小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 2008年 国際稀覯本フェア 目録より 1 大柗閑人 <写本・写図> 『沼津地震記・傅魯舶漂流話』 嘉永七甲寅霜月(1854年11月) 縦13.5cm 横19cm 17丁 15図 和装 拵秩入 『右此一冊八予眼ニフルゝトコロ耳ニキク処其マゝ詞ヲカザゝズ意ヲタクマズカキ ツクルモノナレバ見ル人コゝロシテサッシタマヘカシ 大柗閑人』<後書き:原文 より> 安政東海地震の発生状況及び域内・城下町の被害状況が生々しく克明に記さ れており、また宝永地震(宝永4年・1707年)についての記録もみられる。 更に は当地震により大破したプチャーチン提督率いるロシア軍艦「ディアナ号」の乗 組員の様子が詞と繪図によって詳細に記されている。 米国からの里帰り品。 虫喰により文字判読できない箇所数点あり. カバーヤケ・少々シミ. (Numazu Jisin-ki) A manuscript: A report on the disaster from the earthquake in Numazu. November, 1854 17pp. 13.5x19cm. This is the documentary book about Ansei-Tokai earthquake. With many illustrations. Japanese binding, after-made preserve box. This book is the holograph by the author, not printed, came back from America. Cover sun-browned and soiled. Some wormed pages, a very few letters cannot read. [aj629] \3,150,000 2 美國 平文先生 編譯 『和英語林集成』 一千八百六十七年 日本横濱梓行 初版 3/4革装 拵函入 長崎通詞 頴川永泰 旧蔵(英文タイトルページに印あり) Hepburn,J.C. A Japanese and English Dictionary; with an English and Japanese Index. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867. First edition. xii,558pp.(Japanese-English dic.)+132pp.(English-Japanese index). 27.2x18.5cm. 3/4 morocco (rubbed) with brown cloth boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Ownership stamp (YT YeGaWa. Interpreter At Nagasaki Under the chief Government of Japan) on English title page. Edges foxing. With a new preserved box. [aj616] \1,260,000 3 E.S.モース (1838-1925) 『署名入り自筆書簡 4通』 (1)1919年9月18日付 Mrs.Sarre宛 12行 (2)1919年9月26日付 Mrs.Sarre宛 11行 (3)1919年9月28日付 Mrs.Sarre宛 12行 (4)1923年5月27日付 Mrs.Sarre宛 11行 (1)、(2)、(3)はPeabody Museum用紙 (13.7x21.5cm)、 (4)はモース私用用紙 (17.5x15.2cm) を使用 4 Autograph Letters from Edward Sylvester Morse to Mrs.Sarre. [aj639] \210,000 1 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 4 『明治28年横濱建築物大判平面図』 縦 192cm 横 207cm 井出巽 作成 火災保険会社用 住居、ホテル、倉庫等 用途別に色分け(手塗り)され、また建築物の2、3階 等の階層表示もみられる。 Plan of the Settlement of Yokohama, Japan. Surveyed & Drawn in 1895. By Tatsumi Ide. For the Use of the Fire Insurance Companies. 192x207cm. [aj696] \2,000,000 (写真は部分) 5 M.C.ペリー『ジョン・ロジャース提督 宛 署名入り 自筆書簡 (私信)』 ニューヨーク 1824年7月26日付 1枚 (半分は通信文 半分は封筒用) 4ヶ所裂け目あり 日本語翻訳添付 [ペリーはジョン・ロジャース提督の旗艦プレジデント号に乗船して英米戦争(1812年戦 争)に参加した] An Autograph Letter from Matthew Calbraith Perry to Commodore John Rodgers. New York, July 26, 1824. 39x25cm [aj632] \630,000 6 ルイス・キャロル 『不思議の国のアリス』 1869年 米国版初版 クロース装 Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. With Forty-Two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869. First American edition. 192pp. 19x14cm. Original yellow-red cloth with gilt stamped. All-edge-gilt. Preserve-box. Cover sl.rubbed, board edges worn. Spine a little faded, and its ends chipped. Original brown endpapers somewhat torn. But a very nice copy keeping clean and tight. [aj472] \262,500 7 チョーサー スペート編 G.チョーサー全集 1巻 1602年 第2版 総革装 Chaucer, Geoffrey The Works of our Ancient and learned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer,Newly Printed. In One vols. Londini: Imrensis Geor, Bishop, 1602. Second Edition. 32x22cm. Rebound. 377pp. Very scarce. Fine condition. [00301] \840,000 8 ハーマン・メルヴィル 『白鯨』 1851年 米国版初版 改装 角背革装 Melville, Herman Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851. First American edition. xxiii,634pp. 19x13cm. Rebound with marbled board, half calf. Top-edge gilt. Preserve-box. Contents page has a small hole, but chipping pieces not missed. Several pages, including title page, stained. Marble board partly rubbed. Otherwise clean. [aj473] \1,800,000 2 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 9 D.H.ロレンス 『チャタレイ夫人の恋人』 1928年 初版・限定1000冊、No.94 ハードカバー 署名入り Lawrence, D.H. Lady Chatterley's Lover. Privately Printed, 1928. 365pp. 23x17.5cm. [This edition is limited to One Thousand copies. No.94] Signed by the author. Original brown paper board, illus. printed on front side. Title label on spine. Deckle edges. Many pages remain unopened. Ink notations on tp and rear pastedown. Title label sl. soiled, spine partly chipped. Front joint slightly loosend, otherwise fine. [aj474] \630,000 10 エドワード・モーガン フォースター 『インドへの道』 1924年 限定200冊、No.75 背クロース装 署名入り Forster, E.M. A Passage to India. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1924. 325pp. 23.5x15cm. [This edition is limited to 200 copies, of which this copy in No.75] Signed by the author. Bounding in light gray board, quarter cloth. Title label at spine. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Text of title page in black/red. Cover somewhat stained. Guard of rear e.p. slighty torn, otherwise a fine copy. [aj453] \420,000 11 ソロー 『ウォールデン‐森の生活』 1854年 初版 函、クロース装 Thoreau, Henry D. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1854. First edition. 354pp. 19x12cm. Bounding in original brown cloth with embossed design. Ads date May, 1854. Preserve box. Page 353-356 misbounded. Previous owner's inscription on front fly endpaper. Spine ends sl.chipped. Small ink numbered at the verso of page 357 (the last page of text), page 8 of ads. and rear pastedown. A small hole at rear cover board. A near fine copy keeping clear and tight. [aj465] \1,600,000 12 Morris, Rev. F. O. A History of British Birds. In 6 vols. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1851- 1857. Vol.1: iv,363pp. / Vol.2: iv,360pp. / Vol.3: iv,391pp. / Vol.4: iv,330pp. / Vol.5: iv,315pp. / Vol.6: iv,290pp. 4to.(26x16.5cm) Original publisher's green decorative embossed cloth, illustrations and titles stamed in gold. 358 coloured engravings plates of birds, all with tissue guards. Previous owner's ink inscriptions on front fly leaves in each volume. Spines of vol.1 and vol.3 faded. Light soiling and rubbing at boards, some mild stains to some pages, else clean and tight. [aj553] \315,000 13 (ファッションプレート) エンリコ・サチェッティ 『Robes et Femmes』 Sacchetti,Enrico Robes et Femmes. Paris: Dorbon-Aine, 9 June, 1913. No. 203 of 300 copies. 38x 28.5cm(plates), 41x30.7cm(portfolio). Loosely inserted, hand colored plates(1 double-page, 10 single page, 1 limitation page, 2 title-pages. Housed in the original portfolio of paper covered boards (hand colored illus.on front and rear cover), sunned and spotted. Spine of portfolio somewhat damaged. [aj657] \450,000 3 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 14 (縮緬本) K.フローレンツ (日本の芝居: 寺子屋・朝顔) 明治三十三年九月十日 初版 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 絵師 新井芳宗 / 著者 フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 小宮屋壽 / 發行所 長谷川商店 元袋付 元秩 (この本には表紙は2種あるが、当該本は珍しい。) Florenz,Karl Japanische Dramen. Terakoya und Asagao. Übertragen von Prof.Dr.Karl Florenz. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag / Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1900. First edition. 19.5x14.8cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrapper and an original pictorial preserved case. [aj654] \189,000 15 (縮緬本) エスパダ『日本昔噺』 Cuentos del Japon viejo: 10冊 Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: 10冊 計20冊揃 全冊初版 (明治~大正) 欧文(スペイン語)和装本 印刷者 柴田喜一 他 / 絵師 小林永濯 / 飜譯者 エスパダ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 元箱・元袋・元帯付 Espada,Gonzalo J.de la (trans.) Cuentos del Japon viejo: No.1 Momotaro(桃太郎), No.2 El gorrion con la lengua cortada (舌切り雀), No.3 La batalla entre monos y cangrejos (猿蟹合 戦), No.4 El viejecito que hacia florecer los arboles secos (花咲爺), No.5 La Montana Kachi-kachi (勝々山), No.6 El viejo y los demonios (瘤取り), No.7 Urasima, el pescadorcillo (浦島), No.8 La venganza del raposillo (野干の手 柄), No.9 Su Alteza Saco de Arroz (俵藤太), No.10 La arana duende (蜘蛛). Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: No.1 La boda de los ratones (ねずみの嫁入り), No.2 La sierpe de ocho cabezas (八頭の大蛇), No.3 La liebre de Inaba (因幡の白兎), No.4 El espejo de Matsuyama (松山鏡), No.5 La Medusa Candida (海月), No.6 El Principe Brillante y el Principe Luciente (玉の井), No.7 La olla magica (文福茶釜), No.8 Sippeitaro (しっぺい太郎), No.9 El brazo de ogro (羅生門), No.10 La cascada maravillosa (養老の滝). Early 1900's. 15x10.5cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With 2 original boxies, 2 original tissue paper wrappers, and tied with paper strips. [aj643] \600,000 16 (平紙本) K.フローレンツ 『寺子屋』 明治参拾参年壹月壹日發行 欧文(フランス語)和装本 印刷者 村岡平吉 / 飜譯者 カール、フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 カバー裏表紙及び背表紙の一部欠(補修済み) ページ余白に極薄いシミ Florenz,Karl (trans.) Scènes du Théâtre Japonais. L'École de Village. (Terakoya) Drame historique en un acte. Tokyo: Publié par T.Hasegawa, 1900. 27.7x20.8cm. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Rear cover and spine of dust wrapper missing. [aj642] \210,000 17 (平紙本・鳥の子紙版) ラ・フォンテーヌ 『寓話選』 バルブドー旧蔵本 (バルブドー自筆草稿 1葉・2頁付) 2巻 明治二十七年九月三十日發行 (限定版) 欧文(フランス語)和装本 著作兼發行者 馬留武黨 / 印刷者 曲田成 / 監督者 野村宗十郎 / 印刷所 東京築地活版製造所 / 畫工 梶田半古、狩野友信、岡倉秋水、河鍋暁翠、枝貞彦 / 木版師 木村徳太郎 Choix de Fables de La Fontaine. Illustrées par un Groupe des Meilleurs Artistes de Tokio. Sous la direction de P.Barboutau. 2 vols. Tokio: 1894. Imprimerie de Tsoukidji-Tokio, S. Magata, Directeur. Specilal edition [Il a été fait de cet ouvrage un tirage sur papier Japonais de luxe. 150 exemplaires sur Tori-no-ko. (qualité extra.)]. 26.6x19.9cm. Printed on high quality Japanese paper (Tori-no-ko) with numerous color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. From the library of Pierre Barboutau (ownership stamped on verso of title page) with his autograph manuscript. [aj641] \450,000 4 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 18 (平紙本) ボール・ケラス 原著 鈴木大拙(鈴木貞太郎) 訳 『因果の小車 全』 明治三十一年九月一日 初版 和装 譯者 鈴木貞太郎 (本文1ページ目に「釈宗演 校閲 鈴木大拙 譯述」とあり) / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 柴田喜一 / 印刷所 文玉堂 / 發行所 長谷川商店 拵秩入 Carus,Paul Karma: A Story of Early Buddhism. T.Hasegawa, 1898. First edition. 24.5x18cm. Translated into Japanese by Daisetsu Suzuki. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With color woodblocks. Light stained to front and rear covers. With a new preserved case. [aj655] \126,000 19 (縮緬本) 小泉八雲『日本昔話』縮緬本 5冊揃 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 新井芳宗 鈴木華邨 / 英譯者 ラフカヂオ ヘルン / 編輯兼發行者 長谷川武 次郎 / 印刷者 西宮興作 (The Boy who Drew Cats のみ繪画と印刷 小宮屋壽 / 文字印刷者 柴田喜一) 元袋(5枚)付 元秩 極美 Hearn,Lafcadio Japanese Fairy Tale. 1898-1934. (本のサイズは全て19.2x13.6cm) The Boy Who Drew Cats. 明治31年・初版 (黄色の表紙). The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dumpling. 昭和9年・7版. Chin Chin Kobakama. 大正14年・15版. The Fountain of Youth. 大正14年・2版. The Goblin Spider. 昭和6年・6版. *タイトルは全て、表紙のタイトル表記 Crepe paper book with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrappers and an original pictorial preserved case (sl.sunned). [01612-101585] \525,000 20 Hearn,Lafcadio 『小泉八雲初版本コレクショション』 計17点(18冊) \840,000 (1) Hearn,Lafcadio A Japanese Miscellany. Boston: Little, Brown, 1901. First edition. 305pp. Green pictorial cloth, gilt lettering. T.e.g., others untrimmed. B/w frontis. 6 black and white plates and 6 illus. Spine sl.darkened, else very good. [Hearn003] (2) Hearn,Lafcadio Chita: A Memory of Last Island. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1889. First edition. 204pp. Pictorial brown cloth. Rubbed, spine and edges darkened, blue pencil notation on front pastedown, rear inner hinge starting; good only. [Hearn012] (3) Hearn,Lafcadio Exotics and Retrospectives. Boston: Little, Brown, 1898. First edition. 299pp. Light green pictorial cloth, gilt lettering. T.e.g., others untrimmed. 4 b/w plates, 13 illus.in the text. Spine faded, both front and rear joints somewhat cracked, bookplate on rear f.e.p., else very good. [Hearn004] (4) Hearn,Lafcadio Gleanings in The Buddha Fields. Studies of Hand and Soul in the Far East. Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin / Riverside Press, 1897. First edition. 296pp. Blue cloth with gilt lettering and motif. T.e.g. Ex-libris on front pastedown, bookplate on rear f.e.p., front joint sl.loosen, ink inscription on f.f.e.p., else very good. [Hearn008] (5) Hearn,Lafcadio Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. In 2 vols. Boston: Houghton, Miffiln, 1894. First edition. x,342pp.(vol.1) / 344-699pp.(vol.2) Black cloth with silver illus.and titles stamped. T.e.g. Bookplates internal library mark on front pastedown in each vol., inner hinges starting, a bit browned, else very good. [Hearn015] (6) Hearn,Lafcadio Gombo Zhebes. Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs. Selected from Six Creole Dialects. Translated into French and English. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1885. First edition. 42pp. Decorated brown cloth. Large 8vo.(22x17.5cm.) Inner hinge just starting, bookplate on front pastedown, cover board rubbed and partly faded, else very good. [Hearn017] (7) Hearn,Lafcadio In Ghostly Japan. Boston: Little, Brown, 1899. First edition. 241pp. Blue pictorial cloth with gilt titles. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Frontispiece, 3 plates, 5 illustrations in the text, all in b/w. Spine 5 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 darkened, stains to fore edge, front inner hinge sl.starting, brown, else very good. [Hearn014] (8) Hearn,Lafcadio Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation. London: Macmillan, Sept. 1904. First edition. 541pp. Light brown cloth, japanese imperial crest (a chrysanthemum) and titles stamped in black and gold. T.e.g. Hinges slightly cracked, bookplate on rear f.e.p., else very good. [Hearn001] (9) Hearn,Lafcadio Kokoro. Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life. Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin / Riverside Press, 1896. First edition. 388pp. Olive colth with gilt lettering and motif. T.e.g. Bookplate and ink and inscriptions on front fly e.ps., front part of inner joint at bottom very sl.cracked, else very good. [Hearn009] (10) Hearn,Lafcadio (collected) Kotto. Being Japanese Curios, With Sunday Cobwebs. NY: Macmillan, 1902. First edition. 251pp. Olive cloth with illustration and titles in gilt and green. T.e.g., others untrimmed. B/w frontis. Illustrations in red by Genjiro Yeto. Ink and colored pencil inscriptions at f.f.e.p. Bookplate on rear f.e.p. Near fine. [Hearn002] (11) Hearn,Lafcadio Kwaidan. Stories and Studies of Strange Things. Houghton, Mifflin, 1904. First edition, first printing in green, published April, 1904. iii,240pp. With the story 'Insect-Studies.' Frontis. and 1 plate in b/w. Texts printed in black and red. T.e.g.Hinges just starting. Else very good. [Hearn013] (12) Hearn,Lafcadio Out of The East. Reveries and Studies in New Japan. NY: Houghton, Mifflin, 1895. First edition. 341pp. Yellow cloth, silver lettering and motif. Stanoff label; spine faded: edges darkened and partly stained: good only. [Hearn010] (13) Hearn,Lafcadio Shadowings. Boston: Little, Brown, 1900. First edition. 286pp. Blue pictorial cloth with gilt lettering. T.e.g., others untrimmed. With 5 b/w plates. Ink inscription on front fly leaf, bookplate on rear fly e.p., edges sl.sunned, else a very good copy. [Hearn007] (14) Hearn,Lafcadio Some Chinese Ghosts. Boston: Robert Bros., 1887. First edition. iv,185pp. Red cloth with illustration. Gilt title on spine. T.e.red. Pictorial endpapers. Bookplate on rear f.e.p. Near fine. [Hearn005] (15) Hearn,Lafcadio Stray Leaves from Strange Literature. Stories. Boston: James R. Osgood, 1884. First edition. Blue pictorial cloth, gilt title on spine. Front inner joint sl.cracked, stamped on front pastedown, bookplate on rear f.e.p., else very good. [Hearn006] (16) Hearn,Lafcadio Two Years in the French West Indies. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1890. First edition. 431pp. Olive green cloth. Front inner hinge just starting, shop stamped on front pastedown, ink inscription to front f.e.p., bookplate on rear f.e.p., a bit dull; Good+. [Hearn016] (17) Hearn,Lafcadio Youma. The Story of a West Indian Slave. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1890. First edition. 193pp. Cloth with oriental design printed. Fore and bottom edge uncut. Frontispiece. Spine faded, as usual, Ink inscription at front f.e.p., else good+. [Hearn011] 21 ラフカディオ・ハーン(小泉八雲) 『小泉八雲全集』 16巻 ラージペーパー版 1/2革装 小泉 節自筆署名入り. The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. In 16 vols. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922. Large Paper Edition. Limited to 750 copies.(no.412) Half leather with cloth sides. The signature of Mrs.Hearn (in Japanese) is inserted in volume 1. Top edge gilt at each volume. Several volumes slightly rubbed at the top of spine & joint, but otherwise fine. [01225] \472,500 6 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 22 藤澤桓夫 自筆草稿 『ヘルン先生』 400字詰原稿用紙(B4) 28枚完揃 拵秩入(28x21cm.) 少々シミ. 1-3枚目上部少々欠け. Fujisawa,Takeo (Hearn sensei) An autograph manuscript. 28pp. 25.5x36.5cm.(B4) / 28x21cm.(preserve box) This is the manuscripts of a novel about Lafcadio Hearn, written by Japanese novelist Takeo Fujisawa. With in an after-made preserve box. Light soiled, some small chipping. [aj630] \210,000 23 アナトール・フランス (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 『シルヴェストル・ボナールの罪』 1890年 初版 ペーパーバック 拵秩入 France,Anatole The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard. (Member of the Institute). The Translation and Introduction by Lafcadio Hearn. [Harper's Franklin Square Library] New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. ix,281pp. Printed wrappers, sunned and chipped. Spine repaired with tapes. Edges foxing. 20.3x14.5cm. With a preserved case. [aj681] \157,500 24 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『クレオール料理』 1885年 初版初刷 Hearn,Lafcadio La Cuisine Creole. A Collection of Culinary Recipes. From Leading Chefs and Noted Creole Housewives, who Have Made New Orleans Famous for its Cuisine. NY: Will H.Coleman, 1885. First edition (Brùlot to "Introduction"). iv,268pp. Brown cloth. Partly gilt title and illus.to front cover. Edges light foxing. Front e.p.partly peeled and joint of rear e.p.sl.started. Bright, near fine. [aj658] \420,000 25 錦窠先生(伊藤圭介) 著 伊藤圭造、西村良三(柳河春三) 同校 『萬寳叢書洋字篇』 天保十二年 尾張:花繞書屋藏版 包背装 拵秩入 11丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ 題簽に個人印(小) 裏表紙に墨で書込 「和蘭亜別設二十六字」に朱書及び鉛筆書込 Ito,Keisuke (Banpo sosho yojihen) Owari, 1841. 23.8x16.3cm. Bound with yellow paper wrappers, stained. Title label to the front board, faded and small stamped. Small sumi-ink notations to rear board. Pencil notation to recto of title page. With a new preserved case. [aj611] \450,000 26 渋川敬直(六蔵) 訳述 藤井質 訂補 『英文鑑』 上下2編4冊 大槻如電 覆刻(謄写版) 昭和三年 六合館(発売) 和装 拵秩入 限定100部 上編(第1-3冊):巻之一-十六、附録・上下 下編(第4冊):巻之一-六 各冊表紙及び裏表紙全体的に少々擦れ Shibukawa,Rokuzo (trans.) (eibun kagami) 2 vols.in 4. Tokyo, 1928. Reprinted. 23.2x16cm. Limited 100 copies. Japanese binding. Bound in light brown paper wrappers, sl.rubbed. Title label to the front board. With a new preserved case. [aj612] \630,000 7 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 27 J.J.ホフマン 『和蘭辞書』 1-3 既刊3冊 1881年(1-2巻)、1892年(3巻) ペーパー装 拵秩入 岩崎克己旧蔵 第1巻:改装本 第3巻:背補修 Hoffmann,J.J. Japansche - Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Naar de aanteekeningen van wijlen. Op last van zijne excellentie den minister van koloniën. Aangevuld en voor den druk bewerkt door Mr.L.Serrurier. Deel I-III. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1881 (deel1III), 1892 (deel III). Deel I: xi,188pp. Deel II: 76pp.Deel III: vi, (without number). 27.8x18.5cm. Printed wrappers. Vol.1 rebound with new paper boards with photo copy cover. Vol.2 light foxing. Vol.3 rebacked, covers chipped. From the library of Katsumi Iwasaki. [aj615] \262,500 28 福澤諭吉 『再版 福翁百話 全』 明治三十年8月 時事新報社 3/4革装 拵秩入 福澤諭吉 今泉秀太郎君宛署名入り贈呈本 背及び角の革装擦れ 小口ヤケ あそび紙に墨で書込 口絵に薄いシミ Fukuzawa,Yukichi (saihan fukuo hyakuwa) Tokyo, 1897. 2pp.(foreword)+8pp.(contents)+385pp. 19x13.5cm. Frontis.(light stained). 3/4 morocco (rubbed) with crimson cloth boards. Gilt title to spine. Edges foxing. Sumi-ink notations to front flyleaf. With a new preserved case. [aj613] \189,000 29 ルーアリ・マクリーン(編) (雑誌) 『モチーフ』 第1号(1958年)~終刊号(1967年) 全冊揃 McLean,Ruari ed. (magazine) Motif. Nos.1-13. All published. London: The Shenval Press, 1958-1967. No.1 (Nov.1958) Binding designed and drawn direct for silk screen by Charles Mozley. 87pp. No.2 (Feb.1959) Binding and e.ps.designed and drawn for silk screen by Robert Stewart. 91pp. No.3 (Sept.1959) Cover and e.ps.designed by John Griffiths. 107pp. With a printed letter from editor and publisher with autographs (partly torn). No.4 (Mar.1960) Cover and e.ps.drawn by Laurence Scarfe. 103pp. Light spotted to title page and its verso. No.5 (Autumn 1960) Cover, e.ps.and heading of title page by Richard Guyatt. 103pp. No.6 (Spring 1961) Cover and e.ps.by Hans Unger. 103pp. No.7 (Summer 1961) Cover design by Alan Davis. 103pp. Light stained to cover. No.8 (Winter 1961) Cover design by William Scott. E.ps.montage by Maria Brockstadt. 103pp. Light stained to cover. No.9 (Summer 1962) Cover design and e.ps.by Edward Bawden. 101pp. Light spotted to front board. Spine sunned and partly damaged. No.10 (Winter 1962/3) Cover design by Peter Blake. 99pp. Soft cover. Front cover & spine sunned. Plastic coating of front cover partly peeled. No.11 (Winter 1963/4) Cover design by Eduardo Paolozzi. 99pp. Soft cover. Cover and spine sunned. Plastic coating of cover partly peeled. No.12 (Winter 1964) Cover design by Ceri Richards. 103pp. Soft cover. Front cover spotted. No.13 (1967) Cover design by Margaret Calvert. 99pp. Soft cover. Spine light sunned. [Motif is a journal of the arts (fine printing, type, photography, architecture, sculpture, painting, etc.) and literature. Edited and designed by British typographic designer, Ruari McLean.] 31x24.8cm. [aj695] \210,000 30 『乾隆皇帝戦勝銅版画』 伊犁人民投降図 1765年 51.5x90cm 大判 (右図・上) (A copperplate engraving) The Victory of Qianlong (Ch'ien-lung) Emperor. Surrender of Ili. 1765. 51.5x90cm [aj342] \630,000 31 『乾隆皇帝戦勝銅版画』 阿玉錫斫営図 1770年 51.5x90cm 大判 (右図・下) (A copperplate engraving) The Victory of Qianlong (Ch'ien-lung) Emperor. The camp of Ayusi. 1770. 51.5x90cm \630,000 8 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 32 『改正増補 英和對譯袖珍辭書』 慶應二年 江戸再版 開成所刊行(印) 原装・背革 開成所旧蔵(1及び998頁に蔵印あり) 998頁 扉頁に旧蔵者印 655-658頁の上部にインク染み(活字は判読可) 扉頁-5頁の右上部の極一部に虫喰いあるも余白のみで活字に全く問題なし (Kaisei zouho eiwataiyaku shuchin jisho) A English - Japanese dictionary. 1866. 998pp. Ownership stamped on title page. Ink stained to 655-658pp. Small wormed to the margin of title page-p.5. [aj637] \630,000 33 『改正増補 英和對譯袖珍辭書』 慶應三年江戸再版・明治二年官許 498丁 扉及び奥付頁に印 扉頁の裏に旧蔵者の墨書及び印 装丁なしの糸綴じ本で珍しい 30丁-74丁、82丁-88丁虫喰い少々 (Kaisei zouho eiwataiyaku shuchin jisho) A English - Japanese dictionary. 1869. Without wrappers (scarce). Stamped on title page and colophon. Ownership stamped on title page with sumi-ink notation. Some pages sl.wormed. [aj638] \189,000 34 ピ子ヲ氏原板 永嶋貞次郎 譯 『英文典直譯』 慶應義塾讀本 2冊:1巻67丁, 2巻62丁 明治三年5月新刻表紙 尚古堂發兌 慶應義塾 蔵版 和装 拵秩入 上巻扉に「慶應義塾蔵版図書」印あり. 上巻44-48丁および50-53丁に少々虫喰あり. 1,2巻共擦れ. Pinneo,T.S. ("Pinneo's Primary Grammar of the English Language for Beginners", translated into Japanese by Teijiro Nagashima.) 2 vols. Keio Gijuku Univ., 1870. 18.5x13cm. Japanese binding. Bound in blue gray paper wrappers, rubbed. Title label to the front boards of each vol. Publisher's stamp on the title page of vol.I. 44-48pp.and 50-53pp.of vol.I partly wormed. With a new preserved case. [aj600] \68,000 35 『法朗西單語篇』 慶應二年刷印 開成所 ペーパー装 拵秩入 76頁 裏表紙に印(小). 前後見返しにインクで書込(小)、および後ろ見返しに個人印. 扉に印. 本文鉛筆書込み多数. Livre pour l'Instruction dans l'École Kaïceizio a Yedo. Vol.I. Première Édition. Yedo, 1866. 76pp. 19x12.1cm. Blue cloth backed beige paper boards. Title label to the front board. Publisher's stamp on the title page. Ink ownership signature to the front anf rear flyleaves, and a small stamp on rear flyleaf. Many pencil notations. With a new preserved case. [aj601] \63,000 36 島一徳 『童蒙英学初歩』 桂迂生・序 明治四年 (序より) 和装 拵秩入 45丁 題簽部分欠、及び書込みあり 背に墨で書込み 一部ページに鉛筆及び墨で書込み Shima,Kazunori (domo eigaku shoho) 1871. 18.2x12.5cm. Japanese binding. Bound in blue gray paper wrappers, sl.rubbed, wrinkled, sl.wormed at margin. Title label to the front boards, partly missing. Ink notation to the title label, spine. Ink and pencil notations to several pages. With a new preserved case. [aj602] \84,000 37 石川寧靜 『英学入門』 (題簽タイトル:『仮名附 英学入門』 扉タイトル:『改正First primer, 通俗 英学入門』) 明治四年 寧靜齋藏板 和装 拵秩入 15丁 表紙及び裏表紙退色、皺 裏表紙にインク書込(小) 扉に印 序文1ページ目に蔵書印 一部ページに少々虫喰 本文1ページ目及び続く数ページに朱で書込 Ishikawa,Neisei (eigaku nyumon) 1871. 18x12cm. Japanese binding. Bound in light blue paper wrappers, sl.rubbed, wrinkled. Title label to the front board. Small ink notation to rear board. Publisher's stamp on the title page, and ownership stamp on p.1. Some pages sl.wormed and light stained. Red ink notations to several pages. With a new preserved case. [aj603] \52,500 38 柳河春三 『洋學指針 英學部』 筱碕礼卿、印東玄得 校 筱碕隆由・序 慶應三年開版 中橋東中通下槙町(江戸):大和屋喜兵衛 發兌 和装 拵秩入 12丁 表紙及び裏表紙少々汚れ 本文1ページ目に個人印(小) Yanagawa, Shunsan (yogaku shishin) 1867. 18.3x12.2cm. Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, sl.darkened. Title label to the front board, sl.rubbed. A small ownership stamp on p.1. With a new preserved case. [aj604] \94,500 39 青木輔清『横文字獨學』三編巻之上 (題簽タイトル:『横文字獨學 英学部 三編上』 扉タイトル:『横文字獨學 三編』) 1ページ目に「東江学人 著」と記載あり 中外堂 發兌 和装 拵秩入 23丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に擦れ 題簽に小さな書込 表紙端に白い汚れ 序文1ページ目に印 Aoki,Sukekiyo (yokomoji hitorimanabi) Vol.I. n.d. 9 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 18x12cm. Japanese binding. Bound in purple paper wrappers, sl.rubbed. Title label to the front board, sl.faded and sumi-ink notationed. White stained to front board. Stamped on p.1. With a new preserved case. [aj606] \31,500 40 雪外逸人 校正 『童蒙英學手引草』 明治五年 青山堂(扉に記載) 東京:雁金屋清吉(奥付に記載) 和装 拵秩入 16丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に薄いシミ 1ページ目及び最後のページに個人印 (domo eigaku tebikigusa) Tokyo, 1872. 18.1x12.1cm. Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, light stained. Title label to the front board. Small ownership stamps on p.1 and last page. With a new preserved case. [aj607] \31,500 41 吉田先生 (吉田康徳) 『童蒙手引 横文字早學問』 (題簽タイトル:『横文字早學問 全編』 扉タイトル:『童蒙手引 横文字早學問 全』) 明治五年 錦耕堂(扉に記載) 東京書林:丸屋庄五郎(奥付に記載) 和装 拵秩入 20丁 ページに薄いシミ Yoshida (domo yokomoji hayagakumon) Tokyo, 1872. 17.8x12.1cm. Japanese binding. Bound in light brown paper wrappers, sl.darkened. Title label to the front board. Pages light stained. With a new preserved case. [aj608] \63,000 42 子卿 (原著) 福澤諭吉 (訳) 『増訂 華英通語』 萬延庚申 快堂藏板 和装 拵秩入 99丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ、端少々破れ 地にタイトル書込 扉にインク汚れ 1ページ目及び最後のペー ジに蔵書印 後見返しに墨で書込及び個人印(小) 「凡例」に墨で書込 一部ページに虫喰あり Shikei / Fukuzawa,Yukichi (zoutei kaei tsugo) 1860. 22.2x15.2cm. Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, stained and sl.chipped. Title label to the front board. Ink notation to thebottom edge. Light ink stained to the title page. Ownership stamps on p.1 and the last page. Sumi-ink notations to rear e.p.with a small stamp. Small sumi-ink notations to foreword. Some pages wormed. With a new preserved case. [aj609] \84,000 43 小幡篤次郎、小幡甚三郎 纂輯 『英文熟語集』 慶應四年 尚古堂發兌 和装 拵秩入 附「『英文熟語集』 解題」竹中龍範 86丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ 地にタイトル書込 扉に印及び余白に鉛筆書込 最後のページに印 後見返しに鉛筆書込 Obata,Tokujiro & Jinzaburo Obata (eibun jukugoshu) Tokyo, 1868. 22x15cm. Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, stained. Title label to the front board, faded. Ink notation to the bottom edge. Stamped on title page and the last page. Pencil notations to title page and rear e.p. Small sumi-ink notations to foreword. Some pages wormed. With a pamphlet by Tatsunori Takenaka and a new preserved case. [aj610] \94,500 44 B.H.チェムバレン 『外山正一 宛 自筆書簡3通及び葉書1通』 書簡:(1)1887年6月30日付・1頁・封筒付 (2)1887年10月4日付・1葉2頁・封筒付 (3)1888年2月24日付・1葉3頁・封筒付 葉書:年不 明9月19日 封筒のみ:1通 チェムバレン以外の人物からの外山正一宛書簡・葉書も多数有 アルバム仕立になっている An Autograph Letter from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Shoichi Toyama. 1887-1888. [aj631] \168,000 45 <写本> 嘉永七年(1854年)秋 長崎奉行 水野筑後守 『英吉利人ト應接記』 文久二年六月 一色楽山 写 18丁 (Igirisu-jin to osetsunoki) A manuscript: A record of the meeting with English men. 1862. 24.5x17.5cm. [aj633] \84,000 46 <写本> 嘉永六年(1853年)六月 『夷舩始末實記』 (ペリー艦隊) 11丁 (附 浦賀繪図なし) (Isen shimatsu jikki) A manuscript: A record of the arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry and the "Black Ships" at Uraga, Kanagawa. 24x16cm. [aj634] \63,000 47 <写本> 『亜墨利加国上書譯文』 ペリー提督に委ねたフィルモア米国第13代大統領の国書の翻訳 7丁 少々虫喰 (America-koku jousho yakubun) A manuscript: A Japanese translation of an autograph letter from President Millard Fillmore. 27.5x20cm. Slightly wormed. [aj635] \52,500 48 <写本> 『(ジョン万次郎) 亜利加漂流記』 嘉永四年(1851年) 長崎奉行 牧志摩守 調 56丁 傳蔵、五右衛門、万次郎の3人に対する取り調べ記録 (America hyouryu-ki) A manuscript: A record of drifters' (including John Manjiro) experience in America. 1851. 28x20cm. [aj636] \630,000 49 S.R.ブラウン 『日本語会話』 1863年(上海長老教会印刷所) 3/4革装 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ 小口ヤケ、少々汚れ 見返し綴じ緩み 改装本 (背表紙タイトル: Japanese Spoken Language) 改装時に余白を少々カット タイトルページ、序文、"System of Notation"各頁下部裂け、欠落あり Brown,S.R. Colloquial Japanese, or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese, together with an English- Japa- 10 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 nese Index to Serve as a Vocabulary, and an Introduction on the Grammatical Atructure of the Language. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1863. First edition. lxii,243pp.+11pp.(errata) 20.7x13cm. 3/4 calf with dark brown boads (rubbed), gilt title "Japanese Spoken Language" to spine (rubbed). Colored edges (foxing and partly stained). Title page & "preface" partly torn. Page of "System of notation" partly missing at the margin. Joints of front & rear e.ps.started. Scarce. [aj694] \157,500 50 チェンバレン 『日本事物誌』 1890年 初版 クロース装 Chamberlain, Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan. London: Kegan Paul / Tokyo: The Hakubunsha / Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, 1890. First edition. ii,408pp. 20.5x15cm. Black cloth with illustration printed in brown, stamped gilt titles. Top-edge red. Original dark green e.ps. With a map of Japan. Japanese copyright page. Short chipping to the map. Some light stains. Bookplate and small stamped on rear fly e.p. [aj501] \84,000 51 チェンバレン 『日本事物誌』 1891年 2版 クロース装 Chamberlain, Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan for the travellers and others. London: Kegan Paul / Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, 1891. Second Edition Revised and Enlarged. ii,503pp. 20.5x14.5cm. Grayish brown cloth with gilt titles. With a map of Japan. Japanese copyright page. Cover boards and edges sl.soiled. Spine light faded. Ink numbered (1065) to rear pastedown. Foxing to e.ps. [aj502] \63,000 52 チェンバレン 『日本事物誌』 1898年 3版 クロース装 Chamberlain, Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan for the travellers and others. London: John Murray / Tokyo: Shūeisha / Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, 1898. Third Edition Revised. 470pp. 19x13.5cm. Printed by the Shūeisha, Tokyo. Dark red cloth with gilt titles. With a map of Japan. Japanese copyright page. Short chipping to the map. Some rubbing and scuffings at cover boards. Spine sl.faded, otherwise clean and tight. [aj503] \63,000 53 チェンバレン 『日本事物誌』 1905年 5版 クロース装 Chamberlain, Basil Hall Things Japanese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with Japan for the travellers and others. London: John Murray / Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, 1905. Fifth Edition Revised. vi,552pp. 21.5x15.5cm. Blue cloth with embossed a maple leaf at front board, titles in gilt. With a map of Japan on rear pastedown. Japanese copyright page. Ink inscription to front pastedown. Spine ends wore, some light soiling on boards. Edges darkened. E.ps.and title page foxed. [aj504] \63,000 54 デ・ベッカー 『不夜城』 1899年 初版 クロース装 De Becker,Joseph Ernst The Nightless City. Or the "History of the Yoshiwara Yūkwaku" by an English Student of Sociology. Yokohama: Z.P. Maruya, 1899. First edition. iv,441pp. + xix (Appendix) + 2pp.of score 'Kappore Dance'. 21x14.5cm. Gray cloth with japanese illustration stamped in black on front side, gilt lettering. Top-edge trimmed, others untrimmed. 4 woodcut hand colored plates and numerous b/w illustrations. Title page in red & black. Japanese copyright page. Spine darkened, 3 bookplates on front e.p., light soiled and browned to some pages, Both front and rear inner hinge partly cracked. [aj505] \126,000 55 A.B.ミットフォード 『日本昔話』 1871年 角背革装 Mitford, A.B. Tales of Old Japan. With Illustrations, Drawn and Cut on Wood by Japanese Artist. In 2 volumes. London: Macmillan and Co., 1871. xii,277pp. (vol.1) / vi + 1 leaf +272pp. 20.2x13.8cm. ERRATUM on page xii of vol.1. Bound in designed boards with half calf. Spine decorated like as europian old books with calf spine. Edges colord same design as boards. Each vol. has frontis., and some Japanese illustrations. Cover boards partly rubbed and faded. Inner joints of vol.1 somewhat cracked. Each vol. has small bookplate on rear pastedown. A few pages light stained. Otherwise fine. [aj506] \84,000 56 エドワード・モース 『火星とその神秘』 1913年 クロース装 著者識語署名入り Morse, Edward S. Mars and Its Mystery. Boston: Little, Brown, 1913. viii + 3 leaves + 192pp. + 2 leaves. 22x15cm. Signed with inscriptions by E. Morse. Red cloth with illustration (of Mars) and title stamped in black and gold. Frontispiece with tissue guard, 9 plates, and 4 portraits. T.e.g. Spine title darkened, ink inscription to f.f.e.p., press clipping at rear e.p., some light stain and foxing. [aj508] \63,000 57 エドワード・モース 『火星とその神秘』 1906年 初版 クロース装 モースの写真一枚共 著者識語著名入り Morse, Edward S. Mars and Its Mystery. Boston: Little, Brown, 1906. Published October, 1906, First edition. viii + 3 leaves + 192pp. + 4 leaves (2 pages of ad.) 22x15cm. Signed with inscriptions by E. Morse. Red cloth with illustration (of Mars) 11 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 and title stamped in black and gold. Frontispiece with tissue guard, 9 plates, and 4 portraits. T.e.g. With one Morse's photograph. Ink inscription to f.f.e.p., small stains on the bottom of fore-edge (also a bit scarce), light soiled, otherwise fine. [aj509] \105,000 58 エドワード・モース 『日本その日その日』 2巻 1917年 クロース装、カバー有 Morse, Edward S. Japan Day by Day. 1877, 1878-79, 1882-83. With 777 illustrations from Sketches in the Author's Journal. In 2 volumes. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1917. Published October, 1917. xiv + 1 leaf + 441pp. + 2 leaves (vol.1) / 453pp. + 2 leaves. (vol.2) 23x17.5cm. Dustwrapper, gray pictorial cloth. T.e.g., others uncut, still remain many unopened pages. Frontis. with tissue guards in each vol. D.w.condition not so good. (spine darkend and top ends chipped, vol.2's front side torn.) Bookplate on rear pastedown of vol.2. E.ps. slightly sun-browned, otherwise fine copies keeping clean and tight. [aj510] \126,000 59 エンゲルベルト・ケンペル著,J.G.ショイッヒツアー訳 『日本誌』 3巻 1906年 クロース装 Kaempfer, Engelbert / Scheuchzer, J.G. (trans.) The History of Japan. Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam. 1690-92. In 3 volumes. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1906. lxxxix + 1.5pp. + 337pp. + 2 leaves (vol.1) / ix + 0.5p. +397pp. + 2 leaves (vol.2) / viii + 1p. +386pp. + 2 leaves (vol.3) 8vo.(23.2x15.5cm) Red cloth with spine in gilt title. Fore and bottom edge untrimmed, original uncut pages still remain a lot unopened. Frontis. to vol.1. With many illus. and maps in vol.2 & 3. Bookplates on rear pastdown in each volume. E.ps. And edges light foxed, otherwise clean and tight. [aj513] \157,500 60 エドワード・モース 『日本の住まいとその周辺』 1885年 クロース装(改装) Morse, Edward S. Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings. With Illustrations by the Author. New York: Harper & Brothers Franklin Square, 1885. xxxiii,372pp. 24.3x16.5cm. Rebound brown cloth with gilt title on spine. With numerous b/w illus. by Edward Morse. Ex-library, embossed at title page and number stamped at dedication page. Front board partly faded, a stain at rear board, edges somewhat spotted, else very good. [aj514] \36,750 61 J.J.ホフマン 『日本語文典』 (オランダ語) 1867年 (扉)、 1868年 (表紙) 改装本 岩崎克己旧蔵 小口ヤケ Hoffmann,J.J. Japansche Spraakleer. Uitgegeven op last van zijne excellentie den minister van koloniën. Leiden: Bij A.W.Sijthoff, 1867 (title page), 1868 (cover). "voorbericht"+"inhoud"+348pp.+"toevoegsel"+"addenda"+"errata" 26x17.5cm. Rebound with cloth backed paper boards (darkened and worn), original front cover pasted on front board, hand written title to the spine. Edges foxing. [aj614] \84,000 62 C.A.グッドリッチ (増補改訂) 『ウェブスター英語辞典』 1巻 1848年 Merriam版初版 総革装(改装) 拵函入 第13代アメリカ大統領 M.フィルモア旧蔵 (あそび紙に書込、扉に署名あり) 附・Kenneth S.Hoggによる覚書 (当該本の入手経路につ いて、滋賀県八日市市への寄贈を希望する旨 タイプ打ち 署名あり) ページ余白を中心に薄いシミあり Webster,Noah & Chauncey A.Goodrich An American Dictionary of the English Language; Containing the Whole Vocabularies of the First Edition in Two Volumes Quarto; The Entire Corrections and Improvements of the Second Edition in Two Volumes Royal Octavo; to which are Prefixed, an Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History and Connection of the Languages of Western Asia and of Europe, with a Explanation of the Principles of which Languages are Formed. By Noah Webster... General Subjects of This Work. I.-Etymologies of English Words...II.-The True Orthography of Words...III.-Pronunciation Exhibited and Made Obvious...IV.-Accurate and Discriminating Definitions...Revised and Enlarged by Chauncey A.Goodrich... with Pronouncing Vocabularies of Scripture, Classical, and Geographical Names. Springfield: Published by George and Charles Merriam, 1848. First Merriam edition. lxxxiv,1367pp. 26.7x21cm. With a port.of N.Webster. Rebound with full morocco, sl.rubbed. Raised bands with gilt title to spine, sl.damaged at edge. New marbled e.ps. Part of original e.p.pasted on a flyleaf. Edges foxing and pages light stained. Inscription by Millard Fillmore (13th President of the United States) on the flyleaf. With a note about this dictionary by Kenneth S.Hogg. [aj617] \367,500 63 呉大五郎 及 鄭永邦 編著 從六位 島田胤則 校閲 『日漢英語言合璧』 明治三十四年 4版 三鬼堂(印刷所) 中島藤兵衛 (印刷者) 丸善株式會社 (大賣捌) 改装本 一部ページに鉛筆及びインク書込あり An English Chinese and Japanese Conversation. Tokyo, 1901. 4th edition. vii,195pp. 15x19.8cm. Rebound. Pencil and ink notations. [aj618] \52,500 64 B.H.チェンバレン 帝国大学文学科第一紀要 『アイヌ種族研究より得たる言語神代史及地質上の名稱の説明』 1887年 改装本 元表紙あり(少々汚れ) Memoirs of the Literature College, Imperial University of Japan. No.1. The Language, Mythology, and Geographical Nomenclature of Japan Viewed in the Light of Aino Studies, by Basil Hall Chamberlain, Including "An Ainu Grammar," by John Batchelor, and a Catalogue of Books Relating to Yezo and the Ainos. Tōkyō: Published by the Imperial University, 1887. 12 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 174pp. 28.8x20cm. Rebound with original cover (somewhat stained). [aj619] \126,000 65 高椙東一(高杉晋作の子) 纂譯 寺内章明 訂正 末岡精一 校閲 『英和新國民大辭書』 明治21年(1888年) 尚書堂 改装本(3/4革装) Takasugi,T. New National Pronouncing Dictionary of the English & Japanese Language. Comprising many thousands of new words which modern literature, science, and art have called into existence and common usage; with pronounciations, etymologies, definitions, appendices of proper names, illustrations etc.etc. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-sho-dō & Co., 1888. 1179pp.+338pp.(appendix) 27.3x21cm. Rebound with 3/4 calf with marbled boads, raised bands with gilt title and gilt compartments to spine (sl. Rubbed). All edges marbled and sunned. [aj620] \168,000 66 高良二 寺田勇吉 共譯 『獨英和三對字彙大全』 明治十九年一月印行 (扉) 明治二十年六月出版 (奥付) 共同館 改装本(3/4革装) ウェブスター、ウースター、ヘボン辞書他多数引用 扉裏から紙で補修 独文タイトルページに蔵書印及び右下角 の欠けを紙で補修 一部ページ余白に薄いシミ Kō,R. & Y.Terada Neues vollständinges Wörterbuch der Deutschen, Englischen und Japanischen Sprache, einschlieɮlich der wichtigen im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörter, mit einem Berzeichniɮ der unregelmäɮigen (starken) Zeitwörter und der gebräuchlichen Abkürzungen. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-sho-dō & Co., 1886. Erste Auflage. iv,1650pp. 27.5x19.7cm. Rebound with 3/4 calf with cloth boads, raised bands with gilt title and gilt compartments to spine. Marbled e.ps.Edges and pages sl.foxing. Japanes & German title pages repaired. Ownership stamped on German title page. [aj621] \189,000 67 日本 薩摩学生 (前田正名、前田献吉、高橋新吉ほか) 『改正増補 和譯英辭書』(薩摩辞書) 明治二歳巳巳正月 (上海米国長老教会印刷所印行) 3/4革装(擦れ、クロース一部欠) ページ、小口全体的にヤケ 英文タイトルページ及びp.265-p.266一部欠 (コピー補充) 前見返し少々破れ 前あそび紙、p.1及びp.1 の前の白紙ページに蔵書印 序文に個人印(小) p.677裏にシール貼りつき An English - Japanese Dictionary, Together with a Table of Irregular Verbs, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1869. Third Edition Revised. 677pp. 24x17cm. 3/4 calf with cloth boads (rubbed, faded and partly chipped), raised bands with gilt title and gilt compartments to spine (rubbed). Pages and edges foxing. Front e.s.partly torn. English title page and 265-266pp.missing (supplement with phtocopied pages). Front e.p.partly torn. Ownership stamped on a front flyleaf, p.1 and recto of English foreword. Small stamped on Japanese foreword. A small sticker pasted on verso of p.677. [aj622] \157,500 68 ジョン・バチェラー 『蝦和英三對辭書 完』 明治二十二年六月出版 北海道廳藏版 初版 背改装(背革装) 日本語タイトルページに印 一部ページに鉛筆で印あり Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. And Grammar. By Rev.John Batchelor. Church Missionary Society. Hakodate. Tokyo: Printed for the Hokkaido Cho by Y.Kumata, 1889. First edition. 287pp. 23.5x17cm. With errata. Rebacked with calf. Original cloth boards, gilt title to front board (rubbed). New e.ps. Marbled edges, foxing. Stamped on Japanese title page. Some pencil notations. [aj623] \189,000 69 ジョン・バチェラー 『アイヌ。英。和辭典 及 アイヌ語文典』 1905年 第2版 著者識語入献呈本 Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language.) Tokyo: Published by the Methodist Publishing House(教文館), London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1905. Second Edition. 11, 525, 3, 159pp. 22.5x16cm. Green cloth, blind motif on boards, partly rubbed. Gilt title to spine. Edges sunned and partly stained. Flyleaves stained and spotted with a small bilnd stamp (on fore flyleaf). This copy was presented from the author. Stamped on title page(3.5x2.5cm) and somewhat spotted. [aj219] \84,000 70 E.R.エドワーズ 『日本語の音声学的研究』 1903年著者より協力者・新村出への識語署名入り献呈本 3/4革装 背及び角の革装擦れ 小口ヤケ Edwards,Ernest Richard Étude Phonétique de la Langue Japonaise. Thèse pour le doctorat d'université de Paris, présentée à la faculté des lettres à la Sorbonne. Leipzig: Imprimerie B.G.Teubner, 1903. 208pp. 24.2x16.7cm. 3/4 calf with cloth boads (rubbed), gilt title to spine (rubbed). This copy was presented from the author to Izuru Shinmura, cooperator of this work (inscription on half title page). [aj624] \105,000 71 S.R.ブラウン 『日本語会話』 1863年 (上海長老教会印刷所) 3/4革装 表紙、裏表紙、部分擦れ 背の端少々欠 小口ヤケ タイトルページにインク書込 Brown,S.R. Colloquial Japanese, or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese, together with an English-Japanese Index to Serve as a Vocabulary, and an Introduction on the Grammatical Atructure of the Language. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1863. First edition. lxii,243pp.+11pp.(errata) 22.2x14.0cm. 3/4 calf with marbled boads (rubbed and partly chipped), gilt title to spine (rubbed). Colored 13 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 edges (foxing). Ink notation to title page. Some pages light spotted. Scarce. [aj626] \315,000 72 S.R.ブラウン 『日本語・英語習得術』 1878年 横浜 クロース装 全体的にヤケ 小口にインク汚れ 珍本 Brown,S.R. Prendergast's Mastery System, Adapted to the Study of Japanese or English. Yokohama: Kelly & Co., 1878. Copy-right secured from the Mom-bu-sho, June 15th, 1875. viii,213pp. 19x13cm. Dark green cloth, sl.rubbed at edge. Small ink stain to fore edge. Edges, e.ps.and pages foxing. Very scarce. [aj627] \210,000 73 B.H.チェンバレン 『口語体日本語手引』 明治三十一年 第3版 改装本 全体的にヤケ タイトルページからp.59に少々虫喰あり Chamberlain,Basil Hall A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Co./ Tokyo: The Shuyeisha(秀英 舎)/ Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, 1898. Third edition. ix,570pp. 19x13cm. Rebound. All pages foxing. Title page-p.59 partly wormed. [aj628] \31,500 74 『賢文書 (Hien Wun Shoo)』 1巻 3/4革装 Davis, John Francis comp. Chinese Moral Maxims, With a Free and Verbal Translatioin; Affording Examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. London: John Murray. Macao: China, Printed at the Honourable Company’s Press, by P P Thoms, 1823. First and only edition. viii,199pp. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards, rubbed. Coloured edges. Repaired with new e.p. Joints somewhat started. Ink notation to front e.p. 21.3x14.5cm. [aj327] \157,500 75 S.W.ウィリアムス (著) 『漢英韻府』 1874年 3/4革装 A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language; Arranged According to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation of the Characters as Heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874. lxxxiv,1252pp. 3/4 calf with brown cloth sl. rubbed at edges, raised bands, gilt title and gilt compartments to spine and somewhat rubbed. Top edge darkened. Joints somewhat started. 27.5x22.5cm. [aj213] \262,500 76 『中國總論』 2巻 クロース装 Williams, S.Wells The Middle Kingdom. A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts, and History of the Chinese Empire and Its Inhabitants. Revised Edition, with Illustrations and a New Map of the Empire. In 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904. xxv,836pp./ xii,775 pp. Original navy cloth (sl.rubbed at edge) with gilt lettering and gilt vignette on the front cover. Top edge yellow. Large folding map in pocket at back of Volume II, 2 folding panoramic frontis. (1 coloured), numerous plates and textual figures. Edges light foxing. E.ps.partly torn at joint. 8vo. [aj325] \84,000 14 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 77 羅布存徳 原著 井上哲次郎 訂増 『増訂 英華字典』 1巻 総革装 An English and Chinese Dictionary, By The Rev.W.Lobscheid… as Revised and Enlarged by Tetsujiro Inouye, Bungakushi. Tokio: Published by J.Fujimoto (藤本氏蔵版), 明 16 (1883). 1357pp., 1p (Errata). Full calf, somewhat rubbed and worn at edges. marbled e.ps. gilt spine. Joint of front board started. Pages foxing. Ownership stamped on English title page. 28.5x19.5cm. [aj329] \262,500 78 『厦英大辭典』 1巻 3/4革装 Douglas, Carstairs Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, with the Principal Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects. New Edition, with Corrections by the Author. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1899. xix,612pp. 3/4 calf with green cloth boards, sl.rubbed and worn at edges. Repaired with new e.p. Edges foxing. Contents of dictionary arranged in alphabetical order by Chinese sound. Almost all words are accompanied by hand written Chinese symbol. 27.5x19.3cm. [aj328] \157,500 79 髙橋五郎 (著) 『漢英對照 いろは辭典』 東京 小林家藏版 1888年 新版 3/4革装 印有 A Japanese Alphabetical Dictionary. With Chinese and English Equivalents. Tokyo: Published by F.Kobayashi, Sold by Hakubansha, Nisshindo, & Dandansha, 1888. New & Copyright Editioin. 3/4 calf with dark brown cloth, stained and damaged, corners of boards repaired with cloth. Rear joint detached. Gilt title and gilt compartments to spine, rubbed and chipped at edges, and leather label partly missing. Marbled e.ps. Stamped on half title page, title page and p.1(2.5x2.5cm). Sunned. With illus. 26.7x19cm. [aj227] \126,000 80 (仏訳) 『芥子園画伝』 1巻 限定365部 Petrucci, Raphael La Philosophie De La Nature Dans L'Art D'Extrême Orient. Illustré d'après les Originaux des Maîtres du Paysage des VIII℮ au XVII℮ Siècles de Quatre Gravures sur bois de K.Egawa et S.Izumi. Tirées en Couleurs par T.Tamura et T.Wada. Neuf Héliotypies et une Planche Double en Photogravure. Limited edition, #126 of 365. Paris: Librairie Renouard - Henri Laurens, n.d. (c.1910) iv,160pp. Full calf (sl.worn at edges), bound with original paperback covers. With 14 plates (b/w & coloured). Folio. [aj331] \84,000 81 『上海近代建筑史稿』 2冊(版下) 建築写真多数 陈从周(陳從周)、章明:主編 上海市民用建筑设计(設計)院:著 (三联书店上海分店, 1988. 第1版) (Modern Architecture in Shanghai.) Camera-ready copy with paste-ups. With 383 architecture photos took in Shanghai till 1940's. All in preserved in 2 files. [aj330] \315,000 15 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 82 クヴルール 『華羅辞典』 2巻・1冊 1892年 Couvreur,S.(Séraphin) Dictionarium Sinicum & Latinum ex Radicum Ordine dispositum. Dispositum, Selectis Variorum Scriptorum Sententiis Firmatum ac Illustratum. Ho Kien Fou (河北省 河 間府): ex Missione Catholica, 1892. xix,1200pp. 24.5x16cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps., 2 vols.in one book. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University 東京 帝國大學) with stamps. Pages light foxing. [aj343] \126,000 83 ジャイルズ 『華英辞典』 2巻・4冊 1912年 第2版 Giles,Herbert A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 2 parts, 4 books. Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, & Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh / London: Bernard Quaritch, 1912. Part I (index, etc.): xviii,84pp. Part II (dictionary): vol.I; 592pp. vol.II; 593-1184pp. vol.III: 1185-1711pp., (Errata). 32.5x26.5cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University 東京帝國大 學) with stamps. Pages light foxing, some margin light stained. A Corner of p.553 (554) of 'part II, vol.I' partly missing, but not affected to the text. [aj344] \315,000 84 (縮緬本) ダビド・タムソン 『日本昔噺 第六号 ねずみのよめいり』 明治二一年八月一日 再版 欧文(英語)和装本 印刷人 中尾默次 / 絵師 小林永濯 / 譯述者 ダビド タムソン / 出版人 弘文社 長谷川武次郎 拵秩入 Thompson,David Japanese Fairy Tale Series No.6. The Mouse's wedding. Kobunsha, 1888. Reprinted. 15.2x10cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front rear cover sl.darkened. With a new preserved case. [aj644] \36,750 85 (縮緬本) ジェイムズ夫人 『日本昔噺 第十號 松山鏡』 明治十九年十一月一日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 小林永濯 / 編者 ジェイムス夫人 / 出版人 長谷川武次郎 拵秩入 Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale Series No.10. The Matsuyama Mirror. Front cover: Griffith Farran & Co., London & Sydney, N.S.W. / Verso of title page: Hasegawa Takejiro / Recto of rear cover: The Kobunsha, 1886. First edition. 15x9.8cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers sl.darkened, and front cover light stained. With a new preserved case. [aj645] \47,250 86 (縮緬本) ドクトル ヘボン 『日本昔噺 第七號 瘤取』 明治十九年四月二十七日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 小林永濯 / ドクトルヘボン譯 / 出版人 長谷川武次郎 拵秩入 Hepburn,J.C. (trans.) Japanese Fairy Tale Series No.7. The Old Man & the Devils. Hasegawa Takejiro, 1886. First edition. 15.2x10cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers sl.darkened. With a new preserved case. [aj646] \63,000 87 (縮緬本) ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 『日本昔噺再版 第一號 蜘蛛』 明治三十二年四月一日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 印刷者 柴田喜一 / 絵師 鈴木華邨 / 譯者 ラフカヂヲヘルン / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 元袋付 拵秩入 Hearn,Lafcadio Japanese Fairy Tales. Second Series, No.1. The Goblin Spider. T.Hasegawa, 1899. First edition. 15.1x10.4cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrapper and a new preserved case. [aj647] \63,000 88 (平紙本) 呉 文聰 『西洋昔噺 第一號 八ッ山羊』 明治二十年七月十五日 初版 和装・仕掛け本 タイトル及び本文日本語 右開き 譯者 呉 文聰 / 出版人 長谷川武次郎 弘文社 拵秩入 各ページ左上角少々破れ Kure,Ayatoshi (Western Fairy Tale. No.1. The wolf and the seven kids.)Kobunsha, 1887. First edition. 18.2x12.4cm. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. A pop-up book. Upper left corner of each page chipped. [aj648] \63,000 89 (平紙本) ジェイムズ夫人 『日本昔噺 第十一號 因幡の白兎』 明治十九年十二月七日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 小林永濯 / ジェイムス夫人 譯述 / 出版人 長谷川武次郎 / 出版所 弘文社 拵秩入 Mrs. T.H. James Japanese Fairy Tale Series No.11. The Hare of Inaba. Told to Children by Mrs.T.H.James. Kobunsha, 1886. 16 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 First edition. 17.8x12.2cm. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Light stained to front and rear covers and margin of pages. [aj649] \52,500 90 (縮緬本) オスマン エドワード (日本の咄家) 明治三十二年十月十六日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 著者 オスマン エドワード / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 村岡平吉 拵秩入 Edwards,Osman Japanese Story-tellers. From French of Jules Adam. T.Hasegawa, 1899. First edition. 19.1x14cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers sl.darkened. With a new preserved case. [aj651] \126,000 91 (平紙本) エヴァリン ステイン 『Little Poems from Japanese Anthologies』 大正十一年四月三十日 初版 欧文(英語)洋装本・ちりめん紙で装丁 著作者 エヴァリン ステイン / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 西宮興作 拵秩入 文字は武次郎筆書き文字を木版刷りにしたもの Stein,Evaleen Little Poems from Japanese Anthologies. Rendered into English Verse by Evaleen Stein. Illustrated by Japanese Artists. T.Hasegawa, 1922. First edition. 18x12.5cm. Bound with crepe paper (sl.foxing) and printed on Japanese paper. With numerous color woodblocks. Letters that used in this book were designed from Takejiro's autograph. With a new preserved case. [aj650] \94,500 92 (縮緬本) ジェイムズ夫人 (思い出草と忘れ草) 昭和十四年六月一日 第十二版 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 新井芳宗 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 発行所 長谷川商店 拵秩入 Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale Series (No.22) The Flowers of Remembrance and Forget Fulness. Told in English by Mrs.T.H.James. T.Hasegawa, 1939. 12th edition. 19x13.5cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With a new preserved case. [aj652] \105,000 93 (縮緬本) ケイト・ジェイムズ (鉢かづき) 昭和九年五月一日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 鈴木華邨 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 発行所 長谷川商店 拵秩入 James,Kate Japanese Fairy Tale. The Wooden Bowl. Told in English by Kate James. T.Hasegawa, 1934. First edition. 18.7x13.5cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With a new preserved case. [aj653] \126,000 94 (平紙本) マリー E.アンガー (日本の愛すべき花々) 昭和十年十二月十日 英文増補 第四版 欧文(英語) 絵師 三島蕉窓 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 發行所 長谷川商店 拵秩入 Unger,Mary E. The Favorite Flowers of Japan. Tokyo: Hasegawa Publishing Co., 1935. 4th edition. 24.6x18.3cm. Printed on Japanese paper. With color woodblocks. With a new preserved case. [aj656] \189,000 95 (平紙本・内3葉縮緬) J.D.カロザース (日本の一年) 大正十四年六月廿日 第三版 欧文(英語)和装本 編輯兼發行者 西宮興作 / 印刷者 江川力之助 元秩入 Carrothers,Julia D. Japan's Year. Illustrated by Japanese Artists. Tokyo: Nishinomiya & Hasegawa, inc., 1925. 3rd edition. 74pp.+ 3 crepe paper plates. 24.7x18.2cm. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding with cloth board. With numerous color woodblocks. Pages foxing. With an original preserved case (sl.faded). [aj324] \126,000 96 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『アメリカ雑録』 1924年 初版 Hearn,Lafcadio An American Miscellany. Articles & Stories now first collected by A. Mordell.In 2 vols. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1924. First edition. lxxxii,227pp./ vii,265pp. Red cloth boards, paper title labels on spines (sunned). Colored top edge. Edges light foxing. Ownership signature to front e.ps.of each vol. 22.5x15.5cm. [aj667] \47,250 97 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『論説集』 1926年 Hearn,Lafcadio Editorials. Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson. London and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co./ Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1926. xx,356pp. Brown cloth boards. Dust wrapper sunned at spine and partly torn. Edges light foxing. [aj687] \31,500 98 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『気まぐれ草』 1914年 初版・限定550部 Hearn,Lafcadio Fantasies and Other Fancies. Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. (published Nov.1914) First edition. 550 copies printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge in October, 1914. (This copy is no.59) ix,241pp. Beige cloth spine with blue title label. Blue paper covered boards. Edges light foxing. Ink ownership notations to front flyleaf anf half title page. 18.3x11.9cm. [aj683] \31,500 17 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 99 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 1933年 Hearn,Lafcadio Gibbeted: Execution of a Youthful Murderer...Shocking Tragedy at Dayton...A Broken Rope and a Double Hanging...Sickening Scenes Behind the Scaffold-Screen. With a Foreword by P.D.Perkins. Los Angeles: John Murray, 1933. 31pp. 200 copies of Gibbeted were printed in Los Angeles by James I.Haynes, binding by Eunice Murray. 20.5x13.5cm. [s01395] \52,500 100 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『知られぬ日本の面影』 英国版 3/4革装 Hearn,Lafcadio Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. In 2 vols. London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., n.d. x,342pp./ 344-699pp.+illus. 3/4 leather binding. Ex-libris to front e.p.of each vol. t.e.g. Edges foxing. [aj663] \63,000 101 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 寄稿 『ニューオリンズの歴史的スケッチ及び案内』 1885年 初版・初刷 オリジナル地図付 Hearn,Lafcadio (contribution) Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Orleans and Environs. Edited and Compiled by Several Leading Writers of the New Orleans Press. With Map. Illustrated with many Original Engravings and Containing Exhaustive Accounts of the Traditions, Historical Legends, and Remarkable Localities of the Creole City. New York: Will H.Coleman, 1885. First edition, first issue. 324pp.+plates. With illus.and a large folded map of New Orleans inserted, map torn. Original reddish-brown wrappers. The spine expertly repaires in cloth. Front cover rubbed. [s01391] \315,000 102 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 寄稿 『ニューオリンズの歴史的スケッチ及び案内』 1885年 初版・3刷 オリジナル地図付 Hearn,Lafcadio (contribution) Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Orleans and Environs. Exposition Edition. Edited and Compiled by Several Leading Writers of the New Orleans Press. With Map. Illustrated with many Original Engravings and Containing Exhaustive Accounts of the Traditions, Historical Legends, and Remarkable Localities of the Creole City. New York: Will H.Coleman, 1885. 324pp.+plates. With illus.and a large folded map of New Orleans inserted, map torn. Original blue cloth. The spine darkened and rubbed. 17.8x13.8cm. [s01870] \262,500 103 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『昆虫とギリシャ詩』 1926年 Hearn,Lafcadio Insects and Greek Poetry. New York: William Edwin Rudge, 1926. (550 copies printed by William Edwin Rudge in Oct.1926) (24)pp. Blue paper covered boards, gilt title to front board. 18.1x11.1cm. [aj685] \31,500 104 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『文学の解釈』 1915年 初版 Hearn,Lafcadio Interpretations of Literature. Selected and edited with an introduction by J.Erskine. In 2 vols. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1915. First edition. xiv,406pp./ 379pp. Red cloth boards, paper title labels on spines (sunned). T.e.g. With a portrait. Ex-libris. Edges foxing. 23.8x16.5cm. [aj665] \31,500 105 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『怪談』 1904年 初版初刷 Hearn,Lafcadio Kwaidan. Stories and Studies of Strange Things. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1904. First edition (published April 1904). iii,240pp.+1plate. With the story 'Insect-Studies.' Original tan cloth (very scarce) with motif on front board. Frontis. and 1 plate in b/w by Keichu Takenouche. Texts printed in black and red. T.e.g. Dust wrapper sunned and partly missing. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [aj660] \94,500 106 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『怪談』 1904年 初版後刷(3刷以降) Hearn,Lafcadio Kwaidan. Stories and Studies of Strange Things. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1904. First edition, latter issue. iii,240pp.+1plate. With the story 'Insect-Studies.' Original dark green cloth with motif on front board. Frontis. and 1 plate in b/w by Keichu Takenouche. Dust wrapper sunned and xhipped. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [aj661] \84,000 107 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『怪談』 1932年 Hearn,Lafcadio Kwaidan. Stories and Studies of Strange Things. With an introduction by Oscar Lewis. Tokyo: printed for the menbers of the Limited Editions Club by the Shinbi Shoin, 1932. Of this edition of Kwaidan by Lafcadio Hearn, illustrated by Yasumasa Fujita, fifteen hundred copies have been made for the members of the Limited Editions Club. (This copy is no.1107) xvi,238pp. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. Bound in gold Japanese brocade covered boards. Pictorial e.ps. With colored frontis.and b/w illus. t.e.g. Ex-libris on front e.p. Edges, e.ps.and pages light foxing. 21x15.2cm. [aj690] \52,500 18 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 108 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『印象派作家日記抄』 1911年 初版・限定575部 Hearn,Lafcadio Leaves from the Diary of an Impressionist. Early Writings. With an introduction by Ferris Greenslet. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911. First edition. 575 copies printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge in September 1911. (This copy is no.79) 179pp. Beige cloth spine with blue title label. Blue paper covered boards. Edges light foxing. 18.3x11.6cm. [aj684] \31,500 109 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『異教徒への手紙』 1933年 初版 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters to a Pagan. Detroit: Robert Bruna Powers, 1933. This is the first of the Laughing Dragon Books. Limited to 550 copies. This is no.228. 119pp. Golden cloth spine with title. Bright green paper covered boards. No box, spine soiled, else very good. 21.8x16cm. [aj678] \52,500 110 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『天の川綺譚その他』 1905年 初版 Hearn,Lafcadio The Romance of the Milky Way and Other Studies and Stories. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1905. (published Oct.1905) First edition. xiii,209pp. Dark green cloth with yellow dust wrapper (sunned and chipped). Edges foxing. Stamped on title page. [aj682] \52,500 111 バレル 『イディル 小泉八雲回想』 1933年 BAREL,Leona QueyrouzeThe Idyl. My Personal Reminiscences of Lafcadio Hearn. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press (北星堂書店), 1933. Limited to 250 copies. This is no.187. 65pp. With 17 plates photocopy reproducing Hearn's letters to Barel. Brown cloth boards, paper title label on front board, gilt title to spine. T.e.g. Colored pictorial e.ps. Ownership stamped on title page, else about fine. 27x19.2cm. With an original preserved case (sunned). [aj693] \157,500 112 エリザベス・ビスランド 『小泉八雲の伝記と書簡』 1906年 2巻 初版 Bisland,Elizabeth The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. With illustrations. In 2 vols. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co./ Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1906. (published Dec.1906) viii,475pp.+plates / 554pp.+plates. With illus. Dark green cloth, gilt title to cover and spine. Red「小泉」motif to cover. Portrait of L.Hearn in each volume. t.e.g. Edges light foxing. Ownership signature to front e.ps.of each vol. 22.4x15.5cm. [aj668] \36,750 113 ギュスターヴ・フローベル (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 『聖アントワーヌの誘惑』 1910年 初版 Flaubert,Gustave The Temptation of St.Anthony. Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. NY, Seattle: The Alice Harriman Co. Oct. 1910. (Brooklyn, New York: Press of William G.Hewitt) First edition. ("introduction", "argument")+262pp. Light brown cloth, white title and white motif to front board, white title to spine (sl.faded). Edges light foxing. [aj662] \31,500 114 アナトール・フランス (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 『シルヴェストル・ボナールの罪』 1890年 初版 France,Anatole The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard. (Member of the Institute). The Translation and Introduction by Lafcadio Hearn. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. First edition. ix,281pp. Brown cloth, paper title label to spine (sunned). T.e.g. Edges foxing. A clipped article (about this book) pasted on rear e.p. 21.5x15.5cm. [aj680] \52,500 115 フロスト 『若き日のハーン』 1958年 初版・カバー付 Frost,O.W. Young Hearn. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press (北星堂), 1958. First edition. iv,222pp.+illus. With 7 plates and a Genealogical chart. Dust wrapper sl.sunned and sl.chipped. Some pencil notations to text. \47,250 [aj674] 116 テオフィル・ゴーチェ (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 『クレオパトラの一夜』 1882年 初版初刷 Gautier,Theophile One of Cleopatra's Nights and Other Fantastic Romances. Faithfully Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. NY: R.Worthington, 1882. First edition. ix,321pp. Crimson cloth boards, gilt title to spine. T.e.g. Small ink stained to rear board. Edges foxing. Rear hinge repaired. Ink notations to front flyleaves (2 pages) and iii page. Overall, very good. [aj659] \63,000 117 テオフィル・ゴーチェ (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 『クレオパトラの一夜』 1929年 Gautier,Theophile One of Cleopatra's Nights. Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Chicago: Privately printed, 1929. Of this edition of One of Cleopatra's Nights there have benn printed 150 numbered copies for subscribes only on Utopian Antique Laid paper. Privately printed for Targ & Dordick, booksellers of Chicago, by special arrangement with Brentano's,Inc. (This copy is no number) 19 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 80pp. Crimson cloth boards (sl.rubbed at edge), gilt title to front board (darkened), purple dust wrapper. Frontis. Edges light foxing. Some pages light stained at margin. 32x21cm. A limited "Edition de luxe." [aj691] \105,000 118 G. グールド 『小泉八雲論』 1908年 米国版初版 Gould,Geroge M. Concerning Lafcadio Hearn. With a bibliography by Laura Stedman. Philadelphia: Geroge M.Jacobs & Co., 1908. (published May 1908) First edition. 416pp.+plates. With a frontis.and 6 illus. Brown cloth spine with gilt title. Tan paper covered boards. Dust wrapper sunned. Colored top edge. Edges foxing. 2 ex-libris.to front e.p. Front flyleaves and frontis.sl.started. [aj676] \31,500 119 小泉一雄 『父と私』 1935年 Koizumi,Kazuo Father and I. Memories of Lafcadio Hearn. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1935. viii,208pp.+plates. With a frontis.and illus. Dust wrapper sunned at spine. Edges light foxing. [aj673] \31,500 120 小泉一雄 『リ・エコー』 1957年 Koizumi,Kazuo Re-Echo. Edited by Nancy Jane Fellers. Illustrated with photographs and with original, hitherto unpublished pen and watercolor sketches by Lagcadio Hearn. ID, Caldwell: The Caxton Printers, 1957. Second printing. Signed by Kazuo Koizumi and Nancy Fellers. Red cloth boards, yellow title to front board and spine. Color pictorial dust wrapper (sl.rubbed at edge). With numerous illus.(colored & b/w). 25.5x18.5cm. [aj692] \42,000 121 ルイス 『小泉八雲と伝記作家達』 1930年 Lewis,Oscar Hearn and His Biographers. The Record of a Literary Controversy. Together with a Group of Letters from Lafcadio Hearn to Joseph Tunison Now First Published. San Francisco: The Westgate Press, 1930. Limited 350 copies. 110pp.+plates. Blue cloth spine with paper title label, sunned. Light blue paper covered boards, sunned. Edges light foxing. [aj679] \52,500 122 野口米次郎 『日本に於ける小泉八雲』 1910年 和装・元秩 Noguchi,Yone Lafcadio Hearn in Japan. With Mrs.Lafcadio Hearn's Reminiscences. Frontispiece by Shoshu Saito with Sketches by Genjiro Kataoka and Mr.Hearn Himself. London: Elkin Mathews / Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh, 1910. vii,177pp. Japanese binding. Bound in brown paper wrappers. Silver title to the front board. Edges sl.foxing. Ink notation to front e.p. With an original preserved case (sunned). 18.5x12.5cm (book). [aj675] \42,000 123 パーキンス (著) 市河三喜 (緒言) 『小泉八雲書誌』 昭和9年 200部限定版 Perkins,P.D.& Ione Perkins Lafcadio Hearn: A Bibliography of His Writings. With an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa. Tokyo: Published for the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Committee by the Hokuseido Press, 1934. Limited edition: 200 copies of the book have been issued in Japan, and the present copy is no.93. xvii,444pp.+plates. Crimson cloth boards, gilt title to spine. T.e.g. With a frontis.and 5 plates. Front inner hinge (first page of 'introduction') somewhat broken, else very good. 25.5x17.5cm. [aj664] \105,000 124 松尾芭蕉, Lucien Stryk(訳) (芭蕉俳句集) 1984年 初版・限定80冊、No.40 署名入り Basho, Matuo / Stryk, Lucien (trans.) Traveler, my name: Haiku of Basho. With Drawings by Brian Denington. Norwich: Embhers Handpress, 1984. First edition. unpaginated. (53pp.) Small folio.(30.2x20.7cm.) [This first edition consists of 80 signed & numbered copies printed on Barcham Green handmade paper. The text has been hand-set in American Garamond and printed on cylinder proofing press at 16 Saint Leonard's Road, Norwich between April 4 and July 8, 1984. Copy number- 40.] Signed copy. Decorated paper board, quarter yellow leather. Top-edge colored, yellow. Edges uncut. Colored pictorial title page, some illustrations. Light scuffings at rear cover, otherwise a mint copy. [aj492] \52,500 125 ルイス・キャロル 『スナーク狩り』 1876年 クロース装 Carroll, Lewis The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony of Eight fits. With Nine Illustarations by Henry Holiday. London: Macmillan and Co., 1876. xi,83pp. 18.8x13cm. Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, London and Bungay. Bounding in original tan cloth with illustration printed. A.e.g. Frontis. Cover somewhat worn and spine darkened. 2 book-shop plates. One is on front pastedown, and another embossed on f.f.e.p. Half title to Title page sl. soiled. Otherwise a fine copy. [aj475] \105,000 126 ジョセフ・コンラッド 『放浪者』 1923年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Conrad, Joseph The Rover. London: T.Fisher Unwin, 1923. First published. 317pp. 20.5x13.5cm. Dustwrapper, dark green cloth with gilt title on front cover. Front cloth board has a few scuffings. Light spotting to 20 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 edges, very slight foxing to e.ps., otherwise clean and tight. [aj466] \31,500 127 T.S.エリオット 『カクテル・パーティー』 1950年 米国初版 カバー有、クロース装 Eliot, T.S. The Cocktail Party. A Comedy. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1950. First American edition, first issue (One of only ten copies with page 35-36 printed on uncancelled leaf). 10,000 copies were printed with the corrected cancel leaf. 190pp. + 2pp. 22x15cm. Dustwrapper, black cloth board with gilt title on spine. A paper on front f.e.p. noted 'ADVANCE COPY FROM HARCOURT, BRACE AND COMPANY', the release date and price stamped (MAR 10 1950 $3.00). D.w.spine sunned, and its fore edge has two small holes. Front e.p. a little foxed. A few light stains. Otherwise fine. [aj469] \157,500 128 ラルフ・ウォルドー・エマソン 『エッセイ』 1906年 ヴェラム装 Emerson, Ralph Waldo Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson. With Preface by Thomas Carlyle. Hammersmith: The Doves Press, 1906. 312pp. 23x16.2cm. Vellum with gilt title on spine. Deckle edges. Slightly soiled, otherwise a fine copy. [aj491] \84,000 129 ロバート・フロスト 『A Boy's Will』 1913年 ペーパー装 Frost, Robert A Boy's Will. London: David Nutt, 1913. ix,50pp. 18.5x12cm. Cream linen-paper wrappers. In after-made preserve box. Cover sl. darkened and chipped, small chip at bottom of spine, but fine and clean copy. [aj438] \126,000 130 ロバート・フロスト 『North of Boston』 1914年 初版 クロース装 Frost, Robert North of Boston. London: David Nutt, 1914. First edition. ix,143pp. 20x15cm. Original green cloth with gilt title on spine and front side. Deckle edges. Last page unopened. previous owner's inscription on front e.p. Spine, e.ps., edges very slight darkened, otherwise a very fine copy. [aj443] \210,000 131 ロバート・フロスト 『Mountain Interval』 1916年 クロース装 Frost, Robert Mountain Interval. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1916. First edition, first state with line repeated on page 88 and come on page 93. 99pp. 19.5x13.5cm. Original navy cloth with gilt title on spine and front side. Deckle edges. Front cover sl.stained, spine a bit wear, otherwise a fine copy. [aj444] \157,500 132 ロバート・フロスト 『New Hampshire』 1923年 限定350冊、No.113 クロース装 署名入り Frost, Robert New Hampshire. A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes by Robert Frost with Woodcuts by J.J. Lankes. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1923. x,113pp. 23.3x16cm. [Of this edition, Three Hundred and Fifty copies only have been printed. This copy is Number 113. ] Signed by the author. Black cloth, gilt title and illus. on spine and front cover. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Author's signed page, and dedication page coming off from the binding, otherwise clean and tight. [aj439] \63,000 133 ロバート・フロスト 『Selected Poems』 1923年 背クロース装 Frost, Robert Selected Poems. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1923. x,143pp. 20x13.5cm. Green decorative boards, spine in dark green cloth with gilt title. Top-edge green, others untrimmed. A letter pasted on f.f.e.p., bookplate on front pastedown. Top edge somewhat color faded, otherwise fine. [aj445] \31,500 134 ロバート・フロスト 『West-Running Brook』 1928年 限定1000冊、No.703 函、背クロース装 署名入り Frost, Robert West-Running Brook. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1928. viii,58pp. 23.3x15.3cm. [One thousand copies of West-running Brook have been specially printed and bound, and have been signed by the Author. Of these, nine hundred and eighty copies are for sale. This copy is Number 703.] Decorated paper-covered boards, quarter cloth. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Frontispiece and 3 plates of illustrations signed by J.J. Lankes in pencil. Slip-case. Book-shop plate on front e.p., slip-case sl. wore, otherwise near mint. [aj442] \84,000 135 ロバート・フロスト 『A Witness Tree』 1942年 限定735冊、No.220 函、背クロース装 署名入り Frost, Robert A Witness Tree. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1942. 91pp. 24.2x16.5cm. [This edition has been limited to seven hundred and thirty-five copies and signed by the author. This copy is number 220.] Decorated paper-covered boards with green cloth spine. Edges uncut. With slip-case. P.8-9 sl.foxed, cover partly slight faded, slip-case partly chipped, otherwise fine. [aj441] \63,000 136 ハート・ブレット 『ローアリング・キャムプの福の神』 他 1870年 初版 クロース装 Harte, Francis Bret The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches. Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1870. First edition, first issue without story "Brown of Calveras". iv,239pp. 18.5x12.5cm. Bounding in light brown cloth with gilt title on spine. Bookplate on front pastedown. Edges and spine sl. dark- 21 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 ened. Some very slight rubbing and chipping at spine and boards edge. Otherwise a very clean copy. [aj477] \63,000 137 チャールズ・ラム 『ロザムンド・グレイ物語』1835年 リバウンド. H.ウォルポウル旧蔵 角背革装 Lamb, Charles Rosamund Gray: Recollections of Christ's Hospital, Etc. Etc. London: Edward Moxon, 1835. 356pp. 19.5x13cm. Bounding in decorative board with half leather, seems to be rebound. Edges colored same design as board. 3 bookplates on front pastedown, one is from Hugh Walpole's famous Library. Spine rubbed and sl.faded. Light soiled, otherwise fine. [aj489] \63,000 138 D.H.ロレンス (A Letter of D.H.Lawrence.) D.H.ロレンス署名入書簡 1912年6月15日付 4頁・2葉 封筒 マックレオド(代用教員時代の同僚)宛 フリーダとの不倫を非難された手紙に対するローレンスの切々たる気持ちを詩的に記した貴 重な書簡 ケムブリッジ版書簡集第1巻No.462に所収 Lawrence,D.H. A Letter of D.H.Lawrence. To Arthur McLeod, 15 June 1912. Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp on one folded 21.7x27.5cm sheet of Professor Edgar Jaffe's paper. With a small envelope (7.2x11.1cm). [The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of D.H.Lawrence. Vol.I, no.462.] Lawrence fell in love with Frieda Weekly the German wife of Lawrence's teacher, English philologist Ernest Weekly, and they eloped in May 1912. In this letter, he wrote frankly about his love for Frieda and how wonderful to love and to be loved. ("… There I read your letter. I was on my honeymoon. I an not legally married. Perhaps some day the great scandal will come out. But I don't care. I have been fearfully happy. I long to go back to Frieda on Monday. I am in love - and, my God, it's the greatest thing that can happen to a man...") [abaj2005] \840,000 139 D.H.ロレンス 『亀』 1921年 初版 ハードカバー Lawrence, D.H. Tortoises. New York: Thomas Seltzer. 1921. First edition. 50pp. 23.8x16.3cm. Bounding in printed paper board with a colored illustration (somewhat like japanese UKIYOE), original title label on spine. Edges untrimmed, except for top. Paper board cover partly a little peeled and faded. Title label partly missing. E.ps. sl.soiled. [aj470] \36,750 140 D.H.ロレンス 『メキシコの朝』 1927年 カバー有、クロース装 Lawrence, D.H. Mornings in Mexico. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1927. First American edition. 189pp. 21x14.5cm. Dustwrapper, orange cloth with decorative motifs and titles on front cover and spine. D.w. wore and partly chipped, front flap parted. Top-edge sl.darkened. Ex-libris label on front fly e.p. Inside clean and fine. [aj460] \31,500 141 D.H.ロレンス 『David』 1926年 初版 カバー付 署名入り Lawrence,D.H. David. A Play. Martin Secker, 1926. First edition. 128pp. Limited to 500 copies. Signed by the Author. d.w. [191222] \94,500 142 D.H.ロレンス 『Rawdon's Roof』 1928年 初版 カバー付 署名入り Lawrence,D.H. Rawdon's Roof. Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 1928. First edition. 32pp. Limited to 530 copies. Sighed by D. H. Lawrence. d.w. [abaj5] \84,000 143 ジャック・ロンドン 『Smoke Bellew』 1912年 クロース装 London, Jack Smoke Bellew. Illustrated by P.J. Monahan. New York: The Century Co, 1912. 385pp. 19.5x13.3cm. Bounding in blue cloth board with illustaration on front cover. Frontispiece and 7 plates of illus. by P.J. Monahan. Ink inscription (presentation letter) at the verso of frontis. Cover very slight faded, edges sunned, otherwise clean and tight. [aj467] \31,500 144 A.A.ミルン 『ぼくたちはいま六つ』1927年 初版 クロース装 Milne, A.A. Now We Are Six. Decorations by Ernest H. Shepard. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1927. First published. x,103pp. 20x12.3cm. Bounding in dark red cloth with title and illustrations in gold. T.e.g. Pictorial endpapers, many illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard. Spine ends sl.worn, ink inscription by former owner at front pastedown, light soiling, otherwise fine. [aj490] \84,000 145 エドガー・アラン・ポー 『新・驚異の物語』 1857年 初版 改装 角背革装 ボードレール訳フランス語版 Poe, Edgar Alan Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires. Traduction de Charles Baudelaire. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires Éditeurs, 1857. First edition in French. xxiv,287pp. + 1p of 'TABLE DES MATIÉRES'. 19x12cm. Text in French, transrated by Charles Baudelaire. Rebound designed board with half leather, original light green paperback cover remains inside. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Light soiling, else a fine copy. [aj488] \105,000 146 ハリエット・ビーチャー・ストウ 『アンクル・トムの小屋』 1852年 英国初版 角背革装 22 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 Stowe, Harriet Beecher Uncle Tom's Cabin. With Twenty-seven illustrations on wood by George Cruikshank. London: John Cassell, Ludgate Hill, 1852. first UK edition. xxiii,391pp. 19.5x13cm. Bounding in decorative paper board with half leather, gilt title on spine. Author's portrait frontis. Front fly leaves, frontis., title page repaired. Some light stains. Front guard of pastedown torn. Spine rubbed. [aj476] \52,500 147 ソロー 『コンコード川とメリマック川での一週間』 1849年 クロース装 Thoreau, Henry D. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Boston and Cambridge: James Munroe and Company, 1849. 413pp. 20.5x12.2cm. Bound in light brown embossed cloth, gilt title on spine. Spine partly chipped a bit, a few pencil notations, otherwise a fine copy. [aj450] \367,500 148 ソロー 『Excursions』 1863年 クロース装 Thoreau, Henry D. Excursions. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863. 319pp. 18.7x12cm. Bounding in green embossed cloth, gilt decorative title on spine. Frontis. Spine sl.wore and title a bit faded. Pencil notations to front fly leaves. Frontispiece light spotted. Otherwise clean and tight. [aj448] \105,000 149 ソロー 『メインの森』 1864年 初版 クロース装 Thoreau, Henry D. The Maine Woods. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864. First edition, First issue. 328pp.+ 22+1pp. of ads.18.7x12cm. Bounding in green embossed cloth, gilt decorative title on spine. Ads dated April 1864. Ink notation on title page. Edges sunned, a few pages light spotted. [aj447] \52,500 150 ソロー 『コッド岬』 1865年 クロース装 Thoreau, Henry D. Cape Cod. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865. 252pp.+ 23+1pp. of ads. 18.5x13cm. Bounding in purple (or brown) embossed cloth, gilt decorative title on spine. Ads dated December, 1864. Spine faded, and chipped at the top. Pencil inscription of previous owner on front fly endpaper. [aj449] \94,500 151 ソロー (書簡集) 1894年 限定150冊、No.64 カバー有、角背クロース装 Thoreau, Henry D. Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes by F.B. Sanborn. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1894. xii,483pp. [One Hundred and Fifty Copies Printed. Number 64 ]In the dustwrapper. Light blue paper board, half white cloth. Deckle edges. Frontispiece portrait. Front e.p. slightly chipped. Some light foxing, otherwise a fine copy. [aj451] \63,000 152 ソロー 『ウォールデン‐森の生活』 1936年 限定1500冊、No.300 函、背クロース装 写真家 エドワード・スタイケンの署名入り Thoreau, Henry D. Walden, or, Life in the Woods. Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1936. xiii,290pp. [Of this book fifteen hundred copies have been made for the Members of The Limited Editions Club by D.B.Updike, The Merrymount Press, Boston, the illustration being reproduced from photgraphs made at Walden Pond by Edward Steichen. This copy Number 300] Signed by the photgrapher, Edward Steichen. Decorated paper-covered boards, quarter cloth. Top-edge green, others untrimmed. With some plates of illustrations. Slip-case. Spare label tipped in. Some pages still unopened. Slip-case partly cracked, spine sl.sunned, otherwise a mint copy. [aj452] \63,000 153 マーク・トウェイン 『世にも名高いキャラヴェラス郡の跳び蛙』 1869年 クロース装 Twain, Mark The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. and Other Sketches. Edited by John Paul. New York: C. H. Webb, Publisher,1869. 198pp. 17x11.5cm. Original terra-cotta cloth with a frog stamped in gilt on front side, embossed on rear side. Gilt lettering title. Book-shop plate embossed on f.f.e.p., ink inscription on same page, also. Spine ends worn, otherwise clean and tight. [aj483] \105,000 154 マーク・トウェイン 『マーク・トウェイン スケッチ』 1875年 初版(2刷) クロース装 Twain, Mark Mark Twain's Sketches, New and Old. The American Publishing Company, 1875. First edition, 2nd state. Now first published in complete form. Sold only by subscription. 320pp. 22x18cm. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by SAMUEL L. CLEMENS. Original blue cloth stamped black/gold illustration and title. With frontispiece and many b/w illustrations. Cover worn and a little darkend. Some scuffings and rubbing at spine, and its ends sl.chipped. Very slight water stain to some pages. Pevious owner's pencil inscription to front f.e.p. [aj486] \52,500 155 マーク・トウェイン 『王子と乞食』 1882年 初版 クロース装 Twain, Mark The Prince and the Pauper. A Tale for Young People of All Ages. With One Hundred and Ninety-two illustrations. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1882. First edition. 23 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 411pp. 22x17.5cm. Bounding in green cloth with black/gold illustration and title stamped. Spine somewhat rubbed, light scuffings to cover boards. A few light stains. A very good copy keeping clean and square. [aj485] \126,000 156 マーク・トウェイン 『ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険』 1885年 初版 クロース装 Twain, Mark Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Tom Sawyer's Companion) With one Hundred and Seventy-four Illustrations. New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885. First edition. 366pp. 21.5x17cm. Copyright dated 1884. Bounding in green cloth with black/gold illustration and title stamped. Cover boards parted from binding. Spine and board edges worn. Top-edge darkened. [aj484] \52,500 157 マーク・トウェイン 『アーサー王宮廷のヤンキー』 1889年 初版 クロース装 Twain, Mark A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur. With 200 Illustrations by Dan. Beard. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1889. First edition. xvi, 525pp. 19.3x13.4cm. Bound in original red cloth with black stamped illus. and gilt lettering titles. Frontis. 32pages of publisher's ads dated October, 1889. Spine darkened. Bookplate on front pastedown. Edges and e.ps. light soiled. Inside clean. [aj482] \42,000 158 ユードラ・ウェルティ 『黄金の林檎』 1949年 初版 カバー有、背クロース装 Welty, Eudora The Golden Apples. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1949. First edition. 244pp. 21x14.5cm. Dustwrapper, light green (or blue) paper board with gilt illus. stamped, purple cloth spine. spine sun-yellowed. Front paper board's top slight dented. Light foxing to front e.ps. [aj468] D.w. partly chipped, \42,000 159 レベッカ・ウェスト 2巻 1941年 クロース装 West, Rebecca Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. The Record of a Journey through Yugoslavia in 1937. 2 volumes. London: Macmillan & Co.Ltd, 1941. Vol.1: xi,653pp. Vol.2: vii,586pp. 22.5x15cm. Original green cloth, gilt title on spine. 16 plates in each volume. Maps printed endpapers. Top-edge colored, but somewhat faded. E.ps. light foxed. Otherwise fine. [aj481] \31,500 160 Max Beerbohm コレクション 28 点 ¥650,000 (1) Beerbohm, Max A Christmas Garland Woven by Max Beerbohm. London: William Heinemann, 1912. First edition. vii,197pp. + 2pp.of ads. 19.5x15cm. Dustwrapper, royal blue cloth with gilt titles and illustration. Top-edge trimmed, others not. D.w.spine darkened and partly torn, light foxing to e.ps., otherwise a fine copy. [Bee024] (2) Beerbohm, Max A Christmas Garland Woven by Max Beerbohm. London: William Heinemann, 1950. New edition. 194pp. 20.3x14cm. Dustwrapper, red cloth with gilt title on spine. D.w.spine darkened and its ends sl.chipped. Stains to bottom edges of page 83-102. Light foxing to e.ps. [Bee025] (3) Beerbohm, Max A Peep Into the Past. Privately Printed, 1923. First edition, limited 300 copies. 16pp. 28x18cm. Light brown cloth backed boards with title-labels on upper cover and spine. One of limited copies printed on Japanese vellum. Cover boards sl.soiled and title labels sun-darkened. Bookplate on front pastedown, a small sticker (shaped a star) on right top of rear pastedown. [Bee014] (4) Beerbohm, Max And Even Now. London: William Heinemann, 1920. First edition. 320pp. 20.5x14.5cm. Dustwrapper, yellow cloth with original title label on spine. Top-edge trimmed, others untrimmed. D.w.darkened, especially to spine. Cloth boards sl.faded. Bookplate on rear pastedown. Light foxing to fly leaves. Otherwise fine. [Bee005] (5) Beerbohm, Max Caricatures of Twenty-Five Gentlemen. With an Introduction by L. Raven-Hill. London: Leonard Smithers, 1896. First edition. 25.5x19cm. Royal blue cloth with titles and illustration stamped in gold. 25 b/w illustrations and their titles. Front e.p. guard torn, sl.shaken. Bookplate on front pastedown. Cover boards partly darkened. [Bee016] (6) Behrman, S. N. Conversation with Max. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1960. First edition. xi,260pp. 22x15cm. Dustwrapper, green paper board. Frontis. and 14 plates. D.w. sl.browned, edges and a few pages light spotted. Otherwise fine. [Bee007] (7) Beerbohm, Max Fifty Caricatures. London: William Heinemann, 1913. First edition. vii,unpaginated (50 Caricatures) + 2pp.(ad) 23x18.7cm. Original green cloth with stamped in gilt illustration and titles, somewhat faded. 48 drawings mounted on brown paper, 2 drawings printed on white paper. Bookplate on front pastedown. Press clippings, all 24 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 about Max Beerbohm, pasted on several pages. (Most of them are not on caricature pages.) [Bee013] (8) Beerbohm, Max Fifty Caricatures. London: William Heinemann, 1914. Second Impression. vii,unpaginated (50 Caricatures) + 2pp.(ad) 23x18.7cm. Original green cloth with stamped in gilt illustration and titles, somewhat faded. 48 drawings mounted on brown paper, 2 drawings printed on white paper. Bookplate on front pastedown. Ink inscription on f.f.e.p. No press clippings. [Bee026] (9) Beerbohm, Max Heroes and Heroines of Bitter Sweet. No publisher given [London: Leadley Ltd], n.d.[1931.] First edition, limited 100 copies. Large folio (40x30cm.) One of 100 copies with each plate singed by the subject of the caricature. This copy unnumbered, probably being for presentation. Original portfolio of vellum-backed boards, lettered in gilt on upper cover. 2 loose text leaves. (title and contents) A facsLightly sun browned. Some rubbing and scuffings at cover boards, else a sound copy. [Bee022] (10) Beerbohm, Max Max's Nineties: Drawings 1892-1899. With an Introduction by Osbert Lancaster. Rupert Hart-Davis, 1958. First edition. 10pp, plus 46 b/w plates. 29x23cm. Dustwrapper, original cloth-backed patterned boards. Top-edge colored. Black endpapers. D.w.spine very slight darkened, and its ends sl.chipped, also top one has a short tear. Top-edge color sl.faded. Otherwise a mint copy. [Bee020] (11) Beerbohm, Max More. London and New York: John Lane, 1899. First edition. 201pp. 17x14cm. Green cloth with original title label on spine. Deckle edges. Cover boards somewhat soiled. A few chipping at the title label. Inside very clean. [Bee003] (12) Beerbohm, Max Observations. London: William Heinemann, 1926. First edition, limited 280 copies. 28.2x22.7cm. This is one of limited copies with the signed plate and signed and numbered (15) on limitation page. viii, colored frontis., 51 plates, colored extra plate in a pocket at the back (signed by the Artist), all with printed tissue guards. Original light greeSome rubbing and soiling at cover board, spine sl. browned. Bookplate on center of front pastedown, light foxing to some tissue guards. Otherwise fine. [Bee019] (13) Behrman, S. N. Portrait of Max. An Intimate Memoir of Sir Max Beerbohm. New York: Random House, 1960. First edition. 317pp. 23.2x17cm. Dustwrapper, blue cloth. Frontispiece and many illustrations. D.w.spine and edges darkened, cloth spine sl.faded. Otherwise fine. [Bee009] (14) Beerbohm, Max Rossetti and His Circle. London: William Heinemann, 1922. First edition. ix, 22 plates of Illustrations. 26x19cm. Royal blue cloth with gilt titles. Colored frontispiece and 22 colored plates each with captioned guard sheets. Bottom-edge untrimmed. Ink inscription on front e.p. A few stains on front cover. Edges sl.darkened, else a clear and tight copy. [Bee015] (15) Beerbohm, Max Seven Men. London: William Heinemann, 1919. First edition, First issue. 219pp. 19.5x14cm. Blue cloth with gilt title on spine and front side. Top-edge trimmed, others untrimmed. Slightly sun browned, otherwise a fine copy. [Bee004] (16) Beerbohm, Max The Dreadful Dragon of Hay Hill. London: William Heinemann, 1928. First edition. 112pp. 24x15.3cm. Dustwrapper, red quarter cloth of paper boards with gilt title on spine. Frontispiece illustration by the author. D.w. sl.darkened and soiled, especially to spine, edges also. Light foxing to e.ps. [Bee023] (17) Beerbohm, Max The Happy Hypocrite. Illustrated by George Sheringham. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head / New York: The John Lane Company, 1914. First edition, limited 50 copies. 70pp. 26.5x20.5cm. Decorative illustration printed front board, gilt lettering, spine and rear board in white. One of limited copies, numbered 4. Colored frontispiece and 24 plates, pictorial title page and end-papers. Trimmed top-edge, originally unopened (still remains toCover sun-browned, board edges worn, pencil inscription to rear pastedown, otherwise a sound copy. [Bee017] (18) Beerbohm, Max The Poets' Corner. London: William Heinemann, 1904. First edition. Unpaginated (20 plates.) Large folio (37.5x27.7cm.) Illustration printed board. 20 colored plates. Binding poor: Some rear pages cracked and parted off from binding; The plates 'Dante Gabriel Rossetti.' through 'Mr.Rudyard Kipling', rear fly leaf and pastedown, and back board. [Bee021] (19) Beerbohm, Max The Works of Max Beerbohm. With a Bibliography by John Lane. 25 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 London: John Lane, 1896. First edition. 179pp. + 16pp.of ads. 17x14cm. Red cloth with original title label on spine. Deckle edges. Spine and the title label worn and partly chipped. [Bee002] (20) Beerbohm, Max Things New and Old. London: William Heinemann, 1923. First edition. 28.7x22.7cm. viii, 50 plates (including colored frontispiece), with printed tissue guards. Light brown cloth, gilt title on spine. Small bookplate on right bottom of front pastedown. Edges somewhat darkened, cover board and some tissue guards sl.soiled. Otherwise fine. [Bee018] (20) Beerbohm, Max Works and More. John Lane, 1930. First published. viii,299pp. 17.5x12cm. Red cloth with gilt lettering. Top-edge black. Light soiled. A few scuffings to the cover boards. Otherwise clean and tight. [Bee001] (22) Beerbohm, Max Yet Again. London: Chapman and Hall, 1909. First edition. viii,326pp. 20x14.5cm. Blue cloth with original title label on spine. Top-edge trimmed, others untrimmed. Preserve box. 2 bookplates on front pastedown. Light soiled. Spine and title label sun-browned, and sl.rubbed, else a fine copy. [Bee028] (23) Beerbohm, Max Zuleika Dobson. Or an Oxford Love Story. London: William Heinemann, 1911. First edition. 350pp. 19x14cm. Light orange cloth with half leather seems to be repaired binding. T.e.g. Very small stamped at left top of front fly e.p., previous owner's inscription on other page of f.f.e.p. A small stain at bottom edge. Otherwise sound. [Bee006] (24) Cecil, David Max. A Biography. London: Constable, 1964. First edition. xiv,507pp. 22.5x15cm. Dustwrapper, orange cloth. Frontispiece and pictorial endpapers. Some photos and illus. Top-edge and d.w.spine sl.darkened. [Bee008] (25) Cecil, David Max. A Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965. First American Edition. xiv,507pp. 21.5x15cm. Red cloth with embossed title on front side, designed black/gold title on spine. Frontispiece and pictorial end papers. Some photos and illus. Top-edge colored, but somewhat faded. Spine sl.faded and partly rubbed. Light scuffings on top-edge, otherwise a fine copy. [Bee027] (26) Hart-Davis, Rupert (comp.) A Catalogue of the Caricatures of Max Beerbohm. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1972. First edition. 258pp. 25.5x19cm. Dustwrapper, brown cloth with gilt title on spine. Frontispiece. 100 b/w illustrations to page 181-244. ISBN: 0674100751 D.w.slightly faded, otherwise a fine copy. [Bee012] (27) Hart-Davis, Rupert (ed) Letters of Max Beerbohm, 1892-1956. London: John Murray, 1988. First published. xxi,244pp. 24x16.5cm. Dustwrapper, black paper board with gilt title on spine. Frontispiece and 28 illustrations. ISBN: 0719545374 D.w.sl.soiled, otherwise fine as new. [Bee011] (28) Lago, Mary M. and Beckson, Karl (eds) Max and Will. Max Beerbohm and William Rothenstein: Their Friendship and Letters, 1893-1945. London: John Murray, 1975. First edition. xiv,193pp. 23.3x16cm. Dustwrapper, red cloth board with gilt title on spine. Top-edge red. With 16 plates. Edges and d.w.spine very slight sun-yellowed, otherwise fine. [Bee010] 161 竹友藻風旧蔵洋書限定本コレクション38点 ¥800,000 (1) Audin, Marius Le Livre français Abec 60 Planches en Héliogravure. Paris: Les Éditions Rieder, 1929. 80pp, lx20.2x16cm. Printed wrappers. With plenty of illus. Edges untrimmed. Text in French. Sunned and stained. Some pages unopend. [aj428] (2) Binyon, Laurence The Idols: An Ode London: Macmillan and co.,ltd, 1928. 51pp. 22.6x17cm. Bound in brown paper boards, quarter cloth. Deckle edges.Some pages little foxed, Bookshop plates on front and rear e.ps. [aj417] (3) Blunden,Edmund In Summer. The Rotunda of the Bishop of Derry. With decorations by Edward Carrick. London: Privately Printed, 1931. unpaginated. (5pp.)24x15.5cm. [Of this book 290 numberea copies printed on Basingwerk Parchment have been issued, all signed by 26 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 the author. This is Copy. 190.]Bound in blue paper boards. Signed by author and numbered [190/290] on tp verso. Some light stains on cover, sl.sunned and partly chipped. [aj405] (4) Breton, Nicholas The Twelve Moneths. Edited by Brian Rhys, with Wood Engravings by Eric Ravilious. The Golden Cockerel Press, 1927. 26pp. [The edition is limited to 500copies, of which 250 are for the United States of America. This is Number 387] Orange cloth in dustwrapper. T.e.g., f.e. and b.e. untrimmed. B/w decorated plates of calender to recto of each page spread.D.w.sl.stained, Boards' edges sl.color faded, light foxing to e.ps., otherwise fine. [aj415] (5) Campbell, Roy The Gum Trees. Drawing by David Jones. London: Faber & Faber Ltd, 1930. unpaginated.(12pp.)22.5x14.2cm. [This large-paper edition, printed on English hand-made paper, is limited to four hundred copies. This is Number 116]Ariel Poems No. 30. Printed at the Curwen Press, 1930. Signed by author. With 2 illustrations (1 coloured) Bound in red boards. Deckle edges. Slightly faded at spine, otherwise fine. [aj416] (6) Collier,John No Traveller Returns. London:The White Owl Press, 1931. 62pp. 22.7x16cm. [This edition numberd and signed by the author, is limited to 210 copies of which numbers 1to 25 have been printed on iridescent japanese vellum and numbers 26 to 210 on hand-made paper. This is Number 109.]Black suede cloth, handmade paper binding. Gold and green motif on front side, gilt title on spine. T.e.g. F.e. and b.e. untrimmed.Cover partly faded. Foxing to e.ps. and fly leaves. [aj404] (7) Davies, W.H. The Lovers' Song-Book. The Gregynog Press, 1933. v,30pp. 23.8x16cm. [Limited to two hundred and fifty copies. This is No.182] Marble board binding, quarter green cloth. Pages in black & green. Sl.sunned and stained. Small stamped on rear f.e.p. [aj401] (8) Davies, W.H. The Lovers' Song-Book. The Gregynog Press, 1933. v,30pp. 23.8x16cm. [Limited to two hundred and fifty copies. This is No.184] Marble board binding, quarter green cloth. Pages in black & green. Sl.sunned and stained. Small stamped on rear f.e.p. [aj402] (9) Devoe,Alan The Portrait of Mr.O.W. New York: The Union Square Book Shop, 1930. 32pp. 21.5x18.5cm. [Two hundred and seventy-five copies, have been printed, of which this is copy number 45.]Black cloth. Deckle edges except for top. With frontispiece. Somewhat sunned, Light spottings to some pages. [aj407] (10) Ellis, Mrs.Havelock Stories and Essays by Mrs.Havelock Ellis. Vol.I. With a Preface by Charles Marriott, Reminiscences by Mrs.Clifford Bax & a Note by Havelock Ellis. Vol.1 of 2volumes. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: The Free Spirit Press. 1924. xviii,88pp. 20.3x12.3cm. [This private edition is published in two volumes and limited to 305sets, of which this is Number 104.] Dedication copy, inscribed and signed by the author at front f.e.p. Bound in gray paper boards, quarter cloth. Original title label on spine. Top-edge dark gray, others uncut. With 3 port. and some woodcuts. "No.249" inscribed on t.p., but on its verso, inscribed "104". Spine sunned and sl.stained. [aj427] (11) Emerson, Ralph Waldo Friendship. Selection from Ralph Waldo Emerson and others "Lead Kindly Light" by John Henry Newman. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, n.d. unpaginated.(22pp.)15.5x12.3cm. Suede cover, with string-tied spine, gilt title on front side. With case. Text in black/red. Light stained. Case pretty damaged. [aj436] (12) Empson, William Poems. Printed for Private Circulation. Kinuta-mura, near Tokyo: The Fox & Daffodil Press, 1934. 16pp. 22.4x15.4cm. One of limited 100 copies .Bound in Japanese paper boards, quarter leather. F.f.e.p. and half tp spotted, Some tears at spine, Gilt titles partly faded. [aj418] (13) Henryson, Robert The Testament of Cresseid. Edited anew by Bruce Dickins. The Porpoise press, 1925. 46pp. 22.5x15.3cm. [THE TESTAMENT OF CRESSEID has been printed in Great Britain, on British mould-made paper. Of the five hundred and fifty consecutively numbered copies comprising the edition, five hundred are for sale, this being number 89]Black boards binding with gilt title. Foxing to front and rear f.e.ps., Cover somewhat wore with some scuffings. [aj419] (14) Hubbard, Elbert The Tale of Two Tailors. Which the Same has the Unique Quality of Being TRUE. New York: The Roycrofters, 1909. 29pp. 18x12cm. [Of this edition of The Tale of Two Tailors there were printed but Fifteen Hundred copies. This volume is No.843.] 27 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 Numberd and signed by the author. Bounding in paper board, quarter suede. Title label on spine. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Decorative title page, 1 portrait. Cover and e.ps. sl.stained, otherwise fine copy. [aj433] (15) James, Henry Daumier, Caricaturist. Miniature Books, London: Rodale Press. 1954. First edition. 34pp. 20x16.5cm. Black cloth spine, paper covered boards. With 16 illustrations.Slightly stained at top edge, half tp and fly leaves, otherwise fine. [aj424] (16) Joyce, James Pomes Penyeach. Paris: Shakespeare and Company, 1927. First edition. unpaginated.(18pp.)12.3x9.5cm. Of these Poems Thirteen copies have been printed on Dutch hand-made paper and numbered 1 to 13.] Rare. Original green paper covered board. Errara slip tipped in at end. Preserve box. Cover sunned, joint sl.cracked, clean text. [aj437] (17) Keats,John Isabella or the Pot of Basil. Illustrated and Decorated by W.B.Macdougall. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co, Ltd., 1898. unpaginated.(50pp.)25.8x20.5cm. Olive green cloth, blind stamped designs to front side and spine. Title page printed in black and red. Pages throughout with b/w decorated plates and text. T.e.g., others edge deckled. Board slightly wear, Spine and edges sunned, Light stains and foxing to some pages. Book-shop plate on front e.p. [aj411] (18) Louÿs, Pierre The Collected Tales of Pierre Louÿs. Illustrated by John Austen. Chicago:Argus Books, 1930. 294pp. + 14pp. of illus.26.2x17cm.[This edition is limited to two thousand copies. Designed, set-up and printed at The Peacock Press, Incorporated, Chicago. Completed, December, 1929.] Black cloth. Gilt titles and illus.on front side and spine. Top edge gilt, other edges uncut. With frontispiece. One illustration page missing. It shoud have been in between p.108 and p.109. Sl.sunned. Cover somewhat stained. [aj400] (19) Morris, William Some Hints on Pattern-Designing. A Lecture Delivered by William Morris at the Working Men's College, London, on December 10, 1881. London: Longmans & Co., 1899. [2],45pp. 21.2x14.8cm. Printed at the Chiswick Press with the Golden type designed by William Morris, October, 1899. Bounding in paper board, quarter cloth. Black letter title on front side. Cover sunned and wore, otherwise fine. [aj429] (20) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel The Ballad of Jan Van Hunks. With an introduction by Mackenzie Bell. George G.Harrap & Co.Ltd., 1929. 42pp. 19x14.3cm. [Edition limited to six hundred and twenty copies for England and America. This copy is No.241]Printed wrappers with gilt title to spine and gilt illustration to front side. Frontis. and 9 illus. Illustrations by Monro S. Orr. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Sunned, sl.stained, and light spotted. [aj426] (21) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel The Blessed Damozel. With Illustrations by Percy Bulcock. London and New York: John Lane, 1901. 43pp. 14.5x11.5cm. Bounding in leather, gilt decorative title on spine and front cover. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Frontispiece, 7 illus. Spine title somewhat faded. Endpapers foxed. [aj434] (22) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Hand and Soul. Reprinted from The Germ, by Thomas B. Mosher, 1900. Second Edition. vii,54pp. 15.5x11.5cm. One of limited 450 copies. Bound in light blue paper, title label on front side and spine. Slip-case. Decorative title page and Preface. Text in black/red. Stamped on half t.p. by former owner. Bookshop-plate on front pastedown. Spine somewhat darkened, and sl.chipped. [aj435] (23) Russell, George "AE" Some Passages from the Letters of Æ to W.B.Yeats. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1936. 63pp. 21.8x15.4cm. Limited to 300 copies. Bounding in blue paper board, quarter cloth. Spine label partly chipped, Somewhat sunned, otherwise fine. [aj421] (24) Shakespeare, William Shake-speares Sonnets. Neuer before Imprinted. London: Noel Douglas. Bradford and London: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co.Ltd.1926. unpaginated. 23x15cm.Board, embossed motifs on sides. Deckle edges. Ink inscriptions on front f.e.p. Sunned. Spottings and foxing to cover and several pages. [aj403] (25) Shenstone,William A Pastoral Ballad. In Four Parts. Shaftesbury: The High Housse Press, 1928. 16pp. [The edition is limited to120 copies on Arnold hand-made paper. This copy is No.55]Quarter vellum over patterned boards, gilt title on spine. Edges untrimmed. ERRATUM on front f.e.p.Spine sl.wore and title faded, Light foxing to some pages, otherwise fine. [aj414] (26) Sitwell,Osbert Three-Quarter Length Portrait of Michael Arlen. With a Preface, the History of a Portrait by the Author. 28 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 London: William Heinemann Limited, New York: Doubleday, Doran and Co. Inc.,n.d. unpaginated.(20pp.)27x21cm. [This edition is limited to five hundred and twenty copies, of which two hundred and fifty are for sale in Great Britain and Ireland, two hundred fifty are for sale in the United States of America, and twenty are for presentation. This is No.233] Marbled papercovered boards, quarter cloth with gilt title on spine, t.e.g., others deckled. Limited to 520 copies, signed by the author. Some slight wear, Light foxing, but fine. Book-shop plate on front e.p. [aj412] (27) Smythe, Barbara Trobador Poets. Selections fron the Poems of Eight Trobadors: Translated from the Provençal with introduction and notes. London: Chatto & Windus, New York: Duffield & Co., 1911. xxiii,198pp. 16.8x13.2cm. Dustwrapper. Brown paper board, with gilt decorative title on spine and front cover. Deckle edges. Top edge black. Frontis. Slightly foxed, d.w. partly chipped, otherwise fine. [aj432] (28) Symons,Arthur London Nights. London: Leonard C.Smithers, 1895. First edition. xi,104pp. 22x14.5cm. [Edition For Sale: 50 Copies on Large Paper. 500 Copies on Small Paper.]Bound in original dark blue cloth. Deckle edges. Foxing and some light stains to some pages. [aj408] (29) Symons,Arthur Studies in Strange Souls. With Three Portraits. London: Charles F.Sawver, 1929. 83pp. 22x18cm. [This edition is limited to one hundred copies on Kelmscott hand-made paper signed by the author. This copy is No.72.] Hand-made red cloth paper board, gilt titles on front side and spine. T.e.g. F.e. and b.e. untrimmed.Spine sl.sunned, Foxing on f.e.ps., otherwise fine. [aj409] (30) Symons,Arthur Confessions. A Study in Pathology. New York: The Fountain Press, 1930. 88pp. 26x17cm. [Of this book five hundred and forty-two copies, of which five hundred are for sale, have been printed by R. & R. Clark, Ltd., in January, 1930. Distributed in America by Random House and in Great Britain by Humphrey Toulmin at The Cayme Press,Ltd. Each cRed cloth with gilt title on spine, and geometric abstract cover decoration. T.e.g., others untrimmed. With slip-case. Spine title partly faded, Light foxing to f.e.p., otherwise fine. [aj410] (31) Tennyson,Alfred In Memoriam. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. London: Philip Lee Warner, Publisher to The Medici Society,1914. Reprinted. vii,92pp. 23.5x16cm. [Of this edition of IN MEMORIAM in the Eleven Point Riccardi Fount have been printed on hand-made Riccardi Paper 1000 copies for Great Britain. Paper copy Number 215]Bound in tan cloth paper, gilt title on front side and spine. T.e.g. others deckled. Some small wormed holes on spine, Cover sl.worn and color partly faded, Book-shop plate and some light stains on front e.p. [aj413] (32) Villon, Françoys Le Testament. De Paris, orné de figures du temps. Paris: Les Éditeurs de la Siréne., 1918. 139pp. 19x12.5cm. Limited printing of 200 copies. Printed wrappers. With plenty of woodcuts. Edges untrimmed. Text in French. Sunned, Some pages light spotted. [aj425] (33) Watson, William The Eloping Angels. A Caprice. London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1893. 29pp + ad 16.5x13.5cm. In dark blue cloth covered boards, with gilt title on spine and front side. Decorative title-page and binding de signed by Warrington Hogg. T.e.g., other uncut. Ink signature on title page. Cover and e.ps. sl.stained, Gilt title sl.faded, Back side cover partly cloth chipped. [aj431] (34) Wilde,Oscar After Berneval. Letters of Oscar Wilde to Robert Ross. Westminster: The Beaumont Press,1922. 65pp. 22.5x15.5cm. [This is the fourteenth book issued by the Beaumont Press 75 copies(five of which are not for sale) have been printed onJapanese vellum signed by publisher and artist and numberd 1 to 75 and 400 copies(ten of which are not for sale) on hand-madepaper numbHard-made paper cover, quarter cloth. Fore edge deckle. With 1 illus on p.41. The Cover and decorations de signed by Randolph Schwabe. Spine sl.stained, Foxing to f.e.ps., Small stains on rear e.ps. [aj406] (35) Yeats, William Butler Reveries Over Childhood and Youth. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916. vii,131pp. 21.7x15cm. Light blue paper boards with illus., quarter cloth. Deckle edges. Frontispiece painted by author's father, Jack B. Yeats. Spine sunned, Some light stains to some pages. [aj420] (36) Yeats, William Butler Stories of Michael Robartes and his Friends: An Extract from a Record made by his Pupils: And a Play in Prose by W.B.Yeats. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1931. 46pp. 21.5x15cm. One of 450 copies printed & published by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats. Woodcut to title page ('Unicorn and Star') by 29 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 Edmund Dulac as two other full page illustrations. Bounding in blue paper board, quarter cloth. With 2pages of woodcut.Sunned, light stained, otherwise fine. [aj422] (37) Yeats, William Butler The King of the Great Clock Tower, Commentaries and Poems. Dublin: The Cuala Press, 1934. 45pp. 21.7x15.2cm. [Four hundred copies of this book have been printed and published-.] Original cloth-backed printed paper boards, with printed paper spine label. Edges untrimmed.Spine label partly chipped and missing. 2 small stamped on rear e.p. [aj430] (38) 神戸孝・小林龍雄(編) Ciel Étoilé. Cent un petits poèmes lyriques. Choisis par M.M.Kobayashi et Kambé. Tokio: Librairie Azusa(梓書房), 1930. vi,123pp. 20.3x14.3cm. Charles Baudelaire, Sully Prudhomme, Stéphane Mallarmé, José-Maria De Hérédia, Paul Verlaine, Paoul Ponchon, Arthur Rimbaud, Georges Rodenbach, Emile Verhaeren, Jean Moréas, etc…Printed wrappers. With 5pages of port. Deckle edges. A small hole at the jacket, Spine chipped and partly missing, Sunned, Light stained, Some pages unopened. [aj423] 162 Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. Their Origin, Meaning, and History. The New York Public Library, 1946. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the N.Y. Public Library, August 1943 - September 1946. lxxi,838pp. 4to.(26x18.5cm) Dustwrapper, red cloth with gilt title on spine. Frontis. of the author's portrait. D.w.spine sunned, otherwise fine. [aj550] \31,500 163 Billings, Robert William (illustrated.) The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. In 4 volumes. Published for the Author, by Edmonston and Douglas, 1845-1852. 4to.(29x23cm) Interior and exterior views of the architectural landmarks of Scotland. Rebound royal blue cloth with motifs on front, gilt letterings. A.e.g. Pictorial title page. 240 b/w engraved plates. All plates with tissue guards. Ex-libris. Light spotted, else very good. [aj554] \189,000 164 Scott, David The History of Scotland. Containing all the Historical Transactions of that Nation, from the Year of the World 3619. to the Year of Christ 1726. Westminster:Printed by J. Cluer and A. Campbell, 1727. xiv,767pp.+ Index.(5pp.) Folio.(35x22cm) Rebound. Brown cloth, quarter calf. Red spotting printed on edges. Some front pages water stained, cloth cover rubbed and partly faded, else very good. [aj555] \126,000 165 Wilson, Daniel Memorials of Edinburgh In The Olden Time. In 2 volumes. Edinburgh & London: Adam & Charles Black, 1891. Second Edition. xxii,282pp.(vol.1) / xiv,316pp.(vol.2) 4to.(26x20cm) Brown cloth with gilt stamped. Frontispiece and 20 plates in vol.1., frontis.and 21plates in vol.2., all with tissue guards, drawn in black and white. Each vol.has numerous b/w illustrations in the text. T.e.g., fore-edge untrimmed. Bookplates on front pastedown in each volume, some tissue guards chipping, light soiled at boards, else very good. [aj551] \84,000 166 Arnold, E.C. British Waders. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1924. vii,102pp. + 51plates. Small folio(30x23cm) Illustrated in Water-Colour with Descriptive Notes by E.C. Arnold. Dustwrapper, red cloth with illus.and title stamped in gold. T.e.g., others untrimmed. 51 colourd plates all with tissue guards. D.w.spine darkened and partly chipped. Edges sl.soiled, else very good. [aj557] \52,500 167 Bannerman, David Armitage / Lodge, George E. (illus.) The Birds of the British Isles. In 12 volumes. Edinburgh & London: Oliver and Boyd, 1953-1963. First edition. 4to.(27.5x20.5cm) Dustwrapper; chipping to some vols., green cloth with gilt title on back. Top-edge green; some vols.faded. Numerous cloured plates of British birds, all with titles printed tissue guards. Vol.5 with frontispiece and portrait of G.E.Lodge. D.w.spine browned, some light stains, else very good. [aj558] \210,000 168 Baretti, Giuseppe Baretti's Italian Dictionary. [Dizionario Delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese: Al Quale E' Preposta Una Grammatica Delle Due Lingue. Nuova Edizione, Corretta e Migliorata, Da F. Damiani. ] [A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages: To Which is Prefixed, An Italian and Engilsh Grammar. A New Edition, Corrected and Improved by F. Damiani. ] 2 volumes in 1. Londra(London): Preffo i sigg. B. Law: etc, 1898. 4to.(27x21cm) Full-leather, decorative old-style spine. Most pages in 3 colmns. Cover worn, light soiled, otherwise very good. [aj552] \105,000 169 Chambers, E. Cyclopædia: or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Containing An Explanation of the Terms, and an Account of the Several Subjects, in the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, and the Sciences Human and Divine. In 4 volumes + 1 vol.(plates) London: Printed for J.F. and C. Rivington, etc, 1726-1748. Large folio.(43x28cm) Full-calf. 2colmns. With the Supplement and Modern Improvements, Incorporated in one Alphabet, by Abra- 30 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 ham Rees. Vol.1 has frontispiece. Vol.5 (plates) containing the Addenda, Index, Arrangement of the Plates, and the Plates. Cover condition not fair: boards worn, some calfs chipped and missed, some spines short cracked, rubbed and partly faded. Top-edges darkened. Front e.p. of vol.2 parted off from binding. Title page of vol.3 and 4 just starting, vol.5's wrinkled. Inside, light soiled and chipped to both front and rear end-pages, though keeping clean. [aj559] \315,000 170 Chambers, Robert (ed.) A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. With Numerous Portraits. 9vols. Blackie and Son, 1853-55. 4to.(25x17cm) Brown cloth, gilt design and lettering stamped, side boards with embossed design. Yellow endpapers. All portraits with tissue guards. Some boards' edges worn, some sl. soiled pages, else very good. [aj560] \63,000 171 Stackhouse, Thomas A New History of the Holy Bible, from the Beginning of the World, to the Establishment of Christianity. With Answers to most of the Controverted Questions, Dissertations upon the most remarkable Passages, and a Connection of Profane History all along. To which are added Notes, explaining difficult Texts, rectifying Mis-Translations, and reconciling feeming Contradictions. In 2 volumes. London: Printed for John Hinton, 1752. Vol.1: viii,768pp. Vol.2: 770 (excluding the title page)-1650pp. + "A Chronological Table-", "Index-", "A Table-"(approx 50pp: unpaginated). Folio.(38.5x25.5cm) The Whole illstrated with 104 useful and ornamental Maps and Sculptures, engraved by the best Hands, from Original Paintings. Rebound cloth with half leather. Portrait of Stackhouse in vol.1. Title page in black and red. Ex-library, label at front endpaper, 2 stamped on tp verso in each volume. Some mended pages. Light soiled and foxed. [aj556] \157,500 172 (写本) 『ヴェンツェル聖書』 9巻 1981年 オーストリア国立図書館蔵本ファクシミリ版 総革装、函 Graz (Austria): Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, Wenzelsbibel. Band 1: Genesis und Exodus. Band 2: Leviticus und Numeri. Band 3: Deuteronomium und Josua. Band 4: Richter, Ruth und Samuel I. Band 5: Samuel II, Könige I. Band 6: Könige II, Chronik I. Band 7: Chronik II, Esra I, Esra II. Band 8: Esra III, Tobias, Prediger. Band 9: Dokumentenband. In 9 vols. 54.5x39cm. Facsimile reproduced from the Austrian National Library, Cod. Vindob. 2759-2764, ca. 1389-1400, Prag. Full leather bindings with slip cases. Coloured illus. Fine as new. [and] Die Wenzelsbibel: Erläuterungen zu den Illuminierten Seiten von Michaela Krieger und Gerhard Schmidt. Unter mitarbeit von Elfriede Gaál und Katharina Hranitzky. (Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1996.) 230pp. [with] Die Wenzelsbibel: Kommentar von Hedwig Heger, Ivan Halaváček, Gerhard Schmidt und Franz Unterkircher. Mit Kurzveiträgen von Katharina Hranitzky und Karel Stejskal. (Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1998.) 250pp.+239 b/w illus. 1981. [me0211] \2,000,000 173 風刺雑誌『パンチ』 1928年7月4日号-1954年6月30日号 合本76冊 一部欠号あり (magazines) Punch, or The London Charivari. July 4, 1928 (vol.175) through June 30, 1954 (vol. 226). Bound in 76. Lacking issue: in 1930; 8/6, 8/13. in 1935; 6/26, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7. in 1939; 1/18, 1/25, 2/15, 4/5, 4/12, 12/20. in 1940; 2/21, 3/6, 3/20, 3/27, 8/21, (9/30), 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/11. in 1944; 7/12. in 1947; 7/2. in 1951; 10/10, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19. [aj640] \800,000 31 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 国際稀覯本フェア目録 未掲載品 174 松川半山 ・著画 『童蒙畫引單語篇』 巻之一 明治七年 書肆 梅原亀七 (大坂東大組第十七區) 和装 一部ページ手彩色 拵秩入 27丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ 題簽部分欠、及び墨汚れ 裏表紙に墨で書込み 見返しタイトルページ余白一部欠 2ページ目に墨で書込み ページ余白少々汚れ Matsukawa,Hanzan (domo ebiki tanngohen) Vol.I. Osaka, 1874. 17.5x12cm. Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, darkened. Title label to the front board, partly missing and stained. Sumi-ink notation to rear board. Margin of title page partly missing. Sumi-ink notations to p.2. Pages sl.stained at the margin. With a new preserved case. [aj605] ¥12,600 175 W.E.グリフィス (日本の諺) (1924年頃) ジャパン・ソサエティ刊 ペーパー装 表紙、裏表紙にシミ 背部分裂け 後見返しにインクシミ及びインク書込(小)、書店印(小) Griffis,William Elliot Proverbs of Japan. A Little Picture of the Japanese Philosophy of Life as Mirrored in Their Proverbs. New York City: Japan Society, n.d. (c.1924) 39pp. 24x16.2cm. Paper cover booklet. Paper title label on front cover. Covers stained and spine partly torn. Small ink stained to rear flyleaf with small ink notation and a stamp of bookshop. [aj625] ¥18,900 176 ドン・カルロス・サイツ選 『日本古今物語』 1924年 クロース装 Seitz, Don C. (select & ed.) Monogatari. Tales from Old and New Japan. New York & London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1924. x,327pp. 22x14.5cm. Navy cloth with gilt titles. T.e.g., fore edge untrimmed. Ink inscription to front fly e.p. Spine browned, front top board edge sl.yapped, otherwise fine. [aj500] ¥10,500 177 ヒュー・コータッツィ編 『Mitford's Japan』 1985年 カバー有 Cortazzi, Hugh (ed.) Mitford's Japan. The Memoirs and Recollections, 1866-1906, of Algernon Bertram Mitford, the first Lord Redesdale. London and Dover NH: The Athlone Press, 1985. xxix,270pp. 22.2x14.5cm. Dustwrapper, blue boards with gilt title on spine. 8 plates and 1 map of Japan. Fine as new. [aj507] ¥8,400 178 エイミー・ローエル 『詩集』 1919年 クロース装 Lowell, Amy Pictures of the Floating World. New York: Macmillan, 1919. xx,257pp. + 6 leaves contains pulisher's ads. 18x11.5cm. Orange cloth backed board, original title labels on spine and front side. Topedge trimmed, others untrimmed. Spine sl.soiled and darkened. Bookplate on front pastedown, otherwise a fine copy. [aj511] ¥10,500 179 『Sketches and Reminiscences of The Radical Club』 1880年 クロース装 Sargent, Mrs. John (ed.) Sketches and Reminiscences of The Radical Club of Chestnut Street, Boston. Boston: James R. Osgood, 1880. xii,418pp. + 3 leaves. 19.3x13.5cm. Green cloth with gilt title stamped on spine. Frontispiece and 1 plate both with tissue guards. Pp.184-188 Reports on a lecture by E. S. Morse. Ex-library, plates on front pastedown and rear f.e.p., also has ink inscription. Both joint parts of e.ps. torn. Some scuffings and rubbing at cover boards, top end of spine sl.chipped and faded. Text pages fine. [aj512] ¥15,750 180 『ちりめん画帖』 ちりめん絵20枚 折帖装 金茶色の絹地張り表紙(角少々ほつれ、裏表紙絹地に小さな 穴) 紺地に金の衣地張り秩入 39.5x30cm. [aj698] ¥84,000 181 エドワード・グリー 『熊祭』 1884年 図版多数 Greey,Edward The Bear-Worshippers of Yezo and the Island of Karafuto (Saghalin) or the Adventures of the Jewett Family and Their Friend Oto Nambo. One Hundred and Eighty Illustrations by Rinzo and by Ichiske Hamada. Cover Designed and Drawn by the Author. Boston: Lee and Shepard, New York: Charles T.Dellingham, 1884. xiii,304pp. 23.3x17.5cm. Colored illus.on boards and spine, somewhat darkened and worn at edges. Joint of front e.p.partly torn. [aj216] ¥71,400 182 ジョン・バチェラー (著) 『アイヌの伝承と民俗』 1901年 クロース装 図版多数 口絵欠 Batchelor,John The Ainu and Their Folk-Lore. With One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Illustrations from Photographs, and from Sketches 32 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 by the Author. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1901. xxvi,603pp. 22x14.5cm. Brown cloth, gilt title and illus.of Ainu with motif on front board. Gilt title with motif on spine somewhat faded. Half title page and a frontis.('Pure Ainu') lacking but with xeroxed page. Small stamp (2x2cm) on title page. 161 & 535pp. Partly torn. Pencil notatioins to several pages. [aj214] ¥52,500 183 ジョン・バチェラー (著) 『北海道の竪穴居住者とアイヌ地名考』 1925年 ペーパー装 Batchelor,John The Pit-Dwellers of Hokkaido and Ainu Place-Names Considered. Sapporo, 1925. 48pp. 22.6x15.2cm. Printed wrappers. Title label on front cover, somewhat darkened. [aj215] ¥15,750 184 中村勝麻呂 (訳) 『井伊大老と開港』 明治42年 Nakamura,Katsumaro trans. Lord Ii Naosuké and New Japan. Translated and Adapted by Shunkichi Akimoto from Ii Tairo to Kaikō by Katsumaro Nakamura. 著作兼発行者:中村勝麻呂, ジャパン、タイムス社印刷, 明42 (1909). iv,187pp. 18.8x12cm. Dark blue cloth, gilt title on front board and spine. Frontis. Edges and flyleaves somewhat darkened. [aj262] ¥10,500 185 佐藤顯理 (訳) 『井伊大老伝』(英訳 島田三郎『開国始末』より) 1896年 印(小)有 Satoh,H trans. Agitated Japan. The Life of Baron II Kamon-No-Kami Maosuké. (Based on the Kaikoku Shimatsu of Shimada Saburō) Revised by Wm.Elliot Griffis. Tokio: Dai Nippon Kabushiki Kaisha(大日本圖書株式会社); Z.P.Maruya & Co., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1896. xxvi,144pp. 16x12.3cm. Brown cloth, darkened. With plates. Edges darkened. Ink ownership signature with a small stamp on front flyleaf. [aj261] ¥31,500 186 鹽谷榮 『忠臣蔵』 北星堂 1940年 Shioya,Sakae Chûshingura. An Exposition. Illustrated with Hiroshige's Coloured Plates. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1940. xii,236pp. 22.8x15.5cm. Dust wrapper darkened, chipped, and partly stained at the front. All edges spotted. [aj257] ¥15,750 187 F.V.ディキンズ (訳) 『忠臣蔵』 明治25年 改訂第3版 カラー図版 Dickins,Frederick V.trans. Chiushingura; or, The Loyal League. A Japanese Romance. With Notes and an Appendix Containing a Metrical Version of the Ballad of Takasago. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings on Wood, Drawn and Executed by Japanese Artists, and Printed on Japanese Paper. [The Japanese Library, 1] Yokohama et al.: Z.P.Maruya & Co.(丸善書店), Yokohama et al.: Kelly and Walsh, 明25. (1892) Third Edition, Revised. xi,227pp. 19.2x13.5cm. With colored plates. Dark red cloth, somewhat rubbed, gilt title and illus.on front board and gilt title on spine. All edge gray. [aj255] ¥21,000 188 C.W.ヒラリー 『初期の英日間交流』 1905年 ペーパー装 図版 Hillary,C.W. England's Earliest Intercourse with Japan. The First Englishman in Japan 1600-1620. With Four Full-Page Illustrations. London & Fellin-on-Tyne: The Walter Scott Publishing Co., 1905. 23pp. 18.4x12.4cm. Printed wrappers. Front covers sl.spotted. Small hole on p.17-rear cover. [aj232] ¥15,750 189 デ・ベンヴィル 『四谷怪談』 フィラデルフィア刊 1917年 De Benneville,James S. The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari. Takes of the Tokugawa. Retoled from the Japanese Originals by James S.De Benneville. Philadelphia: Press of J.B.Lippincott Co., 1917. 286pp. 20.8x16cm. With a colored frontis.and a map of Edo. Gray cloth, gilt title on front board and spine. A small stain on spine. Edges and rear e.p.sl.spotted. [aj253] ¥36,750 190 W.デニング 『豊臣秀吉の生涯』 1930年 第3版 図版 Dening,Walter The Life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Kobe: J.L.Thompson & Co., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1930. Third edition with Preface, Notes and an Appendix by M.E.Dening. vi,323pp. 23.3x16.5cm. With 8 plates including colored illus. Dust wrapper sunned and partly missing. Blue cloth. All edge somewhat spotted and colored plates sl.spotted. [aj251] ¥12,600 191 和田垣謙三 『英譯 落穂』 南北社 1919年 総革装 Wadagaki,K. Gleanings from Japanese Literature. Tokyo: Nampokusha (南北社), 1919. 387pp.+30pp.(addendum) 17x13cm. Bound in leather with title and emblem on front board and spine. Front flyleaf sl.sunned and partly torn at the joint. Top edge gilt and partly stained. With original case, sl.darkened and torn and partly repaired. [aj264] ¥15,750 192 エドワード・グリー 『恋の虜』 (馬琴「雲妙間雨夜月」より) 1886年 図版多数 著者識語入献呈本. Greey,Edward A Captive of Love. Founded upon Bakin's Japanese Romance Kumono Tayema Ama Yo No Tsuki (The Moon Shining 33 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 Through a Cloud-rift on a Rainy Night). Twenty-Six Illustrations from the Original Work. Boston: Lee and Shepard, New York: Charles T.Dellingham, 1886. 280pp. 19.2x13.5cm. Green cloth, rubbed and sl.torn at spine, title and gilt illus.on front board and spine. Flower printed e.ps. Edges sunned. This copy was presented from the author. [aj252] ¥31,500 193 F.V.ディキンズ (訳) 『忠臣蔵』 1910年 ペーパー装 図版 Dickins,Frederick Victor trans. Chiushingura; or, The Loyal League. A Japanese Romance. With Notes and an Appendix Containing The Ballad of Takasago. Illustrated After Japanese Originals. [Gowans's New Sixpenny Series, 1] London and Glasgow: Gowans and Gray, 1910. 115pp. 21x13.8cm. Printed wrappers. With illus. Colored illus.on front board, somewhat stained and sl.torn at edge. Spine missing and partly repaired with paper tapes. Rear board, edges, flyleaves, and title page somewhat darkened. [aj256] ¥10,500 194 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『詩の鑑賞』 1916年 初版 Hearn,Lafcadio Appreciation of Poetry. Selected and edited with an introduction by J.Erskine. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1916. First edition. xiv,408pp. Red cloth boards, paper title labels on spines (sunned). T.e.g. Joint of front e.p.started. Edges foxing. A small stamp on p.408. 23.5x16.5cm. [aj666] ¥10,500 195 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『東の国から』 1895年 Hearn,Lafcadio Out of The East. Reveries and Studies in New Japan. London and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co./ Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1895. 341pp. Yellow cloth (sl.darkened), silver lettering and motif on front board and spine. Top edge yellow. Edges foxing. Small ownership signature to front flyleaf. Cut off at the rear flyleaf. 18.5x12.7cm. [aj688] ¥21,000 196 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 『島根九州だより』 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters from Shimane and Kyūshū. Kyoto: The Sunward Press, 昭9 向日庵私版・初版 函付 壽岳文章 校訂兼發行者 71pp. This edition, now first reprinted from the Japan Weekly Mail in which they first appeared, was privately printed for Dr. Sanki Ichikawa. The get-up was done by Bunsho Jugaku of the Sunward Press in collaboration with Keisuke Serizawa who stencilled and dyed the cover and drew numerous tail-peices in the text. The edition is limited to 100 copies and this copy is No. 35. With a slip case. Very fine. 26.4x19.3cm. [s01413] ¥367,500 197 Hearn,Lafcadio Gombo Zhèbes. Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs. Selected from Six Creole Dialects. Translated into French and into English, with Notes, Complete Index to Subjects and Some Brief Remarks upon the Creole Idioms of Louisiana by Lafcadio Hearn. New York: Will H.Coleman, 1885. 42pp. With olive cloth. Gilt title to front cover. 22x17.3cm. Rubbed to front board. [s04578] ¥105,000 198 Hearn,Lafcadio Frisson. Martinique Sketches. Citations from the Book "Two Years in the French West Indies" by Lafcadio Hearn. Arrangement by Bob Macaulay. 西宮與作, 昭13. Illustrated book. Blue cloth. Several pages sl.spotted. 23.5x18cm. [s02532] ¥39,900 199 エリザベス・ビスランド (編) 『小泉八雲日本書簡集』 1910年 Bisland,Elizabeth ed. The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an introduction by Elizabeth Bisland. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1910. (published Nov.1910) lx,468pp.+plates. With illus. Dark green cloth, gilt title to cover and spine. Red「小泉」motif to cover. t.e.g. Edges light foxing. Spine sl.darkened and sl.rubbed at edge. 22.4x15.5cm. [aj669] ¥15,750 200 小泉一雄 『ヘルンに宛てたチャンバレン教授の手紙』 『ヘルンに宛てたチャンバレン教授、外山博士、坪内博士の手紙』 Chamberlain,Basil Hall, et al. Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn. [and] More Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn, and Letters from M.Toyama, Y.Tsubouchi and Others. Compiled by Kazuo Koizumi. 北星堂, 雄松堂, 1992. 第3刷 iv,158pp.+plates./ viii,208pp.+plates. Frontis. and 10 and 9 b/w photo. With slip case. 2vols. Fine as new. [s01893] ¥21,000 201 G. グールド 『小泉八雲論』 1908年 米国版初版 Gould,Geroge M. Concerning Lafcadio Hearn. With a bibliography by Laura Stedman. Philadelphia: Geroge M.Jacobs & Co., 1908. (published May 1908) First edition. 416pp.+plates. With a frontis.and 6 illus. Brown cloth spine with gilt title. Tan paper covered boards, sunned. Front and rear hinge 34 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 damaged. Pictorial ownerhip stamped to front e.p.with a clipped article (about this book) pasted. [aj677] ¥10,500 202 Ichiro Nisizaki (西崎一郎) ed. Lafcadio Hearn's American Articles. The New Radiance and Other Scientific Sketches.・Buying Christmas Toys and Other Essays.・Oriental Articles.・Literary Essays.・Barbarous Barbers and Other Stories. 5 vols 北星堂 1992. 第3刷 With preserve box. Cloth, top edge black. P.box sl. stained and rubbed. [s04581] ¥15,750 203 Kirkwood,Kenneth P. Unfamiliar Lafcadio Hearn. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1936. xiii,97pp.+plates. With a frontis.and 5 illus. d.w. [s01400] ¥18,900 204 小泉セツ 『思い出の記』 1918年 Koizumi,Setsuko (Mrs.Hearn) Reminiscences of Lafcadio Hearn. Translated from the Japanese by Paul Kiyoshi Hisada and Frederick Johnson. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co./ Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1918. (published Sept.1918) viii,87pp. Navy blue cloth boards, silver title in Japanese (「小泉八雲」) to front board and English title to spine. Edges light foxing. Ex-libris and many ownership signature to front e.p. A small stain to rear e.p. 19.1x13.3cm. [aj686] ¥21,000 205 マックウィリアムズ 『小泉八雲』 1946年 McWilliams,Vera Lafcadio Hearn. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946. ix,464pp. Creme cloth with red lettering. Dust wrapper sunned. Edges foxing. ¥15,750 [aj672] 206 野口米次郎 1912年 欧文(英語)和装本 Noguchi,Yone The Pilgrimage. New York: Mitchell Kennerley / London: Elkin Mathews, 1912. 142pp.+appendix. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding (sl.started) with brown paper board. Colored frontis. Edges, e.ps., half title page and frontis.foxing. 19x13.2cm. [aj689] ¥15,750 207 パーキンス (著) 市河三喜 (緒言) 『小泉八雲書誌』 Perkins,P.D. / Perkins,Ione Lafcadio Hearn: A Bibliography of His Writings. With an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1934. xvii,444pp.+plates. Cloth, slip case. forntis. and 5illus. 25.5x18.4cm. Spine sunned. Slip-case partly sunned and chipped. [s04579] ¥84,000 208 スティーブンソン 『小泉八雲』 1961年 Stevenson,Elizabeth Lafacadio Hearn. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1961. First printing. xvi,362pp. Frontis. Dust wrapper somewhat rubbed at edge and partly darkened. 24x16cm. [aj671] ¥21,000 209 ティンカー 『小泉八雲 アメリカの日々』 1924年 Tinker,Edward Larocque Lafcadio Hearn's American Days. Designed and illustrated by the Author. NY: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1924. xiv,374pp.Brown cloth backed brown paper boards, colored top edge. Pictorial e.ps. Fore and bottom edges untrimed and light foxing. Spine sl.faded. 22.3x15cm. [aj670] ¥26,250 210 ティンカー 『小泉八雲 アメリカの日々』 1970年 Tinker, Edward Larocque Lafcadio Hearn's American Days. Designed and illustrated by the Author. Gale Research Com.,1970. Reprinted. xiv,382pp.Cloth. With a lot of illus. Top edge somewhat spotted. [s04575] ¥12,600 211 Yu,Beongcheon An Ape of Gods. The Art and Thought of Lafcadio Hearn. Wayne State UP, 1964. xiv,346pp. Dustwrapper,cloth. Top edge black. Spine of dw. sunned. Fore edge somewhat stained. 212 佐藤春夫 (訳)『小泉八雲 初期文集 尖塔登攀記 外四編』 白水社 昭9 限定1000部 (117番)・函 101pp. With a slip case. A colored frontis. 27.2x20cm. [s01412] [s04576] ¥18,900 ¥15,750 213 ルイス・キャロル 『牧師館の雨傘』・『ごったまぜ』 1932年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 Carroll, Lewis The Rectory Umbrella and Mischmasch. With a Foreword by Florence Milner. London: Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1932. First published. xiii,193pp. 21.7x18cm. Dustwrapper, blue cloth illustrated boards. With many b/w illust. Top-edge darkened. D.w.spine browned, and its ends chipped. Edges and some pages (including tp and half tp) sl.soiled. [aj471] ¥15,750 214 Frost, Robert A Further Range. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1936. First Printing. 35 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 102pp. 22.5x14.5cm. Bound in red cloth, gilt title on spine and front side. Dustwrapper. Top-edge red. D.w. a bit sunned, otherwise fine. [aj446] ¥21,000 215 Frost, Robert A Masque of Reason. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1945. First Printing. 23pp. 21.8x14.3cm. Bound in Navy cloth with gilt title on spine, dustwrapper. Slightly sunned, d.w. partly chipped, but a fine copy. [aj440] ¥21,000 216 Harte, Francis Bret By Shore and Sedge. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1885. First edition, first printing. 260pp. 15x11cm. Brown embossed cloth board, gilt lettering. All-edges colored, orange. Bookplate on front pastedown. Previous owner's inscription on f.f.e.p. Spine rubbed and sl.faded. Some light stains to fore edge, otherwise fine. [aj478] ¥5,250 217 Howells, W. D. My Mark Twain. Reminiscences and Criticisms. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1910. First edition. 187pp. 21.5x14cm. Bounding in green cloth with decorative title in gilt and red. T.e.g., others untrimmed. 6 plates. 2 frontispiece of the author and Mark Twain. Previous owner's inscription embossed at f.f.e.p. Some ink notations and underlines. [aj487] ¥5,250 218 D.H.ロレンス 『海とサルデーニャ』 1921年 初版 背クロース装 Lawrence, D.H. Sea and Sardinia. With Eight Pictures in Color by Jan Juta. N.Y.: Thomas Seltzer, 1921. First edition. 355pp. 24x17cm. Bounding in green boards backed in cream cloth with original title label. 8 colored plates, plus one map. Deckle edges. Line 3 on page 127 printed upside down. The page of "List of illustrations" missing and title page after contents (second half tp) partly missing. Spine sl. darkened, boards edges worn, and some light stains. Bookplate on front pastedown. Guards of both e.ps. chipped because of ages, but not loosen. Inside is sound. [aj464] ¥21,000 219 D.H.ロレンス 『メキシコの朝』 1927年 クロース装 Lawrence, D.H. Mornings in Mexico. London: Martin Secker, 1927. First edition. 177pp. 21x15.5cm. Original mustard yellow cloth, gilt title on spine. Top-edge colored, others untrimmed. Top-edge sl. faded, otherwise a fine copy. [aj459] ¥21,000 220 D.H.ロレンス 『三色菫』 1929年 カバー有、クロース装 Lawrence, D.H. Pansies. Poems. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1929. xiv,202pp. 21x14.5cm. This collection, containing one hundred and fifty poems never before published in book form, is the first book of new poems to be issued by Mr.Lawrence in six years. Dustwrapper, decorative orange cloth board. Top-edge colored. Portrait on half-title page. Pictorial title page. D.w.spine sunned, guard of front endpaper sl. torn, otherwise a fine copy. [aj461] ¥21,000 221 D.H.ロレンス (戯曲集) 1933年 カバー有、クロース装 Lawrence, D.H. The Plays of D.H. Lawrence. London: Martin Secker, 1933. First edition. 312pp. + 4pp of ads. 19.5x13.5cm. Dustwrapper, original green cloth boared with title label on spine. Top-edge green. D.w.spine end chipped, light spotting to flaps. Otherwise a fine copy. [aj463] ¥21,000 222 ヴェーチェル・リンジー 『詩集』 1923年 限定400冊、No.120 背クロース装 署名入り Lindsay, Vachel Collected Poems. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923. xv, 390pp. 24.5x16.7cm. [Of this autographed edition of VACHEL LINDSAY'S COLLECTED POEMS 400 copies have been printed, of which this is Number 120 ] One of 400 limited copies signed by the author. Light blue paper board, quarter cloth. Original title labels on front side and spine. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Some pages still unopened. Cover partly sun-browned. Boards' edges worn and sl.chipped. Spine ends rubbed and a bit faded. Spine label darkened and partly chipped. Page 92-93 light foxing, a couple of tiny stains on front pastedown. [aj479] ¥15,750 223 レベッカ・ウェスト 『エレジー』 1930年 限定250冊、No.136 クロース装 署名入り West, Rebecca Elegy. New York: Phoenix Book Shop Inc., 1930. 30pp. 21.5x14cm. [This edition is consists of two hundred and fifty copies numbered 1-250 for sale. - All copies are signed by the author. This is number 136 ] Original tan cloth board with gilt title on front side. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Book-shop plate on rear pastedown. Cover darkened, especially to spine. Otherwise a fine copy. [aj480] ¥21,000 224 『松花箋』 Ayscough,Florence trans. Fir-Flower Tablets. Poems Translated from the Chinese by Florence Ayscough. English Versions by Amy Lowell. London: Constable & Co. (on title page), Houghton Miflin Co. (on spine), 1922. xciii,227pp. 20.5x13.5cm. Dark brown cloth spine with red paper over boards. Gold titling on 36 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 the spine. Top edge red. With a frontis.(map of China) and 2 plates. Presentation copy, signed by Florence Ayscough to front e.p. Front and rear boards sl.rubbed and worn at edge. Spine, edges and e.ps. foxing. Pencil notations to several pages and some pages sl.stained at margin. [aj333] ¥8,400 225 Ayscough,Florence A Chinese Mirror. Being Reflections of the Reality Behind Appearance. With Drawings by Lucille Douglass. London: Janathan Cape, Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1925. First published. 464pp.+1 map. 23.3x16.7cm. Black cloth spine with color decorated boards. Dark yellow illustrated dust wrapper. E.ps.light foxing. [aj336] ¥15,750 226 Menpes,Mortimer China. Text by Sir Henry Arthur Blake. [Menpes Crown Series] London: Adam and Charles Black, 1909. vii,137pp. 25.8x19.5cm. Blue cloth, gilt titles on front board and spine. With 16 colored plates and 64 Facsimile Reproductions in Black and White. Edges light spotted and e.ps.light foxing. [aj338] ¥15,750 227 Morse,Edward S. Glimpses of China and Chinese Homes. Illustrated from Sketches in the Author's Journal. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1902. xv,216pp. 20.8x14.2cm. Blue cloth with picture of Chinese rooftops on front board and Chinese boat on spine. T.e.g. Edges of boards sl.rubbed. Ink notation to front e.p. Pages light foxing. [aj334] ¥21,000 228 Waley,Arthur The Life and Times of Po Chü-I, 772-846 A.D. With Translations of 100 New Poems. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1949. First published. 238pp.+1 map. 24x16.2cm. Blue cloth , edges sl.rubbed. Gilt titles on spine and Chinese letter (「白樂天」) on front board. Dust wrapper somewhat faded, partly chipped and stained. Light stained to e.ps.and title page. Pages light foxing. [aj335] ¥10,500 229 Willoughby,Westel W. Foreign Rights and Interests in China. [Semicentennial Publications of The Johns Hopkins University] In 2 vols. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1927. Revised and enlarged edition. ("Second edition"to spine) xxxvi,543pp./ xvii,544-1153pp. 23.7x16.2cm. Dark brown cloth, sl.worn at corners. Edges foxing and light stained. E.ps.of each vol.foxing and light damp stained. Pages light foxing. Small name stamped to half title pages of each vol. [aj339] ¥8,400 230 『中国美術史』 Sirén,Osvald Chinese Painting: Leading Masters and Principles. Part I; The First Millennium. In 3 vols. London: Lund Humphries, 1956. Vol.I: Early Chinese Paintings. (xi,235pp. With colored frontis.and b/w illus.) Vol.II: The Sung Period. (vi,189pp.+ annotated lists 95pp. With colored frontis.and b/w illus.) Vol.III: Plates. (xviii pp.+ 372 b/w plates.) 28.5x23cm. Bound with red cloth, gilt title to front board and spine. Edges light foxing. Light stained to some pages of each vol. With slip cases (partly stained and rubbed). [aj697] ¥52,500 37 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 231 『ベデカー旅行ガイド ロシア』 1912 年 ドイツ語版 7 版 赤クロース装 (折り込み地図、詳細地図、建築間取り図) Baedeker,Karl Russland nebst Teheran, Port Arthur, Peking. Handbuch für Reisende mit 40 Karten, 67 Plänen und 11 Grundrissen. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1912. Siebente Auflage (7th edition). lxii, 570pp.(including: 40 maps, 67 plans & 11 floor plans) 11x16cm. Original red cloth, somewhat spotted. Gilt title to front boards and spine. All edges marbled, foxing. [aj699] ¥52,500 232 『C.ディケンズ自筆署名入書簡 額装済』 Dickens,Charles Short autograph letter to the actress Anne Romer (Mark Lemon's sister-in-law): I am heartily glad of the success of "our" efforts, and heartily with you all success at the Haymarket'. Published in the Nonesuch edition, "Letters", ii,248. Devonshire Terrace, 6 December 1850. \315,000 233 『T.ハーディ自筆署名入書簡 額装済』 Hardy,Thomas An attractive single-page letter (3 lines): I have obtained from Dorchester the promised paper, and enclose it to you herewith.' Savile Club, 12 June 1889. \210,000 234 小泉一雄(解説及編輯)『小泉八雲秘稿畫本 妖魔詩話』 限定500部(451部) 函付 (Hearn,Lafcadio) Kazuo,Koizumi ed. Japanese Goblin Poetry. 小山書店 昭9 [s02551] \210,000 235 D.H.ロレンス 『死んだ男』 ジョン・ファーレイ 挿絵 Lawrence,D.H.The Man Who Died. With illustrations drawn and engraved on the wood by John Farleigh. Type format arranged by J. H. Mason. Printed by W.Lewis at Cambridge. London: William Heinemann, 1935. 64pp. 28.2x20.8cm. Cloth backed marble boards. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed and sl.darkened. Edges sl.foxing. [yy103] ¥50,400 236 D.H.ロレンス 『乾し草小屋の恋』 限定 1600 部、No.254. Lawrence,D.H. Love Among The Haystacks & Other Pieces. With a reminiscence by David Garnett. London: The Nonsuch Press, 1930. xiii,96pp. [This edition printed in Caslon Monotype on Auvergne hand-made paper at The Curwen Press, is limited to sixteen hundred copies, of which five hundred and fifty are for sale in the United States by Random House. This is number 254.] Yellow cloth, lether title label to linen spine. Uncut and mostly unopened. Edges and e.ps. Somewhat foxing. [yy106] ¥12,600 38 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 39 小川図書 ☎03-3262-0908 英文学・英語学・日本学・洋雑誌 有限会社 小 川 図 書 〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町 2-7 TEL 03-3262-0908 FAX 03-3264-0734 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ 営業時間…10:30~18:30 定休日…日曜、祝祭日 40
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