添付資料 7.2 COOLL の素材一覧(2010 年 3 月 31 日時点) 1 A Business Meeting 2 A Class Divided 3 A Fair(y) Use Tale 4 A Job Intervew 5 A new job! 6 A Preview of Alice 3.0, Introductory Programming in 3D 7 Abandoned and Abused: Refugees denied rights in Malaysia 8 ABC News 9 About Enduring Voices 10 Academic Vocabulary Quizes 11 AERO Conference Documentary 12 AFTER OBAMA Justice & Rights for Immigrants Rises Higher on the Agenda [text] 13 Al Gore on averting climate crisis 14 Al Gore warns on latest climate trends (TED) 15 Al Gore's new thinking on the climate crisis 16 Alan Kay shares a powerful idea about ideas 17 Alan Russell on regenerating our bodies 18 Albert Einstain 19 Albert Einstein 20 Albert Einstein 21 Alice: Programming for a New Generation 22 Alistair Campbell ~Using Authentic Materials in Language Learning and Teaching~ 23 Amazing funny TV commercial- Talk Talk 24 Amazing Math Methods 25 American Rhetoric 26 Ancient Greek Mathematics 27 Andrew Smith Lewis ~Using Authentic Materials in Language Learning and Teaching ~ 28 Anita Borg Institute 29 Another Side of Medieval Japan: Courtier Life as Seen through Contemporary Writings 30 Anthony Atala on growing new organs 31 Antimoon com. how to learn English effectively 32 Archiecomics 33 Archimedes 34 Art of the Samurai—An Introduction 35 Art Unusual (TED) 36 At G20 summit, UN brings focus on development goals, plight of world's vulnerable 37 Bangladesh: Coastal Women's Electrification Project 38 Barack Obama Facebook 39 Barack Obama on Twitter 40 Barack Obama's photostream 41 BBC (BBC) 42 BBC Learning English 43 BBC Learning English (BBC) 44 BBC の英語学習サイト (BBC) 45 Beauty: A History of 'Oblivion' in Aesthetics 46 Beowulf 47 Bill Gates on mosquitos, malaria and education (TED) 48 Birke Baehr: What's wrong with our food system 49 Bonnie Bassler on how bacteria "talk" 50 Books To Read Before You Die 51 Brain Food 英単語 52 Brain Structure and Its Origins 53 Breaking cycle of poverty in Kosovo (UNICEF) 54 Brenda Laurel on games for girls (TED) 55 British Dental Journal 56 Buddhist Leader Pushes for Nuclear Abolition Treaty 57 Building the Open Library (2008) (Archive) 58 BYU-BNC: BRITISH NATIONAL CORPUS 59 Cambridge Dictionaries Online 60 Cameron Sinclair: TED Prize wish: Open-source arch 61 Cameron Sinclair: The refugees of boom-and-bust 62 Can the U.N. Keep the Peace? 63 Cary Fowler: One seed at a time, protecting the future of food 64 Chad Hansen's Chinese Philosophy Pages 65 Challenges on mine victim assistance in 2010 66 Chemistry can be fun: a new look at the elements 67 Child Development Centre in Tbilisi, Georgia aims to ensure every child’s right to health care 68 Children on the Brink 2004 [text] 69 Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar -- Physically Addictive Foods 70 Classical Chinese Philosophy 71 Clay Shirky: How cognitive surplus will change the world 72 Clay Shirky: How social media can make history (TED) 73 CNN Student News 74 Collaborations with the Past: Reshaping Shakespeare Across Time and Media 75 College Life 76 Communication Skills 77 Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh 78 Community outreach on hygiene for cyclone-affected families in Bangladesh [text] 79 Comparative Insights: Marshall plan, Japan and Iraq 80 Computer Animation 81 Continuity - Part 1 of 2 82 Continuity - Part 2 of 2 83 CookingLight:Caribbean Shrimp Salad with Lime Vinaigrette 84 COOLL Test 85 COOLL モニタリングチェックシート 86 Craig Venter unveils "synthetic life" 87 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (1) 88 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (2) 89 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (3) 90 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (4) 91 Current Issues in International and Area Studies Lecture (5) 92 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (6) 93 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (7) 94 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (8) 95 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (9) 96 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (10) 97 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (11) 98 Current Issues in International and Area Studies (12) 99 Daily Yomiuri Online 100 Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fish 101 Dan Barber's foie gras parable 102 David Agus: A new strategy in the war on cancer 103 David Byrne: How architecture helped music evolve 104 David Deutsch on our place in the cosmos 105 David Deutsch: A new way to explain explanation 106 David Harrison at Pop!Tech 2008 107 David 先生の英語リスニングルーム 108 Day of the African Child 2009 (UNICEF) 109 Dean Kamen previews a new prosthetic arm 110 Dean Kamen: The emotion behind invention 111 Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy? 112 Delicious Japan: Japanese food and culture program 113 Delicious Nippon #1 114 Delicious Nippon #2 -Rice 115 Delicious Nippon #3 –Sea Food 116 Delicious Nippon #4 – Vegetables 117 Delicious Nippon #5- Fruits 118 Delicious Nippon #6 – Gifts from the forest 119 Delicious Nippon #7- Wagyu: Japanese beef 120 Demo Girl 121 Demo: Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere (TED) 122 Designing Online Communities from Theory 123 Development Challenges: Fish Farming in Ghana 124 Dimitar Sasselov: How we found hundreds of potential Earth-like planets 125 Disappearing Words [text,audio] 126 Dr Grigory Perelman 127 Dr. Alan Kapuler on Understanding Nature and Food Growth 128 Early Modern Japan 129 Eat Your Kimchi Podcast 130 Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic? 131 ECHO and UNICEF: boosting child survival in Cambodia 132 Ed Ulbrich shows how Benjamin Button got his face (TED) 133 Einstein 134 Empowerment of women and girls tops agenda at UN Economic and Social Council 135 Encyclopedia.com 136 Enduring Voices Expeditions 137 Enduring Voices—Expeditions Reports [text] 138 English 117S Shakespeare 139 English as a Second Language Podcast 140 English Central 141 English Study Forum 142 Englishpage.com 143 Eric Dishman: Take health care off the mainframe 144 ESL Games 145 Euclid 146 European Commission Audiovisual Services 147 Evaluating Derivatives 148 Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users (TED) 149 Fair Trade Bananas 150 Fanfare Greets Global Debut of iPad 151 FC2 翻訳 152 Fixing the future of Mali's child workers 153 Fleet Street rips into Aussies 154 Foodnetwork.com 料理サイト 155 4FIRSTS Computer Aided Instruction 1967 CAI-Arithmetics 156 Freedom Fry — “Happy birthday to GNU” 157 From Atoms to Complexity: Reactions at Surfaces 158 Fun Arithmetic 159 GADGET LAB 160 Galois 161 Gauss 162 Gender Healthy/Respectful Schools 163 Gender Oppression in Cinematic Content? 164 Gender Stereotypes: An Analysis of Popular Films and TV 165 Generating JavaDoc in Netbeans IDE 6.5 166 Genetically Modified Food for Zambia Part 1/2 167 Genetically Modified Food for Zambia Part 2/2 168 Geoffrey Chaucer - Radio broadcast, In Our Time 169 Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann 170 Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann 171 George Whitesides: A lab the size of a postage stamp 172 Gesture Cube 173 Global Economic Prospects 2010 - Summer Update 174 Global Poverty: How Demanding Are Our Obligations? 175 Global Warming 101 176 Globalisation, Industrialisation and the Rise of Dragon 177 Go Chi So 178 Gordon Brown on global ethic vs. national interest 179 Gordon Brown: Wiring a web for global good 180 Graphing Linear Functions 181 Groupware 1994 (Archive) 182 Guardian Weekly [text] 183 gutenberg 184 Halla Tomasdottir: A feminine response to Iceland's financial crash 185 HANDS (Health and Development Services) 186 Hands On-Ideas to Go 187 Hans Rosling shows the best stats you've ever seen 188 Hiroshi Ishiguro : Robots are mirrors of human heart 189 Hiroshima University's English Podcast 190 His Holiness the Karmapa: The technology of the heart 191 History of Japan 192 History of Mathematics 193 Honda Develops Brain-Machine Interface 194 How to Create a Quiz in Moodle 195 How to Create an Online Course in Moodle! 196 How to make creative lunch 197 I Am A Technical Woman 198 IBM の100年 199 ICT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES [text] 200 Indian mathematics 201 Influential American Novel Turns 50 202 Information Needs of Women in Developing Countries [text ] 203 International Herald Tribune [text] 204 International Statistical Institute 205 Interpret colored (shaded) maps 206 Interview Preparation 207 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming 208 Introduction to evolution and natural selection 209 Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection 210 Introduction to Modern Literary Theory 211 Introduction to Psychology (1) 212 Introduction to Psychology (2) 213 Introduction to Psychology (3) 214 Introduction to Psychology (4) 215 Introduction to Psychology (5) 216 Introduction to Psychology (6) 217 Introduction to Psychology (7) 218 Introduction to Psychology (8) 219 Introduction to Psychology (9) 220 Introduction to Psychology (10) 221 Introduction to Psychology (11) 222 Introduction to Psychology (12) 223 Introduction to Psychology (13) 224 Introduction to Psychology (14) 225 Introduction to Psychology (15) 226 Introduction to Psychology (16) 227 Introduction to Psychology (17) 228 Introduction to Psychology (18) 229 Introduction to Psychology (19) 230 Introduction to Psychology (20) 231 Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) (1) 232 Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) (2) 233 Introduction to the Theory of Probability (1) 234 Introduction to Visual Analysis 1 235 Introduction to Visual Analysis 2 236 Introduction to Visual Analysis 3 237 Introduction to Visual Analysis 4 238 Introduction to Visual Analysis 5 239 Introduction to Visual Analysis 6 240 Introduction to Visual Analysis 7 241 Introduction to Visual Analysis 8 242 iPhone Resolution 243 IT for Health in Developing Countries [text] 244 IXL. 245 J F Video Square Arts and Culture 246 J F Video Square Japanese Language Education 247 J F Video Square Seminars and Symposiums 248 Jacek Utko designs to save newspapers (TED) 249 James Cameron: Before Avatar ... a curious boy 250 Japan Brief 251 Japan National Tourism Organization 252 Japan Restaurant.net 253 Japanese Food 254 Japanese Online Language Learning Materials 255 Japanese-language education overseas 256 JICA and Sony For the Next Generation in Ghana 2009 257 Jill Tarter's call to join the SETI search (TED) 258 Job candidate 259 Joe DeRisi solves medical mysteries 260 Johan Rockstrom: Let the environment guide our development 261 Johann Carl Friedrich GAUSS 262 Johann Carl Friedrich gauss 263 John Francis walks the Earth (TED) 264 John La Grou plugs smart power outlets 265 John Maeda on his journey in design (TED) 266 John Nash 267 Joseph Fourier 268 Joseph Louis Lagrange 269 Joshua Klein on the intelligence of crows 270 JULIA CHILD MEMORIES: BON APPÉTIT! 271 Julia Gillard takes over as Australia's prime minister 272 Juliana Machado Ferreira: The fight to end rare-animal trafficking in Brazil 273 Justice Course Preview 274 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(1) 275 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(2) 276 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(3) 277 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(4) 278 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(5) 279 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(6) 280 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(7) 281 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(8) 282 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(9) 283 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(10) 284 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(11) 285 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?(12) 286 Karl Weierstrass 287 Kary Mullis' next-gen cure for killer infections 288 Ken Kamler: Medical miracle on Everest 289 Kenya Drought Situation Worsens (UNICEF) 290 Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the web (TED) 291 Klein's Bottle 292 Krashen and language acquisition 293 Kwabena Boahen on a computer that works like the brain (TED) 294 Kyodo News on the web 295 Lang.8 296 Language acquisition 297 Language Acquisition Theories - Part 1 298 Language Acquisition Theories - Part 2 299 Language Acquisition Theories - Part 3 300 Language Hotspots 301 Language on the move 302 Laplace 303 Leonhard Euler 304 L'Hospital's Rule - Indeterminate Differences 305 L'Hospital's Rule - Indeterminate Powers 306 L'Hospitals Rule - Indeterminate Products 307 L'Hospitals Rule and Indeterminate Quotients 308 LibriVox 309 Limits at Infinity - Basic Idea and Shortcuts! 310 Linguistic Theory and the Japanese Language 311 Looking at celebrity: Alison Jackson on TED.com 312 Magnus Larsson: Turning dunes into architecture 313 Making a GUI in NetBeans 314 Malaria: A Major Cause of Child Death and Poverty in Africa (UNICEF) [text] 315 Man, God and Society in Western Literature 316 Many Eyes 317 Marc Pachter: The art of the interview 318 Marcel Dicke: Why not eat insects? 319 Margaret Gould Stewart: How YouTube thinks about copyright 320 Martha Stewart の料理番組 321 Math games 322 Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Size 323 Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF:国境なき医師団) 324 Media, Education and the Marketplace (1) 325 Media, Education and the Marketplace (2) 326 Media, Education and the Marketplace (3) 327 Media, Education and the Marketplace (4) 328 Media, Education and the Marketplace (5) 329 Media, Education and the Marketplace (6) 330 Media, Education and the Marketplace (7) 331 Media, Education and the Marketplace (8) 332 Media, Education and the Marketplace (9) 333 Media, Education and the Marketplace (10) 334 Media, Education and the Marketplace (11) 335 Media, Education and the Marketplace (12) 336 Media, Education and the Marketplace (13) 337 Media, Education and the Marketplace (14) 338 MediaStudies.com 339 Merriam-Webster Online 340 Meryl Streep vs. Julia Child 341 Michelle Obama's plea for education 342 Microfinance in Liberia 343 MIT Center for Real Estate: Research and Publications 344 MIT open course ware 345 MIT Visualizing Cultures 346 Mitchell Besser: Mothers helping mothers fight HIV 347 Modern Poetry (1) 348 Modern Poetry (2) 349 Modern Poetry (3) 350 Modern Poetry (4) 351 Modern Poetry (5) 352 Modern Poetry (6) 353 Modern Poetry (7) 354 Modern Poetry (8) 355 Modern Poetry (9) 356 Modern Poetry (10) 357 Modern Poetry (11) 358 Modern Poetry (12) 359 Modern Poetry (13) 360 Modern Poetry (14) 361 Modern Poetry (15) 362 Modern Poetry (16) 363 Modern Poetry (17) 364 Modern Poetry (18) 365 Modern Poetry (19) 366 Modern Poetry (20) 367 Modern Poetry (21) 368 Modern Poetry (22) 369 Modern Poetry (23) 370 Modern Poetry (24) 371 Modern Poetry (25) 372 Moodle and the Moodle Community 373 Moodle Beginning 374 Moodle in the Classroom 375 Movie Theater Construction Booming in China 376 Moyers Interviews Chayes 377 Multicultural Society and Japan 378 MultiTree: The Japanese Language 379 Murray Gell-Mann on beauty and truth in physics 380 My English 381 My English 382 My Japan (1945) 383 Myanmar water threatened by arsenic contamination (UNICEF) 384 MySpace - Barack Obama 385 Namgyal Monastery Institute of Buddhist Studies 386 Nandan Nilekani's ideas for India's future 387 NASA Connect - RFTF - Composite Materials 388 NASA LaRC Office of EducationNASA Destination Tomorrow - DT15 - New Materials 389 NASA SCI Files - Reflective Materials 390 National Geographic Kids 391 Natue Podcast 392 Nature 393 Nature Cell Biology 394 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 395 Nature: Online video streaming archive 396 Negroponte takes OLPC to Colombia (TED) 397 Net Cafe (Archive) 398 NETTalk 要旨 399 New Album Pays Tribute to Bob Marley 400 New Testament History and Literature (1) 401 New Testament History and Literature (2) 402 New Testament History and Literature (3) 403 New Testament History and Literature (4) 404 New Testament History and Literature (5) 405 New Testament History and Literature (6) 406 New Testament History and Literature (7) 407 New Testament History and Literature (8) 408 New Testament History and Literature (9) 409 New Testament History and Literature (10) 410 New Testament History and Literature (11) 411 New Testament History and Literature (12) 412 New Testament History and Literature (13) 413 New Testament History and Literature (14) 414 New Testament History and Literature (15) 415 New Testament History and Literature (16) 416 New Testament History and Literature (17) 417 New Testament History and Literature (18) 418 New Testament History and Literature (19) 419 New Testament History and Literature (20) 420 New Testament History and Literature (21) 421 New Testament History and Literature (22) 422 New Testament History and Literature (23) 423 New Testament History and Literature (24) 424 New Testament History and Literature (25) 425 New Testament History and Literature (26) 426 Newsweek [text] 427 Newsweek’s 13th Annual Oscar Roundtable (Newsweek) 428 NHK World 429 Nicholas Christakis: How social networks predict epidemics 430 Nick Sears demos the Orb (TED) 431 Nina Jablonski breaks the illusion of skin color 432 Nm3ers 433 Nonviolence: From Gandhi to Martin Luther King 434 NOVA Science Now 435 Nuclear energy not an alternative for fight on climate change 436 Obama Administration - C-SPAN 437 Object Oriented Programming in Python 438 Ocean Tipping Point? 439 OECD leave many immigrant children floundering [text] 440 Office Phone 441 Oil Spill Threatens Wetlands' Ecosystem 442 One Family 443 One seed at a time, protecting the future of food 444 OneLook Dictionary 445 Online course on trauma, memorials and history 446 Online Text Collections in Western European Literature 447 Opening the door to society’s most vulnerable: Social inclusion topic of latest Development and Transition 448 Oxford University: Podcasts from Medieval English lectures 449 Pair Programming 450 Pakistan: breaking the glass ceiling 451 Panel Discussion ~Using Authentic Materials in Language Learning and Teaching~ 452 Paul Nation's website 453 PBS 454 PBS のビデオ集 455 Peace and Justice Studies Association 456 Perspectives on Plasmas 457 Peter Donnelly shows how stats fool juries 458 Phonetics: The Sounds of American English 459 Pinker's Farewell 460 PISA2006 Science Competencies for Tomorrow's World [text] 461 Plasmas: Science, Technology, Applications 462 PodCampAZ: Using Web 2.0 in Education (Archive) 463 Podiobooks.com 464 Political ideas in revolution 465 POLITICO44 466 President Bill Clinton - Global Citizenship: Turning Good Intentions into Positive Action 467 President Obama’s speech in Cairo 468 Principles of Chemical Science (MIT), Fall 2008 469 Prof. Piller Lecture at IGALA6 #1/4 470 Prof. Piller Lecture at IGALA6 #2/4 471 Prof. Piller Lecture at IGALA6 #3/4 472 Prof. Piller Lecture at IGALA6 #4/4 473 Prof. Piller Lecture at Tsuda College #1/4 474 Prof. Piller Lecture at Tsuda College #2/4 475 Prof. Piller Lecture at Tsuda College #3/4 476 Prof. Piller Lecture at Tsuda College #4/4 477 Professor Edward Said: Scholar, Activist, Palestinian 478 Protecting children from landmines (UNICEF Laos) 479 Providing Health Services to Nepal's Poorest 480 Pythagoras 481 Pythagorean Theorem 482 Queen Rania of Jordan in Brazil (UNICEF) 483 Rachel Armstrong: Architecture that repairs itself? 484 Rachel Pike: The science behind a climate headline 485 Randy Pausch Inspires Graduates 486 Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams 487 Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management 488 Rare recordings of Virginia Woolf, Conan Doyle, and others 489 Real English 490 Red Bull BC One 2010 - Tokyo, Japan 491 Refugee to Putin: 'Please help us' 492 Remixing Shakespeare 493 Rhetoric 10: Introduction to Practical Reasoning and Critical Analysis of Argument 494 Richard Feynman: Physics is fun to imagine 495 Right to an education (UNICEF) 496 Rwandan and Liberian youth (UNICEF) 497 Sarah Chayes 498 Science, Magic, and Religion 499 Scientists: Pace of Climate Change Exceeds Estimates” (Washington Post)[text] 500 Scratch in 30 Seconds 501 Scratch Overview 502 Securing Energy 503 Sendhil Mullainathan: Solving social problems with a nudge 504 Severn Suzuki speaking at UN Earth Summit 1992 505 Severn Suzuki: The girl that silenced the world in 6 minutes Part 2 506 Severn Suzuki: The girl that silenced the world in 6 minutes Part 3 507 Severn Suzuki: The girl that silenced the world in 6 minutes Part 4 508 Shai Agassi's bold plan for electric cars 509 Shimon Steinberg: Natural pest control ... using bugs! 510 Shocking and Awful - Standing with the Women of Iraq 511 Sin Cos Tan - Basic Trigonometry 512 Small-Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics 513 smart.fm 514 Somalia's Child Soldiers 515 Speeches and Remarks (the White House) 516 Speeches by famous women 517 Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence 518 Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address 519 Steven Johnson on the Web as a city (TED) 520 Steven Pinker Chalks it up to "The Blank Slate" 521 Steven Pinker on Language and Thought 522 Steven Pinker on the Myth of Violence 523 Steven Pinker on The Stuff of Thought 524 Steven Strogatz on sync (TED) 525 Storyline Online 526 Storynory 527 Sugata Mitra shows how kids teach themselves 528 SurfTheChannel 529 Sustainable Agriculture: Curing America's Eating Disorder 530 Talks Jay Walker on the world's English mania 531 TECA: Technology for Agriculture 532 TechBridgeWorld Promotional Video (5min) 533 TED (TED) 534 TED Ideas worth spreading and TEDxTokyo (Part 1) 535 TED Ideas worth spreading and TEDxTokyo (Part 2) 536 TEDxTokyo 537 TEDxWorldBankGroup - Nancy Roman - Agriculture 538 Telling Time to the Hour 539 TESOL 540 test 541 test 542 The "Afterlife" of the New Testament and Postmodern Interpretation 543 The "I want to see Jane" Campaign 544 The American Novel Since 1945 (1) 545 The American Novel Since 1945 (2) 546 The American Novel Since 1945 (3) 547 The American Novel Since 1945 (4) 548 The American Novel Since 1945 (5) 549 The American Novel Since 1945 (6) 550 The American Novel Since 1945 (7) 551 The American Novel Since 1945 (8) 552 The American Novel Since 1945 (9) 553 The American Novel Since 1945 (10) 554 The American Novel Since 1945 (11) 555 The American Novel Since 1945 (12) 556 The American Novel Since 1945 (13) 557 The American Novel Since 1945 (14) 558 The American Novel Since 1945 (15) 559 The American Novel Since 1945 (16) 560 The American Novel Since 1945 (17) 561 The American Novel Since 1945 (18) 562 The American Novel Since 1945 (19) 563 The American Novel Since 1945 (20) 564 The American Novel Since 1945 (21) 565 The American Novel Since 1945 (22) 566 The American Novel Since 1945 (23) 567 The American Novel Since 1945 (24) 568 The American Novel Since 1945 (25) 569 The American Novel Since 1945 (26) 570 The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) 571 The Asahi Shimbun 572 The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature 573 The Challenge of Demining Part 1 574 The Challenge of Demining Part 2 575 The Challenge of Demining Part 3 576 The Codebreakers (Archive) 577 The Condition of Women in Developing and Developed Countries [text] 578 the Corinth Computer Project 579 The Flatmates episode 1, from BBC Learning English 580 The Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore 581 The Gender, Diversities, and Technology Institute 582 The Idea of Universality in Linguistics and Human Rights 583 The Japan Times [text] 584 The Japanese Sword and the Japanese Aesthetic 585 The Klein Bottle 586 The Language of Swearing (1) 587 The Language of Swearing (2) 588 The Last Mile: Rural Electrification in Vietnam 589 The Literature of Crisis 590 The Mainichi Daily News 591 The National Science Foundation, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, Boeing and Iridium Successfully Demonstrate Space Weather Observation 592 The Norton Anthology of English Literature (16th Century) 593 The Norton Anthology of English Literature (20th Century) 594 The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Early 17th Century) 595 The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Middle Ages) 596 The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Restoration and the 18th Century) 597 The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Romantic Period) 598 The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Victorian Age) 599 The Poetry of John Milton (1) 600 The Poetry of John Milton (2) 601 The Poetry of John Milton (3) 602 The Poetry of John Milton (4) 603 The Poetry of John Milton (5) 604 The Poetry of John Milton (6) 605 The Poetry of John Milton (7) 606 The Poetry of John Milton (8) 607 The Poetry of John Milton (9) 608 The Poetry of John Milton (10) 609 The Poetry of John Milton (11) 610 The Poetry of John Milton (12) 611 The Poetry of John Milton (13) 612 The Poetry of John Milton (14) 613 The Poetry of John Milton (15) 614 The Poetry of John Milton (16) 615 The Poetry of John Milton (17) 616 The Poetry of John Milton (18) 617 The Poetry of John Milton (19) 618 The Poetry of John Milton (20) 619 The Poetry of John Milton (21) 620 The Poetry of John Milton (22) 621 The Poetry of John Milton (23) 622 The Poetry of John Milton (24) 623 The Real English ESL Video Exercises 624 The Science of Gender and Science: Pinker vs. Spelke, A Debate at Harvard 625 The State of the World's Children 2009 [text] 626 The Study Zone 627 The Ten Best Vocabulary Teaching / Learning Activites 講演会資料 628 The Ten Best Vocabulary Teaching / Learning Activities 629 The Two Major Barriers to ICT adaptation in LDC [text] 630 The Typology of Written Corrective Feedback 631 The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 632 The Value of the Essay in the 21st Century 633 The Women's Crusade [text] 634 Theory of Literature (1) 635 Theory of Literature (2) 636 Theory of Literature (3) 637 Theory of Literature (4) 638 Theory of Literature (5) 639 Theory of Literature (6) 640 Theory of Literature (7) 641 Theory of Literature (8) 642 Theory of Literature (9) 643 Theory of Literature (10) 644 Theory of Literature (11) 645 Theory of Literature (12) 646 Theory of Literature (13) 647 Theory of Literature (14) 648 Theory of Literature (15) 649 Theory of Literature (16) 650 Theory of Literature (17) 651 Theory of Literature (18) 652 Theory of Literature (19) 653 Theory of Literature (20) 654 Theory of Literature (21) 655 Theory of Literature (22) 656 Theory of Literature (23) 657 Theory of Literature (24) 658 Theory of Literature (25) 659 Theory of Literature (26) 660 Thesaurus.com 661 Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web (TED) 662 Tim Jackson's economic reality check 663 TIME Interviews Dr. Randy Pausch 664 TIME online magazine 665 Times Online [text] 666 Tongue twister (English) 667 Tongue twister (International) 668 Top UN climate scientist backs ambitious CO2 cuts [text] 669 Towards Nuclear Abolition 670 Transcript for _An Inconvenient Truth_ 671 Tsuda College 672 TVN: Hot Spots for Longer Life 673 TVN: Hot Spots for Longer Life (ABC version) 674 TVN: Women in America 675 21st Century History and English Project (Archive) 676 U.S. Department of State: Video 677 UN pays tribute to peacekeepers' work and sacrifices in world's hot spots 678 UNICEF promotes safe sanitation for World Water Day 2008 [text] 679 Universal Grammar Introduction 680 Using the NetBeans Debugger 681 Vancouver Olympic 2010 682 Video Games and the Uncanny Valley 683 Visions of Clarity - Advanced Visualization (2003) 684 Visual Analysis 685 Vital 686 VOA News. com Special English 687 Vocabulary Exercises for the Academic Word List 688 Voice of America 689 Wade Davis on endangered cultures 690 Wael Ghonim: Inside the Egyptian revolution 691 Water and Poverty: What's the Connection? 692 ways to russia: Russian Literature 693 Welsh Poet at Stanford Talks About Small Languages 694 What are human rights? 695 What is a Klein Bottle? 696 What is a Limit? Basic Idea of Limits 697 What is a Wiki?(Wikimania 2006) 698 What is TESOL? 699 What is Web 2.0? (Archive) 700 What Makes a Design Seem Intuitive? 701 What Will it Take to Achieve the Millennum Development Goals? 702 When Languages Die 703 Where did this come from?(Wikimania 2006) 704 Who By Fire 705 Why can't we grow new energy? 706 Why Critical Pedagogy 707 Why Do These Kids Love School? (1990) (Archive) 708 Why Do These Kids Love School?<Study Guide> 709 Wikimedia Foundation Fundraising 2007 710 Wikipedia is People(Wikimania 2006) 711 Wikis in Plain English 712 Willie Smits restores a rainforest 713 WOMAN BY WOMAN: New Hope for the Villages of India (Archive:2001) 714 WOMEN AND WATER : RESOURCES SUPPLY AND USE [text] (UNESCO) 715 Women and Water [text] 716 Women, Action & the Media 717 Woody Norris invents amazing things (TED) 718 Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language 719 World Bank's 2010 Environment Strategy Consultation 720 World Development Report 2010 721 World Water Day (UNICEF) 722 Yale University Class Day Speaker, President Bill Clinton 723 Young and Restless in China: Nine Stories [text] 724 Young Zimbabwean featured in 'Music by Prudence' champions disability rights 725 Yves Behar on designing objects that tell stories 726 アメリカ赤十字 727 アルコムワールド 728 ウォルターのロボット、亀のエルマーについて 729 ウォルターの亀について 730 エヴァリスト・ガロア 731 オバマ大統領一般教書演説 732 オンラインで使える日本語教材 733 オンライン英会話スクール比較サイト 734 ガウス 735 ガウス 736 グレース ホッパー のインタビュー 737 ゴガクル 738 ココネ 739 ジョン・ネイピア 740 スティーブ ジョブスの紹介 741 スペイン語学習サイト (BBC) 742 チョムスキーのスキナー批判 743 デザイニング ウェブ インタフェース 744 デスパレートな妻たち 745 ニールス・ヘンリック・アーベル 746 ニューイングランド調査報道センター 747 パティ・マースとプラナブ・ミストリによる SixthSense のデモ 748 バベッジの階差機関2号機 749 ハンスロスリング アジアの台頭 750 フィボナッチ数 751 フーリエ 752 ブリタニカ 753 マイケル・サンデル 754 みんなで使うエイゴ学習ザイ eigozai.com 755 ユークリッド 756 ヨーロッパの思想と文化 757 ライプニッツ 758 ライブモカ 759 リーマン 760 ルービックキューブ 761 レアジョブ 762 映画女優 Megan Fox インタビュー 763 英語 ことわざ集 764 英語ゲームサイト 765 英語の名言 766 英語伝 767 英語発音入門 768 英語発音入門 769 歌舞伎 770 海外ドラマ「ナンバーズ」 771 外国の数学教育 772 完全数 773 国際 HapMap 計画 774 国際法委員会 775 最初のコンピュータ 第2部 776 最初のコンピュータ 第一部 777 子供向け英語 778 自然の中の黄金比とフィボナッチ数列 779 実質 GDP 780 上智短期大学 English Podcast 781 人工知能に関するサイエンス記事 782 政治思想史入門 783 早稲田大学ジャーナリズム大学院 ウェブマガジン「Spork!」 784 東京 2.0 785 東京のラーメン 786 東京の観光 787 日本のコンピュータ産業 788 日本中国語検定協会ホームページ [中国語] 789 被爆者の声 790 分子・分母に根号を含む多項式の極限計算 791 友愛数 792 和食レシピ 793 1980 年代のスパコン 794 2004 年の Google 紹介
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