LLGA2013 各地域募集テーマ一覧 地域名 国名 募集テーマ 概要 The City of Aalborg seeks solutions to get the right information to the right people at the right time デンマーク 渋滞事前注意喚起システム 1 オールボー through the right media to avoid traffic congestion when the Limfjord crossings are blocked. Barcelona is looking for solutions that will help revitalise neighbourhoods by creating opportunities スペイン 空きスペースを利用したご近所コミュニティの再生 2 バルセロナ for economic growth and employment. 米国 マンホールの蓋の再検討 3 ボストン Boston is looking for ways of sustaining street utility castings in a bike- and car-friendly way. Christchurch seeks groundbreaking, intelligent-lighting solutions to bridge the city’s present with 4 クライストチャーチ ニュージーランド 変容可能な照明灯システム the future. The City of Eindhoven seeks solutions to enable the effective sharing of public facilities, link 公共施設・スポーツ文化活動データ交換 5 エイントホーフェン オランダ citizens with current activities and help people share new initiatives. Fukuoka would like to provide both international conference visitors and organizers a tool to 日本 スマートな国際会議場開催地 6 福岡 effectively access and manage relevant information. Informing care decisions and improving the quality of life for the elderly by monitoring their スペイン 高齢者向け健康食管理 7 ロスピタレート nutritional intake. Lagos is seeking solutions to deliver content seamlessly in bandwidth-challenged environments to ナイジェリア ネットワーク連動独立型コンテンツ・ホットスポット 8 ラゴス provide access to the social and economic benefits of Internet. Lavasa is looking for ways to equip its underprivileged urban population with skills, support and the インド 社会的向上と能力強化 9 ラバサ social uplift needed to become part of the social fabric. London invites solutions to provide the city government with better data on energy use across the 英国 エネルギー・温室効果ガス測定 10 ロンドン city to help reduce energy consumption and CO3 emissions. Maringá is looking for alternative metropolitan transport solutions to equip the city for continued, ブラジル 持続的都市モビリティ 11 マリンガ sustainable growth. Mexico City is looking for digital health technologies to help provide a better and more independent メキシコ より良くより健康な高齢者生活のためのデジタルツール 12 メキシコシティ way of life for its senior citizens The City of Oulu aims to find new and innovative ways for museum and science center visitors to フィンランド 訪問者向けハイテク・視聴体験ツール 13 オウル experience, find knowledge, hunt the past and imagine the future. The City of Paris is looking for solutions to reduce the energy consumption of heated outside フランス 屋外座席エリアの快活化 14 パリ seating areas and reduce nuisances for neighbours. スマート・シティにおけるアクセスしやすい健康管理シス Rio de Janeiro is seeking solutions to help improve healthcare in the city through smart, accessible リオデジャネイロ ブラジル 15 テム initiatives and management processes. Rosario is looking for ways to encourage households to join the Green Homes Network initiative and アルゼンチン エコハウス・ネットワーク 16 ロサリオ to monitor its environmental impact. ストーム関連対応処置ツール 17 サンフランシスコ 米国 San Francisco is seeking solutions to triage storm-related service calls and coordinate dispatch The City of Sant Cugat is seeking ways of generating economic and social value by capitalising on スペイン スマート都市景観-既存資源の最大限利用 18 サンクガ the city’s underused spaces. Sheffield is seeking solutions to capture heat from industrial processes to serve its district energy 英国 産業排出熱の収集と配給 19 シェフィールド networks The City of Tacoma is looking for a tool to help evaluate projects and select the most sustainable 米国 持続的リターンのある投資選別ツール 20 タコマ solutions for the city’s needs. The City of Terrassa is looking to encourage community interchange to improve health and スペイン 生活向上コミュニティ支援 21 テラッサ community interaction. The City of York seeks innovative solutions that raise awareness of health issues and aid the ヨーク 英国 ヨーク内健康格差縮小 22 communication of positive health messages to hard-to-reach groups. 福岡地域戦略推進協議会 Fukuoka D.C. (www.fukuoka-dc.jpn.com) 2013/1/21
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