Kinokuniya No. 562-B 知識一般 lÔÈw«T LE DICTIONNAIRE DES SCIENCES HUMAINES Sous la direction de Jean-François Dortier 2004 N 11 §s 800 p. 15 cm x 23 cm ISBN 2-912601-25-8 br. Å¿i 10,650 lÔÅ é±ÆÆͽŠéÌ©HlÔ«ÖÌâ¢ðæè@ ß·½ßÉAù¬ÌÈwÌÇð´¦éAv[`ªA¡ßç êĢܷB1990 Nn§wlÔÈwx̬ÊÅ é{ÍA ñ1000ÚÌTOAl¼A»ã¶»pêðʵÄAlÞwAlû wAoÏwAnwAðjwA¾êwANwAæjwASwA FmÈwA³çwAÐïwÈÇ©çÌm©ðWµÜ·Bî{ ¶£XgyÑlÔÈwÌÃT 30 ûÌðàðÜÝÜ·B (Éditions Sciences Humaines) -FR- 1‐1‐1 知のジェンダー:ジェンダー論ハンドブック Braun, Christina von & Stephan, Inge (Hrsg.) Gender@Wissen: Ein Handbuch der Gender-Theorien. 2004 300 S. (UTB) -DEISBN 3-8252-2584-4 br. ¥ 4,119( 税込¥ 4,325) 19 namhafte und fachlich ausgewiesene Autorinnen und Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen führen in diesem Werk in zentrale Themenfelder des Wissens ein. 1‐1‐2 フランス一般教養事典 Dagognet, François Culture générale. Avec 1 CD-ROM. 2004 100 p. "Abcdaire" (M-Editer) -FRISBN 2-915725-02-0 ¥ 3,933( 税込¥ 4,130) 1‐1‐3 ウェブ検索ノウハウ Friedman, Barbara G. Web Search Savvy: Strategies and Shortcuts for Online Research. 2004 248 p. (L. Erlbaum Assoc., US) -USISBN 0-8058-3859-7 ¥ 9,891( 税込¥ 10,386) ISBN 0-8058-3860-0 pap. ¥ 3,712( 税込¥ 3,898) 1‐1‐4 Routledge Study Guide. (Routledge) -GB# Finn, John Getting a PhD: An Action Plan to Help You Manage Your Research, Your Suprevisor and Your Project. 2005:02 160 p. ISBN 0-415-34497-2 ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) ISBN 0-415-34498-0 pap. ¥ 4,224( 税込¥ 4,435) −1− ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語・言語研究 2‐1‐1 言語と何の関係が?:言語を通した現代の問題読本 Walters, Keith & Brody, Michal What's Language Got to Do with It? 2005:01 640 p. (Norton) -USISBN 0-393-97884-2 pap. ¥ 8,085( 税込¥ 8,489) A thought-provoking new reader introduces some of the most important language issues facing us today - and prompts students to think hard about their own use of language. 2‐1‐2 バイナム、ポーター編/オックスフォード科学引用辞典 Bynum, W. F. & Porter, Roy (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations. 2005:03 736 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-858409-1 ¥ 9,060( 税込¥ 9,513) From Archimedes to Einstein and beyond. 2‐1‐3 古アイスランド語辞典 Zoega, Geir A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic. 2004:12 560 p. (Trubner) -GBISBN 1-84453-117-1 ¥ 45,300( 税込¥ 47,565) For linguists and for those interested in the old Icelandic prose writings, this dictionary includes the extensive vocabulary which the ordinary student of Icelandic is likely to meet in the course of his reading. 2‐1‐4 Studies in French Literature. (E. Mellen) -US隠語の王様(英訳) No. 75. Becker-Ho, Alice An English Translation of "The Princes of Jargon" by Alice Becker-Ho. 2004 173 p. ISBN 0-7734-6304-6 ¥ 16,491( 税込¥ 17,316) This groundbreaking, comparative study of dangerous-class slangs in use across ten countries, from Europe to the Americas, brings to light the common influences that have helped to shape them over the last five hundred years. −2− Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語・言語研究 Sous la direction de Barbara Cassin 2004 N 10 §s 1,534 p. 19 cm x 26cm ISBN 2-02-030730-8 Å¿i 20,650 vzð¾êÅ\»·é±ÆAܵļ̾êÉ|ó·é±ÆÍ å«È¢ïðº¢Ü·B[bp̾êÔÉ੦ȢǪ èAá¦ÎAú{êÅÍuSG¸_vÆó³êé mindipj @ GeistiÆjespriti§jÍK¸µàι¸Aܽu»¶Ýv Æó³êé DaseiniÆjàAexistencei§jÅPÉu·Í@ sÂ\Å·Bµ©µëðàÜßÄ|óªðjⶻð`¬µÄ «½±ÆÍ^¢¾È¢ÀÅ·B½¾êÔÌvz|óÒÌ @ Jê©ç¶Üê½j[NÈ{«TÍA400 ÚÉÄAÃTê âXuê°àÜÞ[bp¾êÌ 4000 êE\»ðÔ µA»ÌÎEsÎÖWðLqµÜ·B[bpvzE ¶»j¤yÑ|ówÉKgÌt@XÅ·B (Seuil / Le Robert) -FR- 2‐1‐5 [新シリーズ]実世界の職業通訳 Professional Interpreting in the Real World. (Multilingual Matters) -GB通訳者のための交通事故訴訟ガイド # Buenker, Josef F. The Interpreter's Guide to the Vehicular Accident Lawsuit. 2005:01 184 p. ISBN 1-85359-782-1 ¥ 19,614( 税込¥ 20,595) ISBN 1-85359-781-3 pap. ¥ 7,534( 税込¥ 7,911) The entire process which an interpreter may encounter is explained from the time of the accident through the final trial. The book provides a comprehensive presentation of the participants, terminology, procedures, documents and regulations to this prevalent area of law. 通訳:技法と練習 # Nolan, James Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises. 2005:03 250 p. ISBN 1-85359-791-0 ¥ 21,124( 税込¥ 22,180) ISBN 1-85359-790-2 pap. ¥ 8,138( 税込¥ 8,545) Provides a structured syllabus and an overview of interpretation accompanied by exercises in the main aspects of the art. It is meant as a pactical guide for interpreters and as a complement to interpreter training programmes. −3− ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語・言語研究 2‐1‐6 ベンジャミンズ翻訳研究叢書(BTL) Benjamins Translation Library. (J. Benjamins) -NL翻訳・通訳のための職業教育 60. Tennent, Martha (ed.) Training for the New Millennium. Pedagogies for Translation and Interpreting. 2005 265 p. ISBN 90-272-1666-5 ¥ 21,735( 税込¥ 22,822) Originating at an international forum held at the University of Vic (Spain), the twelve essays collected here attest to important changes in translation practice and the assumptions which underpin them. 2‐1‐7 Bassham Critical Thinking (ISE). 2nd ed. 2004:08 (McGraw) -SGISBN 0-07-111352-5 ¥ 6,500( 税込¥ 6,825) 2‐1‐8 カリキュラムに生かす言語への気づき Candelier, Michel , Andrade, Ana-Isabel & Bernaus, Mercé (et al.) Janua Linguarum - The Geteway to Languages. The Introduction of Language Awareness into the Curriculum: Awakening to Languages. 2004 206 p. (Council of Europe) -FRISBN 92-871-5312-4 ¥ 4,761( 税込¥ 4,999) The Janua Linguarum programme has focused on disseminating the awakening to languages approach in sixteen countries of Europe and studying the conditions under which it was introduced into their curricula. 2‐1‐9 Challenges in Language and Literacy. (Guilford Pr.) -US# Silliman, Elaine R. & Wilkinson, Louise C. (eds.) Language and Literacy Learning in Schools. 2004:10 330 p. ISBN 1-59385-065-4 ¥ 9,060( 税込¥ 9,513) This volume presents evidence-based practices for integrating language and literacy knowledge to enhance children's learning in today's standards-based classrooms. 2‐1‐10 Duke, Nell K. & Mallette, Marla H. (eds.) Literacy Research Methodologies. 2004:10 364 p. (Guilford Pr.) -GBISBN 1-59385-060-3 ¥ 15,084( 税込¥ 15,838) 2‐1‐11 教育における言語計画 Ferguson, Gibson Language Planning in Education. 2005:03 (Edinburgh U. P.) -GBISBN 0-7486-1262-9 pap. ¥ 5,734( 税込¥ 6,021) Examples are taken from, a range of countries world-wide-from Africa to Asia and from Europe to North America. At the end of each chapter there are exercises and suggestions for further reading. −4− Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語・言語研究 2‐1‐12 外国語コミュニケーション:言語能力を通じた文化的能力 (第2版) Gohard-Radenkovic, Aline Communiquer en langue étrangère: De compétences culturelles vers des compétences linguistiques. 2nd éd. 2004 265 p. (Peter Lang) -CHISBN 3-03910-374-1 br. ¥ 4,690( 税込¥ 4,925) Cet ouvrage propose une méthodologie d'initiation à une <<lecture>> anthropologique des société et des cultures, destinée à ceux qui forment des publics apprenant des langues étrangères à des fins éducatives, universitaire. 2‐1‐13 Language Testing and Evaluation. (Peter Lang) -CHEdited by Rüdiger Grotjahn and Günther Sigott. Vol.1. Sigott, Günther Towards Identifying the C-Test Construct. 2004 224 p. ISBN 3-631-52062-X pap. ¥ 7,638( 税込¥ 8,020) This book describes the history and the theoretical background of C-Tests and gives a survey of research into C-Test validity, on the basis of extensive material and data from over 800 subjects. 2‐1‐14 Mellen Studies in Education. (E. Mellen) -USスペイン語の言語精確性・口頭伝達能力の事例研究: 留学時の動機づけと相互行為の拡張 No. 99. Isabelli-Garcia, Christina A Case Study of the Factors in the Development of Spanish Linguistic Accuracy and Oral Communication Skills: Motivation and Extended Interaction in the Study Abroad Context. 2004 173 p. ISBN 0-7734-6348-8 ¥ 16,491( 税込¥ 17,316) This study examines the impact of a one-semester study abroad experience in Argentina on the second language acquisitoin of five North American university Spanish learners. 2‐1‐15 New Perspectives on Language and Education. (Multilingual Matters) -GB遠隔教育と言語教育:進化と変化 # Holmberg, Börje , Shelley, Monica & White, Cynthia (eds.) Distance Education and Languages: Evolution and Change. 2005:02 320 p. ISBN 1-85359-776-7 ¥ 22,634( 税込¥ 23,766) ISBN 1-85359-775-9 pap. ¥ 9,044( 税込¥ 9,496) This edited book is the first collection of studies to be published dealing specifically with the teaching of languages at a distance. It contains contributions from language teaching professionals working all over the world, and covers a variety of languages. 2‐1‐16 言語学習・教育における文化的媒介 Zarate, G. , Gohard-Radenkovic, A. & Lussier, D. (et al.) Cultural Mediation in Language Learning and Teaching. 2004 248 p. (Council of Europe) -FRISBN 92-871-5259-4 ¥ 3,933( 税込¥ 4,130) −5− ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語・言語研究 This project attempts to tackle several challenges: - to experience the variety of different teaching cultures as a source of innovation rather than as an obstacle - to adopt a pluridisciplinary approach by introducuing references taken from the social sciences. 2‐1‐17 方言変化:ヨーロッパ諸言語の収束性と多様性 Auer, Peter , Hinskens, Frans & kerswill, Paul (eds.) Dialect Change: Convergence and Divergence in European Languages. 2005:02 320 p., 39 tables (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-80687-9 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) This book brings together a team of leading scholars to explore all aspects of recent dialect change, in particular dialect convergence and divergence. 2‐1‐18 言語学理論の最新論点 Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. (J. Benjamins) -NL中央シベリアの諸言語と先史 262. Vajda, Edward J. (ed.) Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia. 2005:01 280 p. ISBN 90-272-4776-5 ¥ 21,735( 税込¥ 22,822) The twelve articles in this volume describe Yeniseic, Samoyedic and Siberian Turkic languages as a linguistic complex of great interest to typologists, grammarians, diachronic and synchronic linguists, as well as cultural anthropologists. 2‐1‐19 世界言語における基本語順調査 Haarmann, Harald Elementare Wortordnung in den Sprachen der Welt: Dokumentation und Analysen zur Entstehung von Wortfolgemustern. 2004 160 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-372-3 kt. ¥ 5,133( 税込¥ 5,390) Diese Studie listet 1420 Sprachen auf (rund ein Viertel aller Sprachen der Welt), für die dominante Wortfolgemuster ermittelt worden sind. 2‐1‐20 論理、意味と会話: 意味未決性、含意とそのインターフェイス Atlas, Jay David Logic, Meaning, and Conversation: Semantical Underdeterminacy, Implicature, and Their Interface. 2004:12 400 p. (O U P NY) -USISBN 0-19-513300-5 ¥ 9,075( 税込¥ 9,529) This look at the philosophy of language focuses on the interface between a theory of literal meaning and pragmatics - a philosophical examination of the relationship between meaning and language use and its contexts. −6− Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 2‐1‐21 スタンリー・キャヴェル著/明後日の哲学 Cavell, Stanley Phylosophy the Day after Tomorrow. 2005:04 352 p. (Harvard U. P.) -USISBN 0-674-01704-8 ¥ 4,611( 税込¥ 4,842) Nietzche characterized the philosopher as the man of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - a description befitting Stanley Cavell whose interest is fully engaged in this collection of retrospective and forward-thinking essays on performative language and on performances. 2‐1‐22 アーネスト・ゲルナー著/言語哲学の検討と論難(復刊) Gellner, Ernest Words and Things: An Examination of, and an Attack on, Linguistic Philosophy. 2005:02 384 p. "Routledge Classics" (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-34548-0 pap. ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) When this now-famous critique originally appeared in 1959, it created a scandal, causing a flurry of correspondence in the Times. 2‐2‐1 言語学文献目録 Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur/Bibliography of Linguistic Literature. (Klostermann) -DEBibliographie zur allgemeinen Linguistik und zur anglistischen, germanistischen und romanistischen Linguistik. Für das Sondersammelgebiet Linguistik der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main herausgegeben von Berndt Dugall. Bd. 29. 2003. 2004 800 S. ISBN 3-465-03318-3 ¥ 65,826( 税込¥ 69,117) 2‐2‐2 ギヨーム言語体系用語辞典(改訂増補2版) Boone, Annie & Joly, André Dictionnaire terminologique de la systématique du langage. 2e éd. rev. et augm. 2004 470 p. (L'Harmattan) -FRISBN 2-7475-6565-3 br. ¥ 7,038( 税込¥ 7,390) Recense et analyse les 400 mots clefs de l'oeuvre de Gustave Guillaume (1883-1960), un des linguistes les pluis importants du XXe siècle. 2‐2‐3 言語学試論:言語は言語学者の発明か Calvet, Louis-Jean Essais de linguistique. La langue est-elle une invention des linguistes? 2004 250 p. (Plon) -FRISBN 2-259-19979-8 ¥ 4,140( 税込¥ 4,347) Revisitant concepts et théories (Saussure, Chomsky, Martinet, l'école de prague...), oppose ces simplifications aux pratiques hétérogènes que révèle la description des langues dans leur fonctionnement concret. −7− ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 @ @@¾êwV§Ú^oAt¿³è ¾êwV§Ú^oAt¿³èÜ ¾êwV§Ú^oAt¿³èÜ· uLingua 21 - 21 ¢I̾êw v iA4 ¢I̾êw 2004/2005v i 160 Åj ¡tsµA²D]¢½¾¢½¾êwmÚ^uLingua 21 - 21 ¢IÌ ¾êwvÌââÒƵÄA2004-2005 NÌV§îñð¨Í¯µÜ·B y¢Â©Ìe[}z¾êwÌÛèÆû@^¶@_ÌC^[tFC X^¾êÌN¹Æi»^Ýs×ÆR~ jP[V^gbN ÌÐïI]ñ^¾ê³çÆRs [^A½¾êÐï {ÒuLingua 21 - 21¢I̾êwv iA4E360 Åjàt³èB VhìXUemêÉÄÖíè~jtFAÀ{B PQu±ÆÎÌC^[tFCXvPu±ÆÎÆVÔv 2‐2‐4 言語学理論の最新論点 Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. (J. Benjamins) -NL前方照応処理:言語・認知・計算モデル 263. Branco, António , Mcenery, Tony & Mitkov, Ruslan, (eds.) Anaphora Processing. Linguistic, Cognitive and Computational Modelling. 2005:01 442 p. ISBN 90-272-4777-3 ¥ 24,840( 税込¥ 26,082) The biennial Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquia (DAARC) have emerged as the major regular forum for presentation and discussion of the best research results in this area. This volume contains papers from the 2002 colloquium. 2‐2‐5 European University Studies. (Peter Lang) -CH形式/機能言語学の架橋:時制と関連範疇 Ser. 21, Vol. 270. Petersen, Christian Heyde Formal and Functional Perspectives on Tense and Related Categories. 2004 233 p. ISBN 3-03910-367-9 pap. ¥ 9,112( 税込¥ 9,568) Discusses fundamental issues such as tense, aspect and action by examining and comparing insights from the two traditions with a view to determining whether there are any possibilities of future bride-building between the two approaches. (再録) 2‐2‐6 グリーンバーグ系統言語学論集(クロフト解説) Greenberg, Joseph Genetic Linguistics: Essays on Theory and Method. 2005:03 352 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-925771-X ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) ISBN 0-19-925772-8 pap. ¥ 7,546( 税込¥ 7,923) 言語の系統分類法についてのグリーンバーグの理論と方法を網羅する重要 論文集。類型論的認知言語学の泰斗W. クロフトの解説付。 −8− Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 Edited by William Croft. This book collects Joseph Greenberg's most important writings on the genetic classification of the world's languages. William Croft sets the work in context and considers its impact and the bitter controversy it excited. 2‐2‐7 レヴィン、ホバヴ共著/項実在化 Levin, Beth & Hovav, Malka Rappaport Argument Realization. 2005:06 350 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-66331-8 ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) ISBN 0-521-66376-8 pap. ¥ 7,546( 税込¥ 7,923) This comprehensive survey provides an up-to-date overview of the important area of research, exploring current theories of how a verb's semantics can determine the morphosyntactic realization of its arguments. With useful bibliographic references and clear definitions of terms. 2‐2‐8 今日の言語学 Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today. (J. Benjamins) -NL接語と接辞結合:理論的視座 74. Heggie, Lorie & Ordóñez, Francisco (eds.) Clitic and Affix Combinations: Theoretical Perspectives. 2005 370 p. ISBN 90-272-2798-5 ¥ 28,980( 税込¥ 30,429) The relationship between clitics and affixes and their combinatorial properties has led to a serious discussion of the interface between syntax, morphology, semantics, and phonology that draws on a variety of theoretical perspectives (e.g., HPSG, Optimality Theory, Minimalism). 2‐2‐9 オックスフォード理論言語学研究叢書 Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. (O U P) -GB相統語論:主題・相解釈の派生 No. 10. Erteschik-Shir, Nomi & Rapoport, Tova (eds.) The Syntax of Aspect: Deriving Thematic and Aspectual Interpretation. 2005:03 256 p. ISBN 0-19-928043-6 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) ISBN 0-19-928044-4 pap. ¥ 6,795( 税込¥ 7,135) This collection of new work focuses on issues at the lexicon-syntax interface. A subset of the articles develops theories that take as their starting point the lexical-syntactic framework of the late Ken Hale and Jay Keyser, prominent among which is their own chapter. 2‐2‐10 オックスフォード類型論・言語理論研究叢書 Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory. (O U P) -GB従属関係の類型論(紙装版) # Cristofaro, Sonia Subordination. 2005:05 376 p. ISBN 0-19-925279-3 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ISBN 0-19-928200-5 pap. ¥ 6,942( 税込¥ 7,289) −9− ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2003. Based on an 80 language sample, this work is the first systematic attempt to establish comprehensive implicational hierarchies describing the coding of complement, adverbial, and relative sentences at a single stroke. 等位複合語と自然等位接続 # Wälchli, Bernhard Co-Compounds and Natural Coordination. 2005:07 352 p. ISBN 0-19-927621-8 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) The first typology of co-compounds (for example, as when in some varieties of English 'mother-father' denotes 'parents') ever published, unites methods from typology, corpus linguistics, and ethnography of discourse. 2‐2‐11 サピア『言語:ことばの研究入門』(再刊) Sapir, Edward Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech. 2004:11 208 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43744-2 pap. ¥ 1,293( 税込¥ 1,358) Unabridged republication of the work published by Harcourt, Brace and Company, New york, 1921. LT) 2‐2‐12 言語学理論の最新論点(CI Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. (J. Benjamins) -NL259. Carr, Philip , Durand, Jacques & Ewen, Colin (eds.) Headhood, Elements, Specification and Contrastivity: Phonological Papers in Honor of John Anderson. 2005:01 430 p. ISBN 90-272-4773-0 ¥ 22,770( 税込¥ 23,909) The papers in this volume focus on notions which are central to the work of John M. Anderson the founder of Dependency Phonology and to phonological theory: the idea of structural analogy between phonology and syntax; the head/dependent relation; etc. 2‐2‐13 音韻論の理解(第2版) Gussenhoven, Carlos & Jacobs, Haike Understanding Phonology. 2nd ed. 2005:03 320 p. (Edward Arnold) -GBISBN 0-340-80735-0 ¥ 4,116( 税込¥ 4,322) Assuming no previous knowledge of phonology or linguistic theory, the authors introduce the basic concepts and build on these progressively, discussing the main theories and illustrating key points with carefully chosen examples. 2‐2‐14 音韻論の論題 Hale, Mark & Reiss, Charles (eds.) Issues in Phonological Theory. 2005:03 418 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-926563-1 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) ISBN 0-19-926564-X pap. ¥ 7,550( 税込¥ 7,928) New work by international scholars focussing on three related theoretical isuues: the interface of phonology with morphology and syntax; the interactions between phonology and phonetics; and competing theories of formal phonology. − 10 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 2‐2‐15 [シリーズ]世界言語の音韻論 Phonology of the World's Languages. (Clarendon P.) -GBオランダ語音韻論 # Basbøll, Hans The Phonology of Danish. 2005:02 448 p. ISBN 0-19-824268-9 ¥ 21,140( 税込¥ 22,197) The book is the most comprehensive account of the phonology of Danish ever published in any language. The author develops new models for the analysis of phonology and morphology-phonology interactions, and shows how these may be applied to Danish and to other languages. 2‐2‐16 Language Workbooks. (Routledge) -GB文構造ワークブック(第2版) # Fabb, Nigel Sentence Structure. 2nd ed. 2005:01 144 p. ISBN 0-415-34181-7 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ISBN 0-415-34182-5 pap. ¥ 4,224( 税込¥ 4,435) Includes a database and exercises that compare the structure of English with other languages. 2‐2‐17 今日の言語学 Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today. (J. Benjamins) -NL動詞先行言語 73. Carnie, A. , Dooley-Collberg, A. A. & Harley, H. (eds.) Verb First: On the Syntax of Verb initial Languages. 2005:04 426 p. ISBN 90-272-2797-7 ¥ 28,980( 税込¥ 30,429) Brings together the most recent crosslinguistic research on the syntax of verb-initial languages. 2‐2‐18 オックスフォード言語学テキスト Oxford Textbooks in Linguistics. (O U P) -GB通時統語論 # Roberts, Ian Diachronic Syntax. 2005:06 288 p. ISBN 0-19-925398-6 pap. ¥ 4,281( 税込¥ 4,495) In this concise and accessivle introduction Ian Roberts considers syntactic change from the perspective of generative theory. Over the past 20 Years, this approach has become increasingly important in historical linguistics. 2‐2‐19 Rodby, Judith & Winterowd, W. Ross The Uses of Grammar. 2004:12 224 p. 46 illus. (O U P NY) -USISBN 0-19-517508-5 ¥ 8,076( 税込¥ 8,480) − 11 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 In contrast with other grammar texts--which are typically organized from the "bottom up," beginning with parts of speech and progressing to phrases, clauses, and sentences--this book employs a unique structure based on the differentiation of form and function. 2‐2‐20 Sabest. Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Sprach-und Translationswissenschaft. (Peter Lang) -CH単一化に基づく機械翻訳システムへのアムハラ語の付加実験 Bd. 5. Adafre, Sisay Fissaha Adding Amharic to a Unification-Based Machine Translation System: An Experiment. 2004 208 p. ISBN 3-631-52667-9 pap. ¥ 8,308( 税込¥ 8,723) The aims of this book are to describe Amharic morphosyntax using the concepts of contemporary grammar formalisms, such as Dependency Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar. 2‐2‐21 政治・社会・文化へのディスコース研究のアプローチ Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture. (J. Benjamins) -NL人間の相互関係において作用する政治的、社会的、文化的過程への批判的デ ィスコース分析(CDA)によるアプローチ。ウォダク他が編集に参加。 対話主義とコミュニケーションのエンパワーメント特性 12. Grillo, Eric (ed.) Power without Domination: Dialogism and the Empowering Property of Communication. 2004:12 272 p. ISBN 90-272-2702-0 ¥ 22,770( 税込¥ 23,909) An alternative model of power-in-discourse is constructed. It is called "Dialogical Model" in accordance with its being grounded in a dialogical conception of discourse that naturally leads to a participative conception of power (as empowerment). 2‐2‐22 作動する語用論:旅行書の翻訳 Errasti, María Pilar Navarro , Sanz, Rosa Lorés & Ornat, Silvia Murillo (eds.) Pragmatics at Work: The Translation of Tourist Literature. 2004 245 p. (Peter Lang) -CHISBN 3-03910-241-9 pap. ¥ 8,710( 税込¥ 9,146) The languages concerned are mainly English and Spanish, but examples of German and French texts are also included. Relevance theory, systemic-functional linguistics and discourse analysis are some of the theoretical standpoints taken as a background. 2‐2‐23 パルグレイブ語用論・言語・認知科学研究叢書 Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition. (Palgrave) -GB言語学的意味、真理条件と関連性 (再録) # Iten, Corinne Linguistic Meaning, Truth Conditions and Relevance. 2004:12 256 p. ISBN 0-333-99573-2 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) − 12 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 Focuses on the meanings of expressions, in particular the concessives; but, even if, although. Dr. Iten proposes semantic analyses of these expressions based on the cognitive framework of Relevance Theory. 2‐2‐24 Chicago Series in Law and Society. (U. of Chicago Pr.) -US刑事司法における言語の機能 # Solan, Lawrence M. & Tiersma, Peter M. Speaking of Crime: The Language of Criminal Justice. 2005:02 264 p. ISBN 0-226-76792-2 ¥ 9,075( 税込¥ 9,529) ISBN 0-226-76793-0 pap. ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Examines how language functions in arrests, investigations, interrogations, confessions, and trials. 2‐2‐25 現代記述言語学研究叢書 Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics. (Peter Lang) -CHEdited by Graeme Davis and Karl A. Bernhardt. 生態学的言語観 Vol. 1. Garner, Mark Language: An Ecological View. 2004 260 p. ISBN 3-03910-054-8 pap. ¥ 8,978( 税込¥ 9,427) Demonstrates how an ecological perspective fundamentally changes our understanding of human language, and calls into question a number of assumptions: that language is rule-governed, for example, or that it represents a distinctive from of knowledge. 2‐2‐26 社会言語学入門:話者の選択から分かること Coulmas, Florian Sociolinguistics: The Study of Speakers' Choices. 2005:03 264 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-83606-9 ¥ 12,080( 税込¥ 12,684) ISBN 0-521-54393-2 pap. ¥ 5,130( 税込¥ 5,387) This accessible new textbook provides a clear introduction to sociolinguistics, the study of why we speak the way we do, and the social factors that influence our linguistic decisions. 2‐2‐27 厄介な綴り:言語、イデオロギーとドイツ正書法改革 Johnson, Sally Spelling Trougle?: Language, Ideology and the Reform of German Orthography. 2005:02 192 p. (Multilingual Matters) -GBISBN 1-85359-785-6 ¥ 15,084( 税込¥ 15,838) ISBN 1-85359-784-8 pap. ¥ 6,024( 税込¥ 6,325) Explores the linguistic, cultural and political issues underpinning the public dispures surrounding the 1996 reform of German orthography. Sally Johnson's book will be of interest to speakers and students of German as well as sociolinguists with an interest in language politics. − 13 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 2‐2‐28 Polish Studies in English Language and Literature. (Peter Lang) -CHヨーロッパから見たグローバル英語 Vol. 11. Duszak, Anna & Okulska, Urszula (eds.) Speaking from the Margin: Global English from a European Perspective. 2004 293 p. ISBN 3-631-52663-6 br. ¥ 9,782( 税込¥ 10,271) The papers in this volume analyze the language situation under globalization in several European countries. Changes in lexical and discursive repertories are evidenced and discussed. It is shown how new social identities are linguistically constructed and redefined. 2‐2‐29 ラウトレッジ言語学研究叢書 Routledge Studies in Linguistics. (Routledge) -GBアイルランドのアイルランド語 # Chríost, Diarmait Mac Giolla The Irish Language in Ireland: From Goldel to Globalisation. 2004:12 224 p. ISBN 0-415-32046-1 ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) This book comprises the first complete treatment of the Irish language in social context throughout the whole of Ireland, with a particular focus on contemporary society. 2‐2‐30 相互行為的社会言語学研究叢書 Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics. (Cambridge U. P.) -GB<世論>の社会言語学 (再録) 19. Myers, Greg Matters of Opinion: Talking about Public Issues. 2004:11 280 p. ISBN 0-521-79312-2 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) Matters of Opinion offers an interesting new insight into 'public opinion' as reported in the media, asking where these opinions actually come from, and how they have their effects. 2‐2‐31 フランス認知言語学 Fuchs, Catherine (dir.) La linguistique cognitive. 2004 262 p. (Maison des sciences de l'homme) -FRISBN 2-7080-1035-2 br. ¥ 3,829( 税込¥ 4,020) Présente les problématiques théoriques, les recherches actuelles et les acquis de la linguistique cognitive. 2‐2‐32 多言語話者の言語意識:第三言語の認知・心理言語学 Jessner, Ulrike Linguistic Awareness in Multilinguals. 2005:06 (Edinburgh U. P.) -GBISBN 0-7486-1913-5 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ISBN 0-7486-1914-3 pap. ¥ 5,130( 税込¥ 5,387) This book discusses cognitive and psycholinguistic aspects of third language acquistion and trilingualism, and explores the key role of linguistic awareness in multilingual proficiency and language learning. − 14 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 2‐2‐33 Language Workbooks. (Routledge) -GB心理言語学ワークブック # Field, John Psycholinguistics. 2005:02 128 p. ISBN 0-415-34185-X ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ISBN 0-415-34186-8 pap. ¥ 4,224( 税込¥ 4,435) Covers the core areas: language and the mind, vocaburaty and language processing. 2‐2‐34 Studies in Linguistics and Semiotics. (E. Mellen) -USドイツ語受動態意味論への認知的アプローチ No. 17. Arnett, Carlee A Cognitive Approach to the Semantics of the German Passive. 2004 225 p. ISBN 0-7734-6319-4 ¥ 18,141( 税込¥ 19,048) This study provides a semantic analysis of all the types of passive conxtructions found in German and shows that these construction types are related. A corpus of written data is used and the focus is on radial categories of meaning in Modern German. 2‐2‐35 言語獲得におけるパラメータ設定 Ayoun, Dalila Parameter Setting in Language Acquisition. 2005:02 224 p. (Continuum) -GBISBN 0-8264-7607-4 pap. ¥ 7,550( 税込¥ 7,928) This text provides a broad overview of parameter setting theory in first and second language acquisition. From an historical perspective on parameter-setting theory to an introduction to its role in computational linguistics, neurolinguistics, and language change. 2‐2‐36 言語と読字障害の関連 Catts, Hugh W. & Kamhi, Alan G. (eds.) The Connections between Language and Reading Disabilities. 2005:02 240 p. (L. Erlbaum Assoc., US) -USISBN 0-8058-5001-5 ¥ 11,541( 税込¥ 12,118) ISBN 0-8058-5002-3 pap. ¥ 4,941( 税込¥ 5,188) 2‐2‐37 児童言語習得の理解 Fletcher, Paul Understanding Child Language Acquisition. 2005:03 (Edward Arnold) -GBISBN 0-340-64593-8 pap. ¥ 3,291( 税込¥ 3,456) This text offers an accessible introduction to first language acquisition for undergraduates. − 15 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 言語科学 2‐2‐38 第二言語習得研究叢書 Second Language Acquisition. (Multilingual Matters) -GBV. クック共編/第二言語の書記体系 # Cook, Vivian & Bassetti, Benedetta (eds.) Second Language Writing Systems. 2005:04 416 p. ISBN 1-85359-794-5 ¥ 27,164( 税込¥ 28,522) ISBN 1-85359-793-7 pap. ¥ 10,554( 税込¥ 11,082) This book for the first time presents the effects of writing systems on second language reading and writing and on second language awareness, and provides a new platform for discussing bilingualism, biliteracy and writing systems. 第三言語学習者の研究:語用論的産出と意識 # Jordá, Maria Pilar Safont Third Language Learners: Pragmatic Production and Awareness. 2005:04 176 p. ISBN 1-85359-803-8 ¥ 15,084( 税込¥ 15,838) ISBN 1-85359-802-X pap. ¥ 6,024( 税込¥ 6,325) Examines the production and identification of request acts formulas on the part of bilingual learners of English in the Valencian Community (Spain). トマセロ著:構築される言語: 2‐2‐39 M. 用例準拠モデルによる言語習得理論(紙装版) Tomasello, Michael Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. 2005:03 408 p., 19 line illus. (Harvard U. P.) -USISBN 0-674-01030-2 ¥ 7,425( 税込¥ 7,796) ISBN 0-674-01764-1 pap. ¥ 3,291( 税込¥ 3,456) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2003. Tomasello offers an extended and detailed exposition of bis 'usage-based' theory of language acquisition, which be contrasts to nativist or 'universal grammar' theories such as those of Noam Chomsky and of Steven Pinker. LT) 2‐2‐40 言語学理論の最新論点(CI Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. (J. Benjamins) -NL260. Nicolov, N. , Bontcheva, K. & Angelova, G. (eds.) Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III: Selected Papers from RANLP 2003. 2005:01 400 p. ISBN 90-272-4774-9 ¥ 22,770( 税込¥ 23,909) This volume brings together revised versions of a selection of papers presented at the 2003 International Conference on "Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing". 2‐2‐41 コーパス言語学における多元要素分析 Gries, Stefan Thomas Multifactorial Analysis in Corpus Linguistics. 2005:02 240 p. (Continuum) -GBISBN 0-8264-7606-6 pap. ¥ 7,550( 税込¥ 7,928) − 16 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語 This book presents a novel analysis of the word order alternation of English transitive phrasal verbs (Particle Movement) from a cognitive-functional and psycholinguistic perspective. 2‐2‐42 コンピュータ言語学研究叢書 Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics. (Rodopi) -NL日本の研究者から見た英語コーパス 51. Nakamura, Junsaku , Inoue, Nagayuki & Tabata, Tomoji (eds.) English Corpora under Japanese Eyes. 2004:09 249 p. ISBN 90-420-1882-8 ¥ 11,385( 税込¥ 11,954) 応用コーパス言語学:複合領域的視座 52. Connor, Ulla & Upton, Thomas A. (eds.) Applied Corpus Linguistics: A Multidimensional Perspective. 2004:10 279 p. ISBN 90-420-1922-0 ¥ 13,455( 税込¥ 14,128) This volume includes selected papers from the Fourth North American Symposium, held in Indianapolis and hosted by the Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication at Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis (IUPU) in November, 2002. 2‐3‐1 Langan College Writing Skills (ISE). 6th ed. 2004:08 (McGraw) -SGISBN 0-07-111416-5 with Readings ISBN 0-07-111415-7 with CD and Bi-Card ¥ 6,500( 税込¥ 6,825) ¥ 6,300( 税込¥ 6,615) 2‐3‐2 Soanes, Catherine & Ferguson, Sheila Oxford A-Z of Spelling. 2004:09 160 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-860895-0 pap. ¥ 1,842( 税込¥ 1,934) 2‐3‐3 国際英語文体ガイド: 世界に通用する手紙文、報告、技術文書、ウェブページの 書き方 Weiss, Edmond H. The Elements of International English Style: A Guide to Writing Letters, Reports, Technical Documents, and Internet Pages for a Global Audience. 2005:03 192 p. (M. E. Sharpe) -USISBN 0-7656-1571-1 ¥ 5,766( 税込¥ 6,054) ISBN 0-7656-1572-X pap. ¥ 3,126( 税込¥ 3,282) 57 specific tactics to internationalize one's English, hundreds of before-and-after comparisons showing the effects of editing for an international audience, models of international correspondence, practical discussion questions and work projects, useful resources. − 17 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語 2‐3‐4 世界英語変種ハンドブック(全2巻+CD‐ROM) Cortmann, Bernd (ed.) A Handbook of Varieties of English (Volume 1: Phonology / Volume 2: Morphology, and Syntax). 2004:12 2 vols. 2,500 p. + CD-ROM (Mouton de Gruyter) -DEISBN 3-11-017532-0 set ¥ 123,786( 税込¥ 129,975) 初回入荷分特価 set ¥ 103,086( 税込¥ 108,240) 第1巻:音韻論/第2巻:形態論・統語論にて世界中の英語を完全調査した レファレンス。付属CD‐ROMは世界各地で採取した音声サンプルを収録。 With more than 100 original contributions by acclaimed specialists in the field, this two-volume handbook is by far the most comprehensive reference work on phonology and the first-ever comprehensive overview of the morphology and syntax of varieties of English in the world. LT) 2‐3‐5 言語学理論の最新論点(CI Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. (J. Benjamins) -NL英語史におけるカテゴリー化 261. Kay, Christian J. & Smith, Jeremy J. (eds.) Categorization in the History of English. 2005:01 260 p. ISBN 90-272-4775-7 ¥ 21,735( 税込¥ 22,822) The scene is set by Aitchison's paper on the development of linguistic categorization over the past few decades, followed by. Biggam's critical overview of colour semantics. Lexical classification in action is discussed by Fischer, Kay and Sylvester, etc. 2‐3‐6 The ESL Miscellany: A Treatury of Cultural and Linguistic Information (Teacher Resource). Rev., 21st Century ed. 284 p. (Pro Lingua Assoc) -USISBN 0-86647-181-2 ¥ 4,620( 税込¥ 4,851) 2‐3‐7 アメリカの大学院留学生の第二言語学習と 文化適応プロセス Gonzalez, Virginia Second Language Learning and Cultural Adaptation Processes in Graduate International Students in U.S. Universities. 2004:09 216 p. (U. P. of America) -USISBN 0-7618-2790-0 pap. ¥ 4,950( 税込¥ 5,198) 2‐3‐8 Mellen Studies in Education. (E. Mellen) -USアメリカ大学留学生の英語集中訓練プログラムから大学本科へ の移行期:民族誌的研究 No. 96. Case, Emerson D. Making the Transition from an Intensive English Program to Mainstream University Courses: An Ethnographic Study. 2004 235 p. ISBN 0-7734-6353-4 ¥ 18,141( 税込¥ 19,048) − 18 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ドイツ語・ゲルマン諸語 Examines the experiences of six foreign students studying in an American university as they made the transition from an Intensive English Program (IEP) into mainstream classes at a medium-sized Midwestern university. 2‐3‐9 語学テスト研究 Studies in Language Testing. (Cambridge U. P.) -GB16. Hawkey, Roger The Development of CELS: A Modular Approach to Testing English Language Skills. 2005:02 ISBN 0-521-81351-4 ¥ 14,345( 税込¥ 15,062) ISBN 0-521-01332-1 pap. ¥ 5,722( 税込¥ 6,008) This volume documents the development of the Cambridge ESOL Certificates in English Language Skills (CELS), a suite of modular examinations first offered in 2002. It traces the history of various exams which have influenced CELS. 2‐4‐1 スウェーデン語初歩教本 Gundlach, Henrike & Vortmeyer, Christiane Lehrbuch der schwedischen Sprache. 2005 250 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-356-1 2 CDs ¥ 6,168( 税込¥ 6,476) ISBN 3-87548-355-3 kt. ¥ 5,547( 税込¥ 5,824) 2‐4‐2 ドイツ語新語探訪 Hirsch, Eike Christian Gnadenlos gut: Ausflüge in das neue Deutsch. 2004 160 S. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-52304-8 br. ¥ 2,670( 税込¥ 2,804) Zeigt, was an der >>Drohkulisse<< nicht stimmt, warum das Wort <<Quantensprung<< meist falsch angewendet wird und was >>knicken<< und >>stemmen<< unterscheidet. 2‐4‐3 ドイツ語話者のためのスウェーデン語音声学 Lindqvist, Christer Schwedische phonetik: für Deutschsprachige. 2005 190 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-359-6 CD ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) ISBN 3-87548-358-8 kt. ¥ 3,477( 税込¥ 3,651) 2‐4‐4 Linguistische Berichte, Sonderheft. (Buske) -DE身ぶり言語:構造、習得、使用 13. Leuninger, Helen (Hrsg.) Gebärdensprachen: Struktur, Erwerb, Verwendung. 2004 310 S. ISBN 3-87548-353-7 kt. ¥ 10,308( 税込¥ 10,823) 2‐4‐5 ノルウェー語教本 Stokland, Erik Lehrbuch der norwegischen Sprache. 2005 250 S. (Buske) -DE− 19 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B フランス語・ロマンス諸語 ¥ 5,547( 税込¥ 5,824) ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) ISBN 3-87548-375-8 kt. ISBN 3-87548-376-6 CD 2‐4‐6 Züricher germanistische Studien. (Peter Lang) -CH家族の物語: 1957 ‐1999年スイスのテレビ番組の言語学的ナラティブ分析 Bd. 59. Luginbühl, Martin , Schwab, Kathrine & Burger, Harald Geschichten über Fremde: Eine linguistische Narrationsanalyse von Schweizer Fernsehnachrichten von 1957 bis 1999. 2004 184 S., DVD ISBN 3-03910-355-5 br. ¥ 6,030( 税込¥ 6,332) Die Ergebnisse dieser Analyse zeigen detailliert, wie in den Tagesschau-Beiträgen Bedeutung und somit Wirklichkeit konstruiert wird und wie sich diese Muster im Laufe der Zeit ändern. 2‐5‐1 Bishop, Graham & Haezewindt, Bernard Developing Writing Skills in French. 2005:02 256 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-34897-8 pap. ¥ 5,432( 税込¥ 5,704) 2‐5‐2 Gouvard, Jean-Michel Précis de conjugaison. 2004 128 p. (A. Colin) -FRISBN 2-200-34061-3 br. ¥ 1,759( 税込¥ 1,847) 2‐5‐3 ラルースことばの息吹きミニ辞典シリーズ Le Souffle des mots. (Larousse) -FR19-20世紀作家の造語辞典 # Barbarant, Olivier , Rheims, Maurice & Mével, Jean-Pierre Abradadabrantesque, Dictionnaire des mots inventés par les écrivains des XIXe et XXe siècles. 2004 357 p. ISBN 2-03-532275-8 ¥ 2,049( 税込¥ 2,151) フランス語の数表現辞典 # Bologne, Jean-Claude Une de perdue, dix de retrouvées. Chiffres et nombres dans les expressions de la langue française. 2004 274 p. ISBN 2-03-532277-4 ¥ 2,049( 税込¥ 2,151) フランス語単語隠された意味辞典 # Duchesne, Alain & Leguay, Thierry Saute, paillasse. Les sens cachés des mots de la langue française. 2004 285 p. ISBN 2-03-532271-5 ¥ 2,049( 税込¥ 2,151) フランス語廃語辞典 # Duchesne, Alain & Leguay, Thierry Turlupinades and tricoteries. Dictionnaire des mots obsolètes de la langue française. 2004 286 p. ISBN 2-03-532272-3 ¥ 2,049( 税込¥ 2,151) フランス語身体表現辞典 # Jouet, Jacques A bouche que veux-tu. Le corps dans les expressions de la langue française. − 20 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B その他言語 2004 251 p. ISBN 2-03-532276-6 ¥ 2,049( 税込¥ 2,151) フランス語動物表現辞典 # Vigerie, Patricia Quand on parle du loup... Les animaux dans les expressions de la langue française. 2004 242 p. ISBN 2-03-532274-X ¥ 2,049( 税込¥ 2,151) 2‐5‐4 [完結]中世ラテン語ハンドブック(全5巻) Stotz, Peter Handbuch zur lateinischen Sprache des Mittelalters. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-52419-2 zus. ¥ 82,386( 税込¥ 86,505) Bd. 1. Einleitung, Lexikologische Praxis, Wörter und Sachen, Lehnwortschatz. 2002 723 S. ISBN 3-406-49355-6 ¥ 20,286( 税込¥ 21,300) Bd. 2. Bedeutungswandel und Wortbildung. 2000 510 S. ISBN 3-406-45836-X ¥ 15,663( 税込¥ 16,446) Bd. 3. Lautlehre. 1996 352 S. ISBN 3-406-40362-X ¥ 14,076( 税込¥ 14,780) Bd. 4. Formenlehre, Syntax und Stillistik. 1998 510 S. ISBN 3-406-43447-9 ¥ 17,388( 税込¥ 18,257) Bd. 5. Bibliographie, Quellenübersicht und Register. 2004 1,059 S. ISBN 3-406-52215-7 ¥ 28,566( 税込¥ 29,994) 2‐6‐1 現代アラビア語語法 Alosh, Mahdi Using Arabic: A Guide to Contemporary Usage. 2005:02 300 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-64832-7 pap. ¥ 5,432( 税込¥ 5,704) A guide to Arabic usage for intermeditelevel students. 2‐6‐2 エジプト文字入門 Altenmüller, Hartwig Einführung in die ägyptische Schrift. 2005 160 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-373-1 kt. ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) 2‐6‐3 コーランのアラビア語辞典 Ambros, Arne A. A Concise Dictionary of Koranic Arabic. 2004 392 p. (Reichert) -DEISBN 3-89500-400-6 ¥ 10,143( 税込¥ 10,650) This dictionary present the entire Koranic lexical material with glosses in English. The entries are accompanied by a selective listing of their places of occurrence and by the citation of selected relevant textual segments. − 21 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B その他言語 2‐6‐4 ウクライナ語実用文法 Amir-Babenko, Svetlana & Pfliegl, Franz Praktische kurzgrammatik der ukrainischen Sprache. 2004 160 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-371-5 kt. ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) 2‐6‐5 Comprehensive Grammars. (Routledge) -GBトルコ語文法大全 # Göksel, Asli & Kerslake, Celia Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. 2005:01 496 p. ISBN 0-415-21761-X ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-11494-2 pap. ¥ 6,036( 税込¥ 6,338) 2‐6‐6 Engelenhoven, Aone van Leti, a Language of Southwest Maluku. 2004 444 p. (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal'Land-en Volkenkunde) -NLISBN 90-6718-235-4 pap. ¥ 7,425( 税込¥ 7,796) This small Austronesian language is known for the complex patterns of metathesis permeating its entire grammar. This book provides information on previously undescribed features of the Leti language, such as singing, naming, storytelling, and the semantics of the indexer clitic. 2‐6‐7 Essential Grammars. (Routledge) -GBチェコ語必須文法 # Naughton, James Czech: An Essential Grammar. 2005:01 288 p. ISBN 0-415-28784-7 ISBN 0-415-28785-5 pap. ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) ¥ 5,130( 税込¥ 5,387) 2‐6‐8 ベラルーシ語教本 Heyl, Sonja Lehrbuch der weißrussischen Sprache. 2005 250 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-369-3 kt. ¥ 6,168( 税込¥ 6,476) ISBN 3-87548-370-7 CD ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) 2‐6‐9 トルコ語教本 Ileri, Esin Lehrbuch der türkischen Sprache. 2005 250 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-344-8 kt. ISBN 3-87548-345-6 2 CDs ¥ 6,168( 税込¥ 6,476) ¥ 6,168( 税込¥ 6,476) 2‐6‐10 Mastoras, Dimitrios Griechisch aktiv: Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Anfänger. 2004 298 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-298-0 kt. ¥ 5,547( 税込¥ 5,824) ISBN 3-87548-299-9 CD ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) ISBN 3-87548-301-4 CD Answer ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) ISBN 3-87548-300-6 Answer ¥ 3,063( 税込¥ 3,216) − 22 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B その他言語 2‐6‐11 ブルガリア語 Morfill, W. R. The Bulgarian Language. 2005:01 123 p. (Trubner) -GBISBN 1-84453-210-0 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) 2‐6‐12 ウルドゥー語文法 Platts, John T. A Grammar of the Hindustani or Urdu Language. 2004:12 414 p. (Trubner) -GBISBN 1-84453-202-X ¥ 25,670( 税込¥ 26,954) 2‐6‐13 Reference Grammars. (Cambridge U. P.) -GB現代ヘブライ語参照文法 # Bolozky, Shmuel A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew: A Student's Guide. 2005:02 400 p. ISBN 0-521-52733-3 pap. ¥ 8,456( 税込¥ 8,879) 現代標準アラビア語参照文法 # Ryding, Karin C. A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic. 2005:02 550 p. ISBN 0-521-77771-2 pap. ¥ 9,966( 税込¥ 10,464) 2‐6‐14 ラオス語文法 Rehbein, Boike & Sayaseng, Sisouk Laotische Grammatik: Phonologie, Formenlehre, Pragmatik. 2004 132 S. (Buske) -DEISBN 3-87548-322-7 kt. ¥ 5,133( 税込¥ 5,390) 2‐6‐15 Studies in Slavic Languages and Literature. (E. Mellen) -USまぎらわしいロシア語単語・表現便覧 No. 23. Rojavin, Marina & Reid, Allan A Guide to Russian Words and Expressions that Cause Difficulties. 2004 242 p. ISBN 0-7734-6302-X ¥ 18,141( 税込¥ 19,048) Based on a comparative semantic analysis of Russian synonyms, antonyms, related words, cognates, and everyday expressions as contrasted with their English equivalents and is centered on explaining the contents of these words. − 23 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 文学・文化研究一般 3‐1‐1 イレーヌ・シクスー著/聖痕(復刊) Cixous, Hélène Stigma: Escaping Texts. 2005:02 296 p. "Routledge Classics" (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-34545-6 pap. ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) With a new preface by Hélène Cixous. 3‐1‐2 Essays from the English Institute Series. (Routledge) -GBジェーン・ギャロップ著/ 論争的:(非)批評的邂逅[付・スピヴァックに聞く] # Gallop, Jane (ed.) Polemic: Critical or Uncritical. 2005:01 224 p. ISBN 0-415-97227-2 ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) ISBN 0-415-97228-0 pap. ¥ 4,828( 税込¥ 5,069) These new essays by leading scholars examine some famous and less well-known instances of polemical encounters. The essays are enhanced by an interview with Gayatri Spivak, specially conducted by Jane Gallop for this volume. 3‐1‐3 ウィリアム・エンプソン伝(全2巻) Haffenden, John William Empson. (O U P) -GB継続注文番号 KBN 0410193841-1 『曖昧の七つの型』などで知られる20世紀イギリスの代表的な文芸評論家 の一人で日中戦争など極東情勢にもコミットしたエンプソンの決定版伝記。 # Among the Mandarins. 2005:03 640 p., 16pp b/w plates ISBN 0-19-927659-5 ¥ 9,060( 税込¥ 9,513) Empson's public life and travels took him through many of the major events of the modern world - including the rise of imperialism in Japan, the Sino-Japanese war, wartime propaganda for the BBC, and the Chinese civil war. 3‐1‐4 批評のための新イディオム The New Critical Idiom. (Routledge) -GB犯罪小説 # Scaggs, John Crime Fiction. 2005:01 192 p. ISBN 0-415-31825-4 ISBN 0-415-31824-6 pap. ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ¥ 3,318( 税込¥ 3,484) − 24 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 文学・文化研究一般 Editor(s) - David Herman, Manfred Jahn, Marie-Laure Ryan 2004:12 720 p. ISBN 0-415-28259-4 36,240 iÅ 38,052j (Routledge) -GB@ieBiêèjÌ_ÍA¢Üâ¶weNXg¾¯ÅÈAf æAj [XAR~bNAdq«ÈǽlÈfBAyÑWÌ ªÍÉLøȹïƵÄAl¶EÐïÈwSÊyÑFmÈwÅàæèã °çêé±Æª½ÈÁĢܷBåÉVAEtH}Yât X\¢å`ðʵÄÚðѽigW[i¨ê_jÍA1990N ãÈ~ÍêèÌlÔSÊðµ¤ÈwƵÄAieB_ÆÄ Ñµçí³êÄA¡úÉéÜÅÈwÆÌÎbð±¯Ä«Üµ½B @»¤µ½ÈwðÂÈ® Å éieB_ÌËöðÔ ·é {iIÈt@Xª§s³êÜ·B{Í 200 ¼ÌwÛIȤ ÒðWµAðjAwhATOA__AXÌÖAEpÌæðJo[ µÄ¢Ü·BQlAõøAÝQÆà[ÀµÄ¢Ü·B¶wE¶» ¤AWF_[¤ANwAFmEÐïSwAfBA¤AlH m\AgD¤AãwA@wAðjwÈÇɨEߢ½µÜ·B ÃTI_lÌR ÃTI_lÌRNV ¶»¤ÌdvTO dvTO ¶w E ¶»¤Ì Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies Edited by Mieke Bal, University of Amsterdam, The Netherland 2004 N 9 §s@4 vols. 1,600 p. set ISBN 0-415-31657-X@ 144,400 iÅ 151,620j iRoutledgej j-GB@{ÍAWð±¯éieB_ÌðjƧ¢ApÂ\«ð `¦é_lðAS 4 ªÉW¬·éRNVÅ·B k\¬læ 1 ªF ieB_Ìåv_@æ 2 ªFÁêÈ_@æ 3 ªF¡I¨ê _@æ 4 ªFwÛ« @{û^_lÌÒ½¿ÍAEogA~nCEot`Ac F^EghtAWt\EI^[Æ¢Á½ã\I ÈÊX©çAÃãNwÌvgAAXgeXAܽAßNÌ_l ©çATC[hAXs@NAVViEtF}çðÜñÅ¢Ü ·Bo¶»ðÜÞ¶wE¶»¤A|pwANwAðjwA¡wAÐ ïwElÞwÈÇÌî{¶£ÆµÄA¥ñ{ð²wü¾³¢B iû ^¾×Ͳ¿¾³¢j − 25 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 文学・文化研究一般 kV [Yl¶»_É l¶»_ɨ kV [Y l¶»_É ¨¯éá]I]¿ Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory (Routledge) -GB- ¶»_ɨ ¶»_ɨ¯éá]I]¿iS 3 ªj Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory Edited with a new introduction by: Gary Genosko, Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Director, Technoculture Lab 2004 年 12 月刊行予定 3 vols. 1,264 p. ISBN 0-415-32169-7 予価 ¥ 113,250( (税込¥ 118,912) ) @Ji_ª¶ñ¾ 20 ¢IÌàÁÆàÆnIÈR~ jP[V _Æ}[VE}N[ni1911-1980jÌß 40 N Éí½éá»IóeðÕt¯é¶£Wª§s³êÜ·B¶w@ ¤©çoµ½}N[nÍAO[exNâÍnƵ Ä̶»ÌfBAjI¢Æ¢ÌdqfBAÉæé O[oEBbWãÌÈÇÌæìIÈå£ðJè L°Ä'60 N㶻_ÌÆÈèAl¶EÐïÈwÌàO Éå«È½¿ðª«N±µÜµ½BãàAC^[lbg@ ãÌÉæÁÄA}N[n_ÌLø«ªÄÑå« N[YAbv³êé±ÆÆÈèܵ½B @{ÍAS 3 ªÉÄA»ãÌ}N[nÇÒyѤÒÉ ÆÁÄK{Ì}N[ná]¶£ðe[}ÊÉW¬µA}N [nªª«N±µ½_AtX»ãvzÆÌÖíèA Ji_ÌóµAfBAER~ jP[V_ÌWÆ @ p³A»ãÌlbgÐïɨ¯é}N[n_ÌÆ@ pðµ¢Ü·BqEEBAYAfEhD{[AjEo[ NA{[h[AbEbNXAG[RAdEAB IÈÇ̽lÈvzÆÌ}N[n]ðû^AeªÉ@ ÒÒi{[h[AK^ÈÇÌtX»ãvzÌÐî ÅmçêéjÌá»IȶðµÜ·B iû^¶£¾×ÍAJ^O NA-2829 𲿾³¢j 3‐1‐5 醜い感情 Ngai, Sianne Ugly Feelings. 2005:02 368 p., 37 halftones (Harvard U. P.) -USISBN 0-674-01536-3 ¥ 4,941( 税込¥ 5,188) Mobilizes the aesthetics of ugly feelings to investigate not only ideological and representational dilemmas in literature but also blind spots in contemporary literary and cultural criticism. 3‐1‐6 Series in Fairy-Tale Studies. (Wayne State U. P.) -USおとぎ話とフェミニズム:新たなアプローチ # Haase, Donald (ed.) Fairy Tales and Feminism: New Approaches. 2004:09 256 p., 5 illus. ISBN 0-8143-3030-4 pap. ¥ 4,611( 税込¥ 4,842) − 26 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 文学・文化研究一般 The essays assembled here cover a broad range of topics that map new territory for fairy-tale studies. Framed by a critical survey of feminist fairy-tale scholarship and an extensive bibliography - the most comprehensive listing ever assembled. 3‐1‐7 Sinfield, Alan Cultural Politics - Queer Reading. Reissue 2005:02 128 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-35650-4 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-35651-2 pap. ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) ワーナー文学・文化論集 3‐1‐8 微候と驚異:M. Warner, Marina Signs and Wonders: Essays on Literature and Culture. 2004 528 p. (Vintage) -GBISBN 0-09-943772-4 pap. ¥ 2,714( 税込¥ 2,850) This resonant collection draws together essays written over twenty-five years. 3‐1‐9 芸術家ならではの自由:悪品行の名文家の三百年史 Allen, Brooke Artistic License: Three Centuries of Good Writing and Bad Behavior. 2004 256 p. (I.R. Dee) -USISBN 1-56663-595-0 ¥ 4,290( 税込¥ 4,505) Considers such liberators as Pepys, Sterne, Boswell, Sheridan, Jane Austen, Hans Christian Andersen, Byron, Hawthorne, Thackeray, Wilkie Collins, Bram Stoker, L. Frank Baum, Sinclair Lewis, and William Saroyan. 3‐1‐10 20世紀作家の構え:不確かな時代を生きる文学の力 Allen, Brooke Twentieth-Century Attitudes: Literary Powers in Uncertain Times. 2004 256 p. (I.R. Dee) -USISBN 1-56663-597-7 pap. ¥ 2,466( 税込¥ 2,589) Eighteen sparkling essays explore the lives and work of some of the last century's most brilliant and eccentric literary talents, including Colette, H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Christopher Isherwood, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Evelyn Waugh, James Baldwin, and Saul Bellow. 3‐1‐11 恋人たちの時代: 近代初期オスマン及びヨーロッパ文化・社会比較研究 Andrews, Walter G. & Kalpakli, Mehmet The Age of Beloveds: Love and the Beloved in Early Modern Ottoman and European Culture and Society. 2005:02 424 p., 14 illus. (Duke U. P.) -USISBN 0-8223-3450-X ¥ 14,841( 税込¥ 15,583) ISBN 0-8223-3424-0 pap. ¥ 4,116( 税込¥ 4,322) The authors show that the "age of beloveds" was not just an Ottoman, easten European, or Islamic phenomenon; it extended into western Europe as well. They demonstrate this by examining the cultures of Venice, Florence, Rome, and London during the same period. − 27 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 文学・文化研究一般 3‐1‐12 Literatur-Kultur-Geschlecht, Große Reihe. (Böhlau) -DE女性嫌悪言説の歴史と機能 Bd. 33. Geier, Andrea & Kocher, Ursula (Hrsg.) Wider die Frau: Zu Geschichte und Funktion misogyner Rede. 2004 400 S., 30 s/w-Abb. ISBN 3-412-15304-4 br. ¥ 8,259( 税込¥ 8,672) Die vielfältigen Aspekte misogynen Sprechens in den unterschiedlichen Epochen, Regionen und Kontexten werden in diesem Band aus literaturwissenschaftlicher, sozial- und kulturgeschichtlicher Perspektive beleuchtet. 3‐1‐13 比較児童文学 O'Sullivan, Emer Comparative Chidren's Literature. 2005:01 256 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-30551-9 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) Traces the history of comparative children's literature studies, from the enthusiastic internationalism of the post-war period to modern comparative criticism. 3‐1‐14 Sauer, Elizabeth & Rajan, Balachandra (eds.) Imperialisms: Historical and Literary Investigations, 1500-1900. 2004:12 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan) -GBISBN 1-4039-6520-X ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) 3‐1‐15 Sexuality Studies Series. (U. of British Columbia Pr.) -US男性なき男性性?20世紀小説に見る女性の男性性 # Noble, Jean Bobby Masculinities without Men?: Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions. 2004 222 p. ISBN 0-7748-0997-3 ¥ 4,941( 税込¥ 5,188) This groundbreaking study maps historical similarities in fictional, cultural, and representational practices from 1918 to 1999. 3‐1‐16 ハラルト・ヴァインリヒ著/ 不足する時間:期限つきの存在たる人の芸術と経済 Weinrich, Harald Knappe Zeit: Kunst und Ökonomie des befristeten Daseins. 2004 272 S. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-51660-2 ¥ 4,740( 税込¥ 4,977) 碩学のロマニストにして『<忘却>の文学史』の著者による、神話から映画 「ラン・ローラ・ラン」に至る、人間の生の条件と欠乏感をめぐる、西洋文学・ 文化のパノラマ。 Es ist paradox. Die Menschen leben immer länger, und die Zeit wird ihnen immer knapper. Welcher Geist oder Ungeist treibt sie zu solcher Knappheit? 3‐1‐17 ゴシック文学百科事典 Snodgrass, Mary Ellen Encyclopedia of Gothic Literature: The Essential Guide to the Lives and Works of Gothic Writers. − 28 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 古典 2004 496 p. (Facts on File) -USISBN 0-8160-5528-9 ¥ 10,725( 税込¥ 11,261) From the origins of the movement in the 18th century to Charles Dickens to contemporary writers such as Stephen King, this A-to-Z guide to Gothic literature covers a vast array of works and writers from Britain, America, and other countries, as well as a variety of genres. 3‐2‐1 新パウリ英訳版(全20巻予定) Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. 2002-2008 20 vols. (Brill) -NLISBN 90-04-12259-1 古典学の定評あるレファレンス「新パウリ」 (オリジナル=ドイツ語版)の 完全英訳版。継続注文のみ承ります。 Vol. 6. 2005:01 600 p. ISBN 90-04-12269-9 ¥ 43,056( 税込¥ 45,209) 3‐2‐2 古代アテネ文学的ガイド Goette, Hans Rupprecht & Hammerstaedt, Jürgen Das antike Athen: Ein literarischer Stadtführer. 2004 325 S., 57 Abb. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-51665-3 ¥ 5,154( 税込¥ 5,412) 3‐2‐3 Oxford Readings in Classical Studies. (O U P) -GB古代の文芸批評 # Laird, Andrew (ed.) Ancient Literary Criticism. 2005:03 320 p. ISBN 0-19-925865-1 ISBN 0-19-925866-X pap. ¥ 21,140( 税込¥ 22,197) ¥ 6,036( 税込¥ 6,338) 3‐2‐4 オックスフォード古代ギリシア・ローマ事典 Roberts, J. W. (eds.) The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World. 2005:06 864 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-280145-7 ¥ 7,550( 税込¥ 7,928) A user-friendly abridgement of the highly acclaimed Oxford Classical Dictionary, this book offers over 2,500 A-Z entries on aspects of life in the classical world, from politics, philosophy, literature, and art, to history, myth and religion, and family life. 3‐3‐1 チョーサー研究叢書 Chaucer Studies. (Boydell & Brewer) -GB# Mitchell, J. Allan Ethics and Exemplary Narrative in Chaucer and Gower. 2004:10 168 p. ISBN 1-84384-019-7 ¥ 12,080( 税込¥ 12,684) − 29 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 3‐3‐2 Manchester Medieval Literature. (Manchester U. P.) -GBガウェイン詩における言語と想像力 # Anderson, J. J. Language and Imagination in the Gawain Poems. 2005:02 256 p. ISBN 0-7190-5353-6 ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) ISBN 0-7190-7102-X pap. ¥ 4,828( 税込¥ 5,069) Offers a fresh view on the poems, Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. ‐13世紀ドイツ恋歌の法関連内容索引 3‐3‐3 12 Meves, Uwe Regestenwerk der deutschen Minnesänger des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. 2005:02 800 S. (de Gruyter) -DEISBN 3-11-017407-3 ¥ 34,776( 税込¥ 36,515) Setzt sich zum Ziel, alle überlieferten Lebenszengnisse der 30 wichtigsten mittelhochdeutschen Dichter des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts erstmals systematisch zusammenzustellen und zu erklären. 3‐3‐4 Monografías. (Tamesis) -US# Haywood, Louise M. & Vasvári, Louise O. (eds.) A Companion to the 'Libro de buen amor'. 2004:10 256 p. ISBN 1-85566-094-6 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) 3‐3‐5 中世フランス文学(第2版) Zink, Michel Littérature francaise du Moyen Age. 2e éd. 2004 394 p. "Premier cycle" (P.U.F.) -FRISBN 2-13-054673-0 ¥ 3,726( 税込¥ 3,912) 3‐4‐1 Baer, Ulrich (ed.) 110 Stories: New York Writes after September 11. 2004 368 p. (New York U. P.) -USISBN 0-8147-9905-1 ¥ 3,786( 税込¥ 3,975) ISBN 0-8147-9935-3 pap. ¥ 2,796( 税込¥ 2,936) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2002. The first collection of New York literary writers responding to September 11. 3‐4‐2 大衆小説の論理と実践 Gelder, Ken Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field. 2005:01 192 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-35646-6 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-35647-4 pap. ¥ 4,526( 税込¥ 4,752) Drawing on a wide range of popular novelists, from Sir Walter Scott and Marie Corelli to Ian Fleming, J. K. Rowling and Stephen King, this book describes for the first time how this field works and what its unique features are. − 30 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 3‐4‐3 イギリスの諸芸術の歴史 Strong, Roy The Arts in Britain: A History. 2004 720 p., 32 b/w plates (Pimlico) -GBISBN 1-84413-735-X pap. ¥ 3,016( 税込¥ 3,167) A masterly introduction for everyone to the growth and development of the country's literature, music, poetry, painting, architecture, theatre, and all the related subjects. 3‐4‐4 ケンブリッジ版 イギリス現代詩入門 Wheatley, David The Cambridge Introduction to Contemporary British Poetry. 2005:02 260 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-81575-4 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ISBN 0-521-01638-X pap. ¥ 4,526( 税込¥ 4,752) 3‐4‐5 Preston, Claire Thomas Browne and the Writing of Early Modern Science. 2004:12 230 p. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-83794-4 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) 近代初期イングランドにおける結婚とその解消 (全4巻) 3‐4‐6 Thompson, Torri L. (ed.) Marriage and Its Dissolution in Early Modern England. 2005:03 4 vols. 1,600 p. (Pickering & Chatto) -GBISBN 1-85196-784-2 set ¥ 105,700( 税込¥ 110,985) 16 ‐ 17世紀イングランドで、有名なヘンリー8世の一件をはじめ、スキャン ダラスな「離婚」がいかに事実上認められていくか。同時代の多様なテクス トを集成。詳細はNA-2817をご請求ください。 Composed of 16th- and 17th-century primary, non-fiction texts, written in or translated into English. Literary studies, histories of medicine and law, anthropology, sociology, religious studies and art history, women's studies, and cultural studies. 3‐4‐7 マージョリー・ガーバー教授(ハーバード大学)の シェイクスピア戯曲完全講義 Garber, Marjorie Shakespeare after All. 2004:12 1,008 p. (Pantheon) -USISBN 0-375-42190-4 ¥ 6,600( 税込¥ 6,930) Based on her hugely popular lecture courses at Yale and Harvard over the past thirty years, Garber offers passionate and revealing readings of all thirty-eight of Shakespeare's plays, in chronological sequence. − 31 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 3‐4‐8 シェイクスピアの顔:謎の肖像画の歴史を解く Nolen, Stephanie (ed.) Shakespeare's Face: Unraveling the Legend and History of Shakespeare's Mysterious Portrait. 2004:04 384 p. (Free Pr.) -USISBN 0-7432-4932-1 ¥ 4,455( 税込¥ 4,678) A fascinating literary detective story charting the surprising, true history of a recently discovered painting of Shakespeare held by the same family for 400 years. "The God of Our Idolatry" Stanley Welles, "Looking the Part" Marjorie Garber, etc. 3‐4‐9 新ケンブリッジ版 シェイクスピア Shakespeare, William The New Cambridge Shakespeare. (Cambridge U. P.) -GB# Butler, Martin (ed.) Cymbeline. 2005:02 280 p., 12 half-tones ISBN 0-521-22878-6 ISBN 0-521-29694-3 pap. ¥ 10,570( 税込¥ 11,099) ¥ 2,412( 税込¥ 2,533) 3‐4‐10 女性史・ジェンダー研究・英米文献集 Historical Sources of Women's Studies. (Edition Synapse) -JP- 2005年刊行開始! 「女性とクロスドレッシング」 「女性と帝国主義」など4 点を予定。シリーズ詳細カタログES-116ご請求下さい。 18‐19世紀英国女性旅行家の記録(全8巻) # Franklin, Caroline (ed.) Women's Travel Writing 1750-1850. 2005:12 8 vols. ISBN 4-901481-94-0 set ¥ 198,000( 税込¥ 207,900) 現在手に入れることの困難な、女性による旅行記7∼8点を復刻集成。 3‐4‐11 ポープとスチェアート朝人の運命: アン女王時代の歴史、政治、神話 Rogers, Pat Pope and the Destiny of the Stuarts: History, Politics, and Mythology in the Age of Queen Anne. 2005:02 400 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-927439-8 ¥ 19,630( 税込¥ 20,612) A radical new look at the literary and political climate of England during the reign of Queen Anne, as revealed in the work of the greatest poet of the age, Alexander Pope. Rogers provides the fullest account to date of Windsor-Forest (1713). 3‐4‐12 Beer, Janet Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Studies in Short Fiction. 2004:12 256 p. (Macmillan Macmillan) -GBISBN 0-333-54542-7 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) ISBN 1-4039-4276-5 pap. ¥ 5,432( 税込¥ 5,704) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1997. − 32 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 lGIbgÌ©IèÅÌ_ê¢ÌW¬I W [W E G I b g ZSW iS 2 ªj The Complete Shorter Poetry of George Eliot 2 Volume Set ~ "The Pickering Masters" Editor: Antonie Gerard van den Broek / Consulting Editor: William Baker ü×\è@2005 N 1 @ 2 vols. c. 800 p. ISBN 1-85196-796-6 \¿ 48, 320 iÅ 50,736j (Pickering & Chatto) -GB- @ ú{ãX F IÉ ®X @CMXßã¬àÌcÆà¢íêéBNgA©Ì«ìÆW [WEGIbgi1819-1880jÌiêûÉB·é The Spanish Gypsy ðjð®SÉW^·é{SWÍAé½NÉàí½ÁÄAèÅÆ µÄQƳ걯éŵå¤B @ÒÒÉæé¶ÅÍAGIbgÌÉñ¹éÖSÆìiÖÌe¿A p¢çêée[}Æ`[tAá]Ióeƻ̻ãÌÇÒÉÆÁÄ ÌÓ`ðTèÜ·BeÉͶªt³êAìÉÜÂíéîñA ÌGIbgÌ¢½êâÌÇàeªAGIbg©gÌÈA úLAm[g©çèo³êĢܷBQƵ½eªñ³êAÙeª ²³êĢܷBܽA¼ÌWÉÈ©Á½Á·ÆµÄAðæ ð·é½ß̪t³êĢܷBââƵÄAIWiÌÌ ÔAGIbgÌÉ¢ÄÌ]_AsõøªÜÜêĢܷB 3‐4‐13 ジェーン・オースティンとロマン派の詩人 [Austen] : Deresiewicz, William Jane Austen and the Romantic Poets. 2005:02 240 p. (Columbia U. P.) -USISBN 0-231-13414-2 ¥ 4,867( 税込¥ 5,110) Traces the two major periods of Jane Austen's work in order to demonstrate the fundamental impact and influence of British romanticism on her later novels. 3‐4‐14 Childrens Literature and Culture. (Routledge) -GB# Boone, Troy Youth of Darkest England: Working-Class Children at the Heart of Victorian Empire. 2005:02 256 p. ISBN 0-415-97262-0 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) 3‐4‐15 ニコラス・ロー著/リー・ハント伝 [Hunt] : Roe, Nicholas Libertas: The First Life of Leigh Hunt. 2004 256 p., 8 b/w illus. (Pimlico) -GBISBN 0-7126-0224-0 pap. ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) In this exceptional new biobraphy Nicholas Roe takes us to the very heart of Hunt and his tumultuous, romantic times. − 33 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 K. ブラウン伝 3‐4‐16 ディケンズの挿絵画家「フィズ」H. Lester, Valerie Browne Phiz: The Man who Drew Dickens. 2004 352 p., 100 b/w drawinds (Chatto & Windus) -GBISBN 0-7011-7742-X ¥ 6,040( 税込¥ 6,342) In the first full biography, longawaited by Victorian scholars - his great-great-granddaughter Valerie Browne Lester tracks the struggles of the abandoned Browne family and follows Phiz's path to fame and his colourful private life. 3‐4‐17 オックスフォード世界古典叢書 Oxford World's Classics. (O U P) -GB# Dolin, Tim George Eliot (Authors in Context). 2005:01 256 p. ISBN 0-19-284047-9 pap. ¥ 2,412( 税込¥ 2,533) Examines Eliot's life and work and the social and intellectual contexts in whish they developed. # Gosse, Edmund Father and Son. 2004:09 304 p. ISBN 0-19-284066-5 pap. ¥ 2,412( 税込¥ 2,533) 3‐4‐18 ヴィクトリア朝印刷メディア読本 Plunkett, John & King, Andrew Victorian Print Media: A Reader. 2005:02 300 p., 20 illus. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-927037-6 ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) ISBN 0-19-927038-4 pap. ¥ 5,130( 税込¥ 5,387) Consists of edited extracts from nineteenth-century sources which discuss all aspects of the production and circulation of print media. The extracts are organised into themed sections such as authorship and journalism, reading spaces, and the influence of print. 3‐4‐19 ナラティヴのリアリズム: オースティン、スコット、エリオット(紙装版) Shaw, Harry E. Narrating Reality: Austen, Scott, Eliot. 2005:01 304 p. (Cornell U. P.) -USISBN 0-8014-3672-9 ¥ 8,241( 税込¥ 8,653) ISBN 0-8014-8955-5 pap. ¥ 4,116( 税込¥ 4,322) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1999. Drawing on such thinkers as Auerbach, J. L. Austin, and Habermas, Shaw contends that realist novels claim to involve readers in a process of narrative understanding adequate to the complexities of life in history. 3‐4‐20 サミュエル・ベケットの現在(年鑑) Samuel Becket Today/Aujourd'hui. (Rodopi) -NLベケット以後(2003年シドニー・シンポジウム) 14. Uhlmann, A. , Houppermans, S. & Blément, B. (eds.) After Beckett / D'après Beckett. 2004:10 624 p. ISBN 90-420-1972-7 ¥ 25,668( 税込¥ 26,951) − 34 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 Constitutes a collection of over 40 articles selected from contributions to the Sydney Symposium of January 2003 that as a part of an International Sydney Festival - was one of the major events related to Samuel Beckett of the last decade. (再刊) 3‐4‐21 チェスタトン『正統とは何か』 Chesterton, G. K. Orthodoxy. 2004:12 160 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43701-9 pap. ¥ 1,044( 税込¥ 1,096) Unabridged republication of the edition published by Dodd, Mead, & Company, New York, 1908. 3‐4‐22 Errington, Philip W. John Masefield: The 'Great Auk' of English Literature: A Bibliography. 2004 932 p., 150 b/w illus. (British Library) -GBISBN 0-7123-4863-8 ¥ 19,630( 税込¥ 20,612) 3‐4‐23 [完結]グレアム・グリーン伝(全3巻) [Green] : Sherry, Norman The Life of Graham Greene. (J. Cape) -GBVol. 3. Sherry, Norman 1995-1991. 2004 592 p., 8 plates ISBN 0-224-05974-2 ¥ 7,550( 税込¥ 7,928) This third and final volume of Norman Sherry's biography takes Graham Greene from the very real peril of Cuba, and then into Spain, up to a quiet death at eighty-six, in Switzerland. 3‐4‐24 テッド・ヒューズ Moulin, Joanny (ed.) Ted Hughes: Alternative Horizons. 2005:01 172 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 90-265-1973-7 ¥ 16,610( 税込¥ 17,441) 3‐4‐25 International Ford Madox Ford Studies. (Rodopi) -NL3. Wiesenfarth, Joseph (ed.) History and Representation in Ford Madox Ford's Writings. 2004:11 241 p. ISBN 90-420-1613-2 pap. ¥ 10,350( 税込¥ 10,868) 3‐4‐26 オックスフォード世界古典叢書 Oxford World's Classics. (O U P) -GB# Whitworth, Michael Virginia Woolf (Authors in Context). 2005:01 288 p. ISBN 0-19-280234-8 pap. ¥ 2,412( 税込¥ 2,533) Shows how ideas and images from contemporary novelists, philosophrs, theorists, and scientists fuelled her writing, and how critics, film-makers, and novelists have reinterpreted her work for later generations. − 35 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 3‐4‐27 現代イギリス作家案内 Understanding Contemporary British Literature. (U. of South Carolina Pr.) -USペネロペ・フィッツジェラルド # [Fitzgerald, P.] : Wolfe, Peter Understanding Penelope Fitzgerald. 2004:12 352 p. ISBN 1-57003-561-X ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) A detailed overview of one of England's great fiction writers during the last century. B. イェイツ『ケルトの薄明』(再刊) 3‐4‐28 W. Yeats, W. B. The Celtic Twilight: Faerie and Folklore. 2004:11 128 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43657-8 ¥ 1,153( 税込¥ 1,211) Unabridged republication of the work first published by A. H. Bullen, London, 1902. 3‐4‐29 Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature. (Rodopi) -NL44. Hinds, Michael & Matterson, Stephen (eds.) Rebound: The American Poetry Book. 2004 208 p. ISBN 90-420-1712-0 ¥ 8,901( 税込¥ 9,346) These essays critically explore individual books by Walt Whitman, Wallace Stevens, Robert Frost, Ezra Pound, Hart Crane, William Carlos Williams, Randall Jarrell, Robert Lowell, Adrienne Rish, Susan Howe, Lyn Hejinian and Jorie Graham. 3‐4‐30 アメリカの消費文化とモノの文学(紙装版) Brown, Bill A Sense of Things: The Object Matter of American Literature. 2004:12 260 p., 19 halftones (U. of Chicago Pr.) -USISBN 0-226-07628-8 ¥ 5,280( 税込¥ 5,544) ISBN 0-226-07629-6 pap. ¥ 2,640( 税込¥ 2,772) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2003. Explores the roots of modern America's fascination with things and the problems that objects posed for American literature at the turn of the century. 3‐4‐31 アメリカン・ノワール:アングラ文学・映画 Cochran, David America Noir: Underground Writers and Filmmakers of the Postwar Era. 2004 280 p. (Smithsonian Inst. Pr.) -USISBN 1-58834-218-2 pap. ¥ 2,961( 税込¥ 3,109) "America Noir is a must for any student of the noir tradition in American culture....Entertaining and enlightening."-BookPage. − 36 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 英語文学・文化 3‐4‐32 Literary Conversations Series. (U. P. of Mississippi) -US# Bruccoli, Matthew J. & Baughman, Judith S. (eds.) Conversations with John le Carré. 2004:12 192 p. ISBN 1-57806-668-9 ¥ 8,250( 税込¥ 8,663) ISBN 1-57806-669-7 pap. ¥ 3,300( 税込¥ 3,465) # DePietro, Thomas (ed.) Conversations with Don Dellilo. 2005:01 208 p. ISBN 1-57806-703-0 ¥ 8,250( 税込¥ 8,663) ISBN 1-57806-704-9 pap. ¥ 3,300( 税込¥ 3,465) Ranging from 1982 to 2001 and published in the New Yorker, the Paris Review, and Rolling Stone. # Peabody, Richard & Ebersole, lucinda (eds.) Conversations with Gore Vidal. 2005:02 208 p. ISBN 1-57806-672-7 ¥ 8,250( 税込¥ 8,663) ISBN 1-57806-673-5 pap. ¥ 3,300( 税込¥ 3,465) 3‐4‐33 Prince, Valerie Sweeney Burnin' Down the House: Home in African American Literature. 2005:02 160 p. (Columbia U. P.) -USISBN 0-231-13440-1 ¥ 10,642( 税込¥ 11,174) ISBN 0-231-13441-X pap. ¥ 4,042( 税込¥ 4,244) Critiques five classic novels: Native Son by Richard Wright, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, The Bluest Eye and Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, and Corregidora by Gayl Jones. 3‐4‐34 印刷文化・書物の歴史研究 Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book. (U. of Massachusetts Pr.) -USジェームズ・ラフリン、ニューダイレクション・ プレスとエズラ・パウンド # Barnhisel, Gregory James Laughlin, New Directions Press, and the Remaking of Ezra Pound. 2005:02 272 p., 14 illus. ISBN 1-55849-478-2 ¥ 5,766( 税込¥ 6,054) Tells the story of the personal and professional relationship between one of the twentieth century's most controversial writers and his loyal and innovative American publisher. 3‐4‐35 The William E. Massey Sr. Lectures in the History of American Civilization. (Harvard U. P.) -USウェルティ講演/一作家の原点(CD版) # Welty, Eudora One Writer's Beginnings (Audio Book). 2005:02 ISBN 0-674-01579-7 CD ¥ 4,121( 税込¥ 4,327) − 37 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヨーロッパ語文学・文化 3‐5‐1 文学的モデルネの歴史:20世紀の言語、美学、詩文 Kiesel, Helmuth Geschichte der literarischen Moderne: Sprache; Ästhetik; Dichtung im 20. Jahrhundert. 2004 640 S. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-51145-7 ¥ 7,224( 税込¥ 7,585) 3‐5‐2 Literatur-Kultur-Geschlecht, Große Reihe. (Böhlau) -DEヨーロッパ文学の舞台としてのグランドホテル Bd. 32. Seger, Cordula Grand Hotel: Schauplatz der Literatur. 2004 552 S., 16 s/w-Abb. ISBN 3-412-13004-4 ¥ 12,399( 税込¥ 13,019) Das vorliegende Buch ist wie ein Entwicklungsroman des imaginären Grand Hotels aus den Quellen eines umfangreichen literarischen Textkorpus gestaltet. 3‐5‐3 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Neueren Germanistik. (Rodopi) -NL肌の色1800/1900/2000年 Bd. 56. Tautz, Birgit Colors 1800/1900/2000: Signs of Ethnic Difference. 2004:10 283 p. ISBN 90-420-1991-3 ¥ 12,420( 税込¥ 13,041) Literary scholars, historians, anthropologists and art historians support an overarching thesis: that the 'origins' of a modern, 'ethnic' imagination, inscribe patterns of seeing, whereas more recent developments involve processes of de-colorization and metaphorization. 3‐5‐4 ドイツ語ドイツ文学書誌 Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Begründet von Hanns W. Eppelsheimer, fortgetführt von Clemens Köttelwesch. Hrsg. von Bernhard Koßmann. Bd. 43. 2003. 2004 1,100 S. ISBN 3-465-03315-9 ¥ 38,502( 税込¥ 40,427) 3‐5‐5 ブレンターノ全集:作品と書簡 歴史校訂版 Brentano, Clemens Sämtliche Werke und Briefe: Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe. (Kohlhammer) -DEBd. 38, 3. Brentano, Clemens & Kinskofer, Lieselotte (Hrsg.) Erläuterungen zu den Briefen 1803-1807. 2004:12 560 S. ISBN 3-17-018482-2 ¥ 40,986( 税込¥ 43,035) 継続注文特価 ¥ 34,776( 税込¥ 36,515) − 38 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヨーロッパ語文学・文化 Von 1803 bis 1807, Brentano wurde volljährig und damit Besitzer seines ererbten Vermögens, heiratete Sophie Mereau 1803 und nach deren Tod die 16jährige Auguste Bußmann 1807. 3‐5‐6 ツェラン全詩集(校訂版) Celan, Paul Die Gedichte: Kommentierte Gesamtausbabe in einem Band. 2005:02 1,000 S. (Suhrkamp) -DEISBN 3-518-45665-2 kt. ¥ 4,140( 税込¥ 4,347) Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Barbara Wiedemann. 3‐5‐7 Hausmann, Frank-Rutger "Dichte, Dichter, tage nicht": Die Europäische Schriftsteller-Vereinigung in Weimar 1941-1948. 2004 410 S. (Klostermann) -DEISBN 3-465-03295-0 kt. ¥ 8,073( 税込¥ 8,477) 3‐5‐8 Literary Conjugations. (U. of Washington Pr.) -USW. G. ゼーバルト批評便覧 # [Sebald] : Long, J. J. & Whitehead, Anne (eds.) W. G. Sebald: A Critical Companion. 2004 256 p. ISBN 0-295-98422-8 ¥ 9,900( 税込¥ 10,395) ISBN 0-295-98423-6 pap. ¥ 4,042( 税込¥ 4,244) In this first collection to appear in English, newly commissioned essays by leading international scholars offer interdisciplinary perspectives on Sebald's work, providing a thorough assessment of his achievement. 3‐5‐9 トーマス・マン研究叢書 Thomas-Mann-Studien. (Klostermann) -DE邪道にはまる教養市民:トーマス・マン作品における自然科学 Bd. 32. Herwig, Malte Bildungsbürger auf Abwegen: Naturwissenschaft im Werk Thomas Manns. 2004 394 S., 30 Tafeln ISBN 3-465-03352-3 ¥ 12,213( 税込¥ 12,824) In einer glänzenden Sprache, frei von jedem Jargon, betritt der Autor einen neuen Bereich der Thomas Mann-Forschung, indem er die Rolle der naturwissenschaften in den großen Romanen Der Zauberberg, Doktor Faustus und Felix Krull untersucht. 3‐5‐10 トーマス・マン年鑑 [Mann] : Heftrich, Eckhard & Wysling, Hans (Hrsg.) Thomas Mann-Jahrbuch. (Klostermann) -DEBd. 17. Sprecher, Thomas & Wimmer, Ruprecht (Hrsg.) 2004. 2004 270 S. ISBN 3-465-03320-5 kt. ¥ 8,073( 税込¥ 8,477) 3‐5‐11 Mayer, Mathias Mörike und Peregrina: Geheimnis einer Liebe. 2004 254 S., 19 Abb. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-51657-2 ¥ 4,119( 税込¥ 4,325) − 39 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヨーロッパ語文学・文化 3‐5‐12 Literatur-Kultur-Geschlecht: Studien zur Literaturund Kulturgeschichte. Kleine Reihe. (Böhlau) -DE女性性の演出:18世紀文学に見る性のコード化 Bd. 20. Stephan Inge Inszenierte Weiblichkeit: Codierung der Geschlechter in der Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts. 2004 200 S. ISBN 3-412-15204-8 br. ¥ 4,119( 税込¥ 4,325) Frauenbild und Tugendbegriff bei Lessing und Schiller; Ausgrenzung des >Wiblichen< in der Sturm- und DrangBewegung; Androgynie und erotischer Diskurs bei Goethe und Kleist; usw. 3‐5‐13 イメージとテクストでたどるシラーの生涯(第2版) [Schiller] : Gellhaus, Axel & Oellers, Norbert (Hrsg.) Schiller: Bilder und Texte zu seinem Leben. 2. Aufl. 2004 406 S., 352 s/w-Abb. (Böhlau) -DEISBN 3-412-12604-7 br. ¥ 6,189( 税込¥ 6,498) Friedrich Schillers Leben (1759-1805) wird hier in neuartiger Weise erzählt: 36 ausgewählte Daten, die besondere Stationen auf seinem Lebensweg markieren, führen den Leser durch die Biographie des Dichters. 3‐5‐14 ドイツ文学史1900-1918年 Sprengel, Peter Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literature 1900-1918: Von der Jahrhundertwende bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs. 2004 940 S. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-52178-9 ¥ 10,329( 税込¥ 10,845) 3‐5‐15 ズーアカンプ・ベーシック叢書 Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek. (Suhrkamp) -DEText und Kommentar in einem Band. 57. Brecht, Bertolt Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe. 2005:02 225 S. ISBN 3-518-18857-7 ¥ 1,345( 税込¥ 1,412) Kommentar: Anya Feddersen. 58. Kipphardt, Heinar In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer. 2005:04 220 S. ISBN 3-518-18858-5 ¥ 1,449( 税込¥ 1,521) Kommentar: Ana Kugli. パウル・ツェラン「死のフーガ」その他の詩集 59. Celan, Paul Todesfuge und andere Gedichte. 2004:12 140 S. ISBN 3-518-18859-3 ¥ 1,242( 税込¥ 1,304) Kommentar: Barbara Wiedemann. 60. Treichel, Hans-Ulrich Der Verlorene. 2005:02 180 S. ISBN 3-518-18860-7 ¥ 1,656( 税込¥ 1,739) Kommentar: Jürgen Krätzer. − 42 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヨーロッパ語文学・文化 61. Gstrein, Norbert Einer. 2005:02 160 S. ISBN 3-518-18861-5 Kommentar: Heribert Kuhn. 62. Roth, Patrick Riverside. 2005:04 130 S. ISBN 3-518-18862-3 Kommentar: Grete Lübbe. ¥ 1,552( 税込¥ 1,630) ¥ 1,345( 税込¥ 1,412) 3‐5‐16 新ドイツ文学史 Wellbery, David E. & Ryan, Judith (eds.) A New History of German Literature. 2005:01 1,056 p., 10 halftones (Harvard U. P.) -USISBN 0-674-01503-7 ¥ 7,425( 税込¥ 7,796) In this book leading scholars and critics capture the spirit of this culture in some 200 original essays on events in German literary history. 3‐5‐17 シュルレアリストのパリ Bancquart, Marie-Claire Paris des surréalistes. 2004 311 p. (Ed. de la Différence) -FRISBN 2-7291-1507-2 ¥ 5,175( 税込¥ 5,434) Depuis sa publication chez Seghers en 1973, ce texte était devenu inaccessible. Le voici, avec les forts remaniements et la mise à jour qui s'imposaient après trente ans. 3‐5‐18 フランス・ロマン主義(全2巻) Bénichou, Paul Romansismes français. Tome 1, Le sacre de l'écrivain; Tome 2, Le Temps des prophètes. 2004 2 vols. 985 p. "Quarto" (Gallimard) -FRISBN 2-07-076846-5 set ¥ 4,968( 税込¥ 5,216) 3‐5‐19 ケンブリッジ版文学必携 Cambridge Companions to Literature. (Cambridge U. P.) -GBフロベール必携 # Unwin, Timothy (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Flaubert. 2004:12 320 p. ISBN 0-521-81551-7 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ISBN 0-521-89459-X pap. ¥ 4,828( 税込¥ 5,069) 3‐5‐20 [Colette] : Dugast-Poetes, Francine & Berthu-Courtivon, Marie-Françoise Passion Colette. Ambivalences et paradoxes. 2004 191 p. (Textuel) -FRISBN 2-84597-112-5 ¥ 9,729( 税込¥ 10,215) Photos, fac-similés de manuscrits, documents d'archives, dessins d'artistes - dont les danseuses de Matisse - rendent manifeste la puissance de l'œuvre et viennent souvenir les passions qu'elle suscite toujours. − 43 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヨーロッパ語文学・文化 3‐5‐21 Francopolyphonies. (Rodopi) -NL1. Sourieau, Marie-Agnès & Balutansky, Kathleen M. (eds.) Ecrire en pays assiégé-Haïti-Writing Under Siege. 2004:11 545 p. ISBN 90-420-1753-8 pap. ¥ 20,700( 税込¥ 21,735) Ce recueil d'essais critiques et d'entretiens tente d'illustrer et d'analyser comment les oeuvres romanesques, poétiques et théâtrales s'accommodent du << pays assiégé >> et déploient des stratégies linguistiques et formelles. 3‐5‐22 フランス文学の教科書 Guéret-Laferté, Michèle Le Manuel de littérature française. 2004 645 p. (Gallimard) -FRISBN 2-07-075993-8 ¥ 7,245( 税込¥ 7,607) Plus de 300 textes, plus de 120 illustrations et des lectures de tableaux. 3‐5‐23 文学賞の内幕暴露 Konopnicki, Gyu Prix littéraires: la grande magouille. 2004 152 p. (Gawsewitch) -FRISBN 2-350-13012-6 ¥ 3,105( 税込¥ 3,260) 3‐5‐24 マルロー:絶対の探究 [Malraux] : Saint-Cheron, Michaël de Malraux, la recherche de l'absolu. 2004 168 p. (La Martinière) -FRISBN 2-84675-149-8 ¥ 3,105( 税込¥ 3,260) ‐1973年(CD3枚組) 3‐5‐25 アンドレ・マルロー談話集1946 Malraux, André Grands Discours 1946-1973 (Audio Book). 2004 3 CDs (Frémeaux & Associés) -FRKBN 0410242234-1 ¥ 6,207( 税込¥ 6,517) 公人としての歴史、政治、文学、文化にわたる見解の表明、死者を慎む演説 など、ほぼ無省略で世界初リリース。 3‐5‐26 マルセル・プルーストの現在(仏英二ヶ国語・年鑑) Marcel Proust Aujourd'hui: Revue Annuelle Bilingue/an Annual Bilingual Review. (Rodopi) -NL『失われた時を求めて』における『千夜一夜物語』 2. Houppermans , Hullu-Van Doeselaar, & Montfrans (éds.) Marcel Proust Aujourd'hui: Mille et une nuits dans La Recherche. 2004:11 250 p. ISBN 90-420-1713-9 pap. ¥ 10,350( 税込¥ 10,868) 3‐5‐27 ベリションのランボー伝補訂版 [Rimbaud] : Brunel, Pierre & Berrichon, Paterne Jean-Arthur Rimbaud. Le poéte (1854-1873). 2004 257 p. (Klincksieck) -FRISBN 2-252-03476-9 ¥ 3,519( 税込¥ 3,695) Loué ou dévrié, le Rimbaud publié en 1912 par Paterne Berrichon est un livre célèbre. Pierre Brunet, a cherché à metter en valeur la ferveur du "beau-frère posthume" sans abonder dans le sens de ses excès. − 44 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヨーロッパ語文学・文化 3‐5‐28 サガン伝説 [Sagan] : Lamy, Jean-Claude Françoise Sagan, une légende. 2004 334 p. (Mercure de France) -FRISBN 2-7152-2476-1 ¥ 4,554( 税込¥ 4,782) En 1985, elle accepta de se confier longuement à Jean-Claude Lamy, en n'omettant rien des épisodes tumultueux de sa vie. Une passionnante biographie. 3‐5‐29 過去の見せ物:19世紀フランスの大衆向け歴史と小説 Samuels, Maurice The Spectacular Past: Popular History and the Novel in Nineteenth-Century France. 2004:12 304 p., 14 halftones (Cornell U. P.) -USISBN 0-8014-4249-4 ¥ 8,241( 税込¥ 8,653) ISBN 0-8014-8965-2 pap. ¥ 3,786( 税込¥ 3,975) Demonstrates how the spectacular mode of historical representation pervaded historiography, drama, and the novel during the Romantic period. 3‐5‐30 ヴォルテールと18世紀研究叢書 Studies on Voltaire and the 18th Century (SVEC). (Voltaire Foundation) -GBフランス18世紀小説における女性の空間 2004:01. Martin, Christophe Espaces du féminin dans le roman français du XVIIIe siècle. 2004 528 p. ISBN 0-7294-0834-5 ¥ 20,838( 税込¥ 21,880) A partir d'un corpus de plus de soixante-dix romans, il s'agit de comprendre pourquoi boudoirs, sérails, couvents et autres jardins galants sont devenus dex lieux emblématiques (et fantasmatiques) du siècle des Lumières. 3‐5‐31 ガルシア・マルケス新作 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Memoria de mis putas tristes. 2004 110 p. (Mondadori) -ESISBN 84-397-1165-4 ¥ 3,285( 税込¥ 3,449) 3‐5‐32 Italian Literature and Thought Series. (Yale U. P.) -US現代イタリア小説選(英訳) # Riva, Massimo (ed.) Italian Tales: An Anthology of Contemporary Italian Fiction. 2005:01 272 p. ISBN 0-300-09530-9 ¥ 4,950( 税込¥ 5,198) Massimo Riva has gathered English-language translations of short stories and excerpts from novels that were originally published in Italian between 1975 and 2001. − 45 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B その他の言語の文学・文化 3‐5‐33 Monografías. (Tamesis) -USカルペンティエルのバロック小説: メドゥーサのまなざしの回帰 # Akefield, Steve Carpentier's Baroque Fiction: Returning Medusa's Gaze. 2004:10 256 p. ISBN 1-85566-107-1 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) Original research colours eyewitness accounts of Alejo Carpentier's travels through Spain before and during the Spanish Civil War and the inspiration that he drew from the Baroque architecture he encountered there. 3‐5‐34 ロシアの危険な文学:行間の政治学 Parthé, Kathleen F. Russia's Dangerous Texts: Politics between the Lines. 2004:12 320 p. (Yale U. P.) -USISBN 0-300-09851-0 ¥ 7,425( 税込¥ 7,796) Examines the ways that writers and their works unnerved and irritated Russia's authoritarian rulers both before and after the Revolution. 3‐6‐1 アジア文学(中国、朝鮮、日本)に見るフランス近代 Kato, Harushisa La modernité française dans l'Asie littéraire (Chine, Corée, Japon). 2004 (P.U.F.) -FRISBN 2-13-053761-8 ¥ 6,210( 税込¥ 6,521) Ce livre rassemble les actes du colloque international "La France et l'Asie de l'Est. La modernité an Asie dans le système culturel mondial" qui s'est déroulé du 18 au 22 décembre 2001 à l'Université Aoyama-Gakuïn (Tokyo). (英訳) 3‐6‐2 桐野夏生『アウト』 Kirino, Natsuo Out. 2004 368 p. (Vintage) -GBISBN 0-09-947228-7 pap. Translated by Stephen Snyder. ¥ 2,112( 税込¥ 2,218) 3‐6‐3 村上春樹と言葉の音楽 [Murakami] : Rubin, Jay Murakami and the Music of Words. 2005:01 368 p. (Vintage) -GBISBN 0-09-945544-7 pap. ¥ 2,412( 税込¥ 2,533) 3‐6‐4 村上春樹『ねじまき鳥クロニクル』(仏訳) Murakami, Haruki Les Chroniques de l'oiseau à ressort. 2004 880 p. (Seuil) -FRISBN 2-02-034914-0 ¥ 5,048( 税込¥ 5,300) ISBN 2-02-068625-2 br. ¥ 2,070( 税込¥ 2,174) − 46 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B その他の言語の文学・文化 New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2001. japonais Corinne Atlan, Karine Chesneau. Trad. du (仏訳) 3‐6‐5 村上春樹『スプートニクの恋人』 Murakami, Haruki Les amants du Spoutnik. 2004 270 p. (10-18) -FRISBN 2-264-03932-9 br. Trad. du japonais Corinne Atlan. ¥ 1,511( 税込¥ 1,587) (仏訳) 3‐6‐6 夏目漱石『それから』 Natsume, Sôseki Et puis. 2004 (Serpent à Plumes) -FRISBN 2-907573-12-8 br. ¥ 1,842( 税込¥ 1,934) ラウトレッジライブラリーエディションズ 中国研究復刻集全40点 3‐6‐7 China: History, Philosophy and Economics: Routledge Library Editions (40 vols.). 2005:04 40 vols. (RoutledgeCurzon) -GBISBN 0-415-34674-6 set ¥ 906,000( 税込¥ 951,300) 05.03.15 迄の特価 set ¥ 845,600( 税込¥ 887,880) 1930-1987年の半世紀にわたって刊行された定評ある中国学文献を一挙リ プリント。各巻分売価。文学・思想・歴史など 。詳しくはカタログ NA2867をご請求下さい。 3‐6‐8 アーサー・ウェイリー中国関連著作集(全11巻) Arthur Waley: Collected Writings on China (vol. 28 to vol. 38 of "Routledge Library Editions China"). 2005:04 (RoutledgeCurzon) -GBISBN 0-415-36259-8 ¥ 249,150( 税込¥ 261,608) 05.03.15 迄の特価 ¥ 226,500( 税込¥ 237,825) 3‐6‐9 [新シリーズ]サンスクリット古典叢書 (英語対訳・約50巻予定) The Clay Sanskrit Library. (New York U. P.) -US継続注文番号 KBN 0410240410-1 Richard F. Gombrich, Oxford Univeristy, General Editor. Each book in the Clay Sanskrit Library will be published in the original Sanskrit, in Roman script, on the left-hand page, and in English translation on the right. # Amaru , Bhartrihari & Bilhana Love Lyrics. 2005:02 380 p. ISBN 0-8147-9938-8 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by Greg Bailey (La Trobe University) and Richard F. Gombrich. # Bhatta, Jayanta Much Ado about Religion. 2005:02 380 p. ISBN 0-8147-1979-1 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by Scada Dezsö (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest). − 47 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B その他の言語の文学・文化 # Budhasvamin Emperor of the Sorcerers. 2005:02 450 p. ISBN 0-8147-5701-4 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by Sir James Mallinson (JJC Foundation). # Dandin The Ten Princes. 2005:02 500 p. ISBN 0-8147-6206-9 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by Isabelle Onians (JJC Foundation). # Jinaratna The Epitome of Queen Lilavati Volume 1. 2005:02 400 p. ISBN 0-8147-2741-7 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by R.C.C. Fynes (De Montfort University). # Jinaratna The Epitome of Queen Lilavati Volume 2. 2005:02 400 p. ISBN 0-8147-2742-5 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by R.C.C. Fynes (De Mongfort University). # Kalidasa Birth of the Sun-God. 2005:02 350 p. ISBN 0-8147-4008-1 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by David Smith (Lancaster University). # Kalidasa Shakuntala. 2005:02 450 p. ISBN 0-8147-8815-7 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by Somadeva Vasudeva (JJC Foundation). # Nilakantha , Kshemendra & Bhallata Three Satires. 2005:02 460 p. ISBN 0-8147-8814-9 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by Somadeva Vasudeva (JJC Foundation). # Valmiki Ramáyana I: The Young Prince. 2005:02 500 p. ISBN 0-8147-3163-5 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by Robert P. Goldman (University of California at Berkeley). # The Heavenly Exploits. 2005:02 480 p. ISBN 0-8147-8288-4 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited adn translated by Joel Tatelman (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada). # Mahabhárate Book 3: The Forest, Vol. 4. 2005:02 370 p. ISBN 0-8147-4278-5 ¥ 3,630( 税込¥ 3,812) Edited and translated by W.J. Johnson (Cardiff University). 3‐6‐10 中国文学事典 Klöpsch, Volker & Müller, Eva Lexikon der chinesischen Literatur. 2004 450 S. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-52214-9 ¥ 7,224( 税込¥ 7,585) In über 400 Stichwörtern informiert dieses Lexikon über die wichtigsten Aspekte der chinesischen Literatur. − 48 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 3‐6‐11 アジア小説作家作品事典(全3巻) Malhotra, R. P. (ed.) Encyclopaedic Dictinary of Asian Novels and Novelists. 2005 3 vols. (Global Vision) -INKBN 0410246076-1 set ¥ 25,443( 税込¥ 26,715) 4‐1‐1 [新シリーズ]芸術作品テーマ展 Art Works. (Thames & Hudson) -GBTwo 'author-curators' - selected from the most imaginative of the world's leading artists, exhibition organizers and critics - choose from the work of some fifty artists and create a sequence of 'rooms' to illuminate a theme of relevance to us all in our daily lives. # Siegel, Katy & Mattick, Paul Money. 2004 208 p., 200 colour illus. ISBN 0-500-93004-X pap. ¥ 4,514( 税込¥ 4,740) All the artists in this book use their art to puzzle out the complicated ways in which money functions in the world of getting and spending. # Steiner, Barbara & Yang, Jun Autogiography. 2004 208 p., 230 illus. ISBN 0-500-93005-8 pap. ¥ 4,514( 税込¥ 4,740) 4‐1‐2 批評版 ヤーコブ・ブルクハルト全集(全27巻・予定) Burckhardt, Jacob Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe. 27 Bde. (C. H. Beck/Schwabe) -DEBd. 8. Mangold, Mikkel & Sieber, Marc (Hrsg.) Kleine Schriften: Historische Schriften II. 2004 529 S. ISBN 3-406-51837-0 ¥ 18,216( 税込¥ 19,127) 4‐1‐3 美術史の方法と理論 D'Alleva, Anne Methods and Theories of Art History. 2004 192 p., 38 illus. (Laurence King) -GBISBN 1-85669-417-8 pap. ¥ 2,412( 税込¥ 2,533) 4‐1‐4 ウンベルト・エーコ著/美について:西洋的観念の歴史 Eco, Umberto On Beauty: A History of A Western Idea. 2004 400 p. (Secker & Warburg) -GBISBN 0-436-20517-3 ¥ 9,060( 税込¥ 9,513) Neither a history of art, nor a history of aestherics, but Umberto Eco draws on the histories of both these disciplines to define the ideas of beauty that have informed sensibilities from the classical world to modern times. − 49 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 4‐1‐5 Faux Titre. (Rodopi) -NLイヴ・ボンヌフォワの芸術論 250. Greene, Robert W. Searching for Presence: Yves Bonnefoy's Writings on Art. 2004:11 204 p. ISBN 90-420-1792-9 pap. ¥ 8,694( 税込¥ 9,129) 4‐1‐6 芸術の展望:セレブ時代の現代芸術に物申す静かな潮流 Kimball, Roger Art's Prospect: The Challenge of Tradition in an Age of Celebrity. 2004 288 p. (I.R. Dee) -USISBN 1-56663-510-1 pap. ¥ 2,631( 税込¥ 2,763) Most of the really invigorating action in the art world today is a quiet affair. It takes place not at the Tate Modern in London or at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Brilliant reviews illuminate the chief spiritual itineraries of modern art. 4‐1‐7 Literatur-Kultur-Geschlecht, Große Reihe. (Böhlau) -DE男性性の視覚的演出:近世から現在まで Bd. 30. Fend, Mechthild & Koos, Marianne (Hrsg.) Männlichkeit im Blick: Visuelle Inszenierungen in der Kunst seit der Frühen Neuzeit. 2004 304 S., 80 s/w-Abb. ISBN 3-412-07204-4 br. ¥ 7,224( 税込¥ 7,585) Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich unter anderem mit Donatellos David, mit dem erotischen Bild des Hl. Sebastian im 16. Jahrhundert und mit der Performancekunst der 1970er und 1980er Jahre. 4‐1‐8 芸術と官能 Mahon, Alyce Eroticism and Art. 2005:03 304 p., 100 illus. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-280187-2 ¥ 6,040( 税込¥ 6,342) Now - focusing on the last 150 years of western art, the fierce debates surrounding art and the erotic are finally explores in an imaginative and engaging way using the latest research and analysis into this and related subject areas - by a woman. 4‐1‐9 美術史文献目録(補訂版) Marmor, Max & Ross, Alex (eds.) Guide to the Literature of Art History 2. 2004:11 928 p. (ALA) -USISBN 0-8389-0878-0 ¥ 32,175( 税込¥ 33,784) Supplements its predecessor (1980) by recording important publications produced primarily in western languages. An expert team of twenty-four contributors features new titles, volumes, editions, and reprints. − 50 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 4‐1‐10 オックスフォード美術史 Oxford History of Art. (O U P) -GB近代芸術と美の観念 # Prettejohn, Elizabeth Beauty and Art: 1750-2000. 2005:03 256 p., 100 illus. ISBN 0-19-280160-0 ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) Illuminates the vital relationship between our changing notions of beauty and specific works of art, from the works of Cézanne to Jackson Pollock, and concludes with a challenging question for the future: why should we care about beauty in the 21st century? 4‐1‐11 国際アート市場・マネジメントの教科書 Robertson, Iain (ed.) Understanding International Art Markets and Management. 2005:02 256 p., 12 b+w photos. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-33956-1 ¥ 24,160( 税込¥ 25,368) ISBN 0-415-33957-X pap. ¥ 6,640( 税込¥ 6,972) Showing the challenges facing art market 'makers' (dealers, auctioneers, collectors and artists) and the decision making process experienced by market 'players' and investors, this exciting text merges the key theories with examples of practice in a highly accessible style. 4‐1‐12 イギリス諸芸術史 Strong, Roy The Arts in Britain: A History. 2004 720 p., 32 b/w plates (Pimlico) -GBISBN 1-84413-735-X pap. ¥ 3,016( 税込¥ 3,167) A masterly introduction for everyone to the growth and development of the country's literature, music, poetry, painting, architecture, theatre, and all the related subjects. 4‐1‐13 World of Art. (Thames & Hudson) -GB東南アジア諸芸術 # Kerlogue, Fiona Arts of Southeast Asia. 2004 224 p., 183 illus. ISBN 0-500-20381-4 pap. ¥ 3,004( 税込¥ 3,154) 4‐1‐14 日本の大仏 Bhattacharyya, A. K. Early and Buddhist Stone Sculpture of Japan. 2004 90 p. (Abhinav Pub.) -INISBN 81-7017-422-8 ¥ 5,654( 税込¥ 5,937) 4‐1‐15 Binski, Paul Becket's Crown: Art and Imagination in Gothic England, 1170-1300. 2004:12 320 p., 210 b/w + 80 color (The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art/Yale U. P.) -USISBN 0-300-10509-6 ¥ 10,725( 税込¥ 11,261) − 51 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 4‐1‐16 ブリル 内陸アジア研究叢書 Brill's Inner Asian Library. (Brill) -NL敦煌ウイグル族の芸術後援: 10世紀シルクロード北部の地域芸術拠点 Vol. 14. Russell-Smith, Lilla Uygur Patronage in Dunhuang: Regional Art Centres on the Northern Silk Road in the Tenth Century. 2004:12 225 p., 64 p. illus. ISBN 90-04-14241-X ¥ 22,563( 税込¥ 23,691) The author explains the social and political forces that shaped the taste of Uygur patrons. The cultural and political effects of SinoUygur political marriages are examined in the larger context of the role of high-ranking women in medieval art patronage. 4‐1‐17 日本とパリ:印象主義、ポスト印象主義と近代 Guth, Christine M. E. , Volk, Alicia & Yamanashi, Emiko Japan and Paris: Impressionism, Postimpressionism, and the Modern Era. 2004 192 p., 91 illus., 83 color. (Honolulu Academy of Arts) -USISBN 0-937426-64-4 pap. ¥ 4,941( 税込¥ 5,188) Demonstrates the deep cross-cultural nature of art in Japan from about 1880 to 1930. Illustrated with masterpieces by Matisse, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, etc., it explores the history of collecting Western art in Japan and its influence on Japanese modern art. 4‐1‐18 欧米の美術工芸運動1880-1920年 Kaplan, Wendy (ed.) The Arts and Crafts Movement in Europe and America: Design for the Modern World 1880-1920. 2004 320 p., 360 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-23815-4 ¥ 12,064( 税込¥ 12,667) 4‐1‐19 Strathern, Paul The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance. 2005:01 256 p., 25 half tones (Pimlico) -GBISBN 1-84413-098-3 pap. ¥ 2,714( 税込¥ 2,850) 4‐1‐20 The Yale University Press Pelican History of Art. (Yale U. P.) -US16世紀フランドル美術・建築史(紙装版) # Vlieghe, Hans Flemish Art and Architecture 1585-1700. 2004:12 288 p., 300 b/w + 100 color ISBN 0-300-07038-1 ¥ 13,200( 税込¥ 13,860) ISBN 0-300-10469-3 pap. ¥ 7,425( 税込¥ 7,796) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1999. − 52 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 4‐1‐21 これは絵ではない:シュルレアリスト芸術論集 Adamowicz, Elza Ceci n'est pas un tableau: les écrits surréalistes sur l'art. 2004 259 p. (Age d'homme) -FRISBN 2-8251-1875-3 br. ¥ 4,347( 税込¥ 4,564) L'auteure analyse les écrits sur l'art des surréalistes en montrant que ceux-ci sont ancrés dans les réseaux discursifs de leur époque. 4‐1‐22 Blackwell Anthologies in Art History. (Blackwell Pub.) -GBポスト印象主義 # Lewer, Debbie (ed.) Post-Impressionism to World War II. 2005:02 400 p. ISBN 1-4051-1153-4 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) ISBN 1-4051-1152-6 pap. ¥ 5,432( 税込¥ 5,704) Offers an exciting anthology of the best art history writings of the Post-Impressionist period; Includes several key essays by intellectual giants such as Benjamin, Greenberg and Bürger, knitting together primary sources and classic "canonical" criticism. 4‐1‐23 ルイーズ・ブルジョワ作品集1941-2000年 Bourgeois, Louise Emotions Abstracted: Works 1941-2000. 2004 144 p., 65 color illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1461-8 ¥ 8,073( 税込¥ 8,477) 4‐1‐24 ダリ全集(全3巻予定) Dali, Salvador Obra Completa. 3 vols. (Destino) -ES第3巻:散文、演劇、映画、詩 Vol. 3. Sali, Salvador Prosa, teatro, cine y poesía. 2004 1,224 p. ISBN 84-233-3626-3 ¥ 5,971( 税込¥ 6,270) Incluye abundante material inédito, desde poemas a guiones cinematrogrficos y piezas teatrales que hasta ahora no habían salido a la luz. Recoge la lobra creativa de Salvador Dalí en el ámbito de la ficción, con narrativa, cine y teatro. 4‐1‐25 ダリ回顧展 Ades, Dawn Dalí: The Centenary Retrospective. 2004 560 p., 500 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-09324-5 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) On the occasion of the centenary of his birth comes the definitive retrospective of the artist's work, published to accompany the major exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice. − 53 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 J^OE] E]liSXªj iSXªj Catalogue raisonné Verzeichnis des Gesamten Werkes in neun Bänden Hrsg. von der Paul-Klee-Stiftung, Kunstmuseum Bern 1999-2004 N§sÏ@S 9 ª@ZbgÁ¿ ( Å )F 385,560 iISBN 3-7165-1112-9j ¦eªª¿i ( Å )Fñ 50,000iSªv 450,000j keªFñ 600 Åi}ÅFmN 1000-1300 _ + @@@@@@J[ 96-108 _j@27 x 32 cm@NXül 20 ¢Iðã\·é|pÆÌêlpEEN[i1879-1940jÌ SìiðÔ ·éÚ^ªAS 9 ªÉÄÉ®µÜµ½Bñ 9800 _ÉyÔh[COA ÊAûÊAÅæìiªû^³ê ½{Ú^ÍA»¶·éN[ìiÌñ¼ªðL·éxü pÙàpEEN[àcÌÒ[ÉÈéèÅÅ·B XCXÌxɹy³tÌqƵĶÜêAhCcð_É GæAzÌWÅuÂRmvAoEnEXÈÇÌ|p ^®ÉÁíèA©ç¢EIÈ]¿à¾½N[ÍA¶wA ¹yAvzƽÊÈÝe¿ÖWðÑAVµ¢|p³çÌ _ÆÀHÉàå«v£µÜ·ªAi`XÆÙºhCcÅuö p|pvÌóð³êAxÚZð]Vȳê½ãAï aƬ¢ÈªçASCéìiQð½âµÜ·BíãAâ° ÌÓüÅN[àcðSÉißçêÄ«½AâìðÜÞìi ûWE®Ì¬ÊªA{Ú^ÉÀµÜµ½B2005 N 6 ÉÍA ¢EÅàÁÆàïIÈN[ìiE¿ð AN[Ì OðÌ»·é³çE|p®Ì_ƵÄà\z³êÄ¢ép EEN[EZ^[iZentrum Paul KleejªA¶nxÉ Ä¼zÆ]EsAmÝvràÉI[v\èÅ·B {Ú^ÍA1911 N©ç»ÌÜÅAN[©gª{ Êɯ Ä¢½è«ÌìiXgÉîëA½òÉnéW𸠦Ī¯¸SìiðNãÉzñµA|pÆÌSÌÉèÜ ·BeªÉÍAÆpêÌÚ×ȶyÑpêðàAÆõø ðû^AeìiÉÍA}ÅAJ^OEio[AÆpê ^CgAN[©gÉæéìiXg©çÌGg[AT CYAðAÝnA¶£XgAoi³ê½WïÆI[N VÌXgðû^AdvìiÍJ[¡»}Åieª½ Ï100_jŦµÜ·BüpÙAüpåwÍà¿ëñA20¢I| pE¶wEvzÉÖíé¤ÉKõÌ¿Å·B ¦eªÌàóÍAJ^O NA-2871 ð²Qƾ³¢ − 54 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 4‐1‐26 上海モダニズム1919-1945年 Danzker, Jo-Anne Birnie , Lum, Ken & Shengtian, Zheng (eds.) Shanghai Modern 1919-1945. 2004 424 p., 303 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1497-9 ¥ 10,308( 税込¥ 10,823) This opulently illustrated volume presents the range of artistic modernism in China that developed in a fascinating exchange between Europe and the Chinese avant-garde. 4‐1‐27 コロンビア現代美術 Daroa-Latinamerica Collection. Cantos/Cuentos Colombianos: Contemporary Colombian Art/ Arte colombiano contemporàneo. 2004:11 420 p., 290 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1483-9 ¥ 8,238( 税込¥ 8,650) The most comprehensive exhibition of contemporary Colombian art ever shown in Europe. 4‐1‐28 モダンアート百科(紙装版) Dempsey, Amy Styles, Schools and Movements: The Essential Encyclopaedic Guide to Modern Art. 2004 304 p., 266 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-23788-3 ¥ 7,534( 税込¥ 7,911) ISBN 0-500-28376-1 pap. ¥ 5,118( 税込¥ 5,374) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2002. A unique visual map of the whole period in the form of an eight-page fold-out is followed by articles on 100 of the most significant movements of the modern period, with briefer entries on 200 more. 4‐1‐29 ハル・フォスター他著/20世紀の芸術 Foster, Hal , Krauss, Rosalind & Bois, Yve-Alain (et al.) Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism and Postmodernism. 2004:12 704 p., 600 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-23818-9 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) Adopting an innovative year-by-year approach, the authors have written more than 100 essays, each of which focuses on a crucial event or key breakthrough of modernism and postmodernism, and illuminates the dazzling diversity of practice and interpretation. 4‐1‐30 Golinski, Hans Günter & Hiekisch-Picard, Sepp (eds.) New Identities: Contemporary Art from South Africa. 2004 212 p., 146 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1489-8 ¥ 8,238( 税込¥ 8,650) 4‐1‐31 グッゲンハイム、キースラー「20世紀芸術」物語 Guggenheim, Peggy & Kiesler, Frederick The Story of Art of This Century. 2004 398 p., 352 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1557-6 ¥ 10,308( 税込¥ 10,823) Edited by Susan Davidson, Philip Rylands. This is the never-before-written story of Art of This Century - the name Peggy gave both to her collection and to her 57th Street gallery, Kiesler's masterpiece. − 55 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 4‐1‐32 ハンナ・ヘッヒのアルバム再現 Höch, Hannah Berlinische Galerie, Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur. Album. 2004 312 p, 114-page full-color (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1427-8 ¥ 12,006( 税込¥ 12,606) An important representative of the Berlin Dada movement, Hannah Höch's scrapbook, a very personal, wonderfully poetic work presented for the first time in excellent, near-facsimile quality. ‐ 2004年 4‐1‐33 ゲアハルト・リヒター:カタログ・レゾネ1965 Hubertus, Butin & Stefan, Gronert (eds.) Dallas Museum of Art, Hubertus, Butin. Gerhard Richter: Editions 1965-2004 Catalogue Raisonné. 2004 288 p., 283 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1431-6 ¥ 12,006( 税込¥ 12,606) This catalogue raisonné, compiled through intensive research over a period of many years, documents the full range of graphic and photographic editions as well as the artist's book, multiples, and editions in oil realized by the artist between 1965 and 2004. 4‐1‐34 ジャニス・クーネリス文・インタビュー集1966-2002年 Kounellis, Jannis Jannis Kounellis: Echoes in the Darkness: Writings and Interviews, 1966-2002. 2004 328 p., 20 duotone (Trolley) -GBISBN 0-9542079-4-7 ¥ 4,941( 税込¥ 5,188) This selection of Kounellis' writings illuminates his powerful intellectual and emotional sensibilities, and allow an insight into a unique understnading of art and, as importantly, life in the late 20th century and onwards. 4‐1‐35 K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf. Paul Pfeiffer. 2004:10 80 p., 37 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1545-2 ¥ 5,133( 税込¥ 5,390) 4‐1‐36 モホリ・ナジ『ニューヴィジョン』 バウハウスのデザイン・絵画・彫刻・建築理論の要諦 (付「ある芸術家の要約」・再刊) Moholy-Nagy, László The New Vision: Fundamentals of Bauhaus Design, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. 2005:02 240 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43693-4 pap. ¥ 4,116( 税込¥ 4,322) Unabridged republication of the revised and enlarged edition. By W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, 1938. "Abstract of an Artist" excerpted from fourth edition, published by George Wittenborn, Inc., New York, 1947. 4‐1‐37 シュルレアリスムUSA National Academy Museum, New York. Surrealism USA. 2005:01 192 p., c. 150 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1524-X − 56 − ¥ 9,315( 税込¥ 9,781) Kinokuniya No. 562-B 芸術学・芸術史 With over one hundred paintings, sculptures, and works on paper, this publication focuses on the manifestations of Surrealism in America from about 1930 to 1950. 4‐1‐38 新千年紀のインスタレーション・アート(紙装版) Oliveira, Nicolas de , Oxley, Nicola & Petry, Michael Installation Art in the New Millennium: The Empire of the Senses. 2004 208 p., 317 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-23808-1 ¥ 9,044( 税込¥ 9,496) ISBN 0-500-28451-2 pap. ¥ 6,024( 税込¥ 6,325) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 2003. This new volume is an essential guide to navigating and understanding the most recent developments in this increasingly mainstream form of art. 4‐1‐39 現代日本の自画像(都築響一、他) Sawa, Fimiya , Sanders, Mark & Tsuzuki, Kyoichi (eds.) Reflex: Contemporary Japanese Self-Portraiture. 2004 272 p., 300 color illus. (Trolley) -GBISBN 0-9542648-6-X ¥ 8,241( 税込¥ 8,653) 40 young artists and performers realize the manifestations of modern Japan through their own unique brand of self-portraiture. 4‐1‐40 コラージュ:モダンアートの成立 Taylor, Brandon Collage: The Making of Modern Art. 2004 224 p., 206 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-23816-2 ¥ 9,044( 税込¥ 9,496) Tells the story of how, over the last century, progresssive artists have developed the 'cut-and-paste' aesthetic and used it to create challenging and provocative works. 4‐1‐41 Taylor, Brandon Art Today. 2004 256 p., 206 illus., 160 colour (Laurence King) -GBISBN 1-85669-423-2 pap. ¥ 5,722( 税込¥ 6,008) Shows how the new art of the last three decades has been energized by new technology, new museum architecture, by the voice of the critic, and in recent times by the activity of the powerful international curator. 4‐1‐42 「一冊でわかる」シリーズ Very Short Introductions. (O U P) -GBモダンアート # Cottington, David Modern Art: A Very Short Introduction. 2005:02 160 p., 25 halftones ISBN 0-19-280364-6 ¥ 2,112( 税込¥ 2,218) Examines key aspects of modern art using examples such as Manet's Dejeuner sur L'Herbe (1863) to Picasso's Les Demoiselles, and Tracey Emin's Bed (1999). 4‐1‐43 レイチェル・ホワイトリードの本 Whiteread, Rachel Rachel's Book. 2005:03 256 p., 200 + colour illus. (Booth-Clibborn Editions) -GB− 57 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート ISBN 1-86154-218-6 ¥ 25,670( 税込¥ 26,954) ISBN 1-86154-281-X limited signed ed. ¥ 75,500( 税込¥ 79,275) Rachel Whiteread, internationally acclaimed artist, has chosen to articulate what 'home' means, as well as how it feels, through innovative production effects, with archive and commissioned photographs, textures and fabric patterns sourced over several years. Pubication delayed. 4‐1‐44 パウル・クレー・センター(ベルン) Zentrum Paul Klee. Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern. 2005:06 400 p., 305 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1533-9 ¥ 6,168( 税込¥ 6,476) The Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern will open its doors in June 2005, Housed in a new building designed by Renzo Piano. The Center will have the world's largest collection of Paul Klee. アルス・エレクトロニカ 4‐2‐1 Leopoldseder, H. , Schöof, C. & Stocker, G. (eds.) Ars Electronica 1979-2004: The Network for Art, Technology and Society: The First 25 Years. 2004 374 p., 540 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1525-8 ¥ 4,140( 税込¥ 4,347) 4‐2‐2 Leopoldseder, H. , Schöpf, C. & Stocker, G. (eds.) CyberArts 2004: International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica. 2004 360 p., 386 color illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1493-6 ¥ 10,039( 税込¥ 10,541) A who's who of media art and media design, including DVD and CD. 4‐2‐3 Stocker, Gerfried & Schöpf, Christine (eds.) Ars Electronica 2004: Timeshift Twenty-Five Years. 2004 464 p., 408 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1492-8 - The World in ¥ 5,796( 税込¥ 6,086) 4‐2‐4 アートをインテリアに:コレクターのお宅訪問 Baudot, François & Demachy, Jean Surrounded by Art: The Homes of Contemporary Collectors. 2004 216 p., 300 colour illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51211-6 ¥ 9,044( 税込¥ 9,496) Offers a privileged glimpse into the homes of more than twenty passionate art collectors. 4‐2‐5 ニューヨーク芸術散歩ガイド:パブリックアート総めくり (第3版) Harrison, Marina & Rosenfeld, Lucy D. Artwalks in New York: Delightful Discoveries of Public Art and Gardens in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. 3rd ed. 2004 240 p., 26 maps. (New York U. P.) -US− 58 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート ISBN 0-8147-3660-2 ¥ 9,075( 税込¥ 9,529) ISBN 0-8147-3661-0 pap. ¥ 2,961( 税込¥ 3,109) Completely updated, the new edition of this acclaimed guide brings us 33 tours of public art with listings of museums, art and auction galleries, art-filled public spaces, hotel lobbies, gardens, restaurants, subway stations, public sculputre, and more. 4‐2‐6 アーティストとデザイナーのための色彩ワークショップ Hornung, David Colour: A Workshop for Artists and Designers. 2004 168 p., 210 colour illus. (Laurence King) -GBISBN 1-85669-419-4 pap. ¥ 5,118( 税込¥ 5,374) Covering the fundamentals of colour theory, the author provides assignments that guide the student through a variety of colour experiences. 4‐2‐7 Keisch, Claude Die Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin. 2004 128 S. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-52313-7 ¥ 3,705( 税込¥ 3,890) 4‐2‐8 Klingsöhr-Leroy, Cathrin Pinakothek der Moderne München. 2004 128 S., 170 Abb. (C. H. Beck) -DEISBN 3-406-52312-9 ¥ 3,705( 税込¥ 3,890) 4‐2‐9 奈良美智X杉戸洋共同作品展示図録 (ミュンヘン、ピナコテーク・デア・モデルネ2004. 11 ‐ 2005. 2) Nara, Yoshitomo & Sugito, Hiroshi Over the Rainbow. 2004:11 160 p., 90 color illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1502-9 ¥ 5,133( 税込¥ 5,390) Edited by Bernhard Schwenk, Doris Krystof, texts by Doris Krystof, Yoshitomo Nara, Bernhart Schwenk, Hiroshi Sugito. 4‐2‐10 国際的露出:近代ヨーロッパのポルノグラフィー Sigel, Lisa Z. (ed.) International Exposure: Perspectives on Modern European Pornography, 1800-2000. 2005:02 336 p. (Rutgers U. P.) -USISBN 0-8135-3518-2 ¥ 10,725( 税込¥ 11,261) ISBN 0-8135-3519-0 pap. ¥ 4,446( 税込¥ 4,668) The ten essays in the volume engage a rich array of topics, including obscenity in the German states, censorship in France's Third Republic, "she-male" internet porn, the rise of incestuous longings in England, the place of the Hungarian video revolution in the global market... 4‐2‐11 ヴィジュアルアーツ研究の実践 Sullivan, Graeme Art Practice As Research: Inquiry on the Visual Arts. 2005:02 280 p. (Sage) -GBISBN 1-4129-0535-4 ¥ 19,630( 税込¥ 20,612) ISBN 1-4129-0536-2 pap. ¥ 9,966( 税込¥ 10,464) Explores themes, practices, and contexts of artistic inquiry and positions them within the discourse of research. − 59 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート 4‐2‐12 駅中にアートを:デトロイト・ピープルムーバー駅の挑戦 Walt, Irene Art in the Stations: The Detroit People Mover. 2004:08 88 p., 72 full color photos (Wayne State U. P.) -USISBN 0-9745392-0-1 ¥ 7,425( 税込¥ 7,796) People Mover, Detroit's elevated transit system, was being planned, the stations were designed simply to serve as a volunteer committee known as Art in the Stations, undertook the task of incorporating major works by contemporary American artists into the thirteen stations. 4‐2‐13 アーティストのための動物解剖図ガイド(再刊) Bammes, Gottfried The Artist's Guide to Animal Anatomy. 2004:11 144 p., 78 color (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43640-3 pap. ¥ 3,291( 税込¥ 3,456) Unabridged republication of the English edition first published by Transedition Books, Oxford, 1994. 4‐2‐14 アーティストのための人体解剖図ガイド(再刊) Bammes, Gottfried The Artist's Guide to Human Anatomy. 2004:11 144 p., 100 illus. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43641-1 pap. ¥ 3,291( 税込¥ 3,456) Unabridged republication of the English edition first published by Transedition Books, Oxford, 1994. ‐1934年 4‐2‐15 ミロ1917 Beaumelle, Agnès de la (ed.) Joan Miró 1917-1934: I'm Going to Smash Their Guitar. 2004 420 p., 425 illus., 290 color. (Paul Holberton Pub./U. of Washington Pr.) -GBISBN 1-903470-22-6 ¥ 12,375( 税込¥ 12,994) This study of the crucial formative period of Miró's art from 1917 to 1934 - concentrates on the sometimes painful, sometimes ecstatic processes of his early development, working either in Paris or in seclusion at his farm in Catalonia. 4‐2‐16 Boydell, John and Josiah Boydell's Shakespeare Prints: 90 Engravings of Famous Scenes from the Plays. 2004:11 112 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43651-9 pap. ¥ 1,587( 税込¥ 1,666) Selection of plates from rare folio engravings, published in London, 1805. 4‐2‐17 Hollein, Nina Yves Klein-Into the Blue. 2004 40 p., 34 illus., 23 in color. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1515-0 ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) 4‐2‐18 人物・顔写生ハンドブック(再刊) Laidman, Hugh Figures and Faces: A Sketcher's Handbook. 2005:02 160 p., 25 halftones (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43761-2 pap. ¥ 2,136( 税込¥ 2,243) − 60 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート Unabridged republication of Figures/Faces: A Sketcher's Handbook, originally published by The Viking Press, New York, 1979. 4‐2‐19 オルセー美術館絵画コレクション Lemoine, Serge (ed.) Paintings in the Musée d'Orsay. 2004 768 p., 830 colout illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51203-5 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) The museum's direcotr, Serge Lemoine, and his team of curators and specialists examine this extraordinary collection. 4‐2‐20 ルーベンスのドローイング Logan, Anne-Marie & Plomp, Michiel C. Peter Paul Rubens: The Drawings. 2005:02 400 p., 145 color illus. (Yale U. P.) -USISBN 0-300-10494-4 ¥ 12,375( 税込¥ 12,994) 4‐2‐21 Readings in Conservation Series. (J. Paul Getty Museum) -US絵画保存法の論件 # Leonard, Mark & Bomford, David (eds.) Issues in the Conservation of Paintings. 2005:02 520 p. ISBN 0-89236-780-6 ¥ 9,900( 税込¥ 10,395) ISBN 0-89236-781-4 pap. ¥ 6,600( 税込¥ 6,930) This volume on paintings conservation includes more than seventy texts ranging from the fifteenth century to the present day. 4‐2‐22 Research in Conservation. (J. Paul Getty Museum) -US現代絵具分析 # Learner, Thomas J. S. Analysis of Modern Paints. 2005:02 236 p., 240 spectra ISBN 0-89236-779-2 pap. ¥ 6,600( 税込¥ 6,930) This volume outlines the techniques that are currently employed to analyze the synthetic resins used in modern painting materials, such as pyrolysis-gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry, Fourier Transform infrated spectroscopy, and direct temperature-resolved mass spectrometry. 4‐2‐23 名画の読み方 Rynck, Patrik De How to Read a Painting: Interpreting and Understanding the Old Masters. 2004 416 p., 900 colour illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51200-0 ¥ 7,534( 税込¥ 7,911) More than 150 of the most influential and admired paintings of all time, Covers the Italian, Dutch, German and Spanish Old Masters, from 1300 to 1750. 4‐2‐24 イヴ・クライン Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. Yves Klein. 2004 240 p., 33 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1447-2 ¥ 8,238( 税込¥ 8,650) − 61 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート 4‐2‐25 日本の凧版画:スキナー・コレクション名品選 Stevenson, John Japanese Kite Prints: Selections from the Skinner Collection. 2004 200 p., 115 illus., 100 color. (Drachen Foundation, Seattle/U. of Washington Pr.) -USISBN 0-295-98454-6 ¥ 8,250( 税込¥ 8,663) Each influenced the other: kite-makers copied woodblock-print designs to decorate their creations of bamboo, cloth, and paper, and printers used images of kites in their designs. 4‐2‐26 エゴン・シーレ:愛と死 Van Goth Museum, Amsterdam. Egon Schiele: Love and Death. 2005:02 160 p., 140 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1528-2 ¥ 5,133( 税込¥ 5,390) Jane Kallir, author of numerous books on Egon Schiele, offers a fascinating survey of the artist's life and work featuring the works from the outstanding collection of the Albertina in Vienna. 4‐2‐27 フレデリック・キースラー: 1930-40年代家具デザインの仕事 Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation. Friedrich Kiesler, Designer: Seating Furniture of the 30s and 40s. 2005:03 128 p., 100 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1544-4 ¥ 5,133( 税込¥ 5,390) Devoted to the contributions of the Austro-American artist and architect Frederick Kiesler(1890-1965) to the field of design. 4‐2‐28 フランス広告150年史 Bargiel, Réjane , Roque, Georges & Fresnault, Pierre (et al.) 150 ans de publicité. 2004 144 p. (Musée des arts décoratifs) -FRISBN 2-901422-77-2 br. ¥ 7,245( 税込¥ 7,607) Retrace l'histoire de la publicité en France de 1850 à nos jours. 4‐2‐29 コミュニケーションとしてのグラフィックデザイン Barnard, Malcolm Graphic Design as Communication. 2005:01 208 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-27812-0 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) ISBN 0-415-27813-9 pap. ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) Explores how meaning and identity are at the core of every graphic design project and argues that the role and function of graphic design is, and always has been, communication. 4‐2‐30 西洋衣装史 Boucher, François A History of Constume in the West. 2004 464 p., 1,188 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-27910-1 pap. ¥ 9,044( 税込¥ 9,496) − 62 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート 4‐2‐31 ハーマン・ミラーの歴史 Berry, John Herman Miller: Classic Furniture and System Designs for the Working Environment. 2004 272 p., 250 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51202-7 ¥ 10,570( 税込¥ 11,099) A definitive history of design and the company's work since its founding, Herman Miller features the legendary designs of Charles and Ray Eames, George Nelson, Isamu Noguchi, Gilbert Rohde, Bill Stumpf, Don Chadwick and many more. 4‐2‐32 グラフィック・デザインの流派:原理と実践 Dabner, David Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practices of Graphic Design. 2004 192 p., 300 colour illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-28526-8 pap. ¥ 4,514( 税込¥ 4,740) 4‐2‐33 Dover Pictura. (Dover) -USThe finest quality art for professionals or anyone who wants to design like one. Artfully designed in a distinctive size, 8 1/4 x 9 1/2 (21 cm. x 24.13 cm.), printed on finest quality paper for the best possibl equality of reproduction with CD-ROM. # Art Nouveau. 2004:09 128 p., 350 illus. ISBN 0-486-99639-5 pap. ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) Designs by Verneuil, Mucha, other masters of the style. # Floral Design. 2004:09 128 p., 325 illus. ISBN 0-486-99637-9 pap. ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) Flowers, plants, tendrils, blossoms, leaves, both natural and decorative, ranging in style from eighteenth-century botanical to Art Nouveau. # Islamic Design. 2004:09 128 p., 175 illus. ISBN 0-486-99636-0 pap. ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) Reproduced here from rare sources are the finest examples of patterns, borders and motifs displaying the beauties and intricacies of Islamic art. # Letters and Alphabets. 2004:09 128 p., 700 letters ISBN 0-486-99635-2 pap. ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) Amazing collection from dozens of rare sources displays the infinite ingenuity of designers to embellish and elaborate letter forms with a vast array of design motifs: florals, animals, figures, abstracts, more. # Mammals. 2004:09 144 p., 275 b/w illus. ISBN 0-486-99638-7 pap. ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) Fascinating compendium of striking and unusual animal images culled from rare seventeenth- through nineteenth-century sources. 4‐2‐34 環境デザイン・ハンドブック(新版) Fuad-Luke, Alastair The Eco-Design Handbook: A Complete Sourcebook for the Home and Office. New ed. 2004 352 p. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-28521-7 pap. ¥ 5,118( 税込¥ 5,374) − 64 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート The definitive guide to ecologically sensitive and consumer-friendly furniture and objects for everyday use - now thoroughly revised and updated. 4‐2‐35 世界のグラフィッティ・アート Ganz, Nicholas Graffiti World: Street Art from Five Continents. 2004 376 p., 2,000 colour illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51170-5 ¥ 6,024( 税込¥ 6,325) 4‐2‐36 世界の織物ガイド Gillow, John & Sentance, Bryan World Textiles: A Visual Guide to Traditional Techniques. 2004 240 p., 778 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-28247-1 pap. ¥ 5,118( 税込¥ 5,374) 4‐2‐37 織物五千年史 Harris, Jennifer (ed.) 5000 Years of Textiles. 2004 320 p., 327 colour illus. (British Lib.-Red. Div.) -GBISBN 0-7141-2570-9 pap. ¥ 5,130( 税込¥ 5,387) 4‐2‐38 オックスフォード美術史 Oxford History of Art. (O U P) -GBアメリカ・デザイン史 # Meikle, Jeffrey Design in the USA. 2005:03 256 p., 100 illus. ISBN 0-19-284219-6 pap. ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) Unique coverage of design in the USA, from the late eighteenth century to the present day. 4‐2‐39 世界の陶芸ガイド Sentance, Bryan Ceramics: A World Guide to Traditional Techniques. 2004 216 p., 848 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51177-2 ¥ 8,456( 税込¥ 8,879) 4‐2‐40 大英博物館時計コレクション Thompson, David The British Museum: Clocks. 2004 176 p., 250 colour illus. (British Lib.-Red. Div.) -GBISBN 0-7141-2812-0 ¥ 6,036( 税込¥ 6,338) This book features sixty-six of the ratest and most interesting clocks in the Museum's collection, ranging from early examples of domestic clock-making to novelty clocks of the twentieth century. 4‐2‐41 World of Art. (Thames & Hudson) -GB20世紀デザイン事典(新版) # Julier, Gyu The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Design Since 1900. New ed. 2004 224 p., 245 illus. ISBN 0-500-20379-2 pap. ¥ 2,702( 税込¥ 2,837) − 65 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート 4‐2‐42 19世紀末ポスターの巨匠 120 Classic Posters from "Les Maîtres de l'Affiche". 2005:02 64 p. book & CD-ROM (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-99633-6 ¥ 3,291( 税込¥ 3,456) Les Maîtres de l'Affiche (Masters of the Poster), published from 1895 to 1900, is the most famous compilation of the art of the great age of the poster; Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, etc. 4‐2‐43 エドゥアール・ブーバ写真集 Boubat, Bernard & Anhoury, Geneviève Édouard Boubat: A Gentle Eye. 2004 360 p., 300 duotone (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51201-9 ¥ 13,590( 税込¥ 14,270) Five years after his death, this luxurious volume presents the entire range of Boubat's work in 300 beautiful tritone reproductions. 4‐2‐44 ラルティーグ・アルバム d'Astier, Martine , Bajac, Quentin & Sayag, Alain (eds.) Lartigue: Album of a Century. 2004 340 p., 344 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-54291-0 ¥ 14,496( 税込¥ 15,221) This beautiful volume, published to accompany the exhibitioon at London's Hayward Galley, presents facsimile pages from the photographer's albums, accompanied by six essays written by experts on his work. 4‐2‐45 ディディ=ユーベルマン著/ 動体写真家エティエンヌ=ジュール・マレー Didi-Huberman, Georges Mouvements de l'air: Étienne-Jules Marey, photographe des fluides. 2004:10 361 p. "Art et Aristes" (Gallimard) -FRISBN 2-07-077095-8 ¥ 6,106( 税込¥ 6,411) Étienne-Jules Marey (1830-1904) fut l'un des pionniers de la photographie scientifique, particulièrement de la photographie du mouvement, pour laquelle il imagina des appareils de chronophotographie qui préfigurent les caméras cinématographiques. 4‐2‐46 Documentary and antigraphic photographs by Walker Evans, Cartier-Bresson and Alvarez Bravo: une reconstitution de l'exposition de 1935 à la galerie Julien Levy de New York: exposition, Paris, Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson, 8 septembre-19 décembre 2004. 2004 189 p. (Steidl) -DEISBN 3-86521-072-4 ¥ 6,210( 税込¥ 6,521) Ed. bilingue français-anglais. 4‐2‐47 ドイツ・オーストリアの肖像写真1900-1938年 Faber, Monika (ed.) Neue Galerie New York. Portraits of an Age: Photography in Germany and Austria 1900-1938. 2005:03 176 p., 158 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1564-9 ¥ 8,238( 税込¥ 8,650) − 66 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート Containing nearly 130 portraits by more than thirty-five photographers, this book offers a splendid survey of portrait photography in Germany and Austria from 1990 to 1938. 4‐2‐48 Fährenkemper, Claudia Photomicrographs. 2004 116 p., 79 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1456-1 ¥ 6,168( 税込¥ 6,476) Beetles' heads, plant seeds, and crystals-images from a world that is invisible to the naked eye open a door to an entirely new realm of visual experience. 4‐2‐49 アンドレアス・ファイニンガー写真集 Feininger, Andreas That's Photography. 2004 320 p., 216 duotone (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1429-4 ¥ 4,968( 税込¥ 5,216) The book presents the work of this prominent photographer, who died in 1999. 4‐2‐50 スミソニアン博物館写真コレクション Foresta, Merry A. At First Sight: Photography and the Smithsonian. 2004 292 p., 82 color photos. (Smithsonian Inst. Pr.) -USISBN 1-58834-180-1 pap. ¥ 5,775( 税込¥ 6,064) The first comprehensive look at the Smithsonian's extraordinary photographic collection from more than 13 million images spanning over 150 years of taking and collecting photographs. 4‐2‐51 The Great LIFE Photographers. 2004 608 p., 600 photos. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-54293-7 ¥ 7,534( 税込¥ 7,911) Here are portfolios by over 100 of the greatest LIFE photographers. 4‐2‐52 写真家アンドレ・ケルテース(展示図録) Greenough, Sarah André Kertész. 2005:02 272 p., 25 color 125 tritones (National Gallery of Art, Washington/Princeton U. P.) -USISBN 0-691-12114-1 ¥ 9,900( 税込¥ 10,395) Hungarian-born photographer André Kertész's (1894-1985). This book features more than 150 of striking images as well as newly discovered archival material that sheds important light on the artist and his work. 4‐2‐53 <もの>: ヴィクトリア&アルバート美術館写真コレクション 1850‐2001年 Haworth-Booth, Mark (ed.) Things: A Spectrum of Photography, 1520-2001. 2004 224 p., 120 illus. 4 colour (J. Cape) -GBISBN 0-224-07289-7 ¥ 10,570( 税込¥ 11,099) Introduction by Marina Warner. Includes the work of nineth photographers from Fox Talbot and Julia Margaret Cameron to Edwatd Weston, Cartier-Bresson, Irving Penn, Diane Arbus and that of a new generation on the cutting edge of recent technology. − 67 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B ヴィジュアル・アート 4‐2‐54 Hirsch, Robert Exploring Colour Photography; A Complete Guide. 2004 360 p., 322 illus., 299 colour (Laurence King) -GBISBN 1-85669-420-8 pap. ¥ 7,534( 税込¥ 7,911) 4‐2‐55 ピンホール写真:歴史的技法の再発見(第3版) Renner, Eric Pinhole Photography: Rediscovering a Historic Technique. 3rd ed. 2004:09 288 p. (Focal Pr.) -GBISBN 0-240-80573-9 pap. ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) More varieties of pinhole cameras for beginners, more historical information and many new fine illustrations to bring the book up to date. 4‐2‐56 Stoddart, Tom iWITNESS. 2004:10 356 p., 200 photos (Trolley) -GBISBN 1-904563-29-5 ¥ 11,541( 税込¥ 12,118) 4‐2‐57 美術館来場者写真集 Thomas Struth: Museum Photographs. 2004 96 p., 33 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-54296-1 ¥ 9,044( 税込¥ 9,496) With an essay by Hans Belting. First published in 1993, this new edition presents large-format colour reproductions of the series, including new images taken between 1992 and 2002. 4‐2‐58 University of Art and Design Helsinki (taik). The Helsinki School: Photography by Taik. 2005:03 240 p., 180 color illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1575-4 ¥ 7,245( 税込¥ 7,607) Presents works from over thirty different artists who have been studying or teaching at Taik, the University of Art and Design in Helsinki. 4‐2‐59 World of Art. (Thames & Hudson) -GB現代アートとしての写真 # Cotton, Charlotte The Photograph as Contemporary Art. 2004 224 p., 200 illus. ISBN 0-500-20380-6 pap. ¥ 3,004( 税込¥ 3,154) 4‐2‐60 暴走族 Yoshinaga, Masayuki Bosozoku: Japanese Bike Gangs. 2004 90 p., 120 color illus. (Trolley) -GBISBN 0-9542648-3-5 ¥ 8,241( 税込¥ 8,653) 4‐2‐61 世界各国指導者オフィシャル・ポートレート集 Zwangsleitner, Klaus Berlin Press. Ofiicial Portraits. 2004 208 p., 191 color illus. (Trolley) -GBISBN 1-904563-33-3 ¥ 4,116( 税込¥ 4,322) − 68 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 建築・景観 4‐2‐62 Zwangsleitner, Klaus Berlin Press. Best Rejected Advertising Volume 3. 2004 248 p., 250 color illus. (Trolley) -GBISBN 1-904563-32-5 ¥ 11,541( 税込¥ 12,118) 4‐3‐1 レンゾ・ピアノ・ワークショップ: パウル・クレー・センター(ベルン) Blaser, Werner Renzo Piano Building Workshop: Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern. The Architecture. 2005:07 120 p., 180 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1550-9 ¥ 4,098( 税込¥ 4,303) 4‐3‐2 建築と彫刻の対話:18世紀から今日まで Brüderlin, Markus (eds.) ArchiSculpture: Dialogues between Architecture and Sculpture from the 18th Century to the Present Day. 2004 224 p., 370 ills. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1491-X ¥ 10,308( 税込¥ 10,823) Featured architects and artists (selection): Auguste Rodin, Pablo Picasso, Kasimir Malewitsch, Constantin Brancusi, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Henry Moore, Alberto Giacometti. (再刊) 4‐3‐3 ヒュー・フェリス『未来都市』 Ferriss, Hugh The Metropolis of Tomorrow. 2005:02 144 p., 59 illus. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43727-2 pap. ¥ 2,466( 税込¥ 2,589) Unabridged republication of the edition published by Ives Washburn, New York, 1929. 4‐3‐4 西洋イスラーム建築入門(再刊) Hoag, John D. Western Islamic Architecture: A Concise Introduction. 2005:02 128 p., 139 illus. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43760-4 pap. ¥ 1,971( 税込¥ 2,070) Unabridged republication of the edition published by George Braziller, New York, 1963. 4‐3‐5 ヨーロッパのピクチャレスク庭園(紙装版) Hunt, John Dixon The Picturesque Garden in Europe. 2004 208 p., 181 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-51085-7 ¥ 9,664( 税込¥ 10,147) ISBN 0-500-28508-X pap. ¥ 5,118( 税込¥ 5,374) New in paperback. Hardcover was publihsed in 2003. Traces the rise of the picturesque garden in England and throughout Europe, exploring intricate dialogues between practical placemaking and the theoretical formulations of the picturesque. 4‐3‐6 Jaeggi, Annemarie (ed.) Egon Eiermann (1904-1970): Architect and Designer. 2004 224 p., 308 illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1437-5 ¥ 8,238( 税込¥ 8,650) − 69 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 建築・景観 Egon Eiermann influenced post war German architecture to an extent unrivalled by any other architect. Eiermann also authored a number of successful furniture designs. 4‐3‐7 フランク・ロイド・ライトの内装スタイル(改訂版) Lind, Carla The Wright Style: The Interiors of Frank Lloyd Wright. Rev. ed. 2004 224 p., 289 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-28527-6 pap. ¥ 6,024( 税込¥ 6,325) 4‐3‐8 近代建築理論史 Mallgrave, Harry A History of Modern Architectural Theory. 2005:04 450 p., 115 half-tones (Cambridge U. P.) -GBISBN 0-521-79306-8 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) The first book to provide a comprehensive survey of architectural theorem, primarily in Europe and the United States, during three centuries of development. 4‐3‐9 安藤忠雄設計 地中美術館(直島) Naoshima Fukutake Art Museum Foundation. The Chichu Art Museum: Tadao Ando builds for Claude Monet, Walter de Maria, and James Turrell. 2005:03 256 p., 200 color illus. (Hatje) -DEISBN 3-7757-1460-X ¥ 8,238( 税込¥ 8,650) Prefaces by Nubuko Fukutake, Soichiro Fukutake, texts by Yuji Akimoto, Tadao ANdo, Romy Golan, Walter de Maria, Paul Tucker, James Turrell, Hiroyuki Suzuki, photography by Naoya Hatakeyama, Ryuji Miyamoto. 4‐3‐10 ブルネレスキ研究(再刊) Prager, Frank D. & Scaglia, Gustina Brunelleschi: Studies of His Technology and Inventions. 2004:10 176 p., 28 halftones (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43464-8 pap. ¥ 2,466( 税込¥ 2,589) Unabridged republication of the work published by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 1970. 4‐3‐11 ザハ・ハディド全集(全4巻) Schumacher, Patrik & Giusti, Gordana Fontana (eds.) Zaha Hadid: Complete Works. 2004 4 vols. 576 p., 570 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-34200-8 set ¥ 22,650( 税込¥ 23,783) 2004年、女性として初めて「建築界のノーベル賞」プリツカー賞を受賞し たイラク生まれの英国人建築家の作品集。 Zaha Hadid is the most famous woman architect in the world and the first to win the Pritzker Prize. This is one of the most exciting and complex architectural monographs ever produced. 4‐3‐12 Sustainable Design Solutions from the Pacific Northwest. (U. of Washington Pr.) -US# Palleroni, Sergio Studio at Large: Architecture in Service of Global Communities. 2004 208 p., 207 illus. ISBN 0-295-98432-5 pap. ¥ 4,950( 税込¥ 5,198) − 70 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B パフォーミング・アート Documents the international and regional community studios organized by Sergio Palleroni and his colleagues, typically held in intensive ten-week builds in marginalized communities. ‐1830年 4‐4‐1 ファッションとバレエ:1780 Bennahum, Judith The Lure of Perfection: Fashion and Ballet, 1780-1830. 2005:01 256 p., 20 b+w photos. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-97037-7 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-97038-5 pap. ¥ 5,432( 税込¥ 5,704) Offers a unique look at how ballet influenced contemporary fashion and women's body image, and how street fashions in turn were reflected by the costumes worn by ballet dancers. 4‐4‐2 生涯現役ダンサーのためのフィットネス、体調維持、 トレーニング法(第2版) Berardi, Gigi Finding Balance: Fitness, Health, and Training for a Lifetime in Dance. 2nd ed. 2005:01 304 p., 75 b+w photos. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-94338-8 ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) ISBN 0-415-94339-6 pap. ¥ 6,036( 税込¥ 6,338) 'Covers everything the balanced dancer should know from nutrition ... to working conditions.' - Dance Magazine. 4‐4‐3 オックスフォード舞踊辞典 Craine, Debra & Mackrell, Judith The Oxford Dictionary of Dance. Reissue 2004:10 544 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-860765-2 pap. ¥ 2,714( 税込¥ 2,850) 4‐4‐4 日本の能(再刊) Fenollosa, Ernest & Pound, Ezra The Noh Theatre of Japan: With Complete Texts of 15 Classics Plays. 2004:10 288 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43699-3 pap. ¥ 2,466( 税込¥ 2,589) Unabridged republication of "Noh" or Accomplishment: A Study of the Calssical Stage of Japan, originally published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1917. 4‐4‐5 パフォーマンスライブ・アート(紙装版) Goldberg, Roselee Performance Live Art since the 60s. 2004 240 p., 332 illus. (Thames & Hudson) -GBISBN 0-500-01875-8 ¥ 9,664( 税込¥ 10,147) ISBN 0-500-28219-6 pap. ¥ 5,722( 税込¥ 6,008) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1998. Foreword by Laurie Anderson. Juxtaposing more than 300 startling images and texts, Performance presents the entire range of this multi-faceted and elusive art form. − 71 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 映画 4‐4‐6 Louis, Murray & Nikolas, Alwin The Nikolais/Louis Dance Technique: A Philosophy and Method of Modern Dance. 2005:02 320 p., 75 b+w photos. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-97019-9 ¥ 21,140( 税込¥ 22,197) ISBN 0-415-97020-2 pap. ¥ 6,036( 税込¥ 6,338) 4‐4‐7 現代の振付家が語る振付の実際 Morgenroth, Joyce Speaking of Dance: Contemporary Choreographers on Choreography. 2005:01 256 p., 30 b+w photos. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-96798-8 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-96799-6 pap. ¥ 3,922( 税込¥ 4,118) Tells the story of how choreographers make their dances in their own words, interviewing twelve distinguished and innovative American choreographers. 4‐4‐8 Reader's Guides to Literature. (Syracuse U. P.) -US現代イギリス演劇ガイド # Sternlicht, Sanford A Reader's Guide to Modern British Drama. 2004:10 244 p. ISBN 0-8156-3076-X pap. ¥ 3,291( 税込¥ 3,456) A comprehensive survey of modern British drama including over forty major British playwrights. 4‐5‐1 映画撮影技術の新星 Ballinger, Alexander New Cinematographers. 2004 192 p., 500 illus., 400 colour (Laurence King) -GBISBN 1-85669-334-1 pap. ¥ 8,456( 税込¥ 8,879) Based on extensive interviews and research, this book looks at the work of six of the most important contemporary cineatographers from around the world. Thier most significant films, ranges from Gladiator, Hannibal, to Delicatessen, The Hours and Lost in Translation. I名画研究 4‐5‐2 BF BFI Film Classics. (British Film Institute) -GBタルコフスキーの「アンドレイ・ルブリョフ」 # Bird, Robert Andrei Rublev. 2005:01 96 p. ISBN 1-84457-038-X pap. ¥ 2,301( 税込¥ 2,416) マルセル・パニョルの「セザール」 # Heath, Stephen César. 2005:01 96 p. ISBN 0-85170-833-1 pap. ¥ 2,301( 税込¥ 2,416) ブニュエルの「ヴィリディアナ」 # Indiana, Gary Viridiana. 2005:01 96 p. ISBN 1-84457-041-X pap. ¥ 2,301( 税込¥ 2,416) − 72 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 映画 大島渚の「愛のコリーダ」 # Mellen, Joan In the Realm of the Senses. 2004:08 96 p. ISBN 1-84457-034-7 pap. ¥ 2,301( 税込¥ 2,416) Oshima's lovers seek to combat social repression through sexual transgression - but they fail in, as Mellen says, "what may be the most brilliant dystopic vision ever to appear on film." I世界の名監督 4‐5‐3 BF BFI World Directors. (British Film Inst.) -GBウォン・カーウァイ:時の作者 # Teo, Stephen Wong Kar-Wai: Auteur of Time. 2005:01 212 p. ISBN 1-84457-028-2 ¥ 11,550( 税込¥ 12,128) ISBN 1-84457-029-0 pap. ¥ 3,291( 税込¥ 3,456) This, the first book-length study of Hong Kong cult director Wong Kar-Wai, provides an overview of his career and indepth analyses of his seven feature films to date. 4‐5‐4 中国映画研究文献目録 Cheng, Jim An Annotated Bibliography for Chinese Film Studies. 2004 416 p. (Hong Kong U. P.) -HKISBN 962-209-703-0 ¥ 17,325( 税込¥ 18,191) An authoritative reference tool covering basic information such as film titles and actors, as well as a variety of topics in film studies, based on monographs published in ten different languages. Presented comprehensively in English and Chinese. 4‐5‐5 Contemporary Film and Television Series. (Wayne State U. P.) -US少年の居場所:男であること/若者であることを構築する映画 # Pomerance, Murray & Gateward, Frances (eds.) Where the Boys Are: Cinemas of Masculinity and Youth. 2004:11 324 p., 37 illus. ISBN 0-8143-3115-7 pap. ¥ 4,446( 税込¥ 4,668) Examines the process whereby masculinities are socially, historically, economically, aesthetically, and psychologically created in male coming-of-age as depicted in a broad corpus of films about boyhood, cross-genre, trans-historical, crossauthorial, and cross-cultural. 4‐5‐6 Continuum Impacts: Changing Minds. (Continuum) -GBドゥルーズ『シネマI』(英訳) # Deleuze, Gilles Cinema 1. 2005:01 ISBN 0-8264-7705-4 ¥ 3,016( 税込¥ 3,167) ドゥルーズ『シネマI I』(英訳) # Deleuze, Gilles Cinema 2. 2005:01 ISBN 0-8264-7706-2 ¥ 3,016( 税込¥ 3,167) − 73 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 映画 4‐5‐7 短編映画脚本の技法(第3版) Dancyger, Ken & Cooper, Patricia Writing the Short Film. 3rd ed. 2004:10 352 p. (Focal Pr.) -GBISBN 0-240-80588-7 pap. ¥ 4,611( 税込¥ 4,842) This book takes the student and novice screenwriter through the storytelling process-from conception, to visualization, to dramatization, to characterization and dialogue- and teaches them how to create a dramatic narrative that is at once short and complete. 4‐5‐8 ゴダールと1960年代フランス社会 [Godard] : Esquenazi, Jean-Pierre Godard et la société française des années 1960. 2004 304 p. (A. Colin) -FRISBN 2-200-34034-6 br. ¥ 4,968( 税込¥ 5,216) L'auteur s'intéresse à l'invention continuelle que Godard démontre dans chacun de ses films et détaille les façons libres dont le cinéaste fait preuve pour intégrer tout ce que le temps lui apporte. 4‐5‐9 ゴダール音のスクリーン(CD) Godard, Jean-Luc Les écrans sonores de Jean-Luc Godard. CD audio. 2004 (Nocturne) -FRKBN 0410242747-1 ¥ 3,622( 税込¥ 3,803) 4‐5‐10 映画に音がついた時 Gomery, Douglas The Coming of Sound. 2005:01 224 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-96900-X ¥ 18,120( 税込¥ 19,026) ISBN 0-415-96901-8 pap. ¥ 5,130( 税込¥ 5,387) Economic and film historian explains, how as sound spread its power, movies became an agent of economic and social change through the globe, extending America's reach in ways that had never before been imaginable. 4‐5‐11 New Studies in European Cinema. (Peter Lang) -CHイタリア映画の新たな針路 Vol. 1. Hope, William (ed.) Italian Cinema: New Directions. 2004 278 p. ISBN 3-03910-282-6 pap. ¥ 9,514( 税込¥ 9,990) This book explores the evolution of Italian cinema over the last twenty years, with particular reference to modern masterpieces such as Tornatore's Oscar-winning Nuovo Cinema Paradiso. 4‐5‐12 ハリウッド百科事典(第2版) Siegel, Scott & Siebel, Barbara The Encyclopedia of Hollywood. 2nd ed. 2004 384 p., 170 photo. (Facts on File) -USISBN 0-8160-4622-0 ¥ 12,375( 税込¥ 12,994) Since writing the first edition of this book more than a decade ago, the authors have become well-known film critics, and they bring their experience, insider knowledge, and detailed understanding of Hollywood to each entry. − 74 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 映画 4‐5‐13 中国人の顔をしたヒッチコック: 中国語圏の映画に見る西洋との近似、エディプスの三角形、 中華道徳の声 Silbergeld, Jerome Hitchcock with a Chinese Face: Cinematic Doubles, Oedipal Triangles, and China's Moral Voice. 2004 160 p., 100 illus. (U. of Washington Pr.) -USISBN 0-295-98417-1 pap. ¥ 4,941( 税込¥ 5,188) Examines three recent award-winning films - one from Shanghai, one from Hong Kong, one from Taipei - concerned with the issues of developing globalization and the defense of local identity and culture. 没後20年 映画監督フランソワ・トリュフォー 4‐5‐14 トリュフォーの仕事 [Truffant] : Le Berra, Carole Truffaut au travail. 2004 280 p. (Cahiers du cinéma) -FRISBN 2-86642-384-4 br. ¥ 10,350( 税込¥ 10,868) Analyse les oeuvres et étudie les méthodes de travail du cinéaste F. Truffaut, chronologiquement à travers ses 24 films. 4‐5‐15 トリュフォー自身によるトリュフォー(新版) [Truffant] : Rabourdin, Dominique (éd.) Truffaut par Truffaut. Nouv. éd. 2004 (Chêne) -FRISBN 2-84277-591-0 ¥ 10,536( 税込¥ 11,063) A travers des documents provenant de ses archives, le cinéaste expose ses idées sur le cinéma et évoque les personnages de sa vie. 4‐5‐16 トリュフォー辞典 [Truffaut] : Guigue, Arnaud & Baecque, Antoine de (dirs.) Le dictionnaire Truffaut. 2004 432 p. (La Martinière) -FRISBN 2-84675-145-5 br. ¥ 7,245( 税込¥ 7,607) Un dictionnaire sur l'oeuvre cinématographique de François Truffaut (1932-1984) à 350 entrées permettant des recherches par réseau grâce au système des renvois. 4‐5‐17 映画ファンとしてのトリュフォー [Truffaut] : Auzel, Dominique & Beaufils-Fievez, Sabine François Truffaut, le cinéphile passionné. 2004 144 p. (Séguier) -FRISBN 2-84049-400-0 br. ¥ 3,519( 税込¥ 3,695) 4‐5‐18 ポスターに見るトリュフォー作品 [Truffaut] : Auzel, Dominique François Truffaut à l'affiche. 2004 163 p. (Séguier) -FRISBN 2-84049-383-7 br. ¥ 5,796( 税込¥ 6,086) Réunit des affiches réalisées pour la promotion des films de Truffaut dans différents pays (Japon, Pologne, Etats-Unis) ainsi que l'étude de certaines d'entre elles et l'histoire du film. 4‐5‐19 トリュフォー談話集 Truffaut, François Parole de François Truffaut. 2004 96 p. (Albin Michel) -FRISBN 2-226-14136-7 br. ¥ 2,877( 税込¥ 3,021) − 75 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 音楽(劇音楽含む) 4‐5‐20 吉田喜重『小津安次郎の反映画』(仏語版) Yoshida, Kiju , Campignon, Jean & Viala, Jean Ozu ou l'anti-cinéma. 2004 (Actes sud) -FRISBN 2-7427-4591-2 br. ¥ 5,175( 税込¥ 5,434) Dans cet ouvrage, le cinéaste Kiju Yoshida évoque la figure de Yasujirô Ozu, l'un des plus grands auteurs du cinéma japonais avec Akira Kurosawa, Kenji Mizoguchi et Mikio Naruse. 4‐6‐1 音楽心理学(紙装版) Addis, Laird Of Mind and Music. 2004:12 160 p. (Cornell U. P.) -USISBN 0-8014-3589-7 ¥ 6,591( 税込¥ 6,921) ISBN 0-8014-8956-3 pap. ¥ 3,126( 税込¥ 3,282) New in paperback. Hardcover was published in 1999. "The union of the mind and music is the focus, and Addis explains why it is necessary to understnad 'What makes people feel such a deep range of emotions as the result of hearing music?'" --- Chamber Music. 4‐6‐2 アメリカ・クラシック音楽作曲家事典(第2版) Butterworth, Neil Dictionary of American Classical Composers. 2nd ed. 2005:02 700 p., 250 photos. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-93848-1 ¥ 30,200( 税込¥ 31,710) Covers over 650 composers active from the eighteenth century to today. 4‐6‐3 Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology. (U. of Chicago Pr.) -US# Cohen, Dalia & Katz, Ruth Palestinian Arab Music: Practice. 2004:12 416 p., 107 figures ISBN 0-226-11298-5 ISBN 0-226-11299-3 pap. A Maqam Tradition in ¥ 14,850( 税込¥ 15,593) ¥ 6,187( 税込¥ 6,496) 4‐6‐4 Eastman Studies in Music. (U. of Rochester Pr.) -US歴史的音楽学:典拠、方法、解釈 # Crist, Stephen & Marvin, Roberta (eds.) Historical Musicology: Sources, Methods, Interpretations. 2004:10 328 p. ISBN 1-58046-111-5 ¥ 12,375( 税込¥ 12,994) Musicologists with widely differihg ideologies use a variety of source materials to serve their diverse purposes of scholarly inquiry in music, and, to varying degrees, both traditional and 'new' approaches to musicological research rely upon sources. 4‐6‐5 Elliott, J. W. Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs. 2004:09 128 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43806-6 pap. ¥ 2,136( 税込¥ 2,243) Unabridged republication of the work originally published by Novello and Company, London, 1870. − 76 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 音楽(劇音楽含む) 4‐6‐6 Europäische Kulturstudien. (Böhlau) -DE24 europäische Komponistinnen aus neun Jahrhunderten treten in das Rampenlicht einer musik- und kulturhistorisch interessierten Öffentlichkeit. ヒルデガルト・フォン・ビンゲン:天上の響き(CD付) Bd. 1. Pfau, Marianne R. & Morent, Steran Hildegard von Bingen: Der Klang des Himmels. 2004 320 S., 20 s/w-Abb. ISBN 3-412-11504-5 Mit Musik-CD ¥ 5,154( 税込¥ 5,412) Die beigelegte Musik-CD enthält eine unter der Leitung von Stefan Morent eingespielte Version des >>Ordo virtutum<<. Bd. 2. Müller-Lindenberg, Ruth Wilhelmine von Bayreuth: Die Hofoper als Bühne des Lebens. 2004 250 S., 20 s/w-Abb. ISBN 3-412-11604-1 ¥ 5,154( 税込¥ 5,412) 4‐6‐7 ブロードウェー・ミュージカル盛衰史 Grant, Mark N. The Rise and Fall of the Broadway Musical. 2004:11 352 p. (Northeastern U. P.) -USISBN 1-55553-623-9 ¥ 6,600( 税込¥ 6,930) Investigates all aspects of the Broadway musical, through three distinct eras: the formative period (1866-1927), the golden age (1927-1966), and the fall (1967 to the present). 4‐6‐8 ディーリアス:調査便覧 Huismann, Mary Frederick Delius: A Guide to Research. 2005:02 336 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-94106-7 ¥ 25,670( 税込¥ 26,954) This book puts particular emphasis on the last decade's explosion of book length works on Delius and his music. 4‐6‐9 アメリカから世界的なオペラ歌手が生まれるまで From Johnson's Kids to Lemonade Opera: The American Classical Singer Comes of Age. 2004:11 336 p. (Northeastern U. P.) -USISBN 1-55553-635-2 ¥ 6,600( 税込¥ 6,930) Chronicles the extraoridnary time from 1935 to 1950 when American artists, who felt intensely inferior to foreign performers, journeyed from being unappreciated in their own country to standing without apology on stages at home and abroad. 4‐6‐10 KlangZeiten - Musik, Politik und Gesellschaft. (Böhlau) -DE権力と自由の狭間で:旧東ドイツの新しい音楽(CD付) Bd. 1. Berg, Michael & Massow, Albrecht von (Hrsg.) Zwischen Macht und Freiheit: Neue Musik in der DDR. 2004 208 S., 2 Musik-CDs. ISBN 3-412-10804-9 br. ¥ 6,189( 税込¥ 6,498) Beigefügt sind 2 Musik-CDs mit Werken von Friedrich Goldmann, Günter Kochau, Günter Lampe und Ruth Zechlin, die einen Querschnitt Neuer Musik aus der DDR bieten. − 77 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 音楽(劇音楽含む) 4‐6‐11 合衆国の音楽文化(CD付) Koskoff, Ellen Music Cultures in the United States. 2005:02 352 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-96588-8 ¥ 19,630( 税込¥ 20,612) ISBN 0-415-96589-6 pap. ¥ 7,546( 税込¥ 7,923) Each article is written by an expert in the field, and the accompanying CD offers musical examples tied to each article. 4‐6‐12 オックスフォード 音楽作品辞典 Latham, Alison (ed.) Oxford Dictionary of Musical Works. 2004:10 208 p. (O U P) -GBISBN 0-19-861020-3 pap. ¥ 2,714( 税込¥ 2,850) Provides short articles on over 1750 pieces, including operas and ballets, and choral, vocal, orchestral, chamber, and instrumental pieces. 4‐6‐13 ベートーヴェンの弦楽四重奏曲(再刊) Marliave, Joseph de Beethoven's Quartets. 2004:11 416 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43965-8 pap. ¥ 2,796( 税込¥ 2,936) Unabridged reprint of the English translation first published in 1928. 4‐6‐14 Music/Meanings. (Peter Lang) -CH想像のジョン・レノン:ロックスターの文化史 Vol. 4. Mäkelä, Janne John Lennon Imagined: Cultural History of a Rock Star. 2004 301 p. ISBN 0-8204-6788-X pap. ¥ 5,226( 税込¥ 5,487) Through investigation of the cultural and historical background of his stardom in England and the United States, this book explores why John Lennon became a much-debated celebrity and why he remains so. 4‐6‐15 世界の音楽・オペラ公演ガイド2004/5年版 Music and Opera around the World 2004-2005. 9th ed. 2004 554 p., 56 photos (Fil d'Ariane) -FRISBN 2-911894-23-5 ¥ 13,248( 税込¥ 13,910) This book offers a wide overview of the international music and opera seasons with the complete programs of 345 orchestras and opera houses in 35 countries. Trilingual: English, German, French. 4‐6‐16 ワールドミュージックの基本 Nidel, Richard World Music: The Basics. 2005:02 272 p. (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-96800-3 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-96801-1 pap. ¥ 3,016( 税込¥ 3,167) Organized by continent/region, and then A to Z by country, the book features both background information on the cultural and musical history of each area, along with succinct reviews of key recordings. − 78 − Kinokuniya No. 562-B 音楽(劇音楽含む) 4‐6‐17 ピーター・ラアベ1872-1945年: 指揮者、音楽批評家、ナチスの音楽総裁(R. シュトラウスの後任) Okrassa, Nina Peter Raabe: Dirigent, Musikkritiker und Präsident der Reichsmusikkammer (1872-1945). 2004 448 S., 13 s/w-Abb. (Böhlau) -DEISBN 3-412-09304-1 ¥ 10,329( 税込¥ 10,845) 4‐6‐18 Oxford Historical Monographs. (O U P) -GBホロコースト下の音楽: ゲットー、強制収容所におけるユダヤ人の音楽活動 # Gilvert, Shirli Music in the Holocaust: Confronting Life in the Nazi Ghettos and Camps. 2005:02 280 p., 36 music ex. ISBN 0-19-927797-4 ¥ 9,060( 税込¥ 9,513) Documents a wide scope of musical activities, ranging from orchestras and chamber groups to choirs, theatres, communal sing-songs, and cabarets, in some of the most important internment centres in Nazi-occupied Europe, including Auschwitz and the Warsaw and Vilna ghettos. 4‐6‐19 Routledge Key Guides. (Routledge) -GB音楽学重要概念辞典 # Beard, David & Gloag, Kenneth Musicology: The Key Concepts. 2005:02 304 p. ISBN 0-415-31693-6 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-31692-8 pap. ¥ 4,526( 税込¥ 4,752) Aesthetics/ canon/ culture/ deconstruction/ ethnicity/ identity/ subjectivity/ value/ work/ etc. 4‐6‐20 リヒャルト・シュトラウス『影のない女』フルスコア Strauss, Richard Die Frau ohne Schatten in Full Score. 2005:02 672 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43920-8 pap. ¥ 8,241( 税込¥ 8,653) Unabridged republication of the original edition by Adolph Fürstner, Berlin, 1919. 4‐6‐21 ストラヴィンスキー声楽作品集1907-1919年 Stravinsky, Igor Songs 1907-1919. 2005:02 160 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43821-X pap. ¥ 2,466( 税込¥ 2,589) This striking repertoire of vocal music is now collected for the first time in a single affordable volume. All scores are for voice and piano, with the instrumental ensemble accompaniments to Three Japanese Lyrics, Pribaoutki, and Berceuses du Chat appearing in full score. − 79 − ( Kinokuniya No. 562-B 音楽(劇音楽含む) 4‐6‐22 Studien zur Klassischen Philologie. (Peter Lang) -CH古代ギリシア音楽美学(独訳) Bd. 143. Ritoók, Zsigmond Griechische Musikästhetik: Quellen zur Geschichte der antiken griechischen Musikästhetik. 2004 711 S. ISBN 3-631-52210-X br. ¥ 20,502( 税込¥ 21,527) Aus dem Griechischen übersetzt von Hadwig Helms. 4‐6‐23 チャイコフスキー『くるみ割り人形』全曲版フルスコア Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch The Nutcracker: Complete Ballet in Full Score. 2004:11 528 p. (Dover) -USISBN 0-486-43836-8 ¥ 5,766( 税込¥ 6,054) Dover unabridged republication of an authoritative early edition. 4‐6‐24 ブルースの基本 Weissman, Dick Blues: The Basics. 2005:01 (Routledge) -GBISBN 0-415-97067-9 ¥ 15,100( 税込¥ 15,855) ISBN 0-415-97068-7 pap. ¥ 3,016( 税込¥ 3,167) Organized chronologically, focusing on the major eras in blues's gowth and development. 4‐6‐25 「ラインの黄金」社 音楽教育ガイド2004/5年版 Woodforth, Rosemary (ed.) Rhinegold Guide to Music Education 2004/05. 2004 544 p. (Rhinegold) -GBISBN 1-904226-26-4 pap. ¥ 4,530( 税込¥ 4,757) Provides advice on a whole variety of music education topics including scholarships, further education, BTEC courses, tuition fees, conservatoires, music competitions, auditions, constructing a CV and careers in music. Plus the most complete music education listings available. NeBJER ERZvc if ^J EX^ [Yj i fBA^J ` EX ^fB[Y j (Routledge) -GB- |s [¹y iSSªj fBA^J` EX^fB[YÌdvTO POPULAR MUSIC Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies Edited with a new introduction by Simon Frith 2004 N 1 §s@S 4 ª@1,752 Å 151,000 iÅT¿j set ISBN 0-415-29905-5 åO¹y̬§© ç A YÆA e N m W[A f B A È ÇÐïI«A W A YA p t H [} X ̪ÍA b N Ì P[ X E X ^ f B A A C f e B e B Ü ÅA [ J Æ O [o̹߬¢ Ì ÅÏe·é¶»ÌðÔ ·é¤¶£WÅ·B ¦Ú×ÍA J ^ O NA-2742 𠲿 ¾ ³ ¢ − 80 −
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