CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.510 2010 no.1811 ◆◆◇◇ BIBLIOGRAPHY ◇◇◆◆ ●○ Bibliography ○● 1 BLAKE (W.): BUTLIN (M.) WILLIAM BLAKE. A Complete Catalogue of the Works in the Tate Gallery. London: The Tate Gallery, 1971. numerous photo plates. 164pp. 4to. dw. 2 CLANCHY (M.T.) FROM MEMORY TO WRITTEN RECORD. England 1066-1307. Bath: Edward Arnold. 1979. 330pp. 3 3,000 3,000 DISEGNI NEI MANOSCRITTI LAURENZIANI SEC.X-ZVII. Catalogo a Cura di Francesco Gurrieri. Firenze, ottobre 1979 - febbario 1980Firenze: L.S.Olschk,1979. many b/w illustrations. 307pp. pb. 4 4,000 FERGUSON (E.S.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY. The Society for the History of Technology, 1968. xx,347pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5 GALLE (E.) ECRITS POUR L'ART. Floriculture - art Decoratif Notices D'exposition 18841889. Marseille: Laffitte reprins,1980. ponly 500 copies. vi,382pp. 6 3,000 4,000 LANDWEHR (J.) GERMAN EMBLEM BOOKS 1531-1888. A Bibliography. Utrecht: Haentjens Dekker, 1972. 184pp. roy.8vo. 7,000 -1- 7 PARMEGIANI (A.) LES PETITS FRANCAIS ILLUSTRES 1860-1940. Editions du cercle de la Librairie.1989. 303pp. pb. 8 5,000 ROTHSCHILD ( CATALOGUE DES LIVRES COMPOSANT LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DE FEU M.LE BARON JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD. (1884) N.Y.: B.Franklin, n.d. Reprinted Ed. 5 vols. roy.8vo. fine condition. 9 25,200 WUNDERLICH (R.) THE PINOCCHIO CATALOGUE. Being a Descriptive Bibliography and printing History of English Language Translations and other renditions appearing in the United States 1892-1987. Greenwood, 1988. xiii,228pp. 6,300 ●○ Binding ○● 10 DIEHL (E.) BOOKBINDING. Its Background and Technique. N.Y.: Rinehart, 1946. 2 vols. Numerous illustrations. lar.8vo. in slip-case. 11 8,000 FOOT (M.M.) STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF BOOKBINDING. Scolar press,1993.xiv,467pp. 5,000 12 HOBSON (A.) HUMANISTS AND BOOKBINDERS. The origins and diffusion of the Humanistic bookbinding 1459-1559. with a census of Historiaated plaquette and Medallion bindings of the Renaissance. Cambridge U.P., 1989.198 b/w & 6 colour illustrations. xix,296pp. 4to. dw. 13 25,000 HORNE (H.P.) THE BINDING OF BOOKS. An Essay in the History of Gold-Tooled Bindings. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1894. First Ed, Large Paper Ed. Limited to 150 copies. with illustrations. 224ppp. half parchment.(sl. worn) uncut. mostly unopened. 25,000 14 JAMIESON (E.) ENGLISH EMBOSSED BINDINGS 1825-1850. Cambridge U.P., 1972. 24 tone plates. 95pp. roy.8vo. wrappers. 15 3,000 LEWIS (H.) FINE BOOKBINDING. IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. David & Charles, 1984. With 33 colour and 82 monochrome illustrations. 151pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 16 3,000 NEEDHAM (P.) TWELVE CENTURIES OF BOOKBINDINGS 400-1600. Ox.U.P.: The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1979. many b/w illustrations. 338pp. 4to. papeback. 17 6,000 QUARITCH (B.) A CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN BOOKBINDINGS OFFERED FOR SALE. London: B.Quaritch, 1921. 76pp & 79 plates. lar.4to. boards. in slip-case. spine chipped. back cover detached. text is clean. 18 5,000 THE BRITISH BOOKMAKER: A Journal for The Book Printer-The Book Illustrator- The Book Cover Designer-The Book Binder Librarians, and Lovers of Books generally.(vol.IV-VII) THE BOOKBINDER:An Illustrated Journal for Binders, Librarians, and all Lovers of Books.(vol.I-III) London:Raithby,Lawrence,1891-1894.(BookMaker) London:W.Clowes,1888- 1889.(BookBinder) Bound in 7 vols. complete set. with many plates. sm.4to. 3/4 calf. rebound. scarce. 320,000 -2- 19 ZAEHNSDORF (J.W.) THE ART OF BOOKBINDING. London: George Bell & Son, 1880. First Ed. With 10 Photo-lithographs & numerous woodcuts. 187pp. original cloth. fine copy. 25,000 ●○ Book about Books ○● 20 AHEARN (A.) & (P.) COLLECTED BOOKS. The Guide to Values. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's Sons, 1991. 636pp. dust-cover. 21 3,000 ALFORD (W.P.) TO STEAL A BOOK IS AN ELEGANT OFFENSE. Intellectual property law in chinese civilization. Stanford University press,1995. ix,222pp. dust cover. 22 3,000 ALLEN (J.S.) IN THE PUBLIC EYE. A History of reading in modern france 1800-1940. Princeton U.P., 1991. viii,356pp. lar.8vo. dust cover. 23 ALTBACH (P.G.) & HOSHINO (E.S.)(Ed.) INTERNATIONAL 3,000 BOOK PUBLISHING ENCYCLOPEDIA. N.Y.: Garland, 1995. xxvi,736pp. Roy.8vo. 24 AMRAM (D.W.) THE MAKERS OF HEBREW BOOKS IN ITALY. Being chapters in the History of the Hebrew printing press. London: Holland press,1963.xvii,417pp. dust cover. 25 AN 4,000 3,000 ARNOLD (W.), DITTRICH (W.) UND ZELLER (B.)(Herausg) DIE ERFORSCHUNG DER BUCH-UND BIBLIOTHEKSGESCHICHTE IN DEUTSCHLAND. Wiesbaden: ッ.Harrassowitz,1987.xii,5355pp. lar.8vo. 26 12,000 AUDISIO (G.) & BONNOT-RAMBAUD (I.) LIRE LE FRANCAIS D'HIER. manuel de Paleographie Moderne XVe-XVIIIe sielcle. Armand Colin, 1991. 252pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 27 BANKS (D.H.) MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPT BOOKMAKING. A BIBLIOGRAPHIC GUIDE. Metuchen: Scarecrow press,1989.282pp. 28 5,000 BARNES (J.J.)FREE TRADE IN BOOKS. A Study of the London book trade since 1800. Ox.C.P., 1964. 198pp. dw. 29 3,000 BASBANES (N.A.) A GENTLE MADNESS. Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books. Henry Holt, 1995. with 55 illustrations. 638pp. paperback. 30 3,000 BASING (P.) TRADES AND CRAFTS IN MDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS. British Library,1990. many b/w & colour illustrations.124pp. roy.8vo. dw. 31 3,000 3,000 BAUR-HEINHOLD (M.) SCHONE ALTE BIBLIOTHEKEN. Ein Buch vom Zauber ihrer Raume. Einfuhrung Karl Bosl. Aufnahmen Helga Schmidt-Glassner. Munchen: G.D.W.Callwey,1972. colour & b/w illustration throughout. 295pp. 4to. dw. 32 3,000 BEADLE (R.)(ed) NEW SCIENCE OUT OF OLD BOOKS. Studies in Manuscripts and Earlu Printed Books in Honour of A.I.Doyle. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1995. with 69 illustrations. Roy.8vo (244x165mm), xii,455p. with dust-cover. good. -3- 8,000 33 BLAND (D.) A HISTORY OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION. The Illuminated Manuscript and the Printed Book. London: Faber & Faber, 1969. With illustrations. 448pp. 4to. dw. 34 5,000 BOUGE-GRANDON (D.)(Ed.) LE LIVRE VOYAGEUR. Constitution et dissemination des collections livresques dans l'Europe moderne (1450-1830). Paris: Klincksieck, 2000. 312pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 35 4,000 BURLINGAME (R.) OF MAKING MANY BOOKS. A Hundred years of Reading, Witing and Publishing. New York; Charles scribner's sons,1946. First Ed.,xii,347pp. 36 3,000 BUTCHER (J.) COPY-EDITING. The Camnbridge Handbook. Cambride U.P., 1975.xi,326pp. dust cover. 37 3,000 CAILLET (A.L.) MANUEL BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE DES SCIENCES PSYCHIQUES OU OCCULTES. (Paris:L.Dorbon,1912) (M.Martino) n.d. 3 vols. This reprint is strictly limited to 100 copies. 38 31,500 CARTER (J.) & MUIR (P.H.)(ED.) PRINTING AND THE MIND OF MAN. The Impact of Print of Five Centuries of Western Civilization. London: Cassell, 1967. First Ed. xxxiii,280pp. roy.4to. dw. upper inner joint sl. dull. 9,500 39 CAXTON: LENAGHAN (R.T.)(Ed.) CAXTON'S AESOP. Harvard U.P., 1967. 264pp. dw. 3,000 40 CHARTIER (R.) THE ORDER OF BOOKS. Readers, authors and Libraries in Europe between the Fourteenth and eighrteenth centuries. Polity press,1992. xi,126pp. dust cover. 41 3,000 COLE (R.C.) IRISH BOOKSELLERS AND ENGLISH WRITERS 1740-1800.Mansell Publishing Ltd,1986. xv,266pp. 42 3,000 CRUSE (A.) THE ENGLISHMAN AND HIS BOOKS. In the Early 19th Century. N.Y: numerous illust. 301pp. dw, 43 4,000 DARLING (W.Y.) THE PRIVATE PAPERS OF A BANKRUPT BOOKSELLER. [Sad fictional tale of the life of an antiquarian bookseller.] N.Y.: D.Appleton & Co.,1932. First U.S.Edition. 306pp. 8vo. cloth. dw. 44 DAVIDSON (C.N.)(Ed.) 4,000 READING IN AMERICA. Literature & social History. hopkins.Univ, 1989. 307pp. paperback. 45 DIRINGER (D.) THE BOOK BEFORE PRINTING. Ancient, Medieval and Oriental. N.Y.: Dover, 1982. 503pp. paperback. 46 3,670 DIXON (D.) FROM PROHIBITION TO REGULATION. Bookmaking, Anti-Gambling, and the Law. Oxford C.P., 1991. 408pp. dw. stamped on endpaper. 47 Johns 3,000 8,920 DODERER (K.) UND MULLER (H.) DAS BILDERBUCH. Gessschichte und Entwicklung des Bilderbuchs in Deutschland von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart. Beltz, 248 zum teil mehrfarbigen abbildungen. 542pp. lar.8vo. dw. -4- Weinheim: 5,000 48 DRIVER (D.) THE ART OF RADIO TIMES. The First Sixty years. Introduction by A.Briggs. BBC, 1981. illustated thought. 252pp. 4to. 49 15,000 DUFF (E.G.) A CENTURY OF THE ENGLISH BOOK TRADE. Short Notices of all Printers, Stationers, Bookbinders..from 1457 to the Incorporation of the Company of Stationers in 1557. London: Bibliographical Society, 1948. xxxv,200pp. roy.8vo. cloth spine with boards. 50 3,000 EARLSON (D.R.) ENGLISH HUMANIST BOOKS. Writers and Patrons, Manuscript and print 1475-1525.Univ of Toronto press,1993.x,,275pp. dw. 51 3,000 EDWARD (Second duke of York) THE MASTER OF GAME. The Oldest English book of Hunting. Edited by Baillie-Grohman (WM.A & F.) with a foreword by theodore roosevelt. (N.Y.: Duffield & Co, 1909) N.Y.: AMS, 1974. 11 b/w illustrations. xxix,302pp. sl.spotted. 4,000 52 FABES (G.H.) MODERN FIRST EDITIONS: POINTS AND VALUES. (Third Series.) London: G.W.Foyle, 1932. Limited to 750 copies. 97pp. with dust-cover. uncut. 53 5,000 FEBVRE (L.) & MARTIN (H-J.) THE COMING OF THE BOOK: The Impact of Printing 14501800. Translated by D,Gerard. London: NLB. 1979. 378pp. with dsut-cover. 54 3,000 FOLDA (J.) CRUSADER MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION AT SAINT-JEAN D'ACRE, 1275-1291. Princeton U.P., 1976.231,299 plates. 4to. dw. 55 4,000 FUNKE (F.)BUCHKUNDE. Ein uberlick uber die geschichte des Buch und Schriftwesens. Munchen: Dokumentation,,1969.324pp,68 photo plates. lar.8vo. dust cover(sl. worn) 3,000 56 FURSSTNER (H.) GESCHICHTE DES NIEDERLANDISCHEN BUCHHANDELS. Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz,1985.xvii,159pp. lar.8vo. 57 3,000 GAMESON (R.)(Ed.,) THE EARLY MEDIEVAL BIBLE. Its producgtion, decoration and use. Cambridge U.P., xi,242pp. lar.8vo. dust cover. 58 3,000 GASKIN (A.J.)(Illust.) A BOOK OF PICTURED CAROLS. With an Introduction by Arthur Gaskin. London: G.Allen, 1893. with 13 wood-engraved illustrations designed and cut by, among others. 75pp. 4to. half cloth with original boards. 59 15,000 GELLNER (E.) PLOUGH, SWORD AND BOOK. The structure of Human History. Univ of Chicago,1989. 288pp. dust cover. 60 3,000 GIBSON (M.T.) THE BIBLE IN THE LATIN WEST. Univ of Notre dame,1993. 4to. 100pp. 4,000 61 GILMORE (W.J.) READING BECOMES A NECESSITY OF LIFE.Material and cultural Life in rural New England 1780-1835. Univ of Tennessee press,1989. xxvii,538pp. dust cover. -5- 3,000 62 GNEUSS (H.) BOOKS AND LIBRARIES IN EARLY ENGLAND. Variorum,1996. 8,000 63 GOLDSCHMIDT (E.PH.) THE PRINTED BOOK OF THE RENAISSANCE. Three Lectures on type, Illustration, ornament. Amsterdam: Van heusden,1974. 8 b/w plates. viii,92,8pp. 4to. dw. 4,000 64 GOPFERT (H.G.) UND WITTMANN (R.) GESCHICHTE DES BUCHHANDELS. I: Widmann(H.), Geschichgte des Buchhandels. II: Furstner (H.), Geschgichte dess Niederlandischen Buchhandels. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz,1985. 2 Vols. xvi,308pp. xvii,159pp. 65 GRIFFITHS (J.) & PEARSALL (D.) BOOK PRODUCTION AND PUBLISHING IN BRITAIN.13751475.Cambride University press,1989. xix,463pp. 66 5,000 5,000 GROLIER CLUB: CATALOGUE OF ORIGINAL AND EARY EDITIONS. of forme of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Wither to Prior. With collations & Notes. New York: Cooper Square Publishers. 1963. 4 vols. roy,8vo. original brown cloth. 67 8,000 GROLIER CLUB: ONE HUNDRED INFLUENTIAL AMERICAN BOOKS PRINTED BEFORE 1900. Catalogue and Addresses. Exhibition at the Grolier Club. April Eighteenth Sixteenth. N.Y: The Grolier Club, 1967. 139pp. 68 5,000 GUTENBERG: BOCKENHEIMER (K.G.) GUTERNBERG=FEIER IN MAINZ 1900. *Bockenheimer (K.G.) Festschrift. 116pp. *Schrohe (H.) Mainzer Leben im funfzehnten Jahrhundert. 31pp. *Seidenberger (J.B.) Die Zunftkampfe in Mainz und der Anteil der Familie Gensfleisch. 66pp. *Heidenheimer (H.) Vom ruhme Johannes Gutenbergs. 87pp. *Quetsch (F.H.) Die Entwickelung des Zeitungswesens seit dem 15. bis zum Ausgang des 16 Jahrhunderts. 32pp. Gottsleben: Druck und Verlag, 1900. with illustrations. original decorated cover. 5,000 69 HARRISON (F.) THE CHOICE OF BOOKS AND OTHER LITERARY PIECES. London: Macmillan, 1886. Limited to 250 copies. 447pp. lar.8vo. ex-library. (only labe on back of front cover) 70 4,200 HATIM (B.) & MASON (I.) DISCOURSE AND THE TRANSLATOR. Longman,1990. 258pp. duwt cover. 71 4,000 HINDMAN (S.) TEXT AND IMAGE IN FIFTEENTH-CENTURY ILLUSTRATED DUTCH BIBLES. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1977. with b/w illusts. 154pp. sm.4to. 72 5,000 HOLME (C.)(Ed.) THE ART OF THE BOOK. A Review of some recent European and American work in Typography, page decoration & Binding. New York: Dorset press,1990. 276pp. 4to. dw. 73 3,000 HOWSAM (L.) CHEAP BIBLES. Nineteenth-century publishing and the british and Foreign bible society.Cambridge U.P., 1991. xvii,245pp. 74 4,000 HURLIMANN (B.) THREE CENTURIES OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS IN EUROPE. Translated and Edited by B.W.ALDERSON. London: Oxford U.P., 1967. many illustrations. xviii,297pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 3,000 -6- 75 JACKSON (H.) THE ANATOMY OF BIBLIOMANIA. London: Faber & Faber, 1950. New Edition. 668pp. roy.8vo. inner hinge cracked. no weak. 76 3,000 KIRCHNER (J.)(Hrsg.) LEXIKON DES BUCHWESENS. Stuttgart: Hiersemann Verlag, 1952. 4 Bde. 77 12,000 KNIGHT (S.) HISTORICAL SCRIPTS. From classical times to the renaissance. New Castle: Oak Knoll, 1998. 111pp. 4to. with dust cover. 78 4,000 LEVINE (J.M.) THE BATTLE OF THE BOOKS. History and literature in the Augustan Age. Cornell U.P., 1991. xiv,427pp. paperback. 79 LORCK (C.B.) HANDBUCH DER 3,000 GESCHICHTE Erfindung.verbreitung.Blute. verfall 1450-1750. DER BUCHDRUCCKERKUNST. 1: 2:Wiedererwachen und neue blute der kunst 1751-1882. Leipzig: J.J.Weber,1882. 2 vols in 1. original linen cloth. 4,000 80 LOUGH (J.) THE ENCYCLOPEDIE. Geneve: SLATKINE,1989.XII,430PP. 6,000 81 LYLY (J.): EUPHUES: THE ANATOMY OF WIT EUPHUES & HIS ENGLAND. Edited by M.W.Croll. London: G.Routledge. 1916. 473pp. original red cloth. 82 3,000 MALTBY (J.) PRAYER BOOK AND PEOPLE IN ELIZABETHAN AND EARLY STUART ENGLAND. Cambridge U.P., 2000. xvii,310pp. lar.8vo. pb. 83 3,000 MARTIN (J.) BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE OF PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS. N.Y.: B.Franklin, 1970. xxv,593pp. 84 4,000 McMURTRIE (D.C.) THE BOOK. The Story of Printing & Bookmaking. N.Y: Covici friede. 1937. xxx,676pp. 4to. with dustcover. (sl.worn) 85 3,000 METZGER (B.M.) MANUSCRIPTS OF THE GREEK BIBLE. An Introduction to Greek Palaeography. Oxford U.P., 1981. with 45 plates. 150pp. 4to. dw. 86 6,000 MILLER: PORTER (C.) MILLER'S COLLECTING MODERN BOOKS. Octopus Pub. Group Ltd, 2003. 160pp. dw. 87 3,000 MOTE (F.W.) & CHU (Hung-Lam) CALLIGRAPHY AND THE EAST ASIAN BOOK. With the collaboration of Ch'en Pao-chen, W.F.Anita Shambhala,1989.xiv,248pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 88 and Richard Kent. Boston: 3,000 MUMBY (F.A.)THE ROMANCE OF BOOK SELLING. A HISTORY FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. With a bibliography by W.H.Peet. London;Chapman & Hall,1910.xviii,490pp. 89 Siu, 3,000 MYERS (R.) THE BRITISH BOOK TRADE. From caxton to the present day. ANDRE DEUTSCH,1973.405pp. dust cover. edge sl. spotted. -7- 3,000 90 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.) A MILLENNIUM OF THE BOOK. Production, Design & Illustration in Manuscript & Print 900-1900. (Oak Knoll) 1994. 196pp. 91 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.)(Ed.) A GENIUS FOR LETTERS. Booksellers and Bookselling from the 16th to the 20th Century. St Paul's Bibliographies, 1995. 188pp. 92 3,000 NOSSEIR (A.I.) ARABIC BOOKS PUBLISHED IN EGYPT IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. in Arabic.The American University in Cairo press,1990.4to. dw. 94 3,000 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.)(Ed.) JOURNEYS THROUGH THE MARKET. Travel, travellers and the Book trade. Oak knoll,1999.152pp. 93 3,000 3,000 OTAKA (Y.) & FUKUI (H.) APOCALYPSE. (Bibliotheque nationale, fonds francais,403). Reproduction photographique en couleurs. Precedee d'une introduction de Felix Lecoy. Osaka Japon. Centre de Recherches Anglo-Normandes. 1981. signed by Yukui. with 45 fullcolor plates. 159pp. roy.8vo. original cloth. fine copy. 95 PORCHER (J.) L'ENLUMINURE FRANCAISE. Arts et metiers graphiques, 1959. colour & b/w illustration throughout.271pp. 4to. 96 6,000 RAMSDEN (C.) LONDON BOOKS INDERS 1780-1840. London: B.T.Batsford Ltd. xiv,155pp. Roy.8vo. with dust cover. 97 3,000 REYNOLDS (Q.) THE FICTION FACTORY OR FROM PULP ROW TO QUALITY STREE. NEW YORK: Random house,1933.283pp. dust cover. 98 8,000 ROGERS (D.D.) BOOKSELLER AS ROGUE; John lmon and the Politics of Eighteenth century Publishing. Peter lang,1986.151pp. 100 3,000 ROSENBACH (A.S.W.) BOOKS AND BIDDERS. The adventures of a Bibliophile. London: G.Allen, 1928. presentation copy. signed by the author. xuv,311pp. original cloth. sl. worn. 101 3,000 RHODES (D.E.) STUDIES IN EARLY EUROPEAN PRINTING AND BOOK COLLECTING. London: Pindar,1983.lvii..279pp. 99 38,000 12,000 SAWYER (C.J.) & DARTON (F.J.H.) ENGLISH BOOKS 1475-1900. A Signpost for Collectors. Westminster: Chas J.Sawyer, 1927. First Ed. 2 vols. with 100 illustrations. lar.8vo. original buckram. edge gilt 102 12,000 SCHICK (F.L.) THE PAPERBOUND BOOK IN AMERICA. THE HISTORY OF PAPERBACKS AND THEIR EUROPEAN BACKGROUND. N.Y: R.R.BOWKER,1958.xv,262pp. spine faded. 103 SCHOTT (S.) BUCHER UND BIBLIOTHEKEN IM ALTEN AGYPTEN. Verzeichnis der Buch-und Spruchtitel und der Termini technici. Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz,1990.553pp. 4to. 104 3,000 8,000 SCHOTTENLOHER (K.) BOOKS AND THE WESTERN WORLD. A CULGURAL HISTORY. Mcfarland & co.,1989.531pp. lar.8vo. fly leaf stamped. -8- 4,000 105 SCHOTTENLOHER (K.) BUCHER BEWEGTEN DIE WELGT. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Buches. Band I: Vom altertum bis zur Renaissance. II: Vom Barock bis sur Gegenwart. Stuttgart:Anton hiersemann,1968. 2 Vols. lar.8vo. 106 3,000 SCHREYER (A.D.) THE HISTORY OF BOOKS. A Guide to Selected Resosurces in the Library of Congress. Washington: the center for the book Library of Congress,1977.xiv,221pp. Roy.8vo. 107 SCHUBART (W.) 3,000 PALAEOGRAPHIE. Erster teil: Griechische Palaeographie. Munchen: Beck'sche,1966. with many photographs. 184pp. dw. fly leaf stamped. otherwise fine copy. 108 5,000 SCHULZE (F.) DER DEUTSCHE BUCHHANDEL UND DIE GEISTIGEN STROMUNGEN DERLETZTEN HUNDERT JAHRE. OLMS,1990.294pp. lar.8vo. dust cover. 109 SEARLE (R.) SLIGHTLY FOXED -BUT STILL DESIRABLE. Ronald Searle's Wicked World of Book Collecting. Souvenier Press, 1989. 124pp. 4to.dw, 110 3,000 SPENCER (W.T.) FORTY YEARS IN MY BOOKSHOP. Edited with an Introduction by T.Moult. London: Constable,1927. with 8 illustations. 283pp.orginal cloth. scuffed and worn. 111 3,000 3,000 STILLWELL (M.B.) THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD OF BOOKS 1450 TO 1470. A Chronological survey of the Texts chosen for Printing during the First Twenty Years of the Printing Art. With a Synopsis of the Gutenberg Documents. (The Bibliographical Society of America) 1972. 112pp. roy.8vo. 112 3,000 STINE (P.C.)(Ed.) BIBLE TRANSLATION AND THE SPREAD OF THE CHURCH. The last 200 years. Leiden:E.J.brill,1992.xiii,154pp. 113 STRONG (R.) THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE MINIATURE. Thames and Hudston. 1984. revised Ed. with 255 illustrations 8 in colour. 208pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 114 5,000 TEBBEL (J.) BETWEEN COVERS. The rise and Transformation of Book Publishing in America. Oxford U.P., 1987. 514pp. lar.8vo. 116 3,000 SUMMERS (M.) THE GOTHIC QUEST A History of the Gothic Novel. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1964. reissued. 443pp. sl.spotted. 115 6,000 3,000 TREDWELL (D.M.) A MONOGRAPH ON PRIVATELY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. A Plea for Bibliomania. Flatbush: Privately printed, 1892. loosely inserted als from the author. 502pp. lar.8vo. uncut. 117 8,000 TSIEN (Tsuen-Hsuin) WRITTEN ON BAMBOO AND SILK. The Beginnings of Chinese books and Inscriptions. Univ of chicago.1962.xiv,233pp. 118 3,000 TUER (A.W.) HISTORY OF THE HORN BOOK. London: Leadenhall, 1897. 2nd Ed. with 300 illustrations. with 2 specimen at real pocket. and 1 specimen copy.486pp. roy.8vo. top edge gilt. 25,000 -9- 119 TUER (A.W.) HISTORY OF THE HORN BOOK. (Complete in 2 volumws)Facsimile of the Original London 1896 edition.Amsterdam: S.Emmering,1971.2 Vols. with 7 sample of horn-books. lar8vo. 9,500 120 TURNER (E.G.) GREEK PAPYRI. An Introduction. Ox.C.P., 1968. ix,220pp. dust cover. 3,000 121 UDEN (G.) UNDERSTANDING BOOK-COLLECTING. Antique Collectors' Club, 1995. numerous illust. 279pp. sm/8vo.with dust-cover. 122 3,000 UZANNE (O.) THE BOOK-HUNTER IN PARIS. Studies among the bookstalls and the quays. with a preface by A.Birrell. Chicago: A.A.McClurg & Co., 1893. large paper edition. Limited to 25 copies. with illustrated by wood engraving. 232pp. 4to. half morocco and cloth. inner joint weak. 123 33,000 UZANNE (O.) & ROBIDA (A.) CONTES POUR LES BIBLIOPHILES. Nombreuses Illustrations dans le Texte et Hors Texte. Paris: Librairies-Imprimeries Reunies, 1895. Limited to 1,000 copies. (Exemplaire Velin No 635) many hand-colored & B/W illusts. 230pp. 4to. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards. 124 35,000 VORSTIUS (J.) & JOOST (S.) GRUNDZUGE DER BIBLIOTHEKSGESCHICHTE. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrsowitz,1977.xii.163pp. wrapper. cover sl. faded. 125 WARD (A.) BOOK PRODUCTION FICTION AND THE GERMAN READING PUBLIC 17401800.OX.C.P,1974.214pp. dust cover. 126 3,000 WEHMER (C.) DEUTSCHE BUCHDRUCKER DES FUNFZEHNTEN JAHRHUNDERTS. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1971.13,237pp. Imp. 4to. dw. 128 3,000 WEST (W.) FIFTY YEARS' RECOLLECTIONS OF AN OLD BOOKSELLER. 1835. N.Y: GARLAND,1974.reprint of the 1835 ed.,200pp. 129 3,000 WEBB (R.K.) THE BRITISH WORKING CLASS READER. 1790-1848.Literacy and social tension. Kelley,1971.ix,192pp. 127 3,000 3,000 WHEATLEY (H.B.) PRICES OF BOOKS. An Inquiry into the Changes in the Price of Books which have Occurred in England at Different Periods. London, G.Allen, 1898. 275pp. Sm.8vo. 3,000 130 WIDMANN (H.)(Herausg) DER DEUTSCHE BUCHHANDEL IN URKUNDEN UND QUELLEN. Hamburg: Dr Ernst Hauswedell 'Co,1965.2 vols. lar.8vo. with slip case. 131 4,000 WIKF II (E.) THE BOOK CULTURE OF A COLONIAL AMERICAN CITY. Pphiladelphia books, bookmen, and booksellers. Lyell Lectures in Bibliography 1985-6.Oxord.C.P,1988.227pp. dust wrapper. fly leaf stamped 132 10,000 WITTMANN (R.) BUCHERKATALOGE ALS BUCHGESCHICHTLICHE QUELLEN IN DER FRUHEN ZEUZEIT. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz,1982.313pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. - 10 - 4,000 133 ZLATEVA (P.)(Ed.) TRANSLATION AS SOCIAL ACRTION. Russian and Bulgarian Perspecrtives. London; Routledge,1993.viii,132pp. 4,000 ●○ Copyright ○● 134 ARMSTRONG (E.) BEFORE COPYRIGHT. The French Book-Privilege System 1498-1526. Cambridge U.P., 1990. xvii,317pp. with dust cover. 135 4,000 BIRRELL (A.) SEVEN LECTURES ON THE LAW AND HISTORY OF COPYRIGHT IN BOOKS. London: Cassell, 1899. original brown cloth, gilt, the binding worn, else a crisp copy. 136 8,400 JAMES (E.P.S.) COPINGER AND SKONE JAMES ON COPYRIGHT.Including International copyright. London: Sweet & Maxwell,1971. xlviii,920pp. Roy.8vo. 137 4,000 ROSE (M.) AUTHORS AND OWNERS. THE INVENTION OF COPYRIGHT. Harvard U.P., 1994. x,176pp. paperback. 3,000 ●○ Ex-libris ○● 138 ARELLANES (A.S.)BOOKPLATES. A Selective Annotated Bibliography of the Periodical Literarue.Detroit:Gale Research Co.,(1971)of plates of book plates.463+38pp. 3,000 139 ARELLANES (A.S.)(Ed.) BOOKPLATES IN THE NEWS, 1970-85. A Collection of Sixty Issues of the Newsletter of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers, Including a General Index and an Illustrations Index to Bookplate Artists and Owners. Detroit: Gale Research Com., 1986. 640pp. 4to. 7,000 140 BLUM (Dr.G.) ANTIKE IM EXLIBRIS. GRIECHENLAND IM EXLIBRIS. Exlibristen,1994. 8 Colour & 239 b/w exlibris illustrations. 331pp. pb. 3,000 141 BLUM (G.)DIE KUNST DES EROTISCHEN EXLIBRIS. ABBILDUNGEN DAVON 13 IN FARBE.272pp. lar.8vo. 142 BLUM (G.) L'ART DEL' EX-LIBRIS EROTIQUE. Edition fracaise revue par Germaine MeyerNoirel. Traduction de Dominique Petit. (pars?): Picard, 1990. Limited to 225 copies. with numerous plates. 271pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. 10,000 143 ELLIS: FRANKS (Sir A.W.)(Collected) ELLIS'S CATALOGUE OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN BOOK-PLATES. (Ex Libris) London: 1905. 244pp. wrappers. sl. chipped. 3,000 144 EURO EX LIBRIS '66. Olomouc IX-X. 1966. 59 exlibris plate. 49pp+39pp. 21.5 x 11cm. Wiesbaden: C.Wittal, 1986.265 9,800 3,000 145 FRENCH (E.D.) EDWIN DAVIS FRENCH. A Memorial. His Life. His Art. N.Y: Privately printed, 1908. First ed. Limited to 475 copies. 2 portraits with one of them used as frontispiece, view, 10 book plates pulled from the original copper plates95pp. boards. 146 12,000 FULLER (G.W.)(Ed.& Foreword) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BOOKPLATE LITERATURE. Bibliographical Work by V.B.Grimm. Some Random Thoughts on Bookplate Literature by W.Prescott. Spokane: Public Library, 1926. Limited to 500 signed copies. 151pp. lar.8vo. spine sl. rubbed. 4,000 - 11 - 147 GALSWORTHY (J.): EX LIBRIS JOHN GALSWORTHY. London: W.Heinemann, 1933. 112pp. cover worn, but text is fine. 148 3,000 HAMILTON (W.) DATED BOOK PLATES (EX LIBRIS) From the Early 16th century to the End of the 19th century. Amsterdam: Gerard Th.Van Heusden,1975. many illustrations. 124,225pp.+index. wrappers. 149 4,000 HAMILTON (W.) FRENCH BOOK-PLATES. A Handbook to the study and History of French Exlibris, their makers and owners from the last part of the 16th cecntury to the end of he 19th century. Amsterdam: G.TH.van Heusden,1975. many illustrations. x,360pp. pb. 4,000 150 HILDEBRANDT (AD.M.) HERALDIC BOOKPLATES. Twenty Five Ex-libris. Invented and Drawn. Berlin: J.A.Stargardt, 1892. 2 vols in one. with 50 Bookplates printed in black and white and color. half morocco. in the slip-case. 151 25,000 HOPF (A.) & (A.)(Herausg.)DIE KUNST DES EXLIBRIS. Mahnert-Lueg, 1980.Limited to 1000 copies. signed by Hopf93 full page exlibris. 4to. slip case. 5,000 152 JURGENS (H.) EXL PF ETC. 3 Edito (13. 61pp. roy.4to. paperback. 5,000 153 LEE (B.N.) BRITISH ROYAL BOOKPLATES. And Ex-Libris of Related Families. Scolar Press, 1992. 209 book lates. 259pp. 4to. with dust cover. fine copy. 154 LEE (B.N.) THE BOOKPLATE DESIGNS OF REX WHISTLER. Middlesex: Private Libraries, 1973. 39pp + 41 illustrations. imp.8vo. 155 LOODUS (R.) 7,000 EESTI EKSLIIBRIS 1976-77. The Estonian Book-Plate. Tallinn: Eesti Nsv Raamatuuhing, 1979. 126pp. 16mo. 156 3,000 McDONALD (T.W.) ABOUT COLLECTING BOOKPLATES, A Letter from Gilbert H.Doane. Wisconsin: Black Mack, 1941. Limited to 360 copies. 78pp. 16mo. in slip-case. 157 4,000 5,500 SCHWENCKE (J.) DE NEDERLANDSCHE EXLIBRIS-KUNST. Maastricht: Boosten & Stols, 1955. Limited to 515 copies. Mounted as a frontispiece and 133 b&w illustrations of Dutch bookplates. 203pp. 4to. original cloth. 158 4,000 TALBOT (C.R.)HISTORIC CALIFORNIA IN BOOKPLATES. Author of in Quest of the Perfect bookplate.Los Angeles: Graphic press, 1936.First,Ed.,Limited to 30 copies.159 illust.(43 original book plates)ix,287pp. full calf. 159 50,000 VINYCOMB (J.)ON THE PROCESSES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF EX LIBRIS (Book Pltes) London: A. & C.Black, 1894. First ed, with color-frontis.-piece, many bookplate facsimiles (some colored). xii,96,(4,advts.)pp. original gilt cloth worn. 160 3,000 WARREN (J.L.) A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF BOOK-PLATES (Ex-Libris). London: John Pearson, 1880. First Ed. with 16 illus. 238pp. joint detached. spine worn. - 12 - 3,000 161 WESTEN (W.) EXLIBRIS (BUCHEIGNERZEICHEN). Leipzig: Velhagen & Hlasing, 1925. Dritte, vermehrte auflage. mit 233 abbildungen, darunter 4 farbigen lafeln. 162pp. lar.8vo. original boad cloth. top edge gilt. 162 4,000 WROBLEWSKA (Krystyna): JAKUBOWSKA (B.) KRYSTYNA WROBLEWSKA. En Polsk Grafiker og Exlibriskunstner. 15 traesnit. Frederikshavn: Klaus Rodal, 1976. Limited to 116 copies. 14 exlibris. 16pp. boards. with dust cover. 23 x 12 cm. 163 3,000 ZIMMERMANN (W.) EXLIBRIS. (BUCHEIGNERZEICHEN) DEUTSCHER APOTHEKER. Dresden: Schwarzeck,1925. 200pp. cr.8vo. boards. 4,000 ●○ Library ○● 164 BISCHOFF (B.) MANUSCRIPTS AND LIBRARIES IN THE AGE OF CHARLEMAGNE. Cambride Univ: 1993. roy,8vo. 193pp. 165 3,000 BISHOFF (B.) MANUSCRIPTS AND LIBRARIES IN THE AGE OF CHARLEMAGNE. Cambridge U.P., 1994.xv,193pp. lar.8vo. dust cover. 166 3,000 DIBDIN (T.F.) THE LIBRARY COMPANION OR THE YOUNG MAN'S GUIDE AND THE OLD MAN'S COMFORT, IN THE CHOICE OF A LIBRARY. London: Harding,Triphook, 1825. 2nd Ed. 899pp. 3/4 calf with boards. sl. rubbed. 167 11,000 DUNLAP (L.W.) READINGS IN LIBRARY HISTORY. New York: R.R.Bowker co., 1972. xiv,137pp. 3,000 168 ESCREET (P.K.) INTRODUCTION TO THE ANGLI-AMERICAN CATALOGUING RULES. London: Andre Deutsch, 1971. 383pp. with dust cover. 169 GOODRUM (C.A.) TREASURES OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. N.Y.: H.N.Abrams, 1980. numerous illusts. 318pp. 4to. dw. 170 4,200 GRIMES (R.L.) RESEARCH IN RITUAL STUDIES: A Programmatic essay and bibliography. The American Theological Library Association, 1985. 165pp. 171 3,000 3,000 HARRIS (P.R.)(Ed.) THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Retrospective Essays on the department of printed Books. The British Library, 1991. with many photographs. 305pp. dw. 172 5,000 HESSE (C.) & MASON (L.) PAMPHLETS,PERIODICALLS, AND SONGS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY ERAIN THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. N.Y: Garland,1989.xv,563pp. Roy.8vo. 173 5,000 LIEBAERS (H.) & WALCKIERS (M.) LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND NETWORKING -New Tools for a New Identity- European Conference, 9-11 May 1990, Brussels. Munchen: K.G.Saur, 1991. 370pp. Roy.8vo. 3,000 - 13 - 174 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.)(ED.) PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. The formation, organisation and dispersal of the private library 162-1920. Winchester: St paul's bibliogaphies, 1991.164pp. 175 3,000 MYERS (R.), HARRIS (M.) & MANDELBROTE (G.) LIBRARIES AND THE BOOK TRADE. The formation of collections from the 16th to the twentieth century. Delaware: Oak knoll,2000.xii,192pp. 176 3,000 PAARSONS (E.A.) THE ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY. Glory of the Hellenic World. N.Y.: American elsevier pub, 1967. xii,468pp. dust cover. (sl. chipped) 177 3,000 PERKIN (M.)(revised ed.) A DIRECTORY OF THE PAROCHIAL LIBRARIES of the Church of England and the Church in Wales. First Edited by N.Ker. London: Bibliographical Society, 2004. 490pp. Roy.8vo. fine. 178 4,000 SAUGRAIN (C.) CODE DE LA LIBRAIRIE ET IMPRIMERIE DE PARIS, OU CONFERENCE DU REGLEMENT Arrete au Conseil D'Etat du Roy, Le 28 Fevrier 1723, Et rendu commun pour tout le Royaume, par Arret du Conseil d'Etat du 24 Mars 1744. Avec Les Anciennes Ordonnances. (Paris,1744) Gregg, 1971. xxiv,496pp, + table. cr.8vo. 179 3,000 SLAVENS (T.P.)(Ed.) REFERENCE INTERVIEWS, QUESTIONS, AND MATERIALS. N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1985. 2nd Ed. 144pp. 180 3,000 STEPHEN (L.) HOURS IN A LIBRARY. London: Smith Elder. 1909. New Edition. 3 vols. originla red cloth. 181 VORSTIUS 4,000 (F.J.) BIBLIOTHEK, BIBLIOTHEKAR, BIBLIOTHEKSWISSENSCHAFT. 60.Geburtstag dargebracht. Leipzig:O.Harrassowitz,1954. vii,440pp. Roy.8vo. 182 WIEGAND (W.A.) THE POLITICS OF AN EMERGING PROFESSION. The American Library Association 1876-1917. N.Y:Greenwood, 1986.xi,322pp. 183 zum 4,200 4,000 WRIGHT (H.C.) THE ORAL ANTECEDENTS OF GREEK LIBRARIANSHIP. Brigham young univ,1977.xxvi,237pp. exlibrary.. 3,000 ●○ Paper ○● 184 BARRETT (Timithy.) JAPANESE PAPERMAKING.Traditions, Tools, and Techniques. tokyo: Weather Hill. 1983. with numerous illust and plates, original paper samples on first free end page;4to. 317pp. original dust-cover. good copy. 185 CLAPPERTON (R.H.) THE PAPER MAKING MACHINE. 5,000 Its Invention, Evolution and Development. Oxford: Pergamon, 1967. First ed, with many diags,photos,plates. and many folding tables. 365pp. 4to. with dust cover. 186 12,000 HUNTER (D.) PAPERMAKING IN PIONEER AMERICA. Rosenbach Fellow in Bibliography. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania U.P., 1952. First ed. 11 pages of photographic plates.178pp + 22 figures. lar.8vo. cloth spine with boards. fine copy. - 14 - 5,000 187 LABARRE (E.J.) DICTIONARY AND ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PAPER AND PAPER-MAKING. With Equivalents of the Technical Terms in French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish & Swedish. Oxford U.P., 1952. with illusts. 488pp. 188 15,000 LONDENBERG (K.) PAPIER UND FORM Design in der Papierverarbeitung. Krefeld: Scherpe Verlag, 1972. many B/W photo-illusts. 324pp. oblong.8vo. original pictorial wrapper. 4,200 189 MASON (J.)PAPER MAKING. As an Artistic Craft. with a note on nylon paper. London: Faber & Faber, 1959. First Ed. With illustration by R.Graham. with the attached 2 rag paper's leafs. 95pp. sm.8vo. dw. 190 3,000 McKAY (B.) MARBLING METHODS AND RECEIPTS FROM FOUR CENTURIES. With Other instructions Useful to Bookbinders. Oxford: The Plough press, 1990. 18 Marbled paper samples. imp.8vo. 85pp. 191 8,000 REED (R.) THE NATURE AND MAKING OF PARCHMENT. Leeds: The Elmete press, 1975. Limited to 450 copies. with illustS. 96pp. 4to. vellum spine. [with] SPECIMENS OF PARCHMENT. 10 Specimens.Dawson's book shop. Limited to 200 copies.2 vols. Limited to 450 copies & Limited to 200 copies.4to. half parchment over boards/ half cloth over boards. with marbled slip case. 192 120,000 SEYMOUR (E.): BERGER (S.E.) EDWARD SEYMOUR & THE FANCY PAPER COMPANY. The Story of a British Marbled Paper Manufacturer. Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2006. limited to 300 copies. 80pp + marbled plates. Roy.8vo. spine calf with boards. in case. fine. 193 SHORTER (A.H.) PAPER MAKING IN THE BRITISH ISLES. An Historical and Geographical Study. David & Charles Newton Abbot, 1971. with many photos and plates. 272pp. dw. 194 3,000 WEEKS (L.H.) A HISTORY OF PAPER-MANUFACTURING IN THE UNITED STATES, 1690-1916. (1916) New York: B.Franklin, 1969. Illustrated. xv,352pp. 196 3,000 WEBER (H.) PAPER BULLETS. Print and Kingship under Charles II. Univ press of Kentucky.01996. x,292pp. dw. 195 12,000 4,200 WEIMANN (C.) & (S.P.) MARBLED PAPERS. Being a Collection of 22 contemporary HandMarbled papers, showing a variety of patterns and speical techniques. Los Angeles: Dawsons,1978. Limiedd to 200 copies. including 16 leaves with 20 specimens of marbled paper. 62pp. 4to. half morocco, lettered in gilt. fine copy. 60,000 ●○ Press & Media ○● 197 AGGER (B.) FAST CAPITALISM. A Critical theory of Significance. Univ of illinois press,1989. 191pp. dust cover. 198 3,000 ALTBACH (P.G.), ARBOLEDA (A.A) & GOPINATHAN (S.)(Ed.) PUBLISHING IN THE THIRD WORLD. Knowledge and development. Portsmouth: Heinemann,1985.xii,226pp. - 15 - 3,000 199 ASANTE (C.E.) PRESS FREEDOM AND DEVELOPMENT. A Research guide and selected Bibliography.Greenwood press,216pp. 200 6,000 BARKER (N.) THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AND THE SPREAD OF LEARNING 1478-1978. With a Preface by Charles Ryskamp. Oxford C.P., 1978. 69pp. + 332 plates. 4to. with dust cover. 201 3,000 BENNION (S.C.) EEQUAL TO THE OCCASION. Women editors of the Nineteenth century west. University of Nevada press,1990.210pp. dust cover. 202 3,000 BLACK (M.H.) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1584-1984. Cambridge, 1984368pp.dw. 3,000 203 BOWMAN (A.K.) & WOOLF (G.)(Ed.) LITERACY AND POWER IN THE ANCIENT WORLD. Cambride,U.P,1994.249pp. dw. 204 3,000 BRIGGS (A.)(Ed.) ESSAYS IN THE HISTORY OF PUBLISHING. In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the House of Longman 1724-1974. [With] A Selective Exhibition to mark the first 250 years of The House of Longman 1724-1974. 16pp. 4to. paperback. London: Longman, 1974. vii,468pp. imp.8vo. dw.( sl. worn) 205 3,000 BROWN (H.F.) THE VENETIAN PRINTING PRESS 1469-1800. An Historical study based upon Documents for the Most part Hitherto unpublisahed. Amsterdam: Gerard Th. van Heusden,1969.xvii,463pp. 4to. sl. pencil scrached. 206 BROWN (R.D.) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The Diffusion of Information in Early America 17001865. Oxford U.P., 1989.xii,372pp. paperback. 207 4,000 CAPP (B.) ENGLISH ALMANACS 1500-1800. Astrology and the Popular Press. (Cornell U.P./Land) 1979. 452pp. dw. 210 3,000 CAPP (B.) ASTROLOGY AND THE POPULAR PRESS.English Almanbacs 1500-1800.Faber and faber,1979.452pp. dust cover. 209 3,000 BUTCHER (J.) COPY-EDITING. The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Authors and Publishers. Cambridge U.P., 1996.3rd Ed.,xii,471pp. dust cover. 208 15,000 5,000 CARTER (H.) A HISTORY OF THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. Volume 1. to the Year 1780. with an appendix listing the titles of books printed there 1690-1780. Ox C.P., 1975. 640pp. lar.8vo.dw, 211 5,000 COLE (R.) BRITAIN AND THE WAR OF WORDS IN NEUTRAL EUROPE, 1939-45. N.Y: St.Martin's press,1990. 242pp. dw. 212 6,000 COMER (E.A.)(Ed.,)THE GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY OF COMMUNICATION. Hegemony, Telecommunication and the Information Economy. Macmillan,,,1996.x,193pp. - 16 - 3,000 213 CUMMINGS (L.L.) & FROST (P.J.) PUBLISHING IN THE ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCES. SAGE Publications,1995.2ND,ED.,xiii,330pp. paperback. 214 3,000 DARNTON (R.) THE BUSINESS OF ENLIGHTENMENT. A Publishing History of the Encyclopedie 1775-1800. Harvard U.P., 1979. 624pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 215 3,000 DREYFUS (J.) INTO PRINT. Selected Writings on Printing History, Typography and Book Production. London: The British Library, 1994. 339pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 216 DRIJVERS (J.W.) & MACDONALD (A.A.) CENTRES OF LEARNING. Learning and Location in Pre-Modern Europa and the Near East. Leiden:E.J.Brill,1995.xiv,340pp. dust cover. 217 6,000 DUFF (E.G.) THE PRINTERS, STATIONERS AND BOOKBINDERS OF WESTMINSTER AND LONDON FROM 1476 TO 1535. N.Y.: Arno, 1977. 256pp. 218 6,000 ERICKSON (L.) THE ECONOMY OF 3,000 LITERARY FORM. English Literature and the Industrialization of Publishing 1800-1850.Johns hopkins U.P,1996. xii,219pp. dust cover. 3,000 219 FAIRFAX (J.) THE STORY OF JOHN FAIRFAX. Commemorating the Centenary of the Fairfax Proprietary of the Sydney Morning Herald 1841-1941. John Fairfax,1941. Illustrated by A.Feint. 169pp. half calf & boards. with dust cover.Isl. chipped) 220 4,000 FEATHER (J.) PUBLISHING, PIRACY AND POLITICS. An Historical Study of Copyright in Britain. Mansell, 1994. 261pp. 221 FEENEY (M.) & GRIEVES (M.) 6,300 CHANGING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES; challenges in the Economics of Information. London: Bowker,1994.xviii,366pp. 222 3,000 FRANKLIN (C.) with TURNER (J.R.)(Bibliography & Indexes) THE PRIVATE PRESSES. Scolar Press, 1991. 2nd Ed. 378pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 224 3,000 GUIRAL (P.) HOMMES, IDEES, JOURNAUX. Paris: Publications de la sorbonne,1988.487pp. paperback. 227 4,000 GOODY (J.)(ED.) LITERACY IN TRADITIONAL SOCIETIES. Cambridge U.P., 1975. 349pp. paperback. 226 3,000 GONG (G.W.) THE STANDARD OF CILILIZATION IN INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY. Oxfprd clalrendon press,1984.xvi,267pp. dust cover. 225 3,000 FRANKLIN (C.) THE PRIVATE PRESSES. London: Studio Vista, 1970. 240pp. lar.8vo. dw(sl.chipped). 223 Research 3,000 HEYER (P.) COMMUNICATIONS AND HISTORY. Theories of Media, Knowledge, and civilization. Greenwood,1988.xvii,197pp. fly leaf spotted. - 17 - 3,000 228 HISTOIRE DE L'EDITION FRANCAISE. 1: Le livre conquerant du Moyen age au milieu du XVIIe siecle. 2: Le Livre triomphant 1660-1830. 3: Le temps des editeurs. Du romantisme a la Belle epoque. 4: Le Livre concurrent 1900-1950.Peinisua 1982.4 Vols. 4to. case. 229 60,000 HOWER (R.M.) THE HISTORY OF AN ADVERTISING AGENCY. N.W.Ayer & Son at Work 18691939. Harvard U.P., 1949. xliii,647pp. with dust cover. 230 3,000 JUSSAWALLA (M.), LAMBERTON (D.M.) & KARUNARATNE (N.D.) THE COST OF THINKING; Information economies of ten pacific ountries. Norwood: ablex,1988.xii,249pp. 231 dw. slip 4,000 KAUFER (D.S.), CARLEY (K.M.) COMMUNICATION AT A DISTANCE. The influence of print on sociocultural organization and CHANGE. HILLSSDALE, LAWRENCE ERLBAUM ASSOCIATES, PUB,1993.xiv,474pp. paperback. 232 4,000 KING (J.) SUR. A Study of the Argentine Literary journal anditss role in the development of a culture 1931-1970. Cambridge,U.p,1986.232pp. 233 KLAPP (O.E.) OVERLOAD AND BOREDOM. Essays on the quality of Life in the Information Society. N.Y:Greenwood,1986.174pp. 234 3,000 6,000 KNOPF (A.A.)PORTRAIT OF A PUBLISHER 1915-1965. I: Reminiscences and reflections. II: Alfred.A.Knopf and the borzoi imprint; Recollections and appreciations. N.Y: the typophiles,1965. 2,8vo. dust cover. with slip case. 235 KUHN (R.)(Ed.) BROADCASTING AND POLITICS IN WESTERN EUROPE. Frank cass,1985. viii,1174pp. duwt cover. 236 3,000 KUMAR (O P Ghai-Naendra) INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHISNG TODAY. Problems and prospects. Delhi; bookman's club,1984.237pp. dust cover. 237 8,000 McKITTERICK (D.) A HISTORY OF CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Vol 1: Printing and he book Trade in Cambridge 1534-1698. (Cambridge U.P.) 1992, 500pp. lar.8vo. dw. 242 5,000 McKENZIE (D.F.) THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1696-1712. A Bibliographical Study. Cambridge Univ., 1966. 2 vols. 4to. dw. 241 5,000 MARKER (G.) PUBLISHING, PRINTING, AND THE ORIIGINS OF INTELLECTUAL LIFE IN RUSSIA,1700-1800.princeton U.P., 1985.xiii,299pp. dw. 240 3,000 LEYSER (K.) : REUTER (T.)(Ed.) COMMUNICAGTIONS AND POWER IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE. The carolingian and ottonian centuries.London: Hambledon,1994.xvii,244pp. dw. 239 3,000 L'ESTRANGE (R.) SIR ROGER LL'ESTRANGE. A Contribution to the History of the press in the 17th century. Kelley,1971.xiv,440pp. 238 5,000 5,000 McLUHAN (M.) & (E.) LAWS OF MEDIA. THE NEW SCCIENCE. Univ.of Toronto, 1988. x,252pp. dw. 3,000 - 18 - 243 MEADOWS (A.J.)(Ed.) DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE PUBLISHING IN EUROPE. Amsterdam: elsevier science pub,1980.ix,269pp. lar.8vo. 244 3,000 MEYNELL (F.) THE TYPOGRAPHY OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS. With a Display of English, American, French, Dutch and German type-faces; a table for calculating the number of words of any type which can be fitted into a given space; and a gallery of contemporary advertisements. London: E.Benn, 1929. 240pp. 4to. original cloth sk. library label. 245 3,000 MILLER (S.M.) THE ETHNIC PRESS IN THE UNITED STATES. A Historical Analysis and Handbook. GREENWOOD,1987.xxii,437pp. 246 10,000 MINOWA (S.) BOOK PUBLISHING IN A SOCIETAL CONTEXT. Japan and wht west. Japan scientific societies. 1990. xvii,155pp. dw. 247 3,000 MITCHELL (J.M.) INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL RELATIONS. London: Allen & Unwin, 1986. xvi,253pp. dw. 248 3,000 MONMONIER (M.) MAPS WITH THE NEWS. The development of American Journalistic Cartography. Univ of Chicago press,1989.xii,330pp. dust cover. 3,000 249 MORGAN (D.) PHOENIX OF FLEET STREET. 2000 years of St. Bride's. Charles Knight & co.1973. many illustrations.290pp. Roy.8vo. dust cover. 3,000 250 MORRIS (W.): SPARLING (H.H.) THE KELMSCOTT PRESS AND WILLIAM MORRIS MASTERCRAFTSMAN. London: Macmillan, 1924. First ed, with b/w 16 plates. ix,176pp,2 page publisher's advertisements at end. No dust jacket. spine original cloth and boards. spine feded. 8,000 251 MUMBY (F.A.) PUBLISHING AND BOOKSELLING. With a Bibliography by W.H.Peet. London, J.Cape, 1956. xii,483pp. dw. 3,000 252 MURRAY (J.): SMILELS (S.) A PUBLISHER AND HIS FRIENDS MEMOIR AND CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN MURRAY. With an account of the Origin and Progress of the House,17681843.London: John Murray,1911.xviii,380pp. edge spotted. 253 4,000 MURRAY (J.): SMILES (S.) MEMOIR AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THE LATE JOHN MURRAY. With an account of the origin and progress of the House 1768-1843. London: John Murray,1891. 2 Vols. xv,496pp,xi,549pp. original blue cloth. with gilt lettering on spines and gilt lettering and design on covers. some corners bumped, slight wear to edges of spine and ends of spines, top text block is darkned. 254 MURRAY: PASTON (G.) AT JOHN MURRAY'S RECORDS OF A LITERARY CIRCLE 1843-1892. Preface by Lord Ernle. London: J.Murray, 1932. 2cm tears. sl. spotted. 255 8,000 Index, Frontis, Plates. xvi,320pp. spine 3,000 NASH (P.W.)(Comp.) FOLIO 50. A Bibliography of the Folio Society 1947-1996. London: Folio Press, 1997. First Ed. with numerous illustrations. 331pp. imp.8vo. in slip-case. fine. 4,000 - 19 - 256 PAUL (C.KEGAN) MEMORIES. London: Kegan paul,1899.391pp. exlibrary. spine faded. 3,000 257 PUTNAM (G.H.) BOOKS AND THEIR MAKERS DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. A Study of the Conditions of the Production and Distribution of Literature from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Glose of the Seventeenth Century.(1896-1897) N.Y.: Hillary House, 1962. reprinted Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. spine faded. in slip case. (loose) 258 3,000 RAVEN (J.) JUDGING NEW WEALTH. Popular publishing and Responses to Commerce in England,1750-1800.Oxford.C.P,1992.viii,327pp. dust wrapper. 259 6,000 RETTIG (J.) DISTINGUISHED CLASSICS OF REFERENCE OF PUBLISHING. ORYX PRESS,1992. xv, 356pp. roy.8vo. boards. 260 3,000 SHAABER (M.A.) SOME FORERUNNERS OF THE NEWSPAPER IN ENGLAND 1476-1622. PENNSYLVANIA U.P., 1929. xi,368pp. lar.8vo. stamped on title page & last page. 261 SHATTOCK (J.) POLITICS AND REVIEWERS:THE EDINBURGH AND THE QUARTERLY IN THE EARLY VICTORIAN AGE. LEICESTER U.P., 1989.174pp. with dust cover. 262 12,000 SOME ACCOUNT OF THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1468-1926. Oxford C.P., 1926. 27photogdraphs. 131pp. original linen & boards. sl. worn. 264 SPECK (B.W.) MANAAGING THE PUBLISHING PROCESS.An 3,000 annotated Greenwood, 1995. ix,350pp. 265 STEPHENS (W.B.) EDUCATION, LITERACY AND SOCIETY 1830-70. The Geography of 15,000 SUTCLIFFE (P.) THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. An Informal History. Ox.C.P,1978. xxviii,303pp. dw. 268 3,000 SURRENCY (E.C.) A HISTORY OF AMERICAN LAW PUBLISHING. N.Y: OCEANA PUB,1990. IX,372pp. lar.8vo. 267 Bibliography. 3,000 diversity in provincial England. Manchester U.P.,xii,385pp. lar.8vo. dust cover. 266 3,000 SLOANE (D.E.E.) AMERICAN HUMOR MAGAZINES AND COMIC PERIODICALS. Greenwood press,1987xxxv,648pp. 263 6,090 3,000 THOMAS (S.) STUDIES IN COMMUNICATION. VOLUME 1.Studies in Mass commjunication & technology; selected proceedings from the Fourth international conference on Culture and communication, temple university,01981.Norwood, Arblexx,1984.x,278pp. 269 TIMES: HISTORY OF THE TIMES 1785-1948.London: The Office of the Times, 1935. 5 vols(vol.4 is 2 parts). racked vol.5. Roy.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 270 5,000 42,000 WALL (W.) THE IMPRINT OF GENDER. Authorship and publication in the English Renaissance. Cornell U.P., 1993. xii,373pp. paperback. - 20 - 3,000 271 WARD LOCK: LIVEING (E.) ADVENTURE IN PUBLISHING. The House of Ward Lock 18541954. London: Ward, Lock, 1954. 108pp. with dust cover. 272 3,000 WICKE (J.) ADVERTISING FICTIONS. Literature, advertisement, & social Reading. N.Y: Columbia U.P., 1988.193pp. with dust cover. 273 6,000 WIDMANN (H.) TUBINGEN ALS VERLAGSSTADT. Tubingen: JC.B.Mohr,1971.xiii,268pp. dw. 4,000 274 WIENER (J.H.)(Ed.) INNOVATORS AND PREACHERS. The Role of the Editor in Victorian England. Greenwood,1985.xix,335pp. 275 WILSON (H.S,) McCULTURE'S MAGAZINE 5,000 AND THE 1970.ix,347pp. dw. 276 MUCKRAKERS. Princeton U.P., 3,000 YOKOYAMA (T.) JAPAN IN THE VICTORIAN MIND. A Study of stereotyped images of a Nation 1850-80. xxiii,,233pp. Fly reaf stamped. dw. 4,000 ●○ Printing ○● 277 ANDES (L.E.) OIL COLOURS AND PRINTERS' INKS. A Practical handbook. treating of Linseed oil, Boiled oil, Paints, Abtists, Colours, Lampblack and Printers' Inks, black and Coloudred. London: Scott Greenwood. 1918. Second revised ed, with illustrations in the text. 220pp. original green cloth. 278 8,000 BASKERVILLE: pardoe (F.E.)JOHN BASKERVILLE. Of Birmingham Letter-founder and printer. London: F.Muller,1975.illustrated. 181pp. lar.8vo. dw. 279 BAUDIN (F.) HOW TYPOGRAPHY WORKS (and why it is important). Foreword by C.Bigelow. N.Y.: Design Press, 1989. 144pp. paperback. 280 4,000 3,000 BERRY (W.T.) & POOLE (H.E.) ANNALS OF PRINTING. A Chronological encyclopaedia from the Earliest times to 1950.London: Blandford,1966.with illustrations.xi,315pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 281 3,000 BIETENHOLZ (P.G.) BASELE AND FRANCE IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. The Basle Humanists and Printers in their contacts with Francophone Culture. Univ of Toronto,1971. 367pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 282 3,000 BLADES (W.) AN ACCOUNT OF THE GERMAN MORALITY PLAY, ENTITLED DEPOSITO CORNUTI TYPOGRAPHCI. As Performed in the 17th & 18th Centuries. with a Rhythmical Translation of the German Version of 1648. London: Trubner, 1885. xii,113pp. sm.4to. uncut. original boards rebacked. 283 7,000 BLOY (C.H.) A HISTORY OF PRINTING INK.Balls and rollers 1440-1850London: Wynkyn de worde society,1972xii,147pp. 4,000 - 21 - 284 BRINGHURST (R.) THE ELEMENTS OF TYPOGRAPHIC STYLE. Hartley & Marks, 1992. 254pp. tall.8vo. pb. 285 3,000 BROSSARD (L.-E.) LE CORRECTEUR TYPOGRAPHE. Essai Historique, Documentaire et Technique. (Tours: E.Arrault, 1924) Gregg, 1971. xv,587pp. sm.8vo. 286 CARTER (H.) FOURNIER ON TYPEFOUNDING. The text of the manuel tuypographiue (117641766) translated into english and edite dwith notes. B.Franklin,1973.xlvii,328pp. 287 3,000 CHARTIER (R.) THE CULTURAL USES OF PRINT IN EARLY MODERN FRANCE. Translated by Lydia G.Cochrane. Princeton U.P., 1987.xi,354pp. dw. 290 5,000 CAXTON (W.): PAINTER (G.D.) WILLIAM CAXTON. A Quincentenary Biography of England's First Printer. London: Chatto & Windus, 1976. xi,227pp. dw. 289 6,000 CARTER (T.F.) THE INVENTION OF PRINTING IN CHINA AND ITS SPREAD WESTWARD. N.Y: Ronald press,1955.2nd Ed.,with illust. xviii,282pp. dw. 288 15,000 6,000 CHIBBETT (D.) THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION. TOKYO: Kodansha,1927.colour & b/w illustrations. 264pp. dw. 4to. 8,000 291 CLAIR (C.) A CHRONOLOGY OF PRINTING. London: Cassell,1969.228pp. dw. 3,000 292 DICKSONS (R.)INTRODUCTION OF THE ART OF PRINTING INTO SCOTLAND. Aberdeen: J & J.P.Edmond, 1885.Limited to 500 copies.with 26 illustrations. 98pp. original blue pictorial cloth. 293 7,000 DUPONT (P.) HISTOIRE DE L'IMPRIMERIE. (Paris:Tous les Lib.,1854) Gregg International pub., 1971. 2 vols. sm.8vo. top-edge sl.spotted. otherwise fine. 294 EDWARDS (M.U.) PRINTING, PROPAGANDA, AND MARTIN LUTHER. Univ of california,1994. xiii,225pp. dw. 295 3,000 ELLIS (E.M.) & (D.G.) EARLY PRINTS OF NEW ZEALAND 1642-1875. Christchurch: Avon fine prints,1978. many colour & b/w illustrations.328pp. Roy.8vo. 296 5,000 3,000 FRANKLIN (C.) PRINTING AND THE MIND OF MORRIS THREE PATHS TO THE KELMSCOTT PRESS. Cambridge, R.Lions Press, 1986. First Ed. Privately printed one of 505 copies. 58pp. Hahnemuhle mouldmade paper. clean copy. 297 7,000 GATES (D.) TYPES. A Type reference book for visual communicatiors. One-line showings of more than 850 tuypefaces arraanged by sgtyle category. complete alphabets, in all sizes, of all major typefaces. Hundreds of other alphabets in one or more display sizes. New York:Watson-Guptill,207pp. 4to. Spiral-bound with green boards. 298 3,000 GODFREY (R.T.) PRINTMAKING IN BRITAIN. A General History from its Beginnings to the Present day. Oxford: Phaidon,1978. 141-242pp. b/w illustrations 244pp. Roy.8vo. dw. sl. pencil scrached. 3,000 - 22 - 299 GUTENBERG: KARP (A.) JOHANN GUTENBERG, The Man and his Invention. Translated from the Germany by Douglas Martin. (Scolar Press) 1996. 317pp. lar.8vo. dw. 300 HALL (D.D.) CULTURES OF PRINT. Essays in the History of Massachusettspress,1996.195pp. paperback. 301 HIRSCH (R.) THE PRINTED WORD; ITS IMPACT AND DIFFUSION. (Primarily in the 15th-16th JAMES (L.)(Ed.) 3,000 LILIEN (O.M.) JACOB CHRISTOPH LE BLON. 1667-1744.Inventor of three and four colour printing. Stuttgart: Anton hiersemann,1985.224pp. 305 5,000 PRINT AND THE PEOPLE 1819-1851. Allen lane,1976.with b/w many illustraations. 368pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 304 of 3,000 4,000 centuries) London: Vatiorum,reprints, 1978.unpgeneted. 303 book.Univ HIRSCCH (R.) PRINTING, SELLING AND READING 1450-1550. Wiesbaden: O.harrassowitz, 1974. 165pp. wrapper. 302 the 8,000 6,000 McKITTERICK (D.) FOUR HUNDRED YEARS OF UNIVERSITY PRINTING AND PUBLISHING IN CAMBRIDGE 1584-1984. Catalogue of the Exhibition in the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge U.P., 1984. with illusts. 193pp. lar.8vo. dw. 306 3,000 MORAN (J.) PRINTING PRESSES. History and Development from the Fifteenth Century to Modern Times. London: Faber & Faber, 1973. First ed, with 64 plates & 109 figures in text. 263pp. 4to. with dust cover. 307 5,000 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.) CENSORSHIP & THE CONTROL OF PRINT. in England and France 1600 - 1910. (St.Paul's Bibliographies) 1992. 154pp. 308 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.) FAKES AND FRAUDS. Varieties of Deception in print and Manuscript.Delaware: Oak Knoll,1996. 144pp. 309 3,000 MYERS (R.) & HARRIS (M.) SPEADING THE WORD. The disstribution networks of Print 15501850. Winchester: St paul's biblographies,1990241pp. 310 3,000 3,000 OSWALD (J.C.) PRINTING IN THE AMERICAS. N.Y: HACKER ART BOOKS,1968.564,xlipp. 3,000 311 OVEREND (C.) THE NOBLE PRINTER. A Tale of the first printed bible. Edinburgh; Oliphant,Nd.,(Circa 1875?) 319pp. original pictorial cover. spine faded. 312 upper inner joint cracked. 5,000 PALMER (S.) A GENERAL HISTORY OF PRINTING. From the first invention of it in the city of Mentz to its propagation and progress Thro' most of the Kingdoms in Europe. N.Y; Burt Fanklin,1972.400pp. 313 3,000 RHODES (D.E.) STUDIES IN EARLY ITALIAN PRINTING. with a preface by Dr. G.Painter. London: Pindar press,1982.168pp. 12,000 - 23 - 314 RICHARDSON (B.) PRINT CULTURE IN RENAISSANCE ITALY. The editor and the Vernacular text 1470-1600.Cambridge,1996.xvi,265pp. 315 3,000 RICHARDSON (B.) PRINT CULTURE IN RENAISSANCE ITALY. The Editor and the Vernacular text,1470-1600. CAMBRIDGE U.P., 1996. xvi,265pp. 316 3,000 SAWYER (J.K.) PRINTED POISON. Pamphlet Propaganda, Faction Politics, and the Public Sphere in Early Seventeenth centurty France. Univ of California,1990.xx,,178pp. dw. 3,000 317 SHEVELOW (K.) WOMEN AND PRINT CULTURE. The construction of semininity in the early periodical. London: Routledge,1989.x,235pp. dw. 318 8,000 SPRUNGER (K.L.) TRUMPETS FROM THE TOWER. English Puritan Printing in the Netherlands 1600-1640. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1994. xvi,240pp. lar.8vo. dw. 319 8,400 STEINBERG (M.D.) MORAL COMMUNITIES. The Culture of Class Relations in the Russian printing Industry 1867-1907. Univ of california,1992. x,289pp. dw. 320 3,000 TRIBBLE (E.B.) MARGINS AND MARGINALITY. The printed page in Earlg Modern England. Univ press of Virginia,1993.194pp. dust cover. 321 5,000 WATT (T.) CHEAP PRINT AND POPULAR PIETY 1550-1640.Cambridge U.P., 1996. xviii, 369pp. paperback. 322 3,000 WATT (T.) CHEAP PRINT AND POPULAR PIETY 1550-1640. Cambridge U.P., 1991. xix,370pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine. 323 8,000 YAMADA (A.) PETER SHORT AN ELIZABETHAN PRINTER. Mie Univ,2002.Limited to 330 cocpies. 261pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 324 3,000 ZARET (D.) ORIGINS OF DEMOCRATIC CULTURE. Printing, Petitions, and the Public Sphere in Early-Modern England. Princeton U.P., 2000. 291pp. lar.8vo. dw. 7,140 ●○ Writing ○● 325 BLAGDEN (C.) THE STATIONERS' COMPANY. A HISTORY G.Allen,1960.321pp. dust cover. rubbed. 326 3,000 5,000 MARTIN (H-J.) THE HISTORY AND POWER OF WRITING. Univ of Chicago: 1988. 591pp. dust-cover 328 London: GRAY (N.) A HISTORY OF LETTERING. Creative Experiment and Letter Identity. Boston: D.R.Godine, 1986. numerous illust. 256pp. sm.4to. with dust-cover. 327 1403-1959. 4,000 MOE (E.A.van) THE DECORATED LETTER. From the VIII to the XII Century. Paris: Editions du Chene, 1950. 80 plates (of which 24 are tipped-in and coloured)120pp. 4to. with dust cover, slightly chipped. 4,000 - 24 - 329 OGG (O.) THREE CLASSICS OF ITALIAN CALLIGRAPHY.An Unabridged Reissue of the Writing Books of Arrighi, Tagliente and Palatino. Dover, 1953. 272pp. wrapper. 330 3,000 OSBORN (A.S.) QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS. A Study of Questioned Documents with an Outline of methods by Which the facts may be Discovered and Shown. with an introduction by J.H.Wigmore. Rochester: The Lawyers Co., 1910. 200 illustrations. with 3 photo in endpaper. xxiv,501pp. lar.8vo. original cloth. sl. dull. 331 REICHMANN (F.) THE SOURCES OF WESTERN LITERACY.The Middle eastern civilization. Greenwood,1980.274pp. 332 3,000 SASSOON (R.) HANDWRITING OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. London: Routledge. 1999. 208pp. soft cover. 333 12,000 3,000 SOTHEBY'S: COLLECTION OF THE GARDEN LTD. MAGNIFICENT BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS. Conceived and Formed by Haven O'More. Funded by M.Davis. SOTHEBY'S FOUNDED 1744. N.Y.: Sotheby's, n.d. (ca.1989) with numerous illusts. n.p. 4to. 334 3,000 TAYLOR (I.) THE ALPHABET. An Account of the origin and Development of Letters. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883. First Ed. 2 vols. original cloth. top edge gilt. spotted. exlibrary.(only back of cover label) 335 18,000 WHALLEY (J.I.) WRITING IMPLEMENTS AND ACCESSORIES. From the Roman stylus to the typewriter. Gale Research, 1975. many b/w illustrations. 142pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 336 3,000 ZIFF (L.) WRITING IN THE NEW NATION. Prose, print, and Politics in the Early United states. Yale U.P., 1991.xii,209pp. dw. 3,000 ◆◆◇◇ LANGUAGE ◇◇◆◆ 337 ADAMS (J.N.) THE VULGAR LATIN of the letters of Claudius Terentianus (P.Mich. VIII, 46772) Manchester U.P., 1977. 100pp. with dj. 338 ALLEN (W.S.) VOX GRAECA A Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Greek. Cambridge U.P., 1981. Reprinted. 174pp. bit foxing. 339 3,000 ANDREW (S.O.) SYNTAX AND STYLE IN OLD ENGLISH. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1966. 112pp. spine spotted. 341 3,000 ANTOINE (R.) A SANSKRIT MANUAL FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Part I. Calcutta: Xavier pub., 1968. Sixth Ed. 166pp. sm.8co. wrapper. corners sl.creased. title joint tender. 342 3,990 ANDRE (J.) LES MOTS A REDOUBLEMENT EN LATIN. Paris: Klincksieck, 1978. 125pp. lar.8vo. pb. bit foxed. 340 3,000 2,940 ARISTOTELES: KORZYBSKI (A.) SCIENCE AND SANITY. An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. With Preface by R.P.Pula and revised & expanded index. N.Y.: Institute of General Semantics, 2000. 5th Ed. cii,825pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine. - 25 - 4,800 343 ARNALDI (F.)(Cvra et Stvdio) LATINITATIS ITALICAE MEDII AEVI Inde Ab A. CDLXXVI VSQUE Ad A. MXXII Lexicon Imperfectum. I:A-Medicamen. II:Medicamentvm-Quum. III-IV:R-Zyson. (Bruxelles: Secretariat Administratif de L'U.A.I, 1939, 1951-53, 1957-64) Torino: Bottega d'Erasmo, 1970. 4 vols in 3. 4to. wrapper. 344 15,000 ARNDT (W.F.) & GINGRICH (F.W.) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT AND OTER EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. A translation and adaptation of the fourth revised and augmented edition of Walter Bauer's Griechisch-Deutsches Worterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der ubrigen urchristlichen Literatur. Chicago U.P., 1979. 2nd Ed. xl,900pp. 4to. dw. sl.foxing. 345 8,000 AUERBACH (E.) LITERARY LANGUAGE & ITS PUBLIC IN LATE LATIN ANTIQUITY AND IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Translated from the Germab by R.Manheim. Princeton U.P., 1993. xxxix,405pp. lar.8vo. pb. 346 4,200 AVANZINI (G.) & etc.(Ed.) THE NEUROSCIENCES AND MUSIC. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol.999. N.Y.: Academy of Sciences, 2003. 548pp. lar.8vo. pb. 4,000 347 AVERY (R.) & etc.(Ed.) REDHOUSE ENGLISH-TURKISH DICTIONARY. istanbul: Redhouse, 1974. viii,1152pp. lar.8vo. dw. 348 4,800 BAERMAN (M.),CORBETT (G.G.),BROWN (D.) & HIPPISLEY (A.)(Ed.) DEPONENCY AND MORPHOLOGICAL MISMATCHES. Published for The British Academy, 2007. 324pp. lar.8vo. text fine. 349 6,820 BAILEY (N.) AN UNIVERSAL ETYMOLOGICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY. London: J.J. & P.Knapton, 1735. 7th Ed. with considerable improvements. contemporary full calf. rebacked. old tape mark in title-page. 350 35,000 BALDI (P.) AN INTRODUCTION TO THE INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES. Southern Illinois U.P., 1983. xiv,214pp. lar.8vo. pb. 351 3,000 BALME (M.) & MORWOOD (J.) OXFORD LATIN COURSE Teacher's Book. Oxford U.P., 1997. 2nd Ed. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. paperback. 352 5,000 BARATIN (M.) & MOUSSY (C.)(Textes reunis) CONCEPTIONS LATINES DU SENS ET DE LA SIGNIFICATION. Colloque du Centre Alfred Ernout Universite de Paris IV 4,5 et 6 juin 1996. Paris-Sorbonne U.P., 1999. 305pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 3,000 353 BARKER (C.) POSSESSIVE DESCRIPTIONS. CSLI pub., 1995. 194pp. lar.8vo. pb. 3,000 354 BEAVER (D.I.) & CLARK (B.Z.) SENSE AND SENSITIVITY. How Focus Determines Meaning. 355 Wiley-Blackwell, 2008. xiv,307pp. Roy.8vo. 6,300 BECKER (K.F.) DAS WORT.In seiner organischen verwandlung. Olms,1970. x,299pp. 3,000 - 26 - 356 BECKER (K.F.) ORGANIISM DER SPRACHE. Hildesheim: G.Olms,1970. Zweite neubearbeitete Ausgabe. xxxii,603pp. 357 4,200 BENECKE (G.) MITTEL-HOCHDEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH, III. T-Z. Ausgearbeitet von W.Muller & F.Zarncke. Bearbeitet von W.Muller. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1963. vol.3 only. 963pp. lar.8vo. 358 3,000 BENJAMIN (A.) TRANSLATION AND THE NATURE OF PHILOSOPHY. A new theory of words. London: Routledge, 1989. 193pp. 359 5,770 BENNETT (C.E.) SYNTAX OF EARLY LATIN. I/II. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1982. xxi,506,xii, 409pp. sm.8vo. stamped on title. 360 13,650 BERSCHIN (W.) GRIECHISCH-LATEINISCHES MITTELALTER. Von Hieronymus zu Nikolaus von Kues. Munchen: Francke, 1980. 363pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. 361 10,500 BLACHERE (R.) & GAUDEFROY-DEMOMBYNES (M.) GRAMMAIRE DE L'ARABE CLASSIQUE. (Morphologie et Syntaxe) Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 1978. 508pp. paperback. 362 BLAKE (W.): GARNETT (R.) WILLIAM BLAKE. Painter and poet. Haskell house,1971. 25 b/w illustrations. 80pp. sL. spotted. 363 3,000 BLOCH (A.A.) STUDIES IN ARABIC SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1991. 2nd revised printing. xxii,140pp. lar.8vo. pb. 364 3,000 5,250 BLOCH (O.) & WARTNUNG (W.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Preface D'A.Wartburg. P.U.F., 1975. Sixieme ed. xxxii,682pp. lar.8vo. dw. exlibrary copy. 4,720 365 BOMAN (T.) DAS HEBRAISCHE DENKEN IM VERGLEICH MIT DEM GRIECHISCHEN. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1954. 2. durchgesehene Auflage. 186pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. stamped. 3,000 366 BOUISSAC (P.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SEMIOTICS. Oxford U.P., 1998. 702pp. 4to. 6,300 367 BOURCIEZ 1967. (E.) ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE ROMANE. Paris: C.Klincksieck, Cinquieme Ed. Revisee par L'Auteur et par Les soins de J.Bourciez. xxvii,783pp. Sm.8vo. wrapper. 368 3,670 BOWERMAN (M.) & LEVINSON (S.C.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT. Cambridge U.P., 2001. 602pp. lar.8vo. 369 BRIDGES (R.) EROS & PSYCHE. London: G.Bell, 1894. 170pp. cr.8vo. original gilt decorated cloth cover. nice copy. 370 6,300 4,800 BRINTON (L.J.) & AKIMOTO (M.)(Ed.) COLLOCATIONAL AND IDIOMATIC ASPECTS OF COMPOSITE PREDICATES IN THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH. John Benjamins, 1999. xii,283pp. 12,000 - 27 - 371 BROCKELMANN (C.) GRUNDRISS DER VERGLEICHENDEN GRAMMATIK DER SEMITISCHEN SPRACHEN. I.Laut- und Formenlehre. II.Syntax. (3. Nachdruckauflage der AUsgabe Berlin 1908) Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1982. 2 vols. sm.8vo. almost ffine. 372 18,900 BRODERSEN (K.), GUNTHER (W.) & SCHMITT (H.H.) HISTORISCHE GRIECHISCHE INSCHRIFTEN IN UBERSETZUNG. Band I:Die archaische und klassische Zeit. Band II:Spatklassik und fruher Hellenismus (400-250v.Chr.) Band III:Der griechische Osten und Rom (250-1v.Chr.) Darnstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1992,96,99. 3 Bde. cover sl.rubbed. text almost fine. 12,000 373 BRUCKER (C.) SAGE Et son reseau Lexical en Ancien Francais (des origines au XIIIeme Siecle) etude historique, semantique, stylistique et comparative du vocabulaire intellectuel et Moral. Lille: Reproduction des theses universite de Lille III, 1979.Tome I only. 689pp. lar.8vo. pb. 374 4,000 BRUNNER (K.) ALTENGLISCHE GRAMMATIK nach der Angelsachsischen Grammatik von E.Sievers. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1965. Dritte, Neubearbeitete Auflage. 436pp. bit foxing. 4,200 375 BUCHNER (K.)(Hrsg.) LATEIN UND EUROPE. Tradition und Renaissancen, Stuttgart: P.Reclam, 1978. 359pp. pb. 376 3,000 BURIDANT (C.) GRAMMAIRE NOUVELLE DE L'ANCIEN FRANCAIS. SEDES, 2000. 800pp. Roy.8vo. 377 8,000 BURROW (J.A.) & TURVILLE-PETRE (T.) A BOOK OF MIDDLE ENGLISH. Blackwell, 1996. 2nd Ed. 373pp. pb. 378 3,000 BURTON (P.) THE OLD LATIN GOSPELS. A Study of their Texts and Language. Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford U.P., 2000. 232pp. with dj. fine. 379 10,500 CACHON ( DICTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS-ANGLAIS-JAPONAIS. (Paris:F.D.Freres,1866) (Le Japonais en Caracteres Chinois-Japonais avec sa Transcription en caracteres Europeens) publie par les soins de M.A.le Gras pour la partie anglaise et de M.L.Pages. Tokyo: Culture Pub., 1977. 440pp. lar.8vo. paperback. in slip-case. with supplement. fine. 380 4,200 CALBOLI (G.)(Ed.) SUBORDINATION AND OTHER TOPICS IN LATIN. Proceedings of the Third Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Bologna, 1-5 April 1985. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1989. xxix,691pp. 381 5,000 CALVET (L-J.) LANGUAGE WARS AND LINGUISTIC POLITICS. Translated by M.Petheram. Oxford U.P., 1998. xvi,212pp. with dj. fine. 382 CAMPBELL (A.) OLD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Oxford C.P., 1964. reprinted. 423pp. dw(sl.tear). bit spotted. 383 6,300 4,500 CANNON (G.) HISTORICAL CHANGE AND ENGLISH WORD-FORMATION. Peter Lang, 1987. 340pp. 10,500 - 28 - 384 CARNAP (R.) INTRODUCTION TO SEMANTICS. Harvard U.P., 1948. later printing. xii,263pp. 3,150 385 CARNAP (R.) THE LOGICAL SYNTAX OF LANGUAGE. London: R.& K.Paul, 1949. xvi,352pp. 3,990 386 CARNAP (R.): LOGIC AND LANGUAGE. Studies dedicated to Professor Rudolf Carnap on the Occasion of his seventieth birthday. Holland: D.Reidel, 1962. 246pp. dw.(faded) 387 CARNAP (R.): SCHILPP (P.A.)(Ed.) THE PHILOSOPHY OF RUDOLF CARNAP. Cambridge U.P., 1963. xvi,1088p. lar.8vo. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. bit scratched. 388 5,770 CARROZZINI (P.A.) GRAMMATICA DELLA LINGUA EBRAICA. Marietti,1966.xvi,176pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 389 4,200 3,000 CARRUTHERS (P.) & CHAMBERLAIN (A.)(Ed.) EVOLUTION AND THE HUMAN MIND. Modularity, language and meta-cognition. Cambridge U.P., 2000. 331pp. lar.8vo. p.243246 creased. 390 4,000 CHANTRAINE (P.) LA FORMATION DES NOMS EN GREC ANCIENT. (C.Klincksieck, 1933) Societe de Linguistique de Paris, 1968. xxvii,473pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. cover bit tear. 4,000 391 CHARLES (R.H.) THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN ENGLISH.I.Apocrypha. II.Pseudepigrapha. Oxford C.P., 1983. 2 Vols. 4to. 392 CHEJNE (A.G.) THE ARABIC LANGUAGE. ITS ROLE IN HISTORY. Univ of Minnesota press,1969.x,240pp. dw. 393 16,000 CHOMSKY (N.) KNOWLEDGE OF 5,000 LANGUAGE: Its Nature, Origin, and Use. [with] CONVERGENCE A Series Founded, Planned & Edited by R.N.Anshen. N.Y.: Praeger, 1986. xxix,307pp. lar.8vo. pb. 394 3,000 CHRISTES (J.) SKLAVEN UND FREIGELASSENE ALS GRAMMATIKER UND PHILOLOGEN IM ANTIKEN ROM. Wiesbaden: F.Steiner, 1979. 226pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 395 CLARKE (M.L.) CLASSICAL EDUCATION IN BRITAIN 1500-1900. Cambridge U.P., 1959. vii,233pp. dw. 396 4,000 COLBY (J.K.) LATIN WORD LISTS for First, Second and Third Years with ENglish Meanings. Independent School Press, 1972. 30pp. cr.8vo. wrapper. 397 6,000 3,000 COLE (T.) & ROSS (D.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. YALE CLASSICAL STUDIES Edited for the Department of Classics Volume XXIII: Cambridge U.P., 1973. 241pp. lar.8vo. dw. 398 3,150 COLLINGE (N.E.)(Ed.) AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE. London: Routledge, 1990. 1011pp. lar.8vo. 5,250 - 29 - 399 COOPER (F.T.) WORD FORMATION IN THE ROMAN SERMO PLEBIUS. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1975. xlvii,329pp. sm.8vo. 400 5,770 COOPER (W.S.) FOUNDATIONS OF LOGICO-LINGUISTICS. A Unified Theory of Information, Language, and Logic. D.Reidel,1978. xv,249pp. paperback. 401 3,670 CORBETT (E.P.J.) & CONNORS (R.J.) CLASSICAL RHETORIC FOR THE MODERN STUDENT. Oxford U.P., 1999. 4th Ed. 562pp. lar.8vo. 402 6,000 CORREARD (M-H.) & GRUNDY (V.)(Ed.) THE CONCISE OXFORD-HACHETTE FRENCH DICTIONARY. French-English, English-French. Oxford U.P., 1995. 1447pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 3,000 403 COULMAS (F.)(Ed.) LINGUISTIC MINORITIES AND LITERACY. Language policy Issues in Developing countries. Berlin: Mourton,1982.133pp. dust cover. 404 COWGILL (W.) & 1.Halbband:Einleitung MAYRHOFER & (M.) INDOGERMANISCHE 2.Halbband:Lautlehre 3,000 GRAMMATIK [Segmentale Band Phonologie I, des Indogermsnichen] Hrsg.von M.Mayrhofer. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1986. 216pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 405 4,000 COYLE (M.),GARSIDE (P.),KELSALL (M.) & PECK (J.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LITERATURE AND CRITICISM. N.Y.: Gale Research Inc.(Routledge), 1991. xix,1299pp. lar.8vo. a thick vol. 406 5,000 CUDDON (J.A.) A DICTIONARY OF LITERARY TERMS AND LITERARY THEORY. Blackwell Reference, 1993. 3rd Ed. xviii,1051pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine. 407 4,500 D'EICHTHAL (Gustave) DE L'USAGE PRATIQUE DE LA LANGUA GRECQUE./ DE LA REFORME PROGRESSIVE ET DE L'ETAT DE LA LANGUE GRECQUE./ LES TROIS GRANIS PEUPLES MEDITERRANEENS ET LE CHRISTIANISME. 1865-1870. presentation to the Athenaeum Club with Inscription by the Author. 22,78,48pp. last 2 items with title pages. exlibrary stamped. modern imitation vellum(Boards). 408 9,240 D.N.B.: STEPHEN (L.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. London: Smith,Elder, 1885-1903. 67 vols. (vol.I-LXIII, supplement 3 vols.& index 1 vol.) roy.8vo. original cloth. ex-library. spine bit chipped. An Essential & indispensable work. 409 DALES (R.C.) & ARGERAMI (O.)(Ed.) MEDIEVAL LATIN TEXTS ON THE ETERNITY OF THE WORLD. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1991. 229pp. lar.8vo. dw. sl.foxing. 410 10,500 DAMOURETTE (J.) & PICHON (Edouard) DES MOTS A LA PENSEE. Essai de Grammaire de la Langue Francaise 1911-1940. Oaris: D'Artrey, (Ca.1960) 6 vols. wrapper. 4to. 411 80,000 29,400 DAVIS (N.): GRAY (D.) & STANLEY (E.G.)(Ed.) MIDDLE ENGLISH STUDIES. Presented to Norman Davis in Honour of his Seventeenth Birthday. Oxford C.P., 1983. 288pp. - 30 - 4,720 412 DENNISTON (J.D.) THE GREEK PARTICLES. Oxford C.P., 1981. 2nd Ed. 660pp. with dustcover. sl.spotted. 413 10,500 DERRIDA (J.) DE LA GRAMMATOLOGIE. Paris: editions de Minuit, 1967. 445pp. paperback. sl.spotted. 414 2,940 DOBSON (E.J.) ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION 1500-1700. vol.I.Survey of the Sources. vol.II.Phonology. Oxford C.P., 1968. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. top edge bit foxing. 415 15,750 DODD (H.P.) THE EPIGRAMMATISTS. A Selection from the epigrammatic Literature of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern times. London: Bell and Daldy, 1870. xl,587pp. title page stamped. spine edges wear. 416 3,670 DONIACH (N.S.)(Ed.) THE OXFORD ENGLISH-HEBREW DICTIONARY. In Collaboration with The Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Oxford U.P., 1998. xxiii,1091pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 417 5,250 DURKACZ (V.E.) THE DECLINE OF THE CELTIC LANGUAGES. A Study of Linguistic and Cultural conflict in Scotland, Wales and Ieland from the Reformation to the Twentieth Century. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1983. 258pp. dw. 418 3,800 EDON (M.G.) COURS DE THEMES ET EXERCICES LATINS. Adaptes a la Grammaire Latine de Lhomond. Paris: Belin Freres, 1902. Vingt-Huitieme Ed. 202pp. 12mo. spine cloth with boards. 419 4,200 EGGERS (H.): BACKES (H.)(Hrsg.) FESTSCHRIFT FUR HANS EGGERS ZUM 65.GEBURTSTAG. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1972. 772pp. paperback. cover edge sl.rubbed. 420 ELLIGER (K.) ET RUDOLPH (W.) BIBLIA HEBRAICA STUTTGARTENSIA. Stuttgart: Deutsche bibelstiftung,1967. lv,1574pp. lar.8vo. title page owner's stamped. 421 3,000 ERNOUT (A.) PHILOLOGICA II & III. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1957,65. 2 vols(vol.II & III). racked vol.I. lar.8vo. wrapper. white square-paint. 423 8,000 ELMER (H.C.) CORNELL STUDIES IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY No.VI. Studies in Latin Moods and Tenses. Johnson Reprint Corp., 1965. 231pp. 422 4,000 5,770 ERNOUT (A.) & MEILET (A.) DICTIONNAIRE ETYMOLOGIQUE DE LA LANGUE LATINE. Histoire des Mots. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 2001,retirage de la 4e edition.xiii,833pp. Roy.8vo 12,000 424 EVANS (G.) COLLECTED PAPERS. Oxford C.P., 1985. 411pp. with dj. 8,400 425 EVANS (W.) AN ENGLISH-WELSH DICTIONARY. Containing all Words Necessary for Reading an English Author. Carmarthen: John Evens, 1812. 2nd Ed. 312pp. joint weak. spine edges bit chipped. 426 15,750 FARRELL (J.) LATIN LANGUAGE AND LATIN CULTURE. from ancient to modern times. Cambridge U.P., 2001. 148pp. sm.8vo. - 31 - 4,000 427 FINDLAY (J.N.) LANGUAGE MIND AND VALUE. Philosophical Essays. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1963. 259pp. dw. 428 3,500 FINKENSTAEDT (T.), LEISI (E.) & WOLFF (F.) A CHRONOLOGICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Listing 80000 Words in Order of their Earliest Known Occurrence. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1970. 1395pp. lar.8vo. a thick vol. 429 6,300 FISIAK (J.)(Ed.) HISTORICAL SEMANTICS HISTORICAL WORD-FORMATION. Berlin: Mouton, 1985. 607pp. with dj. white square-paint on endpaper. 430 18,900 FLOBERT (P.) LES VERBES DEPONENTS LATINS des Origines a Charlemagne. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1975. xxii,704pp. lar.8vo. pb. cover bit rubbed. 431 6,000 FRAKER (C.F.) THE LIBRO DE ALEXANDRE. Medieval Epic and Silver Latin. North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 1993. 187pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 432 5,000 FREED (A.F.) THE SEMANTICS OF ENGLISH ASPECTUAL COMPLEMENTATION. (Synthese Language Library Vol.8) D.Reidel, 1979. x,172pp. with dust cover. 433 6,300 FREGE: DUMMETT (M.) FREGE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE. Duckworth, 1973. xxv,698pp. lar.8vo. inner-joint weak(sl.cracked). 434 5,000 FRISK (H.) GRIECHISCHES ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1973. Zweite, unveranderte Auflage. 3 Bde. sm.8vo. almost fine. 435 FUHRMANN (M.) LATEIN UND EUROPA. Geschichte 50,000 des Gelehrten Unterrichts in Deutschland Von Karl dem Grossen bis Wilhelm II. Koln: DuMont, 2001. 248pp. lar.8vo. dw. 436 3,500 GAENG (P.A.) AN INQUIRY INTO LOCAL VARIATIONS IN VULGAR LATIN. As Reflected in the Vocalism of Christian Inscriptions. North Carolina U.P., 1968. 299pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 3,990 437 GAMILLSCHEG (E.) HISTORISCHE FRANZOSISCHE SYNTAX. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1957. 828pp. lar.8vo. in dust-case. sl.foxing. 438 5,000 GEORGES (K.E.) AUSFUHRLICHES LATEINISCH-DEUTSCHES HANDWORTERBUCH. Aus den quellen Zusammengetragen antiquitaten unter und mit berucksichtigung besonderer der Besten bezugnahme Hilfsmittel. auf synonymik Hannover: und Hahnsche buchhandlung, 1976. 2 Bde. thick vols. lar.8vo. spine faded. white square-paint on title. 10,000 439 GESENIUS (W.): BROWN (F.)(Ed.) A HEBREW AND ENGLISH LEXICON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. with an appendix xontaining the Biblical Aramaic. Based on the Lexicon of William Gesenius As Translated by E.Robinson. Oxford C.P., ca.1951. xix,1127pp. Roy.8vo. cover edges bit wear. 5,000 - 32 - 440 GIL (L.)(Director) CUADERNOS DE FILOLOGIA CLASICA. Estudios Griegos e Indoeuropeos CFC: egi 8. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1998. 255pp. lar.8vo. pb. 441 4,200 GILDERSLEEVE (B.L.): STUDIES IN HONOR OF BASIL L.GILDERSLEEVE. Johns Hopkins Press, 1902. 517pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. 442 5,000 GILLETT (G.) REPRESENTATION MEANING AND THOUGHT. Oxford C.P., 1992. 213pp. with dj. 443 4,000 GOODWIN (W.W.) A GREEK GRAMMAR. London: St.Martin, 1978. xxxv,451pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 444 GOTZE (A.)(Begrundet) TRUBNERS DEUTSCHES WORTERBUCH Funfter Band, O-R. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1954. vol.5 only. 503pp. 4to. sl.soiled. 445 GRADENWITZ (O.) LATERCULI VOCUM LATINARUM. voces latinas et a fronte et a tergo ordinandas curavit Otto Gradenwitz. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1966. 545pp. stamped. 446 3,000 8,920 GREEN (S.G.) HANDBOOK TO THE GRAMMAR OF THE GREEK TESTAMENT. Together with complete vocabulary and an examination of the chief new Testament synonyms. London: Religious tract society, ca.1912. New Imp;Revised. xxxix,564pp. original cloth. 447 3,000 GREENBAUM (S.) THE OXFORD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Oxford U.P., 1996. 652pp. roy.8vo. dw. 4,000 448 GREIMAS (A.J.) & COURTES (J.) SEMIOTIQUE. Tome 1, 2. Dictionnaire Raisonne de la theorie du language. Paris: Hachette, 1976. 2 vols. 449 4,000 GRENOBLE (L.A.) & WHALEY (L.J.)(Ed.) ENDANGERED LANGUAGES. Language loss and community response. Cambridge U.P., 1999. xvii,361pp. pb. p.207-208 tape repaired. 3,000 450 GRIGSBY (J.L.) THE MIDDLE FRENCH LIBER FORTUNAE. A Critical Edition. California U.P., 1967. 276pp. wrapper. sl.spoted. 451 GRIMM (J.& W.) DEUTSCHES 3,670 WORTERBUCH. (Leipzig:S.Hirzel,1854) Taschenbuch, 1984. 33 Bde. lar.8vo. green paperback. 452 3,150 GROTON (A.H.) FROM ALPHA TO OMEGA. A Beginning Course in Classical Greek. Focus Information Group, 1995. Revised Ed. 506pp. sm.4to. paperback. 454 65,000 GROSSMAN (J.)(preface) THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE. University of Chicago Press, 1993. Forteenth Edition. 921pp. lar.8vo. dw. text fine. 453 Deutscher 3,000 GUILLAUME (G.) TEMPS ET VERBE THEORIE DES ASPECTS, DES MODES ET DES TEMPS suivi de L'Architectonique du Temps dans Les Langues Classiques. Avant-Propos de R.Valin. Paris: Lib.Honore Champion, 1970. xxi,134,66pp. wrapper. white square-paint. - 33 - 4,000 455 GUIRAUD (P.) STRUCTURES ETYMOLOGIQUES DU LEXIQUE FRANCAIS. Preface d'Alain Rey. Paris: Payot, 1986. 278pp. pb. sl.spotted. 456 3,000 GUMPERZ (J.J.) & HYMES (D.)(Ed.) DIRECTIONS IN SOCIOLINGUISTICS. The Ethnography of Communication. Blackwell, 1986. 598pp. lar.8vo. pb. 457 GWARA (S.)(Ed.) ANGLO-SAXON CONVERSATIONS. The Colloquies of Aelfric Bata. Translated with an D.W.Porter. Boydell Press, 1997. 209pp. Roy.8vo. 458 8,400 HAFFTER (H.) UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR ALTLATEINISCHEN DICHTERSPRACHE. Weidmann, 1974. 153pp. sm.8vp. text bit foxed. white square-paint on title. 460 9,240 HAASE (F.) VORLESUNGEN UBER LATEINISCHE SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT. Bedeutungslehre. Leipzig: Simmel, 1874. 2 Bde in 1. vi,220,xii,260pp. lar.8vo. spine edge chipped. 459 3,000 3,000 HALE (W.G.) CORNELL STUDIES IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY No.I. The Cum-Constructions: Their History and Functions. Part I:Critical. Johnson Reprint Corp., 1965. 263pp. white square-paint on title. 461 3,000 HAMMOND (M.) & AMORY (A.) AENEAS TO AUGUSTUS. A Beginning Latin Reader for College Students. Harvard U.P., 1979. 2nd Ed.,7th pri. 460pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. white square- paint. 462 3,000 HARMER (F.E.) ANGLO-SAXON WRITS. The Ward Bequest. Manchester U.P., 1989. xxii,604pp. with dust-cover. 463 5,500 HARPER (W.R.) ELEMENTS OF HEBREW BY AN INDUCTIVE METHOD. N.Y.: C.Scribner's, 1892. 14th Ed.,with Index. 200pp. sl.worm-hole. cover bit soiled. 464 3,150 HARRINGTON (K.P.) MEDIEVAL LATIN. Chicago U.P., 1997. xxii,679pp. lar.8vo. paperback. 3,670 465 HARRIS (J.) HERMES. Or, A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar. London: printed for John Nourse & P.Vaillant, 1771. 3rd Ed. Revised and Corrected. xix,442pp + index. contemporary full calf. fine condition. 466 35,000 HARTUNG (A.E.) A MANUAL OF THE WRITINGS IN MIDDLE ENGLISH 1050-1500. Vol.4 X.Middle Scots Writers by F.H.Ridley. XI.The Chaucerian Apocrypha by R.H.Robbins. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1973. 962-1313pp. lar.8vo. 467 HAYE (T.) ORATIO. Mittelalterliche Redekunst in Lateinischer Sprache. (Brill), 1999. 340pp. lar.8vo. dw. 468 3,000 11,500 HELLEGOUARC'H (J.) LE MONOSYLLABE DANS L'HEXAMETRE LATIN. Essai de Metrique Verbale. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1964. 315pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. white squarepaint. 4,720 - 34 - 469 HENRY (V.) A SHORT COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF GREEK AND LATIN for Schools and Colleges. Authorized Translation From the Second French Edition by R.T.Elliott. With an Introductory Note by H.Nettleship. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1890. xxx,330pp. sm.8vo. modern cloth rebound. 470 10,500 HENY (F.)(Ed.) AMBIGUITIES IN INTENSIONAL CONTEXTS. D.Reidel,1981. livv,285pp. paperback. 471 3,500 HERMAN (J.) LINGUISTIC STUDIES ON LATIN. Selected Papers From the 6th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Budapest, 3-27 March 1991) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1994. 421pp. 472 12,000 HERMANN (U.)(verfasst) DIE DEUTSCHE RECHTSCHREIBUNG. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 1999. 1073pp. cr.8vo. 473 3,150 HIZ (H.)(Ed.) QUESTIONS. (Synthese Language Library vol.1)D.Reidel, 1978. xvii,366pp. dw. 474 8,190 HOFFMANN (F.) DER LATEINISCHE UNTERRICHT AUF SPRACHWISSENSCHAFTLICHER GRUNDLAGE. Anregungen und Winke. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellchaft, 1966. xiv,199pp. spine & fore-edge spotted. 475 HOOPS (J.) REALLEXIKON 2,620 DER GERMANISCHEN ALTERTUMSKUNDE Band 1-12, ERGANZUNGSBANDE Band 1-19. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1973-1998.31 bde. Lar.8vo. 300,000 476 HUMBOLDT (W.): HARNACK (O.) WILH.V.HUMBOLDT. mit einer Relief= und einer Briefnachbildung. Halle: A.Ziemsen, ca.1912. 273pp. sm.8vo. bit foxing. stamped on title. 4,000 477 HUMBOLDT (W.): KESSEL (E.) WILHELM V.HUMBOLDT Idee und Wirklichleit. Stuttgart: K.F.Koehler, 1967. 263pp. dw. 478 3,000 HUMBOLDT (W.): SCHREIBER (A.)(Hrsg.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT BRIEFE An Christine Reinhard-Reimarus. Heidelberg: L.Schneider, 1956. 243pp. wrapper. 479 3,000 HUMBOLDT (W.): SPRANGER (E.) WILHELM VON HUMBOLDT und die Reform des Bildungswesens. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1965. 3., unveranderte Auflage. xiv,275pp. dw. bit foxing. 480 3,990 HUMBOLDT (W.): TRABANT (J.) APELIOTES ODER DER SINN DER SPRACHE. Wilhelm von Humboldts Sprach-Bild. Supplemente hrsg.von H-H.Henschen Band 8. Wilhelm Fink, 1986. 226pp. dw. 481 4,000 HYMAN (L.M.) & KISSEBERTH (C.W.)(Ed.) THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF BANTU TONE. CSLI pub., 1998. 366pp. pb. 3,000 - 35 - 482 JABERG (K.) UND JUD (J.) DER SPRACHATLAS ALS FORSCHUNGSISTRUMENT. Kritische Grundlegung und einfuhrung in den sprach und sachatlas italiens und der Sudschweiz. Halle: M.Niemeyer, N.d.,244pp. wrappers. 483 3,000 JANKUHN (D.) DAS BUCH "SCHUTZ DES HAUSES". Habelts Dissertationsdrucke Reihe Klassische Philologie Heft 12. Bonn: R.Habelt, 1972. 180pp. wrapper. 484 3,800 JESPERSEN (O.) A MODERN ENGLISH GRAMMAR On Historical Principles. Part I:Sounds and Spellings. Part II:Syntax.1st volume. Part III:Syntax. 2nd volume. Part IV:Syntax. 3rd volume. Time and Tense. Part V:Syntax. 4th volume. Part VI:Morphology. Part VII:Syntax. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1984. 2nd printing. 7 vols complete set. dw. top edge spotted. otherwise fine. 485 25,000 JESPERSEN (O.) THE PHILOSOPHY OF GRAMMAR. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1951. 359pp. spine faded 486 3,000 JOHNSON (A.W.) THE REPAIR OF CLOTH BINDINGS. A MANUAL. Oak knoll,2005. b/w illustration throughout. 115pp. dw. 487 5,250 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. Edited with copious Notes and Eiographical illustrations by Edward Malone. London: James Blackwood, n.d.(ca.1890) 580pp. lar.8vo. spotted. 488 4,000 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. London: J.Murray, 1835. First Illustrated Ed. 10 vols. cr.8vo. full calf bound by Zaehnsdorf. 489 150,000 JONES (R.F.) THE TRIUMPH OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A Survey of Opinions Concerning the Vernacular from the Introduction of Printing to Restoration. Stanford U.P., 1966. Reprinted Ed. xii,340pp. lar.8vo. 490 JONES (T.)(Ed.) HARRAP'S 3,000 STANDARD GERMAN AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Part One:German-English A-E, F-K, L-R. London: G.G.Harrap, 1963. 3 vols. 4to. bit spotted. vol.4 is not published. 491 8,190 JORDAN (R.) HANDBOOK OF MIDDLE ENGLISH GRAMMAR: PHONOLOGY. translated and revised by E.J.Crook. Hague: Mouton, 1974. xxxiv,331pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 492 3,990 JUILLAND (A.) DICTIONNAIRE INVERSE DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE. Janua Linguarum Series Practica VII. Hague: Mouton, 1965. lx,503pp. Roy.8vo. dw(sl.wear). 493 KAEGI (A.) GRIECHISCHE SCHULGRAMMATIK. Besorgt von 7,350 E.Bruhn. [with] REPETITIONSTABELLEN zur Kurzgefassten Griechischen Schulgrammatik. Weidmann, 1985. 2 vols. 242pp + 47pp. blue boards & pink wrapper. 494 3,990 KASTER (R.A.) GUARDIANS OF LANGUAGE: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. California U.P., 1997. xxi,524pp. lar.8vo. pb. - 36 - 8,400 495 KEMPCKE (G.) WORTERBUCH DEUTSCH ALS FREMDSPRACHE. unter Mitarbeit von B.Seelig, et al. Berlin: Wa;ter de Gruyter, 2000. xxxi,1329pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 496 3,000 KENNEDY (Dr.J.), SMITH (W.A.) & JOHNSON (A.F.)(Ed.) DICTIONARY OF ANONYMOUS AND PSEUDONYMOUS ENGLISH LITERATURE (SAMUEL HALKETT AND JOHN LAING). Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1926-1962.New & Enlarged Ed. 9 vols. 4to. with dust cover(chipped). 64,000 497 KENNEDY (G.A.) CLASSICAL RHETORIC AND ITS CHRISTIAN AND SECULAR TRADITION FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMES. Univ.of North Carolina Press, 1982. 291pp. pb. 498 KHAN (G.) STUDIES IN SEMITIC SYNTAX. London Oriental Series, volume 38. Oxford U.P., 1988. xxxix,252pp. Roy.8vo. dw. almost fine. 499 10,500 KITTEL (R.)(Ed.) BIBLIA HEBRAICA. textum Masoreticum curavit P.Kahle. Stuttgart: Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1966. 1434pp. lar.8vo. 500 5,000 KOEHLER (L.) & BAUMGARTNER (W.) THE HEBREW AND ARAMAIC LEXICON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. STUDY EDITION VOLUME 1 & 2. Leiden: Brill, 2001. 2 Vols. text fine. 501 3,000 15,000 KOEHLER (L.) & BAUMGARTNER (W.)(Ed.) LEXICON IN VETERIS TESTAMENTI LIBROS. Worterbuch zum Hebraischen Alten Testament in Deutscher und Englischer Sprache A Dictionary of the Hebrew Old Testament in English and German. Leiden: E.J.Brill/WM.B.Eerdmans, 1951,53. 2 vols. 4to. spine faded. fore-edges sl.foxed. vol.II bit worn. 502 8,400 KOHLENBERGER III (J.R.)(Ed.) THE NIV INTERLINEAR HEBREW-ENGLISH OLD TESTAMENT. Four Volumes in One Genesis-Malachi. Regency Reference Library, 1987. 4 vols in 1. 586,512,601,591pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 503 6,300 LAFFONT-BOMPIANI: DICTIONNAIRE DES OEUVRES. De tous les temps et de tous les Pays. Litterature-Philosophie-Musique-Sciences. Collection dirigee par Guy Schoeller. R.Laffont, 1980. 7 vols. sm.8vo. paperback. 504 18,900 LAROUSSE (P.) GRAND DICTIONNAIRE ENCYCLOPEDIQUE LAROUSSE. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1982. 16 vols(15 vols + supplement). 4to. full red modern-leather. 505 LAROUSSE (P.) LAROUSSE DU XXe SIECLE. Publie sous la direction de Paul auge. Paris: Lib.Larousse, 1928-1933. 6 vols + supplement. lar.4to. half morocco. bit soiled. 506 20,000 LATHAM (R.E.) REVISED MEDIEVAL LATIN WORD-LIST. From British and Irish Sources. with supplement. Oxford U.P., 1999. xxiii,535pp. roy.8vo. dw. fine. 507 52,500 8,400 LAURAND (L.) MANUEL DES ETUDES GRECQUES ET LATINES. Tome 1:Grece. 2:Rome. 3:Complements, Atlas, Tables. 4:Supplement. Paris: J.Picard, 1940-42. 4 tomes. wrappers. sl.foxing. 13,000 - 37 - 508 LAVENCY (M.) VSVS GRAMMAIRE LATINE. Description du latin classique en vue de la lecture des auteurs. Duculot, 1985. 361pp. sl.foxing. 509 LAVENCY (M.) VSVS Grammaire latine. Description du latin classique en vue de la lecture des auteurs. Peeters: Louvain-La-Neuve, 1997. Deuxieme ed. 358pp. lar.8vo. pb. 510 8,400 4,000 LEBEK (W.D.) VERBA PRISCA. Die Anfange des Archaisierens in der lateinischen Beredsamkeit und Geschichtsschreibung. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970. 380pp. lar.8vo. pb. sl.foxing. white square-paint. 4,500 511 LEECH (G.) PRINCIPLES OF PRAGMATICS. Longman, 1988. 5th Imp. 250pp. pb. 4,000 512 LEECH (G.) & SVARTVIK (J.) A COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH. London: Longman, 1994. 2nd Ed. 423pp. lar.8vo. pb. 3,000 513 LEHMANN (W.P.) PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN SYNTAX. Texas U.P., 1974. 278pp. lar.8vo. sl.spotted. 3,670 514 LEROI-GOURHAN (A.) LE GESTE ET LA PAROLE. I.Technique et Langage. II.Le Memoire et Les Rythmes. Albin Michel, 1964,65. 2 vols. pb. sl.spotted. 5,000 515 LESLAU (W.) COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY OF GE'EZ. (Classical Ethiopic)Ge'ezEnglish/English-Ge'ez with an index of the Semitic roots. Wiesbaden: O.Harrassowitz, 1991. xxxvi,813pp. 4to. almost fine. 15,000 516 LESNIEWSKI (S.): SRZEDNICKI (J.T.J.) & RICKEY (V.F.)(Ed.) LESNIEWSKI'S SYSTEMS Ontology and Mereology. Hague: M.Nijhoff, 1984. 262pp. Roy.8vo. red boards. 517 9,240 LEUMANN (M.) & HOFMANN (J.B.) & SZANTYR (A.) LATEINISCHE GRAMMATIK. Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1977,79. 3 Bde. lar.8vo. light spotted. white square-paint. 518 42,000 LEVENSTON (E.A.) & SIVAN (R.)(Compiled) THE MEGIDDO MODERN DICTIONARY. EnglishHebrew & Hebrew-English. Tel Aviv: Megiddo pub., 1990. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. in publisher's card-board box. 519 8,400 LEVINAS (E.): FUNK (R.) SPRACHE UND TRANSZENDENZ IM DENKEN VON EMMANUEL LEVINAS. Zur Frage einer neuen philosophischen Rede von Gott. Freiburg: K.Alber, 1989. 452pp. Roy.8vo. bit soiled. 520 10,500 LEWIS (C.T.) A LATIN DICTIONARY FOR SCHOOLS. Oxford C.P., 1964. 1191pp. 4to. dw(bit chipped). sl.foxing. 521 15,000 LEWIS (C.T.) A LATIN DICTIONARY. Founded on Andrews' Edition of Freud's Latin Dictionary. Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten. Oxford U.P., 1969. 2019pp. 4to. 522 16,000 LEWIS (C.T.) A LATIN DICTIONARY. Founded on Andrews' Edition of Freund's Latin Dictionary. Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten. Oxford C.P., 1998. 2019pp. demy 4to. 24,000 - 38 - 523 LEXER (M.) MITTELHOCHDEUTSCHES HANDWORTERBUCH Erster Band. A-M. (1869-1872). Stuttgart: S.Hirzel, 1970. vol.I only. u.p. a thick vol. lar.8vo. title page missing. 524 3,000 LEXER (M.) MITTELHOCHDEUTSCHES HANDWORTERBUCH. Zugleich als Supplement und Alphabetischer Index zum Mittelhochdeutschen Worterbuch von Benecke-Muller-Zarncke. Stuttgart: S.Hirzel, 1970. 3 Bde. lar.8vo. foxing. 525 LI (Yen-hui A.) & SIMPSON (A.)(Ed.) 21,000 FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE(S), FORM AND INTERPRETATION. Perspectives from East Asian languages. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. 280pp. lar.8vo. 526 10,500 LIDDELL (H.G.) & SCOTT (R.)(Comp.) A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. With a supplement 1968. Oxford C.P., 1973. xlv,2042,153pp. folio. India paper. spotted. 527 15,750 LIEBRUCKS (B.) WEGE ZUM BEWUSSTSEIN Sprache und Dialektik in den ihnen von Kant und Marx versagten, von Hegel eroffneten Raumen.Sprache und Bewusstsein Band 3. Frankfurt: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1966. 674pp. lar.8vo. sl.spotted. 528 4,750 LINDSAY (W.M.) DIE LATEINISCHE SPRACHE. Ihre Laute, Stamme und Flexionen in Sprachgeschichtlicher Darstellung vom Verfasser Genehmigte und Ubersetzung von Hans Nohl. (1897) G.Olms, 1984. 747pp. sm.8vo. 529 Durchgesehene 16,760 LITTLETON (A.) Dr.ADAM LITTLETON'S LATIN DICTIONARY, IN FOUR PARTS: I.An EnglishLatin. II.A Latin-Classical. III.A Latin-Proper. IV.A Latin-Barbarous. London: D.Brown, 1723. 5th Ed. u.p. sm.4to. original text in modern cloth. thick vol. 530 LNHM (C.D.)(Ed.) LATIN GRAMMAR AND RHETORIC. From classical theory to Medieval practice. (continuum) 2003.304pp. lar.8vo. 531 35,000 21,000 LOFSTEDT (E.) SYNTACTICA Studien Beitrage zur Historischen Syntax des Lateins. I.Teil:Uber Einige Grundfragen der Lateinischen Nominalsyntax. II.Teil:Syntaktisch- Stilistische Gesichtspunkte und Probleme. Lund, C.W.K.Gleerup, 1956. Zweite, Erweiterte Auflage. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. wrapper. spine foxed. white square-paint. 532 16,000 LUMBY (J.R.) KING HORN, FLORIS AND BLAUNCHEFLUR, THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY. First Edited in 1866 by J.Rawson Lumby, and now Re-Edited From the Manuscripts, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by G.H.Mcknight. Oxford U.P., 1962. lviii,171pp. sl.foxing. 533 3,000 LUNDSTROM (S.) LEXICON ERRORUM INTERPRETUM LATINORUM. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1983. 194pp. wrapper. white square-paint. 3,000 534 LYCAN (W.G.) CONSCIOUSNESS. MIT Press, 1995. xii,165pp. lar.8vo. pb. 3,000 535 LYONS (J.) LINGUISTIC SEMANTICS. An Introduction. Cambridge U.P., 2002. xvi,376pp. pb. 4,000 - 39 - 536 MacDONALD (R.H.) THE LANGUAGE OF EMPIRE. Myths and metaphors of popular imperialism, 1880-1918. Mannchester U.P., 1994.xii,268pp. dust cover. 537 4,000 MAGAZIS (G.)(Ed.) LANGENSCHEIDT'S STANDARD GREEK DICTIONARY. Greek-English, English-Greek. Langenscheidt, 1990. 863pp. sm.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. 3,000 538 MANN (T.) JOSEPH UND SEINE BRUDER. S.Fischer,1952. 2 vols. cr.8vo. dw. 4,200 539 MANTELLO (F.A.C.) MEDIEVAL LATIN. An Introduction and bibliographical guide. Catholic Univ.of America Press, 1996. xiv,774pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 540 6,000 MARCHAND: BOURGUIGNON (J.) MEMOIRES DE MARCHAND. I:L'Ile d'elbe- les cent-jours. II: Sainte-helene. Premier valet de Chambre et executeur testamentaire de L'empereur. Paris: Ta11amdoer. 1985.2 Vols. full gilt decorated calf. top edge gilt. as new. 541 8,500 MARCHANT (E.C.) & WATSON (G.) NEW LATIN COURSE Part I & II. London: G.Bell, 1970,69. 2 Vols.b/w illustrations. sm.8vo. 542 3,670 MARGUERON (C.) & FOLENA (G.) DIZIONARIO FRANCESE-ITALIANO ITALIANO-FRANCESE. Paris: Larousse, 1994. 2 parts in 1. Roy.8vo. 543 4,500 MAROUZEAU (J.) INTRODUCTION AU LATIN. Paris: Les belles Lettres, 1970.178pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. white square-paint. 544 MARQUARDT (H.) DIE altgermanischer Dichtung. 3,000 ALTENGLISCHEN Halle: KENNIGAR. Ein Max Niemeyer, 1938. Beitrag wrapper. sl.foxing. 545 Roy.8vo. McDANIEL (D.), McKEE (C.) & CAIRNS (H.S.)(Ed.) METHODS FOR ASSESSING CHILDREN'S 3,000 McKITTERICK (R.) THE CAROLINGIANS AND THE WRITTEN WORD. Cambridge U.P., 1995. xvi,290pp. paperback. 547 Stilkunde 3,000 SYNTAX. MIT Press, 1996. xviii,390pp. lar.8vo. dw. 546 zur xvi,p.104-340pp. 3,000 MEILLET (A.) APERCU D'UNE HISTOIRE DE LA LANGUE GRECQUE. Avec Bibliographie mise a jour et completee par O.Masson. Paris: Editions Klincksieck, 1975. 8e edition. xxii,344pp. lar.8vo. pb. cover bit soiled. 548 3,000 MEILLET (A.) INTRODUCTION A L'ETUDE COMPARATIVE DES LANGUES INDO-EUROPEENNES. Preface by G.C.Buck. Alabama U.P., 1978. xiv,516pp. paperback. sl.spotted. 549 3,000 MENCKEN (H.L.) THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE. An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. The 4th Ed.& the Two Supplements, abridged, with annotations & new Material, by R.I.McDavid,Jr. N.Y.: A.Knopf, 1980. 777,cxxivpp. lar.8vo. 550 3,000 MENGE (H.) REPETITORIUM DER GRIECHISCHEN SYNTAX. Erste Halfte:Fragen. Zweite Halfte:Antworten. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1978. 263pp. pb. cover sl.foxing. white square-paint on title. 4,000 - 40 - 551 MERINO (E.F.)(direction) DICCIONARIO BASICO ANAYA DE LA LENGUA. Madrid: Ediciones ANAYA, 1987. xxiv,711ppp. cover sl.rubbed. 552 MIGNOT (X.) LES VERBES DENOMINATES LATINS. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1969. 417pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. white square-paint. 553 4,000 MILROY (J.) LINGUISTIC VARIATION AND CHANGE. On the Hisotrical Sociolinguistics of English. Blackwell, 1992. 243pp. pb. 554 3,000 MONTEIL (P.) ELEMENTS DE PHONETIQUE ET DE MORPHOLOGIE DU LATIN. Nathan, 1979. 406pp. pb. 555 3,000 MOREAU (J.) DICTIONNAIRE DE GEOGRAPHIE HISTORIQUE DE LA GAULE ET DE LA FRANCE. Paris: J.Picard, 1972. with folding maps. 423pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 556 4,000 MURRAY (J.A.H.): MURRAY (K.M.E.) CAUGHT IN THE WEB OF WORDS. James A.H.Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary. Yale U.P., 1977. 386pp. dust cover. 560 4,000 MURPHY (J.J.) RHETORIC IN THE MIDDLE AGES. A History of Rhetorical Theory from Saint Augustine to the Renaissance. Univ of California, 1974. xiv,395pp. dw. 559 8,400 MUNK (S.) MELANGES DE PHILOSOPHIE JUIVE ET ARABE. J.Vrin, 1955. Nouvelle ed. 536pp.+ Arabic text. lar.8vo. wrappers. 558 4,000 MORRIS (W.& M.) DICTIONARY OF WORD AND PHRASE ORIGINS. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1962,67,71. 3 vols. lar.8vo. with dj(sl.rubbed). 557 3,000 3,000 NAKAYAMA (Yasuo)(vorgelegt) EINE MODELLTHEORETISCHE SEMANTIK FUR NATURLICHE SPRACHEN. Eine Anwendung der mehrsortigen Logik auf die Analyse naturlicher Sprachen. Berlin: Copy-Center in Dahlem, 1987. private printing. 530pp. wrapper. 561 NANCE (R.M.): POOL (P.A.S.)(Ed.) A GLOSSARY OF CORNISH SEA-WORDS. Federation of Old Cornwall Societies, 1963. 204pp. dw. cover stained. text fine. 562 4,200 4,500 NEWMEYER (F.J.) LINGUISTICS: THE CAMBRIDGE SURVEY.Volume 1:Linguistic theory: Foundations. 2: Linguistic theory: extensions and implications. 3: Language: psychological and biologicaal aspects.4: Language: the Socio-cultural context.Cambridge U.P., 1993. 4 Vols. paperback. 563 12,000 NOOTEBOOM (S.), WEERMAN (F.) & WIJEN (F.)(Ed.) STORAGE AND COMPUTATION IN THE LANGUAGE FACULTY. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic pub., 2002. 342pp. paperback. sl.creased. 564 5,250 NORBERG (D.) MANUEL PRATIQUE DE LATIN MEDIEVAL. Paris: A.& J.Picard, 1980. 212pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 5,000 - 41 - 565 ONIONS (C.T.)(Revised & Ed.) THE OXFORD UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY ILLUSTRATED. An Illustrated Edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Prepared by W.Little, H.W.Fowler, J.Coulson. Oxford C.P., 1968. 3rd Ed.,Revised & Addenda. 2 vols. 4to. bit foxed. top edge gilt. 566 5,500 OPPIANUS: JAMES (A.W.) STUDIES IN THE LANGUAGE OF OPPIAN OF CILICIA. An Analysis of the New Formations in the Halieutica. Amsterdam: A.M.Hakkert, 1970. xii,270pp. lar.8vo. 9,450 567 OSB (B.F.& I.G.), SPRAKS (H.F.D.) & THIELE (W.)(Adiuvantibus) BIBLIA SACRA Iuxta Vulgatam Versionem. Recensuit et Brevi Apparatu Instruxit R.W.Osb. Editio Altera Emendata. Stuttgart: Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1975. Zweite, verbesserte Auflage. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 568 8,400 OSTLER (N.) AD INFINITUM. A Biography of Latin. N.Y.: Walker & Com., 2007. 382pp. lar.8vo. dw. 569 3,000 OURLIAC (P.) & MAGNOU (A.-M.)(Publie) CARTULAIRE DE L'ABBAYE DE LEZAT TOME II. collection de documents inedits sur l'histoire de France section D'Histoire Medievale et de Philologie - Serie in 8o - VOL.18 -Editions du Comite, 1987. 739pp. lar.8vo. text fine. 8,000 570 PAINE (S.W.) BEGINNING GREEK. A Functional Approach. Oxford U.P., 1961. 327pp. bit foxing. white square-paint. 571 3,000 PALMER (L.R.) THE LATIN LANGUAGE. London: Faber & Faber, 1966. 372pp. dw. fine. 4,500 572 PARKER-RHODES (F.) INFERENTIAL SEMANTICS. Sussex: Humanities, 1978. xii,347pp. with dust cover. 573 3,000 PARTRIDGE (E.) A DICTIONARY OF SLANG AND UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH. Colloquialisms and Catch-phrases Solecisms and Catachreses Nicknames Vulgarismus and such Americanisms as have been naturalized. London: Routledge & K.Paul, 1974. 2 vols. 4to. dw. fore-edges sl.foxing. 574 575 8,190 PASTOR (M.M.)(Director) CUADERNOS DE FILOLOGIA CLASICA ESTUDIOS LATINOS N.S.14. (Facultad de Filologia) Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1998. 350pp. lar.8vo. pb. 5,000 PAUL 1975. (H.) PRINZIPIEN DER SPRACHGESCHICHTE. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 9.,unveranderte Auflage Studienausgabe. xiv,428pp. pb. white square-paint. 576 PAUL (H.) PRINZIPIEN DER SPRACHGESCHICHTE. Tubingen: M.Niemeyer, 1968. Achte, Unveranderte Auflage. 428pp. lar.8vo. dw. bit soiled. stamped. 577 3,000 3,670 PFOHL (G.)(Hrsg.) DAS ALPHABET Entstehung und Entwicklung der Griechischen Schrift. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1968. xl,461pp. sm.8vo. - 42 - 4,200 578 PIDAL (R.M.) ORIGENES DEL ESPANOL. Estado Linguistico de la Peninsula Iberica Hasta El Siglo XI. Obras Completas de R.Menendez Pidal VIII. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1972. Septima Ed. xv,592pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. uncut. 4,200 579 PIERON (H.) VOCABULAIRE DE LA PSYCHOLOGIE. P.U.F., 1963. 524pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,670 580 PINKSTER (H.) ON LATIN ADVERBS. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1972. 193pp. pb. 4,200 581 POKORNY (J.) INDOGERMANISCHES ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH II.Band. Bern: Francke Verlag, 1969. vol.2 only. 495pp. Roy.8vo. sl.faded. 582 8,000 POUTSMA (H.) A GRAMMAR OF LATE MODERN ENGLISH. Part I:The Sentence, First Half & Second Half. Part II:The Parts of Speech, I A & I B. and Section II. (Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1914,1916,1926,1928,1929.2nd Ed.) Tokyo: Senjo reprint. reprint. 2 parts in 5 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. exlibrary stamped on endpaper. 583 28,000 PRAT (L.C.) MORPHOSYNTAXE DE L'ABLATIF EN LATIN ARCHAIQUE. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1975. 444pp. lar.8vo. pb. 584 4,000 PRING (J.T.)(Compiled) THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF MODERN GREEK. Greek-English and English-Greek. Oxford C.P., 1986. 2 vols in 1. sm.8vo. modern soft vinyl-cover. 585 3,000 PULGRAM (E.) THE TONGUES OF ITALY. Prehistory and History. N.Y.: Greenwood Press, 1969. 465pp. bit spotted. stamped. 586 3,670 QUATREMERE (E.) MELANGES D'HISTOIRE ET DE PHILOSOGIE ORIENTALE. Precedes d'une notice sur 'auteur par Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. Paris: E.Ducrocq, (ca.1870) xxxii,414pp. original wrappers. spine rubbed. exlibrary copy. 587 QUELLET (H.) LES DERIVES LATINS EN 9,000 -OR. Etude lexicographique, statistique, morphologique et semantique. Paris: C.Klincksieck, 1970. 246pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxing. white square-paint. 588 3,990 QUIRK (R.) & WIDDOWSON (H.G.)(Ed.) ENGLISH IN THE WORLD. Teaching and learning the language and literatures. Cambridge U.P., 1985. 274pp. paperback. 589 3,000 QUIRK (R.),GREENBAUM (S.),LEECH (G.) & SVARTVIK (J.) A COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Index by D.Crystal. London: Longman, 1985. 1779pp. roy.8vo. dw. top edge soiled. stamped on endpaper. 590 RAHLFS (A.)(Ed.) SEPTUAGINTA. Id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes. Editio septima. Stuttgart: Wurttembergische bibelanstalt, 1935. 2 vols. 591 10,500 6,300 RAHLFS (A.)(Ed.) SEPTUAGINTA. Id est Vetus Testamentum Graece iuxta LXX interpretes. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1982. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with card-board case. 15,000 - 43 - 592 RECANATI (F.) DIRECT REFERENCE. From Language to Thought. Blackwell, 1997. 420pp. lar.8vo. pb. 593 REICHENKRON 4,000 (G.) HISTORISCHE LATEIN-ALTROMANISCHE GRAMMATIK I.Teil. Das sogenannte Vulgarlatein und das Wesen der Romanisierung. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1965. xiv,408pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. cover bit foxed. white square-paint. 594 7,870 REIMER (M.) & BEZUIDENHOUT (A.)(Ed.) DESCRIPTIONS AND BEYOND. Oxford C.P., 2004. 655pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 595 6,300 REYNOLDS (L.D.)(Ed.) TEXTS AND TRANSMISSION. A Survey of the Latin Classics. Oxford C.P., 1986. xlvii,509pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 596 25,200 RICHTER (M.) STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL LANGUAGE AND CULTURE. Four Courts Press, 1995. 227pp. Roy.8vo. 597 4,720 RICOEUR (P.) THE RULE OF METAPHOR. Multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language. Translated by R.Czerny with K.McLaughlin & J.Costello. Toronto U.P., 1979. Reprinted. 384pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 598 5,040 RIGG (A.G.): ECHARD (S.) & WIELAND (G.R.)(Ed.) ANGLO-LATIN AND ITS HERITAGE. Essays in Honour of A.G.Rigg on his 64th Birthday. Brepols, 2001. xviii,280pp. Roy.8vo. pb. 599 6,000 RISSELADA (R.)(Ed.) LATIN IN USE. Amsterdam Studies in the Pragmatics of Latin. Amsterdam: J.C.Gieben, 1998. 118pp. Roy.8vo. 600 6,000 ROBERT (P.)(Petit Robert): REY-DEBOVE (J.) & REY (A.)(direction) LE NOUVEAU PETIT ROBERT 1.dictionnaire alphabetique et analogique de la langue francaise. 2.Dictionnaire Universel des Noms Propres alphabetique et analogue, Illustre en Couleurs. Paris: Robert, 1993. 2 vols. lar.8vo. dw. fine. 601 8,400 ROOM (A.)(Revised) BREWER'S DICTIONARY OF PHRASE & FABLE. London: Cassell, 2001. Millenium Edition. xix,1298pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 602 3,670 RUSHFORTH (G.M.) LATIN HISTORICAL INSCRIPTIONS. Illustrating the History of the Early Empire. Oxford C.P., 1893. First,144pp. cover bit soiled. spine edge sl.chipped. 6,300 603 RUTH (K.)(Hrsg.) ALTDEUTSCHE UND ALTNIEDERLANDISCHE MYSTIK. (Wege der Forschung Band XXIII) Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1964. 501pp. sm.8vo. cover bit soiled. 604 3,000 S.O.E.D.: ONIONS (C.T.)(Revised & Ed.) THE SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. On Historical Principles. Prepared by W.Little, H.W.Fowler & J.Coulson. Oxford C.P., 1977. 3rd Ed. completely reset with Etymologies Revised by G.W.S.Friedrichsen & with Revised Addenda. 2 vols. 4to. dw. 605 6,300 S.O.E.D.: STEVENSON (A.)(Ed.) SHORTER OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY On Historical Principles. Oxford U.P., 2002. Fifth Ed. 2 vols. 4to. dw. almost fine. - 44 - 10,500 606 S.P.E. TRACTS. I-LXVI. Tokyo: Senjo, n.d. 4 vols. text fine. in slip case. 12,600 607 SAITOU (H.): WAKIMOTO (K.)(Revised) SAITO'S JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Tokyo: Meicho-Fukyukai, 1979. 1160pp. folio. stamped on endpaper. 8,000 608 SCHIFFER (S.R.) MEANING. Oxford C.P., 1972. 170pp. dw. 3,150 609 SCHMITT (R.)(Hrsg.) INDOGERMANISCHE DICHTERSPRACHE. W.Buchgesellschaft, 1968. 343pp. sm.8vo. sl.foxing. white square-paint. 610 Darmstadt: 4,000 SCHOECK (R.J.)(Ed.) ACTA CONVENTUS NEO-LATINI BONONIENSIS. Proceedings of the Fourth International COngres of Neo-Latin Studies. Bologna 26 August to 1 September 1979. N.Y.: medieval & renaissance texts & studies, 1985. xiv,688pp. Roy.8vo. almost fine. 611 4,500 SCHONBERGER (O.) LATEINISCHE PHRASEOLOGIE. Heidelberg: C.Winter, 1963. Dritte Auflage. 148pp. wrapper. 612 SCHULZ (H.)(Hrsg.& erlautert) 2,940 MITTELLATEINISCHES LESEBUCH. Auswahl aus dem lateinischen Schrifttum des Hochmittelalters. Teil I:Texte. Teil II:Erlauterungen. Paderborn: F.Schoningh, 1965,60. 2 vols. hardcover(I):103pp & wrapper(II):28pp. stamped. 613 4,000 SCHWARZ (E.) GOTEN, NORDGERMANEN, ANGELSACHSEN. Studien zur Ausgliederung der Germanischen Sprachen. Bern: A.Francke AG, 1951. Mit 16 Abbildungen. 277pp. lar.8vo. dw(chipped). foxing. 614 4,000 SHELL (M.) MONEY, LANGUAGE, AND THOUGHT. Literary and Philosophic Economies From the Medieval to the Modern Era. Johns Hopkins U.P., 1982. 245pp. pb. 615 3,000 SHIMA (S.)(Ed.) ARGUMENTUM DEPROMPTUM EX OPERE CUI TITULUS. Dictionarium LatinoLusitanicum ac Iaponicum typis primum mandatum in Amacusa in Collegio Iaponico Societatiis Iesu anno Domini M.D.XCV. Tokyo: Bunka-Shobo, Showa 51nenn. 4th Ed. 912pp. oblong 4to. in card-board case. 616 5,000 SIDGWICK (A.) INTRODUCTION TO GREEK PROSE COMPOSITION. With Exercises. N.Y.: Caratzas Bros., 1976. New Ed.,with Enlarged Vocabulary by J.Mountford. xv,294pp. sm.8vo. 617 3,500 SIMON (H.) LEHRBUCH DER MODERNEN HEBRAISCHEN SPRACHE. Max Hueber, 1972. 238pp. 618 3,000 SMITH (W.) & WACE (H.)(Ed.) A DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIAN BIOGRAPHY, Literature, Sects and Doctrines; being a continuation of 'The Dictionary of the Bible' London: J.Murray, 1877. 4 vols. 3/4 morocco. lar.8vo. fore-edges marbled. fine copy. 619 78,750 SMITHERS (G.V.)(Ed.) KYNG ALISAUNDER vol.I:Text. vol.II:Introduction, commentary and glossary. Oxford U.P., 1961,69. 2 vols. bit foxing. - 45 - 6,300 620 SMYTH (H.W.) GREEK GRAMMAR. Revised by Gordon M.Messing. Harvard U.P., 1976. 784pp. sl.spotted. 621 3,800 SMYTH (H.W.) THE SOUNDS AND INFLECTIONS OF THE GREEK DIALECTS Vol.I:Ionic. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1974. xxvii,668pp. cr.8vo. 622 12,600 SOLODOW (J.B.) THE LATIN PARTICLE QUIDEM. American Classical Studies, Number 4, 1978. 150pp. lar.8vo. wrapper. 623 SPECHT (F.) DER URSPRUNG 3,000 DER INDOGERMANISCHEN DEKLINATION. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1944. 432pp. roy.8vo. modern cloth. 624 3,000 STABLER,JR.(E.P.) THE LOGICAL APPROACH TO SYNTAX. MIT Press, 1992. xiv,433pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 625 STAHL (J.M.) 5,040 KRITISCH-HISTORISCHE SYNTAX DES GRIECHISCHEN VERBUMS DER KLASSISCHEN ZEIT. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1965. xii,838pp. spine foxing & rabel sl.rubbed. 11,000 626 STEINER (E.H.) & VELTMAN (R.)(Ed.) PRAGMATICS, DISCOURSE AND TEXT SOME SYSTEMICALLY-INSPIRED APPROACHES. London: Pinter pub., 1988. 185pp. lar.8vo. dw. 6,300 627 STELTEN (L.F.) DICTIONARY OF ECCLESIASTICAL LATIN. With an appendix of Latin expressions defined and clarified. Hendrickson pub., 1999. xiv,330pp. lar.8vo. 628 STOPPELLI (R.) et al.: DIZIONARIO GARZANTI DI ITALIANO. con una grammatica essenziale appendice. Redazioni Garzanti, 1997. 1508pp. a thick vol. in calip-case. 629 3,000 4,000 STOTZ (P.) FORMENLEHRE, SYNTAX UND STILISTIK. Handbuch zur Lateinischen Sprache des Mittelalters, Vierter Band. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1998. xxvi,510pp. Roy.8vo. dw. sl.underlined. 630 12,000 STROH (F.) HANDBUCH DER GERMANISCHEN PHILOLOGIE. Berlin: Gruyter, 1952. 820pp. lar.8vo. dw. page browned. 631 3,000 STRUNK (K.)(Hrsg.) PROBLEME DER LATEINISCHEN GRAMMATIK. Wege der Forschung Band XCIII. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1973. 451pp. sm.8vo. sl.spotted. 632 STUART (D.) LATIN FOR LOCAL AND FAMILY HISTORIANS. A Beginner's Guide. Phillimore, 1995. xii,130pp. 4to. dw. 633 3,990 3,500 STURZIUS (F.G.) ETYMOLOGICUM GRAECAE LINGUAE GUDIANUM et alia grammaticorum scripta e codicibus manuscriptis nunc primum eidta. Accedunt notae ad Etymologicum magnum ineditae E.H.Barkeri, I.Bekkeri, L.Kulencampii, A.Peyroni aliorumque quas digessit et una cum suis edidit Fridericus Gulielmus Sturzius. Cum indice locupletissimo. Hildesheim: G.Olms, 1973. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Leipzig 1818. xxxiv,641pp. sm.4to. 31,500 - 46 - 634 SUENAGA (A.) SAUSSURE, UN SYSTEME DE PARADOXES. Langue, parole, arbitraire et inconscient. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2005. 265pp. pb. 635 3,150 SZEMERENYI (O.) EINFUHRUNG IN DIE VERGLEICHENDE SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT. Darmstadt: W.Buchgesellschaft, 1980. xiv,311pp. paperback. sl.foxing. white square-paint on title. 3,000 636 TAKAGAKI (T.) et al.(Ed.) CORPUS-BASED APPROACHES TO SENTENCE STRUCTURES. UsageBased Linguistic Informatics Volume 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2005. 315pp. Roy.8vo. 637 9,240 TAPLEY (H.S.)(Ed,) THE ESSEX INSTITUTE HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS NAME,PLACE AND SUBJECT INDEX. voume 1-85(1886-1949) Printed for the Essex Institute. 1951-1966. 4 vols. 638 15,220 TISCHLER (N.M.) ALL THINGS IN THE BIBLE. An Encyclopedia of the Biblical World. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2006. 2 vols. E.J.McHenry, Illustrator. 4to. pictorial boards. text almost fine. 639 8,190 TORNBERG (A.), ANGSTROM (M.) & NOJD (R.)(Utarbetad) SVENSK-ENGELSK ORDBOK [with] ENGELSK-SVENSK ORDBOK. Stockholm: Svenska Bokforlaget, 1957. 220,248pp. cr.8vo. dw(sl.chipped). text fine. 640 3,000 TRASK (R.L.) WHY DO LANGUAGES CHANGE? Cambridge U.P., 2010. Revised by R.M.Millar. 198pp. lar.8vo. pb. 641 3,000 TRAUGOTT (E.C.) & DASHER (R.B.) REGULARITY IN SEMANTIC CHANGE. Cambridge U.P., 2002. xx,341pp. lar.8vo. 642 6,300 URDANG (L.) THE OXFORD THESAURUS An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms. Oxford C.P., 1991. 1042pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 643 3,000 VAGLIERI (L.V.) GRAMMATICA TEORICO-PRATICA DELLA LINGUA ARABA. Volume Primo, Parte I:Lettura E Scrittura. Parte II:Morfologica E Nozioni di Sintassi. Volume Secondo, Parte III:Complemento della Morfologia E Sintassi. Roma: Instituto per L'Oriente, 1989. 2 vols. lar.8vo. wrapper. 644 8,400 VAIREL-CARRON (H.) EXCLAMATION ORDRE ET DEFENSE. Analyse de Deux Systemes Syntaxiques en Latin. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1975. 262pp. lar.8vo. pb. 645 3,000 WACKERNAGEL (J.) VORLESUNGEN UBER SYNTAX. mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von Griechisch, Lateinisch und Deutsch. Basel: E.Birkhauser, 1926,28. Zweite Auflage. 2 Bde. spine edge sl.rubbed. 646 21,000 WADDELL (H.) MORE LATIN LYRICS. From virgil to Milton. London: Victor Gollancz, 1980. 392pp. dw. bit foxing. 2,940 - 47 - 647 WAISMANN (F.): HARRE (R.)(Ed.) THE PRINCIPLES OF LINGUISTIC PHILOSOPHY. London: Macmillan, 1971. 422pp. pb. underline. 648 WALDE (A.) & HOFMANN (J.B.) LATEINISCHES ETYMOLOGISCHES WORTERBUCH. 1:A-L. 2:MZ. Geidelberg: C.Winter, 1965. 2 vols in 3. sm.8vo. sl.spotted. white square-paint. 649 4,200 WEINGREEN (J.) A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR FOR CLASSICAL HEBREW. Oxford C.P., 1959. 2nd ed. xii,316pp. dw. 652 3,150 WETTSTEIN (H.K.) HAS SEMANTICS RESTED ON A MISTAKE? And Other Essays. Stanford U.P., 1991. 232pp. with dj. 653 3,000 WILKINSON (L.P.) GOLDEN LATIN ARTISTRY. Cambridge U.P., 1970. reprinted. xiii,282pp. lar.8vo. dw. 654 5,250 WILLIAMS (F.) ELEMENTARY CLASSICAL GREEK. Southern Illinois U.P., 1991. Revised Ed. 243pp. lar.8vo. 655 3,000 WILLIS (J.) LATIN TEXTUAL CRITICISM. Illinois U.P., 1972. 237pp. lar.8vo. fore-edge spotted. 656 6,300 WINGO (E.O.) LATIN PUNCTION IN THE CLASSICAL AGE. Hague: Mouton, 1972. 166pp. 4to. pb. spine bit rubbed. fore-edge sl.foxing. stamped on title. 657 3,000 WITTGENSTEIN (L.): HAGBERG (G.L.) ART AS LANGUAGE Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Aesthetic Theory. Cornell U.P., 1995. 196pp. lar.8vo. dw. 659 4,000 WOLFFLIN (E.)(Herausg)ARCHIV FUR LATEINISCHE LEXIKOGRAPHIE UND GRAMMATIK MIT EINSCHLUSSDES ALTERRN MITTELATEEINS. Olms,1967. 15 Bde. sm.8vo. 661 4,200 WOHLFART (G.) DENKEN DER SPRACHE. Sprache und Kunst bei Vico, Hamann, Humboldt und Hegel. Freiburg: Karl Alber, 1984. 240pp. sm.8vo. pb. 660 6,000 WINTERICH (J.T.) EARLY AMERICAN BOOKS & PRINTING. Boston: H.Mifflin, 1935. First Ed. with illusts. 253pp. with dust-cover. 658 3,000 WARDER (A.K.) INTRODUCTION TO PALI. Oxford: the Pali Text Society, 1999. 3rd Ed. xvi,475pp. pb. sl.creased. 651 25,000 WAQUET (F.) LATIN OR THE EMPIRE OF A SIGN. From the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. Translated by J.Howe. London: Verso, 2001. 346pp. lar.8vo. dw. 650 3,000 130,000 WOODCOCK (E.C.) A NEW LATIN SYNTAX. Bristol Classical Press, 1987. xxiv,267pp. pb. 3,000 662 WRIGHT (R.) A SOCIOPHILOLOGICAL STUDY OF LATE LATIN. Brepols, 2002. 389pp. Roy.8vo. 10,500 - 48 - 663 YON (A.) RATIO ET LES MOTS DE LA FAMILLE DE REOR. Contribution A L'Etude Historique du Vocabulaire Latin. Paris: Champion, 1933. xvi,290pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. sl.foxed. white square-paint. 4,000 ◆◆◇◇ LITERATURE & ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ ●○ American ○● 664 BUCK (P.) THE WATER-BUFFALO CHILDREN. With drawings by W.A.Smith. N.Y: John day, 1943. First Ed. Signed by the Author. 59pp. with dust wrapper. scarce. 665 88,000 BUCK (P.S.)THE MOTHER. N.Y: THE JOHN DAY Company,1973. 4th Impression. Limited too 1000 copies. in this editin in honor of Pearl S.Buck's eightieth Birthday. signed.302pp. 55,000 666 CABELL (J.B.): PAPE (F.C.)(illust.):DOMNEI. A Comedy of Woman-Worship. N.Y.: R.M.McBride, 1930. First Illustrated ed, 252pp. original pictorial cloth. dw. (英)パペ画 ケイベル著 女性崇拝喜劇「ドムネイ」 ロンドン刊 1930年 元装丁 カバー付 667 9,500 CABELL (J.B.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.) JURGEN.A comedy of Justice. with Introduction by Hugh Wlpole. London: Lane the Bodley Head. 1921. Limited to 300 copies. with tinted colour frontispiece and 12 plates. xvii,325pp. original cloth with illustrated dust wrapper.(Sl. chipped) (英)パペ画 ケイベル著 「ユルゲン」ロンドン刊 1921年 カバー付 限定300部 25,000 668 CABELL (J.B.): PAPE (F.C.)(illust.):THE HIGH PLACE: A Comedy of Disenchantment. N.Y.: R.M.Mcbride, 1923. limited to 2,000 copies. 312pp. lar.8vo. original pictorial cloth. with green dust-cover. good. (英)パペ画 ケイベル著 元装 背少擦り切れ 669 喜劇「いと高きところ」 ニューヨーク刊 1923年 綴じ弱 限定版 15,000 FAULKNER (W.) THE HAMLET. A Novel of the Snopes Family. New York: Random House. 1940. First Ed and First Issue. title page's coloured. 421pp. red cloth of front cover faded. dust-cover is slightly worn with a small bit of chipping to the top and bottom. 670 FAULKNER (W.): BLOTNER (J.) & POLK (N.)(Ed.) WILLIAM FAULKNER. NOVELS 1930-1935 & 1936-1940. The Library of America, 1985/1990. 2 vols. sm.8vo. dw. 671 6,000 FAULKNER (W.): BOCKTING (I.) CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY IN THE NOVELS OF WILLIAM FAULKNER. A Study in Psychostylistics. Univ press of Ameica, 1995. 311pp. 672 120,000 6,000 FAULKNER (W.): WARD (L.)(Iillust): A GREEN BOUGH. New York: Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, 1933. First Ed. 2 Wood engravings by Lynd Ward. 67pp. with dust-cover. sl chipped. (英)フォークナー著 「緑の大枝」 カバー付 ニューヨーク刊 22 x 16.5cm 1933年 初版 ウォード画2枚入 95,000 - 49 - 673 FORD (F.M.) PORTRAITS FROM LIFE. Memories and Criticism of H.James, J.Conrad, T.Hardy etc. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1937. First Ed. 227pp. lar.8vo. original cloth sl.stained. with a little chipped soiled dust cover. 674 9,000 FORD (J.E.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.)SNICKERTY NICK. Rhymes by Witter Bynner. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1919. First Ed. 3 colour plates and 10 b/w illust. 78pp. 4to.(24.5 x 19cm) original Pictorial blue cloth. (英)ラッカム画 フォード著 「スニカーティ・ニック」 ニューヨーク刊 1919年 初版 彩色画3枚入 675 60,000 FORD (L.& J.E.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.): IMAGINA. New York: Duffield & Co., 1914. 2 full colour plates and b/w illusts. 4to.179pp. Original blue cloth pictorially stamped and lettered in gilt on front cover and lettered in gilt on spine.end of spine rubbed. (英)ラッカム画 フォード著 676 「イマジナ」 ニューヨーク刊 1914年 18,000 GANN (E.K.) THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY. N.Y.: W.Sloane Associates, 1953. First Ed. 342pp. with dust jacket. almost good. 677 12,600 HAWTHONRNE (N.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.) A WONDER BOOK. Preface by Edmund Gosse. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. (1922) First deluze Ed. Limited to 600 copies. Signed by the Artist. with 24 mounted colour plates with lettered tissue guards, numerous text illustrations, viii,207pp. 4to. Gilt vellum spine and vellum style boards, topedge gilt. (英)ラッカム画 ホーソーン著 限定600部 678 挿絵家署名入 「ワンダーブック」 ロンドン刊 1922年頃 元装丁 200,000 HAWTHONRNE (N.): THOMSON (H.)(Illust.):THE SCARLET LETTER. A Romance. London: Methuen, 1920. First ed, 31 mounted coloured plates, tissue guarded. xii,296pp. 4to. (27.3 x 21.5cm) original gilt decorarted blue cloth. fine copy. (英)トムソン画 ホーソーン著 「緋文字」 ロンドン刊 1920年 絵入版初版 彩色画31枚入 27.3 x 21.5cm 679 25,000 HAWTHORNE (N.) THE CENTENARY EDITION OF THE WORKS. Columbus Ohio University Press, 1965-85. 23 vols. complete set. roy.8vo. original cloth. without dust jackets. fine copy. 680 147,000 HAWTHORNE (N.): HAWTHORNE (J.) NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE AND HIS WIFE. BIOGRAPHY. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1889. 2 Vols. original cloth. gilt top. sl. worn. 681 HUGHES (L.) MONTAGE OF A DREAM DEFERRED. N.Y.: Henry Holt & Co., 1951. First ed, (ixvi),75pp. original cloth. spine edges wear. joint tender. scarce. 682 A 6,300 18,900 LEWIS (S.) ELMER GANTRY. N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. First Ed. 432pp. slightly worn. 28,000 683 MELVILLE (H.) PIERRE OR, THE AMBIGUITIES. With a Preface by H.M.Tomlinson and an Introduction by John Brooks Moore. New York: E.P.Dutton, 1929. First Ed. 505pp. with dust-cover.(sl. chipped.) 8,000 - 50 - 684 MELVILLE (H.) THE WRITINGS OF HERMAN MELVILLE. 1:TYPEE. 2:OMOO. 3:MARDI. 4:REDBURN. 5:WHITE-JACKET. Northwestern U.P., 1968. 5 vols. wrapper. spine foxed. stamped. 685 12,600 MILLER (H.): RENKEN (M.) A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HENRY MILLER 1945-1961. N.Y: Haskell house,1972. 13pp. 686 3,000 O'NEILL (E.) LOST PLAYS. New York: The Citadel Press. no date. (1958)First edition thus. 156pp. original half cloth with board. 687 3,000 POE (E.A.): THE LITERATI: Some Honest Opinions about Autorial Merits and Demerits with Occasional Words of Personality Together with Marginalia, Suggestions, and Essays. With a Sketch of the Author, by Rufus Wilmot Griswold. N.Y.: J.S.Redfield, 1850. First Ed. xxxix,607pp. original stamped cloth. sm.8vo. fly leaf sl. light water stained. nice copy. 45,000 688 POE (E.A.): THE PROSE TALES OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. First and Second Series. N.Y.: A.C.Armstrong, 1889. 2 vols. with etched frontispiece. original green cloth. 689 8,000 POE (E.A.): DULAC (E.)(Illust.) THE BELLS.And Other Poems. London: Hodder and Stoughton, (1912.). First ed, With 28 coloured illustrations by Edmund Dulac. u.p. 4to. original gilt decorated cloth. (英)デュラック画 ポ−著 「ベル」 ロンドン刊 1912年 初版 版元装丁 彩色画28枚入 690 45,000 POE (E.A.): RICE (S.S.) EDGAR ALLAN POE. A Memorial Volume. Baltimore: Turnbull Brothers. 1877. First ed, with Contains a frontispiece albumen photograph of Poe. Commemorates efforts to build a Poe memorial in Baltimore. viii,95pp. original green decorative cloth. rebacked. endpapers new. scarce. 691 15,000 POE (E.A.): ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust.) THE POEMS. With an Introduction by H.Noel Williams. London: G.Bell,1900. First ed, First issue.with numerous b/w illustrations by H.Robinson. 225pp. original Pictorial cloth. good. (英)ヒース・ロビンソン画 「ポー詩集」 ロンドン刊 1900年 初版 版元布装丁 55,000 692 POE (E.A.): WRIGHT (J.B.)(Illust.) THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH AND OTHER TALES. Maastricht: The Halcyon Press, 1932. Limited to 150 copies. 10 wood Engravings by John Buckland Wright. 170pp. lar.8vo.(26.5 x 18.3cm) pictorial buckram gilt, uncut. (英)ポー著 ライト画 「赤死病の仮面舞踊会」 マーストリヒト刊 限定150部 ライト署名入 693 75,000 POUND (E.) A LUME SPENTO AND OTHER EARLY POEMS. N.Y.: New Directions, 1965. First Ed. 128pp. spine cloth with boards. 694 1932年 4,200 SAROYAN (W.) THE HUMAN COMEDY. Illust by Don Freeman. New York; Harcourt Brace. 1943. First Ed, 291pp. dust-cover slightly worn and chiped. - 51 - 8,000 695 SPILLER (R.), THORP (W.), JOHNSON (T.) & CANBY (H.)(Ed.) LITERARY HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1949. 2 vols + Bibliography. lar.8vo. with dust cover. (chipped) 696 6,300 STEINBECK (J.) BOMBS AWAY. The Story of a Bomber Team. written for the U.S.Army Air Forces by John Steinbeck. with 60 Photographs by John Swope. N.Y.: Viking, 1942. First Ed. With 60 photographs by john swope.184pp. with d/j. 697 STEINBECK (J.) CANNERY ROW. New York: Viking Press. 1945. First ed, First issue. 208,(i)pp original cloth. no jacket. 698 5,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE GRAPES OF WRATH. New York: Viking Press,First published in April 1939. First Edition. 619pp. with dust cover. (sl. chipped. 699 18,000 180,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE LOG FROM THE SEA OF CORTEZ. The Narrative Portion of the Book Sea of Cortez with a Profile "About Ed Ricketts". London: Heinemann, 1958. First English Ed. 282pp. with dust-jacket. in slip-case. 700 20,000 STEINBECK (J.) THE LONG VALLEY. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1938. First ed First issue. 303pp. with sl soiled dust cover. 701 30,000 STEINBECK (J.) TORTILLA FLAT. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. 1953. First thus ed, Illustrated by Ruth Gannett. 316,(i)pp. with dust-jacket. (sl. chipped) 702 12,000 THOREAU (H.D.): THE FIRST AND LAST JOURNEYS OF THOREAU. Lately Discovered Among His Unpublished Journals and Manuscripts. Edited by Franklin Benjamin Sanborn. Boston: The Biliophile Society, 1905. First Ed.,2 vols. Limited to 489 copies. with frontis. 3/4 calf with boards. in slip-case. 703 78,000 THOREAU (H.D.): EMERSON (E.W.) HENRY THOREAU. As Remembered by a young friend. Houghton Mifflin, 1917. with frontis. 151pp. cr.8vo. a small stamped. a few tiny worm hole on spine. 704 4,500 TWAIN (M.)A TRAMP ABROAD. Hartford Conn: American pub: 1880. First Edition. 2nd state frontispiece(Titian's Moses). with 238 Illustrated by W.Fr.Brown. 631pp. Original cloth. rebacked. nice cipy. 705 15,000 TWAIN (M.) THE STOLEN WHITE ELEPHANT. London: chatto & windus Piccadilly. 1882. First ed,(preceding US) cr,8vo. (2 blank),(6),285,(1 blank),(1 publisher7s vignette),32 publisher's catalogue pp. original red cloth,covr faded, end and top spine bit tear. blank and first page little marked. 706 20,000 TWAIN (M.): MARK TWAIN'S SKETCHES. New and Old. Hartford: The American Pub., 1875. First Ed., 2nd state. frontispiece, text illust throughout. 320pp. original gold stamped lettering cloth. top & tail of spine rubbed. minor page soiling. - 52 - 35,000 707 TWAIN (M.): BUDD (L.J.)(Ed.) MARK TWAIN. COLLECTED TALES, SKETCHES, SPEECHES, & ESSAYS 1852-1890 & 1891-1910. The Library of America, 1992. 2 vols. sm.8vo. dw. 3,000 708 TWAIN (M.): KEMBLE (E.W.)(illust) THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN.N.Y:limitedd Editions club,1933. Limited to 1500 copies. 494pp. original gilt decorated cover. top edge gilt. There is some fading to the spine. 709 7,000 TWAIN (M.): RAMSAY (R.) A MARK TWAIN LEXICON. New York: Russell & russell. 1963. 4to. 278pp. originla green cloth. 711 5,000 WARREN (R.P.) SELECTED ESSAYS. London: Eyre & spottiswoode, 1964. First U.K ed. xii,305pp. sm.8vo. end paper corner owner's signed. with dust cover. (sl. worn.). good copy. 712 15,000 WHITMAN (W.) OUT OF THE GRADLE EMDLESSLY ROCKING. New York: The June House, 1926. Limited to 180 copies. 8 leaves. original cloth sine and boards. good. 713 180,000 WHITMAN (W.): COOK (M.C.)(Illust) POEMS FROM LEAVES OF GRASS.London: J.M.Dent,N.d. (1913.) 25 mounted colour illustrations.x,260pp. 4to.(27 x 21cm). original pictorial green cloth. (英)ホイットマン著 マーガレット・クック画 27 x 21cm 714 「草の葉」 ロンドン刊 1913年 米国女流挿絵家の人間愛を讃えた彩色挿画が25枚挿入さいれています。 45,000 WILSON (S.) THE MAN IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1955. First ed.304pp. with dust cover(sl.chipped). 10,000 ●○ English ○● 715 AERTSEN (H.) & BREMMER,JR.(R.H.)(Ed.) COMPANION TO OLD ENGLISH POETRY. Amsterdam: VU U.P., 1994. 216pp. lar.8vo. pb. stamped on endpaper. 716 ALLINGHAM (W.) THE MUSIC MASTER. 4,000 London: Routledge. 1855. First ed, with wood engraved frontis & 8 plates ("Milly" in facsimile) by the Dalziels after Arthur Hughes, D.G. Rossetti & J.E. Millais, & numerous vignettes & ornaments after Hughes. Printed by Savill & Edwards,cr.8vo. xv,221pp. original red cloth. in the castom box. 717 80,000 ALLINGHAM (W.): DOYLE (R.)(Illust) IN FAIRYLAND. A Series of Pictures from the Elf-World. With a Poem by William Allingham. London: Longmans,Green,Reader & dyer, 1870. First Ed. 16 magnificent coloured plates engraved and printed by Edmund Evans. 31pp. folio. head and tail chipped. bit spotted. (英)リチャード・ドイル画 アリンガム著 「妖精の国」 元装 カバー角・端擦切 テキスト少黄ばみ有 718 ロンドン刊 1870年 初版 350,000 ANDERSON (I.) THE GREAT SEA HORSE. Boston: Little Brown, 1909. on hand-made paper is Limited to 300 copies.Inscribed by the author on front blank. frontis & 23 mounted colour plates(from drawings by John Elliot). 251pp. Roy.8vo. Original parchment over boards pictorially stamped in gilt. top edge gilt. - 53 - 60,000 719 ARTHUR (R.G.) & CORBETT (N.L.)(Trans., notes & comm.) THE KNIGHT OF THE TWO SWORDS. A Thirteenth-Century Arthurian Romance. Florida U.P., 1996. xvii,188pp. 720 5,000 AUDEN (W.H.) THE DYER'S HAND. And Other Essays. London: Faber & Faber, 1962. 527pp. dw. (spine faded) 721 6,300 AUDEN (W.H.) THE SHIELD OF ACHILLES. N.Y.: Random House, 1955. First US Ed.,84pp. with dust cover. fine copy. 722 6,300 AUDEN (W.H.) & ISHERWOOD (C.) A TRAGEDY IN TWO ACTS THE ASCENT OF F6.London: Faber,N.d.,123pp. dw. clean copy. 723 4,000 AUDEN (W.H.) & TAYLOR (P.B.) NORSE POEMS. London: Athlone Press, 1981. 256pp. roy.8vo. dw. as mew 4,000 724 AUDEN (W.H.): MENDELSON (E.) EARLY AUDEN. London: Faber & Faber, 1981. 407pp. roy.8vo. dw. 3,000 725 AUSTEN (Jane) : THOMSON (H.)(Illust.) PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. London: G.Allen, N.d.(ca,1894) First Ed thus, with 101 fine line engravings by H.Thomson. xxvii,476pp. Dark green with gilt peacock on front and peacock feathers on spine. all edge gilt. fine copy. fly leaf sl.spotted. (英)ジェーン・オースチン著 トムソン画 挿絵入初版 三方金 少シミ有 「高慢と偏見」 ロンドン刊 1894年頃 18 x 13cm 58,000 726 AUSTEN (Jane): BROCK (Charles E.)(Illust) PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. With an introduction by Austin Dobson. London: Macmillan,1895. First Charles Brock Ed., 352,adv,4pp. full calf.gilt spine. 5 raised band. top edge gilt. 150,000 727 AUSTEN (Jane): HAMMOND (Chris)(Illust.) EMMA. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs. London: G.Allen,1898. First Hammond Edition. fully illustrated with 86 beautiful line engravings throughout. previous owners inscription on front blank endpaper and some very light spotting to the page edges otherwise a very good, clean copy. decorative publishers dark green cloth. 150,000 728 AUSTEN (Jane): MORINI (M.) JANE AUSTEN'S NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES. A Stylistic and Pragmatic Analysis. Ashgate, 2009. 163pp. lar.8vo. inside back-cover sl.tear. 729 4,000 AUSTEN (Jane): THOMSON (H.)(Illust.) EMMA. London: Macmillan and Co.,1898.Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. with an Introduction by,8vo. xviii,436,(i)pp. original gilt decorated red cloth, all edges gilt. (英)ジェーン・オースチン著 730 トムソン画 「エマ」 ロンドン刊 1898年 元装 28,000 AUSTEN (Jane): THOMSON (H.)(Illust,)MANSFIELD PARK. London: Macmillan,1897. with fronstispiece plate and 39 b/w plate illustrations by Hugh Thomson. 429pp. cr.8vo. fine copy bound in recent full morocco,raised bands, gilt edges. original decorative front endpapers bound in. (英)ジェーン・オースチン著 トムソン画 ロンドン刊 1897年 挿絵入初版 「マンスフィールド・パーク」 総モロッコ革美本 - 54 - 28,000 731 AUSTEN (Jane): THOMSON (H.)(Illust,) SENSE AND SENSIBILITY. With an introduction by Austin Dobson. London: Macmillan. 1897. with illustrations by Hugh Thomson. cr,8vo. xvi,341.(i)pp. original gilt decorated red cloth, all edges gilt. (英)ジェーン・オースチン著 元布装丁 732 トムソン画 「分別と多感」 ロンドン刊 1897年 美本 28,000 AUSTIN (S.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust): THE STORY WITHOUT AN END. From the German of Carove. London: Duckworth, 1912. 8 tipped-in colour plates, with captioned tissue guards, and pictorial endpapers by Frank C. Pape. xv,165pp. (22 x 16cm) gilt decorated cltoh. spine faded. (英)パペ画 サラ・オースチン著 ニューヨーク刊 1913年 733 「終わりのない物語」 彩色画8枚入 元装丁 少日焼け有 8,000 BACON (F.):THE ESSAYS OF BACON. London: A.L.Humphreys,1907. 323pp. x 13cm). 3/4 gilt stamped dark green morocco over green cloth. top edge gilt. nice binding. 22,000 734 BACON (F.): BACON'S ESSAYS or counsels civil and Moral and Wisdom of the Ancients. by F.Lord Verulam. Edited by B.Montagu. London: W.Pickering.N.d(1845). 355pp. cr.8vo. original cloth. title label worn. 735 4,000 BACON (F.): MANES VERULAMIANI. (1626) Edited by W.G.C.Gundry of the Middle Temple Barister at Law. the plates of which are reproduced in collotype by the kind permission of the British Museum. London: Chiswick press, 1950. Limited to 420 copies. 63pp. Roy.8vo. original cloth. 736 6,300 BAIN (R.N.): HOUSMAN (L.)(Illust.) WEIRD TALES FROM NORTHERN SEAS FROM THE DANISH OF JONAS LIE. London: K.Paul, 1893. First Ed. 12 illustrations by,201pp. Light blue original cloth. cover slight faded. nice copy. (英)ハウスマン画 ロンドン刊 737 1893年 ベイン編 初版 「デンマークのヨナスの北海の奇妙な話」 挿絵12枚入 版元青布装丁 15,000 BALSTON (T.) HISTORY OF ENGLISH WOOD ENGRAVING 1900-50. (Image [5] A Quarterly of the Visual Arts) Art & Technics, 1950. colour & b/w illustrations thoughout. 110pp. (25 x 18.3cm) illustrated wrapper. bit dusty. (英)バルストン著 「英国の木版画史 1900-50」 visual arts誌第5集 カラー、白黒挿絵多数入 738 ロンドン刊 版元仮綴じ装 1950年刊 少汚れ有 9,000 BARHAM (R.H.) THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS or Mirth and Marvels. London: George Routledge, 1894. Complete Edition with Reproductions of the Original Illustrations by Cruikshank and Leech. xv,607pp. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. decorate spine. marbled edges. 739 BARON (X.)(Ed.& intro.) LONDON 1066-1914. Literary Sources & 26,000 Documents. vol.I:Medieval, Tudor, Stuart and Georgian London 1066-1800. vol.II:Regency and Early Victorian London 1800-1870. vol.III:Late Victorian and Early Modern London 1870-1914. Helm Information, 1997. 3 vols. lar.8vo. - 55 - 13,650 740 BARRECA (R.)(Ed.) SEX AND DEATH IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE. Macmillan, 1990. viii,264pp. dw. 741 6,300 BARRIE (J.M.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.): PETER PAN IN KENSINGTON GARDENS. London:& Stoughton, 1906. First trade Ed.50 Rackham colour plates mounted on grey heavy stock paper.(all but the frontispiece being bound in at the rear)xii,126pp. 4to. (26 x 19.5cm) full red morocco with gilt pictorial design,bound Zaehnsdorf. good. (英)バリー著 ロンドン刊 742 アーサー・ラッカム画 1906年 初版 「ケンジントン庭園のピーターパン」 50彩色画入り ゼンスドルの総革美装丁本 200,000 BARRIE (J.M.): THOMSON (H.)(Illust.) THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON. London: Hodder & Stoughton, N.d(1914). Limited to 500 copies. signed by H.Thomson.20 coloured plates, mounted.234pp. 4to. full vellum, gilt decorated gilt tops. with ribbon tie. (英)バリー著 トムソン画 「あっぱれクライトン」 台紙付彩色画20枚入 限定500部 署名入 ロンドン刊 1914年頃 総ヴェラム装飾装丁 31.5 x 26cm 58,000 743 BARTON (A.) THE NAMES OF COMEDY. O.C.P., 1990. 221pp. dw. 4,000 744 BAWCUTT (P.) DUNBAR THE MAKAR. Oxford C.P., 1992. xiii,396pp. dw. 745 BECKETT (S.) THE COMPLETE DRAMATIC WORKS. London: Faber, 1986. 476pp. dw. dust 15,000 cover sl.faded. 746 12,500 BEDE: MILLER (T.)(Ed.) THE OLD ENGLISH VERSION OF BEDE'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE. Part II,2.Oxford U.P., 1963.289-597pp. 747 4,000 BEERBOHM (M.) ROSSETTI AND HIS CIRCLE. London: W.Heinemann, 1922. First Ed. limited to 380 copies. signed by the author. with 22 colour mounted plates. roy.8vo. original cloth. (英)ビアボーム著・画 「ロゼッテイとその仲間達」 限定380部 著者署名入 ロンドン刊 1922年 挿絵22枚入 52,000 748 BEERBOHM (M.) YET AGAIN. London: Heinemann, 1923. 306pp. sm.8vo. 3,000 749 BELL (Malcolm): BURNE-JONES (E.)(Illust.) EDWARD BURNE-JONES. A Record and Review. London & New York: George Bell. 1892. First ed, Limited to 27 copies. with 2 Frontispiece and 3 additional photgravure plates + 74 half-tone plates. (List of illustrations calls for two Studies of a Child but only one was ever included). folio. 130pp. original half vellum. (英)バーン・ジョーンズ画 限定27部 750 挿画79枚入 ベル著 背ヴェラム装 「バーン・ジョーンズ」 ロンドン刊 1892年 38 x 27cm 200,000 BENNETT (A.) WRITING HOME. London: faber and faber, 1994. signed by the Author. xiv,416pp. dw. 751 4,000 BENNETT (A.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust.) THE OLD WIVES' TALE.with an introduction by Frank Swinnerton and a preface hy the Author. Oxford: Limited Edition club, 1941. 2 vols. 20 coloured plates. 4to. (30 x 20.5cm) original half pictorial boards. dw. in slip case. (英)オースチン画 多色刷挿絵入 ベネット著 カバー付 箱入 「老妻物語」 30 x 20.5cm - 56 - オックスフォード刊 1941年 2冊 18,000 752 BENSON (E.) & CONOLLY (L.W.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF POST-COLONIAL LITERATURES IN ENGLISH. London: Routledge, 1994. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. 5,000 753 BENSON (R.) JAMES BOND: ZERO MINUS TEN. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's, 1997. First American EditionBenson's inscription on flyleaf. 272pp. lar.8vo. dw. fine. 6,300 754 BERTELSEN (L.) THE NONSENSE CLUB. Literature and Popular Culture, 1749-1764. Ox.C.P,1986. with illutrations. 322pp. dw. 5,000 755 BESSINGER,JR.(Jess B.): DAMICO (H.) & LEYERLE (J.)HEROIC POETRY IN THE ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD. Medieval Institute pub.,1993. xxix,437pp. 5,000 756 BLACKBURN (H.): CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust.) BRETON FOLK. An Artistic Tour in Brittany.London: sampson Low, Marston,Searle, & Rivington. 1880. First,Ed.,with 170 illustations and coloured map by R.Caldecott.4to. (xii),200pp. original olive green cloth,all edge gilt. (英)ブラックバーン著 カルデコット画 「ブレトン民話」 ロンドン刊 1880年 木口木版画170枚入 12,000 757 BLACKMORE (R.D.) LORNA DOONE. a Romance of exmoor. Sampson Low,1893. 3 Vols. sm.8vo 3/4 calf & marbled boards. gilt spine. same end paper. top edge gilt. 18,000 758 BLACKMORE (R.D.): FAIRFAX-MUCKLEY (L.) & LINTON (J.)(Illus.): FRINGILLA. Some Tales in Verse by R.Doddridge. London: E.Mathews, 1895. First ed, Pictured by Louis FairfaxMuckley. 3 drawings by J.Linton. 128,20pp. sm.8vo. orig.pictorial cloth. (英)フェアファクス−マクレー画 ブラックモア著 「詩話フリンギーラ」 ロンドン刊 1895年 初版 木版画入 元装美本 21 x 16cm 12,000 759 BLAKE (W.) JESURALEM. Foreword by Geoffrey Keynes. London: Trianon, 1952. First Ed. Limited to 2,500 copies. frontis in colour collotype. 100 full page b/w plates. 116pp. Roy.8vo. 760 8,000 BLAKE (W.) SONGS OF INNOCENCE. Is Reproduced from a Copy in the British Museum. London: E.Benn, 1926. First Published. 25 plates full colour. 4to. original cloth gilt. with dust coer.(browned). (英)ブレイク画 761 「無染の歌」 ロンドン刊 1926年 カバ−付 28,000 BLAKE (W.) THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL. Reproduced in Facsimile from an Original Copy of the Work Printed and Illuminated by the Author between the Years 182527. and now in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. With a note by Max Plowman. London: J.M.dent, 1927. Facsimile Ed. 27 plates. 24pp. sm.4to. (25 x 19.5cm) dw.(spotted) (英)ブレイク画 「天国と地獄の結婚」 762 ロンドン刊 1927年 カバ−付 25,000 BLAKE (W.) THERE IS NO NATURAL RELIGION. A Facsimile with a description and bibliographical statement by Geoffrey Keynes. Paris: Trianon Press, 1971. 2 vols. Limited to 590 copies. with 20 plates in colour collotype and stencilling. quarter morocco in fitted slip case. (英)ブレイク画 「自然宗教は存在しない」 限定590部 背革装 箱入 パリ刊 1971年 2冊 彩色挿画20枚入 31,500 - 57 - 763 BLAKE (W.) : SAMPSON (J.)(ED.)OXFORD EDITION THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Including the un published French selections from the Four Zoas, Milton & Jerusalem.London, Ox.U.P., 1913.First Thus.with plates. cr,8vo. 453pp. full morocco. gilt edges. good binding by Hatchards. 764 25,000 BLAKE (W.): THE COMPLETE PORTRAITURE OF WILLIAM & CATHERINE BLAKE. With an Essay and an Iconography by G.Keynes. London: Trianon, 1977. Limited to 562 copies. 155pp. roy.4to. half morocco in slip-case. (英)ブレイク画 「ブレイク夫妻の肖像画」 背革装 765 ロンドン刊 1977年 限定562部 箱入 31,500 BLAKE (W.): BINDMAN (D.) THE COMPLETE GRAPHIC WORKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Thames and Hudson, 1978. With 765 illustrations. 494pp. roy.4to. 33 x 25cm. with dust-cover. (英)ビンドマン編 766 「ウィリアム・ブレイク全図版集」 ロンドン刊 1978年 8,000 BLAKE (W.): BINYON (L.) & FIGGIS (D.) THE ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. & THE PAINTINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London: Ernest Benn, 1925-6. First ed, 2 vols. with 82 plates(20 in colour) & 100 plates(5 in colour) . 4to.xv,117pp & xiv,140pp. original clothbacked, mabled boards.with a dust-cover(vol.1). nice copy. 767 (英)ビンヨン/フィッギス共著 「ブレイクの絵画及び版画集」 2冊 初版 版元装丁 挿絵多数 29 x 23cm ロンドン刊 1925-6年 58,000 BLAKE (W.): DAMON (S.F.) WILLIAM BLAKE. His Philosophy and Symbols. London: Dawsons. 1969. roy,8vo.xv,487pp.original black cloth. 768 3,000 BLAKE (W.): ELLIS (E.J.) & YEATS (W.B.) THE WORKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Poetic, symbolic, and critical.Edited with Lithographs of the Illustrated "Prophetic Books" and a Memoir and Interpretation. London: B.Quaritch, 1893. Large paper Ed. 3 vols. lar.8vo. sl. spotted. original green cloth gilt pictorial cloth. top edge gilt. cover gilt fine. bit foxing. (英)エリス、イエーツ編 「ブレイク全集」 ロンドン刊1893年 3冊 初版 極美本 220,000 769 BLAKE (W.): GLECKNER (R.F.) BLAKE AND SPENSER. J.Hopkins,1983. xi,403pp. dw. 770 BLAKE (W.): JUGAKU (B.) A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STUDY OF WILLIAM BLAKE'S NOTE-BOOK. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1953. signed by the Auther. 175pp. 4to. dw. 771 3,000 12,000 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.)(Ed.) POETRY AND PROSE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. complete in one volume. Nonesuch press, 1941. 936pp. 3/4 morocco & Marbled boards. nice binding. 18,000 772 BLAKE (W.): KEYNES (G.)(Intro & Comment) WILLIAM BLAKE'S WATER-COLOURS ILLUSTRATING THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY. With an Introduction and Commentary by Sir Geoffrey Keynes. Chicago: J.Philip O'Hara, 1972. with 72 full page colour plates and b/w illus. 4to. with dust-cover. (英)ケインズ著 「トマス・グレイ詩のブレイク水彩画」 シカゴ刊 1972年 カバー付 5,000 - 58 - 773 BLAKE (W.): LISTER (R.) THE PAINTINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Cambridge U.P., 1986. color plates. 176pp. sm.4to. dw. (英)リスター著 「ウィリアム・ブレイクの絵画」 カラー図版入 774 ケンブリッジ大刊 1986年 カバー付 3,000 BLAKE (W.): PALEY (M.D.) & PHILLIPS (M.)(Ed.) WILLIAM BLAKE.Essays in honour of Sir Geoffrey Keynes. Ox.C.P,1973. xiv,390pp. 4to. dw. 775 5,000 BLAKE (W.): RAINE (K.) BLAKE AND TRADITION. -The A.W.Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts. 1962. The National Gallery of Art. Washington, D.C. Princeton Univ., 1968. 2 vols. numerous colour & b/w illus. sm.4to. with dust-cover. in slip-case. (英)レーン著 「W.ブレイクとトラディション」 挿絵多数 776 プリンストン大刊 1968年 2冊揃 箱入 15,000 BLAKE (W.): RICKETTS (C.)(Illust.): THE BOOK OF THEL. SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE. London, Ballantyne Press, 1897. Limited to 210 copies. in handmade papers. with decorations designed and cut on the wood by Charles Ricketts. 81pp. boards. Blue paper boards, printed labels. Spine label chipped, good. (英)ブレイク著 リケッツ画 「セルの書」 バレンタインプレス刊 1897年 限定210部 60,000 777 BLISS (A.J.)(Ed.) SIR ORFEO. Oxford C.P., 1966. 2nd Ed. lx,79pp. with dj. sl.soiled. 3,000 778 BLOOMFIELD (R.) WILD FLOWERS. Or pastoral and Local Poetry. London: vernor, Hood & Others,1806. First Ed. with 7 plates. 132pp. 12mo. rebound in recent cloth. page browned. 4,000 779 BLUNDEN (E.) VOTIVE TABLETS. Studies Chiefly Appreciative of English Authors and Books. Lodon: Cobden-sanderson, 1931. First Ed. 367pp. dw.(spine faded) 780 BLUNDEN (E.): KIRKPATRICK(B.J.)A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EDMUND BLUNDEN. 3,000 Ox.C.P., 1979. xxi,725pp. dw. near fine copy. 781 3,000 BLUNDEN (E.): MILES (A.H.)(Ed.) THE POETS AND THE POETRY OF THE CENTURY. Frederick Tennyson to Arthur Hugh Clough. London: Hutchinson, n.d. Blanden's presentation copy. Signed. xii,624pp. cr.8vo. page darkned. top of spine rubbed. 782 8,000 BOSWELL (J.): TINKER (C.B.) LETTERS OF JAMES BOSWELL. Oxford: Clarendon Pres.1924. First ed, 2 vols. xxii,(ii),20pp & xi,(i),271-550pp. original cloth. 783 8,000 BRADLEY (W.H.): BAMBACE (A.)(Comp.) WILL H.BRADLEY: HIS WORK. A Bibliographical Guide. Oak Knoll, 1995. Extensively illustrated and detailed bibliography of Bradley's work. 215pp. lar.8vo. 784 5,000 BRAINE (S.E.): WOODWARD (A.B.)(ILLUST) THE PRINCESS OF HEARTS. London, Blackie & Son, ca1927. First Edition. Frontis in colour & b/w illus. 172pp. original Pictorial cloth. (英)ウッドワード画 ブレイン著 挿絵入 「ハートの女王」 版元装丁 ロンドン刊 1927年頃 初版 8,000 - 59 - 785 BREWER (E.)(compiled) THE GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT. Sources and Analogues. D.S.Brewer, 1992. 184pp. lar.8vo. pb. 786 3,000 BRIDGES (R.) THREE FRIENDS, Memoirs of Digby Mackworth Dolben, Richard Watson Dixon, Henry Bradley. Ox.U.P., 1932. First Ed. 243pp. sm.8vo. 787 4,000 BRIDGES (R.): BURNE-JONES (E.)(Illust.)EROS AND PSYCHE. A Poem in XII Measures. Newton: Gregynog Press, 1935. Limited to 285 copies. With 24 woodcuts from Designs by Edward Burne-Jones. 8,141,3pp. 4to. white pigskin with gilt medallion and gilt decoration to spine, top edges gilt. yelowning cover. (英)ブリッジス著 バーン・ジョーンズ画 1935年 限定285部 木版画24枚入 788 「エロスとサイケ」 グレギノンプレス刊 手透き紙 80,000 BROCK (E.) & STEWART (Lady,Margaret)(Illust.) THE MAGIC INK-POT. By the Marchioness of Londonderry.London: Macmillan,1928.with 16 wonderful full color plates by Edmond Brock & Margaret Stewart.208pp. full morocco. joint weak. (英)ブロック&スチュワート画 「魔法のインク壷」 ロンドン刊 1928年 総革 継ぎ目少し弱り 789 15,000 BRONTE (B.): LAW (A.) PATRICK BRANWELL BRONTE. London: A.M.Philpot, 1923. First Ed. With 6 illusts. 192pp. 12mo. 790 3,000 BROWN (C.)(Ed.) ENGLISH LYRICS FROM SPENSER TO MILTON. Illustrations by R.A.Bell and Introduction by John Dennis. London: Geore Bell. 1898. Limited to 125 copies, with 20 fullpage illustrations. xv,222pp. printed on Japanese vellum. Brown crushed morocco, decorated in gilt, bound by Hatchards. good. 791 80,000 BROWN (G.M.): SPEAR (H.D.)(Ed.) GEORGE MACKAY BROWN - A SURVEY OF HIS WORK AND A FULL BIBLIOGRAPHY. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000. 205pp. lar.8vo. 792 7,140 BROWN (T.) & KENNELLY (B.)(Selected & introduced) IRISH PROSE WRITINGS: Swift to the Literary Renaissance. In association with Trinity College Library Dublin. Press,1921) Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha, 1992. 23 vols in 24. 793 (Tulbot 78,000 BROWNE (M.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.): THE BOOK OF BETTY BARBER. London: Duckworth, (Ca.1910) First Ed. with 6 Colour plates; many black and white. Cooured by H. Rountree. 22 x 17cm. 129pp. original pictorial borwn cover. edge sl. fozing. (英)ラッカム画 ブラウン著 「ベティ・バーバーの本」 初版 彩色画6枚入 794 版元装丁 ロンドン刊 1910年 80,000 BROWNE (T.): [BROWNE (Thomas)] THE PARSON'S HORN-BOOK. Dublin: Printed and sold by Browne & Sheehan, 1831. 2nd Ed. with 13 plates. 205pp. 3/4 morocco with boards. page sl.browned. 795 18,000 BROWNING (R.) POCKET VOLUME OF SELECTIONS FROM THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. London: Smith,Elder, 1904. cr,8vo. 319pp. 12mo. half green calf. nice binding. 15,000 - 60 - 796 BROWNING (R.): BROOKE (L.L.)(Illust.): PIPPA PASSES. London:duckworth,1898.First ed, with frontispiece and 6 tisseu-guarded plates bearing drawings by L.Leslie Brooke. .cr.8vo.64pp. original green cloth,gilt spine and front cover. (英)ブルーク画 ブローニング詩集「ピッパが通る」 木版画7枚入 797 ロンドン刊 1898年 初版 20.5 x 17cm 18,000 BROWNING (R.): GREENAWAY (K.)(illus.):THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN. London: F.Warne, n.d.(ca.1903) color illus. 48pp. 4to(25x22cm). publisher's pictorial green boards. (英)ブロウニング著 グリンナウェイ画 「ハーメルンの笛吹き男」 ロンドン刊 1908年頃 12,000 798 BROWNING (R.): RACKHAM 8A.)(Illust.) THE PIED PIPER OF r.browning. London: g.Harrap. 1934. Limited to 410 copis. signed b Rackham. 4 coloured plates and 14b/w drawings throughout the text. Original full limp vellum lettered in gilt on front cover. Top edge gilt, and white card slip-case. good. (英)ラッカム画 ブローニング著 彩色画4枚付 799 限定410部 「ハーメルンの笛吹き」 署名入 ヴェラム装丁 ロンドン刊 1934年 箱入 180,000 BROWNING (R.): SHAW (B.)(Illust) POEMS. With Introduction by H.Garnett and Illustration by B.Shaw. London: G.Bell, 1913. xix,377pp. full mmorocco. gilt design on front cover and spine. 800 8,000 BRULOTTE (G.) & PHILLIPS (J.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EROTIC LITERATURE. Routledge, 2006. 2 vols. lar.4to. 801 25,000 BULL (J.): ARBUTHNOT (J.) THE HISTORY OF JOHN BULL. Edited by Alan W.Bower and Robert A.Frickson. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1976. 332pp. dust wrapper. 802 3,000 BUNYAN (J.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.) THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. London: Dent. 1910. First ed, with colour frontispiece,decorated title and 11 colour plates. roy,8vo.vii,315pp. original light green decorated cloth gilt. top edge gilt. cover sl. rubbed. (英)バニヤン著 パペ画 803 「天路歴程」 ロンドン刊 1910年 初版 版元装丁 15,000 BUNYAN (J.): STRANG (W.)(Illust.) PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. London: The Bunyan aniversary society, 1928. 14 fullpage illustrations. contemporary 3/4 levant morocco with marbled. gilt spine. some rubbing to hinges and corners. (英)バニヤン著 ストラング画 背モロッコ装 804 「天路歴程」 ロンドン刊 綴じ・角少擦れ 1928年 背革 挿絵14枚入 35,000 BURNS (R.) BURN'S POETICAL WORKS. POEMS & SONGS. London: John Sharpe, 1824. 2 vols in 1. 10 steel engraved by R.Westall. (sl.light foxing)255,264pp. 12mo. (16.5 x 10cm). contemporary full calf. gilt spine. all edge marbled. - 61 - 67,000 805 BURNS (Robert.): LANDSEER (T.)(Illust.): AN ADDRESS TO THE DEVIL. London: William Kidd, 1830. First ed thus. with 6 plates and 2 illustrations in the text by Landseer. cr.8vo. original printed wrappers with small vignette, plates with a little bit slightly stains. (英)ロバート・バーンズ著 ランドシーア画「詩集:悪魔への対応」 初版 小型仮綴本 の木口木版画6枚入 806 仮綴、少水ジミ有 ロンドン刊 18.5 x 12cm 1830年 25,000 BURNS: AINSLIE (H.) A PILGRIMAGE TO THE LAND OF BURNS AND POEMS. London: A.Gardner,1892. xxxv,367pp. title page spotted. 807 5,000 BURROW (J.A.) THE AGES OF MAN. A Study in Medieval Writing and Thought. Oxford C.P., 1986. 211pp. dw. 808 3,000 BURTON (R.): POGANY (W.)(Illus.): THE KASIDAH OF HAJI ABDU EL-YEZDI. Translated and annotated sir R.Burton. Philadelphia: David Mckay co, 1931. First Ed.,thus. signed by illustrater & Introducer(D.G.Murkerji). Limited to 250 copies. 129pp. original black cloth,pictorial front cover. in the originla blox. fine. (英)ポガニー画 バートン訳 「ペルシャ叙情詩(カレンダー)」 1931年 初版 限定250部 809 フィラデルフィア刊 ポガニー署名入 30,000 BYRON (G.G.N.L.) SARDANAPALUS. A TRAGEDY. The Two Foscari, a tragedy. London: J.Murray, 1821. First ed.viii,439pp. with half title. original quarter cream paper over drab blue paper boards. printed paper spine label. spine chipped. 810 58,000 BYRON (Lord) THE POETICAL WORKS OF LORD BYRON. with engrfavings by The First Artists. London: Virtue & Cc. N.d.. (1878-9)4 Vols. with a portrait frontispiece, engraved second title and 51 engraved plates. 25.5 x17.5cm. original gilt decorated green cloth. 811 BYRON: THE POETICAL WORKS OF LORD BYRON. Oxford U.P., 1959. 923pp. full calf. top edge gilt. slip case. very sl. top edge chipped. 812 38,000 3,000 BYRON: KING (J.M.)(Illust)SONGS FROM BYRON. London: collins' clear type press, n.d. (1928) First ed.,pictorial title & 19 text illus by Howard elcock. 2 colour endpp & colour pictorial wrappers by King. 32pp. 15.5 x 8cm. (英)バイロン著 キング画 813 「バイロンからの歌」 ロンドン刊 8,000 9,500 CAMPBELL (J.L.)(Ed.) HIGHLAND SONGS OF THE FORTY-FIVE. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1933. xxxvi,327pp. original cloth. dw.(sl. chipped browned) 815 初版 CAINE (Hall): KENYON (C.F.) HALL CAINE. The Man and the Novelist. London: Greening Co., 1901. First Ed. 224p. cr.8vo. original cloth. 814 1928年頃 5,000 CAMPBELL (T.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF THOMAS CAMPBELL.London: E.Moxon,1837. with illustrations. ix,306pp. full green morocco with triple ruled boards and ornate filigre cornerpieces, five raised bands whit gilt title and ornatee leaf design compartments, inner dentelles with cornerpieces, marbled endpaperss. top edge gilt. - 62 - 48,000 816 CAMPBELL (T.): TURNER (J.M.W.)(Illust.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF THOMAS CAMPBELL. With notes. London: E.Moxon, 1837. First ed, Illustrated by 20 vignettes from designs by Turner. 306pp. full decorated morocco. (英)ターナー画 「トーマス・キャンベル詩集」 総革 817 ロンドン刊 1837年 初版 挿絵20枚入 20 x 13cm 45,000 CARLYLE (T.): SULLIVAN (E.J.)(Illust.): THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. London: Chapman Hall. 1910. First Sullivan ed, 2 vols. with frontispiece, 32 plates and 124 text illustrations. roy,8vo.(25.5 x 18.5cm) original red cloth,gilt decorated. top edges gilt. spine sl. faded. (英)カーライル著 818 サリバン画 「フランス革命」 ロンドン刊 1910年 2冊 8,000 CARLYLE (T.): SULLIVAN (Edmund J.)(Illust.):SARTOR RESARTUS. The Life & Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh. London: G.Bell & Son, 1898. First ed, Limited to 150 copies on Japanese vellum with extraplate(lightly rubbed). with frontispiece and 45 text illlustrations. xxii,352pp. full red morocco,decorated,top edge gilt. floral tooling on spine and front. handsome copy. (英)カーライル著 819 サリバン画 「衣服哲学」 ロンドン刊 1898年 55,000 CARR (C.): CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust.)CARR (C.) NORTH ITALIAN FOLK. Sketches of Town and Country Life. London: Chatto and Windus, 1878. First ed, Limited to 400 copies. with 10 full page and 18 half page hand-coloured illustrations by Randolph Caldecott.xii,281pp. Pale green coloured boards, cream buckram spine. cover sl. worn. title label rubbed. (英)カー著 820 カルデコット画 「北イタリア人の人々」 ロンドン刊 1878年 25,000 CARROLL (L.): COLLINGWOOD (S.D.) THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF LEWIS CARROLL. London: T.Fisher Unwin, 1898. First Ed. with illust. 448pp. original gilt pictorial cloth. spine faded. upper inner hinge cracked. 821 25,000 CARROLL (L.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.):ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. with a Poem by Austin Dobson. London: W.Heinemann, n.d.(ca.1907) First Trade Ed. With 13 full page colour plates and many b/w illustrations throughout the text.162pp. Original green boards, titles to upper board and spine in green, illustration of the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle to upper board gilt. (英)ラッカム画 キャロル著 「不思議の国のアリス」 ロンドン刊 1907年 初版 彩色画12枚入 822 45,000 CAXTON (W.): LEACH (MacEDWARD) PARIS AND VIENNE. translated from the French and printed by W.Caxton. (Early English Text Society). Oxford U.P., 1970. xxxi,114pp. 823 3,000 CHAMBERS (R.) THE POPULAR RHYMES OF SCOTLAND. chiefly collected from oral sources. Edinburgh: William Hunter, 1826. xvi,319,4pp. cr.8v. uncut. original boards. spine repaired. 824 12,000 CHAUCER (G.): THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Now First Put into Modern English by J.S.P.Tatlock and P.MacKaye. N.Y.: Macmillan, 1961. 596pp. original text in modern cloth. text foxed. 3,000 - 63 - 825 CHAUCER (G.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Edited from Numerous Manuscripts by the Rev. Walter W.Skeat. Oxford C.P., 1963. 2nd Ed. 7 vols. with dust cover. 826 18,000 CHAUCER (G.): THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Stratford: Shakespeare Head Press, 1928. Globe ed, 8 vols. Imperial 8vo. hand made paper. spine cloth with boards. 827 180,000 CHAUCER (G.): ALLEN (J.B.) & MORITZ (T.A.) A DISTINCTION OF STORIES. The Medieval Unity of Chaucer's Fair Chain of Narratives for Canterbury. Ohio State U.P., 1981. 258pp. lar.8vo. dw. 828 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): ALLEN (M.) & FISHER (J.H.) THE ESSENTIAL CHAUCER. an annotated bibliography of major modern studies. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1987. xiii,243pp. lar.8vo. 829 CHAUCER (G.): ANDRETTA (H.R.) CHAUCER'S TROILUS AND CRISEYDE. A Poet's Response to Ockhamism. Peter Lang, 1997. 201pp. lar.8vo. 830 3,670 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): ANDREW (M.)(Critical Comm.) A VARIORUM EDITION OF THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER Volume II. The Canterbury Tales, The General Prologue Part One, A & B. Oklahoma U.P., 1993. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. stamped on endpaper. 831 CHAUCER (G.): ASTELL (A.W.) CHAUCER AND THE UNIVERSE OF LEARNING. Cornell U.P., 1996. xvi,254pp. lar.8vo. dw. 832 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): BEIDLER (P.G.)(Ed.) MASCULINITIES IN CHAUCER. Approaches to Maleness in the Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde. D.S.Brewer, 1998. 252pp. 833 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): BENSON (L.D.) A GLOSSARICAL CONCORDANCE TO THE RIVERSIDE CHAUCER. N.Y.: Garland pub., 1993. 2 vols. lar.4to. 835 6,000 CHAUCER (G.): BENSON (C.D.) CHAUCER'S DRAMA OF STYLE. Poetic Variety and Contrast in the Canterbury Tales. North Carolina U.P., 1986. 183pp. lar.8vo. with dj. 834 6,000 12,000 CHAUCER (G.): BENSON (L.D.)(Ed.) THE RIVERSIDE CHAUCER. Based on The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by F.N.Robinson. Houghton Mifflin, 1987. 3rd Ed. xlvii,1327pp. 4to. 836 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): BISSON (L.M.) CHAUCER AND THE LATE MEDIEVAL WORLD. Macmillan, 1998. x,294pp. with dj. 837 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): BLAKE (N.F.), BURNLEY (D.), MATSUO (M.) & NAKAO (Y.)(Ed.) A NEW CONCORDANCE TO THE CANTERBURY TALES. Based on Blake's Text Edited from the Hengwrt Manuscript. Education U.P., 1994. 1008pp. 4to. pb. 838 6,000 CHAUCER (G.): BREWER (D.) CHAUCER: THE POET AS STORYTELLER. Macmillan, 1984. 150pp. with dj. stamped on endpaper. - 64 - 3,000 839 CHAUCER (G.): BREWER (D.) TRADITION AND INNOVATION IN CHAUCER. Macmillan, 1983. 181pp. 840 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): BRONSON (B.H.) CHAUCER'S ART IN RELATION TO HIS AUDIENCE. Five Studies in Literature. California U.P., 1940. UT Back-in-Print Service. 53pp. lar.8vo. 841 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): BROWN (P.) & BUTCHER (A.) THE AGE OF SATURN. Literature and History in the Canterbury Tales. Blackwell, 1991. xii,296pp. lar.8vo. with dj. 842 5,000 CHAUCER (G.): BRYAN (W.F.) & DEMPSTER (G.)(Ed.) SOURCES AND ANALOGUES OF CHAUCER'S CANTERBURY TALES. N.Y.: Humanities Press, 1958. xvi,765pp. 843 CHAUCER (G.): BURNLEY (J.D.) CHAUCER'S LANGUAGE AND 3,000 THE PHILOSOPHERS' TRADITION. D.S.Brewer, 1979. 196pp. lar.8vo. 844 CHAUCER (G.): CROW (M.M.) & OLSON (C.C.)(Ed.) CHAUCER LIFE-RECORDS. Oxford C.P., 1966. 629pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 845 3,000 10,500 CHAUCER (G.): ELLIS (S.) CHAUCER AT LARGE. The Poet in the Modern Imagination. Minnesota U.P., 2000. xiv,204pp. lar.8vo. dw. 846 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): FERSTER (J.) CHAUCER ON INTERPRETATION. Cambridge U.P., 1985. 194pp. dw. 847 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): FOSTER (M.) CHAUCER'S NARRATORS AND THE RHETORIC OF SELFREPRESENTATION. Peter Lang, 2008. 196pp. lar.8vo. pb. stamped. 848 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): GARDNER (J.) THE POETRY OF CHAUCER. Southern Illinois U.P., 1977. xxxv,408pp. Roy.8vo. with dj. 849 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): GODWIN (W.) LIFE OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. The Early English Poet. Including Memoirs of His near Friend and Kinsman, John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. London: Richard Phillips, 1804. 2nd Ed. 4 vols. with 3 frontispieces. contemporary half calf. cover worn. joint repaired by craft tape. 850 65,000 CHAUCER (G.): HALLISSY (M.) CLEAN MAIDS, TRUE WIVES, STEADFAST WIDOWS. Chaucer's Women and Medieval Codes of Conduct. Greenwood Press, 1993. xvii,224pp. lar.8vo. 8,400 851 CHAUCER (G.): HINCKLEY (H.B.) NOTES ON CHAUCER. A Commentary on the Prolog and Six Canterbury Tales. N.Y.: Haskell House, 1964. 318pp. lar.8vo. bit soiled. 852 CHAUCER (G.): KEAN (P.M.) CHAUCER AND THE MAKING OF ENGLISH POETRY. Vol.I:Love Vision and Debate. Vol.II: The Art of Narrative. London: Routledge, 1972. 2 vols. 853 3,000 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): KELLY (H.A.) CHAUCERIAN TRAGEDY. D.S.Brewer, 1997. 297pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,990 - 65 - 854 CHAUCER (G.): KENT (R.)(Illust,) CANTERBURY TALES. Rendered into Modern English by J.U.Nicolson and an Introduction by Gordon Hall Gerould. Garden City: Garden City Pub Co., 1934. De Luxe Ed. With 25 full-page illustrations and numerous decorations and endpaper illustrations by Rockwell Kent.627pp. lar.8vo. 3/4 morocco with cloth. (英)ケント画 チョーサー著 「カンタベリー物語」 ニューヨーク刊 1934年 背革 25,000 855 CHAUCER (G.): KERLING (J.) CHAUCER IN EARLY ENGLISH DICIONNARIES. The Old-Word Tradition in English Lexicography down to 1721 and Speght'S Chaucer Glossaries. Leiden U.P., 1979. 360pp. lar.8vo. pb. stamped. 856 CHAUCER (G.): KITTREDGE (G.L.) OBSERBATIONS ON THE LANGUAGE OF CHAUCER'S TROILUS. New York; Russell & Russell. 1969. 426pp. original blue cloth. 857 5,000 CHAUCER (G.): KOLVE (V.A.) CHAUCER AND THE IMAGERY OF NARRATIVE. The First Five Canterbury Tales. Stanford U.P., 1984. xiv,551pp. Roy.8vo. dw. stamped. 859 5,000 CHAUCER (G.): McTURK (R.) CHAUCER AND THE NORSE AND CELTIC WORLDS. Ashgate, 2005. ix,218pp. Roy.8vo. stamped on endpaper. 862 4,500 CHAUCER (G.): MINNIS (A.J.) CHAUCER AND PAGAN ANTIQUITY. D.S.Brewer, 1982. 200pp. lar.8vo. 864 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): MILLER (M.) PHILOSOPHICAL CHAUCER. Love, Sex, and Agency in the Canterbury Tales. Cambridge U.P., 2004. 289pp. lar.8vo. dw. 863 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): LOUNSBURY (T.R.) STUDIES IN CHAUCER. His Life and Writings. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1962. 3 vols. ex-library. 861 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): LAMBDIN (L.C.& R.T.)(Ed.) CHAUCER'S PILGRIMS. An Historical Guide to the Pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales. Greenwood Press, 1996. xiv,398pp. lar.8vo. 860 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): KLASSEN (N.) CHAUCER ON LOVE, KNOWLEDGE AND SIGHT. D.S.Brewer, 1995. 225pp. lar.8vo. 858 3,670 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): MINNIS (A.J.), SCATTERGOOD (V.J.) & SMITH (J.J.) THE SHORTER POEMS. Oxford Guides to Chaucer. Oxford C.P., 1995. 578pp. Roy.8vo. with dj. corners sl.bumped. 14,700 865 CHAUCER (G.): MISKIMIN (A.S.) THE RENAISSANCE CHAUCER. Yale U.P., 1975. 315pp. lar.8vo. with dj. 866 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): MORRIS (L.K.) CHAUCER SOURCE AND ANALOGUE CRITICISM. A CrossReferenced Guide. Garland pub., 1985. xvii,584pp. stamped on endpaper. cover bit soiled. 8,000 867 CHAUCER (G.): NEUSE (R.) CHAUCER'S DANTE. Allegory and Epic Theater in the Canterbury Tales. California U.P., 1991. xi,296pp. lar.8vo. dj. - 66 - 4,000 868 CHAUCER (G.): OLSON (P.A.) THE CANTERBURY TALES AND THE GOOD SOCIETY. Princeton U.P., 1986. xix,323pp. with dj. stamped on endpaper. 869 CHAUCER (G.): PATTERSON (L.) CHAUCER AND THE SUBJECT OF HISTORY. London: Routledge, 1991. 489pp. lar.8vo. paperback. stamped on endpaper. 870 42,000 CHAUCER (G.): PINTI (D.J.)(Ed.) WRITING AFTER CHAUCER. Essential Readings in Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century. Garland pub., 1998. xiv,279pp. 872 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): SANDVED (A.O.) INTRODUCTION TO CHAUCERIAN ENGLISH. Cambridge: D.S.Brewer, 1985. 107pp. lar.8vo. 876 4,000 CHAUCER (G.): SKEAT (W.W.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Oxford C.P., n.d. 2nd Edition. 7 vols. Original Cloth. dw. 877 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): WALLACE (D.) CHAUCER AND THE EARLY WRITINGS OF BOCCACCIO. D.S.Brewer, 1985. xiii,209pp. Roy.8vo. 881 6,300 CHAUCER (G.): WIMSATT (J.I.) CHAUCER AND THE POEMS OF 'CH' in University of Pennsylvania MS French 15. D.S.Brewer, 1982. 136pp. lar.8vo. with dj. 883 5,000 CHAUCER (G.): WALLACE (D.) CHAUCERIAN POLITY. Absolutist Lineages and Associational Forms in England and Italy. Stanford U.P., 1997. xix,555pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 882 5,000 CHAUCER (G.): TALYOR (P.B.) CHAUCER'S CHAIN OF LOVE. Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 1996. 215pp. lar.8vo. with dj. 880 28,000 CHAUCER (G.): STEVENS (M.) & WOODWARD (D.)(Ed.) THE ELLESMERE CHAUCER Essays in Interpretation. Huntington Library / Yushodo, 1995. xvi,363pp. 4to. 879 63,000 CHAUCER (G.): SPURGEON (C.F.E.) FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OF CHAUCER CRITICISM AND ALLUSION 1357-1900. N.Y.: Russell & Russell, 1960. 3 vols. lar.8vo. 878 8,000 CHAUCER (G.): ROWLAND (B.) COMPANION TO CHAUCER STUDIES. Oxford U.P., 1968. 409pp. sm.8vo. dw. exlibrary. 875 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): ROGERS (S.L.) ALL THINGS CHAUCER. An Encyclopedia of Chaucer's World. Greenwood Press, 2007. 2 vols. Roy.8vo. 874 8,400 CHAUCER (G.): ROBINSON (I.) CHAUCER'S PROSODY. A Study of the Middle English Verse Tradition. Cambridge U.P., 1971. 250pp. with dj. 873 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): PEARCY (R.J.)(Ed.) STUDIES IN THE AGE OF CHAUCER. Oklahoma U.P., 1979. 12 vols. lar.8vo. cover sl.foxing. 871 3,000 3,000 CHAUCER (G.): WINDEATT (B.A.) CHAUCER'S DREAM POETRY: SOURCES AND ANALOGUES. N.J.: D.S.BREWER, 1982. 168pp. lar.8vo. dw(bit soiled). - 67 - 4,000 884 CHOMSKY (N.): SALKIE (R.) THE CHOMSKY UPDATE LINGUISTICS AND POLITICS. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990. xii,238pp. 3,000 885 CHRISTIE (A.) THE MURDER OF ROGER ACKROYD. London: The clime club,1965.254pp. sm.8vo. red cloth. with dw. 18,900 886 CHRISTIE (A.) TOWARDS ZERO. London: the Crime club,1944.First Editon First printing. 160pp. with dust wrapper. bery bright and clean copy. 65,000 887 CHRISTIE (A.): SELECTED WORKS OF AGATHA CHRISTIE. *The Mysterious Affair at Styles. *A Murder is Announced. *Sleeping Murder. *Crooked House. *Towards Zero. *THe Labours of Hercules. London: W.Colins Sons, 1990. 6 vols. Limited to 350 copies. Signed by Agatha Christie's daughter, Rosalind Hicks to first volume.half morocco. in slip-case. gilt edges. 65,000 888 CLARKE (A.) THE COLLECTED POEMS OF AUSTIN CLARKE. With an Introduction by P.Colum. London: G.Allen, 1936. 319pp. dw. edge worn. sl. light spotted. 5,000 889 COBBETT (W.) LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF PETER PORCUPINE, With other Records of His Early Career in England & America. VIZ: Life & Adventures, Talleyrand: A Spy, The Scarecrow, Farewell to America, Remarks of the, A Court-Martial, Pamphlets, A Retrospect. London: The Nonesuch Press, 1927. Limited Ed. 163pp. spine cloth with marbled boards. near fine. 6,090 890 COLERIDGE (S.): VASSOS (J.)(Illust.) KUBLA KAHN. Samuel Coleridge's Poem with Interpretive illustrations by John Vassos. NEW YORK: E.P.DUTTON, 1933. First Ed.,13 Art deco plates. 23.5 x 18.5cm. original half cloth with boards. spine sl.faded. (英)コールリッジ著 バッソス画 「クビライ・カーン」 ニューヨーク刊 1933年 アールデコ調挿絵13枚入 35,000 891 COLERIDGE (S.T.): HARTLEY (E.)(Illust)THE POEMS OF COLERIDGE. With an introduction by Ernest Hartley. London: John Lane & The Bodley Head, 1907. with frontispiece and 23 Illustrated plates by G.Metcalfe. xxii,477pp. 3/4 green morocco. bound by Sotheran. nice binding. (英)メトカルフ画 ハートレー序 挿絵23枚 サザラン美装丁本 892 「コールリッジ詩集」 ロンドン刊 1907年 22 x 14cm 25,000 COLERIDGE (S.T.): POGANY (W.)(Illust.):THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER. In Seven Parts by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London: G.Harrap, 1910. First ed, with 20 mounted plate & numerous other decorations in b/w. 4to. (32 x 24cm).Original green cloth with gilt and colour pictorial decorations to upper cover, gilt lettering and pictorial decorations to spine and top edge gilt. (英)ポガニ−画 コールリッジ著 「老水夫の歌」 彩色画20枚入 版元布装丁 893 ロンドン刊 1910年 初版 45,000 COLLIER (J.) A SHORT VIEW OF THE IMMORALITY AND PROFANENESS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE. Together with The Sense of Antiquity upon this Argument. London: Printed for S.Keble, R.Sare, & H.Hindmarsh, 1698. 3rd Ed. 288pp. 12mo. rebound in recent cloth. text is clean. 15,000 - 68 - 894 COLLIER (J.P.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF EARLY ENGLISH POPULAR LITERATURE. (1863) New York: B.Blom, 1966. Reprint Ed. 2 vols. lar.8vo. 895 3,000 COLUM (P.): POGANY (W.)(Illus.): THE FRENZIED PRINCE. Being Heroic Stories of Ancient Ireland. Washington: D.McKay, 1943. First ed, 196pp. sm.4to. with dust cover. (英)ポガニー画 コラム著 「アイルランド民話:凶暴な王子」 ワシントン刊 1943年 8,000 896 COLUM (P.): POGANY (W.)(Illust.) THE ADVENTURES OF ODYSSEUS AND THE TALE OF TROY. Lonodn: G.Harrap. 1920. . First Ed. with 8 colour illustrations and many black and white line drawings and decorations.254pp. sm.8vo. full black morocco. (英)ポガニー画 コラム著 「トロイ物語とオデッセイの冒険」 ロンドン刊 1920年 初版 彩色画8枚入 897 12,000 CONRAD (J.) THE WORKS OF JOSEPH CONRAD. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1925. First Collected Ed. 20 Vols. original blue cloth with gilt spinal lettering. nice set. 898 75,000 COONEY (H.)(Ed.) WRITINGS ON LOVE IN THE ENGLISH AGES. palgrave macmillan, 2006. 204pp. with dj. stamped on endpaper. 899 4,000 COPELAND (R.),LAWTON (D.) & SCASE (W.) NEW MEDIEVAL LITERATURES.Oxford U.P.,,304pp. dust jacket. 900 4,000 CORNER (MISS): WEIR (H.) & BARRET (J.V.)(Illust) LITTLE PLAYS FOR LITTLE ACTORS. series the second. Puss in boots, Children in the Wood, Mother goose. London: Dean and son, N.d.,full page b/w 25 illustrations. vi,32/vi,32/32pp. original gilt decorated cover. (英)コーナー著 ウェイル画 「子供らの為の小さなお芝居」 ロンドン刊 挿絵25枚入 16,000 901 COWPER (W.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM COWPER. London: W.Pickering,1851. Aldine,Ed. 2 Vols. cr.8vo. full calf. gilt decorated spine. W,Northampson. 902 35,000 COWPER (W.) THE I-VI.London: John sharpe,1825. 7 steel engraving.220pp. cr.8vo. full calf. gilt spine. all edge marbled. 903 12,000 COWPER (W.): KING (J.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS AND PROSE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM COWPER. Oxford, 1979. 5 vols. dw. 904 52,500 CRANE (T.J.) INVENTING INDIA. A Hisory of India in English-Language Fiction. MACMILLAN, 1992. 212pp. dw. 905 top edge gilt. fine binding by 16,000 CRANE (W.) LINE AND FORM. London: G.Bell, 1904. First ed,with Illustrated throughout. 282pp. Gilt top edge. Blue covers with gold lettering and decoration. Soiling to covers, faded spine. (英)W・クレン著 「線と型」 ロンドン刊 - 69 - 1904年 15,000 906 CRANE (W.) QUEEN SUMMER OR THE TOURNEY OF THE LILY & THE ROSE.London: Cassell, (1891) first ed, 40 full colour plates. 40pp. 4to. original pictorial boards. (英)W・クレン画 「クイーンサマー、ゆりとバラの馬上試合」 ロンドン刊 1891年 彩色画40枚入 初版 元装 28.5 x 20.7cm. 38,000 907 CRANE (W.) THE BASES OF DESIGN. London: George Bell. 1898. First ed, with nuumerous illustrations. xi,35,(ix)pp. original blue cloth. sl. inner hinge cracked. (英)W・クレン著・画 「デザインの基本」 ロンドン刊 188年 初版 版元装 22,000 908 CRANE (W.) THE BASES OF DESIGN. London: G.Bell, 1909. with 100 illustrations. roy,8vo. xx,366+10pp,publisher's adverts. original pictorial cloth.covers somewhat stained. (英)W・クレン著・画 「意匠と芸術の基本」 ロンドン刊 1898年 挿画100点入 表紙少傷有 20,000 909 CRANE (W.)(Illust.) A BOOK OF CHRISTMAS VERSE. Selected by H.C.Beeching. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. First Ed. Limited to 50 copies. hand-made papers. with 10 wood engravings by Walter Crane. xvi,173,(i)pp. original reddish brown buckram,spine lettered gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut corners and edges of covers slightly rubbed. (英)W・クレン画 「クリスマス詩集」 ロンドン刊 1895年 初版 限定50部 版元布装丁 35,000 910 CRANE (W.)(Illust.) SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDY OF THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Presented in 8 pen designs by Walter Crane. London: G.Allen, 1894. Limited Edition of 650 copies. Signed by the printer and W.Crane. Engraved & Printed by D.C.Dallas. folio.(37.8 x 30cm) decorated gilt top edge gilt. (英)W・クレン画 シェイクスピア著 「ウインザーの陽気な女房たち」 ロンドン刊 1894年 初版 限定650部 W・クレン署名入 木口木版画8枚入 大版原装 85,000 911 CRANE (W.)(Illust.): WISE (T.J.)(Ed.) SPENSER'S FAERIE QUEENE. London: G.Allen Ruskin House, 1897. Limited only 1000 copies printed of this edition on handmade paper by Charles Whitingham at the Chiswick Press,18 parts in 6 vols. 4to. gilt pictorial cloth designed by Crane. top edge gilt. spine rubbed & heavy faded. sl.stained. (英)W・クレン画 ワイス編 「スペンサーの神仙女王」 ロンドン刊 1897年 6冊揃 限定版 元装背汚れ有 130,000 912 CROWEST (F.L.): HOUSMAN (L.)(Illsut,) DICTIONARY OF BRITISH MUSICIANS. by F.J.Crowest. London: Jarrold and Son. 1895. First ed, with Illustrated on Cream bards by L.Housman. cr,8vo. 116pp. boards light wear. Typical Housman design. (英)ハウスマン画 「英国音楽家辞典」 ロンドン刊 1895年 初版 ハウスマン表紙デザイン 6,000 913 DE MAN (P.) ROMANTICISM AND CONTEMPOARY CRITICISM. The Gauss Seminar and Other papers. Johns hopkins Univ., 1993.ix,212pp. dust cover. 4,000 914 DE QUINCEY (T.): DE QUINCEY'S WORKS: WITH THE LIFE & THE UNCOLLECTED WRITINGS. The Works 16 vols. The Life 2 vols. and Uncollected writtings 2 vols. Edinburgh: Adam & C.Black, 1862-1890. 20 vols. sm.8vo. 3/4 blue calf. top edge gilt. 260,000 915 DEFOE (D.) THE HISTORY OF THE DEVIL. includes a 'Description of the Devil's Dwelling Place Called Hell'. Extensive spine and edge wear to both boards. Devil with wings embossed on both boards. about good. London: J.Bailey,1814. frontispiece.264pp. cr.8vo. contemporary full calf. rebacked. 35,000 - 70 - 916 DEFOE (D.) THE NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS OF DANIEL DE FOE. with Preface and Notes, Including Those Attributed to Sir Walter Scott. London: Bell & Daldy, 1871. 7 vols. sm.8vo. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. calf sl.rubbed. ex-library. 917 38,000 DEFOE (D.) : PAPE (F.C.)(Illust) THE PICTURE STORY OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. London: The Bodley Limited, 1933. First Ed. every pages b/w illusts. 216pp. lar.8vo. with dust-cover. (英)デフォー著 パペ画 「ロビンソン・クルーソーの冒険」 ロンドン刊 1933年 カバー付 918 初版 15,000 DEFOE (D.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust.): THE FORTUNES AND MISFORTUNES OF THE FAMOUS MOLL FLANDERS. By Daniel Defoe. London: John Lane the Bodley Head, 1929. First Ed. with Frontis & 15 b/w illustrations. 333pp. lar.8vo. (25 x 15cm). 4/3 morocco. good binding. (英)デフォー著 オースチン画 挿絵16図入 919 背モロッコ装 「モル・フランダーズ」 美本 ロンドン刊 1929年 初版 25 x 15cm 25,000 DEFOE (D.): CHADWICK (W.) THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DANIEL DE FOE: With remarks digressive & discursive. London: J.Russell, 1859. viii,464pp. original cloth. cover bit faded. inner-joint cracked. 920 6,000 DEFOE (D.): WYETH (N.C.)(Illust) ROBINSON CRUSOE.New York: Cosmopolitan book,1920. First Ed.,13 full page colour illustratons. the tsue guart for the frontispiece illustration is present.368pp. illustrated cover top & tail of spine rubbing. inner hinge cracked. (英)ワイエス画 デフォー著 「ロビンソン・クルーソー漂流記」 1920年 初版 彩色画13枚入 ニューヨーク刊 元装 16,000 921 DEKKER (T.): PENDRY (E.D.)(Ed,) THOMAS DEKKER. The Wonderful Year, The Gull(s HornBook. Peuny-Wise, Pound-Foolish. English Villainies Desovered by Lantern and Candlelight. (The Stratfor0Upon-Avon Library 4). London: Edward Arnold. 1967. First ed, 374pp. original green cloth. 3,000 922 DICKENS (C.) THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK PAPERS. London: Chapman and Hall, n,d.(ca.1840) With engraved frontispiece and title-page and 43 engravings by Seymour and Phiz.xiv,(ii),609pp. orginal green cloth. rebacked. nice copy. 35,000 923 DICKENS (C.) THE STORY OF LITTLE DOMBEY. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1858. First Edition of this condensed version of Dombey and Son. 121pp. cr.8vo. pictorial wrappers. spine bit chipped otherwise almost fine. in slip-case. 30,000 924 DICKENS (C.): THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS. *PICKWICK PAPERS(2v.) *DAVID COPPERFIELD(2v.) *NICHOLAS NICKLEBY(2v.) *DOMBEY AND SON(2v.) *MARTIN CNUZZLEWIT(2v.) *OUR MUTUAL FRIEND(2v.) *BLEAK HOUSE(2v.) *BARNABY RUDGE(2v.) *LITTLE DORRIT(2v.) *OLD CURIOSITY SHOP(2v.) *A CHILD'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. *CHRISTMAS BOOKS. *CHRISTMAS STORIES. *THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELLER. *SKETCHES BY BOZ. *EDWIN DROOD AND OTHER STORIES. *AMERICAN NOTES & PICTURES FROM ITALY. *OLIVER TWIST. *GREAT EXPECTATIONS. *A TALE OF TWO CITIES. London: Chapman & Hall, ca.1838-61. Illustrated Library Edition(on spine). 30 vols. with Illustrations by Phiz, Cruickshank & others. some plate detached(not missing). original decorate green cloth. corners sl.bumped. a few pages bit foxed. 'The Old Curiosity Shop' vol.2, spine worn & p.123-4 & 163-4 corner tears. 150,000 - 71 - 925 DICKENS (C.): THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS. London: The Gresham Pub., 1912. Standard Ed. 20 vols. complete set. With frontispiece and illustrations by Max Cowper. half old calf. calf edges chipped. almost good condition. 926 60,000 DICKENS (C.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust.) THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. With an introduction by G.K.Chesterton and Illustrations by J.Auten. Limited Editon Club. 1933. 2 vols. with 24 coloured plates. 4to. (29.5 x 20cm) dust-covers. slip-case. fine copy. (英)ディケンズ著 1933年 927 2冊 オースチン画 カバー付 箱入 「ピックウィック・クラブ遺文録」 オックスフォード刊 29.5 x 20cm 25,000 DICKENS (C.): BROCK (C.E.)(Illust.) A CHRISTMAS CAROL. in Prose. London: J.M>Dent. 1905. First Editin thuswith 8 colour & 10 b/willustrated by C.E.Brock. cr.8vo. 158pp. original full vellum decorated in intricate gilt designs of angels and holly. (英)ディケンズ著 ビロック画 「クリスマス・キャロル」 ロンドン刊 1905年 ヴェラム装 928 35,000 DICKENS (C.): BROCK (C.E.)(Illust.) THE CHIMES. A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year.London: J.M.Dent. 1905. First Edition thuswith coloured illustrations. viii167pp. Contemporary full vellum binding with richly gilt decoration on the front board and spine. (英)ディケンズ著 929 ビロック画 「チャイム」 ロンドン刊 1905年 ヴェラム装 22,000 DICKENS (C.): PARTLOW (R.B.)(Ed.) DICKENS STUDIES ANNUAL. Volume 1-15. (ISBN-0404-1820-7)N.Y.: AMS (1980) & Southern Illionois Univ.(1975). 15 vols. orginal cloth. some volumes with dustjacket. 930 45,000 DICKENS (C.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.) THE CHIMES. Introduction by E.Wagenknecht. London: The Limited Edition club,1931. Limited to 1500 copies.signed by Rackham. xxxii,128pp. Imp.8vo. (30 x 20.2cm) pictorial endpapers, gilt topsin slip case. (英)ディケンズ著 ラッカム画 「チャイム」 ロンドン刊 1931年 限定1500部 ラッカム署名入 箱入 931 60,000 DICKENS (Charles) THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. London: Chapman and Hall, 1893. with Seventy-Five Illustrations. viii,460pp. full tree calf with gilt-decorated spine. 22,000 932 DICKEY (J.) DELIVERANCE. H.Mifflin,1970. First Ed.278pp. sl.pencil. dw. 5,500 933 DISRAELI (B.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust,) IXION IN HEAVEN. by Benjamin Disraeli. London: Jonathan Cape, 1925. First Ed. with 6 coloured and 7 b/w illustrations. 72pp. cr.8vo. orginal cloth with dustcovers. (英)ディズラエリ著 オースチン画 「天国のイクシオン」 ロンドン刊 1925年 カバー付 6,000 934 DISRAELI: AUSTEN (J.)(Illust,) THE INFERNAL MARRIAGE. Disraeli the younger. London: w.Jackson, 1929.Limited to 850 copies. with 5 coloured plates. 85pp. half calf. spine edge chipped. (英)ディズラエリ著 オースチン画 「地獄の結婚」 - 72 - ロンドン刊 1929年 6,000 935 DONNE (J.): KEYNES (G.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF DR JOHN DONNE. Dean of St Paul's. Cambridge: printed for the Baskerville club,1914. First Ed. 165pp. Roy.8vo. original wrapper. 936 8,000 DONNE (J.): KLAWITTER (G.) THE ENIGMATIC NARRATOR. The Voicing of Same-sex Love in the Poetry of John Donne. P.Lang,1994. xiii,271pp. 937 6,500 DONNE (J.): MEAKIN (H.L.) JOHN DONNE'S ARTICULATIONS OF THE FEMIINE. Ox.C.P,1998. 273pp. dw. sl pencil scrached. 938 DOUGLAS (G.): BAWCUTT 8,000 (P.J.)(Ed.) THE SHORTER POEMS OF GAVIN DOUGLAS. (The Scottish text society0)Edinburgh: W.Blackwood,1967. lxxxvii,298,9pp. half calf. over green cloth. 939 4,000 DOUGLAS (L.A.) THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LORD ALFRED DOUGLAS. London: M. sekcer, 1929. First Ed. 9 photographic plates including frontis piece. 340pp. 940 10,000 DOVES PRESS: TENNYSON (A.L.) SEVEN POEMS & TWO TRANSLATIONS. Hammersmith: Doves press,1902. Limited to 325 copies. printed in red and black. 56pp. lar.8vo. full vellum. 941 85,000 DOYLE (A.C.) THE CASE BOOK OF SHERLOCK HOLMES. London: John Murray, 1927. First Ed. 320pp. cr.8vo. 3/4 calf bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. in slip-case. 942 120,000 DOYLE (A.C.) THE TRAGEDY OF THE KOROSKO. London: Smith, Elder, 1898. First Ed. presentation copy. by Mery J.E.Doyle. Complete with 40 full page plates by Sydney Paget. top spine tiped. 333,8pp. sm.8vo. pictorial cover. spine sl. repaired. 943 52,500 DRINKWATER (J.) PAWNS: Three Poetic PLAYS. London: Sidgwicck & Jackson, 1917. First ed.title page signed by the John Drinkwater.vii,54pp. original cloth. dw. protect half morocco slip case. 944 25,000 DRYDEN (J.): THE DRAMATIC WORKS. Edited by Montague Summers.London: Nonesuch Press, 1931. 6 vols. Limited to 50 special sets on Van Gelder Paper, quarter bound. roy.8vo. 3/4 vellum with marbled boards. very fine set. 945 210,000 DU MAURIER (G.)(Illust,) PETER IBBETSON. With an Introduction by His Cousin, Lady**** ("MADGE PLUNKET"). Edited and Illustrated by George du Maurier. London: James R.Osgood,McIlvaine & Co., 1892. First English Ed. 2 vols. with illustrations in text. 3/4 morocco. gilt top. marbled endpapers. a fine copy. 946 38,000 DUNSANY (L.): SIME (S.H.)(Illust,)TALES OF WONDER. London: Elkin Mathews. 1916. First ed, with 6 illustrations by S H Sime.xi,187pp. original Hardback. Covers slightly marked and darkened. (英)シーム画 ダンセイニ著 「驚異の物語」 - 73 - ロンドン刊 1916年 初版 4,000 947 DURANTI (A.) LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY. Cambridge U.P., 2002. xxi,398pp. lar.8vo. pb. 3,000 948 EDMONDS (C.): GILLRAY (J.)(Illust.) POETRY OF THE ANTI-JACOBIN. Comprising the Celebrated Political & Satirical Poems, Parodies, and Jeux-D'Esprit of the Right Hon G.Canning, The Earl of Carlisle, M.Wellesley...and others. London: G.Willis, 1854. 2nd Ed. considerably enlarged. with 6 etchings by the famous caricaturist James Gillray. xvi,248pp. cr.8vo. original blind stamped cloth. joint 2cm. rubbed. (英)ギルレイ画 エドモンズ著 「反ジャコバン党 風刺詩」 ロンドン刊 1854年 銅版画6枚入 949 初版 18,000 EGERTON (George): BEARDSLEY (A.)(Illust.)KEYNOTES. London: E.Mathews, 1893. First Ed. 2nd issue. green cloth binding 600 copies. Illustrated by A.Beardsley. 184pp. sm.8vo.(20 x 13cm) original pictorial cloth. some stained. (英)エガートン著 ビアズリー画 「基調」 ロンドン刊 1893年 ビアズリー表紙絵 18,900 950 ELIOT (G.): TOYODA (M.) STUDIES IN THE MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGE ELIOT, in relation to the science,philosophy,and theology of her day. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1931. First Ed. xii,266pp. original cloth fine copy. scarce. 951 ELIOT (T.S.) COLLECTED POEMS 1909-1935. London: Faber & Faber Limited. 1936. First ed, 191pp. contemporary 4/3 morocco. joint tender. good. 952 5,000 ELLIS (F.H.)(Ed.) SWIFT VS. MAINWARING. The Examiner and The Medley. Oxford C.P., 1985. lxx,514pp. lar.8vo. 955 6,300 EMMERSON (R.K.) & HERZMAN (R.B.) THE APOCALYPTIC IMAGINATION IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. Pennsylvania U.P., 1992. 244pp. lar.8vo. with dj. 956 3,000 EVETT (D.) LITERATURE AND THE VISUAL ARTS IN TUDOR ENGLAND. Georgia U.P., 1990. 366pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 959 25,000 EVANS (R.) & JOHNSON (L.)(Ed.) FEMINIST READINGS IN MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE. The Wife of Bath and all her sect. Routledge, 1994. 257pp. pb. stamped on endpaper. 958 5,000 EMPSON (W.) COLLECETD WORKS OF WILLIAM EMPSON.The Royal Beasts, Poems, Collected Poems, The Structure of Complex Words, Roma Gill, The God Approached. 6 vols. 957 4,000 ELIOT (T.S.) TO CRITICIZE THE CRITIC. And other writings. London: Faber & Faber, 1965. First Ed. 188pp. with dust jucket. 954 25,000 ELIOT (T.S.) THE WASTE LAND. A Facsimille and Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations of Ezra Pound. London: Faber and Faber. 1971. 4to. 149pp. dw. 953 35,000 3,990 FARMER (J.S.)(Ed.,)NATIONAL BALLAD AND SONG. MERRY SONGS AND BALLADS Prior to the Year A.D.1800.Oxford,1897.5 vols.Privately printed on hand made paper.half vellum & boards. vol.3 label chipped. vol.1 sl.spotted. otherwise fine copy. - 74 - 35,000 960 FIELDING (H.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF HENRY FIELDING, ESQ. N.Y.: Barnes & Noble, 1967. 16 Vols. 961 73,500 FIELDING (H.): THE NOVELS OF HENRY FIELDING. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926. Large paper Ed. This Edition Printed from Type by the Shakespeare Head Press Stratford-uponAvon. 10 vols. Limited to 500 copies. lar.8vo. spine cloth with boards. 962 FIELDING (H.): THE SHAKESPEARE HEAD EDITION OF FIELDING. Novels. Oxford: Blackwell, 1926. 10 vols. Limited Ed. 963 42,000 52,500 FIELDING (H.): CROSS (Wilbur L.) THE HISTORY OF HENRY FIELDING. New York: Russell & Russell, 1963. reissued. 3 vols. fore-edges foxing. 964 6,000 FLAXMAN (R.L.) VICTORIAN WORD-PAINTING AND NARRATIVE. Toward the Blending of Genres. U.M.I, 1987. 150pp. lar.8vo. dw. 965 5,000 FRANK (R.) : HARBUS (A.) & POOLE (R.)(Ed.)VERBAL ENCOUNTERS. Anglo-Saxon and old Norse Studies for Roberta frank. Univ. of Toronto, 2005.298pp. dust jacket. 966 5,000 FRANK,JR.(R.W.): EDWARDS (R.R.)(Ed.) ART AND CONTEXT IN LATE MEDIEVAL ENGLISH NARRATIVE. Essays in Honor of Robert Worth Frank,Jr. D.S.Brewer, 1994. xiv,205pp. lar.8vo. dw. 967 3,000 FREADMAN (R.) & MILLER (S.) RE-THINKING THEORY. A Critique of contemporary literary heory and an alternative account. Cambridge U.P., 1992. 296pp. dw. 968 5,000 FURNIVALL (F.J.) THE FIFTY EARLIEST ENGLISH WILLS IN THE COURT OF PROBATE LOBDON. A.D.13387-1439 WITH A PRIEST'S OF 1454. copied and edited from the original registers in Somerset House.Oxford University press,1964.200pp. 969 3,000 FYLEMAN (Rose): BULL (R.)(illus.): A GARLAND OF ROSES. Methuen and Co., 1928. first edition. Illustrated by Rene Bull. Colour frontis & 16 other illustrations. (英)レーン・ブル画 ファイルマン著 「薔薇の花冠」 彩色画入 970 初版 GABRIEL (Y.) STORYTELLING IN ORGANIZATIONS. Facts, Fictions, and Fantasies. Oxford U.P., 3,000 GADE (K.E.) THE STRUCTURE OF OLD NORSE. Drottkvoett Poetry. Islandica XLIX. Cornell U.P., 1995. xx,290pp. lar.8vo. dw. 972 1928年 10,000 2000. 266pp. lar.8vo. pb. 971 ロンドン刊 5,000 GALSWORTHY (J.) CARAVAN.The Assembled Tales. London: W.Heinemann,1925. First Ed. Limited to 265 copies. No. 24. signed by the author. 950pp. full calf. wiyh gilt lettering to spine. sl. rubbed. edge sl. spotted. 973 28,000 GALSWORTHY (J.) THE FORSYTE SAGA. London:W,Heinemann,1922. First Ed. 1104pp. with half title and folding family tree. 3/4 calf & marbled boardsby Sangorski & Sutcliff. spine gilt in compartments. marbled endpapers. top edge gilt. - 75 - 52,500 974 GASK (L.)(Retold): POGANY (W.)(illus.) FOLK TALES FROM MANY LANDS. London: G.G.Harrap, 1910. First Ed. 8 colour plates + b/w illustrations throughout. 286pp. The original red cloth covers are somewhat shelf-worn but the art nouveau decoration. previous owner's inscription on end-paper. (英)ポガニー画 リリアン・ガスク再話 彩色画8枚、線画多数入 版元装丁 975 「世界の民話」 ロンドン刊 1910年 初版 黄ばみ有 8,000 GASK (L.): POGANY (W.)(Illust.)THE FAIRIES AND THE CHRISTMAS CHILD. fairies and the christmas child?London: Harrap. (c,1900). First ed, with 7 coloured plates,47 full-page & 34 text illust. ix,262pp. decorative grey cloth boards. spine darkned. sl. spotted. (英)ポガニー画 ガスク著 「妖精とクリスマスの子供」 ロンドン刊 1900年頃 彩色画7枚入 976 初版 12,000 GASKELL (Mrs.): BROCK (H.M.)(Illust.) CRANFORD. London: J.B.Lippincott. 1913. First ed, with 25 coloured illustrations by C.E.Brock. 306pp. original Dark blue cloth with decorations in green, red and gold. (英)ブロック画 ギャスケル著 「女だけの町 クランフォード」 ロンドン刊 1913年 5,000 977 GAULTIER (Bon)(Ed.): DOYLE (R.)(Illust,)THE BOOK OF BALLADS. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and sns, 1874. illustrated by Doyle, Leech and Crowquill. 256pp. sm.8vo. full green morocco. gilt edges,gilt design spine and covers, bound by Ramage in London. (英)ドイル画:ゴルチェ編纂 「伝承話集」 エヂンバラ刊 1870年 三方金 総モロッコ革美装丁本 978 25,000 GAY (J.) THE BEGGAR'S OPERA. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal. London: J.Watts. 1735. 4th ed, (viii),8,76pp. & POLLY: AN OPERA BEIN G THE SECOND PART OF THE BEGGAR'S OPERA. London: T.Thomson. 1729. Pirated ed, x,62,16pp. 2 books in 1 bound. cr,8vo. 76pp,62pp & 16pp. old cloth. cover scuffed and worn. 979 18,000 GILBERT (H.): CRANE (W.)(Illust.) ROBIN HOOD. And the men of the Greenwood by H.Gilbert.London: T.C. 7 E.C.Jack. 1912.First,Ed.,with 16 full colour illustrations including frontispiece by Walter Crane.roy,8vo. 360pp. green cloth with elaborate gilt pictorial cover, top edge gilt. (英)ギルバート著 980 W・クレン画 「ロビンフッド」 ロンドン刊 1912年 初版 25,000 GILBERT (H.): CRANE (W.)(Illust) KING ARTHUR'S KNIGHTS. The Tales Retold for boys & girls by Henry Gilbert. Edinburgh London: T.C. & E.C.Jack. 1911. First ed, 16 colour illustrations by Walter Crane. 367pp. lar.8vo. original gilt decorated cloth. Spine faed. (英)ギルバート著 W・クレン画 「アーサー王、騎士物語」 エヂンバラ刊 1911年 初版 20,000 981 GILFILLAN (George Rev.)(Compiled by) BRITISH POETS. (THE) *Addison. *Armstrong. *Akenside. *Beattie. *Blair. *Bowles. *Burns. *Butler. *Chaucer. *Churchill. *Collins. *Cowper. *Crashaw. *Denham. *Dryden. *Dyer. *Falconer. *Gay. *Goldsmith. *Grahame. *Gray. *Green. *Herbert. *Johnson & others. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1853-1860. altogether 48 vols. half vellum, gilt tops. - 76 - 480,000 982 GILPIN (William) REMARKS ON FOREST SCENERY, AND OTHER WOODLAND VIEWS. Edited by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder,Bart. Edinburgh: Fraser & Co. 1834. First Lauder Ed, 2 vols. with 2 frontispieces and 18 full page plates. 368 & 344pp. 4/3 morocco, with raised bands and gilt decorated spines, marabled boards and endpapers.some pages foxing. bound by E.Riley & Son. fine set. 38,000 983 GISSING (G.) A LIFE'S MORNING. 1,2 & 3.N.Y:AMS,1969. 333pp. lar.8vo. 4,500 984 GISSING (G.) DENZIL QUARRIER. Harvester, 1979. xx,355pp. cr.8vo. dw. 985 GISSING (G.) EVE'S RANSOM. A Novel. N.Y:AMS reprinted from the edition of 1895.379pp. 5,000 986 GISSING (G.) OUR FRIEND THE CHARLATAN A Novel. (N.Y.:Henry Holt,1901) AMS Press, 1969. 386pp. fore-edges bit foxing. 36,000 987 GISSING (G.) THE NETHER WORLD. A Novel. Harvester,1974. viii,392pp. blue green cloth with gilt lettering. 10,500 988 GISSING (G.) THE PAYING GUEST. Harvester,1982. xxxii,171pp. tall dark blue cloth with gilt lettering. 6,300 989 GISSING (G.): COLLIE (M.) GEORGE GISSING A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STUDY. St Paul's Bibliographies: 1985. Limiteed to 500 copies. 167pp. dw. 3,000 990 GOLDSMITH (O.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH. London: W.Pickering,1853. Aldine,Ed.,clxxxiv,176pp. cr.8vo.(17 x 11cm) full calf. gilt decorated spine. top edge gilt. bindig by B.Northampton. fine binding. 23,100 991 GOLDSMITH (O.): BROCK (C.E.) THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD.LONDON: T.M.DENT,1904. 25 colour illustrations by C.E.BROCK. xvii,242pp. contemporary full morocco. 5 raised bandd. gilt titled. all edge gilt. bound by Rivier. 32,000 992 GOLDSMITH (O.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.) THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. London: George.Harrap. 8,000 1929. First Trade ed, with 12 full-pagecolour plates and 22 b/w illustrations in the text. 4to. (25.5 x 20cm) 231pp. In the rare publisherユs deluxe binding. Full leather binding with gilt lettering on spine and upper cover, upper cover has a Rackham illustration depicted in different coloured inlaid leathers. Top edge gilt.previous owner's inscription on half title. A publisher's special binding. good. (英)ラッカム画 ゴールドスミス著 「ウェイクフィールドの牧師」 ロンドン刊 初版 彩色画12枚入 版元総革美装丁本 993 1929年 80,000 GOLDSMITH (O.): SULIVAN (E.)(illus.)THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. London: Constable, 1914. First Edition. With 16 coloured plates & numerous B/W illusts. 345pp. 4to. full green morocco with an inlaid leather figure of the Vicar of Wakefield on the front cover & details; spine features five raised bands, gilt titles. Bound by Bayntun Riviere. In slip case. very good. (英)サリバン画 ゴールドスミス著 挿絵16枚入 リヴィエール製本 「ウェイクフィールドの牧師」 箱入 - 77 - ロンドン刊 1914年 80,000 994 GOLDSMITH (O.): THOMSON (H.)(illust,) THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. With a preface by A.Dobson and illustrations by H.Komson. London: Macmillan, 1894. 4th ed, with b/w illustrations by H.Thomson. cr,8vo. xxxiv,305pp. original gilt decorated green cloth, all edges gilt. (英)トムソン画 ゴールドスミス著 「ウェイクフィールドの牧師」 ロンドン刊 1894年 8,000 995 GOLDSMITH (O.): THOMSON (H.)(Illust.) SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER OR THE MISTAKES OF A NIGHT. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d(1912.) Limited to 350 copies. Signed by Thomson. 25 coloured mounted plates by Hugh Thomson. 197pp. 4to. (31.5 x 25.5cm) gilt decorated full vellum, gilt tops. (英)トムソン画 ゴールドスミス著 限定350部 996 トムソン署名入 「負けるが勝ち」 ロンドン刊 彩色挿画25枚入 総ヴェラム装 1912年頃 31.5 26cm GOODMAN (A.) JOHN OF GAUNT. The Exercise of Princely Power in Fourteenth-Century Europe. Longman, 1992. xiii,421pp. lar.8vo. pb. 997 3,000 GUNN (Alan M.F.) THE MIRROR OF LOVE. A Reinterpretation of "The Romance of the Rose". Lubbock: Texas Tech Press, 1952. xvi,592pp. lar.8vo. bit foxing. 998 65,000 3,000 HARDY (T.) POEMS OF THE PAST AND THE PRESENT. New York and London: Harper & Bothers, 1902. First Ed. 260pp. + ads. Green cloth with darker green decoration; white title plate with gilt lettering. Spine is darkened. 999 45,000 HARDY (T.): THE WORKS OF THOMAS HARDY IN PROSE AND VERSE. With Prefaces and Notes. (1912) Republished in 1985 by Johnson Reprint Corporation. Wessex Ed. 24 vols. Limited to 270 copies. half morocco with marbled boards. uncut. fine copy. 1000 400,000 HARDY (T.): THE WORKS OF THOMAS HARDY. THE MELLSTOCK EDITION: London: Macmillan, 1919. Best Ed. 37 vols. Limited to 500 copies. Signed by the Author. lar.8vo. half morocco with boards. boards edges bit wear, and a few pages spotted. 1001 800,000 HARPER-BILL (C.) & HARVEY (R.)(Ed.) THE IDEALS AND PRACTICE OF MEDIEVAL KNIGHTHOOD. Papers from the first and second Strawberry Hill conferences. the Boydell Press, 1986. 177pp. lar.8vo. with dj(sl.soiled). 1002 3,000 HARRISON (G.B.) AN ELIZABETHAN JOURNAL Being A Record of Those Things Most Talked of During the Years 1591-1594. London: Constable, 1928. xxiii,429pp. lar.8vo. sl.foxing. spine bit rubbed. 1003 3,000 HARTMANN (Sadakichi) THE LAST THIRTY DAYS OF CHRIST. New York: Privately Printed. 1920. First ed, Limited ed, signed by Sadakichi Haermann/xiv,110pp. original black cloth. 28,000 1004 HASLEWOOD (J.)(Ed.) MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES. London: Printed for Lackington, Allen and..., 1815. 2 vols in 3. cr.4to. full gilt decorated calf. gilt edges. - 78 - 84,000 1005 HATTAWAY (M.)(Ed.) A COMPANION TO ENGLISH RENAISSANCE LITERATURE AND CULTURE. Blackwell, 2000. xix,747pp. Roy.8vo. dw. stamped on endpaper. 4,000 1006 HAYWARD (A.) BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL ESSAYS. Reprinted from Reviews, with Additions and Corrections. London: Longmans, 1858. 2 vols. original cloth. spine cloth some chipped & cover faded. text is fine. 12,000 1007 HEARN (L.) A HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. Edited by R.Tanabe & T.Ochiai. Tokyo: Hokuseido. 1938. Popular ed, with Revisions. 815pp. original red cloth. dw. 4,000 1008 HEARN (L.): THOMAS (E.) LAFCADIO HEARN. London: Constable and Company, 1912. First Ed. 90pp. 12mo. with dust jacket. 12,000 1009 HEFFERNAN (C.F.) THE MELANCHOLY MUSE. Chaucer, Shakespeare and Early Medicine. Duquesne U.P., 1995. xiv,185pp. lar.8vo. 5,000 1010 HENLEY (E.) ECHOES OF LIFE AND DEATH FORTY-SEVEN LYRICS. Thomas B.Mosher,1908. 64pp. cr.8vo. boards. 3,000 1011 HERD (D.): HECHT(H.)(Ed.,) SONGS FROM DAVID HERD'S MANUSCRIPTS. Edinburgh: W.J.Hay, 1904. one of 750 copies. printed on antique laid, deckle-edge paper.xii,348pp. half boards. uncut. cover dusty. 3,000 1012 HOBSBAUM (P.) A THEORY OF COMMUNICATION. Macmillan, 1970. 272pp. dw. edges bit spotted. 1013 3,000 HOEY (Mrs.C.) A FRIEND OF THE QUEEN. (Marie Antoinette- Count Fersen) from the French of Paul Gault. London: W.Heinemann,1895. vi,371pp. 3/4 calf over marbled boards. top edge gilt. 1014 12,000 HORTON (J.) & BAUMEISTER (A.T.)(Ed.) LITERATURE AND THE POLITICAL IMAGINATION. Routledge, 1996. 260pp. pb. stamped on endpaper. 1015 3,000 HOUSMAN (L.) BETHLEHEM. A Mativity Play. London: Macmillan. 1902. First ed, 44pp. original cloth. (英)ハウスマン著 1016 「ベツレヘム」 ロンドン刊 1902年 初版 6,000 HOUSMAN (L.) OF AUCASSIN & NICOLETTE. A Translation in Prose and Verse from the Old French,togher with Amabel and Amoris. London: J.Murray. (1902). with drawings by Paul woodroffe, Engraved on the wood by C.Housman. cr,8vo.103pp. bound by Cream stiff card covers, gilt spine, top edge gilt. (英)ハウスマン著 ウッドルフ画 「オウカッサンとニコレット」 ロンドン刊 1902年 4,000 1017 HOUSMAN (L.)(Illust.): THE FIELD OF CLOVER. Engraved by Clemence Housman. London: K.Paul, 1898. First Ed. with double-page title-spread with wide ornamental woodcut borders & 10 engraved plates. 148pp.+ads.[vii]. pictorial cloth. uncut. fly leaf browned. nice copy. (英)ハウスマン画 「クローバー畑」 ロンドン刊 1898年 初版 木版画10枚入 版元装 35,000 - 79 - 1018 HOUSMAN (L.)(trans): DULAC (E.) STORIES FROM THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. Retoild by Laurence Housman. London: Hodder and Stoughton,1919. second ed, with 50 full-color, tipped-in plates with captioned protective tissues. 4to. 132pp. full blue morocco . gilt spine. marbled endpapers. bound by Bayntum. very good. (英)デュラック画 ハウスマン再話 「アラビアンナイト」 ロンドン刊 1911年 彩色画50枚入 1019 第2版 100,000 HOUSMAN (L.):THE LITTLE LAND. With songs from its four Rivers. London: G.Richards, 1899. First Ed. Illustrations by L.Housman, engraved by C.Housman. 97pp. sm.8vo. boards, gilt decorated. foxing. (英)ハウスマン画 1020 「小さな陸地」 ロンドン刊 1899年 初版 版元装丁 8,000 HOUSMAN (L.): DULAC (E.)(Illust.): STORIES FROM THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. Retold by Laurence Housman. London: Hodder & Stoughton. n.d(1911). with 24 full colour plates. with capitioned tissue-gards. unpaginated. 3/4 morocco. final 2 leaves more heavy foxed.(not illustration page) (英)デュラック画 挿絵24枚入 1021 ハウスマン再話 背モロッコ装 「アラビアンナイトの物語」 本文少黄ばみ ロンドン刊 1911年 20 x 15cm 18,000 HUDSON (D.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.) ARTHUR RACKHAM. His Life and work. London: Heinemann, 1974. 33 mountd colour plates & numerous b/w illustrations by Rackham. 180pp. 4to. (英)ラッカム画 ハドソン著 1022 「アーサーラッカム」 ロンドン刊 1974年 11,000 HUDSON (F.) JOURNALISM IN THE UNITED STATES. From 1690 to 1872. N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1873. 789pp. pictorial cloth. endpaper sl.tear. 1023 6,300 HUDSON (W.H.): THE COLLECTED WORKS OF W.H.HUDSON. London: J.M.Dent, 1922-23. 24 vols. Limited to 750 copies. original green cloth with gilt lettered spine & gilt front cover vignette. other edges uncut. 1024 120,000 HUDSON (W.H.): LATHROP (D.P.)(Illust): A LITTLE BOY LOST.London:Duckworth & Co.,1921.First Ed.12 illusts.(8colour plates)183pp. Demy.4to. original cloth. fly leaf browned. fine copy. (英)ハドソン著 1025 ラスロップ画 「消えた少年」 ロンドン刊 1921年 15,000 HUGHES (K.) THE CHURCH IN EARLY IRISH SOCIETY. Methuen,1966. 16photogaphs. with map. 303pp. dw. 1026 6,000 HUNT (L.): SULLIVAN (E.J.)(Illust.) THE OLD COURT SUBURB. Or Memorials of Kensington, Regal, Critical, and Anecdotical. 2nd Ed., revised and Enlarged. 2 vols. London: Freemantle. 1902. First ed, 2 vols. with portrait frontispiece,decoratede titiles,42 plates and 61 text illustrations. xvii,211pp & ix,208pp. original green clothdecorated gilt. good. (英)レイハント著 サリバン画 「古い郊外の屋敷」 ロンドン刊 1902年 2冊 初版 12,000 1027 HUXLEY (A.) EYELESS IN GAZA. London: Chatto & Windus, 1936. First Ed. 620pp. - 80 - 3,150 1028 IRVING (W.): CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust.)OLD CHRISTMAS FROM THE SKETCH BOOK OF WASHINGTON IRVING.London:Macmillan, 1875.Many fine b&w ils. by Randolph Caldecott, arranged & engraved by James D. Cooper. xiv,165pp.originla green cloth. (英)アーヴィング著 カルデコット画 「古のクリスマス」 ロンドン刊 1875年 6,000 1029 IRVING (W.): CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust.):BRACEBRIDGE HALL.London:Macmillan,1887.with illustrated frontispiece, illustrated in black & white by R.Caldecott. green cloth, gilt decorative front cover (英)アーヴィング著 カルデコット画 「小説集」 ロンドン刊 1887年 金の挿絵表紙 8,000 1030 IRVING (W.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.)RIP VAN WINKLE. Paris: Hachette et Cie, 1906. First french Ed.,Limited to 200 copies. With frontispiece and 50 tipped-in color plates with printed tissue guards and text illustrations in black and white by Arthur Rackham. 4to. 69pp + plates. 4to. gilt decorated full vellum cover. missing the silk ties. cover very fine copy. front inner hinge 3cm cracked. (仏)ラッカム画 アービング著 「リップ・ヴァン・ウインクル」 パリ刊 1906年 フランス版初版 限定200部 版元ヴェラム装丁 彩色画50枚入 130,000 1031 JACKSON (W.H.)(Ed.) KNIGHTHOOD IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. D.S.Brewer,1981. 105pp. dw. 7,000 1032 JEROLD (D.): KEENE (C.)(Ullust) MARS GAUDLE'S CURTAIN LECTURES. London: Bradbury Evans. 1866. First ed, with coloured frontispiece, b/w illustgrations by Charles Keene. 22,190,10pp. original decorative embossed cloth. fine. (英)ジェロルド著 「コードル夫人の寝室講義」 ロンドン刊 1866年 初版 キーンの彩色口絵、白黒木版画多数入 版元布装丁 15,000 1033 JERROLD (D.): DU MAURIER (G.)(Illust,) : THE STORY OF A FEATHER. London: Bradbury Evans. 1867. First ed, wih 4 b/w plates and 44 illus. in the text. xv259,3pp of adverts at rear. 3/4 green morocco. nice copy. (英)デュモーリア画 ジェロルド著 「羽毛の話」 ロンドン刊 1867年 初版 12,000 1034 JOHNSON (S.) THE HISTORY OF RASSELAS. EMBELLISHED ENGRAVINGS FROM THE DESIGNS OF RECHPWESTALL. London: Printe for John Sharpe Piccandlly, 1817. with 4 plates. 184pp. contemporary calf. gilt boarders on side. upper joint sl.weak. 1035 18,000 JOHNSON (S.) THE IDLER.By the Author of the Rambler. London: T.Davies, 1767.3rd Ed. with additional essays. 2 contemporary marbled calf. morocco labels, slightly worn at head & tail but still most attractive. very nice set. 1036 48,000 JOHNSON (S.): THE WORKS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON,LL.D. with an essay on his Life and Genius by A.Murphy. London: E.Blackader, 1806. 12 vols. frontis illus. portrait to vol.1. cr.8vo. contemporary full calf. joint sl weak. 1037 89,300 JOHNSON (S.): BOSWELL (J.) THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON.LL.D. Comprehending an Account of His Studies and Numerous Works, In Chronological Order; A Series of his Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with Many Eminent Persons; and Various Original Pieces of his Composition Never Before Published. London: printed by Henry Baldwin for Charles Dilly. 1793. Second ed, 3 Vols. with frontispiece portrait, folding 2 plates. xiii,xxix,(i),603: (ii),634: & (ii),711pp. modern half calf. - 81 - 85,000 1038 JOHNSON (S.): CHAPMAN (R.W.) THE LETTERS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON. With Mrs.Thrale's Genuine Letters to him. Collected & Edited by R.W.Chapman. 1719-1784.Oxford C.P., 1952. 3 vols. with frosntispiece of facsimile letter. original cloth. 1039 8,000 JORDAN (J.O.) & PATTEN (R.L.) LITERATURE IN THE MARKETPLACE. Nineteenth-century British publishing and reading practices.Cambridge U.P., 1996.xiii,338pp. dw. 1040 4,000 JOYCE (J.): GABLER (H.W.) ULYSSES. Prepared by Hans Walter Gabler. New York: Garland, 1984. A Critial and Synoptic Ed. 3 vols. lar.8vo. spine slightly worn. 35,000 1041 KAMIO (A.) TERRITORY OF INFORMATION. John Benjamins, 1997. xiii,227pp. 6,300 1042 KEATS (J.) ENDYMION & THE LONGER POEMS OF JOHN KEATS. London: J.M.Dent, 1898. Special ed, with portrait's frontispiece. 16mo(10c15cm). 233pp. original full vellum, gilt top. 1043 6,000 KEATS (J.): BELL (R.A.)(Illust.) POEMS BY JOHN KEATS. Illustrations by Robert Anning Bell and Introduction by Walter Raleigh. London & N.Y.: George Bell & Sons, 1897. limited to 125 copies. with many illus.xxiii,337pp. on Japanese vellum. beautiful binding by Chiswick Art Guild of green morocco with gilt design on covers and spine. good. (英)ベル画 「ジョン・キーツ詩集」 ロンドン刊 総革美装丁本 1044 5,000 KELLY (H.A.) LOVE AND MARRIAGE IN THE AGE OF CHAUCSER. Cornell U.P., 1975.359pp. 3,000 KELLY (R.G.)(Ed.) CHILDREN'S PERIODICALS OF THE UNTIED STATES. Greenwood,1984. xxix,591pp. lar.8vo. 1048 5,000 KELLOGG (L.D.) BOCCACCIO'S AND CHAUCER'S CRESSIDA. Peter Lang, 1995. 144pp. dust jacket. 1047 限定125部 KEITH (W.): HAY (E.P.B.) WILLIAM KEITH As Prophet Painter. Sanfrancisco: Paul Elder, lar.8vo. 1046 手彩色画入 180,000 1916. 41pp. original wrapped-boards. 1045 1897年 6,300 KELMSCOTT PRESS: MORRIS (W.) POEMS BY THE WAY. Hammersmith: Kelmscott press, 1891. printed in red and black in Golden type on specially watermarked Batchelor handmade paper. Woodcut border and six- and ten-line initials by William Morris.Limited to 313 copies,of wihchthis is one of 300 paper copies. stiff vellum. 4 silk ties. covers slightly soiled. with slip case 1049 250,0000 KELMSCOTT PRESS: SHELLEY (P.B.): THE POETICAL WORKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Kelmscott press: 1894-1895. 3 vols. Limited to 256 copies, of which this is one of 250 on paper. printed in red and black, ornamental woodcut title, borders, and initials. original limp full vellum. sl. darkned. near fine. 1050 700,000 KENNEDY (E.) LANCELOT AND THE GRAIL. A Study of the Prose Lanceelot. Ox.C.P.,1986. 390pp. dw. 5,000 - 82 - 1051 KINGSLEY (C.)(Rendered into Modern English) WESTWARD HO! or The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the County of Devon, In the Reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth. London: Gibbings and Company, 1907. The Devon Edition. with 7 (inc.frontis) photogravure plates, and 50 drawing illusts. xi,591pp. sm.8vo. full calf with decorate spine. marbled edges. p.587-591 sl.tear & crease. 25,000 1052 KINGSLEY (C.): ATTWELL (M.L.)(Illust)THE WATER BABIES. London: Raphael tuck,& sons, N.d. 6 colour plates. & many b/w illustrations. 115pp. original pictorial boards. (英)キングスレー著 アットウェル画 「水の子」 ロンドン刊 無刊記 挿絵多数 22.3 x 17cm 1053 元装 28,000 KINGSLEY (C.): DIXON (A.)(Illust)THE WATER-BABIES. A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby. London: E.Nister, n.d. (1908). First Ed. 6 colour plates and 70 b/w illustrations by Arthur Dixon. 336pp. original pictorial cloth. cover sl.soiled. gilt edges. (英)キングスレー著 ディクソン画 「水の子」 ロンドン刊 1908年頃 初版 元装 カバー少擦切れ 1054 挿絵多数 25,000 KINGSLEY (C.): FLINT (W.R.)(Illust.) THE HEROES: or Greek Fairy Tales for My Children. London: Philip Lee Warner, 1912. First ed, Limited to 500 copies. with frontispiece and 12 tipped-in, lavish color plates. 4to. xvii, [1, blank], 113, [1, blank], [1, colophon], [1, blank], [1, printer's device], [1, blank] pp. original vellum binding with ties. good. (英)キングスレー著 フリント画 1912年 1055 初版 限定500部 「英雄達/我が子のためのギリシャ神話」 彩色画12枚入 総ヴェラム装 ロンドン刊 27 x 20cm 75,000 KINGSLEY (C.): SMITH (J.W.)(Illust.) THE WATER BABIES. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. (ca.1926). with 12 mounted colour plates. viii,305pp. Lar.8vo. (24 x 16.5cm) pictorial cloth. light ,tips lightly bumped. title page sl. chipped. (英)キングスレー著 スミス画 元布装 1056 「水の子」 1ペ−ジ(2cm程)欠け有 ロンドン刊 1926年頃 彩色画12枚入 24 x 16.5cm 35,000 KINGSLEY (C.): WYETH (N.C.)(Illust) WESTWARD HO!London: Hodder and Stoughton,1920. First Englsih ED.,with 13 coloured plates. roy,8vo. (24 x 18.5cm) viii,413pp. gilt decorated pictorial cloth. (bit loose) (英)キングスレー著 ワイエス画 24 x 18.5cm 金色画表紙 1057 「西向き、おーい」 ロンドン刊 1920年 (少綴弱) 15,000 KINGSLEY (Charles): ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust.) THE WATER-BABIES. A Fairy Tale for a LandBaby. London: Constable & Co., 1915. First W,H.Robinson ed.With 8 colour illustrations and b/w plates by W.Heath Robinson. 320pp. 4to.(22 x 18cm) original green cloth. bit spotted. (英)キングスレー著 ヒース・ロビンソン画 版元緑布装丁 1058 少シミ有 22 x 18cm 「水の子」 ロンドン刊 1915年 初版 45,000 KIPLING (R.) CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS. A Story of the Grand Banks. London: Macmillan, 1897. First Ed. with illustrations by I.W.Taber. 245pp. cr.8vo. original pictorial cloth. fine copy. 85,000 - 83 - 1059 KIPLING (R.) COLLECTED VERSE OF RUDYARD KIPLING. Garaden City:Doubledayt,1917. conteemporary 3/4 morocco. gillt spine. top edge gilt. by Atelier bindery. Doheny copy. 45,000 1060 KIPLING (R.) THE SEVEN SEAS. London: Methuen, 1896. First Ed. xv,230,37pp. original backrum. No Dust Jacket. 1061 12,000 KIPLING (R.) TOOMAI OF THE ELEPHANTS. London: Macmillan. 1935. many photogaphs. 84pp. original boards. end-paper chiped. 1062 4,000 KIPLING (R.): DETMOLD (M.& E.)(Illus.) THE JUNGLE BOOK. London: Macmillan,1908.16 full page colour. 314pp. original gilt decorated red cover. (英)デトモルド画 キプリング著 「ジャングルブック」 ロンドン刊 1908年 彩色画16枚入 元装(少傷有) 1063 55,000 KIPLING (R.): ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust.) COLLECTED VERSE. New YorK: Doubleday Page. 1910. with 9 coloured and 8 b/w plates. 392pp. 4to. (25.7 x 18.8cm) original gilt pictorial cloth. (英)ヒース・ロビンソン画 彩色画9枚入 1064 元装 「キプリング詩選集」 彩色画9枚/モノクロ画8枚入 ニューヨーク刊 1910年 25.7 x 18.8cm 25,000 KRAPP (G.P.) & DOBBIE (E.Van K.)(Ed.) THE ANGLO-SAXON POETIC RECORDS A Collective Edition. I.The Junius Manuscript(1964) II.The Vercelli Book(1961) III.The Exeter Book(1966) IV.Beowulf and Judith(1953) V.Paris Psalter and Boethius(1961) VI.AngloSaxon Minor Poems(1958). New York: Columbia U.P., 1953-66. 6 vols. publisher's cloth(not uniform). 1065 25,000 KYD (T.): BOAS (F.S.) THE WORKS OF THOMAS KYD. Oxford C.P., 1955. With facsimile letter. cxii,470pp. original cloth. clean copy. 7,500 1066 LAMARQUE (P.) FICTIONAL POINTS OF VIEW. Cornell U.P., 1996. 224pp. lar.8vo. dw. 8,400 1067 LAMB (C.& M): BELL (R.A.) TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE. Introductiory Preface by Andrew Lang. London: Freemantle. 1899. First ed thus, with 14 illustrated plates by Robert Anning Bell. and Bell's autograph letter stuck on front fly. xxviii,372pp.original blue cloth, pictorial gilt on front cover & spine. (英)ベル画 ラム著 「シェイクスピア物語」 ロンドン刊 1899年 挿絵14枚入 ベルの手紙付 1068 5,000 LAMB (C.) ELIA. Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London magazine. London: Talylor and Hessey. 23 Fleet Street. 1823. First ed ,First issue. (iv),341,(1)pp. 18.8 x 12cm. contemporary morocco binding by Riviere. good. 1069 LAMB (C.): LUCAS (E.V.)(Ed.) THE WORKS. 5 vols. [with] LETTERS. 3 vols. [with] LIFE. 2 vols in 1. N.Y.: AMS, 1968. Reprinted Ed. altogether 9 vols. "LIFE" is not uniform. 1070 98,000 84,000 LAMBDIN (R.T.& L.C.)(Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000. 549pp. lar.8vo. 5,000 - 84 - 1071 LANG (A.)(Ed.) THE BLUE POETRY BOOK. London: Longmans,Green, 1891. First ed, with numerous illusts by H.J.Ford and Lancelot Speed. xx,351pp.(17.5 x 13cm) blue cloth elaboratory gilt-stamped on front-cover and spine. spine with some edgewear, tips lightly rubbed, rear hinge cracked. rearpe cover a bit rubbed, else very good. all edges gilt. 35,000 1072 LANGLAND (W.) THE VISION OF WILLIAM CONCERNING PIERS THE PLOWMAN in Three Parallel Texts Together with Richard the Redeless. Edited from Numerous Manuscripts with Preface, Notes, and A Glossary by the Walter W.Skeat. Vol.I.-Text. Vol.II.-Preface, Notes, and Glossary. Oxford U.P., 1924. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dj(foxing & sl.chipped). fore-edges bit spotted. 1073 5,000 LANGLAND (W.): SCHMIDT (A.V.C.)(Ed.) PIERS PLOWMAN. A Parallel-Text Edition of the A, B, C and Z Version. Longman, 1995. 762pp. Roy.8vo. with dj. 1074 18,000 LANSER (S.S.) THE NARRATIVE ACT. Point of View in Prose Fiction. Princeton U.P., 1981. UT Back-inPrint Service. x,308pp. 1075 12,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) A MODERN LOVER. London: M.Secker, 1934. First ed, 312p. cr.8vo. cover faded. 1076 3,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) DAVID, A PLAY. London: Martin Secker, 1926. First Ed. Limited to 500 copies. 128pp. original cloth. 1077 LAWRENCE (D.H.) rainbow/Aaron's 15,000 THE PHOENIX EDITION OF D.H.LAWRENCE. women in love/the road/The plumed serpent/the white peacock/kangaroo/the trespasser/the lost girl/sons and lovers/short stories 3 vols/short novels 2 vols/twilight in italy/Mornings in Mexico and etruscan places/Lady chatterley's lover/apocalypse. London: heinemann, 1972.19 dw. 1078 35,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) THE TRESPASSER. London: Duckworth, 1912. First Ed. 292pp. original dark blue cloth boards, gilt titles to spine and front board. in box case. covers sl soiled. scarce. 1079 98,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.) : CHIMOT (E.)(Illust) LADY CHATTERLEY.Paris:Deux Rives,1950. Limited to 1000 copies. 12 chromolithograph illustration by E.Chimot341pp. 23 x 18cm. original pictorial wrapper. (仏)シモ画 ロレンス著 「チャタレイ婦人」 パリ刊 1950年 限定1000部 彩色石版画12枚入 1080 29,000 LAWRENCE (D.H.): THE PAINTINGS OF D.H.LAWRENCE. Typography and production arranged by P.R.Stephensesn Letterpress and colour-work under the supervision of William Dieper. London: The Mandrake Press, n.d. (1929) First Ed. Limited to 510 copies on Arches mouldmade paper. The book has a long essay on art and painting by Lawrence and illustrations in full color of 15 oil paintings by Lawrence and 11 of his watercolors.folio. Original three-quarter morocco and green gilt-stamped cloth. fine copy. - 85 - 80,000 1081 LAWRENCE (T.E.) SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM. A Triumph. London: Jonathan Cape, 1935. First trade edition. with 48 plates(4 in colour) 4 holding maps and 6 other illustrations plus 3 facsimile, 672pp. 4to. full morocco. with 5 bands. very fine copy. 1082 LAWTON (D.)(Ed.) MIDDLE ENGLISH ALLITERATIVE POETRY 150,000 AND ITS BACKGROUND. Seven Essays. D.S.Brewer, 1982. 168pp. Roy.8vo. 1083 LITERARY 5,000 LEECH (J.): CRUIKSHANK (G.):FOUR HUNDRED HUMOROUS ILLUSTRATIONS by John Leech. With Portrait and Biographical sketch.London: Simpkin,nd(ca.1880) 2nd,Ed., cloth. (英)クルックシャンク画 リーチ著 「400ユーモア画集」 ロンドン刊 1880年頃 3,000 1084 LEITCH (V.B.)(Ed.) THE NORTON ANTHOLOGY OF THEORY AND CRITICISM. N.Y.: W.W.Norton, 2001. 2624pp. lar.8vo. a thick vol. with dj. 1085 3,000 LESLIE (H.): MILLAIS (J.E.)(Illust) LITTLE SONGS FOR ME TO SING. With Music Composed by H.Leslie.London: C.Petter & Galpin, n,d(ca.1867.)4th Ed, half title, frontispiece, wood engraved vignettes, 6 full-page wood engravings.[34]pp, [6]( original green cloth with pictorial gilt decorate. all edges gilt. (英)J.E.ミレイ画 「わらべ謡」 ロンドン刊 1870年 木版画多数、初版 版元布装丁 8,000 1086 LEVER (C.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.): CHARLES O'MALEY. The Irish Dragoon. London: J.Nisbet, 1899. Second Rackham Ed. with 16 b/w illustrations by Arthur Rackham. viii,628pp. original gilt decorated maroon cover. (英)ラッカム画 リーバー著 第2版 1087 白黒挿絵16枚入 「竜騎兵チャールズ・オマリー」 ロンドン刊 1899年 20 x 13.3cm 元装 8,000 LEWIS (C.S.) SELECTED LITERARY ESSAYS. Cambridge U.P., 1969. First ed, xx,329pp. dw. very good copy. 1088 16,000 LIVINGSTON (C.R.) BRITISH BROADSIDE BALLADS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. A Catalogue of the Extant Sheets and an Essay. N.Y.: Garland Pub., 1991. 911pp. sl.scratched. 1089 4,000 LONDON (J.): FONER (P.S.)(Ed.) JACK LONDON. AMERICAN REBEL. A Collection of his social writings together with an extensive study of the man and his times. N.Y:Citadel,1947. First Ed. 533pp. dw. 1090 3,000 LONDON (J.): LABOUR (E.), LEITZ (R.C.) & SHEPARD (I.M.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS OF JACK LONDON. Stanford U.P., 1988. 3 vols. Roy.8vo. dw. 1091 5,000 LONGFELLOW (H.W.): METEYARD (S.H.)(Illust.) THE GOLDEN LEGEND. London: Hodder & Stoughton, (ca.1910). Limited to 250 copies. Signed by the Artist. 25 mounted colour plates. 4to.(29 x 23.5cm) 152pp. gilt top. full vellum. (英)メテヤード画 総ヴェラム装丁 ロングフェロー著 限定250部 署名入 「素晴らしい伝説」 台紙挿絵25枚入 - 86 - ロンドン刊 1910年頃 65,000 1092 LONGFELLOW: THE POETICAL WORKS OF LONGFELLOW. London: F.Warne,N.d(ca,1882) frontispiece.x,630pp. original cloth. light foxing. 5,000 1093 LUCY (N.) POSTMODERN LITERARY THEORY An Introduction. Blackwell, 1997. xii,283pp. lar.8vo. pb. 3,000 1094 LYLY (J.): BOND (R.W.) THE PLAYS (CNTINUED), ANTI-MARTINIST WORK. POEMS. GLOSSARY ANDGENERAL INDEX. (the complete works of John Lyly Vol III.) OX.C.P.1902. 620pp. dw. 4,000 1095 LYLY (John): BOND (R.W.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF JOHN LYLY. Oxford C.P., 1967. 3 vols. dw. 31,500 1096 MACAULAY (L.) THE WORKS. Include: History of England. Writings and Speeches. Essays and Lays. Life and Letters by his nephew The Right Hon. Sir George Otto tyrevelyan,Bart. London: Longmans Green. 1889. Popular ed, 5 vols. cr,8vo. contemporary full calf. gilt raised bands. 35,000 1097 MACAULAY (L.): LORD MACAULAY'S ESSAYS AND LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. London: Longmans,Green, 1891. Popular Ed. 923pp. full calf with decorated spine. marbled edges. 18,000 1098 MACDIARMID (H.): GRIEVE (M.) & AITKEN (W.R.) HUGH MacDIARMID. COMPLETE POEMS 1920-1976. London: Martin Brian, 1978. Fisrs ed, 2 vols. original cloth. with dust-cover. good. 9,000 1099 MACDONALD (G.): HUGHES (A.)(Illust.)TRYSTIE'S QUEST OR KIT,KING OF THE PIGSIDGEONS. A Fairy Story. by Greville MacDonald London: Vinehyard. 1912. First ed, with 16 full-page and 10 text illustrations. 260pp. original blue pictorial cloth, top edge blue. spine fadedscarce. (英)マクドナルド著 ヒューズ画 1100 「トリステーの探検」 ロンドン刊 1912年 60,000 MACDONALD (G.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.) AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND. London: Blackie & Son. Ca,1900. First ed, with 12 full-page illustations in colour by Pape.and 76 text illustrations by A.Hughes. 391pp. orginal decorated cloth.coloured plates on front cover. (英)マクドナルド著 パペ画 「北風のうしろで」 ロンドン刊 1900年頃 初版 12枚入 1101 彩色画 20,000 MACDONALD (George): HUGHES (A.)(Illust.)THE PRINCESS AND THE GOBLIN. London: Blackie and son, 1900. New Ed, With 30 illustrations by Arthur Hughes and a Frontispiece by Lasurence Housman. vi,313pp.original blue cloth. (英)マクドナルド著 ヒュージェス画 口絵はハウスマン画 1102 「王女と怪獣」 ロンドン刊 1900年 元装丁 15,000 MACDONALD (L.S.)(Chosen): HUGHES (A.)(Illust.) BABIES' CLASSICS. Chosen by Lilia Scott Macdonald. London: Longmans, 1904. First Ed. numerous b/w illust. demy 4to. (28 x 20cm) 79 [xii] pp. original blue cloth,gilt decorations cover & spine. good. (英)ヒューズ画 マクドナルド選 「昔のわらべうた」 版元布装 ロンドン刊 1904年 初版 18,000 - 87 - 1103 MACK (P.)(Ed.) RENAISSANCE RHETORIC. St.Martin's Press, 1994. xiv,188pp. with dj. 8,000 1104 MACKENZIE (D.A.): GOBLE (W.)(Illust,) INDIAN MYTH AND LEGEND. London: The Gresham. (1913). First ed, with 8 color plates and 32 half-tone plates. 463pp. original green cloth. fine. (英)ゴブル画 マッケンジー著 「インドの神話と伝説」 ロンドン刊 1913年頃 初版 6,000 1105 MacNEICE (L.): HEUSER (A.)(Ed.) SELECTED PROSE OF LOUIS MacNEICE.Ox.C.P,1990. xxv,302pp. dw. 1106 4,000 MACRAE-GIBSON (O.D.) OF ARTHOUR AND OF MERLIN. VOLUME I.TEXT. II.Introduction, notes Glossary. Oxford U.P., 1973,79. 2 Vols. Vol 2. spine worn. 1107 4,000 MADDOX (D.) & STURM-MADDOX (S.)(Ed.) LITERARY ASPECTS OF COURTLY CULTURE. Selected Papers From the Seventh Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 27 July-1 August 1992. D.S.Brewer, 1994. 360pp. Roy.8vo. 1108 6,000 MALORY (T.) LE MORTE DARTHUR. Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table. London: Macmillan, 1920. 2 vols. original cloth. 1109 10,000 MALORY (T.)(Trans.) ARTHURIAN ROMANCES.Vol.1:Sir gawain and the Green knight. 2.3:Tristan and ISEULT. 4:Guingamor, Lanval, Tyolet, le Bisclaveret. 5:Morien. 6:Sir cleges, sir +Libeaus Desconus. 7:Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle. 8:Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys. AMS, 1970. 8 Vols. cr.8vo. 1110 12,000 MALORY (T.): THE WORKS OF SIR THOMAS MALORY. Edited by Eugene Vinaver. Oxford C.P., 1973.3 vols. sl.wear dj. 1111 36,750 MALORY: BRUCE (J.D.) THE EVOLUTION OF ARTHURIAN ROMANCE FROM THE BEGINNINGS DOWN TO THE YEAR 1300. Baltimore; John hopkins,1928.2 vols. 1112 MALORY: FULTON (H.)(Ed.) A COMPANION TO ARTHURIAN LITERATURE. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. xiv,571pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1113 12,000 MALORY: KENNEDY (B.) KNIGHTHOOD IN THE MORTE DARTHUR. Arthurian Studies XI. D.S.Brewer, 1992. 2nd Ed. 404pp. lar.8vo. 1114 4,200 MALORY: LOOMIS (R.S.) ARTHURIAN TRADITION & CHRETIEN DE TROYES,N.Y:COLUMBIA U.P., 1952. 503pp. lar.8vo. crean copy. 1116 10,500 MALORY: LACY (N.J.)(Ed.) THE ARTHURIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA. N.Y.: Garland pub., 1986. xxxvii,649pp. 4to. cover bit soiled. 1115 8,000 11,000 MALORY: MORRIS (R.) THE CHARACTER OF KING ARTHUR IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE. (Arthurian Studies IV.) D.S.Brewer, 1982. 175pp. lar.8vo. dw. - 88 - 7,000 1117 MALORY: PICKFORD (C.E.) & LAST (R.) THE ARTHURIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. I Author listing. D.S.Brewer,1981. 820pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1118 10,000 MANDEVILLE (B.) THE FABLE OF THE BEES. Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits. with a commentaary Critical,Historical and Explanatory by F.B.Kaye. Oxford C.P., 2001. reprinted Ed. Best Edition. 2 vols. dust jacket. nice copy.. 6,000 1119 MANDEVILLE (J.) THE TRAVELS OF SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE. The version of the cotton manuscript in modern spelling. Macmillan,1923. xv,390pp. 3/4calf. spine & top edge gilt. 18,000 1120 MARLOWE (C.): COLE (D.) SUFFERING AND EVIL IN THE PLAYS OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. Princeton U.P., 1962. 273pp. dw. 4,000 1121 MARLOWE (Christopher): CASE (R.H.)(Ed.) THE WORKS AND LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. New York: Gordian Press, 1966. 6 vols. 25,000 1122 MATSUSHITA (T.)(Ed.) A GLOSSARIAL CONCORDANCE TO WILLIAM LANGLAND'S THE VISION OF PIERS PLOWMAN THE B-TEXT. Alpha-Omega Lexika, Indizes, Konkordanzen Reihe C Englische Autoren 7. Olms-Weidmann, 1998. 3 vols in 4. (vol.I:2 part) 4to. fine in publisher's card-board case. 35,000 1123 MAUGHAM (W.S.) THE RAZOR'S EDGE. A Novel. London: W.Heinemann, 1944. First Ed. 284pp. cr.8vo. original blue cloth. 12,000 1124 MEALE (C.M.)(Ed.) READINGS IN MEDIEVAL ENGLISH ROMANCE. D.S.Brewer, 1994. 238pp. lar.8vo. 5,000 1125 MEISTER (J.C.)(Ed.) NARRATOLOGY BEYOND LITERARY CRITICISM. Mediality, Disciplinarity. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. xvi,296pp. lar.8vo. 6,300 1126 MEN OF LETTERS: ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS. New Series. *M.Arnold. *W.Pater. *Rossetti. *Shakespeare. *A.Marvell. *Hobbes. *James Thompson. *Tennyson. *J.Ruskin. *Sir T.Brown, *R.Browning. *J.Austen. *Adam Smith. *Jeremy Taylor. *S.Richardson. *Crabbe. *T.Moore. *G.Eliot. *M.Edgeworth. *B.Jonson. *W.Hazlitt. *E.Fitzgerald. *W.Morris. *S.Smith. *Fanny Burney (Madame D'Arblay) London: Macmillan, 1902-21. 25 vols. (Fanny Burney are cover bit stained) 1127 42,000 MERCIER (V.): DILLON (E.)(Ed.) MODERN IRISH LITERATURE. Sources and Founders. Oxford C.P., 1994. 381pp. Roy.8vo. dw. clean copy. 1128 8,400 MILBANK (A.) DAUGHTERS OF THE HOUSE. Modes of the Gothic in Victorian Fiction. Macmillan, 1992. First Ed. xi,217pp. dw. 1129 12,000 MILLAES (J.E.) (Illust.) THE PARABLES OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. n.d(1885). with 20 illustrations by J.E. Millais engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. roy,8vo(24x18cm). publisher's ivory linen-texture cloth, decorated cover & spine. (英)ミレー画 「神と救世主イエスの寓話」 ロンドン刊 - 89 - 1885年頃 25,000 1130 MILTON (J.): THE WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. Columbia U.P., 1931. 23 vols. 18 vols in 21 & two index volumes 1930-40. complete set. original cloth. Index is xerox copy. 1131 180,000 MILTON (J.): BEECHING (H.C.)(Ed.) THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. Oxford C.P., 1900. 554pp. full morocco with gilt-line stamped. all edges gilt. fine copy. 1132 30,000 MILTON (J.): BLAKE (W.) ON THE MORNING OF CHRIST'S NATIVITY. Milton's Hymn with Illustrations by William Blake and a Note by Geoffrey Keynes, F.R.C.S. Cambridge, 1923. With six colotype plates by Blake. 32pp. 4to. spine cloth. gilt top. cover sl. worn. spotting. (英)ミルトン著 ブレイク画 「キリストの出生の朝」 1133 ケンブリッジ刊 1923年 10,500 MILTON (J.): BROADBENT (J.B.) et al.(Ed.) THE CAMBRIDGE MILTON FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Odes, Pastorals, Masques [with] Paradise Lost:Books III-IV. V-VI. VII-VIII. IX-X. XI-XII. Cambridge U.P., 1989,92,75,74,93,76.6 parts. sm.8vo. paperback. 1134 8,400 MILTON (J.): BURNEY (E.F.)(Illust.): MILTON'S PARADISE LOST, With the Life of the Author. To which is prefixed the Celebrated Critique by Somali Johnson. London: by C.Whittingham for T.Heptinstall, 1799. with frontis & titlepage, and 12 fine engravings by E.F.Burney. xlix,371pp. imp.8vo. (26.3 x 17cm) full contemporary Regency diced calf with gilt decorated on covers. full edge gilt. an extremely handsome copy. (英)バーニィ画 ミルトン著 銅版画12枚入 総革 1135 「失楽園」 ロンドン刊 1799年 26.3 x 17cm 三方金 98,000 MILTON (J.): JONES (A.G.)(Illust,) THE MINOR POEMS OF JOHN MILTON. Lonodn: George Bell. 1898. Limited to 100 copies. with 28 full-page and 34 text illustrations. xiv,206pp. printed on Japanese vellum, original beige linen cloth binding. good. (英)ジョーンズ画 日本局紙使用 1136 「ミルトンのマイナー詩集」 ロンドン刊 1898年 限定100部 挿絵多数 45,000 MILTON (J.): KING (J.M.)(Illust.) COMUS. A Masque. London: G.Routledge & Sons, 1906. First Ed. with 11 photo illust by J.M.King. original gilt decorated cloth. (英)ジェシー・M・キング画 挿画11枚入 1137 ミルトン著 「コマース」 ロンドン刊 1906年 21 x 15cm 初版 35,000 MILTON (J.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.)COMUS. London: William Heinemann; New York: Doubleday, Page, [ 1921] First Trade Ed. Limited to 550 copies. signed by Rackham. with 24 mounted color plates mounted on brown paper, with descriptive tissue guards. 37 drawings in b/w.4to.xviii, 76, [1, blank], [1, printerユs device] pp. Quarter vellum over ivory paper-covered boards. Decoratively stamped and lettered in gilt on front board and spine. Top edge gilt the rest uncut. Original blue and white pictorial endpapers. fine. (英)ラッカム画 ミルトン著 署名入 1138 「仮面劇 コマース」 彩色画24枚入 版元背ヴェラム装丁 ロンドン刊 1921年 限定550部 210,000 MILTON (J.): SYMMONS (C.) THE LIFE OF JOHN MILTON. London: Nichols and Son, 1810. 2nd Ed. frontis. 646pp.,index. full old calf, gilt on spine. spine little tear. cover joint cracked. 12,000 - 90 - 1139 MILTON(J.): BLAKE (W.): PARADISE LOST. Liverpool: Printed at the Lyceum Press, 1906. with 12 plates. sm.4to.397pp. original spine cloth & boards moderately soiled. (英)ミルトン著 ブレイク画 「失楽園」 リバプール刊 1906年 12画入 背麻布版元装 10,000 1140 MITFORD (M.R.) OUR VILLAGE. Chicago: Belfords Clarke. 1880. First ed, with numerous illustrations by various artists, the illustrations arranged and engraved by James D. Cooper.roy,8vo. 206pp. original green cloth. 1141 9,000 MONTGOMERIE (N. & W.) SANDY CANDY AND OTHER SCOTTISH NURSERY RHYMES. London:,1948. Illustrated by N.Montgomerie. 190pp. cr.8vo. 1142 3,000 MONTGOMERY (A.): IRVING (D.)THE POEMS OF ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY. Biogaphical Notices by David irving. with facsimiles of original 1597 and 1605 title pages and 2 pages of printed music. Edinburgh; J. Ballantyne and Co. 1821. xxx,320pp.finely bound in early 20th c. full red marbled calf. gilt. all edge marbled. 1143 MOORE (C.C.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.)THE NIGHT 28,000 BEFORE CHRISTMAS. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott, N.d(1931). 4 full page colour plates. 35pp.original green cloth. (英)ムーア著 ラッカム画 「クリスマス前夜」 フィラデルフィア刊 1931年頃 20,000 1144 MOORE (G.) APHRODITE IN AULIS. London: W.Heinemann, 1930. Limited to 900 copies. Signed by the Author. 340pp. roy.8vo. full vellum. spine sl worn. 1145 MOORMAN (C.) THE WORKS OF THE GAWAIN-POET. Mississippi U.P., 1977. xii,452pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1146 3,000 MORE (T.) UTOPIA. N.Y: Heritage press,1935. 164pp. lar.8vo. 3/4 morocco. over cloth. gilt stamped spine with five raissed bands. top edge gilt. sl. rubbed. 1147 13,000 8,000 MORGAN (C.) CHALLENGE TO VENUS. London: Macmillan, 1957. First Ed. 305pp. with dust cover. 3,000 1148 MORGAN (C.) THE VOYAGE. London: Macmillan, 1940. First Ed. 546pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 1149 MORRIS (W.)THE EARTHLY PARADISE A Poem. Parts I & II published in one volume in 1868. Parts III and IV published in 1870. London: F.S.Ellis, 1868-1870. First Ed. 4 vols in 3. sm.8vo. original green cloth with printed paper labels on spine. labels browned & rubbed. 115,500 1150 MORRIS (W.) LOVE IS ENOUGH. Or the Freeing of Pharamond. A Morality. London: Ellis & White, 1873. First Ed. 134pp. sm.4to. original dark green cloth with decorated on front cover designed by Morris. very good copy. 1151 15,000 MORRIS (W.) SPEECH BY MR. WILLIUAM MORRIS FROM THE CAMBRIDGE CHRONICLE.ONE Horse Press,1996.Limited to 50 copies. cr.8vo. Fine blue cloth with printed inset panel label. 18,000 - 91 - 1152 MORRIS (W.) THE HOLLOW LAND AND OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE OXFORD ANDCAMBRIDGE MAGAZINE. London; Longmans, Green & Co.1903. First ed, iii,332pp. original half linen over boaards. calf label. 1153 35,000 MORRIS (W.)(Intro.): GASKIN (A.J.)(Illust.):GOOD KING WENCESLAS. A Chrol written by D.Neale. With an introduction by William Morris. Birmingham: Cornish., 1895. First Ed. Limited to 125 copies. with 6 fine plates by Arthur Gaskin. roy.8vo. Original printed boards. (英)ガスキン画 モリス序 「慈しみ深き王ウェンセスラス」 バーミンガム刊 初版 1154 1895年 30,000 MORRIS (W.): & BAX (E.B.) SOCIALISM. Its Growth & Outcome. London, S.Sonnenschein, 1893. First and Largerpaper,Ed., limited to 275 copies. 335pp. uncut original backram. 68,000 1155 MORRIS (W.): HARRISON (F.)(Illust) EARLY POEMS OF WILLIAM MORRIS. London: Blackie & son, 1914. First Ed.16 tipped in color plates with original tissue guards by harrison. numerous small b/w illustrations throughout. 194pp. 4to. original gilt pictorial blue cloth. cover sl. worn. (英)フローレンス・ハリスン画 「ウィリアム・モリス初期詩集」 初版 カラー図版16枚、線画多数入 1156 元装 ロンドン刊 カバー汚れ有 1914年 28,000 MORRIS (W.): LEMIRE (Eugene D.)(Ed.) THE UNPUBLISHED LECTURES OF WILLIAM MORRIS. Detroit: Wayne State U.P., 1969. First Ed. 331pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1157 3,000 MORRIS (W.): MORRIS (May) WILLIAM MORRIS. Artist Writer Socialist. *Vol I: The Art of William Morris, Morris as a Writer. *Vol II: Morris as a Socialist, with an Account of William Morris as I knew him by Bernard Shaw. Oxford: 1936. Limited 750 copies. 2 vols. original linen cloth over boards. nice copy. 1158 73,500 MUDGE (J.)(Ed.) POEMS WITH POWER TO STRENGTHEN THE SOUL. N.Y:Abingdon, 1909. Revised and Enlarged Ed. xii,308pp. 3/4 calf & marbled boards. marbled endpapers, top edges gilt. 1159 15,750 MUIR (P.) VICTORIAN ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. London: Portman Books, 1989. ix,287pp. Roy.8vo. with dust cover. fore-edges sl.foxing. (英)ムイア著 「ビクトリア朝の挿絵本」 ポートマンブックス版 1989年 カバー付 小口少黄ばみ 1160 4,000 MULRYNE (J.R.) & SHEWRING (M.)(Ed.) THEATRE AND GOVERNMENT UNDER THE EARLY STUARTS. Cambridge U.P., 1993. xii,272pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1161 8,400 NESBIT (E.): BROCK (C.E.)(Illust.) OSWALD BASTABLE AND OTHERS. London: wells Gardner Darton. 1905. First ed, with Frontispiece & 21 illustrations. x,369pp. original Maroon cloth decorated in gilt on spine and front cover.previous owner's inscription on end paper. nice copy. (英)ブロック画 ネスビット著 「オズワルド・バスタブル物語、その他」 1905年 初版 ロンドン刊 25,000 - 92 - 1162 NICHOLS (B.): WHISTLER (R.)(Illust) A THATCHED ROOF.London: Jonathan cape, 1933. First ed., 3rd Impression. 285pp. 1163 4,200 NICHOLS (Rose Standish) ENGLISH PLEASURE GARDENS. New York: Macmillan. 1902. with 76 plates and 186 additional illustrations in text. xxiii,324pp. half calf. very good. 18,000 1164 NICOLL (A.) A HISTORY OF RESTORATION DRAMA 1660-1700. Cambridge U.P., 1928. 2nd Ed. 410pp. [With] *A HISTORY OF EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DRAMA 1700-1750. C.U.P., 1925. 431pp. cover worn. *A HISTORY OF LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DRAMA 1750-1800. C.U.P., 1927. 387pp. cover worn. 3 vols. 1165 15,750 NORTHCOTE (J.) ONE HUNDRED FABLES & ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. London: Lawford & John Murray, 1828 & 1833. First Ed. 2 vols. Each of the 200 fables contains a wood engraved illustration designed by Northcote and engraved by Nesbit, Jackson, Branston and others from the school of Thomas Bewick. The head-pieces and tail-pieces to each fable were both designed and engraved by William Harvey (1796-1866), Bewick's favorite pupil and important designer. 1166 55,000 NQUILLER-COUCH (A.): IELSEN (K.)(Illust.): THE TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES AND OTHER FAIRY TALES. Retold by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. N.Y.: George H.Doran Co., (1923.) The First American Ed. 15 mounted colour plates. xv,244pp. lar.8vo. (23.3 x 16.3cm) pictorial cloth. inner joint weak. (英)カイ・ニールセン画 1913年頃 1167 カバー付 クィラコーチ再話 「踊る十二人の王女様」 ニューヨーク刊 彩色画15枚入 65,000 NUYTS (J.) & PEDERSON (E.)(Ed.) LANGUAGE AND CONCEPTUALIZATION. Cambridge U.P., 1999. 281pp. lar.8vo. 1168 5,000 OLSON (C.): BUTTERICK (G.F.)(Ed.) THE COLLECTED POEMS OF CHARLES OLSON. Excluding the Maximus poems. California U.P., 1987. xxxvi,675pp. 4to. dw. 1169 5,000 ONEGA (S.) & LANDA (J.A.G.)(Ed.& intro.) NARRATOLOGY: An Introduction. Longman, 1996. 324pp. pb. stamped. 1170 3,000 OSSIAN: MACPHERSON (James) THE POEMS OF OSSIAN, & C. Containing the Poetical Works. Edinburgh: James Ballantyne, 1805. 2 vols. Prose and Rhyme: with notes and illustrations by Malcolm Laing. frontis portrait. blind stamped full morocco. all edge gilt. 1171 45,000 PALGRAVE (F.T.) : HUGHES (A.)(Illust.): THE FIVE DAYS ENTERTAINMENTS WENTWORTH GRANGE. London: Macmillan, 1868. First Ed. with 18 black & white illustrations including title page, by Arthur Hughes. xi,328pp. publisher's blue cloth gilt title to spine. 1172 15,000 PALGRAVE: BELL (R.A.)(Illust,) PALGRAVE'S GOLDEN TREASURY. London: J.M.Dent. 1907. First ed, with illustrated in colour and line. xvi,366pp. irugubak grat cloth. gilt decorated front cover & spine. top edge gilt, occasionally spotting. (英)ベル画 「パルグレーヴの名詩編集」 - 93 - ロンドン刊 1907年 初版 挿絵入 5,000 1173 PATER (W.) MARIUS THE EPICUREAN. His Sensations and Ideas. London: Macmillan and Co., 1929. 2 vols. Limited to 325 copies. with 16 plates in Dry-Point by Thomas Mackenzie. lar.4to. outer covers attractive paper covered boards with half vellum. 1174 35,000 PATER (W.) THE WORKS OF WALTER PATER. 1.The Renaissance. 2.3.Marius the Epicurean. 2 vols. 4.Imaginary Portraits. 5.Appreciations. 6.Plato and Platonism. 7.Greek Studies. 8.Miscellaneous Studies. 9.Gaston de Latour. 10.Essays from the Guardian. London: Macmillan, 1920-22.Library ed. The last edition. 10 vols. photogravure frontispiece portrait in Voluje I and VIII. lar.8vo. Bound by Riviere & son in half brown Morocco gilt over susset cloth boards. 1175 160,000 PATER (W.) : WRIGHT (T.) THE LIFE OF WALTER PATER. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's, 1907. 2 vols. With 78 plates. original cloth. sl.foxed. binding bit loose. 1176 11,000 PHILLPOTTS (E.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.):A DISH OF APPLES. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1921. First ed, with 3 colour mounted plates & b/w illust. 21 x 17cm. 75pp. Original grey cloth, titles to spine in brown, pictorial title block to front board in brown, pictorial endpapers. with dust-cover. (英)ラッカム画 フィルポット著 初版 彩色画3枚入 1177 「リンゴの受け皿」 ロンドン刊 1921年 版元カバー付 55,000 PIGOU (A.C.) ROBERT BROWNING AS A RELIGIOUS TEACHER, Being the Burney Essay for 1900, (London:C.J.Clay,1901) Folcroft Library Edition, 1973. 132pp. lar.8vo. sl.foxing. 3,000 1178 PITTER (R.) THE RUDE POTATO. London: Cresset, 1941. First Ed. Illustrated by Roger Furse. 55pp. sm.8vo. 1179 3,000 PLATON: COULTER (J.A.) THE LITERARY MICROCOSM. Theories of Interpretation of the Later Neoplatonists. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1976. viii,148pp. lar.8vo. cover edge bit tear. 1180 6,300 POE (E.A.) TALES OF ADVENTURE MYSTERY AND IMAGINATION. London: Ward, lock and Co,1890. 2nd Ed.portrait of Edgar allan Poe. viii,557pp. 3/4 calf over marbled boards. top edge gilt. 1181 25,000 POE (E.A.): HARRISON (J.M.) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. New York: AMS Press, 1965. Reprint of the 1902 ed, published by Crowell(New York). 17 vols. original black cloth. scarce. 1182 80,000 POLLOK (R.): POLLOK (D.) THE LIFE OF ROBERT POLLOCK. with selections from his manuscripts. London: W,.Blackwood. 1843. First ed, 453,6pp. original cloth. 1183 4,000 POPE (A.) THE COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS OF ALEXANDER POPE. London: Houghton Mifflin,1903. Cambridge Edition. frontispiece portrait, title page vignette. xx,672pp. 3/4 gilt sstamped dark red morocco, spine with raised bands, marbled endpaper. top edge gilt. silk bookmark.very good fine. 35,000 - 94 - 1184 POPE (A.): RUFFHEAD (O.) THE LIFE OF ALEXANDER POPE,ESQ. Compiled from Original Manuscripts with a Critical Essay on His Writings and Genius. London: C.Bathurst, 1769. 578pp. full calf neatly rebacked. 1185 35,000 POWYS (J.C.) AUTOBIOGRAPHY. London:John Lane the Bodley Head, 1949. Presentation copy. to Elizabeth Haravey. signed by the Author. 652pp. original cloth. on Elizabeth Harvey Ex Libris. back endpaper tears. nice copy. 1186 18,000 POWYS (T.F.) UNCLE DOTTERY. A Christmas Story. Bristol: Douglas Cleverdon, 1930. Limited to 350 copies. Signed by the Author. With two wood-engravings by E.Gill. 23pp. sm.8vo. original decorated boards. 1187 18,000 PRICKETT (S.) ORIGINS OF NARRATIVE The Romantic appropriation of the Bible. Cambridge U.P., 1996. xv,288pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1188 4,200 PROUST (M.): MONCRIEFF (C.K.S.) & KILMARTIN (T.)(Trans.) IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME. 1.Swann's Way. 2.Within a Budding Gruve. 3.The Guermantes Way. 4.Sodom and Gomorrah. 5.The Captive & The Fugitive. 6.Time Regained. Revised by D.J.ENright. N.Y.: The Modern Library, 1998. 6 vols. sm.8vo. paperback. 1189 5,000 RATCLIFFE (D.U.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust,) GYPSY DORELIA. A Play in three acts. London: J.Lane the Bodley Head Limited, 1932. First Ed. frontis & b/w ilus throughout. 123pp. 4to. (25.5 x 19.5cm) with dust cover. (英)オースチン画 1190 ラトクリフ著 「ジプシードレリア」 ロンドン刊 1932年 RICE (S.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.)TALES FRONM THE MAHABHARATA. London: Selwyn Blount. 1924. First ed, with 5 illustrations by Pape. 125pp. original brown cloth. 1191 5,000 RICHARDSON (S.): HARRIS (J.)(Ed.) THE HISTORY OF SIR CHARLES GRANDISON. London: Oxford Univ. 1972. 3 vols. sm.8vo. dw. good. 1192 6,000 RIDLER (A.) HENRY BLY. And Other Plays. London: Faber & Faber, n.d. First Ed. 119pp. top of spine rubbed. 1193 4,200 ROBERTS (M.M.) & MIZUTA (T.)(Ed.) SOURCES OF BRITISH FEMINISM. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1995. 6 vols. orginal modern cloth in box. ex-library. 1194 26,250 ROBERTS (S.C.) HOLMES & WATSON. A Miscellany. Oxford Univ: 1953. 187pp. original green cloth with dust-cover. 1195 5,000 ROBERTSON (E.S.)(Ed.) 4,000 GREAT WRITERS. *Jane Austen. *Sheridan. *C.Bronte. *Schopenhauer. *Milton. *Carlyle. *Keats. *Smollett. *Victor Hugo. *Robert Browning. * Johnson. *Hawthorn. *Scott. *W.M.Thackeray. *Schiller. *Adam Smith. *Balzac. *Longfellow. *Coleridge. *Darwin. *G.Eliot. *Dickens. *Goethe. *Goldsmith. *Emerson. *Cervantes. *Crabbe. *Lessing. *J.S.Mill. *Marryat. *Bunyan. *Heine. London: W.Scott, 1890. altogether 32 vols. cr.8vo. 45,000 - 95 - 1196 ROBERTSON (W.): POGNY (W.)(Illust.) THE GOLDEN BOOK OF ENGLISH SONNETS. Sellected by W.Robertson. London: G.G.Harrap. 1913. First ed, with engraved frontis piece signed in the plate by Willy Pogany. No other illustrations. 260pp. Bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering and decoration to both the cover and the spine. (英)ロバートソン選 ポガニー画 「英国詩選集」 ロンドン刊 1913年 初版 ポガニー画銅版口絵付 1197 4,200 ROSSETTI (C.G.) GOBLIN MARKET AND OTHER POEMS. London: Macmilln, 1862. First Ed. frontispiece and illustration on title designed by D.G.Rossetti, exlibris sticker of Graham Pollard. 192pp. Cr.8vo. original cloth. scarce. (英)C・ロゼッティ著及画 初版 小型本 1198 「ゴブリン・マーケット」 ロンドン刊 1862年 版元装丁 240,000 ROSSETTI (C.G.): HARRISON (Florence)(Illust)POEMS BY CHRISTINA ROSSETTI. London: Blackie, 1910. First ed, One of 350 copies. Signed by Harrison. With illustrations by F.Harrison. 36 colored plates and 34 black and white plates, mounted. 361pp. 4to.(29.5 x 23.5cm) Japanese vellum gilt,both spine and upper cover decorated with art nouveau designs in gilt. Top edge gilt. cover rubbed. (英)フローレンス・ハリソン画 「クリスティナ・ロゼッティ詩集」 1910年 初版 限定350部 彩色挿絵36枚入 ロンドン刊 元装(汚れあり)ハリソン署名入 150,000 1199 ROSSETTI (C.G.): HOUSMAN (L.)(Illust.): GOBLIN MARKET. London: Macmillan, 1893. First Ed. half-title vignette pictorial title, 33 text illustrations, 4 full page and 4 double page illustrations by Laurence Housman. original gilt decorated green cloth, full edges gilt. 18.5x10.5cm. clean copy. (英)C・ロゼッティ著 ハウスマン画 「妖魔市場」 ロンドン刊 1893年 初版 元装丁 78,000 1200 ROSSETTI (C.G.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.) GOBLIN MARKET. by C.Rosetti. London: g.Harrap. 1933. Limited t 410 copies. signed. with 4 coloured plates. 43pp. original limp parchment with gold lettering to front. (英)C・ロゼッティ著 ラッカム画 「妖魔の市」 ロンドン刊 1933年 彩色画4枚 版元ヴェラム装丁 1201 150,000 ROSSETTI (C.G.) COMMONPLACE, AND OTHER SHORT STORIES. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1870. First American Ed. vi,329pp. original brown cloth. 1202 限定410部 42,000 ROSSETTI (C.G.) MAUDE A STORY FOR GIRLS. With an introduction by W.M.Rossetti. London, J.Bowden, 1897. Limited to 500 copies. eith tissue-guarded frontis portrait by D.G. Rossetti. 79pp. Cr.8vo. original backram. sunned & stained. near fine. 1203 28,000 ROSSETTI (C.G.) POEMS. Boston: Roberts Brothers. 1876. Revised and Enlarged ed, with frontispieces and 2 illustrated plates by D.G,Rossetti. cr,8vo.xi,300pp. original green cloth. 1204 8,000 ROSSETTI (C.G.) SPEAKING LIKENESSES. With Pictures Thereof by Arthur Hughes. London: Macmillan, 1874. First Ed. Second issue. frontispiece, title-page vignette and 10 illus. 96pp. sm.8vo. original blue cloth. good copy. - 96 - 65,000 1205 ROSSETTI (C.G.) THE PRINCE'S PROGRESS AND OTHER POEMS. London: Macmillan, 1866. First Ed. With frontispiece and a vignette on the title-page designs by D.G.Rossetti. 216pp. cr.8vo. original green cloth. decorated art-Nouveau style in gilt. small tear to the bottom of Page129-132. (英)C・ロゼッティ著 「王子の旅」 1206 ロンドン刊 1866年 初版 元装 55,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.) : CAINE (T.H.) RECOLLECTIONS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Boston: Roberts brothers,1898.First American Ed. xiii,297pp. original cloth. spine sl. rubbed. nice copy. 1207 4,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.)(Trans.) THE EARLY ITALIAN POETS. From Ciullo D'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri (1100-1200-1300). In the Original Metres Together with Dante's Vita Nuova.London: George Newnes,1904. xxiii,349pp. full decorated calf. with clisp. 1208 65,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): DANTE AND HIS CIRCLE. With the Italian Poets Preceding Him (11001200-1300). A Collection of Lyrics. Translated in the Original Metres by D.G.Rossetti. Part I.:Dante's Vita Nuova,etc. Poets of Dantes Circle. Part II.:Poets Chiefly before Dante. London: Ellis & Elvey, 1892. Large Paper Ed. Limited to 35 copies. (NO.14.)403pp. lar.8vo. recent full calf. top edge gilt. (英)D・G・ロゼッティ著 特製総革美本 1209 「ダンテとその周辺」 ロンドン刊 1892年 限定35部 天金 120,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): THE WORKS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Edited with Preface and Notes by William M.Rossetti. London: Ellis, 1911. Revised and enlarged Ed. frontis. xxxvii,684pp. 3/4 calf. gilt decorated spine. top edge gillt. joint 2cm tears. nice copy. 1210 4,500 ROSSETTI (D.G.): DOUGHTY (O.)(Ed.) THE LETTERS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI TO HIS PUBLISHER F.S.ELLIS. London: Scholartis Press, 1928. First Ed. Limited to 560 copies. 150pp. roy.8vo. original backram. spine sl.faded. 1211 15,000 ROSSETTI (D.G.): MARILLIER (H.C.) DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. An Illustrated Memorial of His Art and Life. London: G.Bell, 1899. with numerous illust. 270pp. folio. original gilt decorated cover. fine copy. (英)マリリエール編 「D.G.ロゼッテイの芸術と生涯」 ロンドン刊 美本 1212 1899年 初版 大版 180,000 ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL) THE BLESSED DAMOZEL. My sister's sleep etc. London: Anthony reherne and Co Ld,1903.60pp. 6.6 x 5.4cm. plum coloured leather, with the title in art Nouveau style impressed across the front cover. all edge gilt. 1213 24,000 ROSSETTI (W.M.) RUSKIN: ROSSETTI: PRERAPHAELITISM. Papers 1854 to 1862. London: George Allen. 1899. First ed, with 12 plates. cr,8vo..xx(ii),327pp. original green cloth decorated in gilt and black. nice copy. 1214 5,000 RUSKIN (J.) TWO LETTERS CONCERNING"NOTES ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF SHEEPFOLDS". Adressed to the Rev. F.D.Maurice,M.A in 1851. London: printed for private distribution ,1890. First ed, only 40 copies. 30pp. original white boards. - 97 - 65,000 1215 RUSKIN (J.): PRE-RAPHAELITISM. By the Author of "Modern Painters." London:Smith Elder,1851. First Ed. 68 pages.half calf over marbled boards. 1216 48,000 RUSKIN (J.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.): THE KING OF THE GOLDEN RIVER. London: G.Harrap, 1932. First limited edition. Limited to 570 copies, signed by Rackham. with Colour frontispiece & 3 colour plates, black & white illustrations in the text by Arthur Rackham. 48pp. limp vellum biding. in original slipcase. good. (英)ラスキン著 ラッカム画 ラッカム署名入 ケース入 1217 「黄金河の王様」 ロンドン刊 1932年 限定575部 極美 130,000 SAGUARO (S.) GARDEN PLOTS. The Politics and Poetics of Gardens. Ashgate, 2006. xiii,249pp. Roy.8vo. 1218 5,000 SAITO (T.) & IMAI (M.)(Ed.) A CONCORDANCE TO MIDDLE ENGLISH METRIAL ROMANCES. Vol.I:The Matter of England. Vol.II:The Breton Lays. Peter Lang, 1988. 2 vols. paperback. in card-board case. stamped. 1219 5,000 SANGER (M.) THE PIVOT OF CIVILIZATION. With a preface by H.G.Wells. London:Jonathan Cape,1923. First London Ed. 255pp. sm.8vo. dw. 1220 42,000 SATIRE: RAWSON (C.)(Ed.) ENGLISH SATIRE AND THE SATIRIC TRADITION. Blackwell, 1984. xiii,289pp. dw. 1221 3,000 SCHLAUCH (M.) ENGLISH MEDIEVAL LITERATURE AND ITS SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS. Unrevised Reproduction. Oxford U.P., 1967. xvi,366pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1222 3,000 SCOTT (W.B.): POEMS BY WILLIAM BELL SCOTT. Ballads, Studies from Nature, Sonnets, etc.. London: Longmans, 1875. First Edition. Illustrated by 17 etchings by the author and L.A.Tadema. 269pp. Half pigskin. (英)ウィリアム・ベル・スコット著及画 著者及びタデマの銅版画17枚入 1223 「スコット詩集」 背豚革装丁 ロンドン刊 1875年 20.5 x 14cm 初版 80,000 SEWELL (A.): ALDIN (C.)(Illust)THE BLACK BEAUTY. The Autobiography of a Horse. London: Jarrolds, (ca1920) 18 plates in colour by Cecil Aldin. 291pp. roy.8vo. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards, marbled endpapers. by bayntun (英)セゥエル著 アルジン画 背モロッコ革 1224 「黒馬物語」 ロンドン刊 1920年頃 彩色画18枚入 バインタム装 84,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.) THE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Westminster: Archibald Constable, 1902. 21 vols. with colour illus. cr.8vo. several plates are detached. 1225 SHAKESPEARE (W.): KING LEAR 1608 (Pied Bull Quarto) Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles No.I. London: the Shakespeare Association, 1939. exlibrary. 1226 28,000 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLAND. An Account of the Life & Manners of His Age. Oxford C.P.,1970. 2 vols. dust jacket. fine copy. - 98 - 6,300 1227 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THE PLAYS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE in Fifteen Volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators to which are Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, Revised and augmented with a glossarial index by the editor of Dodsssley's collection of old plays. London: Printed for T.Longman, 1793. 4th Edition. 15 vols. with 151 engraving plates, 16 woodcuts-illusts(in text), & 5 folding plates(4 tables, 1 illusts). full old calf. spine rubbed and faded. inner-joint sl.tender. 1228 525,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE. New York: The Nonesuch Press, 1929. 7 vols. Limited to 1600 copies. lar.8vo. full tan niger mrocco by A.W.Bain. 1229 200,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BARROLL (L.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE STUDIES VOLUME XXIII. Book-Review Editor Susan Zimmerman. Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 1995. 294pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1230 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BARROLL (L.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE STUDIES VOLUME XXIX. Book-Review Editor Susan Zimmerman. Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 2001. 278pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1231 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BARROLL (L.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE STUDIES VOLUME XXX. Book-Review Editor Susan Zimmerman. Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 2002. 345pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1232 3,000 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BARROLL (L.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE STUDIES VOLUME XXXI. Book-Review Editor Susan Zimmerman. Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 2003. 10412 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BARROLL (L.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE STUDIES VOLUME Book-Review Editor Susan Zimmerman. Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., pp. lar.8vo. dw. 333pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1233 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BELL (R.A.)(Illust)A MID SUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. by William Shakespeare. Edited with an intro by I.Gollancz.London: J.M.Dent, 1895. First,Ed. 59 black and white illustrations by Anning Bell. 128pp.full morocco by Bayntum Riviere. original cloth bound in. very good binding. (英)シェクスピア著 ベル画 「真夏の夜の夢」 ロンドン刊 バインタムリヴィエール美装丁本 1234 1895年 初版 白黒画入 75,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BURGESS (W.) THE BIBLE IN SHAKESPEARE. A Study of the Relation of the Works of William Shakespeare to the Bible. with numsrous parallel passages, quotations, references, parapjrases and Allusions. Winona pub., 1903. 288pp. lar.8vo. exlibrary. inner-joint cracked. 1235 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): BURTON (P.) THE SOLE VOICE. Character Portraits From Shakespeare. N.Y.: Dial Press, 1973. 432pp. lar.8vo. with dj. sl.foxing. 1236 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CHAMBERS (E.K.) WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE A Study of Facts and Problems. Oxford C.P., 1966. 2 vols. with dj. 1237 3,000 5,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CLARKSON (P.S.) & WARREN (C.T.) THE LAW OF PROPERTY IN SHAKESPEARE AND THE ELIZABETHAN DRAMA. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1942. xxvii,346pp. lar.8vo. 4,000 - 99 - 1238 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CORNWALL (B.)(Essay) THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SHAKESPEARE; Revised from the Original Editions: with A Memoir, and Essay on his Genius, by Barry Cornwall. Historical and Critical Studies of Shakespeare's Text, Characters, and Commentators: with Annotations and Introductory Remarks on the Plays, by R.G.White, A.M., R.H.Horne, and Various Other Distinguished Writers. The London Printing and Publishing com., ca.1864. 3 vols. Illustrated with Engravings on Wood, From Designs by Kenny Meadows; and 100 Steel Plates, Portraits of Eminent Actors, etc. 4to. 3/4 black calf with boards. calf edges bit rubbed. text sl.foxing, but almost fine. 1239 38,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CRANE (W.)(Illuat.) EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS TO SHAKESPEARE'S TEMPEST. Lonodon: Dallastype Press & Dent. 1893. Limited to 650 copies. 650 sets, signed by both Walter Crane and the printed engraver Duncan Dallas. with 8 illustrations each engraving is printed on tissue paper and protectew within its own card stock portfolio with a captioned tissue guard. folio(35cmx30cm) in the publisher's original box of three- quarter green cloth over red cloth, joint cracked.cover slightly worn. card stock portfolios are foxed. (英)シェイクスピア著 ロンドン刊 1240 1893年 W・クレン画 限定650部 「8枚のシェクスピア W・クレン署名入 テンペストの挿絵」 シミ有 15,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): CUNNINGHAM (J.) SHAKESPEARE'S TRAGEDIES AND MODERN CRITICAL THEORY. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson U.P., 1997. 238pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1241 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GIBBONS (B.) SHAKESPEARE AND MULTIPLICITY. Cambridge U.P., 1993. xii,243pp. with dust cover. 1242 5,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GILL (Eric)(Illust.)THE TRAGEDY OF HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. An introduction by Gilbert Murray. Hague and Gill for the Limited Editions Club, 1933. Limited to 1,500 numbered copies. Limited Ed. Signed by Eric Gill. Title page, 5 illus and 20 initial letters engraved by Eric Gill. 149pp. sm.8vo. original full pigskin by George McKibbin & son. spine darkned. (英)ギル画 挿絵5枚入 1243 シェイクスピア著 「ハムレットの悲劇、デンマーク皇子」 ギル署名入 21 x 13.5cm 50,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GRADY (H.) SHAKESPEARE'S UNIVERSAL WOLF. Studies in Early Modern Reification. Oxford C.P., 1996. 241pp. with dj. 1244 1933年 SHAKESPEARE (W.): GRANVILLE-BARKER (H.) 4,000 PREFACES TO SHAKESPEARE Vol.I,II. I:Hamlet.King Lear. the merchant of Venice. Antony and Cleopatra Cymbeline. II: Othello.Coriolanus. Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar. Love's Labour'S LOST. Princeton U.P., 1947. 1st Ed.,2nd printing. 2 vols. with dust cover. text fine. 1245 4,500 SHAKESPEARE (W.): HARRIS (L.L.) & SCOTT (M.W.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEAREAN CRITICISM. Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluations. Michigan: Gale Research Com., 1986. 22 vols. 4to. original cloth. text bit spotted. 1246 80,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): HENDERSON (D.E.)(Ed.) A CONCISE COMPANION TO SHAKESPEARE ON SCREEN. Blackwell, 2006. 264pp. lar.8vo. pb. - 100 - 3,000 1247 SHAKESPEARE (W.): IRVINE (T.U.) HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE NAMES IN SHAKESPEARE. The Pronunciation of the Names in the Dramais Personae of Each of Shakespeare's Plays, Also the Pronunciation and Explanation of Place Names and the Names of All Persons, Mythological Characers, Etc., Found in the Text. N.Y.: Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, 1919. 387pp. sm.8vo. 1248 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): PARTRIDGE (A.C.) ORTHOGRAPHY IN SHAKESPEARE AND ELIZABETHAN DRAMA. A Study of Colloquial COntractions, Elision, Prosody and Punctuation. London: E.Arnold, 1964. 200pp. with dj. 1249 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.) THE TEMPEST. London: W.Heinemann,n.d(1926) Limited to 520 copies. signed by Rackham. 21 mounted colour plates. xiii,185pp. 4to. 1/4 vellum, white gilt pictorial boards, rare in with dust cover.(sl. chipped) (英)ラッカム画 シェイクスピア著 ラッカム署名入 彩色画21枚入 1250 「テンペスト」 ロンドン刊 1926年 限定520部 カバー付 350,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): RICKETTS (C.)(Illust.): SHAKESPEARE'S THE TRAGEDIE OF MACBETH. London: Shakespeare Head Press, 1923. Limited to 550 copies. with 6 water colour plates and 4 printed in sepia by Ricketts.folio. (32.5 x 25cm) 84pp. half grey linen grey boards. A light dusting else a nice copy. (英)リケッツ画 シェイクスピア著 限定550部 彩色石版画6枚入 1251 「マクベス」 シェイクスピアヘッドプレス刊 32.5 x 25cm 45,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SMITH (B.R.) HOMOSEXUAL DESIRE IN SHAKESPEARE'S ENGLAND. A Cultural Poetics. Chicago U.P., 1991. 329pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1252 1923年 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): SMITH (I.) SHAKESPEARE'S BLACKFRIARS PLAYHOUSE. Its History and Its Design. Foreword by J.G.McManaway. New York U.P., 1964. xx,577pp. sm.4to. with dj. 4,000 1253 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THOMPSON (A.) SHAKESPEARE'S CHAUCER. A Study in literary origins. Liberpool U.P., 1978. 239pp. with dust cover. 1254 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THOMSON (H.)(Illust.)THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. London: W.Heinemann, 1910. Limited to 350 copies. signed by the Illustrater. with 40 coloured mounted plates. 4to. (28.3 x 23.5cm) 170pp. gilt decorated full vellum. fly leaf light spotted. (英)トムソン画 シェイクスピア著 限定350部 1255 「ウインザーの陽気な女房達」 署名入 台紙付彩色画40枚入 総ヴェラム装丁 ロンドン刊 見返しシミ有 1910年 48,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): THOMSON (H.)(Illust.) AS YOU LIKE IT. London: Hodder & Stoughton, (1909). First Ed. Limited to 500 copies, signed by the aritist. with 40 tipped-in colour plates. 4to.(29 x 13.3cm) xxxv, 143pp. original decorated vellum gilt. lacking orange silk ties and some light spotting to fore-edges. (英)トムソン画 シェイクスピア著 限定500部 トムソン署名入 「お気に召すまま」 彩色画40枚入 - 101 - ロンドン刊 総ヴェラム装丁 1909年頃 少シミ有 初版 48,000 1256 SHAKESPEARE (W.): VICKERS (B.) APPROPRIATING SHAKESPEARE. Contemporary Critical Quarrels. Yale U.P., 1993. xvii,508pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1257 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): VICKERS (B.) SHAKESPEARE, A LOVER'S COMPLAINT, AND JOHN DAVIES OF HEREFORD. Cambridge U.P., 2007. 329pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1258 6,300 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WELLS (S.) SHAKESPEARE SURVEY 47. An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production. Cambridge U.P., 1994. 286pp. sm.4to. dw. 1259 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WELLS (S.) SHAKESPEARE SURVEY 48. An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production. Cambridge U.P., 1995. 300pp. sm.4to. dw. 1260 2,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WILLIAMS (G.) SHAKESPEARE'S SEXUAL LANGUAGE. A Glossary. London: continuum, 2006. 352pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1263 3,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WELLS (S.)(General Ed.) THE OXFORD SHAKESPEARE. Oxford U.P., 1988-. 12 vols. cr.8vo. paperback. 1262 4,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WELLS (S.)(Ed.) SHAKESPEARE SURVEY 42. An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production. Cambridge U.P., 1990. 225pp. sm.4to. dw. 1261 3,000 5,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.): WOODROFFE (P.)(ILLUS.) THE TEMPEST. Songs by Joseph Moorat. London, Chapman & Hall, 1908. First ed, Colour illus by Paul Woodroffe . 20 mounted colour plates. Roy.8vo. 3/4 morocco and original cloth. (英)ウッドロフ画 彩色画20枚入 1264 シェクスピア著 「テンペスト」 ロンドン刊 1908年 初版 背モロッコ革装 50,000 SHAKESPEARE (W.):ROBINSON (C.)(Illust.) THE SONGS AND SONNETS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. London:Duckworth,N.d(1915)First ed, First issue. with mouned colour frontispiece and 11 mounted colour plates,5 full-page, 415 decorated initials & text illusts, 239pp. roy,8vo. (25.5 x 20cm). Blue cloth with gilt titles and vignettes to upper cover and spine. Pictorial end papers in green. (英)C・ロビンソン画 初版初刷 1265 「シェイクスピアの歌と14行詩」 彩色画11枚入 元布装丁 ロンドン刊 1915年 25.5 x 20cm SHAKESPEARE: PIVACK (B.) SHAKESPEARE AND THE ALLEGORY OF EVIL. The History of a Metaphor in Relation to his Major Villains. Columbia U.P., 1958. ix,508pp. dw. 1266 35,000 4,200 SHAW (B.) SAINT JOAN: A Chronicle play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue. London: Constable and Co.1924. First Ed. inscribed on half title "inscribed for W.John Williamson. G,Bernard shaw,Harrogate 8th June 1928. lxiv,114+2pp. cr.8vo. with dust jacked. 1267 98,000 SHAW (B.) THE WORKS OF BERNARD SHAW. London: Constable & Co., 1930-38. Limited to 1000 numbered copies. 33 vols complete set. green cloth, top edges gilt, in the original dust wrappers, browned but overall an incredibly fine set. 1268 180,000 SHEALY (D.)(Ed.) FREAKS OF GENIUS. Unknown thrillers of Louisa May alcott. Greenwood, 1991. 255pp. lar.8vo. clean copy. 5,000 - 102 - 1269 SHELLEY (P.B.) RICKETTS (C.)(Illust.) THE POEMS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. London: Printed by Ballantyne press for the Vale press, 1901-1902.3 Vols. l of 320 copies. decorations by Chaarles Ricketts. original white backram. edge sl. spotted. fine copy. 55,000 1270 SHELLEY (P.B.): BELL (R.A.)(Illust.):POEMS BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Introduction by W.Raleigh.London: G.Bell & Son,1902.Limited to 125 copies. on Japanese velum. b/w illus throughout.333pp. original decorated cloth. a little bristletail in the cover. 1271 12,000 SHELLEY (P.B.): KING (J.M.)(Illlust.) POEMS OF SHELLEY. Selected and with an Introduction by J.C.Collins. London: Caxton. n.d(ca,1907). First ed, with frontispieces and vignette title by A.S.Hartrick, 8 coloured illustrations by J.M.King. cr.8vo. xlvi,246pp. original brown cloth. (英)シェリー著 ジェシー・キング画 「シェリー詩集」 ロンドン刊 1907年頃 初版 11,000 1272 SHELLEY (P.B.): SHELLEY-ROLLS (J.C.E.) & INGPEN (R.)(Ed.) VERSE AND PROSE, FROM THE MANUSCRIPTS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. London: Privately Printed, 1934. First Ed.Limited to 100 copies. with illusts by the author. xiii,159pp. original buckram. 1273 5,000 SHEPARD (L.) THE HISTORY OF STREET LITERATURE. The Story of Broadside Ballads, chapbooks, Proclamations, New-Sheets, Election Bills, Tracts, Pamphlets, Cocks, Catchpennies, and other Ephemera. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1973. 238pp. with dust cover. 1274 3,000 SHERIDAN (R.B.): MOORE (T.) MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. London: Printed for Longman etc., 1825. 719pp. 4to. 3/4 calf with marbled boards. a good copy. 1275 30,000 SHERIDAN (T.) LECTURES ON THE ART OF READING; First Part: Containing the Art of Reading Prose. London: Printed for J.Dodsley, 1775. First Ed. 392pp. 3/4 calf & marbled boards, marbled edges. gilt spine. 1276 45,000 SIDNEY (P.): GARRETT (M.)(Ed.) SIDNEY The Critical Heritage. Routledge, 1996. xvii,365pp. 12,000 1277 SIGAL (G.) EROTIC DAWN-SONGS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Vocing the Lyric Lady. Florida U.P., 1996. xii,241pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1278 4,000 SISKIN (C.)THE HISTORICITY OF ROMANTIC DISCOURSE. Oxford U.P., 1988. viii,225pp. dw. 4,000 1279 SLOANE (T.O.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RHETORIC. Oxford U.P., 2001. 837pp. Roy.8vo. stamped on endpaper. 1280 8,400 SMIBERT (T.): (SMIBERT(THOMAS))RHYMING DICTIONARY FOR THE USE OF YOUNG POETS. With an essay on english Versification. Edinburgh: J.Hogg,N.d., c.1865.2nd Ed. 141pp. cr.8vo. original gilt stamped cloth. all edge gilt. top of spine sl. rubbed. - 103 - 15,000 1281 SMILES (S.) SELF-HELP. Tokyo: Ulamoto. 1887. The Author' Revised and Enlarged edition. 447pp. original cloth. cover badly scuffed and worn. 1282 15,000 SMITH (G.G.)(Ed.) ELIZABETHAN CRITICAL ESSAYS. Oxford C.P., 1959. 2 vols. Sm.8vo. dw. 3,000 1283 SMOLLETT (T.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust.) THE ADVENTURES OF PEREGRINE PICKLEIN WHICH IS INCLUDED MEMOIRS OF A LADY OF QUALITY. With introduction by G.K.Chesterton. Oxford: Limited Editions Club, 1936.2 vols.With illustrated with lovely 24 color plates by John Austen.Imp.8vo. (30 x 20.5cm) dw(sl.chipped). in slip-case(broken). (英)オースチン画 1936年 1284 スモレット著 彩色画24枚入 「ペリグリン・ピックルの冒険」 カバー付 箱不良 30 x 20.5cm オックスフォード刊 2冊 15,000 SMOLLETT (T.): SAINTSBURY (G.)(Ed.) THE WORKS OF TOBIAS SMOLLETT. (The Adventures of Roderick Random: The adventures of Peregrine Pickle: The Adventures of Count Fathom: The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves: The Expedition of Humphry Clinker) London: The Navarre Society, ca.1920. 12 original green cloth. top edge gilt. 1285 25,000 SPENSER (E.): HAMILTON (A.C.)(Ed.) THE SPENSER ENCYCLOPEDIA. Toronto U.P., 1990. xxi,858pp. lar.4to. 1286 5,000 ST GREGORY: WOODROFFE (P.)(Illust): THE LITTLE FLOWERS OF SAINT BENET. London: K.Paul,Trench & Trubner, 1901. First Ed. frontis, title in red & black with vignette, 7 plates & several vignettes. vii+126pp. 18.7x12.8cm. blue cloth ornately decorated, spine gilt, t.e.g. (英)ウッドルフ画 1287 「聖者の小さい花」 ロンドン刊 1901年 5,000 STACPOOLE ( POGANY (W.)(Illust.) THE BLUE LAGOON. A Romance. London: T.F.Unwin, 1910. First Ed. with Frontis and 12 tipped in illustrations on black boards by Willy Pogany.326pp. original dark blue cloth,gilt decoration and printing on covers and spine. good. (英)ポガニー画 スタックプール著 「ブルーラグーン」 ロンドン刊 1910年 彩色画13枚入 版元装丁 1288 初版 20,000 STAWALL (MRS.R.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.) THE FAIRY OF OLD SPAIN. And Other Important People by Mrs. Rodolph Stawell. London: J.M.Dent & Sons, 1912. First ed, With 6 coloured plates and line illustrations by Frank C Pape. x,134,(2)pp. Original pictorial cream cloth gilt a touch dull. good. (英)スタウォル婦人著 パペ画 「昔のスペインの妖精」 ロンドン刊 1912年 初版 16,000 1289 STEINBECK (J.) THE MOON IS DOWN. N.Y.: Viking Press, 1942. First Ed. First Issue. 188pp. sm.8vo. with dust cover. dust cover. sl.chipped. fly reaf Bruce Blackeuey's signed. 38,000 1290 STEINBECK (J.) TRAVELS WITH CHARLEY. In search of America. N.Y:Viking,1964. 246pp. dw. (spine faded) 3,000 - 104 - 1291 STEINER (G.) LANGUAGE AND SILENCE ESSAYS 1958-1966. Faber & Faber, 1967. 454pp. dw. 1292 3,000 STEPHEN (L.) ESSAYS ON FREETHINKING AND PLAINSPEAKING. (London: Longmans, 1873) Gregg international, 1969. 362pp. sm.8vo. 1293 5,040 STERNE (L.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust.) THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY GENTLEMAN. Introby J.B.Priestley. London: John Lane, 1928. First ed, with 16 ilustration by J.Ausgen. 557pp. roy.8vo. (25.5 x 17cm). original pictorial cloth. with dust-cover. edge spotted. (英)オースチン画 ロンドン刊 1294 ロレンス・スターン著 1928年 25.5 x 17cm 初版 「トリストラム・シャンディー」 線画16図 カバー付 小口少シミ有 STEVENS (W.) THE COLLECTED POEMS OF WALLACE STEVENS. London: Faber 1959. second ed, xv,534pp. dw. sl.spotted. 1295 5,000 STEVENS (W.): WOODLAND (M.) WALLACE STEVENS AND THE APOCALYPTIC MODE. Iowa U.P., 2005. xvii,256pp. lar.8vo. dw. stamped on endpaper. 1296 12,000 3,000 STEVENSON (R.L.): WYETH (N.C.)(Illust,)KIDNAPPED. The Adventures of David Balfour. London: Cassell,1913. 14 colour plates and a map. viii,290pp. 24 x 19cm. original cloth onlaid colour plate. (英)スティーヴンソン著 彩色画14枚入 1297 ワイエス画 「誘拐されて」 ロンドン刊 1913年 表紙少擦有 12,000 STOKER (Bram) UNDER THE SUNSET. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1882. First Edition of the authors first book. illustrations in text(some full page) by with 6 inserted plates and 27 other W.Fitzgerald and W.V.Cockburn. (viii),(i),190,(ii)pp.original cream imitation vellum,front and spine panels stamped in red and gold, rear panel stamped in red, binding slightly rubbed. frontispiece tissue bit chip. 95,000 1298 STOKES (A.): THE CRITICAL WRITINGS OF ADRIAN STOKES. Vol.I:1930-1937. Vol.II:19371958. Vol.III:1955-1967. Thames & Hudson, 1978. 3 vols. with numerous illust. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1299 25,200 SUE (E.) THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS. London: Chapman & Hall, 1845-46. First ed, 3 vols. with wood-engraved title vignettes & numerous text illus. roy.8vo. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards. 1300 38,000 SULLIVAN (E.J.)(Illust.) THE ART OF ILLUSTRATION. London: Chapman & Hall, 1921.First ed, with 105 illustrations. xv,257pp. originla blue cloth. (英)サリヴァン画 1301 「イラストレーションの芸術」 ロンドン刊 1921年 初版 3,000 SUMMERS (M.) COVENT GARDEN DROLLERY. London: The Fortune Press. Reprint of a work pub. in 1672. Limited to 575 copies. 123pp. with dust jacket. (sl. chipped) - 105 - 4,200 1302 SURTEES : [SURTEES (R.S.)] SURTEES WORKS, ASK MANNA: Or, the Richest Commoner in England. 1858. HANDEY CROSS: Or, Mr.Jorrocks's Hunt. 1854. MR.SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR: PLAIN OR RINGLETS?: HAWBUCK GRANGE: Or, the Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, ESQ. Mr.ROMFORD'S HOUNDS: 1847. London: Bradbury,Agnew, 1852. altogether 6 vols. numerous illustrations by John Leech, Phiz & H.K.Browne. 3/4 morocco. gilt stamped on decorated spine. fine binding. 1303 120,000 SUTHERLAND (J.A.) VICTORIAN NOVELISTS AND PUBLISHERS. Atgkibe oressm1976.251pp. dw. 1304 3,000 SWIFT (J.) REMARKS ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF DR JONATHAN SWIFT. Dean of St.Patrick's Dublin. In a Series of Letters from John Earl of Orrery to His Son, the Honourable Hamilton Boyle. London: 1752. 2nd Ed. with frontispiece. 214pp. full calf. spine chipped. cover worn. 1305 5,000 SWIFT (J.): BROCK (C.E.)(illus.) TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL REMOTE NATIONS OF THE WORLD BY LEMUEL GULLIVER. with a preface by H.Craik. London: Macmillan, 1894. First Brock ed, with 100 illustrations. xxx,381pp. sm.8vo. pictorial decorate-cover. gilt edges. (英)ブロック画 スウィフト著 「ガリバー旅行記」 ロンドン刊 1894年 版元装丁 1306 25,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.) LOCRINE A TRAGEDY. London: Chatto & Windus, 1887. Firs Ed.138+32pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. spine edges sl.wear. 1307 木口木版画入 4,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.): CLARKE (H.)(Illust.) SELECTED POEMS OF ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE. and an Introduction by H.Wolfe. N.Y.: Dodd,Mead and co., 1928. 13 etchings by harry clarke.full black cloth, gilt-stamped cover and spine. with dust cover. (英)ハリー・クラーク画 「スウィンバーン詩集」 銅版画13枚入 元装 カバー付 1308 美本 24.5 ニューヨーク刊 1928年 16.5 cm 45,000 SWINBURNE (A.C.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illusat,)THE SPRINGTIDE OF LIFE. Poems of Childhood. Preface by Edmond Gosse. London: W.Heinemann. (1918). First deluxe ed, Limited to 765 numbered copies,signed by Rackham. 9 mounted colour plates with lettred tissue tguards, numerous text illustrations. 4to. gilt vellum spine and vellum-style boards, top edges gilt. Spine and boards lightly marked.bery fine and clean copy. (英)ラッカム画 スウィンバーン著 限定765部 1309 ラッカム署名入 「幼な子の詩」 彩色画9枚入 ロンドン刊 1918年 版元装丁 150,000 SWINBURNE (A.J.): DRINKWATER (John) SWINBURNE. An Estimate. London: J.M.Dent, 1913. First Ed. Signed presentation copy. Selincourt from John Drinkwater 1913.frontis. 215pp. original cloth. 1310 8,000 SYMONS (A,) THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ARTHUR SYMONS.*Poems 3 vols. *William Blake. *Spirtual adventures. *Tragedies 2 vols. *Studies in two literatures. *Studies in seven arts. London: Martin Secker. 1924. First collected ed, 9 vols. Limited to 100 copies. signed by the author. original yellow cloth. very good condition. no dast-cover. - 106 - 250,000 1311 SYMONS (A.) FIGURES OF SEVERAL CENTURIES. London: Constable & Co., 1916. First Ed. 398pp. original backram. top edge gilt. 1312 8,000 SYMONS (A.) PLAYS ACTING AND MUSIC. A Book of Theory. London: Constable & Co., 1909. First Ed. 323pp. original backram. sl. spotted. 1313 5,000 TEJERA (V.) LITERATURE, CRITICISM, AND THE THEORY OF SIGNS. AMsterdam: John Benjamins, 1995. 158pp. dw. 1314 3,000 TENNYSON (A.) IN MEMORIAM. London: Nonesuch Press, 1933. Limited to 2000 copies. 145pp. 4to. un-cut. with slip case. 1315 30,000 TENNYSON (A.) POEMS. London: Macmillan. 1893. 2nd ed, with numerous Illustrated by D.G.Rossetti, J.E.Millais, W.H.Hunt, & Others. 375pp. original green cloth with bright gold titling. gilt edges. Some light foxing. 1316 8,000 TENNYSON (A.) POEMS. London: Edward Moxon, 1857. First Moxon Ed. with 54 full-page woodcut illustrations by J.E. Millais, Holman Hunt, D.G. Rossetti, Mulready, etc. roy,8vo. xiii,[3],375,[1]pp. original green cloth binding gilt stamped. good condition. 1317 TENNYSON (A.):THE WORKS OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. 300,000 Poet Laureate.London: Macmillan,1891portrait.900pp. sm.8vo. gilt decorative calf, all edge gilt. bound zeansdorf. first few page sl. light stained. 1318 by 22,000 TENNYSON (A.): HUGHES (A.)(Illust.)ENOCH ARDEN. London: Moxon, 1866. First Ilustrated Edition.25 vignette illustrations by Arthur Hughes and Frontisportrait of Tennyson. 81,16pp. Large paper, all edges gilt. Japon paper endleaves, and laid paper preliminary pages. Bound in full dark blue-green crushed levant morocco, circa 1920. (英)テニソン著 ヒューズ画 「エノック・アーデン」 ロンドン刊 1866年 挿絵入版初版 美本 1319 45,000 TENNYSON (A.): PYLE (H.)(Illust.) THE LADY OF SHALOTT. New York: Dodd Mead, (1881). Firs ed, Full chromo lithographed illustrations throughout. Large 8vo. Un-numbered pages(64pp), 4/3 black morocco, joint tender. . 1320 (英)テニソン著 パイル画 「シャーロットの乙女」 全頁彩色石版画入 綴じ傷み有 背革装丁 ニューヨーク刊 1881年 初版 23 x 20.5cm 63,000 TENNYSON (A.L.) : KING (J.M.)(Illust,)ELAINE. Am Idyll of the King. (A Broadway Boooklet). London: G.Routledge. 1903. First ed, with frontispiece and 3 plates by King. 12mo. (13x10cm). 80pp. green suede gilt, suede cover damaged and title foxed. good. (英)ジェシー・キング画 テニソン詩集「エレイン」 ロンドン刊 1903年 挿絵4枚入 1321 初版 小型本 15,000 TENNYSON (A.L.): BRICKDALE (E.F.)(Illust.) IDYLLS OF THE KING.LONDON: Hodder & Stoughton, N.d.(CA.1911) 21 illustated in colour by E.F.Brickdale. 173pp. 4to. original cloth, gilt design on front cover. (英)テニソン著 ブリックデイル画 彩色挿挿画21枚 「国王の牧歌」 27 x 21cm ロンドン刊 1911年頃 大判 12,000 - 107 - 1322 TENNYSON (A.L.): SULLIVAN (E.J.)A DREAM OF FAIR WOMEN & OTHER POEMS.London:Grant Richards,1900.First ed, 40 tissue guarded full page illustrations in black and white. SM,4TO. 196pp. ivory cloth with gilt decorations and letters. (英)サリヴァン画 テニソン詩集「美女達の夢他」 ロンドン刊 1900年 初版 20,000 1323 TENNYSON (A.L.): SULVIVAN (E.J.)(Illust)MAUD A MONODRAMA.London: Macmillan, 1922. First Ed. Limited to 525 copies, Signed in ink by Edmund Sullivan.coloure frontispiece and 7 colour plates. 12 full page & 26 text illustrations.103pp.Linen cloth spine over paper covered boards, title on paper label to spine. (英)テニソン著 エドモンドサリヴァン画 「詩集 モード」 ロンドン刊 1922年 初版限 定520部 著者署名入 6,000 1324 TENNYSON (A.LORD): BRICKDALE (E.)(Illust.) POEMS BY ALFRED LORD TENNYSON. London: George Bell. 1905. Limited to 75 copies. With illustrations by Eleanor F.Brickdale. 402pp. printed on Japan vellum. original cloth. good. (英)ブリックデール画 「テニソン詩集」 ロンドン刊 1905年 限定75部 日本局紙使用 版元布装丁 美本 55,000 1325 TENNYSON (A.Lord): HARRISON (F.)(Illust.)GUINEVERE AND OTHER POEMS. London: Blackie, 1912. 24 mounted colour plates. xiv,156pp. 4to. (26 x 19.5cm) original gilt pictorial cream cloth. top edge gilt. spine faded. sl.spotted. (英)テニソン著 ハリソン画 「グィネヴィア/詩」 ロンドン刊 1912年 彩色画24枚入 元布装丁 天金 少シミ有 26 x 19.5cm 35,000 1326 THACKERAY (W.M.): THE WORKS OF WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY. London: Smith Elder, 1878. 26 vols. Limited Ed. roy.8vo. half morocco. fine copy. 260,000 1327 THACKERAY (W.M.): DOYLE (R.)(Illust,) THE NEWCOMES. Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family. Edited by Arthur Pendennis(Thackeray). London: Bradbury and Evans. 1854-55. First ed, 2 vols. . with engraved title-pages and 46 full-page plates,numerous vignettes in the text by Doyle. 380p & 375pp, contemporary half calf. gilt panelled spine. (英)ドイル画 サッカレー著 「ニューカム家の人々」 ロンドン刊 1854−5年 2冊揃 初版 挿絵46枚入 背革装丁 35,000 1328 THACKERAY (Wm.)= TITMARSH (M.A.): DOYLE (R.)(Illust):REBECCA ROWENA. A Romance upon Romance.London:Chapman and Hall,1850.First Ed.with 8 engraved plates(7 plates by hand coloured). cr.8vo.3/4 morocco. (英)ドイル画 サッカレー著 「レベッカとロウィーナ」 ロンドン刊 1850年 手彩色画7枚入 初版 背革装 1329 58,000 THOMAS (D.) IN COUNTRY SLEEP. N.Y.: New Directions, 1952. First Ed. photograph of Thomas by Marion Morehouse tipped on title page. 34pp. with dust jacket. 15,000 1330 THOMAS (D.): THE COLLECTED STORIES. London: J.M.Dent, 1983. 362pp. dw. 3,000 1331 THOMAS (J.W.): POGANY (W.)(Illust.) THE WELSH FAIRY BOOK. by Jenkyn W.Tohmas. London: Fisher Unwin. n,d(1907). with colour frontispiece, decorative title page and throughout with decorations, illuminated capitals, vignettes & full page drawings in black & red.xiv,312pp. Blue cloth with colour illustration & gilt title to front & spine. (英)トーマス著 ポガニー画 「ウェールズのお伽話」 - 108 - ロンドン刊 1907年頃 8,000 1332 THOMAS (William J.)(Ed.) EARLY ENGLISH PROSE ROMANCES. Vol I:Robert the Deuyll. Vol II:Virgilius, Robin Hood. Vol III:Fryer Bacon. English Prose Romances with Bibliographical & Historical Introductions. Edinburgh: Otto Schulze & Co., 1904. First ed, 3 vols. with illustrations and decorative typographic design rather in the style of William Morris. 4to. p101-155. p-7-39. 45-94. originla half green cloth in slip-case. 1333 THOMPSON (N.S.) CHAUCER, BOCCACCIO, AND THE DEBATE OF LOVE. A Comparative Study of the Decameron and the Canterbury Tales. Oxford C.P., 1996. 354pp. dw. 1334 12,600 TRAPP (J.B.), GRAY (D.) & BOFFEY (J.) MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATURE. Oxford U.P., 2002. 2nd Ed. xxiii,626pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1338 3,500 TRAHERNE (T.): MARGOLIOUTH (H.M.)(Ed.) CENTURIES, POEMS, AND THANKSGIVINGS. Oxford C.P., 1958. 2 vols. original blue cloth. 1337 12,000 TORGOVNICK (M.) THE VISUAL ARTS, PICTORIALISM AND THE NOVEL. James, Lawrence, and Woolf. Princeton U.P., 1985. xii,367pp. dw. 1336 4,000 TIHANOV (G.) THE MASTER AND THE SLAVE. Lukacs, Bakhtin, and the Ideas of their time. Oxford C.P., n.d. xiii,327pp. dust cover. 1335 15,000 3,000 TROLLOPE (A.) THE CLAVERINGS. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1867. First Ed. 2 vols in 1. with a frontispiece to each vol. & 14 other illus. lacking title page of vol.2. 3/4 calf. 18,900 1339 TROLLOPE (T.A.) 503-75,000London: Henry Colburn, 1840. First Ed.. 2 Vols. with 12 illustrations, including frontispieces in each volume. half navy morocco over blue boards. spine giltwith five raised bands. top edge gilt. a fine copy. 1340 65,000 TULLY (R.) LETTERS WRITTEN DURING A TEN YEARS ' RESIDENCE AT THE COURT OF TRIPOLI. .... the domestic manners of the moors, arabs, and turks. London; H. Colburn,1819. 3rd Ed. 2 vols. 7 coloured aquatint plates(including frontispiece in vol 1) & folding map (foxed)full calf. in slip case. 1341 45,000 TWINING (Thomas & Richard) RECREATIONS AND STUDIES OF A COUNTRY CLERGYMAN OF TEH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY & SELECTIONS FROM PAPERS OF THE TWINING FAMILY. London: J.Murray. 1882 & 1887. First ed, 2 vols complete. cr,8vo.vii,257pp & (12),311pp. original black cloth. 1342 25,000 UNDERWOOD (G.) & BATT (V.) READING AND UNDERSTANDING. An Introduction to the Psychology of Reading. Blackwell, 1996. xii,244pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1343 3,000 UPDIKE (John) BECH: A BOOK. N.Y: A.A.KNOPF,1970. signed by the author. 206pp. dw. 4,000 1344 VAN DYKE (H.): THE WORKS OF HENRY VAN DYKE Avalon Edition. New York: C.Scribner, 1920. Avalon Ed. This Autograph Ed. Printed on old stratford paper. 18 vols. Limited to 504 sets. Signed by the Publisher. 3/4 morocco, gilt top. - 109 - 150,000 1345 VANBRUCH (J.): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SIR JOHN VANBRUCH. The Plays Edited by Bonamy Dobree. The Letters Edited by Geoffrey Webb. Bloomsbury: The Nonesuch Press, 1927. 4 vols. Limited Ed. 4to. 1346 39,900 VAUGHAN (H.): RICKETTS (C.) VAUGHAN'S SACRED POEMS. A Selection.London: Ballantyne Press. 1897. Limited to 210 copies. with frontispiece and design tgitle-page and initial letters designed by Charles Ricketts.Hacon & Ricketts 52 Warwick Street, London MDCCCXCVII [1897]. Printed at the Ballantyne Press. One of a total of 210 copies. (英)リケット画 「ヴォウガン詩集」 バレンタインプレス刊 1897年 限定210部 版元装丁 1347 35,000 VILLA-GILBERT (M.) A JINGLE JANGLE SONG. London: Chatto,1968.First Ed. 165pp. cr.8vo. dw. spine faded. 1348 3,000 VINCENT (D.) LITERACY AND POPULAR CULTURE. England 1750-1914. Cambridge U.P., 1989. 362pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1349 6,000 WAGONER (R.E.) THE MEANINGS OF LOVE & An Introduction to Philosophy of Love. Praeger, 1997. 149pp. lar.8vo. 5,000 1350 WALES (K.) A DICTIONARY OF STYLISTICS. Longman, 1997. 504pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 1351 WALLACE (D.)(Ed.) THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATURE. Cambridge U.P., 1999. xxv,1043pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1352 WATERS (M.) THE GARDEN IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE. Scolar Press, 1988. 371pp. lar.8vo. dw. top edge bit spotted. 1353 4,000 WATSON (J.L.) BASTARDY AS A GIFTED STATUS IN CHAUCER AND MALORY. Studies in Medieval Literature Volume 14. Edwin Mellen Press, 1996. 90pp. lar.8vo. 1354 5,000 6,300 WELLS (H.G.) AFTER DEMOCRACY. Addresses and papers on the present World ssituation. London: Watts & co, 1932. First Ed. 247pp. cr.8vo. fly leaf owner's signed. eddge sl.spotted. dust jacket.(sl. chipped) 1355 6,000 WELLS (H.G.) THE ANATOMY OF FRUSTRATION. A Modern Synthesis. N.Y: Macmillan Co.1936. First American d. viii,217pp. dw. (sl. chipped) 1356 WELLS (H.G.) THE AUTOCRACY OF MR. PARHAM. His remarkable adventures in the changing world. London: W.Heinemann,1930First Ed. 370pp. dw.(sl.tear) 1357 12,000 WELLS (H.G.) THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME. The Ultimate Revolution. London: Hutchinson & co., 1933. 432pp. cover sl.stained. nice copy. 1358 4,000 WELLS (H.G.) 4,200 CHRISTINA ALBERTA'S FATHER. London: J.Cape,1925Second impression. 410pp. dw. (sl. darkned) 4,000 - 110 - 1359 WELLS (H.G.) THE DISCOVERY OF THE FUTURE. London: J.Cape, 1925. 60pp. cr.8vo. dw. (sl.dusty) 1360 3,000 WELLS (H.G.) THE KING WHO WAS A KING. The Book of a Film. London: Ernest Benn,1929. 254pp. dw.(sl. chipped.) 1361 4,000 WEST (Rebecca) : LOW (D.)(Illust.)THE MODERN "RAKE'S PROGRESS". London: Hutchinson. 1934. First Ed, With 12 double page caricaturist drawings by Low. 4to. 128pp. spine cloth with decorated boards, scuffed at edges. (英)ロウ画 ウエスト著 「レーキの現代的人生行路」 ロンドン刊 1934年 彩色画12枚入 四折版 1362 10,000 WHITMAN (W.) THE COMPLETE WRITINGS OF WALT WHITMAN. Issued under the editorial supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L.Traubel. with additional bibliographical and critical material prepared by Oscar Lovell Triggs, Ph. N.Y.: G.P.Putnam's sons, 1902. The Collector's Camden Edition. 10 vols. Limited to 300 sets. illustrated. 3/4 morocco, gilt. spines faded to brown. a very good, clean set. 1363 650,000 WHITMAN (W.): ALLEN (G.W.) WALT WHITMAN HANDBOOK. N.Y.: Hendricks House, 1962. signed by the Author on endpaper. xviii,560pp. 1364 4,000 WHITMAN (W.): CANBY (Henry Seidel) WALT WHITMAN An American. A Study in Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1943. with illustrations. 381pp. 1365 3,000 WHITMAN (W.): HOLLOWAY (E.) WHITMAN An Interpretation in Narrative. N.Y: Biblio and Tannen, 1969. With New, 2nd Preface by the Author. xxiii,330pp. lar.8vo. 1366 WHITMAN (W.): LOVING (J.) WALT WHITMAN The Song of Himself. California U.P., 1999. xiv,568pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1367 3,000 WHITMAN (W.): MILLER (E.H.) WALT WHITMAN'S POETRY. A Psychological Journey. New York U.P., 1968. presentation copy. Author's signed on endpaper. xvi,245pp. 1368 3,000 5,000 WHITMAN (W.): TRAUBEL (H.) WITH WALT WHITMAN IN CAMDEN. April 8-September 14, 1889. Edited by Gertrude Traubel. Southern Illinois U.P., 1964. 524pp. lar.8vo. publisher's green cloth. fore-edge bit foxed. 1369 8,000 WHITNEY (W.D.) THE CENTURY DICTIONARY. an Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. Revised and Enlarged under the Superintendence of B.E.Smith. New York: The Times / Century Co., 1904. Revised and Enlarged Edition. 10 vols(8 vols + Proper Names & Atlas). folio. 3/4 calf with boards. sl.worn. text is foxing, but almost good. 1370 45,000 WILCOX (E.W.): TENNANT (D.)(Illust.) POEMS OF PASSION AND PLEASURE. London: Gay & Hancock, n.d(1912) Limited to 500 copies. signed by Tennant and Wilcox. 20 colour mounted plates. 267pp. 4to. Beautiful gilt decorated full vellum binding. (英)ウィルコックス著 限定500部 テナント画 著者及び挿絵家署名入 「情熱と喜びの詩」 台紙付彩色画20枚入 - 111 - ロンドン刊 1912年頃 ヴェラム装丁 55,000 1371 WILD (O.): SYMONS (A.) A STUDY OF OSCAR WILDE. London: J.Sawyer, 1930. Large paper Ed. Limited to 100 copies is No-9 in handmade paper. with a portrait. 88,(iv)pp.original green cloth. 1372 35,000 WILDE (O.)THE GHOST EPIGRAMS OF OSCAR WILDE AS TAKEN DOWN THROUGH AUTOMATIC WRITING BY LAZAR. N.Y: COVICI,1928. Limited to 850 copies. 38pp. cr.8vo. half linen with boards. 1373 4,000 WILDE (O.) A WOMAN OF NO IMPORTANCE. Paris: 1903. Limited to 250 copies. 154pp. 4to. original cloth. Bookplate on front pastedown. spine sl. darkned. 1374 18,000 WILDE (O.) DE PROFUNDIS. Precede de Lettres Ecrites de la Prison par Oscar Wilde a Robert Ross. Traduits par Henry-D.Davray. Paris: Mercvre de France, 1926. Limited to 110 copies. 272pp. sm.8vo. wrappers. 18,900 1375 WILDE (O.) THE PORTRAIT OF MR W.H BY OSCAR WILDE. Thomas Mosher: 1901. First ed, Limited to 425 copies on Japan vellum. 12mo. 74,(iv)pp. wrappers printed in black & red, title page also printed in black & red. Original slipcase(chippe, slightly worn). scarce. 12,000 1376 WILDE (O.) VERA: OR THE NIHILISTS. A Drama in a Prologue, and Four Acts. Privately Printed, 1902. Limited to 200 copies. 75pp. lar.8vo. full morocco. 42,000 1377 WILDE (O.): THE WORKS OF OSCAR WILDE. *Miscellanies. *Reviews. *A House of Pomegranates, The Happy Prince and Other Tales. *Intentions and the Soul of Man. *A Woman of No Importance. *The Duchess of Padua A play. *The Importance of Being Earnest, A Trival Comedy for Serious People. *Lady Windermere's Fan A play About a Good Woman. *An Ideal Husband A play. *De Profundis. *Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. *Salome, A Florentine Tragedy, Vera. *The Poems of Oscar Wilde. *For Love of the King, A Burmese Masque. *The Picture of Dorian Gray. London: Methuen, 1908-22. First Collected Ed. 15 vols complete. Limited to 1,000 copies. on hand-made paper. Newly red bound in 3/4 morocco, gilt top by Bayntun-Riviere. fine set. 600,000 1378 WILDE (O.): ALASTAIR (Illust.):THE SPHINX. London: John Lane,the Bodley Head, 1920. First Limited ed. Limited to 1000 copies. 10 full page colour illustrations. with illustrated advertising leaf. 36pp. demy 4to. original gilt illustration cover. bit spotted. (英)ワイルド著 アラステア画 「スフィンクス」 ロンドン刊 1920年 元装 少シミ有 1379 初版 限定版 80,000 WILDE (O.): BEARDSLEY (A.) SALOME. Translated and Introduced by R.A.Walker. London: Heinemann, 1957. 18 Illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley. 109pp. roy.8vo. with dust-cover. (英)ワイルド著 1380 ビアズリー画 「サロメ」 ロンドン刊 1957年 8,000 WILDE (O.): BIANCO (PAMELA)(Illust) THE BIRTHDAY OF THE INFANTA. N.Y.: MACMILLAN, 1929. first,Ed. Limited to 400 copies. signed by the Artist. color frontispiece. 3 double page colour plates and 10 full page drawings by Pamela Bianco. 58pp. pink gilt-flecked paper over boards, white cloth spine, gilt titles. original slip case. very good. (英)ワイルド著 ビアンコ署名入 ビアンコ画 箱入 美本 「王女の誕生日」 24 x 16cm - 112 - ニューヨーク刊 1929年 限定400部 35,000 1381 WILDE (O.): BIRNBAUM (M.) OSCAR WILDE. Fragments and memories. London: E.Mathews,1920.Large paper Edition only 50 copies. 35pp. original backram. on Robewt Lewis's exlibris. 1382 12,000 WILDE (O.): HARRIS (F.) & DOUGLAS (L.A.) NEW PREFACE TO "THE LIFE AND CONFEDSSIONS OF OSCAR WILDE".London; Fortune press,1925. 55pp. original cloth. spine sl. rubbed. 1383 4,500 WILDE (O.): KING (Jessie.M.)(Illust.)A HOUSE OF POMEGRANATES. London: Methuen, 1915. First Thus. with 16 color plates. 162pp. 4to. (25.5 x 20cm). beautiful publisher's decorated blue cloth boards. Cover sl darkned. spotted on text, not affect to plates. (英)ワイルド著 ジェシー・キング画 「柘榴の家」 ロンドン刊 1915年 挿絵16枚入 版元装丁 1384 150,000 WILDE (O.): MASON (S.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OSCAR WILDE. Introduced by Timothy d'Arch Smith. London:T.Werner Laurie. (1914). xxxix,605pp. original blue cloth. gilt top. 1385 WILDE (O.): MURRAY (I.)(Ed.) THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY. Oxford U.P., 1974. xxxiv,249pp. dw. 1386 8,000 3,000 WILDE (O.): ROBINSON (C.)(Illust.) THE HAPPY PRINCE AND OTHER TALES. London: Duckworth, 1913. frontis & 11 mounted colour Illustrated by Charles Robinson. 134pp. 4to. 3/4 vellum and marabled boards, gold medal on front-cover. fine spepecial binding. (英)ワイルド著 C・ロビンソン画 美本 1387 「幸福な王子」 ロンドン刊 1913年 29.3 x 23.7cm 背ヴェラム装 48,000 WILDE (O.): ROBINSON (Charles)(Illust,)THE HAPPY PRINCE AND OTHER TALES. London: Duckworth. 1913. First illustrated edition. with title 12 mounted colour plates with captioned tissues, and some illustrations in text by Charles Robinson. 4to. 133,(ii)pp. original purple coth. light foxing. (英)ワイルド著 C・ロビンソン画 「幸福な王子」 ロンドン刊 1913年 彩色画12枚入 版元布装丁 1388 38,000 WILDE (O.): RAYMOND (J.P.) & RICKETTS (C.)(Illust.) OSCAR WILDE. Recollection and illustrations by Jean Paul Raymond & Charles Ricketts. Bloomsbury: The Nonesuch Press, 1932. First ed, Limited to 800 copies. 59pp. imp.8vo. White cloth boards with gillt embossed cover design by Ricketts. in the clam-shall box of half calf. 1389 (英)レイモンド/リケッツ共著・画 「オスカーワイルド回想」 限定800部 極美 挿絵入 特装版 箱入 27 x 18cm ナンサッチ版 1932年 75,000 WILLIAMS (T.) THE WORKS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. *In the Winter of Cities. *Dragon Country. *Small Craft Warnings. *The Knigtly Quest. *Androgyne, Mon Amour. *Tennessee Williams. (Boxill R.) *Tennessee Williams. (Londre F.H.) *Kingdom of Earth. *Tennessee Williams. (Falk S.L.) *Tennessee Williams. (Tischler N.M.) *Tennessee Williams. (Vannatta D.) *Tennessee WIlliams. (Williams D. & Mead S.) 12 vols. - 113 - 18,900 1390 WILSON (R.): PAPE (F.C.)(illust.): THE RUSSIAN STORY BOOK. Containing Tales From The Song Cycles Of Kiev And Novgorod And Other Early Sources. Retold. by R.Wilson.London: Macmillan. 1916. First ed, with colour frontispiece,15 colour plates and 34 text illustrations. 307pp. originla red coth. gilt decorated. some light foxing. (英)ウィルソン著 ポガニー画 1391 「ロシア物語」 ロンドン刊 1916年 5,000 WOOD (J.G.): KING (Jessie.M.)(Illust.) NATURAL HISTORY. London: Routledge. (Inscribed 1905) Firs Thus. with colour frontispiece,one colour plate and 480 text illust by W.Harvey. xx,444pp. origina red cloth with Young Girl design by Jessie King. (英)ウッド著 「自然史」 ジェシー・キング表紙デザイン ロンドン刊 1905年頃 12,000 1392 WOOLF (V.)THE WAVES. London: Hogarth press,1963.10th Impression211pp. dust jacket. fine copy. 1393 5,000 WOOLF (V.) JACOB'S ROOM. Hogarth press,1965. cr.8vo. with dist cover. fine copy. one or two smudges to green cloth cover of Woolf's third novel. 5,000 1394 WOOLF (V.) NIGHT AND DAY.London: Hogarath Press.,1966.8th impression.538pp. dust jacket. crean copy. 6,000 1395 WOOLF (V.) THE VOYAGE OUT. London: Hogarth press,1965. 8th impression. 458pp. cr.8vo. with dust jacket. fine copy. 6,000 1396 WOOLF (V.) THREE GUINEAS. London: Hogarth press,1938.First ed,329pp. cr.8vo. original yellow cloth, 4,200 1397 WOOLF (V.): STERRETT (J.)(Illust) TO THE LIGHTHOUSE. Franklin Libraary,1980. 296pp. Full Leather. Beautifully bound in leather with gilt decoration. All page edges are gilt. Gilt title lettering on the spine. 8,000 1398 WORDSWORTH (W.) THE POEMS. London: E.Moxon,1849. FORE-EDGE PAINTING: xxiv,619pp. Full decorated morocco. gilt decorated cover, all edge gilt. (英)小口絵本「ワーズワース詩集」 モクソン版 1849年 総モロッコ 美装丁 120,000 1399 WORDSWORTH (W.): BARSTOW (M.L.) WORDSWORTH'S THEORY OF POETIC DICTION. A Study of Historical ad Personal background of the Lyrical ballads. New Haven: Yale U.P.,1917. xv,191pp. wrappers. chipped. 3,000 1400 WORDSWORTH (W.): BROUGHTON (L.N.)(Ed.) SOME LETTERS OF THE WORDSWORTH FAMILY. NOW FIRST PUBLISHED. With a few unpublished letters of coleridge and Southey and others. Cornell U.P., 1942. x,131pp. The character of the title has disappeared on spine. otherwise clean copy. 1401 WORDSWORTH (W.): 15,000 GRAY (N.N.)(Illust)INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY FROM RECOLLECTIONS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD. London:J.M.Dent & Sons,(1913). First ed, with 12 illustrations in colour.4to. 11p. olive gilt-decorated cloth. (英)ワーズワース著 ノラ・グレー画 ロンドン刊 1913年 初版 「幼時を憶うて不死を知るの歌」 彩色画12枚入 - 114 - 45,000 1402 YEATS (W.B.) ESSAYS IRISH AND AMERICAN. With an Appreciation by A.E. Dublin: The Talbot Press, 1918. First Ed,95pp. sm.8vo. original cloth. top & tail of spine sl. rubbed. 10,000 1403 YEATS (W.B.) LAST POEMS & PLAYS. London: Macmillan, 1940. 126pp. original stamped cloth. 13,000 1404 YEATS (W.B.) POEMS. London: T.F.Unwin,1922.314pp. original cloth. sl. spotted. 1405 YEATS (W.B.): THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM B. YEATS. I:Lyrical poems. II:Dramatic poems.N.Y.: Macmillan, 1916. 2 vols. original spine gilt cloth. Vol 2. spine sl. rubbed. owner's stamped. 18,600 1406 YEATS (W.B.): ALLISON (J.)(Ed.) YEATS'S POLITICAL IDENTITIES Selected Essays. Michigan U.P., 1996. 352pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1407 9,000 5,040 YEATS (W.B.): HORTON (W.T.)(Illust)A BOOK OF IMAGES DRAWN BY W.T.HORTON & INTRODUCED BY W.B.YEATS. London, The Unicorn Press. 1898. First ed, with 23 fullpage b/w illustrations by W.T.Horton. 61,(iii)pp. original pictorial yellow cloth. a little dust soiled. (英)W.T.ホートン画 イエーツ序 「イメージの書」 ロンドン刊 1898年 初版 白黒画23枚入 版元布装丁 1408 45,000 YEATS (W.B.): KING (J.M.)(Illust.) POEMS OF SPENSER. Selected and with an Introduction by W.B.Yeats. London: Caxton Pub. n.d(1906). First ed, with 8 tinted plates by J.M.King. cr,8vo. xlivii, 290pp. original blue coth. with gilt strap decorations, top edge gilt. spine rubbed. (英)ジェシー・キング画 イエーツ序 「スペンサー詩集」 ロンドン刊 1906年 初版 挿絵8枚入 8,000 ●○ French ○● 1409 BARTHES (R.) INCIDENTS. Translated by R.Howard. [with] BRINGING OUT ROLAND BARTHES by D.A.Miller. Calfornia U.P., 1992,2 vols. sm.8vo. white paperback. 1410 4,000 BAUDELAIRE (C.) CORESPONDANCE GENERALE. Recueillie, Classee et Annotee par M.J.Crepet. Paris: Louis Conard. 1947-1953. 6 vols. original warappers. 1411 25,000 BAUDELAIRE (C.) LES PARADIS ARTIFICIELS LA FANFARLO. Notice, Notes et Paris: Louis Conard. 1928. Limited ed, 380pp. original wrappers. 1412 4,000 BAUDELAIRE (C.): LABOCCETTA (M.) LES PARADIS ARTIFICIELS. Paris: Nilsson,N.d.,6 Illustrated by Labocetta. 207pp. original pictorial wrappers. page 145 bit cracked. unopened. (英)ラボチェッタ画 ボードレール著 彩色画6枚入 1413 「人工楽園」 元装 パリ刊 1932年 初版 55,000 BAUDIN (H.) BORIS VIAN HUMORISTE. Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1939. 255pp. lar.8vo. paperback. 3,000 - 115 - 1414 BAYDELAIRE (C.): CHERIX (R-B.) ESSAI D'UNE CRITIQUE INTEGRALE COMMENTAIRE DES <<FLEURS DU MAL>>. avec Introduction Concordances et References Notes et Index. Geneve: P.Cailler, 1949. xxxi,500pp. wrapper. sl.foxing. 1415 3,000 BAYLE (A.) POESIES CHOISIES DES TROUBADOURS du Xe au XVe Siecle. avec la traduction Litteraire en Regard Precedees D'un Abrege de Grammaire Provencale. Geneve: Slatkine reprints, 1974. 282pp. fore-edges foxing. 1416 3,000 BEAUMARCHAIS: THEATRE LETTRES. Relatives a Son Theatre. Gallimard: 1949. cr.8vo. 718pp. original full-leather. 1417 4,000 BERGSON (Henri) LE RIRE. Essai sur la signification du comique. Paris: Alcan, 1900. First Ed. in-12, rel. pleine toile. Bon ex. original text in modern cloth. 1418 42,000 BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE: PAUL ET VIRGINIE SUIVI DE LA CHAUMIERE INDIENNE. Paris: Lib.Delagrave, 1925. B/W illusts. 217pp. Roy.8vo. spine bit rubbed. text bit foxing. private stamped. 1419 3,000 BOSCO (H.) UNE OMBRE. Gallimard, 1978. Limied to 100 copies. sm.8vo. 242pp. original wrapper. good. 1420 25,000 BOSSCHERE (,)(Illust,) THE CITY CURIOUS. London: W.Heinemann, 1920. First London ed, frontispiece and 7 colour plates. and over 125 Illustrated by the Author and retold in English by F.T.Jesse. 178pp. lar.8vo. original pictorial cloth. spine faded. (英)ボシェール著・画 「奇妙な都市」 ロンドン刊 1920年 挿絵多数入 元挿絵入布装 背少ヤケ 1421 12,000 BOUILLY (J.N.) LES MERES DE FAMILLE. Membre de plusieurs Societes savantes et litteraires. Paris: Louis Janet, (ca.1829) 2 vols. cr.8vo. half calf with boards. calf some chipped. text sl.foxing. 1422 15,000 BOYLESVE (R.): BRISSAUD (P.)(Illust.) LA LECON D'AMOUR DANS UN PARC. illustre de 45 aquarelles de Pierre Brissaud. Paris: Aux Editions Lapina, 1925. 249pp. 4to. pictorial wrappers. 28 x 21.5cm. (仏)ブリソー画 ボアレフ著 1423 「愛のレッスン」 パリ刊 1925年 元装 28,000 BREMOND (H.) HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE DU SENTIMENT RELIGIEUX EN FRANCE. Depuis La Fin Des Guerres de Religion Jusqu'a Nos Jours. preface de la nouvelle edition par rene Taveneaux. Paris: Lib.A.Colin, 1967. 11 vols in 12. (index missing?) Roy.8vo. fore-edges bit spotted. 1424 38,000 CAMUS (A.) L'ETE. Paris: Gallimard. 1954. First ed, Limited to 1050 copies. cr.8vo. 188pp. original warpper. 12,600 1425 CHAMSON (A.) LA NEIGE ET LA FLEUR. Gallimard,1951. First Ed. 356pp. wrapper. 1426 CLAUDEL (P.) OEUVRES COMPLETES DE PAUL CLAUDEL. Gallimard: 1950. Limited Ed, 29 vols. original wrappers. 4,000 120,000 - 116 - 1427 COHEN (Henry) GUIDE DE L'AMATEUR DE LIVRES A VIGNETTES DU XVIIIe SIECLE. Paris: P.Rouquette, 1873. 2nd Ed. xv,273pp. sm.8vo. spine calf with old boards. cover rubbed. inner-joint tender. 1428 6,300 CORNEILLE (P.): OEUVRES DE P.CORNEILLE. Avec Commentaries, Notes, Remarques et Jugements Litteraires. Paris: Rue de L'arbre-Sec, 1831. 12 vols. half calf with boards. spine sl.worn. boards stained. 1429 47,250 D'AUCOURT (Godard.) THEMIDORE. Ou Mon Histoire et celle de Ma Maitresse. Paris: Charles Carrington. 1908. Limited to 475 copies of which nos.1-20 are on papier du Japon with each engravings in 3 states. This copy letterpressed No 14. with Title page printed in red and black, 25 engravings by Albert Besse,after original illustrations by Alfred Plauzeau(1875-1918) of which the frontispiece and full-plate with tissue guards. roy,8vo.xxv,121pp. Quarter green morocco over marbled boards, gilt lettered,raised bands, very good. 1430 65,000 DAUDET (A.) ALPHONSE DAUDET OEUVRES COMPLETES ILLUSTREES. Paris: Librarie de France, 1930. Edition ne Varietur. 27 vols. Limited to 350 sets. sm.4to. 3/4 morocco. fine set. 1431 250,000 DENONAIN (J.-J.) THEMES ET FORMES DE LA POESIE "METAPHYSIQUE". Etude d'un aspect de la Litterature Anglaise au Dix-Septieme Siecle. P.U.F., 1956. 548pp. wrapper. 1432 4,000 DIDEROT (Denis) & D'ALEMBERT (Jean le Rond) RECUEIL DE PLANCHES SUR LES SCIENCES.les arts liberaux, et les arts mechaniques, avec leur explication.Parma: Franco Maria Ricci, 1970. Reprinted ed. 12 vols. with numerous illustrated plates. folio(40x24cm). original publisher's cloth. with gilt design. 1433 DU GARD (R.M.) CORRESPONDANCE GENERALE. 85,000 I: 1896-1913,II: 1914-1918. Paris: Gallimard,1980. 2 Vols. wrapper. clean copy. 1434 DUHAMEL (G.): MAHN (B.)(Illust) LES 4,000 JUMEAUX DE VALLANGOUJARD. Paris: PaulHhartmann,1931. Limited to 325 copies. Signed by the author. 109pp. 4to. (28 x 12.5cm). gilt illustrated cloth. (仏)ジヨルジュ・デュアメル著 初版 1435 限定325部 署名入 マーン画 版元装丁 「バランゴヤールの双子」 28 x 12.5cm 25,000 4,000 EMMANUEL (P.) TOMBEAU D'ORPHEE. Collection Poesie 46. Paris: Pierre Seghers, 1946. First Ed. signed by the author. presentation copy. 119pp. wrappers. 1437 1931年 DUMAS (A.) LE COMTE DE MONTE-CRISTO. Paris: Club Geant Evasion. 1968. 2 vols. Limited edition. original full red claf. good. 1436 パリ刊 38,000 FABRE (J.-H.) SOUVENIRS ENTOMOLOGIQUES. Etudes sur I'instinct et les Moeurs des Insectes. 10 vols. [with] LA VIE de J.-H.FABRE, NATURALISTE, Suivie du Repertoire General Analytique des Souvenirs Entomologiques par le Dr G.-v.Legros. Preface de J.-H. Fabre. Paris: Delagrave, 1924. Edition definitive illustree. 11 vols. complete set. Limited Ed. roy.8vo. marbled half cloth with marbled boards. gilt stamped on spine. - 117 - 189,000 1438 FLAUBERT (G.): AUSTEN (I.)(Illust) MADAME BOVARY. A Story of Provincial Life. London:J.Lane the Bodley Head,1928. 14 photogravure plates, b/w chapter heads and tails. 416pp. lar.8vo. pictorial cover. inner hinge weak. (英)オースチン画 挿画14枚入 1439 フローベル著 「ボヴァリィ婦人」 ロンドン刊 1931年 綴じ弱 6,500 FRANCE (A.) : PAPE (F.C.)(Illust) PENGUIN ISLAND. Translated by A.W.Evans. London: John Lane, 1929. frontis & 11 Illust. xx,345pp. gilt illustrated cover. dw. (sl. chipped) (英)パペ画 1440 フランス著 「英訳 ペンギン島」 ロンドン刊 1925年 元装 8,000 FRANCE (A.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust,): THE GODS ARE ATHIRST. Translated by Alfred Allinson. London: John Lane the Bodley Head, 1927.With 12 coloured plates by John Austen. 285pp. original cloth. (英)オースチン画 1441 フランス著 「神々は渇く」 ロンドン刊 1933年 5,000 FRANCE (A.): HONS (Gabriel des) ANATOLE FRANCE ET JEAN RACINE. ou la cie de l'art francien. Paris: Armand. 1927. 284pp. 4/3 brown morocco. 1442 8,000 FRANCE (A.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illus.)MOTHER OF PEARL. Translated by Frederic chapman. London: John Lane the Bodley Head,1929. First illustrated ed, 12 full page illust. 291pp. lar.8vo. sl. spotted. (英)パペ画 1443 フランス著 「真珠の母親」 ロンドン刊 1929年 7,000 FRANCE (A.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust): THAIS. Translation by R.B.Douglas. London: John Lane(Bodley Head0, 1930. frontis and 11 plates. 249pp. original cloth. with dustwrappers. (英)パペ画 1444 フランス著 「タイース」 ロンドン刊 1930年 12,000 FRANCE (A.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.) AT THE SIGN OF THE REINE PEDAUQUE. Translated by Mrs.W.Jackson. An Introduction by W.J.Locke. London: J.Lane the Bodley Head, 1922. First illustrated Edition.with 12 plates. xviii,(1),275,(2)pp. lar.8vo. gilt pictorial black cover. top & tail of spine rubbed. (英)パペ画 フランス著 「鳥料理レーヌ・ペドーク亭」 ロンドン刊 1922年 元装丁 8,000 1445 FRANCE (Alfred) : PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.)THE WELL OF SAINT CLARE. Translated by Alfred Allinson. London: John Lane the Bodley Head, 1928. First illustrated Ed. 12 illus. 302pp. lar.8vo. original gilt design cover. dust-cover. copy. very good copy. (英)パペ画 フランス著 「聖クレアの泉」 ロンドン刊 1928年 銅版画12枚入 10,000 1446 GASTON (BACHELARD.): FLOCON (A.)(Illust,) PAYSAGES. Suisse: Eynard, Rolle,vaud, 1950. First ed, Limited to 200 copies. with 16 copper engdraved plates include a frontispiece. 4to. 90pp. original illustrated limp paper boards. in a original clamshell box. (仏)アルベール・フロコン画 初版 限定200部 ガストン・バシュラール著 銅版画16枚入 版元装丁 - 118 - 箱少汚れ 「景色」 スイス刊 1950年 140,000 1447 GRELLMANN (H.M.G.)HISTOIRE DES BOHEMIENS Ou tableau des Moeurs, Usages et coutumes de ce Peuple Nomade. Paris: J.Chaumerot,1810. 354pp. half calf over marbled boards. sl. spotted. good copy. 35,000 1448 HARDY (Simeon-prosper) MES LOISIRS. tome premier 1754-1773.Journal d'evenements tels qu'ils parviennent a ma connaissance 1764-1789.Paris:Picard,1912. xxi,445pp. original wrapper. cover.joint taped. 13,000 1449 HATIN (E.) HISTOIRE POLITIQUE ET LITTERAIRE DE LA PRESSE EN FRANCE. Avec une Introduction Historique sur les Origines du Journal et la Bibliographie Generale des Journaux. Paris: Poulet-malassis, 1859. 8 vols. wrappers. 63,000 1450 HUGO (V.) HANS OF ICELAND/ BUG-JARGAL/ CLAUDE GUEUX. (Valjean Edition of the Novels of Victor Hugo) N.Y:P.F.Collier, ca1900. illus.with a gravure frontispiece potrait. 514pp. half morocco gilt spine. 18,000 1451 HUGO (V.) LES MISERABLES. Translated from the French to English by I.F.Hapgood. London: The Walter Scott Publishing. ca,1900. 5 vols in 1. with illustrated plates. 286, 253, 227, 323, 284pp. Red boards and spine with gilt lettering and decoration. Gilt top edge. 3,000 1452 HUGO (V.) LES TRAVAILLEURS DE LA MER. Paris: A.Lacroix, Verboeckhoven,1866. Vol 1(First Ed): Vol 2(2nd ed): vol 3(6th ed,) 3 Vols. (vi),328. (iv),327 & (iv), 279pp. contemporary half calf over marbled boards. 84,000 1453 HUGO (V.) NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS. Edition Illustree D'Apres Les Dessins de MME. de Beaumont, L.Boulanger, etc. Paris: Perrotin editeur. 1844. 1st Edition. Later Illustrated Edition.with 50 illustrated plates. roy,8o. 485,(iii)pp.bound in 4/3 contemporary red morocco. gilt top. gilt designed on spine. bery good. 85,000 1454 HUGO (V.) THE WORKS OF VICTOR HUGO. Boston: Little Brown and Co. 1887. 24 vols. Limited to 500 copies. with signed and dated lletter handwritten by Hugo-in after the limitation page. the letter has some fixing. with numerous illustrated plates. 3/4 brown leather over linen boards, marbed endpapers, top edge gilt, the spine has raised bandsa with gilt decorations and lettering. 450,000 1455 HUGO (V.) THEATRE. tome 1: Cromwell. Tome 2: Hernani. Marion de Lorme. Le Roi s'amuse. Tome 3: Lucre Borgia. Maire Tudor. Angelo. Tome 4: La Esmeralda. Ruy Blas. Les Burgraves. Paris: Hachette,1880. 4 vols. contemporary half morocco & mabled Boards. 20,000 1456 L'ISLE-ADAM ( LE PRETENDANT. Drame en cinq actes et en prose. texte etabli et presente par P.G.Castex et A.W.Raitt. Paris; J.Corti,1965First & Limited Ed. 220pp. cr.8vo. 8,400 1457 LA FONTAINE. CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS. Edition ornee de Figures gravees d'apres les Dessins d'Eisen. Paris: Gibert Jeune,Librairie D'amateurs, 1938. 2 Bde. Illustrations en Couleurs de Brunelleschi. 32 clomo lithograph & 77 cuts. 4to.26.3 x 20.3cm. original wrappers. (仏)ブルネルスキー画 「ラフォンテーヌ小話集」 手彩色石版画32枚入 限定版 2冊揃 - 119 - パリ刊 1938年 元装仮綴美本 90,000 1458 LA FONTAINE: DELIERRE (A.)(Illust,) THE FABLES OF LA FONTAINE. Translated from the French. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1884. Limited to 250 copies. with 25 original etching plates. 4to. (27.5 x 19.5cm) 304pp. half vellum & green cloth. joint sl.cracked. (仏)デリエール画 銅版原画25枚入 1459 「ラフォンテーンの寓話」 背ヴェラム装 ボストン刊 1884年 限定250部 綴じ少傷有 21,000 LACLOS (C.DE.) : ALASTAIR (Illust.) DANGEROUS ACQUAINTANCES. New York: W.Godwin, 1933. 6 Illustated by Alastair. 276pp. back faded. (英)アラステア画 ラクロ著 「危険な関係」 ニューヨーク刊 1933年 初版 挿絵6枚入 28,000 1460 LACY (N.J.)(Ed.) EARLY FRENCH TRISGTAN POEMS. D.S.BREWER.,1998.287pp. 5,000 1461 LANSON (M.G.) MELANGES Offerts par ses Amis et ses Eleves. (1922) Geneve: Slatkine Reprints, 1972. 534pp. fore-edges spotted. 1462 5,250 LE SAGE (Alain-Rene.) OEUVRES CHOISIES DE LA SAGE AVEC FIGURES. vol 1(Diable boiteux ): vol 2-3( Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane ): vol 4(Le aventures de M. Robert Chevalier dit De Beauch刃e capitaine de Flibustiers dans la Nouvelle-France ): vol 5-6( Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache, nouvellement traduite et purgee des moralites superflues - Lettres galantes d'Aristenete traduites du grec ): vol 7( Le Bachelier de Salamanque ou Les Memoires et aventures de Don Cherubin de la Ronda ): vol 8-9( Nouvelle traduction de Roland l'Amoreux de Matheo Maria Boyardo Comte de Scandiano ): vol 10(Histoire d'Estavanille Gonzalez surnomme Le Garqon de Bonne Humeur, Tiree de l'espagnol): vol 11(Theathre franqais): vol 12-15(Le Theathre de la Foire ou L'Opera Comique ).: Amsterdam & Paris: Rue et Hotel serpente, 1783. 15 vols. complete set. with frontispiece and 30 engraved plates. contemporary full calf. contemporary full calf. gilt panelled spine. water stained(vol.10:p.1-17). 1463 120,000 LESAGE (Alain-Rene) THE ADVENTURES OF GIL BLAS DE SANTILLANE. Translated from the French of Le Sage, by Tobias Smollett. With an Introduction by J.B.Priestley. Oxford: Limited Edition Club, 1937. 2 vols. Limited to 1500 copies. Signed by John Austen. 27 full page colour illustrated by John Austen. Imp.8vo. (29.5 x 19.5cm) dw. slip case (lacks top). 15,000 1464 LOOTEN (Emanuel) VERS LE POINT OMEGA. Couverlure de Lucio Fontania. A Charles-Henri Looten. Paris: Jean Grassin. 1963. First ed, sm,8vo. 54,(ii)p. original boards. 1465 15,000 LOUIS (P.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust,)THE COLLECTED TALES OF PIERRE LOUYS.Chicaago:Argus Books,1930.First Ed., thus.Limited,Ed.,with Frontispiece, title page vignette, and five fullpage illustrations in color, plus 10 full-page and 9 text illustrations in black-and-white. Roy.8vo. dw. (英)オースチン画 ピエール・ルイス著 「物語選集」 カバー付 1466 シカゴ刊 1930年 初版 限定版 8,000 LURIA (M.) A READER'S GUIDE TO THE ROMAN DE LA ROSE. Archon Books, 1982. 282pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,000 - 120 - 1467 MALRAUX (A.) THE METAMORPHOSIS OF THE GODS. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1960. First Ed. signed by the author on title page. with illusts. 400pp. roy.8vo. with dust cover. in slip-case. 1468 65,000 MALRAUX (A.): MALRAUX (M.) ANDRE MALRAUX Messages, Signes & Dyables. 380 dessins inedits, 1946-1966. Jacques damase denoel edition, 1986. 239pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1469 5,770 MANUSCRIPT: MEISS (M.) et KIRSCH (E.W.) LES HEURES DE VISCONTI. Bibliotheque nationale, Florence. Paris: D. Freres,1972. colour plates thoughtout. 262pp. lar.8vo. slip case. (仏)メイス著 1470 「ヴィスコンティの時代」 パリ刊 1972年 函入 11,000 MARITAIN (Jacques et Raissa) SITUAATION DE LA POESIE. Paris, 1938. First Ed. Signed by the Jacques et Raissa Maritain. 159pp. wrapper. 1471 25,000 MAURIAC (F.): FRANCOIS MAURIAC OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 19501956. 12 vols. half calf. some volumes are spine edges chipped. 1472 94,500 MAUROIS (A.) A LA RECHERCHE DE MARCEL PROUST. Avec de nombreux Inedits. Hachette,1949. 348pp. wrapper. 1473 4,000 MAURRAS (C.) ANTHINEA. D'Athenes a Florence. Paris: Felix Juven,N.d. (1901). Edition originale.338pp. 3/4 red cloth with marbled boards. calf label. page browned. 1474 6,000 MERIMEE (P.): ALASTAIR (Illust.) CARMEN. Novelle. mit 12 Farbigen Zeichnungen von Alastair. Zurich: Rascher, 1920. limited to 500 copies. 12 black & red lithographs. 92pp. 4to. original black clothwith red title and border. (独)アラステア画 石版画入 1475 メリメ著 「カルメン」 チューリッヒ刊 1920年 限定500部 元装丁 98,000 MERIMEE (P.): BULL (R.)(Illust,) CARMEN. London: Butchinson. 1916. First ed, with 16 full colour illustrations (tissue guarded) and numerous black and white illustrations throughout. 4to. 203pp. originla red cloth. Gilt title and design on front cover and spine. (英)レーン・ブル画 メリメ著 「カルメン」 ロンドン刊 元布装丁 1476 初版 彩色画16枚入 28,000 MONDOR (H.) L'HEUREUSE RENCONTRE DE VALERY ET MALLARME. Lausanne: La Guilde du livre,1947. First Ed. Limited Ed. 123pp. edge sl. spotted. 1477 1916年 3,000 MONTAIGNE ( THE ESSAYS OF MICHAEL SELGNEUR DE MONTAIGNE IN ENGLISH. translated into english. London: J.Pote,1776. 8th Ed. 3 vols. contemporary full marbled calf. nice rebacked. 1478 65,000 MONTAIGNE ( NAUDEAU (O.) LA PENSEE DE MONTAIGNE ET LA COMPOSITION DES ESSAIS. Geneve: Librairie Droz, 1972. 111pp. 4to. 1479 3,000 MONTHERLANT (H.du) LE CHAOS ET LA NUIT. Gallimard, 1963. First Limited Ed. Limited to 280 copies. signed by the author. 280pp. wrapper. - 121 - 45,000 1480 MOUROUSY (P.) LE CHEVALIER D'EON. Un travesti magre lui. Editions du Rocher, 1998. 357pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1481 4,000 NERVAL ( LA BOHEME GALANTE. paris: Michel Levy freres. 1855. First Ed, cr,8vo. contemporary half calf. 314pp. 1482 21,000 PASCAL (B.): GIRAUD (V.) PENSEES.Paris; Bloud, 1907. Edition nouvelle. Signed by Victor Giraud. 175pp. wrapper. spine worn. 1483 5,000 PEGUY (C.) L'ARGENT SUIVI DE L'ARGENT SUITE. Paris: Gallimard. 1932. cr,8vo. 25opp. 4/3 calf. 1484 8,000 PERRAULT (Charles): DULAC (E.)(Illust.) A FAIRY GARLAND.Being Fairy Tales from the Old French. London: Cassell & Co., 1928. First Ed. Limited 1000 copies. Signed by Dulac. 12 colour plates by Dulac. 251pp. half vellum. original binding. gilt top. with original box.(worn) (英)デュラック画 ペロー著 「妖精のガーランド」 デュラック署名入 彩色画12枚入 1485 ロンドン刊 1928年 初版 元箱入(汚れ補修有) 100,000 PLEIADE: L'HISTOIRE ET SES METHODES. sous la direction de Charles Samaran,de l'Institut. Paris: Gallimard. 1961. cr,8vo. 1771pp. original fll calf. 1486 4,000 PLEIADE: LES STOICIENS. Cleanthe/ Diogene Laerce/ Plutarque/ Ciceron/Seneque/ Epictete/ Marc-Aurele. Paris: Gallimard, 1983. lxvi,1438pp. India paper. dw. slip case. 5,000 1487 PLEIADE: THEATRE DU XVIIe SIECLE. Tome III. Paris: Gallimard. 1992. cr,8vo.1431pp. original full calf. in slio case. 4,000 1488 PLEIADE: ALAIN, LES ARTS ET LES DIEUX. Gallimard,1958. 1442pp. dw. slip case. 4,200 1489 PLEIADE: ALAIN: LES PASSIONS ET LA SAGESSE. Paris: Gallimard, 1960. 1430pp. 4,000 1490 PLEIADE: ALAIN: PROPOS. Gallimard, 1956. 2 vols. cr.8vo. slip case. 8,000 1491 PLEIADE: BALZAC ( LA COMEDIE HUMAINE. Gallimard, 1950-1951. 10 vols. cr,8vo. original full calf. 1492 32,000 PLEIADE: BALZAC ( LA COMEDIE HUMAINE. Vol. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8.Gallimard, 1979. 7 vols. cr.8vo. 1493 21,000 PLEIADE: BAUDELAIRE. OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard. 1961. cr,8vo. 1877p. original calf. 1494 4,000 PLEIADE: BAUDELAIRE; OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard, 1975-6. 2 vols. 1605pp & 1691pp. cr.8vo. 10,000 - 122 - 1495 PLEIADE: BIBLE: LA BIBLE NOUVEAU TESTAMENT. Introduction par J. Grosjean. Gallimard, 1971. xx,1053pp. cr.8vo. 1496 4,000 PLEIADE: CAMUS (A.); ESSAIS. Paris: Gallimard, 1965. 1975pp. cr.8vo. dw. edges sl.rubbed. 1497 5,000 PLEIADE: CHATEAUBRIAND. ESSAI SUR LES REVOLUTIONS GENIE DU CHRISTIANISME. Paris: Gallimard, 1978. cr.8vo. 2089pp. original full calf. slip-case. 1498 5,000 PLEIADE: CLAUDEL (P.) OEUVRE POETIQUE. Paris: Gallimard. 1957. cr,8vo. 1026pp. original full calf. 5,000 1499 PLEIADE: CLAUDEL (P.): OEUVRES EN PROSE. Gallimard, 1965. 1627pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 1500 PLEIADE: COHEN (Albert) BELLE DU SEIGNEUR. Edition etablie par Christel Peyrefitte et bella cohen. Gallimard,1986. cxi,1026pp. with slip case. 1501 PLEIADE: CONSTANT (B.) OEUVRES. Paris: Gallimard, 1957. cr,8vo. xxviii,1657pp.original full cafl. in slip-case. 1502 5,000 4,000 PLEIADE: D'AUREVILLY (B.) OEUVRES ROMANESQUES COMPLETES. Tome II. Paris:Gallimard. 1966. cr,8vo.1705pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 3,000 1503 PLEIADE: DE MUSSET (A.): THEATRE COMPLET. Gallimard, 1952. 894pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 1504 PLEIADE: DU GARD (R.M.) LE LIEUTENANT-COLONEL DE MAUMORT. paris: Gallimard, 1983. cr,,1316pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 1505 PLEIADE: DU GARD (R.M.): OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard, 1955. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. original full calf. 1506 6,000 PLEIADE: DUMAS: LES TROIS MOUSQUETAIRES. vingt and apres. Gallimard, 1962. 1735pp. cr.8vo. in slip case. 1507 3,000 PLEIADE: encyclopedie de la pleiade; LA FRANCE ET LES FRANCAIS. Gallimard,1972. 1675pp. full leather.gilt spine. dw. and plastic wrapper. 1508 4,000 5,000 PLEIADE: FRANCE (A.); OEUVRES. Tome IV. Edition Etablie, Presentee et Annotee par MarieClaire Bancquart. Gallimard, 1994. cr.8vo.1684pp. with dust cover. india paper. in case. 4,000 1509 PLEIADE: GIDE (A.) ANTHOLOGIE DE LA POESIE FRANCAISE. Paris: Gallimard. 1949. cr,8vo. 846. original full calf. slip-case. 1510 4,000 PLEIADE: GIDE (A.); JOURNAL. 1889-1939, 1939-1949.Gallimard,1951. 2 Vols. cr.8vo. dw. slip case. 8,400 - 123 - 1511 PLEIADE: GIRAUDOUX (J.)OEUVRES ROMANESQUES COMPLETES. Tome II. Paris: Gallimard. 1994. cr,8vo. 1468pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 1512 4,000 PLEIADE: GIRAUDOUX (J.) THEATRE COMPLET. Paris: Gallimard. 1982. cr,8vo. 1854pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 1513 4,000 PLEIADE: GRACQ (J.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. 1: Edition etablie par Bernhil Boie. Gallimard: l989. cr,8vo.1447pp. orginal binding. in the slip-cae. 1514 6,000 PLEIADE: HERODOTE & THUCYDIDE. OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard. 1964. cr,8vo.1873pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 1515 5,000 PLEIADE: HUGO (V.): LES MISERABLES. Gallimard, 1951. cr,8vo. 1781pp. original full calf. 5,000 1516 PLEIADE: LA BRUYERE. OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard. 1951. cr,8vo. 749pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 1517 3,000 PLEIADE: LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. OEUVERES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard. 1964. cr,8vo. 996pp. full calf. in slip-case. 1518 3,000 PLEIADE: MACHIAVELLI: OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard, 1952. 1638pp. cr.8vo. original full calf. slip case. 1519 5,000 PLEIADE: MALEBRANCHE; RODIS-LEWIS (G.) OEUVRES. ( vol 1 )Paris; Gallimard. 1979, cr,8vo. 1815pp. full calf. original cover. in the case. 1520 4,000 PLEIADE: MALLARME (S.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Poesie-prose. Paris: Gallimard, 1945. xxvii,1659pp. cr,8vo. cover & eges worn. 3,000 1521 PLEIADE: MERIMEE; ROMANS ET NOUVELLES. Gallimard, 1951. 843pp. cr.8vo. 3,000 1522 PLEIADE: MONLUC (B.du.) COMMENTAIRES. 1521-1576. Paris: Gallimard. 1964. cr,8vo. original full calf. in slip-case. 1523 6,000 PLEIADE: MONTAIGNE (; OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard, 1962. cr,8vo. original full-leather. in slip-case. 1524 5,000 PLEIADE: MONTHERLAND, ROMANS ET OEUVRES DE FICTION NON THEATRALES. Texte ne varietur. Gallimard: 1959. cr,8vo.xxxvi,1558pp. original full-leather. 1525 4,000 PLEIADE: MONTHERLANT. THEATRE. Paris: Gallimard. 1958. cr.8vo. 1039pp. original fullleather. 1526 1791pp. PLEIADE: 3,000 MUSSET (A.DE.)THEATRE COMPLET. Comedies complementaire theatre posthume. Gallimard: 1952. cr.8vo. dw. - 124 - et proverbes theatre 3,000 1527 PLEIADE: MUSSET (A.DE.) OEUVRES COMPLETES EN PROSE. Gallimard: 1951. cr,8vo. 1102pp. original full-leather. 1528 5,000 PLEIADE: PASCAL (B.); OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard, 1954. cr,8vo.1529pp.full calf.dw. in the original slip-case. 1529 5,000 PLEIADE: PEGUY (C.) OEUVRES EN PROSE 1909-1914. Gallimard: 1961. cr,8vo.1641pp. original full-leather. 1530 5,000 PLEIADE: PROUST (M.) A LA RECHERCHE DU TEMPS PERDU. Paris: Gallimard, 1954-1989. 4 vols. cr.8vo. full calf. in the boxs. 1531 20,000 PLEIADE: PROUST (M.) ALBUM PROUST. Paris: Gallimard. 1965. cr,8vo.321pp. with index. dust-cover. 1532 25,000 PLEIADE: PROUST (M.): JEAN SANTEUIL. precede de Les Plaisirs et les jours. Gallimard, 1971. 1123pp. cr.8vo. dw. exlibrary. 1533 PLEIADE: RETZ (C.DE.) MEMOIRES.La conjuration du comte Jean-Louis de Fiesque Pamphlets. Gallimard, 1956. liv,1189pp. cr.8vo. dw. slip case. 1534 1535 3,000 4,000 PLEIADE: RIMBAUD (A.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Gallimard,1963. cr,8vo. 923pp. green leather. 4,000 PLEIADE: RIMBAUD (A.) OEUVRES COMPLETES. Edition Etablie, Presentee et Annotee par Antoine Adam. Parris: Gallimard, 1972. cr,8vo. 1249pp. in the original case. 5,000 1536 PLEIADE: SAINT-EXUPERY ( OEUVRES. Gallimard, 1959. 1008pp. cr.8vo. dw. 4,000 1537 PLEIADE: SAINT-SIMON MEMOIRES. Paris: Gallimard, 1986. 6 Vols. dw. spine sl rubbed. vol.6 joint cracked. 1538 13,000 PLEIADE: SAND (G.); OEUVRES AUTOBIOGRAPHIQUES. Gallimard, 1970. 2 vols. cr.8vo. original full calf. slip case. 1539 8,000 PLEIADE: SARRAUTE (N.)OEUVRES COMPLETES. Paris: Gallimard.1996. cr,8vo. 2128pp.ful calf. in the original box. 1540 7,000 PLEIADE: SEVIGNE (Madame de) CORRESPONDANCE. Tome I. mars 1646-Juiller 1675. Paris: gallimard. 1972. cr,8vo.1459pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 1541 PLEIADE: SEVIGNE (Madame de) MADAME DE SEVIGNE CORRESPONDANCE. Gallimard, 1972. 3 tomes. sm.8vo. original full-leather. 1542 4,000 15,000 PLEIADE: SHAKESPEARE. OEUVRES COMPLETES. Tome I & II. Paris: Gallimard. 1959. 2 vols. cr,8vo. original full calf. in slip-case. 6,000 - 125 - 1543 PLEIADE: STENDHAL OEUVRES INTIMES. Edition etablie par V.del Litto. ( vol 2 only). Paris: Gallimard, 1982. cr,8vo. 1717pp. original full calfe. 1544 2,000 PLEIADE: STENDHAL: ROMANS ET NOUVELLES. Gallimard, 1952. 2 tomes. cr.8vo. india paper. original full calf. 1545 7,000 PLEIADE: STENDHAL: VOYAGES EN ITALIE. Paris: Gallimard, 1973. 1873pp. cr.8vo. original full calf. in slip-case. 1546 4,000 PLEIADE: STENDHAL: MARTINEAU (H.)(Text) OEUVRES INTIMES. Paris: Gallimard, 1955. cr,8vo.1742pp. original full-leather. 1547 5,000 PLEIADE: VALERY (P.) OEUVRES. Paris: Gallimard, 1957. 2 tomes. cr.8vo.original full calf. in slip case. 1548 8,000 PLEIADE: VERLAINE; OEUVRES POETIQUES COMPLETES. Gallimard, 1962. cr.8vo. 1495pp. original full calf. in slip-case. 1549 4,000 PREVOST (L.) HISTOIRE DU CHEVALIER DES GRIEUX ET DE MANON LESCAUT. Paris: Le Livre Francais, 1923. Limited Ed.237pp. Roy.8vo. 3/4 calf and marble board. marble end-paper. 28,000 1550 PROUST (M.): DOREY (V.)(Couleurs) A LA RECHERCHE DU TEMPS PERDU Du cote de chez Swann (cover's title "Combray"). Delcourt, 1998. color illus.throughout. 71pp. 4to. pictorial boards. (仏)プルースト著 ドーレイ画 「失われた時を求めて/スワン家のほうへ」 1998年 四折版 1551 3,000 PROUST (M.): HEUET (S.)(Dessins et couleurs) A LA RECHERCHE DU TEMPS PERDU A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs. Adaptation Stanislas Brezet et Stephane Heuet. Delcoourt, 2000. color illus.throughout. 47pp. 4to. pictorial boards. (仏)プルースト著 ドーレイ画 「失われた時を求めて/花咲く乙女たちの影に」 四折版 1552 2000年 3,000 PROUST (M.): KOLB (P.)(d'apres l'edition de) INDEX GENERAL DE LA CORRESPONDANCE DE MARCEL PROUST. Preface de Jean-Yves Tadie. Kyoto, 2000. xiv,799pp. Roy.8vo. dw. creases corner on a few pages. 1553 5,250 RABELAIS (F.): ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust.) HE WORKS OF MR.FRANCIS RABELAIS.Doctor in Physick, Containing Five Books of the Lives, Heroick Deeds & Sayings of Gargantua and His Sonne Pantagruel. London: Grant Richards, 1904. First ed, 2 vols. with numerous illustrated by W.H.Robinson. 4to. (29.5 x 23.5cm). xlii;377pp. xliv 350pp. Cream hardback cloth cover with gilt decoration. good. sl.spotted. (英)ヒース・ロビンソン画 「フランシス・ラブレー全集」 初版 29.5 x 23.5cm 元白布装丁 少シミ有 - 126 - ロンドン刊 1904年 2冊 65,000 1554 RADIGUET (Raymond.): LAGUT (Irene)DEVOIRS DE VACANCES. Paris: L.A.La Sirene, 1921. First ed, Limited to 198 copies.with 3 illustrated plates by Lagut. roy.8vo(24x18cm). 39,(iii)pp. original green wrappers. (仏)ラディゲ著 「休暇中の宿題 」 イレーヌ・ラグ挿絵3枚入 1555 パリ刊 版元仮綴本 1921年 初版 限定198部 24 x 18cm 65,000 RETZ (Cardinal de): FEILLET (M.A.) OEUVRES DU CARDINAL DE RETZ. & BIOGRAPHIE. (Les Grands Ecrivaains de la Frane). revue sur les plus anciennes impressions et les autographes et augmentee de morceaux inedites, des variantes, de notices, de notes, d'un lexique des mots et locutions remarquables, d'un portrait, de fac-simile,etc. Paris: Libraire Hachette. 1870 & 1929. Nouvelle ed, 12 vols. 3/4 morocco. good binding. 1556 RIMBAUD (A.) OEUVRES. texte etabli par Bouillane de Lacoste. Paris: Mercvre de France. 1950. Limited ed, 318pp. paperback. 1557 200,000 3,000 RIMBAUD (A.): BERRICHON (P.) JEAN-ARTHUR RIMBAUD. Le Poete(1854-1873). Paris: Mercvre de France. 1912. First ed, Signed by the Author. with frontispiece(water stained). cr,8vo. 307,(v)pp. original wrappers. 1558 18,000 SAND (G.) L'ALLEGORIE, DU MOYEN AGE AU XVIIe SIECLE. Chanson et Litterature, du XVIIe au XIXe Siecle. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1976. 435pp. wrapper. 1559 4,000 SAND (G.): PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.)THE WINGS OF COURAGE.Stories Old & New. London: Blackie. ca,1911. with frontispiece and 7 colour plates. cr,8vo. 173pp.original green cloth, gilt spine, good. scarce. (英)パペ画 1560 サンド著 「勇気の翼」 ロンドン刊 1911年頃 彩色画8枚入 TAINE (H.A.) ESSAIS DE CRITIQUE ET D'HISTOIRE. Paris, Hachette, 1858. xv,412pp. Cr.8vo. Half calf with marbled boards. sl. spotted. title page corner sl. chipped. 1561 12,000 VEAUCE (Baron de) LIBERTE DE TESTER. Paris: E.Dentu. 1864. 165pp. contemporary half calf & marbled boards. exlibrary. 1562 15,000 4,000 VERLAINE (P.) FETES GALANTES. n.p.:Corvinus presse au nmois de ictiver, 1944. Limited to 35 copies. roy,8vo.(40)pp. printed in black on Goldflake paper, original 3/4 blue calf ,,board slip-case. 1563 80,000 VEYNE (P.) L'ELEGIE EROTIQUE ROMAINE. L'Amour, la Poesie et L'Occident. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1983. 244pp. pb. sl.spotted. 1564 VIGNY (de Alfred.): PALEOLOGUE (Maurice) LES GRANDS ECRIVAINS FRANCAIS ALFRED DE VIGNY. Paris: Hachette. ca,1903. cr,8vo. 149pp. contemporary half calf. 1565 3,000 8,000 VOLTAIRE (A.M.): GUENEE (M.L'ABEE)LETTRES DE QUELQUES JUIFS. Portugais, allemands et Polonais.Versailles:De L'imprimerie,1817. xiv,668pp. contemporary half calf & marbled boards. spine rubbed. 18,000 - 127 - 1566 VOLTAIRE: KENT (R.)(Illust.) CANDIDE. New York: Random House, 1928. Limited editon. signed by R.Kent. with illustrated throughout by Rockwell Kent. 111pp. 4to. publisher's pale gold cloth. (英)ヴォルテール著 ロックウェル・ケント画 限定版 1568 「カンディード」 ニューヨーク刊 1928年 ケント署名入 美本 25,000 YOURCENAR (Marguerite) LES SONGES ET LES SORTS. Paris: Bernard Grasset,1938. First Ed. Limited to 23 copies. cr.8vo. wrapper. cover spotted. 1569 98,000 ZEVORT (E.) LE MARQUIS D'ARGENSON ET LE MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES. PARIS: G.BAILLIEREE,1880. 443pp. half morocco. gilt spine. sl. rubbed. 1570 5,250 ZOLA (E.) NANA. Edition Illustree par Andre Gill, Bertall, G.Bellenger, Bigot, Clairin, etc. Paris: C.Marpon., 1882. with 17 illustration by Bigot. 456pp. roy.8vo.(28 x 18.7cm) half morocco w/ marbled boards. 15,000 ●○ Germany ○● 1572 APEL (K.-O.) DIE IDEE DER SPRACHE IN DER TRADITION DES HUMANISMUS VON DANTE BIS VICO. Bonn: Bouvier Verlag, 1980. 3 Auflage. 401pp. lar.8vo. paperback. 1573 7,350 BENN (Gottfried): WELLERSHOFF (D.)(Herausg.) GESAMMELTE WERKE IN VIER BANDEN. I.Essays, Reden, Vortr拡e. II. Prosa u. Szenen. III. Gedichte. IV. Autobiographische u. vermischte Schriften.Limes verlag,1966. 4 Bde. sm.8vo. 1574 BRAUN (F.) AUSGEWAHLTE DRAMEN. Salzburg: 13,000 Otto muller,1955,1960. 2 vols. 376,412pp. cr.8vo. dw. 1575 4,000 BRECHT (B.): GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1982. 20 Bde. 12mo. wrappers. 23,100 1576 BRENTANO (B.v.) KAPITALISMUS UND SCHONE LITERATUR. Berlin: Ernst Rowohlt, 1930. 112pp. wrapper. some wear & foxing. 1577 3,000 CELAN (P.) GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1983. 5 Bde. dw. cr.8vo. in slipcase. 1578 12,000 FICHTE (H.) DIE GESCHICHTE DER EMPFINDLICHKEIT. Hrsg.von G.Lindemann und T.Teichert im Zusammenarbeit mit Leonore Mau. *Hotel Garni. *Explosion. *Alte Welt. *Der Platz der Gehenkten. *Forschungsbericht. *Die Geschichte der Nana. *Psyche. *Der Kleine Hauptbahnhof oder Lob des Strichs. *Eine Gluckliche Liebe. *Paraleipomena Lil's Book. *Schulfunk. *Das Haus der Mina in Sao Luiz de Maranhao. *Homosexualitat und Literatur 1,2. *Hamburg Hauptbahnhof. *Die Schwarze Stadt. S.Fischer, 1987. 2.Auflage: 5.6.Tausend. 16 vols. good condition. in card-board box. 1579 30,000 FONTANE (Theodor) WERKE, SCHRIFTEN UND BRIEFE. Munchen: Carl Hanser Verlag. 1990. 22 bde in 4 Abt. cr.8vo. original yellow cloth with dust-covers. in original box. - 128 - 120,000 1580 FOUQUE (De la Motte): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.): UNDINE. By de la Motte Fouque. Adpted from the German by W.L.Courtney. London: W.Heinemann,1909. Limited to 1000 numbered copies, signed by A.Rackham. 15 mounted plates by Arthur Rackham.viii,136pp. 4to.(30.5 x 23.5cm) Bound in cream vellum with gold decoration to spine and front cover. Missing the silk ties. (英)ラッカム画 フーケ著 「水の妖精ウンディーネ」 ロンドン刊 1909年 初版 限定署名入 版元ヴェラム装丁 1581 180,000 FOUQUE (F.DE LA MOTTE): PITMAN (M.M.)(Illust.) UNDINE. London: Macmillan 1897.First ed, with 63 engravings by Rosie M.M.Pitman. 203pp.full morocco. special fine binding. (英)フーケ著 「水の精ウンディーネ」 ロンドン刊 ピットマン挿絵63画入 総モロッコ革 1582 1897年 初版 美装丁本 38,000 GOETHE (J.W.): WARD (L.)(Illust.) FAUST. A Tragedy. Translated by A.raphael. with an introduction for the Moswen Ewswe by Mek cn Soewn & Woodcuts by Lynd Ward. N.Y.: Jonathan cape, 1930. Limited to 501 copies. Tipped-in 6 woodcuts printed on tissue. by lynd Ward. 1 signed. xxi,262pp. Lar.8vo.(24.8 x 17.5cm) original half marbled boards. same marbled slip case. (英)ゲーテ著 ウォード画 「ファウスト」 挿絵6枚入 英訳者署名入 1583 元装 ニュ−ヨ−ク刊 1930年 限定501部 元箱入 81,900 GOETHE (J.W.): WARD (L.)(Illust.) FAUST. A Tragedy. Translated by Alice Raphael. With an introduction for the Modern Reader by Mark van Doren and Woodcuts by Lynd Ward. New York: Jonathan Cape & Harrison Smith, 1930. (2nd Printing) with 6 illusts.(B/W) xxi,262pp. lar.8vo. (22.5 x 15cm). with dust cover.(chipped.) (英)ゲーテ著 ウォード画 カバー付(少傷) 1584 「ファウスト」 木版画6枚入 ニューヨーク刊 1930年 初版2刷 22.5 x 15cm GOETHE: DIE LEIDEN DES JUNGEN WERTHERS. Leipzig: Georg Jochim Goschen. 1787. First Goschen ed, 12mo(16x10cm), (ii),310pp. contemporary boards. 1585 29,400 80,000 GOETHE: GEDENKAUSGABE DER WERKE, BRIEFE UND GESPRACHE. Zurich und Stuttgart: Ernst Beutler, 1948-1966. 24 vols. sm.8vo. original green cloth in the card-board case. 55,000 1586 GOETHE: GOETHES SAMTLICHE WERKE. Stuttgart: J.G.Cotta'sche, 1902. Jubilaums Ausgabe. altogether 41 vols complete set(40 vols with Register). original pictorial cloth with marbled edges. scarce. private stamped on all-title. inner-joint tender. 1587 GOETHE: DILL (C.) WORTERBUCH ZU GOETHES WEST-OSTLICHEM DIVAN. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer. 1987. 4to. 488pp. dust-cover. exlibrary copy. 1588 120,000 4,000 GOETHE: KOCH (F.) GOETHES GEDANKENFORM. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter,1967. 295pp. dw. 4,000 - 129 - 1589 GOETHE: POGANY (W.)(illus.): HAYWARD (A.) FAUST BY GOETHE. translated by Abraham Hayward. London: Hutchinson, 1908. First Ed. Limited to 250 copies. Signed by teh Artistwith Illustrated by 31 full page color plates, 4to. 209pp. roy.8vo (29 x 23cm) original white vellum decorated in blue and gilt,top eddge gilt. good. (英)ポガニー画 ヘイワード訳 ヴェラム装 1590 限定250部 「ゲーテのファウスト」 ロンドン刊 1908年 署名入 120,000 GOETHE: TRUNZ (E.) GOETHES WERKE. Textkritisch durchgeschen und kommentiert. Munchen: C.H.Beck, 1981.14 vols. cr.8vo. dw. fine in the box. 1591 18,000 GOETHE: WEINHANDL (F.) DIE METAPHYSIK GOETHES. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche, 1965. xv,408pp. 5,000 1592 GOETHE: ZIMMERMANN (R.C.) DAS WELTBILD DES JUNGEN GOETHE. Studien zur Hermetischen Tradition des Deutschen 18. Jahrhunderts. Ersterband: Elemente & Fundamente. Wilhelm Fink, 1969. mit 13 Abbildungen & Einer Falttafel. 368pp. roy.8vo. pb. cover sl. sponned. 6,000 1593 GRIMM: NIELSEN (K.)(Illust) HANSEL & GRETEL & OTHER STORIES BY THE BROTHERS GRIMM.Classic collector's series. (Habsel & Gretel/Six Swans/Little Brother & little sister/ the Fisherman & his wife/ The Drummer/ Rosebud/Snbowdrop/Jorinde & Joringel/Goose Girl/ Clever Alice/Roland/Valiant Tailor/ Three men in the wood/etc.Hertfordshire: Omega books,1985. First printing. 12 full page colour illustrations plus many B & w, any image directly beside this listing is the actual book and not a generic photo.275pp. 4to. dw. (英) ニールセン画 グリム兄弟著 「ヘンゼルとグレーテル他21作品」 ハーツホードシャー刊 1985年 彩色画12枚、白黒画多数入 18,000 1594 GRIMM: CRANE (W.)HOUSEHOLD STORIES FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE BROS GRIMM. Translated from the German by Lucy Crane.London: Macmillan,1882.First,Ed.,with frontispiece and with 10 full page black and white illustrations. x,269pp.bound in an olive green pictorial cloth. (英)グリム兄弟著 W・クレン画 「グリム童話集」 ロンドン刊 1882年 初版 18,000 1595 HEINE (H.) SAMTLICHE SCHRIFTEN. Herausgegeven von Klaus Briegleb. Frankfurt: Ullstein Werkausgaben, 1976. 12 vols. sm.8vo. paperback. in the original box. 12,000 1596 HERDER (J.G.) ADRASTEA. Leipzig: bei Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1801-1803. 6 vols. sm.8vo. contemporary half calf. edge rubbed. exlibrary copy. 1597 45,000 HERZOG (R.)(Hrsg.) HANDBUCH DER LATEINISCHEN LITERATUR DER ANTIKE Funfter Band. RESTAURATION UND ERNEUERUNG Die Lateinische Literatur von 284 bis 374 N.Chr. Munchen: C.H.Beck'sche, 1989. xxix,559pp. Roy.8vo. dw. 1598 8,000 HESSE (H.): HERMANN HESSE GESAMMELTE WERKE. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975. 12 Bde. cr.8vo. paperback. 1599 HOFMANNSTHAL 18,000 (H.) HUGO VON HOFMANNSTHAL GESAMMELTE WERKE IN EINZELAUSGABEN. Dramen I-IV / Prosa I-IV / Lust-Spiele I-IV / Gedichte und Lyrische Dramen / Aufzeichnungen. S.Fischer, 1964. 14 Bde. sm.8vo. with dust wrapper. sl.scrached. 35,000 - 130 - 1600 KAISER (G.): HUDER (W.)(Hrsg.) GEORG KAISER WERKE. Propylaen Verlag, 1971. 6 vols. sm.8vo. text clean. 1601 18,000 KOMMERELL (M.) DER DICHTER ALS FUHRER IN DER DEUTSCHEN KLASSIK. Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 1982. 3 auflage. 493pp. roy.8vo. dw. 1602 6,300 MANN (T.): MENDELSSOHN ( TAGEBUCHER 1918-1955. Frankfurt: S.Fischer, 19791995. 10 Bde. sm.8vo. with dj. 1603 25,000 MANN (T.): WEIGAND (H.J.) THOMAS MANN'S NOVEL DER ZAAUBERBERG. N.Y:D.Appleton,1933. ix,1183pp. dw. (sl. chipped darkned) 1604 3,000 NEUHAUS (S.), SELBMANN (R.), und UNGER (T.)(Hrsg.) ENGAGIERTE LITERATUR ZWISCHEN DEN WELTKRIEGEN. Konigshausen & Neumann, 2002. 410pp. lar.8vo. pb. 1605 A STUDY. 5,250 ROTH (J.): WESTERMANN (K.)(Hrsg.) JOSEPH ROTH WERKE I-VI. Das Journalistische werk 1915-1923, 1916-1929, 1923-1939 [&] Romane und Erzahlungen 1916-1929, 19301936, 1936-1940. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1989. 6 Bde. 1606 42,000 SCHILLER (F.): SHARPE (L.) FRIEDRICH SCHILLER. Drama, Thought and Politics. Cambridge U.P., 1991. xii.389pp. with dust cover. 1607 3,150 WAGNER (R.) : POGANY (W.)(Illust.) TANNHAUSER. London: G.Harrap & co., 1911. First Ed. Limited to 525 copies. signed by Pogany. 16 beautiful tipped-in colour plates. Printed on thick grey paper, every page has lithographed orange or black illustrations. Endpapers and prelims are illustrated in multiple colours, predominantly blue. Yellow page marker. 4to. Dark green full calf binding with tooled design and title on front cover. Tooled title and decoration to spine. (英)ポガニ−画 ワグナ−作 「タンホイザー」 限定署名本 ポガニー署名入 1608 ロンドン刊 1911年 初版 版元総革美本 135,000 WAGNER (R.): POGANY (W.)(Illust.): TANNHAUSER. Dramatic Poems by Richard Wagner Freely Translated in Poetic Narrative form by T.W,Rolleston. Presented by Willy Pogany. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. N.d. ca.1911.First Trade Edition. printed in black and colors on thick gray paper. small mouned color frontispiece, 16 mounted color plates, and 38 full page and 104 text illustrations. 4to.(29 x 20.5cm). full gray cloth, pictorially stamped in gilt, black and blue on front cover. gilt stamped on spine. (英)ポガニー画 ワグナ−作 「タンホイザー」 ニューヨーク刊 1911年 国外向け初版 1609 50,000 WAGNER (R.): POGANY (W.)(Illus.): THE TALE OF LOHENGRIN. Knight of the Swan after the Drama of Richard Wagner by C.W.Rolleston. London: G.G.Harrap. (ca.1913) First ed. 8 mountedcoloured plates + numerous drawings & decorations. Roy.8vo.(28.5 x 19.5cm). brown cloth with gilt titles on the upper cover and spine. in the original published slip case. (slip case has minimal edge wear) (英)ポガニー画 ワグナ−作 彩色画8枚入 原装 「ローエングリーン物語」 元箱入 ロンドン刊 1913年頃 60,000 - 131 - 1610 WAGNER (R.): POGANY (W.)(Illust.): PARSIFAL. or the Legend of the Holy Grail retold from Anticnt Sources, with acknowledgemnet to the Parsifal of Richard Wagner. London: G.Harrap, 1912. First Ed. with numerous coloured plates and lithography. 4to. unnumberd pp. original gray cloth with gilt lettering. a good copy. (英)ポガニー画 ワグナ−作 「パルジファル」 ロンドン刊 1912年 初版 元布装 55,000 1611 WAGNER (R.): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.):THE RING OF NIBLUNG: THE RHINEGOLD & THE VALKYRIE. / SIEGFRIED & THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS. Translated by M.Armour. London: Heinemann & Doub.,1911 & 1912. First Ed.2 Vols. with 34 & 30 colour plates by Arthur Rackham. Roy.8vo. 160pp & 181pp. 3/4 morocco. sl. rubbed. (英)ラッカム画 ワーグナー作 ニーベルングの指輪: 四部作「ラインの黄金・ワルキューレ、 ジークフリード・神々の黄昏」 ロンドン刊 1910-11年 初版 彩色画各巻34・30枚入 2冊揃 150,000 1612 ZWEIG (S.) GESAMMELTE WERKE IN EINZELBANDEN. S.Fischer,1982. 10 vols. cr.8vo. in slip-case. 18,000 ●○ Others ○● 1613 AESOP: CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust):SOME OF AESOP'S FABLES WITH MODERN INSTANCES. Shewn in designs, from new translations by Alfred Caldecott. London: Macmillan, 1883. First,Ed.,The Engravings by J.D.Cooper. 80pp. 4to.(29 x 22.5cm) Original illustrated printed cloth. very good. (英)カルデコット画 「当世イソップ物語」 ロンドン刊 1883年 初版 11,000 1614 AESOP: SCHUMACHER (A.)(Trans): RACKHAM (A.)(Illust.) AESOP'S FABLER. Paa dansk ved Alex Schumacher. Illustrationer af Arthur Rackham.Kobenhavn: Andr Fred. 1918. First Denmark Ed, with 5 coloured plates and numerous b/w illust in text. 111pp. opictorial green board. good. (デ)デンマーク語版 ラッカム画 「イソップ物語」 コペンーハーゲン刊 1918年 初版 5,000 1615 AVALLE (D.S.) AI LUOGHI DI DELIZIA PIENI. saggio sulla Lirica Italiana del XIII Secolo. Milano: Riccardo Ricciardi, 1977. 218pp. wrapper. private stamped. 4,000 1616 BALDWIN (B.) STUDIES ON GREEK AND ROMAN HISTORY AND LITERATURE. London Studies in Classical Philosophy Vol.15. Amsterdam: J.C.Gieben, 1985. 588pp. lar.8vo. 4,720 1617 BASSANI (G.) GIORGIO BASSANI OPERE. ACura e con un saggio di Robeto Cotroneo. Arnolo Mondadori,1998. xciv,1852pp. cr.8vo. slip case. 9,000 1618 BERGK (T.) GRIECHISCHE LITERATURGESCHICHTE. Berlin: Weidmannsche, 1872. 4 Bde. spine bit tear. 35,000 1619 BIBLE: DAVIDSON (J.) TESTAMENTS BY JOHN DAVIDSON. No.I.The Testament of a Vivisector. No.II.The Testament of a Man Forbid. No.III.The Testament of an Empire-Builder. London: Grant Richards, 1901-02. 3 vols in 1. re-bound in recent cloth. (wrapper edges sl.wear) 12,600 - 132 - 1620 BIBLE: GUTENBURG: FACSIMILE OF THE GUTENBURG BIBLE. (Bible in latin.) N.Y.: Brussel & Brussell,1968. 3 vols. folio. cream linen in slip case. fine copy. 1621 75,000 BIBLE: SCOFIELD (C.I.) THE NEW SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE - HOLY BIBLE. Authorized King James Version with introductions, annotations,...Editorial Committee of the New Edition E.Schuyler English. Oxford U.P., 1967. 1329,192(concise concordance)pp.,maps. dw(sl.rubbed). 1622 3,000 BIDPAI. THE EARLIEST ENGLISH VERSION OF THE FABLES OF BIDPAI. "The Morall Philosophie of Doni" by Thomas North, Now Again Edited & Induced by Joseph Jacobs. London: D.Nutt, 1888. Limited to 550 copies. several engraved plates & 9 of the woodcut illusts. 1 okates vt Edward Burne-Jones. lxxx,257pp. sm.8vo. full morocco, full edges gilt. 1623 28,000 BOCCACCIO (G.): THE FILOSTRATO OF GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. A Translation with Parallel Text by N.E.Griffin and A.B.Myrick. With an N.E.Griffin. Biblio and Tannen, n.d. 505pp. wrapper. 1624 3,000 BOCCACCIO (G.): RIGG (J.M.)(Trans.) THE DECAMERON OF GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO. London: Henry F.Bumpus, 1906. 2 vols. With illust by Louis Chalon. 4to. full vellum. gilt top. nice copy. 1625 45,000 BOCCACCIO: SHAW (Byam)(Illust)TALES FROM BOCCACCIO. Done into English by Joseph Jacobs. London: G.Allen, 1899. First ed, with title in red and black, 20 plates (including double-page frontispiece). xxii,116pp. Original pictorial green cloth gilt, spine. (英)ショー画 「ボッカチオ物語」 ロンドン刊 1899年 初版 白黒画20枚入 版元装丁 1626 12,000 BRANCA (V.)(A Cura di) RIMATORI DEL DOLCE STIL NUOVO. (Ristampa) Societa Editrice Dante Alighieri, 1971. 152pp. wrapper. private stamped. 1627 3,000 BURTON (R.F.) THE BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND A NIGHT. A Plain and Literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments. Privately printed by the Burton Club, n.d.(ca.1885-6) 16 vols. Black hardcovers with gold(1-10:gold, 11-16:silver) stripedesign decorated on spine & front panel. Original cloth, fine set. 1628 98,000 DANTE: ATTI DEL CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI DANTESCHI.A Cura del comune di Ravenna e della societa Dantesca Iraliana. Ravenna: Longo editore,N.d.,x,274pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 1629 DANTE: 4,000 ESSAYS IN COMMEMORATION 1321-1921. illustrations. 255pp. lar.8vo. 1630 Univ of London,1921. with 4,000 DANTE: LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE ALIGHIERI. Commentata da Attilio Momigliano. I:Inferno. II:Purgatorio. III:Paradiso. Firenze: G.C.Sansoni, 1945. 3 Vols. sm.8vo. wrapper. 5,000 1631 DANTE: DEMARAY (J.G.) THE INVENTION OF DANTE'S COMMEDIA. New Haven: Yale U.P., 1974. 30 illustrations. xvi,195pp. dw. flyleaf foxed. - 133 - 3,000 1632 DANTE: CARY (H.F.)(Translated) THE DIVINE COMEDY BEING THE VISION OF DANTE ALIGHIERI. London: Oxford U.P., 1957.with 109 illustrations by John Flaxman. xlv.578pp. sm.8vo. 1633 4,000 DANTE: CHAYTOR (H.J.) THE TROUBADOURS OF DANTE. Being Selections from the Works of the Provencal Poets quoted by Dante. Ox.C.P,1902. xxxvi,242pp. 4,200 1634 DANTE: CHUBB (T.C.) DANTE AND HIS WORLD. Boston: Little,Brown,1966. 831pp. 3,000 1635 DANTE: CROCE (B.) THE POETRY OF DANTE. Translated by Douglas Ainslie. Mamaroneck: P.P.Appel,1971. 313pp. flyleaf & title page sl. spotted. 1636 6,000 DANTE: GRAYSON (C.)(Ed.) THE WORLD OF DANTE. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1980. 252pp. dw. owner's stamped. 1637 4,200 DANTE: KAY (R.) DANTE'S SWIFT AND STRONG. Essays on Inferno XV. Lawrence: regents press of Kansas,1978. xx,446pp. Roy8vo. dw. 1638 4,000 DANTE: KIRKPATRICK (R.) DANTE'S PARADISO AND THE LIMITATIONS OF MODERN CRITICISM. A Study of Style and Poetic Theory. Cambridge U.P., 1978. xi,227pp. dw. 1639 DANTE: LIMENTANI (U.) DANTE'S COMEDY INTRODUCTORY READINGS OF SELETED CANTOS. Cambridge U.P., 1985. viii,164pp. dw. 1640 5,000 DANTE: OXFORD DANTE SOCIETY (THE). CENTENARY ESSAYS ON DANTE. Oxford C.P., 1965. 147pp. sm.8vo. dw. sl.spotted. 1641 3,000 DANTE: RENUCCI (P.) DANTE DISCIPLE ET JUGE DU MONDE GRECO-LATIN.Paris: Blles Lettres,1954. 486pp. wrapper. 1642 4,500 DANTE: VALLONE (A.) STUDI SU DANTE MEDIEVALE. Firenze: Leo. S.Olschki,1965. 275pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. sl. faded. 1643 6,000 DANTE: VANOSSI (L.) DANTE E IL " ROMAN DE LA ROSE" Saggio sul "Fiore". Firenze: Leo S.Olschki editore, 1979. 371pp. Roy.8vo. wrapper. 1644 4,000 6,000 DANTE: VOSSLER (K.) MEDIAEVAL CULTURE. An Introduction to Dante and His Time. New York: Frederick Ungar Pub., 1966. 2 vols. lar.8vo. with dust cover. fine copy. 4,500 1645 ECO (U.) THE LIMITS OF INTERPRETATION. Indiana U.P., 1990. 295pp. lar.8vo. dw. 2,940 1646 ERASMUS (D.):WARD (Lynd)(Illust) MORIAE ENCOMIUM: OR THE PRAISE OF FOLLY. Translated from the Latin text by Harry Carter. with an introduction by Hendrik Willem van Loon N.Y: Limied Edition club, 1943. Limied to 1,500 copies. signed by the illustrator. 10 mezzotint plate. xvi,110,2pp, full blacck sheep, white medallion to upper cover.some very minor rubbng to spine ends. slip case a little cracked. a very good coppy. (英)リンド・ウォード画 背少傷有 箱入 エラスムス著 メゾチント画10枚入 「痴愚神礼讃」 限定1500部 - 134 - ニューヨーク刊 ウォード署名入 1943年 総革 38,000 1647 EURIPIDES: THE PLAYS OF EURIPIDES. Including: Alcestis, Medea, Hippolytus, Andromache, Ion, Trojan Women, Electra, Iphigenia among the Taurians, The Bacchants, Iphigenia at Aulis. Done into English by Moses Hadas, Ph.D., and John Harvey McLean M.A. N.Y.: The Dial Press, 1936. 499pp. roy.8vo. spine bit tear. 1648 4,200 EYRE-TODD (G.)(Ed.) SCOTTISH POETRY OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Glasgow: W.Hodgge, 1896. 2 vols. half calf. top edge gilt. spine sl. rubbed. 1649 8,000 FRANKEL (H.) EARLY GREEK POETRY AND PHILOSOPHY. A History of Greek Epic, Lyric, and prose to the Middle of the 5th century. translated by M.Hadas & J.Willis. B.Blackwell, 1975. xii,555pp. lar.8vo. dw. inner-joint cracked. 1650 4,720 GEYLING (Remigius): NEBEHAY (Christian M.) & KRUG (Hansjorg)(Hrsg.) REMIGIUS GEYLING. Kunstler und Literaten. Wien, 1974. limited to 350 copies. full page 6 colour & 6 b/w illustrations.87pp. (独)ネベヘイ編 「レミジヴス・ゲイリング」 ウィーン刊 1974年 限定350部 18,000 1651 GHELLINCK ( LITTERATURE LATINE AU MOYEN AGE 1.Depuis les oriigines jusqu'a la fin de la renaissance carolingienne. 2.De la renaissance carolingienne a Saint Anselme. Olms,1969. 2 vols in 1. 190pp. cr.8vo. 6,500 1652 GIANOS (M.P.)(Ed.& Trans.) INTRODUCTION TO MODERN GREEK LITERATURE. An Anthology of Fiction, Drama, and Poetry. Poetry Translation by Komon Friar. N.Y.: Twayne, 1969. 548pp. cover sl.spotted. 3,150 1653 GOWERS (E.) THE LOADED TABLE. Representations of Food in Roman Literature. Oxford C.P., 1993. 334pp. with dust cover. 10,500 1654 GRUEN (E.S.) STUDIES IN GREEK CULTURE AND ROMAN POLICY. (E.J.Brill) 1990. 209pp. lar.8vo. 5,770 1655 HAIGH (A.E.) THE TRAGIC DRAMA OF THE GREEKS. Oxford C.P., 1896. with illust. 499pp. lar.8vo. spine edges rubbed. bookseller stamped. 3,150 1656 HERODOTUS: GRANVILE (H.)(Illust,) WONDER STORIES FROM HERODOTUS. Retold by G.H.Boden adn W.Barrington. London: Harper Brothers,1900.First,Ed.,frontis. illust 19 full page ilust by H,Granville. & half title designs printed in colour by E.Evans.163pp. original pictorial cover. (英)グランヴィール画 「ヘロドトスの不思議な物語」 彩色画19枚入 1657 ロンドン刊 1900年 初版 版元布装丁 25,000 HOMEROS: CRANE (W.) ECHOES OF HELLAS. The Tale of Troy & the Story of Orestes from Homer & Aeschylus with introductory essay & Sonnets by Prof George C. Warr. London: Marcus ward & co, 1887-88. 2 vols. 82 illustrations by Crane. Folio. original vellum covers decoratively lettered and stamped in red after classical greek designs. Vol. I stamped in git. with slip case. (英)ウォルター・クレン画 37.5 x 29cm 大判 「ギリシャ神話と音楽」 ヴェラム装箱入 極美本 - 135 - 2冊 ロンドン刊 1887-8年 限定版 150,000 1658 HUTCHINSON (G.O.) GREEK LYRIC POETRY. A Commentary on Selected Larger Pieces. Alcman, Stesichorus, Sappho, Alcaeus, Ibycus, Anacreon, Simonides, Bacchylides, Pindar, Sophocles, Euripides. Oxford U.P., 2001. xviii,532pp. dw. fine. 1659 21,000 LEFROY (E.C.): AUSTEN (J.)(Illust,)ECHOES FROM THEOCRITUS.N.Y.: E.P.Dutton, 1922.First Ed. with 8 b/w Brown boards and Beige cloth spine. (英)オースチン画 レフロイ著 「テオクリトス 叙事詩集」 ニューヨーク刊 1922年 4,000 1660 LUCANUS: FISCHER (H.W.)(illus.) HETAERENBRIEFE. Eine Auswall aus Alciphron,Lucian. Leipzig: G.H.Wigand'sche, n.d. Ubersetzt von Dr.Has W.Fischer mit Bildern von Heinrich Kley. 202pp. text browned & edges spotted. cr.8vo. original pictorial boards. dw. (独)フィッシャー/クレイ共画 挿絵多数 1661 テキスト黄ばみ 古代ギリシャ「遊女の書簡」 ライプツィヒ刊 無刊記 カバー付 3,800 MASUCCIO: THE NOVELLINO OF MASUCCIO. Now First Translated into English by W.G.Waters. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1895. 2 vols. Limited to 210 copies. Illustrated by E.R.Hughes. 4to. spine parchment with boards. (英)ウォーターズ訳 ヒューズ画 限定210部 1662 背パーチメント装 「マスッキオ著作集」 ロンドン刊 1895年 2冊 15,800 NABOKOV (V.) STRONG OPINIONS. N.Y: McGraw Hill, 1973. First Ed, 335pp. with dust cover. lower edge worn. otherrwise nice copy. 1663 8,500 OATES (W.J.) & MURPHY (C.T.) GREEK LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION. Longmans,Green, 1947. 1072pp. lar.8vo. spine faded. 1664 3,150 OMAR KHAIYAM: RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. London: Macmillan, 1897. 112pp. full vellum. sl. darkned. 1665 5,000 OMAR KHAIYAM: RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. Decorated by W.Macdougall. London: Macmillan, 1898. b/w ornament through page.un-numbered pp. 4to. gilt decorated coer. cornr sl. stained. spine rubbed. 1666 15,000 OMAR KHAIYAM: RUBAIYAT. By Hossein Ghods-Nakhai.Hague: Excelsior's Photo-Offset, N.D. with 80 drawings by Osstad Karimi. 184pp. original white pictorial cloth. sl. soiled. good copy. 1667 6,000 OMAR KHAIYAM: DASHTI (A.) IN SEARCH OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Translated from the Persian by L.P.Elwell-Sutton. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1971. 276pp. with dust jacket. 1668 3,000 OMAR KHAIYAM: FIDZGERALD (E.) RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. in English Verse. by Edward Fitzgerald. London: H.W.Bell, 1901. 71pp. pictorial cloth cover. gilt top. sm.8vo. spine sl. faded. 5,000 - 136 - 1669 OMAR KHAIYAM: HERON-ALLEN (E.) SOME SIDE-LIGHTS UPON EDWARD FITZGERALD'S POEM, "THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM". Being the Substance of a Lecture Deliverd at the Grosvenor Crescent Club and Woman's Institute on the 22nd March 1898. London: H.S.Nichols, 1898. 32pp. lar.8vo. wrappers. cover sl. worn. 1670 8,000 OMAR KHAYYAM: RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse. London: Macmillan and Co., 1899. . 4,112pp. half red calf, gilt decorated spine. top edge gilt. 1671 35,000 OMAR KHAYYAM: FITZGERALD (E.) THE SECOND EDITION OF EDWARD FITZGERALD'S RUBAIYYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. (London: 1868: B.Quaritch). Edited with and Intro and Notes by Edward Heron-Allen. London: Duckworth, 1908. 200pp. original cloth. top of spine sl.tears. 1672 4,000 OMAR KHAYYAM: FITZGERALD (E.): SULLIVAN (E.J.)(Illust.)THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Bendered into English Verse by E.Fitzgerald. London: Methuen. 1913. First ed, with coloured frontispiece and 75 plates by E.J.Sullivan. 4to. (25.5 x 19.5cm) original red cloth, gilt design on spine front cover. (英)フィツジェラルド訳 サリバン画 「オマルハイヤーム四行詩集」 ロンドン刊 1913年 25,000 1673 OMAR KHAYYAM: FITZGERALD (TRANSLATED) RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KGAYYAM. Porland, T.B.Mosher, 1923. Number 4 of 50 numbered copiess printed on japon vellum. xxxii,146pp. original cream boards printed in orange and blue. original printed dust jacket. enclosed in the original ubolisher's slipcase. very fine. 45,000 1674 OSSIAN: SMITH (J.) GALIC ANTIQUITIES: CONSISTING OF A HISTORY OF THE DRUIDS, PARTICULARLY OF THOSE OF CALEDONIA. A Dissertation on the authenticity of the Poems of Ossian: and a collection of Ancient Poems. Edinburgh: T.Cadell,1780. First Ed.352pp. 4to. recent cloth. sl light spotted. 52,500 1675 OVIDIUS : BOSSCHERE (,) THE LOVE BOOKS OF OVID. Being the amores, ars amatoria, remedia amoris and medicamina faciei femineae of Publius Ovidius Naso. Translated out of the Latin by J.L. May. London: John Lane the Bodley Head, 1925. Limited Edition. frontis., 15 colour & 8 b/w illus. 216pp. Lar.8vo. original decorated cover. edge spotted. (英)ボシェイル画 「オビディウスの恋」 ロンドン刊 1925年 彩色画15点入 8,000 1676 OWEN (J.) THE FIVE GREAT SKEPTICAL DRAMAS OF HISTORY. London: S.Sonnenschein, 1896. 398pp. 3,000 1677 PALSSON (H.) & EDWARDS (P.)(Translated) GONGU-HROLFS SAGA. The New Saga Library. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1980. 128pp. paperback. 3,000 1678 PAPE (F.C.)(Illust.) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. London: Hutchinson & Co. n.d(ca,1912). First ed, Limited to 150 copies. signed by Pape. with mounted colour frontispiece,decorated title and 23 colour plates. vi,282pp. full white parchment decorated gilt, top edge gilt. little bit water stain on title. otherwise fine copy. (英)パペ画 「賛美歌の書」 ロンドン刊 1912年 総ヴェラム装丁 限定150部 パペ署名入 35,000 - 137 - 1679 PEROSA (A.) & SPARROW (J.)(compiled & ed.) RENAISSANCE LATIN VERSE. An Anthology. Duckworth, 1979. xxix,560pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1680 5,770 PETRARCH (F.): McLAUGHLIN (M.),PANIZZA (L.) & HAINSWORTH (P.)(Ed.) PETRARCH IN BRITAIN Interpreters, Imitators, and Translators over 700 Years. published for The British Academy, 2007. 370pp. lar.8vo. text fine. 1681 6,300 POWELL (J.U.) & BARBER (E.A.)(Ed.) NEW CHAPTERS IN THE HISTORY OF GREEK LITERATURE. Recent Discoveries in Greek Poetry and Prose of the Fourth and Following Centuries B.C. Oxford C.P., 1921. 166pp. spine edge cracked. 1682 3,150 POWELL (J.U.) & BARBER (E.A.)(Ed.) NEW CHAPTERS IN THE HISTORY OF GREEK LITERATURE. Recent Discoveries in Greek Poetry and Prose of the Fourth and Following Centuries B.C. Oxford C.P., 1921,29,33. 1st series, 2nd series, 3rd series. 3 vols. woth sl.chipped fj. (vol.I:no dj) 1683 15,000 PUTNAM (M.C.J.) ESSAYS ON LATIN LYRIC, ELEGY, AND EPIC. Princeton U.P., 1982. 354pp. lar.8vo. 1684 3,150 QUINN (K.) TEXTS AND CONTEXTS; THE ROMAN WRITERS AND THEIR AUDIENCE. London: Routledge, 1979. ix,266pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1685 4,500 ROSE (H.J.) A HANDBOOK OF GREEK LITERATURE. From Homer to the Age of Lucian. London: Methuen, 1934. ix,458pp. sl.spotted. private stamped. 1686 3,150 ROSSANO (P.)(traduzione de greco) EPISTOLE con il trittico degli Embriachi della Certosa di Pavia. Milano: Franco Maria Ricci, 1981. with color plates. 368pp. tall 8vo. with slip case. 12,000 1687 SIRIWARDENA (R.)(Ed.) EQUALITY AND THE RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS OF ASIA. London: Frances Pinter,1987,173pp. dw. edge spotted. fly leaf stamped. 5,000 1688 SMYTH (H.W.) GREEK MELIC POETS. N.Y.: Biblio & Tannen, 1963. 564pp. 4,500 1689 SUETONIUS: PAPE (F.C.)(Illust) SUETONIUS' LIVES OF THE TWELVE CAESARS. Newly Translated with an Introduction by H.M.Bird. Argus books, 1930. Limited to 300 copies (No.14) signed by Pape & Bird.frontispiece & 15 illustrations. tissue x 18cm) with dust cover. top edge gilt. fine copy. (英)パペ画 スエトニウス著 1930年 挿画16枚入 1690 バード訳 限定300部 「12人のローマ皇帝列伝」 カバー付 35,000 TAGORE (R.) THE GARDENER. Translated by the Author from the Original Bengali. London: Macmillan,1914. 150pp. cr.8vo. light spotted. owner's signed. 1691 アーガス書籍版 3,000 TYRRELL (R.Y.) ESSAYS ON GREEK LITERATURE. London: Macmillan, 1909. 202pp. sm.8vo. spine edge bit tear. 3,150 - 138 - 1692 UNION ACADEMIQUE INTERNATIONALE: TABVLA IMPERII ROMANI Aqvincvm-SarmizegetvsaSirmivm. Auf dem Grunde der Weltkarte 1:1000000 L34 Budapest. Amsterdam: A.M.Hakkert, 1968. 123pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. 1693 4,500 VERGILIUS: PALMER (S.)(Illust.): AN ENGLISH VERSION OF THE ECLOGUES OF VIRGIL. London: Seely & Company. 1883. Large paper copy. Limited to 135 copies. with 14 etchings printed by the author.folio(38x27cm). xvi,102pp. original full white vellum, gilt stamped. (英) パルマー画 限定135部 「ヴェリギリウスの牧歌 大型紙版 銅版画14枚入 英語版」 総ヴェラム装丁 ロンドン刊 1883年 38 x 27cm 350,000 ◆◆◇◇ CHILDREN BOOKS ◇◇◆◆ 1694 AHLBERG (J.& A.) BURGLAR BILL. London: Heinemann, 1977. First Ed. full color. u.p. sm.4to. original pictorial boards. 1695 4,500 ALEXANDER (M.)(illus.): JOHNSON (La V.) NIGHT NOISES. N.Y.: Parents' Magazine Press, 1968. First Ed. full color. u.p. corners bit rubbed. 1696 ALLSBURG (C.VAN)(Written & Illus.) THE WRECK OF THE ZEPHYR. Boston: H.Mifflin, 1983. color illus. u.p. oblong.4to. dw(sl.chipped). 1697 3,000 3,000 ANDERSEN (H.C.): GASKIN (A.J.)(Illust.) ANDERSEN (H.C.) STORIES & FAIRY TALES. Translated by H.Oske Somer. London: George Allen. 1893. First ed, 2 vols. with 100 pictures by Gaskin. 398pp & 426pp. contemporay 3/4 brown morocco. 1698 45,000 ANDERSEN (H.C.): KREIDOLF (E.)(Illus.): BILDERBUCH OHNE BILDER. Aus dem Danischen von M.Langfeldt. Leipzig: Diedrichs, 1900. many b/w illstrations. unpagenated.(60pp). original pictorial cloth. spine faded. top of spine sl. tears. nice copy. 1699 17,000 ANDERSEN (H.C.): ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust.) DANISH FAIRY TALES AND LEGENDS. London: Bliss Sands, 1897. First ed, with frontispiece and 15 platres. 21.3 x 15cm. 332pp and 20pp adventisments. pictorial red cloth. fine condition. 1700 ANDERSEN (H.C.):SPINK (R.)(Trans) HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN. N.Y: Everyman's Library. 1992. b/w illustrations by Heath Robinson. 418pp. original red cloth. 1701 55,000 3,000 ANDERSEN (Hans):ANDERSON (Anne) HANS ANDERSEN'S FAIRY TALES. London: Collins' clear type press, (1924) First Ed. colour frontis, pictorial title. 7 colour plates. 7 full page & 68 text illus.viii,94to (27,8 x 22.2cm) .Fewy cloth gilt, onlaid colour plate repeating late at p33. 1702 85,000 ANDERSEN: APPLETON (C.)(Illust,) ANDERSEN'S FAIRY TALES. London: Thomas Nelson. (1923). First ed, with 11 colour plates and numerous b/w illustartions in the text. 4to. (35 x 25xm). 178pp. original pictorial cloth. - 139 - 68,000 1703 APPLETON (H.C.)(Illust)PERRAULT'S FAIRY TALES. Newly translated by S.R.LITTLEWOOD. London: Herbert & Daniel,ca1900. 12 Coloured illustrations.107pp. decorated cloth. spine faded. 1704 12,000 ARDIZZONE (E.) TIM AND GINGER. Oxford U.P., 1970. Reprinted. color & B/W illusts. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dust jacket. fore-edges sl.foxing. 1705 ARDIZZONE (E.) TIM'S LAST VOYAGE. London: the Bodley Head, 1972. First Ed. color & B/W illusts. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dust jacket. 1706 12,000 ARDIZZONE (E.)(Illus.): TIM'S FRIEND TOWSER. Oxford U.P.,1962. First Ed. color & B/W illusts. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dust jacket. 1707 12,000 12,000 ARDIZZONE (E.)(illus.): THE OLD BALLAD OF THE BABES IN THE WOOD. London: the Bodley Head, 1972. First Ed. color & B/W illusts. 28pp. lar.8vo. pictorial boards with dust jacket. 6,000 1708 ARDIZZONE (E.)(illus.): REEVES (J.) THE LION THAT FLEW. London: Chatto & Windus, 1974. First Ed. color & B/W illusts. u.p. oblong.8vo. priginal pictorial boards. 1709 5,000 ARDIZZONE (Edward): JOHNNY THE CLOCKMAKER.Oxford U.P., 1971. Reprinted. color & B/W illusts. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards with dust jacket. fore-edges bit spotted. 12,000 1710 AROSENIUS (I.): ROMDAHL (A.L.) IVAR AROSENIUS. TJUGONIO BILDER I FARG. GOTEBORG: AHLEN & AKERLUNDS FORLAG, 1909. 24full page colour illustrations. 16,24pp. Folio. (30.8 x 28,8cm). half cloth over illustrated boards. exlibris(Gertrud Procope) 35,000 1711 ASCH (F.) THE LAST PUPPY. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1980. color illus. u.p. dw. 3,000 1712 BATTEN (J.D.)(Illust.): JACOBS (J.)(Ed.) MORE ENGLISH FAIRY TALES. London: David Nutt. 1894. First ed, with 8 plates and 52 text illustrations. xv,243,(2)pp. original light blue decorated cloth, spine browed,cloth rubbed. scarce. 1713 BAUMGARTEN (F.)(Illus.) SPRING IN THE ENCHANTED FOREST. N.Y.: Derrydale Books, 1985. color illus. 4to. pictorial boards. 1714 50,000 3,000 BEDFORD (F.D.) TWO ARE COMPANY. or Madge and Mat at Work and Play. London: Wells Gardner Darton. 1905. First ed, with colour frontispiece,5 colour plates . cr,8vo. xii,131pp. original pictorial green cloth. 1715 18,000 BEDFORD (F.D.)(Illust,): TAYLOR (Anne & Jane) THE ORIGINAL POEMS-AND OTHERS. London: Wells-Gardner. (1903.) with colour frontispiece and title, 37 full-page black and white drawings and tail-pieces by Bedford and 7 other illustrations. 311pp. original pictorial blue cloth. 18,000 - 140 - 1716 BEDFORD (F.D.)(Illust,):BARLOW (I.)THE BATTLE OF THE FROGS AND MICE.Rendered into English by Jane Barlow. The strand: Methuen and Co.m,1894. First Ed.,text with decorations, faced with numbering page. 5 full page illust.vii,153pp.original decoraged cloth. darkned 25,000 1717 BEMELMANS (L.) MADELINE AND THE BAD HAT. London: Andre Deutsch, 1967. 2nd Impression. full color. u.p. lar.4to. original pictorial cover with dj. fine condition. 3,000 1718 BEMELMANS (L.) MADELINE AND THE GYPSIES. London: Andre Deutsch, 1971. 4th Impression. full color. 56pp. lar.4to. original pictorial cover with dj. fine condition. 3,000 1719 BEMELMANS (L.) MADELINE IN LONDON. Andre Deutsch, 1971. full color. 56pp. lar.4to. original pictorial cover with dj. fine condition. 3,000 1720 BEMELMANS (L.) MADELINE'S RESCUE. Andre deutsch,1972.56pp. lar.4to. dw. 1721 BENTON (M.) THE COMIC BOOK IN AMERICA. All illusted history. Dallas: Taylor Pub., 1989. 207pp. 4to. with dust cover. 3,990 1722 BINGHAM (J.M.)WRITERS FOR CHILDREN. Critical Studies of Major Authors Since the 17th century. N.Y: CScribner's, 1988.Second Printing. 661pp. 4to. with dust-cover. 3,000 1723 BLEGVAD (E.)(Illust): BLEGVAD (L.) MITTENS FOR KITTENS AND OTHER RHYMES ABOUT CATS. London: H.Hamilton, 1974. First English Edition. 12 colour illust & 15 black & white illustrations. unpagenated. with dust wrapper. 9,500 1724 BOUR (D.) & BRISVILLE (J.-C.) THE DANCER, THE BEAR AND THE NOBODY BOY. London: Adam & C.Black, 1975. First UK Ed. full color. u.p. 4to. original pictorial boards. 3,000 1725 BRIMAX: ANIMAL FAMILIES. Printed in Western Germany. London: Brimax Books, n.d. printed pictorial boards. 2,000 1726 BROWNE (F.): FOLKARD (C.J.)(Illust) GRANNY'S WONDERFULL CHAIR. And its Tales of Fairy Times. London: Black. 1925. with 4 full-page illust in colour by C.Folkard. cr,8vo. original blue cloth. 199pp. a end-paper missing. 3,000 1727 BRUNHOFF (Jean & Laurent de): WEBER (N.F.) THE ART OF BABAR. N.Y.: H.N.Abrams, 1995. with many illustrations. 191pp. roy.4to. paperback. 4,000 1728 BUTLER (F.)(Ed.) MASTERWORKS OF CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. 1550-1739, 1740-1836, 1837-1900, Victorian colour pictures books, 20th century. N.Y.: Chelsea house, 1983. 8 vols in 9.(with volume 5 in two parts) 4to. dw. 42,000 1729 CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust): ONE SHILLING'S PICTURE BOOKS. The House that Jack Built;John 3,000 Gilpin;Mad Dog;Babes in the Wood;Milkmaid;Sing a Song for Sixpence;Queen of Hearts; Farmer's Boy; Hey Diddle Diddle; Three Jovial Huntsmen; Frog he Would a-wooing Go;Fox Jumps over the Parson's Gate;Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross; Mrs.Mary Blaize and the Great Panjandrum;*Come lases and lads. G.Routledge, n.d.(ca.1878) First Edition.altogether 16 stories complete set. illustrated in colour. engraved and printed by Edmund Evans. with covers bound in 2 vols.together with separate copy. contemporary 4/3 morocco & full edges gilt bindings by Riviere & son. a beautiful set. Edmund gosse's copy. 350,000 - 141 - 1730 CALDECOTT (R.)(Illust.): THE GREAT PANJANDRUM HIMSELF. London: Frederick Warne & Co., (ca.1885). 6 colour illust. 23pp. oblong 8vo. original wrappers. (Randolph Caldecott's Picture Books no.16) (20.5 x 24cm) 1731 CARLE (E.) THE HONEYBEE AND THE ROBBER. a moving/picture book. N.Y.: Philomel Books, 1981. color POP-UP illusts. 12pp. 4to. original pictorial boards. 1732 12,000 4,000 COMMIRE (A.)(Ed,) YESTEREDAY'S AUTHORS OF BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Facts and Pictures abour Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young People, from Early tomes to 1960. Detroit: Gale Research co. 1977. 2 vols. folio. original cloth. 1733 CRANE (W.) THE CLAIMS OF DECORATIVE ART. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1892. First Ed. Illustrations by the Author. sm.4to. pictorial cloth. spine faded. ex-library. 1734 4,000 15,000 CRANE (W.)(Illust.): CERVANTES: PARRY (J.)(Retold) DON QUIXOTE OF THE MANCHA. London: Blackie & Son, 1900. First Ed. with pictorial title pagae,frontis,10 coloured plates and 10 half page b/w illust by Walter Crane. roy,8vo. ix,245pp. original pictorial cover. endpaper spotted. otherwise fine copy. 1735 18,000 CRANE (W.): SPENCER (I.) WALTER CRANE. N.Y: Macmillan, 1975. First American Ed. with many full page color plates and dozens of smaller color and b&w illustrations.208pp. 4to. dw. 1736 15,000 czech: LADA (J.) BAJKY Vypeavi Jan Vrana. Albatros, 1975. color illusts. u.p. sm.4to. original pictorial boards. cover sl.worn. 1737 DARS (C.)(Illust.) THE PAINTINGS OF CARL LARSSON. Edited by David Larkin. Intro by Braian Sanders. London: Pan books. 1976.with numerous coloured plates. oblong 4to. 1738 3,000 DISNEY (W.): WALT DISNEY'S MICKEY MOUSE IN THE WILD WEST. N.Y.: Golden Press, 1973. color illus. 45pp. lar.4to. pictorial boards. 1739 8,000 3,000 DISNEY (W.): FIELD (R.D.) THE ART OF WALT DISNEY. London: Collins,1947.llustrated 59 plates in colour and bw.xv,290pp. 4to (28.5 x 21cm) original cloth spine sl. worn. fly lealf spotted. 1740 9,500 DISNEY: CULHANE (J.) WALT DISNEY'S FANTASIA. N.Y.: Harry N.Abrams, 1983. First Edition. with many illus. 222pp. 4to. with dust cover. 1741 DOMANSKA (J.)(Pictures): GRIMM (Bros.) THE BREMEN TOWN MUSICIANS. Translated by E.Shub. N.Y>: Greenwillow Books, 1980. color illus. u.p. dw. 1742 4,500 3,000 DULCKEN (H.W.) THE GOLDEN HARP: Hymns, Rhymes, and Songs for the Young. London: G.Routledge and Sons, 1864. First Ed. with 52 illus by J.D.Watson, T.Dalziel and J.Wolf. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. 160pp. sm.4to. (19 x 14cm) original gilt decorated cloth. all edge gilt. sl. spotted. 25,000 - 142 - 1743 EMBERLEY (Ed)(Illus.): EMBERLEY (B.)(Adapted) DRUMMER HOFF. Prentice-Hall, 1967. color illusts throughout. u.p. oblong.4to. with dj(sl.tear). 1744 ERLBRUCH (W.) LA GRANDE QUESTION. Paris: Editions Etre, 2004. color illus. tall 4to. pictorial boards. 1745 3,000 FANGER (R.) & MOLTGEN (U.)(Ein Bilderbuch) DIE STERNENKINDER. Munster: Coppenrath, 2000. n.d. 4to. pictorial boards. 1746 4,000 3,000 FANGER (R.) & MOLTGEN (U.)(Erzahlt & illust.) DER MONDBAR SAGT DIR GUTE NACHT. Acht Geschichten zum Vorlesen. Munster: Coppenrath, 1999. color illus. u.p. 4tp. pictorial boards. 1747 3,000 FLINT (W.R.)(Illust.): GILBERT (W.S.) THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. Or the Merryman and His Maid. London: G.Bell & Sons, 1912. 8 colour plates. 54pp. 4to. 1748 FOLKARD (C.)(︺lust,): MACDONALD (G.)THE PRINCESS AND CURDIE. London: J.M.Dent. 1949. with 8 coloured plates. 238pp. original cloth. dust-cover. 1749 3,000 FOLKARD (C.J.)(Illust,) EDGE (P.G.) THE RING OF THE NIBELUNG. London: Cassell. (1913). First ed, with colour frontispiece and 3 colour plates. 95pp. brown limp cloth. 1750 16,000 3,000 FROMM (L.)(Illust.) THE BLUE LAMP. A Tale by the brothers Grimm. London: Macdeonald and Jane's. 1976. First UK Ed, coloured plates. unpagenated. 24pp. 4to. (29 x 25cm) with dust cover.( corner sl. chipped) nice copy. 1751 FROMM (Lilo)(Bildern): GRIMM (BROS.) SCHNEEWEISSCHEN UND ROSENROT. Ein Marchen der Bruder Grimm. Munchen: Ellermann, 1983. color illus. u.p. 4to. pictorial boards. 1752 3,000 GOFFSTEIN (M.B.)(story & pictures) ME AND MY CAPTAIN. N.Y.: Farrar/Straus/Giroux, 1974. First Ed. B/W illusts. u.p. sm.8vo. original yellow cloth with pictorial dj. 1755 3,000 GODON (I.) WACHTEN OP MATROOS Met woorden van Andre Sollie. Amsterdam: Em.Querido's Uitgeverij, 2000. color illus. oblong.4to. pictorial cover. 1754 3,000 FROMM (Lilo)(Bildern): GRIMM (Bros.) DER GOLDENE VOGEL. Ein Marchen der Bruder Grimm. Munchen: H.Ellermann, 1966. color illus. u.p. 4to. pictorial boards. 1753 12,000 4,500 GOREY (Edward) THE BLACK DOLL: A Silent Film. New York: Gotham Book Mart, 1973. First ed. DJ over wraps,a bit of shelfwear,pencil gift insciption, else VG. The only illustration is on the cover. Binding is Wraps. scarce. 1756 GRIMM (B.):ZAVREL (S.)(Illust) DIE STERNTALER. Ein Marchen der Bruder Grimm. Dusseldorf: Patmos, 1969. First Ed.,26pp. 4to. pictorial boads. 1757 21,000 6,000 HALL (N.C.)(Ed.) THE PLATT & MUNK TREASURY OF STORIES FOR CHILDREN. N.Y.: Platt & Munk, 1981. Cover Tasha Tudor, Title page George and Doris Hauman, Designed by Sallie Baldwin. 114pp. lar.4to. dw. - 143 - 3,000 1758 HARTMANN (F.) AMONG THE GNOMES. An Occult Tale of Adventure in the Untersberg. London:T.Fisher, 1895. First Ed, with 12 b/w illusts. 272pp. pictorial original cloth, slightly faded. front hinge crack 31,000 1759 HENSON (J.) THE SESAME STREET MOTHER GOOSE. Featuring Jim Henson's Muppets. N.Y.: Random House, 1976. reprint. u.p. pictorial card-board. POP-UP Book. 3,000 1760 HERGE: L'ATELIER DE LA DESSINEE. 1.j'apprends a dessiner les personnages. 2.j'apprends a raconter une histoire. Animateur pedagogique Rudi Dumortier. editions moulinsart, 2000. 2 vols. full color. including folding text. 4to. pictorial boards with ring binding. spine sl.wear. stamped. 25,000 1761 HERGE: LE TEMPLE DU SOLEIL Version Originale. Casterman, 1988. color illus.throughout. oblong.4to. pictorial boards. front endpaper missing. 3,000 1762 HERGE: TINTIN AU PAYS DES MOTS TINTIN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY. English-French / French-English. H.Houssemaine-Florent, D.Jones Sur une idee de / Based on an idea by Bookmaker. Images de / Cartoons by HERGE, Choisies par / Chosen by P.Michel-Dansac. (1989) Harrap, 1995. 215pp. 4to. pictorial boards. 3,000 1763 HOFFMANN (Felix)(illus.) JOGGELI WOTT GO BIRLI SCHUTTLE. Neui Bilder zum alte Vars vom Felix Hoffmann. (1963) Aarau: Sauerlander, 1983. color illus.throughout. 9.5x22cm. pictorial boards. 5,000 1764 IVANOVSKY (Elisabeth) DEUX CONTES RUSSES. La Maisonnette and Le Petit Canard Boiteux.Paris: Desclee, de Brouwer et cie, 1931.Illustrated throughout with coloured lithographs by Elisabeth Ivanovsky.28pp. 4to. pictorial boards. cover bit soiled. 58,000 1765 JOSSEN (P.) PETIT DIABLE. Paris: l'ecole des loisirs, 2008. color illus. square 8vo. pictorial boards. 3,000 1766 KIPLING (R.): ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust,) A SONG OF THE ENGLISH. London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. 12 plates in colour & some B/W illusts. 123pp. 4to. original blue cloth, with pictorial stamped. 55,000 1767 KWINTOWA (I.) DAR KROLOWEJ ROZ. Zbior basni i legend z Warmii i Mazur. Pojezierze Olsztyn, 1970. color illusts. 78pp. Roy.8vo. cloth spine with pictorial boards. 6,000 1768 LADA (J.) RIKADLA. [Rhymes] Praha: Statni nakladatelstvi, 1964. 12 coloured illustrations. (include title)unpaged. 24 x 17cm. 12 illustrations on 6 boads with joint cloth. 1 boaards cracked. 12,000 1769 LANG (A.) THE RED FAIRY BOOK. London: Longmans Green. 1919. with numerous illustrations by H.J.Ford and Lancelot Speed. cr,8vo. (viii),367pp. original red cloth. 4,000 1770 LEE (H.):KOWLESS (R.) & (H.)(Illust) LEGENDS FROM FAIRY LAND. Narrating the history of Prince Glee & Princess Trill, the cruel persecutions and condign punishment of Aunt Spite, the adventures of the great Tuflongbo & the history of the Blackcap in the Giant's well. London: s.t.Freemantle. 1907. First ed, with coloured frontispiece, coloured title-page, 16 plates and many other illustrations. xxvii, (2), 276pp. cr,8vo. (20 x13.5cm) original green cloth. 15,000 - 144 - 1771 MILLAR (H.R.)(Illust):NESBIT (E.)THE MAGIC CITY. London: Macmillan. 1910. First ed, with 26 b/w illustrated plates by H.R.Millar. 333pp. Cr,8vo. (20 x 14cm) originalred gilt pictorialcloth. good. 1772 25,000 MORIN (H.)(Illust): LA FONTAINE, FABLES DE LA FONTAINE. Cennt fables choisies. Introduction de L. Tarsot.Paris; Henri laurens,1925. 10 colour plates & b/w illustration throughout. 199pp. 4to.(28.5 x 23cm) pictorial cover. 1773 25,000 MURRAY (A.J.) A REGEENCY LADY'S FAERY BOWER. Collins, 1985. colour illustration throughout. 61pp. 4to. (25cm x 20) dw. 1774 3,000 NASH (O.) & ALGER (J.) THE CRICKET OF CARADOR. N.Y: Doubleday,1925. First Ed. of Nash's first book. illust with pictorial endpapers. full color frontis and B/w by Christopher Rule. 165pp. (19.8 x 15.6cm) 1775 38,800 NEWELL (P.S.) TOPSYS AND TURVYS NO.2.N.Y.: The Century, 1894. First ed. with numerous colour lithograph. 69pp. oblong 8vo. (17 x 23 cm). original pictorial boards. sl. rubbed. 15,000 1776 NO AUTHOR: TEN LITTLE FAVOURITE TOYS. Ten Little Favourite toys. All in a row Mary boucht a Little Lamb Because she loved it so. London: Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd. ca,1900. with Lovely colour illustrations, including Golly every page.Oblong 8vo. Board book with red cloth spine. Each page has a differnt animal to top, which corresponds with the rhyme and all show at top of front cover. one corner chiped. slightly worn. 1777 15,000 POTTER (B.) THE FAIRY CARAVAN. Philadelphia: D.Mckay, 1929. First U.S.Edition. Illus. by Potter with 6 color plates and 20 full page and 42 smaller black and white drawings.225pp. cloth with a large pictorial paper panel on the upper cover. 40,000 1778 POTTER (B.): LANE (M.) THE TALE OF BEATRIX POTTER. A Biography. London: F.Warne, 1946. First Ed. with 4 colour and 16 b/w plates. ix,162pp. with dustcover. (sl. chipped) 1779 11,000 PUSHKIN (A.): POGANY (W.)(Illust):THE GOLDEN COCKEREL. From the original Russian Fairy Tale of Alexander Pushkin by Elaine Pogany. N.Y: Thomas nelson,1938. First Ed., with 12 pages in full colour and numerous striking black and white illustrations.48pp. 4to. (31 x 22.5cm) Binding is red cloth with gold lettering and design. 1780 12,000 REINHARDTSPRECHENDE TIERE. Vom Verfasser der "Lachenden Kinder"Berlin: Konrad W.Mecklenburg. ca,1900. with coloured illustrations in full text. 4to.18pp. original pictorial boards. nice copy. 1781 18,000 ROBINSON (W.H.)(Illust,): PERRAULT (Master C.)(told) OLD-TIME STORIES. translated from the French by A.E.Johndon. N.Y.: Dodd,Mead & co., 1921. With 6 full-page illusts, including frontis, and additional illustrations. 199pp. 4to. (25.7 x 19.5 cm) original navy cloth. pictorial label on front cover. rubbing to spine, otherwise good. - 145 - 38,000 1782 ROFFEY (M.)(Illust): LODGE (B.)(Verses) TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SAILOR. LONDON: BODLEY HEAD, 1983. 30PP. 4To. 1783 3,000 SENDAK (M.)(pictures): KRAUSS (R.) CHARLOTTE AND THE WHITE HORSE. London: the Bodley Head, 1977. First UK Ed. full color. u.p. sm.8vo. original pictorial boards. 1784 4,500 SEUSS (Dr.) YOU'RE ONLY OLD ONCE! N.Y.: Random House, 1968. color illusts. u.p. 4to. with dj. 1785 4,000 SHEPARD (E.H.)(Illust.): LUCAS (E.V.) PLAYTIME & COMPANY. A Book for Children. London: Methuen,1925. First Ed, 95pp. sm.4to. original pictorial covers. a few coloured by child. 11,000 1786 SPIRIN (G.)(Illus.): EDWARDS (J.A.) & HAMILTON (E.W.) SIMEON'S GIFT. HarperCollins, 2003. color illus.throughout. sq.4to. pictorial boards with dust jacket. 1787 3,000 SPIRIN (G.)(Illus.): GOGOL (N.) DER JAHRMARKT VON SOROTSCHINZY. Nacherzahlt von S.G.Schonfeldt. Esslinger im OBV, 1990. color illus. u.p. lar.4to. pictorial boards. 1788 3,000 SPIRIN (G.)(Illus.): GOGOL (N.) DIE NASE. Nacherzahlt von S.G.Schonfeldt. Esslingen: J.F.Schreiber, 1992. color illus. u.p. lar.4to. pictorial boards. 1789 3,000 SPIRIN (G.)(Illus.): PUSCHKIN (A.) DAS MARCHEN VOM ZAREN SALTAN. Wien: Esslinger, 1995. color illus. lar.4to. pictorial boards. 1790 3,000 SPIRIN (G.)(Illus.): SCHONFELDT (S.G.)(Nacherzahlt) MARCHEN-SAMOWAR. Erzahlungen aus dem alten Russland. Nikolak Gogol Der Jahrmarkt von Sorotschinzy Anton Tschechow Kaschtanka Nikolaj Gogol Die Nase Alexander Puschkin Das Marchen vom Zaren Saltan. Wien: Esslinger, 1998. 2. Auflage. color illus. u.p. lar.4to. spine cloth with pictoral boards. 5,000 1791 SPIRIN (G.)(Illus.): TSCHECHOW (A.) KASCHTANKA. Nacherzahlt von S.G.Schonfeldt. Esslingen: J.F.Schreiber, 1994. color illus. u.p. lar.4to. pictorial boards. 1792 3,000 TENGGREN (Gustaf) & WEHDE (Carl Emil)(Illus.):WOODRUFF (Elizabeth)DICKEY BYRD. Springfield: McLoughlin, 1928. First Ed. 6 colour mounted plates & 12 b/w plates. 146pp. sm.folio. original pictorial cloth. (spine worn) 1793 38,000 THOMSON (H.)(Illust,) CORIDON'S SONG. And other verses from various sources. And Introduction by A.Dobson. London, Macmillan, 1894. First ed, xxxi,163pp. cr.8vo. original gilt pictorial green cloth, gilt lettering. Frontis, illus. sl. spotted. 1794 5,000 THOMSON (H.)(Illust,) DAYS WITH SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY. A reprint from "The Spectator". London: Macmillan, 1892. 3rd ed, with black-and-white illustrations by Hugh Thomson. cr,8vo. 158pp. origina gilt decorated green cloth, all edges gilt. sl. spotted. 4,000 - 146 - 1795 THOMSON (H.)(Illust,): SOMERVILE (W.) THE CHASE. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1735, with a memoir of the Azthor.London: G.Redway,1896.First ed,Illustrations by H.Thomson. many illustrations gilt pictorial cloth,gilt tops.xxiv,87pp. sm.4to. (22 x 18cm) original blue cloth. top edge gilt. edge sl. spotted 1796 4,200 THOMSON (H.)(Illust,): TRISTRAM (W.Outram)COACHING DAYS AND COACHING WAYS. London: Macmillan. 1893. 3rd ed, with 214 illustrations By Hugh Thomson and Herbert,8vo.xv,367pp. gilt decorated green cloth, all edges gilt. 1797 8,000 TUER (A.W.): STORIES FROM OLD-FASHIONED CHILDREN'S BOOKS. adorned with 250 amusing cuts. London: Leadnehall press 1899-1900. First Ed.,many illustrations. 439pp. original pictorial cloth. sl.worn. 1798 1799 15,000 VESTAL (S.) BIGFOOT WALLACE. A Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942. presentation copy by the author. 299pp. dw. 8,400 VILLIGER (R.)(Gezeichnet): BOLLIGER (M.)(Bilderbuch)ALOXS.Verlag Gebe,1978.32pp. oblong 4to. 1800 3,000 WAITE (A.E.) SONGS AND POEMS OF FAIRYLAND. An Anthology of english Fairy Poetry. London: Walter scott,1888.First ed.,420pp. fly leaf owner's sign. top & tail of spine rubbed. page sl. browned. 1801 5,000 WILLISTON (T.P.)(Ed,) JAPANESE FAIRY TALES. Retold by Teresa Peirce Williston.Chicago: Rand McNally. 1904 & 1911. First ed, 2 vols(1st & 2nd series). with cooured frontispiece and numerous colour Illustration in text by Sanchi,8vo. 74pp & 96pp. originla cloth. 1802 28,000 WYETH (N.C.)(Illust,) ROBIN HOOD. Philadelphia: David Mackey. 1917. First ed, with 8 fullpage color plates.roy,8vo. 24.5 x 18.5cm. originla green cloth. dust-cover. 1803 YASHIMA (Taro) THE NEW SUN. N.Y.: Henry Holt, 1943. First Ed. inscribed by Yashima. with illusts in all pages. (308 illus.) 310pp. with dust cover. 1804 15,000 28,000 YONGE (C.M.) THE HISTORY OF SIR THOMAS THUMB. by the author of "The Heir of Redcliffe,Gwerawaw, The Little Duke & etc. Edinburgh: T.Constable, 1855. First Ed. Illustrated by J.B(Jean Blackburn). wood engraved frontis, 3 plates and 13 in text illus. 142pp. leter green half calf. 28,000 ◆◆◇◇ ART ◇◇◆◆ 1805 ARIES (P.) IMAGES DE L'HOMME DEVANT LA MORT. Editions du Seuil, 1983. with illusts. 276pp. 4to. dw. 1806 8,400 BAETJER (K.) & LINKS (J.G.) CANALETTO. Essays by J.G.Links, M.Levey, F.Haskell, A.Bettagno, and V.Pemberton-Pigott. N.Y.: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989. numerous color illusts. 387pp. oblong.4to. dw. - 147 - 3,000 1807 BARTRUM (G.) GERMAN RENAISSANCE PRINTS 1490-1550. Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press, 1995. 240pp. 4to. paperback. 1808 6,000 BATE (P.H.) THE ENGLISH PRE-RAPHAELITE PAINTERS. Their Associates and Successors. London: G.Bell & Sons, 1899. First Ed. 91 illustrations. 126pp. 4to. original gilt decorated cover. text bit spotted. 1809 16,800 BILLETER (E.), GASSNER (H.) & VITALI (C.)(Konzeption) DIE NACHT. BENTELI Haus der Kunst Munchen, 1998. 612pp. 4to. pictorial boards. 1810 BOLLER (W.) MASTERPIECES OF THE JAPANESE COLOR WOODCUT. Collection W.Boller. Boston: Boston Book & Art Shop, 1957. Photographs by R.Spreng. 187pp. folio. dw. 1811 6,000 9,450 BURKE (D.B.) et al.: IN PURSUIT OF BEAUTY Americans and the Aesthetic Movement. N.Y.: Metropollitan museum of Art / Rizzoli, 1987. 94 colour & 332b/w illustrations.511pp. 4to. dw. 1812 18,000 BURNE-JONES (E.): BURNE-JONES, THE PRE-RAPHAELITES AND THEIR CENTURY. Catalogue by Hilary Morgan, Designed and edited by Peter Nahum. I:Text. II:the Plates. London: Peter Nahum,1989. 2 vols. 4to. paperbacks in slip case. 1813 15,000 CARTER (J.C.) THE SCULPTURE OF THE SANCTUARY OF ATHENA POLIAS AT PRIENE. (Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London No.XLII) London: Thames & Hudson, 1983. with 47 photo plates. xxiii,367pp. 4to. with dust cover. 1814 3,990 DURER (A.) DAS DRUCKGRAPHISCHE WERK. Vol 1:Engravings, Etchings and Dryponts. Vol 2: Woodcuts. Vol 3: Book Illustrations. Munchen: Prestel. 2001.2002.2004. Firs ed, 3 vols. folio. original cloth. with dust-covers. good. 1815 48,000 DURER (A.): GRAVE (O.) ALBRECHT DURER. Musee du petit Palais 4 avril 21 juillet 1996. Paris: musees, 1996. b/w illustration throughout.319pp. 4to. (30 x 24cm). boal cover. 12,000 1816 DURER: WAETZOLDT (W.) DURER AND HIS TIMES. London: Phaidon Press, 1950. with 151 illustrations. 398pp. 4to. 1817 4,200 FUCHS (E.) DIE FRAU IN DER KARIKATUR. Munchen: Albert Langen, 1906. over 446 illusts, incl colour plates,487pp. 4to. original pictorial cloth. 1818 18,000 FUCHS (E.) GESCHICHTE DER EROTISCHEN KUNST. Erster Baund: Das zeitgeschichtliche Problem. Munchen: Albert Langen, N.d.(c.1920) mit 385 illustrationen und 36 Beilagen. 412pp. 4to. gilt decorate on original cloth. cover stained. text some foxing. 1819 12,000 HAMERTON (P.G.) THE GRAPHIC ARTS. A Treatise on the Varieties of Drawing, Painting, and Engraving. In comparison with each other and with nature. London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1882. with 54 plates. 384pp. roy.4to. recent cloth. - 148 - 21,000 1820 HAUSSHERR (R.) DIE ZEIT DER STAUFER. Geschichte-Kunst Kultur. Stuttgart,1977. 4 Bde. lar.8vo. pb. 1821 5,000 HOCKNEY (D.) DAVID HOCKNEY. London: Thames & Hudson, 1976. First ed.,with 434 illustrations. 60 in colour. 312pp. 4to. with dust cover. 1822 12,000 HOGARTH (W.) THE ANALYSIS OF BEAUTY. London: W.Strahan, 1772. New ed. with 2 folding plates. xxii,155pp. 4to. modern half morocco. 1823 85,000 HOGARTH (W.): THE WORKS OF WILLIAM HOGARTH FROM THE ORIGINAL PLATES RESTORED BY JAMES HEATH. The Addition of Many Subjects not before Collected: To Which is Prefixed a Biographical Essay on the Genius and Productions of Hogarth and Explanations of the Subjects of the Plates by John Nichols. London: Baldwin & Cradoce & Joy, 1822. The Best ed. 2 portraits, 114 engraved plates and 2 suppressed plates in pocket at end. elephant. folio. (51 x 66cm.) 3/4 morocco. fine copy. 1824 530,000 HOGARTH (W.): BURKE (J.) & CALDWELL (C.) HOGARTH The Complete Engravings. London: Alpine Fine Arts, n.d.(ca.1968) 30pp + 267 illusts. roy.4to. with dust cover. 1825 5,000 HOGARTH (W.): TRUSLER (Rev.Dr.) HOGARTH MORALIZED. A Complete Edition of all the most Capital and Admired Works of William Hogarth. London: H.Washbourne, 1841. with illusts. 256pp. half calf. 1826 15,000 HOLBEIN (H.) THE DANCES OF DEATH. throgh the various stages of human life: wherein the capriciousness of that tyrant is exhibited: London: Printed by S.Gosnell for John Scott and Thomas Ostell. 1803. with hand-coloured frontispiece,additional engraved title, portrait and hand-coloured 48 engraved plates(46+2 further plates) etched by Deuchar(17431808),Scot engraver, stamp-cutter and teacher of Raeburn, Deuchar includes 4 plates of his own designs(frontispiece, engraved title, portrait of Holbein and one other plate). cr,8vo. (4),47,(1)pp. contemporary full calf. gilt designed all edges gilt. spine worn, nice copy. 1827 150,000 HUBBARD (H.) SOME VICTORIAN DRAUGHTSMEN. Cambridge U.P., 1944. First Ed. with 64 B/W illustrations. vi,46pp. sm.4to. with dj. 1828 4,000 HUBERT (R.R.) SURREALISM AND THE BOOK. California U.P., 1988. with B/W illus. xvii,358pp. sm.4to. dw. 1829 5,500 KAY (S.) & RUBIN (M.)(Ed.) FRAMING MEDIEVAL BODIES. Manchester U.P., 1994. 287pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1830 4,200 LA NATURA MORTA IN ITALIA. Milano: Electa, 1989. 2 Vols. illustrations: 1266 colour & b/w. 1094pp. 4to. cloth, dustwrappers, and slipcase. 1831 LAURENCIN (M.): GEORGE-DAY: MARIE LAURENCIN. 18,000 Trente-deux Reproductions Beliogravure. Paris: Editions du Dauphin, 1947. 32 plates. 53pp. 4to. wrappers. - 149 - en 12,000 1832 MONIER (H.)(illus.): MAINDRON (M.) M. DE CLERAMBON. with Monier'signe illustrated book plate. Paris: Edition du Belier, 1945. Limited to 640 copies. Exemplaire No.103. Les Illustrations ont ete Coloriees au Pochoir par Nervet, A Paris. 259pp. lar.8vo.(26 x 17cm) wrapper. inner-joint sl.weak. 1833 45,000 STRONG (R.) ART AND POWER Renaissance Festivals 1450-1650. California U.P., 1984. with B/W illusts. 227pp. lar.8vo. dw. 1834 5,250 TURNER (J.M.W.)(Illust.): A COMPLETE INVENTORY OF THE DRAWINGS OF THE TURNER BEUEST. With with are included the 23 drawings bequeathed by Mr. Henry Vaughan. Arranged chronologically by A.J.Finberg. London: The British Museum, 1909. 2 vols. original cloth. 1835 25,000 TURNER (J.M.W.)(Illust.): FINBERG (A.J.) THE LIFE OF J.M.W.TURNER,R.A. Oxford C.P., 1961. 2nd Ed. Revised, & with a Supplement by Hilda F.Finberg. xiv,543pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. fine copy. 1836 5,000 TURNER (J.M.W.)(Illust.): THORNBURY (W.) THE LIFE OF J.M.W.TURNER.R.A. Founded on Letters and Papers Furnished by His Friends and Fellow Academicians. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1862. First Ed. 2 vols. frontis & 6 illustrations. original cloth. spotted. 1837 23,000 TURNER (J.M.W.): HOLME (C.)(Ed.) THE GENIUS OF J.M.W. TURNER, R.A. London: The Studio, 1903. First ed, with full-colour and b/w full-page reproductions of he range and volume of Turner's work. 4to. 4/3 blue morocco. nice craft binding. 1838 22,000 VERMEERSCH (V.) BRUGES MILLE ANS D'ART. de L'epoque carolingienne au neo-gothique 875-1875. Antwerpen: Mercatorfonds, 1981. colour illustration throughout. 434pp. 4to. dw. slip case. 1839 7,500 WALDMULLER: SCHRODER (K.A.) FERDINAND GEORG WALDMULLER. Munchen: Prestel, 1991.full Colour illustration throughout. 260pp. 4to. dw. 1840 8,400 WEDMORE (F.) ETCHINGS. London: Methuen, 1911. First Ed. with B/W plates. 237pp. 4to. spine sl.worn, cover bit stained. stamped on title. - 150 - 8,400
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