Teaching Standard 8: Fulfi I wider professional responsibilities. For example: positive - Make a contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school. - Develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support. - Deploy support staff effectively. - Take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues. - Communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils' achievements and well-being. ヽ し ´ン ぅ tレc「 /tて 'し rAnmつ キ ― → ―う 3・ l イS 9。 School Dis口 lav. Focus:VVnlng Ⅵ囃hin fbundation Stage l(Nurseryp Links to:Minibeast hunt,recording whatthe chldren saw Teachers StandaFd Focus:81:Make a postt cont面 bution to the面 derirb and ethos of the schoo: Wclc ome to or.G. 1 │ -1 み This display sits in the Early Years and Key Stage One main hall, with focus being on writing at the cunent time; it was applicable to use our Minibeasts Hunt focus activity as a base for the children's writing. The display contains examples of the children's writing and drawings from the ac{ivity. W'rth the cunent time of year it also seemed applicable to dress the display in an autumn leaves theme. Writing associated prompts that are used in the dassroom are also displayed on the board: We are writers We are readers We are creators Such phrases are used continuously within the setting and promote to children that regardless of the activity they are taking part it, or indeed in their free flow choices there is leaming taking place. Just after this photos of the minibeasts hunt were also added to the display however for anonymity reasons my photograph was taken before this. - Upon reflection this display demonstrates the cunent themes of the Nursery class within the it conftdently shows the leaming the children take part in and ultimately the progression and development they are making for all staff, visitors and parents to see. school, SEl血 "%: │ 。′ 再 『 The Bonfire Night Display - see lesson plan & evaluation. This was the finaloutcome hung from the ceiling in the nursery with the indMduat pieces of art work stuck to the back of this" SEL Comments: tu^W' )\unq 'fi.re r.oc';[. ‐ (フ lo AtxPrttT 魚〆 r,-plc-hYc^JL-Lort r\ 1^\.\e-5y Cr.Ct-rr-ri! dNよ は 「Cヘ ur/Y)L tcuし ぃc ilr\L /lu)drr:rs \pu1Ltrt A I● セ じ 」O` │` 0ヽ て、00 ,ctthし (∩ 9 toiuヘ ご釈よCkrcハ よ 薩 て∩t 鮨 ぅ。ur(∽ キ ぃ。崚 (icO, し It占 譜 :` 諸 ざ 膜 ヘヒ、 :::i:さ ・ ' TS 8"I MG,grt Mothl Duptcy Reflective Portfolio - SE2 - .?rocnotuu? School Display. **9 ttvotrntt on u*ero.dtYe dJ,s*olq P or Gll dildl&' Io ,,tr6e -t \,,t For out second school placement we were asked to create a school display within our sefting. Afthough I had been involved in creating displays before in my first setting this experience I was allowed to take full ownership of the display. ln discussion with my class teacher I decided to redesign the maths challenge board within my classroom. An aspect that I tried hard to incorporate within the display was the element of a working wall. I wanted the children to interact with the display and see it as a way of demonstrating there leaming within the classroom. The ideas behind the display stemmed from professional @nversaiion with the prac{itioners looking at how the ctrildren within the dassroom respond to maths leaming and how to crucially engage all children. Through encouraging the children to 'post' their leaming I have been able to see how the children have both understood and engaged with all elements of maths within the classroom. The children have taken pride in shoMng off their leaming. Alongside posting their leaming we have also slimulated conversations at the end of the day with all the children abod their leaming allowing children time to talk about their experiences and post its. The board incorporates the main areas of maths - with pockets full of questions and resources for the children to use to encourage leaming experiences. The display also aims to show ofi elements of leaming that has been used within sessions such as the addfion funciion monster in order for children to continue their maths experiences. The interactive element of the display aims to be a reflection of the current leaming within the classroom with other aspects forming understanding and including facts about maths. I am very happy with the finished resuh of my display and have been very happy with the positive response from both the prac[itioners and the children. The display is an'area of the classroom that can be continuously cfianged and refledive of cunent leiming. │ ___ 'GCE SEl trainee evaluation{2014‐ 15) Q;vi\[Sl?'i1., iurvey completed ! rlease print a copy of this page and file in your RP. I-hank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Ihe information that you have provided will be used to continue to develop School ixperience practices for future trainees. l'he Primary Partnership Team □ / Page ⑬ 糀魁 Please email this SE report as a word processed document to Foundation Stage School Experience Report for SEI tnstitute of [ducation Year group: Nursery Trainee teacher: Lead School: Tutor: of 2 orimarvoartnerch [email protected] er SE 1 llentor: Colin Bar Class teacher: Colin Barr Sharon Lannie Total No of absent days for this practice: 1 (Graduation) I r 3yrBA Teachers' Standards for your report on Teaching ab‖ ty including:ab‖ ty to inspire and motvate(TSl):prOmOte g∞ d progress crs2);demOnstrate g∞ d subject knowledge cS3)plan We‖ ― structured lessons crS4)and adaptteaching(TS5) TSl: as面 thin herteaching,thought of:ovely,creative and engaging ac」 vities which the children's curiosity and foster their love of leaming, leading them to discover and find success and she now motivates and out for themselves. This has 'grabs' the children's attention, wttich is inspires by being a teacher but in a way that entertains and what early years us all about, well done! really understood our ethos in the Nursery of handing the initiativeflead and development to the children, this in essence is a very easy thing to do, though underpinning it all are taken lots of different approaches/sfategies and routines that make this all this all on board and using our systems, she has led sessions and other adults in moving the childrens' leaming forwards. Well done! beenlllbiggest possible.(flras TS2:(I has jumped on board with all of our different assessment s)rstems in the Nursery and understands the reasons behind them all, the next step I think to take more ownership with this systems and use them on a day to day basis, deciding how to move children's leaming forwards with more consistency. forlllis activities,Il TS3: ln all aspects of our daily routines and has understood well the outcomes needed and the activities that support the achievement of those outcomes. Understanding the early years cuniculum is not hard, what makes it challenging is how to put that across to the children and md 場 輛麟脳Шttlil萬謄鸞 醜鞣 :塩鮒 moderating, with confi dence. TS4- has planned and implemented lessons that cover really well the whole lesson and its component parts, often changing lessons beforehand showing reflection and going with the children during the lesson, showing great flexibility and giving the children the lead in the learning - this is what the leaming is all about. 干 諸赫 h9 製当ll出 :結電 駐脚Ⅷ譜淵譜瀾思棚鰐 andlhas their learning forwards. Working in small groups supports this well adapted this into her lessons, focussing on high impact conversations/activities and discussion. Keep going!l for your trainee. on as-sess and respond to pupils'work (TSO); behaviour management (fS7); professional responsibilities (TS8), contribution to the life of the school, reliability, punctuality, organisation: r fS6:llllnas dembnstrated good expectations of behaviour, using urell our whole school has used this sbategy behaviour policy, this has enthused children to 'want to please' in really well supporting her teaching and the childrens' leaming. has understmd well the level of differentiation in the Nursery and pitches activities at just level in terms of challenge and support. understood vrell how to keep an environment safe, with regards to children and safeguarding and the importrance of this in a school. andll - TS7:lIl has shown eagemess and willing to be invoJved in the Nursery Christmas play, putting up displays, observed other year groups, as well as carrying out planning, teaching and assessing thg, children in a summative and formative way, including supporting other members of with moderation and sending off the data. TS8:Ifras - been throughout her placement, punctual, arriving earlier than the expectation demonstrating the ability to go above and beyond the norm. Organisation of adults and activities has been a leaming curve, though I think has done really well in wtrat is, a tricky aqpect of school li6 that theory does not really prepare you for. Leading others comes with experience and time and this will make or break how successful your sefting can done really well wilh this! Illl be,Ehas や r ヽ ´ Page 2 of 2 on ways in which the trainee's professlonal practice has lmpacted upon pupil progress: !l has engaged the children reatly well in her placement, the chlldren hane shown really energy and folactivities and ideas. The bigge.st impaa ltrns had is with ]Lr own deYelopment and understanding of how to teach very young children, from being fomat to now teaching in a fun and entertainlng way, though not lowering the erpec-tations of behaviour and leaming. pupils have rially gone wtthJand due to thls, they have aehieved well oEr the duration of the placlmeirt enthusiasm Please grade the followirE subjects: TS2: Guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs TS4: Promote a love of leaming and ctrildren's intellectr.ral curiosity. T56: Knolv and undorstand how to assess the relevant subject ant cuniculum areas, induding statutory assessment requirements. TS7: High expectations for behaviour and establish a framalork for discipline with a range of strategies using The bainee has completed the Reflec-tive Portfolio for this stage of their faining. The school experience on-line evaluation has been B4(name) { mmpleted. role: Assistant Head/Early Years Colin Barr iead Overa:l grade(p!ease cirde) E:Ernα ung′ OT3,Fal PASS′ Assessment Framework The trainee has 4+ ernerging Teachers' Standards. OT3 The trainee has met all the Teacfiers' Standards or may still have 1-3 ernerging Teachers' Standards. Overall graddlFilease circle) , PG SEl Assessment Fa‖ Framew● rk For the idefltmed Teachers' Standads th€ trainee's attainment is lret to be a pass since it contains 4+ emerging Teacheis' Standards. Not on Target 驀 m E: Eme.ging, OT3: P6s, OT2: Good, OTI: Outstanding (NOη For lhe adentified Teachers' Standards the trainee's attainment has th€ potsntial to pass but cunenuy indud€s betvyeen 1- 3 emarging Teachers' Standards (E). 4 plus Teachers' Standards grades at (OT3) Pass with soane features of (OT2) Good. No (E) EmergirE Teachers' Standards. G∞ d Outstanding (OT2) (OTl) 4 plus Teachers' Standards grades at (OT2) Good with some featur€s of (OTr ) Outstanding. No Teachers' Standards graded at (OT3) Pass Signed: Pleas€ emall thls SE report as a word procsssed document to prlmaBpartnershlp@orc,ac.uk 4 plus Terchers' Standards grades at (oTl ) OutstandirE overall. No Teachers' Standards gradsd at (OT3) Pass. ■ 麹粒ツ ∬ ` │― 、 ‐ ´ │-0● _│― ヽ ●ヽ ,‐ rt',ヽ ・・ ヽ こ ilIII徳 Mathematics CPD― Evaiuation 2015 Prease g′ αtterded y● ●r力 Onest aη d “ yoυ r vlews wrfrco膚 ty cOrstrucJve reedbα tt Oη tte star dを vefopmert Oρ ρOrtr″ ′ tu″ sess′ Oη s veγ 励 υre tο めe ρfa″ ηll19ノde″ orル y● ● 力αveノ υSt Course: Tutor/s: Date: workplace: SATiSFACr:ON RAT:NCS How sotisfied were you with the following ospects? Pleose rote your sotisfoction Pre-Course Sο tiJed follows: 3=Satijed 4=1/erySα trsfred 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 2 1 You were clear about the aims & objectives. 1 That the information advertising the course/opportunity was appropriate. 1 1. 2. 3. 1=lVOrSα ヽ ■ ed 2=Qυ たF as The venue was suitable. Please comment if you scored less than 3 Course Delivery and content 1=rvat s醸 1可ied 2=Qυ た Satifed 3=Sotiげied 4=1/ery Sα 4. The presentation methods were clear and easily understood. 5. The pace was appropriate. 6. The content was relevant to your needs. 7. Topics were covered in sufficient detail in time allocated. trs/1ed 1234 1234 ■ 2 3 4 1234 Please comment if you scored less than 3 lmpact 1=rvOt satな ″ ed 2=Qυ lte Sσ iSied 3=Sαtijed 4=yery Soisied This session will better equip you to perform yourjob. Please comment if you scored less than 3 1234 4 10. 4 3 You are satisfied that you would be able to implement the learning from the session. 4 3 3 2 to implement what you have learned. 2 2 You were given a clear idea of how 1 8. 9. ■ 1 7. The outcomes of this session were fully met. 「 ADDIT:ONALiNFORMAT10N 7. Whot was the most role os a result this will hove on ″0″ "〃 yo″ ソ tσ た′ earaわ g/rOm t● 力yヵ ″α tt rμ力 αtete w〃 yoυ あ as a resυ ′ ι● hα t JИ″ yο υ′ 曖 other comments? Thank you for completing this evaluation and shape future provision. form. Your responses will help improve the services we provide Please hand this form to your course tutor at the end of today,s session. CPD Mathematics― SLE― CC&HH 2015 │ 」 :lillli::::│:ll:」 J Name:… …………… … ………… 4x3 lox$= 9xO〓 0 59 p*q= 4K 18÷ 56÷ 8〓 = fZ tz*e= Z 8x8= 6 sxs= んヽ !6+8= L Class:… ……………………… Date: 3x7= Q $ 乏ll rrx8= (K lx7=Q 9 2x( = 15 ex3= Z1 tx8= 54 5x5= LS 3x8= t++7= L 8x 6 x2=L2 4x5= 20 2x10= 2(D g*s= QS toxto= ICC 6xO= 6 8x5= QC 2ox2= rrxa= 9x2= │ビ 4s+7= 7x5= 2x12〓 21 sz+8= 9xo= 0 7 5x5= 2、 3x5= lS so+10= 9 8x 7x5= 35 a*a= 6Q 28+4= 1 gx3= 21 8x5= q0 42 z*s= 56 gx9= 3l 7 (11 6=(3 ÷ 6= 蟄 Q η 8 = 24 Qa 6 ア に x:;o= 70 = 72 Quick .,. turn over! rl 5xi = 5a qx8= 12x7= 7 X6=42 gx8= 9x5= 10 ′ ′ b H 10x0= 0 3Z 9Xア = 63 9x6=どヌq zoxa= 6x6= 3も 48+ $ =6 ex3= 2-l s*s= 5x7= qO 8x3= 5xG= 24+4= .L 5x2= l'?- 4x5= 2o ?0 el 30 0 刊 lb0 7x7= q =5 35+l l/t 45÷ 5= q ex5= q5 10x10= l0C 6xO= 0 35÷ 5= 3x2=/6 3x8=2Ч ex7= 6S Lx2= 2 7x5= 35 2x8= │も 9xo= 0 7x10= 70 5x$ = 25 3 x5=15 55+5= ll 8x3= 2q Sx3= ? t ox8= O tl2x6= $ 9x4= [子 6 qxt = 2K 8xt 7x6= qL Gxo= 6 11x1o= [0 Ll2xLO= $ ¬ = 56 t*o= QZ 5x5= ?5 gO+3= ? 60 . P一0>0﹂﹂ ・ ↑>〓 〓0覇 ∽OQ O⊂ω①﹂の三P∽一 ﹂〇三P ・ ↑o﹂⊃∽ 50> 。Lく ・ ∩O H ∩ × り Ш“ = < X 0 Ш∩ = Ш X 0 0< = O X 0 0 H m X 0 0 ∩ = 一X 0 0 ﹁= 〓 X 0 ﹂< = ﹁X 0 0m = O X 0 ‐ 50 ⊆〓 ⊃O> 0 0 3 0 〓 ・ い、 0 “o﹁00 ン︺﹄ 〓●0﹄ ︵ 一 〓ン ■●=〓0 ↑0一 ′ ‐"夕 ◇―● 卜oヮ “ ‐∞ぃ ‐島◇_■ 卜 o X X X x {- I I.r Iv, I- □ x 圏 x国 ^剛V X J 0」 ││ │! I: II ll ■N■ ゛ ■N P o・ o〓︺c rh口 〓o 〓 〓 ︶ ″ ︶ ゝ │l ↑0﹂” 、0〓ギ一●〓﹂ ョ 一コ0 〓﹄03 コ0、 E●0 L①O E ⊃c PCO﹂①〓 一 O C の一①Q“ fの COCШ 。 NF o一 o E oヽい の﹂①O E D⊂ ①〓︺いO CO>①一 ① ﹂0い O C∞︺∽ ∽①Q 輛C∽ O①﹂⊃〇 一 〇〇 0〓ト ト ●蛍くo● 製OJ Ц フ ¨ ∪ OQ ”〓0 0 0 E 驀σ● ‐"● 卜d卜 o N` . 一一0>O﹂﹂ ・ ∽∽OQ ↑>だ〓0一 O⊂∞O﹂o三P∽一 ﹂①三P ● ↑O﹂⊃∽ ⊃0> Oゝく ・ 50 ⊂〓 ⊃〇> 0 0 3 0 工 ・ い、 00 = ∩ X 0 Шm = < X 0 Ш∩ = Ш X 0 0く = O X り り = “ X 0 0 0 = 一X 0 0 ﹁= 〓 X 0 ﹂< = ﹁X 0 0m = O X 0 0 0 “o﹁00 ︵ =〓0 ン︸﹄ 〓00﹂ 一 〓> D 〓 ↑ω 二 ′ ● ● ● ● . P一〇>0﹂﹂ ・ ↑>だ〓0﹁∽OQ 〇⊂∞O﹂ω一P∽一 ● ﹂の三一 ↑O﹂⊃∽ ⊃〇> 0七q ・ 50 〓 ・ 50 C〓 ⊃〇> 0 0 、 い、 00 = ∩ X 0 Ш“ = < X 0 Ш∩ H Ш X 0 0< = O X 0 0 H “ X 0 0 0 = 一X 0 0 ﹁= 〓 X 0 ﹂< = ﹁X 0 0m = O X o o﹁0り ′ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● htto:〃 nnch maths orO/1216 o university● f Cambndge Totality The aim of the game: Slide the shared counter. across several adjacent numbers. adding them up as you go to make a 'running'totar. Be the prayer to slide so that the chosen target il reached e*uctty.'wat in; above the target loses you [he game. ,;k;ih;fr;;r ;;;;;i ;; How to play: 1' Player 1 chooses a target to reach. This is the totar both prayers try to make. 2. Player 2 places their counter on the game board over one of the numbers and says that number. 3' Player 1 moves the same counter in any direction arong a rine segment to a neighbouring number and announces'the totar of theiwo nr,.tt.r. 4. Player 2 moves the same counter to cover a neighbouring number, adds. on that number, and announces tne ,running, total of the numbers. three 5' Players take it in turns to sride the counter to cover a neighbouring number and to add that number to the ,running, total. 6. Players must move when it is their turn. 7. No 'jumping' is allowed. Additional Chatlenge: There is a video crip on youtube (accessibre via Nrich) which shows the Same being prayed. show the video with no sound and see if the chirdren can work out whars happening and the rures of the game. This is an additional challenge levelfor advanced learners_ Video: http://nrich.maths.orel1216 TS 8.し Weekly review record 比Lん 6ヵの S_〃 習 虚yttS燿 ツ 直 農 P∝ Eas口 Weekofpracti@, Date:β L Teacherc' standads identified from previous 1動 側 た d明 :eviwz At L 9・ 勺ν製 │イ 知 減 マ dbbσ Lffffi'st adaral-s Revlew: (Hor have you aimed to meet your targets? How sr.lccessful have you been? Use lesson observation feedback, ref,ec'tion forms etc. to provide evidence for this.) ● dllof nv haAki /or Itw t^tepL aka uwurt*g ttta.l. I arrl 4^!'fo't\ad f * Nxt t{<aL Truaryn obaavohm^ a^d whosrechve tAtute ,hyt ahfi b f*^. qryd jfrrU'cf tttv - I hctve u,:ro{e e accoLtt-l {6r -ta,-r lmpact (VWpt impaA nas this had on youi teacfiing ard pupils' leaming?) -' I hcwe l"lLclnf u14 comrofuled ︶ ^allac,twe la/-Uec.t b JAo.ve leatL aAk cyL a,opy6q1Q% a_^d ル プのJq {tr flq^lur\g aN dnhuet<tg kt,sctn,5 .11 u:nj 凛 (d qa b qxr. h ltraw fr\o dvl&ra/1. / a ,r* ■ %続施こ g{lechve/a School mentbr 1 rbtht^ plo-arS rnU J ,k^^oft comment ft fP io,/7.>, &A i ' / r7&3 ->-r lo ,-u lk *-2 i*tZ A.2 t'-r\ '/z- -ver./"Ai ti d^'' ,42-.4 . 4 La/ "^,<zk -'"/'( '-\ TargeUsforfollowingweek: -Co -*-each / Lo'wa'Jl-to'le r'z<' t レ 毎 S′ イ И L/旬 ァイ ″ チ Lノ 3 )ts;on's )tsxsr sL fot'%f A:noo( ′巧ケ ′ι 飢 光Cα め 舜 μ 鰹 剋 剣 塾恕 “ Lpelt Atrudur\ed Jt - Corrg oul ,suer@. ^dt8 rs 8q Reflective Entn-Week 1. This week it was my first week in my setting, although I have been here before it was new experience for me to be there as a trainee teacher. Through the tasks that I have been doing it has allowed me to find my own perspective on the earty approach within the setting, and hou I can take elements forward for my own prac{ice enquiry tasks. Through observing lessons and teaching practice the process enabled me to focus on elements of my own praclice that I could see. Also looking at potential areas and shategies I can adopt, and adapt to take fonrard. lt uras important for me to do this as the classroom teacher has the best interests for the children, and has already trailed techniques with the children. ln terms of firture lesson phnning and activities it afforded me the opportunity to allow for differentiation and how such strategies may look in practice (tS 5). -o -o Also this week allowed me the time to get familiar with the timetable of the days in nursery and how a typical week looks within the setting. lvty setting has a more formal approach Monday - Wednesday with group work, interventions, adult focused activities and free flow play all being included within the daily routine. Thursday's forest school day, with interventions happening first thing in the moming, and then free flow play and small group work happening throughout the forest school session. Friday is also mainly free flor play with small group or individual interventions being canied out, the day is known as 'not toast day' as snack is anything but toast! Through experiencing this timetable this week I have been able to negotiate when my PET tasks can take place and how I may approach the'5 teaching sessions'from week 4 ornilards CfS 4). Another task form these ureeks to be completed were the retrmpedive lesson plans. Thb activity allowed me the opportunity to practice planning for ftrture weeks, negotiating with the class teacher what elements and children to consider within the plans. Also I was able to explore how to adapt activities and add creative elements to group tasks, helping to form my own foundation for planning and delivering lessons crs 4.2). For next week I shall continue to observe practice focusing more cleely on the roles of support staff and behaviour managementwithin the classroorn. lwill ilso be gMng reflections on planning my PET bsks and my classroom responsibilities. fryr**q l^-p-ar N_r\f,!.^ -/tir^t llw - {zeAhatk .6rL : ・ 6 9`q Ref,ective Entry- Week 2. This week my responsibilities and role within the classroom increased. I became a co teacher within the classroom, taking on responsibilities such as leading a starter or plenary alongside intervention groups for numer.rcy, literacy and phonics (IS 8). lncreasing such responsibilities has increased my confidence within the classroom and with other members of staff within the setting. I now feel a lot more combrtable to take charge at appropriate times with the children. Through being in involved in prac{ice I have also been able to complete my Science PET task successfully. Sunounding the area of working scientifically I found it challenging to grasp how to expand this towards early years provision. However as discussed with my tutor before I attended the sefting, I made my focus the vocabulary around the subject an integrating this into a creative activity (TS .2). My activity looked at how we could build homes for 'amazing animals' within the settings forest school, the natural setting lended itself to being a part of the focus activity. Providing and following a detailed and well thought out plan (IS 4) the activity encompassed all of its set out targets with in depth observations taken and a written element for evidence purposes OS 6). This week's other tasks were an opportunity for me to annotate and look in depth at settings planning. An interesting point that I discussed with the class teacher was his own approach to mid-term, and long term planning. Mid-term planning takes a child led approach, with 'topic webs' being competed after every half term, from their practitioners discuss the most popular subjects and one is chosen. ln terms of long term planning the praclitioner discusses that he sees the 30-50 and 40€0 months Development Matters grids effective at ensuring provision is continuous and relevanl. The discussions and ac'tivities from this week have ensured that I now have a better understanding of the settings approach to planning and provision (l-S 4). Over hatf term I aim to plan further sessions for Week 3 of my placement. o Maths: plan, deliver, and evaluate an intervention activity on the subject counting. (IS 3.5) に学 は 凛 7響 /PL ― I'Q,<+.oM - -2 んレ t uLnT ,/r-ev.t AL!.+^ 15 Reflective Entry - Week 3. This week my responsibilities and role within the classroom increased once more. Along with still being a co teacher within the classroom, taking on responsibilities such as leading a starter or plenary alongside intervention groups, I also led whole class lessons planned by both the class teacher and myself (tS 8). Reflecting on such responsibilities has led me to cement my confidence within the classroom and increase my presence within the classroom. I now feel a lot more comfortable to take charge at appropriate times with the children, and assert behavioural strategies effectively to ensure the high standards within the classroom GS 7.2). Through being in involved in practice I have also been able to complete my Maths PET task successfully. The task required me to identify a group of children who found counting a challenge and needed extra provision to achieve identified outcomes fiS 3.5). This was an easier aspect for me as the setting already has effective intervention groups continuously providing support to those identified children. Therefore by looking at previous activities I decided that a 'number bingo' activity maybe an appropriate way to ensure the activity was effective and providing a leaming experience for the children (TS 5.1). Providing and following a detailed and well thought out plan (IS 4) the activity encompassed all of its set out targets with in depth observations taken and a written element for evidence purposes (l-S 6). This week's other tasks were an opportunity for me to annotate and look in depth at settings planning. Through being observed this week for the first time it was a positive way for both of us to reflect on practice. ln between my initial and final observation (in total I was observed 3 times) there were significant changes made to whole settings approach to numeracy. ln collaboration with my class teacher (TS 8.2) we have made new additions to the lessons and have made time changes. This reflective stance was very useful for me to take on board and made me feel at ease that it was not just me being observed but the lesson as a whole. The discussions and activities from this week have ensured that I now have a better understanding of the settings approach to planning and provision (TS 4). 5 Whole class lessons to be taught: whole class lessons, starter/ plenary and an intervention OR focus activity within the class. Grammar lesson: looking at prepositional language. 6ガル レレス 9 甲 ″ 騨 己 晟 … 燿」とイ蜘 歩響イン ロ眩2`' I'tr lsgr{ Reflective Entrv - Week 4. This week my responsibilities and role within the classroom increased significantly. Along with still I become a whole class teacher within the classroom increasingly during the week, taking on responsibilities such as leading both a starter and plenary alongside intervention groups. These whole class lessons were planned by both the class teacher and me (TS 8.4) ensuring that a collaborative approach could be achieved. Reflecting on such experience has led me to value the wider team within the classroom, and see that it is vital that every member of staff has roles and responsibilities within every session (TS 8.3). This week the main focus was our parent consultations on Tuesday and Wednesday, which gave me a valuable insight in to how systems work effectively to ensure the parents contributions are taken seriously. I played a part within the appointments myself wither aiding the main class teacher with the individual consultations or talking with other parents present about out daily routines and achievements itithin the nursery classroom. lt was a valuable experience for me to introduce myself and take a practitioner stance on the c,onsultations, parents and carers were very positive about my presence within the classroom and were more than happy to discuss their child's progress within the school OS 8.5). Another element of this week's timetable was the need for us to complete literacy and numeracy assessment for the children in order to submit Autumn 1 progression levels. Therefore my planned numeracy sessions were adapted to work as intervention activities, in order to gage the child's levels of development OS 6.2). The sessions worked well when adapted and proved very useful in highlighting the children progression level on the development matter profiles. We found that some children had made progression by one or even two sub sublevels, yet some had yet to show sufficient skills and knowledge within numeracy and literacy to show such progression. Therefore within my own sessions this week, I aim to take on board the observations and assessments made this week in order to plan and deliver certain activities within the numeracy session fIS6.3). The discussions and activities from this week have ensured that I now have a better understanding of the settings approach to assessment and parent provision fiS 6.1, 8.5). o . 5 Whole class lessons to be taught: whole class lessons, starter/ plenary and an intervention OR focus activity within the class. Geography PET task: Sound walk what sounds can we hear in our local environment? - 丁 Sg、 こ │ Reflective Entrv - Week 5. This week has seen my presence and responsibility within the classroom increase yet again. I am now the leader of the sessions for the majority of lesson time and find this incredibly rewarding. These whole class lessons have once more been planned by both the class teacher and me (TS 8.4) ensuring that a collaborative approach could be achieved. I have continued to reflect on these experiences and continues to ensure that I value the wider team within the classroom, and see that it is vital that every member of staff has roles and responsibilities within every session (TS 8.3). This week I completed my Geography PET task, affording me the opportunity to focus upon delivering an enquiry based learning approach (TS 2.4), this was a valuable experience for me as a practitioner. The session incorporated many elements, and included a sound walk. ln small groups the children were taken outside, and we listened for different sounds in the environment. The children were encouraged to record anything they heard through writing and drawing, allowing for the children to produce the results of the activity themselves (TS 2.5). By carrying out this activity lwas able to build upon my own skills in practice and also concentrate on a specific way of delivering learning. Also this week lwas visited by my SE tutor for the first time. Overall it was a very positive experience allowing me to reflect on my own practice and weeks on placement (TS 8.4). An area identified for my improvement on practice involves continuously ensuring that I am demonstrating positive and motivating practice (TS and 7). lcan relate to why this area needs to be developed, I have felt quite self conscious in practice, and now I have realised that in order to become an outstanding teacher in any setting you have to be involved with the children and be on their level to ensure engagement and motivation. lam therefore taking forward ideas for my own practice, and observing other members of staff next week to see how approaches are seen differently in practice (TS 1 .3) '1 The discussions and activities from this week have ensured that I now have a better understanding of my own practice, and how to approach and encourage motivation and positive attitudes (TS 1 .3, 7.3). . . 5 Whole class lessons to be taught: whole class lessons, starter/ plenary and an intervention OR focus activity within the class. Computing PET task: Smartboard- can the children successfully complete a game on the SmB? Can they show a peer how to play the game? Can they come up with rules for our SmB? Lessonobseryationo ' . 5th Npvember 2074 AM {5 s,t1 Numeraan whole class. Children were playing and you asked for Two Hands' good use of systems already in place. one child when you asked to tidy up said they were busy, it was nice that you suggested they could go back to what they were doing later on. {ould you have suggested that we are goint to do somethint exciting now? You chased up Rylee and Zak - good expectation. ITITRODUCTION: Whole class. 10 mins... NEEDS TO BE MORE PACEY/MORE INDEPENDENT . You waited on the carpet for all the children to come and sit down, several were... is that time wasted? o r . . Could you be counting down using a number fan? KMc and CS were still not on the carpet when everyone else was - expectation - in a nice way? How? They were noisy on the carpet, could you have used the smiley steps as a reward/prompt for others? You say that we are going to be 'number recognisers' nice disposition.... How by doing what? ln the whole introduction on the carpet, did the children do any independent thinking - if you showed them each time the number they had to find? o You said we will do 'one more' - nice use of language, ready for a challenge,..again the challenge was the same as the other three goes with showing the children the number...could you have done a knee to knee game or split into groups and let an adult lead each group...then the children to lead? MAIN ACTIVITIES: No explanation ofwhat each group was using (NOT DOING - THEY NEED AN ADULTTO DO THAT lN THE GROUPS) YOUR . o . . ACTVIW BALLOONS: Joe was watching and you asked him to go and play... was he not learning? All children had differing needs that you catered for within the game, would changing the game have helped some? Number recoBnisers, lots of games? They all got an understanding of what they had to do and learnt/practised new skills. could you have used the number fans to support the children durint the game ln pairs? It was 4/5 mins before you asked everybody back after you had finished, use that time to chase children anywhere and everywhere with a number lang/understanding slant... and other adults in the room tool It doesn't have to be perfect to get back together for a plenary... PACE? PLENARY: Nice idea to give children the choice of a game to play... could you do that with all 4 adults??? Did you explain any activities the children did or ask the adults to do so???? Balloon game altogether- nice use ofchildren who knew the numbers to come up and pop the matching balloons.. could the rest have used no.fans? They were all engaged with you and the game. All ta's were sat at the back, no engagement and they were back late onto the carpetl . MORE PACE/ENERGY/TELL THE ADULTS WHAT TO DO-NICELYI! Teacher standards covered: ' . , ,- ^. | liii: Demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, yalues and behaviour which are expected of pupils. 3iii: Have a secure knowledge ofthe relevant subjects and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils interest in the subject and address misunderstandings. 7i: Have clear rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms and take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the school, in accordance with the schools behaviour policy.. . . . S8, children were playing and you asked for Two Hands' good use of systems already in place. Good consistencl and good expectation. INTRODUCTION: Whole class. 10 mins... NEEDSTO BE MORE PACEY/MORE INDEPENDENT . You waited on the carpet for all the children to come and sit down, several were... is that time wasted? Could you be counting down using a number fan? o . . They were noisy on the carpet, could you have used the smiley steps as a reward/prompt for others? You say that we are Boing to be 'number recognisers' nice disposition.... How by doing what? ln the whole introduction on the carpe! did the children do any independent thinking - if you showed them each time the number they had to flnd? . - nice use of language, ready for a challenge...again the challenge was the same as the other three goes with showing the children the number...could you have done a knee to knee game or split into groups and let an adult lead each group...then the children to lead? You said we wilt do 'one more' MAl N ACTIVITIES: ● o No explanation of what each group was using (NOT DOING - THEY NEED AN ADULT TO DO THAT lN THE GROUPS), though this YOUR time in the afternoon you called two children each time to Bo with an adult. ACnVmy BALLOONS: 20 mins - maybe too long! . ln our game we are going to be number recognisers, lovely disposition o All children had differing needs that you catered for within the game, would changing the game have helped - how... what is a number recogniser?? some? Number recognisers, lots of games? . o They all got an understanding of what they had to do and learnt/practised new skills. Could you.have used the number fans to support the children during the game - ln pairs? You checked once you had finished to see where Kmc was up to, she still had 3 children left, which she did in a record time... how can you judBe/push the other adults to increase the pace?? It was 6 mins before you asked everybody back as they spent that time tidying up... is this needed/too long/anything to do with number... can you tidy up a big object and a small object? Ue that time to chase children anywhere and everywhere with a number lang/understanding slant... and oiher adults in the room too! It doesn't have to be perfect to get back together for a plenary... PACE? PLENARY: to pick up all the numbers fans on the carpet before the plenary... why? This time you did not give them a choice of game-..(Nice idea to give children the choice of a game to play... could you do that with all 4 aduts???) Did you explain any activities the children did or ask the adutts to do so???? cEterpillar game, could you have modelled what 4/3/2 is using your fingers?.. could the rest have used You asked JA nc.fans to find the numbers? -re,., rvere all engaged with you and the game. Cs \.': a-r - HB never came back onto the carpet??! --l ',I3-: ! they were all number recotnisers but were they, what did Hayley's group do? --:C:/ENERGYfELL THE ADULTS WHAT TO DO - NICELY!! 一 5 T {s . . You did count back and show the numbeE as you were counting back - g.q instead of 10,9,8... 10 one less than 10 is 9, one less than 9 is 8... really explicit, detailed and comprehensive, supporting the children's learning. Eton't forget pres€nce, the more enerB'y you put in the more the children will go on the joumey with yout INTRODUCIION: Whole class. . You played the show me game with the children to get them all on board, when showing the children 5 fingeE, take a step back and count 1-5 so the children can see how you make 5 fingers. so they can . . o o understand the process. Don't forget to do number fans on the carpet at the start, think pace focus it needs to be quick if the main introduction is grouped. All adults were on the carp€t, which is a good expectation to have and uphold, think about what you can do ifthey are not on the carpet when you want them to bel? Nice grouping of adults and children with number fans and differing activities, think pace. Think about moving the groups into different areas of one room, more focus and less noise than all on the carpet. The children did do independent thinking on the carpet - which is what we needed to see, well done! MAIN ACTIVITIES: good explanation ofwhat each group was using (NOT DOING -THEY NEED AN ADULTTO DO THAT lN THE GROUPSI, agaln you had taken this advice onboard which shows how reflestive you are. Always think how can we make it betterl YOUR ACTIVITY BALLOONS: . . . o You let children watch you today, that were not in your group... what lovely leaming they were apart with Rylee on the computer but asked the boys on the SmB to have chosen burst by the time your got back - lovelyl! You had to deal ofl a number to Make sure you are aware of the game/activity you're leading in terms of what it can and cannot do, it was taking the children a while to drag the pin, when they didn't have to, it's a good fine motor skill as a top on to the activity but it has nothing to do with numbe6, this slowed you down a little. Lovely manner and language with the children, extending the leaming - how many number 6 balloons did he popl lt is all about this impromptu dialogue/questioning/engagement o LETS LOOK AT ONE ADULT BEING THE CHASER tF 5 ADULTS ARE lN O DID ALL THE ADULTS IN THE SESSION UNDERSTAND ABOUT BECOMING CHASERS IF THEY FINISH EARTY? PLENARY: . . . o o You got them all on the carpet again think pace, the more energy you put into that the faster they come and sit down. You asked the adults to explain the activities and who they should move up lovely reward for the children... can they morre up more than one- how would that b€ organised? Nice role modelling for adults and children alikel Good that again you Save the children a choice - could you tweak it - if you want the caterpillar game show me one finger^he balloon game two fingers? Or numbers on a fan? You asked children as well play the show me game and mixed it up with fans- nicell Your voice had more presence at the end ofthe session than the start how are you going to get them engaged at the start iust as well? ' LOVELY way in via Stephen doing an extra activity did|II REMIND - shallwe all go off and do that? 15/25 minimum ADULTS 1}IAT THEY NEED YEI-LOW POST ITS AND YOU DECIDE WHEN THEY WALI( AWAY/MAKE Po$ lrs BEFoRE THEY 60 oR As rHEy ARE GorNG AND oBsERvrNG keep going ヽ 糀 出∝ イS 9`Ч lnstltute of Fducation Mid-point Review Form: Schoo! Experience 1 Schooli Dde/■ mα めパ1/1々 SE l囃 or/schOd M:罫 YearGrottuし LeEson: レ 。A rsσ Ч LMn連 Links to Teachers'standJrds(2012) `9ルル上 . Ts 4.1- (q r) "cc(j″ . TS a.L .TS 5 Lt 'l-S211 日nks , t -h;, - \-ov\i.,+, -e4.t.\.^. --.,, ( . gr.X.\ \) - A\\ a-a.>,rrr 'に 丁 r{ S Iト ai-_e. a<ptu.^t1*- ^^,4-.- ・ Cしヽ ● to Teachers'Standards(20121 at.r- ^.1- 4">_dib つ` ・ 丁S t・ 勺 ● Please TICK the relevant boxes: OT1: Outstanding OT2: Good OT3:Pass ALL… カ 督 Signed : Observer 1 / Agreed Action Plan │ Signed: Observer Z (lor pint obse.rvations) Signed : Trainee T white copy lor trainee / Yetlow copy for school mentor / Pink copy for SE tutor (send to parlnership & placements Administrator at uW g 駈 ⑮糀晃 Page 1 of 3 g. lnstitute of Edlc.tion EYFS Lesson Observation Form: School Experience Date/ Lesson: ン ∝U t u T E S χ tt■ t<ρ 」 /J, ; ,.-Цい だ /‐ ′ - 7Ttr-Ti PGcF/scHOOL D:RECT/3YR BA characteristicsEiEEEErivETG and Exploring 鶏tibm岬 、 i輛i戯 ;罵 ∬ "mmttpeop θ (fick as appropriate) Do ch‖ dren use their senses tO exp10re the wOrld around them?Any sense perhaps used more than another? Do chttЮ n engage h open― ended actlv ty?How? Do chlldren shOw pa面 culat tnterests?ln what? Piaying with whatthey knOw ノ ヽ(ィ 、たィ)t■ で ヽ/ play)? I f ( , t ':.J hl'4 , "ハ ---'-";. ( ( I 't< t L lJTl Lk play? rote? ((. . S t tt lrC e aa.z_ ″ バ ', there? Being willing to have a go 3:.:1!1?1,1"1'"e what exampres do yo, ch‖ dren take nsks,eng` Ne h new ex`ef:乱 L:;「 t″ J (lt rに スヽ ″ 11 嗅 麟メ ぬ u ・ tr a(矢 も γ 4/2 l° ′ ´ ︺ フ 山 ﹂ ・ く ′ C ( と ヽ ヘ p\/r lr nt ヽ r ヽ ′ 1 (ttr." 一 つ′ ヽ ″ ヽヽ ヽ 一ヽ ︲ヽ ′ ′、 ( 一 日、 1( J体 ゾ 、 ヽ 1 、フビ 1 r( tヽ ノ t カ C(バ u い “ ttヽ / k「 ス a t ︶ に ,4( 1し ′ 4" “ ● デ へ(、 ¬ ヽ ゞ (..rt,U< ri J t{l-i tt t 」′ ttれ 電 h","?' ( ,' そ 1" ′ 漢爵」 ざ i浩 l and errOρ テ fi o(Llf οⅢ吸 ldentify Teachers' Standards (2012) ι、′. 供 装 `( 」ヽ イし ∼ て ・ι フ L′ [L'.r, (/u Sn tr rt J 6L e t f6idence i;L ii., activiries/experiences? Whar kind of activiries or experiences? ffiH;:J:'."J*:".I""ff5:flff:", Do 1∽ 、 さバ children pretend obiects are things from their experience (syrnbolic What examples are How_do.children represent their experiences in their Do children take on a role in their play? Any particular . Do children act out experiences with otheri ichitdren or adutrs) .Do tN nl だ ‖ 吼β 爛輝 ― ′ 0「 ― ― 6 Quick Ch“ k (TiCk as appropfttte) Being involved and concentrating Do children maintain ,ocus on their activity lor a period of time? ls ihis focus maintained at any activity or always at a particular activity or area in the environment? Do children show high levels of energy, lascination? ln what way? Do children concentrate despite distractions? Any examples? Do children pay atlention to detail? \ Keeping on trying ヽ 、 Do children show per6istence with an activity when faced with challenges? How do children demonstrate aspects o, problem solving and show a belief lhat more etfort or a ditferenl approach will wort</pay ofl? Do c[i]dren bounce back after difficulties? Enloying achieving what they set out to do Are children proud ol their accomplishments - not just the end result? Have you got an example ol when children shared their achievements? Do children enjoy meeling challenges lor their own sake rather than for rewards or praise? VelCe ldentify Teachers' Standards i ( ‐ ●し ' t.,- h,vt,{ ft .9, a'tt\!r'-tlJ t i, /lvtL1' L) ((r,(lvt,1 l. t/..4t(-pat-{ t) y'n-f((r'. ld.t'4c\ rt r..J n*/o (, rtcl -m nL/t tr L, 1 (wvt . /'r (L..irrr ( (\i LL r,:tfl?t,t'."-f1 *:rY 1rr rr t t ( t7' -lt at l:nt fi t'uK't crr t+^-€[t . ミ F ∫ 「 ty ,(郷 1lllvJご ,(Ftハ ′ tレ 3ん 4 :」 tι ` 〔 ′ γ J 1"" 1.*a( Ir '- t urE-w ,a\.Jt.,LLat tOw2 .t[-^/*.W `ゝ ( U-{ Lr (,tt urz f ,ttrt,.,, )ヽ′ 9ィ ヘ _( (( ltε l ― _ Page 3 ol 3 Fracteristics of Etfective Learning Quick Check Creating and thinking critically - ffitrgnheir own ideas bo children think of ideas? Any examples? i● k aS appropriate〕 「 How do children find ways to solve problems? Do chlldren find new ways of doing things? Making links Do children make links and notice patterns in their experience? Do children make predictions? What examples can you give? How do children test out their ideas? Do children develop ideas ol grouping, sequencing, cause and eflect? Choosing ways to do ihings Do children plan, make decisions and about how to do something, solve a problem to reach a goal? Can you think ol any examples that support this? Do children check how well their activity is going? How do you know this? Do children change strategy il needed? Or do children always do what they know? Do children review how well their approach worked? With support or on their own? Evidence t{ o ldentify Teachers' Standards (2012) 。 η tt い t′ も 」 し た そ ノ 、 /f %』r鷲 薇′ ― ,aハ “ イ (/ t( 「 に、 t腎 -. \\'(t4 等 /1 rf Ftt cl (.L*l-' (t:甘 iに /ム ttiノ 〔 にt(′ く`` ′ メ( Please below: Signed:observer l l(1、 / アごtV Signed : Observer 2 (for,oint observations) rr一 Signed: Trainee Teacher: へいルt雇 (γ ″ イ H 唯ま へ ハ 微 乙 La./t( l」 ヽく ● │' -L ι し ∼ ル え . 竺レ γ tC( つ ′ ヽ 写^/1レ ″ ′ ′ に(“ くにヽん t● 「 aI- NOTE:NO SPLiT GRADES E: Emerging,oT3: Pass,OT2: Good,OTl: Outstanding Q Teachers' Standard 2 θ White copv lor teinee / Teachers' Standard 3 よ Yellow coov lor school rhe mentor shoutd keep a cow ot this torm Teachers' 3一 Teachers' Standard l Standard 4 Teachers' Slandard 5 0、 Teachers' Standard 6 Teachers' Standard 7 G Q jp ゥ 鰍/をg″ 話ア ゎrsE"わ ′ た Pattθ わ end PaF77ersわ ●endわ `″ "{i!i!i{trii,l";!"??:!:ii":r\zl:f;:'r,!,e `Pra“ Teachers. Standard 8 0 me,ぉ ス dmわ お fraわ ″ ″υИり train.ee teacher within one dav ot the obseNation' -- rssq 3,"Ym:,:,"mp Numicon Professionol Development Certificote of ottendo nce for ful -doy workshop This is lo cerlify lhol hos oltended on opproved full-doy Professionol Development course in lhe use of lhe Numicon opprooch "^ d3Joo-l-Qots vao, Tl.;cl).A MaaH Approved Numbo.l Consrltorli 勁 NumbnP― “ O ffi Uni6ily ono10mop― Pres 2010 … … l..der 0汀 ORD 卜晏 ――――-7S8畿 ヽ │ 0﹄“●00 E0 3●0颯ピ L Oc〓〓0 ﹁〓” aX口 ﹁〓〓O o〓“ いO LO ﹁“0り“O F一C ●0 3 曼だ 0 ¨ “﹄ト コ″OE〓 〓〓 〓¨ C一 “〓0”四 OE 一 〓卜 a 〇 四〇 a C﹂Oo ∽“〓 ¨ 0∽﹄う00 0C一 E一 ”﹄“ OCヽ50〓0い 0こ“ つ0一0一 00EO﹁CO〓く い 0 0響 ●o¨ ヒ〓00 -1T8q / 糀臨 :瑯 tttute Irvar,ot\ d\+rwAUW rar-dh;)tk rt all^urs ry\.s to q.JJ\torrLn( ,t c xl r.a+rod oft un10- r of Fducation Lesson Observation Form: fovu.t0 r.t\.r.t Ou.in D/AdLCI. Phonics (t u ' be used when observing a trainee during School Experience (Please note, there are 2 pages) To Trainee Teach Date/Time: UW ttutorノ SE1/ School tr .35 - t r.55 Lesson: SCH00L D!RECT/ 3YR BA CONTE刈 :蜘 ctt 曇 … ― づL像 電 ιL Notes Pr_ompts 1. Revisit: Does the trainee ensure that children practise phonemes already taught? ´ 2. 曝2ル、_ハ 基 encouraged to participate?/ Teach: ls the articulation of phonemes conecl? Are children required to articulate themselves? ¨ 出 ユー ls it kept lively and fast-paced? Are a‖ ch‖ dren ィメだbに ( O/ 階 ご CUS Year GЮ up: 2c“ ρ _ School Mentor SE3 υ / phon"r"" 。こ 葛FЩ ,3_rtゑ 」tへぃ ム た。′出 よ 嵐 24,t,f ● ´ ィ́ 力ご υ Чみ ― ― / `ム ―― ・← み グ ・ 仁 -i.^ ,Xc.oJ-ui3 ).5,c .ro.-.J ry* )*^^>.Lo.^ レ .1.'.-,'.J β人 ― and 7 … コ Are the children being taught how to blend and/or segment? よdLよ ヽ1 ・ノ Are the children shown clearly how lo read write the letter? 仁覇 ls there evidence of new learninq? 3. Practise: Do children have opportunities to practise saying the phoneme? -/ 掲 Are they given opportunities to read the corresponding giaphemes? -/ ■サ だ ・ ― / り 、 一 以 Are they given opportunities to blend phonemes to read words? e,;,-. t/ Are they given opportunities to seg'ment words into pnonemes/graphemes for spelling? Are ttrev given opportunities to write the tetter? - 量 ヽ 」 re evidence that children have opportunities to ´ゝ 本よ― 喝 their phonic knowledge and skills in purposelul reading and writing activities? Tぬ ャ 腱 ∼ Overall - throughout the session: ls the session multi-sensory but tightly focused on the learning goal? r-.r )eruia^. 15 it appropriate to the principles of EYFS practice? ノ Does the trainee obserue carefully to assess individual children's progress? F_4_´ ふ よ ― り -"',-.t r 一 ハ 為 一 ︶ ︵ ・ ★ 一 J -l^-J -o^ 表 /oE i 二蛛 島 九 メ ' ヽリ o _ .-..,- 菫 f夢複 ず ず 非-^,<-d 20 '4Pf ls it kept short and focused? 毛 『-r\-.--p oa Aug "-^"f &JJ"rpr+ - Are props used eftectively? 蒻 性 -& -,c*.\-*^e.* - .t^J -' ls it kept fun and interactive? 毛 “科 甘 有 でノ τ いJ」 れ 計 し よ́ ご1■ Do activities promote all four interdependent slrands ol language: speaking, listening, reading Points for development 一r亀 る 通 ス多 貞 亡 ニ 基 争 Key Strengths i雀ゴ Z黎 Signed : Observer ぐ f撃 曜 Signed: Observer 2 lor joint observations 1 Signed:Trainee Teacher … …… …■.鈍■ .……¨ White copy tor trcinee / ヽ. ■ ・ yettow copy tor school mentot/ Pink copy lot SE tutor (send to Padnership 昴 e class“ ″ ● ο οス 給 騰わ mわ r"e″ ″ ッ obse″ “"o“ "a わ ● copyび “ arjon subyeo′ wlll arso re9trfre a copy Or a″ cο rnpわ "f● & Placements Admin at UW) eFr鷺 め グわ 協鰐霧 ;劇 廃re Arreas must oθ "″s d ObSen/a″ οa rOrl● 聡 ①糧憮 司 er 8.彎 lnstitute of Education Mid-point Review Form: School Experience 2 and 3 Trainee ffi Teacher: Date/Time: (;D Year SE Tutor / School Mentor: Group: □□ , s indicative grades: Please indicate the grade that renects the level your trainee is current:y operating at The fu‖ given in the Meeting the Standards Booklet 2014. ● OT2(Good) Standard l [EIII Standard2 standard 5 [IIII standard6 □ pronle Of each grade is E (Emerging) Standard 4 Links to tteachers'Standards(2012) Classroom management and organisation ● 7c Behaviour management o 7b Self-evaluating and adapting practice where necessary thinking times o 4d Links to Teachers'Standards(2012) Areas To Develop o SE2/SE3 Standard 8 □ -trengths . o o Reception PGCE/SCHOOL DIRECT/3YR BA Stevei Bowtell OTl(Outstanding) 27022015 for children to answer ● 2d questions !. . curriculum knowledge of the EYFS o 3b expression when leading a class session ● 5a Please TICK the relevant boxes: OT1: Outstanding OT2:Good OT3: Pass Agreed Action Plan E: Emerging Targeted Support lssued Signed : Observer 1 Steven Bowtell Signed: Observer 2 (for joint observations) Lesley Welburn Signed:Trainee Teacher Charlotte」 efFs C:ヽ Usersヽ sboⅥ Aellヽ Documentsヽ Studentsヽ Cha‖ otte Mid― Polnt Review fonn(UPG SE2)done dOC TS 8有 tt tα 承 、 4cヒ 嘲 ■Ю二 2-J… は ,11て」 1高∬ザ I ― 一 一 一 一 ― 一 [― T言 一 ― 一 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ・ HONれ け c ly趾 1迎 一 z "は ⊆ 塾 二 __ ___壇 ___上 Jこ ― ニ 二 ― ― 一 カ 艶 山 似 ム 土 」 二 直 払ガ翻工生 __ 量 “ 睦 二 工 ゝ 二 正 _____ ― 一 ― ― ― 一 ― ― ― 一 ― 一 __1 _ 直 _― ヱ 手 Ю 麒 辺 幽 堕 且 麹 生 二 __ ι 一 … 一 聾 一 一 ′ 讐ソ必 Ⅲ 績 Page 1 ol 3 糀 出 er 賞 γ 芦能幣職よ TS 2・ 彎 lnstitute of Education EYFS Lesson Observation Form: School Experience V ア だを Mentor 丁山or/School ― 92鷺 月 i 凛 S 邑 れ tて ′ こ∫ シ みだ (人 _ Le配 れみ ど :勝 犯ほ ng Of (Tlck 8s spproprlate) out and exploring へ こ 懃んω スー Do ch‖ dren show curlosky about ottectS,events and people? │■ hat up SE1/SE2/SE3 PGCE/SCH00L DiRECT/3YR BA た ∫ 就 Yη wa′ Do children use their senses to exp!ore the world around them?Any sense perhaps used more than Ⅲ another? 貿 t L-ta-t協 π 甥 JaA tt^4 t 羅 b *Lt"w cL S'vxc uuu,,u,",,E"sos",,,",",,-',"1,1i.ffi:i;-, q q_T{,C l雲rlrwrrcr: l,w?。 Do children show particular intere 'ntt: Do children engage in open‐ ende( playingwithwhattheyrmow 4 ' Do children pretend obiects are things lrom their experience (symbolic play)? What examples are there? Lel*ttnt-A,ln d.f-A*,1 play? -<,^{2t1,- O_ tlww.,lr<rt > - J role? How do children represent their experiences in their Do children take on a role in lheir olav? Anv particular Do children act out experiences with otn"o i.r,itor"n o r J aaunq-v^P@t 1 ot Y'r .l 24ι 'l< Do children initiale activities/experiences? What kind ol activities or experiences? lren seek ll J show a 'can do' attitude? What examples do you take risks, engage in new experiences and leam by trial and error. challenges? have? A.,w4H 4 5\|f , +^ gy'W-a,,o E宙 dence Teachers' Standards 傷 ■ 能 ぷ 、 蔵 っ … (2012) ―on a… にι 他1卑 勤 轟 レ ヶえ ?or ar"k 4\9rt^J^4 1 1\J\D, l^,o'Tt ? t1-,(^tfruvz./+ 4l bo ,tC,t*^X- CO,,-1lrraru- ^fo l∝ (∞` U 像″う― μ は It1r1/.. h e^f?c.t-c(. C u 1q l,v--^-ta( o,L4S--- Page 2 ot 3 Learning - (Motivation) Active involved and concentrating maintain locus on lheir activity for a period ol time? ls this focus maintained at any activity or always at a particular activity or area in the environment? Do children show high levels of energy, Iascination? ln what way? Do children concentrate despite distractions? Any examples? Do children pay attention to detail? Keeping on trying Do children show persistence with an activity when faced with challenges? How do children dernonstrate aspects o, problem solving and show a beliel that more effort or a different approach will worldpay ofi? Do children bounce back after ditficulties? Enioying achieving what they set out to do Are children proud of lheir accomplishments - nol.iust the end result? Have you got an example oI when children shared their achievements? Do children enjoy meeting challenges lor their own sake rather than lor rewards or praise? ', ;qrn* ,' (A-4r. え JC れ 仲 │〆 イれ て 缶 Ai,aTk *Jnw t\-4Ai jQ c( l-a.d -(rrr* v 'b ん ` A c"n vt-*-ob,,-,e+a,--d,t^ に∼わに晟γ ε γ ん∞ω し に Cwド _γ°げ だ "W島 ぼ 7 "ι “ 妨特 c*ro Lt^; cA . -Ij-g-94 .4n dL lk- tl4o " 7W)-,1L -fu-A-:-D'('f ch-* c1/r.-zJLa,ttkoJ 1-aQ v-t ctloO-4 -lL, -,-a v- L.ur <-anfa* kn -.r{-/2c>\ #- "( 犠f℃上1尋鷹i慇 -+ じUレ′しヽメ ヽメレ償ズ党。_レ -er.^.eoqrr.zv< -tfu- c,,. J-. ?^4. -^...,,.'.rw4{.r u)v_ t{\ 4:La_ rho*-a-^-L2 -f^^ L.t,@l..-- -na&uw-2tl-r, @rlrt\ ,pt4_,.1 q,o 4 ,rb rn-^-a^,r.-lnxr- -.tu@aL .b-r/ a,lr,o -rba,^,,-La, /r\lx6.tr\^4*-A-y I "trd.x-h,<i.>- u1y1^alq , A ,^no ? ^ Udt\W ) Lr. c-L,.tn ':t*A*ru t梗 1t^t* )-, c'\eg,.-/ '**)7',o4,- t,t- ,"1 oY a'*l(a*a- .tt***-ot b -^tl.r^rr"-ALf {furt- aム じ ∝ゎ にで Page 3 ol 3 of Effective Learning Creating and thinking critically - (Tick as appropriate) own ideas think ol ideas? Any examples? children tind ways to solve problems? find new ways of doing things? children make links and notice patterns in their experience? children make predictions? What bxamples can you give? How do children test out their ideas?' Do children develop ideas ol grouping, sequencing, cause and effect? Choosing ways to do things Do children plan, make decisions and abodf how to do something, solve a problem to reach a goal? Can you think of any examples thal support this? Do children check how well lheir activity is going? How do you know this? Do children change strategy il needed? Or do children always do what they know? Do children review how well their approach worked? With support or on their own? 和 ね 磁″凛薦 に 溜甜 は "∂ α lrり 凛 ∼∼ ′ ス ム みユ イ ∼麟 ・ ・ ペスん そ 人 悧ば等多決 腎Lt ― )7-亀 ス なン │イ Standards (2012) えレつ 妨 たは ″ ば ん(蔵ヽ ´ レ 缶 ″` 引 し ′ じ メ 。 CCル 、 ち “ ′ 西 み∫ Please below: Wil睦● Tl.T■1.… NOTE:NO SPLIT GRADES E: Emerging,OT3: Pass,OT2: Good,OTl: Outstandinq Teachers' Standard l 0 Teachers' Standard 2 Teachers' Standard 3 Teachers' standard 4 ● ∂ 6 White copy lor SE tutot / 7{1.>.--,a ●υ電 t <"-, ∂ Teachers' Teachers' Standard 6 Standard 7 ふ 0 Teachers' Standard 8 ● Yellow cory lot tminee / Pink copy lot school mentor (class teacher and / or lead mento1 I e 7v. .^r-*- i.r tr,.r^, で 螢 ^電 0 ■ Teachers' Standard 5 -?'/^ 2x:e1# p*-*- ′ 卸 畷 臨 There should be at least 1 ._A/た (艘 _― ν dぶん勇十胃慶 'lrtl,.llrtrnq^t ,r 4n*ni,., *n unj fS 85 ° 鮮岬リタ飢 鯰rガ72? 盤滋勇漁i露 ミ Renectt En"― W∞ k4-甲 I動 に 脚り 。 lrl ,1 tS綺 lhis week my responsibilities and role within the classroom increased significantly. Along with still I become a whole class teacher within ,the classroom increasingiy during the week, taking on responsibilities such as leading both a starter and plenary alongside intervention groups. These whole class lessons were planned by both the class teacher and me OS 8.4) ensuring that a collaborative approach could be achieved. Reflecting on such. experience has led me to value the wider team within the classroom, and see that it is vital that every member of staff has roles and responsibilities within every session [S 8.3). 丁his week the main focus was our parent cOnsultations on Tuesday and VVednesday, which gave me a valuable insight in to how systems work effectively to ensure parents contributions are taken seriously. I played a part within the myself wither aiding the main class teacher with the individual consultations ● talking with Other parents present about out dally routines and achievements within the nursery classroom. lt was a valuable experience for me to introduce myself and take a practitioner stance on the consultations, parents and carers were very positive about my presence within the classroorir and were more than happy to discuss their child's progress within the school CfS 8.5). 」 Another element of thii wbek's timetable was the need for us to complete literacy and.numeracy assessment for the children in order to submit Autumn 1 progression levels. Therefore my planned numeracy sessions were adapted to work as intervention activities, in order to gage the child's levels of development OS 6.2). The sessions worked well when adapted and proved very useful in'highlighting the children progression level on the development matter profiles. we found that Jome children had made progression by one or even two sub sublevels, yet some had yet to show sufficient skills and knowledge within numeracy and literacy to show such progression. Therefore within my own sessions this week, I aim to take on board the observations and assessments made this week in order to plan and deliver certain activities within the numeracy session CfS6.3). The discussions and activities from this week have ensured that I now have a better understanding of the seftings approach to assessment and parent provision os 6.1, 8.5). . ' 5 whole class lessons to be taught: whole class lessons, starter/ plenary and an intervention OR focus activity within the class. Geography PET task sound wark what sounds can we hear in our locar environment? - め atl′
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