
Japanese Psychological Review
,*+*, Vol. /-, No. +, ῌ῍῏ ῌ ῌ῎ῐ
Development of the positive self-conscious emotions
Komazawa University
This article reviews the research on the development of the positive self-conscious
emotions : pride, hubris, gratitude, and respect. Little research has been conducted on this
topic, and most such research concerned pride, gratitude, and respect. It has been revealed
that pride emerges by ῏ years of age, is recognized by ῐ years of age, and is distinguished
by ΐ years of age. Research from the perspective of lifespan development indicates that
people experience pride in an increasing number of situations or objects from adolescence
to old age, and social functions continue to help them to cope with their environment and
maintain their mental health for their entire life. These findings might be comparable to
those of other positive self-conscious emotions, at least gratitude and respect, research on
which has revealed similar developmental stages to pride. Finally, future directions, which
focus on nonverbal expressions, social functions, the effects of parenting patterns, cultural
differences, and other atypical positive self-conscious emotions, are discussed.
Key words : positive self-conscious emotion, pride, gratitude, respect, development
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