Season’s Greetings! Last year, I retired from writing our Christmas letter. Misuzu begged me to reconsider and of course, being a Husband Hero, I acquiesced. (I told husband DO IT!) Moments ago, I found out the world will end on December 21, 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar … why am I always the last to know? No need to write this letter … I’ll check with Misuzu. I have a choice she said … I can follow the Mayan calendar or the Japanese calendar. I asked what the Japanese calendar said about the world ending and she told me, it would end today if I didn’t write this letter now! Weighted down with the fate of the world on my shoulders, I reluctantly continue. (That’s 1, I am watching you! If I get to 4, there will be big trouble! Saw this technique used on a 5-year-old … should work on Husband) Recently, I was nominated as the Most Disciplined Husband in America … the nomination was sent to the American Kennel Club (AKC). Sadly, it was rejected for procedural reasons … they don’t accept self-nominations. Surprisingly, Misuzu received a letter from them suggesting she nominate me in a different category … I feel honored. (Any ideas? Certainly rule out Best Groomed and Best Trained) Growing up, I heard “A little knowledge is dangerous thing.” I never figured that one out. After I read a book, I consider myself an instant expert … I admit I am a minimalist … less knowledge is more, right? (NO!) Recently, I read “The Violinist’s Thumb” by Sam Kean, a book about genetics. I learned about chromosomes … X, Y and maybe there was a Z chromosome too (I know who has Z-chromosomes) … and genes … or was it jeans … oh, well, it doesn’t matter … the book helped explain many things. Think about it … I am a Husband Hero … most men are … AND only men are … obviously there is a gene on the Y-chromosome producing proteins that trigger Husband Hero behavior. Slam dunk … case closed! Misuzu finds it impossible to say the words “Husband Hero.” She wants to say them but she just can’t. Imagine how she suffers. (I am fine) Perhaps someday medical advances will give us a cure. (Guess who really needs a cure?) Men have the GPS gene. I have an instinctual sense of direction … like a homing pigeon. (Husband like pigeon, makes mess all over.) I call myself GPS Bill when I’m driving because I always know where to turn. (GPS Bill often misses his turns because (1) he is talking and forgets where he is going or (2) He follows the car in front of him … if it turns, he turns.) I’ve just been told that I must end this discussion of genetics … more next year. (OK, That’s 2 … You don’t want me to get to 4!) GREAT NEWS: Shige and Melanie are engaged … we are all very happy and excited. Melanie is a sweetheart and Shige is a lucky fellow. We have told Melanie about our NO RETURNS policy. Shige works at a lab at the University of Florida and is in a doctorate program there. Melanie is doing research at the UF Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience. I asked Santa for a little book on Bioscience so I will be an expert by next year. (Oh, NO … That’s 3! Don’t let me get to 4!) Nari is happy. He graduated from UCF this spring and has found some part-time work but continues to look for a full-time job. Nari also is thinking about going back to school. He works out each day at the YMCA, helps us out around the house, plays video games and connects with friends on the internet. Misuzu is happy, healthy and works hard to stay that way. She goes to the YMCA six days a week doing her physical therapy and exercises. Every Wednesday, Melanie comes to dinner and has a piano lesson from Misuzu. We really enjoy Melanie’s visits. Wednesday’s dinners are always special and very good … I don’t get this kind of treatment. (That’s 3 ½! You don’t want to get to 4!) Misuzu won’t give me piano lessons. (He can’t tell the difference between a note and noise) I am happy … I enjoy playing bridge, basketball and watching the Embry Riddle Eagles basketball team (10-1) … GO EAGLES!! (As you might have guessed, Bill will not be graduating from the Husband Improvement Program (HIP) this year) Strangely enough, I seem to be developing a fear of the number 4. (That’s 1 …. I’m watching you …) Happy Holidays! Love, Bill, Misuzu, Nari, Shige 2012年も残すところ、後少しとなりまし たがいかがお過ごしですか。 ビルはすでに、私に駄目だしをされなが らも、英語版のクリスマス・レターを完 成させました。日本語版は?と言われ、 とはいえ、ビルには日本語版を読み解く だけの日本語の知識があるわけもなく、 私ひとりが寝室にあるデスク・トップに 向かい、日本語のテレビ番組をみながら 、これを書いてます。 今年は我が家にも、ビッグ・ニュースが あります。なんと・・・・・・長男のま さしげが婚約しました。相手は、昨年の レターで紹介したドイツ人のメラニーで す。昨年のクリスマスは、まさしげとメ ラニーがベルリンに行き、今年は彼女の 妹とボーイ・フレンドが9月に、ご両親 が10月にフロリダに遊びに来たので、一 応、家族全員の面識があります。双方の 家族に共通することは、ビルを除く全員 の名前がMで始まることと家族の共有言 語が英語ではないこと。なのでビルは我が家のマイノリティー(少数派)です。 メラニーは私のピアノの生徒でもあります。週1でレッスンのためにここに来て、その日は私の作った夕 飯を一緒に食べているので、まさしげよりもずっと会う時間も話す時間も多いんです。 まさなりは、別の意味でビッグ・ニュースがありました(過去形)。昨年、クリスマス・レターで卒業し たとあったのが、なんと卒業していなかった!という驚愕の真実が発覚。で、その後、Daytonaの自宅から Orlandoまでドイツ語の単位をとるために車で通って、今年5月に5年間かけて本当に卒業しました。今はパ ート・タイムで仕事をしています。 ビルはご贔屓のバスケット・ボールのチーム、イーグルズが現時点で絶好調(9-1)なのでご機嫌。ビ ルは何かをする度または言う度に、ハズバンド・ヒーローを連発するのに、私がちっともヒーロー扱いを しないことに不満連発。ヒーローはノー・バーゲン(安売りしない)といっても、未だに理解できないよ うです。 私は頚椎に加えて今年は腰椎の支障も明らかに。今ではあれほど嫌いだった水泳が日課に。週6日、午前 中はYMCAに入り浸ってセラピーを兼ねたエクササイズです。不思議なもので、2時間のトレーニングは 大丈夫なのに、ショッピングでは30分が限界。でもそのおかげ?で無駄遣いが減ったかも! 来年も皆様にとって、よいお年になりますように! ビル、みすず、まさしげ、まさなり
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