大 森 学 園 高 等 学 校 普 通 科 (理系特進コース・進学コース) 第 1 回 2 月 10 日 平成 23 年度 入学試験問題 英 語 注 意 1 指示があるまで開いてはいけません。 2 問題用紙にも受験番号を算用数字で記入しなさい。 3 試験時間は 50 分です。 4 問題は問1から問 46 までで、1 ページから6ページにわたって印刷し てあります。 5 解答は記述式解答用紙で答えるようになっています。 6 解答は鉛筆で濃く、はっきりと書きなさい。 7 解答用紙と問題用紙は別々に提出しなさい。 受験番号 次の英文の( )に入れる最適な語句を、それぞれの解答群から一つずつ選び、 記号で答えなさい。 [問 1]I saw a man and his dog ( ) were swimming together in the river yesterday. ア that イ which ウ who エ and [問 2]Our English teacher is Ms. Brown. ( ) from Canada. ア He イ She ウ He’s エ She’s [問 3] ( ) you ever been to Egypt? ア Have イ Do ウ Are エ Did [問 4] ( ) a beautiful flower it is! ア What イ Why ウ How エ Which [問 5] ( ) I use your computer this afternoon? ア May イ Will ウ Do [問 6] I’m sorry to hear that you ( ) your wallet. ア lost イ loose ウ lose [問 7]I would ( ) you to bring the newspaper. ア like イ want ウ not エ Have エ have lost エ be [問 8] She is very angry ( ) someone broke her mirror. ア because イ when ウ if エ so [問 9]He is ( ) young to do the work. ア too イ so ウ enough エ very [問 10]My cell phone broke yesterday, so I need to buy a new ( ) today. ア one イ it ウ another エ that −1− 次の問に答えなさい。 [問 11]次の四つの単語の下線部の発音について、全て同じ場合はア、三語が同じ で一つだけ異なる場合はイ、同じ語が二つずつ組になる場合はウ、二語が 同じで残りの二つが異なる場合はエ、全て異なる場合はオと答えなさい。 allow snow crowd town [問 12]次の( )には、発音が同じでつづりの異なる単語が入る。それらの単語 を答えなさい。 a. ( ) your name with a pencil. b. Turn ( ) at the next corner. [問 13] 質問に対する答えの中で最も強く発音する語を一つだけ選び記号で答 えなさい。 A : Do you brush your teeth before breakfast? B : No, I brush my teeth after breakfast. ア イ ウ エ [問 14]次の英語は何という単語を説明したものか、解答群から一つだけ選び記号 で答えなさい。 an old story that may or may not be true ア legend イ novel ウ dream エ poem [問 15]A-B と C-D の 関 係 が 同 じ に な る よ う に、( ) に当てはまる単語を答 えなさい。 A B C D my father he my father and I ( ) [問 16]次の文はどの文型に属するか、解答群から一つだけ選び記号で答えなさい。 I’ll tell you an interesting story. ア 第一文型 ( SV ) イ 第二文型 ( SVC ) ウ 第三文型 ( SVO ) エ 第四文型 ( SVOO ) オ 第五文型 ( SVOC ) [問 17]次の英文を書きかえた時、( Playing tennis is interesting. ( ) is interesting to play tennis. ) に入る最適な単語を答えなさい。 −2− 日本文の意味に合うように、以下の語句を並べかえて英文を作る時、最初から 数えて二番目と四番目にくるものを記号で答えなさい。(但し文頭にくる語も小 文字になっており、使わない選択肢をそれぞれ一つずつ含む。ピリオドや ? マー クは考えなくてよい。) [問 18]音楽室でピアノを弾いているのは誰ですか。 ア in イ the piano ウ who is オ do カ the music room エ playing [問 19]私はこのサラダを食べなければいけませんか。 ア eat イ have ウ must オ to カ this salad エ do I [問 20]ロンドンに着いたら、手紙を送ってください。 ア me イ you arrive ウ in London オ and カ please send エ a letter when [問 21]これは父が撮ってくれた写真です。 ア this is イ my father ウ a picture オ that カ by エ taken [問 22]次郎は父に買ってもらったカメラを自慢にしている。 ア given イ Jiro is ウ the camera that エ bought him オ proud of カ his father 次の文に( )内の語を入れる時、最適な位置を一つだけ選び記号で答えな さい。 [問 23] I ア [問 24]It gave some books the children . イ ウ エ ( to ) will get soon . ( dark ) ア イ ウ エ [問 25]Mr. Kato told a story about the castle . ( me ) ア イ ウ エ [問 26]The news made sad . ア イ ウ [問 27]She looks a boy . ア イ ウ エ ( us ) ( like ) −3− ニュージーランドの語学学校に留学した大輔がクラーク先生 (Mr. Clark) あてに 書いた手紙を読んで、以下の問に答えなさい。 ( ① ) 25th ( ② ) Mr. Clark, I finished your class today. I am very sad. I enjoyed your English class. Before I came to your school, I was worried about my English, especially my speaking. I felt shy because I didn’t know many English words. Some other students were also shy. But you always said to us, “Don’t be shy. Just try it. It’s OK to ( ③ ) mistakes.” Then we didn’t feel so nervous. Your classes were always ④ interest. We studied a lot of different topics, like music, clothes and the environment. We were always laughing in your class, but we learned a lot of English, too. In Japan, I go to school every day and play soccer after school. On weekends, I play video games with friends. I didn’t go to many places. I didn’t do anything I wasn’t ⑤ interest in. But in your class, I found that learning new things can be fun. I have made ⑥ a lot of friends from different countries, too. I want to study English harder when I go back to Japan. New Zealand is a good country. The people are very nice. There are a lot of ⑦ interesting activities for students. I really enjoyed watching rugby, and I went sailing for the first time. I cooked New Zealand lamb with my host mother. It was great! You told us about the beautiful mountains in New Zealand. ⑧ ( during / I / go / the mountains / to / my / couldn’t ) stay, so I want to go there next time. In the near future, I want to come back to New Zealand for a holiday with my parents. I hope I can visit you when we come here. Thank you very much, Mr. Clark. Your student, Daisuke [問 28]空欄①に入る「八月」を意味する単語を答えなさい。 [問 29]空欄②に入る「親愛なる」を意味する単語を答えなさい。 [問 30]空欄③に入る最適な単語を答えなさい。 [問 31]下線部④を最適な形に変えなさい。 [問 32]下線部⑤を最適な形に変えなさい。 [問 33]下線部⑥を英単語一語で言い換えなさい。 [問 34]下線部⑦の具体例を一つ日本語で答えなさい。 [問 35]⑧の語句を並べかえて意味の通る英文にしなさい。 −4− 次の英文を読んで問に答えなさい。 ( (注) の語句は本文中では太字になっている。 ) Margarete Steiff, a German woman, made the first teddy bear over 100 years ago. Margarete had polio when she was a child, and ① she was not able to walk. So, when she became a young woman, she needed to find work she could do while sitting in a wheelchair. She decided to become a seamstress . By the time she was twenty-five, Margerete was earning a good living ② making dresses for rich women. One day Margarete was looking through a fashion magazine and spotted a pattern for a toy elephant made of cloth. She made several elephants and gave ③ them to friends as gifts. Her friends liked their toy elephants and encouraged Margarete ④ to make more cloth toys. She began making little bears, dogs, and donkeys and selling them, in addition to selling dresses. ) dresses; in fact she was selling so ⑤ By 1887 Margarete was selling more toys ( many toys she had to hire forty women to help her sew them. The most popular toys were the cloth bears. In the United States, the bears were an instant hit. They were called “teddy bears” after President Theodore Roosevelt, ( ⑥ ) nickname was Teddy. The Steiff Company is still in business in Germany. New Steiff teddy bears are quite expensive because they are made by hand. It is the old teddy bears, however‐the ones that Margarete Steiff and her forty employees made‐that are really valuable. The Steiff teddy bear, which was made in 1905, is in almost perfect condition. (注) polio ポリオ(病名) seamstress 裁縫屋さん hire 雇う [問 36]下線部①を次のように書きかえた時、 ( ) に入る正しい語を答えなさい。 she ( ) not walk [問 37]下線部②と同じ働きをしている語はどれか、解答群から一つだけ選び記号 で答えなさい。 ア Look at that sleeping baby. イ My hobby is collecting stamps. ウ Seeing is believing. エ She walked along the river singing songs. [問 38]下線部③が具体的に何を表すか、日本語で答えなさい。 [問 39]下線部④と同じ働きをしている語句はどれか、解答群から一つだけ選び記 号で答えなさい。 ア To write a letter in English is not easy. イ I want you to watch television. ウ Tom went to Tokyo Station to meet his father. エ Give me something to drink. −5− [問 40]空所⑤に入る最適な語を解答群から一つだけ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア to イ than ウ but エ with [問 41]空所⑥に入る最適な語を解答群から一つだけ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア which イ that ウ who エ whose [問 42]次の英文のうち、本文の内容と一致しているものを二つ選び、記号で答え なさい。 ア Margarete Steiff was born in Germany. イ Margarete Steiff made her first teddy bear when she was twenty-five years old. ウ The Steiff Company is still in business in the U.S.A. エ In the early days, Margarete Steiff was selling dresses for women. オ When she was a child Margarete Steiff was quite healthy. [問 43]この文に題名をつけるとすれば次のうちどれが最適か、一つだけ選び記号 で答えなさい。 ア LIFESTYLE OF WEALTHY WOMEN IN GERMANY イ THE RISE AND FALL OF THE STEIFF COMPANY ウ A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE TEDDY BEAR エ THE LIFE OF THE PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT 次の文を英語に直しなさい。 [問 44]夏と冬とではどちらが好きですか。 [問 45]忠告をしてくれてどうもありがとう。 [問 46]私の学校は羽田空港からそれほど遠くはありません。 −6−
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