Annual Report 2005 Year ended March 31, 2005 TRUST CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM Maximizing investment returns while providing security for landowners Profile プロフィール Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd., was established in 1974 and has since adhered to its management philosophy of "contributing to society by ensuring the most efficient use of limited land and resources." The Company has expanded its business on the strength of its unique "Trust Construction System," which encompasses the planning, proposal, design, and construction of lease buildings, as well as tenant recruiting, building management, and a rent guarantee system. In the field of residential leasing, its core business, the Company commands the No. 1 position in terms of units under management and is striving to build a strong position in terms of supply as well. By expanding our business into various peripheral sectors, we are striving to increase the profitability of the entire Group and maximize corporate value. 大東建託は「限りある大地の最有効利用を広範囲に創造し、 実践して社会に貢献する」という経営理 念を掲げ、 1974年に創立しました。 以後、 建物賃貸事業の企画立案、 設計・施工に加え、 入居者斡旋、管 理運営、空室時の家賃保証に至る一貫したサ−ビスを提供する独自の「建託システム」 を発展させてき ました。当社は、コア事業である賃貸住宅の分野におきましては、 管理戸数で国内第1位のポジション にあり、 供給シェアにおきましても確固たる地位を築くことを目指しております。また、 さまざまな周辺 分野へ事業拡大を進めることによって、 グル−プ全体の収益性を高め、 さらなる企業価値の増大を目指 してまいります。 CONTENTS Consolidated Financial Highlights Message from the President Interview with Daito President Asada Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Business Background Daito Close-up Topics Consolidated Financial Section Financial Summaries of Subsidiaries New Products Chronology Organization Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors, and Executive Officers Investor Information and Corporate Data 目次 連結財務ハイライト 社長ご挨拶 麻田社長に聞く CSRへの取り組み ビジネスの背景 大東クロ−ズアップ トピックス 連結財務セクション 連結子会社の概況 新商品 沿革 組織図 取締役・監査役・執行役員 株式情報および会社概要 1 2 4 10 12 13 19 21 41 43 44 46 47 48 Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This Annual Report contains information about forwardlooking statements related to such matters as the Company's plans, strategies, and business results. These forward-looking statements represent judgments made by the Company based on information available at the time and are inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties. The Company's actual activities and business results could differ from these forecasts. The reproduction or reprinting of this Annual Report, in part or in whole, is strictly forbidden without the expressed consent of Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Copyright Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 注意事項 このアニュアルレポ−トには大東建託の将来についての計 画や戦略、業績に対する予測および見通しの記述が含まれ ています。 これらの記述は過去の事実ではなく、 当社が現時 点で把握可能な情報から判断した仮定および所信に基づく 見込みです。従って、 実際の業績は、当社の見込みとは異な るかもしれないことをご承知おき下さい。 また、 このアニュ アルレポ−トの記述の複製・転載を禁じます。 著作権は大東 建託株式会社に帰属します。 大東建託株式会社 51 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries 大東建託株式会社および連結子会社 Consolidated Financial Highlights 連結財務ハイライト Thousands of U.S. dollars Millions of yen OPERATING RESULTS 経営成績 For the years ended March 31 3月31日に終了した1年間 Net sales Operating income Recurring income Net income Depreciation and amortization Capital expenditures 売上高 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 減価償却費 設備投資 FINANCIAL POSITION 財務状況 As of March 31 3月31日現在 Total assets Interest-bearing debt Shareholders’ equity 総資産 有利子負債 株主資本 PER COMMON SHARE 2005 2004 2005 ¥ 491,761 55,715 56,672 31,505 3,374 3,752 ¥438,627 49,077 50,348 27,976 3,356 3,381 $4,595,897 520,700 529,644 294,439 31,533 35,065 ¥ 409,276 0 229,089 ¥364,754 0 214,458 $3,825,009 0 2,141,018 Net income Shareholders’ equity Cash dividends applicable to the year RATIOS U.S. dollars Yen 1株当たりデ−タ 当期純利益 株主資本 年間配当金 ¥ 251.07 1,854.20 71.00 ¥ 218.40 1,723.72 63.00 14.2 56.0 13.3 58.8 $ 2.34 17.32 0.66 経営指標 ROE (%) Equity ratio (%) ROE 自己資本比率 Note: U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen at the rate of ¥107=U.S. $1, the approximate exchange rate at March 31, 2005. 注記:米ドル表示は2005年3月31日現在の円貨額を米ドルへ概算換算したもので、 換算レ−トは¥107=1米ドルによっています。 Operating Income & Operating Income Margin Net Income & Net Income per Share 営業利益/売上高営業利益率 当期純利益/1株当たり当期純利益 Operating Income 営業利益 Operating Income Margin 営業利益率 Net Income 当期純利益 Net Income per Share 1株あたり当期純利益 (¥ billions) (10億円) (%) 25 60 (¥ billions) (10億円) 31.5 30 300 55.7 50 27.9 251.0 49.0 20 23.2 44.0 40 39.4 23.4 24.4 218.40 41.7 20 200 183.13 174.32 15 172.58 12.6 30 (Yen) (円) 11.7 11.2 11.3 12.9 10 20 10 100 5 10 0 0 01 02 03 04 05 0 0 01 02 03 04 05 大東建託株式会社 1 Message from the President 社長ご挨拶 Since our establishment, we have spearheaded business activities based on our unique Trust Construction System, which effectively matches the needs of landowners with the requirements of tenants. The Trust Construction System is a complete package of detailed services, from planning and proposal to architectural design, construction, tenant recruiting, and all building management services. This highly regarded system has made Daito the top firm in its industry, with 394,000 units under management as of March 31, 2005. Even since our inception, we have continued to develop and refine the Trust Construction System as a framework that supports efficient utilization of customers' land. We have also built a strong financial structure by pursuing debt-free operations, so that landowners can entrust their important assets to us over long periods of time. 当社は創業以来、土地所有者の土地活用ニーズと入居者の賃貸住宅へのニーズを結びつ け、建物賃貸事業を総合的にサポートする独自の「建託システム」による事業を展開してい ます。このシステムは事業の企画立案から建物の設計・施工、入居者斡旋、空室時家賃保証、 各種管理サービスまで一貫したきめ細かい対応によりお客様の高い評価をいただいており ます。当期末、当社が管理する建物戸数は39万4千戸と、業界1位となっております。 当社は創業以来、このシステムを顧客の土地活用をサポ−トするシステムとして改善し続 けるとともに、土地所有者の大切な資産を長期に安心して託していただけるよう、有利子負 債ゼロを貫き、強力な財務体質を構築しております。 Sixth Consecutive Year of Increased Revenue and Earnings Fiscal 2004, ended March 31, 2005, saw various signs of economic recovery accompanying a turnaround in corporate performances. However, the business climate remained severe due to soaring raw materials prices and other factors. Housing starts in fiscal 2004 rose 1.7% from the previous fiscal year, and lease housing starts increased 1.9%, to 467,000 units. Consolidated net sales climbed 12.1%, to ¥491.8 billion, while operating income increased 13.5%, to ¥55.7 billion, and recurring income rose 12.6%, to ¥56.7 billion. Net income grew 12.6%, to ¥31.6 billion. These results represent gains in revenue and earnings for the sixth consecutive year. 当期は6期連続の増収増益を達成しました 平成17年3月期の国内経済は、企業業績の回復に伴い景気回復の兆しが見えつつある一方で、原材料の高 騰するなど引き続き厳しい経営環境が継続しています。一方、住宅業界におきましては、平成16年度の住宅着 工戸数が全体で前年度比1.7%上昇し、貸家着工戸数も前年度比1.9%増加して46万7千戸となりました。 このような環境の中で、 当社の連結売上高は前期比12.1%増の4,917億61百万円を計上しました。利益面 では、営業利益で前期比13.5%増の557億15百万円、経常利益で前期比12.6%増の566億72百万円、当 期純利益で前期比12.6%増の315億5百万円となり、6期連続の増収増益を達成することが出来ました。 2 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Medium- and Long-Term Management Strategies Daito is concentrating on expanding its share of the lease housing market, its core business. We have set a medium- and long-term management goal of acquiring a 15% market share by the year ending March 31, 2014. At the end of the period under review, Daito's market share was 9.6%, up 1.0 percentage point from a year earlier. To meet our 15% market share target, we will continue refining the Trust Construction System. By making full use of the superior advantages of this system while developing new products that appeal to tenants, our goal is to become the "company of choice" among both landowners and tenants. Increasing Share Value Daito's policy is to buy back and retire treasury stock on a continuing basis, subject to certain conditions. These include posting non-consolidated annual net income of at least ¥10.0 billion, and not requiring large amounts of capital for other purposes. Furthermore, the maximum value of newly acquired stock is set at 50% of non-consolidated net income. At the 30th Annual Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders, acquisition of up to 3,410,000 shares, with a maximum value of ¥13.3 billion, was approved for fiscal 2004. During the year we purchased 3,173,600 shares, valued at ¥13,299 million, which were retired by March 31, 2005. Looking ahead, our goal is to attain a dividend payout ratio of 30% and acquire treasury stock on a continuing basis, thereby returning profits to shareholders and maximizing share value. 中長期の経営戦略 当社はコアビジネスである賃貸住宅の分野でさらなるシェア拡大に注力してまいります。中長期経営目標と して、貸家住宅着工戸数において平成26年3月期までにシェア15%を獲得することを設定しております。当期 末のシェアは前期比1.0ポイント上昇し、9. 6%となっております。シェア15%達成の為に、引き続き「建託シス テム」の改善に努め、 システムの優位性を活かした営業展開を図り、 入居者にとって魅力ある商品開発を通じて、 土地所有者と入居者の双方から選ばれる企業を目指して参ります。 株式価値の拡大に努めております 当社では単体ベースの純利益が100億円を超え、 かつ大型の資金需要がないなどの一定条件を満たしてい る場合、 株式価値向上のため継続的に自社株式を取得し、消却する方針を定めています。また、その取得上限額 は単体ベース当期純利益の50%を目処に決定することとしています。 当期は第30期定時株主総会で承認された3,410,000株(金額上限133億円)の授権枠のうち、 3,173,600 株(買付金額132億99百万円)を買い付けし、3月31日付けで消却しました。 今後も配当性向30%の維持と自己株取得を継続的に実施し、株主への利益還元、株式価値の向上に努めて 参ります。 Lease Housing Construction Starts 国内賃貸住宅着工戸数・シェアの推移 Lease Housing Starts (Thousands of units) 貸家着工戸数(千戸) 800 2005年7月 Lease housing starts 貸家着工戸数 Daito’s share Acquire a 15% market share by March 31, 2014! Daito's share 当社シェア 687 616 574 20.0 2014年3月期までに 着工シェア15%を獲得! 652 582 July 2005 Daito’s share (%) 当社シェア 564 515 443 426 418 442 454 458 6.9 7.2 8.6 467 9.6 400 5.4 5.1 10.0 Moritaka Asada 代表取締役社長 6.0 President 4.4 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.1 3.3 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 1.6 0 0.0 '92 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '14 (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: Statistics on Housing Starts) (国土交通省:住宅着工統計) 大東建託株式会社 3 Interview with Daito President Asada 麻田社長に聞く Q What are the secrets to the Company's continuing success? I believe that the key to our success lies in our Trust Construction System, which supports the efficient utilization of land. Under normal arrangements, a landowner asks a real estate or construction company to construct a building, and their association ends upon the completion of construction. Daito's system, however, offers a complete package of services, encompassing proposals for the optimal use of land, the construction of architecturally designed buildings, tenant recruitment, and building management services—all of which provide landowners with a stable source of income. This comprehensive commitment, covering all aspects, has earned strong support from landowners, and I personally believe that this has been a major factor boosting our orders and sales. I also believe that the Daito Kyosaikai system of guaranteeing lease fees when a tenant leaves midway through the contract period is a huge strength that is unparalleled in other companies involved in the same business. Q: 御社が特に、好調を持続している秘訣は何でしょうか。 通常の不動産会社や建設会社は施主の方から「建物」を受注して建設して終わりというのが一般的ですが、 我々は「土地活用」の強力なサポ−タ−として、その地域に最適な物件を提案し、 デザイン的に優れたものを建 設し、入居者を募集し、建物管理サービスを実施し、安定した収益をオ−ナ−の方に提供する。そこまで責任を もって事業を提案していることが土地所有者の支持を受け、受注および売上拡大に結びついている大きな要因 だと自負しております。また、大東共済会による空室時家賃保証システムなども他にない大きな「強み」である と考えています。 4 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Q What is the recent situation with respect to orders? Fig. 1 Orders Received (Non-consolidated) 図1 受注の状況と見通し(単体) Second half (full-year figures) 下期(数字は通期) First half 上期 (¥ billions) (10億円) 500 440.0 In the period under review, total orders maintained steady growth, rising 12.3% over the previous year, to ¥406.5 billion on a non-consolidated basis. This was considerably higher than our initial forecast, made in March 2004, of a 9.1% rise, to ¥395.0 billion (see Fig. 1). The primary factor in this increase is the high praise received for the integrated system adopted by our lease housing business. This system covers tenant recruitment, building management, and insurance after completion of construction. We will continue to grow orders by strengthening our sales system through our network of sales centers, which provide customized proposals directly to prospective customers. 406.5 400 Q: 最近の受注状況はいかがでしょうか。 362.0 321.7 当期の受注高は順調に伸び、 単体ベースで前期比12.3%増の4,065億となりました。これは、 前期末時点で 300 289.7 計画した9.1%増の3,950億円を大幅に上回りました。 (図1参照) 249.3 受注が増加している要因は、建物建築後の入居者斡旋、管理、保証を含めて建物賃貸事業を一貫してサポー 200 200.0 156.6 152.0 100 220.0 176.4 トしているシステムが高い評価をいただいていることが一番に挙げられます。今後も営業拠点網でのきめ細か いダイレクトセールスを継続し、営業体制を強化し、受注拡大して参ります。 118.0 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 (est.) (予) Q What is your forecast for orders in the current fiscal year? For the fiscal year ending March 2006, we forecast an 8.2% increase in orders received, to ¥440.0 billion. We will attain this goal by boosting our sales capabilities and enhancing proposals in order to tap into the latent land utilization needs of customers. In specific terms, we will continue to increase the number of sales personnel and channel resources into staff training, while enhancing our technical capabilities and supplying products tailored to the market characteristics of each area. Q: 次期の受注計画についてお聞かせ下さい。 次期につきましては、当期実績を8.2%上回る4,400億円を計画しております。 そのために引き続き営業担当者の増員、強化育成に注力するとともに、エリア内の市場特性に合致した商品 の供給や技術の強化を進めていく等、 お客様への潜在的な土地活用ニ−ズを開拓するための営業力、 提案力の 向上に努めて参ります。 大東建託株式会社 5 Q What is your strategy with respect to your sales force? To reinforce our sales system, we are continuing to expand our sales force. In the period under review, we added 315 new salespeople, bringing the total to 2,392. We plan to make an additional increase of 138 in fiscal 2005, for a total of 2,530 salespeople (see Fig. 2). Q: 受注拡大に直結している営業担当者数の動向はいかがですか。 当期は営業体制強化のため、 営業担当者を前期に引き続いて増員し、315名の増員で2,392名としました。 次期は、 さらに138名増員し、2,530名の体制とする予定です。 (図2参照) Fig. 2 Number of Salespeople; Average Contract Value (non-consolidated) 図2 営業担当者数と受注単価の見通し(単体) Average contract value (¥ millions) Number of salespeople at term-end / Orders received by each salespeople (¥ millions X 1/100) 期末営業担当者数(人) ・1人当たり受注額(万円) 2,500 2,392 1,761 1,680 1,425 1,511 83.6 81.6 1,600 1,350 1,000 1,643 1,489 Number of sales people 営業担当者数 Average contract value 受注単価 2,077 2,000 1,500 受注単価(百万円) 2,530 100 90 1,530 Orders received by each salespeople 1人当たり受注額 80 80.8 69.0 70 73.1 500 0 60 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 (est.) (予) Q What is the fund-raising situation for landowners, which is key to the steady flow of orders? Fig. 3 Diversifying Fund-Raising Channels 図3 顧客の資金調達ル−ト (%) 35 Fund-raising by financial institution (construction start basis) 金融機関別資金調達先シェア推移(着工ベ−ス) 30 In recent years, the channels used by landowners to raise funds have diversified considerably. In addition to the conventional method—borrowing from regional banks, agricultural cooperatives, and housing loan corporations—more and more owners are adopting other vehicles, such as nonrecourse loans provided by Lehman Brothers. The term under review saw the launch of even more diverse methods of fund procurement. These include limited-liability "apartment loans" offered by the UFJ Trust Bank, and a new loan program offered by Mitsubishi Trust and Banking. We believe that these new loan schemes have emerged due to the solid reputation of our Trust Construction System as a method that generates steady income (see Fig. 3). 25 Q: また、受注活動を円滑にする土地所有者の資金調達状況についてはいかがでしょうか。 20 15 土地所有者の資金調達に際しても、近年多様化が進んでおり、従来の地方銀行や農協、 住宅金融公庫などから 10 の調達ル−トの他に、 リ−マンブラザ−ズによるノンリコ−スロ−ン等のシェアが増加しています。当期は新たに 5 UFJ信託銀行による「責任財産限定型アパ−トロ−ン」や三菱信託銀行による新型ロ−ン・プログラムなどが開 始され、 土地所有者にとっての資金調達方法を多様化することができました。これらは、 当社独自の「建託システ 0 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 Regional Banks (地方銀行) :25.9% Housing Loan Corporations (住宅金融公庫) :15.4% Lehman Brothers (リ−マンブラザ−ズ) :14.5% City Banks (都市銀行) :14.3% Shinkin Banks (信用金庫) :11.0% Agricultural Cooperatives (農協) :10.5% 6 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. '05 ム」が堅実な収益を生む事業として評価されて実現したロ−ンプログラムだと考えられます。 (図3参照) Q How is the tenant recruitment business proceeding? We work hard to maintain a high occupancy rate in order to achieve steady growth in construction orders for leased buildings. In the period under review, we upgraded our online service, "e-Heya Net," to boost its appeal to prospective tenants. We also launched a new television commercial to raise the Company's profile as a tenant recruiting agency. Consequently, we recruited a total of 121,273 new tenants, up 14.6% from the previous fiscal year, enabling us to maintain a leading share of the market (see Fig. 4). At fiscal yearend, we had more than 390,000 units under management, more than any other in the industry. Q What measures will the Company take to strengthen its tenant recruitment activities? We are channeling resources into a range of activities aimed at recruiting tenants. These include raising our profile, as I have just mentioned, through our "e-Heya Net" service, strengthening our ties with real estate agencies, and providing a range of services that incorporate the needs of tenants. Through these initiatives, we are forecasting a 12% increase in new tenants for the current fiscal year, to 136,000 (see Fig. 4). Q: 入居者斡旋営業についてはどのような動向でしょうか。 Fig. 4 Tenants Recruited and Number of Salespeople 当社は賃貸建物の建築受注を順調に拡大させるため、 高い入居率の維持にも常に注力してい ます。 図4 入居者斡旋件数の推移とテナント営業担当者数 当期は、 お部屋探しのWebサイト「いい部屋ネット」をリニュ−アルし、 入居希望者への訴求効 Number of tenants recruited 果の向上を図りました。さらに、 テレビCMを改編し、 賃貸仲介業者としての認知度向上に努めま 入居者斡旋件数 Number of salespeople した。 テナント営業担当者数 Tenants Salespeople (件数) (人) 150,000 1,200 を超え、賃貸建物管理戸数としては業界トップです。 136,000 Q: 入居者斡旋を今後、さらに強化するための施策は。 121,273 賃貸仲介業者としてのイメ−ジアップ、 お部屋探しのWebサイト「いい部屋ネット」の強化や不 105,837 100,000 800 91,413 817 その結果、 当期の入居者斡旋件数は前期の14.6%増加の121,273件にのぼり、 賃貸仲介業 者でトップクラスの地位を確保しています。 (図4参照)また、管理戸数におきましても39万戸 802 800 動産業者との連携強化、 入居者ニ−ズを取り込んだサ−ビスの提供などに注力していきます。そ れらにより次期の入居斡旋件数は約12%増の136,000件を計画しています。 (図4参照) 80,834 73,614 529 471 473 '01 '02 50,000 400 '03 '04 '05 '06 (est.) (予) 大東建託株式会社 7 Q What is the occupancy rate for properties administered by Daito Kyosaikai? Let me first explain how the system works. Daito Kyosaikai's role is to guarantee lease fees following a tenant's departure midway through a contract period. Property owners pay a membership fee of 4% of the rent for residential properties and 6% for commercial properties. It guarantees payment of 90% of the rent fee for units that fall vacant. The occupancy rate has remained high over the past several years, at over 96% (see Fig. 5). The rate for commercial properties is slightly lower than for residential properties, but has consistently remained above 95%. A high occupancy rate translates into stable earnings for Daito Kyosaikai. It has an extremely sound financial position, with total assets of ¥8.3 billion, cash and deposits of ¥7.9 billion, and a shareholders' equity ratio of 80.9% (see Fig. 6). Fig. 5 Daito Kyosaikai: Occupancy Rates Occupancy rate (residential property) 図5 共済会入居率の推移 居住用 Occupancy rate (commercial property) (%) 事業用 100 99 Fig. 6 Daito Kyosaikai: Earnings and Financial Position 98 97 図6 大東共済会の損益および財政状況 96 Net sales 95 売上高 94 Recurring income 経常利益 93 Net sales Recurring income 売上高 経常利益 (¥ billions) (10億円) (¥ billions) (10億円) 15 14.6 13.5 2.0 92 91 90 '95 '96 1.5 10 Kyosaikai occupancy rates (%) 共済会入居率 1.0 Residential property (%) 居住用 5 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 1.93 12.6 00/3 00/9 01/3 01/9 02/3 02/9 03/3 03/9 04/3 04/9 05/3 06/3 (est.) 97.37 96.15 96.85 96.07 96.77 96.37 96.72 95.93 96.59 96.22 97.01 97.0 (est.) 95.01 94.41 94.35 94.02 93.52 93.29 93.74 93.45 94.08 94.68 94.94 95.7 (est.) 0.62 Commercial property (%) 0.5 事業用 0.27 0 0 '03 '04 '05 中途空室時の家賃を保証する大東共済会の状況について御説明します。大東共済会は、 会員のオ−ナ−から Financial position 毎月家賃の4%(事業用は6%)を会費として拠出していただき、万一空家になった場合に家賃の90%を給付 財務状況 Billions of yen '03 Total assets '04 (10億円) '05 ¥6.32 ¥6.55 ¥8.35 総資産 Cash and deposits 6.06 6.27 7.91 現預金 Shareholders’ equity 5.45 5.61 6.75 株主資本 Shareholders’ equity ratio 86.2 85.6 80.9 株主資本比率 (%) 8 Q: 大東共済会が管理する物件の入居率はどのようなレベルでしょうか。 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. するというものです。大東共済会の入居率は、 ここ数年96%以上という高い水準で推移しております。 (図5参 照)事業用物件は居住用に比べてやや低いのですが、それでも95%台という高い水準です。 高い入居率は大東共済会の収支を安定化させており、 また、その財務内容は総資産83億円、現預金が79億 円、株主資本比率80.9%と極めて健全に推移しています。 (図6参照) Q Could you tell us about your performance forecasts for the current fiscal year? Buoyed by steady orders and high occupancy rates, we anticipate growth of around 10% for both revenue and earnings. On a consolidated basis, we project a 9.3% increase in net sales, to ¥537.3 billion; a 8.9% increase in operating income, to ¥60.7 billion; a 8.2% gain in recurring income, to ¥61.3 billion; and an 11.1% increase in net income, to ¥35.0 billion. These figures will represent the seventh consecutive year of gains in sales and profits (see Fig. 7). Fig. 7 Forecasts for Fiscal 2005 (Consolidated) 図7 次期の見通し(連結) Net Sales Operating Income 売上高 (¥ billions) (10億円) 600 537.3 (+9.3%) 500 60.7 (+8.9%) 60 55.7 50 491.7 438.6 400 営業利益 (¥ billions) (10億円) 40 376.0 49.0 41.7 44.0 332.2 300 30 200 20 100 10 0 0 '02 '03 Recurring Income '04 '05 '06 (est.) '02 Net Income 経常利益 (¥ billions) (10億円) 61.3 (+8.2%) 60 '03 '04 35.0 (+11.1%) 35 31.5 30 50.3 42.4 '06 (est.) 当期純利益 (¥ billions) (10億円) 56.6 50 '05 27.9 45.8 25 40 23.4 24.4 20 30 15 20 10 10 5 0 0 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 (est.) '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 (est.) Q: 次期の業績予想をお聞かせ下さい。 順調な受注状況と入居率をふまえ、当社は今後も売上・利益で10%前後の成長を見込んでいます。次期の連 結売上高は前期比9.3%増の5,373億円、 営業利益で前期比8.9%増の607億円、経常利益で前期比8.2%増 の613億円、 当期利益で前期比11.1%増の350億円と、 7期連続の増収増益を目指しております。 (図7参照) 大東建託株式会社 9 Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives CSR への取り組み In all of its business activities, Daito adheres to its management philosophy of "contributing to society by ensuring the most efficient use of limited land and resources." We are committed not only to supplying good-quality leased housing, but also to fulfilling our responsibility as a corporate citizen. As a member of society, we pursue all business activities with the goal of working together with all constituents to achieve continued growth and development. In order to meet the expectations of shareholders, customers, employees, and all other stakeholders, the Company has established various internal frameworks. These are designed to strengthen corporate governance, promote compliance awareness, rigorously protect personal information, spearhead CSR initiatives, and effectively utilize human resources. 当社は「限りある大地の最有効利用を広範囲に創造し、実践して社会に貢献する」を経営理念として企業活 動を行っています。また、良質な賃貸住宅の供給に努めるだけでなく、企業市民としての責任を果たし、地域社 会の一員として皆様とともに発展を続けていくために、あらゆる企業活動を進めています。 さらに当社は株主、顧客、従業員ほか様々なステークホルダーの期待に応えるため、企業内部の仕組みとし て、コーポレートガバナンスの強化、コンプライアンスの推進、個人情報保護体制の徹底、CSへの取り組み、有 効な人材活用などにも注力しています。 Strengthening Corporate Governance Daito's corporate governance policy focuses on maximizing corporate value and enhancing management efficiency and transparency for all stakeholders. To this end, we have adopted an executive officer system, and have accelerated the management decision-making process by reducing the number of directors. We have also adopted a corporate auditor system consisting of four external auditors, one of whom is a full-time auditor who attends and monitors Board of Directors' meetings. Daito regards the disclosure of information as one of its most important corporate responsibilities. In order to ensure management transparency and objectivity, we are pursuing timely disclosure in a number of ways. These include news releases; seminars for explaining our financial performance; data on quarterly, interim, and annual accounts; and posting information on the IR section of our website. コーポレートガバナンスの強化 当社は、全てのステークホルダーにとって、大東建託の企業価値を最大化すること、経営の効率性、透明性を 向上させることをコーポレートガバナンスの基本方針・目的としています。そのため、 企業倫理とコンプライアン スを徹底すること、内部統制システムの整備・強化および経営の客観性と迅速な意思決定を確保することを主な 課題として取り組んでいます。 当社では執行役員制度を採用しており、 取締役の員数を絞ることにより迅速な経営判断が出来るようにしてお ります。また、 監査役制度も採用しており、 4名は全員社外監査役で構成されております。うち1名は常勤監査役 として常時取締役会にも出席し、監視できる体制としております。 また、情報開示につきましても、 当社は最も重要な経営責任の一つとして考えております。経営の透明性と客 観性を確保するため、 ニュ−スリリ−ス、決算説明会の開催、月次業績や四半期、中間期、通期の決算資料ならび にIR情報のホ−ムペ−ジへの掲載など、 様々なチャンネルを活用してタイムリ−なディスクロ−ジャ−に努めてお ります。 10 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Compliance In April 2002, Daito set up a Compliance and Audit Committee, which reports directly to the president. Together with the Internal Audit Office, which monitors standards and compliance inside the Company, the Committee is engaged in risk management pertaining to legal aspects of management activities. The Committee has also established the Daito Trust Code of Behavior for all Group employees, and undertakes measures aimed at the thorough implementation of the code. Protection of Personal Information, CSR Activities, and Development of Personnel In April 2004, Daito established a Personal Information Protection Committee in readiness for Japan's new Personal Information Protection Law, which came into effect on April 1, 2005. The Committee undertakes a range of measures aimed at increasing awareness among all Company employees about the importance of protecting information. These include formulating a privacy policy, protecting and handling personal information, establishing and implementing internal standards for managing confidential corporate information, and upgrading companywide education systems. Daito has also established a Customer Needs Office at its head office for responding to customer enquiries. We believe that the opinions and requests of customers, business partners, investors, and all other stakeholders are an important resource for improving risk management and our products and services. The Company has introduced various measures to maximize the various talents and capabilities of its employees and create a motivating work environment. These include implementation of a self-reporting system, as well as a system that restricts the locations where an employee is required to work. コンプライアンスの推進 当社では平成14年4月に社長直属の「コンプライアンス監視委員会」を設置しました。同委員会では社内基 準との適合性をチェックする内部監査室とも連携し、経営活動における 遵法上のリスク管理 を行っています。 また、当社グループの社員がとるべき行動規範である「大東建託行動規範」を制定し、 全社員にその浸透を図っ ています。 個人情報保護、 CS活動、人材育成 当社は平成17年4月からの個人情報保護法に合わせ、 平成16年4月より「情報保護委員会」を発足しました。 全社員に情報保護についての意識強化を図るため、 プライバシーポリシー(個人情報保護指針)を策定し、個人 情報の適切な保護や取り扱い、企業の機密情報管理などに関する社内基準の策定と体制の構築を随時実施し、 全社あげて教育と指導体制の強化を進めています。 また、当社では本社に「お客様サービス課」を設置し、 お客様からのお問い合わせにきめ細かく対応していま す。顧客、取引先、投資家など、ステークホルダーからのご意見やご要望は、当社にとって、商品やサービスの改 善だけでなく、 リスク管理上も重要な経営資源であると考え、積極的に対応しています。 その他、当社は、 社員がそれぞれの能力を最大限に発揮し、 働きやすい環境を作るため、 自己申告制度や勤務 地限定制度など様々な人事制度を導入しています。 大東建託株式会社 11 Business Background ビジネスの背景 Bridging these needs of landowners and tenants is the job of Daito Trust Construction. 土地所有者のニーズと入居者のニーズ その橋渡しが大東建託のビジネスです。 Needs of landowners Needs of tenants Daito Trust 大東建託のビジネス 土地の有効活用 良質な賃貸住宅 土地所有者の ニーズ 入居者の ニーズ Needs of Landowners — Effective Land Utilization Customers’ Reasons for Land Utilization 当社顧客の土地活用の動機 Other その他 3.1% Need to rebuild 建て替え 3.9% Inheritance tax saving Additional income 相続税対策 43.3% 収益目的 Numerous Japanese landowners, many of whom are farmers, have experienced difficult times in recent years. Property taxes and inheritance taxes are a particularly heavy burden for those owning land on the outskirts of metropolitan areas. They also face such problems as worsening profitability if they continue with farming, and difficulties in raising successors due to the ageing of society. The development and operation of leased housing on such properties is attracting attention as a way of coping with these changes. 11.7% Effective land utilization Source of funds for tax payments 遊休地の活用 納税原資の確保 11.0% 14.6% Taxation strategy Absence of successor to take over farm 所得税対策 2.5% 農業後継者不在 10.0% Results of customer survey conducted in March 2004 お客様へのアンケ−ト結果 (2004年3月調査) Needs of Tenants — Quality Rental Housing Economic recession and deflation in Japan have prompted more and more people to select rental accommodation with comfortable living environments, rather than being burdened by huge housing loans. With the increasing number of single families and the trend toward late marriages, the number of households is expected to continue increasing until 2015. Against this background, society is placing higher demands on goodquality rental housing. We at Daito provide comprehensive support for rental housing projects in our role as specialists in the needs of landowners. Forecast Changes in Number of Families 土地所有者のニーズ 〜土地の有効活用〜 世帯数の推移予測 農家を中心とした日本の多くの土地所有者にとって、 ますます厳しい環境になりつつあ Families (Millions) 世帯数(百万) ります。特に都市近郊の土地ほど固定資産税や相続税がかさみ、土地所有者にとって農 60 業を続けるには採算性が厳しく、高齢化の進行により後継者も育ちにくいなどの環境に 55 あります。このような環境の変化に対して賃貸住宅経営が注目されています。 50 入居者のニーズ 〜良質な賃貸住宅〜 45 40 近年の景気低迷、 デフレ環境下で入居者の方々にとって、多額の借金を背負って住宅 35 を所有するよりも賃貸住宅でライフスタイルによって住み替えも出来、生活をエンジョイ したいという方々が増えています。また、 日本の世帯数は核家族化や晩婚化の進行によ 30 '00 '05 '10 '15 '20 '25 * Source: Families projection as of October 2003 by National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. * 出典:国立社会保障・人口問題研究所 世帯数推計(2003年10月推計) 12 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. り2015年まで増加が見込まれています。 このような社会環境の中で、良質な賃貸住宅に対する社会的なニーズが高くなってき ております。当社ではこのような環境の変化の中で、 土地所有者の方に専門的なノウハウ を提供し、建物賃貸事業を総合的に支援しております。 DAITO Close-up 大東クロ−ズアップ “Trust Construction System” fully supports the lease business 建物賃貸事業をフルサポ−トする「建託システム」 Daito has established a strong and unique business model covering everything from consulting sales, design, and construction through to tenant recruiting, property management, and rent guarantees. コンサルティング営業から設計・施工、そして、入居者斡旋、管理、家賃保証まで、 全てに、強い独自のビジネススタイルを確立しています。 1 2 3 4 5 Consulting Sales Design & Construction Tenant Recruiting Property Management Rent Guarantee コンサルティング 設計・施工 入居者斡旋 管理・運営 家賃保証 営業 Landowners who want to protect their valuable assets through the effective utilization of land have special needs. Occupants and tenants seeking comfortable living environments or new business bases also have special needs. Daito Trust Construction bridges these two needs by helping ensure effective utilization of limited land. We created our Trust Construction System on the basis of this fundamental philosophy, earning considerable support from people all over the country. The system is a complete package that maximizes and stabilizes investment returns to landowners with lease building projects. 土地の有効活用を図り、大切な資産を守りたい土地所有者のニ−ズ。快適な住まいやビジネス の新しい拠点を求める入居者・テナントのニ−ズ。この2つのニ−ズの橋渡しをして、限られた 土地の有効活用をお手伝いする。大東建託では、この基本理念のもと、土地所有者の建物賃貸 事業への投資リタ−ンを最大化かつ安定化するシステムを一括して提案する「建託システム」を 確立し、全国の皆様から大きな支持をいただいています。 大東建託株式会社 13 DAITO Close-up Consulting Sales 1 Daito Trust Major Competitors 大東建託 競合他社 コンサルティング営業 Planning and proposals based on direct sales approaches are an effective means of developing potential customers. Direct Sales ダイレクト セールス ダイレクトセールスによる企画提案は、 潜在顧客の開拓に役立っています。 Local Real Estate Agencies 地元の不動産会社 Banks 銀行 Agricultural Cooperative Associations 農協 Repeat Orders (35-45%) リピ−ト受注 (全体の35〜45%) Landowners 土地所有者 Direct sales Daito employs more than 2,300 salespeople, who take the initiative to approach landowners directly. Landowners, most of whom are farmers, have a number of options with regard to utilizing their land to reduce inheritance taxes. Only a few, however, actively research such options by visiting financial institutions or other organizations. Therefore, Daito's method of visiting farmers directly has a higher success rate than conventional sales activities involving personal introductions. Consequently, between 70-80% of our orders received are derived from this direct approach. Planning and proposals by specialist staff Specialist knowledge on construction, laws and regulations, taxes, and a broad range of other topics is necessary when it comes to land utilization. As a means of acquiring this kind of specialist knowledge, Daito has established an internal qualification, called “Trust Construction Specialist,” and also encourages staff to obtain the Certified Financial Planner qualification offered by the Japan Association for Financial Planning. These professionals in land utilization devise and propose plans tailored to the needs of each and every customer. We give owners "peace of mind." High repeat-order ratio オ−ナ−の方には「安心」をお届けします。 Every year, about 40% of the orders received by Daito are repeat orders. This is attributable to the solid reputation of the Trust Construction System, which provides integrated support for lease building construction projects. Abundant choice of finance plans Trends in Repeat Orders Daito offers an abundant choice of finance plans, ranging from its proprietary cooperative housing loans to professional advice related to the procurement of funds from public financial organizations and private financial organizations, favorable finance plans, and easy repayment plans. リピート受注の推移 Repeating amount Repeat ratio リピート額 リピート率 Repeating amount (¥ billions) リピート額(10億円) 200 Repeat ratio (%) リピート率(%) 80 166.3 70 161.5 150 60 139.9 50 109.7 106.2 35.6 37.0 42.3 38.7 100 30 20 10 0 当社では2,300名を超える営業担当者が、 直接土地所有者を個別に飛び込み訪問しています。農家を中 心とした土地所有者は、 相続税対策などから、 土地活用を迫られていますが、 積極的に金融機関などに足を 運ぶことは多くありません。 そのため紹介による営業活動よりも、 当社のような飛込み訪問の方が大きな成果を得ることができます。 その結果、当社の受注のうち70〜80%は特命受注となっています。 40 38.7 50 ダイレクトセールス 専門スタッフによる企画提案 土地活用には、 建築、 法規、 税務、その他広範囲な専門知識が必要です。当社ではそれら専門知識の習得 の為、 社内資格として「建託士」を設ける他、公的資格である「ファイナンシャルプランナー」の取得も推進 しています。こうした土地活用の プロ がお客様ひとりひとりに最適なプランを企画提案しています。 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 Repeat ratio = Repeat orders from our customers / Overall orders received * リピート率=当社顧客からの再受注件数/全受注件数 高いリピ−ト受注率 当社は毎年40%前後のリピ−ト受注をいただいております。これは建物賃貸事業を一貫してサポ−トす る建託システムに高い評価をいただいている結果といえます。 豊富な資金計画 当社独自の提携アパ−トロ−ンをはじめ、公的融資機関や各民間金融機関からの資金調達に関する確か なアドバイスや有利な資金計画、安心の返済計画をバックアップします。 14 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. DAITO Close-up 2 Design & Construction 設計・施工 Daito Trust Order Construction company 大東建託 発注 施工業者 Reduction in materials costs due to bulk purchasing 大量購入による資材のコストダウン Order placed directly with construction company Demonstrating its unique strengths, from design to construction systems, enables Daito to deliver high quality and low costs. 設計から施工体制にも独自の強みを発揮し、 高品質・低コストを実現しています。 施工業者への直接発注 Major competitors Order Subcontractor Order Construction company 競合他社 発注 サブコン 発注 施工業者 Materials developed and produced at their own factories (Development expenses, capital investment, risk burden) 自社工場で資材の開発・生産 (開発費・設備投資・リスク負担) Order placed via subcontractor サブコンを経由して発注 Targeting the No. 1 industry position with a wide range of products and excellent sales capabilities Daito has a broad range of service offerings. These include four different building structures and 40 products tailored to various regional characteristics and the lifestyles of occupants. All of our offerings—from low-rise wooden and steel-frame apartments to reinforced concrete (RC) medium-rise condominiums and steel frame and reinforced concrete (SRC) high-rise condominiums—feature the latest design technologies and remain highly popular. Unique system offers shorter delivery time, high quality, and cost reductions Unlike most house construction companies, Daito does not own factories for prefabricating houses. Therefore, we require low levels of capital investment and are better equipped to fix costs and control our risk burden. We mainly contract our business associates to provide precut materials, and we have supplies delivered to construction sites, taking advantage of merits of scale. Because we do not use subcontractors, we are able to eliminate intermediate expenses, reduce costs, and shorten delivery times. Mobile computing system terminal モバイルコンピュ−ティングシステムの端末 Mobile computing system Construction sites are linked to our headquarters by a large-scale computing system. The ability to easily obtain information required for quality assurance and construction management, as well as to monitor the progress of construction projects through real-time imaging, provide an effective method of construction management. Meeting strict external and internal quality standards In addition to inspections by local authorities when a construction project has been completed, Daito's various sales, tenant brokerage, design, construction, and other relevant departments conduct their own checks. If a fault is found, it is promptly corrected. This is incorporated into a Construction Report, which is given to the owner at the time of property handover. In these ways, we strive to maximize transparency. 多彩な商品と営業力で業界トップを目指しています 当社では地域特性や入居される方のライフスタイル等に応じて4構造、40商品といった多彩な商品バリエ−ションを取 りそろえています。木造や鉄骨造による低層アパ−トから、 鉄筋コンクリ−ト造(RC)の中層マンション、 鉄骨・鉄筋コンクリ −ト造(SRC) の高層マンションなど、先進のデザインで好評を博しております。 高品質、 コスト低減、 納期短縮の独自体制 当社では一般のハウスメ−カ−のような工場を保有していないため、設備投資や固定経費、 リスク負担が少ないのが強 みです。協力工場でプレカットされた製材や、 スケ−ルメリットを活かして調達した資材を主に活用しています。また、 サブ コントラクタ−を使わないため、中間マ−ジンも省け、低コストと納期短縮も実現しています。 モバイルコンピュ−ティングシステムの活用 施工現場と管理部署は大規模モバイルコンピューティングシステムで結ばれ、 品質・施工管理に必要な情報の速やかな 入手や施工現場のリアルタイム画像の確認を行うことができ、施工管理に効果を発揮しています。 社内外の厳しい品質基準もクリア 建物完成時には行政的な検査のほか、 担当営業、 テナント営業、 設計、 工事など、 関係する全ての部署でチェックし、 不具 合があれば改善して納品します。また、着工から完成までの検査デ−タを画像とともに冊子にして、 物件の引渡しと同時 に施主にお渡しする「竣工報告書」を導入し、施工品質の透明性を確保しております。 大東建託株式会社 15 DAITO Close-up 3 Tenant Recruiting 入居者斡旋 Daito Trust (802 specialized staff) 大東建託 (約800名の入居者斡旋の専門スタッフ) 5% We have achieved a consistently high occupancy rate, through strong tenant recruiting. 50% Major Housing Manufacturers Local Home Builders 大手住宅メ−カ− 地元の住宅メ−カ− 45% Housecom (Subsidiary) Management Subsidiaries ハウスコム(子会社) 管理子会社 Local Real Estate Agency Network Local Real Estate Agencies 地元不動産会社 地域不動産会社ネットワ−ク 自社スタッフによる強力な入居者斡旋が 高い入居率を実現しています。 Tenants 入居者 Strong tenant recruiting system We at Daito believe that strong tenant recruiting capabilities are indispensable for maintaining a high occupancy rate when proposing a lease housing project. The Company has approximately 800 staff specializing in tenant recruitment. And because they are independent, acting as brokers for only properties constructed by Daito, they have well-honed tenant recruiting skills. About 45% of tenants are recruited by Daito Trust Construction, while the remainder are recruited by subsidiary Housecom and an affiliated network of around 30,000 real estate companies. Wide range of tenant recruitment techniques Daito provides powerful support for its tenant recruitment activities by employing various types of media. These include on-line service, “e-Heya Net,” as well as the publication of a property listings magazine called “Ju-SEE” and other effective means, such as newspapers, magazines, and circulars. Rigorous rent assessment We give tenants "safety and security." 入居者の方には「快適」を提供しています。 Rent is determined by a variety of factors, including the surrounding environment, local rental market, property upgrades, and supply and demand. Daito has its own market survey staff who collect highly accurate information from brokers and anecdotal evidence, as well as from data on its own tenanted properties and other properties available to the public. The resulting database is highly useful in segmenting our products by region and setting rent levels. 強力な入居者斡旋体制 安定した建物賃貸事業を提案するにあたって、 高い入居率を維持するための強力な入居者斡旋力は、 欠かすことは出 来ないと我々は考えています。当社では、 自社内に約800名の入居者斡旋専門スタッフを擁しております。自社物件のみ を斡旋する自前の営業スタッフであるため、 高い入居斡旋力を誇り、 約45%の物件を自社で入居斡旋し、その他を子会 社のハウスコムや提携不動産会社約30,000のネットワークがカバーしております。 幅広い媒体戦略による入居者募集・斡旋 当社では各種媒体を活用して入居者斡旋を強力にサポ−トしております。賃貸仲介専門サイト「いい部屋ネット」の展開、 賃貸住宅情報誌「住See」の発行、その他、新聞・雑誌、折込み広告なども効果的に展開しております。 厳格な家賃査定 賃料は周辺環境、周辺家賃相場、 物件のグレ−ド、需給状況など、様々な要因によって決まります。当社では自社の市場 調査スタッフにより、 当社入居物件や公開された募集情報以外にも仲介業者や現地での聞き込みなどによって精度の高 い市場の情報収集を行っています。このデ−タベ−スによって今後地域で供給すべき商品セグメンテ−ションや家賃設定 などに役立てています。 16 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. DAITO Close-up Property Management 4 Rent Management 家賃管理 Rent Collection 家賃回収 管理・運営 Daito Trust 大東建託 (大東建物管理) We are able to offer improved customer services by enhancing and strengthening our management capabilities. 管理業務を改善、 強化し、 お客様サ−ビスを向上します。 Building Maintenance 建物管理 Periodical Inspection 定期的な点検 Repairment on-call 補修・修繕 Contract Management Contracting 契約管理 入・退居契約 Contract Renewal 契約更新 Tenant services to furnish a comfortable living environment 快適な生活のための代行サ−ビス Wide range of management and other services For owners who farm or engage in other jobs, the management of rental property is surprisingly troublesome. For a fee of 5% of basic rent, Daito manages properties for their owners. These tasks consist mainly of rent collection, periodic inspection of buildings and repairs, tenant contracts, and dealing with tenants. We also perform a wide range of tasks for tenants, such as cleaning of public spaces, a 24-hour service for dealing with water leaks and repairs, and offering consulting services for relocation and loss insurance. In these ways, we handle a variety of everyday problems that enable tenants to enjoy a comfortable living environment. For further convenience of tenants, we have joined with finance companies to produce the "Kentaku Card," which enables automatic debit of rent payments. We also offer the "Kentaku 2000 Card," which additionally provides vehicle breakdown services. Number of Units under Daito’s Management 管理戸数推移 Number of properties (thousand units) 管理戸数(千戸) 400 394 352 350 As of March 31, 2005, Daito had more than 390,000 units under management around the country, making it the largest leased property management company in Japan. Increasing the number of units managed is a key factor in securing stable revenues, and is also a major determinant of earnings from a long-term perspective. 316 300 250 Industry leader in leased units under management 283 255 200 150 幅広い管理および代行業務 100 50 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 農業を営んでいたり、 別の仕事についていたり、 オ−ナ−の方にとって賃貸住宅の管理は煩雑で、 思っているほど容易で はありません。 当社では、 基準家賃の5%を手数料としていただき、 オ−ナ−に代わって様々な管理および代行サ−ビスを行っておりま す。主な管理業務としては、家賃の回収業務、 定期的な建物点検および修繕の業務、入・退居や更新に関わる契約管理業 務、入居者対応の代行業務などです。 一方、入居者の方へのサ−ビス業務として、建物共有部分の清掃、水漏れや設備の故障に対する24時間体制の対応、 引越や損害保険の斡旋等を行い、 入居者の方々が快適に過ごせるよう日常の様々な問題にも取り組んでおります。 また、入居者の利便性を考え、信販会社との提携による家賃の自動引き落としが出来る「建託カ−ド」、 さらに、ロード サービス付きの「建託2000カード」も展開しております。 業界トップの賃貸建物管理戸数 当社の賃貸建物管理戸数は当期末現在、 全国で39万戸を超え、 ストック件数としても国内最大規模となっております。 当社にとって管理戸数の増加は、安定収入の増加に直結し、長期的に見ても収益の大きな柱の一つとなっております。 大東建託株式会社 17 DAITO Close-up Rent Guarantee 55 家賃保証 We are accumulating independent knowhow to ensure stable continuation of rent guarantees. Rent Guarantee System 家賃保証のシステム Unoccupied Vacated mid-term 未入居 (90 days) Initial occupancy (90日) 初入居 Tenant recruitment period 募集期間 Completion of construction 建物完成 家賃保証を安定的に継続するために、 独自のノウハウを構築しています。 Daito Trust provides rental guarantee from 91st day after completion of construction until tenant occupancy begins. 完成後90日以上未入居 の場合、91日目以降、初 入居までの間、大東建託 が家賃保証 中途空室 Occupied 入居 Daito Kyosaikai provides guarantees when vacated mid-term 中途空室の場合、大東共 済会が保証 Daito Kyosaikai collects membership fee upon initial occupancy 初入居時から共済会会費徴収 Rent guarantee system addresses various risks Kyosaikai Guarantee System 大東共済会のしくみ Daito Trust Daito’s rent guarantee system offers the following features: (1) If units are not occupied within three months of the completion of construction, Daito Trust Construction guarantees 90% of the rental fee. (2) For units that fall vacant midway through a contract period, Daito Kyosaikai provides 90% of the rental fee if the owner is a paid-up member of Kyosaikai. (3) When a tenant stops paying rent, the Company provides payment to the landlord for a maximum period of six months through an affiliated finance company. 大東建託 (100% owned subsidiary) (100% 出資子会社) Daito Kyosaikai 大東共済会 Monthly membership fee 月会費 Payment in case of vacancy 空室時の家賃保証 Landowners / Kyosaikai Members: 41,700 共済会会員である土地所有者: 約41,700名 *17 out of 20 directors are property owners and 3 are from Daito Trust *20名の役員・理事のうち17名が 土地所有者、3名が大東建託所属 Daito Kyosaikai Daito Kyosaikai was established in 1980 with the aim of providing mutual assistance to property owners. It is wholly owned by Daito Trust Construction. The membership fee for property owners is 4% of the basic rent for residential properties and 6% for commercial properties. It guarantees payment of 90% of the rent fee for units that fall vacant. Because Daito Kyosaikai operates as a mutual society, it does not adopt a profit-making model, but determines membership fees and payment ratios in accordance with its revenue, and conducts its business based on sound principles. Strong tenant recruitment capabilities for maintaining high occupancy rates are crucial to Daito Kyosaikai's ability to generate stable revenues. New 30-year rent guarantee system aimed at long-term stability This system works as a building management contract between Daito and property owners. For an additional 1% of rental fees, owners are covered in the event of fluctuations in Daito Kyosaikai membership fees and payment ratios, and also for a decline in rent as a result of a downturn in the market. Under this system, members are guaranteed a fixed level of rent for a 30-year period. (Guaranteed amount is fixed for the first ten years, after which it is reviewed every two years.) 様々なリスクに対応した家賃保証システム 当社で提供している家賃保証システムは次の通りです。 1) 新築時は、 建物完成後3ヶ月を経過して入居者が決まらない場合、 大東建託本体が家賃の90%を保証します。 2) 中途で空室となったときは、 大東共済会に会員として入会いただいた場合、大東共済会から家賃の90%が給付され ます。 3) 家賃の回収が滞った場合には、 信販会社と連携して最大6ヶ月の立替払いを実施しています。 大東共済会の機能 大東共済会は、 オ−ナ−の方々の相互扶助による空家リスクヘッジを目的に1980年、当社100%出資により設立した 組織です。オ−ナ−の方が会費として居住用物件で基準家賃の4%、事業用物件で6%を払い込むことにより、中途空室 時の家賃保証として90%を給付しています。同社は互助会的な組織であるため、利益追求型ではなく、 その収支状況に より、会費率、 給付比率を決め、健全運営を目的に運営されております。共済会の収支状況を安定させるには高い入居率 を維持する強い入居者斡旋力が必要となります。 長期安定向けの新家賃保証30年型を導入 当社とオ−ナ−との間の管理委託契約に対する特約として1%の特約管理費を納めることで、 共済会の会費率・給付率 の変動と家賃相場下落リスクをカバ−します。これにより、会員の方には家賃の一定額を30年間保証しています。 (保証額は当初10年間は固定で、10年後以降は2年毎に見直します) 18 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Top ics トピックス Continuous reinforcement of our construction and tenant recruitment businesses 建築営業と入居者斡旋営業の強化に努めています。 Restructuring aimed at stronger and more efficient construction sales activities 建築営業の強化・効率化を図るために機構改革を行いました。 Daito has restructured part of its sales organization to further reinforce its consulting and sales capabilities related to land utilization. We have created the new position of Sales Deputy Manager to handle training of sales employees, with one deputy manager appointed to each branch. We have consolidated the expertise of the Construction Sales Section by reducing the number of staff there from six to four. We also established a new sales division at our headquarters, mainly for promoting sales in the Tokyo area. The division is staffed by a team of construction sales employees, as is the case with our branches. 当社では、土地活用に関する提案力と営業力を一層強化するため、 営業組織を一部改編しました。営業担 当者の教育を行う営業次長職を新設し各支店に配置しました。また、建築営業課の体制を従来の6名から4 名とし、 少数精鋭化を図りました。そして、 主に首都圏での営業促進を行うため、 本社に営業部を新設し、 支店 と同様の建築営業部隊を配置しました。 "e-Heya Net" launched as new brand for lease brokerage business 賃貸仲介事業の新ブランド「いい部屋ネット」 立ち上げ "e-Heya Net" Logo 「いい部屋ネット」のロゴ In the year under review, we launched "e-Heya Net" as the new brand for our lease brokerage business. To enhance public awareness of this brand, we incorporated the "e-Heya Net" logo into the signs displayed at all of Daito's directly managed offices, and also revamped our television commercial. The new commercial is targeted particularly at tenants, and cleverly conveys the idea that it is better to feel comfortable in your own home than to visit an exclusive restaurant. 当社では賃貸仲介事業としての新ブランド「いい部屋ネット」の展開を開始しました。同ブランドの認知度 向上を図るため、 全国の直営店舗の看板デザインを「いい部屋ネット」のロゴに統一するとともに、 テレビCM も刷新しました。今回のCMは、特に入居者へのアピ−ルとして、 「きれいなお店に行くよりも自分の部屋の 方がくつろげる」ということをうまく表現しています。 New "Quarterly Chintai" service 新たな賃貸サービス「クォ−タリ−賃貸」 を始めました。 "Quarterly-Chintai" Home Page 「クォ−タリ−賃貸」のホ−ムペ−ジ The new "Quarterly Chintai" service, which is aimed at companies, utilizes the best features of the monthly rental system for apartments. Under the service, the various expenses associated with tenant contracts are no longer required, and electrical appliances and furniture are included in the rent package. Moreover, because the rental period is three months or longer, the rates are comparatively low. We will work hard to increase the occupancy rate for this kind of accommodation, for which there is broad demand from companies seeking to send employees on medium- and long-term business assignments, house staff in dormitory-style quarters, or send them on short-term transfers. 法人向けの新サ−ビス「クォ−タリ−賃貸」はマンスリ−マンションの良い所を活かし、 さらにグレ−ドアップ させました。入居契約の諸費用が不要で家電・家具付き、 さらに利用期間を3ヶ月以上とすることで、 より割 安な価格設定が可能となります。中長期出張から寮や社宅、 期間限定の転勤など、 幅広い需要に対応し、 入居 率の向上に努めてまいります。 大東建託株式会社 19 Other Activities その他 Diversification in fund-raising methods available to landowners 土地所有者の資金調達手段の多様化を促進しています。 Daito is continually adding new options to its loan program as a means of diversifying the fund-raising methods available to landowners. To this end, we have long maintained alliances with financial institutions. Back in 2001, we began offering nonrecourse loans provided by Lehman Brothers. The amount of principal to be repaid in a nonrecourse loan is restricted to rental income from leased buildings and land. In July 2004, we teamed up with UFJ Trust Bank to offer limited-liability "apartment loans," and in November we launched a new loan program with Mitsubishi Trust and Banking, whereby the valuation of a property is based on its capacity to earn income from building rental. We will continue to seek innovative fund-raising avenues, which will increase the options available to us when making business proposals to landowners, and in turn help boost orders. 当社では、土地所有者の建築資金調達手段の多様化に向け、ロ−ン・プログラムの多様化に取り組んでい ます。従来からの金融機関との融資提携に加え、2001年には、 リ−マンブラザ−ズ証券会社とともに、返済 原資を家賃収入と賃貸建物・敷地に限定するノンリコ−ス・ロ−ンの取り組みを開始しています。加えて2004 年7月からはUFJ信託銀行とともに「責任財産限定型アパ−トロ−ン」、 11月には三菱信託銀行とともに建物 の賃料等の収益力を基準に評価を行う新たなロ−ン・プログラムを開始しました。今後も資金調達先の多様 化により、土地所有者に対する事業提案の幅を広げ、さらなる受注拡大に結びつけてまいります。 Expansion of Care Partner business ケアパ−トナ−事業を拡充しました。 Care Partner Co., Ltd., a Daito subsidiary that provides daytime care for seniors, has received high acclaim from all parts of Japan. At present, there are 15 Care Partner centers in operation, and we plan to open a further seven centers during the current fiscal year. Each center, which occupies one floor of a rental condominium building, makes a worthy contribution to its local community and has earned warm acclaim from building owners. デイサ−ビス事業で全国各地から好評をいただいている「ケアパ−トナ−」。現在15施設で運営しており、 さらに今年度中に7ヶ所の開設を計画しております。 ケアパ−トナ−は賃貸マンションの1階部分に入居する方式で運営しており、地域への貢献度も高く、オ− ナ−様からも高い評価を獲得しています。 Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur open ホテル「ル・メリディアン・クアラルンプ−ル」 マレ−シアが開業しました。 October 8, 2004, saw the opening of Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur, a 35-story, four-star hotel with 420 guest rooms, including 26 suites. Daito's Malaysian subsidiary has been working on this project since 1996. The new hotel is operated by Meridien SA, which has an established reputation in the hotel industry. 1996年から当社の子会社が進めてきましたマレ−シアでのホテル事業が 2004年10月8日に開業致しました。地上35階、 客室数は26室のスイ−トを 含む420室の4スタ−級ホテルで、 運営は定評のあるメリディアンSAが行って います。 20 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Consolidated Financial Section 連結財務セクション Contents 目次 Trends in Key Figures 主要指標の推移 22 Consolidated Financial Review 連結財務概況 24 Consolidated Balance Sheets 連結貸借対照表 26 Consolidated Statements of Income 連結損益計算書 28 Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity 連結株主持分計算書 29 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 連結キャッシュフロ−計算書 30 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 連結財務諸表に対する注記 31 Independent Auditor's Report 公認会計士による監査報告書 40 Notes 1. The financial statements on pages 26 to 39 are audited and reorganized in a format familiar to overseas readers. 2. A Japanese translation of financial statements is provided for the convenience of readers in Japan and is not subject to audit. 注: 1. 26〜39ペ−ジの財務諸表につきましては、 海外読者の便宜のために一部科目を組み替えた監査済み英文財務諸表を掲載し ています。 2. 財務諸表中の和文表記は日本国内での利用を想定して掲載しているもので、監査対象ではありません。 大東建託株式会社 21 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries Trends in Key Figures 主要指標の推移 OPERATING RESULTS 経営成績 For the years ended March 31: 3 月 31 日に終了した 1 年間: Net sales Construction Real estate Other Gross profit Construction 建設事業 不動産事業 その他事業 売上総利益 建設事業 (Gross profit margin %) Real estate (売上高総利益率%) (Gross profit margin %) Other (売上高総利益率%) (Gross profit margin %) Operating income 不動産事業 その他事業 (売上高純総利益率%) 営業利益 (Operating income margin %) Recurring income (営業利益率%) (Recurring income margin %) Net income (経常利益率%) (Net income margin %) (当期純利益率%) 経常利益 当期純利益 FINANCIAL POSITION 財務状況 As of March 31: 3 月 31 日現在: 2000 ¥231,265 178,590 ¥255,778 191,470 36,915 15,758 44,693 19,614 66,956 47,168 85,545 63,431 (26.4) 7,994 (33.1) 8,822 (21.7) 11,793 (19.7) 13,291 (74.8) 21,998 (67.8) 26,920 (9.5) 21,845 (10.5) 27,586 (9.4) 11,271 (10.8) 15,703 (4.9) (6.1) 228,797 124,312 266,428 153,971 Total assets Current assets 総資産 Fixed assets Current liabilities 固定資産 流動負債 103,439 60,581 109,474 78,278 Long-term liabilities 固定負債 6,180 7,791 Shareholders’ equity 株主資本 162,035 180,357 CASH FLOWS 流動資産 キャッシュ・フロー Cash flows provided by operating activities 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー — 19,036 Cash flows (used in) provided by investing activities 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー — (5,567) Cash flows used in financing activities 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー — (2,722) Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 — 77,101 82.06 117.18 1,186.97 1,346.26 20.00 30.00 PER COMMON SHARE (Yen, U.S. dollars) 1株当たりデータ(円、米ドル) Net income 当期純利益 Shareholders’ equity 株主資本 Cash dividends applicable to the year 配当金 RATIOS 22 売上高 1999 経営指標 ROE (%) ROE(%) 7.1 9.2 Equity ratio (%) 株主資本比率(%) 70.8 67.7 Payout ratio (%) 配当性向(%) 26.7 29.3 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 ¥306,284 236,251 ¥332,223 252,295 ¥376,070 293,503 ¥438,627 344,772 ¥491,761 384,276 $4,595,897 3,591,364 50,980 19,051 59,500 20,426 66,516 16,050 75,743 18,111 83,154 24,330 777,140 227,383 100,833 78,876 106,869 83,309 120,804 94,415 141,129 112,416 159,299 121,436 1,488,775 1,134,915 (33.4) 10,388 (33.0) 12,651 (32.2) 13,968 (32.6) 14,545 (31.6) 19,444 — 181,719 (20.4) 11,569 (21.3) 10,907 (21.0) 12,421 (19.2) 14,167 (23.3) 18,418 — 172,130 (60.7) 39,427 (53.4) 41,788 (77.4) 44,036 (78.2) 49,077 (75.7) 55,715 — 520,700 (12.9) 40,750 (12.6) 42,429 (11.7) 45,801 (11.2) 50,348 (11.3) 56,672 — 529,644 (13.3) 23,200 (12.8) 23,495 (12.2) 24,423 (11.5) 27,976 (11.5) 31,505 — 294,439 (7.6) (7.1) (6.5) (6.4) (6.4) — 304,168 210,470 325,833 214,094 345,144 217,751 364,754 229,671 409,276 275,215 3,825,009 2,572,102 93,697 96,015 111,738 105,555 127,392 123,865 135,083 133,035 134,061 162,459 1,252,906 1,518,308 10,084 11,989 15,535 17,261 17,727 165,672 198,068 208,287 205,743 214,458 229,089 2,141,018 45,516 31,389 31,905 22,735 37,388 349,420 11,992 (33,505) (519) (20,567) 506 4,728 (6,773) (7,849) (25,829) (18,610) (15,846) (148,093) 128,356 118,929 124,369 107,568 129,494 (1,210,224) 172.58 174.32 183.13 218.40 251.07 2.34 1,467.24 1,545.55 1,618.51 1,723.72 1,854.20 17.32 45.00 50.00 60.00 63.00 71.00 0.66 12.3 11.6 11.8 13.3 14.2 — 65.1 63.9 59.6 58.8 56.0 — 29.4 29.7 32.8 30.3 30.2 — 大東建託株式会社 23 Consolidated Financial Review 連結財務状況 Revenues and Earnings Net Sales 売上高 (¥ billions) (10億円) 500 491.7 In the year ended March 31, 2005, consolidated net sales of the Daito Trust Construction Group amounted to ¥491.7 billion, up 12.1% from the previous fiscal period. Operating income rose 13.5%, to ¥55.7 billion, and recurring income climbed 12.6%, to ¥56.6 billion. Net income was up 12.6%, to ¥31.5 billion. All figures represented record-high levels for the second consecutive year. Sales are classified into the three core segments: construction, real estate, and other operations. 438.6 400 •Construction 376.0 332.2 300 The value of orders received in Daito's construction business rose 7.6%, to ¥403.9 billion. This was the result of measures taken to strengthen Daito's organization and sales capabilities, which included the construction of a new sales center at the beginning of the term and restructuring of the Company's sales organization. Our business also benefited from healthy sales of Meridio, a new product introduced in September 2004, as well as fortification of our consulting capabilities for customers. Sales in the construction segment rose 11.5%, to ¥384.2 billion, supported by strong orders and the high value of orders received. The gross profit margin for completed projects decreased 1.0 point, to 31.6%, due to increases in the cost of steel beams and other materials. 306.2 200 100 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 Operating Income 営業利益 (¥ billions) 55.7 (10億円) 50 49.0 44.0 41.7 40 39.4 •Real Estate In the real estate segment, we strengthened our sales capabilities in the previous fiscal year by increasing the number of salespeople and establishing new offices. In the year under review, we worked hard to raise awareness of Daito's services by launching "e-Heya Net" as the new brand for our lease brokerage service. We also enhanced our offerings on the Internet and revamped our television commercial. As a result, the number of tenants placed rose 14.6%, to 121,273, on a non-consolidated basis, while the occupancy rate improved significantly. The number of leased properties under Daito's management reached more than 390,000 at fiscal year-end, up 11.8% from a year earlier, leading to an increase in management fee income. Good occupancy rates for Shinagawa East One Tower, which combines leased office space and a hotel, and the Shanghai Garden Plaza complex of serviced apartments in Shanghai, also helped bolster sales in this segment. Real estate sales in fiscal 2004, therefore, rose 9.8%, to ¥83.1 billion. 30 •Other Operations 20 Revenue from other operations jumped 34.3%, to ¥24.3 billion. This was due to a number of factors, including an increase in Daito Kyosaikai membership and an increase in supply by our LP gas sales businesses. 10 売上・利益の状況 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 ◎建設事業 Net Income 当期純利益 (¥ billions) 31.5 (10億円) 30 27.9 25 23.2 当連結会計年度における当社および当社グル−プの連結売上は4,917億円(前期比12.1%増)となりました。利益面 では営業利益で557億円(前期比13.5%増)、 経常利益で566億円(前期比12.6%増)、 当期純利益で315億円(前期 比12.6%増)となり過去最高を前期に引き続いて更新しました。連結売上の内訳はコア事業である建設事業の完成工事 売上高をはじめ不動産事業、その他事業の営業収益の3分野であります。 23.4 24.4 主力の建設事業につきましては、 期初の新規営業拠点の開設や営業組織の改編など、 組織や営業力強化に取り組みま した。また、 2004年9月から投入した新商品メリディオの販売が好調だったことやお客様への提案力強化に注力した結 果、受注高は4,039億円(前期比7.6%増)を確保することが出来ました。 施工面では、 好調な受注と豊富な受注残高を背景に、完成工事売上高は3,842億円(前期比11.5%増)を計上するこ とが出来ました。完成工事総利益率につきましては、鉄骨等資材による値上がりの影響で前期比1.0ポイント低下し、 31.6%となりました。 ◎不動産事業 20 不動産事業につきましては、 前期に実施しました営業スタッフの増強や店舗の出店など営業力強化に加え、 賃貸仲介の 新ブランド「いい部屋ネット」の立ち上げ、 インタ−ネット網の強化、 TVCMの改編など、 市場に対する認知度向上に努めま した。その結果、 単体での入居者斡旋件数は121,273件(前期比14.6%増)となり、 入居率も大幅に改善されました。 賃貸物件の管理受託件数につきましても39万戸を超え(前期比11.8%増)管理手数料収入も増加しています。また、 賃 貸複合ビル「品川イ−ストワンタワ−」及び上海で実施しているサ−ビスアパ−トメント「上海ガ−デンプラザ」も高い入居 率を確保したことから不動産事業売上高は831億円(前期比9.8%増)となりました。 15 10 5 ◎その他事業 0 '01 24 '02 '03 '04 '05 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. その他事業の収益は、主に、空室時の家賃保証を行う大東共済会の加入者増加及びLPガス販売事業の供給増加など により、 243億円(前期比34.3%増)となりました。 Assets Total Assets Total assets at fiscal year-end amounted to ¥409.2 billion, up 12.2% from a year earlier. Major factors in this change were a rise in cash and deposits accompanying higher sales, as well as increases in notes and accounts receivable, construction revenues, and operating loans. Shareholders' equity rose 6.8%, to ¥229.0 billion, as a result of a 5.0% increase in retained earnings, to ¥187.7 billion. The shareholders' equity ratio slipped 2.8 points, to 56.0%, while shareholders' equity per share rose ¥130.48, to ¥1,854.20. 総資産 (¥ billions) (10億円) 409.2 400 364.7 345.1 325.8 300 304.1 Cash Flows Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year totaled ¥129.4 billion, up ¥21.9 billion from a year earlier. Net cash provided by operating activities rose a solid 64.4%, to ¥37.3 billion. Factors in this change included a 10.1% increase in income before taxes and other adjustments, to ¥55.4 billion; a ¥8.0 billion increase in receivables from uncompleted projects related to work in progress, a ¥7.7 billion increase in trade payables due to project completions being concentrated at the end of each fiscal year; and a ¥15.2 billion increase in operating loans. Net cash provided by investing activities totaled ¥500 million, compared with ¥20.5 billion used in such activities in the previous year. This was mainly due to investments made to match the timing of securities maturity and redemption. Net cash used in financing activities was ¥15.8 billion, down 14.9%. Principal factors included ¥13.2 billion in purchases of treasury stock and ¥8.2 billion in dividends paid. 200 100 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 Shareholders' Equity and Shareholders' Equity Ratio 資産・負債の状況 株主資本/株主資本比率 Shareholders' equity 株主資本 Shareholders' equity ratio 株主資本比率 (¥ billions) (10億円) (%) 100 250 当社グル−プの連結総資産は4,092億円(前期末比12.2%増)となりました。主な変動要因は、売上増加に伴う現金 預金の増加、 受取手形及び完成工事未収入金、営業貸付金などが増加したこと等によります。 株主資本につきましては、利益剰余金が1,877億円(前期末比5.0%増)などにより当期末2,290億円(前期末比 6.8%増)となっています。 その結果、当期末の株主資本比率は56.0%(前期末比2.8ポイント減)となっており、 また、一株あたりの株主資本は 1,854.20円(前期比130.48円増)となっています。 229.0 200 198.0 65.1 208.2 205.7 214.4 80 63.9 59.6 150 58.8 56.0 60 100 40 50 20 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 キャッシュフロ−状況 当連結会計年度における現金及び現金同等物は1,294億円(前期比219億円増)となりました。 営業活動によるキャッシュフロ−は373億円の獲得(前期比64.4%増)となりました。これは主に税金等調整前当期純 利益が554億円(前期比10.1%増)と大きく増加したことに加え、 仕掛物件に係る未成工事受取金の増加(80億円)や 期末に完工が集中した結果、 仕入債務が増加(77億円) したこと、営業貸付金が増加(152億円) したことによります。 投資活動によるキャッシュフロ−は5億円の獲得(前期は205億円の使用)となり、 変動幅は小さくなりました。これは、 満期償還に合わせた運用を行ったことによるものです。 財務活動によるキャッシュフロ−は158億円の使用(前期比14.9%減)となりました。これは自社株式の取得として 132億円、 配当金支払いとして82億円の支出をしたことによるものです。 Financial indicators for the Daito Group 当社グル−プの財務指標 Key recent financial indicators are shown below. 当社グル−プにおける最近の財務指標は以下の通りです。 Shareholders’ equity ratio (%) 株主資本比率 (%) Shareholders’ equity ratio on a market value basis (%) 時価ベ−スの株主資本比率 (%) Years to maturity (years) 債務償還年数 (年) Interest coverage ratio (times) インタレスト・カバレッジ・レシオ 2002 2003 2004 63.9 59.6 58.8 2005 56.0 87.7 89.1 138.2 135.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,781.6 5,715.4 4,081.3 4,051.6 Note: Shareholders’ equity ratio on a market value basis is the total market value of shares issued and outstanding divided by total assets. The total market value of shares is calculated by multiplying the closing price at the end of the fiscal year by the total number of shares issued and outstanding (exclusive of treasury stock). (注) 時価ベースの自己資本比率:株式時価総額/総資産 なお、 株式時価総額は、 期末株価終値×期末発行済株式数 (自己株式控除後) により算 出しております。 大東建託株式会社 25 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries 大東建託株式会社および連結子会社 Consolidated Balance Sheets 連結貸借対照表 March 31, 2005 and 2004 Thousands of U.S. Dollars (Note 1) Millions of Yen ASSETS 資産 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents 流動資産: 2005 2004 2005 ¥129,494 ¥107,568 $1,210,224 8,000 8,244 7,001 7,037 74,766 77,046 完成工事未収入金 29,470 22,989 275,420 その他 2,712 53,510 1,863 38,281 25,345 500,093 27,100 8,839 25,527 7,953 253,271 82,607 現金及び預金 Time deposits Marketable securities (Notes 3 and 5) 定期預金 Notes and accounts receivable: Construction contracts 受取手形及び未収入金: Other Short-term loans 有価証券 営業貸付金 Inventories (Note 6) Deferred tax assets (Note 9) 未成工事支出金等 Other current assets Allowance for doubtful accounts その他流動資産 繰延税金資産 貸倒引当金 Total current assets PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT: Land Buildings and structures Furniture and equipment Construction in progress Total Accumulated depreciation 77,149 (3,859) 229,671 2,572,102 土地 42,015 42,066 392,663 建物及び構築物 51,028 3,982 — 43,325 2,804 5,710 476,897 37,214 — 97,026 (9,427) 93,908 (6,579) 906,785 (88,102) 87,599 87,328 818,682 有形固定資産: 家具及び備品 建設仮勘定 合計 減価償却累計額 償却後有形固定資産 投資その他の資産: Investment securities (Notes 3 and 5) Subordinated bond (Note 4) 投資有価証券 劣後債 15,110 4,738 17,469 3,214 141,214 44,280 Guarantee deposits Investments in an unconsolidated subsidiary 保証金 10,765 10,650 100,607 239 3,637 239 2,640 2,233 33,990 5,098 6,872 5,098 8,440 47,644 64,224 46,462 47,754 434,224 ¥409,276 ¥364,754 $3,825,009 and an associated company Deferred tax assets (Note 9) Deferred tax assets on revaluation on land Other assets 非連結子会社及び 関連会社への投資 繰延税金資産 地価修正による繰延税金資産 その他資産 Total investments and other assets TOTAL See notes to consolidated financial statements. 26 11,785 (337) 275,215 流動資産合計 Net property and equipment INVESTMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS: 8,255 (413) Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 投資その他の資産 合計 Thousands of U.S. Dollars (Note 1) Millions of Yen LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 負債及び資本 CURRENT LIABILITIES: 流動負債: Accounts payable Advances received 工事未払金等 Income taxes payable (Note 9) Accrued employees’ bonuses 未払法人税等 未成工事受入金 賞与引当金 2005 2004 2005 ¥ 45,504 53,397 ¥ 34,258 45,345 $ 425,271 499,037 18,087 10,972 16,222 8,951 169,037 102,542 Provision for guaranteed payment on vacant rooms 空家保証引当金 3,075 3,153 28,738 Other current liabilities その他流動負債 31,421 25,102 293,654 162,459 133,035 1,518,308 5,687 11,188 5,183 11,501 53,149 104,560 Total current liabilities LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: 流動負債合計 固定負債: Liability for retirement benefits (Note 7) Deposit received for guarantee 退職給付引当金 Other その他 長期預り保証金等 Total long-term liabilities 固定負債合計 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (Note 15) 保証債務: SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Notes 8 and 16): 資本: Common stock— authorized, 332,255,400 shares issued, 129,358,232 shares in 2005 and 132,531,832 shares in 2004 Capital surplus Retained earnings Land revaluation difference 29,060 34,540 29,060 34,540 271,588 322,803 187,743 (7,428) 178,718 (7,428) 1,754,607 (69,420) 発行済株式数 129,358,232 株 2005 年 132,531,832 株 2004 年 資本剰余金 利益剰余金 土地再評価差額金 その他有価証券評価差額金 為替換算調整勘定 Total 合計 2,371 2,505 22,158 (3,033) (2,642) (28,345) 243,254 234,754 (14,164) (20,295) 2,273,401 2005 年自己株式 6,048,800 株の購入 2004 年自己株式 8,407,248 株の購入 Total shareholders’ equity TOTAL 7,962 165,672 授権株式数 332,255,400 株 Foreign currency translation adjustments 6,048,800 shares in 2005 and 8,407,248 shares in 2004 575 17,261 資本金ー Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities Treasury stock—at cost, 852 17,727 資本合計 合計 (132,373) 229,089 214,458 2,141,018 ¥409,276 ¥364,754 $3,825,009 大東建託株式会社 27 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries 大東建託株式会社および連結子会社 Consolidated Statements of Income 連結損益計算書 Years Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 Thousands of U.S. Dollars (Note 1) Millions of Yen NET SALES: Construction contracts Brokerage and real estate management 建設事業 Other (Note 10) その他事業 Total net sales COST OF SALES: 2005 2004 2005 ¥384,276 83,154 ¥344,772 75,743 $3,591,364 777,140 売上高: 不動産事業 売上高合計 24,330 18,111 227,383 491,761 438,627 4,595,897 232,355 61,197 2,456,439 595,420 売上原価: Construction contracts Brokerage and real estate management 建設事業 不動産事業 262,839 63,710 Other その他事業 5,912 3,944 55,252 Total cost of sales 売上原価合計 332,461 297,497 3,107,112 Gross profit 売上総利益 159,299 141,129 1,488,775 103,584 92,052 968,074 55,715 49,077 520,700 SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (Notes 10 and 11) Operating income 販売費及び一般管理費: 営業利益 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES)—Net (Note 12) その他利益(費用) INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 税引前利益 INCOME TAXES (Note 9): Current 所得税: Deferred Total income taxes NET INCOME 当期税額 繰延税額 所得税合計 当期純利益 (297) 1,240 (2,775) 55,417 50,318 517,915 25,703 23,581 240,214 (1,792) (1,239) (16,747) 23,911 22,341 223,467 ¥ 31,505 ¥ 27,976 $ 294,439 Yen U.S. Dollars PER SHARE OF COMMON STOCK (Notes 2.s and 17): Basic net income Diluted net income Cash dividends applicable to the year See notes to consolidated financial statements. 28 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 1株当たり利益: 1 株当たり当期利益 潜在株式調整後1株当たり当期純利益 年間配当金 ¥ 251.07 ¥ 218.40 247.96 71.00 216.74 63.00 $ 2.34 2.31 0.66 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries 大東建託株式会社および連結子会社 Consolidated Statements of Shareholders’ Equity 連結株主持分計算書 Years Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 Thousands of U.S. Dollars (Note 1) Millions of Yen COMMON STOCK: Balance, beginning of year Balance, end of year CAPITAL SURPLUS: Balance, beginning of year Balance, end of year RETAINED EARNINGS: Balance, beginning of year Net income Cash dividends, ¥67.00 ($0.62) per share in 2005 and ¥65.00 per share in 2004 Bonuses to directors and corporate auditors Loss on disposal of treasury stocks Retirement of treasury stock Reversal of land revaluation difference Balance, end of year LAND REVALUATION DIFFERENCE: Balance, beginning of year Decrease in land revaluation difference Balance, end of year UNREALIZED GAIN ON AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE SECURITIES: Balance, beginning of year Net increase (decrease) in unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities Balance, end of year FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENTS: Balance, beginning of year Net change in foreign currency translation adjustments Balance, end of year TREASURY STOCK—At cost: Balance, beginning of year Treasury stock acquired—net (815,246 shares) Retirement of treasury stock (3,173,600 shares) Balance, end of year 2005 2004 2005 ¥ 29,060 ¥ 29,060 ¥ 29,060 ¥ 29,060 $ 271,588 $ 271,588 ¥ 34,540 ¥ 34,540 ¥ 34,540 ¥ 34,540 $ 322,803 $ 322,803 ¥178,718 31,505 ¥170,877 27,976 $1,670,261 294,439 (8,273) (501) (405) (13,299) — ¥187,743 (8,202) (407) (1) (11,499) (23) ¥178,718 (77,317) (4,682) (3,785) (124,289) — $1,754,607 ¥ (7,428) — ¥ (7,428) ¥ (7,439) 11 ¥ (7,428) $ $ (69,420) — (69,420) ¥ 2,505 ¥ 135 $ 23,411 ¥ (133) 2,371 ¥ 2,369 2,505 $ (1,242) 22,158 期首残高 ¥ (2,642) ¥ (41) $ (24,691) 為替換算調整による増減額 (391) ¥ (3,033) (2,600) ¥ (2,642) $ (3,654) (28,345) 自己株式消却に伴う減少額 ¥ (20,295) (7,168) 13,299 ¥ (21,389) (10,405) 11,499 $ (189,672) (66,990) 124,289 期末残高 ¥ (14,164) ¥ (20,295) $ (132,373) 資本金: 期首残高 期末残高 資本剰余金: 期首残高 期末残高 利益剰余金: 期首残高 当期純利益 配当金 2005 年1株当たり配当金 67.00 円 及び 2004 年1株当たり配当金 65.00 円 役員及び監査役賞与 自己株式売却による損失 自己株式消却に伴う減少額 土地再評価差額金取崩額 期末残高 土地再評価損: 期首残高 土地再評価に伴う減少額 期末残高 その他有価証券評価差額金: 期首残高 その他有価証券評価による増減額 期末残高 為替換算調整額: 期末残高 自己株式: 期首残高 自己株式取得・純額 Thousands of shares 2005 OUTSTANDING NUMBER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK: Balance, beginning of year Treasury stock acquired—net Balance, end of year 2004 発行済株式数: 期首残高 自己株式取得・純額 期末残高 124,124 (815) 123,309 127,118 (2,994) 124,124 See notes to consolidated financial statements. 大東建託株式会社 29 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries 大東建託株式会社および連結子会社 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書 Years Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 Thousands of U.S. Dollars (Note 1) Millions of Yen OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Income before income taxes Adjustments for: Income taxes—paid Depreciation and amortization Increase in allowance for doubtful receivables Increase in accrued employees’ bonuses Loss on devaluation of securities Changes in assets and liabilities: Increase in notes and accounts receivable — construction contracts Increase in short-term loans (Increase) decrease in inventories Increase in accounts payable Increase in advances received Other—net 法人税等の支払額 減価償却費 貸倒引当金増加額 従業員賞与増加額 有価証券の評価損 売上債権増加額 営業貸付金の増加額 棚卸資産の (増加) 減少 買掛金勘定増加 (減少) 額 未成工事受入金増加額 その他利益 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net cash used in financing activities 2005 ¥ 55,417 ¥50,318 $ 517,915 (24,412) 3,374 957 2,020 — (23,248) 3,356 176 1,388 9 (228,149) 31,532 8,943 18,878 — 資産及び資本の変更: 調整額合計 FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Repurchase of treasury stock Disposal of treasury stock Dividends paid 2004 調整: Net cash provided by operating activities Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (6,527) (15,229) (1,572) 9,902 8,052 5,405 (7,749) (16,583) 1,315 3,415 795 9,539 (61,000) (142,327) (14,691) 92,542 75,252 50,514 (18,028) (27,587) (168,485) 37,388 22,735 349,420 (998) (22,690) 3,100 (45,913) (9,327) (212,056) 22,388 (2,216) (146) 208 (528) 4,489 32,016 (7,449) (122) 382 (1,115) (1,466) 209,233 (20,710) (1,364) 1,943 (4,934) 41,953 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー: 定期預金(増加) 減少額 市場及び投資有価証券の購入 市場及び投資有価証券売却収入 有形固定資産の購入 保険料積立金の積立 保険料積立金の解約 保証金の差入による支出 その他利益 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 506 (20,567) 4,728 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー: 金庫株買い戻し金 金庫株売却収入 配当金 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (13,453) 5,880 (8,273) (11,583) 1,176 (8,202) (125,728) 54,953 (77,317) (15,846) (18,610) (148,093) (123) (358) (1,149) FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENTS ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 現金及び現金同等物の為替換算調整 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 現金及び現金同等物純増加 (減少) 額 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 現金及び現金同等物の期首残高 107,568 124,369 1,005,308 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 ¥129,494 ¥107,568 $1,210,224 See notes to consolidated financial statements. 30 税金等調整前当期純利益 Total adjustments INVESTING ACTIVITIES: (Increase) decrease in time deposits Purchases of marketable and investment securities Proceeds from sales and redemptions of marketable and investment securities Purchases of property and equipment Additions to investments in insurance funds Reductions of investments in insurance funds Additions to guarantee deposits Other—net 2005 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー: Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. ¥ 21,925 ¥(16,800) $ 204,906 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries 大東建託株式会社および連結子会社 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years Ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 1. BASIS OF PRESENTING CONSOLIDATED FINANFINANCIAL CIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been The accompanying consolidated financial statements been prepared in accordance with the provisions set forth inhave the Japaprepared in accordance with the set forth in the Japanese Securities and Exchange Lawprovisions and its related accounting regunese Securities and Exchange and its related accounting regulations, and in conformity withLaw accounting principles generally aclations, and in conformity accounting principles accepted in Japan, which arewith different in certain respectsgenerally as to applicepted in Japan, whichrequirements are different in respects as to application and disclosure of certain International Financial Recation disclosure requirements of International Financial Reportingand Standards. porting Standards. In preparing these consolidated financial statements, certain In preparing and theserearrangements consolidated financial statements, certain reclassifications have been made to the conreclassifications andstatements rearrangements have been made in to the consolidated financial issued domestically order to solidated financial statements domestically in order to present them in a form which is issued more familiar to readers outside present in a form which is more familiarhave to readers outside Japan. them In addition, certain reclassifications been made in Japan. In financial addition, statements certain reclassifications been made in the 2003 to conform tohave the classifications the financial statements to conform to the classifications used2004 in 2004. usedThe in 2005. consolidated financial statements are stated in Japanese financial are stated in Japanese yen,The the consolidated currency of the countrystatements in which Daito Trust Construction yen, the currency of the country in which Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) is incorporated and operates. Japanese Co., Ltd. (the "Company") is incorporated and operates. Japanese yen figures less than a million yen are rounded down to the nearest yen figures than a million yen are rounded to the nearest million yen.less The translations of Japanese yendown amounts into U.S. million yen except per share data. dollar amounts arefor included solely forThe the translations convenienceofofJapanese readers yen amounts amounts arerate included solely for the outside Japaninto andU.S. havedollar been made at the of ¥105 to $1, convenience of readers outsideatJapan beenSuch madetranslaat the approximate rate of exchange Marchand 31,have 2004. rate ¥107 not to $1, the approximate rate of exchange at March 31, tionsofshould be construed as representations that the Japanese 2005. Such translations should not construed yen amounts could be converted intobeU.S. dollars as at representathat or any tions other that rate.the Japanese yen amounts could be converted into U.S. dollars at that or any other rate. 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING 2. POLICIES SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLIa. Consolidation CIES —The consolidated financial statements as of a. Consolidation —The consolidated financial as its of March 31, 2004 include the accounts of the statements Company and March 31, 2005 include the accountsthe of “Group”). the Company andthe its 22 significant subsidiaries (together, Under 20 significant (22 in 2004) subsidiaries (together, in thewhich "Group"). control or influence concept, those companies the Under the directly control or or indirectly, influence isconcept, those companies in Company, able to exercise control over which the Company, directly or indirectly, is able to exercise operations are fully consolidated, and those companies over control overGroup operations areability fully consolidated, and those influcomwhich the has the to exercise significant panies over which the the ability to exercise signifience are accounted forGroup by thehas equity method. cantInvestments influence are for by the equity method. in accounted an unconsolidated subsidiary and an assoInvestments unconsolidated and an associated company in areanstated at cost. Ifsubsidiary the equity method of ciated company are stated If the equity method of accounting had been appliedattocost. the investments in these comaccounting been applied to the investments in these companies, the had effect on the accompanying consolidated financial panies, the effect consolidated financial statements would on notthe be accompanying material. statements wouldintercompany not be material. All significant balances and transactions have significantinintercompany and transactions have beenAlleliminated consolidation.balances All material unrealized profit been eliminated in resulting consolidation. All material within unrealized profit included in assets from transactions the Group included in assets resulting from transactions within the Group is eliminated. is eliminated. b. Cash Equivalents—Cash equivalents are short-term investments b. Cash Equivalents —Cash equivalents areand short-term that are readily convertible into cash that areinvestments exposed to that are readily cash and that are exposed to insignificant riskconvertible of changesinto in value. insignificant risk of changes in value. Cash equivalents include time deposits which mature within Cash equivalents include time deposits which mature within three months of the date of acquisition. three months of the date of acquisition. c. Inventories—Construction projects in progress are stated at cost as determined on the specific project basis. Materials and other inventories are mainly stated at cost determined by the average method. d. Marketable and Investment Securities—Marketable and investment securities are classified and accounted for, depending on management's intent, as follows: (1) held-to-maturity debt securities, which are expected to be held to maturity with the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity are reported at amortized cost and (2) available-for-sale securities, which are not classified as aforementioned securities, are reported at fair value, with unrealized gains and losses, net of applicable taxes, reported in a separate component of shareholders' equity. Non-marketable available-for-sale securities are stated at cost determined by the moving-average method. For other than temporary declines in fair value, investment securities are reduced to net realizable value by a charge to income. e. Property and Equipment—Property and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation of property and equipment of the Company and its consolidated domestic subsidiaries is computed substantially by the declining-balance method at rates based on the estimated useful lives of the assets, while the straightline method is applied to buildings of the Company and its consolidated domestic subsidiaries, and all property, plant and equipment of consolidated foreign subsidiaries. The range of useful lives is principally from 10 to 60 years for buildings and structures, and from 4 to 20 years for furniture and equipment. f. Land Revaluation—Under the "Law of Land Revaluation," the Company elected a one-time revaluation of its own-use land to a value based on real estate appraisal information as of March 31, 2002. The resulting land revaluation difference represents unrealized decline in value of land and is stated, net of income taxes, as a component of shareholders' equity. There was no effect on the statement of income. Continuous readjustment is not permitted unless the land value subsequently declines significantly. The amount of the decline in value would be added to the land revaluation difference account and related deferred tax assets. g. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts—The allowance for doubtful accounts is stated at amounts considered to be appropriate based on the Group's past credit loss experience and an evaluation of potential losses in the receivables outstanding. The allowance for doubtful accounts related to the subordinated bond issued by special purpose company ("SPC") is stated based on an evaluation of potential losses due to worsening fiscal conditions of SPC. h. Accrued Employees' Bonuses—The Company and certain consolidated subsidiaries have provided for employees' bonuses to state the liability at the estimated amount payable to employees. 大東建託株式会社 31 i. Provision for Guaranteed Payment on Vacant Rooms—The provision for the guaranteed payment on vacant rooms, which may become due under construction contracts with customers, is provided in an amount estimated by management based upon past experience. j. Retirement and Pension Plans—The Company and certain consolidated subsidiaries have contributory defined benefit pension plans and unfunded retirement benefit plans for employees. Other consolidated domestic subsidiaries have unfunded retirement benefit plans for their employees. Retirement benefits to directors and corporate auditors are provided at the amount which would be required if all directors and corporate auditors retired at the balance sheet date (see Note 7). k. Leases—All leases are accounted for as operating leases. Under Japanese accounting standards for leases, finance leases that deem to transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee are to be capitalized, while other finance leases are permitted to be accounted for as operating lease transactions if certain "as if capitalized" information is disclosed in the notes to the lessee's consolidated financial statements. l. Income Taxes—The provision for income taxes is computed based on the pretax income included in the consolidated statements of income. The asset and liability approach is used to recognize deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax bases of assets and liabilities. Deferred taxes are measured by applying currently enacted tax laws to the temporary differences. m. Appropriations of Retained Earnings—Appropriations of retained earnings are reflected in the financial statements for the following year upon shareholders' approval. n. Recognition of Revenue and Related Costs of Construction— Sales are recorded using the completed-contract method. o. Foreign Currency Transactions—All short-term and long-term monetary receivables and payables denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Japanese yen at the exchange rates at the balance sheet date. The foreign exchange gains and losses from translation are recognized in the statements of income to the extent that they are not hedged by forward exchange contracts. p. Foreign Currency Financial Statements—The balance sheet accounts, and revenue and expense accounts of the consolidated foreign subsidiaries are translated into Japanese yen at the current exchange rates as of the balance sheet date except for shareholders' equity, which is translated at the historical rate. Differences arising from such translation were shown as "Foreign currency translation adjustments" in a separate component of shareholders' equity. 32 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. q. Derivatives and Hedging Activities—The Group uses derivative financial instruments to manage its exposures to fluctuations in foreign exchange. Foreign exchange forward contracts, currency options and currency swaps are utilized by the Group to reduce foreign currency exchange risk. The Group does not enter into derivatives for trading or speculative purposes. Derivative financial instruments and foreign currency transactions are classified and accounted for as follows: (a) all derivatives be recognized as either assets or liabilities and measured at fair value, and gains or losses on derivative transactions are recognized in the income statement and (b) for derivatives used for hedging purposes, if derivatives qualify for hedge accounting because of high correlation and effectiveness between the hedging instruments and the hedged items, gains or losses on derivatives are deferred until maturity of the hedged transactions. The foreign currency forward contracts, currency options and currency swaps employed to hedge foreign exchange exposures for import are measured at the fair value and the unrealized gains/losses are recognized in income. Forward contracts applied for forecasted (or committed) transactions are also measured at fair value but the unrealized gains/losses are deferred until the underlying transactions are completed. Accounts payable denominated in foreign currencies for which foreign exchange forward contracts are used to hedge the foreign currency fluctuations are translated at the contracted rate if the forward contracts, currency options and currency swaps qualify for hedge accounting. r. Consumption Tax—Consumption tax is accounted for by the tax exclusion method. s. Per Share Information—Basic net income per share is computed by dividing net income available to common shareholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period, retroactively adjusted for stock splits. Diluted net income per share reflects the potential dilution that could occur if securities were exercised or converted into common stock. Diluted net income per share of common stock assumes full conversion of the outstanding convertible notes and bonds at the beginning of the year (or at the time of issuance) with an applicable adjustment for related interest expense, net of tax, and full exercise of outstanding warrants. Cash dividends per share presented in the accompanying consolidated statements of income are dividends applicable to the respective years including dividends to be paid after the end of the year. t. New Accounting Pronouncements—In August 2002, the Business Accounting Council issued a Statement of Opinion, "Accounting for Impairment of Fixed Assets," and in October 2003 the Accounting Standards Board of Japan ("ASB") issued ASB Guidance No. 6, "Guidance for Accounting Standard for Impairment of Fixed Assets." These new pronouncements are effective for fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 2005 with early adoption permitted for fiscal years ending on or after March 31, 2004. The new accounting standard requires an entity to review its long-lived assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset or asset group may not be recoverable. An impairment loss would be recognized if the carrying amount of an asset or asset group exceeds the sum of the undiscounted future cash flows expected to result from the continued use and eventual disposition of the asset or asset group. The impairment loss would be measured as the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount, which is the higher of the discounted cash flows from the continued use and eventual disposition of the asset or the net selling price at disposition. The Group expects to adopt these pronouncements as of April 1, 2005 and is currently in the process of assessing the effect of adoption of these pronouncements. 3. MARKETABLE AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES Marketable and investment securities as of March 31, 2005 and 2004 consisted of the following: Millions of Yen 2005 Current—Government and corporate bonds Total 2004 ¥ 8,244 ¥ 7,037 ¥ 8,244 ¥ 7,037 Non-current: Marketable equity securities ¥ 5,049 ¥ 5,255 Government and corporate bonds 7,768 Trust fund investments and other 2,293 12,214 Total ¥15,110 ¥17,469 The carrying amounts and aggregate fair values of marketable and investment securities at March 31, 2005 and 2004 were as follows: Millions of Yen March 31, 2005 Cost Securities classified as: Available-for-sale: Equity securities ¥1,575 Debt securities 12,963 Other 1,999 Held-to-maturity 2,518 $ 77,046 $ 77,046 $47,186 Unrealized Losses ¥3,473 597 ¥(66) 10 Fair Value ¥5,049 13,494 1,999 2,528 March 31, 2004 Securities classified as: Available-for-sale: Equity securities 1,586 Debt securities 15,022 Held-to-maturity 3,668 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 Unrealized Gains 3,669 588 7 (27) (15) 5,255 15,583 3,660 Thousands of U.S. Dollars March 31, 2005 Cost Unrealized Gains Securities classified as: Available-for-sale: Equity securities $14,719 $32,457 Debt securities 121,149 5,579 Other 18,682 Held-to-maturity 23,532 93 Unrealized Losses Fair Value $47,186 $(616) 126,112 18,682 23,626 72,598 21,429 $141,214 Proceeds from sales of available-for-sale securities for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 were ¥56 million ($523 thousand) and ¥256 million, respectively. Gross realized gains on these sales, computed on the moving average cost basis, were ¥42 million ($392 thousand) and ¥121 million for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. The carrying values of debt securities by contractual maturities for securities classified as available-for-sale and held-to-maturity (including subordinated bond) at March 31, 2005 are as follows: Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen Available for Sale Due in one year or less ¥ 7,038 Due after one year through five years 8,455 Due after five years through ten years Due after ten years 4,738 Total ¥20,232 Held to Maturity Available for Sale Held to Maturity ¥1,206 $ 65,775 $11,271 949 79,018 8,869 362 3,383 44,280 ¥2,517 $189,084 $23,523 大東建託株式会社 33 4. SUBORDINATED BOND 6. INVENTORIES The Company mediates the extension of apartment loans to customers who order construction of rental housing. As for this loan, financial institutions establish special purpose companies ("SPCs") and the loan is securitized by SPCs. When the customer uses this loan, the Company needs to buy the subordinated bonds issued by the SPCs according to the agreement with certain financial institutions. Details of the subordinated bond are as follows: Inventories at March 31, 2005 and 2004 consisted of the following: Millions of Yen Subordinated bonds ¥4,738 Allowance for doubtful accounts ¥817 Possession ratio of subordinated bonds 5.91% Date of maturity November 2034March 2037 Loan balance of SPCs ¥82,571 Outstanding bonds of SPCs ¥83,895 Thousands of U.S. Dollars $44,280 $ 7,635 $771,691 $784,065 5. PLEDGED ASSETS The carrying amounts of assets pledged as security as required by the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law and for the purpose of extending payment due dates for customs and consumption tax at March 31, 2005 and 2004 were as follows: Marketable securities Investment securities Total 2005 2004 ¥1,226 ¥ 505 1,115 2,068 ¥2,341 ¥2,573 2005 Construction projects in progress Materials Real estate held for sale Merchandise Total Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2004 2005 ¥22,611 ¥21,518 3,475 2,448 564 1,154 449 406 ¥27,100 ¥25,527 $211,317 32,476 5,271 4,196 $253,271 7. RETIREMENT AND PENSION PLANS Five SPCs issued bonds payable, respectively. The outstanding bonds of SPCs included above, are the total of the bonds balances in the financial statements of two of the SPCs and bonds issued by three additional SPCs. The possession ratio of the subordinated bond is the ratio of the subordinated bond balance of the Company to the total amount of bonds when issued. Millions of Yen Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 $11,457 10,420 $21,878 The Company and certain consolidated subsidiaries have severance payment plans for employees, directors and corporate auditors. Under most circumstances, employees terminating their employment are entitled to retirement benefits determined based on the rate of pay, years of service and certain other factors. Such retirement benefits are made in the form of a lump-sum severance payment from the Company or from certain consolidated subsidiaries and annuity payments from a trustee. Employees are entitled to larger payments if the termination is involuntary, by retirement at the mandatory retirement age, by death, or by voluntary retirement at certain specific ages prior to the mandatory retirement age. The liability for employees' retirement benefits at March 31, 2005 and 2004 consisted of the following: Millions of Yen 2005 2004 Projected benefit obligation ¥13,473 ¥11,889 Fair value of plan assets (7,978) (6,840) Unrecognized prior service cost (957) (1,010) Unrecognized actuarial loss (866) (791) Net liability ¥ 3,672 ¥ 3,246 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 $125,915 (74,560) (8,943) (8,093) $ 34,317 The components of net periodic benefit costs for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 were as follows: Millions of Yen 2005 2004 Service cost ¥1,418 ¥1,354 Interest cost 174 178 Expected return on plan assets (101) (83) Amortization of prior service cost 318 144 Recognized actuarial loss 144 263 Net periodic benefit costs ¥1,954 ¥1,857 34 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 $13,252 1,626 (943) 2,971 1,345 $18,261 Assumptions used for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 are set forth as follows: Discount rate Expected rate of return on plan assets Amortization period of prior service cost Recognition period of actuarial gain/loss 2005 1.4% 1.5% 8 years 8 years 2004 1.5% 1.5% 8 years 8 years The liabilities for retirement benefits for directors and corporate auditors at March 31, 2005 and 2004 were ¥2,015 million ($18,831 thousand) and ¥1,937 million, respectively. The retirement benefits for directors and corporate auditors are paid subject to the approval of the shareholders in accordance with the Japanese Commercial Code (the "Code"). 9. INCOME TAXES The Company and its domestic subsidiaries are subject to Japanese national and local income taxes which, in the aggregate, resulted in normal effective statutory tax rates of approximately 40.7% and 41.7% for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. On March 31, 2003, a tax reform law concerning enterprise tax was enacted in Japan which changed the normal effective statutory tax rate from 41.7% to 40.7%, effective for years beginning on or after April 1, 2004. The deferred tax assets and liabilities which will realize on or after April 1, 2004 are measured at the effective tax rate of 40.7% as at March 31, 2004. The tax effects of significant temporary differences and tax loss carryforwards which resulted in deferred tax assets and liabilities at March 31, 2005 and 2004 are as follows: 8. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Japanese companies are subject to the Code. The Code requires that all shares of common stock are recorded with no par value and at least 50% of the issue price of new shares is required to be recorded as common stock and the remaining net proceeds as additional paid-in capital, which is included in capital surplus. The Code permits Japanese companies, upon approval of the Board of Directors, to issue shares to existing shareholders without consideration as a stock split. Such issuance of shares generally does not give rise to changes within the shareholders' accounts. The Code also provides that an amount at least equal to 10% of the aggregate amount of cash dividends and certain other appropriations of retained earnings associated with cash outlays applicable to each period shall be appropriated as a legal reserve (a component of retained earnings) until such reserve and additional paid-in capital equals 25% of common stock. The amount of total additional paid-in capital and legal reserve that exceeds 25% of the common stock may be available for dividends by resolution of the shareholders. In addition, the Code permits the transfer of a portion of additional paid-in capital and legal reserve to the common stock by resolution of the Board of Directors. The Code allows Japanese companies to repurchase treasury stock and dispose of such treasury stock by resolution of the Board of Directors. The repurchased amount of treasury stock cannot exceed the amount available for future dividend plus amount of common stock, additional paid-in capital or legal reserve to be reduced in the case where such reduction was resolved at the shareholders meeting. In addition to the provision that requires an appropriation for a legal reserve in connection with the cash payment, the Code imposes certain limitations on the amount of retained earnings available for dividends. The amount of retained earnings available for dividends under the Code was ¥152,322 million ($1,423,570 thousand) as of March 31, 2005, based on the amount recorded in the Company's general books of account. Dividends are approved by the shareholders at a meeting held subsequent to the fiscal year to which the dividends are applicable. Semiannual interim dividends may also be paid upon resolution of the Board of Directors, subject to certain limitations imposed by the Code. Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2005 2004 Deferred tax assets: Loss on devaluation of investment securities ¥ 1,076 ¥1,049 Provision for guaranteed payment on vacant rooms 1,251 1,283 Tax loss carryforwards of consolidated subsidiaries 847 796 Accrued employees' bonuses 4,444 3,626 Software 1,152 841 Enterprise tax 1,372 1,397 Retirement benefits for directors and corporate auditors 830 798 Unrealized profit of assets 274 278 Accrued expenses 920 636 Allowance for doubtful accounts 655 256 Retirement benefits for employees 1,355 1,052 Others 1,101 893 Less valuation allowance (1,150) (573) Total 14,131 12,336 Deferred tax liabilities: Unrealized gain on availablefor-sale securities 1,627 1,719 Others 26 23 Total 1,654 1,742 Net deferred tax assets ¥12,477 ¥10,593 2005 $ 10,056 11,691 7,915 41,532 10,766 12,822 7,757 2,560 8,598 6,121 12,663 10,289 (10,747) 132,065 15,205 242 15,457 $116,607 大東建託株式会社 35 A reconciliation between the normal effective statutory tax rates and the actual effective tax rates reflected in the accompanying consolidated statements of income for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 is as follows: 2005 2004 Normal effective statutory tax rate 40.7% 41.7% Expenses not deductible for income tax purposes 1.0 2.1 Inhabitants taxes 0.5 0.5 Others—net 0.9 0.1 Actual effective tax rate 43.1% 44.4% 13. LEASES 10.OPERATING REVENUE AND OPERATING COST OF DAITO KYOSAIKAI CO., LTD. Lessee The Group leases certain machinery, vehicles and computer equipment. Total lease payments under finance leases for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 were ¥2,677 million ($25,018 thousand) and ¥2,069 million, respectively. Pro forma information of leased property such as acquisition cost, accumulated depreciation, obligations under finance leases, depreciation expense, interest expense of finance leases that do not transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee on an "as if capitalized" basis for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 was as follows: Operating revenues of Daito Kyosaikai Co., Ltd. which were included in net sales—other for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 were as follows: Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen Net sales—other 2005 ¥13,302 2004 ¥12,256 2005 $124,317 Operating costs of Daito Kyosaikai Co., Ltd. which were included in selling, general and administrative expenses for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 were as follows: Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen Selling, general and administrative expenses 2005 2004 2005 ¥12,500 ¥12,333 $116,822 Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 2004 2005 ¥ 4,110 7,741 ¥11,852 ¥ 2,163 8,095 ¥10,259 $ 38,411 72,345 $110,766 Accumulated depreciation: Machinery and equipment Vehicles Total ¥1,356 3,449 ¥4,806 ¥ 818 3,199 ¥4,017 $12,672 32,233 $44,915 Net leased property: Machinery and equipment Vehicles Total ¥2,754 4,291 ¥7,045 ¥1,345 4,895 ¥6,241 $25,738 40,102 $65,841 Acquisition cost: Machinery and equipment Vehicles Total Obligations under finance leases: 11. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COSTS Research and development costs charged to income were ¥650 million ($6,074 thousand) and ¥810 million for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. 2005 ¥2,169 5,566 ¥7,735 2004 ¥1,923 4,558 ¥6,482 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 $20,271 52,018 $72,289 12. OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES)—NET Due within one year Due after one year Total Other income (expenses)—net for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 consisted of the following: Depreciation expense and interest expense under finance leases: Thousands of U.S. Dollars Millions of Yen 2005 Interest and dividend income ¥ 383 Referral fee 138 Gain on investment Loss on devaluation of investment securities (7) Provision for closing of home center business (1,200) Other 389 Other income (expenses)—net ¥ (297) 36 Millions of Yen Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 2004 ¥ 346 158 491 (9) 254 ¥1,240 2005 $ 3,579 1,289 (65) (11,214) 3,635 $(2,775) Millions of Yen Depreciation expense Interest expense Total 2005 ¥2,094 617 ¥2,712 2004 ¥1,958 157 ¥2,116 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 $19,570 5,766 $25,345 Depreciation expense and interest expense, which are not reflected in the accompanying consolidated statements of income, are computed by the straight-line method and the interest method, respectively. Lessor The minimum rental commitments under noncancelable operating leases at March 31, 2005 and 2004 were as follows: Millions of Yen Due within one year Due after one year Total 2005 ¥ 621 10,560 ¥11,181 2004 ¥ 621 11,181 ¥11,803 Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 5,803 98,691 $104,495 $ 14. DERIVATIVES The Group enters into derivative financial instruments, including foreign currency forward contracts, currency options and currency swaps, to hedge foreign exchange risk associated with certain assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. All derivative transactions are entered into to hedge foreign currency exposures incorporated within its business. Accordingly, market risk in these derivatives is basically offset by opposite movements in the value of hedged assets or liabilities. Because the counterparties to these derivatives are limited to major international financial institutions, the Group does not anticipate any losses arising from credit risk. Derivative transactions entered into by the Group have been made in accordance with internal policies which regulate the authorization and credit limit amount. Because the Group had only derivatives which qualify for hedge accounting for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004, the disclosure of market value information is not required under Japanese regulation. 15. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES The Company was contingently liable as guarantor to finance companies for housing loans to customers totaling ¥94 million ($878 thousand) and ¥152 million as of March 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively. 16. STOCK OPTION PLAN The stock option plan which was approved by the shareholders on June 29, 2000, provides options to purchase the Company's common stock in an aggregate maximum of 395,000 shares for 53 employees of the Company. The exercise period for these stock options is between June 30, 2002 and June 29, 2005, at an exercise price of ¥1,931 per share. The exercise price of stock options is subject to adjustment in certain circumstances. The outstanding balance of such options is 8,800 shares. The stock option plan which was approved by the shareholders on June 28, 2001, provides options to purchase the Company's common stock up to an aggregate maximum of 615,000 shares for 7 operating officers and 73 employees of the Company. The exercise period for these stock options is between June 29, 2003 and June 28, 2006, at an exercise price of ¥2,048 per share. The exercise price of stock options is subject to adjustment in certain circumstances. The outstanding balance of such options is 33,900 shares. The stock option plan which was approved by the shareholders on June 27, 2002, provides options to purchase the Company's common stock in an aggregate maximum of 4,575,000 shares for directors, corporate auditors and employees (total 274 persons) of the Group. The exercise period for these stock options is between June 28, 2004 and June 27, 2007, at an exercise price of ¥2,475 per share. The exercise price of stock options is subject to adjustment in certain circumstances. The outstanding balance of such options is 2,820,200 shares. The stock option plan which was approved by the shareholders on June 29, 2004, provides options to purchase the Company's common stock up to an aggregate maximum of 5,450,000 shares for directors, corporate auditors and employees (total 313 persons) of the Group. The exercise period for these stock options is between June 30, 2006 and June 29, 2009, at an exercise price of ¥4,645 per share. The exercise price of stock options is subject to adjustment in certain circumstance. 17. NET INCOME PER SHARE Reconciliation of the differences between basic and diluted net income per share ("EPS") for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 is as follows: Year Ended March 31, 2005 Millions of Yen Thousands of Shares Net Income Weightedaverage Shares Basic EPS—Net income available to common shareholders ¥31,057 123,695 Effect of dilutive securities—Warrants 1,549 Diluted EPS-Net income for computation ¥31,057 125,245 U.S. Dollars Yen EPS ¥251.07 $2.34 ¥247.96 $2.31 Year Ended March 31, 2004 Basic EPS—Net income available to common shareholders ¥27,474 125,795 Effect of dilutive securities—Warrants 963 Diluted EPS—Net income for computation ¥27,474 126,759 ¥218.40 ¥216.74 大東建託株式会社 37 18. SEGMENT INFORMATION Information about industry segments of the Group for the years ended March 31, 2005 and 2004 is as follows: (1) Sales and Operating Income Millions of Yen 2005 Construction Sales to customers Intersegment sales Total sales Operating expenses Operating income ¥384,276 1 384,278 322,120 ¥ 62,157 Real Estate ¥83,154 2,776 85,930 83,510 ¥ 2,420 Finance Other ¥1,276 25 1,301 513 ¥ 787 ¥23,053 3,006 26,060 23,570 ¥ 2,489 Eliminations (Corporate) Consolidated ¥491,761 ¥ (5,809) (5,809) 6,331 ¥(12,140) 491,761 436,046 ¥ 55,715 Eliminations (Corporate) Consolidated (2) Total Assets, Depreciation and Capital Expenditures Millions of Yen 2005 Construction Total assets Depreciation Capital expenditures ¥69,264 507 526 Real Estate ¥94,694 2,585 279 Finance Other ¥56,774 ¥32,528 269 2,932 ¥156,014 11 ¥409,276 3,374 3,738 (1) Sales and Operating Income Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 Construction Sales to customers Intersegment sales Total sales Operating expenses Operating income $3,591,364 9 3,591,383 3,010,467 $ 580,906 Real Estate $777,140 25,943 803,084 780,467 $ 22,616 Other Eliminations (Corporate) $215,448 28,093 243,551 220,280 $ 23,261 $ (54,289) (54,289) 59,168 $(113,457) Finance $11,925 233 12,158 4,794 $ 7,355 Consolidated $4,595,897 4,595,897 4,075,196 $ 520,700 (2) Total Assets, Depreciation and Capital Expenditures Thousands of U.S. Dollars 2005 Total assets Depreciation Capital expenditures 38 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Construction Real Estate $647,327 4,738 4,915 $884,990 24,158 2,607 Finance $530,598 Other $304,000 2,514 27,401 Eliminations (Corporate) $1,458,074 102 Consolidated $3,825,009 31,532 34,934 (1) Sales and Operating Income Millions of Yen 2004 Construction Sales to customers Intersegment sales Total sales Operating expenses Operating income ¥344,772 23 344,796 286,042 ¥ 58,753 Real Estate Finance ¥75,743 2,455 78,198 77,965 ¥ 232 Eliminations (Corporate) Other ¥819 30 850 447 ¥403 ¥17,292 3,043 20,335 19,438 ¥ 897 Consolidated ¥438,627 ¥ (5,553) (5,553) 5,656 ¥(11,210) 438,627 389,550 ¥ 49,077 Eliminations (Corporate) Consolidated ¥138,274 12 9 ¥364,754 3,356 3,433 (2) Total Assets, Depreciation and Capital Expenditures Millions of Yen 2004 Construction Total assets Depreciation Capital expenditures ¥59,656 550 438 Real Estate ¥96,220 2,753 1,043 Finance ¥43,911 Other ¥26,691 40 1,941 Segment information by geographical area is omitted, since sales and assets in the domestic market comprise over 90% of total sales and total assets, respectively. Overseas sales information is omitted, since sales to overseas customers are less than 10% of consolidated sales. 19. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (1) Appropriations of Retained Earnings The following appropriations of retained earnings at March 31, 2005 were approved at the Company's shareholders meeting held on June 29, 2005: Year-end cash dividends, ¥37.0 ($0.34) per share Bonuses to directors and corporate auditors Millions of Yen Thousands of U.S. Dollars ¥4,562 448 $42,635 4,186 (2) Stock Option Plan According to the shareholders' approval of the stock option plan at the shareholders meeting held on June 29, 2004, details of the plan were decided and options were provided at the board meeting held on April 18, 2005. For the details of the plan, refer to Note 16 on the stock option plan. (3) Purchase of Treasury Stock At the board meeting held on May 9, 2005, it was approved to repurchase up to 3,200,000 shares of the Company's common stock for extinguishment (aggregated amount of ¥14,700 million ($137,383 thousand)) and to repurchase up to 2,020,000 shares of the Company's common stock (aggregated amount of ¥10,100 million ($94,392 thousand)) as treasury stock. 大東建託株式会社 39 Independent Auditor's Report 40 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Financial Summaries of Subsidiaries 連結子会社の概況 Construction Business 建設事業 Daito Steel Co., Ltd. Daito Trust & Building Co., Ltd. 大東スチ−ル株式会社 大東住託株式会社 Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen 2005 2005 Total Sales 売上高 231 2.1 Total Gross Profits 売上総利益 2,194 20.5 68 0.6 SG&A Expenses 販管費 1,494 13.9 営業利益 163 1.5 Operating Income 営業利益 699 6.5 経常利益 164 1.5 Recurring Income 経常利益 742 0.8 Net Income 当期純利益 356 Total Sales 売上高 Total Gross Profits 売上総利益 SG&A Expenses 販管費 Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income 当期純利益 ¥1,686 (+17.0%) 96 $15.7 (-2.2%) Supply of steel frames for buildings ¥19,944 (+460.9%) $186.3 6.9 ( - %) 3.3 Construction of a building (leased and owner-occupied) and monthly rental service 賃貸用物件の基本構造である鉄骨部材の安定供給 賃貸併用住宅の建設およびマンスリー事業 Real Estate Business 不動産事業 House-com Co., Ltd. Daito Building Management Co., Ltd. ハウスコム株式会社 大東建物管理株式会社 Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen 2005 2005 Total Sales 売上高 Total Sales 売上高 Total Gross Profits 売上総利益 3,054 28.5 Total Gross Profits 売上総利益 9,410 87.9 SG&A Expenses 販管費 2,692 25.1 SG&A Expenses 販管費 8,665 80.9 6.9 ¥4,428 (+193.5%) $41.3 ¥17,882 (+48.4%) $167.1 Operating Income 営業利益 362 3.3 Operating Income 営業利益 745 Recurring Income 経常利益 365 3.4 Recurring Income 経常利益 815 7.6 Net Income 当期純利益 196 (-21.0%) 1.8 Net Income 当期純利益 457 (-8.6%) 4.2 Tenant recruiting Management of the Shinagawa East One Tower and other lease buildings 賃貸物件の仲介 賃貸建物の管理および品川イ−ストワンタワ−のビル管理 URL: URL: House-com Co., Ltd. (Real Estate Information Center) Shanghai Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. ハウスコム(不動産情報センター) 上海大東建托有限公司 Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen 2005 2005 Total Sales 売上高 Total Sales 売上高 ¥1,798 (+31.1%) $16.8 Total Gross Profits 売上総利益 111 1.0 Total Gross Profits 売上総利益 654 6.1 SG&A Expenses 販管費 105 0.9 SG&A Expenses 販管費 187 1.7 Operating Income 営業利益 6 0.0 Operating Income 営業利益 467 4.3 Recurring Income 経常利益 1 0.0 Recurring Income 経常利益 350 3.2 Net Income 当期純利益 6 0.0 Net Income 当期純利益 350 (+91,287.0%) 3.2 Tenant recruiting ¥138 (-94.1%) ( - %) $1.2 Operation of upscale service apartment for expatriates in Shanghai 賃貸物件の仲介 上海における駐在員向けの高級サ−ビスアパ−トメントの運営 URL: URL: * U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen at the rate of ¥107=U.S.$1, the approximate exchange rate at March 31, 2005. * SG&A Expenses: Selling General and Administrative Expenses * ( ) is increase/decrease Y-O-Y. 大東建託株式会社 41 Other Businesses その他事業 Daito Kyosaikai Co., Ltd. Top & Homex Co., Ltd. 大東共済会株式会社 株式会社トップアンドホメックス Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen 2005 Total Sales Total Gross Profits SG&A Expenses Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income 2005 ¥14,621 (+7.6%) 2,120 185 1,935 1,935 1,144 (+621.0%) 売上高 売上総利益 販管費 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 $136.6 19.8 1.7 18.0 18.0 10.6 Total Sales Total Gross Profits SG&A Expenses Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income ¥2,385(-10.4%) 593 695 -102 -93 -106 ( - %) 売上高 売上総利益 販管費 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 Rent guarantees to property owners Operation of DIY stores in Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture 互助会的な運営による空室時の家賃を保証 東京都と千葉県で DIY の店舗展開 Daito Finance Co., Ltd. Gaspal Co., Ltd. 大東ファイナンス株式会社 2005 ¥1,301 (+53.0%) 1,016 214 802 814 472 (+86.5%) 売上高 売上総利益 販管費 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen 2005 $12.1 9.4 2.0 7.4 7.6 4.4 Total Sales Total Gross Profits SG&A Expenses Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income ¥5,183 ( - %) 2,204 2,152 51 53 -1 ( - %) 売上高 売上総利益 販管費 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 $48.4 20.5 20.1 0.4 0.4 -0.0 Bridge finance and cooperative loan mediation Supply of LP gas held in bulk storage mainly to buildings managed by Daito 契約金に関する短期つなぎ融資や提携ローンの斡旋 当社管理建物を中心にバルク貯蔵のLPガスを供給 Care Partner Co., Ltd. Daito Asia Development (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. ケアパートナー株式会社 大東アジアディベロップメント社(マレーシア) Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen Total Sales Total Gross Profits SG&A Expenses Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income 2005 ¥1,217 (+135.2%) 100 267 -166 -8 -16 ( - %) 売上高 売上総利益 販管費 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 $11.3 0.9 2.4 -1.5 0.0 -0.1 Total Sales Total Gross Profits SG&A Expenses Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income 売上高 売上総利益 販管費 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 Operation of day service centers for seniors Operation of hotel in Kuala Lumpur 在宅介護のためのデイサ−ビス・センタ−を展開 クアラルンプ−ルでのホテル運営事業 Ju-See Publishing Co., Ltd. ジュ−シィ出版株式会社 Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen 2005 Total Sales Total Gross Profits SG&A Expenses Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income 売上高 売上総利益 販管費 営業利益 経常利益 当期純利益 ¥897 (+36.4%) 262 246 15 17 12 (-36.0%) Publication of lease housing listings magazine Ju-SEE 賃貸住宅情報誌「住SEE」を出版 URL: Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen 2005 42 $22.2 5.5 6.4 -0.9 -0.8 -0.9 株式会社ガスパル(関東・中部・近畿・中国・九州) Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen Total Sales Total Gross Profits SG&A Expenses Operating Income Recurring Income Net Income Millions of U.S. dollars Millions of yen $8.3 2.4 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 ¥134 ( - %) -200 394 -595 -590 -591 ( - %) $1.2 -1.8 3.6 -5.5 -5.5 -5.5 New Products 新商品 Sunremy (January 2005) In January 2005, Daito launched sales of "Sunremy," a two-story rental apartment made using the "two-by-four" method. Inspiration for the name came from the town of Saint-Remy and the warm sun and wind of Provence in southern France. Plain bricks adorn the roof, while the exterior walls are painted. Wrought iron and artificial stone features provide extra visual appeal. The natural stone kitchen counter complies with the southern European theme. サンレミ (2005年1月) ツ−バイフォ−造の2階建て賃貸アパ−ト「サンレミ」の販売を開始しました。南欧の町 Saint-Remy と太陽のSunを組合せた南フランス、 プロヴァンス地方の暖かな陽射しと風 をまとった上質な集合住宅という意味が込められています。外部には素焼き瓦風屋根、 塗壁 調サイディング、鋳物の装飾材、擬石等の素材を使用。室内には天然石キッチンカウンタ− などを採用し、南欧のイメ−ジを大切にしました。 Meridio 24 (September 2004) Daito released the two-story apartment "Meridio 24," constructed using the two-by-four method, in Japan in September 2004. A modern twist to the style of a traditional Italian villa, a gently sloping roof, and subtle exterior tones give this rental building a modern look while retaining decorative features. メリディオ24 (2004年9月) ツ−バイフォ−造の2階建て賃貸アパ−ト「メリディオツ−フォ−」の販売を開始しました。 伝統のイタリアンビラ様式を新しいスタイルにし、 ゆるやかな屋根、 外部装飾、 おだやかな色 調の外装材により、装飾的でありながらモダンな、 現代感覚の新しい賃貸集合住宅のイメ− ジに仕上げました。 Formia (May 2004) Daito released the "Formia," a steel-structured, two-story apartment, onto the market in May 2004. On the outside, the building features a tiled roof styled differently on the right and left sides, and the subtly colored walls and stone siding give it a Mediterranean flavor. The beautiful exterior and bright stairwells offer visitors a warm welcome. フォルミア (2004年5月) 鉄骨造の2階建て賃貸アパ−ト「フォルミア」の販売を開始しました。外観のシルエットが 左右異なる瓦屋根と優しい色調の壁と石積調のサイディングが南欧風の戸建ての街並みを 思わせます。美しい外観と明るい階段室が来訪者をあたたかく迎え、豊かで快適なライフ スタイルのイメ−ジを作り上げています。 大東建託株式会社 43 Chronology 沿革 '74 Daito Sangyo Co., Ltd. is established in Nagoya, Japan, to construct lease buildings for effective land utilization. '80 Daito Kyosaikai Co., Ltd. is established. 土地有効活用のための賃貸建物建設を目的に名古 '85 Daito Construction is merged with Daito Kosan Co., Ltd.(Nagoya, Osaka), Daito Sekkei Co., Ltd.(Nagoya, Osaka), and Daito Construction Co., Ltd.(Osaka). 屋市に大東産業(株)を設立。 '78 The name of Daito Sangyo Co., Ltd. is changed to Daito Construction Co., Ltd. '88 大東共済会(株)を設立。 大東建設(株)から大東建託(株)に社名変更。 '89 大東興産(株)(名古屋、大阪)、大東設計(株) (名古 大東産業(株)から大東建設(株)に社名変更。 The name of Daito Construction is changed to Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. ("Daito") Daito is listed on the 2nd Section of the Nagoya Stock Exchange. 名古屋証券取引所市場第二部に株式上場。 屋、大阪)、大東建託(株) (大阪)の3社を吸収合併。 600 Net sales / Net income / Nikkei stock average 売上高・当期純利益・日経平均株価 Name changed to Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 500 Net sales (left ordinate: ¥ billions) 売上高(左座標:10億円) Net income (left ordinate: ¥ 100 millions) 当期純利益(左座標:億円) 大東建託に社名変更 Listed shares on Second Section of Nagoya Stock Exchange Nikkei stock average (right ordinate: ¥ thousands) 日経平均株価(右座標:千円) 名古屋証券取引所2部上場 400 Established Daito Kyosaikai Co., Ltd. 大東共済会設立 300 Established the Daito Cooperative Association Name changed to Daito Construction Co., Ltd. 大東協力会発足 大東建設に社名変更 200 Established Daito Sangyo Co., Ltd. 大東産業設立 100 0 1974 1975 1978 1984 1987 消 費 税 導 入 日 経 平 均 株 価 最 高 値 ¥38,915 Nikkei Average peaks at ¥38,915 ブ ラ ッ ク マ ン デ ー 1989 Consumption tax introduced ル ー ブ ル 合 意 1988 Black Monday プ ラ ザ 合 意 1986 Louvre Accord signed 日 経 平 均 株 価 1 万 円 1985 Plaza Accorded signed 農 地 の 宅 地 並 み 課 税 の 適 用 1983 Nikkei average reached ¥10,000 イ ラ ン ・ イ ラ ク 戦 争 1982 Agricultural and taxes equalized with residential land taxes ソ 連 ︑ ア フ ガ ン 侵 攻 1981 Iran-Iraq War 第 二 次 石 油 シ ョ ッ ク 1980 USSR conflict with Afghanistan イ ラ ン 革 命 1979 2nd oil shock Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 1977 Iranian revolution 44 Vietnam conflict concluded ベ ト ナ ム 戦 争 終 結 1976 '90 '95 Head office is relocated to Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. 本社機構を東京都品川区に移転。 '91 '01 Shanghai Daito Trust Construction is established in Shanghai. Gaspal Kanto Co., Ltd. and Gaspal Chugoku Co., Ltd. is established. 中国に上海大東建托有限公司を設立。 '96 Daito is listed on the 1st section of the Nagoya Stock Exchange. 名古屋証券取引所市場第一部に指定替え。 (株)ガスパル関東および(株)ガスパル中部を設立。 '02 Top and Homex Co., Ltd. is established. Head Office is relocated to Minato-ku, Tokyo. Daito Home Medicine Co., Ltd. is established. Shin-Nihon Denken Co., Ltd.(now, Daito Trust & Building Co., Ltd.) is established. (株) トップアンドホメックスを設立。 '92 '97 東京証券取引所市場第一部に上場。 '93 Daito Finance Co., Ltd., is established. '94 Housecom Co., Ltd. is established. 大東ホーム薬品(株)を設立。 本社機構を東京都港区芝公園に移転。 Daito is listed on the 1st section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. 新日本電建(株)を設立(現・大東住託(株))。 Daito Steel Co., Ltd. is established. Daito Construction Co., Ltd.(now, Daito Trust & Building Co., Ltd.) is established. '03 Head office is relocated to Konan, Minatoku, Tokyo (Shinagawa East One Tower). 本社機構を東京都港区港南(品川イーストワン 大東スチール(株)を設立。 大東ファイナンス(株)を設立。 タワー)へ移転。 大東建設(株) (現・大東住託(株))を設立。 '99 ハウスコム(株)を設立。 '04 Care Partner Co., Ltd. is established. Daito Building Management Co., Ltd. is established. Appointed to Chairman Katsumi Tada, and President Moritaka Asada. 多田勝美会長、麻田守孝社長就任。 '05 ケアパートナー(株)を設立。 大東建物管理(株)を設立。 Daito Corporate Service Co., Ltd. established 大東コ−ポレ−トサ−ビス(株)を設立。 60 Shinagawa East One Tower Completed Head office addressed to Tokyo 本社東京移転 50 品川イーストワンタワー竣工 Established Daito Finance Co., Ltd. Established Housecom Co., Ltd. Established Daito Building Management Co., Ltd. 大東ファイナンス設立 ハウスコム設立 大東建物管理設立 40 Listed shares on first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange Established Shanghai Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 東京証券取引所1部上場 上海大東建托設立 30 Established Gaspal Kanto Co., Ltd. and Gaspal Chubu Co., Ltd. 20 ガスパル関東、中部設立。 10 Established Shin-Nihon Denken Co., Ltd. 新日本電建設立 0 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1999 2000 ユ ー ロ 流 通 開 始 2003 イ ラ ク 戦 争 2004 2005 Iraq War ア フ ガ ニ ス タ ン 空 爆 The euro is circulated 米 国 同 時 多 発 テ ロ 2002 Air campaign against Afghanistan 9.11 問 題 2001 September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States に 引 上 げ 1997 Y2K problem Y2K 消 費 税 率 5 % ︶ 1996 Consumption tax raised to 5% 0.5% 円 ︶ 公 定 歩 合 史 上 最 低 ︵ Official discount rate reaches all-time low of 0.5% 79.5 為 替 レ ー ト 最 高 値 ︵ 1 ド ル = Yen reaches peak of US$1=¥79.5 公 示 地 価 が 1 7 年 ぶ り 下 落 Government appraisal of land value declines for the first time in 17 years 生 産 緑 地 法 改 正 Production Green Land Law amended Gulf War 湾 岸 戦 争 1991 大東建託株式会社 45 Organization 組織図 Shareholders Meeting 株主総会 Board of Corporate Auditors 監査役会 Total 169 branches such as Sapporo, Sendai, Chiba, Yokohama,Nagoya,Osaka, Fukuoka, and Okinawa 札幌、仙台、千葉、横浜、名古屋、 大阪、福岡、沖縄など全国169支店 Board of Directors 取締役会 Construction Sales Management Division 建設営業統括部 Chairman 会長 Construction Sales Headquarters 営業本部 Personnel Development Division 能力開発部 Sales Planning Division President 営業企画部 社長 Tenant Recruiting Management Division Sales Division テナント営業統括部 営業部 Design Management Division Product Development Division 設計統括部 Design Division 商品開発部 設計部 Construction Management Division 工事統括部 Construction Division East Japan and West Japan Area 工事部:東日本地域・西日本地域 Building Management Division 管理統括部 General Administration Division 総務部 Personnel Division 人事部 Administration Headquarters 業務本部 General Accounting Division 経理部 Information System Division 情報システム部 Marketing Division 家賃審査部 New CAD Development Division 新CAD開発部 Purchasing Division 購買部 Legal Affairs Division 法務部 TQC Promotion Division TQC 推進事務局 Corporate Planning Division 経営企画室 Internal Audit Division 内部監査室 CS Improvement Committee CS 向上委員会 Compliance and Audit Committee コンプライアンス監視委員会 Personal Information Protection Committee 情報保護委員会 Environmental Management Project 環境経営プロジェクト Subsidiaries 子会社各社 46 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors, and Executive Officers 取締役、監査役および執行役員 Board of Directors 取締役 Chairman 代表取締役会長 Katsumi Tada 多田 勝美 President 代表取締役社長 Moritaka Asada 麻田 守孝 Executive Officers 執行役員 Takashi Igawa 井川 孝 Hideki Asano 浅野 秀樹 Hitoshi Kadouchi 門内 仁志 Takeshi Otani 大谷 武士 Tsuyoshi Chadani 茶谷 剛 Shinichi Hirai 平井 伸一 Masami Fujiyoshi 藤吉 政己 Hiroshi Kawaguchi 川口 宏 Yuichi Yokoyama 横山 裕一 Vice Presidents 取締役副社長 Shuji Nakada 中田 修二 Toshiyuki Nakashima 中島 敏行 Hitoshi Murayama 村山 均 Haruhiko Tada 多田 春彦 Senior Managing Director 専務取締役 Isao Minabe 三鍋 伊佐雄 Directors 取締役 Akio Inada 稲田 昭夫 Naomi Kumakiri 熊切 直美 Hisaharu Jin 神 久治 Tetsuo Takeda 武田 哲男 Corporate Auditors 監査役 Standing Corporate Auditor 常勤監査役 Hideyuki Nakaita 中板 秀之 Corporate Auditors 監査役 Hideo Hachiya 蜂谷 英夫 Sakumichi Yamada 山田 咲道 Koji Murata 村田 浩治 (As of June 29, 2005) 大東建託株式会社 47 Investor Information and Corporate Data 株式情報および会社概要 Principal Shareholders 大株主 Name Number of shares owned Outstanding shares (%) Daisho Corp. 34,234,272 26.46 株式会社ダイショウ 議決権 比率(%) 34,234,272 26.46 9,926,406 7.67 日本マスタートラスト信託銀行株式会社(信託口) 3,885,600 3.00 日本トラスティ・サービス信託銀行株式会社(信託口) 3,604,200 2.78 2.78 ステートストリートバンクアンドトラストカンパニー 2,516,831 1.94 2,516,831 1.94 ステートストリートバンクアンド 2,436,785 1.88 The Chase Manhattan Bank NA London 9,926,406 7.67 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.(Trust account) 3,885,600 3.00 Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust account) 3,604,200 State Street Bank and Trust Company State Street Bank and Trust Company (505103) State Street Bank and Trust Company (505025) 2,358,400 1.82 Bank of Bermuda Limited, Hamilton 2,356,000 1.82 Co-op Suppliers' stockholding 2,244,305 1.73 The Chase Manhattan Bank NA London SL Omnibus Account 持ち株数 (株) 株主名 ザチェースマンハッタンバンクエヌエイロンドン トラストカンパニー (505103) 2,436,785 1.88 ステートストリートバンクアンド 2,358,400 1.82 バンクオブバ−ミュ−ダリミテッドハミルトン トラストカンパニー (505025) 2,356,000 1.82 大東建託協力会持株会 2,244,305 1.73 ザチェースマンハッタンバンクエヌエイロンドン 2,208,815 1.70 Note: In addition to the above, the Company holds 6,048,854 shares of treasury stock. エスエルオムニバスアカウント 2,208,815 1.70 注:上記のほか、 当社が保有する自己名義の株式が 6,048,854株 (持株比率4.67%) あります。 (平成17年3月31日現在) (As of March 31, 2005) Trends of share price 日 経 平 均 株 価 ︵ 円 ︶ Nikkei stock average 日経平均株価 17,500 5,000 16,000 4,500 14,500 4,000 当 3,500 社 株 価 ︵ 円 3,000 ︶ 13,000 11,500 10,000 2,500 8,500 2,000 7,000 1,500 02/03 48 Daito's share price 当社株価 Daito's share price (¥) Nikkei stock average (¥) 株価の推移 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. 03/03 04/03 05/03 Corporate Data 会社概要 Daito Trust Construction Co., Ltd. Head Office: 2-16-1, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8211, Japan Established: June 20, 1974 Capital: ¥29,060 million (US$271,588 thousand) Employees: 6,890 大東建託株式会社 Investor Information 株式の状況 Shares authorized: 332,255,400 Shares issued and outstanding: 129,358,232 Number of shareholders: 25,388 Trading unit: 100 shares Fiscal year-end: March 31 Annual meeting of shareholders: June Ex-rights date: March 31 (For interim dividend: September 30) Independent Auditors: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Transfer agent and registrar: UFJ Trust Bank Limited Corporate Agency Department 7-10-11, Higashisuna, Koto-ku, Tokyo 137-8081, Japan Listings: Tokyo Stock Exchange and Nagoya Stock Exchange Code: 1878 会社が発行する株式の総数: 332,255,400 株 本社所在地:〒108-8211 東京都港区港南ニ丁目16番1号 設立: 1974年6月20日 資本金: 29,060 百万円 従業員数: 6,890名 発行済株式総数: 129,358,232 株 株主数: 25,388名 1単元の株式数: 100 株 決算期日: 3月31日 定時株主総会: 6月 配当金受領株主確定日 3月31日 なお、 中間配当を実施するときの中間配当金受領株主確定日は9月30日 監査法人: 監査法人ト−マツ 株式の名義書換: 名義書換事務取扱所 UFJ信託銀行株式会社証券代行部 〒137-8081 東京都江東区東砂七丁目10番11号 上場証券取引所: 東京証券取引所・名古屋証券取引所 証券コ−ド: 1878 大東建託株式会社 49 2-16-1 Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108-8211, Japan 〒108-8211 東京都港区港南2—16—1 TEL : +81—3—6718—9111 URL : http: // E-mail : [email protected] Printed in Japan This report was printed entirely on recycled paper with soy-based ink. この印刷物は「再生紙」と環境に優しい「植物性大豆油インキ」を使用しています。
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