富山県立図書館所蔵 英文多読用 図書リスト 平成28年11月末現在 ~すべて貸出可能です~ 富山県立図書館 ・ 英文多読用図書は、本館2階国際プラザにあるアメリカンコーナーの右側上段 に、シリーズ順に配架されています。 ・ I can read book series (HarperCollins社) 約150冊 ・ Nate the Great series(「めいたんていネート」シリーズ) 23冊 ・ Magic tree house series (「マジックツリーハウス」シリーズ) 28冊 ・ The cobble street cousins (「小石通りのいとこたち」シリーズ) 6冊 ・ Oxford bookworms starter (Oxford社) 6冊 ・ Penguin Young Readers(Penguin Group社) 138冊 ・ Macmillan children's readers(Macmillan社) 58冊 現在上記7シリーズを所蔵しています。 ※ I can read book series,Penguin Young Readersは、Level順に配架されて います。 〈リスト凡例〉 ・ 請求記号順に配列してあります。 ・ 書誌情報、読みやすさレベル、総語数、邦訳を記載しています。 ・ 読みやすさレベルは、数字が大きくなるほど難しくなります。 ・ 邦訳が刊行されている場合は、その情報を記載し、また、富山県立図書館に所蔵が ある場合は、情報の最後に括弧書きで請求記号を記載しています。(項目がグレー になっているものは邦訳が刊行されてないか、あるいは富山県立図書館では邦訳 未所蔵) * 英文多読とは… 集中的に英語の本をたくさん読むことで英語力をつけようというものです。 *『多読3原則』 1. 辞書は引かない 2. 分からないところは飛ばす 3. つまらなければやめる 無理せず英語の本を読み進めることで、自然と英語力が身につく英語学習法です。 2 請求 記号 書誌情報 How many fish? (My First I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Caron Lee Cohen Harper Collins Pub. 199 126/1 8. 22cm 25p I see, you saw (My First I can read book) w GJ9.3/ ritten and illustrated by Nurit Karlin Harper Colli 126/2 ns Pub. 1997. 22cm 24p Mine’s the best (My First I can read book) s GJ9.3/ tory and pictures by Crosby Bonsall Harper Colli 126/3 ns Pub. 1996. 22cm 32p Sid and Sam (My First I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Nola Buck Harper Collins Pub. 1996. 22cm 2 126/4 7p Splish splash (My First I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Sarah Weeks Harper Collins Pub. 1999. 22cm 126/5 32p The day I had to play with my sister (My Firs GJ9.3/ t I can read book) story and pictures by Crosb 126/6 y Bonsall Harper Collins Pub. 1999. 22cm 32 p Loose tooth (My First I can read book) by Lo GJ9.3/ la M. Schaefer Harper Collins Pub. 2004. 22 126/7 cm 31p Whose hat is it? (My First I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Valeri Gorbachev Harper Collins Pub. 2004. 126/8 22cm 〔32〕p Biscuit (My First I can read book) by Alyssa GJ9.3/ Satin Capucilli Harper Collins Pub. 1996. 23c 126/9 m 24p Bathtime for Biscuit (My First I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Harper Collins Pu 126/10 b. 1998. 23cm 24p Biscuit finds a friend (My First I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Harper Collins Pu 126/11 b. 1997. 23cm 24p Biscuit wants to play (My First I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Harper Collins Pu 126/12 b. 2001. 23cm [24]p Biscuit’s big friend (My First I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Harper Collins Pu 126/13 b. 2003. 23cm 25p Biscuit’s new trick (My First I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Harper Collins Pub. 2 126/14 000. 23cm 24p Follow me, Mittens (My First I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Lola M. Schaefer Harper Collins Pub. 2 126/15 007. 23cm 25p Mittens (My First I can read book) by Lola GJ9.3/ M. Schaefer Harper Collins Pub. 2006. 23cm 126/16 25p Go away, dog (My First I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Joan L Nodset Harper Collins Pub. 1997. 23c 126/17 m 32p A picture for Harold’s room (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) by Crockett Johnson Harper Collins Pub. 127/1 1988 22cm 64p And I mean it, Stanley (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ story and pictures by Crosby Bonsall Harper Co 127/2 llins Pub. 1974 22cm 32p 3 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 0.3 125 0.3 112 0.3 105 0.2 120 0.3 232 0.3 143 0.3 133 0.2 82 0.5 132 0 149 0.3 130 0.3 117 0.3 138 0.3 123 0.3 170 0.3 160 邦訳 0.3 260 いぬなんてだいきらい ジョアン・ L・ノドセット作 ;クロスビ-・ボン サル絵 いしいしんじ訳 講談社 1 994.10 0.5 550 はろるどのふしぎなぼうけん クロケット・ジョンソン作 岸田衿 子訳 文化出版局 1971 0.5 184 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 0.6 447 0.5 362 0.5 679 0.5 373 0.8 767 GJ9.3/ Drip, drop (An I can read book) by Sarah W 0.5 127/8 eeks Harper Collins Pub. 2000 22cm 32p 284 書誌情報 Barney’s horse (An I can read book) story a GJ9.3/ nd pictures by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 1 127/3 987 22cm 32p Captain Cat (An I can read book) story and GJ9.3/ pictures by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 1993 127/4 22cm 46p Chester (An I can read book) story and pictur GJ9.3/ es by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 1989 22c 127/5 m 64p Mrs. Brice’s mice (An I can read book) stor GJ9.3/ y and pictures by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 127/6 1988 22cm 32p Oliver (An I can read book) story and picture GJ9.3/ s by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 2000 22cm 127/7 64p Joe and Betsy the dinosaur (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) story and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper 127/9 Collins Pub. 1995 22cm 48p Johnny Lion’s book (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Edith Thacher Hurd Harper Collins Pub. 2001 127/10 22cm 63p Morris and Boris at the circus (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by B.Wiseman Harper Collins Pub. 198 127/11 8 22cm 64p Red fox and his canoe (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Nathaniel Benchley Harper Collins Pub. 199 127/12 2 22cm 62p Oscar Otter (An I can read book) by Nathanie GJ9.3/ l Benchley Harper Collins Pub. 1966 22cm 64 127/13 p Silly Tilly’s valentine (An I can read book) sto GJ9.3/ ry and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper Collins 127/14 Pub. 1998 22cm [48]p Stanley (An I can read book) story and pictur GJ9.3/ es by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 1992 22c 127/15 m 64p Who will be my friends? (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) story and pictures by Syd Hoff Harper Collin 127/16 s Pub. 1988 22cm 32p There is a carrot in my ear, and other noodle GJ9.3/ tales (An I can read book) retold by Alvin Sc 127/17 hwartz Harper Collins Pub. 1982 22cm 64p What do you hear when cows sing?:and other GJ9.3/ silly riddles (An I can read book) by Marco 127/18 & Giulio Maestro Harper Collins Pub. 1996 22 cm 48p Who’s afraid of the dark? (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) story and pictures by Crosby Bonsall Harpe 127/19 r Collins Pub. 2002 22cm 32p 0.8 741 1 1179 0.5 812 ライオンのジョニ-ひとりでおるす ばん イ-ディス・T.ハ-ド作 クレ メント・ハ-ド絵 佑学社 1984 0.8 804 1 552 かわうそのオスカ-くん ベンチリさく くりやがわけいこやく 旺文 社 (J/536/ ) 0.9 809 0.6 649 0.6 205 0.6 962 0.6 217 199 0.5 460 Stuart at the fun house (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Susan Hill. Harper Collins Pub. 2001 23c 0.5 127/21 m [32]p 480 4 ぞうのオリバー シド・ホフ作 三原泉訳 偕成社 2007 カヌ-はまんいん ナサニエル・ ベンチリ-文 ア-ノルド・ロ-ベ ル絵 三木卓訳 文化出版局 19 78.12(JE/672/) 0.5 GJ9.3/ Stuart sets sail (An I can read book) by Sus 127/20 an Hill. Harper Collins Pub. 2001 23cm 32p 邦訳 くらやみこわいのだあれ クロスビ イ・ボンソル作 絵 渡辺南都子 訳 岩崎書店 1987.3 (JE/1573/) 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 0.5 500 0.6 435 0.5 293 0.6 930 GJ9.3/ Baa-choo! (An I can read book) by Sarah W 0.6 127/26 eeks Harper Collins Pub. 2004 22cm 32p 358 Danny and the dinosaur (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ story and pictures by Syd Hoff Harper Collins P 0.6 127/27 ub. 1986 23cm 64p 286 書誌情報 Stuart at the Library (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Susan Hill. Harper Collins Pub. 2001 23cm 3 127/22 2p Stuart the Hides out (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Susan Hill. Harper Collins Pub. 2001 23cm 3 127/23 2p A kiss for Little Bear (An I can read book) b GJ9.3/ y Else Holmelund Minarik Harper Collins Pub. 127/24 1996 22cm 32p This book is haunted (An I can read book) b GJ9.3/ y Joanne Rocklin Harper Collins Pub. 2002 22 127/25 cm [48]p GJ9.3/ Dinosaur time (An I can read book) by Peggy 0.5 127/28 Parish Harper Collins Pub. 1974 23cm 30p Fancy Nancy and the boy from Paris (An I ca GJ9.3/ n read book) by Jane O’Connor Harper Collins 127/29 Pub. 2008 23cm 32p Fancy Nancy at the Museum (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by Jane O’Connor Harper Collins Pub. 127/30 2008 23cm 32p Morris goes to school (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by B.Wiseman Harper Collins Pub. 1970 23c 127/31 m 64p Morris the moose (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ B.Wiseman Harper Collins Pub. 1989 23cm 3 127/32 2p No more monsters for me! (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins Pub. 198 127/33 1 23cm 64p Sammy the seal (An I can read book) story a GJ9.3/ nd pictures by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 2 127/34 000 23cm 64p Space cat (An I can read book) story and pic GJ9.3/ tures by Doug Cushman Harper Collins Pub. 2 127/35 004 23cm 32p THE Berenstain Bears and the baby chipmunk GJ9.3/ (An I can read book) by Stan & Jan Berensta 127/36 in Harper Collins Pub. 2005 23cm [32]p THE Berenstain Bears and the wishing star (A GJ9.3/ n I can read book) by Stan & Jan Berenstain 127/37 Harper Collins Pub. 2005 23cm 32p THE Berenstain Bears clean house (An I can GJ9.3/ read book) by Stan & Jan Berenstain Harper 127/38 Collins Pub. 2005 23cm [32]p THE Berenstain Bears’ new kitten (An I can r GJ9.3/ ead book) by Stan & Jan Berenstain Harper C 127/39 ollins Pub. 2007 23cm 32p THE Berenstain Bears’ new pup (An I can re GJ9.3/ ad book) by Stan & Jan Berenstain Harper Co 127/40 llins Pub. 2005 23cm [32]p 5 527 0.8 638 0.6 446 0.4 1109 0.5 354 1.5 1470 0.5 748 0.6 600 0.6 582 1.4 1044 0.6 490 0.6 680 0.6 440 邦訳 だいじなとどけもの E.H.ミナリックぶん まつおか きょうこやく ; モ-リス・センダック え 福音館書店 1972 きょうりゅうたち ペギー・パリッシュ著 アーノル ド・ローベル絵 杉浦宏編訳 文化出版局 1976 請求 記号 書誌情報 THE Berenstain Bears out West (An I can rea GJ9.3/ d book) by Stan & Jan Berenstain Harper Colli 127/41 ns Pub. 2006 23cm [32]p THE Berenstain Bears play T-ball (An I can r GJ9.3/ ead book) by Stan & Jan Berenstain Harper C 127/42 ollins Pub. 2005 23cm 32p THE Berenstain Bears’ seashore treasure (An GJ9.3/ I can read book) by Stan & Jan Berenstain H 127/43 arper Collins Pub. 2005 23cm [32]p The fat cat sat on the mat (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) written and illustrated by Nurit Karlin Har 127/44 per Collins Pub. 1996 23cm 32p The littlest leaguer (An I can read book) story GJ9.3/ and pictures by Syd Hoff Harper Collins Pub. 127/45 1976 23cm 48p Arthur’s back to school day (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) story and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper 128/1 Collins Pub. 1996 22cm [48]p Arthur’s camp-out (An I can read book) story GJ9.3/ and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper Collins Pu 128/2 b. 1990 22cm [64]p Arthur’s Christmas cookies (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) story and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper 128/3 Collins Pub. 1972 22cm [64]p Arthur’s funny money (An I can read book) s GJ9.3/ tory and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper Collin 128/4 s Pub. 1981 22cm 64p Arthur’s honey bear (An I can read book) sto GJ9.3/ ry and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper Collins 128/5 Pub. 1974 22cm [64]p Arthur’s loose tooth (An I can read book) sto GJ9.3/ ry and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper Collins 128/6 Pub. 1985 22cm [64]p Arthur’s pen pal (An I can read book) story GJ9.3/ and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper Collins Pu 128/7 b. 1976 22cm [64]p Arthur’s great big valentine (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) story and pictures by Lillian Hoban Harper 128/8 Collins Pub. 1989 22cm [64]p Addie’s bad day (An I can read book) by Joa GJ9.3/ n Robins Harper Collins Pub. 1993 22cm [3 128/9 2]p Aunt Eater loves a mystery (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Doug Cushman Harper Collins Pub. 19 128/10 87 22cm 64p GJ9.3/ Buzby (An I can read book) by Julia Hoban. 128/11 Harper Collins Pub. 1990 22cm 64p 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 0.5 471 0.6 450 0.6 608 0.5 551 0.6 866 1.3 992 1.8 1499 1.4 1522 1.4 1764 1.4 1375 1.4 1648 1.4 1656 1.4 1525 1.1 566 1.4 1320 1.4 1114 Captain and Matey set sail (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Laurence Daniel Harper Collins Pub. 20 1.4 128/12 01 22cm [64]p Detective dinosaur (An I can read book) by J GJ9.3/ ames Skofield Harper Collins Pub. 1996 22cm 1.4 128/13 [48]p Detective dinosaur lost and found (An I can r GJ9.3/ ead book) by James Skofield Harper Collins Pu 1.4 128/14 b. 1998 22cm [48]p 6 1525 825 826 邦訳 ちびっこ大せんしゅ シド・ホフぶ んとえ 光吉夏弥やく 大日本図 書 (J/599/) ア-サ-のクリスマス・プレゼント リリアン・ホ-バン作 木島始訳 文 化出版局 (JE/512/) ア-サ-のくまちゃん リリアン・ ホ-バン作 木島始訳 文化出版 局, 1977.1 ア-サ-のてがみともだち リリア ン・ホ-バン作 木島始訳 文化出 版局 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 1.2 955 GJ9.3/ Big Max (An I can read book) by Kin Platt H 1.4 128/16 arper Collins Pub. 1992 22cm 64p 1651 書誌情報 GJ9.3/ Ghosts (An I can read book) retold by Alvin 128/15 Schwartz Harper Collins Pub. 1991 22cm 63p Big Max and the mystery of the missing giraffe GJ9.3/ (An I can read book) by Kin Platt Harper Colli 128/17 ns Pub. 2005 23cm [64]p Grasshopper on the road (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Arnold Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1978 128/18 23cm 62p 邦訳 1.4 1719 1.4 1980 きりぎりすくん ア-ノルド・ロ-ベル作 三木卓訳 文化出版局 GJ9.3/ Mouse soup (An I can read book) by Arnold 128/19 Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1977 23cm 64p 1.4 1339 おはなしばんざい ア-ノルド・ロベル作 三木卓訳 GJ9.3/ Mouse tales (An I can read book) by Arnold 128/20 Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1972 23cm [64]p 1.4 1505 とうさんおはなしして ア-ノルド・ロ-ベル作 三木卓訳 文化出版局 GJ9.3/ Owl at home (An I can read book) by Arnold 1.4 128/21 Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1975 23cm 64p 1491 ふくろうくん ア-ノルド・ロ-ベ ル作 三木卓訳 文化出版局 1976.11(J93.3/972/) GJ9.3/ Uncle Elephant (An I can read book) by Arnol 1.3 128/22 d Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1981 23cm [64]p 1700 ぼくのおじさん ア-ノルド・ロ-ベ ル作 三木卓訳 文化出版局 1982 (JE/1057/) 1.6 2275 ふたりはともだち アーノルド・ ローベル作 三木卓訳 文化出版 局 1978 (J93.3/995/) 1.5 1968 ふたりはいっしょ ア-ノルド・ロ -ベル作 三木卓訳 文化出 版局 1972(JE/ロア/) 1.9 1722 ふたりはいつも ア-ノルド・ロ- ベル作 三木卓訳 文化出版局 1977.5 (JE/ロア/) 1.6 2074 ふたりはきょうも アーノルド・ ローベル作 三木卓訳 文化出版 局 1980(J/641/) 1.4 1544 2.3 1693 フランシスのおともだち ラッセ ル・ホ-バンさく リリアン・ホ-バ ンえ まつおかきょうこやく 1.6 1751 ジャムつきパンとフランシス リリ アン・ホーバン絵 ラッセル・ホー バンさく まつおかきょうこやく 好 学社 1978 2.5 1036 2 1389 1.4 1425 1.2 2330 Frog and Toad are friends (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Arnold Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1970 128/23 23cm 64p Frog and Toad together (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Arnold Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1972 23c 128/24 m 64p Frog and Toad all year (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Arnold Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1976 23c 128/25 m 64p Days with Frog and Toad (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Arnold Lobel Harper Collins Pub. 1979 128/26 23cm 64p A bargain for Frances (An I can read book) b GJ9.3/ y Russell Hoban Harper Collins Pub. 1992 23 128/27 cm [63]p Best Friends for Frances (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Russell Hoban Harper Collins Pub. 2009 128/28 23cm [45]p Bread and jam for Frances (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Russell Hoban Harper Collins Pub. 200 128/29 8 23cm 45p Amelia Bedelia (An I can read book) by Pegg GJ9.3/ y Parish Harper Collins Pub. 1992 23cm [64] 128/30 p Amelia Bedelia 4 mayor (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 1999 2 128/31 3cm 51p Amelia Bedelia and the baby (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins Pub. 19 128/32 81 23cm [64]p Amelia Bedelia and the cat (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 200 128/33 8 23cm 48p 7 請求 記号 書誌情報 Amelia Bedelia and the surprise shower (An I GJ9.3/ can read book) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins 128/34 Pub. 1995 23cm 64p Amelia Bedelia goes camping (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins Pub. 20 128/35 03 23cm 57p Amelia Bedelia helps out (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins Pub. 2005 128/36 23cm 63p Amelia Bedelia talks turkey (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 200 128/37 8 23cm 64p Amelia Bedelia under construction (An I can r GJ9.3/ ead book) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pu 128/38 b. 2006 23cm 64p Amelia Bedelia, bookworm (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 200 128/39 3 23cm 63p Amelia Bedelia, rocket scientist? (An I can r GJ9.3/ ead book) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pu 128/40 b. 2005 23cm 64p Amelia Bedelia’s family album (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins Pub. 19 128/41 88 23cm [48]p Amelia Bedelia’s masterpiece (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 2 128/42 007 23cm 64p Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 1997 2 128/43 3cm [46]p Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia! (An I can rea GJ9.3/ d book) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 128/44 2002 23cm 64p Come back, Amelia Bedelia (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins Pub. 199 128/45 5 23cm 64p Good driving Amelia Bedelia (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) by Herman Parish Harper Collins Pub. 19 128/46 95 23cm 44p Good work, Amelia Bedelia (An I can read bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Peggy Parish Harper Collins Pub. 2003 128/47 23cm 58p Dirt on my shirt (An I can read book) by Jeff GJ9.3/ Foxworthy Harper Collins Pub. 2008 23cm [3 128/48 2]p Flat Stanely and the haunted house (An I can GJ9.3/ read book) created by Jeff Brown Harper Collin 128/49 s Pub. 2010 23cm [32]p A bear for Miguel (An I can read book) by El GJ9.3/ aine Marie Alphin Harper Collins Pub. 1996 2 129/1 2cm [64]p Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express (An I can r GJ9.3/ ead book) by Eleanor Coerr Harper Collins Pu 129/2 b. 1995 22cm 64p Clara and the bookwagon (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Nancy Smiler Levinson Harper Collins P 129/3 ub. 1988 22cm 64p 8 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 2.5 1548 2.3 1247 1.4 1400 2.5 2577 1.8 2295 2.2 1623 1.4 2322 1.7 836 1.4 2773 2.5 1217 1.4 1445 1.9 1224 1.4 1030 2.5 1143 1.4 622 1.8 1284 1.8 1306 1.7 1513 邦訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 1.8 1282 1.8 1171 GJ9.3/ Dolphin (An I can read book) by Robert A. 129/6 Morris Harper Collins Pub. 1975 22cm [64]p 1.8 900 GJ9.3/ Dust for dinner (An I can read book) by Ann 129/7 Turner Harper Collins Pub. 1995 22cm 64p 1.8 1280 書誌情報 Chang’s paper pony (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Eleanor Coerr Harper Collins Pub. 1988 22cm 129/4 64p Daniel’s duck (An I can read book) by Clyde GJ9.3/ Robert Bulla Harper Collins Pub. 1979 22cm 129/5 [64]p Magic Secrets (An I can read book) by Rose GJ9.3/ Wyler and Gerald Ames Harper Collins Pub. 19 1.8 129/8 91 22cm [64]p Sam, the minuteman (An I can read book) b GJ9.3/ y Nathaniel Benchley Harper Collins Pub. 1969 1.7 129/9 22cm [64]p GJ9.3/ Small Wolf (An I can read book) by Nathaniel 1.8 129/10 Benchley Harper Collins Pub. 1994 22cm 64p Snowshoe Thompson (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Nancy Smiler Levinson Harper Collins Pub. 19 129/11 92 22cm 64p Surprises (An I can read book) selected by L GJ9.3/ ee Bennett Hopkins Harper Collins Pub. 1984 129/12 22cm 64p Weather (An I can read book) selected by Le GJ9.3/ e Bennett Hopkins Harper Collins Pub. 1994 2 129/13 2cm 63p The 18 penny goose (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Sally M. Walker Harper Collins Pub. 1998 22 129/14 cm [62]p The long way to a new land (An I can read b GJ9.3/ ook) by Joan Sandin Harper Collins Pub. 198 129/15 1 22cm [64]p The long way westward (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Joan Sandin Harper Collins Pub. 1989 22c 129/16 m [64]p The outside dog (An I can read book) by Ch GJ9.3/ arlotte Pomerantz Harper Collins Pub. 1993 22 129/17 cm [64]p The smallest cow in the world (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by Katherine Paterson Harper Collins Pu 129/18 b. 1991 22cm 64p The big balloon race (An I can read book) by GJ9.3/ Eleanor Coerr Harper Collins Pub. 1992 22cm 129/19 [64]p The Golly Sisters go West (An I can read boo GJ9.3/ k) by Betsy Byars Harper Collins Pub. 1985 2 129/20 2cm 64p Minnie and Moo : the night of the living bed GJ9.3/ (An I can read book) by Denys Cazet Harper 129/21 Collins Pub. 2003 22cm 48p Minnie and Moo : the case of the missing jelly GJ9.3/ donut (An I can read book) by Denys Cazet 129/22 Harper Collins Pub. 2005 23cm [48]p 9 邦訳 いるかのカ-フ ロバート・モリス 文 マモル・フナイ絵 杉浦宏訳 文化出版局 1977 1965 1066 1379 1.8 935 1.8 1242 2 1106 1.6 1066 2.1 1984 2 1457 1.8 1583 1.8 1159 1.8 1387 1.8 1359 1.8 1211 2.4 1638 いじわるロ-ジ- キャサリン・パタ-ソン文 ジェ-ン・クラ-ク・ブラウン絵 片岡しのぶ訳 あすなろ書房 請求 記号 書誌情報 Minnie and Moo : wanted dead or alive (An I GJ9.3/ can read book) by Denys Cazet Harper Collins 129/23 Pub. 2006 23cm [48]p My parents think I’m sleeping (An I can read GJ9.3/ book) by Jack Prelutsky Harper Collins Pub. 2 129/24 007 23cm [48]p The drinking gourd : a story of the undergroun GJ9.3/ d railroad (An I can read book) by F.N. Mo 129/25 njo Harper Collins Pub. 1993 23cm [64]p Wagon wheels (An I can read book) by Barba GJ9.3/ ra Brenner Harper Collins Pub. 1993 23cm 64 129/26 p The Josefina story quilt (An I can read book) GJ9.3/ by Eleanor Coerr Harper Collins Pub. 1985 23 129/27 cm 64p Finding Providence (An I can read chapter boo GJ9.3/ k) by Avi Harper Collins Pub. 1997 22cm [4 130/1 8]p The Animal Rescue Club (An I can read chapt GJ9.3/ er book) by John Himmelman Harper Collins P 130/2 ub. 1998 22cm [48]p Dinosaur hunter (An I can read book) by Elain GJ9.3/ e Marie Alphin Harper Collins Pub. 2003 22c 130/3 m 48p First flight (An I can read book) story by She GJ9.3/ a George Harper Collins Pub. 1997 22cm [4 130/4 8]p GJ9.3/ Prairie school (An I can read book) by Avi H 130/5 arper Collins Pub. 2001 22cm [48]p Nate the great (A Yearling book) by Marjorie GJ9.3/ Weinman Sharmat Yearling 2004 20cm [62], 1 131/1 6p Nate the great and the lost list (A Yearling bo GJ9.3/ ok) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 200 131/2 7 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the phony clue (A Yearling GJ9.3/ book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 2 131/3 007 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the sticky case (A Yearling GJ9.3/ book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 2 131/4 006 20cm [48], 32 p Nate the great and the missing key (A Yearlin GJ9.3/ g book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 131/5 2007 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the snowy trail (A Yearling GJ9.3/ book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 2 131/6 005 20cm 42, 32 p Nate the great and the fishy prize (A Yearling GJ9.3/ book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 2 131/7 004 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great stalks stupidweed (A Yearling b GJ9.3/ ook) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 20 131/8 05 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the boring beach bag (A GJ9.3/ Yearling book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Y 131/9 earling 2005 20cm [48], 32 p 10 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 1.2 1050 3.2 1159 1.8 1778 2.5 1606 2 1384 2.5 1612 2.5 1708 2.5 3835 2.3 1823 2.5 1700 1.4 1585 2.1 1585 2.2 1533 2.4 1631 2.2 1635 2.3 1891 2.3 2601 2.4 2169 2 2003 邦訳 きえた犬のえ マ-ジョリ-・W.シャ-マットぶん マク・シマントえ 光吉夏弥やく 大日 本図書 1982 ぼくはめいたんて なくなったかいものメモ マ-ジョリ -・W.シャ-マットぶんマ-ク・シマン ト 光吉夏弥やく 大日本図書 1982 ぼくはめいたんてい 3 きょうりゅうのきって マ-ジョリ-・ W.シャ-マットぶん マ-ク・シマント え 光吉夏弥やく 大日本図書 1982 ぼくはめいたんてい 4 かぎはどこだ マ-ジョリ-・W.シャ -マットぶん マ-ク・シマントえ 光 吉夏弥やく 大日本図書 1982 ぼ くはめいたんてい 5 ゆきの中のふしぎなできごと マ-ジョリ-・W.シャ-マットぶん マ-ク・シマントえ 光吉夏弥やく 大日本図書 1983 ペット・コンテストは大さわぎ マー ジョリー・W.シャーマットさく マー ク・シマントえ 神宮輝夫やく 大日 本図書 2002.2 めいたんてい きえた草のなぞ マージョリー・W. シャーマットさく マーク・シマント え 神宮輝夫やく 大日本図書 2002.2 めいたんていネート 請求 記号 書誌情報 Nate the great goes down in the dumps (A Y GJ9.3/ earling book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yea 131/10 rling 2006 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the Halloween hunt (A Ye GJ9.3/ arling book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Year 131/11 ling 2005 20cm 42, 32 p Nate the great and the musical note (A Yearli GJ9.3/ ng book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearlin 131/12 g 2007 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the stolen base (A Yearlin GJ9.3/ g book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 131/13 2006 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the pillowcase (A Yearling GJ9.3/ book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearling 2 131/14 006 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the mushy valentine (A Ye GJ9.3/ arling book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Year 131/15 ling 2004 20cm 44, 32 p Nate the great and the tardy tortoise (A Yearli GJ9.3/ ng book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearlin 131/16 g 2005 20cm 42, 32 p Nate the great and the crunchy Christmas (A GJ9.3/ Yearling book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Y 131/17 earling 2005 20cm 42,32 p Nate the great and me : the case of the fleein GJ9.3/ g Fang (A Yearling book) by Marjorie Weinma 131/18 n Sharmat Yearling 2000 20cm 63 p Nate the great, San Francisco detective (A Ye GJ9.3/ arling book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat & 131/19 Mitchell Sharmat Yearling 2005 20cm 48, 30 p Nate the great and the big sniff (A Yearling b GJ9.3/ ook) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat & Mitchell 131/20 Sharmat Yearling 2007 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great and the monster mess (A Year GJ9.3/ ling book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Yearlin 131/21 g 2005 20cm [48], 32 p Nate the great on the owl express (A Yearling GJ9.3/ book) by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat & Mitchell 131/22 Sharmat Yearling 2004 20cm 48, 32 p Nate the great talks turkey (A Yearling book) GJ9.3/ by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat & Mitchell Shar 131/23 mat Yearling 2007 20cm 80, 16 p Dinosaurs before dark (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1992 20c 132/1 m 68 p The knight at dawn (Magic tree house) by Ma GJ9.3/ ry Pope Osborne Random House 1993 20cm 6 132/2 6p Mummies in the morning (Magic tree house) GJ9.3/ by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1993 2 132/3 0cm 65 p Pirates past noon (Magic tree house) by Mary GJ9.3/ Pope Osborne Random House 1994 20cm 67 132/4 p Night of the Ninjas (Magic tree house) by Ma GJ9.3/ ry Pope Osborne Random House 1995 20cm 6 132/5 9p 11 読み やすさ レベル 総語 数 邦訳 2.1 2228 だいじなはこをとりかえせ マー ジョリー・W.シャーマットさく 2.3 2021 2 2322 2.4 2115 2.3 2258 1.8 2078 1.5 2064 2.3 2220 1.8 2692 2.3 2328 1.7 1917 2.5 2090 2.1 2541 2.4 4527 3.1 4750 2.8 5400 3.5 5300 3.4 5270 3.3 5260 2るいベースがぬすまれた?! マー ジョリー・W.シャーマットさく マー ク・シマントえ 神宮輝夫やく 内藤 貴子やく 大日本図書 2002.2 め ねむいねむいじけん マージョ リー・W.シャーマットさく ロザリン ド・ワインマンさく マーク・シマント え 神宮輝夫やく 澤田澄江やく いそがしいクリスマス マージョ リー・W.シャーマットさく クレイグ・ シャーマットさく マーク・シマント え 神宮輝夫やく 内藤貴子やく 恐竜の谷の大冒険 メアリ-・ポ -プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子 訳メディアファクトリ- 2002.3 マジック・ツリ-ハウス(1)(邦訳 恐竜の谷の大冒険 メアリ-・ポ -プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ- 2002.3 マジック・ツリ-ハウス(The kni 女王フュテピのなぞ メアリ-・ポ -プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ-2002.3 マ ジック・ツリ-ハウス 女王フュテピのなぞ メアリ-・ポ -プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリー 2002 マジッ ク・ツリーハウス 2 アマゾン大脱出 メアリ-・ポ- プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 請求 記号 総語 数 邦訳 3.5 4787 アマゾン大脱出 メアリ-・ポ- プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳メ ディアファクトリ- 2002.6 マ ジック・ツリ-ハウス 3.5 4946 マンモスとなぞの原始人 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 3.5 5660 マンモスとなぞの原始人 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ- 2002.7 マジック・ツリ-ハウ 3.5 4761 SOS!海底探険 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 3.5 6200 SOS!海底探険 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳メディアファクトリ- 2002.11 マジック・ツリ-ハ 3.5 5181 サバンナ決死の横断 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 3.5 5659 サバンナ決死の横断 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 3.5 5821 ポンペイ最後の日 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳メディアファクトリ- 2003.4 マジック・ツリ-ハウ 3.5 5318 ポンペイ最後の日 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 ; 食野雅子訳 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Afternoon on the amazon (Magic tree house) GJ9.3/ by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1995 2 132/6 0cm 68 p Sunset of the sabertooth (Magic tree house) GJ9.3/ by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1996 2 132/7 0cm 68 p Midnight on the moon (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1996 20c 132/8 m 70 p Dolphins at daybreak (Magic tree house) by M GJ9.3/ ary Pope Osborne Random House 1997 20cm 132/9 67 p Ghost town at sundown (Magic tree house) b GJ9.3/ y Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1997 20 132/10 cm 75 p Lions at lunchtime (Magic tree house) by Mar GJ9.3/ y Pope Osborne Random House 1998 20cm 7 132/11 0p Polar bears past bedtime (Magic tree house) GJ9.3/ by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1998 2 132/12 0cm 73p Vacation under the volcano (Magic tree house) GJ9.3/ by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1998 2 132/13 0cm 76p Day of the Dragon King (Magic tree house) b GJ9.3/ y Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1998 20 132/14 cm 68p Viking ships at sunrise (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1998 20c 132/15 m 73p Hour of the Olympics (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1998 20c 132/16 m 75p Tonight on the Titanic (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1999 20c 132/17 m 74p Buffalo before breakfast (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 1999 20c 132/18 m 76p 3.5 5600 3.5 5078 3.5 6100 3.5 5172 GJ9.3/ Tigers at twilight (Magic tree house) by Mary 3.4 132/19 Pope Osborne Random House 1999 20cm 76p 5925 Dingoes at dinnertime (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 2000 20c 132/20 m 75p Civil War on Sunday (Magic tree house) by M GJ9.3/ ary Pope Osborne Random House 2000 20cm 132/21 76p Revolutionary War on Wednesday (Magic tree GJ9.3/ house) by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 132/22 2000 20cm 74p Twister on tuessday (Magic tree house) by M GJ9.3/ ary Pope Osborne Random House 2001 20cm 132/23 73p Earthquake in the early morning (Magic tree h GJ9.3/ ouse) by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 2 132/24 001 20cm 75p 12 古代オリンピックの奇跡 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ- 2003.7 マジック・ツリ-ハウ 古代オリンピックの奇跡 メアリー・ポープ・オズボーン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリー 2003 マジック・ツリーハウス 8 タイタニック号の悲劇 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ- 2003.11 マジック・ツリ-ハ タイタニック号の悲劇 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ- 2003.11マジック・ツリ-ハウ ジャングルの掟 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 ジャングルの掟 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳メディアファクトリ- 2004.2 マジック・ツリ-ハウ 戦場にひびく歌声 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ- 2004.6 戦場にひびく歌声 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリ - 2004.6 (Revolutionary War 3.5 5000 3.5 5755 3.5 4989 3.5 5046 夜明けの巨大地震 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 3.5 5552 夜明けの巨大地震 メアリ-・ポ-プ・オズボ-ン著 食野雅子訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Stage fright on a summer night (Magic tree h GJ9.3/ ouse) by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 2 132/25 002 20cm 74p Good morning, gorillas (Magic tree house) by GJ9.3/ Mary Pope Osborne Random House 2002 20c 132/26 m 75p Thanksgiving on Thursday (Magic tree house) GJ9.3/ by Mary Pope Osborne Random House 2002 2 132/27 0cm 76p High tide in Hawaii (Magic tree house) by Ma GJ9.3/ ry Pope Osborne Random House 2003 20cm 7 132/28 7p In Aunt Lucy’s kitchen (The cobble street cou GJ9.3/ sins) by Cynthia Rylant Aladdin Paperbacks 200 133/1 0 20cm 55p A little shopping (The cobble street cousins) b GJ9.3/ y Cynthia Rylant Aladdin Paperbacks 2000 20c 133/2 m 55p Special gifts (The cobble street cousins) by C GJ9.3/ ynthia Rylant Aladdin Paperbacks 2000 20cm 5 133/3 5p Some good news (The cobble street cousins) GJ9.3/ by Cynthia Rylant Aladdin Paperbacks 2001 20 133/4 cm 55p Summer party (The cobble street cousins) by GJ9.3/ Cynthia Rylant Aladdin Paperbacks 2001 20cm 133/5 54p Wedding flowers (The cobble street cousins) b GJ9.3/ y Cynthia Rylant Aladdin Paperbacks 2003 20c 133/6 m 72p Girl on a motorcycle (Oxford bookworms starte GJ9.3/ r) by John Escott Oxford University Press 2008 134/ 20cm 40p New York cafe (Oxford bookworms starter) by GJ9.3/ Michael Dean Oxford University Press 2008 20c 135/ m 40p Oranges in the snow (Oxford bookworms start GJ9.3/ er) by Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster Oxford 136/ University Press 2008 20cm 40p The ransom of red chief (Oxford bookworms s GJ9.3/ tarter) by O. Henry Oxford University Press 20 137/ 08 20cm 40p Survive! (Oxford bookworms starter) by Hele GJ9.3/ n Brooke Oxford University Press 2008 20cm 138/ 40p A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur’s Court GJ9.3/ (Oxford bookworms starter) by Mark Twain Oxfo 139/ rd University Press 2008 20cm 40p Bake, MICE, Bake! (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Seltzer Eric Penguin Young Readers 201 169/1 2.02 23cm 32p Cat Days (Penguin Young Readers) by Andrew GJ9.3/ s Alexa Penguin Young Readers 2012.10 23c 169/2 m 32p Clara and Clem Take a Ride (Penguin Young GJ9.3/ Readers) by Long Ethan Penguin Young Reader 169/3 s 2012.10 23cm 32p 13 総語 数 3.5 6117 3.6 5847 3.3 6001 3.5 5965 2 3937 2 3290 3 3383 3 2740 2.2 2943 邦訳 愛と友情のゴリラ メアリー・ポープ・オズボーン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリー 2005 マジック・ツリーハウス 13 愛と友情のゴリラ メアリー・ポープ・オズボーン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリー 2005 マジック・ツリーハウス 13 ハワイ、伝説の大津波 メアリー・ポープ・オズボーン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクト リー 2005 マジック・ツリーハウ ハワイ、伝説の大津波 メアリー・ポープ・オズボーン著 食野雅子訳 メディアファクトリー 2005 マジック・ツリーハウス 14 ルーシーおばさんの台所 シンシア・ライラント 作,ウェン ディ・アンダスン・ハルパリン 絵, 市河紀子 訳 偕成社 2002 (小石 すもも通りの花屋さん : 秋のミニ チュアづくり シンシア・ライラント 作,ウェン ディ・アンダスン・ハルパリン 絵, 青い日記帳 : 冬のプレゼント シンシア・ライラント 作,ウェン ディ・アンダスン・ハルパリン 絵, 市河紀子 訳 偕成社 2003 (小石 小石通りタイムズ : 春のいとこ新 聞 シンシア・ライラント 作,ウェン ディ・アンダスン・ハルパリン 絵, 三人のキューピッド : 夏のパー ティ シンシア・ライラント 作,ウェン ディ・アンダスン・ハルパリン 絵, 3 3600 1 1500 1 1500 1 1500 1 1500 1 1500 1 700 0.4 - 149 0.6 0.3 - 109 0.5 0.2 54 0.3 赤い酋長の身代金 オー・ヘンリー 作,千葉茂樹 訳, 和田誠 絵 理論社 2008 (オー・ ヘンリーショートストーリーセレク 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Max Has a Fish (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Blevins Wiley Penguin Young Readers 2012.09 169/4 23cm 32p Monkey See,Monkey Do (Penguin Young Read GJ9.3/ ers) by Regan Dana Penguin Young Readers 2 169/5 000.10 23cm 32p Tiny Goes to the Library (Penguin Young Read GJ9.3/ ers) by Meister Cari Penguin Young Readers 2 169/6 000.07 23cm 32p Tiny the Snow Dog (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Meister Cari Penguin Young Readers 2000. 169/7 07 23cm 32p Tiny’s Bath (Penguin Young Readers) by Meis GJ9.3/ ter Cari Penguin Young Readers 1999.02 23c 169/8 m 32p Turtle and Snake Go Camping (Penguin Young GJ9.3/ Readers) by Spohn Kate. Penguin Young Read 169/9 ers 2000.06 23cm 32p When Tiny Was Tiny (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Meister Cari Penguin Young Readers 1999. 169/10 10 23cm 32p Nicky Upstairs and Down (Penguin Young Rea GJ9.3/ ders) by Ziefert Harriet. Penguin Young Reader 170/1 s 1994.01 23cm 32p Ride with Buddy (Penguin Young Readers) Pe GJ9.3/ nguin Group Penguin Young Readers 2012.05 170/2 23cm 32p Dog on His Bus (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Seltzer Eric Penguin Young Readers 2012.07 170/3 23cm 32p Apples and How They Grow (Penguin Young GJ9.3/ Readers) by Driscoll Laura. Penguin Young Rea 170/4 ders 2003.09 23cm 32p THE Bookstore Ghost (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Maitland Barbara Penguin Young Readers 170/5 1998.09 23cm 32p Boss for a Day (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ De Paola Tomie. Penguin Young Readers 200 170/6 1.10 23cm 32p The Bravest Cat! (Penguin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y Driscoll Laura. Penguin Young Readers 199 170/7 7.09 23cm 32p Busy Bugs (Penguin Young Readers) by Harve GJ9.3/ y Jayne Penguin Young Readers 2003.07 23c 170/8 m 32p Butterflies (Penguin Young Readers) by Neye GJ9.3/ Emily Penguin Young Readers 2000.05 23cm 170/9 32p Cat Show (Penguin Young Readers) by Harvey GJ9.3/ Jayne Penguin Young Readers 2000.02 23cm 170/10 32p The Cow in the House (Penguin Young Reade GJ9.3/ rs) by Ziefert Harriet. Penguin Young Readers 170/11 1997.09 23cm 32p Cowboy Roy (Penguin Young Readers) by Dub GJ9.3/ owski Cathy East. Penguin Young Readers 199 170/12 7.09 23cm 32p 14 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 総語 数 79 117 110 120 102 80 157 179 262 202 245 508 381 478 261 431 329 404 500 邦訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Frogs (Penguin Young Readers) by Driscoll La GJ9.3/ ura. Penguin Young Readers 1998.09 23cm 3 170/13 2p The Garden That We Grew (Puffin Young Read GJ9.3/ ers) by Holub Joan. Penguin Young Readers 2 170/14 012.04 23cm 32p Bad Hair Day (Penguin Young Readers) by Ho GJ9.3/ od Susan Penguin Young Readers 1999.09 23 170/15 cm 32p Good Night, Good Knight (Penguin Young Rea GJ9.3/ ders) by Moore Thomas. Penguin Young Reade 170/16 rs 2002.10 23cm 48p Harry Gets Ready for School (Penguin Young GJ9.3/ Readers) by Ziefert Harriet. Penguin Young Rea 170/17 ders 1993.08 23cm 32p Harry Takes a Bath (Puffin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y Ziefert Harriet. Penguin Young Readers 199 170/18 3. 23cm 32p Hide‐and‐seek All Week (Penguin Young Read GJ9.3/ ers) by De Paola Tomie. Penguin Young Reade 170/19 rs 2001.10 23cm 32p Jason’s Bus Ride (Penguin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y Ziefert Harriet. Penguin Young Readers 199 170/20 3.08 23cm 32p Pajama Party (Penguin Young Readers) by Hol GJ9.3/ ub Joan. Penguin Young Readers 1998.04 23 170/21 cm 32p Look! I Can Read! (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Hood Susan Penguin Young Readers 200 170/22 0.05 23cm 32p The Loopy Coop Hens (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Stoeke Morgan Janet Penguin Young Rea 170/23 ders 2013.02 23cm 32p Love is in the Air (Penguin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y Fenske Jonathan Penguin Young Readers 20 170/24 12.12 23cm 32p Lucky Goes to School! (Penguin Young Read GJ9.3/ ers) by Herman Gail. Penguin Young Readers 170/25 2001.06 23cm 32p Madeline and Her Dog (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Marciano Bemelmans John Penguin Youn 170/26 g Readers 2011.09 23cm 32p Madeline’s Tea Party (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) written by Marciano Bemelmans John Pengui 170/27 n Young Readers 2012.05 23cm 32p Me and My Robot (Penguin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y West Tracey. Penguin Young Readers 2003. 170/28 02 23cm 32p My tooth is loose! (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Silverman Martin Penguin Young Readers 20 170/29 03.02 23cm 32p What a Hungry Puppy! (Penguin Young Read GJ9.3/ ers) by Herman Gail. Penguin Young Readers 170/30 1993.03 23cm 32p Who Stole the Cookies? (Penguin Young Rea GJ9.3/ ders) by Moffatt Judith Penguin Young Readers 170/31 1996.02 23cm 32p 15 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.2 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 総語 数 371 170 233 922 160 142 480 214 337 139 389 212 237 255 366 235 302 295 153 邦訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Pal and Sal (Penguin Young Readers) Herman GJ9.3/ A.R Penguin Young Readers 1998.04 23cm 3 170/32 2p Pal the Pony (Penguin Young Readers) Herma GJ9.3/ n A.R Penguin Young Readers 1996.02 23cm 170/33 32p The Pizza That We Made (Penguin Young Rea GJ9.3/ ders) by Holub Joan. Penguin Young Readers 170/34 2001.08 23cm 32p Ponies (Penguin Young Readers) by Pollack P GJ9.3/ am. Penguin Young Readers 2003.05 23cm 4 170/35 8p The Princess and the Pea (Penguin Young Re GJ9.3/ aders) by Ziefert Harriet. Penguin Young Reade 170/36 rs 1996.07 23cm 32p Princess Buttercup (Penguin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y Lewison Cheyette Wendy Penguin Young Read 170/37 ers 2001.03 23cm 32p Princess for a Day (Puffin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Cocca-Letter Maryann Penguin Young Readers 2 170/38 012. 23cm 32p Dick and Jane (Penguin Young Readers) by G GJ9.3/ rosset & Dunlap Penguin Young Readers 200 170/39 4.01 23cm 32p Scat, Cats! (Penguin Young Readers) by Hol GJ9.3/ ub Joan. Penguin Young Readers 2001.07 23 170/40 cm 32p Shape Spotters (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Bryant E. Megan Penguin Young Readers 200 170/41 2.09 23cm 32p Snug Bug (Penguin Young Readers) by Dubo GJ9.3/ wski Cathy East. Penguin Young Readers 199 170/42 5.03 23cm 32p Spider’s Lunch (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Cole Joanna. Penguin Young Readers 1995.04 170/43 23cm 32p The Secret Villain (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Valois Rob Penguin Young Readers 2012.01 2 170/44 3cm 32p The Teeny tiny Woman (Penguin Young Reade GJ9.3/ rs) by Ziefert Harriet. Penguin Young Readers 170/45 2012.01 23cm 32p That Bad, Bad Cat! (Puffin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Masurel Claire. Penguin Young Readers 201 170/46 1.09 23cm 32p T-Rex Is Missing! (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by De Paola Tomie. Penguin Young Readers 2 170/47 002.09 23cm 32p GJ9.3/ Turtles (Penguin Young Readers) by Huelin Jo 170/48 di Penguin Young Readers 2003.02 23cm 32p The Very Lonely Firefly (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Carle Eric. Penguin Young Readers 201 170/49 2.07 23cm 32p GJ9.3/ Water (Penguin Young Readers) by Neye Emily 170/50 Penguin Young Readers 2002.09 23cm 32p 16 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 総語 数 253 224 508 777 300 270 319 841 153 338 208 386 404 270 202 417 366 242 206 邦訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Get Well, Good Knight (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Moore Thomas. Penguin Young Readers 171/1 2004.02 23cm 48p Dinosaur Eggs (Penguin Young Readers) by D GJ9.3/ ussling Jennifer Penguin Young Readers 2000. 171/2 08 23cm 48p 100 Monsters in My School (Penguin Young GJ9.3/ Readers) by Bader Bonnie Penguin Young Read 171/3 ers 2002.09 23cm 48p Baby Elephant (Penguin Young Readers) by Cl GJ9.3/ arke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2009.0 171/4 1 23cm 48p Baby Meerkats (Penguin Young Readers) by C GJ9.3/ larke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2010.0 171/5 6 23cm 48p Baby Otter (Penguin Young Readers) by Clark GJ9.3/ e Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2009.09 171/6 23cm 48p Benny the Big Shot Goes to Camp (Penguin GJ9.3/ Young Readers) by Bader Bonnie Penguin Youn 171/7 g Readers 2003.04 23cm 48p Big Cats (Penguin Young Readers) by Milton GJ9.3/ Joyce. Penguin Young Readers 1994.10 23cm 171/8 48p Black Out! (Penguin Young Readers) by Clar GJ9.3/ ke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2008.07 171/9 23cm 48p Bug Out! (Penguin Young Readers) by Clarke GJ9.3/ Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2007.05 23 171/10 cm 48p Cheetah Cubs (Penguin Young Readers) by Cl GJ9.3/ arke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2007.0 171/11 1 23cm 48p Dear Tooth Fairy (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ O’Connor Jane Penguin Young Readers 2002. 171/12 09 23cm 48p The Secret Garden (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ adapted by O’Connor Jane Penguin Young Rea 171/13 ders 1995.05 23cm 48p Eek! (Penguin Young Readers) by O’Connor GJ9.3/ Jane Penguin Young Readers 1992.08 23cm 171/14 48p Flower Girl (Puffin Young Readers) by Herman GJ9.3/ Gail. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 48 171/15 p Far Out! (Penguin Young Readers) by Clarke GJ9.3/ Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2009.07 23 171/16 cm 48p Four on the Shore (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Marshall Edward. Penguin Young Readers 1 171/17 994.05 23cm 48p George Washington’s Mother (Penguin Young GJ9.3/ Readers) by Fritz Jean. Penguin Young Reader 171/18 s 1992.08 23cm 48p Jackie Robinson (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Prince Jones Penguin Young Readers 2007.12 171/19 23cm 48p 17 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.0 2.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.2 1.4 1.0 1.2 1.8 2.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.2 1.4 総語 数 邦訳 1005 718 1288 1426 1591 1443 1228 1915 1811 2203 1089 1072 1732 1151 749 2044 1002 2243 984 秘密の花園 バーネット/さく 西村書店 (J93.3/ハフ/ ) 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Red, White, and Blue (Puffin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Herman John Penguin Young Readers 201 171/20 2.04 23cm 48p The Giant Jelly Bean Jar (Penguin Young Rea GJ9.3/ ders) by Aboff Marcie Penguin Young Readers 171/21 2004.1 23cm 32p Gorillas (Penguin Young Readers) by Brennan GJ9.3/ Demuth Patricia Penguin Young Readers 1994. 171/22 5 23cm 48p Grasshopper Pie and Oter Poems (Penguin Yo GJ9.3/ ung Readers) by Steinberg David Joel. Penguin 171/23 Young Readers 2004.2 23cm 48p Hamster Chase (Penguin Young Readers) base GJ9.3/ d on the characters created by Keats Ezra Jac 171/24 k. Penguin Young Readers 2002.6 23cm 32p The Miracle of EASTER (Penguin Young Read GJ9.3/ ers) by Malone Jean M. Penguin Young Reade 171/25 rs 2010.1 23cm 48p My Brother,Ant (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Byars Betsy. Penguin Young Readers 1998.1 171/26 23cm 32p Pearl and Wagner:Two Good Friends (Penguin GJ9.3/ Young Readers) by McMullan Kate. Penguin Yo 171/27 ung Readers 2011.9 23cm 48p Pearl and Wagner:One Funny Day (Penguin You GJ9.3/ ng Readers) by McMullan Kate. Penguin Young 171/28 Readers 2012.7 23cm 48p PINK SNOW and Other Weird Weather (Pengui GJ9.3/ n Young Readers) by Dussling Jennifer Penguin 171/29 Young Readers 2012. 23cm 48p Polar Bears in Danger (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Edwards Roberta. Penguin Young Reader 171/30 s 2012. 23cm 48p Pouch Babies (Penguin Young Readers) by Cl GJ9.3/ arke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2011.9 171/31 23cm 48p Sharks! (Penguin Young Readers) by Clarke GJ9.3/ Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2011. 23cm 171/32 32p THREE BY THE SEA (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Marshall Edward. Penguin Young Readers 171/33 2012. 23cm 48p Wagon Train (Penguin Young Readers) by Kra GJ9.3/ mer Sydelle. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 2 171/34 3cm 48p WATCH OUT! (Penguin Young Readers) by C GJ9.3/ larke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2012.5 171/35 23cm 48p Why Do Cats Meow? (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Holub Joan. Penguin Young Readers 20 171/36 11. 23cm 48p Why Do Dogs Bark? (Penguin Young Reader GJ9.3/ s) by Holub Joan. Penguin Young Readers 20 171/37 12. 23cm 48p Get Ready for Second Grade, Amber Brown GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Danziger Paula. P 171/38 enguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 48p 18 総語 数 1.2 - 1129 1.4 1.2 806 1.6 1.2 991 1.4 1.2 959 1.4 0.8 484 1.0 1.2 942 1.4 1.2 1069 1.4 1.2 1206 1.4 1.2 846 1.4 1.2 927 1.4 1.2 983 1.4 2.0 2348 2.4 0.8 437 1.0 1.0 860 1.2 1.2 959 1.4 2.0 2251 2.4 1.6 1500 2.0 1.6 1500 2.0 1.4 1479 1.8 邦訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 It’s Justin Time, Amber Brown (Penguin Youn GJ9.3/ g Readers) by Danziger Paula. Penguin Young 171/39 Readers 2012. 23cm 48p Second Grade Rules, Amber Brown (Penguin GJ9.3/ Young Readers) by Danziger Paula. Penguin Yo 171/40 ung Readers 2011. 23cm 48p What a Trip, Amber Brown (Penguin Young R GJ9.3/ eaders) by Danziger Paula. Penguin Young Rea 171/41 ders 2011. 23cm 48p Oliver and Amanda (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Leeuwen Van. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/42 1. 23cm 48p Oliver and Amanda (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Leeuwen Van. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/43 2. 23cm 48p Oliver and Amanda (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Leeuwen Van. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/44 1. 23cm 48p Oliver and Amanda (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Leeuwen Van. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/45 2. 23cm 48p Oliver and Amanda (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Leeuwen Van. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/46 3. 23cm 56p Oliver and Amanda (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Leeuwen Van. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/47 3. 23cm 56p BONES and the Big Yellow Mystery (Penguin GJ9.3/ Young Readers) by Adler David A. Penguin Yo 171/48 ung Readers 2012. 23cm 32p BONES and the Dog Gone Mystery (Penguin GJ9.3/ Young Readers) by Adler David A. Penguin Yo 171/49 ung Readers 2012. 23cm 32p Cork and Fuzz (Penguin Young Readers) by C GJ9.3/ haconas Dori. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 171/50 23cm 32p FOX AT SCHOOL (Penguin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y Marshall Edward. Penguin Young Readers 20 171/51 12. 23cm 48p FOX BE NIMBLE (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Marshall James. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/52 1. 23cm 48p FOX ON THE JOB (Penguin Young Readers) GJ9.3/ by Marshall James. Penguin Young Readers 20 171/53 12. 23cm 48p FOX OUTFOXED (Penguin Young Readers) by GJ9.3/ Marshall James. Penguin Young Readers 201 171/54 2. 23cm 48p Young Cam Jansen and the Dinosaur Game GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/55 nguin Young Readers 2011. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Missing Cookie GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/56 nguin Young Readers 2011. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Lost Tooth (Peng GJ9.3/ uin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Penguin 171/57 Young Readers 2011. 23cm 32p 19 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.8 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 総語 数 1778 1600 1704 1492 1393 1501 1588 1926 1766 1312 1426 896 970 782 940 1025 1248 1093 1273 邦訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Young Cam Jansen and the Ice Skate Mystery GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/58 nguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Baseball Mystery GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/59 nguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Pizza Shop Myster GJ9.3/ y (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. 171/60 Penguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Library Mystery GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/61 nguin Young Readers 2013. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Double Beach Mys GJ9.3/ tery (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David 171/62 A. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Zoo Note Mystery GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/63 nguin Young Readers 2013. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the New Girl Mystery GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/64 nguin Young Readers 2013. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Substitute Mystery GJ9.3/ (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. Pe 171/65 nguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Spotted Cat Myster GJ9.3/ y (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. 171/66 Penguin Young Readers 2013. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Lions’Lunch Myste GJ9.3/ ry (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David 171/67 A. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Molly Shoe Myster GJ9.3/ y (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. 171/68 Penguin Young Readers 2013. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the 100th Day of Sch GJ9.3/ ool (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David 171/69 A. Penguin Young Readers 2013. 23cm 32p Young Cam Jansen and the Speedy Car Myster GJ9.3/ y (Penguin Young Readers) by Adler David A. 171/70 Penguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 32p FOX IN LOVE (Penguin Young Readers) by M GJ9.3/ arshall Edward. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 171/71 23cm 48p Amistad (Penguin Young Readers) by McKissa GJ9.3/ ck Patricia C. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 190/1 23cm 48p Civil War Sub (Penguin Young Readers) by Je GJ9.3/ rome Boehm. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 190/2 23cm 48p GROSS OUT! (Penguin Young Readers) by C GJ9.3/ larke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 190/3 23cm 48p I Am Rosa Parks (Penguin Young Readers) b GJ9.3/ y Parks Rosa and Haskins Jim. Penguin Youn 190/4 g Readers 2011. 23cm 48p ICKSTORY (Penguin Young Readers) by Branz GJ9.3/ ei Sylvia. Penguin Young Readers 2012. 23cm 190/5 48p 20 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.8 2.0 1.4 1.8 1.8 2.0 総語 数 1117 1480 1392 1403 1161 1039 1438 1602 1801 1419 1451 1648 1569 900 2209 3500 1963 1700 2447 邦訳 請求 記号 読み やすさ レベル 書誌情報 Freak Out! (Penguin Young Readers) by Clar GJ9.3/ ke Ginjer L. Penguin Young Readers 2006.2 190/6 23cm 48p More Tales of Oliver Pig (PUFFIN EASY-TO-R GJ9.3/ EAD) by Leeuwen Van. Penguin Young Reader 191/1 s 1993. 23cm 64p 21 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.8 総語 数 邦訳 1200 しりたがりやのこぶたくん ジーン・バン・ルーワン作 アーノ 2037 ルド・ローベル絵 童話館出版 1995 (J93.3/ウシ/)
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