情報発信 6-7 研究業績一覧 スマートマイクロチップ研究分野 (学術論文) 1. 田部道晴, 澤田和明, ラトノ ヌルヤディ , 杉本幹生, 石川靖彦, 石田 誠 : シリコンナノ構造から の電子の電界放出, 電子情報通信学会論文誌C J85-C(9), 803-809 (2002) 2. Takeshi Kawano, Yoshiko Kato, Masato Futagawa, Hidekuni Takao. Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication and Properties of Ultra Small Si Wire Arrays with Circuits by Vapor-LiquidSolid Growth Sensors and Actuators A 97-98, 709-715 (2002) 3. Shoji Kawahito, Kazuaki Sawada, Koji Tada, Makoto Ishida, Yoshiaki Tadokoro : A Chopperless Pyroelectric Active Pixel Infrared Image Sensor Using Chip Shift Operation Sensors and Actuators A 97-98 [147-152] (2002) 4. Shoji Kawahito, Kazuaki Sawada, Koji Tada, Makoto Ishida, Yoshiaki Tadokoro : An Improved Image Reconstruction Method for a Chopperless Pyroelectric Infrared Image Sensor The Trans. The Institute of Electrical Engineering of Japan 122-E (3), 166-171 (2002) 5. Mohammad Shahjahan, Yoshiaki Koji, Kazuaki Sawand, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of resonance Tunnel diodes by γAl 2 O 3 /Si multiple Heterosutructute Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 41, 2602-2605 (2002) 6. Mohammad Shahjahan, Nariya Takahashi, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication and Electrical Characterizaion of Ultrathin Crystalline Al 2 O 3 Gate Dielectric Films on Si(100) and Si(111) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 41-2 (12B),1474-1477 (2002) 7. Masahiro Akiyama, Masaki Hanada, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Excess noise characterization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon p-I-n photo diode films Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 41, 2552-2555 (2002) 8. Katsuhiko Tomita, Daisuke Takamuro, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Electron Emission Type Infrared Imaging Sensor Using Ferroelectric Thin Plate Sensors and Actuators A 97-98, 147-152 (2002) 9. Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida, Kazuaki Sawada : A Pneumatically Actuated Full In-Channel Microvalve with MOSFET-Like Function in Fluid Channel Networks IEEE/ASME Journal of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 11 (5), 421-426 (2002) 10. Hidekuni Takao, Fumie Ina, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Clock Feedthrough Reduction of CMOS Autozeroed Operational Amplifiers by Two-Stage Self-Compensation IEICE Transactions on Electronics E85-C (7), 1499-1505 (2002) 11. Daisuke Sakata, Hiroyuki Ebi. Narihiro Oku. Koishiro Matsuda, Hidekuni Takao. Mitsuaki Ashiki, Makoto Ishida : A sensor for blood cell counter using MEMS technology Sensors and Actuators B 83, 77-81 (2002) 12. 高尾英邦, 浅岡力弥, 川人祥二, 澤田和明, 石田 誠 : 低雑音センサインターフェース回路に向け たJFET混載CMOS技術, 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン準部門誌), 123 (10), 422-428 (2003) 13. 石田 誠, 高尾英邦 : SOI技術を用いた耐環境シリコンマイクロセンサ, 電気学会論文誌, センサ・ マイクロマシン準部門誌, 123 (2), 31-36 (2003) 14. 加藤陶子, 河野剛士, 高尾英邦, 澤田和明, 石田 誠 : 微小Siプローブとの一体化に向けたSi(111) CMOS信号検出回路, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 103 (298). 1-6 (2003) 15. Yoshiko Kato, Takeshi Kawano, Yoshiaki Ito, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Signal Conditioning CMOS Circuit Integrated on Si (111) for Image- Recording Sensor of Neural Activity 電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン準部門誌), 123 (9), 363-367 (2003) 16. Takeshi Kawano, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida ; Multichannel 5×5-Site 3-Dimensional Si Microprobe Electrode Array for neural Activity Recording System Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42,2473-2477 (2003) 17. Takashi Ono, Kazuaki Sawada, Y.C Jung, Yoshitaka Moriyasu, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Back-irradiation Type Photo-Detector Arrays Using Field Emitter Device IEICE Transactions on Electronics E86-C (9), 1805-1809 (2003) 18. Masahiro Akiyama, Masaki Hanada, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Multiplication characteristics of a-Si:H p-i-n photodiode film in high electric field Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42, 2345-2348 (2003) 19. Manoj Kumar, R.M. Mehra, A.Wakahara, M.Ishida, A.Yoshida : Epitaxial growth of high quality ZnO:Al film on Silicon with a thin γ-Al 2 O 3 JOURNAL OF APPLIDE PHYSICS 93 (7), 3837-3843 (2003) 20. Makoto Ishida, Takeshi Kawano, Masato Futagawa, Yuji Arai, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada : A Si nano-micro-wire array on a Si(111) substrate and field emission device applications Superlattices and Microstructures 34, 567-575 (2003) 21. Ho Jung Chang, Sun Hwan Hwang, Hyeongtag Jeon, Yeong Cheol Kim, Kazuaki Sawadwa, Makoto Ishida : Crystalline and electrical properties of (Bi,La)Ti3O12 thin filsm coated on Al 2 O 3 /Si substrates thin solid films 443, 136-143 (2003) 22. Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Microfluidic Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing Using Analogous Relationship Between Pneumatic Microvalve and MOSFET IEEE (Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems) 12 (4), 497-505 (2003) 23. Dong-Sun Kim, Yong-Taek Jeong, Hong-Kun Lyu, Hey-Jung Park, Hyoung Sik Kim, JangKyoo Shin, Pyung Choi, Jong-Hyun Lee, Geunbae Lim, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication and Characteristics of a Field Effect Transistor-Type Charge Sensor For Detecting Deoxyribonucleic Acid Sequence Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42-1 (6B), 4111-4115 (2003) 24. Daisuke Takamuro, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Electron Emission Characteristic from pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 Thin Plate by Infrared Light Irradiation Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42-1 (9A), 5741-5746 (2003) 25. Daisuke Akai, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Pb(Zr, Ti)O 3 films on epitaxial γ -Al 2 O 3 (001)/Si(001) substrates JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 259, 90-94 (2003) 26. Yoshiko Kato, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : The Characteristic Improvement of Si (111) Matal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor by Long-Time Hydrogen Annealing Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43 (10), 6848-6853 (2004) 27. Toshihiko Noda, Hidekuni Takao, Mitsuaki Ashiki, H. Ebi, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Characteristics of a High-Resolution Hemoglobin Measurement Microchip Integrated with Signal Processing Circuit Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43 (4B), 2392-2396 (2004) 28. Takeshi Kawano, Yoshiko Kato, Ryoji Tani, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Selective Vapor-Liquid-Solid Epitaxial Growth of Micro-Si Probe Electrode Arrays with On-chip MOSFETs on Si (111) Substrates IEEE Transactions on Electron Device 51 (3), 415-420 (2004) 29. Mohammad Shahjahan, Takayuki Okada, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Effect of Annealing on Physical and Electrical Properties of Ultrathin Crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 High-κ Dielectric Deposited on Si Substrates Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43 (8B), 5404-5408 (2004) 30. Kazuaki Sawada, T. Shimada, T. Ohshima, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Highly sensitive ion sensors using charge transfer technique SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B 98, 69-72 (2004) 31. J.S. Kim, T. Hoshi, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : Planar metal-insulator-semiconductor type field emitter fabricated on an epitaxial Al/Al 2 O 3 /Si(111) structure Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 22 (3), 1358-1361 (2004) 32. Hidekuni Takao, Fumie Ina, Toshiaki Douzaka, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : SOICMOS Precision Front-End Amplifier for Wide Range and High Temperature (200℃ ) Operation of Smart Microsensors SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A 112 (2-3), 388-394 (2004) 33. Daisuke Takamuro, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : Electron emission characteristic from a single crystalline ferroelectric material by an infrared light irradiation Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 22 (3), 1396-1401 (2004) 34. Daisuke Takamuro, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Improvement of an infrared light sensitivity in PZT photosensitive field emitter SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A 114, 230-235 (2004) 35. Daisuke Akai, Keisuke Hirabayashi, Mikako Yokawa, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Epitaxial Growth of Pt(001) Thin Films on Si Substrates using an Epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 (001) Buffer Layer Journal of Crystal Growth 264 (1-3), 463-467 (2004) 36. Young-Tae Lee, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of a High Temperature Silicon Pressure Sensor Using SDB-SOI Technology Sensors and Materials 17 (5), 269-276 (2005) 37. Takayuki Okada, Mohammad Shahjahan, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of 108 6-7 研究業績一覧 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. Crystalline HfO 2 High-k Dielectric Films Deposited on Crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 Films Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 (4B), 2320-2322 (2005) Takayuki Okada, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida, Mohammad Shahjahan : Fabrication of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors using crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 films as the gate Applied Physics Letters 85 (21), 5004-5006 (2005) Md. Shofiqul Islam, H. Ishino, T. Kawano, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Realization of In Situ Doped n-Type and p-Type Si-Microprobe Array by Selective Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth Method Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol.44, No.4B, 2161-2165 (2005) Kazuaki Sawada, Takahiro Ohshima, Takeshi Hizawa, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida ; A novel fused sensor for photo- and ion-sensing SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B (CHEMICAL) 106, 614-618 (2005) K. I. Lee, M. M. Nayak, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida, K. Rajanna : MEMES Based High Dose Radiation Resistant SOI Pressure Sensor for Aerospace Applications Sensors and Materials Vol.17, No.5, 237-247 (2005) Hidekuni Takao, Kazuhiro Miyamura, Hiroyuki Ebi, Mitsuaki Ashiki, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : A MEMS microvalve with PDMS diaphragm and two-chamber configuration of thermopneumatic actuator for integrated blood test system on silicon SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A (PHYSICAL) 119, 468-475 (2005) Halima Khatun Mosammat, Mohammad Shahjahan, Ryoki Ito, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Current-Voltage Characteristics of γ-Al 2 O 3 /epi-Si Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Different Quantum Well Thicknesses Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 (7A), 4795-4798 (2005) Daisuke Akai, Mikako Yokawa, Keisuke Hirabayashi, Koji Matsushita, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Ferroelectric properties of sol-gel delivered epitaxial Pb(Zr x ,Ti1-X)O 3 thin films on Si using epitaxialγ-Al 2 O 3 Layers Applied Physics Letters 86 (20), 202906-1 − 202906-3 (2005) Daiji Noda, Masanori Hatakeyama, Masanori Kyogoku, Kimiya Ikusima, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Si field emitter array in local vacuum package Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 23 (2), 864-867 (2005) M S Islam, T Kawashima, K Sawada, and M Ishida : Properties of a pn junction developed witha Si microprobe by vapour-liquid-solid growth using in situ doping Semicon. Sci. Tech. Vol.21, pp.1364-1368 (2006) Yuki Maruyama, kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : The fabrication of filter-less fluorescence detection sensor array using CMOS image Sensor technique SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A (PHYSICAL) Vol.128, 66-70 (2006) Yuki Maruyama, kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : A Novel Filterless Fluorescence Detection Sensor for DNA Analysis IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices Vol.53, No.3, 553-558 (2006) Yoshiko Kato, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Improvement of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Interface Characteristics in Complementary Metal-Oxide SEniconductor on Si(111) by Combination of Fluorine Implantation and Long-Time Hydrogen Annealing Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol.45, No.4, L108-L110 (2006) Toshihiko Noda, Hidekuni Takao, Kazunori Yoshioka, Narihiro Oku, Mitsuaki Ashiki, Kazuaki Sawada, Koichi Matsumoto, Makoto Ishida : Performance of absorption photometry microchip for blood hemoglobin measurement integrated with processing circuits and Si (110) 45° mirrors Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Vol. 119, 245-250 (2006) Takeshi Hizawa, Kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of a twodimensional pH image sensor using a charge transfer technique Sensors and Actuators B (Chemical) Vol. 117, Issue 509-515 (2006) Takayuki Okada, Mikinori Ito, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Growth of epitaxial γ -Al 2 O 3 (111) films with smooth surfaces on chemically oxidized Si(111) substrates using an Al− N 2 O mixed source molecular beam epitaxy Journal of Crystal Growth Vol.290, 91-95 (2006) Mosammat Halima Khatun, Mohammad Shahjahan, Ryoki Ito, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Investigation of nanocrystaline Epi-Si/γ-Al 2 O 3 heterostructure Deposited on Si Substrare by Spectroscopis ellipsometry Thin Solid Films Vol.508, 65-69 (2006) J.S. Kim, M. Shahjahan, H. K. Mosammat, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Electrical characteristics of epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si for quantum tunneling device Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.45, 6A, pp.5107-5109 (2006) J.H.Kim, Y.M.Jung, Y.J.Cho, J.W.Kim, Y.C.Kim, H.I.Seo, K.H.Kim, M.Ishida : Fabrication of Silicon master using dry and wet etching for optical waveguide by thermal embossing technique Sens. Mater. Vol.18, pp.125-130 (2006) Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Monokithic Silicon Smart Tactile Image Sensor With Integrated Strain Sensor Array on Pneumatically Swollen Single-Diaphragm Structure IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES Vol.51, No.5, 1250-1259 (2006) Daisuke Akai, Yasuhiro Oba, Nagaya Okada, Mikinori Ito, Kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Ultrasonic Transducers using Epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 Thin Films on Epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si Substrates for Smart Sensors Sens. Mater. Vol.18, pp.161-169 (2006) Daisuke Akai, Keisuke Hirabayashi, Mikako Yokawa, Kazuaki Sawada, Yoshiharu Taniguchi, Shinnichi Murashige, Naoto Nakayama, Tetsuya Yamada, Kensuke Murakami, Makoto Ishida : Pyroelectric infrared sensors with fast response time and high sensitivity using epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 films on epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si substrates Sensors and Actuators A (Physical) Vol. 130-131 111-115 (2006) H. Yamada, T. Miyashita , M. Ohtani, K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : An Integrated Circuit for Two-Dimensional Edge-Detection with Local Adaptation Based on Retinal Networks Optical Review 9(1), 1-8 (2002) H. Yonezu : Control of structural defects in group III-V-N alloys grown on Si Semiconductor Science and Technology 17, 762-768 (2002) K. Momose, H. Yonezu, Y. Fujimoto, K. Ojima, Y. Furukawa, A. Utsumi, K. Aiki : Hardening Effect of GaP1-xNx and GaAs1-xNx Alloys by Adding Nitrogen Atoms Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 41(12), 7301-7306 (2002) M. Ohtani, H. Yamada, K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : Analog LSI Implementation of Biological Direction-Selective Neurons Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 41(3A), 1409-1416 (2002) Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, K. Ojima, K. Samonji, Y. Fujimoto, K. Momose, K. Aiki : Control of N Content of GaPN Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Growth of GaPN Lattice Matched to Si(100) Substrate Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 41(2A), 528-532 (2002) K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, M. Ohtani, H. Yamada, Y. Furukawa : Analog Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Implementation of Approach Detection with Simple-Shape Recognition Based on Visual Systems of Lower Animals Optical Review 10(2), 96-105 (2003) A. Utsumi, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, K. Momose, K. Kuroki : Increase in luminescence efficiency of GaPN layers by thermal annealing Physica Status Solidi(c) 0(7), 2741-2744 (2003) K. Momose, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, A. Utsumi, Y. Yoshizumi, S. Shinohara : Improvement of Crystalline Quality of GaAsyP1-x-yNx Layers with High Nitrogen Compositions at LowTemperature Growth by Atomic Hydrogen Irradiation Journal of Crystal Growth 251, 443-448 (2003) S. Y. Moon, A. Utsumi, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, T. Ikeda, A. Wakahara : GaPN-GaP Double Heterostructure Light Emitting Diode Grown on GaP Substrate by Solid-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Physica Status Solidi (a) 201(12), 2695-2698 (2004) T. Tsuji, H. Yonezu, N. Ohshima : Selective Epitaxial Growth of GaAs on Si with Strained ShortPeriod Superlattices by Molecular Beam Epitaxy under Atomic Hydrogen Irradiation Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 22(3), 1428-1431 (2004) M. Izadifard, J. P. Bergman, I. Vorona, W. M. Chen, I. A. Buyanova, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, S. Moon, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Evaluation of Optical Quality and Defect Properties of GaN x P1-x Alloys Lattice Matched to Si Applied Physics Letters 85(26), 6347-6349 (2004) N. Q. Thinh, I. P. Vorona, I. A. Buyanova, W. M. Chen, Sukit Limpijumnong, S. B. Zhang, Y. G. Hong, C. W. Tu, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, S. Moon, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Identification of Ga-Interstitial Defects in GaNyP1-y and AlxGa1-xNyP1-y Physical Review B 70(12), (R)121201-1-121201-4 (2004) A. Nakajima, Y. Furukawa, S. Koga, H. Yonezu : Growth of High-Quality AIN with Low Pit 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Density on SiC Substrates Journal of Crystal Growth 265, 351-356 (2004) H. Yamada, K. Nishio, M. Ohtani, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : A Network of Analog Metal Oxide Semiconductor Circuits for Motion Detection with Local Adaptation to a Background Image Optical Review 11(5), 320-327 (2004) K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, A. B. Kariyawasam, Y. Yoshikawa, S. Sawa, Y. Furukawa : Analog Integrated Circuit for Motion Detection against Moving Background Based on the Insect Visual Systems Optical Review 11(1), 24-33 (2004) K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, M. Ohtani, H. Yamada, Y. Furukawa : Analog Integrated Circuit for Motion Detection of Approaching Object Based on the Insect Visual Systems Optical Review 11(1), 38-47 (2004) W. -C. Kim, J. -H. Kim, M. Lee, J. -K. Shin, H. -S. Yang, H. Yonezu : Smooth Pursuit Eye Movement System Using Artificial Retina Chip and Shape Memory Alloy Actuator IEEE Sensors Journal 5(3), 501-509 (2005) W. M. Chen, I. A. Buyanova, C. W. Tu, H. Yonezu : Defects in Dilute Nitrides Acta Physica Polonica A 108(4), 571-579 (2005) Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, S. Sawa, K. Nishio, J. -K. Shin : Analog Integrated Circuit for Edge Detection with Massively Parallel Processing Based on Vertebrate Outer Retina Sensors and Materials 17(5), 299-306 (2005) S. M. Kim, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, K. Umeno, A. Wakahara : Effect of Indium on Photoluminescence Properties of InGaPN Layers Grown by Solid Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44(12), 8309-8313 (2005) S. Y. Moon, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, S. M. Kim, Y. Morita, A. Wakahara : Dislocation-Free In x Ga1-xP1-y N y /GaP1-z N z Double-Heterostructure Light Emitting Diode on Si Substrate Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44(4A), 1752-1755 (2005) T. Imanishi, A. Wakahara, S. -M. Kim, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : Optical Properties of Lattice Matched In x Ga1-x P1-y N y Heteroepitaxial Layers on GaP physica status solidi (a) 202(5), 854-858 (2005) H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, H. Abe, Y. Yoshikawa, S. -Y. Moon, A. Utsumi, Y. Yoshizumi, A. Wakahara, M. Ohtani : Elemental Devices, Circuits and Processes for a Monolithic Si/III-V-N Alloy OEIC Optical Materials 27, 799-803 (2005) M. Izadifard, I. A. Buyanova, J. P. Bergman, W. M. Chen, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on Optical Properties of GaNxP1-x Alloys Grown by Solid Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy Semiconductor Science and Technology 20, 353-356 (2005) N. Q. Thinh, I. P. Vorona, I. A. Buyanova, W. M. Chen, Sukit Limpijumnong, S. B. Zhang, Y. G. Hong, H. P. Xin, C. W. Tu, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, S. Moon, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Properties of Ga-Interstitial Defects in AlxGa1-xNyP1-y Physical Review B 71(12), 125209-1-125209-9 (2005) A. Nakajima, H. Yokoya, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu : Step Control of Vicinal 6H-SiC(0001) Surface by H 2 Etching Journal of Applied Physics 97, 104919-1-104919-5 (2005) A. Nakajima, Y. Furukawa, H. Yokoya, H. Yonezu : Growth of B x Al 1-x N Layers Using Decaborane on SiC Substrates Journal of Crystal Growth 278, 437-442 (2005) A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, Y. Yoshizumi, Y. Morita, A. Wakahara : Improvement of Crystalline Quality of GaPN Layers Grown by RF-plasma MBE with Ion Collector physica status solidi (a) 202(5), 758-762 (2005) Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Wakahara, Y. Yoshizumi, Y. Morita, A. Sato : Electrical Properties of n-type GaPN Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Applied Physics Letters 88(14), 142109-1-142109-3 (2006) Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, Y. Morisaki, S. -Y. Moon, S. Ishiji, A. Wakahara : Monolithic Implementation of Elemental Devices for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit in Lattice-Matched Si/III-V-N Alloy Layers Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(Express Letter) 45(35), L920 - L922 (2006) S. M. Kim, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, K. Umeno, A. Wakahara : MBE Growth of Highly Strained InGaPN/GaPN Quantum Well with High Indium Content Journal of Crystal Growth 293, 359-364 (2006) S. Sawa, K. Nishio, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, J. -K. Shin : Analog Integrated Circuit for Edge Detection with Wide Dynamic Range Based on Vertebrate Outer Retina Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 12(3), 299-305 (2006) W. M. Chen, I. A. Buyanova, C. W. Tu, H. Yonezu : Point Defects in Dilute Nitride III-N-As and III-N-P Physica B 376-377, 545-551 (2006) K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : A Two-Dimensional Network of Analog Circuits for Motion Detection Based on the Frog Visual System IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E89-A(2), 428-438 (2006) K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : Analog Integrated Circuit for Detection of an Approaching Object with Simple-Shape Recognition Based on Lower Animal Vision IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences E89-A(2), 416-427 (2006) A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu , A. Wakahara : Difference of N Concentrations in GaPN Layers Simultaneously Grown on Si and GaP Substrates Journal of Crystal Growth "295(1), 12-15" (2006) A. Nakajima, Y. Furukawa, H. Yokoya, S. Yamaguchi, H. Yonezu : Growth of Low-DislocationDensity AlN under Ga Irradiation Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45(4A), 2422-2425 (2006) D. Dagnelund, I. A. Buyanova, T. Mchedlidze, W. M. Chen, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Effect of Nitrogen Ion Bombardment on Defect Formation and Luminescence Efficiency of GaNP Epilayers Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Applied Physics Letters 88(10), 101904-1-101904-3 (2006) Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Wakahara, S. Ishiji, S.Y. Moon, Y. Morisaki : Growth of Si/III-V-N/Si structure with two-chamber molecular beam epitaxy system for optoelectronic integrated circuits Journal of Crystal Growth, in press Akihiro Wakahara, Yuzo Furukawa, Shinya Itoh, Susumu Hatakenaka, Hiroo Yonezu : Growth and characterization of GaPN by OMVPE Journal of Crystal Growth, in press Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A.Yoshida, N. Ohshima, H. Itoh : Effect of 3MeV electron irradiation on photoluminescence properties of Eu-doped GaN Applied Physics Letters 81, 1943-1945 (2002) Tomoyuki Nakamura, Takashi Suemasu, Ken-ichro Takakura, Fumio Hasegawa, Akihiro Wakahara : Investigation of the energy band structure of orthorhombic BaSi 2 by optical and electrical measurements and theoretical calculations Applied Physics Letters 81, 1032-1034 (2002) A.Wakahara, N.Kawamura, H.Ohishi, H.Okada, A.Yoshida, M.Ishida : Heteroepitaxial Growth of GaN on γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si Substrate by Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Sensors and Materials 14, 263-270 (2002) A.Wakahara, H.Ohishi, H.Okada, A.Yoshida, Y. Koji, M.Ishida : Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of GaN on Si (111) with a γ-Al 2 O 3 Epitaxial Intermediate layer Journal of Crystal Growth 236, 21-25 (2002) Y.Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh : Effect of alloy composition on photoluminescence properties of europium implanted AlGaInN Physca Status Solidi C 0(1), 461-464 (2003) Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, K. Motokawa, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, T. Shibata, M. Tanaka : Effects of Al composition on luminescence properties of europium implanted Al x Ga1-x N (0<x<1) Physca Status Solidi C 0(7), 2623-2626 (2003) Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, Y.T.Kim : Effects of implantation conditions on luminescence properties of Eu-doped GaN Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 206, 1033-1036 (2003) Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh : Improvement of luminescence capability of Tb 3+-related emission by Al x Ga1-x N Physca Status Solidi B 240(2), 372-375 (2003) Tooru Tanaka, Toshiyuki Yamaguchi, Takeshi Ohshima, Hisayoshi Itoh, Akihiro Wakahara,, Akira Yoshida : Effect of Cl ion implantation on electrical properties of CuInSe 2 thin films Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 75, 109-113 (2003) 108. Tooru Tanaka, Toshiyuki Yamaguchi, Akihiro Wakahara, Akira Yoshida, Ryoichi Taniguchi, Yatsuka Matsuda, Masatoshi Fujishiro : Effect of 8MeV-electron irradiation on electrical properties of CuInSe 2 thin films Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 75, 115-120 (2003) 109. T. Misaki, K. Tsuchiya, D. Sakai, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida : Growth and characterization of ZnGeN 2 by using remote-plasma enhanced metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Physca Status Solidi C 0(1), 188-191 (2003) 110. T. Misaki, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida ; Optical properties of ZnGeN 2 epitaxial layer Physca Status Solidi C 0(7), 2890-2893 (2003) 111. H.Okada, N.Fujita, H.-S. Lee, T.Ohshima, H.Itoh, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida : Deep level transient spectroscopy study of electron irradiated CuInSe 2 thin films Journal of Electronic Materials 32, L5-L8 (2003) 112. H. -S. Lee, T.Ohshima, H.Itoh, S.Kawakita, M.Imaizumi, S.Matsuda, H.Okada, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida : 3MeV electron irradiation-induced defects in CuInSe 2 thin films Journal of Physical and Chemical Society 64, 1887-1890 (2003) 113. H. -S. Lee, T.Ohshima, H.Itoh, S.Kawakita, M.Imaizumi, S.Matsuda, H.Okada, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida : Effects of high-energy proton irradiation on the density and Hall mobility of majoritycarriers in single crystalline n-type CuInSe 2 thin films Physca Status Solidi A 199 (3), 471-474 (2003) 114. H. -S. Lee, H.Okada, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida, T.Ohshima, H.Itoh : Photoelectromagnetic effects on electron and proton irradiated CuInSe 2 thin films Journal of Applied Physics 94, 276-278 (2003) 115. H. -S. Lee, H.Okada, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida : Effect of proton irradiation on electrical properties of CuInSe 2 thin films Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 75, 57-63 (2003) 116. A.Yoshida, E.Matsumoto, H.Yamada, H.Okada, A.Wakahara : Microfabrication of High Quality Polytetrafluoroethylene Films by Synchrotron Radiation Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 199, 370-374 (2003) 117. A. V. Singh, R. M. Mehra, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : p-type conduction in codoped ZnO thin films Journal of Applied Physics 93/1, 396-399 (2003) 118. Woo Jin Lee, H.Okada, A.Wakahara, K..Imaeda, A.Yoshida : Fabrication and Characterization of Eosin-Y sensitized ZnO Solar Cell Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 43(1), 152-155 (2004) 119. T. Misaki, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida : Epitaxial growth of ZnGeN 2 by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Journal of Crystal Growth 260, 125-129 (2004) 120. T. Fujimori, H. Imai, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Shibata, M.Tanaka : Growth and Characterization of AlInN on AlN Template J. Crystal Growth 272(1-4), 381-385 (2004) 121. M. Izadifard, I.A. Buyanova, J.P. Bergman, W.M. Chen, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Effects of rapid thermal annealing on optical quality of GaNP alloys IEE Proceedings-Optoelectronics 151(5), 335 (2004) 122. K.J.Suh, H. Kinoshita, N. Tsutsui, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida" Preparation and Evaluations of Mn Doped ZnO Films Trans. Materials Res. Soc. Japan 29(4), 1475-1478 (2004) 123. K. J. Suh, H. Kinoshita, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : Transparent conducting ZnO films on polymer substrates by pulsed laser deposition Key Engineering Materials 270, 878-883 (2004) 124. Chang-Sik Son, Seong-Il Kim, Young-Hwan Kim, Il-Ki Han, Yong Tae Kim, Akihiro Wakahara, In-Hoon Choi, Homero Castaneda Lopez : Photoluminescence of Er-Implanted GaN J. Korean Phys. Soc. 45(4), 955-958 (2004) 125. A. Yoshida, A. Wakahara, Y. Nakanishi, H. Okada, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, Yong-Tae Kim : Luminescence properties of rare-earth implanted into AlGaN Key Engineering Materials 270, 890-894 (2004) 126. A. Wakahara, Y. Nakanishi, T. Fujiwara, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, T. Kamiya : Strong blue emission from Er 3 + doped in Al x Ga1-x N Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) 201, 2768-2772 (2004) 127. W.J.Lee, A.Wakahara, B.H.Lee : Decreasing of CaZrO 3 sintering temperature with glass frit addition Ceramics International 31, 521-524 (2005) 128. V. Katchkanov, K. P. O'Donnell, S. Dalmasso, R. W. Martin, A. Braud, Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : Photoluminescence studies of Eu-implanted GaN epilayers physica status solidi (b) 242 (7), 1491-1496 (2005) 129. Tooru Tanaka, Takeshi Nagatomo, Daisuke Kawasaki, Mitsuhiro Nishio, Qixin Guo, Akihiro Wakahara, Akira Yoshida, Hiroshi Ogawa : Preparation of Cu 2 ZnSnS 4 thin films by hybrid sputtering Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 66, 1978-1981 (2005) 130. Manoj Kumar, R. M. Mehra, Akihiro Wakahara, M. Ishida, Akira Yoshida. : Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial Al doped ZnO film on sapphire with GaN buffer layer, Thin Solid Films 484, 174-183 (2005) 131. A.Wakahara, Y.Nakanishi, T.Fujiwara, H.Okada, A.Yoshida, T.Ohshima, T.Kamiya : Enhancement of Tb-related cathodoluminescence in AlxGa1-xN (0<x<1) phys. stat. solidi (a) 202(5), 863-867 (2005) 132. T. Miyajima, Y. Kudo, A. Wakahara, T. Yamaguchi, T. Araki, Y. Nanishi : Analysis of the local structure of InN with a bandgap energy of 0.8 and 1.9 eV and annealed InN using X-ray absorption fine structure measurements phys. stat. sol. (c ) 3(6), 1746-1749 (2006) 133. Woo-Jin Lee, Hiroshi Okada, Akihiro Wakahara, Akira Yoshida : Structural and Photoelectrochemical Characteristics of Nanocrystalline ZnO electrodes with Eosin-Y Ceramics International 32(5), 495-498 (2006) 134. H. Okada, H.-S. Lee, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, T. Kamiya : Study of electron irradiation-induced defects in CuInSe 2 and CuIn x Ga1-x Se 2 by electron spin resonance Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 90, 93-99 (2006) 135. T.Fujiwara, A.Wakahara, Y.Nakanishi, H.Okada, A.Yoshida, T.Ohshima, T.Kamiya : Photoluminescence properties of Eu-implanted Al x Ga1-x N(0<x<1) Physica Status Solidi (c) 2(7), 2805-2808 (2005) 136. H.Ohfuchi, T.Nishiwaki, K.Tabata, K.Ogawa, M.Tabuchi, Y.Takeda, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida, T.Ohshima, H.Ito : Fluorescence EXAFS study on local structures around Eu atoms implanted in Al x Ga1-x N Physica B 366-377, 496-498 (2006) 137. A.Wakahara : Impact of AlGaN on luminescence capability of rare-earth ions in AlGaN Optical Materials 28(6-5), 731-737 (2006) (国際会議発表) 1. Makoto Ishida, Takeshi Kawano, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada : Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Micro-Si Probe Array for Multichannel neural Activity Recording Chip, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering. 1311-1314. (2002/7) 2. M.Ishida, T.Kawano, H.Takao, K.Sawada : Selectively Grown Si Micro-Prove Array Chip on Si (111) with SignalProcessing Circuits, PACIFIC RIM WORKSHOP ON TRANSDUCERS AND MICRO/NANO TECHNOLOGIES, 295-298, (2002/7) 3. M. Akiyama, M. Hanada, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Multiplication characteristics of a-Si:H p-i-n photodiode film in high electric field, Solid State Devices and Materials(SSDM 2002), 536-537, (2002/9) 4. M.Ishida, T.kawano, H.Takao, K.Sawada : Smart chip with selective micro-probes on Si (111) IC chips for detecting nerve potential, International Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems (ISSS-SPIE 2002), 302-309, (2002/11) 5. M.Ishida, T.Kawano, H.Takao, K.Sawada : Selectively Grown Si Micro-Prove Array Chip on Si (111) with Signal Processing Circuits, Int, (2002/11) 6. K.Sawada, M.Futagawa, Y.Arai, T.Kawano, H.Takao, M.Ishida : Field Electron Emission Device Using Silicon Nano-Wires, 2002 International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM 2002), 401-404, (2002/12) 7. K. Lee, H. Takao, K. Sawada, and M. Ishida : A Three-Axis Accelerometer for High Temperatures with Low Temperature Dependence Using a Constant Temperature Control of SOI Piezoresistors, IEEE The 16th Annual International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2003), 478-481, (2003/1) 8. H. Takao, and M. Ishida : Analysis and Experimental Verification of Micro Fluidic Integrated 6-7 研究業績一覧 109 情 報 発 信 情報発信 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 110 Circuits Using Analogous Relationship Between Pneumatic Microvalve and MOSFET, IEEE The 16th Annual International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 185-188, (2003/1) M.Ishida, T.kawano, H.Takao, K.Sawada : Selectively Grown Si Micro-Probe Array Chip on Si(111) with Signal Processing Circuits, 2003 RCIQE International Seminar on Quantum Nanoelectronics for Meme-Media-Based Information Technologies , 92-99, (2003/2) M.Ishida, T.Kawano, H.Takao, K.Sawada : Smart microchip for detecting cell potential using Si micro-probes selectively grown on IC ships, Second International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (M&BE2), 139, (2003/3) Masahiro Akiyama, Masaki Hanada, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Avalanche Multiplication type CMOS Imager using a-Si:H photodiode film, Extended Abstracts of the 2003 IEEE Workshop on Charge-Coupled Devices and Advanced Image Sensors, (2003/5) Yoshiko Kato, Takeshi Kawano, Yoshiaki Ito, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : CMOS Signal Processing Circuits on Si (111) for Neural Activity Image-Recording with Epitaxially Grown Micro-Si Probes, The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (TRANSDUCERS'03), No.2, pp. 1687-1690, (2003/6) Takeshi Kawano, Yoshiko Kato, Ryoji Tani, Hiroshi Ishino, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Neuron Size Si Probe Array Fabricated on Integrated Circuits for Multichannel Electrode, The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (TRANSDUCERS'03), No.2, pp. 1679-1682, (2003/6) K. Sawada, T. Ohshina, T. Hizawa, H. Takao, and M. Ishida : Novel Fused Sensor For Photo and Ion Sensing, Digest of Technical Papers of The 12th International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (IEEE Transducers, 1023-1026, (2003/6) H. Takao, K. Miyamura, H. Ebi, M. Ashiki, K. Sawada, and M. Ishida : A Thermo-Pneumatic In-Channel Microvalve with PDMS Diaphragm for Integrated Blood Examination System on Silicon, Digest of Technical Papers of The 12th International Conference on Solid - State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (IEEE Transducers), 139-142, (2003/6) H. Takao, F. Ina, T. Douzaka, K. Sawada, and M. Ishida : A Precision SOI-CMOS Front-End Amplifier For Smart Microsensors Applicable to Severe Operation Environment with Large Temperature Variation, Digest of Technical Papers of The 12th International Conference on Solid - State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (IEEE Transducers), 448-451, (2003/6) D. Takamuro, H.Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : IMPROVEMENT OF INFRARED LIGHTS SENSITIVITY ON PZT EMITTER, The 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (TRANSDUCERS'03), No.2, pp. 1622-1625, (2003/6) Jang-Seop Kim, Tomohiro Hoshi, Kazuaki Sawada, Macoto Ishida : Planar MIS Type Field Emitter Fabricated on Epitaxial Al/Al 2 O 3 /Si(111) structure, IVMC2003, The 16th International Vacuum Microelectronics Conference, (2003/7) D. Takamuro, H.Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Electron Emission Characteristics from A Single Crystalline Ferroelectric Material by An Infrared Light Irradiation, IVMC2003, The 16th International Vacuum Microelectronics Conference, pp.69-70, (2003/7) T. Okada, R. Ito, M. Shahjahan, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Electrical properties of crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 films using conductive-AFM and MISFETs with Aluminum gates, SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, pp. 514-515, (No.P4-12), (2003/9) T. Noda, T. Hidekuni, M. Ashiki, H. Ebi, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : A High Resolution Hemoglobin Measurement Cell Integrated with Signal Processing Circuit, SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, (No.P14-2), (2003/9) M. Shahjahan, T. Okada, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Effect of Nitrogen Annealing on the Electrical Properties of Ultrathin Crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 High-κ Dielectric Films Deposited on Si(111) Substrates, SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, pp. 522-523, (No.P4-16), (2003/9) C.Oda, K.Sawada, T.Tsuchiya, H.Takao. M.Ishida : Integrated Electrochemical DNA Sensors with Microfluidic Channel Reactor, μ-TAS 2003 (SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MINIATURIZED CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEMS), Vol.1, pp.371-374, (2003/10) K. I. Lee, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Fabrication and Analysis of Thermal Drift of a Constant Temperature Control Type Three-Axis Accelerometer for High Temperatures, Proceedings of International Sensor Conference 2003, 79-80, (2003/11) M.Ishida, T.Kawano. M.Futagawa, Y.Arai, H.Takao, and K.Sawada : Nano-Micro Si wire array on Si(111) IC chips and Device Applications, Sixth International Conference on New Phenomena in mesoscopic Structures-Fourth International Conference on Surfaces and interfaces of mesoscopic Devices, 141-142, (2003/11-12) M.Ishida : Smart microchips for Intelligent human sensing, Twelfth International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices ,141-142, (2003/12) K.Ikushima, A.Baba, M.Kyougoku, K.Sawada, M.Ishida : FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A PIXEL LEVEL MICRO VACUUM PACKAGE FOR INFARED IMAGER, The 17th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2004), (2004/1) K. Lee, H. Takao, K. Sawada, and M. Ishida : Analysis and Experimental Verification of Thermal Drift in a Constant Temperature Control Type Three-Axis Accelerometer for High Temperatures with a Novel Composition of Wheatstone Bridge, The 17th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2004), 241-244, (2004/1) H. Takao, K. Sawada, and M. Ishida : Silicon Smart Tactile Image Sensor with Pneumatically Swollen Single Diaphragm Structure, The 17th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2004), 846-849, (2004/1) V. Radhakrishna, Y. Kato, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M.Ishida : Laser Micro-Raman Analysis of Interface Stress in Si/SiO 2 Structure, 12th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS-12), P2-30, pp.206, (2004/6) Md. Shahjahan, H. Khatun, T. Okada, K. Sawada, M.Ishida : Investigation of High-k Crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si Interface by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, 12th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS-12), A3-5, pp.119, (2004/6) Young-Tae Lee, Hidekuni Takao, and Makoto Ishida : Fabricaton of the High Temperature Silicon Pressure Sensor, International Conference on Electrical Enginering 2004 (ICEE 2004) Joint Conference with Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT MNT 2004), pp.749-752, (2004/7) Yoshiko Kato, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : Device Characteristics of MOSFETs for smart sensor system on Si(111), International Conference on Electrical Enginering 2004 (ICEE 2004) Joint Conference with Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT MNT 2004), Vol.3-1, pp.112-116, (2004/7) Kyung-Il. Lee, Hidekuni Takao, Hee-Don Seo, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto. Ishida : Thermal Response Analysis of a Temperature Controlled Three-axis Accelerometer for High Temperatures with Integrated Microheaters and Temperature Sensors, International Conference on Electrical Enginering 2004 (ICEE 2004) Joint Conference with Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT MNT 2004), Vol.3-1, pp.449-452, (2004/7) Kyung-Il Lee, M. M. Nayak, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida, K. Rajanna : MEMS based high dose radiation resistant SOI Pressure Sensor, International Conference on Electrical Enginering 2004 (ICEE 2004) Joint Conference with Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT MNT 2004), pp.1317-1321, (2004/7) Hidekuni Takao, Yoshiaki Ito, K. Serge, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : Low-Noise Fully Differential Amplifiers for High Resolution Smart Sensors Using JFET-CMOS Technology, International Conference on Electrical Enginering 2004 (ICEE 2004) Joint Conference with Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT MNT 2004), Vol.3-1, pp.20-25, (2004/7) Daiji Noda, Masanori Hatakeyama, Masanori Kyogoku, K. Ikusima, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Si field emitter array in local vacuum package, 17th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, pp.292-293, (2004/7) Takeshi Kawano, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Neural Recording Chip with Penetrating Si Microprobe Electrode Array by Selective Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth Method, 26th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 6-7 研究業績一覧 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 2004), pp.2066-2069, (2004/9) Takayuki Okada, Mohammad Shahjahan, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Electrical characteristics of crystalline HfO 2 high-k dielectric films deposited on crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 films, International Conference on SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, P3-21L, (2004/9) Mohammad Shofiqul Islam, Hiroshi Ishino, Takeshi Kawano, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Realization of n-type and p-type Si-Microprobe Array Using In-Situ Doping with Selective Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth Method, International Conference on SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, A-5-3, p.176-177, (2004/9) Kazuaki Sawada, Chigusa Oda, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Microfluidic Channel Type Smart Electrochemical DNA Sensors with Operational Amplifiers, International Conference on SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, I-5-3, p.376-377, (2004/9) Takeshi Hizawa, Kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of pH CMOS Image Sensor for Chemical Reaction Imaging, Proceedings MicroTAS 2004, Vol.2, pp.440-442, (2004/10) K.Sawada, M.Tabe, Y.Ishikawa, M.Ishida* : Electron Field Emission Device Using Silicon Nano-Protrusions, Proceedings of The 21th International Display Research, 1181-1184, (2004/10) Yuuki Maruyama, Kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : Novel Filter Less fluorescence Detection Sensor Array for DNA Microchip, MicroTAS 2004, Vol.2, pp.491-493, (2004/10) Masahiro Akiyama, Masaki Hanada, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of a-Si:H photodiode films on polycrystalline silicon for using avalanche multiplication type stacked image sensor, Extended Abstracts of the 4th International Workshop Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, (2004/11) Takeshi Kawano, Akito Ishihara, Tetsuhiro Harimoto, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Shiro Usui, and Makoto Ishida : Three-dimensional multichannel Si microprobe electrode array chip for analysis of the nervous system, 2004 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2004), 1013-1016, (2004/12) Takayuki Okada, Mohammad Shahjahan, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : A Novel Epitaxial Growth Technique of Ultrathin Single Crystalline γ-Al 2 O 3 Films with Very Smooth Surface on Si substrates, 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, H8.14, pp.221, (2004/12) Daisuke Akai, Mikako Yokawa, Keisuke Hirabayashi, Koji Matsushita, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Epitaxial PZT/Pt/γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si Structure and its Ferroelectric Characterisics, 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, 219-220, (2004/12) Mikinori Ito, Daisuke Akai, Yasoo Harada, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 Ultra Thin Films on Silicon for Heteroepitaxial Substrates, Fourth International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-4), 25P2-21, pp.272-273, (2005/5) Halima Khatun Mst., Mohammad Shahjahan, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Investigation of Nanocrystalline Epi-Si/γ-Al 2 O 3 Heterostructure Deposited on Si-Substrates by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Fourth International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-4), 25P2-10, pp.250-251, (2005/5) Yuki Maruyama, Kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : THE FABRICATION OF FILTER-LESS FLUORESCENCE DETECTION SENSOR ARRAY USING CMOS IMAGE SENSOR TECHNIQUE, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 1026-1029, (2005/6) Toshihiko Noda, Hidekuni Takao, Kazunori Yoshioka, Narihiro Oku, Mitsuaki Ashiki, Kazuaki Sawada, Koichi Matsumoto, Makoto Ishida : EVALUATION OF NOVEL BLOOD-HEMOGLOBIN MEASUREMENT MICROSYSTEM WITH INTEGRATED PROCESSING CIRCUITS AND Si(110) 45° -MIRRORS TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 2007-2010, (2005/6) Takeshi Kawano, Akito Ishihara, Tetsuhiro Harimoto, Takahiro Kawashima, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Shiro Usui, Makoto Ishida : NEURAL RECORDING WITH LOW-INVASIVE Si MICROPROBE ARRAY, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 1222-1225, (2005/6) Takeshi Hizawa, Kazuaki Sawada, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : FABRICATION OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL pH CMOS IMAGE SENSORS AND REAL TIME IMAGING OF CHEMICAL REACTION, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 1138-1141, (2005/6) Radhakrishna Vatedka, Yoshiko Kato, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY STUDY OF Si(111) CMOS SUBJECTED TO HIGH MECHANICAL STRESS FOR SMART SENSOR APPLICATION, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 871-874, (2005/6) Minoru Sudou, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : WAFER-LEVEL INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE MOUNT DEVICES USING AUTOMATIC PARTS ALIGNMENT TECHNOLOGY WITH VIBRATION, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 1322-1325, (2005/6) Makoto Ishida, Takeshi Kawano, Akito Ishihara, Tetsuhiro Harimoto, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Shiro Usui : Development of microsensor systems, International Symposium for Advanced Sensor Technology (先進センサ技術国際シンポジウム), 55-62, (2005/6) Makoto Ishida : Epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 Ultra Thin Films on Silicon for Heteroepitaxial Substrates, Fourth International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-4), 25P2-21, pp.272-273, (2005/6) Kyung Il Lee, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Hee Don Seo, and Makoto Ishida : IMPROVEMENT OF THERMAL RESPONSE IN TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED PRECISE THREE-AXIS ACCELEROMETER WITH STABILIZED CHARACTERISTICS OVER A WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 800-803, (2005/6) Kazuaki Sawada, Chigusa Oda, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida : SMART MICROFULUIDIC ELECTROCHEM ICAL DNA SENSORS INTEGRATED SIGNAL PROCESSING CIRCUITS, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 279-282, (2005/6) Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : MULTIFUNCTIONAL SMART TACTILE-IMAGE SENSOR WITH INTEGRATED MULTIFUNCTIONAL SMART TACTILE-IMAGE SENSOR WITH INTEGRATED ARRAYS OF STRAIN AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS ON SINGLE AIR-PRESSURIZED SILICON DIAPHRAGM ARRAYS OF STRAIN AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS ON SINGLE AIR-PRESSURIZED SILICON DIAPHRAGM, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 45-48, (2005/6) Daisuke Takamuro, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : HIGHLY SENSITIVE ELECTRON-EMISSION-TYPE INFRARED SENSOR USING A SINGLE CRYSTALLINE LiNbO 3 , TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 581-584, (2005/6) Daisuke Akai, Keisuke Hirabayashi, Mikako Yokawa, Kazuaki Sawada, Yoshiharu Taniguchi, Shinnichi Murashige, Naoto Nakayama, Tetsuya Yamada, Kensuke Murakami, Makoto Ishida : Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors with Fast Response Time and High Sensitivity using Epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3 Films on Epitaxial -Al 2 O 3 /Si Substrates, TRANSDUCERS'05 (The 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems), 307-310, (2005/6) Y. S. Cho, H. Takao*, K. Sawada*, M. Ishida*, and S. Y. Choi : SOI CMOS Image Sensor with Pinned Photodiode on Handle Wafer, Extended Abstracts of the 2005 IEEE Workshop on Charge-Coupled Devices and Advanced Image Sensors, (2005/6) Kyung Il Lee, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Hee Don Seo, and Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Temperature Controlled Precise Three-axis Accelerometer with Stabilized Temperature Characteristics over a Wide Temperature Range, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2005 (ICEE2005), PS2-46, ICEE-F0411, (2005/7) Jung-Hun Kim, Yu-Min Jung, Yu-Jeong Cho, Jong-Wan Kim, Yeong-Cheol Kim, Hwa-Il Seo, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Silicon Master Using Dry & Wet Etching for Optical Waveguide by Thermal Embossing Technique, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2005 (ICEE2005), PS2-53, ICEE-F0563, (2005/7) 67. Hidekuni Takao, Yusuke Edo, Yoshiaki Ito, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida : Ultimate 1/f Noise Reduction in JFET-based Operational Amplifiers for High-Performance CMOS integrated Smart Microsensors, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2005 (ICEE2005), DM1-10, ICEE-F0144, (2005/7) 68. Daisuke Akai, Mikako Yokawa, Keisuke Hirabayashi, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication and Characterization of Epitaxial Pb(Zr x , Ti 1-x)O 3 and Pt Films on Si using Epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 Buffer Layer for Sensor Devices, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2005 (ICEE2005), DM1-06, ICEE-F0096, (2005/7) 69. D. Noda, T. Itoh, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Ground moisture measurement system by infrared ray sensors for agriculture field, SPIE-Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosysytems, and hydrology Vll, Vol.5976, (2005/9) 70. Jang-Seop Kim, Kazuaki Sawada, and Makoto Ishida, Mohammad Shahjahan : Electrical Characteristics of Epitaxial γ-Al 2 O 3 Films for Quantum Device, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, (2005/12) 71. JW. Kim, T. Ichikawa, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : High crystalline quality Pt thin films grown epitaxially on epitaxial Al 2 O 3 /Si substrates, Presented at the The IEEE SAS, 78-81, (2006/2) 72. M. Ito, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Epitaxial Pt(111) thin Films on Si(111) Substrates with γ -Al 2 O 3 (111) as buffer layer, 2006 MRS Spring Meeting, 651, (2006/4) 73. T. Okada, D. Masunaga, M. Ito, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Fabrication of ferroelectric thin films on crystalline HfO 2 /γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si(100) substrates for MFIS-FET applications ,2006 MRS Spring Meeting, 163, (2006/4) 74. M. Aono, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Kitazaki, A. Wakahara, S. Ichikawa, S. Nakauchi, S. Kuriyama, T. Hirotsu, K. Katsurada, S. Shinohara, Y. Sekiguchi, Y. Yasuda, Y. Iribe, T. Nitta, and M. Ishida : HIBALIS: a Prototype System for Intelligent Human Sensing, Presented at the International Symposium on LifeChips, (2006/5) 75. H.Takao, J.W.Kim, T.Noda, M.Sudou, K.Sawada, M.Ishida : Integrated Smart Micro Sensors with Short-Distance RF-Communication Unit for Life-Related Sensing Applications, Presented at the International Symposium on LifeChips, (2006/5) 76. M. Ishida :Si microprobe array chips for in-vivo recording of neural activity, Presented at the International Symposium on LifeChips, (2006/5) 77. S. Hatakenaka, T. Kawano, M. Itoh, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, M. Ishida : A novel structure of Si/GaN/γ-Al 2 O 3 /Si for MEMS applications, Presented at the APCOT 2006, 228, (2006/6) 78. M. S. Islam, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : A Fabrication of p-n Junction using Si-microprobe Array by in-situ Doping VLS Growth, Presented at the APCOT 200, 132, (2006/6) 79. R. Vatedka, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Effect of High Drain Bias on Stress Sensitivity in MOSFETs, Presented at the APCOT 2006, 145, (2006/6) 80. M. Shahjahan, M. H. Khatun , K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics and Switching Time of Double Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diode Fabricated with Epi-Si/γ-Al 2 O 3 Heterostructure, Presented at the APCOT 2006, 195, (2006/6) 81. Y. Maruyama, K. Sawada, H. Takao, M. Ishida : A Wide Dynamic Range Photogate Type Image Sensor Based on Self Suppression Principle, Presented at the APCOT 2006, 153, (2006/6) 82. K. Takei, T. Kawashima, H. Takao, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Micro SiO 2 tube array on Si(111) substrates for intelligent devices using Vapor-Liquid-Solid method and selective Si etching by XeF 2 gas ,Presented at the APCOT 2006 ,272, (2006/6) 83. H. Takao, T. Douzaka, K. Sakurano, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : A Self-Compensated Fully Differential SOI-CMOS Operational Amplifier for Wide Temperature Operation of Silicon Smart Sensors up to 275℃ , Presented at the APCOT 2006, 146, (2006/6) 84. Daiji Noda, Masanori Hatakeyama, Kichinosuke Nishijyou, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Fabrication of Local Micro Vacuum Package Incorporating Si Field Emitter Array and Ti Getter 19th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference & 50th International Field Emission Symposium, 387-388, (2006/7) 85. Makoto Ishida (Invited), Daisuke Akai, Kazuaki Sawada : Ferroelectric Thin Film Sensors on Epitaxial Pt/Al 2 O 3 /Si Substrates, Presented at 6th Japan-Korea Conference on Ferroelectricity (JKC-FE06), JKC-FE06 - ,(2006/8) 86. M. Ito, T. Okada, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : High crystalline quality Pt thin films grown epitaxially on epitaxial Al 2 O 3 /Si substrates, Presented at the The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2006 (IUMRS-ICA-2006), 181-184, (2006/9) 87. D. Noda, M. Hatakeyama, K. Nishijyou, K. Sawada, M. Ishida : Development of Cavity Structure for Field Emission on Si Substrate, MNC (2006 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference), pp.330-331, (2006/10) 88. Jong-Wan Kim, Hidekuni Takao, Kazuaki Sawada, Makoto Ishida : Evaluation of Monolithically Integrated Antennas and RF Transmitters for Silicon Smart Micro Sensors with Wireless-Communication Ability, Presented at the The IEEE Sensors, 14, (2006/10) 89. Y.Maruyama, K.Sawada, H.Takao, M.Ishida : Quantitative evaluation of concentration of double stranded DNA using filter less fluorescence detection sensor, 2006 International Meeting The 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, 1252, (2006/10) 90. T. Hizawa, K. Sawada, H. Takao, M. Ishida : Sensing Characteristics of Charge Transfer Type pH Sensor by Accumulative Operation, The 5th IEEE Conference on Sensors, 46, (2006/10) 91. H. Yonezu : Epitaxial Growth of Dislocation-Free III-V-N Compounds on Substrate, The 8th IUMRS Int. Conf. on Electronic Materials, 191, (2002/6) 92. Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Utsumi, K. Momose : Growth and Photoluminescence Property of GaPN Lattice-Matched to Si Substrate, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 1295-1298, (2002/7) 93. K. Momose, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, A. Utsumi, S. Shinohara :Improvement of Crystalline Quality of GaAs y P1-x -yN x Layers with High Nitrogen Compositions by Low-Temperature Growth under Atomic Hydrogen Irradiation, 12th Int. Conf. on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, 297-298, (2002/9) 94. H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, K. Momose, A. Utsumi : Dislocation-Free III-V-N Alloys Grown on Si, The 3rd Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Process and Equipments, 10-13, (2002/10) 95. A. Utsumi, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, K. Momose, K. Kuroki : Increase in Luminescence Efficiency of GaPN Layers by Thermal Annealing, 5th Int. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-5), 483, (2003/5) 96. K. Nishio, S. Sawa, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : Analog Circuit for Motion Detection Based on Insect Visual Systems, Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing (ICANN/ICONIP), 438-441, (2003/6) 97. Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Utsumi, K. Momose, S. Shinohara, Y. Yoshizumi : Effect of Thermal Annealing on Optical Property of GaPN Alloy, The 15th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ACCGE-15), 91, (2003/7) 98. Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Utsumi, K. Momose, A. Wakahara : Improvement in Luminescence Properties of GaPN Alloys by Thermal Annealing, 2003 Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments, 137-140, (2003/8) 99. K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, S. Sawa, Y. Furukawa : Analog LSI for Motion Detection of Approaching Object with Simple-Shape Recognition Based on Lower Animal Vision, Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference 2004 (ASP-DAC 2004), 529-530, (2004/1) 100. S. Y. Moon, A. Utsumi, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, T. Ikeda, A. Wakahara : GaPN-GaP Double Heterostructure Light Emitting Diode Grown on GaP Substrate by Solid-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy, The 5th International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes-2004 (ISBLLED-2004), 262, (2004/3) 101. M. Izadifard, I. A. Buyanova, P. Bergman, I. Vorona, W. M. Chen, A. Utsumi, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, K. Momose, K. Kuroki : Effects of Rapid Thermal Annealing on Optical Quality of GaNP Alloys, European Materials Research Society 2004 Spring Meeting, 335-337, (2004/5) 102. K. Nishio, H. Yonezu, S. Sawa, Y. Yoshikawa, Y. Furukawa : Analog Integrated Circuit for Detection of Approaching Object against Moving Background Based on Lower Animal Vision, 2004 IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, IV-832-IV-835, (2004/5) 103. T. Imanishi, A. Wakahara, S. -M. Kim, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa : Optical Properties of Lattice Matched InxGa1-xP1-yNy Heteroepitaxial Layers on GaP, Int. Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2004), 122, (2004/7) 104. A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, Y. Yoshizumi, Y. Morita, A. Wakahara : Improvement of Crystalline Quality of GaPN Layers Grown by RF-MBE with Ion Collector, Int. Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2004), 62, (2004/7) 105. S. Sawa, K. Nishio, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, J. -K. Shin : Analog Integrated Circuit for Edge Detection with Wide Dynamic Range Based on Vertebrate Outer Retina, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2004 (ICEE 2004), 827-832, (2004/7) 106. A. Nakajima, Y. Furukawa, H. Yokoya, H. Yonezu : Growth of BxAl1-xN Layers Using Decaborane on SiC Substrates, 2004 Int. Conf. on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2004), 245-246, (2004/8) 107. S. M. Kim, S. Y. Moon, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Wakahara : Lattice-Matching and Compositional Fluctuation of InGaPN Grown on GaP and Si Substrate, The 31st Int. Symp. on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS-2004), 40-41, (2004/9) 108. H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, A. Wakahara : Elemental Devices for a Monolithic Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit, The 4th Int. Symp. on Advanced Science and Technology of Silicon Materials (JSPS Si Symp.), 418-423, (2004/11) 109. H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, A. Wakahara : Fabrication Process for a Monolithic Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit, The 5th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments, 9-14, (2004/11) 110. N. Q. Thinh, I. P. Vorona, I. A. Buyanova, W. M. Chen, Sukit Limpijumnong, S. B. Zhang, Y. G. Hong, H. P. Xin, C. W. Tu, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, S. Moon, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Important Grown-in Defects in Novel Dilute Nitride (Al,In)GaNP: Ga Interstitials, The 2005 MRS Spring Meeting, 105, (2005/3) 111. W. M. Chen, I. A. Buyanova, C. W. Tu, H. Yonezu : Defects in Dilute Nitrides, The 34th International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, (2005/6) 112. W. M. Chen, I. A. Buyanova, C. W. Tu, H. Yonezu : Point Defects in Dilute Nitride III-N-As and III-N-P, The 23rd Int. Conf. on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS-23), 73, (2005/7) 113. S. -Y. Moon, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, S. -M. Kim, Y. Morita, A. Wakahara : Dislocation-Free InxGa1-xP1-yNy/GaP1-zNz Double Heterostructure Light Emitting Diode on Si Substrate, 2005 Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments, 338-342, (2005/10) 114. S. Kim, K. Umeno, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, S. Moon, Y. Morisaki, S. Ishiji, A. Wakahara : Growth of Dislocation-Free InGaPN/GaPN MQWs with a Direct-Bandgap and Elemental Device Processes for Monolithic OEICs on Si Substrate, 2006 International Conference on Blue Lasers and Light Emitting Diodes (ISBLLED 2006), 111-112, (2006/5) 115. Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Wakahara, A. Sato : Electrical and Luminescence Properties of nand p-type GaPN, 2006 Electronic Materials Conference (EMC 2006), 87-88, (2006/6) 116. Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Wakahara, Y. Morisaki, S. Y. Moon, S. Ishiji, M. Ohtani : Elemental Devices for Monolithic Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits on Lattice-Matched Si/III-V-N/Si Structure, 2006 Device Research Conference (DRC 2006), 27-28, (2006/6) 117. K. Umeno, S. -M. Kim, Y. Furukawa, H. Yonezu, A. Wakahara : Band Alignments of InGaPN/GaPN Quantum Well Structures on Si and GaP, The 14th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE2006), 178, (2006/9) 118. S. Y. Moon, H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, Y. Morisaki, S. Ishiji, A. Wakahara : Application of Micro-Size Light Emitting Diode Structure for Monolithic Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2006 (IWN2006), 174, (2006/10) 119. H. Yonezu, Y. Furukawa, Y. Morisaki, S. -Y. Moon, S. Ishiji, A. Wakahara : Monolithic Integration of Optical Devices and Electron Devices for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit in Lattice-Matched Si/III-V-N Alloy Layers on Si Substrates, The 7th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments, 1-5, (2006/11) 120. S. Y. Moon, Y. Furukawa, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Monolithic Inplementation of Light Emitting Diode in Lattice-Matched Si/III-V-N Alloys/Si Structure for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits, The 7th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Equipments, 61-63, (2006/11) 121. H. Yonezu : Monolithic Implementation of MOSFET's and LED's for Optoelectronic Intergrated Circuits in Lattice-Matched Si/(In)GaPN Layers, 3rd International Workshop on Metastable Compound Semiconductors and Heterostructures , (2006/12) 122. A. Wakahara, Y. Nakanishi, K. Motokawa, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H. Iro : Strong Radiation Hardness of Eu-related Luminescence from GaN:Eu and Application for Optoelectronics in Radiation Environments, 2002 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD2002), 6.13, pp.267-270, (2002/6) 123. W-J. Leea, A. Suzuki, H. Okada, A. Wakahara A. Yoshida : Fabrication and Evaluation of Dye-sensitized Nanopaticle ZnO Solar cell, 2002 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD2002), 7.6, pp.293-296, (2002/6) 124. A. WAKAHARA, N. KAWAMURA, H.OKADA, A.YOSHIDA, M.ISHIDA : Heteroepitaxy of GaN on Si substrate for MEMS application, Int.Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2002, pp.1344-1347, (2002/7) 125. A.YOSHIDA, W.J.LEE, A.SUZUKI, H.OKADA, A. WAKAHARA : Fabrication and characterization of Dye-sensitized Nanopaticle ZnO solar cells, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2002 (ICEE2002), 1335-1338, (2002/7) 126. A.YOSHIDA, W.J.LEE, A.SUZUKI, H.OKADA, A. WAKAHARA : Fabrication and characterization of Dye-sensitized Nanopaticle ZnO solar cells, Int.Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2002, pp.1335-1338, (2002/7) 127. K.J.Suh, H.Kinoshita, H.Okada, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida : Properties of Al-doped ZnO films on polymeric substrates by pulsed laser deposition, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2002 (ICEE2002), 1364-1367, (2002/7) 128. T. Misaki, K. Tsuchiya, D. Sakai, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida : Growth and characterization of ZnGeN2 by using remote-plasma enhanced metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2002, 275-P-148, p.297, (2002/7) 129. Y.Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh : Effect of alloy composition on photoluminescence properties of europium implanted AlGaInN, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2002, 361-P-150, p.364, (2002/7) 130. Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh, Y.T.Kim : Effects of implantation conditions on luminescence properties of Eu-doped GaN, IBMM2002(Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials), (2002/9) 131. Hae-Seok Lee, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, H.Itoh, S. Kawakita, M.Imaizumi S. Matsuda : 3MeV electron irradiation-induced defects in CuInSe2 thin films, 13th International Conf. on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, P2-47, (2002/10) 132. A.Yoshida, Y.Nakanishi, A.Wakahara : Light Emission from Rare-earth-implanted GaN Expected for Full Color Display, Int. Conf. on Smart Materials, Structures & Systems, Proc. of ISSS-SPIE 2002, pp.907-908, (2002/12) 133. R.W. Martin, S. Dalmasso, K.P. O'Donnell, Y. Nakanishi, A.Wakahara, A. Yoshida, the RENiBEl Network : Electron Microprobe and Photoluminescence Analysis of Europium-Doped Gallium Nitride Light Emitters, MRS 2002 FALL MEETING, L6.15, (2002/12) 134. S.-I. Kim, Y.T. Kim, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : Effects of Eu Implamantation on Red Light Emission of Group III- Nitrides, The Electrochemical Society 203rd Meeting, 807, (2003/4) 135. A.V.Singh, A.Wakahara, A.Yoshida, R.M.Mehra : Optimization and Characterization of Highly Conductive and Transparent Al-Doped ZnO Films for Solar Cell Applications, 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2P-D3-70, (2003/5) 136. T. Misaki, A. Wakahara, H. Okada A. Yoshida : Optical properties of ZnGeN 2 epitaxial layer, The fifth international conference on nitdide semiconductors, Tu-P2.046, (2003/5) 137. Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima H. Itoh : Improvement of luminescence capability of Tb 3+-related emission by Al x Ga1-x N, The fifth international conference on nitdide semiconductors, Tu-B2.3, (2003/5) 6-7 研究業績一覧 111 情 報 発 信 情報発信 138. Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, K. Motokawa, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima , H. Itoh, T. Shibata, M. Tanaka : Effects of Al composition on luminescence properties of europium implanted Al x Ga1-x N (0<x<1), The fifth international conference on nitdide semiconductors, Th-P3.036, (2003/5) 139. K. J. Suh, H. Kinoshita, N. Tsutsui, H. Okada, A. Wakahara A. Yoshida : Preparation and Evaluations of Mn Doped ZnO Films, IUMRS-ICAM2003, B8-12-P11, (2003/10) 140. Akira Yoshida, Akihiro Wakahara, Yasuo Nakanishi, Hiroshi Okada, Takeshi Ohshima Hisayoshi Itoh, Yong-Tae Kim : Effect of Al composition on luminescence properties of Eu-doped AlGaN, APCNDT2003 (11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing), (2003/11) 141. K.J. Suh, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, H.J. Kim, H.J. Chang A. Yoshida : TRANSPARENT CONDUCTING ZNO FILMS ON POLYMER SUBSTRATES BY PULSED LASER DEPOSITION, APCNDT2003 (11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing), (2003/11) 142. S. Dalmasso, R.W. Martin, P.R. Edwards, V. Katchkanov, K.P. O'Donnell, K. Lorenz, E. Alves, U. Wahl, B. Pipeleers, V. Matias, A. Vantomme, Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : Electron Micro-Probe Analysis and Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy of Rare Earth Implanted GaN, MRS 2003 FALL MEETING, Y5.2, (2003/12) 143. W.J.Lee, H.Okada, A.Wakahara, H.Takikawa A.Yoshida : Growth of Carbon Nanotubes within Porous Alumina Nano-Hole with Defined Diameter and Location, 2003 Int. Sysmposium on Magnetic Materials and Applications, Bq-35, (2003/12) 144. A.Yoshida A. Wakahara : Optical Properties of β-FeSi 2 and Related Films by First Principle Calculations, PVSEC-14 (The 14th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference), P-143, (2004/1) 145. Hae-Seok Lee, Hiroshi Okada, Akihiro Wakahara, Takeshi Ohshima, Hisayoshi Itoh, Akira Yoshida : Effects of High-Energy Proton Irradiation on the Diffusion Length in CuInSe 2 Thin Films, PVSEC-14 (The 14th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference), P-139, (2004/1) 146. Akihiro Wakahara, Yasuo Nakanishi, Tetsuya Fujiwara, Akira Yoshida, Takeshi Ohshima, Tomihiro Kamiya : Strong blue emission from Er 3+ doped in Al x Ga1-x N, ISBLLED2004 (Int. Symp. of Blue Lasers and Light Emitting Diodes 2004), Pb24, Abstract book p.363, (2004/3) 147. T. Fujimori, H. Imai, A. Wakahara, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Shibata, M.Tanaka : Growth and Characterization of AlInN on AlN Template : The 12th Int. Conf. on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (ICMOVPE-12), Abstract book, p.24, (2004/5) 148. A. Wakahara, R. Tanaka, S. Hatakenaka, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, M. Ishida : Growth of GaN on Si Substrate Using γ-Al 2 O 3 Epitaxial Template for MEMS Applications, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2004/ Asia-Pasific Conf. on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004 (ICEE2004/APCOT MNT 2004), Proceedings, Vol.1, pp.670-673, (2004/7) 149. A. Wakahara, T. Fujiwara, Y. Nakanishi, H. Okada, A. Yoshida, T. Ohshima, T. Kamiya, Y.-T. Kim : Fabrication and Characterization of Rare-earth Doped AlGaN for Light Source Application of Bio-MEMS, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2004/ Asia-Pasific Conf. on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004 (ICEE2004/APCOT MNT 2004), Proceedings, Vol.1, pp.44-49, (2004/7) 150. A.Wakahara, Y.Nakanishi, T.Fujiwara, H.Okada, A.Yoshida, T.Ohshima, T.Kamiya : Enhancement of Tb-related cathodoluminescence in Al x Ga1-x N (0<x<1), The 2004 Int. Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2004), Abstract book p.87, (2004/7) 151. H. Okada, T. Kobayashi, A. Wakahara, H. Takikawa A. Yoshida : Lateral Direction Growth of Carbon Nano Tube by Use of a Patterned Catalyst, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2004/ Asia-Pasific Conf. on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004 (ICEE2004/APCOT MNT 2004), Proceedings, Vol.3, pp.688-691, (2004/7) 152. K. -J. Suh, N. Tsutsui, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : Characterization of ZnMgO Thin Films on Sapphire Substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2004/ Asia-Pasific Conf. on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004 (ICEE2004/APCOT MNT 2004), Proceedings, Vol.1, pp.907-910, (2004/7) 153. M. Kumar, R. M. Mehra, A. Wakahara, M. Ishida, A. Yoshida : Epitaxial Growth of ZnO: Al Thin Film on Sapphire (0001) with Slant-axis Configuration by r. f. Sputtering, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2004/ Asia-Pasific Conf. on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004 (ICEE2004/APCOT MNT 2004), Proceedings, Vol.1, pp.652-656, (2004/7) 154. T.Fujiwara, A.Wakahara, Y.Nakanishi, H.Okada, A.Yoshida, T.Ohshima, T.Kamiya : Photoluminescence properties of Eu-implanted Al x Ga1-x N(0<x<1), The 2004 Int. Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2004), Abstract book p.86, (2004/7) 155. W.-J. Lee, T. Kobayashi, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, H. Takikawa A. Yoshida : Growth of Carbon Nanotubes within Porous Alumina Nanoholes with Defined Location, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2004/ Asia-Pasific Conf. on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004 (ICEE2004/APCOT MNT 2004), Proceedings, Vol.3, pp.692-695, (2004/7) 156. K.J. Suh, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : Growth and properties of ZnMgO thin films by pulsed laser deposition, The 4th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, Mo-P03, (2004/9) 157. A.Wakahara, T.Fujiwara, H.Okada, A.Yoshida, T.Ohshima, H.Itho : Energy-back-transfer process in rare-earth doped AlGaN, 2004 MRS Spring meeting, Abstract book p.513, MRS Proceedings Volume 866, V3.9 ,(2005/3) 158. A.Wakahara : IMPACT OF AlGaN ON LUMINESCENCE CAPABILITY OF RARE-EARTH IONS IN AlGaN, The E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting, C-III.01, (2005/5) 159. A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida, H. Okada, H.-J. Kim, H.-J. Chang, K.-J. Suh : Optical Properties of ZnMgO Epitaxial Layers on Sapphire Substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2005, CD-ROM, ST1-05, (2005/7) 160. A. Yoshida, E. Kamada, K.-J. Suh, H. J. Kim, A. Wakahara : Properties of ZnMgO by First Principles Calculations, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2005, CD-ROM, EM1-05, (2005/7) 161. Akira Yoshida, Yasuo Nakanishi, Akihiro Wakahara : Visible light-emission increased in rare-earth-doped GaN and related nitride alloy semiconductors, ISSC2005 (Fourth ISSS Int. Conf. on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems), SC-12, (2005/7) 162. Chang-Sik Son, Seong-Il Kim, Yong Tae Kim, Akihiro Wakahara, Homero Castaneda Lopez, Ho Jung Chang : Characteristics of Er-implanted GaN, Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering 2005, CD-ROM, PS3-08, (2005/7) 163. In-Hoon Choi, Chang-Sik Son, Jae Sung Hur, Akihiro Wakahara : Homero Castaneda Lopez, Visible Photoluminescent Emission of Rare-earth-doped GaN, ICMAT2005/IUMRS-ICAM2005, J-4-PO41, (2005/7) 164. Poonam Suri, Manoj Kumar, R. M. Mehra, A. Wakahara, A. Yoshida : Dye Sensitized Solar Cell using Nano Size ZnO, 3rd Int. Conf. on Materials for Advanced Technology/Int. Union of Materials Research Societies 9th Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials (ICMAT2005/IUMRS-ICAM2 005), N-10-OR36, (2005/7) 165. T. Nishiwaki, H. Ofuchi, K. Takaba, K. Ogawa, M.Tabuchi, Y. Takeda, Y. Nakanishi, A. Wakahara, A.Yoshida : Fluorescence EXAFS study on local structures?around Eu atoms implanted in AlxGa1-xN, The 23rd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, TuP.117, (2005/7) 166. T. Matsuda, Y. Okuno, T. Suyama, M. Ohtsu, A. Wakahara, T. Nakamura : Resonant Scattering by a Multilayered Grating, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2005, 640, (2005/8) 167. Takao Miyajima, Yoshihiro Kudo, Akihiro Wakahara, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Tsutomu Araki, Hiroyuki Nai Yasushi Nanishi : Analysis of the Local Structure of InN with a Band-gap Energy of 0.8 and 1.9 eV and Annealed InN using X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Measurements, ICNS6(6th Int. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductors), Mo-P-122, (2005/8) 168. P.K.Shishodia, H.J.Kim, A. Wakahara, A.Yoshida, G.Shishodia R.M.Mehra : Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, 12th Int. Conf. on II-VI Compounds, Tu-P-72, (2005/9) 169. A. Yoshida, S. Natsume, H.-S Lee, H. Okada, A. Wakahara, T. Ohshima, H. Itoh : Electrical Properties of Radiation-Damaged CuInSe2 Thin Films, 15th Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference & Solar Energy Exhibition, (2005/10) 170. Akira Yoshida, Nobuhiro Tsutsui, Kwang Jong Suh, Akihiro Wakahara Hee Joon Kim : ZnMgO THIN FILMS PREPARED BY PULSED LASER DEPOSITION, The 1st ANDE 2005(The 1st 112 6-7 研究業績一覧 International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation), 05A-494, (2005/11) 171. S.Hatakenaka, A.Wakahara, H.Okada, M.Itoh, M.Ishida : A novel structure of Si/GaN/Si/γ -Al 2 O 3 /Si for MEMS applications, APCOT2006(Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-nano Systems), 95-MDC-A0324, (2006/6) 172. Akihiro Wakahara, Kazumasa Takemoto, Fumitake Oikawa, Hiroshi Okada : Energy transfer process in AlGaN:Tb by time-resolved photoluminescence analysis, IUMRS-ICA-2006(The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2006), 3-O-6, Anstract book p.30, (2006/9) 173. A.Wakahara, K. Takemoto, F.Oikawa, H. Okada, T.Ohshima, H.Itoh : Investigation of Tb-related green emission in group-III nitrides by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements, 2nd Workshop on Impurity Baser Electroluminescent Devices and Materials, Abstract book p.20, (2006/10) 174. W. M. Chen, I. Vorona, I. Buaynova, A. Utsumi, Y. Furukawa, S. Moon, A. Wakahara, H. Yonezu : Intrinsic Paramagnetic Defects in GaNP Alloys Grown on Silicon, 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, E14-1551, (2006/10) 175. Y. Kim, Y. Park, M. Youm, A. Wakahara : Surface Energy and Equilibrium Shape of Hexagonal Structured Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 Grain, 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, E1-977(online abstract), (2006/10) 176. Y.T. Kim, C. Sun, J. Lee, M. Youm, A. Wakahara : Crystal Extension of Delta Phase in SbxTe100-x Phase Change Binary Alloy Along Longitudinal Axis without Phase Separation, 210th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, E1-975(online abstract), (2006/10) (招待講演) 1. 石田 誠 : Epitaxial technology for MEMS applications, 11th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers'01), (2002/6) 2. 石田 誠 : Selectively Grown Si Micro-Prove Array Chip on Si (111) with SignalProcessing,Circ uits, PACIFIC RIM WORKSHOP ON TRANSDUCERS AND MICRO/NANO TECHNOLOGIES, (2002/7) 3. 石田 誠 : Selectively Grown Si Micro-Prove Array Chip on Si (111) with Signal Processing Circuits, 韓国, 嶺南大学 (Yeungnam University), (2002/11) 4. 石田 誠 : Smart chip with selective micro-probes on Si (111) IC chips for detecting nerve potential International Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems (ISSS-SPIE 2002),(2002/11) 5. 石田 誠 : Smart microchip for detecting cell potential using Si micro-probes selectively grown on IC ships, 2003 RCIQE International Seminar on Quantum Nanoelectronics for Meme-Media-Based Information Technologies , (2003/2) 6. 石田 誠 : Smart microchip for detecting cell potential using Si micro-probes selectively grown on IC ships, Second International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (M&BE2), (2003/3) 7. 石田 誠 : 生体計測用インテリジェントセンサ, 電気学会, 全国大会, (2003/3) 8. 石田 誠 : インテリジェントヒューマンセンシング用スマートチップ, 電子情報通信学会 集積 回路研究会,(2003/9) 9. 石田 誠 : Multi-recording using Penetrating Si Microprobe Array Sensor, The 18th Symposium on Biological and Physiological Engineering,(2003/10) 10. 石田 誠 : 医療・生体計測用スマートマイクロチップ, 第43回日本臨床化学会年会・第50回日本 臨床検査医学会総会 連合大会,(2003/10) 11. 石田 誠 : Smart microchips for Intelligent human sensing, Twelfth International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices,(2003/11) 12. 石田 誠 : 単結晶Al 2 O 3 ゲートMOS特性, 応用物理学会, 薄膜・表面物理分科会・シリコンテクノ ロジー分科会共催特別研究会,「極薄シリコン酸化膜の形成・評価・信頼性」 , (2004/1) 13. 石田 誠 : 網膜電位計測・刺激マイクロ・スマートSiプローブアレイチップ, 名古屋大学医学部眼 科学教室講演, (2004/2) 14. 石田 誠 : インテリジェントヒューマンセンシング, センサー・アクチュエーター・マイクロマシ ン/ウィーク2004 総合シンポジウム, (2004/4) 15. 石田 誠 : インテリジェントヒューマンセンシング用スマートチップ, 豊橋技術科学大学技術セ ミナー「地域産業と大学の未来に向けて」 , (2004/5) 16. 石田 誠 : シリコン集積回路技術で実現するバイオセンシングデバイス, 2004年(平成16年)秋季 第65回応用物理学会学術講演会, (2004/9) 17. 石田 誠 : 医療・生体用スマートマイクロチップの開発, 第15回日本臨床化学東海・北陸支部総会, (2004/9) 18. 石田 誠 : 生体計測用スマートマイクロチップの開発(MEMS センサ集積化とその動向), 集積化 MEMS技術専門委員会, (2004/9) 19. 石田 誠 : MEMS/NEMSと集積回路によるスマートセンサチップ(バイオ関係を中心に), 独立行 政法人, 日本学術振興会, 未踏・ナノデバイステクノロジー第151委員会 公開シンポジウム 「産業 応用を広げるMEMS, ナノテクを拓くNEMS」 , (2004/10) 20. 石田 誠 : Nerve-potential Devices with Si VLS Grown and IC, International Symposium on the Prospect and Application of Intelligent Human and Bio-Sensing, (2004/10) 21. 石田 誠 : 選択VLS成長シリコンワイヤアレイのセンサ応用, 2005年(平成17年)春季 第52回応 用物理学関係連合講演会, (2005/3) 22. 石田 誠 : スマートマイクロセンサの研究開発と展開, センサ・アクチュエータ・マイクロマシン /ウィーク2005 総合シンポジウム,(2005/4) 23. 石田 誠 : Development of microsensor systems, International Symposium for Advanced Sensor Technology (先進センサ技術国際シンポジウム), (2005/6) 24. 石田 誠 : Fabrication of Future Devices Using Epitaxial Thin Al 2 O 3 Films and Micro-Nano Si Probes, The 2nd International Workshop on Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices, (2005/6) 25. 石田 誠 : 医療・生体応用スマートマイクロチップと21世紀COE, 東三河地域産学官連携フォー ラム2005(産学官テクノプラザ豊橋), (2005/10) 26. 石田 誠 : Intelligent Sensing Chips in TUT, Joint-Workshop On Future Semiconductor Sensors, (2005/10) 27. 石田 誠 : 半導体技術を応用した医療・生体計測スマートマイクロチップ, センシング技術応用 研究会, (2005/11) 28. 石田 誠 : インテリジェントヒューマンセンシング, 第52回次世代センサセミナーシリーズ, 防 災・安全とセンサ No.11 「健康安全-ウェアラブルコンピューティングとヒューマンセンシング」 , (2005/12) 29. 石田 誠 : センサ開発を成功させるためのコラボレーション, 次世代センサ協議会 北陸支部発 足記念 特別講演会, (2005/12) 30. 米津宏雄 : Dislocation-free III-V-N compound-Si layers grown on Si substrate and their potential application, European Material Research Society(E-MRS),(2002/6) 31. 米津宏雄 : Epitaxial growth of dislocation-free III-V-N compounds on Si substrate, IUMRS-ICEM 2002, (2002/6) 32. 米津宏雄 : 化合物半導体とSiの無転位一体化−III-V-N化合物半導体-on-Siとデバイス応用, 日本 学術振興会・第145委員会・第92回研究会, (2002/5) 33. 米津宏雄 : Dislocation-Free III-V-N Alloys and Si Layers -Epitaxial Growth and Optoelectronic Properties for Novel OEICs-, (2003/8) 34. 米津宏雄 : 光情報エレクトロニクスと半導体, 電気四学会 関西支部, (2003/11) 35. 米津宏雄 : 将来を支える光デバイス・材料技術 −光の発展は新しい半導体結晶と共に−, OEIC・ 光インターコネクション技術懇談会・第12回ワークショップ, (2004/1) 36. 米津宏雄 : Basic Technology for Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits and Possible Applications to Parallel Information Processing Based on Biological Systems, (2004/3) 37. 米津宏雄 : シリコン基板上の無転位III-V-N混晶と光デバイス・OEICへの応用, ワイドギャップ半 導体光・電子デバイス第162委員会・第37回研究会, (2004/5) 38. 米津宏雄 : Analog Integrated Circuit for Edge and Motion Detection of a Moving Target Based on Biological Systems, World Automation Congress 2004 (WAC 2004), (2004/6) 39. 米津宏雄 : 化合物半導体とシリコンの無転位一体化と光電子デバイスへの応用, (2004/10) 40. 米津宏雄 : ワンチップ光 −電子融合システムの基盤技術, 第94回微小光学研究会, (2004/11) 41. 米津宏雄 : ワンチップ光 −電子融合システムの基盤技術, (2005/2) 42. 米津宏雄 : 次世代光デバイスの研究開発と展開 −ワンチップ光-電子融合システムに向けて−, 豊橋技術科学大学産官学交流シンポジウム2005, (2005/2) 43. 米津宏雄 : 豊橋技術科学大学の研究と産学連携 −法人化後の産学連携−, 第4回 TUT産学官技術 交流会, (2005/3) 米津宏雄 : Defects in Dilute Nitrides, The 34th International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, (2005/6) 45. 米津宏雄 : Point Defects in Dilute Nitride III-N-As and III-N-P, The 23rd Int. Conf. on Defects in Semiconductors, (2005/7) 46. 米津宏雄 : Si LSIと光デバイスの融合 −ワンチップ光‐電子融合システムに向けて−, 第66回応 用物理学会学術講演会, (2005/9) 47. 米津宏雄 : Si LSIと光デバイスの融合 −ワンチップ光-電子融合システムに向けて−, (2005/10) 48. 米津宏雄 : How can light emitting devices be implemented into LSIs? (2006/11) 49. 米津宏雄 : III-V-N混晶−シリコン構造を用いたモノリシック光電子融合システムの開発, 第36回 結晶成長国内会議(NCCG-36), (2006/11) 50. 米津宏雄 : Monolithic Implementation of MOSFET's and LED's for Optoelectronic Intergrated Circuits in Lattice-Matched Si/(In)GaPN Layers, 3rd International Workshop on Metastable Compound Semiconductors and Heterostructures , (2006/12) 51. 若原昭浩 : AlGaN:REからの可視光発光とデバイス応用, 第3回Er関連合同研究会, (2003/7) 52. 若原昭浩 : IMPACT OF AlGaN ON LUMINESCENCE CAPABILITY OF RARE-EARTH IONS IN AlGaN, Europian MRS, 2005, (2005/5) 53. 若原昭浩 : Investigation of Tb-related green emission in group-III nitrides by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements, 2nd Workshop on Impurity Baser Electroluminescent Devices and Materials, (2006/10) 54. 若原昭浩 : Development of InGaPN/GaPN system for Optoelectronic Devices on Si, 3rd International Workshop on "Metastable Compound Semiconductors and Heterostructures", (2006/12) (出版物) 1. 江刺正喜, 石田 誠 他 : 共著, マイクロマシン, (2002), 産業技術サービスセンター 2. 米津 : 共著, 光情報通信技術ハンドブック, (2003), コロナ社 3. 米津(板生, 海野, 大平, 河西, 西澤, 安永, 米津編) : 共著, 光デバイス精密加工ハンドブック 増補 改訂版, (2003), オプトロニクス社 4. H. Yonezu : 共著, Dilute Nitride Semiconductors, (2005/3), Elsevier Ltd. 5. 米津 : 単著, 改訂新版 半導体基礎用語辞典, (2006/2), 工学図書 6. 米津 : 共著, ニューロインフォマティクス −視覚系を中心に−, (2006/9), オーム社 7. 堀内克明, 蟹江幸博他編 : 共著, プロフェッショナル英和辞書 スペッドテラ, (2004/7), 小学館 (特許) 1. 名 称 : シリコン針状体の長さ制御技術 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 澤田和明, 川島貴弘, 船ヶ山直樹 出願番号 : 特願2006-222699 出 願 者 : 国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学 2. 名 称 : シリコン基板を有する電子回路装置 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 澤田和明, 高尾英邦, 須藤 稔 出願番号 : 特願2004-105220 出 願 者 : セイコーインスツル株式会社, 石田 誠 3. 名 称 : シリコン触覚センサ装置 発 明 者 : 高尾英邦, 石田 誠 出願番号 : 特願2002-327084 出 願 者 : 独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構 4. 名 称 : ヘテロエピタキシャル成長方法 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 中村哲郎, 安田幸夫, 西永 頌 登録番号 : 第1425351号 5. 名 称 : マイクロバルブ 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 高尾英邦, 宮村和宏 出願番号 : 特願2002-262462 出 願 者 : 株式会社堀場製作所, 石田 誠 6. 名 称 : マイクロ血球カウンタ 発 明 者 : 宮村和宏, 衣斐寛之, 佐竹大輔, 石田 誠, 高尾英邦 出願番号 : 特願2003-46365 出 願 者 : 株式会社堀場製作所, 石田 誠 7. 名 称 : マルチpHセンサおよびその製造方法 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 河野剛士, 芝田 学, 三村 享, 松本浩一 出願番号 : 特願2004-153747 出 願 者 : 国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社堀場製作所, 石田 誠 8. 名 称 : マルチプローブ, これによって形成されるマルチセンサおよびマルチプローブの製造 方法 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 河野剛士, 三村 享, 松本浩一 出願番号 : 特願2004-153752 出 願 者 : 国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社堀場製作所, 石田 誠 9. 名 称 : 入射光の測定方法及びそれを用いた分光機構を有するセンサー 発 明 者 : 澤田和明, 石田 誠, 丸山結城, 武藤秀樹 出願番号 : 国際出願:PCT/JP2004/004210 10. 名 称 : 刺激供給機能およびそれに基づく物理現象または化学現象の検出機能を有するマル チプローブ 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 河野剛士, 三村 享, 松本浩一 出願番号 : 特願2004-153721 出 願 者 : 国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社堀場製作所, 石田 誠 11. 名 称 : 化合物半導体の酸化方法 発 明 者 : 松浦 真, 中村哲郎, 石田 誠, 西永 頌, 安田幸夫 登録番号 : 第44165号 12. 名 称 : 化合物半導体膜の製造方法 発 明 者 : 森安嘉貴, 石田 誠 出願番号 : 特許願第038821号 登録番号 : 特許第3504851号 出 願 者 : 旭化成株式会社, 石田 誠 13. 名 称 : 半導体圧力センサ及びその製造方法 発 明 者 : 中村哲郎, 石田 誠, 川人祥二, 寿崎哲夫 登録番号 : 第558549 14. 名 称 : 半導体基板およびその製造方法 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 上之康一郎, 森安嘉貴 出願番号 : 特願2002-136186 出 願 者 : 石田 誠, 旭化成株式会社 15. 名 称 : 半導体素子, 半導体センサーおよび半導体記憶素子 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 澤田和明, 赤井大輔, 余川三香子, 平林京介 出願番号 : 特願2003-71584 出 願 者 : 独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構 16. 名 称 : 生体試料の物理現象または化学現象を検出する機能を有するマルチセンサ 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 河野剛士, 三村 享, 安井義彰, 松本浩一 出願番号 : 特願2004-153740 出 願 者 : 国立大学法人豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社堀場製作所, 石田 誠 17. 名 称 : 薄膜の作成方法および半導体素子 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 澤田和明, 岡田貴行 出願番号 : 特願2005-271704 出 願 者 : 国立大学法人 豊橋技術科学大学 18. 名 称 : 融合型化学・物理現象検出装置 発 明 者 : 澤田和明, 石田 誠 出願番号 : 特願2002-183980 出 願 者 : 独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構 19. 名 称 : 酸化物単結晶薄膜形成方法および半導体薄膜形成方法 発 明 者 : 森安嘉貴, 石田 誠 出願番号 : 特願2002-213181 44. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 出 願 者 : 旭化成株式会社, 石田 誠 名 称 : 電波発電回路装置 発 明 者 : 石田 誠, 澤田和明, 高尾英邦, 須藤 稔 出願番号 : 特願2004-141817 出 願 者 : セイコーインスツル株式会社, 石田 誠 名 称 : 半導体装置及びその製造方法 発 明 者 : 米津宏雄 出願番号 : 特開2003-077840 登録番号 : 特許第3782328号 出 願 者 : 科学技術振興事業団 名 称 : 球状半導体素子の製造方法及び製造装置 発 明 者 : 浅井鎬一, 酒井一俊, 鈴木和也, 小池洋史, 吉金俊司, 田中賢次, 若原昭浩, 吉田 明 出願番号 : 特願2003-142978 登録番号 : 特開2004-349368 出 願 者 : 富士機械製造株式会社 名 称 : 半導体発光素子 発 明 者 : 柴田智彦, 田中光浩, 若原昭浩, 吉田 明 出願番号 : 特願2003-76818 登録番号 : 特開2004-288757 出 願 者 : 日本碍子株式会社 名 称 : 窒化物半導体基板及びその製造方法 発 明 者 : 若原昭浩 出願番号 : 特願2003-295341 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学 名 称 : 耐放射線性を有する発光素子を作製する方法 発 明 者 : 吉田 明, 若原昭浩, 大島 武, 伊藤久義 出願番号 : 特願2002-21414 登録番号 : 特開2004-055776 出 願 者 : 日本原子力研究所 センシング情報処理システム研究分野 (学術論文) 1. 松尾治幸, 大野和彦, 中島 浩 : 同期操作に対する投機的メモリ・アクセス機構specMEMの改良, 情報処理学会論文誌, 43(4), 855-865, (2002) 2. 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Sakakibara : Variable charge level operating method for a stand-alone photovoltaic/wind/diesel/battery system, 太陽エネルギー , 29 (3), 45-53, (2003) 193. 滝川浩史, 宮川伸秀, 年藤淳吾, 南澤伸司, 松下卓史, 竹村恵子, 榊原建樹 : T字状フィルタードア ーク蒸着装置によるゴム表面への柔軟性DLC膜形成, 電気学会論文誌A, 123 (8), 738-743, (2003) 194. 桶真一郎, 見目喜重, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹 : 民生施設への太陽光・熱/コージェネシステム導入によ るライフサイクルCO 2 排出削減, 電気学会論文誌B, 123 (11), 1365-1372, (2003) 195. 西宮伸幸, 石垣幸一, 蛯名武雄, 滝川浩史, 日比美彦, 榊原建樹 : 高水素貯蔵容量の単層カーボンナ 6-7 研究業績一覧 115 情 報 発 信 情報発信 ノチューブの開発, 炭素, 210, 199-204, (2003) 196. 宮川伸秀, 南澤伸司, 岩崎康浩, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹, 竹村恵子, 松下卓史 : 真空アーク蒸着法によ るゴム表面へのDLC膜形成, プラズマ応用科学, 11, (2003) 197. 志岐 肇, 元木純平, 滝川浩史, 徐国春, 榊原建樹, 西村芳実, 菱田茂二, 西 毅, 大川 隆 : グライデ ィングアークプラズマのマルチ化技術, プラズマ応用科学, 12, 41-46, (2004) 198. Vo Cuong Viet, Yoshishige Kemmoku, Hirofumi Takikawa, Tateki Sakakibara : Cost and CO 2 balande analysis of biomass power generation in Vietnam, 太 陽 エ ネ ル ギ ー , 30 (3), 37-44, (2004) 199. H. Takikawa, N. Miyakawa, S. Minamisawa, T. Sakakibara : Fabrication of dia-mond-like carbon film on rubber by T-shape filtered arc deposition under the influence of various ambient gases, Thin Slid Films, 457, 143-150, (2004) 200. B.-B. Chen, Y. Fujimura, T. Katsumata , H. Taki-kawa, Y. Hibi, T. Sakakibara, S. Itoh : Effect of multi-catalysts on carbon nanofiber synthesis in CVD, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 29(2), 559-562, (2004) 201. T. Katsumata, Y. Fujimura, M. Nagayama, H. Tabata, H. Takikawa, Y. Hibi, T. Sakakibara, S. Itoh : Synthesis of twisted carbon nanofiber by catalytic CVD method, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 29(2), 201-504, (2004) 202. 南澤伸司, 宮川伸秀, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹, 窪島隆一郎, 椎名祐一 : 真空アーク蒸着法によるダイヤ モンド様炭素成膜における巨視的プロセス特性の陰極材料依存性, 真空, 47(3), 200-203, (2004) 203. N. Miyakawa, S. Minamisawa, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara : Physical-chemical hy-brid deposition of DLC film on rubber by T-shape fil-tered-arc-deposition, Vacuum, 73, 611-617, (2004) 204. Guochun Xu, Beibei Chen, Hajime Shiki, Takashi Katsumata, Hirofumi Takikawa, Tateki Sakaki-bara, Shigeo Itoh, Takashi Ina : Parametric study on growth of carbon nano-coil by catalytic chemi-cal vapor deposition, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44 (4A), 1569-1576, (2005) 205. Guochun Xu, Hiroki Niwa, Toyohiro Imaizumi, Hirofumi Takikawa, Tateki Sakakibara, Kazuo Yoshikawa, Akira Kondo, Shigeo Itoh : Carbon nanoballoon produced by thermal treatment of arc soot, New Diamond Frontier Carbon Technology, 15 (2), 73-81, (2005) 206. V. Cuong Viet, Y. Kemmoku, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara : Considerable structures of power generation system with biomass for sustainable energy development in vietnam, 太陽エネルギ ー , 31(6), 67-74, (2005) 207. 桶真一郎, 見目喜重, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹 : 太陽光・熱/コージェネシステムのCO 2 排出量に与え るシステム運転法の影響, 電気学会論文誌B, 125(10), 930-938 ,(2005) 208. 桶真一郎, 福重直行, 見目喜重, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹 : 直達日射推定モデルの晴天指数および太陽 高度を用いた補正, 太陽エネルギー , 31(4), 65-71, (2005) 209. H. Tsuji, H. Takai, N. Fukuda, H. Takikawa : Non-isothermal crystallization behavior of poly(L-latice acid) in the presence of various additives, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 291(4), 325-335, (2005) 210. 東 敬亮, 丹羽宏彰, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹, 伊藤茂生, 山浦辰雄, 徐国春, 三浦光治, 吉川和男 : アーク 放電によるナノカーボン粒子の合成とPt-Ru触媒担持, プラズマ応用科学, 13, 99-104, (2005) 211. 桶真一郎, 福重直行, 見目喜重, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹 : 直達日射推定モデルの晴天指数および太陽 高度を用いた補正, 太陽エネルギー , 31(4),65-71, (2005) 212. 桶真一郎, 松崎洋三, 福重直行, 見目喜重, 滝川浩史, 荒木建次, 榊原建樹 : Siフォトダイオード型 直達日射計の試作とその性能評価, 太陽エネルギー , 32(3), 49-55, (2006) 213. Y. Iwasaki, S. Minamisawa, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, H. Hasegawa : Influence of duct bias on deposition rate of DLC film in T-shape filtered arc deposition, Vacuum, 80, 1266-1271, (2006) 214. 彦坂博紀, 岩崎康浩, 滝川浩史, 榊原建樹, 長谷川裕史, 辻信広 : 厚膜ta-C形成用X字状フィルター ドアーク蒸着装置の開発, 電気学会論文誌A, 126(8), 757-762, (2006) 215. H. Niwa, K. Higashi, K. Shinohara, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, K. Yoshikawa, K. Miura, S. Itho, T. Yamaura : Optimum production-condition of arc soot as raw material for carbon-nanoballoon, Smart Processing Technology, 1, 57-60, (2006) (国際会議発表) 1. Masahiro Yano, Toru Takasaki, Takashi Nakada, Hiroshi Nakashima : An Accurate and Efficient Time-Division Parallelization of Cycle Accurate Architectural Simulators, 40th Annual Simulation Symp, (2007/3) 2. Tomoaki Tsumura, Yasuki Ikeuchi, Ikuma Suzuki, Hiroshi Nakashima, Yasuhiko Nakashima : Design and Evaluation of an Auto-Memoization Processor, Intl. Conf. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, (2007/2) 3. Hiroshi Nakashima, Masahiro Konishi, Takashi Nakada : An Accurate and Efficient Simulation-Based Analysis for Worst Case Interruption Delay, Intl. Conf. Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, 2-12, (2006/10) 4. Taisuke Boku, Mitsuhisa Sato, Daisuke Takahashi, Hiroshi Nakashima, Hiroshi Nakamura, Satoshi Matsuoka, Yoshihiko Hotta : MegaProto/E: Power-Aware High-Performance Cluster with Commodity Technology, WS. High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing, CD-ROM, (2006/4) 5. Takashi Nakada, Tomoaki Tsumura, Hiroshi Nakashima : Design and Implementation of a Workload Specific Simulator, 39th Annual Simulation Symp, 230-243, (2006/4) 6. Masao Maruyama, Tomoaki Tsumura, Hiroshi Nakashima : Parallel Program Debugging Based on Data-replay, IASTED Intl. Conf. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, 151-156, (2005/11) 7. Haruyuki Matsuo, Kazuhiko Ohno, Hiroshi Nakashima. : Shaman: A Distributed Simulator for Shared Memory Multiprocessors, 10th IEEE/ACM Intl. Symp. Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 347-355, (2002/10) 8. Takashi Nakada, Hiroshi Nakashima : Design and Implementation of a High Speed Microprocessor Simulator BurstScalar, 12th IEEE/ACM Intl. Symp. Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 364-372, (2004/10) 9. Hiroshi Nakashima, Hiroshi Nakamura, Mitsuhisa Sato, Taisuke Boku, Satoshi Matsuoka, Daisuke Takahashi, Yoshihiko Hotta : MegaProto: A Low-Power and Compact Cluster for High-Performance Computing, WS. High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing, CD-ROM, (2005/4) 10. Hiroshi Miyamoto, Shinichi Iiyama, Hiroyuki Tomiyama, Hiroaki Takada, Hiroshi Nakashima : An Efficient Search Algorithm of Worst-Case Cache Flush Timings, 11th IEEE Intl. Conf. Embedded and Real-time Computing Systems and Applications, 45-52, (2005/8) 11. Hiroshi Nakashima, Hiroshi Nakamura, Mitsuhisa Sato, Taisuke Boku, Satoshi Matsuoka, Daisuke Takahashi, Yoshihiko Hotta : MegaProto: 1 TFlops/10 kW Rack Is Feasible Even with Only Commodity Technology, ACM/IEEE SC¦05 Conf., CD-ROM, (2005/11) 12. Kazuhiro Nishimura, Masanori Abe, Mitsuteru Inoue : WIDE VARIETY OF FERRITE FINE PARTICLES SYNTHESIZED FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION AT ROOM TEMPERATURE, Intermag 2002, CE-04, (2002/4) 13. T.V.Dolgova, M.G.Martemyanov, A.A.Fedyanin, O.A.Aktsipetrov, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : MAGNETIZATION-INDUCED SECOND-HARMONIC GENERATION IN MAGNETO-PHOTONIC, MISM2002, 35-36, (2002/6) 14. A.B.Granovsky, M.V.Kuzmichev, J.P.Clerc, M.Inoue : EFFECTIVE-MEDIUM THEORY FOR NONLINEAR MAGNETOOPTICS IN MAGNETIC GRANULAR ALLOYS:CUBIC NONLINEARITY, MISM2002, 69, (2002/6) 15. A.Kajima, R.Nakayama, T.Fujii, M.Inoue : VARIATION OF DIELECTRIC PERMEABILITY BY APPLYING MAGNETIC FIELD IN NANO-COMPOSITE Bi 2 O 3 -Fe 2 O 3 -PbTiO 3 SPUTTEERD FILMS, MISM2002, 356-360, (2002/6) 16. O.Aktsipetrov, A.Fedyanin, T.Yoshida, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : Nonlinear magneto-optical Kerr effect (NOMOKE) in one-dimensional magneto-photonic microcavities, The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic materials, DG-06, (2002/11) 17. T.Kawahata, K Nishimura, M.Inoue : Propagation properties of magneto-surface-acoustic-waves in FeB amorphous films deposited on InSb semiconductor films, The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic materials, GV-12, (2002/11) 18. J.Park, H.Takagi, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : Novel magneto-optic spatial light modulators driven by an electric field, The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic materials, GV-08, (2002/11) 116 6-7 研究業績一覧 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. H.Takagi, J.Park, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : Magnetic softening of switching field of magnetic garnet films by controlling groove depth, The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic materials, GV-05, (2002/11) K.Nishimura, M.Sendoh, K.Ishiyama, K.Arai, M.Inoue : Magnetic micro-machines prepared by ferrite plating technique, The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic materials, AS-06, (2002/11) Y.Ikezawa, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : Preparation of two-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals, The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic materials, BQ-02, (2002/11) T.Yoshida, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : One-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Granular Magnetic Films, The 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic materials, BQ-01, (2002/11) Jae-Hyuk Park, Hiroyuki Takagi, Jae-Kyong Cho, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue, Flat-Surface Magneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulators, Intermag 2003, GT-02, (2003/3) Alexander Granovsky, Elena Ganshina, Vladimir Guschin, Igor Bykov, Andrey Kozlov, Mitsuteru Inoue, Nobukiyo Kobayashi Shigehiro Ohnuma, Tsuyoshi Masumoto : Magnetorefractive Effect in Nanogranular Films (CoFe) (Mg-F), Intermag 2003, GT-01, (2003/3) T.V.Dolgova, R.V.Kapra, K.Nishimura, T.V.Murzina, A.A.Fedyanin, M.Inoue, O.A.Aktsipetrov : Microcavity-enhanced magnetization-induced second-harmonic generation in magneto-photonic crystals, NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY 11th International Conference, 164-165, (2003/6) A. Granovsky, M. Inoue : SPIN - DEPENDENT TUNNELING AT INFRARED FREQUENCIES: MAGNETOREFRACTIVE EFFECT IN MAGNETIC NANOCOMPOSITES., International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 772, (2003/07) N. Perov, P.Sheverdyaeva, M. Inoue : INVESTIGATIONS OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD EFFECT ON ELECTROCHEMICAL PROCESSES, International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 752, (2003/7) T. Takahashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : EFFECTS OF THIRD ELEMENTS ÅiAg, B, Cu, IrÅj ADDITION AND HIGH Ar GAS PROSSURE ON L10 FePt FILMS, International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 666, (2003/7) H.Uchida, J.Kim, T.Yuasa , H.Kim, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : STM OBSERVATION OF ENHANCED ATOMIC MIGRATION BY Ni TIP ON Au(111) SURFACE, International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 544 (2003/7) T.Kawahata, N.Obata, K.Nishimura, H.Uchida, M.Inoue : PROPAGATION PROPERTIES OF MAGNETO - SURFACE - ACOUSTIC - WAVE IN FeB AMORPHOUS FILMS DEPOSITED ON InSb SEMICONDUCTOR FILMS ,International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 528, (2003/7) Y.Ikezawa, K.Nishimura, H.Uchida, M.Inoue : PREPARATION OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS OF BISMUS SUBSTITUTED YTTRIUM IRON GARNET MATERIALS, International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 402, (2003/7) K.Nishimura, T.Kodama, K.Annno, H.Udhida, M.Inoue : SYNTHESIS OF FERRITE COATING LATEX SPHERES FOR THREE-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETO-PHOTONIC CRYSTAL, International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 352, (2003/7) H.Kato, T.Matsushita, A.Takayama, M.Egawa, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : COEXISTENCE OF LARGE FARADAY ROTATION AND TRANSMITTANCE IN MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS WITH MULTI-CAVITY STRUCTURES, International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 348, (2003/7) H.Kato, T.Matsushita, A.Takayama, M.Egawa, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : PREPARATION OF MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS WITH ND-CONTROLLED EB-EVAPORATION METHOD AND THEIR LARGE ENHANCEMENT OF FARADAY EFFECT, International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 346, (2003/7) A.S.Andreenko, V.A.Berezonvets, M.Inoue, Yu.E.Kalinin, A.V.Sitnikov, T.Palevskii : INVERSE MAGNETORESISTANCE IN MAGNETIC GRANULAR ALLOYS(FeCoB) - (Al 2 O 3 ), International Conference on Magnetism 2003, 212, (2003/7) Jae - Hyuk Park, Hiroyuki Takagi, Jae - Kyeong Cho, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : AN OPTICAL MICRO - MAGNETIC DISPLAY, International Conference Magnetism, 130, (2003/7) A.Nakanishi, K.Nishimura, H.Uchida, M.Inoue : MAGNETIC FIELD DEPENDENCE OF REFRACTIVE ON IRON BASED MAGNETIC OXIDE FILM PREPARED BY SOL-GEL METHOD, International Conference Magnetism, 126, (2003/7) K.Nishimura, T. Kodama, T. Anno, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Coating ferrite on LATEX spheres due to fabrication of three-dimensional magneto-photonic crystal, SPIE's 48th Annual Conference, vol.5222,126-133, (2003/8) J. Park, J. Cho, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Flat-surface magneto-optic spatial light modulator by using thermal infrared ray annealing, SPIE's 48th Annual Conference, vol.5174,218-226, (2003/8) Toshitaka Fujii, Atsushi Kajima, Mitsuteru Inoue : A new - type of electromagnetic effect in nano - composite ferromagnetic oxide sputtered films, International Baikal Scientific Conference Magnetic Materials , 45, (2003/9) Alexander Baryshev, Takeshi Kodama, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : From fabrication of magnetic particles towards preparation of 3d magneto - photonic crystals, International Baikal Scientific Conference Magnetic Materials , 33, (2003/9) E. Gan'shina, A. Granovsky, V. Guschin, N. Perov, J.P.Clerc, M. Inoue, Chong - Oh Kim, Cheol Gi Kim : Megneto - optical spectra of magnetic metal - insulator granular alloys, International Baikal Scientific Conference Magnetic Materials 30, (2003/9) J. H. Park, J. K. Cho, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Magnetooptic Spatial Light Modulator with One-Step Pattern Growth on Ion-Milled Substrates by Liquid-Phase Epitaxy, 2003 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials(SSDM 2003), P6-2, (2003/9) H. Uchida, T. Kuroda, F. binti Mohamad, J. Kim, K. Nishimura, M. Inoue : Study of adsorption of Al atom on Si(111) 7x7 surface, 22nd European Conference on Surface Science, 17372, (2003/9) K. Aimuta, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Magneto - Optical Effect of FePt - SiO 2 Granular Films, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials(IUMRS - ICAM 2003), B09-09-P26, (2003/10) K. Nishimura, T. Kodama, A. Baryshev, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Synthesis of Ferrite Coatinf Spheres for Three - Dimensional Magneto - Photonic Crystals, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials(IUMRS - ICAM 2003), B09-09-P22, (2003/10) A. Granovsky, M. Inoue, S. Ohnuma : Magnetorefractive effect in nanocomposites, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials(IUMRS - ICAM 2003), B9-09-O06, (2003/10) D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue, A. Fedyanin, O. Aktsipetrov : Enhanced Optical and Nonlinear - Optical Effects in Yttrium - Iron - Garnet Magneto - Photonic Crystals, International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Technologies(ISAMT'03), SB-15, (2003/11) Jooyoung Kim, Heejoon Kim, Mitsuteru Inoue, Hironaga Uchida, Akira Yoshida, Ho Jung Chang : FABRICATION OF NANO - STRUCTURE BY STM TIP INDUCED ATOMIC DIFFUSION, 11TH Asia - Pacific Conference on Non - Destructive Testing, A597, (2003/11) J. H. Park, J. H. Cho, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Spatial Light Moculator with Magneto - Optic Effect for Volumetric Digital Recording System, International Symposium on Optical Memory 2003(ISOM'03), We-F-26, (2003/11) Kim Jooyoung, Uchida Hironaga, Kim Heejoon, Nishimura Kazuhiro, Inoue Mitsuteru : STM Study on the Tip-Sample Interaction for Nanostructure Fabrication, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, N-12-20-P, (2003/12) J. H. Park, J. K. Cho, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Selective-area MOSLM, 3rd Korea-Japan workshop on high functional materials and their application, (2003/12) J. Y. Kim, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Control of surface structure by scanning tunneling microscopy, 3rd Korea-Japan workshop on high functional materials and their application, (2003/12) K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Low temperature aqueous syntheses of ferrite and their 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. applications, 3rd Korea-Japan workshop on high functional materials and their application, (2003/12) Y. Ikezawa, K. Nishimura, A. Fedyanin, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Preparation and properties of two-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bs8, (2003/12) A. Baryshev, K. Nishimura, T. Kodama, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Optical and magneto-optical properties of three-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bs7, (2003/12) T. Kodama, K. Nishimura, A. Baryshev, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Synthesis of Ferrite coating SiO 2 spheres for three-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bs6, (2003/12) J. H. Park, H. Takagi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, J. K. Cho, M. Inoue : Integrated magneto0optic light switch arrays by using bismuth substituted iron-garnet, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Ar10, (2003/12) N. Obata, T. Kawahata, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication and properties of InSb films with iron-beam sputtering for use in the amplification of magneto-surface-acoustic-waves, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Ar9, (2003/12) H. Takagi, J. H. Kim, M. Mizoguchi, J. H. Park, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication of PZT films for use in voltage-driven magneto-optic spatial light modulators, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Ar8, (2003/12) E. Gan'shina, A Granovsky, M. Vashuk, M. Kochneva, A. Vinogradov, P. Sherbak, M. Inoue, Chong-Oh Kim, Cheol Gi Kim : Enhanced magnetooptics in nanocomposites, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bd6, (2003/12) A. A. Fedyanin, D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, O. A. Aktsipetrov, M. Inoue : Nonlinear Mangeto-optical effects in all-garnet magneto-photonic crystals, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bd5, (2003/12) D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, M. Inoue : Fabrication of all-garnet magneto-photonic crystals for optical and nonlinear-optical applications, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bd3, (2003/12) Toshitaka Fujii, Atsushi Kajima, Mitsuteru Inoue : A new EM-material comprised of nano-composite ferromagnetic oxide films, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq65, (2003/12) Kyohei Aimuta, K. Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : Change in element distributions in FePt films with Ag or Cu additives associated with their crystallographic phase transformation through thermal annealing, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq47, (2003/12) K. Takahashi, K. Aimuta, K. Nishimura, S. Hashi, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : Effect of elevating rate of temperature in thermal annealings on crystallographic phase transformation of FePt sputtered films, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq46, (2003/12) K. Nishimura, M. Sendoh, K. Ishiyama, K. I. Arai, Hironaga uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : Fabrication and swimming properties of magnetite coated micro-machines prepared by ferrite plating technique, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq33, (2003/12) T. Senoo, T. Okada, J. Kim, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication and properties of magnetic films with nano-scaled artificial structures by means of AFM anodization ttechnique, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq24, (2003/12) H. Uchida, T. Kuroda, Fariza B. mohamad, J. Kim, K. Kashiwagi, K. Nishimura, M. Inoue : Hopping Al atom on the Si(111)7 ˜ 7 surface studied by scanning tunneling microscope, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq23, (2003/12) Jooyoung Kim, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : Structual Change of SAM-Covered Au(111) Surface by STM Tip and Sample Interaction, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq22, (2003/12) Takuto Yuasa, Jooyoung Kim, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : STM Study for Local Atomic Migration on Au(111) surface, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), Bq21, (2003/12) T. Kawahata, R. Suzuki, N. Obata, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : A trial of amplification of magneto-surface-acoustic-waves with electron bunching, 2003 International Symposium On Mangetic Materials and Applications (2003 SOMMA KMS meeting), As4, (2003/12) Hiroyuki Takagi, Masahiko Mizoguchi, Jaehyuk Park, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : PZT-Driven Micromagnetic Optical Devices., 2003 MRS Fall Meeting, D6.10, (2003/12) Takeshi Kawahata, Naohisa Obata, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : A Trial on Amplification of Magneto-Surface-Acoustic-Waves In Highly Magnetostrictive Metal Films By Means of Electron Bunchng., 2003 MRS Fall Meeting, D9.9, (2003/12) Jaehyuk Park, Jae-Kyong Cho, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : One-Step Pattern Formation by LPE on Ion-milled Substrate for Magneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulators., 2003 MRS Fall Meeting, M8.13, (2003/12) J. Park, J. Cho, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Magneto - optic spatial light modulator with one - step pattern formation, Photonics West, 5363-21, (2004/1) S.Hashi, S. Yanase, Y. Okazaki, M. Inoue : A large thermal elasticity of the ordered FeRh alloy film with sharp magnetic transition, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, HV-14, (2004/1) A. Baryshev, T. Kodama, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Three-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals based on artifical opals, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, GF-07, (2004/1) T. V. Dolgova, A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, K. Nishimura, M. Inoue : Nonlinear Magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy af garnet magneto-photonic microcavities, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, GF-05, (2004/1) T. Senoo, T. Okada, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication of nanoscale magnetic structure by AFM anodic oxidation method, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, ET-19, (2004/1) H. Takagi, M. Mizoguchi, J. Park, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Magneto-optic spatical light modulator with PZT film fabricated by aerosol deposition method, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, ET-09, (2004/1) T. Kawahata, N. Obata, R. Suzuki, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Propagation properties of amplified magneto-surface-acoustic-wave by electron bunching, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, ET-07, (2004/1) E. Gan'shina, K. Aimuta, A. Granovsky, M. Kochneva, P. Tsherbak, M. Vashuk, K. Nishimura, M. Inoue : Optical and magneto-optical properties of magnetic nanocomposites FePt-SiO 2 , THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, CV-08, (2004/1) A. Baryshev, T. Kodama, K.Nishimura, M. Inoue : Magneto-optical properties of three-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, CE-11, (2004/1) K Nishimura, T. Kodama, A. Baryshev, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Synthesis of Ferrite coating SiO 2 spheres for three-dimensional magneto-photonic crystal, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, BE-03, (2004/1) S. Hashi, Y. Tokunaga, S. Yanase, Y. Okazaki, O. Sakurada, K. Nishimura, M. Inoue : Magnetic properties of electrophoretic deposited ferrite films, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, AP-06, (2004/1) 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. A. A. Fedyanin, D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, O. Aktsipetrov, M. Inoue : Application of garnet magneto-photonic crystals for giant phase-matched magnetization-induced second-harmonic generation, THE 9TH JOINT MMM/ INTERMAG CONFERNCE, AG-07, (2004/1) M.Inoue, Jaehyuk Park, H.Takagi, H.Uchida, K.Nishimura Magneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulator, The Second Symposium on Intelligent Human Sensing (IHSS2004), 31-38, (2004/02) K. Aimuta, E. Gan'shina, A. Granovsky, M. Kochneva, P. Tsherbak, M. Vashuk, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Optical and Magneto-Optical Properties of Magnetic FePt-SiO 2 Nanocomposites, Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), We-Q-2, (2004/5) Y. Ikezawa, A Tsuzuki, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals, Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), Mo-P-20, (2004/5) T. Kodama, K. Nishimura, A. V. Baryshev, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Coating of Magnetite on SiO 2 Spheres for Three- Dimensional Magneto-Photonic Crystal, Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), Mo-P-19, (2004/5) D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, M. Inoue : Enhancement of Magneto-Optical Effects in Novel Garnet-Based Magnetophotonic Crystals Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), Mo-P-18, (2004/5) A. V. Baryshev, T. Kodama, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Optical Properties of Three-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals Based on Artifical Opals, Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), Mo-P-17, (2004/5) H. Kato, T. Matsushita, A. Takayama, M. Egawa, K. Nishimura, M. Inoue : Behavior of Large Faraday Rotation in Magnetophotonic Crystals with Single-Cavity Structures, Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), Mo-P-16, (2004/5) H. Takagi, J. H. Park, M. Mizoguchi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Lebedev, J. Akedo, M. Inoue : Fabrication of Voltage-Driven Magneto Optical Spatial Light Modulator, Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), Mo-P-14, (2004/5) A. Nakanishi, P. B. Lim, K. Kashiwagi, K. Okamoto, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Study of Material for Hologram Volumetric Recording, Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004(MORIS), Mo-P-11, (2004/5) A. V. Baryshev, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Experimental study of polarization-dependent transmissivity of opal photonic crystals, 12th International Symposium Nanostructures: physics and Technology, MPC.01p, (2004/6) Jooyoung Kim, Heejoon Kim, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : Nanoscale Surface Modification of SAMs-covered Au(111) Surface by Using Scanning Tunneling Microscope, International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2004(Joint Conference with Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2004), PO2-18, (2004/7) J. H. Park, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : "MICRO-PATTERNING BY SIMULTANEOUS SPUTTER GROWTH OF EPITAXIAL AND NONCRYSTALLINE IRON GARNET FILMS ", Eastmag 2004(Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism"), 6-19, (2004/8) A.P. Vinogradov, S.G. Erokhin, A.M. Merzlikin, A.B. Granovsky , A.B. Khanikaev, M. Inoue : "EIGENMODES IN 2D MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS ", Eastmag 2004(Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism"), 6-17, (2004/8) S.G. Erokhin, A.P. Vinogradov, A.M. Merzlikin, A.B. Granovsky, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : "INFLUENCE OF ELECTRIC FIELD DISTRIBUTION NEAR A LOSSY DEFECT ON MAGNETOOPTICS IN ONE-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS ", Eastmag 2004(Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism"), 6-16, (2004/8) A. V. Baryshev, K. Nishimura, T. Kodama, H. Uchida, M. Inoue "THREE-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL OPALS: FABRICATION AND INVESTIGATION ", Eastmag 2004(Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism"), 6-7, (2004/8) O.A. Aktsipetrov, A.A. Fedyanin, T.V. Murzina, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : "NONLINEAR MAGNETO-OPTICS IN MAGNETIC NANOSTRUCTURES AND MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS ", Eastmag 2004(Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism"), 6-4, (2004/8) A. B. Khanikaev, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : THE FDTD ANALYSIS OF OPTICAL AND MAGNETO-OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS, Eastmag 2004(Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism"), 6-3, (2004/8) J. Park, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Properties of two-dimensional switching array of magneto-optic spatial light modulator by using selective-area LPE, SPIE's 49th Annual Conference, 5524-51, (2004/8) R. V. Kapra, T. V. Murzina, O. A. Aktsipetrov, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Magnetization induced third-harmonic generation in magnetic photonic crystals, SPIE's 49th Annual Conference, 5511-31, (2004/8) A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, D. A. Kurdyukov, V. G. Golubev, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Enhancement of second-harmonic generation in 3D opal-Si and opal-GaN photonic crystals, SPIE's 49th Annual Conference, 5511-30, (2004/8) A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Enhanced optical and nonlinear-optical effects in yttrium-iron-garnet magnetophotonic crystals, SPIE's 49th Annual Conference, 5511-26, (2004/8) K.Aimuta, K.Nishimura, S.Hashi, H.Uchida, M.Inoue : Effect of Elevating Rate of Temperature in Thermal Annealings on Crystallographic Phase Transformation of Fept Sputtered Films, L10 Ordered Intermetallic and Related Phases, 発表番号6, (2004/8) Tatyana V. Murzina, Jane M. Kim, Oleg A. Aktsipetrov, Viktor G. Lifshits, Mitsuteru Inoue : Giant Third-Order Nonlinear Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in Thin Magnetic Films., 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, J6.7, (2004/11) Sergey Gennad'evich Erokhin, Yulia Viktorovna Boriskina, Alexander Borisovich Granovsky, Alexei Petrovich Vinogradov, Mitsuteru Inoue : Magnetorefractive Effect in Magnetophotonic Crystals., 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, J5.3, (2004/11) Baryshev Alexander, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Tsuyoshi Kodama, Hirogana Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : Three-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals Based on Synthetic Opals: Fabrication and Properties., 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, J2.6, (2004/11) Alexey Petrovich Vinogradov, Alexander Mikhailovich Merzlikin, Alexander Borisovich Granovsky, Mitsuteru Inoue, Alexander Khanikaev : Superprism effect in magnetophotonic crystals., 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, J2.5, (2004/11) Alexander Khanikaev, Mitsuteru Inoue, Alexander Granovsky, Alexey Vinogradov : Solvable Model of Two-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystal, 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, J2.4, (2004/11) Oleg A. Aktsipetrov, Tatyana V. Murzina, Tatyana V. Dolgova, Andrey A. Fedyanin, Mitsuteru Inoue, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida : Nonlinear magneto-optics in garnet magnetophotonic crystals, 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, J1.6, (2004/11) Andrey A. Fedyanin1, Oleg A. Aktsipetrov1, Daisuke Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Hironaga Uchida, Mitsuteru Inoue : Observation of Enhanced Faraday Effect in Garnet-Based Magnetophotonic Crystals, 2004 MRS Fall Meeting, J1.5, (2004/11) A. Baryshev, T. Kodama, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Study on magneto-optical properties of three-dimensional photonic crystals: angle-resolved Faraday rotation and transmissivity., 49th Annual Conference on Magnetsm & Magnetic Materials, Fe-10, (2004/11) O.A. Aktsipetrov, T.V. Murzina, T.V. Dolgova, A.A. Fedyanin, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Magnetization-induced second- and third-harmonic generation in garnet magnetophotonic crystals., 49th Annual Conference on Magnetsm & Magnetic Materials, Fe-09, (2004/11) A. Khanikaev, M. Inoue, A.B. Granovsky, A.P. Vinogradov : Tunability of Magnetophotonic Crystals, 49th Annual Conference on Magnetsm & Magnetic Materials, CT-12, (2004/11) J. Park, A. Tsuzuki, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Selective-Area Sputter Epitaxy on SiO 2 masked GGG, 49th Annual Conference on Magnetsm & Magnetic Materials, AR-18, (2004/11) M.Inoue, H.Uchida, K.Nishimura : Development of PXT-Driven Magneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulateragneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulator, The Third Symposium on Intelligent Human Sensing (IHSS2005)- The 21st Century COE Program, 95-99, (2005/3) 6-7 研究業績一覧 117 情 報 発 信 情報発信 121. T.Kodama, H.Uchida, A. V.Baryshev, K.Nishimura, M.Inoue : Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Magneto-Photonic Crystal Using 450 nm SiO 2 Spheres, INTERMAG 2005, 発 表 番 号HS-16, (2005/4) 122. J. H. Park, R. Fujikawa, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication of Two Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystal by Selective-Area Sputter Epitaxy, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, HS-15,168, (2005/4) 123. D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, M. Inoue : Nonlinear Optical Properties of Garnet Based One-Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, HS-14,168, (2005/4) 124. H. Takagi, J. H. Park, M. Mizoguchi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue ; Fabrication of Voltage-Driven Magneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulator, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, HS-13,168, (2005/4) 125. Alexander Khanikaev, Mitsuteru Inoue, Alexander Granovsky : SPECTRA OF THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, HS-11,167, (2005/4) 126. E.A.Gan'shina, M.Yu.Kochneva, P.N.Scherbak, K.Aimuta, M.Inoue : MAGNETO-OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF Co-BASE NANOCOMPOSITES ,International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, HS-09,167, (2005/4) 127. M. Mizoguchi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue, J. Akedo : Fabrication of Bi:YIG Thin Films with Aerosol Deposition Method and Their Properties, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, HS-08,167, (2005/4) 128. A. V. Baryshev, T. Kodama, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : The Faraday Effect in Three-Dimensional Opal Photonic Crystals, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, GF-01,104, (2005/4) 129. S. Hashi, N. Takada, K. Nishimura, O. Sakurada, S. Yanase, Y. Okazaki, M. Inoue : Fabrication Technique for over 10 microns Thick Ferrite Particulate Film at Room Temperature, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005 FV-06,121 (2005/4) 130. K. Aimuta, K. Nishimura, S. Hashi, M. Inoue : Fabrication of L1₀-FePt Thin Films by Lapid Thermal Annealing, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, FE-02,104, (2005/4) 131. Naoyuki Fujita, Masanobu Izaki, Mitsuteru Inoue : FABRICATION OF Fe-Ce-O GRANULAR FILMS BY METAL-OXIDE CO-ELECTRODEPOSITION, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, ES-07,86, (2005/4) 132. Katsuhiro Iwasaki, Tetsu Yamanaka, Kazuma Takahashi, Hiromitsu Umezawa, Mitsuteru Inoue : MAGNETO-OPTIC SPATIAL LIGHT MODULATOR MADE BY SELECTIVE AREA GROWTH ON GARNET MASK REDUCED IN HYDROGEN ATMOSPHERE, International Magnetics Conference Intermag 2005, GF-02,134, (2005/4) 133. A. V. Baryshev, T.Kodama, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : The faraday effect in three-dimensional opal photonic crystals, International conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics/International Conference on Laser, Applications, and Technologies(ICONO/LAT2005), 発 表番号IWL3, (2005/5) 134. T. Okada, A. Jinno, J. Kim, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : A trial of fabrication of nano-scaled magnetic devices with atomic force microscope, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 29PO-13-13, (2005/6) 135. Shuichiro Hashi, Kazuhiro Nishimura, Osamu Sakurada, Shunji Yanase, Yasuo Okazaki, Mitsuteru Inoue : Structural and magnetic properties of Ni-Zn ferrite paticulate films fabricated by electrophoretic reposition, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 27PO-13-4, (2005/6) 136. R. Fujikawa, T.Kodama, A.V.Baryshev, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication of solid state based three-dimensional magneto-photonic crystal, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26PO-2-17,119, (2005/6) 137. M. Mizoguchi, K.Nishimura, J.Akedo, M. Inoue : Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of Bi : YIG thin films prepared by aerozol deposition method, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26PO-2-16,118, (2005/6) 138. Ju. V. Boriskina, S. G. Erokhin, A. B. Granovsky, M. Inoue : On the origin of enhancemen of magnetoregractive effect in multilayers, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26PO-2-15, (2005/6) 139. H. Uchida, R. Suzuki, A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, M. Inoue : Development of UHV system for nonlinear optical spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005 26PO-2-14 (2005/6) 140. O. A. Aktsipetrov, T. V. Dolgova, A. A. Fedyanin, R. V. Kapra, T. V. Murzina, M. Inoue, T. Yoshida, D. Kobayashi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, V.G. Golubev, D.A.Kurdyukov : Nonlinear magneto-optics in one-dimensional and three-dimensinonal magnetophotonic crystals, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26PO-2-13, (2005/6) 141. S. Erokhin, Yu. Boriskina, A. Vinogradov, M. Inoue, D. Kobayashi, A. Fedyanin, E. Gan'shina, M. Kochneva, 142. A. Granovsky : TRANSVERSEe kerr effect in one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals : experiment and theory, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26PO-2-8, (2005/6) 143. M. Inoue : MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS-RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26PO-2-2, (2005/6) 144. A. Z. Zhdanov, A. A. Fedyanin, O. A. Aktsipetrov, D. Kobayashi, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : ENHANCEMENT OF FARADAY ROTATION AT PHOTONIC-BAND-GAP EDGE IN GARANET-BASED MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26PO-2-4, (2005/6) 145. K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : SYNTHESIS OF SPINEL FERRITE FINE PARTICLES FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005 26PO-8-16 (2005/6) 146. E.A.Gan'shina, M.Yu.Kochneva, P.N.Scherbak, K.Aimuta, M.Inoue : Magneto-optical properties of Co-based nanocomposites, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 140-144, (2005/6) 147. A. B.Khanikaev, M. Inoue, A. B. Granovsky : PHOTNIC BAND STRUCTURE AND MAGNETO-OPTICS OF MAGNETOPHOTNIC CRYSTALS, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26RP-C-10, (2005/6) 148. A. M. Merzlikin, A. P. Vinogradov, M. Inoue, A. B. Granovsky : ON THE PROLEM OF POLARIZATION OF THE BLOCH WAVE IN 2D MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26RP-C-9, (2005/6) 149. A. V. Baryshev, T. Kodama, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : THREE-DIMENSIONAL OPAL PHOTONIC CRYSTALS TRANSMISSIVITY AND THE FARADAY EFFECT, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26RP-C-4, (2005/6) 150. A. P. Vinogradov, A. M. Merzlikin, A. B. Granovsky, M. Inoue : SUPERPISM EFECT IN MAGNETO-PHOTNIC CRYSTALS, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26RP-C-3, (2005/6) 151. A. A. Fedyanin, M. G. Martemyanov, O. A. Aktsipetrov, D. Kobayashi, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : PHASE-MATCHED MAGNETIZATION - NDUCED SECOND - HARMONIC GENERATIONIN YTTRIOM - IRON - GARNET MAGNETOPHOTONIC CRYSTALS, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26RP-C-2, (2005/6) 152. N. Fujita, M. Izaki, M. Inoue FABRICATION OF METALl-OXIDE NANO COMPASOTE FILMS FROM AQUEOUA SOLUTION BY METALl-OXIDE CO-ELECTRODEPOSITION, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism 2005, 26RP-B-4, (2005/6) 153. A. V. Baryshev, M. Inoue, A. A. Kaplyanskii, V. A. Kosobukin, M. F. Limonov, M. V. Rybin, A. K. Samusev, A. V. Sel'kin, H. Uchida : Optical polarization-resolved studies of photonic bandgap structure in synthetic opals, 13th. Internatinal Symposium "Nanostructures: Physics and Technology", 123-124, (2005/6) 154. A. V. Baryshev, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Light propagation in the conjugate opal photonic crystal, 13th International Symposium NANOSTRUCTURES: Physics and Technology, 発表番号MPC.08P, (2005/6) 118 6-7 研究業績一覧 155. M.Mizoguchi, K.Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue, J. Akedo : Aero-sol Formation of Magnet-Optics Films, 第2回先端磁性技術に関する日本台湾合同ワークショップ, (2005/6) 156. FEDYANIN A.A., AKTIPETROV O.A., KURDYUKOV D.A., GOLUBEV V.G., NOUE M. : Nonlinear deffraction in enhanced second-harmonic generation from 3D opal-GaN photonic crystals, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 5840 (1)185-191, (2005/7) 157. R.Fujikawa, K.Nishimura, A.Baryshev, H.Uchida, M.Inoue : Preparetion of 3D Magnetophotonic Crystals and their Fundamental Properties, 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2005 ,T-6-PO4,23, (2005/7) 158. M.Mizoguchi, K.Nishimura, H.Uchida, M.Inoue, H.Takagi, J.Akedo :Aero-sol Formation of Ferromagnetic Garnet Films, 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2005, T-6-PO49,34, (2005/7) 159. Mitsuteru Inoue : Manetophotonic Crystals, 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2005, T-11-IN22,14, (2005/7) 160. A.B.Granovsky, Yu.Boriskina, A.P.Vinogradov, A.M.Merzlikin, M.Inoue : Enhanced Magneto-Optics in Magnetophotonic Crystals:Magnetorefractive Effect and Magnetic Superprism, ISAMT/SOMMA 2005, 発表番号TB-02-I, (2005/8) 161. M.Inoue : Magneto-optic spatial light modulators for collinear holography, 第2回先端磁性技術に 関する日本台湾合同ワークショップ, 発表番号V-9-0, (2005/9) 162. R. Fujikawa, A. V. Baryshev, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication of 3D-Magnetophotonic Crystals Composed with Opal and Bi:YIG, 第2回先端磁性技術に関する日 本台湾合同ワークショップ, (2005/9) 163. H. Takagi, J. H. Park, A. Tsuzuki, M. Mizoguchi, K. Nishimura, H. Uchida, M. Inoue : Fabrication of Voltage-Driven Magneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulator, 第2回先端磁性技術に関する日本台湾 合同ワークショップ, (2005/9) 164. A.Khanikaev, M.Inoue, H.Uchida, A.Gronovsky : Magneto-Optical Properties of Three-Dimensional Magnetophotonic crystals, The 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 255, (2005/11) 165. A.Baryshev, R.Fujikawa, K.Nishimura, H.Uchida, M.Inoue : Three-dimensional photnic crystals: Faraday rotation and transmissivity, The 50th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 256, (2005/11) 166. S. Ichikawa, S. Yamamoto : Data Dependent Circuit for Subgraph Isomorphism Problem, FPL2002, 1068-1071, (2002/9) 167. S. Yamamoto, S. Ichikawa, H. Yamamoto : Data Dependent Circuit Design: A Case Study, FPL2003, 1024-1027, (2003/9) 168. Y. Kishimoto, S. Ichikawa : An Execution-Time Estimation Model for Heterogeneous Clusters, HCW2004, CDROM, (2004/4) 169. S. Ichikawa, N. Kobayashi : Preliminary Study of Custom Computing Hardware for the 3x+1 Problem, TENCON2004, D, 387-390, (2004/11) 170. S. Ichikawa, M. Akinaka, R. Ikeda, H. Yamamoto : Converting PLC instruction sequence into logic circuit: A preliminary study, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2006), 2930--2935, (2006/7) 171. S. Kurihara, T. Hirotsu, T. Takada, O. Akashi, and T. Sugawara : How to find similar web sites by using only link information, SSGRR2002 summer (International Conferrence on Advances in Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science, and e-Medicine on the Internet), CD-ROM, (2002/7) 172. S. Kurihara, K. Fukuda, T. Hirotsu, O. Akashi, S. Sato and T. Sugawara : Self-centered but cooperative behavior in a complex competitive situation, CS02 (6th International Conference on Complex Systems 2002), 198-205, (2002/9) 173. S. Kurihara, K. Fukuda, T. Hirotsu, O. Akashi, S. Sato and T. Sugawara : Importance of Evolved Structure for Emerging Self-organization in a Complex Competitive Situation, ALIFE VIII (8th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems), 33-37, (2002/12) 174. O. Akashi, T. Hirotsu, K. Sato, K. Kourai, M. Maruyama and T. Sugawara : Agent Support for Flexible Inter-AS Policy Control, SAINT 2003 Workshop on AI Applications of the Internet, 294-298, (2003/1) 175. S. Kurihara, K. Fukuda, T. Hirotsu, O. Akashi, S. Sato and T. Sugawara : Simple but efficient collaboration in a complex competitive situation, AAMAS2003 (International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) 1042-1043, (2003/7) 176. O. Akashi, K. Kourai, K. Fukuda, T. Hirotsu, K. Sato, M. Maruyama, T. Sugawara : A Flexible Policy Control Architecture for Inter-AS Routing, APNOMS 2003 (7th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium)0 392-403, (2003/10) 177. T. Takada, S. Kurihara, T. Hirotsu and T. Sugawara : Proximity Mining: Finding Proximity using Sensor Data History, WMCSA2003(5th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications), 129-138, (2003/10) 178. K. Kourai, T. Hirotsu, K. Sato, O. Akashi, K. Fukuda, T. Sugawara and S. Chiba : Secure and Managable Virtual Private Networks for End-Users, 28th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 385-394, (2003/10) 179. Satoshi Kurihara, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Osamu Akashi, Shinya Sato, Toshiharu Sugawara : How collective intelligence emerge in complex environment? bio-ADIT(First International Workshop on Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology ), 498 - 511, (2004/1) 180. Satoshi Kurihara, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Osamu Akashi, Toshiharu Sugawara : How Collective Intelligence Emerge in the Standard Minority Game? WEHIA2004 (9th Workshop on Economics and Heterogeneous Interacting Agents), Web全12頁, (2004/5) 181. Satoshi Kurihara, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Shigemi Aoyagi, Toshihiro Takada, Toshiharu Sugawara : Multi-agent Framework for Human-Environment Interaction in Ubiquitous Environment, UbiAgents2004 (Workshop on Agents for Ubiquitous Computing), 5-12, (2004/7) 182. Toshiharu Sugawara, Satoshi Kurihara, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Shigemi Aoyagi, Toshihiro Takada : Reusing Coordination and Negotiation Strategies in Multi-Agent Systems for Ubiquitous Network Environment, AAMAS2004(3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems), 496-503, (2004/7) 183. Osamu Akashi, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Koji Sato, Mitsuru Maruyama, Toshiharu Sugawara : Inter-AS Routing Policy Adaptation using Cooperative AISLE agents, WTC/ISS 2004 (XIX World Telecommunications Congress), CD全6頁, (2004/9) 184. Satoshi Kurihara, Kensuke Fukuda,Toshio Hirotsu, Shigemi Aoyagi, Toshihiro Takada, Toshiharu Sugawara : Multi-Agent Human-Environment Interaction Framework for the Ubiquitous Environment, MMAS2004(International Workshop on Massively Multi-Agent Systems), 165-178, (2004/12) 185. Peter Suranyi, Hirotake Abe, Toshio Hirotsu, Yasushi Shinjo, Kazuhiko Kato : General Virtual Hosting via Lightweight User-Level Virtualization, SAINT 2005(2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet), 229-236, (2005/1) 186. Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Osamu Akashi, Toshiharu Sugawara : Time and Space Correlation in BGP Message Flows, ICOIN 2005(International Conference on Information Networking 2005), 215-222, (2005/1) 187. Shinichi Suzuki, Yasushi Shinjo, Toshio Hirotsu, Kazuhiko Kato, Kozo Itano : Name-Level Approach for Egress Network Access Control, ICN'05(4th International Conference on Networking), 284-296, (2005/4) 188. Satoshi Kurihara, Shigemi Aoyagi, Toshihiro Takada, Toshio Hirotsu, Toshiharu Sugawara : Agent-Based Human-Environment Interaction Framework for Ubiquitous Environment, INSS2005 (2nd International Workshop on Networked Sensing Systems), 103-108, (2005/6) 189. Shinichi Suzuki, Yasushi Shinjo, Toshio Hirotsu, Kozo Itano and Kazuhiko Kato : Capability-based Egress Network Access Control for Transferring Access Rights, ICITA, 488-495, (2005/7) 190. Kensuke Fukuda, Shin-ya Sato, Osamu Akashi, kazuhiro Kazama, Toshio Hirotsu, Satoshi Kurihara, Toshiharu Sugawara : Efficiency and Fairness of Load Distribution on Scale-Free Property, LinkAnalysis-2005 (AAAI-2005 Workshop on LinkAnalysis), 16-21, (2005/7) 191. Toshiharu Sugawara, Satoshi Kurihara, Toshio Hirotsu, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshihiro Takada : Predicting Possible Conflicts in Hierarchical planning for Multi-Agent Systems, AAMAS2005 (4th 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems) 813-820, (2005/7) Atsushi Terauchi, Osamu Akashi, Mitsuru Maruyama, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshiharu Sugawara Toshio Hirotsu and Satoshi Kurihara : ARTISTE: Agent Organization Management System for Multi-agent Systems, PRIMA2005(Eighth Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-agents), 245-260, (2005/09) Kensuke Fukuda, Shin-ya Sato, Osamu Akashi, Toshio Hirotsu, Satoshi Kurihara and Toshiharu Sugawara : On the use of Hierarchical Power-law Network Topology for Server Selection and Allocation in Multi-Agent Systems, IAT2005(IEEE/WIC/ACM Internatinal Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology), 81-87, (2005/09) Osamu Akashi, Atsushi Terauchi, Kensuke Fukuda, Mitsuru Maruyama, Toshiharu Sugawara and Toshio Hirotsu : Detection and Diagnosis of Inter-AS Routing Anomalies by Cooperative Intelligent Agents, Ambient Networks: DSOM2005(16th IFIP/IEEE Distributed Systems Operations and Man, LNCS 3775, 181-192, (2005/10) Hiroo Ishikawa, Tatsuo Nakajima, Shuichi Oikawa and Toshio Hirotsu : Proactive Operating System Recovery, Poster Session of SOSP'05 (20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles), Poster Sesson: 1-2, (2005/10) Satoshi Kurihara, Seiichi Honda, Kenichi Fukui, Koichi Moriyama, Masayuki Numao, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Toshihiro Takada, Toshiharu Sugawara : Getting Daily Human Habitual Behaviours from Infrared Sensor Network, Poster/Demo session of INSS2006(3rd International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems), 頁なし, (2006/05) Toshiharu Sugawara, Satoshi Kurihara, Toshio Hirotsu, Kensuke Fukuda, Shinya Sato and Osamu Akashi : Total Performance by Local Agent Selection Strategies in Multi-Agent Systems, AAMAS2006(5th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems), 601-608, (2006/05) Osamu Akashi, Kensuke Fukuda, Satoshi Kurihara, Hirotsu Toshio and Toshiharu Sugawara : Application of Massively Multi-agent System to Internet Routing Management, Joint International Workshop on Massively Multi-agent Systems (MMAS2006) and Challenges in Large-Scale Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems (LSMAS2006), 67 - 81, (2006/05) Toshiharu Sugawara, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Shin-ya Sato and Satoshi Kurihara : Adaptive Agent Selection in Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems, PRICAI06 (Ninth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, LNCS 4099), 818-822, (2006/08) Osamu Akashi, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu and Toshiharu Sugawara : Policy-based BGP Control Architecture for Autonomous Routing Management, INM'06 (ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Internet Network Management), 77-82, (2006/11) Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Satoshi Kurihara, Shin-ya Sato, Osamu Akashi and Toshiharu Sugawara : Dependency of Network Structures in Agent Selection and Deployment, IAT2006 (IEEE/WIC/ACM Internatinal Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology), Accepted, (2006/12) Toshiharu Sugawara, Kensuke Fukuda, Toshio Hirotsu, Shin-ya Sato and Satoshi Kurihara : Multi-Agent Systems Performance by Adaptive/Non-Adaptive Agent Selection, IAT2006 (IEEE/WIC/ACM Internatinal Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology), Accepted, (2006/12) Hideaki Saiki, Yoshiharu Konaka, Tsuneyasu Komiya, Masahiro Yasugi, Taiichi Yuasa : Real-time GC in JeRTyVM Using the Return-Barrier Method The Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 140-148, (2005/5) K.Ito,S.Miyauchi, K.Onda,H.Koori,H.Masuda : Transient Response of Polymer Electrolyte Fue Cell to Rapid Change in Load Current, The 1st Int. Symp. on Micro & Nano Technology, XII-3-04, (2004/3) Kazuo ONDA, Hironori KOORI, Takuya TANIUCHI and Takuto ARAKI : Comparison of measured current density distributions at PEFC with calculated distributions by using measured membrane properties, 15th World hydrogen Energy Conference, 28K-06,p163, (2004/06) K.Ito,H.Koori,K.Onda,H.Masuda,T.Masuoka : Transient Response Analysis of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell considering Equivalent Circuit, Mass and Heat Conservation, Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, 85-92, (2004/6) K. Onda, H. Koori, T. Taniuchi, T. Araki : Simulation of Current Density Distribution at PEMFC by using Measured Electro-Chemical and Physical Properties of Membrane, 2004 Fuel Cell Seminar, #274, (2004/11) Takuto ARAKI, Takuya TANIUCHI and Kazuo ONDA Simulation of current density distribution at PEMFC by using measured electrochemical and physical properties of membrane", Expo World Conf. Wind Energy, Renewable Energy, Fuel Cell & Exhibition, 119, (2005/06) K Onda, T Araki, T Ohba, S Takezawa, Y. Sakaki : Cycle analysis of tow-stage SOFC power generation by series connection of low and high-temperature SOFCs, The Ninth Grove Fuel Cell Symposium, P2.25, (2005/10) Kazuo Onda, Kikuo Hattori, Takanobu Ikeda, Keiji Ichihara, Takuto Araki : Polymer Electrolyte Separation Pump of Exhausted Hydrogen from PEMFC, 2005 Fuel cell seminar, #109, (2005/11) Kazuo Onda, Takuya Taniuchi, Takuto Araki, Daisuke Sunagawa : Numerical analysis of current density distribution at PEMFC and comparison with measured distribution by segmented electrode cell, Ist. European Fuel Cell Tecnology & Applications International Conference, 123, (2005/12) K.Onda, T.Taniuchi, D.Sunakawa, M.Nagahama, T.Araki, T.Kato : Cycle Analysis of Low and High H2 Utilization SOFC/Gas Turbine Combined Cycle for CO 2 Recovery, The 4th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, #FUELCELL2006-97061, (2006/6) K.Onda, T.Araki, D.Sunakawa, K.Wakahara, M.Nagahama : Calculation of Current Density Distribution at PEFC with Measured Membrane Properties, 2006 Fuel cell seminar, #387, (2006/11) H. Takikawa, K. Izumi, T. Sakakibara : DLC thin films preparation by cathodic arc deposition with a super droplet-free system, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, BP-1-8, p.53, (2002/4) A. Bendavid, P. J. Martin, H. Takikawa : The properties of nanocomposite aluminium silicon oxynitride thin films deposited by filtered arc process, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, C2-2-3, p.84, (2002/4) H. Takikawa, N. Miyakawa, T. Sakakibara : Development of shielded cathodic arc deposition with a superconductor shield, Joint International Symposium of 6th APCPST, 15th SPSM, OS2002, & 11th KAPRA, PW-024, p.110, (2002/7) J. Toshifuji, T. Katsumata, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, I. Shimizu : Cold arc-plasma jet under atmospheric pressure for surface modification, Joint International Symposium of 6th APCPST, 15th SPSM, OS2002, & 11th KAPRA, PW-025, p.111, (2002/7) Y. Ismail, Y. Kemmoku, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara : Operating strategy of stand-alone photovoltaic/battery power system, 2003 International Solar Energy Conference, ISEC2003-44219, 1-6, (2003/3) S. Oke, Y. Kemmoku, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara : Life-cycle CO 2 emission in public welfare facilities equipped with a PV/solar heat/cogeneration system, 2003 International Solar Energy Conference, ISEC2003-44220, 1-6, (2003/3) N. Miyakawa, S. Minamisawa, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara : Physical and chemical deposition of diamond-like carbon film on rubber by T-shape filtered-arc-deposition, The 4th International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science, G-3, 319-324, (2003/9) T. Katsumata, Y. Fujimura, M. Nagayama, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, S. Itoh : Synthesis of helical carbon nanofibers by catalytic CVD method, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Abstracts1 A7-10-P19 (p.78), (2003/10) T. Imaizumi, M. Kato, Y. hibi, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, S. Itoh, S. Natsume, T. Tahara : Preparation of multi-walled carbon nanotube by torch arc method, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Abstracts1 A8-10-P07 (p.92), (2003/10) B. Chen, Y. Fujimura, T. Katsumata, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, S. Ito : Effect of multi-catalysts on carbon nanomaterial prodution in CVD, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Abstracts1 A8-10-P02 (p.91), (2003/10) Y. Iwasaki. S. Minamisawa, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, H. Hasegawa : Influence of Duct Bias on T-Shape Filtered Arc Deposition Apparatus, The Fifth International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science, 193, (2005/9) 225. Hajime Shiki, Junpei Motoki, Hirofumi Takikawa, Takikawa, Tateki Sakakibara, Yoshimi Nishimura,Shigeji Hishida, Tsuyoshi Nishi, Takashi Okawa : Development of Multi-PEN-Jet and Electrode Erosion, The 5th International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science, 91, (2005/9) 226. Hirofumi Takikawa : Review of Cathodic Arc Deposition for Preparing Droplet-Free Thin Films, XXIInd Int. Symp. on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, pp.525-530, (2006/9) 227. H. Hikosaka, Y. Iwasaki, H. Tanoue, H. Takikawa, T. Sakakibara, H. Hasegawa : Development of X-Shape Filtered Arc Deposition (X-FAD) Apparatus and DLC/Cr Film Preparation, XXIInd Int. Symp. on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, pp.620-623, (2006/9) (招待講演) 1. 中島 浩 : メガスケール計算の構想と低電力化技術, 情報処理学会関西支部大会(国内会議), (2002/11) 2. 中島 浩 : 少しは組込的なアーキテクチャシミュレーション―色々やってわかったこと―, 情報 処理学会計算機アーキテクチャ研究会・組込みシステム研究会(国内会議), (2007/1) 3. 井上光輝 : 磁性フォトニック結晶と産学連携, 第3回九州磁気セミナー , (2002/5) 4. 井上光輝 : Magnetophotonic Crystals, Moscow International Symposiun on Magnetism, (2002/6) 5. 井上光輝 : Magnetophotonic Crystals, The 10th edition of the International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies , (2002/7) 6. 井上光輝 : Magnetophotonic crystals - nano-scaled artificial magneto-optical materials, Symposium and Summer School on: Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics Research and Opportunities in Russia, Moscow, (2002/9) 7. 井上光輝 : An optical micro-magnetic device: magnetic-spatial light modulator, 韓国磁気学会, (2002/12) 8. 井上光輝 : 磁気光学空間光変調器, 日本応用磁気学会第127研究会, 第47回光スピニクス専門委 員会, 第16回磁性人工構造膜の物性と機能専門研究会, (2003/1) 9. 井上光輝 : Nonlinear spectroscopy of magnetization-induced second-harmonic generation in magneto-photonic crystals and microcavities, 日本応用磁気学会第127研究会, 第47回光スピニ クス専門委員会, 第16回磁性人工構造膜の物性と機能専門研究会, (2003/1) 10. 井上光輝 : Magnetorefractive effect in nanogranular thin films: thin theory, experiment and applications, International Workshop, Recent Trends on Nanomagnetism, (2003/7) 11. 井上光輝 : Recent activities on magnetophotonic crystals, International Baikal Scientific Conference Magnetic Materials , (2003/9) 12. 井上光輝 : Linear and non linear magneto - optics of nanoscaled magnetic materials ̲ trends, future aspects and applications, オックスフォード・神戸セミナー第6回材料科学セミナー: 磁性 材料, (2003/9) 13. 井上光輝 : Linear and Nonlinear Magnet - optics of Magnetophotonic Crystals, The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials(IUMRS - ICAM 2003), (2003/10) 14. 井上光輝 : 磁性フォトニック結晶の形成と線形・非線形磁気光学特性, (社) 粉体粉末冶金協会平 成15年度秋季大会, (2003/11) 15. 井上光輝 : Optical and magneto-optical properties of magnetophotonic crystals(Bd4), 2003 SOMMA KMS meeting(International Symposium On Magnetic materials and Applications), (2003/12) 16. 井上光輝 : 磁 性 フ ォ ト ニ ッ ク 結 晶 作 成 の 現 状 と 課 題, 第51回 応 用 物 理 学 関 係 連 合 講 演 会, (2004/3) 17. 井上光輝 : Modulators for Use in Holographic Data Strage and three-Dimensional Display(Tu-D-3), Magneto Optical Recording International Symposium 2004, (2004/5) 18. 井上光輝 : Magnrtophotonic Crystals, 2004 MRS Fall Meeting (2004/11) 19. 井上光輝 : コリニア方式を中心としたホログラム体積記録技術の開発と今後の展望, 技術情報協 会セミナー , (2005/1) 20. 井上光輝 : 超高性能光デバイスの研究と事業化への挑戦, 知的財産・産官学連携フォーラムin東 京, (2005/1) 21. 井上光輝 : Magneto-Optic Spacial Light Modulators, 2nd International Workshop on Prospects on Magnetic Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures, (2005/4) 22. 井上光輝 : Magnetophotonic crystals, ICONO/LAT2005 (2005/5) 23. 井上光輝 : 磁性フォトニック結晶の形成・機能と光電子応用, 講演会 「次世代ニーズに向けた光機 能性材料の最新動向, (2005/7) 24. 井上光輝 : Magnetophotonic crystals, 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies and 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials, (2005/7) 25. 井上光輝 : Fabrication and properties of 3-dimensional magnetophotonic crystals, ICNM2005, (2005/7) 26. 井上光輝 : Magneto-Optic Spatial Light Modulator for Optical Volumetric Recording with Holography, International Symposium on Spintronics and Advanced Magnetic Technologies and International Symposium on Materials and Applications 2005, (2005/8) 27. 井上光輝 : 磁気フォトニック結晶の形成・物性と応用, 特別討論会, (2005/9) 28. 井上光輝 : 磁性フォトニック結晶の形成・物性と応用, 第36回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季 大会, (2005/9) 29. 井上光輝 : Magneto-optic spatial light modulator for holographic data strage, シンガポール国立 大学, (2005/9) 30. 井上光輝 : 結晶性微粒子ボンディング制御による電子セラミック厚膜の形成と応用, 粉体工学会 2005年度秋期研究発表会, (2005/10) 31. 井上光輝 : Magneto-optic spatial light modulators for high-density holographic data storage, The 2nd Asian Forum on Magnetics, (2005/12) 32. 恩田和夫 : 燃料電池の熱・流体問題, 第1回燃料電池シンポジウム, (2002/10) 33. 恩田和夫 : 水の蒸発吸熱とカチオン交換膜による除湿を併用する新しい空調法の研究, RITE優 秀研究企画H14研究成果報告会, (2002/11) 34. 恩田和夫 : PEFC-その開発状況と発電特性の決定因子, 三重県科学技術振興センター , (2003/3) 35. 恩田和夫 : PEM形等の燃料電池における電気化学−物質−熱の連成現象の解析と高性能化技術 への展望, 伝熱学会, (2004/3) 36. 恩田和夫 : 最近の燃料電池の開発状況, 蒲郡技術科学振興会, (2004/3) 37. 恩田和夫 : 燃料電池, 分散型エネルギー・新エネルギーの動向・展望, (2004/9) 38. 恩田和夫 : 次世代携帯用電池の設計支援ツールと機能化材料の開発, H16電気関係学会東海支部 連合大会, (2004/9) 39. 恩田和夫 : 固体酸化物形燃料電池の開発状況, エンジニアリング振興協会・高温型FC-APTシステ ム開発研究会, (2004/9) 40. 恩田和夫 : 9th Grove Fuel Cell Symp.報告, 電気化学会電池研究会, (2005/12) 41. 恩田和夫 : 定常・非定常時のPEFC発電特性解析プログラムの開発と電流分布による確認, NEDO 燃料電池・水素技術開発中間報告会, (2005/12) 42. 恩田和夫 : 定常・非定常時のPEFC発電特性解析プログラムの開発と電流分布測定実験による確 認, 新エネルギー・産業技術開発機構, (2005/2) 43. 恩田和夫 : リチウムイオン電池とニッケル水素電池の発熱挙動, 機械学会RC217第3回研究分科 会, (2006/1) 44. 恩田和夫 : 高分子電解質膜の広がる電気化学応用-水素ポンプ, 除湿器, オゾン水生成, 福岡水素 エネルギー戦略会議, 九大21世紀COEプログラム, (2006/2) 45. 恩田和夫 : 定常・非定常時のPEFC発電特性解析プログラムの開発と電流分布測定による確認, NEDO燃料電池・水素技術開発成果発表会, (2006/8) 46. 恩田和夫 : 固体高分子燃料電池の発電特性と高分子膜の新しい応用, 第2回未来ビークルリサー チセンターシンポジウム, (2006/9) 47. 恩田和夫 : 最近の燃料電池の開発状況, 新産業チャレンジ交流会, (2006/10) 48. 恩田和夫 : PEFCの膜物性と発電特性解析, PEMを使った水素ポンプと水電解, 北海道大学工学 研究科エネルギー環境システム専攻講演会, (2006/10) 49. 恩田和夫 : リチウムイオン二次電池の過電圧抵抗測定と発熱挙動解析, リチウムイオン二次電池 の安全性向上技術, (2007/1) 50. 恩田和夫 : 大学における燃料電池の基礎研究, 水素エネルギーフォーラムin愛知, (2007/2) 51. 恩田和夫 : PEFCの電流分布解析と測定, 高分子学会燃料電池材料研究会, (2007/2) 52. 滝川浩史 : 様々なカーボン長尺ナノ材料の合成, マイクロメカトロニクス研究会, (2002/8) 53. 滝川浩史 : 手軽に作ろう, カーボンナノチューブ, 第43回真空に関する連合講演会, (2002/10) 54. 滝川浩史 : 長尺カーボンナノ材料の合成と応用, 関西ワークショップ2002(エレクトロニクス実 6-7 研究業績一覧 119 情 報 発 信 情報発信 装学会), (2002/11) 滝川浩史 : 第54回例会・プラズマプロセスによるカーボンナノチューブの製造, 表面技術協会 材 料機能ドライプロセス部会, (2002/12) 56. 滝川浩史 : 第2回クリーントライボ研究会・T-FADを用いたゴム表面へのDLC薄膜合成, イオン・ プラズマフォーラム, (2002/12) 57. 滝川浩史 : 一般招待講演 「真空アーク蒸着技術とその次世代応用」, NEDO重要地域技術研究開発 「極微量金属イオン注入制御による超機能耐環境材料の研究開発」最終年度報告会, (2003/8) 58. 滝川浩史 : プラズマプロセスによるカーボンナノチューブ・ナノホーンの合成, 第38回CVD研究 会, (2003/12) 59. 滝川浩史 : カーボンナノチューブ・ナノホーンの合成と燃料電池への応用, 技術情報協会セミナ ー , (2004/02) 60. 滝川浩史 : カーボンナノチューブ類の合成と期待される応用, カーボンナノチューブ活用研究会, (2004/03) 61. 滝川浩史 : Carbon Nanotube and Related Materials - Syntheses and Applications -, 中國工程師 學會, (2004/10) 62. 滝川浩史 : ナノチューブ, ナノコイルの合成と応用, プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会, (2004/11) 63. 滝川浩史 : プラズマを用いたナノカーボン創製と応用, 放電学会 平成17年度 春季シンポジウム, (2005/5) 64. 滝川浩史 : 熱対策新材料となるか, カーボンナノバルーン, 第5回新熱設計技術フォーラム, (2005/07) 65. 滝川浩史 : ダイヤモンドライクカーボンとフィルタードアーク蒸着, 学振第153委員会 「プラズマ 材料科学」 研究会, (2005/11) 66. 滝川浩史 : 町工場でも出来るカーボンナノチューブ簡易製造法, 東京都立産業技術研究所 新技 術セミナー , (2006/2) 67. 滝川浩史 : 金属/固体イオンプレーティング用Two-in-One フィルタードアーク装置の開発, 第 21回イオン工学特別シンポジウム, (2006/3) 68. 滝川浩史 : 大気圧プラズマの発生と応用, 岡崎ものづくり推進協議会講演会, (2006/3) 69. 滝川浩史 : ナノカーボン素材の合成と応用, 大分県工業団体連合会産官学交流第6グループ(金属 加工と評価)講演会, (2006/3) 70. 滝川浩史 : アーク放電によるカーボンナノホーンの量産と燃料電池電極への取り組み, カーボン ナノチューブを利用した複合材の開発研究会, (2006/5) 71. 滝川浩史 : アークスート利用ダイレクトメタノール型燃料電池作製, 関西ナノテクノロジー推進 会議 「カーボンナノ材料研究会」, (2006/6) 72. 滝川浩史 : Review of Cathodic Arc Deposition for Preparing Droplet-Free Thin Films, International Conference on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, (2006/9) 73. 滝川浩史 : 新奇ナノカーボンの合成とエネルギーデバイスへの応用展開, 次世代二次電池・キャ パシタの開発および応用に関する研究会, (2006/9) 74. 滝川浩史 : Carbon nano-materials; Fabrications and applications, 日中拠点交流講演会, (2006/9) (出版物) 1. 中島 浩 : 特集:並列処理(情報処理学会論文誌, 41(5)), (2002/5), 情報処理学会 2. 井上光輝 ほか : 共著, 応用物理ハンドブック, (2002/4), 丸善(応用物理学会) 3. 金原あきら,中谷功,明渡純,井上明,井上光輝,ほか : 共著, 機能性材料の3次元微細加工技術に関す る調査研究報告書平成13-14年度, (2003) 4. 監修 : 奥田昌宏 : 共著, エレクトロニクス材料・技術シリーズ 次世代光記録技術と材料, (2004/1), シーエムシー出版 5. 井上光輝, ほか : 共著, マテリアルインテグレーション5月号(vol.18No.5) (2005/04), 株式会社テ ィー・アイ・シー 6. 井上光輝, ほか : 共著, MATERIALSTAGEvol.5,No.2(2005年5月号), (2005/05), 技術情報協会 7. 恩田和夫, 永田進 : 共著, 2002 Fuel Cell Seminarと米国燃料電池技術動向調査報告, (2003/1), 燃 料電池開発情報センター 8. 恩田和夫 : 単著, エネルギー有効利用基盤技術先導研究開発における戦略技術に係わる調査研究, (2003/3), NEDO, 三菱総合研究所 9. 岡崎健, 恩田和夫, 白根義和, 外 : 共著, 水素供給ステーション, (2003/3), 新エネルギー産業技術 開発機構 10. 平田賢, 笠木伸英, 恩田和夫 : 共著, ガスタービン・燃料電池利用分散型エネルギーシステム分科 会・研究報告書, (2003/6), 日本機械学会 11. 恩田和夫 : 単著, 2003 Grove Fuel Cell Symp.と欧州燃料電池技術動向調査報告書, (2003/11), 燃 料電池開発情報センター 12. 恩田和夫, 岡村重治 : 共著, 固体高分子燃料電池の負荷変動に対する発電特性の解明, (2004/7), 東海産業技術振興財団 13. 恩田和夫 : 共著, 2004 Fuel Cell Seminar と米国燃料電池技術動向調査報告書, (2004/12), 燃料電 池開発情報センター 14. 太田健一郎, 恩田和夫, 小関和雄, 外 : 共著, 燃料電池技術データ集II―家庭用PEFCコジェネレー ションシステムに関する各種効率の定義と計算例―, (2005/6), 燃料電池開発センター 15. 恩田和夫 : 共著, 燃料電池の解析手法 5.3透水性, (2005/8), 化学同人 16. 恩田和夫 : 共著, 2005 Fuel Cell Seminarと米国燃料電池技術動向調査報告, (2005/12), 燃料電池 開発情報センター 17. 恩田和夫 : 共著, 2006 Fuel Cell Seminarと米国燃料電池技術動向調査報告, (2006/12), 燃料電池 開発情報センター 18. 滝川浩史 : 共著, カーボンナノチューブ 〜進む材料開発技術と今後の用途展開〜, (2002/4), 株式 会社情報機構 19. 滝川浩史 : 共著, カーボンナノチューブの可能性と将来予測, (2002/4), 株式会社矢野経済研究所 20. 滝川浩史 : 共著, カーボンナノチューブの合成・評価, 実用化とナノ分散・配合制御技術, (2003/2), 技術情報協会 21. 滝川浩史 : 共著,「機能性微粒子とナノマテリアルの開発」(仮題)第V編 機能性微粒子の構築設計 「キャビティアークジェット法によるカーボンナノホーン粒子の簡易合成」, (2004/5), フロンテ ィア出版 (特許) 1. 名 称 : マイクロプロセッサの並列シミュレーションシステム 発 明 者 : 中島 浩 出願番号 : 特願2003-384971 出 願 者 : 株式会社半導体理工学研究センター 2. 名 称 : 命令スケジューリングのシミュレーション方法とシミュレーションシステム 発 明 者 : 中島 浩 出願番号 : 特願2002-238396 出 願 者 : 株式会社半導体理工学研究センター 3. 名 称 : Optical cross-connect device 発 明 者 : DONG-HAK SHIN, INOUE MITSUTERU, MASUDA HITOSHI, SUGIYAMA TERUYA 出願番号 : カナダ出願 CA20032423617 2003-03-27, 公開 CA2423617 2003-10-01 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社, 株式会社ティエスフォトン 4. 名 称 : Optical cross-connect device 発 明 者 : Teruya Sugiyama, Mitsuteru Inoue, Shin Dong-Hak, Hitoshi Masuda 出願番号 : US出願 10/402464 2003-02-28, 公開 US20030185494 A1 2003-10-02 登録番号 : 35U.S.C.120,121 or 365C 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社, 株式会社ティエスフォトン 5. 名 称 : Spatial light modulator 発 明 者 : Inoue Mitsuteru, Cho Jae Kyong 出願番号 : US出願 10/308897, 公開20040036947 A1 出 願 者 : 株式会社オプトウエア 6. 名 称 : Spatial light modulator 発 明 者 : Inoue Mitsuteru, Cho Jae Kyong 出願番号 : US出願 10/308898 2003-12-02, 公開20040036948 A 2004-02-261 出 願 者 : 株式会社オプトウエア 7. 名 称 : 磁気光学効果材料とその製造法, および磁気光学効果材料分散体 発 明 者 : 阿部正紀, 井上光輝 出願番号 : 特願2003-344537 2003-10-02, 特開2004-134795 2004-04-30 出 願 者 : 東京工業大学長 8. 55. 120 6-7 研究業績一覧 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 名 称 : SAW温度計による室温管理及び火災報知システム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 篠井侃, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2004-365071 2004-12-16 出 願 者 : 株式会社ペガサスネット, 杉山博一 名 称 : ホログラムデータ記録再生装置 発 明 者 : 井上光輝, 井村智和 出願番号 : 特願2004-358691 2004-12-10 出 願 者 : FDK株式会社, (国)豊橋技術科学大学 名 称 : SAW素子によるタイヤ歪み測定システム 発 明 者 : 井上光輝, 杉山晃也, 篠井 侃, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2004-3111514 2004-10-26 出 願 者 : 株式会社ティエスフォトン, 杉山晃也, 杉山博一 名 称 : タイヤ内外の環境監視システム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 篠井 侃, 杉山博一, 加藤昌弘, 今堀能男, 杉山正芳, 井澤文伸, 加茂 正太郎 出願番号 : 特願2004-253695 2004-09-01 出 願 者 : 株式会社ティエスフォトン, 杉山晃也, 杉山博一 名 称 : 投射型IP方式による三次元ディスプレイシステム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田斉, 杉山博一, 山口貴志 出願番号 : 特願2004-228604 2004-08-13 出 願 者 : 株式会社ティエスフォトン, 杉山晃也, 杉山博一 名 称 : パチスロ用遊戯メダルの不正防止システム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 岡田和生, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉, 福田日出男, 金子正美, 内山 明, 藪崎 和美, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2003-12887 2003-01-21, 特開2004-222877 2004-08-12 出 願 者 : 株式会社ペガサスネット, 杉山博一 名 称 : RFIDタグ用チェーンアンテナ 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 篠井 侃, 井上光輝, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2004-90808 2004-03-26 出 願 者 : 株式会社ペガサスネット, 杉山博一 名 称 : 三次元ディスプレイシステム(TFTリニアフレネルレンズ) 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉, 金 載泓, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2004-081554 2004-03-19 出 願 者 : 株式会社ティエスフォトン, 杉山博一 名 称 : 三次元ディスプレイシステム(TFTデュアル画面) 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉, 金 載泓, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2004-081471 2004-03-19 出 願 者 : 株式会社ティエスフォトン, 杉山博一 名 称 : 三次元ディスプレイシステム(TFTトラッキングミラー方式) 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉, 金 載泓, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2004-081333 2004-03-19 出 願 者 : 株式会社ティエスフォトン, 杉山博一 名 称 : 円形バーコードによるホログラムID記録・検出システム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2003-10656 2003-01-20, 特開2004-226441 2004-08-12 出 願 者 : 株式会社ティエスフォトン, 杉山晃也 名 称 : Fe-Ce-Oグラニュラ薄膜とその製造方法 発 明 者 : 藤田直幸, 井上光輝 出願番号 : 特願2004-61557 2004-03-05 出 願 者 : 科学技術振興機構 名 称 : ホログラムIDキーシステム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉, 福田日出男, 金子正美, 内山 明, 藪崎和美, 杉山 博一 出願番号 : 特願2003-49873 2003-02-26, 特開2004-257138 2004-09-16 出 願 者 : 杉山晃也, 杉山博一, 名 称 : 時分割映像多重方式三次元ディスプレイシステム 発 明 者 : 特願2003-298581 2003-08-22, 特開2005-72848 2005-3-17 出願番号 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉, 金守泰徳, 杉山博一 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : 磁気平衡型3軸加速度センサ及び該センサを使用した体動検出装置 発 明 者 : 西村一寛, 井上光輝, 杉山晃也, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2003-296703 2003-08-20, 特開2005-65789 2005-3-17 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : 走査型トンネル顕微鏡の探針位置制御機構 発 明 者 : 内田裕久, 井上光輝, 金 煕濬 出願番号 : 特願2003-280674 2003-07-28, 特開2005-49187 2005-02-24 出 願 者 : 内田裕久, 金 煕濬 名 称 : オプティカルクロスコネクト装置 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉 出願番号 : 特願2003-092757 2003-03-28, 特開2005-17311 2005-01-20 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : 空間光変調器及びその空間光変調器の製造方法 発 明 者 : 井上光輝, ジャエヒュック パク 出願番号 : 特願2003-84158 2003-03-26, 特開2004-294579 2004-10-21 出 願 者 : 科学技術振興事業団 名 称 : 磁性薄膜の形成方法, 磁気記録媒体およびその製造方法, ならびに熱処理装置 発 明 者 : 井上光輝, ジャエヒュック パク 出願番号 : 特願2002-305788, 2002-10-21(特願2002-137598による優先権主張), 特開2004-47924 2004-02-12 出 願 者 : 科学技術振興事業団 名 称 : 空間光変調器 発 明 者 : 井上光輝, ジャエヒュック パク 出願番号 : 特願2002-304866(特願2002-44124による優先権主張), 特開2003-315756 2003-11-06 出 願 者 : 科学技術振興事業団 名 称 : 磁性薄膜の形成方法, 磁気記録媒体およびその製造方法 発 明 者 : 井上光輝 出願番号 : 特願2002-137598 2002-05-13, 特開2004-47924 2004-02-12 出 願 者 : 科学技術振興事業団 名 称 : ID付きSAWデバイス体温計及び核体温計による体温管理システム 発 明 者 : 細田瑳一, 大滝英ニ, 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 保田秀雄, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2002-131346 2002-05-07, 特開2003-319911 2003-11-11 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : SAW -I Dタグ 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 杉山博一, 保田秀雄 出願番号 : 特願2002-129555 2002-05-01 特開2003-324331 2003-11-14 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社, 杉山博一 名 称 : オプティカルクロスコネクト装置 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉 出願番号 : 特願2002-99430 2002-04-01, 特開2005-17311 2005-01-20 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : SAW-IDカードによる位置情報管理システム 発 明 者 : 細田瑳一, 大滝英ニ, 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 保田秀雄, 杉山博一 出願番号 : 特願2002-65684 2002-03-11, 特開2003-263612 2003-09-19 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : SAWデバイス体温計及び核体温計による体温管理システム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 杉山博一, 細田瑳一, 大滝英ニ, 井上光輝, 保田秀雄 出願番号 : 特願2002-56447 2002-03-01 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : SAW-IDキーシステム 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 杉山博一, 井上光輝, 保田秀雄, 梶野義幸, 内山 明 出願番号 : 特願2002-45291 2002-02-21, 特開2003-239590 2003-08-27 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社 名 称 : 空間光変調器 発 明 者 : 井上光輝, ジャエヒュック パク 出願番号 : 特願2002-44124 2002-02-21 出 願 者 : 科学技術振興事業団 名 称 : ファラデ−回転子 発 明 者 : 井上光輝, 加藤英樹, 高山昭夫, 松下 毅 出願番号 : 特願2000-338973 2000-11-07, 特開2002-148577 2002-05-22 出 願 者 : ミネベア株式会社 名 称 : Optical cross-connect device 発 明 者 : T. Sugiyama, M. Inoue, D. Shin, H.Masuda 出願番号 : EU出願03251905.0, 公開EP1351541, A2 2003-10-08 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社, 株式会社TSフォトン 名 称 : 光学クロス−接続装置 発 明 者 : 杉山晃也, 井上光輝, 申 東鶴, 益田 斉 出願番号 : 韓国出願No.10-2003-0020430 2003-04-01 登録番号 : No.2003-0079741 出 願 者 : ペガサスネット株式会社, 株式会社TSフォトン 名 称 : 電気化学的水素ポンプを利用した燃料電池システム 発 明 者 : 山本正忠, 恩田和夫 出願番号 : 特願2004-79092 出 願 者 : 葛西敬之 名 称 : 太陽・風力発電/コージェネレーション装置からなるシステムのシミュレーション方法 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 桶真一郎 出願番号 : 特願2006-262858 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大 名 称 : 導電性ポリ乳酸組成物 発 明 者 : 辻 秀人, 滝川浩史, 田中三郎, 川島善夫 出願番号 : 特願2006-219614 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学 名 称 : プラズマ表面処理方法、プラズマ処理装置及び目的物 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 辻 信弘, 長谷川祐史 出願番号 : 特願2005-234933 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社オンワード技研 名 称 : ナノカーボン材料の製造装置及び製造方法 発 明 者 : 伊奈 孝, 青木修一, 滝川浩史, 志岐 肇 出願番号 : 特願2005-228395 出 願 者 : 東邦ガス株式会社, 豊橋技術科学大学 名 称 : プラズマ表面処理方法, プラズマ処理装置及び被処理物 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 岩崎康浩, 辻 信弘, 長谷川祐史 出願番号 : 特願2005-194713 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社オンワード技研 名 称 : トナー粒子球状化方法及びトナー粒子球状化装置 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 志岐 肇, 西 毅, 原田昭雄 出願番号 : 特願2005-187473 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学, 大研化学工業株式会社 名 称 : 透明導電膜の形成方法及び透明導電膜 発 明 者 : 大塚剛史, 木下 暢, 滝川浩史, 志岐 肇, 元木純平 出願番号 : 特願2005-145614 出 願 者 : 大阪住友セメント株式会社, 豊橋技術科学大学 名 称 : プラズマ生成装置におけるドロップレット除去装置及びドロップレット除去方法 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 椎名祐一 出願番号 : 特願2005-91107 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社フェローテック 名 称 : カーボンナノチューブおよびカーボンナノホーンの製造, カーボンナノチューブある いはカーボンナノホーンを含有したアークスーとの製造, ならびにカーボンナノバル ーン合成用原料の製造に用いる炭素材料 発 明 者 : 吉川和男, 近藤 明, 滝川浩史, 丹羽宏彰 出願番号 : 特願2005-38039 出 願 者 : 東海カーボン株式会社, 豊橋技術科学大学 名 称 : プラズマ表面処理法, プラズマ生成装置及びプラズマ表面処理装置 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 志岐 肇, 元木純平, 西村芳美, 原田昭雄 出願番号 : 特願2005-29760 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学, 株式会社栗田製作所, 大研化学工業株式会社 名 称 : カーボン系ナノ物質を添加した生分解性ポリエステル 発 明 者 : 辻 秀人, 滝川浩史 出願番号 : 特願2004-109842 出 願 者 : 豊橋技術科学大学 名 称 : プラズマ生成用電源回路、プラズマ発生装置プラズマ処理装置及び目的物 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 西村芳美, 原田昭雄 出願番号 : 特願2004-102452 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 株式会社栗田製作所, 大研化学工業株式会社 名 称 : カーボンナノバルーン構造体とその製造方法及び電子放電素子 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 近藤 明, 吉川和男, 伊藤茂生 出願番号 : 特願2004-097875 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 東海カーボン株式会社, 双葉電子工業株式会社 名 称 : 防着カバー , 物質生成装置, 及び被処理物 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 椎名祐一 出願番号 : 特願2004-097550 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 株式会社フェローテック 名 称 : プラズマ発生用電極, プラズマ発生装置及びプラズマ処理装置 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 西村芳美, 原田昭雄 出願番号 : 特願2004-097172 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 株式会社栗田製作所, 大研化学工業株式会社 名 称 : カーボンナノ材料の製造方法 発 明 者 : 梅田良人, 伊奈 孝, 高橋義博, 滝川浩史 出願番号 : 特願2004-092291 出 願 者 : 東邦ガス株式会社, 滝川浩史 名 称 : プラズマ生成装置 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 椎名祐一 出願番号 : 特願2004-075091 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 株式会社フェローテック 名 称 : カーボンナノ繊維の製造方法及びその方法を用いて製造されたカーボンナノ繊維を 用いた電子デバイス, 二次電池又は燃料電池電極, 水素吸蔵体, 複合材及び電磁波吸 収材 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 伊藤茂生 出願番号 : 特願2002-001773 出 願 者 : 双葉電子工業株式会社, 滝川浩史 名 称 : カーボンナノ微粒子の製造方法, カーボンナノ粒子の製造装置, 単層カーボンナノチ ューブ 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 池田光邦, 伊藤茂生, 田原智徳 出願番号 : 特願2002-103825 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 双葉電子工業株式会社, 東海カーボン株式会社 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 名 称 : 多層カーボンナノチューブやカーボンナノホーン, カーボンナノ粒子の連続生成機 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 夏目伸一 出願番号 : 特願2002-139381 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 夏目伸一 名 称 : カーボン繊維とその製造方法及び電子放出素子 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 永山 誠, 伊藤茂生 出願番号 : 特願2002-224284 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 双葉電子工業株式会社 名 称 : 成膜装置及び成膜方法 発 明 者 : 能勢功一, 瀧川志朗, 丸中正雄, 滝川浩史 出願番号 : 特願2002-349474 出 願 者 : 新明和工業株式会社, 滝川浩史 名 称 : カーボンナノチューブやカーボンナノホーン, カーボンナノ材料連続製造機 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 夏目伸一 出願番号 : 特願2003-014191 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 夏目伸一 名 称 : カーボンナノチューブの確認方法 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 加藤雅也, 伊藤茂生 出願番号 : 特願2003-41359 出 願 者 : 双葉電子工業株式会社, 滝川浩史 名 称 : 炭素物質とその製造方法及び電子放出素子, 複合材料 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 藤村洋平, 伊藤茂生 出願番号 : 特願2003-41835 出 願 者 : 双葉電子工業株式会社, 滝川浩史 名 称 : 炭素材料およびその製造法 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 日比美彦, 藤江 忍 出願番号 : 特願2003-103197 出 願 者 : 三菱レイヨン株式会社 名 称 : カーボンナノ粒子の製造方法と製造装置 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 加藤雅也, 伊藤茂生, 田原智徳 出願番号 : 特願2003-119906 出 願 者 : 双葉電子工業株式会社, 滝川浩史 名 称 : 成膜装置及び成膜方法 発 明 者 : 能勢功一, 瀧川志朗, 笹川孝市, 近藤隆彦, 滝川浩史 出願番号 : 特願2003-270345 出 願 者 : 新明和工業株式会社, 滝川浩史 名 称 : プラズマ生成装置 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 椎名祐一 出願番号 : 特願2004-19340 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 株式会社フェローテック 名 称 : 超音波プローブ 発 明 者 : 滝川浩史, 小林和人 出願番号 : 特願2004-29677 出 願 者 : 滝川浩史, 本多電子株式会社 インテリジェントメディア研究分野 (学術論文) 1. 早坂太一, 中内茂樹, 臼井支朗 : サポートベクタマシンによる3次元物体認識における視点依存性 の解析, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, J85-D-II(1), 112-120, (2002) 2. 永田憲範, 中内茂樹, 臼井支朗 : 視覚探索における色弁別メカニズム, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, J85-D-II(4), 668-678, (2002) 3. 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J.Urbano, K.Terashima : Skill-Assist control of an omni-directional wheelchair by neuro-fuzzy systems using attendant's force input, International Journal of ICIC, 2(6), 1219-1248, (2006) 124. 野田善之, 矢野賢一, 寺嶋一彦 : 取鍋搬送の複合動作をともなう自走式自動注湯ロボットにおけ る円筒形状取鍋の注湯および液面振動抑制制御, 日本ロボット学会論文集, 24(1), 94-103, (2006) 125. 三好孝典, 川上祥雄, 寺嶋一彦 : 天井クレーンにおける荷物の回転を考慮した経路計画と障 害物回避制御(第1報, 荷物の回転動作を考慮した経路計画), 日本機械学会論文集C, 72(716), 1162-1169, (2006) 126. 三好孝典, 土田康二, 寺嶋一彦 : 天井クレーンにおける荷物の回転を考慮した経路計画と障 害 物 回 避 制 御(第2報, 回 転 機 構 の 構 築 と 障 害 物 回 避 制 御), 日 本 機 械 学 会 論 文 集C, 72(716), 1170-1177, (2006) 127. 野田善之, 矢野賢一, 寺嶋一彦 : 追従物体の速度・加速度制約, 液面振動抑制を考慮した移動物 体への自動位置検出とトラッキング制御システム, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 42(3), 265-274, (2006) 128. 矢野賢一, 松尾祐介, 野田善之, 寺嶋一彦, 川合悦蔵 : 扇形取鍋を用いた自動注湯プロセスのモデ リングと注湯制御入力導出法, 鋳造工学, 78(6), 297-303, (2006) 129. 矢野賢一, 金子元樹, 野田善之, 寺嶋一彦, 川合悦蔵 : スラグ付着の影響を考慮した自動注湯ロボ ットのインテリジェント制御, 鋳造工学, 78(8), 383-388, (2006) 130. 野田善之, 矢野賢一, 堀畑聡, 寺嶋一彦 : 傾動をともなう液体容器搬送における時間周波数解析を 用いた液面振動固有周波数の推定と振動制御, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 42(8), 884-893, (2006) 131. 寺嶋一彦 : 理学療法とシステム工学との接点 ,理学療法, 23(4), 691-700, (2006) 132. K. Terashima, H. Kitagawa, T. Miyoshi, P. Minyong and T. Kondo : Modeling and Massage Control of Human Skin Muscle by Using Multi-Fingered Robot Hand, Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 12, 1-16, (2006) (国際会議発表) 1. Nakauchi S., Niituma T., Hayasaka T., Usui S. : Color world by non-human color vision revealed by adaptive color scaling with self-organizing map, International Congress of Imaging Science, 393-394, (2002/5) 2. Nagata K., Nakauchi S., Usui S. : Colour coding mechanisms mediating visual search, ECVP(European Conference on Visual Perception), 70, (2002/8) 3. Nakauchi S., Nagasawa K., Usui S. : Perceptual colour transparency determined by the contrast ratio in color-opponent channels, ECVP(European Conference on Visual Perception), 65, (2002/8) 4. Tsuta M., Suzuki T., Sugiyama J., Nakauchi S., Sagara Y. : Development of the three-dimensional spectral imaging system (3D-SIS) for the visualization of the internal structure and constituent distribution of food, ICF9(Proceedings of International Congress on Engineering and Food), CD-ROM, (2004/3) 5. Kanae Miyazawa, Hiroaki Iwasaki, Shigeki Nakauchi : Visualization of early ozone stress response in leaves by spectral imaging, AIC05(Proceeding of the 10th Congress of the International Colour Association), 1653-1656, (2005/5) 6. Shigeki Nakauchi, Toshihiro Toyota, Hideshi Honjo : Colour constancy based on Bayesian inference on scene statistics, AIC05(Proceeding of the 10th Congress of the International Colour Association), 433-436, (2005/5) 7. Kanae Miyazawa, Shigeki Nakauchi : Detection and Classification of Microbes using Spectral Imaging Technique, SCIA2005(14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis), 419-428, (2005/6) 8. Shigeki Nakauchi : Spectral Imaging Technique for Visualizing the Invisible Information, SCIA2005(14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis), 55-64, (2005/6) 9. Toshihiro Toyota, Hideshi Honjo, Shigeki Nakauchi : Colour constancy as Bayesian inference on scene statistics, Perception (European Conference on Visual Perception), 239, (2005/8) 10. Toshihiro Toyota, Shigeki Nakauchi, Shiro Usui : Could the scene statistics give a clue for achieving color constancy? The 12th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 510-514, (2005/10) 11. Takayuki Kannon, Hiroaki Sakai, Shigeki Nakauchi, Shiro Usui : Blur adaptation modulates amplitude and phase spectra of perceived image, OSA Fall Vision Meeting, 71a, (2005/10) 12. Hiroaki Iwasaki, Kanae Miyazawa, Shigeki Nakauchi : Visualization of human face's sebum and moisture by spectroscopic imaging using two near-infrared bands, Eighth International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science, 606203 1-606203, (2006/1) 13. Yoriko, Sasaki, Shigeki, Nakauchi : Physical Consistency of Moving Cast Shadow Affects Apparent Object Motion, ACV2006(Asian Conference on Vision), 165, (2006/7) 14. Toshihiro, Toyota, Hisashi, Komine, Shigeki Nakauchi : Influence of Scene Statistics on Color Appearance and Its Spatial Characteristics, ACV2006(Asian Conference on Vision), 126, (2006/7) 15. Takayuki Kannon, Hiroaki Sakai, Shigeki Nakauchi, Shiro Usui : Effect of Blur Adaptation in Peripheral Vision, ACV2006(Asian Conference on Vision), 154, (2006/7) 16. KentaUchio, and Shigeki Nakauchi : The Novelty of Objects Influences Viewpoint-Dependency in Object Recognition Correlated with Laterality of Brain Function -An ERP Study-, ACV2006(Asian Conference on Vision), 208, (2006/7) 17. Kanae Miyazawa, Tatsuya Onouchi, Hirofumi Oda, Keizou Shinomori, Shigeki Nakauchi : Functional spectral filter optically simulating colour discrimination property of dichromats, 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, 197-198, (2006/8) 18. Sugimoto. S, Hess. A, Horiguchi. Y, Yamaguchi. Y, Horikawa. J, Taniguchi. I, Scheich. H. : A neural network nmodel of the guinea pig auditory cortex for detecting a frequency-modulated sound, 5th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society and 29th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, Proceedings 356, (2003/6) 19. Taniguchi. I, Sugimoto. S, Hess. A, Horikawa. J, Hosokawa. Y., Scheich. H. : Spatiotemporal processing of pure tones and frequency modulated sounds in the guinea pgi auditory cortex., International Conference on Auditory Cortex: Towards a Synthesis of Human and Animal Research, Proceedings 67-68, (2003/9) 20. Ghulam. M, Fukuda. T, Horikawa. J., Nitta. T. : A noise-robust feature extraction method based on pitch-synchronous ZCPA for ASR, International Conferences on Spoken Language Processing, Vol 1: 133-136, (2004/10) 21. Horikawa, J., Hatta, T., Sugimoto. S, Hosokawa, Y. and Kubota, M. : Optical imaging of neural activity to vocalized sounds in the guinea-pig auditory cortex, Fourth Joint Meeting of Acoustic Society of America and Acoustic society of Japan, JASA 120, No.5, 3122, (2006/11) 22. Sugimoto. S, Suzuzki, Y., Tanaka, H., Kubota, M. and Horikawa, J. : Extraction of sounds' time-frequency features in the auditory cortx, Fourth Joint Meeting of Acoustic Society of America and Acoustic society of Japan, JASA 120, No.5, 3122, (2006/11) 23. Hosokawa, Y. and Horikawa, J. : Optical imaging of neural activity in the right and left guinea pig auditory cortices evoked by repeated sound, Fourth Joint Meeting of Acoustic Society of America and Acoustic society of Japan, JASA 120, No.5, 3326, (2006/12) 24. Kitazaki. Michiteru, Yoshino. Tomoya : Self-motion sensation in virtual reality improves spatial updating for mobile observer, Vision Sciences Society meeting. 218-219, (2002/5) 25. Kitazaki. Michiteru,Kurose. Isanobu : Visual control of posture: effects of heading direction and 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. object motion, Second Asian Conference on Vision, 55, (2002/7) Otgonbayar. Luvsanbaldan, Kitazaki. Michiteru : View-dependency in object recognition is independent of encoding operation in memory, Second Asian Conference on Vision, 37, (2002/7) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Mamassian. Pascal, Sato. Takao : Illusory depth motion of objects and background surface induced by dynamic cast shadow, European Conference on Visual Perception, 29, (2002/8) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Kurose. Isanobu : Postural sway from combined optical flow of radial and lateral motions, Vision Sciences Society meeting, 155, (2003/5) Kitazaki. Michiteru,Goto. Atsuyoshi : Steering control from optical flow of radial and lateral motions, European Conference on Visual Perception, 73, (2003/9) Kayahara. Takuro, Kitazaki. Michiteru, Yoshino. Tomoya, Ogi. Tetsuro, Hirose. Michitaka. : Effect of observer's self-motion sensation on scene recognition in immersive virtual-reality environment, European Conference on Visual Perception, 68, (2003/9) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Inoue. Yasuyuki : Perception of human body poses: view dependency and search efficiency, Vision Sciences Society meeting, 12, (2004/4) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Kohyama. Lumi : Postural sway from auditory motion and auditory capture of vision, Annual meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, 54, (2004/6) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Kubota. Masayoshi, Murakami. Ikuya : Effects of the visual jitter aftereffect on the control of posture, European Conference on Visual Perception, 169, (2004/8) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Mase. Kazuo : Contrast effect of spatial context on binocular rivalry is modulated by eccentricity and binocular depth, Vision Sciences Society meeting, 1-2, (2005/5) Inoue. Yasuyuki, Kitazaki. Michiteru : Cross-modal recognition of human body pose: Interaction of motor and visual information, Annual meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, 49-50, (2005/6) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Kohyama. Lumi : Non-linear integration of visual and auditory motion information for human control of posture, European Conference on Visual Perception, 83, (2005/8) Naohisa NAGAYA. , Maki SUGIMOTO. , Hideaki NII, Michiteru KITAZAKI, Masahiko INAMI : Visual perception modulated by galvanic vestibular stimulation, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistenc, 78-84, (2005/12) Kitazaki. Michiteru, Shimizu. Akira : Visual-motor adaptation to stabilize perceptual world: Its generality and specificity, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 85-90, (2005/12) Kitazaki. M., Hashimoto. T. : Effects of perspective jitter on vection and visual control of posture are dissociated, Vision Sciences Society meeting, 149a, (2006/5) Komori. N, Katayama. J, Kitazaki. M,, Itakura. S. : Preference of human movements in infancy: Comparison between possible and impossible movements, 15th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, 259-260, (2006/6) Inoue. Y, Fujiki. Y., Kitazaki. M. : Recognition of human body movements: View-dependency, inverse effect and biomechanical constraints, Annual meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, 63, (2006/6) Nagaya. N. , Yoshidzumi. M, Sugimoto. M, Nii. H, Maeda. T, Kitazaki. M., Inami. M. : Gravity Jockey using Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation, ACE2006 (International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2006), online, (2006/6) Komori. N, Katayama. J, Kitazaki. M, Itakura. S. : Do infants prefer possible human movements? 5th International Conference on Cognitive Science, 143-144, (2006/7) Kitazaki. M., Mishiro. M. : Effects of depth order on visual control of posture and vection are opposite, European Conference on Visual Perception, 150, (2006/8) Kitazaki. M, Nakano. T, Matsuzaki. N., Shigemasu. H. : Control of Eye-movement to Decrease VE-sickness, VRST (ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology), 350-355, (2006/11) K. Nishina, Y. Yoshimura, I. Saita, Y. Takai, K. Maekawa, N. Minematsu, S. Nakagawa, S. Makino, M. Dantsuji : Speech database construction for Japanese as second language learning, Proc. Joint. Int. Conf. SLNP-Oriented COCOSDA, 187-192, (2002/5) N. Minematsu, Y. Tomiyama, K. Yoshimoto, K. Shimizu, S. Nakagawa, M. Dantuji, S. Makino : English speech database read by Japanese learners for CALL system development, Proc. LREC, 896-903, (2002/5) N. Takahashi, S. Nakagawa : Syllable recognition using syllable-segment statistics and syllable-based HMM, Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, 2633-2636, (2002/9) N. Kitaoka, D. Yamada, S. Nakagawa : Speaker Independent speech recognition using features based on glottal sound source, Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, 2125-2128, (2002/9) H. Nishizaki, S. Nakagawa : Comparing isolately spoken keywords with spontaneously spoken queries for Japanese spoken document retrieval, Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, 1505-1508, (2002/9) N. Kakutani, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Detection and recognition of repaired speech on misrecognized utterances for speech input of car navigation system, Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, 833-836, (2002/9) T. Usturo, T. Harada, H. Nishizaki, S. Nakagawa : A confidence measure based on agreement among multiple LVSCR models, --correlation between pair of acoustic models and confidence, Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, 701-704, (2002/9) N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Evaluation of spectral subtraction with smoothing of time direction on the AURORA2 task, Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Language Processing, 477-480, (2002/9) S. Nakagawa : Syllable recognition using syllable-segment statistics and syllable-based HMM, CREST workshop on computational Models of Auditory Processing, 18, (2002/9) T. Utsuro, Y. Kodama, T. Watanabe, H. Nishizaki, S. Nakagawa : Confidence of agreement among multiple LVCSR models and model combination, Proc. ICASSP, Vol.1, 16-19, (2003/4) S. Kobayashi, N. Yoshikawa, S. Nakagawa : Extracting summarizing of lectures based on linguistic surface and prosodic information, Proc. Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and recognition, 211-214, (2003/4) K. Ohtake, K. Yamamoto, Y. Toma, S. Sado, S. Masuyama, S. Nakagawa : Newscast speech summarization via sentence shortening based on prosodic features, Proc. Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition, 167-170, (2003/4) N. Kitaoka, M. Shingu, S. Nakagawa : Effects of acoustic and language knowledge of human and automatic speech recognizer on spontaneous speech perception/recognition, Proc. Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition, 91-94, (2003/4) M. Umeda, S. Kogure, S. Nakagawa : Interpreter for highly portable spoken dialogue system, Proc. 4-th Sigdial Workshop on discourse and Dialogue, 105-114, (2003/7) S. Nakagawa, K. Mori, N. Nakamura : A statistical method of evaluating pronunciation proficiency for English words spoken by Japanese, Proc. EuroSpeech-2003, 3193-3196, (2003/9) S. Nakagawa, W. Zhang : Text-independent speaker recognition by speaker-specific GMM and speaker adapted syllable-based HMM, Proc. EuroSpeech-2003, 3017-3020, (2003/9) N. Kitaoka, M. Shingu, S. Nakagawa : Comparison effects of acoustic and language knowledge on spontaneous speech perception/recognition between human and automatic speech recognizer, Proc. EuroSpeech-2003, 2725-2728, (2003/9) M. Matushita, H. Nishizaki, T. Utsuro, Y. Kodama, S. Nakagawa : Evaluating multiple LVCSR Model combination in NTCIR-3 speech-driven web retrieval task, Proc. EuroSpeech-2003, 1205-1208, (2003/9) N. Kitaoka, N. Kakutani, S. Nakagawa : Detection and recognition of correction utterance in spontaneous spoken dialog, Proc. EuroSpeech-2003, 625-628, (2003/9) M. Takeuchi, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Generation of natural response timing using decision tree based on prosodic and linguistic information, Proc. EuroSpeech-2003, 609-612, (2003/9) H. Nishizaki, S. Nakagawa : Question answering for spoken documents using spoken queries, Proc. Asian Symposium on Natural Language Processing to Overcome Language Barriers, 79-84, (2004/3) 6-7 研究業績一覧 123 情 報 発 信 情報発信 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 124 M. Takeuchi, N. Kitaoka, N. Nakagawa : Timing detection for real-time dialogue systems using prosodic and linguistic information, Proc. International Conference Speech Prosody, 529-532, (2004/3) L. Wang , N. Kankutani, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Robust speech recognition in distant environment based on speaker position and speaking direction detection., Proc. ICA, Vol. IV, 2825-2828, (2004/4) K. Nishina, Y. Yoshimura, I. Saito, Y. Takai, K. Maekawa, N. Minematsu, S. Nakagawa, S. Makino, M. Dantuji : Development of Japanese speech database read by non-native speakers for construing CALL system., Proc. ICA, Vol. I, 561-564, (2004/4) N. Minematsu, Y. Tomiyama, K. Yoshimoto, K. Shimizu, S. Nakagawa, M. Dantuji, S. Makino : Development of English speech database read by Japanese to support CALL Research., Proc. ICA, Vol. I, 557-560, (2004/4) S. Nakagawa, W. Zhang, M. Takahashi : Text-independent speaker recognition by combining speaker specific GMM with speaker adapted syllable-based HMM., Proc. ICASSP, Vol. I, 81-84, (2004/5) T. Uturo, Y. Kodama, T. Watanabe, H. Nishizaki, S. Nakagawa ; An empirical study on multiple LVCSR model combination by machine learning., Proc. HLT-NAACL 2004, Companion, 13-16, (2004/5) T. Uturo, K. Hino, M. Kida, S. Nakagawa, S. Saitoh : Integrating cross-lingually relevant news articles and monolingual Web documents in bilingual lexicon acquisition, Proc. Coling, 1036-1042, (2004/8) L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Distant speech recognition based on position dependent cepstral mean normalization., Proc. the sixth IASTED Int. Conf. on Signal and Image Processing,, 249-254, (2004/8) Ayu Purwananti, S. Nakagawa : Query translation in Indonesian-Japanese cross language information retrieval, Proc. 13th Indonesian Scientific Conference, 428-437, (2004/9) L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Robust distant speech recognition based on position dependent CMN, Proc. Int. Conference Spoken Language Processing, 2049-2052, (2004/10) T. Watanabe, H. Nishizaki, T. Utsuro, S. Nakagawa : Unsupervised speaker adaptation using high confidence portion recognition results by multiple recognition systems, Proc. Int. Conference Spoken Language Processing, 1989-1992, (2004/10) M. Matsushita, H. Nishizaki, S. Nakagawa, T. Uturo : Keyword recognition and extraction by multiple-LVCSRs with 60000 words in speech-driven WEB retrieval task, Proc. Int. Conference Spoken Language Processing, 1625-1628, (2004/10) M. Oshikawa, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Speech interface for name input based on combination of recognition methods using syllable-based N-gram and word dictionary, Proc. Int. Conference Spoken Language Processing, 177-180, (2004/10) N. Kitaoka, M. Takeuchi, S. Nakagawa : Response timing detection using prosodic and linguistic information for human friendly spoken dialog systems, Second Int. Workshop on Man-machine Symbiotic System, 81-91, (2004/11) N.kitaoka, N.Kakutani, S.Nakagawa : A statistical detection method of speaking direction using surrounding microphones, Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech communication and Microphone Arrays, 20-21, (2005/3) L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Robust distant speaker recognition based on position dependent CMN by combining speaker-specific GMM with speaker adapted syllable-based HMM, Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech communication and Microphone Arrays, 15-16, (2005/3) S. Hamaguchi, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Robust speech recognition under noisy enviromments based on selection of muliple noise suppression methods., Proc. Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 308-317, (2005/5) M. Tuchiya, T. Utsuro, S. Matsuyoshi, S. Saito, S. Nakagawa : A Corpus for classifying usages of Japanese compound functioal expressions., Proc. Pacific Association of Computational Linguistics, 345-350, (2005/8) L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Robust distant speech microphone processing technique., Proc. EuroSpeech (Interspeech), 2661-2664, (2005/9) K. Ohta, S. Nakagawa : A Statistical method of evaluating pronunciation proficieney for Japanese words, Proc. EuroSpeech (Interspeech), 2233-2236, (2005/9) L. Wang, N. Kitaoka, S. Nakagawa : Robust distant speaker recognition based on position dependent cepstrum mean normalization., Proc. EuroSpeech (Interspeech), 1977-1980, (2005/9) N. Kitaoka, H. Oshikawa, S. Nakagawa : Multimodal interface for organization name input based on combination of isolated word recognition and continuous base-word recognition, Proc. EuroSpeech (Interspeech), 1201-1204, (2005/9) H. Yano, N. Kitaoka, S. Nagkagawa : Corretion utterance detection method for spoken dialog systems., Proc. 10th Int. Cont. Speech and Computer, 199-204, (2005/10) Ayu Puwarianti, Masatoshi Tsuchiya, Seiichi Nakagawa : Query transitive translation using IR score in Indonesian-Japanese, CLIR Proc. Second Asia Information Retrieval Symposium, AIRS 2005, 565-570, (2005/10) Ayu Purwarianti, M.Tsuchiya, S.Nakagawa : Prper name translation in Indonesian-Japanese CLIR, Proceedings on 14-th Indonesian Scientific Conference in Japan, 433-440, (2005/12) M.Tsuchiya, T.Shime, T.Takagi, T.Utsuro, K.Uchimoto, S.Matsuyoshi, S.Sato, S.Nakagawa : Chunking Japanese conpound functional expressions by machine learning, EACL wWrkshop on multi-word-expressions by multikingual context, 25-32, (2006/4) Ayu Pruwarianti, M.Tsuchiya, S.Nakagawa : Indonesian-Japanese CLIR using only limited resourse, Proc. Workshop on How can computational linguistics improve information retrieval? 1-8, (2006/7) N.Kitaoka, S.Hamaguchi, S.Nakagawa : Noisy speech recognition based on selection of multiple noise sipression methods using noise GMMs, Proc. Interspeech-ICSLP, 2566-2569, (2006/9) Takaharu Sato, Muhammad Ghulam, Takashi Fukuda : ConfidenceScoring for Accurate HMM-based Word Recognition By Using SM-based Monophone Score Normalization, IEEE ICASSP'2002, I-217 ̲ I-220, (2002/5) Koichi Katsurada, Hirobumi Yamada, Yusaku Nakamura, Satoshi Kobayashi, and Tsuneo Nitta : XISL: A Devise/ Contents Independent MMI Description Language, Workshop on Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments, 88- 90, (2002/6) Koichi Katsurada, Yoshihiko Ootani, Yusaku Nakamura, Satoshi Kobayashi, Hirobumi Yamada, and Tsuneo Nitta : A Modality-Independent MMI System Architecture, ICSLP'2002, 2549 - 2552, (2002/9) Muhammad Ghulam, Takashi Fukuda, Takaharu Sato, and Tsuneo Nitta, Improving Performance of an HMM-based ASR System by Using Monophone-Level Normalized Confidence Measure, ICSLP'2002, 2453 ̲ 2456, (2002/9) Tsuneo Nitta, Shingo Iseji, Takashi Fukuda, Hirobumi Yamada and Kouichi Katsurada, Key-word Spotting Using Phonetic Distinctive Features Extracted from Output of an LVCSR Engine, SSPR 2003, 99 - 102, (2003/4) Takashi FUKUDA, Wataru YAMAMOTO, Tsuneo NITTA : DISTINCTIVE PHONETIC FEATURE EXTRACTION FOR ROBUST SPEECH RECOGNITION, ICASSP'03, .II 25 ̲ II 28, (2003/4) Takashi Fukuda and Tsuneo Nitta : Noise-robust ASR by Using Distinctive Phonetic Features Approximated with Logarithmic Normal Distribution of HMM, Eurospeech 2003, 2185-2188, (2003/9) Takashi Fukuda and Tsuneo Nitta : Noise-robust Automatic Speech Recognition Using Orthogonalized Distinctive Phonetic Feature Vectors, Eurospeech 2003, 2189-2192 (2003/9) Muhammad Ghulam, Takashi Fukuda and Tsuneo Nitta : Voice Quality Normalization in an Utterance for Robust ASR, Eurospeech 2003, 2173-217, (2003/9) Kouichi KATSURADA, Yusaku NAKAMURA, Hirobumi YAMADA and Tsuneo NITTA : XISL: A Language for Describing Multimodal Interaction Scenarios, ICMI'03, 281-284, (2003/11) Shigeru Kuriyama, Yusuke Irino, Toyohisa Kaneko : Real-time Manipulation of Cyclic Motion-capture Data with Pattern Generator, First International Workshop on Entertainment Computing, (IWEC2002), 167-174, (2002/5) 6-7 研究業績一覧 106. Tomohiko Mukai, Shigeru Kuriyama, Toyohisa Kaneko : Extensive and Efficient Search of Human Movements with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, Computer Animation 2002, 103-107, (2002/6) 107. Shigeru Kuriyama, Yusuke Irino, Toyohisa Kaneko : Adaptive controls of personified locomotive agents, International Workshop on Lifelike Animated Agents (In PRICAI-02), 70-75, (2002/8) 108. Kimiya Aoki, Ngo Hai Dong, Toyohisa Kaneko, Shigeru Kuriyama : Physically based Simulation of Cracks on Drying 3D Solid, Pacific Graphics 2002, 467-468, (2002/10) 109. Takeshi Saitoh, Manabu Sato, Toyohisa Kaneko, Shigeru Kuriyama ; Transient Texture Synthesis Based on Multiple Templates, International Conference on Image and Signal Processing(ICISP2003), 489-496, (2003/6) 110. Tomohiko Mukai, Shigeru Kuriyama, Toyohisa Kaneko : Natural Human Animation via Learning with Dynamic Manipulability, Computer Graphics International (CGI2003), 272-275, (2003/7) 111. Shigeru Kuriyama, Tomohiko Mukaiu, Yusuke Irino, Kazuyuki Anda, Toyohisa Kaneko : Extensible Behavior Simulation with Motion Archive, SIGGRAPH2003 Web Graphics Presentation, CD-ROM, (2003/7) 112. Yohei Iwasaki, Toyohisa Kaneko, Shigeru Kuriyama : 3D Hair Modeling based on CT data and Photographs, Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2003), 123-128, (2003/8) 113. Tomohiko Mukai, Shigeru Kuriyama, Toyohisa Kaneko : Human Animation via Hierarchical Feature Learning of Motion Data, Computer Graphics and Imaging (CGIM 2003), 31-36, (2003/8) 114. Yasuhiko Sakamoto, Shigeru kuriyama, Toyohisa Kaneko : Motion Map: Image-based Retrieval and Segmentation of Motion Data, ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA2004), 259-266, (2004/8) 115. Toru Miyazaki, Toyohisa Kaneko, Shigeru Kuriyama : Virtual Destruction of a 3D Object with a Stick, WSCG 2005, 147-154, (2005/1) 116. Takeshi Sakuma, Tomohiko Mukai, Shigeru Kuriyama : Psychological Model for Animating Crowded Pedestrians, CASA2005 (International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents), 343-351, (2005/10) 117. Yohei Iwasaki, Toyohisa Kaneko, Shigeru Kuriyama : A Visualization System for Maxillo-Facial Surgery Simulation with a Quantitative Aesthetic Goodness, ICGST International Conference on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing(GVIP-05), CD-ROM, (2005/12) 118. Toru Miyazaki, Toyohisa Kaneko, Shigeru Kuriyama : Virtual Palpation System using Spring-Mass Network Model, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT 2006), 496-501, (2006/1) 119. Naoaki Yamaguchi, Shigeru Kuriyama : Visualization of Massive Motion Data using Geometric Features, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT 2006), 18-23, (2006/1) 120. Tomohiko Mukai, Shigeru Kuriyama : Multilinear Motion Synthesis Using Geostatistics, Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA06), 21-22, (2006/9) 121. Masaki Aono, Hironori Doi : A Method for Query Expansion Using a Hierarchy of Clusters, AIRS2005 (Asia Information Retrieval Symposium 2005), 479-484, (2005/10) 122. Ryosuke Nagura, Yohei Seki, Noriko Kando, Masaki Aono : A Method of Rating the Credibility of News Documents on the Web, SIGIR2006, 683, (2006/8) 123. Hanif Md. Seddiqui, Yohei Seki, Masaki Aono : Automatic Alignment of Ontology Eliminating the Probabale Misalignment, ASWC 2006 (Asia Semantic Web Conference), 212-218, (2006/9) 124. Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama : Unsuperised Knowledge Acquisition about the Deletion Possibility of Adnominal Verb Phrases, WSQA-2002(Coling 2002 Post-confeerence Workshop,Multilingual Summarization and Question Answering 2002), Proc.49-56, (2002/8) 125. Peng Cheng, Shigeru Ma-suyama : Properties on the Number of Con-nected Spanning Subgraphs in an Undirected Graph, The 3rd Hungar-ian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Proc.262-268, (2003/1) 126. Shin-ichi Nakayama, Shigeru Masuyama : An $0(n^3)$Time Alogrithm for Obtaining the Minimum Vertex Ranking Spanning Tree on Interval Graphs, The 3rd Hungarian- Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Proc.283-292, (2003/1) 127. Kiyonori Ohtaka, Kazuhide Yamamoto, Yuji Toma, Shiro Sada, Shigeru Masuyama, Seiichi Nakagawa : Ewscast Speech Summarzation via Sentence Shortening based on Pro-sodic Features, The ISCA & IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition(SSPR2003), (2003/4) 128. Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama : A Multiple-Document Summarization System with User Interaction, Coling2004, 1001-1007, (2004/8) 129. Shin-ichi Nakayama, Shigeru Masuyama : An O(n^3) Time Algorithm for obtaining the Minimum Vertex Ranking Spanning Tree on Permutation Graphs, Proc. 4th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 250-256, (2005/6) 130. Shigeru Masuyama : On the Minimum Vertex Ranking Spanning Tree Problem, IFORS2005, (2005/7) 131. Kyoji Umemura : Selecting the Most Highly Correlated Pairs within a Large Vocabulary, COLING 2002 workshop of semanet, COLING 2002, pp.94-pp.100, (2002/8) 132. Yoshiyuki Takeda, Kyoji Umemura : Selecting Indexing Strings Using Adaptation, SIGIR 2002, SIGIR 2002, pp.42-pp.43, (2002/8) 133. Yoshiyuki Takeda, Kyoji Umemura : Deciding Indexing Strings with Statistical Analysis, NICIR Workshop 3 Meeting CLIR, SIGIR 2002, (2002/10) 134. Yinghui Xu, Kyoji Umemura : Very Low Dimensional Latent Semantic Indexing for Local Query Regions, Association for Computational Linguistics Workshop, IRAL 2003, IRAL 2003pp.84-91, (2003/7) 135. Eiko Yamamoto, Masahiiro Kishida, Yoshinori Takenami, Kyoji Umemura : Dynamic Programming for Large Scale Information Retrieval, Association for Computational Linguistics Workshop, IRAL 2003, IRAL 2003pp.100-107, (2003/7) 136. Eiko Yamamoto, Kyoji Umemura : Related Word-pairs Extraction without Dictionaries, LREC-2004(Lisbon, Poltugal), pp.1309-1312, (2004/5) 137. T. Ogata, K. Terao, K. Umemura : Japanese Multiword Extraction using SVM and Adaptation, LREC-2004(Lisbon, Poltugal) Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Multiword Units in Real-world Applications, pp.1-4, (2004/5) 138. Yinghui Xu, Kyoji Umemura : Web Searching Using Term Entropy on Virtual Document and Query Independent Importance in NTCIR-4 Web Task, NTCIR 2004 Workshop 4 Meeting, Vol.1, pp.1-8, (2004/6) 139. Yinghui Xu, Kyoji Umemura : A Unified Model Literal Mining and Link Analysis for Ranking Web Resources, SIGIR 2004, pp.546-547, (2004/7) 140. Takahiro Kagawa, Hiroshi Fukuda, and Yoji Uno : A Stability Analysis of a Standing Posture in Paraplegia, 2004 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics (The Hague The Netherlands), 689-694, (2004) 141. Takashi Oyama and Yoji Uno : Estimation of a Human Planned Trajectory from a Measured Trajectory, 2004 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics (The Hague The Netherlands), 728-734, (2004) 142. Kagawa,T., Fukuda,H., and Uno,Y. : Analysis of Trunk Movement in Orthotic Gait of Paraplegics, IEEE Engineering in Medical and Biology Society(EMBS2005)0 0305, (2005/9) 143. A. Kaneshige and K. Terashima : Control Engineering Education Using an Advanced controlTraining System, IASTED Automation, Control, and International Technology, PDF.file, (2002/6) 144. Y.Shen, K.Eguchi, K.Suzuki, K.Yano and K.Terashima : Sway Control Experiment of Rotary Crane Using Linear Transfer Transformation Model, The 15th IFAC(International Federation of Automatic Control) Triennial World Congress, PDF.file, (2002/7) 145. Y.Sugimoto, K.Yano and K.Terashima : Liquid Level Control of Automatic Pouring Robot by Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Control, The 15th IFAC Triennial World Congress, PDF.file, (2002/7) 146. T.Imamura, K.Akamine, S.Honda, K.Terashima and H.Takemoto : Modeling and Tension contro lof Filament Winding Process, The 15th IFAC Triennial World Congress, PDF.file, (2002/7) 147. H.Kitagawa,? T.Beppu,? T.Kobayashi? and K.Terashima : Motion Control of Omnidirectional Wheelchair Considering Patient Comfort, The 15th IFAC Triennial World Congress, PDF.file, (2002/7) 148. Y.Noda, K.Yano and K.Terashima : Tracking Control with Sloshing-Suppression of Self-Transfer Ladle to Continuous-Type Mold Line in Automatic Pouring System, SICE Annual Conference, PDF.file, (2002/8) 149. Y.Shen, K.Yano, and K.Terashima : Sway Control of Rotary Crane Using Straight Transfer Transformation MethodConsidering the Variation of Rope Length, SICE Annual Conference, PDF.file, (2002/8) 150. A.Kaneshige and K.Terashima : The Control Engineering Education using an Advanced Control Training System by mean of integrating MATLAB software and Experimental Systems, The 4th Asian Conrtol Conference (ASCC), pdf, (2002/9) 151. Y.Noda, K.Yano and K.Terashima : Tracking Control to Moving Object of Liquid Container Transfer with Vibration Damping, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, PDF.file, (2002/9) 152. Panya Minyong, TakanoriMiyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa and Kazuhiko Terashima : Expert Massage Motion Control byMulti-fingered Robot Hand, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2003), 3035-3040, (2003/3) 153. K. Terashima, K. Yano, Y.Sugimoto : Modeling and Robust Control of Liquid Level in a Sprue Cup for Batch-Type Casting Pouring Processes, IASTED International Conference-Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC), 33-38, (2003/6) 154. T. Miyoshi, Y. Suzuki andK. Terashima : Construction of Traveling Crane Embedded Power Assist Function, IASTED International Conference Robotics and Applications, 134-138, (2003/6) 155. Panya Minyong, TakanoriMiyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa and Kazuhiko Terashima : Position and Force Control of Multi-finger Robot Hand and Its Application to Massage Motion, International conference-Robotics and Applications 103, 100-105, (2003/6) 156. K. Terashima, K. Yano,M. Kaneko : Predictive control of flow quantity and sloshing-suppression during back-tilting of a ladle for batch-type casting pouring processes, 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID-2003), 507-512, (2003/8) 157. T. Miyoshi, K. Tsuchida and K. Terashima : Obstacle Avoidance Control for Overhead Crane with Rotary Motion of Load, SICE Annual Conference 2003, 2332-2337, (2003/8) 158. Y. Noda, K. Yano and K. Terashima : Tracking to Moving Object and Sloshing Suppression Control Using Time Varying Filter Gain inLiquid Container Transfer, Proc. of SICE annual conference 2003, 1424-1429, (2003/8) 159. M. Kaneko, Y. Sugimoto,K. Yano and K. Terashima : Supervisory Control of Pouring Process by Tilting-Type Automatic Pouring Robot, IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Robot and Systems (IROS2003), 3004-3009, (2003/10) 160. T.Miyoshi and K.Terashima : Study on Power Assist System forOverhead Crane, Int. Conf. on Mechatronics and information Technology,(ICMIT 2003), 637-641, (2003/12) 161. Y. Noda, K. Yano and K. Terashima : Tracking to Moving Object and Sloshing Suppression Control Using Time Varying Gain in Liquid Container Transfer, Proc. of IASTED MIC04 (the 23th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control), pdf, (2004/2) 162. J. Urbano, H. Kitagawa, T. Miyoshi and K. Terashima : Haptic Feedback Control of Omni-directional Wheelchair ConsideringUser Comfort and Safety, Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2004), pdf, (2004/3) 163. K. Terashima, H. Kitagawa, K. Terashima, H. Kitagawa, T. Miyoshi and J. Urbano : Frequency Shape Control of Omni-directional Wheelchair to Increase User's Comfort, Proc. IEEE 2004 Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation(ZCRA2004), 3119-3124, (2004/4) 164. T. Akamatsu,A. Kaneshige and K. Terashima : Real Time Path Planning Based on the Potential Method for an Autonomous Mobile Overhead Traveling crane, 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 699-704, (2004/5) 165. K. Terashima, Y. Shen and K. Yano : Minimum Time Control of a Rotary Crane Using the Straight Transfer Transformation Method, Proc. of ASCC (Asian Control Conference), 1717〜 1724, (2004/7) 166. Y. Noda, K. Yano, and K. Terashima : Tracking and Pouring Control in Self-Transfer-Type Automatic Pouring Robot Considering Automatic Detection of Unfilled Molds, Proc. of SICE Annual Conference, 115-120, (2004/8) 167. Kazuhiro ENOKISHIMA, Yoji MASUI, Takanori MIYOSHI and Kazuhiko TERASHIMA : A Method of Obtaining Shape by Bilateral Vibration Touch Sensor, SICE Annual Conference 2004, 1756-1759, (2004/8) 168. T. Miyoshi and K. Terashima : Position and Posture Control of Overhead Crane,with Path Planning for Obstacle Avoidance, 7th Int. Conf. on Motion and Vibration Control(MOVIC), pdf, (2004/8) 169. H. Kitagawa, K. Terashima, T. Miyoshi, J. Urbano and S. Nishisaka : Power Assist System for Omni-Directional Transport Wheelchair Using Fuzzy Reasoning, Proc. IEEE Conference on Control Applications, pdf, (2004/9) 170. Takanori Miyoshi and Kazuhiko Terashima : Control of Power-Assisted Crane System Using Direct Control of Power-Assisted Crane System Using Direct Manual Manipulation, IEEE Conf. on Control Applications(CCA'04), 38-44, (2004/9) 171. K. Terashima and K. Yano : Supervisory Control of Automatic Pouring Processes, Proc. of WFC04 (The 66th World Foundry Congress), 397-408, (2004/9) 172. A. Takemoto, K. Yano, T. Miyoshi, T. Terashima Operation Assist Control System of Rotary Crane Using Proposed Haptic Joystick As Man-Machine Interface, the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2004), pdf, (2004/9) 173. K. Terashima, H. Kitagawa, T. Miyoshi and J. Urbano : Skill Assist System Using Fuzzy Reasoning for Attendant of Omni-directional Wheelchair 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 223-228, (2004/9) 174. J. Urbano, H. Kitagawa, T. Miyoshi and K. Terashima : Impedance Control for Safety and Comfortable Navigation of an Omni-directional Mobile Wheelchair, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1902-1907, (2004/9) 175. H. Kitagawa, T Nishigaki, T. Miyoshi and K. Terashima : Fuzzy Power Assist Control System for Omni-directional Fuzzy Power Assist Control System for Omni-directional Transport Wheelchair, Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1580-1585, (2004/9) 176. T. Miyoshi and K. Terashima : Development of Vertical Power-Assisted Crane System to Reduce the Operators' Burden, IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics(SMC'04), 4420-4425, (2004/10) 177. K. Terashima, J. Urbano, T. Miyoshi and H. Kitagawa : Collision-free Navigation of an Omni-directional Wheelchair with Haptic Joystick Considering Human Error, Proc. of the Fourth International Symposium on Human and Artificial Intelligence Systems, 73-78, (2004/12) 178. J. Urbano, K. Terashima, T. Miyoshi and H. Kitagawa Collision Avoidance in an Omni-directional Wheelchair by using Haptic Feedback, International Journal of WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 79-84, (2005/1) 179. Atsushi Takemoto, Ken'ichi Yano, Kazuhiko Terashima : Obstacle Avoidance Control System of Rotary Crane Using Proposed Haptic Joystick, World Haptics Conference 2005, pdf, (2005/3) 180. Kazuhiko Terashima, Juan Urbano, Takanori Miyoshi, Kagetoshi Ito, Takashi Imamura, Hideo Kitagawa : Regrasping Control by Multi-fingered Robot Hand, IMCCAS 2005, 98-103, (2005/5) 181. Kazuhiko Terashima, Taku Kondo, Panya Minyong, Takanori Miyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa, Juan Urbano : Modeling of Human Skin Muscle and Massage Control by Using Multi-fingered Robot Hand, IMCCAS 2005, pdf, (2005/5) 182. Kazuhiko Terashima, Taku Kondo, Panya Minyong, Takanori Miyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa : Model and Impedance Control of Human Skin Muscle by Using Multi-fingered Robot Hand, Gerontechnology 2005, PS6a-2, (2005/5) 183. Juan Baltazar Urbano Gutierrez, Kazuhiko Terashima, Takanori Miyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa : Comfort and Safety Navigation of an Omni-directional Mobile Wheelchair Driven by Haptic Joystick, Gerontechnology 2005, PS1a-5, (2005/5) 184. A.Kaneshige, T.Akamatsu and K.Terashima : The development of An Autonomous Overhead Traveling Crane With Real Time Path Planning Based on the Potential Method, 2005 International Conference on Control and Automation, 1079-1084, (2005/6) 185. Minh Duc Duong, Chisato Teraoka, Takashi Imamura, Takanori Miyoshi, Kazuhiko Terashima : Master-Slave System with Teleoperation for Rehabilitation, 16th IFAC World Congress, pdf, (2005/7) 186. Takanori Miyoshi, Yoji Masui, Kazuhiko Enokishima, Kazuhiko Terashima : 3D Shape Mmeasuring Instruments Using High Stiffness Vibration Touch Sensor, 16th IFAC World Congress, pdf, (2005/7) 187. Ying Shen, Kazuhiko Terashima, Ken'ichi Yano : Minimum Time Control Using Straight Transfer for a Rotary Crane, 16th IFAC World Congress, pdf, (2005/7) 188. Yoshiyuki Noda, Ken'ichi Yano, Kazuhiko Terashima : Control of Self-transfer-type Automatic Pouring Robot with Cylindrical Ladle, 16th IFAC World Congress, pdf, (2005/7) 189. Kazuhiko Terashima, Taku Kondo, Panya Minyong, Takanori Miyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa : Sense Feedback Control of Human Muscle by Multi-fingered Robot Hand, 16th IFAC World Congress, pdf, (2005/7) 190. Juan Urbano, Yanyan Yang, Kazuhiko Terashima, Takanori Miyoshi, Hideo Kitagawa : Navigation with Comfort of Omni-directional Wheelchair Driven by Joystick, 16th IFAC World Congress, pdf, (2005/7) 191. Minh Duc Duong, Chisato Teraoka, Takashi Imamura, Takanori Miyoshi, Kazuhiko Terashima : Master-Slave System with Teleoperation for Rehabilitation, 16th IFAC World Congress, pdf, (2005/7) 192. J. Urbano, K. Terashima, T. Miyoshi, H. Kitagawa : Velocity control of an Omni-directional Wheelchair Considering User's Comfort by Suppresing Vibration, 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2005), 2385 - 2390, (2005/8) 193. J. Urbano, K. Terashima, T. Miyoshi and H. Kitagawa : Assistance for Users of Omni-directional Wheelchairs by Providing Haptic Information about Close Obstacles, SICE Annual Conference 2005 in Okayama, 3101 - 3106, (2005/8) 194. Y. Masui, K. Enokishima, T. Miyoshi and K. Terashima : Development of 3D Shape Measurement System Using Bilateral Vibration Touch Probe, SICE Annual Conference 2005 in Okayama, 1549 - 1553, (2005/8) 195. K.Yano, A. Takemoto and K.Terashima : Semi-Automatic Obstacle Avoidance Control for Operation Support System with Haptic Joystick, 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2005), 698-703, (2005/8) 196. Kazuhiko Terashima, Taku Kondo, Panya Minyong, Takanori Miyoshi : Massage Control to Adapt Human Skin Muscle Condition by Using Multifingered Robot Hand, Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Informatics Control, Automation and Robotics(ICINCO 2005), 407-410, (2005/9) 197. J. Urbano, K. Terashima, T.Nishigaki,T. Miyoshi : Development of Power Assist on Omni-directional Mobile Wheelchair Considering Operationality and Comfort, Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Informatics Control, Automation and Robotics(ICINCO 2005), 211-214, (2005/9) 198. Y. Matsuo, Y. Noda, K. Terashima, K. Hashimoto, Y. Suzuki : Modeling and identification of pouring flow process with tilting-type ladle for an innovative press casting method using greensand mould, Proceedings of 67th World Foundry Congress, 210/1-10, (2006/6) 199. Y. Noda, K. Terashima : Nonlinear modeling with hydrodynamics and flow control using inverse pouring dynamics of tilting-ladle-type automatic pouring process, Proceedings of 67th World Foundry Congress, 207/1-10, (2006/6) 200. J. Urbano, K. Terashima and H. Kitagawa : Skill Assist Control of an Omni-directional Wheelchair by Means of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, 17th, International Symposium on Mathematical, 1922-1925, (2006/7) 201. K. Terashima, J. Urbano and H. Kitagawa : Enhancement of Maneuverability of a Power Assist Omni-directional Wheelchair by Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Control, Proc. of ICINCO 2006, 67-75, (2006/8) 202. T. Miyoshi, H, Kojima, K. Terashima : Development of Vertical Power-Assisted Crane System Considering Absolute Stability, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 4902-4908, (2006/10) 203. T. Imamura, C.Teraoka, K.Terashim, Z. Zhang : Muscular Power Estimation in a Tele-Rehabilitation System Using a Skeletal-Linkage Model, Proceedings of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, 4042 - 4046, (2006/10) 204. A.Kaneshige, K.Terashima : Development of the Operation Support System for a Rotary Crane Considering the Collision Avoidance to the Ground and the Suppression a Swing of Transfer Object, Proceedings of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, 1530 - 1533, (2006/10) 205. T. Miyoshi, H, Kojima, K. Terashima : Development of Vertical Power-Assisted Crane System Considering Absolute Stability, Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 4902-4908, (2006/10) 206. K. Yano, M. Kaneko, Y. Noda, K. Terashima : Learning Control of Automatic Pouring Robot Considering Influence of the Accumulating Disturbance, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on, 2820-2825, (2006/10) 207. J. Urbano, K. Terashima and H. Kitagawa : Neuro-Fuzzy Control of a Power Assist Omni-directional Wheelchair to Enhance Maneuverability, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on, 939-946, (2006/10) 208. M. D. Duong, K. Terashima, T. Imamura : Teleoperation with Haptic Feedback by Means of Electromagnetic Brake and Deadband Control for Rehabilitation, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on, 1331-1336, (2006/10) 209. T. Miyoshi, K. Terashima, M. Buss : A Design Method of Wave Filter for Stabilizing Non-Passive Operating System, IEEE Int. Conf. on Control Applications 2006 (CCA), 1318-1324, (2006/10) 210. Y. Noda, K. Terashima, M. Suzuki : Optimal Sequence Control of Automatic Pouring System in Press Casting Process by using Greensand Mold, Proceedings of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, 4083-4088, (2006/10) 211. Y. Noda, K. Terashima : Sloshing Suppression Control by Using Time-Varying Notch Filter in Liquid Container Transfer with Dynamic Tilting, Proceedings of The 6th Asian Control Conference(ASCC), 894-899, (2006/10) (招待講演) 1. 中内茂樹 : 分光画像の可視化, カラーフォーラム, JAPAN2002, (2002/11) 2. 中内茂樹 : 視環境の統計的性質を手がかりとした色彩恒常性, 生理学研究所研究会 「視知覚のメ カニズム − −生理、 心理物理、 計算論的アプローチ」 , (2003/6) 3. 中内茂樹 : Spectral Imaging Technique for Visualizing the Invisible Information, 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA2005), (2005/6) 4. 中内茂樹 : 自然画像の統計的性質と色知覚, 日本視覚学会2001年冬季大会特別シンポジウム, (2006/1) 5. 北崎充晃 : オプティカルフローからの知覚と行動, 日本光学会視覚研究グループ研究会(於 Optics Japan 2003), (2003/12) 6. 北崎充晃 : 身体ポーズと動作の認識, 日本基礎心理学会2006年度第1回フォーラム, (2006/4) 7. 北崎充晃 : 視覚・認知とは何か? 東三河合同産学官技術交流会, (2006/7) 8. 北崎充晃 : 身体の知覚と認識から, 知覚体を考える, 立教大学アミューズメント・リサーチセンタ ー・心理プロジェクト第4回公開講演会, (2006/11) 9. 中川聖一 : 科学研究費特定領域研究 「メディア教育利用」におけるCALL研究, 電子情報通信学会 音声研究会, (2003/12) 10. 中川聖一 : 音声言語情報処理の進歩と今後, 情報処理学会音声言語情報処理研究会, (2004/2) 11. 中川聖一 : 音声言語情報処理技術を用いたテレビ放送やビデオ映像からの語学学習教材の半自 動作成システム, 人工知能学会全国大会, (2004/6) 12. 中川聖一 : インテリジェントヒューマンセンシング − −視聴覚・運動感覚処理および音声・画像処 理を中心として− −, 電気四学会開催支部専門講習会, (2004/11) 13. 中川聖一 : 自然な連続会話音声認識 : その挑戦と限界, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, (2006/3) 14. 中川聖一 : 音声認識の実用化に対する大学の役割, 情報処理学会音声言語情報処理研究会, (2006/10) 15. 新田恒雄 : マルチモーダル対話の深化と記述言語の今後, 情報処理学会音声言語情報処理研究会, (2004/2) 16. 栗山 繁 : モーションキャプチャデータの知的再利用技術, 産業技術総合研究所ライフサイエン ス関連研究講演会, (2002/3) 17. 栗山 繁 : 3次元コンテンツの表示関連技術, 電気関係学会東海支部連合大会シンポジウム 「ブロ 6-7 研究業績一覧 125 情 報 発 信 情報発信 ードバンドと関連するIT技術」, (2002/9) 栗山 繁 : 空間統計学的予測法を用いた動作補間, Visual Computing グラフィクスとCAD合同シ ンポジウム2005, (2005/6) 19. 栗山 繁 : 空間統計学に基づくキャラクタアニメーション : SIGGRAPH論文を中心として, 画像 電子学会第29回秋期セミナー : アニメーション, 映画, ゲームのためのコンピュータグラフィッ クス, (2005/9) 20. 増山 繁 : On the Minimum Vertex Ranking Spanning Tree Problem, International Symposium Discrete Algorithms and Optimization (離散アルゴリズムと最適化に関する国際シンポジウム), (2004/3) 21. 増山 繁 : On the Minimum Vertex Ranking Spanning Tree Problem, The International Symposium on Discrete Algorithms and Optimization 2004, (2004/3) 22. 増山 繁 : Minimum Vertex Ranking Spanning Tree Problem(Invited Tutorial Paper) International Symposium on Scheduling 2004, (2004/5) 23. 増山 繁 : テキスト自動要約 とその周辺−−情報活用支援の基礎技術として−− , 電子情報通信 学会東海支部 平成16年度 第4回 一般講演会, (2004/11) 24. 増山 繁 : テキスト自動要約 とその周辺−−情報活用支援の基礎技術として−− , 特別講演, (2005/8) 25. 増山 繁 : テキスト自動要約 とその周辺−−情報活用支援の基礎技術として−− , 特別講演, (2005/11) 26. 増山 繁 : Algorithm for Obtaining the Minimum Vertex Ranking Spanning Tree on Outerplanar Graphs, Informs Hong Kong 2006, (2006/6) 27. 増山 繁 : 最小節点ランキング全域木問題について, 科学研究費特定領域研究「新世代の計算限 界− −その解明と打破− −」平成18年度 第1回 全体会議, (2006/6) 28. 寺嶋一彦 : 熟練ロボットと人に優しいロボットの研究開発, 第118技術交流会基調講演, (2002/4) 29. 寺嶋一彦 : 熟練ロボットと人にやさしい生活支援型ロボットの研究, 第1回知能メカトロニクス 講演会基調講演, 日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス, (2002/5) 30. 寺嶋一彦 : 熟練ロボットと生活支援型ロボット, 浜松工業会講演会, (2002/7) 31. 寺嶋一彦 : スーパーバイザリ制御による熟練ロボットの開発, 鋳造工場の自動化省力化とモデル 工場見学会, (2002/9) 32. 寺嶋一彦 : 鋳造工場のありかた, 鋳造工場の自動化・省力化とモデル工場見学会, (2002/9) 33. 寺嶋一彦 : 不良率低減・コストダウン,これが将来の鋳物工場, 平成15年度秋季全国大会講演会, 日本強靭鋳鉄協会, (2003/11) 34. 寺嶋一彦 : 不良率低減・コストダウン これが将来の鋳物工場だ, 日本強靭鋳鉄協会秋季全国大 会講演会 , (2003/11) 35. 寺嶋一彦 : マン・マシンシステムにおけるパワーアシスト技術, 計測自動制御学会システムイン テグレーション部門講演会, (2003/12) 36. 寺嶋一彦 : 最新の制御・ロボット技術, 日本鋳造工学会設備研究部会, (2004/2) 37. 寺嶋一彦 : 人間共生型の知能ロボットの開発, 第1回ヒューマンインターフェイス講演会, (2004/2) 38. 寺嶋一彦 : 人間共生型の知能ロボットの開発, 第1回ヒューマンインターフェイス研究会, (2004/2) 39. 寺嶋一彦 : 人と環境に優しい最先端ロボット制御技術の活用−−振動制御からスキル・パワーア シスト, ヒューマンインターフェイスに至るまで−−, 鋳造工学会・設備部会研究会(国内学会), (2004/2) 40. 寺嶋一彦 : 人と環境に優しい制御技術の活用, 豊橋技術科学大学産学官連携事業, 名古屋 in Forum, (2004/3) 41. 寺嶋一彦 : リハビリおよびマッサージロボットの感覚フィードバック制御, 第4回ジェロンテク ノロジーからの新しいものつくり研究会, (2004/3) 42. 寺嶋一彦 : リハビリおよびマッサージロボットの感覚フィードバック制御, ジェロン研究会, (2004/3) 43. 寺嶋一彦 : 繰作支援を目指した搬送システムのパワーアシスト制御, 計測自動制御学会(SICE)中 部支部静岡地区講演会, (2004/6) 44. 寺嶋一彦 : 最近の制御とロボット技術動向, 中国沈陽理工大学招待講演, (2004/6) 45. 寺嶋一彦 : 人間の手に学ぶ夢のロボット創生-ロボットハンドと人間の手- 特別企画展 「手」基調 講演, (2004/9) 46. 寺嶋一彦 : 生活支援に向けた理学療法学と工学との連携, 理学療法学会第39回全国研修会, (2004/10) 47. 寺嶋一彦 : 革新的鋳物創生のための砂型プレスキャスティングプロセスの開発, 第148回日本鋳 造工学会全国講演大会講演, (2005/6) 48. 寺嶋一彦 : 人と環境に優しい制御を目指して, 大学発産学官連携フォーラム2005, (2005/10) 49. 寺嶋一彦 : プレスキャスティングについて −−革新的鋳物創製を目指して−−, 日本鋳物協会第1 回秋季大会, (2005/11) 50. 寺嶋一彦 : 人と環境に優しい制御・ロボット技術, 名古屋モーターショー , (2005/11) 51. 寺嶋一彦 : プレスキャスティングについて −−革新的鋳物創生を目指して−−, 平成17年度秋季 大会技術講演会, (2005/11) 52. 寺嶋一彦 : 溶湯搬送・注湯システムの最適化, 鋳鍛造品工学フォーラム, (2005/11) 53. 寺嶋一彦 : 溶湯搬送・注湯システムの最適化, 鋳鍛造品工学フォーラム, (2005/11) 54. 寺嶋一彦 : 砂型プレスキャスティング, 第9回鋳鉄溶解の高効率化に関する研究部会, (2006/7) 55. 寺嶋一彦 : インテリジェントコンピューティング−−人間機械共存システムの操作支援制御−−, 第2回ロボットチャレンジ講演会, (2006/11) 56. 寺嶋一彦 : パワーアシスト技術の展開 −−人間と機械のベストマッチングを目指して, 計測自動 制御学会SI2006基調講演, (2006/12) (出版物) 1. 中内茂樹 : 共著, ニューロインフォマティクス−−視覚系を中心に−−, (2006/9), オーム社 2. Taniguchi I., Sugimoto, S., Hess, A., Horikawa, J., Hosokawa, Y. and Scheich, H. : 共著, Ed. by R Koenig et al., The Auditory Cortex: A Synthesis of Human and Animal Ressearch, (2005), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Mahwah, New Jersey, London 3. Horikawa,J., Hess, A. Hosokawa, Y. and Taniguchi, I. : 共著, Ed. by J. Kanwal and G. Ehret, Behaivior and Neurodynamics for Auditory Communication, (2006), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England 4. 日本認知科学会(編) : その他, 認知科学辞典, (2002/8), 共立出版 5. 道又爾, 北崎充晃, 大久保街亜, 今井久登, 山川恵子, 黒沢学 : 共著, 認知心理学−知のアーキテク チャを探る, (2003/1), 有斐閣 6. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会VR心理学研究委員会(編) : 共著, だまされる脳 〜バーチャルリ アリティと知覚心理学入門〜, (2006/9), 講談社 7. 大山 正, 今井省吾, 和気典二, 菊地 正(編) : 共著, 新編 感覚・知覚心理学ハンドブック2, (2007/3), 誠信書房 8. S.Nakagawa, M.Okada and T.Kawahara : 共著, Spoken Language Systems, (2005/8), IOS Press 9. 中川聖一, 北岡教英 : 共著, 韻律と音声言語情報処理, (2006/1), 丸善 10. Mei Kobayashi, Masaki Aono : 共著, Survey of Text Mining, (2004/9), Springer Verlag 11. George Chang, Marcus J. Healey, James A.M. McHugh, Jason T.L. 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Kawato, Y. Maeda, Y. Uno, R. Suzuki" 出願番号 : European Patent Application: 90100209. 7 登録番号 : European Patent Application: 0377467 出 願 者 : 川人光男 (ATR) 名 称 : Movement trajectory generating method of a dynamical system 発 明 者 : M. Kawato, Y. Maeda, Y. Uno, R. 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