mondo*arc magazine T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L M AG A Z I N E F O R D E S I G N E R S W I T H L I G H T # 87 2 0 1 5 LA FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON overag al c ei ci n e p de si rc • da award s s issue 87 * October/November 2015 L'OBSERVATOIRE INTERNATIONAL PUTS LA FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON IN THE LIMELIGHT overag al c ei ci n pe HAUTE COUTURE c • dar award s de i s s BARBARA HORTON • PAUL NULTY • DAVID CHIPPERFIELD ARCHITECTS FONDAZIONE PRADA • HONG KONG HSBC • OSRAM LIGHTIFY PRO • LIGHTING CONTROL 020 CONTENTS [oct/nov] Online Take a moment to have a look at the inauguration of the exsquisite Fonndation Louis Vuitton in Paris. Pic: © Studio Dubuisson PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS 054 Fondazione Prada, Italy Rem Koolhaas and his team at OMA, along with lighting practice Les éclaireurs, have provided a popular environment for artists, bringing old into the new. 070 HSBC Building, China In honour of its 150th anniversary, HSBC’s HQ in Hong Kong has received a digital makeover by Illumination Physics, featuring the latest in modern technology designs and software. 086 Generator Paris, France Inspired by the romantic streets of Paris, artec3 has created a cinematic lighting scheme that is seamlessly integrated into DesignAgency’s warm and industrial interior. 064 Fondation Louis Vuitton, France L’Observatoire International brings the artistic vision of Bernard Arnault and the architectural design from Frank Gehry to life through intelligent and intricate lighting design. 076 ZHAW Library, Switzerland In Keeping with the Sulzer site’s industrial past, vogtpartner has created a clean and practical lighting scheme that celebrates the vast architecture, creating an inviting space for students of Zürich University. 094 Melbourne School of Design, Australia In reflection of the space itself, Electrolight has developed an integrated lighting scheme that is aesthetically pleasing for the students. 054 Pic: copyright les éclaireurs - Lucas GOY 094 113 darc awards winners Special coverage of the winners’ projects and bespoke installations from the inaugural darc awards at TESTBED1 in Battersea, London. Pic: Peter Bennetts 064 PROJECT / LA FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON, PARIS, FRANCE Pics: © Studio Dubuisson 065 DEVOTED TO ART Lighting design practice L'Observatoire International brings the artistic vision of Bernard Arnault and the architectural design from Frank Gehry to life through intelligent and intricate lighting design. Standing in the heart of Bois de Boulogne, Paris, in October last year La Fondation Louis Vuitton opened the doors of its first commissioned stand-alone building, dedicated to the display of artistic creations in all forms. Commissioned by Bernard Arnault and designed by Frank Gehry, at the heart of the space the public is invited to discover the permanent collection made up of works belonging to the Fondation and drawn from Arnault’s personal collection, as well as temporary exhibitions – two per year – and musical events in the auditorium. Twelve mainsails, made up of 3,600 glass panels, shape the building, housing a total surface area of more than 11,000m², including 7,000m² available to the public. The building holds eleven galleries dedicated to the collections, along with a 350-seat auditorium featuring a modular design. The visionary collaboration between Frank Gehry and Bernard Arnault inspired architectural lighting designer Herve Descottes, Principal of L’Observatoire International, to add his poetic vision and infuse La Fondation with the luminous vitality that the structure commands. The building has a very different presence during the daytime compared with at night because of the layering of the glass sails and the way the lighting works within it. During the day the exterior of the building feels more opaque – the glass and the frit embedded on it, reflects the daylight giving a sense that the exterior is more of a definitive shell with subtle cracks in between, which are felt in the shadow. As night falls however, the structure undergoes a breathtaking transformation from opaque shell to glowing lantern, as the central core of the building begins to glow with warm light and the glass sails, made transparent by the night sky, take on a delicate, almost diaphanous quality. The lighting allows the glass to become cloud-like and the architectural layers behind it become more present. In this sense, elements that were in the shadows during the day are bathed in light at night. The lighting has been designed to allow the spaces in between, to glow subtly behind the glass while not completely losing the presence of the glass itself. It is about seeing and experiencing the building as a cloud-like object, but also as a series of 066 PROJECT / LA FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON, PARIS, FRANCE The intensity of the forms and spaces of the building mean the lighting needs to find a way to feel as though it is coming from the architecture, not simply applied to it. It was also important that there was an honesty about the presence of the lighting fixtures themselves. This pic and opposite The candela intensity of the lamps was extremely important as was the CRI. Following numerous tests and changes from CRI80 to CRI90, along with adjustments to ensure a good level of candela intensity, Lucent Prospex Pinhole Accent Trim downlights with Xicato engines were specified by Ingelux, the technical lighting consultants, for high ceilings areas, while Lucent Prospex Pinhole 90 Accent downlights using LED50 Gen 1 engines feature throughout general public areas. A deeper baffle on the standard Pinhole to avoid any effect on the walls as initially there was an effect on the beam, which was to be avoided. Targetti Pyros are used on the ‘powerbars’. moments that are woven together. The architecture is present and at the same time not present, with the lighting trying to evoke this. “His architecture is of course very distinct and dramatic,” comments Descottes on his collaboration with Frank Gehry, “so in turn, the lighting has to follow the movement of the architecture without overpowering it.’’ “With La Fondation we wanted people to see and experience the architecture as a series of moments woven together, creating a beautiful suspension of material reality.” Working within such a magnificent architectural structure naturally brought about challenges when implementing an appropriate lighting system. According to L’Observatoire International, when working with the Gehry team, lighting is always a challenge – but one that the practice loves to embrace. The intensity of the forms and spaces of the building mean the lighting needs to find a way to feel like it is coming from the architecture, not simply applied to it. There also needs to be an honesty about the presence of the lighting fixtures themselves and as such, the Gehry team often exposes the building materials for what they are… steel members, glass and its systems etc and so the lighting needs to do the same. The fixtures are exposed, not over designed individually, but they blend with the honesty of the architecture in which they are integrated. At the most basic level, the main challenge is often where the fixtures can be located in such a complex architectural geometry while still being able to illuminate the necessary floor surfaces and so on. Luckily, having worked with the Gehry team over many years (including Walt Disney Concert Hall in 2003 and the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, due to open in 2017) L’Observatoire International was able to work with the team digitally to get the fixtures in the right spots. In the project’s infancy, LED technology wasn’t exactly at the point it is at today in terms of efficacy and refinement; the offering from the lighting industry was much more traditional, meaning comparisons with more mature technologies were recurrent and under serious consideration at points. However, as time has gone on and products have developed, dimmable integrated LED fixtures were chosen in the final design, aided by French The façade is lit with Targetti Pyros (white 3,000k + RGB LED 42W) luminaires. JAPANESE フォンダシオンルイ・ヴィトンは、昨年10月、 パリ のブローニュの森の中心に、 あらゆる形式のア ートを展示するためだけに開設されました。 フォンダシオンが所有する作品の常設コレク ション、 Arnaud の個人コレクションの一部、 一時的な展覧会 (年に2回)、 ホールでの音 楽イベントをご覧いただけるように、Bernard Arnault の委託、 Frank Gehry のデザインで 作られた当空間の中心部が一般公開されまし た。 3,600枚のガラスパネルからなる12個のメイ ンセイルでビルが作られています。 当ビルの総 面積は11,000平方メートルで、 そのうち7,000 平方メートルが一般に公開されています。 この ビルには、 モジュール設計のホール (350席 収容) だけでなくコレクション専用のギャラリー 11個があります。 Frank Gehry と Bernard Arnaud の夢のよ うなコラボが、 L’Observatoire International の社長で建築照明デザイナーの Herve Descottes 氏に対するインスピレーションとなり、 建物から 同士の空想的なビジョンが追加され、 の得られるイキイキとした照明の力がフォンダ シオンに注入されました。 CHINESE La Fondation Louis Vuitton 坐落于法国巴黎 的布洛涅森林公园的核心位置,将于 10 月 份对外开放其首个委托的独立建筑,专门用 于展览各种艺术品。 由 Bernard Arnaud 委托,Frank Gehry 进行 设计,届时将邀请公众参观艺术区的核心, 欣赏永久收藏品、临时展品以及在大礼堂举 办的音乐会。收藏品包括属于 Fondation 的 作品以及 Arnaud 个人收藏品,每年举办两 次展览。 十二个主帆由 3,600 块玻璃板组成,建筑的 总面积达到 11,000 多平方米,其中 7,000 平 方米对公众开放。建筑共设有 11 间用于举 办展览的画廊,以及设有 350 个座位、采用 模块化设计的大礼堂。 Frank Gehry 和 Bernard Arnault 之间的梦想合 作为建筑照明设计师 Herve Descottes(L’Observatoire International 的负责人)赋予灵 感,增加了诗意,并为 La Fondation 的建筑 照明注入活力。 FRANÇAIS En octobre de l’année dernière, la Fondation Louis Vuitton a ouvert les portes de son premier bâtiment autonome au cœur du Bois de Boulogne à Paris. Ce lieu est consacré aux créations artistiques sous toutes leurs formes. Le public est invité au cœur de l’espace commandé par Bernard Arnaud et conçu par Frank Gehry, pour y découvrir la collection permanente composée d’œuvres appartenant à la Fondation et d’autres provenant de la collection personnelle de M Arnaud, ainsi que des expositions temporaires — deux par année — et des événements musicaux dans l’auditorium. Douze voiles constituées de 3 600 panneaux de verre concèdent sa forme à ce bâtiment de plus de 11 000 m2, dont 7 000 m2 sont mis à disposition du public. Le bâtiment présente 11 galeries destinées aux collections et un auditorium à conception modulaire de 350 places. La collaboration éclairée entre Frank Gehry et Bernard Arnault inspira le concepteur d’éclairage architectural Hervé Descottes, directeur de L’Observatoire international, qui rajouta sa propre vision poétique en offrant à la Fondation une vitalité lumineuse maitrisée par la structure. 6 ART & DESIGN / STORY OF LIGHT, GOA The illumination from the Targetti Pyros gives the building a cloud-like appearance at night. DEUTSCH Mitten im Bois de Boulogne, Paris, öffnete letzten Oktober La Fondation Louis Vuitton die Tore ihres ersten, in Auftrag gegebenen alleinstehenden Gebäudes, das der Darstellung künstlerischer Kreationen in allen Formen gewidmet ist. Im Zentrum des durch Bernard Arnault in Auftrag gegebenen und durch Frank Gehry entworfenen Bereichs werden die Besucher eingeladen, die Dauerausstellung zu entdecken, die sich aus Werken, die im Besitz der Stiftung sind, und einigen aus der persönlichen Sammlung von Arnault zusammensetzt, sowie die Wechselausstellungen – zwei pro Jahr – und musikalische Veranstaltungen im Auditorium. Zwölf Großsegel aus 3.600 Glasplatten formen das Gebäude mit seiner Gesamtfläche von mehr als 11.000 m², einschließlich 7.000 m², die der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung stehen. Das Gebäude besteht aus 11 Galerien, die den Sammlungen gewidmet sind, sowie einem Auditorium mit 350 Sitzen und einem modulierbaren Design. Die visionäre Zusammenarbeit von Frank Gehry und Bernard Arnaud inspirierte den Lichtdesigner Herve Descottes, Direktor von L’Observatoire International, seine poetische Vision hinzuzufügen und die Stiftung mit der leuchtenden Vitalität, die die Struktur verlangt, zu durchfluten. ITALIANO Nel mese di ottobre dello scorso anno la Fondazione Louis Vuitton, situata nel cuore di Bois de Boulogne (Parigi), ha aperto le porte del suo primo edificio autonomo dedicato all'esposizione di creazioni artistiche in tutte le forme. Commissionato da Bernard Arnault e progettato da Frank Gehry, al centro dello spazio espositivo il pubblico è invitato a scoprire sia la collezione permanente composta da opere appartenenti alla Fondazione e disegnate dalla collezione personale di Arnaud, sia le mostre temporanee, due all'anno, e gli eventi musicali nell'auditorium. L'edificio, che vanta una superficie totale di più di 11,000m2 (compresa un'area di 7,000m2 aperta al pubblico) è formato da dodici rande a loro volta costituite da 3.600 pannelli di vetro. Inoltre il palazzo contiene 11 gallerie dedicate alle collezioni ed un auditorium da 350 posti che combina un design modulare. La collaborazione virtuale tra Frank Gehry e Bernard Arnaud ha ispirato il progettista d'illuminazione architettonica Herve Descottes, Principal de L'Observatoire International, in modo da aggiungere la sua visione poetica ed infondere la Fondazione della vitalità luminosa suggerita dalla struttura stessa. ESPAÑOL El último Octubre, en el Bosque de Boulogne, París, la Fundación Louis Vuitton abrió las puertas de su primer edificio independiente dedicado a la exhibición de creaciones artísticas en todas sus formas. En el corazón del espacio, del cual estuvo a cargo Bernard Arnault y el cual fue diseñado por Frank Gehry, se invita al público a descubrir la colección permanente compuesta de obras pertenecientes a la Fundación y de la colección personal de Arnaud, así como exhibiciones que se encuentran de manera temporaria- dos por año- y a los eventos musicales en el auditorio. Doce velas mayores, compuestas de 3.600 paneles de cristal, le dan forma al edificio que alberga una superficie total de más de 11.000 m2, incluyendo 7.000 m2 disponibles para el público. El edificio cuenta con 11 galerías dedicadas a las colecciones, junto con un auditorio con capacidad para 350 personas que presenta un diseño modular. La colaboración visionaria entre Frank Gehry y Bernard Arnaud inspiró al diseñador de iluminación arquitectónica, Herve Descottes, Director de L’Observatoire International, a que añadiera su visión poética e infundiera a la Fundación de una vitalidad lumínica que demandaba la estructura. “(Gehry's) architecture is of course very distinct and dramatic, so in turn, the lighting has to follow the movement of the architecture without overpowering it.” Herve Descottes, principal, L’Observatoire International practice Ingelux, which was tasked with the detailed lighting design, allowing for a degree of sustainability that exceed the most stringent energy policies. The outdoor pond and glass sail lighting however, was designed using more conventional fixtures but in a creative and subtle way - either concealed or sometimes voluntarily and blatantly exposed. The lighting in the galleries and various public spaces needed to be of the highest level of energy efficiency while maintaining excellent colour renditions. A broad range of fixtures were considered and tested for the gallery spaces, evaluating intensity, colour rendering, uniformity, contrast ratio, room cavity ratio, daylight harvesting, energy use and all associated control systems. The fixtures used in the galleries are extremely practical – a system that offers both a base uniform and smooth light level over the vertical surfaces and complemented by an additional layer of more focused lighting, offering extra accentuations when and where needed. Developed by L’Observatoire International and the Gehry team over a number of years, they call it the ‘powerbar’ – it has many incarnations and allows for gallery fixtures to be installed via a clamp mechanism on a bar that is suspended from a single point in the ceiling. When not in use, the bar can be removed and the point lucent /ˈluːs(ə)nt / adjective literary glowing with or giving off light. ‘the moon was lucent in the background’ Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris Lucent Lighting is proud to have been selected as one of the lighting suppliers on this prestegious project. Lighting Designer: L’Observatoire International, New York London | New York Lucent Products: — ProSpex Pinhole 90 Accent downlight with Lucent LED50 modules — ProSpex Plus Pinhole Accent Trim downlight with Xicato Artist LED modules CD2857_MONDO_Neon_FullPg_ad_Sep_Oct2015.indd 1 30/09/2015 11:00 068 PROJECT / LA FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON, PARIS, FRANCE Twelve mainsails, made up of 3,600 glass panels, shape the building housing a total surface area of more than 11,000m². use, the bar can be removed and the point in the ceiling closed up with a trim plate. The points also serve as structural hanging points for gallery installation purposes. The complexity of the project was increased as very little was known in terms of the curatorial experience and so a flexible system was required – one that would allow for versatile exhibition content. Another challenge faced by Descottes and his team was designing lighting for completely off the charts spaces with room proportions and shapes rarely seen or studied before, with the integration of lighting. Both inside and out, Descottes has struck a balance between integrating the fixtures into the architecture and complementing Gehry’s precise revelation of structural and material elements. The warm light from within highlights the astonishing architectural detail of both the central core and the sweeping sails wrapped around it, while never losing a sense of the structure as a singular, holistic entity. Descottes’ elegant lighting design gives this monumental structure buoyancy and movement, as light from the reflecting pool dapples the billowing glass sails that weave around La Fondation’s prow, drawing it westward to the Arc de Triomphe. Floating, ark-like amidst the green, the luminosity of La Fondation provides it with an arresting sense of ethereal grace. “La Fondation Louis Vuitton opens an exciting new cultural chapter for Paris,” states Arnault. “It brings the city a new space devoted to art – especially contemporary art – and above all a place for meaningful exchanges between artists and visitors from Paris, from France, and from the entire world. By encouraging spontaneous dialogue, the new Fondation seeks to inspire both emotion and contemplation.” PROJECT DETAILS La Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France Client: LVMH Group Architect: Gehry Partners Lighting Design: L'Obersvatoire International Technical Lighting Consultants: Ingelux LIGHTING SPECIFIED ERCO 34085.000 fixtures JC Lampes Ultralight 30° 2,600K luminaires KKDC KKSL 503 fixtures LEC Lyon bespoke LED linear 5631-Vuitton fixtures Lucent Prospex Plus Pinhole Accent Trim downlights with Xicato engine Lucent Prospex Pinhole 90 Accent downlights with LED50 engine Lucent LU-90413-A-LED-IP exterior recessed downlights Osram LINEARlight Power Flex Génération II light source Philips eW blast POWERCORE 21° 27,000K wash lights Robert Juliat LED 43 framing projectors Sammode NIEPCE 70 TF luminaires Targetti PYROS LED 43W projectors Targetti PYROS HIT 35W SP projectors Targetti PYROS HIT 70W projectors Targetti PYROS HIT 150W projectors Targetti NANO PYROS LED DALI projectors
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