H28 年度 新規 オーストラリア 入退出自由 サザンクロス大学(SCU) 私費留学説明会 日時:平成 28 年5月20日(金) 16:20 ~ 17:10 場所:C27(一般教育棟 C 棟2階) サザンクロス大学(SCU)への私費 留学(コース概要、生活や費用等)につ いて、サザンクロス大学の担当者が 説明します。 オーストラリアの2つの州に 3 キャンパス ○ゴールドコーストキャンパス:ビジネス,観光、IT,法律、文学、健康、福祉 ○リズモアキャンパス:ビジネス、健康科学、文学、福祉、アボリジニ学、環境 興味のある方は是非ご参加ください! グローバル・パートナーズ主催 問合わせ: グローバル・パートナーズ事務部スタディ・アブロード部門 TEL: 086-251-7037 Email: [email protected] ウェブサイト: http://ouic.okayama-u.ac.jp/japanese/exchange/index.html グローバル・パートナーズスタディ・アブロード部門 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/intprogram.okayama.u STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA 2016 オーストラリア認定留学 国立サザンクロス大学 ここ数年、認定留学を利用して海外の大学で単位を取得する学生が増えてきました。 オーストラリア、サザンクロス大学ではこうした学生の要望に応えて1年間の認定 留学コースを提案、提供しています。サザンクロス大学は オーストラリアの 大学の中でもとてもユニークな場所に位置しています。サーフィンビーチなどの美しい海 にも近く、 また熱帯雨林に囲まれた国立公園など美し い環境の中にあります。 ミュージック、 フィルムフェスティバルなど文化的な行事も定期的に開催されています。 リズモアキャンパス ゴールドコーストか ら1時間半ほど内陸に位置している人口46000人のリズモアの 街にあるメインキャンパスは世界遺産にも指定さ れている美しい自然に囲まれた 地域にあります。バイロンベイの美しいビーチにも近くリズモアの周りにはブッシュ ウォーキング、滝、美 しい公園など素晴らしい景色も楽しむことができます。75ヘク タールの広大な大学 キャンパスの中には最新の設備を誇る図書館、科学実験設備、 ミュージックホール、 カフェテリア、 スポーツ施設などが利用できます。ビジネス、 健康科学、看護、文学、福祉、民俗、環境、エンジニアリングなどが学べます。 U AUSTRALIA Queensland Brisbane Gold Coast Lismore Coffs Harbour New South Wales Sydney ゴールドコースト キャンパス ブリスベンから約1時間、70キロに及ぶ海岸線が続くゴールドコーストはテーマパー ク、 ショッピングセンター、 カジノ、 レストラン、ホテ ルが 並ぶリゾート地帯で2018年 のコモンウェルスゲームも開催地です。 ここ にサザンクロス大学の最新の設備を誇 る新しいキャンバスがあります。 ここにはビジネス、観光、IT、法律、看護、健康、文学、 福祉などが学べます。 留学生サポート3年連続ナンバーワン 海 外 留 学 生 の 大 学 評 価 バロメター ランキングでは2013年から2015年 の3年連続でオーストラリアのすべて の大学の中で1位の評価を得ていま す。初年度のオリエンテーションから 始まり終了時のフェアウエルパーティ に至るまで大学のスタッフ、教授陣全 員が皆さんを年間を通して応援、サ ポートを提供します。SCUは授業だけ でなく年間を通してバライエティに富 んだ課外活動も用意しています。 フレイザーアイランド、中央オースト ラリアとエアーズロック、 ゴールドコー スト、 ミニョンフォール、スクーバーダ イビング、スキー旅行、バイロンベイ のサーフィングと多彩なプログラムを 用意しています。 About Southern Cross University Oceane Arnaud Southern Cross University is a vibrant, contemporary Australian university with campuses at the Gold Coast, Lismore, Coffs Harbour and Sydney. The University operates The Hotel School Sydney in partnership with Mulpha Australia and in 2014 has expanded its operations with a new Sydney branch campus. “Coming to Southern Cross distance University’s Gold Coast campus has from been a wonderful experience for me. Gold Coast Airport My focus is on tourism and event Lismore Southern Cross University collaborates with international studies so the location is just perfect institutions in the delivery of courses in China, Singapore, New Zealand andgives Papua Newme Guinea. The University has a strong to and the opportunity Coffs student focus and takes pride in the quality of its lecturers, Harbour many of whommore are leadersabout in their fields. learn the dynamic event Southern Cross University is in a unique part of Australia where students can accessin some of theregion.” best surfing beaches and Sydney industry the We welcome students from throughout the world and offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses in an inspiring and supportive learning environment. Our degrees are delivered across a broad range of disciplines, and are designed in consultation with industry. Many involve work placements and internships and other forms of hands-on learning to produce work-ready graduates. marine environments in the country. World Heritage rainforest areas and national parks are also regional attractions — perfect for bushwalking and camping experiences. Brisbane Sydney 1.05 hrs drive (98.9 km) 9.32 hrs drive (825 km) International air, rail and coach services; local bus services 2.18 hrs drive (199 km) 8.38 hrs drive (739 km) Interstate air, rail and coach services; local bus services 4.29 hrs drive (392 km) 6.02 hrs drive (532 km) Interstate air, rail and coach services; local bus services 10.33 hrs drive (923 km) - Transport available Full services Please note: All driving distances and times are approximate. Times sourced from Google Maps, June 2014. Page 2 & your degree Our innovative, inspiring and industry-relevant courses can transform your talent, interests and passion into a university qualification to equip you for your future career. The suite of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees within this study guide are delivered through our Academic Schools by staff who are committed to helping you succeed. Apply now to study in 2015. Important Notices 1. This publication is a guide to Southern Cross University and the undergraduate and postgraduate studies offered by the University. The information set out in this publication is an expression of intent only and should not be taken as a firm offer or undertaking. The information contained in this publication is correct at time of printing and the University reserves the right to make alterations to any information contained within this publication without notice. Copyright Southern Cross University June 2014. 2. This publication is intended for international students only. Australian domestic students should rely on the information on the SCU website scu.edu.au 3. Testimonials used in this prospectus were current at the time of interview. CRICOS Provider: 01241G ore ation studying at SCU dation options on d Coffs Harbour e accommodation nistays for those pus at Lismore or on campus or off d to supply their nkets, pillows, quirements ockery and kitchen der/can opener/ g knives etc). u Village sity works closely dation specialists, s. offs Harbour, accommodation m classes. Both earn, Grow’ is designed to w people, support op life skills to use nd beyond. From ting competitions, d essay writing e provides the arning experience. sistant teams, duty manager le to provide udents settle into 認定留学Aコース TOEFL550、あるいはIELTS6.0 (no band less than 5.5) を満たした学生が対象。 英語研修は必要なく初めからSouthern Cross Universityの授業を受講することができる。 比較的にレベルの高いコース。 オーストラリア認定留学 国立サザンクロス大学 認定留学Cコース 認定留学Bコース TOEFL527、あるいはIELTS5.5 (no band less than 5.0) を取得した学生が対象。 SCU付属の英語学校で10週間のEAP コースを受講し合格した後に大学の授業 を受講することができる。 TOEFL500、あるいはIELTS5.0 (no band less than 4.5) を取得した学生が対象。 SCU付属の英語学校で20週間のEAP コースを受講し合格した後に大学の授業 を受講することができる。 Study areas APPLY 1 Choose your units: Submit your application 2留学カレンダー2016-17年度 Business Accounting Digital Marketing 1 session の授業料 Finance Complete the International Application for Admission form. Human Resource Management Visit: scu.edu.au/studyabroad International Business リズモア 2016年度 学士課程 大学院課程 2016年度 Session 1 *Session 3 Marketing Accept your Offer Session 2 リズモアキャンパスにはオリオン、 シリウス、マジェランと 3 Unit コース AU $6000 AU $6810 Creative & Performing Arts Successful applicants an Offer via email. Accept your Offer スタート日 2月29日 will receive 7月11日 10月31日 Contemporary Music Performance いう3つの学生寮SCU Villageがあります。 どれも大学の教 by paying the Tuition Fee and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). 4 Unit コース AU $7500 AU $9080 Music Production 終了日 6月9日 2月10日 室から徒歩圏内にあります。モダンなアパートメントスタイ Apply for your visa 10月20日 Photography Visual Arts ルで施設の中にはプール、 レクレーションルーム、洗濯室、 Study Abroadプログラムでは自分の大学の専門と Once your acceptance is confirmed, you will be issued an electronic 2017年度 Session 1 Session 2 can apply *Session 3 Environmental Science & Engineering Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) so you for a student visa. は違った教科を選ぶことも可能。 インターネットアクセス、 スタディルームなどが揃っていま ただし大学の認定を受 Civil Engineering スタート日 2月27日 7月10日 11月6日 す。 またリズモアでは優良なオーストラリア人のホームス Coastal Management けるときは専門に近い教科である必要もあるので自分 Environmental Science テイも紹介できます。 の 大学に事前に確認することが必要。 終了日 6月10日 10月21日 Postgraduate 2月10日 2015 Undergraduate Fisheries and Aquaculture Management 3 unit course AU $6000 AU $6810 Forestry and Land Management Marine Science 4 unit course AU $7500 AU $9080 *Session 3は限られた教科のみになります ゴールドコースト Health & Human Science 大学付属英語学校 Midwifery 学生寮はないのでオーストラリアの家庭のホームステイ、 週AUNursing $330 (20 hours face-to-face study plus オーストラリアの大学は 通常は2学期制で前期が2月の中 シェアハウスなどを紹介できます。 Nutrition 5 hours self-study) 旬にスタートし後期は6月下旬にスタート。 また受講する教 2015 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Occupational Therapy Osteopathy Orientation 09 February 15 June 12 October 科に よっては10月初旬に開講する第3学期の受講も可能。 Pedorthic Studies 通常オーストラリアの学生は4Unitを取得しますが、認定留 Session starts 16 February 22 June 19 October Podiatry 学の学生は比較的時間に余裕のある3Unitコースと普通の Exams 21 May – 30 May 24 September – 21 January 2016 – Psychology 2017年度の認定留学の授業料はホームページで確認し 3 October 30 January 2016 Speech Pathology 4Unitコースから選ぶことができます。 両方ともに学生ビザの てください。 Sport and Exercise Science 対象になります。 サザンクロス大学付属の英語学校は3都市 Information Technology (リズモア、 ゴールドコースト、 コフスハーバー)にあり希望に Contemporary Issues in Multimedia and Information Technology よりキャンパスを選ぶことができます。 Information Systems Information Technology Law & Justice Studies OrionHarbour College, Lismore Carina College, Coffs Harbour Magellan College, Lismore Carina College, Coffs Magellan College, Lismore Contract Law Environmental Law Legal Research and Writing »» Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Accommodation Legal Processes Humanities & Social Sciences » Forestry and Land Management »» Contract Law Lismore Off »campus — uniStays Lismore Lismore and Off campus — uniStays Cultural Studies Coffs Harbour A year-round online service called SCU Village at Lismore offers a range A year-round online service called SCU Village at Lismore offers a range »» Marine Science Health and DisabilityLaw Studies »» Environmental UniStays is available at the University’s International students at studying atUniStays SCU of two-to-six-bedroom apartments at is available at the University’s of two-to-six-bedroom apartments Indigenous Studies campuses to help students find cancalled choose accommodation options on locations,find called Orion, Sirius campuses to three help students three locations, Orion, Sirius » » Legal Research and Writing Journalism and Communications » » Accounting private rental and other off-campus in All Lismore andare Coffs Harbour colleges. All colleges are private rentaland andMagellan other off-campus and Magellancampus colleges. colleges accommodation at the Gold Coast, Media and Design SCU distance Village, or the accommodation located within accommodation at the Goldwalking Coast, distance from located withinwith walking from » » Midwifery » » Legal Processes » » Digital Marketing Lismore and Coffs Harbour. service provided by Unistays for those Facilities vary at each college, Lismore and classes. Coffs Harbour. Social Work classes. Facilities vary at each college, wanting to live off campus or but may include in-room internet access, *Fees are scu.edu.au/accommodation correct at time of printing (October 2014) and are subject to change. Students may also need to pay for scu.edu.au/accommodation but may include in-room internet access,at Lismore Tourism & Hospitality »» Nursing additional non-tuition fees, to cover textbooks, stationery or equipment costs. Harbour.rooms and » Coffs Finance swimming pool, recreation rooms and swimming » pool, recreation Casino and Gaming on-site laundries. Residents can alsoThis publication GoldisCoast a guide to Southern Cross University Study Abroad program. The information set out in this Whether students on campusGold or off Coast on-site laundries. Residents canlive also » expression Nutrition Convention and Event Management »» Cultural Studies is » an of has intent only and should not be taken as a firm offer or undertaking. The information enjoy a range of new and improved publicationThe »» campus, Human Management theyimproved willResource need to supplyThe their enjoy a range of new and Gold Coast area a range Gold Coast area has a range contained in this publication is correct at time of printing and the University reserves the right to make alternation to Hotel Management facilities, including modern apartments own linen (sheets, blankets, pillows, facilities, including modern apartments of private housing options, from full of private housing options, from full »»contained Occupational Therapy information within this publication without notice. Copyright Southern Cross University October 2014. » » Health and Disability Studies and bathrooms, revamped common any areas, International Hospitality Management Tourism »» towels) International Business and kitchen requirements and bathrooms, revamped common areas, board with private residents, to hostel board with private residents, to hostel Visit: search.scu.edu.au/units 宿泊 認定留学授業料 3 4 Study Abroad tuition fees* Teaching calendar Find out more W: scu.edu.au/studyabroad E: [email protected] Study areas Business Law & Justice Studies Health & Human Science Humanities & Social Sciences is intended for international students only. Australian domestic students should rely on the information a study room, outdoor entertainmentThis publication cutlery, crockery andaccommodation, kitchen a study room,(saucepans, outdoor entertainment accommodation, units, houses and units, houses and on the SCU website scu.edu.au SCU5171 areas and movie facilities. utensils such as colander/can opener/ areas and movie facilities. sharing a house or unit with others. sharing a house or unit with others. spatula/tongs/chopping knives etc). Refer to the information in ‘Off campus - 01241G Refer to the information in ‘Off campus CRICOS Provider: Coffs Harbour Coffs Harbour Unistays’ in the section above. Unistays’ in the section above. On campus SCu Village SCU Village at Coffs Harbour provides SCU Village at Coffs Harbour—provides Students can use the online Students can use the online modern, four-bedroom apartments and Southern Cross University closely modern, four-bedroom apartments and works UniStays UniStays service to find private rental service to find private rental a recreation lounge located a short walk with student a recreation lounge locatedaccommodation a short walk specialists, accommodation. accommodation. from any part of the campus. With just 96 Living Villages. from any partCampus of the campus. With just 96 Alternatively, online searches at sites Alternatively, residents, online searches at sites the Coffs SCU Village offers an residents, theAt Coffs Village bothSCU Lismore andoffers Coffsan Harbour, such as www.gumtree.com.au or www. such as www.gumtree.com.au or www. inclusive and friendly community where inclusive and students friendly community where enjoy quality accommodation realestate.com.au and using real estate realestate.com.au andcan using real estate residents feel right at home. residents canjust feelminutes right at away home.from classes. Both agents are also a good way to find agents are also a good way to find villages offer a ‘Live, Learn, Grow’ For more information regarding accommodation. For more information regarding accommodation. residential life program is designed to on-campus accommodation at Lismore on-campus accommodation at Lismore help students meet new people, support and Coffs Harbour call: Homestay and Coffs Harbour call: Homestay their studies and develop life skills to use SCU Village, Lismore campus: Homestay provides accommodation with SCU Village, Lismore campus: Homestay provides accommodation with throughout university and beyond. From 02 6621 2343 a local Australian family and is designed 02 6621 2343 a local Australian family and is designed social events and sporting competitions, to improve language proficiency and SCU Village, Coffs Harbour campus: to improve language proficiency and SCU Village, Coffs Harbour campus: to cooking classes and essay writing assist students to integrate in to the 02 6659 3703 02 6659 3703workshops, SCU Village providesassist the students to integrate in to the Australian lifestyle. It is available to scuvillage.com.au Australian lifestyle. It is available to complete living and learning experience. scuvillage.com.au English language students at the Gold English language students at the Gold Dedicated resident assistant teams, Coast, Lismore and Coffs Harbour. Coast, Lismore and Coffs Harbour. as well as an evening duty manager scu.edu.au/englishlanguage scu.edu.au/englishlanguage at Lismore, are available to provide assistance and help students settle into *Fees are correct at time of printing (April 2015) and are subject to their new community. »» Marketing Creative & Performing Arts »» »» »» »» Contemporary Music Performance Music Production Photography Visual Arts Environmental Science & Engineering »» Civil Engineering »» Coastal Management »» Environmental Science Contact details: Kazuhiro Araki | National Manager, Japan [email protected] Military Road, East Lismore NSW 2480 »» »» »» »» »» Osteopathy Pedorthic Studies Podiatry Psychology Speech Pathology Sport and Exercise Science Information Technology »» C ontemporary Issues in Multimedia and Information Technology »» Information Systems »» Information Technology »» »» »» »» Indigenous Studies Journalism and Communications Media and Design Social Work Tourism & Hospitality »» »» »» »» Casino and Gaming Convention and Event Management Hotel Management International Hospitality Management Tourism change. *T his publication is a guide to Southern Cross University Study Abroad program. The information contained in this publication is correct at time of printing and the University reserved the right to make alteration to any information contained within the publication without notice.
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