(まじめ右こ 本学は、昭和82年度文部省から、「外国図書購入費(大型コレクション)」 の予算配付をうけ、r世界民間伝承文献集成」(Literature of Folklore)を購入 することができました。 コレクションは、マイクロ・フイルム820リールからなる文字通り「世界」の 「民間伝承」に関する文献を集めたもので、回書資料として見た場合、3,242部 約4,000冊の図書、78タイトルの雑誌に相当するものであります。 Fドイツ民間信仰大事典J全10巻、及びrグリム昔話注釈書J全5巻に栂載さ れた文献目録(Literaturverzeichnis)に基づく民俗学の膨大なコレクションで、 昔話、神話、伝説、動物寓話、謎、諺、バラード、民謡、童謡等の「口承文芸」 から、「民間信仰」r民間医療」「占星術」等のジャンルにも及んでいます。 さらに、地域的にも、当初ヨーロッパ中心に集成されていましたが、最近のも のは、北米、南米、アフリカ等の資料も収められ、年代的にも、15世紀後半から、 現代までに通じており、名実ともに「世界」の「民間伝承」に関する文献集成と なっています。 このような文献が大いに共同利用されることによって、世界の諸民族の文化の 研究が進み、異文化間の教育、国際理解を必要とする教育の場において寄与する ところも大きいものと考えられます。 本学としては、全国の研究者諸氏の利用に供せられるように日録を作成するこ とを責務と考え、整理作業を進め、今日冊子目録として刊行の運びとすることが できました。 最後に、本コレクションの購入経費を配付していただいた文部省学術国際局学 術情報課に対して深謝するものであります。 1989年9月 奈良教育大学附属図書館長 赤 井 達 郎 目 次 1.(まじめをこ 2. 月.伊リ 3. 略語表 4_ 略書 く誌) 名リ _ス ト 5. 区l啓 一 雑誌論文著者索弓l 6. 雑誌索弓l 1 4 0 ノミL 伊リ 1.目録の構成は、図書・雑誌論文の部と、雑誌の部から成っている。 2.文献の配列は、添付されていた目録カードをもとに、著者主記入方式におい て第一のアクセス・ポイントとなる著者名(著者のない場合書名)=主標目を アルファベット順に並べたものである。 3.文献の記述は、簡略記入方式とした。書誌事項として採ったのは、主横目以 外では、書名・(シリーズ名,巻号)・出版地・(出版社)・出版年である。 文献の中には、雑誌の一論文とか、著作の一部というものがあるため、これら については、当該の雑誌名・著作名を略称で示し()で括って表記してある。 これについては、略書(諾)名リストとして一覧表をっけ、文献番号を示し、 対応関係を示した。 4.文献の記述において、ドイツ語・フランス語・スペイン語・オランダ語・ス ウェーデン語・ノルウェー語等における装飾文字(例.ウムラウト、アクサン ターギュ等)については、その表記については、装飾を外した形で記述した。 5.文献の記述において、ロシア語・アラビア語等非ローマ字系のものについて は、これをローマ字に翻字して表記した。 6.文献の記述例は、以下の二種類である。 ① 文献番号 主榎目(著者名,生没年) 書名(シリーズ名,巻号)版表示. 出版地.出版年、 一一一[請求記号] ② 文献番号 主標目(書名)/著者事項.版表示.一一出版地,出版年. 一一一[請求記号] 〔記述例〕 1243 GriⅧ,Jakob Ludwig Karl,1785−1863. Kinder−und Hausmarchen.26.Auf1.−−Berlin.1894. −…[40ト2] 1487 Frafnkels saga Freysgoda.Saga af Hrafnkeli Freysgoda. 2.udg.一一Kopenhagen,1847.‥−[492−2] 7.参照記入は、文献番号の位置に“‡‡‡”で示してある。 8.文献の請求記号は、〔〕に括って示してある。マイクロフィルムのロール 番号と、そのロールの中の順序番号からなっている。 9.文献記述中で使用した略語は、別表の通りである。 B& &E&<D$Ma5,i&tPlz&mZ tlT^ Zi&m(,hbbre\iia.\. a : am a b b i l d : a bbildungen a b p : arch ib ishop A p r : Apr il A r h : Arhang A u f 1 : A uf lage A u s g : Ausgabe b : birth b a r t : baronet B . C . : Before Chr ist B d : Band B d e : Bande b e a r b : bearbeiten (t) b e g r : begrundet b p : b ishop B G : Bow ling Green c a : c irca(L=about) C a l : Ca lifornia c e n t : century c o m p : compiled d : d ied (A ^ i), der (1i J i) D e c : December D e d t : Department D ( d ) i s s : D(d)issertation D r : Doctor e d : ed ited E n g : England e n l : enlarged e r 1 : er lautert e r n : erneuert e r w : erwe itert e t a l . : et alii(L=and others) e t c : et cetera F : Fo lk livstud ie f : from F a c : Facsim ile f 1 : flourished F l a : Florida F r i : Friday H t : Heft h r s g : herausge?eben i : im i . e . : id est(L=that is) I l l : Illino is i m p r : imprin ted,- inting.-essions I n d : Ind iana i n a u g : inaugura l i z d : izdatel'stvo J ( j ) : J (j)ournaK s) J a n : January J g : Jahrgang J u l : July K y : Kentucky ions) ©-K^T'<fc 3 L i b : Library l i b : libri M : Wain M a s s : Massacheusetts M e : M exico M o : M issour i n e u b e a r b : neubearbeitet. eiten N . F . : Neue Folge N . H . : New Haven N . J . : New Jersey n o : number N o u v : Nouveaux N r : N unrn er n . s . : new series N . Y . : New York O r i g : Originalle P a : Pennsylvan ia p o d : podstavno i p r e s : presen ted P r o f : Professor p s e u d : pseudnym P t : Part p t s : parts P u b : Published r e d : redaktor r e n d : rendering r e p r : repr inted,repr inting r e v : revised s . a . : sine anno S . C . : South Carolina s . 1 . : sine loco s e l : se lected s e r : series S t : Saint S T C : Short Title Cata log t : tom e T e n n : Tenness ie T e x : Texas T l : Teil t r : translated u : und u b e r s : ubersetzungen u d g : udgave u m g e a r b : umgearbeitete U n i v : Un iversity U . S . : Un ited States v : vo lume, von(German) v a : Virgin ia v e r a : veranderter v e r b : verbearbe itete v e r m : verra ehrte v e r o u w : verouwel w&WF CSSO 1 ^S V ;x. h> A : Antiques. (89,93.156.699,799,861.945,1134,1472,1587.2141,2143.2269 2275-6. 2798. 2917. 3001) 2 AA : Art inAmerica. (87.88,92) 3 AAAPSS : Annals of the American Academy of Politics and Social Sciences. (2720) 4 ABC : American Book Collection. (3112) 5 AD : L'Architecture d'aujoud'hui. (1131) 6 AD1 : Architectural Design. (2997) 7 AJL. : American Fabrics. (733) 8 AH : Appalachian Heritage. (2158,2474) 9 A_L : American Literature. (1258.1981) 10 AM : Atlantic Monthly. (968.1483.2393,2489) l AN : Appalachian Notes. (1169,2442) 12 AN1 : ArtNews. (2701) 13 ANQ : American Notes kQueries. (2045) 14 ANKE : AusNatur undKulturder Eifel. (3200) 15 AR : AntiochReview. (606) 16 AR1 : Architectural Review. (2050) 17 ASLB : Academic Services Library Bulletin. (3120-2) 18 AUUB : Arbeitstexte fur der Unterricht : Universal-Bibliothek. (2073. 2118) 19 A_V : Albae Vigilfae. (1633) 20 _B : Bookman. (662) 21 BATT : Biblioteca de Autores y Temas Tachirenses. (2396) 22 BCCU : Biblioteca Cajica de Cultura Universal. (1041) 23 BEM : Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. (2379.2674) 24 BEP : Biblioteca Etnografii Polskiej. (2878) 25 BGB : Bibliotheque du Glaneur Breton. (2661) 26 BHDL : Brandstetters Heimatbucher Deutscher Landschaften. (2613) 27 BHG : Better homes and Gardens. (2655) 28 BHK : Back Home in Kentucky. (1171,1395,3189) 29 BHPSO : Bulletin of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. (2327) 30 31 32 BHR BING BLVS 33 34 JBM : BNBD 35 36 BNPL BP I 37 38 39 BPV B_Q. : BSL : Business : Bulletin : Bibliothek History Review. (2080) de 1'Institut National Genevois. (812) des Literarischen Vereins in Stuttgart. (2042,2342 2385. 2444. 2905. 2991. 3027) Bibliotheque du Merveilleux. (2547.2773) : Boletin nicaraguense de bibliografia y docuraentacion. (713, 2280.2559) : Bulletin of the NewYork Public Library. (2015) CC : Biblioteca de Publicaciones del Instituto Cayo y Cuerro. (2091, 2099) : Biblioteca Popular Venezolano. (2205) Brea Quarterly. (432) : Benn's Sixpenny Library. (3203); 40 BSSSLADDS 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 BSUV C : Del 52 53 54 55 de laSociete de Statitique. Sciences et Arts du Department des Deux Sevres. : Bibliographical Society of the University Calibe. (1019) Colophon. (1176) Conoisseur. (708) Cosmopolitan. (1482) Camera. (3154) Coleccion Azteca. (1991) Christian Century. (520,909.2699) : Coleccion Crisol. (2188) : Coleccion Camino de Santiago. (2505) Cuadernos de Divulgacion. (Chile Universidad. C£ popular.) (2341) CE : Comments on Etymology. (2441) CF : Cadernos do Folclore. (435.2043.2458,2786,3186) CFPF : Contributions au Folklore des Provinces CM : Cornhill 3178,3179) Magazine. CM1 CMB COS 62 63 64 65 CVOE 67 DF Q277. Museo : Collection : Danmarks 2089. 2131, des de arte de France. voyageurs occidentaux en Egypte. American Biography. (2620) of the American Revolution Magazine. Folksminder. 2199. (2658; (2680) (361,821,885,1125,1177,2181,2202.2543,3073. 1591,2138) D. : Domus. (2086) D1 : Docket. (1686) DAB : Dictionary"of DARM : Daughters (2780) of Virginia. Christian Messenger. (2844) Colecao Museus Brasileiros. (2128) Colophon, Original Series. (3135) CP : Colecao Paulista. (2434) CR : Contemporary review. (1437) CSRCB Culture et societe revue de la civilisation 56 57 58 59 60 61 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 : Bulletins Lettres 2200, (328, 2207-9, 375-6, 2271-2, 632-3, 2352, brundaise. (2234) (2144) 936, 1142. 1342, 1593, 2602-3, 2948. 3007-8, DF S : Danmarks FolksraindeSaraling. (937) DL-DS : Deutsche Literatur.Deutsche Sagen. (2147-9) DM : Dublin Magazine. (800) : Deutsche National-Literatur. (3185) Dublin Review. (1966) : Deutscher Sagenschatz. (3230-1) Deutsche Volkslied. (2041) : Deutsche Volkheit. (3229) Etudes et Comraentaire. (3042) : Extrait du Corpus du Folklore Prehistorique. (1267) Estudos. Eusaios e Documentos. (2468) Everyman's Library : Romances. (2296) Ex Oriente Lux... (3208) Erasmus Press Publication. (2660) Encyclopedia of Religions and Ethics. (2891) Entsklopedicheskii Slovar'. (2732) ESMCF : Bstudios Sobre Materiales de la Collecion de Folklore. EUQ : Emory University Quarterly. (2361) JF : Fabula. (2940) FCHQ : Filson Club History Quarterly. (2140,2146,2401,3003.3129) FHQ : Florida Historical Quarterly. (,71) FML : la France Merveilies et Legenda'ire. (2662) VI 1726, 3227) (2107) FPF : Folklore des Provinces de France. (2664) FRSO : Fruhe Reisen und Seefahrten in Originalberichten. (2115) FSLP : Folk-lore Society, London. Publications. (2251) GHQ : Georgia Historical Quarterly. (72.3023) GL : Grimm Library. (3123) GN : Germanic Notes. (2152) H. : Hobbies. (342) HB : House Beautiful. (908) HFB : Hoosier Folklore Bulletin. (1535,3103) HG : House and Garden. (1332,2413,2698) HNMM : Harper's New Monthly Magazine. (759.1270.1883,3134) HP : Historic Preservation. (1606.3173) HV :Handbucher zur Volkskunde. (2562) HW : Harper's Weekly. (456) X : Interiors. (3056) I B : Insel Bucherei. (2578) I D : Interior Design. (2697) IHC : Indiana Historical Collections. (3187) I HSP : Indiana Historical Society. Publications. (2267) I JHP : Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (31) I MH : Indiana Magazine of History. (210,2492.2875) I NM : Indian Notes and Monographs. (2760) I NMM : Indian Notes and Monographs : Miscellaneous. (2790) IRF : Islenzk rit i frurogerd. (2170) .1AF : Journal of American Folklore. (374.2423) JAP : Journal of Abnormal Psychology. (2632) JHUSHPS : Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Historical and Political Science. (2077) J I SHS : Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. (957) J PG : Juristische-Psychiatrische-Grenzfragen. (2584) JWCBRS : Journal of West China Border Research Society. (1216) K. : Kunstwerk. (2102) KFR : Kentucky Folklore Records. (14.62.413-421.467,505,530,533.540, 645-8, 682,718,721,741.755, 838.863,881, 938,961. 1059, 1138. 1228. 1231. 1235, 1254, 1291-4, 1321, 1333, 1349. 1421, 1477, 1481. 1498, 1534, 1536-7. 1603, 1754, 1788, 1912. 1944, 1993, 1999.2035,2096-8,2106. 2123. 2142. 2177. 2228-31, 2242. 2266. 2268, 2284-7. 2312, 2356. 2382. 2415. 2473. 2475-86. 2528. 2733, 2737, 2789, 2802. 2818, 2822, 2827, 2833. 2853, 2857, 2874, 2883. 2887. 2890, 2921, 2926, 2935. 2939. 2977. 2985, 3084. 3097, 3131,3142-6.3149-52,3160-7, 3171,3175,3190-4) KFS : Kentucky Folklore Series. (2922.3159) KK : Kentucky Kernel. (1441,2616) KMMARWN : Koninkijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika Annalen. Reeks in 8< Wetterschippen van de Mens. (429.3021) KP : Kentucky Parks. (1066) KPM : Kentucky Progress Magazine. (1944,3188) KR : Kentucky Review. (499,620) KWSGW : Kleiner Wunder-Schauplata der Geheimen Wissenschaften. (2022) L. : Look. (2305) LA : LivingAge. (1966) LC : Louisville Courier-Journal. (2487,3085) LCM : Louisville Courier-Journal Magazine. (2187) LD : Library Digest. (109,1773) LEBA : Leba. (855) LH : Lexington Herald. (948,2108,2704,2726) VI L.I : Library Journal. (1990) LM : Letras Mexicanas. (2053) LM1 : Lesbok Morgunbladsins. (1519) LP : Les Litteratures Populaires. (2665) LPTN : Les litteratures populaires de toutes 2670) LT : Louisville Times. (2767) M : McCall's. (2700) MA : Magazine of Art. (1907) MAFS : Memoirs of the American Foklore Society. 2243-5. 2845. 3136) MAPACD MCBASHL MCEFM 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 : Museo de Arte (2117) Popular Americano. : Museo du Congo Beige. Annales. Linguistique. (2036) : Monografias del Centro de Estudios (2239) les nations. (2212,2214. (283-5.372-3,921, Cuadernos Sciences Folcloricos de Divulgacion. de I'homme. y Musicales. MF : Midwest Folklore. (1243) Museo del Hombre Dominicano. Boletin. (37,2233,3033) MHDB Massachusetts Historical Society. Proceedings. (2121,2769,3028) MHSP MMAB Metropolitan Museum of Art. Bulletin. (1668) MPDS Memoires Presentes par Divers Savants. (2644) MCi : Musical Quarterly. (95) MRACASH : Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Annales. Sciences Humaines. (2085, 2154, 2803-4, 2908, 3018-20. 3022) MRCBASHL : Musee Royal du Congo Beige. Annales. Science de l'Homme Linguistique. (2514,2989) MX : Michigan Today. (1123,3195) N. : Nation. (1994) NCAB : National'Cyclopedia of American Biography. (1807) NCF : North Carolina Folklore. (2253,2255) NEHGR : New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (732,2460, 3082) NEM : New England Magazine. (427-8,463,1834.2346,2416) NEQ : New England Quarterly. (1102,3076,3099,3118) N_K : Neprajzi Kozlemenyek. (2133) NL : Neusprachliche Lesebogen. (2649) NL1 : Northern Library. (2868) NNR : Niles' National Register. (2247,2719) N_Q_ : Notes and Queries. (1808.2180) NJR : Niles' Register. (1832.2715.2718) Nile's Weekly Regista. (2033,2716-7) NWR NYF New York Folklore. (1693) New York History. (1772,2357,2542,2834) NYH NYPLB : NewYork Public Library. Bulletin. (2157) 0. : Opusculum. (1589.1961) OAHQ : Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. (225,430,1856, 1928, 1930, 2400) OM : Overland Monthly. (2195) QMSGM : Ottendorfer Memorial Series of Germanic Monographs. (2805) ONE : Old-time New England. (946) OSAHQ : Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. (2168, 2333) OVFP : Ohio Valley Folk Publications/ (2928.2931,2933.2936-7) P : Pastimes. (1012) VI 181 P1 1 82 P2 183 PA PAFC PCDF PFS PL : PMAB PMHB PSMRF PSSTP Phonews. (Southern Bell Telephone Co.). (1627.2162) Philologus. (2508) Pesquisas, Antropologia. (2291-2) : Publications of the American Folklore Center. (1992,2756) : Publicacoes da Campanha de Defesa do Folclore. (2743) : Publications of the Folklore Society. (2869.3202) Poet Lore. (300,1370.1861,2046) : Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin. (2722) : Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. (128,1062.1521) : Popular Studies in Mythology, Romance and Foklore. (2189) : Publications de la Societe Suisse des Traditions Populaires. (3242) PTFS : Publications of the Texas Folklore Society. (2942) QR : Quarterly Review. (1205) RA : Revue Archeologique. (2051) RAPH : Recherches d'Archeologie de Philosophie et d'Histoire. (3068) RASAANACCE : Revista de Antropologia. Seccion de Antropologia del Nucleo del Azuay de la Casa de la Cultura Educatoriana. (1751,2196,2395. 2430) : Revue de deux mondes. (352-5,2094) Razon y fabula. (2219) : Romanischen Forschungen. (3040) : Der Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. (91) Rural Kentuckian. (1238) RKHS : Register of the Kentucky Historical Society. (941.1612,2183, 2461, 2829, 3128) RLMOP : Rhodes-Livingstone Museum. Occasional Papers. (443,2814,2994, 3130) RTUSDA : A Run Through the U.S. During the Autumn of 1840. (2021) RVDCG : Religibnsgeschichtliche Volksbucher fur die Deutsche Christliche Gegenwart. (2165) RVV : Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten. (2290,2343, 2362,2587, 2606, 2615,2800,3071, 3108-9, 3212) S_ : Survey. (3093) S1 : Smithsonian. (3152) SA : Society in America. (2000) SCSBHG : Slow Cooking Stews, Better Homes and Gardens. (914) SDV : Siebenburgisch Deutsche Volksbucher. (2111) SEP : Studien zur Englischen Philologie. (2507) S F : Svenska Fornminnesplatser. (1320.2173.2831.2946,3117.3234) 5HAWPHK : Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. (2570) S UB : Schriften des Institutem Judaicura in Berlin. (2847) SKAWWPHK : Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserische Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. (3094) SL : Southern Living. (2338) SLFP-F : Svenska Litteratursallskapet i Finland. Publikationer. Folkhivstudie. (2119) SM : Scribner's Monthly. (2224) SMRG : Sammlung Metzler. Realienbucher fur Germanisten. (2510) SQ : Shakers Quarterly. (215-221,246-8,364,556-9.634.704-5,734.933, 1010, 1024, 1355-6, 1420, 1564-7. 1854, 1908-10.2023. 2025-32.2044. 2139. 2252. 2254, 2322-3, 2368, 2375-8. 2550, 2568, 2766, 3002. 3137. 3158, 3220) SR : Southern Review. (784) SS : Scenic South. (2694.2724-5) IX SSCR : Stockholm 2175. 2261, SSEMSM : Stockholm (2533) ST : Shaker Tracts. SUHVL : Skrifter Studies 3232) in Comparative Statens Religion. etnografiska (2277) utg. av Humanistiska (906.1555-6.1584. Museum. Smarne Meddelanden. Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund. (2166) SUG : Spezialsammlungen der Universitatsbibliothek Giessen. (2635) SUSLF : Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Litteratursallskapet : Finland. (2176) X : Travel. (1301) TCCSR : Twentieth Century Classics and School Readings. (706) TDSA : Texti fi Documentii per lo Studio del1*Artichita. (2560) TMAMEEDS : Travaux et Memoires des Anciens Membres Etrangers de l'Ecole et de Divers Savants. (2775) TPR : Tradizioni Popolari Romane. (3226) TSA.J : Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. (3059-61) TSB : The Tibet Society Bulletin. (868.2988) TSM : Texte des Spaten Mittelalters. (2354) UER.1RA : Uurimusi Eesti Regivarsi Ja Rahvajutu Alalt. (2549) UODERCC : Universidad de Oriente. Departamento de Extension y Relaciones Culturales. Cuadernos. (2172) USBAEAR : U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology. Annual Reports. (1015) USBLB : U.S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin. (1626) V. : Vi. (1653) V I DV : Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur (2273-4, 2591, 2609, 2739-40, 2787. 2820, 3141, 3197-9,3237) VKV : Veroffentlichungen der Kommission fur VOMV : Veroffen'tlichungen des Ostereichischen (2599, 2608. 2610-1,2637. 2795) WCF : West Country Folklore. (226,464-6,823.1253) WHR : Western Humanities Review. (133) WM : Western Miscellany. (1224,1433) WMCQHM : William and Mary College Quarterly Deutsche 2840-1. 2852. Volkskunde. Museums Volkskunde. 2879. 3107. (2040) fur Volkskunde. Historical Magazine. (1580) WR : Westminster Review. (2156) X : Yankee. ((292,1486,1607,1729) YULG : Yale University Library Gazette. (90) ZDGKWP : Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Gesellschaft schaft in Posen. (1662) fur Kunst und Wissen- 1 CAD Abadia Morales, Guillermo. La musica folklorica colombiana.-Bogota, 1973.-[596-1] 2 Abbott, George Frederick. Macedonian folklore. -Cambridge, 1903. -[403-4] 3 Abbreviamentum statutorum. -London, 1499.-[719-2] 4 Abercromby, John, baron, 1841-1924. The pre- and proto-historic Finns...-London, 1898.-[414-6] 5 Abt, Adam. Die Apologie des Abuleius von Madaura und antike Zauberei. -Giessen, 1908.-[14-2] 6 Abulcasis, 936?-1013? Methodus medendi certa, clara et brevis.-Basileae, 1541.-[773-5] 7 Achebe. Chinua. How the leopard got his claws.-Enugu, Nigeria, 1972.-[318-1] 8 Aclocque, Charles Paul Jacques, (pseud. D'Amezeuil) Legendes bretonnes : souvenirs du morbihan.-Paris, 1863.-[381-2] 9 Recits bretons.-Paris. 1863.-[381-1] 10 Acosta Saignes, Miguel. Estudios de folklore venezolano.-Caracas, 1962.-[472-3] l Activitatea stintifica a universitat din Cluj-Napoca 1919-1973. (Biblioteca centrala universitara).-Cluj-Napoca, 1974.-[678-3] 12 Adam of Bremen, d.1075. ...Historia ecclesiastica, continens religionis propagatae gesta, quae a temporibus Karoli Magni -Lugduni Batavorum, 1595.-[173-3] 13 Adams, William Henry Davenport, 1828-1891. Witch, warlock, and magician.-New York, 1899.-[350-7] 14 Adkins, Genevieve. Early history and legends of Green County. (KFK.8-3). -Bowling Green, Ky, 1962.-[795-15] 15 Aesopus. 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Hillbilly talk : southern Appalachian speech as literary the writings of Mary Noailles Murfree.-(AH,12-3).-s. 1.. dialect 1984. in [778 Niederhoffer, A Mecklenburgs Volkssagen... (4 v. ).-Leipzig. 1848-72.-[108-2] Nielsen, Frederik. Arnajarak. -Kopenhagen. 1948. -[651-14] Nigroraatisches Kunstbuch...der wahrhaftige Bnglische Schlussel Salomonis ...-Koln ara Rhein, 1743.-[272-7] Niles, John Jacob. John Jacob Niles. (PI,Winter 1964/65).-Louisville, 1964/65. -[778-16] John Jacob Niles collection / Kentucky Univ. Library.-Lexington, 1983. -[715-1, 825-1] Nilsson, Martin Persson, 1874Griechische Feste von religioser Bedeutung.-Leipzig, 1906.-[21-4] Primitive religion. (RVDCG,3-13/14). -Tubingen, 1911. -[21-5] Primitive time-reckoning. (SUHVL, 1). -Lund, 1920. -[272-3] Nisard, Charles. 1808-1889. Histoire des livres populaires, ou de la litterature der depuis le XVe Siecle jusqu' a 1'etablissement... (2 v.).-Paris. 1854.-[361] Nixon, Edgar B The Zoar Society. 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Nogle grundsaetninger for sagnforsking. (DF,23)-Kopenhagen, 1921. 2209 Olsen, 2210 Opsata, 2197 2198 2199 2200 220L 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 -[411-13] J ...Fra Sydsjaelland. (DF,12).-Kopenhagen, 1913.-[411-6] Lars. From woods and fields : a collection of stories.-Gonvick, Minn., 1981?. - [675-2] Opusculum repertorii pronosticon in mutationes aeris tarn via astrologica quam metheoroJogica. -Veneti is, 1485.-[695-7] Orain, Adolphe. Contes de 1' llIe-et-Vilaine. (LPTN,42).-Paris, 1901.-[440-5] Curiosites, croyances, superstitions, chansons, et coutumes de T Ille-et-Vilaine. -Rennes. 1890. -[440-6] Folk-lore de 1' Ille-et-Vilaine. (2 v.) (LPTN,33~34).-Paris, 1897-98. -[441-1] Orbach, Barbara C Rhymes of children Orta, : a selected bibliography...-Washington, 1980. [651 Garcia d', 1501?-1568. Aromatum, et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum apud Indos nascentium historia... -Antverpiae, 1567. -[773-1] Ortiz Fernandez, Fernando. Hampa afro-cubana. 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The influence of inspiration and discipline upon the development of the Shaker spiritual. (SQ.6-3).-s. 1. , 1966.-[823-12] Inspiration and authority in the development of the Shaker spiritual. (NCF, 13-1~2).-Chapel Hill. 1965.-[802-2] -95- 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 The Shakers' Turtle Creek 'sundry strange to Busro : notes tunes'. (SQ,1-1). -s. 1., 1961.-[759-12] on Shaker ballads.(NCF,3).-s.1.. 1955. -[802-4] Patterson. Sandra R. Medical terminology from Greek and Latin.-Troy,N.Y., 1978.-[673-11] Paul, Emmanuel Casseus. Panorama du folklore haitien.-Port au Prince, 1962.-[413-4] Paul, Hermann. Grundriss der gerraanischen Philologie...2. verb, und verm. Aufl. -Strassburg. 1900. -[247-1] Paullini, Christian Franz, 1643-1711. Heilsame Dreck-Apotheke... -Frankfurt a.M. , 1696. -[615-6] Heilsame Dreck-Apotheke... (2 v. ).-Stuttgart, 1847. -[276-2] Paulson, Ivar. 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(BNBD,51). Pena Hernandez. Enrique. Panorama masayense : ensayo -Managua, folklorico. 1983. -[754-4] -Masaya, Nicaragua, 1957. -[527-4] Pen field, Frederic Courtland. 1855-1922. Present-day Egypt. -New York, 1899. -[769-1] Pennsylvania folklife and folk arts / Office of folklife festivals, Pennsy1vania. -Harrisburg, 1983. -[760-6] Penrod, James H The folk hero as prankster in the old southwestern yams. (KFR,2-1). -Bowling Green. 1956.-[742-4] Two aspects of folk speech in southwestern humor. (KFR,3-4). -Bowling Green, 1947.-[760-19] Two types of incongruity in old southwestern humor. (KFR.4-4). -Bowling Green, 1958.-[772-16] Women in the old southwestern yams. (KFR,1-2).-Bowling Green, 1955. -[742-6] Perbose, Antonin, 1861Contes de Gascogne. -Paris, 1954. -[386-3] Percy, Thomas, bp. of Dromore, 1729-1811. Bishop Percy's folio manuscript. Ballads and romances. (3 v.). -London, 1867-68. -[607-2] Perdelwitz, Brail Richard, 1869Die Mysterienreligion und das Problem des I. Petrusbriefes. 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Choix de contes de fees.-Paris, 1936.-[408-5] Perrault' s popular tales. -Oxford, 1888.-[408-4] Perrin, Alfred H The Weather ford-Hanmond mountain collection of Berea College. -Berea, Ky. , 198-?.-[804-13] Pessagno Espora, Mario A Los Fueguinos. -Buenos Aires, 1971. -[340-1,412-6] Peter, Anton. Volksthumliches aus Osterreich-Schlesien. -Troppau, 1865. -[273-6] -97- Peter, John, 1917Shaker revival. (L,28-24). -Des Moines, 1964. -[712-2] Peters, Hermann, 1847Aus pharmazeutischer Vorzeit in Bild und Wort. (2 v.) --Berlin, 1889-1891.-[21-7] Peterson, Aleksei. Zur finnougrischen Volkskunde. -Tallinn, 1985. -[817-8] Peterson, Christian, 1802-1872. Hufeisen und Rosstrappen. -Kiel, 1867. -[276-8] Petitjean Roget, Jacques. Le Gaoule...--Fort de France, 1966.-[319-5] PetriG. e.Peters), Friedrich, 1549-1617. Der Teutschen Weissheit... --Hamburg, 1605. -[754-6] Petrovic. Vojislav Maksim, 18857-1934. Hero tales and legends of the Serbians.-London, 1914.-[432-3] Pettis, Joyce. 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(SQ,1-2).-s. 1., 1961. -[759-18] Philbrook, Eleanor. A brief history of the Shaker post office, Sabbathday Lake, Maine. (SQ,4).-s. 1. , 1964.-[801-23] Philippson, Ludwig, 1811-1889. Die Religion der Gesellschaft und die Entwicklung der Menschheit zu ihr,...-Leipzig, 1848.-[626-1] Philippson, Paula. Untersuchungen uber den griechischen Mythos.-Zurich, 1944. -[626-4] Phillips, Hazel Spencer, 1896Richard the Shaker. -Lebanon. 1972.-[741-16] Shaker records. (BHPSO. 18-1). -s. 1.. 1960. -[822-1] The Shakers. -Lebanon, 1959. -[689-55] Philosophia colus...-Leipzig, 1662.-[163-1] -98- Pickard, Madge B The midwest pioneer, his ills, cures and doctors,-Crawfordsvilie, 1945. -[663-6] Pidgeon, William. Traditions of De-coo-dah. And antiquarian researches...-New 1858. -[522-51 Pieper, Richard. Volksbotanik... -Gumbinnen, 1897. -[272-5] Piercy, Harry D. Shaker medicines. (OSAHQ,63-4). -s. 1. , 1954. -[712-17] Pierre, Constant Victor Desire, 1855-1918. 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(Manuscript in National Library of Medicine). -s.1., 1516?.-[819-3] Prescott, James S Death list of the United Society of Believers, North Union, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 1827-1888. (SQ,2-4).-s. 1. , 1962.-[777-9] Preuss, Julius. Biblisch-talmudische Medizin.-Berlin. 1911.-[165-1] Preuss, Konrad Theodor, 1869...Die geistige Kultur der Naturyolker.-Leipzig, 1914.-[149-5] Primerose, James, d.1660. The antimoniall cup twice cast. A treatise concerning the antimoniall cup shewing the abuse thereof.-London, 1640.-[615-4] Prins, Adriaan Hendrik Johan. Bast African age-class systems.-Groningen, 1953.-[789-3] Prior, Richard Chandler Alexander, 1809-1902. Ancient Danish ballads. (3 v.).-London, 1860.-[695-5] -1 00- 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 Profile, Heinrich. Unterharzische Sagen. --Aschersleben, 1856. -[151-2] Proper, David R Bibliography of Shaker periodical literature. (SQ,4-4,5-1). -S.1.. 1964-65.-[824-8] Two great inventions. (SQ,4-3). -s. l., 1964.-[823-23] More notes on "lost communities". (SQ.6-2).-s. 1., 1966.-[823-14] Shaker "dances" and negro "shoube". (SQ.6-4). -s. 1. , 1966. -[823-9] Proverbs. (BEM,88). -s. l.. 1860. -[708-6] Una provincia folklorica... / por Socrates Nolasco; conferencia organizada por el Departamento de Extension y Relaciones Culturales, de la Univ., el dia 19 de Junio de 1952.-Santiago de Cuba, 1952.-[593-3] Psellus, Michael. Psellus de lapidum virtutibus graece et latina cum notis phil. lac. Maussauci et. Juan. -Steph. Bernard Lugduni Batavorum, 1745. -[284-4] Pureell, Janice. "Pearl Bryan" and "The jealous lover". (KFR,12-1).-Bowling Green, 1966. -[803-21 Purviance, Levi. The biography of elder David Purviance, with his memoirs... -Kimberlin Heights, 1940.-[824-25] -1 01- 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 Quanter, Rudolf. Das weib in den religionen der volker unter berucksichtigung der einzelnen kulte und sitten. 2....Aufl.-Berlin. 1912.-[625-1] Quatre fiIs Aimon. Die Heimonskinder in deutscher Ubersetzung des 16. Jahrhunderts / hrsg. von Albert Bachmann. (BLVS, 156). -Tubingen, 1895.-[479-3] Reinolt von Montelban. Die Heimonskinder / hrsg. von Friedrich Pfaff. -Tubingen, 1885. -[609-1] Renaus de Montauban. Die Haimonskinder, altfranzosische gedicht, nach den... / hrsg. von Heinrich Michelant...-Stuttgart, 1862.-[608-2] Quenstedt, Friedrich August von, 1809-1889. Handbuch der raineralogie. -Tubingen, 1855. -[22-2] Quercy, Jean. Contes de la vieille France.-Paris, 1945.-[315-4] Quintanilla Young, Victor. Bl amigo de todos.-s. 1., 1971.-[598-5] Quitzmann. Ernst Anton, 1809-1879. Die heidnische Religion der Baiwaren.-Leipzig, 1860.-[272-4] -1 02- 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 Raderroacher, ...Beitrage Ludwig. zur Volkskunde aus dera klassischen -[277-7] Altertum.-Wien, 1918. Raffensperger, Mrs. E. Shaker John. (AM,30).-s. 1. , 1872.-[801-8] Ralston, William Ralston Shedden, 1828-1889. Russian folk-tales. -London, 1873. -[706-6] Ramirez Salcedo. Carlos. Algunas consideraciones sobre la rausica folklorica. (RASAANACCE,7). -Cuenca, 1981. -[744-9] Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe, 1913Folklore tachirense. (BATT.25). -Caracas, 1961. -[413-2] Ramsawack, Al. Forest folklore of Trinidad & Tobago.-Port-of-Spain. 1980.-[796-2] Ramsay, Allan, 16867-1758. The ever green : a collection of Scots poems.-Glasgow,1876.-[609-2] The tea-table miscellany. A collection of choice songs, Scots & English. (2 v.).-Glasgow, 1871.-[610] Randall, Emilius 0 Shakers and the Ohio Historical Society. (OAHQ,13)-s. 1., 1904.-[823-11] Randies, Raymond J The Shaker harvest in Kentucky. (FCHQ,37).-Louisville, 1963.-[801-1] Randolph, Innis. 0, I'm a good old rebel.-Lexington, 1975.-[826-4] Ranisch, Wilhelm. Eddalieder. mit Grammatik...Neudruck.-Leipzig. 1906.-[225-6] Rantsalo. A V Der Ackerbau im Volksglauben der Finnen und Esten mit entsprechenden Gebrauchen der Germanen vergleichen. -Sortavala, 1919. -[302-10] Rantzau, Henrik, 1526-1598. Tractatve atrologicvs. de genethliacorvm thematvni ivdiciis pro singulis nati accidentibus.-Francofvrti, 1633.-[616-3] Rasmussen, Knud, 1879-1933. The people of the polar north, a record.-London, 1908.-[474-1] Rauwolff, Leonhard. 1535-1590. ...Aigentliche Beschreibung der Raise... inn deer Morgenlaender... -Lauingen, 1583. -[398-3] Ratzel, Friedrich, 1844-1904. Volkerkunde. 2. , ganzlich neubearb. Aufl.-Leipzig, 1894.-[22-3] Ravenscroft, Thomas, 15927-1635?. Deuteromelia. The second part of musicks melodic, or melodius musicke of pleasant roundelaies. -London, 1609. -[544-2] Melismata. Musical phansies. Fitting the court, cities, and country humours... -London, 1611. -[544-3] Pammelia. Musicks miscellanie. Mixed varietie of pleasant roundelayes, and delightful catches...-London, 1609.-[544-1] Read, Allen Walker. Lexical evidence fro, folk epigraphy in western North America. -Paris, 1935. -[302-9] Reader's glossary : concise compendium of characteristic Shakerisms. (HG.87).-s. 1. , 1945.-[822-8] Redesdale, Algernon Bentram Freeman-Mitford, baron, 1837-1916. Tales of old Japan.-London, 1908.-[405-2] -1 03- 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 Reecer, Kathleen. Folklore in Graves County. (KFR.5-4).-Bowling Green, 1959.-[772-26] Reeve, James K. A Shaker community. (NEM.n.s.,6-3).-s. 1. , 1891.-[714-7] Reflections of the past / Dept. for Libraries and Archives, Kentucky. -Frank fort.?, 1985?-[825-3] Regenhardt, Carl Franz, 1840-1900. Die deutschen Mundarten. (3 v.).-Berlin, 1898.-[634-5] Regimen Sanitatis Salernitatum. De conservanda bona valetudine opusculum scholae Salernitanae... -Parisiis, 1553.-[818-2] Regimen sanitatis Salerni.-Londini, 1535.--[668-3] Regimen sanitatis Salerni.-London, 1557.-[668-1] Regimen sanitatis Salerni.-London, 1575.-[668-4] Reichard, Gladys A Craftsmanship and folklore. (JAF,53).-s. 1.. 1953.-[714-8] Reichardt. Rudolf, 1859Die schonsten Sagen des klassischen Altertums.-Berlin, 191-? -[542-5] Reimer, Christine. Nordfynsk bondeliv i mands minde. (5 v.)-Odense, 1910-19.-[143-1] Reinach, Salomon, 1858-1932. ...Cultes, mythes et religions.(5 v.).-Paris, 1905-23.-[565-566-1] Reinaerts historic The Cambridge Reinaert fragments. -Cambridge, Eng. , 1927. -[460-2] Rein fried, H., 1888Brauche bei Zauber und Wunder nach Buchari. (Diss.-Freiburg im Breisgau). -Karlsruhe, 1915. -[276-1] Reinke de Vos. Reinke de Vos.-Halle Salle, 1925.-[580-1] Reinoso Hermida, Gustaro. El periodico preceramico de la costa ecuatoriana. (RASAANACCE. 7). -Cuenca, 1981.-[744-13] Reinsberg-Duringsfeld, Otoo, freiherr von, 1822-1876. Culturhistorische Studien aus Meran.-Leipzig, 1874.-[274-6] Fest-Kalender aus Bohmen, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis...-Prag, s.a. -[303-5] Das festliche Jahr. 2. verm. u. verb. Aufl.-Leipzig, 1898.-[26-1] Paulo Pereira dos, 19190 indigena do vale do Paraiba. (CP,16).-Sao Paulo, 1979.-[676-9] Reiser, Karl August. Sagen, Gebrauche und Sprichworter des Allgau's. (2 v.).-Kempten, Reis, s.a. -[149-3] Reiterer, Karl, 1860Ennstalerisch : volkstumliches aus der nordwestlichen Steiermark... -Graz, 1913. -[273-2] Steierische Paradies.-Graz, 1919. -[277-8] Reitzenstein, Richard, 1861-1931. Hellenistische Wundererzahlungen. -Leipzig, 1922.-[26-2] Reling, Hermann, 1853Unsere pflanzen nach ihren deutschen Volksnamen, ihrer stellung mythologie und volksglauben...4. verm. Aufl.-Gotha, 1904.-[26-3] Renard, Andre, d.1954. Contes et legendes du folklore lochois.-Tours. -1 04- 1959.-[442-8] in Rennick, Robert M. The derivation of some alleged "Indian" place names in Kentucky. (CE.18-15).-Rolla, Mo., 1985.-[825-4] Traditional accounts of some eastern Kentucky place names. (AN, 13). --Lexington, 1985. -[825-5] Renouf, Sir Peter Le Page, 1822-1897. The origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of ancient Egypt. --New York, 1880. -[486-3] Resende, Garcia de, ca. 1470-1536. Cancioneiro geral. (3 v.). (BLVS.3).--Stuttgart, 1846-52.-[611] Restelli, Eugenio. I proverbi milanesi, raccolti, ordinati...-Milano, s.a.-[302-4] Reuchlin, Johannes, 1455-1522. De arte cabalistica libri tres Leoni X. dicati.-Hagenau,1517.-[743-8] De verbo mirifico. -Basel, 1494.-[743-7] Reuschel, Karl Theodor, 1872-1924. ..Deutsche Volkskunde im Grundriss.. (2 v.)-Leipzig, 1920-24.-[26-4] Reuterskiold, Edgar Hans Casimir, 1872Die entstehung der speisesakramente.-Heidelberg, 1912.-[26-5] Reymont, Wladyslaw Stanislaw, 1868-1925. Polish folk-lore stories.-Birkenhead, Eng., 1944.-[456-10] Reynard the Fox. English. ...The epic of the beast.-London, 1924?-[593-1] The history of Reynard the Fox...-London, 1897.-[593-2] Reynard the Fox. German. Der listige Reinecke Fuchs...-Marburg, s.a.-[580-4] Reynard the Fox. Low German. Reynke de vos.-Lubeck, 1498.-[578-1] Rhiner, Joseph, 18307-1897. Volksthumliche pflanzennamen der Waldstatten nebst gebrauchs-... -Schwyz, 1866. -[274-7] Rhys. Sir John, 1840-1915. Celtic folklore, Welsh and Manx. (2 v.).--Oxford, 1901.-[406-3] Ribas, Oscar. Usos e costumes angolanos.-Salvador, Brazil, 1964.-[284-2] Ribeiro, Maria de Lourdes Borges. Que e folcore. (CF,1).-Rio de Janeiro, 1969.-[316-7] Ricard, Prosper. Les merveilles de l'autre France.-Paris, 1924.-[721-2] Rice, Franklin P Shaker records of Enfield, N.H. (NEHGR.62).-s. 1., 1908.-[823-8] Rice, Otis K Importations of cattle into Kentucky, 1785-1860. (RKHS,49). -Frank fort. 1951. -[822-13] Richmond, Colin Becket. A collection of Shaker thoughts.-Oneida, N.Y. , 1976?-[741-14] Richter, Ludwig, 1803-1884. Es War einmal : ein Bilderbuch.-Wiesbaden, 1951.-[455-5] Riegler, Richard. Das Tier im Spiegel der Sprache.-Dresden, 1907.-[26-6] Rietschel, Georg, 1842-1914. Weihnachten in Kirche, Kunst und Volksleben.-Bielefeld,1902.-[26-7] Riley, James. 1777-1840. An authentic narrative of the loss of the American brig Commerce... -Hartford. 1852. -[722-1] -1 05- 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 Rinder, Frank. Old-world Japan. -London, 1895. -[473-5] Rita-Ferreira, A Presenca luso-asiatica e mutacoes culturais no sul de Mocambique... (EED, 139). -Lisboa, 1982. -[767-1] Ritson. Joseph, 1752-1803. Ancient songs and ballads from the reign of King Henry the Second to the revolution. 3.ed.-London. 1877.-[487-4] Fairy tales, legends and romances illustrating Shakespeare... -London, 1875. -[458-10] Rittershaus, Adeline, 1867-192-? Die neuislandischen Volksmarchen.-Halle a.S., 1902.-[147-3] Rives, Pierre. La legende des grottes de La Balme, environs de Grenoble & de Lyon. 4. ed.-Aix-Les-Bains. 1911.-[326-5] Roberts, Edith. Games to play. (KFR,9-1).-Bowling Green, 1963.-[795-7] Roberts, Gerald. Remembering [Cratis Williames]. (AH, 13-3). -Berea, 1985. -[814-7] Roberts, Leonard. Beauchamp and Sharp, a Kentucky tragedy. (KFR, 14-1). -Bowling Green, 1968. -[814-11] The giant story. (KFR,8-2).-Bowling Green, 1962. -[795-14] Stella Kenney in aong and story. (KFR,8-4).-Bowling Green, 1962. [79 2479 2480 2481 2482 Tall tales of eastern Kentucky. (KFR,8-3).-Bowling Green, 1962. -[795-17] Floyd County[Kentucky] folklore(KFR. 2-2)-Bowling Green. 1956. -[742-3] Jack and the three giants. (KFR,4-1).-Bowling Green. 1959.-[772-18] The King' s well. (KFR, 3-1). -Bowling Green, 1957. -[755-6] The roan and the devil's daughter. (KFR,5-3).-Bowling Green, 1959. 2483 2484 2485 [77 Quare Jack. (KFR,4-1). -Bowling Green, 1958.-[760-21] "Polly, Nancy, and Muncimeg. "(KFR, 1-1). -Bowling Green, 1955.-[742-9] Unfinished pages of Kentucky folklore. (KFR,1-3).-Bowling Green, 1955. 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 -[742-5] Robertson, Ben. Ben Robertson meets Aunt Molly(KFR,7-4)-B. G., 1961. [778-11] Robertson, Cary. Shakertown at Pleasant Hill to live again. (LC10 July 1966). -Louisville, 1966.-[759-5] Robertson, George, 1790Scrap book. Law and politics, men and times.-Lexington,1855.-[663-7] Robins, Elizabeth. Maenadism in religion. (AM.52).-s. 1., 1883.-[823-24] Robinson, Francis Kildale. 1809-1882. A glossary of Yorkshire words and phrases.-London, 1855.-[630-1] Robinson, Joseph Arraitage, 1858-1933. Two Glastonbury legends. -Cambridge, Eng. , 1926. -[458-9] Robinson, Oliver W. The Shakers in Knox County[Ind.]. (IMH.34).-s. 1., 1938.-[823-18] Rocal. Georges. Le vieux Perigord. 3. ed.-Paris, 1928.-[445-6] Roche, Denis. Contes limousins. -Paris, 1909.-[315-2] -1 06- Rochholz, Ernst Ludwig. 1809-1892. Alemannisches Kinderlied und Kinderspiel aus der Schweiz.-Leipzig, 1857. -[140-4] Deutscher Glaube und Brauch im Spiegel der heidnischen Vorzeit... (2 v.).-Berlin. 1867.-[277-2] Drei gaugottinnen Walburg. Verena und Gertrud als deutsche Kirchenheilige.-Leipig, 1870.-[137-5] Das Frickthal in seinen historischen und sagenhaften Erinnerungen. -Aarau, 1859.-[510-1] Naturmythen. -Leipzig, 1862. -[274-8] Tell und Gessler in Sage und Geschichte.-Heilbronn, 1877.-[97-2] Rodegem, F M Sagesse Kirundi : proverbs, dictons. locutions usites au Burundi. -Tervuren, 1961.-[810-1] Rodriguez, Lucas, fl. 1579-1585. Romancero historiado (Alcala, 1582). -Madrid, 1967. -[666-6] Rodriguez de Montes, Maria Luisa. Muestra de literatura oral en Leticia, Amazonas.-Bogota,1981-[690-1] Rodriguez Forero, Jaime. Perfil teorico preliminar sobre las relaciones religion-sociedad. -Asuncion, 1971. -[598-6] Rodriguez Lopez, Jesus, 1859-1917. ...Supersticiones de Galicia y preocuoaciones vulgares... (CCS,7). -Buenos Aires, 1943.-[521-6] Rodriguez Marin, Francisco, 1855-1943. Cantos populares espanoles recogidos, ordenados... (5 v.).-Madrid, s.a.-[821] Rohde, Richard, 1876Das englische Faustbuch und Marlowes tragodie... (SEP.43). -Halle a.S.. 1910.-[362-3] Rohr, Julius. Der okkulte kraftbegriff im altertum. (P2:Suppleraentband, 17-1) -Leipzig, 1923.-[26-8] Rohrich, Lutz. Bibliographie volkskundlicher Dissertationen an deutschen Universitaten 1945-1950.-Stuttgart. 1951. -[760-2] Sage. (SMRG, Abt. E:Poetik,M55). -Stuttgart, 1966. -[455-4] Rolland, Eugene, 1846-1909. ...Faune populaire de la France... 1. 1-6.-Paris, 1877-1883.-[70-1] Romance de Amadis y Oriana y otro del rey Malsin.-Burgos, between 1515 and 1519.--[695-1] Romanus Buchlin, oder Gott der Herre bewahre meine Seele...-Leipzig, 1853?-[273-5] Rood, N Ngombe-Nederlands-Frans woordenboek. (MRCBASHL, 21). -Tervuren, 1958. -[809-2] Roonhuyse, Hendrich van. 1625-1672. Heel konstige aanmerkkingen... -Amsterdam, 1663. -[615-7] Roque-Ferrier, Alphonse. Quatre contes languedociens recueillis a Gignac.-Paris,1878-[442-9] Rosado Vega, Luis, 1876El alma misteriosa del Mayab.-Mexico, 1954.-[471-3] Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich, 1845-1923. Ausfuhrliches lexikon der griechischen und romischen mythologie... (10 v.).-Leipzig. 1884-1937.-[134~136] -1 0 7- 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 Die Siebenund Neunzahl in Kultus und Mythus der Griechen... -Leipzig, 1904. -[284-7] Rose Magdalene, Sister. Amerindian stories for young Guyanese... -Georgetown, 198-?. -[804-6] Rosen, Helge Ossian. 0m dodskrike och dodsbruki i fornnordisk religion...-Lund, 1918. -[26-91 Rosenberg, Irene. Die Tallinner Museen.-Tallinn, 1983.-[779-10] A guide to the museums of Tallinn.-Tallinn, 1983.-[779-11] Rosenkilde og Bagger, Booksellers, Copenhagen. Folklore. -Copenhagen, 1977. -[539-6] Rosenkranz, C. Die pflanzen im volksaberglauben. 2. Aufl.-Leipzig, 1896.-[26-10] Rouge, Jacques. Traditions populaires : region de Loches. (Indre-et-Loire).-Paris, 1907. -[442-10] Roussey, Charles. Contes populaires recueillis a Bournois, canton de 1'Isle-sur-leDoubs,...-Paris, 1894.-[329-1] Roy, Roberta Teague. Land and the southern Appalachian woman : sensual or poetic?. (KFR.25-3 ~4). -Bowling Green, 1979. -[664-15] Royal College of Physicians. Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague, as for preventing the infection...-London, 1665.-[667-3] Royal Geographical Society, London. The lands of Cazembe : Lacerda's journey to Cazembe in 1798. -London. 1873. -[721-4] Rozan, Charles, 1824-1905. ...Les animaux dans les proverbes... (9 v.).-Paris, 1902.-[422-1] Rubin, Saloman, 1823-1910. Kabbala und Agada in mythologischer, symbolischer und mystischer Personification der Fruchtbarkeit... -Wien, 1895.-[277-9] Rudner, lone. A. Sparrman' s ethnographical collection from South Africa. (SSEMSM.25). -Stockholm. 1957. -[789-1] Rudwin, Maximilian Josef, 1887The origin of the German carnival comedy.-New York, 1920.-[708-2] Rue, A B Shakertown and the old Shaker mill. -Harrodsburg, 1904. -[824-22] Rueda, Manuel. Conocimiento y poesia en el folklore.-Santo Domingo, 1971.-[446-2] Ruffie. Massat : chansons, danse, usages, et charte communale...-Foix, 1889. -[442-11] Ruland, Martin. Lexicon alchemiae... -Francofurti, 1661. -[710-2] Ruland. Wilhelm, 1869-1927. Legends of the Rhein. -Cologne, 1902.-[460-5] Ruskin, Edward Algernon, 1871Mongo proverbs and fables. -Bongandanga, 1921. -[792-4] Ruskin, John, 1819-1900. The queen of the air, being a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. -New York, 1906. -[626-7] -1 08- Russell, C Allyn. The rise and decline of the Shakers. (NYH,49).-s.1.. 1968.-[822-7] Russian ghost stories. (CM,26). --London, 1872. -[695-14] Russkie skazki. -Moskva, 1963. -[793-2] Russwurm, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm, 1812-1883. Eibofolke. Die Schweden an den kusten Ehstlands und auf Runo. (2 v. in 1).--Reval, 1855.-[274-5] Ryff, Walther Hermenius, d.1548. Practicierbuchlin bewerter Leibartzeney, in alien Kranckheiten... -Franckfort a.M. , 1583.-[773-6] -1 09- 2547 CS3 S. 2548 Sa, 2549 Saaksin 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 A visit Samuel. Tradicao to the Shakers. oral e creatividade (BM,13).-Edinburgh, 1823.-[801-14] em Area dos Engenhos(PA).-Beliem. -[598-7] 1972. ma Saksa sundijaks. toimetanud Eduard Laugaste. (UERJRA, 1). -Tallinn. 1976.-[817-4] Sabbathday Lake Shaker Community. (SQ, 1-2).-s. 1.. 1961.-[759-19] Sackheim. Eric. The silent firefly. Japanese songs of love and other things.-Tokyo. 1963. -[473-4] Said Bakari, bin Sultani Ahmed. The Swahili chronicle of Ngazija.-Bloomington, 1977.-[787-4] Saineanu, Lazar, 1859-1934. ...Les sources indigenes de l'etymologie francaise... (2 v.). -Paris, 1925.-[26-11] Sala, Angelo, 1576-1637. 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Progranm... zum Schlusse des Schuljahres 1876/77. -Schassburg, 1877. -[242-2] Schauenburgs allgemeines deutsches Kommersbuch / ursprunglich hrsg... Friedrich Silcher und Friedrich Erk. 81-5 Aufl.-Lahr, s.a.-[516-3] Schefold, Karl. Der Aberglaube im Rechtsleben... (JPG,8-1).-Halle, 1912.-[116-6] Scheftelowitz, Isidor, 1875-1934. Alt-palastinensischer brauernglaube in religionsvergleichender beleuchtung. -Hannover, 1925. -[27-5] Das schlingenund netzmotiv im glauben und brauch der volker. -Giessen, 1912. -[27-7] Das stellvertretende huhnopfer, mit besonderer berucksichtigung... (RVV, 14-3). -Giessen, 1914. -[27-6,242-6] Scheible, Johann. Das Kloster, weltlich und geistlich... (12 v.)-Stuttgart, 1845-9. -[298 -301] von Sechstes und siebentes Buch Mosis. Der Magisch-sympathische Hausschatz ...-Leipzig, 1853?.-[273-3] Schell, Otto, 1858Bergische Sagen. -Elberfeld, 1897. -[284-10] Schier, Bruno, 1902Die Kunstblume von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. (VIDV,ll).-Berlin, 1957. -[570-2] Schild, Franz Josef. Der Grossatti auf dem Leberberg...-Biel, 1864.-[154-4] Schiller. Karl Christian. Zum Thierund Krauterbuche des mecklenburgischen Volkes... (3 pts.) -Schwerin, 1861-64. -[159-5] Schindler. Heinrich Bruno, 1797-1859. Der aberglaube des mittelalters.-Breslau, 1858.-[27-8] -I l l- Schlegel. Johann Adolf, 1721-1793. Fabeln und Erzahlungen. -Leipzig, 1769. -[470-2] Schleicher, August. Volkstumliches aus Sonneberg im Meininger Oberlande...2.Auf1. -Sonneberg, 1894. -[277-12] Schlossar, Anton, 1849Culturund Sittenbilder aus Steiermark.-Graz, 1885.-[277-11] Schlosser. Alfred, 1882Die Sage vom Galgenmannlein im Volksglauben und in der Literatur. (Munster Dissertation.1912). -Munster, 1912.-[116-5] Schlosser, Paul. Bachern-Sagen. (V0MV. 9). -Wien, 1956. - [468-2] Schmeller. Johann Andreas, 1785-1852. Bayerisches Worterbuch. (2 v. ). -Munchen, 1872-77. -[70-2] Schraidel. Ulrich. Vierte Schiffart. -Noribergae, 1602. -[446-5] Schmidt, August Frederik, 1899...Danmarks helligkilder, oversigt og literaturfortegnelse. (DF,33). --Kopenhagen, 1926. -[461-4] ... Danmarks kaempesten i folkeoverleveringen. (DF,39). --Kopenhagen, 1932. - [461-6] Helligkilder i Arhus ami..-s.1., 192-?.-[464-3] Schmidt, Bernhard, 1837-1917. Griechische Marchen, Sagen und Volkslieder.-Leipzig, 1877.-[30-1] Schmidt, Ernst. Kultubertragungen... (RVV,8-2). -Giessen, 1902. -[392-8] Schmidt, Franz, ca. 1600. Maister Franntzn Schmidts Nachrichters inn Nurumberg all sein Richten. -Leipzig, 1913.-[116-7] Schmidt, Leopold, 1912Burgenlandische Beitrage zur Volkskunde. (VOMV.2)-Wien, 1953. -[467-2] Das deutsche Volksschauspiel in zeitgenossischen Zeugnissen vom Humanisinus... (VIDV,7). -Berlin, 1954. -[569-2] Gestaltheiligkeit iid bauerlichen Arbeitsmythos. (VOMV,1).-Wien, 1952. -[467-1] Kultur und Volk. (VOMV,5).-Wien, 1954.-[467-5] Das Osterreichische Museum fur Volkskunde. -Wien. 1960. -[455-6] Schmidt, Otto Eduard, 1855Sachsenland. (BHDL,9). -Leipzig, 1925. -[728-2] Schmidt, Wilhelm, teacher in Darmstadt. Die bedeutung des namens in kult und aberglauben.-Darmstadt, -[149-1] Geburtstag im Altertum... (RVV, 7-1)-Giessen, Julie. Spit thrice. (KK.Fri. 13 Apr. 1984).-Lexington, Schmitz, Ferdinand. Volkstumliches aus dem Siebengebirge. -Bonn, Schmitz, Hermann Joseph, 1841-1899. Die Bussbucher und das kanonische Bussverfahren. Schmitt, 1908. -[297-6] 1984.-[760-14] 1901.-[286-1] -Dusseldorf, -[293-1] Schmolander, Fredrik Wilhelra. Flygsmeden. En folksaga berattad... -Malmo, Schneider, Herbert Wallace, 1892Ann Lee. (DAB, 6). -New York, 1933. -[739-21] -1 1 2- 1912. 1967. -[650-10] 1898. Schonwerth, Franz Xavier von, Aus der Oberpfalz. Sitten 1809-1886. und Sagen... (3 pts.)-Augsburg, 1857-59. -[286-2] Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. The Indian fairy book.--New York, 1870.-[458-1] Schoppner, Alexander. Sagenbuch der bayerischen lande. (3 v.).-Munchen, 1874.-[107-3] Schrader, Otto. 1855-1919. Die Indogermanen.-Leipzig, 1935.-[93-1] Reai lexikon der indogermanischen Altertumskunde.-Strassburg, -[30-2] Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte. 3.neubearb.Aufl. (2 v.). -Jena, 1907.-[30-3] Schramek, Josef, 1856Der Bohroerwaldbauer. -Prag, 1915. -[30-4] Schroder, Franz Rolf, 1893Gerraanentum und Hellenismus. -Heidelberg, 1924. -[30-5] Schroder, Johann. Trefflich versehens Medicin. (2 v. ).-Nurnberg, 1685.-[313] Schroeder, Leopold von, 1851-1920. Mysterium und mimus im Rigveda.-Leipzig, 1908.-[30-6] Schroeder, Sissel. Masterpieces of the past.-Springfield, 1984.-[804-2] Schroeder, Theodore. Revivals, sex and Holy Ghost. (JAP,14).-s. 1., 1919.-[822-24] Schulenburg, Wilibald von, 1847-1934 Wendische volkssagen und gebrauche aus dem Spreewald...-Leipzig, 1880. -[30-7] Wendisches Volksthum in Sage, Brauch und Sitte.-Berlin,1882.-[286-3] Schuling, Hermann. Katalog einer Samnlung von Anektodenbuckern. (SUG, 1).-Giessen, -[743-2] 1901. 1982. Schullerus, Adolf. Siebenburgisch-Sachsisches Worterbuch. -Berlin, 1908-24. -[346-2] Schultes, Anton. Die Nachbarschaft der deutschen und Slawen an der March. (VOMV,4). -Wien. 1954.-[467-4] Schultz, Alwin, 1838-1909. Deutsches Leben im xiv. und xv. Jahrhundert.-Wien, 1892.-[31-1] Schultz, Christoph. De chiromantiae vanitate...-Regionmonti, 1691.-[656-2] Schulze, Theodor, 1873Fabeln und parabeln der Weltliteratur. -Leipzig, 1907.-[410-4] Schupp, Volker. Deutsches Ratselbuch... -Stuttgart, 1972. -[339-1] Schurtz, Heinrich, 1863-1903. Altersklassen und mannerbunde.-Berlin, 1902.-[31-2] Grundzuge einer Philosophie der Tracht.-Stuttgart, 1891.-[297-5] Schwab, Moise, 1839-1918. Vocabulaire de l'angelologie... (MPDS, 10).-Paris, 1897.-[31-3] Schwartz, Friedrich Leberscht Wilhelm, 1821-1899. Der heutige Volksglaube und das alte Heidenthum mit Bezug auf Norddeutschland. 2.Aufl.-Berlin, 1862.-[334-2] Die poetischen Naturanschauungen der Griechen, Romer und Deutschen in ihrer... -Berlin, 1864.-[294-4] -1 1 3- 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 Prahistorisch-anthropologische Studien.-Berlin, 1884. -[31-5] Der Ursprung der Mythologie, dargelegt an griechischer und deutscher sage.-Berlin, 1860.-[31-4] Schwartz, Wilhelm. Contes regionaux. (NL, 299). -Bielefeld, 1937. -[315-5] Schwebel, Oskar, 1845Tod und ewiges Leben irn deutschen Volksglauben. -Minden, 1887. -[297-7] Schweda, Valentin, 1890Die Sagen void wilden Jager und vom schlafenden Heer in der Provinz Posen... (Greifswald diss.).-Gnesen, 1915.-[304-3] Schweizerisches idiotikon : Worterbuch der schweizerdeutschen Sprache. Bd. l-13;Ht. 1-169. -Frauenfeld, 1881-1970. -[306~312] Schwenckfeld, Kaspar. Stirpiura & fossilium Silesiae catalogvs.-Lipsiae, 1600.-[303-6] Schwenn, Friedrich, 1889Die Menschenopfer bei den Griechen und Romern. -Giessen, 1915. -[31-6] A score of recipes in the Shaker tradition. (BHG,43)-s.1.,1965.-[822-6] Scott, Sir Walter, bart.1771-1832. Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish border. (4 v.)-London, 1902. -[632-3~633-l] Scribner, Benjamin Franklin, 1825-1900. How soldiers were made. The war as I saw it under Buell.... -New Albany, Ind. , 1887.-[692-7] Sealts, Merton M Melville and the Shakers. (BSUV.2).-Charlottesvilie, 1949.-[823-1] Sears, Clara Endicott. Gleanings from old Shaker journals.-Boston, 1916.-[687-3] Sears, Priscilla Flagg, 1933Archetypal patterns in ballads. (EPP.119).-Lexington, 1978.-[575-1] Sebillot, Paul, 1846-1918. ...Contes des landes et des greves. (BGB,1).-Rennes. 1900.-[443-1] Contes des provinces de France. (FML,2).-Paris, 1884.-[321-4] Le folk-lore de France. (4 v.).-Paris, 1904-7.-[32-1] Le folklore de la Bretagne. (2 v.)(FPF,9).-Paris, 1968.-[441-3] Gargantua dans les traditions populaires. (LP, 12)-Paris, 1967. -[593-5] ...Legendes et curiosites des metiers...-Paris, 1895.-[294-5] La litterature orale en France.-Paris, 1891.-[321-5] Les travaux publics et les mines dans les traditions et les superstitions de tous les pays.-Paris, 1894.-[321-6] Le paganisme contemporain chez les peuples celtolatins.-Paris, 1908. -[32-2] Traditions -Paris, et superstitions de la Haute-Bretagne. (2 v.)(LPTN,9~10). 1882. -[441-4] Sebillot, Paul Yves. 1885Contes de mon menhir.-Paris, 1958.-[381-7] Legendes du pays de Paimpol.-Paris, 1894.-[381-8] De secreten ende de maniere van parfumeren.-Brabant, 1660?.-[743-1] Seeing is believing. (BEM,88).-s.l., 1860.-[708-7] Seemann, Erich, 1888European folk ballads. -Copenhagen, 1967. -[644-3] Seguin, Jean, 1893...BiblioKraphie critique des ouvrages se rapportant au folklore normand... -Avranches, 1943. -[322-2, 445-7] Segura, Francisco de, b.1569. Primavera y flor de romances.-Madrid, 1972.-[666-3] -1 1 4- bas- Sehling, Erail, 1860-1928. Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des xvi. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 1-6. -Leipzig, 1902-1957?.-[33-1] Seignolle, Claude. Contes populaires de Guyenne. 1.1-2.-Paris, 1946- .-[386-4] Le folklore du Lauguedoc. (CFPF.6).-Paris, 1960.-[443-2] Seligmann, Siegfried. Augendiagnose und kurpfuschertum mit besonderer berucksichtigung... Berlin, 1910.-[33-2] Der bose blick und verwandtes. (2 v.).--Berlin, 1910.-[32-3] Die Zauberkraft des auges und das berufen. -Hamburg, 1922.-[34-1] Selous, Frederick Courtaney. 1831-1917. Travel and adventure in south-east Africa.-London, 1893.-[749-1] Sepp. Die Religion der alten Deutschen und ihr Fortbestand in Volkssagen... -Munchen, 1890. -[334-4] Sepp, Johann Nepomuk, 1816-1909. Altbayerischer Sagenschatz zur Bereicherung der indogermanischen Mythologie... -Munchen, 1876.-[294-2] Sepulveda, Lorenzo de, f1.1551. Cancionero de romancesCSevilla, 1584).-Madrid, 1967.-[666-5] Seraine, Florival. Antologia do folclore cearense. 2. ed.-Fortaleza, 1983.-[825-22] Serejo, Helio. 1912Pialo bagual...-Brazil, 1971.-[598-10] Serrano, Antonio. Btnografia de la antigua provincia del Uruguay.-Parana, 1936-[578-3] Settles, Mary C. Sister, 1836-1923. Letter to Dr. Hunt. -Harrodsburg, Ky., 1918.-[688-39] Seven Sages. English. Middle English. The seven sages of Rome(southern version).-Milford, 1933.-[593-6] Seyfarth, Paul Carly. Aberglaube und Zauberei in der Volksmedizin West-Sachsens.-Leipzig, 1913. -[304-4] Shaker colony. (SS,23).-s. 1., 1966.-[824-1] Shaker community at Pleasant Hill, (maps)-Pleasant Hill, 1973.-[688-35] Shaker covenants : agreements between initiates and the Society. (Negative photostats). -Logan County. Ky. , 1949. -[688-47] Shaker crafts revived. (ID,38-1).-s. 1., 1967.-[739-3] Shaker design, pattern of practical beauty. (HG,87).-s. 1.. 1945.-[822-9] Shaker fundamentalism shaking. (CC,39). -s. 1. , 1922. -[822-5] Shaker furniture and Shaker cookery. (M.99).-s. 1., 1972.-[823-10] Shaker inspirational drawings. (AM,60).-s. 1. , 1962.-[712-29] Shaker literature in the rare book room of the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library : a bibliography.-Buffalo, 1967.-[687-2] Shaker village of Pleasant Hill, Kentucky.-Lexington, 196-?.-[759-33] Shaker village's annual fa111 festival in jam-packed return to last century. (LH, 9).-Lexington, 1978.-[688-37] Shakers. Account of some of the proceedings of the legislatures of the states of Kentucky and New Hampshire...-New York, 1846.-[741-11] A brief account of Shakers and Shakerism.-Canterbury, s.a.-[687-18] A brief exposition of the established principles, and regulations of the United Society of believers...-Watervliet, 1832.-[712-24] -1 1 5- 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 Catalogue of short horn cattle owned by the Shakers at Union Village. -Union Village, 1859?.-[712-23] The covenant, or constitution of the church at Union Village(Ohio). -s.1. , 1830?.-[712-3] A declaration of the society of people, (cornnonly called Shakers) shewing their reasons for...-Hartford, 1815.-[712-19] General rules of the United Society, and summary articles of mutual agreement and release. -Watervliet, 1833. -[712-18] A memorial, remonstrating against a certain act of the legislature... -Harrodsburg, Ky.. 1828.-[712-12] Memorial [to obtain the exemption of members of the Society...] -s.I., s.a.-[712-13] Observations on the natural and constitutional rights of conscience, in relation to military...-Albany, 1816.-[712-4] The Shakers. (NR,23).-s. l. , 1822.-[713-11] --The Shakers. (NWR.28). --Baltimore, 1825. -[823-5] The Shakers. (NWR, 37).-Baltimore, 1829. -[823-3] The Shakers. (NR, 37). -Baltimore, 1829. -[713-6] Shakers. (NNR, 64). -Baltimore, 1843. -[822-18] Shakers in Ohio. (AAAPSS,19).-s. l. , 1902.-[689-53] The Shakers : Review of the testimony of Christ's second appearing... 2. ed.-Albany, 1810.-[687-6] The Shakers : their arts k crafts. (PMAB,57-273).-Philadelphia, 1962. -[741-18] Shakers of Pleasant Hill, Ky.-New York, 1916.-[824-20] Shakertown. (SS, 19). -s. 1. , 1962. -[824-4] Shakertown. (SS, 21). -s. 1. , 1964. -[824-9] Shakertown, Inc. , buys 1,926 acres of land. (LH,2 Feb. 1964). -Lexington, 1964. -[739-13] Shakespeare jest-book.../ ed., with introduction and notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt... (3 v.).-London, 1864.-[363] Sharma, Pandit Ramji. Khaag aur Bhaddri ki prasidh kahavatne.-Allahabad, s.a.-[729-5] Sharp. William, 1855-1905. Deirdre 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 and the sons of Usna.-Portland, 1903.-[459-4] Shastri, Govind. Shakun aur Swapan. -Delhi, 1982. -[729-2] Tantrik vigayan. -Delhi, 1974.-[729-3] Shekery. (ES,39). -Saint Petersburg, 1903. -[776-5] Sherman, Marilyn P. Star wars : new world and anicient myths. (KFR,25-1-2).-Bowling Green. 1979. -[664-7] Shesha, Shankar. Are! Mayavi sarovar. -Delhi, 1980. -[744-3] Shields, Mrs. Sarah Annie (Frost). Dramatic proverbs and charades...-New York, 1876. -[424-5] The Shirburn ballads. 1585-1616 / ed. from the ms. by Andrew Clark. -Oxford, 1907. -[612-1] Shope, James A. Ghost tales and legends mainly from eastern Kentucky. (KFR,12-2). -Bowling Green, 1966. -[803-15] Siebenburgisch-sachsisches Worterbuch / hrsg. von der Akademie der Sozialistischen Republik Rumanien. Bd.3.-Bukarest, 1971.-[346-4] Sieber, Friedrich. Bunte Mobel der Oberlausitz. (VIDV,6).-Berlin, 1955.-[569-1] -1 1 6- Volk und volkstumliche Motivik im Festwerk des Barocks. (VIDV,21). -Berlin, 1960.-[572-2] Siecks, Ernst. Gotterattribute und sogennante Symbole. -Jena. 1909. -[293-2] Sikes, Wirt, 1836-1883. British goblins.-Boston, 1881.-[529-2] Silva, Jose Calasans Brandano da. Folclore geo-historico da Bahia e scu reconcavo. (PCDF.7). -Rio de Janeiro, 1972.-[598-11] Simmons, Amelia. American cookery, or the art of dressing viands, fish, poultry and vegetables... -Hartford, 1796. -[779-5] Simpkins, John Bwart. Examples of printed folk-lore concerning Fife.-London, 1914.-[593-7] Simple gifts : hands to work and hearts to God / William Benton Museum of Art, Connecticut Univ.-Storrs, 1978.-[687-22] Simposio de Comunicacoes sobre Pesquisas em Folklore. Sintese. 2-3.-Belo Horizonte, 1980-81.-[804-9] Sirarock, Karl Josef, 1802-1876. Die deutschen Sprichworter.-Frankfurt a.M. , 1846. -[516-4] Die deutschen Volksbucher. (13 v.).-Basel, 1892.-[480 ~ 483] Handbuch der deutschen methologie mit einschluss der nordischen. 2...Aufl.-Bonn, 1864.-[34-2] Singer, Irma. Das verschlossene Buch.-Wien und Berlin. 1920.-[473-6] Singer, Samuel, 1860Schweizer Marchen. -Bern, 1903. -[294-1] Schweizer Marchen. 1. Fortsetzung.-Bern, 1906.-[294-1] Singhasan battesi.-Delhi, s.a.-[729-6] Sigmundsson, Finnur. Rimnatal, descriptive catalog of rimur.-Reykjavik, 1966.-[650-11] Sink, Susan. Traditional crafts and craftsmanship in America : a selected bibliography. (PAFC, ll). -Washington, 1983. -[778-21] Sittl, Karl, 1862-1899. Die gebarden der Griechen und Romer.-Leipzig, 1890.-[34-3] Skansen. Buildings and animals : a short guide for visitors.-Stockholm, 1967. -[650-9] Skean, Marion Hoicomb. Circle left! : folk-play of the Kentucky mountains.-Homeplace, Ary, 1939. -[476-11] Skinner, Alanson Buck, 1886-1925. Medicine ceremony of the Menomini, Iowa and Wahpeton Dakota... (INM,4) -NewYork, 1920. -[641-5] Skinner, Charles Montgomery, 1852-1907. Myths 4 legends of our new possessions & protectorate.-Philadelphia & London, 1900.-[334-8] Skinner, Hubert Marshall, 1855-1916. Readings in folk-lore, short studies in the mythology of America... -NewYork, 1893. -[512-1] Sklarek, Elisabet. Ungarische Volksmarchen. -Leipzig, 1901. -[34-4] Sleszkowski, Sebastyan, 1569-1643. Incomparabilis thesaurus alexitoricus. -Brunsbergae, 1621. -[617-3] -1 1 7- 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 Sloet van de Beele, Ludolf Anne Jan Wilt, baron, 1806-1890. De dieren in het gerraaansche volksgeloof en volksgebruik. -s' -Gravenhage. 1887. -[304-5] Smith, David C. William A. Drew and the Maine Shakers. (SQ,6-1)-s. 1.,1967.-[823-2] Smith, J Soule. Kentucky River scenery. (LT,12 Jul. 1890).-s. 1.. 1890.-[825-21] Smith, Sir William, 1813-1893. A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology and geography. -NewYork, 1877. -[673-5] Smith, Smits. William Loughton, Journal of William 1758-1812. Loughton Smith, 1790-91. (MHSP,51).-Boston, 1917. [802 Peteris, 1869-1938. Latviesu tautas teikas un pasakas pec Ansa Lercha-Puskaisa. 2. izd. (15 v. ). -Waverly, Iowa, 1962-1970. -[434~437] Snorri, Sturluson, 1178-1241. Heimskringla Snorra Sturlusonar. (3 v. )-Reykjavik. 1946-48. -[491-2] Societe des Etudes Locales dans 1'Bnseignement Public. Groupe de Tarnet-Garonne. Contes populaires. Premiere series. -Montauban, 1914. --[443-3] Societe de mythologie francaise. La France mythologique. (BM, 2). --Paris, 1966. -[326-1] Sohns, Franz. linsere Pflanzen. 5. Aufl.-Leipzig. 1912.-[314-2] Sokolowski, Franciszek. Lois sacrees des cites grecques. Suppl. (TMAMEEDS,ll).-Paris. 1962. -[622-1] Soldan. Wilhelm Gottlieb. Hexenprozesse. (2 v. ). -Bauer. 1912. -[305-5] Sommer, Bmil Friedrich Julius, 1819-1846. Sagen, Marchen und Gebrauche aus Sachsen und Thuringen...Ht.1. -Halle, 1846. -[297-4] Sonmer, Ludwig, 1886Das Haar in Religion and Aberglauben der Griechen... (Diss.-Munster). -Minister. 1912. -[304-6] Soome-Ugri etnograafia ja rahvaluule : annoteeritud bibliograafia. 1973, 1976, 1977, 1979-1983.-Tallinn, 1974-1984.-[815-3] Souche, B Formulettes [et] devinettes. CBSSSLADDS. 1881). -Niort. 1881. -[326-8] Soupault, Re. Bretonische Marchen. -Dusseldorf. 1959. -[381-9] Souvestre, Emile, 1806-1854. Contes de Bretagne. -Paris, 1946. -[381-10] Contes et legendes de Basse-Bretagne. -Nantes. 1891. -[381-11] Le foyer breton. -Paris, 1874.-[388-3] Les merveilles de la nuit de Noel, recits fantastiques du foyer breton. -Paris, 1879. -[382-1] Souza, Jose Geraldo de. Caracteristicas da musica folclorica brasileira. (CF,9).-Rio de Janeiro, 1969.-[316-11] Spamer, Adolf, 1883-1953. Romanusbuchlein. (VIDV, 17). -Berlin, 1958. -[571-5] Spano, Giovanni, 1803-1878. Vocabolario sardo-italiano e italiano-sardo-Cagliari, 1851-2. -[303-4] -1 1 8- 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 Spears. James E Favorite southern negro folk recipes. (KFR, 16-1).-Bowling Green, 1970. -[825-19] Speck, Frank Gouldsmith, 1881Hunting charms of the Montagnais and the Mistassini. (INMM,13). -NewYork. 1921.-[641-7] Spee, Johannes. Volksthumliches void Niederrhein... -Koln, 1875. -[297-3] Spence, Lewis. Legends and romances of Brittany.-New York, 1917.-[382-2] Spiess. Balthasar. 1812-1892. Volksthumliches aus dera Frankisch-Hennebergischen-Wien, 1869. -[294-3] Spiess. Karl von. 1880Der Mythos als Grundlage der Bauernkunst. -Wieder-Neustadt, 1911. -[350-1] Neue Marksteine. (V0MV.7). -Wien, 1955. -[467-7] Prahistorie und Mythos. -Wiener-Neustadt, 1970. -[297-8] Spelman, John A. At home in the hills.-Pine Mountain, Ky., 1939.-[663-4] Sprigg, June. Hancock Shaker Village. (A,120).-s. 1.. 1981.-[739-4] Squire, Charles. 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Wilhelm Johann Albert von. Die Volkssagen Ostpreussens, Lithauens und Westpreussens. Neue Ausg. -Berlin, 1865. -[304-7] Tetzner, Franz Oskar, 1863-1919. Die Slawen in Deutschland. --Braunschweig, 1902. -[35-6] Des Teufels netz, satirisch-didaktisches gedicht aus der ersten halfe des funfzehnten jahrbunderts / hrsg. von K.A.Barack. (BLVS,70). -Stuttgart, 1863. -[612-2] Thalhofer, Valentin, 1825-1891. Handbuch der katholischen liturgik. 2 Auf1.(2 v.). -Freiburg im Breisgau, 1912.-[35-7] Theophrastus, ca.371-ca 287 B.C. Theophrasti Evesii graece & latine opera omnia.-Lugduni, 1613-[819-6] Theuws, Th. De Luba-mens. (MRACASH, 38). -Tervuren, 1962. -[810-5] Thiele, J M Danmarks Folkesagn. (3 v. ). -(Copenhagen, 1843-1860. -[314-1] Thiers, Jean Baptiste, 1636-1703. Traite des superstitions selon 1'Bcriture Sainte, les decrets des... 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Ten Broeck and Mollie : new light on a Kentucky ballad. (KFR,16-2). -Bowling Green, 1970. -[825-17] Shaker manuscript hymnals from South Union, Kentucky. (KFS,3). -Bowling Green. 1967. -[687-19] Thompson, Algernon Smith Dickson, 1922-1962. The enchanted village, a story for Sarah Beth and Mary Lawrence. -Lexington. 1957.-[393-3] The Western review and miscellaneous magazine. -New York. 1946-[305-3] -1 24- 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 Thompson, Charles John Samuel, 1862-1943. The mystic mandrake. -London, 1934. -[469-4] Thompson, Blois. Uncle Henry and the Kentucky mountaineers. (KFR, 15-2). -Bowling Green, 1969. -[825-10] Thompson, George, d. 1893. The palm land. West Africa illustrated. 2.ed.-London, 1969.-[721-1] Thompson, Lawrence Sidney. 1916Bee lore in the Ohio Valley. (OVFP,83)-Chillicothe, 1961.-[544-10] Essays in Hispanic bibliography. -Hamden, 1970. -[673-7] Essays on the folklore of Kentucky and the Ohio Valley...-Lexington, 1971. -[270-4] A few notes on the folklore of tabacco. (OVFP,41).-Chillicothe. 1960. -[544-8] Folklore of the chapel.-Chicago. 1950.-[804-1] Folklore of the needle in the Ohio Valley. (OVFP.114).-Chillicothe, 1963. - [544-12] Kentucky tradition. -Hamden, 1956. -[627-3, 704-6] More buzzard lore. (KFR,4-4). -Bowling Green, 1958. -[772-15] The Owl in the Ohio Valley. (OVFP,75).-Chillicothe. 1961.-[544-9] Popular ideas about the future world in the Ohio Valley. (OVFP.98). -Chillicothe, 1962.-[544-11] Uncle Remus in Syracuse.-Chillicothe, 1959.-[544-7] A vanishing science. (KFR,5-3).-Bowling Green, 1959. -[772-24] William Hugh Jansen. (F.21-3/4). -Berlin, 1980. -[674-4.690-5] Thompson, Sarah Elizabeth, 1951A Hakubyo Genji Monogatari emaki in the Spencer Collection. (ThesisColumbia Univ. ).-New York, 1983.-[754-2] Thompson, Stith, 1865Round the leves. (PTFS,1).-Austin, 1935.-[411-1] Thorns, William J Lays and legends of various nations.-London, 1834.-[325-2] Thomson, Frances M Newcastle chapbooks in Newcastle upon Tyne University Library. -Newcastle upon Tyne. 1969. -[364-2 ~380] Thorderaan, Bengt Johan Neren, 1893Goternas gudar i Fogelbergs gestaltning. -Stockholm, 1961. -[650-6] Wiks hus. (SF. 9). -Stockholm, 1961.-[650-2] Thundergust. A Kentucky Court of Appeals decision.-Louisville, 1930. -[708-91 Thuren, Hjalmar Lauritz, 1873-1912. Meddelelser og optegnelser. (DF,4).-{Copenhagen, 1909. -[461-2] Thuriet. Charles. Traditions populaires du Doubs.-Paris, 1891.-[384-3] Traditions populaires du Jura. -Poligny, 1877. -[441-5] Traditions populaires du la Haute-Saone et du Jura.-Paris, Tilbury, 1892. -[443-4] Gervasius of. fl. ca. 1211. Des Gervasius von Tilbury Otia Imperialia.-Hannover, Tille. Alexander. 1866-1912. Die Geschichte der deutschen Weihnacht. -Leipzig, Timbs, John, 1801-1875. Curiosities of London, exhibiting the most rare of interest in the metropolis. A new ed.-London, -1 25- 1856.-[241-6] 1893. -[36-3] and remarkable 1867.-[729-1] objects 2955 2956 Tiraboschi, Antonio. Raccolta di proverbi Tobler. Adolf, 1835-1910. Li proverbs 1895. -[515-2] 2957 Tobler, Kleine 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 Tobler, au vilain, bergamaschi... die Ludwig, 1827-1895. Schriften zur Volks- --Bologna, Sprichworter 1875. -[302-3] des gemeinen Mannes.-Leipzig. und Sprachkunde...-Frauenfeld, 1897. -[392-2] Otto. 1887Die Epiphanie der Seele in deutscher Volkssage.-Kiel,1911.-[315-10] Toeppen, M Hasurische Sagen und Marchen...2...Auf1.-Danzig, 1867.-[350-2] Tomachel, Ruth. Country music before World War Two. -Washington, 1978. -[778-15] Tooke, Andrew, 1673-1732. The Pantheon, representing the fabulous histories of the heathen and most...6.ed.-London, 1713.-[620-2] Toota Maynah / retold by Rangi Lai.-Delhi, s.a.-[744-7] Topelius, Zakarias, 1818-1898. Haarame kija. Suomennos. -Helsingissa, 1899. -[424-3] Topsell, Edward, 1572-d,after 1612. The history of four-footed beasts and serpents. (3 v.).-London, gods 1658. -[295-1] Torrend, J Specimens Torres of Bantu folk-lore from Northern Rhodesia. -London, 1921. -[536-5] Laborde, Alfonso. 1942-1970. y cultura entre los Barasana.-Bogota, 1969.-[598-13] Toschi, Paolo. Bibliografia degli ex-voto italiani.-Firenze, 1970.-[295-3] Tosi, Piero Francesco. Observations on the florid song. Sentiments on the ancient and modern singers...2. ed.-London, 1743.-[349-3] Toutain, Jules Francois, 1865Etudes de mythologie et d'histoire des religion antique.-Paris, 1909. Mito -[539-4] Trautmann, Reinhold. Die Volksdichtung der Grossrussen. Bd. 1.-Heidelberg. 1935.-[510-4] Travis, James. John Jacob Niles, a voice from Kentucky.-s. 1.. 1969.-[803-21] Trede, Theodor, 1833Das heidentum in der romischen Kirche. (4 v.)-Gotha, 1889-91.-[36-2] Tremlett, Mrs. Horace. With the tin gods.-London, 1915.-[750-4] Trendelenburg, Frederia, 1844De veterum indorum chirurgia...-Berlin, 1866.-[692-3] Tres danzas de Mompos / por Ramiro Alvarez L... [et al.j-Medellin, 1970. -[598-14] Treskov. II' ia Vasil'evich. Fol' klornye sviazi Severnogo Trice, Henry L Lore of the Hopkins-Webster Tristan. La roman de Tristan et Iseut 1926. -[525-4] Kavkaza. -Nal'chik, line(KFR,2-3)-Bowling renouvele -1 26- / par Joseph 1963. -[446-7] Green, 1956-[755-11] Bedier...-Paris, Trithemius. Johannes -Passau, Troels-Lund. Dagligt 1880-1901. Hinmelsbild Trog, Johannes, 1462-1516. Tritheim's Abt zu Spanheim, Wunderbuch von der gottlichen... 1851. -[315-6] Troels Frederik, 1840-1921. liv i Norden i det 16de aarhundrede... 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Lateinische etymologisches Worterbuch. 2...Auf1.-Heidelberg, und 1910. -[41-1] Waldron, George. The complete works, in verse and prose.-s.1., 1731.-[340-3] Walker, Catherine Beeton. Shaker records of Harvard, Mass. (NEHGR.61).-s. 1. , 1907.-[823-15] Wall, James Charles. Devils. -London, 1904. -[337-9] Wallace, Donald. Beliefs and belief tales from McCreary County[Kentucky]. (KFR,3-4). -Bowling Green, 1957.-[760-17] Wallace, Earl D. Earl D. Wallace chosen Kentuckian of the year.(LC, 19 Jan. 1964). -Lexington. 1964.-[741-3] Shakertown at Pleasant Hill : the first fifteen years.-Pleasant Hill, 1976. -[688-42] Wallin, Andreas J Dissertatio academica, De bibliomania, quam, venia incliti Collegii Philosophic!... -Upsaliae, 1762.-[676-5] Wander, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm, 1803-1879. Deutsches Sprichworter-Lexikon. (5 v. ). -Leipzig. 1867-80. -[144-145] Ward, Caroline. National proverbs in the principal languages of Europe.-London, 1842. -[425-5] Ward, Herbert, 1863-1919. Five years with the Congo cannibals.-New York, 1890.-[753-2] Ward, Matthew Flournoy, 1826-1862. A full and authentic report of the testimony on the trial of Matt.F. Ward. -New York. 1854. -[803-22] Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1906. My winter on the Nile, among the mummies and moslems.-Hart fold, 1876. -[769-2] War-time uses for the Shaker colonies. (S,39,40).-New York, 1917-18. [68 Waschnitius. Viktor. Perht, Holda und verwandte -Wien, 1914.-[317-4] Gestalten. -1 32- (SKAWWPHK, 174-2) 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 Waser, Otto. Charon, Charun, Charos. Mythologisch-archaeologische Monographie. -Berlin, 1898. -[317-6] Wasserschleben, Ludwig Wilhelm Hermann. Die bussordnungen der abendlandischen Kirche, nebst einer rechtsgeschichtlichen Binleitung. -Halle, 1851. -[392-3] Webb, Bernice Larson. Picking at "The goophered grapevine". (KFR.25-3~4).-Bowling Green, 1979. - [664-14] Webber, Frederick R. Church symbolism, an explanation of the more important symbols of the Old and New Testament....2.ed.rev.--Cleveland, 1938.-[296-4] Weber, Carl Jefferson, New England through French eyes fifty years ago. (NEQ,20). -Brunswick, 1947. -[687-23] Weber, Ferdinand Wilhelm, 1836-1879. Judische theologie auf grund des Talmud und verwandter Schriften... 2...Auf1. -Leipzig, 1897.-[106-1] Webster, Wentworth, 1829-1907. Basque legends : collected, chiefly in the Labourd. -London. 1877. -[425-4] Weddigen, Otto, 1851Geschichte der deutschen Volksdichtung seit dem ausgange des Mittelalters bis auf die Gegenwart. 2...Auf1.-Wiesbaden, 1895.-[129-1] Weeks, Estella T Shakerism in Indiana : notes on Shaker life, customs, and music. (HFB,4-4). -Bloomington, 1945. -[824-11] Weeks, John H Congo life and jungle stories. 2.ed. 2 pts.-London, s.a.-[791-3] Weigand, Friedrich Ludwig Karl, 1804-1878. Deutsches Worterbuch. 5.Aufl. (2. v.).-Giessen, 1909-10.-[41-2] Weinhold, Karl, 1823-1901. Die deutschen Frauen in dem Mittelalter.-Wien, 1851.-[93-3] Weinhold, Rudolf. Topferwerk in der Oberlausitz. (VIDV, 18). -Berlin. 1958.-[571-6] Weinreich. Otto, 1886Antike Heilungswunder. (RVV, 8-1). -Giessen. 1909. -[334-1] Triskaidekadische Studien. (RVV. 16-1). -Giessen. 1916. -[115-8] Weise, Oskar, 1851-1933. Unsere Mundarten... -Leipzig, 1910.-[108-4] Unsere Mundarten...2...Aufl.-Leipzig, 1919.-[107-2] Weise, Harry B The charms of chap-books. (ABC, 1-3).-s. 1. , 1932. -[742-18] Weitzmann, Henri, 1901Itineraire des legendes bretonnes.-Paris, 1954.-[382-4] Wellhausen, J Reste Arabischen Heidentums. 2. Aufl.-Berlin. 1897.-[41-3] Wentz, Walter Yeeling Evans. The fairy-faith in Celtic countries.-London, 1911.-[432-1] Wer das Kleine nicht ehrt... Sagen und Geschichten urn Gut und Geld. -Stuttgart, 1965.-[470-5] Wessen. Elias, 1889Rokstenen. (SF, 23). -Stockholm, 1958. -[650-4] West, Arthur T Reminiscenes of life in a Shaker village(NEQ,ll)-Orono, 1938-[688-26] -1 33- Westall. William, 1835-1903. Tales and traditions of Switzerland.-London, 1882.-[520-5] Western Kentucky University. Folklore and Folklife Archive. Research guide to [The Archive] (ASLB.8)-Bowling Green. 1974-[613-10] Subject heading list for [The Archive]. (ASLB,6).-Bowling Green, 1974. -[613-8] A User's guide to subject headings used in [The Archive]. (ASLB,7). -Bowling Green, 1974.-[613-9] Weston, Jessie Laidlay, d.1928. The legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac : studies upon its origins... (GL, 12). -London, 1901. -[525-5] Wettstein, Emil. Zur anthropologie und ethnographie des kreises Disentis.-Zurich, 1902. -[28-1] Wetzer, Heinrich Joseph, 1801-1853. Wetzer und Welte's Kirchenlexikon. Encyklopadie der kathorischen theologie..2.Aufl. (12 v.).-Freiburg im Breisgau. 1882-1901.-[28-2] Wheeler, Gerald Clair William Camden, 1872Mono-Alu folklore (Bougainville Strait, Western Solomon Islands). (Thesis-Univ. of London). -London, 1926. -[510-3] Wheeler, Mary, 1892Kentucky mountain folksongs, the words and melodies.--Boston, 1937. -[676-6] Whitaker, Thomas, Brother. A Benedictine link with the Shakers(RKHS, 67)-Frank fort, 1969-[801-3] History of the United States post office. (FCHQ,47).-Louisville, 1973. -[801-2] White, C M The material culture of the Lunda-Lovale peoples. (RLMOP,3). -Livingstone, 1948. -[447-7] White, Edward Mitchell. The vocabulary of marbles in eastern Kentucky. (KFR,9-3). -Bowling Green, 1963. -[795-10] White, Stewart Edward, 1873-1946. African camp fires.-Garden City, N.Y., 1913.-[753-1] Whit ford, John. Trading life in western and central Africa.-Liverpool,1877.-[723-2] Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892. The Shakers. (HNMM, 57). -New York, 1857. -[688-33] Walt Whitman's visit to the Shakers. (COS,13).-s. 1., 1933.-[776-17] Whitney, Annie Weston. Folk-lore from Maryland. (MAFS, 18). -New York, 1925. -[557-3] Whitney, Harry [philomath], pseud. See Kennedy, Patrick, 1801-1873. Whitson, Robley Edward. The spirit of Shaker Christianity. (SQ,5-3).-s. 1., 1965.-[824-12] Wickwar, John William, 1874Witchcraft and the black art.-New York, 1926.-[336-4] Wiedemann, F J Aus dem inneren und ausseren Leben der Ehsten...-St. Petersburg, 1876. -[317-3] Wilde, Jane Francesca (Eigee) lady, 1926-1896. Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland.-London, 1890.-[336-2] Wildhaber, Robert. Volkskundliche Bibliographic fur die Jahre 1937 und 1938 unter Mitarbeit des Instituts f. deutsche...(VIDV,8)-Berlin, 1957.-[569-3] -1 34- 3142 Wilgus, 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 D K Aunt Molly's "Big record". (KFR,7-4).--Bowling Green, Folksongs of Kentucky, east and west. (KFR.3-3).--Bowling 1961.-[778-7] Green, 1957. -[760-16] Sing us a Kentucky song. (KFR,5-2).-Bowling Green, 1959.-[772-19] Ten Broeck and Mollie : a race and a ballad,(KFR,2-3).-Bowling Green, 1956. -[755-8] Who's in town?. (KFR,4-1).-Bowling Green, 1959.-[772-17] Wilhelm. Richard. 1873-1930. Chinesische Volksmarchen. -Jena, 1914. -[425-3] Wilkinson. Edward C , defendant. Trial of Judge Wilkinson, Dr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Murdaugh, for the murder of John Rothwell and Alexander H. Meeks at the Gait House... -Lexington, 1985. -[796-4] Williams, Cratis D Lawrence County superstitions(KFR, 2-4)-Bowling Green, 1956. -[755-10] Local ballads : "John Kelley"(KFR.7-1)-Bowling Green.1961.-[778-3] Lottie Yates. (KFR.5-2).-Bowling Green, 1959.-[772-21] Williams, Richard L The Shakers, now only 12, observe their 200th year. (SI.5-6). -Washington, D. C. , 1974.-[712-8] Williams, Roger D Horse and hound...-Lexington, 1905.-[690-13] Williams, Stephen Guion, 1942The Shakers. (04,52).-s. 1. , 1972.-[739-8] Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Shakers at Pleasant Hill, Ky.(In His Health trip to the tropics). -New York, 1853. -[824-13] Willis, Thomas, 1621-1675. De anima brutorum que hominis vitalis ac sensitiva est, exercitationes duae. -Amstelodami, 1674. -[615-5] Willis, W A The downfall of Lobengula : the cause, history, and effect of the Matabeli war. -London, 1894. -[792-1] Wilson, Delmer Charles, 1873-1961. In memoriam : Delmer Charles Wilson, 1873-1961. (SQ.1-4).-s. 1., 1961. Wilson, [75 Gordon, 1888Folklore of the Mammoth cave region. (KFS,4).-Bowling Green, 1968. [270 Folkways, especially passing institutions. (KFR, 1-1).-Bowling Green. 1955. -[742-8] Mammoth Cave words. (KFR, ll-1-4. 12-1-4>. -Bowling Green. 1965-66. -[803-19] Origins of the people of the Mammoth Cave region as shown by their surnames and regional words. (KFR, 16-4)-Bowling Green, 1970. -[825-8] Place names in the Mammoth Cave region. (KFR, 14-1).-Bowling Green. 1968. -[814-9] Similes from the Mammoth Cave region with a farm flavor. (KFR,14-2-3) -Bowling Green, 1968. -[814-4] Some Calloway County animal lore. (KFR,3-1).-Bowling Green, 1957. -[755-3] Some Mammoth Cave sayings(KFR, 15-1-3). -Bowling Green, 1969. -[825-6] Traditional aspects of the one-roomed school. (KFR, 13-1~4). -Bowling Green, 1967. -[814-10] -1 35- Wilson, Wilson, Henry A British Allen, 1879borderland : service and spot -[752-1] in Equatoria.-London, 1913. John T J An address to the K Society of Hippocrates.-Lexington,1823.-[807-1] Wilson, Lawrence Maurice. A short history of the condom.-Chibougamou, 1961.-[727-9] Wilson, 0 J In search of a ballad. (KFR.12-4).-Bowling Green, 1966.-[803-13] Wilutzky, Paul. Vorgeschichte des Rechts. (3 v.).-Breslau, 1903.-[28-3] Winchester, Alice. Shakertown at Pleasant Hill. (HP,29-4)-Washington DC, 1977. -[712-10] Winkel Horn, Frederik, 1845-1898. Billeder af livet paa Island. (2 v.)-Kopenhagen, 1871-74.-[492-1] Winkelman, Donald M. Folklore in a small college. (KFR,7-1).-Bowling Green. 1961.-[778-4] Winterfeld, Hans Joachim von. Land am heiligen Nil, draussen ist Afrika.-Berlin, 1942.-[767-4] Wissowa, Georg, 1859-1931. Religion und kultus der Romer. 2.Aufl.-Munchen. 1912.-[28-4] A Witch trial in the fourteenth century. (CM,30).-London, 1874.-[696-3] Witches and their craft. (CM, 18).-London, 1868.-[696-1] Wither, George, 1588-1667. A collection of emblems, ancient and modern.-London, 1635.-[715-6] Wlislocki, Heinrich von, 1856-1907. Volksdichtungen der siebenburgischen und sudungarischen zigeuner. -Wien, 1890. -[28-6] Volksglaube u. Volksbrauch d. Siebenburger Sachsen-Berlin, 1893. [28-5] Wolf, Johann Wilhelm, 1817-1855. Beitrage zur deutschen Mythologie. (2 v.).-Gottingen, 1852-7.-[28-7] Niederlandische Sagen. -Leipzig, 1843. -[29-1] Wolff, Eugen, 1863Reinke de Vos und satirisch-didaktische Dichtung. (DNL,19).-Stuttgart, 1893. -[576-3] Wolf er, Maria Georgina. Nocoes de arte popular. (CF,13).-Rio de Janeiro, 1971.-[598-19] Wolford, Leah Jackson. The play-party in Indiana. (IHC,4).-Indianapolis, 1916.-[804-4] Wood, Henry Cleveland. Pleasant Hill and Shaker-folk. (KPM,6).-Frank fort, 1934. -[822-3] Wood, Irene Hensel. The Daffy House ghosts. (BHK,4-1).-Bowling Green, 1981.-[663-5] Woodbridge, Henslay Charles, 1923Americanisms in Felix Holt's Gabriel Horn. (KFR,2-1).-Bowling Green, 1956. -[742-1] Asthma and the chihuahua. (KFR,2-4). -Bowling Green, 1956. -[755-9] Eleven Kentucky tobacco words. (KFR,3-2)-Bowling Green, 1957. -[755-1] Lexicographical note on Song of the river. (KFR,4-3).-Bowling Green, 1958. -[760-27] Some unrecorded hunting terms found in Kentucky. (KFR, 3-4). -Bowling Green, 1957. -[760-20] Wood ford, John. A new moon rising : art of the Tabwa people.(MT,17-2).-Ann Arbor, 1985. -[813-7] 1 3 6- 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 The Woodwright's shop / Center for Public Television, Univ. of North Carolina. -Chapel Hill, 1982.-[690-8] Wossidlo, Richard, 1859-1939. Herr und Knecht, antifeudale Sagen aus Mecklenburg aus der Samnlung... (VIDV,22). -Berlin, 1960. -[572-3] Mecklenburger Erzahlen. 2. Aufl. (VIDV, 15). -Berlin, 1958. -[571-3] Volksschwanke aus Mecklenburg aus der Sanmluug. (VIDV,30).-Berlin, 1963. -[574-1] Wrede, Adam. Bifeler Volkskunde. (ANKE.3/4). -Bonn, 1922. -[115-9] Wrede, Adam Joseph, 1875Rheinische Vo)kskunde. -Leipzig, 1919. -[29-2] Wright, Arthur Robinson, 1862-1932. British calender customs : England...(3 v.). (PFS.97,102,106). -London, 1936-40. -[595-1] English folklore. (BSL,33). -London, 1928. -[517-4] Wright, Mrs. Elizabeth Mary (Lea). Rustic speech and folk-lore.-London, 1914.-[707-3] Wright, Thomas. 1810-1877. 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Bd. l(1887)-54(1940)-[74~91] Zeitschrift fur hessische Geschichte und Literatur.-Kassel. Jg. 1 (1887)-42(1931)-[229~ 234] Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde. -Leipzig. -A. Dorffel. Bd. l(1888/89)-4(1891/92)-[278] Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde. -Leipzig. -A. Heffler. Bd. l (1888/89)-4(1891/92)-[786] Innsbruck. -1 43- 編集後言己 大型コレクションとしての「世界民間伝承文献集成」の 目録をこのような形で刊行できましたことは、この上もな い喜びであります。 このコレクションの整理にあたって、地域・言語・時代 等が広範囲にわたるものであることから、分類別に眺めら れれば、面白いだろうとも患われましたが、出来るだけ早 く目録を作成することが肝要と考え、このような形となり ました。 書名索引がつけられず、利用に耐ええるかどうか心配で はありますが、関係各位のご意見ご批判をいただければ、 幸いです。〔片山記) 世 伝 発行年月日 平成元年9月30[] 編集・発行 奈良教育大学附属図書館 (〒630)奈良市高畑町 印 刷 春日プリント工芸社 (〒630)奈良市杉ケ中町14−2 西田ビル内
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