ῌ#§9!½ 2010 44 ῏῍ ῌ῎ 1 Brachyspira pilosicoli 1) 1) 1) 2) 2) 2) !"#$ % 21 6 & 29 ' 21 12 & 4 ( Brachyspira pilosicoli )*+, !"- #. /0 1 # 234 $)#%/)56&789:1 ;<)2'( = B. pilosicoli >$/?@>A BC@/&7D 56 I.1 /01234 JKL56 MN' 7 1 E))*+FGF ,H-0 J89MN@1 2'() 10 : ;OPQR><C@1 STURVW) XYZ/ 4 [:' 2\='> ?@A9B: b C><D]^R_3`a8Db C@1 16S rRNA cEFdeGHIJ fJ B. pilosicoli gJKMN@1 7/)hL Helicobacter cinaedi M>ABC@ig34' 2'(j[> 7 34 10 [ @1 fJ' i'(O[lP89mNnoQMNJ:@/0 NkC 1 Key words: Brachyspira pilosicoli, bacteremia, intestinal spirochaetosis, blood culture, 16S rRNA gene Brachyspira pilosicoli ) p"q,SZT#. # )r:VWs>XD /R gCJU4NJ: ig34*+,Yt I. ῎῏ 1 E) 56 I' . ! Wr /0123489 "-34$MN' Z[u\v]#gCJ s Htuv wx^_8`aMN - Brachyspira b y 9fJ: 1 1, 2) ) z {' B. pilosicoli h | B. aalborgi, B. hyodysenteriae, B. innocens, B. intermedia, B. murdochii, B. alvinipulli 7 J: c8}~MN 1 iy' *+v]8&7MNJ: ) B. pilosicoli g B. aalborgi 2 c/0 =wC B. aalborgi y8 MNJ: 1 C3C984' ' g/) B. piM8&7MN@ig34# :g #8h:MNJ?@9, 10)1 ifJ' #% :J )F "q>jC@"- / $&711))0 8' 234k)&789 :1 ;<)' 2'( = B. pilosicoli >$/ ?@>ABC@/ii l<D !g{|- z Jz 5:0=' ~4KL_1 KLO' a 1 JKL D w v¡f/ K/?¢1 56a£¤RZ' O/ 01234' 7KL J891 CT ' k ¥N9t' L¦§¨ A© wO 1' A©> 1 Jwg9 1 ªwJo> <D1 O (8 : 29) /o /) ST )`4N93f@8' w (11 : 10) «a 1 xy 88 ,H- *+FGF e,H-0= z- 20 7 & 28 }' ~ B. pilosicoli losicoli 149/93 %zt( 1 d cgw "- >iD8' xef) 38) wOz 35.3 J ST ' / J/¬ 8`4 N @1 30 (11 : 40) / 1 2 3 4 g 9 =' ¬ m)nop (479῍8510) U#q 4῍5 TEL: 0569῍35῍3170 FAX: 0569῍34῍8526 44 #§9!¼¨ Vol. 20 No. 1 2010. %DC O®¯ 360J°3( >C' /y±²D (16 : 17) ³ 21,500/ml, 37.91 0 1 J [ ´8`4N@8µ´¶g·¸4N@1 Xz )v]' F£R¹¡º¢»£>·¸ cefazolin (CEZ) 1 g/¤¢1 ¥ 7 & 29 38.6D¦ Brachyspira pilosicoli #0/g R 1. 45 KFSTUV (2009.7.28) ST ER XYZ (8 [ 19) KF\ (16 [ 17) ]^_ST WBC ( 102/ml) 101 Seg (W) 29.0 Lym (W) 60.1 Mono (W) 4.6 Eosino (W) 2.3 Baso (W) 0.3 RBC ( 104/ml) 424 Hb (g/dl) 13.8 Ht (W) 42.5 Plt ( 104/ml) 20.2 215 90.9 2.6 5.3 0.3 0.2 436 14.3 42.0 22.9 AST (IU/L) 46 ALT (IU/L) 35 LDH (IU/L) 201 CPK (IU/L) 132 2148 570 2753 16133 23.9 HBs Ag (ῌ) HBs Ab (ῌ) HIV Ab (ῌ) HCV Ab (ῌ) TP Ab (ῌ) b 1. cdef imipenem / cilastatin ER XYZ (8 [ 19) KF\ (16 [ 17) `aST (IPM/CS) 0.5 g 2/ 8 11 BUN Cre Na K Cl CRP (mg/dl) (mg/dl) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mEq/L) (mg/dl) 12.4 0.8 150 4.5 109 0.0 1.7 148 4.3 B+CD 10 #EFG 101 (8/1) 19.5 " !" 8 3 # II. $% &'()*+,-./01# 1. "2 2 345678#0/9:;<#=>?@A H I J K L M N O P Q BACTEC hcdi]j_kl Vol. 20 No. 1 2010. 45 ¶/·¸¹ 46 a) ®¯ ^ 2. b) °i|}V®¯ 9:;<= ±1,000 9:;[\',-]. PLUS Aerobic/F BACTEC PLUS Anaerobic/F 2 BACTEC9120 BD % !" #$ 10 $ &'( )* +', -.%/001 2+)+3%4567#$ 8 9:;<=)>? 9:@ A%BC.%D)EF&G#$ HI) JKLM PQ #R W XY NO STU?V G 9:;<= +',-]. 45 R<=S Z+ 9:;[\ # ^ 2a, b$ _`abcV> Campylobacter d Helicobacter e.f g bhijV/5klm (BD) nY Skirrow 35o 35opqr 40os 35otuvw !" #$ 4 xR MIC (mg/ml) Penicillin (PCG) Ampicillin (ABPC) Piperacillin (PIPC) Ampicillin/sulbactam (ABPC/SBT) Cefotiam (CTM) Caftazidime (CAZ) Cefotaxime (CTX) Cefditoren pivoxil (CDTR-PI) Cefoperazone/sulbactam (CPZ/SBT) Imipenem/cilastatin (IPM/CS) Meropenem (MEPM) Gentamicin (GM) Minocycline (MINO) Erythromycin (EM) Levofloxacin (LVFX) Clindamycin (CLDM) ´4 ´8 ´64 ´8/4 2 16 µ0.5 0.25 4/2 0.5 µ0.12 8 µ0.25 ´2 4 2 rium (kID27.3 T 0.41) Leptotrichia buccalis z &' !" V ³.. cum (kID47.3 T 0.59) Fusobacterium mortife- .~>a:V \ ) y+ b J¬\O² y+ b z{S;]i|}V%4567#$ 2. - 2. (kID24.6 T 0.51) FG#% I7'.f #$ ',-].)G#I >9:;<=%F&G#$ BBL CRYSTAL API Campy Ww + !" w #$ |SU ANR (BD) + # ! " > | S U No. 2333472040, RapIDANAII ;i )>|SU No. 4500004 ) Campylobacter jejuni doylei (kid No. 430441 $ 95.4k T0.69) ##% s) ) 16S rRNA ¡(¢£¤)* , ) Brachyspira pilosicoli ¤§~ 99.9k¨+,) {3I&' Campylo- bacter d Helicobacter >F3g#$ !" + 32A Ww !" #$ : 3. wV )>| 46 0º(1»¼½ Vol. 20 No. 1 2010. ¥¦ # G#I&'.f!"67#$ A ID SU No. 0706400000, Clostridium acetobutyli- %"&')G#$ HI b :©Vª(> !" # S«V (BD) \)G#$ J¬\ Brachyspira pilosicoli w-# MP 354 " (MIC) Vj.!y: R-DO3 47 Q)z 15 ! # $% 2 &# :+ H. cinaedi _ 9 & ! y '( B. pilosicoli )*+,-./ 0,12-# &345 67 81 -!C12-# D,( 9 #!E$F%&E '() ; 4ST!U:+V2-);<1W3' #12 # =O!X>?@)AB'YCZ12 $D\ $ ]1W3' ) z >4a-7<Gbb(,3' # B. pilosi- coli H c de I!JfgK h8 d:i @; j=L ;kl/?k;3m!MNOn Po= 10p50q!Q1JfR O)"9)+, -# ) -D rSTO .UO!VW_D,(!X1!ZP)9R(, Y;J;s!Qt!Z[ )2 !VW E 12 ) V!! .UO # B. pilosicoli !\]^O Jf_)9R(, h - 9, 10) ) # `*u*u#ab[(,v;< +,3' # xO yO z (,-# 5 V} 7 t!u'( ('3 12- # [ z a!(a '(!V w -S1jMN:iO!G: )3}B ! # ¡O z ]8f ¢O£4 S&-DOw8¤ )2-# ,1V b&-X 12-) t ) 1!¤! 12 ª¢ ) $3¦.+ # > LG©/ O (BD) " "&- &-(a k1 lm!#1 B. pilosi- coli )"&-n 0 -DO # [ O!³)-12-# Kµ¶+a ;< ª & !´)" b I«¬·+ b G@¸/¹ BACTEC )q12-# B. pilosicoli Bact/Alert -DO)"12)+, @ 3 DO)2- -O ! -# )"r12 ) Bact/Alert -s!+@ [ > A/ + W12 -# t1 BACTEC @ h8 +( Helicobacter cinaedi ! u)28 !OW!'(! 01v -DO)wx y 10 # !31 !)c3} o1 y v - Darren («!% B. pilosicoli 7 ´Y º+ d:i/ ®K 3 ´)+12 z W a!Gk/² 3-# op j.@ Bact/Alert O w8V BACTEC ! 'bB ±¨ '(!" )6}3 45 ~g3 v # 2¤¥}9 ['m 14) 12- O ) LG©/ª¢ 1ef& -# &3 ¤) K O ® j¯£ Skirrow ,V a° w ]b1W§¡1}% A/¨ O (BD), 5q«¬Jª¢ HK ª¢ !¥&-"# ) b !¦p)"]b!§O3 7i&-j.1 D a12-DO) !d){| DO)+, eR A/ 3 O " )9 '( B. pilosicoli V 3, H. cinaedi V©"+19 '( 14.9 DO > -!)~g12-# Brooke (!7h12) w, 5.6 9&-DOVl )+@ bB O1!")Vr12 B. pilosicoli )w8*+,-DO)c 3 u1 4 [E ^EF_+` !v +( B. pilosicoli !7i)AB3O &E /01 AIDS 2IJK:3 45+@LMN # H+P#8QO9R(, v b+,-DO'( D 12-# S G/ )* H+,# -!. O6712-9)# &-rS#V \ 9: ;<=> ?=@A'(!B 9 )"9) +, 0 10 1v&-DO{|}%!'(V~1W3 DO!12-# '3)( III. ῌ῍ # d)+,-U O"10) -# 3h H%! Brachyspira ¯!Y l°()§¥±²#14) -) « %´O+a)»3-s!)2-!1X) 12-# +!º+(a a19 Gk/ ª¢ O1!ª ¬·³u+!s! a b OI« 9&-DO) -12-# e3 16S rRNA ¼´µ! ¶&··-DO)6 3¸¹¶7<h 9, 15) # «s!rSQ B. pilosicoli w8Vo½ B. aalborgi ! »KU¶¼½ Vol. 20 No. 1 )º O+ 2010. 47 ^8»¼ 48 B. aalborgi B. pilosicoli 12 ) !" B. pilosicoli B. aalborgi 5) #$%&'( *+,-*./ 16) 6*3 B. aalborgi 6) 0123 453 B. pilosicoli 78 bacterial translocation 09: 63*; Brooke 7) 139 < B. pilosicoli =>?@A - BCDEFGHED (nI29) JG K#LMDNO (nI32) PJGK#LMDQ (nI24) @RS (nI14) JTG U (nI10) "V 8) MDWS (nI7) X#45 (nI7) (nI 16) YZ[GC\1]17) b L^V TG_@ c 093.8`*1ab =>?@A- 1ab de!&% ceftriaxone (CTRX), chloram- 9) phenicol (CP), meropenem (MEPM), metronidazole (MTZ), tetracycline (TC) 17) ] "g TG_@ >?@ef]%* %h< iEjM b L^V 10) k#@ef]% cefotaxime (CTX), cefditoren (CDTR), IPM/CS, MEPM, minocycline (MINO) $l6>?@ef 11) ]% mn op@KqrGV B. pilosicoli %@3tu1v&w x' *ez)]% "h h4g "*{ &|}6g~%%& 6\ "+, s y(@ 12) ]% - 20 ."/001 2 2009 3 2 \4]% 13) ῎ ῍ e% /x- fe%%56 789:;0 14) %] ῏ 1) 2) 3) 4) 15) ῌ Hampson, D. J., S. L. Oxberry, T. La. 2006. Potential for zoonotic transmission of Brachyspira pilosicoli. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 12: 869ῌ870 <=> 1999. KqrGVg U?@ >Ag*] D 45: 201ῌ206. Mikosza, A. S., D. J. Hampson. 2001. Human intestinal spirochetosis: Brachyspira aalborgi and/or Brachyspira pilosicoli? Anim. Health Res. Rev. 2: 101ῌ110. BC, D , EF 2008. GH 48 ."/001½« Vol. 20 No. 1 2010. 16) 17) ¡¢IJ£¤¥g@¦W Kq rGVg K:*/ 26: 836ῌ840. Smith, J. L. 2005. Colonic spirochetosis in animals and humans. J. Food Protec. 68: 1525ῌ 1532. Hovind-Hougen, K., A. Birch-Andersen, R. Henrik-Nielsen, et al. 1982. Intestinal spirochetosis: Morphological characterization and cultivation of the spirochete Brachyspira aalborgi geb. nov., sp. nov. J. Clin. Microbiol. 16: 1127ῌ1136. Mikosza, A. S. J., T. La, C. J. Brooke, et al. 1999. PCR amplification from fixed tissue indicates frequent involvement of Brachyspira aalborgi in human intestinal spirochetosis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 37: 2093ῌ2098. Tanahasi, J., T. Daa, A. Gamachiet, et al. 2008. Human intestinal spirochetosis in Japan: Its incidence, clinicopathologic features, and genotypic indentification. Mod. Pathol. 21: 76ῌ84. Bait-Merabet, L., T. Arnaud, L. Patrick, et al. 2008. Brachyspira pilosicoli bloodstream infections: Case report and review of the literature. Ann. Clin. Microbiol. Antimicrob. 25: 7ῌ19. Trott, D. J., N. S. Jensen, I. S. Girons, et al. 1997. Identification and characterization of Serpulina pilosicoli isolates recovered from the blood of critically ill patients. J.Clin. Microbiol. 35: 482ῌ 485. 8BLM ONO PQ§O¨ 2005 D G©@ ¥* Brachyspira pilosicoli KqrGVgeªR]% 1 ./0« 15: 187ῌ196. Brooke, C. J., K. Rini Margawani, A. K. Pearson, et al. 2000. Evaluation of blood culture systems for detection of the intestinal spirochaete Brachyspira (Serpulina) pilosicoli in human blood. J. Med. Microbiol. 49: 1031ῌ1036. S¬, ®¯° 2007. Helicobacter cinaedi >Ag >A ¥g T± 37: 336²339 UVW X:§ ³DY´ 1997. Serpulina Zµ¶·[\] ."¸ 124 ¹ºb 124: 230. Tasu, C., T. Tanaka, T. Tanaka, et al. 2004. Brachyspira pilosicoli isolated from pigs in Japan. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 66: 875ῌ877. Kraaz, W., B. Pettersson, U. Thunberg, et al. 2000. Brachyspira aalborgi infection diagnosed by culture and 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing using human colonic biopsy specimens. J. Clin. Microbiol. 38: 3555ῌ3560. Brooke, C. J., D. J. Hampson, T. V. Riley. 2003. In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of Brachyspira pilosicoli isolates from humans. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 47: 2354ῌ2357. Brachyspira pilosicoli 49 A Case of Bacteremia Caused by Brachyspira pilosicoli Sumie Chida,1) Hitoshi Asukabe,1) Kiyofumi Ohkusu,2) Takayuki Ezaki2) 1) 2) Department of Clinical Laboratory, Tokoname Municipal Hospital Department of Microbiology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine Brachyspira pilosicoli is the etiologic agent of human and animal intestinal spirochetosis and is rarely implicated as a cause of bacteremia. Here, we describe the case of a B. pilosicoli spirochetermia in a 56year-old male patient su#ering from cardiogenic shock. Blood cultures were positive after 10 days of incubation. After 4 days, the isolate was subcultured on 5 sheep blood-containing agar plates under anaerobic conditions at 35 and the growth appeared as a thin film with weak b-hemolysis. Furthermore, the isolate was identified as B. pilosicoli by means of nucleotide sequencing analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene. This case would be di$cult to be observed unless the extension of incubation time for blood culture. Vol. 20 No. 1 2010. 49
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