țƦ¢Ɉ¸dzC±0 To the memory of Professor Nobuhide KASAGI Yuji SUZUKI (The University of Tokyo) ƬďęíɩƋŽˈȐęůɐżɄƻƷ˅JSTˆȉ ȕʥǿŭǻX}ZÈX}ZʢˈƧę·ʢ $?țƦ¢Ɉ¸dz( @4#,ˈ2015 Ł 7 ƣ 29 Ɨ(ʍÞ@4ˉŁ 69 ǀ$= 94ˉ2014 Ł 8 ƣ(ʜ$ʥ³@û ʩ Ǩɴ+ɴʢCÐ7=@ˈ+ȂŒ=ǍǾ (=@#4ˈ+ǶƐǦƕȘ@ #44ˉɋµ,ˈ¸dz+ʙŗ(<> ģƖ+5$7:(Ă>ɏB@4ˉ8 ƣ 2 ƗÖŒ(¸dz+ƂĽ= ʭɧʴˈƧŌ( 0>( ɧ$?%ʭɧ(Á%AˈĒƸ =ˈ¸dzʍÞ@%ˈɋµCǘ4@ %C =@ˈģƖċ$,ơÄ(ŢĄC 4ˈŬû( ?ǓȈȀÆŔ+ǫʼnŏ% Ȉ?%('>4ˉ+ʉţɡCƠ# #ˈćǓ+ǟȑņƷʏ(ă"ƄƆŴŰ¥Ǚ ?$8º=@'džŸ$ˈĻ~ɵ ƻƷ+ɛƛˈ÷Ǔ+EP^FkÆŔˈMEMS X} >Cƿ#?%- > ?+$,' TEP\uJZȷCǴćǓ+jFa ˈȗǧȉȕġ(Șĥ=@?+$,'ˈ% f]PÆŔUW^q+ʥǿCɏˈǟȑņȀ'Ǔ Ⱥ#4=$ˉ @ƷʏCʘŲȀ(ƅ©?%(<>ˈƵ7#ˀ țƦ¢Ɉ¸dz,ˈ1947 Ł 5 ƣ 8 ƗˈÕǕʔ(# ÎǮ+ÆŔçȿ$?%CƎ°ɟȠˈĞʿ+ dz4@('>4ˉʜȘƓĤˀưØƴŒˈ ʰ=ƛ=(@4ˉ2009 Ł(,ˈnjƩ 1966 Ł(ƬďęDZȐʹ(¹ę@4ˉƬ Ǒ¸dzˈʢʠʮĭ¸dz˅ɬ(ǂś'=ƧŁ 6 ƣ ďȨ+Ŏʳ$ 1971 Ł(ĸęʛɆǴƻƲĸęȐC (ʍÞˆˈĢ¼Ɗʪ¸dz%%8(ˈǓĸę+ʫ Øƴ@ˈ1976 Ł(ŀǵɺ¸dz+8%$ÙĈɯȒ ďū%#ˈǓĸęe}ak]PC4%7= C®@4ˉę¤ɰƏ+^o,§ȔÉ @#4ˉ C¡ǓĆǹIJ+ʂʋƻƷ(ʧ?ȉȕ$ = 4ˈďɘƹʫǿʭCɔĜ?īþÂƍǿʭ 94ˉ®Œˈ(Ƭďęɱ UW^q+ƤÎŝCƙƁõ@ˈoGP| ļ%'=@ˈ1977 Ł(ìÌƋŽˈ1990 Ł(ƋŽ( MWZh}CŖ%?ÂƍJczOUW^ '=@ˈ2012 Ł(ĝŁʊȽ@4ˉ q+7+JczOɛƭˈú§ʞÔǪōǩƑʭ țƦ¢Ɉ¸dz,ˈǨĸę(ʧ?ʯĿ(ČĴ( Lj+ʭƵãŚ+ɨȩɛƭ'&+JczOĸę( ǚ?Âʠ$ǒɾ@#=@4ˉǨǓ§Âʠ ʧʐ?ūƮ8Čź=@4ˉ $,ˈŨǛǖƟCǴǛŇą+ʯſɜɟǜˈć @=+ȉȕ,ˈ@8û¼$'ûʩ Ǔ+ǟȑņƷʏ%+ ǨƻƷ(Ĩ?Ʒʏɰ Ȁ(8ˀɥ¬Cå# =@4ˈ¸dz+ȉ Ȁs_y}Qˈ_VZzǸ´ÀDZ(<?ˋƼ·Ȥ ȕǒÏ,@(Ǻ4=ˈANSI/ASME +ɟǜ+ ėǸ´Ǔʎɟ+ʥǿˈȂſƎ°ɟȠ˅DNSˆ(< ȊPTC19.1 +ȹɤ% Ȋɛƭ+ƞá ?ćǓ+Ǩ ʕƻƷ+ɛƛˈćǓ+ǤʆźÏ (ĮÉ@ˈ4ćǓ DNS +_!Zm!WCƷȡ CȺŪĸęȀǓs_z+ƷȡˈDƒǓ # HP $ǹ+ȉȕȻ(»ʥ?'&ˈȉȕR +ǨǪɻʂʋƻƷ+ɛƛ'&CȥÉȀ(ä>Ȭ pub^Fǿı+7+ÍÉ8ť5'Ȱ# 4@ˈƵ7#Č+ȉȕūƮCź=@4ˉ =@4ˉ Ǩ 2015 Ł 10 ƣ -1- J. HTSJ, Vol. 54, No. 229 țƦ¢Ɉ¸dzC±0 @=+ȉȕǒÏCʌ#ˈʬɪɰƏȦ 180 ȴˈ ?ǓǨ ʕʧʐ+ȉȕCʑ7=@4ˉ4 {huɰƏɛɭȦ 160 ȴˈûʩɴɰƏȦ 300 Ƨ Ǩȉȕ ȴC»ɒ@ˈ4ˈÙĈędz 42 í˅ċû ȉȕ 21 ĺ 80 é˅1981 Łˆ(ˈ+Ɲ+ǬǎC 8 íˆˈ®ĈędzȦ 150 íˈęʛdzȦ 240 íCȾ# WZ}jKaďęǢüɡ%#Ơ@# =@4ˉ = ʵ+ęɪ$? Ǩ 94ˉ ęǒÏ$,ˈƧęȜ 50 ƥʢ%# 50 ð ŌƝˈWZ}jKaďę+Ǔȉȕ,ˊ!+ Łɡśƴ(ĮÉ@3ˈƗƧęɐɴô ˂ʡƥ$>ˈS. J. KlineˈW. KaysˈW. Reynoldsˈ ˅2005-2014 ŁˆˈƗƧƻƲęʢ˅2006 Łˆˈ J. FerzigerˈJ. KimˈP. MoinˈD. Chapman C,7 ƗƧǓ§Éęʢ˅1997 Łˆ'&Cǁ@4 %?Č+ƋôȥÉȀ(ȉȕCʑ7#4 ˉ4ˈInternational Symposium on Turbulence ˉ¸dz, and Shear Flow Phenomena ûʩɴCȘ3 Ũ@+%Ŝ4ˉ4ˈ@%ìƝ( ˈ Int. J. Heat & Fluid Flow ɪ + Ń ȴ ʫ Ȼ ˈ ˅Çǻˆðù+ȣû8īdzƗƧ=; Assembly of World Conferences on Experimental Heat >ɧ#:A%Ŗª8Ɍˈɧ)Ȼ Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics ʢˈ , # @?%Ũ$ˈ International Centre of Heat and Mass Transfer Èʢˈ ¹ Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences 4ˉƽȣ%ȅ ÈʢˈOECD ȐęůɐƈȟĔôƗƧɒĔôˈ ș=ɗ##8Ť@Ť@?țƦ¸dz+ ĕC '&CÐ7=@4ˉ Ę+Ɣ˅ȝȻɃɿ8ï7ˆ(,=@' åɹ8ƎČˈƗƧƻƲęɰƏɹ˅1987, 1990, #4 %WZ}jKa+IJ+ÛCǽ >džǡ ƼȜ$%Ơ@#= 9 ƾʰ=Ɉɫ$ɴɰ?ˈ %Ŝ4ˈ¸dz+ŝƱ=Ħ?(ˈľ 2008, 2010 Ł ˆˈ Ɨ Ƨ ƻ Ʋ ę Ǔ § ĸ ę ʛ ʣ ɹ ûŒˈ ˅2004 ŁˆˈǨĸęʛʣƴȵɹ˅1993 ŁˆˈûʩÊ >4Dˉ %Ɏ+ǣ6<'ÍÉC@(ʖ ȵɹ˅2008 ŁˆˈȣûƻƲęjI|˅1994 Łˆˈ ŌƝWZ}jKa(üȢ#WZ]j+ ǯȘWHI_}ȐęEL_pô˅2003 Łˆˈ ˈJohn Kim˅ǰˈLyjKzbEďę|T} ɈûǯȘĸęEL_pûʩjI|˅2007 Łˆˈ YzWưˈ¾ȅˆˈParviz Moin˅ǰˈWZ}jK William Begell Medal˅2010 ŁˆˈICHMT Fellowship aďęˆ%,ì$>ˈ+Œ+Ǔȉȕ$ Award˅2012 Łˆˈ Luikov Metal˅2012 ŁˆˈAurel 8ȚȃŮ Stodola Medal˅2013 Łˆˈ'&Cåɹ@#4ˉ xGfzŧɳCŋŨ#=<$ˉ ę¼( #,ˈNt}gWɟǸġô˅1995 Łˆ +$ˈɇâ$?%%8( ȝȻțƦ¸dz+ȉȕġ+ʣC +,ˈ %#ƯƓNt}gW+ƷŦ(=@3ˈ 1986 Ł$>ˈŀǵɺ¸dzƋŽˈțƦ¸dzÌ ȱʢɔ¦˅1995 Łˆˈɥɴô˅2002 ŁˆˈûʩÔƀ ƋŽ$= ʑl|VIP`ĔôʢˈûʩÔƀʑġʢ˅2002- %,Å(ˈ^o%(Å@#țƦ¸dz%ȗ 2007 Łˆ'&Cʌ#ˈƓďęĸę+> DɴɰC?p^F}Q>4ˉØɰ ƔCɴɰ@ˈ@(îƇʱ(ď'ɷǭC dz+ơÄ+A,ˈ¨ɭƛ<%#ȭƮ 94ˉȉȕġº§+ȉȕ ʄ @4ˉ4ˈ21COE l|VIP`ƻƲU W^qGdmUw}ŵǥy[˅20032008 Łˆ8Ð7=@ˈʥ@ûʩDzĆ+$ƺ ƒɍëȀ'ȉȕǒÏCɃ=dz5ÁžCȾ# ?%ìƝ(ˈ¶@ÙĈƨ+Ⱦū(ä>Ȭ4@ 4ˉ țƦ¸dz+ȉȕ+!+ʀƻ(' +,ˈ 1980 Ł1981 Ł(#ğôȉȕô%#Ǣü @WZ}jKaďęƝ +$,' John Kim đē%ȜˌøƗʲǨǓ§ĸęɴ( #˅ǘķĵ, 2005 Ł 3 ƣˆ %Ŝ4ˉ¸dz, Thermosciences Divisions + R. Moffat ƋŽ+ȉȕġ$ŨǛǖƟ+ŚǴC,7% Ǩ 2015 Ł 10 ƣ -2- J. HTSJ, Vol. 54, No. 229 țƦ¢Ɉ¸dzC±0 CŸ # #8ˈĞʿ+ÇƁ:ɰDZ+ ²CŹ +ɧ+$8ˈȉȕ1+ȺƔ:dzɚ(! ƃ@ˈƧʸ(&>ȇÇ+ǃʨ$'ʃ #Ŭœ?%Č NJ?%3%D&$ˉ4ˈĞʿġ(, ưLJǐʛ+ɧ:ˈė«+ʵ(Ȏħ(ʶ=@ɧˈ ƌ#ɽCʒ-@' WZ}jKaƝ+ȉȕ+ɧ'&ŋÚɶ(ǂ +%Ŝ4ˈę dz(Ğʿ+ǬǎCˊ!ˊ!ȼ$ɓȧ(Wx %Ŝ4ˉƓĤˀ #4ˉ Wx%n}\ȯ:ƎňCƠ@#ˈ@=Ƴɠ ȝȻ,®ĈędzƝ( X þǨɁǓʎɟCǴ 2ƔîŝCƛȊ(ȋ@#4ˉ+< \tczǓɟǜ+ȉȕC#4ˉø 40 'ɴɰ+$ˈŬędz,ˈɰDZȀ'ȺƔC Ɲʦ8?Ğʿ+ˈ½ǰŝœ=@ˈº ęD$ ūƮÁ4D$ˉˈÙĈɯȒ(¹ +%Ŝ4ˉ ŌƝ+țƦ¸dz+ð>(,ˈƜʦ,DŽdžCŨ #=ˈ<:4%8'Ğʿ_Zœ=@ ?3&i}%Ŋ>ɦ7Ȗdž>4ˈč ?<('>4ˉ4ˈ¸ʁ+ędz ('?%ȉȕġ$Ȳ(hzCʼD$ędz+ʽ ǵDž˅ǰˈÕǕʔďęˆɏ ˁɧ(ë #ʴ?%8>4ˉ4ˈ ˃ \tczǓ DNS +ɟȠȭƮCǴɛƭ(<>ˈćǓɟǜ ( ? 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HTSJ, Vol. 54, No. 229 țƦ¢Ɉ¸dzC±0 B 3 Ł×$+<'Ţ Ȉ=(ſ ?%,ɮ(8Ŧ´$4D$ˉ44Ŭ û+7('@%CNjijų=@ˈȥ ÉȀ(ǒÏ@#ʔ×-$'=@% (ˈ¸dz+Ǧś,-> %Ę4 ˉ4ˈ ř8ģƖCĿ(ď(@ #+$ˈǰŏʼnʊŒ+šɃʗ+dzǒ8 %ƶ5(@#(ʖ'ˈ+ŧñ$8 Ǧś (ʖ>4Dˉ ȉȕġ+ OB CƗ˅4D(ˆ%ò/4 ĝŁʊȽɡśȍɸ(# ĒƸ%˅ƬƢɅˈ ˈ@,dzˊƗ 27 ǀ 5 ~ƣ%'?% 2012 Ł 3 ƣ 16 Ɨˆ ('D$țƦ¸dzędzƝ(ɣȘ@8+ $ˉȉȕġ+ď¸ʁ+ÑàʚDž(<@-ˈˊ +ɃÂ+ȉȕ?%ǽÃ(Ũ#4ˉ Ɨ4$ūʢ+ˈ2 Ɨ˅55 ǀˆ4$ǒ țƦ¸dz,ɿ¼(8Ý@(ɃÂɃ Ï+ˈ3 Ɨ˅81 ǀˆ4$ŜȺ+% ɿ(Ǽݸdz$ˉ4ˈǷdž(Ǡ@ˈ @ˈOB $,Ł˄<>8¨Ɨʟɖ$ˉ ƾȸŨ¯ŋˈĿ(Ǫ+fx}WCȺ #= 94ˉȉȕ, țƦ¸dz+ 3 ƗC ȍ?+,44ȃŌ >ǃ ¸$ˈ¸dz(Ĭ Ɲʦ$=@4$+ȉ ǃ+Ȕ5ʟ*$'@-ʾȁˈȁ+Ç( 'ȃŮ%ȚAˈÂ@ʔ$ʈ ȕūƮ8ɗ#ʴ'=; =ˈ< ƶ5(#4ˈèB)Ď(' >ÝʔCʘ2ˈThinkˈThinkˈThink!˅Ⱥ #4 4ˉ8%<>ˈ@4$+şC ʇ$ #Ⱥ#ȺűˆˈEngineer %#+ˀȽƴ ?Ȟ8'%Ŝ ŧɳCŸ#'&ˈƸ'ȉȕ(Ĩ?ȺƔ: #4ˈɕɀ¸dzˈŀ ǵ¸dzˈțƦ¸dz%Ȱ#ǨǓ§ȉȕġ& dzɚC Ƌʴ4ˉĿ(ˈďęˈęˈ ƗƧ+ĩƪ(!#ȺˈŖʝ8@#= > ɧ$?ˈ% (î #ɏCɗ#ʴ%8$4D $ˉțƦ¸dz+Ƌė+%#Ş 94ˉ '<(ˈ4ˈ¸dz+ˀöʸŧɳCŘ@ 2012 Ł 3 ƣ+ơȫɱȸ$,ˈǨǓ§ĸę=Ȍ (ˈ@=8ȥƫÍÉ#'% +7+Ȑę1% ɧC@ˈ@4$ Ŝ +ȉȕ+ȱŶC@?%%8(ˈȐę(Ĩ?Ȍ #4ˉ @4$ƧŌ(>%4ˉ +ƥő%ˈ@(Ś?2ȉȕȻůɐȻ+ %ɼ>Ȱ#=@¸dz$+$ˈ&ě= ªó(!#ɫ=@4ˉŌƗ+ȍɸ+ǟ² ( Ȇ>ˉ ǃʨ$,ďę+JS$ɏ8+ =ˈęċ+(,4>Ġ ?'%+Ź țƦ¸dz,ˈû¼,8%<>Ǖċ(8ȉȕCʌ ȋ>ˈOB CŖ(Ǹ4ˈ@$ əâďÒ= 8 160 í+ßËȻ$ą,Ǟô$ˉ( Č+Ɣ= Š:5+rzCʴ4ˉ ,ˈĒƸ% + ĖƸ(8 $ʴˈßË ȉȕġ(ʢƥǢü@#ǓCǗ7=@Ɣ+ Ȼìˈƶ.%%Cʓ#ʴ4ˉ ʤ+ʩ+Żŷ$,ˈďę%,ʖ Șą$ University of New York ˆˈ Michel Leschziner Ƌ Ž 94ˉ ˅2006 Ł(ǢüˈImperial College Londonˆ=ʉ +ŒˈJST + CRDS ÈX}ZʢˈCrest ʷā ţƏCʴ4+$ˈ+ȧʰ(#Ȫ ȮŶ$'ˈƗƧęɐɴˈƏȐȄůɐßˈ OECD ȐęůɐƈȟĔôˈƸ'ûʩęɴ +ȬȶĔô'&ˈďęƝ(û¼ˈǕċCʺ /ø #ř@#?%£ Ǩ 2015 Ł 10 ƣ ˈSanjoy Banerjee ƋŽ˅1996 Ł(ǢüˈŌƝ University of California, Santa Barbaraˈǰ The City @=+Ŭû+Ȑęůɐ+ƀʑ(ɷǭ@ %ljŧCɒƛ@#= 9>ˈɞĄCȈ #ʴ4ˉ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ #4ˈ -4- J. HTSJ, Vol. 54, No. 229 笠木伸英先生を偲ぶ There are many things I remember well about Nobu’s To the memory of Professor Nobuhide Kasagi persona. One of these was that he was meticulous and had the kindness and foresight to deal with even the most Professor Nobu Kasagi’s unexpected passing is a great apparently trivial but essential details. When I first sorrow and loss to all of us who have known him. He was arrived in Tokyo, not only had he arranged for where I a truly fine human being, as well as a great engineering was to stay, but had even arranged for a personal stamp scientist, many in Kanji so I could access a bank account. Another time, accomplishments. For his family to whom he was very when my family, who had stayed on in Santa Barbara, close, was visiting Tokyo we all went to his laboratory at the widely we convey recognized our deepest for his sympathies and condolences. university. The complex equipment bewildered my daughter who was five at that time but Nobu of course Though I had met Nobu on many previous occasions, the had toys for her to explain the chaotic nature of first time I got to know him well was at the 1995 turbulence, including a double pendulum, which International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Kyoto. exhibited chaotic behavior! There is a picture somewhere An event of note was some rather raucous singing by the in our archives, which illustrates this occasion. French contingent, notably Olivier Simonin that Nobu and I both enjoyed together. At that time Nobu, perhaps Over the years, Nobu and I kept in touch. He was seminal bemused by the cacophonous vocalizations, asked if I in initiating the symposia on ‘Turbulence and Shear Flow would be interested in spending a year in the Mechanical Phenomena’, which have now become a well-known Engineering Department at the University of Tokyo as international forum for research in the area. I was the the Mitsubishi (Visiting) Professor. As we shared many Chair of the first symposium, which was held in Santa common interests, such as turbulence structures Barbara, and it was due to Nobu and John Eaton’s tireless interacting with deformable boundaries, I accepted with efforts that the conference was so successful that it alacrity. So it was that I spent four months of my kicked off an outstanding series. We continued to meet sabbatical from UC Santa Barbara at Tokyo in the Fall of often, either in Japan or in the US. Some years ago, I 1996, working much harder than I had ever anticipated remember coming into Tokyo with a horribly stiff back under Nobu’s benevolent but eagle eye, which of course and staying at the International House in Roppongi. was a mark of the greatness of the man. Nobu and his wife, Hiroko, came to take me to dinner at a nearby restaurant, Enoteca. Nobu was concerned about The time in Tokyo hosted by Nobu was one of the most my physical condition, but as always had a solution. “A enjoyable periods of my life. He was, as is well known, bottle of Gevrey Chambertin (a Burgundy)’ he said, ‘will a gentleman in the best sense of the word. He was warm cure it or at least kill the pain much better than a but always correct, welcoming but never effusive, massage’, and of course it did! Nobu was always solicitous of one’s needs but never overwhelming and imperturbable and knew how to deal with a problem, one of the most intellectually stimulating people I have often proposing an out-of-the-box solution. worked with. His laboratory was an engine of unusual productivity and distinction, which the scholars he His kindness and warmth were remarkable, and I will mentored nonetheless stashed with whiskey among the miss him greatly, as will all those who knew him. He will scientific paraphernalia- much appreciated by several of be remembered with affection and respect by those who my visiting PhD students. He kept an unrelenting knew him. schedule himself, expecting others to work long hours with the same selfless devotion as his. But after work he Sanjoy Banerjee would some times go out to sing karaoke with us and all CUNY, Sept. 2015 our cares would fall away. Needless to say Nobu had a very fine voice! ********************** 伝熱 2015 年 10 月 -5- J. HTSJ, Vol. 54, No. 229 țƦ¢Ɉ¸dzC±0 A Personal Tribute to Nobuhide Kasagi Like many in our community, who were entirely unaware of Nobu’s illness, I received the news of his untimely and tragic death with incredulity, followed by an intense feeling of loss and sadness at a life taken all too early. Nobu’s astonishing number of scientific, professional and societal achievements, and their lasting impact, stand proudly on their own plinth, and need not be retold and lauded in this personal tribute – save for one exception. Meeting of the TSFP5 Organising Committee in In 2006, Nobu was elected Fellow of the British Royal Munich in 2006 (right-to-left: Nobu Kasagi, John Academy of Engineering – an especially rare honour Eaton, Michael Leschziner, Pepe Humphrey†, Rainer granted to foreign nationals. The one-sentence citation required to precede the detailed case for support read as Friedrich) follow the earlier, highly successful Turbulent Shear follows: Flows series. Among the four of us, Nobu was the principal driver of this initiative, displaying the singleminded determination and dedication that characterizes Distinguished for his outstandingly innovative research contributions to engineering science and everything he tackled….and the rest is history: TSFP – technology, covering a broad range of fundamental the latest, TSFP-9, held in Melbourne in August 2015 – topics and applications; for his outstanding has become the principal global conference reporting leadership role in Japan's mechanical engineering research in turbulent flows. This is one of numerous community - most notably, as President Elect of legacies he leaves behind. JSME and leader of Japan's premier 21st Century Mechanical My closest and most rewarding interaction with Nobu Systems Innovation ; and his wholly exceptional came in 2006, when I had the privilege and pleasure of dedication to building bridges between Japan's spending a 9-month sabbatical period in the legendary engineering “Kasagi Laboratory” at Tokyo Daigaku. I shall always Center-of-Excellence Program profession and on the international remain grateful to Nobu for his decisive role in securing community. the JSPS Senior Fellowship that supported my visit, and What else need one say about this supreme academic also for being a supremely meticulous and generous host. professional who was dedicated to the promotion and Attending dozens of informal seminars given by his exploitation of engineering science, to rearing and students, and participating in outings and social fostering the next generation of Japan’s scientists, “drinking-and-eating” gatherings, with Nobu almost engineers and university academics, and to making invariably present and fully engaged, made it obvious to Japan’s engineering community a natural constituent in me why he was so admired and liked by his junior the global science and engineering fabric? collaborators and students: it was not simply his supreme command of the science being researched, his global I have been fortunate to call Nobu my collaborator and – stature and prominent position in Japanese society, but I like to think – my friend since 1997, when we joined his impeccable politeness, his tendency to listen patiently + forces with John Eaton, Pepe Humphrey and Martin and with total attention before giving thoughtful and Sommerfeld to establish the Turbulence and Shear constructive feedback and guidance, and the charm he Flow Phenomena (TSFP) series of conferences, to exuded, curiously contrasting a somewhat patrician Ǩ 2015 Ł 10 ƣ -6- J. HTSJ, Vol. 54, No. 229 țƦ¢Ɉ¸dzC±0 Naturally, Hiroko displayed at least a modicum of concern (my wife would have been in sheer, unadulterated panic). Not so Nobu: calm and composure personified. Somehow, Nobu was confident the handbag would be returned – and, of course, it was, entirely as Nobu predicted. Nobu was an intensely private individual, and he would probably forgive me for intimating that he rarely “let his hair down”, at least in my presence. Even after several glasses of good French or Italian wine, he tended to remain rather serious, controlled and reflective. Our Dinner at The Gore, South Kensington, London, 2012 conversations rarely ventured into the realm of his (left-to-right: Nobu, Hiroko, Freda, Michael) private life – although I know that he was intensely proud presence that comes with being a member of the national of his two successful daughters. Our conversations elite. I will admit to leaving Tokyo rather humbled by his usually revolved – or ended up revolving - around his admirable leadership qualities. concerns about Japan’s role on the world stage, about its long-term ability to compete, as a manufacturing nation, During my time in Tokyo, and at gatherings in various with China, and about the impact of globalisation on the locations in Japan and abroad, I gleaned a little of Nobu’s outlook and changing lifestyle of Japan’s young qualities as a private individual – generosity and generation. His pre-occupation with these profound graciousness being at the top of my list. My wife, Freda, national questions, even in the most informal of social and I had the pleasure of sharing with Nobu and his settings, characterized a man who saw his life as a vivacious and charming wife, Hiroko, a good number of mission to improve the lot of Japan and mankind as a excellent French and Italian meals – although I shall also whole. cherish the many down-to-earth lunches we had in a simple, small noodle restaurant just outside Tokyo May he rest in peace and look benignly upon our Daigaku. inadequate efforts to build on his legacy. Strong self-control was a major fix-point in Nobu’s Michael Leschziner character. On one occasion, when Nobu and Hiroko Imperial College London, Sept. 2015 visited us in our Central London apartment, Hiroko forgot her handbag in the taxi that brought them to us. Ǩ 2015 Ł 10 ƣ -7- J. HTSJ, Vol. 54, No. 229
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