「 欧州随一の物流ハブ:オランダ・アムステルダム空港 」

主催: オランダ経済省企業誘致局・オランダ大使館科学技術部・オランダ総領事館
協力: オランダ大使館経済部・エールフランス航空/KLM オランダ航空
― KLM オランダ航空 福岡空港就航記念セミナー ―
「 欧州随一の物流ハブ:オランダ・アムステルダム空港 」
2013 年 4 月 10 日(水) 14:30~18:00
ANA クラウンプラザホテル福岡 2 階 「クラウングランドボールルーム」
<<プ ロ グ ラ ム >>
受付・開場 Doors Open
Opening Remarks
総領事 ローデリック・ウォルス Mr. Roderick Wols, Consul General
The Netherlands: Gateway to Europe and Logistics
➤ オランダ経済省企業誘致局 駐日代表 ハンス カイパース
Mr. Hans Kuijpers, Director for Japan, Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA)
Using Schiphol as your logistical hub in Europe
➤アムステルダム・スキポール空港 貨物営業部長 サスキア・ファン・ペルト氏
Ms. Saskia van Pelt, Director Business Development Cargo, Schiphol Amsterdam Airport
Networking Coffee Break
The Netherlands: Smart Logistics
➤オランダ先進物流機構 国際渉外担当部長 リースベス・スタップス氏
Ms. Liesbeth Staps MSc, International Liaison Officer, Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (Dinalog)
■「KLM オランダ航空と日本:その長いおつきあい」
KLM and Japan: a long lasting relationship
➤エールフランス航空/KLM オランダ航空 インダストリーアカウントマネージャー 市川智之氏
Mr. Tomoyuki Ichikawa, Manager Air France KLM Cargo in Japan
Closing remarks
➤エールフランス航空/KLM オランダ航空 日本・韓国地区 ジェネラルマネージャー ニコラ・セニャ氏
Mr. Nicolas Saignat, General Manager Cargo, Air France KLM Cargo in Japan
名刺交換会 Networking reception (軽食とお飲み物をご用意しております)
《 講 演 者 ご 紹 介 》
■■ Hans Kuijpers ■■
(b.1966) graduated in 1992 from Leiden University in theNetherlands with
a Master's of Arts degree in Japanese Language and Culture. He also studied at the
Nagasaki Institute of Applied Sciences and was an exchange student at the Holland
Village in the Nagasaki Prefecture. In 2002 he became an official and sworn translator
of the Japanese language to the Court of Rotterdam. Mr. Kuijpers' professional
career started in 1993 at the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in
Kobe/Osaka and in 1996 he became Vice-Consul for Cultural Affairs. In 2001 he
switched to the corporate world and started working at Noritsu Koki, for which he was
active both in the Netherlands as the EDC and in Germany. As Manager Sales Support
and member of the European Management Team he decided to leave Noritsu in 2006.
From 2007 until mid 2010, Mr. Kuijpers was the Director of the SieboldHuis in Leiden.
In July 2010, he was appointed Executive Director of the Netherlands Foreign
Investment Agency at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo.
Mr. Kuijpers
Schiphol Amsterdam Airport
■■ Saskia van Pelt ■■
Ms. Van Pelt graduated from the Hanze College of Applied Sciences in Groningen. She
started her professional career in 2001 as Export Manager with Pemarsa S.A. in
Alicante, Spain. In 2004 Ms. Van Pelt moved back to the Netherlands to work as
Senior Project Manager at the Port Authorities of Rotterdam (Port of Rotterdam). As
Senior Marketing Manager at the Port of Rotterdam, she was responsible for strategic
business development for Northeast Asia, and in that capacity she organized many
visits of the Managing Board of the Port of Rotterdam to Japan, Republic of Korea and
China. In 2008 Ms. Van Pelt became the Director of Business Development of the
Schiphol Group, specifically in charge of cargo.
■■ Liesbeth Staps ■■
Ms. Staps has been with Dinalog as International Liaison Officer since Spring 2012. She
is responsible for international marketing and business development of Dutch logistics
knowledge and innovation, as well as building international partnerships. Before
Dinalog, Ms. Staps was Executive Director of the Netherlands Foreign Investment
Agency in UK & Ireland, where she was responsible for foreign direct investment into
the Netherlands by international companies. Previously, Ms. Staps has gained many
years of experience specialising in technology and business development throughout
Europe. Given the European position of the Netherlands in Europe, logistics has
always been a corner stone in her career. Ms. Staps holds a Masters of Science
degree in Industrial Design Engineering with a specialisation in Innovation
Management from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.
Profile of DINALOG:
The Netherlands has been a gateway to Europe based on the geographical position,
the mainports, well-developed infrastructure and logistics expertise. In 2020, the
Netherlands aims to be the European market leader in the coordination and control of
transnational flows of goods. To realize this ambition, innovation through collaboration
is required; between rail, road, air and sea transport. Between researchers and
logistics professionals, in and across supply chains. Dinalog, the Dutch Institute for
Advanced Logistics is a public-private initiative in which logistics service providers, port
authorities and knowledge institutions work together to innovate logistics and supply
chain management in the Netherlands. Dinalog implements the National Program of
Innovation in Logistics and initiates and facilitates R&D and demonstration projects,
knowledge dissemination to the sector as well as education in logistics and supply
chain management and provides a physical innovation work environment. Dinalog,
driven by open innovation.
Air France/KLM Cargo
Tomoyuki Ichikawa ■■
Mr. Ichikawa (b. 1968) graduated from Sophia University in Japan in 1992. He majored
in French Literature and joint the Cargo Handling Department of KLM Royal Dutch
Airlines in 1992. Mr. Ichikawa has had an impressive career within the company and
transferred respectfully to the Cargo Customer Service Department (1993), the Cargo
Sales Department (1995) and to the Business Unit Air Logistics/Vertical Industries
(1997/2001). Mr. Ichikawa has gained considerable experience within the cargo
domain and knows how to provide tailor made logistic solutions for the many global
customers of Air France KLM Cargo.
Air France/KLM Cargo
■■ Nicolas Saignat ■■
Mr. Saignat (b. 1976) graduated in 2000 from the Mines of Saint Etienne in France
with a Master’s degree in Engineering and Management. He also studied at the
Technische Universität of Berlin in Germany after having initiated the exchange
program in between the two universities. He joined Air France in 2000, in the passage
activity, being in charge of several projects related to online distribution. He joined Air
France Cargo in Revenue Management and worked on the merge with KLM Cargo. In
2004, he was appointed Commercial Manager for France, based in Paris. In 2008, he
moved to KLM Cargo Headquarters in Amsterdam, being responsible for setting tailor
made logistics solutions per industry for global customers. He has been assigned
Market Manager Japan and the Republic of Korea in August 2012.