‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities The Light and Shadow of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 第4次産業革命の光と影 The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which creates new value and industry through interconnections between physical system and digital data, is reshaping the economic, social andcultural context inwhich we live. Wecouldexpectdazzling results,possibly beingassociatedwithrisksofcriticalpredicament. In the world where people, goods, information and money can freely travel back and forth,wehavetoestablishandorderlysystembaseduponinternationalcommonrules andregulations.However,inthecontextofwideninggapofhavesandhave‐notsaswell as continued declining status of middle class people, anti‐globalism, nationalism and unilateralism are emerging, and credence to our common values such as liberalism, democracyandmarketeconomyisweakening. Underthecircumstancestechnicalinnovationisprogressingatdizzyingspeed,industry, government and academia across the globeshouldcooperatively andsincerelyexplore necessary action programs in order to realize stable, sustainable and inclusive developmentofoursociety. モノとデジタル情報が相互に接続されて新しい価値や産業を生み出す「第 4 次産業革命」 の進行は、我々が暮らしている経済的、社会的、文化的な背景を全く異なった形に変化 させていく。素晴らしい成果が期待出来る半面、予想もしなかった危機的状況が出現す るリスクもある。 人、モノ、情報、資金が国境を越えて飛び交う世界では、国際的共通規則に基づく秩序 の形成が不可欠だが、格差の拡大や中間層の没落を背景に、反グローバル主義やナショ ナリズム、一国主義が台頭し、自由と民主主義、市場経済など共通の価値観への信頼が 揺らいでいる。 技術革新が急速に進行する中で、我々の社会が安定的、持続的、包摂的な発展を実現す る為には、どのような取組みを推進すべきか、世界の産官学界が一体となり、真摯に検 討を行なっていく必要がある。 Shinichi KOIZUMI 小泉 愼一 Senior Advisor (Former Executive Vice President), Toray Industries, Inc. 東レ株式会社 顧問 He is a corporate executive. As senior advisor of Toray Industries, Inc., he serves for the Chairman of KEIDANREN, providing ideas and directions for resolution on domestic and internationalissues.Healsoservesasoutsidedirectorforboth Japan Bank for International Cooperation and Obayashi Corporation.Beforebeingappointedtohispresentpositions,he servedasExecutiveVicePresidentandRepresentativeMember of the Board of Toray (2008‐2013). He graduated from Keio University with a degree in economics, entered Toray in 1971. KoizumilivesinTokyowithwifeIkukoandtwochildren. 東京都出身。昭和 46 年 3 月 慶應義塾大学 経済学部卒業、同 4 月 東レ株式会社入社。 平成 16 年 6 月 東レ株式会社 取締役、平成 18 年 6 月 常務取締役、平成 19 年 6 月 専務 取締役、平成 20 年 6 月 代表取締役副社長、平成 25 年 6 月 相談役、株式会社東レ経営 研究所取締役会長を経て、平成 27 年 6 月東レ株式会社顧問。株式会社大林組取締役、 株式会社国際協力銀行取締役も務める。 1 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities Managing and Governing Innovation: The Case of Moore’s Law 和文タイトル Thelandscapeofresearchandinnovationhasexperiencedsignificantchangessincethe early1980s.Oneofthesechangeshasbeentheappearanceofnewformsofinnovation governancesuchasMoore’sLawandthetechnologyroadmapsforsemiconductors.How didtheseformsofgovernanceemerge?Whatsocialandeconomicforcespresidedover theirappearance?ThispapershowsthatMoore’sLaw,thestatementthatthenumberof transistors per microchip doubles every two years, emerged as a multipurpose tool in Silicon Valley in the first half of the 1960s. It was a technology of comprehension and persuasion;it was amarketing and promotiontool; it wasa competitive device;and it wasacontrivanceusedtoallocateengineeringresourcesandguidethedevelopmentof new semiconductor technologies at the firm level. From the mid‐1980s to the early 1990s, this multipurpose instrument became the centerpiece of a new governance structureinthemicroelectronicsindustry:thetechnologyroadmapsforsemiconductors. InresponsetofiercecompetitionfromJapan,UScorporationsusedMoore’sLawtoguide, planandcoordinatethedevelopmentofdevice,process,anddesigntechnologiesacross thewholeindustry.Thereby,theyacceleratedtheminiaturizationofmicrochipsandthe digitalizationofmanyindustrialsectors.Inthe1990sand2000s,otherindustriessuch as nanotechnology, biotechnology and photovoltaic cells adopted similar modes of innovationgovernance. 和文要旨… Christophe LÉCUYER クリストフ・レキュイエ Professor of the history of S&T at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Senior research fellow at the Charles Babbage Institute at the Univ. of Minnesota 和文所属 役職 ChristopheLÉCUYERisprofessorofthehistoryofscienceand technology at Université Pierre et Marie Curie and senior research fellow at the Charles Babbage Institute at the UniversityofMinnesota.HetaughtatMIT,StanfordUniversity, theUniversityofVirginia,andtheNationalGraduateResearch Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS). He also held senior research appointments at Collegium de Lyon and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Central European University. He is knownforhisresearchonSiliconValleyandthehistoryofhigh technologies. He is the author of Making Silicon Valley: InnovationandtheGrowthofHighTech,1930‐1970(MITPress, 2006)andtheco‐authorofMakersoftheMicrochip:ADocumentaryHistoryofFairchild Semiconductor (MIT Press, 2010). He is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm)andreceivedhisPh.D.fromStanfordUniversity. 和文略歴… 2 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities Organizational Innovation rather than Technological Innovation at the heart of the model of the Japanese firm 和文タイトル Fortyyearsago,understandingtherootsoftheproductiveperformanceoftheJapanese manufacturingfirms,betterthantheirUSandEuropeancounterparts,wasattheheartof the research agenda of economists and management specialists. The major conclusion has been that this superiority of the Japanese firm was organizational rather than technological and the concept of “toyotism” has been introduced to capture this characteristicinemphasizingtheimportanceofthecorporateinvestmentintoworkers’ trainingandtheirassociatedcommitment. In this presentation, we argue that many Japanese firmshave forgotten this result and haveengagedthemselvesinbothatechnologicalraceandaracetothebottominterms of human resources management in a context of globalization. What we propose is to revisit the “classical” model of the Japanese firm and to analyze the conditions to generalizeitinnewglobalandtechnologicalcontexts. 和文要旨… Sébastien LECHEVALIER セバスチャン・ルシュヴァリエ Professor at the EHESS, President of Fondation France Japon de l’EHESS フランス国立社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)教授、EHESS 日仏財団 理事長 SébastienLECHEVALIERisProfessorattheEHESS,Presidentof FondationFranceJapondel’EHESS,anddirectoroftheFrench networkofAsianStudiescoordinatedbytheCNRS(GIS‐Reseau Asie). Specialist of the Japanese economy, he is the author of severalbooksandarticles,includingTheGreatTransformation of Japanese Capitalism (Routledge, 2014; Japanese version published from Iwanami Shoten in 2015 as「日本資本主義の 大転換」) and “Diversity in patterns of industry evolution: how an “ intrapreneurial ” regime contributed to the emergence of the service robot industry in Japan” Research policy (2014, 43 (10)). His research interests include non‐ technologicalsourcesofproductivity,corporatediversityandinstitutionalchange. 和文略歴… 3 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities Co-evolution of medical technics and of organisationnel, social and economic innovations 和文タイトル It is important to abandon a static approach in terms of balance in favor of an evolutionary and institutionalist approach that takes into account the socially constructed and historically determined characteristics of the disease, knowledge and medical techniques that evolve with research funding settings and organization of the care.Historicalperspectivesuggeststhathealth,togetherwitheducation,isdrawingan original mode of development, that can be qualified as anthropogenetic. Across the twenty‐first century, this approche may be essential element of understanding both in the case of the old industrial societies and of those who are in the course of the development. 和文要旨… Robert BOYER ロベール・ボワイエ Former Director at the CNRS, and former Director at the EHESS フランス国立科学研究センター(CNRS)、社会科学高等研究院 (EHESS) Robert BOYER is an Economist, former Director at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and former Director at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS‐Paris). He is currently Research Associate at the Institut des Amériques in Paris. He co‐developed the Régulationtheoryinthe1970s.HealsoisHonoraryFellowof the Society for the Advancement of Social Economics. At desiguALdades.net he was a Fellow in Research Dimension I: Socio‐economicInequalitiesandResearchDimensionII:Socio‐politicalInequalities.For moreinformation,seerobertboyer.org. 和文略歴… 4 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities Consortium-Based Open Innovation: Exploring a Unique and Optimal Model for Japan and Stem Cell Technology コンソーシアムに基づくオープンイノベーション:日本と幹細胞技術のための 独自最適モデルの探索 We investigates attempts in Japan to improve its weak innovation and entrepreneurship environment, limiting the number of successful biotechnology start‐ups, proposing a consortium‐based approach across the university, industry and public sectors. First, we reviewed the situation of pre‐IPO drug discovery firms in Japan from the perspective of intellectual property and human resources. As a result, we found that the joint venture approachhasshownasuperiorityinthenumberofgrantedpatentstootherformsincluding in‐licensing and university‐spinout. We also found that individuals who came from a pharmaceuticalfirmorafinancialinstitutecontributestoearlyR&Dinadifferentwayeach other.Next,basedontheunderstandingweexploredthecasesofformingopeninnovation projectsandpointedoutthatthekeytosuccessineffectivelyestablishinghigh‐techstart‐ups. It included the project‐wide commitment to its development, implications of the regional innovation system and the significance of the inter‐sectorial collaborations. The present study supports the effectiveness of consortium‐based approach as a potential solution to address this paradox by practicing the commercialisation of nano‐biotechnology from an emergingindustryclusterintheTokyometropolitanarea バイオテクノロジー分野における我が国のイノベーション及びアントレプレナーシップの環 境が海外の先進事例に比して脆弱と言われ久しい。この問題に対処すべく、我々は産学公の 各セクターを横断したコンソーシアム形式のアプローチの意義と効用を模索している。その ために我々はまず、株式公開前の創薬バイオテック企業について、知財と人材の見地から観 察を行った。その結果、ジョイントベンチャー(JV)形式の企業は特許取得において優位性 を確立していること、及び、製薬企業や金融機関を出自とする経営者では各々異なる様式の 経営への貢献を果たしていること等が見出された。次に我々は、これらの理解に則り、オー プンイノベーションを志向するプロジェクト事例を精査し、ハイテク・スタートアップ企業 の設立における要点を抽出した。結果、その一つはプロジェクトの総意としてのコミットメ ントであり、地域イノベーションやセクター横断的なコラボレーションへの含意が得られた。 本研究は、冒頭で述べたパラドックスに対して、コンソーシアム方式のアプローチの有効性 を支持するものであり、また、首都圏におけるナノ・バイオテクノロジーの事業化事例にお いてその実証を試みるものである。 Shintaro Sengoku 仙石 慎太郎 Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology 東京工業大学 准教授 Shintaro SENGOKU earned his PhD in science at the University of Tokyo in 2001. He has professional experience in advisory services at McKinsey&Company (2001‐05); Fast Track Initiative, Inc. (a venturecapitalfocusingonbiotechnologyandhealthcareindustries, 2005‐07); and research and education experience in the field of managementoftechnologyattheUniversityofTokyo(2005‐07)and International Collaborative Center, Kyoto University (2008‐09) and theInstituteforIntegratedCell‐MaterialSciences(WPI‐iCeMS,2009‐ 14).HeiscurrentlyamemberofDepartmentofInnovationScience and Department of Technology and Innovation Management of School of Environment and Society; appointed to Advanced Computational Drug Discovery Unit (ACDD) of Institute for Innovative Research. His research and education covers the management of technology, innovation science, and the theoryorbio‐healthcareindustries. 2001 年東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物化学専攻修了、博士(理学)。マッキンゼー・アン ド・カンパニー(2001‐05)、(株)ファストトラック・イニシアティブ(バイオ・ヘルスケア 業界に特化した独立系 VC, 2005‐07)、京都大学産官学連携センター(2008‐09)、京都大学 物質―細胞統合システム拠点(WPI‐iCeMS,2009‐14)を経て、2014 年 9 月より現職。東京工 業大学環境・社会理工学院イノベーション科学系及び科学技術創成研究院スマート創薬研究 ユニット(ACDD)に所属。専門は技術経営学、イノベーション科学、バイオ・ヘルスケア 分野の産業論。 5 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities From integration to reformulation? The crisis of innovation in the drug industry and the alternative modernization of Ayurveda 和文タイトル This paper addresses the “alternative modernization” of ayurvedic medicine in the global context.ItfirstrecallshowIndiantraditionalmedicineenteredinternationalpublichealthin the 1970s and how the interplay between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the nationalinfrastructureofprofessionalizedAyurvedaresultedinadynamicsofjuxtaposition ratherthanunificationbetweenmedicalsystems.Thismodeof“integration”conflictedwith another agenda actively promoted by China and based on the validation of traditional medicinethroughbiomedicine.Inthe1990s,thelatteragendawonincreasingrecognitionat theWHO,limitingtheinfluenceoftheIndianmodelofjuxtaposition. This situation has been radically altered since 2000 as an effect of the rapid growth of Ayurvedic firms and their insertion in the world of “global health”. Indian companies are now reformulating traditional medical knowledge to produce industrial, standardized and simplified polyherbal remedies targeting biomedically defined disorders, first of all these complex chronic disorders global health now places high on its agenda. The return of Ayurvedic medicine on the global scene is thus placed under the label of pharmaceutical innovation, industrial development and linked to the search for new norms of intellectual property and new standards for the collection, production, evaluation and registration of herbalremedies. Thepaperarguesthatthisregimeofreformulationshouldnotbeseenasamereintegration toglobalbiocapitalbutrevealsaformofalternativemodernity,whichechoforgottenpaths inthetrajectoryofEuropeanpharmacy.Itwillbearguedthatreformulationpracticesmay be viewed as alternative because they challenge the proprietary order of contemporary pharmacy but also because they built on non‐biomedical forms of knowledge i.e. herbal preparations are not purified molecular entities but complex mixtures understood as responsestothe“innovationcrisis”inthedrugsector. 和文要旨… Jean-Paul GAUDILLIERE ジャン・ポール・ゴディリエ Senior Researcher at the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Director of the CERMES3 所属 役職 Jean‐Paul GAUDILLIERE is a senior researcher at the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale and director of theCenterforScience,Medicine,HealthandSociety(CERMES3)in Paris.Hisresearchinthehistoryofthelifesciencesandmedicine during the twentieth century. He is the author of Inventer la biomédecine. La France, l’Amérique et la production des savoirs du vivant (1945–1965) (La Découverte, 2002). His récent work focusesonthehistoryofpharmaceuticalinnovationandtheuses of drugs on the one hand, the dynamics of health globalization after World War II on the otherhand.Amongstothers,hehasco‐edited,withVolkerHess,WaysofRegulatingDrugsin the 19th and 20th centuries, Basinkstokes, Routledge‐Palgrave ; with U. Thoms, The Development of Scientific Marketing in the 20th Century: Research for Sales in the Pharmaceutical Industry, New York, Pickering & Chatto, 2015, with L. Pordie, Industrial Ayurveda.DrugDiscovery,ReformulationandtheMarket,AsianMedicine,vol.9,2014‐15. 和文略歴… 6 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovaationBeyond dTechnique’2016 Session n1.InnovatioonanditsMod dalities The Fluctuattion of Globalism G m and the e Role off Enterprrises グロー ーバリズム ムの揺らぎと と企業の役 役割 The n norms of Globalism G which w conssist of Dem mocracy, Market funddamentalism m, and SciencceandTech hnologyare fluctuatingg. Thegovernmenttsandenterrprisesinth hedevelopedcountrie esmustbe attheposittionto 3normsare ewellfuncttionaltosolvetheprob blemsofhuumankindssuchas show thatthese3 quality and d poverty erradication. Based globall environment protecttion, reducttion of ineq on a long expeerience of working in n the priv vate compa any, a new w contrivan nce of uction of aa new bussiness mod del to tackkle the issu ues of markeetization and introdu humankindisexxamined.In addition,h howthepro ogressofSccienceandT Technology ycould medatcopin ngwithsuchissuesisaalsodiscusssed.(TBD) beaim 民主主 主義、市場主 主義、科学技 技術というグ グローバリズムの規範は揺らいで でいる。 先進国 国の政府や企 企業は地球環 環境保護、 格差の縮小 小や貧困の撲 撲滅といった た人類的な課 課題に 対して てこれら3つ つの規範が有 有効に機能 能していると ところを見せ せなければい いけない立場 場にあ るので ではないか。人類的な課 課題に対し しビジネスモ モデルの導入 入や市場化す する工夫はあるの か、ま また科学技術 術の進歩をこうした人 人類的課題に に挑戦させる るためにはど どうしたらよいの か、を を民間企業に に在籍した立 立場で感じた たことを述べ べる。 Tomohiko FU UJIYAMA A 藤山 知彦 彦 Princ cipal Fello ow, Center r for Resea arch and Developm D ent Strate egy, JST 科学技 技術振興機構 構(JST)研 研究開発戦略 略センター 上席フェロ ロー To omohikoFU UJIYAMAgraaduatedfro omTokyoU Universityin n1975, joiined Mitsub bishi Corporation. Ge eneral Mannager, Mitssubishi (Thailand) ccorp in 1993, 1 Deputy Chief Represen ntative, eniorViceP Presidentin n2008, Miitsubishi(C hina)corpin2002,Se Co orporate A Advisor in n 2013, Center C forr Research h and De evelopmentt Strategy,, JST (Ap pril2016‐Prresent). Visiting V ressearcher,PoolicyAltern nativesRese earchInstittute. 975 年東京 京大学経済 学部卒業。三菱商事 事株式会社調 調査部 19 入社。1993 年 泰国三 三菱商事(株))業務部長 (在バンコク ク)、 2002 年 三菱商事 事株式会社 社 中国副総代 代表(在北 北京)、2008 年 執行役 役員、2013 3 年 常 勤顧問 問を経て、2 2016 年 4 月より現職 月 職。 東京大 大学政策ビジ ジョン研究 究センター客 客員研究員。 。 7 (ProvisionallAbstracts& &Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities What do you need beyond technology transfer to support innovative entrepreneurs 和文タイトル Innovative entrepreneurs can make a substantial difference to a nation’s economic developmentiftheyareabletointroducebreakthroughinnovations.Fromtheanalysis ofinnovationchains,weknowthataneconomyneedsanupstreaminnovationsystemin ordertobeabletoinitiateentrepreneurialactivitiesonabroaderbasisresultinginnew innovativefirms.However,itisnotsufficienttoonlybuildpubliclyorprivatelyfinanced research institutions ensuring that there is technology transfer. On the one hand, the developmentofnewideasandinnovativeactivitiesinnewfirmsrequirestheexchange and interaction of all players in such an innovation chain beyond those acting in large firms and a society being open to experimentation and to entrepreneurial activities. Furtheringredientsaresocialstructuresandsoftfactorsthatsupportinnovativeactions in such an interdependent system. On the other hand, spillovers of new ideas to innovative products coming along with the venturing of new businesses need a regulatory environment that is conducive to the entry of innovative firms into the market.Iftheseingredientsforinnovativeactionsaremixedintherightway,thelong‐ term commitment to research and innovation will pay off with growth also by new innovativefirms. 和文要旨… Alexander S. KRITIKOS アレキサンダー・クリティコス Research Director at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) Berlin, Professor of Economics at the University of Potsdam 所属 役職 Alexander KRITIKOS is Research Director at the German Institute for Economic Research Berlin, Professor for Economics at Potsdam University and Research Fellow at IZA, Bonn.Bornin1965,hestudiedeconomicsandpoliticalsciences at the University of Munich where he received his diploma. After a scholarship at the 'post‐graduate program for Applied Microeconomics'oftheFreeUniversityofBerlinhereceivedhis doctoral degree in Economics at the Humboldt‐University of Berlin in 1996 and his Habilitation in Economics at the European‐University Viadrina in 2003. His research interests are Entrepreneurship Research and Innovation, Experimental andBehavioralEconomics. 和文略歴… 8 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session1.InnovationanditsModalities Patent, Intellectual Property, and Appropriability as an Element of Corporate Strategies 企業戦略としての特許、知的財産権、専有可能性 Patentsareone of intellectual properties (IPs)and IP isoneof themethodto improve appropriability,sofirmsshouldnotignoretherolesoflead‐time(first‐moveradvantage), capture of complementary assets (such as exclusive relationships with suppliers or distributors) ,and secrecy (trade secret) as other types of appropriability. It is questionablewhetherornotnetbenefitsofstrongpatentsystemoninnovationcanbe positive for society as well as individual corporations. If a firm spends many years to commercialize the invention, its patent term would be ready for being expired and critical technology would be available for competitors. Therefore, patenting is not a panacea for a firm to keep innovative competitiveness. Firms should use various strategies such as secrecy for protecting core technology, patents for standardizing interfacetechnology,andanopenstrategytoallowotherfirmstoexpandrelatedgoods market and thus to generate demands for the core technology. In addition, because motivation for creative employees is important for innovative firms, the recent policy changeofwork‐forhireisalsodiscussed. 特許は知的財産権の 1 つであり、知的財産権は知的活動の成果を回収する専有可能性を 向上させる手段の 1 つに過ぎない。先行者利益、補完的資産の確保、秘匿(営業秘密) という戦略も軽視すべきでない。特許が社会にとってイノベーション促進の純効果を持 つか否かは疑問だが、各企業にとっても特許はイノベーション能力のための万能薬とは 限らない。特許は重要技術を公開するので、製品化するころには特許失効が迫っている ことが起こりうる。重要な技術は営業秘密として守り、関連技術とのインターフェイス の部分では標準を握るため特許を活用し、さらに周辺部はオープンにして自社のコア技 術を他社に利用してもらいマーケットを拡大するという知財戦略の使い分けが必要であ る。また、最近の日本における職務発明の規定改訂と企業の戦略についても考察する。 Yukio MIYATA 宮田 由紀夫 Professor, School of International Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University 関西学院大学 国際学部 教授 Born in Tokyo in 1960, Prof. MIYATA obtained B.A. in Economics from Osaka University in1983, B.S. in Ceramic Engineering from University of Washington (Seattle) in 1987, and MS in Engineering and Policy in 1989 and Ph.D. in Economics in 1994 both from Washington University (St. Louis). Before working at the current position, he was a professorofeconomicsatOsakaPrefectureUniversity.Heisa chiefeditorofAnnalsoftheSocietyofIndustrialStudies,Japan. 1960 年東京生まれ、1983 年大阪大学経済学部卒業、1987 年 University of Washington ( Seattle ) 工 学 部 材 料 工 学 科 卒 業 、 1987 年 Washington University(St. Lousi)大学院工学政策研究科修了(工学修士)、1989 年同経済学研究科 修了(経済学 Ph.D.)、大阪府立大学経済学部教授などを経て現職。 9 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation Science, Innovation and Policy for Sustainable Welfare Society 持続可能な福祉社会のための科学・イノベーション・政策 When we compare the cost‐effectiveness of health care in the advanced countries or whenwelookatthegrowinginequalitythere,theprevailingmodelofinnovationwhich seeks for continuing growth and expansion is put in question. In this context, the objectiveorfundamentalgoalofscienceandtechnologyrequiresanewperspectiveand thiscoincideswiththerecentdiscussionsonthealternativemeasurementofwealththan GDP or happiness studies. Drawing on a vision of “sustainable welfare society,” new directionsofinnovationandpublicpolicyareexaminedhere. 先進諸国における医療分野のマクロ・パフォーマンス比較や格差・貧困問題の広がり等 を見ると、従来のような“拡大・成長”志向の技術革新が必ずしも望ましい成果をもた らさないことが示唆される。こうして「何のための科学・技術」という基本的な問いが 新たな文脈で浮かび上がることになるが、GDP に代わる指標や幸福度をめぐる議論も活 発化する中で、「持続可能な福祉社会」という社会像と、そのための科学や政策のあり 方を幅広い視点で考えてみたい。 Yoshinori HIROI 広井 良典 Professor, Kokoro Research Center at Kyoto University 京都大学 こころの未来研究センター 教授 Professor Yoshinori HIROI, after earning B.A. and M.A. from University of Tokyo, worked for the Ministry of Health and WelfareandbecameProfessorofChibaUniversity.Hebecame ProfessoratKyotoUniversityin2016.Hewasavisitingscholar attheDepartmentofPoliticalScienceofMITbetween2001‐02. ProfessorHiroi’smajorareasarepublicpolicyandphilosophy ofscience,andhaswrittenmanybooksinJapaneseincluding Social Security of Japan, Rethinking on Community etc. He receivedJapanEconomistAwardin1999andOsaragiAwardin SocialSciencesin2009. 1961 年生まれ。東京大学教養学部卒業(科学史・科学哲学専攻)、同大学院修士課程修 了後、厚生省勤務、千葉大学教授をへて、2016 年より現職。この間、2001‐2002 年 マサチューセッツ工科大学客員研究員。専攻は公共政策及び科学哲学。『日本の社会保 障』(岩波新書、1999 年)でエコノミスト賞、『コミュニティを問いなおす』(ちくま 新書、2009 年)で大仏次郎論壇賞受賞。 10 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation Technikstudien: Launching an initiative on STI/STS research on Japan in Germany 和文タイトル Over the past decades the term “innovation” has become a buzzword in S&T policy in various countries to encourage economic growth. At present, beside S&T, values and ethical issues are considered as relevant factors as well when estimating innovation success. Moreover, technology research has a long history in Germany and Japan has been frequently referred to as model for societal futures and technological solutions, regarding ecological modernisation, foresight, energy security or health technologies. Still,wearguethat,currently,thereisnocoherentfieldoftechnologyresearchonJapan inGermanyfromasocialscienceandhumanitiespointofview.Weareconvincedthat the fragmented landscape of institutionalised research on technology in Germany‐ the picturelooksdifferentinAustriaandSwitzerland‐decisivelycontributedtothemissing disciplinary identityyet. Thus, we launched aninitiative on STS/STI research on Japan and compiled a special issue in order to (re)open a discussion on “technical things Japanese” with a wider academic audience and to decentre Eurocentric models of explanation.InGerman,wefavourthetermTechnikstudien.However,translationwork is needed not merely in terminology between three languages: German, Japanese and English,butalsoofthevarioussocio‐economic‐culturalcontextstopreciselyunderstand theco‐evolutionaryprocessoftechnologicaldevelopmentandsocialinnovation. 和文要旨… Susanne BRUCKSCH ズザンネ・ブルクシュ German Institute for Japanese Studies -DIJ Tokyo ドイツ日本研究所 専任研究員 Susanne BRUCKSCH is Senior Researcher at German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Tokyo. From 2009‐2016, she has been working as senior research fellow at Freie Universität Berlin and was visiting researcher at Waseda University this year collecting data for her current research on «Technical Innovation and Research Collaboration in Japan: The BiomedicalEngineeringSector».Before,shespenttwoyearsin JapanwithaMEXTandDIJscholarshipconductingresearchfor her dissertation on «Environmental Collaboration between LargeBusinessCompaniesandCivilSocietyOrganisationsinJapan».Shealsoholdspost asTechnik‐STS‐SectionleaderoftheGermanAssociationforSocialScienceResearchon Japan(VSJF). Research Interest: Innovation Studies, STS/STI, Biomedical Engineering / Medical Technologies 和文略歴… 11 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation Image of Jurisprudence Reconstructed to Enhance Innovation イノベーションの促進と法学イメージの再構成 Law is generally imaged as to stand on human dignity to protect human rights, often takingitsstancetobeagainsttechnologicaldevelopmentstopossiblyinfringe"humane territory"asadvancingAI.Ontheotherhand,however,lawhascreatedanddeveloped thesystemof"legalbodies"ascompaniesornot‐for‐profitorganizationstoactaslegal subjectstoholdrightsandduties,uptosuchvaguegroupsasethnicity.Wecanconsider law as the measure to coordinate allocation of responsibilities and liabilities to solve troubles emerging in certain situation of society, to artificially enhance or suppress social change. The reporter tries to discuss the possible action of law to design social systemofliabilityallocationtoenhanceinnovation,takingexamplefromtheproblemof developingauto‐drivingcar. 法律はしばしば、基本的人権に立脚し人間の尊厳を守るようなものとしてイメージされ ているし、それは事実でもある。この観点から、たとえば人工知能の発展が「人間の領 域」を侵害することを警戒し、技術開発や実用化に反対する側面を法律学が持っている ことも間違いない。だが同時に法律は、ホモ・サピエンス以外の存在が法的主体として 権利義務を保有する制度を作り出し、現在の消費社会を担う法人を生み出してきたし、 民族のような集団を人権の主体として生み出す機能も持っていた。言い換えればそれは、 さまざまなトラブルを処理する場合に必要となる責任分配の体制を調整することを通じ て、社会の変化を人工的に促進したり抑制したりする機能を発揮してきたのである。本 報告では、自動運転車の責任問題を素材として、イノベーションを促進する責任分配の ための制度設計としてたとえば法律学にどのような対応が可能かについて論じる。 Takehiro OHYA 大屋 雄裕 Professor, Keio University Faculty of Law 慶應義塾大学 法学部 教授 After finishing undergraduate of Law and research fellowship at the University of Tokyo, he moved to Nagoya University as an associate professor, where he served as full professor to October2015.HeisamemberoftheexecutiveboardofJapan Association of Legal Philosophy, and currently a member of InvestigationCommitteeonNetworkingAI,MinistryofInternal AffairsandCommunications,Japan.Hismainfieldsofresearch arethephilosophicalbasisoflegalinterpretation,andtheeffect ofinformationtechnologyonlegal/politicalsystems. 1974 年生まれ。専攻は法哲学。東京大学法学部を卒業、同大学助手・名古屋大学大学院 法学研究科助教授・教授等を経て 2015 年 10 月より現職。総務省「AI ネットワーク化 検討会議」構成員などを務める。著書に『自由とは何か:監視社会と「個人」の消滅』 (ちくま新書, 2007 年)、『自由か、さもなくば幸福か?:21 世紀の〈あり得べき社 会〉を問う』(筑摩選書,2014 年)等がある。 12 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation Post-Disaster Community Recovery and Community-based Collaborative Action Research - A Case of Process Evaluation Method for Community Life Improvement - 災害後の地域再生と地域協働型アクション・リサーチ -地域生活改善プロセス評価手法の事例- Disasters severely damage local communities and leave much destruction behind it. In theprocessofpost‐disasterreconstruction,ahigherprioritytendstobegiventofinding aremedyforinfrastructureandurgentassistanceforthedisastervictims.Itisnotclear ifandhowthedamagedcommunitiesmightrecoverasalivablesocialunit.Community’s recovery and reconstruction require people’s voices, community’s vision, and identification and use of local assets and resources. To that end, stakeholders’ autonomous initiatives play a vital role. The need for collaboration between stakeholders and experts has been pointed out, and community‐based collaborative action research has gradually received some attention as a practical research method. The presenter has collaborated with residents of a small community in the area of the epicenter of 2004 Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata by applying a process evaluation method for community life improvement. This presentation will share the community‐ based collaborative work and shed some light on the meaning of co‐creation for communitydevelopmentandcommunity‐basedcollaborativeactionresearch,andsome issuesrelatedtocollaborationbetweenstakeholdersandexperts. 災害は人々の地域生活基盤を打ち崩し、長期間にわたる大きな爪跡を残す。災害復興で は、まずは高度技術の活用によるインフラの復興や被災者の緊急生活救済に重点が置か れる。しかし、それだけでは、生活の息吹を感じられる場として地域社会が復興・再生 されるのかは確かではない。地域社会の復興・再生には、地域住民の意見、地域再興へ のビジョン、地域資源・資産の掘り起こしと活用が必要であり、住民の主体的参画が求 められる。徐々に、当事者と専門家の協働の必要性が指摘され、実践的研究手法として、 地域協働型アクション・リサーチが注目されつつある。発表者は、新潟県中越地震 (2004)の震央地域のある小地区にて、住民との協働で地域生活改善プロセス評価手法 を取り入れ、地域再生を支援してきた。本発表では、この取り組みを紹介しつつ、地域 共創と地域協働型アクション・リサーチの意義や当事者と専門家の協働に関する課題に ついて考える。 Takayoshi KUSAGO 草郷 孝好 Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University 関西大学 社会学部 教授 Asocialscientistwhotakesaction.Fromtheperspectiveofhuman developmentandcapabilityapproach,hehasstudiedavarietyof subjectspertinenttomodernizationandsustainabledevelopment. Heplacesenormousimportanceonhowlocalpeoplecanactively engage in creating own community/society where they can achieve a higher level of well‐being. He has community‐based well‐being action‐research projects in Japan, Bhutan and Nepal. He has published research papers in academic journals such as World Development, Social Indicators Research, and coauthored GNH(GrossNationalHappiness)inJapanese,2011. 行動する社会科学者。人間開発と潜在能力アプローチの視点に立 ち、近代化や開発の意味を問い直す研究に従事。人々が主体的により善い生き方を実現しう る社会のあり方の探求を目指し、既存の統計データだけではつかむことが難しい人々の声に 耳を傾けることにより、生活者の視点を活かした地域創りに取り組む。日本、ブータンやネ パールにおいて地域協働型アクション・リサーチを展開。論文は、WorldDevelopment,Social IndicatorsResearch などに掲載、主な著作に「GNH(国民総幸福)」(共著,2011)など。 13 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation Bottom-up innovation in digital practices: extinction or renewal? 和文タイトル Someofthemostnoteworthydevelopmentsincommunicationbehaviours(open‐source software, Wikipedia, P2P, blogs, etc.) have not been initiated 'from above', via an industrial development plan and the launching of a new technology invented in a researchlaboratory;rather,theyhavetakenshape'frombelow',throughacooperative process involving networks of users participating on a voluntary basis. This type of 'horizontal'dynamic,whichdevelopsindependentlyofthe'vertical'cyclesofinnovation, was an essential if not exclusive characteristic of the development of the first age of Internet, its use and its market. In the bottom‐up innovation processes, three distinct circlesofactorscanbedistinguished:thecoreinnovators,thenetworkofcontributors, and the circle of reformers. Using different examples of recent bottom‐up innovations (Wikipédia,alternativemetrics,etc.)wewilltrytogivesociologicalcharacterizationof thesociotechnicaltrajectoryofthoseinnovations.Withthemassificationofusesandthe rise of hegemonic platforms (Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) the role of bottom‐up innovationinthedigitaleconomyseemstohavevanished.We’lltrytoexplorehowthe asymmetrical relationship between web platforms and internet users creates a new contextforhorizontalinnovations. 和文要旨… Dominique CARDON ドミニク・カルドン Professor, Sciences Po Paris / Medialab パリ政治学院 メディアラボ 教授 DominiqueCARDONissociologistintheLaboratoryofusesof France Telecom R&D and professor at the Sciences Po Paris/Medialab. He is working on the transformation of the public space and the uses of new technologies. He published different articles on the place of new technologies in the no‐ global movement, alternative media and on the process of bottom‐up innovations in the numeric world. Recently, his researchesdealwiththesociologyofalgorithmicinnovationsandculture. He published La démocratie Internet (Paris, Seuil/République des idées, 2010, with FabienGranjon),Médiactivistes(Paris,PressesdeSciencepo,2010,withAntonioCasilli), Qu’est‐ce que le digital labo? (Paris, Ina Éditions, 2015), A quoi rêvent les algorithmes (Paris,Seuil,2015). 和文略歴… 14 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation How to critically account for innovation? Urban innovation as a site for political experiments 和文タイトル Expressions such as “social innovation” or “bottom‐up innovation” have been used to offer contrasts to innovation processes that would be “technical” or “top‐down”. The integration of these notions in public and private initiatives might blunt their critical strengths.Moreproblematically,theyrestonfundamentaldualistassumptionsaboutthe natureofinnovation,which,Iargue,areempiricallyandpoliticallyunsatisfactory.Iuse empiricalexamplestakenfromanongoingresearchprojectoncitiesexperimentingwith mobilitypracticestoillustrateprocessesofinnovationthatcannotbeeasilydescribedas either“social”or“technical”,“bottom‐up”or“top‐down”.UsingarecentfieldworkinSan Francisco, I comment on the politics of urban mobility put in place by the Municipal TransportationAuthority(SFMTA).FocusingontheframingofSFMTA’sinterventionin the terms of innovation, I analyze the democratic ordering the Authority’s initiatives realize,andthecontestationstheyface.Eventually,Idiscussthewaysinwhichastudyof cityexperimentsinthetermsoutlinedherecanprovideresourcesforacriticalanalysis ofinnovationunderstoodasapoliticalprocess. 和文要旨... Brice LAURENT ブリス・ローラン Researcher, Center for the Sociology of Innovation of MINES ParisTech 所属 役職 BriceLAURENTisaresearcherattheCenterfortheSociology of Innovation of Mines ParisTech. His work focuses on the relationships between technological development and democraticordering,and,morerecently,ontheprocessesthat connect market organization and political projects. He published Les Politiques des Nanotechnologies in 2010 (Paris, Charles Léopold Mayer). His monograph Democratic Experiments will be published in February 2017 (Cambridge MA,MITPress). 和文略歴… 15 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation Social innovation as two-tiered transition: Negotiated problem solving and deliberation 2 レベル・トランジションとしての社会イノベーション:交渉による問題解決と熟議 Social innovation is only possible when individuals, who find values in it, collaborate. Suchcollaborationscanbeanalyzedfromamulti‐levelperspectiveinwhichthecontext, socialsystems,andindividualactionsinteract.Whilesocialinnovationmightoriginate as a locally‐oriented negotiated solution at the individual action level, such small scale trialseventuallybecomean“innovation”byaffectingthesocialsystemsthatdefinethe legitimatesetofactions.Ontheotherhand,somekindsofinnovativetechnologies,such as fuel efficient automobiles or improved fossil fuel extraction, can be reinforcing the incumbent systems that are unlikely to sustain under the dynamically shifting context. Social innovation, discussed in this session, is (probably) different from such technologicaldevelopmentinthat“social”entailsdeliberativechangeinthesystem.By referringtoJapanesecases,includingastoryfromaruralvillageandanotheronthenew mode of knowledge production, I will discuss the two facades of social innovation: negotiatedproblemsolvinganddeliberativesystemicchange. ソーシャルイノベーションはそこに価値を見出す人々が協働してはじめて実現する。そ のような協働は、文脈、社会システム、個人行動という 3 レベルの視点で分析できる。 ソーシャルイノベーションは、現場における交渉による問題解決として個人行動のレベ ルで生起するかもしれないが、小規模な実践が個人行動を規定する社会システムに影響 することで「イノベーション」に進化する。一方、燃費性能のよい自動車や化石燃料掘 削の効率化など、一見イノベーティブな技術も、大きく変容する文脈の中で持続可能で はない旧来の社会システムの温存と強化につながりうる。ソーシャルイノベーションは、 システムにおける熟議的変化をもたらす点で、それらの技術開発とは異なるだろう。本 発表では、山村部の活性化や新たな知識生産の形態の普及といった日本の事例を通じ、 ソーシャルイノベーションの 2 つの側面(ファサード)、即ち交渉による問題解決と熟 議によるシステム変革について議論する。 Masahiro MATSUURA 松浦 正浩 Professor, Graduate School of Governance Studies, Meiji University 明治大学 ガバナンス研究科 公共政策大学院 教授 Masahiro MATSUURA is Professor at the Graduate School of Governance Studies at Meiji University in Tokyo where he teaches negotiation and consensus building processes. He receivedhisPh.D.(UrbanandRegionalPlanning)andMaster in City Planning degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning. His publications include Joint Fact‐Finding in Urban Planning and Environmental Disputes (forthcoming; Routledge (co‐edited withToddSchenk))andLocalizingPublicDisputeResolutionin Japan(2008;VDM‐Verlag).Hisresearchfocusesonthetheory andpracticeparticularlyinAsiainvariousfieldsofpublicpolicysuchasenvironmental policy,sciencepolicy,andurbanplanning. 東京大学工学部土木工学科卒、マサチューセッツ工科大学都市計画学科修士課程、(株) 三菱総合研究所研究員、マサチューセッツ工科大学都市計画学科 Ph.D.課程、東京大学公 共政策大学院特任准教授を経て、2016 年 4 月より現職。NPO 法人 Democracy Design Lab 理事長。専門は合意形成論、交渉学、都市環境政策。主要著書に『Joint Fact‐Finding inUrbanPlanningandEnvironmentalDisputes』(共編著,Routledge,2016)、『実践!交 渉学:いかに合意形成を図るか』(筑摩書房,2010)、『コンセンサス・ビルディング入 門』(共訳,有斐閣,2008)ほか論文多数。 16 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session2.DesigningtheProcessofSocialInnovation Serendipitous scientific innovations and public participation in defining the research agenda: is the tension real? 和文タイトル One of the main sources of resistance to public participation in the setting of research agendaistheclaimthatscientificdiscoveriesandinnovationsareoftenserendipitous:a lineofresearchmayleadtoatotallyunexpected,surprisingresult,whichopensanew directionofinquiry,leadingtonewfundamentalknowledgeandunexpectedapplications (the invention of the laser being a paradigmatic case). On the face of it, such an unpredictable dynamics of scientific developments makes it difficult to consider that citizensshouldbeinvolvedinthesettingofresearchpriorities:onwhichgroundscould theybeaskedtoformulatepreferencesifcertainoutcomesofaresearchprogramcannot be foreseen? In this talk I will discuss the cogency of this line of argument and investigate to what extent the tension between public participation and the serendipitousnatureofscientificdynamicscanbeovercome. 和文要旨… Stéphanie RUPHY ステファニ・ ルフィ Professor, Université Grenoble Alpes ピエール・マンデス・フランス大学 教授 Stéphanie RUPHY holds a PhD in astrophysics (Paris VI University)andaPhDinphilosophy(ColumbiaUniversity).She iscurrentlyProfessorinthePhilosophyofScience,headofthe research laboratory Philosophie, Pratiques & Langages and Vice‐President in charge of Interdisciplinary Research at UniversitéGrenobleAlpes.Muchofherworkhasconcernedthe unityorpluralityofsciencedebate,computersimulations,the role of values in science and the democratization of the governance of science. Her recent publications include Scientific Pluralism Reconsidered, ‐A new Approach to the (Dis)unityofscience(PittsburghUniversityPress2016). 和文略歴… 17 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session3.ProtestsandRefusals ‘Innovation’ as an altered concept of ‘Progress’ : Revisiting its epistemological and historical contexts 「イノベーション」は「進歩」の代替概念なのか:認識論的・歴史的文脈を再考する Innovation is one of the notions on which many countries lean as if it were a magical stickbringingmiraculoussolutiontoeveryproblemintoday’scomplexworld.Asfaras thispointisconcerned,wecannotethatitplaysaverysimilarroleaswhatthenotion ‘progress’doesinthe19thcenturyinEurope,orinthelate19thand20thcenturiesin therestoftheworld.Interestingly,thisresemblanceseemstostandoutespeciallywhen we pay attention to today’s discourses on innovation conveying some socio‐political values, such as ‘Responsibility of Research and Innovation’, ‘inclusive innovation’, ‘co‐ creation’,andsoon.Tounderstandourownstandpointbetter,nowitseemstomeworth revisitingtheidealsthatthenotion‘progress’conveysinthepasteras,referringtosome authors in the 18th‐19th centuries of Europe. By questioning what are similarities or differences between socio‐political ideals of the past and those carried by today’s discussions on ‘innovation,’ I hope to contribute to the arguments on the direction for today’ssocietiestochoosefortheFuture. 今日において「イノベーション」(innovation)は世界各国に夢を与えるキーワードとな っている。この点に関する限り、それは 19 世紀の欧州、ならびに 19 世紀から 20 世紀 半ばまでの非西洋世界において「進歩」(progress)の概念が果たした役割と非常に類 似したものを担っている。その類似性は「責任ある研究・イノベーション」や「共創」 など、イノベーションが社会的な方向性を意識するほどに尚更際だつ。では、「進歩」 の概念はかつて人々にどのような理想を与えていたのか、そしてそれは今日のイノベー ションを支える言説とどの程度類似し、また異なっているのだろうか。現代の我々自身 の立ち位置を確認し、これから進む先を考える意味でも、今改めて振り返り、検証して みる価値はあるだろう。 Sayaka OKI 隠岐 さや香 Professor, Nagoya University 名古屋大学 教授 Professor,NagoyaUniversityGraduateSchoolofEconomics MemberofScienceCouncilofJapan,2014‐present Executivecommitteemember,JapaneseSocietyforScienceand TechnologyStudies,2013‐present ResearchInterests:HistoryofScience&Technologyinthe18‐ 19thcenturyofFrance,especiallyontherelationshipbetween the government and academic institutions of Science; Science andTechnologyStudies Education: Ph.D. (Arts and Sciences), University of Tokyo, GraduateSchoolofArtsandSciences,Tokyo,Japan,2008 Awards: JSPS Prize, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (2013); Japan Academy Medal,JapanAcademy(2013) 名古屋大学大学院経済学研究科教授 日本学術会議連携会員(2014 年~) 日本科学技術社会論学会理事(2013 年~) 研究:18−19 世紀フランスの科学技術史、特に国家とアカデミー組織の関係について。 他には科学技術社会論、科学政策など。 学歴:東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士課程満期退学、博士(学術) 受賞歴:日本学術振興会 第 9 回(平成 24 年度)日本学術振興会賞、日本学士院 第 9 回 (平成 24 年度)日本学士院学術奨励賞など 18 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session3.ProtestsandRefusals Science With and By Society 和文タイトル We are witnessing today a deep change in the role of society and Social Science and Humanities (SSH) in science, innovation, and creativity. It is obvious that innovation requiresotherstrengthsbesidesthedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology.Knowledge from SSH needs to be integrated into innovation. Science policy‐makers in both our countriesthenexpectSSHtoplayasignificantrole,butoftenSSHareexpectedtohelp withtheacceptabilityoftechnologies,oratbest,inadjustingpolicytofitsocialdemands orhumanneeds.Mypoint,andourmethodattheCNRS,isthatSSHareusefulnotonly for a posteriori adjustment, but for science from the outset. Practical knowledge and wisdom, and the involvement of the people—participation by “the public”— not only mattersfordemocracy,butforsupportingactualinnovation.Ifhumanneedsaretobe met, or included, in science, then the public expression of these needs should matter. This means accounting for the public’s ability to organize and acquire collective intelligenceonscientificissues. 和文要旨… Sandra LAUGIER サンドラ・ロジエ Professor, CNRS and Paris 1 University フランス国立研究センター(CNRS)、パリ第一大学 教授 SandraLAUGIERisProfessorofPhilosophyatUniversitéParis 1 Panthéon‐Sorbonne, Paris, France, and Senior member of Institut Universitaire de France. She is since 2016 Special Adviser for Science and Society to the President of the CNRS, and has been Deputy Director of the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, CNRS, in charge of Interdisciplinarity, since2010.LaugieristhetranslatorofStanleyCavell’sworkin Frenchandis specialized in Ordinary Language Philosophy, Ethics, Genderstudiesand Popularculture.SheistheauthorofmanybooksandarticlesinFrench,English,Italian, German, including: Tous vulnérables, le care, les animaux et l’environnement (Payot, 2012), Faceauxdésastres,lecare,lafolieetlesgrandesdétressescollectives; co‐authored withAnneLovell,StefaniaPandolfo,VeenaDas(Ithaque,2013),WhyWeNeedOrdinary LanguagePhilosophy(U.ofChicagoPress,2013),Recommencerlaphilosophie,Cavelletla philosophie américaine (Vrin, 2014), Le principe démocratie, with A. Ogien, (La Découverte,2014),EticaePoliticadel’Ordinario(LED,2015). 和文略歴… 19 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session3.ProtestsandRefusals Lessons from Fukushima for Responsible Innovation: How to Construct New Relashinship between Science and Society 責任あるイノベーションのための福島からの教訓: 科学と社会の新しい関係をいかに構築するか This paper deals with the NPP(Nuclear Power Plants) accidents in Fukushima in 2011 based on our book, “Lessons from Fukushima: Japanese Case Studies on Science, TechnologyandSociety”,publishedbySpringerin2015.Analyzingtheprocessthrough which NPP are embedded in political, economic and social contexts in Japan, it is revealedthatsegregationwasestablishedbetweensitesthatacceptedNPPbefore1970s and sites without NPP. After the accidents, this segregation expanded between these sitesaswellaswithineachsites.HowcanJapanesesocietyintegratethissegregationfor responsible innovationregardingto the future energy? RRI implies that societalactors work together during the whole research and innovation process(Horizon 2020).For producing society with RRI, citizen’s engagement, high–level commitment, and transparency in the requirement of re‐operation of NPP are inevitable. These are “societalandinstitutionalinnovation”forthefuture. 先に出版した書籍「LessonsfromFukushima:JapaneseCaseStudiesonScience,Technology and Society」(Springer, 2015)に基づいて発表を行う。原発のある地域とない地域にお ける分断を統合し、再稼働基準に市民の監視を入れ込むためにどのような社会イノベー ションが可能かを考える。 Yuko FUJIGAKI 藤垣 裕子 Vice-dean, Professor, The University of Tokyo 東京大学 総合文化研究科 副研究科長・教授 Yuko FUJIGAKI is a Professor and Vice Dean, College & GraduateSchoolofArtsandSciences,UniversityofTokyo.Her major is STS and Scientometrics. She is now the President of JSSTS(JapaneseSocietyofScienceandTechnologyStudies)and was the Program Chair, joint meeting of 4S(Society for Social StudiesofScience)andJSSTSin2010.ShewasinanAdvisory Board on Science, Technology and Research in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2012‐ 2014) and is now Advisory Board Member, Committee of Frontier of Science, Japanese Society of Promotion of Science, (2008‐)andClub‐memberofScienceCouncilofJapan(2011‐). 専門は科学技術社会論および科学計量学。現在、科学技術社会論学会会長。2010 年に国 際科学技術社会論学会と日本の当学会との合同開催を主催。日本学術会議連携会員。科 学技術・学術審議会委員(2012‐2014)、科学技術情報審議会委員。 20 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session3.ProtestsandRefusals Environment and social innovation: Why technology could not be the central solution? 和文タイトル Environmental critique massively emerged in the 1960s. At its source were scientists and mili‐tants who belonged to larger social movements contesting nature destruction byindustrializa‐tion,capitalismandsovietcommunism.Worriesbecamewidespreadin the early 1970s and solutions were proposed. Most of them were not technical innovation – even if designing envi‐ronment‐friendly technologies were at the top of agendas from the start. De facto, innovation had to be social and political in nature. Natural scientists and medical experts defined ‘accepta‐ble’ norms and tried to have themmonitorbystates.Economistsfavoredtaxesonpollutionstohaveenvironmental destruction included into prices; with state administrations, they refined cost‐benefit analysis and later defended cap and trade solutions. Liberal think tanks militated for free‐market environmentalism, privatization of commons, and condemned norms and tax‐es. In the late 1980s, before Rio, business associations and major multinational enterprises ad‐vocated voluntary engagements, changes in management and independent audits. In the 1990s labels and certifications exploded and Round Tables (withstakeholders)wereestablishedinthe2000sforsoja,palmoil,etc.Theaimofthe talk will be to map the varied nature of these solu‐tions and to discuss their strengths andnegativeeffects,theirpoliticsandresults. 和文要旨… Dominique PESTRE ドミニク・ペストル EHESS, Centre Koyre 社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)、アレクサンドル・コイレ研究所 DominiquePESTREisasocialandpoliticalhistorianof19thand 20th Century science and technology. He has also written on philosophicalaspectsandonquitecontemporarytopics.Hehas co‐editedScienceintheTwentiethCenturywithJohnKrige,and Dictionnaire culturel des sciences with N. Wittkowski and JM Levy‐Leblond. He has published History of CERN, in collaboration, 3 volumes, HeinrichHertz,L’administrationdela preuve (PUF, collection Philosophies, 2002, with Michel Atten), Science, Argent et Politique (INRA 2003), Les Sciences pour la guerre,1940‐1960(EHESS,2004),withAmyDahan,Introduction auxScienceStudies (La Découverte, 2007) andAcontre‐science. PolitiquesetSavoirsdessociétéscontemporaines(Seuil,2013). 和文略歴… 21 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovaationBeyond dTechnique’2016 Session3.PrrotestsandR Refusals Beyo ond the competit c tiveness framewo ork? Mod dels of in nnovation n revisite ed 和文タ タイトル Inthisspaper,weetakeserio ouslythecaalltoresearrchandinnovationas awaytoaddress majorrcontemporarysocieta alchallengeesandthe needtodessigninnovaationpolicie esthat go beyond thee tradition nal compeetitiveness frame. Challenging the trad ditional compeetitiveness frame means that w we have to consider the diversiity of inno ovation pathw ways and the t directio onality of iinnovation.. Drawing on a broaad review of the literatture, we an nalyse the diversity d off innovation n models. Although A thee linear mo odel of innovation is stiill hegemon nic, we iden ntify three alternative e models: uuser's innov vation, buted innov vation, and d social inn novation. We W show tha at models oof innovation are distrib relateed to different mora al economi es and wee discuss their abiliity to deall with directtionality. 和文要 要旨… Pierr re-Benoîtt JOLY ピエール・ ブノワ・ジョリ Instittut nation nal de la re echerche a agronomiq que 国立農 農業研究所、フランス社 社会イノベー ーション研究院 Pie erre‐Benoitt JOLY, econ nomist and d sociologisst, is Directeur de reccherche att the Natio onal Institu ute of Agroonomic Research (IN NRA)inFraance.HehassbeentheD DirectorofttheIFRIS(F French InsstituteforSStudiesofR ResearchandInnovatiooninSocietty)and of Labex (Lab boratory off Excellence e) SITES froom 2011 to o 2014 an nd he is now th he director of LISSIS (Laborratoire Intterdisciplin naireScienccesInnovatiionsSociétéés). His research h focuses on the study s of cco‐productiion of kn nowledgean ndsocialorrder.Drawingonanum mberofem mpirical studiees on the in nteractions between sscience, dem mocracy an nd the markket, the aim m is to analyzzetheconttemporaryttransforma tionsofsciientificpublicspaceanndnewmo odesof governanceofin nnovationandrisk.Sin nce2011,P.B.JolycoordinatesthheASIRPAp project ntofsocialiimpactofreesearch. ontheeassessmen He haas published d five book ks, coordinaated four sp pecial issue es of journaals and pub blished more than100aarticles.He lecturesat theEcoled desHautes Etudesen SciencesSo ociales UniversitéP ParisEst.HeeismemberoftheedittorialboarddsofMinervaand (EHESSS)andatU Naturres‐Sciencess‐Sociétés. Heisaamembero oftheFrencchAcademyyofAgriculltureandistheco‐authhorofa201 13ESF reporttonScience‐Societyth hatreceived dtheZiman nPriceofth heEuropeaanAssociatiionfor theSttudiesofSciienceandTechnology (EASST). 和文略 略歴… 22 &Biographies)15Aug (ProvisionallAbstracts& ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session3.ProtestsandRefusals Who is responsible for the safety and security of new technologies? 新規技術の安全性とセキュリティの責任を誰が持つのか? Therearemoreandmorecasesthatconcernaboutsafetyandsecurityhinderssocialand market acceptance of emerging technologies, because onus of proof has shifted from publicauthoritytothedeveloperorsellerofthem.Itisnecessarytodefinesafetyand securitybeforehandinordertoensuresafetyandsecurityofemergingtechnologiesand communicate them to stakeholders. When safety and security are defined as “freedom fromunintentional/intentionalriskwhichisnottolerable”,theproceduretoensuretheir safety/securitywillbeeasilyderived.Thekeyistomakecleartheexistenceofresidual risksandmakepriorarrangementtofacilitatecrisismanagement. 新規技術についてその安全性及びセキュリティの懸念が市場や社会への受容の妨げにな っているケースがますます増えている。安全であることを事前に説得力を持って、社会 に示すためには、最初に安全やセキュリティを正しく定義しておく必要がある。安全や セキュリティを「許容できないリスクがないこと」と定義する場合、安全性が確保され ていることを示すための手順はおのずと明らかになる。その中には、残留リスクを明ら かにし、それが顕在化した際の対応を事前に明らかにしておく必要がある。 Atsuo KISHIMOTO 岸本 充生 Project Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo 東京大学 公共政策大学院 特任教授 Professor KISHIMOTO studied environmental and health economics at the graduate school of economics, and received hisPh.D.ineconomicsfromKyotoUniversity.Beforemovingto theUniversityofTokyo,heworkedfortheResearchInstituteof ScienceforSafetyandSustainabilityattheNationalInstituteof Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. His main research interests are risk assessment, risk governance and regulatory impact assessment of everything. He has been engagedasacounciloroftheSocietyforRiskAnalysisJapan. 京都大学で環境経済学を専攻し、1998 年、経済学研究科博士後期課程修了、博士(経済 学)を取得。独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所化学物質リスク管理研究センター研究員、 安全科学研究部門研究グループ長を経て、2014 年 4 月から現職。専門分野はリスク評価、 リスクガバナンス、規制影響評価。日本リスク研究学会理事。 23 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug ‘InnovationBeyondTechnique’2016 Session3.ProtestsandRefusals Risk society Japanese-style 日本型リスク社会 In recent years, in Japan, many incidents have highlighted the importance of risk governance; these are pieces of evidence that risk issues are at the center of social challenges. In this sense, it can be said that Japan is also shifting from an industrial society to a risk society. It was, most likely, Ulrich Beck who first examined the relationshipbetweenriskandcontemporarysociety.TherealityofrisksocietyinJapan, however, is quite different from what Beck anticipated. Behind this background, there shouldbethefactthattheconceptof“risk”asunderstoodinJapanisdifferentfromthat inWesterncountries.Inthispresentation,wediscussthepossibilityofJapanesesociety transitioning to a “Risk society Japanese‐style,” which differs from risk societies in Europe. 近年の日本においては、リスク・ガバナンスの重要性が問われるような事件が多数、起 こってきた。それは、リスクの問題が社会的な課題の中心になってきていることの一つ の証拠だろう。その意味では日本も、産業社会のレベルからリスク社会に移行している といえるかもしれない。リスクと現代社会の関係について、最初に検討したのは Ulrich Beck であるが、しかし、日本におけるリスク社会の実態は、Beck が想定したものとは かなり異なっていると考えられる。その背景には、日本において理解されている“risk” の概念が、西欧諸国のそれとは違うという事実があるだろう。ここでは、日本がリスク 社会的状況になりながらも、欧州などのそれとは異なる、いわば「日本型リスク社会」 に移行している可能性を議論したい。 Tatsuhiro KAMIASTO 神里 達博 Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chiba University 千葉大学 国際教養学部 教授 He was born in 1967. After serving in several positions, including as a government officer in the former Science and TechnologyAgencyandasaprojectassociateprofessoratthe University of Tokyo and Osaka University, he assumed his current position in 2015. His areas of expertise are history of Photo science and science and technology studies. He has also published books including "Food Risk" in 2005 and “The AdventuresofaCivilizationDetective”in2015.Besides,hehas beenavisitingeditorialwriterattheAsahiShimbunsince2014, where he writes a monthly column titled “Gekkan Anshin Shimbun.”HereceivedhisPhD,MA,andBEfromtheUniversityofTokyo. 1967 年生。旧科学技術庁で行政官を、また東京大学および大阪大学で特任准教授を務め るなどの後、2015 年より現職。専門は科学史・科学技術社会論。著書に『食品リスク』 (2005)、『文明探偵の冒険』(2015)などがある。2014 年より朝日新聞客員論説委 員を兼任、同紙でコラム「月間安心新聞」を連載中。博士(工学)、修士(学術)、学 士(工学)を東京大学より受領。 24 (ProvisionalAbstracts&Biographies)15Aug
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