DDK0668T 6-ch FET H-Bridge モータコントロールボード 型名 6 Channel Motor Controller Board ユーザーガイド 2008.01.12 Overview Features 特長 各チャンネル連続2Aドライブ可能 12ⅤまでのDCモータに使用できます。 6チャンネル個別のスピード制御 PWM制御・最大周波数1.92kHz USART(シリアル)通信 9600、19200、38400、57600、115200 I²C 通信インターフェイス装備(100kHzまたは400kHz) Description 概要 この6chモータコントロールボードは6個までのDCモータをそれぞれ個別にスピ ード制御できるもので、車輪走行の小型のロボット用に開発されましたが、もちろん他 のいろんな用途での使用もできます。 この6chモータコントロールボードは弊社ロボットTJ2使用のプログラム 「C-Style」で使えるように設計されていますが、I²C、または USART(シリアル)通信で 簡単に使用して頂けます。 Absolute Maximum Ratings 絶対最大定格 下記絶対最大定格を超えるストレスを加えると、ボード上のディバイスに恒久的な損傷を与え ることがあります。また、絶対最大定格は条件内であっても長時間の使用を規定するものでは ありません。使用に当っては下記の推奨操作範囲での使用をお勧めします。 モータ電圧 (VMOT) コントロール端子電圧 モータ電流 - 0.3V to +20.0V - 0.3V to +5.5V 12A continuous (2A/channel) Recommended Operational Ratings 推奨操作範囲 モータ電圧 (VMOT) コントロール端子電圧 モータ電流 +3.0V to +12.0V +4.5 to +5.5V 0 to 6A continuous (1A/channel) 1 Device Details This board is controlled by a PIC18F2431 microcontroller, which controls both the PWM and communication signals. There are three (3) PWM controlled FET H-bridge motor outputs on each side of the PCB. Motors 1, 3 and 5 are on the left, and motors 2, 4, 6 are on the right. Each side can drive up to 3A total current and each motor can drive up to 2A each. So 2A max for one motor, 1.75A each for two motors and 1A each for 3 motors per side. Two LED’s are paired with each motor output to indicate the “direction” of the motor, either forward (green) or reverse (red). Top View モータ出力 2,4,6 モータ出力 1,3,5 PIC18F2431 マイコン USART(シリアル) 通信コネクタ I²C 通信 コネクタ 2 At the bottom of the board are three connectors, two on top and one on the bottom. The blue connector is for I²C communication and the black one is for USART, which can be modified to 232C level for PC communication. The red connector on the bottom is the motor power supply. Any DC voltage between +0 and +12V can be supplied here. A more detailed description of some of the features of these connectors will follow in the next section. Bottom View モータ電源 コネクタ 3 Motor Connections The red connector marked “Motor Power” provides voltage (0 to +12VDC) to only the motors. The CPU is powered separately through the I²C connection. The diodes protect the circuit from over-current and reverse voltage. Please take care to use the correct polarity and not to drive current or connect voltage over the maximum recommended levels. Control Connections Serial Port The black 4-pin connector on the 6-channel motor controller board is the serial interface. The standard level is TTL, and can be connected directly to another PIC (or micro-controller). By using a level converter, you can connect the board to a PC and can use the included software. Details about controlling via the serial connection are found in the user guide for the PC software. Pin Assignment Pin 1 - RX Pin 2 - +5VDC Pin 3 - TX Pin 4 - GND 4 Control Connections Cont’d I²C Port The blue 4-pin connector should be connected to a Master Controller, which would provide +5VDC, ground, data and clock for both the Master and the Slave. Sample Master software for the Microchip PIC18F series is included on the CD; however, I²C is compatible with many micro-controllers. Make sure when connecting, to have the correct pins matched as shown on the PCB. Pin Assignment Pin 1 - SCL Pin 2 - +5VDC Pin 3 - SDA Pin 4 - GND Controlling the Motors The motors are controlled using a 1.92 kHz PWM signal. The data to determine the speed and direction of the motors is received from the Master through the I²C bus. The total transmitted data is 6 bytes, plus the address byte. The MSB of each byte indicates the direction of the motor. A “0” in the MSB would move the motor in a forward direction, while a “1” would move the motor in the reverse direction. The 7 LSB’s determine the speed (duty) of the motor (PWM output) from 0 to 100%. (Note: any value over 100 or less than 0, will default the motor to 0% duty and the OFF state) The I²C Master should always send 6 bytes to the Slave, even if only one motor is used or changed, because the order in which the data is received determines motor number/speed/direction. A brief explanation of I²C will follow later. 5 Using C-Style If you are using Top Junior 3 or Orca Junior 2, or another compatible ROBOSiTE robot, just connect the “I2C” port on your robot to the “I2C” port on the motor controller board. Then, you can easily control the motors using C-Style for TJ3/OJ2. After installing/updating your C-Style, the window will look the same as pictured below. It should not be different from the previous C-Style (depends on version). You can also download the newest C-Style versions from our homepage at http://www.daisendenshi.com/ 6 Using C-Style (Cont’d) Click on the “Options” tab at the top of the C-Style window and a drop-down menu will appear as shown in the picture to the right. Select “Use PWM Mode” using either your mouse or by pressing the “P” key on your PC keyboard. 7 Using C-Style (Cont’d) A new “PWM-6” icon should appear in the upper right-hand area of the icon window. Also, the usual motor icon should have changed to a “PWM-2” icon. Your C-Style should now look as it does below (depends on version). 8 Using C-Style (Cont’d) Now, let’s place the “PWM-6” icon in the main window. If you don’t know how to do this, please check the C-Style manual, also included in the CD. The PWM control window should pop up, as seen below. From this window, you can set all 6 PWM outputs to be transmitted to the motor controller board. If you don’t want to change a motor’s previous settings, deselect the “Modify” check box. (Note: 6 bytes will still be transmitted, just using the previous data. Also, care should be taken as to what the previous settings were) 9 Using C-Style (Cont’d) Above is a larger image of the control window. By default, all of the “Modify” boxes are checked and the PWM’s are set at 50% duty. To change the PWM duty, click the arrows up or down (Double-arrow is 10% and the single-arrow is 1%) or use the slide bar directly. Now, let’s change some of the settings as pictured above. First, deselect the PWM OUT 6. You will see that the control bar disappears. Remember, the previous PWM settings will be sent, not the stop command. Slide the PWM OUT 1 bar all the way to the top or click the double-arrow until it reaches the top. It should now read 100%. Keep PWM OUT 2 at 50% but select the “Rev.” box. Do the same for PWM OUT 4 to reverse the direction of the +V and GND. (Caution: Use reverse only for motors and similar hardware. Reversing the polarity in regular circuits can cause serious damage and/or injury!). Drag the slide bar on PWM OUT 3 all the way down or click the double-arrow until it reaches 0%. When your window looks like the one above, click “OK”. 10 Using C-Style (Cont’d) Your C-Style window should look as it does above. The PWM duties are listed from left to right (1-6). For unmodified duties a (***) will appear. That’s all there is to it! 11 Using the Serial (USART) Port If you are planning to control the DDK0668 from another microcontroller directly, no level converter is needed. But, to use the included PC Tool, the USART must be converted to RS-232C level. The ddkit0507 or ddkit0704 can be used for this purpose. How to use the 6Ch MCB Tool. First, download the most recent version from http://robosite.jp then copy the “ROBOSiTE_MCB_Tool.exe” file to “C:¥Program Files¥Daisen¥ROBOSiTE MCBTool¥” on your PC, as shown below. 12 Once you have copied the file, it’s ready to be used. Just double click on the icon. (You may want to make a shortcut on your desktop.) After opening the tool, you should see a window similar to the one above. Please make sure to have to most recent version. The control window is quite similar to the dialog window in C-Style. The 2 extra buttons are “Output On” and “Output Off”. There are three ways to send the signal to your DDK0668. First, while the “Output Off” is selected, set the slidebars to your desired settings. Then click the “Output On” button to send the data. This method should be familiar if you have used C-Style before. Second, while the “Output On” is selected, you can click the arrows or the slidebars directly to control your motors in real-time. When “Output Off” is selected again, the Tool sends the stop signal to all the motors and disables the real-time output of the slidebars. Third, using the “Text Send” command, you can enter the text directly. Using this method, you could create a script and run it from any terminal program. The pattern is as follows: Ex. 1F010:2R030:3F050:4R070:5F090:6R100 then click the “Text Send” button. In the example above, Motor 1 is 10% forward, Motor 2 is 30% reverse, Motor 3 is 50% forward, Motor 4 is 70% reverse, Motor 5 is 90% forward and Motor 6 is 100% reverse. 13 All 6 sets need not be sent all at once as in the I2C case. If you only wish to modify Motor 3, then 3F050 only can be sent. Also, the “:” is not necessary, except only to be more readable. (Ex. 1F0102R0303F0504R0705F0906R100). Upgrading DDK0668 Using the serial connection, you can update the firmware for your DDK0668. Connect the board as usual, and then double-click in the bottom area of the main window. Then “Update” will appear in the bottom corner. You can now access the “Firmware Update” option in the “File” Menu. Click “Firmware Update” and follow the instructions to download the new firmware. For a detailed description of the UART Port, please refer to the Microchip homepage (http://www.microchip.com). 14 Using I²C Directly For a detailed description of the I²C Bus, please refer to the Microchip homepage (http://www.microchip.com). A sample code for I²C is included on the CD for Microchip PIC18F devices and compatible. The included sample is setup to run at 400kHz, although DDK0668 can also run at 100kHz. With only a few adjustments, you can easily add it into your code and have direct control over the PWM output on the DDK0668 from your Master CPU. The default address of the DDK0668 is 0x14. First, make sure to have the proper references to D_I2C.c and D_I2C.h in your build area and #include part of your code. You could also copy and paste the variables, constants, prototypes and functions directly into your code. Then add the line: i2c_init(); somewhere in your initialize routine, or at the start of your main(); loop. You will also need to set some registers needed for I²C to work properly, as well as an interrupt to take care of the bit clearing that needs to be done. Add the following code into your initialize routine: // Enable interrupt priority RCONbits.IPEN = 1; // Enable all high priority interrupts INTCONbits.GIEH = 1; And then add the following in your function area to handle the SSPIF bit clearing: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // high_interrupt routine void high_handler (void){ //I2C if (PIR1bits.SSPIF) { PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; } } #pragma code high_interrupt = 0x0008 void high_int(void){ _asm goto high_handler _endasm } #pragma code #pragma interrupt high_handler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If you already have a high interrupt handler just add the following into it: //I2C if (PIR1bits.SSPIF) { PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; } I²C works by the Master first sending out a 7-bit address on the I²C bus, along with one bit to determine read/write. The Slave with the matching address responds with an “ACK”, or acknowledge. In I²C, “ACK” is logic low or zero (0). If the Master receives the 15 “ACK”, then the data is sent in 8-bit packets, followed by another “ACK” by the Slave, if the data is received without error. If a “NAK”, or negative acknowledge, is received, the program included in the ddk668 Motor Controller will repeat the data 10 times before giving up. If the data is received the first time, it will not be repeated. In order to correctly drive the motors, the DDK0668 needs one byte of data for each; 6 bytes total. Each byte consists of two parts. The Most Significant Bit (MSB), or bit 7 in this case, contains the direction of the motor, 0 for forward and 1 for reverse. The remaining bits (0-6) are for the PWM duty from 0-100. Any value over 100 or less than 0 will result in a 0 value and the motor will stop. Exactly 6 bytes must be sent to the DDK0668 each time in order to correctly determine which motor gets which value. If less or more than 6 bytes are sent (not including the address), the motors will move in an unpredictable way. An example of correct initialization would be to create a 6-byte buffer and a function prototype (refer to the function in D_I2C.c as shown below). // I2C Defines & variables #define MAX_MSG_LEN 6 GLOBAL volatile unsigned char gPwm[MAX_MSG_LEN]; void pwm_out(void); Then, to control the motors all you need to do is decide on the values for gPwm and then call the pwm_out() function to send the data along the I²C bus to the DDK0668. For example: // Bit #’s 76543210 gPwm[0] = 0b10110010; gPwm[1] = 0b00110010; gPwm[2] = 0b10110010; gPwm[3] = 0b00110010; gPwm[4] = 0b00110010; gPwm[5] = 0b00110010; pwm_out(); Although you can set the values using decimal, hexadecimal or binary, please remember that the MSB determines direction, so it helps to view your values in binary, at least on paper. From the above list, you can easily see that gPwm[0] and gPwm[2] are in reverse while the rest are in forward direction. Disclaimer of Liability and Accuracy: Information provided by Daisen Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Daisen Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. Daisen Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the use of this information and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s 16 own risk. Life Support Policy: Daisen Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. does not authorize any Daisen Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. product for use in life support devices and/or systems without express written approval from Daisen Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. 17 MTR_2A/PGC P0MTR02B/PGD MTR_2B/PGD P0MTR02A/PGC P0R1102 MBRS340CT LED2_fwd P0R1301 8 P0MTR02B/PGD MTR_2B/PGD G SP3055LD 10 P0U1C010 P0R1402 S 74HC08 P0PWM02 PWM_2 R14 100k P0SW102 P0MTR04A MTR_4A 1 P0CN901 +5 2 P0CN902 /MCLR 3 P0CN903 PGM 4 P0CN904 PGC 5 P0CN905 PGD 6 P0CN906 GND P0R2502 P0TR80CP0R2501 P0FET150S P0FET150D P0FET130D 13 D P0U2D013 11 FET14 P0FET140G G SP3055LD S P0U2D011 12 P0U2D012 P0PWM04 PWM_4 10k P0C1002 P0C1001 C10 U2D ICD 2SC2712 P0R2602 C11 1uF 1uF C12 1uF D 74HC08 S P0R5802 P0R5801 470 R27 10k B LED4_fwd 2SC2712 R58 P0R2702 10k R26 P0TR80B P0R2601 P0LED40fwd0K P0LED40fwd0A R24 10k P0R2302P0TR70B TR8 P0R2701 1k CN4 P0TR80E P0R2301 TR7 FET15 P0FET150G G D SP06P03LD Motor 4 R25 10k P0FET160D P0R5901 FET13 P0FET130G G SP06P03LD D P0FET140D P0R5902 R23 S P0TR70E R59 P0R2402 P0LED40rev0K P0LED40rev0A R51 10k S P0TR70CP0R2202 R22 10k P0FET130S P0R2201 VDD2 1 P0CN402 2 P0D20K P0D20A P0JP101 A P0U1C08 P0R1401 P0SW101 P0R5002 10k P0LED20fwd0K P0LED20fwd0A P0TR40CP0R1101 P0FET70S P0TR40E P0R1302 P0CN201 1 P0CN202 2 P0FET70D P0FET80D 9P0U1C09 U2C 9P0U2C09 FET16 P0FET160G G SP3055LD P0MTR04B MTR_4B 8 P0U2C08 10 P0U2C010 P0R2802 P0/MCLR /MCLR FET8 74HC08 P0R2801 P0PWM03 PWM_3 470 R13 10k U1C P0FET80G P0FET160S 2 P0U2A02 D P0FET140S 3 P0U2A03 C6 1uF P0R5401 MTR_GND P0R5101 P0TR130E P0/MCLR /MCLR MTR_GND +5 R48 10k 10k P0R5402 SW1 JP1 P0MTR03A MTR_3A 2SC2712 R54 P0R1202 P0C401 P0FET80S 12 C5 1uF R12 P0TR40B P0R1201 P0C601 P0FET60D FET6 G SP3055LD S P0FET60G P0U1D012 P0R4802 1 74HC08 2SC2712 TR4 1uF P0C501 P0C3002 P0C3001 LED2_rev P0R1002 11 P0U1D011 TR13 P0JP102 P0U2A01 FET12 P0FET120G G SP3055LD D RESET LED4_rev 1k R20 10k U2A P0R1001 13 P0U1D013 P0MTR02A/PGC MTR_2A/PGC +5 P0R5601 P0U2A014 P0R2001 P0R5602 LED3_rev P0R1902 10k 2SC2712 P0C402 C4 P0C502 P0C2902 P0C2901 P0FET250D P0TR130C P0FET250G D1 D2 P0R5102 P0R4901 R56 P0LED30rev0K P0LED30rev0A R19 P0R2002 TR6 2SC2712 Motor 2 R11 10k VDD2 R50 P0R4801 S VDD1 P0TR130B P0R5001 P0TR60E D P0R4902 P0R1802 R18 10k P0FET120D C9 1uF LED13 P0U2A07 74HC08 P0TR60CP0R1801 P0FET90S P0FET110S P0FET110D 1 2 P0CN302 P0CN301 C8 1uF P0FET100S P0U2B05 R21 100k D FET10 P0FET100G G SP3055LD S 5 P0R2102 P0R2101 P0PWM03 PWM_3 6 P0U2B06 P0C701 1uF P0FET120S 4 P0U2B04 P0C702 C7 P0C901 2SC2712 P0R4701 P0LED130A P0LED130K 470 P0TR60BP0R1901 P0C902 10k U2B P0MTR03B MTR_3B P0FET90D P0R1602P0TR50B P0C801 R17 10k CN3 P0C802 470 P0TR50CP0R1502 P0R1501 P0R1601 TR5 P0FET100D P0R5701 R16 FET11 P0FET110G G D SP06P03LD P0FET90G P0TR50E P0R5702 P0R1702 R57 P0R1701 P0LED30fwd0K P0LED30fwd0A LED3_fwd B FET9 G SP06P03LD D P0PWR0LED PWR_LED P0R4702 P0FET50S P0C2802 P0C2801 FET25 SP06P03LD N0VDD0IN VDD_IN P0FET250S 1 P0CN801 2 P0CN802 R49 10k R47 VDD1 10k FET7 P0FET70G G D SP06P03LD CN2 P0R902 P0TR30B 74HC08 CN8 S C21 0.1uF P0PWM02 PWM_2 +5 S R10 10k TR3 U1D P0PWM01 PWM_1 P0D10K 74HC08 MTR_GND R15 10k 1k P0U1A02 MOTOR PWR IN Motor 3 P0R901 FET5 G SP06P03LD D P0FET50G P0CN401 2 C20 0.1uF P0R5501 S P0C1102 P0C1101 3 P0U1A03 C19 0.1uF P0R5502 R9 P0R2401 FET4 P0FET40G G SP3055LD P0MTR01A MTR_1A R55 S P0FET50D P0C2702 P0C2701 AND IC Caps - 1 per chip +5 P0R801 P0C2602 P0C2601 MTR_GND P0U1A01 C30 10uF P0FET60S 1 C29 10uF P0LED20rev0K P0LED20rev0A P0U1A014 U1A C28 10uF P0R5201 1k R6 10k C27 10uF P0C2102 P0C2101 10k P0R5202 LED1_rev P0R502 C26 10uF R8 10k P0TR30C P0R802 VDD2 C25 10uF 8 P0TR30E VDD2 P0D10A S VDD2 P0C1902 P0C1901 D VDD1 P0LED10rev0K P0LED10rev0A P0R602 R52 P0R601 P0TR20E 74HC08 R5 2SC2712 P0FET40D P0C301 P0FET20S C3 1uF VDD1 P0C2502 P0C2501 P0R402 P0TR20C P0R401 P0FET30S P0FET30D P0CN102 P0CN101 FET2 G SP3055LD S 5 P0R702 C2 1uF P0FET20G P0U1B05 R7 100k D TR2 P0U1A07 6 P0U1B06 P0C101 1uF P0FET40S 4 P0C102 C1 7 VDD2 VDD1 R4 10k P0TR20BP0R501 P0C302 2SC2712 P0C201 10k P0U1B04 P0R701 P0PWM01 PWM_1 1 2 P0FET10D P0R202P0TR10B U1B P0MTR01B MTR_1B CN1 P0C202 R3 10k FET3 P0FET30G G D SP06P03LD P0FET10G P0FET20D 470 P0FET10S P0R101 P0R201 S P0TR10E P0R302 P0R5301 P0TR10C P0R102 TR1 R2 P0R301 P0LED10fwd0K P0LED10fwd0A LED1_fwd A R53 S FET1 G SP06P03LD D 6 Motor Caps - 1 per motor VDD1 R1 10k P0R5302 5 MBRS340CT Motor 1 4 P0C602 3 P0C1202 P0C1201 2 P0C2002 P0C2001 1 P0PWM04 PWM_4 R28 100k CN9 U4 S 3 2 P0U3A02 P0PWM05 PWM_5 P0PWM06 PWM_6 13 D P0U3D013 11 FET22 P0FET220G G SP3055LD S P0U3D011 12 P0U3D012 C17 1uF 1uF C18 1uF D S P0R6202 470 R41 10k U3C 9P0U3C09 FET24 P0FET240G G SP3055LD P0MTR06B MTR_6B 8 P0U3C08 10 P0U3C010 74HC08 1 P0CN701 2 P0CN702 3 P0CN703 4 P0CN704 P0R4602 P0JP202 P0JP201 R46 10k P0R4601 R44 470 P0R4502 R45 10k P0R4501 P0R4402 R43 470 P0R4401 CN7 P0R4301 D I2C CPU PWR IN 3 R42 100k P0RX RX MTR_GND JP2 0 CN10 1 P0CN1002 2 P0CN1003 3 P0CN1004 4 D P0CN1001 P0TX TX P0SCL SCL SERIAL I/O Title P0SDA SDA Size A3 Date: File: 2 P0PWM06 PWM_6 +5 P0R4302 C24 10uF P0C2402 P0C2401 MTR_GND P0R6201 LED6_fwd P0R4101 10k P0R4002 P0LED60fwd0K P0LED60fwd0A P0TR120C P0R3901 P0FET230S P0R3902 2SC2712 R62 P0R4102 1 P0CN602 2 P0FET210D R40 P0C1602 P0C1601 C16 74HC08 +5 1 TR12 P0FET240D P0MTR06A MTR_6A P0FET230D P0TR110C P0R3602 P0TR120E 2SC2712 Motor 6 R39 10k P0TR120B P0R4001 P0C1802 P0C1801 P0MTR05A MTR_5A P0U3A03 74HC08 P0R3702 P0TR110B U3D 1 P0CN601 10k FET23 P0FET230G G D SP06P03LD CN6 P0C1702 P0C1701 R38 10k P0FET210S P0R3601 P0R3701 1k P0U3A01 FET20 P0FET200G G SP3055LD P0R3802 P0R6301 TR11 P0R3801 P0LED60rev0K P0LED60rev0A P0R6302 R37 S FET21 P0FET210G G SP06P03LD D P0FET220D U3A LED6_rev 1k R34 10k LED5_rev P0R3401 P0FET200D P0R6001 P0U3A014 10k 2SC2712 P0R6002 P0LED50rev0K P0LED50rev0A P0R3302 R63 S P0TR110E P0R3202 P0FET190S P0TR100C P0R3201 R60 P0R3402 1 2 P0FET190D P0FET170S P0FET170D P0CN502 D R36 10k C P0R4202 74HC08 FET18 P0FET180G G SP3055LD S C15 1uF P0RX RX P0TX TX P0SCL SCL P0SDA SDA VDD2 C23 0.1uF P0R4201 R35 100k C14 1uF +5 P0FET240S P0R3502 5 D P0MTR02B/PGD MTR_2B/PGD P0MTR02A/PGC MTR_2A/PGC P0PWR0LED PWR_LED P0PWM02 PWM_2 P0PWM01 PWM_1 P0MTR04B MTR_4B P0PWM04 PWM_4 P0MTR04A MTR_4A P0FET220S 6 P0U3B06 P0U3B05 R33 1uF P0FET200S 4 P0U3B04 P0R3501 P0PWM05 PWM_5 TR10 P0C1302 P0C1301 C13 28 /MCLR RB7/PGDP0U4027 27 P0U402 RA0/AN0 RB6/PGC P0U4026 26 P0U403 RA1/AN1 RB5/PWM4/PGM P0U4025 25 P0U404 RA2/AN2 RB4/PWM5 P0U4024 24 P0U405 RA3/AN3 RB3/PWM3 P0U4023 23 P0U406 RA4/AN4 RB2/PWM2 P0U4022 22 P0U407 AVDD RB1/PWM1 P0U4021 21 P0U408 AVSS RB0/PWM0 P0U4020 20 P0U409 OSC1/CLKI/RA7 VDD P0U4019 19 P0U4010 OSC2/CLKO/RA6 VSS P0U4018 18 P0U4011 RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI RC7/RX/DT/SDO P0U4017 17 P0U4012 RC1/T1OSI/CCP2 RC6/TX/CK/SS P0U4016 16 P0U4013 RC2/CCP1/FLTB RC5/INT2/SCK/SCL P0U4015 15 P0U4014 RC3/T0CKI/INT0 RC4/INT1/SDI/SDA P0U401 PIC18F2431 - SOIC P0TR100E 2SC2712 U3B P0MTR05B MTR_5B P0CN501 10k P0MTR06A MTR_6A P0MTR06B MTR_6B P0MTR05A MTR_5A P0PWM03 PWM_3 P0PWM05 PWM_5 P0MTR05B MTR_5B R32 10k P0TR100B P0R3301 P0C1502 P0C1501 R31 10k FET19 P0FET190G G D SP06P03LD CN5 P0R3002P0TR90B P0FET180D 470 FET17 P0FET170G G SP06P03LD D P0C1402 P0C1401 P0R3001 S P0FET180S P0R6101 TR9 S P0TR90E P0R6102 R30 P0R3102 R61 P0R3101 P0LED50fwd0K P0LED50fwd0A LED5_fwd R29 10k P0TR90CP0R2902 P0R2901 VDD1 P0U3A07 Motor 5 C P0C2201 P0C2202 +5 C22 0.1uF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 P0/MCLR /MCLR P0MTR01A MTR_1A P0MTR01B MTR_1B P0MTR03A MTR_3A P0MTR03B MTR_3B P0PWM06 PWM_6 MTR_GND P0U4028 P0C2301 P0C2302 MTR_GND 4 5 6 6 Channel Motor Controller V2 Number Revision DDK0668T 2007/04/09 C:\Altium\..\DDK0668T.SchDoc 7 Sheet of Drawn By: 8
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