Supplementary Handout

Reading 1
All Aboard Communication English Ⅱ
Supplementary Handout
○ Line 1. A called B
B と呼ばれる A
(例)Do you know the singing group called "Nogizaka 46"? (乃木坂 46 と呼ばれるグループを知っていますか?)
○ L5. used to ~
(以前) よく~した
(例)"I used to sit and listen to the music, but now I'm singing on the stage as a teen idol." I want to say this some day.
○ L6. He saw a woman crouching by the moat. (堀のそばで女性がうずくまっているのを見かけた。)
知覚動詞 = see, watch, look at, hear, listen to, feel など「視覚・聴覚・触覚」を表す動詞
* 知覚動詞の用法
【 公 式 】
① see
② see
~ ing
③ watch
④ watch
⑤ hear
⑥ hear
~ ing
~ ing
*「動詞の原形」とは3単現の s のない現在形の動詞のこと
人 が~しているのを見る
(例)① I saw Mom put presents under the Christmas tree.
(例)② Have you ever seen a giraffe lying on the grass?
No, but I often see Dad lying on the sofa.
(例)③ On top of the mountain, we watched the sun go up from the horizon.(山頂で私たちは日の出を拝んだ。)
(例)④ A tired-looking mother watched her children playing in the backyard.
(例)⑤ I've never heard him grumble.(彼が愚痴を言うのを私は一度も聞いたことがない。)
(例)⑥ Can you hear a dog barking in the distance? (遠くで犬が吠えているのが聞こえる?)
○ L9. seem to be ~(名詞・形容詞)
seem to ~(v)
(例)She seems to be interested in one of the boys working at McDonald's.
(例)The bud seems to decide when to bloom, and the flower seems to know when to drop its petals.
○ L15. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. (何か私にできることがあれば、教えてください。) 〔重要表現〕
Is there anything I can do for you? (私に何かできることありますか?)
大切な表現なので、しっかり覚えよう! そして、いつの日か困っている人に使ってみよう!
○ L18. put A on (= upon) B
A を B の上にのせる
(例)She gently put her hand on my shoulder and said, "You are going to be OK."
○ L26. up ahead
○ L27. turn out to be ~
(例)In the darkness, we saw the light up ahead. It was coming closer and closer.
(例)It turned out to be a firefly. (なんとそれはホタルだった。)
* come close
○ L26. look like ~(名詞)
(例)From high above, humans on the streets may look like ants. But each little ant has a family, dreams and worries.
○ L40. Was it anything like this that she showed you? (彼女があなたにお見せしたのは、こんなものでしたか?)〔強調構文〕
* 強調構文 "It is --- that ~" の用法
【 公 式 】
It is --- that ~
~なのは --- だ
* --- の部分に強調される語句が置かれる
Last night my little brother saw a monster walking in the backyard.
① It was last night that my little brother saw a monster walking in the backyard.
② It was my little brother that (who)saw a monster walking in the backyard last night.
③ It was a monster that my little brother saw walking in the backyard last night.
④ It was in the backyard that my little brother saw a monster walking last night.
⑤ What was it that you saw walking in the backyard last night ?
⑥ Do you know what it was that I saw walking in the backyard last night ?
(例)It's your smile and kind words that draw everyone to you.
* draw A to B
(例)It's ramen soup that I spilled on my pants, not ketchup.
A を B に引きつける