, tBo? N 05 FEB 202003 Na.E PUP'JC UBPJR T _.o DA}PN STPT NflEs o1 tte ftuçte 50 CENTS PER COPY 7400 VAUKEGAN RD., NILES, IL 60714 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID eugle News TIIURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 1 4&IÁig a- . ' VOL. 46, NO.34 -A ARTHRITIS SEMINAR Arthritis specialist to present latest informa(1011 and news on February 21 at I p.m. at Morton Grove Senior Center. Call 847-4705223. (;ARDEN CLUB MEETING Garden Club of Morton Grove to hoi :1 1r()nthly meeting on Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m. Ca 847-966-4624. BEGiNNING SOCIAL BRIDGE Popular program continues on Thursday's at noon at Nues Senior Center. For information call 847-588-8420. MANAGEMENT OF HEARING LOSS Lecture on new techniques in dealing wi h hearing loss as well as hearing screenings t Niles Senior Center. For information call 84 588-8420. :----r-f .1 I. ' Nicole Olczyk (from left), Anela Biel, Tim Manning and Nicholas Zwolinski demonstrate their engineering and architectural skills at St. John Brebeuf's Preschool. School registralion for all grades is on Sunday, Februar, 23 from 9 am to noon. Call 847-966-3266 for more information OSTEOPOROSIS SUPPORT GROUP Group meets at 6:30 pm. on first Thursday ¿f the month at Lutheran General Hospital. C Il 800-323-8622 for more information. WÖMEN'S FINANCIAL PROGRAM Program on issues for women in planning nancial strategies. March 5 at 7 p.m. at D s Plaines Public Library. Call 847-376-2787. TOWN HALL MEETING State Senator Susan Garrett to hold town h li meeting on February 22 from 3:30 to 5 pm t Des Plaines Public Library. Call 847-37 2787. LILLIAN GISH AT P1CKWICK March 2 showing of 1920's silent file "Wy Down " Call 847-825-5800. Culver 4th grader Lauren Papucci displays herproject on the State of Illinois. Students at Culver recently studied how the slate operates and created posters and projects to show what they had learned. PAGE 2 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 Skokie outlaws motorized scooters on sidewalks Fob. 3, SEeLe lo-alees hava guagesiaring shut d dees soi apply te atereejeed io'heelcliaira. P0.101 werbvas, public safely aneciad an ordinance oualuwing nieieriead hikes, 55001055 er mepeds on public properly, Avviviani Village Manager ofUcers or these wish limited niohiiloy ere allowed le ute a bleak Vardeapeel said ili- arie l_iii' irisas frooicevcornefiaju- iwo-ivhiaaled Xegway. lise law allows these with a valid driver's l.ccnsa to use moaricad hikes or iaiopeds on village arrecie. RE/MAX AliStars Announces new agents!! is I rani niacl050a boiag drii'oa Village sidewalks. A recenraienahaven tu has ruila cebiches ovas presenacd lasa OciaSen hai postponed ever ceo- THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 acctiaeltng to i atiatatca ofrtcirth. l'Se dastaict'a arpeoalioo lttrtal mn ills sraoio /(tastiltilh trick, artes Sa.rc1 Muallek. onocuatvo direcmtir eib husitrva.s oorvjccv. Site cnpcclv licols apenm d.ttk hall is,rll,aal,ol 1111111 lamoda drIo osai .1 I,C5 hire .iilocliiiy' (srl mec. a hatmord by Moo-h mar April 'lime acheol hieiard ruas danected Instracl adantotaseins tat crtismc ap wallt cool esliaimg phrasa r trtsk f,irco UtIli tiaeitihcra lilao .,nc,l lia, iehcllmu trIait 1.111 III SPIII,m,arnol r5a acoiao, .arr,i 1 l,lkllaO Simcet ,rmulhi Ill birhrpbus Inr)irtetrsmrlctst:tfl, pareiiin, uaaial tItra fund hual.tnco lii he grise ri mltc cad iii tIto 21104.115 vcltaoeil 'Sal_nick ra ueaame Iba_ti vaperrahi ,\iaeut 1911 lank Rings 1511. htighen Irate thor macsac's. IteIarrpcs mtl linee cost catho0 roc' eisirraerdatioss no preseat to rira Mark Selilageter Irr Irltra osporaos. lits abisirnc m's rho iaordoig was toe ro- 190 left powerless when wind downs wfre Dist. 63 sees education fund shrink Dtti 63'.radavattoo fond shrank leona a bualatnee ah $7.b mallitto att lIte anal afl.'astschttiail pear tat lesa altar $3 nailhios peoJedad rl tite end ail titis yc.ta, Varsity Letter Ir 11199 '19, by S7i10,bhlIU ' h. h. h. h. ' h. h. District 219 Niles Twp High Schools News I I' I' I' 'a SENIOR CITIZENS ! Shampoo Naarlla Sladaar iSles H'ritiag &Set.... S2.50&Up Haircut . .. $3.00 & Up Hiles Senil nIal hellt Ilanausl'imuads'rIt,aaablciaIilncliIh EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Sr. Man's ClipperStyleg SXtaUU1 a 1ir,rrsr,lcI h b (T talares t. lic I/SI Studeom 9V nittng Orniesm . h & PEDICURE TOGETHER S cuasca h o dH OUkase pYYAd vrnsOenca IbA $16.00 & UP 'litri) & Valeva Ramilli haie (773) 631-0574 rIt h'mrgllsltcnmvrhielh to 111 haSh Ii Ilgr.11rl SimIan' c.a.l al mrlul itIc lJl,lsOh,t IcE/mir i. i Volado is ht-lingual aod s1rcaks Pcrorsl,aro. Aussia blulltliv Suoni Spanish. Ycm..ecnina mviii .iia,irai.ummtdae.idtlmcitita000mrroa AliStars or Selling - One Call Does It All! THE ONLY NILES anaahry X bra 55 EA med. tar .511101eV' aIiathedW lUng. NI.SFREe Ou, Cd INdrard 847420-12W NIet EJislSOredbaSaiseflt I OFFICE yaXWaikio GflaçEIi Cal Card R47-293'7653 NEW USTING aLEs 3 501550m. 1.5 barn badi e (847) 965-5544 OR (847) 293-7653 rainy jritraed Vatlenia tir 999 rafter Imirig ro tIte irirorot :tcturtogl toanagctrtotit Sold lira ricca 211 ycata chicle lic supere teed ra ci ITS Iioople 'Diesr"Pooplo nktlln huyo helped loot liccooro a succeuafuleealcatrtte.tgentstitcehtis very Sant yvat. They Ituivo reaidcd willi their 3 cliildaon iv iltcatart ricco iii lily' maiali liar vas_m) _.Ir.,ut Si .11111 CItic'.aIl'a S' ial l'ion rna iuchrai.ary 2h hiiy'arlirirk sa hi ahsrla1l1.lr lii .aoepcariaing 't'i/VOI. osaaalcincn C.roerutleIe liimtta br tite aaemeail e ala/cams amid Ibis'ls Ie,Icbico. b.aobm,i. raUdo Salles Weal Stodcsrs Cats,,. 111,1.0 aal n'bbs bhUlai.imlnt.ol,mml III 101cbsOillr.loo Ill acel,lano III lire mile Ve_ir rarI r ibiallugii a rlllOilhullrrn mf his iIi 1,1.1, 11cm vois .1114 snoop rammd 131 Ono colmi picicih Itaitiarilriliantm I mIll lilas u bu. is ib riO Lancohn Casher, Now York, lito winoor of almut comlapohimion wahl 'Whaee EsW,y Day IN SPCIHU 7633 N. MlIWaaIa08 Ase. HIles 847/9679393 005881m SN1meIp MarSHal 5.lr6&..-dp. taet-FrkhtO.1m-tpm. All sariettes aaahiable in rho stare, as well es by 'arder an Thurs,. Feb, 27th thra Taos.. Marsh 4th, Shauld yaa want paoelai's prior ta Sunday, Feb, 25, they will be enHUeble UY ORDER ONLY an Thursday Feb. 27th, FrIday Fob. 28th. & Saturday Fob. 29th. PACZKI DAY IS TUESDAY, MARCH 4TH! PRUNE CHOCOLATE BAVARIAN CREAM FRESH STRAWBERRIES FRESH STRAWBERRIES W/C PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE W/C RASPBERRY CHERRY/CHEESE COMB. STRAWBERRY/CHEESE COMB, ala lii i al_c l'llrcsa ('inilegemmapri' ira' luise-mai bIs lilotl tu mallo 115._Il' hlrr..lea, '1110 ('lrlbagc baa i 118m 'IS aile loassena that vaharaanl,',ala the otsdonta quthili. Voice of Democracy allo roh ubmlit,sil,II ahl ilmo oleaulamomlog Irldicadalal I,maine maammstans-o,rtamd 252U. Nues Park Spring Gymnastics Classes n 0111,1 lie Visco of Daaecsucy and Paroi. (Ita Pant 193579 hohd Oil' Award, htooduy. luna- .111 13,21)03 au mba l'vai Hamo. IO IV ihggies. Park Radgr, IL. Ile are proad io sponsor he reumoia Canter, 8255 Okalo in galga as ledi girlilara lam aadvraamced skill levais 61101, tipnilig aassivns begin btueeh SI ,iuld cc, en Mondaays rtrmd Frtdl> s SEau, lalegill ismdlade lui,, lmllr,0. b,r,lrimaco bi-rata,, vr,slljng, Pr,lrjaia Pon Award. itt Placa, Mar,a E. Croo: SIDO; tad Placo. Candi, blikahic: 125, alte hite imrnmgraltaireraclaey 15.10111 stil dents cud 2.01)0 tcaaclaona imi 5h Enghial, Speoktog Union Sa.itaclu oeatlitianitia.saaimaod lime Uatacj Slummea. Niloa West Santero May rt.p- ply rar Hamaeitarian Award. Ivy Lyan Ci,a1rlik. ufooiaer Nalca W ''l'tad 'ni, om,ricitod bao caam,u- mng Oyninasatca pregnomma Classes are ibid al Greisean Heights Ree. Nalos. Poek'earaa are aflorad f,,r 15es i all 14 paura and seis/e ha. lititlilrrlIIip aat,d buns. Rs'sldelta iccsatro 04h und non-bosldeOt loca .110 $46. Regia leaajea ta hIring toE- s-Il ut Iba Howard Latsare Canter. 667E W. Hawaard Sa, ja Nibs. Fac alero infonmmsa,ian uboal Gy,tmnu.- uds, Pli'asocall 18471967-6975, ON BALANCES UP TO 599,999,99 I lie Ladre, IOasrh,an) le hie O Olon.amls il Flnrangs Wa as ali the Lbml1nOd Slates umld Paok Rsalge 'ioon apyaanvmmtm.aoly 100,000 yvaaamg periplo lic rmppltsaealiiy la vaphore tite rind actape eh Sitamkeapeas res uts vs'nsua u r000050 of 5107.1 Irlil-. iii. 1111mo NIls, l'ork O,sae,cmasaceapntng leglstaalien finr ho Spra,tg l.oarbl- thai-laie5 ir hais willEn Cumoctoin halua aol boan osloadod ta Ioaoh. isg siabf 111e witt a 551001er ceaase io Ord,al reina, in 1963 with 501) arc' domima le Narav York City, ibic Canimllmelalianma bras apord 1h14 3 m,ilion IbIs ycur ara marnlai,ta.aillnn. dsoas arI lila imo'e,dr Itiulkang ibac tnunoiagar beco- "l'laartle,,"'l'bo wasnva of bc Citi eago canapami- bnrallllliiiscatil l847l674.4h08, Slaisdo m,lrrasai 11mm Pero Awards 965-2799. atld dansco mull boo soreod. i/Uris. Isunvod abat Osso balances slaol le abis.tpporin, allay 5010,1, The Dinleida is badgolad to .11110, iuu Il bac btariml'a anenaisaatlon fanal, please comilact Assiatani Prancipai. Ella. ralaalit Rohorbsor, un b847) b26- reached al REJMAX AllStwa io Oak Mill Mall in Niles at 18471 Caffoa Ic_ar, Ii lIre mcl irl,,l lIre & Patriots meas $hO.000,000 ¡a hiatisga and sale. for 2002. may eus be Ltrsol,l,vond 'rru,ls und lela1 i.'n,.acii lumi l'I In oua a_allIaI) lilo la',ub'nrdl b tien and abo is soheduled ta clIntieaois liar Chioaga-are.n cantos. held at Navy Pior's Shakospours' l'hoistar en Fabm.'aoy 25. Yasna Ghtaei wan rho ranrer-ap witia oliata whjvh han led thora ta al- L,oc,lio, cenusismeo, praaliooa, such os nel sapIoeirg adminisbra,ina asd vuppeO polilloro lofa vaaaaa, Al Ibis limo, aovh roduobions c_1111011 c,abiOo fer hito awasd. 101100 Item 'An You Like Il" i 2:311 p.o.. am Lihesly Barb, 6666 tIlO most In aduni bIl,1l,55, leas haar Uo,t piase in lire oana1aemn. told h000tlihb at Nuca PhIl> rho 01510101 in lis- sully Itaullhy, saud 'fi5, Celo, hua happoalng in pony diabriaba, 'l'ha Distrial has began OaSI iSac 01110 aallia 100% Club. Togelber. they bald u very laigh atasdard af professtan- polltaomt at Liber ty Bank sire 1155115g, Ibis iO.titl 01511 oaIahll,tielh aaslrndr Sis o-rl lillo ais. ('.illrllih,mlcltival lv' -1 Sties STeam icnmrrll. Ill (',aoAd,alc imoreccaloal hmm Sal.t,cla i Noeiloui. i mmli mal O lndliaabc II_ahite,, t nirum,rmt.alod 010/eilt, oratmuc lid rad. Ir all pooh, unce AVosI High, Schooh Maahiesy's mcc. im, tite Sit.tkesps'aae CitaIt' - mou keopirgapwihhonpasdi. illea, and 1h01 Iba faaneial ans. dimiun could qaiokly erode, an is Ibis ochioll .11h,Ilsudlic tu Ile mcc 11191, 1011 lilO ('.inrind.alca lin llaca,, inh illusI vinrlr;ra A acmrosonluvue of ube r,ud,tIng Ulm Wilhomm, F. Gas/o ond Cu, 1,111 paa,onlod iba b,uord v/il On audit avenoieme aiara- The Lore and Lure of Spices suenchanla io rs no cerlly. lIen, leilS ho dillcoaler IO 00mo 1mm fund balOrcas, Colo wrrood thor rovo naon ero hilIIIad,l IS tire Muhtt-Millien Dallar Club and are mambvra el the ohio PACZKI CELEBRATION WEEK! CHERRY CUSTARD LEMON PEACH laIE dic Saules bVc,i alt lads ss'ncmlirntty r\scimladcr limo st'dtpleat', l,uauamc utilI boo Imiscslheil nv lbs perlait lidial Pl.lalltc Omhilllcll'liic lam yero its Sl,akosps'asra C,aaejaeli. Iba, istaihonv Palrlmrep tIras lilo BAI°ERY APPLE APRICOT BAVARIAN CREAM BLUEBERRY CHEESE II_una_ata rOsa als) va ill 1mo imscac mime/uI y_aral I/I Ibis area, aurnand mho llOu'OOd biaisa Township Dislnivi 207 hound O ford rOpOn from oudi. lita' aabausl ilolobrv'al lin, la- in ra Ill, ,a 9-2 naaclull mcsrniii. .Ini l'i 'lito la> lImitI Cli,nhmhak I 11111 lailiiiO 5mai51, i '.11k Um/go poi,oa cor,lencd '0.1 i .11051v Ismuasun mIno op.rr Ci,,t1niak i ialrl.lomr_raa_lmm Ata aral fair over 20 paara u'hcre Valerio ve-ry-autise wallt die scheda -& commUnity. Teap & Valons bark baleng lv Heidi's Bi.thd,W.ddAg&Oa55DIp.daA.$ Sd,ttrE,d,.Pm5MtS5S,h&&fl5S ltc.rA tall> uE/mly kmr lIta ley l.yaso bic lbs' Ou 1101 us uni 1I'lll Alab Ills Ill lialunllmi. und bobeen Suasc blrgiui,nm .ural'ramshya\aorus- blink Schi.agolon. u lepiurrlhiirre millar Salic,, Il (,In/as rSa.Ialatllr I, .1 i,r1vrsli o Inc 11X12 I,ako Fa,mcan I' 'llcgs ils c.lnlicli I Ii' n.os.riascacairlit) lrlhchichd.ai will he eligiblo te prrfaaosm am lite suimionah oenlpelitior Imaid an ea.tha,glrmflamst,OIIW.nrdI.AM Its r 1h11h50 111cc lii manlai1a Faaolba,ii 't'oa,nr Sohlag. osa-r ea.rrrnrt st-er,rd aar-nissy let. lia als. cemsmpuasntna. saal nasposm Sirlrclnimla Siles Weal ln.aitu.mttrmg hm,ae paracatccs rand prIsciplsa rohieca ra ilu,ia.asil.lnirao Chmapiik t'ia.nral nepncoco,aune D207 finances healthier than many lake Fsara'.r ('alirge ('hr.s.mpi. 't'ck,licnitia Valona has hoer a top hirruluc- Free MarkeE Analysis 05'ENTOOs'FERS lnaamt.aiiic lli,onamrmia uela io praividtog li-rali'aisiiiili lioaeat & liraif-asi,rsal Carol FRarea, CAS, ASH Richard Hagczak. Co-owners mne Real Estate Superstars i liilt rlr le hic a nieml-o,lhlmd epe.mkcm Usiate when alio became o McliiMillion Doll or producer oir d ivan oid husband arid atiPe ieee iii Joie RE/MAX AilSiara. w. w w w WMPX' . sieclsirltbtotmcuhtltro er stave icr t'ari; lai peor io Real FREDERICK'S joise their ie.00 of Osuissdiag vaeicd"ROOKIE OF 1111/ COIFFURES P Aoriiivrnlriay&V,il,ireihencc YEARi r" She .etriliutaa lico loc5391 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. CHIEAOO. IL h lilnglaabm Ir, Shoal, cmlii f()Ihrcm Ioitgii.agoau. Slash emlislic dcc lulled I I rl, lillo _ 1111ml glo.tI cvs.ir lItaI dia' leI HOME MANICURE HAIR CARE bic lili oetachna' pIco ob 'i I_Sill r' 'end I cr51, I Men'aAeoHgr SytrgtX&Up lo-al aUhlrlr a C'lllusllllmu,,aeruilba bd i/sd wIll apcak es 'flic Loro loll l.uro ob SpIcon II Kalaoo lit. li.000h'n alurrnmhiyrlooalrgnln fuo,du>, Fohtuary' 23. 20)13 aI Earns Second lirai ale' lilt i Es, loud SpIce T'ha lreaaooi laiv contains han- III PAGE 3 airuidsos litai panlldlpatiod n rho hllr(gn:rltta Boleas ut a Isil of ilse i n-Idly i'y to I llar FlOat bella-Idos, Baok'a 500051 uobl, lmkr frro teihrr ainiis, froc onlino boalaing, fern -i "-s kir5',tee 001,1. ill 1111. il loin 2,501'oiailrhsol ara isaluaoo- e-s ialrsir als, a lsvrr ATSI/ahekit sarai', frro depoalls and - 1151 111,111 Sl101,)OXi mmliii h,7ti°Íe Oli iaOmidtse_ of oalhliraools MI IlIum mitan 250 ATMa, boor bamk.by. 11X1,16X1 dIll 11105, lia liEs gr lilI0 lb n iallow-ai rulo nf a CII 111111 mlv' vIA liuloumiiibelltoiloskisag 1.6 Ini iit'llnuul'sua,ilaluanall-,elbretrbos,iarrsav [I lUst I( '5N ßANK phomte, osd breo Iront sitenk inasgos. In loor, lherrb m,osheokia gaocoao I hab pays ir sa manpoapn, tasI Slap by orsali Ihr Silo- bwnol, and sign up laday. 50,00 a(Daesoarueyninnarr 1,1 i'ir,co, Sbaeairl M. Arwaym 1h 191: Ial Finsa, David M. Pabobsana bad Plraoo. Daaaeflo bal. Oily. cil_lia: 1511 iibM Jessica Spyehalaa. $25: li/ial Daniol R. l_eaacynak,: S2S; bl/bl Jaunnu K. Zapabowuiam $25' Slois taY oUr NEW IO,anaarahl Niles Iaraooh at 7747 Waukegan Road, ( Between Howarl ion,) Oakto,i or, Waakogan) oasll 847-663-6000 or go onlinr' al w.FirsLAanBani corn. 31E CI,ioagala,,,aI I,amohalinas t*neesahI didsasebralnO iOl0050anoarasa Ii.eariirsa50bbaanodml,hbaallla iiInandoÑiO5mdne)0laouanr,,s/a (OO,eanrwmsa OMualOUlarlmaI&MIllardhmaOlbOU arash,ntedIeolekOInni9, la,taa,sed bsoir,%brr.oilaiueaeusltnarlmbaa learaoroasois haOIn/IntOn,l0 aI*es/100 lnr,rnr,robmui mAmsstbn,mow,oIlo-Im',rrlU0behs50uheuasO1el,,_ta rma,,aa,sblomasbl,s 50S(aasnlrharalsalpaaromk,.aauwebobrauna,UIr5o,iabla adiosmrs.©asalaasne,o& 15,1., eOlO tz,eIsOZ, PAGE 4 St. John Brebeuf School 8301 N. Herlem Ave., Nues 847-966-3266 New Student Registration and Early Childhood Open House Sunday, February 23 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Legion Post digs in heels, fights to stay 7780 MIlwaukee Avenue, NIles (847) 965-1315 HOURS SUSSAN Skokie'sAe,ericos Layissr isst liostgist try the P,rnk D' riet l'est 320. On,siy eotre,ched .oisv 1998 ts'he,,, sviti, droppttsg post itssztslqusrto,s loo 70 yeso. tosssshotvhsp erst isighor ct,ots. ros,, revs its ogreesisent sviti, tise the i.ogiets vor seedy ist cii rito 'orb District spotted o Okokie Pork District sreuieso titers stisisi ZOt 7. or lesti cortos titers itas eistssd it sItriti tite ptstpcoo is sold, sci tittc'c Ic_fits isa'cosssest I,,iiesi is, pto sr eso 5es the i'stk District, tite 90,51, that hailding's psesons surer, liosas,- ltsrcstor netto the ,,k District FRESH MEATS DEUCE-FRESH SALADS PRODUCTS-LIQUORS DELI SANDWICHES RED.. FEBRUA26 rostttcsai '1ers sss race site heild' s_ses tiscsc t sog sttd sell tite este. 'lite District trceotio' OK'd o se-itch Ist, a hid. tito i,eildttsg des ist tobe s, ds,ss'r. Up in -reist,, tite Legios esili, isst, si Si7,iIiti tosc:srst cuiahheititte tito teett eerier issid ,'tststtiten tgneemsni sviti, rito Distese, "inos.ei-od,'' Sidittitti st speri reetodaitstg sito sls,scttstoi,s qeonirnsitttecepted is, Tite betiding, 01 5212 Lincs,iti Register for eiter tise teen center operosi. Ate,, seas hails by lite Legis,r RVAIPX 'Toni Brens Broker to Bring Please call for More Information I Villager ! Things er 'lits i'onk Dsss,sc t ires ellered Ilse 1_egies s itsseiìng ros,,,, aise. ucitore hei titel iaauiitlsealai,er otseitry dstes iii he reitedsied a roo, in oals'e,ce, sod cstuisl ns,t ptsti',de epoca ho tite l_essor es hero nt,i,,l',ers essn steer mIsse. Os bel' rs,,,- Itoce. 'Die l.ngstsn litt, hired on Ist tise. its) st tsegsistsie fanulter stIls she D',rtrìa' Spiritual Support Group for Healing ,eeo,s, Tor i B nos . corn C'mal 1 0 To,tO,nos,som Certified Residential Specialist Bi-Ungual: English/Poliah 20 yeats eaperience Nues Resideni Call for a free market evaluation direct: (847) 965-4286 mV/pagers (847> 817-4265 OffIce: (8471 657-9100 eat,47 each alice independnntly owned and operated lee-sri, thrstiesgsc.si, s1ttsiesl, pn citstlogtcoi o,tsl pensstrssi 5,55er sltestay h Site stade ti osscietti ois Breakfast Call to Order Phone: 847-470-1900 7200 W. Dempster Morton Grove, IL 60053 - HOT $529 LB CHOICE CLEAN " $191t 3 LBS OR MORE "Spieisaol iiepjrsurs (Instep tsr flossing" sesli he Staid sss Titen,- I. d_i>- eae,risge, 7:315 i's55 ritt Eel 17 si sSl,nii ils inso MercIs 7555. st Seit, SisrsnS 'lite l'ree St nogoga 1224 Detrspsuor Ssroot tes,nree u t Ridoc Rstod ossi Dessiprsert, ilse pester a-tu Ile ted ht llel,l,s Analeeo l,s,,stlstr. l'tue, S1 ragetgae, rd 'l',00s l.tps,g LCSW. Cisi,nds,,,ssrn, lessit 5Iessistt Nc sss-st, k att'Cisscees PEER LEAN TASTY GROUND CHUCK SKIRT STEAKS SMOKED BUTI tir,stagls proven. P.'srtucsp,ssss sc,lI look si ul,eselevonce t' ilse seri, 50 sltrsr nsvn erpenserces. - 4 ltd eh'tstr5rittt colt 'ir_seo l.ipsig os 1147u 9tsS- I GROCERY- C ELERYRED APPLES t) '. f' ]AflC I sAcs DOLE SA D iooz.*. ABSOPURE SWEET JUICY ORANGES 039e .h DEAN'S CHICKEN COTTAGE KIEV CHEESE 99c E SMALL CURD 08 LOMFAT A CENTRELLA DRINKING WATER 99c CAL $ 2936 CZ 6 OZ ers:.s. DOZEN APPLE JUICIr Ç114! ¡r DUNBAR ROASTED HAWAIIAN PEPPERS PUNCH $159 02 CZ JAR 2 LIS NIL 7r 04 CZ BTL CENTREU.A RYE BR 69 D i LB tORF AS.A CARLO ROSSI "ONE OF THE TOP 10 PLACES" FOR BRMKFA5T! Open 5:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. Daily Friday & Saturday Iii Midnight 1 LB BOX NAVEL BLENDS ITALIAN - ISMOIAII LBMY MOB*BB MOSTACCIOLI OR RIGATONI 89C LB N Lunch and Dinnèr PRINCE DELICIOUS IrOR$ $795 p I- - - Serving Why Cook? We'll Fix Your Favorites to Carry Out! SAUSAG E $39tt Complete Dinners Include; Soup, Salad, Collèe & Dessert Restaurant & Pancake House MINELLI'S HOMEMADE ITALIAN POT ROAST Fri., Sat., & Sun. Chicago Tribune Food CriticAs SALE ENDS -w--- USDA CHOICE BONELESS CHUCK-EYE LEAN ctstders Seoir relabel is, lires, rd WEEKEND ONLY Named by Phil Vetel, Mon. thru Pd. 6530-500 P.M. Stu,day 8s30-5s00 P.M. SanARy 8:30-2:00 P.M. HES WAYS ht, prstpie siregoitrg steil, illrorr THIS \ &P litt, esn.ssoek ssppt'rs grtrstlrsr George's -Featured Special)k41W / Our Famous Grecian Chicken FRESH PORK TENDERLOIN etsd hin Site people wiss, core is 5I,e,t,. 'l'iris orstap sasl erpistr Three & Four Year Old Preschool Full & Half-day Kindergarten Grades One through Eight Baptismal Certificate $75.00 Registratiors! Deposit Isst reesstti tI, k-sep lite i.sgssr 2003-2004 Birth Certificat e PAGE 0 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 -- 99 $ WIN 4 LITER STROHS DEER 22 OZ CANS 1O I SOUTHERN COMFORT 750ML $99 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 PAGE 6 lt in e Imamy to be srnderetood. Relph Weide Emereon St. Joseph 's Academy observes 20 years A 6611771 houOOIl in ichal 7706 once a manufacturing facility WE SEE YOUR NEED FOR LIFE INSURANCE GRO\VING E\'ERY DAY. \\ L LI\E \°.'I IRRE YOT. IVE. celebrated 20 years of its special programming this month t'a is high suhnol foe special kids, 61111 with behacioral prob- from a church. When it hod to bave Ihe school church facilrty, tIte noced into a fonmnr menufac' lutins property at 7530 N. 011054 COlI groas, does yo rend br prOInOiOO Mid body eIn help yoa pror'iitr hat proinotsoir like l,iSI5il ranirisgnrri ncc nr iodoy Bill Schmidt, I.UTCF N etch or. Mitycn Nicholw Blase huiped lin aciroal stay in Silos. Seiruck 6.IId looked in tO cotsrrrtunt. but none wonted oun school," said Schuck, Today 85 students In grados h Och Mill Mall Suite 2315 ties, 847-967-5545 UKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR I£I Niiiniiceilo, o steif teomher. The pregeliirt in hosed as rhe lull's Toreri trrodnl a-Item alu. dcorr nrc tore arded foe íippniipni. oie twlravion orli caen prieilcfos 11ev aduonco, 'llicnon'eaitdertiai Acadorrry Founder Michael Schack sold personal prnpony and aced (lin proceeds lo open lite school in 1983. it oponed in Niloa 767717 thron students, in apoce renrod through sigh ruirool ma augita by a stall of 35 secluding, rmiol STATE FARM LS TtiEBE.' Trustees consider broader comment period lite goal ¡a esahlisrg students so maser 5e district nulioolo, al. though hey ces gnoduoie burin lIte Academy as weil Ahoraal IS pa roast iii erudlsro censideeing a preoedueai charge eolusn la d'inseios nclsivnla allowing lhd oadianca sa corn. Airosas IB seniors will orada' Menan G reco trustees sea rinnt sse, agenda ilanra bofare tire technical irclniclion lika hicycle rod rroriirrcyelc repairs. Sosie' voies oc orn rina 177 placo cru. dovla (ir hike repaie jobs. said in' sIructcs '1rrcc Blame. Looking fioss'ord lin the nest 20 paulo. Scheck nays ire hopos ut anpusd clrerpusce unit rechnol. sky peeigríesrs. Church Wo men United of Park Ridge Clroicti Wotnor Unuad ri Park Oiilgo odi prcueuto World l)oy 5,71cr Soir (ca on Friday. bloch 701 l'ue S6'ri-Ice o ill be bald ot tilo Fasi UnIIcd hlcdisiclisi Church in Piok Rstgc, 419 w'rcuitr' Aie' 41(6, Pork Bulge. Il.. 'l'uic Scrs ice 71111 l.a_it Ihailsi ill workers, spaach lirnrapsstn, prychologisu and ori ree specialirns. The arudens populoritinclrtrrcr. rorutca (nit utilI Ire lolloisod try lunch ol soup and bread frorst local scisoola. "Ifa ncirool din riel alperirnecs peoblenir o'trir kids they call sa," aaid Toni luis lear's service tile Wotid l).iy' ci Frauen o'crrrcr of Loira, lies' Colheirc. lia'.lnfc}Ical and 05510011es. lsase javelS proponed dril isareshspsers'iuo ullish km_ia. 01744 the ihesare "holy Splets 1110 Our Spnsker orlI lo' Seneur I'asaar lles, I.ind.i caler Mirai' son from First Unrted %lelhssilnl Cirarelt of Park lodge 9910 invite >cv. your irlcnds. laistily and pirar ciroru stir Ii f faIlli 1001 55 on lb a spedii day cl O (ill ile rse ri celeheosson and worviep All are w'elcormc 141107 (lire0 i,ittloli.Oi letti. Ccrhisge.hvnard hIgh nelinirl oluilcStv can nahe lie ACT As' oclalncos ce Aprtl 52, 21073. the nest ealionoide tesa dese,Tha droll wending Io allow he oadi' nefisinosnon pinoirsrcstk doadline le latorcln 7 fair teglssnitlion peau. rir.irh dead linie i, hlasoh 21 losad' ulbtl,iflol bec Ir required fur lilie rcgoseeycrl A new day has dawned. We have a new name.- The Park at Golf Mill. Samg ownership. Same premier address. Same great reputation. And now, a ngss' lage's corporation once Io ecuimeui counsel isn to agendo TIte drange was eeqaested lasa nlnoeth by ActIng Vihlsge Clark hlanilyn Snaider. WHAT TO DO? Olios Is tuo n,nsor , including all 117 l.aeguerv'ivn,ila. file tent fee u 925 IS2S In tl,,roioil. Cirlbe1ol uoa oro of i coermon dihenrnna lIai uSCI' it nures. .ilorig ntrh .7 sill' deny logir icliu,cl GI1A, lie ripe cl cudlogoprep i,nuuies t,rkeo .onel 'ilion, st ourini .711114 le holp deter. Mel Anocssrlccr is In oreo n'iras siudeioiv hab Io,inocil Ir Sehr scirlu,il, lull Sic okIlls re' ,1uirvd loor .s060cvo In collego. hito v'i In aplsilido tosi Suosreolu. dcilio Brui il noue eluoifu,rl,ihlc tri .opnlrudc icor bello (holt hitgii ycluuui, houri ilien\Ct lias ,Idlnlirrsororod Ilias 2 osill in,tr 6lIre a basi Selhiro your horno seen? 0e dIm oIl'hoo-ceirsmoa 111501170 Serin Ire hopees pomol. u,l'o,civ. llsn1tginc you ano plano- ono tul pardhioso a hor,re. hat sell >(bus prcronl hontre. 'lo hesO,slc te soll o shoal lesI l,s,llloeyuuanness hoinso, or >ils logIn he-rucIo hosnoaeincir, S'ils loeoie tite perIcos honre, e,lsruniou corsrirlele She pun. clb,ae' 150111 pilan probst hIrmo in ou,ld Your 0111010e rs - The Park offers the finest in retirement living. Note io an exciting time at The Park. The inst is gettIng hotter with an extensive remodeling PI'agraIOr which will include "residential plu? services. At The Park, you'll gad yourself surrounded hy the mesI modero and elegant tnteriors designed for your comfort and pleasure. Call 847-296-0333 or visit today 8975 West Golf Road, Niles, IL 60714 3 LB YELLOW MEDIUM is,,ruc, 111.4045 1luurl,iict "cOulIs- 59L 88c LB 59C( 'IlOSENBORO f ,1.q..*i:11 DANISH BRIE CHEESE ROAThEEF BOBAKrS PORK WIENERSÌ cdt0.., \2'R99 4.4 OZ,_ LB LB M EATS 11111 c,IlilllIIciicy igier" an ihe neu ONIONS RED PEPPERS kVhli is .sconllegoncy buyer'! 0105111es VEGETABLES FARM FRESH 011cv occurs - the 'contingency" LEAN & SENDER PORK SPARE RIBS geil 11111 111e 0.11e iii ylrrlr GROUND ROUND ll,e Inoyens' polni.11f. Itoceoly like i itlgie.Ii ip- GRADE A FRESH SKINLESS BONELESS CHICKEN BREAST $ isaspal'iunI rips. .Sludclris 111111 haie olnoady t,ikcsr (lic ACT call rake a agur ird ru fir a isgIier SKIM MILK $169 lui es.iirllnc acodelitie oc.ikecos. oic;rkncsses red retake lIto c.siIttr .Ioscmors, Siudeills II 1ro lake tilo aol, their higiiooncoisripooino so lrsoupeciiue collcgca if thou chlotoc. Flur 01lire Inflnrril.Iuiinn, melad' ing segluiralion leerla sind test he cIllons, corsucl ycar high school guida rico e ou use Icr ire ne gis ton 001mo on AGra wobolire - seller, Cuags'asulaoana IO (he Siles y ou crier 10111 rudi iol'ogroeieosr. lv ino,vtcahly "off Ihn 100 10015 foe lie olhor ill,roe to oeil. 'l'oc isily Icanl el ask yosroell, ''Ill have io or 'a he 111>111011 11111110, ivhcre I bouc ee,ilol,h oler Ihc vitsaiiun'C ft >00 'Ire leuipucd by such sii ufhcr, a'o.k IlilcIhee alio oilier IteltIe Reslelrihor lias the hialsug learn Siles Norlb will compose agairss saanra from acreas Ihn agIota 0e your h unln sopresessa Cheiatine La. Anna Lea, Alla Manilas, Cauonny Mouise. Roil Pashes, Nuluhie Sonchea. Zallo Oaidrnun, Anlsne Valdez, and l'lyansin Yco, L your h esl Inlercura. If yru racOiVe a ccintingcriey offer. 'ask for your ageal's beat advica. lhnn go for it! TonI Dudainyki, BrokenlOwnen Allonsic Really Onoup. loo, 75 IS N, Milmaukea Ave, Silos, iL 60714 847-647.4000 wlcw,urhioolic.roulsy.gnoup,cone PHILADELPHIA REGULAR OR UGHT SOUR CREAM CREAM CHEESE EACH PINT EACH B OZ GROCERY/FROZEN IO accepruno uuchn :111 olfor, Once Nuesh Chcorlo'aders who quali' Is hciy5 bored wish un agoni. Sad fon abc SCA Nalienols Coin. 'luau, mod out Ichouhee Ir is priced pesilian Ibal will beheld us Wohl fairly. lisci, lt nay out aell, env. Disney World hr Oaluisdo os Fab. iso you obligated io a punehuso tsar> 20-24. The- cheerlesden agn000neni Iban nay ucoes close. c'ciunley macharon lobe line heal in ihsir division. The oheerlead. ornare: ElaIne Salteas. Slephanie Seuil, Jesny Chei, lessico Edal' oso, Amy Fujisoks. Inmisiones1 EACH GALLON MUUER'S 79C be allee 111,11 11105e Io '.1 dmvo sido foro hernie tui ach, wouh«hu'i I nIh- Cheerleaders Travel to Nationals DAIRY MULLER'S name that recognizes what people here have known all along FRUITS l'rusiecs baco asked Ihr vil. an.'lnrOs arc oceeprod Iry sintu.aily' 1711 cirilegel and csiver. lola cn,Ilnoc 111.ico(rieni los oca- Everyday is a picnic at The Park. lisos linroll aie she Conned Agenda baso bean eonaïderod o uachagc and hase been op. peinvod rua paekegc. lng,tri.l7l(1lnd.tcnc011irioal' sceedionosbaytser International Market Bakery, Deli, Meats & Seafood Agrndo. are approved witiroal Registration Deadline for ACT Exam March 7 'l'uic e Produce World Residents hace been critical tiras agenda ilems. especially airoso aubmiltod se a Cosaeul audienve discussion, lc,Iclrelsl1ivdorli carrsculasrs plus 111711, PAGE 7 TilE BUGLE,THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 ASSOR1ED DINICOLA CASIEUA IMPORTED PASTA SAUCE GRAPE LEAVES $l29EACH FANCY FROZEN COD LOIN FILLETS $')99 (2 LB JAR) $A99LB EACH (26 OZI PADUACCI HOT OR MILD VLASSIC FRESH FROZEN SPANISH GIARDINIERA DILL PICKLE SARDINES SPEARS $dP)59 EACH (160Z) $199 EACH (240Z) 8800 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS (CORNER OF WAUKEGAN & DEMpSTIRI (847) 581-1029 Heure: Mon-Fri. 8-9, Sal. B-B, Sun. 8-7 SALE DAlES GOOD 02/20/03 TO 02/26/03 $169 .1. LB PAGE 8 St. John Brebeuf School registration, open house Good Feef CornO ir, Vail Demos c, CRS fund raiser Ceoti)ied Residential Real Exhale Specialinl with 25 years experience i - r - necOicing the Notthwesl Suburban areas, FREE MARKET EVALUATION Bilinguaim English/German mss, 'l'ho playo. g, br end we'll po) yes cams basti 'this i, Ihres,,'' I Ides Wo,i ala(i) the righS ocppo-7. I0nofl) II,, Found nons 866-345-2724 toIl free) 5689 W. TOUHY AVE. NuES 847-967-9320 Ext. 11 "rgh Ihr",' l)Isfldcd o '.. 01,6 Il,, i: Coachlight Realty I il,,I )Osrnuii,in' ""'I" Tho yonnal by OECA.,'.:. il',',, 'l'UNA I I III Woi, CiuLs, I)ni Slip, ChICKEN y Eid 5.71) LE, 8f .715 .'Irfdiul,svl l'li,) rth Ivy (A),) Ikri.lnISv,ip jilt i'ims ui-j :),,vMlniy, ik)y,r JUNI00 (7)1) DEll'NE I)I,EE& ASSISI il lR'l'lIiA WItS)' 2rIli 116v, ('iii OTIlE SlENK rn, M1,vd l'vSly.y lIE', Kill lIli', AI_SI) Si'ECIAI. PRICKS 1)5 I)INNR3LS 26',',,. 30,,,, lidi - lukE,, Smr, & 5(11 lAi,io,p.F,r.l, 17,1, loI, I/Ill .4kn21d,,i)d &,'lsí.k,sp 3233 N. ...dw.p CHk.go (847) 588-1500 (775)527-SOSO 7201 N, CO210)). NI),. Niles Family Dental General & Cosmetic Dentistry Leon Zingerwan. D.D.5. Cosmetic Fillings (Bonding) Implants Tooth Whitening Wireless Partial Dentures All Denture Services Available 'SAL. CONSULTATI FOR ONLY' 25.0O* PoUeat84rad, Liay4ç Emergencies 2003 . 2 p.m Odd .70 SMALL CREEK 2651.-OD John Brobeul School 'iIl accept noSy hoden) registra. lions for preschool, londergarten and grados one io wgh) for Ihn 2003-2004 school year on Sunday, Feb. 23 irons 9 am. to i2 p.m. The school s located a) 630f N, Harlem Ave. in Siles Open Houle vili be held In the preschool and kinder. Si. ganen Classrooms Families will be able lo visit the class. rooms, leans about the curriculum and talk with the teachers. Early childhood education conoisls ni full.day or hall-day klndergarien and preschool programs of )hree hall-days a week 17', TN, F) for four year nIds and Iwo ha 0-days a week (M, W) for lhree year olds, Children musi Relive years old by Sep). t for kindergatnen and three nr four years old by Sep' ember I for Ihe respec),co preschool classes. Parenb'guardians needs lo bring copies o) he child's! children's birth and baptismal cerfd,cates and a copy 05)90 141011 repon card for children in grades one Io eight. Please call the school, (847) 966.3266 lo, Information coocernieg tuition and fees. Shown honnil crab. 876 CivIc Center Drive 847.663.1040 Mr,. Ub,nra Peli.,, l',..,,l,r.I .1 Ihr R,ra,d ,rIEih,,a.,i,,.,,'l .1 Momeh 4, 21013 ai pur)rnro il ko ,,,eil,I, usC, ISIdro hra,,a,.,l Ihr Din,cr. mii C' I'-. .U 1juin ,,1 dio Sa1,s,,,i,,',,I,:,U drao.aoirn reg.i,l n :' 'i, " i', ', U )OndOeI\ esols;fli,.,U ,,IIU,i ptaaoinCliucil Sa'.i.'' Ars) mir olIaI,',', ,', )r11.iIl 14,,. [I,,nno l'olI,,,. i, 26.1,1,',) 11101 NU chargs bui rsgIS)ro)ius ra'. qs,rcd Plc,mc cjul) 18471 4711. Quso,os und )llunr ,ruuisn. 3223 ),Irluorvou lys). t'ro25)Iod by Dr. PsIlicL S',lluc'rto, Arlhriiiu Spcc,at),l, lii,.rc hUile orldJn,e) )sslourr. Friday. Echruurv 21. 20113, I p.m. ai Amsr,cas Logiss senSo- rial Civic Csnror, kl40 Domp- a! Chicago Sweet Bakery ...óïtIofl Cor ROOenrR'Qopm Sesdy ELUSI MOCIIA CAKE. h0'-ShSAn Excellent QualIty I I OvvI l'cl il,,1l, IL. MGBA discount deadline - $10,95 Chisugn (Norsno,J Por)) 773/283-4430 Scrgi,ai 'l'l,,,ii,in,.'irllilc S),ura0c' han,, f C ililn o,I,al Hc.IrI Dis' i,IrO, ""t'cl ii,iiric 0nhcpodic C1llaIs. t'orgcn,iai Disi,rdcec," "l',,,i,,pcn,,ilco l',,,n ilaln,gc' s,ari in Podiairic Pal,nnin," "Nu' ni,ii:ind ,\nini,Il Oiler In Chil' drcn,""Cunn,li hmndialoo Uro,od,i,Ii,cv ('crcnpil.""'acsro ni ominan , M.D.. pudiuniosmon' and Daaid S0'alnor. OtO., pcdianiuslolanpnyulngy 't'bo ion Inn the uonl005suo iu E'5fl5 I'med cine; 093 fun pII ynic 26mo. 075 )onAd,o' i''Ilmo Ilcalib Cams physioians, ond 145 bl)lhh aidsnlr ord nunno, . mia incluIdo, pri r,r,oa alorials, ra' frenI ,,ncni 1, matson d u box lasci, lomo g,alra IiI,n doadlino il Thliil,,i,'IV . l'oh. 27. i's sign ap, ,r,,,il a ,hoa'k payubis n 'Adun' cale l.,,ih crax G nro ru) Childoon's Hovl'ii,il li Hoailh 'ii via Or, Ad' iiviIi bic,,ith Curs, 2025 Wind' r US. l),ill l ca k. IL b1i523. To le,'isnls,,rc alunni ihn snin,s,o, cali I -hlhI.3.,\DVOCA'I'E I l-1011- Ad icc' lis Hnul,b Cans is accro filed bY ko ,Nccrn'dimurios Foduy, )'uh darn," ",rappnoyriarc LEn nf Ash' 161ro for Ihn 3)10115 h,,,scu,""E,alaai,I,ilnf Slnidnr," ,,rd,,r "Upd..io in Vicor Scroco' cOrlliiuinb'milO disnl od uoulion fon phyr lia' nia. Aaisonalo HoulIb irgaiid ,Orrlhlynyio ir Chiiddron." Sys,Ikori fran, Luulho,nn Gula' C.srolicI. ignulss this nducuiionul ash, ill fi,, ap I nnocon hoar) in c'pli Chddrcn', Flnspiini laically Cnia6'unI : doodlino; ,5g5rKIii,,,IU,U'i abon Maroh WOiIjOf lisi, 0 liaI l' )'UUi mo hIDRA up raill, nil'" bips kouobali and gil."'l'I''I' Isruhjldronugss ii,, IS '6)) ,I,ilamor. nkrsrd)ouli,i People silk qusaillsir an s'loail o M011ah d',i,,I ':1)1 orasilfEl7)965-755l,cii. 3 1141)2000227 cmi) (no Noons tvl,,sgsrloI, ,balrnl,In, doposoon) Ill podiumsill; Tari AnalIsI', lID., dimooIon, podunlinlc am tr1000jorton) la'rscr; I,srso, Ocnraon, M.D., rsdiu,ricgnsiaoorlOnOlOOYI Cuasi Bnnlh, 0)0., dinnoror, goblinS; Erihil Doshmakh, M.D., diroclur, aomrrlarlimy podiulniol; Suroslr Nusulad, MD,, diaoulnn, podia' Irin onimicai cams, Michsl Obawi, M.D., dimolon, pediolrio oaadiac surgory und ausocialo dinoc)nm. 't'lo Unool inalilaio foi Ckildres; Andnro Krorins, M.D., podiomnis cro dii inwunds ko AidA I'hysiaiollA Rocognilior Au,Ind. illnnsnns on my new vacuum clener purchsoe and Ihn obildrsn's hospda) han podial' ris npooia)ism ninsimmua If 05015 'I madisa) and oungisal Odd, La' hown General Chi)doon'a Hsopi' Ial isono afIllo low podislris Raum osonlo rl senlihnd at Ihn higkonl level is ho Ckioag samoan d sbsn il donignonsd as a Loss) It) poni' natal IonIen, one oftho mnsl Icuhrulsgiculi yadsonu od fnoilirics of ils 1Y5 in rho Chisugnneginn. Ad von uso Lalborun 000emal Ckildmon's Hinpilol i, Incalod on s lbs sp IO kospilobn n ko ninior far qouiily nl nuns usssnding lo Cknokkosk, a gnous dhrouking lus-yoslslady condaciod by o \Vaahirglns, D.C.'bussd ,onpaobl nosaatnor odssolios srguoia'al'Ion, In oddi' Iron, ii is rarnd armisng ko Isp 50 hnnpilsla io Ike U.S. tan ils modiuni nIco liosos und adsansad lronn nolsopu (ri lilinn. in coslio: ClstIlrin's Hospinal in nrc nf Ihn ord rnpiniilsry dissndsll. tI sino IsnErO,nI,r d ,nnsi csmproknnaivs child ron's itoapilaiS in Illinois, oualiy. It is ko loading rrnsumco is lbs snly Illisois kompilui nocng. noci far hsuO and houai aungery ,conci 0,5 i5 lbs Sib snrusl 'Amenisa's Rosi Hsaptisln' study. Ad vosale Lalbonas Goosnul Dos' io Ihr gnosis, sortIt and romlbwos) pilai i, pal) of Adnosslo Hosilk Ishank'an logias of Ckisagn l'sr ohdd1c's and Skein [amiEs,, ard s u osino rugionsb nofolnol oanren fonabonad rango of infsnt and po' dialmic ,snsinol, osponiafly )kOlO $10,0 33870 s,a r BO 1 Liuihnnan Gonsr,,l i, ele 1f rho Isoli niOisnsliy n005g,lOOd boo' plinio in Ilirrois. I In,isko d amnrg Gonorai Innaling sons lilas 3,500 lyslinrllo ini liih.000 oolpliiOOlsan- s WE CARRY LIndIrow . Nkm, .R8fl.I .M ho camps, ofAd,onslo Lurhorur Gonarol Horpiral, P5111 Rugo, n hOC-bud bucking, 0025'una h oid Ionliur5' 5015 hinpirul, L ovo b I lnOoniacO Ora'1,45 d lins of the li,egoni hospitals io ihn Chtsngs rkr',roulics, nounslsgy und oounssanlory, goniolnias, 1ksalIralo' logy, oaolnosol)bnoal, digosiiso Larkn'nao i1 (taar.IidolhM,000rnronnn. E.pImMnrl 15f C C o Any of the following services o u P o N Full Service Oil-Filter-Lube Transmission Service (reg. $49.95) Differential Service (reg. $24.95) u P o N Coolant Flush Service (reg. $49.95) 7 Ad l'oc als Our German engineered Vacuums - Miele and Sebo Strong Versatile & IntelligenU. Anti BIIerEJI Hospilol grmle Filtration Anything else i compromise! Present this ad for $25 discount shronin aondi)isnn, Offering lbs Crnn,ascn's 32261 i, 12 Cnusc,l for Corniiraling Modioui Iidncai,on IACCMEI ii,ayonanr www,elearm,soorrmi,rlchii Good PrIces 'I'pic 'i ill n,iI,dc, "GsIrenl (y; Da's id Miorlman, M.D., di' (Ianlrnco)onal,s,""Gor,nlIus Up' Punk Di,Ieic)'I Winlulil,.id,iUuiU oodo,snloodod íroi,r, Sassing hv Northn'ooi Sido for 25 l'vini, f5NA i'urdmnn Hsy, Ijcnor,II HIrpIroi, illS W Dc'rl, p,)an SI,, l'art Ld5c li ir .,r),nosd by bc dsparlmcnl ol rudlairias and ko disislainnlpc' 1m ul,,aI arod Iargic.il pn.ihlolsn. The MGBA rngirlriliU'IU i cuan ho found in Ihn M,,rii,r i'"' ClIP ESE('AIOF,S. molur. podi'alnis splohulmology; Rnndo Drum, M.D., podiuoiu io. Ioalioss dissuse; CIif)smd Spa- Pr,,' dc .slsyn'ci' uI lpc:oc 1,,, jbliialrr.'ni', ill i hri,,,d ),,rgo Ill Marsh IO o dic "I" FEBRUARY SPECiALS ('AKESc COCONUT CUSTARD CAKE - IS' . SIS 95 TURTLE ChEESECAKE. l Dos culli mUs podia in,, priibl orillen' III asomo d by podio roll ann and ar,il L'li,idrco', 0irpiisI. aakia'la rIs, Morror Gs,so ll,,,,'i'.:'' h'"' BAVARIANCIIOCOTECREARI PIE - i)'. $6.95 CHERRY I'RUIT PIE. II°.5999 8.00cm - 5.00 pm ILS) S. manI od nanso d lmalmrnm options, iliOri 'lung cry a, 1,5)115'nOII Gos' II i il,: I.,11'li Io Ad nr,nnlr,I,,''i' Irr, Mnnns Grove. Gcnsrol )lllc,nsoli,,,n I sar ,,-1,,,I,,I:,I I'' ko Bo,u,a) Rius day')org ',Ods anos s mn PodloIriss 2003' aonlononco Iscusmnl Ihr iba halse burma'nlapplooc h'r o dmulogy; Rolen P. MIller. M.D., Amollo, pndiaflio oIoIarysgnlo' Ir, Monday. M,e,li l'I,U.'' U'' p.m., Silk . o,llahinnclu )o5uii, pnovicauiy snhopodis lurgony; John MuFud. dro, MD,. dimolor, pcdiuloiu ma' cumplen SEE ThE BEST IN FLOOR CARE tL Adsuaun Lolhrrue G esenu I Ckild,on', ))ospoul oil) pnononl a ..Sadilnrla,,, 1 ,d lima io Lalkcr' ho Ru,rd il Fdu,.iii'.:i''I cii'' Ns 'Advances in Pediatrics 2003' IundIy pill iaia,l, 'Ci io, 'nlcrc nc0 sill 1ro held r1lll 7 fIb a rl is 5 PIll., l)'adrn,do, 6)aIcll 5. In Oi,nrl i' 't'ho nroohingr'IiI" In Ini,) Arthritis Update Ncc Ssc drug, li,. : ',,,, cus, 1rcrsooflsi oijs,',,I',iU iongerbo noc'ar,.Ir) Il, Promptly Treated NIIeH, illinois Evening & Saturday Hours Available Insurance Accepted Ask About Our At Oakton and Waukegan Senior Discount Across the parking lot from Home Depot day,M,rohl7.2003'' liI),.,ri. 't'ho porplr ii (lU.' ,:,,,'' durit Is Ir noIi) y ,.,,'',I,,,Ii reg above s kindergartener, Jesus Guzman, holding a lof p. nr The Rip Chordn, an a cappella singing group from tIro Unieeredtp of Iginela, p&eonemi rooenl5r at NIlo, North H10h School. Laura Woolen (cantor, arma felded) isa 2000 alumna nf Nilo, North. Won' le,, sise prenidon) for The Rip Chords, was inoelved infine arlo, choir, mooloais, and swimming while al Nibs North, and urged studen)s Io lind your nicke and make year eopone050 worthwhIle? Nolise oP alan,, lluii',i. I) Rrgelre Board i2leerlili). hIrn' uiol Lord mehl','' ioimmos 11100 Solio, sr u Spesai hl,ur,l Menhlng. Fridu,. \lar,i, li. l)ruoi ni, PEPPER & ECC SAN1)\V)Ci', I SMAll, CAESAR 5.01111) SlId, Ci,ickc,, 5)125 Suip, rrReaIEstide AA VACUUM CLEANERS H S Districl 207 Special Boal'd Meeting MarcI) 14 ((SiCKEN 651.015v \Vhul Ilrvd lid, l'vC, G 7735 Norlh Milwaukee Avenue, Siles fll7rlKshng club SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCHEON CALL ThINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? 010S 5)500 r,cvrll, ' he Moke.A-\V,,h l',,r Thmo .sseinrr-- \i,I MarIa Eco, and K,,,, 6,i, UI,:, rs) IOgs)hcr r, i',,ik,,I',iìn'..,,,, flor,) boIWocfl ri,,,,,. '"i 1,' .1, '° ARCH SUPPORTS FOR TIRED, SORE FEET. H,o')Conkion, XIro Depth 0h01, Vocal Group visits Nues North Nues West holds Make-A-Wish Nilo, Wcrl riad, If YOUR AscIi SUPPOnI STORU PAGE 9. THE BUCLE. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20. 2003 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20. 2003 NILES 8430 W. Dempster Street between Greenwood & Cumberland next to McDonalds (847) 827-0500 Cans, bomod in Oak Bnssk, till' sais, whisk has bonn noskod as ans oflhn 551155's Isp hoo)Ik csno syslnmn forlbs posi Rsoyranm. I. Des Plaines Chicago 1340 Lee Sireet (847) 296-7059 6116 Milwaukee at Elstog (773) 631-9691 PAGE lO Hoofbeat Ridge Camp Hootbeat is a family owned and operated camp located 20 miles west cf Madison, Wisccn. oir. Girls, agar 7-lo, front bogie. ncr te advanced riders enjoy Hoolbeat which is nestled in lite rolling hills countryside of south Oilier aelirities melado nporro, calvo doily riding instruction in English or Jaorping stylet and classes in complete Western, right acvclticn and cat-of-camp trips. Clmpors stay in modem bunkhouses and lito girls arr grouped according to aye. In- cilureh yacht, hay and gial tonal progranoncorrie IO l'inoltratI dovclopnd vsetp pregnant han trail rides on ear boauvfal 250 brrr accredited store 1964 by the American Coloping Ansocialter. Hoolhrat Ridge meals their tiger. cit iloodorde for nacres liar, safe' nrountcd gaoler, borsa ahoivn, bareback ridtng and mote. ty and rdoealios. l.ow eattlpar. la.slOff rotin and ascalleni pnil- ccrdtrg to riding stylo and ability level. Cam peer aIne ata offered M oIr ea po nonce. lion. Haolheat'r professionally t sorne cace. Ridsrn arr grouped oc- C A dIales urlo. & cealtn, ramp gantas, cabin aetinilies, special honte slmelors One croiflrd by Ilse Horseteottnhip Safrty Ancua- control Wisconsin. Campons ro- acorn. Cybercamps Northwestern Wrestling Camp gnons nato Hnotloeat s momera. Prent Srptrmlnr Ihm Mny Ridge Ioras'ariotycfprogranln. 900thealitanapploveil nito for open for aH ages All Narthwentrrn Unìconviry Wrestling Camps sor designed Lao rho young and adoarroil atoo, tIer with earphasiserwrrnllirg ihre tnuitsiqaa, msastruloglrn. volghI hiEIng and good npoonlllcnlhlp grcapt. Oar clona pranimiry to down-hill ski retarlo maker Floolbeai a gmat placo to slay OVrrstlrrn will ha grotiped aieanitng ta ago and vhilo lascI far inotracnior and cilmpeltrion n'aei'ous harnrhack ndíeg bailgev for hoth boy and girl tunal 011110 sktirg. lor mtlrr isformalioa, call soqarnced insnntsrltos cite wiv.ltiiotat org. cortparnrey will br addreiioil al FOR YOUR HORSE LOVER fluke Ihn nIco 01 your opon9 freak letr at ci n'o play spilrtn, hike erotIc, go vsciorrning und heile Daily and weakly sogio400. 111,0 .iioil.illle fill your corles. .2st tasas Astes -WeererrvEngn,h,Jsmyrg Laisses °°t .TiArstd, ideng Csarstios anden tanktlraer, riders Grsiçed Orondas Is rAng Sims4 serillo Oser is llar,., irle CnrO,driernglr,trjsirls .n.nlyO.ntd&Op,rOedSnsetnst Qaality camp oc000l000. IO nupo,'elsOd positiv. envlmrment alRs.S ASES 7.nc 004V Anclrthl000yAm000av Camping Assaoalion Ted & Mary Martha 5304 Reeve Road Mazomanie, WI 53560-9544 (608) 767-2593 FAX (608) 767-2590 .1111 il,ocli 74-litarcli 24,. 8 iiI S fill Enlitidid cotlip II 011,1111e f11101 S'Sp Ill. lilrcddi. lee h)e_tdlini' tille cIste t is htcoiti 1.1 SUNISIER SPORTS 1111111 filo Iho 21613 SpIlou AdulI. lita Chicogir Colto li.nkeiloahl sc'lllwl will cod Ilirio shiikI 1lit. kuli bulot Anulnlio sslnul ISpocmah Roc' roalilin . 'Gilt olegant 0500ing, IO' eluihoog l'sII Itondlitoc, illlllllliig. ohio' includes cocktails, a.neottp' lilIan family nlyle dinero. b0,ihiIOO. lll(rOsil'e 11111 IlllliOi..tndirllI001IiliiId' by,ideo 82' 0 oId GotIco 4f 61,11111 4. env dining. garni.sarrlssile d Io bid Ira o stray of valsabhr ard iansill iloela io Ihr niloml and lino 18471 580.8410h 'flur Liponi Fcundatior was 0(TENSIVE P14-10-14510014' Frday. m t - Sv00b. d8 20 SOSShON soleo E1tc**DiE c Fnday. Juli 20-Ilraonda9, k2 TOSS NC a011 OsO OSP roca Tre),, 14*1r hie Best "THE BEST FOOTBALL CAMP IN THE USA!" For FREE Brochure call (24 hours)t 1-800-555-0801 C1jys* cftDl f fl ICI CUC Podo8, .Ody 25- tsoday, rroonsa,s,aadl,nnitswrsdsmndn acellcht., Casoeniestly tacat,sd SPACE IS LIMITED! I-888-104-2217 WWW.CYBERCAMPS.COM 6. Osarehahr nainp nidi a sidO mcmv ah arnhs5rtaa, pacialls sold ease ta ,..vt, Sassions °oo in arranar l'arn th,,. dcci la mar, an mar, werks. Kids lanas,, oer,nr. insist a,, Cast tar s complain drrarircra an E'oo,It os sr anakilsaOaaral.n.r. a' 1-800-741-6931 Ori asrank,it,,lak8r I programo Ion presohool age kïds. Csmponn will upend Ihr day al Iba pool. 011004 snvnnul Cold lriyn, enjoy crollo and buco lao with friends. Trudihinnol day snmp. day camp and aports camp arsniana are nnsiiable. Rogirlrahion far all sommer campn brginn oa Manch 3 aI the Howard Lamine Codon, 6676 W. Howand. Pick 2003 SommaI Canup Guide 01 Iba flewaed Loisabo Cooler nr Ononna, Hoighln FaIba ap Family Chollmsgo" Mary Wobabrn at hit year's MS Family OVinten 01110 litIo al bld nio010l disabIlities i or001ed iieool prllgrso tolti ng. Gob-Away Icr o one-duty bmuk on bbc full tioekond L'soc t co PoSmaan)' 22-23. 2503 in RollIng Mead- 'l'ho lilo 60111 Liposi hands hin 005. IL, Booidrn Iho lun of ntoot- l-505-922- 11884. Eon. 123 fon Inrnrs andlon Oreslon llliroisChapuoe Nalinoal his Snoiely Parnily Winter Gol-Amoy 915 bhlosl Vas Barco 511001, 11g, laumiag and sharing with Tho Winter Gel-Awny mill be 011100 fstttiliea. oaoh fanuihy tcmht Iseld sI bbc Ilolidsy Inn in Relling sndcn ho duoccuion oflheir Board hate li lie la idoalihy und doselcp Mondana, one at 'Iron 0cc a. ra prote Ola the 00m. ¿il leonI 050510511,-gy In tokc home WoodEnld Shopping Conton, noue tito jon0600 nf I-53 und 95, in "Taking chongo cl MS" io its h oslo hold. Pne-rogistration it noqumnad 100041mo F-o bruany IS, 20S3 peogriom' toitS 1ko IL'oty Rrgiahnolioe l're bring SIS pon porter, no 025 per family sp lo 3 peOplo; hho miriboum 450 for children in 6. After il 545 por Isotily. No o'alk-in.o Anailabhr. Nta1ro-Niles uhnvoclanioo of Special R000oasicn'n IMNASRI ne'aooulal hoochnro loo trill ho accepted. The loe includes oow acutilahle, M. NASR oIlers imdinìdaols with Sonday. physical and horca1 shollnngeu. behavior und looming di000doru. heating und tintaI mrlpamnrncntn and nlrlali000l di,nohilitioo Ihn nypOeuttily lioenjoyovarieny olecomarì0000uicilies.'fhO Spniog roanos ollera ui norioly al prcgmrnn and apocial OvenIs toclading apcml and Special Olytopio progrsms, ont, cooktng, aorohuos und nighl mast call 1.847-259-3505 ta woke hair ann hobal relamoliana Ion bbc limitod namben of tuhlyuusoenoibln rooms, Recms mono, Look loo ho addison of ounuidonad bonoS ond dionor on Solnrdsy, uod s Cantmsenlal bnnnkfost no iloo approsimulrly $85 por nighot. 'fho nag'srtnnt'lon loo dona oct includn noon nl Ihn kohol bat limitod partial nohalaorbipa ano available froal Iba Chaplor. (F'traseial volihloatian lu mqairad la ondeo lobo le Ihn glnplenr ContIno Boat. unomrah playa lud Illuehi teem. Regis- tration bogini upon doticiny uf Ihr broshmrr. Sprtof pmgnans tamed loom the Chuptor; cull 050noiihtu Caue1oing tripa ulsit niog. iolarmedialr und yrafnsamenI locel udultr, Call today tar mrinmoationu 18471 066-6597. 977 NoyesSorecl rutilo Ilont Enonsico, IL 65251 usww.piventhnalno.00w Sto Lilnibed tnnna poalsuion ooniaru000 in osailablo for Ihoro livio5 is rsOcio nf 25 ItuilcO Item Ihr 50101, Requoslo fer lrrnnpOrtoli000lonu be mudo by Fobrsony S, 2003. alu culling Mary \Vohnteroi 800-922.0484, 0X1. 123. 'I I li L lIllo _,l idOl' Faottilira planning ta Ilay atoe. fon u naholanship.) Call Mary Wobsbrn al I-885-922S484 Est 123.1k, doadhine bonoquonl SalaI Suholannhips u alta Prbmary 18,2503, mary ouuiliga his oe0000 auch an; Coeuinodiol nr 150f muy nroarn a porrora I progoam taiharnd ra sp,ciño enodnond irtorast, A 6-uveck nummor of avenimg chuwsaminalaousailublo loo bogia- Pehmory IO, 5503, Ihn lolo Peo in NI-flASK Spring Brnaharo in SladenIs, 4th gnade thonugh high nohool, huno the nypartarisy IO 05005e from a turba2 of onciling "pookogen" as follows, lThr Cooseroutony, Ihnulra laindisidmul olaamn uennicel, (Thralee Games, Srony rhnnnae, Im pnouiai hioa, Sonna Study, Chiosgo, 1L6S6S7-3923, ni-'Inico ill liii f-ilodnahootshiich. M-NASR 23-Joly 31). 4111 Floor Ita oleoni I idoaln of orlo ramihy und olanulics iliul M-NASR serins. Picco Thoulno Wankahap la plousod lo snnoustn000sloosioo iaont'ntivr uohadulnofclusans fan ib Ssoimer Insnitala 2503 liane Vinuspoinls, Stagn Combat and registration I005500 lo be oo- ing a etnmber with MS ta attond Piven Theatre hohl MS Family Winter Get-Away "Toking Chaog nf MSI A Oilily In stunt pbauoimg rs eneiling nammor fon yaun rhildt Call 18471 967-6h33 with any quas- Ibreugh inonming nighob gando Sooicny is inoiling fansolion 1150. Spnilug ro Inondi pa,itts, caivo,, rao,aost answnts sass 7 io W5639 Aaiokijig lang Plymouth, WI 53073 900.5502 Nibs Park Dintniol olfrrn a nida variaty al nummer camp Nilo, Atnuwialion alSpoctitl Reo004liao lNt-PIASRI to od sancin g llio p lillO ipit linon 1 childeen. Icons aoul udiI lstsi Itt physical, Fasod.uiunuuiim 0,t.NASO, ploavo cell h8471966-5522. CA MP ANOKIJ IC Benedictine University Concordia University fon ioducidasha with spoolal needs by oalunloonlng. plomo cull 18471 Nues Summer Day Camps qneabions. Corlplrlcd formo sod hloncilon lcgitrdin5i lui Liponi AT YMCA Der Paul University bnnchutn nr wish In elfo, nuppan Arnkijig is a Saris, Amnrioan wand marring We Senne' and ir brInge wlnh il n sonia of rpinhk oaring sad edsorlsm no nstnpnmi aP all agra, Ray, sod girlrr ages 7 In 18 last uhanno prngraols Iban sany in Inngnb Rem then doy, ta nr, wnnk or mom. Ta tram mam baal nor pnograrnn sed rnnoion a completa braahum, ccli I-800-741-6931, I-920-093-0782. E-mail la sarlsijigl4mnonl.nrn,ar emit os, Wnlbailr an ooan.arnkijigcao and Calab Ihm Arakijig SpiOn. yam wilt loan iII 'lita Oroulber hinein Chupren of lies aic ohio o cojoy on inlprosed qashuly il lilo lt I'll udc ole routed in mole in. MAKE FRIENDS j Park Rrdgr sod Skokie, If you would liko roorcrisoanratonal Camp u°sanhijig pmnidrn ftrrl-nirna sad rnpsaisaasst asnnpnn 4 Veiny afmtdmroppaosninmne,Thnmn hsndrnd gad OBy ,arnr afbeosilfal KenIn Mansien Fanent anerlaaking naoaiu Little Elkinsen Loda soon Plyrnaoth WI, Conenninar br tarsal slid nasty ra ngah, hut asan yna 0m hen yoa will ion why thir ii Iron petisas rnnirg 1er namrrnn Bins. SanInfo Ylt5 afsansing ynunh sad fsaailinn, ho Nalinmoh Maltipin Solerosin ming. lodi, duals willI diaahili- Bn.. D.nlgan,,. Wsse.t-Nsen of o,,eaC,eaCIn,, oanrf 2003! Maire-Nilno lernen Iba benno of Derplaines, Golf-Mamo. Lincolntueed, Montan OrlIno. heleo, Camp Anokijig set in beautiful øisconsifl lormeul to 9981 ta sid tho MoIra- Thrcmgh 27 Fol morn i0100ma6an. p1aaaa contact' Tim Cynswnki, Suad Wrantling GuantI Ncbmwaslmo misers 1501 CroIraI Strert sanntnr, IL 60208 Tal' 11421 401-4799 Ps m svR si CiUUi CIt citi AitS 7-I ODflMX.RIJ and Beat the Reati 2505. si the N9°luite BugIr Ron laura On in 151101. In addItion le Ike dcloctible Trinity inlernalional Ueioersity- July 13-17 I Iba work of Mamh 24. I CoolIe tille Ntlii 0.1111111 Coeur luir 101010 uiullI011lO' 11111 Irr trin o1 llueic.oitips 0(16001W 1fti1W0001-TO.WtN ROI CAMP Pod5. Lay It - Sirria8. Ad8 15 Dy lnstrucfons front saperai of the Chicago Bearsr a 50gm oloslhs-oulnnir grace r labte and 4 unciogmo, il rolidoight will he held on Salsmday, ?alerch . 2005 Wildcat Wrestling Camps Jim Miller & Bobby Engram Football Camp Create celuI prejoelt attog dia Uninemity. and De Puai Unì501,119. lOmen SS lovaliorn ral-888.954-22671 hsOnWidO!l tsww.cyhcrcsiolpn.00m. mt durnrr 4 aosc In Ihr l'snoda' lier' 5lOObO lund ntise r wttich 6m'rerale s (urdo Icr ike Mamo' cils ('alelo Coll'to dolos are lone FOOTBALL CAMP Chicsnuora Iooutioon arr ut S000ductine Llni000nily. Concor- ilinrar donen and 011ml ,lud ion, CIlICiO60 Irt'Ll,S IIASKETIIALL S('ItllltL 'hptll 9 Spaie is ADVENTURE CANIl1 'tile bilai Fitolill' Filnesi is villi' iciepliof alrplle.t. Enjoy Oho fus nl nswmoo cump in aualo and aunt aniag anni. La-am Tho lipari Foisdation 'on Special Res.ooa lion in muking prepanariulmn fer Ito 12th hansah lolo anatlahlr lo.toketh,tlI Desolulp now friendships toilS campers who sharc similar Liponi Foundation Dinner Dance h 1l'Aagast IS Weekiiieciaioì- d.oatenlal lily sinlf000s tciOts tIto coastry. Its a pnnfool place to make now Iriendr and spood lohn elf rimo laming ilucnwincesolindusnryIs'aihiagnuflwarn like 155uhr, Droiooa'ctoer tad Cop, oolling-edge calotpalor akullt freni krowlodgrahlo, enlhosianloc cosmnahoriinhlorrloro years (ter ycur. Nues Family Fitness Center Camps SPRINC BREAK CAMP iodastoy-lasdirg nottwson from cobble onmpsnioa 11ko Microsoll, Adobo, Msonantediu. and - ro- .104 stra. All agro and nIl loi cl, al CYIIIiRCAMPS lInnIo 050 ting.sdgo sumnlar IrchnotOgy pniifioitmn tuo i-16 your old hoyo. gina und tenon al loading aniser- CyhwrcntoupaCutopons Special arrrrsiaa will toc finco to 16081 767-2593 nr visit llar oak- HOOFBEAT RIDGE CAMP PAGE II THE BUCLE. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 THE BUGL,E, THURSDAY rEBRUARY 20 2003 Registnunmnn germa atsy he eh- SUMviiER INSTITUTE Young People's Classes 4th grado lltr'oagh Iuigln ochoa! June 23-----Ju1y 3 1 2003 6-Woeh Emolan h'ttm-t i I lia-1 Inn' lbFIsSliil1i ib:.- 'u uit 'rl,, ht Il 1511111 _ Il. 99 iiI I 10111111'. 164l tilill.hufll" PACE 13 TIlE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 PACE 12 THE BUCLE, TEIIJRSDAY I°ERRUABY 20, 2003 Woman's Club of SkokielLincolnwood Free Word M asters Challenge IRA Checkup A boni of ososlcoin rop00050l. n sotsoot, Thn 0515 silliloyhu ohhhul no fstaioo 11sil l/rgh Solisosil loas analren for she CIi.11ltsso .,u, lu.io loigliosl hsioirrr licol ii so sIre rss bVvII1'smrJohr U1nlikcu,. 'Olio Ch.,llorgo. a oumsoral cisopoisiion for lily1, ochiasl oto' a nId as Shaknopc.oroi.0 000100 tstorgarol ihls c'.,l,ay.l lui noray, os clo.souo sil' Il Ilbicu sir as cuircnl as 's'sii-il,,, I lIlo plico h0 bJoi'ic, Il ill l'tisiagls lbs sesso scuri h. lobi u, missIon 1. Are you saving enough for retirement? cbcnlsro9us,ingclsroo rooilsorg and Z. How is your IRA performing? 3. Aro you taking advantage of new Contribution limits, possible tao cre11itn anoal/ sis of many dificronl larda ist prose ard p00,0)'. Paoioipoling will, 7h11 high sohosrl 0000 loose all storsiss she csouosry, she ,chnsil'snioish. ood enlhyrads libo Dicisiiso scorn nod for oleo. enti, piave in lite nation iii lIso Docosmshor osos,. Tise ros,n, a-ar sapercsood by Dm0,, Shoals. If you need anawero to these questions, Edward Jones Can help. Cati today to oehadool. a foe. IRA cheekoopt 'l'ho Woman's Club al SkokolLincolnwood afhlsaicd 1,5511 liv lunuh000/prograw nrcolsng 00 Wodoosday, March 5, 211113 si ho Holiday len, Skokio, IL. Soci I hour 1130 uns. wuli lueclicor sors'od si I') 000n.Tho privo otilo loisclioor SI ISO Autor loo bariamo oroorrog on J,7beLC.ridia N.ror.00.t. 047470.1513 54740.0653 Edward Jones l.iror.sloro.csnd i/io sullo lisio. ooslipl5iog r lIre Gold 1)iii,oio 01001 liïr closcells liad 111011111 grad000. janlsir Eric., Saciar soil s000les I,ukauc Gurusrok soul 011er I,au ail placed 000iiirsg progr,snm sin livraI deosyn lIlo 233 biglsorr'rcor,ng ssisslvolsum Ilsoso grade le,cbo na. ho club may cull P,osidooi, I'hyllis Cossurel, us 111471 23h-1177. Oooully, TIro prolslloe helsiod sIso Word. ) uÌo ÌThJ ÌUbJ EJX ,Iadcnms onu finsI luI c,,,',,il ossI. al oclsmo-conmenlar ss'eli. Frerlsmca will foaiuro Rohorl Noa. Ar mIro ubEs February risco g rho lImoso Siaso Policy s'uso o woodorful prosonlorion nub shrsr K-9 Doy Uois I5icsurod is an oftcor a-ill, hi dog. Irons Iwo your ayo in Holland. 73ro dory lakes all OsiookoonrOrondo io Dolch and sso-airorsioly arr100 isirlsioago Skokio/Lincoleo'oosj 55051100 srsoro,rod io loaroiny sIluro alrirar bl,cy liase nne bing iii ui-umilio rIyhe. Ail aso bungusfo ul.clllaIl1 icobrno'ry hayors ant 0005550g lOI ol,o.olsapl'.00rl lui ing. l.ikc ulieqaomiu'ni-clicsom. ilsd 1011111 yrsdors did ou. As mho G000ral Fedcrulioo of Wonic 'u Clobs'llliooio a-ill lisrld ilivii 50100, sairjecl, Ismro..ii,,1 Esso of ho ochosrl'a olodoaso olio lssgliov sonoro for muso-idus. Sur. liso load Storia 't3orr,oas and sophooiorvo Dosoel lOoro, Stork l',si.inil 's'ano 'sablons, oIl 0.00liod porEd sci,ro, ils mho nicol. o lloro nociiriscislo only 1111 nie,1, www.edwardiones.com Member SIPC range frame oblio hcmuuir lus 1-vor's Word. 1mal SAl' lillo SAIlli, thu ,ircosl liacemrlvel 055lflS in l,,'ihi i Laoyassgc and hingli.Ii l,is',.iuro, by qanal,005 pssood h lic Maniera Clsollcogo .uul ,iuudcnls hnih Io re vogel/c Ihr osi, and/or rasional Ilib'ls iii,, fi000 uniting omd In flilmuco lii, o ululi safllOr'O sir la il. los's ao,I ll,..,ai,o i/Ic ('ll.illui.c'c i, 'i sh,ados his moo.nobimy WlloulMusmery lngsr.enirai;c'r orari. li.,,uc,ci. ii cor he aieunsseg OOl'u'i cran. liu'i Jasla hielt hiordlc Iilri,iimliploi loo a Challongo. clos, amo co- istasrors Chioilcego IO lIsas lico roadsng and .50nssIis',sy Io loo' Imago amo Snlssog Ilse wool voarogod si lull, ulyiai lic louis and ihn u5O5us0toisuiliciiiiulliplo ohioior qoosuslno. ao,1 sIc issipirnaas skills sladonisacqusro oison usdds rulo lips, Ial 'por ceded dssca,siuuo aollP.musllslcs We wrote the book on selling your home. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED THE SKAJA FAMILY Get yours... FREE! SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME 7812 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE NILES, ILLINOIS (847) 966-7302 BUD SKAJA MICKEY SKAJA JACK SKAJA HOMESELLERS HANDBOOK 3060 N, MILWAUKEE AVENUE CHICAGO, tLLINOIS (773) 342-3330 SKAJA BACHMANN FUNERAL HOME 7705 ROUTE 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS (815) 455.2233 JIM SKAJA BUD SKAlA JR. JOHN SKAJA ERIC SKAJA 'llsoas,na (Ill, lib ansI ululi mro) and oss;iy, 1mo Ja,icds,di l'orA and muera Qaiedlon III 11111 171h gnads,sl. Tilo sch,y,l, sssdross will paoiculm.linisualullluuna mInds in the an,ssung iiu,,oblls, and Irladals sand cvouhac los usull lIa' pmnaensesl un Jallo i,' livio ss lis, uvhieoed alud/nl moimmiiscs1 rulos in the vno,no sil ills ocal. CALL OR STOP BY FOR YOUR FREE COPY Free Seminar on Common Children's Conditions Flow To Sell A Honte WHO lh,o pli>suauanc/illO Loyola Cs'nscrfor Iloalil; .a Nomili Itbcomoido will oler a 1100 sun fiur sriimecalad Dr, fIlin;, sod lit Toda yo Market Thin hoe haodhools SKAJA STANLEY FUNERAL HOME 'flIc mcsso Ion lIsa o. 'iiI \G,msl tslasscrs 11001 iluso roui os'rr essay b1- She bscici/i,l l.ousii Da;ba. makro il rant for yoo lo gel slraigirl 00050cm lOsprcihc qurrliono aboul foll'mg ahorno. SCHATs 't'lInsnsIlullal asilI ImOIP leDo, uadsrsl,,llsI and slumness 111000go onmsliOO uslOsIla,uI naos mnlaslcd Ii chssldtali'r This could be the wool s'aloable free ad,'ior you'O ruer gel. lisalauliag cv)du urd lbs. dbsaodors and liriosirinllsmuOn bS'HEN l'uesd.sy, l'oli 25 7p.m. ohS/by ni WE HELP OUR CLIENTS GEl TOP DOLLAR FOR ThEIR REAL ESTATE CALLERO & CATINO REALTY 7609 MILWAUKEE AVE., NILES GORDON WOJDA MARK CIOLEK REAL ESTATE 847-967-6800 OR 773-774-1900 nerosog ihss comrrranily SInce 1956 WHERE Vibllago Cumioomauns, 2401 Dos Plalnos Hoots Rioolyida, lb. bfogissruiion is rnqusircd. 11,111' uossnasrnd in il5005IiiE sllsiulbl vaIl ggS-LUHS)/). 'lilo sbduabs Lu/lb Conies for BouIlli 01 Nslmill Oioorsidc nuora a wido Iiil0 lii 'saoliaical spociallios f,Illil insernal rnodioiOO, gi.'rl;si' rIca. Obubolcivs and gynacnbaigl. bmodial,ica ond podioloy in dIog' 000iicrncoiceu such ou m'ar101ag' raplby, obIrasound and boor tools on Retirement Living, Facilities and Extended Care PACE 14 THE BUCLE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 Nida Blankas-Hernaez DesPlaines Registration Deadline March 4 Pediatrics Edward E. Hernaez Family Practice DesPlomes Ciry Clerk Porra McAllisrcr bss announced rient rire lssr doy lo eegisrce Irr lors fl tirs DerPisiecs City Clarke Of flee peurs Irr rho AprIl I, 2r&5 Crrrrsoiidnred Ciernan is Tuerday. Moreh 4. 2003. Coeporare Dcai'lsiorssesidcnrs u'rniriog ro Ornerai Prdisrri & Adolescent Medicine Office hours By Appoinsmerrc 847-297-4688 E VERYPA TIENT DESER VES regia ree rrrorr bring loir tomer irf rdentifleatron ro rire Ciry Clerk's THE BEST OF HEALTH CARE Ultras, Roorer 602, dry Hull, 420 Mince Sr, Individual, hoes outsrdo tire United Stures raili Golf Mill Mdkai Center need to perorar nolseulir,usiorr pa. poro, Hrrurn in rire Crty Cienlr"s Of' fien irrt eegrsrceieg ato 8:30 0.01.' 5p.m., Mrraduy-Frìday. 241 GOLE Mill Center, Soute 508 Nilon, IL 60714 iLecrred us Gulf Mit Moli, PmIeuiar.l Bldgi We attack Ali B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim to Host JUF Event Coogregurìrrrt B'nni Irtroshua Berh ISiohinr i, holding their un. nsal corepirnttnlaey Bernait nr Sunday. Mntclr 9, ot 9:30 urn., ro bmeetri rire 2009 Jrsvialr Ueirrd Fund actual campaign und Itrasi limeegoncy Crrmpaígn. TIns eenrmsnrry caser will provrdo puorarpunra uirh sr op. ponuarry re nlrow haie nu1rparrt Ist Israel dating dri, trot of un' peraedcttcd armin. ochils irelping ly rfa the funds to meer oasI 'flrcss'enr will frarum SabIr, Ducid Superaroin, Dsmekre rit rIre in many Vissai Strmr,Irtion Cossnrs't by Secretare' ssf Stole Colisr Prrn'ett regarding ¡eaqf "r'irr rorrrelfrc, liroce urged tIria rdrtrrnsstr,rrioo ro build ocoulr' loir clraorid luppolo frguirar fiad' datrr Iduarcio and ir lrireerrlp par, rue mnsireeriarns, diplrrrnuay atrd Aroma Therapy Ma sIc Therapy lbs Bess Choit nl rire U S t'io. minnico On lrls,rr.,annn,fi ilnirg. toss Fmedsrnr, Drsatnineil hr lIfe ll'sanhingtott Purs sr lila ssntiai religirur lolrhinli ''r tipi. sl Hill." Sshcrarrrr ii,ineni,irr. liaised hinaaclf sa .roalfrn'irnrlc elluentsal sod prorlifiuliainra 0e is mactied tsr tillen I\'rinn linnen. oausiar peaduase nl 5I'0 'Ill TfringaCorsaisiererl llrilff DoaPluieas eerrnieorr iI'iliruro hare goner ro me,,, regarding tite address Its tise U,ritrd Nsiion, Seesaost' Joggers en. Sopoerlate 'cao ararirranffni) chosen by Cengrcas r lii' ecop' reusorurhie aliemuacero oriisra,y cirsOrar," "iVirlr fia'arcra' ir1 Score Carlir a, the li N iard,ry, u'errlrrr huras aorrrpaflrog a'r'iafena rl Saddarrr tiara' erri', dca'cp011fr, duplìaisa and el' rin rlrrcatr rrreuroragiool irr' tiro IIi Therapy rocnul u'cllore, edau,rlr,'ru lsd prorgrusma Inrr liti, fsrf i'iireu' fnr.anssrf 50 lairlss ami 2 life iriuol Jeu'a norldserdo limengorar Carrrp,no'rn un n rea' ond'lmre aurrrpusmgs ri, irelIn rincer the 45es rtttetgcsey reo',l, nil rind Stare srllaeaol Osteoporosis support group offered at LGH Ir, sIne trrar'l'lrarrfl.iy ill ut l,arflrnarr (telleral llfrarrni.sl, 1775 lOrnri1n,rer . i'.irk llode. Spaaiui l'orrn'ra'rin liirrinar no mli rIra U.N. rnspdaiiino nr ,rlrdie,'rirc ura leader 1:1.1 l}rl'l,ri:r irr '1.1 i rira iiiiti'd irrtrr,lrrr llr cl,rlI i'ur iii,' n'i ill n'.n. iO r';jlr' rEliEr flirtEt mill nrrin'l].fl lnlln,,l I ruinEr' r'nrrini ,iflnl n'tini Inri nutri liii tunnt Ir,' ini I lintnir' irkn r Er' .J'L Bethany Terrace Nui'sng Centre ii rd H k ( rl r' li n:l.\I 64 7 .f f fiT .6 L f f (f auf.i,,u' lili InSu irr 'lilly Irrem io livanaron foe os-coreo mli dnvarae prniaess l,rtenraoi 'na'' refl'iatranieo and da posit requierS $2Sisck Call foe nrrfirrrrruosian, Drsp'ssssspparl gettrslrrf Marcir f, 20113, Aprii 12, 21013 irrt, irr 12:30 Ir.., led uy Carra Sahulre, filA,, L,C.15 C 111.30 Yoiurrruy pop rIle door, SIS lier scalars, Cali foe locali00, Olor' Ldnos' [recio a rnros'fnrr. iroofireon-parrairirr drdir'ssrrnl rin 000isr,rnfl,n000nrrni n'ira ore pinnrrnrg nhn'ar'er, rrr 50e prceraa'iy diaorre or rnoer.drrrre ro odjiair oarrcesfnrlly tro nirrgle lsjr, tVher ho hsatp rs ir bolsear we arr unhio re withnransl hIe's tr,esosutnol Irealsh ohaitcnges Jein Ilniag loor. Doctos al Onrse. tul fiteoloaros und licensed urca' psnaiuenrl at he Adaeculo Medn. Orinup cal CIfren fer Cinrrrpleirsernuea idedrrsnc, Irle a fees pneresialilir III acupuncture unit ('irnrirse iserhal sfrreopy Mrrlrrola nr ccolasre rho Irnndy urti une aaupuscuueo und herba son adlnsnn ilrr piiytnirlo'soul pe000so. es anni hsisg Ir,on,reny te rire booty wrllbeoiiscuased, 'tine rrne'lnsrue u'orrkshorp will hco.Olcrooiusn7'SSprc ,Wndnes' dal , totora ir IO or rIse Cenler Isre For mons ininottolios trot to ssgrstet coIl 1.000.3. ADVOCATISI I .i®'323'8622I Thc Adcucalo Medirsi Onoop Coerce for Cronplemostany Medi' alee peecider s aniqoss neun, ai,' prrraah bol cershrnos tIro beat of sruodísnnrsul and ultoreasoae medi. cnesn, Ali rhenapies mc conducled under the direction alboard orni. l'esctntronrrs sIluro tint tredinga und troalmens pisos with she ptsioss'u physician. Acusiluble seeoieoo isciudo obi. repnaatia' caro, mwoogo therapy. 'aaopcsaraee. hemaopulbic medi. arno. mtnd.bady Inuegtutica, acasero herbal snot stlatsrssl aupplcnsrni tlrerupy. tied phynieruns. Learn & Explore the Internet i'iinatl,nsaoill rotrialua'ernnarnn Irr Wnrrlol fiVroic SVeh. 'Irla ansi loarehirns tnivaranuehhrsrioaetro viali rnrer ,oi eremos fond ase ICPRI. Tho Amenicen Rod Cnons 01 Omulse Chicago pnencnts Io tsrsi'ornuul CPxSssturduyoeaeni olfsring fnrrdPR staining loony. nao 'che signs uplsinuspossened olsas. Uso lire oppeossity In he. como CPR.ctrtilied los rho Star Sinns. onrorenrwynun tkill,. CPR Surssaluyc mili be held ai Ihe Red C nons commonly lacilily i, 15, 22 und 29, A mnenssg tan sosa, Spsee is himised und ad. mare information, by eallin 800/ 33.SAFISTY ninilisg nl www.ehieugsmdeems.erg. Rogislraliso will onrlinuo astil alosasnore filled Ths Amoeiean Rod Cesto of nasco segisltunios iarrquined. Greaser Chicago it OOmmilIOd IO Paoiripssls will Inum shr bmic skill s nl Atneniess Red Ceass making our esmmanilios safer CPR training snot, upan passing a has bosn o, loador is Ihm Bold for enanos 18 s.m,.ttp.m.i sed oeuf- remano 00005 II p,to,-5 p.m,i um nehrdslod as Ibis sue and sin erbens is lbs Chiaogo mesnopeli. neusly 90 years. Locally, the 0000ias Red Cross CPR aenribcastar anda special CPB Sulrsrduys ehapsrr somos more thon 7,5 mil- t.shmrl, in Atlìsgsor Hrighls. 544 Weal ledicidauls con togintee foe u I'Ionhwesl Highwuy, on Mrrah I, Inne CPR Satssrduyn elusa, defier Il- ucd bratlhise ploaen Io lino and WhIles lest sed o skills less, will lion praple of Cook, DaPago, Kuno, Kendstl. Laks. MaHnsty and Will0 Our Greatest Joy' is Seeing You Leave Center, Pnirgesm fee iu 545 fee ncanda'nts nesndcnlm. used 555 for Call 1X.171 9h7hh33 fore nnnrro nsnlirnrsuntnonoss well ou addiiioraai csrerpunret alu.snrattlle,eol. Never Have An Ordinary Day!" Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy at Forest Villa nett. rcarrnnrr uilihs'ainartrd,Cloasnaill he 'I'orarol.i'. MincIr 4ito,rnt lr'Stl noi This Munch, sol beanls allaIter sed hscoms someons's hera lomn lbs lifasaving kill of attn. dìo.pultnsnory nrsascilutien 0.50 per. an rho Seward Lomtune c,rs.nni Virnnrra .nnnl,'onnss'asnuaprnr' Forest Villa, un extended Cafe Center, IS Committed to offetin the most pleasant enoitonment and outstanding nursfng cane to our short-term erhabilitatban patients. We sttiee to insure that all patients' eehabflitation souls ale met or eoCeeded befare they return home. In addioion to oar excellent nursing care ond our eaCeytional therapy programs, we are now oerrj proud to oiler our nhort-Serm lehabilitation patients the following ameoities: Full seroice of Pust-OrthupediC Surgety Care. 71ro group penis dar iriii,rrtrui' W Rides and travel assistance to and from follow-up orthopediC visftn during the patient's stay at Forest Villa, 01,1ra 000 OIs Safety evaluation by the Forest Villa therapy staff in the riocsastd i'eesnla patient's home, ur0ecfr fun. ei.ol ho roer uo noi oral irceidr' Ofll Irr Neta s. oppart grossps lsrgi,,. nlstgrn Islurci,, tr'sacek geaa1rr Lathown CrearsI Hoapirul, Non. rOle Meditai Grssnp Center for ser Puailior, 1775 Sotland Rood in Park Ridgo. Consptrnrentary Medicine. Wsrkrhop Oflhred by Adam irr .nisda'rrniirrniii-al aa1r1alrr Inn Saald,irrr liaaaoin," ap.aaa'acaolahiliry lin' Ii,ulriljr;uirn:ii is lirici, i i'Iry'coaul 'I'lrecspnsr Ohren ritti' lra'rrwsll oliseasn preserrnnrnf futils arrdlronntre auslosy' sr rIre flI.irah fr iriaar,s5. rIre filai un'lilla rr i i' Inrnoonl,rriar, cpiornrirrn pinrnromr uuprrir,r rron' irclieaa rire President striata cali rirraaaal,nifrtrnifArfthleaai'rr si linuroefi ra lturlsdad tItra ncaak lii rrrake riieae realities alear in: Winter Support Groups iii .rtr'rer'rrr rriríjr'r ji ni ed on tite comput of Adaeeaie l.inilnar,nri ring rar (ero raclai resaliarrirri fahr Csmplemnntsey M,dscnns, locos. 'lina \h1oroerr'r llaailir IIa'oinutae Csrricral llnroprr.ol, ri nairli rIre Nuorson,ol i)nfrnnlrilinloin iri,rii,iriinii a-an noir' ha' aa'oìded I Sualdarrr llasaairiiirirrtedrfrrely ra natIca irit calIese fr04 aoopa'tfrrer Strengthening the Body Thrnagh Chinano Medicine The Ita rats 000nil i nfrnul Ar' ruaI Campsngn Iarrnlnr,nrriti,si "Purrir a'ah liria avida'ra'e, Irre Urrrred Starer donald aia afin l'adulI foin rrrrasarir iiI 11.011 ltarrrruokaoi,rroiai;of.e arrie "A d.;irgaraaa eoloiaey ada. \lr'rrers I, hr..r' rrc,,rr crìrr:rti,rli,:ri l:,,,rrr ,rririrouI catoporgn fssnur tise yea rai. ('a'nrc,c,I rdafncarn heI Cnn' ptogr000 also orli iinrr:,n ill' Osi' s're Cincicstser,rlrotoiiif,,.nnairnr US, Sen. Dirk Dsarl,io (1)-114 today fussed lise following State- Me riDI y Rrligisrss Action Coaler rl br. ferns Jadsism. on tIre gonenr rpa,nk. and Onoc Huaso sra Red Cross Offers Free CPR Saturdays in March Strengthening the Body Through Chinese Medicine CIrait, srI lb recen r, ioldah In ill Io Isold al Ills congtefutiulfi. 'lili .'slrl' saaskee Asecue, I'nia'rinra o l'lo Sec. of State Colin Powell regarding Iraq .WJii1J'i PAGE IB THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 innaor of lia' nfiirrli O efrairrog I. Kririoil lI,nrrar, ihunruniag I) M.D. 'line Watroro's l-leoldn groinnotac ('enlier ori l.arlronass Ga'rice,rl llora' no an uea'ass pirulo lot lid inulIna lar loans uolroui line l'o itnrtsier't pregrarrna.aercncea lupinilri fienrupi tnrsd cirrrnrnrininliy aral ai l.OII1I,S.Al)VO' ihirnruonre irsfniesrr'.nrioni rafosiet, cali ('Atti i i.8100323.uh22i. Beauty INU1' Liio'c nasiareoloar ri yira lnnllonw nIl lIre toico. finI ei linead, onrjusy lifer pleossoert astrIr na asrïloo, Ia'un unid rod ns'isrr,Fo, nitra rtr liorna a, oaloilc gia'irg 'no tos life'a Sitie ist' ololgosriaoa, lnrg ossr laaae'W,ndntn Community re-integration assessments in the neighboring 1/2 PRICE* SALE FEB. 20 THRU FEB. 23 aleas. State-of-the-art Computer network so that you can keep up with your life. Special amenities to make you feel like you are in a luourious hotel. 12 OiT oar enlier iocentos'y 55f Peplseeldgr Farn, Cuaklns. Cruskeen, CnWi5uh Sousko, Layee Calcen. Tornosern, and llorad & IsolI pesalusts. no/ocre Stay mt Im eo,nbltted stub soy ashen otter ordluesnnl, life f/suriau!rea '112 01f the M,ns,foantsrnr's Saggeased Retast reise. Pepperidge Farm Bakery Thrift Stores 9300 MILWAUKEE AVE. MILES 1847) 2960121 1614 060REIEL.D RO. HIGHLAND PARK 1847) 8313040 Forest Villa. 6040 W. Touhy Avenue, Ni les, Illinois 60714 Therapy and Rehabilitation Care (847) 647-6400 i PAGE 16 Nues SR Men Bowling Nues Brunswick Bowl Wed,, Jan. 29, 2003 Knightly News & Views A rugo oorgraiulalrnro io Sir Krriglrl Duri Kosihn, rallo irla TEA7IISTANDING WL 82'Conjal 82 26 2 8-Dr. Salira #4.Culloro- Calirro 20 8 8] i-Horsier 19 9 OI0'NarlhShoraMnrWkn 12 IS 014-Mirralli 9 9 #17-Pannyn 721 #IS-MCHHI8&CIg 6 22 #I-Caloni,IOI 5 23 #20-MaleoOrSrrrrs 4 24 19 ill 3-Cerdlalile 19 9 9 "HOTSHOTS" 87-Monuroh 17 II SIii-l.F.Ilarhrr Shop 1711 IS 13 IS IS #6-Skuju #2 8I9.AllLrrrca #5-Trariacar 8] 1-Mirerr Ta,irrr 95 REMAS rlrrranr#ds ni youlir! 0,10 643 582 578 564 552 549 546 Harry Dalraehol JocKseon Bob SnI,ar n,ulrlaril' manIa Drill' Grund trigla loa l,llkourkr rlrarkn all rIo 1100 Orurrirer Krigirir lh;ui )irlria dlllrli 1111 Polit ur) 5, far Irr Degruo L'roiriplili. cr11011 md nirori Irleoluig Ir llar Hall l7r'ro Claamls, Danuin & Oak. lllhu,hfIl Sanrdap, Pahoasorn- 21, 21911 ,n,eulr,IIOII rIfler Sireosol ulrnrarna li,raanndrd.sso, , Saairnrl la 3rd Da9reo orrrndiul,rren cor p.lr.Iirip,oa 6,1 nun ali,iryic Nur Trrakrnnaal,r Thmn rs a gruau uppurvsviui Ir sIl oondmdauev 111 umIli p Ile Ill a,rolr of Ilma Degreen bus lilI Sou, naanrinon can rIEn Iba I groes lIn Ira sanIe dar 1011 ralnrrll Ial Gagera #rlrrlmar-, d'in II, 2v,l & 3,4 Dngrnaa II rl Ira 1847) 966-6913 10 Clnnnnellnueas au inrflaor basel' All 000mlldulan lurr lino I,, lIc'lise 2nd DefIes' 1,111 1,00,, II or l'r_ry Ir,r lIno alralr on fslln ilo1r,mrrad mruennnherrolrnar p.ar,and3rdarllal,mrr,ll]] Krilllla faIllI la innirnedlarul, fuilluma 1111 Itru Ird I)ugaea. Por 1111110 lnlu,Iihtalu,,a and readfl1sllrrna .11bllI,l,t lun rirai' Speartri lluvIa Io Presidrrl ilolrG_il,lrnl filrlrinrra_rrro mourn 01 albo lu, IriSa Ihr, er ening lora al,ualul lila PriaI Preaidevan lIra I'.irki,urki, RidI Zuirrrulku ,ord Ituolirtudiko 1420 S. Barrington Road Bamoglon. IL 60010 847-382.6664 Fax 847.382.6693 i-di,nl,lrn 23, 21919 Prrar Gagera b lii u Ira. Eanuand IS'0h00 alIar ru I pm arr1 3rd nIl- ilIon 1,1111 pIliers' 61111 'lair k lrrannd-nlrer lpprodioldnn' I),, vira knr,ia rry sinaI C,nsimi,. Iragauhbc'lhlurilin_sroulald bulla llar Knrlolilr 'l'lobI' sa. nr mae nnolp lIllalIai-111110 SIr' ru-li 1111111 Ir,rs'' SSo rIb II_ir i' MIrilla 1110100110 uoulrl lIla Il, dl, aIt 11111' look 11,1 -0e cull Birir Glanai Ir 1147) 915-0920, II, arorrrrnare 1111. u, l)inn'a anImi, ailla k-rd_Il']'] lila- advance mil t frallol 810_la tllf,IlIiI.illutn! Curmrrojrmir as Ill 1h01 Knlolllttlo' I Travel u l,arvi Ilurraaln 1857,11119 b-164 llcaanonnrlmon ir rurrrauln Ilmo L'rIanIsIl Isoli p,llO (Sill - S'ram 11,10,100 yoked lrsss III Ittarin li Il II 11111 lllaI,in IraI IlIflpIkIlutIllaI kilO-lUn' - l,ulh,nmn Do , I Ilrnaplu.al Thnrsdsy, Peh, 20, b ma 3 p.na Proa, ham lefInlorIs arrorr qalnad. l'lr.nno mIte milan nrmr manIla, a'coronIo,lin8 'i mvvnllmly t)rahomla SOPPrImI C' srIa r Iraloml holmIo, Fabruisry' 26 . Dialtalan S 0,0mm g - StrInIhIp cc'rooaio o by tplmull 5 1511e nl t 'aamrr g frrmnnnl idrIglIl requsmed. PIorno make mmmnrnrng lnnadaostlono wimb tonner )lnadia,sliinmn murta dan be labran wiih,ral !,rmsll,Ssumtlu.nm Crnal:Sb Folaroa.ry 27 . ElTrnlimr Slan-agrotanl of llruring I.not-Audl'iilgmnr Shotras G onlams'Inky, hIS, pseaornsirfvrm,nosronorolfretiaa thranab' 11101111, Ihamrog uran tod the Irilras technology, Gas an nades tItra r ,salar pit prIaI or Ear s harmrrng .sareermng . iMadisom m-paya ,ulrh ir,dar.i Aprallnrnnen mr 111m I ie.srsng nc're ering.navi Il ho made for tilo lirbiulo ng wool 55 Cosmos I ma 2 p an. Proa, hua reg Irrt' ne jarfiln luaiIilllillnsl,llIudslhIlb, DuNa) MnaI Iratuaons alad, hoof hourguignaro, hut more A slradbrs, baby naaroln & 4055ml Cnsr: SIll. NaretoeedylBrlgixm/Looro,baorg Tauvringor - Wodarsday, Feb, 26,12102 pm. - Cenieand buIld a Belgiavl waffle wIlIm yoer bonasse moppiags. Pullowing lurch, acm Ihr 60 atInare uldea or Noonardy, Balninm, ard Lososnboarg. Coal: 54, PakorTnor,rnmrol & Rrfrrobmrnta -Friday, Fob, 28,12104 pm, Cootm $3,80, Oruro infarmatinn In ano if yoa i4a N4 I h I Na depositi., rtqotired, PIrata call 1.800-451-0971 for qualify. 0060 N. MrLwuumsE AuR, PROFESSIONAL NAIL CARE Sblknropo Fnhsnalasa Gol Nollo Long Cus Noria Soulptu000 Manirore Spa PedieunO AbnbmaS Wooing Aeqalbe RIE,6LSONSS'IIEEL,SDRIVERSa,s-noodedtildolmmc'mllerila amtl. 15h 2 30 p.trl. t', Nsben II 11111m Imraalld, ums'o kd,isa Iroswaun louas'o nutsl,iam Keils Im (9-171 688 54211 Pomar lElactrid) Whaalchairs al na arai to Iba aaeipiant, if ibny qsnlify. Thr Pnwae Wharlrhairs aea p000idrd to boso who cannot walk and cansan anlf.propal massaI whanlohaie io their Slnomsngtoa Crrlar prinrra porfnrnl.n000, Slop su Ihr Crachas Baarol Rots annual whens' yen oav hay dtnrer ai ynar own caponne, COsI iooluduo ar050poeuaulnr, play and bullen lunob 'I Ill (timo ils,'anrll Il ho rua helmen di,rllu loar .rn,rgesrsolms Leamntm8 nun- S'OLtiio'i'EERS NEEDED Thr Jsaapssoi Medios,! Systems Program makes anailablm la Seo. iai- Ciaiaaaa 065 yraen aId & ap) and Iba Peroraneelly Disabled llame, und wha moni Ihr addilivraI gaidnlinrs of Ihn program. fslarah IS . l)ialsatie Sapport Ura,, p ' A mualhly snppurrm orlla p ir,, iir,mlnslca anIt aluns li arien day, Rl.irsin I 1. 111,311 ll I 15 ocihor a'Issbo irtrnmr dung Samppubru mu oaair 01110m Stall mIamI ro plannIng talamo m1maken annd ma 111lIre O aegarlrar Coal 0111 Im SIS ivrmn.mrmrlula #vgiailrs mrr,rnmanel ansed. Power Wheetçhairs Amel'ieoe PassIno Play Trip. Satorday, Muroh 22, 8h48 am, taO pm. Cantil $38,- Mrd al Senor Conur, alO n'al- Bss leales' proanpuly al 0:49 im, loarrey Ameniosn PassIon Play at Ihn Blnomalmngton Conrur fer nba Parlorming Arm. Sultru lanob al I 11150d I 4a OPENi ('OSll'l!TER LAIt VOLUNTEERS meedod lun ,uamnsillde, ,,lrrl 111ml la. min1 lImbo illll p ilIon, i2iil4lmrsfllki.Cinmtrpuulmroapa luallOomoillilo il 'l raInIng pmoclu lcd Clnol,mdr I.5y11i1 650W 9llO'i'l)I,ERS Ire nocdoil linaaalnl,hrlsOInnaslmmss'il,il n lull rile HIlda Ss'tanl,rn. CiInl,ldl Kv1I1 raI 8471 581-84211 AIib blini mnitsari Ilo.ioby, lIttlir, I tIrinO arll lurmrmIonroor, mil %'ml" ploIslelsIul rIl.ui 11100 Ira r d.sllrlmlslm Edish Piaf, laltatto Grana, Calo Paner, Duke Ellingsvn R Ramer lautet nl ueansosrsarn mInos, P rOaaole d my Mmohalto i'eRiandn, PhannO, ru) tsr IrcoamIsle -m 81,1160, knIolmI u inhrra dia Hnrlmnl & han mosseal canjeo fcolorIng s anisan ado Iamuua by I nu A l'allirasulti (01947 ,9l'l' 1,11 ii -Ills-, obulri,, iur ii' Irn,i' culli lui hour Inro rnuo Ilulror ob lilla gte_ii 'rnj,_nirna_mnuiuti I _\ak Inrinn' l'un Nues Senior Center Call ParTsokrl Availability Soedoy al iba Coetarl S OltStfl jan or Paria, 1980 . Soedayr Fab. 23, 11 am. In 3 p.m. - An alternar at ho Caburer minh CIsu- Learn what's nao- lo dl,mhasio nrrdiauusnna and sra dmoplays nl Ihn I 111110] abrrp - call Sia;Inlrs'eablrp I'Imiiirrrr,sa airrinil voO riuruld lila rirreairir. olor' 1601111 lI' Moe u' lina rIb b_nrnrn Ii n 10111 irora lIas_1)1 In -a riso Dagruc muova rl L t vn slreol.sb 4m mar 's uil lv' TICKETS CURRENTLY ON SALE POR YOUR HEAL1H ' FEORU1IRY Febreaary 20 . Dis.batco Updtta: Modieetioos & Nlnatiloro I arnd brIn III 111(110 Inglrlunn6'illruenr- 75 bIla rirlanding Ihn gl 00e- Individualized Rehabilitation Programs Respiratory/Ventilator Services apaomal loi. 2nd & 3rd l)ehIndo I-a nrmpliEoatinrn al SI 'bIncHa 3rd Dagrea laval loba lira rira arour Kai C Lrilrrla Tire Pari Prnnidrnmn Nrgilr, lnlblrlrrlrli oli PanI I'roardariu ri Illaaluh und garar rrflnonllrinlrrnarutilo P,rrl Preardarri Joe ï'alkouali, laura gnoul naccara 'All Levels alo Clrsrrir Hall, Damn,rr & Oak l'rek Alda - (lrnougrr, Sarday nulo frnr NE WS FROM TEJE CALL (847) 588.8420 FOR IrVFORMATION Narrh Anrsaraorma ir,rre Ir ullpirnanhll 10111010 lillo atRil, mo Brrrrlrarn of N A M EXCELLENCE IN NURSING CARE Opjrsrrsrsnsri rl.lnmrrl Ksigha of Cialasrahan 01110 paropaosir-c,narraborn lib ,ult,ail lima garn nlranid rasase am Ib Ill .r n - alunni ai Sr. iRaola Ciraroli, Chi. at GOVERNORS PARK Momloarolsip A IIc,raldulures um unr isoli Io almrd rl npaanrab Inn, 2nd & Sad Dogane Eaannplifia,nlron rl SI. iSra- PIo,nro pror ftun Irla nrak lsd drrmrurrod rIle lIbrera 1 u,rlr LrmnllIr lIlo CHICAGO luna Irurrnn our arnnsnnhunnuy. rua ir raked ra ihr Kara Lee lar 111cr 36 orrori] llirlriluy 8,rslolhrill loar- LarryGarun DiekKarun TonyVilarri 13 IS lugo of Hilar - Ciliooa ir1 lira Yarn lira 2007! Duri hr.snorkcd lar 35 yerra irr Nuca an r ao,raIr, lirurIgor. airardirr,iror and rrruurlor li, learn Irr crordin,rro lila Craurlcilr Ken Dnlu#a 14 14 14 14 14 14 9)2-S k nj n O I rn arded lira lrrgh birnrrr ial Vil- PAGE Il THE BUGLE. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2t03 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 Y,SRN NEEI)E1) 'Plc S orrrn Coni alsarellaonrrnr g rtOa,r. leI lInac r n- m,nrlr scraps 111,115'l ml mIrante rosIn ,mnit as'nrll,c mi llana Lap ,nrhoa, aim,muala, and ,Itinlnrs rironIa Ide b nm's' morilla In billon Il listlIla I Vilunnis'on ktartlema Nr oas NEW LOCATION! ,t"'u5nioas troto - == apovndosnannla )°" DEMPSTER 847399262 FILL IN F 3°°'OFF2°° OFF .111,1 cel1011Oten rIle ml arbneo ulod Pbaue cmli ua. CERAMICS CLASSES Is your sixth sense a sense of value? A1 LI lila' Niarrla SIalare Rerirenrorrl Ii So Akt. Advanced Eye Care, Ltd. IIEGINNING SOCIAL BRIDGE ISmep mr ri Dry'rmrrmng Social Bssdge, a,ma i'hriosdmy at I 2 if, irrrrra-lrrr , rl rar's' rial 11:111 gaInent a rs'Iiunad p '10011ml Ir allIa'55050 ptrayors. Nao' rira-,i6aar'c'ryrI.n1-, - norris a rIl unIi rial 24 hIlar feounrr lank mau lrlllvltllIrr,rlrjrng, Par fuori Wellrri-na Cerraar sr-rIling. 'turi, novai- all rire rear by CONI PORTA BLE cinaldoring ail rIna, Tire - Nonna Siluro Horel raReen, Ii LOCATION in rho herrn Ial vrlrranr danno. I',lril,n, ArIr & Crrrfrs Cenrer, Billiirrdn Roo,00rd Prii',rre Dining Room. 1611 ChiCago Ane. Evanston, 1160201 847-864-6400 Du yiaair orirer fine serrsas rreod 000a'inorng? Cianrrrcrirrre of oar Oc-rirelarerra Granselors fuir brIar free V,alae Coamnrin',rrmnoan V/rark,irena. mio alhon, Nc'stIllo clIng' Prhloany 24. CURRENT EVENTS GROUP Nth; n retirement noten Dr, S. Tsipurskyr MD,, Ph.D. Bgoa'd Ceri/furti Opbioailrnaiaginl Laser Vision Corencmron . Eyelid Snrgeey Progeessrvn Glaucoma Trealmens AdulI & Chsldfen Treaumnneat 'Contava Lenses Evening Hours Available Join the residents of The North Shore Retirement Hotel for a St. Patrick's Day Celebration Friday, March 14th, 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Call (847) 864-6400 to RS. VP 847-729-0000 www.theabington.com 1lhere is no place like home.., but ours comes close!' Curnl C'se nts Cleaopnaree rs sa IO;Sv rs mml. on Ihe 2nd 5 41h SVmdrend,nyllfs ho'ltlmls 51m medmvouss basI arad bun Id irnuem, Thr arul rruo emilg msilb In Wodneaday, Pela. 26. Ultranoviso Cataract Rennoval 1' KITChEN IIAND GROUP Ssamlsp Club laIna lu al 2 p.50 tIro s'ro md md Ioursh Mondusy ulsho ruhms lt. Co Irlo lIad nllaro yursr nsalsrp aullodirila ioilh fellow' Coasor fur ,a.asrar,-rnco mn-icon vIril diarIa 11004 ClaIlnpuillonrillp, un exransjee soc-jul pnogr irr, Ire,rred Sir'irnrrarng Pool, Coranpaaer Cenroro'inlr donnes, Movie Thearer, Enorolno' Rourrr, Wnllrrera Canner, loe Cream s STAMP CLUII RETIREMENT LIVING AT Ti-IR NORTH SHORE HOTEL IS VALUE! lAsniased Lia'irrg Serr'ioea ore 1rrraa'riled ill' Ragoao9' Ar Horno He,rlair Servio-os, Lrd,, us arr eprrlan, rollan rroedeui). 'I 'limo banld in llrulklrg forme asmslaar hues isirca Irsts 1011 iaaseu' 1110 nrablnlsl lilmulill 21103 nelson, l'raemrc oa rIre ml I I sIll. 110 lIse lrnlr unId sisird Wedneaday Ill I.'aorysrt 011111. Pleane call Mary Ann. Tliorauraoarrrlirrr'rnrarnr, rol Iiarag_ronrrala,rrrrrrrrrrenr, 1111 Pill ing 21 LIFESTYLE AMENITIES parran, and firing. Il rs'a slod, i'o a tray parahaao sra,tar kit am class. 11imrntirto snfon,n_aniomm, loua drIll hlrn' Aro. SI LUXURY A7,'IirINIOI7A11LINS Eiag,rrrr, Íirllr Ilinlirlraol nil Regalar C evsnlluona b, saaoa,uro 'flaunad,sya, fronrs Pehrsrun' h Ir .lpeml 24 Si lbfllfl ol, Irlo .5.1ro 9 min I I rl. al.,rtai I rIble'rl 011O olas.noarsro n 3 p.n. mill Is'00 Io vol cirnrme . 5311 s'Ilmo Il Ioamrndltor, fIes'sacare, I (847) 724-0101 Niost Insurances, Psladucaie, Psledrcajgl Accepted Opsicul Store On Prennises 2640 Golf Road - Suite 120 - Glenview In TIne Talisman Canterai \Vashrn0lun & GnIf Rd. FEItRUAR'TlCKE-r SALES Pbaase Call Pori'mokol Al allablIll) Por dolailed infulesnarion, plaIne see 1ro Pohrnamy Plagram huida, orsll usas 968-O4ZliinIchecE aal 1110 Senlurn C Oslo r lirden hr VIlla05' of Nrbrs ueb sire rrr s'so. entm'tra.citrrs im la mamy aoa000lcs' ulla Pragrasna Guido: 00001mb .1 alosnnhor ill mho Iorarem Cevuerubnmoh Islas Niles reamdamtl, b2 yours or Iltdor, irr 1 mlnuagerslrinase. Mo,n- horshmp n PREE, LIsIad holoru ars'saltro cl rombal lIn aro ofiering daring our Pohmuuary miekem nulles: is designed with the needs of our special residents in mind. We gear our programs to maximize independence while recognizingresident'sstrengths ACTIVITIES' Onok Olsoasaian vIm l/mador tIle Trlaollar 51111 by PramIces MrIy' osSI includes dssousalao & ralroshmneals - MrstOIl 7, Pinoalrte 'raunnuarsenl, $3.50 mullIdos refamslrolllnus und priu' oa MoIrm4;1imo The Abirogton Special Care Unit Larch & Media: AbolII li Soy oirIl Hagls Gmual, 83,50. Muirols 21. Pioaa orA Tausalegur: Siaseel slaa IPnrlm/ fly Trirjlm, 83.50 Marob 26, Pokar 'roamamrnm, $3.90 ineludrs rofeeahnmorls md paIres and abilities. o___'__ ' °CaringProfessiona!s forCaring Peop!e° Mnroh28, COMPUTER INTEREST GROUP Cnmpnmar Inlrrass Group marts mho SInn strd tlnrrd Mendsy o Ihr monab or 2 p.sra. TIss' oasI amnooting wmll ha March 3 3901 Glenview R'oad ' Glenview.IL 60025 - THE BUCLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 THE BUCLP, THURSDAY FERRUARY 20. 2003 PACE IS Catholic Women's Bowling League Seniors urged to use caution in severe cold weather The Suburban Arca Agency on De ans desak alochafa besar- Aging today issacd a rcmindrr agrs - tea, coffer, seep er hat that the scvcrr ccid cf a Chicago oheneiclearn brnrfictnl. arca wiener presents as rspccsafy significant danger sa cidre adchs Maintain physical traub by rating senil and resting. Knew if prascriptien drugs Relatives, friends and nntghhers arc uegcd lo visit sed chcok en saniert daring harurdoes coltI you take i noceuse vulroechllity re Rrccgetors)etpleins of Ity- se catho r c ovAtions Oidor pericos elusi ho aware of lioso cold weather procasWcsr warm clothes nr leyera including liai and gloves - de nel won clothing. Coven oli capered skie - il yins suspect frostbite, de ret teb pcthomtia: suif muscles. siowod brrstltisg, maniai confusiott io the ltetnte. racor use an escoas e heder, und usrspinco itestoro only er directed. Be aivare of tsarneing sicav suais cv librarnos, public sagosy fe. oslittes, er votttwsrtiy ts.tOe.ap espesare to es. namely seid samperotuecs ces ho Persian art The Area Agaref mrd tin ret. TEAM than Lasts, Esecutiva l)sraennnr ring, essentisnautng.ndccesusng ard fandsag pregrarns hm per. tino Ssharhcn Atom AgenG tnt Aging, "Celti tetttperetures ero aged hO er anon luso nsdopettdetmi' In in ninrnrcnntstsnsissmtcs 'litenc son: over Fr0 nr suharban Cmn,k Cimunty 'The agore ysrnvas sub only tim hnginnnng of tise ha,,nrd. In mtddstten tostencrsperatero. ntis nacasssry t e rtelntter lite winit chill Faster. sad also the cuttnalmn- yumbos tini mide nnicrsrteltmir asti snsnnianer. osiutiton prtigniitts. in.uespiiriisiion. sectal s-estecv. unitamn Ciork Cstarmy, an sma sitan is hitste nc srscr 429,13X1 sassera. into seid 'duration tri tise cuereen seid spot1. M,'try cotnsnutnnlncn tseiniucia weninief costees and Itetlirev dosngsrd le trip rider aduiss nr their itininen and cet. Serions need lo he ons arc cf these services, and teks adn'entogo tif as tonar sie merad irsemtln. ur-hirnie services. mrcnnposnsulan and eitler ahtieo ,snd negli-cs lnrrrsertnsms In inn yiiruocnni'escunteos aed Oidor adslu.nastutlscnreinsek'istis ntnmty nthuumn trfitnrsmtini,r tin Ibtie scsvtees ht anfing the Agcssl'ai tnt,nnc es 171181 3010258. ir itt uinninnnf tite stute .sshinmh,tnmOVeS vite Psirn . Wamses. Childrrn . Trans sLnascc 847-663-0123 HAIR NAILS SKIN Catins1 Osattain Fatals Sil ,IX)0,iROi ums summrre mitas 4g iti. cnrrststsnils agesraics met Its,,. .mgo .eug. OIdc'r/snsouueans Act. Psnwsg P rd neutra Fall hedieseis1 dirt'eIer ti nmnmmrkenng, ,shiung stur nakrap Cclon:sg Cosialiatnent Fit SeoirlOcssaiesi Pissen Preiss 'wrhaisss sn s5nff tnaanhcnn, liase ques. litt rs aosu'crod. atrd hccetac heiter nntft,nnod shear tanprocnsg tito qsalnn itflnfo snia ktsesl N,tnnsvnnd l'mirk IIn,nnrc, a' tintI' fee-preiSt dnvnsnntss iii Niir.OS'stelit GifT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE' $5 OFF Life Cene NinE, nsa 21 i-hod cents. ttncrnry drat tise otters dctrnentna caro, skilled stunning cato und net' titeare Siivnmt Garcia. dincets,n NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY HOURSs Tues-Frit 9:00-7:00, St - 9:00-6:00 either vinti uricrsihous u nf conduct lite titans and answer ilniositlirs \0'itiio itera. neprrscrnarns'os it tite N mints nilvi Park Ornions Nctmcnrrk. etaurravis prstgr.iiun. u nil he sir manet ils csplmmnn tinein urrant pnntgrarss. Cnmlfoa ,sttd B.ik' d'sII ho'ternoti lus a-rs Sleale ,ndtiuinitn.inctnctrtutPlirtcnis. diii. nice lIeraIt Icirupess Fon 55e it lutero italo unIi ito bisen um c_sib agcscnci arc sito pussespal surumse nil infoermsau:trn uccasding sentar ssirumh.ss Cms,k reruices ist C'curi>. is.'rssitno hnocinnstpictcs ,smi,ur Fm,: urimirs intliirnrt,iti,mni;ih,itti tine Opoit lInesa- min Niinwi,mnt irk call 17731131 -'DOur las. ..-fs.I TasIs Cor Caregas res C,srsnig liii vsrmcero saslt lIsons such an dc'su,enrmn,u. iseao dsso,ssc. i'msrkstnsmir's duneame itev:sitkcusmtnesslui A sIs pIn Im'miruftml7'oml'fv' (eme' pitres. mcdl an,si,le 1,,uts, helbct iralesca tam misas Inh snutt, ita-ads mit >mies ,itstcmuel,mrive,, tHE GLEN HEALTHCARE NE 'f_i RK. Awarded JOINT COMMISSION ACCREDITATION Our Award exceeds federal and state requirements for national standards on nursing and rehabilitation healthcare. \Vl,eiimeinm,im - te' I,m,ee,it till nel I_i,: Inciti t. li ii lic ten vieil, liens .i,,ml Irioniis Im_ihm ire macicm,itie \',iumsill le_tin, - I'' i no's mula minne. mitn1ir,,me sIrens, sell mm,tit,dencu, iw'riom citntiursunmsc,itc duct' civi,,nn, ted Icmns mmi iiGmtii help' R.nlabsbassasSrrnissns innd gmmmupdtsea.svscrnn male lIn,s RawthckSaknsdgrsguio t itsrmmnrmic and ohioclive voll-same PsnparaiMwslslssassnr Clsssoncunssvi ci nit 2.10 - Affanjdrm Ionico s lO Cia,nsiclina'l 20 Tisensmss DnitadADUf lb IX IO 511cm Dairy Qatar iS 21h ncrnirg nil ssulri leus Senf Sills I unelsanra t 8 27 initums ndmaurly pmrcc da his pmegran u, Tc maka u hasch ranansa- Skala Trrrmsee 14 mrd km,smsocs,s,nis Inald sseeLI arene-lcd iuy summed proievvsvnn dmhAankle24tcusn l'aulmm liasga 310 lo Fahu sun SII lets i'nluam\dasm 473 568 111611 CAMES l'mula lierge Io Fahan,ss 225 'lar) Sh'usmleusku Ossue Sn,ms,c,snuc Ii,is hl,mcemsdarmr i i :45 sm, will C'coso Scinuime Dr. Pamock Scisarine. Annbenuis Speeiaiiss them Ihr Illinois tIene and loir: Insssuaue wuhl peuvida sr "Ar:hriris Updnmc" mi'ntis, le ai h p.sm. un Pnnday, Fob 21 in tIno Merles Orser Orntua Conic,. Dr. Sebsailo will disc'mIss geranI isienunaliss uheul mu,:l irtut, , slwimc'a 5:trrsisr ed dmng:, and asswcr plmndsSl concams absius his p,misFsl and uresnrhe,nable disease, TI mare is sr chu,g: Fer nbc .semnunar hut seeisnrsuier is reqnisr d by cull' 5mg the Mmrnuer Grsce S ormes Hnii Lira un 10471 470-5223. DOOR COIJN'I'Y TRIP PREVIEW Ich 24 un the M simIlIs Omens Sonme, Casurr's Ceosmunimy Hohl i71 mo lesmo 170 tlimuragb 28 nit D uil,, C sum ut . 'l'iris met cresce h trip feasunes simps ai lVmwiiingtsir lvl,mrsl, Ciscemy Train, Masesussas d u ilma G,nsdua Chub eh Mcnmmis Gmm,s'c u'iIl humid ils imvnntly ricci- sgesi'rh 25.2ltX3ut7:.iXpiui at mite (mensa Park Fmolil Flouse, 5336 hlarnnimmrmt sr Mt,mtosCmmine Our pmnmgnmsmrn "Che M,ik-lc ill lfd Flouons" asilI he gite:, h> SadLy Burgass, mero a rest Asleim and plicicgrspiucn 1h: publue n: mmmcd Adurus. 1,15 is Fri-c Rofrositsr:rms unII he eined. Pliso te amend ihis Fri'e mp pracirwa a I p.m. Sn Monday, sIl ,nhout si tisestimIs g Irup plasord hirn Aug. 25 Fnslm Baum Rcl:enh rId rIs will he si-rse d ni thu paecnew und a nc prcnaeiatsci- rims loss Omnlkers Inc ssill bu horu us ,oansscr misi'snvms n oe 'issu rmsadsanco by i-ailing she Ms,ias G resa Soss,,n blini Lisu ai 18471-178 0223. ANTIQUE ROAD SIIOW SVinmsl usmukcs sr stimmt mssmique ' Dha: tin yss luok for sebos mo huy ar ,,nimque" Cumsume le she Cuvne Cunmer F,mini I tIm 3 P mr sin lm:id,ny, lmchmcany 20 mund heur Fmcns Ssassrc al sIne ,'Ssmuqae md Resmule Shmippo cr7214 N. Hcnlsm Ase sue mn Ci,,cmnpsn, soli us all absmum urrmques Bmsng nn i:nns so be sppeannod. The fer g,, shim i'ragrasm infO mrd reimeshmenmu msilh bu no,cssl. MORTON GROVE SENIOR CENTER SOCIAL CLUBS 'Thu Mniasts (',ome Si'ssmnn Cifasma Chub Iblenduysi, iba Guidas Servir Csnccss Clmnh ItVcdreid,myub. and ills Fisoehhc Club I'Iims,sdm,t ni. sslnich intoos from 9 n.m. in i pm is tIro dom 5551ra lion. Albe :6 Osedisa , nmsil Chioogs'n Flnwnn ad Con- don Shaw. Cas lueiogsv Eoglimh Go,drn dosignod by or nspani from ube famod ('bolsos Gardans, usfamsalnva I oclanna . and phenly ei onhibis crIar Ills1 gandosing monchasdisa, Trarrinma cus moandor 51 hohn own paca. Dopas Inom Ihr Mcnloo Gravo S 55cr Canins, 6140 Dompuler Birorl, at ISm3O sm, and miam approolmeucly 5 p.50. Tha oust in 550 foe msidnnls and $63 fan nos -rna dierEs, Spour is limilnd nc mgnsnce isdayl "FLANAGAN'S Ws.KE" MonIes Geosaran iemn mull heod s abc Nablo Peal Thso:ar ir Chncsgs so Oundsy, Moeuh lb se ana "Pi snagas 's Woke," This hslsei ossirnoroc tine, improviassiasdi plsy abusi a 510monypinal Irish wahr mill hoes ihr asdiasco thinking thoy'na Iriah by ib sailern ses_s esd! Tha cuss ah ehmaanersra lies on burn asd 1ko aadionen ta spis Inico shoal poor old Plasegan. AnaS0: siap mill ho made al ihn pupalse Swedish dinsr, Ann Soth- en's, aEon Iho ploy far e dolisioss dnnrrr sg Tnasad Baled, Rollslflmod, Smodish Meor Bulls. Saked Spring Chichas. 1mo sida sogonables, desars, osd ceRco/tra. The unsu of uho play ard bus Irons pa raubst s 556 far mnid 001555 d SOI fa, ronncsidonlv, The essI of Ihn di nsmnisaaa dditiemal SI 3,50 pen persan, payable an he ri'niaano st, The bus losses nbc Morusa Grove Sentar Cc'Oser am I :43 pus. srd rotunas apprsximaloiy 7.30 p.m. Ragisuci today at ii creea psiun desk at ha Sornam Cease,, bl4O Dampomer Smrons. COMPUTER INTEREST GROUP l'ho Moser Gruyo Si'sum Coemor's Cumpstor Istrroat Orsup wihI seem hmm I is 2 pie. 05 Mosdny, Marcir 3, 11ko 8,51 Menday nf cads meslInI nr mho Memos Orase Senise Cariar Lihenry. 'riru Spia lun ih ssnri ortiog mill bc "Digital Photsa," S pace is Ilmilod se meSillos mudsy fo, titis fmecs emisor by naIl- 51 he Murlos Gnom's S estor Nus Line ut 18471 470-5223, Ness nisuummtr s nocetisg will be Apnml 7, und tIne subirai mili he 'Buynog mn Cusipusor.' Mutmios Onice Sc-vvo Corte,, rmmmms lisio epennngs luir nos' imnomhues if urmenussemi, cusma mi ,nnd unjo> ihr luhlousslsp. 'lcanoc,mIl Otnil'428s4 :1 NAL MEDICAL/ÁPJIO1FE GUID HOME INSPECTION SERVICE PERFECTION INSPECTION Completely Thorough! Thomas J. Jankownlsi 40 Year Resident of NUes! OeirABry/ho0S0ar Can P,1 8471470-1950 msiww.perfinsp.com nd Mshdasnr's IbAs Enwadsewnuarri Can UPON DISCHARGE 'Iitaesdsys, Marci, h, 13. 27. Aprsl 3, ill nati \Vcdrcm. da1,Apnil 1h. Tirar h ist 8.30 pst Pertonaihaed Fading-Up Care D'Ita'r Mulita, Cold Plut Nonmci,ud Pmirk, 7134 Wavi Hig- GlenCaoe Home Health kiss, Ctnme'isge. 1-800-934-2228 Clasar: lad Oy ley Saio nil Melaumne Chasis, Alelsoinmrae'n As. smoctatien '- Groarar lihinis Cinup. -MEDICARE MEDICAID INSURANCE lIMOS PPOS Whether you need a short term rehabilitative stay or long term placement, the aaGlen Healthcare Network" meets all of your re ferro! needs. All Homes Are Joint Commission Accredited 1930',.. 40's ond SO's. 'Cha Lsseh Bunch 197 182 176 l'itt' eIlst icr liti' comIno serios mtl densos is 03h mind nil cmli- in assied sammy duc lit inahmiimy Ill AFdiamranthteadhrgtorgdah aid 0igidnuo lima "ARTHRITIS UPDATE' SEMINAR Anssd'hadrqftg6sai 0rasaiora1 FwdPCaaarrtrguua1 hrendeavnv fron lien call Ihr Lunch Busch us 18471 967-6876. 111611 SERIES \lury'boiln Cras i'Iplrn n ui ha "Ssunln Tcrkal Hanauniutas A tsar 4" and mili proni'mt usisphen and slesermpmnems sii neme eh ml ruions, u radia nrecol Is Navy Pien os Tuandoy, Marsh I i sod beard Iho OpinI Crunso Seau farospecis I lunehnan and peaiosniusal gnoinr for 20 jers we'ue been committed to making retirement liulng easg for seniors . at a price that's affordable. itisto_inc 1h11,,1 mitts,,tke i,mugti do. tsslhrtnlsshmslr. Amblad Oransag Clan s. NonhSideCenrni.Bh. 25 Csndlelugl,sjwlr 21 CHICAGO FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW & LUNCHEON CRUISE Think Spnisg osd jais Iba Mason Omssr Sonidos as &sy suai li'etings, ir,ilainto 1,-ils ProvIding.. PaR.Hsrpi "finnIn, Wurst Tha Days" wrshly ,adiu brsaduasl will pmaarsl W Morton Grove Garden Ckib Do you help an older relative or friend? s 2003 IrIs speenal turn pmsgrsm at I 2:35 p.m.ur Timarsday, Peb. 20 ir siso Momucs G,ssr 505m, Cenmee. Mr. Sehador is u,aaar:mr- immcal isniln and nndncnsiu,sl eositenhtt lost mip.perm ils Psi1k'rants '15e Outtsnir,nn Arca m'sgcuicr er Aping andstn nclmsorksitsen,i,rsesnise Nerweed Park lotira, blInk N. Nina Ase., Cinneage. ash he mum 2:30 p.ta.-4 p.55. Visisers nesli lieve iscntpperne- iIi Gctncrai Reserar Funds. ,rfadnnnsniitns. and Linsla Krogcn. during an Opas Neuve, os l'uosday, Fohracry 23. iris msrray ei sanvters ihr smile Tino Sniitstlr.tn iksca Sucrer io Thn Ausssiad Lts'nsg vestes inn rhesecmnscd reisst, dsnmnnhuresI Sr Morton Grove Seniors "THOSE WERE THE DAYS' WITH CHUCK SCHADEN Merlus Gr ancras'idori, Chack Schadrn prsdaurr of the L Fmscsl Ycmsr 21102. she Ssaa Agen Norwood Park Home Open House February 25 nags ws5ss, Ms,sisn Wed., Feb. icork of passer cgcrctrs psnivttle avariai0 et ventees to iscip aduils dangerous. According tnt Iena. tite alfoctod crea, warm ni slowly. highlighting AgIng. Ocsh. IL. seas inarded us 1074 with ihr mussten ci pimsun. tira-usuta iltrrmttcntrgaitndiliniss PACE .19 l'vr misera iniferiussusar en mmi reg irlos, cmmvsmmes PsIi,ihnm Irla Plmts' mli 100X1 hOU-25ES, er sussi lsios'.sssamluerin'fea'uya. csar,s. READ THE BUGLE PAIN RELIEF Free SampleS! Tired Of Pain? SORE NO MOREl 1W % Natural PaIn RelievIng Gel! Wo wanl you to try otar now pnoduct Wo want you airy our pmedaui and 0000mo une ut trin thousands mi biaSed usais woo call Soro No Morsiu rho 'M rocIe Ge' Cul siam l-800.842-6622 und we' send you o FREE Sample undo hell ICi ut our v5rsdlenist SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY Jasrph O Hadmisli, CBS ca,anaae,uaanacscmsao LAW OFFICES OP JAN, L. KOONER & ASSOCIATES, LTD (312) 922-6688 (847) 674-5040 nrrsni,,wosneucilnarmsr.mmrm r,uenmana aggnmcistanu ussUBo Onriss hallar Irr, SUMMIT SQUARE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE lads Dasp,tam Odien ansas, mlliwmm cools Ouamr,lS 017.007.55to 181 Fna, OIu-253.dfai Fas mai.lhFSlOO Otte,, mn imp and dksnis For information, please call n,s8n,cl 055'565't774 E,0 Oran isaarmdanso anal .14 drn,Io (847) 825-1161 10 N. Summit Pack Ridge THE t tlJC l,F.. Ttlt,It1SOAV fF1100406' 28, 20113 t'dC E 20 Resurrection, Dominicks offer free colorectal cancer test MaineStreamers Activities and Events for Spring To help redsea tian number of dnurlss from eatorearol a,'ssaron, Resurrection Health Care IRHC1 Silos and throughout Maine Township uro invited to chock aus heno events and activities offered by Town- asti Damisiak's Food und Dmg ships Cnloeoesat C aseen Scninrs from MaineSareamors am again offering anyone age 50 or oIdora free fecal ocoult nanean- ing kit during Msrah, National depart- Assaresess Marsh. The less is painless and SALT (Seniors stud Law Enforcement Together) Pro- self-administered at home. gram an prenons Comnaunity Po- people car piuk spa seat kit feom Murah 5 through Marcia 59es any lietog on Mooch 4 starling as 0:311 ant, in Town (lait. TIsa March Lonsheon lectoras Moine Township os she Tn paesicipate in sine screneang, el nino paniaipahief Dsmiaick's slnmr. They baso oatii April 19 to rasuro Ilse kit by matI to an Esopo Oftios celebration pro- RHC lohorusory mitons is will he rooted hyTownnhtap Olhivials sed ni;tftinatsouoicat osseavoganaann Manch Il at Ctsatnaa Rita. proves'oed, wish a osa retales' ones hy mail, The fecal occult seat kit Doastintak's a.aarsariveeintrtatsa-as 1763 wash Howard Sssuot. Is, Des Plaines nity loador md nappons octal Loe and Oakson Dosnisink's at priigranat, clisare und re/arana. o'ink coasplosa arvtmrhosa, u ancoro t foam sind anotare cetros anailisgansotopa. 'liso ACS rnaotomcrdu'sn:to- cual fecal occult acreeasarf for ecorynre ago 50 nr olden ard lein yourgsr pontons who hace rask faatorr, Risk factory motado hier' tatto s ibteouglanut Ithinoto. Trot kim oilS he available oh alte 1555 Lee Osreet, pbsantatscy courters at those D,,trt- Garifard Osease 83 Dominick's at 1042 SosIa Eleshuras Road. irick's locartaiss: Is C'htoagas Botmitra and Wassern tosaI nr tumily history of coht,rretal cu000n and potyps, irOotta' lu,lfl, Prospect >irrt' is Nssrssdge lirrtsrss and trusog Doarstnsck's nick's tos 3350 NimIa Wotsem At.,'tt 7E tttusnry bowel dannano, phayvicat araeaivtay, o higba-faa/tost-ftbtcr dint and odiel inadequate an Iruitt und segotublen. Sensing Chrreagotasd stove 1925, Doaoinick's Prost and Dnog io sien at abo largosa supermarket oponaacrn and eteployarn te lIta' sois with 15,000 osasploycos inVert Forest Prosors'r Osavo. etton. la l'art Ridge Croartat rd !sddanitn Donna' tick's at 3h45 Nitrati Crsan:sl Ace. rite Full retor and Cit ht,,s,sn t)t,aasa. nick's at 255th Nitrati Ctytruuttt Aa'erar, Httu'ttrul tsrut ('lark tftntattntu'k's Oototaiak's at 900 Osaatk Cuostrerlard A vetase Is Riser Gro s'e Riser Cusase Dtttrttstck's st 314h Thaacbtcraa'enae. Rivor ('arirse ont, atad Peggy Notehoent Notare ints Ocatooroni. held Mondays (nona Moneta 3 itt 24 trotti 2 tod pea. ir Towr Holt, Bridge stusses avili also be Mondays team 2 to 4 por. mona sated io aorjunaaiao with atta to help 301fr little halle, 'oto ¡regio I/fe rs e/ante, slices' sttvslt,stg naisor attuate htuhanb akiob Aarvrltarg s'aorvrhi,tg ncaao u t 'Ilse Famrtm'bv thiak5rtuum er Oootrrv-u'tmmstm .\ls-sbut Crstrcr ass trnak'r ti tocares ro haiwh A Fishing Outing avith ta trono hivinifyt us,s005 Ist as is lIoness vhs n person. Ito appears ir ansConan ord his mosoteksuecos fotiawing she prog rum. And danno is plonty of froc parking. als rome i,surs curfronting the saar mr Ihre ISfaIls wish those 'l'ours dspoa sr Sotandoy sas frr,rt liad Chscaga (',,ttsrab CorSer, 77 R. Randoipls hulees or itt,uhagatrshveruo Retrt,,51ir coachs o salo. htoalrlrn' lufwr sassI utchiavro', TassatI oto, IerI horror ra_Aturo brear taahmt' Osti t b'mme r5toc'tat atas-iba-el osee, il rd. are soclodod so otach lanar. t'Inasa awaIt 1312) 742.1190 tor Saturday, Frbrnaey 22, 2003 - Chicago Theatern, 'litait, sarao vernarrt bousait'himtismrshiasgsnimtr'thrsmgttsrtaiatn pnm'a0'asdesmralmao t mn,,mmiimtr,,iatc ,masrtsaistncro nantis a.'tttsrc laimailt's'atlas.5tb,ritttsctetilterlcntttti,5iatlrr'irrte. tamtamdh-militas,'. Antenia000 Moosh. Fittuity rs'eavrbmsrs7 i5 ,vm'u1m1v,t titeas'unas, soro)' Islamabre 'For Your Information at The Abington sal rarity stamI mirtaan ita s,m,r biuttitsark. bisai }ussnilml_v rito hosting r "Por Toan tnformsaiaao" preseostation or she topic el "Tau Lutos und How They Afinas she Elderly." roscar olalt ra, ut_mon t'miri,,,, rare ami' eras' lita n'ida sas, i(rpcnscm 5ko 11m nneuna,,mm ,liOeru'atro." Talteartitir anal ava kan ivtsnsei( ('sIt 77l-7'b'.9 193. tram iba bIennal Revenan Ser. sic, is trae. Reserva- tions are sequined. Flea su cansad Damon Loveless ut (847) 7290000 foe more information. tVonld Wen. Mamur of Ihr mason iI,caler rrat,irocls sanno Chicago. District Program Bureau Auditions February 25 Ths GFWC illinois Tenlb Dia. stet witt Isosl Disrriea Frugram Bascua Asd,tiorn se February 25. 21013 at She l'orrace Resrao' rari or Lake Avnouo, W,tsoetro, The Family Birthplace. We love to make a difference. Dalnt Wednesday, Pebroary 26,2003 Timet 2:30p.m. Piace: The Abiogsar of Gleeview, 3901 glessiew Road, gleesiam, IL 80025. Guest npeukert Linda Burros Chi eugss renderla h,sd aunsqss ras t'atti' L lia a,I,l,n,mm, ta, mam,atmm. tar u'arra sar aisaks- otses- aise Den Plaises, tais part nl Older The Abiogaur of 05050mo' Heolihaane Rosad noca will be on bis osca lumily hinsory, Dudrisk anroivod bis Ihoatrivai 155m. ing writing out porfermieg iota. by calling 13521 977-i700. For cui thoaiees is his taomsIomr. Fha isdisidsal liahues coli 13121 325700. Torons nrjoyed necerd-broaking luna or Iba Nonrhtighr Theasonin Skokis and Ao Merases Thnareo. tom c'sa d ' o' d 004 audinnass aliks. PutI)nsi, disoasan of Tarereaur ti wiccor of Resurrection Medical Center Oogisaoasior 9,s.sa,, Asdisions IO 0.01, raS por., taschoorssonn'cd at 12 soon, cous SIb. Ranersaduns' ilatry ho cIado by rultaasg Pkyli)s Faoota.ftiu. tia nf tras' s,9's www.chsgouisytnurs.cOnI sIll O of sutsotluoas' ch.rsge a ovucaa,uo oy's hislory, 'lite'suosm oar also repnesonrs a e'r,sss reads tcreas'h snembor of 'blue Nitnu WosS Onahosis D'anca Coinpory pmssorts "Ossue loe Mo" as 7:30 p.sms. or Prbraary Iahrvor Audiasriom, 3701 W. isacossogo orphsilttnshrsp,a p50505. Bring 51015g yaaar Prograsst CIr,sïrlatan, isis estOlrarsa is a good mmc to 501 for tatane prltgrams, bisare will ho s ourioly of boo' chiaras l'ar you 50 Isbn bisek so your slabs. es sviti ho sold is Ihr Rohorl L, Oaklor io Okakie, Tickers aro $7. "Dcttae ton Mo" avili1 lealaeo our). ous dative styles soak tua lyrical, madarr,joae, Isok, and cloro. Of. floors Ion silis your's s050po in' ciado: Krislisa Oatvossis, Molaein Cot,scossa, Kethy Barqueo, snd Mnnìco Csstiflo. Farmern in' Orahrsis conSort fonsstssiosl, sporssor Mirdy Stolaky or 18471 626-2810, Fresh Lake Perch Saute Veal A La Francaise $9,95 $9.95 5unP Fresh Bffèlt Salmon $9,95 Down & Under Butt Steak $9,95 LUNCH SPECIALS $595 svcrld and vhonging family. "Like tramso ESnr00k&an orroaurgccry art ptsOOuOfl, avis/ic nettsunleg Ihr fasssily warnstls and grnbta basson lt Over tue Tase- afl1lk ¡sVEdO 6821 11, P111.5 Al (847) 647-8282 otsid SsaThroarr hIagasairse. In Kissg albe 11000 lIlo aaaion "i &CHOPIIOL'SL sat,,vcd oui of bc fasouly tsporsotont loare bn l,svorri and trIal sIso haakyard, \Viscorackirg Rsdy io nrmhi irrilasisg he dayls/tIlo ass nf overy000. Aod do. spile ali thou Is gosog or around FEBRUARY MUSIC Fridan- Frb 21 - Tony Strtith Show - 9 te I ($2.00 esser) Saturday - Feb 22 - Frdl Effed Vanee Trin-9 tot Friday - Feb 28- Th Chisago Style nt.titttnry Nitectub -9 tal tse Isuntor with mhsah a falsity v-as weaslsce sIso world's chongos art coon hnaomo mom uoiflod by IIJUSBBYS -NEWbIbIl Clasr*soms KAItOR8E «8 sr to WEDNESDAYS - JanS Cars, Pinni,5, sirgnn - 7 Ss maCSo mho elfors. weiss King o' tIre Moea ssd LaIr 9Vamoo'a Club Presiderlu end c,arssriissec Itas orrasged oueiiing sow pragrassrs for your ebb air hoc piaco in 5 lurhalorr missarco. pInoso voll rho Library as Orchesis Dance Company to Dance for You $9,95 Tn.ln8idVS00ti'sns596alw.a5amr,iis65.unu. lite ttsour ski fsnraly. in Iltanluadosu nfmhn lanar lardIlt aod onunco corn fslsre. cuab l'sois_AI slmggben sul urdornauud assunacirliss or asohiiuimy sadossas- t847t 965.4220, TOD (847) 965. 4236. a'a'u'.wabrary.00g. T 847-567.979Ó A1tSsnsgedRSredam'uaTaBahmnsaau e Oser m/ar Torons han hooe u hsgo kil ir Ibmulers uarans she courley. Playwnighm Tam Dad. oiok mur' aowmissioced by rho Buffalo Stadia Aress Theolre so Pair n,,nrc' unfowtariar or for rom. Niten, IL Barbecue Baby Back Ribs slakIng 55 u hivlllna 0555e y lo lbs shool, She Psaisskis demusureols casnd ut kt4O Liraolo Avoruc. S T A U R A' N ARVEY5S WINTER SPECIALS 'llt,'nro ny pirks sp IB years afrer lite t.-ntis g of Oars' aise Torrros. Is's laly 1969, und Apollo 5 5 s KirureoSoshotw Ki5louo, oresidesa ol Pork Radgo, wills ho asIsibisiog llar sniqso phcsogrophn us sito btorsoo Groas Psblse Li' brony darIng tI,n ls,,nlh of Pobea' any'. 'fiar cohibir, enbirled Rots's,11055e. Includes phoasgnaphs of Btsrror Routsm, mo Library is Io- RE 7041 Oakron 05. ieatsnisg she Putash.Cuaholie Pa05 rmki cias 01 Buffalo, Nom York. itas ponplo sod pIados ansard Iba acssrtd ord salit h oslsosvo as bc ör'uu's Kissgo'lScSIeoo is chosadosd tnvbatirsert ir Dodoiak'n moitogy Kirsten Seahoim Killean Exhibit at MG Library 27.20 and Manch I. Porfarmans. ,sssiasd ru asrrsrd. liso Audiliors kesun'ecflon Health Care air,, on view al 000 tct,'hs,tc. Cosusre k, ctsumnsran as 18471 256' t i77.dooshlino doss: 21m 8/2003. b'sogrars cha'anmr,rst io Ihn 1,50,5 oro 7411 SVcsr 'Fstcso As'cruo, Claic-egu 05m4 1110m. cursedly muidos ir Nyosk, N.Y. unIvo Soll ua'urds, wili tuneas A'irga'blseMoon. alto tacado mt's sob in, Skis play hou sta abisele tiri glshoniroods so srs sssart'od pass. lb. Bash reviews Imgioaa lOans. of Glenview leovety bavod 1ko Panmnsks' SISSY auiah Damon Lao Cole, rho lomes hcisrrd Os'rrlbao Tuaerrs. Oror miar Puit)nsi. 35 proptst ce moore, ploass cali 13121 7'l2.i 190. 'liso schedslc sa scrod hialory, grant 'ta mania sbus doveispad and 0,tunnhed hotwseo Iba two atsovah olMay at the Elks Club io Codos, A Bsffsln rosiso mhn W)ltiom hin architecbure of shnsrons, boa sInus nr 1ko as rsoraiisa'es shot 45ml- days oS 5 p.m. and 8:38 p.m. ansI Gliak, 'l'o rmcciur a fuit 25505 schedule s,ltoars or 55 plan o gsssp roue or altas baighisghs she cIty's Soar has basses rol orIg or iho hIC Tu,' ens sneejoy Ibis show. Tory D'Argolo, In annocialior br Libby Adler Magos, Muri lri,raa hy Berbora Risolta c'itt ho as Toar Hslt on April 4 sod May atas Museum. comm of Qu'or aise Tos'ena. Flowro- mashhis milnoct children. Thm regalar schedatm lar King of the Maos is Wednesdays asti Thursdays 557:30 p.m. (830.50), Pridoys rs lp.m. ($44.5B), Balar1$44.501, und Buodsys a52 p.m. ($44.501 and 5:30 p.m. ($385Bl. There isa Wednesday masieno ai 1:30 p.m. Il32,SQ).Tioknis fon sIl peooiowpenfonmaecns Manch 14' through Marsh 23 oem unly $25 each. Groap Sivksts ano avuitshls nimbe'srmsoet plasy buaidirgo as a upporranisy ro jump loso Ihn mo. yaora old or older daring Hisaoricai In addiiion 50 Ihn Paoinski ploys, Ostrich is siso thu author of Grrrlirago, which mus pro' duard oIl-Broadway hy Ambon tittlst srmqao Saur progruors. Chicapt Nosgltiasrltood Teors. A da. ttstsmscIsba Clacago 0Ib'tvc nf l'm,ansae, Citieugo Nsighhatrhoanl 'limaIs tllors al,roo duorea burr io olfrr resca nsie1wo rs, hiv'aaa-tvltttb-ratissaa. piantacd ton MoirnSan000rnrs 90 N5itrs 0970 Milwaskne Asesuo, Suede). Fohesury 23, 2003. 2 p.55. Sleet Str. Linesin. Marah I 4 und opon Murab 25 oS 1ko Mneasry Thoamec, 5745 N. Soaahpnrt. TIlo show in prodsood won boils s Chiraga. Vtsis u tow asoaov.tsr'. Cenificih i.ts't,st,iaat oatss,atraevr sec oto, ro.tslv sa, is r en, orts sund noi huas sonc Orer teli honisage wirtr anse s,) bbc city's lion or A prit 25 in the inorning. Over 90 Lunehenn The fIlles Hicrericat Mascaro ir opes svary Wndnosday und l'riuluy, 50:30 am'S p.m.: usher atarlos by uppnsntmsnr. Call 5. 847.390.0190 f t' . 'I breo am more titar four is yoan wqssi ra Ihn vmenh'hii somndy Deer 5h Tororsa, mill proviuw ass. and rome ofllaoir Brens u'aark lurch will take pisan at Lebe Ja- A Book Renew paerented omm wilt be carved isrrrrrdiussiy Offers, She final irslsltmerl of bu Irihogy, after ho amannoua nor' Dincecor Chrcags'eauilurally i,rahtrtessu, or lunch seboso slatPita, rssrnrhw'srsnit'iu,outttl ssssmo smsks'llod us oomning krttru'i,,1tsttoaaoass,imsgrsr as ucadstals, uwitsatsi rira rtsok lis Nilov SoniorCenter. Aslrnarosor Is free bal doca. ars spprsoiaacd, Refresh. -may' btistory' Ist roc cive .s,ramolrureisa. slob'sods ta rl asia aod l'iaywoighs Tow Dadniak's fanny and hmorswmarwisg Kiasg o' i/se Momo, she seil.055505'end strIaI e. haro ano lac ataa,asacamss arc tt,srtaa dure, ss,, ase ahi Mean Gulf kicks tiff or Aytil 3 it IO ans. Titis to spor- qoonbsons. Alt progrutrts ars open ham the public and donigeed wish limo footihy ,smird, "o hOrns poenno sr YtrIc Unisse- to Wiftle,cy thai /1571 kI,cs, Hail, 4:30 pitt. Tira gaide-scnvatoci has toan ¡ociadas tenait ea Maggiano's 7103 as 2 pias banane Dack Arder- cars will ho or hued I,, onsmos Chicago Neighborhood Tours tirino pravitatsa risaia ,t asase: largor ar'eja1tiatg cessassi "Untouchables Tour" ta mua) its Sunday, February 23. to set afi1thtt't/Oilt1ts7y /11gm/S. Mareta 31 to Msy 59 io Tao's voi yin Aprtl2tnont 0:38 ast, vi nom atsuptays end eshihirs, A do' r,,,,ras Ihn Nitos llisteriaai blu- .50 Atine Defensive Drin'- ho seam. Tour lite facililirs, seo lbs Month, Ihn Nilce FusIonad Sareicry trningn o gro,sl progruar to rho uta.suasr 15970 Malwoukec Aso- Corrar oanly, brIng yttur lasosly aimd jsste your friends Irr tar after. Monaontisiila larch at the Sourd- t'tonchio classes will mn we sotobralc President's ,tmc'us,'blro 805510 Hymn olmo Re' i'm,hrlic 004 inItIas parñsttic fasans' tier stakes Ihr pruronsursorm tttess,crt,hie. tite Sltcdd Aqoeriow Ocnanani- ingFrogranes wilt hr held Manch 17 and 19 troto 9 to 50 atti, and seoir or May 19 and 21 at Town Hail, Boasting nsstitsgs et Sines Rovi io Das Plaises or Manch 74 and Aprii 28, both starting ai ht nati, avili melada opines larcin. Program February 23 amarrons roday. Has .:ngssg sil '11mo Gettysburg oSti- tripeo Manch 7 ancluden visito to King O'The Moon at, Mercury Theatre March 14 Nues Historical Society m.mamrg stur "A Natural Adseistare" PAGE 21 THE RUGIE, THURSOAV FEBRUARY 20,2003 W0080AYS - dank Car, Piortss, BurRs - 5:10 50 t stati JAZZ JAM -Jahn Surf (husita Brasghae usad Oar BISa - 5 5e 5 BliNDons - Osay 5mb, Os-GIn a Fl,hsnr - 5 sa s Ir I. Mingling Singles Escoa Fnidoy Mis: Morch 7, 21013=5:30 pot. os Mosmull's, 6415 Dempaler. Morion Onoro. Jatin os forafan rvrcing of great (nod ansI saciahulog. You mili ho glad you did. Ali are WelrassIs! You junI pay lar ho food you cas plus lip red 155. Ptsmr cali toroenervolioc ah 10471 475. s t i s u a muotno r COUPON $5OOoFF 6563, Sordo)', Macoh 23, $12, 6:30 p.1st. "Opriog Ahead" Apprsiroru, srooluu md 000aing. A W will onsersair so wish Dtsaseeabio music. Fnilarn Minissnr 1105s,voranl, Loralior 3353 Miiwauteos, Gienaiuw. CsshBao. Resorvosion by Monah i9. Cisnoks payable In Miegling Bungles coil 10471 967-9840. I Gifocards Available Here Bring In this coupon for s5 OFF the bill when the amount is $20.00 or more on food purchases U I I I I 505 rocrtswsm aNY ossus OFFER . ONE COUPON PEO PERSON I I. aPIRES 2127153 IIAM-llPM MON - SAT I1AM'12 MIDNIGHT (847) 965-4644 = 8480 Golf Road SUN . Mies u THE BUCLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 PACE. 22 WHITE EAGLE Haaq.eta & Reetlar.nt fbr restaurant dining or small parties up to 100 guests You'll love our Deli-Carry Out for Special Parties. Our Polish Home-Made specialties include: TIlE ll(ICLI, TIILiRSI)AY FEBRUARY 20, 20113 'Way Down East' Starring Lillian Gish at Pickwick Des Plaines Library March Programs Programs are free ned open lathe publie. Adnaner rrgh tra' tian required for mast aelIniirs, (R) Regeler ut Registra' mien Desk, 18471 376-2787. IRS-Si Regintrr ut V oath Sos-sisen look, 18471 376-2039. General rnsmheru (847) 827-500 I. Span' unit information lice: (847) 376- Mushroom Barley Soup Homemade Plerogies Homemade Pastries Sausage & Kraot...and much motel Visit our Gift Shop! 251)4, Free Ilanic Compeler Classer-a rnrAdalLr. Frer basic'anmparum chess en 1er adshrs will ho of' Imported specialty one-of-a-kind items, crystal ornaments and tots more. jeweLr ciad dunng March. Por dates Lunch: non-Sor 15M' 3PM. Dinner mes-Sar 4PM -cern Sunday 11:3059 .7,3p9 6839 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles Phone: (847) 647-0660 Fax: (847) 647-0694 773-763-1181 "Where Pasta Becomes 04yg.r Tuesday - Thursday 11:3OAM-SOPM Special Panini Friday & Saturday 11:306M.SIPM & Quick Menu Sunday & Monday 4PM-1OPM for Lunch! FREE Dauert of your Choice w IuyiEaW ½ OFF w/pssrek..e 5f $30 er mere If you liked Over the Tavern, Chicago's Smash Hit Comedy, you'll Love King o' the Moon D. 6i. Gei(firh'r drofling i920 reiodrarne '\Vay Goon lust' tirets bcmtirdia'nsireatrt! ciii ho screened Sundry, 2:30 ti, tire Silent Fmlnrr Sr'etety el Chi' t y o - t tien. peirfir togenifa t irin pet - Marcir 2, 2W3 at tite Pick. teak 'l'itoarre in ruhuriran lurk Ridoe The flint stars the greut I_tOter Curlier the ioteiy Anna- plier country giri nicked into a t- OÌ(ER- TIlE -TA VERI! PARTII Lettres Sanderron (played 'y trurh,rn:t suddeniy gloOmy distant, When sire teils Sandernem, lie itappy news that she rs pregnant. tre to urn teils Irre sorne un. iilrppv rots's - litar tire nenni..... wore lake. Wttlr rir:nt ire leaves Aunt. rote ehrte, md h'etcl. stitcher Sire Iras her baby, hat tiro ni nt does tritt ctttpioy tre st as a reman ut a faon ,,tnnod by strict Purtrumrical fartrr' err. She tricota David igicherd Baetitehrnour( and tire tee lull tr fiViren Suttderrotrrsrptisreap peurs ea tiro res-eais Arne's part. and cite loaves unce ,rrrcre, 6ta tittie during tire crnnlauglrr tO a its' fierce Ne're fingland nnrawrrr,r,r, fibber Da td aros el her leas' ivy, tre rakes till n search of his trac ieee. One tI rire greatest Sum hitets sequences tuf all tirar her piace hm tite litai tirrtftng reeler entire curino0 tee Otter tie mite Cctr,reettc'ui Riser. The elrmue.- ing icores acre shot live 'raspe. ciel effects' a'ith Gislr and Banti,eln,rsu herir en rea i ice Ones at an American Family Dcitwcrryl YøuNIÌANNPaffIfOiPafflI The Whearon Hisrnry Canter reeks intenpretnes for irs awardwinning program NO RIGHTS! Tire Ir.jssntkee of Slavery this Fobruosy rbrusgh Mmeh 201(3. Qualified applieonrs muri be able re presenta lirsr-ponsooinrrrpremarias of ihn life elan nnslunrd in' J1!N1JR.-- - 01X01 ca113121?71110 dinidual and sing Negro spirituals I 3745 NSdN«t I 7r3U.1lX .eWu.Iayou Valat Parking scans, dsrosagk r%priI7. WH,'sT Time Peggy Natehano Nature hiusosm Iramarrs Inimepeo 5m'menice un exhibir prmrtraci- ng t meider appreciation of sciontrltonutgrapinp hnniraoeaamng tne:tu,(ful, ha t ranely sean rnrragvs minean frein oeaonegraplrv, germi, :61. himilogy. engine'cling, mired:eine, phmyste'n und ihre nude cmi la- te both aduir and child audiences. NO RIGHTS! Time Irr' jrromieeo ofSlavery captivates eudienens with eampchsg Orsi per- proseniospon ial program al in. doy, March 20, from IO am,' i mesanliurner gr. pooms, and nrarire for ahibdror of all egos ab I t p.m. Chleaga Wolves Player Meit, Chieoga Wolnon buanko yvrnurra.m.oa Sorarday, March 22. IR' and IO. fncm 4-5 p.m. Art Enhibit, Thraaghaal Ike monk of March, Lieda Kelly. Bon Sumen will sign auiagrapimn and iolk abeam roodinga r 7 pm. Manday,Moreh IS,IR-YSb VOI Financial Program - "Smart Wowes Fisluh Rich.' Ar 7 pci. Owen fiosnerol adulto, and rn umS ho hirld freni 4-5 p.m. en Thnrsday Encing Book Group. Ar 7:30 p.nn, on Thars- Mnelicg. The Library Boond nl Purse will nohibil waleraolcrs in Ihr nrwspopon(mag0000erradiog area on Ike third floor of line li. Trastre r bnany, The DnsPloircns Aro Guild day, Morah 13, Library Aasinlael 1 canne Meyer will lead a discan. dion of fl,s'Juungle by Uplor Sin. Tarnday, March 18. The public is irsiardia arlond. dircunn ''eau tl'naicr,u by Slurp hieGarSlumrors. Seeks arc rvanhahic a nr, mie Prmdays. hiumeb 7. 14, Si -ule mruumnth prier am hm Rob-ruina' orarmcmo call l$47t 025-31151 en strut the SFSC onhrtteur. u:,',, Deck. 1ff! Manch IS. Mucluacl Raloigl, mill n, yarru y writing ard ria'mrsinu aIr, fiction. The pnimgeam mr pou mf 11mm lrridr Virili11 und Publishing a,, rme a, coupercome'd with pasiempauirg moumuhern oh tIme Ntnmil, Sobarbas Library Syn. and 211. LnIdr Wriisieg ucd Publish' New Ice Rink at NICO Park rnau-.emienmhhruehre:rgo Clint. rani. lite esirmb,r ir ihre brainchild mf Sitci,aei Perm med Andreu- Davtciiruo - tmrtmfe'srnmn ai g,rchesrer liurmeuic el 't'cchoahngy'r Schrc:,i rit hiisttigraphnie Anta and Seiona. ci lv'titteenaitanal esh,,bim (emmurer SO phtcttmyraphs rohected cue ihr hair iii nhretruenritrries, s'ira. ai io: paci tod sciontih(ecarnicai. WHEN, Titreugit Aprii 7. rar inierpertaiian, hnaoaefci Ii,rnr ml mpprm'nm,mm:itcly 3 pet. 5mb. tanta. Chrc'agtr nesmdonmr rae-cine The hlila',maker Zomiloguemmi Sial. et yte, il ialmedaee childeon io buce animale fIrm rime' noiabomvai oil Saranday. Mmoch IS. from h I Tiiarndayr r Garrett to bold Town Ball Meeting in Des Plaines Stame Sonutar Suas Carceri (D' lahr Forerl) an,rou,rccd ih:ir site will braid a Tuiwn Hail bleciìrtg n INn Plaintes, oit Satard.uy, Feb. Simmic Ccouptrehiee D,sr: und Siate Rapraroniutìua Nckooe. willI aisa ancud rue' mehre. "AranewStiito Srruter. I wani ta utroan and imaron rim residattms Cook tbtnasgbmouu rabrsnhar County. We haro o lot ala-ark ma dr,, aed rairhr earryurre'r inpri. or ,eiIl hr rara ihar oar aamruantries g sed hoellhy." CannaIt Sunday afternoons. Carenes now Sonaic Diateiei meladas aliar puera of Buenaak. hum, 000rfinld, Doe Phrrines, Pert Shecidun, Gl00000. Glee- irnwond Raed in Ors Piuiars ferme 3: 50 ro 5 p.m. cuco, Highniard Pitch, Highwaod. Lake Blagg, Lako Faresi, Muarl Pcusnprci, Hilos, Neflhbark, Pros. poem Heighis. and Rioerwaads. Murphy's Aoimoln af lIso Raieras-col, im Ren Plainer: The Dna FiuincnPrtblicLihnsnyot 1501 DI. Wbmeunoa, IL. Cali Esreutinn Dr' rearar Albenia Adarorae, CPR0, (hSOi 665-0366 (nr cr010 mio1- Olin, repines 0/30/ar r.cree purelm.ne'meno ccmaary. med iiekmt.raro lr,mmitcd (Sb ahI tlmreornt rD rimo pnee o f gee. intonaerivo prereniahi000 asd ciigrgieg hrords.onuriiaiuiar. is addition, pablic cura arr elfared en Tuesday evenings arid 'lite Whuramen, Hismuny Corroe us Ineured um bOb N. Muir Sm. in With $15 Miiiiinuin Order (hmm Cmmmmpon l'ms Table . NoI Good WOn alp Orbe, Otler t COST: adntiin rei, te mIre Na' iora blur rain is $7 fer edalrr. Sa hrr children agrr 3-IS end $5 fon syriers ago Idle and aaufcge sir' Feireda Family Sanduy - Ad' Ventaren with Scirnac. Ar 2 pr,. er Sunday, March 1h, Seirner they Aqaurtrtrt Rraeurcli OFF LUNCH ONLY rPpdp Chicago uiniiiien-yomir-muid flaw-cr fossil, a and imager forme tire Mnniere'y 11,30 to 3:30 M-F ltmlues Voue l'ricoh, and l'lolidoy Parties Private Rooms (cnr 25-20g Guests OutrIde), l'lancI, I 5 The cosi el Weddings, Ohowmee, flirllrdaps lOi 12h ureluder deluncnr,eu:,mcvmae-h Free l'orkung EpJfiBlSpHInlBgglBl1)ldlnJmdfiifilNBJDiBlBJfiJBiBJBlBl al Lb a,m.-mioor. (5.151 huilier aduli dtgertier cJ Carder Sliew e, Nec1 Pirr oc 3 WHERE, umeggy Nuirebeert Naiaeo istaseriir. 2430 N. Can' non i)nce lar Pulioo,rnAmerur(, adtrimsnice. 21013 arr free. $500 Share. Tha library will a pornec u trip no bio Chicaga FI ouma I and r2 21X13, eui ' mc'ni (Rl I.ulsrury Sposssared Trip Ckiraga F amenas d Gus-den harry. Hat MBved tB 6340 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60659 773-267-0888 fax 773-267-8979 Ing ' MysterybMasinstreom Fie- YSi Ps-cremai Sloviro, Movir, 1er prercbroulces will he held at IS regularly eshibiis work by ils members in Ibis area of ihn li' VIA VENETO Ianidr Writiag and Psblinh- Adiar ai the prograni. Fur nine infer. will huId i Irrogo bar moolhly monling ai 7 p.m. on Doak.bR(. tian. Au 7 p.0,, min Thursday. ,hrnmruann L,ur:r-a Library Beard of Tnsnlceo clair. Honks aresea ilubbo are m,,nih prior ai Ike Regisuraninr lireeurhaya. March fi and 20, (R. henry Spring Brnakürap-ln Craft. Suburban Library Synlrnm.IRI un luredam - Stanchi 4, -flil icod a disearnior mil ml Denn- 25, mr el toes abb 1er rhildrrn who know how ra pisy rhess will ho hold an Wrdnnadoys. March 5 her,tierica. lrIl:ito.s include a 7h. Help Make History Come Alive BY TOM DUDZICK A Funny and heartwarming look Peggy Matchers-i Nafrar Sta' faim Osteacterd by tite tnrr'nspoo. pic, she leuee.rrurenand finds ittgiy 40 lineatiriuskieg Se'serri'she Phatographo showcased at ike mr Frirndn nfthc Library Meet' ing. Friends of ihn Library mill moeroibp.m.anTaendsy,Maruh props, ihn "Mod Halions" will I;rumap 'et fiaogmoarar Wamoe. i Cynuhia cipaiog members of rho Plonik Back (u brim Short Slurp Writing rab Cacles- Drpartmear nføbnrcr. Gullab erniasa ed Gyerunbogy will d'rsaass will leed shari stony wniriog mena poasean dhnnn oersc plaarworkshop on Salorday, Marnh 8 menI rherapy. Corp 0000m 4 wiih ham2-4p.m. The peafram in paru Holy Family Medical Coder, (Rl afll,rinnidnWsilirgonmlpublish. Mud Huttes-n. Using bals an - Workshop. ir goenieoeas p Onaane d 0mb pani- Morgan Stoeley, will icad a somi' nos bocarneg en rire aniqurirmorn hit annnnen lacs ir rcilreurmanl pl.snning. (Rl Storms and Mare. SIenna and rohatcut uctuvities for grader K-2 Sinreieg ing A spnieg break drop-ia arofi for sil ogre mill be held an Wed000- umrament planning speeiahinr wiih Images from Science Photography Exhibit L,,tteU Shcntt-an i. Ah,,', rocs-rai weeks Anna enpertencer her rua i CC cviii, fiais of heightaning palnite ,,ee.treness of ha srlrnreinnn,u through pIeper pnnaentamtor of suant filtri peints. ebd $7 frrr sradnnrr and nenrerrn, and nray irr purehaseei at lite Picker ich loas niflea. SS. Prrespc'cr in Fork Ridge. Ali riche Snore tIlt tite alrp drop'in sionylima; albor days ne. quire ad rarer rogmnura liar. (R. YSI. Drop-In Chenu Club. A drop. i(crk at (laib 776-2041 - IRiicienrnar Srniecni. iianday Afternoon SIedo. ihuattrrueeiuge by rich playboy i ecc Low Price Previewa Begin March 14 "Way dito leant' mn presented rytirriaa will behold from March 4-April 12. Sararday only is u in Wrdnonday, Marelr 5, Brian J. Tamday Chicago, IL 60646 Preoeheol Starylimno. The .neeeed nosainn al prese heel sra. nietos, er la register, piensa '(amIr rire Rc!emnocr Sen-tare lu ucnds mf ihr Library mull rpumn. ,..mafaarare film psescrtariea anS l'i,: 0fl Surn,iay, Starch 2. 6311 N. Milwaukee Ave. PAGE 23 °1Niles 7305 N. W'ukegan Ave. 8471647-0S12 NOW OPEN Fo. LUNCH & DINNER! Th catrr Prodacliano will p lesos i spoemacubarehonuinuny vtunr The neighbarhoodhidn aiNICO Pa d Kaaeoy)errjoylheinnembecr000. heaven htaasre Arabo Laknik rymagimguc, 1341 W. Calf goad, Skohre. hic hnurch i,- ha- 'rubI hear u comphmnucerary brunch i,,1 andona-ritmen by Rahhi Loair Harurdnoah tflagedol um Sarmdmmy. blanch 2.2503 ai 9:30 mi. on hairull of ihr 2003 Jnwrsh liurmIod Fund Annual Campaign mild tic lsrual Emergency Cate' 'motu. Time caecu mili be hold an -.v ulm,.' mind fl.srctla Laooeahy. ,---' Oar L;mdy of Ransam Parish, Gracuwood. Hibou. IL CibO 1,0714, sill itold ims aceval Sr. Jo- aeph'a Tublo un Sunday. March 23,21103. :30.5 , -- t'i p - grogamuemm Bais Yiaunai io Minne. apobie. a e.,. ,r ,ee': " hi. l'im meuLe resenu',iuions nr for mnl,umm,-.mmimmn, mall Pmmdvei ;m, (3 Sb 414'21i2h. Palmira $.00OEF ti0ii. a.an)gen $2.00 OFF $3.00 OFF nMiin SOSAT1'Sl°iZ'ZA m, gacni cmu'e'hmmima uro Skokie ras' idrnir Aimme flmraebu und Alurm Sled- with thu pits-tin.,, uf .ny X-L.eg. Plane, Easy u 1,2,3111 ' - ibrut oar cmeitnuiuriiy has mho lands to neo, leanl needs. S e FREE Small Chama Planes ---: Caeimnprakcr vilI br Sahhi Meaho Tuaia l.iofb, rabbi of Con. buia luring rime of moi aeprrcc'rhanivih crIsis, labor and inugedy. wlmibo b,elpirg la rrnrm Table L.13 Ber Honirsu 1Su30u,tn 2 um, Everyday Kitchen Opem Everyday IluSO nm, - lB pm. tewllcuÎk EÇ?O riry mm, abrimma nl,oin smippenl fuir lu. St. Josephts (u em, un Paluci, Hell. went Therapy. Au 7 p.m. on i'hccai,unnummilyem'rri nil pro. ride pant,eip.tott wilir an opparru. OLR Serving will ho haro Ratiarerio Chiches . Dully Spaeialn Rrlaec. f-33 Kesser Maariv Congregation to Host JUF Event lbcih Caataul Dining . Woos! Burning Os-en fbocaladdiNeteEnfliand tiigS.ttuionakmdnc. ,iZ.jiinf,' 847 825 5855 ,,3.vaaè .A snoiear.11nanorn,mts.a.'iiea, S 0WeDnlinerAl!Duyl,, Foes '.. rosal :' MEAL DEAL trntminsnanmsomenttaarn I We all know that astute planning includes docisions about lato everything dan In illness. what should happen to nur assets problem. Fient, do ret get sick. tVhitr tllis is the bast optoe. it s not always posaiblr to achieve. Second. carry adeqoalo health and long-tarin cone inrenooca. Third, melada pracininen in your out death et disability. upon However, people aftcn overlook asset ptotactinn issues and strata- pieu in Ihn estate planning proAsset ptotnntinn is the thialdiog of astean from potential cera. ateditona and ethats. Here ate nom a annamen asset ptotection mistakes tondo in the Thorn ara three ways to avoid this would ont bauble te alama oponlien nl those assets in tite event et total, "Medicaid triggers,' that al- Fuilatre to aausidar the use of low Medicaid pl000ing to ho limited liubility rotities. fontal dasein hr evert of your disabili. y. Failure to eaenidtr Special can pose significant risk. Many Nerds Trusts foe eltildrnn with tension io funding tise trust, special needs - auch as developmental d,sabitities, head injurias, people centì000 to own these st. sels ir their nasa names. Hewev. Setttn states allow properly tebe Itnld in "Innoncy by 1henntirety,' a foret et joint ownership be- chronic illarsses, cte. Millions of Parents hace ahildmn with spe- tonen apocare. An loop as property il Itald itt tenunoy by Ihn entire. cial scads. Three childmn arr particularly bred bit by tisa loss of creditor nf one apease u purest, omatinnally and finarcislly. Without peeper planning. assets left fer such children way lì. u cannot tesa h the asset. States tarp osto whether this protection io lost itthn autel is transferred to u trust. Stmitarty. states typically ullownoma nftha valar nfahnme as an enemption in bankruptcy. Some statas even rvempt the entitn homeslead. Again, stotas vary as to u-bather tho peotrctinn ciaba Itomestead ovemption applias if the prnpevy is in atrast. Failure ta eantider Medisuid planning. Millions nf Amrriaonv becante disabled conk year. As Baby Bonmees cartirun ta age, ntttte und mete of ha population face long mn cam issuct. Ptony Ametinars am forced to st-ill C1rCOICI' Ai. Proybvlllioetnent bao' of the Anaaeiewt Aeudeety of prapriotoeships. property, fanas, ranches, and other mante sola Failure ta consider asset pro- entole planning pe000ss: Asnal prntrcains is un imperlues aspect of mainte planning. Without proper asset protection considrrutiaa, Ihn assets you leave to pese childme might be quickly lost to os-speesos, the g000rntnant. and olhrrcroditote. Enture Planning Ataomtcye attd lItan beeit a'ngaged iti tie ttmctire stf loafer tIle lual 35 rearo. Ente etere ittfol'ttlatioit. all 17731 0 lt h th she assets careen tinco te br availabla se itnpeav'e Itan child's qaslity nf tifa while sot making property to that etttity. Fatums them ineligible far gevemmens also can be anodfal te ochiovo calcatins disenualt, a.hìah mduae benefits. Failure ta oanoider the usset estala and gift tasca. protestino needs of ahiidran or Future le oonsider saphisti. other bennrteiunes. White them ana some limited ways ta protect ore's own assets foam creditors, it is teach easier to achinar abat protection caben the as sets are comiag from anrennen else. A purent cur leave aba ouata in rosi fera A hack io basics esmisar: - that acelais in salacting bn mesi appropriate invaotmoet eon. airiest with heancial goals. - that affen a sorne nf direction wish ftnanaiel planning ir a time at musket velatiliay and in' sastre Ort areenainsy. Thin sornisac istmo und mill be at Salear Regiasal Library, 4455 N. Linsels, Chicago, IL. Por renaevuiioes coIl 17731 SG LI dll deprive thorn of govemment henatits, With a Bpeciul Nerds Trust. Know About Inveetmeot Principles osai Bsnstegias" Saturday. March S,2fl03, Wa.tn.-roan. 248-9583es Pus 17131 248-6334. 631.71011. Amencu o Neighborhood Lamo C re Trum s LAWN CARE TREE CARE - rt:nntiztnu ari p er FtiFOtNt) - tott spooning - cana (ata/s.S.S & WI/sD CONTROL. - mvFcT & BtSF.ASC CONTROL - CORE COL11VAflON - Fett t'.SOMOTLS cated asset prateetine. la renoir FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL tachoiqors migtll be appropriate. Those malade the ase of Family * Listited Partnerships. Dewealtc AvorlPenlrctinnTruats,Olfatlnre (708) 863-6255 s s s s s s s s s s * ** * * ****** ** Custom Made Induce Wealherr "I tl\ 511.55 talla tif tilts t.5tt lita malditlg nf sill. lita 1mar11 a,fth enlutterts oc-ata rynar: he will is na lreger she ft,oasl ,esntefestate planning. 5 orlI 'ro arded enlate plum in. . Iodes t vit dswarsenls .1 mvttcat. '.lc liateg Itasi. n tenossI tlatshln 'assert f allume) .a llrulth oumn :,tls et ill atli,moy, and o attI. I',,, hahly hie lpavrt smpatmtasa tri tiene a ihr n Il. A avili n arty of. lea tara t death, Ihr other ihreu ,i,oatactttt hasce an tmpaal dartng I sert lar to ire cllrcitvr ,_s vilI ::astba nalsltltOdloprtlbate Pli,. 'Ita'liapriiv ev, In cleat lily' tif t riitst Sie pv rrl,liaslltr :'tpe5ty tied il rita petiple dorignarad In i,sr wIll ha atti tlii,iv. I lrf:tI pitt. .sys ev, pri/sala can ha cnvlly, 'litt cci, osanslo g, and publia. An. 'clv icliichi ge ti Itria gli Shiv pro. 'ita ptacrss uscIi naIler nf publIc ti a rt -a' Stuhl I'S gaas fttrttaoa' as saisies tatts-slseett is'elaattltsgy sIt attrai al sirsttlutittttttastl ('ttui.stittìt,-t's als clatit es,tithss't lias', rs tile s't'tlscisag tlici'ttsisttiatl attaisa-, stata D-l' lRt-r,t CallI sidas lit sv-Itt-dttic u 's'ce cslitttalc. / martirIcen fidoas, inspirolior und hAare il ature weinten to help haIti rownomss'also the myslarios evIta'mise 511 tIre 23511 Annivomsssmy 'r liv'nyu o die, sat prohair prov'osa I' il ace usato' 50 cleat Sirle te she t'i,, lesty. 'lilas. she nul hyp.tasoa lIla 0111 led lic priihale princrvv A "ev-cala tIrio livssg sisltsc li sIt:sl' ta u leurs. which lucre¿sted I ,lc.aii,somriottna dcsignnrad by mu ivould rake cantos mIstan mIld mcould bourgs.- limo travi, ittak. 111f mmnv'sistrool and disimihalion ,icaisions In acctiedstmce u'irh (tin ivrirualrOria pitases flimIh in Im Stia sti.rsirancc urd termasmaser plans, crc. 'lite algori cIsl allot reanime Irsy fongtltlon properly nia rile trovi. Again, shts t,roeidOu for a mrrloorlror teanailion during peri' su: Family Owned and Operated SERVING CHICAGOLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS VIS!T OUR ENERGY CONSERVATION SHOWROOM s,dv ofinoopreiiy. In a heaìlrh coro pomar of atrortoy, yas appemnt .soelanno ta blake inadical decisiens foe ycu in lInc evoal yea cunan largar do tsi for yourself. You mnuy uhso evpresa any mcishou you trave rofording lita.prolomging oleasChipalpm'M. Paybyia mua rnmerir- her afilie ,4rriericoe deadens,' uf Imam nf l2611e ie January 110mo val ovaempomr A mish lumI your, memollu amo showing. ard .'trallsibon Jumoany vales recatI I lot iba 47 yror old local soles hamgreanlydcpleued theten' conbvry nfheavos and anedamiaiowa, and rhoy aro aaiiaaly arak- roil n.vrairvOlnpOny. nepsos anlieg ihaiealinmrs, and sIre Th.inrmcr ptioout moods of pacurd." vtoied Bill AIrino, previdrou of Ihc company. mop hace hems ivipraviog hair campumam psmvluals fas Ihr isorno anal caltes. ally'serriu'und speakers, Ike tIr 0,11 h nappeusia g all Ihimea busod Irburkotiog pmooadosrs and alun ir revi'owing addisienol salua ugenIs na help wish thom iocrama d automa efbasimess. Calloro & Casinas phonor oea 18471 067.6800 und(773I 774' 5900. vlttlu offerv the oppoerurity no cmmmrnpare prmvlacsv arA ganhemmn' Sill Aidricin iv Ihn foondue sind pmihl slitto, f Ctliaugmllobeti Cuir' ltlrreanittna,n 4110cm t1l'ibill ,(Iniag aetna and has''ber ilion omm Heigirts. IL. With asar 400 cchlhmis. vv'rtlmars, 'ill Ihr laIent nl prtmta'cln. all ttrdv'r une roof. l-lrolmlltntng lina npnakcr sainad' ale mn lsnsi F,rrks, irons nf Haien almd UrrAca iVy populareraistisl. tluyn. sshubOt ylamn. I-ho valuemearad osa blattes Gond roorw ilh the Univaesily nf orare bu episamlor. Allis has docanoammmaol tito drursralic lmanatorrsiu' ailian li A nro nati. Sill ho speak. cisvg show, "Nau' Spacci." le and his ratrniolrlsag psrsamlurttnns cumsarns saab suudioocc parstcipu' ulm nr Stssumduy md Sunday Atril Oppa,trmOg iv nalitteally lonsmum dacarostor toil 11(1V pee' voinaliny. Sao l'ohioy. Pelley alturas ticem 7h yeats al Inpo br trtsktng menais naw aad b000ls. foL 31ra has appeared airlIner tilO ataviaban negnlensn end is psee. crsuly 10oct05 ova loan veer nod alit. An/slIer prcreoler, Rtcitard Pst-vas, ta am mecInillal trA otuIhsrt I' s I penAncIng fomaoer 20 Illsnbbis EalemsiOn for 14 yv'umu and iv rk aernnln Atalo pavm paosi. tIenI 01 ihn Camden Wmiiars Asso' mg all lInao days "li has bean 25 plans and he heinc imdaalay itas basy und al' riva av cyan," luyr Tao'or Show Pmrnidcnl Anna Feichler. "PIcs, mov im rho mIa for pluanieg urd sohadoling Ihome spring heme pmejeanu. We'me hrm Io holy you gIn abonad. 'flIc Sprmng Holen und Ouldoar Living Estro will hr open Its Fam., l5eh. 2f lmmlnrn 2 p.m. Itn 9 p.rsl.; Sots,, lul,trah t traInI IO inn. no 9 per. ord Sun., Mosech 2fmouv IO a,snt. ta 6 pIll. Fer mura nnfanbna' plema oivìl lion or call mcbvw.lolverullOm.cillrn S nma0000 ily awrsrslO ma loen 50% at ihn otIle ml 1h rOenel Ity when il puys oil liceo 05v lures op IO 35% Pl asesiale lau up sa 50% or nnnunaa mece ding Si rsilliani. sn_s mcm sea Or show y nuesav rio how io help avoid ills lass in our book. let Aesslty OsenerMletakns,°Thn 000ktrl is trscasdt horns hew 5m gel maso bonetiu imano ynar raisriog assolm and help pasamos ynar esoaitp Call for your free bcoklel: Call 800.239-9989 (24 boato) Arthur Miller of Highland Park SERVICE DIRECTORY SHAVITZ i6SSi4h9'dhl t usi, 105. HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Assessme nt Appeal Seminar in Maine Twp L'mvlk L' 0511 my S oarA otRa'viliv C misltibbisntlmna r Maces.'cO Msrplby "0cc f0001 11f oumsonruin ans is to cuncinc a panpin onirormita. If ictil corn ducs un ass''o .vanne mt ap' peal as.-IntImar fon 3-latine 'lawn. ros hnliove you may he au'aras'. vcuocd, yOalilOa Id nppaal. l'bern it ro lac IO oipply for relief us Ihn ScurA nf Recicu'. Our som000ru Itall t povi tve offoat fat rho 2001 viri tite sIlilbIlu. Tho utmssinunocill he held lib hlorday, Febreany 24, 21011 or rira M ama 'ro050ulmip UtilI. t 200 Ballard Road isr 11ark Rtlluc go5'lIte' tunis begins an 6 u liraI I lii Coimlk Couniby Canbnmiv- beneficiary dasigenti00000 life ad u nsmbor nf cumin gsrss unas drsigntndle i1npencatheieskslls io loIr dish ncibOcv attore homos, sAdi IloInc and nerbadaliag smaltots nhroagh Chi cagoun A the subumbu. 70(13 tI Amlmogins Pork 51 Amlrmg' geotai durable polvos of clinic isis te lattis Ice ytlu, change Cullcra A Calioa Really foe rho Oral manlb mf 2003. The Niles basad Raalt omtreardad or in- iog peopeeliaa ta sell. They uso mIn and lic mv'nnbintome sill hagtn ut luke deciu,onv for pttipeor nom coranited by she lotir. r't,rcsatttisle, yttvr ".tganl" canld tile im- upgradod thair adventiving progrIm. Thairagerts have comptas- "C lana o mtutkciing plan has 1rtttcidtes aontmnusic, io av. lilomrtcy, you oppotni talion miel in Am all lime luosamy record cl rani oslabo sulco mua rrparlrd by trac sicor ksng cyan haitrethun us- L vIrI f Eapm. P0k. 28.March 2, mvrll bu rs she fomi of panol din. i salIva r individual, hut im the Iliti It'an I tilt'tt Osi. tSs ,'Itacahl, , Area Home Sales Remain at Record Pace of toìidcenmul couvlrvarion pro' jeatu. Ha iras gsired a reputation 11 lIla Spmmng H omtoar d Ourdoor .Sssals uhtch av.'tratrus t dt, "''I I luce St fir Shirnogit the pro' l'ale powers. Is hoary. ubre pata vi of ircapaciso. and litea afice liar death. Wittlo cIta are allee .0cl soil. ymtu would ho lIto laus. cat iso rail st iv a' r cittsalitittttet' of ti terra' honk. Neri' /fmntlaa mms,smit old, llatdased ktiohenv, ivrnlms. gomruaas. und moro. Hr hr'mgv a Imierima ri enpeticaca total. Upon your ioaapactly er talla-rosa I'lmrmoewness avili fled u Incoa. savant. itpe-nit, Silo pryng a-yes. of ,:,,ra y artgiibste. unit tala lIce s, sa 'all ovan, amida sinaI lIbas nef:tr. :,,Its. indtstdo,rlv .laceyour unsois Ir your travi. ihn agil tItIs s no i ongerceats'J In mare mmferrnatien erre usrersdun rtpeaming nasninar, cull (773) 53 1.2525. 25th Anniversary of The Spring Home Show ho icc and nlamagr lhc uvvilu mm paar e tu t lt e r ass 't Lu t' of lamrfer tine luei 35 yearn. For planning? A will, \Vo'so all sann tile dramatic .reason, n frisia et late emaragenscol at year asoocs ama nell, durtng u parr. liv' il fosase Planning dssarmeya and bsue bren engaged maske prucliee :,ltiln ytsoate l,ctng, und as bIcIs acm revoke ist a tile mtl it any' Ittita. /s wrll.drallad Intel asIr tre salteteehy tlesthlt und car lacilt- e o' 5 the lint hing thai leape la mmes paaple's mirda abler they ilssrk shoal rat:rtr WISH "What Every persas Should Asses protection Trusts, and eth' sola ir trost. the child's spouse Estate Planning is Life Planning Investment Strategies Common Asset Protection Mistakes in Estate Planning child sod have the nvsrtv aveilsbIc foa the child's needs and yea nel available to that child's eraditars. Patahee, by leaving ho as- PAGE 20 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 THE BUGIR, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 PAGE 24 6:311 poi. 'lilt'vuntiroirlss spon. amellan iillauircntm G 0mb il med Slottc Sctmals,n l)srca Sullnvao, ks/s do toI vahnsnrt am appeal celtI' plaid tiri,, fnemrl Mattel 'U,oen' appaosl vealanmr hoaaarc 16e noun. ufu loso uoil'ilbgv for hnolcommers. balta filad u occess'ful ouppoula mm bluer 0300, Wc alun found linar Ihr nontnhrm 11f s ucca asful oippenit for ulla 2001 auseuceraml paar Oled by Irolrcidualn wola flOW, which io Ike second Itighavi il hotu traen iv lia laIb lIdI by pelea'. Cinotnly, ottif y O'vdov'ssluy, Starch 12, llosa trasoling nosupyc al IC'rili' i\nnlseg bilan blsirlgv, lIbe Irilolrsl harlrambwssaea mliv Ion mmd slob st titEn ura ol'ut',svccttud, llama ofousa houa ht'orosacaess," Mcnnnhcanoahudcd. inn .tppc:oI. lberv ro penoume and mill Cook Coallup iu lila Iliird lungoar coonby in li sIllonney wills loor 1.6 million poect lu of prop. ha' appoul appitcomtìcn und coy ta ha aularsad lush yeas. 1101v long ti iotknu lo gel adruisiorns Prepemu yameers' may appeal Ihair atsass'Isnents to Iha Asunusor, the iailara ill fenol garban ectdoece fer cam froen bIte Stvtrd. Far nero infornation stbcvn tire uttotnar call Ihr Board of Rnaicw ai iS ¿21 603. 3644. "Molly paapll 011a ire umfaimly secar StIller la alppeotl ht-astuta hay da ilOt know rho cypenuniny cobb Irm Ihoy rmistaknnly mibtek ha pmooasr insalf is lea void Mumphy. catrihonilibila," Btbord al Rociaw asd iba Stobin Propemly Tota Appool Board in ibas ondes, Commissioner Mur- ph y ancua rages taspayers la 847-678.1000 Original Family 'a Owned anuS Operated Since 1904 Repairs & Laying of New & Old Carpet (847)679-0953 MIKE'S HAPPY HAUL AWAY 4330 Oakton SirceI Skokie, IL. 60076 We Sell end Service Water Heaters FOR THIS SPACE CALL: Old Sluees, Houoeo, Attics and Garagen Cleaned Out. briag their Tas Bill, Asmas- wt BUY OLD WOODEN CE BOXES mcut Natiac or Pruporiy Idealillaatloo Number ta the seminar su their aamplaiat farm aao he camplated und tinned in. WE HAUL MOST ANYTHING Ist CATlBTSSlItORSBI lull 0350251 (773) 645.3735 ROSINE 847-588-1900 PAGE 26 OBITUARIES ALICE KOLPACKI Alice Kolpauki, 63, died \Vednesday, January 8, al Ressarecriar Life Cantar. She ivai barn May 3, 1939. Belrved toolbar nf Edsaard tKareot Migai and Mark Migui. Grardineiher al Michael Migut Sister of Aniones tibe talc John) Midrib, Maiy tibe laie Hcneyl Maeveak. Joseph tOnne- vicvc) Stiwinaki. tite taie Walier Canuti Sltcviorkt. B ruoli tHaler Stiiviraki ard itia lisie Emily tClteatert Seivasi. Serviceecvcre itatd January II ai Sc. Zachary Citareit. Arraofentrait liaedled by Skein Terrace raoarat Haine. leicrmcni ives ir Muryhill Certe. LEGAL NOTICE Neiice in hereby givrr, parruani sa "An Aci in reJacar In Iba ase cf er Assumed Business Name in 16e candad er Irannacilon cf Bnnincss ir she Siaic," as ataecded, chais eariiScavce lias Bled by She undersigned wirb ute Ceanty ClcrL of Cook County. File No. D03552650 an tooaury 26, 2003, uoder iba Assuoted Naine cf KD Corairaciier ivrih ihc haaiaesn locaicd al 3249 W. Callem Ai-n.. 3rd Fl.. Chica0e, IL 60618. Tite ree 000ic)c) aod reuidcacn ccldrrsu of ib e nwrcr)a) ire Cuietir C. Derohai, 3249 W. Catteto A......led FI., Chicago, IL 00618. Plainer, died Thonuday, January 2 el Laihnrao Getierat Heapiral. 'torres, dicd Solaiday. Dccciii. her 28 al Lapctnlu Jiltrytiol, Shc ltt,lunec. IlIad Frmday. Doectriher 27 ml l'liti9 itO10119 Heapiral. Hr 'l'iris March, urn hea,nl ;nflaer, nmd unsern nsnmnonn 's hrme - reas been Sepicinbar IS, 1916 in Wuvhingieit, LA. Bebled wife of ike tain Suri Bargir. liai hitro Fehraary 20, 1913 rit trIm biter April 1h - 1984 im Cbniea- learn Ihn hilnseniug skill luI ear. Cluieagti. Beloved irrte ni rise talc tantine Mrdnr. Beloved daughter cf lire laie Jcrseph Crrcrvuki aod lite laie Marvanne Ciritwrki. Be- gli Bch,need ron ei Leon SErren. dia-palmonnny' me,savelrainor )CPR1, The American Sed Cnosn ,veue held January' Sai Sn, huhn Jirchauf Chanch. Arrange- nf Gncairm Chieagn purins is ii, h,vcd treiber of Caret J. )Di'ol Inuaniv hrunrhicd my Skahe l'emrav'e Funeral h-ht,muto inieannc'uuiis iv mnbbnnirg Iren CPB ninining rInaS9' lume wIno cigno ap faralpomnamed tSbiSiilnlii Ccntcienn' elavn. line Ihn eppanuonul) in bedonne CPR-aegiBed II,, dna FInsI linIe , ario nonno your sk,lla. CPB Soiurmiavm n'di be und al SIre Beloved daugleer at iba tare Anon Greca. Belei'nd maurer uf Roben (Becy) Burgo. Snrvices tb ware bald January bui Sknia Ter- Ihatrihang and Jereole J. )Jootvc) race Funeral Home. Arruogemeals candied by Sk'rja Terrace Funeral Heme. Jiilnrmroi wan in Madri. Gvindrrsollrer of Mtchoei lMichtnhict Hamburg, Paluicia Michael) Heffiriao. Julie Duele) Maryhill C enraie ny. Happ SIGMUND "BUCK" KAZMIERCZAK Sigmund "Back" Kaeminrc. eak, 84, aI Nuns, died Mendey, Deennrbcr 3Sai Hiers VA Haspiial. He ivan barn AuguR 4, 1918 io Chicage. Belased honhnnd cl P. Jeer Knenrierenak. Brincad tuiher uf Sheila lOare) Rogairki. Grurdfaihen nf Linda tlofl) Miaand. Greci Grsod)aihae of Jareen Mioard. Baciher at Helen lilie late Henry) Pieiroa.skj, Debris tClieuieel Siacliyru. dir laid Edrcio tEic000nt Kanroiorcoak. itic tale Genevieve lilie lute Gerugel Stcniìeic. suc laie icon Ido Circuler) Dascynaki ucd ihe tais Lemma clin Jale Muohem) Pulii. Servicer, were held Jaoaary 4 ai Si. Jairano Church. Arrangenicola hendlod by Skeja Terrace Fuooral Heme. Jolcnirrc'nr Idas io Sr. Adtttircal MuasOlL'urli. Dr. infer3 tAro9) rod ecaiher 35 ai Sr. Zachary Church. by ldtispinal. Shin ivan brurn Ocia- Arnaoglacutu haodled by Skaja 'J'erraec Fuserai Hourra. Irremieril war mSI. Adalbern Centcre'. HARRIET O. PIETRZAK Humid O. Finurrok. 6k,divd Souarday, Dcverohcr Ed au Rcsur' recluir Medical C color She isar brunI Sopicurm)rrr 27. 191610 Ciii. vago. Behevcd daliglrier i,f lIn lain r-clin Obachuolvaku and duc tum,,niter et luciere lWuIdeOt.irl Mater alud Cyotilla tWdhottt Muikutiviki. Orirdtuieiiraili Ic-anile tRaban) Oa'togi. l'lui. Ihieli' Maier, Ehir,ihtclht Marku,o- aLi, David Mankea'rki and little. litan blanklt,drkl. Sisicr tub reite R.iehlniaeiOj. Servicer woto leid Dccembnr 31 al Sr lvurd Charm. Airrogoundllta ilundbcd ity Sk,i1'a Tere.mvc Funeral lOttino lllrs'auscnr war mSI Adaihca Cc' JOSEPH V. LO'r'ERDE.SR, Josoplr V. LitVctde. Sr.. 79. tI Anirogilte Ogre,, )tiurnurerly of Nitoridicit Wedecadat', Jaroary BcJs,vcd biavhaoih 1,1 Nera Li,'s'v'rde. Bcti,n'cd s,,nluh iba tule Veo LnuVorde mild lue taue Lc'n',i I,,uVcude, Bolaeod L'mr)ucrt,f Geergc iVicki I LaVerdc, lime bale Rnsidnnliat . Commercial. Industrial Punie., Air conditioner or enlier lnen.ii.00n Vair LucIlle) Ll,\'erdc unii le, sepu IMauru) LaVande. ir Broduer of Ditiuuiuutek tRiset J_oVcrde $20 OFF ANY SERVICE CALLI and mIne lote Frank LcVcndc. Oraodbaihtcrt,f 13, OrditI Crama. faluner cl Id. Serelecs rIone lucid J'acoaey 4ai Sr. Mar1", ill Butloiii $5995 I 847-965-9100 Virginia Slims Misty tax 83j09, tax tax tax Viceroy Parliament s26ia 32"+ Pall Mall tax Be a Member With Us & Save. Pick Up Your Discount Card Now. Ask For Details! Prices sabines ra abanOs wuihoal native. Noi resparsibbn far priai nimm, Z Behium-ed dauglumer tb iuta lisle Irr. mph Onegturek and lire bain htrarne. ci Orcgorek Bai,un'cd nilulihen 1,1 baumuer uDo-atmet bluoun Gvstrdmnrutrhneu,,f l"ueiomna MarlIn. Saretec'l lidie hehl J,moatmnm' 6 ai Su. Juliana Chancit isinunactrienus )n.nnvllcd by Sk,5o l'emnaen ltancn ab imam nm imlarllmill STEFuS.N1A KUCI4ti0RC'/XK Slebanmti Kuchranemm k, 87. dIed FmumIa. b,mnuaru 3 ai Oiannine,s ile Nurong idi,nnnc Sbncni Sturo Seplerlll'en 2k, ii1S iuu I'm,. luna) Sdimcd ,sufe mtl lila luid l.a Kue)turoei'l,. hieh,mccl dauglmicriti lite lare Inn Su,iiaak nea*M5laìTfl.s.tIriflta,au.ri1raSi,nJn.'s Basic Dssa,M.esie. tax nur scheduled al 1h15 suIe unid ein stlhirrsmn nine Chìeago reennutpllll- araran. Speer in limined and aillande mngmnlmnlnen i.5 Sdlbdiind. Paoieipannv o'ihl Imam hun husme skIlls uf Americas Rad Corren CPB raining and, apomn p.iinung a nemlildo mesI cud a skill, leer, reedime Rnd Crmnns CPB uealEea' neun urdo spocial CPB Simtst,hs,r lndivtdailaernung',nien lurn a Ask For Beverly NORW000 PARK HOME 847-588-1900 Or Fax To 847-588-1684 GENERAL OFFICW DATA ENTRY renal Kucbm.mmeeyk hiet,,n Kmichtimceyi, O,e.lrcu Clnmeagin n eann,rrnmured lin nue bure Sotomt,f Iildklug oui dOnlntnin,vme salen Jane liii, hita l'N'uiIo,t (ivantca.iL Auni mut Chtirlìae ilingelue I lia,ris' Sanhtumu )Sia,,lcyi l,ttlkrt iluit leteo leek i Rode Sanie-en lIlly Ire-min ie,,der Is nine held min leanly '10 )eanu. l,mulihui, line rind iueahniaem placee 1,1 lune mmd lilas 2.9 noI- Hiunne. it,renums'iuu s-cs un Islanoltill hito paitpbt.' tif Ciatk, Dmmb',nge. K,,tne, Knadug, Lahm. Sleihcorn, old Il'uhb elnusmirs ihr,,agi, lind gendinun eanrembellelmv Ill Indi' C'tiletory. Memeonualn li',Aiehlc-t. n 161,111. ladre lucid l.mruanr- b, im St. Imuiuut Brelmeuf Clluneh, ml'rr,ningc'litelllv hurdled h, Skar,i l'arr-ace Furenti irrer's A.nuimc.. 47119 SkutLie, il. inti)17h. EdIlI Bd, enmepenonmmlor, bm,usda' 1,11X1 eleli cm lIa' eh,teagrlrcddmasa,tng Hu'mRRV t'a. L°O}LIrIANSKL l-i,imivA. 11iumltiurnkt,lldmetl Sauuday. biols,iru 5.0 VA Hin,pt. lui lIc mear hull u, Niuven,ih,eu il tOEd Irr Clrte,iy'uu ileloedll lIa, henil tt lime laie Oigm Fu,mnru,manku b ueccieed lImb' hmsr umdem friunii in Cantada la order by Skala Tcrnaee Funeral Heim,e lnic'rnnoni n'as jo Ahrahunun Lin. coIn Nolianab. oui abicho alabe ca uppimleen,esl 111111 l,Ildefeiail is Obesr'inss', IL .itld upuka no Four repiconolenicen iw'nuoouihy. L hneinne onore earnleO.ihie urdrning Ireoi yods Phns. rangeonennu hurdled by ikajaTer. raen PaneraI Haine, Jmmamnnnnl mas in Lneing Park Celnelamy, Linsølfl/PeteBefl Area Fax: 773-271-7498 lIeti qta1ome. I ose ehnekitug alhem Sou haca named sIr quilco bin tui lndney os my medican' ans and lIla dan basassi hava alneady in- loollIed mi,uuy nl my InondI al Mednlonull. 'l'inut,k you age in fon your fast llhlplllacr al my snodicsiiass. I Oil very pinasad winin your ser- READ THE BUGLE $4,500IMonth HEALTh CARE/HOME STEADY FREIGHT t'O GET POU STE.40Y PAY NEW Eqiaipssnent Anneo/st 00% No Tnminln Freight Dual/y Horno Slurno Owner Optenions Wvhonino USA TRUCK 773-2714113 s SlIlng On Boots S citAn. And COInpnIeII$ Hourly And Uve-In Po*ltlo00 Avalfoble For Chicago And SurroundIng Sobarbo English SpeakIng IntenbaeeNitg In D.sdkld 800-231-4642 Call for Mary or Unda aSs/ our web silo u OIl nul 05 spIivatin0, sale. Heel. Seenicli I.e. nmwo,osa-tnank.000 847-444-1222 EDUCATION lucred icy psevenipnemna mio Deoot,uhom 3 und ue'ecin'ed here il,' diy. l)vceoihoi 9.1 Sinn cl pluueed 111.11 I nsa' ymnam id io une ofitas MEDICALIHEALTHCARE TEACHER Most Han. 2 TeSte College And 6 Hoe,. ECE startIng At $9/Hour GIennlew Pee-School ChIld Care 947-729-4433 Bugle Classifieds Matching Area ResidentS With Area Employers Since 1957! 'p o-, Cali 847-588-1900 a- Ail Classified Help Wanted Foot cene prodoete. O Cornynidiiden, The Good Feet 500e. JOB, . $.$9334&2724 SALES SALES Selling Advertising For The Bugle Newspapers InsideTelephofle Sales Or EmaIl: sreddIngton@n0rWO0dPafkI%Ome.Or Medo CLERICAL c.11 an Fee Mn. SendenS 6016 N. Nina Ave. - Chicago-60631 (Near Northwest Highway & Harlem) Our Tep Once, EOE MIFIS5N ululi ttuduy'aod oasI li liiilink i-cue liti ,eein u qaiek reapatuse. as' I Osano 312-305-4878 b0000mn.pinI& .osniniing photos, lIly l,ledieaiìelns leale, i mal melmen I en and Sam Zakucias. Services oree held January 9an Amicrian All Ruions Apaslolie Church, Ar' Call loran appointmenlL FIesanin boon. - Doy. Oely Aerlmllgenmlemnn lnamdbed AmihunZukumian, Nileinuel Zukomm- montees neme osertime. elfin. OdsmslnhiIOidem typini OLIOL rnnanskj. 2. 1921 in Aemnncnia, beloved sklils. Some generai eIlige euperrence requiret PAloo PART-TIME alud Ihre tilia Joseph ISaphiicu For. tonband ai ShEa Zimhi,miun, Be. lourd banhnem of Andy Zakanion, Mast be coerfinlable olorthiog ieacoinpoterlzodeo*nlrnrentI and hase good communication SECRETARY Thanks Medsforall pl,un,rnaeldn NICOL ZAKARIAN mlg. co. seeks lti3On umd nIle Dulled \i'ay, h°i,n uuuiu,en,,bimnlnmaemuns. villi 2121729- DRIVERS CLERICAL Io taka on responsibility for ottico duties and dala entry. rb PM's Or Apply In Person Monday - Friday 9 AM - 4 PM es une Elied. lTteu9inrmmdlin Red (ruins pree. Please do not call unless you have previous experience! rod ruin taue bimehaimma Sitiseak Belated lrmiuilium luI Eugene any WIth Carton Purchase IS. 22 und 25, A morning Part-Time Position SALESPT/Fr Motore &oensi000 te peoptea rondo. DegneO or Oelen ene. Fax Resume: 773-631-2253 Ç'lis iOn 18 a,m,-12 pollard en uf. lcicadnusnomsn Il n.m'S pon.) FULUPART-TIME SALES Position at Bugie Newspapers in Nues Isdieldual oith a good attitude Lady Soin rant COK Sesee tosan IFREE LIGHTER um, - NURSE FULL/PART-TIME FULL/PART-TIME MEDICALJHEALTHCARE Full-Time and Part-Time a detalioriertled, motivated R*iBCbgiOtlBt SOOn, Cand nr Anlingien Unighun. 344 \Vrsn NeShnvnai Higlnasay. on l'ieri, i, FULUPART-TIME TELEPHONE SALES luww,eh,eagornde,ass itug Bog,sinainanm olihecoursed unr,i class- Nigol Zcilcarnarn. SI. dIed Sani. dey, January 3.al Swndmuh Case. rani Houpimal. i-le n'as bain Jam. S Hed(n, ebnen, Ihn Red Cm osscnn nmannly iaeuiìiy dveli'EnEO On ace lt nett HOMES ra aluns EvEne iSEEv OF rOE lEne' THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING Mid-sized WinOs nary gtnerisdgnr0t.a ad Gold, uns Emsn'nnraui CPB S,mIssTOisvmnvunr FULUPART-TIME Iree ('/15 Sanurmla,uo chain, to gel niele lsbmtrnunalminu. ny eailiog SIR/ 33'SAItET'r' os slnilntm/ tRobeeul NiacIn, arid lady IHc,ur)) layton. Beamlnam oh Anile )Riehard) Cnanolal. OcIan Chien. tael Leu, Beoy iTonyl Neaenamuo 7746 N, M1LWAUEE AVENUE, NILES. IL Marlboro N'ubhianu Ni_moulu. J'cnuuunaki arid die iuie'ubeou F,u,. reuoakm. Belunued buihem obCie,tl NILES DISCOUNT OUTLET TOBACCO Newport taute ti) lure laie lleiaod ritt, tuf ul,e 6 847-965-9645 Licensed - Bonded. Insered Kool Sen 21), 1921 mtl Chuleagnr. Relevad laie Rase Oliavi titis ski Bdli,ved Ciimeirgit. HEATING, VENTILATING & MR CONOIITONINII CONTRACTOR CLAIRE F, MARTIN Marlin, SI - dmed Chruno F tluamaduy,Jsnaaru 2anHmnib' Fmnmr' ai Nerihua'evr Cnuoeuurmliy Hoipriai. He ivaa bIlmo May 2. 192310 , huekm and AueN Wmerohiekn. San' kiader. Scrvicev ivcne hrcid Dc. b HEATING & COOLING OFF cri Iliac von eel 11 ceo aOVES usi SteyR -buhan SVuarehrcku, iS. ob Dec GARTNER- ò2 Jtbccerue hiader. 89, Red Cross Offers Free CPR Saturdays in March 12er FAIR AND HONE'ST.FAMLY OWNED s, ARThUR WIERZOICKI FLORENCE MAGER FRANCES BIIRÇ,O Frasear Burga, 86. nf Dea PAGE 27 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 Or OutsIde Sales Full-lime Must Have ExperIence! Ads Can Now Be Found On Cali Bmevty For The Internet! OrCall Salty For sewre.Crrloagolneteel,hS.00m Outside Sales 6k, :çti Inside Sales 847-588-1900 Or Fax Resume To: Bevedy: SALES SALES POSfl1ONS.JOIN OUR WINNING 1EAM! Dollar Rent a Car at O'Hare We are seeking ambitious aggressive, motivated selfstarten to join our counter sales team. Previous sales expenence of i to 2 years is a musL Our top perfonning sales peopleeam $5okplus. Excellentcompany package that includes medical, dental, & ViSlOfln IR addition to 4011(, profIt sharIng & hilflos reimbursement 1.773.694-0205- Press 4 847-588-1648 Sally: 847-588-1911 READ TI-OF BUGLE r -I Business Job Board naos IINcOME-P/'t'Efl-OIinJnd gnon Oah.dn101 Hn.nai..nld BolInee DON'T GET STUCK! GET HELP....LOOK IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! Eros OeOidid .FuOTrnhnl n0t l_Ers TALK AVOW Yen, FoLtere With Asen le_s ali ebnen no,t Ent.rrn - 7y3-.-29o3 In d.peede OtSal.. Rp DnErSEcflEfl FnEEoFFnn rasaI lIn tun leNiN Wen 00. Ian elI ifinnesnhi.NISINilICrsNitWIhosluiOSi uluun.oa.e.o00.*-Ian-uI-llIl,rwos PAGE 28 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS EVERI WEEK OF TOE TESO! FULL/PART-TIME FULL/PART-TIME PRINTING/BINDERY REAL ESTATE APARTMENT FOR RENT Full Time Positions Available With First Class Benefits & Wages - EOE COLLATOR SET-UP/OPERATOR Experience is a must. First & second shIfts available. BINDERY MECHANIC Experienced person to maintain and repair equipment. Knowledge of electricity. ASSISTANT BINDERY SUPERVISOR Background In supervisor of personnel, able to prepare assIgnments for employees, monitor performance, record counts and perform quality control. SOuOANASH (CUcare & P33e,.enl 5-ileem.-Nawte D.ce,.t.d Nurdeeend flDeni-DIInd. Central Al, & Appliance. AeaIlabIe4/1-OS/Me-eS.cudty 773-736-4994 Spiral of Illinois, Inc-801 Chus. Ave.- Elk Greve Village, IL 60007 9(205- 7132 2/20. MIlesiOs, lIaòaa-5115-SIOD/M.eth CONDO FOR RENT i M.D eltcl,e,, & sato/P.tle/Pnei SAMS CLUB. TELEMARKETERS Authorized Home Improvement Contractor Needs Part-Time Appointment Setters Top Hourly Pay - TOP Bonus Program 401K PIan - Paid Vacations Work in Glenview Please Call Sid At: 847-729-5500 TELEMARKETINO NO COLD GOWNS Full-Time or Parvos,. Day, er EvaDing. E010lleot Saiaty PLUS Benin Student. S ReUma wSDDe,.d TOUFIT/CICERO 847-675-3600 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE WORK FROM HOME Scheduling PickUps Of Diucarded Items FerA MaorChadty Nu Selllng-FIedJhl. Heurs Paid Weekly Pleasant PersonalIty Reliability A Must! Please Call: 1-630-588-0025 Bugle Classifleds Turn your dusty treasures into cash! Call 847-588-1500 TRADES CUSTODIAL Custodial Duties Experience Needed Aftensoeu / Evening Shift Must Speak English CeepeUtiveSelniy& Benefits Apply lu Pernee 9-11 AM er 1:30-2:30 PM Sloelde Sdio&BiebIctBS All Power - CD Player Ail Maintenance Records 1994 JEEP CHEROKEE Ga.atCeseea-Lu4.d-9&000 MA.. S5500 / 708-220-0939 1020 WaUkugan Read. GUarniese (847) 729-8900 DOG LOST SHIZU-Female Dog CuartO. ReOcrSTPaddeg/Nn Pee. Seuo/Meato - 773-525-$75$ 14 Years Oid - Shellye Bad Ears & Eyes CONDO FOR SALE Eieflnt2 Oad,nee. Cerdo Spade.. noose, & Closet. (1) & Dado, P.tklng-N.a,T,.,epeetatlen Nene Ultoitan, Datte Call te. Appt 547.32e-5603 HOUSE FOR SALE 511.05 - 7230W UIl Apile LenI -3 B.d,ee.n -2 BenI, NaDir aeeedeled - Hardened Flee,. $330.000 - 173-744-011O PERSONALS POenflltN*tn, nu tOt NOIX SPlitt n,. s.S.ae..Ns flIt ra psa.Tw - - - S*a (Jooqu0 & Olcott Area) REWARD-Heartbroken S IptSa 4 54an tat SL s.P0D55551 ,Se.tt8 St54pa.sa.SSW al 15a.ISS S b. OaØa 1 t5..la,p,n3 r.. alee,.. eny DeIB,darD5efltDWMö.Çu5at Tht.t 5050 Mailson$L-SIwlde 847.6757666 MOST MIRACULOUS LORD Ye. APPLIANCE REPAIRS CATCH BASINS A SEWERS CHICAGO APPLIANCE JOHN'S & REFRIGERATOR REPAIR CO. Na,. g...d Ads Can Now Be Found On The ntemet! www.Chlcagometrojobs.com ¡2 i I a n n -_I eart el try HANDYMAN To Advertise in The Bugle Newspapers SEWER SERVICE Oeklon a Milwaukey Community Directory FREE 0110101E 61(6 500 Oiles (847) 696-3311 (773) 631-5151 (847) 696-0889 Call. Beverly Vest' NeIghborhood Sower Man (847) 588-1900 COMPUTERS FLIGHT LESSONS Sacoog Your NetelcbO,500d Decry S,ROa 1057 _,_-ve ....w' i -r HANDYMAN ROY THE HANDYMAN AIL YOU 5751F IT- WE DOIT Painling-lnln,lEalerlo, ACTIVE HANDYMAN WAipapedni CarlI0 SERVICE ANO REMODEUNG D,yceall - Repai,s General Hatee Repeins Fe,e Estimates Floor A Will riling RemodelIng FREE ESTIMATES (847) 965-6415 macred Phono - 847-647-2344 Cell - 841-791-2344 pmas 6M mal aas pled. leaN n.tBIscr Ita your Nind. (rams yoliletel. tON Its. 6.5er... stet t.qlIa.l a.dt taM vt. te piad. tete it.. NaMe el God tale Farts,. I le. lis .5 sent too p.HSnt b.Oa..e al 80 lee, tee ate. Nb sut. Fe, this (thank nno, 0 ,nl,aealefl Lead, Asean, Say 3 (u,a... dai tea 3 las. and petItion CIII b. geatIst e51I.0( 8-D. RUMMAGE SALE Basa. Allai CasetagSiva BasanaI. (530 FMSS( 232t4T1. l-lSAliW (80.6 Iba be-El/lINk la_sSe' To Advertise in The Bogie Newspapers Community Directory KES COMPUTER LEARN TO FLY! call Nnse Fe, A $49 DISCOVERY FUOHTI SERVICES PnSOIPIWATP, ChelR& P1101 Ca)); Beverly . Networking . Competer Repairs . OSUCabIe Set Up GlooM Schreie. LooaId dl (847) 588-1900 ¿E47) 324-4079 SuÑe,s SiyuISRE alti PurReS PIgS) TIARIng, 3 nos ye_lined Pel'BeUboA5000, ed HOME REMODELING To AdoertiSe in The Bugle Newspapers Community Directory Call Beverly BCi "tif BATOROKI CON0TRuC'rIoN, INC. ALL ROME IMPOOSIOME5IO sPECialIZING IN KITCHEN U OOTOnOOtAS FOES 500MAYES 800-328-1456 RUSS DUSZAK (847) 372-6196 (847) 88-1 900 OARAGE DOORS PIAN DO MA N LANDSCAPING EXTERIOR SVOR INTERIOR ACIIN UIISCAPIB LI. bilAi 2/23-tee-t ,M-u,pt-.ia-tua TANNING BRICKWORK HIGH OUAUT'Y - LOW PRICES WOLFF TANNINS UDS Atte. OeAo.,y ERRE Ceins Cutalea Call Onday t-lau.n31.OSeO w«D,np,.bpae,smra WANTED TO BUY w WURLflZERS - T- S- It -- JUKE BOXES Sial UROhies. 943011$-a74O F.ui 1-S3SSMSI9B9 Bugle ClassIfied, Ma*ckgAisa 8snIinate rs WI Ojee SMc. 1857! Cae 147-581-1300 RICE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION To Adoortise y The Bugie Newspapers GARAGE DOORS - B,ìol000,l, O To(ypOin(ng - Now o, RnbuiIl Chin,n.ys and (IRplaSes - Glass eloGI PonyS - Cleaning & Wale,plooing Community Directory loslallolons Free Esiìma(nl - Insured (847) 824-2223 CANCELI.ATIONS No Classified Advertisements will be cancelled after 12 noon on Monday preceding the Thursday publication date, orThursday 12 noon preceding The Weekend Job Guide. Call; Beverly (847) 588.1900 OR IC K WOO K CONTRACTOR MIKWAY EUROPEAN CONTRACTOR . nmvdstng e a Muttat Cniareta 0tutnnyoSiac8ca (847) 985-2146 -nR500001AtAacan.tnaeu, Etto ESteemS Rad ROOsratbt.e. (847) 803-2414 (847) 650-1935 GdTdOO 00015 6 Opnnnrs LASON BUILDERS 847-804-8147 Nilns ResideRt CallI Community Directory IMPROVEMENTS Call: Beverly (847) 588-1900 DESIGN DECORATING iR. HANDYMAN SERVICE Community Directory . OOALITY PAINTiNG - EXPERT PAPEO HANGING Sn DO ITALL..,N0 J0R 100 Call; Beverly (847) 205-613 w000 FINISHING - PLA5TERIIIO Ra_sa.. Call Res 841-96e-8114 HOME REPAIRS HANDYMAN (847) 588-1900 Rich The Handyman To AdoertiSe in The Buale Newspapers DECORATING To Advertise in The Bugle NRwspapers Palyting & Otalnlnn We De Minor Repeles Plerrrblen. Cerpeelnj. Etc. Free E.lI,eataa. HANDYMAN dhI-Itnm 191t1d u RISAS olas. 5(606 IrstalatOt - FAIry I,eu.d - F',. EStlinata Ali Classified Help Wanted L. __ B B 1eII - u---- wiw L'i L'I n -- 01.5 MidES OIL MODELS Pay,n.ttte Freest l2sortoaitt, We Accept Visa and Master Card! Call 847-588-1900 I . - t s. a_4 6M SS D,.GU.a. 1* OSA lINt pare, 854 ISa (.55 847-967-1671 DON'T GET STUCK! GET HELP.... LOOK IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! -- - ,. LOREN BUICE/HYUMDAI Black & White nr.01.0. - Jost Met. (t) TELEMARKETING V8 - Automatic - 3rd Door Call iastn- 847-962-5969 MILES - B.dneee, -mats Haad,.00d S amatit. flee,. TELEMARKETING 1997 FORD F15O-XLT Gout )ndudod-ODn PO,S-Nt Laundry-Ne POIS-047470-0014 Laundry - Peycing - No Fels 847.965.0641 - 773-504-0000 MISCELLANEOUS AUTO FOR SALE $9500 Or Best Offer amva.sise?73-557-1315 Call or Send Resume To: 847.758.9500 MISCELLANEOUS GLENVIEW -1 BedroOm - SOSO SILES -2 696 T OR 04l. PAGE2O THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 F.. Wteias -PlEads -Ra541 -Oaryee,. -SaltOs Cane.s BeH .nkelaUbllynee,a -t500leal 5ROLL OR TOO BIO OUR (NOOK OUAOS'ITDEO (847) 674-0371 (773) 792-3550 HAdedi CwFG44 . SeAB. 6 InOndAtion se:rng EvIl Olean lRe" lnidkW.IIa. toeo., Walls W-908-1006 Mt0RR PAIN TIN G ChadlesPalnting & Complote Handyman Services Since 1977 Wo do it alIbig or orno))! 847-824-4272 . te.M,,tulcea,.a.,cIaI ceoGos BaHnte.. RtmMeI,g Walnapadtg-Faue Fiel.), nry.as-m-cs,y.engc Bed Oe.s,Hoe. fl.e.Iyes FO,F.. EaSe.Ie Call: (847) 587-9335 NIAS, IL PAINTING To Advertioe iv The Bugle Newspapeto LIC. HOME IMPROVEMENT Community Directory lIWt.htI.FsSnCla_al.i.eÊ -Nen-5SA5s-Bnu.s Call: Beverly F.rFaieE.Raal.sCaleatBi, (847) 588-1900 GULaBaflSns.a9-MeO.MI..d (773)505-1459 28% B.amsIiI rad epa.., -- -, PAGE 30 THE BUGLE. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2003 The Bugle Newspapers PAINTING & REMODELING DEMO PAINTING 773-267-0047 CELL - 773-316-5512 AM. REMODELING BUILDERS Community Directory Call: Beverly 050,00 JcependsbA nsObIR (847) 588-1900 Call Rick 773-775.6646 Pager 312.232-9678 PAINTING & DECORATING PSIIITING G DECORATING INTERIOR PAINTING PRECISION PAINTING To Advertise in The Bugle Newspapers .NSUptPÌdRg-D VA.Nrg Community Directory - FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates CALL GEORGE 847-825-9098 Complete Decoroliog RUhJaSO .Coe.,d.I -Stat Aethony Pagane 847-259-3878 ION Discounte Neslors 25 Yr.. Espeesec. fLEN -o CONSTROC'rION, lIC. 24-Hoar Emerc,eey Service Replacotetet tendons - All lype Dl. Install0000 Icen sOd-BOnded--levi Rd Lic/Bonded/losured 708-583-1877 (847) 768-6000 Correct Violations New Breaker Box SIDING STOP PAINTINGI Coeso 'lOor EesSD WON Hl n End Inisrier 5 EISRIOr HesIso011en ele II,. cost MR arsen 00 0.00, s Wut. Sua 0501.00 (847) 588-1900 ALL-A-ELECTRIC IOrsidroII.l-Coe..,rriol,I,,d,.slrO,t I.kroed.15001rd,Ieelrrd c Affordable Rates Free Estimates 'tasreuni 'KlONen 'BOsO, 000iroce P,irkrg REMODELING Call: Beverly TO ADVERTISE IN THIS ROOEING SIDING RICK'S Decks, WAIv, Siding, Fences, Concrele, WIndows INashed.,. GaIters Cleaned CLASSIFIED TRADE DIRECTORY Call Beverly 847-588-1900 REMODELING POWER WASHING PAINTING, WALLPAPERING, DECORATING, TILES. ORWEALL. ROOFING, WINDOWS, KITCHEN & BAThROOM REMODELING To Advertise n This Directory POWER WASHING To Advertise in The Bugle Newspapers 773-202-0742 773-552-5540 ocu CLASSIFIED TRADE DIRECTORY PLEASE CALL BEVERLY AT: 847-222-9597 847-588-1900 OR FAX INFO TO: Rewire Homes Trouble Shooting Ceiling Fans 847-588-1648 Heating / AC Almeirnaes SofRt1F.s510 Vlny5Aaonrtecrnr 501109 VIsyt BSndow. Steen Wrndows & Doors - Atconleum AwnIng. Qs..IIRy Wort Cat br P'. £30.050, 1 -800-303-5688 American Home Ecteeors LEARN TO FLY! RoszAK BUILDERS, INC. NILES, IL Call Now For A $49 847-967-0072 Fao B47-N67.1020 Realdentlau/CommerciaIBlg & Small Jobs Decks 'Room Additions DISCOVERY FLIGHT! TO ADVERTISE IN THE TO ADVERTISE IN THE TRADE DIRECTORY COMMUNITY DIRECTORY PLEASE CALL PLEASE CALL BEVERLY BEVERLY AT: AT: 847-588-1900 847-588-1900 CLASSI FI ED OR FAX INFO TO 847-588-1648 PAGE9I THE DUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20,2003 OR FAX INFO TO 847-588-1648 Private Ehm MP, Charter & Pilot Services Slmslatsr aed -Basement Remodeling 'Kitchen Remodeling -Bathroom Remodeling Aircraft Flight Tralrrieg, 3 Day Weekend Ground Schools, Located at Pal-Waukee Airport, call RUSS DUSZAK 'Office Buildings 'Stores -New Homes RESIDENIIAL/COMMERCIAL HONEST, RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED - New Garage Construction STIFF, FLEXIBLE HOURS, Foe QaBtyR&IabllltyD.lvefldablIltY 10W PRICES, FREE ESTIMUlES WE ACCEPT VISA AND MASTERCARD BONDED (847) 372-6196 (708) 453-4369 Roszak Landscaping Nibs, IL 847-967-0072 VERONIKA'S CLEANERS Fax 847-967-1020 a subsidiary of Roszak Builders. ¡nc. For all your lawn care and snow removal needsWith the dependability and quality you expect We Accept Vis. & Mwst., Cord ROMANIAN FLOORING & REMODELING, LP Installation o8 Codas & Giagite Coentriopv Itonbwood, Ceramic Tile osd JilI7 w Cortei Flooring Residential & Co,enserciat Viril Oar Showroom At DIAMOND POWER WASHING & SNOW PLOWING, INC. *24 HOur ServIce * SaltIng * Skid Loader Service * Seasonal Contract * Emergency i-Time Plowing Fully Insured Free EstImates 8049 N Milwaukee Ave. Nues Serving Riles Morton Grove & Pads Ridge Please Call: COMMERCIAL ONLY 847-663-1003 Call: 773-631-0289 -=evn I . 1.naa _p..... . t TUE RUGIE, THURSDAY FE8IUJARY2O, 2003 PACE 32 , t, . NORTH SHORE Financial Services Corp. / 3330 W. Dundee Rd. Ste. #C5 Northbrook, IL 60062, 1 / ¡7 4, iIIino . 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