04168-606615] ¥2,160 1997 年 初版 ペーパー装 Kamiya,Taeko Subject-Grouped 1016 Kanji in Context. A Guide to Reading Japanese. The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1997. First edition. [jp0607-707472] ¥5,400 Tokyo: 1997 年 初版 ペーパー装 Kamiya,Taeko Subject-Grouped 1016 Kanji in Context. A Guide to Reading Japanese. The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1997. First edition. [jp0608-707473] ¥6,480 Tokyo: 2046 神谷妙子 「分野別 1016 漢字ブック」 2047 神谷妙子 「分野別 1016 漢字ブック」 1985 年 初版 カバー、ペーパー装 Kano,Chieko et al. Japanese Reading Program with Basic 997 Words. Chieko Kano, Masaharu Fujita, Namoi Abe, Tokiyo T. Davalos. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1985 (昭 60). First edition. [jp0600-707464] ¥3,240 2048 加納千惠子他(共著) 「997 語で読める日本語」 1990 年 3 刷 カバー、ペーパー装 Kano,Chieko et al. Japanese Reading Program with Basic 997 Words. Chieko Kano, Masaharu Fujita, Namoi Abe, Tokiyo T. Davalos. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1990. Third printing. [jp0601-707465] ¥3,240 2049 加納千惠子他(共著) 「997 語で読める日本語」 2 巻 1927 年 クロース装 Miyake,Takeo ed. Kymographic Tracing. 2 vols. Onseigaku Kyokai / Kobun-sha (音聲學協會, / 興文社), 1927 (昭 2). [ww1072-751460] ¥6,480 2050 三宅武郎(編輯) 「音聲の研究 I,II」 1993 年 改訂 4 刷 ペーパー装 Ogawa,Kenji New Intensive Japanese. (Revised & Enlarged) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星 堂), 1993. Revised edition. [jp0602-707466] ¥4,320 2051 小川健二 「日本語 (入門から中級まで)」 1993 年 改訂 4 刷 ペーパー装 Ogawa,Kenji New Intensive Japanese. (Revised & Enlarged) Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星 堂), 1993. Revised edition. [jp0603-707467] ¥4,320 2052 小川健二 「日本語 (入門から中級まで)」 1990 年 15 刷 カバー、ペーパー装 Ono,Hideichi Japanese Grammar. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1990. Fifteenth printing. [jp0606-707470] ¥5,400 2053 尾野秀一 「日本語文法」 2054 佐伯功介・山田尚勇 The Romanization of Japanese Writing; Hepburn VS Kunrei System Con- troversies. 1977 年 ペーパー装 Saeki,Kōsuke & Yamada,Hisao Tokyo: Zaidan-hôzin Nippon-no-Rômazi-Sya, 1977. [L04114-606561] ¥6,480 168 現代日本語の意味論的分析 1963 年 初版 ペーパー装 Suzuki,Takao A Semantic Analysis of Present-Day Japanese. [Keio Univ. Studies in the Humanities and Social Relations. Vol.III] 慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所, 1963. First published. [lk0228-604262] ¥4,320 2055 鈴木孝夫 1963 年 初版 ペーパー装 Suzuki,Takao A Semantic Analysis of Present-Day Japanese. [Keio University; Studies in the Humanities and Social Relations, Volume III] Tokyo: The Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies(慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所), 1963(昭 38). First published. [L04153-606600] ¥4,320 2056 鈴木孝夫 「現代日本語の意味論的分析」 1994 年 第 4 刷 ペーパー装 Tagashira,Yoshiko & Hoff,Jean Handbook of Japanese Compound Verbs. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1994. Fourth printing. [jp0605-707469] ¥5,400 2057 田頭良子・J.ホフ 「日本語複合動詞ハンドブック」 2058 土居敏雄 「日本言語学外史」 Doi,Toshio The Study of Language in Japan. A Historical Survey. Tokyo: Shinozaki Shorin(篠崎 書林), 1976. First published, Second impression. (再版) [L04073-606520] ¥8,640 中国学 ・ Sinology 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2059 「京師城内河道溝渠圖説」 中華民國三十年六月(1941) B5 版 102P+写真 10P 附図 3 葉共 堪誤表あり 邦訳文入 建設總署刊行 [aj833-705954] ¥162,000 1940 年 クロース装(改装) The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Östasiatiska Samlingarna) Stockholm. Bulletin N:o 12 Bernhald Karlgren: Grammata Serica, Script and Phonetics in Chinese and Sino-Japanese. Stockholm, 1940. [aj1103-707205] ¥64,800 2060 「ストックホルム東アジア博物館紀要」 第 12 巻 1967 年 2 刷 カバー、クロース装 A Collection of Chinese Lyrics. Rendered into Verse by Alan Ayling. From Translations of the Chinese by Duncan Mackintosh. Foreword by F. T. Cheng. Calligraphy by Lee Yim and on the illustrations by Chang Chien Ying. Illustrations by Fei Ch'eng Wu. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967. Second impression. [cn0057-706882] ¥4,320 2061 Alan Ayling 「詞選」 1969 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 A Further Collection of Chinese Lyrics and Other Poems. Rendered into verse by Alan Ayling. From the Translations of the Chinese by Duncan Mackintosh, in Collaboration with Ch'eng His and T'ung Ping-Cheng. Calligraphy by Cheng Hsüan. Ilustrations by Fei Ch'eng-Wu. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1969. First published. [cn0058-706883] ¥4,320 2062 Alan Ayling 「續詞選」 1922 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Fir-Flower Tablets. Poems Translated from the Chinese by Florence Ayscough. English Versions by Amy Lowell. London: Constable & Co. (on title page), Houghton Miflin Co. (on spine), 1922. [aj333-704876] ¥8,640 2063 Ayscough,Florence trans. 「松花箋」 169 1965 年 再版 函 カバー、クロース装 Beckmann,George M. The Modernization of China and Japan. [A Harper International Student Reprint] Harper & Row, / Tokyo: John Weatherhill, 1965. First reprinted edition. [cn0052-706813] ¥5,400 2064 ジョージ・M.ベックマン 「中国と日本の近代化」 2 巻 1967‐1972 年 5 刷 / 2 刷 ペーパー装 Birch,Cyril ed. Anthology of Chinese Literature. Vol.I: From early times to the fourteenth century. Compiled and edited by Cyril Birch. Associate editor by Donald Keene. Vol.II: From the 14th Century to the Present Day. In 2 vols. New York: Grove Press, 1967. / 1972. First Evergreen Edition. Vol.I: Fifth printing. Vol.II: Second printing. [cn0088-707676] ¥4,320 2065 シリル・バーチ(編) 「中国文学アンソロジー」 2066 J.O.P.ブランド Bland,J. O. P. China: The Pity of It. London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1932. 1932 年 クロース装 ¥5,400 [cn0067-706916] 1910 年 (初版) クロース装 Bland,J. O. P. & Backhouse,E. China Under the Empress Dowager. Being the History of the Life and Times of Tzu Hsi. Compiled from State Papers and the Private Diary of the Comptroller of her Household. Illustrated. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., / London: William Heinemann, 1910. (First edition.) [cn0072-706921] ¥12,960 2067 J.O.P.ブランド & E.バックハウス 「西太后統治下の中国」 1911 年 クロース装 Bland,J. O. P. & Backhouse,E. China Under the Empress Dowager. Being the History of the Life and Times of Tzu Hsi. Compiled from State Papers and the Private Diary of the Comptroller of her Household. Illustrated. London: William Heinemann, 1911. [cn0002-706280] ¥12,960 2068 J.O.P.ブランド & E.バックハウス 「西太后統治下の中国」 2 巻 1898 年 初版 クロース装 Boulger,Demetrius Charles The History of China. New and Revised Edition, with Portraits and Maps. In 2 vols. London: W. Thacker & Co, 1898. First edition. [cn0010-706288] ¥48,600 2069 ディミトリアス・チャールズ・ボルガー 「中国の歴史」 1931 年 3 版 カバー有、クロース装 Bredon,Juliet Peking. A Historical and Intimate Description of its Chief Places of Interest. With Maps, Plans and Illustrations. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1931. Third edition. (Revised and Enlarged) [cn0008-706286] ¥48,600 2070 ジュリエット・ブレドン 「北京」 1978 年 再版 クロース装 Buck,John Lossing Chinese Farm Economy. A Study of 2866 farms in seventeen localities and seven provinces in China. Published for The University of Nanking and the China Council The Institute of Pacific Relations. China: Southern Materials Center, Inc., 1978. Reprinted. [cn0043-706570] ¥12,960 2071 ジョン・L. バック 「中国農家経済研究」 「中國之真精神」 1936 年 改訂版 クロース装 Chien,Ho True Spirit of China To-day. China: The Commercial Press, Ltd., 1936. Revised edition. [cn0040-706567] ¥19,440 2072 何鍵 (ホー・ジェン) 2073 アーチボルド・R.コフーン Colquhoun,Archibald R. China in Transformation. With Frontispiece, Maps and Diagrams. [cn0001-706278] ¥16,200 1898 年 クロース装 New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1898. 1949 年 カバー有、クロース装 Creel,H. G. Confucius. The Man and the Myth. New York: The John Day Co., 1949. [cn0011-706289] ¥6,480 2074 H. G.クリール 「孔子」 2075 C. F.ゴードン・カミング Cumming,C. F. Gordon Wanderings in China. Illustrated by the Author. Cheaper Edition. 1900. [cn0037-706564] ¥17,280 1900 年 クロース装 Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood and Sons, 2076 W.セオドア・ ド・バリー De Bary,Wm. Theodore et al. (comp.) Sources of Chinese Tradition. 2 巻 1960 年 ペーパー装 Compiled by Wm. Theodore de Bary, Wing-tsit Chan, Burton Watson. With Contributions by Yi-pao 170 Mei, Leon Hurvitz, T'ung-tsu Ch'u, John Meskill. [Introduction to Oriental Civilizations] In 2 vols. New York: Columbia UP, 1960. 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[cn0005-706283] ¥37,800 2080 アーネスト・F.フェノロサ 「東洋美術史綱」 1960 年 厚紙装 Franke,Wolfgang The Reform and Abolition of the Traditional Chinese Examination System. Seminar für Sprache und Kultur Chinas University of Hamburg. Published by the Center for East Asian Studies Harvard University, 1960. [aj1134-707221] ¥21,600 2081 W.フランケ 「中国科學制度革廢考」 1981 年 カバー、クロース装 Furuya,Keiji Chiang Kai-Shek: His Life and Times. Abridged English Edition by Chun-ming Chang. New York: St. John's University, 1981. [cn0071-706920] ¥6,480 2082 古谷奎二 「蒋介石秘録」 1911 年 ペーパー装 Hirth,Friedrich & Rockhill,W. W. (trans.) Chau Ju-Kua; His Work on the Chinese and Arab Trade in the twelfth and thirteenth Centuries, entitled Chu-fan-chi, Translated from the Chinese and Annotated by Friedrich Hirth and W. W. Rockhill. (12‐13 世紀中国-アラビア間の貿易に関する研究) St. Petersburg: Printing Office of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1911. [cn0053-706814] ¥16,200 2083 F.ハース & W. W.ロックヒル(訳) 「趙汝适諸蕃志譯註」 2084 ヘンリー・T.ホジキン Hodgkin,Henry T. China in the Family of Nations. 1923 年 クロース装 Under Heaven there is But one Family. [Selly Oak Colleges Publications No.4] London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1923. First published. [cn0034-706561] ¥4,320 1967 年 2 刷 クロース装 Hsiao,Kung-Chuan Rural China. Imperial Control in the Nineteenth Century. [Far Eastern and Russian Institute Publications on Asia, Number 8] China: Central Book Co., / University of Washington, 1967. Second printing. [cn0031-706558] ¥4,320 2085 K.C.シャオ 「中國郷村」 2086 E. R. ヒューズ Hughes,E. R. The Art of Letters; Lu Chi's "Wen Fu," A. D. 302. 1951 年 カバー有、クロース装 A Translation and Comparative Study by E. R. Hughes. With a Forenote by I. A. Richards. [Bollingen Series XXIX] Pantheon Books, 1951. [cn0041-706568] ¥4,320 1951 年 カバー有、クロース装 Hunter,Edward Brain-Washing in Red China. The Calculated Destruction of Men's Minds. York: The Vanguard Press, Inc., 1951. [cn0029-706556] ¥4,320 2087 エドワード・ハンター 「洗脳」 2088 J. L.ハチソン Hutchison,James Lafayette China Hand. Illustrated by The Author. New 1936 年 クロース装 Boston & New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1936. [cn0066-706915]¥4,320 171 2089 P.ジョセフ Joseph,Philip Foreign Diplomacy in China 1894-1900. 1928 年 初版 クロース装 A Study in Political and Economic Relations with China. With an Introduction by Sir S. Frederick Whyte. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1928. First Published. [cn0068-706917] ¥8,640 2090 Kracke,Jr.,E. A. Civil Service in Early Sung China 960-1067. 1968 年 2 刷 ペーパー装 With particular emphasis on the development of controlled sponsorship to foster administrative responsibility. [Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series Volume XIII] Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 1968. Second printing. [cn0061-706886] ¥4,320 1977 年 初版 ペーパー装 Kuhn,Franz Der Traum der Roten Kammer. Erster Band. Ein Roman aus der Frühen Tsing-Zeit, aus dem Chinesischen Übertragen von Franz Kuhn. [Insel Taschenbuch 292] Insel Verlag, 1977. Erste Auflage. [cn0087-707675] ¥2,160 2091 フランツ・クーン(訳) 「紅夢楼」 1966 年 再版 クロース装 Kulp II,Daniel HarrisonCountry Life in South China. The Sociology of Familism. Volume I. Phenix Village, Kwantung, China. Taipei: Ch'eng-Wen Publishing Co., 1966. Reprinted. [cn0036-706563] ¥2,160 2092 ダニエル・ハリソン・カルプ II 「華南農村生活」 2093 オーウェン・ラティモア Lattimore,Owen The Mongols of Manchuria. 1935 年 初版 カバー、クロース装 Their Tribal Divisions Geographical Distribution Historical Relations with Manchus and Chinese and Present Political Problems. With Maps. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1935. First Published. [cn0064-706913] ¥12,960 「暴風驟雨」 1955 年 初版 クロース装 Li-po,Chou The Hurricane. Stalin Prize 1951. Translated from the Chinese by Hsu Meng-Hsiung. Illustations by Ku Yuan. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1955. First edition. [cn0026-706305] ¥3,240 2094 周立波(シュウ・リッパ) 1881 年 クロース装 Martin,W. A. P. The Chinese. Their Education, Philosophy, and Brothers, 1881. [cn0019-706297] ¥17,280 2095 W.A.P.マーチン 「中国人」 Letters. New York: Harper & 2096 雲門禅師(雲門文偃) Meister Yunmen Zen-Worte vom Wolkentor-Berg. 1994 年 カバー有、クロース装 Darlegungen und Gespräche des Zen-Meisters Yunmen Wenyan (864-949). Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt und herausgegeben von Urs App. [Klassiker des Zen] Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag, 1994. [cn0051-706799] ¥8,640 China Speaks. 1932 年 カバー有、クロース装 On the Conflict Between China and Japan. With an Introduction by His Excellency W. W. Yen. York: The Macmillan Co., 1932. [cn0030-706557] ¥4,320 2097 Meng,Chih New 1901 年 再版 クロース装 Nevius,John L. China and the Chinese. A General Description of the Country and its Inhabitants; its Civilization and Form of Government; its Religious and Social Institutions; its Intercourse with other Nations; and its Present Condition and Prospects. Revised Edition. With a Map and Illustrations. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, 1901. Revised edition. [cn0016-706294] ¥16,200 2098 ジョン・L.ネビアス 「中国と中国語」 1992 年 カバー、クロース装 Newman,Robert P. Owen Lattimore and the "Loss" of China. University of California Press, 1992. [cn0073-706922] ¥3,240 2099 ロバート・P.ニューマン 「O.ラティモアと中国の損失」 1992 年 カバー、クロース装 Newman,Robert P. Owen Lattimore and the "Loss" of China. University of California Press, 1992. [cn0074-706923] ¥3,240 2100 ロバート・P.ニューマン 「O.ラティモアと中国の損失」 172 2101 バートン・パステルナーク Pasternak,Burton Kinship & Community in Two Chinese Villages. 1972 年 クロース装 California: Stanford UP., 1972. [cn0032-706559] ¥3,240 2102 A. プフィッツマイアー Pfizmaier,A. Der Stand der Chinesischen Geschichtschreibung in dem Zeitalter der sung. 1878 年 3/4 クロース、マーブル厚紙装 Wien: In Commission bei Karl Gerold's Sohn, 1878. [aj1091-707193] ¥64,800 1972 年 9 刷 カバー、クロース装 Reischauer,Edwin O. & Fairbank,John K. East Asia The Great Tradition. [A History of East Asian Civilization, Volume One] Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., / Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1972. Modern Asia Edition, Ninth printing. [cn0059-706884] ¥6,480 2103 E. O.ライシャワー & J. K.フェアバンク 「東アジア‐偉大なる伝統」 1981 年 カバー有、クロース装 Ropp,Paul S. Dissent in Early Modern China. Ju-lin Wai-Shih and Ch'ing Social Criticism. [Michigan Studies on China] The University of Michigan Press, 1981. [cn0050-706798] ¥5,400 2104 P. S. ロップ 「清代中期之社會批評」 1965 年 クロース装 Chinese Currency. (Currency of the Far East) A Comprehensive Text… Chou Dynasty (1122 B.C.-255 B.C.) Ch'ing Dynasty (1644 A.D.-1911 A. D.) Revised and edited by Virgil Hancock. Krause Publications, 1965. [cn0025-706304] ¥27,000 2105 Fredrik Schjöth 「中国貨幣」 2106 エリザベス・シーガー Seeger,Elizabeth The Pageant of Chinese History. 1934 年 カバー有、クロース装 Illustrated by Bernard Watkins. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1934. [cn0012-706290] ¥6,480 2107 (沈黙) Shen,Mo Japan in Manchuria. 1961 年 初版 2 刷 カバー有、クロース装 An Analytical Study of Treaties and Documents. With a Preface by Diosdado Macapagal and a Foreword by George G. Tan. Manila: Grace Trading Co., 1961. First edition. Second printing. [cn0009-706287] ¥8,640 1923 年 背クロース、厚紙装 Shu-Chiung (Mrs. Lien-teh,Wu) Yang Kuei-Fei. The Most Famous Beauty of China. Illustrated. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1923. [cn0007-706285] ¥8,640 2108 伍連徳 「楊貴妃」 3 巻 1956 年 函、クロース装 Chinese Painting: Leading Masters and Principles. Part I; The First Millennium. In 3 vols. London: Lund Humphries, 1956. [aj697-704878] ¥54,000 2109 Osvald Sirén 「中国美術史」 1993 年 初版 カバー、背クロース、厚紙装 (Sun-Tzu) Ames,Roger T. (trans.) Sun-Tzu: The Art of Warfare. The First English Translation Incorporating the Recently Discovered Yin-Ch' Üeh-Shan Texts. Translated, with an Introduction and Commentary, by Roger T. Ames. Robert G. Henricks, Series Editor. [Classics of Ancient China] New York: Ballantine Books, 1993. First edition. [cn0070-706919] ¥5,400 2110 孫武 「孫子兵法」 2111 菫顕光 Tong,Hollington K. dateline: China. 1950 年 カバー有、クロース装 The Begining of China's Press Relations with the World. Preface by Roy W. Howard. Rockport Press, 1950. [cn0022-706300] ¥9,720 New York: 1965 年 赤ビニール装 (Tse-Tung,Mao)Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. 中国人民解放軍总政治部編印、商 务印书館上海厂印刷、内部发行、1965 年 8 月 (北京). [01610-101583] ¥16,200 2112 (毛沢東) 「毛主席語录」 (毛沢東語録・中国語版) 1930 年 クロース装 Wegener,Georg China. Eine Landes-und Volkskunde. Mit 30 Abbildungen auf 16 Tafeln und 22 Textskizzen. Leipzig & Berlin: Verlag und Druck von B. G. Teubner, 1930. [cn0039-706566] ¥5,400 2113 ゲオルク・ヴェゲナー 「中国」 173 1900 年 クロース装 Wildman,Rounsevelle China's Open Door. A Sketch of Chinese Life and History. With an Introduction by Charles Denby. Illustrated. Boston: Lothrop Publishing Co., 1900. [cn0018-706296] ¥17,280 2114 ラウンズヴェル・ワイルドマン 「中華開門:唐人録記書」 2 巻 1883 年 改訂版 クロース装 Williams,S. Wells The Middle Kingdom; A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts, and History of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. Revised Edition, with Illustrastions and a New Map of the Empire.In 2 vols. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1883. Revised edition. [cn0006-706284] ¥64,800 2115 S.ウェルズ・ウィリアムズ 「中国總論」 2116 P.ウー Wou,P. Histoire Diplomatique de la Chine depuis 1919. 1932 年 ペーパー装 Histoire Diplomatique de la Chine depuis 1919. La Révision des Traités Sino-Étrangers. Paris: Librairie Arthur Rousseau, 1932. [cn0062-706887] ¥8,640 1963 年 クロース装 Yang-Ming,Wang Instructions for Practical Living and Other Neo-Confucian Writings by Wang Yang-Ming. Translated, with Notes, by Wing-tsit Chan. New York: Columbia UP, 1963. [cn0069-706918] ¥10,800 2117 王陽明 「伝習録」 事典 ・ 辞典<洋書> 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 百科事典 2118 (英文)「ブリタニカ百科事典」 13 版 1926 年 32 巻・16 冊揃 3/4 革装 ¥123,420 The Encyclopaedia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature & General Information. Thirteenth Edition. Being Volumes One to Twenty-eight of the Latest Standard Edition (11th ed.) with the Three New Volumes covering Recent Years and the Index Volume. 32 vols in 16. London; The Encyclopaedia Britannica Company, Ltd., New York: The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1926. [d00447-300688] 2119 (英文)「ブリタニカ百科事典」 [1997 年] 3 巻 初版 復刻版 革装 ¥32,400 Encyclopaedia Britannica; or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Compiled upon a New Plan. In Which The different Sciences and Arts are digested into distinct Treatises or Systems; and The various Technical Terms, etc. are explained as they occur in the Alphabet. Illustrated with One Hundred and Sixty Copperplates. By a Society of Gentlemen in Scotland. In 3 volumes. [Encyclopaedia Britannica], (The following facsimile print on title page"Edinburgh: Printed for A. Bell and C. Macfarquhar; And sold by Colin Macfarquhar, at his Printing-office, Nicolson-street. M.DCC.LXXI.", )[1997]Facsimile reprinting. [d00477-300718] 2120 (英文)「大英百科 ブリタニカ・サプリメント」 6 巻 ブリタニカ第 4・5・6 版への補遺 (1815-24 年) の復刻版 ¥64,800 Napier,Macvey ed. Supplement to the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Editions of the Encyclopaedia Britanica. With Preliminary Dissertations on the History of the Sciences. Illustrated by Engravings. In 6 vols. Meicho Fukyu Kai (名著普及会), 1989. Facsimile reprinted edition. First published, 174 1815-1824(Printed for Archibald Constable and Company, Edinburgh; and Hurst, Robinson, and Company,). [d00441-300682] 2121 「ロイド百科事典」 1895 年 7 巻 3/4 革装 ¥86,400 Lloyd's Encyclopædic Dictionary; A New and Original Work of Reference to the Words in the English Language. With a Full Account ot their Origin, Meaning, Pronunciation, and Use. With Numerous Illustrations. In 7 vols. London: Edward Lloyd Ltd., 1895. [d00696-300947] 2122 J.フープス 「古代ゲルマン学百科辞典」 1911-1919 年 全 4 巻 背クロース 厚紙表紙 ¥43,200 Hoops,Johannes hrsg. Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachgelehrten. Herausgegeben von Johannes Hoops. In 4 bds. Strassburg; Verlag von Karl J. Trübner, 1911-13. /1913-15. /1915-16. /1918-19. [d00502-300748] 2123 「グラーウー百科事典」 n.d. 2 巻 クロース装 Wink,P. M. ed. Graauw's Goedkoope Geïllustreerde Encyclopaedie. sterdam-Weltevreden, n.d. [d00755-301007] In 2 vols. ¥6,480 Graauw: Am- ジョンソン英語辞典 2124 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 初版および初版・復刻版 4 冊セット ¥972,000 初版: 1755 年 2 巻 ロンドン刊 3/4 革装 福田恆存旧蔵(蔵書印あり) 第 2 巻:905-916pp.欠(コピ ー補充) / 初版・復刻版: 1967 年 2 巻 クロース装 Johnson,SamuelA Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammer. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. 2 vols. London: Printed by W.Strahan, For J.and P.Knapton; T.and T.Longman; C.Hitch and L.Hawes; A.Millar; and R.and J.Dodsley, 1755. [with] A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. In 2 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1967. [aj1116-102400] & [d00595-300842] 復刻版 1983 年 1 巻 クロース装 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: [Yushodo Compact Series 1] Yushodo, 1983. Reprinted from the first edition (1755). [d00703-300954] 2125 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 初版 ¥12,960 Tokyo: 復刻版 1968 年 2 巻 クロース装 ¥64,800 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language (1755). [Anglistica & Americana. A Series of Reprints Selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider, and Marvin Spevack. 1] In 2 vols. Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. Reprographischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe London 1755. [d00487-300728] 2126 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 初版 復刻版 1990 年 2 巻 函・合皮装 ¥129,600 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language; In which The Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. In 2 vols. Longman, 1990. The Facsimile Recreates the Original Dictionary Published by Longman in 1755. [d00743-300995] 2127 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 初版 2128 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 2 版 (簡約版) 1760 年 2 巻 総革装 ¥97,200 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: In which The Words are deduced from their Originals, Explained in their Different Meanings, and Authorized by the Names of the Writers in whose Works they are found. Abstracted from the Folio Edition. To which is prefixed, A Grammar of the English Language. In 2 vols. London: Printed for J.Knapton, et al. 1760. The Second Edition, Corrected. [d00669-300920] 1773 年 2 巻 総革装 ¥324,000 A Dictionary of the English Language:In which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and 2129 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 4 版 175 Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. To which are Prefixed a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson. In 2 folio vols. London: Printed by W.Strahan, for W.Strahan, J.&F.Rivingston et al., 1773. Fourth edition, revised by the author. [d00328-300569] 2130 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 4 版(復刻版) 1978 年 2 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language; In which The Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. In 2 vols. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1978. The Fourth Edition, Revised by the Author. [d00742-300994] 2131 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 6 版 1785 年 2 巻 ロンドン刊 総革装 第 2 巻の前扉欠 ¥172,800 Johnson の死後出版だが、レイノルズ所蔵本(4 版)に Johnson が書き込んだ訂正 200 箇所ほどを採 用している(SLEDD & KOLB による) Johnson,SamuelA Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammer. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 2 vols. London: Printed for J.F.and C.Rivington, L.Davis, T.Payne and Son, etc., 1785. The Sixth Edition. [aj1017-300897] 2132 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 9 版 1806 年 2 巻 改装・背革装 ¥86,400 A Dictionay of the English Language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed a history of the language, and an English grammar. By Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. In 2 vols. London: Printed for J.Johnson et al., 1806. The ninth edition; corrected and revised. [d00152-300066] 2133 「ジョンソン英語辞典 」 レイサム(編) 1866-70 年 2 巻・4 冊 3/4 革装 ¥129,600 A Dictionay of the English Language by Robert Gordon Latham. Founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson as edited by the Rev.H.J.Todd. With numerous emendations and additions. 2 vols.in 4. Longmans, Green, & Co. et al., 1866-70. [d00227-300466] 2134 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 (簡約版) 1756 年 2 巻合本 1 冊 初版 総革装 ¥205,710 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, Explained in their Different Meanings, and Authorized by the Names of the Writers in whose Works they are found. Abstracted from the Folio Edition. To which is prefixed, a Grammar if the English Language. 2 vols in 1. London: Printed for J. Knapton; C. Hitch & L. Hawes; A. Millar; R. & J. Dodsley; & M. & T. Longman., 1756. Firt edition. [d00489-300735] 2135 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 (簡約版) 1820 年 1 巻 背革装 ¥54,000 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which The Words are Deduced from their Originals, Explained in their Different Meanings, and Authorized by the Names of the Writers in Whose Works They are Found. Abridged from the Rev. H.J. Todd's. Corrected and Enlarged Quarto Edition. London: F. C. and J. Rivington; Scatcherd and Letterman; et al., 1820. [d00628-300875] 2136 「オックスフォード英語大辞典」 2 版 1989 年 20 巻 カバー、クロース装 The Oxford English Dictionary. Prepared by J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. In 20 vols. ford at the Clarendon Press, 1989. Second Edition. [d00773-301024] 2137 「オックスフォード英語歴史シソーラス」 2009 年 2 巻 初版 函、クロース装 ¥86,400 Ox- ¥43,200 Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary. With Additional Material from A Thesaurus of Old English. Edited by Christian Kay, Jane Roberts, Michael Samuels, Irené Wotherspoon. Volume I: Thesaurus. Volume II: Index. (With "Guide to the Thesaurus") In 2 vols. Oxford UP, 2009. First published. [d00603-300850] ウェブスター英語辞典 176 2138 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 初版・復刻版 1976 年(1828 年の復刻版) 2 巻 1/2 革装 ¥43,200 Webster,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language; Intended to Exhibit, I. The Origin, Affinities and Primary Signfication of English Words, as far as they have been Ascertained. II. The Genuine Orthography and Pronunciation of Words, According to General Usage, or to Just Principles of Analogy. III. Accurate and Discriminating Definitions, with Numerous Authorities and Illustrations. To which are Prefixed. An Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History and Connection of the Languages of Western Asia and of Europe, and a Concise Grammar of the English Language. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd.(講談社), 1976. Reprinted from the edition of S.Converse, New York, 1828. [d00704-300955] 2139 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 n.d. 1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 Webter,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language; Containing the whole vocabulary of the first edition in two volumes quarto; the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition in two volumes royal octavo; Revised and enlarged, by Chauncey A.Goodrich…Prepared under the direction of Noah Porter…A dictionary of 12,000 synonyms and antonyms, and a compendium of mercantile and legal terms. The flags of all nations in thir actual colors. Chicago: George M.Hill Co., n.d. (c.1890) and connection, of the languages of western Asia and Europe, with an explanation of the principles on which languages are formed. [d00160-300198] 2140 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 ロンドン版 [1857 年] 2 巻 背革装 ¥64,800 Webster,Noah Webster's Improved Dictionary of the English Language, Exhibiting the Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, & Definition of Words; Embracing All the Principal Terms Used in Literature. Science & Art, According to the Best Authorities; Revised & Enlarged by Professor C. A. Goodrich. Exhibiting The Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, & Definition of Words. To which are Added, A Synopsis of Words Differently Pronounced by Different Orthoepists, and Walker's Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names (Vol.2; 541pp.-620pp.). Revised and Enlarged by Professor C. A. Goodrich. With the Addition an Orthoepic Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names (Vol.2; 621pp.-648pp.). Introductory Essay on the Philosophy of Language and General Grammar (Vol.2; 166pp.), by Sir John Stoddart. And a Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing (Vol.1; 111pp.), by Henry Noel Humphreys. In 2 vols. London: William Mackenzie, [1857.] A New Edition Corrected, Improved, and Enlarged, by Thomas Heber Orr. [d00636-300883] 2141 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 ロンドン版 1891 年 1 巻 背革装 ¥21,600 Webster,Noah Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language. Being the Authentic Edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Comprising the Issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884, Now Throughly Revised and Enlarged Under the Supervision of Noah Porter, D. D., LL.D. With a Voluminous Appendix. London: Geroge Bell & Sons, / Springfield: G. & C. Merriam & Co., 1891. [d00720-300971] 1903 年 1 巻 再版 総革装 ¥32,400 Webster,Noah Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language. Being the Authentic Edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Comprising the Issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884, Thoroughly Revised and much Enlarged Under the Supervision of Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D. With a Voluminous Appendix. To which is Now Added A Supplement of Twenty-Five Thousand Words and Phrases W. T. Harris, PH.D., LL.D. London: George Bell & Sons, / Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1903. Reprinted. [d00719-300970] 2142 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 ロンドン版 2143 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 ロンドン版 1924 年 2 巻 7 刷 背革装 ¥32,400 Webster,Noah Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Based on the International Dictionary of 1890 and 1900. Now Completely revised in all Departments. Including also a Dictionary of Geography and Biography. In 2 vols. Editor in Chief: W. T. Harris, Ph.D., LL.D. General Editor: F. Sturges Allen. London: G. Bell & Sons, / Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1924. Seventh impression. [d00721-300972] 2144 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 1910 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥21,600 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Based on the International Dic177 tionary of 1890 and 1900. Now Completely Revised in All Departments Including also A Dictionary of Geography and Biography, Being the Latest Authentic Quarto Edition of the Merriam Series. W. T. Harris (Editor in Shief), F. Sturges Allen (General Editor). Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., / Tokyo: Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha, 1910. [d00615-300862] 2145 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 1928 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥21,600 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Based on the International Dictionary of 1890 and 1900. Now Completely Revised in all Departments Including also a Dictionary of Geography and Biography, being the Latest Authentic Quarto Edition of the Merriam Series. Editor in Chief by W. T. Harris, PH.D.,LL.D., General Editor by F. Sturges Allen. Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., / Sold by Maruzen Co., 1928. [d00711-300962] 2146 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第 2 版 1951 年 2 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. Utilizing all the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. In 2 vols. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A. Knott, General Editor. Paul W. Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1951. [d00653-300902] 2147 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第 2 版 1938 年 1 巻 インディアペーパー クロース装(改装) ¥27,000 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. An Entirely New Book. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A.Knott, General Editor. Paul W.Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield; G. & C. Merriam Co., 1938. India Paper. [d00331-300573] 2148 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第 2 版 1953 年 1 巻 クロース装 ¥27,000 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. Utilizing All the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson (Editor in Chief), Thomas A. Knott (General Editor), Paul W. Carhart (Managing Editor). Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1953. Second edition. [d00616-300863] 2149 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第 2 版 1955 年 1 巻 クロース装 ¥27,000 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. Utilizing All the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson (Editor in Chief), Thomas A. Knott (General Editor), Paul W. Carhart (Managing Editor). Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1955. Second edition. [d00617-300864] 2150 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第 2 版 1958 年 1 巻 クロース装 ¥27,000 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. Utilizing all the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A. Knott, General Editor. Paul W. Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1958. [d00654-300903] 2151 N.ウェブスター 「政治・文学・道徳 論文集」 1843 年 1 巻 総革装 Webster,Noah A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral Subjects. Webster & Clark, 1843. [aj202-300228] 2152 「ウェブスター辞書の系譜」 早川 勇 (著) ペーパー装・非売品 製作:辞游社, 2004 年 (私学研修福祉会助成刊行物) ¥61,710 New York: ¥12,960 [d00144-300229] 2153 「ウェブスター小学英語辞典」 1873 年 1 巻 背合皮、クロース装 ¥6,480 Webster,William G. & Wheeler,William A. A Primary School Dictionary of the English Language. Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Synonymous. With an Appendix Containing Various Useful Tables. Mainly Abridged from the Latest Edition of the American Dictionary of Noah Webster, LL.D., Illus178 trated with more chan Two Hundred Engravings on Wood. Taylor & Co., 1873. [d00748-301000] New York & Chicago: Ivison, Blakeman, 2154 「19 世紀英語辞典復刻集成」 第 1 期 第 1~5 巻 2000 年 全 5 巻 復刻版 外函、クロース装 [監修]: 永嶋大典 ゆまに書房, 2000. Facsimile edition. ¥108,000 Walker,John A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language. In which Not only the Meaning of every Word is clearly explained, and the Sound of every Syllable distinctly shown, but wher Words are subject to diferent Pronunciations, the Reasons for each are at large displayed, and the preferable Pronunciation is pointed out. To which are Prefixed, Principles of English Pronunciation; In which The Sounds of Letters, Syllables, and Words, are critically investigated, and systematically arranged; the Rules for Pronouncing are so classed and disposed as to be easily applicable to the most difficult Words; and the Analogies of the Language are so fully shown as to lay the Foundation of a consistent and rational Pronunciation. Likewise Rules to be observed by the Natives pf Scotland, Ireland, and London, for avoiding their respective Peculiarities; and Directions to Foreigners for acquiring a Knowledge of the Use of this Dictoinary. The Whole Interspersed with Observations, PHilological, Critical, and Grammatical. London: Sold by G. G. J. and Robinson, 1791. Piozzi,Hester Lynch British Synonymy. Vol.I & II. Or, An Attempt at Regulating the Choice of Words in Familiar Conversation. Inscribed, with Sentiments of Gratitude and Respect, to such of her Foreign Friends as have made English Literature their peculiar Study. In 2 vols. London: Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1794. Webster,Noah A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. In which Five Thousand Words are added to the number found in the Best English Compends; The Orthography is, in some instances, corrected; The Pronunciation marked by an Accnet or other suitable Directions; And the Definitions of many Words amended and improved. To which are Added for the Benefit of the Merchant, the Student and the Traveller. From Sidney's Press For Hudson & Goodwin, Booksellers, Hartford, and Increase Cooke & Co. Book-sellers, New Haven, 1806. Worcester,Joseph E. A Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Hickling, Swan and Brewer, 1860. In 5 vols. [d00643-300890] センチュリー英語辞典 2155 「センチュリ-英語辞典」 7 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥43,200 The Century Dictionary. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. In 7 vols. Prepared under superintendence of William Dwight Whitney. Revised and enlarged under the Superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith. 名著普及会, 1980. Revised and Enlarged Edition. [d00217-300243] 2156 「ニュー・センチュリー英語辞典」 3 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥54,000 Emery,H. G. & Brewster,K. G. The New Century Dictionary of the English Language. Based on matter selected from the original Century Dictionary and entirely rewritten, with the addition of a great amount of new material, and containing the great mass of words and phrases in ordinary use. 12,000 quotations. 4,000 pictorial illustrations. In 3 vols. Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本の友社), 1995. Reprinted. [d00638-300885] 2157 「センチュリー固有名詞事典」 1 巻 復刻版 函、カバー・クロース装 ¥16,200 Smith,Benjamin E. ed. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. A Pronouncing and Etymological Dictionary of Names in Geography, Biography, Mythology, History, Ethnology, Art Archæology, Fiction, Etc., Etc., Etc. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai(名著普及会), 1984. Revised and Enlarged.(復刻版第 1 刷) [d00614-300861] 2158 「センチュリー固有名詞事典」 1 巻 復刻版第 1 刷 函・カバー、クロース装 ¥16,200 Smith,Benjamin E. ed. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. A Pronouncing and Etymological Dictionary of Names in Geography, Biography Mythology, History, Ethnology, Art Archæology, Fiction, etc., etc., etc. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai(名著普及会), 1984. Revised and Enlarged. [d00652-300901] 179 古英語・中英語辞典 2159 ミシガン大学(編) 「中世英語辞典」 製本済(クロース装): 10 冊、ペーパー装(分冊): 71 冊(合計 81 冊) ¥97,200 Middle English Dictionary. Pt.A (including "The Plan & Bibliography")-Pt.L: Rebound (10 vols.). Pt.M-Pt. Z, with "The Plan & Bibliography, Supplement I": Printed wrappers (71 vols.) 81 vols. set. University of Michigan Press, (Part A-B & Part E: University of Michigan Press, / Oxford UP.,) 1954-2001. [d00695-300946] 2160 ハリウェル 「古語・地方語辞典」 2 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,600 A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. Obsolete Phrases,Proverbs, and Ancient Customs from the Fourteenth Century. By James Orchard Halliwell. Vol.I. A-I. / Vol.II. J-Z. 2 vols. New York; AMS Press Inc., 1973. First AMS edition. [d00432-300673] 2161 Bessinger,Jr,J. B. ¥3,240 A Short Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. In a Normalized Early West-Saxon Orthography. University of Toronto Press, 1967. Reprinted. [d00663-300912] 2162 Schulze,Ernst Gothisches Glossar. Mit einer Vorrede von Jacob Grimm. n.d. [d00768-301020] ¥32,400 Magdeburg: Verlag von Emil Baensch, 語源辞典 サミュエル・モーランド旧蔵・書込み有 1 巻 総革装 ¥270,000 Skinner,Stephano Etymologicon linguae anglicanae, seu explicatio vocum anglicarum etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex linguis duodecim; Anglo-Saxonica… Runica… Franco-Theotisca… Danica… Belgica… Teutonica recentiori… Cambro-Britanica… Franco-Gallica… Italica… Hispanica… Latina… Graeca… Authore Stephano Skinner. Londini: typis T.Roycroft & prostant venales apud H.Brome [et al.], 1671. [d00037-300037] 2163 スキナー 「英語語源辞典」 2164 スキナー 「英語語源辞典」 1 巻 総革装 ¥216,000 Skinner,Stephano Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, seu explicatio vocum anglicarum etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex linguis duodecim; Anglo-Saxonica… Runica… Franco-Theotisca… Danica… Belgica… Teutonica recentiori… Cambro-Britanica… Franco-Gallica… Italica… Hispanica… Latina… Graeca… Authore Stephano Skinner. Londini: Typis T.Roycroft & prostant venales apud H.Brome [et al.], 1671. [aj854-102215] その他英語に関する辞典 2165 「英語熟語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Dictionary of Idiomatic English Phrases. Specially Designed for the Use of Japanese Students. 白井 練一(出版人) Tokyo: Kyoyekishosha(共益商社書店他・発売), 1888.(明 21.) [d00750-301002] 2166 「英語熟語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 Dixon,James Main Dictionary of Idiomatic English Phrases. Nelson and Sons, 1906. [d00744-300996] ¥4,320 London, Edinburgh & New York: T. 2167 J.オウグルビィ & C.アナンデール(編) 「英語辞典」 1 巻 新版 総革装 ¥19,440 Ogilvie,John / Annandale,Charled The Student's English Dictionary. Literary, Scientific, Etymological and Pronouncing. New Edition. Thoroughly Revised and Greatly Augmented. Edited by Charles Annandale. With Extensive Appendices. Comprising List of Names in Fiction, Mythology, &c. Key to Literary Allusions; List of English Authors, with Date; Pronouncing List of Classical and Scriptual Names; Foreign Words and Phrases; Moneys, Weights, and Measures of the World; Abbreviations; Mathrmatical, Astronomical, Chemical, and other Signs, &c. &c. Illustrated by Nearly Eight Hundred Engravings on Wood. London: Blackie & Sons, 1902. New Edition. [d00676-300927] 180 2168 J.オウグルビィ & C.アナンデール(編) 「インペリアル英語辞典」 4 巻 新版 背革装 ¥64,800 Ogilvie,John / Annandale,Charles The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language. A Complete Encyclopædic Lexicon, Literary, Scientific and Technological. New Edition. Carefully Revised and Greatly Augmented. Edited by Charles Annandale. With above Three Thousand Ilustrations Printed in the Text and Aa Series if Engraved and Coloured Plates. In 4 vols. London: The Gresham Publishing Co., 1904. New Edition. [d00697-300948] 2169 C.リチャ-ドソン 「英語辞典」 2 巻 総革装 Richardson,Charles A New Dictionary of the English Language. In 2 vols. ering, 1836 & 1837. First edition in book form. [d00329-300570] ¥97,200 London: William Pick- 2170 ウォーカー 「発音辞典」 2 巻合本 1 冊 クロース装 ¥21,600 Walker,John A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language; [with] A Key to the Classical Pronuncation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. In which, not only the Meaning of Every Words is Clearly Explained, and The Sound of Every Syllable Distinctly Shown, But, Where Words are Subject to Different Pronunciations, The Authorities of Our Best Pronouncing Dictionaries are Fully Exhibited, The Reasons for each are at Large Displayed, and the Preferable Pronunciation is Pointed Out. To which are Prefixed, Principles of English Pronunciation: In which the Sounds of Letters, Syllables, and Words, are Critically Investigated, and Systematically Arranged; The Influence of the Greek and Latin Accent and Quantity, on the Accent and Quantity of the English, is Throughly Examined, and Clearly Defined; and the Analogies of the Language are so Fully Shown as to Lay the Foundation of a Consistent and Rational Pronunciation. Likewise, Rules to be observed by the Natives of Scotland, Ireland, and London, for avoiding their respective Peculiarities; and Directions to Foreigners, for Acquiring a Knowledge of the Use of this Dictionary. The whole Interspersed with Observations, Etymological, Critical, and Grammatical. [A Key to the...]: To which are Deede, Terminational Vocabularies of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Proper Names: with Observations on the Greek and Latin Accent and Quantity. With an Wxplanation of the Proper Names-Critical Notesand other Important Emendations, by the Rev. W. Trollope,M.A. 2 vols. in 1. London: Printed at the Caxton Press, / London: Fisher, Son, & Jackson, n.d. [1834.] / 1836. [d00717-300968] 2171 ワイルド 「英語辞典」 1 巻 9 刷 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Wyld, Henry Cecil ed / Partridge, Eric app The Universal Dictionary of the English Language. An original compilation giving all pronunciations in simplified and in more exact phonetic notations, extensive etymologies, definitions, the latest accepted words in scientific, technical, and general use, with copious illustrative phrases, and colloquialisms. Edited by Henry Cecil Wyld. With an Appendix by Eric Partridge. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited. 1957. Ninth Impression. [d00709-300960] 2172 Annandale, Charles ¥16,200 The New Gresham Dictionary of the English Language. With Supplement by William Keith Leask, J.R.Ainsworth-Davis & John Dougall: also Sundry Useful Addenda. The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd. 1925 [d00297-300538] 2173 「コンサイス標準英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 Fernald,James C. The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language. Designed to Give the Orthography, Pronunciation, and Meaning of about 28,000 Words and Phrases in the Speech and Literature of the English-Speaking Peoples. 500 Pictorial Illustrations. Abridged from the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of the English Language. New York & London: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1913. [d00749-301001] 2174 「英語連語辞典」 3 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥43,200 Kjellmer,Göran A Dictionary of English Collocations. Based on the Brown Corpus. Vol.1: Numerals, A-Grades / Vol.2: Gradient-Proxy / Vol.3: Prussia-Zurich In 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. [d00650-300899] 2175 「英語連語辞典」 3 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥43,200 Kjellmer,Göran A Dictoinary of English Collocations. Based on the Brown Corpus. In 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. [d00702-300953] 181 2176 「現代英語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 Lazarus,Arnold/ Andrew MacLeish/ H.Wendell Smith Modern English. and Language. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1971. [L02617-604477] ¥5,400 A Glossary of Literature 2177 「英語文体辞典」 1 巻 函、クロース装 ¥12,960 Reum,Albrecht A Dictionary of English Style. Published with the Cooperation of A.H.J.Knight, Trinity College, Cambridge. 附「活用の手引き」 (11pp.) 名著普及会, 1984. 復刻版. Originally published by Verlagsbuchhandlung J.J.Weber, Leipzig, 1931. [L01683-602831] 2178 Saussy III,George Stone The Oxter English Dictionary. Uncommon Words Used by Uncommonly Good Writers. & Bicester: Facts on File, 1984. [L01219-602984] ¥3,450 New York 2179 「英語‐フィンランド辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 Tuomikoski,Aune & Slöör,Anna Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja (English-Finnish Dictionary). [Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia 212. OSA] Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1973. [d00681-300932] 2180 「オーストラリア口語英語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥3,450 Wilkes,G.A. A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms. London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. First published in Great Britain. [L01029-603687] 2181 「イースト・アングリア語彙集」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Forby,Robert The Vocabulary of East Anglia. Originally Published in 1830 (F.B.Nichols and Son, London). In 2 vols. Devon: David & Charles Reprints, 1970. [d00317-300558] 2182 F.グロウス 「地方語彙集」 1 巻 新版 厚紙装 ¥21,600 Grose,Francis A Provincial Glossary; With a Collection of Local Proverbs, and Popular Superstitions. London: Printed for Edward Jeffery, 1811. A New Edition, Corrected. [d00692-300943] 2183 F.グロウス 「地方語彙」 1 巻 総革装 ¥32,400 Grose,Francis A Provincial Glossary: With a Collection of Local Proverbs, and Popular Superstitions. The Second Edition, Corrected, and Greatly Enlarged. London: S. Hooper, 1790. Second edition. [LKK564-606001] 2184 F.グロウス 「英国地方語彙」 1 巻 厚紙装 ¥21,600 Grose,Francis A Glossary of Provincial and Local Words Used in England. To which is now first incorporated. The Supplement, by Samuel Pegge, Esq. F.S.A. London: John Russell Smith, 1839. [LKK566-606002] 2185 「サセックス方言辞典」 1 巻 2 版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Parish,W. D. A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. And Collection of Provincialisms in Use in the County of Sussex. Lewes: Farncombe & Co., 1875. Second edition. [d00687-300938] 2186 J.ライト(編) 「英国方言辞典」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or knowm to have been in use during the last two hundred years. Founded on the Publications of the English Dialect Society and on a Large Amount of Material Never Before Printed. In 6 vols. Oxford UP, 1981. Reprinted photographically in Japan. [d00395-300637] 2187 J.ライト(編) 「英国方言辞典」 6 巻 1/2 革装 ¥86,400 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary. Being the Complete Vocabulary of All Dialect Words Still in Use, or Known to have been in use During the Last Two Hundred Years. Founded on the Publications of the English Dialect Society and on a Large amount of Material Never before Printed. In 6 vols. London: Published by Henry Frowde, Amen Corner. E.C., 1898-1905. [d00735-300987] 2188 クレイギィ & ハルバート(編) 「米語辞典」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Craigie,William A. & Hulbert,James R. eds. A Dictionary of American English on Historical Principles. Compiled at The University of Chicago. Under the Editorship of Sir William A. Craigie and James R. Hulbert. In 4 vols. London: The University of Chicago Press, 1938-1944. [d00701-300952] 182 2189 「アメリカ用語辞典」 3 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Thornton,Richard H. An American Glossary. Being an Attempt to Illustrate Certain Americanisms Upon Historical Principles. Vol.I: A-L. With an Introduction by Margaret M. Bryant. / Vol.II: M-Z. / Vol.III: Edited by Louise Hanley. In 3 vols. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1962. [d00651-300900] 2190 H.ウェントワース 「アメリカ方言辞典」 1 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥8,640 名著普及会(Meicho-Fukyu-Kai Publishing Co., Wentworth,Harold American Dialect Dictionary Ltd.), 昭 56.(1981.) 翻刻版第 1 刷(Reprinted). [d00389-300631] 2191 ファーマー&ヘンリイ 「俗語辞典」 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Farmer,J. S. & Henley,W. E. ed. A Dictionary of Slang. An Alphabetical History of Colloquial, Unorthodox, Underground and Vulgar English. Compiled and Edited, with a Prefatory Note by John S. Farmer. Three Hundred Years of Colloquial, Unorthodox and Vulgar English. Complete and unabridged with over 20,000 entries, including synonyms in French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Book 1: A-K. / Book 2: L-Z. In 2 vols. Wordsworth Editions Ltd, 1987. [d00689-300940] 2192 ファーマー&ヘンリイ 「俗語辞典」 7 巻 復刻版 函、クロース装 ¥32,400 Farmer, John. S. & W. E. Henley compile and ed. Slang and Its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of all Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. In 7 vols. n.d. Senjo edition, reprinted from the edition of 1890-1903. [d00338-300580] 2193 「南部アメリカ英語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 Hendrickson,Robert Whistlin' Dixie. A Dictionary of Southern Expressions. [Facts On File Dictionary of American Regional Expressions, vol.1] New York: Facts On File, 1993. [L01185-601425] 2194 Radford,Edwin Unusual Words. And How They Came About. ¥5,400 New York; Philosophical Library, 1946. [L03351-605194] 2195 Ware,J.Redding ¥5,400 Passing English of the Victorian Era. A Dictionary of Heterodox English, Slang, and Phrase. Wakefield: EP Publishing, 1972. Republished (first published in London by George Routledge & Sons, 1909). [L02255-603584] 2196 「アメリカ・スラング辞典」 1 巻 ¥5,400 Wentworth,Harold / Flexner,Stuart Berg (comp.) Dictionary of American Slang. With a Supplement. New York: Thomas Y.Crowell Co., 1967. [L02578-603653] 2197 R.ネアズ 「シェイクスピアと同時代作家語彙」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 A Glossary; or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, Etc., Which Have Been Thought to Require Illustration, in the Works of English Authors, Particularly Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. A New Edition, with Considerable Additions both of Words and Examples, by James O.Halliwell and Thomas Wright. In 2 vols. London; Gibbings and Company, Limited, 1901. [d00433-300674] ラテン語辞典 2198 「ラテン語-ドイツ語辞典」 1 巻 9 版 背クロース装 ¥6,480 Blase,Heinrich & Reeb,Wilhelm & Hoffmann,Otto F. A. Heinichens Lateinisch-Deutsches Schulwörterbuch. Neubearbeitung. Mit einem Abriss der Lateinischen Lautgeschichte, Wortbildung und Bedeutungsentwicklung, Sowie der Römischen Literaturgeschichte. Leipzig & Berlin: Verlag und Druck von B. G. Teubner, 1917. Neunte Auflage. [d00679-300930] 2199 「ラテン語-ドイツ語辞典」 1 巻 改訂 3 版 1/4 革装 ¥8,640 Petschenig,Michael Stowassers Lateinisch-Deutsches Schul und Handwörterbuch. Einleitung und 183 etymologischer Teil neu bearbeitet von Franz Sfutsch. Wine: F. Tempsky, / Leipzig: G. Freytag, 1910. Dritte, umgearbeitete Auflage. [d00761-301013] 2200 「中世ラテン語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥17,280 Niermeyer, J.F. comp. Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus. Lexique Latin Médiéval-Français/Anglais (A Medieval Latin-French/English Dictionary). Perficiendum Curavit C. Van de Kieft. Abbreviationes et Index Fontium Composuit C. Van de Kieft. Adiuvante G. S. M. M. Lake-Achoonebeek. Editio Photomechanice Iterata. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1984. [d00559-300806] 2201 「ラテン語-フランス語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥25,920 Quicherat,L./ Daveluy,A. Dictionnaire Latin - Français. Rédigé sur un nouveau plan. Avec un Vocabulaire des noms géographiques, mythologiques et historiques par L.Quicherat. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1872. Vingt-sixième tirage. [ds1119-602761] 2202 M.H.ラヴィエ 「ラテン語-ベトナム語辞典」 1 巻 (本文言語:ラテン語・ベトナム語) クロース装 ¥54,000 Ravier,M. H. Dictionarium Latino-Annamiticum Completum et novo ordine dispositum. cui accedit Appendix, preæcipuas voces proprias cum brevi explicatione continens. Ninh Phú, Ex typis missionis tunquini occidentalis. Ninh Phú, 1880. [d00549-300795] 2203 「羅仏辞典」 1 巻 総革装 ¥17,280 Rothomagi & Parisiis Dictionarium Universale Latino-Gallicum. Ex Omnibus Latinitatis Autoribus Summa Diligentia Collectum: Cum Variis multarum quæ vulgò Synonymæ videntur, Latinarum Vocum Differentiis ad Usum Ser mi Dombarume Principis. Rothomagi & Parisiis, 1765. Quarta-decima Editio aucta & emendata. [d00673-300924] 2204 「フランス語‐ラテン語彙集」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥5,400 Sommer,E. Lexique Français-Latin. A L'Usage des Classes Élémentaires. Extrait du Dictionnaire Français-Latin de L. Quicherat et Augmenté des Principaux Noms Historiques et Géographiques. Nouvelle Édition Entièrement Refondue par Émile Chatelain. Paris; Librairie Hachette et Cie. 1886. [d00478-300719] 2205 「イタリア‐ラテン・ラテン‐イタリア語語彙辞典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Vol.I: Vallaurius,ThomasLexicon Latini Italique Sermonis.In Usum Scholarum. Novum in Ordinem Digestum Atque Emendatum. Editio Decima Quinta. Recognovit Thomas Vallaurius. In 2 vols. Napoli: J. B. Paravita et Soc. [1851.] Vol.II: Vallauri,Tommaso Vocabolario Italiano-Latino. Ad Uso delle Scuole. Riordinato e Corretto. Quindicesima Edizione Riveduta e Accresciuta da Tommaso Vallauri. Napoli: Ditta G. B. Paravia ,e Comp., [1852.] [d00544-300790] スペイン語辞典 2206 「スペイン語辞典」 3 巻 背革装 ¥32,400 Alonso,Martín Enciclopedia del Idioma. Diccionario Histórico y Moderno de la Lengua Española (Siglos XII al XX) Etimológico, Tecnológico, Regional e Hispanoamericano. 3 vols. Tolle,Lege, / Aguilar, 1968. Primera reimpresión. [d00453-300694] 2207 「現代スペイン語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥5,400 Alonso,Martín Diccionario del Español Moderno. Léxico Modernísimo para el Despacho del Profesional, la Oficina, la Universidad y el Hogar. 109.000 Voces Usuales y Modernas 34.000 Neologimos no Incluidos en los Diccionarios Actuales. Aguilar, 1979. Sexta edición. [d00466-300707] 2208 「スペイン語類義語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 Barcia,Roque Barcia Gran Diccionario de Sinónimos Castellanos. Compuesto sobre la base del Diccionario completo de Roque Barcia. Prólogo del Profesor Avelino Herrero Mayor. Buenos Aires; Ediciones Joaquín Gil, 1960. Segunda reimpresión. [d00459-300700] 2209 「西伊熟語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥5,400 Carbonell, S. Dizionario Fraseologico Completo Italiano-Spagnolo e Spagnolo-Italiano. Parte 184 Spagnola-Italiana. "Parte Italiano-Spagnolo" lacking. Milano; Editore Ulrico Hoepli, 1981. [d00469-300710] 2210 「スペイン語イデオロギー辞典」 1 巻 2 版 合皮装 ¥3,240 Casares,Julio Diccionario Ideológico de la Lengua Española. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, S. A., 1959. Segunda Edicion, Puesta al Dia (6. a Tirada) [d00525-300771] 2211 「スペイン語使用頻度辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥10,800 Juilland,Alphonse / Rodriguez,E. Chang Frequency Dictionary of Spanish Words. [The Romance Language and Their Structures. Directed by Alphonse Juilland. First Series S1] London・The Hague・ Paris; Mouton & Co, 1964. [d00456-300697] 2212 「基礎スペイン語辞典」 1 巻 復刻初版 ペーパー装 Lara,Luis Fernando (dirigido) Diccionario Básico del Español de México. 1991. Primera reimpresión. [d00531-300777] ¥3,240 El Colegio de México, 2213 「漢西綜合辭典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 Mateos,Fernando/ Otegui,Miguel/ Arrizabalaga,Ignacio Diccionario español de la lengua china. Preparado por Fernando Mateos, S.J., Miguel Otegui, S.J., Ignacio Arrizabalaga, S.J. en el instituto Ricci. Madrid; Espasa-Calpe, S.A., 1977. [d00458-300699] 2214 「アメリカ語法辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 Morínigo,Marcos A. Diccionario Manual de Americanismos. Dirección, Textos, Prólogo y Bibliografía de Marcos A. Morínigo. Buenos Aires; Muchnik Editores, 1966. [d00454-300695] 2215 「アメリカ語法・印欧語法新辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥9,720 Morínigo,Marcos A. Nuevo Diccionario de Americanismos e Indigenismos. Versión actualizada por Marcos Alberto Morínigo Vázquez-Prego. Editorial Claridad, 1998. [d00462-300703] 2216 「図解スペイン・ユパ-ユパ・スペイン語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥6,480 Vegamian,P. Felix Ma de Diccionario Ilustrado Yupa Español-Español Yupa. Con Onomastica y Apuntaciones Gramaticales. Venezuela: Caracas, 1978. [d00527-300773] 2217 「スペイン語語彙集」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥12,960 Vigon,Braulio Vocabulario Dialectologico del Concejo de Colunga. Edición preparada por Ana María Vigón Sánchez. Patronato 《Menéndez y Pelayo》 Instituto 《Miguel de Cervantes》 , Revista de Filologia Española. Anejo LXIII. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1955. [d00534-300780] 2218 「西‐独 独‐西辞典」 合本 1 冊 2 版 総革装 ¥32,400 Wagener,Juan Daniel Diccionario de Faltriquera, ó Sea Portátil Español-Aleman y Aleman-Español. Tomo Primero que Contiene el Diccionario Español-Aleman aumentado con muchísimas voces importantísimas que no se encuentran en los otros Diccionario shasta ahora publicados. 2 vols. in 1. Berlin: Se Hallará, 1808-1809. Zweiter band. [d00665-300916] 2219 「類義語・反義語判別辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥4,320 Zainqui,J. M.a Diccionario razonado de sinónimos y contrarios. La palabra justa en el momento justo. Barcelona; Editorial De Vecchi, S.A. 1979. 3,a Edicion. [d00461-300702] 2220 「アズーリ・スペイン語辞典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 Diccionario Asuri de la Lengua Española. Prólogo de Antonio Tovar de la Real Academia Española. 2 tomos. Asuri de ediciones, s.a. 1986. [d00470-300711] 2221 「スペイン語辞典」 2 巻 クロース装 Diccionario de la Lengua Española. 2 tomos. Edición. [d00457-300698] ¥12,960 Madrid; Real Academia Española, 1984. Vigésima 2222 「スペイン語辞典」 1 巻 19 版 総革装 Diccionario de la Lengua Española. Edición. [d00770-301022] ¥8,640 Madrid: Real Academia Española, 1974. Decimonovena 185 2223 「オクスフォード・デュデン西英・英西図解辞典」 1 巻 The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Spanish-English Dictionary. ¥5,400 Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1985. [d00464-300705] 2224 アルバート・バーテル 「現代 英・仏・独 会話」 1 巻 六合館 1888 年 1 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 The Modern Linguist, or Conversations in English, French, and German; Preceded by Rules for the Pronunciation of German, a Copious Vocabulary, and a Selection of Familiar Phrases; and Followed by Models of Receipts, Bills of Exchange, Letters, Notes, Tables of the English, French and German Coins, and of English and French Weights and Measures. Tokio & Osaka: Rikugokwan(六 合館), 1888. [aj231-300485] フランス語辞典 2225 「スピア&クヮッケンボス スピア&スレネ 仏英発音辞典 」 2 巻・合本 1 冊 背革装 ¥32,400 Spiers and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias, Etc. and from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary.…Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1872. [with] Spiers and Surenne's English and French Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc and from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary. …Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1872. 2 vols.in One. [aj208-300087] 2226 「スピア&クヮッケンボス スピア&スレネ 仏英 英仏 発音辞典 」 2 巻・合本 1 冊 背革装(改装) 改正増補版 ¥32,400 Spiers and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landais, Etc. and from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary.…Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Company, 1903. [with] Spiers and Surenne's English and French Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc and from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary. …Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1903. 2 vols.in One. [d00403-300645] 2227 「フランス語-プロヴァンス語辞典」 2 巻 Achard,Claude-François Vocabulaire Français-Provençal. I. II. Reprints. 1983. [L02672-604560] 2228 「ロイヤル仏英-英仏辞典」 2 巻 新版 1/4 革装 2vols. ¥32,400 Geneve-Paris: Slatkine ¥43,200 Boyer,M. A. Le Dictionnaire Royal, François-Anglois, et Anglois-François (The Royal Dictionary, French and English, and English and French); Tiré des Meilleurs Auteurs qui ont Écrit dans ces Deux Langues; Autrefois Composé á L'Usage de feu S. A. R. le duc de Gloucester, par M. A. Boyer. Rendue grammaticale par l'Addition du Régime á tous les Mots qui le comportent, et soigneusement revue, corrigée, et augmentée d'un très-grand Nombre de Mots et de Phrases; des Termes Géographiques; de plusieurs Idiotismes; de différentes Constructions et Façons de parler, tant 186 Françoises qu'Angloises; de la Conjugaison des Verbes Irréguliers; et d'une Table et des Règles pour la Formation de tous les Temps des Verbes Réguliers; par Louis du Mitand. In 2 vols. Á Londres: Chez F. C. et J. Rivington; et al. 1816. Nouvelle Edition. [d00765-301017] 2229 Jaubert,M.le Comte ¥32,400 Glossaire Centre de la France. Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie Centrales de Napoléon Chaiz et Cie, 1864. Deuxième édition. [L02308-601626] 2230 「フランス語辞典」 2 巻 1/4 革装 ¥21,600 Hatzfeld,Adolphe & Darmesteter,Areène Dictionnaire Général de la Langue Française. Du Commencement du XVIIe Siècle Jusqu'a nos Jours. Traité de la Formation de la Langue. Et Contenant: 1. la Prononciation Figurée des mots; 2. Leur Étymologie; Leur Transformations Successives, avec Renvoi aux Chapitres du Traité qui les Expliquent, et L'Exemple le Plus Ancien de leur Emploi; 3. Leur Sens Propre, Leurs Sens Dérivés et Figurés, dans L'Ordre a la fois Historique et Logique de leur Développement; 4. Des Exempes Tirés des Meilleurs Écrivains, avec Indication de la Source des Passages Cités. Avec le Concours de M. Antoine Thomas. Ouvrage Ayant Obtenu le Prix Jean Reynaud D'Une Valeur de 10,000 Francs. In 2 vols. Paris: Librarie Ch. Delagrave, n.d. [d00758-301010] 2231 「新フランス語辞典」 1 巻 20 版 1/4 革装 ¥12,960 Noël,M. & Chapsal,M. Nouveau Dictionnaire de la Langue Française. Enrichi D'Exemples Tirés des Meilleurs Écrivains des Deux Derniers Siècles, et Dans Lequel on Trouve les Étymologies, la Prononciations, des Définitions Claires et Précises, Toutes les Acceptions Propres et Figurées des Mots, L'Indication de Leur Emploi Dans les Différents Genres de Styles; Les Termes Propres aux Sciences, aux Arts, aux Manufactures; Un Vocabulaire Géographique; les Synonymes; La Conjugaison de Tous les Verbes Irréguliers, et des Verbes Réguliers qui Peuvent Embarrasser; Le Pluriel des Substantifs Composés ou Dérivés des Langues Étrangères, etc., avec La Solution de Toutes les Difficultés que Présente Notre Langue. Paris: Maire-Nyon, / Roret, / L. Hachette et Cie., / Delalain, 1868. Vingtième Édition. [d00756-301008] 2232 「フランス語語彙集」 1 巻 背クロース装 ¥4,320 Pinloche, A. Vocabulaire Par L'image de la Langue Française. conprenant 193 planches avec 6000 figures accompagnées de leurs légendes explicatives et un vocabulaire idéologioue Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1923. [d00520-300766] 2233 「フランス語‐ギリシャ語辞典」 1 巻 8 版 総革装 数頁にインクシミ及びページ端に欠けあり ¥32,400 Planche,MM., Alexandre,MM., Defauconpret,MM. Dictionnaire Français-Grec; Sur le Plan des Meilleurs Dictionnaires Français-Latins, Enrichi d'un Vocabulaire de Noms Propres et d'une Table Très-Complete de Tous les Verbes Irrèguliers ou Difficiles. Paris: De Belin-Mandar, 1837. 8e édition. [d00668-300919] 2234 A.ポーニィ 「仏・英書簡模範集」 1 巻 総革装 ¥30,240 Models of Letters in French and English, Containing a Collection of Familiar Letters and Notes, with Their Answers, on a Variety of Subjects-2dly. Several Letters, both Elegant and Entertaining, Extracted from the most Celebrated Epistolary Writers-3dly. Introductory Remarks on the Commercial Style, with Various Specimens of Letters, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. Relative to the Mercantile Business. The Whole Designed for the Instruction and Improvement of such Young Gentlemen and Ladies as are Particularly Desirous of Acquiring the True Style and Exact Manner of French Epistolary Correspondence. By Mr.Porny. London: Printed for C.Nourse and G.Robinson, 1782. The second edition, improved. To which are Annexed Accurate Directions with Regard to the Proper form of Writing to Superiors, Equals, and Inferiors. [d00077-300089] 2235 リシュレ 「フランス語辞典」 3 巻 リヨン刊 総革装(擦れ) 一部ページムレ 第 3 巻:革装が部分欠 ¥216,000 Dictionnaire de la Langue Françoise, Ancienne et Moderne, de Pierre Richelet. Nouvelle Édition, Augmentée d’un Très-grand Nombre d’Articles. 3 vols. Lyon: Chez les Freres Duplain, 1759. [aj1166-300914] 187 2236 N.ワノストロヒト 「仏・英辞典」 1 巻 総革装 ¥21,600 Wanostrocht,Nicholas A Classical Vocabulary, French and English; To which is Added, a Collection of Letters, Familiar and Commercial, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. in Both Languages. By N.Wanostrocht. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by J.Boosey, 1783. [d00076-300088] イタリア語辞典 2237 G.バレッティ 「伊英・英伊辞典」 2 巻 総革装 ¥86,400 Dizionario Italiano, Ed Inglese (Vol.1) An English and Italian Dictionary (Vol.2). By Joseph Baretti. Prima edizione livornese, diligentemente ordinata, e corretta, ed accresciuta, d'una gran quantità di vocaboli, e d'un'appendice contenente i nomi propri degli uomini e delle donne, ed I principali nomi geografici; e d'una grammatica che faciliterà molto l'intelligenza, e la pronunzia, il parlare, e lo scrivere correttamente. Tomo I.& II. 2 vols. Livorno: G.P.Pozzolini, 1828 & 1829. [d00061-300029] 2238 G.バレッティ 「伊英・英伊辞典」 2 巻 8 版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Baretti,Giuseppe (Joseph Baretti) Dizionario delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese (Vol.I). & A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages (Vol.II). Preceduto da Una Grammatica delle Due Lingue Corretta e Migliorata, da Carlo Thomson. In 2 vols. London: Printed for C.J.G.& F. Rivington, J. Nunn, et al. 1831. The 8th edition. [d00685-300936] 2239 G.バレッティ 「伊英・英伊辞典」 2 巻 背革装 ¥38,880 A New Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, Based Upon that of Baretti, And Containing, Among other Additions and Improvements, Numerous Neologisms Relationg to the Arts and Sciences; A Variety of the Most Aproved Idiomatic and Popular Phrases; The Inflections of Irregular Verbs and the Anomalous Plurals of Substantives; The Augmentatives, Diminutives, The Degrees of Comparison; And a Copious List of Geographical and Proper Names, both Ancient and Modern. Compiled by John Davenport and Guglielmo Comelati. In 2 vols. London: Longman & Co., 1854. [d00604-300851] 2240 G.バレッティ 「イタリア語辞典」 2 巻合本 1 冊 革装 ¥108,000 Baretti's Italian Dictionary. [Dizionario Delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese: Al Quale E' Preposta Una Grammatica Delle Due Lingue. Nuova Edizione, Corretta e Migliorata, Da F. Damiani. ] [A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages: To Which is Prefixed, An Italian and Engilsh Grammar. A New Edition, Corrected and Improved by F. Damiani. ] 2 volumes in 1. Londra(London): Preffo i sigg. B. Law: etc, 1898. [aj552-300510] 2241 「新伊‐英‐仏辞典」 3 巻 2 冊 総革装 ¥12,960 Petrônj,Stéfano Egídio & Davenport,Giovanni Nuôvo Dizionário Italiáno-Inglése-Francése. Il Quále non Solamente Comprênde Tutte le Voci dei Dizionárj della Crusa e dell'Albêrti, ma Molte Anche di Quélle Finóra Dimenticáte, e Specialmente Sopra le Sciênze e le Arti; Oltracciô vi Troveranno gli Studiósi dell'Itálica Lingua I Seguênti Vantaggi: Londra: Treuttel e Würtz, Treuttel Figlio e Richter, 1828. Terza Edizióne, Corretta e Migliorata. Davenport,John & Petroj,Stefano Egidio A New Dictionary, English-Italian-French. [with] Nouveau Dictionnaire, Français-Italien-Anglais. Containing not only all the Words to be Found in the Recent Edition of Johnson, by Todd, but also Presenting the Following Advantages: London: Treuttel and Würtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter, 1828. Third Edition, Corrected and Improved. 3 vols. in 2. [d00751-301003] ギリシャ語辞典 2242 「英語‐ギリシャ語大辞典」 全 4 巻 ¥64,800 ΜΕΓΑ ΑΓΓΛΟ-ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ ΛΕΞΙΚΟΝ. ΣΥΝΤΑΧΘΕΝ ΥΠΟ ΕΠΙΤΕΛΕΙΟΥ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΩΝ, ΤΕΧΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΛΟΓΟΤΕΧΝΩΝ. ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΤΡΙΤΗ. ΤΟΜΟΣ 1; Α-D. ΤΟΜΟΣ 2; E-L. ΤΟΜΟΣ 3; M-R. ΤΟΜΟΣ 4; S-Z. 4 vols. ΑΘΗΝΑΙ; ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ "ΟΔΥΣΣΕΥΣ, n.d. [d00394-300636] 188 2243 「ギリシャ語‐フランス語辞典」 1 巻 10 版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Bailly,M. A. Dictionnaire Grec-Français. Rédigé avec le Concours de M. E. Egger. A L'Usage des Élèves des Lycées et des Collèges. Paris: Librairie Hachette, n.d. Dixième Édition Revue. [d00680-300931] 2244 「希英小辭典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥3,240 Feyerabend,Karl comp. A Pocket-Dictionary of the Greek and English Languages. Compiled by Prof. Karl Feyerabend, Ph.D., First Part: Greek-English. With an Introduction to the History of Greek Sounds. [Toussaint-Langenscheidt Method] 郁文堂書店, (Berlin: Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung,) 昭 18.(1943.) [d00736-300988] 2245 「ギリシャ語語彙辞典」 1 巻 総革装 ¥21,600 Methodum,Constantini & Reseratus,Schrevelii Thesaurus, Græcæ Linguæ, in Epitomen, sive Conpendium, Redactus; et Alphabetice. Concinnatus, & Adornatus, Studio & Industria, Gulielmi Robertson. Cujus Operâ, præter omnia Vocabula, in prioribus Schrevelianis Editionibus, eorumque permulta plenius Explicata: Octoginta, circiter, Græcorum Vocabulorum, millia, ultimæ, á D.Hill, Editioni, sunt Addita, Inserta, vel Adjecta; idque, in Manuali Lexico Græco-Latino; & Latino-Græcum, duplam circiter Partem, Auctuis etiam est Editum. Cantabrigiæ: Excudebat Johannes Hayes, Celeberrimæ Academiæ Typographus, 1676. [d00754-301006] 2246 「ギリシャ語辞典」 2 巻 1/2 革装 ¥12,960 Passow,Franz Handwörterbuch der Griechischen Sprache. Erster Band: A-K. Nebst Zweiter Band: Λ-Ω. Einem Anhange. In 2 vols. Leipzig: Rey Friedrich Christian Wilhelm Vogel, 1831. Vierte Durchgængig Verbesserte und Vielfach Vermehrte Ausgabe. [d00752-301004] ドイツ語辞典 2247 「オストフリース語に基づくドイツ語辞典」 12 巻 クロース装 ¥77,760 Buurman,Otto Hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch. Auf der Grundlage ostfriesischer Mundart. 12 vols. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1962-1975. [ds0955-600002] 2248 「古・中世ドイツ語辞典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Schade,Oskar Altdeutsches Wörterbuch. Easter Teil: A-O. Zweiter Teil: P-z. Zwiete Umgearbeitete und Vermehrte Auflage. 2vols. Heldesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969. [L02643-604525] 2249 (独)「古高ドイツ語語彙辞典」 6 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Graff, E. G. Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz, oder Wörterbuch der althochdeutschen Sprache, in welchem… etymologisch und grammatisch bearbeitet von E. G. Graff. In 6 bänden (of 7). Band 7(Alphabet Index) lacking. Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1963. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1834-1842. [d00439-300680] 2250 「古高ドイツ語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥5,400 Schützeichel,Rudolf Althochdeutsche Wörterbuch. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1974. Zweite,durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage. [L03271-605115] 2251 「古高ドイツ語辞典」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 Splett,Jochen Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Analyse der Wortfamilienstrukturen des Althochdeutschen, zugleich Grundlegung einer zukünftigen Strukurgeschichte des deutschen Wortschatzes. BandI,1: Einleitung, Worfamilien A-L. / Band I,2: Wortfamilien M-Z, Einzeleinträge. / Band II: Präfixwörter, Suffixwörter, Alphabetischer Index. In 3 vols. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1993. [d00586-300833] 2252 「中高ドイツ語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 Dr. Jelinek,Franz Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Zu den Deutschen Sprachdenkmälern Böhmens und der Mährischen Städte Brünn, Iglau und Olmütz (XIII. Bis XVI. Jahrundert). Gedruckt mit Unter189 stützung der Gesellschaft zur Förderung Deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Böhmen. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911. [d00579-300826] 2253 「古低ドイツ語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 Gallée,J.H. Vorstudien zu Einem Altniederdeutschen Wörterbuche. ¥16,200 Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1903. [L02638-604505] 2254 (独)「グリム・ドイツ語大辞典」 全 33 巻 復刻版 ペーパー装(大判・特製) 函付き ¥86,400 Grimm,Jacob & Wilhelm Deutsche Worterbuch In 33 vols. Leipzig: Verlag von S.Hirzel. n.d. Reprint-Ausgabe für Japan. Druck von J. B. Hirschfeld in Leipzig. (Nachdruck von 1854-1971). [d00501-300747] 2255 M.ハイネ 「ドイツ語辞典」 全 3 巻 背革装 函付 ¥32,400 Heyne,Moriz Deutsches Wörterbuch. 3 bds. Tokyo; Sanshusya Verlag, 1969. Reprografischer Nachdruck der 2. Auflage, Leipzig 1905,1906. [d00393-300635] 2256 (独)「ドイツ学事典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥17,280 Hofstetter,Walter & Ulrich Peters eds. Sachwörterbuch der Deutschkunde. Unter Förderung durch die Deutsche Akademie. Band I: A-J. / Band II: K-Z. Anhang: Namen- und Sachverzeichnis.Herausgegeben von Walter Hofstetter & Ulrich Peters. Tokyo: Sansyusya Publishing Co., 1976. 2 vols. [ds0606-300306] 2257 W.ジェームズ 「英-独辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥8,640 James,William Dictionary of the English and German Languages. German-English and English-German in One Volume. New York: The Macmillan Co., n.d. Forty-First Edition, Entirely Rewritten and Greatly Enlarged. [d00093-300308] 2258 「外来語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 Kienle,Richard von Fremdwörter Lexikon. ¥5,400 München: Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, n.d. [L02633-604489] 2259 (独)「ドイツ語口語辞典」 6 巻 クロース装 Küpper,Heinz Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache. 1965-1972. [d00430-300671] 6 bds. ¥27,000 Hamburg: Claassen Verlag, 2260 (独)「ドイツことわざ風慣用句辞典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 Röhrich,Lutz Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten. Mit ca.300 Abbildungen. In 2 vols. Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 1974. Dritte auflage. [d00326-300567] 2261 (独)「ザンダース・ドイツ語辞典」 4 巻 復刻版 背革装 ¥48,600 Sanders,Daniel Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Von Dr.Daniel Sanders. [with] Ergänzungs=Wörterbuch der der Deutschen Sprache. Dervollftändigung und Erweiterung aller bisher erschienenen deutsch=sprachlichen Wörterbücher (einschliesslich des Grimm'schen). Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. In 4 vols. Tokyo: Sansyusya Verlag (三修社), 1968. [d00153-300300] 2262 「英語-ドイツ語辞典」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Schröer,M.M.Arnold & P.L.Jaeger Englisches Handwörterbuch. in genetischer Darstellung auf Grund der Etymologien und Bedeutungsentwicklungen, mit phonetischer Aussprachebezeichnung und Berücksichtigung des Amerikanischen und der Eigennamen. In 3 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1937, 1960 &. 1970. [d00327-300568] 2263 「獨和他國字書大全」 1 巻 第参版 背革装 ¥21,600 Vollständigstes Deutsch - Japanisches Fremdwörterbuch. Nebst dem Anhang der Lateinischen Grammatik. Bearbeitet von Sh.Onda. 森林太郎 (序) 恩田重信 (編) Tokio: Verlag von T.Kanehara (金原書店), 1902. Dritte auflage. [d00270-300512] 2264 「デューデン ドイツ語大辞典」 8 巻 函 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 Duden. Das große Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 2., völlig neu bearbeitete und stark erweiterte Auflage, Herausgegeben und bearbeitet vom Wissenschaftlichen Rat und den Mitarbeitern der Duden190 redaktion unter der Leitung von Günther Drosdowski. In 8 Bänden. Dudenverlag, 1993-1995. [d00733-300984] 2265 W.フィーエトル 「ドイツ語発音辞典」 1 巻 改訂 2 版 クロース装 Viëtor,Wilhelm Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch. gesehene Auflage. [d00746-300998] ¥5,400 Leipzig: O. R. Reisland, 1915. Zweite, durch- ケルト語派 2266 「アイルランド語-英語辞典」 1 巻 再版 カバー、クロース装 ¥10,800 Dinneen,Patrick S., comp & ed.Foclóir Gaedilge agus Béarla. An Irish-English Dictionary. Being a Thesaurus of the Words, Phrases and Idioms of the Modern Irish Language. Compiled and Edited by Rev. Patrick S. Dinneen, M.A., New Edition, Revised and Greatly Enlarged. Dublin: The Irish Texts Society, 1953. Reprinted. (This edition first published in 1927). [d00420-300662] 2267 「ゲール語-英語辞典」 2 巻 1/2 革装 ¥162,000 The Highland Society of Scotland comp. Dictionarium, Scoto-Celticum: A Dictionary of the Gaelic Language; Comprising an Ample Vocabulary of Gaelic Words, as Preserved in Vernacular Speech, Manuscripts, or Printed Works, with their Signification and Various Meanings in English and Latin, Illustrated by Suitable Examples and Phrases, and with Etymological Remarks, and Vocabularies of Latin and English Words, with their Translation into Gaelic. To which are Prefixed, an Introduction Explaining the Nature, Objects and Sources of the Work, and a Compendium of Gaelic Grammar. Compiled and Published under the Direction of The Highland Society of Scotland. In 2 vols. Edinburhg: William Blackwood, & London: T. Cadell, 1828. [d00693-300944] 2268 「アイルランド語-英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,600 O'Reilly,Edward & John O'Donovan An Irish-English Dictionary. With Copious Quotations from the Most Esteemed Ancient and Modern Writers, to Elucidate the Meaning of Obscure Words, and Numerous Comparisons of Irish Words with Those of Similar Orthography, Sense, or Sound in the Welsh and Hebrew Languages by Edward O'reilly. With a Supplement, Containing Many Thousand Irish Words, With Their Interpretations in English, Collected Throughout Ireland, and Among Ancient Unpublished Manuscripts by John O'Donovan. Doublin: James Duffy, 1864. [d00324-300565] 2269 「アイルランド語-英語辞典」 1 巻 改訂新版 クロース装 ¥21,600 O'Reilly,Edward An Irish-English Dictionary. With Copious Quotations from the most Esteemed Ancient and Modern Writers, to Elucidate the Meaning of Obscure Words, and Numerous Compatisons of Irish Words with those of Similar Orthography, Sense, of Sound in the Welsh and Hebrew Languages. With Supplement, Containing Many Thousand Irish Words, with their Interpretations in English, Collected Throughout Ireland, and among Ancient Unpublished Manuscripts. By John O'Donovan, LL.D., M.R.I.A., These Collections Contain many Thousand Irish Words, with their Interpretations in English, Collected by the Learned author During the many Years He Devoted to this Pursuit in Unwearied Researches among Ancient Unpublished Manuscripts Throughout Ireland. Dublin: James Duffy & Sons, n.d. A New Edition, Carefully Revised and Corrected. [d00763-301015] 2270 T.リチャーズ 「ウェールズ-英語辞典」 1 巻 総革装 ¥86,400 Richards,Thomas Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ Thesaurus: Being A British, or Welsh-English Dictionary… To which if Prefixed, A Compendious Welsh Grammar, with all the Rules in English…A Large Collection of British Proverbs. Bristol: Printed and sold by Felix Farley et al.: 1753. [d00099-300148] 2271 「ケルト語辞書学資料」 ¥92,570 3 巻+1 冊「Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C.」 背革装(改装) Stokes,Whitley & Kuno Meyer eds. Archiv für Celtische Lexikographie. I.Band: 1900. (627pp.) II.Band: 1904. (504pp.) III.Band: 1907. (345pp.) p.49 through p56 ofBand.III duplicated, with no missing page. [and] Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C. Halle a.s.: Max Niemeyer, 1906. (xxxi,574pp.+ a part of section"D" (p.575-)670pp.) In 3 vols. Herausgegeben von Whitley Stokes und Kuno Meyer. Halle a.s.: Max Niemeyer, 1900-1907. [d00309-300550] 191 2272 「英語-ウェールズ語辞典」 2 巻合本 1 冊 総革装 ¥21,600 Walters,John An English and Welsh Dictionary: Wherein, not only the Words, but also, The Idioms and Phraseology of the English Language, are Carefully Translated into Welsh, by Proper and Equivalent Words and Phrases: with a Regular Interspersion of the English Proverbs, and Proverbial Expressions, Ranged in their Alphabetical Order, and Rendered by Corresponding Ones in the Welsh Tongue. To which is Subjoinde A Dissertation on the Welsh Language, Pointing out it's Antiquity, Copiousness, Grammatical Perfection, with Remarks on it's Poetry; &c. 2 vols. in 1. Gomerian Press: Dolgelley; Printed, and Published by R. Jones, 1815. The Second Edition, Carefully Corrected. [d00762-301014] 2273 「スコットランド語辞典」 10 巻 紺クロース装 ¥108,000 The Scottish National Dictionary. Designed Partly on Regional Lines and Partly on Historical Principles, and Containing All the Scottish Words Known to Be in Use or to Have Been in Use since c. 1700. 10 vols. Edinburgh; The Scottish National Dictionary Association Limited, The set was produced between 1947 and 1976. [d00367-300609] 2274 「スコットランド語辞典」 10 巻 40 冊 初版・2000 部限定版 No.1014 ペーパー装 ¥108,000 The Scottish National Dictionary. Designed Partly of Regional Lines and Partly on Historical Principles, and Containing all the Scottish Words known to be in Use or to have been in Use Since c.1700. (Vol.III, Pt.2: Compiled by Miss Dorothy B. Gordon, M.A.) 10 vols. in 40. Edinburgh: The Scottish National Dictionary Association, (Vol.III, Pt.2 & 3, Aberdeen: The Scottish National Dictionary Association,)1941‐1976. The First edition is limited to two thousand copies for Original Subscribers No.1014. [d00698-300949] 2275 ジャミーソン 「スコットランド辞典」 2 巻 2 版 総革装 ¥43,200 Jamieson,John An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language: Illustrating the Words in their Different Significations, by Examples from Ancient and Modern Writers; Shewing their Affinity to those of other Languages, and Especially the Northern; Explaining many Terms, which, though now Obsolete in England, were Formerly Common to both Countries; and Elucidating National Rites, Customs, and Institutions, in their Analogy to those of other Nations: to which is Prefixed, A Dissertation on the Origin of the Scottish Language: Carefully Revised and Collated, with all the Additional Words in the Supplement Incorporated, and their most Poputalr Significations Briefly Given: by John Johnstone. Vol.I: ABA-KUT / Vol.II: LAB-ZIG In 2 vols. Edinburhg: William Tait, 1840-1841. The Second edition. [d00769-301021] 2276 Chambers Scots Dictionary. ¥6,480 Serving as a Glossary for Ramsay, Fergusson, Burns, Scott, Galt, Minor Poets, Kailyard Novelists, and a Host of other Writers of the Scottish Tongue. Compiled by Alexander Warrack, M.A. With an Introduction and Dialect Map by William Grant, M.A., LL.D. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, Ltd., 1979. Latest Reprint. (Original Edition, 1911.) [d00700-300951] アジア・中東 2277 「コプト語辞典」 1 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Crum,W. E. A Coptic Dictionary. Compiled with the Help of Many Scholars by W. E. Crum. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1993. Reprinted from sheets of first edition 1939. [d00589-300836] 2278 「エジプト ヒエログリフ辞典」 2 巻 初版 ペーパー装 ¥5,400 Budge,E. A. Wallis An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary. With an Index of English Words, King List and Geographical List eith Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets, etc. In 2 vols. New York: Dover Publications, 1978. First published of Dover edition. [d00725-300976] 2279 「コフィンテキストにおけるヒエログリフ辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Molen,Rami van der A Hieroglyphic Dictionary of Egyptian Coffin Texts. [Probleme der Ägyptologie, Fünfzehnter Band] Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, 2000. [d00724-300975] 192 2280 「アラビア語-英語辞典」 1 巻 新版 カバー、合皮装 ¥8,640 Salmoné,H. Anthony An Advanced Learner's Arabic-English Dictionary. Including an English Index. Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1978. New Impression. [d00722-300973] 2281 「アラビア語-英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 Steingass,F. A Learner's Arabic-English Dictionary. ¥4,320 Beirut: Librairie du Liban, 1972. [d00723-300974] 2282 「現代アラビア語辞典」 1 巻 2 刷 カバー、クロース装 Wehr,Hans A Dictonary of Modern Written Arabic. Edited by J Milton Cowan. Harrassowitz, 1966. Second Printing. [d00690-300941] ¥10,800 Wiesbaden: Otto 2283 「実用サンスクリット辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥9,720 Macdonell,Arthur Anthony A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary. With Transliteration, Accentuation, and Etymological Analysis Throughout. London: Oxford UP, 1971. Reprinted. [d00567-300814] 2284 「実用サンスクリット辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥9,720 Macdonell,Arthur Anthony A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary. With Transliteration, Accentuation, and Etymological Analysis Throughout. London: Oxford UP, 1974. (First published by Oxford UP, 1963.) [d00564-300811] 2285 ベル 「英語-チベット語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 Bell,C.A. English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary. Second Edition. at Book Depot, 1920. [ds1411-605298] ¥8,640 Calcutta: The Bengal Secretari- 2286 バック 「チベット語-英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Buck,Stuart H. Tibetan-English Dictionary with Supplement. Bureau of Special Reserch in Modern Languages. [The Catholic Univ.of America Press Publications in the Languages of Asia 1] Washington,D.C.: The Catholic Univ.of America Press, 1969. [d00276-300517] 2287 チョマ・ド・ケレシュ 「チベット語-英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥10,800 De Körös,Alexander Csoma Essay Towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English. Prepared by Alexander Csoma de Körös. With the Assistance of Sangs-Rgyas Phun-Tshogs. [Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series II, vol.4] New Delhi: Manjuśrī Publishing House, 1973. Reprinted (first published in 1834). [d00280-300521] 2288 チョマ・ド・ケレシュ 「サンスクリット語-チベット語-英語辞典」 3 冊セット ¥21,600 Pt.I: クロース装 / Pt.I & II: 厚紙装 / Pt.III: ペーパー装 De Körös,Alexander Csoma Sanscrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary. (1) Part I: New Edition, Enlarged & Corrected by Anil K.Gupta. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1980. (2) Parts I & II: (bound in 1 book). Reboun. Original front covers, title pages, 'Introduction' and 'apendix' missing. (3) Part III: Being an Edition and Translation of the Mahāvyutpatti by Alexander Csoma de Körös, Edited by Durga Charan Chatterjee. [Memoirs of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol.IV, No.3] Calcutta: Printed at the Baptist Mission Press. Published by the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1944. In 3 books. [d00281-300522] 2289 H.A.イェシュケ 「チベット語-英語辞典」 1 巻 再版 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Jäschke,H.A.A Tibetan-English Dictionary.With Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects. To which is Added an English-Tibetan Vocaburary. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1972. Reprinted. [d00581-300828] 2290 バコ(編) 「チェ・リン・オウァン・ギャル チベット語-サンスクリット語辞典」 1 巻 ¥16,200 影印本 ペーパー装 Dictionnaire Tibétan-Sanscrit. Par Tse-Ring-Ouang-Gyal (Che Riṅ Dbaṅ Rgyal). Reproduction Phototypique Publiée par J.Bacot. [Buddhica: Documents et Travaux pour l'Étude du Bouddhisme. Deuxième Série: Documents-Tome II] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1930. [d00278-300519] 2291 「英印辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 Whitworth,George Clifford An Anglo-Indian Dictionary. A Glossary of Indian Terms Used in Eng193 lish, and of Such English or Other Non-Indian Terms as Have Obtained Special Meanings in India. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1885. [d00284-300525] 2292 「英語‐タミル語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥10,800 Chettiar, A. Chidambaranatha chief ed. English-Tamil Dictionary. Chief Editor; Dr. A. Chidambaranatha Chettiar. With the Foreword of Dr. A. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar, Vice-Chancelior. University of Madras, 1965. [d00382-300624] 2293 「タミル-フランス語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 Mousset et Dupuis Dictionnaire Tamoul-Français. Tome Deux. Services, 1981. Deuxieme Edition Révisée. [d00376-300618] ¥4,320 New Delhi; Asian Educational 2294 「タミル‐ロシア語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥4,320 ПУРНАМА СОМАСУНДАРА ed. ТАМИЛЬСКО-РУССКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ. Составили; А. М. ПЯТИГОРСКИЙ и С. Г. РУДИН. Под редакцией; ПУРНАМА СОМАСУНДАРА. С приложением краткого очерка грамматики тамильского языка, составленного М. С. АНДРОНОВЫМ. Около 38 000 слов. Москва; ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО. ИНОСТРАННЫХ И НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ СЛОВАРЕЙ. 1960. [d00384-300626] 2295 「ウィンスロウ 英語‐タミル語辞典」 1 巻 厚紙装 ¥5,400 Winslow, M. /S. Hutchings /J. Knight /L. Spaulding Winslow's English-Tamil Dictionary. Third Edition Revised, Enlarged and Romanized C. Appaswamy Pillai. New Delhi; Asian Educational Services, 1984. Third AES Reprinted. First Pubished: 1888 (3rd Edn.). [d00374-300616] 2296 「ウィンスロウ タミル‐英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 Winslow's a Comprehensive Tamil and English Dictionary. New Delhi; Asian Educational Services, 1979. AES Reprint, First published 1862. [d00379-300621] 2297 「リフコ 英-英-タミル語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 The Great Lifco Dictionary [English-English-Tamil]. 1985. Twelfth Edition. Reprinted. [d00383-300625] ¥4,320 Madras, Trichy; The Little Flower Co., 2298 「ビルマ語-英語辞典」 4 巻 ペーパー装 ¥21,600 A Burmese-English Dictionary. Part I. Compiled by J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. With the Assistance of Kin Maung Lat. (London: Luzac & Co., 1940. xvi,40pp.) Part II. Compiled under the Direction of J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn and Hla Pe. (Published under the auspices of the Univ.of Rangoon by Luzac & Co., London, 1950. vii,41-120pp.) Part III. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn, Hla Pe and H.F.Searle. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1955. vi,121-200pp.) Part IV. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. Revised and Edited by Hla Pe, H.F.Searle and A.J.Allott. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1963. 201-280pp.) 4 vols. [d00247-300487] 2299 「ビルマ語-英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Judson's Burmese-English Dictionary. Unabridged, Centenary Edition. As Revised and Enlarged by Robert C.Stevenson and Rev.F.H.Eveleth. Rangoon: Baptist Board of Publications, 1953. [d00287-300528] 2300 「タイ語-英語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、厚紙装 ¥16,200 McFarland,George Bradley Thai-English Dictionary. Tokyo; Daitōa Syuppan Kabusiki Kaisha(大 東亜出版), 昭 19.(1944.) Reprinted. [d00343-300585] 2301 「ラオス語-フランス語辞典」 1 巻 1/4 革装 Guignard,Théodore Dictionnaire Laotien-Français. ¥32,400 Hong Kong: Imprimerie de Nazareth, 1912. [d00757-301009] 2302 「シャン語-英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Cushing,J.N. A Shan and English Dictionary. Westmead (England): Gregg International Publishers, 1971. Republished from 1914 edition, published by American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon. [d00285-300526] 194 2303 「シャム-仏-英辞典」 1 巻 1/4 革装 ¥86,400 Pallegoix,D. J. B. Dictionnaire Siamois-Français-Anglais (Siamese-French-English Dictionary). Revu par J. L. Vey (Revised by J. L. Vey). Bangkok: Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1896. [d00767-301019] 2304 「ドイツ語-ベトナム語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 Ferkinghoff,Klaus ed. Deutsch-Vietnamesisches Wörterbuch. 1962. [ds1211-600995] ¥7,770 Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2305 「マノボ語-英語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 Elkins,Richard E. Manobo-English Dictionary. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.3] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1968. [ds1193-600923] 2306 「英語-マオリ語辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥10,360 Ngata,H.M. English-Maori Dictionary. Whanganui ā Tara: Te Pou Taki Kōrero / Wellington: Learning Media, 1994. Second impression. [ds1289-602436] 2307 「デフ語-英語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥6,910 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.6. Dehu-English Dictionary by D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. [ds1272-603997] 2308 「英語-デフ語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥6,910 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.7. English-Dehu Dictionary by D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. [ds1273-603998] 2309 「ネンゴネ語-英語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥12,960 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.9. Nengone Dictionary, Part 1: Nengone-English by D.T.Tryon and M.-J.Dubois. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1969. [ds1274-603999] 2310 「トアリピ語-英語辞典 (A to Mer)」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥6,910 Oceania Linguistic Monographs. No.11 A Dictionary of Toaripi with English-Toaripi Index, Part 1: Toaripi-English, A to Mer, (pp.1-188) by H.A.Brown. Australia: Univ.of Sydney, 1968. [ds1236-604011] 2311 「グラジェ語(エチオピア)語源辞典」 3 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 Leslau,Wolf Etymological Dictionary of Gurage (Ethiopic). Vol.I: Individual Dictionaries. Vol.II: English-Gurage Index. Vol.III: Etymological Section. In 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1979. [d00570-300817] 2312 「アッシリア語辞典」 16 巻(全 21 巻) クロース装 ¥54,000 Gelb,Ignace J. et al. (ed.) The Assyrian Dictionary. Of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Editorial Board Ignace J. Gelb, Benno Landsberger, A. Leo Oppenheim, Erica Reiner. 16 of 21 vols. The Oriental Institute, / J. J. Augustin-Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1959-1984. A(part I), B, G, H, Z: Third printing. / K: Second printing. [d00594-300841] 2313 「新トルコ語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥12,960 Thomson,H. M. Türkce-Ingilizce Yeni Lugat (New Turkish-English Dictionary). 25000 kelimeyi muhtevidir. Istambul: Kanaat Kutuphanesi, 1932. [d00683-300934] 2314 「レパント語-イゴロット語-カンカナイ語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥21,600 Vanoverbergh,Morice A Dictionary of Lepanto Igorot or Kankanay. As it is spoken ar Bauco. [Collection Internationale de Monographies Linguitsique, Bibliothèque Linguistique -Anthropos-, Tome XII Band] Österreich: Verlag der Internationalen Zeitschrift "Anthropos", 1933. [d00684-300935] 中国語辞典 2315 クヴルール(著) 「華羅辞典」 2 巻・1 冊 厚紙装(改装) ¥92,570 Couvreur,S.(Séraphin) Dictionarium Sinicum & Latinum ex Radicum Ordine dispositum. Dis195 positum, Selectis Variorum Scriptorum Sententiis Firmatum ac Illustratum. 河間府): ex Missione Catholica, 1892. [aj343-704884] Ho Kien Fou (河北省 2316 「賢文書 (Hien Wun Shoo)」 1 巻 3/4 革装 ¥92,570 Davis, John Francis comp. Chinese Moral Maxims, With a Free and Verbal Translatioin; Affording Examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. London: John Murray. Macao: China, Printed at the Honourable Company’s Press, by P P Thoms, 1823. First and only edition. [aj327-704881] 2317 「厦英大辭典」 1 巻 3/4 革装 ¥108,000 Douglas, Carstairs Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, with the Principal Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects. New Edition, with Corrections by the Author. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1899. [aj328-704883] 2318 ジャイルズ (著) 「華英辞典」 2 巻・4 冊 第 2 版 クロース装(改装) ¥162,000 Giles,Herbert A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 2 parts, 4 books. Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, & Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh / London: Bernard Quaritch, 1912. [aj344-704885] 2319 R.H.マシューズ (著) 「華英辞典」 2 巻 背革装 ¥108,000 Mathews, R. H. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Compiled for the China Inland Mission. Shanghai; China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, /London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd., 1931. [with] English Index together in 2 vols. Shanghai; China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, 1931. [d00369-300612] 2320 楊聯陞・趙元任(合編) 「國語字典」 1 巻 5 刷 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Chao,Yuen Ren & Yang,Lien Sheng Concise Dictonary of Spoken Chinese. The Harvard-Yenching Institute, / Harvard UP., 1962. (First printing 1947.) Fifth printing. [d00738-300990] 2321 「粤英-英粤辭典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 Huang,Parker Po-fei Cantonese Dictionary. Cantonese-English, English-Cantonese. and London: Yale UP., 1970. [d00739-300991] ¥8,640 New Haven 2322 「求解作文両用 英漢模範字典」 1 巻 増訂本 クロース装 ¥2,160 Model English-Chinese Dictionary. With Illustrative Examples. (編輯者: 張世鎏、平海瀾、厲志雲、 陸學煥) China: The Commercial Press, 1949.(中華民国 38 年) New and Revised Edition.(増訂第 96 版) [d00737-300989] 2323 「華英-英華辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Dictionary of Spoken Chinese. Compiled by the Staff of The Institute of Far Eastern Languages Yale University. New Haven and London: Yale UP., 1966. [d00740-300992] 2324 「中国仏教用語辞典」 1 巻 再版 クロース装 ¥8,640 Soothill,William Edward & Hodous,Lewis (comp.) A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms. With Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index. Delhi, Varanasi, Patna: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977. Reprinted. [d00646-300893] アイヌ語辞典 2325 ジョン・バチェラー 「アイヌ。英。和辭典 及 アイヌ語文典」 1 巻 第 2 版 ¥64,800 著者識語入献呈本 クロース装 Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language.) Tokyo: Published by the Methodist Publishing House(教文館), London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1905. Second Edition. [aj219-704868] 2326 ジョン・バチェラー 「アイヌ。英。和辭典 及 アイヌ語文典」 1 巻 第 2 版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Lan196 guage.) Tokyo: Published by the Methodist Publishing House(教文館), London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1905. [aj218-300341] 2327 ジョン・バチェラー 「アイヌ。英。和辭典」 北海道札幌 大正十五年 第 3 版 ¥27,000 Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. Tokyo: Published by the Kyobunkan(教 文館), London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1926. [with] Appendix to the Third Edition of Dr.Batchelor's Ainu Dictionary. 1932. [aj220-300342] 2328 ジョン・バチェラー 「アイヌ。英。和辭典」 1 巻 北海道札幌 大正十五年 第 3 版 著者識語入署名本 クロース装 別冊補遺付 Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1926. Third Edition. ¥54,000 Tokyo: Kyobunkan(教文館), / London: [d00771-707698] 2329 赤木三兵 (編) 「アイヌ語小辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 アイヌ語 対 和語 山音文学会, 昭 49, 再版. ¥5,400 [d00251-300490] その他外国語辞典 2330 「英語-ラトビア語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 Raškevičs, J. & M.Sosāre English-Latvian Dictionary. ¥8,640 Sia Apgāds 《Kuvibuha-5》、Riga, 1993. [L01957-602803] 2331 「ドイツ語-ラトビア語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥6,480 Celmrauga,I / A.Plēsuma/ A.Straube Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch. 4. Auflage, neubearbeitet und ergänzt Ungefähr 22000 Wörter. Riga《Avots》, 1984. [L01954-600590] 2332 「セルビア・クロアチア-英語辞典」 1 巻 3 版 カバー、クロース装 ¥8,640 Benson,Morton SerboCroatian-English Dictionary. (Srpkohrvatsko-Engleski Rećnik.) With the Collaboration of Biljana Šljivić-Šimšić. Cambridge UP., 1996. Third edition. Reprinted. [d00708-300959] 2333 「新露仏独英辞典」 1 巻 改定第 4 版 背革装 ¥12,960 Reiff,Ch. Ph. Neue Parallel-Wörterbücher der Russischen, Französischen, Deutschen und Englischen Sprache; In vier Theilen, nach den Wörterbüchen der Russischen Akademie, der Französischen Akademie, von Adelung, Heinsius, Johnson, Spiers und Andern. Dritter Theil. Deutschen Wörterbuch. Erflärung der Deutschen Wörter durch dasRussische, das Französische nd das Englische. Karlsruhe, Leipzig, St.Petersburg, Paris, 1866. Vierte, neu bearbeitete und sehr vermehrte Auflage. [d00672-300923] 2334 「英-蘭 蘭-英辞典」 1 巻 13 版 函、クロース装 ¥6,480 Duinen,R. Van Campagne's Engelsch Woordenboek. S-Hertogenbosch: L. C. G. Malmberg, 1934. Dertiende Druk. [d00591-300838] 2335 Jansonius,H. Groot Nederlands-Engels Woordenboek voor Studie en Practijk. Supplement. (補遺のみ) den: Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1959. [L02840-604448] 2336 Jansonius,H. Technisch Engels Woordenboek. Nederlands-Engels en Engels-Nederlands. (補遺のみ) Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1965. [L02841-604449] 2337 「スウェーデン語‐英語辞典」 1 巻 改訂 2 版 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 Lei- ¥4,320 Leiden: ¥3,240 Reuter,O. R. Swedish-English Dictionary. Prepared by O. R. Reuter. With the Assistance of Uno Cronwall, Rudolp Lofgren and others. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1966. Second revised edition. (First published in Great Britain in 1956.) [d00745-300997] 197 2338 「ロマンス諸語語源辞典」 1 巻 5 版 クロース装 ¥12,960 Diez,Friedrich Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen. Mit Einem Anhang von August Scheler. Bonn: Bei Adolph Marcus, 1887. Fünfte Ausgabe. [d00759-301011] 2339 「ユニバーサル語源辞典」 1 巻 1/4 革装 ¥64,800 Whiter,Walter Etymologicon Magnum, or Universal Etymological Dictionary, on a New Plan. With Illustrations Drawn from Various Languages: English, Gothic, Saxon, German, Danish, &c. &c. Greek, Latin,-French, Italian, Spanish,-Galic, Irish, Welsh, Bretagne, &c. The Dialects of the Sclavonic; and The Eastern Languages, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Sanscirt, Gipsy, Coptic, &c. &c. Cambridge: Printed by Francis Hodson, for the Author; and sold by J. Deighton: 1800. [d00766-301018] 2340 「デンマーク語辞典」 2 巻 背クロース装 ¥21,600 Dahl,B.T. / H.Hammer Dansk Ordbog for Folket. Første Bind: A-L.. Andet Bind: M-Ø. Udarbejdet af B.T. Dahl, H.Hammer Under Medvirkning af Hans Dahl.2vols. København of Kristiania, Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, 1907. 1914. [L01913-600774] 2341 「デンマーク語辞典」 28 巻 クロース装 ¥86,400 Dahlerup,Verner Ordbog over det Danske Sprog. Udgivet af det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. Grundlagt af Verner Dahlerup. [28.Bind]: Poul Lindegård Hjorth: Vejledning I brug af Ordbog over det danske Sprog. Liste over Forkortelser m.m.In 28 vols. Gyldendal, 1981-1983. [d00619-300866] 2342 「デンマーク語辞典」 1 巻 背クロース装 ¥4,320 Lund,G.F.V. Det Æloste Danske Skriftsprogs Ordforråd. Ordbog Til De Gamie Danske Landskabslove, de Sønderjyske Stadsretter Sant Øvrige Samtidige Sprogmindesmærker. benhavns Universitets fond til Tilvejebrincelse af Læremidler, 1967. [L01985-602096] Kø- 2343 「デンマーク語‐英語辞典」 1 巻 総革装 ¥64,800 Wolff,Ernst En Dansk og Engelsk Ord-Bog. Sammenskrevet af Ernst Wolff, Medlem af det höylovlige Land-Huus-holdnings Saelskab udi Kiöbenhavn, og Kiöbmand i London. London: Frys, Couchman, og Collier, 1779. [d00497-300743] 2344 「新ミカエリス図解ポルトガル語‐英語辞典」 1 巻 13 版 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 (第 2 巻:「ポルトガル語‐英語辞典」のみ / 第 1 巻「英語‐ポルトガル語」は欠) Novo Michaelis Dictionário Ilustrado. Volume II. Português-Inglês. Amplo vocabulário moderno, Frases idiomáticas. Brazil: Edições Melhoramentos / Germany: F. A. Brockhaus, 1973. 13.a edição. [d00422-300664] 2345 「新ミカエリス小辞典 英語-ポルトガル語 ポルトガル語-英語」 1 巻 厚紙装 Pequeno Dicionário Michaelis. Inglês-Português/Português-Inglês. ¥3,240 Edições Melhoramentos, 1980. [d00418-300660] 2346 「現代ポルトガル語事典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 Sá da Costa ed. Moderno Dicionário das 8000 Palavras. Sá da Costa Juvenil. 1982. [d00419-300661] ¥2,160 Sá da Costa Editora, 2347 「ポルトガル語実用図解辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥4,320 Lello,José & Lello,Edgar (edição actualizada e aumentada) Dicionário Prático Ilustrado. Novo Dicionário Enciclopédico Luso-Brasileiro Publicado Sob a Direcção de Jaime de Séguier. 2,026 páginas Mais de 100,000 vocábulos Cerca de 6,000 gravuras a preto Centenas de reproduções de obras de arte, a preto 26 mapas a cores e 184 a preto 30 estampas a cores, incluindo 10 com reproduções de quadros célebres Um atlas a cores de Portugal e Brasil. Porto: Lello & Irmão-Editores, 1979. [d00537-300783] 2348 「ポルトガル語動詞辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 Nogueira,Rodrigo de Sá Dicionário de Verbos Portugueses Conjugados. Editora, / A. M. Teixeira & C.a (Filhos), 1945. [d00678-300929] 2349 「ポルトガル語実用図解辞典」 1 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥6,480 Lisboa: Livraria Clássica ¥8,640 Seguier,Jaime De Dicionário Prático Ilustrado. Novo Dicionário Enciclopédico Luso-Brasileiro Pub198 licado sob a Direcção de Jaime de Séguier. Edição Actualizada e Aumentada por José Lello e Edgar Lello. Porto: Lello & Irmão, 1972. [d00421-300663] 2350 「新ポルトガル語大辞典」 [新縮約版] 2 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥21,600 Silva,António de Morais Novo Dicionário Compacto da Lingua Portuguesa. Edição Compacta do Texto Fundamental do Grande Dicionário da Lingua Portuguesa de António de Morais Silva. 2 vols. Lisboa: Confluência, 1961. Segundo a 10.a Edição Revista, [d00424-300666] 2351 「ポルトガル語-英語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Taylor,James L. A Portuguese-English Dictionary. Revised. With Corrections and Additions by the Author and Priscilla Clark Martin. Stanford, California; Stanford University Press, 1975. Fourth printing. [d00358-300600] 2352 「ポルトガル語語源辞典」 第 2 巻 1 巻 1/4 革装 ¥4,320 Nascentes,Antenor Dicionário Etimológico da Língua Portuguêsa. Tomo II (Nomes Próprios). Com prefácio de Serafim Silva Neto. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Francisco Alves, / Libraria Academica, / Libros de Portugal, Livraria S. Jose, 1952. [d00760-301012] 2353 「英語‐ハンガリー語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 László,Országh & Magay,Tamás Angol Magyar Nagyszótár. English-Hungarian Dictionary. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1998. [d00405-300647] 2354 「イディッシュ語辞典」 4 巻 クロース装 ¥48,600 Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language. 4 vols. Editors in chief: Judah A.Joffe and Yudel Mark. N.Y.: Yiddish Dictionary Committee, 1961-1980. [d00248-300488] 2355 (アフリカ)「サンバー語語彙集 」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥4,320 Yukawa,Yasutoshi (湯川恭敏) A Classified Dictionary of the Sambaa Language. [アジア・アフリカ 基礎語彙集 15] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京 外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所, 1984. [L01428-603778] 2356 「仏‐トゥアレグ語辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Cortade,Frère Jean-Marie Lexique Français-Touareg. Dialecte de L'Ahaggar. Avec la collaboration de Mouloud Mammeri. [Institut des Sciences Humaines Travaux du Centre de Recherches Anthropologiques Préhistoriques et Ethnographiques Alger] Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1967. [d00659-300908] 2357 L.P.C.フォーコルド(編) 「トゥアレグ-仏語大辞典」 全 4 巻揃 クロース装 ¥43,200 De Foucauld,Le Père Charles Dictionnaire Touareg-Français. Dialecte de L'Ahaggar. In 4 vols. Imprimerie Nationale de France, 1951-1952. [d00662-300911] 人名・地名辞典 2358 「チェインバース世界地名事典」 1 巻 1/2 革装 Chambers's Concise Gazetteer of the World. Topographical, Statistical, Historical. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, Ltd., n.d. [d00675-300926] ¥8,640 London & 2359 「地名語源辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Charnock,Richard Stephen Local Etymology: A Derivative Dictionary of Geographical Names. London: Houlston and Wright, 1859. [d00688-300939] 2360 「リッピンコット世界地名辞典」 1 巻 改訂版 総革装 ¥16,200 A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary of the World. Containing a Notice and the Pronunciation of the Names of Nearly One Hundred Thousand Places. With Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Cities, Toens, &c., in Every Portion of the Globe. Revised Edition, with an Appendix. Containing Nearly Ten Thousand New Notices and the most Recent Statistical Information, According to the Latest Census Returns, of he United States and Foreing Countries. [Lippincottt's Pronouncing Gazetteer. Revised Edition.-1866.] 199 Thomas,J. & Baldwin,T. eds. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1871. Revised Edition. [d00764-301016] 2361 S.ルイス 「英国地誌辞典」 4 巻 1/2 革装 ¥216,000 Lewis,Samuel A Topographical Dictionary of England, Comprising the Several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate and Market Towns, Parishes, Chapelries, and Townships, and the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Man, with Historical and Statistical Descriptions; Illustrated by Maps of the Different Counties and Islands; A Map of England, Shewing The Principal Towns, Roads, Railways, Navigable Rivers, and Canals; and A Plan of London and its Environs; and Embellished with Engravings of the Arms of the Cities, Bishopricks, Universities, Colleges, Corporate Towns, and Boroughs; and of the Seals of the Several Municipal Corporations. In 4 vols. London: Published by S. Lewis and Co., 1831. [aj1120-300898] 2362 「コンサイス英国人名辞典」 3 巻 クロース装 The Concise Dictionary of National Biography. From earliest times to 1985. In 3 vols. 1997. Reprint. [d00437-300678] ¥32,400 Oxford UP, 2363 「英語‐ウェールズ語人名辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥12,960 Bardsley,Charles Wareing A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames. With Special American Instances. Revised for the Press by his Widow. London: Henry Frowde, 1901. [d00682-300933] 2364 「スコットランド人名辞典」 1 巻 再版 クロース装、カバー有 ¥21,600 Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. Their Origin, Meaning, and History. The New York Public Library, 1946. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the N.Y. Public Library, August 1943 - September 1946. [aj550-101781] 2365 「ロングマン 20 世紀人名辞典」 1 巻 クロース装 ¥4,320 Briggs,Asa et.al.eds. Longman Dictionary of 20th Century Biography. Consultant Editor: Asa Briggs. Editors: Alan Issacs & Elizabeth Martin. Longman, 1985. First published. [L01153-600447] 2366 Gottschald,Max ¥8,640 Deutsche Namenkunde. Unsere Familiennamen nach ihrer Entstehung und Bedeutung. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1971. Vierte Auflage mit einem Nachwort und einem bibliographischen Nachtrag von Rudolf Schützeichel. [ds1358-601206] 2367 「人物伝記事典」 2 巻 初版 クロース装 ¥4,320 Grimal,Pierre Dictionnaire des Biographies. Publié Sous la Direction de Pierre Grimal. Avec la Collaboration de J. Ardoino, Dr P. Astruc, P. M. Bouju, J. Colomés, M. Daumas, J. Defradas, le R. P. G. Folliet, A. Goléa, J. Gouillard Mme A. Higounet, Ch. Higounet, H. Lemaitre, J. M. Leroux, P. Minet, J. I. Murcia, R. Pitrou, Y. Renouard, P. Riché, R. Taton, Mlle A. Tétry, Mlle F. Vivier. Tome Premier A á J / Tome Second K á Z. In 2 vols. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1958. 1re édition. [d00526-300772] 2368 Latham,Edward A Dictionary of Names Nicknames and Surnames. Of Persons Places and Things. George Routledge & Sons Ltd, New York; E.P.Dutton & Co., 1904. [L03394-605237] ¥5,400 London; 2369 ローズ 「一般人名辞典」 12 巻 背革装 ¥54,000 Rose, Hugh James A New General Biographical Dictionary, Projected and Partly Arranged by the late Hugh James Rose. In Twelve Volumes. London: B. Fellowes, Ludgate Street; F. J. Rivingston; E. Hodgson; G. Lawford; J. M. Richardson; J. Bohn et al., 1848. [01889-102036] その他 2370 「ナポレオン事典」 1 巻 函・カバー、クロース装 ¥10,800 Tulard,Jean Dictionnaire Napoléon. Sous la direction de Jean Tulard. Publié avec le concours du Centre national des Lettres. Paris: Fayard, 1987. [d00522-300768] 200 2371 「中世ドイツ文学事典」 全 5 巻 函付 青クロース装 ¥16,200 Stammler,Wolfgang & Karl Langosch hrsg. Die Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon. Unter Mitarbeit Zahlreicher Fachgenossen. Bd.3; Begründet von Wolfgang Stammler. In 5 vols. 三修社, n.d. Reprinted. [d00406-300648] 2372 「ハイドン年代辞典」 1 巻 23 版 総革装 ¥16,200 Vincent,Benjamin Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Relating to all Ages and Nations. London: Ward, Lock & Co., 1904. Twenty-Third Edition. [d00677-300928] 神話・伝承に関する辞典 2373 「英国諸島における信仰と伝承 記述的歴史事典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 Faiths and Folklore of the British Isles. A Descriptive and Historical Dictionary. of the superstitions, beliefs, and popular customs of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, from Norman times to the end of the nineteenth century, with Classical and foreign analogues. 2 vols. Bejamin Blom, 1965. Reprint of the 1905 edition. [d00436-300677] 2374 「古代ヨーロッパ神話事典」 1 巻 函 ¥19,440 Haussig, Hans Wilhelm hrsg. Götter und Mythen im Alten Europa. Unter Mitarbeit von Jonas Balys, José Miguel de Barandiarán, Haralds Biezais, José-Maria Blázquez, … Helmut Voigt, Werner Vycichl. [Wörterbuch der Mythologie. Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. herausgegeben von H.W.Haussig. Erste Abteilung. Die Alten Kulturvölker. Band II] Stuttgart; Ernst Klett Verlag, 1973. [LS0363-606663] ことわざ辞典 2375 「常套句・諺小辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥12,960 Correas,Gonzalo Vocabulario de Refranes y Frases Proverbiales (1627). Texte établi, annoté présenté par Louis Combet. Ouvrage Publié Avec le Concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institut D'Études Ibériques et Ibéro-Américaines de L'Université de Bordeaux. 1967. [d00451-300692] 2376 「ジネール名句辞典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥16,200 Díaz,José Luis y González,Vicente Enciclopedia de Frases Giner. Selección y Ordenación: José Luis Díaz y Vicente González. 2 vols. Madrid; Ediciones Giner, 1967. [d00452-300693] 2377 Reinirkens,Hubert ¥8,640 Sprichwörter und Redensarted. Deutsch-Japanisch. Kotowaza to Seigo「諺と成語」. Gesammelt von Huber Reinirkens. Tokyo & Neudruck, 1955. 1966. [L02586-604424] 2378 「成語選譯」 1 巻 2 刷 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 Lai,T. C. Selected Chinese Saying. Translated and annotated. Hong Kong: University Book Store, 1973. Second printing. (First edition 1960.) [d00741-300993] 2379 「16-17 世紀 イギリス諺辞典」 1 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,600 Tilley,Morris Palmer A Dictionary of The Proverbs in England. In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. A Colloection of the Proverbs Found in English Literature and the Dictionaries of the Period. Tokyo: Hon-no-Tomosha (本の友社), 2002. Reprinted. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1950.) [d00772-301023] 用語辞典 2380 「ストラウド司法用語辞典」 4 巻 3 版 クロース装 ¥21,600 Burke,John (general ed.) & Peter Allsop (Assistant general ed.) Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of 201 Words and Phrases. 4 vols. London; Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 1952. 1953. Third edition. [d00356-300598] 2381 「海軍百科事典」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 De Chesnel,Le Comte Dictionnaire des Armées de Terre et de Mer, Encyclopédie Militaire et Maritime. …Illustré dans le Texte de Plus de 1200 Gravures au Trait… par M.Jules Duvaux, et Contenant Diverses Cartes Géographiques et Planches. 2 vols. Paris: Armand le Chevalier, 1862-1864. [d00289-300530] 2382 Leguina,D. Enrique De Glosario de Voces de Armería. Apuntes Reunidos por D. Enrique De Leguina. Felipe Rodriguez, 1912. [d00542-300788] ¥32,400 Madrid: Librería de 2383 「現在及び過去の海洋言語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥8,640 Leitão,Comandante Humberto Dicionário da Linguagem de Marinha Antiga e Actual. Com Colaboração do Comandante José Vicente Lopes. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Históricos Ultramarions, 1963. [d00533-300779] 2384 Paxton,John Everyman's Dictionary of Abbreviations. [Everyman's Reference Library] Sons, 1975. Reprinted. [L01214-602603] ¥3,450 London: J.M.Dent & 2385 「シェフズ・コンパニオン(調理用語事典)」 1 巻 ¥3,450 Riely,Elizabeth The Chef's Companion. A Concise Dictionary of Culinary Terms. Illustrated by David Miller. New York: Van Nastrand Reinhold Co., 1986. [A CBI Book] [L00592-602857] 2386 Tempest,Paul compile ¥16,200 Lag's Lexicon. A Comprehensive Dictionary and Encyclopædia of the English Prison of To-Day. London; Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1950. First published. [L03371-605214] 2387 「フランス語法事典」 1 巻 背革、マーブル厚紙装 ¥21,600 Viani,Da Prospero Dizionario di Pretesi E di Pretese Voci e Forme Erronee della Lingua Italiana. Composto Da Prospero Viani. Con Una Tavola di Voci e Maniere Aliene o Guaste. Con Postille Di Francesco Prudenzano. Napoli: Giuseppe Marghieri Editore, 1858. [d00543-300789] 言語学辞典 2388 Sebeok,Thomas A. (General ed.) ¥25,920 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics. Tome 1: A-M, [and] Tome 2: N-Z, [and] Tome 3: Bibliography. [Approaches to Semiotics. 73] 3 vols. Mouton de Gruyter, 1986. [L00714-603101] 2389 「英語文体論辞典」 1 巻 初版 カバー、クロース装 Wales,Katie A Dictionary of Stylistics. [Studies in Language and Linguistics] published. [L01134-603561] ¥6,910 Longman, 1989. First 2390 「国際言語学百科事典」 4 巻 クロース装 Bright,William (ed.in chief ) International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. 1992. [L00356-300804] In 4 vols. ¥21,600 Oxford UP., 2391 「国際言語学百科事典」 4 巻 2 版 カバー、クロース装 Frawley,William (Editor in Chief) International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. UP., 2003. Second Edition. [d00710-300961] In 4 vols. 2392 Collinge,N.E. ed. An Encyclopaedia of Language. ¥64,800 Oxford ¥16,200 Routledge, 1990. First published. 2393 「言語学用語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 [L02269-600691] ¥4,320 Marouzeau,Jules Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. 202 [Collection Geroges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner,1951. 3 Édition augmentée et mise a jour. [lk0141-604150] 2394 「言語学用語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 Marouzeau,Jules Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Geroges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1951. 3 Éditon Augmentée et mise a jour. [L03028-604687] 2395 「言語学用語辞典」 1 巻 ペーパー装 ¥3,240 Marouzeau,J. Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Georges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1961. 3e Édition Augmentée et Mise a Jour. Nouveau Tirage. [d00620-300867] 2396 「ラテン詩語寶典」 1 巻 9 版 1/4 革装 ¥12,960 Quicherat,L. Thesaurus Poeticus Linguæ Latinæ. In Quo Universa Vocabula a Poetis Latinis Usurpata. Collegit, Digessit, Explicavit L. Quicherat. Ouvrage Autorisé par le Conseil de L'Instruction Publique. Paris: Librairie de L.Hachette et Cie., 1861. Neuvieme Tirage. [d00753-301005] ビブリオグラフィー 2397 Hansel,Johannes ¥3,240 Bücherkunde Für Germanisten. Wie sammelt man das Schrifttum nack dem neuesten Forschungsstand? Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1959. [L02645-604526] 辞 典 <和 書> 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1/2 革(改装) ¥86,400 紀元二千五百三十三年 明治六年十二月 東京新製活版所 天野芳次郎藏版(改装本) An English-Japanese Pronouncing Dictionary, With an Appendix Containing a Table of Irregular Verbs, and A List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Tokio: Shinsei-Quats-Pan-Sho(新製活版 所), 明 6. (1873.) Fourth Edition Revised. [wd0356-707608] 2398 「改正増補 和譯英辭書」 2399 「大正増補 和訳英辭林」 3/4 革装 明治十八年十二月刻成 京阪 二書房鐫 ¥21,600 An English-Japanese Pronouncing Dictionary. With an Appendix Containing a Table of Irregular Verbs, Tables of Money, Weight, and Measure, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1871. Fourth Edition Revised. [wd0336-707259] 3/4 クロース、マーブル厚紙装(改装) ¥43,200 An English-Japanese Pronouncing Dictionary. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1871. [wd0367-707637] 2400 「大正増補 和譯英辭林」 2401 Doll,Louis W.(監修) 三輪武久・鈴木幸久(共編) 「米語辭典」 帯・ペーパー装 ¥4,320 A Dictionary of Current American Usage. ドクター・オブ・フィロソフィー Louis W. Doll マスター・ オブ・アーツ三輪武久・鈴木幸久. 語学出版社, 昭 22. (初版.) [wd0008-705963] 203 2402 Ehmann,P. 「ことわざ・比喩表現事典」 クロース装 ¥21,600 Die Sprichwörter und Bildlichen Ausdrücke der Japanischen Sprache. Gesammelt, Übersetzt und Erklärt. Tokyo: Druck der Tokyo Tsukiji Type Foundry (東京築地活版製造所), 1897. [wd0332-707255] 2403 Hepburn,J.C. 米國 平文先生(著) 「和英英和語林集成」(簡約版) 2 版 クロース装 ¥21,600 A Japanese-English and Englsh-Japanese Dictionary. Abridged by the Author. Tokyo: Z. P. Maruya & Co.(丸善商社書店), / Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh, / London: Trübner, 明 20. (1887.) Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. [wd0376-707692] 2404 Hepburn,J.C. 米國 平文先生(著) 「改正増補 和英英和語林集成」 ¥64,800 日本東京 丸善商社藏版 第 4 版 明治 21 年 1/2 革装 A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary. Tōkyō: Z. P. Maruya & Co., / Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong & Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, / London: Trübner & Co., 明 21. (1888.) Fourth edition. [wd0351-707603] 2405 Hepburn,J.C. 米國 平文先生(著) 「改正増補 和英英和語林集成」 ¥86,400 日本東京 丸善株式会社藏版 第 7 版 明治 36 年 1/2 革装(改装) A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary. Tokyo: Z.P.Maruya & Co., Limited. Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong & Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, Limited. London: Trübner & Co., 1903. Seventh Edition. [d00402-300644] 2406 Hepburn,J.C. 「和英語林集成」 再版(1872 年・Second edition)の複刻版 函・クロース装 ¥32,400 A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary. 美國 平文先生編譯 一千八百七十二年 日本横濱梓行 明治五壬申新鐫 東洋文庫, 1970. 複刻版. 非売品. [wd0365-707635] (第 3 版) =復刻版= ¥21,600 講談社, 昭 49. 第 1 刷. [wd0366-707636] 2407 Hepburn,J.C. (著) 松村明(解説) 「和英・英和語林集成」 函・帯. カバー、クロース装 A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary. 2408 Hornby,A.S. & Parnwell,E.C. The Oxford English-Reader's Dictionary. 丸善, 昭 33. 第 3 刷. クロース装 ¥5,400 [we0986-705641] 2409 W.インブリ 「英和語源手引」 1887 年 クロース装 Imbrie,William Handbook of English-Japanese Etymology. & Co.(辻本秀五郎), 1887. [aj234-300357] ¥21,600 Tokyo, Osaka, & Kyoto: S.Tsujimoto 2410 Kwong Ki Chui (鄺其照) Dictionary of English Phrases with Illustrative Sentences. クロース装 ¥12,960 To which are Added some English Proverbs, and a Selection of Chinese Proverbs and Maxims; A few Quotations, Words, and Phrases, from the Latin and French Languages; A Chronological List of the Chinese Dynasties, Harmonized with the Chronology of Western Nations and Accompanied with an Historical Account of the Rise and Pall of the Different Dynasties; and Short Biographical Sketches of Confucius and of Jesus. Tokyo: The Kokumin Eigakukwai (國民英學會), 明 35. 再刷. [wd0359-707613] 2411 Kwong Ki Chui (鄺其照) Dictionary of English Phrases with Illustrative Sentences. クロース装 ¥9,720 To which are Added some English Proverbs, and a Selection of Chinese Proverbs and Maxims; A few Quotations, Words, and Phrases, from the Latin and French Languages; A Chronological List of the Chinese Dynasties, Harmonized with the Chronology of Western Nations and Accompanied with an Historical Account of the Rise and Pall of the Different Dynasties; and Short Biographical Sketches of Confucius and of Jesus. Tokyo: The Kokumin Eigakukwai (國民英學會), 再刷. [wd0360-707614] 2412 Lange,Rudolf A Text-Book of Colloquial Japanese. English Edition by Christopher Noss. 教文館, 改装本 明 36. 初版 [w2603-704900] ¥32,400 2413 佛國公教宣教師ルマレシャル(編譯) 「和佛大辭典 全」 横浜 天主堂發行 1904 年 改装 ¥32,400 Lemaréchal, J.M. Dictionnaire Japonais-Français. Tokyo; Sansaisha(三才社), / Yokohama; Max Nössler & Co.(マキス、ノスレール), 1904 (明 37). [w2814-705264] 204 2414 佛國公教宣教師ルマレシャル(編譯) 「和佛大辭典 全」 横濱・天主堂發行 1904 年 1/2 革、クロース装 Lemaréchal.J. M.Dictionnaire Japonais-Français. hama: Librairie Max Nössler & Co., 1904(明 37). Tokyo: Librairie Sansaisha(三才社), / Yoko[aj966-707040] 2415 Pagés,Léon (原著) 福島邦道(解題) 「日仏辞書」 Dictionnaire Japonais-Français. ¥32,400 クロース装 勉誠社, 1974. (元版 1862-1868 4 分冊.) ¥12,960 [w2808-705253] 2416 「パヂェス 日佛辭典」 クロース装 ¥8,640 Loén Pagés. Dictionarie Japonais-Français. (1868). Léon Pagés. Contenant: 1˚ la Transcription des et Exemples Japonais; 2˚ les Caractères. Japonais; 3˚ L'interprétation. Traduit du Dictionnaire Japonais-Portugais. Composé par les Missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jésus. Et Imprimé en 1603, a Nagasaki. (Le Japonais en caractès romains et le texte en Portugais). Et Revu Sur la Traduction Espagnole du Mème Ouvrage. Rèdigèe par un Père Dominicain. Et Imprimèe en 1630, a Manille. (Le Japonais également en Caractères romains). Publié Par Léon Pagés. Sous les Auspices. De Son Excellence Monsieur Drouyn de Lhuys. Ministre des Affaires Étrangènes. Paris. Chez Firmin Dibot Freres, Fils et C. Imprimeurs de L'institut et la Marine. Rue Jacob, 56. Au Japon. A la Procure des Missions Étrangéres. 一誠堂書店, 昭 33. 再版. [wd0211-706870] 2417 Pfeiffer,George & Louise (comp.) 小川芳男・他(訳) 「英佛和図解辞典」 厚紙装 ¥8,640 Language Through Pictures. English・French・Japanese. Compiled by George & Louise Pfeiffer. Trans by Y. Ogawa、K. Suzuki、S. Igarashi、S. Hosogai. 日本放送出版協会, 昭 25. (初版.) [コロン ビヤ大学教育学部(監修) ジョージ&ルイスファイファー(原著) 小川芳男・鈴木健郎・五十嵐新次 郎・細貝政市(訳)] [wd0012-705967] 2418 Playfair,G.M.H. The Cities and Towns of China. 共益商社書店, 明 37. 再版. A Geographical Dictionary. 1/4 革装 ¥16,200 [w2602-704899] 2419 公教宣教師 エ、ラゲ・高等學校講師 小野藤太(共編) 「佛和會話大辭典」 ¥54,000 明治 38 年 8 月刊行 3/4 革装 革傷み 表紙、裏表紙汚れ ページヤケ、シミ タイトルページに印 3 か所及び「preface」に個人印 一部ページにインク・鉛筆書込 Raguet,E. & Tōta Ono eds. Dictionnaire Français - Japonais. Précédé d'un Abrégé de Grammaire Japonaise. 印刷者:山本忠太郎 印刷所:立教學院活版部 發行所:天主公教會 Tokyo: Librairie Sansaisha (三才社) / Yokohama, Shanghai: Brême, Max Noëssler & Co. / Bruxelles: Société Belge de Librairie / Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1905. Droits de reproduction réservés. [aj1008-807958] 2420 Satow,Ernest Mason(アーネスト・サトウ) 石橋政方 (原著) Hobart-Hampden,E. M. & Par- lett,Harold G. (増補改訂) 「英和口語辞典」 (第 3 版) 函・クロース装 An English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language. Third Edition, 1904. 1985. 復刻版初版. [解説: 森岡健二・出来成訓・武内博] [wd0245-706955] ¥27,000 名著普及会, 2421 Satow,Ernest Mason(アーネスト・サトウ) 石橋政方 (原著) 「英和口語辞典」 クロース装 ¥17,280 An English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language. Complied Originally by Ernest Mason Satow(Now the Rt. Hon. Sir. E. Satow, G.C.M.G.) and Ishibashi Masakata. Fourth Edition by E.M. Hobart-Hampden, C.M.G., First Secretary & Japanese Secretary to H.M.Embassy, Tokyo, and Harold G.Parlett, H.B.M.Consul at Dairen. Rebound. 三省堂, 1919. 第 4 版. [wd0225-706904] 2422 Satow,Ernest Mason(アーネスト・サトウ)& Masakata,Ishibashi(石橋政方) comp. 「英和口語辞典」¥21,600 クロース装 An English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language. Compiled Originally by Ernest Mason Satow and Ishibashi Masakata. Revised by E. M. Hobart-Hampden, C.M.G. and Harold G. Parlett. South Pasadena: P. D. and Ione Perkins, 1943. Second American Printing, American Edition. [wd0331-707254] 2423 Vaccari,Oreste & Vaccari,Mrs. Enko Elisa 「英和會話小辭典」 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 The New Up-To-Date English-Japanese Conversation-Dictionary. (Entirely reset and greatly en205 larged.) A quick method to learn how to converse in Japanese. Language Institute), 昭 36. (1961.) 16 版. 改訂増補新組版. ヴァカーリ語学研究所 (Vaccari's [wd0015-705970] 2424 Wohlfarth,E.・小田切良太郎 (共編) 「新譯 註解和獨辭典」 クロース装 ¥12,960 Neues Japnisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Für den Schul und handgebrauch. 第四高等學校教授文學 士 小田切良太郎、第四高等學校教師 エルンスト・ウォールファールト(共編) 冨山房, 大 3. 11 版. [wd0052-706062] 2425 赤司繁太郎 「英和 陸海軍兵語辭典」 クロース装 ¥8,640 A Dictionary of English & Japanese Military & Naval Terms. 丸善株式會社, 大 12. [wd0315-707230] 2426 阿部漸・中澤文三郎・野村泰亨 (著) 「佛和新辭典」 Nouveau Dictionnaire Français et Japonais Illustrè. 2427 飯島東太郎 (編) 「新英和辞典」 ペーパー装 Hakubunkan's New English-Japanese Dictionary. 2428 井浦芳信 (編) 「国語小辞典」 Japanese Miniature Dictionary. クロース装 大倉書店, 大 4. 第 23 版. ¥4,320 [wd0339-707522] ¥16,200 博文館, 昭 16. (初版.) [wd0104-706488] 小型本 函・総革装 永岡書店, 1980. 3 版. ¥4,320 [we1082-705738] 2429 市河三喜 (編) 「新英和小辞典」 [改訂新版] 革装 Kenkyusha's New Little English-Japanese Dictionary. ¥3,240 研究社, 1971. [we0906-705561] 2430 市河三喜 (編) 「研究社 新英和小辭典」 クロース装 ¥8,640 Kenkyusha's Little English-Japanese Dictionary. 研究社辭書部, 昭 24.(初版.) [we1057-705713] 2431 市河三喜・岩崎民平(編) 「新リトル英和・和英辞典」 総革装 ¥8,640 [新英和小辞典: 改訂新版/新和英小辞典: 増訂新版] Kenkyusha's New Little English Dictionary. English-Japanese Edited by Sanki Ichikawa. Japanese-English Edited by Tamihei Iwasaki. 研究社, 1960. 第 2 版 14 刷. [we0902-705557] 2432 市河三喜・岩崎民平(編) 「新リトル英和・和英辞典」 総革装 ¥8,640 [新英和小辞典: 改訂新版/新和英小辞典: 増訂新版] Kenkyusha's New Little English Dictionary. English-Japanese Edited by Sanki Ichikawa. Japanese-English Edited by Tamihei Iwasaki. 研究社, 1960. 第 2 版. 16 刷. [we0903-705558] 2433 井上十吉 「井上和英大辭典」 クロース装 Inouye's Comprehensive Japanese-English Dictionary. ¥12,960 井上辭典刊行會, 大 15. 33 版. [wd0145-706602] 1/4 革装 ¥64,800 Dictionary of English, German, and French Philosophical Terms with Japanese Equivalents. Tokyo: Maruzen Co. (丸善), 明 45 (1912.) [wd0364-707618] 2434 井上哲次郎・元良勇次郎・中島力造(共著) 「英獨佛和 哲學字彙」 2435 今岡十一郎(編) アルトゥリ・カレーン(校閲) 「フィンランド語辞典」 クロース装 ¥8,640 Dšuitsiro Imaoka Suomalais-Japanilainen Sanakirja. (Avustanut Artturi Karén) Rajoitettu painos (500 kpl.). 日洪文化協会, 昭 38. 限定 500 部. [wd0209-706767] 2436 入江祝衛(編) 「改訂 英作文辞典」 函・クロース装 ¥12,960 A Dictionary of English Composition. (Revised Edition.) 有朋堂, 昭 46. 復刊第 15 版. [ww0304-750661] 2437 入江祝衛(編) 永嶋大典(解説) 「詳解英和辞典」 付・回顧録「辞書編纂苦心談」 ¥8,640 函・クロース装 (初版、明治 45 年、1912; 第 2 版、大正 2 年、1913 の第 2 版)の復刻版 A New English-Japanese Dictionary. 名著普及会, 1985. 第 1 刷. [wd0379-707695] 2438 入江祝衛(編)・永嶋大典(解説) 「詳解英和辞典」 付・回顧録「辞書編纂苦心談」 クロース装 第 2 版、大正 2 年版 (博育堂)の復刻. A New English-Japanese Dictionary. 名著普及会, 1985. 第 1 刷. 206 [wd0246-706956] ¥9,720 2439 岩崎民平(監修) 「研究社 現代英和辞典」 函・カバー、クロース装 Kenkyusha's Shorter English-Japanese Dictionary. 研究社, 1973. 第 1 版. 2440 上田貞治郎(纂輯) 「いろは字典 正則英語壹萬便」 Illustrated Japanese and English Vocabulary. ペーパー装 同盟館出版, 明 19. 2441 文學博士 上田萬年 「ローマ字で引く國語辭典」 増補訂正 冨山房, 大 13. 増補 34 版. ¥5,400 [we0788-705444] ¥32,400 (初版.) [wd0103-706487] クロース装 ¥8,640 [wd0371-707687] クロース装 冨山房, 明 37. 初版. 2442 上田萬年 「五十音引 西洋名數」 [wd0327-707250] ¥8,640 2443 上野恵司・相原茂(共編) 「新しい配列方式による 現代中国語辞典」 函・クロース装 ¥8,640 紀伊國屋書店, 1982. 第 1 版第 1 刷. The Inverse-Compound Dictionary of Modern Chinese. [wd0111-706522] 2444 上原訓蔵 「上原 日馬新辭典」 厚紙装 晴南社, 昭 19. 初版. [wd0373-707689] ¥3,240 2445 旺文社(編) 「エッセンシャル和英辞典」 帯・ビニール装 ¥6,480 Ōbunsha's Essential Japanese-English Dictionary. Enlarged Edition. 旺文社, 昭 38. 重版. [鳥居 正博(編集責任) 古瀬良則・佐山栄太郎・黒田巍(校閲)] [wd0016-705971] 2446 大塚高信(編) 「ポケット英英辞典」 A Pocket English-English Dictionary. ビニール装 篠崎書林, 昭 45. 再版. ¥8,640 [we0895-705550] 元装. 3/4 革装 ¥280,000 An English-Japanese Dictionary. Together with A Table of Irregular Verbs, and A List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Kanazawa in Kaga: 二千五百三十四年新鐫, 1874. (明 7.) New Edition. 2447 大屋愷合攵・田中正義・中宮誠之(藏版) 「廣益英倭字典」 [we1114-705785] 2448 岡倉由三郎 (編) 「新和英中辭典」 函・クロース装 Kenkyusha's New School Dictionary (Japanese-English). ¥5,400 研究社, 昭 11. 第 105 版. [wd0274-707024] 2449 岡本正文(編) 「支那聲音字彙」 改訂増補第二十四版 クロース装 ¥8,640 A Chinese Pronunciation Dictionary in Peking Dialect. Twentyfourth Edition Revised and Enlarged. 文求堂, 昭 2. [we0569-704950] 2450 岡本正文(編) 「支那聲音字彙」 革装 A Chinese pronunciation Dictionary in Peking Dialect. ¥4,320 文求堂書店, 明 36. 訂正再版. [wd0340-707523] 2451 岡本好次・日本エスペラント學會(編纂) 「新撰エス和辭典」 カバー、クロース装 ¥3,240 Nova Vortaro Esperanto-Japana. Tokio: Japana Esperanto-Instituto (日本エスペラント學會), 昭 8. 増補訂正第 46 版. [wd0358-707612] 2452 小川芳男(編) 「旺文社 シニア英和辞典」 函・ビニール装 Obunsha's Senior English-Japanese Dictionary. 旺文社, 昭 49. 改訂重版. ¥5,400 [we0761-705417] 2453 奥平昌高(著) 松村明(監修) 鈴木博(解題・索引) 「蘭語譯撰」 Niew Verzameld Japans en hollandsch Woordenboek. 函・1/4 クロース装 ¥10,800 臨川書店, 昭 43. [wd0186-706643] 2454 小澤覺輔(編) 「英和海事用語辭典」 クロース装 An English-Japanese Dictionary of Hydrographic Terms. 澤覺助(編)] [wd0011-705966] ¥5,400 三省堂, 昭 17. (初版.)[海軍大佐 小 2455 小幡篤次郎・小幡甚三郎(編) 「英文熟語集 全」 復刻版 別冊・竹中龍範(著): 『英文熟語集』解題(18pp.)付. 版. [wd0185-706642] 2456 川室圭吾(編纂) 「獨和反語字典 全」 厚紙帙、ペーパー装 ¥5,400 あき書房, 昭 57. (原本発行: 慶応 4 年) 復刻 ペーパー装 ¥4,320 Deutsch-Japanisches Taschenwörterbuch mit Angabe Entgegengesetzter Bedeutung. Nebst Ver207 zeichnis Ähnlich und Gleichlautender Wörter. Verfasst von K. Kawamuro. 附・同音異義詳解 kyo: Verlag der Buchhandlung T. Kanahara(金原書籍店), 明 34. (1901.) [wd0361-707615] 2457 神田乃武・他(共編) 「新譯 英和辭典」 クロース装 [編者: 神田乃武、横井時敬、高楠順次郎、藤岡市助、有賀長雄、平山信] To- ¥12,960 三省堂, 大 6. 39 版. [wd0159-706616] 2458 研究社辭書部(編) 「時事英語辭典」 カバー、厚紙装 Kenkyusha's Current English Dictionary. 研究社, n.d. (昭 23.) ¥5,400 [wd0009-705964] 2459 研究社辞書編集部(編) 「新リトル英和和英辞典」 ビニール装 ¥4,320 新リトル英和辞典[第 5 版]: 竹林滋・中尾俊夫(監修) / 新リトル和英辞典[第 5 版]: 小稲義男・村上英 二(監修) Kenkyusha's New Little English Dictionary. Kenkyusha's New Little English-Japanese Dictionary. / Kenkyusha's New Little Japanese-English Dictionary. 研究社, 1992. 合本第 14 刷. [we1099-705755] 1/4 クロース装 ¥32,400 Nouveau; Dictionnaire Français-Japonais. Renfermant Les Principaux Mots Composés et Un Grand Nombre de Locutions. Changhai: Imprimerie de la Mission Presbytérienne Américaine, 1871. 2460 好樹堂(譯) 「官許 佛和辭典」 [wd0333-707256] 2461 小久保定之助 「英和會話寶鑑」 クロース装、天金 ¥12,960 An English-Japanese Manual of Conversation. 寶文館, 大 13. 増訂改版 30 版. [wd0372-707688] 2462 呉大五郎 及 鄭永邦 編著 從六位 島田胤則 校閲 「日漢英語言合璧」 改装本 ¥54,000 明治三十四年 一部ページに鉛筆及びインク書込あり An English Chinese and Japanese Conversation. Tokyo, 1901. 4th edition. 4 版 三鬼堂(印刷所) 中島藤兵衛 (印刷者) 丸善株式會社 (大賣捌) [aj618-704835] 2463 小西友七(編) 「現代英語語法辞典」 函・カバー、クロース装 ¥10,800 Sanseido's Dicitonary of Present-day English Usage. 三省堂, 2006. 第 1 刷. 著者謹呈本. [wd0090-706306] 1/2 革装 ¥97,200 An English and Japanese Dictionary, for School Use; Containing Many Thousand New Words, which Modern Civilization has Called into Existence, with Appendixes. 纂譯兼出版人: 小山篤叙, 明 18. New edition. [wd0349-707601] 2464 小山篤叙(纂譯) 「學校用英和字典」 2465 斎藤 靜(編) 「新訂増補 雙解英和辭典」 クロース装 Fuzanbo's English Japanese Dictionary on Bilingual Principles. Revised & Enlarged. 昭 37. 新訂増補版 10 版. [we1015-705670] 2466 斎藤秀三郎 「斎藤和英大辭典」〈普及版〉 Saito's Japanese-English Dictionary. 函・帯、クロース装 名著普及会, 昭 54. 覆刻版第 1 刷. 2467 斎藤秀三郎 「斎藤和英大辭典」〈普及版〉 Saito's Japanese-English Dictionary. 函・クロース装 名著普及会, 昭 54. 覆刻版第 3 刷. 2468 斎藤秀三郎 「斎藤和英大辭典」〈普及版〉 Saito's Japanese-English Dictionary. 函・クロース装 名著普及会, 昭 55. 覆刻版第 4 刷. 2469 斎藤秀三郎 「斎藤和英大辭典」〈普及版〉 Saito's Japanese-English Dictionary. 外函、函・クロース装 名著普及会, 昭 55. 覆刻版第 4 刷. 2470 佐久間信恭 「會話作文 和英中辭林」 ¥8,640 冨山房, ¥6,480 [wd0337-707260] ¥6,480 [wd0255-706965] ¥6,480 [wd0313-707224] ¥4,320 [wd0314-707225] クロース装 ¥12,960 An Intermediate Japanese-English Dictionary. For Assisting Students in Conversation & Composition. With the Assistance of T. Hirose. 郁文舎, / 吉岡寶文館, 明 39. 19 版. [wd0329-707252] 208 2471 佐久間信恭(校閲) 内村達三郎(著) 「新式 初等英和辭典」 成美堂書店, 明 43. (初版.) クロース装 ¥12,960 [wd0197-706743] 2472 佐久間信恭(編) 「會話作文 和英中辭林」 クロース装 ¥9,720 An Intermediate Japanese=English Dictionary. For Assisting Students in Conversation & Composition. With the Assistance of T. Hirose. Revised Edition. 愛善社, / 郁文舎, 大 2. 第 4 版. [wd0179-706636] 2473 三省堂編修所(編) 「初級コンサイス英和辞典」 [改訂版] ビニール装 Sanseido's Junior Concise English=Japanese Dictionary. Revised Edition. 15 版. [we0809-705465] 2474 三省堂編修所 (編) 「コンサイス英英辞典」 Sanseido's Concise English Dictionary. 合皮装 三省堂, 昭 32. 1 版. ¥4,320 三省堂, 昭 38. 改訂 ¥8,640 [w2755-705173] 2475 三省堂編輯所(編) 「ジェム英和・和英辭典」 小型本 厚紙装 Sanseido's Gem Dictionary. English-Japanese Japanese-English. Revised Edition. 改訂 111 版. [we1088-705744] 2476 三省堂編輯所(編纂) 「三省堂英和大辭典」 ペーパー装 Sanseido's Encyclopædic English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 3. 第 3 版. 2477 篠原一慶・岡本淸逸(共編) 「新英和熟語辭典」 総革装 A New English-Japanese Dictionary of Idioms and Phrases. ¥4,320 三省堂, 昭 23. ¥12,960 [we0749-705405] ¥16,200 冨山房, 昭 3. (初版.) [wd0233-706912] 2478 柴田昌吉・子安峻 「増補訂正英和字彙」 第二版 総革装 ¥43,200 An English and Japanese Dictionary, Explanatory, Pronouncing and Etymological. Containing All English Woords in Present Use, An Appendix, by M. Shibata and T. Koyasu. Illustrated by Above 600 Engravings on Wood. Second and Revised Edition. Tokei: Ni-Shu-Sha(日就社), 明 15. 第 2 版. [wd0346-707598] 2479 柴田昌吉・子安峻(譯) 「附音挿圖 増補英和字彙」 総革装 ¥54,000 水天居士栗野忠雄増譯 理文學士坪井九馬三校閲 明治 21 年 An English and Japanese Dictionary, Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Etyological, Containing All English Words in Present Use, with An Appendix, by M.Shibata and T. Koyasu. Illustrated by above 500 Engracings on Wood. New Edition. Enlarged by T. Kurino. Tokyo: Kioyeki-Shosha, Kitagawa-Shobo & Co., 明 21. (1888.) New Edition. [wd0354-707606] 2480 柴田昌吉・子安峻(著) 「増補訂正 英和字彙」 総革装 ¥32,400 An English and Japanese Dictionary; Explanatory, Pronouncing and Etymological, Containing All Englsih Words in Present Use, with An Appendix, by M. Shibata and T. Koyasu. Illustrated by above 600 Engravings on Wood. Second and Revised Edition. 日就社, 明 15. 第 2 版. [wd0196-706653] 2481 渋川敬直(六蔵)・訳述 藤井質(訂補) 「英文鑑」 和装 拵帙入 ¥216,000 上編(第 1-3 冊):巻之一-十六、附録・上下 下編(第 4 冊):巻之一-六 上下 2 編 4 冊 大槻如電 覆 刻(謄写版) 六合館(発売), 昭和三年 (1928) 限定 100 部 [aj612-704840] 2482 島正三(監修) 「薩摩辞書 初版本」 函・1/2 革 ¥19,440 An English-Japanese Dictionary. Together with a Table of Irregular Verbs, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Third Edition Revised. 明治二年改正増補和訳英辞書. 別冊・島正三(監 修)『薩摩辞書 初版本』解題(6pp.)付. 桜楓社, (1968.) (原本発行: 1869 年) [wd0189-706646] 2483 島田 豊 (増補纂譯) 杉浦重剛、松下丈吉 (校閲)、 曲直瀬愛 (訂正) 彙」 クロース装 An English-Japanese Lexicon. By Y.Shimada. Thirty Four Edition. 曲直瀬愛 (訂正) 大倉書店, 明 42. 第 34 版. [wd0272-707022] 209 「再訂増補 和譯英字 ¥12,960 杉浦重剛、松下丈吉 (校閲)、 2484 島田豊(纂譯) 珍田捨巳(校閲) C. S.イビー & J. M.ディクソン (序) 「雙解英和大辭典 」 増訂第三十版 クロース装 ¥9,720 A Dictionary of the English Language; The Words and Definitions being Followed by their Japanese Equivalents. To which is Added A Copious Appendix. By Y. Shimada, Revised by S. Chinda, M.A. Illustrated by abouve 1500 Engravings. Revised and Enlarged. Tokyo: The Kyoekishosha(共益商 社), 明 44. 増訂第 30 版. [wd0363-707617] 2485 駸々堂編集部(編) 「最新英和・和英マスコット辞典」 [新訂版] English Mascot Dictionary. 駸々堂, 昭 36. 新訂版. ペーパー装 ¥8,640 [we0967-705622] 2486 高 良二 寺田勇吉 共譯 (Kō,R. & Y.Terada ) 「獨英和三對字彙大全」 ¥108,000 改装本(3/4 革装) 明治十九年一月印行 (扉) 明治二十年六月出版 (奥付) Neues vollständinges Wörterbuch der Deutschen, Englischen und Japanischen Sprache, einschlieɮlich der wichtigen im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörter, mit einem Berzeichniɮ der unregelmäɮigen (starken) Zeitwörter und der gebräuchlichen Abkürzungen. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-sho-dō & Co., 1886. Erste Auflage. 共同館 改装本(3/4 革装) ウェブスター、ウースター、 ヘボン辞書他多数引用 [aj621-704837] 2487 傍木哲二郎 (纂譯) 小栗栖香平 (校訂) 岩貞謙吉 (校字) 「新撰明治 和譯英辭林」 ¥97,200 3/4 革装 明治十七年十二月版権免許 明治十八年一月發兌 細川氏藏 An English and Japanese Dictionary, With Appendix. By T.Sobaki; Thoroughly Revised, by K.Ogurus. Tokio: Published by Y.Hosokawa, 18th year of Meiji. New Edition. [d00211-300359] 2488 高杉東一(纂譯) 寺内章明(訂正) 末岡精一(校閲) 「英和新國民大辭書」 総革装 ¥129,600 New National Pronouncing Dictionary of the English & Japanese Language. Comprising many Thousands of New Words which Modern Literature, Science, and Art have called into Existence and Common Usage: with Pronounciations, Etymologies, Definitions, Appendices of Proper Names, Illustrations etc. etc. by T.Takasugi. [with] Appendix to New National English & Japanese Dictionary. Containing Pronouncing Vocabularies of Modern Geographical Names, Greek and Latin Proper Names, Hebrew and Scripture Proper Names, also a New Pronouncing & Explanatory Gazettier of European Languages and a Biographical Dictionary also Explanatory Tables of Quotation, Words, Phrases, Proverbs etc., from The Latin, The French and The Italian Common Languages, Irregular Verbs Abbreviatons, and Contractions Used in Writing & Printing, and Arbitrary Sings Used in Printing & Writing, and System of Measuresand Weights. To which is Added A Selections of Pictorial Illustrations. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-Cho-Dō & Co. (辻本尚書堂), 明 21. (1888.) [wd0347-707599] 1/2 革装 ¥12,960 КАРМАННЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ РУССКО-ЯПОНСКАГО ЯЗЫКА. СОСТАВИЛБ З. ТАКАСУ. ТРЕТІЙ ИЗДАНІЕ. 丸善株式會社, 明 34. 3 版. [wd0374-707690] 2489 高須治輔(編) 正六位勲四等 渡邊至君(序) 「露和袖珍字彙」 2490 高橋五郎 (Takahashi,Goro) 「漢英對照 いろは辭典」 合冊本 初版 3/4 革装 ¥86,400 明治廿一年 発行者: 長尾景弼 版権所有者: 小林富美 (日本語扉頁欠) A Japanese Alphabetical Dictionary with Chinese and English Equivalents. By Takahashi Goro. Published by F. Kobayashi (小林富美), 明 21. (1888.) New & Copyright edition. [wd0353-707605] 2491 高部義信(編纂) 「時事英語研究」主筆 「研究社米語辭典」 厚紙装 ¥4,320 The Kenkyusha Dictionary of American English.Compiled by Yoshinobu Takabe. Editor, The Study of Current English. 研究社, 昭 21. (初版.) [wd0007-705962] 2492 武富正一(著) 陸軍南方調査室(監修) 「馬来語大辭典」 [縮刷版] Kamus Raya Bahasa Mělayu-Nippon. 旺文社, 昭 18. 重版. 2493 武富正一(著) 南方調査室(監修) 「馬來語大辭典」 [大版] 謳文社, 昭 17. [wd0244-706952] 210 カバー、クロース装 ¥6,480 [wd0065-706075] 函、クロース装 ¥12,960 2494 竹中治郎(編) 「英語分節辞典」 合皮装 A Pocket Dictionary of Englsih Syllabication. By Jiro Takenaka. ¥4,320 愛育出版, 1980. 12 版. [wd0082-706169] 2495 武信由太郎 (主幹) 「研究社 新和英大辭典」 Kenkyusha's New Japanese =English Dictionary. クロース装(改装) 研究社, 昭 17. 第 100 版. ¥16,200 [we0985-705640] 2496 竹原常太 「竹原和英大辞典」 外函、函・クロース装 Takehara's Japanese -English Dictionary. 名著普及会, 1983. 復刻版第 1 刷. 2497 竹原常太 「竹原和英大辞典」 [復刻版] 函・クロース装 Takehara's Japanese-English Dictionary. Edited by Tsuneta Takehara. 版第 2 刷. [wd0251-706961] ¥12,960 [wd0117-706528] ¥12,960 名著普及会, 1984. 復刻 2498 竹原常太(著) 「竹原和英大辞典」 クロース装 Takehara's Japanese-English Dictionary. 名著普及会, 1984. 覆刻版第 2 刷. ¥8,640 [wd0344-707566] 2499 竹原常太(原編) 中島文雄・朱牟田夏雄(共編) 「新スタンダード英和辞典」 ビニール装 ¥12,960 New Standard English-Japanese Dictionary. 大修館書店, 1973. 新訂 9 版. Lexicon Sententiarum Graecarum et Latinarum. クロース装 岩波書店, 昭 12. 第 1 刷. [we0955-705610] 2500 田中秀央・落合太郎(編著) 「ギリシア・ラテン引用語辭典」 ¥5,400 [wd0047-706008] 1/2 革装 ¥86,400 An English-Japanese Pronouncing Dictionary for Beginners; With an Appendix Containing a Table of Irregular Verbs, Tables of Money, Weight, and Measure. And A List of English Sings and Abbreviations. Tokio: Bungakusha (文學社), 明 20. [wd0348-707600] 2501 棚橋一郎・鈴木重陽(編纂) 「英和字海」 2502 田丸卓郎 「現代日本語手引」 クロース装 ¥6,480 Pocket Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. Comprising An Introduction on the "Japanese System" of Orthography of Romanized Japanese, An Outline of the Grammar of Colloquial Japanese, Everyday Conversations, and A Vocabulary of Familiar Words and Phrases. Third Edition. 日本のローマ字社, 昭 11. 3 版. [wd0330-707253] 2503 津田 仙・柳澤信大・大井鎌吉(翻譯) 「訂正 英華和譯字典 坤」 ¥86,400 (第 2 巻のみ・1 巻目欠) 1/2 革装 A Standard Dictionary of the English, Chinese and Japanese Languages, With Romaji and Kana Transliteration. Compiled by S. Tsuda, N. Yanagisawa, and K. Oi, and Revised by The Late Professor K. Nakamura and F. W. Eastlake. Vol.II. New Edition. [故文學博士敬宇中村先生(校正)、博言博士 エフ、ワリントン、イーストレーキ氏(訂正)] 特許罫紙商會, 明 27. (1894.) [wd0071-706081] 2504 土井久弥(編) 「ヒンディー語小辞典」 函・カバー、クロース装 ヒンディー語-日本語 日本語-ヒンディー語 大学書林, 昭 50. 第 1 版. 2505 豊島定(編纂) 「和英對照 普通海軍用語集」 海軍機關學校, 明 42. 訂正増補. ¥4,320 [wd0242-706950] クロース装 ¥6,480 [wd0362-707616] 2506 中江篤介(兆民)・野村泰亨(共譯) 「佛和字彙」 総革装 Dictionnaire Universel Français-Japonais. 佛學研究會藏版 ¥64,800 發賣所: 丸善書店, 明 26. (初版.) [wd0370-707662] 2507 中島文雄(編) 「岩波 英和大辞典」 総革装(改装) Iwanami's Comprehensive English-Japanese Dictionary. ¥8,640 岩波書店, 1970. 第 1 版第 1 刷. [we0768-705424] 2508 成田成寿(監修) 吉田正俊・中村義勝(編集) 「英和基本語小辞典」 布装(改装) [講談社学術文庫] 講談社, 昭 54. 第 1 刷. [we0958-705613] 211 ¥6,480 2509 成田成寿・岡本圭次郎(編) 「角川初級英和辞典」 Kadokawa's Junior English-Japanese Dictionary. 帯・クロース装 角川書店, 1961. 初版. ¥6,480 [wd0322-707245] 2510 成瀬 清(無極 編輯顧問) 杉山産七・和田洋一・板倉鞆音(編) 「標音獨和新辭典」 ¥8,640 総革装 Neues Grammatikalisch-Phonetisches Wörterbuch Deutsch-Japanisch. Unter Förderung und Leitung von Prof. Kiyoshi Naruse. 尚文堂, 昭 10. 第 1 版. [wd0053-706063] 2511 南親会(編) (代表:千秋克巳) 「蘭和大辞典」 [復刻版] 函・ビニール装 Nederlandsch =Japansch= Woordenboek. Door Nanshinkai. 第一書房, 昭 61. ¥8,640 [wd0240-706948] 2512 日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部(編) 「New 斎藤 英和対訳表現辞典」 函・クロース装 ¥8,640 日外アソシエーツ株式会社, 1999. 第 1 刷. Concordance to Saito's Japanese-English Dictionary. [wd0249-706959] 3/4 革装 ¥216,000 明治二歳已巳正月 一千八百六十九年新鐫 初版 An English-Japanese Dictionary, Together with A Table of Irregular Verbs, and A List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1869. Third Edition Revised. [wd0355-707607] 2513 日本 薩摩學生 「改正増補 和譯英辭書(薩摩辞書)」 2514 日本音聲學會(編) 「音聲學大辞典」 A Dictionary of Phonetics. 三修社, クロース装 1976 第 1 版 ¥16,200 [w2801-705245] 2515 野邨泰亨 「増訂 新佛和辭典」 総革装 Nouveau Français-Japonais Illustré. 中澤文三郎(補助) 佐野尚(校正) ¥21,600 大倉書店, 大 7. [wd0074-706084] 2516 野田良治(編) 「日葡辭典」 函・クロース装 Dicionário Japonês-Português. Vol.I: A~K Vol.II: M~Z I: 初版第 2 刷. / II: 初版第 1 刷. [wd0243-706951] 2517 林弘之 「新譯中學和英辭典」 全 2 冊 有斐閣, クロース装 Hayashi's New Japanese-English Dictionary for Middle Schools. ¥6,480 I: 昭 43. / II: 昭 41. ¥21,600 湯川弘文社, 昭 7. 第 49 版. [wd0167-706624] 2518 春編雀來(編) 「新漢英字典」 函・クロース装 New Japanese-English Character Dictionary. Editor in Chief Jack Halpern. Limited(研究社), 1990. 初版 (First edition). [wd0205-706754] ¥3,240 Tokyo: Kenkyusha 2519 福喜多靖之助・林弘之(共著) 「新譯中學英和辞典」 クロース装 ¥21,600 A New English & Japanese Dictionary for Middle Schools. 松雲堂, 大 4. 第 21 版.[wd0166-706623] 2520 福永恭助・岩倉具實 「口語辭典」 函・合皮装 Hanasikotoba o hiku Zibiki. Maegaki-私たちの考え版會, 昭 14.(初版.) [wd0229-706908] ¥9,720 Tuketari-ローマ字文の書き方- 口語辭典出 2521 福原麟太郎・山岸徳平(共編) 「研究社 国語新辞典」 Kenkyusha's New Dictionary of the Japanese Language. ビニール装 ¥8,640 研究社辞書部, 昭 44. 第 15 刷. [wd0375-707691] 2522 福見尚賢・小栗栖香平(纂譯) 谷口秀太郎(増訂) 「増訂挿圖 獨龢字典大全」 ¥12,960 第拾版 1/2 革装 Vollstaendigstes Deutsch=Japanisches Wörterbuch einschliesslich der im Deutschen gebrauchlichen Fremdwoerter nebst einem Anhang. Enthaltend Tabellen der unregelmäßigen Zeitwörter, der deutschen geographischen und christlichen Namen, der Münze, Gewichte und Mässe,sowie der Abkürzungen und Zeichen. Zehnte Auflage. [高塚二男三郎・山本徳五郎・齊藤政吉・金子榮松 (正字)] 南江堂, 明 32. (1899.) 訂正第 10 版. [wd0069-706079] 212 2523 福見尚賢・小栗栖香平(纂譯) 水野繁太郎他(増訂) 「増訂挿圖 獨龢字典大全」 ¥12,960 第拾六版 1/4 革装 Vollständiges Deutsch-Japanisches Wörterbuch. Einschlieblich der in Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörter nebst einem Anhang. Enthaltend Tabellen der unregelmäßigen Zeitwörter, der deutschen geographischen und christlichen Namen, der Münze, Gewichte und Maße, sowie der Abkürzungen und Zeichen. [水野繁太郎・谷口秀太郎・多賀谷要・山本徳五郎(増訂) 明治講醫會蔵版] 南江堂書 店, / 明治館, 明 41(1908). 第 16 版. [wd0335-707258] 2524 藤井一五郎(編) 「新英語辞典」 クロース装 Akatsuki's New English Dictionary. 暁教育図書, 昭 41. 7 版. ¥4,320 [wd0377-707693] 2525 藤田仁太郎 (編) 「英和商工辭典」 クロース装 Kenkyusha's English-Japanese Dictionary of Commercial and Technical Terms. ¥4,320 研究社, 昭 16. [w2339-704401] 1/2 革装 ¥21,600 An English-Japanese Pronouncing Dictionary; With an Appendix Containing a Table of Irregular Verbs, Tables of Money, Weight, and Measure, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Fourth Edition Revised. 文學社, 明 18. [wd0193-706650] 2526 前田正毅・高橋良昭(編集) 「大正増補 和譯英辭林」 2527 増田 綱(編) 「新ポケット和英辞典」 帯・総革装 Kenkyusha's New Pocket Japanese-English Dictionary. ¥6,480 研究社辞書部, 昭 36. 第 13 版. [wd0023-705978] 2528 松田徳一郎(編集代表) 「リーダーズ英和辞典」 [第 2 版] (携帯版・並装) 函・帯、ビニール装¥6,480 Kenkyusha's English-Japanese Dictionary For The General Reader. Second Edition. 研究社, 1999. 第 2 版第 1 刷. [編集: 松田徳一郎・高橋作太郎・東信行・木村建夫・豊田昌倫・山縣宏光・原 英一・馬場彰] [we0785-705441] 2529 南 信好 「英和法政經濟商業辭典」 クロース装 New English-Japanese Dictionary of Law, Politics, Economics & Commerce. 版. [早稲田大学出版部著作権登録] [we0817-705473] 2530 村上英俊(茂亭村上義茂) 「復刻版・三語便覧」 初・中・下巻 富田仁・西堀昭(著): 付録『三語便覧』解説(28pp.)付き. 3 冊揃 本発行: 安政四丁己年) 復刻版. [wd0192-706649] ¥12,960 春陽堂, 昭 4. 初 函・和綴じ本 ¥8,640 カルチャー出版社, 昭 51. (原 2531 山口造酒・入江祝衛(編纂) 「註解 和英新辭典」 クロース装 ¥16,200 A New Critical Japanese-English Dictionary. [文部次官: 澤柳政太郎氏序文、文部省普通學務局 長: 白仁武氏序文、學習院女學部長: 下田歌子女子和歌、東京帝國大學教授: アーサー・ロイド氏 英譯] 賞文館, 大 5. 31 版. [wd0269-707005] 2532 有朋堂編輯所(編) 「英和固有名詞辭典」 A Dictionary of Proper Names. クロース装 有朋堂, 大 15. 第 11 版. 213 ¥4,320 [wd0345-707597] 言 語 学〈洋書〉 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2533 Barnes,William Early England and the Saxon-English; With some Notes on the Father-Stock of the Saxon-English, The Frisians. London: John Russell Smith, 1869. [LKK583-402784] ¥16,200 2534 Bell,Alex. Melville Visible Speech: The Science of Universal Alphabetics; or Self-Interpreting Physiological Letters, for the Writing of all Languages in One Alphabet. Illustarted by Tables, Diagrams, and Examples. Inaugural Edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., / London & New York: N. Trübner & Co., 1867. [LKK586-605994] ¥86,400 2535 Brown,Goold The Grammar of English Grammars. With an Introduction Historical and Critical; The Whole Methodically Arranged and Amply Illustrated: with Forms of Correcting and of Parsing, Improprieties for Correction, Examples or Parsing, Questions for Examination, Exercises for Writing, Observations for the Advanced Student, Decisions and Proods for the Settlement of Disputed Points, Occasional Strictures and Defences, an Exhibition of the Several Methods of Analysis, and A Key to the Oral Exercises: to which are Added Four Appendixes, Pertaining Separately to the Four Parts of Grammar. Enlarged by the Addition of A Copious Index of Matters. By Samuel U. Berrian, A.M. New York: William Wood & Co., 1851. Tenth Edition-Revised and Improved. [L04572-607042] ¥8,640 2536 Cooke,Thomas The Universal Letter-Writer; Or, New Art of Polite Correspondence; Containing a Course of interesting Original Letters on the Most Important, Instructive, and Entertaining Subjects, which may Surve as Copies for Inditing Letters on the Various Occurrences in Life. To which is Added the Complete Petitioner; also, a New Plain and Easy Grammar of the English Language: and Directions for assressing Persons of all Ranks, either in Writing or Discourse. London: Published and Sold by the Booksellers, and by Thomas Wilson and Son, 1812. [LKK625-606023] ¥16,200 2537 Dauzat,Albert Le Génie de la Langue Française. Paris: Librairie Guénégaud, 1977. ¥4,320 [L04521-606991] 2538 Elze,Karl Grundriss der Englischen Philologie. [LKK561-605997] ¥32,400 Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1889. Zweite, Verbesserte Auflage. 2539 Elze,Karl Friedrich Über Philologie als System. Ein Andeutender Versuch von Karl Friedrich Elze. in Dessau. 1845. [LKK562-605998] ¥12,960 Verlag von Karl aue 2540 [Furnivall,F] An English Miscellany. Presented to Dr. Furnivall in Honour of his Seventy-Fifth Birthday. At the Clarendon Press, 1901. [LKK600-605992] ¥54,000 Oxford: 2541 Garnett,Richard The Philological Essays: Of the Late Rev. Richard Granett of the British Museum. Edited by his Son. London: Williams and Norgate, 1859. [LKK588-605999] ¥32,400 2542 Gray,James Johnson's Sermons. A Study. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. 214 [L04513-606983] ¥4,320 2543 Harris,James Hermes: or, A Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Language and Universal Grammar. Printed by H. Woodfall, 1751. [LKK543-606003] ¥86,400 London: 2544 Harris,James Philological Inquiries. Part I. and II. London: C. Nourse, 1781. [LKK568-606004] ¥21,600 2545 Hood,Edwin Paxton The World of Proverbs and Parable. With Illustrations from History, Biography, and the Anecdotal Table-Talk of all Ages. With an Introductory Essay on the History Unity of the Popular Proverb and Tale in all Ages. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1885. [LKK587-606005] ¥32,400 2546 Jespersen,Otto A Modern English Grammar. On Historical Principles. [Pt.I: Sounds and Spellings. Pt.II: Syntax (First Volume). / Pt.III: Syntax (Second Volume). / Pt.IV: Syntax (Third Volume). / Pt.V: Syntax (Fourth Volume). / Pt.VI: Morphology.] 6 vols. (of 7) London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., / Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1954. Reprinted. [L04567-607037] ¥12,960 2547 Jin,Koichi (秦宏一) Aspects of English Syntax and Style. A Comparative Study. Tokyo: Shubun International Co.(秀文 インターナショナル), 1997. First published. (第 1 刷) [L04518-606988] ¥16,200 2548 King,L. W. First Steps in Assyrian. A Book for Beginners. Being A Series of Historical, Mythological, Religious, Magical, Epistolary and other Texts Printed in Cuneiform Characters with Interlinear Transliteration and Translation and A Sketch of Assyrian Grammar, Sign-List and Vocaburary. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1898. [L04563-607033] ¥8,640 2549Landais,Napoléon Grammaire de Napoléon Landais. Résumé Général de Toutes les Grammaires Françaises, Présentant La Solution Analytique, Raisonnée et Logique de Toutes les Questions Grammaticales Anciennes et Modernes. Paris: Au Bureau Central, 1835. [aj967-606664] ¥16,200 2550 Lersch,Laurenz Die Sprachphilosophie der Alten. Erster Theil: Dargestelle an der Geschichte ihrer Etymologie. (1841.) / Zweiter Theil: Dargestellt an der historischen Entwickelung der Sprachkategorieen. (1840.) / Dritter und letzter Theil (1841.) 3 vols. in 1. Bonn: H. B. König, 1840-1841. [L04569-607039] ¥21,600 2551 Lynch,Jack & McDermott,Anne eds. Anniversary Essays on Johnson's Dictionary. [L04515-606985] ¥8,640 Cambridge UP., 2005. First published. 2552 Meyer-Lübke,W. Grammaire des Langues Romanes. Tome I. Traduction Française par Eugène Rabiet. Tome Premier: Phonétique. Paris: E. Welter, Éditeur, / Leipzig: Welter & Co., 1890. [L04573-607043] ¥6,480 2553 Morris,Richard An Old English Miscellany. Containing a Bestiary, Bentish Sermons, Proberbs of Alfred, Religious Poems of the Thirteenth Century. From Manuscripts in the British Museum, Bodleian Library, Jesus College Library, etc. Edited with Introduction and Index of Words by the Rev. Richard Morris, LL.D., London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1872. [LKK596-402781] ¥17,280 2554 Murray,Alexander History of the European Languages; Or, Researches into the Affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavonic, and Indian Nations. With a Life of the Author. In 2 vols. Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable & Co., / London: Hurst, Robinson, & Co., 1823. [L04570-607040] ¥43,200 2555 Murray,James A. H. The Complaynt of Scotlande. Wyth ane Exortatione to the Thre Estaits to be vigilante in the Deffens 215 of their Public veil. 1549. With and Appendix of Contemporary English Tracts. Re-Edited from the Originals with Introsuction and Glossary by James A. H. Murray. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, N. Trubner & Co., 1872. [LKK597-402782] ¥17,280 2556 Murray,Lindely An Abridgment of Lindrey Murray's English Grammar: 「マレー氏 英文典」 With An Apeendix, an Exemplification of the Parts of Speech, Designed for the Younger Class of Learners. A New Edition, Greatly Enlarged from the larger Grammar and Exercises. To which are Now Added, Questions on the Grammar; and A Fifth Part in the Appendix, Containing Exercises on the Use of Capital Letters. [Murray's Grammar Improved] London: T. J. Allman, 1868. A New Edition. [L04568-607038] ¥12,960 2557 Ogawa,Hiroshi (小川浩) Studies in the History of Old English Prose. 「古英語散文史研究(英文版)」 Tokyo: Nan'Un-Do(南雲堂), 2000. First published. (第 1 刷) [L04517-606987] ¥5,400 2558 Okell,John A Reference Grammar of Colloquial Burmese. [School of Oriental and African Studies] In 2 vols. London: Oxford UP., 1969. [L04564-607034] ¥54,000 2559 Osselton,N. E. Chosen Words. Past and Present Problems for Dictionary Makers. [Exeter Linguistic Studies] versity of Exeter Press, 1995. First published. [L04514-606984] ¥4,320 Uni- 2560 Pegge,Samuel Anecdotes of the English Language: Chiefly Regarding the Local Dialect of London and its Environs; Whence it will appear that the Natives of the Metropolis, and its Vicinities, have not Corrupted the Language of their Ancestors. In a Letter from Samuel Pegge, Esq. F.S.A. To an Old Acquaintance, and Co-Fellow of the Society of Antquaries, London. The Second Edition, Enlarged and Corrected. To which is Added, A Supplement to the Provincial Glossary of Francis Grose, Esq. London: J. Nichols, Son, & Bentley, 1814. Second edition. [LKK565-606009] ¥27,000 2561 Perrin,John The Elements of French Conversation; With Familiar and Easy Dialogues, each Preceded by a Suitable Vocabulary, in French and English. Designed particularly for the Use of Schools. The Twelfth Edition, Revised and Corrected. London: C. Law, Ave-Maria-Lane, 1803. Twelfth edition. [LKK576-606010] ¥16,200 2562 Rask,Erasmus A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, with a Praxis. A New Edition, Enlarged and Improved by the Author. Translated from Danish, by B. Thorpe. Copenhagen: S. L. Møller, 1830. New edition. [LKK569-606012] ¥32,400 2563 Ray,John A Complete Collection of English Proverbs; Also the most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other Languages. The whole Methodically Digested and Illustrated with Annotations, and proper Explications. By the late Reverend and Learned J. Ray, M. A. and Fellow of the Royal Society. To which is added, (Written by the same Author) A Collection of English Words not Generally Used, with their Significations and Original in two Alphabetical Catalogues; the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties. With an Account of the Preparing and Refining such Metals and Minerals as are gotten in England. The Third Edition, Augmented with many Hundreds of Words, Observations, Letters, &c. Together with " A Collection of English Words not Generally Used. With their Significations and Original, in two Alphabetical Catalogues. The One of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties. With an Account of the preparing and refining such Metals and Minerals as are gotten in England. The Third Edition, Augmented with many Hundreds of Words, Observations, Letters &c." 2 vols in 1. London: J. Torbuck, 1737. The Third edition. [LKK560-606021] ¥37,800 216 2564 Ray,John A Complete Collection of English Proverbs; Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other Languages. The Whole methodically digested and illustrated with Annotations and proper Explications. By the Late Rev. and Learned J. Ray, M.A. (To which is added, by the same Author) A Collection of English Words. Not Generally Used. With their Significations and Original in two Alphabetical Catalogues: the one, of such as are proper to the Northern, the other, to the Southern Counties. With an Account of the preparing and refining such Metals & Minerals as are found in England. Reprinted Verbatim from the Edition of 1768. London: Printed for T. & J. Allman, 1818. [LKK622-606025] ¥32,400 2565 Rollins,Richard M. The Long Journey of Noah Webster. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1980. [L04516-606986] ¥4,320 2566 Schafarik,Paul Joseph Elemente der altböhmischen Grammatik. I. Theil der Sammlung. Slawischer Grammatiken. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. P. Jordan. Leipzig: Verlag der slawischen Buchhandlung, 1847. [L04560-607030] ¥5,400 2567 Taylor,Isaac The History of The Alphabet. An Account of the Origin and Development of Letters. Vol.I: Semitic Alphabets. Vol.II: Aryan Alphabets. In 2 vols. London: Edward Arnold, 1899. New edition. [L04562-607032] ¥9,720 2568 Taylor,William Jun. English Synonyms. Discriminated by W. Taylor, Jun. of Norwich. [LKK581-606017] ¥32,400 London: W. Pople, 1813. 2569 Townsend,Joseph Etymological Researches; Wherein Numerous Languages Apparently Discordant have their Affinity Traced, and their Resemblance so Manifested as to Lead to the Conclusion that All Languages are Radically One. Those Chiefly Considered and Compared are English, Welch, Galic, Manx, Gothic, Danish, Swedish, Mæso-GOthic, Percian, Slavonian, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, Arabic, Laponic, Ethiopic, Coptic, Turkish, Persian, Sanscrit, and The-Languages of India. Bath: Printed by Gye and Son, and Sold by Samuel Bagster, 1824. [L04574-607044] ¥43,200 2570 Vietor,Wilhelm Die Aussprache des Schriftdeutschen. Mit dem Wörterverzeichnis für die Deutsche Rechtshreibung zum Gebrauch in den Preussischen Schulen in Phonetischer Umschrift Sowie Phonetischen Texten. Leipzig: O. R. Reisland, 1898. Vierte Auflage. [L04559-607029] ¥5,400 2571 Walker,William Phraseologia Anglo-Latina: Or, Phrases of the English and Latin Tongue; Whereby is shewed how to Render English Proprieties into proper latin: To which is Added, Paroemiologia Anglo-Latina or, A Collection of English and Latin Proverbs, and proverbial Sayings. Match'd together. For the use of Schools. 2 vols in 1. London: R. Royston, 1672. First edition. [LKK578-606020] ¥54,000 217 言 語 学〈中国語関係〉 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2572 Alleton,Vivane Grammaire du Chinois. [Le Point des Connaissances Actuelles No.1519] taires du France, 1973. 1re édition. [L04525-606995] ¥2,160 Paris: Presses Universi- 2573 Arendt,Carl Einführung in die Nordchinesische Umgangssprache. Praktisches Übungsbuch. Zunächst als Grundlage für den Unterricht am Seminar. I. Abtheilung. Laufender Text. [Lehrbücher des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, Band XII,I] Stuttgart & Berlin: W. Spemann, 1894. [L04553-607023] ¥5,400 2574 Baller,F. W. Lessons in Elementary Wen-Li. 「華文釋義」 Prepared for the China Inland Mission. Inland Misson, 1912. [L04541-607011] ¥17,280 The China 2575 Brandt,J. J. (卜郎特) Introduction to Spoken Chinese. 「華言拾級」 Peking: Henri Vetch, 1940. (中華民國廿九年) First printing. (2000 copies) [L04558-607028] ¥3,240 2576 Chao,T. C. Chinese Conversation in the National Language. 「中國國語會話 (Jonggwo Gwoyeu Hueyhuah)」 London: Lund Humphries and Co., 1947. [L04526-606996] ¥3,240 2577 Chao,Yuen Ren (趙元任) A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. 「中國語的文法」 fornioa Press, 1968. [L04537-607007] ¥12,960 Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of Cali- 2578 Cheng,Chin-Chuan A Synchronic Phonology of Mandarin Chinese. [Monographs on Linguistic Analysis No.4] Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1973. [L04535-607005] ¥4,320 The 2579 Erkes,Eduard Chinesische Grammatik. Nachtrag zur Chinesischen Grammatik von G.v.d.Gabelentz. Deutshcer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1956. [L04544-607014] ¥6,480 Berlin: Veb 2580 Gabelentz,George von der Anfangsgründe der Chinesischen Grammatik. Mit Übungsstücken. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1954. First edition reprinted. [L04534-607004] ¥6,480 2581 Gabelentz,George von der Chinesische Grammatik. 「漢文經緯」 Mit Ausschluss des Niederen Stiles und der Heutigen Umgangssprahe. Halle (Saale): Veb Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1960. Vierte, Unveränderte, Auflage. [L04538-607008] ¥9,720 2582 Giles,Herbert A. Chinese Without a Teacher. 「漢言無師自明」 Being a Collection of Easy and Useful Sentences. In the Mandarin Dialect with a Vocabulary. Kelly and Walsh, 1916. Seventh edition. [L04522-606992] ¥12,960 2583 Haenisch,E. Lehrgang der Klassischen Chinesischen Schriftsprache I-IV. Vol.I: Textband. 150 Übungsstücke. 218 (Fünfte, unveränderte Auflage, 1964.) / Vol.II: Ergänzungsband. Hilfsmittel, Zeichentafel, Noten zu den Lektionen, Übersetzung der Übungsstücke, Grammatischer Abriß, Wörterverzeichnis, Klassenzeichen. (Sechste Auflage, 1969) / Vol.III: Chrestomathie. Textband. 130 Übungsstücke für Fortgeschrittene. (Vierte, unveränderte Auflage, 1966.) / Vol.IV: Ergänzungsband (zu Band III). Sprachlehre, Anmerkungen zu den Lesestücken, Übersetzung der Lesestücke, Personen-, Orts-, Literatur-Register, Wörterverzeichnis, Binome, Kartenskizze. (2, unveränderte Auflage, 1973.) In 4 vols. Leipzig: Veb Otto Harrassowitz, (Vol.I & III) / Leipzig: Veb Verlag Enzyklopädie, (Vol.II & IV) 1964-1973. [L04530-607000] ¥12,960 2584 Henne,Henry et al. A Handbook on Chinese Language Structure. By Henry Henne, Ole Bjørn Rongen, Lars Jul Hansen. [Scandinavian University Books] Universitetsforlaget, 1977. [L04551-607021] ¥5,400 2585 Hopkins,L. C. The Guide to Kuan Hua. 「官話指南」 A Translation of the "Kuan Hua Chih Nan". With an Essay on Tone and Accent in Pekinese and a Glossary of Phrases. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1900. Third and Revised Edition. [L04539-607009] ¥12,960 2586 Hopkins,L. C. The Guide to Kuan Hua. 「官話指南」 A Translation of the "Kuan Hua Chih Nan". With an Essay on Tone and Accent in Pekinese and a Glossary of Phrases. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1906. Fourth Edition. [L04540-607010] ¥8,640 2587 Huang,Raimond (黄勵文) Mandarin Pronunciation. 「國語發音圖解」 Explained with Diagrams. [L04536-607006] ¥3,240 Hong Kong UP., 1969. 2588 Karlgren,Bernhard The Chinese Language. An Essay on its Nature and History. 1949. [L04531-607001] ¥6,480 New York: The Ronald Press Co., 2589 Karlgren,Bernhard Grammata Serica Recensa. Reprinted fromt The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities Stockholm. Stockholm: Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1964. 195-202pp. misplace. [L04532-607002] ¥9,720 2590 Karlgren,Bernhard Compendium of Phonetics in Ancient and Archaic Chinese. Stockholm: Reprinted from The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1954. Reprinted [aj965-707039]¥16,200 2591 Karlgren,Bernhard (高木漢・著) Grammata Serica. 「中日漢字形聲論」 Script and Phonetics in Chinese and Sino-Japanese. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Autiquities Stockholm. Number 12, 1940. Taipei: Ch'eng-Wen Publishing Co., 1966. 前後表紙及び本文内に虫食いあり. [L04555-607025] ¥5,400 2592 Lessing,Ferd. & Othmer,Wilh. Lehrgang der Nordchinesischen Umgangssprache I,1. 「漢語通釋」 Tsingtau: Deutsch-Chinesische Druckerei und Verlagsanstait, 1912. [L04556-607026] ¥8,640 2593 Lessing,Ferd. & Othmer,Wilh. Lehrgang der Nordchinesischen Umgangssprache I,1&2. 「漢語通釋」 I,2: Umschrift und Uebersetzung. In 2 vols. Tsingtau: Deutsch-Chinesische Druckerei und Verlagsanstait, 1912. [L04557-607027] ¥16,200 2594 Mayers,William Frederick The Chinese Reader's Manual. A Handbook of Biographical, Historical, Mythological, and General Literary Reference. Taipei: Literature House, Ltd., 1964. Reprinted. (Originally Published in Shanghai, China: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874.) [L04552-607022] ¥5,400 219 2595 Piasek,Martin Elementargrammatik des Neuchinesischen. Deutsch Fassung des Grammatischen Lehrbuches der Universität Peking. "Jy fa gian cai" (語法教材). Übersetzt und bearbeitet von Martin Piasek. Leipzig: Veb Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1967. 3., unveränderte Auflage. [L04542-607012] ¥4,320 2596 Rygaloff,Alexis Grammaire élémentaire du chinois. [Collection Sup] édition. [L04524-606994] ¥4,320 Presses Universitaires de France, 1973. 1re 2597 Seidel,A. Chinesische Konversations Grammatik. Im Dialect der nordchinesischen Umgangssprache nebst einem Verziechnis von ca. 1500 der gebräuchlichsten chinesischen. [Lehrbücher; Methode Gaspey-Otto-Sauer] Heidelberg: Julius Groos' Verlag, 1923. 2. Auflage. [L04529-606999] ¥6,480 2598 Simon,W. & Lu,C. H. Chinese Sentence Series. First Fifty Lessons. (With Two Bibliographical Appendices and A Table.) Pt.I: Text in Gwoyeu Romatzyh with Translation. Pt.II: Text in Chinese Characters. (中英對照連環教 授法 國語羅馬字華後入門 初編五十課) In 2 vols. London: Arthur Probsthain, 1955-1956. [L04527-606997] ¥5,400 2599 Tewksbury,M. Gardner Speak Chinese. [Mirror Series A, No.1] Connecticut: Far Eastern Publications Yale University, 1967. Tenth printing. [L04549-607019] ¥3,240 2600 The Chinese Language Special Course for Foreign Students in Peking University comp. (北京大学外 国留学生中国語文専修班編) Modern Chinese Reader. 「汉語教科書」 Part I & II. In 2 vols. House(時代出版社), 1963. [L04548-607018] ¥5,400 Peking: "Epoch" Publishing 2601 Wang,Fang-yü & Chang,Richard F. (王方字、張一峰) Read Chinese. 「華文讀本」 Book I-III. Book I: A Beginning Text in the Chinese Character. Edited by Pao-ch'en Lee. Book I: Mirror Series A, No.4. / Book II: Mirror Series B, No.2. / Book III: Mirror Series B, No.3. 3 vols. set. Connecticut: Far Eastern Publications Yale University, 1966-1967. Book I: Eight printing. / Book II: Revised editon. / Book III: Fifth printing. [L04550-607020] ¥8,640 2602 Whitaker,K. P. K. 1200 Chinese Basic Characters. 「中英對照 平民千字課」 An adaptation for students of Cantonese of W. Simon's National Languages version. With an Introduction by W. Simon, C.B.E. Dr. Phil., D.Lit., F.B.A. London: Lund Humphries, 1965. (First edition 1953.) Reprinted (with revisions). [L04528-606998] ¥4,320 2603 Wieger,L. & Davrout L. Chinese Characters. Their Origin, Etymology, History, Classificaton and Signification. A Thorough Study from Chinese Documents. Translated into English by L. Davrout, S.J. Hsien-hsien(獻縣): Catholic Mission Press, 1927. Second edition, enlarged and revised, according to the 4th French edition. [L04543-607013] ¥8,640 2604 Wilder,G. D. & Ingram,J. H. Analysis of Chinese Characters. New York: Dover Publications, 1974. [L04533-607003] ¥3,240 2605 Williamson,H. R. Teach Yourself Chinese. [L04523-606993] ¥3,240 London: The English UP., 1964. (First published 1947.) 2606 ЗАДОЕНКО,Т. П. & ШУ-ИН,ХУАН УЧЕБНИК КИТАЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА. 「汉語教科書」 Издание 2-е, перерабо танное и 220 дополненное. Москва: Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1973. Second edition. [L04554-607024] ¥2,160 2607 Elementary Chinese. 「基础汉语」Part I & II. In 2 vols. 1971-1972. Peking: Commercial Press(商务印书馆), [L04545-607015] ¥4,320 2608 Chinese Reader. 「汉语読本」 Part I-IV. Beijing Language School ed. of Pt. III & IV. 北京言語 In 4 vols. 学院(編): 第三冊及び第四冊. [L04546-607016] ¥6,480 Peking: Commercial Press(商务印书馆), 1972-1976. 2609 Modern Chinese Readers. 「汉语読本(英語解釋本)」 Book I & II. In 2 vols. mercial Press(商务印书馆), 1964-1965. 政經書院, 昭 7. 2610 文學士 岡田正三 漢文音讀論 Peking: Com- [L04547-607017] ¥4,320 [ww1107-751505] ¥6,480 2611 倉石武四郎 ローマ字中国語 語法 Pinyin Zhongguo-Yu. Yufa. 岩波書店, 1969. 第1刷. [ww1106-751504] ¥2,160 岩波書店, 1953. 第1刷. 著者よりの謹 2612 倉石武四郎 ラテン化新文字による中國語初級教本 呈書(前遊び紙に署名有). [ww1108-751506] ¥5,400 英語関係和書 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2613 Medley,A.W.・村井知至 泰文堂, 大 14. 26 版. Aids to Translation from Japanese into English. ¥4,320 [ww1102-751500] 2614 斎藤秀三郎 Saito's Practical English Grammar. One-Volume Edition. 正則英語學校出版部, 昭 7. 再版. [ww1101-751498] ¥6,480 2615 鈴木栄一 改訂 わかりやすい英文法 A Primary English Grammar. 黎明書房, 昭 26. 改訂 10 版. [ww1094-751491] ¥4,320 2616 鈴木榮一 續 わかりやすい英文法 Easy English Grammar. 解答篇付(96-110pp.). 黎明書房, 昭 26. 12 版. [ww1093-751490] ¥5,400 2617 平川唯一 英語會話 English Conversation. 大日本雄辨會講談社, 昭 22. [ww1092-751489] ¥3,240 2618 細江逸記 動詞叙法の研究 Studies in the Mood of the English Verb. 泰文堂, 昭 10. 第 5 版. [ww1109-751509] ¥4,320 221 演劇関係 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2619 雑誌 「マスク」 1966-1968 年 16 巻・14 冊 再版 クロース装 ¥129,600 The Mask; A Monthly Journal of The Art of the Theatre. Edited by Edward Gordon Craig. With an index compiled by Lorelei F. Guidry. 1908/3-1929/12. In 16 vols. bound in 14. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1966-1968. (First published in Florence 1909-1929) [02245-102464] 2620 A.N.ジェファーズ(編) 「王政復古時代の喜劇集」 1974 年 4 巻 クロース装 Restoration Comedy. Edited by A.Norman Jeffares. In 4 vols. Rowan and Littlefield, 1974. [01326-100118] ¥21,600 London: The Folio Press / Totowa: 2621 G.E.ベントリィ 「ジャコビアン朝&キャロライン朝演劇」 1949-1968 年 7 巻 クロース装 ¥54,000 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage. By Gerald Eades Bentley. In 7 vols. Press. 1949-1968. [01325-100126] 2622 「演劇論集」 1979-1993 年 15 巻 クロース装 Themes in Drama. Edited by James Redmond. In 15 Vols. lished. [01521-100130] Oxford at the Clarendon ¥86,400 Cambridge UP, 1979-1993. First pub- 2623 「ニューヨーク演劇年鑑 1767-1894 年」 1927 年 15 巻 クロース装 ¥92,570 Annals of the New York Stage. By George C.D.Odell. In 15 vols. NY: Columbia UP, 1927. [00174-100266] 2624 M.ピックス Pix,Mary The Conquest of Spain. 1705 年 クロース装(改装) ¥21,600 A Tragedy. As it is Acted by Her Majesty's Servants at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. London: Printed for Richard Wellington, 1705. [f0349-170347] 2625 W.C.ホッジズ Hodges,C. Walter Shakespeare's Second Globe. 1973 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥2,160 Shakespeare's Second Globe. The Missing Monument. 1973. [f0663-170669] London, Toronto, Melbourne: Oxford UP., 2626 S.シェーンボーム Schoenbaum,S. Shakespeare; The Globe & The World. カバー、クロース装 Shakespeare; The Globe & The World. 1979 年 ¥2,160 Folger Shakepeare Library, / Oxford UP., 1979. [f0664-170670] 2627 S.シェーンボーム 「W.シェイクスピアの生涯」 1975 年 カバー、クロース装 Schoenbaum,S. William Shakespeare; A Documentary Life. ¥4,320 Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1975. [f0665-170671] 2628 「英国中世・ルネサンス期演劇」 1984-1993 年 6 巻 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 Barroll,III, J. Leeds ed. Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England. An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism, and Reviews. Assistant Editor Paul Werstine. Eitor; J. Leeds Barroll, III. In 6 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1984-1993. [02156-102348] 2629 「バルセロナ リセウ大劇場 1837 年-1930 年」 1931 年 3/4 ヴェラム装 ¥108,000 カラー・プレート 20 点 本文中にモノクロ図版多数 Bertran,Marc-Jesús El Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona 1837-1930. Amb un prefaci "Com s'ha arribat al Liceu", per Francesc Carreras i Candi. Mil vint documents gràfics intercalats en el text i altres trenta en làminas apart, reproducïts a tot color. Barcelona: Oliva de Vilanova, 1931. 750 exemplars ordinaris de paper de fil. (Limited edition. This copy is no.590.) [aj921-807941] 2630 スザンヌ・セントリヴァー 「バッキンガム侯爵 (戯曲 5 作品合本)」 5 巻合本 1 冊 総革装 222 1755-1761 年 ¥21,600 (1) Centlivre,Susanna The Busy Body, a Comedy. As it is now acted at the Theatres Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, T. Caslon, W. Nicoll, W. Bathoe, and S. Bladon., 1765. (2) Centlivre,Susanna A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal, in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, T. Caslon, W. Nicoll, W. Bathoe, and S. Bladon., 1766. (3) Centlivre,Susanna The Wonder: A Woman Keeps a Secret. A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal, in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, T. Caslon, W. Nicoll, W. Bathoe, and S. Bladon., 1766. Sixth edition. (4) Duke of Buckingham,George The Rehearsal: With a Key, or Critical View of the Authors, and their Writings, Exposed in this Play. By George, late Duke of Buckingham. The Sixteenth Edition. As it was Acted on Monday, September 14, 1761. By Command, and before their Majesties, the King and Queen, and Most the Royal Family. London: Printed for G. Hitch and L. Hawes, T. Osborne, T. Waller, S. Crowder, T. Longman, A and C. Corbett, and T. Lownds., 1761. Sixteenth edition. (5) Duke of Buckingham,George The Chances: A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. By his Grace the Duke of Buckingham, Author of the Rehearsal. London: Printed for S. Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Brindley, and T. Waller., 1755. 5 vols in 1. [LKK627-402785] 2631 ジェレミー・コリアー 「英国演劇の不道徳と不敬についての瞥見」 1698 年 1/4 革装 ¥16,200 Collier,Jeremy A Short View of the Immorality, and Profaneneß of the English Stage. Together with the Sence of Antiquity upon this Argument. London: Printed for S.Keble at the Turk's-Head, R. Sare, 1698. [f0340-170338] 2632 「イタリア演劇の起源」 1971 年 2 巻 2 版・改訂増補クロース装 ¥8,640 D’Ancona,Alessandro Origini del Teatro Italiano. Libri Tre con Due Appendici sulla Rappresentazione Drammatica del Contando Toscano e sul Teatro Mantovano Nel Sec. XVI. Seconda Edizione rivista ed accresciuta. In 2 vols. Torino: Bottega d'Erasmo, 1971. [02081-102270] 2633 R.ドズリー 「クレオーネ」 1758 年 1/2 革装(改装) ¥12,960 Dodsley,R. Cleone. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by R. Dodsley. London: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, 1758. [f0344-170342] 2634 アンブローズ・フィリップス「ハンフリー・グロスター公爵」 1723 年 クロース装(改装) ¥12,960 Philips,Ambrose Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. A Tragedy. As it is aActd at the Theatre-Royal in Drvry-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. London: J. Roberts, 1723. [f0345-170343] 2635 トーマス・シャドウェル 「エプソム・ウェルズ」 1704 年 クロース装(改装) Shadwell,ThomasEpsom-Wells. A Comedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Wellington at the Dolphin, 1704. [f0348-170346] ¥21,600 London: Printed for R. 2636 Wilson,Arthur The Inconstant Lady. 1814 年 総革装 A Play. To which is Added, An Appendix. Oxford, 1814. 223 ¥32,400 [f0347-170345] 歴 史 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2637 Ayrmanni,Christoph. Frid. Sylloge Anecdotorvm. 1746 年 ヴェラム装 ¥108,000 Omnis Aevi Chronicorvm, Diplomatvm, Epistolarvm, Commentationvm, Historias et Res. Germanicas Exterasque, Civiles Ecclesiasticas, Illvstrativm, Ex Recensione Christoph. Frid. Ayrmanni. Tomvs I. Apvd I.O. Beniam. Andreæ et Henr. Hort., 1746. [f0389-170387] 2638 The Vocal Library ed. The Anecdote Library; [1822 年] 1/2 革装 ¥16,200 Being the Larget Collection of Anecdotes Ever Assembled in a Single Volume. By the Editor of the Vocal Library. London: Printed for G. and W. B. Whittaker, [1822.] [b00491-403220] 2639 ジョシュア・ギー Gee,Joshua The Trade and Navigation of Great-Britain Considered: [1730 年] 厚紙装(改装) ¥64,800 Shewing That the surest Way for a Nation to increase in Riches, is to prevent the Importation of such Foreign Commodities as may be rais'd at Home. That this Kingdom is capable of raising within itself, and its Colonies, Materials for employing all our Poor in those Manufactures, which we now import from such of our Neighbours who refuse the Admission of ours. Some Account of the Commodities each Country we trade with takes from us, and what we take from them; with Observations on the Balance. London: Printed for Dublin Re-printed by S. Powell, [1730.] Dublin Edition. [f0410-170408] 2640 マックス・レンツ Lenz,Max Kleine Historische Schriften. 1913 年 背クロース装 München & Berlin: R.Oldernbourg, 1913. Zweite, vermehrte auflage. [lk0059-604140] ¥32,400 2641 M.J.マター Matter,M. J. Histoire des Doctrines Morales et Politiques. Des Trois Derniers Siècles. In 3 vols. 1836 年 1/2 革装 ¥32,400 Paris: AB. Cherbuliez et Cie, Libraires, 1836. [f0412-170410] 2642 臺灣總督府民政部蕃務本署 Government of FormosaReport on the Control of the Aborigines. 1911 年 (明 44.) クロース装 ¥54,000 In Formosa. Taihoku, Formosa: Bureau of Aboriginal Affairs (Tokyo: Tōyō printing Co.,), 1911. (明 44.) [b00871-403623] 1727 年 3 巻 4 版 総革装 ¥54,000 Shaftesbury,Anthony, Earl of Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. By the Right Honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. In 3 vols. No publisher. 1727. The fourth edition. 2643 アントニー・アシュリー=クーパー(第 3 代シャフツベリ伯爵) 「特徴論」 [b00404-402985] 1987-1991 年 5 巻 クロース装 A History of Private Life. General editors: Philippe Ariès & George Duby. In 5 vols. Press of Harvard UP, 1987-1991. [01636-101607] 2644 「私生活の歴史」 ¥16,200 The Belknap 1984-1985 年 2 巻 初版 クロース装 ¥8,640 The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow. Volume the First: Being "Anecdotes of the Camp, the Court and the Clubs at the close of the last war with France" and "Recollections and Anesdotes". Volume the Second: Being "Celebrities of London and Paris" and "Last Recollections". In 2 vols. The R.S. Surtees Society, 1984-1985. First edition. [02107-102296] 2645 「キャプテングロノウの追憶と回想」 2646 La Commune photogtaphiée. 2000 年 カバー、クロース装 Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2000. [b00408-403048] 2647 The Tryal and Condemnation of Sir William Parkyns, Kt. ¥15,420 1696 年 ペーパー装(改装) ¥21,600 For the Horrid and Execrable Conspiracy to Assassinate His Sacred Majesty King William, In Order to a French Invasion of this Kingdom: Who upon full Evidence was found Guilty of High-Treason, at the 224 Sessions-bouse in the Old-Baily, March 24. 1695-1696. Together with a True Copy of the Papers delivered to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, by Sir J. Freind and Sir W. Parkins, at the Place of Execution. London: Printed for Brabazon Aylmer, 1696. [f0356-170354] 2648 D.二ール 「清教徒の歴史」 1970 年 5 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,600 Neal,Daniel The History of the Puritans; or, Protestant Nonconformists; From the Reformation in 1517. To the Revolution in 1688: Comprising an Account of Their Principles; Their Attemps for a Farther Reformation in the Church; Their Sufferings; And the Lives and Characters of Their Most Considerable Divines. A New Edition, In Five Volumes: Reprinted from the Text of Dr. Toulmin's Edition, With His Life of the Author and Account of his Writings. Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. In 5 vos. Gregg International Publishers Limited, 1970. Republished. [01950-102097] 2649 P.サイクス 「ペルシア史」 1951 年 2 巻 3 版 クロース装 Sykes,Percy A History of Persia. With Maps and Illustrations. In 2 vols. Co., Limited, 1951. Third Edition with Supplementary Essays, Reprinted. ¥16,200 London; Macmillan and [02017-102164] 2650 トーマス・ハミルトン 「アメリカ見聞録」 1833 年 2 巻 1/2 革装 ¥43,200 Hamilton,Thomas Men and Manners in America. By the Author of Cyril Thornton, etc. In 2 vols. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, & London: T. Cadell, 1833. [LKK621-402770] 2651 J.ラーウッド・J.C.ホッテン 「看板の歴史」 1866 年 2 版 1/2 革装 ¥16,200 Larwood,Jacob & Hotten,John Camden The History of Signboards. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With One Hundred Illsutrations in Facsimile by F. Larwood. London: John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly., 1866. Second edition. [LKK546-402749] 1904 年 3 版 クロース装 天金 ¥12,960 Cartwright,Julia Isabella D'Este. Marchioness of Mantua 1474-1539. A Study of the Renaissance. In 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1904. Third edition. [f0324-170322] 2652 J.カートライト 「イザベルデステ」 2653 (Popish Plot) The Tryal of Nathaniel Reading Esq; For Attempting to Stifle The Kings Evidence as to the Horrid Plot: 1679 年 ペーパー装(改装) ¥21,600 Had before The Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer at the Kings-Bench-Barr at Westminster, on Thursday the 24th. of April 1679. Who being Convicted upon full Evidence, received Judgement to be Fined 1000 l. Imprisoned for One Year; An to be set in the Pillory on Monday then next following. London: Printed for Robert Pawlet, 1679. [f0353-170351] 2654 (Popish Plot) Bourk, Hubert The Information of Hubert Bourk Gent. 1680 年 ペーパー装(改装) ¥21,600 Touching the Popishplot in Ireland. Carried on by the Conspiracies of the Earl of Tyrone. And others his Confederates, to deliver up that Kingdom to the French King, and Establish the Popish Religion therein. Being all matter of Fact, delivered first by thie Informant before the Lord Lieutenant and Council in Ireland in March 1678. And to his Majesty and both Houses of Parliament in November 1680. London: Printed for Randolph Taylor, 1680. [f0352-170350] 2655 (Popish Plot) Colledge,Stephen The Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Stephen Colledge for High-Treason. 1681 年 ペーパー装(改装) ¥21,600 In Conspiring the Death of the King, the Levying of War, and the Subversion of the Government. Before the Right Honourable Sr. Francis North, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas, and other Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery held at the City of Oxon for the County of Oxon, the 17th and 18th of August 1681. London: Printed for Thomas Basset , 1681. [f0354-170352] 2656 (Popish Plot) Comyne,Eustace The Information of Eustace Comyne, 1680 年 ペーパー装(改装) ¥21,600 Servant to Mr. Keadagh Magher. Treasurer to the Papists in Ireland, of their Mony to carry on this Horrid Plot; who was Barbaroustly Murthered for Discovering the fame, and turning Protestant. Given in Writing to the Honorable House of Commons, the 15th of this present November. 1680. London: Printed for Thomas Fox, 1680. [f0351-170349] 225 2657 (Popish Plot) Lewis,William The Information of William Lewis, Gent. 1680 年 ペーパー装(改装) ¥21,600 Delivered at the Bar of The House of Commons. The Eighteenth of November, 1680. Together with His further Narrative relating thereto. In all which is contained A Confirmation of the Popish Plot, and the Justice of the Executions done upon Grove, Pickering, and the Jesuites for the Design of Killing His Most Sacred Majesty. And discovering further the Design of the Papists to set the Navy Royal on Fire in Harbour; and to throw the guilt of the whole upon the Presbyterians. With their Contrivances to take away the Life of the Right Honourable Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury. London: Printed for Randal Taylor, 1680. [f0350-170348] 2658 Levi,Giovanni & Schmitt,Jean-Claude eds. A History of Young People in the West. カバー、クロース装 In 2 vols. The Belknap Press of Harward UP., 1997. 1997 年 ¥4,320 [b00795-403547] 2659 Tin,Pe Maung & Luce,G. H. trans. The Glass Palace Chronicle of the Kings of Burma. クロース装 Issued by The Text Publication Fund of the Byrma Research Society. Humphrey Milford, 1923. [b00872-403624] 1923 年 ¥8,640 Oxford UP., / London: 2660 E.E.イヴァンス-プリチャード 「ザンデ族の妖術、託宣及び呪術」 1968 年 再版 カバー、クロース装 ¥12,960 Evans-Pritchard, E.E. Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. With a Foreword by Professor C. G. Seligman. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Reprinted. (First edition 1937) [b00280-402842] 2661 Macqueen-Pope,W. The Melodies Linger On. The Story of Music Hall. n.d. クロース装 London: W. H. Allen, n.d. [f0688-170694] ¥4,320 2662 Schild,Wolfgang Alte Gerichtsbarkeit. 1980 年 函・カバー、厚紙装 Vom Gottesurteil bis zum Beginn der modernen Rechtsprechung. ¥3,240 Callwey Verlag München, 1980. [b00351-402928] 背 景 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 ロンドン 1822 年・1824 年 2 巻揃 総革装 カラー、モノクロ図版多数 ¥756,000 Burchell,William John Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees Orme, Brown ('and Green' in vol.2), 1822 & 1824. First edition. [aj785-102004] 2663 ウィリアム J.バーチェル 「南アフリカ紀行」 初版 1971 年 函・クロース装 ¥21,600 Olearius,Adam Vermehrte Newe Beschreibung Der Muscowitischen und Persischen Reyse. Schleswig 1656. Herausgegeben von Dieter Lohmeier. [Deutsche Neudrucke herausgegeben von Karl StackmannMittelalter, Erich Trunz Barock, Paul Böckmann und Friedrich Sengle 18. Jahrhundert, Arthur Henkel Goethezeit, Walter Killy 19. Jahrhundert. Reihe: Barock. Herausgegeben von Erich Trunz 21] Tübingen; Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1971. [01991-102138] 2664 アダム・オレアリウス 「ロシア・ペルシャ紀行 (1656 年)」 2665 ジュール・ジャナン、バルザック他 Janin,Jules & Balzac & Cormenin et al. Pictures of the French: 1840 年 クロース装(改装) ¥6,480 A Series of Literary and Graphic Delineations of French Character. By Jules Janin, Balzac, Cormenin, 226 and other Celebrated French Authors. With Upwards of Two Hundred and Thirty Engravings, Drawn of the Wood by Gavarni, H. Monnier, and Meissonier, and Engraved by Lavieille, etc. London: Wm. S. Orr and Co., 1840. [b00951-430084] 2666 ヘンリー・メイヒュー Mayhew,Henry The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and the Poor: The Metropolitan Districts. Vol.II. 1981 年 カバー、クロース装 Caliban Books, 1981. First published. ¥4,320 [b00952-430085] 自然科学 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 n.d. 総革装 ¥84,800 カラー図版:鳥・148 枚 、卵・16 枚(計 164 枚) 前あそび紙に蔵書印あり(「小学館蔵書印」) 鳥の図版のうち 143 点は「Familiar Wild Birds」のもの。ただし「Familiar Wild Birds」は 4 巻揃で鳥の 図版は 144 点なので 1 点のみ欠(Spoon-Bill)。他 5 点の図版は他の本(雑誌?)から取られたもの。卵 の図版は全て「Familiar Wild Birds」のもので揃い。 A collection of plates from "Familiar Wild Birds". n.d. (c.early 1900's). [02192-102384] 2667 野鳥画アルバム 「Familiar Wild Birds」より ソーバーンほか画 2668 Avebury,Lord The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live in. 再版 クロース装 Fifty-First Thousand. London: Macmillan and Co., 1904. Reprinted. 1904 年 ¥4,320 [b00476-403173] 2669 Perrin,Henry & Boulger, F.L.S. 「英国の種子植物」 1914 年 全 4 巻 クロース装 ¥43,200 British Flowering Plants. Illustrated by Three Hundred Full-page Coloured Plates Reproduced from Drawings by Mrs. Henry Perrin. With Detailed Descriptive Notes and an Introduction by Professor Boulger, F.L.S. 4 vols. London; Bernard Quaritch, 1914. [b00101-402318] 2 巻 総革装 ¥32,400 Lowe,E. J. Our Native Ferns; Or a History of the British Species and their Varieties. Vol.I: Polypodium. Allosorus. Gymnogramma. Polystichum. Lastrea. Containing Descriptions of Twenty-two Species and Three Hundred and Eighty-four Varieties of British Ferns.With Thirty-seven Coloured Plates, and Three Hundred and Seventeen Wood Engravings. Vol.II: Athyrium. Aspleenium. Scolopendrium. Ceterach. Lomaria. Pteris. Adiantum. Cystopteris. Woodsia. Trichomanes. Hymenophyllum. Osmunda. Ophioglossum. Botrychium. Containing Descriptions of twenty-Eight Species and Nine Hundred and Ten Varieties of British Ferns. With Forty-two Coloured Plates, and Five Hundred and Ninety-two Wood Engravings. In 2 vols. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1865-1867. [b00267-402819] 2670 エドワード・ジョセフ・ロー 「アワ・ネイティブ・ファーンズ」 (英国自生の羊歯) 2671 F.E.トリップ 「英国の蘚類」 1874 年 2 巻 クロース装 ¥32,400 Tripp,F. E. British Mosses; Their Homes, Aspects, Structure, and Uses. With a Coloured Figure of Each Species Etched from Nature. In 2 vols. London: George Bess and Sons, 1874. [b00268-402820] 2672 J.G.ミレー 「ツツジ科ツツジ属の植物 (ツツジ、シャクナゲ、アザレア)」 1917 年・1924 年 2 巻 限定本 クロース装 カラー、モノクロ図版多数 ¥86,400 Millais,J.G. Rhododendrons in which is Set Forth an Account of All the Species of the Genus Rhododendron (including Azaleas) and the Various Hybrids. [and] Rhododendrons and the Various Hybrids. Second Series. In 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1917 & 1924. Limired to 550 copies, nos.58 & 174 (2nd series). [02184-102376] 227 2673 ウィリアム・ギルピン 「ワイ川紀行」 1800 年 4 版 クロース装 ¥32,400 Gilpin,William Observations on the River Wye, And Several Parts of South Wales, &c. Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty: Made in the Summer of the Year 1770. London: For T. Cadell Junior and W. Davis, Strand, 1800. The fourth edition. [b00398-402979] 2674 ウィリアム・ギルピン 「湖水地方紀行」 1808 年 2 巻合本 1 冊 3 版 1/2 革装 ¥194,400 Gilpin,William Observations, on Several Parts of England, Particularly the Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1772. 2 vols. in 1 London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand., 1808. The third edition. [b00396-402977] 2675 ウィリアム・ギルピン 「ニューフォレスト森林風景」 1794 年 2 巻 2 版 総革装 ¥64,800 Gilpin,William Remarks on Forest Scenery; And otherWoodland Views, (Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty). Illustrated by the Scenes of New-Forest in Hampshire. In Three Books. In 2 vols. London: Printed for R. Blamire, in the Strand., 1794. Second edition. [b00399-402980] 1794 年 2 版 総革装 ¥54,000 Gilpin,William Three Essays On Picturesque Beauty; on Picturesque Travel; and on Sketching Landscape: To which is Added a Poem, on Landscape Painting. London: Printed for R. Blamire, in the Strand., 1794. Second edition. [b00397-402978] 2676 ウィリアム・ギルピン 「三つの試論」 1810 年 3 巻 1/2 革装 ¥162,000 Price,Uvedale Essays on the Picturesque, as Compared with the Sublime and the Beautiful; And, on the Use of Studying Pictures, for the Purpose of Improving Real Landscape. In 3 vols. London: Printed for J. Mawman, 1810. [b00402-402983] 2677 U.プライス 「景観論」 2678 T.ウェスト 「湖水地方案内」 1784 年 3 版 1/2 革装 ¥37,800 West,Thomas A Guide to the Lakes, in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire. By the Author of The Antiquities of Furness. London: Printed for B. Law, Richardson and Urquhart, J. Robson, and W. Pennington, 1784. The third edition, Revised Throughout and Greatly Enlarged. [b00401-402982] 2679 ジョン・ドルトン 「人體生理論」 1867 年 第 4 版 総革装 ¥16,200 大学東校及び東京医学校旧蔵(蔵印) Dalton,John C. A Treatise on Human Physiology; Designed for the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. With Two Hundred and Seventy-Four Illustrations. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea., 1867. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. [f0476-170478] 2680 H.N.ロビンソン 「ロビンソン氏高等代数學」 1871 年 クロース装 ¥6,480 Robinson,Horatio N.Key to Robinson’s New University Algebra. For Teachers and Private Learners. [Robinson’s Mathematical Series] New York: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co.,1871 [f0473-170475] New University Algebra: 1873 年 総革装 ¥6,480 Theoretical and Practical Treatise, Containing Many New and Original Methods and Applications. For Colleges and High Schools. [Robinson’s Mathematical Series.] New York & Chicago: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co.,1873 [f0474-170476] 2681 H.N.ロビンソン Robinson,Horatio N. 228 フォークロア・バラッド 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2682 「フォークロア・ジャーナル」 クロース装及びペーパー装 ¥123,420 The Journal of American Folklore. Volume 1-105 (1888-1992). The American Folklore Society, 1904-1992./ Kraus Reprint in 1963 (vol.1-16 <originally published 1888-1903>, vol.19-22 <1906-1909>, vol.31 <1918>), in 1964 (vol.73 <originally published 1960>) and in 1969 (vol.75 <originally published 1962>). [00162-100237] 2683 「ノースカロライナ フォークロア集成」 7 巻 1952-1962 年 クロース装 ¥48,600 The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. The Folklore of North Carolina Collected by Dr. Frank C.Brown During the Years 1912 to 1943 in Collaboration with The North Carolina Folklore Society of which He was Secretary-Treasure 1913-1943. In 7 vols. General editor: Newman Ivey White. Wood engravings by Clare Leighton. Duke UP., 1952-1962. [01805-101879] 「イギリス伝承文学辞典」 4 巻 1970-1971 年 カバー、クロース ¥43,200 Briggs,Katharine M. A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language. Incorporating the F. J. Norton Collection. Part A: Folk Narratives, Vol.1 & 2. Part B: Folk Legends, Vol.1 & 2. In 4 vols. First published. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970-1971. [02200-102406] 2684 K.M.ブリッグス女史(編) 2685 B.H.ブロンソン(編) 「伝承チャイルド・バラッド集」 4 巻 1959-1972 年 厚紙装 ¥32,400 Bronson,Bertrand Harris The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads. With Theisr Texts, according to the Extant Records of Great Britain and America. Vol.I: Ballads 1 to 53. / Vol.II: Ballads 54 to 113. / Vol.III: Ballads 114 to 243. / Vol.IV: Ballads 245 to 299. In 4 vols. Reprinted. New Jersey: Princeton UP., 1959-1972. [02244-102463] 2686 「マザーグース初期研究書集成」 全 6 巻+別冊(日本語解説) 2005 年 外函、クロース装 ¥54,000 Mother Goose Library 2: Collection of Early Researches. [マザーグース・ライブラリー 第 2 回配 本] Edited by Toshio Fujino(藤野紀男)・Yasuko Natsume(夏目康子). Eureka Press(ユリーカ・プレ ス), 2005. [別冊日本語解説]: 藤野紀男・夏目康子(解説). 非売品. ペーパー装(前表紙少々汚れ 及び角少折れ). [02182-102374] 2687 Kuusi,Matti Regen Bei Sonnenschein. 1957 年 ペーパー装 ¥12,960 Zur Weltgeschichte Einer Redensart. FF Communications vol.69. No.171. Edited for the Folklore Fellows by Walter Anderson, Reidar Th. Christiansen, Séamus Ó Duilearga, Martti Haavio, Dag Strömbäck, Archer Taylor. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 1957. [tf037-402377] 229 チャップブック 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2688 風刺雑誌 「パンチ」 1841 年 7 月 17 日号(創刊号)-1910 年 12 月 28 日号) 1841-1910 年 3/4 革装 ¥648,000 Punch, or The London Charivari. July 17, 1841 (vol.1) through December 28, 1910 (vol. 139). 3,626 issues, bound in 70.(合本 70 冊) London: Published at the Office, etc., 1841-1910. [hu0281-212837] 2689 ハロルド・モンロー(編) 「チャップブック」 1919-1925 年 函・クロース装 ¥129,600 The Chapbook, a Miscellany. Edited by Harold Monro.40 vols. , 38 in the orig. pictorial wrappers and 2 in the orig. boards(one with a chipped dust jacket). London: The Poetry Bookshop, 1919-1925. [00032-211344] 2690 ハロルド・モンロー(編) 「チャップブック」 1967 年 クロース装 ¥43,200 Monro,Harold ed. Chapbook. The Monthly Chapbook (No.1. Vol.1. July,1919-No.6.Vol.1. December,1919.), and The Chapbook (No.7 Vol.II. January,1920-No.40. 1925.) complete reprinted. Edited by Harold Monro. (ハロルド・モンロー編 チャップブック 復刻版・クロース装)In 3 vols. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967. Reprinted. [01254-211345] 2691 アディソン&スティール(著) ヒュー・トムソン(画) 「ロージャー・ド・カヴァーリ卿との日々」 「スペク テーター」誌より 1886 年 3/4 革装 ¥21,600 Addison,Joseph & Sir Richard Steele Days with Sir Roger de Coverley. Reprint from the Spectator. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1886. [aj299-211354] 2692 ジョン・アシュトン Ashton,John Modern Street Ballads. With Fifty-Six Illustrations. 1888 年 クロース装 ¥12,960 London: Chatto & Windus Piccadilly, 1888. [LKK594-402744] 2693 ジョン・アシュトン Ashton,John Chap-Books of the Eighteenth Century. クロース装 With Facsimiles, Notes, and Introduction. 1882 年 London: Chatto and Windus, 1882. ¥12,960 [LKK608-402772] 2694 Trip,Tom The History of Giles Gingerbread. n.d. ヨーク:ケンドリュー刊 ¥8,640 19 世紀前半頃 小型本 木版挿絵 12 点 ペーパー装 By Tom Trip. Embellished with Wood-cuts. York: Printed and sold by J. Kendrew, n.d. (c.early 19th century) [aj1135-500282] 2695 A Garland of New Songs. n.d. ニューキャッスル:J.マーシャル刊 日付なし(1810 年頃?) ¥3,240 1 枚の紙に両面 8 ページ分印刷 “Tweed Side”ほか詩 5 編 ペーパー装 [Containing: 1. Tweed Side. 2. My Nanie, O. 3. Highland Laddie. 4. Up in the Morning Early. 5. Flowers of the Forest.] Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall, In Old Flesh Market, n.d. (c.1810) [aj1137-500284] 2696 A Garland of New Songs. n.d. ニューキャッスル:J.マーシャル刊 日付なし(1815 年頃?) ¥3,240 1 枚の紙に両面 8 ページ分印刷 “Allen A-Dale”ほか詩 6 編 ペーパー装 [Containing: 1. Allen A-Dale. 2. Paddy Carey. 3. Ma Chere Amie. 4. William Tell. 5. Oh the Moment was Sad. 6. The Cottage of the Moor.] Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall, In Old Flesh Market, n.d. (c.1815) [aj1138-500285] 2697 A Garland of New Songs. n.d. ニューキャッスル:J.マーシャル刊 日付なし(1817 年頃?) ¥3,240 1 枚の紙に両面 8 ページ分印刷 “The Bay of Biscay”ほか詩 6 編 ペーパー装 [Containing: 1. The Bay of Biscay, O. 2. All Well. 3. Poor Joe the Marine. 4. The Mid Watch. 5. The 230 Sea-Boy. 6. The Sailor's Adieu.] (c.1817) [aj1139-500286] Printed by J.Marshall, In Old Flesh Market, Newcastle., n.d. 2698 The Ghost of My Uncle. n.d. グラスゴー刊 19 世紀中頃 ペーパー装 ¥3,240 表紙余白に薄いシミ 8-9 ページ余白に鉛筆書込 To which is added, the Outwitted Tax-gatherer. (No. 20 of a series.) Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers, n.d. (c.mid 19th century) [aj1141-500288] ユーモア 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 A Survey of Burlesque and Parody in English. 1931 年 クロース装 ¥16,200 Lecture in English at the University of Edinburgh. Author of "Sir Roger L'estrange: A Contribution to the History of the Press in the Seventeenth Century". Edinburgh & London: Oliver and Boyd, 1931. [hu0075-211762] 2699 ジョージ・キッチン Kitchin,George 2700 R.W.スコット 「コミック・アート・コレクション・カタログ」 1993 年 クロース装 ¥21,600 Scott,Randall W. comp. The Comic Art Collection Catalog. An Author, Artist, Title, and Subject Catalog of the Comic Art Collection, Special Collestions Division, Michigan State University Libraries. London: Greenwood Press, 1993. First published. [hu0277-211964] 2701 [P.G.ウッドハウス] J.H.ハイネマン & D.R.ベンセン(編)Heineman,James H.& Donald R.Bensen eds. P.G.Wodehouse, A Centenary Celebration 1881-1981. The Pierpont Morgan Library & Oxford UP, 1981. 1981 年 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400 [hu0034-211397] 2702 J.M.ボワイエ・ブラン 「カリカチュアの歴史(1792)第 1、2 巻」 1993 年 2 巻 函・クロース装 ¥37,800 Boyer-Brun,J. M. Histoire des Caricatures de la Révolte des Français. Tome 1 & 2. 編集: 専修大 学図書館蔵古典籍影印叢刊刊行会、解説: 森山軍治郎 [附・専修大学ミシェル・ベルンシュタイン 文庫蔵 J.M.ボワイエ・ブラン『フランス人暴動カリカチュアの歴史』について(7pp.) 森山軍治郎] In 2 vols. 専修大学出版局, 平 5 (1993). 150 部限定、No.85 [hu0283-213245] 231 書 物 学 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2703 Colbeck,Norman comp. A Bookman's Catalogue. The Norman Colbeck Collection of Nineteenth-Century and Edwardian Poetry and Belles Lettres in the Special Collections of The University of British Columbia. Compiled with a Preface by Norman Colbeck. In 2 vols. University of British Columbia Press, 1987. Edited by Tirthankar Bose with an Introduction by William E. Fredeman. [dv038-401103] ¥32,830 2704 Cruse,Amy The Englishman and his Books. In the Early Nineteenth Century. George G. Harrap & Co., 1930. Reprinted. (First published, 1930.) London & Bonbay & Sydney: ¥4,320 [bk0097-430034] 2705 King,Arthur & Stuart,A. F. The House of Warne. One Hundred Years of Publishing. Told by Arthur King & A. F. Stuart. don & New York: Frederick Warne & Co., 1965. [bk0100-430037] ¥5,400 Lon- 2706 Lehmann-Haupt,Hellmut The Life of the Book. How the book is wirtten, published, printed, sold, and read. With line drawings by Fritz Kredel and additional Illustrations. London & New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1957. [bk0099-430036] ¥5,400 2707 Macmillan,Sir Frederick The Net Book Agreement 1899 and The Book War 1906-1908. Two Chapters in the History of the Book Trade, including a Narrative of the dispute between The Times Book Club and The Puhlishers' Association by Edward Bell, M.A., Predident of the Association 1906-1908. Printed for the Author by Robert Maclehose & Co., / The University Press, Glasgow, 1924. [bk0098-430035] ¥6,480 2708 Roberts,W. The Book-Hunter in London. Historical and other Studies of Collectors and Collecting. With Numerous Portraits nad Illustrations. London: Elliot Stock, 1895. [bk0101-430038] ¥12,960 2709 Wiles,R. M. Freshest Advices. Early Provincial Newspapers in England. Ohio State UP., 1965. [b00873-430000] ¥3,240 232 19 世紀を中心としたパリファッション雑誌等合本 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2710 月刊女性雑誌「ジュルナル・デ・ドゥモワゼル」 1845 年 1 月-12 月号 ¥35,640 背革装 小口マーブル / 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ 小口ヤケ 合本タイトルページ~p.4 まで欠 ペー ジ余白を中心に薄いシミ p.137 余白少々欠[ファッション・プレート] 白黒・4 点 / カラー・11 点 / [刺 繍図版]カラー・1 点 合本冊数: 12 Journal des Demoiselles. 4 b/w and 11 colored fashion plates. 1 colored embroidered design. [aj897-807352] 2711 月刊女性雑誌「ジュルナル・デ・ドゥモワゼル」 1860 年 3 月-12 月号 ¥35,640 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背少々擦れ 背ジョイント部に穴 小口ヤケ 前見返し綴じ割れ(ただし背 で繋がっている) p.186-187 余白汚れ [ファッション・プレート] 白黒・5 点 白黒(三つ折)・2 点 / カラ ー・10 点 / [その他図版]白黒・3 点 合本冊数: 10 Journal des Demoiselles. Vingt-huitème Année. Paris: Au Bureau du Jounal. 5 b/w and 10 colored fashion plates. 2 foleded b/w fashion plates and 3 b/w plates. [aj898-807353] 2712 月刊女性雑誌「ジュルナル・デ・ドゥモワゼル」 1878 年 1 月-12 月号 ¥48,600 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ及び傷み 表紙、裏表紙角欠 背部分欠及びジョイント部少々裂け 小口ヤケ 見返しヤケ p.19 余白欠 p.41 綴じ外れ、余白少々汚れ p.91 に穴及び印刷剥げ(一部文 字欠損) p.141 欠[ファッション・プレート] 白黒・2 点(共に三つ折) / カラー・16 点 合本冊数: 12 Journal des Demoiselles. Quarante-siximème Année. Paris: Au Bureau du Jounal. 2 folded b/w fashion plates and 16 colored fashion plates. [aj900-807355] 2713 月刊女性雑誌「ジュルナル・デ・ドゥモワゼル」 1881 年 1 月-12 月号 ¥48,600 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ及び傷み 表紙、裏表紙角欠 表紙大きく剥げ 背部分欠及びジョ イント部少々裂け 小口ヤケ p.139 欠[ファッション・プレート] 白黒・2 点(共に折込) / カラー・16 点 合本冊数: 12 Journal des Demoiselles. Quarante-neuvième Année. Paris: Au Bureau du Jounal. 2 folded b/w fashion plates and 16 colored fashion plates. [aj901-807356] 2714 「キープセイク・デ・ダーム・エ・デ・ドモワゼル」 「ル・メッサージュ・デ・ダーム・エ・デ・ドモワゼル」 ¥38,880 Keepsake des Dames et des Demmoiselles 日付なし / Le Messager des Dames et des Demoiselles. 1854 年 10 月-1855 年 9 月号 背革装 / 表紙、裏表紙、背少々擦れ 背部分表面剥げ 小口ヤケ ページに薄いシミ Le Messager des Dames~の p.185-192 欠 Keepsake des・・・ [読み物の挿絵] 白黒・5 点 / Le Messager des・・・ [ファッションプレート] 白黒・1 点 / カラー・12 点 [書簡のコピー] 白黒・2 点 合本冊数: Le Messager 12 Keepsake des Dames et des Demmoiselles / Le Messager des Dames et des Demoiselles. (Keepsake) 5 b/w fashion plates. (Le Messager) 1 b/w fashion plates and 2 b/w plates of photo copies of letters. 12 colored fashion plates. [aj902-807357] 2715 「ラ・モード・イリュストレ」 ¥43,200 1882 年 1 月 1 日号-12 月 31 日号 / 1883 年 1 月 7 日号-6 月 24 日号 背革装 / 表紙少々擦れ、部分退色 裏表紙ヤケ、擦れ、汚れ 背擦れ、表面剥がれ、傷 小口ヤケ 見返しヤケ ページ余白を中心に薄いシミあり 後遊び紙上端少々欠 [1882 年] p.39 余白に小さな 破れ p.103 余白に小さな穴 p.231-232 に濃い点状のシミ 1 か所 p.325 余白に小さな破れ p.327 余白テープで補修 p.330-335 に濃い点状のシミ p.360-361 ヤケ p.363 裂け 12 月 24 日号と 31 日 号の順番が逆になっている [1883 年] p.95 余白テープで補修 5 月 6 日号、6 月 17 日号、6 月 24 233 日号ヤケ p.143-145 大きなシミ 記事内に白黒図版多数 合本冊数: 78 La Mode Illustrée. Journal de la Famille. Vingt-troisième Année de la Publication. / Vingt-quatrième Année de la Publication. Paris: A La Librairie de Firmin-Didot et cie. With numerous b/w illus. [aj908-807349] 2716 「モード・エ・トラヴォー (ファッションと手芸)」 1928 年 1 月 1 日号-12 月 15 日号 ¥43,200 背革装 / 裏表紙角擦れ 背の端擦れ 小口ヤケ あそび紙ヤケ / 附・1936 年 9 月 15 日号の付録 (型紙) 合本冊数: 24 Modes et Travaux. feminins. Paris. With a supplement of 15 Sept. 1936 issue. [aj914-807364] 2717 「ル・パリジャン・デ・パリ」 1897 年 1 月 10 日号-12 月 26 日号 ¥43,200 ペーパー装 6 月 13、20 日、7 月 11、18 日各号にサプリメント(Un Cahier de Nouvelles)挟み込み / 表 紙薄いシミ、裂け 裏表紙少々汚れ 背に薄いシミ 表紙から p.16 閉じ緩み(ほぼ綴じ外れ) 小口及 びページ少々ヤケ p.203 余白に鉛筆で書込 p.281 ページ下端少々裂け p.283 欠 5/16 号~ペー ジ番号ミスプリント 10/24~ページ番号ミスプリント 記事内に白黒図版多数 合本冊数: 51 Le Parisien de Paris. Journal hebdomadaire illustré. Édition de luxe. Année 1897. Paris. June 13 & 20, July 11 & 18 with supplement ("Un Cahier de Nouvelles"). Front cover light stained and torn. Rear cover and spine light stained. Pages from front cover to p.16 out of joint. Edges and pages light sunned. Pencil notaion to margin of p.203. Bottom edge of p.281 torn. p.283 missing. Misnumbered from page 'May 16' and from 'Oct 24.' [aj906-807348] 2718 W.アレクサンダー 「色彩豊かなオーストリアの服装と風習の描写 」 ¥162,000 彩色図版 50 点 3/4 革装 函 表紙、裏表紙ヤケ、汚れ、擦れ、革の表面剥げ 小口ヤケ 見返しに蔵書票 Alexander, William Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Austrians. Illustrated in Fifty Coloured Engravings, with Descriptions. "Pubd. June 1, 1813, by J. Murray..."on plates. London: Printed for James Goodwin… by W. Lewis, n.d. (c.1813) [aj915-807359] 2719 M.ルイーズ 「軍服の歴史」 カラー・モノクロ図版多数 紺クロース装 ¥16,200 表紙、裏表紙汚れ 背ヤケ、表紙と接する側をテープで補修、裏表紙と接する側は裂け 小口ヤケ、 やや汚れ 後見返しから数ページムレシミ p.172 及び 386-416pp.に鉛筆書込. Lezius, Martin Das Ehrenkleid des Soldaten. Eine Kulturgeschichte der uniform von ihren anfangen bis zur gegenwart. Mit 208 farbigen Tafeln. Berlin: Im Verlag Ullstein, 1936. [aj917-807361] 2720 A.ギオモ Jr.画 「フランス・ディレクトワール時代のコスチューム」 ¥32,400 M.ヴィクトリアン・サルドゥの戯曲「素晴らしき女たち」(Les Merveilleuses)より A.Guillaumot Fils 画 銅版画 20 点 背革装 表紙、裏表紙角欠、背擦れ 前遊び紙から'table des planches'まで及び図版余白にムレシミ Sardou, M. Victorien / Guillaumot Fils, A. Costumes du Directoire tirés des Merveilleuses. Avec une lettre de M. Victorien Sardou. 20 eaux-fortes de A. Guillaumot Fils. Dessins de MM. Eugène Lacoste et Draner. D'Apès les Estampes du Temps. Tiré Chez Ch. Chardon Ainé. Paris: Librairie Bachelin Deflorenne, n.d. (c.1874) [aj918-807362] 2721 フランス生地見本帖 「agp」 シルク 1956 年・夏 ¥216,000 生地見本多数 生地を使用した女性ファッション画あり 一部生地ピン留め クロース装 [album of samples of fabrics] agp soieries. Été 1956. Paris, 1956. [aj971-807949] 2722 O.M.ダルトン Dalton,O. M. Catalogue of The Engraved Gems of the Post-Classical Periods. クロース装 ¥32,400 In the Department of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography in the British Museum. London: Printed by Order of the Trustees, Sold ad the British Museum, 1915. [b00468-403132] 234 ロビン・フッド関係書籍コレクション(分売) 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2723 Aramaki,T.(荒牧鉄雄) The Adventures of Robin Hood. 「ロビン=フッドの冒険」 General Editor: T. Aramaki. 別冊訳文付. [Choice Reading Series 19] Tokyo: Nichieisha (日栄社), 1985.(昭 60.)35 版 [ch0197-500203] ¥3,240 2724 Bantock,Nick Robin Hood. A Pop-Up Ryme Told by Nick Bantock. [ch0187-500193] ¥3,240 New York: Viking Penguin, 1993. 2725 Bellamy,John Robin Hood: An Historical Enquiry. London & Sydney: Croom Helm, 1985. [ch0217-500223] ¥3,240 2726 Blyton,Enid Robin Hood Book. Illustrated by Joyce Johnson. [ch0202-500208] ¥3,240 London: Latimer House Ltd., 1949. First published. 2727 Carpenter,Richard Robin of Sherwood. Puffin Books, 1986. Reprinted. [ch0189-500195] ¥1,080 2728 Carruth,Jane Robin Hood. Retold by Jane Carruth. Illustrated by Chris Higham. [Purnell Colour Classics] Books, 1978. [ch0268-500274] ¥4,320 Purnell 2729 Collins,Joan Robin Hood. Illustrated by Richard Hook. [ch0196-500202] ¥1,080 Loughborough: Ladybird Books, 1985. First edition. 2730 Creswick,Paul Robin Hood. Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. Pennsylvania: Running Press, 1993. [ch0236-500242]¥4,320 2731 Creswick,Paul Robin Hood. Illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. [ch0240-500246] ¥2,160 New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1984. 2732 de Vries,Richard On The Trail of Robin Hood. Revised and illustrated by Paul W. Cullen and Rodney Hordern. Crossbow Books, 1988. Revised and Expended edition. [ch0237-500243] ¥2,160 2733 Dobson,R. B. & Taylor,J. Rymes of Robyn Hood. An Introuduction to the English Outlaw. vised edition. [ch0223-500229] ¥4,320 Sutton Publishing Ltd., 1997. Re- 2734 Dumas,Alexandre Robin des Bois. Adaptation d'A.-M. Comert. Illustrations de Giannini. [ch0230-500236] ¥3,240 Paris: Deux Coqs d'Or, 1979. 2735 Fraser,Antonia Robin Hood. Orion, 1993. [ch0207-500213] ¥2,160 2736 Fraser,Antonia Robin Hood. Illustrated by Rebecca Fraser. [ch0210-500216] ¥2,160 A Magnet Book, 1985. First published. 235 2737 Gilbert,Henry Robin Hood and the Men of the Greenwood. With 16 illustrations in colour by Walter Crane. London: Bracken Books, 1985. [ch0239-500245] ¥4,320 2738 Gilson,Major Charles Robin of Sherwood. London & Glasgow: The Children's Press, n.d. [ch0200-500206] ¥2,160 2739 Gray,Nigel The One and Only Robin Hood. Illustrated by Helen Craig. Reprinted. [ch0247-500253] ¥1,080 London: Walker Books, 1992. 2740 Green,Barbara The Outlaw Robin Hood. His Yorkshire Legend. [ch0243-500249] ¥2,160 Kirklees Cultural Services, 1991. 2741 Green,Barbara The Outlaw Robin Hood. His Yorkshire Legend. sion. [ch0244-500250] ¥1,080 Kirklees Cultural Services, 1992. Second impres- 2742 Green,Roger Lancelyn The Adventures of Robin Hood. Collected and Retold by Roger Lancelyn Green Illustrated by Arthur Hall. Puffin Books, 1981. Reprinted. [ch0190-500196] ¥1,080 2743 Harris,P. Valentine The Truth about Robin Hood. A Refutation of the Mythologists' Theories, with New Evidence of the Hero's Actual Existence. Linneys of Mansfield, 1973. [ch0214-500220] ¥2,160 2744 Harris,P. Valentine The Truth about Robin Hood. A Refutation of the Mythologists' Theories, with New Evidence of the Hero's Actual Existence. Linneys of Mansfield, 1973. [ch0215-500221] ¥3,240 2745 Harris,P. Valentine The Truth about Robin Hood. A Refutation of the Mythologists' Theories, with New Evidence of the Hero's Actual Existence. London: Published by Author, n.d. [ch0216-500222] ¥4,320 2746 Hinscliff,Matthew Robin Hood and the Curtall Fryer. Decorated and illustrated by Matthew Hinscliff. There have been printed of this Edition One Thousand Copies. Leeds: Richard Jackson., 1900. [ch0264-500270] ¥21,600 2747 Holeinone,Peter La leggenda di Robin Hood. Testi di Peter Holeinone. Illustrazioni di Piero Cattaneo. Editore, 1994. [ch0272-500278] ¥2,160 Milano: Dami 2748 Holeinone,Peter La leggenda di Robin Hood. Testi di Peter Holeinone. Illustrazioni di Piero Cattaneo. Editore, 1994. [ch0273-500279] ¥2,160 Milano: Dami 2749 Holroyd,George H. Robin Hood and His Merrie Men. Also Father Christmas Meets Robin Hood A Fantasy. Illustrations by Laurence East. [Bright Story Reader No.50] London: E. J. Arnold & Son Ltd., n.d. [ch0201-500207] ¥2,160 2750 Holt,J. C. Robin Hood. With 51 illustarions and 4 maps. [ch0227-500233] ¥3,240 London: Thames and Hudson, 1982. 2751 Holt,J. C. Robin Hood. With 51 illustarions and 4 maps. [ch0228-500234] ¥3,240 London: Thames and Hudson, 1982. 236 2752 Kester,Max The Silver Arrow. A Story by Max Kester. Illustrated by John Kenney. [A Ladybird Robin Hood Adventure, Series 549] Loughborough: Ladybird Books Ltd, 1954. [ch0194-500200] ¥1,080 2753 Kester,Max The Ambush. A Story by Max Kester. Illustrated by John Kenney. [A Ladybird Robin Hood Adventure, Series 549] Loughborough: Ladybird Books Ltd, 1955. [ch0195-500201] ¥1,080 2754 Knight,Stephen Robin Hood. A Mythic Biography. [ch0222-500228] ¥5,400 Ithaca & London: Cornell UP, 2003. First published. 2755 Knight,Stephen & Ohlgren,Thomas eds. Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales. With Contributions by Thomas E. Kelly, Russell A. Peck, Michael Swanton, Paul Whitfield White. (Middle English Texts). Michigan: Mediecal Institute Publications, / Western Michigan University, 1997. [ch0238-500244] ¥6,480 2756 Knight,Stephen ed. Robin Hood: The Forresters Manuscript. British Library Additonal MS 71158. With a Manuscript Description by Hilton Kelliher. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1998. First published. [ch0209-500215] ¥8,640 2757 Knight,Stephen ed. Robin Hood: The Forresters Manuscript. British Library Additonal MS 71158. With a Manuscript Description by Hilton Kelliher. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1998. First published. [ch0224-500230] ¥8,640 2758 Lees,Jim The Legendary Exploits of Robin Hood in the City of Nottingham. Compiled from the Old Ballads. Nottingham: Temple Nostalgia Press, 1987. [ch0212-500218] ¥2,160 2759 Lees,Jim The Quest for Robin Hood. Edited by Keith Mellor. [ch0241-500247] ¥1,080 Nottingham: Temple Nostalgia Press, 1987. 2760 Manning-Sanders,Ruth Robin Hood and The Gold Arrow. Ilustrated by Jo Chesterman. 1979. First published. [ch0220-500226] ¥6,480 London: Methuen Childen's Books, 2761 Manning-Sanders,Ruth Robin Hood and Little John. Ilustrated by Jo Chesterman. 1979. Reprinted. [ch0221-500227] ¥4,320 London: Methuen Childen's Books, 2762 Matthews,John Robin Hood: Green Lord of the Wildwood. Foreword by Richard Carpenter. Afterword by Chesca Potter. Gothic Image Publications, 1993. First published. [ch0219-500225] ¥3,240 2763 May,Robin Richard Carpenter's Robin of Sherwood and The Hounds of Lucifer. printed. [ch0188-500194] ¥1,080 Puffin Books, 1987. Re- 2764 McKinley,Robin The Outlaws of Sherwood. New York: Ace Books, 1989. [ch0191-500197] ¥1,080 2765 Miles,Bernard Robin Hood: His Life and Legend. Illustrated by Victor G. Ambrus. [ch0266-500272] ¥2,160 Hamlyn, 1979. 2766 Moffatt,Derry Robin Hood. Based on Walt Disney Productions Full-Length Cartoon Feature Film. This Adaptation by Derry Moffatt. Walt Disney Productions, 1975. New edition. [ch0193-500199] ¥1,080 237 2767 Nelson,Harold The Gallant Atchievements of Robin Hood; The Famous History of Fryer Bacon; The Romance of Robert the Devil. Three Famous English Romances. Ingenuously and Abundantly Ornamented by Harold Nelson. [Early Rnglish Prose Romances] Edinburgh: Otto Schulze & Co., n.d. [ch0263-500269] ¥6,480 2768 Oman,Carola Robin Hood. The Prince of Outlaws. A Tale of the Fourteenth Century from the 'Lytell Geste', Illustrated with line drawings by S. Van Abbé. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1975. First published. [ch0192-500198] ¥1,080 2769 Oman,Carola Robin Hood. The Prince of Outlaws. A Tale of the Fourteenth Century from the 'Lytell Geste'. Illustrated with line drawings and 8 colour plates by S. Van Abbé. [The Children's Illustrated Classics] London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1949. First published. [ch0206-500212] ¥3,240 2770 Pakenham,Antonia Robin Hood. Illustrated by Geoffrey Whittam. [ch0205-500211] ¥2,160 London: The Heirloom Library, 1955. First published. 2771 Phillips,Graham & Keatman,Martin Robin Hood. The Man Behind the Myth. lished. [ch0225-500231] ¥2,160 London: Michael O'Mara Books Ltd., 1995. First pub- 2772 Pyle,Howard Robin Hood. Nacherzählt con Dirk Walbrecker. Illustriert von Laurence Sartin. [Bibliothek der Kinderklassiker] Annette Betz Verlag, 1992. [ch0250-500256] ¥2,160 2773 Pyle,Howard The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire. Illustrated by Mike Grell. The Donning Co., 1989. [ch0267-500273] ¥3,240 2774 Pyle,Howard (ハワード・パイル) Robin Hood. 「ロビン・フッド物語」 Edited with Notes by Atusmu Kanayama(編注者: 金山崇). Tokyo: The Eihōsha(英宝社), 1983 (昭 58). 第 2 刷. [ch0198-500204] ¥2,160 2775 Ritson,J. ed. Robin Hood. A Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads. With a New Introduction by Jim Lees. EP Publishing Ltd., 1972. Republished. [ch0208-500214] ¥3,240 2776 Rutherford-Moore,Richard The Legend of Robin Hood. Capall Bann Publishing, 1998. [ch0204-500210] ¥3,240 2777 Serraillier,Ian Robin in the Greenwood. Illustrated by Victor G. Ambrus. lished. [ch0229-500235] ¥2,160 London: Oxford UP, 1967. First pub- 2778 Sheffield,John The Original Robin Hood. A Translation of the Early Tales. Illustrated by John Clark. John Sheffield & Broad, 1982. First published. [ch0213-500219] ¥2,160 Nottingham: 2779 Sterling,Sara Hawks Robin Hood and His Merry Men. Retold by Sara Hawks Sterling. Illustrated by Rowland Wheelwright. London: J. Coker & Co., n.d. [ch0235-500241] ¥3,240 2780 Suddaby,Donald Fresh News from Sherwood. Illustrated by William Stobbs. published. [ch0199-500205] ¥2,160 238 London: The Bodley Head, 1959. First 2781 Suddaby,Donald Robin Hood Omnibus. Robin Hood's Master Stroke. New Tales of Robin Hood. gow: Blackie, 1972. First published. [ch0211-500217] ¥2,160 London & Glas- 2782 Trelleck Robin Hood and His Merry Men. Pictures and Rhymes by Trelleck. n.d. [ch0261-500267] ¥2,160 Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd., 2783 Trelleck Robin Hood and His Merry Men. Pictures and Rhymes by Trelleck. n.d. [ch0262-500268] ¥2,160 Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd., 2784 Vivian,E. Charles Robin Hood. With 16 colour plates by Harry G. Theaker. n.d. [ch0233-500239] ¥4,320 London & Melbourne: Ward, Lock & Co., 2785 Walt Disney Studio Robin Hood. Story and Pictures by the Walt Disney Studio. Authorized Edition from the Walt Disney Motion Picture "Robin Hood". [Walt Disney Productions] New York: Golden Press, 1974. Second printing. [ch0265-500271] ¥2,160 2786 Wilson,Charles Robin Hood: His Merry Exploits. Retold by Charles Wilson. London & Bombay & Sydney: George G. Harrap & Co., 1934. Reprinted. [ch0232-500238] ¥2,160 2787 Wilson,Steve Robin Hood: The Spirit of the Forest. Foreword by Alan Moore. [ch0203-500209] ¥2,160 London: Neptune Press, 1993. 2788 Woolf,Rose Yeatman Robin Hood and His Life in the Merry Greenwood. Told by Rose Yeatman Woolf. Illustrated by Howard Davie and Edited by Capt. Vredenburg. [Magna Chidlen's Classics] Leicester: Magna Books, 1992. [ch0226-500232] ¥2,160 2789 Young,Hilda Robin Hood-Outlaw of Sherwood. Illustrated by Glenn Rix. [High Adventure] International Publishing Ltd., 1981. [ch0269-500275] ¥1,080 Manchester: World 2790 Classic Adventure Stories. Contents: The Three Musketeers. (Joan Cameron ed.) / Gulliver's Travels. (Marie Stuart ed.) / Treasure Island. (Joyce Faraday ed.)/ Oliver Twist. (Brenda Ralph Lewis & Ronne Randall eds.)/ Robin Hood. (John Grant ed.) Ladybird Ltd., 1996. [ch0270-500276] ¥2,160 2791 Johns Hopkins Magazine. Volume XXXV, No.1, Feburary 1984. The Truth about Robin Hood. The Johns Hopkins University, 1984. [ch0253-500259] 2792 Robin Hood. Octopu Pop-up Pictures Stories. [ch0249-500255] ¥2,160 London: Octopus Books Ltd., 1980. First published. ¥2,160 2793 Robin Hood and The Silver Arrow. Devised and designed by Hussingtree Historical Designs. [Linelights Stained-Glass Windows Books] 2794 Robin Hood Adventure Gaming. London: Longman Group Ltd., 1978. [ch0251-500257]¥1,080 Hinchliffe Models Ltd., n.d. 2795 Robin Hood Country. The Country Guide to Nottighamshire. [ch0245-500251] [ch0256-500262] ¥2,160 Pitkin Fuides Ltd, 1996. ¥1,080 2796 Robin Hood Country. Colourmaster Publication. Photo Precision Ltd., n.d. [ch0248-500254] ¥1,080 2797 Robin of the Movies. (A Cinematic History of the Outlaw of Sherwood Forest). Written by David Turner. Graphics & illustrations by Malcolm Baker. 239 Teoman Publishing, 1989. [ch0254-500260] ¥2,160 2798 Rochester Review. Vol. 60, No.3, Spring-Summer 1998. Cover Story: Robin Hood and His Merry Myth. New York: University of Rochester, 1998. [ch0252-500258] ¥2,160 2799 Rogues of Sherwood Forest. A Story of the Son of Robin Hood. With 8 Plates in Colour. 80 illustra- tions and Narrative based on Columbia Pictures' Technicolor adventure drama "Rogues of Sherwood Forest". London & Melbourne: Ward, Lock & Co., n.d. [ch0234-500240] ¥2,160 2800 Royal Sherwood. Nottinghamshire Country Council, 1977. First published. 2801 The Adventures of Robin Hood. [A Purnell Classic] edition. [ch0218-500224] [ch0242-500248] ¥2,160 Purnell Books, 1977. First published in this ¥3,240 2802 The Tales of Robin Hood. Nottinghamshire Country Council, 1983. First published. ¥2,160 [ch0255-500261] 2803 The Tales of Robin Hood Nottingham. Souvenir Guide. Robin Hood Centre plc, n.d. ¥1,080 [ch0246-500252] 2804 The Tales of Robin Hood Nottingham. Education Pack. A Schoolroom guide to the Tales of Robin Hood, with essential information for teachers planning a visit for students aged 5-18. Tourist, n.d. [ch0271-500277] ¥3,240 2805 Walt Disney's Story of Robin Hood and his Merrie Men. First edition. [ch0231-500237] Nottingham London & Glasgow: Collins, 1952. ¥2,160 2806 Robin Hood. 「ロビン・フッド」映画パンフレット 東宝出版事業室, 1991. [ch0257-500263] ¥1,080 2807 Kevin Costner is Robin Hood. 「ケビン・コスナー主演 ロビン・フッド」映画パンフレット Prince of Thieves. 松竹株式会社事業部, 平 3 (1991). [ch0258-500264] 2808 Robin and Marian. 「ロビンとマリアン」映画パンフレット [ch0259-500265] 東宝株式会社事業部, 昭 51 (1976). ¥1,080 2809 「ウォルト・ディズニーのロビン・フッド」映画パンフレット [ch0260-500266] ¥1,080 ブエナ・ビスタ映画株式会社, 1973. ¥1,080 マックス・ビアボームコレクション(分売) 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2810 Beerbohm, Max A Christmas Garland Woven by Max Beerbohm. tion. [Bee024-170697] ¥16,200 London: William Heinemann, 1912. First edi- 2811 Beerbohm, Max A Christmas Garland Woven by Max Beerbohm. tion. [Bee025-170698] ¥4,320 London: William Heinemann, 1950. New edi- 2812 Beerbohm, Max A Peep Into the Past. Privately Printed, 1923. First edition, limited 300 copies. [Bee014-170699] ¥12,960 240 2813 Beerbohm, Max And Even Now. London: William Heinemann, 1920. First edition. [Bee005-170700] ¥12,960 2814 Beerbohm, Max Caricatures of Twenty-Five Gentlemen. With an Introduction by L. Raven-Hill. Smithers, 1896. First edition, second issue. [Bee016-170701] ¥21,600 London: Leonard 2815 Beerbohm, Max Fifty Caricatures. London: William Heinemann, 1913. First edition. [Bee013-170702] ¥12,960 2816 Beerbohm, Max Fifty Caricatures. London: William Heinemann, 1914. Second Impression. [Bee026-170703] ¥8,640 2817 Beerbohm, Max Heroes and Heroines of Bitter Sweet. No publisher given [London: Leadley Ltd], n.d.[1931.] First edition, limited 100 copies. One of 100 copies with each plate singed by the subject of the caricature. This copy unnumbered, probably being for presentation. [Bee022-170704] ¥54,000 2818 Beerbohm, Max Max's Nineties: Drawings 1892-1899. With an Introduction by Osbert Lancaster. Hart-Davis, 1958. First edition. [Bee020-170705] ¥8,640 London: Rupert 2819 Beerbohm, Max More. London and New York: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1899. First edition. Printe for John Lane at the University Press Cambridge U.S.A. [Bee003-170706] ¥6,480 2820 Beerbohm, Max Observations. London: William Heinemann, 1926. First edition. This edition is limited to 280 copies with the signed plate and signed and numbered (no.15) on limitation page. [Bee019-170707] ¥32,400 2821 Beerbohm, Max Rossetti and His Circle. London: William Heinemann, 1922. First edition. [Bee015-170708] ¥8,640 2822 Beerbohm, Max Seven Men. London: William Heinemann, 1919. First edition, First issue. [Bee004-170709] ¥4,320 2823 Beerbohm, Max The Dreadful Dragon of Hay Hill. [Bee023-170710] ¥8,640 London: William Heinemann, 1928. First edition. 2824 Beerbohm, Max The Happy Hypocrite. Illustrated by George Sheringham. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head / New York: The John Lane Company, n.d. (1915 to Note by the author.) This edition printed on Japanese vellum is limited 50 copies, of which this is No.4. [Bee017-170711] ¥16,200 2825 Beerbohm, Max The Poets' Corner. London: William Heinemann, 1904. First edition. [Bee021-170712] ¥12,960 2826 Beerbohm, Max The Works of Max Beerbohm. With a Bibliography by John Lane. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1896. First edition. Copyrighted in the United States. [Bee002-170713] ¥8,640 2827 Beerbohm, Max Things New and Old. London: William Heinemann, 1923. First edition. [Bee018-170714] ¥8,640 2828 Beerbohm, Max Works and More. [The Week-end Library] [Bee001-170715] ¥3,240 John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1930. First published. 241 2829 Beerbohm, Max Yet Again. London: Chapman and Hall, 1909. First edition. [Bee028-170716] ¥12,960 2830 Beerbohm, Max Zuleika Dobson. Or an Oxford Love Story. [Bee006-170717] ¥32,400 London: William Heinemann, 1911. First edition. 2831 [Beerbohm, Max] Behrman, S. N. Conversation with Max. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1960. First edition. [Bee007-170718] ¥4,320 2832 [Beerbohm, Max] Behrman, S. N. Portrait of Max. An Intimate Memoir of Sir Max Beerbohm. First edition. [Bee009-170719] ¥3,240 New York: Random House, 1960. 2833 [Beerbohm, Max] Cecil, David Max. A Biography. London: Constable, 1964. First edition. [Bee008-170720] ¥3,240 2834 [Beerbohm, Max] Cecil, David Max. A Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965. First American Edition. [Bee027-170721] ¥3,240 2835 [Beerbohm, Max] Hart-Davis, Rupert comp. A Catalogue of the Caricatures of Max Beerbohm. [Bee012-170722] ¥8,640 Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1972. First edition. 2836 [Beerbohm, Max] Hart-Davis, Rupert ed. Letters of Max Beerbohm, 1892-1956. [Bee011-170723] ¥4,320 London: John Murray, 1988. First published. 2837 [Beerbohm, Max] Lago, Mary M. and Beckson, Karl eds. Max and Will. Max Beerbohm and William Rothenstein: Their Friendship and Letters, 1893-1945. Edited, with Introductions and Notes by Mary M.Lago and Karl Beckson. London: John Murray, 1975. First edition. [Bee010-170724] ¥4,320 竹友藻風旧蔵 洋書限定本コレクション(分売) 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2838 Audin, Marius Le Livre Français. Abec 60 Planches en Héliogravure. thèque générale illustrée, 12. [aj428-170725] ¥3,240 Paris: Les Éditions Rieder, 1929. Biblio- 2839 Binyon, Laurence The Idols: An Ode London: Macmillan and co.,ltd, 1928. [aj417-170726] ¥3,240 2840 Blunden,Edmund In Summer. The Rotunda of the Bishop of Derry. With decorations by Edward Carrick. London: Privately Printed, 1931.[Of this book 290 numberea copies printed on Basingwerk Parchment have been issued, all signed by the author. This is Copy. 190.] 署名入り [aj405-170727] ¥3,240 242 2841 Breton, Nicholas The Twelve Moneths. Edited by Brian Rhys, with Wood Engravings by Eric Ravilious. The Golden Cockerel Press, 1927. [The edition is limited to 500copies, of which 250 are for the United States of America. This is Number 387] [aj415-170728] ¥64,800 2842 Campbell, Roy The Gum Trees. Drawing by David Jones. London: Faber & Faber Ltd, 1930. [This large-paper edition, printed on English hand-made paper, is limited to four hundred copies. This is Number 116] [aj416-170729] ¥6,480 2843 Collier,John No Traveller Returns. London:The White Owl Press, 1931. [This edition numberd and signed by the author, is limited to 210 copies of which numbers 1to 25 have been printed on iridescent japanese vellum and numbers 26 to 210 on hand-made paper. This is Number 109.] 署名入り [aj404-170730] ¥21,600 2844 Davies, W.H. The Lovers' Song-Book. Montgomeryshire: The Gregynog Press, 1933.[Limited to two hundred and fifty copies. This is No.182] [aj401-170731] ¥21,600 2845 Davies, W.H. The Lovers' Song-Book. Montgomeryshire: The Gregynog Press, 1933.[Limited to two hundred and fifty copies. This is No.184] [aj402-170732] ¥21,600 2846 Ellis, Mrs.Havelock (Edith Mary Oldham Lees Ellis) Stories and Essays by Mrs.Havelock Ellis. (Vol.I.) With a Preface by Charles Marriott, Reminiscences by Mrs.Clifford Bax & a Note by Havelock Ellis. Decorations by M.Duvalet. Vol.1 of 2volumes. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: The Free Spirit Press. 1924. [This private edition is published in two volumes and limited to 305sets, of which this is Number 104.] 献呈本署名入り [aj427-170734] ¥8,640 2847 Emerson, Ralph Waldo Friendship. Selection from Ralph Waldo Emerson and others "Lead Kindly Light" by John Henry Newman. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, n.d. [aj436-170735] ¥6,480 2848 Empson, William Poems. Printed for Private Circulation. Kinuta-mura, near Tokyo: The Fox & Daffodil Press, 1934. 後遊び紙のラベルより「この詩集は William Empson 氏の知人並に教へを受けた学生諸君に頒つた めに著者の承諾を得て百部を限り印刷したものである。同氏は近く帰英されるが、この詩集が日本滞 在の良き思ひ出とならば幸いである。・・・「狐と水仙」同人 曾根保、酒井善孝、北村常夫」 [aj418-170736] ¥16,200 2849 Henryson, Robert The Testament of Cresseid. Edited anew by Bruce Dickins. Edinburgh: The Porpoise Press, 1925. [THE TESTAMENT OF CRESSEID has been printed in Great Britain, on British mould-made paper. Of the five hundred and fifty consecutively numbered copies comprising the edition, five hundred are for sale, this being number 89] [aj419-170737] ¥4,320 2850 Hubbard, Elbert The Tale of Two Tailors. Which the Same has the Unique Quality of Being TRUE. New York: The Roycrofters, 1909. [Of this edition of The Tale of Two Tailors there were printed but Fifteen Hundred copies. This volume is No.843.] 署名入り [aj433-170738] ¥5,400 2851 James, Henry Daumier, Caricaturist. [aj424-170739] ¥3,240 Miniature Books, London: Rodale Press. 1954. First edition. 2852 Joyce, James Pomes Penyeach. Paris: Shakespeare and Company, 1927. First edition. First trade edition. There 243 were also thirteen copies on Dutch hand-made paper and numbered 1 to 13. (This copy no numbered). [aj437-170740] ¥43,200 2853 Keats,John Isabella or the Pot of Basil. Illustrated and Decorated by W.B.Macdougall. Trench, Trübner and Co, Ltd., 1898. [aj411-170741] ¥64,800 London: Kegan Paul, 2854 Louÿs, Pierre The Collected Tales of Pierre Louÿs. Illustrated by John Austen. Chicago: Argus Books, 1930.[This edition is limited to two thousand copies. Designed, set-up and printed at The Peacock Press, Incorporated, Chicago. Completed, December, 1929.] 挿絵 1P 欠 [aj400-170742] ¥5,400 2855 Morris, William Some Hints on Pattern-Designing. A Lecture Delivered by William Morris at the Working Men's College, London, on December 10, 1881. Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden type designed by William Morris for the Kelmscott Press, and finished on the fourth day of October, 1899. Published by Longmans & Co., 39, Paternoster Row, London, 1899. [aj429-170743] ¥12,960 2856 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel The Ballad of Jan Van Hunks. With an introduction by Mackenzie Bell. Illustrations by Monro S.Orr. London, Bombay, Sydney: George G.Harrap & Co.Ltd., 1929. [Edition limited to six hundred and twenty copies for England and America. This copy is No.241] [aj426-170744] ¥12,960 2857 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel The Blessed Damozel. With Illustrations by Percy Bulcock. 1901. Flowers of Parnassus, IV. [aj434-170745] ¥4,320 London and New York: John Lane, 2858 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Hand and Soul. Reprinted from The Germ, by Thomas B. Mosher, Portland, Maine, 1900. Second Edition. 450 copies. [aj435-170746] ¥4,320 2859 Russell, George "AE" Some Passages from the Letters of AE to W.B.Yeats. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1936. Limited to 300 copies, printed and published by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats, (on paper made in Ireland) at The Cuala Press. [aj421-170747] ¥21,600 2860 Shakespeare, William Shake-speares Sonnets. Neuer before Imprinted. London: Noel Douglas. Made and printed by Percy Lund, Humphries & Co.Ltd., Bradford and London. 1926.The Noel Douglas replicas William Shakespeare sonnets. This book reproduces the quarto published probably without Shakespeare's authorization in 1609 (at London by G.Eld for T.T.)… The copy here reproduces is that in the British Museum. [aj403-170748] ¥4,320 2861 Shenstone,William A Pastoral Ballad. In Four Parts. Shaftesbury: The High Housse Press, 1928. [The edition is limited to120 copies on Arnold hand-made paper. This copy is No.55] [aj414-170749] ¥4,320 2862 Sitwell,Osbert Three-Quarter Length Portrait of Michael Arlen. With a Preface, the History of a Portrait by the Author. London: William Heinemann Limited, New York: Doubleday, Doran and Co. Inc.,n.d.[This edition is limited to five hundred and twenty copies, of which two hundred and fifty are for sale in Great Britain and Ireland, two hundred fifty are for sale in the United States of America, and twenty are for presentation. This is No.233] 署名入り [aj412-170750] ¥8,640 2863 Smythe, Barbara (translation, introduction & notes) Trobador Poets. Selections fron the Poems of Eight Trobadors: Translated from the Provençal with Introduction and Notes. London: Chatto & Windus, New York: Duffield & Co., 1911. Vol.XI of the new medieval library. [aj432-170751] ¥6,480 244 2864 Symons,Arthur London Nights. London: Leonard C.Smithers, 1895. First edition.[Edition For Sale: 50 Copies on Large Paper. 500 Copies on Small Paper (this copy is one of small paper).] [aj408-170752] ¥12,960 2865 Symons,Arthur Studies in Strange Souls. With Three Portraits. London: Charles F.Sawyer, 1929. [This edition is limited to one hundred copies on Kelmscott hand-made paper, signed by the author. This copy is No.72.] 署名入り [aj409-170753] ¥21,600 2866 Symons,Arthur Confessions. A Study in Pathology. New York: The Fountain Press, 1930. [Of this book five hundred and forty-two copies, of which five hundred are for sale, have been printed by R. & R. Clark, Ltd., in January, 1930. Distributed in America by Random House and in Great Britain by Humphrey Toulmin at The Cayme Press,Ltd. Each copy signed by the author. This is no.37] 署名入り [aj410-170754] ¥16,200 2867 Tennyson,Alfred In Memoriam. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. London: Philip Lee Warner, Publisher to The Medici Society,1914. First published 1850. Reprinted in the Riccardi Press Books 1914. [Of this edition of IN MEMORIAM in the Eleven Point Riccardi Fount have been printed on hand-made Riccardi Paper 1000 copies for Great Britain. Paper copy Number 215] [aj413-170755] ¥6,480 2868 Villon, Françoys Le Testament. Françoys Villon de Paris, orné de figures du temps. Paris: Les Éditeurs de la Siréne., 1918. [La presente edition, la premiere de la serie Rat de Bibliotheque comprenant deux cent dix exemplaires de luxe, dont 10 Japon ancien numerotes de 1 a 10 et 200 verge d'arches numerotes de 11 a 210 a ete imprimee par protat freres a macon.] [aj425-170756] ¥4,320 2869 Watson, William The Eloping Angels. A Caprice. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1893. [aj431-170757] ¥6,480 2870 Wilde,Oscar After Berneval. Letters of Oscar Wilde to Robert Ross. Westminster: The Beaumont Press,1922.[This is the fourteenth book issued by the Beaumont Press 75 copies(five of which are not for sale) have been printed on Japanese vellum signed by publisher and artist and numberd 1 to 75 and 400 copies(ten of which are not for sale) on handmade paper numbered 76 to 475. This is no.250] [aj406-170758] ¥12,960 2871 [Wilde,Oscar] Devoe,Alan The Portrait of Mr.O.W. New York: The Union Square Book Shop, 1930. [Two hundred and seventy-five copies, have been printed, of which this is copy number 45.] [aj407-170733] ¥10,800 2872 Yeats, William Butler Reveries Over Childhood and Youth. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916. [aj420-170759] ¥8,640 2873 Yeats, William Butler Stories of Michael Robartes and his Friends: An Extract from a Record made by his Pupils: And a Play in Prose by W.B.Yeats. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1931. One of 450 copies printed & published by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats, on paper made in Ireland, at The Cuala Press. [aj422-170760] ¥32,400 2874 Yeats, William Butler The King of the Great Clock Tower, Commentaries and Poems. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1934. 400 copies of this book have been printed and published by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats (on paper made in Ireland) at The Cuala Press. [aj430-170761] ¥32,400 2875 神戸孝・小林龍雄(編) Ciel Étoilé. Cent un petits poèmes lyriques. Choisis par M.M.Kobayashi et Kambé. Tokio: Librairie Azusa(梓書房), 1930. Charles Baudelaire, Sully Prudhomme, Stéphane Mallarmé, Jo 245 sé-Maria De Hérédia, Paul Verlaine, Paoul Ponchon, Arthur Rimbaud, Georges Rodenbach, Emile Verhaeren, Jean Moréas, etc… [aj423-170762] ¥12,960 船戸英夫先生旧蔵(洋書)・19 世紀英国文化(分売) 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 2876 A. E. Collected Poems. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1920. [b00697-403446] ¥4,320 2877 Adams, Joey Joey Adams' Encyclopedia of Humor. An authoritative, amusing, entertaining thesaurus for the professional humorist, toastmaster, comedian, layman and all who want to be the life of the party. Indianapolis & New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1968. [b00576-403318] ¥3,240 2878 Akrigg, G.P.V. Jacobean Pageant. Or the Court of King James I. [b00593-403335] ¥3,240 London: Hamish Hamilton, 1962. First published. 2879 Andrews, William Old Church Lore. Hull: William Andrews & Co., The Hull Press. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & Co., 1891. [b00622-403366] ¥5,400 2880 Andrews, William ed. Antiquities and Curiosties of the Church. [b00567-403303] ¥12,960 London: William Andrews & Co., 1897. 2881 Andrews, William ed. Curious Church Gleanings. Hull: William Andrews & Co., The Hull Press. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. 1896. [b00566-403302] ¥12,960 2882 Anonymous. Party-Giving on Every Scale. Or the Cost of Entertainments with the Fashionable Modes of Arrangement. By the Author of "Manners and Tone of Good Society," The Management of Servants." Etc. London: Frederick Warne and Co., n.d. [1880.] Second edition. [b00703-403452] ¥6,480 2883 Asimov, Isaac Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Humour. A Lifetime Collection of favourite jokes, anecdotes, and limericks with copious notes on how to tell them and why. London: Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd., 1972. First published. [b00578-403320] ¥4,320 2884 Auden, W. H. About the House. London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1966. First published. [b00683-403432] ¥4,320 2885 Auden, W. H. Homage to Clio. London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1960. First published. [b00687-403436] ¥4,320 2886 Ausubel, Nathan ed. A Treasury of Jewish Humor. The first collection in English of Humorous Stories, Satires and Witti246 cism from the rich Jewish Literature of all Times. [b00655-403402] ¥4,320 New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1951. 2887 Bagchee, Shyamal ed. T.S. Eliot Annual No.1. Contributions by J. Birje-Patil, Cleanth Brooks, Lois A. Cuddy, Vinnie-Marie D'Ambrosio, Armin Paul Frank, Raymond Furness, Lawrence B. Gamache, Hans Hauge, Rob Jackaman, Brian John, Victor P. H. Li, Burton Raffel, Richard Shusterman, Grover Smith, Stanley Sultan, George T. Wright. Hampshire & London: The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1990. First published. [b00610-403354] ¥3,240 2888 Baker, Ernest A. (Vol.I-VI & IX-X) & Stevenson, Lionel (Vol.VII-VIII & XI) The History of the English Novel. In 11 vols. printed. [b00786-403538] ¥16,200 New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc. 1964-1972. Re- 2889 Baring-Gould, William S. The Lure of the Limerick. An Uninhibited History. London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon. 1975. Second Edition, Second Impression. [b00642-403389] ¥3,240 2890 Baroja, Julio Caro, Glendinning, O.N.V trans. The World of the Witches. The University of Chicago Press. 1964. [b00536-403272] ¥4,320 2891 Bassermann, Lujo The Oldest Profession. A History of Prostitution. Translated from the German by Fames Cleugh. Arthur Barker Limited, 1967. [b00752-403504] ¥4,320 2892 Beerbohm, Max A Christmas Garland. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1950. New edition. [b00772-403524] ¥3,240 2893 Beerbohm, Max Seven Men. London: William Heinemann, 1920. New Impression. [b00773-403525] ¥3,240 2894 Beerbohm, Max The Incomparable Max. A Selection Introduced by S. C. Roberts. Ltd, 1962. First published. [b00785-403537] ¥4,320 London: William Heinemann 2895 Beerbohm, Max Yet Again. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1928. New Impressions. [b00770-403522] ¥2,160 2896 Beeton, All About Country Life ; Being A Dictionary of Rural Avocations. Beeton's "All About It" Books. And of Knowledge Necessary to the Management of the Farm, the Stable, the Stockyard, and a Gentleman's Out of Town Residence and Property. Arranged in Alphabetical Order and Fully Illustrated. London: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, n.d. [b00632-403376] ¥4,320 2897 Benson, Theodra / Askwith, Betty / Bentley, Nicolas pic. Muddling Through. Or Britain in a Nutshell. Nicolas bentley drew the pictures. A Companion volume to the now famous Foreigners which was by the same authors and artist. London: Victor Gollancz, 1936. [b00604-403348] ¥4,320 2898 Bergen, Fanny D. / Bergen, Joseph Y. intro. Animal and Plant Lore. Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk. Memoirs of The American Folk-Lore Society. Vol. VII 1899. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1899. 500 copies printed, of which this is no.91. [b00617-403361] ¥12,960 2899 Betjeman, John Ghastly Good Taste. Or, a Depressing Story of the Rise and Fall of English Architecture. Blond Ltd., 1970. Signed by the author. [b00551-403287] ¥19,440 247 Anthony 2900 Blunden, Edmund intro. / Turner, W.J. ed. The Englishman's Country. With 48 Plates in Colour and 137 Illustrations in Black & White. London: Collins, 1945. [b00592-403334] ¥4,320 2901 Boutell, Charles English Heraldry. With Four Hundred and Fifty Illustrations. Drawn and Engraved on Wood by Mr. R. B. Utting. London: Gibbings and Co., Limited. 1902. Seventh Edition. [b00705-403454] ¥4,320 2902 Bradford, Curtis Yeats's 'Last Poems' Again. By Curtis Bradford being No. VIII of the Dolmen Press Yeats centenary papers MCMLXV. Ireland: Dolmen Press Limited, 1966. First published. [b00583-403325] ¥3,240 2903 Bradley, A. G. The Romance of Wales. With Eighteen Illustrations and a Map. First published. [b00611-403355] ¥4,320 London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1929. 2904 Branston, Brian The Lost Gods of England. With 124 illustrations, 19 in colour. 1974. [b00603-403347] ¥4,320 London: Thames and Hudson, 2905 Braun, Lionel H. & Adams, William Fanny Hill's Cook Book. With Illustrations by Brian Forbes. [b00759-403511] ¥6,480 London: The Odyssey Press, 1970. 2906 Briggs, K.M. Pale Hecate's Team. An Examination of the Beliefs on Witchcraft and Magic among Shakespeare's Contemporaries and His Immediate Successors. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962. First published. [b00513-403249] ¥6,480 2907 Bruyn, Lucy de Woman and the Devil in sixteenth‐century Literature. [b00522-403258] ¥3,240 The Compton Press Ltd, 1979. 2908 Burgess, Anthony The Devil's Mode. New York: Random House, 1989. First edition. [b00541-403277] ¥4,320 2909 Burton, Elizabeth The Jacobeans at Home. London: Secker & Warburg, 1962. [b00506-403242] ¥4,320 2910 Camden, William Remains Concerning Britain. Library of Old Authors. [b00561-403297] ¥4,320 London: John Russell Smith, 1870. 2911 Camm, Dom Bede Pilgrim Paths in Latin Lands. London: Macdonald & Evans, 1923. [b00618-403362] ¥6,480 2912 Canton, William The Bible and the Anglo-Saxon People. [b00648-403395] ¥4,320 London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1914. 2913 Cawte, E. C. Ritual Animal Disguise. The Folklore Society Mistletoe Series. A Historical and Geographical Study of Animal Disguise in the British Isles. D. S. Brewer Ltd and Rowman & Littlefield for the Folklore Society, 1978. First published. [b00625-403369] ¥10,800 2914 Cecil, David ed. The Bodley Head Max Beerbohm. London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1970. 248 [b00771-403523] ¥5,400 2915 Chancellor, E. Beresford The Literary Ghosts of London. Homes and Footprints of famous Men and Women. With Sixteen Illustrations. London: Richards, 1933. [b00663-403412] ¥4,320 2916 Chesterton, G. K. Eugenics and Other Evils. London: Cassell and Company, Limited, 1922. [b00735-403484] ¥8,640 2917 Chesterton, G. K. Tremendous Trifles. London: Methuen & Co., 1909. First published. [b00769-403521] ¥4,320 2918 Chesterton, G. K. / Collins, Dorothy ed. A Handful of Authors. Essays on Books and Writers. 1953. First published. [b00734-403483] ¥3,240 London & New York: Sheed and Ward Ltd, 2919 Christian, Paul The History and Practice of Magic. The great classic of occultism in a modern English translation, with supplementary articles and notes by modern authorities. Edited and revised by Ross Nichols. 2vols. In 1. New York: The Citadel Press, 1963. First American edition. [b00540-403276] ¥8,640 2920 Church, A.H. English Earthenware. Board of Education, South Kensington, Victoria and Albert Museum. Made during the 17th and 18th Centuries, Illustrated by Specimens in the National Collections. With numerous Illustrations. London: Wyman and Sons, Limited, 1905. Revised Edition. [b00707-403456] ¥4,320 2921 Clark, Anne Beasts and Bawdy. London: JM Dent & Sons Ltd, 1975. [b00718-403467] ¥4,320 2922 Clemo, Jack Cactus on Carmel. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1967. First published. [b00679-403428] ¥4,320 2923 Cory, David Little Jack Rabbit's Adventures. Little Jack Rabbit Books. Illustrated by H. S. Barbour. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, [1921.] [b00690-403439] ¥2,160 2924 Coveney, Dorothy K. / Medlicott, W. N. comp. The Lion's Tail. An anthology of criticism and abuse. [b00606-403350] ¥3,240 London: Constable, 1971. First published. 2925 Cox, J. Charles / Harvey, Alfred English Church Furniture. The Antiquary's Books. With one Hundred and twenty-one Illustrations. London: Methuen & Co., 1907. First published. [b00552-403288] ¥4,320 2926 Craig, Patricia ed. The Oxford book of English Detective Stories. [b00507-403243] ¥4,320 New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 2927 Cruse, Amy The Englishman and his Books. In the early nineteenth century. 1968. [b00756-403508] ¥4,320 New York: Benjamin Blom, Inc., 2928 Cunnington, C. Willett & Phillis The History of Underclothes. London: Michael Joseph, 1951. First published. [b00553-403289] ¥8,640 2929 Cunnington, Phillis / Lucas, Catherine / Mansfield, Alan (Chapters) Occupational Costume in England. From the Eleventh Century to 1914. Colour Frontispiece 64 Plates and over 300 Drawings. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1976. Reprinted. [b00549-403285] ¥6,480 2930 Davies, Dr. Maurice Fun, Ancient and Modern. In 2 vols. London: Tinsley Brothers, 1878. 249 [b00693-403442] ¥5,400 2931 Davis, P.D.C. / Dent, A.A. Animals that changed the world. Adapted from F. E. Zeuner's History of Domesticated Animals. With 25 Drawings by Sven Berlin. London: Phoenix House, 1966. First published. [b00601-403345] ¥3,240 2932 Defoe, Daniel The History of the Devil. Ancient and Modern, In Two Parts. [b00527-403263] ¥4,320 E.P. Publishing, 1972. 2933 Dobson, Austin Proverbs in Porcelain. To which is added " Au Revoir" a dramatic Vignette. With twenty five illustrations by Bernard Patridge. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co.Ltd, 1893. [b00634-403378] ¥6,480 2934 Donaldson, Gordon Scottish Kings. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1967. First published. [b00659-403406] ¥3,240 2935 Douglas, Norman Looking Back. An Autobiographical Excursion. edition. [b00761-403513] ¥8,640 London: Chatto & Windus, 1934. Single-volume 2936 Douglas, Norman Birds & Beasts of the Greek Anthology. Minerva Press Limited, 1974. [b00558-403294] ¥5,400 2937 Dyer, T. F. Thiselton British Popular Customs. Present and Past; Illustrating the Social and Domestic Manners of the People: Arranged According to the Calendar of the Year. London: George Bell and Sons, 1891. [b00649-403396] ¥4,320 2938 Eastman, Max Enjoyment of Laughter. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1936. [b00570-403306] ¥6,480 2939 Eden, Mary / Carrington, Richard The Philosophy of the Bed. London: Spring Books, 1966. [b00714-403463] ¥3,240 2940 Einhard the Frank / Thorpe, Lewis trans. The Life of Charlemagne. London: The Folio Society, 1969 and 1970. [b00559-403295] ¥4,320 2941 Eliot, T. S. Four Quartets. London: The Folio Society, 1969. Second impression. [b00635-403379] ¥4,320 2942 Eliot, T. S. The Confidential Clerk. London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1954. First published. [b00688-403437]¥3,240 2943 Eliot, T. S. The Elder States. A Play. [b00682-403431] ¥3,240 London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1959. First published. 2944 Eliot, T. S. The Family Reunion. London: Faber and Faber, 1952. Seventh Impression. [b00732-403481] ¥2,160 2945 Elliott, Melvin E. The Language of the King James Bible. A Glossary Explaining its Words and Expressions. York: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1967. [b00594-403336] ¥4,320 New 2946 Elliott, Thomas. J. trans. & intro. A Medieval Bestiary. With Wood Engravings by Gillian Tyler. Boston: Godine, 1971. First edition. This first edition of A Medieval Bestiary was designed & printed in Monotype Bulmer at the Press of David Godine. One thousand deluxe copies were printed on a specially made Monadnock wove paper. Copies numbered 1-900 were bound in cloth over boards and enclosed in a slipcase. Copies numbered 250 I-C were bound by hand in quarter leather and signed by the artist. Two thousand trade copies were printed on Mohawk Superfine paper. The illustrations were printed directly from the blocks engraved by Gillian Tyler. This is copy No:130. [b00750-403502] ¥6,480 2947 Enright, D.J. Bread rather than Blossoms. [b00675-403424] ¥4,320 London: Secker & Warburg, 1956. First published. 2948 Foxe, John The Book of Martyrs. Revised, with Notes and an Appendix, by the Rev. William Bramley - Moore, M.A., Incumbent of Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. With Illustrations by G.H. Thomas, John Gilbert, G. DU Maurier, F. D. Watson, A. B. Houghton, W. Small, A. Pasquier, R. Barnes, M. E. Edwards, T. Morten, Etc. Engraved by W. L. Thomas. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, n.d. [b00745-403494] ¥12,960 2949 Fraser, G. S. Leaves without a Tree. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1953. [b00680-403429] ¥3,240 2950 Fyvie, John Some Literary Eccentrics. With Ten Illustrations. Limited, 1906. [b00712-403461] ¥4,320 London: Archibald Constable and Company 2951 Gasquet, Abbot / Goble, Warwick illus. The Greater Abbeys of England. Illustrations in colour after Warwick Goble. Windus, 1908. [b00548-403284] ¥12,960 London: Chatto & 2952 Gasztold, Carmen Bernos de / Godden, Rumer trans. / Primrose, Jean illus. Prayers from the Ark. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1966. [b00588-403330] ¥2,160 2953 Gibbings, Robert Coming Down The Wye. With Engravings by the author. Reprinted. [b00721-403470] ¥3,240 London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1955. 2954 Gibbings, Robert Over The Reefs. London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1948. First published. [b00722-403471] ¥4,320 2955 Gibbings, Robert Sweet Thames Run Softly. With Engravings by the author. Reprinted. [b00720-403469] ¥3,240 London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1948. 2956 Gibbings, Robert Till I End My Song. With Wood Engravings by the author. Last reprinted. [b00723-403472] ¥3,240 London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1961. 2957 Gibbings, Robert Trumpets from Montparnasse. Illustrated with eight colour plates and forty wood engravings by the author. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1955. First published. [b00589-403331] ¥6,480 2958 Givry, Grillot de / Locke, J. Courtenay, trans. A Pictorial Anthology of Witchcraft Magic & Alchemy. with 376 Illustrations. Chicago & New York: University Books, 1958. First American edition. [b00543-403279] ¥5,400 2959 Godbeer, Richard The Devil's Dominion. Magic and Religion in Early New England. 1992. First published. [b00519-403255] ¥5,400 Cambridge University Press, 2960 Gordon, Mrs. Alexander Double Acrostic Enigmas. With Poetical Descriptions. Selected principally from British Poets. 1866. [b00695-403444] ¥5,400 251 2961 Grippen, T. G. Christmas and Christmas Lore. [b00706-403455] ¥3,240 London & Glasgow: Blackie & Son Limited, 1928. Reprinted. 2962 Guazzo, Francesco Maria Compendium Maleficarum. collected in 3 books from many Sources by Brother Francesco Maria Guazzo of the order of S. Ambrose ad nemus showing the Iniquitous and execrable operations of witches against the Human Race, and the Divine Remedies by which they may be frustrated edited with notes by the Rev. Motague Summers ; translated by E. A. Ashwin. London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1970. Facsimile edition. (Originally published in 1929.) [b00504-403240] ¥12,960 2963 Hadfield, John A Book of Britain. An Anthology of Words and Pictures Compiled by John Hadfield. Hulton Press, 1959. Reprinted. [b00656-403403] ¥3,240 London: 2964 Haining, Peter A Circle of Witches. An Anthology of Victorian Witchcraft Sories. Selected and introduced by Peter Haining. London: Robert Hale, 1971. First published. [b00526-403262] ¥4,320 2965 Haining, Peter ed. The Monster Makers. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1974. [b00525-403261] ¥3,240 2966 Hands, Various The New Book of Snobs. From Punch. Illustrated by Michael ffolkes and William Makepeace Thackeray. London : Museum Press Limited, 1959. First published. [b00626-403370] ¥3,240 2967 Hardwick, Charles Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk - Lore. (chiefly Lancashire and the North of England:) Their affinity to others in widely-distributed localities; Their Eastern Origin and Mythical Significance. Mancheter: A. Ireland & Co., Pall Mall, 1872. [b00587-403329] ¥6,480 2968 Hardy, Edward ed. & intro. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. The Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. don) Limited, 1977. First published. [b00716-403465] ¥4,320 London: Jupiter Books (Lon- 2969 Harper, Charles G. Mansions of old Romance. Cecil Palmer, 1930. First edition. [b00709-403458] ¥3,240 2970 Harper, George Mills Yeats's Quest for Eden. By George Mills Harper being No. IX of the Dolmen Press Yeats centenary papers MCMLXV. Ireland: Dolmen Press Limited, 1966. First published. [b00584-403326] ¥3,240 2971 Harrison, G. B. A Jacobean Journal. Being a Record of those thing most talked of During the Years 1603-1606. London: George Routledge and Sons, Ltd., 1946. Revised and Reprinted. [b00719-403468] ¥4,320 2972 Hart, Clive The Dream of Flight. Aeronautics from Classical Times to the Renaissance. Faber Limited, 1972. First published. [b00599-403343] ¥5,400 London: Faber and 2973 Hartland, Edwin Sidney / Milne, A. A. intro. The Science of Fairy Tales. An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology. First Issued (Second Edition). [b00699-403448] ¥4,320 London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1925. 2974 Haylock, John One Hot Summer in Kyoto. London Magazine Editions, 1980. [b00758-403510] ¥6,480 2975 Hislop, Alexander ed. The Book of Scottish Anecdote. Humorous, Social, Legendary, and Historical. Adams & Co, 1888. Seventh Edition. [b00698-403447] ¥4,320 252 London: Hamilton, 2976 Hole, Christina A Mirror of Witchcraft. London: Chatto & Windus, 1957. [b00509-403245] ¥3,240 2977 Hollick, Dr. F. Dr Hollick's Complete Works. Marriage Guide. Diseases of Male and Female Generative Organs. The Matrons' Manual of Midwifery and Child Birth. The Diseases of Women Familiarly Explained. New Revised and Enlarged Edition Complete in one Volume. Plain and Practical for Popular use. The Origin of Life and Process of Reproduction in Plants and Animals, with the Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Generative System, Male and Female, and the Causes, Prevention and Cure of the Special Diseases to Which it is Liable. A Plain, Practical Treatise for Popular Use. Illustrated by Engravings and Colored Plates. Philadelphia: David Mckay, 1902. New edition, with additions. 241-242pp. & plate IV & plate VI, missing. [b00619-403363] ¥4,320 2978 Holmes, Ronald Witchcraft in British History. Frederick Muller Ltd. 1974. First published. [b00520-403256] ¥4,320 2979 Hopkins, Kenneth Portraits in Satire. London: Barrie Books, 1958. First published. [b00532-403268] ¥3,240 2980 Howey, M. Oldfield The Horse in Magic and Myth. With Five Full-page Plates, and numerous Illustrations in the Text Including many Original Drawings by the Author. New York: Castle Books, n.d. [b00555-403291] ¥4,320 2981 Hughes, Ted What is the Truth? A Farmyard Fable for the Young. Drawing by R. J. Lloyd. ton: Faber and Faber, 1984. [b00748-403500] ¥6,480 London & Bos- 2982 Hyde, Douglas, LL.D., M.R.I.A., ed. trans. and annotated. Nutt, Alfred (Additional note) Beside the Fire. A Collection of Irish Gaelic Folk Stories. [b00516-403252] ¥8,640 London: David Nutt, 1910. 2983 Jacobs, W.W. Odd Craft. With sixteen Illustrations. [b00668-403417] ¥6,480 London: Methuen & Co., 1910. Fourth Edition. 2984 Jacobs, W.W. Ship's Company. Illustrated by Will Owen. Hodder and Stoughton, n.d. [b00667-403416] ¥4,320 2985 Jacobs, W.W. Short Cruises. With 38 Illustrations by Will Owen. [b00666-403415] ¥6,480 London: Hurst and Blackett, Limited, 1907. 2986 Jacobs, W.W. The Lady of the Barge. Illustrated. [b00669-403418] ¥6,480 London & New York: Harper & brothers, Publishers. 1902. 2987 James, Henry English Hours. With Ninety-Two Illustrations by Joseph Pennell. 1905. [b00651-403398] ¥8,640 London: William Heinemann, 2988 Jamieson, John Bell The Cat. Or, who destroyed the Scottish Abbeys? Illustrated. [b00725-403474] ¥3,240 Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1902. 2989 Jasen, David A P.G. Wodehouse: A Portrait of a Master. [b00577-403319] ¥4,320 New York: Mason & Lipscomb, 1974. 253 2990 Jennings, Paul ed. The Book of Nonsense. An anthology edited by Paul Jennings. [b00523-403259] ¥3,240 Raven Books, 1977. First published. 2991 Jerome, Jerome K. The Diary of a Pilgrimage (and Six Essays). With upwards of one hundred and twenty Illustrations by G. G. Fraser. Bristol, n.d. [b00775-403527] ¥4,320 2992 Johns, June King of the Witches. The World of Alex Sanders. [b00535-403271] ¥4,320 London: Peter Davies, 1969. First published. 2993 Johnson, Thomas H. ed. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. [b00742-403491] ¥8,640 London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1970. First published. 2994 Johnson, Walter Gilbert White. Pioneer, Poet, and Stylist. [b00741-403490] ¥4,320 London: John Murray, 1928. First edition. 2995 Jones, David The Sleeping Lord. And other fragments. [b00686-403435] ¥4,320 London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1974. First published. 2996 Keener, Frederick M English Dialogues of the Dead. A Critical History, An Anthology, and A Check List. London: Columbia Universty Press, 1973. [b00715-403464] ¥5,400 New York & 2997 Keightley, Thomas The Fairy Mythology. Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries. H. G. Bohn, 1850. [b00562-403298] ¥12,960 London: 2998 Kennett, Frances History of Perfume. London: Harrap, 1975. First published. [b00598-403342] ¥6,480 2999 Kingsley, Charles Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of his Life. Edited by His Wife. With Portraits and Illustrations. In 2 vols. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1880. Seventh Abridged Edition. [b00633-403377] ¥6,480 3000 Kirkup, James The Body Servant. Poems of Exile. [b00677-403426] ¥4,320 London: J. M Dent & Sons Ltd., 1971. First published. 3001 Klingender, Francis Animals in Art and thought. To the End of the Middle Ages. Edited by Evelyn Antal and John Harthan. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971. First published. [b00749-403501] ¥12,960 3002 Kneen, J.J. The Personal Names of the Isle of Man. Published under the Auspices of Tywald by the Manx Museum and Ancient Mounments Trustees. London: Oxford University Press, 1937. [b00711-403460]¥4,320 3003 Kors, Alan C. / Peters, Edward Witchcraft in Europe 1100 ~ 1700. A Documentary History. Philadelphia, 1972. [b00550-403286] ¥4,320 University of Pennsylvania Press 3004 Kunz, George Frederick The Curious Lore of Precious stones. Being a Description of their Sentiments and Folk Lore, Superstitions, Symbolism, Mysticism, Use in Medicine, Protection, Prevention, Religion, and Divination. 254 Crystal Gazing, Birth Stones, Lucky Stones and Talismans, Astral, Zodiacal, and Planetary. Lippincott Company, 1913. [b00556-403292] ¥6,480 J.B. 3005 Lagerlöf, Selma Christ Legends and other stories. [b00612-403356] ¥3,240 Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1977. First published. 3006 Laing, Malcolm The History of Scotland. From the Union of the Crowns on the Accession of James VI. to the Throne of England, to the Union of the Kingdoms in the Reign of Queen Anne. In 2 vols. London: A. Straban, 1800. [b00621-403365] ¥10,800 3007 Lang, Andrew The Book of Dreams and Ghosts. [b00631-403375] ¥5,400 London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899. Reissue. 3008 Lang, Andrew ed. Olive Fairy Book. Illustrated by Anne Vaugham. With a Foreword by Mary Gould Davis. mans, Green and Co Ltd, 1969. Sixth Impression. [b00778-403530] ¥2,160 Long- 3009 Lang, Andrew ed. Orange Fairy Book. Illustrated by Christine Price. With a Foreword by Mary Gould Davis. mans, Green and Co Ltd, 1965. New Impressions. [b00783-403535] ¥2,160 Long- 3010 Lang, Andrew ed. Red Fairy Book. Illustrated by Marc Simont. With a Foreword by Mary Gould Davis. Green and Co Ltd, 1967. New Impressions. [b00776-403528] ¥2,160 Longmans, 3011 Lang, Andrew ed. Rose Fairy Book. Illustrated by Vera Bock. With a Foreword by Mary Gould Davis. Green and Co Ltd, 1969. Fourth Impression. [b00782-403534] ¥2,160 Longmans, 3012 Lang, Andrew ed. Violet Fairy Book. Illustrated by Dorothy Lake Gregory. With a Foreword by Mary Gould Davis. Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, 1966. New Impressions. [b00784-403536] ¥2,160 3013 Lang, Andrew ed. Yellow Fairy Book. Illustrated by Janice Holland. With a Foreword by Mary Gould Davis. mans, Green and Co Ltd, 1967. New Impression. [b00777-403529] ¥2,160 Long- 3014 Larwood, Jacob / Hotten, John Camden English Inn Signs. Being a Revised and Modernized Version of History of Signboards. With a Chapter on the Modern Inn Sign by Gerald Millar. London: Chatto & Windus, 1951. [b00744-403493] ¥6,480 3015 Laver, James Taste and Fashion. From the French Revolution to the Present Day. New and Revised Edition. With a Chapter on Fashion and the Second World War and Twelve new Illustrations in colour. London: George G. Harrap & Company Ltd, 1946. Reprinted. (New edtion.) [b00710-403459] ¥3,240 3016 Lea, Henry Charles coll. / Howland, Arthur C. ed. / Burr, George Lincoln intro. Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft. In 3 vols. 1957. [b00628-403372] ¥12,960 New York & London: Thomas Yoseloff, 3017 Leek, Sybil The Complete Art of Witchcraft. Penetrating the Mystery behind Magic Powers. London, 1975. First published. [b00533-403269] ¥5,400 Leslie Frewin of 3018 Legman, G. The Horn Book. Studies in Erotic Folklore and Bibliography. First published. [b00754-403506] ¥4,320 255 London: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1970. 3019 Legman, G. ed. More Limericks. 2750 Unpublished Examples American and British. This is the largest collection of limericks ever published, erotic or otherwise. Of the 2750 printed here, none is otherwise. Second Series. New york: Bell Publishing Company, 1980. [b00614-403358] ¥8,640 3020 Legman, G. ed. The Limerick. 1700 Examples, with Notes Variants and Index. [b00613-403357] ¥4,320 London: Jupiter Books, 1974. 3021 Lévi, Éliphas / Waite, A. E. trans. The History of Magic. Including a clear and Precise Exposition of its Procedure, its Rites and its Mysteries. London: Rider & Company, 1963. Eighth Impression. [b00637-403384] ¥6,480 3022 Lewis, C.S. An Experiment in Criticism. Cambridge, at the University Press, 1961. [b00670-403419] ¥4,320 3023 Lewis, C.S. The Four Loves. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1960. [b00672-403421] ¥4,320 3024 Lewis, C.S. The World's Last Night. And other Essays. Including a new "Screwtape" Dialogue. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959. [b00671-403420] ¥4,320 New York: 3025 Linton, E. Lynn Witch Stories. Frederick Muller Ltd. 1972. Facsimile edition. (Originally published in 1861.) First published in Great Britain , 1861, by Chapman and Hall. This facsimile edition published in 1972 by Frederick Muller Ltd., [b00511-403247] ¥5,400 3026 Lipton, James An Exaltation of Larks. Or, the Venereal Game. Printing. [b00600-403344] ¥4,320 New York: Grossman Publishers, 1968. Sixth 3027 Lister, Raymond Beulah to Byzantium: A Study of Parallels in the works of W. B. Yeats, William Blake, Samuel Palmer & Edward Calvert. By Raymond Lister being No.II of the Dolmen Press Yeats centenary papers MCMLXV. Ireland: Dolmen Press Limited, 1965. First published. [b00582-403324] ¥3,240 3028 Louÿs, Pierre Aphrodite. Mœurs Antiques. Illustrations de A. Calbet. [b00691-403440] ¥4,320 Paris: Fasquelle Èditeurs, n.d. 3029 Louÿs, Pierre Le Chansons de Bilitis. Traduites du grec. Édition ornée de 300 gravures par Notor. D'après authentiques des Musèes D'Europe. Paris: Fasquelle Èditeurs, 1949. [b00692-403441] ¥5,400 3030 Lucas, E.V. ed. / Bedford, F.D. illus. Forgotten Tales of Long Ago. Illustrated. [b00658-403405] ¥8,640 London: Wells Gardner Darton & Co. Ltd, 1906. 3031 Lucas, John England and Englishness. Ideas of Nationhood in English Poetry 1688-1900. Press, 1990. First edition. [b00557-403293] ¥4,320 University of Iowa 3032 Lustgarten, Edgar The Illustrated Story of Crime. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976. [b00542-403278] ¥3,240 3033 Macbain, Alexander Celtic Mythology and Religion. With Chapters upon Druid Circles and Celtic Burial. With Introductory Chapter & Notes. Stirling Eneas Mackay, 1917. First published. [b00636-403383] ¥3,240 256 3034 Mackay, Charles The Poetry and Humour of the Scottish Language. [b00774-403526] ¥5,400 London: Alexander Gardner, Paisley, 1882. 3035 Macnamara, Nottidge Charles Origin and Character of the British People. [b00630-403374] ¥4,320 London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1900. 3036 Malins, Edward Yeats and Music. By Edward Malins Being No. XII of the Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers MCMLXV. Ireland: Dolmen Press Limited, 1968. First published. [b00586-403328] ¥3,240 3037 Manley, Seon & Lewis, Gogo sel. Baleful Beasts. Great Supernatural Stories of the Animal Kingdom. Illustrated by Emanuel Schongut. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. 1974. [b00755-403507] ¥4,320 3038 Markino, Yoshio A Japanese Artist in London. Written and Illustrated by Yoshio Markino. 日本人画工 倫敦日記 牧野義雄自述. London: Chatto & Windus, 1910. Second impression. [b00581-403323] ¥12,960 3039 Martin, Malachi The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church. [b00597-403341] ¥5,400 London: Secker & Warburg, 1982. First published. 3040 Mayo, Margaret The Book of Magical Horses. London: Kaye & Ward, 1976. First published. [b00534-403270] ¥3,240 3041 Mee, Arthur (arranged) The Children's Bible. The greatest Book in the World in its own Words. Illustrated from the Art Galleries of the World. London: Hodder and Stoughton Limited, n.d. [b00547-403283] ¥3,240 3042 Mee, Arthur (chosen) The Book of Everlasting Things. Illustrated with 78 Masterpieces of Art. Stoughton, n.d. [b00760-403512] ¥4,320 London: Hodder and 3043 Moffatt, James The Bible in Scots Literature. London: Hodder and Stoughton, n.d. [b00728-403477] ¥3,240 3044 Morland, Harold The Song of Songs which is Solomons. A New Version by Harold Mooland with drawings by Azael Pazuzu and an essay by Michael Adam. Somerset: The Ark Press, 1972. [b00627-403371] ¥5,400 3045 Muir, Edwin An Autobiography. London: The Hogarth Press, 1954. Revised and Reprinted. [b00731-403480] ¥4,320 3046 Muir, Edwin One Foot in Eden. London: Faber and Faber, 1956. First published. [b00676-403425] ¥4,320 3047 Muir, Edwin The Estate of Poetry. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1962. [b00739-403488] ¥8,640 3048 Muir, Willa Belonging. A Memoir. London: The Hogarth Press, 1968. [b00673-403422] ¥5,400 3049 Newall, Venetia ed. The Witch Figure. Folkore Essays by a Group of Scholars in England Honouring the 75th Birthday of Katherine M. Briggs. London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1973. [b00515-403251] ¥5,400 257 3050 Nicholson, B. E. illus. / Clapham, A. R. The Oxford Book of Trees. London: Oxford University Press, 1975. [b00605-403349] ¥2,160 3051 Nicholson, Norman Birth by Drowning. London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1960. First published. [b00678-403427] ¥4,320 3052 Nicholson, Norman The Pot Geranium. And Other Poems. [b00681-403430] ¥4,320 London: Faber & Faber Limited, 1954. First published. 3053 Nyrop, Dr Christopher / Harvey, William Frederick trans. The Kiss and its History. London: Sands & Co., 1901. [b00696-403445] ¥5,400 3054 O' Donoghue, D. J. The Humour of Ireland. Humour Series. Edited by W.H. Dircks. Selected, with Introduction, Biographical Index and Notes, By D. J. O' Donoghue: The Illustrations by Oliver Paque. London: The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd., n.d. [b00650-403397] ¥4,320 3055 Okakura, Kazuo / Muraoka, Hiroshi intro. The Book of Tea. Tokyo: Kenkyusha (研究社), 1960 (昭 35). 第 23 版. [b00701-403450] ¥3,240 3056 Page, Robin Weeds: The Country Way. [b00736-403485] ¥2,160 London: Davis-Poynter Limited, 1979. First published. 3057 Palmer, Christpher ed. The Collected Arthur Machen. [b00665-403414] ¥12,960 Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. 1988. First published. 3058 Palmer, Geoffrey & Lloyd, Noel A Brew of Witchcraft. New York: Roy Publishers, Inc., n.d. [b00510-403246] ¥4,320 3059 Palmer, Roy The Water Closet. A New History. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1973. [b00609-403353] ¥3,240 3060 Parmelee, Alice All the Birds of the Bible. Their Stories, Identification and Meaning. Over 300 Bible references and 64 pages of pictures. With a Foreword by Guy Emerson, past president of the National Audubon Society. London: Lutterworth Press, 1960. First published. [b00568-403304] ¥3,240 3061 Percy, Reuben & Percy, Sholto ed. The Percy Anecdotes. Chandos Library. A Verbatim Reprint of the Original Edition. In 2 vols. London: Frederick Warne and Co. n.d. [b00647-403394] ¥6,480 3062 Phillips, Robert ed. Aspects of Alice. Lewis Carroll's Dreamchild as seen though the Critics' Looking-Glasses 1865-1971. Illustrations by Sir John Tenniel and Lewis Carroll. London: Victor Gollanz Ltd, 1972. [b00591-403333] ¥5,400 3063 Piggott, Stuart The Druids. With 130 illustrations, 16 in colour. [b00596-403340] ¥4,320 London: Thames and Hudson, 1975. 3064 Plath, Sylvia Winter Trees. London: Faber and Faber, 1971. First published. [b00729-403478] ¥4,320 3065 Platt, Charles Popular Superstitions. London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1925. 258 [b00733-403482] ¥3,240 3066 Pope, W. Macqueen Ghosts & Greasepaint. A Story of the Days that were. Illustrated. ny, 1971. [b00569-403305] ¥4,320 London: Robert Hale & Compa- 3067 Porter, J. R. ed. / Russell, W. M. S. ed. Animals in Folklore. The Folklore Society Mistletoe Series. D. S. Brewer Ltd and Rowman & Littlefield for the Folklore Society, 1978. First published. [b00624-403368] ¥10,800 3068 Pudney, John ed. The Book of Leisure. London: Odhams Press Limited, 1957. First published. [b00660-403407] ¥4,320 3069 Ray,J A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs. Ray's English Proverbs. Also the most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other Languages. The whole Methodically Digested and Illustrated with Annotations, and proper Explications. By the late Reverend and Learned J. Ray, M. A. and Fellow of the Royal Society. To which is added, (Written by the same Author) A Collection of English Words not Generally Used, with their Significations and Original in two Alphabetical Catalogues; the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the Southern Counties. With an Account of the Preparing and Refining such Metals and Minerals as are gotten in England. The Third Edition, Augmented with many Hundreds of Words, Observations, Letters, &c. London: J. Torbuck, 1737. Third edition. [b00563-403299] ¥16,200 3070 Rexroth, Kenneth With Eye and Ear. New York: Herder and Herder, 1970. [b00664-403413] ¥5,400 3071 Ridler, Anne The Golden Bird. And other Poems. [b00674-403423] ¥4,320 London: Faber and Faber, 1951. First published. 3072 Robbins, Rossell Hope The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. pression. [b00546-403282] ¥5,400 London: Peter Nevill Limited, 1964. Third im- 3073 Robin, P. Ansell Animal Lore In English Literature. [b00724-403473] ¥4,320 London: John Murray, 1936. Cheap Edition. 3074 Robinson, Charles E. ed. Mary Shelley. Collected Tales and Stories. With Original Engravings. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976. [b00615-403359] ¥6,480 Baltimore & London: The 3075 Rosen, Barbara ed. Witchcraft. The Stratford-Upon-Avon Library 6. [b00528-403264] ¥4,320 Edward Arnold, 1969. First published. 3076 Rosen, Barbara ed. Witchcraft. The Stratford-Upon-Avon Library 6. [b00529-403265] ¥4,320 Edward Arnold, 1969. First published. 3077 Rowland, Beryl Blind Beasts. Chaucer's Animal World. [b00590-403332] ¥4,320 The Kent State University Press, 1971. First edition. 3078 Rowntree, B. Seebohm / Lavers, G.R. English Life and Leisure. A Social Study. London, New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co, 1951. First published. [b00602-403346] ¥4,320 3079 Rowse, A. L. Poems Chiefly Cornish. London: Faber and Faber, 1946. Fourth Impression. [b00730-403479] ¥3,240 259 3080 Rowse, A. L. Poems of Deliverance. London: Faber and Faber, 1946. First published. Signed by the author on title page. [b00740-403489] ¥5,400 3081 Russell, Jeffrey B. A History of Witchcraft. Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans. [b00538-403274] ¥2,160 Thames & Hudson, 1980. 3082 Russell, Jeffrey Burton Mephistopheles. The Devil in the Modern World. 1986. First published. [b00521-403257] ¥5,400 Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press. 3083 Russell, Jeffrey Burton The Devil. Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. University Press. 1977. First published. [b00641-403388] ¥4,320 Ithaca & London: Cornell 3084 Saintsbury, George A Last Scrap Book. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1924. [b00629-403373] ¥3,240 3085 Saklatvala, Beram Arthur: Roman Britain's Last Champion. sion. [b00608-403352] ¥3,240 Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1971. Third impres- 3086 Salaman, Malcolm C. / Holme, Charles ed. London. Past and Present. London, Paris, New York: "The Studio" Ltd. 1916. [b00747-403499]¥5,400 3087 Saltus, Edgar Historia Amoris. A history of Love Ancient and Modern. [b00564-403300] ¥3,240 New york: Brentano's, 1922. 3088 Saurat, Denis Literature and Occult Tradition. Studies in Philosophical Poetry. Washington: Kennikat Press, Inc., 1966. Reissued in 1966 by Kennikat Press. (Published in 1930.) [b00512-403248] ¥3,240 3089 Scot, Reginard / Williamson, Hugh Ross (Intro.) The Discoverie of Witchcraft. Southern Illinois University Press, 1964. [b00545-403281] ¥12,960 3090 Scott, George Gilbert Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. with Appendices Supplying Further Particulars, and Completing the History of the Abbey Buildings, By W. Bueges, F.R.I.B.A. J.J.Howard, F.S.A. J.H. Parker, F.S.A. J. Burtt, ESQ. Rev. T. Hugo, M.A., F.S.A. Rev.M.Walcott, M.A., F.S.A. G. Corner, F.S.A. J. Hunter, F.S.A. Rev. T.W. Weare, M.A. W.H. Hart, F.S.A. H. Mogford, F.S.A. H. Mogford, F.S.A. Rev. Professor Willis, M.A. Illustrated by numerous and woodcuts. Oxford & London: John Henry and James Parker, 1863. Second edition. [b00616-403360] ¥6,480 3091 Scott, George Ryley The History of Corporal Punishment. A Survey of Flagellation in its Historical Anthropological and Sociological Aspects. Illustrated. London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd, 1938. First published. [b00727-403476] ¥4,320 3092 Scott, George Ryley The Story of Baths and Bathing. Illustrated. [b00620-403364] ¥4,320 London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd, 1939. First published. 3093 Scott, Sir Walter Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. with a new introduction and notes by Raymond Lamont Brown. S.R. Publishers Ltd., 1968. From the 1884 Edition, First Published by George Routledge and Sons. [b00530-403266] ¥4,320 260 3094 Scott, Walter The Fortunes of Nigel. With Introductory Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang. Ten Etchings. Waverley Novels. Border Edition. Forty-Eight Volumes. Volume XXVI. & Volume XXVII. In 2 vols. London: John C. Nimmo, 1893. [b00654-403401] ¥4,320 3095 Seymour, St. John D. Irish Witchcraft and Demonology. New York: Causeway Books, 1973. [b00518-403254] ¥3,240 3096 Seymour-Smith, Martin Fallen Woman. A Sceptical Enquiry into the Treatment of Prostitutes, their Clients and their Pimps, in Literature. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1969. First published. [b00751-403503] ¥3,240 3097 Sharp, Elizabeth A. ed. / Sharp, William intro. Lyra Celtica. An Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry. The Celtic Library. Geddes and Colleagues. 1896. [b00704-403453] ¥4,320 Edinburgh: Patrick 3098 Shepard, Odell The Lore of the Unicorn. [b00753-403505] ¥3,240 London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1967. Second impression. 3099 Simons, G.L. The Witchcraft World. New York: Barnes & Nobles, 1974. [b00537-403273] ¥4,320 3100 Simpson, Jacqueline British Dragons. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1980. First published. [b00713-403462] ¥4,320 3101 Smith, J. C. D. A Guide to Church Woodcarvings. Misericords and Bench-Ends. [b00717-403466] ¥4,320 David & Charles. 1974. 3102 Smith, Morton Jesus the Magician. A renowned historian reveals how jesus was viewed by people of his time. Author of the secret gospel. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1978. [b00524-403260] ¥5,400 3103 Spark, Muriel Collected Poems I. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd, 1967. [b00684-403433] ¥4,320 3104 Spelman, Sir Henry The History and Fate of Sacrilege. Edited, in part from 2 mss., revised and corrected, with a continuation, large additions, and an Introductory Essay by Two Priests of the Church of England. With Corrections, Additional Notes, and an Index, By Samuel J. Eales, D.C.L. London: John Hodges, 1888. A new edition. [b00565-403301] ¥6,480 3105 Spence, Lewis British Fairy Origins. London: Watts & Co., 1946. [b00508-403244] ¥4,320 3106 Sprenger, Jacobus / Kramer, Heinrich Malleus Maleficarum. The Hammer of Witchcraft. Translated by Montague Summers and Edited with an Introduction by Pennethorne Hughes. London: Folio Society, 1968. Second impression. [b00579-403321] ¥6,480 3107 Stanley, Louis The Beauty of Woman. Foreword by Dame Laura Knight. [b00595-403339] ¥3,240 London: W. H. Allen, 1955. 3108 Stephens, James The Demi - Gods. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1922. Reprinted. [b00694-403443] ¥2,160 3109 Stephens, James The Crock of Gold. With twelve Illustrations in colour and decorative headings and Tailpieces by 261 Thomas Mackenzie. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1980. facsimile edition. [b00571-403307] ¥4,320 3110 Stephens, James Irish Fairy Tales. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. [b00644-403391] ¥4,320 Macmillan & Co.Ltd., 1979. First published. 3111 Stevens, Wallace The Necessary Angel. Essays on Reality and the Imagination. 1960. First published. [b00689-403438] ¥6,480 London: Faber & Faber Limited, 3112 Stuart, Dorothy Margaret The Girl through the Ages. With Forty-five Illustrations. Ltd., 1933. First published. [b00652-403399] ¥4,320 London: George G. Harrap & Company 3113 Suarès, Carlo The Song of Songs. The Canonical Song of Solomon Deciphered according to the Original Code of the Qabala. Berkeley and London: Shambala, 1972. [b00645-403392] ¥5,400 3114 Summers, Montague The History of Witchcraft and Demonology. (The History of Civilization. Edited by Ogden, C.K.) Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd, 1965. First published 1926 by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. Reissued 1965 by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. [b00539-403275] ¥6,480 3115 Summers, Montague The Geography of Witchcraft. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978. Reprinted. [b00517-403253] ¥5,400 3116 Summers, Rev. Montague Malleus Malefic Arum. Translated with an Introduction, Bibliography and Notes by the Rev. Montague Summers. Jhon Rodker, 1928. This edition of Malleus Maleficarum, comprising 1275 numbered copies, is here translated into English from the edition 1489 for the first time. The book is printed by Messrs. R. Clay & Sons, Ltd., [b00505-403241] ¥21,600 3117 Symons, Arthur Studies in Prose and Verse. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1922. Reprinted. [b00708-403457] ¥3,240 3118 Tabori, Paul The Art of Folly. London: Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1961. First published. [b00757-403509] ¥3,240 3119 Thorpe, Michael The Poetry of Edmund Blunden. Bridge Books, 1971. Kent Editions. [b00685-403434] ¥5,400 3120 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Fellowship of the Ring. Being the First Part of the Lord of the Rings. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1967. Second Edition, Second Impression. [b00638-403385] ¥6,480 3121 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Return of the King. Being the Third Part of the Lord of the Rings. Unwin Ltd, 1966. Second Edition. [b00639-403386] ¥6,480 London: George Allen & 3122 Turner, W.J. ed. /Ayrton, Michael intro. Aspects of British Art. With 48 Plates in Ccolour and 127 Illustrations in Black & White. Collins, 1947. [b00661-403408] ¥4,320 London: 3123 Unterecker, John / Mccartan, Patrick Yeats and Patrick Mccartan a Fenian Friendship. Letters with a commentary by John Unterecker & an Address on yeats the Fenian by Patrick Mccartan. Being No. X of the Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers MCMLXV. Ireland: Dolmen Press Limited, 1967. First published. [b00585-403327] ¥4,320 262 3124 Ussher, Arland The XXII Keys of the Tarot. The Designs Drawn by Leslie MacWeeney. The Dolmen Press, 1969. New edition. New edition, reset, 1969. (First published 1953.) [b00514-403250] ¥3,240 3125 Vallance, Aymer Old Crosses and Lychgates. London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, n.d. [b00743-403492] ¥6,480 3126 Vallance, Rosalind Dickens' London. Essays selected and Introduced by Rosalind Vallance. Engravings by George Cruikshank. London: The Folio Society, 1970. Third Impression. [b00643-403390] ¥3,240 3127 Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian etc. Birds, Trees and Flowers. Illustrated. The nature lover's companion to familiar British birds, trees and flowers, fully illustrated with photographs, drawings and colour plates. London: Odhams Press Limited, 1948. Reprinted. [b00657-403404] ¥2,160 3128 Waddell, Helen trans. / Gibbings, Robert illus. Beasts and Saints. London: Constable and Company Ltd., 1934. Reprinted. [b00653-403400] ¥4,320 3129 Wallace, Daisy ed. Hyman, Trina Schart illus. Witch Poems. Pepper Press, 1980. [b00544-403280] ¥2,160 3130 Walton, W. H. / Green, Reginald illus. Cathedrals Abbeys and Shrines of History & Romance in the British Isles. and Scottish Railway Company, n.d. [b00623-403367] ¥4,320 London: Midland 3131 Waterman, Andrew From the Other Country. [b00737-403486] ¥4,320 Mancheter: Carcanet New Press, 1977. First published. 3132 Watkins, Vernon / Raine, Kathleen intro. / Pryor, Dr Ruth ed. The Ballad of the Outer Dark. And Other Poems. [b00738-403487] ¥6,480 London: Enitharmon Press, 1979. First published. 3133 Watson, Godfrey Bothwell & the Witches. London: Robert Hale, 1975. [b00531-403267] ¥4,320 3134 Webster, Charles / Aston, Trevor ed. The Intellectual Revolution of the Seventeenth Century. Past and Present Series. London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974.First published. [b00607-403351] ¥3,240 3135 Weingreen, J. A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew. tion, Reprinted. [b00726-403475] ¥4,320 London: Oxford University Press, 1963. Second edi- 3136 Williams, Charles Taliessin Through Logres and The Region of the Summer Stars. 2vols. in 1. University Press, 1954. & 1952. Third impression. [b00702-403451] ¥4,320 London: Oxford 3137 Williamson, Dr. George C. Curious Survivals. Habits and Customs of the Past that still Live in the Present. Jenkins Limited, 1923. Second Printing. [b00640-403387] ¥5,400 London: Herbert 3138 Willmott, Rev. Robert Aris ed. The Works of George Herbert, in Prose and Verse. With Illustrations. and Co., 1857. [b00646-403393] ¥3,240 London: George Routledge 3139 Wright, Thomas A History of Caricature & Grotesque. In Literature and Art. [1865.] [b00554-403290] ¥8,640 263 London: Virtue Brothers & Co, n.d. 3140 Wright, Thomas Caricature History of the Georges. Or, Annals of the House of Hanover, Compiled from the Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures, Lampoons, and Pictorial Caricatures of the Time. London: John Camden Hotten, n.d. [1867.] [b00560-403296] ¥6,480 3141 The Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary. Edition. New York: Pocket Books., [1947.] Collector's [b00700-403449] ¥3,240 3142 The Bible in Basic English. Cambridge at the University Press with Evans Brothers, Ltd, 1965. [b00580-403322] ¥4,320 3143 The Dome. Number Two. A Quarterly containing Examples of All the Arts. Press, 1897. London: The Unicorn [b00762-403514] ¥6,480 3144 The Dome. Number Three. A Quarterly containing Examples of All the Arts. corn Press, 1897. 3145 The Dome. Number Four. A Quarterly containing Examples of All the Arts. corn Press, 1898. London: The Uni- [b00763-403515] ¥6,480 London: The Uni- [b00764-403516] ¥6,480 3146 The Dome. Vol. I No. 1. October 1898. New Series.An illustrated monthly Magazine and Review of Literature Music Architecture and the Graphic Arts. [b00765-403517] ¥3,240 London: The Unicorn Press, 1898. 3147 The Dome. Vol. I No. 3. Christmas Number. December 1898. New Series. An illustrated monthly Magazine and Review of Literature Music Architecture and the Graphic Arts. Press, 1898. [b00766-403518] ¥3,240 London: The Unicorn 3148 The Dome. Vol. I. Oct.-Dec. 1898. An illustrated Magazine and Review of Literature, Music, Ar- chitecture, and the Graphic Arts. Volume One of the New Series, containing the Numbers for October, November, and December, mdcccxcviii. 3vols. in 1. London: The Unicorn Press, 1898. 5-6pp. & 17-20pp. & 27-28pp. & 37-44pp. & 63-64pp. & 75-80pp., missing. [b00767-403519] ¥3,240 3149 The Dome. Vol. II. Jan.-May. 1899. An illustrated Magazine and Review of Literature, Music, Architecture, and the Graphic Arts. Volume One of the New Series, containing the Numbers for January, February, and March mdcccxcix. 3vols. in 1. London: The Unicorn Press, 1899. [b00768-403520] ¥4,320 梅溪昇先生旧蔵書籍 (W.E.グリフィス) (分売) 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 3150 W.E.グリフィス Griffis,William Elliot China's Story. In Myth, Legend, Art, and Annals. 1911 年 クロース装 Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911. ¥12,960 [cn0087-707663] 3151 W.E.グリフィス 「隠者の国朝鮮」 1885 年 2 版 クロース装 ¥3,240 Griffis,William Elliot Corea: The Hermit Nation. I. Ancient and Mediaeval History. / II. Political and Social Corea. / III. Modern and Recent History. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1885. Second edition. [ko0010-751487] 264 3152 W.E.グリフィス 「日本国民の進化」 1907 年 クロース装 天金 ¥6,480 Griffis,William Elliot The Japanese Nation in Evolution. Steps in the Progress of a Great People. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1907. [jp0727-707664] 3153 W.E.グリフィス 「日本のフルベッキ」 1900 年 (初版) クロース装 ¥6,480 Griffis,William Elliot Verbeck of Japan. A Citizen on No Country. A Life Story of Foundation Work Inaugurated by Guido Fridolin Verbeck. New York, Chicago, Toronto: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1900. (First published.) [jp0728-707665] 3154 W.E.グリフィス 「ミカド」 1915 年 (初版) カバー、クロース装 天金 ¥19,440 Griffis,William Elliot The Mikado: Institution and Person. A Study of the Internal Political Forces of Japan. Princeton UP., 1915. (First published.) [jp0729-707666] 3155 W.E.グリフィス 「皇国」 1887 年 5 版 クロース装 ¥21,600 Griffis,William Elliot The Mikado's Empire. Book I. History of Japan. From 660 B.C. ti 1872 A.D. Book II. Personal Experiences, Observations, and Studies in Japan, 1870-1874. With Supplementary Chapters: Japan in 1883, and Japan in 1886. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1887. Fifth edition. [jp0730-707667] 永嶋大典先生旧蔵書籍 (サミュエル・ジョンソン他) (分売) 書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。 または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール ([email protected]) にてお問い合わせください。 1796 年 総革装 ¥54,000 Johnson,Samuel & Strahan,George Prayers and Meditations. Composed by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. and Published from his Manuscripts, by George Strahan, A. M. London: Printed for T. Cadell Jun. & W. Davies, 1796. The Third Edition. [f0643-170649] 3156 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「祈りと瞑想」 1816 年 背クロース装 ¥43,200 Johnson,Samuel A Diary of a Journey into North Wales, in the Year 1774. Edited, with Illustrative Notes, by R. Duppa, LL.B. London: Printed for Robert Jennings, 1816. [f0642-170648] 3157 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「北ウェールズ旅日記」 2 巻 1820 年 総革装 Johnson,samuel The Rambler; Vol.I: 1-90. / Vol.II: 100-208. In 2 vols. and J. Rivington et al. 1820. [f0648-170654] 3158 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「ランブラー」 ¥21,600 London: Printed for F. C. 1817 年 総革装 ¥9,720 Dr.Johnson (Johnson,Samuel) Rasselas; A Tale. [and] Dinarbas; A Tale: Being a Continuation of Rasselas. London: Printed for Walker and Edwards, et al. 1817. [f0647-170653] 3159 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「ラセラス」 3160 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「ラセラス;アビシニアの王子」 2 巻合本 1 冊 1927 年 背クロース装 ¥8,640 (Johnson,Samuel) Chapman,R. W. ed. The History of Rasselas; Prince of Abissinia. A Tale by Samuel Johnson. Edited by R. W. Chapman. 2 vols. in 1. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1927. Taken from the 2nd edition (1759). [f0644-170650] 1927 年 1/4 ヴェラム装 ¥12,960 (Johnson,Samuel) Chapman,R. W. ed. The History of Rasselas; Prince of Abissinia. A Tale by Samuel Johnson. Edited by R. W. Chapman. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1927. Taken from the 2nd edition (1759). [f0645-170651] 3161 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「ラセラス;アビシニアの王子」 265 1785 年 新版 総革装 ¥16,200 The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson. Complete in One Volume. London: Printed for W. Osborne and T. Griffin, and J. Mozley, 1785. A New Edition. [f0649-170655] 3162 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「S.ジョンソン詩集」 1814 年 改訂 19 版 総革装 ¥12,960 Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, in Miniature. To which are added, an Alphabetical Account of the Heathen Deities, a List of the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, in England and Wales; A Chronological Table of Remarkable Events, Discoveries and Inventions, also The Æra, Country, and Writings of Learned Men, and a List of Commercial Stamps, Bonds, &c. &c. London: Printed for Thomas Tegg, 1814. Nineteenth Edition, Improved. [f0650-170656] 3163 サミュエル・ジョンソン 「ジョンソン英語辞典 小型版」 1951 年 復刻版・初版 背クロース装 ¥4,320 Austen-Leigh,James Edward Memoir of Jane Austen. With Introduction, Notes, & Index by R. W. Chapman. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, [1926.] (First edition.) Reprinted Lithographically in Great Britain at the UP, Oxford, 1951. [f0641-170647] 3164 J.E.オースティン‐リー 「J.オースティン回顧録」 2 巻合本 1 冊 1818 年 改訂 2 版 1/2 革装 ¥17,280 Northcote,James The Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds; Original Anecdotes of Many Distinguished Persons, his Contemporaries; and a Brief Analysis of his Discourses. 2 vols. in 1. London: Printed for Henry Colburn, 1818. The Second Editions, Revised and Augmented. [f0646-170652] 3165 J.ノースコート 「ジョシュア・レノルズ伝」 266
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