辞 典 ・ 事 典 百科事典 ジョンソン英語辞典 オックスフォード英語大辞典 ウェブスター英語辞典・ウースター英語辞典 センチュリ-英語辞典 古代中世に関する辞典(Old & Middle English 他) 英語語源辞典 その他英語辞典(イギリス英語、アメリカ英語 他) ラテン語辞典 フランス語辞典 イタリア語辞典 297 297 299 299 301 302 303 304 308 308 310 ギリシャ語辞典 ドイツ語辞典 ケルト語・アイルランド語・スコットランド語辞典 アジア・中東 中国語辞典 その他外国語辞典 地名辞典・人名辞典・固有名詞辞典 用語辞典 言語学辞典 ビブリオグラフィー 310 311 312 315 319 320 322 323 324 325 百科事典 2785 チェインバーズ百科事典 1726-1748 年 全 5 巻 革装 ¥315,000 Cyclopædia: or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Containing An Explanation of the Terms, and an Account of the Several Subjects, in the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, and the Sciences Human and Divine. In 4 volumes + 1 vol.(plates) London: Printed for J.F. and C. Rivington, etc, 1726-1748. Large folio.(43x28cm) Full-calf. 2colmns. With the Supplement and Modern Improvements, Incorporated in one Alphabet, by Abraham Rees. Vol.1 has frontispiece. Vol.5 (plates) containing the Addenda, Index, Arrangement of the Plates, and the Plates. Cover condition not fair: boards worn, some calfs chipped and missed, some spines short cracked, rubbed and partly faded. Top-edges darkened. Front e.p. of vol.2 parted off from binding. Title page of vol.3 and 4 just starting, vol.5's wrinkled. Inside, light soiled and chipped to both front and rear end-pages, though keeping clean. [aj559-300511] 2786 アーサー・ミー(編) アイ・シー・オール 復刻版 5 巻 クロース装 函 ¥78,750 I See All. The World's First Picture Encyclopedia with 100,000 Pictures of People, Places, and Things and an Atlas of Every Country in the World . In 5 vols. 名著普及会 1982. Edited by Arthur Mee. (復 刻版第 1 刷) Red cloth with design embossed at front boards, publisher's mark embossed at rear boards. Gilt titles. Slip case (Spine sl.sunned). Edges light soiled. 28x22cm. [d00267-300508] ジョンソン英語辞典 2787 ジョンソン英語辞典 初版 復刻版 1 巻 インディアン・ペーパー ¥31,500 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language. In which The Words are deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To Which Are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammer. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. 2 vols.in One. London: Times Books, 1979. Preface by Robert W. Burchfield. Edges sl.spotted. End papers & fly leaves sl.foxed & spotted. 39.5x25cm. [d00302-300543] 2788 ジョンソン英語辞典 初版 復刻版 1巻 ¥12,600 Johnson,SamuelA Dictionary of the English Language. [Yushodo Compact Series 1] Tokyo; Yushodo, 1983. Reprinted from the first edition(1755). Edges sl.foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Red ink underline to last page in preface. 26.6x19cm. [d00329-300571] 2789 ジョンソン英語辞典 4版 1773年 2巻 総革装 ¥420,000 A Dictionary of the English Language:In which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and 297 辞 典 ・ 事 典 Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. To which are Prefixed a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson. In 2 folio vols. London: Printed by W.Strahan, for W.Strahan, J.&F.Rivingston et al., 1773. Fourth edition, revised by the author. Full calf, ruled in gilt, gilt compartments between raised bands and gilt titles to spines. Colored edges. Portrait frontis. Boards and spine rubbed, somewhat chipped at edge, repaired. Margin of pages foxing. Ink handwritten copy from "Boswell's Life of Dr.Johnson" to flyleaf of vol.I. Pages "SIG", "SIL", "SIM", "SIN" of vol.II missing and supplemented with handwritten copies of the pages. Pages "UNC"(29L, 29M) of vol.II disorderly binding. [Vol.II:〈落丁〉4 葉・8 頁 手書き補完、〈乱丁〉4 葉・8 頁] Vol.I"COU"-"CRA"(10 pages) stained. Ink notation to margin of page "WAI" of vol.II. [The Last Edition published during Johnson's Lifetime.] 44x27.5cm. [d00328-300569] 2790 ジョンソン英語辞典 6 版 1785 年 2巻 総革装 ¥315,000 Johnson,SamuelA Dictionary of the English Language. In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammer. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. In 2 vols. London: Printed for J.F.and C.Rivington, L.Davis, T.Payne and Son, etc., 1785. The Sixth Edition. Full calf, gilt filleted raised bands with red and black leather labels to spines, gilt title to spines. Vol.I with a portrait frontis.of Johnson. Text in 2 column. Boards somewhat rubbed and pages foxing. Top edge of vol.I spotted. Ownership signature to front flyleaf of vol.I. A clipped paper (article about this book) pasted on rear e.p.of vol.II. 29x23.3cm. [d00312-300554] 2791 ジョンソン英語辞典 9版 1806 年 2巻 改装・背革装 ¥105,000 A Dictionay of the English Language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed a history of the language, and an English grammar. By Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. In 2 vols. London: Printed for J.Johnson et al., 1806. The ninth edition; corrected and revised. 4to. The quarto ninth edition (a four volume octavo 'ninth' edition was also published the previous year). Calf backed cloth, rebound with new e.ps. Margin of the portrait of Johnson (vol.1) partly stained. Ink notation to half title page of vol.2, sealed with a paper. Edges and pages of each vol.sl.spotted. 28.6x22.3cm. [d00152-300066] 2792 ジョンソン英語辞典 トッド編 1818 年 4 巻 3/4 革装 ¥210,000 A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals; and Illustrated in Their Different Significations, by Examples from the Best Writers: Together with a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson. In 4 vols. With Numerous Corrections, and with the Addition of Several Thousand Words as also with Additions to the History of the Language, and to the Grammar, by H.J.Todd. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown,... 1818. 3/4 calf with marbled boards, gilt title to spine, marbled edges. Repaired with new e.ps.and flyleaves. Text in 2 column. Boards somewhat worn and sl.rubbed at corners, and edges foxing. Extra 8pp.inserted (clipped articles about Dr.Johnson's letter to the Earl of Chesterfield, proposals for publishing Croft's Johnson Dictionary, etc.) to vol.I. Rear flyleaves to several pages of vol.II stained. 29x23.2cm. [d00315-300556] 2793 ジョンソン英語辞典 レイサム編 1882 年 2 巻・4 冊 ¥126,000 Vol.1, parts 1 & 2 のみ改装・クロース装 A Dictionay of the English Language by Robert Gordon Latham. Founded on that of Dr.Samuel Johnson as edited by the Rev.H.J.Todd. With numerous emendations and additions. 2 vols.in 4. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. et al., 1882. cxxxiii,568pp./ 569-1300pp./ 744pp./ 745-1436pp. Vol.1 are rebound with original spine. Vol.2 are original cloth, spines faded and worn at edge, boards somewhat rubbed, and joitns of e.ps.started. Edges of each vol.darkened and margin of pages foxing. ['Latham, although he based his dictionary on Todd's edition of Johnson, did a great deal of independent reading, especially of nineteenth-century authors, and thus secured many quotations, with references, for his dictionary. His work was drawn upon largely by later dictionary makers.' Latham's was the last revision of the Dictionary.] 29x23cm. [d00316-300557] 298 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2794 ジョンソン英語辞典 レイサム編 1866-70 年 2 巻・4 冊 3/4 革装 ¥157,500 A Dictionay of the English Language by Robert Gordon Latham. Founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson as edited by the Rev.H.J.Todd. With numerous emendations and additions. 2 vols.in 4. Longmans, Green, & Co. et al., 1866-70. Bound in red cloth (faded) with 3/4 morocco (sunned at spine, and partly stained to vol.1, no.1 & vol.2, no.1. Edges sl.rubbed.). All edges and e.ps.marbled. Flyleaves and half title page somewhat spotted and some pages light spotted. With 2 cards of "Presented to the Reu.Dr.Haslewood". 28.5x23cm. [d00227-300466] 2795 ジョンソン英語辞典(簡約版) 初版・覆刻版 2巻 背革装 ¥47,250 A Dictionary of the English Language:In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, Explained in their Different Meanings, and Authorized by the Names of the Writers in Whose Works they are Found. Abstracted from the folio edition by the author, Samuel Johnson. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1985. The reproduction in the original format, two volumes, 8vo, 1756, with a commentary by Yoshio Terasawa (in a separate volume). With a pamphlet by Yoshio Terasawa. Original preserved box (light stained). 解説書(「Johnson[簡約英語辞典』解説 寺澤芳雄)付. 函ヤケ、少々汚れ. 20.2x13cm. [d00268-300506] オックスフォード英語大辞典 2796 オックスフォード英語大辞典 2版 20巻 背革装 天金 ¥210,000 Maruzen 120th Anniversary Blue Morocco Edition. The Oxford English Ditionary. In 20 vols.1989.Second edition. Half calf. Dark red board. T.e.g. A label of "Maruzen 120th Anniversary Blue Morocco Edition" pasted on rear ep. in each vol. Influence of the label make a small spot in several pages (about 6 pages). Fore edge sl.foxed. Vol.V; A corner of front board sl.torn. Vol.IV, XII & XVIII; Some pages sl.foxed. Otherwise fine set. 31.2x23.7cm. [d00311-300553] ウェブスター英語辞典・ウースター英語辞典 2797 ウェブスター英語辞典 1828 年 初版 2巻 復刻版 ¥36,750 Webster,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language. With an Introduction by Mario Pei. In 2 vols. New York; Johnson Reprint Co. 1970. Dust wrapper of each vol.sl.torn and partly sunned and sl.chipped. 28.8x22.5cm. [d00137/d00169-300187] 2798 ウェブスター英語辞典 1828 年 初版 2巻 復刻版 ¥52,500 Webster,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language: Intended to exhibit, I.the origin…II.the genuine orthography…III.accurate and discriminating definitions…to which are prefixed, an introductory dissertation on the origin, history and connection of the languages of Western Asia and of Europe, and a concise grammar of the English Language. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd., 1976. Reprinted from the edition of S.Converse, New York, 1828. Half calf, marbled e.ps. Edges sl.foxing. 29x23.5cm. [d00226-300189] 2799 ウェブスター英語辞典 ロンドン版 [1857 年] 2 巻 背革装 ¥84,000 Webster,Noah Webster's Improved Dictionary of the English Language, Exhibiting the Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, & Definition of Words; Embracing All the Principal Terms Used in Literature, Science & Art, According to the Best Authorities; Revised & Enlarged by Professor C.A.Goodrich, A Dictionary of the English Language. Exhibiting the Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, and Definitions of Words. To Which are Added a Synopsis of Words Differently Pronounced by Different Orthoepists, and Walker's Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names (Vol.2; 541pp.-620pp.). Revised and Enlarged by Professor C.A.Goodrich. With the Addition of An Orthoëpic Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names (Vol.2; 621pp.-648pp.). Introductory Essay on the Philosophy of Language and General Grammar (Vol.2; 166pp.), by Sir John Stoddart. And A Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing (Vol.1; 299 辞 典 ・ 事 典 111pp.), by Henry Noel Humphreys, In 2 vols. Glasgow,Edinburgh,London; William Mackenzie, [1857.] A New Edition, Corrected, Improved, and Enlarged, by Thomas Heber, xxiii,613pp. (Plates; xix.) / 540pp. With a Portrait of Noah Webster. Half calf. Cloth partly torn. Margin of covers rubbed. Covers stained. Edges marbled, faded & foxed. Small pencil ownership signature & notations in front end paper, fly leaf. Joint of fly leaves started. Pages somewhat foxed. Some pages spotted. Vol.1; Upper part of spine cracked. Vol2; Small ink notation on front cover. 26.7x18.7cm. [d00307-300548] 2800 ウェブスター英語辞典 1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Webster,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language; Containing the whole vocabulary of the first edition in two volumes quarto; the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition in two volumes royal octavo; Revised and enlarged, by Chauncey A.Goodrich…Prepared under the direction of Noah Porter…A dictionary of 12,000 synonyms and antonyms, and a compendium of mercantile and legal terms. The flags of all nations in thir actual colors. Chicago: George M.Hill Co., n.d. (c.1890) and connection, of the languages of western Asia and Europe, with an explanation of the principles on which languages are formed. lxxxiv + pictorial illus.for Webster's dic.+1367pp.+ 15,000 synonyms + mercantile legal terms.Brown cloth, rubbed. Spine sunned, chipped and torn. Ex-library (南山大学図書館) stamp on title page. Joint of verso of title page and 'author's preface' cracked. All edges marbled (faded). 27.3x21cm. [d00160-300198] 2801 ウェブスター英語辞典 1909 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥21,000 Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language. Being the authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary, comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884 throughly revised and much enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter. W.T.Harris, editor in chief. Springfield: G.& C.Merriam Co./ Tokyo: Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha., 1909. With a voluminous appendix to which is now added a supplement of twenty-five thousand words and phrases. 8 plates, 1 frontis.+cvi,2011pp.+'supplement' 238pp. With thumb index. Full leather, rubbed and partly peeled. Marbled edges and e.ps. Spine rubbed and edges chipped. Plate ii- recto of frontis.and margin of page xxviii- xxxv ink stained. 31x23.7cm. [d00164-300199] 2802 ウェブスター英語辞典 1926 年 ロンドン版 1 巻 3/4革装 ¥21,000 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Based on the International Dictionary of 1890 & 1900. Now Completely Revised in All Departments. Including also a Dictionary of Geography and of Biography. Editor in chief: W.T.Harris. General editor: F.Sturges Allen. London: George Bell & Sons, 1926. cxi,2620pp. 3/4 calf, rubbed and partly peeled, with light brown cloth, rubbed at edge. Gilt lettered leather label and raised bands on spine (rubbed). With thumb index, edges sunned. Marbled e.ps. Ink notation to front flyleaf. 30.2x27cm. [d00165-300203] 2803 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 1 巻 インディアペーパー クロース装(改装) ¥52,500 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. An Entirely New Book. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A.Knott, General Editor. Paul W.Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield; G. & C. Merriam Co., 1938. India Paper. xcvi,3210pp. Gray cloth. Rebound. Gilt title label on spine. Spine foxed. T.e.g. Thumb index. Edges somewhat foxed. E.ps., Flyleaves & frontis. portrait page somewhat foxed. Page 3210 & last page wrinkled. Wrinkled & patly torn from page 3113 to 3120. Margin of several pages near the thumb index sl.torn. Page 2564 partly torn & repaired with cellophane tape. 31x23.5cm. [d00331-300573] 2804 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 1 巻 インディアペーパー総革装 ¥68,250 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. Springfield: G.& C.Merriam Co., 1947. India Paper. cxii,3210pp. A Merriam Webster. William Allan Nelson (ed.in chief), Thomas A.Knott (gen.ed.), Paul W.Carhart (managing ed.). Full dark brown leather. Covers & spine sl.rubbed at edges. Front hinge sl.chipped. Gilt title to front board and spine. With thumb index. Edges somewhat foxed. Marbled e.ps. Flyleaves & frontis. portrait page somewhat foxed. Last page wrinkled & partly torn. 31x23cm. [d00330-300572] 300 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2805 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 3巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. With Reffrence History. 3 vols. G. & C. Merriam Co., 1947. The spines somewhat faded & rubbed. Flyleaf of each volume sl. yellowed. [d00241-300208] 2806 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 1 巻 インディアペーパー総革装 ¥68,250 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. Springfield: G.& C.Merriam Co., 1949. India Paper. cxii,3210pp. A Merriam Webster. William Allan Nelson (ed.in chief), Thomas A.Knott (gen.ed.), Paul W.Carhart (managing ed.). Full dark brown leather, scars to boards and spine, and somewhat chipped at edges. Gilt title to front board and spine. Marbled e.ps. With thumb index. A presentation copy to Robert Burney Beete (of the class of 1949 of the Longmeadow Junior High School) for excellence in essay contest by the Longmeadow Men's Club Inc. Title page-xxiv pp.partly wrinkled. 31x23cm. [d00145-300209] 2807 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 2巻 クロース装 ¥68,250 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. An Entirely New Book. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. In 2 vols. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A.Knott, General Editor. Paul W.Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield; G. & C. Merriam Co., 1951. cxxxii,1622pp. /1623-3214pp. Brown cloth. Gilt title on front cover & spine. All edges marbled. With thumb index. Covers sl.stained & rubbed mainly at corners. Edges foxed. Pages somewhat foxed. Vol.2; Last page wrinkled. 31x23cm. [d00332-300574] 2808 ウェブスター活用英語百科辞典 1 巻 クロース装 ¥5,250 The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, with a Historical Sketch of the English Language by Mario Pei. The English-Language Instutute of America, 1971. xxx,1158pp.+192pp.(supplement) Ownership stamped on front flyleaf. a.e.g. Fore edge partly damaged. 24.5x19.5cm. [d00147-300224] 2809 N.ウェブスター 政治・文学・道徳 論文集 1843 年 総革装 ¥126,000 Webster,Noah A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral Subjects. New York: Webster & Clark, 1843. 4pp.+373pp. Full calf, rubbed, gilt title and gilt compartments with leather label to spine. e.ps.and margin of pages somewhat spotted. 23.5x15cm. [aj202-300228] 2810 ウェブスター辞書の系譜 早川 勇 (著) ペーパー装・非売品 ¥12,600 製作:辞游社 2004 年 (私学研修福祉会助成刊行物) x,164pp. [(序章) 本書の編集方針と構成. (第 1 章) ウェブスター辞書習作. (第 2 章) 大辞典の系譜. (第 3 章) 簡約辞典の系譜. (第 4 章) 傍系辞 書の系譜. (第 5 章) その他の中辞典と小辞典. (第 6 章) イギリスで出版されたウェブスター辞書. (第 7 章) ウェブスター辞書の海賊版. 附・ウェブスター辞書アルファベット順一覧 編纂者、著者、出版 者一覧 参考文献] 各辞書ごとに 書名、編纂者、背文字、巻数、サイズ、頁数、組体裁、装 丁、口絵、挿絵、内題、構成、語彙数、及び解説、版歴を記載 図版多数 29.7x21.5cm. [d00144-300229] 2811 J.ウースター英語辞典 1873 年 1巻 総革装 ¥63,000 Worcester,Joseph E. A Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Brewer and Tileston, 1873. lxviii,1786pp. Full calf, gilt filleted raised bands with black leather label to spine, gilt title to spine. Marbled edges and marbled e.ps. With a portrait frontis.of Worcester. Text in 3 column. Boards somewhat rubbed and pages sl.foxing. Ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps.rubbed and flyleaves sl.spotted. 29.5x23.5cm. [d00313-300230] センチュリ-英語辞典 2812 センチュリ-英語辞典 7巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Century Dictionary. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. In 7 vols. Prepared un301 辞 典 ・ 事 典 der superintendence of William Dwight Whitney. Revised and enlarged under the Superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith. 名著普及会 1980. Revised and Enlarged Edition. Reprinted from 1911 edition. Top edge red. Fore edges of each vol.sl.darkened. 30.6x23cm. [d00217-300243] 2813 センチュリー固有名詞事典 1 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥31,500 Smith, Benjamin E., A.M.,L.H.D. ed. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. A Pronouncing and Etymological Dictionary of Names in Geography, Biography, Mythology, History, Ethnology, Art, Archæology, Fiction, Etc., Etc., Etc. Tokyo; Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1984Revised and Enlarged. v,1085pp. With Supplement, A Chronogical Table of the Chief Events of History, Lists of Rulers, Genealogical Charts, A Chlonological Outline of European and American Literature. With slip case partly sunned. d.w. Its spine sunned. Top edge brown. Fore edge sl.foxed. 31.0x23.8cm. [d00305-300546] 古代中世に関する辞典 (Old & Middle English ほか) 2814 コンサイス中英語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Mayhew,A.L. & W.W.Skeat A Concise Dictionary of Middle English. From A.D.1150 to 1580. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1888. xv,272pp. Bound in red cloth, sunned at spine, sl.rubbed at edge. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ownership stamped on front flyleaf. Some pages spotted. Ex-libris. 19.7x13.6cm. [d00283-300524] 2815 (古英詩語彙辞典) 1 巻 ¥21,000 Grein,C.W.M. Sprachschatz der Angelsächsischen Dichter. Unveränderter Nachdruck der zweiten, unter Mitwirking von F.Holthausen von J.J.Köhler. [Germanische Bibliothek ‐ Zweite Reihe: Wörterbücher] Heidelberg; Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1974. neu herausgegeben Auflage. vi,897pp. Covers sl.stained. Spine sunned. Top edge foxed & spotted. The others somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. 23.7x16.0cm. [L03274-605118] 2816 Bosworth, Joseph ¥8,400 A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. London; Gibbings and Company, Limited. 1901. viii,278pp. Cover sl.rubbed & chipped. Spine sunned. Top edge gilt. Fore and bottom edges foxing. Both front & rear end papers cracked. Spotted from half title page to front fly leaf, rear fly leaf to rear end paper. [L02961-604620] 2817 Diamond,Robert E. ¥5,250 The Diction of the Anglo-Saxon Metrical Psalms. Janua Linguarum. Series Practica, X] The Hague; Mouton & Co., 1963. 59pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed. Top edge sl.stained & spotted. Recto of front end paper foxed. Spotted from verso of front end papers to verso of half title page. Foxed from page 56 to rear end paper. [L03057-604716] 2818 Bessinger,J.B. ¥6,300 A Short Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. In a Normalized Early West-Saxon Orthography. University of Tronto Press, 1965. Reprinted. xvii,87pp. Printed wrappers. Spine & top edge sunned. [L03044-604703] 2819 Gallée,J.H. ¥15,750 Vorstudien zu Einem Altniederdeutschen Wörterbuche. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1903. xxiv,645pp. Small stamp and ink description on title page. [L02638-604505] 2820 Schade,Oskar ¥31,500 Altdeutsches Wörterbuch. Easter Teil: A-O. Zweiter Teil: P-z. Zwiete Umgearbeitete und Vermehrte Auflage. 2vols. Heldesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969. cxv,671pp. 672-1446pp. 2 small stamps on title page of each vol. [L02643-604525] 2821 Schützeichel,Rudolf Althochdeutsche Wörterbuch. ¥5,250 Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1974. Zweite,durchgesehene und 302 辞 典 ・ 事 典 ergänzte Auflage. xxxvi,249pp. Spine sunned. Print of titles sl.scuffed. Edges somewhat foxed. Top edge spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. 22.4x14.8cm. [L03271-605115] 2822 Köbler,Gerhard Gotisches Wörterbuch. ¥21,000 E.J.Brill, 1989. xlvi,716pp. [L02658-604542] 2823 Schulze,Ernst ¥12,600 Gothisches Glossar. Mit einer Vorrede von Jakob Grimm. Hildesheim/ New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1971. Reprint of 1848 edition. xxii,454pp. Small black spot on cover. [L02657-604541] 2824 Abel,Carl Einleitung in Ein Aegyptisch-Semitisch-Indoeuropaeisches Wurzelwörterbuch. Verlag, 1969. Reprinted. x,393pp. + 120pp. [L02647-604528] ¥10,500 Sändig Reprint 2825 Skeat,Walter W., A.L.Mayhew ed. ¥15,750 A Glossary of Tudor and Stuart Words (1914). Especially from the Dramatists. Collected by Walter W. Skeat. Edited with additions by A.L.Mayhew. [Anglistica & Americana. A Series of Reprints Selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider and Marvin Spevack 4] Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. xviii,461pp. Near fine condition. [L03089-604753] 英語語源辞典 2826 スキナー英語語源辞典 サミュエル・モーランド旧蔵・書込み有 1671 年 総革装 ¥367,500 Etymologicon linguae anglicanae, seu explicatio vocum anglicarum etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex linguis duodecim; Anglo-Saxonica… Runica… Franco-Theotisca… Danica… Belgica… Teutonica recentiori… Cambro-Britanica… Franco-Gallica… Italica… Hispanica… Latina… Graeca… Authore Stephano Skinner. Londini: typis T.Roycroft & prostant venales apud H.Brome [et al.], 1671. First edition, folio, unpaged, and collating. Contemporary vellum panelled in blind, remains of crimson leather label, sprinkled edges. Front joint splitting at head, very good. Includes sections on botanical etymology, ancient names of English rivers and towns, and obsolete Anglican words. While the Etymologicon of Skinner "appears at first to represent a radical departure from the beaten paths of English lexicoraphy…there was a definite foreshadowing of the sort of work that Skinner published...It represents not something new under the sun of lexicography, but rather a convergence of significant influences…(Starnes & Noyes, pp.64-65). Holoyoke, Blount, Phillips and Minsheu had made earlier attempts at compiling English etymologies, but this work was issued at a time when Anglo-Saxon scholarship was being revived, and it had considerable influence over contemporary and later etymologists; and its comprehensiveness exceeded that of the earlier lexicographers. Indeed, the work was a major source for Johnson who acknowledges in his Preface his endebtedness to Skinner. 32x21cm. SAMUEL MORLAND'S COPY, with scattered scholary notes, one of which that to "Beard", is initialled, and the name completed in another early hand, presumably that of his son, also Samuel. Morland prepared an English-Latin dictionary which never appeared, although his son published, in 1723, in a pamphlet of 14 pages, "A Specimen of a dictionary English and Latin, compil'd by the late Mr.S.Morland F.R.S." As propos'd to be published'd by his son S.Morland F.R.S. His father's interest in the affairs of the Royal Society is reflected in a marginal note in the Prœfatio to Skinner's dictionary, observing that Thomas Henshaw "was offered to be made presidt.of ye Royal Society but refused bec.of some scruple abt.ye oath. Ye(?) Dr.Hally who told me this knew." The existence of this copy, together with the Specimen, serve to supply a small correction to Starnes' Renaissance Dictionaries English-Latin and Latin-English. In discussing Dr.Patrick's additions to the English-Latin part of the 1746 edition of Ainsworth's Thesaurus Starnes remarks that "many new phrases for this part he claims to have found in a manuscript compilation by Samuel Morland", to which he adds a footnote: "Dr.Patrick's reference seems to be to Sir Samuel Morland, first baronet (1625-1695)...If he compiled such a manuscript as Dr.Patrick describrs it has, regrettably, disappeared." (p.388-9). The elder Morland was elected to the Royal Society in 1704, and presumably died shortly before the publication of the Specimen. [d00037-300037] 303 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2827 トムソン 英語の語源 1826 年 背革装 ¥157,500 Thomson,John Etymons of English words. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd and Longman, Rees, [et al.], 1826. First edition. pp. [4], 27, [1] plus unpaginated lexicon in double column. 4to, recent quarter brown calf antique over linen sides; discard stamp on verso of title-p., small hole in last leaf affcting several letters; all else fine. Thomson's Etymons sets out "to trace the descent of English words; their affinity with the different dialects of Gothic spoken in Europe; and the connexion between our own and some other tongues both of Europe and Asia" (from the Preface). 29x23cm [300040] 2828 クライン語源辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Klein,Ernest A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Dealing with the origin of words and their sense development thus illustrating the history of civilization and culture by Dr. Ernest Klein. Unabridged, One-Volume Edition. Elsevier Scientific Pulblishing, 1971. xxv,844pp. Every word of the original two-volume library edition. Dust wrapper sl.torn at the edge. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. 29x20.5cm. [d00110-300176] 2829 W.M.モリス 語源辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥8,400 Morris,William & Mary Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins. In 2 vols. Harper & Row, 1962 & 1967. vii,376pp./ xii,297pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. 24x16.3cm. [d00113-300181] 2830 Folk-Etymology. 1 巻 ¥8,400 Palmer,A.Smythe Folk-Etymology. A Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or Words Perverted in Form or Meaning by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy. New York; Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1969. Originally published in 1883 by Henry Holt and Company. First Greenwood Reprinting. xxviii,664pp. Covers spotted. Spine spotted. Edges somewhat foxed. Top edge somewhat spotted. The others sl.spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 23.4x15.5cm. [L03347-605190] その他英語辞典 2831 英語類義語・語源・発音辞典 1 巻 総革装 ¥84,000 The Synonymous, Etymological, and Pronouncing English Dictionary; In Which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, Their Part of Speech Distinguished, Their Pronunciation, Pointed Out, and Their Synonyma Collected, which are Occasionally Illustrated in their Different Significations, by Examples from the Best Writers; Extracted from the Labours of the Late Dr. Samuel Johnson; Being an Attempt to Synonymise His Folio Dictionary of the English Language. To Which is prefixed an English Grammar. London: Printed for John Walker, Cuthell and Martin, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Ogilvy and Son et al., 1805. Full calf, a few scuffs and minor stained. Spine rubbed. Edges foxing. Joints of front and rear e.ps.amateur repaired. 24.5x15.6cm. [d00273-300515] 2832 A.バレール & C.リーランド スラング他英語辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon & Cant. Embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian Slang, Pidgin English, Gypsies' Jargon and Other Irregular Phraseology. 2 vols. Compiled and edited by Albert Barrère and Charles G.Leland. London: George Bell & Sons, 1897. Revised edition (first issued privately 1889). xix,500pp./ 415pp. Bound in green cloth and tan buckram. Title page printed in red and black. Spines darkened, boards sl.rubbed at edge, edges darkened. E.ps.of each vol. somewhat stained and joints started. E.p.of vol.1peeled at joint. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. 21.5x15.5cm. [d00318-300559] 2833 C.リチャ-ドソン英語辞典 1836-1837 年 2巻 総革装 ¥94,500 Richardson,Charles A New Dictionary of the English Language. In 2 vols. London: William Pickering, 1836 & 1837. First edition in book form. 71pp.+1183(1184)pp.+59pp./ 1185-2222(2223)99.+124pp. Full calf, raised bands and gilt titles to spines. Marbled edges and e.ps. Text in 3 column. Boards and spines of each vol.rubbed and chipped at corner, spines partly torn. Joint of each vol.cracked (vol.I at front flyleaf, vol.II at title page. 各巻表紙外れ). Pages partly stained (top 304 辞 典 ・ 事 典 and bottom edges of vol.I, and from front flyleaves to p.11 of vol.II). Front flyleaf and half title page of vol.I tron. 28x23cm. [d00329-300570] 2834 英語連語辞典 3 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Kjellmer,Göran A Dictionary of English Collocations. Based on the Brown Corpus. In 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Vol.1: xliii,724pp. Vol.2: 725 - 1486pp. Vol.3: 1487 - 2241. d.w. Near fine condition. 25.3x19.5cm. [d00296-300537] 2835 J.オウグルビィ & C.アナンデール編 インペリアル英語辞典 改訂版 1883 年 ¥94,500 4 巻 3/4 革装 Ogilvie,John / Annandale,Charles The Imperial Dictionary of The English Language. A Complete Encyclopedic Lexicon, Literary, Scientific,and Technological by John Ogilvie. New Edition, Carefully Revised and Greatly Augmented. Edited by Charles Annandale. With Above Three Thousand Illustrations Printed in the Text and a Series of Engraved and Coloured Plates. 4 vols. London et al.: Blackie & Son, 1898. xvii,753pp.+plates+'description of the plates'(4pp.+6pp.) / 743pp.+plates+'description of the plates'(5pp.+7pp.) / 854pp.+plates+'description of the plates'(7pp.+11pp.) / 746pp.+plates+'description of the plates'(9pp.+3pp.) 3/4 morocco with leather boards, gilt filleted raised bands and gilt title to spine, marbled edges. Text in 3 column. Boards somewhat rubbed at corners and edges foxing. Top and bottom corners of flyleaves of each vol.browning. 2 small ink notations to fore edges of vols.I & II. Light stained to front board of vol.III. Ownership signature to front flyleaf of vol.I. 28x19.5cm. センチュリー英語辞典の種本 [d00314-300555] 2836 オックスフォード イディオム辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Cowie,A.P., R.Mackin & I.R.McCaig Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Vol.1: Verbs with Prepositions & Particles. Vol.2: Phrase, Clause & Sentence Idioms. Oxford UP., 1975, 1983. First published. lxxxi,396pp./ lxiii,685pp. A clipped paper pasted on rear paste-down to vol.2. [L01126-600740] 2837 Room's Dictionary of Distinguishables. (類義語辞典) 1 巻 ¥3,360 Room,Adrian Room's Dictionary of Distinguishables. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. First published. 132pp. [L01182-602885] 2838 バーンスタイン 英語逆引き辞典 1 巻 ¥3,360 Bernstein,Theodore M. Bernstein's Reverse Dictionary. 2nd Edition. Revised and Expanded by David Grambs. Times Book, 1988. xi,351pp. d.w. [L01193-600311] 2839 外来語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Erlich,Eugene ed. The Harper Dictionary of Foreign Terms. Third Edition. Revised and edited by Eugene Ehrlich. Based on the Original Edition Compiled by C.O.Sylvester Mawson. Harper & Row, 1987. xviii,423pp. d.w. [L00631-600929] 2840 英語廃語辞典 1 巻 ¥3,360 Grambs,David The Endangered English Dictionary. Bodacious Words Your Dictionary Forgot. New York, London: W.W.Norton & Co., 1994. First edition. xiv,264pp. d.w. [L00968-601221] 2841 英語文体辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Reum,Albrecht A Dictionary of English Style. Published with the Cooperation of A.H.J.Knight, Trinity College, Cambridge. 名著普及会 1984. 復刻版 Originally published by Verlagsbuchhandlung J.J.Weber, Leipzig, 1931. viii,771pp. Slip case sunned. 附「活用の手引き」 (11pp.) [L02920/L01683-602831] 2842 英語文体辞典 1 巻 復刻版 ¥10,500 Reum,Albrecht A Dictionary of English Style. Published with the Cooperation of A.H.J.Knight, Trinity College, Cambridge. 名著普及会 1985. 復刻版 Originally published by Verlagsbuchhandlung J.J.Weber, Leipzig, 1931. viii,771pp. With slip case partly sunned. Its margin sl.chipped. Spine of covers sunned. 附「活用の手引き」欠 26.3x19.0cm. [d00303-300544] 305 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2843 イラストレイティッド・ロンドン・ニュース刊 スペリング・ブック ¥15,750 1850 年 手彩色図版多数 クロース装 The Illustrated London Spelling Book. London: Published at the Office of the Illustrated London News, 1850. 140pp. Red cloth, gilt emblem with blind motif on front board and blind motif on rear board, partly darkened. With numerous hand colored illus. Joints of e.ps.cracked and repaired with tapes, and joint of p.4 started. Ink notation to front e.ps. 21x13.7cm. [aj201-300155] 2844 オーストラリア口語英語辞典 1 巻 ¥3,360 Wilkes,G.A. A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms. London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. First published in Great Britain. xii,370pp. d.w. [L01029-603687] 2845 Finkenstaedt,Thomas, Ernst Leisi & Dieter Wolff ¥31,500 A Chronological English Dictionary. Listing 80 000 Words in Order of their Earliest Known Occurrence. Heidelberg; Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1970. xvi,1395pp. Covers sl.stained. Spine darkened. Top edge foxed & spotted. The others sl.foxed & spotted. E.ps., flyleaves & page 1394,1395 sl.spotted. 23.7x16.0cm. [L03275-605119] 2846 Hudson,Kenneth ¥5,250 The Dictionary of Diseased English. The Mcmillan Press Ltd., 1977. First published. xxviii,267pp. d.w. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. Eps sl.foxed. Flyleaves partly & sl.foxed. Pages sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 22.2x14.5cm. [L03191-605034] 2847 Lazarus,Arnold/ Andrew MacLeish/ H.Wendell Smith Modern English. A Glossary of Literature and Language. 462pp. d.w. sl.stained. [L02617-604477] ¥5,250 New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1971. 2848 Saussy III,George Stone ¥3,360 The Oxter English Dictionary. Uncommon Words Used by Uncommonly Good Writers. New York & Bicester: Facts on File, 1984. xii,277pp. Small stamped on title page. Ink noation to several pages. [L01219-602984] 2849 Annandale, Charles ¥15,750 The New Gresham Dictionary of the English Language. With Supplement by William Keith Leask, J.R.Ainsworth-Davis & John Dougall: also Sundry Useful Addenda. The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd. 1925xi,947pp. Cloth. Half calf. Margin of covers rubbed. All edges marbled & foxed. End papers foxed. Almost all pages somewhat scatter spotted. 23.6x17cm. [d00297-300538] イギリス方言辞典 2850 J.ライト(編) 英国方言辞典 6巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or knowm to have been in use during the last two hundred years. Founded on the Publications of the English Dialect Society and on a Large Amount of Material Never Before Printed. In 6 vols. Oxford UP, 1981. Reprinted photographically in Japan. Vol.1:A-C Vol.2: D-G Vol.3: H-L Vol.4:M-Q Vol.5: R-S Vol.6: T-Z. Bounud in blue gray cloth. Light stained to spine of vols.1, 2, & 6. Top edge sl.darkened. 2columns. (Vol.1 has some 3columns pages, Vol.6 has some 4columns pages.) 26.5x19.7cm. [d00291-300532] 2851 J.ライト(編) 英国方言辞典 6巻 クロース装 ¥99,750 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or knowm to have been in use during the last two hundred years. In 6 vols. Oxford UP, 1986. Vol.1:A-C Vol.2: D-G Vol.3: H-L Vol.4:M-Q Vol.5: R-S Vol.6: T-Z. Dark purple boards with gilt titles on spines, dustwrappers. 2columns. (Vol.1 has some 3columns pages, Vol.6 has some 4columns pages.) d.w. 26.7x19.5cm. [d00198-300159] 306 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2852 J.ライト(編) 英国方言辞典 千城版 1898-1905年 6巻 背革装 ¥105,000 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary,being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years. In 6 vols. (London: Published by Henry Frowde, Amen Corner, E.C. 1898-1905.) Reproduced by Senjo Publishing. Vol.1:A-C Vol.2: D-G Vol.3: H-L Vol.4:M-Q Vol.5: R-S Vol.6: T-Z. Dark purple boards with gilt titles on spines, dustwrappers. 2columns. (Vol.1 has some 3columns pages, Vol.6 has some 4columns pages.)With preserved box. [300162] 2853 イースト・アングリア語彙集 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 Forby,Robert The Vocabulary of East Anglia. Originally Published in 1830 (F.B.Nichols and Son, London). In 2 vols. Devon: David & Charles Reprints, 1970. xlvii,125pp./ 126-435pp. Dust wrappers of each vol.partly stained and sl.rubbed st edge. Edges sl.spotted. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. 20.3x14cm. [d00317-300558] アメリカ英語辞典 2854 M.マシューズ米語辞典 1 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,000 Mathews,Mitford M. ed. A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles. Tokyo; Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1985. 復刻版. First Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1951. xvi,1946pp. With slip case partly sunned. d.w. Its spine somewhat stained. Top edge partly spotted. Fore & lower edges sl.stained. 28.0x22.0cm. [d00304-300545] 2855 アメリカ方言辞典 1巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥15,750 Wentworth,Harold American Dialect Dictionary 名著普及会 1981. Reprinted. xv,747pp. Originally published in U.S.A., 1944. With slip case. [d00195-300258] 2856 Meyer,George A. ¥8,400 The Two-Word Verb. A Dictionary of the Verb-Preposition Phrases in American English. [Janua Linguarum Studia Memoriae Nicolaivan Wijk Dedicata. Series Didactica,19] Mouton, 1975. 269pp. Some scattered foxing on tp verso. [L01573-602299] 2857 Meyer,George A. ¥8,400 The Two-Word Verb. A Dictionary of the Verb-Preposition Phrases in American English. [Janua Linguarum Studia Memoriae Nicolaivan Wijk Dedicata. Series Didactica,19] Mouton, 1975. 269pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L02551-604376] 英語俗語辞典 2858 ファーマー&ヘンリイ俗語辞典 7巻 復刻版 ¥68,250 Slang and Its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of all Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. In 7 vols. Senjo edition, reprinted from the edition of 1890-1903. Compiled and Edited by John S.Farmer & W.E.Henley. 函(背焼け及び部分破れ) [300261] 2859 Hendrickson,Robert ¥4,200 Whistlin' Dixie. A Dictionary of Southern Expressions. [Facts On File Dictionary of American Regional Expressions, vol.1] New York: Facts On File, 1993. xxxi,251pp. d.w. [L01185-601425] 2860 Ware,J.Redding ¥5,250 Passing English of the Victorian Era. A Dictionary of Heterodox English, Slang, and Phrase. Wakefield: EP Publishing, 1972. Republished (first published in London by George Routledge & Sons, 1909). viii,271pp. Dust wrapper sunned. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ink ownership signature to front e.p. [L02255-603584] 307 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2861 Wentworth,Harold / Flexner,Stuart Berg (comp.) Dictionary of American Slang. With a Supplement. xviii,718pp. d.w. [L02578-603653] ¥5,250 New York: Thomas Y.Crowell Co., 1967. ラテン語辞典 2862 ファアショラーティ & フォアシェリーニ ラテン語辞典 最良版 ¥399,000 1828 年 2 巻・3 冊 総革装 Totius Latinitatis lexicon. Consilio et cura Jacobi Facciolati opera et studio Ægidii Forcellini…The universal Latin lexicon…a new edition….by James Bailey.2 vols. In 3. London Baldwin and Cradock: William Pickering,1828. Best edition (first published in 1771); large 4to, portrait frontispiece, text in triple column; full contemporary calf neatly rebacked; a very good, sound and handsome copy. Facciolati (1682-1769) and Forcellini (1688-1768) were both philologists and lexicographers at Padua, the latter being the student and later the collaborator of the former. Their editorial work on the 1719 Calepino convinced them of the need for a totally new work. Forcellini spent 40 years reading all of the classical Latin writers. He also studied inscriptions, coins, and medals. The resulting vocabulary is enormous, and proved to be the basis for all subsequent works of the king. "Best edition of this classical and unrivalled performance. In it the Latin has been rendered into English; the Paduan supplement incorporated, and upwards of 20,000 words introduced by the learned editor. In the appendices will be found Tursellinus on the Particles of the Latin language, Gerrard's Siglarium Romanun, and Gesner's etymological index" (Lowndes). Ebert 7788: "A greatly prized work." [300030] 2863 ギリシャ-ラテン ラテン-ギリシャ語辞典 1 巻 総革装 ¥47,250 Lexicon Manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum: Studio Atque Opera Josephi Hill, Joannis Entick, Gulielmi Bowyer, Nec Non Thomae Browne, Vocabulorum Undecim Quasi Millibus Auctum; et Insuper Quoque ad Calcem Adjectae Sunt Sententiae Graeco-Latinae, quibus Omnia Gr.Ling.Primitiva Comprehenduntur. Item Tractatus Duo: Alter de Resolutione Verborum, de Articulus Alter: Uterque Perutilis, et Aeque Desideratus. Londini: Sumptibus J.Johnson; W.J.& J.Richardson; R.Baldwin et al., 1805. viii,680pp.(Graeco-Latinum)+ 176pp.(Latino-Graecum) Full calf, sl.stained and partly torn at spine. Edges foxing. E.ps.damp stained. Small worm hole to margin of pages. 21.7x13.7cm. [d00272-300514] 2864 ラテン語-フランス語辞典 1 巻 ¥25,200 Quicherat,L./ Daveluy,A. Dictionnaire Latin - Français. Rédigé sur un nouveau plan. Avec un Vocabulaire des noms géographiques, mythologiques et historiques par L.Quicherat. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1872. Vingt-sixième tirage. xii,1292pp.,viii,176pp. Covers and spine sunned and stained. [ds1119-602761] フランス語辞典 2865 スピア&クヮッケンボス スピア&スレネ 仏英発音辞典 ¥84,000 1872 年 2巻・合本1冊 背革装 Spiers and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias, Etc. and from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary.…Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1872. xxii,666pp. [with] Spiers and Surenne's English and French Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc and from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary. …Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, 308 辞 典 ・ 事 典 Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1872. iv,650pp. 2 vols.in One. Half morocco with brown cloth sl. rubbed at edges, gilt title to spine rubbed. All edges red. Sunned. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf by R.Yatabe (開成学校教授:矢田部良吉博士). 29x23cm. [aj208-300087] 2866 N.ワノストロヒト 仏・英辞典 1783 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥29,400 A Classical Vocabulary, French and English; To which is Added, a Collection of Letters, Familiar and Commercial, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. in Both Languages. By N.Wanostrocht. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by J.Boosey, 1783. 217pp. Full calf, joints starting to crack. 背文字なし 18x11cm. [d00076-300088] 2867 A.ポーニィ 仏・英書簡模範集 1782 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥29,400 Models of Letters in French and English, Containing a Collection of Familiar Letters and Notes, with Their Answers, on a Variety of Subjects-2dly. Several Letters, both Elegant and Entertaining, Extracted from the most Celebrated Epistolary Writers-3dly. Introductory Remarks on the Commercial Style, with Various Specimens of Letters, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. Relative to the Mercantile Business. The Whole Designed for the Instruction and Improvement of such Young Gentlemen and Ladies as are Particularly Desirous of Acquiring the True Style and Exact Manner of French Epistolary Correspondence. By Mr.Porny. London: Printed for C.Nourse and G.Robinson, 1782. The second edition, improved. To which are Annexed Accurate Directions with Regard to the Proper form of Writing to Superiors, Equals, and Inferiors. xii,321pp. Full calf, with clear prastic wrapper. Stamped on front flyleaf. Small hole in several pages. 背文字なし・背部分欠 17.4x11cm. [d00077-300089] 2868 仏伊・伊仏辞典 2 巻 背革装 ¥15,750 Grand Dictionnaire Français-Italien et Italien-Français. Étymologique, Historique et Géographique Rédigé D'aprés les Ouvrages et les Travaux les Plus Récents Avec la Pronounciation dans les Deux Langues Ouvrage Entiérement Refondu et Mis A Jour par Arturo Angeli. In 2 vols. Paris: Librairie Garnier Freres, 1921. xii,979pp. x,1138pp. Decorative gilt leather spine with sl.edge rubbing, dark green cloth goards. Sl.foxing to edges. 小林英夫旧蔵 27.8x18cm. [d00236-300474] 2869 アルバート・バーテル 「現代 英・仏・独 会話」 ¥31,500 1 巻 六合館 1888 年 1巻 クロース装 The Modern Linguist, or Conversations in English, French, and German; Preceded by Rules for the Pronunciation of German, a Copious Vocabulary, and a Selection of Familiar Phrases; and Followed by Models of Receipts, Bills of Exchange, Letters, Notes, Tables of the English, French and German Coins, and of English and French Weights and Measures. Tokio & Osaka: Rikugokwan(六合 館), 1888. xii,170pp. Bound in brown cloth, stained. All edge red. Many pages somewhat stained but text good. Two small ownership stamps on p.1. Joint of title page somewhat damaged. 16x12.7cm. [aj231-300485] 2870 フランス語-プロヴァンス語辞典 2 巻 ¥31,500 Achard,Claude-François Vocabulaire Français-Provençal. I. II. 2vols. Geneve-Paris: Slatkine Reprints. 1983. xviii,732pp. vii,654pp. Reprint of 1785 edition. (Dictionanaire de la Provence et du Comté-Venaissin, Dédié A Monseigneur le Maréchal Prince de Beauvau. Par une Société de Gens de Lettres. ). 2 Small stamps on half title page and title page of each vol. [L02672-604560] 2871 カナダ語-フランス語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Clapin,Sylva Dictionnaire Canadien Français. ou Lexique-Glossaire des Mots, Expressions et Locutions ne se Trouvant pas dans les Dictionnaires Courants et dont l'Usage Appartient Surtout aux Canadiens-français. Avec de Nombreuses Citations Ayant pour but d'Établir les Rapports Existant avec le Vieux Français, l'Ancien et le Nouveau Patois Normand et Saintongeais, l'Anglais et les Dialectes des Premiers Aborigènes. Montréal: C.O.Beauchemin & Fils / Boston: Sylva Clapin, n.d. (c.1894) xlvi,388pp. Burgundy cloth, gitl title to front board and spine. Ex-library (東京帝国大学附属図書館) 309 辞 典 ・ 事 典 with labels to spine and stamps on verso of title page. Boards rubbed at edge and page foxing. Ink notation to title page. Some pages light stained. 22.2x15.7cm. [d00325-300566] 2872 Jaubert,M.le Comte ¥31,500 Glossaire Centre de la France. Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie Centrales de Napoléon Chaiz et Cie, 1864. Deuxième édition. xiv,732pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned and sl.spotted. Spine damaged. Edges and pages foxing. Several pages damp stained. [and] Supplément au Glossaire Centre de la France. Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie Centrales des Chemins de Fer, A.Chaix et Cie, 1869. 159pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned and sl.spotted. Edges and pages foxing. Several pages sl.damp stained and joints started. 28.2x23cm. [L02308-601626] 2873 Juilland,Alphonse / Brodin,Dorothy / Davidovitch,Catherine ¥25,200 Frequency Dictionary of French Words. With the Collaboration of Mary Ann Ignatius, Ileana Juilland, Lilian Szklarczyk. [The Romance Languages and their Structures. First Series F1] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. lxxv,503pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned and partly chipped. Small signature to front flyleaf by former owner. (Keizaburo Maruyama) 27.5x20.3cm. [ds1154-601717] 2874 Rey,Alain (sous la direction de) ¥12,600 Dictionnaire Historique de la Langue Française. 2 vols. Paris: Dictionnaires le Robert, 1992. xxi,1156pp./ 1158-2383pp. d.w. With a slip case. [L02307-602835] イタリア語辞典 2875 G.バレッティ 伊英・英伊辞典 1828 年 2 巻 総革装 ¥84,000 Dizionario Italiano, Ed Inglese (Vol.1) An English and Italian Dictionary (Vol.2). By Joseph Baretti. Prima edizione livornese, diligentemente ordinata, e corretta, ed accresciuta, d'una gran quantità di vocaboli, e d'un'appendice contenente i nomi propri degli uomini e delle donne, ed I principali nomi geografici; e d'una grammatica che faciliterà molto l'intelligenza, e la pronunzia, il parlare, e lo scrivere correttamente. Tomo I.& II. 2 vols. Livorno: G.P.Pozzolini, 1828 & 1829. Two quarto volumes: 36,532pp.; 32,564pp. The grammar sections are printed in double columns and the dictionaries in triple columns. Title-page for Volume 2 is in English (English and Italian Dictionary…The First Edition). Contemporary mottled calf, gilt-stamped spine title, all edges speckled blue. Bindings are slightly edgeworn, sunned at spines, with shallow loss at crowns. Joints of Vol.1 are just starting. Mostly light foxing through text, through occasionally it is a bit heavier, but a solid and very good set overall. 29x22.5cm. [d00061-300029] 2876 G.バレッティ イタリア語辞典 1798 年 革装 ¥105,000 Baretti's Italian Dictionary. [Dizionario Delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese: Al Quale E' Preposta Una Grammatica Delle Due Lingue. Nuova Edizione, Corretta e Migliorata, Da F. Damiani. ] [A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages: To Which is Prefixed, An Italian and Engilsh Grammar. A New Edition, Corrected and Improved by F. Damiani. ] 2 volumes in 1. Londra(London): Preffo i sigg. B. Law: etc, 1898. 4to.(27x21cm) Full-leather, decorative old-style spine. Most pages in 3 colmns. Cover worn, light soiled, otherwise very good. [aj552-300510] ギリシャ語辞典 2877 ギリシャ語語源辞典 (Band II のみ) ¥10,080 Frisk,Hjalmar Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Band II: Kρ-Ω. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. II.Reihe: Wörterbucher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1973. Zweite, unveränderte Auflage. 1154pp. The spine stained. [ds0928-601109] 2878 ギリシャ語辞典 2 巻・4 冊 ¥42,000 Passow,Franz Handwörterbuch der Griechischen Sprache. Neu Bearbeitet und Zeitgemäß umgestaltet von Val.Chr.Fr.Rost und Friedrich Palm (vols.I-II), Otto Kreussler und Fred.Peter (vol.II). 2 310 辞 典 ・ 事 典 vols.in 4 books. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1970. (Reprint of the 5th ed., Leipzig, 1841-1857.) xii,754pp./ 756-1884pp./ 1313pp./ 1316-2649pp. Bound in white linen cloth. Spine sunned, faded and small plastic tape pasted. Top edge spotted and bottom edge sl.darkened. E.ps.light spotted. 22.5x16cm. [ds1408-604779] 2879 ドイツ語-ギリシャ語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Schenkl,Karl Deutsch-Griechisches Schul-Wörterbuch. Fübfte,teilweise gekürzte Auflage. [Griechisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Griechisches Schul-Wörterbuch. II] Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von B.G.Teubner, 1897. viii,1076pp. 1/2 calf sl.faded. [L02676-604564] ドイツ語辞典 2880 (独)グリム・ドイツ語大辞典 全33巻 ペーパー装・函 ¥68,250 Grimm,Jacob & Wilhelm Deutsche Worterbuch In 33 vols. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984. Reprinted from 1854 edition published by Leipzig: Verlag von S.Hirzel. Edges of each vol.somewhat spotted. With 2 cardboard cases. [d00149-300296] 2881 (独)ザンダース・ドイツ語辞典 4巻 復刻版 背革装 ¥47,250 Sanders,Daniel Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Von Dr.Daniel Sanders. [with] Ergänzungs=Wörterbuch der der Deutschen Sprache. Dervollftändigung und Erweiterung aller bisher erschienenen deutsch=sprachlichen Wörterbücher (einschliesslich des Grimm'schen). Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. In 4 vols. Tokyo: Sansyusya Verlag (三修社), 1968. Reprinted from the edition 1876, Lipzig: Berlag von Otto Wigand, zweiter unveränderter Abdruck and 1885, Berlin: Ubenheim'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Ergänzungs=Wörterbuch…). viii,1065pp.+ 825pp.+ 826-1828pp.+ 691pp. Half calf with green cloth. With slip cases (sl.torn at edges). A corner of p.1063 of vol.1 sl.folded. Top edge of each vol.sl.spotted. 28x23cm. [d00153-300300] 2882 (独)ドイツ学事典 2巻 クロース装 ¥16,800 Hofstetter,Walter & Ulrich Peters eds. Sachwörterbuch der Deutschkunde. Unter Förderung durch die Deutsche Akademie. Band I: A-J. / Band II: K-Z. Anhang: Namen- und Sachverzeichnis.Herausgegeben von Walter Hofstetter & Ulrich Peters. Tokyo: Sansyusya Publishing Co., 1976. 2 vols. Reprinted. (The original version was published in Leipzig and Berlin: Verlag und Druck von B.G.Teubner, 1930) viii,604pp. / viii,606-1287pp. / (Anhang) 44pp. With slip cases. [ds0606-300306] 2883 (独)ドイツ語辞典 2 巻 復刻版 背革装 ¥31,500 Weigand,Fr.L.K. Deutsche Worterbuch von Fr. L.K.Weigand. Fünfte Auflage in der neusten für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz gültigen amtlichen Rechtschreibung. Nach des Verfassers Tode vollständig neu bearbeitet von Karl von Bahder, Herman Hirt, Karl Kant. Herausgegeben von Herman Hirt. Easter Band: A bis K. Zweiter Band: L bis Z. In 2 vols. 三修社 1968. xxiii, 1184pp. 1362pp. (Spalten). (Reprinted from the edition of Alfred Töpelmann, 1909. 1910.). Text in German. Some spotting to edges. Spine somewhat rubbed. With slip case(sl. Sunned & torn). 26.2x18.2cm. [d00234-300472] 2884 (独)ドイツことわざ風慣用句辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Röhrich,Lutz Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten. Mit ca.300 Abbildungen. In 2 vols. Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 1974. Dritte auflage. 623pp./ 629-1255pp. Bound in white linen, d.w. With b/w illus. Text in 2 column. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed and sl.chipped. Spine sunned. Edges spotted. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. 24.6x16.2cm. [d00326-300567] 2885 英語-ドイツ語辞典 3 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Schröer,M.M.Arnold & P.L.Jaeger Englisches Handwörterbuch. in genetischer Darstellung auf Grund der Etymologien und Bedeutungsentwicklungen, mit phonetischer Aussprachebezeichnung und Berücksichtigung des Amerikanischen und der Eigennamen. In 3 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1937, 1960 &. 1970. xvi,720pp./ 721-1360pp./1361-2066pp. Blue cloth, gilt title to 311 辞 典 ・ 事 典 spine. Text in 2 column. Edges and pages foxing. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. Pencil notations to text of I Band. 24.4x17.8cm. [d00327-300568] 2886 W.ジェームズ 英-独辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥8,400 James,William Dictionary of the English and German Languages. German-English and English-German in One Volume. New York: The Macmillan Co., n.d. Forty-First Edition, Entirely Rewritten and Greatly Enlarged. xii,532pp.+592pp. Covered with a plastic wrapper. Somewhat sunned. Stamped on front flyleaf (and former owner's ink signature) and bottom edge. All edges marbled (faded). 19.7x14cm. [d00093-300308] 2887 獨和他國字書大全 1902 年 金原書店 1 巻 第参版 背革装 ¥21,000 Vollständigstes Deutsch - Japanisches Fremdwörterbuch. Nebst dem Anhang der Lateinischen Grammatik. Bearbeitet von Sh.Onda. Tokio: Verlag von T.Kanehara, 1902. Dritte auflage. (序 文)+1034pp. Marbled boards (rubbed) backed in calf (rubbed and chipped), gilt title, gilt illus.of tigar with blind embossed motifs to spine. Edges marbled and sunned. Stamped on title page and ownership stamped on p.1034. 岩崎克己旧蔵 23x16.2cm. [d00270-300512] 2888 Agricola,Erhard, Wolfgang Fleischer & Helmut Protze hrsg. ¥8,400 Die Deutsche Sprache. Herausgegeben von Erhard Agricola, Wolfgang Fleischer und Helmut Protze unter Mitwirkung von Wolfgang Ebert. [Kleine Enzyklopädie] 2 vols. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1969-1970. 1. Auflage. 613pp. / 640-1174pp.+20.Tafel+3.Falttafel. Spines and all edges of each vol.sunned. 図版 [ds1352-603812] 2889 Buurman,Otto ¥75,600 Hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch. Auf der Grundlage ostfriesischer Mundart. 12 vols. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1962-1975. xviii,959pp./ 974pp./ 952pp./ 960pp./ 908pp./ 956pp./ 954pp./ 962pp./ 948pp./ 976pp./ 854pp./ 368pp. 971-974pp.of 'band 10' are blank, and the margin of its cover sl.stained. [ds0955-600002] 2890 Heyne,M. ¥31,500 Deutsches Wörterbuch. I: A-G. Mit einer Einführung und Bibliographie von Gerhard Wahrig. II: H-Q. III: R-Z. Dodaumenta Linguistica. Quellen zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Erich Schmitt. Reihe III. Wörterbücher der 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von Hans Peter Althaus. Hildeshein,New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970. x,1282pp. 1238pp. Xxvi,1463pp. [L02662-604551] 2891 外来語辞典 1 巻 ¥5,250 Kienle,Richard von Fremdwörter Lexikon. München: Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, n.d. 511pp. d.w. [L02633-604489] ケルト語・アイルランド語・スコットランド語辞典 2892 古ケルト語辞典 3 巻 クロース装 ¥78,750 Alt-Celtischer Sprachschatz. In 3 vols. Graz: Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1961. Red underlined to several pages of vol.I. 24.7x17.8cm. [d00131-300480] 2893 古代ゴール語の方言 4 巻 製本済 クロース装 ¥25,200 Whatmough,Joshua The Dialects of Ancient Gaul. Prolegomena and Records of the Dialects. In 4 vols. Harvard UP., 1970All Texts in 4 vols. bound are xeroxed print. [300481] 2894 ゲール語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥21,000 Dónaill,Niall Ó; a chuir in eagar Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla. Eagarthóir Comhairleach: Tomás de Bhaldraithe. tSoláthair; Baile Átha Cliath, 1977. xii,1309pp. d.w. Edges sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. 24.2x16.0cm. [L03425-605269] 312 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2895 N.マカルピン ゲール語-英語発音辞典 1 巻 クロース装 ¥10,500 MacAlpine,Neil comp. Pronouncing Gaelic-English Dictionary. Glasgow: Gairm Publications, 1975. vi,281pp. Formerly published as Part 1 of MacAlpine's Pronouncing Gaelic Dictionary. d.w. 22.5x14.5cm. [d00096-300140] 2896 ゲール語辞典 (ゲール語-英語・英語-ゲール語) 1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 MacLeod,Norman & Daniel Dewar A Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, in Two Parts, I. Gaelic and English. II. English and Gaelic. First Part Comprising A Comprehensive Vocabulary of Gaelic Words, With Their Different Significations in English and the Second Part Comprising a Vocabulary of English Words, With Their Various Meanings in Gaelic. London: Henry G.Bohn, 1845. vii,1005pp. Bound in dark green cloth, blind embossed to boards. Gilt title to spine. Fore edge untrimed. Boards sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxing. Ex-libris.to front e.p. (Sigillum Coulthart). Some pages sl.sspotted. 23.5x15cm. [d00320-300561] 2897 ケルト語-ドイツ語辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Obermüller,Wilhelm Deutsch - Keltisches, Geschichtlich - Geographisches Wörterbuch. Zur Erklärung der Fluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Völker- und Personen-Namen Europas, West-Asiens und Nord-Afrikas im allgemeinen wie insbesondere Deutschlands nebst den daraus sich ergebenden Folgerungen für die Urgeschichte der Menschheit. In 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Dr.Martin Sändig, 1979. 2.unveräbderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1868. xviii,572pp./ 1049pp. Light blue cloth, gilt title to front board and spine. Front board, spine and fore edge of band 2 sl.spotted. 21.6x16cm. [d00321-300562] 2898 ケルト語辞書学資料 ¥189,000 3 巻+1 冊「Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C.」 背革装(改装) Stokes,Whitley & Kuno Meyer eds. Archiv für Celtische Lexikographie. In 3 vols. Herausgegeben von Whitley Stokes und Kuno Meyer. Halle a.s.: Max Niemeyer, 1900. I.Band: 1900. (627pp.) II.Band: 1904. (504pp.) III.Band: 1907. (345pp.) p.49 through p56 ofBand.III duplicated, with no missing page. [and] Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C. Halle a.s.: Max Niemeyer, 1906. (xxxi,574pp.+ a part of section"D" (p.575-)670pp.) Rebound with calf backed brown cloth, green title labes with gilt lettering to spine. Edges untrimed and light foxing. 25.3x17.5cm. [d00309-300550] 2899 ウェールズ-英語辞典 2 巻 背革装(改装) ¥94,500 Pughe,W.Owen A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, Explained in English; with Numerous Illustrations, from the Literary Remains and from the Living Speech of the Cymmry. To which is prefixed a Welsh grammar. The Second edition. 2 vols. Denbigh: Printed and published by Thomas Gee, 1832. Second edition. Vol.I: 515pp. Vol.II: 687pp.+ 55pp. (An Outline of the Characteristics of the Welsh, and Its Utility in Connection with Other Ancient Languages, for Developing the Primitive Speech of Mankind. By W.Owen Pughe. Denbigh: Printed and published by Thomas Gee, 1832.) Rebound with morocco backed brown cloth, gilt lettering to spine. Edges foxing. Margin of some pages light spotted. 26.5x17cm. [d00310-300551] 2900 T.リチャーズ ウェールズ-英語辞典 1753 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥84,000 Richards,Thomas Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ Thesaurus: Being A British, or Welsh-English Dictionary… To which if Prefixed, A Compendious Welsh Grammar, with all the Rules in English…A Large Collection of British Proverbs. Bristol: Printed and sold by Felix Farley et al.: 1753. Full calf, paper title rabel on spine, sunned and some scuffing, and hinges sl.cracked and starting at the boards and spine. Ex-libris.of "Alan Lubbock" on front paste down. Ink signature by former owner to the margin of title page. 20.5x13cm. [d00099-300148] 2901 T.リチャーズ ウェールズ-英語辞典 ¥67,200 Richards,ThomasAntiquae Linguae Britannicae Thesaurus: Being a British, or Welsh-English Dictionary:Containing some thousands of British words more than any Welsh dictionary hitherto published. All the authorities or examples which the learned Dr. Davies gives, in his British-Latin Dictionary, from ancient Poets, Historians & c. are inserted in this, as they are accurate proofs of the signifi313 辞 典 ・ 事 典 cations assign'd to those words: and the words which are added, are often exemplified in the same manner. And to make this work more complete, besides the explications and etymologies of words, many valuable British Antiquities are interspersed through all the parts of it. To which is prefix'd a compendious Welsh Grammar, with all the rules in English. . . . A large collection of British proverbs. Bristol, 1753. Light staining affecting last 10 leaves, early full morocco. Raised bands and handwritten paper label to spine. 13*20cm. xxiii, 68pp, 462pp. [602846] 2902 H.M.エバンズ & W.O.トーマス ウェールズ-英語・英語-ウェールズ辞典 ¥10,500 1975 年 1 巻 クロース装 Evans,H.Meurig & W.O.Thomas Y Geiriadur Mawr: The Complete Welsh-English, English-Welsh Dictionary. Consulting editor: Yr Athro Stephen J.Williams. Llandybie: Christopher Davies / Llandysul: Gomer Press, 1975. Sixth edition. 367pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. Ink and pencil notations to paste downs and flyleaves. 21.7x14.5cm. [d00097-300150] 2903 アイルランド語辞典 1巻クロース装 ¥21,000 Dictionary of the Irish Language. Based Mainly on Old and Middle Irish Materials. Compact EditionThe Royal Irish Academy, 1990Reprint.viii,632pp.Green cloth with gilt titles on spine. This book originally 22volumes. This compact edition is composed of 4pages of original texts printed in 1page. (各ページ、元のテキストの4ページ分が上下2段で貼り付けられている) Cover sl.stained. Pages fine. 31.5x22.5cm. [d00258-300498] 2904 アイルランド地誌辞典 2 巻+1巻(地図) ¥105,000 Topographical Dictionary of Ireland,Comprising the Several Counties; Cities; Boroughs; Corporate, Market, and Post Towns; Parishes; and Principal Villages; with Historical and Statistical Descriptions: and Embellished with Engravings of the Arms of the Cities, Bishoprics, Corporate Towns, and Boroughs; and of the Seals of the Several Municipal Corporations.2vols & 1vol of Maps of the Kingdom.[Semis's Atlas Comprising the Counties of Ireland.]London: S.Lewis and Co.,1849 &1846.Second Edition. Vol.1: vi,696pp. Vol.2: 684pp. Map: unpagenated.Dark gray cloth with blind motifs, and gilt titles on spine. 2columns. Vol.1: A-J. Vol.2: K-Z.Each volume: Sunned and stained. Spottings on some pages. End papers repaired. Paste down has a large stain. (シールを剥がした跡) Cover partly rubbed and has some scuffings. Vol.3(Maps): Two stamped (one of blind) on title page. Also, ink notation on tp, too. 29.5x23cm. [d00259-300499] 2905 英語-アイルランド語辞典 1 巻 ¥10,500 De Bhaldraithe,Thomás ed. English-Irish Dictionary. [Oifig Díolta Foilseacháin Rialtais] Oifig an tSoláthair, 1959. xii,864pp. Navy cloth, gilt titel to front boar and spine. Edges foxing. Ink notations and bookseller's stamp on front e.p. Pencil notation to verso of half title page. Rear e.p.partly stained. 22.2x15cm. [d00323-300564] 2906 アイルランド語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Dinneen,Patrick S. ed. Focloir Gaedhilge Agus Bearla. An Irish-English Dictionary. London: Irish Text Society (President: Douglas Hyde, Chairman: Robin Flower), 1953. Reprinted (This edition first published in 1927). xxx,1342pp.+ list of publications. Green cloth with gilt Celtic motif and gilt title on front board and spine. Boards worn at edge. Edges and pages foxing. Joint of front e.p.started. Some red underlines to text. 20.3x15cm. [d00322-300563] 2907 アイルランド語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥52,500 O'Reilly,Edward & John O'Donovan An Irish-English Dictionary. With Copious Quotations from the Most Esteemed Ancient and Modern Writers, to Elucidate the Meaning of Obscure Words, and Numerous Comparisons of Irish Words with Those of Similar Orthography, Sense, or Sound in the Welsh and Hebrew Languages by Edward O'reilly. With a Supplement, Containing Many Thousand Irish Words, With Their Interpretations in English, Collected Throughout Ireland, and Among Ancient Unpublished Manuscripts by John O'Donovan. Doublin: James Duffy, 1864. 725pp. Green cloth with gilt and blind motif on front board and gilt title to spine. Text in 2 column. Repaired with new e.ps. Boards rubbed at edge. Edges and pages foxing. Ink notation to half title page. p.1-p.9 partly torn at joint. 26.1x19.7cm. [d00324-300565] 314 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2908 初等 ブルトン語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Delaporte,R. Elementary Breton-English Dictionary. Geriadurig Brezhoneg-Saozneg. Cork University Press, 1979. xviii,110pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L03139-604806] 2909 フランス語-ブルトン語辞典 1 巻 背革装(改装) ¥18,900 Vallée,François Grand Dictionnaire Français-Breton. Suivi du "Supplément". Avec le Concours de E.Ernault & R.Le Roux. Glomel: Association Bretonne de Culture, 1980. 2e édition. xli,814pp.+"supplement"(xiii,176pp.) Rebound with calf backed marbled boards, gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Boards sl.rubbed at corners and edges light foxing. 22.5x14.8cm. [d00319-300560] 2910 スコットランド語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Brown,Captain Thomas A Dictionary of the Scottish Language; Comprehending All the Words in Common Use in the Writing of Scott, Burns, Wilson, Ramsay, and Other Popular Scottish Authors. London; Simpkin & Marshal, and James Gilbert, / Manchester; James Ainsworth, 1845. 154pp. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Spine sunned. Edges foxed & sl.stained. Top edge sl.darkened. Small ink ownerhsip signature to front flyleaf. Pages somewhat foxed. 17.8x11.1cm. [L03363-605206] アジア・中東 2911 E.W.レイン アラビア語・英語辞典 (1863-1893 年) 復刻版 8 巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 Lane,E.W.An Arabic-English Lexicon, Derived from the Best and the Most Copius Eastern Sources; Comprising of a very large collection of words and significations omitted in the Ķámoos, with supplements to its abridged and detective explanations, ample grammatical and critical comments, and examples in prose and verse: Composed by Means of the Munificence of the Most Noble Algernon, Duke of Northumberland, K.G., etc.etc.etc., and the Bounty of the British Government: by Edward William Lane. In 8 vols. Librairie du Liban (Riadel-Solh Square, Beirut-Lebanon), 1968. (Reprinted from the edition of 1863-1893, published by Williams and Norgate, Edinburgh) xxxiv,367pp./ 370-837pp./ 840-1280pp./ 1282-1757pp./ xxxix,1760-2219pp./ 2222-2475pp./ 2478-2749pp./ 2752-3064pp. Bound in green cloth. A clipped paper pasted on front e.p.of vol.1. p.925 through p.932 of vol.3 duplicated, with no missing page. 32.8x26cm. [d00205-300283] 2912 ウィリアム・ジョーンズ (著) ペルシャ語文法 第3版 1783 年 ¥78,750 Jones,William A Grammar of the Persian Language. The Third Edition, with an Index. London: Printed by W.Richardson for J.Murray, 1783. xix,148pp.+advertisement+index. Marginal browning, without half title, inscription, contemporary marbled boards with worn calf corners, nicely rebacked in gilt rule eddged raised bands with gilt lettered title label to spine. 25x19.3cm. [aj242-300284] 2913 アプテ 英語-サンスクリット辞典 1 巻 ¥3,150 Apte,Vaman Shivram The Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary. Based upon the St.Petersburg Lexicons. Delhi, Patna & Varanasi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1974. Third revised and enlarged edition, reprinted. 501pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Edges and rear cover somewhat spotted. Front e.p.partly torn. [L02819-604419] 2914 ベートリンク(編) サンスクリット語大辞典 7巻覆刻版 ¥94,500 Böhtlingk,Otto and Roth,Rudolph Sanskrit-Wörterbuch. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie Wissenschaften, Bearbeitet von Otto Böhtlingk und Rudolph Roth. Erster Theil.(1852-1855) Neudruck der St.Petersburg Ausgabe von 1855-1875. In 7 vols. 名著普及会 1976.unpaginated. (Vol.1: xii,571pp. Vol.2: 550pp. Vol.3: 508pp. Vol.4: 607pp. Vol.5: 839pp. Vol.6: 753pp. Vol.7: 911pp.)Erster Theil: 1852-1855. Zweiter Theil: 1856-1858. Dritter Theil: 1859-1861. Vierter Theil: 1862-1865. Fünfter Theil: 1865-1868. Sechster Theil: 1868-1871. Siebenter Theil: 1872-1875. Leather, dustwrapper. 2columns. Sanskrit-German. Fine as new. 新品同様 26.8x20cm. [d00263-300502] 2915 ベートリンク(編) 簡約サンスクリット語辞典 3 巻 ¥31,500 Böhtlingk,Otto von Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in Kürzerer Fassung. 3 vols. Tokyo: Meicho-Dukyu-kai 315 辞 典 ・ 事 典 (名著普及会), 1976. (Neudruck der St.Petersburg Ausgabe von 1879-1889.) (I) Erster theil: vi,299pp. Zweiter theil: iv,301pp. Dritter theil: iv,265pp. (II) Vierter theil: iv,302pp. Fünfter theil: ii,264pp. (III) Sechster theil: 306pp. Siebenter theil: ii,390pp. Bound in dark blue cloth. Edges sl.spotted. Spines of vols.I & II rubbed and partly torn at edge. (簡約・増補 サンスクリット語辞典・復刻版・合本 3 冊 <オリ ジナルは全 7 冊>) 27x19.5cm. [L02808-604406] 2916 F.エジャートン 仏教混淆梵語文法および辞典 2 巻クロース装 ¥31,500 Edgerton,Franklin Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary. Vol.I: Grammar. Vol.II: Dictionary. 2 vols. Delhi et al.: Motilal Banarsidass, 1985. Reprint (first edition: New Haven, 1953. [William Dwight Whitney Linguistic Series (Yale Univ.)]). xxx,239pp./ 627pp. Bound in dark red (vol.I) and dark brown cloth (vol.II). Gilt title to spine. Edges light foxing and top edge sl.spotted. 28.3x22.5cm. [d00282-300523] 2917 サンスクリット-中国語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Eitel,Ernest J. Being A Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary. With Vocabularies of Buddhist Terms in Pali, Singhalese, Siamese, Burmese, Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian and Japanese. [Handbook of Chinese Buddhism] New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1981. 228pp. Dust wrapper sl.stained and sl.rubbed at edge. Half title page stained. Numbering stamped on rear e.p. [L02820-604420] 2918 ヘルマン・グラスマン 「リグ・ヴェーダ」辞典 1 巻 ¥21,000 Grassmann,Hermann Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1976. 5.,unveränderte Auflage. viii,1776pp. [L02665-604554] 2919 英印辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥15,750 Whitworth,George Clifford An Anglo-Indian Dictionary. A Glossary of Indian Terms Used in English, and of Such English or Other Non-Indian Terms as Have Obtained Special Meanings in India. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1885. xv,350pp. Bound in deep red cloth, gilt title to spine, rubbed. Edges, flyleaves, and half title page foxing. Joint of front e.p.sl.started. 22.5x14.5cm. [d00284-300525] 2920 ドラヴィダ語語源辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥21,000 Burrow,T.& M.B.Emeneau A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1966. Reprinted by lithography from the London, 1840 edition. Bound in blue cloth,d.w. Top edge spotted. 24x16.5cm. [d00288-300529] 2921 タミル-ポルトガル語辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥15,750 Antaõ de Proença's Tamil-Portuguese Dictionary A.D.1679. Prepared for Publication by Xavier S.Thani Nayagam. Univ.of Malaya: Department of Indian Studies, 1966. Reprinted by lithography from original dicionary. Bound in green cloth. Gilt title to front board and spine. Edges sl.spotted. 24.5x16.5cm. [d00286-300527] 2922 ビルマ語-英語辞典 4 巻 ペーパー装 ¥21,000 A Burmese-English Dictionary. Part I. Compiled by J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. With the Assistance of Kin Maung Lat. (London: Luzac & Co., 1940. xvi,40pp.) Part II. Compiled under the Direction of J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn and Hla Pe. (Published under the auspices of the Univ.of Rangoon by Luzac & Co., London, 1950. vii,41-120pp.) Part III. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn, Hla Pe and H.F.Searle. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1955. vi,121-200pp.) Part IV. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. Revised and Edited by Hla Pe, H.F.Searle and A.J.Allott. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1963. 201-280pp.)4 vols. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Rear cover of 'Part IV' sl.torn. 31x25cm. [d00247-300487] 2923 ビルマ語-英語辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥12,600 Judson's Burmese-English Dictionary. Unabridged, Centenary Edition. As Revised and Enlarged by Robert C.Stevenson and Rev.F.H.Eveleth. Rangoon: Baptist Board of Publications, 1953. 1123pp. Bound in ivory cloth, sl.stained. Gilt title to front board. Edges sl.foxing. India paper. 23.8x16cm. [d00287-300528] 316 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2924 シャン語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Cushing,J.N. A Shan and English Dictionary. Westmead (England): Gregg International Publishers, 1971. Republished from 1914 edition, published by American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon. 708pp. Bound in blue cloth, gilt title to spine, sunned. Edges sl.foxing and sl.spotted. 22.5x15.5cm. [d00285-300526] 2925 ベトナム語-英語 英語-ベトナム語辞典 1 巻 ¥5,250 Vietnamese - English and English - Vietnamese Dictionary. Lê-Bá-Khanh and Lê-Bá-Kông. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1975. Sixth printing. 388pp.+482pp. Dust wrpper sl.sunned and sl.rubbed at edge. Edges somewhat spotted. 19x14.5cm. [d00176-300329] 2926 ベトナム語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Vietnamese - English Dictionary. With international phonetic system and more than 30,000 ords and idiomatic expressions. Prepared by Mrs.Le Van Hung and Dr.Le Van Hung. Paris: Éditions Europe-Asie, 1955. First published. 820pp. Sunned. 25x16.7cm. [d00187-300330] 2927 英語-ベトナム語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Anh-Việt Từ-Diển. English Vietnamese Dictionary. Nguyěn-Vǎn-Khôn. Tổng Phát Hành: Hổ-Ván-Hoài. Việt-Dăng, n.d. 1741pp. Sunned. E.ps.sl.spotted. 24.5x16.5cm. [d00186-300331] 2928 法越辭典 (フランス語-ベトナム語辞典) 1 巻 ¥15,750 Pháp-Việt Từ-Diển. Dictionnaire Français - Vietnamien. (Avec transcription en caractères chinois de termes sino-vietnamiens) Dào Duy-Ann. Saigon: Trường-Thi Xuất-Bản, n.d. (c.1957) 1958pp. Sunned. Edges sunned and spotted. 24.8x16.5cm. [d00188-300332] 2929 漢越詞典 簡要 (中国語-ベトナム語辞典) 1 巻 ¥5,250 Hán-Việt Từ-Diển. Gảin-Yểu. Dào Duy-Ann & Hàn-Mạn-Tử. Saigon: Trường-Thi Xuất-Bản, n.d. (c.1957) 592pp.+605pp. Edges sunned. 22.2x15cm. [d00180-300333] 2930 ドイツ語-ベトナム語辞典 1 巻 ¥7,560 Ferkinghoff,Klaus ed. Deutsch-Vietnamesisches Wörterbuch. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1962. 110pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on half title page, title page and p.1. Notation to half title page. [ds1211-600995] 2931 マノボ語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Elkins,Richard E. Manobo-English Dictionary. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.3] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1968. xix,356pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on front cover and title page with notations. Red underlined to 'preface'. [ds1193-600923] 2932 英語-マオリ語辞典 1 巻 ¥10,080 Ngata,H.M. English-Maori Dictionary. Whanganui ā Tara: Te Pou Taki Kōrero / Wellington: Learning Media, 1994. Second impression. xvi,559pp. d.w. [ds1289-602436] 2933 デフ語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,720 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.6. Dehu-English Dictionary by D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. v,137pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on Front cover and title page. Notations to front cover and introduction. [ds1272-603997] 2934 英語-デフ語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,720 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.7. English-Dehu Dictionary by D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. iii,162pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page with notation. [ds1273-603998] 2935 ネンゴネ語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.9. Nengone Dictionary, Part 1: Nengone-English by D.T.Tryon and M.-J.Dubois. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1969. vii,445,5pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page with notation. Red underlined to introduction. [ds1274-603999] 317 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2936 トアリピ語-英語辞典 (A to Mer) 1 巻 ¥6,720 Oceania Linguistic Monographs. No.11 A Dictionary of Toaripi with English-Toaripi Index, Part 1: Toaripi-English, A to Mer, (pp.1-188) by H.A.Brown. Australia: Univ.of Sydney, 1968. viii,188pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page. Notation to front cover and several pages. Red underlined. Several pages marked with pasted papers or cellophane tapes. [ds1236-604011] 2937 H.A.イェシュケ チベット語-英語辞典 1 巻改装本 ¥21,000 Jäschke,H.A. The Tibetan-English Dictionary. With Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects. To which is Added an English-Tibetan Vocabulary. London, 1881. Prepared and published at the charge of the secretary of state for India in council. xxii,671pp. Rebound in cloth. From title page to page-xvi repaired. Title page stained, with ink notations and a stamp. Damp stained to margin of pages. 26.4x19.5cm. [d00279-300520] 2938 H.A.イェシュケ チベット語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Jäschke,H.A. The Tibetan-English Dictionary. With Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects. To which is Added an English-Tibetan Vocabulary. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958. Reprinted. xxii,671pp. Bound in deep red cloth. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Red underlined. 22.8x15.5cm. [d00275-300516] 2939 バック チベット語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Buck,Stuart H. Tibetan-English Dictionary with Supplement. Bureau of Special Reserch in Modern Languages. [The Catholic Univ.of America Press Publications in the Languages of Asia 1] Washington,D.C.: The Catholic Univ.of America Press, 1969. xviii,833pp. Bound in red cloth, sl.darkened. Edges and e.ps.foxing. 23.4x15.8cm. [d00276-300517] 2940 チョマ・ド・ケレシュ チベット語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥10,500 De Körös,Alexander Csoma Essay Towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English. Prepared by Alexander Csoma de Körös. With the Assistance of Sangs-Rgyas Phun-Tshogs. [Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series II, vol.4] New Delhi: Manjuśrī Publishing House, 1973. Reprinted (first published in 1834). xxii,351pp. Bound in red cloth, partly stained. Gilt title to spine. Colored top edge (red). Edges sl.stained. 28.5x22.2cm. [d00280-300521] 2941 チョマ・ド・ケレシュ サンスクリット語-チベット語-英語辞典 3冊セット ¥21,000 De Körös,Alexander Csoma Sanscrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary. (1) Part I: New Edition, Enlarged & Corrected by Anil K.Gupta. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1980. (ix,127pp.+appendix: xxviii-pp.) Bound in cloth with Tibetan motif, sl.stained. 28.5x22.2cm. (2) Parts I & II (bound in 1 book). Reboun. Original front covers, title pages, 'Introduction' and 'ppendix' missing. (127pp.+129-251pp.) Front & rear boards sl.stained and rubbed. Pages of 'Part I' wormed and repaired. 30.5x25cm. (3) Part III: Being an Edition and Translation of the Mahāvyutpatti by Alexander Csoma de Körös, Edited by Durga Charan Chatterjee. [Memoirs of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol.IV, No.3] Calcutta: Printed at the Baptist Mission Press. Published by the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1944. (iii,253-390pp.) Printed wrappers, sl.chipped and partly torn at rear cover. Paper title label to spine. 33.5x25.5cm. In 3 books. [d00281-300522] 2942 ダワ・サンドゥプ 英語-チベット語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Dawasamdup,Kazi An English-Tibetan Dictionary. Containing a Vocabulary of Aproximately Twenty Thousand Words with Their Tibetan Equivalents. Compiled by Lama Dawasamdup Kazi. Calcutta: Printed at the Baptist Mission Press and published by the university, 1919. xiv,989pp. Bound in deep red cloth with blind motif and gilt title (English & Tibetan) to front borad. Wholly wormed. Edges of boards rubbed and chipped. Edges and pages light foxing. Front e.p.partly chipped. "New Anglo-Tibetan Dictionary" to p.1.虫喰多数 24.7x16.5cm. [d00277-300518] 2943 ベル 英語-チベット語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Bell,C.A. English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary. Second Edition. Calcutta: The Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, 1920. xxxvi,562pp. Bound in light green cloth, sl.stained at front board. Spine darkened. 318 辞 典 ・ 事 典 Edges and pages sl.foxing. Stamped (...Governor of Bengal in Council...) and blind stamped (Institution of Great Britain) on title page . 18.7x13.3cm. [ds1411-605298] 2944 バコ(編) チェ・リン・オウァン・ギャル チベット語-サンスクリット語辞典 ¥15,750 1 巻影印本 ペーパー装 Dictionnaire Tibétan-Sanscrit. Par Tse-Ring-Ouang-Gyal (Che Riṅ Dbaṅ Rgyal). Reproduction Phototypique Publiée par J.Bacot. [Buddhica: Documents et Travaux pour l'Étude du Bouddhisme. Deuxième Série: Documents-Tome II] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1930. 101pp. Printed wrappers, sl.rubbed at edge. Reprinted by lithography from original dicionary. 28.5x20cm (Each page(28x38.3cm) folded at the center). [d00278-300519] 2945 レプチャ語辞典 1 巻 ¥5,250 Mainwaring,G.B. & Albert Grünwedel Dictionary of the Lepcha Language. Compiled by G.B.Mainwaring. Revised and Completed by Albert Grünwedel. [Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series II. Volume 6] Kathmandu; Ranta Pustak Bhandar, 1979. Reprinted. 552pp. d.w. tained. Top edge somewhat darkened & sl.spotted. Others sl.foxed. 22.0x15.0cm. [L03200-605043] 中国語辞典 2946 賢文書 (Hien Wun Shoo) 1823 年 1 巻 3/4 革装 ¥157,500 Davis, John Francis comp. Chinese Moral Maxims, With a Free and Verbal Translatioin; Affording Examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. London: John Murray. Macao: China, Printed at the Honourable Company’s Press, by P P Thoms, 1823. First and only edition. viii,199pp. 21.3x14.5cm. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards, rubbed. Coloured edges. Repaired with new e.p. Joints somewhat started. Ink notation to front e.p. [aj327-704881] 2947 S.W.ウィリアムス (著) 漢英韻府 1874 年 3/4 革装 ¥262,500 Williams,S.Wells A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language; Arranged According to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation of the Characters as Heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874. lxxxiv,1252pp. 3/4 calf with brown cloth sl. rubbed at edges, raised bands, gilt title and gilt compartments to spine and somewhat rubbed. Top edge darkened. Joints somewhat started. 27.5x22.5cm. [aj213-300336] 2948 羅布存徳 (原著) 井上哲次郎 (訂増) 増訂 英華字典 明治 16 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥262,500 An English and Chinese Dictionary, By The Rev.W.Lobscheid… as Revised and Enlarged by Tetsujiro Inouye, Bungakushi. Tokio: Published by J.Fujimoto (藤本氏蔵版), 明 16 (1883). 1357pp., 1p (Errata). 28.5x19.5cm. Full calf, somewhat rubbed and worn at edges. marbled e.ps. gilt spine. Joint of front board started. Pages foxing. Ownership stamped on English title page. [aj329-704882] 2949 クヴルール (著) 華羅辞典 1892 年 2巻・1 冊 ¥126,000 Couvreur,S.(Séraphin) Dictionarium Sinicum & Latinum ex Radicum Ordine dispositum. Dispositum, Selectis Variorum Scriptorum Sententiis Firmatum ac Illustratum. Ho Kien Fou (河北省 河間 府): ex Missione Catholica, 1892. xix,1200pp. 24.5x16cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps., 2 vols.in one book. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University 東京帝國大學) with stamps. Pages light foxing. [aj343-704884] 2950 ジャイルズ (著) 華英辞典 1912 年 2 巻・4冊 第 2 版 ¥315,000 Giles,Herbert A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 2 parts, 4 books. Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, & Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh / London: Bernard Quaritch, 1912. Part I (index, etc.): xviii,84pp. Part II (dictionary): vol.I; 592pp. vol.II; 593-1184pp. vol.III: 1185-1711pp., (Errata). 32.5x26.5cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University 東京帝國大學) with stamps. Pages light foxing, some margin light stained. A Corner of p.553 (554) of 'part II, vol.I' partly missing, but not affected to the text. [aj344-704885] 319 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2951 翁良・楊士熙 (編纂) 英華合解 英文習語大全 1935 年 第3版 ¥12,600 A Complete Dictionary of English Phrases. With Bilingual Explanations. By Y.F.Ong and Y.L.Yang. 上海:商務印書館 (Shanghai: The Commercial Press), 中華民国 24 年(1935 年). Third edition. Dark red cloth (rubbed and partly peeled), gilt title to front cover and spine. Some stains to covers. Edges and pages sunned. Joint of front e.ps.repaired with paper tapes, and joint of rear e.ps.and the colophon satrted. Stamped to title page (3 stamps with ink notation), "Preface", vii, xxv, 1pp., and the colophon. Small ink notations to several pages. 22.8x16cm. [d00245-300484] 2952 ヴァッカリィ (著) エービーシー式漢和英大辞典 2巻 ¥31,500 Vaccari,Oreste & Mrs. Enko Elisa A. B. C. Japanese-English Dictionary. An Entirely New Method of Classification of the Chinese-Japanese Characters.In 2 vols. Vaccari's Language Institute, 1959. With Extra Copy of A. B. C. Kanji Alphabet and Radicals Tables. Second edition, Revised and Enlarged. d.w. [300335] 2953 華義辭典 1948 年 1 巻 改装本 ¥21,000 Valle, P.B. Dizionario Cinese-Italiano. Compilato dal P.B. Valle. Hong-Kong; Catholic Truth Society, Nazareth Press, 1948. xii,1130pp. Rebound with black boards (Originally printed wrappers). Covers sl.rubbed at edges. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Front e.p. partly torn. E.ps. & flyleaves somewhat foxed & spotted. Small ink signatures to half title page. Pages foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. Pencil notations & underlines in almost all pages. Blue ink notations & underlines in several pages. 28.7x23cm. [d00334-300576] 2954 厦英大辭典 1899 年 1 巻 3/4 革装 ¥157,500 Douglas, Carstairs Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, with the Principal Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects. New Edition, with Corrections by the Author. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1899. xix,612pp. 27.5x19.3cm. 3/4 calf with green cloth boards, sl.rubbed and worn at edges. Repaired with new e.p. Edges foxing. Contents of dictionary arranged in alphabetical order by Chinese sound. Almost all words are accompanied by hand written Chinese symbol. [aj328-704883] その他外国語辞典 2955 英語-ラトビア語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Belzēja,Z. J.Curiks, A.Feldhūns, A.Grīnblats, L.Jurka, A.Millere, M.Sosāre, L.Timenčika comp. English-Latvian Dictionary. Latvju Grāmata, Waverly, Iowa, National Latvian Publishers, 1977. Third revised edition. 1009pp. Small date stamp on front flyleaf. [L01915-600283] 2956 英語-ラトビア語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Raškevičs, J. & M.Sosāre English-Latvian Dictionary. Sia Apgāds 《Kuvibuha-5》、Riga, 1993. 558pp. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. [L01957-602803] 2957 ドイツ語-ラトビア語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Celmrauga,I / A.Plēsuma/ A.Straube Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch. (独語-ラトヴィア語辞典) 4. Auflage, neubearbeitet und ergänzt Ungefähr 22000 Wörter. Riga《Avots》, 1984. 814pp. 17.2x12.8cm. [L01954-600590] 2958 ラトビア語-ドイツ語辞典 1 巻 ¥9,450 Latviešu-Vācu Vārdnīca. Sastādijis Autoru Kolektīvs. V.Bisenieka un I.Niseloviča. redakcijā. Pārstrādāts otrais izdevums. Ap 33000 Vārdu. (ラトヴィア語-ドイツ語辞典) Riga 《Avots》 1980. 890pp. Small ink notations to front flyleaf. [L01959-603821] 2959 オックスフォード 露-英辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥6,300 Wheeler,Marcus The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. General Editor: B.O.Unbegaun, with the Assistance of D.P.Costello and W.F.Ryan. xii,918pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges spotted. E.ps.light foxing. 23.7x16.3cm. [d00167-300313] 320 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2960 蘭語語源辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Vries,Jan de Nederlands Etymologisch Woordenboek. Met Aanvullingen, Verbeteringen en Woordregisters door F. de Tollenaere. De Woordregisters op Grond van Excerpten van Maaike Hogenhout-Mulder. Leiden; E.J.Brill. 1971. xxiii,977pp. Covers & spine stained. Spine sl.chipped. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Stamped by former owner on title page. Red & black pencil notations, underlines from title page to page xxiii. 24.5x16.0cm. [L03276-605120] 2961 Jansonius,H. ¥4,200 Groot Nederlands-Engels Woordenboek voor Studie en Practijk. Supplement. (補遺のみ) Leiden: Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1959. 428pp. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [L02840-604448] 2962 Jansonius,H. ¥4,200 Technisch Engels Woordenboek. Nederlands-Engels en Engels-Nederlands. (補遺のみ) Leiden: Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1965. 555pp. Edges, spine and e.ps.foxing. [L02841-604449] 2963 デンマーク語辞典 2 巻 ¥21,000 Dahl,B.T. / H.Hammer Dansk Ordbog for Folket. Første Bind: A-L.. Andet Bind: M-Ø. Udarbejdet af B.T. Dahl, H.Hammer Under Medvirkning af Hans Dahl.2vols. København of Kristiania, Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, 1907. 1914. 628pp. 638pp. double-column pages. Ink signature on titile page by former owner. Stamp on title page. Green cloth and marbled boards. [L01913-600774] 2964 デンマーク語ーフランス語辞典 2 巻 ¥16,800 Blinkenberg,Andreas / Poul Høybye Dansk-Fransk Ordbog. Grundlagt af Margrethe Thiele.BD.1: A-L.. BD.2: M-Ǻ. (デンマークーフランス語辞書) 2 vols. København: NYT Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck,1975. 1976. 1043pp. 1039pp. [L01887.88-600356] 2965 現代 デンマーク語-英語 英語-デンマーク語 辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥4,200 Vinterberg,Hermann & Jens Axelsen McKay's Modern Danish-English, English-Danish Dictionary. New York: David McKay, 1959. 447pp.+496pp. Coloured edges. Dust wrapper sunned. Rear e.p.partly stained. 21.3x14.7cm. [d00179-300312] 2966 デンマーク語-ルーマニア語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Høybye,Poul Dansk-rumænsk Ordbog. Dicţonar Danez-Român. Gyldendal, 1985. 805pp. Stamped on title page. d.w. [L01991-601544] 2967 デンマーク語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Lund,G.F.V. Det Æloste Danske Skriftsprogs Ordforråd. Ordbog Til De Gamie Danske Landskabslove, de Sønderjyske Stadsretter Sant Øvrige Samtidige Sprogmindesmærker. Københavns Universitets fond til Tilvejebrincelse af Læremidler, 1967. vi,176pp. Stamped on title page. [L01985-602096] 2968 ハンガリー語-フィンランド語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 István,Papp/ Jakab László Magyar-Finn Szótár. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1985. 855pp. Upper part of spine sl.rubbed. [L02682-604569] 2969 アラマイ(アラム)語-ヘブライ語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Dalman,Gustav H. Aramäisch-Neuhebräisches Handwörterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch von Gustav H.Dalman. Mit Lexikon der Abbreviaturen von G.H. Händler und einem Verzeichnis der Mischna-Abschnitte. Georg Olms Verlag, 1987. ix,457pp. + 120pp. Reprint of 1938. [L02640-604507] 2970 イディッシュ語辞典 4 巻 ¥47,250 Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language. 4 vols. Editors in chief: Judah A.Joffe and Yudel Mark. N.Y.: Yiddish Dictionary Committee, 1961-1980. 508pp.+ 509-1096pp.+ 1097-1708pp.+ 1709-2333pp., vi pp. Bound in red cloth. Edges of vol.2 sunned. 本文全てイディッシュ語 27.2x22.3cm. [d00248-300488] 321 辞 典 ・ 事 典 2971 (アフリカ) サンバー語語彙集 1 巻 ¥4,200 Yukawa,Yasutoshi (湯川恭敏) A Classified Dictionary of the Sambaa Language. [アジア・アフリカ 基礎語彙集 15] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京 外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所, 1984. ii,195pp. Somewhat rubbed at the edge of the boards. 26.3x18.8cm. [L01428-603778] 地名辞典 2972 英語地名辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Forster,Klaus A Pronouncing Dictionary of English Place-Names. Including Standard Local and Archaic Variants. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. First published. xxxvi,268pp. Edges sl.darkened & spotted. Eps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. 21.8x15.2cm. [L03184-605027] 人名辞典 2973 ロングマン 20 世紀人名辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Briggs,Asa et.al.eds. Longman Dictionary of 20th Century Biography. Consultant Editor: Asa Briggs. Editors: Alan Issacs & Elizabeth Martin. Longman, 1985. First published. 548pp. [L01153-600447] 2974 人名発音辞典 1 巻 総革装 ¥21,000 Thomas,Joseph Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. (to spine: Lippincott's Pronouncing Biographical Dictionary) New Fourth Edition, Throughly Revised. Philadelphia and London: J.B.Lippincott, 1915. xi,2550pp. Full leather, rubbed and somewhat stained. Marbled edges, foxing. E.ps., flyleaves, and pages foxing. Joint of front flyleaf started. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. Ex-library (東京帝国大學附属図書館) with small paper label on spine and front e.p., and stamped on verso of title page. 27x18.2cm. [d00290-300531] 2975 Gottschald,Max ¥10,080 Deutsche Namenkunde. Unsere Familiennamen nach ihrer Entstehung und Bedeutung. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1971. Vierte Auflage mit einem Nachwort und einem bibliographischen Nachtrag von Rudolf Schützeichel. 646pp. With a slip case (sunned). d.w. Ex-libris. 25x17.8cm. [ds1358-601206] 2976 Latham,Edward ¥5,250 A Dictionary of Names Nicknames and Surnames. Of Persons Places and Things. London; George Routledge & Sons Ltd, New York; E.P.Dutton & Co., 1904. vii,334pp. Covers & spine stained, sl.rubbed & partly torn. Front cover & spine partly spotted. Edges spotted. Top edges darkened. The others foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Spotted from front flyleaf to page 9, page 319 to last page. Some pages somewhat spotted. [L03394-605237] 2977 Stewart,George R. ¥4,200 American Given Names. Their Origin and History in the Context of the English Language. Oxford UP., 1979. viii,264pp. Ink signature to front paste-down by former owner. A clipped paper (a part of d.w.) pasted on rear paste-down. [L01261-603273] 固有名詞辞典 2978 Bollard,John K. ed. / Frank R.Abate & Katherine M.Isaacs (Associate editors) ¥12,600 Pronouncing Dictionary of Proper Names. Pronunciations for more than 23,000 Proper Names, Selected for Currency, Frequency, of Difficulty of Pronunciation. Including Place Names; Given Names; Names of Famous Individuals; Cultural,Literary, and Historical Names; Mythological Names; Names of Peoples and Tribes; Company Names and Product Names; with Pronunciations Transcribed into the 322 辞 典 ・ 事 典 International Phonetic Alphabet and a Simplified Phonetic Respelling; and Including an Explanatory Introduction. Michigan: Omnigraphics,Inc. 1993. xxxv,894pp. Hard cover in yellow and bright illustration on front cover. In plastic wrap. 26x18.5cm. [L02621-604480] 用語辞典 2979 スポーツ用語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Brander,Michael A Dictionary of Sporting Terms. Angling; Coarse, Game and Sea. Falconry. Game Shooting; Deer-stalking, Gun-dog work and Wildfowling. Horsemastership. Hounds and Hunting; Fox, Hare, Otter, Stag and Hare coursing. London; Adam & Charles Black, 1968. First published. 224pp. d.w. foxed & sl.chipped. Its rear part sl.stained. Spine sunned. Edges somewhat spotted & foxed. Ink marks at fore edge (Index). Flyleaves sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Half title page sl.spotted. 22.9x14.5cm. [L03349-605192] 2980 海軍百科事典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 De Chesnel,Le Comte Dictionnaire des Armées de Terre et de Mer, Encyclopédie Militaire et Maritime. …Illustré dans le Texte de Plus de 1200 Gravures au Trait… par M.Jules Duvaux, et Contenant Diverses Cartes Géographiques et Planches. 2 vols. Paris: Armand le Chevalier, 1862-1864. 576pp./ 582-1320pp. With numerous illus.and folded maps. Leather backed dark green cloth, rubbed and chipped. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Edges and flyleaves foxing. Small ownership stamp on front e.p.of each vol. 25.5x16.5cm. [d00289-300530] 2981 シェフズ・コンパニオン(調理用語事典) 1 巻 ¥3,360 Riely,Elizabeth The Chef's Companion. A Concise Dictionary of Culinary Terms. Illustrated by David Miller. New York: Van Nastrand Reinhold Co., 1986. [A CBI Book] viii,215pp. Edges sl.spotted. [L00592-602857] 2982 医学辞典 1 巻 総革装 ¥10,500 Thomas,Joseph A Comprehensive Medical Dictionary: Containing the Pronunciation, Etymology, and Signification of the Terms Made Use of in Medicine and the Kindred Sciences. With an Appendix, Comprising a Complete List of All the More Important Articles of the Materia Medica, Arranged According to Their Medicinal Properties. Also an Explanation of the Latin Terms and Phrases Occurring in Anatomy, Pharmacy, etc.; Together with the Necessary Directions for Writing Latin Prescriptions, etc. etc. Philadelphia, J.B.Lippincott & Co., 1870. xii,9-704pp. Full calf, rubbed, chipped and sl.stained. Edges foxing. Joint of front e.p.amateur repaired. Small worm hole from rear e.p.to p.703. Rear flyleaf partly torn. Ownership stamp on front flyleaf, title page, anf p.704. 岩崎克己旧蔵 20.7x13.8cm. [d00271-300513] 2983 Paxton,John Everyman's Dictionary of Abbreviations. [Everyman's Reference Library] Sons, 1975. Reprinted. xiii,384pp. Spine sunned. [L01214-602603] 2984 Quine,Willard Van Orman Quiddities. An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary. 249pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L01188-602766] ¥3,360 London: J.M.Dent & ¥5,040 The Belknap Press of Harvard UP., 1987. 2985 Tempest,Paul compile ¥15,750 Lag's Lexicon. A Comprehensive Dictionary and Encyclopædia of the English Prison of To-Day. London; Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1950. First published. viii,233pp. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Edges somewhat foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. 19.1x13.3cm. [L03371-605214] 323 辞 典 ・ 事 典 言語学辞典 2986 Sebeok,Thomas A. (General ed.) ¥25,200 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics. Tome 1: A-M, [and] Tome 2: N-Z, [and] Tome 3: Bibliography. [Approaches to Semiotics. 73] 3 vols. Mouton de Gruyter, 1986. xi,592pp./ 594-1179pp./ 2-452pp. Editorial board: Paul Boissac, Umberto Eco, Jerzy Palc, Roland Posner, Alain Rey, and Ann Shukman. With a slip case. [L00714-603101] 2987 Wales,Katie A Dictionary of Stylistics. [Studies in Language and Linguistics] xii,504pp. d.w. [L01134-603561] ¥6,720 Longman, 1989. First published. 2988 Althaus,Hans Peter & Helmut Henne, Herbert Ernst Wiegand eds. ¥15,750 Lexikon der Germanistischen Linguistik. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1980. 2.,vollst.neu berb.u.erw.Aufl. xviii,870pp. d.w. [lk0074-604050] 2989 Collinge,N.E. ed. ¥15,750 An Encyclopaedia of Language. Routledge, 1990. First published. xvii,1011pp. (contributors: M.K.C.MacMahon, Geoffrey Leech, J.R.Payne, Bernard Comrie et al.) d.w. 24.2x16.5cm. [L02269-600691] 2990 Greimas,A.J. & J.Courtés ¥6,300 Semiotics and Language. An Analytical Dictionary. Translated by Larry Christ and Daniel Patte and James Lee, Edward McMahon II, Gary Phillips, Michael Rengstorf. Bloomington; Indiana University Press, 1982. xvi,409pp. Spine sl.stained. 24.2x16.3cm. [L03182-605025] 2991 Hartmann,R.R.K. & F.C.Stork ¥4,200 Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. London: Applied Science Publishers, 1972. xviii,302pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01127-601366] 2992 Hartmann,R.R.K. & F.C.Stork ¥5,250 Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. London: Applied Science Publishers, 1972. xviii,302pp. Small stamp & small ink signature on front flyleaf. d.w. [L01796-601367] 2993 Marouzeau,Jules ¥4,200 Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Geroges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner,1951. 3 Édition augmentée et mise a jour. xii,265pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to original front cover. [lk0141-604150] 2994 Marouzeau,Jules ¥4,200 Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français-Allemand-Anglais-Italien. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1969. 3℮ Édition augmentée et mise, 3℮ tirage. xii,265pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. Stamped on title page by T.Hirunuma. [L00721-602170] 2995 Marouzeau,Jules ¥4,200 Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Geroges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1951. 3 Éditon Augmentée et mise a jour. xii,265pp. Printed wrappers with small ink ownership signature. Spine sunned. Top edge stained. Edges foxed. Joint of cover started. Sl.spotted in some pages. [L03028-604687] 2996 Buck,Carl Darling ¥31,500 A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages. A Contribution to the History of Ideas by Carl Darling Buck with the Co-operation of Colleagues and Assistants. The Univ.of Chicago Press, 1971. Third Impression. xix,1515pp. Covers somewhat stained. Upper & lower parts of spine sl.chipped. Top edge spotted & sl.darkened. Fore edge sl.spotted & foxed. Front ep. to page v, verso of page 1515 to rear ep. spotted. 25.0x18.0cm. [L03173-605015] 324 辞 典 ・ 事 典 ビブリオグラフィー 2997 Hansel,Johannes ¥3,150 Bücherkunde Für Germanisten. Wie sammelt man das Schrifttum nack dem neuesten Forschungsstand? Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1959. 233pp. Ink underlined to p20 .p41-p43. p64-66. p168-p176. and some pencil notations to the magin. Spine & cover sl. sunned. [L02645-604526] 2998 Gipper,Helmut & Hans Schwarz ¥1,680 Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. TeilⅡ: Systematischer Teil (Register). D. Wörterbücher und Wortschatzsammlungen, nach Sprachen geordnet, mit Fehlerverzeichnis (H.Schwarz) und Nachwort (H.Gipper). Erarbeitet von Hartwig Franke. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1989. 48pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0616-601167] 2999 植木迪子 / 脇坂豊 (編) ¥2,520 BZL・Ⅳ. Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenaufsätze zur Linguistik 1973. Eenergeia-Kreis, 1976. 50pp. Printed wrappers. 別紙「BZL について」の説明 1 枚附 [ds0079-603460] 325 辞 典 ・ 事 典 辞 典 ・ 和 書 3000 改正増補 英和對譯袖珍辭書 慶應三年江戸再版・明治二年官許 ¥189,000 (Kaisei zouho eiwataiyaku shuchin jisho) A English - Japanese dictionary. 1869. 498 丁 扉及び奥付頁に印 扉頁の裏に旧蔵者の墨書及び印 装丁なしの糸綴じ本で珍しい 30 丁 -74 丁、82 丁-88 丁虫喰い少々 [aj638-704908] 3001 日本 薩摩学生 (前田正名、前田献吉、高橋新吉ほか): ¥157,500 改正増補 和譯英辭書(薩摩辞書) 明治二歳巳巳正月 An English - Japanese Dictionary, Together with a Table of Irregular Verbs, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1869. Third Edition Revised. 677pp. (上海米国長老教会印刷所印行) 3/4 革装(擦れ、クロース一部欠) ページ、小口全体的にヤケ 英 文タイトルページ及び p.265-p.266 一部欠 (コピー補充) 前見返し少々破れ 前あそび紙、p.1 及び p.1 の前の白紙ページに蔵書印 序文に個人印(小) p.677 裏にシール貼りつき 24x17cm. [aj622-704838] 3002 大正増補 和譯英辭林 明治十九年二月 大日本 中外堂 ¥36,750 An English-Japanese Pronouncing Dictionary, With an Appendix Containing a Table of Irregular Verbs, Tables of Money, Weight, and Measure, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1871. Fourth Edition Revised. 806pp. (序文: 薩摩學生 前田正穀 高橋良昭) 1/2 morocco with brown cloth, sl.rubbed. Joint of e.ps.repaired with cloth tapes. Edges, e.ps., and pages foxing. 250-252pp.out of order. P.770 partly misprinted. 23x17.3cm. [d00212-300360] 3003 Aston,W.G. W.G.アストン: 日本文語文典 1887 年 第2版 ¥94,500 A Grammar of the Japanese Written Language. London: Trübner & Co., Yokohama: Lane, Crawford & Co., 1877. Second Edition. xii,212pp.+ appendix (iv,lxx pp.)+ index (viii pp.) Rebound in green cloth, sl.sunned, gilt title to spine. 24.7x15.8cm. [aj271-300347] 3004 Brinkley,F. ,南條文雄,岩崎行親,箕作佳吉,松村任三(編): 和英大辭典 第四版 ¥21,000 An Unabridged Japanese-English Dictionary. With Copious Illustrations. メール新聞主筆エフ、ブリンクリー, 文學博士マスター、オフ、アーツ南條文雄, 鹿児島中學校長農 學士 岩崎行親 (編纂) 大學教授理學博士 箕作佳吉 動物學語担任, 大學教授理學博士 松村 任三 植物學語担任. 三省堂, 明 30. 4 版 xxiii,1687pp. 緑クロース装. 擦れ及び汚れ. 小口 マーブル、ヤケ及び汚れ. 前後見返し綴じ部分少割れ. 本文数頁シミ有. 22.1x15.8cm. [w2674-705061] 3005 Brinkley,F. (エフ、ブリンクリー), 南條文雄, 岩崎行親(編纂): 和英大辭典 第六版 ¥26,250 An Unabridged Japanese-English Dictionary. With Copious Illustrations. メール新聞主筆エフ、ブリンクリー, 文學博士マスター、オフ、アーツ南條文雄, 鹿児島中學校長農 學士 岩崎行親 (編纂) 大學教授理學博士 箕作佳吉 動物學語担任, 大學教授理學博士 松村 任三 植物學語担任. 三省堂, 明 33. 6 版 iv,xxiii,1687pp. 緑クロース装、擦れ及び角少欠け. 本 文中挿絵(小)有. 背ヤケ及び皺、角擦れ. 小口汚れ、天に朱印. 前見返しに前所有者サイン (“K.Kihara”). 前見返しの遊び頁綴割れ. iii、1、1687pp.に「今村蔵書」の印(3x2cm.). iii-iv 上部綴裂 け. 364、365pp.本文端に汚れ. 726、731pp.に少々朱線. 22.6x15.5cm. [w2727-705143] 3006 Davidson,Thomas ed. ¥12,600 Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language. London: W.& R.Chambers, 1906. viii,1206pp. クロース装. 背、小口ヤケ. 背、表紙、裏表紙擦れ. 裏表紙に薄い白い染み. 前 後見返しから数ページに穴(小)数箇所. 扉に蔵書印(小). P.816 余白に書込. 一部ページに薄い染 み. 21.3x15.2cm. [w1499-701680] 326 辞典 ・ 和書 3007 Hepburn,J.C./美國 平文先生 編譯: ¥1,260,000 和英語林集成 長崎通詞 頴川永泰 旧蔵(英文タイトルページに印あり) 一千八百六十七年 A Japanese and English Dictionary; with an English and Japanese Index. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867. First edition. (日本横濱梓行 初版) xii,558pp.(Japanese-English dic.)+132pp.(English-Japanese index). 3/4 morocco (rubbed) with brown cloth boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Ownership stamp (YT YeGaWa. Interpreter At Nagasaki Under the chief Government of Japan) on English title page. Edges foxing. With a new preserved box. 3/4 革装 拵函入 27.2x18.5cm. [aj616-704832] 3008 ヘボン,J.C.(著)/松村明(解説): 和英語林集成[第 3 版] =復刻版= ¥36,750 A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary. By J.C.Hepburn. Third Edition. 講談社, 昭 49. 第1刷. xxxiii,989pp. 函背ヤケ、角少皺. 帯薄いヤケ. カバー背ヤケ. 前そで及び前遊び紙 上部にシール剥がし跡. 22.5x16.5cm. [w2733-705151] 3009 Imbrie,William : W.インブリ 英和語源手引 1887 年 クロース装 ¥21,000 Handbook of English-Japanese Etymology. Tokyo, Osaka, & Kyoto: S.Tsujimoto & Co.(辻本秀五 郎), 1887. vii, 207, xiv(index) pp. Bound in brown cloth, sunned, gilt title on front board. Colth of spine partly peeled. Small holes on front boad-6pp. All edge red. Ex-library stamps on i, iii, 1, 126pp., & p.xiv of 'index' (4.5x4.5cm). Red lines and ink notation to 'contents' and red underlines and pencil notations to several pages. p.vii (contents) 1/3 missing, but text good. 19.5x13.4cm. [aj234-300357] 3010 Lyell,Thomas R.: 最新英語日常語辞典 ¥4,200 Slang, Phrase and Idiom in Colloquial English and Their Use. 北星堂, 昭 6. xxi,764pp.+5pp(Addenda)+54pp.(Index) 黒クロース装. カバー背少ヤケ. 小型本 17x9.8cm. [w2172-701688] 3011 MaᴄGillivray,D. ¥15,750 A Mandarin-Romanized Dictionary of Chinese. By Rev. D. MaᴄGillivray, M.A., B.D., (On the same principle as G. C. Stent's Vocabulary.). Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1905. x,975pp. 3/4 革装、欠け及び擦れ. 背に接着の補修. 小口マーブル、汚れ及び天と地に水濡れシミ. 前見返 し遊び上部少裂け. タイトル頁綴じ裂け. 後見返しに青印(0.5x0.5cm.). 前後見返し遊び及びタイト ル頁に蔵書印「日本語教育振興会蔵書之印」(3x3cm.)、「上海東亜公司」(3x4.4cm.). 後見返し遊び に書店印(1.5x0.4cm.). 22x14.3cm. [w2726-705142] 3012 Satow,Ernest Mason(アーネスト・サトウ) 石橋政方(原著): ¥31,500 E.M.Hobart-Hampden、Harold G.Parlett(増補改訂): 英和口語辞典(第 3 版) An English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language. Third Edition. 名著普及会 1985. 復刻版初版 viii,1031pp. 森岡健二 出来成訓 武内博(解説). 1904 年(原本)版の復刻版. 函背 少ヤケ. 本文:美本. [w2303-704224] 3013 Ynigo.T, C.: スパニシエ會話 ¥3,150 Vocabulario Japones por C.Ynigo.T, de N. 丸善, 明 37 再版. 70pp.+4pp. 小型本. 前見返しに 小印. 全体的に少ヤケ. 12.8x9.2cm. [w2506-704754] 3014 李登煇、郭秉文、李培恩 (編): 雙解 實用英漢字典 ¥15,750 A Practical English-Chinese Dictionary. 附例句、成語、同義字、商業名詞 香港:商業印書館, 1964. 25 版. xiv,1674pp. 緑クロース装. 小口、見返し少々ヤケ. 17.1x10cm. [w1534-701679] 3015 阿日耳維(Ogilvie,John 英國)・柴田昌吉(長崎)・子安峻(大垣): ¥52,500 附音挿圖 英和字彙 明治六年一月印行 官許 日就社 English and Japanese Dictionary. Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Etymological. 附録 Appendix, Containing Explanatory Tables of Irregular Verbs, Abbreviations and Contractions, and Arbitrary Signs Used in Writing and Printing, and Pronouncing Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names. To which is added Pictorial Illustrations. 327 辞典 ・ 和書 日就社, 明 6. 初版. 1548pp. 改装本(紺クロース装)、全体的に擦れ及び角破れ. 本文中挿絵(小) 有. 背ヤケ. 小口汚れ. 英文扉頁及び奥付頁欠. 前見返し遊び、1pp.に朱印(2x2.2cm.)、 (2x1.4cm.)及び蔵書印(2.8x2.8cm.). 前後遊び紙に水濡れシミ、後遊び紙少裂け及び汚れ. 扉頁~ 緒言頁にかけて少々虫食い及び少裂け. 1-4pp.少皺. 前見返し及び 1、56-57、110-111、1079pp.に 朱印汚れ. 518pp.少々インク汚れ. 905-906、1349-1350pp.端少裂け. 3-4、431-432pp.少々穴. 23.9x18.5cm. [w2728-705145] 3016 故・淺田榮次(著) 淺田恒彦(相続): 英和和英 諺語辭典 ¥18,900 東京:文會堂、大3. (序文ほか)+483pp. 神田乃武、村上直次郎・序 クロース装(灰色)、少々汚れ、 背表紙ヤケ及び少々擦れ. 小口ヤケ. 「東京帝国大学附属図書館」ラベル(背、前見返し)及び印(扉 裏). P.483 余白少々欠け. 19.3x13.5cm. [we0550-704903] 3017 井上十吉: 井上和英大辭典 ¥18,900 Inouye's Comprehensive Japanese-English Dictionary. 至誠堂, 大 10. 3 版 viii,2913pp.+ 22pp.(付録) 青ビニールクロース装全体的汚れ及び擦れ. 背少ヤケ、角擦れ. 小口汚れ. 全体的下 部少濡れシミ. 前後見返し少破れ及び細かい汚れ. 前見返し遊び裏に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 283-284pp.下部少破れ. 1104-1105pp.綴じ割れ. 1377-1378、2137-2138pp.頁端少裂け. 19x11cm. [w2731-705148] 3018 井上十吉: 井上英和大辞典 ¥15,750 Inouye's English-Japanese Dictionary. 井上辭典刊行會, 昭 2. 148 版 ii,4pp.+2326pp.+24pp. 赤 ビニールクロース装全体的汚れ. 背ヤケ及び角擦れ及び少破れ. 小口汚れ、腹と地にペン及び鉛 筆書込み前見返しに書店シール. 前後見返し少破れ、見返し遊びに前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 624-625pp.上部少綴じ割れ. 1111、1916pp.に少朱線. 奥付頁上部に少々鉛筆書込み. 17x10cm. [w2730-705147] 3019 入江祝衛(編)・永嶋大典(解説): 詳解英和辞典 付・回顧録「辞書編纂苦心談」 ¥12,600 A New English-Japanese Dictionary. 名著普及会, 1985. 第1刷. vi,1427pp.+(附録)255pp.+(回顧 録「辞書編纂苦心談」)42pp. 函薄い汚れ. 黒クロース装. 小口腹にペン書込み. 前遊び紙に前所 有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 22.5x16.7cm. [w2732-705149] 3020 岡倉由三郎(編集主幹): 新英和大辭典[普及版] ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary on Bilingual Principles. 研究社, 昭 19. 第 96 版 iv,x,2514pp. 函ヤケ.灰クロース装.小口汚れ.前後見返しシミ.本文少々シミ. 19.5x13cm. [w2644/w2645-704992] 3021 岡倉由三郎 (編): 新英和大辭典 増補別冊 ¥3,150 Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary on Bilingual Principles. 研究社, 昭 8 p2032-p2163. 小冊子本 表紙ヤケ. 小口少ヤケ.18.8x13cm. [w2629-704976] 3022 岡本正文(編): 支那聲音字彙 改訂増補第二十四版 ¥5,250 A Chinese Pronunciation Dictionary in Peking Dialect. Twentyfourth Edition Revised and Enlarged. 文求堂 昭 2 244pp. 小型本. 背上部少擦れ. 16x9cm. [we0569-704950] 3023 顏惠慶 (編): 英漢大辭典 (小字本) ¥42,000 English-Chinese Standard Dictionary. Small Type Edition. Comprising 120,000 Words and Phrases with Translations, Pronunciations, Definitions, Illustrations, etc., etc. with a Copius Appendix. One Volume. Fourth Edition. Commercial Press. Limited. Shanghai. 1921. 上海:商務印書館, 中華民國 10 年. 4 版. iii,1186pp.+10pp.(英文引用外邦字語解)+67pp.(略字解) 緑クロース装. 表紙、背、裏表紙少々擦れ. 小口ヤケ、天にインクで書込(英華大辞典)、腹にインク 染み 4 箇所. 見返し、扉、ページヤケ. [w1538-701639] 3024 神田乃武 南日恒太郎(共編): 英和雙解熟語大辭典 ¥8,400 A Dicitionary of English Phrases with English and Japanese Explanations. 有朋堂 大 3 25 版 328 辞典 ・ 和書 x+1658pp+93pp. 紺クロース装. 背と表紙の繋ぎ部分一部剥れ. 背上下部擦れ.小口腹インク汚れ 有. 小口ヤケ. 本文全体的に少々ヤケ及び小さいシミ有. 前見返しに小印. 16.7x11cm. [w2507-704755] 3025 葛傳規 (編著): 英語慣用法詞典 (新修訂本) ¥15,750 A Dictionary of English Usage. (New Revised Edition). Compiled by Kê Chuan-Kwei. 香港:文化出 版社, 1961. 720pp. 緑クロース装. 小口、見返し、扉少々ヤケ. 19x13.8cm. [w1536-701644] 3026 研究社辞書部(編): 新初級英語辞典 ¥4,200 Kenkyusha's New A B C English Dictionary. 研究社, 昭 29. 初版 xi,532pp. 表紙少汚れ. 朱線 有. 後見返にインクサイン. 15.2x9cm.[we0570-704951] 3027 研究社辞書部(編): 新版 研究社スクール英和新辭典 附和英新辭典 ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's New School Dicitinary.(English-Japanese) 研究社, 昭 19. 第 113 版 xiv+1638pp. 函ヤケ、中少々カビ.紙カバーヤケ、背角少々裂け.モスグリーンクロース装.背角少々破れ.小口汚れ. 本文全体的にヤケ及びシミ. 19.5x13.5cm. [w2642-704988] 3028 呉俊芳、陶宗惕 (編) [奥付には”新陸編輯部 (編)”]: ¥15,750 双重音標 英華合解 標準英英・英漢双解大辭典 The Standard Eng-Eng-Chinese Dictionary. 台北市:新陸書局, 中華民國 56 年. 1510pp. 緑クロ ース装. カバー (少々薄い染み). 小口少々ヤケ. 見返し、扉に少々薄い染み. 17.5x11cm. [w1535-701647] 3029 高良二 寺田勇吉 共譯: ¥189,000 獨英和三對字彙大全 明治十九年一月印行 (扉) 明治二十年六月出版 (奥付) Neues vollständinges Wörterbuch der Deutschen, Englischen und Japanischen Sprache, einschlieɮlich der wichtigen im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörter, mit einem Berzeichniɮ der unregelmäɮigen (starken) Zeitwörter und der gebräuchlichen Abkürzungen. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-sho-dō & Co., 1886. Erste Auflage. iv,1650pp. 共同館 改装本(3/4 革装) ウェブスター、ウースター、ヘボン辞書他多数引用 扉裏から紙で補修 独文タイトルページに蔵書印及び右下角の欠けを紙で補修 一部ページ余白に薄いシミ 27.5x19.7cm. [aj621-704837] 3030 齊藤恒太郎 (纂述): 龢譯英文熟語叢 訂正第五版 攻王社蔵版 1902 年 ¥47,250 An English-Japanese Dictionary of Words and Phrases. Compiled and Translated by Tsunetaro Saito. With an Appendix of English Proverbs. Tokyo: Printed at the Kyoyekishosa(共益商社), 1902. Fifth edition revised and enlarged. 737pp. Bound in brown cloth, rubbed, and gilt title on spine. Flyleaves somewhat stained. Ownership stamps on title page and recto of publisher's imformation page (3x3cm). All edges sunned. 22.5x15.8cm. [aj240-300361] 3031 斎藤秀三郎: 熟語本位 英和中辭典[再訂版] ¥15,750 Saito's Idiomological English-Japanese. Dictionary. (Revised Edition.) 日栄社 大 8. 再訂版 10pp.+1594pp. 赤クロース装.全体的ヤケ.背角裂け及び擦れ.小口汚れ、小印有.前後見返し、遊び 紙ヤケ、汚れ.本文全体的にシミ. 19x13cm. [w2640-704986] 3032 斎藤秀三郎: 熟語本位 英和中辭典 初版 [分冊前編] ¥31,500 Saito's Idiomological English=Japanese Dictionary. 正則英語學校出版部 1915. [大正 4] 初版. 9pp.+750pp. 赤クロース装、全体的汚れ及び角擦れ. 背ヤケ、みぞ割れ. 小口汚れ. 前後見返しの ど割れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙少裂け. 1pp.に朱印(3.3x3.3cm.). 2、 114、528、714pp.に少々朱線. 12、37、86、131、328、333、355、374、489、531、574、695、714 に 少々訂正誤植朱書込. 225-226pp.、397-398pp.、13-514pp.、609-610pp.下部に少裂け. 711-714pp. に細かな裂け. 705-708pp.に朱汚れ. 715-奥付頁にシミ. 19.5x13cm. [w2722-705130] 329 辞典 ・ 和書 3033 斎藤秀三郎: 斎藤和英大辭典 ¥12,600 Saito's Japanese-English Dictionary. 大型机上版 名著普及会 昭 56. 覆刻版第 2 刷 5,1160pp. 背革装(合成皮革).天茶及び小口汚れ. 37x26.5cm. [w2669-705038] 3034 三省堂編修所(編) 佐々木達(編修主幹) N.C.Scott(発音指導): ¥4,200 最新コンサイス英和辞典 新版 Sanseido's New Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 44. 第 10 版 21 刷 1324pp. 茶 合皮装. 見返し少やけ. 小型本 15.5x8.4cm. [we0575-704957] 3035 三省堂編輯所(編): 三省堂英和大辭典 ¥12,600 Sanseido's Encyclopædic English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 3. iv pp.(巻頭の辞)+v pp.(凡 例)+(発音符号表ほか)+2680pp. 赤クロース装. 巻頭に「術語分擔執筆家芳名」4pp.あり. 小口ヤケ. 天からページにかけて薄い染み. 前見返し裏に鉛筆で書き込み. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 20x12.2cm. [w2341-704403] 3036 三省堂編輯所(編): 日英獨佛 図解辭典 ¥5,250 Picture Dictionary Bildworterbuch Dictionnaire Illustre. 三省堂, 昭 15. 第 10 版 6pp.+4p p.+25pp.+472pp.+110pp.+85pp.+88pp.50pp.函ヤケ、少々汚れ.ベージュクロース装.背ヤケ.小口汚 れ.前後見返しヤケ.本文ヤケ、少々シミ.タイトル頁、本文Ⅰタイトル頁及び 1pp、Vocabulaire50pp に 朱スタンプ有.21.7x14.5cm. [w2646-704993] 3037 三省堂編輯所(編): 日英獨佛 図解辭典 ¥5,250 Picture Dictionary Bildwörterbuch Dictionaire Illustré. 三省堂, 昭 15. 6pp.+4pp.+25pp.+470pp.+110pp.+85pp.+88pp.+50pp. 函ヤケ、汚れ及び端少裂け. ベージュクロー ス装背ヤケ及び角少擦れ. 天黄. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し薄い汚れ. 後見返しにシミ及びペン書込. 本文数頁薄いシミ有. 22.2x15.2cm. [w2676-705067] 3038 島正三(監修): 薩摩辞書 初版本 明治二年改正増補和訳英辞書 解題 ¥21,000 An English-Japanese Dictionary. Together with A Table of Irregular Verbs, and A List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Third Edition Revised. 6pp.+700pp. 函背ヤケ及び全体的汚れ. ペーパー装. 背角少擦れ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン (“K.Kihara”). 3-5、548-549pp.青線. まえがき頁 3pp.、本文 3、6-13、15-47、587、699-670pp.に鉛 筆書込み. 134pp.下部少々シミ. 25.7x17.3cm. [w2734-705152] 3039 島田豊(増補纂譯) 杉浦重剛、松下尤吉(校閲) 曲直瀬愛(訂正):再訂増補 和譯英字彙 ¥15,750 An English-Japanese Lexicon. By Y.Shimada. Ninth Edition with New Supplement. 大倉書店, 明 23. 第 5 版. xxiii,1673pp.+405-494pp. (和譯英字彙挿圖ノ分類解説) 総革装、全体的擦れ及び汚 れ. 背上部少補修. 小口マーブル汚れ、及び腹と地にインク書込み. 前後見返しマーブル. 前見返 し遊び紙上部欠け. 後見返し遊び紙少々裂け及び裏にペン書込みと蔵書印(1.7x1.7cm.). 後遊び 紙に墨筆書込み. 前所有者手書きのタイトル頁及びサイン(“K.Kihara”). 文中挿絵多数. 挿圖解説 頁 484-485pp.綴割れ. 元タイトル頁欠落. 19.8x13.5cm. [w2725-705141] 3040 島田豊(纂譯) 珍田捨巳(校閲) C.S.イビー(序) J.M.ディクソン(序): 雙解 英和大辭典 ¥52,500 A Dictionary of The English Language; The Words and Definitions Being Followed by Their Japanese Equivalents. To which is Added A Copious Appendix. Illustrated by Above 1500 Engravings. 共益商社, 明 36. 16 刷. vii,1310pp. 背革装、擦れ及び上部剥がれ. 濃赤クロース装全体的に擦れ. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し細かい剥がれ. 後見返し遊びに蔵書印(1.8x1.8cm.)、裏 にペン書込み. 奥付頁上部少々虫食い. 扉頁裏に前所有者サイン(“K,Kihara”). 各國旗章之圖頁 ~英和大辞典序頁下部に少綴じ剥がれ. 229-240pp.上部角皺及び汚れ. 637-638pp.頁下部少裂け. 89、327、505、595、865、915、959pp.に少朱線、1076pp.に少青線、321pp.に朱点. 637-638pp.下部 少裂け. 1、61、113、279、319、393、429、479、487、495、529、579、497、619、713、765、897、953、 969、987、1019、1021pp.頁端に少紙テープ貼付. 頁切り取り有. 27x19.3cm. [w2729-705146] 330 辞典 ・ 和書 3041 世界書局編輯部(編): 英漢 求解 文法 作文 辨義 四用辭典 ¥15,750 A Daily Use English=Chinese Dictionary. 香港:世界書局, 1959. 新 17 版. ii,1950pp.+20pp.(略字 表)+4pp.(不規則動詞表) 青ビニールクロース装、ソフトカバー. 小口、見返し少々ヤケ. 16.5x10cm. [w1533-701667] 3042 傍木哲二郎(纂譯) 小栗栖香平(校訂) 岩貞謙吉(校字): ¥94,500 新撰明治 和譯英辭林 明治十七年十二月版権免許 明治十八年一月發兌 細川氏藏 An English and Japanese Dictionary, With Appendix. By T.Sobaki; Thoroughly Revised, by K.Ogurus. Tokio: Published by Y.Hosokawa, 18th year of Meiji. New Edition. 689pp. 3/4 red calf (rubbed and chipped) with dark blue cloth (sl.rubbed). Gilt title and gilt compartments to spine, rubbed and chipped at edges, and leather label partly missing. Marbled e.ps.(faded) and marbled edges (faded). Ink notations to front flyleaf and recto of rear e.p. 22.8x16.5cm. [d00211-300359] 3043 高椙東一(高杉晋作の子)(纂譯) 寺内章明(訂正) 末岡精一(校閲): ¥168,000 英和新國民大辭書 明治 21 年(1888 年) New National Pronouncing Dictionary of the English & Japanese Language. Comprising many thousands of new words which modern literature, science, and art have called into existence and common usage; with pronounciations, etymologies, definitions, appendices of proper names, illustrations etc.etc. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-sho-dō & Co., 1888. 1179pp.+338pp.(appendix) 尚書堂 改装本(3/4 革装) 27.3x21cm. [aj620-704836] 3044 武田昌吉・子安峻(同譯) 西山義行・長谷川辰二郎(増補): ¥84,000 附音挿図 英和字壽彙 明治六年一月 日就社原版 同二十一年二月 新古堂再版 背革装 An English and Japanese Dictionary, Explanatory, Pronouncing, Etymological, Containing All English Words in Present Use, with an Appendix. Illustrated by Above 500 Engravings on Wood. Tokyo: Shinkodo, 2548, (1888). vii, 605, 188pp. Rebound with half calf with dark blue cloth, gilt title to spine. Marbled edges. Pages and edges somewhat sunned. 28x21.5cm. [aj228-300358] 3045 武信由太郎(編・主幹): 新和英大辭典(増補版) ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's New Japanese=English Dicitinary. 研究社, 昭 27. 108 版. iv,68pp.(new words)+ 2266pp. 黒クロース装. 小口ヤケ、染み. 見返し、扉、奥付に点々と薄い染み. 19x13.5cm. [w1541-701670] 3046 竹原常太: 竹原和英大辞典 ¥15,750 Takehara's Japanese-English Dictionary. 名著普及会 1983.復刻版第 1 刷 viii,1718pp. 函汚れ 及び端傷み.赤クロース装、薄い汚れ.小口汚れ. 26.5x19cm. [w2670-705039] 3047 竹原常太: スタンダード和英大辞典 普及版 ¥8,400 A Standard Japanese-English Dictionary. 寶文館, 大 14. 15 版. 1677pp. クロース装. 函(ヤケ、表 面剥れ、背に傷). 天金(少々染み). 小口ヤケ、少々インク染み. 3/4 革装(部分擦れ). 表紙、裏表紙 に白い薄い染み. 前みかえしジョイント部分裂け. 前後あそび紙小個人印有り. 22.2x16cm. [w1494-701671] 3048 竹原常太: スタンダード和英大辭典 普及版 ¥8,400 A Standard Japanese-English Dictionary. 寶文館,昭 5. 第 40 版 viii,1710pp. 函ヤケ、少傷み. 赤クロース装.背ヤケ.小口三方マーブル、少汚れ.前後見返しヤケ.前見返しペン書込み.本文少シ ミ.23x15.5cm. [w2647-704994] 3049 呉大五郎 及 鄭永邦(編著) 從六位 島田胤則(校閲):日漢英語言合璧 明治三十四年 ¥52,500 An English Chinese and Japanese Conversation. Tokyo, 1901. 4th edition. vii,195pp. 4版 三鬼堂 (印刷所) 中島藤兵衛 (印刷者) 丸善株式會社 (大賣捌) 改装本 一部ページに鉛筆及びインク 書込あり 15x19.8cm. [aj618-704835] 3050 土井忠生・森田武・長南実(編訳): 邦訳 日葡辞書 ¥10,500 Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam com a Declaração em Potugues. 岩波書店, 1980. 第1刷. 331 辞典 ・ 和書 34pp.+862pp. 函全体的ヤケ、少汚れ及び端少裂け. 帯少破れ. 臙脂クロース装. 後見返しに少々 シール剥がし跡及び少鉛筆書込み. 27.5x20cm. [w2735-705153] 3051 南條文雄(増補), Eastlake,F.Warrington・棚橋一郎(共譯): ¥15,750 ウェブスター氏新刊大辭書 和譯字彙 大増補 第四十五版 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Translated into Japanese. 文部大臣伯爵大木喬任公題辭、内 務大臣子爵品川彌二郎公題辭. 文學博士:南條文雄増補、博言博士:イーストレーキ・文學士:棚橋 一郎共譯. 三省堂, 明 35. 第 44 版. vi,2pp.+1838pp. 濃緑クロース装、全体的汚れ及び角擦れ. 背 角擦れ. 小口マーブル、ヤケ及び腹に少朱汚れ. 前後見返しマーブル.前見返し遊び紙上部少々 裂け. タイトル頁裏に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 後見返し及び遊び紙にインク汚れ及び少綴じ割 れ. 後見返し遊び裏にインク書込み. タイトル頁-1280pp.間に計 67 ヶ所朱印有(1x1cm.). 561-598pp.,1168-1264pp.,1297-1312p.,1343-1361pp.,1411-1456pp.,1503-1555pp.,1569-1648pp., 1697-1713pp.に濡れシミ及び濡れ皺. 656-657pp.に少綴じ割れ. 18.3x12.7cm. [w2724-705140] 3052 復江鐵(編): 増訂 綜合英漢大辭典 ¥26,250 A Comprehensive English-Chinese Dictionary. 附新字補編 香港:商務印書館, 1948. 増訂本第 1 版. xvi,1502pp.+63pp.(補編)+172pp.(古今地名人名音釋ほか) 濃赤クロース装. 裏表紙に薄い白 い汚れ. 小口、見返し少々ヤケ. 23x15.8cm. [w1537-701676] 3053 福原麟太郎(編): 英語教育事典 ¥4,200 The Kenkyusha Cyclopedia of English. 研究社 1961. 初版カバーやけ [W0941-701402] 3054 福原麟太郎(編集主幹): 新スクール英和辞典 ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's New School Dictionary(English-Japanese). 研究社, 昭 32. 第 1 版 xvi+1880pp. 函ヤケ.紺クロース装.背少々汚れ.小口汚れ. 19.5x13.5cm. [w2643-704989] 3055 藤岡勝二: 大英和辭典 ¥15,750 A Complete English=Japanese Dictionary. 2巻 大倉書店, 昭 10. 15 版. Vol.1: 10pp.(序、発音と その記号、凡例)+1633pp. vol.2: 2119pp.+2pp.青クロース装. 函 (ヤケ、薄い染み、部分破れ). 小口 ヤケ、少々染み. あそび紙に細かな染み. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 19x13.5cm. [w1523-701677] 3056 藤田仁太郎(編): 英和商工辭典 ¥4,200 Kenkyusha's English-Japanese Dictionary of Commercial and Technical Terms. 研究社, 昭 16. ii,3,1220pp. 茶クロース装. カバー背表紙少々裂け及び書込み(「昭 16 年」). 函の背表紙に書込み (「昭 16 年」). 小口に細かなシミ. 18.7x13.8cm. [w2339-704401] 3057 松浦林太郎(編): 片假名でひく外國語辭典 ¥8,400 平凡社 昭 5 初版 330pp. 印刷者;濤川薫 (東京市麹町區下六番町 10) 天金. 小口、見返し少 ヤケ. 17.6x9.5cm. [we0571-704952] 3058 Playfair,G.M.H. ¥15,750 The Cities and Towns of China. A Geographical Dictionary. 共益商社書店 明 37. 再版. xii,417pp.+31pp.+lviii. グリーン表紙少汚れ. 背革少擦れ. 本文全体的にヤケ. 19.5x13cm.[w2602-704899] 3059 Lange,Rudolf ¥31,500 A Text-Book of Colloquial Japanese. English Edition by Christopher Noss. 教文館 明 36. 初版 xxxii,573pp. 改装本(マーブル表紙). 3p-6p.まで朱線有. 18p.まで鉛筆書き込み少有. [w2603-704900] 3060 Knoetsen,J.F. ¥15,750 Japansche-Taal. Voor Hollandsch-Maleisch Sprekende Toeristen. Hollandsch-Japansch-Maleisch-Engelsch. Also for English and Japanese speaking people to learn the Dutch and Malay languages. Batavia(Java): N.V.De Pertoendjangan v/h Tjiong Koen Bie. 316pp. Nadruk Verboden Ingevolge de Auteurswet 1912. 改装本. 本文少ヤケ. [w2604-704901] 332 辞典 ・ 和書 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 3061 石川林四郎(編) 発音: ダニエル・ヂョウンズ(指導) ユーヂーン・ヘンダスン(擔當): ¥5,250 最新コンサイス英和辭典 Sanseido's New Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. With New Words Edition. 三省堂, [昭 13.] 2pp.(緒言)+3pp.(凡例)+2pp.(発音略解)+1173pp.+3pp.(不規則動詞表)+2pp.(新語篇ノ 序)+44pp.(新語篇 New Words Selection.) 茶合皮装、全体的薄い汚れ、端に細かいひび及び少 裂け. 背角擦れ及び少々裂け. 小口汚れ. 奥付欠. 後ろ見返し少々インク汚れ. 前後遊び紙にイン クサイン(“K.Kihara”“木原研三”). 88-89pp.のど割れ. 89-93pp.下部に少々欠け. 101-108pp.下部に 少々インク汚れ. P.247,249,288,318,351,532,642-643,665,667,807,930,949,1100,1115 に少インク書 込. 85-90, 470-476, 759-764, 951-956pp.に細かなヤケシミ. 621-656pp.角に少々シミ. 新語篇頁 5-44pp. 角に薄い水濡れシミ、P.43-遊び紙にかけて端少々欠け. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.5x8.5cm. [w2745-705163] 3062 乾亮一・小野茂(共編): 英語慣用句小辞典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's Little Dictionary of English Idiomatic Phrases. 研究社辞書部, 昭 34. 初版. xix,521pp. [研究社英語小辞典シリーズ] 編者・乾亮一氏より木原研三氏への署名入り寄贈本. 紺ビ ニール装、全体的薄い汚れ. 小口薄い青、汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 後遊 び紙に鉛筆及び青ペン書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 14.9x10cm. [w2759-705177] 3063 岩崎民平(編): ポケット英和辭典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's Pocket English-Japanese Dictionary. 研究社, 昭 22. 10 版. viii,1416pp. 黒ペーパー 装、全体的汚れ及び端擦れ. 背擦れ、補修跡有. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し汚れ及び細かなシミ. タイ トル頁に蔵書印(3x3cm.). 本文全体的ヤケシミ及び薄い汚れ. P.77 少々朱線. 485-494pp.少青点. 619-728,809-920pp.角少々シミ. 741-742,1151-1152,1413-1416pp.少々裂け. 136,282,658,756,848-849,881,887-892,1149-1154,1163,1210,1267-1281,1385-1386pp.少ペン書 込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.3x9cm. [w2743-705161] 3064 岩崎民平(編): 新ポケット英和辞典 改訂新版 ¥5,250 Kenkusha's New Pocket English-Japanese Dictionary. Revised Edition. 研究社辞書部, 1964. 改 訂新版第 2 刷. 26pp.+1555pp. カバー、端細かい裂け及び全体的薄い汚れ. 背ヤケ. 紺ビニール装. 小口薄い汚れ、天に少々青い汚れ. 前後遊び紙に細かいシミ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙の裏に少々鉛筆及びペン書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 16.2x9.5cm. [w2762-705180] 3065 大塚高信・五島忠久(共編): 英文法小辞典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's Little Dictionary of English Grammar. 研究社辞書部, 昭 34. 初版. 421pp. [研究社 英語小辞典シリーズ] 紺ビニール装. 帯少汚れ及び背ヤケ. 背上部角少々擦れ. 小口薄い青、汚 れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 14.5x10cm. [w2758-705176] 3066 小澤愛圀・山本文之助・增井一彦(共編): 英語諺語辞典 ¥8,400 A Dictionary of English Proverbs. 篠崎書林, 昭 30. 初版. ix,611pp. カバー、全体的汚れ、端欠 け及び細かい裂け. 前そで裂け. 背ヤケ、下部少々欠け. 紺クロース装. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ、地に 細かく薄いシミ. 前後見返し及び遊び紙に少ヤケシミ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.2x11cm. [w2764-705182] 3067 神田乃武・金澤久(共編) 三省堂編輯所(増訂): ¥8,400 増訂コンサイス英和辭典(萬國音標文字附) Sanseido's Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. Revised & Enlarged. 三省堂, 333 大 15. 84 版増訂. 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 782pp. 焦茶皮装、全体的擦れ及び端少欠け. 背擦れ、上部欠け及び下部裂け. 小口汚れ. 前後 遊び紙に朱印(1.5x1.5cm.)及びペン書込. タイトル頁に蔵書印(2.5x2.5cm.)2 ヶ所、朱印、及び上部 にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 奥付頁少朱線. 序文頁に蔵書印(2.5x2.5cm.). 本文朱線及び鉛筆書 込み多数. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.3x7.5cm. [w2739-705157] 3068 神田乃武 他(共編): 模範英和辭典 ¥15,750 Sanseidō's English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 大 3. 2016pp.+21pp.(三省堂出版圖書) [(編 者)神田乃武、樫田亀一郎、横井時敬、高松豊吉、中村達太郎、藤岡市助、江木衷、寺野精一、有 賀長雄、肝付兼行、神保小虎、平山信] 紺クロース装、全体的汚れ及び擦れ. 背角擦れ及び少々 裂け. 小口汚れ、腹にアルファベットのインク文字. 前後見返し少割れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイ ン(“K.Kihara”). 99-110、359-362pp.頁端に細かな裂け及び下部綴じ外れ. 385-400、417-432pp.頁 上部綴じ外れ. 本文挿絵(中)有. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 16.9x9.2cm. [w2747-705165] 3069 国松孝二(編):コンサイス独和辞典 〈新装版〉 ¥3,150 Sanseido's Concise Japanisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. 三省堂, 昭 45. 初版 新装第 1 刷. ix,1460pp. 深緑合皮装、少々折れ線. 小口薄い緑、汚れ、腹に少々アルファベットのペン書込. 前 見返し及び遊び紙に少ヤケシミ. 500-662pp. 頁上下部にインク及び鉛筆書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵 辞典. 17x10cm. [w2749-705167] 3070 研究社辭書部(編): 研究社 簡易英英辭典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's Simplified English Dictionary. English Through English. 研究社, 昭 24. 第 12 版. 1229pp. 黒ペーパー装. 背少汚れ及び角擦れ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙にペン書込跡. 436pp.に少々鉛筆書込み有. 木原研三先生旧蔵. 17x9.2cm. [w2738-705156] 3071 研究社辭書部(編):時事英語辭典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's Current English Dictionary. 研究社, 昭 23. 初版. v,629pp. [第一部:語彙篇 第二 部:固有名詞篇 第三部:文献篇 第四部:参考篇]黒クロース装、全体的薄い汚れ. 背薄いヤケ、角 少々擦れ及び上部に少皺. 小口汚れ. 前後見返しに細かいシミ汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”)、後ろ遊び紙に鉛筆書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 17x9.5cm. [w2756-705174] 3072 神戸商船大学海事用語辞典編纂委員会(編): 英和 海事用語辞典 ¥4,200 English-Japanese Dictionary of Marine Terms. 海文堂, 昭 38. 初版. 577pp. 黒合皮装、薄い汚 れ. 背下部少々剥がれ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 後見返しに少々汚 れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 18x11cm. [w2750-705168] 3073 佐久間信恭(著): 英和記憶辭典 ¥12,600 Sakuma's Mnemonic-English-Japanese Dictionary. 東洋タイムス社内英語専攻部, 大 8. 再版. 2pp.(Prefactory Note.)+30pp.(趣旨及び緒言)+686pp.+72pp.(索引) 赤クロース装、全体的汚れ及び 上部端少々欠け. 背ヤケ、角少々欠け. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 本 文全体的にヤケ. 索引頁 65-66pp.に少裂け. 木原研三先生旧蔵辭典. 14.9x9.5cm. [w2746-705164] 3074 三省堂編修所(編): コンサイス英英辞典 ¥5,250 Sanseido's Concise English Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 32. 1 版. vi,1040pp.+10pp.(不規則動詞表及 び英語通信文例) 紺合皮装、全体的薄い汚れ. 背少々擦れ、上部角少割れ. 小口青、薄い汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.6x8.5cm. [w2755-705173] 3075 三省堂編修所(編): コンサイス英英辞典 第 3 版 ¥4,200 Sanseido's Concise English Dictionary. Third Edition. 三省堂, 昭 47. 第 3 版 第 2 刷. vi,1175pp. 茶合皮装. 小口黄、天と地にペン書込(“英々コン”)、腹にアルファベットのペン書込 (A-Z). 前遊び 紙にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). タイトル頁裏に薄い朱汚れ. 本文少々挿絵(中). 木原研三先生旧蔵 辞典. 17.2x10.3cm. [w2748-705166] 334 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 3076 三省堂編輯所(編纂): 新コンサイス英和辭典 大型版 ¥8,400 Sanseido's New Concise English=Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 4. 初版. 2pp.(凡 例)+1108pp.+5pp.(不規則動詞表) 赤クロース装、全体的汚れ. 背汚れ及び上下部擦れ. 小口汚れ、 地にインク書込(“英コン 昭4”). 前後見返しに少々薄い朱汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙下部に少々黒印(0.5x1cm.). 671pp.-後遊び紙頁にかけて上部端に薄い水 濡れシミ有. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.2x10cm. [w2751-705169] 3077 三省堂編修所(編) 佐々木達(編集主幹) Dr.Robert H. Gerhard(発音指導): ¥6,300 最新コンサイス英和辞典 Sanseido's New Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 26. 改訂 1 版. 2pp.(緒 言)+4pp.(凡例)+5pp.(発音解説)+1183pp.+3pp.(不規則動詞表) 御審査用見本. 編者より竹沢啓一 郎氏への署名入り寄贈本. 臙脂合皮装、下部角少折れ. 小口汚れ. 前後見返しに細かい薄いシミ. 前遊び紙上部にインク書込及び少シミ. 凡例頁 P.1-本文 260pp.にかけて下部少々濡れシミ. 木原 研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.6x8.5cm. [w2753-705171] 3078 三省堂編修所(編) 佐々木達(編集主幹) Dr.Robert H. Gerhard(発音指導): ¥4,200 最新コンサイス英和辞典 Sanseido's New Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 27. 改訂 11 版. 2pp.(緒 言)+4pp.(凡例)+1239pp.+7pp.(不規則動詞表) 茶合皮装、全体的汚れ. 背欠け、青ビニールテー プで補修. 小口汚れ、腹にペン書込み. 後遊び紙に鉛筆及びペン書込み、少朱汚れ. タイトル頁少 朱汚れ. 凡例頁 2-3pp.及び奥付頁のどに青ビニールテープ補修. 緒言頁 2pp.及び奥付頁に少々 朱線. 18-19pp.のど割れ. 724-725pp.頁外れ. 発音解説頁 1pp.~本文 14pp.に細かな裂け. 1217-1218pp.頁外れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15x8.5cm. [w2737-705155] 3079 三省堂編修所(編) 佐々木達(編集主幹) Prof. N.C.Scott(発音指導): ¥5,250 最新コンサイス英和辞典 改訂版 Sanseido's New Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. Revised Edition. 三省堂, 昭 36. 改訂 29 版. 2pp.(緒言)+7pp.(使用上の方針)+4pp.(発音略解)+1296pp.+10pp.(I.米国の祝祭日 II.英国の祝 祭日 III.米国大統領表 IV.英国元首表 V.米国の州名と首都名 VI.数の読み方)+3pp.(不規則動詞 表) 茶ビニール装、下部少々剥がれ. 小口汚れ. 前後見返しにカラー地図付き. 前遊び紙上部 にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.2x8.8cm. [w2742-705160] 3080 三省堂編輯所(編纂): 改訂コンサイス英和新辭典 ¥5,250 Sanseido's New Concise English=Japanese Dictionary. Revised Edition. 三省堂, 昭 9. 改訂 80 版. 2pp.(緒言)+2pp.(凡例)+1116pp.+5pp.(不規則動詞表) 茶羊皮製、少々欠け. 背補修、タイトル 書込み. 小口赤、全体的汚れ及び腹にペン書込. 前後見返し少汚れ. 前遊び紙及びタイトル頁上 部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 前後遊び紙に朱及びペン書込. 本文少ヤケシミ有. 17-18,35-36,605-606,1109-1110pp.に少々欠け. 23-24,727-728pp.少裂け. 1028-1038pp.にインク 汚れ. 933pp.-奥付にかけて薄い水濡れシミ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.3x8cm. [w2740-705158] 3081 三省堂編輯所(編) 佐々木達(編集主幹): ¥5,250 最新コンサイス英和辞典 ジョーンズ式発音表記 Sanseido's New Concise English=Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 31. 9 版. 2pp.(緒言)+4pp.(凡 例)+3pp.(発音略解)+1247pp.+7pp.(不規則動詞表) 茶合皮装、角少折れ及び端少擦れ. 小口汚 れ、腹にペン書込. 前後見返し及び遊び紙に汚れ、後見返しに少インク汚れ. 後遊び紙に個人印 及びペン書込. 出版物目録頁にペン書込及び青線. P.92,616,1235 に少朱線、 P.83,89,279,316,415,560,735,872 に少青線、P.232,440 に青丸、371-372pp.少々欠け、633-636pp. 少々裂け、P.626,766,783,825,858,906-907,1216,1228 にインク書込み. 303-318,1071-1084,1109-1122pp.に汚れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15x8.8cm. [w2741-705159] 335 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 3082 三省堂編修所(編) 中島文雄(編集主幹): 最新コンサイス和英辞典 新版 ¥6,300 Sanseido's New Concise Japanese-English Dictionary. Eighth Edition. 三省堂, 昭 42. 第 8 版. x,1122pp. 中島文雄謹呈本. 紺革装、端少擦れ. 背擦れ及び少剥がれ、下部少々裂け. 小口青、 少汚れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.8x8.8cm. [w2754-705172] 3083 三省堂編修所(編): ローレル英和辞典 ¥4,200 Sanseido's Laurel English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 43.(第 1 刷発行) 第 7 刷. x,1154pp. カバー薄い汚れ. 背上部少々裂け. 小口薄い黄、少汚れ及び天と地に「ローレル」と青ペン書込. 後 遊び紙上部に少々インク書込. P.73、116 に少々緑又は青アンダーライン. P.127、769 にごく僅か朱 又は緑ペン書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 17.1x11.1cm. [w2765-705183] 3084 篠原一慶・岡本清逸(共編): 新英和熟語辭典 ¥15,750 A New English-Japanese Dictionary of Idioms and Phrases. 冨山房, 昭 3. 初版. 1299pp. 青革 装、全体的に端擦れ及び少々欠け. 背ヤケ及び剥がれ、下部少綴じ割れ. 小口青、汚れ、地に 少々白い汚れ. 前後見返し端に細かくひび. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三 先生旧蔵辞典. 16.5x9cm. [w2757-705175] 3085 島村盛助・土居光知・田中菊雄(共著): 岩波 英和辭典 新増訂版 ¥5,250 Iwanami's Simplified English-Japanese Dictionary. New Revised & Enlarged Edition. 岩波書店, 1954. 新増訂版第 10 刷. xiv,1558pp. 茶ビニール装、薄い汚れ. 帯少汚れ. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し 及び遊び紙細かい汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 本文少ヤケシミ有. 687-688pp. 少々インク汚れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.5x9.2cm. [w2744-705162] 3086 竹原常太(編) ハロルド・イー・パーマ(發音擔任): スタンダード英和辭典 ¥9,450 A Standard English-Japanese Dictionary. By Tsuneta Takehara, PH. D. Harold E. Palmer (Phonetic Transcription) Linguistic Adviser to the Ministry of Education. 大修館, 昭 15. 第 165 版. 13pp.+1234pp. 焦茶革装、全体的擦れ及び端に細かな裂け. 背テープ補修、タイトルペン書込. 小 口グレー、汚れ. 前後見返し少剥がれ. タイトル頁及び後遊び紙裏にインクサイン(“相羽正弘”)及び 朱印(1x1.3cm.). タイトル頁~4pp.にかけて少裂け及びテープ補修有. 3-13pp.端に少々シミ. 本文 P.9 に少々欠け. 本文数頁にわたり朱線及び朱丸. 1231-1232pp. 2/3 頁欠. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞 典. (初版は昭4). 15x8cm. [w2752-705170] 3087 竹原常太(原編) 中島文雄・朱牟田夏雄(共編): 新スタンダード英和辞典 ¥5,250 New Standard English-Japanese Dictionary. 大修館, 1959. 第 9 版. 2pp.(序)+6pp.(凡 例)+1307pp.+6pp.(不規則動詞表)+21pp.(略語表) 黄ビニール装、全体的薄い汚れ. 小口黄、薄い 汚れ. 前後見返し及び遊び紙に少々細かいシミ. 後遊び紙上部に鉛筆書込み. 693-700pp.少汚れ. 757-784pp.上部に少々インク汚れ. 別冊“「新スタンダード英和辞典」を使用する方に”付き. 木原研 三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.8x9.5cm. [w2761-705179] 3088 中島文雄・寺沢芳雄(共編): 英語語原小辞典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's Little Etymological Dictionary of English Language. 研究社辞書部, 昭 37. 初版. xvi,593pp. [研究社英語小辞典シリーズ] 紺ビニール装、全体的薄いヤケ及び表紙に少々縦折れ皺. 背ヤケ. 小口薄い青、汚れ. 前見返し上部にシールの剥し跡、遊び紙上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙端に極わずかペン書込み. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 14.8x9.8cm. [w2760-705178] 3089 福原麟太郎・山岸徳平(共編): ローマ字で引く国語新辞典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's New Dictionary of the Japanese Language. 研究社辞書部, 昭 27. 初版. iv,1750pp. 朱クロース装、全体的汚れ、後表紙綴じ割れ. 背汚れ. 小口薄い朱汚れ及び細かいシミ. 前後見返 し及び遊び紙ヤケ、細かいシミ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”)及び少々ペン書込み. 後 見返しに 10.6x3.5cm.の白紙貼付、少々ペン書込及び数字印有. 本文全体的に薄いヤケシミ. 1720-1738pp.に青ペン書込み. 1729pp.に少朱ペン汚れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 16.2x9.5cm. [w2763-705181] 336 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 言 言語学重要セット 337 O.イェスペルゼン特集 343 言語学一般 345 言語学者に関する伝記・評論359 言語学史 362 イディオム 362 類義語 363 慣用法 363 語形成 364 共時言語学・通時言語学 364 言語変化 365 歴史言語学・言語史 365 語源学 371 比較言語学 372 対照言語学 373 言語類型論 373 語 学 (洋 書) 辞書学・語彙論 音声学・音韻論 構造言語学 機能的言語論 言理学 文法 数理言語学・計量言語学 語用論 意味論 心理言語学・心理学 言語習得 語学教育 子供と言語 社会言語学 民族言語学 記号論 374 375 385 386 388 388 414 416 416 421 426 427 429 431 435 436 修辞学 438 文体論 438 翻 訳 440 さまざまな英語 (古・中期英語、 各地の英語ほか) 441 さまざまなドイツ語 (古期~中世 のドイツ語ほか) 460 古代 ・ 中世の言語 468 印欧語関連 473 世界の言語 494 さまざまな地域の言語 495 論文集 503 会議報告書 511 叢書・雑誌 513 言語学重要セット 21 巻 南雲堂 (大塚高信 編) A reprint series of books relating to the English Language edited by Takanobu Otsuka. In 21 vols. Nan'un-Do(南雲堂), 1967-1971. (全て 1 刷) Vol.1: W.Bullokar: Booke at large, Bref Grammar and Pamphlet for Grammar. (解説・大塚高 信) P.Gr.: Grammatica Anglicana. (解説・渡部昇一) E.Coote: The English Schoole-maister. (解説・豊 田昌倫) Vol.2: A.Gill: Logonomia Anglica. G.Mason: Grammaire Angloise. (共に解説・柴田省三) Vol.3: B.Jonson: The English Grammar. (解説・石橋幸太郎) A.Hume: Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue. (解説・日下部徳次) J.Wallis: Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae. (解 説・渡部昇一) Vol.4: C.Butler: The English Grammar. (解説・渡部昇一) C.Cooper: Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae. (解説・柴田省三) Vol.5: T.Smith: De Recta et Emendata Linguae Anglicae Scriptione Dialogus. (解説・渡部昇一) J.B.Gen.Ca.: Le Maistre d'escole Anglois. (解説・中島邦男) Anon.: The Writing Scholar's Companion. (解説・林哲郎) Vol.6: J.Hart: An Orthographie. A Methode. (共に解説・荒木一雄) R.Hodges: The English Primrose. (解説・平岡照明) Vol.7: S.Daines: Orthoepia Anglicana. (解説・桑原輝男) J.Jones: Practical Phonography. (解説・菊 野六夫) Vol.8: J.Brightland: A Grammar of the English Tongue. (解説・寺沢芳雄) A.Lane: A Key to the Art of Letters. T.Dyche: A Guide to the English Tongue. (共に解説・益田出) Vol.9: M.Maittairer: The English Grammar. (解説・福村虎治郎) T.Dilworth: A New Guide to the English Tongue. (解説・小野茂) Vol.10: J.Greenwood: An Essay Towards a Practical English Grammar. (解説・垣田章) S.Johnson: A Grammar of the English Tongue. (解説・松浪有) 3090 英語文献翻刻シリーズ 337 言 語 学 Vol.11: Philological Essays from Dryden to Johnson. (解説・永嶋大典) Vol.12: J.Harris: Hermes: or, A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Language and Universal Grammar. (解説・中島文雄) Vol.13: R.Lowth: A Short Introduction to English Grammar. (解説・郡司利男) J.Buchanan: The British Grammar. (解説・広瀬泰三) Vol.14: J.Priestley: The Rudiments of English Grammar. A Course of Lectures on the Theory of Language, and Universal Grammar. (共に解説・山川喜久男) Vol.15: W.Ward: A Grammar of the English Language, in Two Treatises. (解説・前島儀一郎) T.Sheridan: A Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language. (解説・山口秀夫) Vol.16: N.Webster: A Grammatical Institute of the English Language (pt.II). (解説・河井迪男) C.Coote: Elements of the Grammar of the English Language. (解説・若田部博哉) Vol.17: J.H.Tooke: Ёπεα πτρόεντα, or The Diversion of Purley, Vol.I. (解説・大塚高信) Vol.18: J.H.Tooke: Ёπεα πτρόεντα, or The Diversion of Purley, Vol.II. (解説・大塚高信) Vol.19: L.Murray: English Grammar, adapted to the Different Classes of Learners. モルレイ氏 著: 英吉利小文典 (共に解説・宇賀冶正朋) Vol.20: W.Hazlitt: New and Improved Grammar of the English Tongue: For the Use of Schools. (解説・枡矢好弘) W.Cobbett: A Grammar on the English Language, in a Series of Letters. (解説・桝井 迪夫) Vol.21: H.Alford: The Queen's English. (解説・田桐大澄) G.W.Moon: The Dean's English. (解説・ 江川泰一郎) Spine of d.w.somewhat sunned and edges somewhat foxing. [L02369-600050] ¥189,000 3091 Kruisinga,E. A Handbook of Present-Day English. 2vols.in 4. Senjon.d. Vol.I: English Sounds. Reprinted from Kemink en Zoon over den dom te Utrcht, 4th edition in 1925. xi,311pp. Vol.II: English Accidence and Syntax-1. Reprinted from P.Noordhoff, Groningen, 5th edition in 1931. xxix,506pp. Vol.II-2. Reprinted from P.Noordhoff, Groningen, 5th edition in 1932. xiii,479pp. Vol.II-3. Reprinted from P.Noordhoff, Groningen, 5th edition in 1932. xiii,550pp. d.w. of vol.2 stained. [L02368-604276] ¥21,000 3092 Stammler,Wolfgang ed. Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss. Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. Bearbeitet von Maria-Lioba Lechner, Lydia Tschakert, Theresia Zimmer. 4 vols. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1957. / 1960. / 1962. / 1969. 2., überarbeitete Auflage. xvi,1999pp. / xii,2623pp. / xvi,3050pp. / viii,228pp. Vol.4 is "Register zu Band I bis III". d.w. I.Band: L.Weisgerber, H.Oppel, J.Dünninger, F.Martini, E.Frenzel, F.Panzer, B.Bischoff, E.Mehl, E.Heintel, H.Moser, A.Schirokauer, A.Langen, F.Thierfelder, W.Wittsack, E.Schwarz, W.Mitzka, W.Foerste, W.Krogmann, R.C.Wood, F.J.Beranek / II Band: R.Kienast, A.Closs, E.Seemann, K.H.Halbach, H.Maiworm, W.Stammler, G.Eis, G.Weydt, R.Majut, J.Kunz, K.Günther, E.Hartl, K.Ziegler, B.Martin, G.Cordes, W.Krogmann, R.Newald, K.Hauck / III.Band: F.H.Oppenheim, H.Petriconi, E.Schramm, H.Oppel, H.Jantz, C.Roos, E.Kunze, J.v.Dam, A.Rammelmeyer, A.Schmaus, M.Fishbach-Pospelova, K.K.Klein, F.Babinger, H.Losch, H.Hammitzsch, W.Stammler, K.Günther, K.Hoppe, H.Heinrich Borcherdt, K.d'Ester, K.Seeberger, F.Stepun, H.E.Holthusen, W.Bergengruen, B.v.Heiseler, H.Meier, V.Kellermann, W.Betz, J.Oswald, M.Schmidt, H.Arntz, W.Betz, K.Bader, D.W.H.Schwarz, H.Grundmann, H.Gollwitzer, U.Pretzel, H.Thomas, M.Hain, J.Dünninger, W.-E.Peuckert, M.Hain, L.Schmidt, W.Stammler, J.Göhler 27x20cm. [ds0738-600033] ¥46,200 3093 Stammler,Wolfgang ed. Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss. Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. 2 vols. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1966. 2., überarbeitete Auflage Unveränderter Nachdruck. xvi,1999pp. / xii,2623pp. I.Band: L.Weisgerber, H.Oppel, J.Dünninger, F.Martini, E.Frenzel, F.Panzer, B.Bischoff, E.Mehl, E.Heintel, H.Moser, A.Schirokauer, A.Langen, F.Thierfelder, W.Wittsack, E.Schwarz, W.Mitzka, W.Foerste, W.Krogmann, R.C.Wood, F.J.Beranek / II Band: R.Kienast, A.Closs, E.Seemann, K.H.Halbach, H.Maiworm, W.Stammler, G.Eis, G.Weydt, R.Majut, J.Kunz, K.Günther, E.Hartl, 338 言 語 学 K.Ziegler, B.Martin, G.Cordes, W.Krogmann, R.Newald, K.Hauck / Spines sunned and rubbed. 27x20cm. [ds1333-603243] ¥16,800 3094 (Coseriu,Eugenio) Logos Semantikos: Studia Linguistica in Honorem Eugenio Coseriu 1921-1981. Horst Geckeler, Brigitte Schlieben, Lange Jürgen Trabant, Harald Weydt (eds.) In 5 vols. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter / Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1981. Vol.1: History of Language Philosophy and of Linguistics. (xxx,458pp.) Vol.2: Language Theory and Language Philosophy. (x,492pp.) Vol.3: Semantics. (x,513pp.) Vol.4: Grammar. (x,441pp.) Vol.5: History and Variation in Languages. (x,469pp.) Top edge gray. Front and rear boards sl.stained. Edges light foxing. Ownership stamp of Takashi Kamei on front e.p.of vol.2. 24.8x16.8cm. [lk0001-604076] ¥57,750 3095 (Coseriu,Eugenio) Albrecht,Jörn, Jens Lüdtke & Harald Thun hrsg. Energeia und Ergon: Sprachliche Variation - Sprachgeschichte - Sprachthpologie. Studia in Honorem Eugenio Coseriu. [Tübinger Beiträzur Linguistik, Band 300] In 3 vols. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1988. Band I: Schriften von Eugenio Coseriu (1965-1987). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Jön Albrecht. (xlv,417pp.) Band II: Das sprachtheoretische Denken Eugenio Coserius in der Diskussiion (1). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Harald Thun. (Contributors: E.N.Díaz, W.Dietrich, P.Koch, M.lrich, E.Burr et al. xiv,578pp.) Band III: Das sprachtheoretische Denken Eugenio Coserius in der Diskussiion (2). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Jens Lüdtke. (Contributors: C.Lehmann, H.Weydt, H.Weber, R.Piotrowski et al. viii,535pp.) Spines of each vol.partly stained and edges light foxing. Pencil notations. 24.5x17.8cm. [lk0111-604077] ¥52,500 3096 Wundt,Wilhelm Völkerpsychologie. Eine Untersuchung der Entwichlungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Erster Band: Die Sprache. 1 Teil. Mit 40 Abbildungen im Text. (xv,695pp.) Zweiter Band: Die Sprache. 2 Teil. Mit 6 Abbildungen im Text. (x,681pp.) Dritter Band: Die Kunst. Mit 62 Abbildungen im Text. (xii,624pp.) In 3 vols. Leipzig: Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1921-1922. Vierte unveränderte Auflage. Sunned and faded. Bound in cloth backed marbled boards. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to e.p.of 2 band, and Ownership stamp on e.p.of 3 band. [lk0135-604219] ¥47,250 3097 Maurer,Friedrich & Friedrich Stroh eds. Deutsche Wortgeschichte. [Grundriss der Germanischen Philologie 17/I,II,III] 3vols. Berlin; Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1959. Zweite, Neubearbeitete Auflage. Band I; 492pp. Band 2; 613pp. Band 3; 186pp. With publisher's bibliography. Spine sunned. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03094-604758] ¥31,500 3098 Tooke,John Horne Eпea Πteroenta, or The Diversions of Purley. In 2 vols. London: Printed for the Author, 1798 & 1805. Second edition (to title page of vol.I). 534pp./ 516pp.+index. Vol.I; Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Joint of covers sl.loosened. Fore edge foxed & sl.spotted. Lower edge sl.spotted. Some pages spotted. Publisher'bibliography in the latter part of this book. Boards and spine rubbed and sl.peeled the surface. Front board of vol.I sl.started and rear board of vol.II cracked (第 2 巻裏表紙外れ). From frontis.to p.7 of vol.I light spotted. Ex-libris (Thomas Hodgkin) on left side of front e.ps.and another ink ownership notations to right side. 26.6x22cm. [ds1433-605256] ¥52,500 3099 Jørgensen,Peter Tysk Grammarik. I. II(Numerus Og Kasus). III(1: Samarbejde Med Ove K.Clausen) 6.oplag. 3 vols. København: G.E.C.Gads Forlag, 1976.77.78. xiii,254pp. vii,197pp. x,229pp. Stamped on title page of vol.1. [L01977-601712] ¥21,000 3100 Mätzner,Eduard (Adolf Ferdinand) Englisch Grammatik. Erster Theil: Die Lehre vom Worte./ Zweiter Theil: Die Lehre von der Wortund Satzfügung 1 & 2. In 3 vols. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1873-1875. Zweite Auflage. viii,560pp./ iv,529pp./ xv,619pp. Rebound. Small stamped on front flyleaf of each vols. [L01037-600024] ¥68,250 339 言 語 学 3101 Paul,Hermann Deutsche Grammatik. Band I, Teil I: Geschichtliche Einleitung, Teil II: Lautlehre. 1916. xix,378pp. / Band II, Teil III: Flexionslehre. 1917. vi,345pp. / Band III, Teil IV: Syntax (Erste hälfte) 1919. viii,456pp. / Band IV, Syntax (Zweite hälfte) 1920. 423pp. / Band V, Wortbildungslehre. 1920. vi,142pp. 5 vols. Halle a.S.: Verlag von Max Niemeyer. Sunned. Spine of Band I sl.damaged. Joint of Band III partly torn. [ds1159-602571] ¥25,200 3102 Paul,Hermann Deutsche Grammatik. Band I, Teil I: Geschichtliche Einleitung, Teil II: Lautlehre. / Band II, Teil III: Flexionslehre. / Band III, Teil IV: Syntax (Erste hälfte) / Band IV, Syntax (Zweite hälfte) / Band V, Wortbildungslehre. 5 vols. Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1955.(3.Auflage) / 1956.(3.Unveränderter nachdruck) / 1954.(Unveränderter nachdruck) / 1955.(2.Auflage) / 1955.(2.Auflage) xix,378pp. / 345pp. / viii,456pp. / 425pp. / vi,142pp. All edges slightly sunned. The spine of Band II.stained. Only Band II cloth binding. [ds0811-602572] ¥21,000 3103 Paul,Hermann Deutsche Grammatik. Band I, Teil I: Geschichtliche Einleitung, Teil II: Lautlehre. / Band II, Teil III: Flexionslehre. / Band III, Teil IV: Syntax (Erste hälfte) / Band IV, Teil IV: Syntax (Zweite hälfte) / Band V, Teil V: Wortbildungslehre. 5 vols. Max Niemeyer Verlag Tübingen, 1968. xix,378pp. /vi, 345pp. / viii,456pp. / 423pp. / vi,139pp. [L02660-604550] ¥21,000 3104 Poutsma,H. A Grammar of Late Modern English. 2 vols. in 5. Senjo, n.d. Reprinted. Part I: The sentence, First half; The elements of the sentence. Reprinted from Groningen, P.Noodhoff, 2nd edition in 1928. (xi,540pp.) Part I, Second half: The composite sentence. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff, 2nd edition in 1929. (545-1057pp.) Part II: The parts of speech, I-A: Nouns, ajections and articles. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff edition in 1914. (xii,703pp.) Part II, I-B: Pronouns and numerals. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff edition in 1916. (xv,706-1437pp.) Part II, II: The verb and the particles. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff edition in 1926. (vii,891pp.) With d.w. Spines of d.w.sl.faded and edges foxing. [L02365-600032] ¥31,500 3105 Poutsma,H. A Grammar of Late Modern English. 2 parts in 5. 本の友社, 1994. 復刻版 Part I: The sentence, First half; The elements of the sentence. Originally published by P.Noodhoff, Groningen, 1928, 2nd edition. (xi,540pp.) Part I: Second half; The composite sentence. Originally published by P.Noodhoff, Groningen, 1929, 2nd edition. (545-1057pp.) Part II: The parts of speech, I-A; Nouns, ajections and articles. Originally published by P.Noodhoff, Groningen, 1914. (xii,703pp.) Part II: I-B; Pronouns and numerals. Originally published by P.Noodhoff, Groningen, 1916. (xv,706-1437pp.) Part II: II; The verb and the particles. Originally published by P.Noodhoff, Groningen, 1926. (vii,891pp.) [L02918-604577] ¥36,750 3106 Mencken,H.L. The American Language. An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. [Borzoi Books] In 3 vols. Tokyo: Senjo Publishing Co, 1968. Reprinted. Originally published from New York: Alfred A.Knopf, Vol.1: Fourth edition corrected, enlarged, and rewritten. 14th printing, 1957. (xi,769,xxix pp.) Vol.2 (Supplement One): 6th printing, 1956. (xv,739,xxxv pp.) Vol.3 (Supplement Two): 3rd printing, 1956. (xiii,890,xliii pp.) Dust wrapper sl.sunned and partly torn. Edges sl.spotted. 24.3x17cm. [L01699-a-600030] ¥31,500 3107 Mossé,Fernand Manuel de l'Anglais du Moyen Âge des Origines au XIV℮ Siècle. I. Vieil-Anglais. Avec 5 figures et 2 planches hors texte. Tome Premier: Grammaire et Textes.(345pp.+1 tableau) Tome Second: Notes et Glossaire.(347-552pp.+errata) II. Moyen-Anglais. Avec 11 figures et 5 planches hors texte. Tome Premier: Grammaire et Textes.(383pp.) Tome Second: Notes et Glossaire.(191pp.) [Bibliothèque de Philologie Germanique VIII & XII] In 4 vols. Paris: Aubier, 1950 & 1962. Printed wrappers. 340 言 語 学 Wholly sunned. Covers of "I- Tome premier" partly stained. Pencil notations to some pages of II-Tome premier & second. 19.3x14.5cm. [L03157-604825] ¥12,600 3108 Dobson,E.J. English Pronunciation 1500-1700. Second Edition. Vol. 1: Survay of the Sources. xxiv,444pp. Vol. 2: Phonology. vi,446-1082. In 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. d.w. sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. Edges spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. End papers partly spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol.1: Verso of half title page & title page spotted. [L03161-604883] ¥36,750 3109 Müller,Wilhelm / Zarncke,Friedrich Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch mit Benutzung des Nachlasses von George Friedrich Benecke. Ausgearbeitet von Wilhelm Müller und Friedrich Zarncke. Erster Band: A-L./ Zweiter Band, Erste Abtheilung: M-R./ Zweiter Band, Zweite Abtheilung: S./ Dritter Band: T-Z. 3 vols. in 4. Leipzig: Verlag von S.Hirzel, 1854-1866. xxii,1061pp./ vi,825pp./ iv,815pp./ viii,963pp. Rebound. 24.3x17cm. [ds1121-602403] ¥67,200 3110 Pokorny,Julius Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. 2 vols. Bern und München: Francke Verlag, 1959 & 1969. 1183pp./ 495pp. Edges and e.ps.light spotted. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover of band 1. Pencil notation to front e.p.of band 2. 25x16.5cm. [lk0042-604174] ¥47,250 3111 Hope,T.E. Lexical Borrowing in the Romance Languages. A Critical Study of Italianisms in French and Gallicisms in Italian from 1100 to 1900. 2vols. New York; New York University Press, 1971. Vol.I; xiv,354pp. Vol.II; iv,355-782pp. d.w. Its spine sl.stained, Otherwise near fine condition. [L03093.-604757] ¥31,500 3112 Conway,R.S. ・ J.Whatmough ・ S.E.Johnson The Prae-Italic Dialects of Italy. Volume I : Parts I ; The Venetic Inscriptions. Collected and edited by Robert Seymour Conway. Part II ; The Ancient Names Local, Divine, and Personal of Norh Italy. Collected, arranged, and edited by Sarah Elisabeth Johnson. With Those of the Raeti. Collected, arranged, and edited by Joshua Whatmough. Volume II : Part III; The Raetic, Lepontic, Gallic, East-Italic Messapic and Sicel Inscriptions. With the Glosses in Ancient Writers and the Local and Divine Names of Ancient Sicily. Edited with Notes and an Appendix together with Commentary, Grammar, Glossary and an account of the Alphabets by Joshua Whatmough. Volume III : Indexes. In Three Volumes. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. xvi,459pp. /xxx,632pp. /viii,163pp. With plates. Covers sl.stained. Top edge gray & sl.stained. Fore & lower edges sl.spotted & foxed. Stamped by former owner on title page in each vol. E.ps., flyleaves, half title page & last page sl.spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03445-605289] ¥31,500 3113 Düringsfeld,Ida von & Otto von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld Sprichwörter der germanischen und romanischen Sprachen. [Volkskundliche Quellen Neudrucke europäischer Texte und Untersuchungen VII Sprichwort] 2vols. Hildesheim・New York; Georg Olms Verlag, 1973. Vol. 1; xvi,522pp. Viii,638pp. Spine sl.sunned & rubbed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03095-604759] ¥36,750 3114 Lean,Vincent Stuckey Lean's Collectanea. Collections by Vincent Stuckey Lean of Proverbs (English & Foreign), Folk Lore, and Superstitions, also Compilations Towards Dictionaries of Proverbial Phrases and Words, Old and Disused. 4 vols in 5 books. Bristol: J.W.Arrowsmith, 1902-1904. Vol.I: frontis.+xvi,509pp.+2 plates./ Vol.II.1: frontis.+476pp./ Vol.II.2: 481-939pp./ Vol.III: frontis.+496pp./ Vol.IV: frontis.+480pp. White cloth backed red boards. Spine sunned. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Flyleaves and half title page spotted. Ex-libris.(James Rolt.) to front e.p. (リーンのことわざ百科) 26x17cm. [ds1405-604741] ¥84,000 341 言 語 学 3115 International Journal of Lexicography. Vol.1, No.1.(1988 Spring) - Vol.18, No.4.(December 2005). 72 冊 完全揃 Oxford UP., 1988-2005. Editors: Robert Ilson (vol.1, no.1-), A.P.Cowie (Vol.11, no.1-), Paul Bogaards(vol.16, no.1-) et al. Printed wrappers. Vols.1-10 bound in uniform gray and white paper boards, vols.11-18 in navy and white paper boards. Ink ownership signature to front board or 'contents' of almost all copies. Some copies light foxing. Pencil notations to vol.9, no.4. Ink notation to spine of vol.11, no.1. Pencil notations to vol.11, nos.2 & 4. Ink notation to spine of vol.15, no.1, upper corner of front board folded. Ink notation to spine of vol.15, no.4, page of 'contents' torn, repaired and underlined, clipped papers pasted on 'contents' and p.337. [with] "Five year index vols.1-5, 1988-1992". [ds1432-605081] ¥105,000 3116 The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vols.1 - 6. Vol.I: The Beginnings to 1066. (Ri- chard M.Hogg ed.) Vol.II: 1066-1476. (Norman Blake ed.) Vol.III: 1476-1776. (Roger Lass ed.) Vol.IV: 1776-Present Day. (Suzanne Romaine ed.) Vol.V: English in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development. (Robert Burchfield ed.) Vol.VI: English in North America. (John Algeo ed.) In 6 vols. Cambridge UP., 1992-2001. Vols.I, II & V are in uniform d.w.and vols.III,IV & VI are in another uniform d.w. Vols.III & IV are wrapped in plastic cover. Some pencil and red ink noations (biblography: p.542) to vol.VI. 23.5x15.8cm. [ds1402-604738] ¥63,000 3117 Brittoon,G.C. et al. English and Germanic Studies, University of Birmingham, I-Ⅶ. 7 vols. Univ.of Birmingham and W.Heffer & Sons, Cambridge. 1947-1961. Vol.1 (1947-8): Allardyce Nicoll (foreword), Emile Benveniste, L.Blakeley, Alice Brunner, Bruce Dickins, E.J.Dobson, Fraser Mackenzie, Angus McIntosh, E.S.Olszewska, Alan S.C.Ross, G.V.Smithers. (113pp.) Vol.2 (1948-9): G.V.Smithers, Pamela Gradon, E.Koutaissoff, Jerzy Koutaissoff, Susie I.Tucker, A.J.Bliss, J.I'a.Bromwich, C.T.Carr, K.R.Brooks, A.C.Cawley, Alan S.C.Ross, G.Shepherd (review). (103pp.) Vol.3 (1949-50): D.S.Brewer, Gwemeth Whitteridge, M.L.Samuels, R.W.Zandvoort, H.Kökeritz, K.R.Brooks, G.V.Smithers, A.J.Bliss, Alan S.C.Ross. (96pp.+plates) Vol.4 (1951-52): Alan S.C.Ross, W.Bonser, A.J.Bliss, Norman Davis, G.V.Smithers, W.B.Lockwood. (104pp.+plates) Vol.5 (1952-53): A.J.Bliss, K.R.Brooks, Cecily Clark, W.B.Lockwood, Alan S.C.Ross, Mary Salu, E.G.Stanley. (119pp.) Vol.6 (1957): Harol W.Bailey, Alan S.C.Ross, E.G.Stanley, Joyce Bazire, R.L.Thomson, R.B.Le Page, J.E.Cross et al. (121pp.) Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Covers and spine of vol.1 chipped and partly missing. Ex-library stamp on title pages, its verso and last pages of each vol. Vol.7(1961):(G.C.Brittoon, R.L.Thomson, Barbara Raw, A.L.Binns, E.G.Stanley, A.S.C.Ross, R.B.Le Page, H.W.Bailey) 83pp. Printed wrappers. 消去跡有り [L0136(L01316)-603947~53] ¥16,800 3118 Journal of English Linguistics. Vol.1 (March,1967) - Vol.27 (September,1999). Edited by Robert A.Peters (1967-83), William A.Kretzschmar,Jr. (1984-99). 27 vols.in 43 books. Western Washington State College, 1967-83 (vols.1-16), Univ.of Wisconsin, 1984-Apr.1986 (vols.17-19.1), Univ.of Georgia, Oct.1986- Oct.1989 [1993] (vols.19.2-22.2), Sage Publications, 1995-99 (vols.23-27). Printed wrappers. Vols.9, 10,11,13 are bound with stapler. Fornt cover to some pages of vol.7 folded at the corner. 274-275pp.and 286-287pp.of vol.19.2 are miss printed and supplemented with photo copy of these pages. 22.7x15.2cm. [ds1404-604740] ¥84,000 3119 S.P.E. Tracts (The Society for Pure English) No.I (1919)-LXVI (1948).In 4 vols. Oxford UP./ Senjo Publishing Co. Reprinted. 663pp./ 667-1317pp./ 1321-1677pp./ 1681-2245pp. (Contributors: Robert Bridges, L.P.Smith, John Sargeaunt, Henry Bradley, H.W.Fowler, O.Jespersen, H.C.Wyld, W.A.Craigie, E.Partridge, C.T.Onions et al.) Dust wrapper and edges of each vol.light foxing. [d00039] ¥36,750 342 言 語 学 O.イェスペルゼン特集 3120 Jespersen,Otto En Sprogmands Levned. København: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1938. 245pp. With a portrait of Jespersen. Printed wrappers, somewhat darkened. (邦題「イェスペルゼン自叙伝」) [lk0229-604246] ¥21,000 3121 Jespersen,Otto En Sprogmands Levned. Gyldendal, 1938. 245pp. Printed wrappers sl.sunned. Stamp on title page. Hige somewhat weak. (邦題「イェスペルゼン自叙伝」) [L01908-601641] ¥21,000 3122 Jespersen,Otto En Sprogmands Levned. København: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1938. 245pp. Printed wrappers sl.chipped. Spine sunned. Edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. A price label pasted on rear e.p. (邦題「イェスペルゼン自叙伝」) [L03234-605077] ¥21,000 3123 Jespersen,Otto Fonetik. En Systematisk Fremstilling af Læren om Sproglyd af Otto Jespersen. København: Det Schubotheske Forlag, 1897-1899. 633pp. Stamp on titile page. Some scattered foxing on pages. Ink signatures to title page and rear front flyleaf. Spine somewhat torn. [L01907-601644] ¥31,500 3124 Jespersen,Otto La Philosophie de la Grammaire. Traduit de l'anglais par Anne-marie Léonard. Préface d'Antoine Culioli. [Arguments 49] Les Éditions de Minuit, 1971. 513pp. Bibliography of publisher inside the covers. Printed wrappers sl.stained. Spine sl.spotted & sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03230-605073] ¥8,400 3125 Jespersen,Otto La Syntaxe Analytique. Traduit de l'anglais par Anne-marie Léonard. Préface d'Antoine Culioli. [Arguments 52] Les Éditions de Minuit, 1971. 263pp. Bibliography of publisher inside the covers. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned sl.rubbed. Edges foxed. Top & fore edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Margin of pages somewhat foxed. [L03229-605072] ¥6,300 3126 Jespersen,Otto Lehrbuch der Phonetik. Autrisierte Übersetzung von Hermann Davidsen. Mit 2 Tafeln. Leipzig und Berlin; B.G.Teubner, 1904. iv,254pp. Edges sl.spotted. Top edge darkened. The others foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03233-605076] ¥12,600 3127 Jespersen,Otto Lehrbuch der Phonetik. Leipzig, Berlin: B.G.Teubner, 1913. Zweite Auflage mit Zwei Tafeln. iv,258pp. 図版 [L02025-601654] ¥12,600 3128 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard / London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. Printed wrappers. Edges uncut. Red notations, and underlined to some pages. Cover somewhat sunned and stained. Light spottings to several pages. 26.7x20cm. [L02688-604580] ¥15,750 3129 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard, 1933. 461pp. Front board and spine sunned. Top edge blue. Ownership signature (by Hans F.Hendriksen) and ownership stamp (by Sudo) on title page. 26x20cm. [L01532 -601656] ¥36,750 3130 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard / London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. Rebound. Stamped on title page. 26.5x19.5cm. [L00472 -601659] ¥25,200 343 言 語 学 3131 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard / London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. Rebound (originally printed wrappers). Half calf. Light red marbled boards. Edges sl.foxed. Title page foxed. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. Black pencil notations in some pages. Invoice pasted on rear flyleaf. 26.0x19.5cm. [L03237-605080] ¥21,000 3132 Jespersen,Otto Mankind, Nation, and Individual from a Linguistic point of View. [Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskining. Serie A: Forelesninger IV] Oslo; H.Aschehoug & Co.(W.Nygaard), Leipzig; Otto Hrrassowitz, Paris; Nonoré Champion, London; Williams & Norgate,Ltd., Cambridge,Mass.; Harvard University Press, 1925. 221pp. Printed wrappers sl.spotted. Spine darkened. Top & fore edge spotted. Top edge stained. Hinges partly cracked. Joint of rear cover loosened. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Stamps by former owner on title page, page 1, verso of page 221. Some pages sl.spotted. (邦題『人類と言語』 須貝・真鍋訳 岡書院, 昭 7; 萩原星文館, 昭 19) [L03174-605016] ¥5,250 3133 Jespersen,Otto Modersålets Fonetik. Tredie udgave. København: Gydendalske Boghandel,1934. 196pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page. Spine sl. sunned. [L01879-601661] ¥21,000 3134 Jespersen,Otto Negation in Englsih and Other Langusges. [Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Hist.Filol.Medd.Dan.Vid.Selsk, 1,no.5] København;Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, 1917. 151pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.chipped. Front cover partly darkened. Top & fore edges spotted. Fore & lower edges foxed. Title page partly darkened. Verso of page 138, 151 foxed. [L03178-605021] ¥12,600 3135 Jespersen,Otto Negation in Englsih and Other Langusges. [Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Hist.Filol.Medd.Dan.Vid.Selsk, 1,no.5] København;Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, 1917. 151pp. Printed wrappers lacked (but joint of pages not started). Edges foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03231-605074] ¥5,250 3136 Jespersen,Otto Novial Lexike. International Dictionary. Dictionnaire International. Internationales Wörterbuch. London; George Allen & Unwin Ltd., Paris; Paul Geuthner, Heidelberg; Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1930. First published. 251pp. Printed wrappers sl.stained. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Some pages sl.spotted. 20.3x13.2cm. [L03228-605071] ¥8,400 3137 Jespersen,Otto Rasmus Rask. I Hundredåret Efter Hans Hovedværk. Skildret av Otto Jespersen. [Folkets Førere] Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania; Gyldendalske Boghandel - Nordisk Forlag, 1918. 80pp. Rebound. Edges somewhat foxed. Small ink ownership signatures to half title page. Pages somewhat foxed. Blue ink underlines from page 45 to page 48. [L03227-605070] ¥6,300 3138 Jespersen,Otto Selected Writings of Otto Jespersen. Tokyo: Senjo Publishing, n.d. 849pp. d.w.sl.sunned & torn. Small ink signature on rear flyleaf. [L01647-601666] ¥9,450 3139 Jespersen,Otto Tanker og Studier. København; Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1932. 278pp. Printed wrappers partly sunned & slchipped (partly repaired with cellophane tape). Rear cover sl.spotted. Spine sunned. Top edge sl.darkened. The others sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03232-605075] ¥29,400 3140 Jespersen,Otto The Philosophy of Grammar. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1977. Reprinted. 359pp. d.w. Stamped on title page & front & rear flyleaf. [L02460 -601668] ¥4,200 3141 Bøgholm,N.・Aage Brusendorff・C.A.Bodelsen eds. A Grammatical Miscellany Offered to Otto Jespersen. On His Seventieth Birthday. 344 Copenhagen; 言 語 学 Levin & Munksgaard, London; George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1930. 464pp. (Contributors; Allen Mawer, Eilert Ekwall, Alois Brandl, R.E. Zachrisson, Kemp Malone et al.) Rebound. Half calf. Boards & spine sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 26.0x19.5cm. [L03236-605079] ¥42,000 言語学一般 特に英語に関する書籍 350 ドイツ語に関する書籍 352 フランス語に関する書籍 359 3142 Abel,Carl Linguistic Essays. [The English and Foreign Philosophical Library Volume XXX] Boston; Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1882. vi,265pp. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Spine sl.chipped. Fore & lower edges sl.foxed. Joint of covers & some pages loosened. Library 's label on front end paper. Library stamped on title page. [L03065-604724] ¥5,250 3143 Allen,W.S. On the Linguistic Study of Languages. An Inaugural Lecture. Cambridge UP, 1957. 29pp. This inaugural lecture, delivered in Cambridge on 8 March 1957 by W.S.Allen, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Comparative Philology in the University of Cambridge, was published in 1957 by the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press. Printed wrappers. Front and rear covers foxing. 18.5x12.5cm. [lk0003-604049] ¥3,150 3144 Arens,Hans Sprachwissenschaft. Der gang ihrer Entwicklung von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Mit Schemazeichnungen im Text. [Orbis Acaademicus・Problemgeschichten der Wissenschaft in Dokumenten und Darstellungen] Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, 1955. ix,567pp. Top edge black. Some marks which erased small stamps. [L02637-600151] ¥12,600 3145 Bailey,Charles-James N. Essays on Time-Based Linguistic Analysis. With an Introduction by Peter Mühlhäusler. Clarendon Press, 1996. 423pp. d.w. [L00634-600193] ¥10,080 Oxford: 3146 Bally,Charles Le Langage et la Vie. Linguistique Générale et Stylistique - Mécanisme de l'Expressivité Linguistique. - Langage Transmis et Langage Acquis. - La Contrainte Sociale dans le Langage. - L'Enseignement de la Langue Maternelle et la Formation de l'Esprit. [Romanica Helvetica. Series Linguista. Vol.1.] Librairie E.Droz, 1935. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée. 227pp. Rebound with original paperback front cover. Small pencil notation of date to title page. (邦題「言語活動と生活」) [lk0043-604054] ¥8,400 3147 Bally,Charles Le Langage et la Vie. Linguistique Générale et Stylistique Mécanisme de l'Expressivité Linguistique Langage Transmis et Langage Acquis la Contrainte Sociale dans le Langage l'Enseignement de la Langue Maternelle F.de Saussre et l'Etat Actuel des Études Linguistiques. [Publications Romanes et Françaises. (sous la direction de Jean Frappier) XXXIV] Geneve: Librairie Droz / Lille: Librairie Giard, 1952. Troisième édition augmentée. 164pp. Printed wrappers. With a portrait of the author. Sunned. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. (邦題「言語活動と生活」) [L01352-600207] ¥5,250 3148 Battistella,Edwin L. The Logic of Markedness. Oxford UP., 1996. viii,179pp. d.w. [L00934-600246] ¥6,720 3149 Birnbaum,Henrik Linguistic Reconstruction: Its Potentials and Limitations in New Perspective. [Journal of In345 言 語 学 do-European Studies. Monograph No.2] Washington D.C.: Journal of Indo-European Studies, 78pp. Printed wrappers. [L02003-600338] ¥4,200 1977. 3150 Bohlen,Adolf Methodik des neusprachlichen Unterrichts. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1955. 2. erweiterte Auflage. viii,175pp. [ds0728-600382] ¥6,720 3151 Bohlen,Adolf Methodik des neusprachlichen Unterrichts. verbesserte Auflage. 209pp. [ds0729-600383] Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1966. 5., erweiterte und ¥10,080 3152 Borgstrøm,Carl HJ. Innføring I Sprogvidenskap. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1958. ix,164pp.+2maps. Dust wrapper somewhat spotted. This book was presented to Toshio Hirunuma from the author. [L00746-600401] ¥8,400 3153 Burghardt,Wolfgang / Hölker,Klaus eds. Text Processing ・Textverarbeitung.Papers in Text Analysis and Text Description. Beiträge zu Textanalyse und Textbeschreibung. [Research in Text Theory / Untersuchungen zur Texttheorie: editor: János S.Petöfi. Volume 3] Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1979. ix,465pp. (J.S.Petöfi, H.Rieser, G.Wienold, T.A.van Dijk, W.Kindt, S.J.Schmidt, W.Kummer, M.Nowakowska, L.Åqvist, D.Segal, A.J.Greimas, J.Courtès, M.Hoppál, P.Maranda, E.K.Maranda, D.Metzing, W.Samlowski, S.Klein et al., J.Palme) [L00134-600530] ¥6,720 3154 Danielsen,Niels Linguistic Studies. [Monographien zur Sprachwissenschaft; 8] Heidelberg; Carl Winter・ Universitätsverlag, 1980. 153pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed. Joint of covers partly loosened. [L03154-604822] ¥5,250 3155 Dixon,Robert M.W. What is Language? A New Approach to Linguistic Description. [Longmans Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1966. Second impression. (first published 1965) xviii,216pp. d.w. Some pencil notations to the margin. [L02433-600856] ¥4,200 3156 Freundlich,Rudolf Sprachtheorie. Grundbegriffe und Methoden zur Untersuchung der Sprachstruktur. York: Springer-Verlag, 1970. xii,181pp. d.w. [ds0709-601088] ¥5,040 Wien・New 3157 Gabelentz,George von der Die Sprachwissenschaft, ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und Bisherigen Engebnisse. Zweite, Vermehrte und Verbesserte Auflage. Herausgegeben von Dr.Albrecht Graf von der Schulenburg. Leipzig: Chr.Herm.Tauchnitz, 1901. xxi,520pp. Rebound with 3/4 calf. All edges marbled. Pages sunned. Pencil notataion to new e.p. [lk0075-604088] ¥31,500 3158 Glück,Helmut ed. Metzler Lexikon Sprache. [ds0155-601185] ¥12,600 Stuttgart, Weimar: Verlag J.B.Metzler, 1993. xx,711pp. d.w. 3159 Gockel,Heinz Individualisiertes Sprechen. Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnisthorie und Sprachkritik. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der germanischen Völker] Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1973. 218pp. [ds0714-601187] ¥6,720 3160 Greenberg,Joseph H. Essays in Linguistics. An Exploration into the Problems of Language and the Relationship of Linguistics to Other Fields of Study. The University of Chicago Press, 1957. vii,108pp. This volume has also been issued by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Incorporated, as Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology Number 24, in a limited, paper-bound edition for private distribu346 言 語 学 tion to scholars and institutions throughout the world.Top edge gray. d.w.torn & sunned. Small ink signature to front flyleaf. 26x18cm. [L01932-601242] ¥6,300 3161 Greenberg,Joseph H. Essays in Linguistics. The University of Chicago Press, 1961. Third impression. vii,108pp. Spine sunned. 26x18cm. [L00944-601244] ¥6,300 3162 Güntert,Hermann Grundfragen der Sprachwissenschaft. 2. Auflage, bearbeitet von Dr. Anton Scherer. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1956. 155pp. All edges slightly sunned. 18.5*13cm. [ds0326-601288] ¥2,520 3163 Haden,Ernest F. / Han,Mieko S. / Han,Yuri W. A Resonance Theory for Linguistics. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat Cornelius H.Van Schooneveld). Nr.XXII] s Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1962. 51pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [ds0117-2-601303] ¥1,680 3164 Hall,Fitzedward Recent Exemplifications of False Philology. New York; Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 1872. 124pp. Rebound. Edges foxed. A title label pasted on front e.p. small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Flyleaves & title page spotted. Small stamps on front flyleaf & page 1. Pencil notations in several pages. Pages somewhat foxed. With xeroxed papers of Preface, "Modern English". [L03384-605227] ¥15,750 3165 Hall,Jr., Robert A. Leave Your Language Alone! Ithaca: Lingguistica, 1950. xi,254pp. Spine sunned. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01247-601315] ¥5,040 3166 Hermann,Eduard Lautgesetz und Analogie. [Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Neue Folge Bd.XXIII,3] Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1931. vii,204pp. Rebounded. Original covers pasted on new covers. Edges foxing. Ink and pencil notations by Takashi Kamei. [lk0172-604100] ¥12,600 3167 Hjelmslev,Louis Language: An Introduction. Sproget, Translated from the Danish by Francis J.Whitfield. iv.of Wisconsin Press, 1970. xiii,144pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L02393-601486] ¥5,250 The Un- 3168 Hofmann,J.B. / Rubenbauer,H. Wörterbuch der Grammatischen und Metrischen Terminologie. [Sprachwissenschaftliche Studienbücher. (herausgegeben von Hans Krahe)] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1950. 64pp. Printed wrappers. All edges sunned. Rear cover partly missing. 18.3*12.5cm. [ds0332-601505] ¥3,360 3169 Homburger,L. Le Langage et les Langues. Introduction aux Études Linguistiques. [Bibliothèque Scientifique] Paris: Payot, 1951. 256pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [L00802-601518] ¥2,520 3170 Jakobson,Roman / Pomorska,Krystyna Dialogues. Foreword by Morris Halle. d.w. [L01869-601618] ¥4,200 Cambridge,Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1983. xii,183pp. 3171 Jakobson,Roman / Pomorska,Krystyna Dialogues. Foreword by Morris Halle. Cambridge UP., 1983. English translation,first published. Originally published in French as R.Jakobson and K.Pomorska: Dialogues by Flammarion,Paris,1980. xii,186pp. Initial translation from French by Christian Hubert. d.w. 21.3x14.5cm. [L00157-601619] ¥4,200 3172 Koblischke,Heinz Großes Abkürzungsbuch. Abkürzungen-Kurzwörter-Zeichen-Symbole. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1980. 2., durchgesehene Auflage. 508pp. d.w. All edges somewhat sunned. [ds0058-601838] ¥4,200 347 言 語 学 3173 Koblischke,Heinz Abkürzungsbuch. Abkürzungen-Kurzwörter-Zeichen-Symbole. Institut, 1969. 1. Auflage. 372pp. Dust wrapper the spine sunned. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches [ds0237-601839] ¥6,720 3174 Küfner,Ruth / Baer,Dieter / Czerny,Ute / Dalitz,Brigitte / Eckstein,Sonnele / Heinrich,Herbert / Ka- ramischewa,Helga / Stock,Gisela / Bloch,Ruth / Kaupert,Gisela / Liebig,Renate eds. Großes Fremdwörterbuch. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1979. 2., unveränderte Auflage. 824pp. d.w. All edges somewhat sunned. [ds0060-601907] ¥5,880 3175 Lepschy,Giulio C. A Survey of Structural Linguistics. [ds0263-602022] ¥5,040 London: Faber and Faber, 1970. First published. 192pp. d.w. 3176 Leroy,Maurice Les Grands Courants de la Linguistique Moderne. [Université Libre de Bruxelles・Travaux de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres. Tome XXIV] Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles / Presses Universitaires de France, 1967. Sixiéme tirage. x,194pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0039-602025] ¥2,520 3177 Levine,Lewis / Arndt,Walter Grundzüge moderner Sprachbeschreibung. [PHONAI: Lautbibliothek der europäischen Sprachen und Mundarten. Deutsche Reihe: Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Spracharchiv・Band 1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1969. vii,93pp. Printed wrappers. 図版 [ds0053-2-602031] ¥3,360 3178 Lüdtke,Helmut ed. Kommunikationstheoretische Grundlagen des Sprachwandels. [Grundlagen der Kommunikation Bibliotheksausgabe. (herausgegeben von Roland Posner)] Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1980. 270pp. (Helmut Lüdtke, Karl Horst Schmidt, Witold Mańczak, Willi Mayerthaler, Hermann Bluhme, Charles-James N.Bailey) [ds0452-602093] ¥6,720 3179 Lyons,John Natural Language and Universal Grammar: Essays in Linguistic Theory, Vol.I. 1991. First published. xv,290pp. d.w. [L02215-602103] ¥6,300 Cambridge UP., 3180 Macaulay,Ronald The Social Art. Language and Its Uses. Oxford UP, 1994. viii,241pp. d.w. [L00456-602112] ¥5,040 3181 Malkiel,Yakov Essays on Linguistic Themes. [Language and style series. (General editor: Stephen Ullmann) VI] Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1968. xviii,415pp. Dust wrapper sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover of d.w.and pencil signature to title page. Ink notation to front flap. [lk0140-604147] ¥6,300 3182 Malmberg,Bertil Système et Méthode. Trois Études du Linguistique Générale. [Vetenskapssocieteten I Lund, Årsbok 1945. Särtryck] Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup, 1945. 52pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Pencil notations. [lk0153-604149] ¥5,250 3183 Marouzeau,Jules La Linguistique ou Science du Langage. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1950. Nouveau tirage. 127pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [L00801/L01453-602166] ¥3,360 3184 Martinet,André La Linguistique Guide Alphabétique. Avec la collaboration de Jeanne Martinet et Henriette Walter. [Collection Guides Alphabetiques Mediations] Paris: Éditions Denoël, 1969. 490pp. d.w. [ds0137-602188] ¥6,720 3185 McCawley,James D. Adverbs, Vowels, and Other Objects of Wonder. Chicago and London; The University of Chicago 348 言 語 学 Press, 1979. xi,303pp. d.w. faded, sl.stained & chipped. Its spine sunned. Spine of covers sunned. Top edge sl.stained. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03413-605257] ¥5,250 3186 Motsch,Wolfgang Zur Kritik des sprachwissenschaftlichen Strukturalismus. [Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft: Reihe Sprache und Gesellschaft. Band 3] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1974. 192pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0186-602384] ¥3,360 3187 Nash,Rose Multilingual Lexicon of Linguistics and Philology: English, Russian, German, French. Consultants: Mervin Alleyne (French), Gerd Frankel (German), Stephen Soudakoff (Russian). [Miami Linguistics Series. No.3] Univ.of Miami Press, 1968. xxvi,390pp. The spine sl.rubbed. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. 22.8x18.6cm. [L00628-602418] ¥10,080 3188 Otto,Ernst Stand und Aufgabe der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1965. Zweite Auflage. viii,191pp. 2. Durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage mit einem Anhang: Kritik der Sprachkritik von Ernst Otto und einem Nachwort von Gerhard Haselbach. Somewhat sunned. [ds1315-602511] ¥5,040 3189 Pätsch,Gertrud Grundfragen der Sprachtheorie. Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1955. viii,181pp. The covers, the spine and flyleaves sunned. [ds0492/ds1313-602569] ¥5,040 3190 Potter,Simeon Language in the Modern World. [The Language Library. (Edited by Eric Partridge and Simeon Potter)] London: Andre Deutsch, 1975. Revised edition. 205pp. d.w. [L02423-602725] ¥4,200 3191 Pound, Louise Selected Writings of Louise Pound. University of Nebraska Press, 1949. xiv,365pp. Including bibliography. Dust wrapper sunned and chipped. [LL130-602728] ¥12,600 3192 Revzin,I.I. Models of Language. Translated from the Russian by N.F.C.Owen and A.S.C.Ross and Revised by the Author. London: Methuen & Co., 1966. (First published as Modeli yazyka.) xix,188pp. [L01255-602834] ¥4,200 3193 Rosetti,A. Linguistica. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Maior XVI] London, The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1965. 268pp. d.w. [ds0092-602897] ¥6,720 3194 Safire,William Language Maven Strikes Again. [L00586-602935] ¥4,200 Doubledy, 1990. First edition. xiv,447pp. d.w. 24.3x16.3cm. 3195 Sampson,Geoffrey Empirical Linguistics. [Open Linguistics Series] London and New York: Continuum, 2001. First published. viii,226pp. [L00615-602941] ¥5,040 3196 Sampson,Geoffrey Schools of Linguistics. Stanford UP.,1980. First published. 283pp. d.w. Stamped on title page. [L00969-602942] ¥4,200 3197 Skeat,Walter William A Student's Pastime. Being a Select Series of Articles Reprinted from 'Notes and Queries'. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1989. Facsimile reprinted edition (First published by Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1896). lxxxiv,410pp.+publication list 80pp. Green cloth board decolated in gilt. [L02525/L00763-603182] ¥6,300 349 言 語 学 3198 Slama-Cazacu,Tatiana Langage et Contexte. Le Problème du Langage dans la Conception de l'Expression et de l'Interprétation par des Organisations Contextuelles. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior VI] s-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1961. 251pp. Flyleaves slightly sunned. d.w. 26.5x19.5cm. [L00346-603192] ¥8,400 3199 Slama-Cazacu,Tatiana Langage et Contexte. Le Problème du Langage dans la Conception de l'Expression et de l'Interprétation par des Organisations Contextuelles. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior VI] s-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1961. 251pp. Spine partly stained. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ink notation (author's name) to bottom edge. Small date stamp on front e.p. 26.7x19cm. [L02305-603193] ¥8,400 3200 Snell,Bruno Der Aufbau der Sprache. Hamburg: Claassen Verlag, 1952. 219pp. Cover and spine sl.darkened and edgae foxing. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front e.p. Pencil notations. [lk0160-604200] ¥5,250 3201 Tschirch, Fritz Weltbild, Denkform und Sprachgestalt. Grundauffassungen und Fragestellungen in der heutigen Sprachwissenschaft. [Erkenntnis und Glaube Schriften der Evangelischen Forchungsakademie Jlsenburg Heft 13] Berlin; Verlag Herbert Renner, 1954. First printed. 104pp. Printed wrappers. Spine & all edges sunned. Front cover sl.spotted. Small ink owneship signature to front fly leaf. Almost all pages foxed. [L02985-604644] ¥3,150 3202 Vandamme,F.J. Simulation of Natural Language. A First Approach. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 50] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1972. This work was supposed by a grant of the 'Universitaire Stichting' of Belgium. 228pp. d.w. Pencil underlines to several pages. 26.5x19.5cm. [L00560-603497] ¥6,720 3203 Vermeer,Hans J. Einführung in die Linguistische Terminologie. [Sammlung dialog 53] shandlung, 1971. 117pp. Printed wrappers. [L01762-603517] ¥2,100 Nymphenburger Verlag- 3204 Whatmough,Joshua Language. A Modern Synthesis. London: Secker & Warburg, 1956. First edition. ix,270pp. d.w. somewhat torn. Scattered spots to edges. Former orner's sigh on rear flyleaf. [L01853-603666] ¥4,200 3205 Whatmough,Joshua Language. A Modern Synthesis. London: Secker & Warburg, 1956. First published. ix,270pp. (邦 題「言語」) d.w.sl.torn. Scattered spots to edges, e.ps.and several pages, sunned. Pencil notations. [lk0025-604216] ¥4,200 3206 Wheeler,Benjamin Ide Analogy and the Scope of its Application in Language. Johnson Reprint Co., 1965. First reprinting from the edition of published by John Wilson and Son, University Press, 1887. 50pp. Front and rear boards somewhat faded. Pencil notation to front e.p. Joint of p.1 started. [lk0112-604217] ¥5,250 英語 3207 Bazell,C.E Linguistic Form. [İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi. Yayınlarından: No.574] Istanbul Press, 1953. 116pp. Rebound with original paperback front cover. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to original front cover. [lk0089-604057] ¥10,500 350 言 語 学 3208 Grove,Victor The Language Bar. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1949. First published. 160pp. d.w. spotted. Spine sunned. Covers partly & somewhat spotted. Edges foxed. Top & lower edges spotted. Fore edge sl.spotted. Spotted from front e.p. to title page, page 160 to rear e.p. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03381-605224] ¥5,250 3209 Dyche,Thomas A Guide to the English Tongue 1707. [English Linguistics 1500-1800.(A Collection of Facsimile Reprints). Selected and Edited by R.C.Alston. No.92] The Scolar Press, 1968. 144pp. Some stain on green cloth board. [L01832-600892] ¥5,250 3210 Erwin,Robert The Great Language Panic and Other Essays in Cultural History. 1990. xi,145pp. d.w. [L02289-600966] ¥3,150 The Univ.of Georgia Press, 3211 Faiss,Klaus Aspekte der englischen Sprachgeschichte. [Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 71] Tübingen: TBL Verlag Gunter Narr, 1977. x,426pp. Printed wrappers. Small stamp on half title page. [ds1340-600983] ¥6,720 3212 Faiss,Klaus Englische Sprachgeschichte. [UTB für Wissenschaft: Grosse reihe] 1989. xiv,422pp. 24.5x17.8cm. [L02282-600984] ¥6,300 Tübingen: Francke Verlag, 3213 Green,Jonathon Neologisms-New Words Since 1960. [L00437-601236] ¥6,720 London: Bloomsbury, 1991. First published. xi,339pp. 3214 Householder,Fred W. Linguistic Speculations. Cambridge at the UP., 1971. xiv,352pp. Author's signature to title page. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01176-601542] ¥6,720 3215 Krapp,George Philip The Knowledge of English. New York; Henry Holt and Company, 1927. x,572pp. Spine sl.stained. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Top edge stained & sl.spotted. Fore egde foxed. Lower edge foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Almost all pages sl.spotted, but text's condition near fine. [L03073-604731] ¥8,400 3216 Latham,Robert Gordon The English Language. London: Printed for Taylor and Walton, 1841. xxii,418pp.+24pp.(advertisement, Bibliography of publisher) Rebound. Edges foxed. Top edge somewhat darkened. Small ink ownership signatures to front flyleaves. Small stamps by former owner on front flyleaf & titel page. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03387-605230] ¥26,250 3217 Latham,Robert Gordon The English Language. London: Taylor, Walton, and Maberly, 1850. Third edition. Revised and Greatly Enlarged. xlii,609pp.+4pp.(Biliography of publisher ). Rebound. Boards partly sunned, rubbed at corners & partly torn. Edges foxed. Label of Ex-libris on front e.p. small ink owenership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. Torn & repaired. A stamp on title page. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03388-605231] ¥26,250 3218 Leisi,Ernst Das Heutige Englisch. Wesenszüge und Probleme. [Sprachwissenschaftliche Studienbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1955. 228pp. Dust wrapper sunned and chipped. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. (邦題「現代の英語」) [L01026-602013] ¥3,360 3219 Marsh,George P. Lectures on the English Language. First Series. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 1870. Fourth Edition. Revised and Enlarged. x,715pp. Covers spotted, sl.rubbed & partly torn at corners. Spine 351 言 語 学 sl.rubbed. Its upper & lower parts torn. Edges foxed. Small ink ownerhsip signature to front flyleaf. Joint of front e.p. loosened & front cover nearly detached. Pages somewhat foxed. Pencil notations in some pages. [L03386-605229] ¥10,500 3220 Wijk,Axel Regularized English. An Investigation into the English Spelling Reform Problem with a New, Detailed Plan for a Possible Solution. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English. VII] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1959. 361pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Pencil notation to half title page and small ink notation to rear flyleaf. [L01348-603684] ¥12,600 3221 Williams,Edna Rees The Conflict of Homonyms in English. Archon Books, 1970. Reprinted in an unaltered and unabridged edition (Originally published by Yale UP [Yale Studies in English, vol.100], 1944). viii,127pp. With 7 maps. Dust wrapper sunned. [L02193-603690] ¥8,400 3222 Williams,Joseph M. The New English. Structure / Form / Style. red. [L00452-603693] ¥6,720 New York: The Free Press, 1970. xix,421pp. Top edge 3223 Wyld,Henry Cecil Kurze Geschichte des Englischen. Übersetzt von Heinrich Mutschmann. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Zweite Abteilung・Sprachwissenschaftliche Gymnasialbibliothek unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachgenossen. Herausugegeben von Max Niedermann. Neunter Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1919. viii,238pp. Printed wrappers. The spine, covers and all pages somewhat sunned. [ds0875-603768] ¥10,080 ドイツ語 3224 Agricola,Erhard ed. Wörter und Wendungen. Wörterbuch zum Deutschen Sprachgebrauch. Herausgegeben von Dr.Erhard Agricola unter Mitwirkung von Herbert Görner und Ruth Küfner. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1968. 3., durchgesehene Auflage. xxxii,792pp. All edges sunned. [ds0426-600079] ¥4,200 3225 Andresen,Karl Gustaf Sprachgebrauch und Sprachrichtigkeit im Deutschen. Elfte Auflage herausgegeben von Dr. Franz Söhns. Leipzig: O.R.Reisland, 1923. viii,360pp. Top edge red. All edges sunned. [ds0793-600132] ¥12,600 3226 Bach,Adolf Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. [Hochschulwissen in Einzeldarstellungen] Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1956. 6.,erweiterte Auflage. (1.Auflage 1938.) 360pp. [ds0779-600173] ¥10,080 3227 Bach,Adolf Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache. [Hochschulwissen in Einzeldarstellungen] Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1965. Achte, stark erweiterte Auflage. 495pp. [ds0780-600174] ¥12,600 3228 Baesecke,Georg Deutsche Philologie. Bearbeitet von Georg Baesecke. [Wissenschaftliche Forschungsberichte. (Herausgegeben von Karl Hönn) Geisteswissenschaftliche Reihe 1914-1917] Gotha: Verlag Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1919. xi,132pp. Printed wrappers. The covers and pages somewhat spotted. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds0873-600187] ¥6,720 3229 Behaghel,Otto Die Deutsche Sprache. Mit Hinweisen und Anmerkungen von Friedrich Maurer. Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1958. 13.Auflage. vii,313pp. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. 21.5x15.2cm. [ds0846-600276] ¥4,200 352 言 語 学 3230 Behaghel,Otto Die Deutsche Sprache. Mit Hinweisen und Anmerkungen von Friedrich Maurer. Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1968. 14.Auflage. vii,316pp. Spine sunned & pages have yellowed to the margin. 21.5x15.2cm. [L02629-600275] ¥4,200 3231 Behaghel,Otto Von deutscher Sprache. Aufsätze, Vorträge und Plaudereien. Wiesbaden: Dr. Martin Sändig oHG., 1967. Neudruck der Ausgabe 1927 mit Genehmigung des Moritz Schauenburg Verlages, Lahr im Schwarzwald. 399pp. [ds0581-600277] ¥10,080 3232 Bergmann,Karl Deutsches Leben im Lichtkreis der Sprache. xvi,229pp. [ds0948-600304] ¥6,720 Frankfurt: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 1926. 3233 Betcke,Bruno Deutscher Sprach- und Stil- Ratgeber. Band I: Das richtige Wort. Brannenburg / Rosenheim: Verlag"Beruf und Bildung" Dr.Alfred Hubrich, 1959. 2.durchgesehene Auflage des"Deutschen Sprach-Ratgebers". 148pp. Covers and the spine spotted. Red underlined to several pages. [ds1024-600315] ¥4,200 3234 Brigitte Döring et al. Übungstexte zur Deutschen Gegenwartssprache. (Autoren: Brigitte Döring Günter Hänse, Infeborg Heydrich, Manfred Lemmer, Wilhelm Schllenberg, Thea Schippan, Hans-Joachim Siebert, Günter Starke, Maria Stars, Gisela Trempelmann) 5., durchgesehene Auflage. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1976. 247pp. d.w. [ds0232-603827] ¥4,200 3235 Brinkmann,Hennig Die deutsche Sprache. Gestalt und Leistung. [Sprache und Gemeinschaft: Grundlegung / Band I] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1962. 1. Auflage. xii,654pp. Top edge blue. Dust wrapper sunned and spotted. [ds1051-600454] ¥10,080 3236 Dam,J.Van Handbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Erster Band: Einleitung und Lautlehre. Zweiter Band: Wortlehre. 2 vols. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff N.V. / Groningen: J.B.Wolters, 1968. / 1963. Sechste Auflage. / Vierte Auflage. v,268pp. / iv,489pp. [ds0222-600787] ¥16,800 3237 Enzyklopädie,Kleine Die deutsche Sprache. Band 1.2. 2 vols. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1969. 1970. 613pp . -1174pp.d.w. somewhat sunned & worn. Pages have sl. browned. With illustrations. [L02024-600953] ¥10,500 3238 Fährmann,Rudolf Die Deutung des Sprachausdrucks. Studien zur Einführung in die Praxis der Charakterologischen Stimm- und Sprachanalyse. Bonn: H.Bouvier u.Co.Verlag, 1960. 361pp.+別冊図版 39pp. Title page stamped. The spine of d.w. sunned. [ds0756-600982] ¥6,720 3239 Flämig,Walter Zum Konjunktiv in der Deutschen Sprache der Gegenwart. Inhalte und Gebrauchsweisen. [Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für deutsche Sprache und Literatur. 15] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1962. Zweite durchgesehene Auflage. viii,188pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds1330-601028] ¥6,720 3240 Fleischer,Wolfgang Phraseologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1982. 1. Auflage. 250pp. Dust wrapper slightly torn. [ds0489-601029] ¥4,200 353 言 語 学 3241 Fleischer,Wolfgang Phraseologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Auflage. 250pp. d.w. [L02632-604488] ¥4,200 Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1982. 1. 3242 Fleischer,Wolfgang / Große,Rudolf / Lerchner,Gotthard eds. Beiträge zur Erforschung der deutschen Sprache. 5.Band. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1985. 1. Auflage. 307pp. (Irmhild Barz, Eberhard Fischer, Claudia Fraas, Michael Gebhardt, Christa Heilmann, Sławomira Kaleta, Kathrin Kunkel, Eberhard Müske, Mária Papsonavá, Boris Paraschkewow, Christa Prowatke, Lutz Sattler, Vladimir Schemetov, Katrin Schletter, Marianne Schröder, Karl-Ernst Sommeerfeldt) Printed wrappers. Red underlined to several pages. [ds1008-601034] ¥3,360 3243 Forchhammer,Jörgen Allgemeine Sprechkunde (Laletik). Mit 9 Textabbildungen und 5 Tafeln. [Winters Studienführer] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1951. viii,193pp. Printed wrappers. All edges sunned. 図 版 [ds0019-601053] ¥3,360 3244 Frings,Theodor Sprache und GeschichteⅠ. Mit 37 Karten. [Historische Kommission bei der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig: Mitteldeutsche Studien. (Herausgegeben von Th.Frings und K.Bischoff) 16] Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1956. viii,151pp. Printed wrappers. 図 版多数 [ds0195-601102] ¥4,200 3245 Frings,Theodor Sprache und Geschichte II. Mit 39 Karten. [Historische Kommission bei der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig: Mitteldeutsche Studien. (Herausgegeben von Th.Frings und K.Bischoff) 17] Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1956. x,170pp. Printed wrappers. 図版 多数 The cover sunned. Page i-vii somewhat spotted. Title page stamped. [ds0744-601104] ¥3,360 3246 Gebhardt,Michael Deutsche Aufsätze. Mittelstufe. Anleitungen, Ausarbeitungen, Gliederungen, Themen zum Selbststudium und zur Unterweisung. Mit 4 Bildern. München: Max Hueber, 1957. 4.,verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. 279pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0652-601150] ¥4,200 3247 Geyer,Paul Der Deutsche Aufsatz. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts. An Höheren Schulen. (herausgegeben von Adolf Matthias. Erster Band, Zweiter Teil] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oskar Beck, 1911. Zweite,Verbesserte und Vermehrte Auflage. xi,347pp. With a slip case. Top edge green. Dust wrapper sunned. Fore & Bottom edge slightly spotted. 26.5x18.5cm. [ds0888-601163] ¥21,000 3248 Graf,Rainer Der Konjunktiv in gesprochener Sprache. Form, Vorkommen und Funktion untersucht an Tonbandaufnahmen aus Baden-Württemberg, Bayrisch-Schwaben, Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein. [Idionatica: Veröffentlichungen der Tübinger Arbeitsstelle ≫Sprache in Südwestdeutschland≪ In Verbindung mit Hermann Bausinger, Otmar Werner und Eberhard Zweirner. Herausgegeben von Arno Ruoff. 5. Band] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1977. 560pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0692-601218] ¥12,600 3249 Hager,Karl / Liebmann,Heinrich / Lossow,Paul von / Steidle,Hans eds. (bearbeitet und herausgege- ben) Technischer Wortschatz. Mit einem Vorwort von Walter von Dyck. Stuttgart und Berlin: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1920. 410pp. Top edge red. All edges sunned. The spine sunned and somewhat damaged. Rear cover spotted. Ink notation and stamped on front flyleaf. [ds0475-601309] ¥4,200 3250 Herbst,Thomas, David Heath & Hans-Martin Dederding Grimm's Grandchildren. Current Topics in German Linguistics. [Longmans Linguistics Library] London & New York: Longman, 1980. First published. xviii,230pp. A small scratch at top edge. [L01248-601436] ¥5,040 354 言 語 学 3251 Hildebrand,Rudolf Vom deutschen Sprachunterricht in der Schule und von deutscher Erziehung und Bildung überhaupt. Mit einem Anhang über die Fremdwörter und einem über das Altdeutsche in der Schule. Mit Bildnis und Lebensabriß, sowie dem Anhang: "Wie die Sprache altes Leben Fortführt" Leipzig: Julius Klinkhardt,Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1928. xxiv,262pp. Frontis. [ds0877-601455] ¥6,720 3252 Küpper,Heinz Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache. Band I: Vierte Auflage Unveränderter Nachdruck der dritten neubearbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage. Hamburg: Claassen Verlag, 1965. 535pp. Spine of d.w. sunned. [L01941-601914] ¥4,200 3253 Lindqvist,Axel Deutsches Kultur- und Gesellschaftsleben im Spiegel der Sprache. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1955. 172pp. Das Werk erschien in 1. Auflage 1942 bei Svenska Bokförlaget A.Bonnier, Stockholm, unter dem Titel "I Språkets spegel. Glimtar ur tyskt kultur- och samhällsliv" und wurde vom Verfasser für die vorliegende deutsche Ausgabe (Zugleich 2. Auflage) umgearbeitet und bedeutend erweitert. Aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt von Karl Witthalm. Printed wrappers. Front cover somewhat stained. [ds0667-602063] ¥6,720 3254 Matthias,Theodor Handbuch der deutschen Sprache für höhere Schulen. Auf Grund der neuen Lehrpläne für das höhere Mädchenschulwesen:: vom 12.Dezember 1908:: bearbeitet von Dr.R.Le Mang. 1 Teil. Leipzig: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer, 1909. x,144pp+Anhang(28pp.) All edges spotted . Spine somewhat faded. [ds0802-602211] ¥2,520 3255 Matthias,Theodor Deutsche Sprachlehre für höhere Schulen. Zweitte, neubearbeitete Auflage von desselben Verfassers Handbuch der deutschen Sprache, Teil I. Leipzig: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer, 1918. 205pp. All edges and spine sunned. Fly-leaves and the margin of several pages slightly spotted . [ds0800-602212] ¥4,200 3256 Matthias,Theodor Sprachleben und Sprachschäden. Ein führer durch die Schwankungen und Sprachwierigkeiten des deutschen Sprachgebrauchs. Leipzig: Friedrich Brandstetter, 1914. Bierte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. xii,490pp. Rebound. Red underlined to several pages. Small stamped on title page. [ds1041-602214] ¥5,040 3257 Meldau,Rudolf Kleines Deutschlandbuch für Ausländer. Wichtige Sachgebiete und ihr Wortschatz. München: Max Hueber, 1959. 2.,verbesserte Auflage. 77pp. Printed wrappers. Top edge slightly torn. The spine sunned. [ds0016-602282] ¥2,520 3258 Meyer,Richard M. Deutsche Stilistik. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts. An Höheren Schulen. (herausgegeben von Adolf Matthias. Dritter Band, Erster Teil] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oskar Beck, 1913. Zweite,Verbesserte und Vermehrte Auflage. xi,257pp. Top edge green. Dust wrapper sunned. Fore & Bottom edge slightly spotted. 26.5x18.5cm. [ds0885-602302] ¥15,120 3259 Mitzka,Walther Handbuch zum Deutschen Sprachatlas. Elwertsche Universitätsbuchhandlung in Marburg: 1952. 180pp. The spine and all edges somewhat sunned. [ds0591-602336] ¥10,080 3260 Moser,Hugo Deutsche Sprachgeschichte. Mit einer Einführung in die Fragen der Sprachbetrachtung. meyer, 1969. Sechste, uberarbeitete Auflage. 227pp,14 figures. [LA066-602360] ¥6,720 Max Nie- 3261 Müller,Friedrich Formentafeln zur Deutschen Sprachlehre. Handreichungen für den Lernenden. Zusammengestellt 355 言 語 学 und entworfen von Dr. Friedrich Müller. wrappers. [ds0315-602400] ¥1,680 München: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1975. 48pp. Printed 3262 Newald,Richard / Ristow,Brigitte Sachwörterbuch der Deutschen Philologie. Lahr / Baden: Verlag Moritz Schauenburg, 1954. 144pp. Printed wrappers. The spine slightly sunned. [ds0653-602431] ¥3,360 3263 Palmer,Philip Motley Neuweltwörter im Deutschen. [Germanische Bibliothek. (Begründet von Wilhelm Streitberg) Zweite Abteilung: Untersuchungen und Texte. Zweiundvierzigster Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1939. 174pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. (厚紙装) [ds0377-602539] ¥4,200 3264 Pastor,Eilert Die Entwicklung der Deutschen Sprache. Erstes und Zweites Tausend. Diederichs, 1924. 121pp. Top edge blue. [ds0439-602568] ¥4,200 Jena: Verlegt bei Eugen 3265 Priebsch,R. & W.E.Collinson The German Language. [The Great Languages] London: Faber & Faber, 1958. Fourth edition, revised. xx,496pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Flyleaves somewhat spotted. [L01225-602738] ¥6,720 3266 Sanders,Daniel Wörterbuch der Hauptschwierigkeiten in der Deutschen Sprache. Neubearbeitet von Julius Dumcke. Berlin=Schöneberg: Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, n.d.(c.1908) Siebenunddreißigste Auflage. viii,454pp. Top edge red. Covers and the spine faded. All edges slightly spoptted. 20.4x14cm. [ds0845-602944] ¥4,200 3267 Sanders,Daniel Wörterbuch der Hauptschwierigkeiten in der Deutschen Sprache. Neubearbeitet von Julius Dumcke. Berlin=Schöneberg: Langenscheidtsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, n.d.(c.1908) 43.und 44.Auflage. viii,454pp. All edges brown. Red pencil underlines to p.viii & p.1. Flyleaves spotted and ex-libris to rear flyleaf. 20.1x14cm. [ds0842-602945] ¥3,360 3268 Sanders,Daniel Wörterbuch der Hauptschwierigkeiten in der Deutschen Sprache. 1968. Reprinted. viii,454pp. stamped on title page. [L02625-602946] Tokyo: Sansyusya Verlag, ¥5,250 3269 Schmidt,Wilhelm Deutsche Sprachkunde. Ein Handbuch für Lehrer und Studierende mit einer Einführung in die Probleme des Sprachkundlichen Unterrichts. Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1967. 5., durchges. Auflage. 356pp. Top edge gray. Dust wrapper partly chipped and the spine sunned. All edges sunned. [ds0788-603040] ¥12,600 3270 Schmidt,Wilhelm Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Mit Texten und Übersetzungshilfen. Verfaßt von einem Autorenkollektiv unter Leitung von Wilhelm Schmidt. Volk und Wissen: Volkseigener Verlag, 1970. 2.Auflage. 428pp.+colored plates, with 5 tables. Top edge red. Dust wrapper torn. Sunned. [ds0949-603042] ¥8,400 3271 Schmidt,Wilhelm Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Mit Texten und Übersetzungshilfen. Verfaßt von einem Autorenkollektiv unter Leitung von Wilhelm Schmidt. Volk und Wissen: Volkseigener Verlag, 1984. 5., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. 412pp +colored plates, with 6 tafles. Top edge red. Dust wrapper torn. Foxing throughout pages. [L01938-603043] ¥8,400 3272 Schneider,Karl Was ist Gutes Deutsch? Ein Führer durch Schwierigkeiten und Zweifelsfälle. München: 356 言 語 学 C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1930. xvi,275pp. Top edge yellow. The spine of d.w.and all pages of this copy somewhat sunned. Flyleaves spotted. 21.3x14.2cm. [ds0844-603059] ¥4,200 3273 Schneider,Wilhelm Ehrfurcht vor dem deutschen Wort. Lehre und Übung für jedermann. Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 1953. Fünfte, durchgesehene Auflage. vi,355pp. Top edge black. Dust wrapper partly chipped. [ds0466-603061] ¥4,200 3274 Stahlmann,Hans Deutsche Sprachkunde. Des Volkes Art im Spiegel seiner Sprache. Ein Buch für Lehrende und Lernende und alle Freunde der Muttersprache. Berlin: Extraneus Verlag, 1956. 203pp. Printed wrappers. Fore-edge and title page slightly stained. [ds0851-603240] ¥3,360 3275 Steinhauer,Harry / Konrad,Roselinde Stilvolles Deutsch. Übungen im Schreiben und Sprechen. 1970. viii,256pp. d.w. [ds0783-603255] ¥7,560 Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, inc., 3276 Stötzel,Georg Ausdrucksseite und Inhaltsseite der Sprache. Methodenkritische Studien am Beispiel der deutschen Reflexivverben. [Linguistische Reihe. (Herausgegeben von Klaus Baumgärtner, Peter von Polenz und Hugo Steger) Band 3] München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1970. 1. Auflage. 231pp. Printed wrappers. [L02032/ds0656-603285] ¥2,100 3277 Stucke,Georg Deutsche Wortsippen. Ein Blick in den Verwandtschaftszusammenhang des deutschen Wortschatzes. Bühl(Baden): Konkordia A.=G.für Druck und Verlag, 1925. Zweite erweiterte Auflage. 541pp. All edges red. Covers slightly stained. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds0880-603299] ¥7,560 3278 Süskind,W.E. Vom ABC zum Sprachkunstwerk eine Deutsche Sprachlehre für Erwachsene. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1953. 229pp. The margin of p.5 slightly chipped. d.w. 19x12.2cm. [ds0833-603312] ¥3,360 3279 Sütterlin,Ludwig Die deutsche Sprache der Gegenwart. (Ihre Laute, Wörter, Wortformen und Sätze) Ein Handbuch für Lehrer und Studierende Auf sprachwissenschaftlicher Grundlage zusammengestellt. Leipzig: R. Boigländers Verlag, 1923. Dazu eine Tafel mit 12 Abbildungen Fünfte, durchgefehene Auflage. xxxii,451pp.+図版 4p. Top edge black. Cover somewhat damaged. The spine and all pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds0803/ds0486-603315] ¥10,080 3280 Sütterlin,Ludwig / Waag,Albert Deutsche Sprachlehre für höhere Lehranstslten. Dazu eine Tafel mit drei Abbildungen. Achte, unberänderte Auflage. Leipzig: R. Boigländers Verlag, 1925. xi,202pp. Top edge blue. Pages and edges slightly spotted. [ds0797-603318] ¥4,200 3281 Treuheit,Fritz Deutsche Sprachkunde. für höhere Schulen. Mit 1 Mundartenkarte. iv,111pp. Sunned. 図版 [ds1028-603426] ¥3,360 Bamberg: C.C.Buchners, 1953. 3282 Treuheit,Fritz Deutsche Sprachkunde. für höhere Schulen. Mit 1 Mundartenkarte. Dritte Auflage. iv,111pp. 図版 [ds0448-603427] ¥3,360 Bamberg: C.C.Buchners, 1972. 3283 Treuheit,Fritz Deutsche Sprachlehre für höhere Schulen. Mit 6 Bildern im Text. Vierte Auflage. viii,284pp. Sunned. [ds1281-603428] ¥3,360 Bamberg: C.C.Buchners, 1960. 3284 Wagner,Richard Einführung in das Studium der deutschen Sprache. Preis M.4.-, gebunden M.4.60 Leipzig: Ver- 357 言 語 学 lag von Ernst Wunderlich, 1914. xvi,364pp. Top edge blue. The spine somewhat sunned. Small white tickers on the titlepage and its verso. [ds0474-603550] ¥6,720 3285 Weber,Heinz Josef Mehrdeutige Wortformen im heutigen Deutsch. Studien zu ihrer grammatischen Beschreibung und lexikographischen Erfassung. [Linguistische Arbeiten. (herausgegeben von Herbert E.Brekle, Hans Jürgen Heringer, Christian Rohrer, Heinz Vater und Otmar Werner) 24] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1974. xiii,271pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0560-603610] ¥4,200 3286 Wehrmann,Karl Anleitung zur selbständigen Abfassung deutscher Aufsätze nebst einer Sammlung von Aufsätzen für den selbst= und den Schulunterricht. Leipzig: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer, 1910. vi,298pp. The margin of covers somewhat sunned. [ds0796-603616] ¥10,080 3287 Weisgerber,Leo Die Ganzheitliche Behandlung eines Satzbauplanes. Er klopfte seinem Freunde auf die Schulter. [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift 》Wirkendes Wort《 1] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1962. 1.Auflage. 34pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.sunned. [ds1000-603630] ¥3,360 3288 Weisgerber,Leo Verschiebungen in der sprachlichen Einschätzung von Menschen und Sachen. [Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Band 2] Köln und Opladen; Westdeutscher Verlag, 1958. 174pp. With publisher's bibliography. Covers sunned, particularly at spine. Edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Spotted from front end paper to half title page, rear fly leaf to rear end paper. [L03082-604746] ¥5,250 3289 Weithase,Irmgard Zur Geschichte der Gesprochenen Deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1961. x,575pp. / 218pp. The spine of each vols.spotted. Top edge of vol.1 slightly stained. [ds0747-603640] ¥16,800 3290 Weithase,Irmgard Zur Geschichte der Gesprochenen Deutschen Sprache, 1 Band. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1961. x,575pp. Printed wrappers. The spine and 433-434pp. Sunned. Top edge spotted. [ds1309-603641] ¥5,040 3291 Winkler,Christian Deutsche Sprachkunde und Sprecherziehung. Unter Mitarbeit von Erika Essen. Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1954. 1. Auflage. 497pp. d.w. [ds0696-603704] ¥4,200 3292 Wustmann,Gustav Allerhand Sprachdummheiten. Kleine deutsche Grammatik des Zweifelhaften, des Falschen und des Häßlichen. Ein Hilfsbuch für alle, die sich öffentlich der deutschen Sprache bedienen. Berlin und Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1923. Neunte, verbesserte Auflage. xiii,344pp. Top edge blue. The spine sunned. Fore & bottom edges and margin of pages spotted. 20x14cm. [ds0835-603756] ¥6,720 3293 Wustmann,Gustav Sprachdummheiten. Erneuerte vierzehnte Auflage. Herausgegeben von Werner Schulze. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1966. Berichtigter und erweiterter Neudruck der 1955 erschienenen dreizehnten Auflage. xiv,391pp. d.w. Top edge gray. [ds0480-603757] ¥3,360 3294 Wustmann,Gustav Wustmann, Sprachdummheiten. Erneuerte zwölfte Auflage von Werner Schulze. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1949. xii,386pp. The spine sunned. Stamped on front flyleaf and ink notation to rear flyleaf. Red underlined. 21.1x13.4cm. [ds0958-603758] ¥2,520 358 言 語 学 フランス語 3295 Bally,Charles Linguistique Générale et Linguistique Française. Berne: A.Francke S.A., 1950. Troisième édition (conforme à la deuxième). 440pp. Covers spotted and the spine sunned. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. (邦題「一般言語学とフランス言語学」) [L00743-600209] ¥8,400 3296 Bally,Charles Linguistique Générale et Linguistique Française. Berne: A.Francke S.A., 1950. Troisième édition (conforme à la deuxième). 440pp. Ex-library. Small numbering sticker pasted on front paste-down and stamped on verso of title tage. Covers and spine sunned and sl.spotted. [L00800-600210] ¥8,400 3297 Bally,Charles Linguistique Générale et Linguistique Française. Berne: Éditions Francke, 1965. Quatrième édition revue et corrigée. 440pp. Ink signature to front paste down by former owner. [L01021-600211] ¥8,400 3298 Dauzat,Albert Études de Linguistique Français. [Bibliothèque du "français moderne"] Paris: Éditions d'Artrey, 1946. Deuxième édition. 350pp. Printed Wrapprs. Uncut. Sunned. [L00798-600796] ¥16,800 3299 Dauzat,Albert Où en sont les Études de Français. Manuel Général de Linguistique Française Moderne. Publié sous la Direction de Albert Dauzat. [Bibliothèque du "français moderne"] Paris: J.L.L.D'Artrey, c.1949. 344,32pp. Phonétique et Orthographe (P.Fouché & A.Dauzat), Morphologie-Syntaxe (G.Gougenheim), Sémantique (G.Esnault), Lexicologie-Dialectologie (Oscar Bloch), Français régional, Français populaire, Onomastique (A.Dauzat), La Langue des Ecrivains (Ch.Guerlin de Guer), Supplément, 1935-1948 (Charles Bruneau) Printed wrappers. Uncut. Sunned. [L00797-600801] ¥16,800 3300 Genouvrier,Émile / Peytard,Jean Linguistique et Enseignement du français. Préface de J.-Cl.Chevalier. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1970. 285pp. Printed wrappers. Ex-library stamp on recto of rear cover. [L00819-601155] ¥1,680 3301 Marouzeau,Jules Aspects du Français. Paris: Masson et Cie, 1963. 212pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01445-602165] ¥2,520 3302 Sauvageot,Aurélien Les Procédés Expressifs du Français Contemporain. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. [L00836-602987] Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1957. 242pp. ¥2,520 3303 Wagner,R.-L. Introduction a la Linguistique Française. [Publications Romanes et Françaises. XXVII] Geneve: Libraire Droz, 1965. Troisième tirage. 88pp. With "Supplément Bibliographique, 1947-1953" 71pp. Printed wrappers. Uncut. Covers and spine sl.sunned and front cover partly torn. [L00810-603551] ¥4,200 言語学者に関する伝記・評論 Chomsky, Noam 3304 Botha,Rudolf P. Challenging Chomsky. The Generative Garden Game. xii,248pp. d.w. [L01609-600650] ¥8,400 Basil Blackwell, 1989. First published. 359 言 語 学 3305 D'Agostino,Fred Chomsky's System of Ideas. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. xii,226pp. d.w. ¥6,300 [L02412-600651] 3306 D'Agostino,Fred Chomsky's System of Ideas. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. xii,226pp. d.w. Stamped on front flyleaf, half title page & title page. [L02375-604281] ¥5,250 3307 Huck,Geoffrey J./ Goldsmith,John A. Ideology and Linguistic Theory. Noam Chomsky and the Deep Structure Debates. History of Linguistic Thought. London and New York: Routledge, 1995. First published. x,186pp. d.w. [L00632-600652] ¥4,200 3308 Lyons,John Chomsky. The Harvester Press, 1977. 184pp. Red cloth board. [L01613-600654] ¥5,250 3309 Robinson,Ian The New Grammarians' Funeral. A Critique of Noam Chomsky's linguistics. 1975. xiv,189pp. d.w. [L01814-600657] ¥6,300 Cambridge UP., 3310 Sampson,Geoffrey Liberty & Language. Oxford UP., 1979. viii,251pp. d.w. [L00598-600658] ¥6,720 3311 Sampson,Geoffrey Liberty and Language. Oxford UP., 1979. viii,251pp. Spine sunned. [L01250-600659] ¥5,040 Frege, Gottlob 3312 Baker,G.P.& P.M.S.Hacker Frege: Logical Excavations. [L00223-601080] ¥10,080 Oxford UP. / Basil Blackwell, 1984. xvii,406pp. d.w. 3313 Dummett,Michael Frege: Philisophy of Language. Second edition. [L02428-601081] ¥15,750 Harvard UP., 1981. xliii,708pp. d.w. 3314 Dummett,Michael Frege: Philisophy of Language. Second edition. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co., 1981. xliii,708pp. Dust wrapper sunned. [L00655-601082] ¥12,600 Furnivall, F.J 3315 Benzie,William Dr.F.J.Furnival: A Victorian Scholar Adventurer. Oklahoma, Pilgrim Books, 1983. xi,302pp. d.w. with glassine. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. 23.6x16cm. [L02944-604603] ¥15,750 Grimm 3316 Tonnelat,Ernest Les Fréres Grimm. Leur Œuvre de Jeunesse. Paris; Librairie Armand Colin, 1912. xii,438pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.chipped. Spine sunned. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. Jonint started. [L03037-604695] ¥12,600 360 言 語 学 Firth, J.R. 3317 Mitchell,T.F. Principles of Firthian Linguistics. [Longman Linguistics Library. Title no 19] London: Longman Group, 1975. First published. xviii,213pp. d.w. [L02483/L02084-601014] ¥4,200 3318 Langendoen,D.Terence The London School of Linguistics: A Study of the Linguistic Theories of B.Malinowski and J.R.Firth. [Research Monograph. No.46] Cambridge: The M.I.T.Press, 1968. xii,123pp. d.w. sl.sunned. [L02469/ds0271-601015] ¥6,300 3319 Langendoen,D.Terence The London School of Linguistics: A Study of the Linguistic Theories of B.Malinowski and J.R.Firth. [Research Monograph. No.46] Cambridge: The M.I.T.Press, 1968. xii,123pp. Ink signature by former owner to front flyleaf. [L00932-601016] ¥6,720 3320 Langendoen,D.Terence The London School of Linguistics: A Study of the Linguistic Theories of B.Malinowski and J.R.Firth. [Research Monograph. No.46] Cambridge: The M.I.T.Press, 1968. xii,123pp. Small stamp on front flyleaf & small ink notation to rear flyleaf. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L01650-601017] ¥6,300 Spitzer, Leo 3321 Catano,James V. Lanaguge, History, Style. Leo Spitzer and the Critical Tradition. London: Routledge, 1988. First published in the United Kingdom. 205pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Red underlined to several pages. [L02216-603233] ¥4,200 Bloomfield, Leonard 3322 Esper,Erwin A. Mentalism and Objectivism in Linguistics. The Sources of Leonard Bloomfield's Psychology of Language. [Foundations of Linguistics. (General editor: Charles F.Hockett) 1] New York: American Elsevier Publishing Company, 1968. vi,246pp. d.w. [L00145-600369] ¥10,080 3323 Esper,Erwin A. Mentalism and Objectivism in Linguistics. The Sources of Leonard Bloomfield's Psychology of Language. [Foundations of Linguistics, 1] New York: American Elsevier Publishing Company, 1968. vi,246pp. [L01206-600370] ¥8,400 Tooke, John Horne 3324 Stephens,Alexander Memoirs of John Horne Tooke. Interspersed with Original Documents. 2 vols. London; J.Johnson and Co., 1813. Vol. 1; xi,477pp., Vol. 2; iv,503pp. Vol.1; Top edge stained. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Title page foxed & sl.spotted. Lilbrary stamped on verso of title page. Verso of page 477 foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. Label about these books on rear end paper. Vol.2; Top edge stained. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Title page foxed & sl.spotted. Lilbrary stamped on verso of title page. Verso of the last page foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03076-604734] ¥42,000 361 言 語 学 言語学史 3325 Burlakove,V. Contribution of English and American Linguistics to the Theory of Phrase. Moscow: Higher School Publishing House, 1971. 107pp. Printed wrappers. Pages foxing throughout. [L01761-600533] ¥2,100 3326 Doi,Toshio (土居敏雄) The Study of Langage in Japan. 日本言語学外史 篠崎書林 1976. vi,335pp. With illus. Dust wrapper sl.faded. Edges foxing. [lk0200-604239] ¥18,900 3327 Doi,Toshio (土居敏雄) The Study of Langage in Japan. 近代日本の言語学ー歴史と人脈ー 篠崎書林 1979. 3 版 v,336pp. d.w. With illustrations. [L01792-600860] ¥18,900 3328 Helbig,Gerhard Geschichte der neueren Sprachwissenschaft. Unter dem Besonderen Aspekt der Grammatik-Theorie. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1970. 392pp. 教授資格請求論文 (邦題「近代言語学史」) [ds0236-601408] ¥4,200 3329 Pedersen,Holger Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century. Methods and Results. Authorized Translation from the Danish by John Webster Spargo. Cambridge; Harvard UP, 1931. x,360pp. T.e.g. Lower corners of covers damp stained. Edges foxed. Eps. & flyleaves foxed & slspotted. With maps foxed & sl.spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03186-605029] ¥15,750 イディオム 3330 Akimoto,Minoji (秋元実治) Idiomaticity. [L01103-600089] 篠崎書林, 1983. 初版. viii,358pp. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. d.w. ¥6,720 3331 Bahls,Ludwig English Idiomatic Grammar. Nachschlagewerk Sprachführer Repetitorium. Georg Westermann Verlag, 1958. 351pp. Spine sl. sunned. Some foxing throughout. [L01669-600191] ¥8,400 3332 Makkai,Adam Idiom Structure in English. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 48] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1972. 371pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its edges sl.rubbed. Top edge spotted & sl.foxed. Fore & lower edges sl.spotted. Front fly leaf, half title page, verso page 371 & rear fly leaf half foxed. 26.5x19.5cm. [L03110-604774] ¥15,750 3333 Ruoff,Arno Grundlagen und Methoden der Untersuchung gesprochener Sprache. [Idionatica: Veröffentlichungen der Tübinger Arbeitsstelle ≫Sprache in Südwestdeutschland≪1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1973. 405pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ds1331-602916] ¥6,720 362 言 語 学 類義語 3334 Crabb,George English Synonymes, with Copious Illustrations and Explanations Drawn from the Best Writers. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1868. Tenth edition from the last quarto edition. lxiii,65-535pp. Margin of spine sl.damaged. All edges sunned. [ds0899-600742] ¥7,560 3335 Eberhards,Johann August Synonymisches Handwörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Durchgängig umgearbeitet, vermehrt und verbessert von Prof.Dr.Otto Lyon. Sansyusya, 1982.Reprinted. (Siebzehnte Auflage.) (Leipzig: Th.Grieben's Verlag (L.Fernau), 1910.) xlviii,1201pp. 函 [L02644/ds0149-600896] ¥12,600 3336 Fischer,Walther L. Äquivalenz-und Toleranzstrukturen in der Linguistik. Zur Theorie der Synonyma. [Linguistische Reihe 15] München: Hueber, 1973. 1.Auflage. 90pp. Printed wrappers. [L02039-601023] ¥2,100 3337 Harris,Roy Synonymy and Linguistic Analysis. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1973. 166pp. Pencil underlines to several pages and signature to rear flyleaf. The spine of d.w. sunned. [L00374-601342] ¥4,200 3338 Hart,K. Deutsche Synonyme. Groningen: Verlag von P.Noordhoff, n.d. (c.1923) 94pp. 19.6x13.8cm. [ds0760-601350] ¥1,680 3339 Klein,Hans Wilhelm Englische Synonymik. für Studierende und Lehrer. 2 Auflage. 644pp. [L01871-601810] ¥10,500 Mundhen: Max Hueber, 1960. 3340 Kloepper,C. Englische Synonymik. Kleine Ausgabe für höhere Unterrichtsanstalten. Roftock: Wilh.Werthers Verlag, 1891. Dritte Auflage. 124pp. Sunned. [ds1163-601812] ¥4,200 慣用法 3341 Greenbaum,Sidney Studies in English Adverbial Usage. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] Longmans, Green and Co, 1969. First published. xvi,262pp. Spine of d.w. sl.sunned. [L02430-601240] ¥4,200 3342 Greenbaum,Sidney & Randolph Quirk Elicitation Experiments in English. Linguistic Studies in Use and Attitude. [Longmann Linguistics Library] Longman, 1970. 152pp. d.w. [L02439-604306] ¥5,250 3343 Schulz,Gisela Die Bottroper Protokolle-Parataxe und Hypotaxe. [Linguistische Reihe 17] 1973. 1.Auflage. 94pp. Printed wrappers. [L02041-603081] ¥2,100 München: Hueber, 363 言 語 学 語形成 3344 Erben,Johannes Einführung in die deutsche Wortbildungslehre. [Grundlagen der Germanistik. (Herausgegeben von Hugo Moser. Mitbegründet von Wolfgang Stammler) 17] Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1975. 160pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0185-600956] ¥2,520 3345 Fleischer,Wolfgang Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. 326pp. d.w. [ds0070-601031] ¥3,360 Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1969. 3346 Fleischer,Wolfgang Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1976. 4., durchgesehene Auflage. 363pp. d.w. [ds0705-601032] ¥4,200 3347 Fleischman,Suzanne Cultural and Linguistic Factors in Word Formation. An Integrated Approach to the Development of the Suffix-age. [Univ.of California Publications. Linguistics 86] Univ.of California Press, 1977. xvi,476pp. Printed wrappers. Small numbering sticker pasted on spine. Stamped on title page. [L00888-601035] ¥10,080 3348 Hinderling,Robert Studien zu den starken Verbalastrakta des Germanischen. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1967. viii,181pp. Red & blue pencil lines to several pages and some pencil notations. [L02635-604491] ¥4,200 3349 Koziol,Herbert Handbuch der Englischen Wortbildungslehre. [Germanische Bibliothek. Erste Reihe: Sprachwissenschaftliche Lehr- und Elementarbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1972. Zweite, Neubearbeitete Auflage. 329pp. [L02277-601864] ¥8,400 3350 Wood, Francis A. Some Parallel Formations in English. [Helperia Ergänzungsreihe: Schriften zur englischen Philologie Ergänzungsreihe 1. heft] Baltimore; the Johns Hopkins Press, 1913. 72pp. Re-backed. Small ink ownership signaure to front fly leaf. Title page sl.chipped. [L03000-604659] ¥5,250 共時言語学・通時言語学 3351 Pieper,Ursula & Gerhard Stickel ed. Studia Linguistica: Diachronica et Synchronica. Werner Winter, Sexagenario Anno MCMLXXXIII gratis animis ab eius collegis, amicis discipulisque oblata. Berlin, New York, Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter, 1985. xxi,985pp. Blue cloth with gold letter. With portrait. 477p-484p 破れ有. [L01953-602657] ¥5,250 3352 Wartburg,Walter von Einführung in Problematik und Methodik der Sprachwissenschaft. Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1943. 209pp. Printed wrappers. All edges sunned. The spine partly missing. (邦題「言語学 の問題と方法」) [ds0077-603592] ¥2,520 3353 Wartburg,Walter von Einführung in Problematik und Methodik der Sprachwissenschaft. Zweite, unter Mitwirkung von 364 言 語 学 Stephan Ullmann verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. xii,248pp. Sunned. [ds1316-603593] ¥5,040 Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1962. 3354 Wartburg,Walter von Problems and Methods in Linguistics. Revised Edition with the Collaboration of Stephen Ullmann. Translated by Joyce M.H.Reid. [Language and Style series. (General editor: Stephen Ullmann) VII] Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1969. Originally Published in German under the title Einführung in Problematik und Methodik der Sprachwissenschaft by Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 1943. xi,268pp. Dust wrapper slightly chipped. (邦題「言語学の問題と方法」) [L00232-603596] ¥10,080 3355 Nehls,Dietrich Synchron-diachrone Untersuchungen zur Expanded Form im Englischen. Eine struktural-funktionale Analyse. [Linguistische Reihe 19] München: Hueber, 1974. 1. Auflage. 193pp. Printed wrappers. [L02043-602426] ¥2,100 言語変化 3356 Aitchison,Jean Language change: progress or decay? [Cambridge Approaches to Linguistics] 1991. Second edition. xi,258pp. d.w. Fine as new. [L01575-600085] ¥3,150 Cambridge UP, 3357 Bright,William Variation and Change in Language. Essays by William Bright. Selected & Introduced by Anwar S.Dil. Stanford UP., 1976. xiv,283pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. Edges sl.foxing. Small ownership stamp on front e.p.with ink signature. [L02257-600450] ¥5,250 3358 Coulmas,Florian ed. Language Adaptation. Cambridge UP., 1989. First published. xii,198pp. (contributors: Peter Braun, Florian Coulmas, C.J.Daswani, Konrad Ehlich, Muhammad H.Ibrahim, David P.B.Massamba, Wolfgang Nedobity, Fritz Pasierbsky, Uwe Pörksen, Chaim Rabin, Seiju Sugito, Makoto Takada) Dust wrapper sunned. [L02314-600733] ¥4,200 歴史言語学・言語史 論文集は 370 ページ~ 3359 Aarsleff,Hans The Study of Language in England, 1780-1860. underlined to p3-p6. [L01833-600059] ¥6,300 Princeton UP. 1967. vi,279pp. d.w. sunned. Green 3360 Anderson,John M. Structural Aspects of Language Change. [Longman Linguistics Library, 13] Longman, 1973. xii,250pp. d.w. Edges spotted. Pencil notation to front flyleaf. [lk0027-604051] ¥4,200 3361 Bambas,Rudolph C. The English Language. Its Origin & History. Norman: Univ.of Oklahoma Press, 1980. xiv,241pp. d.w. sl.rubbed,chipped & stained. Edges sl.foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. [L03380-605223] ¥5,250 365 言 語 学 3362 Baugh,Albert C. & Thomas Cable A History of the English Language. [L01198-600253] ¥6,720 Prentice-Hall,1993. Fourth edition. xiv,444pp. 3363 Baugh,Albert C. & Thomas Cable A History of the English Language. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. Third edition. xvi,438pp. Corners of covers sl.rubbed. Letters on spine faded. Top edge foxed & spotted. Others sl.stained. Half title page & rear flyleaf foxed. [L03169-605011] ¥6,300 3364 Blake,N.F. A History of the English Language. New York University Press, 1996. First published. xv,382pp. d.w. Its upper part sl.chipped. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03193-605036] ¥5,250 3365 Brunner,Karl Die Englische Sprache. Ihre Gescheichtliche Entwicklung. Erster Band: Allgemeines / Lautgeschichte. Zweiter Band: Die Flexionsformen und ihre Verwendung. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. Fortgeführt von Karl Helm. (Herausgegeben von Helmut de Boor) B. Ergänzungsreihe Nr.6] 2 vols. Tubingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1960, 1962. Zweite, überarbeitete auflage. xxii,416pp./ xii,453pp. Edges somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. Vol.1; Covers foxed. Spine spotted. Black pencil notations in some pages. Vol.2; Spine spotted. Stampted by former owner on title page. With booklet about additions & corrections. [L03238-605082] ¥18,900 3366 Brunot,Ferdinand Histoire de la Langue Française: Des Origines a nos Jours. Tome XI. Le français au dehors sous la Révolution le Consulat et l'Empire. Préface de Gérald Antoine. Deuxième Partie: Le français au dehors sous le Consulat et l'Empire. Paris: Libraire Armand Colin, 1979. xliv,355pp. Ex-library stamp on verso of p.355. [L00815-600499] ¥8,400 3367 Brunot,Ferdinand & Charles Bruneau Précis de Grammaire Historique de la Langue Française. Paris: Masson et Cie, 1949. Troisième édition, entièrement refondue. xxxvii,641pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [L02274-600504] ¥6,300 3368 Bryson,Bill The Mother Tongue: English & How it Got That Way. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1990. 270pp. Dust wrapper sl.torn. [L02180-600510] ¥4,200 3369 Burchfield,Robert The English Language. [An OPUS book] [L00950/L01424-600528] ¥3,360 Oxford UP., 1985. viii,194pp. Dust wrapper sunned. 3370 Burke,Peter & Roy Porter eds. Language, Self, and Society. A Social History of Language. Edited by Peter Burke and Roy Porter with an Afterword by Dell Hymes. Polity Press, 1991. First published. vi,358pp. (Contributors; Peter Burke, Nigel Smith, Hugh Ormsby-Lennon, Jo Gladstone, Patrick Joyce et al.) d.w. sl.chipped. Edges sl.foxed. [L03194-605037] ¥5,250 3371 Chevalier,Jean-Claude Histoire de la Syntaxe. Naissance de la Notion de Complément dans la Grammaire Française. (1530-1750) [Publications Romanes et Françaises. (fondées par Mario Roques, dirigées par Jean Frappier) C] Genève: Librairie Droz, 1968. 776pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [L00327-600620] ¥25,200 3372 Dahlberg,Torsten Die Dransfelder Hasenjagd vom Jahre 1660. Eine sprachlish-textkritische Untersuchung mit Wiedergabe des Manuskriptes Hoffmann von Fallerslebens und der Klippelschen Version. [Göteborger Germanistische Forschungen. (herausgegeben von Torsten Dahlberg) 9] Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1970. 73pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0912/ds0741-600778] ¥3,360 366 言 語 学 3373 Demonet,Marie-Luce Les Voix du signe Nature et origine du langage à la Renaissance (1480-1580). Ouvrage puglié avec ke cibciyrs du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris, Geneve; Champion-Slatkine, 1992. 688pp. Ex-libris. Text Good. [L01937-600821] ¥8,400 3374 Fleischman,Suzanne The Future in Thought and Language. Diachronic Evidence from Romance. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 36] Cambridge at the University Press, 1982. First published. xii,218pp. d.w. [L02498-601036] ¥8,400 3375 Guest,Edwin, W.W. Skeat ed. A History of English Rhythms. George Bell and Sons, 1882. Second edition. xviii,730pp. Corners of covers sl.rubbed. Corners of spine sl.rubbed & partly torn. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Ex-libris on front ep. Stamped by former owner on front flyleaf. Joint of front cover started. Title page lacked. Pages somewhat foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03171-605013] ¥21,000 3376 Halliday,F.E. The Excellency of the English Tongue. [L01111-601323] ¥5,040 London: Victor Gollancz, 1975. 128pp.+plates. d.w. 3377 Hock,Hans Henrich Principles of Historical Linguistics. [Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 34] de Gruyter, 1986. xiii,722pp. d.w. [L01655-601493] ¥5,250 Mouton 3378 Hogben,Lancelot The Mother Tongue. London: Secker & Warburg, 1964. First published in Great Britain. 294pp.+plates. Quiz sections at the ends of chapters. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. d.w. [L01120-601508] ¥8,400 3379 Huchon,Rene Histoire de la Langue Anglaise. Tome II. De la Conquete normande a l'introduction de L'imprimerie. (1066-1475.) Paris: Librairie Armand Colin,1930. vii,392pp. Tome II only. Ex-library and stamped on half title page, verso of title pageand p.384. Spine sl.sunned. [L01454-601547] ¥6,720 3380 Huchon,René Histoire de la Langue Anglaise. Tomo I: Des origines à la Conquête normande. Tomo (450-1066). II: De la Conquete normande a l'introduction de l'imprimerie. (1066-1475.) 2 vols. Hidesheim・New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1972. xii,326pp. Vii,392pp. Reprinted from the edition of Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. Spine sunned. Top edge gray. Fore edge sl.foxed & spotted. Flyleaves somewhat foxed. [L03328-605172] ¥12,600 3381 Jeffers,Robert J. / Lehiste,Ilse Principles and Methods for Historical Linguistics. printing. 209pp. Printed wrappers. [L02150-601631] The MIT Press, 1982. 1st paperback ed., 2nd ¥2,100 3382 Jungandreas,Wolfgang Geschichte der deutschen und der englischen Sprache. Teil III. Geschichte der englischen Sprache. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1949. 270pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds0977-601720] ¥4,200 3383 King,Robert D. Historical Linguistics and Generative Grammar. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1969. x,230pp. d.w. Small stamp on rear flyleaf by former owner. [L01119-601788] ¥4,200 3384 King,Robert D. Historical Linguistics and Generative Grammar. [L02195-601789] ¥4,200 Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1969. x,230pp. 367 言 語 学 3385 Lehmann,Winfred P. Historical Linguistics: an Introduction. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. xiii,297pp. The spine of d.w.sl.sunned. (邦題「歴史言語学序説」) [L01590-601992] ¥4,200 3386 Luick,Karl Historische Grammatik der Englischen Sprache. Mit dem nach den Hinterlassenen Aufzeichnungen Ausgearbeiteten Zweiten Kapitel Herausgegeben von Friedrich Wild und Gerbert Koziol. Erster Band-I Abteilung 1914-1921, Erster Band-II Abteilung 1929-1940. 2 vols. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1964. Reprinted by permission of Bernhard Tauchnitz Verlag, Stuttgart. 548pp./ 550-1257pp. d.w. Its spine sunnd. End papers foxed & spotted. Spotted from front ep. to title page, page 546 to rear ep.(Vol.I)., verso of page 1257 to rear ep(Vol.II). Some page sl.spotted. [L03165-605007] ¥47,250 3387 McKnight,George H. Modern English in the Making. [L01829-602242] ¥15,750 D.Appleton and Co., 1928. xii,590pp. Dark blue board. 3388 McKnight,George H. Modern English in the Making. D.Appleton and Co., 1928. xii,590pp. Light blue board. Spine sl. sunned. Front & rear flyleaves somewhat foxing. [L01830-602243] ¥15,750 3389 Meillet,Antoine Linguistique Historique et Linguistique Générale. [Collection Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. VIII] Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honore Champion, 1948. viii,334pp. Printed wrappers. Vol.1 only. Sunned. [L02052-602270] ¥4,200 3390 Meillet,Antoine Linguistique Historique et Linguistique Générale. [Collection Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. VIII] Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honore Champion, 1958. viii,334pp. Printed wrappers. Vol.1 only. Ink signature to front cover by T.Matsuda. [L00742-602271] ¥4,200 3391 Newmeyer,Frederick J. Generative Linguistics. A Historical Perspective. [L01592-602432] ¥4,200 Routledge, 1996. First published. x,218pp. d.w. 3392 Ogg,Oscar The 26 Letters. New York: The Thomas Y.Crowell Co. 1967. 262pp. Illustrated with more than 275 black and white and colored drawings by the author. With new Dictionary Index. D.w. Some foxing to top edge. [L02576-604404] ¥4,200 3393 Partridge,Eric and John W.Clark British and American English since 1900. With contributions on English in Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and India. London; Andrew Dakers Limited, 1951. First published. x,341pp. Covers sl.stained & sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Somewhat spotted from front e.p. to page 4, page 327 to rear e.p. Some pages sl.spotted. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03377-605220] ¥8,400 3394 Paul,Hermann Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1966. Siebente, Unveränderte Auflage. xiv,428pp. Covers and spine sl.sunned. Ink signature to front flyleaf by T.Matsuda. (邦題「言語史原理」) [ds0916-602593] ¥6,300 3395 Pisani,Vittore Saggi di Linguistica Storica. Scritti Scelti di Vittore Pisani. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1959. xlix,310pp. Printed wrappers. Ink signature to front flyleaf. Spine sl. sunned and some foxing to front flyleaf. Chipped papers ( article about the author) pased on front flyleaf. [L02060-602689] ¥21,000 3396 Plate,Rudolf Zur Historischen und Psychologischen Vertiefung der Französischen Schulsyntax. Ein Hilfsbuch 368 言 語 学 in Frage und Antwort. [Huebers Kurze Grammatiken: Ergänzungsreihe] München: Max Hueber, 1934. 112pp. Printed wrappers.Somewhat sunned. Red underlined to several pages. [ds0975-602695] ¥1,680 3397 Plate,Rudolf Zur Historischen und Psychologischen Vertiefung der Deutschen Schulsyntax. Ein Hilfsbuch in Frage und Antwort von Dr.Rudolf Plate. [Huebers Kurze Grammatiken: Ergänzungsreihe] München: Max Hueber, 1935. 214pp. Printed wrappers. The spine and all pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds0539-602693] ¥2,520 3398 Reid,T.B.W. Historical Philology and Linguistic Science. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered Before the Univ. of Oxford on 10 Nov. 1959. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960. 26pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover, partly stained. 21.5x13.9cm. [lk0002-604178] ¥3,150 3399 Riemschneider,Ernst G. Veränderungen der deutschen Sprache in der sowjetisch besetzten Zone Deutschlands seit 1945. [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift 》Wirkendes Wort《 4] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1963. 1.Auflage. 102pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.sunned. [ds0995-602858] ¥6,720 3400 Robins,R.H. A Short History of Linguistics. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1967. First published. viii,248pp. d.w. [L02482/L02076/ds0274-602864] ¥4,200 3401 Samuels,M.L. Linguistic Evolution with Special Reference to English. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 5] Cambridge UP., 1972. ix,203pp. d.w. [L01646-602943] ¥5,250 3402 Samuels,M.L. Linguistic Evolution. With Special Reference to English. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 5] Cambridge at the University press, 1972. ix,203pp. d.w. Near fine condition. [L03100-604763] ¥5,250 3403 Serjeantson, Mary S. A History of Foreign Words in English. RKP, 1968. Fourth impression. ix,354pp. d.w. sl.stained & chipped. Its spine sunned & spotted. Edges spotted & sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Sl.spotted from front ep. to title page, page 350 to rear ep. [L03164-605006] ¥12,600 3404 Sternischa,H. L.Aug.Alemand et Andry de Bois-Regard. Deux Grammairiens de la Fin du XVII℮ Siècle. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1913. iv,302pp. Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie française. Rebound. [L00312-603269] ¥12,600 3405 Strang,Barbara M.H. A History of English. London: Methuen & Co., 1970. First published. xxiv,453pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L02397-603287] ¥8,400 3406 Waterman,John T. Perspectives in Linguistics. An account of the Background of Modern Linguistics. The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1970. Second edition. viii,119pp. Pencil notation to several pages and small ink notation to rear flyleaf. Dust wrapper partry sunned. [L01097-603605] ¥3,360 3407 Whitney,William Dwight The Life and Growth of Language. [The International Scientific Series. Volume XVI] New York; Adler's Foreign Books, Inc., 1970. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe London 1875. vii,326pp. Covers partly sunned. Spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Front ep. to title page, rear flyleaf & ep. Foxed. With bibliography of publisher. [L03168-605010] ¥8,400 3408 Wyld,Henry Cecil A Short History of English. With a Bibliography and Lists of Texts and Editions. 369 London: John 言 語 学 Murray, 1957. Third edition, reprinted. vii,294pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small ink notations to rear flyleaf by former owner. [L01110-603764] ¥3,360 3409 Wyld,Henry Cecil A Short History of English. With a Bibliography and Lists of Texts and Editions. London: John Murray, 1957. Third edition, reprinted. vii,294pp. Spine sl.sunned. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01262-603765] ¥3,360 3410 Yedlicka,Leo Charles Expressions of the Linguistic Area of Repentance and Remorse in Old French. A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the Cathoric University of America in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. [The Cathoric University of America Studies in Romance Language and Literatures. Vol.XXVII] Washington,D.C.: The Cathoric University of America Press, 1945. xx,439pp. This dissertation was directed by Helmut A.Hatzfeld as Mojor Professor, and was approved by David Rubio and Alessandro Crisafulli as readers. Printed wrappers. [L00201-603774] ¥12,600 論文集 3411 (Brekle, Herbert E.) Asbach-Schnitker,Brigitte & Johannes Roggenhofer Neuere Forschungen zur Wortbildung und Historiographie der Linguistik. Festgabe für Herbert E. Brekle zum 50. Geburtstag. Teil I; Wortbilding. Teil II; Historiographie. [Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik. Band 284] 2 parts In one. Tübingen; Gunter Narr Verlag, 1987. viii,414pp. (Contributors; Siegfried kanngießer, Ingo R. Stöhr, Jean Boase-Beier und Jindřich Toman, Leonhard Lipka, Anne Betten et al.) Edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03243-605087] ¥21,000 3412 Lehmann,W.P.& Yakov Malkiel eds. Directions for Historical Linguistics. A Symposium. Austin & London: University of Taxas Press, 1968. ix,199pp. (contributors: W.P.Lehmann, Yakov Malkiel, J.Kuryłowicz, Émile Benveniste, Uriel Weinreich, William Labov, Marvin I.Herzog) d.w. [L00216-602007] ¥5,250 3413 Lehmann,W.P.& Yakov Malkiel eds. Directions for Historical Linguistics. A Symposium. Austin & London: University of Taxas Press, 1968. ix,199pp. (contributors: W.P.Lehmann, Yakov Malkiel, J.Kuryłowicz, Émile Benveniste, Uriel Weinreich, William Labov, Marvin I.Herzog) Dust wrapper somewhat sunned and sl.chipped. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Pencil notations. [L02266-602008] ¥5,250 3414 (Strang,Barbara) An Historic Tongue. Studies in English Linguistics in Memory of Barbara Strang. Edited by Graham Nixon, John Honey. Routledge, 1988. First published. xiv,247pp. d.w. Top edge spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Ink numbers to rear fly leaf. [L02941-604600] ¥6,300 3415 Sprache-Gegenwart und Geschichte. Probleme der Synchronie und Diachronie. Jahrbuch 1968. [Sprache der Gegenwart: Schriften des Instituts für deutsche in Mannheim. Band V] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1969. 1. Auflage. 250pp. (Hans Eggers, Eberhard Zwirner, Klaus Baumgärtner, Gerold Ungeheuer, Hans Glinz, Otmar Werner, Ernst E.Müller, Kaj B.Lindgren, Bernhard Engelen, Ingo Reiffenstein, Leo Weisgerber, Gerhard Cordes, Johannes Erben, Bruno Colbert) d.w. [ds0695-603825] ¥2,520 370 言 語 学 語源学 3416 Frey (Le Général) Annamites et Extrême-Occidentaux. Recherches sur l'origine des langues. Ouvrage illustré par deux Tonkinois. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1894. 272pp. Printed wrappers. With many illus., coloured frontis. The spine sunned. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [L00317-601089] ¥16,800 3417 Hargrave,Basil Origins and Meanings Popular Phrases & Names. London: T. Werner Laurie n.d. vi,350pp. White-out is applied to the upper part of half title page. Half title page repaired with tape. [L02605-604911] ¥4,200 3418 Heller,Louis, Alexander Humez & Malcah Dror The Private Lives of English Words. Foreword by Geoffrey Leech. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984. First published in Great Britain. xxx,333pp. d.w. sl.rubbed & chipped. Top edge somewhat foxed & spotted. The others slspotted & stained. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03348-605191] ¥8,400 3419 Hughes,Geoffrey Words in Time. A Social History of the English Vocabulary. [The Language Library] Basil Blackwell, 1988. Reprinted. 270pp. d.w. sl.rubbed. Edges sl.stained. Small ink ownership signature & pencil notation to front flyleaf. Eps. & flyleves sl.spotted. Black pencil lines & notations in some pages. [L03190-605033] ¥4,200 3420 Meisinger,Othmar Vergleichende Wortkunde. Beiträge zur Bedeutungslehre. München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1932. xii,201pp. The spine sunned. [ds0093-602281] ¥4,200 3421 Orr,John Words and Sounds in English and French. [Modern Language Studies] Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1953. First printed. viii,279pp. d.w. Sunned. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front e.p. [lk0030-604167] ¥6,300 3422 Potter,Stephen & Laurens Sargent Pedigree. Essays on the Etymology of Words from Nature. [The New Naturalist. A Survey of British Natural History 56] Lomdon; Collins, 1973. First published. 322pp. d.w. partly stained. Covers sl.spotted. Edges sl.foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03188-605031] ¥5,250 3423 Pyles,Thomas The Origins and Development of the English Language. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1964. viii,388pp. Front and rear flyleaver somewhat stained. Red underlined and pencil notations. [L01813-602757] ¥2,100 3424 Révész,G. Origine et Préhistoire du Langage. [Bibliothèque Scientifique] Paris; Payot, 1950. 234pp. Printed weappers sl.chipped. Spine re-backed. Cover foxed. All edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Bibliography of publihser in page 228 to recto of rear fly leaf. [L03005-604664] ¥4,200 3425 Ross,Alan S.C. Etymology. With Especial Reference to English. [The Language Library. (Edited by Eric Partridge)] Andre Deutsch, 1964. 3rd impression. 169pp. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ink ownership signature by Toshio Saito to rear e.p. [L02095-602899] ¥4,200 3426 Skeat,Walter William Principles of English Etymology. First Series: The Native Element. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1892. Second and Revised Edition. Second Series: The Foreign Element. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1891. [Clarendon Press Series] 2 vols. Reprinted by Oxford UP./ Senjo Publishing Co. 371 言 語 学 xxxiv,547pp./ xxxi,505pp. Green cloth. Dust wrapper sl.chipped, sl.rubbed and partly torn. Edges sunned and sl.spotted. 19.4x14.3cm. [L01538-603186] ¥12,600 3427 Skeat,Walter William Principles of English Etymology. (スキート語源) First Series: The Native Element. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1892. Second and Revised Edition. Second Series: The Foreign Element. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1891. [Clarendon Press Series] 2 vols. 名著普及会 1983. 復刻版 xxxiv,547pp./ xxxi,505pp. Green cloth. Dust sl.stained. [L02916/L02361-603187] ¥15,750 3428 Storfer,A.J. Wörter und Ihre Schicksale. Berlin・Zürich; Atlantis-Verlag, 1935. 399pp. d.w. sl.chipped & stained. Its spine sunned. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Top edge sl.stained & spotted. Fore & lower edges sl.foxed & spotted. Spotted from front end paper to half title page, verso of page 399 to rear end paper. [L03075-604733] ¥5,250 3429 Taylor,Isaac The Alphabet. An Account of the Origin and Development of Letters. In Two Volumes. Vol.I; Semitic Alphabets. Vol.II; Aryan Alphabets. 2vols. London; Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883. Vol.I; xii,358pp. Vol.II; ii,398pp. Vol.I; Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Joint of covers sl.loosened. Fore edge foxed & sl.spotted. Lower edge sl.spotted. Some pages spotted. Publisher'bibliography in the latter part of this book. Vol.II; Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Joint of covers sl.loosened. Fore edge foxed & sl.spotted. Lower edge sl.spotted. Some pages spotted. Label about these books on rear end paper. [L03077-604735] ¥42,000 3430 Wilke,Edwin Deutsche Wortkunde. Ein Hilfsbuch für Lehrer und Freunde der Muttersprache. Leipzig: Friedrich Brandstetter, 1925. Sechste, neubearbeitete Auflage. 13.bis 15.Tausend. vii,428pp. Top edge blue and faded. Edges and spine spotted. [ds0799-603686] ¥6,720 比較言語学 3431 Anttila,Raimo An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics. New York; The Macmillan Co., Inc., London; Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1972. xi,438pp. Covers somewhat spotted. Top edge sl.darkened & somewhat spotted. Others sl.foxed & sl.spotted. Eps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. [L03180-605023] ¥5,250 3432 Hoenigswald,Henry M. Language Change and Linguistic Reconstruction. The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1960. viii,168pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Pencil notations. [L01203-601501] ¥4,200 3433 Meillet,Antoine The Comparative Method in Historical Linguistic. Translated from the French by Gordon B.Ford,Jr. [Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskining] Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1967. 138pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Pencil notations to several pages. (邦題「史的言語学における 比較の方法」) [L01361-602262] ¥4,200 3434 Meillet,Antoine The Comparative Method in Historical Linguistic. Translated from the French by Gordon B.Ford,Jr. [Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskining] Paris: Librairie Honoré Champion, 1967. 138pp. Printed wrappers sl.stained. Edges sl.foxed. Top & lower edegs spotted. Stamp by former owner on half title page. [L03163-605005] ¥5,250 372 言 語 学 対照言語学 3435 Di Pietro,Robert J. Language Structures in Contrast. Rowley: Newbury House Publisher, 1971. First printing. xix,193pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01178-600834] ¥3,360 3436 Mathesius,Vilém A Functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis. Edited by Josef Vachek. Translated by Libuše Dušková. [Czechoslovak Academy of Science] Prague: Academia, 1975. 228pp. (邦題「機能言語学」) Top edge blue. Dust wrapper sl.chipped. 26.5x18.8cm. [lk0182-604153] ¥8,400 3437 Nickel,Gerhald ed. Papers in Contrastive Linguistics. Cambridge at the UP, 1971. x,121pp. (Contributors: Gerhard Nickel, Roger L.Snook, Tomasz P.Krzeszowski, William W.Gage, Carl James, Ilse Lehiste, James L.Wyatt, K.Kohler, William Nemser, G.R.Kress, Vladimir Mach, Rudolf Filipović, E.A.Levenston) Dust wrapper and edges light foxing. Pencil notations. [lk0208-604254] ¥4,200 言語類型論 3438 Bechert,Johannes / Giuliano Bernini/ Claude Buridant eds. Toward a Typology of European Languages. [Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, 8] Mouton de Gruyter, 1990. x,388pp. Ink notations to front & rear flyleaves. Stamped on front flyleaf. [L02056-600263] ¥9,450 3439 Dezsö,Làszló Studies in Syntactic Typology and Contrastive Grammar. [Janua Linguarum series 89] gue/Paris/New York: Mouton Publishers, 1982. 307pp. d.w. [L01631-600822] ¥6,300 The Ha- 3440 Givón,T. Syntax. A Functional Typological Introduction. Volume II. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co. 1990. xxv,465p-1017p. Printed wrappers. [L01770-601171] ¥5,250 3441 Hartmann,Peter Untersuchungen zur Allgemeinen Grammatik 1: Wortart und Aussageform. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft.Zweite Reibe. Einzeluntersuchungen und Darstellungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1956. 185pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Small ink noation to recto of rear cover. [L01353-601359] ¥10,080 3442 Hartmann,Peter Untersuchungen zur Allgemeinen Grammatik 2: Zur Typologie Des Indogermanischen. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. Zweite Reibe. Einzeluntersuchungen und Darstellungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1956. 295pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0312-601361] ¥10,080 3443 Hartmann,Peter Untersuchungen zur Allgemeinen Grammatik 2: Zur Typologie Des Indogermanischen. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. Zweite Reibe. Einzeluntersuchungen und Darstellungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1956. 295pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Small ink noation to recto of rear cover. [L01351-601362] ¥10,080 3444 Hartmann,Peter Untersuchungen zur Allgemeinen Grammatik 3: Probleme der Sprachlichen Form. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. (begründet von Hans Krahe) Zweite Reihe: Einzeluntersuchun373 言 語 学 gen und Darstellungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1957. 415pp. The spine somewhat sunned. [ds0584-601363] ¥15,120 3445 Söderberg,Carl-Gustaf A Typological Study on the Phonetic Structure of English Words with an Instrumental-Phonetic Excursus on English Stress. [Travaux de l'Institut de Phonétique de Lund (Publiés par Bertil Malmberg). I.] Lund: Håkan Ohlssons Boktryckeri, 1959. 122pp. Printed wrappers. With corrigenda. [L00498-603205] ¥6,720 3446 Palmer,Leonard R. Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics. A Critical Introduction. [Studies in General Linguistics. (Editors: L.R.Palmer and G.C.Lepschy)] London: Faber & Faber, 1972. First published. 430pp. Dust wrapper the spine slightly sunned. [ds0256-602538] ¥10,080 3447 Sternemann,Reinhardt & Karl Gutschmidt Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. d.w. [L02139-603268] ¥8,400 Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1989. xiv,376pp. 辞書学・語彙論 Noah Webster に関する書籍は 375 ページ~ 3448 Burchfield,Robert ed. Studies in Lexicography. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. xiv,200pp. d.w. [L02376-604282] ¥5,250 3449 Coseriu,Eugenio Einführung in die strukturelle Betrachtung des Wortschatzes. [Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik (herausgegeben von Gunter Narr). 14] Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1973. 2.,Unveränderte Auflage. 124pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0173-600727] ¥2,520 3450 Coseriu,Eugenio Einführung in die strukturelle Betrachtung des Wortschatzes. [Sonderdruck aus Strukturelle Bedeutungslehre. Seiten 193-238] Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978. Deutsche Übersetzung von Erich Brauch (für die vorliegende Ausgabe vom Verfasser durchgesehen). 194-238pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat foxing. 19.5x12.5cm. [lk0157-604074] ¥4,200 3451 Dalby,Andrew A Guide to World Language Dictionary. Chicago & London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998. First published. viii,470pp. 24.7x17cm. [L01135-600786] ¥5,040 3452 Hellweg,Paul Weird and Wonderful Words. The Bedside Companion for Insomniacs. Newton Abbot & London: David & Charles, 1986. xiv,159pp. With illus. Somewhat sunned. d.w. [L01175-601419] ¥3,360 3453 Matoré,Georges La Méthode en Lexicologie. Domaine Français. Librairie Marcel Didier, 1953. Nouvelle édition refondue. xxxi,126pp. Printed wrappers. [L01924-602198] ¥5,250 3454 Schäfer,Jürgen Early Modern English Lexicography. Vol.I: A Survey of Monolingual Printed Glossaries and Dictionaries 1475-1640. Vol.II: Additions and Correctiions to the OED. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. 488pp./ 227pp. [L02109-602998] ¥21,000 3455 Shenker,Israel Harmless Drudges. Wizards of Languages. ancient, medieval and modern. 374 New York; Barnhart 言 語 学 Books, 1979. 158pp. d.w. sl.stained & chipped. Egdes sl.foxed & spotted. Flaps pasted on flyleaves (you can't take off d.w.). [L03352-605195] ¥5,250 3456 Thun,Nils Reduplicative Words in English. A Study of Formation of the Types Tick-tick, Hurly-burly and Shilly-shally. Uppsala, 1963. xii,347pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned and small stained. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. [L01345-603397] ¥25,200 Noah Webster 3457 Leavitt,Robert Keith Noah's Ark, New England Yankees and the Endless Quest. A Short History of the Original Webster Dictionaries, with Particular References to their First Hundred Years. G.& C.Merriam Co., 1947. Paper-bound edition. 106pp.+plates. With numerous illus. Somewhat sunned. Publisher's label pasted on front flyleaf. 25.5x18.3cm. [L01243-603614] ¥10,080 3458 Morton,Herbert C. The Story of Webster's Third. Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and Its Critics. UP., 1994. First published. xv,332pp.+illus. d.w. [L00618-602355] ¥8,400 Cambridge 3459 Rollins,Richard M. ed. with intro. The Autobiographies of Noah Webster. From the Letters and Essays, Memoir, and Diary. South Carolina Press, 1989. First edition. xvi,378pp. With illus. d.w. 23.5x16cm. [L01559-602881] Univ.of ¥6,300 3460 Rollins,Richard M. ed. with intro. The Autobiographies of Noah Webster. From the Letters and Essays, Memoir, and Diary. Univ.of South Carolina Press, 1989. First edition. xvi,378pp. d.w. Small ink ownerwship signature to front flyleaf. [L03207-605050] ¥6,300 3461 Rollins,Richard M. The Long Journey of Noah Webster. [L01855-603612] ¥5,250 Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1980. xi,195pp. d.w. 音声学・音韻論 特に英語に関する書籍 381 ドイツ語に関する書籍 383 フランス語に関する書籍 384 3462 Abercrombie,David Elements of General Phonetics. Edinburgh UP., 1967. 203pp. Dust wrapper sunned and sl.torn. A small ownership stamp on front e.p. Pencil notations to several pages. [L02253-600061] ¥3,150 3463 Akhmanova,Olga Phonology, Morphonology, Morphology. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor, 101] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1971. 135pp. Translated from the Russiam. Printed wrappers. [ds0417-600086] ¥2,100 3464 Anderson,John M. & Colin J.Ewen Principles of Dependency Phonology. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 47] 1987. First published. x,312pp. d.w. [L02504-604346] ¥8,400 Cambridge UP, 3465 Archangeli,Diana & Dopuglas Pulleyblank Grounded Phonology. [Current Studies in Linguistics, 25] Cambridge & London: The MIT Press, 1994. xiii,502pp. d.w. 23.6x18.5cm. [L02129-600150] ¥6,300 375 言 語 学 3466 Batóg,Tadeusz The Axiomatic Method in Phonology. [L01818-600245] ¥4,200 London: RKP, 1967. vii,126pp. d.w. somwhat stained. 3467 Batóg,Tadeusz The Axiomatic Method in Phonology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD, 1967. First published. vii,126pp. d.w. sl.stained, rubbed & partly sunned. Top edge spotted & sl.stained. Fore edge sl.spotted & foxed. Front & rear end paper foxed. Front & rear fly leaf foxed. [L03098-604765] ¥4,200 3468 Broe,Michael B. & Janet B.Pierrehumbert eds. Papers in Laboratory Phonology V: Acquisition and Lexicon. Cambridge UP, 2000. First published. xiii,400pp. (contributors: A.Arvaniti, M.Beckman, M.Bowman, M.Broe, J.Bybee, D.Byrd, J.Cole, J.Coleman, G.S.Dell, J.Edwards, J.Fletcher, S.Frisch, F.Gibbon, M.Goodman, C.Gussenhoven, J.Hajek, W.Hardcastle, J.Harrington, L.Holt, P.Jusczyk, A.Kaun, M.Kawato, B.Kessler, K.Kluender, S.Knewasser, Y.Kondo, D.R.Ladd, A.Löfqvist, A.J.Lotto, P.Luce, S.Maeda, I.Mennen, S.Mitra, K.G.Munhall, S.Narayanan, R.Newman, Shu-Hui Peng, J.Pierrehumbert, E.Saltzman, J.Swausch, J.Scobbie, C.L.Stager, D.Steriade, R.Tincoff, R.Treiman, E.Vatikiotis-Bateson, J.F.Werker) d.w. [L02119-603884] ¥8,400 3469 Brown,Gillian Phonological Rules and Dialect Variation. A Study of the Phonology of Lumasaaba. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 7] Cambridge University Press, 1972. xiii,191pp. d.w. sl.stained & spotted. Top edge sl.spotted & foxed. Fore & lower edge sl.spotted. [L03102-604766] ¥6,300 3470 Brücke,Ernst. Part 1;Grundzüge der Physiologie und Systematik der Sprachlaut für Linguisten und Taubstummenlhrer. Part 2;Über die Aussprache der Aspiraten im Hindustani. Part 3;Beiträge zur Lautlehre der Arabischen Sprache. Part 4;Über eine Neue Methode der Phonetischen Transscription. Part 1: Wien; Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold's Sohn, Part 2,3&4: Wien; Aus der K.K.Hof_ und Ataatsdruckerei, Part 1:1856. Part 2: 1859. Part 3: 1860. part 4:1863. Part 1: 65pp. Part 2: 8pp. Part 3: 52pp. Part 4: 65pp. Rebound. Edges of covers considerably rubbed. Top edge sl.darkend. Fore & lower edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Front & rear fly leaf sl.chipped. Almost all pages of part 1 spotted. [L03096-604760] ¥5,250 3471 Connell,Bruce & Amalia Arvaniti eds. Papers in Laboratory Phonology IV: Phonology and Phonetic Evidence. Cambridge UP, 1995. First published. xiii,403pp. (contributors: A.Arvaniti, M.Beckman, C.P.Browman, H.T.Bunnell, B.Connell, D.Demolin, R.L.Diehl, G.J.Docherty, J.Fontdevila, E.Grabe, T.Holst, S.Hoskins, K.Hubbard, K.de Jong, Sun-Ah Jun, J.Kingston, H.Kubozono, S.-H.Lee, J.M.McQueen, T.M.Nearey, F.Nolan, J.J.Ohala, R.Ogden, J.J.Ohala, M.Ohala, M.D.Pallarès, D.Recasens, J.M.Scobbie, S.Shattuck-Hufnagel, C.L.Smith, B.Tranel, I.Vogel, P.Warren, E.C.Zsiga) [L02118-603883] ¥7,350 3472 Crowhurst,Megan Jane Minimality and Foot Structure in Metrical Phonology and Prosodic Morphology. Reproduced by the Indiana Univ.Linguistics Club, 1992. viii,249pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sl.torn. 28x22cm. [L00564-600749] ¥4,200 3473 Delattre,Pierre Comparing the Phonetic Features of English, French, German and Spanish: An Interim Report. The reseach reported herein was performed pursuant to a contract with the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Philadelphia & New York: Chilton Books-Educational Division / Heidelberg: Julius Groos Verlag, 1965. 118pp. Spine sunned. Some scuffing at the front boad. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. 図版 [L01230-600812] ¥10,080 3474 Dieth,Eugen Vademekum der Phonetik. Phonetische Grundlagen für das wissenschaftliche und praktische Stu376 言 語 学 dium der Sprachen von Eugen Dieth unter Mitwirkung von Rudolf Brunner. Bern: Francke AG.Verlag, 1950. xvi,452pp. With a frontis (photographs of kymograph) and illus. [ds0805-600838] ¥8,400 3475 Dieth,Eugen Vademekum der Phonetik. Phonetische Grundlagen für das wissenschaftliche und praktische Studium der Sprachen von Eugen Dieth unter Mitwirkung von Rudolf Brunner. Bern und München: Francke Verlag, 1968. 2., unveränderte Auflage. xvi,452pp. With a frontis (photographs of kymograph) and illus. [ds0470-600839] ¥8,400 3476 Dinnsen,Daniel A., ed. Current Approaches to Phonologocal Theory. Indiana University Prss, 1979. xiii,335pp. Stamped on Title Page and Bottom Edge. Text Good. 17. 5 x 11. 5cm [LA053-600852] ¥7,560 3477 Docherty,Gerard J.& D.Rovert Ladd eds. Papers in Laboratory Phonology II: Gesture, Segment, Prosody. Cambridge UP, 1992. First published. xiv,462pp. (contributors: A.Arvaniti, W.G.Barry, M.Beckman, R.v.d.Berg, M.Broe, C.P.Browman, A.Cutler, J.Edwards, J.Fletcher, O.Fujimura, L.Goldstein, N.Grønnum, C.Gussenhoven, S.Hawkins, B.Hays, N.Hewlett, J.Kingston, K.Kohler, H.Kubozono, D.R.Ladd, A.Lahiri, J.Local, W.Marslen-Wilson, F.Nolan, J.J.Ohala, J.B.Pierrehumbert, T.Rietveld, M.Rossi, L.Schiefer, E.Selkirk, L.Shockey, D.Talkin, I.Vogel) d.w. [L02116-603881] ¥8,400 3478 Ertel,Suitbert Psychophonetik. Untersuchungen über Lautsymbolik und Motivation. Göttingen: Verlag für Psychologie・Dr.C.J.Hogrefe, 1969. 230pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0620-600965] ¥4,200 3479 Foley,James Foundations of Theoretical Phonology. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 20] Cambridge UP, 1977. First published. xiii,151pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L02899-601047] ¥6,300 3480 Fónagy,Ivan Die Metaphern in der Phonetik. Ein beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Wissenschaftlichen Denkens. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor. Nr.XXV] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1963. 132pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0830-601049] ¥2,520 3481 Forchhammer,Jörgen Die Grundlage der Phonetik. Ein Versuch, die Phonetische Wissenschaft auf Fester Sprachphysiologischer Grundlage Aufzubauen. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Dritte Abteilung. Untersuchungen. Sechster Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1924. viii,212pp. All edges sunned. 20x13.5cm. [ds0791-601054] ¥7,560 3482 Grammont,Maurice Traité de Phonétique. Avec 179 Figures dans le Texte. Paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1933. xii,480pp. Rebound, original covers and spine pasted on surface. Sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover. Pencil notations to a few pages and e.p. With 4 memo papers. [lk0079-604094] ¥15,750 3483 Grammont,Maurice Traité de Phonétique. Avec 179 Figures dans le Texte. Paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1950. Quatrième édition, revue. xii,480pp. Bound in light brown cloth, darkened. Edges, e.ps.and pages foxing. 25.8x17.3cm. [L02281-601223] ¥6,300 3484 Grammont,Maurice Traité de Phonétique. Avec 179 Figures dans le Texte. Paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1971. Neuvième édition. xii,480pp. Printed wrappers. The spine and covers sunned. Small signature on front fryleaf. [L01928-601227] ¥6,300 377 言 語 学 3485 Gubler,Heinrich Die Liquid- und Nasalsuffixe. in der schweizerdeutschen Substantivbildung. Inaugral-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Basel. Freiburg I.B.: C.A.Wagner, Buchdruckerei A.-G., 1920. x,200pp. Printed wrappers. The covers, the spines and all pages of this copy somewhat sunned. . Ink notation on the verso of title page. [ds0416-601278] ¥6,720 3486 Hammarström,Göran Linguistische Einheiten im Rahmen der modernen Sprachwissenschaft. Mit 5 Abbildungen. [Kommunikation und Kybernetik in Einzeldarstellungen. (Heraugegeben von H.Wolter und W.D.Keidel) Band 5] Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1966. iv,109pp. Margin of cover sl.darkened. [ds0947-601330] ¥5,040 3487 Hammarström,Göran Linguistische Einheiten im Rahmen der modernen Sprachwissenschaft. Mit 5 Abbildungen. [Kommunikation und Kybernetik in Einzeldarstellungen. (Heraugegeben von H.Wolter und W.D.Keidel) Band 5] Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1966. iv,109pp. Dust wrapper sl.foxing. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover of d.w. Pencil notations to a few pages. [lk0045-604096] ¥6,300 3488 Hockett,Charles F. A Manual of Phonology. Part 1. International Journal of American Linguistics: Vol.21, No.4, October 1955. [Indiana University research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics. Memoir 11 of the International Journal of American Linguistics.] Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1955. v,246pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01323-601496] ¥5,040 3489 Hockett,Charles F. A Manual of Phonology. Part 1. International Journal of American Linguistics: Vol.21, No.4, October 1955. [Indiana University research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics. Memoir 11 of the International Journal of American Linguistics.] Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1955. v,246pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Covers sl.spotted. Pencil notations to several pages and small ink notation to recto of rear cover. [L01354-601497] ¥5,040 3490 Hyman,Larry M. A Theory of Phonlogical Weight. [Publications in Language Sciences 19] Foris Publications, 1985. 136pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on half title page and title page. [L02561-604382] ¥3,150 3491 Hyman,Larry M. A Theory of Phonlogical Weight. [Publications in Language Sciences 19] 136pp. Printed wrappers. [L02562-604383] ¥3,150 Foris Publications, 1985. 3492 Jakobson,Roman Roman Jakobson: Selected Writings. 1.Phonological Studies. s-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1962. x,678pp. Only vol.1. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. 24.7x16.8cm. [L00440-601614] ¥12,600 3493 Jones,Daniel The Phoneme.Its Nature and Use. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons, 1950. First published. xvi,267pp. With illus. Dust wrapper sunned, partly torn and missing. [L01164-601690] ¥5,250 3494 Jones,Daniel The Phoneme. Its Nature and Use. Cambridge, London, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. 1976. Reissued. (first edition 1950) xviii,284pp. d.w. sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. All edges foxed. [L03099-604762] ¥6,300 3495 (Jørgensen,Eli Fischer)L.L. Hammerich,Roman Jakobson,Eberhard Zwirner eds. Form and Substance. Phonetic and Linguistic Papers. Presented to Eli Fischer Jørgensen. 11th February 1971. Akademisk Forlag., 1971. ix,299pp. (Contributors:E.Zwirner, B.Malmberg, L.A.Chistovich, I.Lehiste, O.Fujimura et al.) Printed wrappers sl.rubbed. Spine stained. Edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02954-604613] ¥12,600 378 言 語 学 3496 Keating,Patricia A. ed. Papers in Laboratory Phonology III: Phonological Structure and Phonetic Form. Cambridge UP, 1994. First published. xiv,367pp. (contributors: M.E.Beckman, C.P.Browman, J.Coleman, J.Edwards, L.Goldstein, B.Hays, V.v.Heuven, K.Johnson, A.Jongman, P.A.Keating, J.Kingston, D.R.Ladd, J.J.McCarthy, F.N.Nolan, J.B.Pierrehumbert, A.Rialland, S.Shattuck-Hufnagel, K.N.Stevens, A.Turk, M.Yaeger-Dror) d.w. [L02117-603882] ¥8,400 3497 Kenstowicz,Michael / Kisseberth,Charles Generative Phonology. Description and Theory. [L02601-601774] ¥8,400 Academic Press, 1979. xiv,459pp. 3498 Kenstowicz,Michael / Kisseberth,Charles Generative Phonology. Description and Theory. [L01800-601775] ¥7,350 Academic Press, 1979. xiv,459pp. 3499 Kingston,John & Mary E.Beckman eds. Papers in Laboratory Phonology I: Between the Grammar and Physics of Speech. Cambridge UP, 1990. First published. x,506pp. (contributors: M.E.Beckman, C.P.Browman, G.Bruce, G.N.Clements, A.Cutler, J.Edwards, C.A.Fowler, O.Fujimura, L.Goldstein, S.R.Hertz, S.Inkelas, P.A.Keating, J.Kingston, K.J.Kohler, D.R.Ladd, P.Ladefoged, W.Leben, J.J.Ohala, J.B.Pierrehumbert, E.Selkirk, K.A.Silverman, D.Steriade, K.N.Stevens) Printed wrappers. [L02115-603880] ¥4,200 3500 Koch,Walter A. Zur Theorie des Lautwandels. [Documenta Semiotica. (Herausgegeben von Walter A.Koch) Series Practica. Band 2] Hildesheim, New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970. Reprinted from c.1926 edition. xx,324pp. Top edge gray. Covers slightly spotted. [ds0472-601843] ¥6,720 3501 Koch,Walter A. Zur Theorie des Lautwandels. [Studia Semiotica. (Herausgegeben von Walter A.Koch) Series Practica. Band 2] Hildesheim, New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970. Reprinted from c.1926 edition. xx,324pp. Top edge gray. Spine sl.faded and edges sl.foxing. [lk0149-604127] ¥7,350 3502 Laguna,Grace Andrus de Speech. Its Function and Development. New Heaven;Yale University Press, London; Humphrey Milford; Oxford University Press. 1927. xii,363pp. Edges of covers rubbed. Spine sunned. Top edge stained & sl.spotted. Fore and lower edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature & red ink spotted to front fly leaf. Library stamped on title page & rear fly leaf. Almost all pages sl.spotted. Red underlined & ink notation in some pages. [L03079-604743] ¥4,200 3503 Lehiste,Ilse ed. Readings in Acoustic Phonetics. The M.I.T.Press, 1967. ix,358pp. (H.L.Barney, C.G.Bell, J.M.Borst, D.E.Broabent, F.S.Cooper, P.C.Delattre, H.K.Dunn, G.Fairbanks, C.Gunnar M.Fant, E.Fischer-Jørgensen, J.L.Flanagan, D.B.Fry, O.Fujimura, H.Fujisaki, L.J.Gerstman, M.Halle, J.M.Heinz, A.Holbrook, A.S.House, G.W.Hughes, F.Ingemann, W.Koenig, L.Y.Lacy, P.Ladefoged, I.Lahiste, A.M.Liberman, L.Lisker, B.Malmberg, W.Meyer-Eppler, G.A.Miller, P.E.Nicely, G.E.Peterson, J.-P.A.Radley, K.N.Stevens, P.Strevens, T.Tarnóczy, W.S.-Y.Wang) With illus. 26x18.5cm. [L01208-601989] ¥6,300 3504 Lehiste,Ilse ed. Readings in Acoustic Phonetics. The M.I.T.Press, 1967. ix,358pp. (H.L.Barney, C.G.Bell, J.M.Borst, D.E.Broabent, F.S.Cooper, P.C.Delattre, H.K.Dunn, G.Fairbanks, C.Gunnar M.Fant, E.Fischer-Jørgensen, J.L.Flanagan, D.B.Fry, O.Fujimura, H.Fujisaki, L.J.Gerstman, M.Halle, J.M.Heinz, A.Holbrook, A.S.House, G.W.Hughes, F.Ingemann, W.Koenig, L.Y.Lacy, P.Ladefoged, I.Lahiste, A.M.Liberman, L.Lisker, B.Malmberg, W.Meyer-Eppler, G.A.Miller, P.E.Nicely, G.E.Peterson, J.-P.A.Radley, K.N.Stevens, P.Strevens, T.Tarnóczy, W.S.-Y.Wang) With illus. Dust wrapper partly missing and sl.torn. 26x18.5cm. [L02233-601990] ¥6,300 379 言 語 学 3505 Lindner,Gerhart Einführung in die Experimentelle Phonetik. Mit 60 Abbildungen im Text. [Sammlung Akademie-Verlag: 3. Sprache] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1969. 245pp. Printed wrappers. 図版 [ds0182-602062] ¥3,360 3506 Mahanan,K.P. The Theory of Lexical Phonology. [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory] D.Reidel Publishing Co., 1986. xii,219pp. [L02427-602123] ¥6,300 3507 Malmberg,Bertil Structural Linguistics and Human Communication. An Introduction into the Mechanism of Language and the Methodology of Linguistics. With 88 Figures. [Kommunikation und Kybernetik in Einzeldarstellungen. (Heraugegeben von H.Wolter und W.D.Keidel) Band 2] New York: Academic Press Inc., / Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1963. vii,210pp. [ds0453-602133] ¥5,250 3508 Malmberg,Bertil Structural Linguistics and Human Communication. An Introduction into the Mechanism of Language and the Methodology of Linguistics. With 88 Figures. [Kommunikation und Kybernetik in Einzeldarstellungen. (Heraugegeben von H.Wolter und W.D.Keidel) Band 2] Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1963. vii,210pp. d.w.sunned. [L01860-602135] ¥5,250 3509 Martinet,A. Phonology as Functional Phonetics. Three Lectures Delivered Before the University of London in 1946. [Publications of the Philological Society XV] Oxford UP, 1950. Reprinted. 40pp. Printed wrappers, foxing. Spine partly torn. E.ps.spotted. Pencil notations to a few pages. [lk0176-604151] ¥5,250 3510 Martinet,André Économie des Changements Phonétiques. Traité de Phonologie Diachronique. [Bibliotheca Romanica. Edendam curat W.v.Wartburg. series prima: Manualia et Commentationes. X] Berne: A.Francke S.A., 1955. 395pp. Spine and covers sl.stained. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01444-602185] ¥6,720 3511 Martinet,André Économie des Changements Phonétiques. Traité de Phonologie Diachronique. [Bibliotheca Romanica. Edendam curat W.v.Wartburg. series prima: Manualia et Commentationes. X] Berne: A.Francke S.A., 1970. Troisième édition. 395pp. d.w. 20.7x13.8cm. [L00311-602186] ¥7,560 3512 Mulder,J.W.F. Sets and Relations in Phonology. An Axionatic Approach to the Description of Speech. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. xv,259pp. All edges and page-vi somewhat spotted. d.w. With errata. [L00264-602394] ¥6,300 3513 Mulder,J.W.F. Sets and Relations in Phonology. An Axionatic Approach to the Description of Speech. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. xv,259pp. All edges somewhat spotted. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. d.w. With errata. [L01085-602395] ¥6,300 3514 Mulder,J.W.F. Sets and Relations in Phonology. An Axionatic Approach to the Description of Speech. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. xv,259pp. All edges & several pages somewhat sppoted. Small ink sigunature to rear flyleaf. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L01548-602396] ¥6,300 3515 Mulder,J.W.F. Sets and Relations in Phonology. An Axionatic Approach to the Description of Speech. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. xv,259pp. Spine of d.w.sl.sunned. A small spot on 259p. else good. [L01815-602397] ¥6,300 380 言 語 学 3516 Pilch,Herbert Phonemtheorie: I. Teil. Basel (Schweiz), New York: S.Karger, 1968. Zweite, verbesserte Auflage. x,155pp. Printed wrappers. 図版 [ds0421-602671] ¥3,360 3517 Romportl,Milan Studies in Phonetics. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 61] Prague: Academia・Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science / The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1973. 217pp. d.w. 26.5x18.5cm. [L00243-602884] ¥12,600 3518 Salmons,Joe Accentual Change and Language Contact. Comparative Survey and a Case Study of Early Northern Europe. London: Routledge, 1992. xii,240pp. d.w. Fine as new. [L01702-602939] ¥6,300 3519 Smith,Neilson V. The Acquisition of Phonology. A Case Study. sunned. [L02548-603201] ¥9,450 Cambridge UP., 1973. xi,270pp. Spine of d.w. sl. 3520 Stenzel,Julius Sinn, Bedeutung, Begriff, Definition. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Sprachmelodie. [Wissenschaftlichen Buchsellschaft, Darmstadt in der Reihe "Libelli" Band XLIII] Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1965. Sonderausgabe. Unveränder reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Darmstadt 1958. 60pp. Frontcover sl.foxing. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front e.p. Pencil lined to p.16. 19x12cm. [lk0156-604202] ¥3,150 3521 Trubetzkoy,N.S. Etudes Phonologiques. Études phonologiques dédiées à la mémoire de M.le Prince Trubetzkoy. Preface by Carroll E.Reed. [Alabama Linguistic and Philological Series,#2] University of Alabama Press, 1964. 348pp. Originally published in 1939 in Prague. d.w. Small signature on front flyleaf. タイ トル頁にスタンプ消去跡. d.w. [L01923-603438] ¥5,250 3522 Wescott,Roger Williams Sound and Sense. Linguistic Essays on Phonosemic Subjects. [Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture, and Cognition, 8] Lake Bluff: Jupiter Press, 1980. xiv,405pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [L01191-603655] ¥6,720 3523 Wijk,N.van Phonologie. Een hoofdstuk uit de structurele taal wetenschap. s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. Fotomechanische herdruk (Originally published in 1939). xvi,207pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Ink ownership signature to title page. [L02827-604428] ¥6,300 3524 Wothke,Klaus Automatisierung strukturalistischer Phonemanalysen. [Sprache und Information. Band 7] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1983. x,175pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0571-603724] ¥2,520 3525 Zonneveld,Wim A Formal Theory of Exceptions in Generative Phonology. [Studies in Generative Grammar] Dordrecht (Holland): Foris, 1978. (Originally published by the Peter de Ridder Press, Lisse.) ii,313pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Front cover sl.stained. [L02857-604473] ¥5,250 英語 3526 Bolinger,Dwight Intonation and Its Parts. Melody in Spoken English. Edward Arnold, 1986. First published. xiii,421pp. d.w. Its edges sl.rubbed. Top edge sl.darkened. [L03111-604775] ¥8,400 381 言 語 学 3527 Bolinger,Dwight Intonation and Its Uses. Melody in Grammar and Discourse. Stanford UP., 1989. xi,470pp. d.w. Some spots to top edge. 23.6x16cm. [L02219-600387] ¥8,400 3528 Castle,William E. The Effect of Narrow-band Filtering on the Perception of Certain English Vowels. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica XIII] Mouton & Co., 1964. 209pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned, cover partly chipped, and half title page sl.stained. [L00556-600587] ¥4,200 3529 Crystal,David Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 1] Cambridge at the UP., 1969. viii,381pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01174-600757] ¥6,300 3530 Crystal,David Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 1] the UP., 1969. viii,381pp. . [L01873-600758] ¥6,300 Cambridge at 3531 Faure,George Recherches Sur Les Caracteres Et Le Role Des Elements Musicaux Dans La Prononciation Anglaise. (Essai De Description Phonologique) Paris:Didier, 1962. 380pp. Printed wrappers. Inksignature on front flyleaf. [LA032-600991] ¥12,600 3532 Goyvaerts,Didier L. & Pullum,Geoffrey K., eds. Essays on the Sound Pattern of English. [L02470-601215] ¥12,600 E. Story-Scientia, 1975. x,580pp. d.w. sl.steined. 3533 Heltveit,Trygve Studies in English Demonstrative Pronouns. A Contribution to the History of English Morphology. Scandinavian University Books, Universitetsforlaget, 1967. Second printing. 138pp. Spine sl.faded and e.ps.sl.spotted. Ink ownership signature to fromt e.p. [L02254-601423] ¥5,250 3534 Jones,Charles A History of English Phonology. [Longman Linguistics Library] x,318pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L02185-601686] ¥6,300 Longman, 1989. First published. 3535 Moore,Samuel Historical Outlines of English Sounds and Inflections. Revised by A.H.Marckwardt. Michigan:Ann Arbor, 1962. vii,179pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Underlined to p.11 and pencil notation to several pages. [L00922-602343] ¥5,250 3536 Moore,Samuel Historical Outlines of English Sounds and Inflections. Revised by A.H.Marckwardt. Michigan:Ann Arbor, 1962. vii,179pp. Ink notation to front flyleaf and top edge. [L01859-602344] ¥4,200 3537 Moore,Samuel Historical Outlines of English Sounds and Inflections. Revised by A.H.Marckwardt. gan:Ann Arbor, 1969. vii,179pp. [L02418-602345] ¥8,400 Michi- 3538 Moore,Samuel Historical Outlines of English Sounds and Inflections. Revised by A.H.Marckwardt. Michigan:Ann Arbor, 1966. vii,179pp. Cover stained. Spine stained. Top edge stained & spotted. Fore edge foxed & spotted. Lower edge sl.spotted. [L03014-604673] ¥6,300 3539 Olive,Joseph P., Alice Greenwood & John Coleman Acoustics of American English Speech. A Dynamic Approach. With 211 Illustrations. 1993. x,396pp. [L01158-602487] ¥5,040 Springer, 382 言 語 学 3540 Selkirk,Elisabeth O. Phonology and Syntax. The Relation between Sound and Structure. [Current Studies in Linguistics, 10] The MIT Press, 1984. xv,476pp. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. d.w. [L01086-603115] ¥10,080 ドイツ語 3541 Essen,Otto von Allgemeine und angewandte Phonetik. Mit 35 Abbildungen. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1957. 2.Durchgesehene und erweiterte auflage. vii,183pp. Top edge yellow. Dust wrapper sunned and partly chipped. [ds1283-600968] ¥10,080 3542 Essen,Otto von Allgemeine und angewandte Phonetik. Mit 45 Abbildungen. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1966. 4.veränderte Auflage. x,269pp. Top edge yellow. d.w. Fly-leaves slightly sunned. [ds0786-600969] ¥10,080 3543 Essen,Otto von Allgemeine und angewandte Phonetik. Mit 45 Abbildungen. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1966. 4.veränderte Auflage. x,269pp. Top edge yellow. Cover and spine sunned. Flyleaves somewhat stained. Stamped on title page with notations. Notations to contents and bibliography. [ds1207-600970] ¥6,720 3544 Forchhammer,Jörgen Die Sprachlaute in Wort und Bild. Mit 5 Tafeln. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (begründet von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg. Herausgegeben von Herman Güntert) Dritte Abteilung・Untersuchungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1942. 31pp.+ 5.tafel. Printed wrappers. Covers somewhat sunned. 図版 [ds0321-601056] ¥6,720 3545 Kloeke,Wus van Lessen Deutsche Phonologie und Morphologie. Merkmale und Markiertheit. [Linguistische Arbeiten. (herausgegeben von Herbert E.Brekle, Hans Jürgen Heringer, Christian Rohrer, Heinz Vater und Otmar Werner) 117] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1982. ix,258pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0564-601811] ¥4,200 3546 Kučera,Henry & George K.Monroe A Comparative Quantitative Phonology of Russian, Czench, and German. [Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Language Processing. 4] New York: Ameircan Elsevier Publishing Co. 1968. xi,113pp. d.w. [L02615-604475] ¥6,300 3547 Laziczius,Julius Lehrbuch der Phonetik. [Schriften zur Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung. Nr.5] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1961. vi,199pp. Printed wrappers. Covers and the spine slightly sunned. [ds0686-601971] ¥6,720 3548 Seemüller,Joseph Deutsche Laut-und Formenlehre. Zweite, Umgearbeitete Auflage des "Leitfadens zum Unterricht in der Deutschen Grammatik am Obergymnasium". Wien: Alfred Hölder, K.U.K. Hof- und Universitäts-buchhändler, 1911. vii,98pp. Marbled paper covered boards. 11-12pp.repaired with paper tapes. [ds0415-603108] ¥4,200 3549 Szulc,Aleksander Abriss der Diachronischen Deutschen Grammatik. TeilⅠ: Das Lautsystem. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe / Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1969. 80pp. [ds0090-603355] ¥4,200 3550 Ulbrich,Horst Instrumentalphonetisch-Auditive R-Untersuchungen im Deutschen. [Schriften zur Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung. Nr.13] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1972. 168pp. Printed wrappers. The covers and the spines sunned. Cover partly chipped. 図版 [ds0412-603462] ¥6,720 383 言 語 学 3551 Valentin,Paul Phonologie de l'Allemand Ancien. Les Systèmes Vocaliques. [Études Linguistiques. VIII] Klincksieck Librairie C., 1969. 312pp. Rebound. [ds0678-603480] ¥10,080 Paris: 3552 Wängler,Hans-Heinrich Atlas of German Speech Sounds. (Atlas Deutscher Sprachlaute) Translated by Keith O.Anderson. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1968. 53pp. + 29plates. 写真図版多数 [L00657-603571] ¥10,080 3553 Wängler,Hans-Heinrich Atlas Deutscher Sprachlaute. 5.,berichtigte Auflage. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1974. 55pp. + 29. tafel. d.w. 写真図版多数 [ds0724-603572] ¥4,200 3554 Wängler,Hans-Heinrich Grundriss Einer Phonetik des Deutschen. mit einer allgemeinen Einführung in die Phonetik. Mit einer Sprachplatte. Marburg: N.G.Elwert, 1960. viii,156pp. Printed wrappers. Slipcase. With a record. [ds0730-603575] ¥4,200 3555 Wängler,Hans-Heinrich Grundriss Einer Phonetik des Deutschen. mit einer allgemeinen Einführung in die Phonetik. Marburg: N.G.Elwert, 1967. 2., verbesserte Auflage. vii,250pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0623-2-603576] ¥4,200 3556 Wängler,Hans-Heinrich Grundriss Einer Phonetik des Deutschen. mit einer allgemeinen Einführung in die Phonetik. Marburg: N.G.Elwert, 1983. 4.überarbeitete Auflage. 4.überarbeitete Auflage+図版 Printed wrappers. With 12 plates of "Grundriss einer Phonetik des Deutschen" and "Tonhöhenkurven gesprochener Sätze". [ds0007-603577] ¥6,720 3557 Phonologische Studien. [Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Studia Grammatica VI] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1967. 144pp. (Manfred Bierwisch: "Skizze der generativen Phonologie", Arnold M.Zwicky Jr.: "Umlaut and Noun Plurals in German", John Robert Ross: "Der Ablaut bei den deutschen starken Verben", Wolfgang Motsch: "Zum Ablaut der Verben in der Frühperiode germanischer Sprachen") Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds1328-603823] ¥4,200 3558 Phonologische Studien. [Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Studia Grammatica VI] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1967. 144pp. (Manfred Bierwisch, Arnold M.Zwicky Jr., John Robert Ross, Wolfgang Motsch) Printed wrappers. The covers and the spines sunned. Cover partly missing. [ds0410-603824] ¥3,360 フランス語 3559 Bourciez,E. and J. Phonétique Française. Étude Historique Tradition de L'Humanisme III. Éditions Klincksieck, 1967. xii,243pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Top edge stained & spotted. Fore edge foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Spotted from half title page to verso of title page, [L03006-604665] ¥4,200 3560 Coustenoble,Hélène N. / Armstrong,Lilias E. Studies in French Intonation. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons, 1937. Second impression. xvi,278pp. All edges somewhat spotted. d.w. [L00203-600739] ¥5,040 3561 Dell,François Generative Phonology and French Phonology. Translated by Catherine Cullen. Cambridge UP./ Hermann, 1980. First published in English translation. xiv,260pp. Dust wrapper sl.torn. Small hole in the margin of p.245. [L00716-600816] ¥6,720 3562 Dell,François Generative Phonology and French Phonology. Translated by Catherine Cullen. Cambridge UP./ 384 言 語 学 Hermann, 1980. First published in English translation. xiv,260pp. Dust wrapper somewhat torn, and its spine sunned and damaged. [L00717-600817] ¥5,880 3563 Donohue-Gaudet,M.-L. Le Vocalisme et le Consonantisme Français. Règles Fondamentales et Exercices. grave, 1969. 231pp. Printed wrappers. [L00807-2-600865] ¥3,360 Librairie Dela- 3564 Fouché,Pierre Traité de Prononciation Français. Paris: Librairie C.Klincksieck, 1959. 2℮ édition. lxiii,528pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned and sl.spotted. [L01443-601070] ¥3,360 3565 Nyrop,Kristoffer Manuel Phonétique du Français Parlé. Huitième édition entièment revue par les soins de Alf Lombard avec un appendice Comment se Prononcent les Lettres Françaises par Alf Lombard. Gyldendal, 1963. viii,242pp. Printed wrappers. [L00319-602474] ¥7,560 3566 Peyrollaz,Marguerite / Tovar,M.-L.Bara de Manuel de Phonétique et de Dicition Françaises. À l'Usage des Étrangers. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1954. 349pp. Printed wrappers. Sunnned. 19x13cm. [L00779-602646] ¥2,520 3567 Schane,Sanford A. French Phonology and Morphology. [Research Monograph. No.45] 1968. xx,161pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L00785-603003] ¥4,200 Cambridge: The M.I.T.Press, 3568 Van Daele,H. Phonétique du Français Moderne. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1927. 123pp. Printed wrappers. Scattered foxing throughout. Stamp on title page. Text in French. 18x11.5cm. [L01971-603487] ¥3,150 構造言語学 3569 Alexander,L.G.& W.StannardAllen, R.A.Close, R.J.O'Neill English Grammatical Structure. A general syllabus for teachers. Longman,1975. First published. x,245pp. Ink signature to front paste down by former owner. [L01004-600096] ¥6,720 3570 Altmann,Hans Formen der ≫Herausstellung≪im Deutschen. Rechtsversetzung, Linksversetzung, Freies Thema und verwandte Konstruktionen. [Linguistische Arbeiten. (herausgegeben von Herbert E.Brekle, Hans Jürgen Heringer, Christian Rohrer, Heinz Vater und Otmar Werner) 106] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1981. xvi,369pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0563-600117] ¥4,200 3571 Beckmann,Petr The Structure of Language-A New Approach. Boulder: The Golem Press, 1972. 304pp. The spine of d.w.sl.sunned and sl.torn. [L00473-600265] ¥5,040 3572 Bense,Elisabeth. Peter Eisenberg & Hartmut Haberland Beschreibungs Methoden des amerikanischen Strukturalismus. [Linguistische Reihe 16] München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1976. 1.Auflage. 362pp. Printed wrappers. [L02040-600291] ¥4,200 3573 Corbeil,Jean-Claude Les Structures Syntaxiques du Français Moderne. Les éléments fonctionnels dans la phrase. [Bibliothèque Française et Romane. Publiée par le Centre de Philologie et de Littératures romanes de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg. Série A: Manuels et Études Linguistiques. XVI] Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1968. 197pp. Printed wrappers. The spine and covers sunned. [L00809-600714] ¥3,360 385 言 語 学 3574 Empson,William The Structure of Complex Words. [L01544-600945] ¥6,300 Chatto & Windus, 1964. Third Impression. 451pp. d.w. sunned. 3575 Richer,Ernest Essais pour Notre Temps,1: Français Parlé, Français Écrit. Description du Système de la Langue Française Contemporaine. Bruges-Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1964. 197pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. [L00834-602847] ¥1,680 3576 Riegel,Klaus F. / Rosenwald,George C. eds. Structure and Transformation. Developmental and Historical Aspects. [The Origins of Behavior. vol.3] A Wiley-Interscience Publication. John Wiley & Sons, 1975. xviii,250pp. (Arthur L.Blumenthal, Sheila Blumstein, Wilbur A.Hass, Michael Lewis, William R.Looft, Willis F.Overton, Susan Lee-Painter, Klaus F.Riegel, George C.Rosenwald, Cyril P.Svoboda, Anthony Wilden, Robert Wozniak) d.w. [L00482-602856] ¥5,040 3577 Šaumjan,Sebastian Konstantinovič Principles of Structural Linguistics. Translated from Russian. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 45] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1971. 359pp. Translated by James Miller from the Russian edition: Moskva,Izdatel'stco Nauka, 1965. Dust wrapper somewhat stained and chipped. 26.5x19.5cm. [L00286-602969] ¥16,800 3578 Šaumjan,Sebastian Konstantinovič Strukturale Linguistik. Hrsg., Übersetzt Sowie mit einem Vorund einem Nachwort Versehen von Wolfgang Girke und Helmut Jachnow. Mit einem Schriftenverzeichnis des Verfassers. [International library of general linguistics (herausgegeben von Eugenio Coseriu). Band 12] München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1971. 512pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0404-602971] ¥4,200 3579 Trnka,Bohumil Selected Papers in Structural Linguistics. Contributions to English and General Linguistics written in the years 1928-1978. Afterword by Roman Jakobson. Vilém Fried (Editor) [Janua Linguarum・ Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 88] Berlin, New York, Amsterdam: Mouton Publishers, 1982. xi,392pp. d.w. [L01189-603432] ¥12,600 3580 Werner,Otmar Einführung in die strukturelle Beschreibung des Deutschen. TeilⅠ. [Germanistische Arbeitshefte. (Herausgegeben von Otmar Werner und Franz Hundsnurscher) 1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1973. 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. x,110pp. Printed wrappers. The spine slightly sunned. [ds0565-603654] ¥2,520 機能的言語論 3581 Bolkestein,A.Machtelt / Combe,Henk A. / Dik,Simon C. / Groot,Casper De / Gvozdanovic,Jadranka / Rijksbaron,Albert / Vet,Co Predication and Expression in Functional Grammar. [L01562-600390] ¥5,250 Academic Press, 1981. xiii,266pp. 3582 Connolly,John H. Constituent Order in Functional Grammar: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. [Functional Grammar Series. 14] Berlin, New York: Foris Publications, 1991. viii,206pp. Pencil notations to several pages. [L00389-600704] ¥4,200 386 言 語 学 3583 Dik,Simon C. Studies in Functional Grammar. Academic Press, 1980. xi,245pp. [L01563-600844] ¥5,250 3584 Dik,Simon C. ed. Advances in Functional Grammar. [Publications in Language Sciences 11] Foris Publications, 1983. x,415pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl. sunned. [L02560-604381] ¥5,250 3585 Hoekstra,Teun / Harry van der Hulst / Michael Moortgat eds. Perspectives on Functional Grammar. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson: Foris, 1981. 352pp. (Teun Hoekstra, Simon Dik, Gvozdanović Jadranka, Casper de Groot, Jan de Jong, Judith Junger, Sita Kishna, Josien Lalleman, Kwee Tjoe Liong, Jack Prentice, et al.) Printed wrappers. [L02872-604510] ¥5,250 3586 Horn,George M. Lexical-Functional Grammar. [Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 21. (Editor: Werner Winter)] Berlin, New York, Amsterdam: Mouton Publishers, 1983. viii,394pp. d.w. Edges sl.sunned. [L01568-601529] ¥8,400 3587 Martinet,André A Functional View of Language. Being the Waynflete Lectures, delivered in the college of St.Mary Magdalen, Oxford 1961. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1962. viii,163pp. Dust wrapper partly chipped and the spine sunned. (邦題「言語機能論」) [L02405-602181] ¥5,250 3588 Martinet,André A Functional View of Language. Being the Waynflete Lectures, delivered in the college of St.Mary Magdalen, Oxford 1961. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1962. viii,163pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. A compliment card pasted on front paste-down. [L01154-602182] ¥3,150 3589 Martinet,André A Functional View of Language. Being the Waynflete Lectures, delivered in the college of St.Mary Magdalen, Oxford 1961. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1962. viii,163pp. Blue & red underlined to several pages. Some spots to several pages. [L01819-602183] ¥3,150 3590 Martinet,André A Functional View of Language. Being the Waynflete Lectures, delivered in the college of St.Mary Magdalen, Oxford 1961. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1965. Reprinted. viii,163pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L00895-602184] ¥4,200 3591 Mulder,Jan W.F. / Hervey,Sándor G.J. The Strategy of Linguistics. Papers on the Theory and Methodology of Axiomatic Functionalism. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1980. v,236pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L02546/L00442-602398] ¥5,250 3592 Vachek,Josef Selected Writings in Enlglish and General Linguistics. [Janua Linguarum series 92] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1976. 451pp. d.w. sl.stained. Small ink signature and stamp on front flyleaf. [L01697-603477] ¥12,600 3593 Vachek,Josef Selected Writings in Enlglish and General Linguistics. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 92] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1976. 451pp. Dust wrapper sl.foxing. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover of d.w.and front e.p. 26.7x19.2cm. [lk0183-604208] ¥12,600 3594 Vachek,Josef comp. A Prague School Reader in Linguistics. [Indiana University Studies in the History and Theory of Linguistics] Bloomington; Indiana University Press, 1964. 485pp. (V.Mathesius, B.Trnka, A.Artymovyč, S.Karcevskij, A.V.Isačenko et al.) d.w. foxed & sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. Front cover spotted. Spine sunned. All edges foxed & sl.spotted. Both front & rear end papers, fly leaves partly spotted & foxed. [L03101-604764] ¥9,450 387 言 語 学 3595 Vachek,Josef ed. Praguiana. Some Basic and Less Aspects of the Prague Linguistic School. Selected, Translated and Edited by Josef Vachek and Libuše Dušková. With an Introduction by Philip A.Luelsdorff. [Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, vol.12] Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1983. xxxi,321pp. (Contributors: Philip A.Luelsdorff, Vilém Mathesius, Bohuslav Havránek, Jan Mukařovský, Vladimír Skalička, Josef Vachek, Bohumil Trnka) Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front e.p.and notation to 'errata'. [lk0028-604209] ¥5,250 言理学 3596 Hjelmslev,Louis Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. Translated by Francis J.Whitfield. [Supplement to International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol.19, No.1. January 1953. Indiana University Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics. Memoir 7 of the International Journal of American Linguistics] Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1953. 92pp. Printed wrappers, edges foxing. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to title page. Pencil notations. [lk0179-604105] ¥9,450 3597 Siertsema,B. A Study of Glossematics. Critical Survey of Its Fundamental Concepts. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1955. xi,240pp. Spine sunned. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. Pencil notations. [lk0057-604195] ¥8,400 3598 Siertsema,B. A Study of Glossematics. Critical Survey of Its Fundamental Concepts. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. Second edition. xv,288pp. Printed wrappers. Edges and spine sunned. [L02858-604492] ¥5,250 3599 Siertsema,B. A Study of Glossematics. Critical Survey of Its Fundamental Concepts. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. Second edition. xv,288pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Ink notations to several pages and the bottom edge. [L01325-603157] ¥5,250 文 文法: 英語 文法: ドイツ語 文法: フランス語 393 399 403 法 統語論 変形・生成文法 格文法 405 408 411 形態論 談話 発話・話法 411 412 414 3600 Beckers,Karl Ferdinand Grammatik und Sprachstruktur. Karl Ferdinand Beckers Beitrag zur Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft in historischer und systematischer Sicht. Von Gerhard Haselbach. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1966. x,299pp. With a portrait of Karl Ferdinand Beckers. [ds0588-600264] ¥12,600 3601 Binnick,Robert I. Time and the Verb. A Guide to the Tense and Aspect. Oxford UP, 1991. xxiii,554pp. d.w. Red pencil notation to front e.p. Rear flyleaves partly light stained. [L02290-600332] ¥6,300 3602 Bowers,John S. The Theory of Grammatical Relations. Cornell UP., 1981. 288pp. [L00653-600414] ¥6,300 388 言 語 学 3603 Bowers,John S. The Theory of Grammatical Relations. [L01632-600415] ¥6,300 Cornell UP., 1981. 288pp. d.w. somwhat sunned. 3604 Carnochan,J., D.Crystal, F.J.Daniels, H.Hoijer, F.W.Householder and others eds. Word Classes. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1967. Reprinted from Lingua Volume 17, Pages 1-261. 261pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Top & fore edges foxed. Top edge partly spotted. Lower edg sl.stained. [L03153-604821] ¥6,300 3605 Chomsky,Noam Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. The M.I.T.Press, 1965. Second printing. x,251pp. Some foxing to the edges. [L01834-600627] ¥3,150 3606 Chomsky,Noam Strukturen der Syntax. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor,182] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1973. 136pp. Translated by Klaus-Peter Lange. Printed Wrappers. Covers somewhat stained. [ds1005-600637] ¥3,360 3607 Collinge,N.E. Collectanea Linguistica. Essays in General and Genetic Linguistics. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor 21] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. 222pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [ds0385-600690] ¥3,360 3608 Corstius,H.Brandt ed. Grammars for Number Names. [Foundations of Language・Supplementary Series. Volume 7] Dordrecht: D.Reidel Publishing Company, 1968. vii,123pp. (A.Van Katwijk, Barron Brainerd, Fred C.C.Peng, Rani Siromoney, William R.Merrifield, Hugo Brandt Corstius) [L00170-600722] ¥4,200 3609 DeMaria,Robert The Language of Grammar. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1963. ix,115pp. Many pencil underlines. Pencil signature to rear flyleaf. d.w. [L00378-600818] ¥3,360 3610 Disterheft,Dorothy The Syntactic Development of the Infinitive in Indo-European. 220pp. Printed wrappers. [L02591-604442] ¥4,200 Ohio: Slavica Publishers, 1980. 3611 Dressler,Wolfgang U. Grundfragen der Morphonologie. [Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Linguistik und Kommunikationsforschung (Herausgegeben von Alexander Issatschenko und Manfred Mayrhofer). Nr.5] Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1977. 72pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0087-600878] ¥3,360 3612 Droop,Helmut Günter Das präpositionale Attribut. Grammatische Darstellung und Korpusanalyse. [Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim. Band 34] Tübingen: TBL Verlag Gunter Narr, 1977. 358pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0826-600886] ¥3,360 3613 Dubinsky,Stanley / Rosen,Carol A Bibliography on Relational Grammar through May 1987 with Selected Titles on Lexical-Functional Grammar. Reproduced by the Indiana Univ.Linguistics Club, 1987. vii,74pp. Printed wrappers. ホッチキス綴じ 28x21.8cm. [L00518-600887] ¥1,680 3614 Fawcett,Robin P. / Young,David eds. New Developments in Systemic Linguistics. Volume2: Theory and Application. 1988. First published. x,234pp. d.w. [L02407-600993] ¥4,200 Pinter Publishers, 3615 Freidin,Robert ed. Principles and Parameters in Comparative Grammar. [Current Studies in Linguistics] The 389 言 語 学 M.I.T.Press, 1991. xii,463pp. (Joseph Aoun, Adriana Belletti, Noam Chomsky, Robert Freidin, Wayne Harbert, Norbert Hornstein, C.-T.James Huang, Anthony S.Kroch, Howard Lasnik, Yen-hui Audrey Li, David Lightfoot, Luigi Rizzi, Ken Safir, Beatrice Santorini, Rex A.Sprouse, Tim Stowell, Knut Tarald Taraldsen, Lisa deMena Travis, Edwin Williams) d.w. [L02910/L01615-601085] ¥8,400 3616 Gorrell,Paul Syntax and Parsing. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 76] xi,180pp. d.w. [L00870-601204] ¥6,720 Cambridge UP., 1995. First published. 3617 Graustein,Gottfried / Leitner,Gerhard eds. Reference Grammars and Modern Linguistic Theory. [Linguistische Arbeiten. 226] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1989. viii,287pp. (G.Leitner, G.Graustein, J.van der Auwera, S.C.Dik, R.Dušková, L.Hoffmann, Ch.Lehmann, J.M.Liceras, H.-H.Lieb, F.Stuurman, J.Tárnyiková, W.Thiele) Printed wrappers. [L00499-601229] ¥3,360 3618 Greenbaum,Sidney Acceptability in Language. Mouton Publishers, 1977. x,213pp. Ink notations to rear flyleaf. d.w. sl sunned. [L01844-601237] ¥5,250 3619 Gross,Maurice / Lentin,André Introduction to Formal Grammars. With a Preface by Noam Chomsky. Translated by Morris Salkoff. With 75 Figures. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1970. Translation of Notions sur les Grammaires formelles, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1967. ix,231pp. [L00132-601273] ¥6,720 3620 Hartmann,Peter Theorie der Grammatik. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior Ⅲ] The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1963. xi,539pp. d.w. [ds0736-601357] ¥16,800 3621 Hornstein,Norbert As Time Goes By. Tense and Universal Grammar. sunned. [L01629-601535] ¥4,200 The MIT Press, 1990. xii,242pp. Spine of d.w. sl. 3622 Hornstein,Norbert Logic as Grammar. [A Bradford Book] sunned. [L00259-601537] ¥5,040 The MIT Press, 1984. x,176pp. The spine of d.w. slightly 3623 Hudson,Richard A. Arguments for a Non-transformational Grammar. The Univ.of Chicago Press, 1976. x,214pp. The spine of d.w.sunned. (邦題「非変形文法論」) [L00647-601551] ¥3,360 3624 Kantor,J.R. An Objective Psychology of Grammar. Bloomington,Evanston: The Principia Press, 1952. xvi,344pp. Cover somewhat spotted. [L00247-601738] ¥4,200 3625 Liefrink,Frans Semantico-Syntax. [Longman Linguistics Library. Title no 15] London: Longman Group, 1973. First published. x,178pp. d.w. sl.sunned. [L02438-602053] ¥5,250 3626 Matthews,P.H. Syntax. [Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics] [L00656-602207] ¥5,040 Cambridg UP., 1987. Reprinted. xix,306pp. 3627 May,Robert / Jan Koster eds. Levels of Syntactic Representation. [Studies in Generative Grammar 10] Foris Publications, 1981. 302pp. Printed wrappers sl.sunned. Stamped on half title page and title pages. [L02565-604386] ¥4,200 390 言 語 学 3628 May,Robert / Jan Koster eds. Levels of Syntactic Representation. [Studies in Generative Grammar 10] 302pp. Printed wrappers sl.sunned. [L02566-604387] ¥4,200 Foris Publications, 1981. 3629 McCawley,James D. Thirty Million Theories of Grammar. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series] Croom Helm, 1982. 223pp. d.w. [L01626-602228] ¥4,200 London and Canberra: 3630 McIntosh,Angus & M.A.K.Halliday Patterns of Language. Papres in General, Descriptive and Applied Linguistics. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1967. Second impression. xi,199pp. d.w. Small red stamp on front flyleaf. [L02079-602232] ¥4,200 3631 McIntosh,Angus & M.A.K.Halliday Patterns of Language. Papres in General, Descriptive and Applied Linguistics. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1966. xi,199pp. d.w. [L02429-602233] ¥4,200 3632 Meier,Georg Friedrich Das Zéro-Problem in der Linguistik. Kritische Untersuchungen zur strukturalistischen Analyse der Relevanz sprachlicher Form. [Schriften zur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung. Nr.2] Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1961. 249pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Ink ownership signature to front cover and pencil signature to title page by Takashi Kamei. [lk0132-604155] ¥12,600 3633 Meil,Kläre ABC der Starken Verben. [Deutsche Reihe für Ausländer] lage. 142pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0017-602251] ¥3,360 München: Max Hueber, 1966. 4. Auf- 3634 Noreen,Adolf Einführung in die Wissenschaftliche Betrachtung der Sprache. Beiträge zur Meyhode und Terminologie der Grammatik. Vom Verfasser Genehmigte und Durchgesehene Übersetzung Ausgewählter Teile Seines Schwedischen Werkes "Vårt Språk" von Hans W.Pollak. Halle(Saale): Verlag von Max Niemeyer, 1923. viii,460pp. Covers sunned. Its edges & spine sl.rubbed. Joint of front cover started & partly cracked. Fore & lower edges foxed. Top edge stained & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Spotted from front end paper to page iii, page 458 to rear end paper. Joint of page 459 loosened. [L03067-604726-1] ¥5,250 3635 Palmer,Frank Grammatik und Grammatiktheorie. Eine Einführung in die moderne Linguistik. [Beck'sche Elementarbücher] München: Verlag C.H.Beck, 1973. Third printing. 184pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0177-602522] ¥2,520 3636 Paul,Lothar Geschichte der Grammatik im Grundriß. Sprachdidaktik als angewandte Erkenntnistheorie und Wissenschaftskritik. [Pragmalinguistik. Band 14. (Herausgegeben von Ulrich Ammon und Gerd Simon)] Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Verlag, 1978. 1. Auflage. 591pp. [ds0497-602599] ¥6,720 3637 Perlmutter,David M. /Rosen,Carol G. ed. Studies in Relational Grammar 2. Chicago and London: The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1984. xviii, 385pp. d.w. sl. torn. [L01634-602634] ¥5,250 3638 Plank,Frans ed. Double Case. Agreement by Suffixaufnahme. Oxford UP., 1995. Rev.papers of the Franz Nikolaus Finck Memorial Symposium, held Sept.21-23, 1991 in Konstanz, Germany. xvi,500pp. (contributors: Anthony R.Aristar, Peter Austin, Winfried Boeder, Ol'ga Ju.Boguslavskaja, Grenville G.Corbett, Alan Dench, Nick Evans, Robert Hetzron, Aleksandr E.Kibrik, Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm, John R.Payne, Frans Plank, Fritz Schweiger, Francisco Villar, Ilse Wegner, Gernot Wilhelm) d.w. 24.3x16.4cm. [L02128-603839] ¥6,300 391 言 語 学 3639 Pullum,Geoffrey K. Rule Interaction and the Organization of a Grammar. [Outstanding dissertations in linguistics. ] A Garland Series. Garland Publishing, 1979. 413pp. [L02519-604359] ¥15,750 3640 Robins,R.H. General Linguistics. An Introductory Survey. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] Longmans, 1964. First published. xxii,390pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L00975-602866] ¥3,360 3641 Robins,R.H. General Linguistics. An Introductory Survey. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, 1967. Forth impression with corrections and additions. xxii,391pp. d.w.sl.faded. Ink signature to rear flyleaf and small red stamp on front flyleaf. [L02082-602868] ¥4,200 3642 Robins,R.H. General Linguistics. An Introductory Survey. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] Longmans, 1968. Fifth impression. (first published 1964) xxii,391pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L00789-602869] ¥4,200 3643 Schächter,Josef Prolegomena to a Critical Grammar. Foreword by J.F.Staal. [Vienna Circle Collection. Vol.2] D.Reidel Publishing Co., 1973. (First published by Julius Springer, Vienna, 1935. This edition translated from the German by Paul Foulkes.) xx,164pp. Dust wrapper, sl.sunned. [L00479-602996] ¥5,040 3644 Schein,Barry Plurals and Events. [Current Studies in Linguistics, 23] [L01665-603008] ¥6,300 The MIT Press, 1993. xi,384pp. d.w. 3645 Sechehaye,Albert Essai sur la Structure Logique de la Phrase. [Collection Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. XX] Paris: Librairie Ancienne Hnorè Champion, 1926. 237pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. [lk0041-604193] ¥12,600 3646 Sechehaye,Albert Essai sur la Structure Logique de la Phrase. [Collection Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. XX] Paris: Librairie Ancienne Hnorè Champion, 1950. 237pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0313-603104] ¥10,080 3647 v.Held,Werner Eine verallgemeinerte Phrasenstrukturgrammatik mit einem Satzanalyse-Algorithmus. [IPK-Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik der Universität Bonn. (Herausgegeben von Gerold Ungeheuer) Band 33] Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 1971. x,226pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0184-603474] ¥3,360 3648 Van Dijk,Teun A. & János S.Petöfi eds. Grammars and Descriptions. (Studies in Text Theory and Text Analysis) [Research in Text Theory / Untersuchungen zur Texttheorie. (editor: János S.Petöfi) Volume 1] Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1977. viii,405pp.+綴じこみ図版 3 (J.Thurber, J.Bernstein, K.L.Pike, T.A.v.Dijk, R.Fowler, A.J.Greimas, F.Nef, J.-B.Grize, E.Gülich, W.Raible, M.A.K.Halliday, R.Harweg, K.Heger, R.E.Longacre, Y.Oppel, B.Palek, K.Pisarkowa) [ds0733-603494] ¥6,720 3649 Wahrig,Gerhard Anleitung zur grammatisch-semantischen Beschreibung lexikalischer Einheiten. Versuch eines Modells. [Linguistische Arbeiten. (herausgegeben von Herbert E.Brekle, Hans Jürgen Heringer, Christian Rohrer, Heinz Vater und Otmar Werner) 8] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1973. xvi,189pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0558-603552] ¥4,200 3650 Weinberger,Christiane / Weinberger,Ota Logik, Semantik, Hermeneutik. [Beck'sche Elementarbücher] 231pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0663-603618] ¥3,360 München: Verlag C.H.Beck, 1979. 392 言 語 学 3651 Wilks,Yorick Alexander Grammar, Meaning and the Machine Analysis of Language. 1972. First published. 198pp. d.w. [L00371-603688] ¥5,040 London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 3652 Wybraniec-Skardowska,Urszula Theory of Language Syntax. Categorial Approach. [Nijhoff International Philosophy Series 42] Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991. xxxix,247pp. [L02541-604372] ¥8,400 英語 3653 Aarts,Bas Small Clauses in English. The Nonverbal Types. [Topics in English Linguistics 8] York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992. xi,228pp. [L02411-604297] ¥6,300 Berlin, New 3654 Aarts,Bas & Charles F.Meyer eds. The Verb in Contemporary English. Theory and Description. Cambridge UP, 1996. Reprinted. x,313pp. (contributors: Bas Aarts, Flor Aarts, Jan Aarts, John Algeo, Douglas Biber, Jennifer Coates, Olof Ekedahl, Edward Finegan, Rodney Huddleston, Richard Hudson, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Lu Li, Christian Mair, Charles F.Meyer, Andrew Rosta, I.M.Schlesinger, Anna-Brita Stenström, Jan Svartvik) d.w. [L02315-600060] ¥6,300 3655 Bäcklund,Ulf The Collocation of Adverbs of Degree in English. [ACTA Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia. 13] UPPSALA, 1973. x,310pp. Doctoral dissertation at Uppsala University. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.stained. Spine sl.spotted. Top edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to titile page. [L03410-605253] ¥9,450 3656 Bridgeman,Loraine I., Dale Dillinger, Constance Higgins, P.David Seaman, & Floyd A.Shank More Classes of Verbs in English. Edited by Loraine I.Bridgeman. Linguistics Research Project Indiana Univ. (Principal Investigator: F.W.Householder,Jr.), 1965. iv,71pp. Typed copy. Stapled at a corner. Sunned. Small ink signature to front cover by former owner. 28x21.7cm. [L01401-600444] ¥4,200 3657 Brown,Goold The Grammar of English Grammars, With an Introduction. Historical and Critical; The Whole Methodically Arranged and Amply Illustrated; With Forms of Correcting and of Parsing, Improprieties for Correction, Examples for Parsing, Questions for Examination, Exercises for Writing, Observations for the Advanced Student Decisions and Proofs for the Settlement of Disputed Points, Occasional Strictures and Defences, an Exhibition of the Several Methods of Analysis, A Key to the Oral Exercises: To Which Are Added Four Appendixes, Pertainting Separately to the Four Parts of Grammar. New York: William Wood & Company, n.d. [1851] Tenth Edition-Revised and Improved. Enlarged by the Addition of A Copious Index of Matters. By Samuel U. Berrian. xx,1102pp. Full leather. Covers somewhat rubbed at edges. Front cover partly & sl.wormed. Spine somewhat rubbed & partly cracked. Front hinge cracked. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Front end paper torn. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Flyleaves foxed. Sl.spotted in several pages. 25x17cm. [L03450-605294] ¥31,500 3658 Bryant,Margaret M./ Momozawa,Chikara(桃沢力) Modern English Syntax. (現代高等英文法) [L00972-600508] ¥2,520 Seibido(成美堂), 1976. viii,157pp. 奥付に贈呈印あり 3659 Buyssens,Eric Les Deux Aspectifs de la Conjugaison Anghlaise su XX℮ Siècle. Étude de l'Expression de l'Aspect. [Travaux de la faculté de philosophie et lettres 37] Presses Univ.de Bruxelles & Presses Univ.de France, 1968. 325pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. [L01456-600543] ¥4,200 3660 Carden,Guy English Quantifiers. Logical Structure and Linguiustic Variation. [Taishukan Studies in Modern Lin393 言 語 学 guistics] Tokyo: Taisyukan Publishing Co., 1973. ix,108pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01005-600565] ¥5,880 3661 Carvell,H.T. & J.Svartvik Computational Experiments in Grammatical Classification. [Janua Linguarum 61] 271pp. Printed wrappers. [L01621-600580] ¥3,150 Mouton, 1969. 3662 Cobbett,William A Grammar of the English Language, in a Series of Letters. Intended for the Use of Schools and Young Persons in General; But, More Especially for the Use of Soldiers, Sailors, Apprentices, and Plough-boys. London: Printed for the author and sold by Thaoms Dolby, 1819. Second edition. 186pp.+ 3 pages of publisher's advertisements. Original paper boards. Title label to spine, rubbed and stained. Edges darkened. E.ps.and several pages light satined. Ex.libris.(James S.Cuthbertson) 19x11.7cm. [ds1406-604777] ¥52,500 3663 Curme,George O. A Grammar of the English Language. Vol.II: Parts of Speech and Accidence. D.C. Heath and Co., 1935. xiii,370pp. Scattered foxing to edges. Some foxing to front & rear flyleaves. [L02527-604363] ¥5,250 3664 Deutschbein,Max Grammatik der Englischen Sprache. Auf Wissenschatlicher Grundlage. Vierzehnte auflage. Bearbeitet von Hermann Klitscher. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1953. 288pp. Sunned and somewhat stained. Small ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [ds0950-600827] ¥7,560 3665 Fiedler,Fritz Englischer Sprachgebrauch und Englische Schulgrammatik. Beobachtungen ung Ergänzungen. [Langenscheidt Bibliothek für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Band 5] Berlin, München, Zürich: Langenscheidt, 1967. 328pp. d.w. [ds0700-601000] ¥6,720 3666 Ford,Cecilia E. Grammar in Interaction. Adverbial clauses in American English conversations. [Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics 9] Cambridge UP, 1993. First edition. xvii,165pp. d.w. [L01582-601058] ¥3,150 3667 Gerbert,Manfred Besonderheiten der Syntax in der technischen Fachsprache des Englischen. [Lingistische Studien] Halle / Saale: VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1970. 148pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0639-601159] ¥3,360 3668 Gleason,Jr., H.A. Linguistics and English Grammar. Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1965. Preliminary edition. xv,519pp. d.w. sl. sunned. Pencil notations and underlines to several pages. [L01639-601177] ¥4,200 3669 Grady,Michael Syntax and Semantics of the English Verb Phrase. [Janua Linguarum. Series Practica 112] Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. 84pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned & lightly foxed. [L01678-601217] ¥6,300 The 3670 Isitt,David Crazic, Menty and Idiotal. An inquiry into the use of suffixes -al, -ic, -ly, and -y in modern English. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Gothenburg Studies in English 52] Göteborg, 1983. 309pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L02871-604504] ¥6,300 3671 Jacobson,Sven Factors Influencing the Placement of English Adverbs in Relation to Auxiliaries. A Study in Variation. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English 33] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1975. 599pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. Small notation to verso of p.599. [L01349-601601] ¥8,400 394 言 語 学 3672 Jacobson,Sven Factors Influencing the Placement of English Adverbs in Relation to Auxiliaries. A Study in Variation. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English 33] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1975. 599pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. Red stamp(erased) on title page. [L01674-601602] ¥8,400 3673 Jacobson,Sven On the Use, Meaning, and Syntax of English Preverbal Adverbs. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English 44] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1978. 160pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned and taped to spine. [L01673/L01407-601603] ¥6,300 3674 Jacobson,Sven Factors Influencing the Placement of English Adverbs in Relation to Auxiliaries. A Study in Variation. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English XXXIII] Stockholm, Sweden; Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1975. 599pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Covers sl.stained. Top edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to title page. Sl.spotted in title page & its verso. Library stamped in verso of page 599. [L03038-604696] ¥8,400 3675 Jacobson,Sven Factors Influencing the Placement of English Adverbs in Relation to Auxiliaries. A Study in Variation. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in English XXXIII] Stockholm; Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1975. 599pp. With Publisher's bibliography. Printed wrapprs. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed. Stamped by former owner on title page. [L03148-604815] ¥21,000 3676 Jacobson,Sven On the Use, Meaning, and Syntax of English Preverbal Adverbs. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in English XLIV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1978. 160pp. With Publisher's bibliography. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. All edges foxed. Stamped by former owner on title page. [L03149-604816] ¥6,300 3677 Jacobson,Sven Preverbal Adverbs and Auxiliaries. A Study of Word Order Change. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English LV] Stockholm, Sweden; Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1981. 100pp. Printed wrappers. Spine & top edge sunned. Front cover & top edge sl.spotted. [L03045-604704] ¥6,300 3678 Kiefer,F. ed. Studies in Syntax and Semantics. [Foundations of Language・Supplementary Series. Volume 10] Dordrecht-Holland: D.Reidel Publishing Co. 1969. ix,242pp. (Yu.D.Apreesyan, I.A.Mel'čuk, A.K.Žolkovsky, I.Bellert, M.Bierwisch, F.Kiefer, H.E.Brekle, M.Dupraz, J.Rouault, C.J.Fillmore, S.-Y.Kuroda, D.M.Perlmutter, J.S.Petőfi, P.Sgall) Spine and cover sl.stained. [L02619-601784] ¥5,250 3679 Kilby,David Descriptive Syntax and the English Verb. Croom Helm, 1984. 198pp. d.w. [L02537-604369] ¥4,200 3680 Kirchner,Gustav Die Syntaktischen Eigentumlichkeiten Des Amerikanischen Englisch, Band 1. Leipzig: VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1970. 1.aufl. 632pp. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. d.w. [L01104-601792] ¥5,250 3681 Kirchner,Gustav Die Syntaktischen Eigentumlichkeiten Des Amerikanischen Englisch, Band 1. Max Hueber Verlag Munchen, 1970. 632pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L02524-604362] ¥6,300 3682 Kostitch,George / Garrido,Isabel A Description of English Grammar for Foreign Students. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons, 1935. First published. x,81pp. Printed wrappers. Covers and spine somewhat sunned. [ds0897-601859] ¥3,360 395 言 語 学 3683 Kruisinga,E. A Primer of Present-Day English for Schools. Utrecht: Kemink & Zoon, 1917. Second edition. vii,128pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. 19.2x13.3cm. [L02148-601894] ¥3,150 3684 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar A Comprehensive Study of Conceptions of Locality in which English Prepositions Occur. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English 35] Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1976. 363pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. [L01412/L02328-602057] ¥10,500 3685 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar The Local Sense of the Prepositions OVER, ABOVE, and ACROSS. Studied in Present-Day English. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English. 25] Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1972. 107pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Front cover partly stained. Small ink signature to verso of title page with a small stamp. [L01330-602058] ¥6,720 3686 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar AT versus ON,IN,BY: on the Early History of Spatial AT. and Certain Primary Ideas Distinguishing AT from ON,IN,BY. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English XLVIIII] Stockholm・Sweden;Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1978. 90pp. Printed wrappers. Front cover sl.stained. Spine & top edge sunned. Top edge sl.spotted. [L03048-604707] ¥6,300 3687 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar A Comprehensive Study of Conceptions of Locality in which English Prepositions Occur. [Acta Universitatis Scotckholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English XXXV] Stockholm・Sweden;Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1976. 363pp. Prunted wrappers. Spine sunned. All edges sl. Foxed. Top edge stained. [L03053-604712] ¥10,500 3688 Ljung,Magnus Reflections on the English Progressive. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Gothenburg Studies in English 46] Göteborg, 1980. 166pp. Printed wrappers. [L01303-602071] ¥10,080 3689 Michael,Ian English Grammatical Categories. And the Tradition to 1800. Cambridge at the UP, 1970. xv,622pp. d.w. sl.chipped and spine of d.w.sunned. Top edge blue. [L02465-604324] ¥9,450 3690 Nilsen,Don Lee Fred English Adverbials. [Janua Linguarum: Series Practica 125] The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1972. 197pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned to half title page.[L01680-602454] ¥8,400 3691 Palmer,F.R. A Linguistic Study of the English Verb. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1966. Second impression. xi,199pp. d.w. sl. faded. Stamp on front & rear flyleaves and title page. Pencil notation & underline. (邦題「英語動詞の言語学的研究」) [L02083-602517] ¥4,200 3692 Palmer,F.R. A Linguistic Study of the English Verb. [Miami Linguistics Series. No.2] Univ. of Miami Press, 1968. xi,199pp. Red ink & pencil underlined. (邦題「英語動詞の言語学的研究」) [L01810-602518] ¥3,150 3693 Postal,Paul On Raising. One Rule of English Grammar and Its Theoretical Implications. [Current Studies in Linguistics Series 5] The MIT Press, 1974. xvi,447pp. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed, sl.chipped and pasted on e.ps.with tapes. Edges sl.foxing. Pencil notations. [L02204-602722] ¥5,250 3694 Quirk,Randolph & Sidney Greenbaum A University Grammar of English. Based on A Grammar of Contemporary English by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. Longman, 1974. Second impression with minor corrections. xi,484pp. d.w. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [L01106-602777] ¥3,360 396 言 語 学 3695 Quirk,Randolph & Sidney Greenbaum A University Grammar of English. Based on A Grammar of Contemporary English by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. Longman, 1975. Third impression with minor corrections. xi,484pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Pencil and ink notations to several pages. [L01149-602778] ¥2,520 3696 Raith,Josef Englische Grammatik. München: Max Hueber, 1952. xi,285pp. Top edge green. Fore and bottom edges sunned. [LL165-602791] ¥5,250 3697 Robbins,Beverly L. The Definite Article in English Transformations. [Papers on Formal Linguistics, no.4] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1968. 248pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned. [L02873-604511] ¥4,200 3698 Rydén, Mats An Introduction to the Historical Study of English Syntax. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English LI] Stockholm, Sweden; Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1979. 58pp. Printed wrappers sl.spotted. Spine stained. [L02980-604639] ¥4,200 3699 Ryder,Mary Ellen Ordered Chaos. The Interpretation of English Noun-Noun Compounds. [Linguistics vol.123] iv.of California Press, 1994. xi,449pp. Printed wrappers, sl.darkened. Front cover partly torn. [L02892-604524] ¥6,300 Un- 3700 Schibsbye,Knud A Modern English Grammar. Oxford UP., 1965. x,310pp. This book was originally published in Danish edition by Naturmetodens Sproginstitut, Copenhagen, in three volume between 1957 and 1961, with the title Engelsk Grammatik. d.w. sl.chipped, wholly & sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Spine foxed. Near hinges spotted. Top edge spotted. Edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Eps foxed. Flyleaves, half title page & page 310 partly foxed. [L03189-605032] ¥5,250 3701 Sledd,James A Short Introduction to English Grammar. Scott, Foresman & Co./ Marzen Co., 1959. Marzen Asian edition. 346pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner and pencil notations to several pages. [L01150-603195] ¥3,360 3702 Spies,Heinrich Studien zur Geschichte des Englischen Pronomens im XV.und XVI.Jahrhundert. (Flexionslehre und Syntax.) [Studien zur English Philologie: Heft I] Halle a.S.: Max Niemeyer, 1897. xix,311pp. Printed wrappers. The margin of froont cover sl.torn. The spine sunned. [ds0894-603229] ¥10,080 3703 Sweet,Henry A New English Grammar. Logical and Historical. 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1952. Part I :Introduction, Phonology, and Accidence. xxiv,499pp. Part II :Syntax. Ix,136pp. Its edges sl.rubbed. Edges foxed. Part I :Covers sl.stained. Spotted from front end paper to verso of half title page, page 499 to rear end paper. Part II :Title page & page 136 foxed. End papers sl.spotted. 18.7x12.5cm. (邦題:スウィート英文法) [L03158-604827] ¥8,400 3704 Tottie,Gunnel Fuzzy Negation in English and Swedish. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English. 39] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1977. 71pp. Printed wrappers. [L01328-603416] ¥5,040 3705 Urdang, Laurence/ A;exander Humez/ Howard G.Zettler eds. Suffixes and Other Word-Final Elements of English. A Compilation of More Than 1,500 Common and Technical Free Forms, Bound Fourms, and Roots That Frequently Occur an the Ends of Words, Accompanied by a Detailed Description of Each, Showing Its Origin, Meanings, History, Functions, Uses and Applications,Variant Forms, and Related Forms, Together with Illustrative Examples, the Whole Uniquely Arranged in Reverse Alphabetical Orger for Ease of Use, Supplemented by a Detailed 397 言 語 学 Indezx, in Normal Alhpabetical Order, Containing Entries for All of the Foregoing. Co.1982. ix,363pp. [L01558-603472] ¥8,400 Gale Research 3706 Walker,William A Treatise of English Particles, Shewing Much of the Variety of their Significations and Uses in English: and how to Render them into Latine According to the Propriety and Elegancy of that Language, With a Praxis upon the Same. London, printed by T.N.for Robert Pawlet at the Bible in Chancery-Lane near Fleetstreet, 1679. Seventh edition. Preface + 461pp.+ Index. Rebound. Ex-libris on front paste-down. All edge darkened and margin of several pages chipped. Ink notation to title page and 'preface'. A small hole in the margin of p.21. [L01062-603566] ¥37,800 3707 Wall,Robert Selectional Restrictions on Subjects and Objects of Transitive Verbs. Reproduced by Indiana Univ.Linguistic Club, 1968. 16pp. Typed copy. Stapled at a corner. Sl.sunned. Small ink signature to front cover by former owner with a small stamp. 28x21.7cm. [L01399-603568] ¥2,520 3708 Warren,Beatrice Semantic Patterns of Noun-Noun Compounds. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Gothenburg Studies in English 41] Göteborg (Sweden): Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, n.d. (c.1978) 266pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned. Ownership stamps on title page. [L02869-604502] ¥5,250 3709 Wendt,G. Englische Grammatik für Oberklassen. Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1923. v,157pp. Printed wrappers. Covers and spine sunned. [t600-603645] ¥4,200 3710 Wölck,Wolfgang & P.H.Matthews A Preliminary Classification of Adverbs in English. With the Assistance of Jerome Tovo and James Wilson. Linguistics Research Project Indiana Univ. (Principal Investigator: F.W.Householder,Jr.), 1965. 57pp. Typed copy. Stapled at a corner. Small ink signature to front cover by former owner with a small stamp. 28x21.7cm. [L01400-603716] ¥3,360 Bain,Alexander A Higher English Grammar. London, New york, and Bombay; Longmans, Green, and Co., 1896. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. xxiii,358pp. Covers stained, sl.rubbed at corners & partly torn. Spine sunned, rubbed at edges & partly torn. Hinges partly torn. Top edge darkened. Fore & lower edges foxed. E.ps. Torn. Small ink ownership signatures to front flyleaf. E.ps., flyleaves & title page foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. 17.3x11.3cm. [with] Bain,Alexander A Companion to the Higher English Grammar. London; Longmans, Green, & Co., 1877. Second Edition. xxiv,358pp. Covers stained, sl.rubbed at corners & partly torn. Spine sunned, rubbed at edges & partly torn. Hinges partly torn. Top edge darkened. Fore & lower edges foxed. E.ps. sl.wormed. Small ink ownership signatures to front flyleaf. E.ps., flyleaves foxed. Stamped by former owner on title page. red ink underlines & pencil notations in some pages. Some pages sl.spotted. 17.0x12.5cm. (2 books set) [L03449-605293] ¥15,750 3711 3713 Henry,Victor Précis de Grammaire Comparée. De L'Anglaise et de L'Allemand. Rapportés ͤ a Leur Commune Origine et Rapprochés des Langues Classiques. Paris; Librairie Hachette et Cͥ, 1893. xxiv,418pp. Rebound. Cloth boards rubbed at coners & partly torn. Edegs foxed & sl.spotted. Front e.p. torn. Small ink ownership signatures to front flyleaf, title page. Some pages spotted. Pagee somewhat foxed. [L03385-605228] ¥12,600 398 言 語 学 ドイツ語 3714 (Glinz,Hans) Sitta,Horst & Klaus Brinker eds. Studien zur Texttheorie und zur Deutschen Grammatik. Festgabe für Hans Glinz zum 60. Geburtstag.[Sprache der Gegenwart 30] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1973.1.Auflage 287pp.(Contributors: Klaus Brinker, Eduard Beneš, Horst Sitta, Göts Beck, Jean Fourquet et al.) (Others: Johannes Erben, Hennig Brinkmann, Bernd Switalla, János Juhász, Kaj B. Lindgren, Laurits Saltveit, Odo Leys, Werner Betz, Leo Weisgerber, Hans Glinz) Printed wrappers. Sl.sunned. Small ink ownership signature to the front fly leaf. [L02936-604595] ¥4,200 3715 Beck,Ernest H.F. Die Impersonalien. in sprachpsychologischer, logischer und linguistischer Hinsicht. Leipzig; Verlag von Quelle und Meyer, 1922. 106pp. Printed wrappers spotted & sunned. Joint loosened, particularly joint of front cover detached. Small ink ownership signature to title page. All pages foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03029-604688] ¥3,150 3716 Cluver,August D.de V. Merkmalsgrammatik der deutschen Sprache. Ⅰ. Einfache Satzanalyse. [Germanistische Arbeitshefte. (Herausgegeben von Otmar Werner und Franz Hundsnurscher) 7] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1972. viii,104pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [ds0567-600675] ¥2,520 3717 Curme,George O. A Grammar of the German Language. Designed for a Thoro and Practical Study of the Language as Spoken and Written To-Day. London: The Macmillan Co, 1922. Revised and Enlarged. xii,623pp. Stamped on title page. [L01942-600765] ¥8,400 3718 Curme,George O. A Grammar of the German Language. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1952. Second Revised Edition, seventh printing. xii,623pp. [L02587-600766] ¥8,400 3719 Curme,George O. A Grammar of the English Language. Vol.I: Parts of Speech. Vol.II: Syntax. 2vols. Verbatim, Essex, 1978. Reprinted by Verbatim. xiii,370pp. xv,616pp. Spine of d.w. somewhat sunned & torn. [L01687-600768] ¥15,750 3720 Daniels,Karlheinz Substantivierungstendenzen in der Deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Nominaler Ausbau des verbalen Denkkreises. [Sprache und Gemeinschaft. Studien / BandⅢ] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1963. 1.Auflage. 249pp. d.w. [ds0784/ds0310-600791] ¥6,720 3721 Engel,Ulrich Deutsche Grammatik. Heidelberg: Julius Groos Verlag / Tokyo: Sansyusya Verlag, 1988. 888pp. All edges sl.stained. [ds0954-600949] ¥12,600 3722 Erben,Johannes Abriss der Deutschen Grammatik. Neunte, Unveränderte Auflage. Herausgegeben vom Institut für Deutsche Sprache und Literatur der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Munchen: Max Hueber Verlag, 1966. xiii,316pp. Cloth board sl.sunned. Some pencil notations to the margin. Ink sigunature and date to front flyleaf. [L02585-600955] ¥8,400 3723 Folsom,Marvin H. The Syntax of Substantive and Non-Finite Satellites to the Finite Verb in German. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Practica XXX] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1966. 96pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0202-601048] ¥4,200 3724 Gelhaus,Hermann / Schmitz,Walter (mitarbeit) Der modale Infinitiv. Mit einem dokumentarischen Anhang über die im gegenwärtigen Schriftdeutsch 399 言 語 学 gebräuchlichen "bar"-Ableitungen. [Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim. Band 35] Tübingen: TBL Verlag Gunter Narr, 1977. 421pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0827-601154] ¥3,360 3725 Glinz,Hans Die Innere Form des Deutschen. Eine Neue Deutsche Grammatik. [Bibliotheca Germanica. (herausgegeben von Walter Henzen, Friedrich Maurer und Max Wehrli) 4] Bern: A.Francke AG.Verlag, 1952. 504pp. Dust wrapper partly torn and the spine sunned. [ds0491-601181] ¥6,300 3726 Glinz,Hans Die Innere Form des Deutschen. Eine Neue Deutsche Grammatik. [Bibliotheca Germanica. 4] Bern und München: Francke Verlag, 1962. Dritte Auflage mit zwei Falttafeln und einer Beilage. 505pp. With "Beilagezur Sechsten Auflage: I; Neue Anmerkungen. II; Lesehilfe", 1962. (15pp.) Dust wrapper sunned. [ds1317-601182] ¥6,300 3727 Glinz,Hans Die innere Form des Deutschen. Eine Neue Deutsche Grammatik. [Bibliotheca Germanica. 4] Bern und München: Francke Verlag, 1968. Fünfte Auflage mit zwei Falttafeln und einer Beilage. 505pp. With "Beilagezur Sechsten Auflage: I; Neue Anmerkungen. II; Lesehilfe", 1968. (15pp.) Dust wrapper and edges light foxing. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover of d.w. [lk0083-604092] ¥6,300 3728 Glinz,Hans Die Innere Form des Deutschen. Eine Neue Deutsche Grammatik. [Bibliotheca Germanica. 4] Bern und München: Francke Verlag, 1973. Sechste, durchgesehene Auflage mit zwei Falttafeln und einer Beilage. 505pp. With "Beilagezur Sechsten Auflage: Neue Anmerkungen und Lesehilfe". (16pp.) d.w. [ds1062-601183] ¥6,300 3729 Glinz,Hans Die Innere Form des Deutschen. Eine Neue Deutsche Grammatik. [Bibliotheca Germanica. 4] Bern und München; A. Francke AG, Verlag, 1965. Vierte Auflage. 505pp. With "Beilage zur Vierten Auflage: I; Neue Anmerkungen. II; Lesehilfe", 1965. (15pp.) Cover stained. Edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Title page zeroxed. [L03078-604742] ¥4,200 3730 Hartung,Wolfdietrich Die Zusammengesetzten Sätze des Deutschen. [Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Studia Grammatica IV] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1966. Zweite auflage. 220pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds1327-601372] ¥6,720 3731 Heidolph,Karl Erich / Flämig,Walter / Motsch,Wolfgang Grundzüge einer deutschen Grammatik. Von einem Autorenkollektiv unter der Leitung von Karl Erich Heidolph, Walter Flämig und Wolfgang Motsch. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1981. 1028pp. Dust wrapper partly chipped and torn. Top edge gray. 24.5x18.5cm. [ds0952-601401] ¥10,500 3732 Hense,Johann Christian August Theoretisch-praktische deutsche Grammatik oder Lehrbuch zum reinen und richtigen Sprechen, Lesen und Schreiben der deutschen Sprache. Zunächst zum Gebrauch für Lehrer und zum Selbstunterricht. Hannover: Hahn'schen Hof-Buchhandlung, 1822. Dritte verbesserte Ausgabe. xxiv,740pp. Rebound with half calf. Covers and spine rubbed. Front flyleaf missing. 20.3x13cm. [ds1157-601452] ¥16,800 3733 Heyses, Joh. Christ. Aug. Deutsche Grammtik oder Lehrbuch der Deutschen Sprache. 27. Auflage. Vollständing umgearbeitet von Professor Dr. Otto Lyon. Hannover und Leipzig: Hahnschen Buchhandlung, 1908. xvi,629pp. All edges marbled. The Covers and the spine somewhat stained. Stamped on title page and ink notation on rear flyleaf. [ds0576-601451] ¥10,080 3734 Jecklin,Andreas Untersuchungen zu den Satzbauplänen der gesprochenen Sprache. [Basler Studien zu deutschen 400 言 語 学 Sprache und Literatur 47] Bern: Francke Verlag, 1973. 167pp. Printed wrappers. Ex-library with stamp on verso of front cover. [ds1312-601629] ¥3,360 3735 Koschmieder,Erwin Beiträge zur allgemeinen Syntax. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft: Zweite Reihe: Einzeluntersuchungen und Darstellungen zur Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1965. 224pp. Printed wrappers. The spine somewhat sunned. [ds0122-601855] ¥4,200 3736 Koschmieder,Erwin Beiträge zur allgemeinen Syntax. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft: Zweite Reihe: Einzeluntersuchungen und Darstellungen zur Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1965. 224pp. Spine sunned and covers sl.stained. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ink notation ('koschmieder') to bottom edge. [L02279-601856] ¥6,300 3737 Kruisinga,E. Einführung in die Deutsche Syntax. Groningen: P.Noordhoff N.V., 1935. xii,252pp. Covers , the spine and flyleaves somewhat sunned. Joint of title page cracked. [ds0106-601895] ¥8,400 3738 Kruisinga,E. Einführung in die Deutsche Syntax. Groningen: P.Noordhoff N.V., 1935. xii,252pp. Covers and the spine somewhat stained. [ds0727-601896] ¥8,400 3739 Lieb,Hans-Heinrich ed. Oberflächensyntax und Semantik. Symposium anläßlich der ersten Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Tübingen 28.2.-2.3.1979 Herausgegeben von Hans-Heinrich Lieb. [Linguistische Arbeiten. (herausgegeben von Herbert E.Brekle, Hans Jürgen Heringer, Christian Rohrer, Heinz Vater und Otmar Werner) 93] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1980. vi,150pp. (Hans-Heinrich Lieb, Craig Thiersch, Richard Hudson, Arnim von Stechaw, Peter Eisenberg, Stanley Starosta, Günther Grewendorf, Theo Vennemann) Printed wrappers. [ds0611-602050] ¥2,520 3740 Paul,Hermann Deutsches Wörterbuch. 5.,völlig neubearbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage von Werner Betz. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1966. x,841pp. Dust wrapper sunned and sl.torn. 26x19.5cm. [ds1108-602575] ¥16,800 3741 Paul,Hermann Deutsches Wörterbuch. 5.,völlig neubearbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage von Werner Betz. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1966. x,841pp. Spine and board sl.stained. Small stamp on rear flyleaf and top edge. 26x19.5cm. [L02678-604566] ¥5,250 3742 Paul,Hermann Deutsches Wörterbuch. Bearbeitet von Werner Betz. 6. Auflage. Unveränderte Studienausgabe nach der 5.,völlig neu bearbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1966. x,841pp. [ds0243-602576] ¥10,080 3743 Paul,Hermann Deutsches Wörterbuch. Bearbeitet von Werner Betz. 6. Auflage. Unveränderte Studienausgabe nach der 5.,völlig neu bearbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1966. x,841pp. Flyleaves somewhat spotted. Spine sl.sunned. [ds1360-602577] ¥8,400 3744 Pfeffer,J.Alan Probleme der deskriptiven deutschen Grammatik. [Studies in Descriptive Linguistics. (General editor: Dietrich Nehls) Volume 7] Heidelberg: Julius Groos Verlag, 1982. 129pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0418-602647] ¥2,520 3745 Schmidt,Wilhelm Grundfragen der Deutschen Grammatik. Eine Einführung in die funktionale Sprachlehre. Ausgabe 401 言 語 学 1966. Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1966. 2.,verbesserte Auflage. 322pp. d.w. Top edge green. [ds0152-603045] ¥5,880 3746 Schmidt,Wilhelm Grundfragen der Deutschen Grammatik. Eine Einführung in die funktionale Sprachlehre. Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1967. 3.,verbesserte Auflage. 322pp. Top edge yellow. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. D.w. [ds0726-603046] ¥5,040 3747 Schmidt,Wilhelm Grundfragen der Deutschen Grammatik. Eine Einführung in die funktionale Sprachlehre. Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1967. 3.,verbesserte Auflage. 322pp. Top edge yellow. Sunned. Dust wrapper missing except for flapps. Ex-library stamp on rear paste down. [ds1332-603047] ¥5,040 3748 Schmidt,Wilhelm Grundfragen der Deutschen Grammatik. Eine Einführung in die funktionale Sprachlehre. Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1973. 4.,verbesserte Auflage. 332pp. Top edge yellow. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. Dust wrapper torn. Red underline to several pages. [ds1016-603048] ¥4,200 3749 Seidemann,Walther Der Deutschunterricht als innere Sprachbildung. Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Paul Nentwig. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1958. Dritte Auflage. 180pp. Pencil underline to several pages. [ds0777-603111] ¥6,720 3750 Sommerfeldt,Karl-Ernst / Starke,Günter eds. Grammatische-semantische Felder der deutschen Sprache der Gegenwart. [Lingistische Studien] Leipzig: VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, 1984. 1. Auflage. 180pp. (A.Claus-Schulze, H.Meier, A.Klug, H.Schreiber, K.-E.Sommerfeldt, G.Starke) Printed wrappers. [ds0633-603212] ¥1,680 3751 Ulshöfer,Robert ed. Mutter- und Fremdsprachen-Grammatik. [Der Deutlchunterricht Beiträge zu seiner Praxis und wissenschaftlichen Grundlegung jahgang9-1957-Heft 3] Stuttgart; Ernst Klett Verlag, 1957. 104pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Sl, chipped. Top edge foxed & sl. Spotted. Edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to title page. [L03024-604683] ¥3,150 3752 Vater,Heinz Das System der Artikelformen im Gegenwärtigen Deutsch. 1963. 126pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0998-603503] ¥4,200 Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 3753 Vernaleken,Theodor Deutsche Syntax. Erster Theil / Zweiter Theil. 2 vols in 1. Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1861, 1863. xx,328pp./ x,531pp. Rebound. Small ink notations to title pages of each vols. [ds1083-603518] ¥15,120 3754 Welke,Klaus Untersuchungen zum System der Modalverben in Der Deutschen Sprache Der Gegenwart. Ein Beitrag Zur Erforschung Funktionaler Und Syntaktischer Beziehungen. [Schriften zur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaftund Kommunikationsforschung. Nr.10] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1965. 131pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Spine chipped at edge. Rear cover partly torn. [lk0169-604215] ¥10,500 3755 Weydt,Harald ed. Die Partikeln der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1979. x,545pp. (D.Franck, A.Koerfer, J.Lütten, U.Quasthoff, J.Rehbein, N.Reiter, B.Sandig, B.Vogel, D.Clément, D.Hartmann, E.Rudolph, W.Thümmel, R.Glas, E.König, M.Moilanen, W.Paprotté, P.Petkov, G.Szagun, W.Abraham, U.Hinrichs, F.Plank, M.v.Roncardor, A.Rothkegel, B.Schlieben-Lange, S.Trömel-Plötz, H.Weydt, H.Altmann, R.Bartsch, R.Posner, E.Eggs, B.-J.Fischer, A.Gerstenkorn, B.Asbach-Schnittker, E.Paneth, B.Stolt, R.Wonneberger, K.Ehlich, P.Eisenberg, H.Richter) Top edge gray. [ds0953-603665] ¥12,600 402 言 語 学 3756 Wilmanns,W. Deutsche Grammatik. Gotisch, Alt-, Mittel-, und Neuhochdeutsch. 2 vols.of 3. Erste Abteilung: Lautlehre. Strassburg: Verlag von Karl J.Trübner, 1911. Dritte,Verbesserte Auflage. xxi,482pp. Rebound. Zweite Abteilung: Wortbildung. Strassburg: Verlag von Karl J.Trübner, 1896. xvi,663pp. Rebound with cloth and half calf. All edges marble. Small stamped on front flyleaf. [ds1161-603694] ¥16,800 3757 Zemb,Jean M. Vergleichende Grammatik. Französisch-Deutsch. Teil I: Comparison de deux systemes. Mit Beiträgen von Monica Belin, Jean David, Jean Janitza, Hans-Ludwig Scheel. Teil 2. L'économie de la langue et le jeu dela parole. Mit Beiträgen von Pierre Dimon, Irène Freitag-Boswell, Frédéric Hartweg, Paul Imbs, Jean Janitza, Jean-René Ladmiral, Hermann Möcker, Boris Rybak, François Schanen, Elmar Tophoven, Louis Truffaut. [Duden Vergleichence Grammatiken] 2 vols. Wien, Zürich: Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim,1978. 1984. 897pp. 975pp. d.w. Small ink notation on front flyleaf of Vol.1 & 2. [L01894.95-603794] ¥21,000 3758 Probleme der Kontrastiven Grammatik. Jahrbuch 1969 des Instituts für deutsche Sprache. [Sprache der Gegenwart: Schriften des Instituts für deutsche in Mannheim. Band VIII] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1970. 1. Auflage. 192pp. Jahressitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Rates des Instituts, die vom 26-29. März 1969. Generalthema: Kontrasive Grammatik. (Eugenio Coseriu, Ludwik Zabrocki, Mario Wandruszka, E.König-G.Nickel, Els Oksaar, Eduard Beneš, Viliam Schwanzer, János Juhász, Erik Erämetsä, Herbert L.Kufner, Werner Ross) Dust wrapper sunned and partly missing. [ds1295-603886] ¥3,360 3759 Kurze Deutsche Grammatik. Berlin: Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag, 1982. 1. Auflage. 160pp. (Wilfried Bütow, Gerhard Schreinert, Renate Baudusch, Günter Starke, Johannes Zech, Joachim Riehme, Horst Naumann, Brunhilde Schrumpf, Hannelore Kossack) Top edge brown. [ds0583-603819] ¥4,200 フランス語 3760 Frei,Henri La Grammaire des Fautes. Introduction a la Linguistique Fonctionnelle Assimilation et Differenciation Brièveté et Invariabilité Expressivité. Paris: Librairie Paul Geuthner / Genève: Librairie Kundig / Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1929. 317pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [L00791-601083] ¥10,080 3761 Gertner,Michael H. The Morphology of the Modern French Verb. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Practica 204] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1973. 149pp. Printed wrappers. 26x18.6cm. [L00351-601161] ¥4,200 3762 Giraut-Duvivier,Charles-Pierre Grammaire des Grammaires ou Analyse Raisonnée des Meilleurs Traités sur la Langue Française. 2 vols. Paris: A.Cotelle, 1840. Neuvième édition, troisième tirage. xv,744pp./ viii,746-1160pp.+'Remarques détachées' & 'Table analytique' 301pp. Rebound with half calf and marbled boards. Sunned. Spine of vol.1 sl.torn. Several pages of each vols.somewhat spotted. Former owner's stamp on title pages. Ink notation to verso of half title page of vol.1. 20.7x13.3cm. [L01451-601168] ¥25,200 3763 Giraut-Duvivier,Charles-Pierre The Grammaire des Grammaires of Giraut-Duvivier. A Study of Nineteenth-Century French. By Jesse Levitt. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Major 19] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1968. 338pp. Dust wrapper torn & repaired. 26.5x19.5cm. [L00289-601169] ¥15,120 403 言 語 学 3764 Giraut-Duvivier,Charles-Pierre The Grammaire des Grammaires of Giraut-Duvivier. A Study of Nineteenth-Century French. By Jesse Levitt. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Major 19] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1968. 338pp. A front flyleaf missing. 26.5x19.5cm. [L01430-601170] ¥12,600 3765 Haas,J. Abriss der Französischen Syntax. [Sammlung Kurzer Lehrbücher der Romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen. (herausgegeben von Karl Voretzsch) VIII] Halle(Saale): Verlag von Max Niemeyer, 1922. 270pp. Spine and all pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds0775-601298] ¥6,720 3766 Imbs,Paul L'emploi des temps Verbaux en Français Moderne. Essai de Grammaire Descriptive. [Bibliothèque Française et Romane. Publiée par le Centre de Philologie romane de la Faculté des Lettres de Strasbourg. Série A: Manuels et Études Linguistiques. 1] Paris; Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1968. viii,269pp. Printed wrappers. Cover spotted, foxed & sl.chipped. Joint of cover started. Edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. Spotted from half title page to page 1, page 268 to the last page. Blue & green underlined in a few pages. [L03021-604680] ¥4,200 3767 Mikus,R.-F. Principes de Syntagmatique. Bruxelles: Aimav / Paris: Didier, 1972. 241pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. [L00806-602314] ¥5,040 3768 Pedersen,John / Ebbe Apang-Hanssen / Carl Vikner Fransk Grammatik. Akademisk Forlag,1980. xv,532pp. Stamped on title page. Ink underlined to p8-p11. [L01981-602607] ¥15,750 3769 Pfeiffer,Fritz Umschreibung des Verbums im Französischen: durch aller, venir + Gerundium, être + Participium Praes. Und durch die reflexive Konstruktion. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen. Göttingen: Druck der Dieterich'schen Univ.-Buchdruckerei, 1909. xix,66pp.(after p.67 are missing) Printed wrappers. Sunned and partly chipped. 22x14.5cm. [lk0004-604173] ¥3,150 3770 Plattner,Ph. Ausführliche Grammatik der französischen Sprache. 1.teil. Grammatik der französischen Sprache. / 2.teil. Wörterbuch der Schwierigkeiten der französischen Aussprache und Rechtschreibung, mit phonetischer Bezeichnung der Aussprache. 2 vols. Ettlingen I.B.und Leipzig: J.Bielefelds Verlag, 1.teil: 1920. Vierte Auflage. / 2.teil:1917. Zweite Auflage. xv,464pp. / 154ppp. All edges red. [ds0794-602697] ¥16,800 3771 Plattner,Ph. Ausführliche Grammatik der französischen Sprache. Eine Darstellung des modernen französischen Sprachgebrauchs mit Berücksichtigung der Volkssprache. III.teil: Ergänzungen. Erstes heft: Das Nomen und der Gebrauch des Artikels in der französischen Sprache. Karlsruhe: J.Bielefelds Verlag, 1925. Zweite Auflage. 231pp. Printed wrappers. The margin of many pages somewhat spotted. [ds0857-602698] ¥10,080 3772 Plattner,Ph. Ausführliche Grammatik der französischen Sprache. Eine Darstellung des modernen französischen Sprachgebrauchs mit Berücksichtigung der Volkssprache. III.teil: Ergänzungen. Zweites heft: Das Pronomen und die Zahlwörter. Freiburg(Baden): J.Bielefelds Verlag, 1907. 210pp. Printed wrappers. The spine somewhat sunned. [ds0858-602699] ¥10,080 3773 Plattner,Ph. Ausführliche Grammatik der französischen Sprache. Eine Darstellung des modernen französischen Sprachgebrauchs mit Berücksichtigung der Volkssprache. IV.teil: Ergänzungen. Präpositionen und 404 言 語 学 Adverbien mit Einschluß der Negation, sowie Syntax des Adjektivs in der französischen Sprache. Freiburg(Baden): J.Bielefelds Verlag, 1929. Zweite Auflage. 286pp. Printed wrappers. The spine somewhat sunned. [ds0859-602700] ¥10,080 3774 Postal,Paul Masked Inversion in French. The Univ.of Chicago Press, 1989. viii,156pp. d.w. [L00715-602721] ¥5,040 3775 Strohmeyer,Fritz Der Artikel beim Prädikatsnomen im Neufranzösischen. 1907. 54pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0860-603298] ¥3,360 Freiburg(Baden): J.Bielefelds Verlag, 統 語 論 3776 Agricola,Erhard Syntaktische Mehrdeutigkeit (Polysyntaktizität) bei der Analyse des Deutschen und des Englischen. [Schriften zur Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung. Nr.12] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1968. 203pp. Printed wrappers. The spine and covers sunned. [ds0374-2-600078] ¥10,080 3777 Akmajian,Adrian & Frank Heny An Introduction to the Principles of Transformational Syntax. The MIT Press, 1975. xii,418pp. The spine of d.w.sunned. Ink signature to rear flyleaf by former owner. [L00424-600092] ¥5,250 3778 Akmajian,Adrian & Frank Heny An Introduction to the Principles of Transformational Syntax. Stamped on title page. [L00984-600093] ¥5,250 The MIT Press, 1975. xii,418pp. 3779 Bäcklund,Ingegerd Conjunction-Headed Abbreviated Clauses in English. [ACTA Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia. 50] UPPSALA, 1984. 197pp. Printed wrappers, sl.sunned. [L02870-604503] ¥5,250 3780 Baker,C.L. English Syntax. The MIT Press, 1989. Second printing. xv,504pp. [L00911-600199] ¥4,200 3781 Baker,C.L. English Syntax. The MIT Press, 1995. Second edition. xvii,647pp. 23.5x18.5cm. [L00854-600200] ¥6,720 3782 Blümel,Rudolf Einführung in die Syntax. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. Zweite Abteilung・Sprachwissenschaftliche Gymnasialbibliothek unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachgenossen. Sechster Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1914. xii,283pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. 19.8*13cm. [ds1125/ds0823-600371] ¥2,520 3783 Boer,C.de Essais de Syntaxe Française Moderne. I. Groningen: P.Noordhoff, 1922. 131pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. Top & fore edge spotted. Only vol.I. [L00340-600377] ¥4,200 3784 Bošković,Željko On the Nature of the Syntax-Phonology Interface. Cliticization and Related Phenomena. [North-Holland Linguistic Series: Linguistic Variations Vol.60] Amsterdam, London et al.: Elsevier, 2001. First edition. ix,328pp. [L02121-600403] ¥6,300 3785 Brettschneider,Gunter Koordination und Syntaktische Komplexität. Zur Explikation eines linguistischen Begriffs. [Structura: Schriftenreihe zur Linguistik. Herausgegeben von Hansjakob Seiler. Band 12] München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1978. 307pp. Printed wrappers. The covers somewhat spotted. [ds0645-600443] ¥4,200 3786 Emonds,Joseph E. A Transformational Approach to English Syntax. Root, Structure-Preserving,and Local Transfor405 言 語 学 mations. Academic Press, 1976. xii, 266pp. Dust wrapper sunned and pasted on e.ps.with tapes. Edges sl.foxing. Pencil notations. [L02205-600944] ¥6,300 3787 Faarlund,Jan Terje Syntactic Change Toward a Theory of Historical Syntax. [Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 50] Mouton de Gruyter, 1990. viii,219pp. [L01656-600980] ¥4,200 3788 Fauconnier,Gilles Theoretical Implications of Some Global Phenomena in Syntax. [Outstanding dissertations in linguistics. 9] A Garland Series. Garland Publishing, 1979. vii,263pp. Some spots to edges. [L02511-604351] ¥8,400 3789 Haegeman,Liliane The Syntax of Negation. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 75] lished. xv,335pp. d.w. [L02508/L02111-601304] ¥8,400 Cambridge UP., 1995. First pub- 3790 Heringer,Hans-Jürgen Theorie der deutschen Syntax. [Linguistische Reihe 1 (Herausgegeben von Klaus Baumgärtner, Peter von Polenz und Hugo Steger) München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1970. 273pp. Printed wrappers. [L02031-601439] ¥3,150 3791 Hermon,Gabriella Syntactic Modularity. [Studies in Generative Grammar 20] Printed wrappers sl.sunned. [L02570-604391] ¥4,200 Foris Publications, 1985. vii,265pp. 3792 Huddleston,Rodney An Introduction to English Transformational Syntax. [English Language Series 10] Group Ltd., 1976. First edition. viii,273pp. d.w. [L02444-601549] ¥4,200 Longman 3793 Jacobson,Sven ed. Papers from the Second Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation. Stockholm, May 15-16, 1982. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English. LVII] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1983. 176pp. (Marita Gustafsson, Stieg Hargevik, Sven Jacobson, Leif Kvistgaard Jakobsen, Gunnel Melchers, Gunnel Tottie, Krista Varantola, Réne Arnaud, Risto Hiltunen, Terttu Nevalainen, Bertil Sundby, N.-L.Johannesson, Siv Monell, Inger Ruin) Printed wrappers, spine sunned. [L02883-604518] ¥4,200 3794 Lasnik,Howard & Juan Uriagereka A Course in GB Syntax. Lectures on Binding and Empty Categories. xii,178pp. [L02543-604374] ¥6,300 The MIT Press, 1988. 3795 McCawley,James D. The Syntactic Phenomena of English. Volume 1. /Volume 2. 2 vols. Chicago and London; The University of Chicago Press, 1988. xviii,366pp.,xix-xlix. /xii,367-768pp.,xiii-xliv. Vol.1; Cloth Boards. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. /Vol.2; Printed wappers. Spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed, stained & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03414-605258] ¥8,400 3796 Müller-Gotama,Franz Grammatical Relations. A Cross-Linguistic Perspective on their Syntax and Semantics. [Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, 11] Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. ix,171pp. [L02468-604326] ¥6,300 3797 Radford,Andrew Syntax. A minimalist introduction. [L01605-602789] ¥6,300 Cambridge UP, 1997. First edition. ix,283pp. 3798 Regula,Moritz Grundlegung und Grundprobleme der Syntax. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. 406 言 語 学 Zweite Reibe. Einzeluntersuchungen und Darstellungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1951. 202pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sunned. [ds0078-602813] ¥6,720 3799 Renchon,Hector Études de Syntaxe Descriptive. I. La Conjonction 《si》 et l'Emploi des Formes Verbales. [Académie Royale de Langue et de Littérature Françaises] Bruxelles: Palais des Académies, 1969. Nouveau tirage avec note complémentaire de l'auteur. 201pp. Printed wrappers. [L00333-602826] ¥6,720 3800 Richer,Ernest Essais pour Notre Temps,4[and]5: Syntaxe I: 30 Questions sur l'Analyse du Langage Articulé. Syntaxe II: L'Analyse Syntaxique selon la Théorie des Lieux Linguistiques. Bruges-Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1967. 158pp./ 163pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. [L00835-602848] ¥4,200 3801 Ries,John Was ist Syntax? Ein Kritischer Versuch. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1967. Unveränderter reprografischer Nachdruck der zweiten, un einen Anhang vermehrten Ausgabe Prag 1927. 191pp. [ds0485-602859] ¥4,200 3802 Rizzi,Luigi Comparative Syntax and Language Acquisition. [Routledge leading linguists] York; Routledge, 2000. First published. viii,370pp. [L02471-604327] ¥6,300 London:& New 3803 Rohde,Wolfgang P. Überlegungen zur Syntaxtheorie mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung eines Alten Textes. [Geistesund Sozialwissenschaftliche Dissertationen 13] Hamburg: Hartmut Lüdke Verlag, 1971. 123pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0547-602877] ¥1,680 3804 Safir,Kenneth J. Syntactic Chains. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 40] xiv,395pp. d.w. [L01607-602934] ¥6,300 Cambridge UP, 1985. First edition. 3805 Safir,Kenneth J. Syntactic Chains. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 40] Cambridge UP, 1985. First edition. xiv,395pp. d.w. Stamped on front flyleaf. Edges sl.foxing. [L02499-604341] ¥6,300 3806 Sandfeld,Kr. Syntaxe du Français Contemporain. L'Infinitif. [Publications Romanes et Françaises. (fondées par Mario Roques, dirigées par Jean Frappier) LXXXIII] Genève: Librairie Droz, 1965. Second edition. 539pp. Printed wrappers. The spine slightly sunned. [L00326-602948] ¥21,000 3807 Sandmann,Manfred Subject and Predicate. A Contribution to the Theory of Syntax. [Edinburgh University Publications: Language and Literature. No.5] Edinburgh at the University Press, 1954. xiv,270pp. Dust wrapper sunned. Pencil notation to several pages. [L00857-602949] ¥4,200 3808 Sandmann,Manfred Subject and Predicate. A Contribution to the Theory of Syntax. [Edinburgh University Publications: Language and Literature. No.5] Edinburgh at the University Press, 1954. xiv,270pp. Sunned. Dust wrapper sl.torn. Pencil notations. [lk0205-604260] ¥4,200 3809 Scheurweghs,G. Present-Day English Syntax. A Survey of Sentence Patterns. xx,434pp. The spine sunned. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. Longmans, 1966. Third impression. ¥5,250 [L01116-603017] 3810 Scheurweghs,G. Present-Day English Syntax. A Survey of Sentence Patterns. Longmans, 1966. Third impression. xx,434pp. The spine sunned. Pencil notations. [L02611-604465] ¥4,200 407 言 語 学 3811 Scheurweghs,G. Present-Day English Syntax. A Survey of Sentence Patterns. London: Longmans,Green & Co Ltd, 1959. First published. xx,434pp. Covers spotted & sl.rubbed at corners. Spine sunned. Top edge somewhat darkened & sl.spotted. The others somewhat foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03383-605226] ¥5,250 3812 Schütze,Carson T. The Empirical Base of Linguistics. Grammaticality Judgments and Linguistic Methodology. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1996. xv,237pp. d.w. [L01075-603082] ¥6,720 The 3813 Touratier,Christian La Relative. Essai de Théorie Syntaxique. (à partir de faits latins, français, allemands, anglais, grecs, hébreux,etc.) [Collection Linguistique・publiée par la Société de Linguistique de Paris. LXXII] Paris: Libraire C.Klincksieck, 1980. 568pp. La loi du 11 mars1957 n'autorisant, aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article 41, d'une part, que les 《copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisatioin collective》 et, d'autre part, que les analyses et les courtes citations dans un but d'exemple et d'illustration, 《toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale, ou partielle, faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou des ses ayants-droit ou ayants-cause, est illicite》 (alinéa 1er de l'article 40). Printed wrappers. [L00331-603417] ¥10,080 3814 Wartburg,Walter von & Paul Zumthor Précis de Syntaxe du Français Contemporain. [Bibliotheca Romanica. Edendam curat W.v.Wartburg. series prima: Manualia et Commentationes. II] Bern: Éditions A.Francke S.A., 1947. 356pp. Dust wrapper partly sunned and chipped. Pencil notation to verso of 'Preface'. [lk0131-604212] ¥6,300 3815 Wartburg,Walter von & Paul Zumthor Précis de Syntaxe du Français Contemporain. [Bibliotheca Romanica. Edendam curat W.v.Wartburg. series prima: Manualia et Commentationes. II] Bern: Éditions A.Francke S.A., 1958. Seconde édition entièrement remaniée. 400pp. d.w. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. 20.7x13.8cm. [L01450-603601] ¥6,300 3816 Wendt,G. Syntax des heutigen Englisch. I. Teil: Die Wortlehre. II. Teil: Die Satzlehre. 2 vols. In one. delberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911. / 1914. xii,328pp. / xii,279pp. [ds0712-603649] ¥12,600 Hei- 3817 Wendt,G. Syntax des heutigen Englisch. I. Teil: Die Wortlehre. II. Teil: Die Satzlehre. 2 vols. In one. Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911. / 1914. xii,328pp. / xii(ix-xii pp.missing),279pp. Spine and covers rubbed. Somewhat sunned. [ds1306-603650] ¥10,080 3818 Zawadowski,Leo Inductive Semantics and Syntax. Foundations of Empirical Linguistics. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 58] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1975. 316pp. Dust wrapper partly torn. 26.5x19.3cm. [L00561-603792] ¥10,080 変形・生成文法 3819 Andresen,Helga Der Erklärungsgehalt linguistischer Theorien. Methodologischen Analysen zur Generativen Transformationsgrammatik und zur Syntaxtheorie H.J.Heringers als Beispiel einer strukturalistischen Grammatik. [Linguistische Reihe 18] München: Hueber, 1974. 1.Auflage. 180pp. Printed wrappers. [L02042-600125] ¥2,100 408 言 語 学 3820 Baker,Mark C. The Atoms of Language. The Mind's Hidden Rules of Grammar. OUP, 2002. xi,276pp. d.w. Fine as new. (邦題「言語のレシピ 多様性にひそむ普遍性をもとめて」) [L01601-600202] ¥4,200 3821 Bechert,Johannes / Clément,Danièle / Thümmel,Wolf / Wagner Karl Heinz Einführung in die generative Transformationsgrammatik. Ein Lehrbuch. [Linguistische Reihe. Band 2] München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1970. 1. Auflage. 238pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0655-600262] ¥1,680 3822 Boas,Hans Ulrich Foemal versus Explanatory Generalizations in Generative Transformational Grammar. An Investigation into Generative Argumentation. [Linguistische Arbeiten 150] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1984. xvii,460pp. Printed wrappers. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. [L01347-600373] ¥12,600 3823 Botha,Rudolf P. The Function of the Lexicon in Transformational Generative Grammar. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 38] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1968. 272pp. Pencil signature to flyleaf by former owner. 26.6x19cm. [L00559-600404] ¥6,720 3824 Chomsky,Noam The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. New York & London: Plenum Press, 1975. 573pp. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. d.w. [L01083-600642] ¥12,600 3825 Chomsky,Noam Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor Nr.LVI] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1966. 95pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [L00196/ds0386-600645] ¥3,360 3826 Emonds,Joseph A Unified Theory of Syntactic Categories. [Studies in Generative Grammar 19] tions, 1985. 356pp. Printed wrappers sl.stained. [L02569-604390] ¥4,200 Foris Publica- 3827 Freidin,Robert Foundations of Generative Syntax. [Current Studies in Linguistics. 21] The M.I.T.Press, 1992. ix,368pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L00988-601084] ¥5,040 3828 Haan,Ger de Conditions on rules. The proper balance between syntax and semantics. [Publications in Language Sciences 2] Foris Publications, 1979. xiv,229pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.faded. Ownership stamped on the page of 'Publications in Language Sciences', half-title page, and title page. [L02885-604519] ¥4,200 3829 Haan,Ger de Conditions on rules. The proper balance between syntax and semantics. [Publications in Language Sciences 2] Foris Publications, 1981. xiv,229pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. [L02558-604379] ¥4,200 3830 Hagège,Claude Critical Reflections on Generative Grammar. Translated by Robert A.Hall, Jr. [Edward Sapir Monograph Series in Language, Culture, and Cognition, 10] Lake Bluff: Jupiter Press, 1981. vii,196pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. Front cover sl.peeled. Stamped on title page. [L01190-601307] ¥4,200 3831 Hartig,Matthias Syntax und Semantik in der Transformationsgrammatik. [Linguistische Reihe 21] München: Hueber, 1975. 1. Auflage. xi,226pp. Printed wrappers. Some spots on front cover. [L02045-601353] ¥3,150 3832 Jacobs,Roderick A. / Rosenbaum,Peter S. English Transformational Grammar. With an Epilogue by Paul M.Postal. 409 Blaisdell Publishing Co. 言 語 学 / A Division of Ginn and Co., 1968. x,294pp. d.w. torn & stained. Stamped of front & rear flyleave. [L01638-601594] ¥2,100 3833 Jacobsen,Bent Transformational-Generative Grammar. An Introductory Survey of its Genesis and Development. North-Holland Publishing Co., 1977. xv,525pp. [L00484-601597] ¥7,560 3834 Jacobsen,Bent Transformational-Generative Grammar. An Introductory Survey of its Genesis and Development. [North-Holland Linguistic Series, 17] North-Holland Publishing Co., 1978. Second, revised edition. xv,525pp. Ink signature to front paste-doen by former owner. Stamped on title page. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01173-601598] ¥5,880 3835 Jacobsen,Bent Modern Transformational Grammar. With Particular Reference to the Theory of Government and Binding. [North-Holland Linguistic Series, 53] North-Holland, 1986. xv,441pp. [L01140-601596] ¥4,200 3836 Jacobson,Sven Studies in English Transformational Grammar. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English. XXIII] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971. 139pp. Printed wrappers. [L00550-601604] ¥3,360 3837 Kac,Michael B. Corepresentation of Grammatical Structure. Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1978. 168pp. Some foxing of several pages. Green cloth board. [L01627-601722] ¥4,200 3838 Kac,Michael B. Corepresentation of Grammatical Structure. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series] Helm, n.d. 168pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L01628/L01841-601723] ¥4,200 London: Croom 3839 Kac,Michael B. Corepresentation of Grammatical Structure. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series] London: Croom Helm, n.d. 168pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. Stamped on front flyleaf & half title page and title page. [L02392-601724] ¥3,150 3840 Kunsmann,Peter Verbale Gefüge. Transformationsgrammatische Untersuchungen im Deutschen und Englischen. [Linguistische Reihe. 14] München: Hueber, 1973. 1. Auflage. 208pp. Printed wrappers. [L02038-601913] ¥3,150 3841 Lester,Mark Introductory Transformational Grammar of English. Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1971. x,335pp. Spine sl.sunned. Signed by author on front flyleaf. Small stamped to rear flyleaf. [L01640-602024] ¥3,150 3842 Matthews,P.H. Generative Grammar and Linguistic Competence. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1979. 112pp. d.w. Stamped on front flyleaf, half title page and title page. [L02538-602202] ¥4,200 3843 Newmeyer,Frederick J. Linguistic Theory in America. The First Quarter-Century of Transformational Generative Grammar. Academic Press, 1980. xiii,290pp. Dust wrapper somewhat torn. [L00478-602433] ¥5,040 3844 Radford,Andrew Transformational Grammar. A First Course. [Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics] UP., 1988. First published. xii,625pp. d.w. [L00235/L02320-602786] ¥9,450 Cambridge 3845 Seuren,Pieter A.M. Operators and Nucleus. A Contribution to the Theory of Grammar. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 2] Cambridge at the UP., 1969. x,230pp. (refer to N.Chomsky) [L00920-603122] ¥5,250 410 言 語 学 3846 Seuren,Pieter A.M. Operators and Nucleus. A Contribution to the Theory of Grammar. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 2] Cambridge at the UP., 1969. x,230pp. (refer to N.Chomsky) d.w. [L02493-604338] ¥5,250 3847 Starosta,Stanley The Case for Lexicase. An Outline of Lexicase Grammatical Theory. London & New York: Pinter Publishers, 1988. First edition. xii,273pp. d.w. All edges sl. sunned. [L01561-603249] ¥6,300 3848 Wunderlich,Dieter ed. Probleme und Fortschritte der Transformationsgrammatik. Referate des 4. Linguistischen Kolloquiums Berlin 6.-10. Oktober 1969. [Linguistische Reihe. Band 8] München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1971. 1. Auflage. 318pp. (K.Brockhaus, H.-H.Lieb, S.Kanngießer, H.J.Heringer, Jün-tin Wang, R.Posner, E.Pause, A.v.Stechow, C.Rohrer, T.Kaneko, G.Brettschneider, U.Mönnich, K.H.Ebert, W.Kummer, D.Wunderlich, D.Seelbach, D.Clément, C.Schwarze, A.-K.Menk, J.Ihwe, H.E.Brekle, W.Lenders) Printed wrappers. [L02035-603754] ¥3,150 格 文 法 3849 Anderson,John M. On Case Grammar. Prolegomena to a Theory of Grammatical Relations. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series] Croom Helm, Humanities Press, 1977. 313pp. Dust wrapper sunned. [L02196-600127] ¥4,200 3850 Anderson,John M. On Case Grammar. Prolegomena to a Theory of Grammatical Relations. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series] Croom Helm, Humanities Press, 1977. 313pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. Stamped on front flyleaf, half title page & title page. [L02377-600127] ¥4,200 3851 Anderson,John M. The Grammar of Case. Towards a Localistic Theory. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 4] Cambridge at the UP., 1971. x,244pp. Dust wrapper sunned. Edges foxing. Small ink ownership signature to front e.p. [L02262-600128] ¥6,300 3852 Baron,Dennis E. Case Grammar and Diachronic English Syntax. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica 223] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1974. 131pp. Printed wrappers. Small stamp on verso of half title page with small signature by former owner. [L01390-600233] ¥6,720 3853 Cook,Walter A. Case Grammar Theory. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown UP. 1989. x,224pp. Printed wrappers. Small date stamp on title page. [L02590-604441] ¥4,200 3854 Dirven,René / Gübter Radden eds. Concepts of Case. [Studien zur englischen Grammatik. Band4] Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen, 1987. 176pp. Printed wrappers. Small date stamp to front flyleaf. [L02589-604440] ¥4,200 3855 Smith,Henry Restrictiveness in Case Theory. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 78] First published. xi,328pp. d.w. Fine as new. [L02509-604349] ¥8,400 Cambridge UP, 1996. 形 態 論 3856 Félice,Th. de Éléments de Grammaire Morphologique. Paris; Marcel Didier, 1950. 58pp. Printed wrappers. Cover foxed. Spine partly chipped. Edges foxed. Sl.spotted in some pages. [L03022-604681] ¥3,150 411 言 語 学 3857 Hall,Christopher J. Morphology and Mind. A Unified Approach to Explanation in Linguistics. Routledge, 1992. xx,224pp. [L01588-601311] ¥4,200 London & New York; 3858 Scalise,Sergio Generative Morphology. [Studies in Generative Grammar 18] Foris Publications, 1984. vii,237pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. Stamped on half title paga and title page. [L02567-604388] ¥3,150 3859 Scalise,Sergio Generative Morphology. [Studies in Generative Grammar 18] Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. [L02568-604389] ¥4,200 Foris Publications, 1984. vii,237pp. 3860 Spencer,Andrew Morphological Theory. An Introduction to Word Structure in Generative Grammar. Basil Blackwell, 1991. First published. xviii,512pp. d.w. 25.3x17.8cm. [L00872-603226] ¥8,400 談 話 3861 Benson,James D. & William S.Greaves eds. Systemic Perspectives on Discourse. Volume 2. Selected Applied Papers from the 9th International Systemic Workshop. [Volume XVI in the series Advances in Discourse Processes]. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1985. viii,299pp. [L02408-604461] ¥4,200 3862 Blakemore,Diane Relevance and Linguistic Meaning. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 99] Cambridge UP, 2002. First published. viii,200pp. d.w. [L02113-600350] ¥6,300 3863 Brown,Gillian Speakers, Listeners and Comunication. Explorations in Discourse Analysis. First published. xiii,251pp. d.w. [L01011-600484] ¥6,720 Cambridge UP., 1995. 3864 Cordemoy,Géraud de A Philosophical Discourse Concerning Speech [together with] A Discourse Written to a Learned Friar. With a New Introduction by Karl Uitti. [Language, Man and Society: Foundations of the Behavioral Sciences] New York: AMS Press, 1974. Reprint of the 1668 translation of Discours physique de la parole published by J.Martin, London under title: A philosophicall discourse concerning speech conformable to the Cartesian principles and the 1670 translation of Copie d'une lettre ècrite á un scavent religieux de la Compagnie de Jésus. Intro.+ 210pp. 18.2x13.2cm. [L01063-600718] ¥4,200 3865 Cornish,Fransis Anaphoric Relations in English and French. A Discourse Perspective. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series] Croom Helm, 1986. 242pp. Spine of d.w. sunned. [L02384/L02395-604286] ¥5,250 3866 Ellis,Donald G. / Donohue,William A. eds. Contemporary Issues in Language and Discourse Processes. [Communication] Hillsdale, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986. x,285pp. (Pam Benoit, Julie A.Burke, Brandt Burleson, Robert T.Craig, Mary E.Diez, William A.Donohue, Donald G.Ellis, Vince Follert, Beth Haslett, Robert Hopper, Sally Jackson, Scott Jacobs, Susan Koch, Jennifer Mandelbaum, Margaret L.McLaughlin, Sally Planalp, Victor Raskin, John Searle) [L00577-600938] ¥5,040 3867 Fjelkestam-Nilsson,Brita Also and Too. A Corpus-Based Study of their Frequency and Use in Modern English. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English. LVIII] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1983. viii,149pp.+appendices(18pp.) Printed wrappers. [L00858-601027] ¥7,560 412 言 語 学 3868 Fludernik,Monika The Fictions of Language and the Lanaguages of Fiction. The Linguistic Representation of Speech and Consciousness. London & New York: Routledge, 1993. First published. xvi,536pp. 24x16.2cm. [L02298-601041] ¥5,250 3869 Fox,Barbara A. Discourse Structure and Anaphora. Written and Conversational English. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 48] Cambridge UP, 1987. First published. viii,173pp. d.w. [L02505-604347] ¥6,300 3870 Gutwinski,W.F. Cohesion in Literary Texts: A Study of Some Grammatical and Lexical Features of English Discourse. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Connecticut, 1969. An authorized facsimile and was produced by microfilm-xerography in 1971 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan. xi,155pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. Title label of front cover and edges foxing. 20.9x15.7cm. [L02156-601295] ¥3,150 3871 Lambrecht,Knud Information Structure and Sentence Form. Topic, focus, and the mental representations of discourse referents. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 71] Cambridge UP, 1994. First edition. xi,388pp. d.w. [L01617-601946] ¥8,400 3872 Longacre,R.E. An Anatomy of Speech Notions. Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press, 1976. 394pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. p.305 の文字が少々薄くなっている部分あり(読むには支障のない程度) [L02887-604521] ¥9,450 3873 Longacre,Robert E. The Grammar of Discourse. [Topics in Language and Linguistics] New York & London: Plenum Press, 1983. xxi,423pp. Edges sl.spotted. [L02911-604546] ¥5,250 3874 Macovski,Michael ed. Dialogue & Critical Discourse. Laguage, Culture, Critical Theory. Oxford UP, 1997. xii,272pp. (Timothy R.Austin, Don H.Blalostosky, Caryl Emerson, John P.Farrell, Paul Freidrich, Shirley Brice Heath, Michael Holquist, Michael Macovski, Rachel May, Jerome McGann, Gary Saul Morson, John R.Searle, Deborah Tannen) d.w. [L00457-602119] ¥5,040 3875 Monaghan,James ed. Grammar in the Construction of Texts. [Open Linguistics Series] vii,155pp. d.w. [L01630-602338] ¥5,250 London: Frances Pinter, 1987. 3876 Petöfi,János S. ed. Text and Discourse Constitution. Empirical Aspects, Theoretical Approaches. [Research in Text Theory / Untersuchungen zur Texttheorie. vol.4] Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1988. viii,516pp. (Dafydd Gibbon, Roland Harweg, Waltraud Brennenstuhl, Eva Hajičová, Petr Sgall, Elisabeth Rudolph, Käthi Dorfmüller-Karpusa, Antonio García-Berrio, Tomás Albaladejo Mayordomo, Hans-Jürgen Eikmeyer, Oliver R.Scholz, Roger G.van de Velde, Thomas T.Ballmer, Wolfgang Heydrich, Luciano Vitacolonna, János S.Petöfi, Emel Sözer, Patricia Lohmann) [L00612-602641] ¥7,560 3877 Werth,Paul Focus, Coherence and Emphasis. Croom Helm, 1984. 293pp. d.w. [L02536-604368] ¥4,200 413 言 語 学 発 話 ・ 話 法 3878 Alston,William P. Illocutionary Acts & Sentence Meaning. Cornell UP., 2000. xiii,327pp. d.w. [L02126-600113] ¥5,250 3879 Brunot,Ferdinand La Pensée et la Langue. Méthode, Principles et Plan d'une Théorie Nouvelle du Langage Appliquée au Français. Paris: Masson et Cie, 1953. Troisième édition, revue, Deuxiéme tirage. xxxvi,982pp. Printed wrappers. [L00338-600503] ¥12,600 3880 Brunot,Ferdinand La Pensée et la Langue. Méthode, Principles et Plan d'une Théorie Nouvelle du Langage Appliquée au Français. Paris: Masson et Cie, 1922. xxxvi,954pp. Rebound. Edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. Almost all pages sl.spotted. Pencil notation & underlined in some pages. [L03081-604745] ¥12,600 3881 Gardiner,Alan The Theory of Speech and Language. Second edition. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1960. Reprinted. xii,348pp. Dust wrapper partly chipped and sunned. Top edge somewhat spotted and front & rear flyleaves slightly sunned. [L01109-601139] ¥5,040 3882 Gardiner,Alan The Theory of Speech and Language. Second Edition. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1963. (First edition 1932, second edition reprinted lithographically at the university press, Oxford, 1951 from corrected sheets of the first edition. Reprinted 1960, 1963) xii,348pp. d.w. [ds0135-601140] ¥6,720 3883 Harris,Wendell V. Interpretive Acts. In Search of Meaning. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. xiv,192pp. d.w. Stamped on front flyleaf and title page. [L02381-604285] ¥4,200 3884 Žinkin,N.I. Mechanisms of Speech. [Janua Linguarum. Series Maior 13] Mouton, 1968. 461pp.+ plates. Includes 99 tables of radiorams(b & w). d.w.sl. chipped and sunned. Sm 4to. [L01730-603797] ¥26,250 数理言語学 ・ 計量言語学 3885 Akhmanova,O.S. / Mel'chuk,I.A. / Frumkina,R.M. / Paducheva,E.V. Exact Methods in Linguistic Research. Translated from the Russian by David G.Hays and Dolores V.Mohr. The Rand Corporation. University of California Press, 1963. x,186pp. Top edge slightly spotted. Spine of d.w.somewhat sunned. [L00784/L00443/L00217-600087] ¥3,360 3886 Belevitch, Vitold Langage des Machines et Langage Humain. Bruxelles-I; Office de Publicité/Paris V; Hermann, 1956. 119pp. Printed wrappers foxed. Joint of cover loosend. All edges foxed. Top edge spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02987-604646] ¥3,150 3887 Bourbaki,N. Éléments de mathématique. Fascicule I. Livre I: Théorie des Ensembles. Fascicule de Résultats. [Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles. 1141] Paris: Hermann, 1964. Quatrième édition. 62pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [L00736-600406] ¥3,360 3888 Bourbaki,N. Éléments de mathématique. Fascicule XVII. Première Partie. Livre I: Théorie des Ensembles. Chapitre 1: Description de la Mathématique Formelle. Chapitre 2: Théorie des Ensembles. [Actualités 414 言 語 学 Scientifiques et Industrielles. 1212] Paris: Hermann, 1960. Deuxième édition. 137pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Ink signature to front cover and 'list of publication' by T.Matsuda. [L00737-600407] ¥5,040 3889 Bourbaki,N. Éléments de mathématique. Fascicule XX. Livre I: Théorie des Ensembles. Chapitre 3: Ensembles ordonnés, cardinaux, nombres entiers. [Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles. 1243] Paris: Hermann, 1967. Seconde édition, revue et augmentée. 148pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sl.sunned. [L00738-600408] ¥5,040 3890 Bourbaki,N. Éléments de mathématique. Fascicule XXII. Livre I: Théorie des Ensembles. Chapitre 4: Structures. [Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles. 1258] Paris: Hermann, 1966. Deuxième édition, revue et diminuée. 104pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [L00739-600409] ¥4,200 3891 Gladkij,Aleksej V.& Igor A.Mel'čuk Elements of Mathematical Linguistics. Edited by John Lehrberger. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor 110] Mouton Publishers, 1983. Originally published under the title: Èlementy matematičeskoj lingvistiki (Moscow: Nauka, 1969). xxi,247pp. Dust wrapper sunned and edges foxing. [L02286-601173] ¥6,300 3892 Harris,Zellig S. String Analysis of Sentence Structure. [Papers on Formal Linguistics, 1] The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1962. A Revised version of Computable Syntactic Analysis, no.15 (1959) of Transformations and Discourse Analysis Papers. 70pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01312-601346] ¥1,680 3893 Hockey,Susan & Nancy Ide ed. Research in Humanities Computing. Selected Papers from the ALLC/ACH Conference, Siegen, June 1990. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. xiv,253pp. d.w. [L01649-603901] ¥6,300 3894 Langendoen,D.Terence / Postal,Paul M. The Vastness of Natural Languages. d.w. [L00146-601953] ¥5,040 Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984. First published. ix, 189pp. 3895 Partee,Barbara Hall, Alice ter Meulen & Robert E.Wall Mathematical Methods in Linguistics. [Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, vol.30] Academic Publishers, 1990. xx,663pp. [L01156-602551] ¥8,400 Kluwer 3896 Partee,Barbara Hall Fundamentals of Mathematics for Linguistics. Dordrecht: D.Reidel Publishing Company, 1978. xiii,242pp. Spine sl.sunned. Stamped on title page and next page. [L02419-602552] ¥5,250 3897 Saito,Toshio, Junsaku Nakamura & Shunji Yamazaki eds. English Corpus Linguistics in Japan. [Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics, No.38] Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2002. xii,340pp. (contributors: A.F.Umesaki, J.Nakamura, T.Okada, S.Yamazaki, T.Fukaya, T.Kubota, H.Takaie, M.Uchida, M.Hori, T.Tabata, H.Nichimura, M.Hosaka, Y.Iyeiri, N.Otsu, Y.Nakao, S.Tsukamoto, H.Watanabe, K.Asao, M.Sugiura, S.Tsukamoto) [L02188-602938] ¥8,400 3898 Somers,H.H. Analyse Statistique du Style. II. Louvain: Editions Nauwelaerts / Paris: Beatrice-Nauwelaerts, 1967. 212pp. Printed wrappers. Only vol.II. 26x18cm. [L00347-2-603208] ¥4,200 3899 Wall,Robert Introduction to Mathematical Linguistics. [L01145-603567] ¥4,200 Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, inc., 1972. xiv,337pp. 415 言 語 学 語 用 論 3900 Green,Georgia M. Pragmatics and Natural Language Understanding. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989. xi,180pp. (邦題「プラグマティックスとは何か : 語用論概説」) [L02416-604299] ¥5,250 3901 Mey,Jacob L. ed. Pragmalinguistics. Theory and Practice. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior,85. Rasmus Rask Studies in Pragmatic Linguistics] The Hague, Paris, New York: Mouton Publishers, 1979. 444pp. (J.Chr.Bang, J.Døør, C.E.Lindberg, L.Qvortrup, A.Utaker, R.M.Blakar, F.Gregersen, U.Haeberlin, E.Jacobsen, S.E.Olsen, S.Søndergaard, P.B.Andersen, K.Bjerg, K.Gloy, R.C.Schank, J.Mey) d.w. Stamped on front flyleaf & half title page. [L02556-602296] ¥12,600 3902 Westergaard,Marit R. Definite NP Anaphora: A Pragmatic Approach. [L02535-604367] ¥5,250 Norwegian UP.1986. 118pp. d.w. sl.sunned. 意 味 論 3903 Anglin,Jeremy M. Word, Object, and Conceptual Development. x,302pp. d.w. [L00445-600139] ¥6,720 New York: W.W.Norton & Co., 1977. First edition. 3904 Antal,László Questions of Meaning. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor Nr.XXVII] The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1963. 95pp. Printed wrappers. [L00197-600140] ¥1,680 3905 Baldinger,Kurt Semantic Theory. Towards a Modern Semantics. Translated by William C.Brown and edited by Roger Wright. New York: St.Martin's Press, 1980. (First Spanish ed.published 1970. 2nd ed., upon which this translation is based, published 1977.) xxiv,320pp. d.w. Top edge sl.spotted. [lk0026-604053] ¥4,200 3906 Ballweg,Joachim Semantische Grundlagen einer Theorie der deutschen kausativen Verben. [Forschungsberichte des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim. Band 38] Tübingen: TBL Verlag Gunter Narr, 1977. 164pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0829-600215] ¥2,520 3907 Beeh,Volker Ansätze zu einer wahrheitswertfunktionalen Semantik. Dargestellt am Deutschen. [Linguistische Reihe. Band 11] München: Hueber, 1973. 1. Auflage. 180pp. Printed wrappers. [L02036-600266] ¥2,100 3908 Bendix,Edward Herman Componential Analysis of General Vocabulary. The Semantic Structure of a Set of Verbs in English, Hindi, and Japanese. International Journal of American Linguistics: Vol.32, No.2. [Indiana University research Center in Anthropology, Folklore, and Linguistics] Indiana Univ. / Mouton & Co., 1966. ix,190pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Red underlined to several pages. [L01414-600285] ¥4,200 416 言 語 学 3909 Bertschinger,Max To Want. An Essay in Semantics. [Schweizer Anglistische Arbeiten / Swiss Studies in English. 13.Band] Bern: Verlag A.Francke AG., 1941. x,242ppPrinted wrappers. Covers and spine sunned. Ink signature to recto of half-title page by former owner. [L00462-600313] ¥12,600 3910 Brekle,Herbert E. Sémantique. Traduit et adapté par Piere Cadiot et Yvon Girard. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1974. 110pp. Printed wrappers. Covers and spine sl.sunned. [L00818-600439] ¥1,680 3911 Chafe,Wallace Bedeutung und Sprachstruktur. Gekürzte Studienausgabe. Übersetzt von Thomas Schneider. [Linguistische Reihe 20] München: Hueber, 1976. 1. Auflage. 266pp. Printed wrappers. A few spots to front flyleaf. (Original English title: Meaning and the Structure of Language.) (邦題「意味と言語構 造」) [L02044-600592] ¥3,150 3912 Chafe,Wallace L. Meaning and the Structure of Language. Chicago and London: The Univ.of Chicago Press, 1970. 360pp. Spine of d.w. sl.sunned & chipped. (邦題「意味と言語構造」) [L02410-600593] ¥6,300 3913 Chierchia,Gennaro & Sally McConnell-Ginet Meaning and Grammar. An Introduction to Semantics. [L02319-600623] ¥6,300 The M.I.T.Press, 1990. xiii,476pp. 3914 Coseriu,Eugenio & Horst Geckeler Trends in Structural Semantics. [Tübinger Beiträzur Linguistik] 1981. 85pp. Printed wrappers. [L02851-604469] ¥3,150 Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 3915 Coulson,Seana Semantic Leaps. Frame-Shifting and Conceptual Blending in Meaning Construction. UP., 2001. First published. xiii,304pp. d.w. [L00614-600734] ¥6,720 Cambridge 3916 Davies,Eirian C. On the Semantics of Syntax. Mood and Condition in English. Croom Helm London. Humanities Press, 1979. 205pp. d.w. Stamp on title page. [L02458-600804] ¥3,150 3917 Evans,Gareth / McDowell,John eds. Truth & Meaning. Essays in Semantics. [L00977-600975] ¥6,720 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976. xxiii,419pp. 3918 Fillmore,Charles J. / Langendoen,D.Terence eds. Studies in Linguistic Semantics. Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1971. viii,299pp. (Barbara Hall Partee, Richard Garner, Edward L.Keenan, Harris B.Savin, George Lakoff, Arnold M.Zwicky, Sandra Annear Thompson, James D.McCawley, Robin Lakoff, Bruce Fraser, Paul M.Postal, Charles J.Fillmore) Spine sunned. Small stamp on front flyleaf by former owner with a small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [L01121-601004] ¥4,200 3919 Fisiak,Jacek ed. Historical Semantics Historical Word-Formation. [Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs 29] Mouton Publishers, 1985. Papers prepared for the International Conference on Historical Semantics and Historical World-Formation held at Blazejewko near Poznan from March 28 to 31, 1984. xiii,607pp. (Anders Ahlqvist, Karin Aijmer, Eung-Jin Baek, Philip Baldi, Victor Broderick, David S.Palerma, Joan L.Bybee, William Pagliuca, Bernard Comrie, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Thomas Fraser, Dirk Geeraerst, Claude Guimier, Robert K.Herbert, Raymond Hickey, Dieter Kastovsky, Ekkehard Konig, Adrienne Lehrer, B.Lewandowska-Tomasczyk, C.N.Li, L..Lipka, Helmut Ludtke, W.Manczak, F.Marcos-Marin, A.M.Mukhin, H,Pilch, E.M.Riddle, W.C.Rixhie, H.Sauer, S.Shepher, C.Silva-Corvalan, J.Strayysm, W.Winter). d.w. sl. torn. Small stamp on frot flyleaf. [L01654-603844] ¥7,350 417 言 語 学 3920 Fodor,Janet Dean Semantics: Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. [The Language & Thought Series] New York: Thomas Y.Crowell, 1977. xi,225pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Margin of 223-225pp.sl.chipped. Spine somewhat spotted. [L00926-601043] ¥4,200 3921 Fritz,Gerd Bedeutungswandel im Deutschen. Neuere Methoden der diachronen Semantik. [Germanistische Arbeitshefte. (Herausgegeben von Otmar Werner und Franz Hundsnurscher) 12] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1974. vi,126pp. Printed wrappers. The spine slightly sunned. [ds0568-601111] ¥2,520 3922 Hatzfeld,Helmut Über Bedeutungsverschiebung durch Formähnlichkeit im Neufranzösischen. Eine semasiologisch-lexikographische Studie. München: Verlag der Hochschulbuchhandlung Max Hueber, 1924. viii,130pp. Printed wrappers. The spine partly chipped. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds0871-601375] ¥6,720 3923 Hundsnurscher,Franz & Jochen Splett Semantik der Adjektive des Deutschen. Analyse der semantischen Relationen. [Forschungsberichte des landes Nordrhein-westfalen Nr. 3137] Westdeutscher Verlag. 1982. 112pp. Printed wrappers.covers sl.sunned. Small ink ownership signature to title page. [L03033-604692] ¥4,200 3924 Jackendoff,Ray S. Semantics and Cognition. [Current Studies in Linguistics Series. Samuel Jay Keyser, general editor] The MIT Press, 1983. xiii, 283pp. d.w. sl.stained, rubbed at corners & chipped. Spine sunned. Top edge spotted. The others sl.spotted. Small ink ownership sinature to front flyleaf. [L03412-605255] ¥5,250 3925 Kegel,Gerd / Günter Saile Analyseverfahren zur Textsemantik. [Linguistische Reihe 22] 141pp. Printed wrappers. [L02046-601761] ¥2,100 München: Hueber, 1975. 1. Auflage. 3926 Kempson,Ruth M. Presupposition and the Delimitation of Semantics. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics] Cambridge UP., 1975. First published. xi,235pp. Spine sl.sunned. Stamped on verso of half title page and title page. [L01172-601771] ¥6,720 3927 Kittredge,Richard / Lehrberger,John eds. Sublanguage. Studies of Language in Restricted Semantic Domains. [Foundations of Communication Library Edition. (Editor: Roland Posner)] Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1982. vi,240pp. (Naomi Sager, Lynette Hirschman, John Lehrberger, Richard Kittredge, Barbara Grosz, Veda Charrow, Jo Ann Crandall, Robert Charrow, Wolf Moskovich, Henry Hiż, Arnold M.Zwicky, Ann D.Zwicky, Irena Bellert, Paul Weingartner, Zellig Harris) Top edge gray. [L00151/L00642-601801] ¥4,200 3928 Koselleck,Reinhart ed. Historische Semantik und Begriffsgeschichte. [Sprache und Geschichte. Band 1] Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1979. 400pp. (R.Koselleck, R.P.Horstmann, H.Schultz, H.-U.Gumbrecht, H.Günther, D.Hilger, E.W.Orth, K.Stierle, C.Meier, J.Martin, H.K.Schulze, M.Giesecke, F.Tricaud, J.M.Roberts, L.Hölscher, H.Lübbe, P.C.Ludz, J.Fisch) [ds0713-601857] ¥7,560 3929 Kronasser,Heinz Handbuch der Semasiologie. Kurze Einführung in die Geschichte, Problematik und Terminologie der Bedeutungslehre. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. Erste reihe: Handbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1952. 204pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Covers and the margin of several pages somewhat spotted. [lk0168-604132] ¥8,400 3930 Land,Stephen K. From Signs to Propositions. The Concept of Form in Eighteenth-Century Semantic Theory. [Longman Linguistics Library. Title no 16] Longman, 1974. First edition. viii,202pp. d.w. sl.stained. Black marker lined(3 lines) to front flyleaf. [L01850-601947] ¥3,150 418 言 語 学 3931 Land,Stephen K. From Signs to Propositions. The Concept of Form in Eighteenth-Century Semantic Theory. [Longman Linguistics Library. Title no 16] Longman, 1974. First edition. viii,202pp. Spine of d.w.sl.sunned. [L02436-601948] ¥4,200 3932 Leech,Geoffrey N. Towards a Semantic Description of English. [Longman Linguistics Library] Longman, 1969. First published. xiii,277pp. Dust wrapper somewhat sunned and sl.torn. [lk0029-604138] ¥6,300 3933 Leech,Geoffrey N. Towards a Semantic Description of English. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] Longman, 1969. xiii,277pp. d.w. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf and small red stamp on front flyleaf. Some foxing to front & rear flyleaves. [L02081-601978] ¥4,200 3934 Leech,Geoffrey N. Towards a Semantic Description of English. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] xiii,277pp. d.w. [L02432-601979] ¥5,250 Longman, 1969. 3935 Lefkowitz,R.W. Semantic Structure. Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Linguistics, Indiana University. An authorized facsimile and was produced by microfilm-xerography in 1971 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 96pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. Title label of front cover sl.darkened. Edges foxing. 20.9x15.7cm. [L02155-601986] ¥2,100 3936 Leisi,Ernst Der Wortinhalt. Seine Struktur Im Deutschen und Englischen. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1967. 3., durchgeshene und erwweiterte Auflage. 135pp. Some spots to the edges. [L02022-602012] ¥5,250 3937 Ljung,Magnus English Denominal Adjectives. A Generative Study of the Semantics of a Group of High-Frequency Denominal Adjectives in English. [Gothenburg Studies in English. 21] Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1970. 249pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.stained. Spine sunned. Top edg foxed. [L03146-604813] ¥8,400 3938 Lyons,John Structural Semantics. An Analysis of Part of the Vocabulary of Plato. [Publications of the Philological Society. XX] Published for the Society by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1963. 237pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Spine sunned. [L00967-602108] ¥4,200 3939 Lyons,John Structural Semantics. An Analysis of Part of the Vocabulary of Plato. [Publications of the Philological Society. XX] Published for the Society by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1963. 237pp. [L02398-602107] ¥5,250 3940 Miller,J. Semantic and Syntax. Parallels and Connections. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 41] UP, 1985. First published. viii,262pp. d.w. [L02214-602316] ¥6,300 Cambridge 3941 Miller,J. Semantic and Syntax. Parallels and Connections. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 41] UP, 1987. viii,262pp. d.w. [L02500-604342] ¥6,300 Cambridge 3942 Nida,Eugene A. Componential Analysis of Meaning. [Approaches to Semiotics, 57] Mouton, 1975. 272pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. (邦題「意味の構造-成分分析」) [L01192-602440] ¥8,400 419 言 語 学 3943 Pustejovsky,James The Generative Lexicon. [L01599-602754] ¥4,200 The MIT Press, 1995. vii,298pp. d.w. Small library stamp on tp verso. 3944 Ravin,Yael Lexical Semantics without Thematic Roles. [L02424-604304] ¥5,250 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. viii,248pp. d.w. 3945 Schaff,Adam Introduction to Semantics. Translated from Polish by Olgierd Wojtasiewicz. [Pergamon Press Book] New York: The Macmillan Co., 1962. xii,395pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Pencil notation to several pages. Spine sunned and Spotted at the boards. [L01260-603000] ¥3,360 3946 Schmidt,Wilhelm Lexikalische und Aktuelle Bedeutung. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Wortbedeutung. Mit 8 Abbildungen im Text. [Schriften zur Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung. Nr.7] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1965. Zweite, durchgesehene Auflage. 130pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned and chipped. Spine and rear cover partly missing. [ds1348-603049] ¥6,720 3947 Shands,Harley C. The War with Words. Structure and Transcendence. The Hague. Paris: Mouton, 1971. 128pp. d.w.sl.chipped. A few spots on front flyleaf. [L02417-604300] ¥8,400 3948 Thrane,Torben Referential-Semantic Analysis. Aspects of a Theory of Linguistic Reference. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 28] Cambridge at the University Press, 1980. First published. x,256pp. d.w. [L00257-603392] ¥7,560 3949 Todorov,Tzvetan Littérature et Signification. [Langue et Langage] Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1967. 118pp. Printed wrappers. Covers and spine somewhat sunned. [L00822-603406] ¥1,680 3950 Ullmann,S. Précis de Sémantique Française. [Bibliotheca Romanica. Edendam curat W.v.Wartburg. series prima: Manualia et Commentationes. IX] Bern: Éditions A.Francke S.A., 1952. 334pp. Printed wrappers. Front and rear covers somewhat stained and spine partly missing. Pencil notation to title page by Takashi Kamei (本文中の書込は「裕」による、との記述有). [lk0129-604207] ¥8,400 3951 Ullmann,Stephen The Principles of Semantics. A linguistic approach to meaning. Glasgow: Jackson, Son & Co. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1957. Second, enlarged edition. 346pp. Spine of d.w.sunned & chipped. Some pencil notations to the margin. (邦題「意味論」) [L02425-604305] ¥4,200 3952 Vasiliu,Emanuel Outline of a Semantic Theory of Kernel Sentences. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 71] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1972. This is the revised version of "Elemente de Teorie Semantică a Limbilor Naturale" Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1970. 219pp. Dust wrapper sunned. 26.5x19cm. [L00604-603501] ¥7,560 3953 Waswo,Richard Language and Meaning in the Renaissance. [L02400-604291] ¥5,250 Princeton UP, 1987. xiv,315pp. d.w. 3954 Waswo,Richard Language and Meaning in the Renaissance. Princeton UP, 1987. xiv,315pp. d.w. Ownership signature to front e.p. [L02902-604539] ¥5,250 420 言 語 学 心理言語学・心理学 認知心理学は 424 ページ~ 3955 Aitchison,Jean The Articulate Mammal. An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. published. 256pp. [L00948-600084] ¥4,200 Hutchinson of London, 1976. First 3956 Brown,Jason Mind, Brain, and Consciousness. The Neuropsychology of Cognition. [Perspectives in Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics] New York et al.: Academic Press, 1977. x,190pp. With illus. Dust wrapper sunned. Covers and spine damp somewhat stained. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [lk0113-604064] ¥5,250 3957 Brown,Roger Words and Things. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1958. xvi,398pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Top edge blue. [L01151-600487] ¥6,720 3958 Deacon,Terrence W. The Symbolic Species. The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain. New York & London: W.W.Norton & Co., 1997. 527pp. Dust wrapper pasted on e.ps.with tapes. 24.2x16.3cm. [L02208-600809] ¥4,200 3959 Deese,James The Structure of Associations in Language and Thought. 1965. xiii,216pp. [L00989-600811] ¥5,040 Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 3960 Delacroix,H. et al. Psychologie du Langage. [Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine] Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan, 1933. 498pp. (Contributors: H.Delacroix, E.Cassirer, L.Jordan, A.Sechehaye, W.Doroszewski, R.A.S.Paget, K.Bühler, H.Pongs, A.Meillet, J.Vendryes, P.Meriggi, V.Broendal, N.Trubetzkoy, E.Sapir, J.van Ginneken, A.Sommerfelt, A.W.de Groot, O.Jespersen, Ch.Bally, Gust.Guillaume, A.Grégoire, M.Cohen, A.Gelb, K.Goldstein) Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. Pencil notations. [lk0078-604081] ¥15,750 3961 Delacroix,Henri Le Langage et la Pensée. Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan, 1924. 602pp. Sunned. Edges and e.ps.spotted. Pencil notations. [lk0219-604238] ¥8,400 3962 Ellis,Andrew W. ed. Progress in the Psychology of Language. 2 vols. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1985. vii,247pp./ v,274pp. (contributors: (vol.1) Leslie Henderson, Roddie Cowie, Stephen J.Lupker, Joseph Paul Stemberger, David Barton, Ian M.L.Hunter, (vol.2) George M.Robinson, Janice Moulton, Geoffrey Underwood, Janice Kay, Andrew W.Ellis, Stephen Monsell, Philip Barnard) [L02225-600926] ¥10,500 3963 Fodor,J.A., T.G.Bever & M.F.Garrett The Psychology of Language. An Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Generative Grammar. [McGraw-Hill Series in Psychology] McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1974. xviii,537pp. Edges foxing. [L01148/L02318-601044] ¥4,200 3964 Fraser,Colin & Klaus R.Scherer eds. Advances in the Social Psychology of Language. [European Studies in Social Psychology] Cambridge UP./ Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1982. First published. vii,264pp. (contributors: Michael Argyle, Jenny Cheshire, David D.Clarke, Colin Fraser, Howard Giles, Theo Herrmann, 421 言 語 学 Rainer Krause, W.P.Robinson, Klaus R.Scherer, Jitendra N.Thakerar, C.G.Wells) Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L02226-601079] ¥6,300 3965 Glucksberg,Sam / Danks,Joseph H. Experimental Psycholinguistics: An Introduction. xiii,233pp. [L00427-601186] ¥5,040 Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1975. 3966 Halle,Morris & Joan Bresnan, George A.Miller eds. Linguistic Theory and Psychological Reality. [MIT Bicentennial Studies 3] The MIT Press, 1978. xv,329pp. (contributors: J.Bresnan, G.A.Miller, E.Wanner, M.Maratsos, K.Stenning, R.Jackendoff, E.B.Zurif, S.E.Blumstein, S.Carey, M.Halle) d.w. [L02206-601319] ¥6,300 3967 Herriot,Peter An Introduction to the Psychology of Language. [Methuen's Manuals of Modern Psychology] London: Methuen & Co.,1970. First published. 197pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01125-601443] ¥4,200 3968 Hörmann,Hans Psychologie der Sprache. Mit 69 Abbildungen. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1967. xi,395pp. Ex-library stamp on front paste-down. [ds1323-601527] ¥6,720 3969 Kainz,Friedrich Psychologie der Sprache. Erster Band. Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Sprachpsychologie. Stuttgart; Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1941. xii,373pp. Edges of covers rubbed. Spine rubbed. Top edge sl.spotted. Fore edge sl.spotted & foxed. Spotted from front end paper to verso of title page, rear fly leaf to rear end paper. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03083-604747] ¥4,200 3970 Kess,Joseph F. Psycholinguistics. Introductory Perspectives. Academic Press, 1976. xii,268pp. [L00986-601779] ¥5,880 3971 Laplanche,J./ Pontalis,J.-B. Vocabulaire de la Psychanalyse. Sous la Direction de Daniel Lagache. [Bibliothèque de Psychanalyse] Presses Universitaires de France, 1984. 8℮ édition. xix,523pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L00814-601954] ¥10,080 3972 (Lenneberg,Eric H.) Miller,George A.& Elizabeth Lenneberg eds. Psychology and Biology of Language and Thought. Essays in Honor of Eric Lenneberg. New York et al.: Academic Press, 1978. xiii,294pp. (Contributors: Joseph Altman, Roger Brown, Jack Catlin, Noam Chomsky, Nancy Kopell, Simeon Locke, Humberto R.Maturana, George A.Miller, Hermine Sinclair, Aaron Smith, Gabriel Stolzenberg, Paul A.Weiss, O.L.Zangwill) Dust wrapper somewhat sunned. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. [lk0114-604139] ¥5,250 3973 Leyton,Michael Symmetry, Causality, Mind. [A Bradford Book] [L00603-602044] ¥5,040 The MIT Press, 1992. 630pp. d.w. 3974 Linsky,Arnold S. Ronet Bachman Murray A.Straus Stress, Culture and Aggression. Yale UP., 1995. 200pp. d.w. Small library stamp on front flyleaf. [L01598-602064] ¥4,200 3975 McNeill,David The Conceptual Basis of Language. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1979. xiii,306pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges light foxing. [lk0123-604154] ¥6,300 3976 Morton,John ed. Biological and Social Factors in Psycholinguistics. London: Logos Press, 1971. 215pp. (contributors: Bernard Campbell, John Marshall, D.McNeill, Roger Wales, John Morton, I.M.Schlesinger, A.A.Leontiev, Rugaiya Hasan, Thomas G.Bever) Pencil underlines to several pages and ink signature to rear flyleaf. d.w. [L00382-602356] ¥3,150 422 言 語 学 3977 Morton,John ed. Biological and Social Factors in Psycholinguistics. London: Logos Press, 1971. 215pp. (contributors: Bernard Campbell, John Marshall, D.McNeill, Roger Wales, John Morton, I.M.Schlesinger, A.A.Leontiev, Rugaiya Hasan, Thomas G.Bever) Spine of d.w.sunned. [L02224-602357] ¥4,200 3978 Morton,John & John C.Marshall eds. Developmental and Pathological. [Psycholinguistics series 1] London: Elek Science, 1977. First published in Great Britain. vii,160pp. (Contributors: Eve V.Clark, David Bloor, Joanna Ryan, John C.Marshall) Dust wrapper sunned. Edges and e.ps.sl.spotted. Pencil notations. [lk0020-604164] ¥4,200 3979 Mowrer,O.Hobart ed. Psychology of Language and Learning. [Cognition and Language. A Series in Psycholinguistics] New York & London: Plenum Press, 1980. xvii,294pp. [L01171-602389] ¥5,880 3980 Osgood,Charles E. Lectures on Language Performance. With 31 Figures. [Springer Series in Language and Communication. (Editor: W.J.M.Levelt) 7] New York, Heidelberg, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1980. xi,276pp. [L00227-602505] ¥4,200 3981 Osgood,Charles E./ Suci,George J./ Tannenbaum,Percy H. The Measurement of Meaning. Urbana: Univ.of Illinois Press, 1957. 342pp. Spine of d.w.sl.sunned. Front & rear flyleaves sl.foxed and some foxing to edges. [L02549-602506] ¥9,450 3982 Osgood,Charles E. & Thomas A.Sebeok eds. Psycholinguistics. A Survey of Theory and Research Problems. With "A Survey of Psycholinguistic Research, 1954-1964" by A.Richard Diebold, Jr. [Indiana University Studies in the History and Theory of Linguistics] Indiana UP., 1965. Second printing. xii,307pp. Printed wrappers, sl.sunned. [L02860-604494] ¥4,200 3983 Peuser,Günter ed. Brennpunkte der Patholinguistik. [Patholinguistica. (herausgegeben von Günter Peuser) Band 2] München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1978. 327pp. (A.E.Adams, K.H.Ammon, E.Godehardt, D.Engel, E.M.Engl, Th.R.von Stockert, K.Gloning, W.B.Ihssen, H.Iwert, J.Maly, O.Panagl, H.Peters, Uwe H.Peters, H.Pilch, F.Plank, H.-J.Scholz, J.Tägert, D.Weniger) Printed wrappers. [ds0628-602645] ¥3,360 3984 (Piaget,Jean) Language and Learning. The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky. Edited by Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini. Harvard UP., 1980. xxxvi,409pp. (contributors: Scott Atran, Gregory Bateson, Norbert Bischof, Guy Cellérier, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Noam Chomsky, Antoine Danchin, Dieter Dütting, Jerry Fodor, Maurice Godelier, Bärbel Inhelder, François Jacob, Jacques Mehler, Jacques Monod, Seymour Papert, Jean Petitot, Jean Piaget, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, David Premack, Hilary Putnam, Dan Sperber, René Thom, Stephen Toulmin, Anthony Wilden, Thomas de Zengotita) d.w. [L02550-602653] ¥9,450 3985 Pinker,Steven How the Mind Works. Allen Lane The Penguin Books, 1998. xii,660pp. d.w. 24.2x16cm. [L01239-602676] ¥3,360 3986 Rickheit,Gert / Bock,Michael ed. Psycholinguistic Studies in Language Processing. [Research in Text Theory / Untersuchungen zur Texttheorie. (editor: János S.Petöfi) Volume 7] Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1983. viii,305pp. (H.Hörmann, S.Wichter, M.Bock, G.Strube, W.Marx, H.Schnelle, J.-F.Le Ny, L.Achour, M.Carfantan, J.-C.Verstiggel, J.Engelkamp, H.D.Zimmer, M.Wintermantel, U.Christmann, W.Schnotz, G.Rickheit, H.Kock, R.Weingarten, H.Strohner, S.Jörg, H.-J.Heringer, J.S.Petöfi) A red underline to page vi. [L00137-602851] ¥5,040 3987 Rieber,Robert W. ed. Dialogues on the Psychology of Language and Thought. Conversations with Noam Chomsky, 423 言 語 学 Charles Osgood, Jean Piaget, Ulric Neisser and Marcel Kinsbourne. Edited by Robert W.Rieber in Collaboration with Gilbert Voyat. [Cognition and Language. A Series in Psycholinguistics] New York and London: Plenum Press, 1983. vii,166pp. Stamped on title page. [L00887-602855] ¥5,040 3988 Rogge,Christian Der Notstand der Heutigen Sprachwissenschaft. Eine Einfuhrung in die Psychologie des Sprachschaffenden Menschen. Munchen: Max Hueber Verlag, 1929. xi,224pp. Rebound with new cloth back and e.ps. Water stained. Pencil notations. [lk0064-604181] ¥9,450 3989 Savage-Rumbaugh,E.Sue Ape Language. From Conditioned Response to Symbol. Foreword by Herbert S.Terrace. [Animal Intelligence: A Series of Columbia UP] Oxford UP., 1986. xxv,433pp. With illus. d.w. (邦題「チンパン ジーの言語研究―シンボルの成立とコミュニケーション」) [L02227-602985] ¥6,300 3990 Strehle,Hermann Vom Geheimnis der Sprache. Sprachliche Ausdruckslehre - Sprachpsychologie. München, Basel: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, 1956. 201pp. Dust wrapper and flyleaves sunned. Ink notations. [ds1320-603292] ¥3,360 3991 Whitaker,Haiganoosh & Harry A. Whitaker eds. Studies in Neuro-Linguistics. Volume 1. Perspectives in Neurolinguistics and Psycholingistics. A Series of Monographs and Treatises. Academic Press, 1976. xv,308pp. d.w.sunned. [L02420-604301] ¥5,250 3992 Whitaker,Haiganoosh & Harry A. Whitaker eds. Studies in Neuro-Linguistics. Volume 2. Perspectives in Neurolinguistics and Psycholingistics. A Series of Monographs and Treatises. Academic Press, 1976. xiii,333pp. d.w.sunned. [L02421-604302] ¥5,250 3993 Whitaker,Haiganoosh & Harry A. Whitaker eds. Studies in Neuro-Linguistics. Volume 4. Perspectives in Neurolinguistics and Psycholingistics. A Series of Monographs and Treatises. Academic Press, 1979. xviii,357pp. d.w.sunned. [L02422-604303] ¥5,250 3994 Wathen-Dunn,Weiant ed. Models for the Perception of Speech and Visual Form. Proceedings of a Symposium. Sponsored by the Data Sciences Laboratory Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Boston, Massachusetts, November 11-14, 1964. The M.I.T.Press, 1967. x,470pp. (Roman Jakobson, J.C.R.Licklider, D.M.MacKay, J.F.Schouten, Fred Attneave, A.M.Liberman, F.S.Cooper, Katherine S.Harris, P.F.MacNeillage, M.Studdert-Kennedy, Kenneth N.Stevens, Morris Halle, John Morton, Donald E.Broadbent, Gunnar Fant, W.R.A.Muntz, Bela Julesz, Daniel Kahneman, Ronald J.Messa, Lloyd Kaufman, George Ettlinger, Saul Sternberg, Ralph Norman Habor, Joseph H.McFarland, Azriel Rosenfeld, Ronald M.Pickett, Paul A.Kolers, N.S.Sutherland, Robert Capranica, Lawrence Frishkopf, Möise H.Goldstein,Jr., J.C.Webster, R.B.Chaney,Jr., Osamu Fujimura, Richard Held, Gerald H.Fisher, P.C.Dodwell, Richard L.Gregory, R.H.Henneman, S.R.Mathews, James R.Whitman, Maurice Hershenson, William Kessen, Harry Musinger, C.I.Howarth, Richard Held, Alan Hein, Hüseyin Yilmaz, Peter B.Denes, Philip Lieberman, A.Cohen, S.R.Petrick, Mark P.Haggard, Edith L.R.Corliss, Hans G.Furth, James Youniss, Matthew Kabrisky, Harry Blum, J.A.Seutsch, Leon Traister, M.B.Clowes, Thomas Marill, K.N.Leibovic, George Tenery, Herbert Freeman, D.C.Lai, Edward C.Carterette, A.L.Nelson, M.B.Herscher, T.B.Martin, H.J.Zadell, J.W.Falter, John F.Hemdal, George W.Hughes, S.J.Campanella, D.C.Coulter, Frank R.Clarke) [L01177-603852] ¥10,080 認知心理学 3995 Altmann,Gerry T.M. ed. Cognitive Models of Speech Processing. Psycholinguistic and Computational Perspectives. 424 言 語 学 [ACL-MIT Press Series in Natujral Language Processing] [A Bradford Book] The MIT Press, 1990. x,540pp. (contributors: G.T.M.Altmann, R.Shillcock, U.H.Frauenfelder, G.Peeters, F.Norris, A.Cutler, P.A.Luce, D.B.Pisoni, S.D.Goldinger, W.Marslen-Wilson, J.Chalres-Luce, M.S.Cluff, E.G.Bard, J.Mehler, E.Dupoux, J.Segui, C.Connine, A.G.Samuel, L.K.Tyler, H.Thompson, J.L.Elman, M.K.Tanenhaus, S.M.Garnsey, J.Boland, L.Frazier, J.D.Fodor, M.J.Steedman, M.Marcus, D.Hindle, A.K.Joshi) d.w. [L02232-600118] ¥6,300 3996 Bever,Thomas G., John M.Carroll & Lance A.Miller eds. Talking Minds. The Study of Language in the Cognitive Sciences. The MIT Press, 1984. 283pp. (contributors: Thomas G.Bever, Lawrence Birnbaum, John M.Carroll, Charles Fillmore, Ray Jackendoff, Jerrold J.Katz, Walter Kintsch, Mitchell P.Marcus, Lance A.Miller, Charles E.Osgood, David Premack, Roger Schank) d.w. [L02231-600320] ¥6,300 3997 Bever,Thomas G., John M.Carroll & Lance A.Miller eds. Talking Minds. The Study of Language in the Cognitive Sciences. The MIT Press, 1984. 283pp. (contributors: Thomas G.Bever, Lawrence Birnbaum, John M.Carroll, Charles Fillmore, Ray Jackendoff, Jerrold J.Katz, Walter Kintsch, Mitchell P.Marcus, Lance A.Miller, Charles E.Osgood, David Premack, Roger Schank) Spine of d.w.partly torn. [L01143-600321] ¥6,300 3998 Harnad,Stevan ed. Categorical Perception. The Groundwork of Cognition. Cambridge UP., 1987. First published. x,599pp. (contributors: L.W.Barsalou, E.Bialystok, M.H.Bornstein, R.L.Diehl, G.Ehret, P.D.Eimas, S.Harnad, P.Howell, F.C.Keil, M.H.Kelly, K.R.Kluender, P.K.Kuhl, P.W.Jusczyk, A.M.Liberman, N.A.Macmillan, D.W.Massaro, D.L.Medin, J.L.Miller, D.L.Molfese, D.R.Olson, R.E.Pastore, D.Regan, R.E.Remez, B.H.Repp, S.Rosen, C.T.Snowdon, M.Wilson) Dust wrapper sl.sunned and sl.chipped. [L02228-601338] ¥6,300 3999 Lachman,Roy, Janet L.Lachman, & Earl C.Butterfield Cognitive Psychology and Information Processing. An Introduction. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1979. xiii,573pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned and chipped. Edges foxing. [lk0120-604136] ¥8,400 4000 Mathiot,Madeleine An Approach to the Cognitive Study of Language. [Indiana Univ. Reserch Center in Anthoropology, Folklore, and Linguistics] Indiana UP., 1968. xv,224pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Ink notation (author's name) to bottom edge. (アリゾナのネイティブアメリカン:Papago の言語) [L02302-602197] ¥6,300 4001 Perecman,Ellen ed. Cognitive Processing in the Right Hemisphere. [Perspectives in Neurolinguistics, Neuropsychology, and Psycholinguistics] Academic Press, 1983. xix,257pp. (contributors: T.G.Bever, J.C.Borod, J.W.Brown, H.H.Brownell, M.P.Bryden, C.Caltagirone, D.S.Cantor, H.S.Caron, J.Fitch-West, S.-H.Foo, G.Gainotti, H.Gardner, M.Han, N.Helm-Estabrooks, R.L.Horst, E.Koff, M.L.Lester, R.G.Ley, R.McAlaster, G.Miceli, D.Michelow, M.Moscovitch, E.Perecman, R.W.Thatcher, W.Wapner) d.w. [L02230-602629] ¥6,300 4002 Restle,Frank et al.eds. Cognitive Theory. Vol.1: Edited by F.Restle, R.M.Shiffrin, N.J.Castellan, H.R.Lindman, & D.B.Pisoni. (Contributors: Michael Studdert-Kennedy, William E.Cooper, Charles C.Wood, David B.Pisoni, Michael H.Birnbaum, Robyn M.Dawes, Gordon F.Pitz, Robert A.Bjork, Fergus I.M.Craik, Larry L.Jacoby, Richard M.Shiffrin, Scott G.Paris, George R.Potts, Frank Restle. x,303pp.) Vol.2: Edited by N.J.Castellan,Jr., D.B.Pisoni & George R.Potts. (Contributors: Stephen K.Reed, J.R.Hayes, H.A.Simon, James G.Greeno, Thomas S.Wallsten, N.John Castellan,Jr., David A.Schum, Elissa L.Newport, Rochel Gelman, Herman Buschke, Philip B.Gough, Michael J.Cosky, John Theios, J.Gerard Muise. ix,342pp.) 2 vols. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1975-1977. Dust wrapper sunned and sl.chipped. Edges foxing. Some pencil notations. [lk0119-604179] ¥15,750 425 言 語 学 4003 Stillings,Neil A. et al. Cognitive Science. An Introduction. [A Bradford Book] The MIT Press, 1991. 4th printing. xvii,533pp. (contributors: Neil A.Stillings, Mark H.Feinstein, Jay L.Garfield, Edwina L.Rissland, David A.Rosenbaum, Steven E.Weisler, Lynne Baker-Ward) [L02229-603278] ¥6,300 言語習得 4004 Ardila,Alfredo / Feggy Ostrosky-Solis eds. Brain Organization of Language and Cognitive Processes. [Critical Issues in Neuropsychology] New York and London: Plenum Press, 1989. xviii,256pp. Small liblary stamp to front flyleaf. [L01595-600153] ¥4,200 4005 Bates,Elizabeth Language and Context. The Acquisition of Pragmatics. d.w.sl.stained. [L02461-604321] ¥6,300 Academic Press, 1976. xiv,375pp. 4006 Bates,Elizabeth / Inge Bretherton / Lyne Snyder From First Words to Grammar. Individual Differences and Dissociable Mechanisms. In collaboration with MarjorieBeeghly, Cecilia Shore, Sandra McNew, Vicki Carlson, Carol Williamson, Andrew Garrison, Barbara O'Connell. Cambridge UP, 1988. First edition. xii,326pp. d.w. [L02453-604316] ¥5,250 4007 Bowerman,Melissa Early Syntactic Development. A Cross-Linguistic Study with Special Reference to Finnish. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 11] Cambridge UP, 1973. xii,302pp. d.w.sl.sunned. [L02494-604339] ¥6,300 4008 Hirsh-Pasek,Kathy / Roberta Michnick Golinkoff The Origins of Grammar. Evidence from Early Language Comprehinsion. x,230pp. d.w. Small library stamp on tp verso. [L01600-601467] ¥4,200 The MIT Press, 1996. 4009 Karmiloff,Kyra / Annette Karmiloff-Smith Pathways to Language from Fetus to Adolescent. [The Developing Child] sereis. UP.,2001. ix,256pp. d.w. Fine as new. [L01604-601745] ¥4,200 Harvard 4010 Slobin,Dan I. ed. The Ontogenesis of Grammar. A Theoretical Symposium. [The Child Psychology Sereis] New York/San Francisco/London: Academic Press, 1971. xi,247pp. Scattered foxing to real flyleaves. [L01636-603196] ¥5,250 4011 Tomasello,Michael Constructing a Language. A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. viii,388pp. d.w. Fine as new. [L01602-603410] ¥5,250 Harvard UP., 2003. 4012 White,Lydia Grammatical Theory and Language Acquisition. [Publications in Language Sciences 8] Publications, 1982. 121pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. [L02559-604380] ¥3,150 Foris 426 言 語 学 語学教育 外国語教育・第二言語習得は 428 ページ~ 4013 Devitt,S.M./ S.P.Ó Conchúir / D.G.Little / D.M.Singleton Learning Irish with Anois is Arís. A report on the background, attitudes, expectations and learning experience of a volunteer group of course participants. [CLCS Occasional Paper No.6. Winter 1982-3] Dublin: Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College, 1982. 125pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L02848-604466] ¥3,150 4014 Devitt,S.M./ S.P.Ó Conchúir / D.G.Little / D.M.Singleton Learning Irish with Anois is Arís. A report on the background, attitudes, expectations and learning experience of a volunteer group of course participants. [CLCS Occasional Paper No.6. Winter 1982-3] Dublin: Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College, 1982. 125pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L02849-604467] ¥3,150 4015 Fisher,John C. Linguistics in Remedial English. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica XLVII] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1966. 71pp. Printed wrappers. Light stained to front paste down, half title page, and from p.71 to rear paste down. [L02889-601021] ¥4,200 4016 Glinz,Hans Die Sprachen in der Schule. Skizze einer vergleichenden Satzlehre für Latein, Deutsche, Französisch und Englisch. Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1965. 2.,erweiterte Auflage. 128pp. Dust wrapper sunned. [ds1029-601180] ¥4,200 4017 Halliday,M.A.K. / McIntosh, Angus / Strevens,Peter The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1968. New impressions. xix,322pp. d.w. Ink signature on rear flyleaf and small red stamp on front flyleaf. [L02080-601325] ¥3,150 4018 Helmers,Hermann Didaktik der deutschen Sprache. Einführung in die Theorie der muttersprachlichen und literarischen Bildung. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1970. 5.,neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. 398pp. [ds0903-601421] ¥6,720 4019 Hiller,Gotthilf Gerhard Konstruktive Didaktik. Beiträge zur Definition von Unterrichtszielen durch Lehrformen und Unterrichtsmodelle Umrisse einer empirischen Unterrichtsforschung. [Sprache und Lernen: Internationale Studien zur pädagogischen Anthropologie. (herausgegeben von Werner Loch, Harm Paschen, Gerhard Priesemann) Band 22] Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1973. 1. Auflage. 255pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0626-601459] ¥1,680 4020 Klee,Wolfhart / Gerken,Magda Gesprochenes Deutsch. 37. Erweiterte Auflage. Herausgeber Goethe-Institut München. Berlin: Extraneus-Verlag, 1957. xvi,240pp. Printed wrappers. All edges suuned. [ds0411-601807] ¥2,520 4021 Lenneberg,Eric H. ed. New Directions in the Study of Language. The M.I.T.Press, 1964. ix,194pp. (Eric H.Lenneberg, Leonard Carmichael, Edmund Leach, George A.Miller, Frieda Goldman-Eisler, Roger Brown, Ursula Bellugi, Susan M.Ervin) Dust wrapper slightly torn. 21x14cm. [L00156-602018] ¥3,360 4022 Remme,Karl ed. Die Hochschulen Deutschlands. Ein Führer durch Geschichte・Landschaft・Studium. Mit Unterstützung des Preußischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbidung, des Reichsminis427 言 語 学 teriums des Innern und der Hochschulen. Mit 2 farbigen Karten von Deutschland, 47 Stadt- und Landschaftsplänen und 110 Abbildungen. [Schriften des Akademischen Auskunftsamts an der Universität Berlin] Berlin C2, Universität: Verlag des Akademischen Auskunftsamts, 1926. xi,290pp. ドイツの 大学:図版多数 Top edge black. The whole cover faded. [ds0754-602825] ¥6,720 4023 Stack,Edward M. The Language Laboratory and Modern Language Teaching. [L00255-603239] ¥4,200 Oxford UP., 1960. viii,149pp. 4024 Weber,Walter Kurze Erzählungen zum Wiedererzählen im Deutschunterricht mit Ausländern. 1.Teil: 50 Erzählungen in Verbindung mit Synonymen und mit Übungen der Wort= und Satzformen. / 2.Teil: 200 Erzählungen in leichter und leichtester Fassung. 2 vols. Wolfenbüttel: Heckners Verlag, 1937. x,100pp. / iv,108pp. Printed wrappers. The spine of each vols.sunned. Top & fore edges and several pages of vol.2 spotted. [ds0850-603611] ¥4,200 4025 Wendt,Otto Enzyklopädie des englischen Unterrichts. Methodik und Hilfsmittel für Studierende und Lehrer der englischen Sprache mit Rücksicht auf die Anforderungen der Praxis bearbeitet. Hannover,Berlin: Verlag von Carl Meyer (Gustav Prior), 1912. Zweite, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. vii,374pp. Spine faded and all edges spotted. 21.6x14.3cm. [ds0773-603651] ¥15,120 4026 A Language-Teaching Bibliography. Compiled and Edited by The Centre for Information on Lan- guage Teaching and The English-Teaching Information Centre of the British Council. the UP., 1972. Second edition. x,242pp. [L00953-603807] ¥6,720 Cambridge at 外国語教育・第二言語習得 4027 Bouton,Charles P. Les Mécanismes d'Acquisition du Français. Langue Étrangère chez l'Adulte. [Études Linguistiques. VII] Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1969. 627pp. Printed wrappers. The spine slightly sunned. [L00343-600412] ¥21,000 4028 Scheuermann,Ludwig Deutscher Wort- und Ausdrucksschatz. Ein Übungsbuch für die Auslandsschulen. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bonn: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, n.d. 9.Auflage. 76pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Pencil notations. [ds0990-603012] ¥3,360 4029 Scheuermann,Ludwig Deutscher Wort- und Ausdrucksschatz. Ein Übungsbuch für die Auslandsschulen. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bonn: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg, 10.Auflage. 76pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds0991-603013] ¥3,360 4030 Walford,A.J. ed. A Guide to Foreign Language Grammars and Dictionaries. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. London: The Library Associacions, 1967. 240pp. (French: P.Platt, Italian: F.S.Stych, Spanish: A.J.Walford in consultation with G.H.Green, H.Lennox-Kay, W.W.Timms, Portuguese: A.J.Walford in consultation with G.H.Green, H.Lennox-Kay, L.S.Rebêlo, Maria da Silva, German: G.Seidmann, Dutch: P.K.King, Scandinavian Languages: A.G.Curwen, Russian: A.J.Walford, Finnish: J.E.O.Screen, Chinese: A.C.Barnes) d.w. [L00202-603562] ¥4,200 4031 Weisgerber, Leo Das Tor zur Muttersprache. Düsseldorf; Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1952. First printed. 119pp. Printed wrappers. spine sunned. All edge foxed. Spotted from front end paper to page 7, page 113 to rear end paper. [L02986-604645] ¥3,150 428 言 語 学 4032 Najam,Edward W. ed. Materials and Techniques for the Language Laboratory. Report of the Second Language Laboratory Conference Held at Purdue University, March 23-25, 1961. Mouton & Co., c.(1962). Formerly published from Indiana University Research Center in Anthoropology, Folklore, and Linguistics. x,218pp. (E.M.Birkmaier, C.W.Brubaker, A.De Bernardis, F.D.Eddy, R.D.Gates, C.Garimaldi, A.S.Hayes, E.Hocking, J.C.Hutchinson, A.L.Hyer, H.Larsen, W.N.Locke, K.W.Mildenberger, K.A.Mueller, E.W.Najam, P.Pimsleur, L.Poston, M.Roper, H.L.Smith,Jr., J.L.Trump, L.G.Winfield) Printed wrappers. Top edge somewhat sunned. [L00211-603850] ¥4,200 4033 Ringbom,Håkan & Matti Rissanen eds. Proceedings from the Second Nordic Conference for English Studies. Hanasaari / Hanaholmen, 19-21 May, 1983. [Meddelanden Från Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi Forskningsinstitut, Nr 92] Åbo Akademi, 1984. vii,611pp. (Graham Caie, Leena Kahlas-Tarkka, Saara Nevanlinna, Ilkka Marjomaa, Jørgen Staun, Mona E.Flognfeldt, Risto Hiltunen, Esko Pennanen, Krista Varantola, Kay Wikberg, Christer Påhlsson, Karin Aijmer, Johan Elsness, Sven Jacobson, Nils-Lennart Johannesson, Ann-Charlotte Lindeberg, Cecilia Thavenius, Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit, Jorma Tommola, Beatrice Warren, Bengt Altenberg, Gunnel Tottie, Heikki Nyyssönen, Magnus Ljung, Brit Ulseth, Lars Sigfred Evensen, Arne Zettersten, Jørgen Sevaldsen, Roger D.Sell, Niels Bugge Hansen, Henrik Specht, Gerald Porter, Anthony Landon, Herbert Grabes, Ann-Marie Hedbäck, B.J.Tysdahl, Jan Nordby Gretlund, Jørgen Erik Nielsen, Catherine Sandbach-Dahlström, Claudius Beatty, Julian Meldon D'Arcy, Viggo Hjørnager Pedersen, Dorrit Einersen, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, Siv Monell, Allan Findlay, Britta Olinder, Norman F.Davies, Andrew Kennedy) Printed wrappers. [L01364-603887] ¥16,800 4034 Pimslerur,Paul & Terence Quinn eds. The Psychology of Second Language Learning. Papers from the Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics Cambridge, 8-12 September 1969. Cambridge UP., 1975. Reprinted. x,194pp. (Simon Belasco, Leonard D.Newmark, Daniel P.Dato, Larry Selinker, Aaron S.Carton, Eugene A.Nida, Rebecca M.Valette, Stanley M.Sapon, D.A.Reibel, Renzo Titone, Theodore H.Mueller, Wilga M.Rivers, Kenneth S.Goodman, Annie Mear, Herbert L.Friedman, Raymond L.Johnson, John W.Oller,Jr., Dean H.Obrecht, C.I.C.Estacio) Stamped on verso of half-title page. [L01202-603907] ¥7,560 子供と言語 4035 Bloom,Lois Language Development. Form and Function in Emerging Grammars. [Research Monograph No.59] The MIT Press, 1970. xiv,270pp. [L00990-600360] ¥5,040 4036 Bloom,Lois ed. Readings in Language Development. [Wiley Series on Communication Disorders] John Wiley & Sons, 1978. xii,506pp. (B.Beebe, S.Bennett, L.Bloom, M.Bowerman, M.Braine, R.Brown, R.Chapman, E.Clark, J.Delack, J.de Villiers, P.de Villiers, P.Eimas, C.Garvey, J.B.Gleason, L.Gleitman, P.Guillaume, M.Halliday, L.Hood, J.Jaffe, P.Jusczyk, W.Leopold, P.Lightbown, J.MacNamara, J.Miller, P.Miller, E.Shipley, E.Siqueland, H.Sinclair, D.Slobin, C.Smith, M.Smith, C.Snow, D.Stern, J.Vigorito, D.Warden) Spine sunned. [L01204-600361] ¥5,040 4037 Brown,Daphne M. Mother tongue to English. The young child in the multicultural school. ix,172pp. d.w. [L01619-600483] ¥6,300 Cambridge UP, 1979. 4038 Caramazza,Alfonso / Zurif,Edgar B. eds. Language Acquisition and Language Breakdown. Parallels and Divergencies. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins UP., 1978. xi,339pp. (Sheila E.Blumstein, Alfonso Caramazza, Laird 429 言 語 学 S.Cermak, Alice Cohlan, Jill G.de Villiers, Jacqueline Doolittle, Howard Gardner, Norman Geschwind, Jean Berko Gleason, Harold Goodglass, Jane M.Holmes, David Ingram, Marjorie LeMay, Eric H.Lenneberg, Kenneth E.Pogash, Robert J.Scholes, Ola A.Selnes, Paula Tallal, Harry A.Whitaker, Eran Zaidel, Edgar B.Zurif) [L00909-600564] ¥5,880 4039 Cazden,Courtney B. Child Language and Education. New York et al.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. vi,314pp. Spine sunned. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. [lk0022-604069] ¥5,250 4040 Chomsky,Carol The Acquisition of Syntax in Children from 5 to 10. [Research Monograph No.57] The M.I.T.Press, 1969. 126pp. Margin of covers sl.rubbed. Top & front edges sl.foxed. End papers & flyleaves sl.foxed. [L00921-604826] ¥5,250 4041 Cruttenden,Alan Language in Infancy and Childhood. A Linguistic Introduction to Language Acquisition. Manchester UP., 1979. xiv,193pp. Dust wrapper and edges sl.sunned. Pencil notations to 'references'. [lk0021-604079] ¥5,250 4042 Keil,Frank C. Semantic and Conceptual Development. A Ontological Perspective. [Cognitive Science Series, 1] Harvard UP.,1979. xv,214pp. Dust wrapper (sl.chipped) fixed with celophane tapes. [L01199-601760] ¥4,200 4043 Menyuk,Paula Language and Maturation. The M.I.T.Press, 1977. x,180pp. d.w. [L00485-602286] ¥5,040 4044 Menyuk,Paula Sentences Children Use. [Research Monograph. no.52] The M.I.T.Press, 1969. xiv,165pp. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed. Pencil underlines to several pages and signature to rear flyleaf by former owner. [L00423-602287] ¥4,200 4045 Menyuk,Paula Sentences Children Use. [Research Monograph. no.52] The M.I.T.Press, 1969. xiv,165pp. Dust wrapper sunned. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. [L02202-602288] ¥5,250 4046 Painter,Clare Learning Through Language in Early Childhood. London & New York: Cassell, 1999. vii,356pp. Small seal on front flyleaf. [L01846-602514] ¥5,250 4047 Pavlovitch,Millivoïe Le Langage Enfantin. Acquisition du Serbe et du Français un Enfant Serbe. Paris: Librairie Ancienne Hnorè Champion, 1920. viii,203pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. Ink notation to front flyleaf. [lk0130-604168] ¥9,450 4048 Potts,Marion, Patricia Carlson, Rodney Cocking, & Carol Copple Structure and Development in Child Language. The Preschool Years. Cornell UP., 1979. First published. 237pp. Dust wrapper and edges foxing. [lk0023-604176] ¥6,300 4049 Shane,Harold G. / Reddin,Mary E. / Gillespie,Margaret C. Beginning Language Arts Instruction with Children. Columbus: Charles E.Merrill Books, 1961. xvii,286pp. Illustration by G.A.Wellmes. d.w. [L00253-603128] ¥5,040 4050 Sinclair,A., R.J.Jarvella, & W.J.M.Levelt eds. The Child's Conception of Language. [Springer Series in Language and Communication. (Editor: W.J.M.Levelt) 2] Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1978. viii,268pp. (Contributors: J.S.Bruner, Eve V.Clark, Flores D'Arcais, Lila R.Gleitman, Henry Gleitman, Volker Heeschen, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ingvar Lundberg, John C.Marshall, John Morton, I.Berthoud-Papandropoulou, Charles Read, P.Seuren, H.Sinclair, Dan I.Slobin) Top edge sl.spotted. [lk0118-604197] ¥5,250 430 言 語 学 4051 Slobin,Dan I. ed. The Ontogenesis of Grammar. A Theoretical Symposium. [The Child Psychology Sereis] New York/San Francisco/London: Academic Press, 1971. xi,247pp. (Contributors: Martin D.S.Braine, V.Lynn Eberhart, Susan Ervin-Tripp, David McNeill, David S.Palermo, I.M.Schlesinger, Dan I.Slobin, Arthur W.Staats) Dust wrapper sunned. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. Some pencil notations. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (Berkeley, California. Dec.1965.) シンポジウ ムより [lk0124-604198] ¥5,250 4052 Smith,Frank / Miller,George A. eds. The Genesis of Language: A Psycholinguistic Approach. Proceedings of a Conference on "Language Development in Children", Sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health. (held on April 25-28, at Old Point Comfort, Virginia.) The MIT Press, 1966. xii,400pp. (David McNeill, Dan I.Slobin, Jerry A.Fodor, Ruth H.Weir, Mildred C.Templin, D.B.Fly, Ira J.Hirsh, Eric H.Lenneberg, Richard Allen Chase, H.Kalmus, David Premack, Arthur Schwartz, P.B.Denes, James J.Jenkins) [L01017-603200] ¥6,720 4053 Smith,Neilson V. The Acquisition of Phonology. A Case Study. Cambridge UP., 1973. xi,270pp. Dust wrapper sunned. Edges light foxing. Several pages light spotted at the margin. [lk0122-604199] ¥5,250 4054 Smith,Neilson V. The Acquisition of Phonology. A Case Study. Cambridge University Press, 1973. xi,270pp. d.w. sl.spotted. Top & fore edge spotted. Lower edge sl.spotted. [L03103-604767] ¥6,300 4055 Villiers,Jill G.de & Peter A.de Villiers Language Acquisition. Harvard UP., 1978. viii,312pp. Dust wrapper partly torn and missing. Pencil notations. [L01205-603525] ¥6,720 4056 Vygotsky,Lev Semenovich Thought and Language. Edited and Translated by Eugenia Hanfmann and Gertrude Vakar. [Studies in Communication. (Editors: Leo L.Beranek, Roman Jakobson, William N.Locke)] The MIT Press / John Wiley & Sons, 1962. xxi,168pp. With a supplement "Comments by Jean Piaget". d.w. [L00123-603543] ¥10,080 4057 Lindblom,Björn & Rolf Zetterström eds. Precursors of Early Speech. Proceedings of an International Symposium held at The Wenner-Green Center, Stockholm, September 19-22, 1984. [Wenner-Green Center International Symposium Series. Vol.44] The Macmillan Press / Stockton Press, 1986. xx,314pp. (B.Westerholm, R.Söderbergh, D.Kimbrough Oller, F.J.Koomans-van Beinum, J.M.van der Stelt, K.Holmgren, B.Londblom, G.Aurelius, B.Jallimg, R.Zetterström, K.Michelsson, P.Menyuk, J.Liebergott, M.Schultz, M.M.Vihman, B.de Boysson-Bardies, L.Sagart, P.Halle, C.Durand, S.Gillis, G.de Schutter, J.L.Locke, C.von Hofsten, P.F.MacNeilage, M.Studdert-Kennedy, P.K.Kuhl, A.N.Meltzoff, G.Preisler, C.Palmer, C.Travarthen, H.Marwick) [L00931-603885] ¥5,040 社会言語学 バイリンガル・マルチリンガルは 435 ページ~ 4058 Ammon,Ulrich & Norbert Dittmar & Klaus J.Mattheier eds. Sociolinguistics / Soziolinguistik. An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. First Volume. [Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Band 3/1] Berlin, New 431 言 語 学 York: Walter de Gruyter, 1987. xxxii,854pp. d.w. With a slip case (sunned). 27.5x20cm. [L01434-600120] ¥16,800 4059 Bolton,Kingsley & Helen Kwok eds. Sociolinguistics Today. International Perspectives. London & New York: Routledge, 1992. First published. 383pp. (contributors: Kingsley Bolton, Ping Chen, Nikolas Coupland, Peter Davies, Ralph Fasold, Anthea Fraser Gupta, Howard Giles, Andrew Gonzalez, Ruquiya Hasan, Helen Kwok, R.B.Le Page, Chales J.H.Macdonald, James Milroy, Lesley Milroy, Andrée Tabouret-Keller, Peter Trudgill, John Wiemann) d.w. [L02222-600391] ¥6,300 4060 Bruthiaux,Paul The Discourse of Classified Advertising. Exploring the Nature of Linguistic Simplicity. [Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics] OUP, 1996. First edition. xv,208pp. d.w. [L01593-600506] ¥4,200 4061 Carter,Ronald Language and Creativity. The art of common talk. [L01603-600578] ¥5,250 Routledge, 2004. 255pp. Fine as new. 4062 Corfield,Penelope J. ed. Language, History and Class. Basil Blackwell, 1991. First published. viii,320pp. (contributors: Penelope J.Corfield, Geoffrey Crossick, William Downes, Philip A,Kuhn, James Van Horn Melton, Roger Mettam, Daniel T.Rodgers, Farzana Shaikh, I.A.A.Thompson, David Washbrook, Sean Wilentz, Keith Wrightson) d.w. [L02288-600720] ¥6,300 4063 Dittmar,Norbert & Peter Schlobinski eds. The Sociolinguistics of Urban Vernaculars. Case Studies and Their Evaluation. [Sociolinguistics and Language Contact, Vol.1] Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1988. xx,275pp. (contributors: Norbert Dittmar, Wolfgang Klein, Normand Labrie, Stephen C.Levinson, Klaus Mattheier, Peter Schlobinski, Alberto Sobrero, pierette Thibault, Inge Wachs) Top edge yellow. [L02292-600853] ¥6,300 4064 Fasold,Ralph Sociolinguistics of Language. Introduction to Sociolinguistics Vol.II. [Language in Society 6] Basil Blackwell, 1990. First published. x,342pp. Dust wrapper partly sunned. Pencil notation to title page. Some pages red underlined. [L02285-600996] ¥4,200 4065 Fishman,Joshua A. Language in Sociocultural Change. Essays by Joshua A.Fishman. Selected and Introduced by Amwar S.Dil. [Language Science and National Development] Stanford UP., 1972. xiv,375pp. Dust wrapper sunned & partly missing. [L02209-601024] ¥5,250 4066 Ghosh,Samir K. ed. Man, Language and Society. Contributions to the Sociology of Language. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Minor,109] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1972. 264pp. (Olga Akhmanova, Basil Bernstein, Marshall Durbin, Lawrence Greenfield, Joshua A.Fishman, H.Hécaen, Heinz Kloss, Herbert Kloss, Herbert Landar, William F.Mackey, Madeleine Mathiot, Nancy Modiano, G.de Rohán-Csermak, Victor Sadler, Ulrich, Lins, Harvey Sarles, Gail Benjamin, Jeanne L.Swope, O.Michael Watson, Samir K.Ghosh) Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L00783-601164] ¥1,680 4067 (Goffman,Erving) Beyond Goffman. Studies on Communication, Institution, and Social Interaction. Edited by Stephen Harold Riggins. [Approaches to Semiotics, 96] Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990. viii,456pp. (Charles Battershill, Paul Bouissac, Patricia Ticineto Clough, Hans Dua, Keith Hawkins, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Richard Lanigan, Dean MacCannell, Juliet Flower MacCannell, Pater K.Manning, Joshua Meyrowitz, Promode Kumar Misra, T.K.Oommen, George Park, R.S.Perinbanayagam, Stephen Riggins, Eric Schwimmer, Nirmala Srinivasan) [L01200-601188] ¥8,400 432 言 語 学 4068 Henle,Paul ed. Language, Thought, & Culture. by Roger W.Brown, Irving M.Copi, Don E.Dulaney, William K.Frankena, Paul Henle, Charles L.Stevenson. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1958. vi,273pp. d.w. [L00122-601426] ¥4,200 4069 Herrick,Earl M. Sociolinguistic Variation. A Formal Model. 28.5x22.2cm. [L01431-601442] ¥7,560 The Univ.of Alabama Press, 1984. xi,200pp. 4070 (Jensen Arthur M.) Language and Society. Essays Presented to Arthur M. Jensen on his Seventieth Birthday. Copenhagen;Det Berlingske Bogtrykkeri, 1961. 202pp. (Contributors:Frank Behre, C.A. Bodelsen, Karl Brunner, Lorentz Eckhoff, Bengt Hasselrot et al.) d.w. sl.chipped. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02950-604609] ¥9,450 4071 Key,Mary Ritchie Male/Female Language. With a comprehensive bibliography. Metuchen,N.J.; The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1975. vii,200pp. Spine sl.sunned. Top edge sl.darkened. 14.5x22.3cm. [L03115-604782] ¥5,250 4072 Kleinpaul,Rudolf Sprache Ohne Worte. Idee einer allgemeinen Wissenschaft der Sprache. With a Preface by Thomas A.Sebeok. [Approaches to Semiotics. (edited by Thomas A.Sebeok) 19] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1972. Photomechanic reprint. (The original version was published in Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Friedrich, 1888.) 7pp.+xxviii,456pp. Spine of d.w.partly missing. [ds1034-601809] ¥12,600 4073 Lambert,Wallace E. Language, Psychology, and Culture. Essays by Wallace E.Lambert. Selected and Introduced by Anwar S.Dil. [Language Science and National Development] Stanford UP., 1972. xiv,362pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L00936-601945] ¥7,560 4074 Lawton,Denis Social Class, Language and Education. [International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction] London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968. First published. ix,181pp.+13pp.(publisher's ad.) [L01124-601970] ¥5,040 4075 Leech,Geoffrey N. English in Advertising: A Linguistic Study of Advertising in Great Britain. [English Language Series] Longman, 1966. xiv,210pp. d.w. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [L02074-601977] ¥4,200 4076 Leech,Geoffrey N. English in Advertising: A Linguistic Study of Advertising in Great Britain. [English Language Series] Longman, 1966. xiv,210pp. d.w. [L02441-604307] ¥5,250 4077 Maheswary,S.R. Society and Culture. New Delhi: Rajat Publications, c.2000. 315pp. d.w. Red pencil notation on front flyleaf. [L01580-602124] ¥4,200 4078 Mannheim,Karl Ideologie und Utopie. Frankfur/Main: Verlag G.Schulte-Bulmke, 1965. Vierte Auflage. xxvii,302pp. Top edge orange. Margin of dust wrapper sl.torn. [ds1064-602148] ¥10,080 4079 Mårdh,Ingrid Headlines. On the Grammar of English Front Page Headlines. [Lund Studies in English 58] Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup, 1980. 200pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Small stamp on verso of half title page. A small stain at fore edge. [L01374-602157] ¥8,400 4080 Marková,Ivana ed. The Social Context of Language. Chichester et al.: John Wiley & Sons, 1978. Based on conference on language and the social context, held at the Univ.of Stirling, Jan.10-11, 1975. ix,241pp. (contribu433 言 語 学 tors: J.S.Bruner, J.Dore, D.Edwards, G.Fielding, C.Fraser, I.Markova, D.McNeil, R.Rommetveit, C.Sinha, S.Sugarman-Bell, V.Walkerdine) Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L02211-602162] ¥4,200 4081 Munby,John Communicative Syllabus Design. A Sociolinguistic Model for Defining the Content of Purpose-Specific Language Programmes. Cambridge UP., 1980. Reprinted. (First published 1978.) vi,232pp. d.w. [L00141-602405] ¥8,400 4082 Ochs,Elinor, Emanuel A.Schegloff & Sandra A.Thompson eds. Interaction and Grammar. [Studies in Interaction Sociolinguistics 13] Cambridge UP, 1996. First published. xii,468pp. (contributors: C.E.Ford, B.A.Fox, P.Gonzales, C.Goodwin, M.Hayashi, S.Jacoby, R.Jasperson, G.H.Lerner, M.Morgan, E.Ochs, E.A.Schegloff, B.B.Schieffelin, M.-L.Sorjonen, S.A.Thompson) [L02310-602476] ¥6,300 4083 Owen,Marion Apologies and Remedial Interchanges. A Study of Language Use in Social Interaction. Publishers, 1983. 192pp. d.w. Some foxing through pages. [L02454-604317] ¥5,250 Mouton 4084 Romaine,Suzanne Socio-Historical Liguistics. Its Status and Methodology. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics] bridge UP, 1985. Reprinted. xi,315pp. [L02218-602883] ¥6,300 Cam- 4085 Rosenkranz,Bernhard Der Ursprung der Sprache. Ein Linguistisch-anthropologischer Versuch. Heidelberg: Carl Winter・ Universitätsverlag, 1961. 143pp.+ 8.tafel. Printed wrappers. 図版 19.5*12.8cm. [ds0331-602896] ¥3,360 4086 Sandig,Barbara Syntaktische Typologie der Schlagzeile. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Sprachökonomie im Zeitungsdeutsch. [Linguistische Reihe. (Herausgegeben von Klaus Baumgärtner, Peter von Polenz und Hugo Steger) Band 6] München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1971. 1.Auflage. 176pp. Printed wrappers. [L02034-602952] ¥2,100 4087 Schifflin,Bambi B. & Elinor Ochs eds. Language Socialization Across Cultures. [Studies in Social and Cultural Foundations of Language, No.3] Cambridge UP, 1986. Frist published. vii,274pp. (contributors: E.S.Andersen, P.M.Clancy, K.Demuth, A.R.Eisenberg, S.B.Heath, P.Miller, E.Ochs, A.M.Peters, S.T.Boggs, M.Platt, B.B.Schieffelin, K.A.Watson-Gegeo) [L02217-603021] ¥5,250 4088 Smith,Olivia The Politics of Language. 1791-1819. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1984. xiii,269pp. d.w. sl.stained. Flaps spotted. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Flyleaves halfly spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03382-605225] ¥5,250 4089 St.Clair,Robert N. & Howard Giles eds. The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1980. x,338pp. (contributors: J.L.Applegate, J.W.Bowers, J.J.Bradac, J.A.Courtright, G.A.Cziko, J.G.Delia, C.Evered, G.Fielding, H.Giles, M.Hewstone, R.Kalin, W.E.Lambert, W.v.Raffler-Engel, D.Rayko, R.N.St.Clair, K.R.Scherer, N.Sidoti, A.W.Siegman, P.P.Smith, G.R.Tucker) [L02221-600665] ¥5,250 4090 Trudgill,Peter On Dialect. Social and Geographical Perspectives. Oxford; Basil Blackwell, 1983. First published. viii,240pp. d.w. partly sunned. Top edge sl.darkened. [L03113-604780] ¥6,300 434 言 語 学 バイリンガル・マルチリンガル 4091 Anderson,Nels ed. Studies in Multilingualism. [International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology, vol.VIII] Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1969. viii,153pp. (Nels Anderson, Walter B.Simon, Kaare Svalastoga, Preben Wolf, Guy Sautter, Angiola Massucco-Casta, K.Ishwaran) Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01001-600133] ¥6,720 4092 Gal,Susan Language Shift. Social Determinants of Linguistic Change in Bilingual Austria. demic Press. 1979. xii,201pp. d.w. sl. stained. [L01547-601130] ¥5,250 New York: Aca- 4093 Rozencvejg,V.Ju. Linguistic Interference and Convergent Change. [Janua Linguarum. Series Maior 99] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1976. 58pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Small ink signature to verso of half title page by former owner. [L01406-602905] ¥3,360 4094 Vildomec,Věroboj Multilingualism. General Linguistics and Psychology of Speech. 262pp. d.w. [L00128-603522] ¥10,080 Leyden: A.W.Sythoff, 1963. 4095 Vildomec,Věroboj Multilingualism. Leyden: A.W.Sythoff, 1963. 262pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. 24.7x16.7cm. [L01210-603523] ¥8,400 4096 Walker,Donald E. / Zampolli,Antonio / Calzolari,Nicoletta eds. Automating the Lexicon. Research and Practice in a Multilingual Environment. Oxford UP., 1995. xi,413pp. (Susan Armstrong-Warwick, Branimir K.Boguraev, Roy J.Byrd, Nicoletta Calzolari, Susanna Cumming, Richard Hudson, Robert J.P.Ingria, Judy Kegl, Michael Lesk, Beth Levin, Martha G.Morgan, Jonathan Slocum, Donald E.Walker, Antonio Zampolli) d.w. [L00582-603564] ¥10,080 民族言語学 4097 Havers,Wilhelm Handbuch der Erklärenden Syntax. Ein Versuch zur Erforschung der bedingungen und triebkräfte in Syntax und Stilistik. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Erste Abteilung・Sammlung Indogermanischer Lehr- und Handbücher. I. Reihe: Grammatiken. Zwanzigster Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1931. xviii,292pp. [ds0879-601388] ¥8,400 4098 Havers,Wilhelm Handbuch der Erklärenden Syntax. Ein Versuch zur Erforschung der bedingungen und triebkräfte in Syntax und Stilistik. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Erste Abteilung・Sammlung Indogermanischer Lehr- und Handbücher. I. Reihe: Grammatiken. Zwanzigster Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1931. xviii,292pp. 3 small stamps on title page. Blue pencil marks to title page & rear flyleaf and some pencil notations to several pages. [L02652-604533] ¥8,400 4099 Havers,Wilhelm Handbuch der Erklärenden Syntax. Ein Versuch zur Erforschung der bedingungen und triebkräfte in Syntax und Stilistik. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Erste Abteilung・Sammlung Indogermanischer Lehr- und Handbücher. I. Reihe: Grammatiken. Zwanzigster Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1931. xviii,292pp. Sunned. [lk0133-604097] ¥8,400 435 言 語 学 4100 Kennedy,James, C.M.Kennedy ed. Essays Ethnological and Linguistic. London, Edinburgh; Williams & Norgate, 1861. vi,230pp. Spine sunned & sl.chipped. Covers stained. Its edges sl.rubbed. Top edge stained. Joint of covers sl.loosened. Fore & lower edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Stamped by the first former owner in page iii. Publisher's bibliography in front end paper to front fly leaf, rear fly leaf to rear end paper. some pages sl.spotted. [L03070-604728] ¥5,250 4101 Mathiot,Madeleine ed. Ethnolinguistics: Boas, Sapir and Whorf Revisited. [Contributions to the Sociology of Language 27] Mouton Publishers, 1979. x,323pp. d.w.sl.chipped. [L02539-604370] ¥8,400 4102 Sapir,Edward The Collected Works of Edward Sapir. Vol. VII. : Wishram Texts and Ethnography. Volume Editor: William Bright. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990. 518pp. With a portrait. [L00569-602956] ¥8,400 4103 (Sapir,Edward) Mandelbaum,David G. ed. Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language Culture Personality. Univ.of California Press, 1963. xv,617pp. Spine of d.w.sl.sunned & torn. Scattered spots to edges & front and rear flyleaves. [L01857-602961] ¥12,600 4104 (Sapir,Edward) Mandelbaum,David G. ed. Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language Culture Personality. Univ.of California Press, 1968. 5th printing. xv,617pp. Dust wrapper and edges foxing. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L02261-602962] ¥12,600 記 号 論 4105 Dornseiff,Franz Bezeichnungswandel unseres Wortschatzes. Ein Blick in das Seelenleben der Sprechenden. Siebente neubearbeitete Auflage von Albert Waag, "Bedeutungsentwicklung unseres Wortschatzes, ein Blick in das Seelenleben der Wörter" Lahr: Moritz Schauenburg Verlag, 1966. xii,226pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0862-600864] ¥4,200 4106 Eco,Umberto Apocalypse Postponed. Edited by Robert Lumley. Indiana UP./ British Film Institute, 1994. First published. vii,227pp. d.w. [L00625-600901] ¥5,040 4107 Greenlee,Douglas Peirce's Concept of Sign. [Approaches to Semiotics Paperback Series 5] The Hague・Paris;Mouton, 1973. 148pp. Printed wrppers. Spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03007-604666] ¥3,150 4108 Hendricks,William O. Essays on Semiolinguistics and Verbal Art. [Approaches to Semiotics. (edited by Thomas A.Sebeok) 37] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1973. 210pp. d.w. [L00221-601424] ¥10,080 4109 Henzen,Walter Die Bezeichnung von Richtung und Gegenrichtung im Deutschen. [Hermaea Germanistische Forschungen. Neue Folge. (Herausgegeben von Helmut de Boor und Hermann Kunisch) Band 23] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1969. ix,310pp. [ds0749-601434] ¥8,400 4110 Koch,Walter A. Vom Morphem zum Textem. From Morpheme to Texteme. Aufsätze zur strukturellen Sprach- und 436 言 語 学 Literaturwissenschaft. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969. x,245pp. Dust wrapper partly chipped. [ds0246-601842] ¥7,560 4111 Kristeva,Julia / Rey-Debove,Josette / Umiker,Donna Jean eds. Essays in Semiotics. Essais de Sémiotique. [Approaches to Semiotics. (edited by Thomas A.Sebeok) 4] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1971. x,639pp. (J.Kristeva, J.Derrida, H.Frank, J.M.Lotman, M.R.Mayenowa, A.Schaff, R.Wells, S.Zolkiewski, M.Coyaud, P.Guiraud, A.Rey, E.V.Padučeva, L.v.Bertalanffy, J.-P.Boons, J.Dubois, J.C.Greene, P.F.Ostwald, J.-B.Pontalis, A.E.Scheflen, Z.Bauman, G.Calame-Griaule, D.H.Hymes, V.Ivanov, B.L.Ogibenin, H.C.Shands, V.Turner, S.Chatman, G.Genette, B.A.Uspenskij, H.Todorov, J.-L.Schefer, C.Metz, H.Hécaen, R.L.Birdwhistell, T.A.Sebeok, G.McBride, Y.Gentilhomme, L.Pszczolowska, T.Venclova, P.Maranda, T.Todorov, J.Levy, P.Fabbri) d.w. [L00206-601887] ¥21,000 4112 Lucid,Daniel P. ed. Soviet Semiotics. An Anthology. Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by Daniel P.Lucid. Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins UP., 1977. viii,259pp. (V.V.Ivanov, Ju.K.Lekomcev, A.A.Zaliznjak, V.N.Toporov, D.M.Segal, M.I.Lekomceva, B.A.Uspenskij, B.F.Egorov, I.I.Revzin, Ju.M.Lotman, T.V.Civ'jan, A.M.Pjatigorskij, A.K.Zolkovskij, Ju.K.Sceglov, O.G.Karpinskaja, Ju.I.Levin) Dust wrapper somewhat stained. [L00766-602090] ¥4,200 4113 Morris,Charles Foundations of the Theory of Signs. Volume Ⅰ.・Noumber 2. [Foundations of the Unity of Science: Toward an International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. Volume I. (In 10 parts and VolumeⅡ. in 9 parts)] Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1970. Twelfth impression. (Published July 1938.) iii,59pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0371-602352] ¥1,680 4114 Nehring,Alfons Sprachzeichen und Sprechakte. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. 2.Reihe] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1963. 227pp. Somewhat sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front e.p. [lk0063-604166] ¥7,350 4115 Nehring,Alfons Sprachzeichen und Sprechakte. [Bibliothek der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft: Neue Folge] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1963. 227pp. Printed wrappers. Covers somewhat sunned. [ds0197-602427] ¥10,080 4116 Nowakowska,Maria Language of Motivation and Language of Actions. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 67] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1973. 272pp. d.w. 26.6x19.3cm. [L02553/L00284-602468] ¥12,600 4117 Sas,Stephan Der Hinkende als Symbol. Mit 20 Abbildungen. [Studien aus dem C.G.Jung-Institut Zürich. XVI] Zürich und Stuttgart: Rascher Verlag, 1964. 152pp. Dust wrapper sunned. [ds1133-602966] ¥5,040 4118 Sebeok,Thomas A. The Sign & Its Masters. Univ.of Texas Press, 1979. xvi,339pp. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed and partly torn. [L00600-603097] ¥4,200 4119 Sebeok,Thomas A., Alfred S.Hayes, & Mary Catherine Bateson eds. Approaches to Semiotics. Cultural Anthoropology・Education・Linguistics・Psychiatry・Psychology. Transactions of the Indiana University Conference on Paralinguistics and Kinesics. [Janua Linguarum・ Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior XV] London,The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1964. 294pp. (Peter F.Ostwald, George F.Mahl, Gene Schulze, Alfred S.Hayes, Weston La Barre, Edward Stankiewicz, Margaret Mead, & others) d.w. 26.5x19.5cm. [L00288-603834] ¥10,080 437 言 語 学 4120 Wheelweight,Philip The Burning Fountain. A Study in the Language of Symbolism. vised edition. 302pp. [L01809-603670] ¥3,150 Indiana UP., 1968. New abd Re- 修 辞 学 4121 Charleston,Britta Marian Studies on the Emotional and Affective Means of Expression in Modern English. [Schweizer Anglistische Arbeiten / Swiss Studies in English. 46. Band] Bern: Francke Verlag, 1960. 357pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Small ink signature to rear flyleaf. Pencil notations and red underlines. [L01333-600615] ¥15,750 4122 Charleston,Britta Marian Studies on the Emotional and Affective Means of Expression in Modern English. [Schweizer Anglistische Arbeiten. Swiss Studies in English. 46. Band] Bern: Francke Verlag, 1960. 357pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Top & fore edges foxed. [L03147-604814] ¥18,900 4123 Gray,Bennison The Grammatical Foundations of Rhetoric. Discourse Analysis.[Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior,51] The Hague, New York, Paris: Mouton Publishers, 1977. xvii,357pp. d.w. [L00219-601230] ¥10,080 4124 Sonnino,Lee A. A Handbook to Sixteenth-Century Rhetoric. London: RKP, 1968. ix,278pp. d.w. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [L01645-603207] ¥8,400 文 体 論 4125 Bailey,Richard W. & Dolores M. Burton English Stylistics: A Bibliography. [L01861-600197] ¥5,250 The MIT Press, 1968. xxii,198pp. Spine of d.w. sl sunned. 4126 Baron,J.M. Sets, Switches and Metaphors. A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Princeton University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Recommended for Acceptance by the Program in Linguistics, June, 1968. An authorized facsimile and was produced by microfilm-xerography in 1971 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan. iii,254pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. Title label of front cover sl.stained. Edges foxing. 21.5x15.7cm. [L02154-600235] ¥3,150 4127 Brooke-Rose,Christine A Grammar of Metaphor. Some foxing through pages. London: Decker & Earburg, 1958. First edition. xi,343pp. d.w.sunned. ¥8,400 [L02456-604319] 4128 Cooper,David E. Metaphor. [Aristotelian Society Series. Vol.5] [L02382-600708] ¥6,300 Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. 282pp. d.w. 438 言 語 学 4129 Crystal,David & Derek Davy Investigating English Style. [English Language Series. (general editor: Randolph Quirk)] Longmans,Green and Co., 1969. First published. xii,264pp. Spine sunned. [L00957-600760] ¥4,200 4130 Crystal,David & Derek Davy Investigating English Style. [English Language Series. (general editor: Randolph Quirk)] mans,Green and Co., 1969. First published. xii,264pp. d.w. [L02440-600761] ¥4,200 Long- 4131 Deutschbein,Max Neuenglische Stilistik. Leipzig: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer, 1932. xii,187pp. Sunned. Many pencil notations. [ds1115-600829] ¥6,720 4132 Godin,Henri J.G. Les Ressources Stylistiques. Du Français Contemporain. Oxford; Basil Blackwell, 1964. Reprinted. viii,223pp. d.w. sl.stained. Top edge stained & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03074-604732] ¥4,200 4133 Kittay,Eva Feder Metaphor. Its Cognitive Force and Linguistic Structure. d.w. [L02459-604321] ¥7,350 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. x,358pp. 4134 Knights,L.C. & Basil Cottle eds. Metaphor and Symbol. Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium of the Colston Reserch Society held in the University of Bristol, March 28th- March 31st, 1960. [Colston Papers Volume XII] London; Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1960. xi,150pp. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Spine stained. Edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Spotted from front end paper to title page, page 13 to page 22, rear fly leaf to rear end paper. Sl. Spotted in some pages. [L03088-604752] ¥8,400 4135 Lambert,D.M. The Semantic Syntax of Metaphor: A Case Grammar Analysis. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The University of Michigan 1969. An authorized facsimile and was produced by microfilm-xerography in 1971 by University Microfilms, A Xerox Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan. xiv,543pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. Title label of front cover somewhat stained. Edges foxing. 20.2x15.7cm. [L02153-601943] ¥5,250 4136 Ricoeur,Paul The Rule of Metaphor. Multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of meaning in language. Translated by Robert Czerny with Kathleen McLaughlin and John Costello, SJ. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978. viii,384pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L02402-604293] ¥7,350 4137 Röhrich, Lutz Gebärde-Metapher-Parodie. Studien zur Sprache und Volksdichtung. [Supplement of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volum 20] The University of Vermont, 2006. viii,238pp. Printed wrappers. Fine condition. [L02991-604650] ¥6,300 4138 Rudskoger,Arne Plain. A Study in Co-Text and Context. [ACTA Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English XXII] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. 223pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl. sunned. Scattered foxing to edges. [L01672-602910] ¥9,450 4139 Seidler,Herbert Allgemeine Stilistik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1953. 366pp. Printed wrappers. Uncut. The spine sunned & partly missing. [ds0951-603113] ¥6,720 4140 Seidler,Herbert Allgemeine Stilistik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963. 2.,neubearbeitete Auflage. 359pp. Top edge yellow. d.w. [ds0787-603114] ¥10,080 439 言 語 学 4141 Seidler,Herbert Allgemeine Stilistik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963. 2.,neubearbeitete Auflage. 359pp. Printed wrappers. Pencil notation to the margin of p.7. [L02675-604563] ¥6,300 4142 Toolan,Michael The Stylistics of Fiction. A Literary-Linguistic Approach. London, New York; Routledge, 1990. xi,339pp. d.w. Red underlines to several pages. [L01584-603412] ¥5,250 4143 Ullmann,Stephen Language and Style. Collected Papers by Stephen Ullmann. [Language and Style series I] Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1964. viii,270pp. Dust wrapper and edges foxing. Pencil notations. [lk0201-604265] ¥4,200 4144 Vinay,J.-P. / Darbelnet,J. Stylistique Comparée du Français et de l'Anglais. Méthode de Traduction. [Bibliothèque de Stylistique Comparée. (sous la directiion de A.Malblanc) I] Paris: Didier, 1963. Nouvelle édition corrigée. 331pp. The spine somewhat sunned. [L00817-603527] ¥7,560 翻 訳 4145 Nida,Eugene A. Language Structure and Translation. Essays by Eugene A.Nida. Selected and Introduced by Anwar S.Dil. [Language Science and National Development Series] Stanford UP., 1975. Original edition. xiv,283pp. Spine of d.w. sl.sunned and sl. chipped. Small ink notation on rear flyleaf. Some scatterd spots to edges. D.w. [L01798-602442] ¥6,300 4146 Nida,Eugene A. Language Structure and Translation. Essays by Eugene A.Nida. Selected and Introduced by Anwar S.Dil. [Language Science and National Development Series] Stanford UP., 1975. xiv,283pp. Dust wrapper partly sunned. Stamped on title page. [L00886-602443] ¥5,250 4147 Nida,Eugene A. Toward a Science of Translating. With Special reference to Principles and Procedured Involved in Bible Translating. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1964. x,331pp. [L00251-602447] ¥15,120 4148 Steiner,George After Babel. Aspects of Language and Translation. Oxford UP., 1975. viii,507pp. Frontis. Dust wrapper sl.torn. Top edge orange. [L01217-603254] ¥6,720 4149 1961 International Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis. Symposium No.13. Proceeding of the conference held at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, on 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th September. Vol.I & II. 2 vols. London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1962. vii,401pp. / 403-747pp. (G.Sutherland, A.M.Uttley, S.Kuno, F.R.Parker-Rhodes, S.Ceccato, V.H.Yngve, S.Chatman, E.S.Klima, J.Barton, M.Emile Delavenay, F.L.Alt, I.Rhodes, M.E.Sherry, M.Zarechnak, W.Plath, W.D.Foust, J.Walkling, R.See, R.P.Mitchell, B.Zonta, J.H.Wahlgren, L.Summers, Y.Lecerf, L.R.Micklesen, D.W.Davies, A.M.Day, J.McDaniel, S.Whelan, P.Meile, G.W.King, A.Janiotis, H.H.Josselson, K.Sparck-Jones, M.Masterman, I.Lynch, A.G.Oettinger, E.V.Glasersfeld, G.H.Mattherws, E.K.Charney, M.Levison, D.G.Hays, I.Sakai, H.Wooster, O.S.Kulagina, R.Tabory, P.L.Garvin, S.Mcd.Lamb, K.E.Harper, G.Stalton, R.W.Thorpe, D.S.Worth) Printed wrappers. 23.5x17cm. [L00263-603831] ¥12,600 440 言 語 学 さまざまな英語 古期英語 音声学 ・ 音韻論 文 法 中期英語 文 法 441 446 446 449 451 近代英語 各地の英語 アメリカ英語 イギリス英語 スラング他 452 454 456 458 460 古期英語 4150 Anderson,Marjorie & Blanche Colton Williams Old English HandBook. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1935. vii,503pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Spine sl.stained. Edges sl.foxed & somewhat spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Title page spotted. Some pages spotted. Small ink notation in rear flyleaf. [L03307-605151] ¥8,400 4151 Anderson,Marjorie & Blanche Colton Williams Old English HandBook. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1963. Renewed. vii,503pp. Top & fore edges somewhat spotted. Edges sl.foxed. A small stamp by former owner on front flyleaf. [L03335-605179] ¥12,600 4152 Bacquet,Paul La Structure de la Phrase Verbale a l'Époque Alfrédienne. [Publications de la faculté des lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg 145] Paris: Société d'Édition《Les Belles Lettres》, 1962. 775pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned, partly torn and chipped. Small stamp on half title page and small date stamp on rear flyleaf. 25x16.5cm. [L01458-600185] ¥15,750 4153 Bacquet,Paul La Structure de la Phrase Verbale a l'Époque Alfrédienne. [Publications de la faculté des lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg 145] Paris: Édition Ophrys, n.d. 775pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned and fore edge sl.spotted. Small ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. 25x16.5cm. [L01459-600186] ¥15,750 4154 Bacquet,Paul La Structure de la Phrase Verbale a l'Époque Alfrédienne. [Publications de la faculté des lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg. Fascicule 145.] Paris: Édition Ophrys, [1962] 775pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned & chipped. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03344-605188] ¥15,750 4155 Barney, Stephen A. Word-Hoard. An Introduction to Old English Vocabulary. Yale UP., 1977. Second printing. xv,108pp. Printed wrappers sl.spotted. Spine & rear cover sunned. All edges spotted. Stamped in half title page. Some pages spotted. [L02981-604640] ¥4,200 4156 Barney,Stephen A. Word-Hoard. An Introduction to Old English Vocabulary. With the Assistance of Ellen Wertherimer and David Stevens. Yale UP., 1977. xv,108pp. All edged spotted. Ink signature by former owner to front flyleaf with a small stamp. [L01489-600232] ¥4,200 4157 Barney,Stephen A. Word-Hoard. An Introduction to Old English Vocabulary. With the Assistance of Ellen Wertherimer and David Stevens. Yale UP., 1977. xv,108pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned. [L02861-604495] ¥3,150 4158 Brook,G.L. An Introduction to Old English. Manchester UP., 1962. Second edition. xi,138pp. Spine of d.w.sl.sunned. Verso of page'xi' sl.stained. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [L01503-600468] ¥2,520 441 言 語 学 4159 (Cassidy,Frederic G.)Edited by Joan H. Hall, Nick Doane and Dick Ringler Old English and New. Studies in Language and Linguistics in Honor of Frederic G. Cassidy. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1992. xliv,460pp. (Contributors:Robert D. Stevick, George Clerk, Robert Payson Creed, E.G. Stanley, Mary P. Richards et al.) (Others:James W. Earl, Donald K. Fry, Roberta Frank, Tim William Machan, Barbara Lalla, Richard Allsopp, Salikoko S. Mufwene, John R. Rickford, Jean D'Costa, John Holn, Lise Winter, Allen Walker Read, Robert Burchfied, Thomas J. Creswell &Virginia G. Mcdavid, John Algeo, Richard W. Bailey, Dennis R. Preston, Michael Montgomery, Lawrence T. Martin, Lee Pederson, William A. Kretzschmar,Jr., Guy Bailey ) Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02942-604601] ¥6,300 4160 (Cassidy,Frederic G.)Edited by Joan H. Hall, Nick Doane and Dick Ringler Old English and New. Studies in Language and Linguistics in Honor of Frederic G. Cassidy. New York & London; Garland Publishing, Inc, 1992. xliv,460pp. Condition near fine. [L02964-604623] ¥6,300 4161 Clark,Cecily ed. The Peterborough Chronicle. 1070-1154. Oxford at Clarendon Press, 1970. Second edition. lxxxvi,136pp. d.w. foxed & sl.chipped. Edges spotted. Top edge foxed. The others sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves spotted. Some pages somewhat spotted. [L03320-605164] ¥5,250 4162 Clark,John W. Early English. A Study of Old and Middle English. [The Language Library] Andre Deutsch, 1957. First published. 176pp. Sub-title of d.w.: An Introduction to Old and Middle English. Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [L02094-600668] ¥4,200 4163 Clark,John W. Early English. A Study of Old and Middle English. [The Language Library] Andre Deutsch, 1967. Revised edition. 174pp. Sub-title of d.w.: An Introduction to Old and Middle English. Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [L02093-600669] ¥4,200 4164 Clark,John W. Early English. A Study of Old and Middle English. [p404-600670] ¥4,200 Andre Deutsch, 1970. 174pp. d.w. 4165 Clark,John W. Early English. A Study of Old and Middle English. [The Language Library] Andre Deutsch, 1970. Revised and second impression. 174pp. d.w. Some spots to edges. Stamped on front flyleaf & half title page and title page. [L02389-600667] ¥3,150 4166 Clark,John W. Early English. A Study of Old and Middle English. [The Language Library. Edited by Eric Partridge] Andre Deutsch, 1957. First published. 176pp. Sub-title of d.w.: An Introduction to Old and Middle English. d.w. sl.stained & chipped. Its spine sunned. Spine foxed & spotted. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & spotted. Half title page & page 176 sl.spotted. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03316-605160] ¥4,200 4167 Cook,Albert S. A First Book in Old English. Grammar, Reader, Notes, and Vocabulary. London: Ginn & Co., 1921. Third edition. xiv,330pp. Spine somewhat rubbed and covers sl.stained. Pencil notatios to several pages. 17.2x12.2cm. [L01500-600707] ¥2,520 4168 Diamond,Robert E. Old English: Grammar and Reader. [A Savoyard Book] Detroit: Wayne State UP., 1970. 304pp. Spine of d.w.sunned and chipped. [L02901-604538] ¥6,300 4169 Fujiwara,Hiroshi(藤原博) Collected Papers on Word Order and Infinitive in English. [Gakushuin Series of Treatises 2] Gakushuin, 1978. vii,287pp. With a slip case (sunned). [L01643-601120] ¥8,400 442 言 語 学 4170 Harmer, F.E. The Ward Bequest. Anglo-Saxon Writs. Manchester UP., 1952. xxii,604pp. d.w. sl.chipped, stained. Its spine sunned. Top edges stained & sl.spotted. Foxed from verso of half title page to title page. Rear joint sl.loosened [L02969-604628] ¥5,250 4171 Hedberg,Johannes The Syncope of the Old English Present Endings. A Dialect Criterion. [Lund Studies in English 12] Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup / London: Williams & Norgate / Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1945. 310pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. [L02158-601396] ¥15,750 4172 Hiroshi,Ogawa Studies in the History of Old English Prose. Tokyo; Nan'Un-Do, 2000. First published. viii,294pp. d.w. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaves. Fine as new. [L03306-605150] ¥5,250 4173 Holthausen,Ferdinand Altenglisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Zweite, bis auf das Literaturverzeichnis unveränderte Auflage. [Germanische Bibliothek. Zweite Reihe: Wörterbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag,1963. xxxvi,428pp. Cloth boards. Covers sl.spotted, rubbed & partly torn. Spine sunned & sl.stained. Top edge foxed & somewhat spotted. Fore edge somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. Lower edge sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & somewhat spotted. Half title page, title page, page 427 & 428 sl.spotted. Margin of pages somewhat foxed. [L03327-605171] ¥9,450 4174 Holthausen,Ferdinand Altenglisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Zweite, bis auf das Literaturverzeichnis unveränderte Auflage. [Germanische Bibliothek. Zweite Reihe: Wörterbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag,1963. xxxvi,428pp. Rear cover somewhat spotted. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small stamp by former owner on front flyleaf. E.ps., flyleaves & half title page halfly foxed & sl.spotted. [L03333-605177] ¥12,600 4175 Jackson,Kenneth Language and History in Early Britain. A Chronological Survey of the Brittonic Languages 1st to 12th c.A.D. [Edinburgh University Publications: Language and Literature 4] Edinburgh at the University Press, 1963. xxvi,752pp. Dust wrapper sl.chipped. [L02464-601587] ¥15,750 4176 Jackson,Kenneth Language and History in Early Britain. A Chronological Survey of the Brittonic Languages 1st to 12th c.A.D. [Edinburgh University Publications: Language and Literature 4] Edinburgh at the University Press, 1971. Reprinted. xxvi,752pp. Dust wrapper sl.darkened. Top & fore edges spotted. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01527-601588] ¥15,750 4177 Kispert,Robert J. Old English. An Introduction. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971. x,275pp. With illus. [L02190/L01477-601797] ¥4,200 4178 Kispert,Robert J. Old English. An Introduction. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971. x,275pp. With illus. Covers somewhat spotted. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01515-601798] ¥4,200 4179 Lass,Roger Old English. A historical linguistic companion. Cambridge University Press, 1994. First published. xx,300pp. Printed wrappers. Fine as new. [L03339-605183] ¥4,200 4180 Lohmander,Ingegerd Old and Middle English Words for 'Disgrace' and 'Dishonour'. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Gothenburg Studies in English 49] Göteborg, 1981. 228pp. Printed wrappers. [L01302-602080] ¥12,600 443 言 語 学 4181 Manabe,Kazumi Syntax and Style in Early English. Finite and Non-finite Clauses C 900-1600. Tokyo: Kaibunsya, 1979. 184pp. Spine of d.w.sl.sunned. Red underlined to several pages. [L01816-602141] ¥5,250 4182 McLaughlin,John C. A Graphemic-Phonemic Study of a Middle English Manuscript. 1963. 162pp. Dust wrapper sunned. [L01479-602245] ¥7,560 The Hague: Mouton & Co., 4183 Meritt,Herbert Dean Some of the Hardest Glosses in Old Englsih. Stanford UP., 1968. xiii,130pp. Cover sl.stained. Spine sunned. Top edge foxed. Edges sl.spotted. Spotted from front fly leaf to verso of half title page, page 130 to rear end papers. [L03012-604671] ¥8,400 4184 Mitchell, Bruce A Guide to Old English. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1971. Second edition, reprinted with corrections. xvi,176pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small date stamp on p.176. [L01511-602328] ¥5,040 4185 Mitchell,Bruce A Guide to Old English. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1965. xvi,160pp. Red underlined. Spine of d.w,sunned. [L01481-602325] ¥2,520 4186 Mitchell,Bruce On Old English. Selected Papers. Basil Blackwell, 1988. First published. x,363pp. (Beowulf, Cædmon, The Wanderer, The Searare, & other poems, Old English Language, Conclusion.) d.w. [L01485/L01493-602333] ¥10,080 4187 Mitchell,Bruce & Fred C.Robinson A Guide to Old English. Revised with Texts and Glossary. [p386-602330] ¥5,040 Basil Blackwell, 1982.xiv,271pp. d.w. 4188 (Myres, J.N.L.)Edited By Evison,Vera I. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. Essays presented to J.N.L.Myres. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1981. vii,254pp. (Cotributors:Hans Neumann, Egil Bakka, Peter Schmid, Albert Genrich, Hans-Jürgen Hässler, Catherine M. Hills, Vera I. Evison, Leslie Alcock, Barbara Green, W.F.Milligan, and Stanley E. West, David Brown, John G. Hurst) d.w. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. With some figures & plates. 25.3x19.7cm. [L02940-604599] ¥12,600 4189 Nickel,Gerhard Die Expanded Form im Altenglischen. Vorkommen, Funktion und Herkunft der Umschreibung beon/wesan+Partizip Präsens. [Kieler Beiträge zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik] Neumünster; Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1966. 400pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Top edge sunned & spotted. (教授資 格論文) [L02975-604634] ¥12,600 4190 Nishiwaki,J./ Kuriyagawa,F. (西脇順三郎、厨川文夫) A Primer of Old English Grammar. 古代英語文法 Tokyo: Bunshudo(文修堂), 1935. viii,201pp,36pp. (Index) Some foxing of pages. [L01856-602457] ¥12,600 4191 Peinovich,Michael P. Old English Noun Morphology. A Diachronic Study. [North-Holland Linguistic Series. (Edited by S.C.Dik and S.A.Thompson) 41] North-Holland Publishing Co., 1979. xii,243pp. Some foxing of pages. [L01616-602620] ¥9,450 4192 Plummer,Charles & John Earle Two of the Saxon Chronicles. Parallel. With Supplementary Extracts from the Others. A Revised Text. Edited, With Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and Glossary by Charles Plummer, On the basis of an Edition by John Earle. Vol. I.-Text, Appendices and Glossary. Vol.II.-Introduction, Notes, and Index. 2 vols. Oxford at Clarendon Press, 1965. Reprint. First published 1892,1899. 444 言 語 学 clv,463pp./xiv,420pp. Dark red cloth. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Top & fore edges foxed & sl.spotted. Lower edge sl.foxed. Vol.II; Spine sl.torn at upper part. [L03329-605173] ¥12,600 4193 Raith,Josef Untersuchungen zum englischen Aspekt. I. Teil: Grundsätzliches Altenglisch. [Studien und Texte zur Englischen Philologie 1] München: Max Hueber, 1951. vi,116pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Joint of front & rear cover partly torn. Ink signature to front flyleaf by the author. Small stamp on title page by former owner, and small date stamp on recto of rear cover with notation. Ink notation to spine (partly missing). [ds1343-602792] ¥3,360 4194 Robinson,Orrin W. Old English and Its Closest Relatives. A Survey of the Eariest Germanic Languages. UP.,1992. ix,290pp. d.w. Edges sl.foxed. [L03318-605162] ¥8,400 Stanford 4195 Standop,Ewald Syntax und Semantik der Modalen Hilfsverben im Altenglischen. Magan,Motan,Sculan,Willan. [Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 38. Heft] Bochum-Langendreer; Verlag Heinrich Pöppinghaus OHG, 1957. 178pp. Printed wrappers. Spine & covers sunned. Top & fore edges foxed. Pencil notation in some pages. Detached from title page to page 10. Some pages nearly detached. [L03046-604705] ¥12,600 4196 Süsskand,Peter Geschichte des Unbestimmten Artikels im Alt- und Frühmittelenglischen. [Studien zur English Philologie: Heft LXXXV] Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1935. x,187pp. Printed Wrappers.Spine repaired with tape and wrote the title of this book. Covers sunned and partly damp stained. Small notation to rear cover. [L01018-603313] ¥4,200 4197 Süsskand,Peter Geschichte des Unbestimmten Artikels im Alt- und Frühmittelenglischen. [Studien zur English Philologie: Heft LXXXV] Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1935. x,187pp. Printed Wrappers, sunned. Front cover partly missing and rear cover missing. [L02330-603314] ¥4,200 4198 Tengstrand,Erik A Contribution to the Study of Genitival Composition in Old English Place-Names. Inaugural Dissertation. By due Permission of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Uppsala to be Publicly Discussed in English in Lecture Room 4, on April 13, 1940, at 10 O'clock A.M. for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. [Domina Germanica. Arkiv för Germansk Namnforskning Utgivet av Jöran Sahlgren. 7.] Uppsala; Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri, 1940. lxvii,353pp. Printed wrappers sl.chipped & partly sunned. Front cover folded. Edges sl.foxed. Top & fore edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownerhsip signature to title page. [L03312-605156] ¥16,800 4199 Trautmann,Moritz Die Altenglischen Rätsel. (Die Rätsel des Exeterbuchs) Herausgegeben, Erläutert und mit Wörterverzeichnis Versehen von Moritz Trautmann. Mit 16 Seiten der Handschrift auf Tafeln. [Alt- und Mittelenglische Texte. 8] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung / New York: G.E.Stechert & Co., 1915. xix,201pp.+図版 Printed wrappers. Spine sunned & sl.chipped. Edges somewhat foxed. Stamps by former owner on title page & last page. [L03334-605178] ¥6,300 4200 Watanabe,Hideki (渡辺 秀樹) Metaphorical and Formulaic Expressions in Old English Reconsidered: with Special Reference to Poetic Compounds and their Modern English Counterparts. Eihōsha (英宝社), 2005. v,266pp. d.w. s.stained. A label pasted on front e.p. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Presented to the former owner by the auther. [L03310-605154] ¥4,200 4201 Whitelock,Dorothy ed. English Historical Documents. c. 500-1042. [English Historical Documents. General Editor David C.Douglas. Volume I] London; Eyre Methuen, New York; OUP, 1979. Second edition. xxix,952pp. d.w. sl.stained, rubbed & chipped. Edges sl.foxed. [L03319-605163] ¥12,600 445 言 語 学 4202 Wrander,Nils English Place-Names in the Dative Plural. [Lund Studies in English 65] 1983. 170pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. [L02882-604517] ¥6,300 Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup, 音声学 ・ 音韻論 4203 Brosnahan,L.F. Some Old English Sound Changes. An Analysis in the Light of Modern Phonetics. Cambridge: W.Heffer and Sons Ltd., n.d. (c.1953) Proefschrift. x,141pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Pencil notations to several pages and small ink notation to rear flyleaf. [L01342-600477] ¥5,040 4204 Kaminashi,Keiko Stress Theory and Phonology in Old and Middle English. Tokyo; Liber Press, 1996. xviii,297pp. d.w. Top edge sl.stained. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03305-605149] ¥5,250 4205 Lass,Roger & John M.Anderson Old English Phonology. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics] Cambridge UP., 1975. First published. xv,326pp. d.w. Its spine sunned. Rear part of d.w. somewhat spotted. Front part of d.w. partly torn & repaired with tape. Edges sl.foxed. Top & fore edges sl.spotted. [L03340-605184] ¥8,400 4206 Toon,Thomas E. The Politics of Early Old English Sound Change. [Quantitative Analyses of Linguistic Structure] NY & London: Academic Press, 1983. xv,229pp. Dust wrapper sl.torn. [L01490-603413] ¥10,080 文 法 4207 Zupitza,Julius ed. Aelfrics Grammatik und Glossar. Text und Varianten. mit einem Vorwort von Helmut Gneuss. Berlin/Zürich/Dublin; Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung Max Niehans Verlag, 1966. 2. unveränderte Auflage. xv,322pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Top edge green. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. Foxed from title page to page iii, in page 321,322. [L03332-605176] ¥12,600 4208 Andrew,S.O. Syntax and Style in Old English. NY: Russell & Russell,1966. 112pp. [L01840-600136] ¥8,400 4209 Andrew,S.O. Syntax and Style in Old English. NY: Russell & Russell, 1966. 112pp. Spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Top edge stained & spotted. Fore edge foxed. Some page sl.spotted. Pencil notations in some pages. [L03015-604674] ¥6,300 4210 Bean,Marian C. The Development of Word Order Patterns in Old English. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series] Croom Helm / Barnes & Noble Books, 1983. First published. 150pp. d.w. Rear flap somewhat spotted. [L01817-600258] ¥6,300 4211 Bean,Marian C. The Development of Word Order Patterns in Old English. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series. Edited by James R.Hurford and John A. Hawkins] London & Canberra; Croom Helm / New Jersey; Barnes & Noble Books, 1983. First published. 150pp. d.w. sl.foxed. Pencil underlines in several pages. [L03317-605161] ¥6,300 4212 Bean,Marian C. The Development of Word Order Patterns in Old English. [Croom Helm Linguistics Series. Edited by James R.Hurford and John A. Hawkins] London & Canberra; Croom Helm / New Jersey; Barnes & Noble Books, 1983. First published. 150pp. d.w. sl.foxed. [L03338-605182] ¥6,300 446 言 語 学 4213 Brunner,Karl Altenglische Grammatik nach der Angelsachsischen Grammatik von Eduard Sievers. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A.Hauptreihe. Nr.3] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1965. x,436pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner with a small stamp. [ds1353-600496] ¥6,720 4214 Brunner,Karl Altenglische Grammatik Nach der Angelsachsischen Grammatik von Eduard Sievers. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. Fortgeführt von Karl Helm. (Herausgegeben von Helmut de Boor) A.Hauptreihe Nr.3] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1965. Dritte, Neubearbeitete Auflage. x,436pp. Marin of covers partly foxed. Spine foxed & spotted. Print of title at spine partly rubbed & faded. Top edge foxed & spotted. Fore edge somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. Lower edge sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. [L03270-605114] ¥6,300 4215 Brunner,Karl Altenglische Grammatik Nach der Angelsachsischen Grammatik von Eduard Sievers. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. Fortgeführt von Karl Helm. (Herausgegeben von Helmut de Boor) A.Hauptreihe Nr.3] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1965. Dritte, Neubearbeitete Auflage. x,436pp. Spine sl.sunned. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Flyleaves & half title page somewhat foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves somewhat spotted. Small stamps by former owner on flyleaves. [L03337-605181] ¥8,400 4216 Campbell,A Old English Grammar. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1964. xiv,423pp. Edges foxed. Fore edge stained. Spotted from front end paper to half title page, verso of page 423 to rear end paper. [L03020-604679] ¥4,200 4217 Campbell,A. Old English Grammar. OUP, 1959. xiv,423pp. d.w. Flyleaves sl.spotted and all edges sunned. Ink signature to rear flyleaf by former owner. [L01513-600554] ¥6,720 4218 Campbell,A. Old English Grammar. OUP, 1959. xiv,423pp. Spine of d.w. sl sunned. Edges foxing. Joints of title page started. [L02895-604534] ¥8,400 4219 Campbell,A. Old English Grammar. OUP, 1977. several pages. [L01791-600556] ¥5,250 xiv,423pp. Spine of d.w. sl sunned. Red underlined to 4220 Frary, Louise Grace Studies in the Syntax of the Old English Passive with Special Reference to the Use of Wesan and Weorđan. [Supplement to Language, Journal of the Linguistics Society of America Language Dissertations] New York; Kraus Reprint, 1966. Reprinted. 79pp. Printed wrappers. Spine & all edges sunned. Top edge sl.spotted. [L02977-604636] ¥3,150 4221 Gardner,Faith F. An Analysis of Syntactic Patterns of Old English. [Janua Linguarum. Series Pratica, 140] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1971. 85pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sunned, particularly at spine. Rear cover stained. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. All edges foxed. Top edge sl.stained & spotted. Foxed from front end paper to half title page, last page of publisher's bibliography to rear end parer. [L03056-604715] ¥5,250 4222 Gardner,Faith F. An Analysis of Syntactic Patterns of Old English. [Janua Linguarum. Series Practica, 140] The Hague・Paris; Mouton, 1971. 85pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Edges of covers sl.rubbeed. All edges foxed. Stamp & small ink signature by former owner to half title page. Partly foxed from front end paper to title page, page of publisher's bibliography to rear end paper. [L03062-604721] ¥5,250 4223 Hallander, Lars-G. Old English Verbs in "-sian". A Semantic and Derivational Study. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmien447 言 語 学 sis: Stockholm Studies in English. XV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1966. 619pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L01299-601316] ¥29,400 4224 Hallander, Lars-G. Old English Verbs in "-sian". A Semantic and Derivational Study. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English XV] Stockholm; Almqvist & Wiksell, 1966. 619pp. Printed wrappers. Spine & rear cover sunned. Top edge foxed & sl.spotted. [L02983-604642] ¥21,000 4225 Lindemann, J.W. Richard Old English Preverbal Ge-: Its Meaning. Charlottesville; The University Press of Virginia, 1970. First published. viii,71pp. Printed Wrappers. Spine sunned. Edges sl.spotted. [L02971-604630] ¥4,200 4226 Millward,Celia M. Imperative Constructions in Old English. [Janua Linguarum. Series Practica 124] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1971. 73pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sunned. Its edges sl.rubbed. Top & fore edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Foxed & sl.spotted from front end paper to title page, page 72 to rear end paper. [L03060-604719] ¥5,250 4227 Millward,Celia M. Imperative Constructions in Old English. [Janua Linguarum. Series Practica, 124] The Hague, Paris; Mouton, 1971. 73pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sunned & sl.chipped. Its edges sl.rubbed. All edges foxed & sl.spotted. Partly foxed from rear end paper to verso of title page, page of index to rear end paper. [L03063-604722] ¥5,250 4228 Mitchell,Bruce Old English Syntax. Vol.1: Concord, the Parts of Speech,and the Sentence. Vol.2: Subordination Independent Elements,and Element Order. 2vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Reprinted with further corrections. lxiv,820pp./ xlv,1080pp. Edges sl.stained. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. 24.2x16.2cm. [L03345-605189] ¥84,000 4229 Pilch,Herbert Altenglische Grammatik. Dialektologie, Phonologie, Morphologie, Syntax. [Commentations Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae, I,1] München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1970. 1.Aufl. 267pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. Small date stamp on publisher's ad. [ds1341-602669] ¥4,200 4230 Pilch,Herbert Altenglische Grammatik. Dialektologie, Phonologie, Morphologie, Syntax. [Commentations Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae, I,1] München: Max Hueber Verlag, 1970. 1.Aufl. 267pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. Small ink signature to verso of half title page by former owner with a small stamp. [ds1342-602670] ¥4,200 4231 Pillsbury,Paul W. Descriptive Analysis of Discourse in late West Saxon Texts. [janua Linguarum. Series Practica, XLIV] The Hague・Paris; Mouton, 1967. 91pp. Printed wrappers. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. Rear cover spotted. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed. Top & lower edges sl.spotted. Foxed from front end paper to half title page, verso of page 91 to rear end paper. Sl.spotted in both half title page & its verso, page 91 & its verso. [L03061-604720] ¥6,300 4232 Sievers,Eduard Abriss der Angelsächsischen Grammatik. Halle a.S.: Verlag von Max Niemeyer, 1904. Dritte Auflage. 62pp. Rebound. Joint of this copy damaged. Many notations. [ds1078-603158] ¥1,680 4233 Sievers,Eduard / Brunner,Karl Altenglische Grammatik Nach der Angelsachsischen Grammatik. Newbearbeitet von Karl Brunner.[Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A. Hauptreihe Nr.3] Halle(saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1951. Zweite, revidierte auflage der neubearbeitung. x,468pp. Ex-library stamped on verso of title page. [i017-603165] ¥8,400 448 言 語 学 4234 Sievers,Eduard / Brunner,Karl Altenglische Grammatik Nach der Angelsachsischen Grammatik. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A. Hauptreihe Nr.3] Max Niemeyer, Dritte, Neubearbeitete Auflage, 1965. Dritte,newbearbeitete auflage. 436pp. Stamped on Title Page and Bottom Edge. Text Good. 17. 5 x 11. 5cm [LA059-603167] ¥12,600 4235 Wagner,Karl Heinz Generative Grammatical Studies in the Old English Language. [Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek Band XI] Heidelbelg; Julius Groos Verlag, 1969. viii,298pp. Printed wrappers. Covers somewhat stained & sl.rubbed. Edges somewhat foxed. Small stamp by former owner on title page. Somewhat spotted inside the cover. Margin of pages sl.foxed. With bibliography of publisher. [L03336-605180] ¥8,400 4236 Wardale,E.E. An Old English Grammar. London: Methuen & Co., 1931. Third edition. ix,146pp. All edges sunned. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01504-603580] ¥2,520 4237 Weman, Bertil Old English Semantic Analysis and Theory. With Special Reference to Verbs Denoting Locomotion. Lund Studies in English. I. Kraus Reprint, 1967. 187pp. Spine sunned. Top edge stained & sl.spotted. Fore edge foxed. [L02982-604641] ¥5,250 4238 Wright,Joseph & Elizabeth Mary Wright Old English Grammar. Third edition. [The Students' Series of Historical and Comparative Grammars] Oxford UP., Humphrey Milford, 1934. Reprinted. xv,372pp. Ink signature to rear flyleaf by former owner with a cash-register receipt pasted on. [L01505-603744] ¥3,360 4239 Wright,Joseph & Elizabeth Mary Wright Old English Grammar. Third edition. Oxford UP., 1967. Reprinted. xv,372pp. d.w. sl.sunned. Some foxing to edges. [L02388-604288] ¥4,200 4240 Wright,Joseph & Elizabeth Mary Wright Old English Grammar. Third edition. Oxford UP., 1961. Reprinted. xv,372pp. Covers sl.stained & sl.rubbed at corners. Spine sunned. Top & fore edges foxed & sl.potted. Lower edge sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves, page 370 to 372 sl.spotted. [L03330-605174] ¥4,200 4241 Wright,Joseph & Elizabeth Mary Wright Old English Grammar. Third edition. [The Students' Series of Historical and Comparative Grammars Edited by Joseph Wright] Oxford UP., Humphrey Milford, 1925. xv,372pp. Spine sunned. Edges foxed & sl.stained. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & sl.spotted. Ink ownership signature to rear flyleaf. Title page & half title page sl.spotted. Joint of page 371 started. Pencil notations in page iii. Red & blue pencil notations, underlines from page 1 to 13. [L03331-605175] ¥4,200 中期英語 4242 Ausbüttel,Erich Das Persönliche Geschlecht Unpersönlicher Substantiva. Einschliesslich der Tiernamen im Mittel-Englischen seit dem Aussterben des Grammatischen Geschlechts. Halle a.s.: Druck von Ehrhardt Karras, 1904. Inaugural-dissertation. xii,135pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned and chipped. Joint of front & rear cover partly torn. Small stamp on title page by former owner, and small date stamp on recto of rear cover with notation. Ink notation to spine (partly missing). [ds1344-600171] ¥6,720 4243 (Dobson,E.J.) Stanley,E.G. & Douglas Gray eds. Five Hundred Years of Words and Sounds for E.J.Dobson. A Festschrift fo Eric Dobson. 449 言 語 学 D.S.Brewer & Biblio, 1983. 177pp. (contributors: J.Bately, A.Bliss, S.R.T.O.d'Ardenne, N.Davis, J.Frankis, P.Gradon, D.Gray, R.Hamer, A.Hudson, P.Ingham, I.Koskenniemi, B.Millett, T.F.Mustanoja, M.B.Parkes, V.Salmon, C.Sisam, E.G.Stanley, B.Sundby, A.Ward, A.Zettersten) With forntis. d.w. Small name stamped on flyleaf. [L01611-600858] ¥7,350 4244 (Dobson,E.J.) Stanley,E.G. & Douglas Gray eds. Five Hundred Years of Words and Sounds for E.J.Dobson. A Festschrift fo Eric Dobson. D.S.Brewer & Biblio, 1983. 177pp. (contributors: J.Bately, A.Bliss, S.R.T.O.d'Ardenne, N.Davis, J.Frankis, P.Gradon, D.Gray, R.Hamer, A.Hudson, P.Ingham, I.Koskenniemi, B.Millett, T.F.Mustanoja, M.B.Parkes, V.Salmon, C.Sisam, E.G.Stanley, B.Sundby, A.Ward, A.Zettersten) With forntis. Dust wrapper sl.faded. [L02192-600859] ¥8,400 4245 Jacobson,Rodolfo The London Dialect of the Late Fourteenth Century. A Transformational Analysis in Historical Linguistics. [Janua Linguarum. Series Practica 97] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. 193pp. Printed wrappers. Small ink signature to half title page with a small stamp by former owner. Spine sunned. Margin of rear cover sl.torn. [L01395-601599] ¥15,120 4246 Jones,Charles An Introduction to Middle English. [L01517-601687] ¥4,200 Holt,Rinhart and Winston, 1972. xi,228pp. With illus. 4247 Jones,Charles An Introduction to Middle English. Holt,Rinehart and Winston, 1972. xi,228pp. With illus. Rear cover stained. Spine sunned. Top edge stained. Fore edge sl.foxed. All edges sl. Spotted. Spotted from half title page to page 1, page 183 to page 228. [L03017-604676] ¥4,200 4248 Jönsjö,Jan Studies on Middle English Nicknames: I; Compounds. [Lund Studies in English 55] C.W.K.Gleerup, n.d. (c.1979) Doctoral Dissertation. 226pp. Printed wrappers. [L01375-601702] ¥10,080 4249 Jordan,Richard Handbuch der mittelenglischen Grammatik. Lautlehre Dritte aufrlage. ter/Universitatsverlag, 1968. xii,308pp. [L02018-601709] ¥6,300 Heidelberg:Carl Win- 4250 Kihlbom,Asta A Contribution to the Study of Fifteenth Century English I. Inaugural Dissertation. [Uppsala Universitets Årsskrift 1926. Filosofi, Språkvetenskap och Historiska Vetenskaper. 7.] Uppsala; A.-B. Lundequistska Bokhandeln, 1926. xxxi,201pp. Printed wrappers sl.chipped. Front cover sl.foxed. Spine foxed. Edges foxed & somewhat spotted. With bibliography of publisher in rear cover, inside covers. Small ink ownership signature to title page. [L03313-605157] ¥10,500 4251 Knapp,Peggy A. Time-Bound Words. Semantic and Social Economies from Chaucer's England to Shakespeare's. Macmillan Press & St.Martin's Press, 2000. vii,224pp. d.w. [L02182-601824] ¥5,250 4252 Leisi,Ernst Die tautologischen Wortpaare in Caxton's "Eneydos". zur Synchronischen Bedeutungs- und Ursachenforschung. New York; Hafner Publishing Company, 1947. 140pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned & sl.chipped. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.darkened & spotted. Joint of covers started. Small ink ownership signature to title page. Margin of pages sl.foxed. [L03311-605155] ¥8,400 4253 Morsbach,Lorenz Ueber den Ursprung der Neuenglischen Schriftsprache. Heilbronn: Verlag von Gebr.Henninger, 1888. x,187pp. Edges and pages sl.foxing. Ink notations. [L02276-602354] ¥31,500 4254 Mossé,Fernand Manuel de l'Anglais du Moyen Âge des Origines au XIV℮ Siècle. II. Moyen-Anglais. Avec 11 450 言 語 学 figures et 5 planches hors texte. Tome Second: Notes et Glossaire. [Bibliothèque de Philologie Germanique 12] Paris: Aubier, 1962. 191pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. Small ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner with a small stamp. [L01442-602374] ¥3,360 4255 Mossé,Fernand A Handbook of Middle English. Translated by James A.Walker. (Original title: Manuel de l'Anglais du Moyen Âge des Origines au XIV℮ Siècle. II. Moyen-Anglais.) The Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. Fifth printing, corrected and augmented. xxiv,495pp. Ink signature to rear flyleaf by former owner. [L00849-602377] ¥6,300 4256 Mossé,Fernand A Handbook of Middle English. Translated by James A.Walker. (Original title: Manuel de l'Anglais du Moyen Âge des Origines au XIV℮ Siècle. II. Moyen-Anglais.) The Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. Fifth printing, corrected and augmented. xxiv,495pp. Edges foxing. [L02271-602378] ¥6,300 4257 Mossé,Fernand A Handbook of Middle English. Translated by James A.Walker. (Original title: Manuel de l'Anglais du Moyen Âge des Origines au XIV℮ Siècle. II. Moyen-Anglais.) The Johns Hopkins Press, 1987. Ninth printing. xxiv,495pp. With illus. [L01494-602380] ¥10,080 4258 Mossé,Fernand A Handbook of Middle English. Translated by James A.Walker. The Johns Hopkins Press, 1961. Second Printing. xxiv,495pp. Cover spotted. Spine stained & sl.rubbed. Top edge stained. All edges foxing. Both front & rear ffep. sl.spotted. Pencil notations in some pages. [L02967-604626] ¥5,250 4259 Mustanoja,Tauno F. A Middle English Syntax. Part I. Parts of Speech. [Mémoires de la Société NéoPhilologique de Helsinki, XXIII] Helsinki; Société Néophilologique, 1960. 702pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.stained, partly foxed. Front cover folded. Spine foxed & sl.chipped. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small stamp by former owner on half title page, rear flyleaf. Sl.spotted in half title page, title page, from page 701 to rear flyleaf. Pencil notations in page 81. [L03341-605185] ¥36,750 4260 Mustanoja,Tauno F. A Middle English Syntax. Part I. Parts of Speech. [Mémoires de la Société NéoPhilologique de Helsinki, XXIII] Helsinki; Société Néophilologique, 1960. 702pp. Rebound with original printed wrappers. Edges foxed. Title page & rear flyleaf somewhat foxed. [L03342-605186] ¥47,250 4261 Quirk,Randolph Essays on the English Language. Medieval and Modern. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] mans, 1968. First published. viii,200pp. d.w. [L02434/L01863-602770] ¥5,250 Long- 4262 Smith, G.Gregory Specimens of Middle Scots. With Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. Edinbururgh and London; William Balckwood and Sons, 1902. lxxv,374pp. Covers somewhat sunned. Spine sunned. Top edge darkened. The others foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves somewhat foxed. [L03326-605170] ¥12,600 4263 Gaaf,W.van der The Transition from the Impersonal to the Personal Construction in Middle English. [Anglistische Forschungen. Heft 14] Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1967. xix,168pp. Printed wrappers. Covers foxed. Spine sunned. Top edge foxed & sl.spotted. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed. Foxed from front end paper to title page, page 168 to rear end papers. [L03064-604723] ¥8,400 文 法 4264 Brunner,Karl An Outline of Middle English Grammar. Translated by G.K.W.Johnston. (Original German title: 451 言 語 学 Abriss Der Mittelenglischen Grammatik.) Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1965. 111pp. Printed wrappers. (邦題「中世英語文法概説」) [L01870-600494] ¥4,200 4265 Fettig,Adolf Die Gradadverbien im Mittelenglischen. [Anglische Forschungen, heft 79] Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitatsbuchhandlung,1934 ('1935' to front cover). 222pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. [L02334-600997] ¥8,400 4266 Forsström,Gösta The Verb 'To Be' in Middle English. A Survey of the Forms. [Lund Studies in English 15] Kraus Reprint, 1968. Originally published in Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup, 1948. 236pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Small ink signature to half title page by former owner. [L01295-601063] ¥15,120 4267 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar Studies on the Local Sense of the Prepositions IN, AT, ON, and TO in Modern English. [Lund Studies in English 20] Kraus Reprint, 1968. Originally published in Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup, 1950. 428pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L01298-602060] ¥21,000 4268 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar Studies on the Local Sense of the Prepositions IN, AT, ON, and TO in Modern English. [Lund Studies in English 20] Kraus Reprint, 1968. Originally published in Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup, 1950. 428pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned and sl.stained. Small ink signature to title page and a small stamp on 'dedication' page. Pencil notations. [L01297-602061] ¥18,480 4269 MacLeish,Andrew The Middle English Subject-Verb Cluster. [Janua Linguarum. Series Practica 26] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1969. 276pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat stained. [L01676-602117] ¥12,600 4270 Roseborough,Margaret M. An Outline of Middle English Grammer. Westport,Connecticut; Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1970. Reprinted. viii,112pp. Cover stained. Spine sl.sunned. Top & fore edge sl.foxed & spotted. Some pages. Somewhat spotted from front end paper to page of dedication, rear fly leaf to rear end papers. [L03018-604677] ¥4,200 4271 Świeczkowski, Walerian Word Order Patterning in Middle English. A Quantitive Study Based on Piers Plowman and Middle English Sermons. [Janua Linguarum Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata edenda curat Cornelis H. Van Schooneveld Stanford University NR. XIX] S-Gravenhage; Mouton & Co., 1962. 114pp. Printed wrappers. Its edges foxed, particularly at spine. Top edge foxed & sl.spotted. [L02970-604629] ¥4,200 4272 Thomson,David ed. An Edition of the Middle English Grammatical Texts. [Garland Medieval Texts 8] NY & London: Garland Publishing, 1984. xxxii,287pp. All edges sl.spotted. [L01510-603387] ¥6,720 4273 Moessner,Lilo Early Middle English Syntax. [Linguistische Arbeiten 207] Tübingen; Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1989. x,217pp. Printed wrappers. Bibliography of publisher in rear cover & Inside it. Fine as new. [L03343-605187] ¥6,300 近代英語 4274 Bailey,Richard W. ed. Early Modern English. Additions and Antedatings to the Record of English Vocabulary 1475-1700. 452 言 語 学 Hildesheim & New York: Georg Olms Verlag1978. xv,367pp. Top edge gray. 29x20cm. [L01265-600196] ¥16,800 4275 Barber,Charles Early Modern English. [The Language Library. (Edited by Eric Partridge and Simeon Potter)] London: Andre Deutsch, 1976. First published. 360pp. d.w. somewhat sunned. [L01874-600222] ¥8,400 4276 Brorström,Sverker The Increasing Frequency of the Preposition About During the Modern English Period. With Special Reference to the Verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and Speak. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English IX] Almqvist & Wiksell, 1963. 335pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L01304-600476] ¥16,800 4277 Jones,Hugh An Accidence to the English Tongue 1724. Reproduced(original size) by permission of the Trustees of the Brithish Museum. Shelf-Mark: 236. d.36. England: The Scolar Press, 1967. 69pp. half title page missing. [L01831-601697] ¥3,150 4278 Knecht,Jacob Die Kongruenz zwischen Subjekt unt Prädikat und die 3. Person Pluralis Präsentis auf -s im Elisabethanischen Englisch. [Anglistische Forschungen. Heft 33] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911. xiii,152pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sl.sunned. [ds0901-2/LL239-601825] ¥4,200 4279 Lindkvist, Karl-Gunnar Studies on the Local Sense of the Prepositions. In, At, On, and To in Modern English. [Lund Studies in English 20] Kraus Reprint, 1968. Reprinted. 428pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Top edge stained & spotted. Fore edge sl.spotted & sunned. Some pages spotted. [L02976-604635] ¥8,400 4280 Partridge,A.C. Tudor to Augustan English. A Study in Syntax and Style from Caxton to Johnson. [The Language Library] Andre Deutsch, 1969. First published. 242pp. d.w. Edges foxing. Ownership stamps on half title page, rear e.p.and rear flyleaf. Pencil notations. [L02088-602553] ¥4,200 4281 Partridge,A.C. Tudor to Augustan English. A Study in Syntax and Style from Caxton to Johnson. [The Language Library] Andre Deutsch, 1969. First published. 242pp. d.w. Small spots to edges. [L02386-602554] ¥5,250 4282 Scheurweghs,G. Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960, I. With an Appendix on Japanese Publications by Prof.Hideo Yamaguchi (Fukui, Japan). [Publications of the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts, 1963. xviii,293pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. 25x16.5cm. [L02303-603014] ¥6,300 4283 Schlauch,Margaret The English Language in Modern Times (since 1400). Warszawa: Polish Seientific Publishers / Oxford UP., 1964. Reprinted. xii,316pp. Spine sunned. Edges foxing. 24.7x17.7cm. [L02272-603028] ¥5,250 4284 Schlauch,Margaret The English Language in Modern Times (since 1400). Warszawa: Polish Seientific Publishers / Oxford UP., 1968. Reprinted. xii,316pp. d.w. foxed & sl.chipped. Covers faded. Edges somewhat foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Stamped by former owner on title page. 24.3x17.5cm. [L03447-605291] ¥5,250 4285 Sørensen, Holger Steen Word-Classes in Modern English. With Special Reference to Proper Names. With an introductory theory of Grammar, Meaning and Reference. Copenhagen: G.E.C.Gad, 1958. 188pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. [L02877-603219] ¥6,300 453 言 語 学 4286 Strang,Barbara M.H. Modern English Structure. London: Edward Arnold, 1965. Reprinted. x,201pp.+plates. Spine of d.w.sunned & upper part of d.w. sl. torn. Pencil underlines to several pages. [L01545-603288] ¥4,200 4287 Sundby,Bertil ed. Christopher Cooper's English Teacher (1687). Edited by Bertil Sundby. [Lund Universitets Årsskrift. N.F.Avd.1. Bd 50. Nr.5. (Lund Studies in English 22)] C.W.K.Gleerup,1953. lxxvii,120b,lxxxii-cxvi pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01339-603310] ¥21,000 各地の英語 4288 Bliss,Alan Spoken English in Ireland 1600-1740.Twenty-seven Representative Texts Assembled & Analysed by A.Bliss. [Dolmen Texts 5] Dublin: The Dolmen Press,1979. First trade edition. 381pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Frontis. Ink notations to rear flyleaf. [L02396-600357] ¥9,450 4289 Brook,G.L. English Dialects. [The Language Library] Andre Deutsch, 1965. Second edition. 232pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges foxing. Ink ownership signature by Toshio Saito to rear e.p. (邦題「英語の方言」) [L02086-600469] ¥6,300 4290 Clarke,Aidan The Old English in Ireland 1625-42. [L02457-604320] ¥8,400 Cornell UP., 1966. 288pp. d.w. Some foxing to edges. 4291 Glauser,Beat The Scottish-English Linguistics Border. Lexical Aspects. [The Cooper Monographs. On English and American Language and Literature Founded by H.Lüdeke・Edited by R.Stamm. Basel・Switzerland. 20. English Dialect Series] Bern; Francke Verlag, 1974. xxii,288pp. Covers & spine sunned. Front cover partly & sl.spotted. Edges sl.spotted & foxed. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03411-605254] ¥12,600 4292 Holmer,Nils M. The Dialects of Co. Clare. [Royal Irish Academy. Todd Lecture Series. Volume XIX-XX] 2vols. Dublin: The Royal Irish Academy, 1962. Part I; vi,186pp. Part II; 319pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L03151-604819] ¥21,000 4293 Horvath,Barbara M. Variation in Australian Engish. The Sociolects of Sydney. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 45] Cambridge UP, 1985. First published. xi,200pp. d.w. [L02502-604344] ¥6,300 4294 Hundt,Marianne New Zealand English Grammar, Fact or Fiction? A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Variation. [Varieties of English Around the World. General series, vol.23] Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1998. xiv,212pp. Fine condition. [L03118-604785] ¥5,250 4295 Joyce,P.W. English as We Speak It in Ireland. with a A Separate Volume of Supplementary Readings and Notes. ‐復刻限定版‐ アイルランド英語研究 (別冊:補足関連論文・注釈付). 2 vols. Tokyo; Shinko-Sha, 1977./1978. Republished. /First published. x,356pp. /vi,332pp. With slip case partly sunned. . Supplement Vol.; Printed wrappers sl.foxed. Spine sl.stained. Otherwise fine condition. [L03416-605260] ¥8,400 454 言 語 学 4296 Joyce,P.W. English as We Speak It in Ireland. The Life of a People is Pictured in their Speech. Dublin; The Talbot Press, /London: Longmans, Green, and Company, n.d. [1910] Third Edition. x,356pp. Covers faded, sl.rubbed at corners. Spine sunned. Upper & lower parts of spine chipped. Edges foxed. E.ps torn. Joint of covers loosened. Flyleaves & half title page foxed. Pages somewhat foxed. 17. 5 x 12cm [L03426-605270] ¥4,200 4297 Joyce,P.W. English as We Speak It in Ireland. The Life of a People is Pictured in their Speech. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., /Dublin; M.H. Gill & Sons, Ltd., 1910. Second Edition. x,356pp. Ink signature "To Toru Tanaka from his old friend Takeshi Saito 26 Nou. 1980" to half title page. Small ink ownership signature "T. Saito" to half title page. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Spine somewhat sunned & sl.rubbed at corner. Top edge darkened & sl.spotted. Fore & lower edges foxed. Ink notation on title page. Red ink notaions & underlines in page 2,3. Page somewhat foxed. With bibliography of the author. Some ink notations in it. 17. 5 x 12cm [L03427-605271] ¥8,400 4298 Joyce,P.W. English as We Speak It in Ireland. The Life of a People is Pictured in their Speech. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., /Dublin; M.H. Gill & Sons, Ltd., 1910. x,356pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Spine somewhat sunned, stained, sl.rubbed & chipped at corner. Top edge darkened. Fore & lower edges foxed. E.ps. torn. Joint of covers loosened. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Flyleaves & half title page foxed. Sl.spotted from half title page to page v. Pages somewhat foxed. With bibliography of the author. 17. 5 x 12cm [L03428-605272] ¥8,400 4299 Long,Daniel English on the Bonin(Ogasawara) Islands. [Publication of the American Dialect Society. Number 91] Duke University Press, 2007. xi,255pp. Fine condition. [L03125-604792] ¥6,300 4300 Mesthrie,Rajend English in Language Shift. The History, Structure and Sociolinguistics of South African Indian English. Cambridge UP., 1992. First published. xix,252pp. Spine of d.w.sl.sunned. [L00851-602292] ¥6,720 4301 Partridge,Eric & John W. Clark British and American English Since 1900. With contributions on English in Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and India. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951. x,341pp. [L01107-602566] ¥5,250 4302 Partridge,Eric & John W. Clark British and American English Since 1900. With contributions on English in Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and India. London: Andrew Dakers, 1951. First published. x,341pp. Scattered foxing to front and rear flyleaves. [L02609-604464] ¥5,250 4303 Petyt,K.M. The Study of Dialect. An Introductiion to Dialectology. [The Language Library] Deutsch, 1980. First published. 235pp. d.w. [L00387-602642] ¥6,720 London: Andre 4304 Petyt,K.M. The Study of Dialect. An Introductiion to Dialectology. [The Language Library] London: Andre Deutsch, 1980. First published. 235pp. Pencil notation to several pages and small ink notation to rear flyleaf. d.w. [L01094-602643] ¥5,040 4305 Smart,B.C & H.T.Crofton The Dialect of the English Gypsies. London: Asher and Co., 1875. Second edition, revised and greatly enlarged. xxiii,302pp. Ex.-Newspaper Club with ink stamps to title page and dedication page. Title page was backed with thin Japanese paper and a lackking corner of title page repaired. 203-204pp.and 293-296pp.sl.torn without loss. Skillfully rebound in cloth retaining original gilt letterd 455 言 語 学 upper board, with mminor fraying and fading to edges. New e.ps. Scarce work in good condition. 22.8x15.2cm. [L01537-603197] ¥68,250 4306 Traynor,Michael The English Dialect of Donegal. A Glossary. In corporating the collections of H. C. Hart. (1847-1908) Dublin: The Royal Irish Academy, 1953. First printed. xxiv,336pp. Spine of d.w. sunned. [L02373-603423] ¥12,600 アメリカ英語 4307 Alim,H.Samy You know My Steez: An Ethnographic and Sociolinguistic Study of Styleshifting in a Black American Speech Community. [Publication of the American Dialect Society. Number 89] Duku University Press, 2004. xxxii,309pp. Fine condition. [L03122-604789] ¥7,350 4308 Allen,Robert Livingston The Verb System of Present-Day American English. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica 24] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1966. 303pp. Printed wrappers. Spine partly torn. Small stamp on half title page and recto of rear cover. 26x18.5cm. [L01381-600104] ¥4,200 4309 Allen,Robert Livingston The Verb System of Present-Day American English. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica 24] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1966. 303pp. Printed wrappers. Red underlined with ink notations. 26x18.5cm. [L01386-600105] ¥4,200 4310 Allen,Robert Livingston The Verb System of Present-Day American English. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica 24] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1982. 303pp. Printed wrappers. Spine partly torn. 26x18.5cm. [L01677-600107] ¥4,200 4311 Baranowski,Maciej Phonological Variation and Change in the Dialect of Charleston, South Carolina. [Publication of the American Dialect Society. Number 92] Duke University Press, 2007. xvi,268pp. Fine condition. [L03124-604791] ¥6,300 4312 Bernstein,Cynthia, Thomas Nunnally & Robin Sabino eds. Language Variety in the South Revisited. [L01132-600310] ¥7,560 The Univ.of Alabama Press, 1997. xiv,641pp. d.w. 4313 Carver,Craig M. American Regional Dialects. A Word Geography. d.w. 26x18.7cm. [L02554-600581] ¥12,600 The Univ.of Michigan Press, 1987. xiii,317pp. 4314 Celce-Murcia,Marianne & Diane Larsen-Freeman The Grammar Book. An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course. 現代アメリカ英語文法書 Newbury House Publishers, 1983. viii,655pp. With slip cases. 26.2x18cm. [L01847-600589] ¥15,750 4315 Crymes, Ruth Some Systems of Substitution Correlations in Modern American English. d.w sl.stained. [L01698-600755] ¥12,600 Mouton, 1968. 187pp. 4316 Dannenberg, Clair J. Sociolinguistic Constructs of Ethnic Identity: The Syntactic Delineation of an American Indian English. [Publication of the American Dialect Society. Number 87] Duke University Press, 2002. v,106pp. Fine condition. [L03120-604787] ¥5,250 456 言 語 学 4317 Dillard,J.L. Black English. Its History and Usage in the United States. NY:Random House,1972. xiv,361pp. Pencil notations to title page. d.w.partly torn. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. [L01082-600845] ¥12,600 4318 Dillard,J.L. Toward a Social History of American English. With a Chapter on Appalachian English by Linda L.Blanton. [Contributions to the Sociology of Language. (Edited by Joshua A.Fishman) 39] Mouton Publishers, 1985. xii,301pp. [L01146-600846] ¥6,720 4319 Ehrman, Madeline Elizabeth The Meanings of the Modals in Present-Day American English. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica XLV] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1966. 106pp. Printed wrappers. [L01387-600911] ¥5,040 4320 Francis,W.Nelson The Structure of American English. With a Chapter on American English Dialects by Raven I.McDavid,Jr. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1958. vii,614pp. Ink signature to title page by former owner. [L01246-601076] ¥5,040 4321 Galinsky,Hans Die Sprache des Amerikaners. Elne Einführung in die Hauptunterschiede zwischen amerikanischem und britischem Englischder Gegenwart. Band I: Das Klangbild- Die Schreibung. Band II: Wortschatz und Wortbildung-Syntax une Flexion. 2 vols. Heidelberg: F.H.Kerle Verlag, 1951. 1952.xii,217pp. x、522pp. Band I; Scatterd foxing to spine. Printed on low grade paper which have yellowed. Band II; Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. Printed on low grade paper which have browned. [L02522-604360] ¥8,400 4322 Gordon,Matthew J. Small-Town Values and Big-City Vowels: A Study of the Northern Cities Shift in Michigan. [Publication of the American Dialect Society. Number 84] Duke University Press, 2001. xi,229pp. Fine condition. [L03123-604790] ¥6,300 4323 Hathaway,Baxter A Transformational Syntax. The Grammar of Modern American English. Press Company, 1967. x,315pp. [L00230-601369] ¥4,200 New York: The Ronald 4324 Hough 3rd, George. Structures of Modification in Contemporary American English. [Janua Linguarum Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica, 126] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1971. 125pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.chipped. Spine sunned. Top edge foxed & spotted. [L03109-604773] ¥5,250 4325 Kučera,Henry & W.Nelson Francis Computation Analysis of Present-Day American English. With a Foreword by W.F.Twaddell, A Study by Mary Lois Marckworth and Laura M.Bell, and an Analytical Essay by John B.Carroll. Providence: Brown UP., 1967. xxv,424pp. Margin of d.w.rubbed. Top edge spotted. Signature to rear flyleaf by former owner. 26x19cm. [L00562-601904] ¥12,600 4326 McNair,Elizabeth DuPree Mill Villagers and Farmers: Dialect and Economics in a Small Southern Town. [Publication of the American Dialect Society. Number 90] Duke University Press, 2005. v,133pp. Fine condition. [L03126-604793] ¥5,250 4327 McMillan,James B./ Montgomery Michael B. Annotated Bibliography of Southern American English. xvi,444pp. 23.5x16.2cm. [L00871-602248] ¥8,400 The Univ.of Alabama Press, 1989. 457 言 語 学 4328 Meyer,Charles F. A Linguistic Study of American Punctuation. [American University Studies: Series XIII. Linguistics. Vol.5] Peter Lang, 1987. xv,159pp. [L00637-602298] ¥3,360 4329 Pyles,Thomas Words and Ways of American English. An Authoritative Account of the Origins,Growth and Present State of the English Language in America. London: Andrew Melrose, 1954. 240pp. Stamped on front flyleaf. Some foxing to edges. [L02577-602756] ¥4,200 4330 Schneider,Edgar W. American Earlier Black English. Morphological and Syntacitc Variables. The Univ. of Alabama Press, 1989. First published in German under the title "Morphologische und syntaktische Variablen in amerikanischen Early Black English" , 1981 by Peter Lang Verlag. xiv,314pp. d.w. [L01668/L01858-603066] ¥6,300 4331 Tatalovich,Raymond Nativism Reborn? The Official English Language Movement and the American States. Kentucky, 1995. xiii,319pp. d.w. [L00588/L01152-603366] ¥4,200 The UP.of 4332 Thomas,Erik R. An Acoustic Analysis of Vowel Variation in New World English. [Publication of the American Dialect Society. Number 85] Duke University Press, 2001. ix,230pp. With index. Fine condition. [L03121-604788] ¥6,300 4333 Veltman,Calvin Language Shift in the United States. [Contributions to the Sociology of Language, 34] Mouton Publishers, 1983. x,432pp. Small ink notation to rear flyleaf. All edges slightly sunned. d.w. [L01088-603509] ¥10,080 4334 Wolfram,Walter A. A Sociolinguistic Description of Detroit Negro Speech. [Urban Language Series. 5] Washington,D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1969. xvii,237pp. Printed wrappers. Covers and spine sl.sunned. [L02854-603720] ¥5,250 4335 Brandes,Paul D. and Jeutonne Brewer Dialect Clash in America: Issues and Answers. Metuchen,N.J.; The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1977. xviii,586pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Edges sl.foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03401-605245] ¥8,400 イギリス英語 4336 Chambers,R.W. & Marjorie Daunt eds. A Book of London English 1384-1425. With an Appendix on English Documents in the Record Office by M.M.Weale. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1931. 395pp. Some hinges weak but overall good. Red underlined to p.14. 19x13cm. [L01827-600599] ¥7,350 4337 Chambers,R.W. & Marjorie Daunt eds. A Book of London English 1384-1425. With an Appendix on English Documents in the Record Office by M.M.Weale. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1967. 395pp. d.w. [L02371-600602] ¥8,400 4338 Cheshire,Jenny Variation in an English Dialect. A Sociolinguistic Study. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 37] Cambridge UP, 1982. First published. vii,142pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L02295-600619] ¥5,250 4339 Cheshire,Jenny Variation in an English Dialect. A Sociolinguistic Study. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 37] 458 言 語 学 Cambridge, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney; Cambridge University Press, 1982. First Pulished. vii,142pp. d.w. sunned. Top edge sl.darkened. [L03116-604783] ¥5,250 4340 Hare,Kenneth Our Cockney Ancestors. London; Ernest Benn Limited. 1927. 257pp. d.w. damaged, particularly at spine & sl.stained. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Front cover sl.wormed. Top edge stained & sl.spotted. Fore & lower edges spotted. Small ink ownrship signature to front fly leaf. Front & rear fly leaf foxed. Sl. Spotted from verso of half title page to title page. Some pages sl.spotted. Joint of page 13, 14 loosened. [L03080-604744] ¥6,300 4341 Leigh,Egerton A Glossary of Words Used in the Dialect of Cheshire. Founded on a Similar Attempt by Roger Wilbraham. New Introduction by Stewart F.Sanderson. Wakefield: EP Publishing, 1973. Republished (First published by Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1877). (xii)+xix,238pp. With portraits of E.Leigh & R.Wilbraham. d.w. Edges sl.foxing. Ink ownership signature to front e.p.with a small ownership stamp. 20.5x13.3cm. [L02252-602011] ¥5,250 4342 Mugglestone,Lynda Talking Proper' The Rise of Accent as Social Symbol. With illus. d.w. [L01577-602391] ¥7,350 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. 353pp. 4343 Orton,Harold & Nathalia Wright A Word Geography of England. London, NY, San Francisco: Seminar Press, 1974. xv,302pp. Spine sunned. Top edge sl.darkened. Fore edge sl.foxed. 29x23cm. [L03134-604801] ¥15,750 4344 Orton,Harold, Stewart Sanderson & John Widdowson eds. The Linguistic Atlas of England. London; Routledge, 1996. Reprinted. Foreward (by S.F.Sanderson), Abbreviations, List of Localities, The International Phonetic Alphabet, Introduction, 249Phonological Maps, 65Lexical Maps, 83Morphological Maps, 9Syntactical Maps, Appendix1,2,3, Index. Near fine condition. 35.5x25.5cm. [L03135-604802] ¥31,500 4345 Orton,Harold, Stewart Sanderson & John Widdowson eds. The Linguistic Atlas of England. Croom Helm London, Humanities Press, Max Hueber Verlag, Shubun International Company, Limited, 1978. Unpagineted. Edges somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. Somewhat spotted from front flyleaf to title page, in index page & rear fly leaves. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Rear e.p. partly torn. 35.7x25.7cm. [L03451-605295] ¥26,250 4346 Phillipps, K.C. Westcountry Words & Ways. David & Charles, 1976. 144pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Stamped on title page. [L00882-602652] ¥4,200 4347 Sato,Masaru (佐藤 偉) A Grammar of the Dialect of West Riding Historical and Descriptive. 151pp. The spine of dust wrapper sunned. [ds0900-602967] ¥10,080 東京:吾妻書房 1953. 4348 Schur,Norman W. British English, A to Zed. A Rigorously Researched, Wickedly Witty, and Eminently Useful Collection of Nearly 5000 Briticisms (and Americanisms) for English Speakers on Both Sides of the Atlantic. New York, Oxford: Facts On File Publications, 1987. xvi,477pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L00624-603078] ¥6,720 4349 Skeat,Walter William English Dialects from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day. [The Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature] New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1968. Reprinted by permission of the Cambridge UP, ix,139pp. Blue cloth. 16.8x12.5cm. [L01552-603184] ¥4,200 4350 Sternberg,Thomas The Dialect and Folk-Lore of Northamptonshire. With a New Foreword by A.E.Green. Wake- 459 言 語 学 field: S.R.Publishers, 1971. Republished (first published by John Russell Smith, 1851). (viii)+xvi,200pp. Dust wrapper somewhat sunned. Edges sl.spotted. Ink ownership signature to front e.p. 21.5x12.3cm. [L02251-603267] ¥3,150 4351 Trudgill,Peter New-Dialect Formation. The Inevitability of Colonial Englishes. Oxford University Press, 2004. viii,180pp. Fine condition. 14.5x22.3cm [L03114-604781] ¥5,250 4352 Trudgill,Peter, ed. Sociolinguistic Patterns in British English. London: Edward Arnold, 1978. 186pp. (Contributors: Richard Bourhis, Jenny Cheshire, Ellen Douglas-Cowie, Olwen Elyan, Tina Foxcroft, Val Jones, Howard Giles, G.O.Knowles, R.K.S.Macaulay, James Milroy, Lesley Milroy, John Pollowe, Malcolm Petyt, Euan Reid, Suzanne Romaine, Philip Smith, Peter Trudgill) Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. [lk0115-604206] ¥5,250 4353 Van Ek,J.A. Four Complementary Structures of Predication in Contemporary British English. An Inventory. [Groningen Studies in English-IX] Groningen, 1966. 207pp. Printed wrappers. Cover spotted. Spine sunned. Edges sl.spotted. [L03008-604667] ¥6,300 4354 Wakelin,Martyn,F Patterns in the Folk Speech of the British Isles. With s Foreword by Harold Orton. The Athlone Press of the University of London.1972. xii,204pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L01806-603557] ¥8,400 スラング他 4355 Howard,Philip The State of the Language. English Observed. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1984. First published. xii,180pp. All edges sl.sunned. d.w. [L01115-601543] ¥3,360 4356 Hughes,Geoffrey Swearing. A Social History of Foul Language, Oaths and Profanity in English. [The Language Library] Blackwell, 1991. Reprinted. ix,283pp. d.w. Small ink signature on front flyleaf. [L01799-601556] ¥5,250 4357 Safire,William On Language. New York: Times Books, 1981. Second printing. xv,331pp. With illus. d.w. (邦題 「言葉のなかの現代アメリカ」) [L01235-602936] ¥3,360 さまざまなドイツ語 古期~中世のドイツ語 古高ドイツ語 中高ドイツ語 460 462 463 新高ドイツ語 各地のドイツ語 465 467 古期~中世のドイツ語 4358 (Borchling,Conrad) Abhandlungen zur niederdeutschen Philologie - Conrad Borchling zum Gedächtnis. Zugleich erschienen als Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung, Jahrgang 1948 / 50, LXXI / 460 言 語 学 LXXIII. Neumünster: Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1950. 351pp. (Otto Lauffer, Wolfgang Jungandreas, Willy Krogmann, Walther Mitzka, W.Foerste, Ludwig Wolff, Gerhard Cordes, Heinrich Reincke, Walther Ziesemer, Annemarie Hübner, Käthe Scheel, Friedrich Pauli, Karl Bischoff, Hans-Friedrich Rosenfeld, Ferdinand Holthausen, Erich Nörrenberg, Walther Niekerken) Printed wrappers. With a portrait. Sunned. [ds1091-600400] ¥10,080 4359 Dal,Ingerid Kurze Deutsche Syntax. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. (Herausgegeben von Karl Helm) B. Ergänzungsreihe Nr.7] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1952. 232pp. Sunned. [ds1114/ds0808-600781] ¥2,100 4360 Dal,Ingerid Kurze Deutsche Syntax. Auf Historischer Grundlage. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. ( Fortgeführt von Karl Helm). Herausgegeben von Helmut De Boor. B. Ergänzungsreihe Nr.7] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1962. 228pp. Pensil notations to the margin. Cloth board stained. [L02581-604411] ¥2,100 4361 Dal,Ingerid Untersuchungen zur germanischen und deutschen Sprachgeschichte. Oslo, Bergen, Tromsö: Universitetsforlaget, 1971. 270pp. With a portrait. Dust wrapper chipped. Red underlines to several pages. (including 'Rezensionen' by Hans Glinz and P.C.Paardekooper) [ds1060-600783] ¥15,120 4362 (Dal,Ingerid) Gedenkschrift für Ingerid Dal. Herausgegeben von John Ole Askedal, Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen und Kurt Erich Schöndorf. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1988. vii,223pp. (Ottar Grønvik, Ingo Reiffenstein, Stefan Sonderegger, Albrecht Greule, Olaf Jansen, Ernst Dittmer, Cola Minis, Hans Frede Nielsen, Laurits Saltveit, John Ole Askedal, Ådne Findreng, Gerhard Helbig, Oddleif Leirbukt, Herbert Pütz, Paul Valentin, Jean Marie Zemb) With a portrait of I.Dal. d.w. Red underlines to several pages. [ds1047-600784] ¥12,600 4363 Freudenthal,Karl Fredrik Gloria Temptatio Conversio. Studien zur Ältesten Deutschen Kirchensprache. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis: Göteborgs Universites Årsskrift. Vol.LXV. Göteborger Germanistische Forschungen 2] Göteborg, 1959. 156pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [ds0739-601087] ¥7,560 4364 Härd,John Evert Mittelniederdeutsch 'Oder', 'Oft' und Verwandtes. Eine Chrnologische und Dialektgeographische Untersuchung. [Göteborger Germanistische Forschungen. (herausgegeben von Torsten Dahlberg) 8] Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1967. 197pp. Printed wrappers. Rear cover partly stained. [ds0911/ds0740-601335] ¥5,040 4365 (Henzen,Walter) Philologia Deutsch. Festschrift zum 70.Geburtstage von Walter Henzen. Herausgegeben von Werner Kohlschmidt und Paul Zinsli. Bern: Francke Verlag, 1965. 167pp. (Max Wehrli, Wolfgang Mohr, Kurt Ruh, Friedrich Maurer, Maria Bindschedler, Bruno Boesch, Heinz Rupp, Werner Kohlschmidt, Stafan Sonderegger, William G.Moulton, Rudolf Hotzenköcherle, Paul Zinsli) With a portrait. Dust wrapper somewhat sunned. [ds1152-601435] ¥12,600 4366 Holthausen,Ferdinand Altsächsisches Elementarbuch. [Germanische Bibliothek: Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Streitberg. 1.Sammlung: Germanischer Elementar- und Handbücher. 1. Reihe: Grammatiken. Fünfter Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1921. Zweite Verbesserte Auflage. xv,260pp. Edges foxed. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03443-605287] ¥6,300 4367 Leyen,Friedrich von der Deutsche Philologie. Eine einführung in ihr Studium. Sunned. [ds1139-602042] ¥6,720 Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1952. 244pp. 461 言 語 学 4368 Maurer,Friedrich Dichtung und Sprache des Mittelalters. Gesammelte Aufsätze. [Bibliotheca Germanica 10] Bern und München: Francke Verlag, 1963. 360pp. Dust wrapper missing except for flapps. Spine sunned. Pencil notations. [ds1322-602215] ¥6,720 4369 (Mohr,Wolfgang) Getempert und Gemischet. Für Wolfgang Mohr zum 65.Geburtstag von seinen Tübinger Schülern. Herausgegeben von Franz Hundsnurscher und Ulrich Müller. [Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik. Nr.65] Göppimgen: Verlag Alfred Kümmerle, 1972. 452pp. (Reinhold R.Grimm, Hans-Friedrich Reske, Gerhard A.Vogt, Hinrich Siefken, Kurt Kloocke, Wolfgang Kühnemann, Peter Jentzsch, Jutta Dohse, Hartwig Mayer, Ulrich Müller, Ludwig Völker, Barbara Molinelli-Stein, Jürgen Brummack, Wilhelm Friese, Gerd Fritz, Franz Hundsnurscher) With a bibliography by Dietmar Wenzelburger. Printed wrappers. With a portrait. Spine and covers sunned. [ds1089-602337] ¥7,560 4370 (Panzer,Friedrich) Studien zur Deutschen Philologie des Mittelelters. Friedrich Panzer zum 80.Geburtstag am 4.September 1950 dargebracht. Herausgegeben von Richard Kienast. Heidelberg: Carl Winter・ Universitätsverlag, 1950. 172pp. (Karl Helm, Otto Schumann, Hermann Schneider, Hugo Kuhn, Wolfgang Stammler, Theodor Frings, Lutz Mackensen, Friedrich Neumann, Werner Wolf, Richard Kienast, Ludwig Wolff, Otto Höfler, Wieland Schmidt) With a bibliography by Peter Warnewski. Sunned. [ds1079-602542] ¥8,400 4371 Schwietering,Julius Philologische Schriften. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Ohly und Max Wehrli. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1969. xxv,7-561pp. With a portrait. Dust wrapper partly torn. Fore edge sl.damaged. [ds1106-603094] ¥23,520 4372 Sparnaay,H. Zur Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters. Verzamelde opstellen ter gelegenheid van zijn zeventigste verjaardag aan de schrijver aangeboden door leerlingen, oud-leerlingen, collega's en vrienden. Groningen: J.B.Wolters, 1961. 279pp. Top edge gray. [ds1142-603223] ¥12,600 古高ドイツ語 4373 Braune,Wilhelm Abriss der Althochdeutschen Grammatik. Mit Berücksichtigung des Altsächsischen. Neunte Auflage Bearbeitet von Karl Helm. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. C.Abrisse. Nr.1] Halle(Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1953. (title page: 1952) 79pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds1093-600428] ¥2,100 4374 Braune,Wilhelm Abriss der Althochdeutschen Grammatik. Mit Berücksichtigung des Altsächsischen. Elfte Auflage Bearbeitet von Karl Helm und E.A.Ebbinghaus. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. C.Abrisse. Nr.1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1959. 68pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds1113-600429] ¥2,100 4375 Braune,Wilhelm Abriss der Althochdeutschen Grammatik. Mit Berücksichtigung des Altsächsischen. Dreizehnte Auflage Bearbeitet von Ernst A. Ebbinghaus. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. C.Abrisse. Nr.1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1970. 68pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Stamped on title page. [L01881-600430] ¥2,100 4376 Braune,Wilhelm Althochdeutsche Grammatik. Fortgeführt von Karl Helm. 11. Auflage. Bearbeitet von Walther Mitzka. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. 462 言 語 学 Fortgeführt von Karl Helm. (Herausgegeben von Helmut de Boor) A. Hauptreihe Nr.5] Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1963. xii,349pp. [ds0809-600431] ¥6,720 Tübingen: 4377 Braune,Wilhelm Althochdeutsche Grammatik. Fortgefuhrt von Karl Helm, 12. auflage Bearbeitet von Walther Mitzka. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A. Hauptreihe Nr.5] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1967. xii,349pp. Small ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner with a small stamp. [ds1354-600432] ¥6,720 4378 Braune,Wilhelm & W.Mitzka Althochdeutsche Grammatik. Fortgefuhrt von Karl Helm. II. Auflage Bearbeitet von Walther Mitzka. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. (Herausgegeben von Helmut de Boor. A. Hauptreihe Nr.5] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1963. xii,349pp. Small ink signature to front flyleaf. [L02580-604405] ¥6,300 4379 Ehrismann,Gustav Geschichte der deutschen Literatur bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. Erster Teil. Die althochdeutsche Literatur. [Handbuch des deutschen Unterrichts an Höheren Schulen. Sechster Band] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1966. xi,474pp. Top edge green. Dust wrapper chipped and stained. Red underlines to several pages. [ds1065-600909] ¥10,080 4380 Lippert,Jörg Beiträge zu Technik und Syntax Althochdeutscher Übersetzungen. Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Isidorgruppe und des Althochdeutschen Tatian. [Medium Aevum・Philologische Studien. Band 25] München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1974. 203pp. [ds1048-602068] ¥10,080 4381 Schatz,Josef Althochdeutsche Grammatik. [Göttinger Sammlung indogermanischer Grammatiken und Wörterbücher] Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1927. viii,352pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [ds1010/ds0322-603005] ¥12,600 4382 Sonderegger,Stefan Althochdeutsche Sprache und Literatur. Eine Einführung in das älteste Deutsch. [Sammlung Göschen 8005] Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1987. Zweite, durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage. 287pp. Printed wrappers. Text in German. 18x12cm. [L01970-603215] ¥3,150 4383 Toth,Karl Der Lehnwortschatz der Althochdeutschen Tatian-Übersetzung. [Epistemata: würzburger wissenschaftliche schriften. Reihe Literaturwissenschaft. Band VI] Würzburg: Königshausen+Neumann, 1980. xiv,437pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0984-603415] ¥4,200 中高ドイツ語 4384 Dahlberg,Torsten Mittelhochdeutsch Wurpôz 'Radix', Bôze 'Flachsbündel', Bỗz 'Stoss'. Geographie und Etymologie. [Göteborger Germanistische Forschungen: 1. Erscheint auch als Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Göteborgs Universitets Årsskrift. Vol.LXI・1955. 1.] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1955. 52pp. Printed wrappers. Uncut. margin of rear cover sl.chipped. [ds0907-600779] ¥2,520 4385 Helm,Karl / Ernst A. Ebbinghaus Abriss der Mittelhochdeutschen Grammatik. Bearbeitet von Ernsta Ebbinghaus. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1995. 6., durchgesehene aulfage. viii,60pp. Printed wrappers. [L01880-601418] ¥2,100 4386 Lexers,Matthias Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenwörterbuch. Leipzig: S.Hirzel Verlag, 1969. 33. Auflage. (mit 463 言 語 学 Nachträgen) viii,343pp. + 67pp. Cloth board sl.spotted and margins of the pages darkened. Stamped on title page. Small ink alphabets on fore edge. [L02627-604485] ¥4,200 4387 Lexers,Matthias Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenwörterbuch. Mit Berichtigungen zum unveränderten Neudruck des Hauptteils, Nachträgen, unter Mithilfe von Dorothea Hannover und Rena Leppin neubearbeitet und aus den Quellen ergänzt von Ulrich Pretzel und weiteren Berichtigungen (als loses Einlageblatt) Siebenunddreißigste Auflage. Stuttgart: S.Hirzel Verlag, 1986. 37. Auflage. Unveränderter Nachdruck. 504pp. [L01976-602040] ¥4,200 4388 Lexers,Matthias Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenwörterbuch. Spine sl.sunned. [ds1112-602041] ¥6,720 Leipzig: S.Hirzel Verlag, 1980. 36.Auflage. viii,504pp. 4389 Martin,Ernst Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. Nebst Wörterbuch zu der Nibelunge Nôt zu den Gedichten Walthers von der Vogelweide und zu Laurin für den Schulgebrauch Ausgearbeitet von Ernst Martin. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1906. Dreizehnte Verbesserte Auflage. 106pp. Rebound. Sunned. 19.5x12.5cm. [ds1075-602175] ¥5,040 4390 Mausser,Otto Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. auf vergleichender Grundlage. Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung des Althochdeutschen, Urgermanischen, Urwestgermanischen, Urindogermanischen und der Mundarten. I-II teil. Dr.Martin Sändig oHG., 1972. Unveränderter Neudruck der Ausgabe von 1933 mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Max Hueber Verlages in Ismaning / München. xxxi,482pp. Book 'I-II teil' only. (Originally 'I-II teil' & 'Ⅲteil.' set in 2.) [ds0966-602222] ¥12,600 4391 Michels,Victor Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. Um ein Verzeichnis neuerer Fachliteratur erweiterter Nachdruck der dritten und Vierten Auflage des Mittelhochdeutschen Elementarbushes. Herausgegeben von Hugo Stopp. [Germanische Bibliothek: Begründet von Wilhelm Streitberg. Neue Folge. Herausgegeben von Hugo Stopp. 1. Reihe: Grammatiken] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1979. 5., Auflage. xvi,368pp. [L02650-604531] ¥8,400 4392 Moser,Hugo Studien zur deutschen Literatur und Sprache des Mittelalters. Festschrift für Hugo Moser zum 65. Geburstag. Herausgegeben von Werner Besch, Gunther Jungluth, Gerhard Meissburger and Eberhard Nellmann. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1974. xx,463pp. [L02583-604412] ¥6,300 4393 Muth,Richard V. Mittelhochdeutsche Metrik. Leitfaden zur einführung in die Lectüre der Classiker. Wien: Alfred Hölder, K.U.K. Hof- und Universitäts-buchhändler, 1882. x,130pp. Printed Wrappers. Joint and spine broke. Covers somewhat stained. Pencil notations to several pages. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds1054-602414] ¥7,560 4394 Oksaar,Els Mittelhochdeutsch. Texte Kommentare Sprachkunde Wörterbuch. Stockholm・Göteborg・Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1965. 542pp. d.w. sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. Edges foxed. E.ps., flyleaves & half title page somewhat foxed. [L03444-605288] ¥12,600 4395 Paul,Hermann Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. Zwölfte Auflage Bearbeitet von Erich Gierach. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A. Hauptreihe Nr.2] Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1929. xiii,288pp. Spine suuned. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. [ds1137-602580] ¥4,200 4396 Paul,Hermann Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. Fortgeführt von Erich Gierach. Sechzehnte Auflage. Bearbeitet von Ludwig Erich Schmitt, die Satzlehre von Otto Behaghel. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germa464 言 語 学 nischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. (Herausgegeben von Karl Helm) A. Hauptreihe Nr.2] Halle (Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1953. xiii,292pp. The covers, the spines and front & rear fly leaves of this copy sunned. The spine damaged and partly misshing. [L02582-602581] ¥3,150 4397 Paul,Hermann Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. 21., durchgesehene Auflage von Hugo Moser und Ingeborg Schröbler. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A.Hauptreihe Nr.2] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1975. xlvii,504pp.+図版 Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ds1086-602585] ¥4,200 4398 Paul,Hermann Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. 22.,durchgesehene Auflage von Hugo Moser, Ingeborg Schröbler und Siegfried Grosse. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A.Hauptreihe Nr.2] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1982. xxxvi,510pp.+図版 Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ds1085-602586] ¥4,200 4399 Springer,Otto Arbeiten zur germanischen Philologie und zur Literatur des Mittelalters. Mit einem Vowort von Paul Schach. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1975. 405pp. With a portrait of the author. Illus. Penil notations to several pages. [ds1314-603234] ¥12,600 4400 Weinhold,Karl Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. herausgegeben von Jerzy Kuryłowicz. BandⅢ: Formenlehre von Calvert Watkins. Erster Teil・Geschichte der Indogermanischen Verbalflexion. Paderborn: Druck und Verlag von Ferdinand Schöningh, 1883. Zweite Ausgabe. xii,604pp. Rebound with marble board and half calf. All edges marble. Sunned. Upper half of spine missing. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. [ds1110-603621] ¥10,080 4401 Ziemann,Adolf Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch zum Handgebrauch. Nebst Grammatischer Einleitung. Quedlinburg und Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von Gottfr.Badde, 1838. xvi,720pp. Rebound with 3/4 calf and marble board. Spine torn. Joint of 2-3pp.damaged. Text sl.stained. [ds1162-603796] ¥12,600 4402 Zupitza,Zulius Einführung in das Studium des Mittelhochdeutschen. Ein Lehr-und Lernbuch für die Studierenden der deutschen Philologie und zum Selbstunterricht von Julius Zupitza, fortgefüfrt von Franz Nobiling, 16.Auflage neu bearbeitet von Fritz Tschirch. Wilhelm Gronau Verlag, 1953. x,171pp. Sunned. [ds1111-603801] ¥4,200 4403 Zupitza,Zulius Einführung in das Studium des Mittelhochdeutschen. Ein Lehr-und Lernbuch für die Studierenden der deutschen Philologie und zum Selbstunterricht von Julius Zupitza, fortgefüfrt von Franz Nobiling, neu bearbeitet von Fritz Tschirch. Jena und Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Gronau, 1963. xiii,197pp. Sunned. [ds1030-603802] ¥4,200 新高ドイツ語 4404 Blatz,Friedrich Neuhochdeutsche Grammatik. Mit Berücksichtigung der Historischen Entwickelung der Deutschen Sprache. Erster band: Einleitung-Lautlehre-Wortlehre. / Zweiter band: Satzlehre (Syntax). 2 vols. Tokyo: Sansyusya Publishing Co., 1970. Reprografischer Nachdruck der 3.Auflage,Karlsruhe: J.Lang's Verlagsbuchhandlung und Buchdruckerei. xi,856pp. / xvii,1314pp. With slip cases. [ds0884-600354] ¥25,200 465 言 語 学 4405 Blatz,Friedrich Neuhochdeutsche Grammatik. Mit Berücksichtigung der Historischen Entwickelung der Deutschen Sprache. Erster band: Einleitung-Lautlehre-Wortlehre. Karlsruhe: J.Lang's Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1900. Dritte,völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage in zwei Bänden. xi,856pp. Only 'Erster band'. The spine sunned. Stamped on front flyleaf. [ds0964-600355] ¥12,600 4406 Engelien,A. Grammatik der neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Berlin C.: Verlag von Wilhelm Schultze, 1883. 3., verbesserte Auflage. viii,585pp. Marbled paper covered boards. [ds0094-600951] ¥15,120 4407 Fleischer,Wolfgang Structurelle Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des Neuhochdeutschen. [Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig: Philologisch-historische Klasse. Band 112. Heft 6] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1966. 120pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sunned. [ds0187-601030] ¥4,200 4408 Götze,Alfred Frühneuhochdeutsches Glossar. [Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen. (Begründet von Hans Lietzmann. Herausgegeben von Kurt Aland) 101] Berlin: Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1956. 5. Auflage. xii,240pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Small stamps on front cover and title page. [ds0988-601207] ¥4,200 4409 Götze,Alfred Frühneuhochdeutsches Glossar. [Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen. 101] Berlin: Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1967. 7. Auflage. xii,240pp. Printed wrappers. The spine and covers sunned. [ds1124-601208] ¥5,040 4410 Hirt,Herman Etymologie der Neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Darstellung des Deutschen Wortschatzes in Seiner Geschichtlichen Entwicklung. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts an Höheren Schulen. (Begründet von Adolf Matthias) Vierter Band・Zweiter Teil] Munchen: C.H.Beck'she Verlagsbuchhandlung Oskar Beck, 1909. xv,404pp. All edges blue. Spine sunned and front cover partly stained. Pencil notation to 'i'p. [ds1153-601471] ¥8,400 4411 Hirt,Herman Etymologie der Neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Darstellung des Deutschen Wortschatzes in Seiner Geschichtlichen Entwicklung. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts an Höheren Schulen.Vierter Band・ Zweiter Teil] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oskar Beck, 1921. Zweite, Verbesserte und Vermehrte Auflage. x,438pp. Top edge green. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. 26.5x18.5cm. [ds0919/ds0163-601472] ¥10,080 4412 Hirt,Herman Etymologie der Neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Darstellung des Deutschen Wortschatzes in Seiner Geschichtlichen Entwicklung. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts an Höheren Schulen. Vierter Band・ Zweiter Teil] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oskar Beck, 1921. Zweite, Verbesserte und Vermehrte Auflage. x,438pp. Top edge green. Dust wrapper chipped. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. 26.5x18.8cm. [ds0886-601473] ¥10,080 4413 Kauffmann,Friedrich Deutsche Grammatik. Laut- und Formenlehre des Gotischen, Alt-, Mittel- und Neuhochdeutschen. Marburg: N.G.Elwert'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (G.Braun), 1925. Ache Auflage. viii,128pp. Spine somewhat faded and all edges sunned. 22.3x15cm. [ds0774-601754] ¥4,200 4414 Regula,Moritz Kurzgefaßte erklärende Satzkunde des Neuhochdeutschen. lag,1968. 220pp. [ds0457-602814] ¥4,200 Bern & München: Francke Ver- 466 言 語 学 4415 Renicke,Horst Grundlegung der neuhochdeutschen Grammatik. Zeitlichkeit-Wort und Satz. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1961. 182pp. Printed wrappers. [ds1053/ds0864-602827] ¥4,200 4416 Scheel,Willy Neuhochdeutsche Sprachlehre. 1. Laut- und Wortbildungslehre für die Oberstufe Höherer Lehranstalten. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Zweite Abteilung・ Sprachwissenschaftliche Gymnasialbibliothek unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachgenossen. Herausugegeben von Max Niedermann. Zweiter Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1908. viii,89pp. Printed wrappers. Top edge black. The spine sunned. 20.5*13.5cm. [ds0818/ds0329-603006] ¥2,520 4417 Scheel,Willy Neuhochdeutsche Sprachlehre. 1. Laut- und Wortbildungslehre für die Oberstufe Höherer Lehranstalten. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von Herman Hirt und Wilhelm Streitberg) Zweite Abteilung・Sprachwissenschaftliche Gymnasialbibliothek unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachgenossen. Herausgegeben von Max Niedermann. Zweiter Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1908. viii,89pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0540-603007] ¥2,520 4418 Steche,Theodor Die neuhochdeutsche Wortbiegung. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sprachentwicklung im 19. Jahrhundert. Erster Teil: Die Wortklassen-Die Beugung. Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt, 1927. 188pp. Ex-library: Stamped on title page and the verso of title page, a sticker on front flyleaf, numbering on the spine. The cover somewhat spotted. [ds0592-603251] ¥4,200 4419 Strassner,Erich Graphemsystem und Wortkonstituenz. Schreibsprachliche Entwicklungstendenzen vom Frühneuhochdeutschen zum Neuhochdeutschen untersucht an Nürnberger Chroniktexten. Mit 4 Mikrofiches. [Hermaea Germanistische Forschungen neue Folge. (Herausgegeben von Hans Fromm und Hans-Joachim Mähl) Band 39] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1977. vii,164pp. Printed wrappers. Covers and the spine somewhat sunned. [ds0109-603290] ¥3,360 4420 Sütterlin,Ludwig Neuhochdeutsche Grammatik. Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Neuhochdeutschen Mundarten. Erste Hälfte: Einleitung. Lautverhältnisse. Wortbiegung. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts an Höheren Schulen. (Begründet von Adolf Matthias) Zweiter Band・Zweiter Teil] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oskar Beck, 1924. xxii,504pp. Only 'Erste Hälfte'. Top edge green. Stamped on flyleaf. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. 26.4x18.8cm. [ds1018-603317] ¥12,600 各地のドイツ語 4421 Frischbier,H. ed. Preußische Sprichwörter und volksthümliche Redensarten. Gesammelt und Herausgegeben von H.Frischbier. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Nebst Anhange, enthaltend brei Gutachten über die erfte Auflage des Wertes. Berlin: Verlag von Th.Chr.Fr.Enslin (Adolph Enslin), 1865. xiii,322pp. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. . Rebound. 19x12.8cm. [ds0758-601107] ¥4,200 4422 Frischbier,H. ed. Preussische Sprichwörter und volksthümliche Redensarten. Gesammelt und Herausgegeben von H.Frischbier. Zweite sammlung. Mit einem glossar. Berlin: Verlag von Th.Chr.Fr.Enslin (Adolph Enslin), 1876. xii,264pp. Title page somewhat sunned. Rebound. 19x12.8cm. [ds0759-601108] ¥4,200 467 言 語 学 4423 Kaiser,Kåre Mundart und Schriftsprache. Versuch einer Wesensbestimmung in der zeit Zwischen Leibniz und Gottsched. [Form und Geist: arbeiten zur Germanischen philologie. Band 18] Leipzig: Hermann Eichblatt Verlag, 1930. xvi,379pp. Top edge red. Spine sunned. Covers and flyleaves spotted. [ds1282-601730] ¥10,080 4424 Kretschmer,Paul Wortgeographie der hochdeutschen Umgangssprache. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1969. 2., durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage. xvi,641pp. Dust wrapper the spine sunned. [ds0160-601885] ¥12,600 4425 Pessler,Wilhelm Deutsche Wortgeographie. Wesen und Werden, Wollen und Weg. [Sonderdruck aus "Wörter und Sachen", XV.Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1932. 80pp. With 17 maps. Rebound. Somewhat sunned. 29.5x23.3cm. [ds1359-602638] ¥12,600 4426 Wegeler,Julius Coblenz in seiner Mundart. [L02649-604530] ¥8,400 Sändig Reprint Verlag, 1973. Reprint of 1876 edition. viii,256pp. 古代 ・ 中世の言語 ヒッタイト語派 古代ギリシャ 古イラン語(古代ペルシャ語) 古代ゲルマン語 469 470 471 471 古アイルランド語 古代教会スラヴ語 古期フランス語 472 473 473 4427 (Eis,Gerhard) Fachliteratur des Mittelalters. Festschrift für Gerhatd Eis. Herausgegeben von Gundolf Keil, Rainer Rudolf, Wolfram Schmitt und Hans J.Vermeer. Stuttgart: J.B.Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. x,584pp. (Franz H.Bäuml, George Fenwick Jones, Eli Sobel, James Follan, Rainer Rudolf, Dieter Richter, Rolf Klemmt, Rolf Winau, Kalevi Tarvainen, Gundolf Keil, Judica I.H.Mendels, Eero Alanne, Willy L.Braekman, Willem F.Daems, Hans Wiswe, Kurt Lindner, Gunnar Tilander, Gerhart Hoffmeister, Wilhelm Rieck, Heinz Harms, Gernot Rath, Heinrich Schipperges, Eduard Seidler, Christian Probst, Walter Pagel, Marianne Winder, Karl-Heinz Weimann, Johannes Steudel, Egon Schmitz-Cliever, Hans H.Lauer, Hans J.Vermeer, Wolfram Schmitt, Gustav Korlén, Walter Lawrence Wardale, Josef Werlin, Hans Schabram, Alphons Augustinus Barb, Manfred Stürzbecher) With a portrait. Dust wrapper sl.chipped. [ds1164-600921] ¥12,600 4428 Borger,Rykle Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. Band I.II.III. I: Repertorium der Sumerischen und Akkadischen Texte. II: Supplement zu Band I Anhang: Zur Kuyunjik-Sammlung. III: Inhaltliche Ordnung der Sumerischen und Akkadischen Texte Anhang: Sekundärliteratur in Auswahl. 3 vols. Berlin. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1967. 1975. x,672pp. xxxii,395pp. viii,168pp. [L02653-604579] ¥21,000 4429 Brandenstein,Wilhelm hrsg. Frühgeschichte und Sprachwissenschaft. [Arbeiten aus dem Institut für allgemeine und vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. 1] Wien: Gerold & Co., 1948. 190pp. (Contributors: Max Schilcher, Margit Falkner, W.Brandenstein, Wilhelm Muster, Anton Kern, Edeltraut Passler, Heinz Kronasser) Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. Pencil notation to new front e.p. [lk0080-604061] ¥21,000 4430 Bursill-Hall,G.L. Speculative Grammars of the Middle Ages. The Doctrine of Partes Orationis of the Modistae. [Ap468 言 語 学 proaches to Semiotics 11] stained. [L01520-600535] The Hague & Paris: Mouton, 1971. 424pp. Dust wrapper somewhat ¥15,120 4431 Corssen,W. Sprache der Ertusker. I &II. 2vols. I:Dr.Martin Sändig oHG. II: Sändig Reprint Verlag, 1972. 1988. I:Reprin of 1874. II: Reprint of 1875. xxxvi,1016pp. 722pp. With plates. [L02646-604527] ¥31,500 4432 Czermak,Wilhelm Der Rhythmus der koptischen Sprache und seine Bedeutung in der Sprachgestaltung. Vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 2.Juli 1930. [Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, 213. Band, 2.Abhandlung] Wien und Leipzig: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1931. iv,257pp. Rebound with cloth and marbled board, marbled e.ps. Flyleaves sunned. [ds1298-600773] ¥7,560 4433 Otten,Heinrich Zur Grammatikalischen und Lexikalischen Bestimmung des Luvischen. Untersuchung der Luvili-Texte. [Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: Instituts für Orientforschung. Veröffentlichung Nr.19] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1953. 124pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Spine and front cover sl.chipped, and rear cover torn. 29.8x21.2cm. [L02353-602510] ¥10,500 4434 Pisani,Vittore Le Lingue Dell'Italia Antica. Oltre Il Latino. Con Una Tavola Degli Slfabeti E due Carte Geolinguistiche. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1964. Seconda edizione fondamentalmente riveduta e notevolmente accresciuta. xviii,378pp. Printed wrappers. Ink notations to front & rear flyleaves. Some foxing to front flyleaf & edges. Spine sl.torn. [L02058-602688] ¥10,500 4435 Shisha-Halevy, A. ed. Coptic Grammatical Chrestomathy. A Course for Academic and Private Study. [Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 30] Peeters Leuven, 1988. xix,277pp. Ink notations to front and rear flyleaves. [L02062-603148] ¥12,600 ヒッタイト語派 4436 Friedrich,Johannes Hethitisches Elementarbuch. 1.Teil: Kurzgefaßte Grammatik. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. 1.Reihe. Lehr-und Handbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1974. Dritte, unveränderte Auflage. 195pp. [L02669-601093] ¥8,400 4437 Friedrich,Johannes Hethitisches Elementarbuch. 1.Teil: Kurzgefaßte Grammatik. Zwiete,verbesserte und erveiterte Auflage. Zweiter Teil: Lesestücke in Transkription. MIT Erläuterungen und Wortherverzeichnissen. [Indogermanische Bibliothek.] 2 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1960.1946. 195pp. viii,131pp. Pages have browned in vol.2. [L02049-601094] ¥15,750 4438 Fraser,John The Etruscans: Were They Celts? or, The Light of an Inductive Philology Thrown on Forty Etruscan Fossil-Words Presented to us by Ancient Authors; With Incidental Notices of the Etymology of 2000 Words in the Classical and Modern Languages, and Discussions on Greek and Roman Antiquities and Mythology. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, /London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., [1879] vii,276pp. Rebound. Covers sl.rubbed. Rear cover damp stained. Edges sl.spotted. Top edge darkened. Fore & lower edges foxed. Spotted from titile page to page 1. [L03431-605275] ¥36,750 469 言 語 学 古代ギリシャ 4439 Schmidt,Wilhelm Der Atticismus in Seinen Hauptvertretern. Von Dionysius von Halikarnass bis auf den Zweiten Philostratus. 5 vols. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1964. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Stuttgart 1887-1897 Mit Genehmigung des Verlages W.Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart Herstellung: fotokop, Reprografischer Betrieb GmbH., Darmstadt. xix,432pp./ 316pp./ 349pp./ 734pp./ 234pp. Top edge gray. The spine of each vols.sl.spotted. [ds0920-603039] ¥25,200 4440 Cooper, III, Guy L. Attic Greek Prose Syntax. by Guy L.Cooper,III after K.W.Krüger. 2 vols. Ann Arbor; The University of Michigan Press, 2001. 867pp./869pp.-1875pp. Includes bibliographical references and index. Covers sl.stained. Top edge sl.stained. [L03287-605131] ¥36,750 4441 Sicking,C.M.J. & J.M.van Ophuijsen Two Studies in Attic Particle Usage. Lysias and Plato. Part I ; Devices for Text Articulation in Lysias I and XII. Part II ; OYN,APA,ΔΗ: The Linguistic Articulation of Arguments in Plato's Phaed. [Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava. Supplementum] Leiden・New York・Köln; E.J.Brill, 1993. vii,175pp. d.w. sl.foxed. Top edge sl.foxed & spotted. [L03303-605147] ¥8,400 4442 Garbrah,Kweku Arku A Grammar of the Ionic Inscriptions from Erythrae. Phonology and Morphology. Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie. Herausgegeben von Ernst Heitsch, Reinhold Merkelbach und Clemens Zintzen. Heft 60] Glan; Verlag Anton Hain Meisenheim, 1978. 171pp. Printed wrappers somewhat stained. Spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed & spotted. With bibliography of publisher. [L03298-605142] ¥8,400 4443 Chantraine,Pierre La Formation des Noms en Grec Ancien. Nouveau Tirage 1979. [Collection Linguistique publiée par la Société de Linguistique de Paris. XXXVIII] Paris; Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1979. xxvii,473pp. Printed wrappers sl.foxed. Covers & spine sl.rubbed at corners. Edges sl.stained. Pencil notations from page 275 to 289. [L03299-605143] ¥12,600 4444 Papanastassiou,Georges C. Compléments au Dictionnaire Étymologique du Grec Ancien de Pierre Chantraine (Λ-Ω). Théssalonique, 1994. 149pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Edges sl.spotted. Flyleaves somewhat foxed. [L03280-605124] ¥4,200 4445 Stahl,J.M. Kritisch-Historische Syntax des Griechischen Verbums der Klassischen Zeit. [Indogermanische Bibliothek 1. Abt. 1. Reihe Band 4] Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1965. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Heidelberg 1907. xii,838pp. Fore & lower edges sl.foxed. [L03282-605126] ¥15,750 4446 Bethe,Ericvs ed. Pollvcis Onomasticon. E codicibvs ab ipso collatis denvo edidit et adnotavit Ericvs Bethe. Fascicvlvs prior: Lib.I-V continens. Fascicvlvs posterior: Lib.VI-X continens. Fascicvlvs tertivs: Index. [Sammlung Wissenschaftlicher Commentare: Lexicographi Graeci. Vol.IX] In 3 vols. Stvtgardiae in Aedibvs B.G.Tevbneri, 1967. Editio Stereotypa editionis. xix,305pp./ vi,258pp./ 128pp. The spines of vol.1&2 sl.faded. Covers and spine of vol.3 stained. [L00747-600316] ¥16,800 4447 Chantraine,Pierre Grammaire Homérique. Tome 1; Phonetique et Morphologie. Tome 2; Syntaxe. [Collection de Philologiedes Classique I & IV] 2 vols. Paris: Librairie C.Klincksieck, 1948 & 1953. 524pp./ 378pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Spine of each vol.repaired with tapes. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf of 'Tome I'. [L02245-600606] ¥16,800 4448 Chantraine,Pierre Grammaire Homérique. Tome 1; Phonetique et Morphologie. Tome 2; Syntaxe. [Collection de Phi470 言 語 学 lologie Classique] 2 vols. Paris: Librairie C.Klincksieck, 1958 & 1963. Vol. 1; 544pp. Vol. 2; 378pp. Printed wrappers partly sunned. Spine sunned. Edges foxed. Tomo1; Spotted from half title page to verso of title page, page 542 to 544. Page 98 & 99 spotted. Tomo 2; Spine sl.scuffed. Spotted from front flyleaves to half title page. [L03285-605129] ¥21,000 4449 Rutherford,W.Gunion The New Phrynichus. Being a Revised Text of the Ecloga of the Grammarian Phrynichus. With Introductions and Commentary by W.Guinion Rutherford. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. xi,539pp. Top edge gray. [L00690-602923] ¥10,080 4450 Chadwick,John Lexicographica Graeca. Contribution to the lexicography of Ancient Greek. Press, 1996. vi,343pp. d.w. [L03295-605139] ¥8,400 Oxford; Clarendon 4451 Parry,Adam M. The Language of Achilles and Other Papers. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1989. xi,334pp. d.w. Stamped by former owner on title page. Pencil notations & red underlines from page 8 to 17. [L03296-605140] ¥6,300 古イラン語(古代ペルシャ語) 4452 Bartholomae,CHR. Handbuch der Altiranischen Dialekte. (Kurzgefasste Vergleichende Grammatik, Lesestücke und Glossar). Sändig Reprint Verlag, 1968. Reprint of 1883 (Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von Breitkopf & Hartel). vi,272pp. [L02648-604529] ¥10,500 古代ゲルマン語 4453 Braune,Wilhelm Gotische Grammatik. Mit Lesestücken und Wörterverzeichnis. Zehnte Auflage Bearbeitet von Karl Helm. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. A. Hauptreihe Nr.1] Halle(Saale): Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1928. viii,199pp. 8.5Small ink notation to front flyleaf. [ds1136-600434] ¥4,200 4454 Braune,Wilhelm Gotische Grammatik. Mit Lesestücken und Wörterverzeichnis. Fortgefuhrt von Karl Helm. 16. Auflage Neu Bearbeitet von Ernst A.Ebbinghaus. 2. Druck. [Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. (Herausgegeben von Karl Helm). A. Hauptreihe Nr.1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1961. 198pp. Spine sunned. [L02579-600435] ¥4,200 4455 Braune,Wilhelm Gotische Grammatik. Mit Lesestücken und Wörterverzeichnis. 17. Auflage Neu Bearbeitet von Ernst A.Ebbinghaus.[Sammlung Kurzer Grammatiken Germanischer Dialekte. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune. (Herausgegeben von Helmut de Boor). A. Hauptreihe Nr.1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1966. xii,200pp. Small date stamp on front cover & front flyleaf. [L02598-604457] ¥5,250 4456 Elliott,Ralph E.V. Runes. An Introduction. Manchester UP., 1971. Reprinted. xvi,124pp.+4 plates. Spine of d.w.sunned. [ds1288-600937] ¥12,600 4457 Jonsson,Erik Oldnordisk Ordbog ved Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. xlviii,808pp. Stamped on title page. 頁破れ(687p 半分無し)&補修. Kjöbenhavn, 1863. [L01882-601703] ¥21,000 471 言 語 学 4458 Krause,Wolfgang Handbuch des Gotischen. [Handbücher für das Studium der Germanistik] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. Dritte, neubearbeitete Auflage. xxii,320pp. d.w. [ds1165-601877] ¥8,400 4459 Krause,Wolfgang Handbuch des Gotischen. [Handbücher für das Studium der Germanistik] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. Dritte, neubearbeitete Auflage. xxii,320pp. d.w.sl. sunned. Some foxing to front & rear flyleaves. [L01891-601878] ¥8,400 4460 Meyer,Richard M. Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte. Lieipzig: Verlag von Quelle & Meyer, 1910. xx,645pp. Stamped on title page. Pages have darkened. [L01984-602301] ¥5,250 4461 Wolf,Alois Gestaltungskerne und Gestaltungsweisen in der altgermanischen Heldendichtung. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1965. 248pp. Spine sunned and several pages sl.stained. [ds1080-603717] ¥8,400 4462 (Reichardt,Konstantin) Festschrift für Konstantin Reichardt. In Verbindung mit Herwig Zauchenberger. Herausgegeben von Christian Gellinek. Bern und München: Francke Verlag,1969. 173pp. (Stefan Sonderegger, Warren Cowgill, Christian Gellinek, Einar Haugen, Ernst A.Ebbinghaus, Hans Kuhn, S.Gutenbrunner, Wolfgang Krause, Anne Holtsmark, W.P.Lehmann, Halldór Halldórsson, Hans Bekker-Nielsen, Werner Schröder, Werner Betz) With a portrait. The spine of d.w.sunned. [ds1151-602816] ¥12,600 4463 Wiener,Leo Commentary to the Germanic Laws and Mediaeval Documents. Cambridge: Harvard UP., 1915. lxi,224pp. Pencil notations on half title page. [L02600-604459] ¥6,300 古アイルランド語 4464 Quin,E.G. Old-Irish Workbook. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy,1975.163pp.Printed wrappers. Spine foxed. Top edge sl.foxed. Fore edge partly foxed. [L03137-604804] ¥3,150 4465 Thurneysen,Rudolf A Grammar of Old Irish. Revised and Enlarged Edition with Supplement. Translated from the German by D.A.Binchy and Osborn Bergin. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1980. Reprinted. xxi,717pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Pencil notations in some pages. [L03420-605264] ¥13,650 4466 Thurneysen,Rudolf A Grammar of Old Irish. Revised and Enlarged Edition. Translated from the German by D.A.Binchy and Osborn Bergin. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1946. xxi,688pp. Spine sunned & sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Rear e.p. partly torn. Ink & red pencil notations, underlines in some pages. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03421-605265] ¥10,500 4467 Thurneysen,Rudolf Old Irish Reader. With a Supplement to a Grammar of Old Irish. Translated from the German by D.A.Binchy and Osborn Bergin. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1949. x,139pp. d.w. sunned & sl.chipped. Its spine partly torn. Top edge sl.somewhat darkened & spotted. Fore edge sl.foxed. Lower edge foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves somewhat foxed. [L03418-605262] ¥12,600 472 言 語 学 古代教会スラヴ語 4468 Gardiner,S.C. Old Church Slavonic. An Elementary Grammar. sunned. [L01706-601141] ¥7,350 Cambridge UP, 1984. ix,178pp. Spine of d.w. 4469 Lunt,Horace G. Old Church Slavonic Grammar. Sixth Edition, Completely Revised and Extended with an Epilogue, "Toward a Generative Phonology of Old Church Slavonic". [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings. 3] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1974. xvi,221pp. Dust wrapper sl.spotted. [L01716-602098] ¥12,600 4470 Lunt,Horace G. Old Church Slavonic Grammar. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings. 3] s-Gravenhage: Mouton, 1968. Fifth Edition. xiii,143pp. Dust wrapper foxing and sl.chipped. Edges sl.spotted. [lk0203-604250] ¥10,500 4471 Nandres,Grigore & Auty,R. Handbook of Old Church Slavonic. Part I.: Old Church Slavonic Grammar. Part II.: Texts and Glossary. [London East European Series] 2 vols. University of London: The Athlone Press, 1959. 1960. xiv,235pp. x,148pp. [L01756-57-602417] ¥18,900 4472 Schmalstieg,William R. An Introduction to Old Church Slavic. Second edition Revised and Expanded. Slavica Publishers, 1983. xv,314pp. Printed wrappers. [L02001-603033] ¥7,350 Columbus,Ohio: 古期フランス語 4473 Luquiens、Frederick Bliss An Introduction to Old French Phonology anf Morphology. Revised and Enlarged. Yale UP., 1951. Second edition, revised and sixth printing. 147pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01249-605017] ¥6,720 4474 Voretzsch,Karl Einführung in das Studium der Altfranzösischen Sprache. Zum Selbstunterricht für den Anfänger. Achte Auflage Bearbeitet von Gerhard Rohlfs. [Sammlung Kurzer Lehrbücher der Romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen. 1] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1955. ix,361pp. Spine sunned. [ds1168-603536] ¥10,080 印欧語関連 印欧語関連 論文集 ゲルマン語派 オランダ語 スカンジナヴィア系言語 473 476 477 479 480 イタリック語派 ギリシャ語 イタリア語 スペイン語 ラテン語 ワロン語 481 481 484 484 485 485 ロマンス諸語 ケルト語派 スラヴ語・バルト語派 セルビア・クロアチア語 ロシア語 インド・イラン語派 486 488 490 490 491 493 4475 Benveniste,E. Origines de la Formation des Noms en Indo-Européen, I. Paris: Librairie Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1935. 223pp. Rebound with original paperback front cover. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to original front cover, foxing. Pencil notations to a few pages. [lk0040-604059] ¥21,000 4476 Brugmann,Karl Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprachen. Auf Grund des fünfbändigen 473 言 語 学 'Grundrisses der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen von K.Brugmann und B.Delbrück' verfaßt. Berlin und Leipzig: Vereinigung Wissenschaftlicher Verleger・Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1922. Anastatischer Neudruck. xxviii,774pp.+4 tabellen. The spine somewhat faded and torn, repaired with tape. All edges sunned. Stamped on title page by T.Hirunuma. [ds0946-600490] ¥5,250 4477 Brugmann,Karl Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprachen. Auf Grund des fünfbändigen 'Grundrisses der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen von K.Brugmann und B.Delbrück' verfaßt. Dritte Lieferung: Lehre von den Satzgebilden. Berlin und Leipzig: Vereinigung Wissenschaftlicher Verleger・Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1922. Anastatischer Neudruck. xxviii,774pp.+4 tabellen. Top edge black. Covers and spine spotted. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ownership stamp of Hideo Kobayashi on title page. Ink notations to front & rear e.ps. [lk0211-604236] ¥8,400 4478 Brugmann,Karl Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprachen. Auf Grund des fünfbändigen 'Grundrisses der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen von K.Brugmann und B.Delbrück' verfasst. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970. xxviii,777pp. Blue and red underlines and marks on title page. [L02663-604552] ¥8,400 4479 Gamkrelidze,Thomas V. & Vjacheslav V.Ivanov ИНДОEBPOПEЙCKИЙ ЯЗЬІК И ИНДОEBPOПEЙЦЬІ. (Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans.) PEKOHCTPУKЦИЯ И ИСТОРИКО-ТИПОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ПРАЯЗЬІКА И ПРОТОКУЛЬТУРЬІ. (A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of a Protolanguage and a Proto-Culture. With a Preface by Roman Jakobson.) I.[and]II. [Academy of Sciences: Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies. The Institute for Slavic and Balkan Studies] 2 vols. Publishing House of the Tbilisi State University, 1984. xcvi,428pp./ 440-1328pp. (Text written in Russian) A presentation copy from the author. (著者からのカード、著者についての記事の切抜、及び著 者の住所の書かれた紙が見返しに貼ってある) Dust wrapper faded and sl.chipped. Ink ownership signature to front e.ps.of each vol. 26.5x18cm. [L02351-601133] ¥31,500 4480 Gamkrelidze,Thomas V. & Vjacheslav V.Ivanov ИНДОEBPOПEЙCKИЙ ЯЗЬІК И ИНДОEBPOПEЙЦЬІ. (Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans.) PEKOHCTPУKЦИЯ И ИСТОРИКО-ТИПОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ПРАЯЗЬІКА И ПРОТОКУЛЬТУРЬІ. (A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of a Protolanguage and a Proto-Culture. With a Preface by Roman Jakobson.) I.[and]II. [Academy of Sciences: Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies. The Institute for Slavic and Balkan Studies] 2 vols. Publishing House of the Tbilisi State University, 1984. xcvi,428pp./ 440-1328pp. (Text written in Russian) Small date stamp to rear flyleaf. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed. 26.5x18cm. [L01936-601134] ¥31,500 4481 Guillaume,Gustave Temps et Verbe. Théorie des Aspects, des Modes et des Temps. [Collection Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris.-XXVII] Paris: Librairie Ancienne Édouard Champion, 1929. 134pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sl.sunned. Original cover partly chipped, torn and partly repaired. [lk0108] ¥10,500 4482 Hartmann,Hans Das Passiv. Eine Studie zur Geistesgeschichte der Kelten, Italiker und Arier. [Indogermanische Bibliothek: Dritte Reibe・Untersuchungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1954. 206pp. Top edge black and other edges foxing. [L02142-601355] ¥10,500 4483 Hartmann,Peter Zur Typologie des Indogermanischen. Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1956. 295pp. Printed wrappers. [L01919-601364] ¥9,450 4484 Hirt,Herman Indogermanische Grammatik TeilⅡ: Der Indogermanische Vokalismus. [Indogermanische Bibli474 言 語 学 othek. (Herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Erste Abteilung・Sammlung Indogermanischer Lehr- und Handbücher. Ⅰ.Reihe: Grammatiken Dreizehnter Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1921. xi,256pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Spine repaired with tapes. Pencil notations. Stamped on title page by T.Hirunuma. [L02241-601469] ¥5,250 4485 Krahe,Hans Die Indogermanisierung Griechenlands und Italiens. Zwei Vorträge. [Vorträge und Studien] Heidelbert: Carl Winter-Universitatsverlag, 1949. 59pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds0935-601869] ¥4,200 4486 Kuryłowicz,Jerzy Indogermanische Grammatik. Band II: Akzent・Ablaut. [Indogermanische Bibliothek: Erste Reibe・ Lehr-und Handbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1968. 371pp. Front cover sl.stained. Edges and e.ps.somewhat foxing. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front & rear e.ps. [lk0032-604134] ¥21,000 4487 Lehmann,Winfred P. ed. A Reader in Nineteenth-Century Historical Indo-European Linguistics. Edited and Translated by Winfred P.Lehmann. [Indiana University Studies in the Hisroty and Theory of Linguistics] Bloomington & London: Indiana UP., 1967. vi,266pp. Dust wrapper slightly chipped. Small ink notation on rear flyleaf. [L01642-602006] ¥12,600 4488 Lewy,Ernst Der Bau der europäischen Sprachen. [Die erste Auflage erschien in den. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (Volume XLVIII, Section C, Nr.2)] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1964. 2.,Unveränderte Auflage. 108pp. Printed wrappers. With illus. Spine sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover. [lk0167-604144] ¥5,250 4489 Lindeman,Fredrik Otto Introduction to the 'Laryngeal Theory'. [The Institute for Comparative Researvh in Human Culture]. Norwegian Univeristy Press, 1987. 155pp. Printed wrappers. Red underlined. [L02588-604439] ¥2,100 4490 Lohmann,Johannes Genus und Sexus. Eine morphologische Studie zum Ursprung der indogermanischen nominalen Genus-Unterscheidung. [Ergänzungshefte zur Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen, Nr.10] Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1932. 94pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, light stained. [lk0037-604145] ¥10,500 4491 Meillet,Antoine Introduction a l'Ètude Comparative des Langues Indo-Européennes. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1937. Huitième édition refondue. xiv,516pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned and spine sl.rubbed. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to original front cover. A memo inserted. [lk0145-604157] ¥21,000 4492 Persson,P. Beiträge zur Indogermanischen Wortforschung. Teil I: Worterklärungen. Teil II: Zur Frange Nach den Sogenannten Wurzeldeterminativen. [Arbeten Utgifna Med Understäd af Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond, Uppsala 12:1.2] 2 vols. Uppsala, 1912. viii,549pp. -1111pp. Printed Wrappers. [L02007-602636] ¥47,250 4493 Pisani,Vittore Glottologia Indeuropea. Manuale di Grammatica Comparata delle Lingue Indeuropee con Speciale Riguardo del Greco e del Latino. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1971. Quarta edizione riveduta. xlvi,325pp. Printed wrappers. [L02015-602683] ¥12,600 4494 Pisani,Vittore Glottologia Indeuropea. Manuale di Grammatica Comparata delle Lingue Indeuropee con Speciale 475 言 語 学 Riguardo del Greco e del Latino. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1971. Quarta edizione riveduta. xlvi,325pp. Printed wrappers. Ink notation to front flyleaf. [L02059-602684] ¥12,600 4495 Porzig,Walter Die Gliederung des Indogermanischen Sprachgebiets. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. Dritte Reihe: Untersuchungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1954. 251pp. Top edge dark blue. Spine and edges sunned, and e.ps.somewhat spotted. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front e.p. [lk0068-604175] ¥12,600 4496 Scherer,Anton Gestirnnamen bei den Indogermanischen Völkern. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. Herausgegeben von Hans Krahe. Dritte Reibe Untersuchungen.] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1953. 276pp. With VIII tafel. Ink notation on front fryleaf. [L01897-603010] ¥4,200 4497 Specht,Franz Der Ursprung der Indogermanischen Deklination. Göttingen; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1947. Neudruck. vii,432pp. small ink ownership signature in page of dedication. Almost all page foxed. [L03036-604694] ¥18,900 4498 Szemerényi,Oswald Einführung in die Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. [Die Altertumswissenschaft] Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1970. xiv,311pp. Printed wrappers, sl.sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover. [lk0159-604204] ¥6,300 4499 Watkins,Calvert Indogermanische Grammatik. BandⅢ: Formenlehre. Erster Teil・Geschichte der Indogermanischen Verbalflexion. [Indogermanische Bibliothek: Erste Reibe・Lehr-und Handbücher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1969. 248pp. [lk0033-604213] ¥18,900 論文集 4500 (Hirt,Herman) Arntz,Helmut hrsg. Germanen und Indogermanen. Volkstum, Sprache, Heimat, Kultur. Festschrift für Herman Hirt. Herausgegeben von Helmut Arntz. Erster Band: Ergebnisse der Kulturhistorie und Anthropologie. Mit 85 Abbildungen. / Zweiter Band: Ergebnisse der Sprachwissenschaft. Mit 7 Abbildungen. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. III Abteilung: Untersuchungen. 15.Band] 2 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1936. xiii,436pp./ vi,623pp. (Hans Seger, Oswald Menghin, Fritz Flor, Wilhelm Heintz, Paul Koschaker, Josef Strzygowski, Jakob Wilh.Hauer, Wladimir Antoniewicz, Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, Fritz Schachermeyr, Ernst Sprockhoff, Bruno Kurt Schultz, O.Reche, Nordischer Ring, Hans F.K.Günther, Max Semper, Egon Frhr.von Eickstedt, Oswald Streng, Kurt Stegmann von Pritzwald, Helmut Arntz, Wilhelm Brandenstein, Albert Schott, Paavo Ravila, George Lacombe, René Lafon, Hans Jensen, Georges Dumézil, Jalo Kalima, Johannes Friedrich, Antoine Meillet, Émile Benveniste, Hans Krahe, Piero Meriggi, Ferdinand Sommer, Carl Karstien, Hermann Ammann, Alfred Schmitt, Friedrich Maurer, Fritz Stroh, Walther Fischer, Siegfried Gutenbrunner, Torsen Ever Karsten, Rudolf Much, Giacomo Devoto, Adolf Stender-Peterson, Holger Pedersen, Wolfgang Krause) Edges foxing. [lk0134-604104] ¥47,250 4501 Cowgill,Warren & Manfred Mayrhofer Indogermanische Grammatik. Band I. 1.Halbband: Einleitung von Warren Cowgill. Ins Deutsche übersetzt und bibliographisch bearbeitet von Alfred Bammesberger und Martin Peters. 2.Halbband: Lautlehre [Segmentale Phonologie des Indogermanischen] von Manfred Mayrhofer. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. Erste Reihe: Lehr-und Handbücher.] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1986. 216pp. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to title page. [lk0031-604078] ¥15,750 476 言 語 学 4502 Schulze,Wilhelm Kleine Schriften. Zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Dezember 1933. Herausgegeben vom Indogermanischen Seminar der Universitat Berlin. Mit einem Bildnis. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. n.d. xvi,779pp. Upper part of spine sl.chipped. Front fly leaf sl.foxing. [L02623-604482] ¥15,750 ゲルマン語派 4503 (Frings,Theodor) Fragen und Forschungen im Bereich und Umkreis der Germanischen Philologie. Festgabe für Theodor Frings zum 70.Geburtstag 23.Juli 1956. [Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für deutsche Sprache und Literatur. 8] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1956. viii,427pp. (Edward H.Sehrt, Fritz Mezger, Jost Trier, Erik Rooth, Wilhelm Wissmann, Emil Öhmann, Jan van Dam, Ingerid Dal, Jan Hendrix Scholte, Erik Wellander, Walter Henzen, Jean Fourquet, Viktor Schirmunski, R.Hotzenköcherle, Hermann Teuchert, L.Grootaers, Walther von Wartburg, L.L.Hammerich, Paul Aebischer, H.W.J.Kroes, Friedrich Maurer, Dietrich Kralik, H.A.Korff) Printed wrappers. With a portrait. Covers and spine sunned. Notation to title page. [ds1097-601106] ¥12,600 4504 (Heinzel,Richard) Abhandlungen zur Germanischen Philologie. Festgabe für Richard Heinzel von F.Detter, M.H.Jellinek, C.Kraus, R.Meringer, R.Much, J.Seemüller, S.Singer, K.Zwierzina. Hildeshein, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1985. Unveränderter reprographischer Nachdruck der 1.Ausgabe Halle (Max Niemeyer) 1898. viii,534pp. Spine sunned. Covers and title page sl.stained. 19.5x13.8cm. [ds1072-601406] ¥6,720 4505 Hodler,Werner Grundzüge einer Germanischen Artikellehre. [Germanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von Richard Kienast und Richard v.Kienle). Dritte Reihe. Untersuchungen und Einzeldarstellungen] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsverlag, 1954. 112pp. Printed wrappers. (ボール紙装) Spine sunned and pages have sl.yellowed. [L02584-601499] ¥5,250 4506 (Höfler,Otto) Festgabe für Otto Höfler zum 75.Geburtstag. Herausgeber Helmut Birkhan. [Philologica Germanica. 3] Wien / Stuttgart: Wilhelm Braumüller Universitäts-Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, 1976. xii,795pp.+図版 (Heinrich Beck, Helmut Birkhan, Karl Bosl, Bjön Collinder, Klaus Düwel, Georges Dumézil, Alfred Ebenbauer, Bertil Ejder, Mircea Eliade, Adalbert Erler, Otto Gschwantler, Siegfried Gutenbrunner, Karl Hauck, Blanka Horacek, Heinz Klingenberg, Fritz Peter Knapp, Peter Krämer, Carl Lofmark, Edith Marold, Manfred Mayrhofer, Gunter, Müller, Friedrich Ohly, Hermann Reichert, Kurt Schier, Richard Schrodt, Walter Steinhauser, Reinhard Wenskus, Peter Wiesinger, Roswitha Wisniewski, Richard Wolfram, Manfred Zips, Jermis Müller) Printed wrappers. With a portrait. [ds1100-601503] ¥12,600 4507 Lendle,O.C. Die Schreibung der germanischen Sprachen und ihre Standardisierung. Copenhague: Levin & Munksgaard・Einar Munksgaard, 1935. 166pp. Printed wrappers. Front cover partly sunned and all edge of covers somewhat damaged. [ds0051-602016] ¥12,600 4508 Maurer,Friedrich Nordgermanen und Alemannen. Studien zur germanischen und frühdeutschen Sprachgeschichte, Stammes-und Volkskunde. [Bibliotheca Germanica 3] Bern und München: Francke Verlag, 1952. Dritte, überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. 187pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds1324-602216] ¥6,720 477 言 語 学 4509 Maurer,Friedrich Nordgermanen und Alemannen. Studien zur germanischen und frühdeutschen Sprachgeschichte, Stammes- und Volkskunde Mit 25 Abbildungen. [Bibliotheca Germaica Handbücher, Texte und Monographien aus dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie 3] Bern; A. Francke AG.Verlag, München; Leo Lehnen Verlag GMBH. 1952. Third edition. 187pp. Printed wrappers sl.foxed, spotted & chipped. Top edges stained. All edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Sl.spotted in some pages. [L03023-604682] ¥5,250 4510 Mossé,Fernand Histoire de la Forme Périphrastique Etre+Participe Present en Germanique. Première Partie: Introduction Ancien Germanique-Vieil-Anglais. Deuxième Partie: Moyen-Anglais et Anglais Moderne. [Collenction Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. XLII & XLIII] 2 vols. Paris: Libraire C.Klincksieck, 1938. 126pp./ xi,301pp. Printed wrappers. Spine of each vol.sunned, partly stained and sl.torn. Spine of 'Tome I'partly missing. Pencil notations. (邦題「ゲルマン語・英語迀 言形の歴史」) [L01455-602365] ¥12,600 4511 Mossé,Fernand Histoire de la Forme Périphrastique Etre+Participe Present en Germanique. Première Partie: Introduction Ancien Germanique-Vieil-Anglais. Deuxième Partie: Moyen-Anglais et Anglais Moderne. [Collenction Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. XLII & XLIII] 2 vols. Paris: Libraire C.Klincksieck, 1938. 126pp./ xi,301pp. Printed wrappers,sl.sunned. Spine of each vol.partly torn and partly missing. (邦題「ゲルマン語・英語迀言形の歴史」) [L02331-602366] ¥12,600 4512 Mossé,Fernand Histoire de la Forme Périphrastique Etre+Participe Present en Germanique. Première Partie: Introduction Ancien Germanique-Vieil-Anglais. Deuxième Partie: Moyen-Anglais et Anglais Moderne. [Collenction Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. XLII & XLIII] 2 vols. in one. Paris: Libraire C.Klincksieck, 1938. 126pp./ xi,301pp. Rebound. Vol.1 sunned. Ink signature to original covers of each vols.by T.Matsuda. Front original cover of vol.1 partly missing. (邦題「ゲル マン語・英語迀言形の歴史」) [L00744-602367] ¥12,600 4513 Mosse,Fernand Histoire de la Forme Périphrastique Etre+Participe Present en Germanique. Première Partie: Introduction Ancien Germanique-Vieil-Anglais. [Collenction Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris. XLII] Paris:Libraile C.Klincksieck,1938. 126pp. Printed wrappers. [L02010-602369] ¥5,250 4514 Pfeffer,J.Alan Grunddeutsch: Basic (Spoken) German Word List. Grundstufe. [Number One of the publications of the Institute for Basic German University of Pittsburgh] Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, inc., 1964. ix,79pp. d.w. [ds0495-602648] ¥4,200 4515 Pfeffer,J.Alan Grunddeutsch: Basic (Spoken) German Idiom List. Grundstufe. [Number Three of the publications of the Institute for Basic German University of Pittsburgh] Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, inc., 1968. ix,91pp. d.w. [L00245-602649] ¥4,200 4516 Rösel,Ludwig Die Gliederung der Germanischen Sprachen. nach dem Zeugnis ihrer Flexionsformen. [Erlanger Beiträge zur Sprach-und Kunstwissenschaft. (herausgegeben von den Professoren der Universität Erlangen)]Band 11] Nürnberg: Verlag Hans Carl, 1962. xi,140pp. Printed wrappers. The spine somewhat sunned and covers sl.stained. Pencil notations. Small ink notation to recto of rear cover. [L01344-602888] ¥5,040 4517 Seymour,Richard K. A Bibliography of Word Formation in the Germanic Languages. xv,158pp. d.w.sunned. [L02534-603142] ¥12,600 478 Durham: Duke UP., 1968. 言 語 学 4518 Schmitt,Ludwig Erich ed. Kurzer Grundriß der germanischen Philologie bis 1500. Band 1. Sprachgeschichte./ Band 2. Literaturgeschichte. 2 vols. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970, 1971. viii,440pp./ vi,665pp. (Band 1: Frans van Coetsem, James W.Marchand, Hans Kuhn, Herbert Pilch, Willy Krogmann, Adolphe van Loey, Stefan Sonderegger, Gabriele Schieb, Johannes Erben / Band 2: Georges Zunk, Piergiuseppe Scardigli, Dietrich Hofmann, Gabriel Turville-Petre, Frederick Norman, Willy Krogmann, Cebus Cornelius de Bruin, Johannes Rathofer, Stefan Sonderegger, Harold Burger, Wolfgang Brandt, Hans Schottmann, Gerhard Eis, Wolfgang F.Michael, Friedrich Neumann) d.w. With slip case. [ds1147-603052] ¥21,000 4519 Schmitt,Ludwig Erich ed. Kurzer Grundriß der germanischen Philologie bis 1500. Band 1. Sprachgeschichte. Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970. viii,440pp. d.w. [ds1031-603053] ¥10,080 Berlin: 4520 Schwarz,Ernst Deutsche und Germanische Philologie. [Winters Studienführer] Heidelberg: Carl Winter・ Universitätsverlag, 1951. vii,248pp. Dust wrapper sunned and chipped. All pages of this copy somewhat sunned. [ds1123-603087] ¥3,360 4521 Sowinski,Bernhard Germanistik. TeilⅠ. Sprachwissenschaft. [Böhlau-Studien-Bücher: Grundlagen des Studiums] Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1970. 256pp. Printed wrappers. The spine slightly sunned. [ds0349-603220] ¥1,680 オランダ語 4522 De Vooys,C.G.N. Nederlandse Spraakkunst. Herzien door M.Schönfeld. druk. 429pp. Printed wrappers. Spine and edges sunned. Groningen: J.B.Wolters, 1967. Zevende ¥5,250 [L02829-604430] 4523 Everaert,Martin The Syntax of Reflexivization. [Publications in Language Sciences 22] Foris Publications, 1986. xi,330pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. [L02564-604385] ¥5,250 4524 Haeringen,C.B.van Gramarie. Keur uit het werk van zijn hoogleraarstijd[Neerlandica Traiectina] Assen: Van Gorcum & Comp., 1962. 381pp. With a portrait of the author. Edges, spine, e.ps., portrait and title page foxing. Red ink notation and pencil notations. [L02843-604451] ¥8,400 4525 Haeringen,C.B.van Netherlandic Language Research. Men and Works in the Study of Dutch. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1960. Second edition. vi,120pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Ink ownership signature to title page. Ink and pencil notations with red underlines to 10-12pp. [L02826-604427] ¥4,200 4526 Haeringen,C.B.van Neerlandica. Verspreide Opstellen. Daamen, 1962. Tweede, onveranderde druk, vermeerderd met een woordregister. 323pp. Suuned. Red pencil notation to title page, pencil notations to its verso and 'inhoud'. [L02842-604450] ¥6,300 4527 Stoett,F.A. Middelnederlandsche Spraakkunst. Syntaxis. s-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1923. Derde herziene druk. xv,266pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Pencil notations to titel page. [L02831-604432] ¥5,250 4528 Van Katwijk,Albert Accentuation in Dutch. An Experimental Linguistic Study. Amsterdam / Assen: Van Gorcum, 1974. 180pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [L02830-604431] ¥4,200 479 言 語 学 スカンジナヴィア系言語 4529 Einarsson,Stefán Icelandic. Grammar, Texts, Glossary. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1949. xxxvii,502pp. With 19 illustrations. Spine somewhat sunned. [L01694-600916] ¥10,500 4530 Førsund,R. /N.Balk/ Jens Haukøy Gyldendals Handwörterbuch Norwegisch. Norwegisch-Deutsch von R. Førsund und N.Balk. Deutsch-Norwegisch von Jens Haukøy. Berlin, Munchen, Zurich: Langenscheidt, 1971. 358pp. d.w. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. [L01893-601064] ¥4,200 4531 Haugen,Einar & Thomas L.Markey The Scandinavian Languages. Fifty Years of Linguistic Research. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica 154] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1972. 183pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Margin of front cover sl.torn. Small stamp on verso of half title page with small signature by former owner. [L01391-601385] ¥6,720 4532 Hellan,Lars Anaphora in Norwegian and the Theory of Grammar. [Studies in Generative Grammar 32] Foris Publications, 1988. xiv,308pp. Printed wrappers sl. sunned. [L02573-604393] ¥4,200 4533 Jónsson,Finnur Grammatik for det Islandske Oldsprag. Med Understøttelse af Professorernes Fritryskonto. København: G.E.C.Gads Forlag, 1925. viii,99pp. Stamped on title page. Many blue underlines throughout. [L01988-601704] ¥4,200 4534 Lid,Nild Nordisk Kultur XIX: Folketru. Utgjeven av Nils Lid. Stockholm:Albert Bonniers Forlag/Oslo:H.Aschehoug /Kobenhavn:J.H.Schultz, 1935. 171pp. Printed wrappers sl.sunned & torn. Stamp on title page. Written in Scandinavian. [L01910-602047] ¥5,250 4535 Lid,Nild Nordisk Kultur XXVI: Religionshistorie. Utgjeven av Nils Lid. Stockholm:Albert Bonniers Forlag/Oslo:H.Aschehoug /Kobenhavn:J.H.Schultz, 1942. 162pp. Printed wrappers sl.sunned. Stamp on title page. [L01911-602048] ¥5,250 4536 Stene,Aasta English Loan-Words in Modern Norwegian. A study of Linguistic Borrowing in the Process. London; Oxford University Press, Oslo; Tanum Forlag, n.d.[1945] xv,222pp. Printed wrappers. Spine foxed. Covers sl.stained. Top edge sl.stained. Small ink owenership signature to half title page. Sl.spotted from page 221 to rear fly leaf. [L03039-604697] ¥5,250 4537 Wiwel,H.G. Synspunkter for Dansk Sproglære. Udgivet med understøttelse af carlsbergfondet. København: Det Nordiske Forlag, 1901. viii,366pp. Stamped on title page & ink notation to front flyleaf and title page. [L01986-603715] ¥15,750 4538 Mather,J.Y. & H.H.Speitel eds.with intro. The Linguistic Atlas of Scotland. Scots Section Vol.1. Cartogtaphy by G.W.Leslie. Editional Assistant: I.E.Mather. London: Croom Helm, 1975. 429pp. Top edge gray. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. 28x22cm. [L02354-602195] ¥8,400 4539 Flom,George Tobias Scandinavian Influence on Southern Lowland Scotch. A Contribution to the Study of the Linguistic Relations of English and Scandinavian. [Columbia University Germanic Studies. Vol.I. No.I.] New York; The Columbia Univ. Press, 1900. xv,82pp. Covers foxed, spotted & sl.rubbed at corners. Top edge foxed. The others somewhat foxed. Ex-libris on front e.p. Small ink ownership signature to front 480 言 語 学 flyleaf. E.ps. Sl.stained. Flyleaves spotted. A small stamp by former owner on rear flyleaves. [L03400-605244] ¥12,600 イタリック語派 ギリシャ語 4540 Allen,James Turney The First Year of Greek. The Macmillan Co., 1973. Revised edition, 26th printing. ix,383pp. Edges sl.foxing. [L02236-600102] ¥3,150 4541 Buck,Carl Darling Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin. The Univ.of Chicago Press, 1969. Eleventh impression. xvi,405pp. Covers sl.stained. Edges sl.foxed & spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. Stamps by former owner on title page. [L03284-605128] ¥12,600 4542 Buck,Carl Darling The Greek Dialects. Grammar. Selected Inscriptions. Glossary. Chicago & London; The Univ. of Chicago Press, 1965. Third Impression(corrected). xiii,373pp. The present volume is a complete revision and expansion of Introduction to the Study of the Greek Dialects, Published by Ginn and Co. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Top edge sl.darkened. The others sl.foxed & spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Black pencil notations & red pencil underlines in some pages. With zeroxed papers about errata. [L03301-605145] ¥12,600 4543 Buttmann,Philipp Lexilogus oder Beiträge zur griechischen Worterklärung I / II. hauptsächlich für Homer und Heiod. 2 parts In one. Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. Reprografischer nachdruck der 4. Auflage Berlin 1865. xiv,250pp. Front cover partly sunned. Spine sunned. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. [L03294-605138] ¥12,600 4544 Denniston,J.D. The Greek Particles. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1970. Second edition. lxxxii,660pp. Covers sl.stained. Spine sunned, sl.spotted & rubbed at corners. Edges foxed & spotted. A paper pasted on front e.p. Spotted from front e.p. to verso of title page, page 660 to rear e.p. Some pages sl.spotted. Stamped by former owner on title page. [L03283-605127] ¥15,750 4545 Dover,K.J. Greek Word Order. Cambridge at the UP., 1960. xiii,72pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Pencil notations to several pages. [L01212-600870] ¥4,200 4546 Drews,Robert The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and Near East. 1988. xviii,257pp. With illus. [L02138-600881] ¥7,350 Princeton UP., 4547 Goodwin,William Watson Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb. Rewritten and Enlarged. New York; St Martin's Press, 1966. Reprinted. xxxii,464pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Spine foxed & sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. A paper pasted on front e.p. Stamped by former owner on title page. Sl.spotted from front e.p. to title page, page 461 to rear e.p. Black pencil notations in some pages. [L03297-605141] ¥9,450 4548 Hermann,Eduard Sprachwissenschaftlicher Kommentar zu Ausgewählten Stücken aus Homer. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. (Herausgegeben von H.Hirt und W.Streitberg) Zweite Abteilung・Sprachwissenschaftliche 481 言 語 学 Gymnasialbibliothek unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachgenossen. Herausugegeben von Max Niedermann. VII.Band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1914. xv,175pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Top edge black. Covers partly stained. Spine and rear cover partly missing. Small ink notations to front and rear flyleaf. Ex-library stamp on title page and its verso. Some page wrikled and sl.folded at the corner. [L02240-601441] ¥5,250 4549 Humbert,Jean Syntaxe Grecque. [Tradition de L'Humanisme. VIII] Paris: Éditions Klincksieck, 1982. 3ͤ édition, revue et augmentée. Nouveau tirage. Cinquième tirage. 470pp. Printed wrappers partly sunned. Spine partly sunned. Top edge sl.spotted. [L03286-605130] ¥12,600 4550 Kastner,Wolfgang Die griechschen Adjektive zweiter Endungen auf -OΣ. [Indogermanische Bibliothek - Dritte Reihe. Untersuchungen] Heidelberg; Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1967. 132pp. Covers partly damp stained. Title letters partly faded at spine. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Spotted from front e.p. to title page, page 129 to rear e.p. [L03302-605146] ¥8,400 4551 Kirchhoff,Johann Wilhelm Adolf Studien zur Geschichte des Griechischen Alphabets. Mit Einer Karte und Zwei Alphabettafeln. Hildesheim・New York; Georg Olms Verlag, 1973. Nachdruck der 4. umgearbeiteten Auflage Gütersloh 1887. vi,179pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. 19.1x12.8cm. [L03278-605122] ¥4,200 4552 Krüger,K.W. Griechische Sprachlehre für Schulen. 5 parts in One. Leipzig, 1875,1891, 1879, 1894, 1877. Stamped on title page. Red underlined throughout. Ink signature on front flyleaf. [L01995-601893] ¥10,500 4553 Kühner,Raphael / Bernhard Gerth Ausführliche Grammatik der Griechischen Sprache. Zweiter Teil: Satzlehre. Erster Band. Zweiter Band. 2 vols. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darnstadt, 1966. xi,665pp. Xi,714pp. [L01934-601909] ¥31,500 4554 Meecham,Henry G. The Letter of Aristeas. A Linguistic Study with Special Reference to the Greek Bible. [Publications of the University of Manchester. No.CCXLI] Manchester UP., 1935. xxi,355pp. Stamped on title page by T.Hirunuma. The spine sunned and covers somewhat spotted. [L00686-602250] ¥10,080 4555 Meisterhans,Konrad Grammatik der Attischen Inschriften. Dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage, besorgt von Eduard Schwyzer. Dublin・Zürich・Vaduz; Weidmann Verlag, Hildesheim・New York; Georg Olms Verlag, 1971. xiv,288pp. Front cover sl.sunned & spotted. Spine sunned & sl.spotted. Top edge sl.darkened. The others spotted. Stamped by former owner on title page. Spotted from front flyleaves to title page, page 284 to rear flyleaves. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03293-605137] ¥8,400 4556 Menge,Hermann Repetitorium der griechischen Syntax. Erste Hälfte: Fragen. Zweite Hälfte: Antworten. Darmstadt; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978. 263pp. Printed wrappers. Front cover sl.stained. Spine sunned. Top edge sl.foxed & somewhat spotted. [L03291-605135] ¥4,200 4557 Menge,Hermann Repetitorium der griechischen Syntax. Gottschalksche Verlagsbuchhandlung,1954. Achte auflage. 157pp. Spine somewhat damaged. [L02028-602284] ¥8,400 4558 Moser-Philtsou,Maria Lehrbuch der Neugriechischen Volkssprache. München: Max Hueber/Verlag, 1958. xiv,586pp. Spine sunned. Scattered foxing to several pages. A few pencil notations. [L02026-602358] ¥8,400 4559 Palmer,Leonard R. The Greek Language. Part I; An Outline History of the Greek Language. Part II; Compara482 言 語 学 tive-Historical Grammar. [Bristol Classical Press Advanced Language Series] BCP, 1999. Reprinted. xii,355pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Blacke pencil notations from page 152 to 167. [L03292-605136] ¥4,200 4560 Pfohl,Gerhard Das Alphabet. Entstehung und Entwicklung der Griechischen Schrift. [Wege der Forschung. Band LXXXVIII] Darmstadt; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1968. xl,461pp. Covers sl.stained. Spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. Black & red pencil notations page x to xxxi. [L03277-605121] ¥8,400 4561 Raubitschek,A.E. Bruno Gentili, Giuseppe Giangrande et al. L'Épigramme Grecque. Sept Exposés Suivis de Discussions. [Entretiens Sur L'antiquité Classique. Tome XIV] Genève; Vandœuvres, 1967. 447pp. All edges foxed & sl.spotted. Some pages spotted, mainly from front fly leaf to title page, page 442 to rear fly leaf. [L03066-604725] ¥8,400 4562 Renehan,Robert Greek Lexicographical Notes. A Critical Supplement to the Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell-Scott-Jones. Vol.2: Second Series. [Hypomnemata. Untersuchungen zur Antike und zu Ihrem Nachleben. Herausgegeben von Albrecht Dihle / hartmut Erbse / Christian habicht / Günther Patzig / Bruno Snell. Heft 45/74] 2 vols. Göttingen; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975./1982. 208pp./143pp. Printed wrappers. Bibliography of publisher on rear cover. Top edge foxed & somewhat spotted. The others sl.foxed & spotted. Vol.1; Spine sunned & sl.spotted. /Vol.2; Spine sl.rubbed at corners. [L03300-605144] ¥12,600 4563 Slotty,Friedrich Einführung ins Griechische. Für Universitätskurse und zum Selbststudium Erwachsener. Auf Sprachwissenschaftlicher Grundlage. Berlin; Walter de Gruyter & Co, 1964. Fünfte unveränderte Auflage. viii,274pp. With Wörterbuch zur Einführung ins Griechische (118pp. ). Spine foxed & sl.stained. Edges foxed. Stamps by former owner on title page. [L03288-605132] ¥5,250 4564 Sommer,Ferdinand Sprachgeschichtliche Erläuterungen für den Griechischen Unterricht. Laut- und Formenlehre. Darmstadt; Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1961. Vierte, Unveränderte Auflage. x,104pp. Edges somewhat foxed. Top edge spotted. The others sl.spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves slspotted. Black pencil notations & underlines on title page, from page 1 to 6. [L03279-605123] ¥4,200 4565 Soyter,Gustav Grammatik und Lesebuch der Neugriechischen Volks- und Schriftsprache. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1955. 3.Revidierte auflage. 157pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. [L02242-603221] ¥3,150 4566 Thomson,George The Greek Language. Cambridge: W.Heffer and Sons, 1960. First published. xv,101pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Ink signature to front cover by former owner. [ds1292-603388] ¥3,360 4567 Thumb,Arbert Handbuch der Neugriechischen Volkssprache. Grammatik. Texte. Glossar. Strassburg: Verlag von Karl J.Trübner, 1910. Zweite, verbesserte und erwieterte Auflage. xxxi,359pp. Some foxing to front & rear flyleaves. [L02050-603396] ¥16,800 4568 Traut,Georg Lexikon über die Formen der griechischen Verba. Mit Zweit Beilagen: I.Verzeichnis der Declinations- und Conjugations-Endungen. II.Grammatischer Schlüssel. Darmstant: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1968. 3., unveränderte Auflage. viii,718pp. + Beilagen 44pp. Red cloth Board. Spine rubbed at corners & partly torn. Egdes foxed. Top edge spotted, fore edge sl.spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & sl.spotted. Stamps by former owner on title page. [L03289-605133] ¥6,300 4569 Wackernagel,Jacob Vorlesungen über Syntax mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Griechisch, Lateinisch und Deutsch. 2 vols. Erste Reihe: Basel: Verlag Birkhäuser, 1950. Zweite Auflage. (viii,331pp.) Zweite 483 言 語 学 Reihe: Basel: Verlag Birkhäuser, 1957. Zweite Auflage. (vi,354pp.) Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to e.ps.of each vol. Pencil notations. [lk0061-604211] ¥31,500 イタリア語 4570 Hall,Jr., Robert A. Descriptive Italian Grammar. [Cornell Romance Studies: Vol.II] Cornell UP and Linguistic Society of America, 1948. xi,228pp. Edges foxing. [lk0202-604244] ¥12,600 4571 Trabalza,Ciro & Ettore Allodoli La Grammatica degl'Italiani. Undicesima Edizione. Firenze: Felice le Monnier, 1955.x,391pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Pencil notations. [lk0221-604263] ¥8,400 スペイン語 4572 Bona,M.C.d'Arrigo Storia della Lingua. [Cenni di Storia della Lingua e Grammatica Storica Spagnola] Torino: G.Giappichelli Editore, 1965. viii,166pp. Printed wrappers, sl.foxing. [lk0237-604235] ¥8,400 4573 Entwistle,W.J. The Spanish Language. Together with Portuguese, Catalan and Basque. [The Great Languages] London: Faber & Faber, 1962. Second edition. xiii,367pp. Top edge blue. Dust wrapper and edges foxing. [lk0204-604240] ¥4,200 4574 Gaya,Samuel Gili y Curso Superior de Sintaxis Española. Barcelona: Publicaciones y Ediciones Spes, 1961. Octava edición. 347pp. Printed wrappers, sl.foxing. [lk0235-604241] ¥12,600 4575 Isenberg,Horst Das Direkte Objekt im Spanischen. [Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: Arbeitsstelle Strukturelle Grammatik. Studia Grammatica IX] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1968. 277pp. The spine and all edges slightly sunned. Printed wrappers. [ds0745-601578] ¥4,200 4576 Perez-Bustamante,C. Compendio de História de España. [Ediciones Atlas] Madrid: Lore de Vega, 1967. Undecima edicion. 658pp. With illus. Printed wrappers, sl.foxing. Edges somewhat spotted. [lk0242-604256] ¥16,800 4577 Pidal,R.Menńdez Orígenes Del Español. Estado Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica Hasta El Siglo XI. [Obras Completas de R.Menendez Pidal VIII] Madrid: Espasa-Galpe, 1950. Tercera Edición.xv,592pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned & torn and hinge weak. [L01890-602656] ¥15,750 4578 Real Academia Española Gramática de la Lengua Española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1931. Nueva edición, reformada. 534pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. [lk0240-604259] ¥8,400 4579 (Hall,Pauline Cook) Language. Journal of the Linguistic Society of America. Vol.32, No.4 (part 2). Supplement: Language Dissertation No.54. A Bibliography of Spanish Linsguistics: Articles in Serial Publications by Pauline Cook Hall. State University of Iowa Dissertation. Baltimore: Published by Linguistic Society of America at the Waverly Press, 1956. 162pp. Printed wrappers, sl.foxing. [lk0227-604243] ¥4,200 484 言 語 学 ラテン語 4580 Leumann,Manu /Hofmann/ Szantyr Lateinische Grammatik von Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr. Erster Band: Lateinische Laut-und Formenlehre. Zweiter Band: Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik von J.B.hofmann. Neubearbeitet von Anton Szantyr. MIT dem Allgemeinen Teil der Lateinischen Grammat Ik. [Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft. II. 2.1& 2.] 2vols. München: C.H.Beck, 1977. 1965. xxvi,681pp. Xcviii,935pp+89pp. Vol.1: d.w. somewhat worn. Vol.2: spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L02053-602026] ¥47,250 4581 Meillet,Antoine Esquisse d'une Histoire de la Langue Latine. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1933. Troisième édition, revisée et augmentée. xiii,290pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Spine partly missing. Pencil ownership signature to title page by Takashi Kamei. [lk0142-604156] ¥21,000 4582 Menge,Hermann Repetitorium der lateinischen Syntax und Stilistik. Gottschalksche Verlagsbuchhandlung,1953. Elfte auflage. vi,466pp. Spine sl.sunned. Some foxing to front and rear flyleaves. Ink signature on front flyleaf. [L02021-602283] ¥10,500 4583 Nielsen,Karl / Per Krarup Latinsk Læsebog for gymnasiet. Den Romerske Guldalder 1 Tekst og Billeder. Sjette Udgave, Femte oplag. Gyldendal, 1977. 268pp. With illustrations. Stamped on title page. [L01993-602451] ¥4,200 4584 Nielsen,Karl / Per Krarup Latinsk Læsebog for gymnasiet. Sjette Udgave, Tredje oplag. wrappers. Stamped to title page. [L01994-602452] ¥2,100 Gyldendal, 1970. 129pp. Printed 4585 Stegmann,Carl Lateinische Schulgrammatik. Leipzig & Berlin: Verlag Von B.G. Teubner, 1927. Vierzehnte auflage. 245pp. Pages have dakend. [L01982-603252] ¥5,250 4586 Wulff,J. Lateinisches Lesebuch für den Anfangsunterricht Reiferer Schüler nach Perthes' Lateinischen Lesebüchen. Bearbeitet von J.Wulff. Achte Auflage Besorgt von J.Schmedes. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1910. x,75pp. [ds1158-603752] ¥3,360 ワロン語 4587 Remacle,Louis Syntaxe du parler wallon de La Gleize. Tome 2. Verbes-Adverbes-Prépositions. [Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liége: Fascicule CXXXIX] Paris: Société d'Édition《Les Belles Lettres》, 1956. 379pp. Printed wrappers. Only 'Tome 2'. The spine sunned. [L00328-602823] ¥16,800 4588 Remacle,Louis Syntaxe du parler wallon de La Gleize. Tome 3. Coordination et subordination-Phénomènes divers. [Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liége: Fascicule CXLVIII] Paris: Société d'Édition《Les Belles Lettres》, 1960. 347pp. Printed wrappers. Only 'Tome 3'.The spine sunned. [L00329-602824] ¥16,800 485 言 語 学 ロマンス諸語 4589 Bec,Pierre Manuale Pratique de Philologie Romane. Tome I: Italien, Espagnol, Portugais, Occitan, Catalan, Gascon. (x,558pp.+ 11carte) Tome II: Français, Roumain, Sarde, Rhéto-Frioulan, Francoprovençal, Dalmate. Phonologie. Index. Avec la Collaboration pour le Roumain, de Octave Nandris, pour le Dalmate, de Žarko Muljačić. (643pp.+14carte) [Connaissance des Langues, vol.V & VI] 2 vols. Paris: Éditions A.& J.Picard, 1970-1971. Dust wrapper and edges somewhat darkened. Top edges spotted. 23.8x16.7cm. [lk0217-604232] ¥31,500 4590 Bertoni,Giulio Programma di Filologia Romanza Come Scienza Idealistica. [Biblioteca Dell'Archivum Romanicum. Serie I. Storia - Letteratura - Paleografia. Vol.2.] Ginevra: Leo S.Olschki, 1923 (1922 on title page). viii,127pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. [lk0214-604234] ¥8,400 4591 Gauchat,Louis L'Unité Phonétique dans le Patois d'une Commune. Sonderabdruck aus: "Aus Romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen" Festgabe für Heinrich Morf. Halle A.D.S.: Verlag von Max Niemeyer, 1905. 58pp. Rebound, original front cove, somewhat foxing. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to original front cover. [lk0094-604089] ¥8,400 4592 Gazdaru,Demetrio Ensayos de Filología y Lingüística Románicas I. Instituto de Filología: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación Universidad Nacional de la Plata, 1969. 168pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. [lk0212-604242] ¥8,400 4593 Herzog,Eugen Streitfragen der Romanischen Philologie. Erstes Bändchen: Die Lautgesetzfrage. Zur Französischen Lautgeschichte. Halle A.D.S.: Verlag von Max Niemeyer, 1904. 122pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned and somewhat stained. A corner of original front cover missing and repaired. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to title page. [lk0101-604101] ¥10,500 4594 Iordan,Iorgu Lingüística Románica. Evolución - Corrientes - Métodos. Reelaboració n Parcial y Notas de Manuel Alvar. Madrid: Ediciones Alcalá, 1967. xxii,755pp. With illus. Printed wrappers, somewhat darkened. E.ps.light stained. [lk0213-604245] ¥26,250 4595 Iordan,Iorgu Einführung in die Geschichte und Methoden der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft. Ins Deutsche übertragen, ergänzt und teilweise neubearbeitet von Werner Bahner. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1962. ix,521pp. Spine sunned. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to title page. pencil notations to front e.p.and a few pages. [lk0137-604108] ¥18,900 4596 Jaberg,K. Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen und Erlebnisse. Herausgegeben von Seinen Schülern und Freunden. [Romanica Helvetica. Vol.VI.] Bern: Francke Verlag, 1965. Zweite, unveränderte auflage. xx,347pp. With illus. Printed wrappers, sunned and water stained. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover and stamp on p.1. Ink notations to half title page. [and] Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen und Erlebnisse. Herausgegeben von Seinen Schülern und Freunden. [Romanica Helvetica. Vol.75.] Bern: Francke Verlag, 1965. Neue Folge. 380pp. With illus. Printed wrappers, partly sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover with ink notations. 2vols. [lk0084-604112] ¥31,500 4597 Jaberg,Karl Aspects Géographiques du Langage. (Avec 19 Cartes) Conférences Faites au Collège de France (Décembre 1933). [Société de Publications Romanes et Françaises. (sous la direction de Mario Roques) 486 言 語 学 XVIII] Paris: Librairie E.Doroz, 1936. 116pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. ¥16,800 [lk0087-604110] 4598 Neto,Serafim da Silva Ensayos de Filología Portuguêsa. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1956. 367pp. Printed wrappers, covers and spine somewhat darkened and sl.torn. Edges and flyleaves foxing. Ownership stamp of Hideo Kobayashi on title page. [lk0220-604252] ¥6,300 4599 Neto,Serafim da Silva Manuel de Filología Portuguesa. História, Problemas, Métodos. [Biblioteca Brasileira de Filologia. No.2] Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Acadêmica, 1957. 2.a edição melhorada e acrescentada. xv,434pp. Soft-cover. Sunned. Dust wrapper somewhat stained and chipped. Ownership stamp of Hideo Kobayashi on title page. [lk0223-604253] ¥18,900 4600 Orr,John / Iordan,Iorgu An Introduction to Romance Linguistics. Its Schools and Scholars. Oxford:Basil Blackwell, 1970. Revised . With a supplement thirty years on by R. Posner. xi,593pp. Spine partly damaged. [p469-602499] ¥6,720 4601 Raible,Wolfgang Satz und Text. Untersuchungen zu vier romanischen Sprachen. [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie. Band 132] Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1972. vi,309pp. [ds0746-602790] ¥12,600 4602 Ronjat,Jules Grammaire Historique des Parlers Provençaux Modernes. I-II. III-IV. Tome I: Introduction. Première Partie. Fonétique: 1. Voyelles et Diftongues. Tome II: Première Partie. Fonétique: II, Conxonnes et Fénomenes Generaux. Tome III: Deuxième Partie. Morphologie et Formation des Mots. Troisième Partie. Notes de Syntaxe. Tome IV: Appendice; Les Dialectes Index. 4vols in 2. Geneve: Slatkine Reprints/ Marseille: Laffitte Reprints, 1980. 423pp.487pp. 651pp. 190pp. [L02671-604559] ¥31,500 4603 Vidos,B.E. Manuale di Linguistica Romanza. Prima Edizione Italiana Completamente Aggiornata Dall'Autore. Traduzione Dall'Olandese di G.Francescato. [Biblioteca Dell'Archivum Romanicum. Serie II. Linguistica. Vol.28.] Firenze: Leo S.Olschki, 1959. xxi,439pp. Printed wrappers. Spine and edges foxing. Some pages light spotted. Pencil notations. 25.6x18.3cm. [lk0216-604267] ¥21,000 4604 Vincent,Nigel / Harris,Martin ed. Studies in the Romance Verb. Essays Offered to Joe Cremona on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. London & Canberra: Croom Helm, 1982. xxvii,222pp. d.w. [L01565-603528] ¥4,200 4605 Wartburg,Walter von Die Ausgliederung der Romanischen Sprachräume. Mit 18 kartenskizzen. [Bibliotheca Romanica. Edendam curat W.v.Wartburg. series prima: Manualia et Commentationes. VIII] Bern: A.Francke AG.Verlag, 1950. x,157pp.+18 karte. d.w [ds0769-603591] ¥10,080 4606 Gramatica Limbii Romîne I [&] II.[Academia Republicii Populare Romîne] Bucureşti: Editura Academia Republicii Populare Romîne, 1963. 437pp./ 588pp. (Gramatica Limbii Romîne, în a doua ediţie, a fost elaborată de colectivul de gramatică al Institutului de lingvistică din Bucureşti al Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne. Colectivul, condus de acad. Al.Graur, a fost constituit din: F.Asan, M.Avram, E.Carabulea, F.Ciobanu, E.Contraş, F.Ficşinescu, M.Mitran, R.Ocheşanu, M.Popescu-Marin, I.Rizescu, L.Vasiliu. Pentru elaborarea morfologiei, în prima fazâ, a dat sprijin prof.J.Byck. Coordonarea lucrărilor şi ultima au fost asigurate de un colectiv restrîns format din: acad.Al.Graur, Mioara Avram, Laira Vasiliu.) Dust wrappers of each vol.somewhat chipped, edges sunned, and e.ps.foxing. [lk0218-604270] ¥31,500 487 言 語 学 ケルト語派 4607 Breatnach,Risteard B. The Irish of Ring Co. Waterford A Phonetic Study. Dublin: The Dublin Institute for Advance Studies,1947.xvii,176pp.Covers sunned. Its edges sl.rubbed. All edges foxed. Library stamped on front flyleaf. Foxed from front flyleaf to half title page,rear flyleaf to rear end paper. [L03136-604803] ¥5,250 4608 Lewis,Henry & Holger Pedersen A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989. Third edition, second impression with the supplement of 1961 by Henry Lewis. xix,442pp.+19pp.(sup.) Pencil notation to d.w. Top edge somewhat spotted. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front e.p. [lk0060-604143] ¥15,750 4609 Lewis,Henry & Holger Pedersen A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989. Third edition, second impression with the supplement of 1961 by Henry Lewis. xix,442pp.+19pp.(sup.) d.w. Edges sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. [L03435-605279] ¥21,000 4610 Lewis,Henry & Holger Pedersen A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1961. First edition 1937. Reprinted with corrections and a supplement 1961. xix,442pp.+19pp.(sup.) Rebound (Originally printed wrappers). Original covers & title page of supplement sl.stained. Edges somewhat foxed. Stamped by former owner "T.HIRUNUMA"on title page. [L03436-605280] ¥15,750 4611 Lewis,Henry / Pedersen,Holger Supplement to a Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1961. 19pp. Printed wrappers. Small pencil notation to cover. [L00709-602034] ¥2,520 4612 Vallancey,Charles A Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Language. The Second Edition with many Additions. To which is Prefixed, an Essay on the Celtic Language; Shewing the Importance of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Dialect, to Students in History, Antiquity, and the Greek and Roman Classics. Dublin: Printed by R.Marchbank, and Sold by L.L.Flin, 1781. vi,135pp. With 9 Plates. Rebound. Half calf. Edges foxed. Stamp on title page. Pencil notations in some pages. Pages somewhat foxed. 21.7x14cm. [L03429-605273] ¥63,000 4613 Ball,Martin J. & James Fife eds. The Celtic Languages. Edited by Martin J.Ball with James Fife. London and New York; Routledge, 1993. First published. xi,682pp. (Contributors; Joseph F.Eska and D.Ellis Evans. Karl Horst Schmidt. Gearóid Mac Eoin. William Gillies. George Broderick et al.) Top edge sl.darkened. [L03434-605278] ¥12,600 4614 Borgstrøm,Carl Hj. A Linguistic Survey of the Gaelic Dialects of Scotland. Vol.II. The Dialects of Skye and Ross-Shire. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Under Medvirking av Harris Birkeland et al. Utgitt av Carl J.S. Marstrander. Suppl. Bind II] Norwegian Universities Press, 1941. 168pp. d.w. somewhat foxed & sl.chipped. Top edge pink. Edges sl.foxed. 24.8x17.2cm. [L03448-605292] ¥12,600 4615 Borsley,Robert D. and Ian Roberts eds. The Syntax of the Celtic Languages. A comparative perspective. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. First published. 368pp. d.w. sl.rubbed. Otherwise fine as new. [L03432-605276] ¥9,450 4616 Dorian,Nancy C. East Sutherland Gaelic. The Dialect of the Brora, Golspie, and Embo Fishing Communities. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978. xx,220pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. [L03424-605268] ¥9,450 4617 Jackson,Kenneth Hurlstone A Historical Phonology of Breton. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1967. xxxviii,904pp. 488 言 語 学 Covers sl.spotted & sl.rubbed at corners. Edges somewhat foxed & spotted. E.ps & flyleaves somewhat spotted. [L03446-605290] ¥21,000 4618 Keating,Geoffrey The Three Shafts of Death. With Introduction, Indices, and Glossary by Osborn Bergin. (Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis. Séathrún Kéitinn do sgríobh.) Published by the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, & Co. /London: Williams & Norgate, 1931. Second Edition. xxxii,495pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Upper & lower parts of spine sl.torn. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.darkened. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Flyleaves foxed. Pencil & ink notations, underlines in some pages. [L03419-605263] ¥21,000 4619 Oftedal,Magne A Linguistic Survey of the Gaelic Dialects of Scotland. Vol.III. The Gaelic of Leurbost. Isle of Lewis. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Unter Medvirking av Knut Bergsland et al. Utgitt av Carl J.S. Marstrander. Suppl. Bind IV] Oslo; H. Aschehoug & Co. (W.Nygaard), 1956. 372pp. Printed wrappers sl.stained & chipped. Edges somewhat foxed. Red ink & pencil notations in some pages. 25.8x17.4cm. [L03442-605286] ¥15,750 4620 Oftedal,Magne ed. Lochlann. A Review of Celtic Studies. Volume V. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap (Norwegian Journal of Linguistics). Edited by Hans Vogt. Secretary; Carl Hj.Borgström. Supplementary. Volume X] Oslo; Universitetsforlaget, 1972. 234pp. (Contributors; Uibhist a Deas, Am Milisi, Taigh Rìnidh, Rowardennan, Dail-Mhàilidh et al.) Printed wrappers sl.stained. Spine sunned. 25.8x17.4cm. [L03440-605284] ¥12,600 4621 Oftedal,Magne ed. Lochlann. A Review of Celtic Studies. Volume VI. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap (Norwegian Journal of Linguistics). Edited by Hans Vogt. Secretary; Carl Hj.Borgström. Supplementary. Volume XI] Oslo; Universitetsforlaget, 1974. 217pp. (Contributors; Joseph Watson, Carl Hj. Borgstrøm, Reidar Th. Christiansen, Eric P.hamp, H. Corbes et al.) Printed wrappers sl.chipped & stained. Edges sl.foxed. Red pencil notation in several pages. 25.8x17.4cm. [L03441-605285] ¥12,600 4622 Prichard,James Cowles etc. /R.G. Latham etc ed. The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations. Proved by a Comparison of Their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages: Forming a Supplement to Reserches into the Physical History of Mankind. London; Houlston and Wright & Bernard Quaritch, 1857. xix,387pp. Covers sl.rubbed. Top edge darkened. Fore & lower edges foxed. Front e.p. torn. Rear e.p. partly torn. Joint of page 288,289 loosened. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03430-605274] ¥36,750 4623 Rhys,John Lectures on Welsh Philology. London; Trübner & Co., 1879. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. xiv,466pp. Rebound. Edges foxed. Half title page & title page sl.spotted. Half title page partly torn. Title page partly cut off. Ink signature by former owner on half title page & title page, page v, xii. Pencil notations & underlines in some pages. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03423-605267] ¥12,600 4624 Schulz,Albert An Essay on the Influence of Welsh Tradition. Upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia; Which Obtained the Prize of the Abergavenny Cymreigyddion Society, at the Eisteddvod of 1840. Translated from the German of Albert Schulz. William Pees, 1841. vi,140pp. Rebound. Corners of covers rubbed. Edges foxed. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03422-605266] ¥15,750 4625 Watkins,Calvert Indo-European Origins of the Celtic Verb. I. The Sigmatic Aorist. Dublin; The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1962. 203pp. Sl.wormed near the front hinges. Top edge sl.darkened. Fore edge sl.foxed. Lower edge foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. Half title page & verso of page 203 foxed. [L03433-605277] ¥10,500 489 言 語 学 4626 Windisch,Ernst Compendium of Irish Grammar. Translated from the German by James P.M'Swiney. Dublin; M.H.Gill & Son, 1883. xiv,182pp. Covers somewhat rubbed at corners. Top edge darkened. The others foxed & spotted. E.ps. Torn. Spotted from front flyleaf to page xi, page 178 to rear flyleaf. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03417-605261] ¥12,600 スラヴ語・バルト語派 4627 Shevelov,George Y. The Syntax of Modern Literary Ukrainian. The Simple Sentence. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings. (Edited by C.H.van Schooneveld) 38] Mouton & Co., 1963. 319pp. Blue cloth board. [L01714-603139] ¥15,750 4628 Panzer,Baldur Der Slavische Konditional. Form-Gebrauch-Funktion. [Forum Slavicum. Band 14] München; Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1967. 317pp. With publisher'bibliography. d.w. sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. Edges of covers sl.rubbeed. Top edge darkened & spotted. Front & rear fly leaf sl.foxed & spotted. [L03106-604770] ¥8,400 4629 Stankiewicz,Edward / Worth,Dean S. A Selected Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings. (Edited by C.H.van Schooneveld) 59] Volume I. The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1966. 316pp. Only volume 1. Pencil notation to p.316 (list of publication). [L00149-603247] ¥12,600 4630 Kučera,Henry The Phonology of Czech. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings. 30] [L01715-601905] ¥10,500 Mouton & Co., 1961. 112pp. d.w. 4631 Pinto,Vivian Bulgarian Prose and Verse. A Selection with an Introductory Essay. University London: The Athlone Press, 1957. xli,211pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L01743-602680] ¥4,200 4632 Brooks,Maria Zagorska Polish Reference Grammar. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings, Textbook Series, 2] gue-Paris: Mouton, 1975. xiv,580pp. 24.6x16.5cm. [L01162-600474] ¥12,600 The Ha- 4633 Schenker,Alexander M. Polish Declension. A Descriptive Analysis. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings XXXIX] 1964. 105pp. d.w. [L01724-603009] ¥8,400 Mouton, 4634 Stankiewicz,Edward Selected Papers. Prepared for The Sixth International Seminar in Linguistic Theory Tokyo August-September 1971. 232pp. Printed wrappers sl. sunned. [L01789-603246] ¥5,250 セルビア・クロアチア語 4635 Gallis,Arne The Syntax of Relative Clauses in Serbo-Croatian. Viewed on a Historical Basis. [Skrifter Utgitt Av Dert Norske Videnskaps-Akademi 1 Oslo II. Hist-Filos. Klasse. 1956. No.3] Oslo: I Kommisjon Hos H. Aschehoug & Co. 1956. 186pp. Printed wrappers sl. sunned. 27.3 x 18.5cm. [L01786-601131] ¥15,750 490 言 語 学 4636 Javarek,Vera Serbo-Croatian Prose and Verse. A Selection with an Introductory Essay. University of London: The Athlone Press, 1958. xxviii,160pp. d.w.somewhat spotted. [L01742-601627] ¥3,150 4637 Lehiste, Ilse & Pavle Ivić Word and Sentence Prosody in Serbocroatian. [Current Studies in Linguistics Series] M.I.T.Press, 1986. xiii,329pp. Spine of d.w. sl. sunned. [L01704-601991] ¥8,400 The 4638 Lord,Albert Bates Beginning Serbocroatian. Second printing. [L01746-602083] ¥4,200 Mouton & Co. 1961. 132pp. Spine sunned. ロシア語 4639 Bivon,R. Studies in the Modern Russian Language 7. [L01751-600340] ¥4,200 Element Order. Cambridge UP, 1971. 86pp. d.w. 4640 Bratus,B.V. Studies in Modern Russian Language 6. The Formation and Expressive Use of Diminutives. Cambridge UP, 1969. viii,70pp. d.w. [L01750-600427] ¥4,200 4641 Buning,J.E.Jurgens & C.H.Van Schooneveld The Sentence Intonation of Contemporary Standard Russian as a Linguistic Structure. [Description and Analysis of Contemporary Standard Russian, III] Mouton & Co., 1961. 97pp. Spine of d.w. sl sunned. [L01727-600523] ¥8,400 4642 Dahl,Östen Topic and Comment: A Study in Russian and General Transformational Grammar. [Slavica Gothoburgensia 4] Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1969. 53pp. Printed wrappers somewhat sunned. [L01774-600775] ¥6,300 4643 Erlich,Victor Russian Formalism. History - Doctirine. Third edition. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings, 4] Mouton, 1969. 311pp. d.w. [L01717-600930] ¥15,750 4644 Fant,Gunnar Acoustic Theory of Speech Production. With Calculations based on X-Ray Studies of Russian Articulations. [Description and Analysis of Contemporary Standard Russian, II] The Hague & Paris: Mouton, 1970. Second printings. 328pp. Dust wrapper somewhat darkened and partly chipped. 26.5x19cm. [L02234-600986] ¥8,400 4645 Fant,Gunnar Acoustic Theory of Speech Production. With Calculations based on X-Ray Studies of Russian Articulations. [Description and Analysis of Contemporary Standard Russian, II] The Hague & Paris: Mouton, 1970. Second printings. 328pp. [L01729-600987] ¥8,400 4646 Harrison,W. Mullen,J. Studies in the Modern Russian Language 4 & 5. 4: W.Harrison; The Expression of the Passive Voice. 5: J.Mullen; Agreement of the Verb-Predicate with a Collective Subject. Cambridge UP., 1967. 59pp. d.w. [L01749-601348] ¥4,200 4647 Johnson,Donald Barton Transformations and their Use in the Resolution of Syntactical Homomorphy. Prepositional OT Constructions in Contemporary Standard Russian. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Practica 95] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. 192pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [L00557-601681] ¥4,200 491 言 語 学 4648 Kiselyova,L.A. V.M.Matveyeva, R.B.Volosatova, K.A.Rogova, E.L.Voinova A Practical Handbook of Russian Style. Words, Phrases, Derivation. Translated from the Russian by V.Korotky. Moscow: Progress Publishers, n.d. 209pp. Spine sunned. [L01744-601796] ¥3,150 4649 Matthews,W.K. Russian Historical Grammar. University of London: The Athlone Press, 1960. xiv,362pp. Some foxing spots to front & rear flyleaves. [L01754-602210] ¥15,750 4650 Moinsky,Steven J. Patterns of Ellipsis in Russian Compound Noun Formations. [Slavistic Printings and Reprintings. 278] Mouton, 1973. 232pp. d.w. [L01719-602339] ¥12,600 4651 Nikolajew,N. Einführung in die Syntax der russischen Gegenwartssprache. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin, 1967. 96pp. Printed wrappers sunned. [L01773-602453] ¥3,150 4652 Norbury,J.K.W. Word Formation in the Noun and Adjective. [Studies in the Modern Russian Language 3] bridge UP, 1967. vi,129pp. Printed wrappers. [L01764-602460] ¥3,150 Cam- 4653 Pontoppidan-Sjövall,Karin Categories of Content and Form in Language. A Study of the personal and impersonal constructions in Russian. [Acta Uneversitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Slavica Upsaliensia 5] Uppsala, 1968. 101pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. [L01779-602709] ¥8,400 4654 Shapiro,Michael Russian Phonetic Variants and Phonostylistics. [University of California Publications in Linguistics. Volume 49] University of California Press, 1968. x,55pp. Printed wrappers. [L01787/L00207-603131] ¥4,200 4655 Shapiro,Michael Russian Phonetic Variants and Phonostylistics. [University of California Publications in Linguistics. Volume 49] University of California Press, 1968. x,55pp. Printed wrappers sunned. [L01783-603132] ¥4,200 4656 Sørensen,Hans Christian Studies on Case in Russian. København: Rosenkilde og Bagger, somewhat sunned. [L01775-603218] ¥6,300 1957. 96pp. Printed wrappers 4657 Stankiewicz,Edward Declension and Gradation of Russian Substantives. [Description and Analysis of Contemporary Standard Russian, IV] Mouton, 1968. 173pp. Upper part of d.w. sl.chipped. [L01728-603245] ¥10,500 4658 Stender-Petersen,AD. ed. Anthology of Old Russian Literature. In Collaboration with Stefan Congrat-Butlar. New York and London: Columbia UP., 1966. Third printing. xxiii,542pp. top edge purple. [L01712-603260] ¥5,250 4659 Thelin,Nils B. Notes on General and Russian Morphology. [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Slavica Upsaliensia 15] Uppsala, 1975. 36pp. Printed wrappers. [L01780-603381] ¥6,300 4660 Unbegaun,B.O. A Bibliographical Guide to the Russian Language. With the collaboration of J.S.G.Simmons. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1953. xi,174pp. [L01758-603468] ¥10,500 4661 Unbegaun,B.O. Selected Papers on Russian and Slavonic Philology. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1969. ix,341pp. Spine of d.w. sunned. [L01703-603469] ¥7,350 492 言 語 学 4662 Unbegaun,B.O. Selected Papers on Russian and Slavonic Philology. Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1969. ix,341pp. d.w. sl.spotted. Its spine sunned & sl.chipped. All edges spotted. Top edge somewhat darkened. Spotted from front end paper to half title page, verso of page 341 to rear end papr. Frontspiece page foxed. [L03105-604769] ¥7,350 4663 Vinokur,G.O. / Forsyth, M.A. trans. The Russian Language. A Breif History. Translated by M.A. Forsyth and Edited by J.Forsyth. Cambridge University Press, 1971. x,147pp. d.w. [L01748-603530] ¥4,200 4664 Шaxmatob,A.A. Cиhtakcиc Pycckoro Язblka [Tpyдbl Pycckиx Jiиhrbиctob 1978. 620pp. [L01759-603805] ¥12,600 6] Tokyo: Nouka Reprint, インド・イラン語派 (サンスクリット語など) 4665 Calwell,Robert A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages. Third Edition, Revised and Edited by the Rev.J.L.Wyatt and T.Ramakrishna Pillai. New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1974. First Indian edition (originally published in 1913 by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London). xl,640pp. Bound in red cloth. Edges sl.spotted and e.ps.light foxing. 22x14.5cm. [ds1416] ¥12,600 4666 Geiger,Wilhelm Pāli Literature and Language. Authorised English Translation by Batakrishna Ghosh. Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1968. First published 1943 by Calcutta University. xvi,250pp. d.w. torn & stained. [L01862-601151] ¥8,400 4667 Gopal,Ram Linguistic Affairs of India. London; Asia Publishing House, 1966. vii,270pp. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03071-604729] ¥4,200 4668 Hart,George L. III A Rapid Sanskrit Method. Delhi, Varanasi, Patna & Madras: Motilal Banarsidass, 1984. First edition. xxxi,208pp. d.w. [L02821-604421] ¥6,300 4669 Lanman,Charles Rockwell Sanskrit Reader. Text and Vocabulary and Notes. Cambridge: Harvard UP., 1967. Seventeenth printing (First published, 1884). xvi,405pp. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. Ownership stamp on rear e.p. [L02806-604401] ¥16,800 4670 MacDonell,Arthur A. A Sanskrit Grammar for Students. Oxford UP, 1968. Third edition, Reprinted. xviii,264pp. Bound in dark green cloth, partly rubbed. Edges sl.spotted. A Small ownership stamped on rear e.p. Red underlined to several pages. [L02817-604417] ¥4,200 4671 Müller,F.Max A Sanskrit Grammar. For Beginners in Devanagari and Roman Letters Throughout. New Delhi: Asian Publication Services, 1979. Second edition, revised and accentuated. xxiv,300pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned and sl.torn at edge. [L02822-604422] ¥8,400 493 言 語 学 4672 Schlerath,Bernfried Sanskrit Vocabulary. Arranged According to Word Families with Meanings in English, German and Spanish. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1980. ix,216pp. Bound with vinyl cloth. ソフトカバー [L02802-604397] ¥6,300 4673 Stenzler,Adolf Friedrich Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache. Grammatik, Texte, Wörterbuch. Fortgeführt von Richard Pischel. Umgearbeitet von Karl F.Geldner. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970. 16.auflage. vi,140pp. Spine and edges foxing. [L02801-604396] ¥6,300 4674 Tyler,Stephen A. Koya: An Outline Grammar. Gommu Dialect. [University of California Publications in Linguistics. vol.54] Univ.of California Press, 1969. viii,135pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [L00469-603458] ¥4,200 世界の言語 4675 Biber,Douglas Dimensions of Register Variation. A Cross-Linguistic Comparison. published. xvi,428pp. d.w. [L01016-600325] ¥7,560 Cambridge UP., 1995. First 4676 Drexel,Albert Die Sprachen der ErdeⅠ. Erste Abteilung: Die Indogermanischen Sprachen, die mediterran-vorderasiatischen Altsprachen, die Kaukasischen Sprachen und die semito-hamitische Doppelgruppe. Mit einer Uebersichtskarte der Sprachen der Erde in Mehrfarbendruck. [System einer Philosophie der Sprache] Zürich: Akademie-Verlag, 1954. 160pp.+1 map. [ds0706-600882] ¥7,560 4677 Kieckers,E. Die Sprachstämme der Erde. Mit einer Anzahl Grammatischer Skizzen. [Kultur und Sprache. 7. Band] Heidelberg: Bei Carl Winter, 1931. xii,257pp. Rebound. [ds0676-601782] ¥5,250 4678 Kieckers,Ernst Die Sprachstämme der Erde. Mit einer Anzahl Grammatischer Skizzen. [Kultur und Sprache. 7. Band] Heidelberg: Bei Carl Winter, 1931. xii,257pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Front cover sl.chipped. [lk0161-604126] ¥6,300 4679 Ruhlen,Merritt A Guide to the World's Languages. Volume 1: Classification. Stanford UP.,1987. xxv,433pp. Clipped paper pasted on rear flyleaf. [L00935-602912] ¥5,040 4680 Seiler,Hansjakob Sprache und Sprachen. Gesammelte Aufsätze. [Structura. Schiftemreihe zur Linguistik. Band 11] München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1977. 454pp. Dust wrapper sunned and chipped. Edges light foxing. [lk0127-604194] ¥8,400 4681 Zaunmüller,Wolfram Bibliographisches Handbuch der Sprachwörterbücher. Ein internationales Verzeichnis von 5600 Wörterbüchern der Jahre 1460-1958 für mehr als 500 Sprachen und Dialekte. An annotated bibliography of language dictionaries. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1958. xvi,496pp.(1 ページに 2 つ番号が 振られている為、実質 248pp.) With a slip case. Top edge yellow. d.w. 29x20.5cm. [ds0889-603791] ¥16,800 494 言 語 学 さまざまな地域の言語 アジア チベット アフリカ 495 496 498 東南アジア・オセアニア ネイティブ・アメリカン 498 502 4682 Bladé. Jean-François Études sur l'origine des Basques. [L02670-604558] ¥8,400 Marseille: Laffitte Reprints, 1976. iv,549pp. Stamp on title page. 4683 Collinder,Bjön Sprachverwandtschaft und Wahrscheinlichkeit. Ausgewählte Schriften neu veröffentlicht aum 70.Geburtstag des Verfassers 22.Juli 1964 zusammen mit einer Bibliographie der Werke von Bjön Collinder 1921-1964. [ACTA Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1] UPPSALA, 1964. 240pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover. Pencil notations. [lk0069-604073] ¥12,600 4684 Harris,Alice C. Georgian Syntax. A Study in Relational Grammar. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 33] bridge UP., 1981. First published. xxii,327pp. d.w. [L02497-601339] ¥8,400 Cam- 4685 Harshav,Benjamin The Meaning of Yiddish. Univ.of California Press, 1990. xix,205pp. d.w. [L00923-601349] ¥5,040 4686 Larrasquet,Jean La Basque de la Basse-Soule Orientale. [Collection Linguistique Publiée par La Société de Linguistique de Paris.-XLVI] Paris: Librairie C.Klincksieck, 1939. 220pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.rubbed at edge. Edges foxing. [lk0215-604248] ¥12,600 4687 Stephens,Meic Linguistic Minorities in Western Europe. Wales: Gomer Press, 1976. First impression. xxxv,796pp. Stamped on title page. [L01138-603262] ¥7,350 4688 Stephens,Meic Linguistic Minorities in Western Europe. Wales: Gomer Press, 1976. First impression. xxxv,796pp. Dust wrpper sunned. [L02137-603263] ¥8,400 アジア 4689 Dalgado,Sebastião Rodolfo Portuguese Vocables in Asiatic Languages. (to spine: Influence of Portuguese Vocables in Asiatic Languages) From the Portuguese Original of Monsignor Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado, Translated into English with Notes, Additions and Comments by Anthony Xavier Soares. [Gaekwad's Oriental Series, Vol.LXXIV] Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1936. cxxv,520pp.+ publisher's catalogue 10pp. Red cloth backed hard boards, faded, foxing. Bllue pencil notation to 'price' at verso of title page. 24.3x15.3cm. [ds1420-605307] ¥21,000 4690 Hattori,Shiro Studies in General and Oriental Linguistics. Presented to Shiro Hattori on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. Edited by Roman Jakobson and Shigeo Kawamoto. Tokyo: TEC, 1970. xxxvi,694pp. d.w. [n701-601371] ¥15,750 4691 Halliday,M.A.K. The Language of the Chinese "Secret History of the Mongols". 元朝秘史 [Publications of the 495 言 語 学 Philological Society, XVII] Published for the Society by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1974. Secoond impression. xvi,235pp., 1 folded page (Chinese syllabary and lists of characters). Bound in light green cloth. Spine sl.sunned. Top edge sl.spotted. 22.2x14.4cm.[ds1415-605302] ¥8,400 4692 Hambis,Louis Grammaire de la Langue Mongole Écrite. (Première Partie) Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1946. (title page: 1945) xxii,108pp.+4tables. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page with pencil notations. [ds1213-601328] ¥10,080 4693 Ree,Jung-No Topics in Korean Syntax with Notes to Japanese. [ds1286-602811] ¥4,200 Seoul: Yonsei UP., 1974. First printing. 117pp. チベット 4694 Bacot,Jacques Grammaire du Tibétain Littéraire (1946) [and] Index Morphologique (Langue Littéraire et Langue Parlée) (1948). Publiée avec le Concourd du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 2 vols. Paris: Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient. 86pp./ 151pp. Printed wrappers, spine sunned. Vol.II (Index Morphologique) wholly foxing. 25.3x16.7cm. [ds1422-605309] ¥21,000 4695 Bacot,Jacques Les Ślokas Grammaticaux de Thonmi Sambhoṭa. Avec Leurs Commentaires. Une Grammaire Tibétaine du Tibétain Classique. Traduits du Tibétain et Annotés par Jacques Bacot. [Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Annales du Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque d'Études- Tome 37] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1928. iv,231pp., 14 folded pages (texte Tibétain). Printed wrappers. Spine sunned and edges spotted. 25.5x17.5cm. [ds1426-605313] ¥21,000 4696 Bell,C.A. Government of Bengal: Grammar of Colloquial Tibetan. Third Edition. Superontendent, Government Printing: Bengal Government Press, 1939. x,184pp.,6 folded pages, 1 folded map (Tibet and Adjacent Countries, 1938) in the pocket of rear e.p. Bound in green cloth, sl.rubbed at edge. Spine sunned. Edges, pages and a map foxing. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 18x13.5cm. [ds1409-605296] ¥8,400 4697 Bell,C.A. Grammar of Colloquial Tibetan. Second Edition. Calcutta: The Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, 1919. x,224pp.,6 folded pages, 1 folded map (Tibet and Adjacent Countries, 1917) in the pocket of rear e.p. Bound in light green cloth. Spine sunned. Edges, pages and a map somewhat foxing. Stamped on title page (...Governor of Bengal in Council...). Small ink stained to the bottom corner of p.133 to rear flyleaf. Joint of rear e.p.somewhat started. 18.7x13.3cm. [ds1410-605297] ¥8,400 4698 Bernard,Thomas A Simplified Grammar of the Literary Tibetan Language. California: Tibetan Text Society, 1946. ix,65pp.,1 folded page. Bound in blue cloth. Dust wrapper sunned, sl.stained and sl.torn. E.ps.foxing. 19x13.5cm. [ds1412-605299] ¥5,250 4699 Chang,Kun & Betty Shefts A Manual of Spoken Tibetan (Lhasa Dialect). With the Help of Nawang Nornang and Lhadon Karsip. Seattle: Univ.of Washington Press, 1964. xii,286pp. Bound in brown cloth. Edges and e.ps.light spotted. 24.2x16cm. [ds1419-605306] ¥9,450 4700 De Körös,Alexander Csoma A Grammar of the Tibetan Language in English. Prepared, Under the Patronage of the Government and the Auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (匈國 喬瑪 著 「藏語文法」 道光十四年版) 北京:總發售處 文殿閣書莊, 民國弐拾八年(1939)影印 Reprinted from the edition of printed at 496 言 語 学 the Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta,1834. xii,204pp., 40pp. Printed wrappers, sunned and stained. Spine missing. 27.5x20cm. [ds1428-605315] ¥21,000 4701 Goldstein,Melvyn C. & Nawang Nornang Modern Spoken Tibetan: Lhasa Dialect. Seattle & London: Univ.of Washington Press, 1970. xx,407pp.+(2pp.)Bound in green cloth. 28.6x22.2cm. [ds1431-605318] ¥21,000 4702 Haarh,Erik The Zhang-Zhung Language. A Grammar and Dictionary of the Unexplored Language of the Tibetan Bonpos. [Acta Jutlandica, XL:1 Skirifter fra Aarhus Universitet (Publications of the Univ.of Aarhus)] Universitetsforlaget I Aarhu / Ejnar Munksgaard, 1968. 43pp. Printed wrappers. Front and rear cover and half title page light spotted. 25x17.5cm. [ds1425-605312] ¥6,300 4703 Hackin,Joseph Formulaire Sanscrit-Tibétain du Xe Sècle. Edité et Traduit par Joseph Hackin. [Mission Pelliot en Asie Centrale. Série Petit in Octavo, Tome II] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1924. ix,27pp.,130pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat stained. Edges sl.foxing. 23.1x15.7cm. [ds1421-605308] ¥10,500 4704 Hannah,Herbert Bruce A Grammar of Tibetan Language. Literary and Colloquial. With Copious Illustrations and Treating Fully of Spelling, Pronounciation, and the Construction of the Verb, and Including Appendices of the Various Forms of the Verb. Calcutta: Printed at the Baptist Mission Press, 1912. xx,396pp. Bound in blue gray cloth, chipped, partly peeled, and partly mssing at spine. Wholly wormed. Spine and edges foxing, and pages light foxing. Ex-library stamped on title page (University of Calcutta, Registrar's Office). 虫喰多数 (但し本文は余白の部分で問題なし) 25x16.5cm. [ds1417-605304] ¥15,750 4705 Henderson,Vincent C. Tibetan Manual. (Title page missing) c.1903.(i)-ii,3-118pp.[part I], (1)-126pp.[part II] (Complete with 6,vi,118pp.,130pp.) 1-2pp.of part I and 127-130pp.of part II missing. Printed wrappers. Wholly sunned. Front and rear boards rubbed, wormed, and stained. Repaired with new e.p. Some pages repaired with thin paper. Pages damp stained. 27.5x18.3cm. [ds1429-605316] ¥15,750 4706 Jäschke,H.A. Tibetan Grammar. Supplement of Readings with Vocabulary by John L.Mish. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1954. (The main body of the GRAMMAR is based on the second edition as prepared by H.Wenzel.) 126pp. Bound in brown cloth. Dust wrapper sl.sunned and torn at spine. Edges and e.ps.foxing. 24.1x16.2cm. [ds1418-605305] ¥5,250 4707 Mainwaring,G.B. A Grammar of the Róng (Lepcha) Language, As It Exists in the Dorjeling and Sikim Hills. [Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series II, vol.5] New Delhi: Manjuśrī Publishing House, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of printed by C.B.Lewis, Baptist Mission Press, 1876. xxiv,146pp. Limited 500 copies (deluxe edition: 100 / library edition: 400), this copy is no.256. Bound in red cloth. Dust wrapper sl.torn. Colored top edge (red). 29x22.8cm. [ds1430-605317] ¥10,500 4708 Nagao,Gadin M. (長尾雅人) Index to the Mahāyāna-Sūtrālaṁkāra. (Sylvain Lévi Edition). Part One: Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese. Part Two: Tibetan-Sanskrit & Chinese-Sanskrit. 2 vols. Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkō-kai (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) 日本学術振興会, 1961 (昭和 33). xxii,285pp./ vii,274pp. Printed wrappers, sunned. Front cover of vol.II partly peeled. 25.7x18.2cm. [ds1427-605314] ¥31,500 4709 Roerich,George N. & Tse-Trung Lopsang Phuntshok Textbook of Colloquial Tibetan (Dialect of Central Tibet). Five Year Plan of Educational Development-Scheme No.3(b) Publication of Suitable Literature for Children and Adults. Published by the Government of West Bengal Education Department Education Bureau, 1957. iv,238pp. Printed wrappers, sunned and somewhat stained. Ink notation (title of the book) to spine and partly missing. Edges foxing. Some pencil notations. 24.8x16.5cm. [ds1423-605310] ¥8,400 497 言 語 学 4710 Shafer,Robert ed. Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan Languages. Associate editors: (vol.I) Pentti Aalto, A.A.Guber, Kōno Rokurō(河野六郎):for Chinese, Matsuyama Osamu(松山納):for Daic, Pe Maung Tin, Uray Géza / (vol.II) Josef Koláš, Matsuyama Osamu, Pe Maung Tin, Uray Géza. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1957 & 1963. xi,211pp./ ix,141pp. Printed wrappers. Vol.I sunned. Edges of each vol.spotted. Some red pencil underlines and ink notations (to margin) to each vol. 24x16.5cm. [ds1424-605311] ¥21,000 アフリカ 4711 Abraham,R.C. The Language of the Hausa People. Univ.of London Press, 1959. x,236pp. [L01259-600064] ¥5,040 4712 Blass,Regina Relevance Relations in Discourse. A Study with Special Reference to Sissala. [Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. 55] Cambridge UP., 1990. First published. xii,284pp. d.w. [ds1284-600353] ¥6,720 4713 Kagaya,Ryohei A Classified Vocabulary of the Lungu Language. [Bantu Vocabulary Series. 3] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文 化研究所, 1987. 139pp. Printed wrappers. [L00695-601725] ¥4,200 4714 Kagaya,Ryohei A Classified Vocabulary of the Lenje Language. [Bantu Vocabulary Series. 4] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文 化研究所, 1987. 141pp. Printed wrappers. [L00696-601726] ¥5,040 4715 Kagaya,Ryohei A Classified Vocabulary of the Pare Language. [Bantu Vocabulary Series. 6] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文 化研究所, 1989. 179pp. Printed wrappers. [L00698-601727] ¥5,040 4716 Yukawa,Yasutoshi (湯川恭敏) A Classified Vocabulary of the Mwenyi Language. [Bantu Vocabulary Series. 1] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文 化研究所, 1987. 70pp. Printed wrappers. [L00693-603779] ¥3,360 4717 Yukawa,Yasutoshi (湯川恭敏) A Classified Vocabulary of the Nkoya Language. [Bantu Vocabulary Series. 2] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文 化研究所, 1987. 74pp. Printed wrappers. [L00694-603780] ¥3,360 4718 Yukawa,Yasutoshi (湯川恭敏) A Classified Vocabulary of the Nilamba Language. [Bantu Vocabulary Series. 5] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文 化研究所, 1989. 85pp. Printed wrappers. [L00697-603781] ¥3,360 東南アジア・オセアニア 4719 Anceaux,J.C. The Linguistic Situation in the Islands of Yapen, Kurudu, Nau and Miosnum, New Guinea. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 35] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. 166pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on several 498 言 語 学 pages. Ink notation to half title page. Clipped paper (artcle about this book) pasted on verso of front cover. [ds1179-600121] ¥3,360 4720 Anceaux,J.C. The Nimboran Language. Phonology and Morphology. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 44] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. xi,246pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page and ink notation to half title page. Red pencil notations to several pages. With clipped papers (article about this book). [ds1184-600122] ¥5,040 4721 Anceaux,J.C. The Wolio Language. Outline of Grammatical Description and Texts. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel XI] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1952. 93pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page and contents and p.93. Ink notation to title page. [ds1170-600123] ¥2,520 4722 Boelaars,J.H.M.C. The Linguistic Position of South-Western New Guinea. [Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina. Volumen Tertium] Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1950. xix,217pp.+1map. Printed wrappers. Stamped on several pages. Notation to front cover and text. Clipped paper (about this book) pasted on title page. Stamped on recto of frontis.(with small noation) and p.112. Notation to p.32 and p.50. Red underline and notation to Cowan's articke and clipped paper (about this article) pasted. [ds1201-600376] ¥4,200 4723 Bowen,J.Donald ed. Intermediate Readings in Tagalog. A Project of the Philippine Center for Language Study under the auspices of The Bureau of Public School of the Republic of the Philippines and The Department of English of the University of California, Los Angeles. Univ.of California Press, 1968. xiii,399pp. Printed wrappers. Clipped paper (article about this book) pasted on verso of front cover. Stamped on title page. Red pencil notations to title page, its verso and introduction. [ds1215-600413] ¥10,080 4724 Bromley,H.Myron The Phonology of Lower Grand Valley Dani. A Comparative Structural Study of Skewed Phonemic Patterns. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 34] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. xvi,98pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on half title page, title page and p.98. Notation to front cover and several pages. Clipped paper (artcle about this book) pasted on verso of front cover and half title page. [ds1178-600462] ¥2,520 4725 Counts,David R. A Grammar of Kaliai-Kove. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.6] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1969. xiii,169pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on front cover and title page with notations. Red underlined to 'introduction'. [ds1196-600735] ¥2,520 4726 Cushing,J.N. Elementary Handbook of the Shan Language. Westmead (England): Gregg International Publishers, 1971. Republished from 1888 edition, published by American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon. 272pp. Bound in green cloth, sl.stained. Edges, e.ps.,flyleaves, and half title page sl.spotted. 19.8x13.5cm. [ds1414-605301] ¥8,400 4727 Drabbe,P. Drie Asmat-Dialecten. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 42] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1963. viii,236pp.+図版 Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page, p.236 and illus. Ink notation to title page, and red pencil notation to 212-233pp.and illus. [ds1182-600872] ¥5,040 4728 Drabbe,P. Kaeti en Wambon. Twee Awju-Dialecten. [Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1959. 184pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on several pages. Notations 499 言 語 学 to front cover and title page. Clipped paper (article about this book) pasted on verso of front cover. [ds1220-600873] ¥8,400 4729 Drabbe,P. Spraakkunst van de Kamoro-Taal. [Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1953. 111pp.+1map. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Stamped on several pages. Notations to front cover and title page. [ds1219-600874] ¥6,720 4730 Drabbe,P. Spraakkunst van het Aghu-Dialect van de Awju-Taal. [Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1957. vii,88pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page, 'voorwoord'page and p.88. Notations to front cover and title page. [ds1218-600875] ¥5,040 4731 Drabbe,P. Spraakkunst van het Ekagi. Wisselmeren Ned.N.Guinea. s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1952. xxi,90pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page, contents and p.90. Notation to front cover and half title page. [ds1203-600876] ¥4,200 4732 Dunselman,P.Donatus Uit de Literatuur der Mualang-Dajaks. [Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1959. 79pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page and contents. Notations to front cover and half title page. Clipped paper (artcle about this book) pasted on verso of front cover. [ds1217-600891] ¥5,040 4733 Eechoud,J.P.K.van Etnografie van de Kaowerawédj (Central Nieuw-Guinea). [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 37] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1962. 200pp.+ 図版 Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on half title page, title page and p.200. Ink notation to half title page. With clipped papers (artcle about this book). [ds1180-600904] ¥4,200 4734 Endacott,Sydney J. compile Australian Aboriginal Words and Place Names. and Their Meanings. A choice of 3,000 pleasant-sounding words from which to choose an appropriate Australian name. Melbourne; Georgian House, 1965. Ninth Enlarged Edition, Reprinted with Additions. 64pp. Printed wrappers. Covers sl.stained & spotted. Top edge foxed & sl.spotted. The others sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. Half title page, page 63,64 & inside the rear cover sl.spotted. 22.2x10.0cm. [L03396-605239] ¥4,200 4735 Esser,S.J. De Uma-Taal (West Midden-Celebes). Spraakkunstige Schets en Teksten. Uitgegeven en van een Woordenlist Voorzien door J.Noorduyn. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 43] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1964. xiv,144pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page and p.144. Ink notation to title page. With clipped papers (article about this book). [ds1183-600972] ¥3,360 4736 Fokker,A.A. Inleiding tot de Studie van de Indonesische Syntaxis. Groningen / Djakarta: J.B.Wolters, 1951. x,242pp. Sunned. Ink ownership signature to title page. Pencil notation and ink underlines to page'x'and 1-7pp. [L02835-604436] ¥4,200 4737 Frey,Le Colonel L'Annamite Mère des Langues. Communauté d'Origine des Races Celtiques, Sémitiques, Soudanaises et de l'Indo-Chine. Ouvrage Contenant 3 Cartes. Paris: Libraire Hachette et cie, 1892. xvi,248pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Front cover chipped and repaired. Rear cover partly missing. Spine missing and joint started. Stamped on front flyleaf. Joint of half title page amateur repaired. 21x13.3cm. [ds1413-605300] ¥10,500 500 言 語 学 4738 Held,G.J. Waropense Teksten. (Geelvinkbaai, Noord Nieuw-Guinea) Verzameld en Vertaald door G.J.Held. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel XX] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1956. xvi,400pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on half title page, title page, p.400 and map. Ink notation to title page. [ds1174-601415] ¥6,720 4739 Leenhardt,Maurice Langues et dialectes de l'Austro-Mélanésie. [Université de Paris: Travaux et Mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethonologie. XLVI] Paris: Institut d'Ethonologie, 1946 (on cover & title page. Copyright: 1956). xlviii,676pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on half title page and title page with notations. Spine repaired with celophane tapes. 27x18cm. [ds1221-601980] ¥21,000 4740 Maan,G. Proeve von een Bulische Spraakkunst. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel X] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1951. 160pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page, p.3 and p.160. Notation to title page and 4-5pp. [ds1169-602111] ¥3,360 4741 Macdonald,R.Ross Indonesian Reference Grammar. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown UP., 1976. (First ed.published in 1967 under title: A student's reference grammar of modern formal Indonesian.) xvi,173pp. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01161-602113] ¥3,360 4742 Malinowski,Bronislaw The Language of Magic and Gardening. Introduction by Jack Berry. [Coral Gardens and Their Magic, Vol.II] London: George Allen & Unwin, 1966. Second edition. xliv,350pp. Top edge green. Dust wrapper sunned, chipped, torn and partly repaired. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. [L02270-602129] ¥8,400 4743 Manley,Timothy M. Outline of Sre Structure. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.12] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1972. 239pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page with a notation. Blue underlined to 'introduction'. Small paper pasted with tape on title and 'introduction' pages. [ds1199-602143] ¥3,360 4744 Romaine,Suzanne Language, Education, and Development. Urban and Rural Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea. [Oxford Studies in Language Contact] Series. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. xvii,392pp. d.w. [L01614-602882] ¥10,500 4745 Schütz,Albert J. Nguna Texts. A Collection of Traditional and Modern Narratives from the Central New Hebrides. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.4] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1969. xvi,325pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on front cover and title page with notations. [ds1194-603079] ¥4,200 4746 Schütz,Albert J. Nguna Grammar. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.5] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1969. 88pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page. Many notations. [ds1195-603080] ¥1,680 4747 Stevens,Alan M. Madurese Phonology and Morphology. [American Oriental Series. Vol.52] New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1968. vii,215pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page and marked with pasted paper. Notation to title page and acknowledgments. [ds1212-603270] ¥8,400 4748 Stresemann,Erwin Die Lauterscheinungen in den Ambonischen Sprachen. [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen. Zehntes Heft] Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer / Hamburg: C.Boysen, 1927. xii,224pp.+1map. Printed wrappers. Covers and spine sunned. Stamped on Front cover and title page with notations. [ds1208-603296] ¥10,080 501 言 語 学 4749 Teeuw,A. Lombok. Een Dialect-Geografische Studie. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel XXV] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1958. vi,247pp.+図版 Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page, p.iii, p.247 and its verso and appendixes. Ink notation to title page, p.iii and appendixes. [ds1175-603375] ¥4,200 4750 Thomas,Divid D. Chrau Grammar. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.7] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1971. x,258pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on front cover and title page with notations. Red underlined to several pages. [ds1197-603383] ¥3,360 4751 Vanoverbergh,Morice Isneg-English Vocabulary. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.11] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1972. 618pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page with a notation. Blue underlined to 'foreword'. Small paper pasted with tape on title and 'foreword' pages. [ds1198-603498] ¥6,720 4752 Veen,H.van der The Merok Feast of the Sa'dan Toradja. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 45] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. 196pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page and ink notation to half title page. Red pencil notations to several pages. [ds1185-603507] ¥4,200 4753 Voorhoeve,C.L. The Flamingo Bay Dialect of the Asmat Language. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel 46] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. xi,367pp. Printed wrappers. Frontis. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page and p.292. Ink notation to title page and pencil notations to several pages. p.295 torn and repaired. [ds1186-603535] ¥6,720 4754 Wils,J. Het Passieve Werkwoord in de Indonesische Talen. [Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. Deel XII] s-Grabenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1952. vi,247pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Stamped on title page and contents and p.247. Ink notation to title page. [ds1171-603696] ¥5,040 4755 Codrington,R.H. The Melanesian Languages. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1885. viii,572pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners & sl.chipped. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Spotted from front e.p. to half title page, page 572 to rear e.p. With a map sl.spotted. Pages uncut. [L03409-605252] ¥21,000 ネイティブ・アメリカン 4756 Aoki,Haruo & Deward E.Walker,Jr. Nez Perce Oral Narratives. [University of California Publications in Linguistics. vol.104] Univ.of California Press, 1988. vii,631pp. Printed wrappers. Sl.darkened. [lk0086-604052] ¥10,500 4757 Bright,William The Karok Lnaguage. [University of California Publications in Linguistics. Volume 13] Univ.of California Press, 1957. xi,457pp. (Editors: C.D.Chrétien, M.B.Emeneau, M.S.Beeler, M.R.Haas) Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [L00013-600451] ¥10,080 4758 Lounsbury,Floyd G. Oneida Verb Morphology. [Yale University Publications in Anthropology. No.48] Published for the Department of Anthropology, Yale Univ.by the Yale UP., 1953. 111pp. Printed wrappers. The Spine sunned. Ink signature to cover by T.Matsuda. [L00464-602086] ¥4,200 502 言 語 学 4759 Schauber,Ellen The Syntax and Semantics of Questions in Navajo. [Outstanding dissertations in linguistics. 20] A Garland Series. Garland Publishing, 1979. 313pp. Some spotted to the edges. [L02515-604355] ¥8,400 論 文 集 4760 Hawkins,John A. ed. Explaining Language Universals. Basil Blackwell, 1988. First published. xiii,398pp. (contributors: M.A.Arbib, M.Bowerman, J.L.Bybee, B.Comrie, A.Cutler, L.Frazier, C.J.Hall, J.A.Hawkins, J.C.Hill, T.Hoekstra, E.L.Keenan, E.König, J.G.Kooil, M.Lee, K.Rayner, S.A.Thompson) d.w. [L02166-601391] ¥6,300 4761 (Akira,Ota)Masatomo Ukaji, Toshio Nakao, Masaru Kajima, Shuji Chiba eds. Studies in English Linguistics. A Festschrift for Akira Ota on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday. Tokyo; The Taishukan Publishing Company, 1997. First edition. xvi,1285pp. (Contributors; Haruko Miyakoda, Junya Morita, Minoru Amanuma, Kazuyuki Kiryu, Shosuke Haraguchi et al.) With slipcase sl.stained. Near fine condition. 27.8x20.3cm. [L03160-604839] ¥26,250 4762 (Aarts,Flor)Jan Arts,Inge de Mönnink & Herman Wekker eds. Studies in English Language and Teaching. In Honour of Flor Aarts. Amsterdam-Atlanta;Rodopi B.V., 1997. 308pp. (Contributors:Bas Aarts, Henk Barkema, Tony Cowie, Udo Fries, Magnus Ljung et al.) Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02949-604608] ¥7,350 4763 Anderson,John M. & Norman Macleod eds. Edinburgh Studies in the English Language. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1988. xi,167pp. The type of Old English impersonals (John Anderson). Heavy arguments in Old English (Fran Colman). The status of voiced fricatives in Old English (Anderson). That: A relative pronoun?...(Jim Miller). The not-so-Scottish vowel length rule (Alex Agutter). Stylistics and the ghost story...in The Turn of the Screw (Norman Macleod). The discussion of prose style...David Copperfield (Macleod). d.w. [L01524-600129] ¥6,720 4764 (Bally,Charles) Mélanges de Linguistique Offerts a Charles Bally. Sous les Auspices de la Facultè des Lettres de l'Université de Genève par des Collègues, des Confrères, des Disciples Reconnaissants. Genève: Georg et Cie, 1939. xii,515pp. (Contributors: W.v.Wartburg, A.Sechehaye, E.Richter, J.Vendryes, W.Real, N.Trubetzkoy, J.v.Ginneken, G.Cuendet, C.de Boer, A.W.de Groot, B.A.Terracini, R.Jakobson, L.Tesniere, H.Frei, G.Bonfante, H.Lommel, B.Havránek, S.Karcevski, B.Migliorini, G.Devoto, I.Iordan, K.Jaberg, L.Gauchat, J.Jud, E.Tappolet, A.Ernout, V.Broendal, E.Lerch, A.François, R.Hotzenköcherle, M.Grammont, V.Mathesius, J.Marouzeau, M.Niedermann, J.Jeanjaquet, A.Grégoire, A.Ribi) Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. Ownership stamp on new e.p. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to original front cover. Pencil notations. 26.6x18.3cm. 献 呈論文集 [lk0091-604056] ¥42,000 4765 Barber,C.L., Frank Behare, Urban Ohlander, Yngve Olsson, Svante Stubelius, Johannes Söderlind & R.W.Zandvoort Contributions to English Syntax and Philology. [Gothenburg Studies in English 14] Acta Unversitatis Gothoburgensis, 1962. 223pp. Dust wrapper pasted on the cover. [ds0898-600225] ¥10,080 4766 (Behaghel,Otto) Germanische Philologie. Ergebnisse und Aufgaben. Festschrift für Otto Behaghel. Herausgegeben von Alfred Goetze, Wilhelm Horn, Friedrich Maurer. [Germanische Bibliothek: Erste abteilung. I.reihe. Neunzehnter band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1934. viii,573pp. 503 言 語 学 (Kurt Wagner, Hans Kuhn, Helmut Arntz, Adolf Bach, Wilhelm Will, Alfred Götze, Jost Trier, Friedrich Maurer, Fritz Stroh, Wilhelm Horn, Ferdinand, Holthausen, Gustav Ehrismann, Adolf Spamer, Arnold E.Berger, Walther Fischer, Eduard Hoffmann-Krayer, Rudolf Helm, Liesel Meixner) With a portrait of Behaghel. Printed wrappers. Rebound with cardboard. Sunned. [ds1011-600278] ¥21,000 4767 (Behaghel,Otto) Germanische Philologie. Ergebnisse und Aufgaben. Festschrift für Otto Behaghel. Herausgegeben von Alfred Goetze, Wilhelm Horn, Friedrich Maurer. [Germanische Bibliothek: Erste abteilung. I.reihe. Neunzehnter band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1934. viii,573pp. With a portrait of Behaghel. Printed wrappers. Sunned. Stamped on title page and page'ii'. Ex-library-sticker on spine. [ds1098-600279] ¥16,800 4768 (Behaghel,Otto) Germanische Philologie. Ergebnisse und Aufgaben. Festschrift für Otto Behaghel. Herausgegeben von Alfred Goetze, Wilhelm Horn, Friedrich Maurer. [Germanische Bibliothek: Erste abteilung. I.reihe. Neunzehnter band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1934. viii,573pp. (Contributors:Kurt Wagner, Hans Kuhn, Helmut Arntz, Adolf Bach, Wilhelm Will et al.) Spine sunned. Edges foxing & spotted. Small ink ownership signature tofront fly leaf. Almost all pages spotted. [L02956-604615] ¥21,000 4769 Bradley,Henry The Collected Papers of Henry Bradley. With a Memoir by Robert Bridges. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1928. x,296pp. Spine sunned. 前後見返し部分、あそび紙 手直し。タイトル頁左下隅及び 後あそび紙(元)少裂け。 [L01804-600420] ¥26,250 4770 Bradley,Henry The Collected Papers of Henry Bradley. With a Memoir of Robert Bridges. Tokyo: Ogawa Tosho, 1993. Facsimile reprint of the 1928 edition. x,296pp. With a portrait. d.w. [L02521-600419] ¥7,350 4771 (Brandenstein,Wilhelm) Mayrhofer,Manfred hrsg. in Verbindung mit Fritz Lochner-Huttenbach und Hans Schmeja Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft und Kulturkunde. Gedenkschrift für Wilhelm Brandenstein. [Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Band 14] Innsbruck, 1968. 411pp. Ink notation to front flyleaf. [L02065-600426] ¥18,900 4772 (Buyssens,Eric) Dierickx,Jean & Yvan Lebrun Linguistique Contemporaine. Hommage à Eric Buyssens. Publié par Jean Dierickx et Yvan Lebrun. Editions de l'Institut de Sociologie: Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1970. 285pp. (O.Akhmanova, M.Cohen, S.de Vriendt, J.Dierickx, A.Doppagne, R.Engler, G.Francescato, A.Graur, Albert Henry, M.Kloster-Jensen, J.Larochette, Y.Lebrun, M.Leroy, A.Martinet, G.Mounin, C.Peeters, H.Pilch, J.Pohl, E.Polome, R.Renard, C.Wuilmart, A.Rosetti, P.Ruelle, A.Sauvageot, E.Seidel, I.Seidel-Slotty, T.Slama-Cazacu, E.Uhlenbeck, J.van Roey, W.von Raffler Engel) Printed wrappers. With a portrait. Spine sunned. [L00804-600544] ¥4,200 4773 Coulmas,Florian ed. A Festschrift for Native Speaker. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior 97] Mouton,1981. xi,406pp. (Thomas T.Ballmer, Florian Coulmas, Konrad Ehlich, Bennison Gray, Hartmut Haberland, John Hinds, Esa Itkonen, Tohru Kaneko, Asa Kasher, Werner Kummer, Adam Makkai, Jacob Mey, Eugene A.Nida, David R.Olson, Kenneth L.Pike) Margin of d.w.sl.rubbed. [L00847-600731] ¥8,400 4774 (Eijiro,Iwasaki )Tozo Hayakawa, Takasi Sengoku, Naoji Kimura, Kozo Hirao eds. Sprache, Literatur und Kommunikation im kulturellen Wandel. Festschrift für Eijiro Iwsaki anläßlich seines 75. Geburtstags. Verlag AG,Tokyo:Dogakusha, 1997. 611pp. (Contributors:Götz Wienold, Atsuo Kawashima, Tohru Kaneko, Hirofumi Mikame, Shoko Kishitani et al.) d.w. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02946-604605] ¥6,300 504 言 語 学 4775 (Fiedler,H.G.) German Studies. Presented to H.G.Fiedler by Pupils, Colleagues, and Friends on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday 28 April 1937. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1938. viii,507pp. (H.G.Barnes, L.A.Bisson, J.Boyd, W.H.Bruford, August Closs, W.E.Collinson, Kathleen Cunningham, H.C.Deneke, A.C.Dunstan, Walter Ettinghausen, A.Gillies, C.E.Gough, Craig Houston, R.Marleyn, W.G.Moore, F.Norman, R.Peacock, L.F.Powell, E.Purdie, F.E.Sandbach, E.L.Stahl, R.A.Williams, L.A.Willoughby, Douglas Yates) With a portrait. Spine sunned. [ds1099-601001] ¥12,600 4776 Firth,J.R. Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951. Oxford UP., 1957. xii,233pp.+ 11 plates. Dust wrapper sunned and chipped, and ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Pencil notations. 25x16cm. [lk0181-604085] ¥12,600 4777 Firth,J.R. Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951. Oxford UP., 1961. Reprinted. xii,233pp.+plates. With 11plates. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. Flyleaves sl.spotted. 25x16cm. [L01209-601009] ¥8,400 4778 Firth,J.R. Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951. London: Oxford UP., 1969. Reprinted. (First edition 1957) xii,233pp.+plates. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned. [L02875-601011] ¥5,250 4779 Firth,J.R. / F.R.Palmer ed. Selected Papers of J.R.Firth 1952-59. Edited by F.R.Palmer. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] London: Longmans, Green and Co, 1968. First published. ix,209pp. d.w. [L02484-601012] ¥6,300 4780 (Firth,J.R.) Bazell,C.E./ Catford,J.C./ Halliday,M.A.K./ Robins,R.H. eds. In Memory of J.R.Firth. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] Longman, 1966. First published. xi,500pp. (Contents: K.H.Albrow, W.S.Allen, R.E.Asher, John T.Bendor-Samuel, G.L.Bursill-Hall, J.E.Buse, Marjorie Daunt, Jeffrey Ellis, Raymond Firth, W.Haas, M.A.K.Halliday, Eugénie J.A.Henderson, T.Hill, Judith Jacob, Roman Jakobson, Braj B.Kachru, John Lyons, Angus McIntosh, G.B.Milner, T.F.Mitchell, Randolph Quirk, David Crystal, Vivian Salmon, H.L.Shorto, J.Mch.Sinclair, R.K.Sprigg, Natalie Waterson, E.M.Whitley) Spine sunned. Margin of several pages wrinkled. [L00974-601013] ¥6,300 4781 (Firth,J.R.) Bazell,C.E./ Catford,J.C./ Halliday,M.A.K./ Robins,R.H. eds. In Memory of J.R.Firth. [Longmans' Linguistics Library] Longman, 1966. First published. xi,500pp. (Contents: K.H.Albrow, W.S.Allen, R.E.Asher, John T.Bendor-Samuel, G.L.Bursill-Hall, J.E.Buse, Marjorie Daunt, Jeffrey Ellis, Raymond Firth, W.Haas, M.A.K.Halliday, Eugénie J.A.Henderson, T.Hill, Judith Jacob, Roman Jakobson, Braj B.Kachru, John Lyons, Angus McIntosh, G.B.Milner, T.F.Mitchell, Randolph Quirk, David Crystal, Vivian Salmon, H.L.Shorto, J.Mch.Sinclair, R.K.Sprigg, Natalie Waterson, E.M.Whitley) Spine sl.sunned & sl.chipped. [L02485-604335] ¥6,300 4782 Garvin,Paul L. / Spolsky,Bernard eds. Computation in Linguistics. A Case Book. [Indiana University Studies in the Hisroty and Theory of Linguistics] Indiana UP., 1966. xii,332pp.+8figure. (Paul L.Garvin, Ranan Banerji, William C.Crossgrove, S.N.Jacobson, Mary Lu Joynes, Dan M.Matson, Fred C.C.Peng, Paul O.Samuelsdorff, Albert J.Schütz, Roger W.Shuy, Bernard Spolsky, Richard Lawrence Venezky, Jerome Wenker, Oswald Werner) d.w. back flap and rear flyleaf somewhat stained. [L00184-601145] ¥5,040 4783 Garvin,Paul L. / Spolsky,Bernard eds. Computation in Linguistics. A Case Book. [Indiana University Studies in the Hisroty and Theory of Linguistics] Indiana UP., 1966. xii,332pp.+8figure. (Paul L.Garvin, Ranan Banerji, William C.Crossgrove, S.N.Jacobson, Mary Lu Joynes, Dan M.Matson, Fred C.C.Peng, Paul O.Samuelsdorff, Albert J.Schütz, Roger W.Shuy, Bernard Spolsky, Richard Lawrence Venezky, Jerome Wenker, Oswald Werner) Dust wrapper partly sl.chipped and wrinkled. Signature to rear flyleaf by former owner. [L00420-601146] ¥5,040 505 言 語 学 4784 Gülich,Elisabeth / Raible,Wolfgang eds. Textsorten. Differenzierungskriterien aus linguistischer Sicht. [Athenäum-Skripten Linguistik. (herausgegeben von Wolfgang Klein, Christoph Schwarze, Dieter Wunderlich, Arnim von Stechow) 5] Frankfurt: Athenäum Verlag GmbH, 1972. 241pp. (T.A.van Dijk, J.Ihwe, J.S.Petöfi, H.Rieser, W.Kummer, S.J.Schmidt, E.Güttgemanns, W.Dressler, B.Sandig, G.Breschneider, G.Wienold, H.Weinrich, W.-D.Stempel, R.Posner) Printed wrappers. [ds0638-601287] ¥1,680 4785 Hadley,James Essays Philological and Critical. Selected from the Papers of James Hadley. London; Macmillan and Co., 1873. vi,424pp. spine sunned. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. All edges sl.foxed. Joint of front cover somewhat started. Half title page foxed & sl.spotted. Page 30 sl.chipped. Sl.spotted from page 422 to rear fly leaf. Page 424 foxed. [L03072-604730] ¥12,600 4786 Hamp,Eric P., Fred W.Householder & Robert Austerlitz eds. Readings in Linguistics Ⅱ. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1966. x,395pp. d.w. [ds0276-601332] ¥4,200 4787 (Hibler-Lebmannsport,Leo) Anglo-Americana. Festschrift zum 70.Geburtstag von Professor Dr.Leo Hibler-Lebmannsport. Gesammelt und Herausgegeben von Karl Brunner. [Wiener Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie, LXII] Wilhelm Braumuller, Universitats-Verlagsbuchhandlung,1955. xii,184pp. (Karl Baschiera, Josef Brüch, Geoffrey Bullough, Wilfred S.Dowden, Richard Flatter, Otto Funke, Karl Hammerle, Otto Hietsch, Jay B.Hubbel, Siegfried Korninger, Herbert Koziol, Harro H.Kühnelt, Ernest E.Leisy, W.Ruth, Heinrich Spies, Rudolf Sühnel, Friedrich Wild, Julius Wirl) Printed wrappers. Frontis. The spine sunned. [L01080-601453] ¥8,400 4788 (Hoops,Johannes)Wolfgang Keller ed. Probleme der Englischen Sprache und Kultur. Festschrift Johannes Hoops zum 60. Geburtstag Überreicht von Freunden und Kollegen. Germanische bibliothek ii. Abeteilung: Untersuchungen und Texte Zwanzigster Band. Heidelberg; Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1925. vii, 270pp. (Contributors: Arnold Schröer, Lorenz Morsbach, Otto Funke Wolfgang Keller, Wilhelm Horn et al.) Spine stained & sl.chipped. Edges sunned & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Some pages spotted, particularly from Recto of half title page to page 9, page 267 to rear fly leaf. [L02957-604616] ¥12,600 4789 (Hornby,Albert Sidney) Peter Strevens ed. In Honour of A.S.Hornby. Edited by Peter Strevens. Oxford UP, 1978. xviii,189pp. d.w. foxing to front fly leaf and title page. [L02612-601532] ¥6,300 Some 4790 (Hornby,Albert Sidney) Peter Strevens ed. In Honour of A.S.Hornby. Edited by Peter Strevens. Oxford UP, 1978. xviii,189pp. (Contributors: David Abercrombie, John Brown, Christopher Brumfit, Peter Collier, Anthony P. Cowie et al.) d.w. sl.chipped and rubbed. Flap foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf and frontispiece. Spotted from half title page to title page. [L02943-604602] ¥8,400 4791 (Jakobson,Roman) Armstrong,Daniel & C.H.van Chooneveld eds. Roman Jakobson: Echoes of His Scholarship. Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press, 1977. ix,533pp. (C.H.van Chooneveld, Robert Austerlitz, Astrid Baecklund-Ehler, Henrik Birnbaum, Umberto Eco, James J.Fox, Morris Halle, Elmar Holenstein et al.) Printed wrappers, sl.darkened. Ownership stamped on half-title page and title page. [L02888-604522] ¥9,450 4792 (Kahane,Henry and Renée) Issues in Linguistics. Papers in Honor of Henry and Renée Kahane. Edited by Braj B.Kachru, Robert B.Lees, Yakov Malkiel, Angelina Pietrangeli, and Sol Saporta. Univ.of Illinois Press, 1973. 933pp. (Angelina Pietrangeli, Elmer H.Antonsen, Antonio M.Badia Margarit, Curtis Blaylock, Dwight Bolinger, Lawrence F.Bouton, George Cardona, Chin-Chuan Cheng, William S-Y.Wang, Manlio Cortelazzo, William Orr Dingwall, Galina Tuniks, Joseph Emonds, Gordon H.Fairbanks, Jonnie E.Geis, 506 言 語 学 Michael L.Geis, Georges Gougenheim, Georgia M.Green, Austin Hale, Kenneth Hale, Eric P.Hamp, Hans Henrich Hock, Braj B.Kachru, Yamuna Kachru, Kostas Kazazis, Chin-Wu Kim, Charles W.Kisseberth, George Lakoff, Robin Lakoff, Ronald W.Langacker, Rafael Lapesa, Robert B.Lees, F.K.Lehman, Theodore M.Lightner, James D.McCawley, Howard Maclay, Seiichi Makino, Yakov Malkiel, Hans Marchand, James W.Marchand, Harri Meier, D.Gary Miller, J.L.Morgan, Marcos A.Morínigo, Herbert Penzl, Vittore Pisani, Irmengard Rauch, Gerhard Rohlfs, Jerrold M.Sadock, Mario Saltarelli, Sol Saporta, Fritz Schalk, Sanford A.Schane, Hansjakob Seiler, Herbert Stahlke, Antonio Tovar, Dieter Wanner, Sian L.Yen, Ladislav Zgusta, Arnold M.Zwicky) Stamped on title page. [L01077-601728] ¥12,600 4793 (Kahane,Henry and Renée) Issues in Linguistics. Papers in Honor of Henry and Renée Kahane. Edited by Braj B.Kachru, Robert B.Lees, Yakov Malkiel, Angelina Pietrangeli, and Sol Saporta. Univ.of Illinois Press, 1973. 933pp. (Angelina Pietrangeli, Elmer H.Antonsen, Antonio M.Badia Margarit, Curtis Blaylock, Dwight Bolinger, Lawrence F.Bouton, George Cardona, Chin-Chuan Cheng, William S-Y.Wang, Manlio Cortelazzo, William Orr Dingwall, Galina Tuniks, Joseph Emonds, Gordon H.Fairbanks, Jonnie E.Geis, Michael L.Geis, Georges Gougenheim, Georgia M.Green, Austin Hale, Kenneth Hale, Eric P.Hamp, Hans Henrich Hock, Braj B.Kachru, Yamuna Kachru, Kostas Kazazis, Chin-Wu Kim, Charles W.Kisseberth, George Lakoff, Robin Lakoff, Ronald W.Langacker, Rafael Lapesa, Robert B.Lees, F.K.Lehman, Theodore M.Lightner, James D.McCawley, Howard Maclay, Seiichi Makino, Yakov Malkiel, Hans Marchand, James W.Marchand, Harri Meier, D.Gary Miller, J.L.Morgan, Marcos A.Morínigo, Herbert Penzl, Vittore Pisani, Irmengard Rauch, Gerhard Rohlfs, Jerrold M.Sadock, Mario Saltarelli, Sol Saporta, Fritz Schalk, Sanford A.Schane, Hansjakob Seiler, Herbert Stahlke, Antonio Tovar, Dieter Wanner, Sian L.Yen, Ladislav Zgusta, Arnold M.Zwicky) Ladislav Zgusta, Arnold M.Zwicky) Stamped on title page. [L02616-604476] ¥12,600 4794 (Karg-Gasterstädt,Elizabeth) Beiträge zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Begründet von Wilhelm Braune, Hermann Paul, Eduard Sievers. 82.Band: Sonderband. Elisabeth Karg-Gasterstädt zum 75.Geburtstag am 9.Februar 1961 gewidmet. Halle(Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1961. 471pp.+map. Herausgegeben von Gertraud Müller und Rudolf Grosse. (Karl Kurt Klein, Heinz Rupp, Karl Hauck, Hugo Moser, Joseph Otto Plassmann, Herbert Thoma, Heinrich Götz, Werner Betz, Hans Eggers, Gilbert de Smet, Theodor Kochs, Gabriele Schieb, Elisabeth Linke, Hermann Teuchert, Edward H.Sehrt, Heinrich Wesche, Viktor M.Schirmunski, Sergej A.Mironow, Claus Jürgen Hutterer, Rudolf Fischer, Theodor Frings, Gottfried F.Merkel, Mirra M.Guchmann, Werner Stüben, Ruth Klappenbach, Johannes Erben) With a portrait. Covers sunned. Several pages spotted. [ds1081-601742] ¥12,600 4795 Labov,William ed. Locating Language in Time and Space. [Quantitative Analyses of Linguistic Structure] Academic Press, 1980. xx,271pp. (contributors: John Baugh, Penelope Eckert, Gregory R.Guy, Flora Klein, William Labov, Helene Neu, Geoffrey Nunberg, Arvilla C.Payne, Shana Poplack, Walt Wolfram) Dust wrapper sl.rubbed. [L02212-601930] ¥4,200 4796 Newmeyer,Frederick J. ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. II. Linguistic Theory: Extensions and Implications. bridge UP., 1988. First published. viii,320pp. d.w. [L02450-604313] ¥5,250 Cam- 4797 Newmeyer,Frederick J. ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. III. Language: Psychological and Biological Aspects. bridge UP., 1988. First published. ix,350pp. d.w. [L02451-604314] ¥5,250 Cam- 4798 Newmeyer,Frederick J. ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. IV. Language: The Socio-cultural Context. 1988. First published. x,292pp. d.w. [L02452-604315] ¥5,250 Cambridge UP., 4799 (Marchand,Hans) Herbert E.Brekle und Leonhard Lipka eds. Wortbildung Syntax und Morphologie. Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag von Hans Marchand Am 1. 507 言 語 学 Oktober 1967. [Janua Linguarum Studie Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata edenda curat C.H. Schoonevelt Indiana University Series maior 36] The Hague・Paris; Mouton, 1968. 250pp. (Contributors: Özcan Başkan, Charles E. Bazell, Herbert E. Brekle, Broder Carstensen, Eugenio Coseriu et al.) d.w. chipped. & stained. Edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature & a stamp to front fly leaf. 26.5x19.5cm. [L02959-604618] ¥12,600 4800 (Martinet,André) Miscelánea Homenaje a André Martinet. 《Estructuralismo e Historia》 [Biblioteca Filológica de la Universidad de la Laguna] Editada por Diego Catalán, Biblioteca Filológica: Universidad de la Laguna, 1957, 1958, & 1962. Vol.I: C.E.Bazell, D.L.Bolinger, J.Mattoso Camara,Jr., J.Gonda, Rafael Lapesa, Helmut Lüdtke, L.Michelena, F.Mikus, H.Pilch, L.J.Prieto, G.Y.Shevelov, K.Togeby, S.Ullmann. (303pp.) Vol.II: E.A.Llorach, W.Diver, J.Fourquet, I.J.Gelb, R.Lafon, Y.Malkiel, R.L.Politzer, A.Sommerfelt, J.-P.Vinay, U.Weinreich, R.Wells. (283pp.) Vol.III: F.R.Adrados, J.G.Herculano, D.Catalán, B.Malmberg, R.Menéndez Pidal, B.Pottier, A.Tovar, K.Treimer, J.Morais-Barbosa. (231pp.) Printed wrappers, light foxing. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front covers of each vol. Pencil notations to a few pages of vol.I. [lk0110-604152] ¥31,500 4801 (Meillet,Antoine) Mélanges de Linguistique Offerts a M.Antoine Meillet. Par ses Élèves D.Barbelenet, G.Dottin, R.Gauthiot, M.Grammont, A.Laronde, M.Niedermann, J.Vendryes. Avec in Avant-Propos par P.Boyer. Paris: Librairie C.Klincksieck, 1902. vii,131pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned and spotted. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to new e.p. Ownership stamp on verso of original front cover. [lk0109-] ¥21,000 4802 (Moser,Hugo) Engel,Ulrich & Paul Grebe eds. Sprachsystem und Sprachgebrauch. Festschrift Für Hugo Moser zum 65. Geburtstag. [IDS Sprache der Gegenwart 33,34. ]2 vols. Düsseldorf:Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann. 1974-1975. 1.Auflage.Teil 1: 344pp. Teil 2: 483pp. (Contributors: Teil 1; Joachim Ballweg-Angelika Schramm, Gunnar Bech, Eduard Beneš, Jan van Dam, Ulrich Engel et al. Teil 2 ; Karl-Heinz Bausch, Wolfgang Bethge-Edeltraut Knetschke-Sperlbaum, Ursura Booss-Monika Kolvenbach, Theo Bungarten, Helga Crößmann et al.) [L02937-604596] ¥8,400 4803 (Otto,Ernst) Beiträge zur Einheit von Bildung und Sprache im geistigen Sein. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Ernst Otto. Herausgegeben von Gerhard Haselbach, Günter Hartmann. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1957. 445pp. (E.Spranger, O.F.Bollnow, H.Schönebaum, W.Hübner, H.Klitscher, E.E.Cochran, R.Leicher, H.F.J.Junker, G.Müller, W.Preusler, W.Schwarz, K.Bittner, R.Kaiser, K.Ihlenfeld, K.Heeroma, H.Glinz, J.E.Heyde, O.Funke, L.Weisgerber, J.Lohmann, E.Koschmieder, F.Kainz, H.Dempe, B.Liebrucks, L.Landgrebe, H.Leisegang, H.Cysarz, E.May, O.Mather) With a portrait of Ernst Otto. [ds0719-602512] ¥12,600 4804 (Quirk,Randolph) Sidney Grenbaun, G.Leech & J. Svartvik eds. Studies in English Linguistics for Randolph Quirk. [L01576-602773] ¥8,400 Longman, 1980. First edition. xvi,304pp. d.w. 4805 (Richards,I.A.) Reuben Brower / Helen Vendler/ John Hollander eds. I.A.Richards. Essays in His Hounor. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. viii,368pp. d.w.sl.sunned. Some foxing to edges. [L02547-604375] ¥12,600 4806 Rosén,Haiim B. East and West Selected Writings in Linguistics. Part One: General and Indo-European Linguistics. Edited for the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday by a Group of Friends and Disciples. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1982. 526p. Ink notations to front flyleaf. [L02064-602889] ¥18,900 4807 Rosetti,A. Études Linguistiques. The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1973. 258pp. Dust wrapper partly chipped. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to title page. 26.8x19cm. [lk0082-604182] ¥15,750 508 言 語 学 4808 (Schröder,Franz Rolf) Festschrift für Franz Rolf Schröder. Zu seinem 65.Geburtstage, September 1958. Herausgegeben von Wolfdietrich Rasch. Heidelberg: Carl Winter・Universitätsverlag, 1959. 259pp. (Jan de Vries, Otto Höfler, Alfons Nehring, Rudolf Majut, Josef Dünninger, Werner Wolf, Gerhard Eis, Levin L.Schücking, Hermann Gmelin, Friedrich Sengle, Heinz Otto Burger, Wolfdietrich Rasch, Rolf Schröder) Spine sunned. [ds1102-603071] ¥10,080 4809 Sebeok,Thomas A. ed. Current Trends in Linguistics. Volume II: Diachronic, Areal, and Typological Linguistics. Associate Editor: Henry M. Hoenigswald, Ribert E. Longacre. Assistants to the Editor: Alexandra Ramsy Di Luglio, Lucia Hadd Zoercher. The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1973. xi,604pp. (Contributors: R.H.Robins, H.M.Hoenigswald, J.Kurylowicz, D.Sankoff, P.Kiparsky, W.Winter, J.H.Greenberg, W.Labov, I.J.Gelb, R.E.Longacre, C.R.Rensch, R.Anttila, J.A.Rea, S.Hattori, K.Hale, T.Kaufman, L.A.Reid, A.Valdman, J.Chadwick, J.R.Krueger). Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges sl.darkened. 26.7x19.5cm. [lk0093-604191] ¥8,400 4810 (Shimmura,Takeshi) 新村猛先生追悼論文集刊行委員会 Mélanges in Memoriam Takeshi Shimmura. 新村猛先生追悼論文集 Offerts par ses amis, ses collègues et ses élèves. Tokyo, フランス図書 1998. 356pp. Ink notations to front and rear flyleaves. A few green underlines. (伊藤了子 今田良信 大高順雄 太田スミ子 篠田勝英 鈴木覚 瀬戸直 彦 福井秀加 下宮忠雄 他多数) [L02067-602927] ¥12,600 4811 Sommerfelt,Alf Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Language. Selected Articles. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata (edenda curat C.H.Van Schooneveld). Series Maior VII] s-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1962. 421pp. Spine darkened and edges foxing. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to title page. 26.8x19cm. [lk0081-604201] ¥21,000 4812 (Streitberg,Wilhelm) Stand und Aufgaben der Sprachwissenschaft. Festschrift für Wilhelm Streitberg von J.Friedrich, J.B.Hofmann, W.Horn, I.Iordan, G.Ipsen, J.Junker, F.Karg, K.H.Meyer, V.Michels, W.Porzig, H.Reichelt, E.Sievers, F.Sommer, F.Specht, A.Walde, A.Walter, J.Weisweiler, H.Zeller. Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1924. xix,688pp. (Contributors:Heinrich F.J.Junker, Eduard Sievers, Fritz Karg, Walter Porzig, Alois Walde et al.) Cover stained, particularly at spine. Spine sl.chipped. Edges considerably foxing. Small ink ownership signatures to front fly leaf & title page. Some pages spotted. Lining papers with booklet about bibliography of publisher. [L02955-604614] ¥15,750 4813 Sweet,Henry Collected Papers of Henry Sweet. Arranged by H,C,Wyld. Oxford: the Clarendon Press, 1913. x,590pp. 前後見返し及びあそび紙手直し. Ink notations to several pages & small red mark on 25p,26p. [L01805-603336] ¥36,750 4814 Sweet,Henry Collected Papers of Henry Sweet. Arranged by H.C.Wyld. Reprinted. x,590pp. [L02520/L00925-2-603337] ¥9,450 Oxford at the Clarendon Press, c.1988. 4815 (Szemerényi,Oswald)Edited by Bela Brogyanyi Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic, and Typological Linguistics. Festschrift for Oswald Szemerényi on the occasion of his 65th Birthday. Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series IV-Current Issues in Linguistic Theory Volume 11 in two parts. 2 vols. Amsterdam/John Benjamins B.V., 1979. Part 1:xiv,487pp. Part 2:489-994pp. (Contributors :Part 1;Olga Akhmanova and Olga Dolgova, Paul K. Andersen, Raimo Anttila, Michael Back, Charles-James Bailey et al.) (Others: Helmut J.R. Birkhan, Allan R. Bomhard, Kurt Braunmüller, Bela Brogyanyi, Theodora Bynon, Enrico Campanile, Onofrio Carruba, John Chadwick, Patrick Considine, Johan Corthals, 509 言 語 学 Gyula Décsy, Ronald E. Emmerick, Carlo Gallavotti, Herbert Galton, Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, Ilya Gershevitch, Cyrus H. Gordon, Robert Gusmani, Robert A. Hall, Jr.,Morris Halle, Eric P. Hamp, Hans Hartmann, Archibald A. Hill, James T. Hooker, Gheorghe Ivănescu, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Guy Jucquois, Konrad Koerner, Wifred P. Lehmann and Ladislav Zgusta, Kim R. McCone)(Contributors :Part 2 ;Adam Makkai, Yakov Malkiel, Witold Mańczak, Emilia Masson, Olivier Masson et al.) (Others:Wolfgang Meid-Karin Heller, Harri Meier, Anna Morpurgo Davies, Gregory Nagy, Giovan Battista Pellegrini, Herbert Pilch, Vittpre Pisani, Massimo Poetto, Edgar C. Polomé, Ernest Pulgram, Ernest Risch, Helmut Rix, Sol Saporta, Anton Scherer, Bernfried Schlerath, William R. Schmalstieg, Karl Horst Schmidt, Rolf Schulze, Thomas A. Sebeok, Hansjakob Seiler, Klaus Strunk, Johann Tischler, Jindřich Toman, Antonio Tovar, Oleg N. Trubačev, A.J.Van Windekens, Ariton Vraciu, Stephen Wallace, Otmar Werner, Werner Winter) Part 1&2 :Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Covers & top edge sl.stained. [L02939-604598] ¥12,600 4816 (Trier,Jost)William Forerste und Karl Heintz Borck eds. Festschrift für Jost Trier. zum 70. Geburtstag. Köln Graz; Böhlau Verlag., 1964. viii,496pp. (Contributors: Peter Hartmann, Leo Weisgerber, Wolfgang Mohr, Hans Schwarz, William Foerste et al.) Spine sunned & sl.chipped. Top edge stained. Edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Spotted from front fly leaf to verso of title page & in rear fly leaf. [L02958-604617] ¥21,000 4817 Weisgerber,Leo Zur Grundlegung der ganzheitlichen Sprachauffassung. Aufsätze 1925-1933. Zur Vollendung des 65.Lebensjahres Leo Weisgerbers. Herausgegeben von Helmut Gipper. Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1964. 443pp. Top edge yellow. d.w. [ds0785-603636] ¥6,720 4818 Weisgerber,Leo Zur Grundlegung der ganzheitlichen Sprachauffassung. Aufsätze 1925-1933. Zur Vollendung des 65.Lebensjahres Leo Weisgerbers. Herausgegeben von Helmut Gipper. Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1964. 443pp. Top edge yellow. Dust wrapper and flyleaves sunned and spotted. [ds1318-603637] ¥6,720 4819 (Whatmough,Joshua) Pulgram,Ernst ed. Studies Presented to Joshua Whatmough on His Sixtieth Birthday. S-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1957. xviii,281pp. (contributors: M.S.Beeler, W.Brandenstein, G.Devoto, A.Ernout, R.A.Fowkes, M.Fowler, E.A.Hahn, M.Halle, E.P.Hamp, G.Herdan, R.Jakobson, L.G.Jones, H.Kronasser, J.Kuryłowicz, W.P.Lehmann, M.Lejeune, Y.Malkiel, G.M.Messing, A.G.Oettinger, L.R.Palmer, H.Penzl, G.E.Peterson, J.W.Poultney, J.Puhvel, E.Pulgram, A.Sommerfelt, Z.Stewart, P.Thieme, E.Vetter, C.Watkins) Top edge yellow. Dust wrapper sunned and chipped. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ink notation ('whatmpugh') to bottom edge. 26.6x19.7cm. [L02304-603668] ¥12,600 4820 (Whatmough,Joshua) Pulgram,Ernst ed. Studies Presented to Joshua Whatmough on His Sixtieth Birthday. S-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1957. xviii,281pp. (contributors: M.S.Beeler, W.Brandenstein, G.Devoto, A.Ernout, R.A.Fowkes, M.Fowler, E.A.Hahn, M.Halle, E.P.Hamp, G.Herdan, R.Jakobson, L.G.Jones, H.Kronasser, J.Kuryłowicz, W.P.Lehmann, M.Lejeune, Y.Malkiel, G.M.Messing, A.G.Oettinger, L.R.Palmer, H.Penzl, G.E.Peterson, J.W.Poultney, J.Puhvel, E.Pulgram, A.Sommerfelt, Z.Stewart, P.Thieme, E.Vetter, C.Watkins) Top edge yellow. 26.6x19.7cm. [L02622-604481] ¥12,600 4821 (Zwirner,Eberhard) Ezawa,Kennosuke et al. hrsg. Sprache und Sprachen. Festschrift für Eberhard Zwirner zum 80.Geburtstag. Herausgegeben von Kennosuke Ezawa und Karl H.Rensch unter Mitwirkung von Wolfgang Bethge. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1979. xx,200pp. (Contributors: Hermann Bausinger, Els Oksaar, Erika Bauer, Eugenio Coseriu, Shintaro Oiwa, Arno Ruoff, Eli Fischer-Jørgensen, Antti Iivonen, Antti Sovijärvi, Eolfgang Bethge, Max Mangold, Herbert Penzl, Karl H.Rensch, Kennosuke Ezawa, Hans-Heinrich Lieb, Werner Winter) Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover of d.w.and rear cover of d.w.stained. With signature of Roman Jakobson to verso of port.of Zwirner. [lk0077-604220] ¥9,450 510 言 語 学 4822 Hypothèses. Trois Entretiens et Trois Études sur la Linguistique et la Poétique. Roman Jakobson, Morris Halle, Noam Chomsky. Présentations et Contributions de Jean Pierre Faye, Jean Paris, Jacques Roubaud, Mitsou Ronat. [Hypothèses / Change] Paris: Seghers/Laffont, 1972. 217pp. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. [L00837-603818] ¥2,520 4823 (Weisgerber,Leo)Helmut Gipper ed. Sprache Schlüssel zur Welt. Festschrift für Leo Weisgerber. Düsseldorf;Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1959. 385pp. (Contributors:Karl-Otto Apel, Erich Rothacker, Erich Heintel, Josef Derbolev, Hans Glinz et al.) d.w. sl.chipped and its spine with black ink notation sunned. Yellow top edge stained. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Foxing from front fly leaf to title page. Rear lining paper spotted. [L02953-604612] ¥12,600 4824 Wirkendes Wort. Sammelband I. Sprachewissenschaft. Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1962. 1.Auflage. 342pp. (Leo Weisgerber, Karlheinz Neunheuser, Georgi Schischkoff, Bruno Boesch, Werner Betz, Eberhard Beheim-Schwarzbach, Günther Kandler, Hennig Brinkmann, Eberhard Kranzmayer, Walter Mitzka, Ingerid Dal, Emil Öhmann, Walter Azzalino, Gerhard Schubert, Hans Glinz, Robert Jahn, Wolfgang Pfleiderer, A.v.Weiss, Hans Eggers, Werner Schröder, Herbert Seidler, Walter Flämig) Dust wrapper sl.chipped. [ds1015-603829] ¥5,040 4825 Wirkendes Wort. Sammelband IV. Sprache und Schrifttum im Unterricht. Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1962. 1.Auflage. 435pp. (L.Weisgerber, F.Arends, H.Kupfer, H.Hohmann, O.Eggert, E.Essen, E.Busch, W.Poethen, F.Ktanz, W.Zimmermann, J.Klein, H.Brinkmann, F.Ackermann, R.Zitzmann, B.Grossmann, E.Hock, E.Hannöver, W.Ross, G.Lübbe-Grothues, E.J.Maier, H.Stahlmann, G.Mahlberg, H.Günther, F.Stahlin, A.Mandhenk, H.Hömke, G.Mahlberg, C.Henke, K.Wolf, W.Klose, H.Klempt, E.Edel, W.Fof, W.Schäfer, W.Schulze, R.Geissler, K.Bräutigam, A. Weber, R.N.Maiter, S.Burckhardt, R.Hippe, K.Lorenzen, B.Schulz, I.Gentges, W.G.Assmann) d.w. [ds0722-603830] ¥6,720 会議報告書 4826 Hintikka,K.J.J./ J.M.E.Moravcsik / P.Suppes eds. Approaches to Natural Language. Proceedings of the 1970 Stanford Workshop on Grammar and Semantics. [Synthese Library] D.Reidel Publishing Company, 1973. viii,526pp. (Joan W.Bresnan, Arlene I.Moskowitz, Elizabeth M.Gammon, Joyce Friedman, Henry Hamburger, Kenneth N.Wexler, P.Stanley Peters,Jr., R.W.Ritchie, Jaakko Hintikka, Chung-Ying Cheng, Richard Montague, Barbara Hall Partee, Patrick Suppes, Julius Moravcsik, Richard E.Grandy, Dov M.Gabbay, Teresa M.Cheng, W.C.Watt, David Kaplan) Printed wrappers, sunned. Edges spotted. [L02864-604497] ¥5,250 4827 Darden,Bill J., Charles-James N. Bailey & Alice Davidson eds. Papers from the Fourth Regional Meeting Chicago Linguistic Society. April 19-20, 1968. Chicago; Department of Linguistics University of Chicago, 1968. 254pp. (Robert Binnick, Bill J. Darden, Georgia M. Green, Carolyn G. Killean, Stanley E. Legum et al.) Printed wrappers. Front cover & spine foxed. All edges foxed. [L03140-604807] ¥4,200 4828 Binnick,Robert I., Alice Davidson, Georgia M. Green & Jerry L. Morgan eds. Papers from the Fifth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. April 18-19,1969. Chicago; Department of Linguistics Univaersity of Chicago, 1969. iv,462pp. (A.L.Becker and D.G.Arms, William R.Cantrall, Gerald Cohen, Bill J.Darden, Alice Davidson et al.) Printed wrappers. Covers sl.stained. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed. [L03141-604808] ¥6,300 4829 Papers from the Seventh Regional Meeting Chicago Linguistic Society. April 16-18,1971. Chicago; Chicago Linguistic Society, 1971. 568pp. (Lloyd B. Anderson, E. Annamalai, Francesco An511 言 語 学 tinucci and Domenico Parisi, Robert I.Bennick, Ann Borkin et al.) Printed wrappers. Covers sl.stained. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed. [L03142-604809] ¥6,300 4830 Peranteau,Paul M., Judith N.Levi, & Gloria C.Phares eds. Papers from the Eighth Regional Meeting. Chicago Linguistic Society. April 14-16, 1972. Chicago Linguistic Society. 1972. 615pp. (R.Binnick, A.Borkin, W.R.Cantrall, G.Carden, R.Costa, D.B.Crockett et al) Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Top & fore edges sl.foxed. [L03143-604810] ¥6,300 4831 Bahner,Werner, Joachim Schildt & Dieter Viehweger eds. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Linguists. Berlin/GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987. 3 vols. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1990. xiv,938pp./ xii,939-1835pp./ xii,1836-2818pp. Ownership stamps on front e.ps.of each vol.with ink and pencil notations. 24.5x17.8cm. [L02349-603891] ¥31,500 4832 Sovijärvi,Antti & Pentti Aalto eds. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Held st the University of Helsinki, 4-9 September 1961. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series Maior X] The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1962. xxix,825pp. d.w. (F.S.Cooper, G.Fant, J.L.Flanagan, W.Jassem, P.Ladefoged et al. )26.5x19.8cm. [L00293-603892] ¥25,200 4833 Puhvel,Jaan ed. Substance and Structure of Language. Lectures delivered before the Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, University of California, Los Angeles, June 17-August 12, 1966. University of California Press, 1969. Published under the auspices of The Center for Research in Languages and Linguistics University of California, Los Angeles. viii,223pp. (Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Uriel Weinreich, Wallace E.Lambert, Shelomo Morag, Joseph H.Greenberg, Werner Winter) Dust wrapper sunned and chipped. [L00126/L01234-603904] ¥5,040 4834 Austerlitz,Robert ed. The Scope of American Linguistics. The First Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America, Held at the University of Massachusetta, Amherst, on July 24 and 25, 1974. Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press, 1975. 209pp. (Keneth L.Pike, W.P.Lehmann, Raimo Anttila, Charles A.Ferguson, William Labov, Charles J.Fillmore, Noam Chomsky, Barbara Hall Partee) Printed wrappers, sl.sunned. [L02859-604493] ¥4,200 4835 Austerlitz,Robert ed. The Scope of American Linguistics. The First Golden Anniversary Symposium of the Linguistic Society of America, Held at the University of Massachusetta, Amherst, on July 24 and 25, 1974. Lisse: The Peter de Ridder Press, 1975. 209pp. (Einar Haugen, Kenneth L.Pike, W.P.Lehmann, Raimo Anttila, Charles A.Ferguson) Printed wrappers. Covers sl.stained. Spine sunned. Top edge sl.darkened. Stamped by former owner on title page. [L03152-604820] ¥4,200 4836 Mohrmann,Christine, F.Norman, & Alf Sommerfelt eds. Trends in Modern Linguistics. Edited on the Occasion of The Ninth International Congress of Linguists. Cambridge, Massachusetts 27 August -1 September 1962. For the Permanent International Committee of Linguists. Utrecht, Antwerp: Spectrum Publishers, 1963. 118pp. (R.H.Robins, Hisanosuke Iizui, Malcolm Guthrie, G.B.Milner, John Chadwick, Roman Jakobson, Alf Sommerfelt) Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ds0395/L01309-603910] ¥2,520 4837 Mohrmann,Christine, Alf Sommerfelt & Joshua Whatmough eds. Trends in European and American Linguistics 1930-1960. Edited on the Occasion of The Ninth International Congress of Linguists. Cambridge, Massachusetts 27 August -1 September 1962. For the Permanent International Committee of Linguists. Utrecht, Antwerp: Spectrum Publishers, 1963. Reprinted. 299pp. (Martin Joos, Warren Plath, Schofield Andrews,Jr., Joshua Whatmough, W.G.Moulton, Harry Hoÿer, Henning Spang-Hanssen, Eric P.Hamp, Charles C.Fries, A.Scherer, Carlo Battisti, Alf Sommerfelt, Robert Godel) Printed wrappers. Sunned. Ink & pencil notations. [L01310-603911] ¥4,200 512 言 語 学 叢書 ・ 雑誌 Acta Linguistica. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen. 515 515 Syntax and Semantics. Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague. 515 516 4838 Martinet,André et al. Travaux de L'institut de Linguistique. Faculte des Lettres de L'Universite de Paris. Vol.I. 1956. Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1957. 199pp. (Contributors: André Martinet, Luis J.Prieto, Marcel Cohen, Jean Porte, François Falc'hun, Jean Fourquet, Georges Dumézill, Jean Filliozat, Louis Hjelmslev) Printed wrappers. Sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover. [lk0047-604229] ¥4,200 4839 Travaux de Cercle Linguistique de Prague 4. Réunion Phonologique Internationale Tenue á Pra- gue.(18-21/XII 1930) Publié avec L'Appui du Ministère de L'Instruction Publique de la République Tchécoslovaque. Prague, 1931. 326pp. Printed wrappers sl. sunned. Small ink signature on title page. (Roman Jakobson, D.Jones, B.Trnka, N.S.Trubetxkoy et al) [L01929-604038] ¥9,450 4840 Travaux de Cercle Linguistique de Prague 6. Études Dédiées au Quatrième Congrès de Linguister. Prague, 1936. 294pp. Printed wrappers sunned & some chipped. Small ink signature on title page. [L01930-604039] ¥8,400 4841 Travaux Linguistiques de Prague 3: Études Structurales dédiées au VI℮ Congrès des Slavistes. Prague: Academia / Paris: Librairie C.Klincksieck, 1968. 299pp. (Bohuslav Havránek, Jaroslav Bauer, Helena Křížková, Bohumil Trnka, Jan Šabršula, Jaromír Bělič, Slavomír Utěšený, Karel Horálek, Zdeněk Hlavsa, Josef Filipec, Jaroslav Kuchař, Rostislav Kocourek, Igor Němec, Vincent Blanár, František Kopečný, Josef Vachek, L'Udovít Novák, Miloš Dokulil, Jiří Krámský, Bohumil Palek, Eduard Beneš, Vladimír Skalička, Eleonora Slavíčková, Pavel Novák) Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. With errata. [L01457-604041] ¥4,200 4842 Travaux de Linguistique et de Littérature. [le Centre de Philologie de Littératures Romanes de l'Université Strasbourg II, 1] Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1964. 257pp. ("Gustave Guillaume et la science du langage" Géard Moignet, "L'évolution phonétique dy latin au français…" Georges Straka, "Etude sur l'intonation français" Odette Mettas, "Vers une sémantique moderne" Bernard Pottier, "Pour une sémantique diachronique structurale" Eugenio Coseriu, "Un probléme morpho-sémantique" Paul Zumthor, "Rutebeuf et Troyes en Champagne" Albert Henry, "Syntaxe et analyse statistique...La Mort le Roi Artu" Robert Martin & Charles Muller, "Calcul des probabilités et calcul d'un vocabulaire" Charles Muller, "A propos du Tome XVI du F.E.W.(Germanische Elemente)" Jean Charier) Printed wrappers. Spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Cover sl.stained. Top edge sl.stained & spotted. Edges sl.foxed. Small ink signature to front fly leaf. Spotted in some pages, particularly from front fly leaf to page7, page 249 to rear fly leaf. [L03030-604689] ¥4,200 4843 Sebeok,Thomas A. ed. Current Trends in Linguistics. Volume 11: Diachronic, Areal, and Typological Linguistics. Associate Editor: Henry M. Hoenigswald, Ribert E. Longacre. Assistants to the Editor: Alexandra Ramsy Di Luglio, Lucia Hadd Zoercher. The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1973. xi,604pp. (R.H.Robins, H.M.Hoenigswald, J.Kurylowicz, D.Sankoff, P.Kiparsky, W.Winter, J.H.Greenberg, W.Labov, I.J.Gelb, R.E.Longacre, C.R.Rensch, R.Anttila, J.A.Rea, S.Hattori, K.Hale, T.Kaufman, L.A.Reid, A.Valdman, J.Chadwick, J.R.Krueger). d.w. sl.sunned & torn. Small stamp & ink signature on front flyleaf. 26.7x19.5cm. [L01657-603100] ¥6,300 4844 University of Wales - Prifysgol Cymru The Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies. Vol.XXV, Part II. May 1973. Cardiff: Uni.of Wales Press. 102-246pp. (D.N.Dumville, Glyn E.Jones, Dafydd Jenkins, Elin Phillips, Nesta Lloyd, 513 言 語 学 G.C.G.Thomas, Wendy Davies, J.Beverley Smith, Tecwyn Ellis, Brynley F.Roberts, D.H.Williams, Owen Parry, Francis Jones, W.R.B.Robinson, George C.Boon) Printed wrappers. [L02881-604516] ¥3,150 4845 (Schnelle,Helmut et al.) Enzyklopädie der Geistewissenschaftlichen Arbeitsmethoden. 4.Lieferung: Methoden der Sprachwissenschaft. München und Wien: R.Oldenbourg Verlag, 1968. 173pp. (Contributors: Helmut Schnelli, Henri Frei, Robert H.Robbins, Oswald Szemerényi, Eberhard Zwirner, Karl H.Rensch) Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to front cover. [lk0070-604223] ¥8,400 4846 La Sémantique en U.R.S.S. Recueil de Textes, Traduits et Commentés par A.Ambtosi, D.Paillard et P.Pognan. [Documents de Linguistique Quantitative. 10] Dunod / Centre de Linguistique Quantitative de l'Université de Paris VI, 1971. 112pp. Constructiond'un modèle actif de la Langue:"Sens←→ Texte" (A.K.Žolkovskij, I.A.Mel'Čuk), Le modèle sémantique du texte et la système:"Question-Reponse" (G.M.Il'in, B.M.Leikina, T.N.Nikitina, M.I.Otkupčikova, S.I.Fitialov), Réduction de groupes de coordination contenant des éléments se répétant (E.V.Padučeva) Printed wrappers. Covers and spine sl.sunned. [L00811-603958] ¥2,520 4847 Penttilä,Erkki, Eero Alanne & Erik v.Kræmer Mémoires de le Société Néophilologique de Helsinki 18. The Old English Verbs of Vision: A Semantic Study by Erkki Penttilä. (209pp.) [and] Das Fortleben einiger mhd. Bezeichungen für die Weinlese und Weinbehandlung am Oberrhein von Eero Alanne. (54pp.) [and] Dos versiones castellanas de la Disputa del alma y el cuerpo del siglo XIV: edición y estudio por Erik v.Kræmer. (71pp.) 3 texts in one. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1956. Printed wrappers. Sunned. A small stamp on verso of Kræmer's p.71. [L01305-603959] ¥12,600 4848 Draye,H.(Secretary-General) Onoma. Bibliographical and Information Bulletin Bulletin D'information er de Bibliographie. Vol.XVI(1971), 1-2. Vol.XVI(1971), 3. Edidit W.Van Langendonck. [International Committee of Onomastic Sciences Comité International des Sceinces Onomastiques] 2 vols. Leuven: International Centre of Onomastics, 304pp.-841pp. Printed wrappers. Ink notations to title page & rear cover. [L02057-604013] ¥26,250 4849 Phonetica. Vol.7. No.4. International Journal of Phonetics. Basel & New York: S.Karger, 1961. 194-252pp. W.Winter: Relative Häufigkeit syntaktischer Erscheinuungen als Mittel zur Abgrenzung von Stilarten. Sh.Morag: Notes on the Vowel System of Babylonia Aramaic as Preserved in the Yemenite Tradition. B.Hála: La Conception de la syllabe dans l'oeuvre du Professeur Daniel Jones. Printed wrappers, foxing. Pencil notations. [lk0226-604271] ¥4,200 4850 Revue d'Esthétique. Nos.3-4, 1965. (Tome XVIII). Esthétique de la Langue Française. Publiée avec le concours du Centre national de la Recherche scientifique, Juillet-Decembre 1965. Reprinted. 225pp. to 431pp. ("Peut-on dire d'une langue qu'elle est belle ?" André Martinet, "Les attributs physiques de la parole et l'esthétique du français" Pierre Delattre, "l'Esthétique du vers français" P. Guiraud, "Rythme et signification poétiques" A. Kidébi Varga, "l'Esthétique de la langue canadienne française" Cécile Cloutier, "Les poètes devant le bon usage" T. Todorov, "l'Ecrivain et sa langue" Jean-Paul Sartre, "La poésie française et le principe d'identité" Yves Bonnefoy, "Le noir de la langue française" Jean-Pierre Faye, "Les qualités musicales de la langue française" Angélique Fulin, "Défense de l'orthographe française" Etienne Souriau) Printed wrappers. Spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Rear cover partly sunned. All edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to page 225. [L03026-604685] ¥3,150 514 言 語 学 Acta Linguistica: Revue Internationale de Linguistique Structurale Publiée sous les Auspices du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague et du Cercle Linguistique de Prague avec le Concours d'un Conseil International par Louis Hjelmslev. 4851 Volume 3. 1942-43. Nendeln / Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1974. The original version was published in Copenhague: Einar Munksgaard, 1942-43. 144pp. (W.Borgeaud, E.Buyssens, G.Guillaume, J.Lohmann, B.Malmberg, A.Rosetti, F.Falc'hun, U.Feyer, J.Fourquet, E.Thorné, E.Lerch, Hj.Lindroth, P.Menzerath, L.Michel, E.Seidel, M.Valkhoff, Viggo Brøndal, O.Jespersen) Printed wrappers. [ds0507-603916] ¥3,360 4852 Volume V. Fascicule 1. Copenhague: Einar Munksgaard, 1945-49. 63pp. (C.Borgström, J.Kuryłowicz, A.Raun) Printed wrappers. [ds0511-603920] ¥1,680 4853 Volume V. Fascicule 2. Copenhague: Einar Munksgaard, 1945-49. 66-112pp. (L.H.Gray, A.Rosetti, V.Tauli, J.Vachek, A.C.Gimson) Printed wrappers. [ds0512-603921] ¥1,680 4854 Volume VI. Fascicule 1. Copenhague: Einar Munksgaard, 1950. 65pp. (Alfons Nehring, Svend Johansen, Wilhelm Brandenstein, Louis Hjelmslev) Printed wrappers. [ds0514-603923] ¥1,680 4855 Volume VI. Fascicule 2-3. Copenhague: Einar Munksgaard, 1950-51. 58-116pp. (Louis Hjelmslev, W.S.Allen, W.Merlingen, Wilhelm Brandenstein, Svend Johansen, Alfons Nehring, Henrik Abrahams, Carl Hj.Borgström, Viggo Brøndal, M.A.Bryan, A.Caferoglu, William A.Craigie, Stefán Einarsson, Iorgu Iordan, Niels Kjellman, Wolf Leslau, M.M.Lewis, Bertil Malmberg, Karl H.Menges, Bruno Migliorini, Kenneth L.Pike, R.Priebsch & W.E.Collinson, Giulio Bertoni) Printed wrappers. [ds0515-603924] ¥1,680 Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Structural Linguistics. Published under the Auspices of The Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen. 4856 Volume X. Number 2. Copenhagen: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1967. 130-246pp. (V.Zvegintsev, Richard L.Venezky, Ann F.Williams & Robert E.Longacre, Michael Shapiro, Orland Rowan, Marianne Haslev, Bjarne Westring Christensen…) Printed wrappers. [ds0521-603930] ¥2,520 4857 Volume XI. Number 1. Copenhagen: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1968. 122pp. (Jean David, Hreinn Benediktsson, Hans Christian Sørensen, Robert A.Hall, jr., Jørgen Rischel…) Printed wrappers. [ds0522-603931] ¥2,520 4858 Volume XI. Number 2. Copenhagen: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1968. 124-250pp. (Jacob Mey, Henning Wode, Henning Andersen, Wolf Thümmel, G.S.Ščur…) Printed wrappers. [ds0523-603932] ¥2,520 4859 Volume XII. Number 1. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1969. 144pp. (W.P.Lehmann, John T.Platt, H.Pilch, William Diver, James A.Matisoff…) Printed wrappers. [ds0524-603933] ¥2,520 4860 Volume XII. Number 2. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1969. 146-249pp. (Kim Nilsson, Eric P.Hamp, James A.Matisoff, Robert A.Hall, jr.) Printed wrappers. [ds0525-603934] ¥2,520 Syntax and Semantics 4861 Vol.1 Edited by John P.Kimball. Taishukan Publishing Co., 1972. xi,281pp. (Lauri Karttunen, John P.Kimball, Talmy Givón, David Dowty, John Grinder, George Lakoff, Michael B.Kac, Masayoshi Shibatani, James D.McCawley, John Robert Ross, Judith Aissen, Jorge Hankamer, Arthur Schwartz, James A.Matisoff, Nancy Frishberg, Suzette Haden Elgin) d.w. [L00174-604014] ¥12,600 515 言 語 学 4862 Vol.1 Edited by John P.Kimball. New York and London: Seminar Press, 1972. xi,281pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned and chipped. Ink signature to rear flyleaf by former owner. [L00413-604015] ¥12,600 4863 Vol.2Edited by John P.Kimball. Taishukan Publishing Co., 1973. xiv, 322pp. (Renate Bartsch, Talmy Givón, Frank W.Heny, F.R.Higgins, James R.Hurford, John P.Kimball, Dorothy Siegel, Alexis Takizala, Diana van Lancker, Theo Vennemann Genannt Nierfeld) Dust wrapper sl.sunned. [L00414-604016] ¥10,080 4864 Vol.4Edited by John P.Kimball. Academic Press, 1975. xvi,281pp. (Talmy Givón, John Grinder, Suzette Haden Elgin, Joan B.Hooper, Georgette Ioup, John P.Kimball, Per Lysvåg, Jerrold M.Sadock, Leonard Talmy, Edwin S.Williams, Arnold M.Zwicky) Dust wrapper sl.sunned. Ink signature to rear paste-down by former owner. [L00415-604019] ¥10,080 4865 Vol.10. Selections from the Third Groningen Round Table. Edited by Frank Heny and Helmut S.Schnelle. Academic Press, 1979. xii,378pp. (Joachim Ballweg, Renate Bartsch, Robin Cooper, Robert M.Harnish, Roland R.Hausser, Frank Heny, H.Hiż, Asa Kasher, Hans-Heinrich Lieb, Barbara H.Partee, Timothy C.Potts, David S.Schwarz, Thomas Wasow) [L00418-604025] ¥8,400 4866 Vol.16. The Syntax of Native American Languages. Edited by Eung-Do Cook and Donna B.Gerdts. Academic Press, 1984. xiii,324pp. (Judith Aissen, Stephen R.Anderson, Frank Roberts Brandon, Peter Cole, William D.Davies, Philip W.Davis, Donna B.Gerdts, Deborah James, Robert D.Levine, Stephen A.Marlett, Pamela Munro, Ross Saunders, Lucy Ferreira Seki, Lawrence R.Smith) Only vol.16. Some spots to edges. [L02472-604027] ¥8,400 4867 Vol.20. Discontinuous Constituency. Edited by Geoffrey J.Huck & Almerindo E.Ojeda. Press, 1987. xi,451pp. Printed wrappers. [L02475-604328] 4868 Vol.21. Thematic Relations. Edited by Wendy Wilkins. wrappers. Sl.foxing to edges. [L02476-604329] Academic Press, 1988. xii,308pp. Printed ¥3,150 4869 Vol.24. Modern Icelandic Syntax. Edited by Joan Maling & Annie Zaenen. xviii,443pp. Printed wrappers. [L02479-604332] Academic ¥4,200 Academic Press, 1990. ¥4,200 4870 Vol.27. The Syntactic Structure of Hungarian. Edited by Ferenc Kiefer & Katalin E.Kiss. demic Press, 1994. xvi,475pp. front flyleaf & half title page sl. wrinkled. [L02481-604334] Aca¥8,400 Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague 4871 Vol. V: Recherches structurales 1949. Interventions dans le débat glossématique. Publées à l'occa- sion du cinquantenaire de M.Louis Hjelmslev. Copenhague: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1949. 307pp. (Niels Ege, André Martinet, J.Fourquet, J.Kuryłowicz, H.Spang-Hanssen, H.J.Uldall, C.E.Bazell, Kristen Møller, Knud Togeby, Hans Vogt, Hans Chr.Sørensen, Paul Diderichsen, Anders Bjerrum, Émile Benveniste, John Lotz, Aage Hansen, Roman Jakobson, Eli Fischer-Jørgensen, Marie Bjerrum, Ella Jensen, Jens Holt, Poul Høybye, Ad.Stender-Petersen, Svend Johansen) Printed wrappers. Pencil underlins to 'Table des Matières'. 134-135pp. pasted. Ink signature to half title page by former owner and title page sl.stained. Text written in English or French. [L00726-604032] ¥5,880 4872 Vol. V: Recherches structurales 1949. Interventions dans le débat glossématique. Publées à l'occa- sion du cinquantenaire de M.Louis Hjelmslev. Copenhague: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1949. 307pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sl.sunned. [L00860-604033] ¥7,560 4873 (Togeby,Knud) Vol. VI: Structure Immanente de la Langue Française par Knud Togeby. Copenhague: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1951. 282pp. コピー本 Somewhat sunned. Pencil notations. [lk0234-604272] ¥4,200 4874 (Uldall,H.J.) Vol. X-1 (Louis Hjelmslev & H.J.Uldall): Outlines of Glossematics. A Study in the Methodology of 516 言 語 学 the Humanities with Special Reference to Linguistics. Part I: General Theory by H.J.Uldall. Copenhague: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1957. 87pp. Printed wrappers, sl.foxing. [lk0225-604273] ¥5,250 4875 (Uldall,H.J.) Vol. X-1 (Louis Hjelmslev & H.J.Uldall): Outlines of Glossematics. A Study in the Methodology of the Humanities with Special Reference to Linguistics. Part I: General Theory by H.J.Uldall. Copenhague: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1957. 87pp. Printed wrappers, sl.foxing. Pencil ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to title page. [lk0177-604228] ¥5,250 4876 Vol. XII: Essais Linguistiques par Louis Hjelmslev. Publiés par le Cercle linguistique de Copen- hague à l'occasion du soixantième anniversaire de M.Louis Hjelmslev. Copenhague: Nordisk Sprogog Kulturforlag, 1959. 271pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sl.sunned. [L00862-604036] ¥10,080 4877 (Hjelmslev,Louis) Vol. XII: Essais Linguistiques par Louis Hjelmslev. Publiés par le Cercle linguistique de Copenhague à l'occasion du soixantième anniversaire de M.Louis Hjelmslev. Copenhague: Nordisk Sprog- og Kulturforlag, 1959. 271pp. Printed wrappers, sl.foxing. Ex-library stamped on title page and its verso. Pencil notations. [lk0230-604274] ¥6,300 517 言 語 学 言 語 学 (和 書) 4878 Valerie Adams 杉浦茂夫・岡村久子(訳) 現代英語の単語形成論 An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation. こびあん書房 昭 53 函背少ヤケ [w1115-700005] ¥8,400 4879 C.T.アニアンズ 安藤貞雄(訳) アニアンズ 高等英文法-統語論-An Advanced English Syntax by C.T.Onions. 文建書房 昭 44 初版 カバーヤケ、少汚れ. 背ヤケ及び角少擦れ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン有(“K.Kihara”). [w2709-705112] ¥4,200 4880 安倍 勇 英語イントネーションの研究 A Study of English Intonation. 研究社 昭 33. 初版 カバーヤケ及び 汚れ.角裂け.小口汚れ.前後見返し及び遊び紙少汚れ.序文頁及び本文 p3 に朱線有. [w2666-705035] ¥4,200 4881 荒木一雄 英文法-理論と実践 Theoretical and Practical Studies in English Grammar. 研究社 昭 41 初版 カ バー背やけ. 小口小さいシミ. [w2190-700014] ¥3,150 4882 有坂秀世 音韻論 増補版 三省堂 昭 44 4版 函背少ヤケ. [w2198-700017] ¥6,300 4883 アルバート・C・ボー、トマス・ケイブル 永嶋大典 他 英語史 A History of The English Language. 研究社 1981. 初版 函全体的に薄いヤケ.青クロース 装.後遊び紙に少裂け有. [w2658-705046] ¥12,600 4884 アロンシュタイン 斉藤 静(譯註) 米語の研究 [英語学名著選集] 白桃書房 昭 23 カバーヤケ、破れ. 本文ヤケ(紙質:仙花紙) [w2251-704122] ¥2,100 4885 安藤貞雄 英語語法研究 Studies in English Grammar and Usage. 研究社 昭 44 初版 カバー背やけ あそび 紙に朱サイン有り 朱線・書込み少々有り [w1913-700019] ¥3,150 4886 飯野至誠 英語の教育-変遷と実践 大修館書店 19653 版 函背少ヤケ. 前見返しに印. [w2327-704300] ¥4,200 4887 オットー・イェスペルセン 齋藤 靜・山口秀夫(共訳) 時間と時制 Tid og Tempus 篠崎書林 昭 31. カバーヤケ、少裂け及び欠け. 背ヤケ及び破れ. 小口汚れ. 前カバーに「贈呈」印(2x1cm.). 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”)及びペン書込 み「贈呈御御高評」有. [w2710-705113] ¥4,200 4888 オットウ・イェスペルセン 新村 出(序) 須貝清一 眞鍋義雄(共訳) 人類と言語 荻原星文館 昭 19 函傷み、ヤケ. 小口少シミ. [w2221-700035] ¥4,200 4889 イエスペルゼン 半田一郎(訳) 文法の原理 岩波書店 1959. 2 刷 函ヤケ [w2323-700036] ¥5,250 4890 イエスペルゼン 半田一郎(訳) 文法の原理 岩波書店 1961 3 刷 函ヤケ. 小口、見返し少シミ. 扉頁に印あり. [w2579-704825] ¥5,250 518 言語学 (和書) 4891 イエスペルゼン 半田一郎(訳) 文法の原理 岩波書店 1970. 9 刷 前見返しにインクサイン. [w2594-704887] ¥6,300 4892 イエスペルゼン 半田一郎(訳) 文法の原理 岩波書店 1971. 10 刷 函ヤケ. [w2330-700039] ¥5,250 4893 オットー・イェスペルセン 前島儀一郎 (訳) イェスペルセン自叙伝 ある語学者の一生 研究社 昭 37. 表紙折線有.小口汚れ. [w2652-705003] ¥4,200 初版 ペーパー装.全体的薄いヤケ.裏 4894 オットー・イェスペルセン 前島儀一郎 (訳) イェスペルセン自叙伝 En Sprogmands Levned by Otto Jespersen. ある語学者の一生 研究社 昭 37. 初版 ペーパー装、少汚れ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 24-25pp.,211-219pp.少シミ. 49,174pp.に少ペン書込み. [w2712-705115] ¥4,200 4895 イエスペルゼン 前田太郎 (訳) 大塚高信(補訳) イェスペルセン教授 語學教授法新論 冨山房 昭 16. 初版 青クロース装、少汚れ及び角擦れ. 背ヤケ及び擦れ.小口ヤケ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙少汚れ. 1pp.少綴 割れ. 数頁朱線有. [w2713-705116] ¥4,200 4896 イエスペルゼン 宮畑一郎(訳) 文法の組織 The System of Grammar. 文建書房 昭 46. 初版 緑クロース装. 背少々汚れ. 小 口薄い汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン有(“K.Kihara”). [w2711-705114] ¥4,200 4897 石井清・正慶岩雄・田中安行(編) 国際化時代の英語教育 その課題と展望 三友社 1989. 初版カバー [w1209-700057] ¥3,150 4898 石橋幸太郎 英文法論 大修館書店 1964. 初版 函・全体的に細かな汚れ及びヤケ、角及び端に細かな裂け、 擦れ.小口細かな汚れ.前見返しに新聞切抜貼付、遊び紙右上端にインクサイン.本文数頁鉛筆書 込. [w2693-705091] ¥6,300 4899 (石橋幸太郎) 英語・英文学の研究 石橋幸太郎先生還暦記念論文集 大修館書店 1961 初版 非売品 少シミ. 石橋幸太郎謹呈本 [w2577-700065] ¥8,400 小口 4900 市河三喜 FOR ノ歴史的發逹ニ就キテ A Monograph on the Historical Development of the Functions of "FOR". Facsimile of Dr.Sanki Ichikawa's Graduation Thesis in Holograph. 研究社 1976 函 カバー背少ヤケ 及び部分ヤケ 本文美本 [w2605-704955] ¥47,250 4901 伊藤忠夫 英語の社会文化史 季節名から文化の深層へ 世界思想社 1988. 初版 函 [w1866-700096] ¥4,200 4902 岩井慶光 争点の英文法 晃学出版 昭 56. 初版 函背ヤケ及び汚れ、角痛み.赤クロース装.小口天少汚れ. [w2663-705032] ¥5,250 4903 岩井慶光 リモコン式英語の語法クリニック ‐informants はかく語る‐ 弓書房 昭 57 初版 函・全体的薄い汚 れ及び薄い背ヤケ、角痛み、少々裂け.カバー背、角、端に少擦れ.前遊び紙右上端にインクサイン. [w2696-705094] ¥8,400 519 言語学 (和書) 4904 ヴァルター・フォン・ヴァルトブルク 島岡 茂(訳) 言語学の問題と方法 ステファン・ウルマン協力による増補改訂第二版 紀伊國屋書店 1973 [w2123-700108] ¥4,200 4905 ヴァルター・フォン・ヴァルトブルク 島岡 茂(訳) 言語学の問題と方法 ステファン・ウルマン協力による増補改訂第二版 紀伊國屋書店 1973 第 1 版 薄茶クロース装. 背ヤケ及び角少擦れ、少皺. 小口薄い汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン (“K.Kihara”). [w2717-705120] ¥4,200 4906 ヴァンドリエス 藤岡勝二(訳) ヴァンドリエス 言語學概論 言語研究と歴史 刀江書院 昭 13 函ヤケ. ¥5,250 4907 エリ・エス・ヴィゴツキー ヴィゴツキー 柴田義松(訳) 思考と言語 (上下) 2冊揃 明治図書 1964. 函少汚れ [w2615-700109] [w1188-700112] ¥8,400 4908 上阪泰次 英語音韻論 三省堂語学文庫 昭 17 初版 3000 部 [w2521-700115] ¥3,150 表紙少ヤケ、少しみ.背ヤケ. 本文少ヤケ. 4909 ウエステルン齋藤 靜 (訳註) 英語の文章リズムと配語法 的にヤケ. [w2532-700116] (英語學名著選書) 白桃書房昭 24 初版 ¥3,150 カバー少傷み. 本文全体 4910 ウエステルン齋藤 靜 (訳註) 英文配語の研究 (訂正版) 篠崎書林 1953 函 [dc370-700117] ¥5,775 4911 フレデリック T. ウッド 岩井慶光 (訳) 現代英語における イディオムと正用法 Question Box 篠崎書林 昭 37 初版 函少ヤケ [w2275-700126] ¥3,150 4912 フレデリック T. ウッド 岩井慶光 (訳) -現代英語における-イディオムと正用法 -Question Box- 篠崎書林 昭 37 初版 カバー少ヤケ [w1920-700127] ¥2,100 4913 楳垣 実 バラとさくら -日英比較語学入門 大修館 昭 37 [w2263-700130] ¥3,150 カバーヤケ、破れ 本文少ヤケ 4914 ジャネット・ランキン・エイケン 鵜飼盈治 (訳) 岡倉由三郎、ヂョーヂ・フィリップ・クラップ (序) 英語の現在と過去 研究社 昭7. (原題: Aiken: English Present and Past.) 装丁直し済 [w1019-700135] ¥3,150 4915 エネルゲイア刊行会(編) 金子亨・桑野隆・丸山圭三郎・金田晋・田中克彦他多数 言語における思想性と技術性 「ボードアン・ド・クルトネについて」「ソシュールにおけるパロールの概念」「フッサ ールの言語思想の展開」「科学論としてのソビエト言語学論争」「印欧言語学と言語連語の問題」「ゲル マン語における語形成について」「日常言語と形式言語」「現代における意味論の一つの視点][言語 実用論の展望」「話しことばについて」他 朝日出版社 1975. 函痛み、背ヤケ [w2128-700139] ¥4,200 4916 遠藤敏雄 現代の文体論 文化書房博文社 昭 48 初版 カバー;全体的薄い汚れ、前表紙左上少欠け、 前後表紙にシール剥し跡.背少ヤケ及び角少裂け.小口天細かなシミ.前遊び紙右上端にインクサ イン. [w2688-705086] ¥3,150 520 言語学 (和書) 4917 遠藤敏雄 環境と言葉 ‐環境言語学入門‐ 学書房出版 昭 49 初版 カバー、薄い汚れ及び背ヤケ.小口薄 い汚れ.前後見返し及び遊び紙に薄いシミ.前遊び紙右上端にインクサイン. [w2689-705087] ¥4,200 4918 大江三郎 改訂 英語の構造 =構造言語学及び変形文法理論による英語の分析= 房 昭 43 改訂版 カバー [w1901-700143] ¥3,150 教授資料付 真砂書 4919 大沢俊成、駒林邦男、佐々木達夫、福士俊朗 英語の授業改造 変形文法と学習のアルゴリズム化 明治図書 1968.函 ¥2,100 [n495-700145] 4920 太田 朗 米語音素論-構造言語学序説-研究社昭 34 初版カバー背やけ [w1026-700149] ¥4,200 4921 太田 朗 米語音素論 -構造言語学序説- 研究社 昭 47 カバー背少ヤケ [w2121-700150] ¥4,200 4922 太田 朗 米語音素論 -構造言語学序説- 研究社 昭 44 7 版 [w2593-700151] ¥4,200 4923 大塚高信 英語百科小事典 Tarumi-Shobo's Handbook of English: containing pronunciation, spelling, grammar, word-formation, prosody, rhetoric, rules for romanization of Japanese, Americanism, letter-and diary-writing, punctuation, signs and symbols, social and business forms, etc. Edited in collaboration with Taroh Kakehi. 垂水書房, 昭 30. 4 刷 小口ヤケ. 17.5x13.2cm. [w2348-704416] ¥5,250 4924 大西雅雄 音声學世界論文集 World Papers in Phonetics. Festschrift for Dr. Onishi's Kiju. 大西雅雄博士 喜寿記念記念論文集刊行委員会 1974.エンジクロース装.背ヤケ.小口汚れ.前見返しシール剥がし 後、後見返しから数頁少破れ有. [w2667-705036] ¥12,600 4925 岡倉由三郎 發音學講話 全 寶永館 明 34 初版 背ヤケ. 小口見返しヤケ. 後見返しに墨書きのサイン. 前 見返しにインクサイン(小). 薄い朱線有. [w2553-704800] ¥8,400 4926 岡倉由三郎 應用言語學 10 回講話 集成堂 成美堂 明 36 再版 表紙少汚れ. 小口見返しヤケ. 後見返しに 墨書きの購入日付および場所. 前見返しにインクサイン(小) [w2552-704799] ¥8,400 4927 岡倉由三郎(考案) 英語発音練習カード 研究社 大 13 増補訂正版 全 32 葉 函. カード少ヤケ. 15x9.3cm. [we0581-700186] ¥5,250 4928 岡倉由三郎 英語小発音學 研究社 大 11. 表紙少汚れ及び傷み. 本文少ヤケ. 挿絵. 前見返しにインクサイ ン. [w2529-704784] ¥3,150 4929 岡田六男 Japanese Proverbs. 日本の諺 日本交通公社 昭 35 カバー少ヤケ. 挿絵多数. 前見返しに小イン クサイン. [w2522-704778] ¥3,150 4930 小野 茂 英語法助動詞の発達 The Development of the English Modal Auxiliaries. 研究社 昭 44. 初版 カ バー背ヤケ. 上部および角少破れ. 表紙少汚れ. 小口上部少シミ. [w2520-700200] ¥5,250 521 言語学 (和書) 4931 尾上政次 アメリカ語法の研究 研究社 昭 28 初版 カバー背ヤケ、破れ. 小口・本文ヤケ. [w2241-700203] ¥3,150 4932 尾上政次 アメリカ語法の研究 研究社 昭 33 5 版 カバー背やけ. タイトル頁に蔵書印. [w2205-700204] ¥2,100 4933 加島祥造 英語の辞書の話 講談社 昭 51 1刷 カバー・帯 [w2143-700209] ¥3,150 4934 片桐ゆずる(編) リチャーズ・ナウ I.A.Richards Now. I.A.リチャーズ生誕 100 年記念論文集 青磁書房 1993. 初版 第 1 刷 カバー. 背角少々皺. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). [w2718-705121] ¥4,200 4935 潟永重次 児童心理学 三一書房 1956 初版 函 ¥3,150 [da264-700217] 4936 J.J.カッツ 西山佑司(訳) 沢田允茂(監修) 言語と哲学 大修館書店 1971. [w2122-700218] ¥5,250 4937 金子健二 英語發達史健文社昭7. [db628-700220] ¥10,500 4938 金子亨(編) 生成変形文法入門 白水社 1972 函 [w1114-700221] ¥4,200 4939 兼弘正雄 The Experimental Phonetics of English. 實驗英語音聲學 泰文堂 昭7.朱線少有. 裏表紙少シミ. 背少ヤケ. 小口ヤケ. 見返し、遊び紙ヤケ. 後遊び紙少欠け. [w2611-700223] ¥5,250 4940 上寺久雄 鳥居次好 宮本武 刀禰勇巳 他 中学校の授業改造 1 能力差に応ずる英語指導 明治図書 1967 再版 カバー少ヤケ. タイトル 頁及び後見返しに蔵書印. 他の執筆者(松居司、秦近文、有島末広、渡辺康男、黒田利英、和田忠 蔵) [w2208-700224] ¥3,150 4941 上本 明 現代英語の用法 研究社 昭 47 初版 カバー背ヤケ [w1917-700225] ¥3,150 4942 上本 明 現代英語の用法 研究社 昭 47 初版 カバーヤケ 小口ヤケ. 数頁ライン有 [w2320-700227] ¥2,100 4943 上本 明 現代英語の用法 研究社 昭 49 カバー背ヤケ [w2293/w2117-700226] ¥3,150 4944 上本佐一 語法雑記 研究社 昭 28 初版 [w1900-700228] ¥2,100 4945 上本佐一 語法雑記研究社昭 33. 再版 カバー. 小口,見返しシミ. [w2264-700229] ¥2,100 4946 上本佐一 文法と実際 Practical Studies in Current English Usage. [時事英語ライブラリー] 研究社昭 31 初版 カバー少痛み [w1922-700230] ¥2,100 4947 ガレー・P. 鈴木保太郎・五十嵐二郎(訳) 英語教授法 Teachin English as a Foreign Langauage. 御茶の水書房 1965. カバー背少傷み、少 ヤケ. タイトル頁及び後見返しに蔵書印. 小口少シミ. [w2210-700231] ¥3,150 522 言語学 (和書) 4948 Peter W.カリカヴァ(Culicover) 藤森一明、斉藤興雄、外池滋生(訳) 英語シンタクス Syntax. 開明書院 昭 53 ¥4,200 [w2353-704417] 4949 河井迪男 河井迪男先生退官記念 英語英文学研究 英宝社 1993. 函 [w1197-700235] ¥6,300 4950 河合茂 英文法概論 English Grammar. 明倫出版 1988. 復刻版第 1 刷 函背ヤケ.エンジクロース装、背少 擦れ. [w2662-705031] ¥5,250 4951 G.ギュスドルフ 笹谷満・入江和也(訳) 言葉 La Parole. みすず書房 1974 カバー背少ヤケ [w2116-700247] ¥3,150 4952 国広哲弥 構造的意味論 日英両語対照研究 (ELEC 言語叢書) 三省堂 昭 42 初版 函背少ヤケ [w2612-700249] ¥5,250 4953 国広哲弥 構造的意味論 日英両語対照研究 (ELEC 言語叢書) 三省堂 昭 42 初版 函背少ヤケ.小口汚 れ. [w1151-704990] ¥5,250 4954 国広哲弥 構造的意味論 日英両語対照研究 (ELEC 言語叢書) 三省堂 昭 42 初版 函・背ヤケ、少破れ 及び天汚れ.小口少シミ.前遊び紙右上端にインクサイン. [w2700-705098] ¥6,300 4955 国広哲弥 意味の諸相 ELEC 言語叢書 三省堂 昭 45 初版第 1 刷 函・全体的薄い汚れ、背ヤケ、端及び角 に少々裂け.小口薄い汚れ.前見返し左下端及び遊び紙右上端にインクサイン.後遊び紙にインク 書込.奥付頁インク汚れ.本文数頁鉛筆書込有. [w2701-705099] ¥6,300 4956 厨川文夫 古代中世英語入門 An Introduction to the Study of Old and Middle English. 金星堂 昭 36. 4 版 黒クロース装.背少ヤケ.角擦れ.小口汚れ.前後見返し薄い汚れ.後見返し及び遊び紙ペン書込み有. 本文数頁薄いシミ. [w2659-705028] ¥4,200 4957 厨川文夫 古代中世英語入門 An Introduction to the Study of Old and Middle English. 金星堂 昭 36 4 版 黒クロース装.背少ヤケ.角擦れ.小口汚れ.後遊び紙少々汚れ及び少々擦れ.[第一部]10-11pp. にインクシミ.12-13pp.、31-46pp.に少シミ.[第二部]26-30pp.、P.37、54、57、61、64 にペン書込. P.38-39、47、52-53 に薄いシミ.奥付頁に少鉛筆書込.55-56pp.、56-60pp.はコピー. [w2703-705101] ¥3,150 4958 M.J.クレスウェル 石本新・池谷彰(訳) 言語と論理 紀伊國屋書店 1978 [dc180-700263] ¥4,200 4959 黒川泰男 明日の英語教育を考える 人間教育につながる外国語教育とは 三友社 1979. 初版 カバー [w1203-700265] ¥3,150 4960 A.F.モセ 郡司利男・岡田尚(訳) 英語史概説開文社昭 40 カバー背ヤケ [w2289-704148] ¥3,150 4961 郡司利男 英語熟語笑辞典 A Comic Dictionary of English Idiomatic Phrases. 英友社 昭 41 初版 函、カバ ー少痛み、 [w1855-700271] ¥4,200 523 言語学 (和書) 4962 郡司利男 英語学ノート 明治学院大学言語文化研究所 1968 ソフトカバー背少ヤケ [w1877-700272] ¥3,150 4963 輿水 実 言語哲学 不老閣書房 昭 10. 白クロース装、汚れ及び角少擦れ. 背ヤケ. 前後見返しのど割れ. 前後遊び紙ヤケ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). [w2721-705124] ¥5,250 4964 輿水 実 新版 言語哲学 明治図書 1966. 初版 函背やけ [w1112-700281] ¥3,150 4965 I.A.ゴードン斎藤俊雄・今井光規(訳) 英語散文の発達 The Movement of English Prose. ー [w1121-700286] ¥8,400 By Ian A. Gordon. 研究社 昭 51 初版 カバ 4966 小西友七 岸野英治 現代表現英文法 A Practical Grammar of Spoken English. 英宝社 平元 2 刷 背及び表紙に「2 版」「訂正版」のマジック書き(朱) 謹呈本 [w2255-704126] ¥3,150 4967 小林智賀平 英語学概論 東京堂 昭 32. 初版 函ヤケ及び擦れ.紺クロース装.背少ヤケ.小口汚れ.前見返し綴 じ少外れ後ろ遊び紙ペン書込み有. [w2661-705030] ¥6,300 4968 エドウィン・T・コーネリアス(著) 森本佳樹(訳) 実践的英語教授法 Language Teaching. 旺文社 昭 32 ヤケ. [w2519-704767] ¥3,150 初版 カバーヤケ、背上部破れ. 小口少 4969 齋藤 靜 A Present-day English Grammar. Complete in One Volume. 背傷み. 本文少ヤケ. 冨山房 昭 8 訂正再版 表紙ヤケ、 齋藤 靜 Sundry Note on English Grammar. A Companion to a Present-Day English Grammar. 冨山房 昭 8 非売品 表紙ヤケ、背傷み. 本文少ヤケ. 2 冊セット [w2563-704811] ¥5,250 4970 齋藤 靜 A Present-day English Grammar. Complete in One Volume. 冨山房 昭 8 訂正再版 表紙全体 的に汚れ、裏表紙に少々朱インク汚れ.端擦れ.背ヤケ及び擦れ.小口汚れ.前後見返し、遊び紙 汚れ.前遊び紙右上端にインクサイン.タイトル頁朱印有.P.21 に朱印“木村印記”.66-76pp.、 80-88pp.に朱及び鉛筆書込、P.93,95,109,142,160 に鉛筆書込. Sundry Note on English Grammar. A Companion to a Present-Day English Grammar.冨山房 昭 8 非売品 全体的に薄いヤケ及び汚れ.背少ヤケ.背、つなぎ目部分少欠け.小口汚れ.前後見返し 及び遊び紙に細かな汚れ.前見返しに少つなぎ目欠け、遊び紙右上端にインクサイン.タイトル頁に 朱印.本文数頁少シミ.P.21 に朱印“木村印記”. [w2691-705089] ¥5,250 4971 齋藤 靜 (編輯) 雑誌 「英語學研究」 The Journal of English Philology. E.Mätzner's Englische Grammatik. A Complete Translation with Corrections and Annotations by Shizuka Saito. 「全譯メッツナー大英文典」 (其の一~其の七).7 冊合本 冨山房 昭 15-17 ペーパー装、全体的にヤケ.背補修有.小口汚 れ.「其の一」「其の六「其の七」タイトル頁右上端にインクサイン.「其の五」「其の六」「其の七」タイト ル頁及び裏表紙に細かなシミ.数頁端細かな裂け.「其の七」P.36 にペン書込.[w2697-705095] ¥21,000 4972 斎藤俊雄 英語史研究の軌跡 フィロロジー的研究からコーパス言語学的研究へ 英宝社 1997. カバー [w1170-700304] ¥4,200 524 言語学 (和書) 4973 斎藤俊雄・大谷泰照 言語と文化の対話 「言語と文化の対話」刊行会 1997. 斎藤俊雄・大谷泰照退官記念の論文集 カバー少汚れ [w1171-700305] ¥4,200 4974 相良守峯 ドイツ文章論 歴史的・心理的把握 岩波書店 昭 25 5 版 ソフトカバーヤケ. [w2226-700309] ¥3,150 4975 酒向 誠・小西一誠 英語学要覧 A Digest of English Philology. 土屋書店 1959 印. [w2314-704295] ¥3,150 初版カバー背ヤケ. 前後見返しに 4976 佐々木 昭 / 小泉 保(編) 新言語学から英語教育へ 大修館書店 1977. 初版函 ¥3,150 [w1049-700313] 4977 佐々木 達 言語の諸相 Aspects of Language. 三省堂 昭 41 初版 函少ヤケ. 前後見返しにインク記述(小) [w2614-700314] ¥5,250 4978 E.サピーア 泉井久之助(訳) 言語 ことばの研究 紀伊國屋書店 1964. 函少ヤケ [w2242-700330] ¥5,250 4979 E.サピア・B.L.ウォーフ・P.ヘンル・E.ナイダ・C.O.フレイク・R.バーリング・S.オーマン・L.バイスゲル バー 池上嘉彦(訳) 文化人類学と言語学 弘文堂 昭 46 2 刷 函 [w2589-700332] ¥5,250 4980 R.A.ジェイコブス牧野高吉〈訳) 入門・変形文法 Introductory Readings in Transformational Linguistics. 開文社 昭 52 初版 カバー 汚れ、痛み [w1906-700335] ¥2,100 4981 R.ジェイコブス & Peter S. Rosenbaum 松浪 有・吉野利弘(訳) 文体と意味 変形文法理論と文学 大修館 1972. 初版 函少汚れ [w1110-700336] ¥3,150 4982 柴田武 社会言語学の課題 三省堂 昭 53 初版函 [w1117-700342] ¥8,400 4983 S.K.シャウミャン 西田龍雄(監訳) 船山仲也〈訳) 適用文法入門 大修館書店 1978 初版 函少汚れ [w1897-700348] ¥3,150 4984 神保 格 最新 英語音聲學 大倉書店 昭 2 初版小口少ヤケ. 朱線少々有. 前見返し;インクサイン. 後見 返し;小印. [w2527-704782] ¥4,200 4985 神保 格 最新 英語音聲學 大倉書店 昭 2. クロース装.全体的汚れ.背角少裂け及び擦れ.小口汚れ. 前見返し上にシール有.タイトル頁に「乞御高評」印有.本文薄いシミ.朱線及び朱、鉛筆書込有. [w2656-705007] ¥3,150 4986 新英研関西ブロック公刊書編集委員会(編) 新しい英語教育の研究 その実践と理論 三友社 1968. カバー少汚れ 小口少シミ [w2328-700355] ¥4,200 4987 ヘンリー・スウィート(原著) 金田一京助(訳著) 新言語學 原題:History of Language. 子文社 明 45 初版 本文全体的にヤケ. 前見返しにスタン プ. [w2526-704781] ¥8,400 4988 ヘンリー・スウィート 小川芳男(訳) 言語の実際的研究 英潮社 昭 44 初版 函壊れ [w1189-700356] ¥5,250 525 言語学 (和書) 4989 ヘンリー・スウィート 小川芳男(訳) 言語の実際的研究 The Practical Study of Languages. A Guide for Teachers and Learners. 英潮社 昭 44 初版 函・薄いヤケ、背に細かなシミ、角少擦れ.背少ヤケ.小口少汚れ.前見返し右上端 にインクサイン.後見返しに書評、遊び紙に帯貼付.本文数ページ鉛筆書込有.82-90pp.に少々シミ. [w2705-705103] ¥5,250 4990 ヘンリー・スウィート 半田一吉(訳) 新英文法-序説 New English Grammar-Introduction. [英文法研究法シリーズ 2] 南雲堂 1980 初版 カバー背少ヤケ [w1885-700357] ¥8,400 4991 ヘンリー・スウィート History of English Sounds. 明倫出版 1984. 復刻版 函背ヤケ、少汚れ及び角少傷み..赤クロース 装. [w2660-705029] ¥8,400 4992 E.スピリドヴィッチ 高木弘・井上英一〈訳) 言語学と国際語 [国際語論集 2] 日本エスペラント學会 昭7 初版 表紙少ヤケ、痛み [w1889-700361] ¥4,200 4993 角野喜六 日英対照文章読本研究社昭 34 カバー背ヤケ 小口少シミ [w2259-704130] ¥3,150 4994 D.I.スロービン 宮原英種・中溝幸夫・宮原和子(訳) 心理言語学入門 新曜社 昭 50 初版 函 [w1129-700365] ¥4,200 4995 T.H.セイヴァリー 別宮貞徳(訳) 翻訳入門ーその理念と技法 八潮出版社 1981 函背破れ有 [w2282-704143] ¥3,150 4996 関口存男 冠詞 第 1 巻・定冠詞篇(12pp.+1063pp.) 第 2 巻・不定冠詞篇(5pp.+600pp.) 第 3 巻・無冠詞篇 (5pp.+641pp.) 3 巻揃 三修社 昭 51. 第 3 版 函全体的薄い汚れ、背ヤケ. カバー背ヤケ. 小口少 汚れ. 美本. [w2736-705154] ¥105,000 4997 フェルヂナン・ド・ソシュール 小林英夫(訳) 一般言語学講義 岩波書店 1977. 函少ヤケ [w1162-700368] ¥5,250 4998 曾根國介 英独文法比較考 Studie der Deutsche Grammatik im Vergleich mit dem Englischen. ‐英語によるド イツ語理解への試み‐ 泰文堂 昭 31 重版 函・ヤケ、背角擦れ及び少傷み.カバー全体的薄い汚 れ.背ヤケ及び角少裂け.小口汚れ.前後遊び紙ヤケ.前見返しに倉長真推薦文貼付、遊び紙右 上端にインクサイン. [w2687-705085] ¥4,200 4999 (竹林 滋) 竹林滋教授 還暦記念 論文集 In Honor of Shigeru Takebayashi. Papers contributed on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday September 22 1986. 研究社 1986. 初版 中尾啓介、松田徳一郎、東信 行 (編). 背革装 (少々擦れ). 函. [w1418-700376] ¥8,400 5000 千葉勉 基礎英語發音法 開隆堂 昭 24. ペーパー装.全体的ヤケ及びシミ.小口ヤケ.タイトル頁にシミ.本 文少シミ有. [w2650-705001] ¥3,150 5001 ノーム・チョムスキー 安井 稔 (訳) 生成文法の意味論研究 Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar. 研究社 昭 51. 初版 函背 やけ [w0988-700400] ¥6,300 526 言語学 (和書) 5002 ノーム・チョムスキー 安井 稔 (訳) 文法理論の諸相 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. 研究社 昭 45. 初版 カバー背やけ [w2583-700404] ¥4,200 5003 ノーム・チョムスキー 安井 稔 (訳) 文法理論の諸相 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. 研究社 昭 49. 5 版 カバー背やけ [w2590-700402] ¥5,250 5004 ノーム・チョムスキー 安井 稔 (訳) 文法理論の諸相 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. 研究社 昭 59 れ. 小口少シミ. 本文:美 [w2223-700405] ¥4,200 11 版 カバー・帯:背やけ、少破 5005 ノーム・チョムスキー 安井 稔、原口庄輔 (訳) 統率・束縛理論の意義と展開 Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding. 研究社 1987. 初版 函 [w1140-700408] ¥6,300 5006 F.P.ディニーン 三宅鴻 山中桂一 秋元実冶(共訳) 一般言語学 言語理論の展開と現状 大修館書店 1977. 函汚れ. [w2335-704302] ¥4,200 5007 R.F.テウィリガー 竹中治郎(監修) 牧野高吉(訳) 言語の意味と心理 心理言語学 [海外名著選 38] 明治図書 1972. 函ヤケ ¥6,300 [w1159-700425] 5008 寺澤芳雄 寺澤芳雄教授 還暦記念 論文集 Philologia Angloca: Essays presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. 研究社 1988. 初版 忍足欣四郎、池上嘉彦、鈴木榮 一、佐藤修二、久保内端郎、矢野恭弘、唐木田茂明 (編). 函. [w1419-2-700428] ¥5,250 5009 寺澤芳雄 寺澤芳雄教授還暦記念論文集 Philologia Angloca: Essays presented to Professor Yoshio Terasawa on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. 研究社 1988. 初版 忍足欣四郎、池上嘉彦、鈴木榮一、 佐藤修二、久保内端郎、矢野恭弘、唐木田茂明 (編). 函少傷み. 本文:美 [w2233-700429] ¥5,250 5010 オーエン・トマス 松浪 有・大井上滋(訳) 英語教師の変換文法 Transformational Grammar and the Teacher of English. 松柏社 昭 45 函汚 れ、傷み. タイトル頁及び後見返しに蔵書印. 前後見返し、タイトル頁裏シミ. 小口少シミ. [w2239-700440] ¥4,200 5011 ヴィルヘルム・トムセン 泉井久之助・高谷信一(訳) トムセン 言語学史 清水弘文堂 昭 43 函少汚れ [w1870-700443] ¥4,200 5012 Toshio Nakao Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to Language. A Festschrift for Toshio Nakao on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. リーベル出版 1994. 初版 カバー [w1196-700455] ¥5,250 5013 中内正利 英語使いの英語 南雲堂 1986 初版 天金 函背少ヤケ 非売品 [w2307-704291] ¥8,400 5014 中島文雄 英語学とは何か 講談社学術文庫 1991. 本:美 [w2201-700461] ¥4,200 5015 中島文雄 英語学とは何か 講談社学術文庫 1991. カバー [w2517-704765] ¥4,200 5016 中島文雄 文法の原理 意味論的研究 研究社 昭 24 初版 朱線書き込み数頁有り [w1933-700470] ¥2,100 527 言語学 (和書) 5017 中島平三 英語の移動現象研究 Rule Incompatibility Phenomena. 研究社 昭 59 初版 [w1021-700475] ¥5,250 5018 中田清一 日英疑問文構造の研究 変形文法のアプローチ 開拓社 昭 55 初版函背ヤケ [w1174-700481] ¥4,200 5019 中村 健次郎 英語中心 標準音声学 開文社 昭 50 初版 カバー背ヤケ. [w2581-704830] ¥3,150 5020 難波利夫 英語教授法試論 マードック教授法バーンズ学習法に基く 東洋出版 1983 初版 函 [dd242/dd243-700491] ¥8,400 5021 西原忠毅 英語音声の探究 西南言語研究所 1987 (200部限定) ソフトカバー. 前見返しにインクサイン (著者よりの謹呈本) [w2585-704831] ¥4,200 5022 シャルル・バイイ 小林英夫(訳) 言語活動と生活 岩波書店 1974. 函 [w2595/w0629-700500] ¥4,200 5023 シャルル・バイイ 小林英夫(訳) 一般言語学とフランス言語学 岩波書店 1970. 函汚れ タイトル頁にインクサイン、あそび紙、表紙 裏に鉛筆メモ書き [w2134-700502] ¥4,200 5024 K.L.パイク 今井邦彦 (訳) 音声学 音声学理論の批判的検討並びに実際的音声記述の一手法 研究社昭 39. 初版(原題: Kenneth L.Pike; Phonetics: A critical analysis of phonetic theory and a technic for the practical description of sounds.) カバー背やけ、少汚れ. [w2586-700503] ¥4,200 5025 K.L.パイク 今井邦彦 (訳) 音声学 音声学理論の批判的検討並びに実際的音声記述の一手法 研究社昭 46. 4 版 (原題: Kenneth L.Pike; Phonetics: A critical analysis of phonetic theory and a technic for the practical description of sounds.) ソフトカバー [w2592-700504] ¥4,200 5026 服部正己 ゲルマン古韻史の研究 (特にゲルマン語の母音推移について) 養徳社 昭 37 初版 函背痛み. 前見返しにインクサイン(小) [w2554-704801] ¥18,900 5027 服部四郎 英語基礎語彙の研究 ELEC 言語叢書 三省堂 昭 51 函背少ヤケ [w1153-700514] ¥6,300 5028 服部四郎 英語基礎語彙の研究 ELEC 言語叢書 三省堂 昭 43 初版 函・薄い汚れ、背ヤケ及び角傷み. 小口薄い汚れ.前見返しにシール剥し跡、遊び紙右上及び左下端にインクサイン.205-206pp.、 232-234pp.に少々汚れ、本文数頁鉛筆書込み有. [w2707-705105] ¥6,300 5029 ロドニー・ハドルストン 岡田伸夫・山梨正明〈訳) 変形統語論概説 An Introduction to English Transformational Syntax. [英文法シリーズ 4] 南雲堂 1980 初版 カバー背少ヤケ [w1888-700522] ¥8,400 5030 Palmer,Harold E. (英文)The Oral Method of Teaching Languages. A Monograph on Conversational Methods together with a full description and Abundant Examples of fifty appropriate Forms of Work. W.Heffer & Sons, Maruzen Co. 昭 39 カバー汚れ、タイトル頁及び後見返しに蔵書印. [w2209-700526] ¥3,150 528 言語学 (和書) 5031 Palmer,Harold E. The Principles of English Phonetic Notation. 英語教授研究所 昭 3 背ヤケ、少裂け.表紙少汚れ. 小口、見返し少ヤケ. 前見返しインクサイン(小) [w2524-704780] ¥3,150 5032 Palmer, Harold E. The Oral Method of Teaching Languages. A Monograph on Conversational Methods together with a full description and Abundant Examples of fifty appropriate Forms of Work. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons. 1922. Second impression. ix,134pp. 表紙少傷み、背少ヤケ. 小口、見返しヤケ. 前見返し に小印及びインクサイン. [w2528-704783] ¥3,150 5033 L.R.パーマー 寺澤芳雄(訳) 現代言語学入門 Leonard R.Palmer: Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics. A Critical Introduction. 研究社 1979. 初版 函・帯やけ [w0994-700527] ¥4,200 5034 A.S.Palmer Folk-Etymology. 明倫出版 1984. 函 [dd254-700528] ¥6,300 5035 F.R.パーマー 高橋 久(訳註〕 グラマー Grammar by Frank Palmer. 文化評論出版 昭 49 初版 函背ヤケ [w1134-700532] ¥4,200 5036 林野滋樹 言語学と英語教育 三友社 1982. 初版 函 [w1126/w1214-700539] ¥4,200 5037 林野滋樹 民主的人格形成と英語教育 1965-1980 年 英語教育論集 三友社 1981. 初版 カバー [w1202-700540] ¥3,150 5038 林野滋樹 民主的人格形成と英語教育 1965-1980 年 英語教育論集 三友社 1981. 初版 カバー. 小口シ ミ. 前後見返しに小印. [w2212-700541] ¥3,150 5039 東田千秋 文体論 英国近代作家の文体 研究社 昭 34 初版 カバーヤケ、破れ [w2266-2-700545] ¥4,200 5040 東田千秋 英文学の言語と文体 三省堂 昭 32 初版 カバー少スレ、下部少破れ. 小口少ヤケ. [w2188-700546] ¥3,150 5041 東田千秋 英文学の言語と文体 三省堂 昭 32 初版 カバー背ヤケ、少汚れ. 小口少ヤケ.[w2283-704144] ¥3,150 5042 東田千秋 作品と文体 大阪教育図書株式会社 昭 45 初版 函・全体的に薄い汚れ、背ヤケ及び少潰れ.小 口細かい汚れ.タイトル頁少々汚れ及び右上端にインクサイン. [w2704-705102] ¥5,250 5043 廣岡英雄 歴史的に見た英国民の言語 改訂新版 A Historical Survey of the Language of the English People. 全2巻 篠崎書林 昭 44・昭 45 函 (1)に小さい個人印 遊び紙に小さい日付スタンプ [w1180-700552] ¥18,900 5044 J.R.ファース 大束百合子 (訳) ファース言語論集(I) 1934-51 Papers in Linguistics 1934-51 by J.R.Firth. 研究社 昭 53 初版 函や け・帯 [w2138-700559] ¥15,750 529 言語学 (和書) 5045 J.R.ファース 大束百合子 (訳) F.R.パーマー(編) ファース言語論集(II) 1952-59 Selected Papers of J.R. Firth 1952-59 ed. By F.R. Palmer. 研究社 昭 50 初版 函少ヤケ 訳者謹呈本 [w2139-700560] ¥12,600 5046 ブライアン・フォスター 吉田弘重(訳) 変容する英語 The Changing English Language. 研究社 昭 48 初版函少々汚れ・帯少々裂け [w2329/w1408-700562] ¥4,200 5047 ブライアン・フォスター 吉田弘重(訳) 変容する英語 The Changing English Language. 研究社 昭 48 初版 函 [w2597-704889] ¥4,200 5048 カルル・フォスレル 小林英夫(訳) 言語美學 小山書店 昭 10 初版函. タイトル頁裏個人印(2.2x2.2cm)(朱) 表紙少ヤケ [w2280-704141] ¥4,200 5049 藤井光太郎 標準現代英語 現代アメリカ語研究 Standard Modern English. [時事英語ライブラリー] 研究社 昭 34 カバー痛み、少ヤケ. 小口シミ. 見返し少ヤケ . [w2277-704139] ¥3,150 5050 S.フック(編) 三宅鴻・大江三郎・池上嘉彦(訳) 言語と思想 Language and Philosophy. 研究社 昭 49 初版函背ヤケ [w1137-700576] ¥4,200 5051 S.フック(編) 三宅鴻・大江三郎・池上嘉彦(訳) 言語と思想 Language and Philosophy. 研究社 昭 49 初版 函 [w2596-704888] ¥5,250 5052 シドニー・フック(編) 三宅鴻・大江三郎・池上嘉彦(訳) 言語と思想 研究社 昭 49 初版 [w2125-700577] ¥5,250 5053 B.F.フッペ & J.カミンスキー 大久保 忠利 (訳) 論理とことば Logic and Language by Huppe and Kaminsky. 紀伊国屋書店 1964. [w1087-700579] ¥3,150 5054 B.F.フッペ & J.カミンスキー 大久保 忠利 (訳) 論理とことば Logic and Language by Huppe and Kaminsky. 紀伊国屋書店 1964. 函少ヤケ [w1936-700580] ¥3,150 5055 ヘンリー・ブラッドリー 大塚高信 (訳) 英語の成立 泰文堂 昭 17 函ヤケ カバーヤケ、傷み 本文:鉛筆線 [w2270-704136] ¥2,100 5056 ヴィルヘルム・フランツ 宮部菊男・藤原博・久保内端郎(訳) 初期近代英語の研究 南雲堂 1991. 函 [w1133-2-700584] ¥8,400 5057 ヴィルヘルム・フランツ 斎藤静・山口秀夫・太田朗(訳) シェークスピアの英語-詩と散文 Die Sprache Shakespeares in Vers und Prosa von Wilhelm Franz. 篠崎書林 昭 33 改訂増補、第四版 1265pp. 背革装・端小スレ. 天茶. 小口少ヤケ. 見返し部分 ヤケ. [w2648-704995] ¥21,000 5058 ヴィルヘルム・フランツ 斎藤静・山口秀夫・太田朗(訳) シェークスピアの英語-詩と散文 Die Sprache Shakespeares in Vers und Prosa von Wilhelm Franz. 篠崎書林 昭 57 訂正増補版 1279pp.(内補遺 14pp.) 函少ヤケ. カバー. 背革装. 天・金. 美 本. [w2649-704996] ¥36,750 5059 L.ブルームフィールド 三宅鴻・日野資純(共訳) 服部四郎(序) 言語 大修館書店 1969. 新装版 函少傷み. [w2334-700589] ¥5,250 5060 (ゴットロープ・フレーゲ) 野本和幸 (訳) フレーゲの言語哲学 勁草書房 1986. 第 1 版第 1 刷 [w1025-700592] ¥3,675 530 言語学 (和書) 5061 バーナード・ブロック/ジョージ・トレガー 玉崎孫冶〈訳) 言語分析の概要 Outline of Linguistic Analysis. [英文法シリーズ 3] 南雲堂 1980 初版 カバー 背少ヤケ [w1887-700593] ¥5,250 5062 W.v.フンボルト 岡田隆平(訳) 言語と人間 冨山房 昭 16 初版 函ヤケ. 本文全体的にヤケ. [w2537-704788] ¥3,150 5063 カール L. ベイカー 河西良治(訳) 変形生成文法入門 Introduction to Generative-Transformational Syntax. 研究社 昭 59 初版 函少 汚れ [w1142-700595] ¥4,200 5064 カール L. ベイカー 河西良治(訳) 変形生成文法入門 Introduction to Generative-Transformational Syntax. 研究社 昭 59 初版 函 少々やけ.帯少々裂け. [w1410-700596] ¥4,200 5065 ゲーアハルト・ヘルビヒ 岩崎英二郎、早川東三、千石 喬、三城満禧、川島淳夫(訳) 近代言語学史 とくに文法理論を中心に 白水社 1973. 函背やけ [w1182-700601] ¥12,600 5066 V.ベルビッチ 佐々木宗雄(訳) 機械の言葉と人間の言葉 みすず書房 昭 33 初版 〔現代科学叢書〕 [w1086-700603] ¥4,200 5067 W.ペンフィールド、L.ロバーツ 上村忠雄・前田利男(訳) 言語と大脳 言語と脳のミカニズム Speech and Brain Mechanism. 誠信書房 昭 40 初版 背少ヤ ケ [w1874-700604] ¥8,400 5068 アルバート C.ボー、 トマス・ケイブル 永嶋大典・吉岡治郎・須藤淳・齊藤俊雄・三浦常司・今井光 規・小川浩・松原良治(訳) 英語史 [第3版] A History of the English Language by A.C.Baugh and Thomas Cable 研究社 1981. 初版 函少ヤケ, 破れ. [w2571-700606] ¥13,650 5069 保科孝一(抄訳) 藤岡勝二(序文) 訂正改版 言語發達論 全 冨山房 明 36 改正 2 版 表紙汚れ. 本文全体的に少ヤケ. 前見返し にインクサイン(小) [w2551-704826] ¥8,400 5070 細江逸記 動詞時制の研究 An Enquiry into the Meaning of Tense in the English Verb. 泰文堂 昭 7 前後見返し少やけ. [w2610-704815] ¥4,200 初版 5071 細江逸記 動詞時制の研究 An Enquiry into the Meaning of Tense in the English Verb. 泰文堂 昭 7 初版 紺 クロース装、全体的薄い汚れ.小口汚れ.前見返しに書店シール貼付及びつなぎ目部分少裂け、遊 び紙少々汚れ、日付及びインクサイン有.本文に細かな薄いシミ. [w2699-705097] ¥5,250 5072 細江逸記 英文法汎論 [改訂新版] An Outline of English Syntax. 篠崎書林 昭 53. 6 版 カバー背ヤケ及 び汚れ.小口汚れ. [w2665-705034] ¥8,400 5073 細江逸記 精説英文法汎論 第一巻 An Advanced English Syntax. 泰文堂昭 17 紺クロース装全体的汚れ. 背ヤケ、角少傷み.小口汚れ、地にペン書込“細江”.前後見返し遊び紙に細かな汚れ、つなぎ目部 分少割れ.前遊び紙にインクサイン及び日付書込.後見返しに鉛筆書込、遊び紙にペン書込有.本 文数頁シミ及び鉛筆書込、63-64pp.に少汚れ、P.81 に少穴有. [w2694-705092] ¥4,200 5074 細江逸記 最新英文法汎論 [増補改版] 文會堂書店 大 6. 訂正増補 臙脂クロース装、角擦れ. 背ヤケ及び 531 言語学 (和書) 角少裂け. 小口汚れ. 前表紙綴じ少緩み. 前見返しに書店シール,遊び紙に前所有者サイン 有.(“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙にペン書込み. タイトルページに蔵書印有“中尾蔵書”. [w2708-705110] ¥5,250 5075 細江逸記 Studies in the Midland Dialect Used in the Works of George Eliot. With Special Refference to Silas Marner and Adam Bede. ヂョーヂ・エリオットの作品に用いられたる英國中部地方言の研究 泰文 堂, 昭 11. 再版 720pp,62pp. 函少傷み. t.e.g. 小口少シミ. [w2573-704820] ¥42,000 5076 B.ポティエ 三宅徳嘉・南舘英孝(訳) 一般言語学 理論と記述 岩波書店 1984. 第 1 刷 函汚れ及び背ヤケ. ¥8,400 [w2720-705123] 5077 J.ホワットモー 蛭沼寿雄・久野暲(訳) 言語 現代における綜合的考察 岩波書店 1960 初版 函ヤケ、破れ箇所有. [w2294-700638] ¥4,200 5078 堀口俊一・吉田 劭 英語表現文法 Communicative English Grammar for Japanese. 聖文社 1984. カバー [w1128-700640] ¥4,200 5079 Horiguchi Toshikazu/ Sato Chuyo The Establishment of Basic Pattern and Its Expansion. Basic Patterns in the Seventh Grade. Koganei Junior High School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University. November 14. 1963. 1963. ソフトカバー 背ヤケ. 小口及び本文少ヤケ. [w2572-704819] ¥8,400 5080 T.de マーウロ 竹内孝次(訳) 意味論序説 朝日新聞社 1977. カバー (朝日現代叢書) ¥4,200 [w1093-700647] 5081 ロバート・マクラム、 ウィリアム・クラン、 ロバート・マクニール 岩崎春雄・海保眞夫・松本典久・松 田隆美・長沼登代子(訳) 英語物語 The Story of English. 文藝春秋 1989. 第 1 刷 カバー少々汚れ. 帯. [w2355-704418] ¥5,250 5082 枡田秀郎・大野芳太郎 比較対照 日英文法綱要 小日向定次郎・鈴木敏也(校訂) 創文社 昭 9 初版 函ヤケ 前見返し 「小日向先生御机下」の著者サイン、タイトル頁に図書館印及び個人印《小日向印). 292pに図書館 印 背に図書館ラベル. [w2249-704120] ¥4,200 5083 桝田秀郎・大野芳太郎 (共著) 比較對照 日英文法綱要 小日向定次郎・鈴木敏也(校訂) 創文社 昭 9 紺クロース装、端少擦 れ.背ヤケ及び角擦れ.小口汚れ.前後見返し薄い汚れ、シール剥し跡有.タイトル頁少々汚れ. [w2706-705104] ¥5,250 5084 (桝井迪夫) 吉田弘重 (編) 英語英文学研究 桝井迪夫先生退官記念 研究社 昭 58 初刷 函汚れ [w0997-700657] ¥6,300 5085 松村達雄 翻訳の論理 英語から日本語へ 「玉川選書」91 玉川大学出版部 1978. 第 1 刷 背やけ・カバー [w0834-700659] ¥3,150 5086 真鍋和瑞 中世の英語散文とその文体 開文社 昭 58 初版 カバー [w2273-700662] ¥3,150 5087 アンジェロ・マルケーゼ 谷口 勇(訳) 構造主義の方法と試行 創樹社 1981. 初版 カバー [n474-700663] ¥4,200 532 言語学 (和書) 5088 K.M.エリザベス・マレー R.W.バーチフィールド(序文) 加藤知己(訳) ことばへの情熱 ジェイムズ・マレーとオクスフォード英語大辞典 三省堂 1980. 函・カバー・帯 [w1116-700664] ¥6,300 5089 三浦新市・川辺康男 構造言語学と英語学習 開文社 昭 39 カバー汚れ、背少ヤケ. 小口シミ [w2278-704140] ¥2,100 5090 皆川三郎・竹前文夫 (共著) Tudor-Stuart 朝英語 Glossary. 竹村出版 昭 61 初版 カバー汚れ.後表紙朱インク汚れ及び少裂 け.薄い背ヤケ.小口薄い汚れ.前遊び紙右上端にインクサイン.後遊び紙にシール剥し跡有. [w2686-705106] ¥4,200 5091 ノウェル・ミニス(編) 中島文雄(監訳) 概説言語学 Linguistics at large. 三省堂 昭 48 初版函少ヤケ. 小口少シミ. 内容:言語の構造 R.H.ロービンズ 三宅鴻(訳)/ 言語構造の仕組み 1 J.A.ヘンダーソン 島岡丘(訳)/ 言語構造の 仕組み 2 J.ライアンズ 池上嘉彦(訳)/ 意味論 S.ウルマン 池上嘉彦(訳)/ 意味・真理・コミュニ ケーション P.F.ストロースン 杖下隆英(訳)/ 言語学と文学 G.スタイナー 由良君義(訳)/ 他 [w2332-704301] ¥5,250 5092 三宅 鴻 英語学と言語学 全 2 巻 三省堂 昭 47 初版 [w2124-700677] ¥10,500 5093 三宅 鴻 英語学と言語学 全 2 巻 三省堂 昭 47 初版 函少汚れ. [w2616-704961] ¥12,600 5094 宮下眞二 英語文法批判 A Critique of English Grammar. 言語過程説による新英文法体系 日本翻訳家養成 センター 1982. 初版第 1 刷 カバー、薄いヤケ及び汚れ.小口少汚れ.前遊び紙右上端にインクサ イン. [w2683-705082] ¥4,200 5095 (宮部菊男)寺澤芳雄 (編集委員代表) 英語の歴史と構造 宮部菊男教授還暦記念論文集 研究社 昭 56 初刷 函 [w2331/w1035-700686] ¥8,400 5096 アントゥアヌ・メイエ、マルセル・コーアン 泉井久之助,他 (訳) 世界の言語 朝日新聞社 1954. 函 [n536-700694] ¥31,500 5097 R.E.メイヤー 多鹿秀継(訳) 認知心理学のすすめ The Promise of Cognitive Psychology. サイエンス社 昭 58. 初版 カバー [w1167-700695] ¥4,200 5098 モーリス・メルロー・ポンティ 竹内芳郎(監訳) シーニュ ⅠⅡ 2 冊 みすず書房 1974. カバー背小ヤケ [w1125-700698] ¥8,400 5099 ジョン・モートン(編) 芳賀純(訳) 心理言語学 言語の生物学的および社会的要因 Biological and Social Factors in Psycholinguistics. 研究社 1976 初版 函やけ・帯 [w1102/w0820/W1407-700706] ¥4,200 5100 森村豊 英語発達史 附:ブラッドレー(原著) The Making of English 詳註 千城書店 昭 29 角少擦れ. 前後見返しに印. [w2312-704294] ¥2,100 初版 表紙 5101 安井 稔 英語学研究 Studies in English Philology. 研究社 昭 35 初版 カバー背ヤケ及び少傷み [w2272-704137] ¥3,150 533 言語学 (和書) 5102 安井 稔 新しい聞き手の文法 大修館書店 1978. 初版 カバー [w1909-700715] ¥3,150 5103 安井 稔 この道を歩く 開拓社 昭 52. 初版 カバー. 朱線有. 後見返し切り取り有(3x3cm). [w2218-700720] ¥2,100 5104 安井 稔 英語学の門をくぐって 開拓社 平 9 第 1 刷 函・薄い汚れ.カバー薄い背ヤケ、角少々汚れ.前遊 び紙左上端にインクサイン.著者謹呈本. [w2690-705088] ¥4,200 5105 山川喜久男 英語における準動詞の発達と特質 松柏社 昭 38 小口少シミ. [w2536-700729] ¥4,200 5106 山口秀夫 新英文法概論 Outlines of Present-Day English Syntax. 篠崎書林 昭 52. 再版 函・全体的に薄い ヤケ及び汚れ.角少擦れ.カバー背ヤケ.端少擦れ及び極小さな穴 2 ヶ所.小口薄い汚れ.前遊び 紙にシール剥し跡、右上端にインクサイン有. [w2692-705090] ¥6,300 5107 山田和男・吉井徹郎 野球の英語 文建書房 昭 56 カバー. 帯少傷み. ¥4,200 [w2220-700745] 5108 山田幸三郎 ドイツ語発達史 大学書林 昭 28 [w2227-700746] ¥4,200 第2版改訂第6版 カバー少ヤケ. タイトル頁に小印. 5109 J.ユング 国分 振(訳) 言語学習の心理 [海外名著選 25] 明治図書 1971. 函背少ヤケ [w1157-700758] ¥4,200 5110 J.ライオンズ(編著)田中春美(監訳)・五十嵐康男・倉又浩一・樋口時弘・村田勇三郎(訳) 現代の言語学 上下 2 冊揃 大修館書店 1973. 初版 カバー [w1107-700768] ¥5,250 5111 レフ・ナフマノヴィッチ・ランダ 駒林邦男・宮坂琇子・土井捷三(訳) アルゴリズムの思考方法 その教授と学習 [海外名著選 8,9] 上下 2 冊揃 明治図書 1970. 函背 ヤケ [w1156-700774] ¥5,250 5112 PH. リヴィエール、L. ダンシャン 谷口 勇(訳) 言語学と新しい教養 芸林書房 昭 50 初版 函 [w1155-700776] ¥3,150 5113 ジェフリー・リーチ/ ヤン・スヴァルトヴィック 池上嘉彦 池上恵子(訳) 現代英語文法 コミュニケーション編 A Communication Grammar of English. 紀伊國屋書店 1977. カバー背少ヤケ. [w2542-704792] ¥5,250 5114 I.A.リチャーズ 石橋幸太郎〈訳) 新修辞学原論 南雲堂 1978. 改装 1 刷 カバー・帯. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン (“K.Kihara”). [w2719-705122] ¥5,250 5115 A.A.レオンチエフ 千葉良雄(訳) 言語学と心理学 [海外名著選 40] 明治図書 1973. 函少ヤケ [w1160-700790] ¥4,200 5116 R.H.ロ-ビンズ 西野和子・藤森一明(訳) 言語学概説 General Linguistics An Introductrory Survey. 開文社 昭 45 初版 ¥5,250 [w1881-700797] 5117 R.H.ロビンズ 郡司利男(訳) 中島文雄(監修)宮部菊男(編集) ヨーロッパ古代中世文法論 Ancient and Mediaeval Grammatical Theory in Europe. [南雲堂不死鳥 英語学選書] 南雲堂 昭 35 初版 版元よりの謹呈本. カバー、全体的ヤケ及び少々汚れ. 背ヤケ. 534 言語学 (和書) 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 奥付頁に贈呈印有(2.5x1cm.). [w2716-705119] ¥5,250 5118 リチャード M.ロリンズ 瀧田佳子(訳) 本間長世(解説) ウェブスター辞書の思想 東海大学出版会 1983. 第 1 刷 カバー [w0843-700800] ¥3,150 5119 アリス・ワーナー五島忠久〈訳) アフリカ諸言語の構造と関係 三省堂語学文庫 昭 19 初版 134pp. ソフトカバー 表紙シミ [w1850-700801] ¥3,150 5120 渡部昇一 イギリス国学史 研究社 1990. 初版 函背ヤケ. 青クロース装. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン (“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙に薄い汚れ. [w2715-705118] ¥12,600 5121 渡部昇一 英文法史 研究社 昭 42. 再版 函少々破れ及び背ヤケ. 紺クロース装. 小口薄い汚れ. 前遊び 紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙角少々破れ. [w2714-705117] ¥13,650 5122 渡部昇一 秘術としての文法 大修館書店 1977 再版 カバー及び小口汚れ.本文数頁朱線有.帯付. [w2654-705005] ¥4,200 論説資料保存会: 英語学論説資料 5123 英語学論説資料 6 昭和 47 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 [w1965-700830] ¥2,100 5124 英語学論説資料 7 昭和 48 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 p49 に4行の黄色線有 [w1964-700832] ¥2,100 5125 英語学論説資料 8 昭和 49 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般・意味論・比較研究・英学 [w1963-700833] ¥2,100 5126 英語学論説資料 8 昭和 49 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 [w1962-700834] ¥2,100 5127 英語学論説資料 9 昭和 50 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 [w1960-700836] ¥2,100 5128 英語学論説資料 10 昭和 51 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般・意味論・比較研究・英学 [w1966-700837] ¥2,100 5129 英語学論説資料 10 昭和 51 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 ¥2,100 [w1967-700838] 5130 英語学論説資料 11 昭和 52 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般・意味論・比較研究・英学 [w1968-700839] ¥2,100 5131 英語学論説資料 11 昭和 52 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 [w1969-700840] ¥2,100 5132 英語学論説資料 12 昭和 53 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般・意味論・比較研究 [w1970-700841] ¥2,100 5133 英語学論説資料 12 昭和 53 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 英学 [w1971-700842] ¥2,100 5134 英語学論説資料 13 昭和 54 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 英学 [w1976-700844] ¥2,100 5135 英語学論説資料 15 昭和 56 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般・意味論・比較研究 [w1973-700847] ¥2,100 5136 英語学論説資料 15 昭和 56 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 英学 [w1972-700848] ¥2,100 5137 英語学論説資料 16 昭和 57 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 英学 [w1959-700850] ¥2,100 535 言語学 (和書) 5138 英語学論説資料 17 昭和 58 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 語彙論 文体論 ¥2,100 [w1957-700852] 5139 英語学論説資料 18 昭和 59 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 文体論 [w1955-700854] ¥2,100 5140 英語学論説資料 19 昭和 60 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般・意味論・語彙論 [w1953-700855] ¥2,100 5141 英語学論説資料 19 昭和 60 年分 第 4 分冊 音韻論 文体論 英学 5142 英語学論説資料 20 [w1951-700857] [w1952-700856] ¥2,100 昭和 61 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般 意味論 語彙論 ¥2,100 5143 英語学論説資料 20 昭和 61 年分 第 4 分冊 語法 音韻論 文体論 英学 [w1950-700858] ¥2,100 5144 英語学論説資料 21 昭和 62 年分 第 1 分冊 言語学英語学一般・意味論・語彙論 [w1949-700860] ¥2,100 536 言語学 (和書)
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