ウルグアイにおけるCDM植林適地判定ツール CDM 事業可能候補地の抽出を地図データのみで行うのは不可能であり、本事業の当初 より、地図データはあくまで参考データであり、投資者あるいは実施者の第一次選抜の ためのものという位置づけであった。したがって、CDM 事業可能候補地の抽出のため に、さらに追加性や社会経済条件等の観点も加味した地図情報以外によるツールを開発 することとした。このツールを開発する際に、第 16 回 CDM 理事会レポートで公開さ れた Annex 1 ”Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality”(追加性の証 明と評価のツール)を参考にした。なお、この追加性の証明と評価のツールは別添資料 2のとおり。 この適地判定ツール案は表-1に示されたようにチェックリストの表形式になってお り、実施者あるいは投資者が、A/R CDM 事業を実施しようとする土地が、非森林地か 森林地かの観点からの A/R CDM 事業としての適格性、CDM 事業の追加性、自然条件 からの適合性、社会経済条件からの適合性、の4つの観点から総合的に A/R CDM 事業 の適地か否かをチェックできるように構成されている。利用方法は次のとおりである。 ツールの利用方法 1. 利用者は、各質問に対する “Yes” あるいは“No” の答えをチェック欄に記載する。 判断の欄に“Yes” あるいは“No”の答えが何を意味するかが記載されているので、利 用者はそれを見て自らの答えが何を意味するか判断できる。 2. 適格性パートに関しては、考慮あるいは提案されているプロジェクトが適格性を得 るためには、 全ての質問に対して No にチェックマークが印されなければならない。 3. 利用者は、適格性パート以外の質問については、必ずしも全ての質問に対してチェ ックマークを要求されない。利用者は、考慮あるいは提案されているプロジェクト の内容に照らし合わせマッチしている質問のみを選択することが可能である。 4. 下記の質問、特に追加性パートでの質問中の数字は固定されたものではなく修正変 更が可能である。 表-1 No. A/R CDM 適地判定ツール(ウルグアイ) Question Eligibility Part 1 Was the land forest in end of 1989? Check mark Judgment Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ 1990 land cover map to be prepared by JOFCA ¾ Military Geographic Service (Ministry of Defense). Aerial photograph in 1966 and 1967 (part of it was done in each year). The scale is 1:20,000 and 1:40,000. SEE APPENDIX ¾ Uruguayan Air Force (Ministry of Defense) Aerial photograph since 1979 to 1998 in various scales. SEE APPENDIX. ¾ DIEA (MGAP). National Census in 1990: Aggregated data are available in publications (book), and in webpage.) ¾ Ministry of Industry Energy and Mining (MIEM). Forest resources assessment (MIEM – FUNCATE), 1987. Landsat image 5, bands 3 and 4. Cartography Scale 1:100000. ¾ Forestry Direction (Dirección General Forestal -MGAP). Forest Cartography 1980. Scale 1:200.000 Forestry Direction (Dirección General Forestal -MGAP). Planted Forest Register 2 Is the land forest at present? Yes □ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of Field observation. ¾ Forestry Direction (Dirección General Forestal - MGAP). Land Forest Cover Map. Landsat image 2004. Forestry Direction (Dirección General Forestal -MGAP). Planted Forest Register Additionality part 3 Does the land likely have any alternative scenarios other than afforestation? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Types of soils, CONEAT (Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). ¾ Soils and Water Division (Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Compact Disk: “Compendio Actualizado de Información de Suelos del Uruguay”. Map Scale 1:1,000,000 ¾ Law Project (Proyecto de Ley de Ordenamiento y Desarrollo Territorial Sostenible) To study in Congress ¾ Result of a Study: Possibility of continuation of current land use, Possibility of other land use except for afforestation 4 In case that expected investors and/or implementers of the proposed or considered project do not have enough capital for the implementation, is debt funding is available for the implementation? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ Bank of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay (BROU). Agricultural Division. ¾ Private Banking ¾ National Corporation for Development (CND) ¾ Counter in Banks: No loans of long term to buy land are available in financial institution such as bank in Uruguay. Therefore, there is a high possibility that the debt funding in banks of Uruguay is not available. 5 In case that expected investors and/or implementers of the proposed or considered project do not have enough capital for the implementation, can the investors and/or implementers access to international capital markets due to real or perceived risks associated with domestic or foreign direct in vestment in Uruguay? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ International Organisms of loan ¾ The users themselves have to find out the possibility whether or not the investors and/or implementer can access to them. It sometimes depends on investors’ and/or implementers’ capital condition. 6 Is there a risk related to changes in government policies or laws to implement the proposed or considered project? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Congress. Related Legislation and Law Projects. ¾ Presidency. Policies of State. ¾ Office of Programming and Agricultural Politics. (OPYPA-MGAP). Public politics for the agricultural sector. ¾ National Direction of Environment (DINAMA –MVOTMA). Public politics of environment. 7 Is there lack of enforcement of forest or land-use-related legislation to implement the proposed or considered project? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Congress. Related Legislation and Law Projects. ¾ Presidency. Policies of State. ¾ Office of Programming and Agricultural Politics. (OPYPA-MGAP). Public politics for the agricultural sector. National Direction of Environment (DINAMA –MVOTMA). Public politics of environment. 8 Is there lack of access to planting materials to implement the proposed or considered project? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Forestry Direction (Dirección General Forestal -MGAP). National Nurseries Census ¾ National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA). Research on planting materials production ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Research on planting materials production ¾ Result of a Study, depending on the species to be used. 9 In case that proposed or considered project includes a new kind technology in Uruguay in its project component, is there a lack of infrastructure for implementation of the technology? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA). Research on new technology ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Research on new technology ¾ Forestry Direction (Dirección General Forestal -MGAP). General information on new technologies applied in Uruguay 10 Does traditional knowledge, technology or equipment hamper the implementation of the proposed or considered project? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 11 Forest Producers Society (Sociedad de Productores Forestales – SPF) School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Technical Professional Educational Council. (Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay – UTU) Forest Contractors Association of Uruguay Forestry Direction (MGAP Ministerio de Ganadera, Agricultura y Pesca). Is the proposed or considered project activity the “first of its kind” (“first of its kind” means that no project activities of this type is currently operational in Uruguay) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ Forestry Direction (MGAP Ministerio de Ganadera, Agricultura y Pesca). Check. ¾ UPACC (MGAP) Checking in the Agricultural Climate Change Projects Unit. Check ¾ Climate Change Unit (Unidad de Cambio Climático - DINAMA-MVOTMA). Check 12 Is the proposed or considered project site under condition of degraded soil (e.g. water/wind erosion, salination, etc.)? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of Field observation. ¾ Soils and Water Division (Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Compact Disk: “Compendio Actualizado de Información de Suelos del Uruguay” ¾ Geographic Information System Department. Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Cover Map of anthropic erosion. 13 The proposed or considered project site was and/or will be attacked by catastrophic natural and/or human-induced events (e.g. land slides, fire etc.)? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ Geographic Information System Department. Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Forest fires evaluation - Presidency of The Republic National System Of Emergencies ¾ Ministry of Interior. National Fire Brigade Direction. Statistics of forest fires ¾ State Insurance Bank. Statistics of storm and forest fires. Catastrophic natural event, not applicable in Uruguay 14 Is the proposed or considered project site under meteorological conditions (e.g. early/late frost, drought)? unfavorable Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Geographic Information System Department. Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Hydric Resources Map ¾ Ministry of Defense. Meteorology National Direction. Climate information. ¾ National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA). Frost prediction ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Environmental System Unit. Workgroup agro meteorology. Frost. 15 Have pervasive opportunistic species preventing regeneration of trees (e.g. grasses, weeds) broken out in the proposed or considered project site? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ Agricultural Services General Direction (MGAP). General information of weeds and grasses. National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA). “La Estanzuela” Station. General information, Research and Extension. ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Animal production and Grasses Department. General Information, Research and Extension. ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Environmental System Unit. General information about grasses. ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Experimental Station “Mario Cassinoni”. Research and Extension. 16 Have biotic pressure in terms of grazing, fodder collection, etc. broken out in the proposed or considered project site. Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ DIEA (MGAP). National Census in 1990: Aggregated data are available in publications (book), and in webpage. ¾ Types of soils, CONEAT (Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). ¾ Rural Association of Uruguay ¾ Rural Federation of Uruguay 17 Have demographic pressure on the land (e.g. increased demand on land due to population growth) broken out in the proposed or considered project site? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ 18 Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible DIEA (MGAP). National Census in 1990: Aggregated data are available in publications (book), and in webpage. National Statistics Institute (INE). National Population Census. Have social conflict among interest groups broken out in the region where the proposed or considered project takes place? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Environmental NGO’s. See APPENDIX. ¾ Forestry Direction (MGAP Ministerio de Ganadera, Agricultura y Pesca). ¾ National Direction of Environment (DINAMA –MVOTMA). 19 Have widespread illegal practices (e.g. illegal grazing, non-timber product extraction and tree felling) been done in the proposed or considered project site? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Forestry Direction (MGAP Ministerio de Ganadera, Agricultura y Pesca). Natural Forest Department, Statistics of native species illegal felling 20 To implement the proposed or considered project, are skilled and/or properly trained labor available? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). ¾ Technical Professional Educational Council. ¾ Forest Producers Society ¾ Forest Contractors Association of Uruguay 21 Is there lack of suitable land tenure legislation and regulation to support the security of tenure? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 22 Ministry of Economy and Finances. Cadastre National Direction. Ministry of Education and Culture. Property Register Congress. Related Legislation and Law Projects. Presidency. Policies of State. Are there any absences of clearly defined and regulated property rights in relation to natural resource products and service in the proposed or considered project site? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Congress. Related Legislation and Law Projects. ¾ Presidency. Policies of State. ¾ Environmental Legislation: o National Direction of Environment (DINAMA –MVOTMA). o Soils and Water Division (Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). o Forestry Direction (MGAP Ministerio de Ganadera, Agricultura y Pesca). o Natural Renewable Resources Direction – MGAP. Fauna Department o Ministry of Industry Energy and Mining (MIEM) Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Hydrographic National Direction 23 Are there any barriers relating to markets, transport and storage to implement the proposed or considered project? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ 24 Ministry of External Affairs. Commercial Programming Direction. Forest Producers Society (SPF) Wood Industrial Association Professional Transport Associated Companies (Intergremial de Transporte Profesional de Carga Terrestre del Uruguay). ¾ National administration of Ports (ANP) ¾ Ministry of Transport and Public Works. National Transport Direction Do unregulated and informal markets for timber, non-timber products and Yes□ Yes:not eligible services prevent the transmission of effective information to proposed or No □ No:eligible considered project participants? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ ¾ Ministry of External Affairs. Commercial Programming Direction. Forest Producers Society (SPF) Wood Industrial Association 25 Do remoteness of A/R activities and undeveloped road and infrastructure incur large transportation expenditures, thus eroding the competitiveness and profitability of timber and non-timber products from the proposed or considered A/R CDM project activity? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ 26 27 Yes:not eligible No:eligible Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Infrastructure of roads, rails ports and shipping. Municipalities. Provincial roads. Are there possibilities of large price risk due to the fluctuations in the prices of timber and non-timber products over the project period in the absence of efficient markets and insurance mechanisms? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ ¾ Yes□ No □ Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Ministry of External Affairs. Commercial Programming Direction. Forest Producers Society (SPF) Wood Industrial Association Does absence of facilities to convert, store and add value to production from CDM activities limit the possibilities to capture rents from the land use under the proposed or considered A/R CDM project activities? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ UPACC (MGAP) Checking in the Agricultural Climate Change Projects Unit. ¾ Climate Change Unit (Unidad de Cambio Climático - DINAMA-MVOTMA). Check 28 Is IRR less than 5 -7 % without benefit by CER? (Base in usually discount rate use in Uruguay. Source of the data: Central Bank of Uruguay, and market operators.) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ Result of Feasibility Study The following question No. 29, 30, 31 and 32 are indicators for getting answer of question No.28. If users can answer “yes” in questions No. 29, 30, 31 and 32, it seems IRR is lower. 29 The land is further than 200 km distance from main ports such as Yes□ Yes:not eligible Montevideo, Nueva Palmira and Fray Bentos in case of pulpwood No □ No:eligible afforestation. As a reference, there are plans to install another port that is supposed to be located in the town of La Paloma. (Unit transportation cost is different depending on distance and road condition. In case of average road condition, examples of unit price are as follow, around 100km distance from main port: unit cost is 6 cents/t/km around 300km distance from main port: unit cost is 4.7 cents/t/km) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of survey to measure the distance ¾ Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Road maps. Road map by which distance can be measured: It can be available through the webpage www.clearinghouse.gub.uy 30 The land is further than 350 km distance from main ports such as Montevideo, Nueva Palmira and Fray Bentos in case of sawmill wood afforestation. As a reference, there are plans to install another port that is supposed to be located in the town of La Paloma. (Unit transportation cost is different depending on distance and road condition. In case of average road condition, examples of unit price are as follow, around 100km distance from main port: unit cost is 6 cents/t/km around 300km distance from main port: unit cost is 4.7 cents/t/km) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ Result of survey to measure the distance ¾ Ministry of Transport and Public Works. Road maps. Road map by which distance can be measured: It can be available through the webpage www.clearinghouse.gub.uy 31 Is road condition between the land and main road bad? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of field observation 32 Is land purchase cost high or medium? (The range of price of land is between 700 and 3,000 US$ per ha and the average is 1,200 to 1,500 US$. Be careful. Prices above US$ 1500 do not correspond to afforestation priority lands) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Local real estate agents ¾ National Institute of Colonization. Statistics of land purchase Suitability Part 1 (Natural Condition) 33 Does the soil in the land have an adequate deep? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of sampling soil survey ¾ CONEAT (Comisión Nacional de Estudio Agroeconómico de la Tierra). Land productivity map. ¾ Soils and Water Division (Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Compact Disk: “Compendio Actualizado de Información de Suelos del Uruguay”. ¾ Natural Renewable Resources Direction – MGAP. Soils maps divided into 99 different cartographic units based on topographic, geographic, erosion condition, petrologic, stone condition in the soil, and flooded condition. 34 Is the land suitable for plantation species to be expected? (In Uruguay, some natural conditions such as precipitation, temperature and altitude are not complete limitation factors for afforestation activity. This means that at least a species can be applied in any land of Uruguay.) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Verified species in Uruguay: ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). ¾ Suitable species map: there is a plan to be prepared by INIA. ¾ Forestry Direction (MGAP Ministerio de Ganadera, Agricultura y Pesca). ¾ Forest Producers Society. Results of interviews to current afforestation activity implementers Not verified species in Uruguay: ¾ Geographic Information System Department. Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Hydric Resources Map ¾ Ministry of Defense. Meteorology National Direction. Climate information. ¾ National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA). Frost prediction ¾ School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Environmental System Unit. Workgroup agro meteorology. Frost. ¾ INIA. Precipitation map and temperature map: Available in web page. www.inia.org.uy Then go to “clima” ¾ CONEAT (Comisión Nacional de Estudio Agroeconómico de la Tierra). Land productivity map. (www.prenader.gub.uy/coneat) ¾ Soils and Water Division (Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Compact Disk: “Compendio Actualizado de Información de Suelos del Uruguay”. Soils maps divided into 99 different cartographic units based on topographic, geographic, erosion condition, petrologic, stone condition in the soil, and flooded condition. 35 In case that the investors and implementers of the proposed or considered project consider Eucalyptus spp. plantation, is the land affected by frost? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ ¾ ¾ Ministry of Defense. Meteorology National Direction. Climate information. National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA). Frost prediction School of agronomy (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR). Environmental System Unit. Workgroup agrometeorology. Frost. ¾ Military Geographic Service (Ministry of Defense). Topographic Maps. ¾ Result of field observation Suitability Part 2 (Socio-economic condition) 36 Is the land classified in the category of “forest priority land”? (If the land is classified in that category, expected investors and/or implementers of the proposed or considered project can get incentives such as tax exemption) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible ¾ CONEAT (Comisión Nacional de Estudio Agroeconómico de la Tierra). Land productivity map. (www.prenader.gub.uy/coneat) ¾ Forestry Direction (MGAP Ministerio de Ganadera, Agricultura y Pesca). Legislation. Web site: http://www.mgap.gub.uy/forestal/dgf.htm, then go to link “Leyes y Decretos” 37 Do landowners have intention to sell the land? Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Yes□ No □ Yes:not eligible No:eligible Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of interview to the landowners ¾ Local real estate agents 38 In case of difficulty to buy the land and/or investors and implementers of the proposed or considered project do not have intention to buy the land for the implementation of the project, is it possible to rent the land? Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of interview to the landowners ¾ Local real estate agents 39 In case of difficulty to buy or to rent the land and/or investors and implementers of the proposed or considered project do not have intention to buy or to rent the land for the implementation of the project, does another agreement method to carry out A/R CDM (Forestry Partnership Programs with landowners. See APPENDIX) Source for the judgment And/or to get answers to questions ¾ Result of interview to the landowners ¾ Result of interview to national or provincial agricultural associations (Rural Federation, CAF, others) APPENDIX 1. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SURVEYS 1:20.000 - 1966 Total - SGM 1:10.000 - 1979 1:40.000 - 1980 Partially - FAU 1:20.000 - 1980 Partially - FAU 1:40.000 - 1979 Partially - FAU 1:60.000 - 1986 Partially - FAU 1:20.000 - 1981 Partially - FAU 1:20.000 - 1997/98 Partially - FAU 1:5.000 - 1990 1:10.000 - 1990 1:40.000 - 1996 Partially - FAU SGM = Military Geographic Service (Ministry of Defense) FAU = Uruguayan Air Force (Ministry of Defense) 2. ADDRESS OF INSTITUTIONS Agricultural Projects of Climate Change Unit (MGAP) (Unidad de Proyectos Agropecuarios de Cambio Climático - MGAP) Cerrito 315. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 915 5650 int 107 www.mgap.gub.uy/upacc/upacc.htm Agricultural Services General Direction (MGAP) (Dirección General de Servicios Agrícolas – MGAP) Av. Millán 4703. Montevideo. Phone: +(5982) 309 2074 http://chasque.apc.org/dgsa/ Agricultural Statistics (MGAP) (DIEA - MGAP) Constituyente 1476 entrepiso. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 418 20 54 / 55 www.mgap.gub.uy/diea/CENSO2000/censo_general_agropecuario_2000.htm Bank of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay (BROU) (Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay – BROU, División Agropecuaria de Apoyo Comercial) Minas 1434 Piso 9 - Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 1896-4845 / 4425 www.brounet.com.uy (link Productos y Servicios / agropecuaria) Cadastre National Direction. Ministry of Economy and Finances (Dirección Nacional de Catastro – Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas) Avda. Rondeau Nº 1437. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 900.0877 /78 www.catastro.gub.uy/servicios.htm Oficina Climate Change Unit (DINAMA-MVOTMA) (Unidad de Cambio Climático - DINAMA-MVOTMA) Galicia y Avda. del Libertador. Montevideo www.cambioclimatico.gub.uy/~fpacheco/cambio_climatico/html/modules.php?op=modl oad&name=DownloadsPlus&file=index&req=viewdownload&cid=14 CONEAT (Natural Renewable Resources Direction – MGAP) (Comisión Nacional de Estudios Agroeconómicos de la Tierra. Dirección de Recursos Naturales Renovables – MGAP) Cerrito 318. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 915 8434 www.prenader.gub.uy/coneat/viewer.htm?Title=CONEAT%20Digital Experimental Station “Mario Cassinoni”. School of Agronomy .UDELAR Estación Experimental “Mario Cassinoni” Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR Ruta 3 Km. 363. Paysandú. Phone: +(59872) 41282, 02250, 02259 www.fagro.edu.uy/eemac Forest Producers Society (Sociedad de Productores Forestales – SOPROFO) 18 de Julio 1474 ap. 701. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 401 1441 www.spf.com.uy Forestry Direction (Dirección General Forestal -MGAP) Cerrito 318. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 915 3436 www.mgap.gub.uy/forestal/dgf.htm Geographic Information System Department. Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP). Cerrito 318. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 915 6452/53 http://www.mgap.gub.uy/renare/ (link Departamento Sistema Información Geográfica) Meteorology National Direction. Ministry of Defense (Dirección Nacional de Meterorología. Ministerio de Defensa) Javier Barrios Amorín 1488. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 400 3583 www.meteorologia.com.uy/estadistica_climat.htm Military Geographic Service (Ministry of Defense) (Servicio Geográfico Militar – Ministerio de Defensa) 8 de Octubre 3255. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 487 1810 www.ejercito.mil.uy/cal/sgm/FRAME8.html Ministry of External Affairs. Commercial Programming Direction Colonia 1206 piso1. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 903 2872/75 http://dpc.mrree.gub.uy/ Ministry of Industry Energy and Mining (MIEM) (Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería MIEM) Paysandú esg Libertador Brigadier J.A. Lavalleja Piso 4. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 900 0231 / 33 www.miem.gub.uy/pagina.php?153 Ministry of Transport and Public Works Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas - MTOP Rincón 575. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 915 4331 www.mtop.gub.uy/vialidad/ www.mtop.gub.uy/hidrografia/ www.dnt.gub.uy/sestadisticas/default.asp National Administration of Ports - ANP (Administración Nacional de Puertos – ANP) Rambla 25 de Agosto de 1825 160. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 916 0608 www.anp.com.uy National Congress (Parlamento) Palacio Legislativo – Avda. De las Leyes s/n. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 924 1783 www.parlamento.gub.uy/palacio3/index1024.htm National Corporation for Development (CND) (Corporación Nacional para el Desarrollo) Rincón 528, piso 7. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 916 2800 www.cnd.org.uy/portada/content/view/23/52/ National Direction of Environment (DINAMA –MVOTMA) (Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente. DINAMA –MVOTMA) Galicia y Avda del Libertador. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 917 0710 int. 4551 www.dinama.gub.uy/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index National Fire Brigade Direction - Ministry of Interior Dirección Nacional de Bomberos – Ministerio del Interior) Colonia 1665. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 400 9071 / 74 www.minterior.gub.uy/ National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA). “La Estanzuela” Station (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuria Estación Experimental - INIA “La Estanzuela”) Ruta 50 Km. 11. Colonia Phone: +(598 057) 48000 www.inia.org.uy/online/site/10854I1.php National Institute of Agricultural Investigation. (INIA) (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuria) Estación Experimental - INIA Tacuarembó Ruta 5 Km. 386 – Tacuarembó Phone: +(598632) 2407 www.inia.org.uy/online/site/16348I1.php www.inia.org.uy/online/site/106664I1.php National Institute of Colonization (Instituto Nacional de Colonización – INC) Cerrito 488. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 916 0323 / 25 int. 256 www.colonizacion.com.uy/Paginas/Portada/index.htm National Statistics Institute (INE) (Instituto Nacional de Estadística – INE) Río Negro 1520. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 902 7303 www.ine.gub.uy/socio-demograficos/pobhogyviv.htm Presidency (Presidencia de la Republica) Edificio Libertad – Luis A. de Herrera 3350 Tel: 150 www.presidencia.gub.uy (link legislacion) Programming and Agricultural Politics Office. (OPYPA-MGAP) (Oficina de Programación y Política Agropecuaria – MGAP) Constituyente 1476. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 412 6362 www.mgap.gub.uy/opypa/index.htm Professional Transport Associated Companies (Intergremial de Transporte Profesional de Carga Terrestre del Uruguay) Lima 1423. Montevideo Phone +(5982) 924 6562 www.intergremial.com.uy Property Register. Ministry of Education and Culture. Registro de la Propiedad. Dirección General de Registros - Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Av. 18 de Julio 1730. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 402 5638 www.dgr.gub.uy/dgrweb/internas/requisitos/solicitudes/informe/propied.htm Rural Association of Uruguay (Asociación Rural del Uruguay) Uruguay 864. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 902 0484 www.aru.org.uy Rural Federation of Uruguay (Federación Rural del Uruguay) 18 de Julio 965 piso 1. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 900 4791 www.fedrural.org.uy School of Agronomy (UDELAR) (Facultad de Agronomía – UDELAR) Garzón 780. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 355 7314 / 15 www.fagro.edu.uy Soils and Water Division. Natural Renewable Resources Direction - MGAP (Dirección de Suelos y Aguas. Dirección de Recursos Naturales Renovables – MGAP) Avda Garzón 456. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 309 6008 http://www.mgap.gub.uy/renare/ (link Division Suelos y Aguas) State Insurance Bank (Banco de Seguros del Estado – BSE) Bvr. General Artigas Phone: +(5982) 908 9303 www.bse.com.uy Technical Professional Educational Council (Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay - UTU) San Salvador 1674. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 411 7651 www.utu.edu.uy (link cursos/agraria) Uruguayan Air Force (Ministry of Defense) (Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya – Ministerio de Defensa) Ruta 101 s/n. Brigada Aérea Nº 1. Canelones Phone: +(5982) 682 5798 http://fau.gub.uy Wood Industrial Association (Asociación de Industriales de la Madera) Yí 1597. Montevideo 3. ENVIRONMENTAL NGO’S Guayubira Group – Grupo Guayubira Maldonado 1858, Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 413 2989 http://www.guayubira.org.uy Environmental group about mounts and forestation, created in may of 1997, in order to gather people and organizations that since mid-90s stated their concern for the conservation of the indigenous forest and for the socioeconomic and environmental impact of the forestry development model motivated by the government. It consists of: Eco-Tacuarembó, MOVITDES (Movimiento por la Vida, el Trabajo y el Desarrollo Sustentable) de Río Negro, REDES Amigos de la Tierra (AT), Vía Verde, CIEDUR and the Movimiento Mundial por los Bosques Tropicales (WRM). The Guayubira Group has opposed since its formation to the forestry development model motivated in our country. They state that the model is based in big scale monoculture of exotic species with a very fast growth, because of which the country’s main resources (lands, water, flora, fauna) are being affected and a growing concentration of lands, many times in the hand of foreigners, have been produced, in broad areas of Uruguay. Regarding the installation of the pulp mills, they consider that they don’t accomplish the social and environmental requisites and that Uruguay’s choice is because in Europe, this kind of plants are heavily avoided, because of the supposed air and water pollution. REDES Earth Friends Uruguay - Amigos de la Tierra Uruguay (AT) Jackson 1136, Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 419 6192 http://www.redes.org.uy It’s a member of the Earth Friends International, a federation of environmental groups in over 60 countries. In their campaign areas we encounter the subjects: • Forestation • Dangers of the pulp mills: no to the pulp mills in Fray Bentos In the subject of the Forestation campaign, Redes AT states to work in a coordinated manner with the Guayubira Group (which is a part of), while the Dangers of the pulp mills: no to the pulp mills in Fray Bentos campaign is achieved coordinately with said group and the Grupo Ecológico de Young, ASODERN (from Soriano), and the Red Socio Ambiental de Entre Ríos Argentina. World Rainforest Movement - Movimiento Mundial por los Bosques Tropicales (WRM) Maldonado 1858, Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 413 2989 http://www.wrm.org.uy The WRM is defined as an international network of citizen groups from the south and north involved in efforts to defend world’s forests. The WRM was founded in 1986 and their activities were initially directed towards the fails of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan (Plan de Acción Forestal Tropical) of the FAO and the World Bank. In 1998, the WRM published the "Declaración de Montevideo" and started a campaign against the big scale forestry monoculture. Their opposite approach is based in that they assure that said plantations have already proven to have negative impacts at a local level, as much over communities as its environment. The objective of the campaign is to generate conscience and organize this kind of forestry development. The International Secretaryship of the WRM is situated in Montevideo, Uruguay, as long as it counts with an European office in Moreton-in-Marsh, United Kingdom. Uruguayan Environmental ONG’s Network – Uruguay Ambiental red uruguaya de ONGs ambientalistas Canelones 1164, Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 403 0854 http://www.uruguayambiental.com The Environmental Network is a civilian association that groups environmental organizations and professionals dedicated to environmental subjects. The Network tries to promote the environmental protection, quality of life, environmental education and the sustainable development, between their main objectives. They have a very critical position regarding the forestry development model in Uruguay and the installation of the pulp mills. 4. INTERNATIONAL ORGANISMS OF LOAN The World Bank (WB) – Banco Mundial (BM) (Regiones y Países - Uruguay) Buenos Aires 570. Montevideo Phone: +(5982) 916 9400 http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/BANCOMUNDIAL/EXTSPPAISES/LACI NSPANISHEXT/URUGUAYINSPANISHEXT/0,,menuPK:509088~pagePK:141159~piP K:51067387~theSitePK:500675,00.html Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) – Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) (Paises - Uruguay) Rincón 640. Montevideo. Phone: +(5982) 915 4330 http://www.iadb.org/countries/home.cfm?id_country=UR&Language=Spanish Union Europea (Delegación de la Comisión Europea en Uruguay) Bvar. Artigas 1300 Phone: +(5982) 944 0122 http://www.delury.ec.europa.eu/index.php?Lang=es Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (Delegación Uruguay) Julio Herrera y Obes 1292 Phone: +(5982) 901 7340 http://www.fao.org/Regional/LAmerica/paises/uruguay.htm Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) (Delegación Uruguay) Edificio MERCOSUR Luis P. Piera 1992 P.3 Phone: +(5982) 410 1676 http://www.iica.org.uy/online/inicial.asp United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) (PNUD – Uruguay) Javier Barrios Amorim 870 P.3 Phone: +(5982) 412 3360 http://www.undp.org.uy/ 5. FORESTRY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS WITH LANDOWNERS That kind of Programs seeks to integrate Investors/implementers with the landowners. The Partnership means that the landowners provide the land and the Investors/implementers provides the investment and the forestry technology to plant. Also, the Investor/implementers benefits from a larger local supply of wood.
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