All Aboard!Ⅲ L1 練習問題 実施日 点数 /30点満点 Hello, everyone! Look at this cat figure [hold] up its paw. *1これが何なのかはきっと知っていますよね。(am I it is know sure you what.) It's called manekineko , or "a beckoning cat" in English. I think some of you may have one { } home. Generally, store owners display manekineko at the entrance { } their stores. Why are manekineko [put] there? It's because they are well-known symbols of good luck and prosperity. *2どこで、どのようにして、招き猫の歴史が始まったのか知っていますか。 *3There's a famous story about their origin. There was an old temple in the Edo era. One day, a lord and his men were passing { } the temple. *4一匹の猫が、それはそこに住んでいる猫でしたが、彼らを中へ招いているように見えました。 (a be cat inside inviting lived seemed them there to which,,.) *5They entered and the temple's priest welcomed them. Then he gave a sermon. During the sermon, they all suddenly heard the sound of thunder and heavy rain outside. Then, the lord [notice] the cat [help] them avoid the storm by inviting them inside. "Thanks to the cat, we were able to escape the storm and listen to your great sermon," he said. To express his gratitude, he decided to support the temple. The lord designated the temple { } his family temple. *6He renovated it, and later it was named Gotoku-ji . After the cat died, the priest made a statue of the cat and worshiped it to express his gratitude. This story shows the origin of manekineko. *7Do you have anything brings you good luck? If so, what good luck does it bring to you? Thank you for listening. *1の括弧内の単語を正しく並び替えよ 5点 *2を英訳せよ 5点 *3文中のtheirが示す単語を文中より抜き出せ 4点 *4の括弧内の単語を正しく並び替えよ 4点 *5文中のtheyが示す単語を文中より抜き出せ 1点 *6文中のitが示す単語を文中より抜き出せ 1点 *7不足している単語を補充し、文を成立させよ 2点 *8文中の{ }に単語を補充せよ 各1点 *9文中の[ ]で囲まれた箇所を正しい形にせよ 各1点
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