Boston University OpenBU BU Publications Bostonia 1941 Bostonia: v. 15, no. 1-10 Harmon, John M. Boston University Boston University. Bostonia: The Boston University Alumni Magazine, volume 15, number 1-10. 1941-1942. Archived in OpenBU at Boston University  ̄ ̄ ̄一 一 案書く)STON UN量VEⅢS量TY HENEFAC冒II案はS GE葛I│lGE I寒くlLM圏S MAXWE易L See Article on page Twelve BOSTON工A The Boston Universlty Alumni Magazine Subscriptlon $l.00 per year Single copie8 15 cents VOLUME XV o NUMBER 4 INTHIS ISSUE ' JANUARY, 1942 cover: The New Cou園t House as Seen th営ough a window of the State Ho軸se CupoSa。 - 00u毎e紗Bo8初じOhα肋beγ qf Oo肋meγOe. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa答e Evolution of a County Court House, T_m T.A.Fitzgerald.‥‥‥‥.‥‥‥‥・‥ TheMilitaryBall … … … … … … ‥ ∴‥ 8 ChristmasConvocation … … … …… … ‥ 10 The Pondering in the Heart of Christmas Thoughts, PresIdent DanIel L.財ers五‥ 10 George Holmes Maxwell′ LevIS. Chapman ‥ 12 Epsilon Chapter Reunion… … … … … … 1 PresIdent DanIelL.加ねrsh. ‥... ‥. ‥ 1 1 “Have You Heard,,,加ねrgaret Starr MCLain JamesV. Toner Honored‥ ・ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ・ ‥ ‥ 2 The Athletic Policy of Boston University. ‥ ‥ 2 New Dates of Commencement Week-End ‥ ‥ 2 Comlng Events...‥・・‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 2 The Friends of the Library, Robert E. Moo句′ 4 ﹁ 一 〇 8 1 3 3 4 Boston University and the War with Japan, 14 1942 Directory of Members of the Boston University Alumni Association. ‥ ‥ ‥ ・ ‥ UniversityNotes.‥‥・‥・‥・・‥‥‥‥‥‥ E耽重 GEORGE A. DUNN Assochte Editor ``oLD BOSTON STUMP,,- mOdemized MURIEL VIOLA言NOYES for the new Boston Published mon吐Iy from October to July inclusive by the Bo帥ON UNIV囲iSI冒r A│,ロ軸的重AssocIATION Editorial O伍ce, 20 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Entered as 8eCOnd classma耽er, at the Post O鐙ce, Boston, MassachusetLs, under血e Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered in U. S. Patent O缶ce. Copyright, January, 194念, by the Boston University Alumni Association. 下面画面セロOU5已 河A与印NG千〇巾 叫9,胡6・ 的de謹・雷や妙 砕/雰二〆 薬’ 議諾意轟羅轟 ▼鵡叩かれ /つ 唖諾輩諾磐押’ Evolution of A County Court House WILLIAM T. A. FITZGERAL。, LL.B. Reg短er o/ Deed$ Joγ Sα′#o脆Cou噂y, Bo8ton Ulめe7.訪g ScんooI of Lα砂J897 WHEN the writer became Register of Deeds for Other departments, and which would meet their requlre- Suffolk County on January end, 1907, the registry ments for many years to come. WaS located on the third floor olf what was then known as the “new court house’’on Pemberton Square Two such commissions were appointed under resolutions adopted by the Legislatures of 1925 and 1928, and to distinguish i七from the old tOurt house, Which s七ood both commissions made exhaustive investigations and re- On Court Street and extended southward on Court Square POrtS, Submitting several propositions for “additional towards the City Hal十on the site of what is now the accommoda七ions for the courts and other activitie喜now City Hall Annex. This so-Called new court house, Which Iocated in the Su鮮olk County Court House.’’ had been completed and occupied in 189碧consisted of three stories. In 1906 legislation had been enacted providing for the The la七e Henry A. Wyman, LL.B., Boston Universi七y SchooI of Law, 1885, former Attomey General of MalSSaChusetts’WaS the chairman of both these commis?ions. enlargement or extension of the cour七house to provide Mr. Wyman always consistently favored the plan fbr an a.dditional accommodations for the various courts and additional building, about nine stories in height, adjoining Other county departments. The Court House Com- the missioners appo賞nted under the provisions of the alCt, had 七herewith, ahd extending at least to Howard Street and determined that the enlargemen七should consist of two additional stories. When the additions were completed the Social Law Library was moved from the second租oor present court house on the nor七h and connected Preferably tb Cambridge Stree七and with a provision for extending Somerse七StI.eet tO Cambridge Street in完ny event. to the westerly side of the fourth租oor, and the remainder Bi量ls based upon the reports of these commissions were Of the fourth岨o(竺area WaS alloca七ed to the Land Court enacted by two Legislatures, eaCh authorizing an approp- and to the SuperlOr Court for several court rooms. The riation of $5,000,000, and both were submitted to the City Council for acceptance; but both of these acts were entire fifth租oor was asslgned to the Registry of Deeds. These fourth and雛th floors were completed and occupied rejected by the City Council in spite of the fact tha=he in 1910. acts carried emergency preambles stating that “the de- It soon became apparent that these two additional floors would afford only temporary relief and inside of ferred operation of the act would tend to defeat its pur- t′en yearS Plans were being suggested for a new court POSe tO PrOVide immediate relief against court house COngeStion in Suffolk County, Which is seriously lmPeding house or for substantial new additions to the present the administration of justice.’’ COurt house. The believed that the proper solution wo音uld be to have a Hall of Records constructed to house the Land Court, the Registry of Deeds, the Probate Court and the Registry of Probate, and allow the PreSent COurt house to be used exclusively for court In the meantime in 1928 the v量gOrOuS and combined OPPOSition of the Bar Association of Boston, the Land Court, the Probate Court and the Register of Deeds thwarted the determined e鮮ort on the part of certain individuals to foist the thoroughly inadequate and in- PurPOSeS. In other Iarge counties such as Middlesex, appropriate Young’s Hotel site upon the county for a Norfolk and Essex commodious edifices, With good light Hall of Records. and ventilation’Were PrOVided for the storage of the Then came, the grea七depression, and for several years Valuable land records and probate reCOrds, While in Suf- the bill of the Bar Association of Boston to provide for folk County accommodations had become notoriously in- a new Su紐olk County Court House was “referred to the adequate and unsuitable for the administration o鯖ces and next annual ‘session of the Legislature’’, because the Legis- for the comfort and convenience of the bar.and the public lature was of the opmlOn tha七under conditions then exist- who have occasion to search titles and examme the iecords. mg the finahcial position of the Commonwealth and of The writer prepared and had presented to the Legislature several bills with the above object in view, but experience has shown tha七in all such matters of legisla・tion, requlrmg the assent and approval of committees and large bodies of legislators and city councilors, m- the City of Boston would no七warrant an appropriation Of $5,000,OQO,for such a purpose. This was士he situation when the Court House Bill agam Came before the Legislative Committees on Ways and Means and Municipal Finance sitting jointly in the session evitable delays are encountered; and the most desirable Of 1935. In January of tha七year the President of the Site for the purpose of a Hall of Records walS aCquired Bar Association of Boston had appointed the writer for other public purposes. I=hen seemed to be the part as cha′irman of its Special Committee on the Su鮮olk Of wisdom for the writer to JOln forces with the Bar Association of the City of Boston, Which was.petitionmg County Court House, and from that time on it be- 七he Legislature for the appointment of commlSSioners to POSed legislation. Came his duty to direc=he campalgn tO Obtain the pro- PrePare a COmPrehensive plan for a s七ructure that would The other members of the’special Committee were the PrOVide additional accommodations for all the cour七s and late George R. Nutter, Herbert Parker and J. Colbv Page Tんγee Bassett, all of whom gave unselfishly of血eir time and lalents to the good of the cause. A七the hearlng before the said committees血e passage of the bill was strongly advocated by the members of the Bar Association of Bos七on Special Committee, the sec- 】・etary Of Allied Building Trades Council’the Register of Proba七e, the Clerk of the Municipal Civil Court and representatives of the MassachusettS Bar Association’the Boston Universi七y Law SchooI Association, the Law So- ciety of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts ConveyaJICerS Association, and many members of the bar acting ln an individual capacity.’ The aforesaid Legislative Commi七tees aga重n rePOrted 召reference to the, neXt annual session of the Legislature.’’ This adverse report on the bill was accepted by the House of Rapresentatives and sen七to the Senate’Where it vyas laid on the table・ The writer then determined to revIVe the bill if possible by means of an amendment to provide that a substantial proportion of the cost of construction should be paid by an allotment of federal funds. After conferences with various members of the Senate and House Committees on Ways and Means and Municipal Finance, the adverse report was taken from the table on July 83rd. The original bill was substituted and the followlng amendmen七, PrePared by the writer’ o鱗ered by Senator Parkma’n On July 25th was adopted, 七〇wiも: 召Section 7. This act shall not take e紐ect unless and CHARLES HENRY DoNAHUE until funds have been alloted by the federal govemment su鯖cient to cover such proportion of the cost of providing additional court house accommodations and facilities as aforesaid and carrylng Out the provisions of this act as may be approved by the Govemor of the Commonwealth and the Mayor of the City of Boston’and then only upon acceptance by血e City Council of said City, Subjec=o the provisions of its charter.’’ The bi11 in its amended form was passed by both Houses and sen=o the Govemor on August 5th. The bill which became Chapter 474 of the Acts of 1935 was slgned by Govemor James M. Curley on August 9th in the presence of the writer, members of the Judiciary and several county o臆cials. A di鱈erence of opmlOn arOSe between the state and ci七y o鯖cials upon the question of whether there was any fLuthority for the 。 apPOintmen七of commissioners until a final allotment should be made, and until the act should be accepted by the City Council. The claim was set up that until the commissioners should be appointed no offroial app量ication could be made for a federal a11otment・ The commi七tee of the Bar Association of Boston con- ferred with the federal authorities in Boston in charge of P.W.A. projects and were infomed that a w血ten request, Signed by the Govemor and the Mayor for the allocation of federal funds would be received and recommended to Washington headquar七ers before the αdead line,, date arrived on Sep七ember 4th. Such a request was prepared by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Boston; it was slgned by the Mayor; and the w重iter personally took it to the Govemor for slgna七ure; after which the document was delivered by the wriもer personally in七o the hands of Colonel Theodore Parker平y charge of P.W.A. projects in Massachuset七s, and it was lmmediately LouIS SHERBURNE Cox 創りc Foαr sen=o Washington with his approval. In order to present a united front, and to show some unanimity of purpose and action, at the request of the Writer as Chairman of the Special Committee, On September 24 the Govemor and the Mayor, Chief Justice Ar七hur P. Rugg of the Supreme Judicial Court, Chief Justice Walter Perley Hall of the Superior Court and Chief Justice Wi量fred BoIster of the Municipal Court of the City of Boston, joined in a written doc止ment addressed to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, Washington, D. C., requeSting an allocation of federal funds and designa七ing the men they would name as commissioners when such allocation of federal funds Should actually be made. This communication resulted in gIVmg the project an O鯖cial standing, and it henceforth became known as “Project GERDCG St. Ref. No. Mass. 1149’’. So much time had elapsed since the bill was referred to the COmmittee for a hearmg On January 2nd tha=he project WaS nOt included in the preferred list of P.W.A. projects for 1935, and it was consequen七ly heId in abeyance until additional funds should become avaiIable for such projects. When the Federal De宜ciency Act of 1936 was enacted authorizing the appropriation of $300,000,000 for public buildings and public works under the controI of the P.W.A., the application for an allotment for the court house projec七was renewed. Senator David I. Walsh, LL.B・, Boston University School of Law 1897, and Rep.resenta七ive John W. McCormack, in person, requeSted Presiden七Roosevelt to take favorable action upon the HENRY T. LuMMUS PrOjecも, Which was then before him for final approval. Representative John P. Higg重nS, an a鯖Iiated member of もhe Class of 19Q7, the present Chief Justice of the Superior Cour七, a賞so rendered valuabIe assistance. On July gnd, 1936, the w正er sent an urgent letter to the Presidenもouもlining the history of the project, StreSSmg the dire need for a new building and making a strong appeal for an a11otment. On July 9血the writer re- Ceived the followlng letter: THE WHITE HOUSE WASHING冒ON July 9, 1936 My dear Mr. Fitzgerald: I have your le耽er of July 2 urging that favorable action SOOn be taken on the Su鱒olk County Court House applica- tion, Mass-114象. 冒he above application stands approved by the examlnmg divisions. As soon as arrangements are completed for making additional monies available to the Public Works Administration, I assure you that consideration wi皿be glVen tO the matter of an allotment in this case. In the meantime your interest in the proposed construction will be kept in mind. Very sincerely, (Signed) Franklin D. Roosevelt. On August 20th, I received from Andrew H. Peterson, P.W.A. State Director, a COPy Of a not龍cation which he had received from the Federal Emergency Administrator Of Public Works at Washington, Stating that “an allot- ment has been made by the Federal Govemment in the amoun七of $幻51,000 for the construction of addi七io早 alterations and improvements to County Court House ln Suffolk Counもy,’’and setting forth the necessary steps to be ta,ken by the Govemdr and by the Mayor of the ∴∴ ) City of Boston, and asking thaもthe Administration be not龍ed when the commission had been duly and regularly JAMES J. RoNAN 鼠的e Fんe appointed and organized in accordance with the requlre- University SchooI of Law, did not live to see the fu輪l- ments of the Act. On. September 4th, 1936, the City Council accepted the of the comer stone. He was Chairman of a former Special act, ,and it was approved by Ma,yOr Frederick W. Mansfield, LL.B., Boston University SchooI of Law 190e. ment of his oft-exPreSSed hope to be present a=he laying Commi七tee of the Bar Association and rendered valiant service to the cause. Chapter 474 of the Acts of 1935 then became e鮮ective’ Fomer A七tomey General Herber七Parker’the writer’s and品or七Iy thereaf七er the Court House Commission chief-Of-Sta鮮during the final stages of the fight’became came into being by the appointment of Joseph A. Rourke an octogenarian while waiting for victory to crown our by the′Gbvemor, A. Emmet Logue by the Mayor and e鯖orts. He and his associate members; Mr. Nutter and Bentley W. Warren, Presiden七of the Bar Association of Mr. Bassett, PaSSed away before the completion of the the City of Boston, by the Chief Jus七ices of the Supreme new building. Judicial Court, the Superior Court and the Municipal Courtr of the City of Boston. The commission selected a site a=he northerly end of the existing Court House in The comer stone of the new building was laid by Chief Justice Rugg, Who was a member of the Class of 1886 Boston University School of Law, On September 29, 1937. Pemberton Square, and appointed as architects Desmond The Chief Justice had given the Special Committee his & Lord of Bos七on who prepared plans for erecting a build- hearty co-OPeration in the promotion of their plans for a mg SeVenteen StOries high with a fron七age of about one new su紐01k County Court House・ He knew something hundred twent,y feet on Pemberton Square and extending abou七the trials and tribulations of the Special Committee. a,bout one hundred sixty fee=o Somerset Street in the At the conclusion of the exercises he approached the rear. shorもly after the commission organized Mr. Warren’ writer and said買Mr. Chairman, this should be a very Ⅵ・ho was the only lawyer on the commission, and whose happy day for you叩d the members of your committee’’・ ideas abou七the requlrementS neCeSSary for a court house It was a very graclOuS COmPliment from a distinguished did not agree with those of the other commissioners’ Jurist, Who was the personification of dignity and cour- reslgned from the commission. Mr. Warren was an af一 tesy; and it was greatly appreciated bv the commit七ee. 別iat6d member of the class of 1890, Of the Boston Univer- However, the trials and tribulations of the Special Com- sity School of La,W. He was succeeded by James A. mittee were not at an end. It is unfortunate that the commissioners’plan for the Bailey, Esqu重re. The site of the n叩building and the type of structure new bui量ding did not provide more ground area rather selected by the maJOrity of the commission did not rep- than great height・ There is the consolation however that resent the choice of the special committee of the Bar Association of Boston or the choice of the two commis- the new addition has a net租oor area twice as large as sions which investigated and reported upon the project undoubtedly affords a large measure of relief from the i11 1925 and 1928; but under all the circumstances’and congestion which a拙c七ed the courts and other county in view of our experience in being thwarted by a margm departments which are now Iocated in the new building. that part of the court house which was demolished・ This of two or three votes in the Ci七y Council on two occasions The special committee was augmented by the appoint- in the past, When our ideals seemed abou=o be realized’ ment of Stuart C. Rand, John V. Spalding and Richard the committee decided that i七must accept the commis- H. Wiswall. sion,s plan or share the responsibility for postpomng mde丘nitely any relief from the in七olerable conditions thaL had existed in Suffolk County for many years, and undoubtedly would continue to exist for many more. Iargely through the initiative and the persisten七e鮮orts the Special Committ’ee has made this new 七he Law Society of Massachusetts, the Massachuse七七s Conveyancers Association, the Social Law Library’aS Well The Federal a11otment of ee,15l,000 which was ob七ained of Delegations representing the Bar Association of Boston, the Boston University Law SchooI Association’ court house a reality and not a dream・ Until the amended Section 7 0f Chap七er 474 of Acts of 1935 proposed by the committee paved the waj7 for a federal a1lotmen七, the Legislature and 。七he Ci七y Council of Boston were ap- parently unalterably opposed to the expenditure of any state or munlCIPal funds for a new Suffolk Coun七y Cour七 IIouse. The balance of the $5,000,000 construction cost was fumished by the CoIIlmOnWealth and by the City of Boston, in the ratio of 30%) for the Commonwealth and 70% for the City. The sudden death of Henry A. Wyman on the day after his designa七ion by the Chief Jus七ices of the Courts as their representative on the commission was a severe handicap to the successful and expeditious consum町a七ion of the projec七. He probably had greater knowledge and experience than any o七her individual regarding the proper solution of the Su紐01k County Cour七House problem・ as individual conveyancers, PreSented to the Cour七House Commissioners and to the Mayor of Bos七on what they considered were convincmg reaSOnS for continumg in their existing locations, With sui七able additions, the Land Court, 七he Social Law Library and the Registry of Deeds; Wi七h a provision tha=he lat七er should be ex七ended on the same floor level into the new building. It was also strongly urged by the Special Committee that a量l粗oors of the old building should be connected wi七h the corresponding floor level of the new building. I regre=o say tha=he recommendations of those hav111g eXPert knowledge in the matter were not adopted by the commission. The magnificent Social Law Library WaS SCrapped, and at grea七expense was installed with new equlPment On the twelfth岨00r Of the new building. Only three floors of the oId building are now comected with the new building, Which caus9S muCh inconvenience to lawyers and others having occasIOn tO uSe departments in both buildings. Charles S. Rackemam, a former lecturer on Conveyanclng Amended plans of the commissioners ca11ed for the allocation of the Registry of Deeds to the entire fourth who was a鯖1iated with the Class of 1880 at the Boston floor of the old building, and the Land Court was to be Another loya=eader in th6 figh七for a new cour七house, Page Sわ 七ransferred to the premises vaca七ed by the Registry of Sion) , the District Attomey, Sheri鮮’s O鯖ce, Social Law Deeds. Library, the City Prison, the Press Room and the presen七 The sum of $400,000 ou七of the original appropriation CouI.t House Commission・ The old building lS OCCuPied Of $5,000,000 was “earmarked’’to be used exclusively for by the Probate Cour七, Registry of Probate, Municipal the modemization and a量terations of the old building, Court of the City of Bos七on (Civil Division), Clerk’s but without no七i五cation to the heads of the departments O鮪ce Superior Civil Court, Boston Juvenile CouI.t, Land invoIved this sum was transferre音d to the genera量fund for use in the new building. The entire appropriation of $5,000,000 became exhausted before th∈㌢OmPletion of the new building with all its details and equlPment. The commissioners petitioned the Legislature of 1938 for an additional appropriation of $500,000 to comple七e i七s job, but the legisla七ure refused to accede to the re- quest on the ground that the commission should have COmP賞e七ed its work within its appropria,tion. The com- mission applied to the Legislature of 1939 and agam WaS refused favorable consideration. The foIIowmg year Mayor Maurice J. Tobin of Boston Pe七itioned for an appropriation to complete the work in the Old bui賞ding. The Mayor’s bi11 was substituted for a bill 刷ed by.our Special Committee which called for an ap- PrOPriatlOn Of $500,000 to be expended exclusively for modemization and a量tera七ions in the old building・ “A gentleman’s agreement’’was en七ered into by the Mayor with the Govemor and the presiding o鯖cers of hO七h branches of the LegisIature providing for a com- PrOmise appropriation of $300,000. After various delays the bill was approved by the Sena七e Commit七ee on Ways and Means and was favored in the Senate on August 2, I939, by a roll ca11 vote ofeO to 15. On the very next WILLIAM T. A. F工TZGERALD day, however, in the absence of a considerable number of the senators who were attending a “double-header’’at the Base Ba11 Park, the bill was reconsidered by a vote Of 18 to 7, and wasバreferred to the nex七General Court,, by a voice vote. So once again the plans to provide adequa七e accommodations for the public and protection for the invaluable records of the Land Court, the Registry Of Deeds and the Registry of Probate were frustrated. “While there is Iife there is hope’’, and aga量n We aP- PeaIed to Representative John W. McCormack, (who is now maJOrity Ieader in the House of Representatives a七 Washington) and he again came to the assistance of our COmmittee. On November 19, 1941, I received the foト Iowmg telegram:負Hon. W・ T. A. Fitzgerald, Register of Deeds, Pembe].tOn Square, Bos七on. Advised by Project Cour七, Regis七ry of Deeds, and the Superin七endent of the Building. The “Tower Style of the new building, Which yas SeIec七ed by a maJOrity of the Cour七House CommissIOn, has its advantages and disadvan七ages, aCCOrding to the POmt Of view. From a distance it provides a lofty and mPreSSive landmark in times of peace, bu七on the other hand in a time Iike the present war emergency the tower is a shining target for enemy bombs in an air raid. I七s great height causes much delay in the eIevator service for lawyers and others having occasion to use the upper SLories of the building, but in the present emergency the baIcony on the fif七eenth floor of the tower has been found by the Mayor of Bos七on and his advisers, tO be the most Con七roI Division W・P.A. five naught two eight one ap- desirable spot fI.Om Which to sound an air raid siren to PrOVed by Presiden七toda‘y-amOunt for七y-eigh=housand. Ⅵ▼am the people of down〇七OWn Bos七on of an impending (Signed) John W. McComack.’’ Representative Thomas A. FIaherty of Boston also rendered valuable assistance. This action made a fund available to comple七6 t.he raid by enemy planes. The new building of the Su鮮olk County Court House WaS tumed over by the Court House Commission to the PreSen七amended plan which provides for the fumishing Sheriff of Suffolk County on December l, 1938. A=haも and equlPment Of the vacant premises of the former Social tjme the Sher甫of Suffolk County was the custodian of Law Library on the 4th floor of the old building for the use of the Registry of Deeds, in addition to its present the existing Court House, but shor七ly thereafter an act WaS PaSSed by the Legislature providing for the appoint- quaI.terS On the 5七h且oor. A portion of this fund would men七of a買Commission for the Care, Custodv and Con- a]so be available for the use of other departments in the Old building. 七rol of the Su鮮o賞k Coun七y Court House,,. The commis- Sion consis七s of three members’One aPpOinted by the As五naI宣y compIeted the new building consists of six七een Govemor, One by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, StOries and rises to a heigh七of 320 fee七above the stree七 and the Sher甫of Su鮮olk County ex-O鯖cio・ The present 賞eve量of Pemberton Square and 383 fee七above sea leveI. The foIIow量ng are nOW Iocated in building: COmmissioners are CharIes M. Davenport, Hsqulre, Cha,irman, Amo I. Drew and Sheriff Frederick R. Su11ivan. The Supreme Judicia量Court, the SuperIOr Court, the The Commissioners are now charged wi七h the respon- Municipal Court of the City of Boston (Criminal Divi- Sibili七y of providing propeI. aCCOmmOda七ions for the of- Pαge Se亀)e7 ficiaIs of Su鱒olk County and for the care and controI of The Military Ball the entire Court House; and it is the belief of the writer tha=hey are us重ng their best efforts under the circumStanCeS tO remedy inherited defects’and to improve con- ditions so tha=he fond hope of our lamented associate Herbert Parker will be realized; tO W主t: that a Court House will be estab重ished and maintained that wi賞I proVide for the “decent administration of justic。 in Su鯖。Ik County.’’ The followmg Alumni have o鯖ces in the Su飾帳 County Court House: When the cohorts of the A]Iies were called from various CaPitaIs to deal with Napoleon, there was a brilliant dance On the eve of the Batt量e of Water量oo, and that dance has been made famous in song and story. In the even工ng Of the eve before the attack on PearI Harbor’the Scabbard and Blade’nationaI honorary un- ALUMNI OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL LISTED IN ORDER OF APPOINTMENT dergraduate MilitaI.y Society of Boston University, held the珊teenth AnnuaI Military BaIl・ The impressive balIroom and assembIy rooms of the HoteI Statler were創Ied SupREME JuD│CIAL Cou珊 Oめ8$ Hon. Charles H. Donahue 1901 ’’ Henry T. Lummus 1897 ’’ Louis S. Cox 1899 ’’ James J. Ronan 1910 With students, aIumni, University o縦ciaIs, and friends. There was plenty of coIor and excitement and a tense atmosphere because of the many R.O.T.C. men al富eady in the service and because of the knowledge that the Junior and Senior O鯖cers wouId soon be dispersed to Various parts of the worId for the defense of the great SupER│OR CouRT 8 9 8 e Ⅹ 1 Hon. Joseph Walsh republic. ’’ Danie量T. O’Connell 1908 Great interest centered about the selection of the honoト ’’ Raoul H. Beandreau 1906 ary Coed CoIoneI’Who would tap twenty-SeVen Junior ’’ John E. Swift 1909 Cadet O鯖cers of the R.O.T・C. unit’O餓cia量ly inducting ’’ Vincent Brogna 1908 them ’’ Joseph A. Sheehan ’’ Thomas H. Dowd Scabbard and Blade. Competing比o this 1897 SOn’MaIden’from Co量lege of Liberal Arts; ShirIey Ⅶnder ’’ J. Arthur Baker 1904 Pyl’Worcester’and FIorence Carr’Medford, from CoIlege ’’ Francis J. Good 1913 Of Business Administration; Sa11y Cushing, Newtonville, ’’ John P. HigglnS ’’ Allan G. Buttrick into 1897 POSition were: Lois Wildes, Melrose, and Ruth Nicker- ex 1997 and Alice ComelI’Providence’from Music; Sally Braid, 1897 McLean’I量linoIS’and Doris Brennan, Providence, Rhode ’’ Fe賞ix Fo購e 1916 Island, ’’ Joseph E. Wamer from Sargen年Patricia Fencer, Brockton, and ex 1910 Elizabeth MacDonald, Roslindale, from Practical Arts and Letters; AIice Healy, South Boston, and Marie Kil- CLERK OF SupERIOR CIVI│, Cou珊 Thomas Dorgan bum, Saxtons River’Vemont’from Education, all mem- 1925 bers of the senipr cIass. 1908 tion’Class of 1941, WaS COmmissioned honorary Coed D│STRIC富A富農ORNEY Miss Doris Brennan’Sargen七CoIIege of Physical Educa- Hon. William J. Foley CoIone量and presented with a loving cup as a symbol of AssIS冒ANT D│S冒RICT A叩ORNEY her position. The twenty-SeVen Junior O餓cers, after William J. Sullivan Edward M. Sullivan 1914 19Q3 marching under the arched sabers of their Sehior O臆cers, knelt beforeバCoIonel,, Brennan as she inducted them into Company K’6th Regiment of Scabbard and Blade. lの lのん 9の Leo P. Doherty ’’ Jacob Spiegel 313の 1 1 1 1 1 1 ’’ Francis J. Burke 0の ’’ Frank W. Tomasello ’’ Jennie Loitman Barron 99990︺9 MuNICIPAL CouR冒 Hon. Thomas J. Zottoli The twenty-SeVen men to be honored by e量ection to the society were pu=hrough a s舶course of military training which started Saturday evenmg, November 29 at 7:30 P・M. at the Robbins Pond Hostess House, Fort Devens. These men were put through their paces by the Senior Cadet O債cers. LAND CouR冒 Clarence C. Smith The men initiated were: Robert Hargen, Worcester, and ex 189男 Hon. Joseph J. Corbett, Re七ired 1885 members of the junior class including Henry J. Bomhofft, Jr.・ Belmont; John B・ Cargen’BeImont; George R. Cla血, LAND Cou珊DEPU冒Y RECORDER Joseph I. Benne七t Edward Walker’Quincy’both seniors, and twenty一五ve 1890 Be量mont; Joseph L. Daly, Lawrence; Edmund M. Donnelly’Lexington; George F. Edlund, North Easton; James REGISTRY OF DEEDS (Su鱈olk County) Hon; William T. A. Fitzgerald V. Elliott’Arlington; CharIes H. Edwards, Waltham; Peter 1897 Robert H. Giekie, Roxbury; Henry K・ Hansen, East PROBATE CouRT Hon. William M. Prest, Retired Boston; Robert W. Hawes’Medford; William J. Hodges, 189l John R. NichoIs’Assis七ant Register ex 1897 Pα卵留めか P・ Fortuna’Dorchester; Russe]l H. Francis, Greenwood; Malden; Richard H. Maeder, Ho]liston; John E・ Mara, WellesIey HilIs; A賞bert G. Merrill’Jr・, West Roxbny; THE MILFTARY BALL Hugh H. O’Brien, Watertown; William F. Souza, Of the Military Ba11 committee. The other o鯖cers who GIoucester; Howard W. Reed, Damariscotta, Maine; SerVedノon the commi七tee were: William McNamara, Richard S. Sparrow’Belmont; Philip H・ Taft, Cambridge; A11ston; Paul B. Kemedy, Sto止ghton; James Je紐ery, Dudley C. Tetro, Bristo量, Comecticut; Donald E. Tread- GIoucester; and Robert G. Amyouny, all members of the Well, Worces七er; and Robert C. Wheeler, Medford. Robert A. Weden, North Quincy, 1942, WaS Chairman Senior clas9; and George R・ Clack, Belmont, a member Of the junlOr Class. Pαge Nあe Christmas Convocation On Thursday, December 18, the Boston University Convoca七ion was held at Trinity Church, Copley Square, CoNGRERA冒│ONAI, CAROLS: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing FeZあMeのdel$$Oh18 (1809-1847) at _12 o’cIock. Silent Night, Holy Night There is no event in the University year in which the members of the University family seem to take a deeper F午のn局G楊ber (1787-1863) Joy to the World! Geoγge F. H肌dd (1685-1759) in七erest. Every seat in the Church was taken at least a quarter of an hour before the announced openlng While the Boston University Brass Choir played Christmas CaroIs in the O Come, All Ye Faithful 」8拐Oe7融γg Melodg CHRISTMAS MESSAGE “THE PONDERING JN FHE HEARTS OF CHBISTMAS rHOUGHTS’, WeSもgalle重y. PRESIDEN富DANIEL L. MARSH CH剛S冒M払S AN富田EMS: The program was as follows: English Carol: The Holly and the Ivy Re’海nd Boug加on (1878一 ) Ukrainian Carol: CaroI of the Be11s Mわhαel Leo庇0演ch PBOGBAM Arγ. bg Pe勧F. W祝oα8kg Welsh ORGAN PRELU。E: Noel LouIS C. Poverty Dγ. Cαγαdog 。’AQUIN DR. FRANCIS W. SNOW (1694-177魚) INVOCATION: REVEREND Carol: OI,rvER J. The Halldujah Chorus F. Hα7)del (1685-1759) HART Rector of Trinity Church Roberts (1878-1935) BENE。rCT│ON: DEAN EARI, B. MARI,A門 ORGAN Pos冒I,UDE: Toccata in F Chαγle$ Mαγie Widoγ ScRIP冒URE READING: (IJuke e : 1-14) (1845-1937) DEAN BENNE冒T F. AvERY The soIoists participating in the choral numbers were CHRIS皿血AS ANTHEMS: Chorale:冒o God on High be GIory Joんの1砺Sebα8め71 BαCん (1685-1 750) German Carol: From Heaven,s Heights I Come to You Jo加”7D Eccαγd (重553-1611) Miss Emogene Clark, Soprano, Miss EstelIe Reemie, Conもralto, Of the College of Music, and Mr. Paul Simp- SOn, Baritone, Of the College of Business Administration. The accompanists for the choral numbers were Dr. Francis W. Snow, aSSisted by Gladys Crockford Cus七ance and Kenneth D. Custance, Harpisもs, and a string or- Moravian Carol: Hark, Now, O Shepherds Arγ. bg Moγわn F. Luのaの Chestra from the College of Music including Louis Siegel, Dorothea Ber七elson, Robert Marra, Sayard Stone, French Carol: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Aヶγ. bg Gu$めのHo短 (1874-1934) Doroもhy Sleplan, Ber七ha Pokrievka, Rosaline Halper, Frank Corsaro, Grace Mann, Helen Long, Mildred Kravitz, Esther Slade and Ches七er Minkler. THE UNIVERSITT CHORUS Professor James R. Houghton, Colrducわγ The address of President Marsh was as fo11ows: The Pondering m The Heart of Christmas Thoughts BY PRES│IⅢNT DANII孤L. MARSH (Adみe$$ OJ Pγe$猿庇Mα鳩んot Boofoの耽めe癌諦Oん読切胸8 OomOc融oの,掘れ匂Oんuγcん・ Dece肋beγ J8・ 」94」・) “Pondered’’is a good word. Mary kep=he saymgS in In the sweetest story ever told’the s七ory of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea long ago, i七is r6corded her heart and re岨ected upon them agaln and agaln; She that after the shepherds had come in from the field to deliberately weighed them with long and anxious at七ention. the s七able of the inn, they told Mary and Joseph of the If all men and women everywhere wo山d ponder Christ- celes七ial choir and the supematural me?Sage Of peace and mas thoughts in their hearts, What `a Change i七would good will which they had heard as they watched their make in current history! The Spani丸‘have a proverb to 租ocks by night・ The record sta七es with the eloquence of this e鮮ect: Sow a though七and reap an act; SOW an aCt simplici七y that αMary kept all these things’and pon- and reap a habi七; SOW a habi七and reap_ Character; SOW dered them in her heart.’’ What a lovely picture that is: The young wife of Joseph character and reap des七iny. Thoughts are things of vast importance. An evil thought will stun the brain, CauSlng holding in her girlish hand the little unshod feet of her i七to lose i七s fine delica七e power of movmg With ease Baby, Sもroking His silk-SOf七hair, and kissing His eyelids through d臆cult questions and high speculation. It causes droop工ng down in earth,s紐st helpless sleep! The shep- the bloom of the brain to molder and perish. It diminishes herds reported the wondrous announcement that at七ended the quantity of life wi七hin us. His birth,一and Mary pbndered all these things in her heart! Pαge Te" All grea=echnoIogical inventions were thoughts before they were things, and every ach主evement in literature, ar七and science is bu七the expression of some though七・ A S七OmS Of ghasもly cataclysm and political in七rigues beat though七may somtimes be more valuable than a victory all abou七it. The worshiper lifts his eyes to the far in war. Indeed’Victory m War may be dependent upon horizon and takes the long forward look. He sees ]ife SOme thought; may be the resul七and expression of a Whole, taking in the long course of history to which his 七hought・ Thoughts are germs lying in the soil of the soul, Single life and this vast world belong. He worships Him Wai七ing to be coaxed into岨ower and fruitage by the sun- Who encompasses a11 cen七uries and all places in His mind Shine and the dew and a賞l of the chemical reactions of and purpose. the mental world. I have been recalling all this Chris七mastide LongfelIow’s Today血e world is full of thoughts of war and hate and lus七for revenge and dark and forboding fears. What POem On “Christmas Bells.’’ Longfellow wrote it while the War was being fought be七ween the North and South a change would take place if men would forever drive in our own country; but it is applicable to the siもuation Out these unholy, Camal thoughts and substi七u七e for them today. I七is as follows: thoughts appropria七e to Christmas,-though七s of love and “I heard the bells on Christmas Day good will and peace and mercy and forglVeneSS. Their old, familiar caroIs play, A good character in an individual is the by-PrOduct of And w組d and sweet The words repeat right thinking and righ七living. Good charac七er in a nation and in the world is also the by-PrOduct of national righ=hinking and national right living. Of peace on earth, gOOd-Will to men! ' ``And thought how, aS the day had come, Every noble thought increases the sum-tOtal of life. That is why a man is stronger afもer prayer than before. That is why every sweet and holy hymn sends a thrill Of gladness through the soul that sings. The belfries of a11 Christendom Had rolled along The unbroken song Of peace on earth, gOOd-Will to men! “Till, rmgmg, Slnglng On its way, One ray of ligh七that has pene七ra七ed the depresslng The world r甲olved from ni如t to day’ もha七men and women have unques七ionably tumed to re- A voICe, a Chime, A chant sublime Of peace on earth, gOOd-Will to men! 1igion for help and consola七ion. While we are preparlng “Then from each black, aCCurSed mouth gloom that has lain like a pall upon our spiri七s since the outbreak of war on that fateful December 7 is the fact to mee七force with superior force, let us be sure no七to neglec七the things of the spirit. I cannot urge anything more importan七upon you and upon all my fellow Ameri- CanS thah that we faithfully worship God in this day The cannon thundered in the South, And with the sound The caroIs drowned Of peace on earth, gOOd-Will to men! ``It was as if an earthquake rent Of darkness and bewilderment. I七is through worship that the soul goes in quest of its counterpar七. It is through WOrShip that we are enabled to see the etemal in the temporal and the invisible beyond the visible. Worship tends to glVe uS a SenSe Of propor七ion and a sense of Values. It helps us to see that which is little as little 冒he hearth-StOneS Of a continent, And made forlom The households bom Of peace on earth, gOOd-Will to men! “And in despair I bowed my head; , `There is no peace on earth,’I said; `For hate is strong, and that which is big as big. It gives us strength to And mocks the song jingle in the ear of etemity the coin that the world o鯖ers us in exchange for our souls. The man who truly wor- Of peace on earth, gOOd-Wi11 to men!’ “Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: Ships cu量七ivates sereni七y in the face of calamity, and poISe `God is not dead; nOr doth he deep! in the presence of pet七y and pugnacious emotionalism. The Wrong shall fail, The true worshiper builds his house of life philosophy upon a solid rock, and hence it will stand though the The Right preva遭, With peace on ear七h, gOOd-Wilr to men!’’’ e Amual Meetmg Of Gamma Delta Society ● Miss Cynthia L. Price of Harvard, a Senior in the minster Club, Vice presiden七of Gamma Del七a, and a Bos七on University College of Liberal Arts, WaS Selected member of the University’s In七erfaith Group. She is a a七the Annual Gamma Delta Banquet in Jacob Sleeper graduate of Acton High SchooI where she was class Hall December e as the typical American coed. valedictorian. Miss Price plans to retum to Boston University for a The honor guests at the banquet included Miss lists as her chief interes七s: “SPOrtS, army men, and Elizabeth C. Northup, a member of the Board of Trustees of the University, and Lucy Jenkins Franklin, University Irishmen with red hair and blue eyes.’’ At home in Dean of Women. Master’s degree in Education and later to teach. She Harvard, Boston University’s “typical coed’’is busily engaged in Civilian Defense Work and also conducts a Sunday SchooI Class.・ The speakers represen七ing each class were: Senior, Elizabeth D. Stringer, RockIand; junior, Dorothy E. Fredericks, Dorchester; SOPhomore, Claire L. Kelley, this year, Miss Price is serv量ng aS PreSident of the Watertown; and freshman, Hope Collins, East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Ruth Nickerson of Malden served as Women’s Aもhletic Association, PreSident of the Wesト 七o astmi stress. As a senior a=he University’s College of Liberal Arts Pαgc割切の George Holmes Maxwelユ LEVI S. CHAPMAN George Holmes Maxwell was bom on Apri1 16th, 1864, engaged in the real estate and banking business. How- in the liもtle hamlet of New Woodstock, nO七far from ever’Whi量e still continulng aS reSidents, Of Arizona, for Syracuse, New York, Where his father was pastor of the reasons of health, they spent most of their time until Mr. Methodist Church, and during his boyhood his fa七her Maxwell’s death on September 16, 193盆, in Pasadena, served a number of Methodist churches in the Central Califomia, living first at the Maryland Hotel and later New York Conference. He was graduated from Cazenovia Seminary in 1884, at the Vista del Arroyo. a’nd in that year entered Syracuse University from which University, Of Boston University and of the American he was graduated in 1888 with the degree of Bachelor of University’at Washington, D. C., COntinually helping For many years Mr. Maxwell was a Trustee of Syracuse Arts. There he joined the Delta Kappa Epsilon Frater- these institutions with his counsel and advice as well as nity. After his graduation from Syracuse, he wenもto his means. In 1928 he received from his Alma Mater the Columbian, nOW George Washington University, from degree of LL.D. and for some time prIOr tO his death he served as Vice-President of its Board of Trustees. He Which he was graduated with the degree LL.B. in 1892, WaS One Of the founders and first President of “Syracuse- and LL.M. in 1893. While in Washington he secured a in-China Associa七ion,’’which maintains a hospital, Church Washington, D. C., Where he became a law s七udent in POSition which he held for several years in the United and school unit in Chungking, China. He was a量so a States Patent O鯖ce, Where he became an examiner in Trustee of Califomia Institute Associates, an Organization interested in extending financial assistance to the Califomia Institute of Technology. the shoe and leather division. After five years in Washington he went to Boston where he began practice as a Patent attOmey. During his practice in Boston he was The last twenty-five years of Mr. MaxweIl,s life were notably successful and numbered among his clients many Of increasmg SuCCeSS in his profession and business, during nationally known corporations. He had a genius for in- Which he acquired a large fortune. His first large gift was One Of $50,000.00 to the Trustees of the Central New York Ventions in a general sense and for the practical use of technical inventions which would be profitable. The Conference in aid of retired ministers and missionaries knowledge of the shoe and leather business gained in the Of the Methodist Episcopal Church, made in memory of his father. Later, in memory of her father, Mrs. Maxwell Patellt O鯖ce at Washington was of great service to him in Boston, Where this business centered, and he became a noted specialist in that line. Here he practiced as a pa七〇 erected and endowed a beautiful stone Gothic Church at East Aurora, New York, Which is the admiration of all ent attomey from 1895 to 1916, and at the same time not Who have seen it・ Mr. Maxwell,s mother spent her last Only invented improvements himself in the shoe and shoe years in the sanitarium at Clifton Springs, New York, and machinery line, but promoted inventions of others in the 9ame field, thus becommg a manufacturer as well as an a・fter her death’for the kindness shown her, he gave that institution $50,000.00 for the erection of a Nurses, home. His two pnnCipal connections were with the North As their income increased, both Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell resoIved to devote the larger par=o religious, Charitable lnVentOr. American Chemical Company, located at Cambridge, and educational objects. The wise distribution of their Massachusetts, and the Lacene Manufacturing Company then located at Manchester, New Hampshire, but now of Wealth, nOt its accumulation, became the chief aim of Lawrence, Massachusetts. These companies took ou七or JuSt before glVmg uP their residence in Boston, they es- their lives. In order to e鯖ectuate this purpose, in 1916, acquired many paten七s relating to the manufacture of lablished a Trust, known as the “Mαamen Be uet)Olence shoes 、and leased their machines to manufacturers. Mr. Fu7毒’’’with three trustees to whom they transferred Iarge Maxwell became the sole owner of the patents and busi- bIocks of securities・ The first large gift of this trust was ness connected with the Chemical Company carrylng the made in that year to Boston University-ぜ60,000.00-tO same on until about 19念7 under the Trade Name質No7.拐 found a Chair, at first designated by him as a ``Oh仰みoJ Ameγicay) Cんemicd Compα型r;’when he incorporiLted it P7.α訪鋤l巌e8 α7ad Ho耽e妙協γtoe8:’characteristics of an under the laws of Massachusetts with the same name; and earlier generation of which he thought the youth of that While he had acquired several years before a minority in- day were greatly in need. Gradually his ideas broadened terest in the Lacene Manufacturing Company, in July until they covered a11 │he qualities golng tO make up a 1929, he purchased the remalnmg Shares. On September l, 1904, he married Carrie A. Baker Peek, Of East Aurora, New York, Who survives him, and Who herself was the daughter of a minister connected with good citizen’and the name of this Chair was changed to “Oh仰iγ OJ U巌ed駒疎e$ C楊2;e鵬ん勾:’and its endowment WaS increased to $100,000.00, With a guaranteed income of $5・500.00 per year. In January 1937, OVer $103,000.00 in the Genesee (New York) Conference of the Methodist CaSh, aS the pnncipal of this endowment, WaS turned over Episcopal Church. With his business interests in the East well established, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell in 1917 removed to Arizona, Where to the University, and during each of the years since, his Foundation has seen to it that the funds necessary to COntinue this income were provided. For a number of after spending a few months in Castle Hot Springs, they took up their permanent residence in Phoenix. There he years prior to 1924 he contributed langely to the American University in aid of instruction in Citizenship. Pαge Tu)elt)e Wishing to have a more pemanent body for dispenslng their benevolences, in 19碧4, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell caused to be organized under the Membership Corporations Laws Of New York, a Foundation known as the No毎んA伽e壷cα" HoZd読g Co叩o州南o7a, With its headquarters in Syracuse, to which he transferred all of his holdings in the No勅 KIMBALL, GILM^N A伽e毒can・ OんemわaJ Compang and in the LαCem Mα狗u- & C○○ 佃Ctoγ読g Co仰pα型r, tOgether with the buIk of his market securities. The first gift of this Foundation consisted of $500,000.00 made in 1924 to Syracuse University to endow a “School Of脇猿d S妨e8 O巌e鵬履, α7?d Pα・脇c A拒みo,” with a guaranteed in?Ome Of $50,000.00 per year. La七er this en- dowment was lnCreaSed to $1,000’000.00 with a g撃ranteed income of $75,000.00 per year, Which has ever smCe been INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Paid to the University. In 1937 this Foundation set up a special fund with Trustees designed to retire the prlnCi- Pal of this endowment by 1947. In 1929 Mr. Maxwell PrOmised in behalf of his Foundation to erect a building 137 Milk Street On the campus of Syracuse University to house this school and while he lived to select an architect and approve the B OSTON Plans for this building, his untimely death in 193男pre- Vented these plans being carried out by him personally, but after his death they were carried out in every detail by his Foundation. On November ll’1937, this building, COmP量eted at a cost of $540,000.00 was presented to the University’the prlnCIPal address at its dedication being HARRY W. GILMAN WALTER R. J. SMITH de]ivered by former President Herbert Hoover. STANLEY O. MacMULLEN While gif七s too numerous to mention, COVerlng a Wide field of charities no七olnly ln many StateS帝ut in fore重gn COuntries were made at his direc七ion over the years in- t,erVenmg between 1916 and to the time of his.dea七h, from 1916 on the uppermos=hought in his mind was the trainmg of the youth of our land to discharge intelligently, Cheerfully and willingly their duties as good citizens. The “Cんのir of脇/猿d S±αde$ O巌e郷ん窃’, founded by him in Boston University was the first chair of its kind and the “ScんooZ o/助訪ed S拙e$ C巌ie7’8碓α融Pαblic 4細心, founded by him in Syracuse University was the firs七schoo] Of the kind es七abIished in any American university, and ガ。ulh (動。′移 the building erec七ed to house that schooI was the first buiIding of its kind. To him mus七be credited the vision Which looked down the years to see the need for such P re∫∫ train量ng and his name will a工ways be held in reverence as the Pioneer in this field which is now recelVmg SuCh wideSPread at七ention・ Moreover, in establishing a Founda七ion With the provision that only its income can be used for ]“e量igious, Charitable and educational objects, he set up an HARBOR BUILDING Organization which will project his own and Mrs.・Max_ Well’s benevolences long after they have both passed from the scenes of their noble deeds. When Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell removed to Arizona, Mr. Maxwe11 placed his manufacturing interes七s in the hands Of Mr. Aifred H. Avery of Malden, Massachusetts, Who became a joint-OWner With his Foundation in the N。7.協, 470 ATLANTIC AVENUE Ame7.dcα7C’Cんe77t,icαl Oompα72,gr and has since not only headed that company but has been the Executive head Of the LαCe?彬Man母αC助わg OoクやO畑虎on., and their Allied BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS COmPanies. Mr. Avery now for some years has been a Trustee of Boston University, SerVmg On i七s Executive HAN. 5417 Committee and continu量ng aCtively the MaxwelI interests there. Mαγ 。c拙ggc$ 偽αiツ0α如′0"霧` 0録rのめc′的の Pαge Tんわあ∽ Epsilon Chapter Reunion On February 7, College of Liberal Arts Alumni will have a rare treat when Bradford Washbum, nationally Boston Universlty and The War With Japan BY DANIEL L. MARSH, Pre8ide加Of Bo8わの拘わe読切 known explorer of Alaska’s moun七ain ranges and Director (Decembe7. 8, J941,御伽口脇んec扇c dag et’e砂型eγeわ Americα. P7.e8ide庇Mαγ$んmet 7.epγe$e加αめe$ O白地deut bodie$ aγld Jacα汚ie$ 5haさJ湖ed Hαgdel} Me偽o7'海Han to 穣cαpaC極r, a)クr拐偽mediαteめく殖er P7.e$ide履Roo$e亀,eZ±’$ add7.e88 hαd been′ denのe7.ed bg胸dio, Pre$ide庇Mαγ$ん $pO巌00 follo宅〃$) : In one of the darkest hours of our nation’s life, When President Lincoln was lying dead at the Capital and a mob was gathering in the streets of New York, James A. Garfield stepped out upon a balcony and quieted the rioting by lifting his hand and saymg: “God relgnS, and the govemment at Washing七on stil1 1ives.’’ The present Situation calls to.mind a word of wisdom spoken by Woodrow Wilson ln a Crisis hour during his administration. Said he: “Everyone who keeps his head when the world is mad contributes to the savmg Of mankind from irre七rievable disas七er.’’ I call upon all members of the Boston University family, and upon my fellow Americans also, tO keep their heads. If there ever was a period when we needed clear thinking, it is now. National hys七eria makes for national ine鯖ciency as surely as personal panic destroys the e鯖ciency of the individual. Let us meet calamity with calmness; let us meet perfidy with po工Se, While grimly we set about to meet force with superior force. It is only hones=o admi=hat in the long-groW重ng misunders七anding and dispute between the United States and Japan, mistakes have been made on both sides. We MR. AND MRS. BRADFORD WASHBURN CaP depIore and regret all mistakes; but regret now is vam. The die is cast, and it is Japan that has made the of the New England Museum of Natural History, Will disagreement. Japan has tumed her back upon conference choice of the means to be used in se耽ling the points of describe to them his lates七fea七, the conquest of the 13,700 foot Mount Hayes. Mr. Washbum’s re.cord ascent Of one of central Alaska’s great virgm Peaks was accom- Plished with the aid of airplanes, tWO-Way radio, and parachuted supplies. His lec七ure will be illustrated wi七h CO賞ored movlng Pictures of the breath-taking beau七y of the country and the thril工ing experiences of the expedi七ion. The expedition was the tenth of Mr. Washbum’s exPIoration in七o the wildemess of Alaska. Pictures of his 重940 expedition, When he and his wife on their honeymoon made the firs七ascen七of Mount Bertha, Were featured in L#e Magazine las七January. Besides hearlng Mr. Washbum, the alumni will have a,nd dipIomacy, and has chosen to submi七her case to the rude arbi七rament of war. This war is not of America’s choice; bu七America cannot sidestep it. When a nation becomes so insane as to make its appeal to physical force and vio量ence, the only argument it can understand is force. Therefore, Boston University as an institution and in i七s componen七par七s will do everything within its power to aid the United States Govemment in bringmg this war to a successful conclusion as quickly as possible, guaran- teeing a durable peace built upon righteousness. We Shall study o甲opportunities from day to day’adjusting and readjustmg Our PrOgram tO make our most e揮ectual conもribution. the opportuni七y to no七e the University’s progress by re- In the meantime, the University wi11 pursue its way with Visiting the College building, and to mee七again faculty fidelity, COntinulng its classroom work, its a七hleもic pro- members and old friends. The annual banquet, Which will be held before the meeting, Will begin a七6:30. Because of the large number plannlng tO attend this year’s reunion, i七is hoped tha=he alumni wi11 send early reservations to Carroll Q. Jones, 110 Ki七tredge Street, Roslindale, Massachusetts. The reunion committee includes Edward J. Rowse, ’03, gram, and all other things tha七have been carefully and 七houghtfu11y ou七lined for it. AIso, We平uSt be diligen七 and vigilan七to preserve the very things for which we figh七-Our fundamental freedoms won in the pas七at so great cost, and our precious civi=iberties writ七en into our Federal Constitu七ion. Americans should now, at any COSt, maintain the two (Chairman) ; Mrs. Kenne七h (Ma’rion West) Ballou, ’09; institutions that are more essential than any o七hers to Mrs. Kenne七h (Mildred Aldrich) Wildes, ’1念; Mrs. the preservation of all thaもwe have prized in civilization’ Frederick (Louise Joyce) Meier, Jf.言30; Wal七er James, ’15; and Robert Davis, ’38. Pαge Foα毎ee7l namely: the educa七ional institution and the Church. If we prlZe the things that make it wor七h our while to wage a war’then we should be ready to support, eVen SaCr絶- 召`Dry up 20 sources of their prosperity, and they will Cially’the two ins七itutions that are indispensable to the OPen eO more. They have a perseverance that will never redemption of civilization. The Church is the one inStitution that is set for preservlng the spiritual conception Ianguish while anything remains to be tried; they have a resolution that will try anything, if need be, and when a Of life and s叩mg SOCiety from a recrudescence of savagery. Yankee says, “I’ll try!’’the thing is done.’ Education lS the indispensable means by which society Shapes its ends and de七ermines its progress. Therefore, SHAPES NEWCOMERS le七us suppor七these institutions by our finance and by Our PerSOnal attendance a七the churches and by keepmg the students as far as possib量e in our institutions of higher leam量ng. 買Many tributaries of racial in血uence have poured into Boston since those words were written; but the presenト day Bostonian, Whatever his originaI inheritance, 1S a true A Better and More Beautifu萱Boston spiritual descendant of the Boston of the past・ Some七hing in the atmospheric pressure shapes and molds new- comers into the best forms of the past. The Bos七on Herald of December 5 published an in- terview with President Marsh regarding his reques=hat “Boston has had a noble past, buもI believe that, if we Bo$tonわpromote con五dence and vision as to the future make the righ七use of our opportunities, it has a still Of Boston. The interview was as follows: more glorious future・ What I am concemed about is that Ⅵγe Sha11 no七become discouraged because of mounting Asserting t,here had been too much pessimis七ic talk by Bostonians abou七their city, President Daniel L Marsh Of Boston University has urged the editors of “Bo8to毒の:, the B. U. alumnl Publication, tO uSe it as ``an alarm cIock to arouse the s量eeplng Civic pride of Boston.,, taxation, Or because of removal of certain industries to other parts of the country, Or because we can no Ionger hold the prlmaCy in this or that. 毎Merely to mention certain words is su餓cien=o chal- Dr. Marsh recommended that “Bo〆O海山,, while con- lenge the constructive imagination for the future. For tinumg its service to the alumni should enlarge its field instance, let your imagination play around the words `fish industry, Or COttOn and woolen textiles,’or `shoe and and “advocate that, beginnlng With Christmas, 1941, the Citizens of this community be instant in season and out of leather business,’or `shoe machinery,’or `rubber footwear.’ SeaSOn tO PrOmOte the city’s welfare:’ or `printing and publishing enterprlSeS.’ In an interview with rhe HeγαZd, Dr. Marsh com- mented upon his plan as fo11ows: 貢All the states of New England recognlZe Boston as their prmC重Pal city. I七is one of the nation’s largest cities. 質No interview can adequately outline or suggest alI It is the mecca of summer visitois from all over the world. that might be said about Boston as the focal center of American vitality. It deserves volumes of writing and It is easily the educational capital of America, and I many addresses. opportunities o紐ered it, it may soon be the educational firmly believe that, if it rises to the comprehension of the capital of the world. INVINCIBLE SpIRIT “This generation holds in its hands the fate of the com- 買What I am especia量ly desirous of is that the present mg.yearS. Boston can sag into mediocrity’Or it can rise and future generations of Boston shall not squander their lノO Pre-eminence. One of the greatest opportuni七ies pre- he正age of spirit, for it is the invincible spirit of the people sented to the present generation is the complete develop- Which has made the Boston of the past. ment of the Charles river. Much has already been done “More than lOO years ago (in lP36, tO be exact) the Boston Boob contained the foIIowmg description of the Yankee spirit: “ `While the Yankees are themselves, they will hold t,O take advantage of the natural beau七y of this amazmg basin. “What wide-aWake ciもy in the entire world would not like ca七s: throw them up as you please, they will come carry to completion the amounced programs for the further development of the Charles river basin, PrOgramS that must needs make a great appeal to civic pride? Chief down on their feet・ Shu=heir industry out from one among these is the development of Bos七on University’s Career, and iもwill force itself in七o another. neW CamPuS. their own’let politics twis七about as they will. They are 4loy tuぐ∫αggαI偽oI γOu〆l′0"i乙c o鋤′ αdtIぐ諦fe′書 Pαge F紳ee佃 James V. Toner Honored James V. Toner’Bost,On University College of Business When sixteen years old, he obtained a position in the Administration’CIass of 1921’and for thirteen years Payee and Baker JeWelry establishment in North Attle- Professor of accoun七ing, finance, taXa七ion and business boro where he labored 74 hours weekly at a wage of 12茄 Cen七S an hour. Out of his weekly pay envelope he was Permitted to retain 50 cents. The remainder went to the support of the family. Mr. Toner established the first schooI of accounting in the tropICS at the University of Puerto Rico. Later he became associated with the Bay State Optical Com置 Pany and was made a director of the A七tleboro Trust Company, a POSition which he s七i量l holds. Mr. Toner is the father of seven children, tWO nOW married・ They are Mrs. James A. Couzens, Wife of a United States ens量gn nOW On the North Atlantic patrol; lst Lt・ James V. Toner, Jr., a member of the Army FIying Corps asslgned to duty in Hawaii; Elizabe七h F., Catherine B., Jane L., John L., and Patricia, all of whom are aもtending various schooIs. Mrs. Toner is the former Mary Zilch of Plainville. They make their home on Lockwood Road, West Newton. Mr. Toner is now fifty-three years of age. The aIumni Will be glad to recognlZe in Mr. Toner a leader of the ever enlargmg grOuP Of business executives trained in the Co11ege of Business Administration now com重ng tO COmmand王ng positions in the world of business and finance. JAMES V. ToNER Beta Gamma Sigma Initiation management, WaS elected President of the Bos七on Edison Company on December 5. Mr. Toner became a part of the Boston Edison organization in Apri1 1937, When he was elected auditor・ In June of that year he was elected Treasurer of the Company and in October 1938 was elec七ed Executive Vice President. Previous to Mr. Toner,s connection with the Boston Edison Company, he established a reputation in the reOrganization and rebuilding of many types of business, in Boston, Providence, and A七tleboro. Prior to 1937 he WaS One Of the nationally known leaders in the manufac七uring JeWe宣ry business and had served as president Of the New England Manufacturing Jewelers and Silversmi七hs Association. Mr. Toner was bom in North Attleboro and prepared for co11ege at LaSalle Academy. He received his; Bachelor of Arts degree from Holy Cross Co11ege in 1912. On December ll he was elec七ed a Director of th6 FiI'St National Bank of Boston. Mr. Toner, Who now takes his place as one of the outs七anding business leaders of Boston, Came tO his leadership the hard way. He was required to eam the funds with which he obtained his educatio音n. The third in a family of nine children livmg On a Smal‖arm, he knew the drudgery of a farm boy Nineteen students in the College of Business Adminisしration and the Evemng College of Commerce were initiated into Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary business socie七y, Sa七urday even量ng, December 13, in the Charles Hayden Memorial Auditorium. At the banquet fo1lowlng the initiation, Professor Atlee L. Percy, Presiden七of Beta Gamma Sigma, PreSen七ed keys to the neⅥγ members as follows: Merton N. AIperin, DoI.Chester; Ellen H. Molloy, Dorchester; James Neely, Jr., Boston; Israel R. Brown, Roxbury; James B. Marcus, Brookl王ne; Rober七Levine, Brighton; Andrew M. Imes, Andover; AIvan G. Levenson, Dorchester; Louis H. Murray, Brookline; Leonard F. White, Dorchester; Joseph D. Kalicka, Holyoke; Dana L. Gowen, AIs七ead, New Hampshire; George H. Byrom, Hartford, Connec七icut; Richard W. Linsky, Brookline; Eleanor D. Pearlson, Dorchester; George音J. Fishste工n, Brighton; Mary Kagan. Bos七on; Amadeo J. Fulgini七i, Boston, and Maurice W. Larocque, Taunton. Mr. Kenneth B. Backman, general manager of the Boston Better Business Bureau was the speakeI.. His Subject was “Making Friends For Business.’’ required to till the宜elds, milk the cows, and pick off Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest scholastic honor in POtatO bugs. His father’s income in those days rarely SChooIs and colleges of business and commerce. I七cor- exceeded $15 weekly. He laughed, When a repor七er asked responds to Phi Beta Kappa society in liberal ar七s col- him if their home was equlPPed with electric ligh七s. leges. The Boston University chapter was chartered in `紐Iectric Lights?’’he shot back. “Certainly not, nOr 1925 and more than four hundred s七uden七s of the Co11ege gas light either; jus七 old-fashioned kerosene oil lamps of Business Administration have been honored with and a lantem for night work in the bam.’’ membership. Pαge S巌eel匂 ``慰。御伽 偽e mlゐn ㌶peaα ani秒グ’’ Follow工ng the last World War a bronze and marble group was placed in the lobby of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company buildmg in New York・ On it are inscribed these words, “Service to the nation in peace and war.” They are more血an words・ They are the very spirit of血e entire Be11 System organization・ In these stimng days, We Pledge ourselves agaln tO the service of the nation. ‥ SO that “Govemment of the PeOPle’by the people’for the people’Shall not perish from the earth.” BELL TELEPHONE SySTEM Page Se亀肋諸e倒れ ぐぐHave You Heard MA京GA競闘富S富A京R Md山喜Ⅳ College theatricals come and go in an annual proces- Sion of offerings from the Gilbert and Sullivan Asso- Ciation, the Dramatic Club and other thesplan-minded g富OuPS throughout the university. “Have You Heard’’, an Original operetta in two acts and six scenes, lyrics by Phi11ip H. Bird, book by DonaId Bom and Saul Werwick, and music by Alexander Miller, ject of the orchestra, We might say that we were dis- appointed not to see its personnel listed. Even though it fell a shade short of Boston Symphony standards w6 still think its members deserved to have their names Printed in the programs. Miss Vinginia Stanislaus and Mr. Awfred Patterson, Whose names were featured, Shared maJOr honors with WaS PreSented for the first time on any stage Thursday Simon evenlng, December ll, at the Hayden Memorial Audi- Donald Blatt. Mr. Gesin, Smgmg “We HaVen’t Got the torium by the Boston University Dramatic Club. Money’’and “The Guy Who Writes You Songs’, showed Gesin, Ruth Cohen, Doro血y MacNeil, and During the pas=welve years, We Can reCall only three himself the poss9SSOr Of a good comedy senSe, Clear dic- Original opercttas which achieved production: One by your tion and a pleasIng VOice, aS did Mr. Patterson in “Isn’t reviewer, Which was produced by the Gilbert and Sullivan It Absurd’’a,ndバHave You Heard,タ. Miss Cohen is a Association, anOther ca11ed “The King Of Hearts,,, by もalented comedienne and tumed 質The Gentleman on authors whose names escape us for the moment, and the Make: into an amusing and telling bit of 1961 (!) Candor. It is always a pleasure to hear Miss MacNeil finally, “Have You Heard’’, Which will be remembered as one of the good things about 1941. Slng and last night she proved herself not without merits The pIot, Which was somewhat sIow in developing and a bit obscure in spots, COnCemed itself with the e鱈orts Of a group of Boston University students to raise money as an actress. There was humorous pathos in her plea, “I Want to be Loved.’’ Pretty Miss Stanislaus, aS the rich girl courted by Bedetti, Szgeti, Stravinsky, Kous- for the building campalgn・ Against this monetary can七us SeVitzsky, Piston, Sanroma and Fied量er, threw the were three love themes. In the end the lovers are recon- audience in七o gaIes of laughter when in righteous indig- Ciled, (why, Of course they had quarreled!) and “Prexy,,, nation and without ever waiting for his invitation she Who has made excellent use of the entr,actes, Pemits repulsed Mr. Fiedler with a haughty “No, Mr. Fiedler, Mr. Heard, Of the Cod Fortune, tO ta賞k himself in七o No!’’and a bit later, “No, Unc]e Arthur, NO!’, financlng the building campalgn. In addition to the prmCipals, there was a large slnglng The mounting of any amateur musical show bristles and dancmg Chorus, jitterbug dancers, taP dancers, ballet Miller dancers, a double quartet, the Boston University Band and his associates surmounted with disarmlng lngenious- COmPle七e with uniforms ’and a baton-七Wirling drum- ness・ The problem of scenery was so量ved by eliminating ma]Orette, and the R.O.T.C., COmPlete with swords. With hurdles∴and hazards, mOSt Of which Mr. iL. A neutral curtain served as background for each SCene, aided by a few definitive “props’’. Thus two lampposts and a bench achieved the “Esplanade’’, While We could have wished that the jitte心ug dancers had jitterbugged at a faster tempo and we felt that the Rhum- ba and Valse of the Military Ball scene would have lent a Coca-Co重a cooler represented “Grumps’’’restaurant. themselves to attractive set dances, bu七 the 質SchooI Costumes were as easily managed by the simple ex- Days’’ballet and the the tap dancmg Were diverting. Pedient of having the actors wear their own clothesSWeaterS and skirts for the girls in daytime scenes and We have heard many an acclaimed operetta and musiCal comedy with a less interesting and catchy score. We dance frocks for the Military Ba11, While the boys wore hope that the topical text will not prevent Mr. Miller’s those inconspICuOuS, nOndescript gaments which prudent OPuS from achievmg further success. ParentS had probably urged upon them as “serviceable’’. At the c9nClusion of the second ac七the entire cast called A designer for a professional show would have contrived Mr. Miller, Professor Bom and Miss Mabel Friswell to intrigulng and typically “collegiate’’ costumes which the stage to share in the applause of a large and en- WOuld have enchanced the影co7. and tickled the eye, but thusiastic a,udience. no one could deny tha吊he costumes in Thursday night’s PrOduction were authentic. Campus Comments The orchestねalways constitu七es a more serious prob- lem and Thursday proved no exception. No matter how good the individual players may be as soIoists, unless On November 24, the Boston Universi七y Women’s they are accus七omed to playing together as a group, Or have had considerable orchestral experi?nCe, they are apt to prese巾a garbled version of the musIC. In all honesty be it said that Mr. Mi11er’s conduc七ing was not always helpful. Wisely he minimized opportunities for orchestral Council held i七s amual bazaar at their building on Commonwealth Avenue. They report $373 toward a medical schooI Unit. President Daniel L. Marsh of Boston University has Vagaries by confining his band to the Over七ure, Finale, been appointed by Govemor Levere比Sal七onstall a mem- choruses and little e賞se. The other numbers were accom- ber of the special Commission to s七udy the LegisIa七ive Panied by his own excellen七pianism, amP臆ed by Miss Rubiano at the second piano. While we are on the subPage Eig加e鋤 System and Procedure of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. ● The Athletic Policy of Boston U皿iverslty Stαtem‘e庇Of P7.e8ide7拐Mαγ$んrep切れgわcγ巌c料m bU Bo$to呪Spo7.あW諦e7B O白みe ‘Bo8tOlじU毒で)eγ$dy 七γeαさme砺Of勃e foo曲調$q復の度. SMALL CoLLEGE FIGURES What is the truth concemmg Bos七on University’s financial suppor七of footba11? I七is this: Rela七ively speakmg, Boston University pu七s into football every year more money than is put into foo七ball by any one of the great uIliversi七ies on the Pac輪c Coast, Or by any one of the “Big Ten’’universities of the Middle West, Or by any I have also examined the丘gures of one of the bes七of the smaller co工leges in New England, a COllege of good SCholarly standing and good football record. I find that that ins七itu七ion’s expenses for football run eleven and twelve thousand dollars a year as against Boston Univernlember of the so-Ca11ed “Ivy League’’of the East. In all of these big institutions, income from foo七ball is re- quired to carry no七only itself but mus七yield enough t0 Carry also the to七al athle七ic program of the institu- tion. A七Boston University, mCOme from footba11 no七 Only does no七suppor七our athle七ic program, it falls far Short of carrymg foo七ball i七self. In fact, income from footba11 is equal to jus七about one-third of the cost of football. To every do11ar that the Universi七y receives from football (gate receipts, guaranteeS, etC・) , tO eVery SuCh dollar, the Universi七y adds two dollars out of i七s Sity’s average of $38,162, eXClusive of Nickerson Fie量d, Or $54,931 if Nickers?n Field be included・ I have also been glVen the detailed figures for one of the greatest universities of the Eas七-greateSt both in its academic rank and in its foo七ball achievements. It is a l!niversity whose income from footba11 runs be七ween three and four hundred thousand dollars a year’While its ex- PenSeS are just about seventy-five thousand. These figures should put a quietus upon the perennial COmPlaint that Boston University doles out to football a starvation ration. general treasury to maintain football alone. I have examined the figures for the past five years, aIl the freedom of movemen七tha七the sport is allowed and the expenses have been jusもabou七the same for each in any first-CIass ins七i七ution. The only limi七ations put As far as “shackling’’is concemed, football is allowed One Of the years, tOtaling for the五ve years $190,810 (not On i七at Boston Universi七y are the limitations put upon including one cent for Nickerson Field). If the expenses of Nickerson Field be included, the total for the five every o七her Depar七ment, namely, integrity and honesty !7earS is.錐74,656, making an average of more than conduct of the Department or of the sport. Who would $54,931 per year for the past five years. During these not wish it to have such restrictions placed upon i七? in budge七aldministration, and ethical behavior in the five years, the income from all sources for football was $8l,939, being jus七about one-third of the cos七of footba11. ExpENSES OF BIG UNIVERSI冒IES PuRPOSE OF FooTBALL AII of this discussion leads to a more fundamenta] ques七ion, namely: What is the purpos9 0f having foot- Bu=he ambitious critic tells the Universi七y that if we ball in Boston University or in any unlVerSity? Sixteen would pu七as much money into fooもball as other big years ago, When I accepted the Presidency of Boston universi七ies pu七in七o it, We WOuld get as much ou七of i七as University, they get out of it. I have made a co血parative s七udy of Inaugural Address. The other day I got out a fOPy Of Bos七on Universi七y with other greaもuniversi七ies, and the that address and reread wha七I said on that occasIOn COn- I made answer to this ques七ion in my facts are rather surprlSlng. I find for ins七ance, tha七the Cemmg athletic spor七s. Tha七was before I knew anything University of Mimesota喜Which for the lasもtwo ’years abou七the annual uneasiness a組ic七ing Boston University. has undoub七edly had the greatest football team in H was before we had Nickerson Field. It was before the America-SPent a tO七al of $49,100 for football in one year, Universi七y played consis七ently with teams representing and had Tootball receipts that year tha=o七alled $327,91l. institu七ions on the academica量ly approved list of Boston Now keep those figures in mind, and listen to this, that University. I wasI View工ng the subject from a point of the same year in which the Universi七y of Minnesota spent Vantage that no one could say was coIored by the local a total of $49,100 for foo七ba11, Boston University spent situation. This is what I said:高I would have athletics $41,657, eXClusive of any cost of Nickerson Field. That not for the sake of any champIOnShip, Or gate-reCeipts; is, Without any cos七of the maintenance of Nickerson but, fixing responsibility in this ma七七er where it belongs- Field, We Spent Within $7,443 0f as much as the ‘Univer- definiteIy with the University au七horities-I would have sity of Mimesota, While if we include the cost of Nicker- athletics of the students, by the students, for the students, son Field, We SPent $5,442 more than the Universi七y of -athletics that wou重d at once stimulate loyalty and en- Minneso七a. But that year Minneso七a had football re- thusiasm for the University, through contests, and at the ceipts′ tOtalling $327,e11, While Boston University had Same time would develop muscular strength, endurance, football receipts to七aling編集836. energy, Will-POWer, COurage and se距control, nOt in a few 耽ge撮り∽ゆ0舶 Students only, but in all of血em. I would have our Much has been said about alumni support of athletics. Students remember that even here we are destined for Alumni support athletics in every institution that has a SerVice’and therefore that physical e鯖ciency lS nO七an SuCCeSSful athletic program. They do no七support it be- end in itself; the end is the blessmg Of others through CauSe it is succe?Sful: it is successful partly because of Our lives and labors. Hence I would encourage every their support. form of play that fosters the spiri七of cooperation, friendli- ness, loyalty, and good sportsmanship.’’ Any co11ege or university alumni may, like ancient Gaul, be divided into thre音e PartS,-nOt because of the “ga11’’they POSSeSS, but because they have the common traiもs of the AppROVES INAUGURAI, STA冒EMENT I find the President of Boston University, Sixteen years Older now than then and with sixteen years of experlenCe, St’ill approvlng Of wha=he initiate said in that Inaugural Address. One of the things that I stressed was that athletics should “stimulate loyalty and enthusiasm for the University.’’ I believe that whenever an athletic SpOrt fails to stimulate enthusiasm and loyalty for the University, it has failed in the very fundamental reason for its existence at Boston University. Another importan七 POint in my Inaugural Address had to do with the controI Of athletics. I am glad to say that footba11 at Boston Universi七y is conducted in the most approved manner by a Faculty Committee. human family. Other divisions might be made, but the Classifica七ions I have in mind a=he moment, Particularly as they relate to the University, are aS follows. First, are the apathetic alumni. The word comes from the Greek word pのめ08, Which means to su鯖er, With the αZpha prefix, Which means not to suffer. That is, the apathetic are insensible, unfeeling, indi鱈erent, Sluggish toward the University. They are not opposed to it and they are not for it; they do not fight it and they do not help it. They are simply apathetic by nature. When their apathy manifests itself in civic relations, they stay away from the polls on election day; When it manifests itSelf in religion, they are the people who stay home from Church; When it manifests itself in charity, they are the PerSOInS Who tum a deaf ear to appeals to ameliorate the PossIBILITIES OF FooTBALL AND THE ALUMN工 We are frequently told that Boston University should have a football team of such excellence that i七would do for the community of Boston what Northwestem UniVerSity does for Evanston and Chicago; What the Uni- VerSity of Minnesota does for the City of Minneapolis; What the University of Southem Califomia does for Los Angeles. Let me say without equlVOCation that I am in favor of this. No man interested in sports at Boston University would be happler than I if we could have that kind of footba11 at Boston University. And I believe it is possible′ if we can ge=he alumni and hard conditions of the poor, and when it manifests itself toward the University, they are the kind who never attend Alumni Reunions, Or belong to the Alumni AssoCiation, Or defend the fair name of their University, Or do anything to enhance its prestige. They are the kind Of persons that the writer of the book of Revelation had in mind when he represented our Lord as saylng: “I would thou wert cold o.r hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out Of my mouth.’’ The second group IS COmPOSed of those who are critical. When they are critical of their Alma Mater, it is only because they are cri七ical of everything・ They are the the community back of the program in the right way, negative personalities, the pessimistic, Whining sort・ They a′nd can have the continuously enthusiastic support of Objec=o everything. all the opmlOn-making agencies of the community ra七her Sometimes persons are critical because of an inferiority than a constant carpmg and fault-finding spirit. For in- COmPlex. They know themselves to be inferior, and in StanCe, let the communi七y in七erests represen七ed in the Order to demonstrate to themselves and to the world that Boston Chamber of Commerce do for football at Bos七on they are not inferior, they criticise something bigger than University what the Los Angeles community has done themselves. They vainly suppose that a cri七ical atti七ude for footba賞l a=he University of Southem Califomla, and is an indica七ion of superiority, Whereas, the least of a11 then watch the improvement in the team and in the abilities is the ability to find fault. When such persons COmmunity. Boston University is one of the very few Criticise their Alma Mater, Alma Mater need no七feel universities in this whole land that has a country club badly about it; for she is accorded the same trea七ment house where the members of its footba11 team can live that everything and everybody else is accorded. On the field and practice and s七udy under faculty super- Some persons are critical because they are disgrun七led・ Vision. Football at Boston University is the most approved mamer by a Faculty Committee. It is They have sought some favor which they failed to get, not run by the Trustees nor by some minion of the ad- feeling by finding fault with Alma Mater. ministration. It is conducted by the faculty, aS Obtains in practically every first-Class university in the country. devoted alumni・ They are the o)neS Who put the best Boston University is within commuting distance of POSSible construc七ion on everything tha七Alma Mater a great host of high schooIs in Boston and its environs. Each one of these high schooIs has its own football team. There is no reason why many members of the footba11 and so they glVe Vent tO their peevish and disgrunもled The third class is composed of those who are loyal and does. They aI.e the ones who in season and out of season SuPPOr=he administI.ation,s program・ They are the ones Who exalt and magn茸y the persomel comected with the 七eams in every one of a hundred of these high schooIs University in all of its Departments. They are the ones Should no七be enrolled as students at Boston U車ver- Who will wear superamuated cIothes and deny themse重ves Sity. I believe that a better day lS ahead; that we are luxuries so that they might give some七hing to advance gomg On into perfection, but it will be by adherence to the facts and not by publicising vicious rumor and surL A量umni Association’read the Alumni Magazine, a七tend m重Se. reunions, ath重etic events’and Convocations. They are Pαge Tu)e,吻-Tα,0 the Universi七y. They are the ones who belong to the the ones who make possible for servants of the Univer- Of completing the semester’s wock by the payment of Sity to stand erect under heavy loads that otherwise an amount equal to the tuition refund received by him, WOuld crush them to the ground・ I have said that alumni can be classified under these ProVided he takes this option within three ycars of his discharge from miIitary serⅤice. The amount of work three heads’-the alumni of any insti皿tion. Far be it then to be done by the student in completing course from me to conslgn any Of the alumni of Boston Uni- requlrementS Will be determined by the appropriate VerSity to either the first or secolnd class. I am glad, how- facu量もy. ever’that we have many tha七belong in the third group. 3. The case of any student of good academic standing It is these loyal and devoted alumni that prompt me to Wishing to el轟きin the amed forces of the United accep=he judgment of Canby that “A descrlPtion of the American college without mention of the alumni would be like a picture of the Golden Throne which left ou七 the heavenly hosts.’’ States at a time that would cause him to withdraw from Bos七on University within the last four weeks of a semester will be referred with power to the Dean, the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, and the Military Counselor, Of the Department in which he is New Dates of Commencement Week.End registered・ Who will determipe whe血er he might be glVen SPeCial examinations m the work comp量eted, President Daniel L・ Marsh of Boston University an- nounced that by vote of the University Council the date the pass重ng Of which would a量low him full credit in the respective courses. Of the 1942 Commencement has been advanced from June ● 8 to May 25. Thus alumni reunion day wi賞l fall on Co皿ng Events Saturday, May 23; Baccalaureate exercises will be held 霊宝霊宝霊嵩:誓書悪罵O霊鵠’畿書January lO Baske甲- Clark - Edst。n恥。rSity Gymnasium. ′ ̄「 Arena on Monday forenoon, May e5, and Boston Univer- Sity Night a=he Pops in Symphony Hall on Tuesday even量ng, May e6・ In making this change in the calendar, 13 Hockey Game - Boston College - Boston Arena. the University Council also vo七ed to elimina七e completely the Spring vacation. Arrangements are being made for extending what has 14 Baske七ba量l - New Hampshire - Boston University Gymnasium. heretofore been a six weeks Summer Session inもo a twelve Week period of study, being more than one-third of the regular academic year. The puxpose is not only to serve 17 Basketball - W. P. I. - Worcester. Hockey Game - Bowdoin - Brunswick. those who usua11y attend a Universi七y Summer Session, but also to aIIow studen七s already enrolled in the Univer- Sity to shorten their c9urSe by continu量ng WOrk through the summer’and to enable high school graduates to begin February 3 Hockey Game - Dartmouth - Boston Aおena. their University studies a七once・ Thus by studying in the Summer’high school graduates can complete their regular COllege work in three years. This summer work will open 6 Basketball - Colby - Waterville. Hockey Game - Colby - Wa七erville. On Monday’June 29’Wi七h the understanding血at in some Of the Depar七ments openlng may take place a week la七er. The summer term will be divided into two periods of six Weeks each, thus teachers in service may take their usual Summer S七udy period of six weeks. Concemmg the academic standing of students who are Called under the Selective Service Act or who may enlis七, 7 EpSilon Chapter Annual Reunion - See page 14. Wanted for the Library of the College of Liberal Arts the University Council took the followmg aCtion‥ l. Any student in good academic standing whose induction under the Selective Service Act nece.ssitates his Withdrawal from Bos七on University within the last four Weeks of a Semester may reeeive full credit in his COurSeS Of the Semester by pass工ng SPeCial examinations COVering the work comple七ed (excep七in cer七ain pro- The Library of the College of Liberal Arts is in need Of a globe of the world. If anyone would like to donate SuCh a globe to the library pIease communicate with Miss Mabel Bamum, 688 Boylston Street, Boston. College of Business Administration fessional courses, the na七ure or requ]remen七S Of which Alumni C賞ub ma,ke such provision impossible). 念・ Any s七uden七who is induc七ed p7.ひ07. tO the last four Weeks of a semes七er shall receive a refund of payment for tuition proportionate to the part of the Semester remalnlng, m aCCOrdance wi七h the special provisions of the Trustees for Tuition Credits Under Selective Ser- A七a meeting of the Boston University College of Busi- ness Adminis七ration Alumni Club held on November g8, 1941, a七685 Commonweal七h Avenue, Bos七on, O餓cers were e賞ec七ed for the year 1941-1942. Kemeth B. Newton, ’39 Circular and Catalogue issues. If and when the student President Vice-President Treasurer re-enrOlls in the University, he sha11 have the privi量ege Secre七ary Ruby M. Fa重r, ’39 Vice Act published in the Boston Universiもy Bu11etin, Rufus Stickney, ’25 Raymond L. Mannix, ’23 Pαge T御伽かT加の The Frie皿ds of The Library RoBE珊E. M○○D7 In spite of the uncertainties resulting from an after- Woγ短of Ben. Jo7usO仰. A gif七of money from Mrs. noon of reports of air-raid wammgS and of threatened blackouts, the Friends of the Library of the College of Constance Flanders Walker, ’15, has made possible the purchase of a beautiful volume, LIoyd’s H短07.g OJ the I,iberal Arts held its first evemng meeting of the year on Engh8h Hou8e, and of Schriftgiesser’s Fα毒he$・ Tuesday evenlng, December 9’With Professor Elmer A. An inqulry from Judge Elbridge G. Davis言07, COn- Dr. Leslie retumed to Boston in 1940 after having spen七 cemmg VOlumes which the Library would like to own was answered by the Librarian in the usual way-a letter a sabbatical year in a trip around the world・ His was a of appI.eCiation for the interest expressed and the encIosure fascina七ing JOumey and the time allotted him for telling (晋the ti七les of severa工books from which to choose. Judge I.eslie as the speaker. the Friends about it was all too short. His impressions Davis, generous response was the gift of the whole list of Japan were interesting: the eagemess of the people of eigh七 volumes, including the historical novels of tha七Americans should understand the reasons for their バholy war,, agains七China, the friendliness of the s七udents・ Kenneth Roberts. Mrs. Winifred Loverlng-Holman, ’鰯, PreSen七ed sixty- and the power of the national faith, Shin七oism. A trip one volumes. Professor WinsIow Loveland added several into Manchuria and several excursions as far into the in- volumes to previous gifts, including a fine copy of Emma terior of China as conditions allowed occupied several Coleman Lewis’two volume Ne砂Eのglα7rd Oαpめe$ Cαγ一 weeks of Dr. Leslie,s time; this included a ride to the riedわCa棚dα. From Peking came several more volumes, village where the tomb of Confucious is located・ Dr. including some in Chinese from Dr. John C. Ferguson, Leslie spoke also of his interviews in India with Gandhi, Nehru, and the poet Tagore. ow]1 WOrks. Rear Admiral James Duncan MacNair, ’05, Passlng quickly to the nex七main purpose of his tou]-to visit recen七ly excavated Bible si七es-the speaker told ’86, COmPle七ing the Library’s collection of Dr. Ferguson’s presented several volumes, amOng them four of The Pe?棚gねα1誘u Mαgα居れe of捌$toγg. of travelling across the deser七in an air-COnditioned bus. A gift of money from Miss Ethel J. Heath, ’97, made From Turkey Dr. Leslie, Wi七h his wife and son, Went possible the purchase of two recent books, While similar through the Balkans by train to Swi七zerland, then across gif七s from Joseph B. Berry, ’41, and Edward R. Hardy, ‘96, have been expended on wanted i七ems. A previously un-OCCuPied France to the Spanish border’Where they were delayed several days, and finally home by s七eamship unexpended balance of Mrs. Celia Cohen’s gift of last from Lisbon. His audieI堅aSked a number of questions year has been used for books of curren七in七ere,St. The abou七Dr. Leslie’s impressIOnS Of the Orielnt and were sorry Reverend James C. Healey has glVen the twen七y-tWO no=o hear more of the European parもof his joumey. volume London棚me$ H轟0クツO串んe Wα7., a Standard set. A吊en P.M. the mee七ing adjoumed to lis七en to Presi- Mrs. Melville M. Bigelow has presented three letters dent Roosevelt,s address to the nation over the radio of Poultney Bigelow to Melville M. Bigelow, Wri七ten in which had been set in the Library through the kindness Of Dean Taylor. A number of recent additions to the Library collections, 1904 and 1905 and concemmg a COurSe Of lectures to be glVen at Bos七on University. Mrs. Lyman C. Newell, ’90, has glVen a COPy Of Christina Rossetti’s Poem$ in an the gif七s of Friends, Were On display and the President, especialIy choice binding. Several volumes have come Mr. Moody, rePOrted concemmg gif七s since the annual from Miss Clara L. Buswell, ’00. Mi料Helen M. Stevens, ’05, gaVe SeVen VOlumes, including some of Professor mee七ing las七May・ The number of gif七s in this period has been mosもgratifying・ They have been of three types: Newe]l’s published works which we did not have. gifts of books, gifts of money for the purchase of desig- It is pleasant also to record an importan七gift of books na七ed volumes or subscriptions, and gifts of money with- by Professor Joseph N. Haske量l, in memory of Josephine out designation・ Even in the latter case’however, the Pickering Haske11, ’00. To date Professor Haskell has Librarian has made an e鮮or七to purchase i七ems which glVen雛七y volumes, amOng them a most useful copy of would be of especial interest to the glVer. Co七七on Mather’s Mαgl弱毒Cん壷をi Ame7.icα胸, edition of The gift of $100 from Dr. Elihu Gran七, ’98, has enabled 1850. The Library possesses a copy of the first edition the Library to make an advantageous purchase of a large bu七did no七have a copy for reference use. Prince’s number of volumes published by the Columbia University Press. Dr. Grant also completed the Library,s col- Co枕0クD Mα拐e7., and Beveridge’s L#e oJ Maγ$んa均beauti- Cん7'0榊logicαZ励$toγg OJ Neu) E徹glαnd, the D壷iγg Of lection of his works by presenting the volumes of the fully bound in quarter morocco, are Other tiもles selected publications of the Haverford College ArchaeoIogical Expedition to Palestine, Of which he was Director. a’もrandom to indicate the quality of the gift. Space forbids as detailed mention of many other gifts, SO A gift of money from Mrs. Eva Phillips Boyd’,03’has We reCOrd only the names of the glVerS: Amold B. been partially expended on a subscription to an interest- Adelman, ’40; Mary Hinckley Dearmg, ’90; Abigail Lazelle; ing new publishing venture called the Poet o串んe Mo7汚ん Charles A. Rome, Law ’26; Jennie Weir, ’93; and Pro- and on a volume of the Stanford Studies in Literature. fessors William G. Aurelio, ’94, Camillo P. Merlino, Elmer It is hoped tha=he remainder of Mrs. Boyd’s generous gift may be devoted to the purchase of at least some of 七he volumes of the Herford and Simpson edition of the Pαge T粉el旬-Foαr ・ B. Mode, ’15, and Robert E. Moody, ’飽. To all these and to the many others who have shown their friendly interest, the Library ]S mOSt grateful. 1942 Directory of Members of the Boston Universlty Alumni Association HONORÅRY LIFE MEMBERS J. Willard Hayden, 85 Water St., Boston, Mass. Mrs・ Thomas Z. Lee (Floγa PγOひan), 345 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Joseph Richard Taylor・ Fac・, 42 Adella Ave., West Newton, Mass. Wllllam Marshall Warren, A87/G92/Fac., 28 Hawthome Rd., Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Leon Mohill (Soniα Hal少eγin), A32, 45 Spadina Parkway, Pit,t-Sfield, Mass. Mrs. Geor色e E. Monroe (GγaCe Z`hom如On), A12, Pine St., Dover, Mass. Marie Nelson, A23, Quessua, Malanje, Ango]a, Africa Mrs. Lyman C. Newell (Carolγn SlγOng)’A 90, 66 Stedman St., Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Fred L. Newton (Elizabeih Halligan), AO2’35 Westomere Terra,ce, New LIFE MEMBERS Mrs・ James W. Algeo (Sαra MαCCoγmaC鳥), A99, Barrington, R. I. Mrs・ Larz Anderson・ Hon30’``Weld,, Avon St., Brookline, Mass. Martln L. Anderson, B19’60 Horace Rd., Belmont, Mass. Helen E. AylesI P31, 63 Walnut St., SomerⅤille, Mass. London, Conn. Mrs. David D. Nickerson (Ama融,il?SOn), AOl, 74 Rockland St., Malden, Mass. Charles W. Pearson, B22, 71 Pierce Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs・ J. Everett Pearson (GγaCeGγ柳hs) ・ A97, 72 C-eveland St., Arlington, Mass. Myron P. Pe鱈ers, AO5, 74 Pleasant St.’Stoneham’Mass. James C. Pemey, Hon27, 330 West 34th St., New York, N. Y. Ethel R. Baird, All, 50 Johnson St., Waterbury, Conn. Mrs・ John D・ Pまckett (Emice Co砂aクe), B20, 53 Taylor St", Wollaston, Mass. Clara N・ Barber, R&S96, Vjlas Home, P]attsburg, N. Y. Emil M. Reubens, B22, 210 Purchase St., Boston, Mass. Charles A. Rome, L26/ Trustee, 85 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. D. Fletcher Barber (Arienα Manrfeld)● A88, 131 Newtonville Ave., Newton, Mass. Mrs. Miner S. Bates (Lil胸h RobZ,ins), A17, Univ. of Nanking, Nanking, China Eleanor Berg, A13, 8 Silloway St., Dorchester, Mass. Harriet M. Blgelow・ B24' 49 Greenhill Pkwy., Worcester, Mass. Mrs・ Charles E. BoIser (Jna Chit’eγS), A97, 13 N. Park St., Hanover, N. H. Lewis A. Brigham, A13/G17/Fac., 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Charles R・ Brown・ T89, 233 Edwards St., New Haven, Conn. Frances G. Brown, E34, East Jr. H.S., Milton, Mass. Clara L. Buswell' AOO, 10 Rowan St., Dorchester, Mass. Charles H. Cahill・ B16, 162 Hancock St., Cambridge, Mass. Hannah E. Callanan, AO9, 276 Main St., Milford, Mass. James F. Cavanagh, I・11, 1 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Mrs・ Charles H. Chase (Amie Hatch), A97, 39 Lincoln St., Stoneham, Mass. Frederick H. Chasel B21, 493 C St・, S. Boston, Mass. Josephine A. Chase, A98/GOO, Hotel Puritan, Boston, Mass. Bessie L. Cogswell・ AO9・ 149 Princeton Ave., Providence, R. I. Ruby H. Cole, AO6/G33, 36 Sycamore St., Roslindale, Mass. Tessie N. Connelly, B20, 1 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Bertha F. Courtney' A94, Box 65, Conway, N. H. Mary L..Courtney’AO9, Box 65, Conway, N. H. Louls K. Cross, M99, 193 Front St.’Winchendon, Mass. T. Lawrence Davis, Fac/B15, 275 Goddard Ave., Brookline, Mass, Royal K. Dextet.● Jr., B23, 319 Wilder St., Loweうl, Mass. Ruth B. Dle鱈enbach, Mus33, 3 Lincoln Lane, Cambridge, Mass. John H. Du皇an, B35, 16 Winter St., SomerⅤi=e, Mass. George A. Dunn, A89/Trustee, 106 Chestnut St.. Boston, Mass. Mrs. George A. Dunn (Ama脇γγen), A91, 106 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. Ollve Dur合in, A21, 971 State St., Springfield, Mass. Mar色uerite G. English・ G28, 171 Mansfield St., New Haven, Com. Christine B. Evarts, A15’35 Forthin宮ham St.) Milton, Mass. Roy L・ Femald, L27/28/E29/30/G31/B32, Winterport, Maine Mrs. Ralph E. Flles (Haγγie川協s‘ieγ), AO3, 274 Rutledge Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Burdett W. FothergilI・ eXB23, 398 Silver Lane, E・ Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Newton S. Fuller ( Haγγiei PieγCe), A81, 1] 1 Everett Ave., Providence, R. I. Mrs. J. Norman Gledhill (Vera Smiih), B21, 24 Kenmore Rd., Belmont, Mas8. Mrs. Leon O. Gdover (Lelia S妨es)・ A95’486 Brookline Ave・, Boston, Mass. Harold S. Goldberg・ L24/25, 17 Croftdale Rd., Newton Center, Mas8. Ellzabeth Goldsmith・ A95, 661 Forest Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. Geor垂e K. Gordon, AO7/B16, 48 Richardson St., Newton, Mass. M・ Gertrude Gould・ B23, 42 Poplar St., Danvers, Mass. Carrie M. Goulding・ A99・ 163 Waverley Ave., Newton, Mass. Malcolm Y. Samuelian・ B35, 1290 Dorchester Ave.' Dorchester, Mass. Caroline A・ Sawyer’A85・ 48 Mt. Vemon St.’Cambridge, Mass. Helen Schubarth・ B20, 454 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Morrls H. Shepard ( Helen Ma拐n‘o妙, A12, 72 S. Pleasant St., Sharon, Mass. Mrs. Clarence C. Smith (Doγ0‘hy Wellingion), A21, 626 Center St., Newton, Mass. E. Ray Speare・ A94/Trustee, 61 Montvale Rd・, Newton Centre, Mass. John Speirs・ B17, 15 Penhallow St., Dorchester, Mass. Chester J. Strong’B17, 384 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. O. Ivar Svenson・ B21, 1248 RandoIph Ave., Milton, Mass. Kadzuo H. Tanaka・ M18, Inuyama-Cho, Aichiken, Japan Amos L. Taylor’LO3, 40 CouI.t St., Boston, Mass. Rupert N. Taylor● B24, S七erling Junction. Mass. Si封温謀鳩8撞宣豊嵩霊捕捉。n Rd. , R。Way,。n, 。。nn. Ella A. Titus' A92, 109 Glen St., Somerville, Mass. Mrs. Carlton E. Tucker (Lo諦se Poγieγ), A18, 239 SchooI St., Wlitman, Mass. Grace B. Uhl' AOO/LO4・ Fritz Carlton Hotel, 1138 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. C. Kelton Upham・ B21/E29, 413 Columbia Rd・, Dorchester, Mass. Robert K. Wadsworth’B24, 50 Beech St., Framingham, Mass. Harry E. Warren, B25’6 Sheld。n St.’RoslindaIe, Mass. Miriam E. Warren, A22' Chelmsford, Mass. Mrs. Shields Warren (Alice Sかin訪eld), A18, 301 Otis St., West Newton, Mass. Mrs・ William B. Webster (Amie CαγneS)・ AOO, 223 Ximeno St., Long Beach, Calif. FIorence I. Webster, A96, 25 Summer St.1 Haverhill, Mass. Mrs. John H. Welch (Mαγγ勤man)・ AO3, 153 Elmwood Rd・, Swampscott. Mass. 凝議謂盤親愕菟嵩ぼ書霊鳥書誌等基盤諒na。 a Dorothy T. Wilder, A21/G26, 52 Frost Ave., Melrose, Mass. Llllまan T. Wilkins・ A97/GO6, Main St., Lynnfield Center, Mass. Eva H. Williams’AO4, 1 Craigie St., Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. George A. Wilson (脇砂ved耽γγen), A91/G94, 6 Newport Rd., Cambridge, Mrs. Henry O. Woodward (Rubie Miller) ’A15, 60 Blanchard Place, Gardner, Mass. Mrs. Rufus J・ vyyCkoff (Amα Bγ00fゆ, A97, 844 Malcolm Ave., West L。S Ang。l。8. Calif. Rosa E. Yeomans・ E24/26’118 Atlantic Ave., Revere, Mass. Irene Zahn・ A13/G15/23’507 Washington St., Dorchester, Mass. *No address on record. James S. Gove, B17・ 122 Linooln St.’Newton Highlands, Mass. REGULAR MEMBERS Mrs. Frank P. Graves (Helen T陶dst”0γih), A91, 56 S. Swan St., Albany, N. Y. Prince Tarwin Guptarak・ B23, Anawongse Rd・, Bangkok, Siam Mrs・ Geor色e D・ Hanchett (Geoγgia rhomかo桝), AO9, Glen St., Natick, Mass. ふ帝劇が劇に油日弓l Emily K. Herron・ A90’585 Osceola St., W inter Park, FIorida Mary E. Hickey・ B20/33, 133 Westboume Terrace, Brookline, Mass, G. Albert Hi鈍ins, A20/’∫23, 94 Franklin St., Greenfield, Mass. Alma G. Hi11, P34, Rye Centre, N.岨. Nathan Ho鮭man・ B26・ 363 17th St", Santa Monica, Calif. Mrs. Samuel M. HoIway (Agnes Chose)・ A91, 122 Neal St., Portland, Maine Fred C. Hosmer・ A97- 13 Arlington St., Somerville, Mass. Caroline G. Howe・ A94, 76 Halsted St・● E. Orange, N. J. 雑器曹窪轟認諾譜葦聾艦霊,鴇㌍ Ave.・ Cambridge. MaB8 Mrs. Frederic A・ Knight (Maγio” B初亙feld), A85, 67 12th Ave., Columbu8, Ohio Ed象ar R. Lacouture・ B18・ 100 Anawan Ave., West Roxbury, Mass. W. H. Lahtl' B24’201 Devonshire St ' Boston, Mass. 蕊蕊持碁暑蔑(認定紫盈紳藍耗誤親書0弛・重。W種 Thomas F. Locke・ eXL26' 260 Main St., Biddeford, Maine *Mr8. Hazel Smlth Lo鮒er, B17. Harry L. London’B25' 3 Howard Ave., Attleboro, MasB, Ethel B. Lord’A121 4 Ceロtral St., Methuen, Mass. Au亀ustus P. Lorln色, Tr.・/exL, 82 Devonshire St” Boston, Mass. Eileen McCarthy. A17, 175 Put調m St., Quincy, Mass. Mrs. Phillp H・ McCrum (Doγis DγCγ), A24' 15 Fairlawn Ave., South Portland. Maine Ruth E. McIntlre, A25, West Brookfield, Mass. Foster E. Aaron・ E41・ 36 Fourth St., Bangor, Maine Rena Abbott・ R&S40' 234 Broad St., Oneida, N. Y. Thomas J. Abemethy・ E34/4Q’23 Marden St., Cranston, R. I. Allen Abrahams' A36/M40同午orrisania Hospital, Bronx, N. Y. Kalla L. Abrahams・ G41’127 Fay Ave., Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Aldrlch Abrahamson (Viole‘ M・ MacLean), P40, 125 French Ave., Brookton. Ma綿. Davld ÅDrams・ B40・ 70 Marshal St" BrookIine. Mass. Jacob J. Abrams' M22・ 562 Shirley St., Winthrop, Mass, Fisher Åbram8On・ L20・ 392 Hawthorne St., New Bedford, Mass. Eleanor Ackerman・ Sar40' 666 Springfield Ave.) Summit, N. J. 灘・鰯若輩謹瑞蕊観象詑‡盤†・ Y・ FIorence L. Adam8, Mus41’583 Massasoit Rd.' Worcester, Mass. Franklln L. Adams’AOO, 1214 Michigan Ave., Washington, D. C. Jean A. Adam8' E4l・ 45 Kingsley Ave.’Rutland, Vermont Margaret L. Adams・ A34/G39・ 160 Ret’reat Ave., Hartford, Conn. Wllllam O. Adams・ eXB, P. O・ Box l143, Cristobal, Panama, Canal Zone Howard E. Adamy, T41' N. Towanda Parsonage' R. F. D. No. 1, Towanda, Pa. Ruth Adden・ P4l・ 284 Summer Ave.' Reading, Mass. Sa▼erlo J. Adducl' L40' 64 Norton St., Dorchester, Mass. 離籍轟t錨駕虚器韓鴇l謡討豊8 ・ E8telle Aftuck, P40・ 19 Summer St., Hudson, Mass. He重en F. Agnew・ E41・ 59 James St., East Providence, R. I. 認諾罷譜豊轟謹認諾薄嘉穂詑霊誓monC NIchola8 S・ Alello, L41, 654 Grafton St.' Worcester, Mass. Florence E. Albee' E41' 17 Richwood St.1 West Rorfeury, Ma朗. 謹ま書聖豊盤,(圭駕罷艶盤s,., 。,。u。。S凶M。S。. 醒籠欝欝護競業慧 盗謹?麗豊護簿路盤詑撞球豊親書畠・ 詣盤籍齢箪端数寓藍等霊霊鴇" J. Oll▼e B. MacPherson・ G38・ 367 Medford St., Somerville, Mass. Bessle M. Mlller' AO3∴113 Union St.., Ca]ais, Maine Edmonla Ålexander' eXA. McLean Hospital, Waverley, Mass. ▲8a S. Allen' Fac/L17. 10O Milk St., Boston, M髄S. Pαge如タの切・Fあ` Clarence E. Allen. E40, 78 Linfield St., Holbrook, Mass, Vera Baharlan, R&S40, 9 Cotta答e St., Worcest,er, Maas. Frand8 S. Allen, B25/E39, 20 Bea田mont St., Rumford, R. I. Estelle Bailen, E41 , 6 Washington Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Frank G. Allen, Tr/HON38, Norwood, Mass. Allce R. Ba11ey. E40, 1230 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Jean S. Ållen, eXP, Lebanon St., Hanover, N. H. Mar色ery L. Balley, E41, 1 SchooI St., Lonsdale, R. I. Raymond D, A11en, B21, 120 Broadway, R. 2735, New York, N. Y. Emest C. Alllson, G40, Box 347, Bass River, Mass. Redmond J. Allman, C40, 97 Buttonwood St., Dorchester, Mass. Wllllam C. Allshouse, G41, Canadian Nazarene College, Red Deer, Alberta,, Canada Mrs. Wi皿am C. Allshouse (MaγCellα 脇C烏ershαm), G40, Canadian Nazarene College, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Maud T. Balley, E25, 381 Farm Ave., Hartford, Conn. Mr8. Mervyn J. Balley (Helen M. Far%'en). A15, 27 Central Terrace, Auburndale, Mass. Norman S. Balley, A40/G41, 40 Union Park, Boston, Mass. 難詰諮監護嵩諸富認諾悪霊藍擬㌫. Y. He重bert Allum. B20, 84 Woods Rd., West Medford. Mass. Arnold B. Baker, B38, 16 Sturtevant St., Norwich, Conn. Ålf重ed S. AIperin, B40, 33 Burrage Rd., Newton, Mass. Da▼ld Å. Baker, L40, 69 Burtt St., Lowel], Ma輔. Mrs. Alfred S. AIperin (月diih S. Lon鳥), B41, 33 Burrage Rd., Newton, Mass. Frank M. Baker, eXTll, 2416 East Ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio Georさe AIpert, L18, 18 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. I重vlng Baker, B40, 7 Carlisle StっRoxbury, Mass. John J. AIshelmer, eXB27, 12 Allerton St., Plymouth, Mass. Newton S. Baker, C40, 88 Audubon Rd., Milton, Mass. Robert J. Baker, A4l, 49 Dartmouth Ave., East Dedham, Mass. Norman AIpert, E40, 94 Elm St,, Chelsea, Mass. Ruth M. AIstrom, P39. 185 Ohio Ave., West Springfield, Mass. Frances E. Alter, E41, 91 Woodchester Drive, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Joseph Alter, L41. 90 Watts St., Chelsea, Mass. Milton S. Altshuler, B39, 252 Corey Rd., Brighton, Mass. Katherlne C. Baker, E40, 121 Allston St., West Medford, Mass. Wllllam C. Baker, B34, 80 Pine Wood Rd., Needham, Mass. Anthony J. Balchunas, B41, 27 York St., Hartford, Conn. Dorlc Al▼lanl, Mus37/E41, 395 South Pleasant St., Amherst, Mass. Raymond C. Baldes, Fac/L20/A23/L38, 11 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. Jane T. Baldwln, P41. 28 Davis St., Wollaston, Mass. Theodore T. Ambadgls, A40, 102 Tremont St., New Bedford, Mass. Edwln M. Ballen色er, B40, 42 Baltimore St., Hartford, Conn. Cha章Ies C. Amendt, T18/G24, 190 Tokezoecho 2 Chome, Seoul, Korea Verna B. Ames, E29/40, 18 Harrington St., Belmont, Mass. Walter F. Åmes, Jr., C41, 55 Great Pond Rd., South Weymouth, Mass. Walter R. Amesbury, B21, Lasell Junior Co11ege, Auburndale, Mass. Gerard T. Åmirian, Mus41, 31 Grove St., Boston, Mass. Joseph Amodeo, A41, 825 Fifth St., San Diego, Calif. Paul L. Amon, B41, 228 Beach St., Wollaston, Mass. John T. Anagnoson, B40, 33 Mayfield Rd., Belmont, Mass. Joseph AnastasIo, B40, L-3-7-M. B., New River, N. C. Walter H. Andersen, E35, 51 Michigan Ave., Providence, R. I. Mrs. A. Maud Anderson, eXRE22, 440 West St., Braintree. Mass. Charles H. Anderson, L40, R. F. D. 1, Moosup, Conn. Donald L. Anderson. M40, Eastern Maine General Hospital. Bangor, Maine Dorothy M. Anderson, A30, 11 Orchard St., Belmont, Mass. 詑悪霊怨霊龍灘藍認諾嵩藩溶豊輯霊: Boston’Mass. Eu色ene R. Balsley, G38/T40, 435 State St., West Lafayette, Ind. Marguerlte C. Bancroft, E41, 160 Oakleigh Rd., Newton, Mass. Ottllle M. Banks, RE38/G41, 62 Front St., Walpole, Mass. Mary E. Bannon, E40, 7 Muller Ave., North Cambridge, Mass. EIvlra M. Barbadora, L41, 64 Verchild St., Quincy, Mass. Genevleve M. Barclay, A40, Sinnemahoning, Pa. Morton P. Barenboim, B40, 527 Haverhill St., Lawrence. Mass. Mrs. Thomas M. Barkley (VeJ・a mldeタ3), Sar28, R. F. D. 2, Boonton, N. J. Albert J. Barlow, A15, Box 1072, University Station, Charlottesville, Va. Shlrley L. Barlow, P40, 65 Gardner St., Allston, Mass. Geor色e L. Barnes, LOO, 209 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Ralph H. Barnes, eXB, Walker St., Lenox Dale, Mass. W]lllam H. Barnes, G39, Manassas Industrial School, Manassas, Va. Wllllam B. Barnett, B27, Lakev.ille, Con重l. Fred D. Barnev, B17, 7255 West Greenleaf Ave., Chicago, I11. Rose C. Baro, E40, Wenda]l St., Barre, Mass. Mr8. Fred Å. Anderson (R初h E. Messeγ), A37/M40, 61 Hastings St., West Hen重y J. Baron, eXL98, 805 Mi11s Building, EI Paso, Texas Roxbury, Mass. Harold E. Anderson, B24, 91 Woodside Rd,, Medford, Mass. Mrs. John P. Ba調eS ( HαZel E. Weimoγe), RE22/G28, 11 Palmer St., Watertown, Mass. James W. Ånderson, C40, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FIorida Elleen Barrett, E40, 2 Trowbridge Terrace, Cambridge, Mass. Jean M. Anderson. Mus4l, 102 Harlow St,, Arlington, Mass. M重s. Joseph D. Barrett (Viγginia M. Biddle), G40, 87 Bank8 Rd., Swampscott, Dorothy F. Åndrews, A37, 161 Union St., Holbrook, Mass. Mass. Marlon H. Barrett, E40, Whiting BIook, Nashua, N. H. Mrs. Harold D. Andrews (Mαγio’!Faiγbo巌s), A12, 2 Grand ViewAve., Concord, N. H. Raymond F. Barrett, Iノ25, 33 Broad St., Boston, Mass. A章ma E. Andon, eXB, 62 Clifford Ave., Pelham, N. Y. Joseph W. Andrews, E41, 134 Main St., Watertown, Mass. Walter H. Barrett, B39/L40, 19 Hancock St., Lexington, Mass. Mrs. Charles F. An色e11, Jr.. (Beγ脇αSibleγ), eXA, 108 Ward St., Chestnut Hill, Mass. Albert W. Barrls, eXB, 21 Howard St,, Pitts丘eld, Mass. Jeny R. Anglno, E41, 303 Nahanton St., Newton Center, Mass. Lllla L. Annls, E40, Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii Ruth E. Ånnls, E41, Julia Ward Howe School, Revere, Mass. Sldney Annls, B40, 36 Whitman St., Dorchester, Mass. Amella E. Anthony, A26, 50 Crescent Pl., Yonkers, N. Y. David B. Anthony, B41, 7 West Weir St,, Taunton. Mass. Erma L. Barron, E41, 24 Selkirk Rd., Brighton, Mass. Paul A. Barron, L41, 119 Tonawanda St., Dorchester, Mass. Earl Barrows, E40, 370 Chestnut Hill Ave., Brookline, Mass. 重rvlng M. Barrows, B40, 87 Houston Ave., Milton, Mass. Mlldred K. Ba調OWS, E33, 162 Francis St., New Britain, Conn: A色nes E. Barry, E25/27, 1961 Commonwealth Ave., Brighton, Mass. Mrs. Thaddeus Anzolut (Edm Riche13bαCheγ), Sar20, Ashby, Mass. Davld M. Barry, B34, 229 Gano St., Providence, R. I. Joseph M. Bany, eXB, 4 Brookvale St., Dorohester, Mass. Allce R. Appenzeller, HON37, Scarrett College, Nashville, Tenn. Joseph T. Ba重富y, L40, 50 Marble St., Stoneham, Mass. Narda D. Ånti, E40, Home Park, North Plymouth, Mass. Janet E. Åpperson, G40, 10 River Rd., Mattapoisett, Mass. Albert Aranson, M41, 1408 Commonwealth Ave., Brighton, Mass. Vlncent Barry, Jr., L41, 134 Bates Ave., Quincy, Mass. Walter F. Barry. E40, 14 Bromfield Rd., West Somerville, MaβS. Bertha M. Arey, E34/G39, 67 Chase St., Hyannis. Mass. Wl111am J. Barry, B40, Y. M. C. A., Portland, Maine Wllllam J. Barry, B41, 49 Farragut Rd., South Boston, Mass. MIchael J. År色eros, A39/G40, 58 Central St., Peabody, Mass. Mlld重ed S. Bartlet, A重l, 543 Eastem Ave., East Lynn, Mass. H血am J. Årcher, eXAO5, River St., Middleboro, Mass. Anさelina A. Argus, Sar41, 29 Bartlett Crescent, Brookline, Mass. Edward A. Bartlett, B29/E41, 44 Livingstone Ave., Beverly, Mass. Bessle G. Argus, A41, 29 Bartlett Crescent, Brookline, Mass. Mrs. William Bartlett (Helen∴S. Faγ靴)ell), E40, Maintenance Department, Anthony J. Armentano, B39/L41, 301 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. Joseph J. Armoush, A40, 307 Hunt St., Central Falls, R. I. Edith B. Armstron色, A15, 10a Columbia St., Brockton, Mass. FIorence E. Armstron色, G41, 18 Simpson Rd., Ardmore, Pa. Priscllla Årmstrong, A41, 928 East Fourth St., South Boston, Mass. Charlotte L. Arne, Sar39/E40, Converse Rd., Marion, Mass. Gordon D. Amold, A41, 750 Main St., Reading, Mass. Phebe Arnold, E41, 41 Waldo St., Pawtucket, R. I. Willard B. Arnold, E40, 750 Main St,, Reading, Mass. Martin A. Arslanian, G40, 541 State St., Springfield, Mass. Fannle L. Åshley, B25/G41, Wildwood Place, Natick, Mass. N. Y., N. H., & H. R.R., New Haven, Conn. William W. Bartlett, A34, 222 Pleasant St., Fall River, Mass. Frank E. Barton, Fac/M24, 68 Colbert Rd., West Newton, Mass. MIchael J. Batal, L21, 301 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass. Richard Batchelder, B40, 1195 South St,, Portsmouth, N. H. Sally Batchelder, AlO, 24 Central Ave., Danvers, Mass. Beatrice L. Bates, A18, 134 Spring St., Rockland, Mass. W. Russell Battersby, A40, 20 Walnut St., Everett, Mass. Emma B. Battis, E40, 10 Holmes St., Braintree, Mass. Rosemarie Batty, P41, 5 Johnson Ave., Wakefield, Mass. Thelma E. Battye, R&S40, 245 Broadway, Arlington, Mass. Gerson Askinas, B36/L40, 1515 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Mass. Vahe Aslanian, Mus40, 8 Hillcrest Circle, Watertown, Mass. Vlr色inia A. Bauer, E41, 16 Pine St.. Greenwood, Mass. Joseph A. Åspero, L40, 35 Oak Ave., Worcester, Mass. Bruce R. Baxter, T17, 225 Southwest Broadway, Portland, Oregon Mrs. Edward H. Atherton (CaγOnne Sきone), A84/G86, 22 Aldworth St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mrs. Henry V. Åtherton (Barbaγa BeαCh), G41, 50 Cedar Lane Way, Boston, Mass. Weston H. Atherton, E31, Sagamore, Mass. Kel8ey C. Atticks, B17, 51 Daniel St., Newton Center, Mass. Harriet W. Atwood, P36/G39, 1 Pleasant St., Plymouth, N. H. Walter S. Atwood, AO9, 535 Hillside Ave., Palisades Park, N. J. Mrs. Walter S. Atwood (E巌obeih Goγdon), AO4/GO5, 1008 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. Grace E. Auburn, exA21, 34 Park St., Wakefield, Mass. Domenico Åuclello, A41, 143 River St., Cambridge, Mass. Mildred G. Auger, E41, 39 Pleasantview Ave., Longmeadow, Mass. Alice August, P39, North Main St., Charlestown, N. H. Donald Au色ust, B40, 156 Crescent St., Northampton, Mass. Gertrude M. Åugust, B40, 81 Maple St., Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Warren O. Åult (Mッγi′e W叛ock), A29/G31, 22 Fairlee Rd., Waban, Mass. Wllllam G. Aurelio, Fac/A94, 5 Euston St., Brookline, Mass. Homer S. Baumgardner, eXT19, 212 East Cassilly St., Springfield, Ohio Charles W. Bayley, Jr., A41, 27 Alden St., Whitman, Mass. Curtis Beach, ’I‘41, Unitarian Church, Middleboro, Mass. Norton L. Beach, B38/E40, 12 Hayden Row, Hopkinton, Mass. Otls Beach, G39/T40, 636 Pille St., Manchester, N. H. Raymond K. Beals, G41, South Vienna, Ohio Dorls P. Bean, P40, Westbrook Junior College, Portland, Maine FIorence O. Bean, E22/G26, 398 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. EIsie M. Beatt]e. exRE23, 32 High St., C/o Parker, Goffstown, N. H. Kenneth W. Beatty, G41, 207 Cedar Ave., Moundsville, W. Va. Raoul H. Beaudreau, LO6, 151 Rutledge Rd., Belmont, Mass. Ludlle A. Beaulieu, P40, 202 Hildreth St., Lowe11, Mass. Josephine L. Beccia, A40, 15 Como Court, Milford, Mass. Geor9e Beckerman, B40, 91 Maple St., Roxbury, Mass. Leslie W. Beckwith, Jr., B38, 4 Winthrop St., West Newton, Mass. Mrs. Cli鱈ord J. Bedore, Jr. (Ruih Paddoc鳥), Sar39, 236 East McLeod Ave., Iron- wood, Michigan. Charles F. Be色g, A35, 164 Walker St., Falmouth, Mass. Mrs. Walter Aures (Elizabeih rouγ0柄R&S40, 493 Northampton St., Buffalo, N. Y. Rlta P. Belanger, B41, 24 Bridge St., Littleton, N. H. Thomas D. Austin, L12, 161-19 Jamaica Ave., Bar Building, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. Sebastian C. Avellino, B41, 62 Clare Ave., Roslindale, Mass. Richard G. Belcher, RE37/T40, 29 Holden St., New Bedford, MasB. David L. Belding, Fac/M13, 7 Charles River Square, Boston, Mass. E]lzabeth M. Belkus, P33/B41, 24 Banks St., Brockton, Mass. Alfred A. Averill, Jr., E40, Blake School, Hopkins, Minn. Keith T. Avery, G39, Box 33, Evarts, Mich. Stanley M. Awramik. M40, 35 Vine St., Lynn, Mass. Chrlstine M. Ayars, A16/E32, 118 Griggs Rd., Brookline, Mass. Lucy E. Ayer, G32, 2 Cabot St., Winchester, Mass. Mlldred A. Ayers, E29/41, 4 Walter Terrace, Somerville, Mass. Leonard P. Ayres, AO2/GO9/10, Chief, Statistical Dept., U. S. A. Headquarters, Washington, D. C. Hu色h W. Babb, Jr., B41, 67 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. Ralph W. Babb, E30/33, 29 Basset St., Lynn, Mass. Ruth E. Babb, P22, 16 Harrison St., Newton Highlands, Mass. Chloe B. Bachelor, eXB20, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass. Harry E. Back, A92, 120 Main St., Danielson, Conn. Dorothy L. Backus, E41, 708 Edgewood Place, Kirkwood, Missouri Mrs. Donald Bad色er (Geraldine Jen扉ngs), Sar40, Waverley, Mass. Pαge T砂e寂び-S窮 Courtenay W. Bell, A41, C/o L. H. Be11, A. F. R. T. C., Fort Knox, Kentucky Mrs. George W. Bell (Peaγl Chase), eXA97, 37 Lincoln St., Stoneham, Ma的. Walter C. Bell, Fac, 186 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 35, Boston, Mass. FIorence E. Bemveau, A22/G41, 37 Webber St,, Malden, Mass. Byard C. Belyea, E40, 6 South Washington St., Whitman, Mass. Gertrude M. Belyea, E40, 406 Belmont Ave.. Springfield, Mass. Laurance R. Bemls, B40, 19 Rockland St., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Howard D. Bemiss, E40, Canastota, N. Y. Helen Benard, G41, 9 Trafton Rd., Springfield, Mass. Thelma Benjamln, P40, 280 Pleasant St., Brockton, Mass. Lorralne W. Benner, E41, 34 Dorset St., Springfield. Mass. Mary L. Bennett, Sar40, 70 Hudson Ave.. Haverstraw, N. Y. Theresa M. Benotti, A40/G41, 188 Merriam St., Weston, Mass. Hanv L. Benson, A33/M36, 31 Church St., Winchester, Mass. Ethel M. Bentley, E38/41, 75 Stults Rd., BelmOnt, Mass. Jay R. Benton' Lll’160 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. A. S. Berberian (Be砂C“dq4,Oγ’h)・ E40, 41 Usher Place, Bristo】, R. I. Wllllam Berenberg・ M40・ 157 Congress Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Stan山ey B. Berenson・ IJ40・ 101st Infantry, Co. B, Fort Bragg, N. C. Jo8ePh M. Ber色・ L40’230 Vemont Ave.' Providence, R. I. 蒜謹・葺籠註解持続嵩常盤蒜叫Mass. Morton S. Berk・ M40, 78 Wauwinet Rd.’West Newton, Mass. Samuel H・ Berkowまtz, A41’12 Fowler St.’Dorchester, Mass. Benjamln L. Berman・ L14' 46 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Maine Helen Berman・ E4l’19 Mt. Vemon St., Malden, Mass. Helen H. Berman, A40, 33 Wenonah St.’Roxbury, Mass. Jacob H. Berman, LOO・ 85 Exchange St.’Port]and, Maine Mllton C. Berman, B40・ 75 McLellan St.1 Dorchester. Mass. 遊謹雑誌総箪盈認諾藍繋藍約諾暗0Ⅹb叩・ Mass・ Mrs. Israel Bemsteln (Rebeccα Thurman)・ L17/18, 184 BoIton St., Port】and, Maine Arthur B. Benesford・ M35・ Sheldon Court, Ithaca, N. Y. Ance C. Berriman. P36, Duxbury, Mass. Agnes E. Beny・ E40, 152 Allen St.・ Springfield, Mass. 書誌輯掃豊豊浦l端盤喜nnis P。.,, Mass. Grace L. Berry・ E38’124 Ross Rd・, Schenectady, N. Y. 義認叢盤豊龍轟擬紫。。nn. Mrs. Marlon MacL∞d Bertenshaw・ Fac/E37/G39, 270 Bay State Rd., Boston, Edlth Boutillette' P41' 4 Norman Rd., Melrose, Mass. Thomas J. Bouvler, eXL21' 463 Broad St., Windsor, Conn. Anthony E. Bove,工AO, 560 Chapel St・, New Haven, Conn. E▼erett F. Bowden, B26, 10 Shetland Rd・, Marblehead, Mass. Mrs. Gordon T. Bowden (M・動en Be‘γ脇Ideγ)・ G40, 134a Brattle St., Cambridge, Mas亀. Ella L. Bowe’G41, 27 Gladstone St., Providence, R. I. Harold G. Bowen, B22’9 Argyle St., Andover, Mass. Ralph L. Bowen. E36・ 26 Kenwood TerI`ace章Springfield, Mass. Ollve R. Bowker’A40, 63 Prince St., Needham, Mass. A重nOld E. Bowlby, B40’51 Westem Ave., Lynn, Mass. Walter D・ Bowlby● E41’161 South Main St., Franklin, N. H. Charles E. Bowman. B18, Girard College’Philadelphia, Pa. Harold M. Bowman, Fac", 97 Annawan Rd., Waban, Mass. Joan H. Bowser, B39, 15 Park St., Wakefield, Mass. Setrak K. Boyajian, eXG26, P. O. Box 973, Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Herbert D. Boyd (Eua Ph脇的・ AO3’9 Revere St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Hope E. Boyd, E41, 33 Park St., Malden, Mass. 害悪義持鴇整案患諾浩説蕊揚龍控討Ⅴ。m。n七 Eleanor F. Boyer● E41’18 Fruit St., Milford, Mass. Margaret M. Boyle, E41, 68 Central Ave., Revere, Mass. 監護豊講謹欝鵠蒜鶉読競業aS S ・ Geor容e A. Brackett・ Jr., B38’259 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Howard Brackett, L40, Houlton, Maine Mrs. Angelo P. Bertoccl (Ail雄αu鳥on鋤)・ A28/G40’370 College St.,Lewiston, Mary A. Bradbury. Lll, 380 Main St., Saco, Maine Eleanor M. Bradley, E30/G41, 93 Beach St., Revere, Mass. 苫露盤語薄拭欝艶琵誌薄塩聴許ass・ Emest A. Bra製, Jr., A39/L40, 17 South Main St., Milford, Mass. VIola S. Berzln・ L41・ 152 Plymouth St., Bridgewater, Mass. Estelle L. Berzon・ P40・ 418 Norfolk St., Dorchester, Mass. Sldney M. Beserosky・ L40・ 132 Cottage St., New Bedford, Mass. 欝.轟認諾欝欝籠鵜。m。n,s 。ni。n, Fa.1 Riv。., Mass. Shlrley Blddl8On, Sar36・ 6 St. Martin's Rd., Baltimore, Md. Bemard Blllnsky’M27・ 6413 Forest Ave.1 Ridgewood, Brooklyn, N. Y. Audrey A. Bill- M41タWayland, Mass. Jack B. B1重職n色s・ eXB20・ 139 Beaconsfield Rd・, Brookline, Mass. John C. Bills, III, L40, Geneva, FIorida. Åbraham I. Blnder・ M40・ 50 Parker St., Chelsea, Mass. Eugene Blnder・ A40・ 30 Ipswich St., Boston, M的s. FIorence W. Blrchard’A99・ 108 Marion St., Brookline, Mass, 藍落盤討認薯鑑謹罵嘗忠霊恕Mass ・ Charles A. BIsbee, Jr., exB, Chesterfield, Mass. Wallace F. Blther● E41, Wareham, Mass. Samuel Blx・ B40, 22 Henry Ave., Lynn, Mass. 龍羅蕊羅習淋龍藍譜課柴山Mass. Emma Å・ Bjomson・ Sar41・ 19 Webster Place, West Newton, Mass. FIorence I. Bradley' E40・ 18 Beacon Ave.1 Newburyport, Mass. Robert L. Bra襲・ G38・ Agricultural and Mechanical College' Tallahassee, FIorida Wllllam E. Bragner, E40’17 Union St., Windsor, Vt. Nellle M. Bralthwalte, E34' 68 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. Jean E. Branch, E40, 167 Summit St・, WilIimantic, Com. Geor容e C・ Branche' M23' V. A. Facility, Tuskegee, Alabama Paul E. Brassard, IJ40, 176 Warren St.’Framingham, Mass. Wamen K・ B富auCher, SW4l’20 Lime St., Boston, Mass. Roland E. Brault. B41・ Air Corps Advanced Flying School, Valdosta, Goorgia Carl L. Braun’Jr.' B41' 20 Arbor Rd., Lowell, Mass. Gertrude Brayman, E40, 8 Garland St., Chelsea, Mass. Allan P. Breed● B40, 760 Main St.’Winchester, Mass. James M. Brelner, L4l' 111 Poplar St., Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs: M・ G. Breitkreutz (Mαγlho J・ SiiγO)・ G30・ Talcott Notch Rd., Farmington, 磐曇諾・豊豊富認諾監禁器嵩・揺譜龍誓S・ John A. Brennan, L23/E37, 31 Tumer St.. Brighton, Mass. Robert J. Breman’M41・ Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington, D. C. Louls BrennerタA40, 1 Ballou Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Wllliam Bresnick● B41, 120 Boylston St., Malden, Mass. Milton Bressack. B40・ 28 Littel Rd・, C/o Chauncy, Brookline, Mass. Alan B. Bresslln・ E40・ 16 Washington Ave・, Westport, Conn. Barbara S. Brett, G41’96 Fletcher Rd・, Belmont, Mass. Mrs. Albert B. Black (Et,e母n Ho枇′e), A98, 45 Main St., Concord, Mass. Chesley C・ Brettl eXB’56 Irving St.. Somerville, Mass. Mary A. Brewer・ E41・ 41 Middlebrook Rd.. West Hartford, Conn. 雑認諾誹琵蕊葦鴇轟救荒。 S,., N。W,。nVil,。, M。SS. Elisha H. Brewster・ L96, 240 Washington Boulevard, Springfield, Mass. VIva M. Blackburn・ E40・ 87 Shore Drive, Winthrop, Mass. Harold F. Blackwood● L26, West Pembroke, Maine Geor合e A. Blalr・ Jr.・ B41・ 226 Court Rd., Winthrop Mass. Robert O. Blalr・ L40, 48 Nahant St., Lynn, Mass. Wllllam T. Blair’B39’16 GiImore St.1 Raynham, Mass. Perley E. Blalsdell' E40, Box C; Waverley, Mass. Hubert M. Blake・ B30, 140 Federal St., R. 330, Boston, Mass. John M. Blake・ B41’BristoI St., Damariscotta' Maine Phyllis E. Blake・ A4l, 32 Oak Tree Rd・, Dedham, Mass. RIchard F. Blake・ E41, High School, Wells River, Vermont Mrs. Howard B. Blakeley (Ma’joγie F. Beme‘’), Sar36, 1119 New Boston Rd., 翌楽聖晋翫・箪!欝鑑雑葦雷議‡憩an・ Mass・ 冨瀦豊豊艶羅薄こ彊霊務で恕豊笥. H. Mrs. H. P. Blankenburg (DoγisM・助n5'On)・ SaI.39. 26 Hillside Ave., Tenaf】y, N. J. Evelyn Blasenak・ P24' Rye Country Day SchooIs, Rye, N. Y. Wllliam M. Blatt・ L97’43 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Charles E. Bleller・ E40, 64 High St., Everett, Mass. Dorothy H. Blewett・ eXP24・ 188 Hollingsworth Ave.’South Braintree, Mass. 盤鴇記載艶置晶霊薄黒喜龍霊Mass ・ Harry W. BIock・ G40・ 155 Maxwe-1 Ave.’Geneva, N. Y. Robert E. Block・ M40・ Queen,s General Hospital, Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y. Helen L. Blois・ A41, 56 West Main St., Westboro, Mass. Raymond E. BIois・ B36/G41' 385 Edgel] Rd", Framingham, Mass. Charles H. BIood’B41・ 92 Sewall Ave., Brookline, Mass. Edlth V. BIood, E41・ 54 Pleasant St・, Medfield, Mass. Åbraham BIoom・ M23' 217 Cross St., Malden, Mass. Eleanor BIossom, E41' Box 92, Carlisle, Mass. Ruth Blumenstlel・ eXSar26’666 Prospect Ave.’Hot Springs, Arkansas Belden G. Bly・ E40’25O Salem St., Revere, Mass. Mary Bobick・ P39, 38 Russell Ave.’Nashua, N. H. Katherlne Bodon’Sar40, 26 RemlngtOn St", Stamford, Conn. Ruth P. Boehner. E41, 35 Elm St., Webster, Mass. Clarice B. Bohrer, E40’76 Sprague St., Malden, Mass. Sawyer K. BoIsvert, B41’110 Commercial St., Adams, Mass. Frances M. Boles・ Sar40・ 57 Sound Beach Ave., Old Greenwich, Conn. Frances E. Bolger' E40・ 64 Albemarle St., SpI.ingfield, Mass. Stella M. Bombad・ B40' 68 Downer Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Lawrence Bongiovanni・ E38/39/40 , 292 Court St., Plymouth Mass. Richard O. Bonin・ B4l・ 123 June St., Worcester, Mass. Comelia R. Bonsi色nore, Sar41, Lake Placid Club, N. Y. Rhoda L. Boone・ E41・ 1823 Dorchester Ave", Ashmont, Mass. 託霊よ書籍罵/議乍親藩貌豊能豊S血, N. Y. Sherwln T. Borden’eXB・ Sears Roebuck, 615 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Ollndo F. Borghesanl・ E41・ 289 Court St., Plymouth, Mass. Janet A. Bomho鱈t, P40’36 Jackson Rd., Belmont, Mass. 諾謹豊鞘瑠荘鵠語豊許諾藍普請ss. Mrs・ Robert W. Bourke (Beαf庇e Hobeγman), A31’104 Union St., East Walpole, Mass. George Boume・ L16’25 Northampton st., Berkeley, Calif. Mrs. Å・ Whitney Boutelle (Mαγγ Bαγlleii), A36, Townsend, Mass. Haro重d N. Brewster・ M31・ Methodist Mission, Foochow, China Henry G. Brickman・ E39, 1648 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Arthur L・ Brldgham・ A93, 901 Municipal Building, Brooklyn, N. Y. F. Nelson Brldgham・ AlO’174 Westford Circle, Springfield, Mass. Barton E. Bri色合s・ M41’1179 San Benito St., Hollister, Calif. J. Bmmons Bri鈍s' Fac/Tr/M90・ 436 Fourteenth Ave・, N.E. , St. PeterBburg, FIoridr Mrs. LIoyd G. Bri製s (Viγginia Bγiggs), L37, 141十虹-78 Rd., Kew Gardens, Long Island, N. Y. Thelma H. Brl製s・ E41・ 36 Cherry St., Danvers, Mass. Paul T. Brl垂ham・ B21・ Belvedere Hotel, Southem Pines, N. C. Vlrginla M. Brlgham, A36, 7 Chester Rd., Belmont, Mass. 襲輩竃灘簿認諾灘競舘Dak ・ Wllliam J. Britton● eXLO5, Wolfeboro, N. H. Elizabeth C. Brock, P40, 13 Gardner St., Nantucket, Mass. Imelda Brodeur, P40, 61 Morin Ave., Danielson. Conn. Harold Brody・ E40' 36 Deckard St., Roxbury, Mass. Justまn L. Bromber色・ eXA16, 24 Arlington Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. Winifred E. Bromley・ R&S4O’C/o Mrs. Morgan Sparrow, Belhaven, N. C. Dillon Bronson・ T88, 609 Lindaraxa Park, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Fannie A. Bronson・ A79・ 2026 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Il]inois Gardner C. Brooks● L41’76 Revere St., Boston, Mass. Ina C. Brooks・ A86, 117 South St., Northampton, Mass. Lee B. Brooks・ L36・ 945 Main St., BridgepoI.t, Conn. Russell E. Brooks● B34' 4 WoodIawn Ave., Augusta, Maine Selden G. Brooks・ B27・ 96 Mapledell St.’Springfield. Mass. Wまlliam B. Brooks, G41’1122 Spruce St.’Leavenworth, Kansas Grace E. Brophy’G41・ 26 Cullins St., Woonsocket, R. I. Arthur L. Brown・ Fac/L28/B24/L31● 50 Chapin Rd., Newton Center, Mass. Beatrice M. Brown・ E35, 366 Morris Ave・, Providence, R. I. Betty L. Brown● P41’182 Parker St., Lawrence, Mass. Bruce G・ B章own・ L41’290 Lincoln Ave., Amherst, Mass. George H. Brown・ LOl’R・ 912・ Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Lawrence L. Brown, E41・ 159 Jefferson St., Dedham, Mass. 讃親轄鵡成業露盤擢洩諸芸 Mark L. Brown, T38/40, Dalton, Ohio Mary M・ Brown・ E33/G40’59 Chandler St., Somerville, Mass. 諾蔦欝鶴鵠龍豊艶鵠t藍s ・ Robert N. Brown・ B41・ C/o George L・ Lincoln, Gates Business College, Augusta, Maine Susan J. W. Brown・ AOl, 19 Sever St.’Worcester, Mass. Willard L. Brown・ L35/36・ 10023,釜Washington St., Charleston, W. Va. Wllliam H. Brown, L86・ 304 Beacon St.) Boston, Mass. Zeta I. Brown’E34・ 235 Samuel Gorton Ave., Longmeadow, R. I. Carlos A. Browning・ eXB, 320 Church St., Whitinsville, Mass. Mariva L. Bruce, E36, Pleasant St.1 Dennis Port, Mass. Muriel E. Bruce・ P40, 8 Mt. Vernon Terrace, Newtonville, Mass. 誰認諾龍豊佳節篭俄謡智藍豊富藍拙置ss. Samuel A. Brunelle, E4O1 211 Franklin St., Holyoke, Mass. Evelyn R. Brusteln・ Sar40・ 864 East Twenty-Sixth St・, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fred E. Bryant・ eXB' Vet. Adm. Facility, Tucson, Arizona C・ Warren Bubier, L40・ 297 Waterman St.' Providence, R. I. Pαge Tのe,吻峰et)倒れ 諾謙諜離籍畿琵諾豊叢鵠竺 焉統監葦謹艶荒琵課盤轟籍盤。ざ詣ss. 琵琶霊豊譲窺豊聾描, ‡薄さ能書轄祭器悪罵龍s s. 誠忠嵩豊竃l雑器悪霊Ve., West Somerville, Mass. Harold E. Bue重l, T39, 137 Famy St.’McDonald’Pa・ Leroy B. Bugbee, A24/G25, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa. 宝器豊豊琵餞/粒譜鰐酷薄蕊嵩鑑空d・ Ohio Charles L. Buono, eXA, 121 Shrewsbury St.1 Worcester, Mass. 罵悪罵嵩d#蕊患鑑薄霧禁書嵩悪罵S・ A28, 16 Institute Rd., Worcester. Mass. Harold L. Burke, E39, Lakemont Academy, Lakemont, N. Y∴ James W. Burke, LOl, 390 Main St., Worcester, Mass. John T. Burke, Jr., L40, 456 Main St., Bangor, Maine Louise F. Burke, A26/G38, 84 St. Botolph St., Boston, Mass. Mar色aret M. Burke' E41, 1 Searle Ave., Easthampton’Mass. Richard P. Burke, Jr., B39, 11 GIoucester St., Boston, Mass. Elmer F. Burmahln, E30, Box 184, Lynchburg, Va. Aldan Burnell, E41, Pellwood, Highland Falls, N. Y. Mrs. Louis R. Bumett (月ihelLoγing), Sar15, 4116 Kathland Ave., Baltimore, Md・ Nathan L. Burnett, Jr., G41, 6 Worcester St., Cambridge, Mass. ‡謹患謹書謹誹欝・鶏盤‡露骨豊器譜霊†・ 〇・ Anna C. Burns, E33/35/Mus 37, 17 Emerald St., Hingham, ’Mass. Cathleen Burns, G41, 267 South Main St., Andover, Mass. Dorothy M. Burns● E41, 64 Park St.^ Palmer・ Mass. Edith F. Bums, Sar12, 69 Rich料dsori Place, Melrose Highlands, Mass・ Gerald P. Bums, E41, 574 Huntington Ave.1 Boston) Mass. Gertrude Burns, P27/B40, 72 Pearson Rd・, West Somerville, Mass. 器職能藷葦韓書S W. Jackson Burns, T40, Carro11ton, Ill. Angela A. Burr, P31/E40, 28 Pine St., East Millinocket, Maine Arthur T. Burrou色hs, E32/39, 36 Alfred Rd., Arlington, Mass. Sherman L. Burson, T41, Confluence, Pa. Burton U. Carr, B40, 57 Spring St., North Adams, Mass. Frederlck J. Carr, Jr., L40, 18 Westford Rd., Somerville, Mass. James A. Carr, Jr., SW41, ]28 Walter St., Roslindale, Mass. Elmer I. Carrlker, T41, 1269 Commonwealth Ave., Allston, Mass. Ann H. Carroll, Sar40, Greenbrier College, Lewisburg, W. Va. John L. Carroll, B40, 17 Elmira St., Brighton, Mass. John M. Ca調O11, G40, 793 Blue Hill Ave., Dorchester, Mass; John P. Carroll, E41, 57 Main St., Hatfield, Mass. John P. Carroll, C41, 82 South Huntington Ave., Jama,ica Plain, Mass. Mar色aret C. Carroll, G38, 793 Blue Hill Ave., Dorche訪er, Mass. Marjorie W. Carroll, E36/41, 84 Howe St., New Haven, Conn. Mildred V. Carroll, G33, 655 Robeson St., Fall River, Mass. Thomas F. Carroll, B41, 82 South Huntington Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Bernadetta R. Carter, E33/41, 78 Lincoln Ave., Attleboro, Mass. Clyde Ca重ter, T40, Methodist Church, Burlington, Iowa Frank H. Carter, eXB, Box 98, Wayland, Mass. 量da L. Carter, eXE, 66 Dunster Rd., Jamaica Plain, Mass. 書誌霊箸瑞,諾鰻霊豊鴇蒋諜霊感三千叫N・ C・ Catherine R. Carty, E40, 206 Grove St., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Jennie Dunn Cary, M87, 91 Central St., Gardner, Mass. Nathalie Case, P27, 39 Park St., Plainvi11e, Conn. 琵寵窪豊詳説欝保塁駕討…霊豊憩‡虚器もri. Beatrice E. Cashman, E41. 204 Elliot St., Newton, Mass. Frank O. Cass, MO9, 284A Commercial StリProvincetown, Mass. Mabel E. Cassell, E41, R. 1, Berrien Springs, Mich. Charles W. Cassidy, A39/G40, 34 Proctor St., Framingham, Mass. Francis E. Cassidy, L13, Bank Building, Webster, Mass. Lui91 J. Caste11o, L38, 55 Central St., Woodsvi]le, N. H. Catherlne F. Castle, E41, 311 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. George J. Catir, Jr.,.B40, 21 North St., Portland, Maine Anne J. Caton, E34/36, 18 Adams St., Somerville, Mass. Mary Cavan, E41, 1 Sheldon St・, Haverhill, Mass. Gail M. Cavanaugh, E40, 55 Mapleton St., Brighton, Mass. John P. Cavarnos, A41, 32 Cobden St., Roxbury, Mass. Grace Cavin, E40, 14 Bellevue Ave,, GIoucester, Mass. Robert S. Cell, B40, 60 Hunter Ave,, Fanwood, N. J. Phy11まs A. Cella. P41, 17 Cummings Ave.’Revere′ Mass. Alfred B. Cenedella, LO9, 198 Main St., Milford, Mass. Lawrence J. Centola, B41, 12 Chestnut Hill Ave., Brighton, Mass. Loulse A. Cerica, E4l, 29 Lodge Rd., Swampscott, Mass. Benedetto Å. Cerilli, L41, 363ブ左Dyer Ave., Cranston, R. I. Mrs. Trygive W. Buschmam (Koiheγinc BγOわSOn), Sar17, 1104 Minor Ave., Nicholas F. Cerulli. A40, 32 FIoyd Ave., BIoomfield, N. J. Stewart F. Chace, B40, 125 Olney Ave., North Providence, R. I. Judson R. Butler, Fac/G40, 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Lester B. Butler, MO4) 148 High St., Tauntonl Mass. Annie A. Chadboume, E34/37, HanoveI‘ St., We3t Hanover, Mass. Seattle, Wash. Esther S. Bussell, E411 27 Lancey St.1 Pittsfield, Maine Ruth M. Butler' A40, 21 Maple St., Taunton, Mass・ Willlam F. Butler, E41, 1 Gi鯖ord Place, South Boston, Mass. 諸悪㌢親諾薄擬撞聖霊隷書孟gも。n. Mass. Mrs. Herbert W. Buttrlck (Rhodα W. S母ong), P40, 12O Main St., Lynnfield Centre, Mass. Theodore T. Buzanoski, B41, 20 Woodland St.. Plainville, Conn. Edwln C. Byam, A20, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 盤嵩架商品擢書経帯認豊豊富Flushing・ L. I., N. Y.’ Archlbald K. Byms, AOl, 318 South Twenty-fourth St., Quincy, Ill. Mary R. Byron● A87, 140 Spring St., Watertown・ Mass. Marie Å. Cadorette, eXB, 33 Margin St., Peabody, Mass. Ellza B. Cahl11, M86, 19 Charles River Square′ BoβtOn) Mass. Wllliam Calarese, E4O, Finance Office, Fort Heath' Winthrop, Mass. Mary F. Calden. E31' 58 Maple St.・ New Bedford・ Mass. Ruth S. Calder, Sar15, 27 Austin St., Newtonville, Mass. Edward S. Calderwood, Fac/MO4, 219 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass. Alton L. Caldwe]1, Jr., B39, 69 Brett St. Brockton, Mass. John H. Caldwell, A40, Shepard Court, Sharon, Mass. Nancy Caldwell, Sar4O, 39 Hendel Ave.・ North Arlington, N. J. J. Alfred Chadboume, eXB, Old CoIony Envelope Co., Westfield, Mass. Robert Å. Chadbourne, B39, 12 Hampden St., GIouce訪er, Mass. Kenneth J. Chadwell, A30/M33, 26 Lexington Circle, Swampscott, Mass. J. Raymond Chadwick, T24/G36, Hennepin Avenue Methodist Church, Mimea- POlis, Minnesota Robert S. Chafee, G39/T40, 72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. EIsa K. Cha鯖ee, M41, 68 Prospect St., Belmont, Mass. Ira Cha髄n, eXB29, 116 Mandalay Rd., Newton, Mass. Ångellne P. Chakalis, P40, 423 Washingt,On Ave., Chelsea, Mass・ Costa Chalapatos, B41, 24 Wadsworth St., Allston, Mass. Jewel Chamberlain, Mus40, 777 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass. Marion L. Chamberlain, A97, Lemama Farm, Harvard, Mass. Earl M. Chamberlin, G37, 1445 New Church St., Rahway, N. J. John G. Chambers, E4l, 28 Pine Grove St., Needham Heights, Mass・ Douglas A. Chandler, E40, 15 North St., Milford, N. H・ Esther M. Chandler, A24/G40, 62 Evergreen St., Kingston, Mass. Miriam W. Chandler, A40, 75 Sargent St.タMelrose, Mass. Edward G. Chapin, B39, 81 Oak Ave., Belmont, Mass. A9nes B. Chapman, RE37, 100 Madison Ave., Newtonvi11e, Mass. Carolyn E. Chapman, P34, Stoneleigh College, Rye Beach, N. H. Ralph H. Chapman, E41, 6632 Cambriige Place, Madi3OnVille, Cincinnati・ Ohio Stuart W. Chapman, A27, 1619 Murray Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. William D. Chappers, L40, 174-A Nashua Rd., Dracut, Mass. Flavia M. Calirl, P40, 38 Edgewood St., Roxbury, Mass. Courtland H. Charlot, B34, 73 Sou七h Ave., Aubumdale, Mass. F. Howard Callahan, T15’263 East Mill St., Akron, Ohio Allen H. Charter, E41, 53 Vamey St., Manchester, N. H. Genevie▼e Callahan, A41, 29 Haskell St., Beverly Farms, Mass・ J. Edward Callanan, Jr., B41, 197 Tremont St., Newton, Mass" James A. S. Callanan, G26/41, 2 Fairland St., Roxbury, Mass. Ernest R. Calvert, G40, 59 Dana Place, Needham Heights, Mass. Milton H. Camann, B41, 64 Marble St'., Athol, Mass. Kenneth A. Cameron, E40, Box 232, Central Village, Conn. Richard M. Cameron, Fac/T24/G32, Barrett’’s Mill Rd., Concord, Mass. Mr8. Burton H. Camp (Rachel C. Rice), A14, 110 Mt・ Vernon St., Middletown, 蓬栄詮議蒜覇王:繕!工認諾書誌置慧諦轟宮島k, N. Y. Sarah E. Campbell, G41, 214 Highland St., Milton, Mass. Dean J. Candis, A41, 40 Isabella St., Boston, Mass., Melvln C. Cannon, G41, 504 Vine St., Elizabeth, N. J. Vlncent Cantella, B39, 281 Beech St., Roslindale, Mass. Morton Canter, B40, 14 Noble St., West Newton' Mas8. Carolyn H. Capltell, P41’14 Prentiss Rd.’West Roxbury, Mas8. An色ela J. Capoblanco' B41' 129 Chiswick Rd.' Brighton・ Ma的. Vema Carbone' P40, 44 LeItoy Ave., Bradford, Mass. A. Raymond Carchial B4O, Y. M. C. A., Bremerton, Wash. Mary H. Card' A15, Liceo Manuel de Salas・ Casilla 52・ Correo lO・ Santiago・ Chi】e, S. A. Marまe Carde血, G41, 15 Edgewood Rd., Sharon, Mass. Ruth S. Ca重ey, E4l, 32 Westover St., Everet’も, Mass. Ro8e M. Carinl, E32, 919 Worthington St., Springfield, Mas8. Roslna B. Carls81ml. A41, 132 Jewet,t St., Newton, Mass. Ellzabeth M. Carleton, A24, 18 Bradshaw St., Medford, Mass. Hllde亀arde S. Carling, eXP, l157 Boulevard' West Hartford・ Conn. M重S. Dorothea Vallea Carl18le, SW41, 469 Commonwealth Ave., BoBtOn, Mass. Nancy B. Carlock, A33/G39, 14 Warren Square, Jamaica Plain, M的S. Carl A. Carlson, G41, 82 W寄lnut Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Dor18 C種rlson, P40, 803 Commercial St., East Braintree, Mass. Lllllan C. Carlson● E41, 44 Lafayette St.’Pawtucketl R. I. 苔晋講諾霊請緋盤r暴悪葉露盤雷雲urch・ Auburn, Maine Mr8. Raylene Ba重ter Carlson● H381 128 SchooI St.'即anklin, MasB. Jo8ePh F. Carluccl. M40, 33-1O Twenty-eighth Ave.・ Astoria・ Long I8land’N. Y. Wllllam Carmen, B4l, l15 Commonwealth Ave., Newton, Mass. Mrs. Leonard Carmlchael (Pcaγl K訪sIo"), P22, President’B House, Tufts College, Medfo富d. Ma鎚. Anna G. Carmody, E33/G40, 539 State St., Springfield, Mass. Danlel J. Camey, B41, 358 Seaver St., Dorchester, Mass. Ruth A. Camey, A40/G41, 15 Lund St.` Worcester. Mass. Pαge撮oe庇いEゆき Corinne M. Charron, B40, 23 Edgemere Boulevard, Shrewsbury, Mass' Gerard M. Chartler, M33, 148A Main St., Danielson, Conn. Allce E. Chase, E38, 140 Warren St., Needham, Mass. Ernest T. Chase, AO4. P. O. Box 18, Honolulu, T. H. Janet W. Chase, B37, 20 Depot St., Che3hire, Mass. Josephine M. Chase, Sar41, 16 Newbem St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Kathryn A. Chase, E33, 366 Andover St., Lowell, Mass. Margaret A. Chase, Sar37, 366 Andover St., Lowell, Mass. Margaret L. Chase, E41, 15 Grove St., Saugus, Mass. Velna M. Chase, E41, Gi任ord Rd., We3t Falmout'h, Mass・ Geor9e C. Cheever, RE39/41, Connecticut Junior Republic, Litchfield, Conn. Pauline W. Chellis, E41, 28 Clark Rd., Brookline, Mass. William E. Chenery, Tr/A87, 377 Commonwealth Ave", Bosもon, Ma9S. Ralph H. Cheney, A19/G19, 612 Ocean St., Flatbush Stat’ion, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thomas P. Cheney, L16, Cheney, Highswander & Lord, Savings Bank Buildin雪・ La○○nia, N. H. Helen Chester, G41, 951 Westem Ave., Lynn, Mass. Henry J. Chlarlnl, E40, 174 Bayswater St., Hast Boston, Mass. M. Louise Chick, E39, 649 Saco St., We3tbrook, Maine Ruth L. S. Child. A93, 226B Wa3hington St’., Malden, Ma9S. David Chin-Park, A41, 20 Queensberry St., Boston, Mass. James A. Chlsholm, B41, 11 Ricker Rd., Newton, Mass" Stanley S. Chmlel, L41, 144 St,andard Building, Cleveland, Ohio Harold C. Chrlstensen, C40, 25 Strafford Rd., Islington, Ma舶. Thomas A. Christopher, A40, 26 Oakland Ave., Wolla3tOn, Mass. Arthur A, CIcchese, L21, 958 Commercial St., East Weymouth, Mass. Joseph P. CIccolo. E41, 12 Shapley Ave., Medford, Mass. Harry G. CIcma, A22/M24, 63 Ange11 St., Providence, R. I. John F. Clfrlno, B41, 540 Gallivan BouIevard, DDrChester, Mass. Phyllls R. Clmaglla, P41, 934 Commonwealth Ave., Newton Center, M的s. Vincent J. Cltrano, B41, 17 Cliff St., Verona, N. J◆ Mrs. Mlles N. Clalr (CαγOlγ持Gγeene), P30, 6 Surrey Rd., Newt’On, Mass. Ralph H. Clapp, B28/32, 340 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Mrs. RIchard Clapp (M訪dγed E. MαγSde1書), A37/G38, Danvers, MasB. Vlrglnla L. Clapp, B41, 20 Bridges Ave., Newtonvi11e, Mass. *AIvln J. Clark. B4l. Arthur S. Clark, T40, 730 Broadway, Haverhill, Mass. Cecll W. Clark, Fac/M15, 363 Walnut St., Newtonville, M的s. Dor13 E. Clark, E40, 94 Broadway. Somerville, Mass. F. Da▼l8 Clark. L4l, Belmont Hill, Milo, Maine Kathryn R. Clark, RE38/40, 26 Sherman Court, New Britain, Conn. Lotta A. Cla章k, eXA15, Teachers College, Boston, Ma的. 事No種ddre鮒. Margaret A. Clark’A40, 17 Cross St., West Newton, Mass. Norma P. Cook, Sar41, 10 High St., Fort Fair丘eld, Maine 監量撞輩謹重議,(錨鴇品薄薙鑑諾蓄電.Rd・ ・ Conco即重ass ・ Vlrglnla Clark, Mus40, Milo, Maine Willlam F. Clark' CHl, 20抜St. James St., Roxbury, Mass. W皿am G. Clark・ Jr・, L39, 225 Washington St., GIoucester, Mass. John F・ Clarke・ B20, 1]5 Morse Ave., Brockton, Mass. 粘語群i薬事第倍艶結語蔀認諾税豊iv。W Y。rk , N. Y. 轟謹暑識語艶腎盤静親藩霊諒書J・ Priscllla S. Cleaves, P41, 81 Granger St., Wollaston, Mass. Mrs. Bdward H. Clement, 2d (RubヅBroming), Sar34, 58 Euclid Ave., Haddon〇 台eld,N.J. Matllda Clement● E39, 18 Sunmer St., Everett, Mass. Samuel A. Clementl M14, 10 Martin St., Cambridge, Mass. Alfred P. Clements, E40, R. F. D. 1, Westport, N. Y. Vlr色inla Cook, R&S40, 290 Grove St., Wellesley, Mass. Caroline V. Cooke. E27, 48 Fuller St., Brookline, Mass. Clara B. Cooke, A99, 2 Columbia St., Brockton, Mass. Douglas P. Coole, T26, Anglo-Chinese School, Kampar, Perak, F. M. S. Alden H. Cooley, A38, 77 Temple St., West Newton, Mass. Eleanor T. Cooley, A38, 77 Temple St., West Newton. Mass. Ruby I. Coombs. E30/41, 141 Fenno St., Wollaston, Mass. Wl111am H. Coombs, Jr., A38, 210 Lancaster Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Robert S. Cooms, B40, 123 Sewall Ave., Brookline, Mass. G: Eunlce Cooper, E40, 127 Fifth Ave. N.W., Roanoke, Virginia Hattle B. Cooper, A82, 1 Kensington Park, Roxbury, Mass. Helen L. Cooper, A21, 518 Broadway, Newport, R. I. Howard Cooper. B25, 44 Frothingham St., Lowell, Mass. Loulse J. Cooper, AO7, 72 Westminster Ave., Arlington Heights, Mass. Roy C. Cooper, MOl, 510 South Aiken Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ethel Coopersmith, Mus41, 23 Brins]ey St., Dorchester, Mass. Dorothy J. Cleveland, A38, 206 West St.’Reading, Mass. Menahem Coopersteln, A37/M41, Brockton Hospita】, Brockton, Mass. Robert L. Clinton, B401 42 Cherry St., Fairhaven, Mass. Albert R. Cli8h, E34/40, Junior High School, Belmont, Mass. Åmbrose J. Corballis, B35/36, 185 North Common St., Lynn, Mass. Doris L. Corbett, E38, 21 Rowe St., Roslindale, Mass. Eleanor M. CIosson・ RE26, 1900 H St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Arthur C. Cordiner. E41, 3 Seaward Rd., Suite 2, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Pauline CIoues, P39・ 82 Frost Ave.. Melrose Highlands, Mass. Charles E. Corey, B41, 12 High St., Mansfield, Mass. Ållan W. Clough, B40, 2 Maple Way, Greenwood, Mass. Francis E. CIouさh・ eXAOl ’220 Platt Building, San Bemardino, California Priscilla M. CIough・ eXB’57 Willow St., West Roxbury, Mass. Leon E. Corey, T41, Uniondale, Pa. Milton O. Corey, G41, 12 High St., Mansfield, Mass. Henry W. CIoutier, A39/L41, 672 Braodway St., Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Howard D. Corkum (Hele;8 Richaγdson), A16, 229 Main St., Sanford, Maine Martha F. CIoutier・ eXP, 555 Sumner Ave., Springfield, Mass. Marion E. Corley, B33/40, 50 Fairview St., East Dedham, Mass. Jesse L. Corley. TO4, 1125 Brent Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. Lorraまne CIoyes・ A40’6 Upland Rd., Lexington, Mass. Ju11o Correa, B33, 5006 245th St., Douglaston, Long Island, N, Y. Stanley W. Clulow, B291 1941 Berkley Place, South Bend, Indiana Cecllまa M. Corrl色an, P39, 10 Welton Rd., West Roxbury, Mass. Frank J. Clune, Jr.1 C40, 73 Davis Rd・, Belmont, Mass. Mary R. Corrlgan, E41, 63 Lyman St., Waltham, Mass. George J. Corslglia. Jr., B39, 42 Vernon St., Gardner, Mass. Tonlno V. Corslni, M25, 25 SchooI St., Quincy, Mass. 認証嵩詫鵠岩壁豊島悪幣誌豊龍ss. Edna Cobum・ E40’29 Van Wirkle St., Dorchester, Mass. Hazel Corson, E38, 270 Nelson Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y. Susan M. Co揮in, MlO, 31 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass. Ruth H. Cortelyou, Sar34, Goodhue Hotel, Port Arthur, TexaB Joseph W. Cogan, E40, 108 Pacific St., Rockland, Mass. Gretchen A. Cory, E41, 514 Highland Ave,, Malden, Mass. Hubert V. Coryell, Jr., E41, Punahou School, Honolulu, T. H. Margaret Costello, E38/41, 371 Railroad Ave., Norwood, Mass. Thomas G. Costello, A41, 120 Lake St., Brighton, Mass. Philip F. Coさan, eXB, 24 Rosewood St., Mattapan, Mass. 粘懇書謹藍鴇筑豊聾豊端も豊Mas8. Amold W. Cohen’B41, 34 Fessenden St., Mattapan, Mass. Willlam A. Cotter, E41, 109 Je鱈erson。Ave.. Everett, Mass. Arthur Cohen・ L41, 10 Middleton Ave., Newport, R. I. Benjamln Cohen, E41, 643 Walk Hill St., Mattapan, Mass. Mrs. Moe Cohen (Celia Siα符elskγ), A39, 106 Salisbury Rd., Brookline, Mass. Eunice Cohen' P26, 62 Fleet St., Portsmouth, N. H. Herman B. Cohen, B18, 84 State St., Boston, Mass. Orm8by L. Court. exB, 16 George St., Stoneham, Mass. Paul D. Courtney, E37/41, Cambridge Preparatory School, Kendal Green, Mass. Mrs. Edward Covert (Chγi∫!ine M. T脇ue), C40, 5561 Enright Ave., St. Louis, Irvまng H・ Cohen, E40’21 Prospect St., Lynn, Mass. MissouI.i Lawrence I. Cohen● B36, 175.Orleans St.) East Boston, Mass. Burnham W. Cowdery, B40, Box 136, RandoIph Field, Texas Robert Cohen' B40, 22 Hildreth St・, Dorchester, Mass. Ruth A・ Cohen● P401 683 Morton St., Mattapan, Mass. Samuel Å・ Cohen' B23, 192 Chiswick Rd., Brighton, Mass. Guy W. Cox, Tr/L96, 197 Clarendon StリBoston, Mass. John W. Cox, B41, 1160 Parkwood Boulevard, Schenectady, N. Y. Samuel C. Cohen. A30/M35, 127 Blue Hills Parkway, Milton, Mass. Frederick W. Colt・ LO4, Temple Bu封ding, Rochester, N. Y. Louls S. Cox, L99, Court House, Lawrence, Mass. Mabel F. Cragln, eXSar15, 2615 Ellenda重e Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Addlson B. Cralg, E41, 14 Fulton St., Mans丘eld, Mass. Mllton Cokin・ B401 101 Glenwood Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. E. S. Ellzabeth Cral色. E41, 55 Dresser Ave., Chicopee, Mass. Elizabeth V. Colbert● E40, 901 Broadway, Somervi11e, Mass. Henry W. Colbum. B36/39, 39 Atherton St., Roxbury, Mass. Mrs・ Charles W. Colby C,emie Cas%'ell), A14, 581 Ca11an Ave., San Leandro, Califomia Rachel E. Cotton, Mus17/E30/G40, 82 Maple St., Malden, Mass. Pearle Coulthard, E40, 131 Park Drive, Boston, Mass. R Ollve T. Colby’P35, 29 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass. Åda Å・ Cole● A99, 136 Perkins St., Somerville, Mass. Dorls E. Cole, Sar41, 342 Adams St., Manchester, Conn. Harr]et L. Cole, E38, 125 Greenwood St., Marlboro- Mass. Sally Cole, E40, Hi11croft, St. Charles, Illinois M. Laurian Coleman’E411 1094 Fellsway, Medford, Mass. RIchard J. Coleman● B21, 25 Elm Hill Park, Roxbury, Mass. Thomas F. Coleman' E41, 65 Appleton St., North Quincy, Mass. Harry W. Colller, B41, 16 Allen Place, New Haven, Conn. Alice C. Colllns, E41, 6 Thomas St., Concord, N. H. Mrs. Charles A. Co11ins・ (Ama SγmOnds) , A92/G35/39, 8Prescott Rd., Lynn, Mass. Burdltt W. Collins, E40, 10 Meadow View Rd.’Hingham, Mass. Catherine F. Co重賞まns, Sar39, 61 Shurtleff St., Chelsea, Mass. Charles F. Colllns, A12, 501 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Genevle▼e M. Collins, P41, 479 Union Ave., Laconia, N. H. Gerald M. Colllns, M4l, Quincy City Hospital, Quincy, Mass. J. Frederlck Col重in8, B41, 173 Century St., West Medford, Mass. Marion E. Colman, G23/RE24, Anm Maria, Florida Parker R. Colmer・ B37’4th Defense Battalion, F. M. F", Pearl Harbor, T. H. Abraham Colmes' M15, 371 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. ‡譲謹議灘諜薬詐龍諾豊 Barry D. Coltin, A41, 80 Whitehall Rd., Ames十)ury, Mass. Lou]se M. Comeyl Sar40) 23 Carver St., Watertown, Mass. Bemadine Comiskeyl E40, Lostant, Ill. RIchard K・ Conantl Fac) 84 Exeter St., Boston, Mass. Joseph J. Conaty, Jr., B40, 19 Eliot Crescent, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Wllliam H. Condon● B39' 22 Meadow Lane. Pittsfield, Mass. Alfred J. Conlan, eXB’6 Cutler Ave., Cambridge, Mass. FIorence D・ Conlan, E35/41 , 24 Vine St., Leominster, Mass. Rlta J. Conlon, A39/G40, 50 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. Dorothy A. Connau色hton, A40/G41, 256 Worcester St., North Grafton, MasB. John A. Corneameyl E41, 38 Curtis St., Waltham, Mass. Helen B. Connell, E40, 49 Marlboro St., Belmont, Mass. James A. Connellan● L411 66a Kellogg St., Portland, Maine Ma喜y F. Connelly. E41, 10 Lindsay St., Dorchester, Mass. Harry H. Conner' T41, Frederica, Delaware Charles J. Connick’HON38, 70 Hull St., Newtonville, Mass. Mrs. F. Randall Connolly (GγαCeEasioの), E39, FoIker Apartment, Bridgeport, N. J. John J. Connolly, Jr.' B40, 212 East Forty-eighth St., New York, N. Y. Isabella M. Connon, E38, 81 Brown S工, Providence, R. I. Amy L. Connor● E36. 114 Prichard St., Fitchburg, Mass. Charles F. Connor' B38, 22 Thompson Lane, Milton, Mass. Loren O. Craln, T40, Laurel St., Oakdale, Mass. RIchard A. Crain, B41, 11 Overlook Rd., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Robert L. Cram, L40. Depot Rd., R. F. D. 4, Portland, Maine Robert S. Crane, B41, 77 Sunmer St., Manchester, Mass. Bradford N. Craver. G36/41, Wayne University Medioal School, Detroit, Mich. Leo Cravitz, A41, 114 Irving St., Everett, Mass. Ruth W. Craw書ord, Mus40, 17 Webster St., East Lynn, Mass. Frances L. Creamer, Sar40, 271 Woodward St., Waban, Mass. Wendell T. Creath, T41, 1137 River St., Hyde Park, Mass. John F. Crediford, Jr., E40, ・Box 147, South Hamilton, Mass. Maurice S. Creed. B39, 501 West l13th St., New York, N. Y. Charles Cremens, E41, 18 Stearns St., Cambridge, Mass. Vlncent M. Cremona, M40, 321 West Forty-Sixth St., New York, N. Y. Ruth Cresse, E40, 127 Governors Ave., Medford, Mass. George E. Crlckard, E31/41, 54 Holman St., Shrewsbury, Mass. Ruth R. Crockett, A21, 336 Main St., Bristol, Conn. Earle Crompton, E39, 53 Highland Ave., Cranston, R. I. 言霊薯怒執嵩盤駕諾豊艶蓋遣手監n・ Mas畠・ RIchard B. Crosscup, E40, 2 West 120th St., New York, N. Y. Katherine D. Crotty. E30/41, 87 Avon St., Somerville, Mass. Martln F. Crotty, M24, 464 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Margaret D. Crouse, G22, 163 Civil Lines, Jubbulpore, India Walter D. Crowell, eXB26, 240O Hartzell St., Evanston, Illinois Helen T. Crowley, P28, 62 Woodbury Ave., Portsmouth, N. H. Jame8 L. Crowley, E40, Hall High School, West Hartford, Conn. Richard J. Crowley, B41, 817 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. D. Cli鯖ord Crummey, G36/T37, 190 East Blithedale Ave., Mill Valley, Calif. Mary B. Cummin色s, E37, 140 Walnut St., Dorchester, Mass. Whltley A. Cumminさs, Jr.. B41, 15 Cutter Ave., West Somerville. Mass. Frank Cunnlngham, G39/Tap. 81 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. Leo F. Curley, L40, 350 JamalCaWay, Jamaica Plain, Mass. G. Anthea Currler, E40, 3 Rockaway Ave., Marblehead, Mass. George B. Currier, eXA99, Wykagyl Gardens, New Roche11e, N. Y. Sally Currler, Mus36, Washington Junior High School, New Britain, Conn. Wllllam G. Currler, E40, 117 Prescott St., North Andover, Mass. Evelyn Curtまs, E40, 114 Prospect St., GIoucester, Mass. Marさaret Curtls, E41, 77 Fairfield St., St. Albans, Vermont Ruth L. Curtls, Mus39/41, 32 Carter Rd., Lynn, Mass. Frand8 W. Cusack, L41, 84 Grant St., Lynn, Mass. Dorothy J. Cushman, A40/G4l, 1563 Beacon St., Waban, Mass. Ellzabeth Cutler. E40, 11 Holland Ave., Westfield, Mass. Esther Cutler, B41, 508 Grove St., Woonsocket, R. I. Gertrude P. Cutler, Sar19/E32, 11 Maple Ave., Newton, Mass. Saul H. Cutter, C41, 37 Stockton St., Dorchester. Mass. Mrs. Adna J. Cutting (GraceSmiih), A17, 150 Millbury St., Auburn, Mass. Manola H. Cuttlng, E40, 28 Glen St., New Britain, Conn. Theodore J. Czubackl, Mus40, 204 Park St., Lawrence, Mass. Francまs B. Connor' E40’62 St. Lawrence St., Port】and, Maine 詑魂等詰ま能義洪藍蕊・豊藍描龍ss. Dorothy P. Conroy● B41. 60 Prospect St・, Fall River, Mass. Rlta I. Constant, B40, East St., Granby, Mass. Bemardin F. Dabney, A38, 24 Shafter St., Dorchester, Mass. F. Loulse Dacey, G40, 50 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. John T. Daggett, B21, 80 Clifton Ave., Clifton, Mass. G. Ålbln Dahlqulst, Jr., T40, 123 Spruoe St., East Greenwich, R. I. Årthur J. Conway, E39, 74 Chestnut St., Everett, Mass. Francis W. Dalley, Fac/B33, 57 Buckmaster Rd., Westwood, Mass. Raymond F. Conway・ M41, 2068 Northampton St・, Holyoke, Mass. Ernestine J. Dakin, E40/41, New Sharon. Maine Årnold H. Conza, B39, 36 Dwinell St., West Roxbury, Mass. Peter F. Coogan, G41, 3 East 194th St., Euclid, Ohio Allce M. Cook. All, 156 Summer St., Somerville, Mass. FIorence M. Cook, E39, 181 Govemors St.. Providence, R. I. Floyd L. Cook, T40, Orleans, Indiana Marjorle F. Cook, A41,・ 251 West St., Wrentham, Mass. Merrill S. Cook, Mus39, Ida, Louisiana Charle8 B. Daly, E40, 143 Vermont St., Rochester, N. Y. Eleanor C. Daly, E40, 55 Willard Ave., Springfield, Mass. Helen M. Dame, A96, 40 Essex Ave., Swampscott, Mass. Samuel Dame, B40, 1 Dale St., Roxbury, Mass. Leonard L. Damon, Jr., E41, Atlantio Hill, North Cohasset, Mass. Mrs. George I. Dana (GeγtγudeBo'8d), A17, 87 Independence St., Canton, Mass. Edward M. Dan色el, Fac/L12, 18 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. 助けe ‰e融g-Nわoe Katharlne H. Danlels・ E40・ SchooI Administrat・ion Building, High St., Hartford. ○○nn. Norman Danlels, B39, 39 Tennis Rd・, Mattapan, Mass. RIchard E. Danielson● Jr., L40, Groton, Mass. Serge J. Danke▼lch. Mus39/G41, 57 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. Robert M. Dannln' L23, Probate Court, Newport, R. I. Frederick J. Danos' A41, 21 Leroy St., Dorchester, Mass. E▼elyn Danovltch' E31, 48 Tolman St., Canton, Mass. Joan d,Arcambal・ E41, Hotel Carlton, Calle Ignaoio, Mariscal, Mexico Lawrence P. Dar色le, E40. 394 Pleasant St., Malden, Mass. John F. Dargln, eXB, 68 Edwin St., Dorchester, Mass. Ca8Well B. Darllng, T41, R. 1, Brazil, Indiana Mr8. John M. Darlin垂(CaγO短1 HαγmS), eXSar29, 108 West Twenty-first St.. Olympia, Washington Ralph H. Dattmanl B40, 45 Rowe St., Milton, Mass. ▲lbert E. Dauphlnee・ B24, Suburban Gas Corporation, Hyannis, Mas8. Danlel P. Davld' L40, ] 173 Pleasant St・, New Bedford, Mass. 詳誌鑑;態詳謹講鴻鼠寵詳説警龍s. Donald K. Davldson' E41' 10 High St., Fair Haven, Vermont A・ Frances DavIs. A25/M29, 16 Main St., Merrimac, Mass. Allce L. Davl§● E40, 14 Bridge St., Winchester, Mass. Bertha M. Da▼ls● E40, Reed,s Ferry, N. H. Claude E. Da▼ls' B23' 42 Smallwood Rd., West Hartford, Com. Marguerita DIVenutl. P4l, 20 Villa Ave., Everett, Mass. Wllllam P. DIVltto, L32, 55 East Main St., Milford, Mass. Doris M. DIxon. E30; 1O Woodlawn Ave., Mattapan, Mass. Kenneth W. Dobbrow. B40, 6 Morse Ave., Dedham, Mass. Hazel M. Dobbs. A41, 32 Newbem Ave., Medford, Mass. Charlotte E. Dod色e, E40, 29 Virginia Terrace, Lynn, Mass. Clara M. Dodge, P38, 18 Maple St., Woodsville, N. H. FIorence E. Dodge, E36, 11 Bemis Rd., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Mrs. Dods (Alice C. S. BγO%′m), A33/G41, 19 Webster Court, Newton Center, M的轡. 認諾‡・践・轟,究鵜島薄議h富。。, Mas8. Frederick H. Dodkln, B39, 52 Lancaster Ave., Revere, Mass. Charles M. Doherty. E41, 87 Yale St., Medford, Mass. Dennls J. Doherty, B38/40, 39 St. John St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mary A. Doherty, Mus41, 18 Spring St., Palmer, Mass. Charles E. Dolan, B41, 52 Whittemore Rd., Newton, Mass. Chrlstopher H. Dole, E36/38, 5 Park Ave., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Edlth Dolltsky, E41, 654 Bridge St., Holyoke, Mass. Charles H. Donahue. LOl/HON33, 374 Hammond St., Chestnut Hiu, Mas8. Dorothy E. Donahue, A39/G40, 62 Russell St., Malden, Mas@. Rebecca L. Donahue, E35/41, 7 Chestnut St., Holyoke, Mass. George C. Donaldson, LO3, 14th Infantry, Fort Davis, Canal Zone Geor色e P. Donaldson, B40, 59 West Milton St., Hyde Park, Mass. Edward L. DavIs, B39, 99 Atwood Ave., Newtonville, Mass. Paul T. Donlan, E41, 18 Sharon St.タWest Medford, Mass. El▼a C・ DavIs, A37/L39, 31 Pinokney St., Boston, Mass. Mary A. Donnelly, E41, 10 UnderhiII Place, Pittsfield, Mass. Joseph S. Donohue, B37, 1933 Prospect Ridge Boulevard, Haddon Heights, N. J. Elbridge G. DavIs, AO7/LO8, 361 Main St., Malden, Mass. 詫盈器も諒館艶豊吉諾豊島晶a畠S. Jesse B. Da▼ls, Fac・, 84 Exeter St., Boston, Mass. Robert K. DavIs● A38' 396 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Roy DavIs, Fac., 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Wllllam B. DavIs' G37, Halifax Company Training School, Weldon, N. C. Willlam F. DavIs, Jr., A31/L33, United Drug Company, 43 Leon St., Boston, Ma的. Wllllam J. DavIs, T40, 86 Court St., Exeter, N. H. Mr8. Wlmam J・ Da▼ls (Ru脇L脇le加Id), A4l, 8b Court St., Exeter, N. H. Wilma E. Da▼ls, T41, P. 0. Box 799, St" Augustine, FIorida David I. Davoren, E40, 27光Emmons St., Milford, Mass. Albert B. Dawson, B41, 8 Scott St., Pawtucket, R. I. 鶉繋琵畿畿講説鶉琵宝器Ma8容● Wanen C・ Dean, A31/G40, Northeastern University, Boston, Mass. Eleanor Deane, B41, 141 Cottage Park Rd・, Winthrop, Mass. Lester W. Dearbom. RE38, 316 Huntington Ave., Boston. Mas8. Mr8. John L. Dearin容(Mαγγ Hinc鳥leγ), A90, 11 Fresh Pond Lane, Cambridge, M寄ss. John J. Donna, E33/G4ら67 Henry Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. Cella B. W. Dono▼an, E40, 6 Highland St., Hudson; N. H. Mary R: Dono▼an, G40, 33 Stanton Rd., Brookline, Mass. James A. Dooley, L40, 934 Hartford Ave., Johnston, R. I. Thomas M. Doonan, eXB24, 29 Irvington Rd., Medford Hillside, Mass. Albert J. Doran, Jr., E38, 15 Parkman St., Westboro, Mass. Mr8. Albert J. Doran. Jr. quci〃e To!mαn), E38, 51 Loring Rd.. Winthrop, Mass. Joseph B. Doran, E40, 15 Chestnut St., Charlestown, Mass. LIverus H. Dorchester, A86/T89, 453 Seventh St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Vlncent R. Dore, C41, 214 Saratoga St., East Boston, Mass. Mr8. C. F. Dorman (Ol細e Et[Ii〃g), eXRE23, Worcester State Hospital, WorceBter, Mass. James A. Dorsey, Jr.. B39/C40, 53 Harrison Ave., Taunton, Mass. Cordella J. Doty, P38, 212 Northfield Place, Baltimore, Md. Frank E. Douglas, B40, 59 Somerset Ave., Winthrop, Mass, Francis L. Dou色lass, B41, 10 Bromfield St., Wollaston, Mass. Rolland L. Dove. T29/40, Waldron, Indiana James G. Dow, A19, 11 Robbins St., Lowell, Mass. John F. Dowllng, B35, 330 Lincoln St., Franklin, Mass. John J. Downey, Jr., L41, 14 Prospect St., Blackstone, Mass. Nell L. Deaver, Sar40, 402 South Main St., Lexingt'On, Mass. Wllllam J. Downin色. TO2, 236 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Vlncent DeBenedうctis' Mus41, 170 Mystic Valley Parkway, Arlington. Mass. Leonard F. Downs, H37, 10 Hartshorn Rd., Walpole, Mass. M. Evelyn Doyen, Sar40, 51 Oak Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. Adam L. Decker. G41' 824 Thompson St., Schenectady, N. Y. Ralph W. Decker. Fac/G36/T37/G41, 31 Parkman St., Dorchester, Mass. Mario S. DeFazIo. E34/40, 426 Hunnewell St., Needham Heights, Mass. FIoyd DeFlyer● T40, 230 Fayette St., Palmyra, N. Y. Edgar L. DeForest, E40, 534 Brook Rd., Milton, Mass. Loulse Delaney, B37, 2O5 Hunnewell Terrace, Newton, Mass. Charles C. Delano, A98/G99, Marion, Mass. Dante Del Campo' M40, 66 Rogers Ave., Lynn, Mass. Dorls J. DeLlne' E41, 159 West Corning Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Fe del Mundo● E40, 942 M. H. del Pilar, Manila, Philippine Islands Russell V. DeLong, G27/40, Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Id種ho Frank P. deLuca● M33’2530 Grand Concourse, Bronx, N. Y. Harry Demeter, Jr・● L39' 214 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Leonldas H. Demeter’G41J 214 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Eleanor F. Dempsey, A38/G39, 9 Waldeck Rd., East Milton, MasB. Wll11am B. Dempsey, Jr.. B40, 14 Middle St., Fitchburg. Mass. EIwood L. Denham, E32/40, 40 Anderson St., Boston, Mass. Robert R. Denlcola, M41' 255 Emerson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Prlscllla Dennett' E41, 19 Winter St., Saco, Maine Robert W・ Dennis' E41, 150 Centre Ave., Abington, Mass. Wllllam Dennls’L40, 13 Oakland Rd・, Maplewood, N. J. Amy J. Dennlston, G36, FIorida Normal and Collegiate Institute, St. Augustine, Flo重ida Dean K. Dennlston, E39/40, 11 Masonic Ave., Oak Bluffs, MasB. Edmund Denny' E39, 42 Boylston St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Vlrまlnla V. Densford, Sar38, 712 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois W. Charon Denson, G40/T4l. Asbury Methodist Church, Wells, N. Y. James F. DePass' B40, 308 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. 龍忠常課業,討議薄緑羅講説蕪辞; B。S,。n, Mass. Emlllo D,EnlcoI Fac・1 27 Bay State Rd., Boston, MaBS. Ma重Ie Deny' E411 17609 Woodingham Drive, Detroit, Mich. Raymond E. Desautels● B41, 40 Fairmount St., Dorchester, Mass. Ålbert A. Deschenes, M41, 72 Delisle St., Fitchburg, Mass. Ma重garet Desmond, E39/G41, 877 High St., Fall River, Mass. Luclen H. Desjardins, G40, 52 Assumption Ave., Worcester, MasB. Mr8・ Joseph A. D’Esopo (Beo!γice F. rhomαS), eXP26, Box 26. Hanover, N. H. Albert M. DeTo重a, M40, 66] High St・, Middletown, Conn. Marjorie Devereux, SW41. Uhiversity of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. Mrs. Roslta A. DeVillaronga, B41, 328 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Stanley H. De▼ine, eXB, 9 Rose St., Swampscott, Mass. Joseph J. Devltt' G41, 20 Hammond St., Orono, Maine Mrs・ L. Harold DeWoIf (Mαdeleine MαγSh), A34/G35, 344 Woodward St., Waban, Mass. Clark L. Dexterl E41, 37 West Central St., Natick, Mass. Parker J. Dexter’B40, 26 Central St.. Aubum, Mass. George Deyo, eXRE, 1165 East Jersey St., Elizabeth, N. J. Anne DIckerson, Mus34/35/G36, 229 East Main St., Patohogue, N. Y. Oliver B・ DIcklnson) 2nd● L37, Box 54, East Side P. O., Providence, R. I. Walter B. Dicklnson, 20 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Julla E. Dlckson, E22/G26, 64 Kirkwood Rd., Brighton, Mass. Salvatore S・ DiGiovannl, L40, 410 Gladstone Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. Estelle Dllg, eXP41, 24 Forest Ave., Albany, N. Y. Frances B. Dil宣in色ham, A91, Vemon Court Hotel, Newton, Mass. Ruth H. Dlmick, eXMus33, 129 Anawan Ave., West Roxbury, Mass. Walter Dimmllch, T39, Norwood, CoIorado Edward J. Dinan, B40, 43 Gould St., Wakefield, Mass. Ⅴ・ James DiNardo, E40, 98 Edwards St., Quincy, Mass. FIorence B. Dlne, Sar41, 32 Park Vale Ave., Allston, Mass. John J. Dlneen, L41, 36 Winthrop Ave., Lawrence, Mass. John J. DiNublla, B41, 44 Neptune Rd., East Boston, Ma関. Anthony DiPetrillo, L4l, 140 Plainfield St., Providence, R. I. Sllvio W. DiPietro, E40, 204 Maverick StっEast Boston, Mass. Anna DIVenutま, B40, 20 Villa Ave., Everett, Mass. Pαge Tんみ切 Wllllam M. Downing, M37, 210 Eighth Ave. S.E., Minot, N. Dak. Da▼ld A. Doyle, J富., eXB, 97 Burnham Rd., Morristown, N. J. Esther M. Doyle, G40, 17 Hinckley St., Dorchester, Mass. FrancIs G. Doyle. B41, 22 Pillon Rd., Milton, Ma的. Paul Dranow, M30, 233 Franklin Ave., Nutley, N. J. John R. Draper. Jr., B40, Main St., West Groton, Mass. Da▼ld Dretler, L40, 129 Pleasant St., Marblehead, Mass. John J. Driscoll, L40, 68 Mystic St., Arlington, Mass. Katharlne Drlscoll, E40, 99 Grayfield Ave., West Roxbury. M的s. Lllllan D重iscoll, P41, 881 Plymouth Ave., Fall River, Mass. Mary A. Driscoll, G28, 24 Winthrop Ave., Lawrence, Mass. Elllot H. Drlsko. SW41, Columbia Falls, Maine Mrs. Sidney Drobnes (RuJh W;海鳥Q打) , P39, Norwioh State Hospital, Norwioh , Co皿Il. 掌Elleen Droz. exSar40, Mrs. A重thur L. Drummond (E;i豹be!h C. Dot‘'拐og), A96, 3448 Peel St.. Montreal. Quebec, Canada F. Harold Dubord, L22, 101 Main St., WaterⅤille, Maine Ralph E. Dudley. E40, Depot St., East Douglas, Mass. May J. Du鱈. A16, 136 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Frands A. Du鱈ey, eXG25, 45 Iron Hill St., East Weymouth. Mass. Ruth C. Du鯖ey, Fac/A28, 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Edward R. Du鱈y, L40, 73 Pine St., Palmer, Mass. Gertrude Du鯖y, P40, 190 Pleasant St., Arlington, Mass. Mary I. Du色gan. exE, 31 Hillside Ave., Medford, Mass. Ålclde F. Dumais, M40. St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio Charles E. Dumas, M26, 390 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Wllllam T. Dumm, T98, 1470 Trestle Glen Rd., Oakland, Calif. Ellzabeth H. Dummer. E40, Rowley, Mass. Mrs. Harold E. Duncan (Louisα Cαγieγ) , A40, 198 Terrace Ave., Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. Edith W. Dunham, eXAO9, 12 Clark Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Allce Dunn, E28/36, 508 Washington St., Quincy, Mass. Alice G. Dunn, E41, 1352 Union St" Schenectady, N. Y. G重aCe M. Dunn. P41. 610 Walnut St., Fall River, Mass. Mar色aret M. Dunn, eXMus, 11 Main St., Framingham, Mass. Robert D. Dunn. B40, 476 Prospect St., Torrington. Conn. Mrs. Joseph Dunnlng (Vわiαn M. IngγOm), R&S40, 1832 West Thirty-Sixth St., Los Angeles, Calif. Edwln P. Dunphy, L36, 39 Main St., Northampton, Mass. Samuel Dupertuls, Fac/G16, 27 Garrison St., Boston, Mass. Matthew F. Dur色in, E32/39, 157 Mt. Aubum St., Cambridge, Mass. Katharine Durkee, P40, Oak Grove School, Vassalboro, Maine Margaret L. Durkee, A40, 30 Caroline Park, Waban, Mass. Owen Duston, A40, 29 Pleasant St., Ashland, Mass. Gertrude A. Dwyer, E40, 9 South St., Nashua, N. H. Joseph E. Dwyer, eXB, 16 O’Callaghan Way, South Boston, Mass. Mary I. Dwyer, E30/G34, 156 Lafayette St., Salem, Mass. Årthur W. Dycer, T40, 2927 Highland Ave., Birmingham, Alabama Mabel I. Dyer, A89, 47 Hollis St., Newton, Mass. Mrs. John M. Earle (Ruih ThuγSion), E40, 14 Brooks Ave., Newport, R. L Dorothy Eastman, P32/G34, 94 Su皿mer St., Lynn, Mass. Alice A. Eaton, A41, 61 SchooI St., Dedham, Mass. Edward J. Eaton, Fac, 44 Fairfax St., West Newton, Mass. Fred H. Eaton, L97, 66 Central St., Andover, Mass. Frederick H. Ebln色er, Jr., B41, Independent St., Rowley, Mass. Adah L. B. Eccleston, MO8, 62 Elm St., Southbridge, Mass. Frederlck N. Ede, B41, 94 Harvard St., Dorchester, Mass. Ruth I. Ede, E40, 23 East Elm Ave., Wol]aston, Mass. Bessie Edelstein, E40, 4 Abbotsford St., Roxbury, Mass. Joseph H. Bdge, T.16, 1120 East University Boulevard, Mitchell, S. Dak. Arnold Edland, E40, 31 Devon St., Roxbury, Mass *Blanche H. Edwards, E40, * No address. Esther P. Edwards, G41, 202 Reedsdale Rd., Milton, Mass. Flora E. Edwards. E41, C/o Clifton Cota, Parker St., Winchester, N. H. M章S. E▼erett O. Fisk (Louisa Holman Richαγdsoの, Tr/A83/G87, 135 Winthrop Rd., Martln Edwa重ds, AO7, Wayland, Mass. Brookline, Mass. FIorence J. Fisk, A18, 50 Conwell Ave., West Somervi11e, Mass. Ellen C. E色an, L40, 204 West Brookline St., Boston, Mass. Dorls I. Fまtz. E41, 280 Turner St., Aubum, Maine Norman E. Eさger, A39/G40, 1117] Rosemary St., Detroit, Mich. Edmund C. Fltz色erald, A24, 1755 Fulton St., Palo Alto, Calif. Carollne E. Eggers, G26, 328 South Horne Ave., Avalon, Pa. RudoI筆Ekstein, SW41, 14 John Eliot Square, Roxbury, Mass. Emerson B. FltzGerald, G41, 38 Aster St., Springfield, M的S. John C. Fltz色erald. L32. County Court House. Npw H小手en. Conn. Alexander S. Elder, E40, 76 Ashland St., Medford, Mass. M. Ellzabeth Fltz色erald, Sar41, Station Hospital. Fort Dix, N. J. John A. Elder, A38, 8 Riverside DI.ive, Cranford, N. J. Mrs. Perci▼al Fitzgerald (E脇eJγn Dunhαm) , AO7, 7 Mayfair St., Roxbury. Mass・ Roland D. Elderkまn, SW41, 27 Wheeler St., Boston, Mass. Robert G. Fltzさerald, B41, 174 Temple St., West Newton, Mass. Kenneth Eldredさe, B23, l Federal St., Boston, Mass. Oll▼er F. Eldrldge. G40. 111 Prospect St., North Adams, Mass. 淵語手悲観?土器…諸悪諾苫謹‡講書軽薄3ふMass. Da▼ld Elgart, Mus40, 121 Bellingham St.. Chelsea, Mass. Harriet I. Flag色, C40, 184 Main St., Waltham, Mass. Adelalde G. Eliot, eXA17, 18 Boylston St., R. 521, Boston, Mass. Samuel H. Elklnd, Mus 40, 38 Woodville St., Roxbury, Mass. Do重Othy Ell, E40, 21 Beaumont Ave., Newtonville, Mass. Edward B. Flaherty, E41, 14 Thaxter Rd.. Newtonville, Mass. John J. Flaherty, eXB, C/o C. I. T. Corporation, 84 Harlow St., Bangor. Maine Teresa R. Flaherty, E31, 46 Leicester St,., Brighton, Mass. I8abel M. EI重書ot, Mus22, 21 Eaton St., Wakefield, Mass. Helen Flanagan, P41, 13 Eastman St., Medford, Mass. Frederick J. Elllott, Jr.. B40, 30 Saxon Rd., Newton Highlands, Mass. E. Frank E重量書s, A40, 39 Hill St., New London, Conn. Mr8. Clyde H. Ellls (Mαγie M. M%γクhγ) , L16, 115 East San Marino Ave.. Alhambr寄, C郷lif, Gertrude R. Ems, exP. 19 Mt. Vemon Ave., Brighton, Mass. Sldney Ellis, A38/G39/41, 52 Lawrence Ave., Boston, Mass. Arthur Elllson, L4] , 157 Salisbury Rd., Brookline, Mass. Ludna A. Ellmes, B26, 243 Pennington Ave., Passaic, N. J. Lllllan G. Elmendorf, RE28/G29, 709 Bayard Park Drive, Evansville, Indiana D. Charles BIson, G39/T40, R.R., Westfield, Indiana Earl F. H. Emerson, E39, 204 Eastem Ave., Lynn, Mass. George B. Emerson, Fac/exA17, 178 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Gertrude A. Emerson, E37/38, Warrenton, Virginia Grace C. Emerson. AO6, 8 Abbott Pack Place, Providence, R. I. Mary Emery. exB, 240 Congress Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Laurence Emlg, T14, 29 Hillside Ave., Melrose, Mass. George H. En色lesby, E40, 32 SchooI St., Dracut, Mass. Ruth Ennice, P38/G41, 73 Bartlett St., Malden, Mass. Margaret K. Enos, A39, 209 F、irst Parish Rd., Scituate, MaBS. Ellsabeth L. Enrl色ht, E41, 55 Watson Rd., Belmont, Mass. F. Gerald Ensley, Fac/T31/G38, 196 Walpole St., Norwood, Mass. Carl C. Epsteln, L41, 29 Donald Rd., Dorchester, Mass. Nathan Epsteln, E40, 545 West l12th St., New York, N. Y. Sa皿uel A. Epsteln. B23/L26, Sears Roebuck Co., Pasadena, Calif. Lora E. Erhard, E41, 315 Elm St., Gardner, Mass. Georgetta A. Erskine, eXB, 134 Newburg St., Roslindale, Mass. Wini重red L. Ersklne, E41, 90 Kingsbury St., Wellesley, Mass. F. Bradbury Esau, B39, 35 North Bend St., Pawtucket, R. I. Sarah E. Esau, P41, 45 Bryant Ave,, Milton, Mass. Fred M. Estes. exTOl, East Templeton, Mass. Melvyn A. Estey, G41, 10 Whittier Rd., Medford, Mass. Joseph Ettin色er, B17, 5 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Arthur L. Evans (Mαrion Taγ), AO3, 16 Lawrence St., Wakefield, Mass. Garrett H. Evans, T39, Mountain Lake Park, Maryland Geo重glanna L. E▼anS, Sar39, 941 Broadway, South Portland, Maine J. Orville Evans, T39, 1669 Eighty-third Ave., Oakland. Calif. Mlldred V. Evans, R&S40, 19 Williams Ave., Meriden, Conn. Nell W. E▼anS. Sar35, The Terrace, Durham, N. H. Frank A. Everett. T86, 66 Church St., Wellesley, Mass. Nathaniel J. Eyges, B40, 200 Lancaster Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Ma重Ion D. Flanders, Mus19/HON40, Supervisor of Music, Patchogue, Long Island, N.Y. Mary M. Flannelly, B41, 444 Fourth St., South Boston, Mass. Claudまa M. Flemln色, E41, 28 Clark St., Easthampton, Mass. Mar色aret Å. Fleming, E41, 194 Hartford Ave., Wethersfield, Conn. N. Bond Fleming, T37/G41, Box 132, Charlton City, Mass. Emlly Fletcher, P37. Tumpike St., Canton, Mass. Mellssa F. Fletcher, E41, 710 Massaohusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. Priscilla B. Fletcher, E40, Box 15, Westboro, Mass. Ray F. B. Fletcher. B41, Lyman School, Westboro, Mass. Samuel B. Fletcher, M91, 96 Grape St., Chioopee, Mass. Wllllam FIorlng. E41, 181 Bamford Ave., Hawthorne, N. J. Mr8. Eugene H. FIoyd (Ruih M. WわOSh毎), Mus39, 1280 Marshall Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Allce D. Flynn, E41, ]29 Park St., Easthampton, Mass. Garrett D. Foley, E40, 278 Huron Ave., Cambridge, Mass. John T. Foley, B41, 30 Churchill Ave., Arlington, Mass. Loutse Foley, P40, 30 Raymond St., Medford, Mass. Thomas F. Foley, C41, 10 Harlow St., Dorchester, Mass. Walter B. Foley A22/T23, P. O. Box 2957, Manila, P. I. Helen L. Follansbee, AOO, 6 Foster St,, GIoucester, Mass. Nelson A. Foot. Jr., L40, 81 Bradford St., Pittsfield, Mass. Homer L. Foote, A39, 16 Ocean St., Lynn, Mass. Harriet M. Ford, Sar40, 1214 Survey Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Henry W. Ford, E41, West Burke, Vermont Laura Ford. E40, 19 South Pine St., York, Pa. Wlllis R. Ford, RE31/G32, 721 Wheeler Ave., Scranton, Pa. George W. For垂ues, E41, 95 Houghton St., Worcester, MasB. Felix Fo重te, Fac/L16/19/G28, 346 Marsh St., Belmont Mass. Mrs. Fortin (Ru脇E. EIsJon), eXSar, 1640 BouIevard, Hartford. Conn. Mar色aret R. Fosberry, A41, 8 Colonial St., GIoucester, Mass. Pearl B. Fosnot, G21/40, Chengtu, Szechwan, China Carlton Foss, A33/G36/T39. Anglo Chinese School, Ipoh, Malaya Hazel L. Foss, E40, Buck St., Suncook, N. H. Albert K. Foste重, B40, 51 Patterson St., Augusta, Maine Arllne E. Foster. R&S 40, l Herman St., Boston, Mass. Lawrence B. Foster, eXB, 5 Cottage St,, Nahant, Mass. Raymond G. Foster, Jr., B41, 58 Manchester Rd., Brookline, Mass. Wllbert F. Foster, B41. 503 West Clay St., Richmond, Virginia Elvira P. Fotl, Mus41, 571 Cambridge St., Brighton, Mass. Mary A. Fouhy, G33, 97 St. Stephen St., Boston, Mass. Joseph P. Faさan, L98, 19 Wallingford Rd., Brighton, Mass. Sheldon L. Fountain, B41, 56 Seymour St., Halifax, Nova Scotia Meyer C. Fa合elman, A41, 26 North Anderson St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Charles E. Fowler (En豹be妨Dunbαγ), Sar14, 38 Sunner Ave., South Brailト WiIliam E. Fa色erstrom. E40, 48 Bradley Ave., East Haven, Conn. M. Siebert Fahey. B40, 120 Safford St., Wollaston, Mass. Mlriam A. Fairley, Mus40, 197 Davis St., Springfield, Mass. Ruth E. Falrweather, P41, 2344 Washington St., Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Ursula Faldasz. exB. Wilson St., Framingham, Mass. Raymond J. Fall. C41, 9 Holt St., North Billerica, Mass. George W. Fallon, E40, 18 Pontiac Rd., Quincy, Mass. Mary K. Falvey, E41, 54 WinsIow St., Cambridge, Mass. Edmund K. Fannln色, E35/40, 54 Cushing Ave., Brockton, Mass. Au重ella Farla, eXE, 35 I3urton St., Bristol, R. I. Mrs. Alice Z. Farnham, eXG40, 75 Court St., Newtonville, Mass. Stephen E. Farnum, Mus 40, 209 Terrace Ave., Riverside, R. I. Stella Faro, E40, 18 Newbury St., Lawrence, Mass. Edna V. Farrell, P34. 33 Franklin St., Melrose Highlands, Mass. tree, Mass. Constance Fowler, E41, 28 Spo債ord Rd., Milton, Mass. C. Emerson Fox, J重., Mus34, 255 The Great Rd., Bedford, Mass. Fred E. Fox, T40/4l, 40 Third St., North Andover, Mass. Gladys M. Fox, E40, 14 Central Place, Saugus, Mass. Harry W. Fox, E40, 34 Grape St., Malden, Mass. John Fox, L25, 1 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Norman S. Fox, eXB30, 108 North Kings Highway BoulevaI.d, St. Louis, Missouri Richard A. Fox, B39, 211th Coast Artillery, Batt. B, Camp Hulen, Texas. L. Curtis Foye. Fac/A24/M26, 1049 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Mass. Robert Å. Frame. A41, 144 Webster St., Rockland. Mass. George C. Francis, E31, 114 Pleasant St., Fitchburg, Mass. John A. Francis. exB21/exA22. 560 Commercial St., Provincetown, Ma閃. Joseph F. Francis, L14, 758 Purchase St., New Bedford, Mass. Gladys A. Farren, A41, 23 Farren RcL, Weymouth Heights, Mass. Lilllan A. F重anCIs, M41, Meroy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sayed A. Fattah. E39, Shebin el Kanat,er, Kafr Shebiしl, Egypt Clara H. Franke, E33/G38, 16 Lakeville Rd.. Jamaica Plain, Mass. RIchard A. Faulkner, eXB24, Box 211. Meyer Place, Riverside, Com. James Fawcett, Fac/B34/35, 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Ma的. Wllllam O. Faxon. M76/HON39, 15 Walnut Ave., StoしIghton, Mas8 Mrs. Arthur E. Frankel (Suzαnne R. WolbαCh), Sar39, 7150 Cyril Court, Chicago, 重llinois C. Norman Fay, B24, 170 Forrest Ave., West, Newton, Mass. Phillp W. Frankelsteln, B40, 8 Wiltshire Rd., Brighton, Mass. Earl W. Franklin, L41, 76 Quint Ave., Allston, Mass. Grady D. Feaさan, RE28/G36/37, 6 Jason St., Arlington, Mass. Jos6 A. Franquiz, T33/G40, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R. Richard A. Fear, E40, 63 Third St., GIoversville, N. Y. Leopold H. Fraser, M23, 2500 Bissell Ave., Richmond, Calif. Mary-Rose Fratus, eXB, 315 Lowell Ave., Newtonville, Mass. John J. Federer, M32, 69 Columlha Terra(鳩, Weehawken, N J. John R. Feeley, M36. 3 Third St., Bangor, Maine ‡瀧謹詑培轟輩1露盤軽電蕊鵠轟s s. Isaac Feldman, B40, 28 Bedford St., Lynn, Mass. Saul Feldman, B41, 43 F]oyd St., Dorchester, Mass. Ruth M. Fellows, RE31, 40 West Main St., Canajoharie, N. Y. Emille A. Fenau量, P39, 143 Bellevue Rd., Lynn, Mass. George L. Fenn, T40, 912 Maple St., Duncan, Oklahoma Rosalie S. Fenton, E39, 194 Shaw Ave., Hdgewood, R. l. Dorothy M. Fredd, E40. 274 Norwell St., Dorchester, Mass. RIchard B. Fredey, eXB25, Surfside Hotel, Miami Beach, FIorida John C. Fredrlksen, B41, 37 Crescent Hill Ave., Arlington, Mass. Milton S. Freedberg, B40, 22 Willow Ave., Salem, Mass. A重nOld E. Freedman, L40, 271 Normandy St., Dorchester, Mass. Arthur Freedman, C41, 18 Duke St., Mattapan, Mass. Nathan O. Freedman, L14, 6233 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Calif. Leander T. F重eeland, TO9, 2051 North Alabama St., Indianapolis, Indiana Benjamin S. Freeman, L41, 619 Walk Hill St., Mattapan, Ruth FenwIck, G41, 45 NichoIs St., Chelsea, Mass. Luther Freeman, A89, 390 Kingsley St., Pomona, Calif. Chrlstlne E. Fer色uson, B40, 209 Washington St., Brook】ine, Mass. Mrs. Luther Freeman (Beγihα Mα105〆eld) , A89, 390 Kingsley St., Pomona, Calif. Dorothy Fer色uson, E40, 101 SomやrSet St., Providence, R.工. Franklln A. Ferさuson, MO2, 9 Deering St., Portland, Maine John C. Ferguson, A86/HON39, Hsi Chiao Hutung, Peking, China Prlscllla Fer垂uson, A29/E41, 19 Phillips St., Boston, Mass. VIola B. Ferland, P36/B40, 362 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Jos6 A. Ferr6, B24, Porto Rico Iron Works, Inc , Ponce, P. R. John W. Ferrett, III, A39/G40, 2 University Rd., Cambridge, Mass. Edwin D. Ferretti, L40, 5O Adams St., Worcester, Mass. Mr8. Pamella Dulaney Ferris, G41, 53 Robert Rd., Marblehead, Mass. Mrs. Sybll Goldstein Ficksman, L4l, 61 Anderson St., Boston, Mass. Harold F. Fielding, E40, 53 Friend St., Beverly, Mass. Edna M. Finnerty. A41, 63 River Rd., Brookline, Mass. John M. Finney, T41, 1200 South Grand Boulevard, Spokane, Wash. Edith S. Fish. E39, South Hampton Rd., Amesbury, Mass. Raymond Fish. E39, 161-41 Highty-Sixth Ave., Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. Gustave Fishbone. B41, Main St., Yantic, Conn. Ernest F. FIsher, Jr., A41, 56 Clearway St., Boston, Mass. Marion C. Fisher, R&S40, 12 Vemon St., Norwood, Mass. Raymond I. FIsher, A22, 79 FIoI.enCe Ave., Melrose, Mass. Winston L. Fisher, C40, 73 Tilton Ave., Brockton, Mass. F. Russell Freeto, Jr., M40, 44 Maverick St., Marblehead, Mass. Grace P. Freidinger, E37, 1226 Third St., Springfield, Illinois Linda M. French, AO2, 273 St. Marks Place, Staten Island, N. Y. Lucy M. French, Mus40, Main St., Sandwich, Mass. Walter L. French, TO8, 260生Jefferson Ave,, Ogden, Utah Diepold Friedland, E41, High School, Brookline, Mass, Clinton Frledman, B40, 51 Summer St., Taunt,On, Mass. Howard Friedman, A39, 11 Pleasanton St., Roxbury, Mass. Robert S. Friedman, E36/G38, 60 HysIop Rd., Brookline, Mass. David E. Frieze, B41, 1488 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Milton M. Frisch, B41, 62 Rogers Ave., Lynn, Mass. William I. Frisch, B32, 726 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. Mabel P. Frlswell, eXP, 891 Central Ave., Needham, Mass, Newton H. Frltchley, G41, 6111 Glen Oak Ave., Hamilton, Baltimore, Md. George A. J. Froberger, E41, 28 Exchange St., Rockland, Mass. Charles M. Frolio, E40, 279 Plymouth St., North Abington, Mass. Mrs. Frederick A. Frost (Loi′e P. Lehmbec短γ), A39, C/o Lehmbecker, 248 South Main St., Sharon, Mass. John E. Frost, B36/37, 28 Highland Ave., Somerville, Mass. Ellen Å. Fuller, E39, 24 Pearl St,, Westfield, Mass. Pαge rんirdy-One Robert L. Fuller● G41, 27 Summit St., South Portland, Maine きame8 E. GIover. L40, 11 Sheldon Place, Waterville, Maine Ruth M. Fu11er’R&S40, 1 Edgebrook Rd・, West Roxbury, Mass. Abraham GIovsky, L17, 234 Cahot St., Beverly, Mass. Wllliam G. Fuller● E28, 56 Prospect St., Lancaster N, H. Arthur L. Glynn, B41, 133 Eustis St., Boston, Mass. George P. Fulton, Fac/A36/G38/4l, 93 Maple St., Milton, Mass. Robert J. Furie, A40, 634 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. Nunzぬto FusaroI L17, 390 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Raymond W. Gadbois, M33, 80 Plantation St., Worcester, Mass. Lauretta L. Gaede, G40, 205 Fifth Ave. South, Lake Worth, FIorida Isaac Goddard, E26/36, 154 Lincoln S七, Newton Highlands, Mass. Maly Goddard, eXB, 14 Autumn St., Boston. Mass. Wynona A. Goddard, Sar38, 63 Columbian Ave., Athol, Mass. Charles F. Godley, E29/40, 668 Westminster Hill Rd., Fitchburg, Mass. Beatrlce Go髄, G33, RandoIph Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg, Virginia M. Frances Go色色in, B39/L40, 14 Oakton Ave., Dorchester, Mass. James F. Ga鱈neyl eXB29, 48 Preble St., South Boston, Mass. Jullus Goldbarg, M40, Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals, 750 Harrison Åve , 監督ふ鵠,餞轟で茫霊読書譜糀㌫意Mass. A. Betty Goldberg, Sar40, 5329 Overbrook Ave., Pbi]adelphia, Pa. Eldora L. Ga色non, B41, 24 Commonwealth Rd・, Watertown, Mass. Walter Galner, L40, 5319 Kenmore Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bosもon, Mass. Alvin Goldber色, E41, 85 Magnolia St., Dorchester, Mass. Åbraham G. Goldber色, eXL16, 10 Pierce St., Norfolk Downs, Mass. Ålan Gainsboro, B40’25 Stuart Rd., Newton Center, Mass. Bessle Goldberg, P41, 106 Summer St., Adams, Mass. Sybil G. Gale● Sar41’106 Geneva Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Davld Goldber色, B39, 28 Kent St., Hamilton,, Canada Ruth Galiano, RE38/41, Day Nursery Association, 2050 East Ninety-Sixth St., Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Lester E. Goldberg (Cγ融hiα Gγeenglass), P40. 4 DoIphin Ave., Winthrop. Maβ尽. Mrs. Paul F. Gallagher (Eleanoγ W諒h), eXP, 81 Gardner St., Peabody, Mass. Selma Goldberg, P41, 22 Morningside Rd.. Worcester, Mass. Ruth T. Gallagher, Sar40, 208 West Perrin Ave., Spring丘eld, Ohio Sumner Goldberg, C41, 10生Elm Hill Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Walter F. Gallagher, eXLO9, 80 Federal St., Boston, Ma,SS. Davld Gallen● B40’63 Howland Terrace, Worcester, Mass. Paul H. Galllgan, B41, 468 Neponset St., Canton, Mass. Mまchael B. Gallol eXB, 207 Park Drive, Boston, Mass. Armand M. Gamboa’E39, 11 Clearwater Rd・, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Vera M. Gang・ RE38’‘Family Consultation Service, 304 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio Nicholas Gannam, A40/G41, 162 Metropolitan Ave., Roslindale, Mass. Ren-Ylng Gao, G41, 133 Yuen Ming Yuen Rd., Shanghai, China Davld A. Garbelnlck, M17' 1102 East Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. Annle Golden, E32/41, 21 Wallingford Rd., Brighton, Mass. Elizabeth Golden, E40, 3 Ivanhoe St., Newton, Mass. Harry B. Golden, eXLlO, 78 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Herbert H. Golden, A41, 37 Glenway St., Dorchester, Mass. Albert Goldenthal, L40, 715 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, Conn. Jacob V. Golder, A39/G40, 22 Malden St., Everett, Mass. Doris E. Goldman, B40, 128 Fuller St., Brookline, Mass. Edith Goldman, A40, 107 Ferry St., Everett, Mass. Joseph Goldman, A41, 17 Quinくまy St., Medford, Mass. 諾茸講豊霊詣議韓悪観i謀議需品豊晋藍ndiana Maurlce B. Garde, B41, 210 Poplar St., Chelsea, Mass. LIonel S. Goldman, B40, 61 Beaumont St., Dorchester, Mass. Ralph I. Goldman, E37/41, 86 FIoyd St., Dorchester, Mass. Deslre Goldsmith, E33/G40, Box 335, South Hamilton, Mass. Burdett H. Gardner● A40, Farmington, Maine E. Gardner Goldsmlth. B40, 104 Farragut Rd., Swampscott, Mass. Charles W. Gardner● E41, Woodlawn, Virginia Mrs. Bamey Goldstein (T硯ie Sきrom), A27, 12 Henderson St., Passaic, N. J. Henry A. Gardner, C40, 6235 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jean T. Gardnerl E41, 61 Marlboro St.’Belmont, Mass. Fritzle E. Gareis● Sar41’146 High St., Abington, Mass. Ågnes G. Garland・ E34/35’40 Perry St・・ Barr?, Vermont John A. Garland, eXB, 26 Lakeville Rd・, Jamalca Plain, Mass. Cecilia L. Goldsteln, A40, 150 Leyden St., East Boston, Mass. Charles S. Goldthwait, B40, 73 Harold St., Melrose, Mass. 詑紳豊品赫薄給諾豊能忠霊岩盤龍もi轡。n A,。., N。W Y。産 N,Y. Kenneth J. Garland, B41, 12 Lewis Rd., Belmont, Mass. Jos6 E. Gonzalez, G41, 69 West lO7th St., New York, N. Y. Nancy Lee Garland, E41’25 Cypress Rd・, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Muriel R. Garney’P40, 31 Basset St., East Lynn, Mass. Irene Goo, A26, 1697 Pensacola St., Honolulu, T. H. Stanley C. Gamiss’B41, Grace Church House for Young Men, 88 Fourth Ave., New YoI.k, N. Y. Ⅴ・ Antoinette Garrett, Mus41, 27 Westminster Terrace, Bellows Fa11s, Vermont Nathan H・ Garrick, Fac/M15, 416 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. George F. Garrity, L16, 618 Washington St., Abington, Mass. Wllliam H. Garvin’Jr., B40, 2 Elmhurst St., Taunton, Mass. Helen N. Gary, A99, 1315 FaiI.mOnt St., Washington, D. C. 親監護寝誓謹,Tennis Rd・・ Mattapan・ Mass. Lester O. Gatchell, B26/28, 42 Roberts Rd., West Medford, Mass. Forrest C. Gatesl exA15, 15 Hancock St., Everett, Mass. Sylv書a G. Gates, E40, 46 Parker St., Islington, Mass. Donald Gatley' B41, 171 Harriett St., South Portland, Maine Edward J. Gaughan, B411 201 Chestnut Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Margaret M. Gearan, E22/41, 15 Magoun Ave., Medford, Mass. James T. Gearon, E26/28, 4209 Russell Ave., Mt. Rainier, Maryland J・ Leo Geary, Jr.' E40, 140 Waverley St., Newton, Mass. Chrlstopher A. Geas, A41, 92 Church St., Clinton, Mass. James Geddes● Fac, 39 Fairmount St., Brookline, Mass. Geor色e W. Gelss, E39’424 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Mass. Louis A. Genovese, eXL40, 205 South St., Pittsfield, Mass. William J. Good, LO6, 68 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. David Goodale, Ag82, 129 West Street, Reading, Mass. Joseph B. Goodbar, Fac/L30, 36 West Forty-fourth St., New York, N. Y. VIctor Goodber色, B40, 82 Lenox St., Hartford, Conn. Geor亀e W. Goode, eXLOO, 687 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Edna A. Goodhlnd, E41, 8 Brooks Ave., Holyoke, Mass. 掌Helen G. Gooding. E40, Robert G. Goodnow, E40. Center St., Dover, Mass. IrvinさI. Goodof, 14 Torrey St., Dorchester, Mass. Blanche M. Goodwln, A17/G35, 15A West CoIony Rd., East Lynn, Mass. Robert E. Goodwin, LO3, 84 State St., Boston, Mass. Stella Goostray, Fac/E33, 300 Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass. Catherine C. Gordon, P40, 249 Haven St., Reading, Mass. Gurdon Gordon, LOO, 90 Dartmouth St., Springfield, Mass. Saul Gordon, L36, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Ruth Gorham, Sar41, 15 Bancroft St., Providence, R. I. Allce M. Gorman, A13, 162 Franklin St., South Braintree, Mass. Thomas F. Gorman, B40, C/o Walsh Construction Company, A. P. O. Box 8or, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B. W. I. Zaven M. Gostanlan, B39, 32 Bradford Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Esther Gotnick, A40, 4 Greene Lane, Newport, R. I. Leopold O. Genest, A34/M37, 360 Main St., Indian Orchard, Mass. John Gottlleb, B31/32/40, 22 Bentham Rd., Dorchester, Mass. Maurice W. Gouchoe, E41, 147 Church St., Rutland, Vermont Annle I. Gould, E33/41, 15 Franklin St., Lynn, Mass. Wil11am B. Geo色hegan, A92/T93, P. O. Box 176, South Dartmouth, Mass. James H. Gould, E39/41, 194 Fairmount Ave.,埠yde Park, Mass. Mrs罵‡y A. Geor色e (Demeiγia Simmons) ’AOO・ 61 Montvale Rd.・ Newton Center・ Jessie Gould, E34, Mt. Dora, FIorida Morris N. Gould, L40, 70 High St., Clinton, Mass. Norbert M. Geo鰹rlon, B39, C/o United Fruit Company, Bananera, Guatemala J・ Jackson Geor色e, E41, 306 Amesbury Rd・, Haverhill, Mass. *Charles Goulston, B35/40, Patrick D・ Gerard, M23, 364 Roseville Ave., Newark, N. J. Ralph Goulston, B37/E40, 36 Dehon St., Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. Ruth Sears Gerleman’E41’6 Vernon St., Framingham Center, Mass. Margaret L. Gourvil量e, G38, 22 Lexington St., Everett, Mass. Walter J. Gerolamo, C41, 53 Whiting St., Lynn, Mass. Helen Ghirardini● B40, 216 Rutledge Rd., Belmont, Mass. Robert H. Gove, B22, 139 Essex St., Beverly, Mass. Wllliam B. Gove, E40, Valley Forge Military Aoa,demy, Wayne, Pa. Santo Giampapa’B40, 3らChelsea St., East Boston, Mass. Sidney Å. Govenar, B40, 18 Sylvia St,, Lexington, Mass. Margaret R. Gian亀regorio, A40, 203 Mountain Ave., Revere, Mass. Grace M. Gowen, E36, 29 Fair丘eld St,, Boston, Mass. Joseph F. Glannotti, E40, 399 Savin Ave., West Haven, Conn. Pearl K. Glbbs, G4O, 15 Blake St,, Westboro, Mass. James C. Glbson’B40, 17 Sheafe St., Brookline, Mass. John S. Glbson, B39, 158 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. Ruth Gibson● Mus40, 9 Arch St., New Bedford, Mass. 難詰嵩課語感縄誰某‡発語龍諸悪OOhesteL N・ Y. Howard H. Gilbert, B37, 54 Clinton Rd., Melrose, Mass. Samuel H. Gilde, B33’180 F. A., Batt. D., Barrack 1720, Camp Edwards, Mass. Lawrence K. Grady, A41, 18 Summer St., Beverly, Mass. W. Raymond Graf, B40, 159 Jason St., Arlington, Mass. Geor合e F. Grandi, B27/28, 40 Hildreth St., Marlboro, Mass. Irene Grandmont, M40, 465 North Main St., Brockton, Mass. Philllp Grano鱈, E31/Mus31, 38 Evelyn St., Mattapan, Mass. Mrs. Ellhu Grant (Amγ ChαSe), A96, 111 West North St., Stamford, Conn. Everett A. Grant, I41, 7 Chauncy St,, Cambridge, Mass. Grace M. Grant, B23, 123 Cottage St., Pawtucket, R. I. Mona M. Grant, Sar40, 189 Savin Hill Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Åmold G・ Glle● E38’5 Heaton St., Montpelier, Vemont Albert L. Gray, Jr., B40, 114 Owen Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Madeline Glllen, G40, 9 Clifton Place, Danbury, Conn. Hu急h M. Gray, E41, 22 Blagden St., Boston, Mass. James J. Gまlleran● B23, ] 1 Pine St., FI.amingham’Mass. Jasper Gray, eX.B21, 40 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Warren S. Gilford, B38/L40, 11 Harlem St., Dorchester, Mass. Cedric L. Glllespie, B36/40, 78 Charnwood Rd., Medford Hi11side, Mass. Edward H. Gillespie, E41, 129 Willard Ave., North Newington, Conn. Maud Glllesple● H411 314 Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass. Ellzabeth A. GilletteI Mus40, 3 Rolfes Lane, Newbury, Mass. Willlam H. Gllliatt, M31, 446 North Fifth St., Coalinga, Calif. Alice Gllman} E41’84 Franklin St., Peabody, Mass. 重rma T. Gilman, E40, Sebasco Estates, Maine A. Murray Glnzberg, I・22, 333 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Carlo GIor容l, A41, 1015 Elm St., Manchester, N. H. FIorence E. Gray. P30. Wheaton Co11ege, Nort。n. Mass. Kenneth M. Gray, A39, 138 Old St., North RandoIph, Mass. Robert W. Gray. B41, Camp Croft, South Caroljna Wllllam Gray, Jr., E41, 11 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Wl11iam L. Gray, Mus86, Washington St., Hanover, Mass. Frank Grebe, RE26/31/G27, The Second Church in Newton, West Newton, Ma,SS. Mary W. Greeley, E36/41, 133 Chestnut St., Holyoke, Mass. Edgar A. Green, B40, 80 Vemdale St., Brookline, Mass. Mrs. George R. Green (Phγ砂s Geγmαiゆ, P40, 1185 Commonwealth Ave., Allston, M綿S. Olga GIorgi, A40, 16 Mt. Hood Terrace, Lynn, Mass. Herbert A. Green, T26, 212 Brooks St., Charleston, W. Va. MrstB器竺S W. Gladden (DoγO幼少E. FγenCh) , E37/40・ 7 Brownell Ave.・ Hartford・ Mrs. Herbert F. Green (CaγOl海e Ch海enden), A40, 5029 East Third St., Tulsa, Okla. Rose Glaser, A41, 59 Somerset Rd., Brookline, Mass. Rebecca Glasmann, A30, Veteran Administration Facility, Huntington, W. Va. Louise W. Glaze, P401 5 Birch Terrace, Westfield, Mass. Mrs. Wllllam H. M. Glazier (Amγ E. BγanCh) , Sar35, Temple Mountain Ski Forest, Inc., Peterboro, N. H. Mafjorie R. Glendon, E41, 2 Curtis Ave., West Somerville, Mass. Meyer Green. L40, 1008 Elm St., Manchester, N. H. Mllo C. Green, A12/M16, 98 Hamilton Ave., Lynn, Mass. Norbert S. Green, B4l, 18 Locke St., Saco, Maine R. Edwln Green, G40/嘗41, Markle, Indiana RIchard D. Green, eXA, 2424 Thirty-ninth Place N.W., Washington, D. C. Mrs. Robert L. Green (E弛R. KγaC/の, RE39/41, 716 Union St., Schenect’ady, N.Y. Vincent J. Glennon, E41, 5 Wachusett St., Worcester, Mass. Ross W. Green, A40, Falmouth, Mass. 豊窺譜糖蜜董†#維雑記罷蕊;能町kway, Worces鴫Mass. Ruth N. Green, G41, 908 Juniper St., Atlanta, Georgia James O. Greenan, AO8. 206 North Virginia St., Reno, Nevada Willまam Gllckman, B40, 231 Ward St., Newton Center, Mass. Benjamln GIobman, L41. 186 Enfield St., Hartford, Conn. Charles Y. GIock, B41, 2850 Grand Concourse, Bronx, N. Y. * No address on file. Pαge T巌γ均一Tα)0 David H. Greene. B40, Box 473, Hyannis, Mass. Jane E. Greene, A41, 90 Warren Ave., Milton, Mass. Laura F. Greene, E39, 179 Warwick St., Lowell, Mass. Bernard L. Greenhood, L41, 261 Winchester St., Brookline, Mass. Herbert C. Greenland, T41, 52 Main St., Kingston, N. Y. Esther M. Greenlea書, eXC.' 257 Washington St., Salem, Mass. Max F. Greensteln, L24, 488 Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass. Norman Greensteln, B41, 42 Pratt St., Providence. R. I. Emma J. Greenwood● E29, 184 Jackson St., Lawrence, Mass. James W・ Gre鈍, B41, 80 Richmond Ave., Worcester, Mass. John R. Gre色合, HON30’270 Madison Ave・, New York, N. Y. Dorothy J. Gre色ory, S如41, 35 North Woods St.' Manhasset, Long Island, N. Y. Joyce D. Gregory・ Sar41・ Bra;ntwood Hall, Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Robert H. Gremley● 46 Elm St., Aubum, Maine Morton H. G重l鱈● A40’916B Main St., Waltham, Mass. Marga章et T. Gri鱈ln, E40, 99 White St., Westfield, Mass. RIchard H. Grl鮒n● B40’162 Pine Ridge Rd・, Waban, Mass. Ione J. Harriman, E41, E11iott Community House, Keene, N. H. Arthur B. Harrinさton, G38/T39, 108 West Heald St., EIsinore, CaIif. Danまel J. Harrin色ton, J重・. A39/L41, 246 Prince George St., Annapolis, Maryland John Harrin色ton, L40, 246 Prince George St., Anna,POlis, Maryland Mary G. Harrington, E40, 655 State St., Spring丘eld, Mass. Wllliam S. Harrington, Jr., L40, 26 Orchard Rd., Brookline, Mass. Frederick A. Harrls, Jr., Mus41, 44 Oakland St., Medford, Mass. Georglanna Harris, E40, Y. W. C. A., Carlisle, Pa. John J. Harrls, E41, 117 Common St., Watertown, Mass. L. Gerald Harris, E41, Hartland, Maine M・ LaFayette Ha細ris, T30, Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Arkansas Åclle Harrison, E40, 902 Pickens St., Columbia, S. C. Wllllam D. Gri債in, B41, 110 Yeaman St., Revere, Mass. Fosdまck P. Harrlson, A30/L31, 24 SchooI St., Boston, Mass. Clyde L. Gri鮒th, A39/L41, Academy St., Hartland, Maine Leslle S. Harrlson, M30, 210-20 Northem Boulevard, Bayside, Long Island, N. Y. Bessie B. Hart, E41, 93 High St., Brockton, Mass. Henry Grillo, B4l’46 Kensington Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Murray Grobman● B41, 49 Gardner St., Newton, Mass. Barba重a Gross● Sar40, Bowling Green, Media, Pa. Lawrence Gross, exE, 55 Thornton St., Revere, Mass. Ed色ar Grossman, eXB, 1264 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Max R. Grossman, Fac/B26/30, 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Donald B・ Grover, E40, 43 East Wheelock St., Hanover, N. H. Myrtle L. Grover, B40, 10 Museum Rd・, Apt. 8, Boston, Mass. AIfred A. Guarino, A36, 41 North Elm St., White River Junction, Vermont Frands L. Guertln, L27’11 LaSalle Rd., Needham Heights, Mass. Charles J. Guild, G37/40, P. O. Box 904, Attleboro, Mass. Mrs. Reuben J. E. Gulld (Amα M, Schauきる), RE39/G41, 21 Temple St., Boston, Mass. Helen M. Hart, A39/G40, 22 Tennyson St., Somerville, Mass. Patrida E. Hart, G40, Box 202, Hampton, N. H. LewIs H; Hartln, G40, South I」ancaster, Mass. Emll M. Hartl, T31/G38, 27 Wheeler St., Boston, Mass. LewIs O. Hartman, T直/TO2/GO9, 93 Nonantum St., Newton, Mass. Max Hartmann, Fac, 208 Fu11er St., Brookline, Mass. *Roy J. Hartmann, SW41, Mary G. Hartnett, E4l, 1 Main St., Millville, Mass. Robert C. Hartstall, Jr., B41, Co. E, 5th Signal Tr, Batt., Signal Corps Replaoement, Fort Monmouth, Red Banks, N. J. Charles W. Harvey, eXB21, North Main St.. North Easton, Mass. S. Wilcox Harvey, G36, 116 Tappan St., Brookline, Mass. Frank Gullnello● E41’72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. Thomas F. Harvey, B40, 25 Aberdeen St., Boston, Mass. Samuel H. Gurvitz' eXL’420 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass. Dorothy B. Gustafson, E40, 15 Thomdike St., Salem, Mass. Joseph N. Haskell, Fac/G28, 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Mabelle W. Haskell, eXE, 13 Phillips Circle, Swampscott, Mass. Elmer E. Hasklns, G38, 213 Jackson St., Newton Center, Mass. Cora M. Hassell, E41, 35 Holt St., Fitchburg, Mass. Dana B. Hastlngs, B40, 21 Dennison Ave., Framingham, Mass. Mabel I. Guttery● RE21’205 East Sixteenth St., Indianapolis, Indiana Elizabeth I. Hastin色s, Mus33/E37/41, 210 Main St., Fairhaven, Mass. Murlel Guren, C4O, 90 Pleasant St., Brookline, Mass. Samuel J. Guson, B39/41, 106 Tyler St., Boston, Mass. Carl R. Gustafson, B30/34/L33, 59 Rumford St., West Hartford, Conn. Canoll B. Gustafson’G40, 155 George St., Arlington, Mass. Mary L. Guyton, eXE, 264 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Doris I. Haag, P40/E41, 31 Slade St., Belmont, Mass. Anne H. HaavIsto, A39/G40, 103 Frost Rd., Ashby, Mass. Å・ Darold Hackler, T39/41, Uniontown Methodist Church, Uniontown, Ohio W]lliam Hadge, B38, 6 Union Park, Boston, Mass. Harold Hadley, T41’1819 South Main St., High Point, N. C. Russell S. Hadlock' B23, 23 Valley Rd., Milton, Mass. Ellzabeth S. Hagar, E39’63 Grace St., Rockland, Maine Joseph C. Hagar, A86, Marshfield Hi11s, Mass. Mrs. Pearl Bra色don Harwood, E4l, R. R. 1, Bennington, Vermont Mar色でeta S. Hastin色s, All, 231 Belmont Ave., Springfield, Mass. Mary G. Hastln9s, B40, 137 West Fourth St., Oswego, N. Y. Mirlam Hatch, S孤35, 18 Steel Street, Auburn, N. Y. Russell T. Hatch, AlO, 138 Bellevue Ave., Melrose, Mass. EIwood Hathaway, M41, 179 Hawthorne St., Malden, Mass. Kenneth W. Hathaway, B34, 1704 Shafor Boulevard, Oakwood, Dayton, Ohio Ruth Hathaway, E38, 82 Horace Rd., Belmont, Mass. Mrs・ G・ W・ Hathorn (Alice ZrαZel′on), eXRE, 65 Third St., North Andover, Mass. James T. Haugh,も40, Rutland, Vermont Mrs. Harold J. Haven (Beαiγice Broc鳥) , A23, Box 65, Station A. Athol, Mass. Earl J. Ha襲erty, E40, Sunset Ave., Rockland, Mass. David W. Hawksworth, B30, The Kendall Co., Paw Creek, N. C. Clara M. Ha色man, eXRE24, 283 Peach St., Buffalo, N. Y. Phlllp B. Hawley, R&S40, Church of St. Hubert the Hunter, Bondurant, Wyoming. Ceclle B. Hay, E36, 129 Summer Ave., Springfield, Mass. Cora G. Hay, E38, 79 Mechanic St., Westbrook, Maine Ruth R. Hayden, E26/G41, Tewksbury, Mass. Robe重t C. Ha色oplan’L39, 57 South Gate Park, West Newton, Mass. Helen G. Hald● E41, 1798 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Mrs・ Albert Haines (Lou誇eGaJe), AO9, 102 Chester St., Allston, Mass. Edさar F. Haines, MO6, Fort Dix, N. J. Gertrude D. Halbritter, A20' 56 Meredith Circle, Milton, Mass. Clayton E. Halel B4l, South Main St., Wolfeboro, N. H. Ellzabeth F. Hale, E35, 58 Lewis St., Athol, Mass. Lyman L. Hale, TO9, Apulia Station, N. Y. Emlly Hallpos, Sar41, 968 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. I. Barbara C. Hall' Sar36, 64 Professor’s Row, Medford, Mass. Charles V. Hall, G39/T40, 419 North BI.Oadway, Sterling, Kansas Damon E. Hall' L991 53 State St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Damon E. Hall (Js.abelLeig枕協), AOl, 204 Prospect St., Belmont, Mass. Ellzabeth B・ Hall, A41, 1027 Cambridge Crescent, Norfolk, Virginia. F. Josephlne Hall, A91/GO1, 50 Chester Brook Rd., Waltham, Mass. FrancIs T. Hall, AO2, 9 Wellman St., Brookline, Mass. V11la E. Hayden, E38, Department of Education, State House, Augusta, Maine Catherlne G. Hayes, E41, 36 Melville Ave., Dorchester, Mas9. George H. W. Hayes, L95, 12 High St., Ipswich, Mass. Helen Hayes, E35, Y. W. C. A., Fifth & Jackson Sts., Springfield, Illinois John J. Haye8, L37/38, 294 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Timothy M. Hayes, L14, 3 Bank Row, Greenfield, Mass. Henry A. Haynes, A41, Gardner State Hospital, East Gardner, Mass. Willlam V. Haynes, eXB29, 11 Marilyn Rd., Milton, Mass. Ernest H. Hays, Mus24/34, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia Ralph A. Hayward, B39, C. H. Farley & Company, Inc., Portland, Maine Ernest W. Hazelton, B37, 349 Myrtle St., Manchester, N. H. Daniel H. Healey, Jr., A40, 16 Merrill St., Newburyport, Mass. Gardner S. Hall’L26, Rochester Realty Building, Rochester, N. H. Robert H. Healey, B40, 47 Chapman Ave,, Waterbury, Com. Eleanore L. Healy, P41, 57 Thomas Park, South Boston, Mass. George E・ Hall・ Jr., G41, 1442 CheI.Okee Rd・, Louisville, Kentucky Joseph R・ Healy, E40, 23 Gardner St., Worcester, Mass. Grover C. Hall, T41, 511 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Henry F. Hall' eXB29, Landham Rd・, South Sudbury, Mass. John R. Hall, Fac/B27, 43 Pinevale Ave., Reading, Mass. Mary-Elizabeth Hall, E40/G41, 8 Lawrence St., Winchester, Mass. Stuart R. Hall, B41, 92 Toxteth St., Brookline, Mass. Ellza L・ Hallas, E41・ 650 North Main St., Fall River, Mass. Mrs. Eu9ene H. HalliwilI (Lois Johnson), E37, 63 St., Bangor, Maine Harry H・ Ham, Jr., L41, 121 Windsor Rd・, Waban, Mass. Wllliam P. Hamblet, E41’54 Chestnut St., Andover, Mass. William D. Hamel, B41, 36 Louise Rd., Belmon†. Mass. Marlon S. Hamilton, eXE’187 Winthrop Rd., Brookline, Mass. Ruth F. Hamllton, A41’154 Parmenter Rd・, West Newton, Mass. Wllllam C. Hamまlton, eXB, 94 Lincoln Rd・, Medford, Mass. Loraln S. Hamm, G40, 251 Montvale Ave., Wobum, Mass. F・ Douglas Hammond, E40, 67 Barnes St., Providence, R. I. Isabel C. Handy● G41, 132 Middle St., Braintree, Mass. Helen M. Haney’eXB’118 Union St., RandoIph, Mass. Elizabeth A. Hanley, eXA, 361 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Paul W. Hanlin, B39, U.S.S. Beaver, C/o PostmasteI., New York, N. Y. Harold P. Hanlon, L40, 181 East Main St., Waterbury, Conn. John E. Hannigan, Fac/L90, 10 State St,, Boston, Mass. Albert F. Hanrahan, E41, 25 Sidley Rd・, West Roxbury, Mass. Edmond L. Hanrihan● eXB21, 99 Shaw Rd., Brookline, Mass. E. Lowell Hanscom, eXB, 94 Warren Ave., Hyde Park, Mass. Elizabeth D. Hanscom, A87/G93, 26 Franklin St., Northampton, Mass, George Hansen, B4l’66 Mascot St., Dorchester, Mass. Knute Hansen, B36, 331 Hyde Park Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Lorentz I. Hansen, Fac/G34, 7 Dunbarton St., Andover, Mass. Norman C. Hansen, C41, 10 Locust St., Everett, Mass. Louise Hanson’E41, 16 Elm St., Aubum, Maine NIcholas Haralambopoulos, A39, 40 Harrison St., Haverhill同比ss. Ålfred C. Harcourt, B39, 8 Myopia Rd・, Hyde Park, Mass. Emest A. Hardlng, A32, 239 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Robert H. Harding (Mαude Burba海Simes), Fac/E33, Hotel Charlesgate, 535 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Edward R. Hardy, A96, 80 John St., Room 1704, New York, N. Y. Edwin N. Hardy, GO6, 26 Lexington Ave., Greenwich, Conn. Lawrence F・ Hardy, L41, 82 Second St", Medford, Mass. Richard B. Hardy, A40, Princeton TheoIo営ical Seminary, Princeton, N. J. E. Leota Hargen, eXP, 70 East Fifty-fifth St., Apt. 4C, New York, N. Y. Ethel J. Heath, A97, 58 Dwight St., Brookline, Mass. George B. Heath, TO9, 15 Einhom Rd., Worcester, Mass. Wllmer P・ Heath, A38/M41, 61 Stevens St., Needham, Mass. Loren G. Heaton, T39, Bristol, Vermont RIchard H. Heaton, B41, 16 Summer St., Ashland, Mass. Thomas L. Hederson, Jr., B40, 45 Crescent Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Robert H. Heigham, E39, 22 Brooks St., Brighton, Mass, Lempi T. Helkkinen, A41, 390 Granite St., Quincy, Mass. Irwln R. Heilbronner, B41, 146 Sutherland Rd., Brighton, Mass. Sidney Heimberg, A40, 54 Bicknell St., Dorchester, Mass. Harold R. Heinin9er, T22/23, 209 North Brainard St., Naperville, Illinois Martin Held, L40, 35 Fairmont St., Malden, Mass. Morrls L. Heller, M40, 68 Summer St., Claremont, N. H. Milton E. Helman, A37/M40, 18 Lynn St., Chelsea, Mass. Edgar J. Helms, T93, 119 Palfrey St., Watertown, Mass. Henry E. Helms, A37/T40, South Athol, Mass. Douglas Henderson, A40, 78 Chestnut St., Weston, Mass. Kathleen J. Henderson, E36/39, 7 Cochrane St., Melrose, Mass. Martha B. Henderson, P39/G39, 27 Max血eld St., West Roxbury, Mass. Walter C・ Henderson, LO3, 8 Magnolia Parkway, Chevy Chase, Maryland Hugh W. Heney, H41, 16 Fairview AveっRandolph, Mass. Elbert H. Henry, E40, St. Johnsbury Academy, St. Johnsbury, Vermont Joseph F. Henry, B39, 52 High St., Westboro, Mass. Clyde Hensley, G41音, 24 Hancock St., Boston, Mass. Walter G. Hermes, A41, 102 Cedar St., Roxbury, Mass, Julio C. Hernandez, eXB23, EI CoIombiano, Ildi五cio Colle 53, Num, 49-10O, Medellin, Colombia Mrs. Eugene H. Herrick (脇m毎′ed Keaきing), E41, Rangele高Maine L. Curtis Herrin曾, Jr., B38, Box 42, Station A, Roxbury, Mass. David E. Hersee, eXB20, 38 Weston Rd., Reading, Mass. Norman L. Hersey, R&S40, 1789 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Phyllis E. Hess, R&S40, 16 West View St., Dol.Chester, Mass. Helen B. Hesson, E40, 33 Lexington Ave., SomerⅤille, Mass. EIwood H. Hettrick, Fac/L38, 11 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. Harris E. Heverly, T41, 55 Purchase St., Newburyport, Mass. Nancy P. Hewitt, E34/35/RE40, 117 Myrtle St., Bost,On, Mass. Thomas S. Hey, B40, 32 Tremaine St., C/o McNaughton, Portland, Maine FIorence E. Hickey, E40, 401 Lowell Ave., Newtonville, Mass. Ruth E. Hickey, E34/G40, 39 Emerson S七., Wakefield, Mass. William J. Hickey, Jr., L26, 24 M印k St., Boston, Mass. Juanまta C・ Hargraves● P26, 410 Stuart St., Boston, Mass. Danlel H. Hiebert, M18, 322 Commercial St., Provincetown, Mass. Raymond Hargrove, B41’3058 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. Sibley Hi鈍inbotham, R&S40, 101 Willow Ave., Wollaston, Mass. Esther Hi鈍ins, P40, 161 Main St., Norway, Maine Francis J. Harkins, C40, 94 Readville St., Readvi11e, Mass. Geor餌a E. Harkness, G20/RE20/G23/HON38, Garrett Biblioal Institute, Evanston,工n. 諾善玉蓋護持試3龍霊盤,宅急龍霊魂豊S S " Helen R. Hamey, G41, 44 Beverly Rd., Worcester, Mass. James A. Hi重合iston. E41, 4 Fountain St., Milford, Mass. Mrs・ Alanson C. Harper (FγanCeS且. Dodge), A28, 135 Edgehi量l Rd., Fair丘eld, Conn. Harriet J. Hi鈍S, E41, 61 Old Middlesex Rd., Belmont, Mass. Earl E. Harper, T21, 319 Hutchinson Ave,, Iowa City, Iowa Francis D. Harrigan, L12, 43 Tremont, St., Boston, Mass. Edward A. Harriman, Iノ91’1226 East Foothill Boulevard, Altadena, Calif. Chester A. Higley, L30, 678 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Everett M. Hill, T95, Methodist Church, Vashon, Washington * No address on file. Pαge Tん諦g-Tんγee Gladys W. Hlll, E41, 16 Clark Ave., Walpole, Mass. Thomas Hunter, M30, 552 Main St., Shrewsbury, Mass. Greta Hlll, E39, 94 Marion St., Brookline, Mass. Å1lan W. Huntin色, A40, Greenfield, N. H. Llllla M. Hまll, E25/G30. 35 Winthrop St., New Britain, Conn. Clarence L. Huntress, eXB20, 104 Sunset Ave., Lawrence, Mass. Lllllan S. Hill. AO5, 41 Forrester St., Salem, Mass. Mildred E. Huntslnger, G29/35, St. John’s Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, N. Y. Nellle B. Hill, A98, 333 St. James Ave., Spring丘eld, Mass. Donald B. Hurford, A41, Falmouth, Mass. Robert A. Hill, B38, 27 Wi11ow Ave., Somerville, Mass. Dorothy M. Hu富Iey, P41, 100 GreenIeaf St., Quincy, Mass. Marion C. Hlll, P41, 46 Somerset Rd., West Newton, Mass. Warren G. Hill, E41, 441 Lexington St., Aubumdale, Mass. Row重and M. Hill, G29/41, State Normal School, Brockport, N. Y. Katherlne E. Hi重重まker, A13, 34 Broad St., Apt. 4, Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Henry W. Hills (Maわoγie Cduon). A18, 19 Priscilla Rd., Reading, Mass. Burt L. Hilton, T40, Washington, R. I. J. Arthur Hlnchll鯖e, A41, 235 Depot Hill, Battic, Conn. Alice L. Hlnckley, B40, 21 Wigwam Place. Springfield, Mass. Dorothy Hlnckley. E40, 216 Adams St., Lakewood, R. I. Mrs. Wllfred N. Hinckley, Jr. (E従nicc Ro秒el;), A16, 356 LaGrange St., West Roxb町y, Mas8. Orvllle J. Hine, G40, Hertzog Hall, New Brunswick Theologioal Seminary, New Brunswick, N. J. Bette A. Hlnes, A41, 30 Hillcrest Ave., Melrose, Mass. Harold E. Hlnes, E41, 132 Eliot St., Chestnut Hi11, Mas8. Sarah A. Hirst, A21, 1012 Main St., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Matthew Hunyadi, E38. 2036 East Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. John J. Hurley, B37, 40 Berkeley Ave., Lowell, Mass. Paul T. Hur置ey. E41, 34 Hallowell St., Mattapan, Mass. Jacob I. Hurwitz, E40, 102 Elm Hill Ave., Grove Hall, Mass. Barbara Huse, A40, 13 Pine St., Belmont, Mass. Charles P. Huse, Fac, 13 Pine St., Belmont Mass. James G. Huse, E4O, 21 Monunent St., West Medford, Mass. Edlth M. Hutton, E40, 269 West Forest Ave., Pawもucket, R. I. Mr8. James H. Hutton (DoγOlhγ S初es). Sar13, 7235 Coles Ave., Chicago, I11inois Mrs. Wllliam C. Hutton (Virg寂a F. Wbod), A40, Doten Rd., Chilt’OnVille, Mass. Marlon Huxley, A40, 172 Centre Ave., Middleboro, Mass. Paul Hydon, G31/41/T32, 34 Main St., Peru, N. Y. Harrlet Hyde, E41, Lincoln Rd., Walpole, Mass. Beatrまce M. Ierardi, Sar40, 61 Wellsmere Rd., Roslindale, Mass. Portla A. Ierardl. A39/G40, 40 Maywood St., Roxbury, Mass. Donald S. Hirtle, A32, 6434 Kennedy Ave., Cincimati, Ohio David N. Ilno, G41, 836 Komabamachi, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan. Mayhew R. Hitch, L89, Court House, New Bedford, Mass. 蒸暑叢理経†欝5儲統監寵許諾藍欝構誓亀・ Charles H. Hoar, Jr., E41, 710 Adams St., Dorchester, MasB. Mrs. A皿en P. Hoard (Idα Bαγγ0秒S), eXA98, 419 Somerset Ave., Taunton, Mass. Frederlck H. Hodge. A94/G99, 820 North Main St., West Lafayette, Indiana I▼an C. Hodges, T41, 302 East Sixth St.. Alexandria, Indiana Katherine I. Hod合don, A93, 2215 Newkirk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Norman R. Hoelzel. A40, Ripley St., North Chelmsford, Masβ. Carl G. Ho鱈, eXB, Johnson Rd., Bethany, Conn. Dorothy B. Ingham, G41, 14 SchooI St., Foxboro, Mas8・ Myron O. Insko, T17, 4565 Brighton Ave・, Ocea.n Beach, San Diego, Calif. Ruth P. Iovine, Mus4O, Milton, N. H. Thoma8 C. Isbell, Jr., G40, Fair Play, S. C. Burton H. Isenberg, B41, 1955 Commonwealth Ave., Brighton, Mass. Mrs. F重ankl血J. Ives (Verα Mc励γOγ), E36, 177 Main St., Oneonta, N. Y. Gabriel Ho鱈enberg, I.41, 31 Seyms St., Hartford, Conn. Randall W. Ho債man, G41, 1209 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Thoma8 J. Jabally, B40, 114 Hudson St., Boston, Mass. Paul E. Ho亀ue. T40, 106 Meadvi11e Pike, Franklin, Pa. Mary D. Jack, Q暮Mus, 124 Plymouth Rd., Malden, Mass・ Tまmothy O. HoIcomb, B41, 20 Pomfret St., West Roxbury, Mass. Gabrlel J. Jack, MO7, 347 Orange St., New Haven, Conn. Mr8. Catherlne Stln8On Holden, SW41, 49 Co11ins Rd., Waban. Mas8. Frederick W. Holder, ExB19, 78 Concol.d Ave., Milton, Mass. Norman F. Holder, E39, Windham, Maine Ålbert E. Holdrid色e, B29, 162 Islington Rd., Aubumdale, Mass. Harold G. Jackl血, B35, 451 East Foster St., Melrose, Mass. Wllllam S. Jackson, eXB, Hartshorn Rd., Walpole, Mass. WlⅢam W. Jackson, E40, 31 Harvard St., Malden, Mass. Frleda L. Jacobs. R&S40, 68 Lancaster St., Leominster, Ma綿. Mrs. Årthur J. Holen (R初h月. Dα昨わγih),A17, 141 0 Chelmsford St., St. P種ul, Minn. 重rene F. Jacobs, A31, 224 President’s Lane, Quincy, MasB. 醤績品措雅語丑詳解露盤詳鑑鵡瀧轟種s 8. Robert L. Jacobs, T40, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass・ M. Elmlna Hollls, P24, 343 Main St., Wareham, M種ss. Ruth E. Jacob8, E41, 13O Harris Ave., Needham, Mas3・ Marさuerite Holmberg, P36, 616 Watertown St., Newtonville, Ma的. Adrian E. Holmes. B22, 87 South Willard St., Burlington, Vermont El81e Holmes, E40, Belfast, Maine Ernest G. N. Holmes, TO8, 826 Delaware Ave., Bethlehem, Pa. Joel O. Holmes, B32, Westwood Hills, Southbridge, Mass. Armas K. E. Holmlo. T40, 182 Centre St., Quincy, Mass. RIchard G. Holt, E40, 54 Grove St., Pawtucket. R. I. Ronald F. Holt, E4O, 199 Spring St., Brockton, Mass. Edmund S. Homer, E41, 175 Davis Ave., Brookline, Mass. Arthur J. Honigbaum. B40. 52 Goodale Rd., Mattapan, Mass. Chrlstopher E. Hondru. B37, West Side Y. M. C. A.. 5 West Sixty-third St,, New Yo重k. N. Y. Oll▼la A. Jacobs, L40, 10 Browne St., Brookline, Mass. Wllliam A. Jacob8, L4O, 144 Miller St., Meriden, Conn. Arvid L. Jacobson, E40, 9 Clark Rd., Milton, Mass. RudoIph Jacoby, Fac/M11, 270 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. 認諾蕃闇菅も蕊翫豊龍tt邸n, Mass. Adelbert M. Jakeman, E40, 4 Pleasant St., Westfield, Ma烏3・ Ellzabeth D. Jame8. E20/G25, 66 Montview Ave., West Roxbury. M的s. Gordon H. James. T41, 238 East D鈎sau St., Ontario, Calif. Allce N. Jameson, E37, 60 Greenough St., Brookline, Mass. Ellzabeth S. Jamieson, P40, 12 Homewood Rd., Baltimore, Maryland John B. Jan1色an. B40, 80 Pine St., Stoneham, Mass. Robert R. Janjiglan, M18, 1043 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, Pa. Wlulam S. Honneus. A26, St. Davids, Pa. Joseph M. Hooban. B41, 6 Eliot Crescent, Brookline, Mass. Nlls H. Janson, G36, 711 Forty-eighth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry L. Hooper. G41, 28 Fayette St., Boston, Mass. Olln M. Je鱈o重ds, L18/HON39, Rutland, Vermont John A. Hope, eXB19, 2 Thompson Square, Chαrlestown, Mass. Charles E. Jelllson. L40. 88 Churoh St., Winches七er, Mass. Leon L. Hopklns, eXB, 22 Temple St" Belmont, Mass. Robert F. Hopkins, B41, 40 Scotland Rd., Reading, Mass. Geor色e O. Jenklns. B23, 1045 Plymouth St., Bridgewater, Mass. Frank Jar▼ls. A28, Gri儀n Rd., Westford, Mass. Vl▼lan G. Hopklns. E39, Cushing Academy, Ashbumham, Ma舶. Muriel I,. Jenklns, A41, 26 Herman St., Belmont, Mass. Theodore W. Jenks, exB, 224 Centre St., Runford, R. I. Babette Hom, E41, 27 Lancaster Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Cathe血ne P. Jennin色s, P40, 30 Hunphreys St., Dorchester, Mass. E▼elyn G. Hornsey, E36/G39, 264 Bay State Rd., Boston, MaβB. Ber色ltte A. Jensen, A38/G40, 87 St. Stephen St., Boston, Mass. Walter A. Horton. exR照23, 1486 Washington St., Boston, Ma舶. Lou18 Jensen, E36, Sebago Lake. Maine Willlam H. Horton. M40, RandoIph Field, Texas Fred C. Hosea, eXA98, 2O16 Otis St. N.E., Washington, D. C. Ellzabeth T. Hosmer, E40, 3 Elm St., Stoneham, Mass. VIctoria C. Jesseman, E41, 518 Park DI.ive, Boston, Mass. FIorence G. Hou色hton, E23, P. O, Box l16, Sterling, Mass. Marion A. Houさhton, Sar40, Main St., Sherborn, Mass. Alexande章Houston, A32, Box 173, Topsfield, Mass. Ha重Old T. Houston, B21, Hidden Rd., Andover, Mass. Mrs. John Houston (Miγ宛m rayloγ), A39, 2358 Washington St., Newton Lower Fans, M鋤ss. Frands n. Jep8On, A39, Navy Supply Pier’Casco Bay, Portland, Maine Edmund F. Jewell, eXB23, Manchester Union, Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Ethel Hall Jewell, E41, 1833 Vermont Ave. N.W., Washington, D. C. Robert H. Jewell. exB, 88 Arlington St., Winchester, Mass. Saul E. Joftes, G41, 652 Harvard St.. Mattapan, Mass・ 謹架嵩諾謀,箆葦錯綜?鶏革霊菅やIllinois Danlel A. Johnson. Jr., E41, 652 Union St., South Weymouthl Ma灘・ MIchael S. Hovenanlan, M40, 97 Jackson St., Cambridge, Mass. Dean Johnson, G41, 376 Broadway, Lynn, Mass. Mrs. AIonzo G. Howard (Chγ寂ine JαnSSOn) , A93, 56 Bellevue St., West Roxbury. E. Vivian Johnson, P41, 38 Almy St., Newport, R. I. Mass. Channing Howard, eXB, 31 Lowell Rd., Winthrop, Mass. Mrs. Harold F. Howard (Mol′ie Kingsbeγγ), AO5, 138 North Main St., RandoIph. M租ss. Harriet Howard, G40, Ethel Walker School, Simsbury, Conn. Mr8. Helen Wl11ard Howard, L35, 65 Robin St., West Roxbury, Mass. Louis G. Howard, Fac/M23, 99 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Harold Howarth, B41, 721 Kempton St., New Bedford, Mass. Melissa B. Howarth, G40, 79 Pine St., Belmont, Mass. Corlnne E. Howe, E39/G40, 73 Humboldt Ave.. Roxbury, Mass. Eleanor J. Howe, E40, 71 St. John Place, New Canaan, Conn. F. Kenneth Howe, E41, 25 Kennard Rd., Brookline, Mass. Mrs. Oliver H. Howe (Mαγihα D. Paul), A88, North Main St., Cohasset, Mass. Stephen E. Howe, E41, 2009 Marsha11 Ave., Newport News, Virginia Danlel E. Howells, Jr., B41, 24 Hibbard Rd., Newton, Mass. Willa重d B. Howes, M12. 2305 Pinecrest Drive, Femdale, Michigan Phlllp W. Howison, B41, R. F. D. 4, Portland, Maine Vir色inまa S. Howland, E40, 1239 Warren Ave., Brockton, Mass. Raymond K. Hoxsie, B40, 39 Broad St., Westerly, R. I. Helena M. Hoye, G41, 39 Granite St., Taunton, Mass. Phyllls I. Hoyle, B41, 73 Woonsocket Hill Rd,, Woonsocket, R. I. Hope E. Hubbard, E40, Wells, Vermont Theodora L. Hubbard, G41, 15 Cottage St., Cambridge, Mass. John S. Huerth, E41, 66 Viaduct St., Sharon, Mass. Lowell W. Hughes, T41, 22 Englewood Ave., Worcester, Mass. Mary Hu9hes, A41, 124 Pleasant St,, Milton, Mass. Edith C. Johnson, A32/G33, 53 Mt. Everett St., Dorohester, Mass. Edith C. Johnson. RE19, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Edwin R. Johnson, C41, 23 Fountain Rd., Arlington, Mass. Elmer G. E. Johnson, B31/32, 164 Benton St., Hartford, Com. Gardner A. Johnson, A38, Graoe Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas Garland Johnson, M40, 2091 Abington Rd., University Centre Station' Cleveland' Ohio Harriet E. Johnson, TO6/09/AO9, 8 Follen St., Cambridge, Mass. Helen C. Johnson, B41, 13 Whiting St., Plymouth, Mass. Mrs. Helen Henry Johnson, P40, ZO Moraine St.' Belmont, Mass. Helen V. Johnson, A38/G39, 51 Rutland Square, Boston, Mass. Ida B. Johnson, A92, Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass. Leanna F. Johnson, E40, 1223 Harvard St. N.W., Washington, D. C. Lelghton F. Johnson, Fac/M15, 29 Bay State Rd・, Boston, Mass. Leslie H. Johnson, G40/T41, 82 Third St., Medford, Mass. Mrs. Lois Fuller Johnson, SW41, 82 Third St., Medford, Mass. Mary Johnson, SW41, 86 Clifton Ave., Clifton, Mass. Mary A. Johnson, E39/41, 157 Ashley St", Hartford, Conn. 臨譜缶推諾星討基経㌶監器瑞轟語龍三描・ Pat. O. Johnson, L40, 31st and South Lewis Ave., Tulsa, Okla. 譜鶉霊草沌‡監某誌厚志認諾静書霊葦罷業・ Bertha E. Johnston, E41, 25 Dea,COneSS Rd., Boston, Mass. J. Wesley Johnston, T39, 313 Sherman St.● North Mankato, Minn. Mrs. M. H. Johnston, (Mαγgare! Ho鵬!on), AO6, 195 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Ellnor A. Hunt, P30, 93 Summer St., Bos七on, Mass. Mrs. Nonnie M. Johnston, E41, 92 Federal St., Salem, Mass. Mrs. Robert D. Johnston (Eleanor Smiih), A33, 29 Pitcher Ave., West Medford, Mass. Fred W. Johnstone. B35, 9 Peckham Ave., Newport, R. I. Delbert E. Jolley, T39/40, 118 Water St., Warren, Pa. Arthur C. Jones, E31/38, 52 Massachusetts Ave., East Walpole, Mass. Grace E. Hunt, A41, 35 Madison St., Malden, Mass. Audrey L. Jones, E40, Lubec, Maine Mary B. Hu色hes, E41, 37 Victoria St., West Somerville, Mass. Kenneth L. Hulbert, E40, 33 Ruggles St., Westboro, Mass. Alison C. Hume, A40/G41, 130 Oakside Ave., Methuen, Mass. Harold A. Humphrey. B24, 423 Weston Rd., Wellesley, Mass. Eleanor A. Hunt, Mus38, 68 Brndford St., Woonsocket, R. I. Netty Hunt, P41, 20 Theodore St., Dorchester, Mass. Olive W. Hunt, E40, Bank St., Harwich, Mass. Phmp W. Hunt. L41, Box 87, Greenfield, Mass. Ellza L. Hunter. A37, 43 Duxbury Rd., Newton Center, Mass. James M. Hunter, T41, Box 458, Townsend, Montana Pαge T巌宛g-Fo約・ Carroll Q. Jones, AO3, 405 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Charles W. Jones, Jr.’B41’142 Wakefield St.1 Reading, Mass. Chester E. Jones, B29/E33/T40/G41, Lckeside Ave・, Wrentham号Iass. E. A. Pollard Jones. T16/G23, 54 Pine St., Freeport, N. Y. Eleanor T. Jones, A4], 181 Maplewood St., Watertown, Mass. 隠lmer T. Jones, Jr., B40, 208 North Central Ave., Wollaston, Mass. 講説.豊謀議苫薙ぎ,既講説聖霊隷嘉島y, N. Y. G. Melboume Jones, G40/T41, 99 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. George B. Jones, E40, 233 Walnut St., Manchester, N. H. Marjorie Å. Jone8, B41, 2423 Lake Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Lucy H. Klmball, E38, 53 Woodlawn St., Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Elmer L. Kimmell (Goil ChαSe), A41, Arbutus Apts., 5110 Leeds Ave., Arbutus, Maryland Robert B. Kimnach, B40, 383 Linden St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Evelyn Klng, B38, 181 Glenway St., Dorchester, Mass. FrancIs W. Kin色, G41, 23 Magnolia Ave,, Haverhill, Mass. Marjorie L. Jones, E31/40, 12 Buttonwood Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Ruth E. Jones, C40, 29 Kahler Ave., Milton, Mass. John H. Kln色, Jr., E40, 20 Loveland Rd., Brookline, Mass. A重thur Jordan, B40, 14 Munjoy St., Portland, Maine Mrs. J. W. King (MαrgareiCome加γd) , Sar13/E41, 95 PrescottSt., Cambridge, Mass. James P. Jordan, Jr., B40, 14 Munjoy St., Portland, Maine Nellle W. Jordan, E28) 1769 Broadway, South Portland, Maine Julius B. King. RE27, 1612 Cleveland Ave., Chicago, Illinois Merton T. King, B39, 20 Englewood Ave., Worcester, Mass. Marion Å. King, M38, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Ray V. Jordan, A99, Box 3134, St. Petersburg, FIorida Mu重iel P. Kin色. E41, 77 Wheatland St., Somerville, Mass. Mrs. George F. Joyce, (Mαγion l砺ndell), A92, 70 Court St., Dedham, Mass. Barbara Kingman. E41, 954 North Main St., Rockford. Illinois Ethel S. Klngman. All, 14 Westwood Rd., Somerville, Mass. Roberta W. Journeay, B41, 23 Richfield St., Squantum, Mass. Adele Jozefowski, P40, 52 Ward St., Worcester, Mass. Lydia E. Judd, B41, 29 South St., Plymouth, Mass. Joseph L. Jud色e, Jr., B40, 47 Paine St., Worcester, Mass. Oliver J. Judさe, B39, 22 Kempton St., Roxbury, Mass. Bradley C. Judkins, B41, 180 Lawrence St., Haverhi11, Mass. Lulse Junker, P41, `10 Mellen St.. Ashmont, Mass. Kathryn M. Junkins, E40, 52 Strathmore Rd., Brookline, Mass. Mlldred C. Junkin8, A21, 8 Harmony St., Salem, Mass. Bertha E. Jutras, E41, 109 Woodbine St., Cranston, R. I. Sldney J. Kagan, L25, 333 Washington St., S. 608, Boston, Mass. Edwln Kaさln. R&S40, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn. Herbert Kalser, B39, 80 West Selden St., Mattapan, Ma的. Samuel Kaitz, B40, 984 Morton St., Mattapan, Mass. Samuel Kalesky, LOO, 10 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Albert Kalikow, C41, 57 Munroe St., Lynn, Mass. すsrael Kamlnsky, L40, 30 Pleasant St., Putnam, Conn. Abraham Kaner, A40, 37 Dewey St., Roxbury, Mass. Hen富y J. Kaplan, M34, 18 South Main St., Spring Valley, N. Y. Morris Kaplan, B32, 912 Bellevue Ave., Trenton, N. J. Saul Kaplan, L31, P. O. Box 44, Columbia, Tenn. Stanley Kaplan, B40, 660 Morton St., Dorchester, Mass. Sydney Kaplan, B40, 8 Culbert St., Mattapan, Mass. Leon Karelltz, A39/L41, 28 Clark St., Malden, Mass. Hyman N. Karlsberg, L40, 82 Erie St., Dorchester, Mass. E▼elyn Karol, A40/G4l, 25 Newland St., Aubumdale, Mass. 重r▼ln色R. Karol, E39/40, 26 Arbutus St., Dorchester, Mass. Arbetta S・ Ka8hlmura, Sar40, CoIorado School for De証and Blind. CoIorado Springs, CoIo. Amold I. Katz, C40, 10 Blake St., Beverly, Mass. Danlel C. Katz, B40, 25 Femboro St., Roxbury, Mass. Jacob Katz' B371 1521 Massachusetts Ave.1 Arlington, Masβ. Louls F. Katz,鉱B22, 23 Temple St., Boston, Mass. Maurlce L. Katz, LO2, 1048 Sunmit St., Evanston, Wyomlng Erwln R. Kaufman, 140, 72 Orange St.. Chelsea, Mas8. Israel Kaufman. exB, 137 Shurtleff St., Chelsea, Mass. Dorothy M. Kay, A34, Lenox Ha11, Sargent College, Cambridge. Mass. Abraham KazIs, E40, 11 Fayette St., Cambridge, Mass. WlnIfred Kea8t. A41, 2 Otis Place, Boston, Mass. Natalle M. Kechljlan, eXA, 1051 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Donald Å. Kingsley, L40, 90 Wheeler Ave., Edgewood, R. I. Lowell V. Kln色sley, A40, Berea College, Berea., Kentucky Rose A. Kingston, Sar41, 149 Woodtick Rd., Waterbury, Conn. James R. Kinsella. B41, 82 Homer St., East Boston, Mass. Alfred W. Kinsman, E40, 6 South Maple Ave., Haverhill, Mass. 詳緒蹄干範薬害豊轟薬士舘講諾描討is. Davld J. Kirby, eXB, 40 SchooI St., SomerⅤille, Mass. James T. Kirby, LO6, 572 Washington St., Whitman, Mass. Leo Klrshner, B41, 16 Elizabeth St., Mattapan, Mass. Olga Kirslls, P40, 6 Centre StリCambridge, Mass. Anna KIsluk, A41, 341 Riverside Ave., Medford, Mass. Myra B. Kite, E40, College Station, Berrien Springs, Mich. Marce11 Kittredge, Mus40, 56 Bennington St., Newton, Mass. Auan G. Kjellman. A40, 3 We3SaguSSett Rd., North Weymouth, Mass. Ruben H. Klalner. L31/35, 185 Devonshire St., Boston, Masβ. Najeeb Klam, A37/M40, 14 Dana St., Cambridge, Mass. Joseph Å. Kline, L26, 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Abraham H. Klubock, L12, 1115 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 註詑盤寵詐‡ ,篭l講説霊謹Å豊鴇嵩紀s8. Mrs. Wlllard Knlghts (AnnαEIson) , All, Pine Hill Rd., Newburyport, Mass. Martha F. Knudsen, E38, Lawrence General Hospital, Lawrence, Mass. Albert C. Knud8On, Fac/T96/GOO, 8 Maple Ave., Cambridge, Ma,SS. Elna M. Knutson, A29/G40, 88 Rosewood St., Mattapan, Mass. Irene A. Koehrmann, A41, 98 Fletcher St., Roslindale, Mass. Gertrude O. Kohler, E4l, 24 Jackson Rd., Somerville, Mass. Eva Kohutyn8kl, eXP, 35 Buttonwood St., Dorchester, Mass. Sophla Kohutynskl, eXP, 35 Buttonwood St., Dorchester, Mass. FIorence Kolb, eXB22, Box 402, Anohorage, Alaska Peter Konary, A41, 24 Clinton Ave., Brookton, Mass. 籠譜護嵩認諾灘畿言叩損・ N・ Y・ Walter A. Korona, B41, 36 Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. William E. Koste重, exB24, 29 Broad St., Rockland, Maine Ha車重y A. Kouloplos, B40, 422 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Barbara A. Kraemer, A40/G41, 1124 Commonwealth Ave., A11ston, Ma息8. Harry Kraft, eXB, 131 Fuller St., Brookline, Mass. Dor18 M. Keefe, E41, 11 Woodward Ave., Quincy, Ma的. 監督謹藍等轟も鵠…認許恕誤詰・ M脚. Dorothy M. Kee重e, P25, 26 Boume St., Forest Hills, Mass. Åbraham Krasker, Fac/E27, 23 Rockwood Park, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Marle L. Keefe, A40/G41, 17 Fletcher St., Roslindale, Mass. Mary M. Keefe, G40, 10 Bush St., Westfield, Masる. Leland W. Keemer, T41, Tumer St., Austin, Pa. Paul H. J. Keenan, B41, 8 May St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Helen J. Keily, B32/E40, 47 Regent Circle, Brookline, Mass. Lyman A. Keith, G41, 104 SohooI St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Do重Othy Keller, E41, 86 Jersey St., Boston, Mass. Eli Kravitz, C40, 12 Glenway St., Dorchester, Mass. Ll11lam S. Krayka, Sar41, 24 Grant St. Auburn, N. Y. Mlrlam Krechevsky, P40, 88 Canterbury St., Hartford, Conn. 龍認監護弗蒜鴇と認豊鶉龍諾意謹書o重d・ M掛 緊柴F藍詣清純観葦認諾豊・濫竺am・ M種容β・ Mlriam E. Keller. Mus40, 16 Allen St., Wobum, Mass. Andrew J. Kelley. B41, 8 Oakland Ave., Wollaston, Mass. Dorothy A. Kelley, E40, 251 Bunker Hill St., Charlestown, Mass. Hyman Kublln, A41, 29 Sohuyler St., Roxbury, Mass. FIorence M. Kelley, Sa直O, 35 Schofield Ave., Webster, Mass. Chen Kung-Yu, B40, 725 Ave. Haig, C/o B. K. Lee, Shanghai, China Sarkis Kurkjian, Mus41, 14 Merrifield Ave., Watertown, Mass. Ellzabeth S. Kelley, P37, 301 West Elm St., Brockton, Mass. Henry O. Kelley, E30/32, Valley Forge Military Academy, Wayne, Pa. James W. Kelley, Fac/G41, 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Julla F. Kelley, Sar40, 372 Charles River Rd., Watertown, Mass. Loran F. Kelley, exB, 81 Melville Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Loulse H. Kelley, E40, 142 Anthony St., East Providence, R. I. Luke F. Kelley, eXL12, South Main St., Middleboro, Mass. Mary Jane Kelley, E41, 53 Bow Rd., Belmont, Mass. Rachel L. Kelley, Sar15/E38, 9 Pierce St., East Milton, Mass. Thomas A. Kelley, Fac/M29, 52 Central St., Somerville, Mass, Ernest W. Kuebler, RE26/G29, 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Fred G. Kue鯖ner. B30, 53 Seymour St., Roslindale, Mass. Phyllls Kulvln. Mus40, 11 Alton Place, Brookline, Mass. Joseph H. Kutch. A37/M41, 421 C血istopher Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dwight V. Kyle, G36/T37/41, 326 FIower St., Chester, Pa. Laurence H. Kyle, M41, 77 Eakins Rd., Manhasset, L. I., N. Y. Armas S. Kyllonen, A39/G41, 440 Clarendon Ave., Monessen, Pa. George A. Laber邑e, G40, Assumption College, Worcester, Mass. Louis J. LaCivita, E40, 28 Maguire Park, Hast Walpole, Mass. Edouard C. Lacroix, A40, 62 Gordon St., A11ston, Mass. Roberta M. Kello色合. E38/4l, Wheaton Inn, Norton, Mass. Joaquin La合o, Jr., L41, Box 153, Arecibo, P. R. Mrs. Davld J. Kelly (Louise Walsh) , Sめr30/E40, 21 Mystio Ave., Wincbester, Mass. Joseph A. Lahaさe, A41, Nantasket Beach, Mass. Helen M. Kelly, P36/B40, 15 Beech St., C骨mbridge, Ma的. Noel P. Lalrd, B22/29, 821 State St., Lancaster, Pa. Leroy M. Kelly, G40, 33 Clarke St., Lawrence, Mass. Martha V. Kelly, E40, 70 Harbor Ave., Nashua, N. H. Mary G. Kelly. E40, 227 Osgood St., North Andover, Mass. Wllllam F. Kelly. B25/27, 322 Cross St., Belmont, Mass. Dorothy E. Kemp, A41, 2207 Dorchester Ave., Dorohester, Mass. Wlnifred F. Keneally, E41, 278 Mill St., New Bedford, Mass. Mary R・ Kenneally, P40, 3157 18th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Claire M. Kennedy, P41, 213 Park St., Stoughton, Mass. Elleen M. Kennedy, Mus40, 42 Bidwell Square, Unionvi11e, Conn. Anna L. Kenney, G41, 18 Mayfair St., RoxbuI‘y, Mass. Colette J. Kenney, E40, 35 Washbum Ave., Needha′m, Mass. Margaret C. Kenney, E41, 35 Washburn Ave., Needham, Mass. Joseph W. Kenny, E40, 15 Maple Ave., Medford, Mass. Ralph C. Kerley, Jr.. E41, 43 Scott St., Springfield, Mass. George F. Kerr, L12, 110 Woodward St., Newton Highlands, Mass. David Kesselman, B40, 32 Hlmhurst St., Dorchester, Mass. Maurice E. Kessler, T41, 311 Cottage Ave., Anderson, Indiana Ruth A. Kessler, A40, 14 Alton Court, Brookline, Mass. Thelma E. Kessler, E41, 274 Brookline St., Cambridge, Mass. Arthur B. Kettle, B28, 53 Greenlawn Ave., Newton Center, Mass. Haう色A. Kevorkうan, B39, 2 Buckley Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. John R. Kewer, L25, 83 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Bertha R. Kiernan, L18, 206 Broadway, Chelsea, Mass. Owen B. Kiernan, E40, High School, Sandwich, Mass. Henry J. Kleronski, B40, 36 Hecla St., UxbI.idge, Mass. Albert A. Klldare, A21/G27/34, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri M. Marcus Kiley, E40, 78 Mansfield St., Spring丘eld, Mass. Paul Killlam. Jr., L41, 10 Kirkland Place, Cambridge, Mass. Gay B. Klm, A20/M22, 452 Totowa Rd., Paterson, N. J. Davld W. Klmball, B40, Sears Roebuck Company, 216 Union St., Lynn, Mass. Dorothy L. Kimball, Mus41, 39 Horace Rd., Belmont, Mass. Faith M. Kimball, G40, Newtown Rd., Littleton, Mass. Frank W. Kimball, A94, McLean Hospital, Waverley, Mass. Kathar血e E. Kimball, bXB21, 20 Rice St., Newton Center, Mass. Mary R. Lakeman, M95, 48 Norfolk Ave., Swampscott, Mass. Yolande B. Laliberte, P40/G41, 557 Middle St., Fall River, Mass. John J. Lally, C40, 106 Wyman St., Brockton, Mass. Dionisio Lamas, Lll, Box 69, Miami, FIorida G. Dorothy Lambert, E34/37, 56 Verona St., East Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Mary Wellehan Lamey. E26/27, 52 Ware St" Lewiston, Maine Theresa J. Lammers, Sar24, 69 Court St., West丘eld, Mass. Charles Lampropoulos, G40, 28 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Ipswich, Mass. Bradford Lamson, E36, Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Mass. Joseph L. Lanata, E41, rla Tesla St., Mattapan, Mass. Raphael I. Landau, L27, 18 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Ferdlnand C. Lane, AO7, P. O. Box 353, Wellfleet, Mass. Harold B. Lane, A36/G40, 20 Fletcher St., Winchester, Mass. Helen B. Lane, E38, Box 225, Dennis Port, Ma,SS. J. Howard Lane, A39/G41, 41 Emery St., Medford Hillside, Mass. Margaret H. Lane, E37, 71 Woodland Rd., AuburndaJe, Mass. Mary R. Lane, Mus35/G41, 20 Garden St., Wethersfield, Conn. Mlldred F. Lane, E41, 259 Pearl St., Newton, Mass. Katherine J. Lan色, P26/B40, 93 John Wicks Ave., East Greenwich, R. I.. Harry Langburd, B40, 126 Chester Av○○, Chelsea, Mass. Bessie E. Langdon, E34, 774 State St., Springfield, Mass. Elizabeth E. Langdon, P37/B41, 30 Creighton St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Murlel Lan9elier, A24, Apartment 6, 901 Madison St., Syracuse, N. Y. Gerald R. Langevin, G40, 25 Preston St., Worcester, Mass. Thomas B. Langley, E41, Box 311, Blue Hill, Maine Alまce M. P. Lanlgan, G41, 2161 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Richard H. Lansing (Mabe肥. fngα雄), exA96, 41 BrightonSt., Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Samuel Lanza (Lee Clez'eγley) , E40, 88 Washington St., Brighton, Mass. Theodore R. Laputka, B41, 550 North Laurel St., Hazelton, Pa. Mayo Larkin, G40, 75 Aldie, St., Allston, Mass. Franklln R. Larrabee, I」40, 5 Curtis St., Lewiston, Maine William Larsen, G40, 85 FIorence St,, Roslindale, Mass. John T. Laskaris, A40, 2 Highland Terrace, Peabody, Mass. David H. Lasker. A19. 60 West St., Hyde Park, Mass. Page T妨均一Fんe Loulse M. Latham, G41, 724 South East St., Raleigh, N. C, Charles O. Latlmer, G40/T41, Moretown, Vt. Ethel Latman● P40, 35 Bradshaw St., Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Lotta B. Lauder, eXB29, 227 Clinton Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Louis Lombardi, A20, 850 Cumberland Rd., Glendale, Calif. hArthur A. Lombardo. B40, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Class, Marine B種rra凍E, Quantico, Virginia Frances London, P41, 32 Bedford St., Quincy, Mass. 監蕊詑l鴻薄認諾常澄㌫掃き霊宝露盤霊gh。m, M。SS. John J. Loner色an, B39/L41, 14 Miller Ave., East Braintree, Mass. Leonard La▼enberg, G41, 1910 University Ave., New York, N. Y. Glrard S. Long, E40, 47 Highland Terrace, Brockton, Mass. Lemuel K. Lord, T35/41, 27 Central Ave., Hyde Park, Mass. Mlriam Lorlng, A20/G21, 176 Ashland St., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Betty R. Loulson, G41, 66 Chiswick Rd., Brighton, Mass. Mrs. Sarah Godet Loupret, E40, 402 East Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Fred H. Lovegrove (Ediih Allen), P29, Redding, Conn. Aさnes C. Lavery, E41, 238 Russett Rd., Chestnut Hi11, Mass. Mrs. Herbert F. LaVey (Helen Cuγleay), E41, 229 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Helen S. Lavlne' G37, 63 Nottinghill Rd., Brighton, Mass. Emest M. Law, A41, 24 West St., Methuen, Mass. George I. Lawley, Jr., B41, 120 Park Ave,, Portland, Maine Harold J. LawIor, E40/41, 22 Woburn St., West Medford, Mass. Harold M. Lawrence, B40, 80 Whitney Avenue. Portland, Maine Harold M. Lawson, eXB34’67 Lawton Rd・, Needham, Mass. Helen L. Lawson, E36, 7 Cross St., We11esley, Mass. Mrs. Mar色aret F. Yates Lawson, C40, 40 Broad St", Boston, Mass. Allce M. Lawton, AO2, 88 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. Edith Lawton, RE28/G30/41, 180 Washington St., North Easton, Mass. Mrs・ Mark A. Lawton (Sarah E. MoγSe), A92, 125 Grasmere St., Newton, Mass. Charles M. Laymon, T31/4l, 325 Co11ege St., Barbourville, Kentucky Carlo Lazzaro, G40, 22 Porter St., East Boston, Mass. Mrs. Ålfred D. Lon色(Lucγ Eひans), AO6, 101 Dale Ave., Piedmont, Calif. Ellen S. Lovell, G41, 69 Rast St., Orleans, Vermont Edna C. Loverln色, eXB/P, 93 Summer St,, Arlington, Mass. Isabella T. Lovett, Emma F. Lowd, A87, Charles L. Lowder, Merline S. Lowell, A16, 41 Carter Rd., Lynn, Mass. I,iberty St., South Hanson, Mass. E41, 280 Broadway, Ar]ington, Mass. P41, 3 Cumberland St., Brunswick, Maine W1111am J. Lowstuter, Fac/TO8, 72 Mt. Vemon St., Boston, Mass. Robert Lubet8, B20, 185 Devonshire St" Boston, Mass. Allena E. Luce, A14/G15, Lincoln School, Zapiola 1700, Buenos Aires, Argen高班, S.A. Mrs. Geneva Gri容alunus Leaders, C40, 7750 South Essex Ave., Chicago, Illinois Eunice P. Luce, E41, 52 East St,, Stafford Springs, Conn. Edward J. Leahy● E4l’F. B. I., Department of Justice, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Grace Small Luce, E40, 57 Perham St., Farmington, Maine Mary E. Leahyl P41, 122 FIorence St., New Bedford, Mass. Robert J. Leahy, E40, 407 Morton St., Stoughton, Mass. Ruth A. Leahy, A37, 86 Hamilton St., Worcester, Mass. WIulam J. Leary, B36, Cia Bananera de Costa Rica, Lenion, Costa Rica Carleton R. Leavitt, B40, 9 Westview Ave., Natick, Mass. E. Parker Leavitt, E41, 151 Pearl St., Newton, Mass. Veron]ca Lucey, A40, 350 Congress Ave., New Haven, Conn. Mary H. Lucy, E40, 98 High St., Springfield, Mass. Carl E. Ludwl色, Fac/G36, 185 St. BotoIph St., Boston, Mass. John Luklnchook, E40, 5 Fulton St,, Peabody, Mass. AvIs B. Lundber9, B41, 16 Charles Ave., Revere, Mass. Stuart W. Lundber色, B40, 60 Washington St., Belmont, Mass. Dalsey C. LeBeau, E4l, 67 Lowe11 Rd・, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Edlth A. Lundgren, A36/G37, 12 Carle Rd., Wollaston, Mass. Melvln K. Lebov嘉tz, A41’96 Normandy St., Dorchester, Mass. Norma Lundholm, G40, Broadway, South Lynn丘eId, Mass. Rolande G・ Lebrun) P41, 76 Barretts Mill Rd., West Concord, Mass. Gertrude C. Lundstedt, E38/41, 8 B8.iley St., Dorchester, Mass. George F. Lee, L41, Uxbridge Rd., Mendon, Mass. 野蒜冨嵩培離・講署諾露護持豊S・ Roxy Lefforge, RE26/33/G25, Methodist Mission, Manila, P. I. Robert C. Le襲ett, G40, 134 Ho11ingsworth Ave., South Braintree, Mass. Edwin R. Lelb, M99, 36 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. LIsa V. Leidzen, Sar40, 4224 Osage Ave", Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs・ Carey J. Lelsk (Mo均・ Chq卯e), P25, 81 Woodland Rd., Malden, Mass. Dorothy R・ Leland, Sar38’Shriners Hospita獲, Springfield, Mass. Harold L. Leland, Fac/M17, 226 Central St., Lowell, Mass. Herbert C. Leland, B41, 17 Cutter St., Belmont, Mass. Årnold W. Lunt, E29/40, Box 188, Lexington, Mass. Marian E. Lusk, E41, 23 High St., Westfield, Mass. Llllanne M. Lussier, G41, 103 Mason St., Fall River, Mass. Edith G. Lynch, E40, 260 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass. Loretta M. Lynch, A41, 17 Whiting Ave., Dedham, Mass. Mae P. Lynch, E41, 64 Federal St., Springfield, Mass. Roy W. Lynch, B40, 36 Evergreen St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Willlam T. Lynch, E37/38, 10 Russell St., Charlestown, Mass. John H. Lyons, H33, 35 Burns Ave., Thompsonville, Conn. Ma'!on H. Lyons, P27, 37 Gage St” Needham, Mass. Mar色aret S. Lysle, Sar41, 4921 Pulaski Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Leslie P. Leland, MO9, 36 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. Lucien H. LeMaitre, E4O, 213 Aspinwa11 Ave., Brookline, Mass. Edna B. Lyttle, E35/40, 159 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Joseph Leone1重ま, E40, 84 Althea St., Providence, R. I. Paul T. MぐAuli鱈e, B38/L40, 208 Clifton St., Malden, Mass. Jane Å. McCabe, E32/33/G38, 15 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. Emma P. Lennon, E40, 11 Tetlow St., Boston, Mass, B. Allce Leon, A40, 159 FIorence St., Melrose, Mass. Martln D. Lerner, B36, 98 Whitmarsh St., Providence R. I. Elmer A. Leslie, Fac/T13/G16, 228 Mason Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Wllllam R. Leslle, T12, 1455 Beacon St , Brookline, Mass. Herbe重t C. L’Esperance, B40, 9 Lee St., Cambridge, Mass. Josephlne P. Leto, exP, 9 Noble Court, East Boston, Mass. Ruth Levensalor, L41' Merrick Square, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine F重ank Levenson, B40, 164 Seaver St., Roxbury, Mass. Herbert M・ Levenson, M40, City Hospita,l, Quincy, Mass. Frank Leveronl, LO3, 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. C. Judlth Levlnel P41, 260 Winchester St., Brookline, Mass. Kenneth Levlne, B40, 51 FIoyd St., DoI.Chester, Mass. Morrls L. Levine’B40, 40 Harwood St., Lynn, Mass. Mrs・ LeoV. Levins (Ruih I碕砂er), E32, Fort SIocum, New Roche11e, N. Y. Walter F. Levis, Fac/L18, 293 Common St,, Belmont, Mass. Wlllard S. Lewln, eXL99, Houlton, Maine Jean F. LewIs, Sar40, 4 West ThiI‘ty-first St., New York, N. Y. Phllip P. Lewis, E40, 22 James St., Brookline, Mass. Wllbur F. LewIs, Jr.) B39, l]9 Co11ege Ave., SomerⅤi11e, Mass. Mrs・ Wilbur F. Lewis, Jr. (Mαrion r. A弟・ed), B40, 119 College Ave., Somerville, Mass. Maurlce Lewitzky, L41, 52 County Rd., Chelsea, Mass. Maurlce Liberman, E33/RE34, Box 208, Brookline, Mass. Gustave H. Lidberg, E40, 92 Adams St., Lexington, Mass. Harry A. Llder, L18, First National B争nk Building, New Bedford, Mass, Jacques J. Liebert, B41, 3 Greenway Court, BI.OOkline, Mass. EIsa T. Liefeld, G41, P. O. Box 192, Astor Station, Boston, Mass. Harold Lifshitz’B41, Air Field Flying School, Lake Charles, La. Edwin W. Li亀ht章oot, B31/32, Box 3487, San Juan, P, R. Martyn H. Lincoln, L40, 2340 Bay St., Taunton, Mass. RIchard F. Lincoln, B41, The Oaks Hotel, SpI‘ingfield, Mass. Winth章op C. Lincoln, MO9, 438 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Anna L. Llndfors, A30/E41, 102 Ferris Ave., Brockton, Mass. Barbara Lindquist, A40, 30 Brighton Rd., Worcester, Mass, John P・ Lindsay, G32/T41, 15 Gulliver St., Milton, Mass. Eleanor B. Linehan, E40, 212 Trapelo Rd., Belmont, Mass. Kate IノInfield, A20/G24, 190 Sigourney St., Hartford, Conn. Frederick M. Lione, B23, 763 Shippan Ave , Stamford, Conn. Salvatore Lまotta, M27, 77-03 Main St., Kew Gardens Hills, Long Island, N. Y. Herbert Lipsltz, L40, 20 Poplar St., Boston, Mass. Dorls S. Litchfield, Mus40, 136 West Central St., Natick, Mass. Julius I・itter, M4O, 5th Medical Service, Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass. Mrs. Harold G. Little (Doroihy Smyih), A19, Stamm Lane, Wheeling, W. Va. 暮rving C・ Little. B4l, 1 Tenney’s Court, Newburyport, Mass. Elma F. Littlefield, E4O, 117 Mt. Vemon St., Newtonvi11e, Mass. Harold Littlefield, F39, 69 Warwick St., Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Vemon W. Littlefield (Bemice Wol短nshau,), E41, 64 Mt. Vemon St∴ Arlington, Mass. Lewis E. Lltvまn, M41, 1029 Summit Ave. North, Seattle, Wash. Bessie Litwack, E41, 88 Greenwood StっDorchester, Mass. Pei-Chang Liu, G40, 146 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Robert G. Liverman, C41, 3 Ruthven St., Roxbury, Mass. Samuel A. Livingstone, eXRE23, 250 Ma5SaChusetts Ave., Providence. R. I. Logan Locke, B39, 2468 Blanch St., Pasadena, Calif. Carl B・ Loescher, Fac/B37/4l, 378 Manning StっNeedham, Mass. Rosemary T. Loeser, P34,/E41, 36 Beals St., Brookline, Mass. Mary B. Loftus, E35/40, 186 Crest Ave., Revere, Mass. Ruth L. Loftus, E41, 27 Rangeley Park, Winchester, Mass. Mrs. Cll癒ord A. Logan (Flora O. Fγeeman), G39, 715a East Miller St., Je鮮erson City, Missouri Edwln B. Logan, B40, 72 High Ridge Rd., Worcester, Mass. Wesley Logan, T41, Raceville Methodist Parsonage, Poultney, Vt. Helen C. Logue, Mus28/E30/41, 16 Common St., Charlestown, Mass. Everett F. Lombard. M40, Salem Hospital, Salem, Mass. Wlllard C. Lombard; L41 , 5 Shumway Circle, Wakefield, Mass. Pαge Thiγ切-Sわ Sara McAllister, E40, 78 South St., Gorham, Maine Margaret M. McCabe, E41, 6 Forrest Place, North Attleboro, Mass. Francis I. McCanna, Fac/LOO,/13, 49 Westminster St., Providence, R. 1. Cecilia C. McCarthy, P40, Village St., Millis, Mass. Cornelius S. McCarthy, B40/E41, 113 Austin St., Worcester, Mass. Frances E. McCarthy, Sar40, Jay, Maine Josephine McCarthy. E39,/41, 51 Liberty Ave., West Somerville, Mass. Mary H. McCarthy, P35/E40, Village St., Millis, Mass. Mary J. McCarthy, E31/40, 86 Belmont St., Somerville, Mass. Albert W. McCarty, G41, 83 Graぐe St., Rockland, Maine Agnes L. McCaughey, E39, 70 Amold St., Lonsdale, R. I. Grace M. F. McCaughey, E35/38, 70 Amold St., Lonsdale, R. I. Curtiq F. McClane, B40/L41, 74 Waumbeck St., Grove Hall, Mass. Thomas H. McClintock, M98, 158 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Oren F. McClure, T40, Central Methodist Church, Pontiac, Mich, Earl S. McColley, G41, 9 Crescent St.., Pr(うvidence, R, I. FIorence A. McConnell, A37, 7 Chestnut St., Whitinsvi11e, Mass, Mary A. McConnell, E33, 126 Pleasant St., Fitchburg, Mass. Frank W. McCooey, LO9, Monument Square, Blackstone, Mass. Eileen R. McCook, E41, 143 Lincoln St., MarlbQrO, Mass. RIchard J. McCormick, LO9, 220 Kenoza Ave., Haverhill, Mass. Hugh W. McCoy, R&S40, 95 Reef Rd., Fair丘eld, Conn. David P. McCracken, G39/T40, 42 Park Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. Edward F. McCue, B41, 19 Virgil Rd., West Roxbury, Mass. Roy McCuskey, Tll, St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Parkersburg, W. Va. Francis G. McDermott, A41, 173 Califomia StっNewton, Mass. Mlldred C. McDermott, E40, 99 Carington Ave., Providence, R. I. Thomas McDermott, B39/41, 18 Niles St,, Brighton, Mass. Elizabeth McDonald, B40, 107 Cedar St., Roxbury, Mass. James G. McDonald, B41, 43 Bennington St., Revere, Mass Walter T. McDonald, Jr., eXB, 257 Lafayette St., Salem, Mass. Wll】iam F. McDonald, B22, 1 Richfield Rd., Arlington, Mass. Mrs. E. McDonnell (Eulαlie O’Toole), Sar]6, 14 Russell St., North Quincy, N読墨. Mrs. Paul E. McDu鯖ee (Mabel D. Jones), G40, Saugus, Mass. Mrs. Eleanor R. Hagerty McElroy, E41, 496 River Ave , Providence, R. I. William P. McEwen, G36/40, 477 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Helen McGann, E40, 10 Willow St., Belmont, Mass. Melvin R. McGaughey, T40/41, Ellenburg Depot, N. Y. Edward F. McGee, Jr., B39, 17 Commonwealth Rd., Cochituate, Mass. Leslie D. McGladrey, T40, Plainfield, I】1inois Dorothy R. McGlinchey, P40, 50 Monument Square, ChaI'lestown, Mass. Francis G. McGovern, B41, 626 Wood St., Bristol, R. I. Thomas F. McGovern, E41, 373 Mt. P]easant St., Providence, R. I. Arthur W. McGrath, E41, 478 Jamaicaway, J-amaica Plain, Mass. Ellen M. McGrath, E41, Seminary Rd., Sirrsbury, Conn. Margaret E. McGuire, E36/41, 146 Main St., Fairhaven, Mass. Marion B. McGuire, Fac,/P29, 14 Adams St,., Winthrop, Mass. William G. McGuire, B24, 1851 Newton St. N. W., Washington, D. C. John F. McGulrk, B40, 179 Methuen St., Lowell, Mass. Isabelle M. McHu9h, A40, 21 Whittier St., Amesbury, Mass. William P. McInerney, E40, 87 Beaver St., New Britain, Conn. Doris R. McIntyre, Mus40, 370 Highland Ave., Somerville, Mass. John J. McIntyre, B22, C/o General Motors, Caixa Posta1 2912, Sao Paulo, Br鎚i王, S.A. Thomas J. McIntyre, Jr,, L40, Main St,, Laconia, N. H, Claude A. McKay, T13, 16 Beethoven St., Binghamton, N. Y. Thomas D. McKei垂ue, B41, 10 Warren St., Beverly, Mass. E. Clare McKellar, G40/T4l, 158 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Ruth E. McKenna, A40/G41, 26 Riverview Rd., Maynard, Mass. Wllllam McKenzie, E41, 7 Country Side Drive, Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Gordon W. McKey,(Eleanoγ Chace), A34/G40, 903 Washington St., Whitman, M孔ss. Wimam C. McKle, eXB23, 19 High St., Greenwood, Mass. William C. McKie, Jr., E40, Homestead Rd., Lynnfield, Mass. Mar色aret H. McKim, E40, 84 Revere St., Boston, Mass. Jane K. McLaughlin, RE38/40, 85 Belvedere Boulevard, North Pro¥▼idence, R. I. John D. McLauさhlln, L40, 90 Lake St., Nashua, N. H. John F. McLau亀hlln, E40, 35 Pleasant St., Everett, Mas昌. John J. McLaughlln, L39’23 Neponset Ave.’Dorchester, Mass. Loulse E・ McLau色hlln, E41, 83 Jefferson St., Dedham, Mass. Frances G. McMahon, SW4] , 128 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. Vera McMahon, A40, 562 South Main St., Sharon, Mass. Mrs. Gertrude S・ McManus’L40, 92 Douglas Rd", Belmont, Mass. Joseph W. McMIchael, C4l , 9 $t. Paul St., Blackstone, Mass. Eleanor McMlllen, G39, 160 Retreat Ave., HaI‘tford, Conn. Clarence M. McMurray, Fr, The Citadel, Charleston, S. C. Mary S. McNally, P39/E41, 691 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. Veronlca M. McNamee・ E41, 120 Wellington Hill St., Mattapan, Mass. Walter J. D. McNell, B41, 24 Coombs St., Middleboro, Mass. RIcha章d H- McNeill, B41, 19 Havana St., Roslindale, Mass. Paul B・ McNIcol, B40, 132 Main St., Marlboro, Mass. Ålbert J. McNulty, B37, 14 Abbott St., S可em, Mass. Mrs・ Wllliam J- McNulty (Ame MacFaγlane), P26, 405 Sutherland Rd., Trenton, N.J. Edward McPartlln, B24/L26/40, 10 Post Office Square, Boston, Mass. T. Everett McPeake, E41, Weston Co11ege, Weston, Mass. Harry W・ McPherson・ TO9, Board of Education of Methodist Church, 810 Broad- Way, Nashville, Tenn. S. Dwlght McQueen, T41 , Sparks, Nevada Laura E. McQuide, H41, ]37 Park Drive, Suite 6, Boston, Mass. Oll▼e B. McVickar, E40, 103 Sewa]l St., Brookline, Mass. Ånthony Macaluso. Fac/M18, 28 Chesterfield Rd., West Newton, Mass. Wlllぬmlna V. MacBrayne, P28, 13 Cudworth St., Medford, Mass. Kenneth MacCuish, C41, 380 Broadway, Malden, Mass. Agnes M. MacDonald, E39, Thomas St., Middleboro, Mass. Ålma MacDonaId, B32/38, 115 St. Stephen St., Bost,On, Mass. 誌窪暑盤詰謁範‡紀蕊豊豊誤認擢鴇・ M翻. Mrs. James Macdonald (EsiheγL硯,ey), All, Box 13, Lancaster, Mass. Katherlne F. Macdonald・ AO5, 1411 Commonwealth Ave", Allston, Mass. Roberta C. Macdonald, B4] , 40 Lowden Ave., Somerville, Mass. Roger L・ Macdonald・ B41, 22 Powder House Boulevard, Somerville, Mass. W]lllam T. Macdougald, E40, 9 Catalpa Rd., Hoxsie, R. I. Alexander J. MacDougall' eXB, 23 Stet3On St., Fall River, Mass. Geor9e F. MacDougall・ Jr.・ B39, 2600 Parish Ave`, NewpoI.t News, Virginia W]lllam R. MacDouga11・ A38, Greenbrier Military School, Lewisburg, W. Va. Ir▼in色F. Macey・ B39, 2325 South Twenty-first St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cedlla A・ Machugh, E34/36, 12 Marlboro St , Boston, Mass. Morton G. Mack. B41, 606 Congress St., Portland, Maine Mrs. Wl111am J. Mack (協γginia . Jeう4,ell), Sar40, 11 View St., Shrewsbury, Mass. Clement F. Mackay, E41, 95 Lexington Ave., Somervi11e, Mass. John R. Mackayl G4l’56 Sussex Ave", Toronto, Ontario, Canada Paullne Mackay, P41, 2 Main St., Cochituate, Mass. Ruth L・ Mackenzle} Sar40, Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. Abl色all P. MacKlnnon, A18, 255 Wi11ow St., West Roxbury, Mass. Stuart D. MacLaren, eXC, 34 Parker Hill Rd., Gardner, Mass. Duncan J. MacLennan● B41, 68 Wa11ace St., Somerville, Mass, Malcolm J. MacLeod, E36/G40, 46 Spruce SらWatertown, Mass. Rob R. Macleod・ B23, NiagaI.a Falls Power Company, Canal Basin, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Wllllam J. MacLeod, G40, 12 Arlington St., Everett, Mass. Harold B. MacMahon, E40, 9 Steams Rd., Wellesley, Mass. Lo章na E. MacMillan, A40, 193 Court St., Dedham, Mass. James D. MacNair, AO5/TOl/05, 329 Brookline Boulevard, Upper Darby, Pa. Ångus H. MacNell, B33, 12 Dunklee St., Concord, N. H. David MacNe裏l, eXB, 53 Edith St., Hverett, Mass. Davld M. Marcus, B40, 36 North Anderson St., Boston, Mass. A▼is G. Marden, E4l, 45 Friendship St., Newport, R. I. RIchard G. Marden, E40, 95 Mower St., Worcester, Mass. Marshall F. Mari色llone. B40, 27 Judson St., Hartford, Conn. Sally S. H. Marin, A40, 8 BeI.1in St., Wollaston, Mass, Samuel Markell, LO9, 80 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Mary A. Markham, E40, 59 South St., Proctor. Vt. Abraham Marks, L41, 94 Oakland Ave., Providence, R. I. Harry R. Marks, eXB29, 988 MemoI.ial Drive, Cambridge, Mass. James J. Marks, E31/41, 32 Ford St., Lynn, Mass. Samuel L. Mamoy, M17, 311 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Ralph I. Marple, G40, 59 Warwick St., Lowell, Mass. Stanley Marram, E41, 55 Esmond St., Dorchester, Mass. David B. Marram, G41, 611 East Raynor Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Danlel L. Marsh, TO8, 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Mr8. Danlel L・ Marsh (Aγline Woo頓)γd), eXA, 225 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Frank M. Marsh, Jr., B38, 42 Essex Ave., Swampscott, Mass. Arthur Marshall, Jr., G41/T41, 69 Clifton Ave., Ansonia, Com. Elmer E. Marshall, T94, 2229 Cedar St., Alhambra, Calif. Mrs. John P. Marshall (Miγiam Smiih), A16, 264 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Russell H. Marshall, E41, 16 Summer St., Everett, Mass. Robert Å・ Marsollni, B4O・ U. S. Marine Corps・ Reserve C]ass, Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia Genevieve B. Marston, B37, 191 Main St., Fairhaven, Mass. Ger億ude C. Martel, E4l, 18 Paris St., Marlboro, Mass. Mrs. Agnes G. Martin, E37/G41, N. E. Kum Hattin Homes, Westminster, Vt. Anne G・ Martln, E39/41, 380 Washington St,, Brookline, Mass. Doris C. Martln, E41, R, F. D. 1, Lancaster, N. H. Edward I. Martln, E37/41, 36 Moreland St., Roxbury, Mass. Francis C. Martin, E40, 904 Main St., Malden, Mass. Hubert K. Martln, G40, Prescott St., South Lancaster, Mass. Mrs. John C. Martln (Floγeme Wilson), A98, 5 Butman Ave., GIoucester, MasB. John O. Martln, L41, 201 South St., Southbridge, Mass. Rosemarie Martin, P40, 5 Leroy St., Dorchester, Mass. Sumner L. Martin● T14, 3055 North New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Indiana Wlllard E. Martin, Jr., A27, 812 Wilkerson Ave., Durham, N. C. Wllliam M・ Martz, Fr., 3745 Winthrop Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana Wllbert W. Marzahn, T40, Hitchcock, S. Dak. Angelo B. Maschlo, B40, 259 Harold St., Roxbury, Mass. Dorothy F. Mason● E40, 6 Arlington Ave., Beverly, Mass. Mrs. Edward C. Mason (Maγ;ha Sクvag e), A87, 8 Grove St., Winchester, Mass. J. Phllip Mason, Fac/A22, 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. John C. Mason, E28/33, 18 Day St., North Easton, Mass. John W. Mason, L85, 24 Harrison Ave., Northampton, Mass. Natalie S. Mason, Mus40, 8 Oak Hill St・. Woodsville, N. H. Paul Mason, B41. 60 Parkman St., Brookline, Mass. Violet M. M・ Mason, E33/G41, 232 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Ralph C. Masterman, eXL. Bar Harbor, Maine Frank C. Mastroiannil E4l, 53 Fumace St., North Adams, Mass. Alberico Masucci, A28/M30, 128 Carroll St., Paterson, N. J. Mrs・ Bdward A. Mateme (Beαiγice E. Hall). B36, 86 Grosvenor Ave., East Provi_ dence, R. I. Mary Mathes, Sar40, 7 Lovett Place, Lynn中小ass. Prudence I. Mathews, P24, 55 Commonwealth Rd., Watertown, Mass. Jacob Matlo簡, A41, 456 Webster Ave., Chelseatry Mass. M. Paul Matthaei, G40/T41, Washingt.on, Kansas Harold H. Matthews, L41, 257 Humboldt Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Frederic R. Mattfield・ B39, 1stBatt’n., 162nd Field Artillery, Camp Edwards, Mass. Joseph D. MatthesI E40, 20 I・ee St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Charles M. MacNultyl A40, 81 Wallace St., Malden, Mass. Raymond H. MacNulty, E40, Westem Ave., Westfield, Mass. Marlon MacQuarrle, P34/B41, 20 Morse Ave., Dedham, Mass. Betty J. Macy, SW41, 325 Campbell Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. T・ A. Matthews, Fr ' 22 Allston St., Dorchester, Mass. Hen章y F. Madden, B40, 187 Huron Ave., CambI‘idge, Mass. Vlncent P. Madden, eXB, 19 Hallron Rd・, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Ashmont, Mass. Ruth S. Maxfield, G39, 81 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Dorothy D. Maxwell, E41, 19 Church St., North Bennington, Vermont Bessle T. May, E33/40, 328 Union St., Springfield, Mass. Charles Maybenyl LO3) 189 Cedar St., Clinton, Mass. John B. Magee, Jr・, G40/T41, C/o C. R. Daniels, Islington, Mass. Peter J. Mag色ionl, B17, 1 Federal St., R507, Boston, Mass. Helen C. Magistrate, E40, 29 Wa】l St., Bridgewater, Mass. Allce M. Maguire, E38/41, 6 Cypress St., Cambridge, Mass. E]leen Magulre, E40, 15A Madison St., Cambridge, Mass. Frances Ma色uire, A40, 168 Union St., East Walpole, Mass. James F. Mahan’L40, 129 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge, Mass. Loulse A. Mahan, P37/B40, 9 Dimick St., Somervi11e, Mass. Julla A. Maher● G41, 114 Glenville Ave., Allston, Mass. Mr8. John J. Mahoney (M初γed Hodgman), E34, 26 Avon Rd., Watertown, Mass. John P. Mahoney, B40’483 Central St., Manchester, N. H. John S. Mahoney, E41, 65 Leland Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. Willlam B・ Mahoney. L17, 120 Exchange St., Portland, Maine Thomas H. Mahony, LO9, 70 State St., Boston, Mass. Alexander Maitland, A41, Thompson, Conn. Catherine Ma]tland, A40′ 356 Puritan Rd・, Swampscott, Mass. George K. Makechnie, Fac/E29/31, 1 Chesterford Terrace, Winchester, Mass. Ruth L. Malambre, A39, 1109 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Arthur Malchman' E40, 273 Commercial St., Provincetown, Mass. Stella Malkasian, A36/G39, 19 Howe St., Watertown, Mass, Raymond T. Malley● E40, 9 Union St., Terryville, Conn. Frank B. Mallory● HON32, 116 Longwood Ave., Brookline, Mass. Clalre Å・ Malone' G41’7 Forbes St., Westboro, Mass. Peter C. Matto簡, eXA., 96 Meriden Rd・, Waterbury. Conn. Howard R. Matzkまn’L4O, 92 Savings St., Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Gertrude F. Maurer, E41’265 Fairmount Ave・, Hyde Park, Mass. Mrs・ Chrlstopher Å・ S・ Mawson (Kaihαγine W脇ing), A99, 20 Rowena St., Donald I]. Mayberry, L23’20 Pemberton Sq.’Boston・ Mass.. Llllian C. Maynard, E40, Deer Island, Boston, Mass. Amy F. Mayo, E41, 46 High St., Farmington, Maine Ruth B. Mayo, E38/41, 785 Commercial St., East Weymouth, Mass. Francis J. Mazzeo, A41, 15 Middle St., South Boston, Mass. Wllllam M. Meacham, E38, Box 1486. Boston, Mass. Edward F. Medley, LlO, 1011 American Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Charles Medvetz, G40, C/o Dennis, 150 Center Ave., Abington, Mass. Leonore C. Meehan. B41’84 Tower Hill St., Lawrenoe, Mass. Max Meenes, B41, 56 Midland St., Worcester, Mass. Frederick G. Mehlman, L41, Johnson, Vermont Esther F. Mehrlng, A40, 26 Crafts St., Waltham, Mass. Wllllam L. Mehringer, C40, 86 Center St., Dorchester, Mass. Frederick A. Meierl E41, 28 Stetson St., Whitman, Mass. Marie T. Melghan, E41, 96 FIorence Ave., Revere, Mass. Edward G. Melaugh, C41, 16 Paul Gore St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Wllliam C. Mellish● L95, R. 604, 390 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Mary C. Mellyn, E24, 11 Mayfair St., Roxbury, Mass. Theodore J. Melnlck, B41, 47 AIpha Rd., Dorchester, Mass. EIsbeth Melvllle, A25, Westbrook Junior College, Portland, Maine James A. Maloney, E40/G41, 114 Brayton Rd., Brighton, Mass. Terlz Malootian, Sar41, 41 Kirk St., Methuen, Mass. Bertha C. Manchester, E30/40, Hancock, N. H. Loulse Merchant, E40, 3 Bellevue Ave., GIoucester, Mass. Lllllan M. Mancinl, Sar39, Stephen’s College, Columbia, Missouri Lena Mereness, E41, Cobleskill, N. Y. Samuel R. Manells, M40, 955 South Water St., New Bedford, Mass. Orrln A. Manlfold, G39/T40, R. R. 1, Ingalls, Indiana Dorothy Mankowich, E38/41, 21 Winthrop St., Walthahm, Mass. Ralph MankowIch, M40’21 Winthrop Stty Waltham, Mass. Bemard F. MannタJr.' M40. 7 Prospect St., AubuI.n, Maine. Harvard L・ Mann, B17’5 Myopia Rd., Winchester, Mass. Gordon Mannlng, B41, 181 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Joseph F・ Manning, G41, 17 Washbum Ave., Aubumdale, Mass. Marlon A. Mannln色, A23, R. F. D., East PeppeI.ell, Mass. Wllllam C. Mannln色, B38, 346 Main St., Milford, Mass. Loretta H. Mannlx' P4lタ59 Broad St., Salem, Mass. Eleanor H. Mendell’A41’143 Hillman St., New Bedford, Mass. Gerard A. Mercier) B411 2 Park Ave., Danbury, Conn. FrancIs N. Merrlam’Jr.. A23, MoCall Corpn., 230 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. Harland C. Merrlaml E41, Lyndonvillle, Vermont VIvlan M. Merrlckl E40, 906 Fayetteville St., Durham, N. C. Carleton E. Merrifield' B40, 1 Bow St.’Stoneham, Mass. Mrs. Eustace I. Merrill (Alice Robinson), P29, 942 Prospect Ave., Plainfield, N. J. W. Frederick Merrlll● B37, 26th Inf., Fort Devens, Mass. Marle Merrill. All, 115 Lowell Rd., Winthrop, Mass. Mr8. Thurston Mel血man (E. Ninα Pamαne脇), P40, 1095 E. Main St., Water- bury, Conn. Maude E. Merrithew, B32/41, 442 Beale St., Quincy, Mass. Frederick W. Mansfield, Fac/LO2, 18 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Russell E. Mersereau● B41) 16 Walnut Rd., Somerville, Mass. すohn R. Mansfield, B4l, 42 Hancock St., DorchesteI., Mass. George H. Meserve, Jr., E40, 64 Magoun Ave., Medford, Mass. Themlstocles A. Mantalos' L41’139 North Warren Ave., Brockton, Mass. 麗忠霊豊許諾i諜犠認諾誌鳥盤諸詳記露悪溝。富, Mich. Frank A. Manzione, M34, 500 Union Ave., Paterson, N.J. Katherine L. Mara, E41, 22 Muzzey St., Lexington, Mass. Mlldred March, E34/40, 132 Homer St., Newton Center, Mass. Peter Marchetta. exB, 26 Columbia Rd., Medford, Mass. Falth L. Mese重vel M26, 247 Boston Post Rd., Weston, Mass. Mr8. Harrlson G. Meserve (El寂oγFo初e), A17, 25 Puritan Rd., Newton Highlands, Mas8. Mauro J. Me8Slna, B41, 1483 Columbus Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Saverlo Messlna● Mus41, 289 Beech St., Roslindale, Mass. Constantlne Metall書des, T40/41, C/o Paul Kozak, R. D. F. 1, Freehold, N. J. Frank J. Metcalf, A86, 901 Ingraham St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Kenneth E. Metcalf, G40/T41, Kingsley, Iowa Rose A. Mettlinさ, E31/G41, 126 East Pearl St., Torrington, Conn. Pαクe T脇切鴫eα)の Gladys A. Meyer, RE31, Sta七e Sohool, Belchertown, Mass. Wlllard C. Mosher. B30, 188 Ash St., Waltham, Mass. Herbert S. M書chaels, B41, 50 Ware St., Lowell, Mass. Albert W. Moulton, Jr., M41, 180 State St., Portland, Maine Ethel L. Moulton, B29/40, 90 Highland Rd., Somerville, Mass. Henry I. Meyers, B40, 15 James St., Brookline, Mass. Herbert F. Meyers, B4l. 381 Deering Ave., Portland, Maine A章mand J. Michaud, A33/G41, PeI.kins Institute, Watertown, Mass. Mar色aret E. Middleton, B40, 353 Angel St., Providence, R. I. Robert L. Middleton, Fac/E40, 83 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Natallna R. Mi色liora, E41, 39 North Main St., Warehouse Point, Conn. Hector R. Mlgneault, B40, U. S. S. Ranger Aircraft Carrier, 0/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Aurillla M. Mikus, E40, 19 Wi11ard St., New Bedford, Mass. John C. Mileikis, B39/L40, 791 Cambridge St., Cambridge, Mass. E. Estelle Miles, AO9, 206 Winter St,, Fa11 River, Mass. Frankland W. L. Miles, eXA20, 144 Dudley St., Roxbury, Mass. Perdval Mott, E28, 4 Wolcott Terrace, Winchester, Mass. Mabel Mousselet, M40, Wesson Memorial Hospital, Springfield, Mass. Ellzabeth Mower, P40, 48 Middlesex Ave., Swampscott, Mass. Louis Y. Muchnick, B24, 51 Hebron St., Hartford, Conn. Ada Mudge, AO3, 20 Wedgemere Rd., Malden, Mass. Edwin B. Mudge, B41, 179 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Edward S. Muktarian, A41, 86 East St., Whitinsville, Mass. Tlmothy J. Mulcahy, L25/27, 134 St. Mary’s St., Boston, Mass. Peter Milla重aS, B41, 2 BIoomingdale Rd., Waterford, Conn. Jane Mulkern, P40, 12 Worthington St., Dedham, Mass. Constance Mullaly, P40, Grove St., Sandwich, Mass. Vlrglnla Mullaly, eXP, 930 Grove St., Worcester, Mass. Wesley F. Muller. B40, 12 Clark St., Newton Center, Mass. FIorence A. Mullins, E40, 76 Patten St., Forest Hi11s, Mass. H. Rae Mulready, G40, 81 Webster St., Rockland, Mass. B. Vlrglnla Mulvaney, E39/41, 59 Eighth St., Providence, R. I. Mrs. Årthur B. V. Miller (MomGradγ), P26, 1112 Mills Bldg., EI Paso, Texas Mrs. Benjamin S. Munch (Ance Jsenb桝γg), e手P27, 110 Norwood Rd., Sylvester C. Mまles, B40, 4 Short St., East Boston, Mass. Doris S. Miley. P40, 63 Mystio Valley Parkway, Winchester, Mass. Bernard G. Milhendler, B41, 15 Landon Circle, Lynn, Mass. Bertram J. Mi11er, B41, 20 Nazing St., Roxbury, Mass. Donald G. Miller, A37/M40, 949 Broadway, Everett, Mass. Eleanor A. Miller, E41, 369 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. FIora Miller. E40, 131 Walnut St., Chelsea, Mass. Harold I. Miller, M41, 1067a Blue Hill Ave., Dorchester, Mass Joseph A. Mまller, B41, 37 Hazelton St., Mattapan, Mass. Leo M. Miller, E40, 21 Seymour St., Roslindale, Mass. しIoyd W. Miller, SW41, 16 Chestnut St., Medford, Mass. Myron L. Mlller, B40, Apt. 6, 1872 Commonwealth Ave., Brighton, Mass. Taylor E. Miller, G41, 240 West Lawrence St., Albany, N. Y. Theresa Mlller, eXE26, 12 Ellsworth Ave., Brockton, Mass. West Hartford, Conn. A色nes Munro, Mus40, 83 Moulton St., Lynn, Mass. Bertha Munro, AO7, 90 Franklin Ave., Wollaston, Mass. John V. Munsey, A40, Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect St., New Haven, Com. Annette W. Murch, P41, 76 Park St., Portland, Maine Louise H. Murdock, A86/87, Apt. 18, 769 Main St., Worcester, M綿s. Eugene J. Murlaty, E39/G40, 14 Dorr St., Roxbury, Mass. Clarence H. Murphy, eXB, 11 Winter St., Plymouth, Mass. Eleanor K. Murphy, R&S40, 96 Hancock St., Dorchester, Mass. Frances M. Murphy, E41, 784 Commonwealth Ave., Newton Center, M的s. Warren L. Mi量lまken, eXB, 103 Eliot St., Norwood, Mass Francis J. Murphy, SW4l, 10 Cushing Terrace, Dorchester, Mass. Grace A. Murphy, E35/40, 1056 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass. Helen A. Murphy, E39/G40, 4 Grove St., Natick, Mass. Helen R. Murphy, E4l, 501 Manchester St., Manchester, N. H. H. Beatrice Mまlls, G41, O/o Houghton Mi租in Co., 2 Park St., Boston, Mass. Lillまan Murphy, C41, 59 Wellington St., Waltham, Mass. Mar色aret Å. Mil重まcan, E40, 8 Copley St., Winchester, Mass. Howard H. Mllliken, M40, Cent,ral Maine General Hospital, Lewiston, Maine Marjorle G. Milne, E41, 5 Ramshead Rd., Medford, Mass. Wilhelmina Milne, E40, 44 Fairbanks St., Brighton, Mass. Bertha Mllstone, eXP, 30 Smith St., Lawrence, Mass. Robert W. Murphy, E40/41, 23 Babcock St., Providence, R. I. Thomas H. Mu富phy, Jr., E41, East Main St., Stockbridge, Mass. John R. Mlnlhan, A41, 120 Federal St., North Wilmington, Mass. Wllllam E. Murphy, M29, 21 Fruit St., Worcester, Mass. Edmund M. Murray, L25, District Court, Dedham, Mass. FIorence B. Murray, E40, 43 Main St., Wethersfield, Conn. Helena A. Murray, A40/G41, Fairbanks Rd., Harvard, Mass. John A. V. Murray, E40, 41 Blakeville St., Dorohester, Mass. Dlana Mまshara, P40, 629 Walk Hil] St., Mattapan, Mass. Mrs. Richard A. Murray (Juγγeua Joγdan) , RE25/G40, 41 Pine St., Malden, Mass. Charles C. Mllton, L93, State Mu七ual Bldg., Worcester, Mass. Leroy M. S. Miner, Fac/MO7, 363 Mar]boro St., Boston, Mass. Albert J. Mine▼itz, L41, 131 Kenberma St., Hull, Mass. Mrs. Hallett S. Misner (Anne Jγ諦ng), A21, 3228 West 62nd St., Seattle, Wash. Charles R. Mltchell, C4l, 77 Woodland Ave., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Josephine L. Mitchell, A98, 33 Water St", MedfordずMass. Mrs. John F. Mitchell (Maγγ Rendeγ), P37, 2a Marble St,, Worcester, Mass. Raymond M. Mitchell, L4] , 3 Phoenix St., Fairhaven, Mass. Walter J. Moberg, A30, 3225 Foster Ave., Chicago, I]linois Elmer B. Mode. Fac/A15, Longmeadow Rd., Wellesley, Mass. Vir色inla L. Moessmanさ, Sar4] , 560 Beverley Ave., Orange, N. J. Thomas C. Moher, L41, 142 Main St., Nashua, N. H. Carlton E. Mollneux, G41, 23 Rockingham St., Lynn, Mass. Catherlne B. Mo11oy, G41, 77 Lancaster Rd., Dedham, Mass. Eileen C. Monahan, P40, 103 Belmont St., Somervi工le, Mass. Mary F. Monahan. E41, 160 Academy Ave., Providence, R. I. Frank Monchun, L40, 30 Putnam Heights, Hartford, Conn. Isabel S. Money, A37/M40, 17 Rockingham Rd., Mattapan, Mass. Charles J. Mongeon, C41, 69 Bancroft Park, Hopedale, Mass. Mrs. Robert H. Murray (Haγγiei Marsh), A41, 1125 Commonwealth Ave。, A11ston, Mass. Wendell P. Murray, L98, 60 State St., Boston, Mass. Wi11iam Å. Murray, LlO, 144 Main St., Milford, Mass. M. Claire Murtha, P40, 60 Norfolk St., Dorchester, Mass. Chester G. Musche, B36/L40, Babcock Terrace, Dedham, Mass. Louise E. Musgrove, E31, 79 Leb韓nOn Rd., Hanover, N. H. Ruth S. Musser, E40, 44 Huntley Rd,, Quincy, Mass. Charlotte R. Myers, E41, 51 Biltmore St., Springfield, Mass. E. Roy Myers, RE21, 345 E. Third St., Jamestown, N. Y. John S. Myers, B41, 279 Bellevue St., Newton, Mass. Norman Myers, B41, 49 Embassy Rd., Brighton, Mass. Robert C. Myers, A40, 1721 Park St., Middleton, Wis. Wllliam M. Nadeau, E32/39, 66 Hancock St., Stoneham, Mass. Charles E. Monta色ue, M96, 15 Richardson Ave., Wakefield, Mass. Elbridge A. Nagle, B23, 132 Bellevue St., Newton, Mass. Anne C. Nahabedian, C41, Bonnie View Rd., Braintree, Mass. Nevart Najarian, E33/G35/40, 337 Charles St., Boston, Mass. D. DavIs Nalchajian, M99, 5 NichoIs St., Chelsea, Mass. Violet Nardone, Mus40, 33 Capital St., Newton, Mass. Da▼ld T. Monta色ue, L92, 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Barrito Mon合11lo, M40, 135 Edgewood Ave,, New Haven, Conn. Grace H. Monie. E40, Chatham Hall, Chatham, Virginia Årthur W. Monks, B40, 238 Dorset Rd., Waban, Mass. Angel Irizany Montalvo, B29, Box 134, Rio Piedras, P. R. Gardner S. Moody, A24, 36 Renwick Rd., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Mrs. Gardner S. Moody (Eleanoγ MaγCh) , A23, 36 Renwick Rd., Melrose Highlands, Mas8. Georさe F. Moody, E26/G30, 3 Sheridan R・1., Swampscott, Mass. Ida M. Moody, A12, 80 Orchard St., Lynn Mass. Joann W. Moody, A40/G4]. Ballard Vale Rd., Andover, Mass. Brook8 H. Moore. G38/T39, P. O. Box 173, Glenn’s Ferry, Idaho E▼a M. Moore, B39, 39 Oliver St., Malden, Mass. Fredrlka Moore, MlO, 10 Frost St,, Cambridge, Mass. Howard K. Moore, Fac/A39/G40, 228 Chatham St., Lynn, Mass. Joseph R. H. Moore, A99/GO6, 114 South Ritter Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana Wende11 S. Moore, RE38, Morgan Memorial, 85 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass・ Wlllena Moore, E40, 227 Boston Ave., Medford Hi11side, Mass. John H. Moran, L18, 31 St. James Ave., Boston, Mass. Thomas F. Moran, L40, 12 Prospect St., Nashua, N. H. EIsie G. Moreau, A12, 10 Healey Rd., Worcester, Mass. Katharine L. Morehardt, A30/E41. Washington St., Hanover, Mass. Ån色elo Morello, eXB41, 11 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Albert A. Morey, B32, 164 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois Elbert S. Morford, T41, Sheridan, Indiana Ina L. Morgan, Fac/RE37, 86 Bowdoin St., Boston, Mass. Herman B. Nash (GγaCe R. Leomγd), A17, 247 Osborne Terrace, Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Maude Cushlng Nash, E34/38, 2 Claflin Rd., Brookline, Mass. Harold S. Nathanson, B40, 2 NichoIs St., Lynn, Mass. Martha J. Natoli, Sar41, 125 Russell Ave., Watertown, Mass. Robert H. Natti, E4l, 1142 Washington St., Gloucester, Mass. V血cent Naverouskis, E4], 9 Broad St., Monte11o, Mass. J. Edmund Naylor, B41, 174 Rivulet St., Woonsocket, R. I. Esther M. Nazarlan. A17, 76 Ocean View Rd., Swampscott, Mass. Paul L. Neal, E32, Perkins Institute, Watertown, Mass. Rosalie L. Neal, E40, 11 East Newもon St., Boston, Mass. Leander M. Neale, E41, 29 Carlton St" Brookline, Mass. Marion H. Nebiker, P37, 318 North Harvard St., Allston, Mass. Saul Nechtem, E39/41, 37 Maverick St., Chelsea, Mass. Raymond J. Needham, E40, 112 South Main St., Middlebury, Vermont. Mrs. Doris I. Neel, Sar15, 1926 Live Oak Ave., TempIe City, Calif. Dorothy A. Neel, P40, 26 Pine St., Peterborough, N. H. Ell Neiprls, B41, 18 Porter St., Malden, Mass. Joseph Neipris, E40, 18 Porter St., Malden, Mass. Carl E. Nelson, B41, 29 Meagher Ave., Milton, Mass. Da▼ld A. Nelson, B29/41, Box 375, North Falmouth, Mass. Edwln A. Nelson, E35/40, 4 Fem Ave., Brockton, Mass. Hllga S. Nelson, E39, 457 Washington St., Newton, Ma,SS. John W. Mor色an, L22, 23 Central Ave., Lynn, Mass. Luther T. Nelson, AO5, 5111 North East Alameda Drive, Portland, Oregon Timothy J. Moriarty, 2nd, B31, 311 Purchase St., New Bedford, Mass・ Dorls P. Neveu, E40, 50 AIpine St., Arlington, Mass. Veto A. Neviackas, B39, 46 Lakehill Ave., Arlington, Mass, Robert L. Morgan, B41, 98 Nesmith St., Lawrence, Mass. Catherine T. Moriarty, E41, 31 Webster St., Springfield, Mass. Helen A. Moriarty, E40, 19 Clinton Ave., Holyoke, Mass. Mary J. Moriarty, Sar33/E41, 173 Oakleigh Rd., Newton, Mass. George C. Morin, L40, 215 South Ave., Weston, Mass. (Post oflice: Auburndale, Mass.) Marian P. Nelson, E28, 11 Roselin Ave., Quincy, Mass. James E. Nesworthy, eXE41, Tampa University, Tampa, FIorida Selma I. Nettle, E41, 282 South Main St., Haverhm, Mass. Ruth Nevllle, E41, 6 Hart Place, Woburn, Mass. Lawrence Newcomb, C40, 133 Marked Tree Rd., Needham, Mass. Henry T. Morin, B40, 252 Main St., Hyannis, Mass. Frank I. Morrill, L73, Houghs Inn, Colebrook, N. H. ‡監鶏主薬試招集重欝鵠豊豊畠Needham ・ Mass. Albert Morrls, Fac/A25/G26, 176 Hillcrest Rd., Needham, Mass. Dorothy M. Morris, E40, 37 Henshaw Ave., Northampton, Mass. Bertram G. Morris, GO8, 2010 Vine St., Berkeley, Calif. Janice M. Newell, P40, 403 East Sixth St., Mitchell, S. Dak. Helen Newhall, E38, 44 Spring St., Reading, Mass. Mrs. Lillian M. Morri11, G40, 95 Grove St., Rutland. Vermont Edna Å. Morris, G31/G40, P. O. Box 16, Springvale, Maine Harold B. Morris, G41, 11 Ashton St., Dorchester, Mass. Donald A. Morrison, C41, 59 Edward St., Medford, Mass. Dorothy E. Morrison, E40, Box 361, Groveton, N. H. Phyllis J. Morrison, A41, 9 Wilde Rd., Waban, Mass. Willard L. Mo調ison, eXA15, 650 Northmoor Rd., Lake Forest, Illinois Eileen F. Morrlssey, R&S40, 52 Waldeck St., Dorchester, Mass. Walter Morritt, T97, 250 Pine St., San Francisco, Calif. James T. Morrow, A40/G41, 701 Washington St., GIoucester, Mass. Kenneth Morrow, B41, 17 Germain Ave., Bradford, Mass, GeorgeV. Morse, Jr., B41, 1 Vine Brook Rd., Lexington, Mass. M. Evangeline Morse, A23, 343 South Ave., Weston, Mass. Ralph H. Morse, E41, 25 Central St., Aubumdale, Mass. Ray皿Ond E. Mortensen, RE39/T41, First Methodist Church, Boise, Idaho Ruth I. Moses, A40/G41, 34 Fairfield St., Boston, Mass. Page T脇均「郎g加 East Howe S. Newell, E41 , Springfield St., Wilbraham, Mass. Jannette B. Newhall, RE24/G26/31, Andover Harvard Th∞1ogical Library, Cambridge, Mass. 詑豊富蒜湛謹訟‡認諾謹轟韮龍龍霊Mass・ Melvin Newman, A40, 336 Crescent St., Brockton, Mass. Richard W. Newman, A35, 138 Milton St., Dorchester, Mass. Kenneth B. Newton, B39, 45 Undine Rd., Brighton, Mass. Mary Nicholas, B41, 390 Cumberland Ave., Portland, Maine Augusta M. NichoIs, E29/32, 205 Ash St., Manchester, N. H. Fred R. NichoIs, E37/40, 373 High St., West Medford, Mass. John W. NIchoIs, R&S40, 16 Carver St., Cambridge, Mass. Wllllam N. NIchoIs, E41, 38 Ward St., Fitchburg, Mass. Dean B. NIchoIson. L40, 467 Prospect St., Methuen, Mass. George H. NIchoIson, E40, 119 Emerald St., Medford, Mass. Julia W. NIchoIson, B34/E37, 55 North Federal St., Lyrm, Mass. Emma G. NIckerson, E32/40, 202 High St., Springfield, Mass. Paullne C. Nicker8On, E41, Depot Rd.. Dennis Port, Mass. Ralph M. Nickerson, B41, 13O Metropolit,an Ave., Roslindale, Mass. Austin Nielsen, E41, 5 Belmore Terrace, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Frances Page, E40, 9 Myrt,le St., Stoneham, Mass. John C. Niemczura, B40, 150 Gallatin St., Providence, R. I. Donald E. Paige, A38/G40/T41, 77 Walnut St., Clinton, Mass. Wllllam D. Nietmann, T41, 123 Hubbard St., Ludlow, Mass. Bert M. Nlghtln9ale, B40, 41 Cook St., Waterbury, Conn., C/o Reichner. Catherine Nolan, A41, 288 Florence Rd., Waltham, Mass. Mrs・ Donald Nolan (Lo短se rochieγman), P41, 6 Richmond Park, WobuI.n, Mass. Joseph R. Nolan. exB39, 58 Webster St., North Quincy, Mass. Margaret M. Nolan. P39/E40, 288 Florence Rd., Waltham, Mass. William F. Nolan, E41, 19 Orchard St., Lynn, Mass. Evelyn R. No富een, G40, 60 Adams Ave., West Newton, Mass. F. Helen Norrls, E33/41, 93 Pond St., Natick, Mass. Thomas A. Norris, E38/B41, 24 Greystone St., Quincy, Mass. Tharold C. Northup, T40, Chatham, Mass. Frank A. Page, LO6, 19 Overhill Rd., Providence, R. I. Harold W. Pai色e, B41, 257 Willow St., Bridgeport, Conn. Norma Palge, E40, 22 East St., Ipswioh, Mass. John H. Palne, LO7, Main St., Harwich, Mass. N. Emmon3 Palne, Fac., 1640 Washington St., West Newton, Mass. James T. Palladino, C40, 24 Ridgewood St., Dorchester, Mass. Joseph J. Palladlno, E39/40, 3 Fay S七., Worcester, Mass. Ralph A. Palladlno, B26’U. S. Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia Helen E. Palm, E41, 1 Haven St., Milford, Mass. Robert W. Palm, B35/37/40, 15 E11sworth Ave., Brookton, Mass. Anna M. Palmer, E40, 42 Harvard St., Everett, Mass. Birdsey G. Palmer, L40, North Stonington, Conn. David J. Norton, C40, 38 Humphreys St., Boston, Mass. Lawrence B. Norton, E22/41, 46 Oak St., Taunton, Mass. Charles H. Palmer, B40, 436 South Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. Gertrude M. Palmer, A31, 434 Medford St., Malden, Mass. Vivまan H. Norton. E40, Norridgewock, Maine Willlam L・ Palmer} eXT90, 146 Massachusetts Ave.1 Suite 509, Boston, Mass. Robert Norwood, eXB, 5 Pond St., Beverly, Mass. Milton H. Nothdurft, T39/40, Marble Rock, Iowa Joseph F. Palmieri, M40, Jackson Air Base Hosp.. Jackson, Miss. Leonard R. Nourie, B21, Park Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Esther M. Nowak, Sar41, 108 Northwood St., Chicopee, Mass. Joseph A. Nowak, L18, 108 Northwood St., Chicopee, Mass. Theodore J. Nowak, E40, 21 Congress St., Amesbury, Mass. Eu色enia T. Nowick, E40, Kings Park, Long Island, N. Y. Frank J. Nowlan, B39/L41, 2163 Dorchester Ave,, Dorchester, Mass. David T. Noyes, B41, 40 Warren St., Taunton, Mass. Mu重iel V. Noyes. A19, 370 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mas8. Barney Papkln. L24, 114 Palmer St., New Bedford, Mass. Pasqualino Paparo, A40, 248 Crescent St., Brockton,Mass. Patrick J. Pappala重do, E41, 24 Allen St., Lawrence, Mass. Anne Pappas, P38, 74 Field St., Boston, Mass. Wo虹red J. Paquet, L24, 40 Broad St., Boston, Mass. 能寵.ヰ器範恕轟ヂ誌韮語録露盤蔀悪書・ Sylvla B. Paradls, E40, 17 Forest Park, Adams, Mass. Samuel I. Paretsky. B41, 29 Babson St., Mattapan, Mass. Shelton C. Noyes, L41, Rumford, Maine Theodore M. Noyes, A18, 43 Ashland St., Melrose, Mass. Sylvla V. Numelin, E40, 33 Butler Ave., Maynard, Mass. Carollne E. Nutter, A18/G27, 125 Lexington St., East Boston, Mass. Harold N. Nye, T40, 912 Main St., Haverhill, Mass. Marjorie L. Parker, A34, Cedarcrest Sanitariun, Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Kyle Nye ( Hoγγie! Da諦dson), A30, 915 Los Arboles Rd., Allce L. Parmelee, Sar37/E40, 809 Boylston St.. Brook]ine, Mass. Laurence B. Nye, T39, Hennepin Avenue Methodist Churoh, Roland W. Nye, T41, Box 153, Salem Depot, N. H. Barbara C. Oak, A41, 123 Washington St., Lynn, Mass. 鑑誌絆露盤Ⅹ・ David F. O’Brien, M40, 59 Boston St., Somerville, Mass. Jean M. 0’Brien, Sar41, 22 Pemebacker Ave., Lewistown, Pa. John F. O’Brien, B28/32/L40, 276 Church St., Newton, Mass. John J. O’Brien, B27, 0/o George A. Fu11er Company, A. P. O. 801, A 2-O-31, Argentia, Nfld., Can. Margaret M. 0’Brien, A25/G41, 28 Wilmot St., Lawrence, Mass. Mrs. Robert L. O’Brien (Emily yomg)章A91/M93, The Tudor, Boston. Mass. William B. 0’Brien, M36, State Sana,tOrium, Wall田m Lake, R. I. Daniel T. O’Connell, Tr/LO8, 72 College Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass. Helen A. O’Connell, E41, 41 SchooI St., Spring丘eld, Mass. Jeremiah E. 0’Connell, AO6/LO8/HON31 , 20 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. John J. 0’Connell, Jr., E41, 18 Touro Ave., Medford, Mass. John T. Lenahan O’Connell, L38, 31 Milk St., Boston, Mass. M. Fred O’Connell, eXL99, 3 Day St., Fitchburg, Mass. Mary E. O’Connell, E41, 15 Sylvan St., Springfield, Mass. William O’Connell, E40, 71 Green St., Watertown, Mass. Mar色aret V. 0’Connor, E40, 51 Warren Ave., Wobum. Mass. Marguerite R. O’Connor, Sar41, 24 Almont St., Mattapan, Mass. Mary E. 0’Connor. A36/G38, 158 Highland St., Taunton, Mass. Raymond O’Connor, A40, 8a Chestnut St., Salem, Mass. Helen M. 0’Dea, E40, 34 May St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Daniel L. O’Donnell, L25, 86 Washington St., Weymouth, Mass. Margaret O’Flynn, B39, 217 Beapon St., Boston, Mass. Mary G. O’Flynn, E36, 61 Downlng St., Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Wllllam T. O’Halloran ( Zrelen Ocligleγ), A22, 377 Walnut St., Newtonville, Mass. Stephen Ohanian, A41, 14 Oliver St., Milford, Mass. William G. O’Hare, Jr., G41, P. 0. Box 3, University of Not,re Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana Frances E. O’Hea, H40, 140 Central St., Somerville, Mass. Ellzabeth V. 0’Hern, E40, 104 Linden St., Holyoke, Mass. Ba Ohn. G41, Syriam High School, Syriam, Burma Edna M. 0’Keefe, E40, 4 Poplar St., GIoucester, Mass. Mar色uerlte Oldford, RE39/41, 159 Reed St., Lexington, MasB. John B. Olds, T41, 12 Turner St., Brighton, M料s. John M. 01dsman, C41, 161 Glenway St., Dorchester, Mass. Helen F. O’Leary, E34/40, 71 Westfield Rd., Holyoke, Mass. Joseph Å. O’Leary, B41, 10 Swan St., LawI.enCe, Mass. Margaret A. 0’Leary, E40, 426 Bunker Hill St., Charlestown, Mass. Mlldred J. 0’Leary, B31, 177 Redington St., Swampscott, Mass, Willlam M. Olin, L21, 17 Tremont St,., Boston, Mass. Concetta D. Ollva. A41, 89 East Main St., Milford, Mass. John D. Oliva, E40, 4 Mountain Ave., Fitchburg, Mass. Frank F. Ollver, E40, 563 Fellsway East, Malden, Mass. Edith E. OIson, E37, Box 135, LaPorte, Indiana Ernest W. OIson, E40, 356 Douglas Ave,, Providence, R. I. Geor色e C. P. OIsson, L26, Cli節ord Rd., Plymouth, Mass. Mrs. Jos6 D. Ofiate calizαbeih NichoIs), P25/G27/L41, 841 Commonwealth Ave., Newton Center, Mass. Raymond F. O’Nell, E40, 76 Elm St., Nashua, N. H. John W. O’Neill, B40, Quartermaster Detachment, Fort Devens, Mass. John Opallnsky, eXA, 15 Congress Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Mathew W. Oppenheim, B41, 47 Tennis Rd., Mattapan, Mass. Jarrold S. Oransky, L40, 132 Noyes St., Portland, Maine James I. Orr, B23, 20 Leavitt St., Hingham, Mass. Franci8 J. Orsi, E41, 147 Winthrop S七., Taunton, Mass. FrancIs C. Ortolani, eXA, 41 Worcester Sq., Boston, Mass. Esther C. Osberg, E38/G39. Kents Hill Junior College, Kents Hill, Maine Owen E. Osborne, T40, Mitchellville, Maryland Wesley D. Osborne, A35, 72 Mt. Vemon St., Boston, Mass. Ralph A. Ostberg, Jr., B17, 42 Fenimore Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y. Naom1 0sterman, B41, 143 Porter St., Providence, R. I. Joseph Ostrofsky, M41, 228 Seaver St., Roxbury, Mass. Daniel Ostrosky. B41, 23 Hosmer St., Mattapan, Mass. George E. O’Toole, LOl, Court House, Clinton, Mass. Helena I. O’Toole, Sar16, 27 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Mary L. 0’Toole, P38/G40, 24 Mapleton St., Brighton, Mass. Gerald B. Ouderkirk, R&S40, 107 Fredrick St., Rome, N. Y. Arthur B. Oulton, E40, 295 South St., Fitchburg, Mass. Winfred OverhoIser, M 16/Hon40, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D. C. Willまam A. Overholt, G41, 930 South Henry Ave., Elkins, W. Va. Gordon M. Owen, L38, 44 FiI.St St., Taunton, Mass. G. Bromley Oxnam. Fac/T15/HON30/TT, 1514 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Carla Paaske, Fac/P35, 110 Quincy St., Arlington, Mass. Lawrence E. Packer, eXB, 67 Clark St., Dedham, Mass. Nicholas Padis, A29/M31, 1830 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, Pa. Dudley C. Page, E40, 94 Elliot St., Srpingfield, Mass. E. Lee Pa色e, H40, 55 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Ora K. Park. A31/E41, 15 Cheever Ave., Dracut, Mass. George F. Parker. A40, 409 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. Stanley W. Parlこer, B24, 1277 Commonwealth Ave., Allston. Mass. WinsIow S. Parkhurst. E35/40, 1 Derby St., GIoucester, Mass. Mae D. Parmenter (MγS・ Joseクh F. Ung脚γS鳥3,), Mus32, 23 Nevens St., Portland, Maine Carolyn E. Parren, E40, 40 Cross St., Franklin, Mass. A. Rebecca Parsons, E28/30、, 59 Dehon St.. Revere, Mass. Mrs・ Charles W. Parsons (Eihe;Fisheγ), AOO, 18 Ridgeview Ave., White Plains, N.Y. Edward I. Parsons. A37/L40, 15 Maple St., Roxbury, Mass. Elinor Parsons, E41, 4378 Central Ave., Westem Sprin筈s, I11inois Mrs. John L. Parsons (BlancheGiniα砂, A19, 412 Dunn Boulevard, Erie, Pa. Robert T. Parsons, B40, 329 Waban Ave., Waban, Mass. Sarah L. Parsons, Sar41, 1 Park St., Presque Isle, Maine 艶懇請ff藷認豊富靖盤.鵜苫楽藍耀霊。i。. N. ,. Mrs・ Peter M. Pastore (Ju海α Ro31γ短), A30, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Jacob S. K. Patel, G41, HisIop College. Nagpur. India Mary Patsourakos. E40, 19 Eighth Ave., Lowell, Mass. Emily S. Patten, E41, Maple St., Sterling, Mass. Helen Patterson, E41, 56 Green St., Watertown, Mass. Garland W. Patteson, A40, 20 Hawthorne Rd., Wellesley Hi11s, Mass. George M. Pattlson, B36, Simsbury, Conn. Jessie L. Patty, Sar40, 45 Grover St., Auburn, N. Y. Ålice P. Paul, E40, 1650 Washington St., West Newton, Mass. Charlotte S. Paul. R&S40, 33 Farragut Rd., Swampscott, Mass. Reubln Paull, C41, 23 Trident Ave., Winthrop, Mass. Charlotte Paulsen, AO9, Andover Rd.. Billerica, Mass. Richard O. Pautzsch, A41, 222 Huntington Ave., Hyde Park, Mass. Charles L・ Payzant, MlO, 124 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Constance C. Peabody, R&S40, 6 Newbury St., Beverly, Mas8. Eleanor J. Pearce, Sar41, 400 Elm St., Bogota, N. J. Harold Pearl, L40, 17 Chickatawbut Rd., Quincy, Mass. Edith A. Pearlman, eXP, 28 Greenock St., Dorchester, Mass. Morton J. Pearlman, B40, 62 Columbia St., Brookline, Mass. Årthur J. Pearsall, B41, 31 Middlesex Park, Lowell, Mass. Knute O. Pearson, T14, 7202 Rainier Ave., Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Theodore Peary (Ca!heγine Poα′erS), P37, 42 North St.. S寄oo, Maine Elizabeth D. Peck, H41, 27 Maple St., Greenfield, Mass. Lyman Peck, Jr., B4] , 2928 Hoagland Ave., Fort Wayne, Indiana Samuel A. W. Peck, A28/G34, 2 Virginia Rd., Reading, Mass. Max Pecker, B40, 127 Henry Ave., Lynn, Mass. Nancy Peckham, A41, 1219 Main St., Brockton, Mass. *Alfred L. Pederson, A40, James F. Peebles, E30/40, Boume, Mass. Robert L. Peel, E40, 119 Wood End Rd・, Newton Highlands, Mass. RandoIph A. Peers, Jr., eXB, 134 Vernon St., Norwood, Mass. AIcide D. Pellerin, M39, 135 Nye St., New Bedford, Mass. Phllip J. Pelrin, C40, 5 Popes Hill St., Dorchester, Mass. Fleurdells V. Peluso, P37章154 Marlboro St., Chelsea, Mass. Arthur L. Penardi, E39/40, 96 Monk St., Stoughton, Mass. Llda S. Penfield, A94/G96/38, 74 West Fifth St., Oswego, N. Y. Leonard Penney, B41, 90 Jackson St., Attleboro Falls, Mass. Violet Pentleton, RE29/41, 45 Green St., Melrose, Mass. Maxまne Pepper, E41, Box 158, Greenwood, Miss. Atlee L. Percy, Fac/B17/27, 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Norman L. Perkes, E41. 167a North Common St., Lym, Mass. Åmy S. Perkins, AlO, 112 North Curtis Ave., Alhambra, Calif. Charles W. Perklns, B40, Pierpont Rd., R. F. D. l, Waterbury, Conn. Dorothy L. Perklns, E41, 101 Marshall St., Watertown, Mass. Ellzabeth W. R. Perkins, E41, 7 Waban St., Wellesley, Mass. Norval L. Perkins, B38, P. O. Box 43, Ogunq.uit, Maine Esther K. Perley, eXE, R. F. D. 2, Georgetown, Mass. Josephlne F. Perley, E38’Suite 5, 11 Norway St., Boston’Mass. Donald A. Perry, E41, 22 Hewiett St., Roslindale, Mass. Edith M. Perry, E32/38, 40 Webster St., Brookline, Mass. Muriel L. Perry, A40, 15 Myrtle St., Everett, Mass. Peter F. Perry, E33/40, Groton Rd., Forge Village, Mass. Wesley Perschbacher, G41, 431 Chestnut St., West Bend, Wis. Fred Persiko, SW41, 14 Franklin St., Meriden, Conn. Cyrus H. Peters, E41, 51 Warwick St., Roxbury, Mass. Donald H・ Peterson● E41, High School, Enosburg Falls ’Vermont Dorothy L. Peterson, E40, 615 RandoIph St., South Weymouth, Mass. Edwin T. Peterson, E41, 6 Durant Ave., Dedham, Mass. John A. Peterson, Jr., B41, 11 Pomona Rd., Worcester, Mass. Mable B. Peterson● E40’47 Mt. Washington Ave., Malden, Mass. 毘急韮葦豊富輩盤瑞器討鳶詩誌島豊竜畠s. John F. Phelan, L37/41, Carroll Ave., Newport, R. I. John J. Phelan, L40, 168 High St., North Andover, Mass. Edson E. Phelps, E41, 36] Prospect St., Springfield, Vermont E8ther Phelps-Jones. RE25/G33, 463 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Bernice E. Philllps● E41, 88 Dunster Rd・, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Frank C. Phillips) B38裏43 Water St.1 Medford, Mass. * No address on file. Pαge Th掃g腸 Helen E. Phlllips, E41, 33 Euclid Ave., Springfield, Mass. Lyman W. Phi11ip8, B27, 42 Fayette Place, Taunton, Mass. Eugene Rachl13, B41, 26 Gaston St., Roxbury, Mass. Garcla G. E. RacIcot, B24, 177 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. Wllson F. Phillips, M98, 3 Whitman St., Dorchester, Mass・ Francesca M. RacIoppl, A37/M41, 96 Bridge St., Salem, Mass. Robert R. Radkay, B41, 135 Thomdike St., Brookline. Mass. Phyllls R. Phle色er, G41, 24 Mt. Vemon St., Boston, Mass・ Joseph Radovsky, L40, 1316 Highland Ave., Fa11 River, Mass. NIcholas T. Phil宣まps, A41, 29 Aroadia St., Norwich, Com. Wllliam PIccerillo, A40, 57 High St., Lawrence, Mass. Bernlce J. PIckard, E31, 241 Plymouth St., Holbrook, Mass. Dorothy W. Ra簡man, Mus41, 10 Main St., Lancaster, N. H. Mrs. Wllllam S. PIckens (Les'aγα M初猿en), G27/RE28, R. R. 2, New Castle, RIchard C. Ralnes, T24, Hennepin Ave. Methodist Church, Minneapolis, Mim・ 工ndiana LoIs R. Pickerin色, E41, 387 Grove St., Fall River, Mass. Evelyn J. Plerce, eXP, 84 Common St., Walpole, Mass. Helen F. Plerce, M87, 6 North St., Plymouth, Mass. James A. Plerce, L40, Bldg. 723, Room lO4, U. S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, F宣o重ida Bruno A. Pleromarchl, B40, 80th Ord Sq., Co. D, Fort Ord, Calif. Carl T. Plerson, T41, 386 Dunedin Rd., Columbus, Ohio 重8abel R. Plfer, G38, 3052 Gratten Avenue, Chicago, Il】. Dorothy A. Plke, B40, 34 Anderson St., Suite 8, Boston, Mass. Mrs. Leslie A. Plke (Moγion Le誘n), P24, 85 Halcyon Rd., Newton Center, Mass. Demetriu8 C. Pilalas, B29, 107 Buckingham St., Springfield, Mass. Dominlck Pileg色l, A40, 41 Madison St., East Weymout,h, Mass. Abraham E. Plnanskl, TR, 283 Buckminster Rd., Brookline, Mass. Mr8. John L. Pingry (Aγγia Sione), A18, Littleton, Mass. Mrs. F. C. Plnkham (Clara Dunhαm), eXAOl, 46 Walworth Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y. Benjamin Y. PIper, L41, 607 Pearl St., Reading, Mass. A11son M. Pltkln, RE39/41, 38 Milton St., North Andover, Mass. Oll▼e K. Pltman, AO3, 167 Burrill St., Swampscott, Mass. Wllliam Plttaway, A14/G41, 5 Clyde Rd., Ashland, Mass二 Jean B. Pltl卿an, RE38/G40, 25 Ellsworth Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Sydney Raine, B40, 4 Maybrook St., Dorchester, Mass. Joseph Ralns, E41, 720 East Seventh St., South Boston, Mass. Benjamin P. Ralen, L40, 105 Howland St., Roxbury, Mass. John J. Rallis, C41, 32 Boyd St,, Newton, Mass. John C. Ramsden, B32,/34, 8 Church St., Dedham, Mass. Paul Ramsey, I.41, 49 Walnut St., Somerville, Mass. Marion E. Rancatore, E35, 24 Alewife Brook Parkway, Cambridge, Mass. Henri P. Rancourt, L41, Hdqtrs. 240th A/C, Fort McKinley, Maine George H. Rand. MOO, 55 Main St., Livermore Falls, Maine Robert H. Rand, B40, C/o Washington Post, Washington, D. C. Eunice H. Randall, P38, 44 VanBuren Ave., West Hartford, Conn. Andrew F. Rankin, G40, Eastem Nazarene College, Wollaston, Mass. Evelyn Ranlett, E39, Box 677, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas. LewIs F. Ransom, T38, 14 Church St., Lonaconing, Maryland. Wayne F. Ransom, T41, 703 Madison St., Charleston, W. Va. Helmer M. Raphael, B21, 336 Russett Rd., Chestnut Hi11, Mass. 量rvlng B. Rappoport, L41, 44 Elmwood Place, Bridgeport, Conn. Norman M. Rappoport, B4l, 44 Elmwood Place, Bridgeport, Conn. Nathan I. Raser, B41, 24 Donald Rd., Dorchester, Mass. Iver S. Ra▼ln, M40, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio Earl R. Rawson, B4l, 3653 Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. Chester T. Ray, E40, 77 Walnut St., Braintree, Mass. Edgar B. Pltts, B23, 115 Bynner St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Francesco L. PIzzuto, A23, 105 Lexington St., East Boston, Mass. Henry H. Platt, E37, 310 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 盤諜琵霊蒋・欝‡鵠露盤翰轟龍蒜寵誓SS ・ Mrs. J. Edward Pllmpton, A95, (Ellα Nete′hαn), 53 Plimpton St., Walpole, Mass. Elまzabeth T. Read, Sar39, 101 Wheeler Ave., Edgewood, R. I. John B. PIou鯖e, G41, 11 Hi11 St., Webster, Mass. Alden W. Read, E41, 25 Byrd Ave., West Newton, Mass. Eleanor A. Reardon, A32, 2 South Flagg St., Worcester, Mass. Charles D. Plumb, E41, 12 Eastman St., Dorchester, Ma呂s. Kenneth J. Reardon, A35/G41, 91 Lewis Ave., Walpole, Mass. Marjorie Plumb. Sar41, 52 Eustis St., Wo○○aston, Mass. Stuart S. Reardon, E41, 205 Baker St., Providence, R. I. Lide L. Rech, Sar41, 282 Wheatfield St., North Tonawanda, N. Y. Stanley T. Plumer, G40, 17 Ethel St., New Bedford, Mass. FIorence B. Pockwlnse, E28/G38/E41, 326 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Mortlmer I. Podell, L41, 1340 East Fourth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ånne D. PodoIsky, E4], 15 Clayboume St., Dorchester, Mass. Mary E. Pollard, B40, 9 Everett St., Lowe11, Mass. Arthur Poltrino, B41, 12 Wayne Ave., Lynn, Mass. John A. Redmond, E41, Hatch St., Marshfield, Mass. Gilbert N. Reed, L23, 380 Parkway Drive. Mt. Lebanon, Pa. GIorla Reed, A41, 378 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Jeannette B. Reed. G40, 3 Hidden Rd., Andover, Mass. Joseph G. Reed, L41, 57 Third Ave., East Greenwich, R. I. Ma重y E. Pomeroy, E41, Momment St., Wenham, Mass. Lawrence B. Reed, B41, 72 Lowell St,., Lexington, Mass. Robert B. Pomeroy, B3O, 81 Spring St., Brunswick, Maine Paullne I. Reed、 A39, 21 Nelson Ave., Georgetown, Mass. Pearl A. Reed, E41, 709 Park Ave., Dunkirk, N. Y. Wllliam W. Pomeroy, A41, Air Corps Trg. Detachment, Robins Field, P. O. Box 1698, Jackson, Miss. E▼elyn M. Reeves, Sar40, 68 Uxbridge St” Worcester, Mass. Anthony E. Pontarelll, L40, 774 Dou望las Ave., Providence, R. I. Charles B. Regan, E28/40, 26 Quinobequin Rd., Newton Lower FallsIMass・ Claire C. Pontlus, B41, 728 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Harold W. Poole, E40, 62 Richardson Rd., Melrose, Mass. Edward Å. Poor, B40, Co11ege Highway, Westfield ,Mass. Constance E. Popo簡, E40, 26 Summer St., Haverhi11, Mass. Sydney J. Porshln, E40, 27 NiohoIs St., Everett, Mass. Allce D. Porter, Sar39, Randhil Inn, North Falmouth, Mass. Helen M. Porter, A13/G14, 115 Hope St., Rumford, R. I. Maurice H. Porter, T41, Lunenburg, Vermont Ralph M. Porter, eXA, 86 Grampian Way, Dorchester, Mass. J. Harold Porton, L39, 845 Westford St., Lowell, Mass. Wllllam R. Pothier. B40, 44 Put,nam St., Waterbury, Conn. Roy G. Poulsen, B41, 95 Walker St" North Quincy, Mass. Charles A. Powell, Fac/M13, 310 Allston St., Brighton, Mass. Warren T. Powe11, Fac., 84 Exeter St., Boston, Mass. John D. Regester, T22/G28, Co11ege of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. Marion A. Reid, Fac/G36, 10 Clayboume St., Dorchester, Mass. Reta J. Reid, E41, 200 Brooks St., West Medford, Mass. Henry B. Reiley, Jr., G40/T41, Fayetteville, Pa. 芭詫言譜慈蓋請㌢艶雪薄難鳶S誌豊龍ss. Thekla T. Relniger, A41, 47 Denver St., Saugus, Mass. Lorenzo A. Remy. M27, 536 Grattan St., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Evelyn C. Renaud, R&S40, 146 Main St., Fairhaven, Mass. Claudla W. Renehan, Mus40, 79 Maple St., White River Junction, Vermont Ruth W. Renz, P41, 189 Milton St., Wollaston, Mass. Carl Reppert, T41 , 433 North Temple Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana Anne B. Power, E41, 12 ReserⅤe St., Malden, Mass. Maurlce E. Resnick, L17, 1115 Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. Emll M. Reubens, B22, 210 Purohase St., Boston, Mass. Wendell F. Rex, T41, Methodist Parsonage, Aokley, Iowa Ralph L. Power, B17/20, 580 Crane Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Kendall W. Reynolds (Noγmα L. CαS%'ell), Mus 40, 164 So. Franklin St., Catherlne T. Powers, E34/41, 39 Maple Terrace, West Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Chester J. Powers (Eli細beih Cα棚oell), exB24, 99 Pine Ridge Rd., West Medford, Mass. Everett R. Powers, B41, 17 Pierce Ave., Everett, Mass, Nellie E. Powers, E23, 398 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. Ro色er F. Powers, B41, 1175 Boylston St., Apt. 12, Boston, Mass. Thanlce Powers, B20, 66 Linden St., Waterbury, Conn. Vlllette Powers, E35, Box 85, South Lincoln, Mass. Gertrude Å. Pradel. E39, 78 Broad St., Danielson, Conn. Helen L. Pragnell, E41, 407 Ash St., Brockton, Mass. Daniel B. Pratt, E41, 6 Allen St., GIoucester, Mass. F. Antoinette Pratt, E41, 15 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. Mary Pratt, Sar40, 15 Apthorp St., Wollaston, Mass. Mary G. Pratt, E40, 15 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. Prlscllla P重att, Sar41, Beechspring Apts., 7-D Springfield Ave., Summit, N. J. Gertrude C. Preble, E41, 1793 Main St., Athol, Mass. Melvin S. Preble, E40, 4 Elm St., Farmington, Maine Benjamin Premack, Mus40, 166 Camp St., Providence, R. l. Joseph J. Prendergast, E40, R. F. D., Arlington, Vermont Cynthla A. Prescott, RE38, 421 Avenal Ave., Bedford, Virginia George A. Prescott, E41, Rangeley, Maine Allce A. Prestonl A15, 3 Chapman St.. Arlington, Mass. Richard A. Preston, E40, 26 County Way, Beverly, Mass. Mrs. Alma Beatrlce B. Pride, E4l, 117 Shaw Ave., Edgewood, R. I. M重S. Joseph E. Priestly (Beγ偽α M. Dodge), A12, 2425 Cleveland Rd., R. D. 2, Wooster, Ohio Harry B. Prince. L17, 194 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Nathan D. Prlnce, Tr., Windham County National Bank. Danielson, Conn. Robert S. Prince, L41, 300 Forest Ave., Brockton, Mass. 00 1性 S. V±ctor Prince, L15, 730 Williams St., New London, Conn. 75 Whitney St., Northboro, Mass Wllllam L. Pullen, L 5, 705 Tremont Building, Boston, Mass Helen R. Punch, E41 62 Ainsworth St., Roslindale, Mass. Alexander Purdon, E41, 175 Fenno St., Quincy, Mass. Hazel M. Purmort, Fac/AO6/G37, 44 Clearway St., Boston, Mass. Jame8 H. Pyke, G40, Board of Foreign Missions, 150 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Arthur G. Pyle, E41, 3 Howes Lane, Plymouth, Mass. Da▼ld G. Proctor, E4 Wllma W. Quarmby, P39/E40, 178 Trapelo Rd,, Belmont, MasB. Raymond J. Oueenln, B24, 4619 Warren St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Charles A. Qul亀ley, exRE, 69 Court St., Augusta, Maine Geor亀e F. Oulmby, A12, 9 Rockefe11er Plaza, New York, N. Y. Henry Oulmby, G25, 51 Jacob St., Bristol, Conn. L. May Quimby, E34, 135 Wilson Ave., Kingston, N. Y. James F. Oulne, eXB, 10 Gorham Rd., West Medford, Mass. FIorence Ouinn, E41, 91 President Rd., Braintree, Mass. Margaret B. Oulnn, Sar40, 115 Aberdeen Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Mary A. Ouinn, E40, 53 Upham St., Melrose, Mass. Thomas A. Qulnn, Mus31, 252 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Holbrook, Mass., C/o Caswell Marion S. Reynolds, G12, 34 Newbury St., Brockton, Mass. Ruth Reynolds, Mus41, 53 Smith St., Riverside, R. I. FIorence Rhones, Sar4l, 34 Winter St., Lexington, Mass. Theodore I. RIccl, Jr., A41. 167 Lexington St., East Boston, Mass. John E. RIce, AO3, 12 Regent St., Worcester, Mass. Robert E. RIce, M30, P. O. Lock Box 2, Midland, Mich. Wllllam A. Rich, E33/G39/40, 9 Robert Rd., Marblehead, Mass. Cllft R. RIchards, A88, 9 West Irving St., Chevy Chase, Maryland Mrs. J. Merrlll Richards (Mαγγ E. Hαγileγ), E38, 21 Sagamore Rd., Newto重し Highlands, Mass. Wllliam F. RIchards, E41, 230 Pearl St., Thompsonvi11e, Conn. Barbara Richardson, P41, 25 Robbins Rd., Watertown, Mass. Edward C. RIchardson. Jr., B40, 553 Winthrop St., West Medford, Mas9. Guy Richardson. A97, 104 Robinwood Ave., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Herbert A. Richardson, B41, 496 Swains Pond Ave., Melrose, Mass. Marlan L. Richardson, E40, 108 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. Philip M. RIchardson, G41, 252 Aubumdale Ave., Aubumdale, Mass・ Ruth Richardson, A17/G21, 836 College Ave., Wooster, Ohio Ruth A. RIchardson, P41, 1300 Grafton St., Worcester, Mass. Raymond C. Richer, E40, Lyman School, Westboro, Mass. Saul Richman, A40, 4 Waterlow St., Dorchester, Mass. Mrs. Saul RIchman (FIoγenCe Milleγ), A40, 4 Waterlow St., Dorchester, Mass. Herbert B. Richmond, B41, 37 Evelyn St., Mattapan, Mass. Samuel S. RIchmond, E39, Canterbury, N. H. Charles O. Richter, E40, 16 Delmore Rd., Newton Highlands, Mass. Eleanora L. Rick, L41, 9 Ingersoll Rd., We11esley, Mass. Katharine M. RIckards, E39, 57 Hall Ave., West Somerville, Mass. Geor色e H. Ricker, A26, Groton, Vermont Kenneth W. Rickert, L4l, 248 Third St., Niagara Falls, N. Y. FIorence Ridlon, E24/39, 36 Regent St., Roxbury, Mass. Arthur R. Rlel, Jr., G41, 78 Prospect St., Springfield, Mass. Gretchen Riemer, Sar41, 62 Wilton St., Norwood, Mass. Sidney H. Rlfkind, B39, 64 I鯖Iey Rd., Jamaica Plain, Mass. V. John Rikkola, E41, SchooI St., West Chelmsford, Mass. Mirlam A. Rlley, G38, 591 Wilder St., Lowell, Mass. Mrs. P血IIp W. Riley (Floγeme MαCNαmαγα), E41, 7 Beacon Ave., Norwood, Ma翼・ Sumpter M. Rlley, T38, 1 Cleveland Park, Roxbury, Mass. Willlam F. Riley, E41, 1 Baly Edge Drive, Worcester, Mass. Alberta R. Rin色er. E40, 37 Walker St., Lowell, Mas8. F. Glenn Rlnk, B35, Reoeption Centre, Fort Sheridan, Illinois FIoyd Rlnker, G41, 100 Paul Revere Rd., Needham, Mass. Harold W. Ripley, Fao/M 17, 400 Washington St., Braintree, Mass. Antrinett M. Roach, Mus41, 1579 Turnpike St., North Stoughton, Mass. Asa H. Roach, L40, Smyma Mills, Maine Clinton Robb, LO9, 1734 P St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Frederick C. Robblns, M96, Brigham Ha11, Canandaigua. N. Y. Mrs. George W. Robb血S (CaγOlγn Seαγle), AOO, 229 Wilbraham Rd., Springfield. M乳ss. Thomas C. Quinn, L40, 12 Champney St.. Brighton, Mass. Janet Robbins, H41, 473 Washington St., Abington, Mass. Sherman L. Qulnto, L40, 225 Sherman Ave., New Haven, Conn. Katharine H. Robbin8, Sar36, 5272 Horger St., Dearbom. Mich. Russell A. Qulst, B33, 3 Widerberg Rd., Worcester, Mass. Pαge鰹oヶきg Donald M. Roberts, B40, 308 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Mrs‘ Frank E. Roberts (Ed履a Pr〇°oγ), eXAOO, 158 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Franklln C. Robert8, Fao/E27/28, Box 96, Boxford, Mas9. James S. Sal▼ln. exB, 15 Waldren Rd., Roxbury, Mass. Lou18 S. Sambattaro, Mus41, 369 Railroad Ave.. North Andover, Mass. Theodore Samei, B41, 31 East Brook Place, Methuen, Mass. Leona W. Sampson, A22/G24, Stetson Pond. Bryantville, Mass. John Samuelson, Mus39/E40, 99 Beach Ave., Nantasket, Mass. FIorence M. Sanbom. Sar41, Sa$nbomville, N. H. George W. Roberts’L25, 200 Washington St.. Boston, Mass. John B. Roberts, Jr.. L40, 19 Winter St., Sanford, Maine Paul V・ RobertsI B40’353 Plymouth St.1 Abington, Mass. Thelma B. Roberts, E36, East Pembroke, Mass. Wllford H. Roberts, E31/41, 1 North Gateway St., Winchester, Mass. 醒ま鵠翰謁轟‡蒸篭語提言 Frank D. Roblns. E41, 39 Clifton St., Marblehead, Mass. Blanche E. Roblnson, A40, 80 Clark Rd., Lowell, Mass. James A. Robinson, B40, 469 Brighton Ave., Portland, Maine Marlon J. Sanders, P34, 28 East State St.. Montpelier, Vermont John R. Sander8On, G41/T4l, Salona, Pa. John W・ Robinson. T35/G38, College of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WaBh. J・ VerNooy Sands. B41, 209-35 Bardwell Ave., Queen'8 Village, N. Y. Lawrence A. Robinson, B26, 107 Highland Ave., Ashland, Ohio William H. Sands. E41, North Franklin St., Holbrook, Mass. Leslie P. Roblnson, E40, 174 Myrtle St., New Bedford, Mass. MarJorle D. Sanさe章, E40, Forest St., R. F. D., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Mrs・ Lucllle Bayley Roblnson, eXA, 236 Nahant Rd., Nahant, Mass. Ann V. San色ulnettl, A41, 13 Nonantun Place, Newton, Mass. 揺諒聾竃謹擢叢謙譲諾d咽● Catherine Santamaria● E411 35 Tuttle St.’Revere, Mass. Mary C. Roblnson' RE39, 66 Beacon St” Boston, Mass. Mary C. Santo8, E41, Edgartown, Mass. Martln L. Saraf, C40, 235 East Boylston St., Watertown, MasB. Mlllard Robinson, AO5/TO7/G16, N. Y. Bible Society, 5 East Alice N. Santimaw, Sar41, 89 Forest St., Worcester, Mass. Mrs. Sa▼erlo Santoro (Mαγγ Vα13S毎α初m), B41, 25 Brook St., Brookline, Mass. 48th St., New YoI'k, N. Y. Mllton Roblnson, L24/25, 118 Wolcott Rd., Brookline, Mas母. Paul F. Robinson, A41, 21 Fenwood Rd.タBoston, Mass. Phlllp Roblnson, B40, 67 Victoria St., Lowe11, Mass. Roy M. Roblnson, L20, 75 Ripley St,, Newton Center, Mass. Catherine E. Roche, P40, 279 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Helen L. Roche, A40/G41, 42 North Main St., North Easton, Mass. LoIs Rockwood● E40, 35 Lakewood Rd・, Newton Highlands, Mass. Joseph N. Rodeheaver, GO7. Winona Lake, Indiana John D. Roderickl E41, 22 Ethel Ave., Peabody, Mass. James Y. Rodger. M14, 22 Garden Rd., Lowell, Mass. Mel▼まn Rodln, M41, Granada Hotel, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pura A. Rodri色uez-Torrent, B38, U. of Porto Rico, Piedras, P. R. Comella H. Rogers, E41, 111 Brigham St., New Bedford, Mass. George M. Ro色ers, E31, 14 Waban St., Natick, Mass. Mrs・ Saten地Hagop Saraf, C41, 235 East Boylsu〕n St., Watertown. MasB. John H. Sargent, eXT17, 14 Park St., St. Johnsbury, Vermont Kenneth Sargent, E40/41, 471 Brookline Ave., Boston, Mass. Mabel P. Sargent, E40, 16 Bellevue Ave., Winthrop, Mass. Marian H. Sar色ent, RE39, Box 150, Honolulu, T. H. 藍詑禁繁監護葦雛揮盤だ親i鵠講薄嵩,i_ma。hi, H。kkai。。, s。l霊器。..。, Ag96, S。n,。 R。S。Ii。 Pl。。,a。i。n, 。。rd。。m串a,as。。, M。Xi。。 Charlotte Satter, P37, 671 Walk Hill St., Mattapan, Ma的. Herbert L. Satter, B41, 671 Walk Hi11 St., Mattapan, Mass. Herbert W. Saul, B23/E23/G24, 18 Talbot Rd., South Braintree, Mass. Mr8. He章bert W. Saulのo誘se Hoeh), A17, 18 Talbot Rd., South Braintree, Mass. Carl W. Saunders. T41, 17 Yarmouth St., Boston, Mass. Edna M. Saunders, E35/41, 172 Newton St., Meriden, Conn. Lydia E. Ro色ers. P41, 44 Glen Rd., Winchester, Mass. Martln W. Rogers. B41, 127 Park St., Newton, Mass. Wllllam F. Rogers, A94/Tr., 50 Pleasant St., Braintree, Mass. Dorothy E. Rokes) E41, 171 Pleasant St.1 North Andover, Mass. Mrs. John Romano (Miγiαm M. Romano) , E4 1. 8 Netherlands Rd. , Brookline, Mass. Eu色ene Romeo, Mus40, 346 South Ocean Ave., Patchogue, N. Y. Jame8 J. Ronan, AO7/LlO, 348 Essex St., Salem, Mass. En81o K. F. Ronka, Fao/M27, 46 South Central Ave., Wollaston, Mass. Frances Rood, P40, 96 Bellingham St., Chelsea, Mass. Melville H. Rood. B39, 12 Ottawa Rd., Arlington, Mass. Wllbur J. Rook, G40, 5 Mechanics St., Mattapoisett, Mass. Wllllam K. Root, A40, Ward Hill, Mass. Edlth Z. Rose, P40, 57 Banoroft Ave., Milford, Mass. John A・ Rose, E41, 323 Revere St., Winthrop, Mass. 諾㌘S盛暑`語eR謡鷲篤霊浅黒d罵罫書愚弟㌫ 81。 Thi.d S,., Durham, N. C. Hugh Saunder8, E40, 6 Chilcott Place, Boston, Mass. 藍語篇誌轟蕊菩蒜悪罵総謂碧ふm, Mas8. Hen章y W. Sa▼a色e. A40, 11 Court End Ave., Middleboro, Mass. Bemard Sa▼rann, B41, 122 Trowbridge St., Cambridge, Mass. Abraham I. Savitz, eXB, 70 Bainbridge St., Malden, Mass. 諾譜まき洗浄轟賞認識簿討翫鑑菩露悪Mass・ 昌恕聖霊謡も鴇認擬採譜霊・ Ma88. Russell D. Sawyer. E40, 26 Electrio Ave., West Concord, N. H. Robert B. Rosenkranz, E40, 17 Coulton Park, Needham, Mass. Willlam H. Sawyer,′L90, 4 SohooI St., Concord, N. H. 蹴詳請靖霊盤鵠篭豊も謙譲露悪M鵬・ Howard W. Sayle8, R&S40, 20 Moore St., Bdmont, Ma的. Charlotte L. Rosenberさ, P41, 297 Walnut Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Mllton Saxe. B41, 648 Harvard St" Mattapan, MasB. Jean Scale8, E41, 27 Fayette St., Concord, N. H. Stanley Å. Rosenblum, B41, 27 Upham St., Malden, Mass. Bla直F. Scanlon. B4O, 24 Fairfield St., Newtonville, MasB. AIvin Rosenthal, B41, 53 Mascot St., Dorohester, MaβS. John A. Scanlon, G4O, R.29 Pleasant St., Leominster, Mas8. BenJam血Rosenthal, L13, 17 Steams Rd., Brookline, Mass. Donald G. Ross, A40/G41, 29 Grove St., Auburndale, Mass. Ellzabeth Ross. M12, 5230 Center Ave.. Pittsburgh, Pa. 認認諾覇学籍玉こ器量露盤蒜翫豊的・ 窒恕書誌嘉等t翰離忠恕音読轄・ Camp Croft・ S. C. Ablgall A. Scannell, eXE25, 103 BabBOn St., Mattapan, Ma軸. J・ Frank Scannelll LOl' 921 Metropolitan Ave., Hyde Park' Masき. 凝監督よ語豊艶雅語経書認諾骨盤書banon・ Illinois Mrs. Gertrude Moeckel Schafer. P40, 9 Wolcott Park, West Medford, Mass. Etelka M. Schaffer, E33, 59 Spruce St., Newark, N. J. Jullu8 B. Schatz, L26, 49 Pcarl St., Hartford, Conn. Ida Ro8Se皿i● P401 4 Saunders St.1 Lawrence, Mass. Bemard S. Ro8Ser, B4O, 8 Verndale St., Brookline, Mas8. 重srael Rothblatt. L41, 3らEssex St., Salem, Mass. Mrs. Saul Rothenburgh (Floγianα Taγa,妨no), P40/G41, Yale Drug Co., South Medford, Mass. Jack V. Rotman, E40, 150 Shurtleff St., Chelsea, Mass. Saul R. Rotman, RE39/4l, 117 Shore Drive, Winthrop, Mass. Lou18 A・ Rottenberg, A36/M40, 132 Clark Rd., Brookline, Mass. John Roudel8, A41, 12 Waverly St., Brighton, Mass. Mar虫aret G・ Roughsedge’B31/41, 31 Clayt叩Ave., Medford, Mass. Kathleen A. Rounds. A21, Colegios htemaclOnales, Cristo, Oriente, Cuba Edward J. Rourke’B40, 466 Plymouth St., Abington, Mass. Bemard Ro▼ner, B40, 102 Allds St., Nashua, N. H. Ån血e C. Rowan, exB, 364 Longwood Ave., Boston, Mass. Grace V. Rowland, E35/41, 46 Pearl St., HyanI料, Ma紡. Wllham D. Rowland, Fac., 84 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Elllott G. Rowley, B40, 33 Queen St., Worcester, Mass. 輩績琉嵩試聴籍鑑誓書鴇)誰豊鑑霊ury・ Ma88・ Marle E. Roy, A41, Box 456, Webster, Mass. Leo RozowIcz. B33, 96 Wadsworth Tenace, New York, N. Y. 欝欝籠鶉擬態驚蝉 Reelna Schlossberg, Mus39, 163 Warrington St., Providence, R. I. 欝監護認諾蓮謀議畿藍 Ray L. Schoales, B41, 1 Fletcher Rd., Wellesley Hills, Ma朗. Norbert A. Schott, L4l, 31 Wollaston Ave., Wollaston, Mass. Mary E. Schouler, E40, 12 Aldersey St., Somerville, Mass. Henry Schrelber. G41, 185 Grovers Ave., Winthrop, Mass. 盗豊艶艶操藩霊糖蜜誤認罵‡叫ay・ Vir誼 Charle8 Schwartz, L40, 24 Homestead St., Roxbury, Mass. Charle8 D. Schwartz, T41. Main St., Bradford, Vermont Mr8. Lewis H・ Schwartz (励,α解en徹e Dわn). A16, 405 Bay S軸re Building, Lawrence, M的s. Mr8. Herman V. Schwartz (Co郷iαme C. ReuIer), A37, 8 Herbert St., Dorchester, Ma思8. 害盤詑冨霊手記若輩黙認謀議烏龍捲鵜詳S・ Helen C. Scott, Sar41, 1O4 Hillside Rd., Watertown, Mass. Walter D・ Rudzlak, E41, 26 Grove St., Chelsea, Mass. Walter E. Scott. A28/E41, 26 High St., Hingham, Mass. Earl M. Ru鈍, T16, Christian Institute, Raewind,ぜanjab, India 援話芸蕊轟で舘解語盛語寵監督Bos叫Ma患S・ 認g器量諾書経藩主嵩蒋露盤ま龍葦拙y。r, K露。畠a8 Geo重ge L. Russ, exB, 134 Orchard St., Rocky Hill, Conn. Eileen Russell, Sar41, 589 Drexel Ave., Glencoe, Illinois Henry D. Russell, G33/40, Springdale Ave., Dover, M的β. Robert T. Russell. L12, 27 State St., Boston, Mass. Thoma8 D. Scott, T14, 3362 Calunet Ave., Chicago. Ill. 認誌詳譲抱艶,義認誓約罵語調籠・ James H. Scully, E40, 92 Hart St., New Britain, Com. 藍諸寄等霊寵品雛暑鵠絶筆諾龍雑器韓龍。m。。t L。。吉一議欝認諾露盤A,。., 。。St。n, Mass. Geor容e W. Sears, Jr., A39/L41, 25 Lenox St., Springfield, Mass. ま染料譜諾宙!諾筏灘維盤宝寵禁・ Albion’Mich. 謙詫昆豊富艶豊諾禁鑑耕盛, Mass. Joshua Seaver. E40, 112 Hyde St., Newton Highlands, Mass. Willlam H. Russell, A40’78 Radcliffe Rd・, Belmont, Mass. Emest N. Seavey. B39, 15 D雌buI.y Rd., O/o Mr. Henderson. Wel]鈎ley Hills, Mass. Bertha Rutherford, C40, 12 Quimby Ave., Woburn, Mass. Clarence Ryanl R&S40, R. F. D. 2, Vine Grove, Kentucky E▼elyn A, Ryan, E41, 116 Allds St., Nashua, N. H. Marion A. Ryan, All/G19/41, 298 Main St., Milford, Mass. Frank J. Ryder, Jr., B40, Academic Dept., Automotive Group, Fort Benning, Georgia Hazelle H. Seavey, E41, Rye, N. H. Morton R・ Sea▼ey, A25. The Peter Bulkeley School, Concord, Mass. Frances Scaward, E40, 27 Warren St., Manchester, N. H. Samuel Seder, L17, 390 Main St., Worcester, Ma的. Sherman Seeche, B40, 352 Ames St., Lawrence, Mass. E・ Wl皿Iam Seeckts, L41, 34a Irving St,, Cambridge, Mass. Eme8t L. Seelyl B401 27 Jackson Rd.1 Somerville, Mass. Louis Sacks, G4], 18 Dolphin Ave., Revere, Mass. Jo8ePh Segal, M17, Medical and Den七al Building, Scattle, Wash. Charles L・ Sakey, A40/G41, 34 Dwight St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Joseph Segal (Sadie Gi,3Sbuγg), A21, 4516 West Atlantic St., Seattle, Wash. Frank J. Saladino, C41, 509 Washington Ave., Chelsca, Mass. Tluy Segalo鱈, B40, 35 Woodstock Ave., Brighton, Mass. Carl Salamone. R&S40, 200 Hartford Retrcat, Hartford, Conn. Harvey D. Selfert, G34/40/T35, 810 Broadway, Nashville, Tem. Elmer W. Salenius. A39, 4 Bates Ave., Maynard, Mass. 譜器摺嘗諾覇轟認諾整諦認諾斡葦罷蒜∵/o Beck Jacob Sallba, A41, 38 Fletcher St., Central Fa11s, R. I. Samuel Salney. L20, 341 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. Arthur Saltzman. B39. 73 Longwood Rd., Quinoy. Mass. Ralph S. Salvatll E41● 14 Rush St.● Somerville● Mass. Charles H. Selant, L29, 24 SchooI St., Boston. Mass. Barbara F. Sellar8, A41, 5 Avon St., Andover, Mas8. …瀧欝主謀唆6簿忠君鮮紘揺嵩豊艶薄ら・ 軸的顔相の・0れc SoIomon H. Skolnick, L40, 62 Hamlet Ave., Woonsocket, R, I. Emil S. Skop, A41, 121 Union St., Lawrence, Mass. Kenneth B. Skoropowski, E41, 178 Union St., Everett, Mass. Gustave R. Serino, E41, 462 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Berj H. Seron, L41, 117 Webster Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Huさo N. Seth, eXB, McLean Hospital, Waverley, MasB. Aithur C. Slade;Jr., B27, Court Inn, Camden, S. C. Daniel Sexton, C40, 16 Hampshire St., Everett, Mass. Ånne Shaheen, E41, 1209 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Ruth E. Sladen, eXE37, 31 Sea St., North Weymouth, Mass. Linus H. Shanahan, A38/L40, 75 Moulton St・, Lynn, Mass・ Årthur Slamin, B40, 845 Washington St., Wellesley, Mass. Mary J. Shanahan, P35/B41, 15 Waverly St., Lym, Mass. Wi11iam F. Slattery, L40, 9 Hunnewell Circle, Newton, Mass. Patrlck F. Shanahan, LO9, 75 Moulton St., Lynn, Mass・ Joseph S. Slavet● A41, 7 Loma Rd・, Mattapan, Mass. Bette M. Slavin, G41, 155 WinsIow Ave., NoI.WOOd, Mass. Rachael D. Slayton, RE39, 4605 Cass Ave", Detroit, Mich. Francis W. Sliney, E40, 78 Collins St., Lym, Mass. FIorence C. SIoan, E40, 2 Commonwealth Ave., GIoucester, Mass. Louise Shanley, E40, High School, Portland, Conn・ B重llot L. Shapiro, A40, 244 Harold St., Roxbury, Mass. Nathaniel Shapiro, eXL23, 17 Arlington Rd・, Brookline・ Mass. Sldney Shapiro● L41. 179 Wood Ave., Bridgeport' Conn. Amanda宣. S. SIoane, E4l, 64 Rockwell St., Malden, Mass. Oscar Shaps, B38, 62 Winston Rd・, Dorchester, Mass. Beverly R. Slosber色, P39, 180 Washington St., Norwich, Conn・ Paul B. Sharon, L40, 5 Otsego Rd., Worcester, Mass. Ruth SIotnlck, Mus37/G40, 46 Asheville Rd., Brookline, Mass. Rlta Shatz, E40, 1748 North Shore Rd・, Revere, Mass. Ållce C. Smales, E41, 10 Cole Ave., Providence. R. I. Archibald B. Shaw, E40, 1622 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass・ Nedra R. Small, G39, 22 Pleasant St., Kennebunk, Maine Cla章a B. Shaw, A22/G33, 9 Park St., West Roxbury, Mass. James F. Small, B33/34, 23 Cli鯖St., Malden, Mass. George E. Shaw, E40, 15 Arletta Ave., Worcester, Mass. Harold F. Shaw. B40, 25 Paulina St., Somerville, Mass. Jean E. Smalley, A41, 105 Cushing Ave., Belmont, Mass. Mrs. G. vy・ Smallman (Viγg寂a Coo短), RE32, 11225 Forrestville Ave., Chicago・ John C. Shaw, A38, 72 Lothrop St., Beverly, Mass・ Illino重S Maxwell S. Shaw, G40, 33 Almont St., Mattapan, Mass・ Allce Smart, E41, 201 Johnson Ave., Stratford, Conn. Daniel H. Shay, E33, Park St. West’North Reading, Mass" Carl H. Smith, Jr., L41, 1915 I St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Charles B. Smith, M28, Conway, N. H. Daniel J. Shea, L40, 11 Windham St., Worcester, Mass. Dennis F. Shea, L40, 258 Kipp Ave., Hasbrouck Heights’N. J. Mrs. Charles E. Smith (Chaγl調e S硯eγ), AOl, 91 Camp St., Hyamis, Mass. Dorothca Shea, A29/E41, 53 Vane St., North Quincy, Mass. Ellen M. Shea, E40, 60 Pearl St., East Bridgewater, Mass. Douglas E. Smith, A39/G40, 12 Enfield St., Jamaica Plain, Mass・ Edna L. Smith, Sar40, 1514 Perkiomen Ave., Reading, Pa. John J. Shea, B41, 7 East Shelby St., Worcester, Mass・ Edna L. Smith, A41, 12 Locust Ave., Lexington, Mass. Edna-Mae Smith, B41, 54 Sagamore Rd., Worcester, Mass. Teresa C. Shea, E40, 36 Emmett St,, Chicopee Fa11s, Mass. Robert E. Sheahan, E41, 13 Broadway Ave., Rockport, Mass. G. Vau色hn Shedd, T41, Union TheoIogical Seminary, Buenos AiI.eS・ ArgentiIla・ S. A. Milllson K. Shedd, A41, 647 Main St., Melrose, Mass. Arlene M. Sheehan, E40, 37 Albion St., Brockton, Mass. Joseph A. Sheehan, L97/16, Court House, Boston, Mass. Joseph B. Sheehan, C41, 27 Parker Hill Ave., Boston, Mass. Mrs. George Smlth (Gerirude Halleiき) , eXAO7, 400 Belleview Ave., Webster Grovcs, Missouri Geraldine F. Smith, E40/41, 54 Forest St., Lexington, Mass. Gordon W. Smith, A29, 25 Winter St., Waterville, Maine Harold J. Smith, Fac/B18/41, 27 Garrison St., Boston, Mass. Joseph P. Sheehanl exB, 26 Putnam Rd.・ Revere, Mass. Marguerite R. Sheehan, E40, 85 Braddock St.’Springfield・ Mass. Howard Å. Smith, A31, 208 Churchills Lane, Milton, Mass. Ir▼in色B. Smith, B25, 89 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Willlam F. Sheenan, L40, 94 Ocean St., Dorchester, Mass. Alfred B. Sheinwald, eXB23, 74 Browne St., Brookline, Mass. Kenneth Sheldon, Fac/E40, 11 Edgehill Rd., WinchesteI., Mass. Jack Smith, B39, 735 Belmont Ave., Springfield, Mass" James D. Smith, G41, 1 Elm View Place, Dedham, Mass. Maxine W. Sheldon, A40, 47 Hingham St., Rockland, Mass. JessIca B. Smith, exB, 11 Ta鯖Rd., Milton, Mass. John A. Smith, G40, l Elm View Place, Dedham, Mass. June G. Smith, P30, 427 South Normandie St., Los AngeIes, Calif. Emma D. Shelton, A98, 29 Dunster Rd., Jamaica Plain, Mass. George F. Shepard, L41, 153 Arlington St., Brighton, Mass. Helen Shepard, A40/G41, 72 South Pleasant St., Sharon, Mass. Kenneth W. Smith, B40, 57 Norwood St., Greenfield, Mass. Laura G. Smith, AlO, 21 Hackfeld Rd., Worcester, Mass. Lewis H. Smith, Jr., A4l, 59 Clark St., Framingham, Mass. Margaret E. Shepard, eXE41’661 Main St., Shrewsbury, Mass. Mary E. Shepard● E36, Cambridge Hospital, Cambridge, Mass. Mrs, Lewis H. Smith, Jr., (Be砂J. 1枕Ich), A4l, 59 Clark St., Framingham, Mass. Pauline M. Shepard, Sar41, 72 South Pleasant StっSharon, Mass・ R. Burton Sheppard, TlO, 1010 West Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee・ Wis. Henry R. Sher, L22, 390 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Katherine C. Sheridan, E41, 7 Cleveland St., North Andover, Mass. Charles P. Sherman, Fac., P. O. Box 543, Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Charles R. Sherman (Enzabe脇P諸e), P21, 167 Broad St・, Plainville, Conn. Geor色e J. Sherman, B41, 146 Walnut St., Malden, Mass. Gertrude Sherman, E41, 55 East 72nd St., New York, N. Y. Shigeo Shlmada, T40, 111 East Canon Perdide St.’Santa Barbara, Calif. Mrs. Conrad E. Snow (Kaiheγine Haγileγ), eXA23, 6647 13t,h St. N. W., Harold W. Shipp, A41, 5 Osbome Place, Sea Bright’N. J. Anita L. Shmauk, E41, 6 York Terrace, Brookline, Mass・ Beatrice O. Shockley, E41, Box 84, LaJunta, Colo・ Washington, D. C. Marlon D. Snow, P34, 163 Leyden St., Brockton, Mass. William B. Snow, A85, 3 Smith Court, Boston, Mass. Woodrow E. Sholes, B39, VP-81 Naval Air Station, Key West, Florida Mrs. Franklin D. Snyder (Wi旬名ed RoZ)er!son), B40, 90 Maple St., Malden, Mass. Davld M. Shor, M29, 32 South Munn Ave., Eastl Oran宮e, N. J. Kath重yn Snyder, E40, 20 Parkway Rd・, Brookline, Mass. 誤認落掌鴇,署豊麗盤醤霊岩盤憲㌢ Mass “ Virginia G. Soble, Sar41, 5628 Woodbine Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Alma F. Soderholm, Sar40, 403 Spring St., Brockton, Mass. Catherine E. Shortall, E41, 44 Belmont St., Abington, Mass. Ralph H. Soderman, B40, 8 Hermitage Lane, Worcester, Mass. Cyril W. Shovelier, E41, 60 Woodlawn Ave., Needham・ Mass" Ålfred R. Shrl色ley, Jr., L40, U. S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville・ Florida Maury L. Shu虹ue, B40, 40 Elmont St., Dorchester, Mass. Sldney SokoIove, A40, 47 Wave Ave., Revere, Mass. Stanley Solomont, B41, 5O Rowena Rd・, Newton Centre, Mass. Carl Sondere色ger, B36, 21 Prospect, St., FIorence, Mass・ Myer Shulman, B41’781 Somerville Ave.・ Somerville, Mass・ Luis C. Sorrentino, Jr., E40, 159 Willis Ave,, Medford, Mass. *Samuel Shumofsky, B40, Clarlce I. Slddall, Sar40, Fairmount Rd., Alliance, Ohio Roy R. Sossen, L40, 96 Linden St., Allston, Mass. Jack L. Sothem, B41, 123 Easterly St., Gloversvi11e, N. Y. Doris D. Side, A41, Main St., West Brookfield, Mass. Manuel Sidman, B21, 43 Tennis Rd., Mattapan, Mass. Edward L. Siegel. B40, 12 Crowell St., Dorchester, Mass. Margaret South, A12, 24 West View Terrace, West Newton, Mass. Mrs. FIorence Johnson Southwick, E40, 43 Trace Ave., Hast Lynn, Mass. Clifton M. Southworth, E41, 694 Brock Ave., New Bedford, Mass. Mrs. Corrlnne W. Southworth, E41, 1327 Main St., Agawam, Mass. Grace Southworth, E40, 62 Maple St., Warren, Mass. Constance S. Spavin, E41, 174 Stratford St., West Roxbury, Mass. Pauline Spear, M40, 8 South Ave., Derry, N. H. Ha調y Siegel, B34, 90 Capen St., Dorchester, Mass. Theodore R. Sllva, G36, 11 Shelton Rd., Quincy, Mass. Milton Silverman, B40, 11 Atherton Rd., Brookline, Mass・ Mo11ie Sllyerman, A41, 226 Bradford St., Everett, Mass. Stephen Silverman‘ E40, 180 Seaver St.‘ Boston・ Mass. Sybil Spear, A40, 20 Stevens Rd・, Needham, Mass. William Spear, M41, Central Maine General Hospital, Lewiston・ Maine Theodore H. Silverman. B40, 180 Seaver St., Boston, Mass・ Frank Sllverstein, E40/41, 41 Newton St., Malden, Mass. Mrs. Conrad Speck, IⅡ (且h豹beth Bac鳥siγOm) , Sar35, 1508 Il ieldAve., Detroit, Mich. Seymour Simches' A41, 68 Bay State Rd・・ Boston・ Mass. Samuel B. Spector, B41, 174 Cc)lumbia St., Cambridge, Mass・ Ålvln L. Simenson, B41, Common St., Barre, Mass. Slmkhovltch (Marγ Kingsbuγγ), Priscilla A. Smith, Mus41, 31 Wamer St., Gloucester, Mas争 Russell B. Smith, L39, 1005 Haskell Ave., Rockford, I11inoIS Charles T. Snow, A91, 18 Agate Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Bertram F. Shlpman (E砂diaFoss), AO5, R. F. D. l, Darien, Conn. Vladimir I.loyd E. Smith, B35/36/E41, 39 Acom St., Malden, Mass. Lucy E. Smith, B40, 24 Summit St., Framingham, Mass. Martha L. Smith, Mus41, Charlestown, N. H. Mary B. Smith, E41, NichoIs St., Westminster, Mass. Miriam G. Smlth, E41, 3 Winona St., Brockton, Mass. Ruth O. Smith, A17, 81 Nason St., Maynard, Mass. Stanley E. Smith, E4], 72 Mt. Vemon St., Boston, Mass. Hyman Sneierson, A22/M24, 67 Main St., Binghamton, N. Y. Walter J. Sherman, T17, Box 328, Aptos, Calif. Owen Sheny, B39, 25 Stillman Ave., Westerly, R. I. Mrs. Estelle W. Smith, E41, 25 Fisher Ave., Newton Highlands, Mass. A90, Greenwich House, 27 Barrow St., New York, N. Y. Eunice P. Slmm, L41, 230 White St., Belmont, Mass. Ånne Slmmons, Sar40, Blackwood Post O紐ce, Blenheim, N. J. Charles G. Slmmons, E40, 185 Richmond St., New Bed宣ord, Mass・ Emma F. Simmons, eXAll, 1368 Commonwealth Ave., Allston, Mass. Manfred E. Simmons, M17, 64 Central St., Lowell, Mass. Edward P. Simms, RE30/40/G31, 31 Hammond St., Roxbury, Mass. Leroy V. Simms● T17, 509 Crittenden Ave.’Toledo’Ohio Frank L. Slmonetti, B41, 292 Dean St., Akron, Ohio Beatrice A. Slmson, E40, 36 Newha】1 St., Lynn, Mass. Edward F. Simpson, L17, 339 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Eric R. Simpson, E41, 166 Granite St., Quincy, Mass. James A. Slmpson, B35/37, 823 Union Ave., Lakeport, N. H. Ellse Sinnett, CXP, 21 Lyndon St., Concord, N・ H. Lucielle Spencer, RE23, 164 Summer St., Malden, Mass・ Wllliam L. Spencer. B40, Pine Camp. N. Y. Jacob Spiegel, L22, Municipal Court, Boston, Mass. Marc M. Splegel, G40, Co. C, 6 Q. M. Trg. Reg., Camp Lee, PetlerSburg, Virginia Esther M. Spie色el, A38/L40, 57 Homestead St., Roxbury, Mass. Emest R. Spinney, E41, 444 Newport News Ave., Hampt'On, Virginia Anthony A. Splrito, E40, 59 Collins St., Lynn, Mass. Leon Spivack, B38/E40, 117 Lorraine St., Bridgeport, Conn・ Mary R. Spo嬬ord, Mus37, 321 South Franklin St., Watkins Glen, N. Y. W111iam Spokesfield, E41, 130 Read St.’Somerset Centre, Mass. Myra B. Sprague, Mus 38, 93 South St., Concord, N. H. Mrs. Richard P. Sprague (Viγginia Wigglesα,Orih), E40, 29 Dana St" Cambl.idge, Mass. Viola Sprecklemeyerl G35, Y・ W・ C. A., Jackson, Mich. Esther Sprln色er, R&S40, 15 North Main St., Moravia, N. Y. Rebecca Sin色erman, C41, 4 Elm St., Peabody, Mass・ May Springfield, All, 27 Garvan St., I]ast’Hartford, Conn. Harold Slrk, B40, 19 June St., Worcester, Mass. Eu垂ene F. Stabile, A41, 149 Strathmore Rd., Bright’On, Mass. Norman W. Sipple, E37/40, 34 Webster St., North Quincy, Mass. Mrs. Amy LeOnard Sproull, B40, 207 Pleasant St., Stoughton, Mass. Jerome C. SIsson, E40, 1141 Great Plain Ave., Needham, Mass. Gabriel M. Stabile, B41, 149 Strathmore Rd., Brighton, Mass. Wlnslow C. Sisson, B24, 11 Gray St., Arlington, Mass. Grace M. SIssons, AO5, 3075 BuI'1ingame Drive’San Diego, Calif. Sister Mary Robert, S.N.D., B23仙24, Trinity College, Washington, D. C. Robert A. Skalfe, G40, 33 Hampden St., West Springfield, Mass. *Mrs. Dorothy Gelst Skeist, R&S40, Mrs. Harold N. Skelton (Agnes Kelleγ), A16, 34 White St., Lewiston, Maine Norman Skler, B40, 451 Walnut Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Mrs. R. P. Sklff (PγudeクOCe Caγd), RE34, 117 Sims St., Bridgeport, Com. Hilda B. Skinner, P40, 45 Eaton Ave., Wobum, Mass. Sydney W. Skoler, B40, 115 Quincy St., Quincy, Mass" * No address on file. Pαge Foγ切-軌oo Alice C. Stack, eXE,. 20 Summer St., Andover, Mass. Eunice G. Stack, eXE., 20 Summer St., Andover, Mass. Helen B. Stacy, E41, 51 Fort Pleasant Ave., Springfield, Mass. Kenneth D. Stahl, B41 , 147 Clinton St., Portland, Maine Marion B. Stallwood, Sar40, R. F. D. 4, Newman Ave., Seekonk, Mass. Ray T. Standley, B30, 12 Baker Ave., Beverly, Mass. Willard Stanewick, G40, 30 St. Paul Ave., Norwood, Mass. Vlrginia Stanislaus, Mus40, 5 Park Ave., Wellesley Hi11s, Mass. Walter F. Stanley, B39, U.S.M.C., B. Co., Fourth R. O. C., Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia Carolyn J. Stannis, E37, 392 Union St., Springfield, Mass. Patricia Stanton, P41, 22 Columbia Rd., Danvers, Mass. , Wllbur F. Stanton, E40, 4 Ge11ineau St., Malden, Mass. Ruth Staples, P40, 12 Carter Rd., Lynn, Mass. John P. Stapleton, L40, 22 Joy St., Boston, Mass. Ålllson M. Swanson, E40, 16 Jones Rd., Weston, Mass. Philip Swartz, R&S40, 17 Schuyler St., Roxbury, Mass. Marion Sweetser, E40, 605 South Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Eugene Swenson, E4] , 260 Marrett Rd., Lexington, Mass. Wllson G. Stapleton’A28, 3684 Traver′Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio Ålfred B. Starratt, E39, 284 Adams St., Quincy, Mass. Lennart Å. Swenson, A38, Main St., Rowley, Mass. Da▼ld L. Statham, A40, 24 Meadow Rd., Sharon, Mass. Edith T. Swlft● AO2, 68 Emerald St., Boston, Mass. John F. StaslewIcz, B38, 18 Epworth St., Worcester, Mass. Donald G. Stather, E40, 65 Neponset St,, South Walpole, Mass. Anastasia Stathopoulos, E41, 880 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Vlrglnla M. Stead, Sar41, 163 Meadowcraft St., Lowell, Mass. Edlth M. Stearns, Fac/Mus38, 110 Dale St., Waltham, Mass. Roswe11 Steams’eXAlO’733 Chamber of Commerce Bldg・, Los Angeles, Calif. Edward H. Steele, Jr.● B41, 23 Bemis St., Newtonville, Mass. Barbara M. Swlft. B39, 97 St.. Stephen St., Boston, Mass. Ånn M. Switzer, E4l, 15 Park St., Norwood, Mass. Elizabeth H. Sylvester, E41, 39 Winthrop Rd., Brookline, Mass. Nathan R. Sylvester’Jr.’M12, 9 Westminster St., West Somerville, Mass. Olive D. Sylvester, A19, Marot Junior College, Thompson, Conn. Robert Sylvester, L41, 44 West Cedar St., Boston, Mass. E. Helen Symonds, Sar36/E41, 30 Woodlawn Ave., Wellesley Hills, Mass. FrancIs K. Steeves, G41, 42 Church St., Merrimac, Mass, Reglnald V. T. Steeves, E40, Oldham St., Pembroke, Mass. Vir色lnia C. Symonds, Mus41, Contoocook, N. H. Mrs・ William H・ Stegeman (E巌のbeih Hac鳥eγ), AO7, 30 Ocean Terrace, Jacob Tabachnik, RE39/G41, 29 Byron St., New Bedford, Mass. Lynn, Mass. Å・ Josephine Stelnmanl Sar41’R. F. D. 3, Waterbury, Conn. Martln F. Stemplen, B24, 419 Main St., New Britain, Conn. 賞da A. Sterman, A36/M40, 132 Clark Rd., Brookline, Mass. Edward Stem, L40, 106 Stanwood St., DorchesteI., Mass. Gertrude Stetson' E40’11 Northem Ave., Brattleboro, Vermont Harold P. Stetson, A37/M41, 4 Willow Court, Waterbury, Conn. Wayne D・ Stettler● M25, 40 East Chocolate Ave., Hershey, Pa. Sadle P. Tabackman, E39, 2898 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif. Åymar H. Taber, E39, 10OO Main St., Reading, Mass. Katherine Tabor, A25/G28, 103 East St., EImwood, Mass. Mまldred E. Ta重t, B33/E40, Colby Junior College, New I」Ondon, N. H. Thomasine B. Taglino, E40, 9 Tully St., Chestnut Hill, Mass. Harry R. Talbot, AO6/LO9, 36 Main St., Plymouth, Mass. George R・ Tamまnosian, B33/G39, Dale Mabry Field, Tallahassee, FIorida E!eanor Tamul, P40, High School, Watertown, Conn. Marlon B. Steuerwald) A21, 5 CoIonial Terrace, Belmont, Mass. Charlotte M. StevensI E41, 2575 Washington St., Canton, Mass. Vlncent: Tanana, B40, 94 Laurel St., Lynn, Mass. Do轟s I. Stevens, E34, 107 Meriden Ave., Southington, Conn. Leopold C. Tappey● E40, 215 Jenness St., East Lym, Mass. 掌Helen F. Stevens, G40, Alexander Stewart, T25, 100 Washington St., Malden, Mass. Allce E. Stewart, A39/G40, 50 Otis Place, Scituate, Mass. Russell E. Stevens, B36, 42-16 80th St., Elmhurst, Long Island, N. Y. Everett H. Tasker, A40, 2 Pearl St., Charlestown, Mass. Jeannette L. Taub, A40, C/o E. Dunner, 2100 Rupp St., Baltimore, Md. G. Joseph Tauro, L27, 25 Central Square, Lynn, Mass. August C. Taveira, L40, 313 Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass. Alice C. Taylor, All, 9 Ware St.. Suite 6, Cambridge, Mass. Dorothy C. Stewart. A411 137 Grove Ave.’Wilmington, Mass. A章thur Taylor, B41, 23 Henry St., Revere, Mass. Phyllls Stewa重t, E39, 41 Traincroft St., Medford, Mass. Donald A. Taylor, A41, 11 Orchard St., Amesbury, Mass. Josle K. Ste▼enS, E40, 219 Boxford St., Lawrence, Mass. Wllllam H. Stewart, T24, 55 Grand Ave., Rockvi11e Centre, N. Y. Mrs. RIchard C・ Stickney (Pearl Goddaγd). A15, The Idlehour, Femwood, GIoucester, Mass. Ru書u8 Stlckney, Fac/B25/38, 125 Peckins St., Somerville, Mass. Edward F. Stiles, L40, ]01 Hampden St., Holyoke, Mass, Joseph St11lman, B41, 81 BIossom St., Lynn, Mass. Mlnnie M. Stinsonl E40, 33 Washington Ave., Northampton, Mass. 台塩基鷲認諾?総裁護露嵩†嘉LApt. 124’New York’N. Y. Mack B. Stokes, G40, Wesleyan University, BIoomington, Illinois Dewey D. Stone, B20, 53 Arlington St., Brockton, Mass. Mrs. Frank Stone (Beγ!hα脇ll), A94, Eastland Hotel, Port]and, Maine Edward C. Stone, Tr/LOO, 33 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Harry K. Stone, L16, 72 Belmont St., Brockton, Mass. Henry G. Stone, B17, 230 Everett St., Wollaston, Mass. Joseph Stone, B41, 60 Henry St., Malden, Mass. Jo8ePh L. Stone, B26, 34 Hoover St., Burlington, Vermont N. Loul8 Stone, B22, 170 Highland St., Taunton, Mass. Paul M. Stone, B41, 11 Quint Ave., Allston, Mass. Thompson Stone, HON32, 15 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Clarence E. Stoneham, B28, 49 East Quincy St,., North Adams, Mass. David Stoneman, L98, R. 801, 31 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Paul F. Stoneman (Eleanoγ W Jones), S孤r18, 5276 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Missouri Oscar Storer, Fac/A92/L95, 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Mario Storlazzま, A38/G40, 2420 16th St. N. W., Wasbington, D. C. Marlan H. Story, G41, 53 Cayuga St., Seneca Falls, N. Y. Mrs. Harold F. Stose (Louisα Bo3,d), G41, 3342 Indian Rd., Toledo, Ohio Mrs. Lewis C. Stran色(Mαr!hαLoc鳥e), eXA94, 541 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Elmer C. Strattonl eXB21, 1754 Beacon St.,.Brookline, Mass. 量vard N・ Strauss● E38, 6100 2lst St. N. E., Seattle, Wash. Joy Street, E41. 114 Fenway, Boston, Mass. 紫謹話認諾畢生篤競霊嵩薄雪藍認許盤豊S・ Adele Y. Strogen, Sar40, 359 Clifton Ave., Clifton, N. J. Al▼ln D. Strong, T40, 523 North Independence St., Tipton, Indiana Arthur D. Stroud, TO9, 39 Temple St., Boston, Mass. John N. Strout, T4l, 677 Main St., Bridgeport, Ohio Robert K. Stuart, E40, Box 85, Hancock, Mass. June E. Stumbles, Sar39, 307 South Delaware St., San Mateo, Calif. Mrs. Walter L. Sturtevant (Maγion Andれ殉s), A99/GO4, 308 Aycrigg Ave., Pa§saic, N. J, Thomas Stylまanos, G40, 17 Elm St., Nashua, N. H. Edward P. Sucheckl● A40, 6 Oak St., Easthampton, Mass. Edwa重d A. Sudenfield, B38, 53 Elm St., Lym, Mass. Årthur M. Su色arman, E39, 55 Maple Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Sldney Sugarman, B36, 39a Lee St., Cambridge, Mass. Vincent Suhr, E40, 13 Hdith St., Arlington, Mass. Wllllam Sulkln, B40, 5519 FIournoy St., Chicago, Illinois Arthur J・ Sulli▼an Fac/B24/29, 685 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Beryl K. Sulllvan, E41, 18 Addison St., Arlington, Mass. C. Jane Sul重まvan, E40, 97 Knox St., Lawrence, Mass. Charles S. Sullまvan, L96, 16 City Square, Charlestown, Mass. Danlel F. Sull書van, E40, 22 Sunset Ave., Lawrence, Mass. George P. Sullivan, G40, 30 Fulton St., Medford, Mass. Humphrey F. Sullivan, Jr., A39/G40, 2006 N. St. N. W., Washington, D. C. J・ Vlncent Sullivan, Jr., L40’116 South Main St., Middleboro, Mass. John A. Sullivan, C41, 91 Blue Hill Ave., Roxbury, Mass: M. Rita Sulli▼an, B35, 288 Grove St., Fall River, Mass. Margaret E. Sulllvan, E40, 19 Standard St., Boston, Mass. Marguerite R. S岬llivan, E41, 288 Grove St., Fall River, Mass. Mary F. Sullivan, E38/40, 11 Ludington Court, West Springfield, Mass. Paul E. Sulllvan, B40, 42 Forest St., Lowell, Mass. Rlta M. Sullivan, G41, 129 Warwick St., Lowel], Mass. Wiulam J. D. Sullivan, B41, 19 Alabama St., Mattapan, Mass. Ol書ver L. Tanquary, G40/T41, 72 Mt. Vemon St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Harl W. Taylor ( Helen rγaq’is), AO8, 83 Oak Ave., Belmont, Mass. George J. Taylor, T39/E40, 186 Oak Knoll Ave. N. E., Warren, Ohio John L. Taylor, T41, Go鯖, Kansas Lucien B. Taylor, Fac/A18/G20, Farm St., Dover, Mass. Paul N. Taylor. A37, 104 NichoIs St., Norwood, Mass. Ralph W. Taylor. Fac/All/G22, ]04 NichoIs St., Norwood, Mass. Ånnette D. Tedeschi, A4] , 60 Ward St., Norwich’Conn. Bleanor TeelタSar40, 1 Palmer Rd., Marblehead, Mass. M. Helen TeeleタA87, 11 Jason St., Arlington, Mass. Hyman M. Teichl B29, 79 Naples Rd., Brookline, Mass. Anders T. Tellstroml Jr., Mus41, 91 Clayboume St., Dorchester, Mass. 冨諾え雷電蕊嵩蔑親臨露盤諾軸s‡豊・N. H. Ralph T. Templln, T23/G24, M. E. Mission, Muttra, India Aaron Tenenbaum, B4l, 244 Winchester St., Brookline, Mass. Willlam E. Tennant, T41, Box 237, Junction City, Oregon 搬鴇蒋露営窪,藍講説撞…;s. Llenne Tetrault, E28/G30, Marygrove CoIlege, Detroit, Mich. Adrlen G. Tetreault, M39, Pawtucket Memorial Hospital, Pawtucket, R.I. EIwin S. Tetreault, E41, 21 Darrow St., New London, Conn. Horace G. Thacker, Fac/B20, 28 Vershire St., West RoxbuI‘y, Mass. Mrs・ John V. Tharp (Vわian Cloughen), Sar40, Gilbertsville, N. Y. Joyce M. Thayer, E41, 8 North Main St., Norwich, Conn. Mrs. Reinhard Thelnert ( Helen G. Nelson), E38, 71 Eleanor Rd., Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Demetrios E. Theodore (Nicolei/a W. Geoγge), P40, Alexander W. ThomasタTO3, Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio Myron B. Thomas, Mus39, 7 Warren Ave., Middleboro, Mass. Phillp B・ Thomas, M41, Monson, Maine Virginia R. Thomas, Sar39, 30 Union St., Wobum, Mass. Wllliam B. Thomas, T26, 12 Kenmore Rd., Belmont, Mass. Clarence W. Thompson) T41, Lu Veme, Iowa Edwin A. Thompson, Jr.1 E41, 19 C]ifton Park’Melrose, Mass. Frederica A. Thompson} A40, Martin Ave., Barrington, R. I. 量da L. Thompson, E40, Long Lane School, Middletown, Conn. Francis L. Thompson, E38, 18 Lightfoot St., Portland, Maine Harold C. Thompson, L19, 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass. John W. Thompson, L41, 18 Melendy Ave., Watertown, Mass. Leon A・ Thompson, E34, 41 Granite St., Cambridge, Mass. Louise E. Thompson, E36/40, 154 Parkview Ave., Lowell, Mass. Luther F. Thompson, Mus37, 15 Temple St., Framingham, Mass. Mar色aret E・ Thompson, P28/E39, 152 Greenwood St., Melrose Highlands, Mass: Owen D. Thompson, RE30/T41, 1992 Bay St., Taunton, Mass. Mrs. Sanford E. Thompson (Siellα ComeγSe), A96, 1090 Walnut St., Newton Highlands, Mass. Thomas H. Thompson, B38, 42 Fellsmere Rd., Malden, Mass. Wまlma O. Thompson, Mus38/G41, 52 Hillcrest Place, Westwood, Mass. Benjamln F. Thomburさ, LO8, 657 Main St., Waltham, Mass. W. George Thomton, G39/T40, Box 97, Waterford, Pa. Mary T. Thorp, E32, 116 Fourth St.. Providence, R. I. Edwin T. Thorpe, Jr.● E41, Y. M. C. A., Wakefield, Mass. Mrs. Ruth W. ′r. Thulin, E41, 28 Marshall St., Watertown, Mass. Årthur V. Thurman. T41, 533 Walnut St., Rockport, Indiana Bruce B. Thurman, A37, 211 Central Ave., Medford, Mass. D. Jeannette Tibbetts, A39/G40, 328 Essex Ave., GIoucester, Mass. Phllip S. TIcotsky, eXB30, 581 George St., New Haven, Com. Robert J. Tlews, A38/G39, 925 Hast Court St., Kankakee, Illinois Peter J. Tlkells● B41, 137 Hancock ExtensIOn, Haverhill, Mass. Dorothy F. Tilton, P40, AIstead, N. H. Kenneth L. Tingley, B37, 50 Columbia Boulevard, Waterbury, Com. Åndrew G. Tingus, B40, 4 Dixwell St., Roxbury, Mass. Herbert D. Tlnker, E40, Main St., Wolfeboro, N. H. Cl鯖ord S. Sundberg, B41, 48 Boylston St., Brookline, Mass. Burton L. Tisdale● A41, 20 Phillips St., Weymouth, Mass. Malcolm L. Tisdale, B24’1215 West 71st Terrace, Kansas City’Missouri B. Irma Titus● RE27, 60 West Cedar St., Boston, Mass. Albert C. Todd, A31/M34, 410 South Maine St., South Brewer, Maine Audrey B. Suthe章land, E40, 2526 Washington St., Canton, Mass. Edward H. Todd, T93・ College of Puget Sound, Tacom争y Wash. Donald Sutherland, E40, 84 Wallin筈ford Ave., Athol, Mass. Helen B. Todd, M14, 502 Buffalo St., Farmville, Virginla Betty J. Sutterby, Sar40, 38 Wadsworth Ave., Avon, N. Y. 韮詫議縫重器77端・愛器岩盤盛業竜ss. Julla C. Sv嘉okla, A40/G41. 93 Arthur St., Brockton, Mass. Dorothy G. Swain, G41, Hampton Falls, N. H. Å・ Kenneth Swanson, A40, 140 Center St., North Easton, Mass. * No address on創e. Collegc, Bertha A. Thomas, B40, 12 Dean Ave., Taunton, Mass. Fred M. ThomasI L41, 11 Avon St., New Bedford, Mass. Au色ustus M. Summers, eXB23, 19 Everett St., Cambri。ge,Mass. Greta B. Sundln, E40, 271 Gamage Ave., Aubum, Maine Carl Surabian, B40, 506 Central St., Saugus, Mass. Adella Surowlec, E41, 29 West Bow St., Franklin, N. H. Marietta Marietta, Ohio Abdelnour S. Thomas, E40, 2 Sharon St., Boston, Mass. Pauline Todd, P40, 181 Chestnut St., Wilmington, Mass. Bemard Tolnickl A40, 101 Devon St., Roxbury, Mass. Frank W. Tomasello, L20, Municipal Court, Boston, Mass. Si釘id E. Tompklns. L41, 78 Court St., Houlton, Maine FrancIs J. Toole, Sar24/E34/40, 298 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Mary F. Toomey, A40/G41, 23 Drew Ave., East Weymouth, Mass. Robert E. Toomeyl E41, 3 Walnut Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Page Foγ切-Tんree Wllllam E. Tootell, L41, 22 Tower St., Methuen, Mass. Katherine E. Torrant, G40, Mt. View ,Norfolk, Conn. Phillp A. Towle, B40, 15 Sixth St., South Portland, Maine Li111an G. Towner, P34, 39 Mt. Vemon Ave., Melrose, Mass. John M. Walsh, M41, 364 East 198th St., Bronx, N. Y. John W. Walsh, III, E40, 26 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Kathleen G. Walsh, A41. 94 Lincoln St., Waltham, Mass. Marjorie G. Walsh, E41, 145 Hawthome Rd., Braintree, Mass. Lllllan E. Townsend, E40, 6 Lincoln St., Maynard, Mass. Catherlne C. Tracy, E41, 345 LIoyd Ave., Providence, R. I. William A. Walsworth, B40, 114th Infantry, Fort Dix,`N. J. 慈詑裁講書舘善治蟻講・・認諾討蕊klyn, N. Y. FIorence E. Ward, E40, 112 Waterman Ave., Greystone, R. I. Grace C. Ward, A41, 5 Maple Ave., Natick, Mass. Matthew E. Ward. L40. 726 Broad St., Providence, R, I. Parker B. Ward, G40/T41, Methodist Church; Brownsvi11e, Vermpnt Marion Z. Tra重ton, M40, 50 Crabtree Rd., Squantum, Mass. 雑書親茸講緒恕豊癌等露悪豊玉浅黒・ Hamburgr N. Y. Willlam Trainovich, Jr.. A40, 33 High St., Nashua, N. H. Jean I. Traquair, A41, 231 North Forest St., Melrose, Mass. Hugh F. Travers, L40, 50 Silver St., Waterville, Maine Vir色inla Ward, Sar40, 9 Layton Rd., Richmond Heights, Missourl George F. Treanor, L32, 18 East Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. W量lllam I. Ward, eXT81, North Carver, Mass. Barbara G. Treat, Mus41, 57 Concord Ave., Milton, Mass. Mrs. Robert A. Ware (Chαrloきie Baγγel′), A85, 81 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. Frank R. Trig色. MO4, 738 Church St., Norfolk, Virginia Edmund R. Warne, T41, Methodist Churoh, Wolcott, Ihdiana Helen J. Tripp, E41, Box 4, Westport Point, Mass. Woodrow T. Trotter, B41, 6824 Windsor Ave., Berwyn, Illinois Ro亀er L. Warner, E41, 16 Forest St., Arlington, Mass. Mrs. Lowell S. Trowbrid色e (Ennoγe Baγrie). G41, 135 Charles St., Boston, Mass. Dorothy W. True, Sar40, Rumson School, Rumson, N. J. Ruth E. Trull, Sar41, R. F. D. 1, Lowell, Mass. Vir色lnla Trumbull, A40, 133i Genesee St., Aubum, N. Y. James L. Tryon, LO9/GlO, 55 Terrace Rd., Medford, Mass. 詑語も認模講談票詣窪藍譜罷霊.Maryland M重S. A. W. Tucker, Jr. (Maγihα Ra郷om). A41, 174 Newbury St,., Boston, Mass. Harold H. Tucker. E41, 30 Burdett Rd., Lynn, Mass. Betty R. Tufts, E41, 129a Main St., Lancaster, N. H, Priscilla Tufts, R&S40, 20 Greenleaf St., Malden, Mass. Llndsay C. Tupper, E41, 30 Winter St., Whitman, Mass. Anna M. Turkalo, A41, 17 Caswell St., East Taunton, Mass. Charles G. Turner, eXB, 55 SchooI St., Everett, Mass. EIsle B. Turner, E26, 242 Lowell St., Waltham, Mass. Mabel A. Turner, E39, Warren Junior High School, West Newton, Mass. Charles L. Warner, E41, 22 Sibley St., Grafton, Mass. Anna M. Warren, E35/38, 252 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass. Shields Warren, Tr/A18, 301 Otis St., West Newton, Mass. Ada M. Warrin色ton, Sar39, Georgetown, Delaware Arthur Washburn, eXB22, 133 West Springfield St., Boston, Mass. Marian B. Washburn, G41, 3 Warland St., Cambridge, Mass. Arthur T. Wasserman, L34, 126 Manet Rd., Newton, Mass. Myrtle H. Waterfall, A18, 32 Pennington Ave., Passaic, N. J. Edson G. Waterhouse, RE22/T28, 125 Ash St., Waltham, Mass. Lamar H. Watkins, T41, 67 Chapel St., Norwood, Mass. Miles E. Watkin8, T40, R. 3, Massena, N. Y. Charles D. Watson, L86, Peoples Trust Co., St. Albans, Vermont Mary M. Watt, P4], Box 84, Pawtucket, R. I. Horace R. Weaver, T41, Baltimore, Ohio Mrs. Har重y J. Webb (FγαmeS Ne%'ell), A21, 69 Peasant St., Franklin, Mass. AIfred C. Webber, G40, 603 Heat,h St., Chestnut Hill, Mass. LeRoy E. Tutterman, B40, 54 Marathon St., Arlington, Ma謡. Carl E. E. Webber, B30, Post Headquarters, Fort Lewis, Wash. E. Paul Webber, M40, 13 Beals St., Winthrop, Mass. Pauline K. Webster, E39. 1710 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio John C. Tuttle, B38/L40, 123 P. St., South Boston, Mass. Dwi色ht E. Webster, T41, 1027 Sixth Ave., Sidney, Nebraska Mabel E. Turner, E23, P. O. Box 230, Antrim, N. H. Geor色e Tutunjian, C40, 7 Taft St., Dorchester, Mass. Allce M. Twl色g, AOO/GOl, 74 Fairbanks Rd., Milton, Mass. Harriet L. Wedgwood, E41, North End Health Unit, 41 No. Margin St., Bostdn, Ma誠. Marlon D. TwIss, E40, 21 Orne St., Worcester, Mass. Sydney W. Tymeson, B37, 720 FIower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Clarlce J. Weeden, E40, 14 CIough Ave., Windsor, Vermont Ank Uleck]e, E40, 22 Prescott St., Cambridge, Mass. Rose E. Wei鱈enbach, A24, 16 Rockville Park, Roxbury, Mass. Frank L. Uman, L40, 86 Chapin TerI.aCe, Springfield, Mass. Carl B. Umanzio, G40, 6O Paris St., Medford, Mass, Henry Welnberg, A41, 105 Townsend St., Roxbury, Mass, Helmuth Ulrlch, Fac/Mll, 99 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Ruth Ungethuem, E40, 17 Avery St., Westfield, Mass. Marie B. Upton, E41, 4 Colu皿bia St., Apt. 3, South Weymout,h, Mass. Robert W. Upton, LO7, Patriot Bldg., Concord, N. H. Marcus L. Urann, eXLOO, Main St., South Hanson, Mass. Dorothy M. Weeks, E40, 11 Danforth St., Canton, Mass. Ruth A. Weeks, A41, 11 Danforth St., Canton, Mass. Arthur B. Weln, M39, 17 College Ave., Waterville, Maine AIvin J. Welner, B39/40, 12 Bassett Rd., Brockton, Mass. Elliot I. Weiner, B40, 99a Chelsea St., Everett, Mass. Zelma Welss, E40/G41, 11 Dana St., Revere, Mass. Meyer Weker, L29, 89 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Å賞exander Welch, B26/E33/L36, 845 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 黒岩轄菩討(欝・欝監護勘深謀h薄畠. Ervin L. Welch, B41, 378 Swains Pond Ave., Melrose, Mass. Robert A. Welch. L28, 3 Court St., Provincetown, Mass. Peter J. Valeska, E39/G40, 477 Cross St., Salem, N. H. Davld W. Well8. Fac/M98/HON30, 31 Bay State Road, Boston, Mass. Ethel M. Wellin色ton, E40, R. F. D. 1, Chelsea, Vermont Da▼id V. S. VanAIstyne, B40, Sunnyside Farm, Kinderhook, N. Y. Mary E. Vanasse, Sar40, Belchertown State School, Belchertown, Mass. Matthew A. Vance, RE28/G4l, 416 FIorida St., Laurium, Calumet, Mich. Nora Van der G重oen, P37/E40, 1116 Great Plain Ave., Needham, Mass. Barbara Van Gaasbeek, A37, 727 Farmington Ave., West Hartford, Conn. Charles E. Varney, E28, Supt. of SchooIs, Stoneham, Mass. Wllllam H. Vastlne, T40, 78 E, Sunbury Sも., Shamokin, Pa. Jame8 A. Vaughn, B37/39, Maple Shade Garden, North Road, Bedford, Mass. Wllllam E. Veague. L41, 15 Oxford St., Cambridge, Mass. John W. Veazey, B40, 31 Williams St., Cascade, N. H. Margaret Vencko, M40, 41 Zoa Ave., Johnson City, N. Y. Rlta T. Vendittl, eXP, 1056 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Frank X. Vened, C41, 157-R Summer St., Somervi11e, Mass. Constantine Veremakls, M41, 32-62 61st St., Woodside, N. Y. Luden R. Vlaney, E40, Haven St., Do│ier, Mass. Edward Vまcto章, G36/E41, 22 North Russeu St., Boston, Mass. 蕾器謹晶難語※捉薄Ii藍盤器盛#sも。.。h。St。r, M。BS. Vlr色inia E. Vlnes, Sar39, Driftway Rd., Greenbush, Mass, Cora M. Vlnlng, G41, Circuit St., West Hanover, Mass. Arthur Vita91iano, L4l, 201 Cottage Park Rd., Winthrop. Mass. Beatrlce Vlahos, Sar41, 54 Georgia Ave., Lowell, Mass. Eugene J. Vo色eI, B40, 4 C】arendon Court, Roslindale, Mass. Frank G. Vo置pe, LO9, State House, Boston, Mass. Samuel N. Vose, Fac/M18, 29 Bay State Rd., Boston, Mass. Edwln D. Wells, B41, 29 Newcomb Place, Taunton, Mass. Ralph H. Wells, Fao/M26, 1430 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. Mary Lou Welsh, Sar41, Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, CoIorado Robert Wenner, T41, 329 South Kentucky Ave., Evansville, Indiana Carollne Y. Wentworth, M95, 75 Lincoln St.. Newton Highlands, Mass. F. Gertrude Wentworth. A91, 36 Lexington Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Laura F. Wentworth, exAll, 35 Williams St., Brookline, Mass. Davld F. Wertz, G39/T40, 131 North Fourth St., Newport, Pa. FIorence A. Wescott. AO2, 29 Church St., West Roxbury, Mass. Harold E. Wescott, L28, 653 Main St., Laconia, N. H. Elmer P. West, T41, 5 Brown Place, Wobum, Mass. J. A重thur West, G34/T35, 27 Churoh St., Warren, R. I. William R. Westcott, Jr., E41, Bear Hill Rd., Harvard, Mass. Beth A. Weston, E28, 57 Davenport St., North Adams, Mass. Evelyn E. Weston, E34, 53 Central St., Somerville, Mass. 量8abel G. Weston, M87, 52 Leighton Rd., We11esIey, Mass. Mrs. Frank M. Wethered (Floγα SiγOng), E25, 19 She館eld Rd.. West Newton, Mass. Adeline B. Wetmore, G40, 39 Rockland Ave., Malden, Ma?S・ Royal S. Weymouth, A22/G31, 1615 Gough St., San FranclSCO, Calif. John J. Whalen, B40, 46 Dysart St., Quincy, Mass. Mernetta Margaret James A. Lawrence LIoyd L. S. Wharton, C40, 100 Bellingham St., Chelsea, Mass. J. Wheatley, P39, 68 Exeter St., Lawrence, Mass. Wheeler, B39, 16 Hodges St., Mansfield, Mass. A. Wheeler, B40, 17 West Union St., Goffstown, N. H. Wheeler, B41, 17 West Union St., Goffstown, N. H. Alfonse C. Votolato, L40, 448 Branoh Ave., Providence, R. I. Maude F. Wheeler, E22, 57 Spear St., Quincy, Mass. Sophia Vrachos, B41, 19 Commonwealth Ave., GIoucester, Mass. William N. Wheeler, B36/L38, 18 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Elizabeth H. Whelan, E29/39, 91 North Leyden St., Brockton, Mass. I. John Votta, M41, 382 River Ave., Providence, R. I. BenJamln N. Wachman, B28, 24 Harvard St., Chelsea, Mass. Wiuiam B. Wadland, Jr., C41, 15 Glen St., Melrose, Mass. LewIs M. Wager. E35, 690 Main Rd., Tiverton, R. I. Theodore D. Wagman, A39/G40, 129 Congress Ave., Chelsea. Mass. Mrs. RIchard B. Waitt (Mうnnie Caldeγaγa), Mus40, 26 Burley Ave., Danyers, Mass. Russell E. Waitt, T22, Box 55, Auburndale, Mass. 藍謹騎嘗翫謹鮭執:塁審鶏舎Hng七〇n, Mass・ Mo細rls S. Waldman, L25, 121 Modena Ave., Providence, R. I. Evlyth A. Walen, E29/40, 52 East 78th St., New York, N. Y. Nellle Walent, E4O, 4 Hughey St., Nashua, N. H. Mlldred E. Wheeler, E39/40, 22 Temple St., Reading, Mass. FIorence Whelden. E40, 10 Franklin St., Brandon, Vermont Marion L. Whelpley, E35/41, 637 Chestnut St,., Manchester, N. H. Katherine E. Whidden, E41, 11 Hudson St., Malden, Mass. Everett W. Whまpple, B40, 15 Hartshom Rd., Walpole, Mass. Mrs. Lewis E. Whipple (L宛Zie Dighり, AOl, 72 Walnut St., Natiok, Mass. Lester R. Whitaker. exA19, 232 Court St., Portsmouth, N. H. Robert H. Whitaker, G41, 37 Lawrence Hall, 99 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Jeanie Lees Whitcomb, C40, 4 Beverly Rd., Wellesley, Mass. Mervin W. Whitcomb, Mus40, 3 Long Ave., Belmont, Mass. FrancIs I. Whlte, E38/41, 37 Audubon Ave., Providence, R. I. Frederick E. White, A30, 91 Ode11 Ave., Beverly, Mass. A豊nes M. Walkama, P41, 133 Boylston St., Brookline, Mass. George J. White, B41, 21 Fifth Ave., Worcester, Mass. Isabelle D. Whlte, A94, Walpole, N. H. John F. White, B41, 9 Raleigh St., Arlington, Mass. Mrs. Edgar R. Walker (Haγrie‡ G. yαies), RE29, 113 South Main St., Albion, N. Y. Robert N. White, B40, 66 Woodmont St., Portland, Maine Francis G. Walett, A41, Washington St., South Easton, Mass. Gerald D. Walk, B41, 280 Seaver St., Roxbury, Mass. Danlel E. Walker, T40, 148 East Pearl St., Pomona, Calif. Fred J. Wa量ker. Jr., B40, 18 Hummock Rd., North Quincy, Mass. Mrs. John H. Walker (Kalhlee綿D. Thoγnbuγgh), Mus40, 177 Sandwich St., Plymouth, Mass. Joseph R. B. Walker, Jr., A40, 44 Pierce Ave., Everett, Mass. Phyms C. Walker, G40, 44 Pierce Ave., Everett, Mass. Walter D. Wall, B21, 63 Owendale Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cli鯖ord R. Wallace, E40, C/o Bailey Bros., Livermore Falls, Maine Esther M. Wallace, Mus4l, 31 College St., Poultney, Vermont John E. Wallace, T41, First Congregational Churoh, Tenth and G St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Phlllp C. Wallwork, B41, 79 Menotomy Rd., Arlington, Mass. AvIs C. Walsh, E41, 58 Elgin St., Newton Center, Mass. Carollne Walsh, A40/P41, 27 SchooI St., Newton, Mass. James J. Walsh, Jr., B40, 1508 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, Mass. James M. Walsh, E40, 15 Franklin St., Medford, Mass. John E. Walsh. G40, 10 Superior St., Pittsfield, Mass. 的e Foγ均一Foαか Kenneth B. White, B26, 3632 Princeton Ave., Da11as, Texas Ruth Whltford, E41, Webster St., Marshfield, Mass. May B. Whltlng, AO4, 11 HutchingB St,, Roxbury, Mass. Carl A. Whまtman, B41, 37 SchooI St., Beverly, Mass. G. Phllip Whitman, B35/36, 1454 Mystic Parkway, West Medford, Mass. Edward W. Whitmore, E36/40, 40 Curtis St., Egypt, Mass. Elliston Whitmore, B41, 479 Califomia St., Newtonville, Mass. A. Grant Whltney, B40, 567 Princeton Boulevard, Lowell. Mass. Donald R. Whltney, B40, Whitney Ave., Long Hill, Conn. Dorothy N. Whitney, P37/E41, 21 Pine St., Peterboro, N. H. Raymond L. Whitney, Agll, Lyman St,, Westboro, Mass. Howard J. Wiant, T40, Lander Rd., Chagrin Fa11s, Ohio Margaret Wibberley. P41, 34 Summer St., Norwich, Conn. John F. Wickes, B40, R. C. A. F., Manning Depot #1, Toronto, Ont., Can. John R. Wldener. L41, 10きMcKean St., Nashua, N. H. Lester Weiner, B41, 118 Columbia St,, New Britain, Conn. Otto J. Wlese, B34, 38 Boylston St., Ja,maica Plain, Mass. Hazel G. Wi容色lnsI B40, 1447 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, Mass. Elmer C. Wilbur, E40, 26 Cartier St., Meshanticut Park, R. I. Mr8. Harold R. Wilbur (Ol宛,e Coo夕eγ), AO6, ]604 Bem St., Reading, Pa. Ralph W. Wilbur. L92, Board of Trade Bldg, Portland, Oregon Ruth Wllcock, E41, 44 Martin St., Cambridge, Mass. Ella Wまlcox, E30/G41, 63 Brook St., Wollaston, Mass. Glenn W. Wilcox, E41, Rangeley, Maine John M. Wilcox, M18, 6 Bennett St., Wobum, Mass. Mary E. Wilcox, B39, 102 Kellogg St., Fall Fiver, Mass. Albert A. Wilcoxson, B32, 214 Plymouth St., Stratford, Conn. Allce J. 、Wood, Sar41, 34 Middle St., Plymouth, Mass. David W. Wood, B39, 113 Powers St., Needham, Mass. Joanna M. Wood, A41, 55 Lincoln St., Suite 7, Malden, Mass. Shirley E. Wood, P28/G40, 40 Beacon St., Everett, Mass. Charles H, Woodard, L15, 915 North Weber St., Colorado Springs, CoIorado Erwin D. Woodbury, E41, 1 Tucker St., Natick, Mass. A書ice S. Woodman, Fac/MO3, 80 East Concord St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. Byron E. Woodman (EihelBornhQ卯), P41, 18 Forest St. CambI.idge, Mass. Everett M. Woodman, G41, 134 Prospect St., Franklin, N. H. Mrs. Watson Woodru鯖(Edm S少urγ), AO5, 814 Main St., South Manchester, Conn. William C. Wildber色er, A37/M40, 87 SchooI St., Roxbury, Mass. Luman A. Woodru鱈, Fac/M28, 37 Wes七St., Braintree, Mass. Årthur H. Wilde, Fac/A87/T91, 143 Fair Oaks Park, Needham, Mass. Robert D. Wilder, Mus40, 85 Presoott St., Cambridge, Mass. Roland P. Wilder, A33,/M36, 314 Clifton St., Malden, Mass Clyde E. Wlldman, T16/G26, 125 Wood St., Greencastle, Indiana Bernard J. Woods, eXB20, 511 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Dorothy Woods, Mus40, 59 Elm St., Hingham, Mass. Virg王nia Woods, R&S40, 1633 Commonwealth Ave., West Newton, Mass. Sldney R. Wllker’M40, 97 Elm Hill Ave., Roxbury, Mass. S. Vlncent Wllking, E40, 179 Tremont St., Newton, Mass. Herbert L. Wllkまns. G39/T40. 213 Walnut Ave., Roxbury, Mass. Helen S. S. Wllklnson, E21/G28, 160 Park St.,.West Roxbury, Mass. Burton Willard, A41, 26 West Green St., Lynn, Mass. Charles H. Wlllcox, T40, R. ]. Canton, Pa. Ruth B. Woodsum, E41, 24 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. Albert J. Woodward, B38/L40, 120 Curve St., Dedham, Mass, Kenneth A. Woodward. E41, 14 Thompson Ave., Hingham, Mass. Clyde R. Woodworth, A38/M41, 74 Abom St., Peabody, Mass. Lester B. Woosley, T4O/4l, 223 North Fort Thomas Ave., Fort Thomas, Kentucky Everett J. Wordell, E40, Tiverton Four Comers, Tiverton, R. I. Harry W. Worley, T15, Methodist Mission, Foochow, China Robert L. Wlllens. B41, 829 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Mrs. AIwin E. Worman (DoγOihγ Rand), A14, 23 Third St., Attleboro, Mass. Percy H. Wlllette, L40, 3 Center Place, Waterville, Maine Carl E・ Wlll色OOSe, E39/40, 22 Manson Rd., Needham Heights, Mass. Dorathea Willgoose, A28, 1116 Great Plain Ave., Needham, Mass. Carl W. Wright, B16, 355 Hamilton Place, Hackensack, N. J. Edith I. Wright, E27, 17 Pearl St., Springfield, Vermont Mrs・ Edmund W重ight (Grace NαSh), AO2, 80 Walnut St., Abington, Mass. Clayton H. Williams, A40, 290 Bi11ings St., North Quinoy, Mass. Melba T. Wright, H40, 37 Parker St., Chelsea, Mass. Ruthe P. Wri9ht, R&S40, Community Y. M. C. A., West Springfield, Mass. Henry L. Wriston, T93, 322 West 19th St., Sarasota, FIorida Kenneth H. Wyatt, B34, 71 Central St., Fitchburg, Mass. Lillian E. Wychunas, P41, 676 North Main St., Brockton, Mass. F. Olga W]lllams, B41, 38 Exeter St., Lawrence, Mass. Frank Wlllうams B41, 89 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, R. I. Harold W. Williams◆ I・27) Public Service Bldg., Hyannis’Mass. Mrs. John M. Willlams● Fr.1 170 Pine Ridge Road, Waban, Mass. Lytle G・ Wi重重iams● B39, 522 Elmwood Ave., Shreveport, Louisiana Marjorie H. Wllllams, Sar40, 60 Madison Ave., Arlington Heights, Mass. You Chan Yang・ A21/M22, 491 South Beretania St., Honolulu, T. H. John M. Yannicks, RE26, 2927 Sacramento St., San FranclScO, Calif. Dorothy M. Yarros, B36, 15 Verrill St., Mattapan, Mass. Mildred Yasunal L40, 340 Walnut Ave.1 Roxbury, Mass. Beatrice Yerow, E41, Brook St., Webster, Mass. Milton H. Wi皿iam8, Ag92, Sunderland, Mass. Robert Willlams, G27, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio N. Elllot Willls, eXE28' 171 Woodside Ave., Winthrop, Mass. Margaret R. Wi1118tOn, SW41, 19 High St,., Caribou, Maine Mrs. Mark Wilmarth (E鋤h MacKeote,n), A91, 50 Green St., Nort,hampton, Mass. Catherine M. Yerxa, E40, 24 Garfield St., Watertown, Mass. Dorothy Wilson, R&S40, 42 Harris St., Brookline, Mass. James I. Yo鱈a, L21, 43 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Alice B. Wilson, A20, 80 East Concord St., Boston, Mass. Michael L. Ykasala, B40, 44 Martland Ave., Brockton, Mass. Dorothy E. Wまlson, E40, 73 Chestnut St., West Newton, Mass. Ellzabeth Wilsonl Sar40, 20 Whitney Rd., New七onville, Mass. Mrs. Geor亀e S. Wilson (FγαnCeS Humeγ), Sar28, Hobe Sound, FIorida Howard A. Wilson, LO2, 32 Nason St., Maynard, Mass. Jean Wilson, P39, 14 William St., Andover, Mass. Harrlet P. Yonkos, P41, 22 Hilliard St., Cambridge, Mass. Frederick F. Yonkman, M39, College of Medicine, Wayne University, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Dexter Young (E短e C. MaγC Madelyn M. Wilson, A39/G4O, 16 Riley Ave., East Weymouth, Mass. Samuel J. Wllson, Jr., E40, 218 Garden St., Needham, Mass. , eXP, 75 Blake Rd., Brook]ine, Mass. Harold T. Young, BZ7/28, 73 Beech St., Norwood, Mass. Harold W. Young, B22, 39 Orchard Circle, Lynn, Mass. John K. Youn窒, A40/G41, Main St., Washbum, Maine Nancy T. Youn色, Mus41, 14 Franklin Square, Dedham, Mass. Shirley C. Wまlson, P41, 20 George St., Medford, Mass. Gerald Å・ Wlngersky, L40, 43 GeoI.gia St., Roxbury, Mass. Oscar L. Young, LOO, Laconia, N. H. Owen D. Young, L96, 570 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Mrs. WIIfred Winshlp (Helmi He猿短nela), Sar39, 23 Worthen Ave., Weymouth, Robert L・ Young, R&S40/E41, 692 Beacon St., Newton Center, Mass. Mervin Wineber色, B41, 49 Summer St., Adams, Mass. Mass. Saul Wlnsten. L41, 75 Central Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. George P. Winston, A40/G41, 67 Conomo Ave., East Lym, Mass. William F. Young, Jr., E41, Wayside Inn, South Sudbury, Mass. Max L. Yunlk, B40, 234 Woodrow Ave., Dorchester, Mass. Frank X. Zacher, Eac/E36/41, 41 Cotter Rd., Waban, Mass. Frederlc G. Wまnters, Mus4l, 44 Oakland St., Medford, Mass. Marion WlntersI P38’31 Hammond Rd., Belmont', Mass. A. Chester WIschmeler, G39/T40/41, R. F. D. 3, Vanoouver, Wash. Robert E. WIseman, exA, 30 Chatham St., Cambridge, Mass. Dora R. Zamarro, A40, 50 Adams St,., Worcester, Mass. Frances E. Zanghi, P40, 95 Hunneman St., Roxbury, Mass. Harold E. Zarling, B4l, 148 Seaver St., Roxbury, Mass. M・ Emelene Wishart● E40, 10 Woodlawn Ave., Mattapan, Mass. Da▼ld Zax, A41, 409 Warren St., Roxbury, Mass. Virglnla E. Withey, Mus40, Hammondsport, N. Y. Ruth Zeicheck, Sar41, 65 Cottage St., Chelsea, Mass. Kenneth Whiting, A40, 366 Elm St., West Haven, Conn. Harley H・ Zeigler, G32/40/T33, Mt. Union College, A11iance, Ohio 龍鐸謀議耀藷誌戦議盤Is]and・ N. Y・ Leon Witten, A40, Suite 7, 63 Washington St., Dorchester, Mass. Ruth B. Witti色, E41, 100 Hillside Ave., West Newton, Mass. Charles Zlbbell, SW41, 34 Wentworth Terrace, Dorchester, Mass. Morrls Zief, G38/41, 40 Jones Rd., Revere, Mass. Mrs・ Marion Boron Zまemba, Mus40, 935 Chestnut St., Springfield, Mass. Margaret M. Zまmmer, SW4l, 717 South Grand Ave. East, Springfield. Illinois Victor Zionts, B40, 191 Ridgefie重よSt., Hartford, Conn. Julius Wolf, A40, 130 Bower St., Roxbury, Mass. Wayne Wolford. T41, 15 Walnut St., Brookville, Pa. John W. Zom, E40, 154 Weston St., Waltham, Mass. Joseph T. Zottoli, LO3, 26 Upland Rd., Dorchester, Mass. Beatrice N・ Wolfson) G41, Gardner State Hospital, East Gardner, Mass. Ken Wong, B40, 21 Hudson St., Boston, Mass. FIorence Zuckerbraunl B41’84 North Main St., Jewett City, Com. Abraham Zussman, C40, 35 Leston St., Mattapan, Mass. EDITORIALS WORLD’S EDUCATIONAL CENTER In a letter to a Boston University alumnl Publication, LOYALTY, FIRST AND LAST That was sensible advice commg from President Marsh President Daniel L. Marsh of tha七institution says of the Of Boston University the other day, When he told studen七s Boston urban and suburban area: “It is easily the edu- to “keep calm, keep your heads, truS七the govemment Cational capital of Americ午and I fimly believe that, to know when your services are needed, S七ay m SChool if it rises to the comprehens10n Of the oppor七uni七ies offered and do your work well un七il the govemment specifically i七, it may soon be the educational capi七al of the world.’’ I-equeStS yOur SerVices and then serve the govemment A strong claim, Perhaps, ye七nOt Without substance. equally well.’’ There’s Harvard, tO begin with. Other institutions in the area are the Institute of TechnoIogy, Boston Univer- Colleges and universities the country over will unquestionably do everything in their power to aid the govem- Sity’Boston Co11ege, Tufts, Simmons and Wellesley. Asso- men七in bringlng the war to a successful conclusion. In Ciated with Harvard, Boston Universi七y and Tufts are Pledging their loyalty students and members of faculties, a. group of high grade professional schoo量s. The showmg by adjus七ing and readjusting programs, Can make most is impressive. If Worcester, nO七tO men七ion Westem effectual con七ribution to the country’s cause. Massachusetts, COuld be included in the Boston and sub- There can be no better way for co11eges to contribute urban area’Clark University’and Holy Cross Co11ege loyally to the war program than by pursu工ng their way would make a notable contribution. But New England as a whole is the area thaもmay ful創 Dr. Marsh’s aspiration. The way Europe is gomg, there Wi七h fidelity, than by continumg Classroom work, athletic PrOgramS and all other things carefu11y and thoughtfully. “All students’’, aS President Wriston of Brown Uhi- may be adequa七e reason in a future no七remote to call VerSiもy says,バcan get ready to do their part in the new New England the ̄ educational center of the world. emergency’Withou七impulsiveness and without hysteria.,, 一Sp7.砺eZd Repめ故郷の, Decembeγ JんZ9ムZ -耳αn Rわeγ HerαZd-Ne餅)$, Decembeγ gβ, J94上 れ坤e Foヶ切一郎のe ● U皿iverslty Notes RUTH M. LÅNGDALE, Conege md E諦emion ’33, In Memoriam November 27. For some to Albert J. Meyer, Jr., SOP Of Mrs. Madeline E. Meyer Moseley of the same city. of Santa Barbara, Califomla. Mrs. Francesco Sannella of Providence, Rhode Island, to Nell W. Pinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dr. Annie I. Lyon, M.D., died a七her home in Roxbury, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. C. Riemer of Norwoo〔l, Edwin B. Moseley, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. LEE G. SANNBLLÅ, M.D. ’34, SOn Of Mr. and ANN重E T.しYON, ’89 years, Dr. Lyon M. Pinner of Su鱈olk, Virginia. was a practicing physician in Boston. Hampton, Virginia. Mr. Moss is employed by the General Phonograph Company in Putnam. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A, Clark of Meriden, Highlands Woman’s Club, a founder of the Morgan Connecticut, tO David E. Grosvenor, SOn Of Mr. and Dodge Old Folks Home, and a member of several other Mrs. associations. She is∴SurVived by her husband and Edward R. Grosvenor of Winchester. Mr. Grosvenor is a chemist with the Lever Brothers ComPany in Cambridge. two daughters. LAWRANCE M. FURBUSH, Jr., B.S.寂Ed. ’37, of North Parsonsfield, Maine, tO E. Maxine Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Robertson of LEONARD O. TILLSON, ’98 Leonard O. Tillson, Libeγai Aγis, died November 22 was∴Sub-maSter M arrlageS DOROTHY CLARK. PγaCiical Aγis md Le!ieγS ’37, send was founder and a past president of the Melrose Tillson Ansley of Aubumdale. WILLIÅM D. MOSS. B.S言18B.A. ’35, SOn Of Mr. Mrs. WILLIS M. TOWNSEND, ’95 Middleboro. Mr. JOHN G. SUNDBORG, College Qf CommeγCe ’41, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Sundborg of Newton, to Jane S. Ansley, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. and Mrs. William E. Moss of Putnam, Connecticut, tO Priscilla Elliott, daughter of Mrs. Joseph H. Elliott of Mrs. Wi11isM. Townsend (HARRIETTEE. STONE) , A.B., died in Melrose late in November. Mrs. Town- in GRETCHEN RIEMER, -B.S.寂 Phγ.Ed., ’4I, daughter of Mrs. Louis A. Langdale of Needham, tO Portland, Maine. Miss Robertson is teaching home economics at E11sworth, Maine, High School. Mr. Of Memorial High School in that city for forty-three Furbush is teaching in Seabrook, New Hampshire. years. Mr. Ti11son harl been cleI.k and deacon for OLIN E. NEIDLINGER, LL.B. ’37, SOn Of Wi11iam many years at the Central Congregational Church in Neidlinger of Hart,ford, Connecticut, tO Margaret J. Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford P. Hart of M iddlebury. EDMUND E. CLARKE, Busimss Adminislγaきion 25, SOn Oi Mr. and Mrs. Adelman E. Clarke of Wal- 鮭〔寮監豊排露q龍も詑架誓嘉島蒜 November l. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke are making their home at ll Eddy Street, Waltham. THOMAS J. BIATECK, La秒’z6, Of Ware, and Anna J. Trela, daughter of Mrs・ Josephine Trela of the same city’We丁e married October 29. Mr・ and Mrs・ Biateck are livmg on Gilbertvi11e Road in Ware. FREDERICK P. GAI」VIN, BB.A. ’26, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cleveland of Reading, tO Irvin宮F. Mr. and Mrs. John Galvin of Hyde Park, and Janet L. Cook, daughter of Mrs. John A. Cook of Dorchester, were married November 8. Mr. and Mrs. Galvin are at his home in Newton October 30. Mr. Toye leaves Lake, SOn Of Mrs. Minnie H. Lake, Of the same town. living in Quincy. three brothers and two sisters. Miss Cleveland is now empIoyed by the Lahey Clinic in Boston as a, Statistician. Mr. Lake is empIoyed by the Boston and Maine Railroad. Joseph M. Sullivan of Charlestown, and Dorothy E. Bums of Marlboro, Were married November 17. Wakefield, Rhode Island. CHARLES TOYE, ’98 DOROTHY J. ̄ CLEVELAND, A.B∴38, d創ughter of Charles Toye, L0叫PrOminent Boston attorney, died MARY C. McFALL, ’00 Mary C. McFall, A.B., A.M∴05, died December 16 in Avalon, Pennsylvania, at the age of sixty-three. ANNA R. DALY, Business Admini∫きγa訪on ’38, Mr. Sullivan is∴an Zlttomey for the Federal Security daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Comelius J. Daly of Everett・ Administration. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan are living in to walter A. Sompayrac, SOn Of Mrs. Powell A. Brighto n. Sompayrac of Bartlesville, Oklahoma. JOHN N. SUMMERS, ’07 DI.. John N. Summers, S.B. (Agγic初uγe), died in Dr. Summers has served as∴an AARON RICKL思S, LL.B. ’29, Of Marlborol and JOHN N. BURNS, Business Adminisiγαiioタ8 ’39, SOn Greenfield, October 18, at the age of fifty-SeVen. entOmOIogist at the United States Department of Agriculture in Greenfield. He leaves his wife and one son. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bums of Boston, tO Nancy Sprissler, daughter of Mr・ and Mrs. Joseph A. Sprissler of West Roxbury. Mr. Bums is a flying cadet in the United States Naval Reserve Air Corps. BARBARA R. DANIELS, Edu側面on ’39, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney I. Daniels of Melrose, to Edward C. Allen, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Wi11iam J. Allen of WINTHROP C. L重NCOLN, ’09 Dr. Winthrop C. Lincoln, M.D., died at his home in PI.OVidence, Rhode Island, December 16・ Dr. Lincoln 豊鴇謹書悪霊藍i競話語豊等霊霊 a captain in the Medical Corps. Dr. Lincoln is∴Sur- Robert L. Taylor, S.T.B・, died at his home in Swampscott, December 9. Mr. Taylor had been pastor of the Church of the Redeemer in that city since last June. He leaves his wife. Ayer, December 9. Mr. Bemanler SerVed on the board of the Massachusetts B aptist' Charitable and Wachusett Ministers, Assooiation. Mr. Bemauer leaves his wife, two da,ughters and two sons. Engagements PHYLLIS M. BRYÅNT, E訪caiion ’28, daughter Miss Bryant is a member of the faculty of the Jonesport High School. MARGUERITE C. BRADLEY, B.S.寂Ed. ’30, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Bradley of Hyde Park, tO William Hickman, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Sa,muel C. Hickman of Arlington, New Jersey. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Davis of Cambridge to Frank S. Hardy, also of Cambridge. EDWIN Y. STANTON, S.B. '3」, M.D・ ’34, SOn Of Mrs. Ida Stanton of Flushing, Long Island, tO Mildred Edson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Edson of Brooklyn, New York. DT. Stanton is stationed at Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, New York. ALBERT H. WILLIAMS, B.B.A. ’31, SOn Of Dr. Ralph H. Wi11iams and the late Mrs. Williams of Pitts丘eld, tO Marguerite Olmstead, daughter of Mrs. Minnie L. Olmstead of Fairfield, Connecticut. Miss Olmstead is a member of the faculty at the Roger Ludlowe High member of School in Fair丘eld・ the 242nd Fort Terry, New York. Pαge Fo〆切-Sあ Coast Mr. Williams Arti11ery is stationed a at married November 29. Mr. Cronan Corporation in Spring丘eld. Mr.and Mr賀・ Cronan are GERTRUDE M. PALMER, A.B. ’31, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Palmer of Malden, and Orvi11e LeJ!eγS ’39, daughter of Mr. and Mrs・ Austin A. A. Harrison of Everett, Were married November 8. sonof Mrs. Eric J. Peterson and thelate Mr. Petersonof Wollaston, tO Marie-Jose Gillette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison has been employed in the Department of Public Health in Boston. Mr. Harrison is∴also empIoyed in the Department of Public Health. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison are living in Stoneham. MARGARET L. DÅVIS, PγαC短al Aγis鋤d LeきleγS Mrs. R. Sumner Gillette of the same city. Mr. Peterson, ’33, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Davis of Need- who is a lieutenant in the United States Army, is stationed with the 26th Division at Fort Bragg, North ham, and Thomas B. Brooks, SOn Of Mrs・ Alfred M. mont, tO HUGH W. BABB, Jr., B.S. i18B.A. ceγ海cαきe ・41, Of Cambridge. Miss Bomho飢is the?daughter of HENRY J. BORNHOFFT. Bus初ess Admi寂siγa訪ol匂 25, PrOfessor of Accounting at the College of Business Brooks of Washington, D. C., Were married Novem- ber ]5. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks are living in Baltimore, M aryland. ETHEL L. FITZGERALD, Educα!ion ’33, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fitzgerald of Chelsea, and Paul C. Ga鯖ney were married November 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ga鱈ney are living on Court Road, Winthrop. Administration. Mr. Babb is the son of Professor Hugh W. Babb of the Co11ege of Business Administration, and Mrs. Babb. of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Bell of Newton Highlands, and Margaret F. Haberstroh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLAS BELL,勘扇ness Adminis!γa!ion ’34, SOn HOWARD W. SAYLES, M.S. ;n S.S. ’40, SOn Of Emil F. Haberstroh, also of Newton Highlands, Were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. Sayles of Belmont, tO Louise married November l. Mr. and Mrs. Bell are living ln A. Hawkins, d血ghter of Mrs. R. F. Hawkins of Darien, Needham. JOSEPH C. HAYES,B.S. ;nB・A. ’34, SOn Of Mr. and ROBERT H. SEMPLE, B.B.A. ’40, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayes of Bridgeport’Connectiout, and Mrs. Gavin Semple of Dorchester, tO Margaret C. Caineron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ca.meron of West Newton. Sonia E. Banka, daughter of Mr・ and Mrs. Vincent PRISCILLA TUFTS, B.S.Sc" ’40, daught/er Of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Tufts of Malden, tO G. A11an Brown, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Parker J. Brown of Revere. Both Miss Tufts and Mr. Brown are employed by the Americam Airlines. BARBARA BLANCHÅRD, B.S. GnEd. ’4」, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Blanohard of Hingham, tO HORACE FISHWICK, College 。nd E短e伽ion ’39, ELEANOR J. DAVIS, CoZlege Qf CommeγCe ’3I, Were is empIoyed by the Department of Agriculture. Mrs. CATHERINE C. MacDONALD, PγaC毒cal Aγis md Connectiout. of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bryant of Jonesport, Maine, tO R. Scott CoIpitts of the same city, SOn Of Mr- and Mrs. Frank W. S. CoIpitts of Moncton, New Brunswick. Spring丘eld, living in Chicopee. JANET BORNHOFFT, B.S.寂P.A.L∴40, Of Bel- Francis S. Bernauer, rheoIogγ, died at his home in Lynch, daughter of MI.. and Mrs. James H. Lynch of ton Hospital SchooI of Nursing in February. Dr. A11en is a lieutenant in the Navy, Stationed at the United States Naval Hospital in Charleston, South Carolina. C a富olina. FRÅNCIS S. BERNAUER, ’30 RICHARD A. CRONAN, LL.B. ’30, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cronan of Chicopee, and Alice L. Cronan ha’s been employed by the Associates Discount ROBERT E. PETERSON, B.S, jnB.A. ceγ海ca!e ’39, ROBERT L. TAYLOR, ’22 Ida M. Sherman of Providence, Rhode Island, Were married October 27. Mr. and Mrs. Rickles are living in Marlboro. Brookline. Miss Daniels will graduate from the New- MaoDonald of Dorchester, tO Michael Mooney, SOn Of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mooney of Dorchester. vived by his wife and two BOnS. JOSEPH SULLIⅤAN. Lαt(I ’28, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fishwick of Scituate. JOSEPH T. FLANAGAN, College Qf CommeγCe ’41, of Jamaica Plain, tO Elizabeth F. Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Ford of Boston. JOHN W. JACOBS, Summeγ Sessiola ’4J, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield L. Jacobs of Quincy, tO Banka of the same cit,y, Were married November 15. Mr. Hayes is employed by the Remington Rand Company in New Haven, Connecticut. JOSEPH H. HUGHES, A.J3. ,34, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes of Peabody, and Sophie Glem, also of Peabody, Were married November l. Mrs. Hughes 寵認諾p揺韮轄‡鵠悪霊3揺さ語轄 body. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes are living at 37 Warren Street, Peabody. CHARLOTTE YANOFSKY, PγaC庇のl Aγis αnd LeiieγS ,34, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Yanofsky of Mattapan, and Bamey Cohen, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cohen of Brooklyn, New York, were married October 25, Mr. Cohen is∴a Physical education teacher in New York City, Where he and Elizabeth Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs・ John P. Mrs. Cohen are living. Warren of Shrewsbury. Mr. Jacobs is instructor of mathematics at Worcester Academy. Mrs. Amold J. Gi鱈ord and the late Mr. Gi債ord of MARION V. RAWSON, Gγαduαきe ,4」, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Rawson of Danielson, Connecticut, tO Pierre D. Vuilleumier of Woodstock’ Connecticut, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Vuilleumier of Newton. Mr. Vuilleumier is pastor of the First Congregational Church in Woodstock. VIRTUE A. GIFFORD, Music ’35, daughter of Falmouth, and George H. Willis of Boston, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Moran of Billerica, Were married October 31. Mrs. Willis is at present oboeist with the Boston Women’s orchestra. Mr. Wi11is is empIoyed by the Buckminster Garage in Boston, Where he and Mrs. Wi!lis are making their home. ROBERT B. HAMSON. Busi7?eSS Admi扉slγalio72 ’35, SOn Of Robert, B. Hamson 0f Marblehead, and COLLETTE KENNEY, B.S言1Z Ed∴40, daught,er Of n毎. and Mrs. John L. Kenney of Needhan, and II.ene M. Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Benson E, Caswell, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield A. Kennedy.of Beverly, Were marl.ied December 16. Caswell of East Orange, New Jersey, Were married }止・ Hamson lS emPloyed at Harper’s Garage in Bevorly. November 8. Mr. and Mrs. Caswell are living in Mr. and Mrs. Hamson are livmg at 38 South Terrace, Beverly. Cambridge. MORRIS L. LEVINE, B.S. ;n B.A. ceγl窮caie ’40, LILLIAN BRONSTE量N, B.S.寂P.A.L∴36, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bronstein of Brighton, and Leon Schim, SOn Of Mrs. Meyer Schim of New York, were married November 4. Mr. and Mrs. Schirn are living at l171 Boylston Street, Boston, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levine of Lynn, and Marion Callum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Callum, also of Lynn, Were married November 16. Mr. Levine is a foreman at the General Electric Com- FLORINO J. CELANI, B,S.寂B.A. ’36, SOn Of Celani is stationed with the Infantry Replacement Center at Camp Walters. MINNA KANEF, B.S. Gn P.A.L. ,37, daughter of Mrs.' David M. Kanef of Aubumdale, and Hya平G. Yamins, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham I. YammS Of Fall River, Were married November 2. Mr. and Mrs. Yamins are living at l Berg Street, Long Branch, New Je喝ey. HAZEL MacKAY, PγaCiicαl Aγls ond Leiiers ’37, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murdock MacKay of Boston, and Robert P. Trask, Jr,, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Trask of LexirlgtOn Were married November 8. MI‘S. Trask has been on the secretarial sta鯖of the Property Management Corporation of Boston. Mr. Trask is connected with the CoIonial Beacon Oil Company. Mr. and Mrs. Trask areliving on Queensberry Street, Boston. NORMÅN W. BÅRRON, B.S. ;n B.ノl∴38, SOn Of Salem, New Hampshire, VYere married November 8. h/1r. and Mrs. Barron are 】ivmg in Beverly. HENRY BELANGER, Mediciク匂e ’38, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. CIovis Belanger of Nashua, New Hampshire膏nd Rachel A. Dupuis, daughter of Lucien J. DupulS Of Gardner, W町e married November 29. MI.. Belanger is in the servICe Of the United States Naval Reserve Medical Corps. ALBERT G. ECKARDT. Business Adminisまγa訪on ’38, Of Cambridge, and Dorothy H. Williams of Candia, New HampshiI.e・ W9re married October 18. Mr. and Mrs. Eckardt are livlng in Cambridge. JOHN M. GATELY, Business AdminisJγaiion ’38, Square, Were marI‘ied November 16. Mr. Gately was inducted into the Army under the Selective Service Act November 22. FRANCIS NEEDHAM. Libeγal Arわ’38, Of Brandon, Vermont, and Frances M. Needham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Needham of Middlebury, Vermont, WeI・e married October 26. Mr. Needham lS a Partner of the firm of Needham and Collins of Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Needham are living at 47 Franklin Street, Brandon. JOHN F. SHEEHAN, Business Admini5'iγa訪on ’38, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Sheehan of Stoughton, and Eleanor M. Mullin, daughter ofMr. Thomas Mullin O† Canton, Were married November 8. Mr. Sheehan is proprietor of the General Fibre Company in Walpole. He∴and Mrs. Sheehan are living at 56 High Street, Canton. EDNA D. ÅPTEKER, B.S. ;n Ed., ’39, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham M. Apteker of Haverhill, and Julian Richmond, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richmond of Everett, Were married November 9. Mr. Richmond Telephone KENmore O25O JÅMES E. NESWORTHY, Edc4Ca毒on ’40, Of Tampa, MI.. Nesworthy is associa,te PrOfessor of English at Tampa University, Tampa, FIorida, Where he and Mrs. Nesworthy are living. WILLIAM H. PATTON, Business Adminisiγation ’40. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Patton of Needham, and Eleanor E. Pretat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pretat of the same city, Were married Ootober 25. Mr. and Mrs. Patton are living on Maple Street in Needham. STEPHEN P. TURKB, Business Admin寂γahon ’40, SOn Of Mrs. Stephen F. Turke of Jamaica Plain, and Margaret M. Dowd, daughter of Mrs. BarthoIomew J. Dowd of Boston, Were married late in November. VIRG量N量A F. WOOD, S.B. ’40, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wood of Plymouth, and Wi11iam C. Hutton of Worcester, SOn Of Mrs. Christina Hutton of Scotland, Were married November 2. Mr. and Mrs. Hut,tOn are living on Doten Road, Chiltonville. LESTER B. WOOSLEY, S,T.B∴40, Of Fort Thomas, Kentucky, SOn Of・Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Woosley of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Thurman, Were married recently. Mrs. Woosley is attending the Woman’s Missionary Union Training School in Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. Woosley is associate pastor of the Highland Methodist Church, Fort Thomas, Where he and MI.S. Woosley are living at 223 North Fort Thomas Avenue. are living TILESTON & HOLLING§WORTH CO M種ke重8 and Distributors of Fine Book Papers MILL AND OFF重CES ROSTON JOHN C. FREDRIKSEN, B.S. ;狗B.A. ceγ均icaie ’4I, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fredriksen of Arlington, and Darthea Spofford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spo億ord of the same city, Were. marI‘ied November 8. Mr. and Mrs. Fredriksen are livlng at 68 Crescent Hiu Avenue, Arlington. DOROTHEA M. HOWLEY, PγaC巌al Aγis αnd LelieγS ’41, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. How P. C. H│CKS Catering for A= Occasions 17 MARKET SQUARE, LYNN B"A. ’40, Wer? married November 22. Mr・ and Mrs. O’Neill are livlng in Lowell. しYNN登●2552 JAMES W. KELLEY, Ph.D. ’4」, SOn Of Dr. and Mrs. E. Wilson Kelley of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Majorie E. Briggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. BI‘iggs, Were married November l. Dr. Kelley is assistant professor of Economics∴at the College of Business Administration. Mrs. Kelley ha.s been work- ing at the Lahey Clinic in Boston. Dr. and Mrs. Kelley G。営。書iS晴寡南をIく○。 are living at 236 Bay State Road, Boston. HARR量ET MARSH, A.B. ’4I, daughter of Dr. DANIEL L. MARSH, S.T.B. ’08, and Robert Murray, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murray of Newton, Weremarried December 12. MARYMÅRSH,A.B. ’3I. A.M. ’32, WaS her sister’s maid of honor. ELEANOR JONES, A.B∴41, and Cynthia Stanley, a senioI. in the College of Liberal Art,S, WeI.e bridesmaids. DAVID MURRAY, B.S.訪B.A. ’37, WaS best man; L. HAROLD DeWOLF, S.T.B. ’26, Ph.D. ’35, and Paul N. Otto, a Seni9r at the School of Theology were ushers. Mr. Murray lS WOrking at the Fore River Ship Yard in Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. Murray arelivingat l125 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston. WALしPAP書R§ Pi`αS`柳`諦`0持Bosめ筒U諦口`γSiゆ ゆき`` αi♪′宛`S. 1 22.126 DUDLEYSTREET, BOSTON, MASS Te!epho面e Highl種面d● 0207・0208 is credit manager of the Karp Clot,hing Company in Richmond 428 Stuart St., Boston DaI.1ing of Springfield, Were married December 23. ley of Arlington, and JOHN W. 0’NBILL, B.S. 6n of Dorchester, and Katherine G. Ferris of Codman Mrs. UNIVERSITY CLUB∴BU重LDING Florida, and Allyce Darling, daughter of Mrs. FIorence Brownsville, Kentucky, and Naomi E. Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. H. N, Barron of Beverly, and Adele L. Rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Rich of and F. T. CURLEY, INC. Pany in Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Celani of Hartford, Connecticut, and Juanita D. Gardner of Fort Worth, Texas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner of Moran, Texas! were married October 4. Lieutenant and Mrs. Celanl are living in Mineral Wells, Texas, Where Lieutenant Boston. Mr. 用bαers読D鵡書fれcfめe Aγrαnge競enね at lO9 Brainerd Road, Allston. PETER FRENCH, B..S. ;n J, Ceγi毎caまe ’39, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Willard French of Milton, and Catharina Births K. AltleS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willem K. Altes of Amsterdam, Holland, Were married November 15. Mr, French is empIoyed by the General Electric ComPally in Boston, Mr. and Mrs. French are living at To HOWARD H. GILBERT, B.S.寂B.A∴37, and Mrs. Gilbert, a daughter, Beverly Jean, bom July 31. 25 North Ferry Street, Schenecta,dy, New York. RALPH KIMBALL, Jr., B.S. ;7?B.A. ceγ海caきe ’39, son of Mr. and Mrs. RaIph W. Kimball of Portland, Maine, and Elaine F. Painter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Painter of Montreal, Canada, Were marI.ied December 6. Mrs. Kimball has been empIoyed by the Canadian Industries, Ltd. Mr. Kimba11 is in charge of t,he New York District of the Premier Thread Company. LOTTE LEHMBECKER, S・B. ’39, Of Seattle, Washington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Lehm葛 becker of Norwood, and Frederick A. Frost also of Seattle, Were married October 25. At present Mr. Frost is in the Naval Reserve. VIOLET V. WEIGHTMÅN, Gγaduaie ’30, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weight,man Of Leicester, VermOnt, and E. Lutlher Chatfield of Hart,ford, Connecti- cut, SOn Of Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Chatfield of Brandon, Vermont, Were married November 16. Mr. Chatfield is empIoyed by the Capewell Manufacturing Company in Hartford, Where he and Mrs. Chatfield are living. JAMES A. DOOLEY,LL.B. ’40, SOnOf Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dooley of Johnson, Rhode Island, and Helen Personals 1873 FRANK I. MORRILL, LL.B., Celebrated his 94th birthday on Sunday, November 30. The fo11owing week he sent a cheok renewing his membership in the Boston University Alumni Association. 1895 The sympathy of the Alumni Association is extended to SARAH H. BREED, A,B., Of Lynn, On the death of her sister, Miss Emma H. Breed. 1902 LEONARD P. AYRES, Ph.B., A.M. ’09, Ph.D. ’10, Hon. D.C,S. ’23, in peace times is Vice-President of t,he P. Kerins, d乳ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wi11iam J. Kerins Cleveland Trust Company in Cleveland, Ohio. At the (,f West Medford, Were mariied Novembe重・ 11. J¥/1r. PreSent time he is chief statistical o航cer of the War をmd Mrs. Dooley areliving in Providence. Department with o鯖ces at Washington, D. C. Moγ年少`京嬉僻`章 雄αiツ0録外書′0"あ` 0雛′ cdりe′鉢e′3 Pαge Foγ切-Seひeの 1903 Tdephon能く整器獄 宣938 W. TAYLOR DÅY, LααI, Of Great Barrington, hag been appointed clerk of court for southern Berkshire. FLOWER SHOP ●●肌のl b Ⅳire-G録α榔請`蘭`心髄のi伽)りWのり’’ 書41 H調th重t○○ ▲▼●面lI● Bo●ton, M'●〃 NICHOLAS F. ARMENTANO, LL.B., Of Hartford, Connecticut, has opened a law o臆ce in Sta債ord Springs, Sγmphony Conneotiout. THOMAS A. SHAHEBN, A.B., Principal of the 1904 Richmond School in Pitts丘eld, has been appointed to PRESTON L. FOWLER, LL.B., formerly manager take ch組.ge of the senior department of the Boys’Club. of the Durha;m faotories of the American Tobacco Company, h的been elected a director of the oompany. In addition, Mr. Fowler is ohief of manufacture. 1939 . 宣909 JAMES G. BOYD, M.D., formerly on the sta債of JOSEPH B. EASTMAN, LαW, Interstate Commerce Commissioner, has been named as Director of the new O缶ce of Defense Tr碑nsportation. the Taunton Hospital, has been appointed a member of the Westboro State Hospital sta鱈. MERRILL S. COOK, Mus.B., formerly music SuPerVisor at Eldred, New York, is now supervising music in Ida, Louisiana. 1913 ELIZABETH A. HEALY, Ed海aiioIC言s now teach- ARTHUR D. HEALEY, LL.B., has been appointed t。 a judgeship in the Federal Distriot Court in Boston. ing the sixth grade at the Tuoker School in Winchendon. NEDRA R. SMALL, A.M., is instructor of English in the High School at Kennebunk, Maine. This is Miss Small’s second year in that position. JESSIE E. USES, B.S. Gn P.A.L., A.M. ’40, formeI.1y 1915 teacher of commercial subjects at the high school in JAMES H. POWERS, A.B., foreign editor of the BosめnGlobe, WaS gueSt SPeaker at the Laymen’s League Plainvi11e, Connecticut, is now teaching in the commercial department of the Brockton High School. of the First Parish Church in Needham on Novemberll. 1940 1925 PAUL R. ROWEN, ZL.B., is now regional administrator for New England of the S. E. C. He has recently been Assistant District Attomey for Su債olk County and associated with the I. C. C. at Washington. HAROLD A. CHRISTENSEN, B.B.A., Of Islington, recently graduated from the Aviation Machinist’s Mate Sohool at the United States Naval Air Sta.tion in Jacksonville, FIorida. PRISC暮LLA B. FLETCHER, B.S.わ& Ed. ’40, Of Westboro, WaS One Of the soloists in the musical show 宣927 pre誓nted by the Kiwanis Club of that city on Thanks- DAVID M. BRACKMAN, LL.M., h的 been ap- POinted by Governor LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, Honoγαγγ LL.D∴40, Associate Commissioner of Public Utilities for a five-year term. Mr. Brackman is now a member of the Massachusetts Senate from the Hyde Park-D orch ester-Roxbury district. glVlng正gh七. KENNETH L. HULBERT, Ed.M., Who waIS honor- ably discharged from the Army has reでnlisted in the United States Naval Reserve. YOLANDE B. LALIBERTE, B.S.わP.A.L., A.M. ’4I, is teaching in the Commercia,l Department of the Dighton High School. THEODORE J. F. NOWAK, B.S. Gn Ed., On aCtive duty at Fort Jalckson, South Carolina, With the 28th 1930 Infantry, bas been promoted to the rank of First WILFRED A. LAFLAMME, LのりI Ceγi姉co毎, former chairman of the Municipal Finance Commission, has been elected Mayor of Manchester, New Hampshire. DWIGHT M. McCRACKEN, S.B., Of Wellesley Hills, bas been appointed to the Planning Board of that town. Mr. McCracken is a member of the Institute of Tra伍c Engineers. In addition Mr. McCracken is Vice_President of the Massachusetts Safety Council for Community Tra館c Safety. 1932 JOHN F置CICCHY, A.B., M.D. ’36, Of Hyde Park, First Lieutenant in the United States Army Medical Corps, WaS graduated from the Medical Field Service School at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, October 25. HÅROLD S. HANNUM, S.T.B., is the new pastor Lieutenant. At present, he is Commanding O撞cer, Anti-Tank Company, 28th Infantry. DANIEL W. POOR, Jr., Bus寂ess Adminis!rohon, is head of the ‘cost Department of the Miralume Divi- sion of Hygrade Sylvania Corporation in Salem. CATHERINE E. ROCHE, B.S. Gn P.A.L., is∴Still teaching at New Bedford High School. Mrs. Henry A. Schueler (aORNELIA GARVEY, PγaC!icoI Aγ応のGd LeiJeγS) , recen珂y exhibited her paint- ings at the West Essex Art Association of New Jersey. Mrs. Schueler is now living at Montolair, New Jersey. DONALD SUTHERLAND, Ed.M., has received an appointment as young men’s seoretary at the Boston Y.M.C.A. PHYLL量S C. WALKER, A.M., has been appointed as Girls’Worker at the Robert Gould Shaw House, Inc., of Bos七〇n. of the North Congregational Church in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Previous to his appointment to thiB PaStOr- ate, Mr. Hannun was pastor of the Congregational 1941 Church in Shelburne Fa11s. GEORGE WHITNEY. B.S. ;n Ed., has been sta- tioned at Ca平p Wheeler, Georgia, a training center for selective servlce men. HELEN L. BLOIS, S.B.; of Westhoro, ha′s beeIl appointed a consultant at the Worcester Young 1934 MARJORIE L. PARKER, S.B., has been elected president of the Connecticut Society of X-Ray Technicians for the year 1941」12. LLOYD E・ TAYLORl aSSistant the Sheraton Hotel in Boston, has been commlSSioned a second lieutenant in the Army of the United States. 1935 WILLIAM M. FARRIS, B.S. ;n Ed., SuPerⅤising principal of the Central District schooIs o書Windsor, Connecticut, has been elected superintendent of the Deep River, Connecticut, SchooIs. LEMUEL K. LORD, S.2.B., Th.D. ’41, PaStOr Of the Methodist Church in Hyde Park, is now pastor oithe Wesley Methodist Churcb in Salem. Mrs. Walter C. Wynn (THELMÅ THORNTON, Ed桝Cのきion), and Mr. Wynn bave been commissioned as missi6naries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to the West Central Africa Women’s Christian Association. ROSE M. CANTALUPO, PγαC!icαl Aγ!s a′,d Le〃eγS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cantalupo of Framingham, has accepted a position in the adjutant general’s o缶ce in the war department, Of the United States government at Washington, D. C. ANDREW H. COMSTOCK, Educのきion, Of Provi- dence, Rhode Island, has been inducted into the Naval Air Corps Reserves and is stationed at Squantum Naval Air Base. JOHN CONNEARNEY, B.S.寂Ed.; GEORGE PÅNTANO. Educa訪o猷 AIDEN BURNETT, B.S. 67! Ed.; JOHN WEDEMEYER, Ed桝Cαlio研 ALVIN CLARK, B.S.寂B.A. ceγ砺cαte; and WILLIAM BARRY, B.S. ;n B.A. ceγ砺caie, are Stationed at Jacksonville, FIorida with the Naval Air Corps. gr豊欝も手鑑器量舘・誰‡虚器誓書… which is being offered by Portland Junior College. ESTHER CUTLER, B.S.わ8 J. ceγ海ca!e, Of Woon- socket, Rhode Island, bas accepted a position with the G. Fox Company in Hartford, Connecticut. CLAYTON E. HALE, B.S, in B.A. ceγ海coie, graduated from the pursuit schooI of the Air Corps Mi畠8ion. located at Se】ma, Alab如na, December 12. 1937 RUTH W. BAILEY, A.B., A.M. ’38, is studying a,t Simmons College for a librarian’s oertifioate. HOWARD E. ROBINSON, M.D., has been ap- Evanston, Illinois. HAROLD E. HINES, B.S. ;n Ed., Of Brookline, received his commission as a second lieutenant in the pointed Associate Medical Examiner of 吐e Sixth United States MaI‘ine Corps, December l. Hood Rubber Company in Watertown. stationed at Bombardier School in CoIoI'ado. Middlesex District. Dr. Robinson is Chief Surgeon for Pαge Foγ砂-E向加 ARTHUR HINCHCLIFFE, A.B., is attending the Garrett Biblical Institute of Northwestem University, 〃`タか` `堆く仰, lん露タの〇 ㌦`加かゐ` 〇着場面●`房を`調 KENNETH SKOROPOWSKI, B.S. in Ed., is now  ̄ヽ FORMS FOR BEQUESTS for Of the the growmg needs oftendency Boston University by bequests many friends lnqulrleS BECAUSE increaslng on the part of alumniandandtheother to reCeived provide as to the proper wording thereof, there are glVeh ̄ be16w forms for the convenience of those Who plan to remember Boston University in their wills. L U元γeStγicted I give and bequeath to the Trustees of Boston University, a COrPOration existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts and located in the City of Boston in said state, ………………………………………………‥dollars,tO be used for the benefit of Boston University in such mamer as the Trustees thereof may direct. IL Tb Eふtab/ish a Pとγmanent FLmd, 方come U7zγeStγicted I give and bequeath to the Trustees of Bost,On University, a COrPOration existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts and located in the City of Boston in said state, ………………………………………………‥dollars, endowment fund to be known as tO COnStitute an the‥‥.‥‥.‥.‥‥.‥‥‥‥.‥‥..‥‥..‥‥. Fund, SuCh fund to be kept invested by the Trustees of Boston University and the annual income thereof to be used for the benefit of the University in such manner as its Trustees LIL倒)eC妨c PdeγpOSeS I give and bequeath to the Trustees of Boston University’a COrPOration existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts and located in the City of Boston in said state, dollars, tO COnStitute an ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● endowment fund to be known as the.‥‥. ‥‥‥.‥ Fund, the income therefrom to be expended by the Trustees of Boston University for the followlng PurPOSeS : Current Expenses of the University Current Expenses of any Department For the maintenance of a Professorship Fellowship Scholarship for the purchase of books, the cost and maintenancc of a building or for any purpose the glVer may designate. 細く)鵬M 細OⅢ G量田富S BOSTON UNIVERSITY GIFTS FOR DEVELOPMENT ON THE CHARLES RIVER CAMPUS The President and Trustees of Boston Uniyersity have undertaken to obtain subscriptions and contributlOnS for the development of its new campus on the Charles River. In consideration of the educational service of Boston University and because of the need of such service in training young people in American ideals and in the American way ot life, I promise to pay to the Trustees of Boston University the sum of…‥二…‥:………………………………‥Dollars ($.……………) period of. … … … ‥yearS ln Seml-amual installments. I desire my subscription to be applied to (please check) : 1. General Development of the University 7. SchooI of Education 2. College of Liberal Arts 8. College of Practical Arts and Letters 3. SchooI of TheoIogy 9. Sargent College of Physical Education 5. Sch○○l of Law lO. SchooI of Social Work ll. College of Music 6. College of Business Administration 12. Graduate School 4. SchooI of Medicine Su b$Cγうらeγ .i , Mail A ddγe$S over a AIRPLANE VIEW OF THE BOSTON UNIVERSITY OF TOMORROW BOSTON UNIVERSITY CALENDAR 1942 8 9 1与16 22 23 謝4H帖2与 1 2 2 7A﹁18 重 l 1 2 Thur 1 2 ・n3074丁 Tue寄 Wed /o307 1 2 2 l 1 2 29 30 AUGUST Thur 8-⊃29 1 2 2 1 2 2 7A﹁18 /o307 1 2 2 l 1 2 -⊃29/o A丁18-⊃ 31017署 種 l S Tue│ Wed 重 Mon ●●’ F Sun 2 9 1 6 % 22 23 Mon -⊃2Q//o 8 9 1与16 、 1与16 17 18 19 20 l 10 11 12 13 . 22 23 24 2与 26 27 29 3 MARCH 13 FOUNDERS’DAY, Trinity Church. _MAY MAY MAY MAY 23 ALUMN重DAY, Charles Ri▼er Campus. DECEMBER Sun Mon Tue8 Wed Thur Fri 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 13 14 1与16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 NEW DATES FOR COMMENCEMENT WEEK_END 24 BACCAL▲UREATE SERVICE, Bo8tOn Arena. 25 1O a.m. COMMENCEMENT, Boston A重ena. 26 8 p.m. BOSTON UN重VERSITY N重GHT AT THE POPS, SymphonyHall. 10 11 謝与1 21 926 ﹂ 8 9 紐71 42 128 1 2 3 4 与∴6 “ 22 2 “ 1与1 8 1 NOVEMBER n Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri i 1 2 2 7418 20 21 22 23 24 2与 27 28 29 30 /o307 1 2 2 13 14 1与16 17 18 l 1 2 11 亡ブ29/o 10 l一⊥2 6 7 8 9 A﹁18-⊃ 1 2 3 4 OCTOBER Sun Mon Tue裏 Wed Thur∴∴Fri u Fri S Thur 餌3101 7243 1 Tue│ Wed 1 2 APRIL Sun 29 30 2o//o30 Mon 録与1 21 926 SEPTEMBER Sun 1 2 2 22 23 24 2与 29 30 7A丁18 11 /o307 1 2 2 10 l 1 2 8 9 1与16 17 18 JULY Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur -⊃2Qノ/o 1 2 2 7A﹁18 1 2 2 1 2 2 7A﹁18 /o307 与121926 4u182与 31017名 1 2 3 4 2与 26 Sa章4H1 82与 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur 録7142 128 Sat 10 11 12 18 19 E重i31 01 7243 1 Fri 餌61 32027 JUNE Thur 29/o30 1 2 3 Tue8 Wcd 18-⊃29 Mon F重i与1 21 926 MAY Sun 耽6宣32027 22 23 24 2与 26 3 4 与 74﹁1 22 23 24 29 30 31 MARCH 1 2 3 12 M 11 r u h T d e W s e u T n m 291 62 33 0 10 S 1 2 2 8 9 1与16 17 18 19 皿 1 8 与 2 9 10 1与16 17 録71 42 128 1 2 2 8 9 1 2 3 4 与 F 1 2 2 7A﹁18 /o307 1 2 2 l 1 2 -⊃2Qノ/o l 1 2 A丁18-⊃ 1 2 3 Sun Mon TueB Wed Thur ・調/o307 FEBRUARY JANUARY Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
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