請求記号1 請求記号2 請求記号3 巻号 002.7 Den 1 002.7 Den 2 002.7 Den 3 007.63 Ku 007.63 Mu 007.632 Gi 入門編 007.632 Gi 活用編 007.632 Gi 007.632 Na 103.3 To 134.6 Fu 140 Wa 140 Wer 140 O 140 Sa 140 Sa 140 Hil 140 Bel 140 Ben 140 Mu 140 Ya 140.1 I 140.1 Ka 140.1 Na 140.1 Ni 140.1 Shi 140.1 Na 140.1 Na 140.1 Ma 140.1 Mi 140.16 Ka 資料情報 質的研究のパラダイムと眺望 / N・K・デンジン, Y・S・リ ンカン編 ; 岡野一郎, 古賀正義編訳. -- 北大路書房, 2006. -- (質的研究ハンドブック / N.K.デンジン, Y.S.リ ンカン編 ; 平山満義監訳 ; 1巻). 質的研究の設計と戦略 / N・K・デンジン, Y・S・リンカン 編 ; 藤原顕編訳. -- 北大路書房, 2006. -- (質的研究 ハンドブック / N.K.デンジン, Y.S.リンカン編 ; 平山満義 監訳 ; 2巻). 質的研究資料の収集と解釈 / N・K・デンジン, Y・S・リン カン編 ; 大谷尚, 伊藤勇編訳. -- 北大路書房, 2006. -(質的研究ハンドブック / N.K.デンジン, Y.S.リンカン編 ; 平山満義監訳 ; 3巻). 手にとるようにわかるExcel97計算・関数 / 蔵守伸一著. -- オーム社, 1997. かんたん図解PowerPoint 2002基本操作 : Windows XP+Office XP対応 / 牧村あきこ, 森島はるか著. -- 技 術評論社, 2002. かんたん図解Excel2000 : for Windows : 見て、読んで、 そのまま使える : フルカラー / 飯島弘文著 ; 入門編, 活用編. -- 技術評論社, 1999. かんたん図解Excel2000 : for Windows : 見て、読んで、 そのまま使える : フルカラー / 飯島弘文著 ; 入門編, 活用編. -- 技術評論社, 1999. かんたん図解Word 2000 : For Windows : 見て、読ん で、そのまま使える / 谷口良邦, 森島昭人著. -- 技術 評論社, 1999. 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1). 知覚と運動 / 乾敏郎編. -- 東京大学出版会, 1995. -(認知心理学 ; 1). 言語 / 大津由紀雄編. -- 東京大学出版会, 1995. -(認知心理学 ; 3). 思考 / 市川伸一編. -- 東京大学出版会, 1996. -- (認 知心理学 ; 4). 学習と発達 / 波多野誼余夫編. -- 東京大学出版会, 1996. -- (認知心理学 ; 5). 情報処理心理学 : 情報と人間の関わりの認知心理学 / 中島義明著. -- サイエンス社, 2006. -- (コンパクト新 心理学ライブラリ ; 13). 知覚と表象 / I.ロス, J.P.フリスビー[著] ; 認知科学研究 会訳. -- 海文堂出版, 1989. -- (認知心理学講座 / 認 知科学研究会訳 ; 2). 言語理解 / J.グリーン[著] ; 認知科学研究会訳. -- 海 文堂出版, 1990. -- (認知心理学講座 / 認知科学研究 会訳 ; 4). 10059772 有 10059780 有 10384766 なし 11327806 有 11645082 有 10059863 有 11330248 有 10388080 なし 10317816 有 11647740 有 10388056 なし 11250693 有 11340023 有 11327780 有 11260171 有 10754968 有 10755486 有 10754976 有 10304079 有 11250800 有 10288660 有 11259173 有 11250974 AV付録 有 11259371 有 10065316 有 10755676 有 10065340 有 10065357 有 11338506 有 10303790 有 10303204 有 141.51 Ni 141.51 Ni 141.51 Par 141.51 Pia 141.51 Mu 141.51 Ree 141.6 Do 141.6 Ma 141.7 Fu 141.7 Rey 141.72 U 141.74 Ti 141.9 Fr 141.92 Alt 141.92 Ca 141.93 E 141.93 Ta 141.93 Ta 141.93 Ta 5-1 141.93 Ta 5-1 141.93 Ta 6 141.93 Ka 141.93 Tsu 141.93 Ha 141.93 Bra 141.93 Mis 143 A 143 U 143 U 143 E 143 Eri 143 O 143 O 143 Ka 143 Ka [正] 認知科学辞典 / 日本認知科学会編. -- 共立出版, 2002. 認知心理学ワークショップ : 実験で学ぶ基礎知識 / 西 本武彦, 林静夫編. -- 早稲田大学出版部, 2000. 認知のエイジング / D.C.パーク, N.シュワルツ編 ; 入門 編. -- 北大路書房, 2004. ピアジェに学ぶ認知発達の科学 / J.ピアジェ著 ; 中垣 啓訳. -- 北大路書房, 2007. 認知科学 : 心の働きをさぐる / 村田厚生著. -- 朝倉書 店, 1997. アフォーダンスの心理学 : 生態心理学への道 / エド ワード・S.リード著 ; 細田直哉訳. -- 新曜社, 2000. 「甘え」の構造 / 土居健郎著 ; [正], 続. -- 弘文堂, 1971. 不安の人間学 / ロロ・メイ著 ; 小野泰博訳. -- 誠信書 房, 1963. 動物の行動と心理学 / 藤田統編著. -- 教育出版, 1991. オペラント心理学入門 : 行動分析への道 / G.S.レイノ ルズ著 ; 浅野俊夫訳. -- サイエンス社, 1978. -- (サイ エンスライブラリ心理学 ; 9). 動機づけ研究の最前線 / 上淵寿編著. -- 北大路書房, 2004. 本能の研究 / ニコラス・ティンバーゲン著 ; 永野為武 訳. -- 三共出版, 1975. 自我と防衛 / アンナ・フロイド [著] ; 外林大作訳. -- 誠 信書房, 1958. 文化と環境 / Irwin Altman, Martin Chemers [著] ; 石井 真治監訳. -- 西村書店, 1998. -- (環境と人間行動シ リーズ ; 4). 環境心理とは何か / デイヴィド・カンター, 乾正雄編. -彰国社, 1972. セルフ・エスティームの心理学 : 自己価値の探求 / 遠 藤辰雄, 井上祥治, 蘭千壽編. -- ナカニシヤ出版, 1992. 性格心理学ハンドブック / 青木孝悦 [ほか] 編集企画. -- 福村出版, 1998. アイデンティティの心理学 / 鑪幹八郎著. -- 講談社, 1990. -- (講談社現代新書 ; 1020). アイデンティティ研究の展望 / 鑪幹八郎, 山本力, 宮下 5-1 一博共編 ; 1 : 1950-1981年 - 6 : 1992-1996年. -- ナ カニシヤ出版, 1984. アイデンティティ研究の展望 / 鑪幹八郎, 山本力, 宮下 5-1 一博共編 ; 1 : 1950-1981年 - 6 : 1992-1996年. -- ナ カニシヤ出版, 1984. アイデンティティ研究の展望 / 鑪幹八郎, 山本力, 宮下 6 : 1992一博共編 ; 1 : 1950-1981年 - 6 : 1992-1996年. -- ナ 1996年 カニシヤ出版, 1984. 新自分さがしの心理学 : 自己理解ワークブック / 川瀬 正裕, 松本真理子編. -- ナカニシヤ出版, 1997. 人格心理学概説 / 塚田毅著. -- 共立出版, 1980. -(現代心理学叢書 ; 6). 私のなかの他者 : 私の成り立ちとウソ / 浜田寿美男 著. -- 金子書房, 1998. -- (自己の探究). 自己概念研究ハンドブック : 発達心理学、社会心理 学、臨床心理学からのアプローチ / ブルース・A.ブラッ ケン編. -- 金子書房, 2009. パーソナリティ心理学 : 全体としての人間の理解 / W. ミシェル, Y. ショウダ, O. アイダック共著. -- 培風館, 2010. 社会と家族の心理学 / 東洋, 柏木惠子編. -- ミネル ヴァ書房, 1999. -- (流動する社会と家族 ; 1). ライフサイクルと臨床心理学 / 氏原寛著. -- 金剛出版, 2004. 発達心理学 / 内田伸子編著. -- 放送大学教育振興 会, 2002. -- (放送大学大学院教材 ; 8950040-1-0211 . { 教育開発プログラム ; 臨床心理プログラム }). 発達心理学の新しいかたち / 遠藤利彦編著. -- 誠信 書房, 2005. -- (心理学の新しいかたち / 下山晴彦編 ; 6). ライフサイクル、その完結 / E.H.エリクソン, J.M.エリクソ ン[著] ; 村瀬孝雄, 近藤邦夫訳. -- 増補版. -- みすず 書房, 2001. 集団思考の心理学. -- 明治図書出版, 1973. -- (基礎 心理学シリーズ / 小口忠彦,早坂泰次郎編著 ; 2). 人間発達の心理学. -- 明治図書出版, 1973. -- (基礎 心理学シリーズ / 小口忠彦,早坂泰次郎編著 ; 3). 発達 / 川島一夫編. -- 福村出版, 1991. -- (図でよむ 心理学). 発達 / 川島一夫編著 ; 毛塚恵美子 [ほか著]. -- 改訂 版. -- 福村出版, 2001. -- (図でよむ心理学). 11260072 有 10288363 有 10388148 有 11339322 有 11212156 有 11645090 有 10296549 有 10783314 有 10065654 有 10923001 有 10387827 有 10065688 有 10065787 有 11645108 有 10065829 有 11645116 有 10016939 有 11645124 有 11645132 有 11645140 有 11645157 有 11330347 有 10066025 有 10986362 有 11645165 有 11645173 有 10031235 有 10385656 なし 10765451 有 11340528 有 10987311 有 10923100 有 10782761 有 10066181 有 10289825 有 143 Ku 143 Ko 1 143 Ko 2 143 Sa 143 Shi 1 143 Shi 4 143 Shi 5 143 Shi 6 143 Shi 7 143 Shi 8 143 Shi 12 143 Su 143 To 143 Na 143 Ne 143 Ne 143 Ha 143 Ha 143 Ha 143 Ha 143 Ba 143 Hi 143 Hi 143 Vyg 143 Fu 143 Fu 143 Mu 143 Mu 1 143 Mu 2 143 Ya 143 Ya 143 Ya 143 La 4 1 下 下 ことばの障害と脳のはたらき / 久保田競編. -- ミネル ヴァ書房, 2000. -- (ことばと心の発達 / 小嶋祥三, 鹿 取廣人監修 ; 4). 赤ちゃんの認識世界 / 正高信男編. -- ミネルヴァ書 房, 1999. -- (ことばと心の発達 / 小嶋祥三, 鹿取廣人 監修 ; 1). ことばの獲得 / 桐谷滋編. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 1999. -(ことばと心の発達 / 小嶋祥三, 鹿取廣人監修 ; 2). 構造構成的発達研究法の理論と実践 : 縦断研究法の 体系化に向けて / 西條剛央編著. -- 北大路書房, 2005. 子どもの文章 : 書くこと考えること / 内田伸子著. -- 東 京大学出版会, 1990. -- (シリーズ人間の発達 ; 1). 成人 (おとな) になること : 生育史心理学から / 西平直 喜著. -- 東京大学出版会, 1990. -- (シリーズ人間の発 達 ; 4). 子どもの個性 : 生後2年間を中心に / 三宅和夫著. -東京大学出版会, 1990. -- (シリーズ人間の発達 ; 5). 文化のなかの子ども / 箕浦康子著. -- 東京大学出版 会, 1990. -- (シリーズ人間の発達 ; 6). ことばと認知の発達 / 中島誠, 岡本夏木, 村井潤一著. -- 東京大学出版会, 1999. -- (シリーズ人間の発達 ; 7). 発達とはなにか / 永野重史著. -- 東京大学出版会, 2001. -- (シリーズ人間の発達 ; 8). 日本人のしつけと教育 : 発達の日米比較にもとづいて / 東洋著. -- 東京大学出版会, 1994. -- (シリーズ人間 の発達 ; 12). 実験で学ぶ発達心理学 / 杉村伸一郎, 坂田陽子編. -ナカニシヤ出版, 2004. 文化的営みとしての発達 : 個人、世代、コミュニティ / バーバラ・ロゴフ著 ; 當眞千賀子訳. -- 新曜社, 2006. 子どもは認知やことばをどう育てるか : 健常児・障害児 に共通な発達機制 / 中島誠編. -- 培風館, 1996. 身体から発達を問う : 衣食住のなかのからだとこころ / 根ヶ山光一, 川野健治編著. -- 新曜社, 2003. 生涯発達心理学 : エリクソンによる人間の一生とその 可能性 / バーバラ M.ニューマン, フィリップR.ニューマ ン著 ; 福富護訳. -- 新版. -- 川島書店, 1988. 発達心理学再考のための序説 / 浜田寿美男著. -- ミ ネルヴァ書房, 1993. 「私」とは何か : ことばと身体の出会い / 浜田寿美男 著. -- 講談社, 1999. -- (講談社選書メチエ ; 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日本社会福祉士会国際委員会訳. -- 筒井書房, 2004. 児童手当法の解説 / 児童手当制度研究会監修. -- 3 訂. -- 中央法規出版, 2004. 児童館 : 理論と実践 : Encyclopedia / 児童健全育成推 進財団編集. -- 児童健全育成推進財団, 2007. 家族の再生 : ファミリーソーシャルワーカーの仕事 / 菅 原哲男著. -- 言叢社, 2004. 解説・子どもの権利条約 / 永井憲一, 寺脇隆夫編. -日本評論社, 1990. 輝く子どもたち : 児童福祉新論 / 比嘉眞人編著 ; 朝倉 陸夫監修 ; 宮川三平 [ほか著]. -- 八千代出版, 2008. 児童福祉の方法 / 本間真宏編. -- 改訂. -- 酒井書 店・育英堂, 2004. -- (University text book). 実践家庭支援論 / 松本園子 [ほか] 著. -- ななみ書 房, 2011. 子どもの養護 : その理念と実践 / 水田和江, 中野菜穂 子編. -- 改訂. -- みらい, 2007. 子どもの人権をまもる知識とQ&A / 山田由紀子著. -法学書院, 1999. -- (くらしの法律相談 ; 14). 児童の福祉を支える養護原理 / 吉田眞理 [ほか] 著. - 萌文書林, 2006. 養護内容の基礎と実際 / 米山岳廣, 田中利則編著. -文化書房博文社, 2007. 児童の福祉を支える児童家庭福祉 / 吉田眞理著. -萌文書林, 2010. 保育所運営マニュアル : 保育指針を実践に活かす / 網野武博, 迫田圭子編集. -- 4訂. -- 中央法規出版, 2011. 10384493 なし 10385995 なし 10385987 なし 10384444 なし 10384436 なし 10385946 なし 10386019 なし 11647476 有 10384394 なし 10384139 なし 10386001 なし 10385920 なし 10384535 なし 10384386 なし 10384485 なし 11647872 有 10384410 なし 11647468 有 10384246 有 11647971 有 10387959 なし 11571700 有 10384204 なし 10816007 なし 11647500 有 10385896 なし 11472602 有 11070141 なし 10004133 なし 10999225 有 11366168 有 11368107 有 11647492 有 369.43 Mo 369.7 Ta 370.3 U 370.3 Ka 370.3 Da 1 第1巻 370.3 Da 2 第2巻 370.3 Da 3 第3巻 370.3 Da 4 第4巻 370.3 Da 5 第5巻 370.3 Da 6 第6巻 370.3 Da 7 索引 370.3 Te 370.33 Ge 1 1 あ-かっ 370.33 Ge 2 2 かて-け 370.33 Ge 3 3 こ-しゅこ 370.33 Ge 4 4 しゅさ-た 370.33 Ge 5 5 ち-ふょ 370.33 Ge 6 6 ふら-わ A-Z 370.33 Ge 7 7 索引 370.33 Ko 370.33 Ta 370.4 U 370.4 U 370.4 U 370.4 U 370.4 Sa 370.4 Sa 370.4 Su 370.4 To 370.4 No 370.4 Ha 370.5 Wa 370.7 A 370.8 Sa 1 第1集 370.8 Sa 2 第2集 370.8 Sa 3 第3集 370.8 Sa 4 第4集 370.8 Sa 5 第5集 自立支援の児童養護論 : 施設でくらす子どもの生活と 権利 / 望月彰著. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 2004. -(MINERVA福祉専門職セミナー ; 12). 参加して学ぶボランティア / 立田慶裕編. -- 玉川大学 出版部, 2004. 現代教育事典 / 伊藤秀夫編集委員代表. -- 明治図書 出版, 1961. 教育 / 勝田守一 [ほか] 編. -- 岩波書店, 1956. -- (岩 波小辞典). 教育学大事典 / 細谷俊夫 [ほか] 編 ; : セット - 索引. -- 第一法規出版, 1978. 教育学大事典 / 細谷俊夫 [ほか] 編 ; : セット - 索引. -- 第一法規出版, 1978. 教育学大事典 / 細谷俊夫 [ほか] 編 ; : セット - 索引. -- 第一法規出版, 1978. 教育学大事典 / 細谷俊夫 [ほか] 編 ; : セット - 索引. -- 第一法規出版, 1978. 教育学大事典 / 細谷俊夫 [ほか] 編 ; : セット - 索引. -- 第一法規出版, 1978. 教育学大事典 / 細谷俊夫 [ほか] 編 ; : セット - 索引. -- 第一法規出版, 1978. 教育学大事典 / 細谷俊夫 [ほか] 編 ; : セット - 索引. -- 第一法規出版, 1978. 世界教育事典 / 平塚益徳監修. -- 帝国地方行政学 会, 1972. 現代学校教育大事典 / 安彦忠彦 [ほか] 編 ; : [set] [CD-ROM]. -- 新版. -- ぎょうせい, 2002. 現代学校教育大事典 / 安彦忠彦 [ほか] 編 ; : [set] [CD-ROM]. -- 新版. -- ぎょうせい, 2002. 現代学校教育大事典 / 安彦忠彦 [ほか] 編 ; : [set] [CD-ROM]. -- 新版. -- ぎょうせい, 2002. 現代学校教育大事典 / 安彦忠彦 [ほか] 編 ; : [set] [CD-ROM]. -- 新版. -- ぎょうせい, 2002. 現代学校教育大事典 / 安彦忠彦 [ほか] 編 ; : [set] [CD-ROM]. -- 新版. -- ぎょうせい, 2002. 現代学校教育大事典 / 安彦忠彦 [ほか] 編 ; : [set] [CD-ROM]. -- 新版. -- ぎょうせい, 2002. 現代学校教育大事典 / 安彦忠彦 [ほか] 編 ; : [set] [CD-ROM]. -- 新版. -- ぎょうせい, 2002. 学校教育辞典 / 今野喜清, 新井郁男, 児島邦宏編集 代表 ; CD-ROM. -- 新版. -- 教育出版, 2003. 学校用語英語小事典 / 竹田明彦著 ; ジョン・スネリン グ英文校閲. -- 第3版. -- 大修館書店, 2004. 個を育てる力 / 上田薫著. -- 明治図書出版, 1972. ずれによる創造 : 人間のための教育 / 上田薫著. -黎明書房, 1973. みずからを変える力 : 教育の変革を求めて / 上田薫 著. -- 黎明書房, 1977. 教育学の名著 : 12選 / 梅根悟, 長尾十三二編. -- 学 陽書房, 1974. -- (名著入門ライブラリー). 教師が教師となるとき / 斎藤喜博編. -- 国土社, 1972. 島小の授業 : 教材研究・授業案づくり・展開・の記録 / 斎藤喜博著. -- 麦書房, 1962. 今、子どもが壊されている : 不思議の国のアリス現象 / 杉原一昭著. -- 立風書房, 1990. 水源をめざして / 遠山啓[著]. -- 太郎次郎社, 1977. 若い教師たちの挑戦 : 悩みからの脱出 / 野口克海, 園 田雅春編著. -- 三晃書房, 2004. 林竹二・授業の中の子どもたち / 林竹二著 ; 松本陽一 構成 ; 小野成視カメラ. -- 日本放送出版協会, 1976. 梅根悟博士喜寿記念論文集. -- 和光大学人文学部, 1980. -- (和光大学人文学部紀要 ; 14). 教育研究のメソドロジー : 学校参加型マインドへのいざ ない / 秋田喜代美, 恒吉僚子, 佐藤学編. -- 東京大学 出版会, 2005. わたしの授業 / 斎藤喜博著 ; 第1集 - 第6集. -- 一茎 書房, 1977. わたしの授業 / 斎藤喜博著 ; 第1集 - 第6集. -- 一茎 書房, 1977. わたしの授業 / 斎藤喜博著 ; 第1集 - 第6集. -- 一茎 書房, 1977. わたしの授業 / 斎藤喜博著 ; 第1集 - 第6集. -- 一茎 書房, 1977. わたしの授業 / 斎藤喜博著 ; 第1集 - 第6集. -- 一茎 書房, 1977. 10384097 有 10385938 なし 10816460 なし 10816510 なし 10816643 なし 10816650 なし 10816668 なし 10816676 なし 10816684 なし 10816692 なし 10816700 なし 10816718 なし 11037066 有 11037074 有 11037082 有 11037090 有 11037108 有 11037116 有 11037124 AV付録 有 11547379 AV付録 有 10386423 なし 10817237 なし 10817245 有 10817286 有 10817302 なし 10858090 なし 10858116 なし 10858330 有 10858678 なし 11647831 有 10858991 なし 10860229 なし 11339439 有 10916088 なし 10916096 なし 10916104 なし 10916112 なし 10916120 なし 370.8 Sa 6 第6集 370.8 Ta 1 370.8 Ta 2 370.8 Ta 3 370.8 Ta 4 370.8 Ta 5 370.8 Ta 6 370.8 Ta 7 370.8 Ta 8 上 370.8 Ta 9 下 370.8 Ta 10 370.8 Ta 11 上 370.8 Ta 12 下 370.8 Ta 13 370.8 Ta 14 370.8 Ta 15 370.8 Fr 1 370.8 Fr 2 370.8 Fr 3 370.8 Fr 4 370.8 Fr 5 370.8 Me 10 370.8 Me 1 371 A 371 O 371 O 371 Ka 371 To 371 Na 371.033 Kyo 371.1 Ka 371.1 Ka 371.1 Sa 371.1 St 371.1 Na 371.1 Ha 371.1 Hol 371.1 Bol わたしの授業 / 斎藤喜博著 ; 第1集 - 第6集. -- 一茎 書房, 1977. 女子教育 / 下田次郎著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1973. -(教育の名著 ; 1). 新教育講義 / 谷本富著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1973. -(教育の名著 ; 2). 教育思潮大観 / 中島半次郎著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1972. -- (教育の名著 ; 3). 国語の力 / 垣内松三著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1972. -(教育の名著 ; 4). 文芸教育論 / 片上伸著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1973. -(教育の名著 ; 5). 数学教育の根本問題 / 小倉金之助著. -- 玉川大学出 版部, 1973. -- (教育の名著 ; 6). 綴り方教授法 ; 綴り方教授に関する教師の修養 / 芦 田恵之助著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1973. -- (教育の名 著 ; 7). / 木下竹次著 ; 上, 下. -- 玉川大学出版部, 学習各論 1972. -- (教育の名著 ; 8-9). 学習各論 / 木下竹次著 ; 上, 下. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1972. -- (教育の名著 ; 8-9). 日本庶民教育史 / 石川謙著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1972. -- (教育の名著 ; 10). 欧洲教育思想史 / 篠原助市著 ; 上, 下. -- 玉川大学 出版部, 1972. -- (教育の名著 ; 11, 12). 欧洲教育思想史 / 篠原助市著 ; 上, 下. -- 玉川大学 出版部, 1972. -- (教育の名著 ; 11, 12). 学校教師論 / 三浦修吾著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1975. -- (教育の名著 ; 13). 八大教育主張 / 小原国芳他著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1976. -- (教育の名著). 自発性の原理の展開 / 佐藤熊治郎著. -- 玉川大学出 版部, 1977. -- (教育の名著 ; 15). 教育の弁明 / フレーベル著 ; 岡元藤則 [ほか] 訳. -玉川大学出版部, 1977. -- (フレーベル全集 ; 第1巻). 人の教育 / フレーベル著 ; 小原国芳訳. -- 玉川大学 出版部, 1976. -- (フレーベル全集 ; 第2巻). 教育論文集 / 荘司雅子 [ほか] 訳. -- 玉川大学出版 部, 1977. -- (フレーベル全集 ; 第3巻). 幼稚園教育学 / フレーベル著 ; 荘司雅子 [訳]. -- 玉 川大学出版部, 1981. -- (フレーベル全集 ; 第4巻). 続幼稚園教育学 / フレーベル著 ; 荘司雅子, 藤井敏彦 共訳 . 母の歌と愛撫の歌 / フレーベル著 ; ヨハネス・プ リューファー編 ; 荘司雅子訳. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1981. -- (フレーベル全集 ; 第5巻). 個性化教育のすすめ方 : 写真でみる緒川小学校の実 践 / 愛知県東浦町立緒川小学校著. -- 明治図書出 版, 1987. -- (オープンスクール選書 ; 10). 子どもはいかに考えるか / アンリ・ワロン著 ; 滝沢武 久, 岸田秀訳. -- 明治図書出版, 1968. -- (子どもの思 考の起源 ; 上). 教育原論 / 鯵坂二夫著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1976. ペスタロッチを慕いて / 小原国芳著. -- 玉川大学出版 部, 1969. 全人教育の手がかり / 小原哲郎編. -- 玉川大学出版 部, 1985. 臨床教育学入門 / 河合隼雄著. -- 岩波書店, 2002. -(河合隼雄著作集 / 河合隼雄著 ; 第2期 ; 第5巻). 教育的タクト論 : 実践的教育学の鍵概念 / 徳永正直 著. -- ナカニシヤ出版, 2004. 教育学 / 中野光, 平原春好著. -- 補訂版. -- 有斐閣, 2004. -- (有斐閣Sシリーズ). 教育思想事典 / 教育思想史学会編. -- 勁草書房, 2000. 教育学 / 唐津邦利[著]. -- 文京書院, 1969. 教育権の理論 / 兼子仁著. -- 勁草書房, 1976. 現代の児童観と教育 / 三枝孝弘, 田畑治編. -- 福村 出版, 1982. 教育術 / ルドルフ・シュタイナー[著] ; 坂野雄二,落合幸 子訳. -- みすず書房, 1986. 公教育の原理 : 多文化社会の公教育 / 中村清著. -改訂. -- 東洋館出版社, 2004. 人間とは教育とは : A.S.ニイル是か非か / E.フロム他 著 ; 小泉正美訳. -- 黎明書房, 1973. 学校その自由と権威 / ジョン・ホルト著 ; 山崎真稔訳. - 玉川大学出版部, 1977. 練習の精神 : 教授法上の基本的経験への再考 / O.F. ボルノウ著 ; 岡本英明監訳. -- 北樹出版, 2009. 10916138 なし 10945533 有 10945541 有 10945558 なし 10945566 有 10945574 有 10945582 有 10945590 有 10945608 有 10945616 有 10945624 なし 10945632 有 10945640 有 10945657 なし 10945665 有 10945673 有 10331783 有 10331791 有 10331809 有 10331817 有 10331825 有 10042794 なし 10043123 有 10944387 有 10944114 なし 10954089 有 11241031 有 10958601 なし 10388189 なし 11036415 有 10044956 有 10044915 有 10572188 有 10572220 有 10385342 なし 10045268 有 10944528 有 11247483 有 371.16 Ka 371.16 Ne 371.16 Fu 371.2 Na 371.2 Ya 371.21 I 371.21 Ha 371.21 Fu 1 第1巻 明治前期篇 371.21 Fu 2 第2巻 明治後期篇 371.21 Fu 3 第3巻 大正年代篇 371.21 Fu 4 第4巻 昭和前期篇 371.234 Hi 371.234 Fau 371.253 Sa 371.253 Ni 371.3 A 371.3 I 371.3 Shi 371.3 Hal 371.31 Su 371.4 A 371.4 A 371.4 A 371.4 I 371.4 U 371.4 U 371.4 O 371.4 O 371.4 Ka 371.4 Ka 371.4 Sa 371.4 Shi 371.4 Su 学校教育の現代化 : 実践的新教育システム論 / 金子 孫市著. -- 学陽書房, 1974. 人間育成の基礎 / A・S・ニイル [著] ; 霜田静志訳. -改訂版. -- 誠信書房, 1971. 人間性を育てる理論と指導 / 古島稔, 久保千里編著. - 第一法規出版, 1974. 教育思想史 / 中野光, 志村鏡一郎編. -- 有斐閣, 1978. -- (有斐閣新書 ; [C-22]). 子どもという思想 / 矢野智司著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1995. 近代日本の教育学 : 谷本富と小西重直の教育思想 / 稲葉宏雄著. -- 世界思想社, 2004. ペスタロッチー・フレーベルと日本の近代教育 / 浜田栄 夫編著. -- 玉川大学出版部, 2009. 明治・大正・昭和教育思想學説人物史 / 藤原喜代藏 著 ; 第1巻 明治前期篇 - 第4巻 昭和前期篇. -- 復刻 版. -- 湘南堂書店, 1980. 明治・大正・昭和教育思想學説人物史 / 藤原喜代藏 著 ; 第1巻 明治前期篇 - 第4巻 昭和前期篇. -- 復刻 版. -- 湘南堂書店, 1980. 明治・大正・昭和教育思想學説人物史 / 藤原喜代藏 著 ; 第1巻 明治前期篇 - 第4巻 昭和前期篇. -- 復刻 版. -- 湘南堂書店, 1980. 明治・大正・昭和教育思想學説人物史 / 藤原喜代藏 著 ; 第1巻 明治前期篇 - 第4巻 昭和前期篇. -- 復刻 版. -- 湘南堂書店, 1980. シュタイナーの人間観と教育方法 : 幼児期から青年期 まで / 広瀬俊雄著. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 1988. ジェンダーと教育 : 男女別学・共学論争を超えて / ハン ネローレ・ファウルシュティッヒ=ヴィーラント著 ; 池谷壽 夫監訳. -- 青木書店, 2004. キルパトリック教育思想の研究 : アメリカにおけるプロ ジェクト・メソッド論の形成と展開 / 佐藤隆之著. -- 風 間書房, 2004. デューイ研究 : デューイ来日五十周年記念論文集 / 日 本デューイ学会編. -- 玉川大学出版部, 1969. 学歴の社会史 : 教育と日本の近代 / 天野郁夫著. -平凡社, 2005. -- (平凡社ライブラリー ; 526). 社会文化的アプローチの実際 : 学習活動の理解と変革 のエスノグラフィー / 石黒広昭編著. -- 北大路書房, 2004. -- (シリーズ社会文化的アプローチ). 文化伝達の社会学 / 柴野昌山編. -- 世界思想社, 2001. -- (Sekaishiso seminar). 教育社会学 : 第三のソリューション / A.H.ハルゼー [ほ か] 編 ; 住田正樹, 秋永雄一, 吉本圭一編訳. -- 九州 大学出版会, 2005. 地域社会と教育 : 子どもの発達と地域社会 / 住田正 樹著. -- 九州大学出版会, 2001. 子どもとむかいあうための教育心理学演習 / 会田元明 著. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 1994. 子どもとむかいあうための教育心理学概論 / 会田元 明, 内野康人之, 横山明子著. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 1996. 子どもとむかいあうための教育心理学実験 / 会田元明 著. -- ミネルヴァ書房, 1999. 子どもの社会的発達 / 井上健治, 久保ゆかり編. -- 東 京大学出版会, 1997. 教育心理学 / 梅津耕作 [ほか] 共著. -- サイエンス社, 1978. -- (サイエンスライブラリ心理学 ; 13). 非行生徒の心理と指導 / 上武正二, 辰野千寿編著. -新光閣書店, 1963. 教育心理学研究の技法 / 大村彰道編著 ; 遠藤利彦 [ほか] 著. -- 福村出版, 2000. -- (シリーズ・心理学の 技法). 発達と学習指導の心理学 / 大村彰道編. -- 東京大学 出版会, 1996. -- (教育心理学 ; 1). 教育心理学への招待 / 梶田叡一編著. -- ミネルヴァ 書房, 1995. 教育心理学 / 角谷辰次郎, 織田正編. -- 協同出版, 1969. 心理学と教育実践の間で / 佐伯胖 [ほか] 著. -- 東京 10045573 有 10045656 有 10045698 有 10045813 有 11036589 有 10384717 なし 11602042 有 10202513 なし 10202521 なし 10202539 なし 10202547 なし 10017754 有 11647997 有 10384758 なし 10945731 有 10388163 なし 10386357 有 11339785 有 11339389 有 11003829 有 11259405 有 11259322 有 11259363 有 10573863 有 10121887 有 10046084 有 11339488 有 10303618 有 11259330 有 10046316 有 10304780 大学出版会, 1998. 発達と臨床援助の心理学 / 下山晴彦編. -- 東京大学 10288736 出版会, 1998. -- (教育心理学 ; 2). 認知的複雑性の発達社会心理学 : 児童期から青年期 における対人情報処理システムの変化 / 鈴木佳苗著. 11647732 -- 風間書房, 2004. 有 有 有 371.4 St 371.4 Ta 371.4 Tsu 371.4 To 371.4 Na 371.4 No 371.4 Fu 371.4 Fu 371.4 Ma 371.4 Ya 371.4 Yo 371.4 Wa 371.403 Ko 371.403 Ta 371.42 A 371.42 Ki 371.42 Ki 371.42 Ki 371.42 Ki 371.42 Ta 371.43 I 371.43 U 371.43 Ka 371.43 Ka 371.43 Shi 371.43 Shi 371.43 Ta 371.43 Ta 371.43 Na 371.43 Na 371.43 Ni 初 初級編 371.43 Ni 中 中級編 371.43 Ni 上 上級編 児童の学習心理学 : 行動の発達的変容 / Harold W.Stevenson著 ; 相田貞夫 [ほか] 共訳. -- 田研出版, 1980. 児童集団心理学 / 田中熊次郎著. -- 新訂. -- 明治図 書出版, 1975. 教育心理学概説 / 塚田毅著. -- 共立出版, 1973. -(現代心理学叢書 ; 1). ヒューマンサービスに関わる人のための教育心理学 / 徳田克己, 高見令英編著 ; 青柳まゆみ [ほか] 執筆. -文化書房博文社, 2003. 教育心理学入門 / 永野重史, 依田明共編. -- 新曜社, 1976. 教育心理学序説 / 能見義博編. -- 八千代出版, 1988. 新・教育心理学事典 / 藤原喜悦 [ほか] 編. -- 普及版. -- 金子書房, 1979. 学校心理学ハンドブック : 「学校の力」の発見 / 福沢周 亮, 石隈利紀, 小野瀬雅人責任編集 ; 日本学校心理学 会編. -- 教育出版, 2004. 教育心理学研究法ハンドブック : 教師教育のために / 松田伯彦, 松田文子編著. -- 新版. -- 北大路書房, 1991. 一人子の心理と教育 / 山下俊郎著. -- 巌松堂書店, 1948. 教育心理学 / 米澤富士雄, 足立正常, 倉盛一郎編著. -- 北大路書房, 1998. 認知心理学者教育を語る / 若き認知心理学者の会著. -- 北大路書房, 1993. 教育・臨床心理学中辞典 / 小林利宣編. -- 北大路書 房, 1990. 多項目教育心理学辞典 / 辰野千寿 [ほか] 編. -- 教 育出版, 1986. 「引きこもり」から「社会」へ : それぞれのニュースタート / 荒川龍著. -- 学陽書房, 2004. いじめ・いじめられる青少年の心 : 発達臨床心理学的 考察 / 坂西友秀, 岡本祐子編著. -- 北大路書房, 2004. -- (シリーズ荒れる青少年の心). 傷つけ傷つく青少年の心 : 関係性の病理 : 発達臨床心 理学的考察 / 伊藤美奈子, 宮下一博編著. -- 北大路 書房, 2004. -- (シリーズ荒れる青少年の心). さまよえる青少年の心 : アイデンティティの病理 : 発達 臨床心理学的考察 / 谷冬彦, 宮下一博編著. -- 北大 路書房, 2004. -- (シリーズ荒れる青少年の心). もろい青少年の心 : 自己愛の障害 : 発達臨床心理学 的考察 / 上地雄一郎, 宮下一博編著. -- 北大路書房, 2004. -- (シリーズ荒れる青少年の心). ひきこもり / 高木俊介編. -- 批評社, 2002. -- (メンタル ヘルス・ライブラリー ; 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1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 11571734 有 10385623 なし 11647153 有 10385599 有 10279461 有 10925188 有 11339827 有 10047058 なし 11329968 有 10047108 有 10577328 有 10047124 有 10031458 有 10387991 有 10047199 有 11327764 有 11646585 有 10384790 なし 10384808 なし 10384816 なし 10384824 なし 10384832 なし 10384840 なし 10384857 なし 10384865 なし 10384873 なし 10384881 なし 10384899 なし 10384907 なし 10384915 なし 10384923 なし 10384931 なし 10384949 なし 10384956 なし 10384964 なし 371.45 Ji 19 371.45 Ji 20 371.45 Ji 21 371.45 Ji 22 371.45 Ji 23 371.45 Ji 24 371.45 Ji 25 371.45 Ji 26 371.45 Ji 27 371.45 Ji 28 371.45 Ji 29 371.45 Ji 30 371.45 Ji 31 371.45 Ji 32 371.45 Ji 33 371.45 Ji 34 371.45 Ji 35 371.45 Ji 36 371.45 Ji 37 371.45 Ji 38 371.45 Ji 39 371.45 Ji 40 371.45 Ji 41 371.45 Ji 42-46 371.45 Ji 47-53 371.45 Ji 54-56 371.45 Ji 32 371.45 Ji 34 371.45 Ji 35 371.45 Ji 36 371.45 Ji 37 371.45 Ji 38 371.45 Ji 39 371.45 Ji 40 371.45 Ji 41 371.45 Ji 42 371.45 Ji 43 371.45 Ji 44 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 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1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 37巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 38巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 39巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 40巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 41巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 42-46巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 47-53巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 兒童研究 / 日本児童学会編輯 ; 1巻 - 54-56巻. -- 復 54-56巻 刻版. -- 第一書房, 1979. 児童心理学の進歩 / 日本児童研究所編集 ; 1992年版 1993年版(VOL.32) (VOL.31) - 2012年版(VOL.51). -- 金子書房, 1992. 児童心理学の進歩 / 日本児童研究所編集 ; 1992年版 1995年版(VOL.34) (VOL.31) - 2012年版(VOL.51). -- 金子書房, 1992. 児童心理学の進歩 / 日本児童研究所編集 ; 1992年版 1996年版(VOL.35) (VOL.31) - 2012年版(VOL.51). -- 金子書房, 1992. 児童心理学の進歩 / 日本児童研究所編集 ; 1992年版 1997年版(VOL.36) (VOL.31) - 2012年版(VOL.51). -- 金子書房, 1992. 児童心理学の進歩 / 日本児童研究所編集 ; 1992年版 1998年版(VOL.37) (VOL.31) - 2012年版(VOL.51). -- 金子書房, 1992. 児童心理学の進歩 / 日本児童研究所編集 ; 1992年版 1999年版(VOL.38) (VOL.31) - 2012年版(VOL.51). -- 金子書房, 1992. 児童心理学の進歩 / 日本児童研究所編集 ; 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Finding and knowing : psychology, information and computers / Clare Davies. -- Routledge, 2005. Stories, pictures, and reality : two children tell / Virginia Lowe ; pbk.. -- Routledge, 2007. Scholastic children's encyclopedia. -- Scholastic Reference, 2004. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. 11648276 有 11648144 有 11648185 有 10959310 有 10959328 有 10959336 有 10959344 なし 10959351 なし 10959369 有 10959377 有 10959385 有 11648193 有 11648235 有 10802080 有 11647385 有 10748085 有 11647369 有 11647351 有 10036143 有 10018570 有 11631751 有 11633047 有 11633054 有 11633062 有 11633021 有 11633039 有 11647260 有 11647237 有 11647245 有 11647252 有 11038387 なし 11039385 なし 11014677 なし 10995066 なし 10995074 なし 10995082 なし 103 Bor 4 103 Bor 5 103 Bor 6 103 Bor 7 103 Bor 8 103 Bor 9 103 Bor 10 103.3 Aud 114.2 Bau 118 Ing 140 Atk 140 Bar 140 Be 140 Eys 140 Ger 140 Gla 140 Gre 140 Hew 140 Hum 140 Lop 1 140 Lop 2 140 Lop 3 140 Lop 4 140 Mar Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, v. 5 editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, v. 6 editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, v. 7 editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, v. 8 editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, v. 9 editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, v. 10 editor in chief ; : set - v. 10. -- 2nd ed. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2006. The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy / general : pbk editor, Robert Audi ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -Cambridge University Press, 1999. What is thought? / Eric B. Baum ; : hc. -- MIT Press, : hc 2004. -- (Bradford book). Culture / Fred Inglis ; : pbk. -- Polity, 2004. -- (Key concepts). Hilgard's introduction to psychology / Rita L. Atkinson ... [et al.]. -- 13th ed. -- Harcourt Brace, 2000. Psychology / Robert A. Baron ; with the special : pbk. assistance of Michael J. Kalsher ; : pbk.. -- 5th ed.. -Allyn and Bacon, 2001. Contemporary theories and systems in psychology / Benjamin B. Wolman ; [under the editorship of Gardner Murphy]. -- 1st reprint ed. -- Harper, 1965. -- (Harper international student reprint). Perspectives on psychology / Michael W. Eysenck ; : : hbk hbk, : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum, 1994. -- (Principles of psychology).and life / Richard J. Gerrig, Philip G. Psychology Zimbardo. -- 16th ed. -- Allyn & Bacon, 2002. Awareness of dying / Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss ; pbk. : alk. paper. -- paperback edition. -Aldine Transaction, 2005. The transformation of psychology : influences of 19thcentury philosophy, technology, and natural science / : alk. paper edited by Christopher D. Green, Marlene Shore, and Thomas Teo ; : alk. paper. -- American Psychological Association, 2001. Psychology / Miles Hewstone, Frank D. Fincham and Jonathan Foster ; pbk : alk. paper. -- Blackwell, 2005. The mind made flesh : essays from the frontiers of : pbk. psychology and evolution / Nicholas Humphrey ; : pbk.. -- Oxford University Press, 2002. Discovering human strengths / edited by Shane J. Lopez ; foreword by Sonja Lyubomirsky. -- Praeger Publishers, 2008. -- (Praeger perspectives . Positive psychology : exploring the best in people ; v. 1). Capitalizing on emotional experiences / edited by Shane J. Lopez ; foreword by Sonja Lyubomirsky. -Praeger Publishers, 2008. -- (Praeger perspectives . Positive psychology : exploring the best in people ; v. 2). Growing in the face of adversity / edited by Shane J. Lopez ; foreword by Sonja Lyubomirsky. -- Praeger Publishers, 2008. -- (Praeger perspectives . Positive psychology : exploring the best in people ; v. 3). Pursuing human flourishing / edited by Shane J. Lopez ; foreword by Sonja Lyubomirsky. -- Praeger Publishers, 2008. -- (Praeger perspectives . Positive psychology : exploring the best in people ; v. 4). Psychology and the question of agency / Jack Martin, Jeff Sugarman, Janice Thompson ; pbk.. -- State University of New York Press, 2003. -- (SUNY series, alternatives in psychology / Michael A. Wallach, editor). v. 4 10995090 なし 10995108 なし 10995116 なし 10995124 なし 10995132 なし 10995140 なし 10995157 なし 11485992 なし 10992162 なし 10992287 なし 10307403 なし 10307429 なし 10490068 なし 10306983 なし 10308401 なし 10395440 なし 10762169 なし 10993657 なし 11054582 なし 11278686 なし 11278694 なし 11278702 なし 11278710 なし 10321248 なし 140 Mar 140 Si 140 Vyg 140.1 Cor 140.1 Gu 140.1 Ki 140.1 Mac 140.1 Roe 140.1 Sch 140.1 Sch 140.16 Lev 140.16 Tod 140.18 Gol 140.18 Sta 140.18 Tod 140.2 Goo 140.2 Gr 140.2 Hot 140.2 Inh 140.2 Kag :hard 140.2 Por [v. 1] 140.2 Ree : cloth 140.238 Dan : pbk 140.3 Ame 140.3 Col 140.3 Kaz 1 1 140.3 Kaz 2 2 140.3 Kaz 3 3 140.3 Kaz 4 4 : hbk Psychology and the question of agency / Jack Martin, Jeff Sugarman, Janice Thompson ; pbk.. -- State University of New York Press, 2003. -- (SUNY series, alternatives in psychology). Psychology / Robert E. Silverman. -- 3rd ed. -Prentice-Hall, 1978. The essential Vygotsky / edited by Robert W. Rieber and David K. Robinson ; in collaboration with Jerome Bruner ... [et al.]. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004. Understanding biological psychology / Philip J. Corr ; : pbk., : hbk. -- Blackwell Publishing, 2006. -- (Basic psychology). Textbook of medical physiology / Arthur C. Guyton. -5th ed. -- Saunders, 1976. Psychology as a biological science / Daniel P. Kimble. -- 2nd ed. -- Goodyear Pub. Co., 1977. -- (Goodyear perspectives in introductory psychology series). Doing without concepts / Edouard Machery. -- Oxford University Press, 2009. Elsevier's dictionary of psychological theories / compiled by J.E. Roeckelein. -- Elsevier, 2006. The handbook of humanistic psychology : leading edges in theory, research, and practice / edited by Kirk J. Schneider, James F.T. Bugental, J. Fraser Pierson. -Sage Publications, 2001. Physiological psychology / Marvin Schwartz. -- 2nd ed. -- Prentice-Hall, 1978. Experimental methods in psychology / Gustav Levine, Stanley Parkinson. -- L. Erlbaum, 1994. Mixing methods in psychology : the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice / edited by Zazie Todd ... [et al.] ; hbk., pbk.. - Psychology Press, 2004. Hearing gesture : how our hands help us think / Susan Goldin-Meadow. -- Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003. Behavior and personality : psychological behaviorism / Arthur W. Staats. -- Springer, 1996. -- (Springer series on behavior therapy and behavioral medicine). Modern perspectives on B.F. Skinner and contemporary behaviorism / edited by James T. Todd & Edward K. Morris ; foreword by Ernest R. Hilgard. -Greenwood Press, 1995. -- (Contributions in psychology no. 28). psychology / C. James Goodwin ; A history of; modern WIE. -- 2nd ed. -- John Wiley, 2005. The essential Piaget / edited by Howard E. Gruber and J. Jacques Von◆U00E8◆che. -- Basic Books, 1977. History of psychology / David Hothersall. -- 3rd ed. -McGraw-Hill, 1995. Working with Piaget : essays in honour of B◆U00E4◆ rbel Inhelder / edited by Anastasia Tryphon and Jacques Von◆U00E8◆che. -- Psychology Press, 2001. An argument for mind / Jerome Kagan ; :hard, :pbk. -Yale University Press, 2006. Portraits of pioneers in psychology / edited by Gregory A. Kimble, Michael Wertheimer, Charlotte White ; [v. 1] - v. 6 : LEA. -- American Psychological Association, From soul to 1991. mind : the emergence of psychology from Erasmus Darwin to William James / Edward S. Reed ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Yale University Press, 1997. An introduction to Vygotsky / edited by Harry Daniels ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Routledge, 2005. Thesaurus of psychological index terms. -- 9th ed.. -American Psychological Association, 2001. A dictionary of psychology / Andrew M. Colman. -Oxford University Press, 2001. Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. 10321271 なし 10490126 なし 10395358 なし 11033503 なし 10490175 なし 10490209 なし 11186533 なし 11129442 なし 10761716 なし 10490290 なし 10761385 なし 10356459 なし 10321198 なし 10307288 なし 10307296 なし 10993665 なし 10490316 なし 10309136 なし 10762649 なし 11130606 なし 10761963 なし 10307031 なし 11038841 なし 10761310 なし 10762177 なし 10958734 なし 10958742 なし 10958759 なし 10958767 なし 140.3 Kaz 5 140.3 Kaz 6 140.3 Kaz 7 140.3 Kaz 8 140.3 Spi 1 140.3 Spi 2 140.3 Spi 3 140.33 Lop 1 v. 1 140.33 Lop 2 v. 2 140.33 She 140.4 Ame 140.4 Bru 140.4 Eri 140.4 Sli 140.4 Sny 140.7 Ban 140.7 Emb 140.7 Gac 140.7 Gro 140.7 Her 1 : hbk 140.7 Her 2 : hbk 140.7 Her 3 : hbk 140.7 Her 4 : hbk 140.7 Kap 140.7 Loe : pbk : pbk : hbk : cloth : pbk Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in 5 chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in 6 chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in 7 chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Encyclopedia of psychology / Alan E. Kazdin, editor in 8 chief ; : set - v. 8. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Encyclopedia of applied psychology / editor-in-chief, 1 Charles D. Spielberger ; : set - v. 3. -- Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. Encyclopedia of applied psychology / editor-in-chief, 2 Charles D. Spielberger ; : set - v. 3. -- Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. Encyclopedia of applied psychology / editor-in-chief, 3 Charles D. Spielberger ; : set - v. 3. -- Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. The encyclopedia of positive psychology / edited by Shane J. Lopez ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. The encyclopedia of positive psychology / edited by Shane J. Lopez ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Biographical dictionary of psychology / edited by Noel Sheehy, Antony J. Chapman [and] Wendy A. Conroy. - Routledge, 1997. -- (Routledge reference). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association ; : pbk, : hardcover, : spiral bound. -- 6th ed. -- American Psychological Association, 2010. Actual minds, possible worlds / Jerome Bruner ; : alk. paper, : paper. -- Harvard University Press, 1986. Identity and the life cycle / Erik H. Erikson ; : pbk. -Norton, 1980. Critical thinking about psychology : hidden assumptions and plausible alternatives / edited by Brent D. Slife, Jeffrey S. Reber, Frank C. Richardson. -- American Psychological Association, 2005. Coping with stress : effective people and processes / edited by C.R. Snyder. -- Oxford University Press, 2001. Introducing psychological research : seventy studies that shape psychology / [edited by] Philip Banyard and Andrew Grayson ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 2nd ed.. -- Palgrave, 2000. The new rules of measurement : what every psychologist and educator should know / edited by Susan Embretson and Scott Hershberger. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1998. of aggressive and The Rorschach assessment psychopathic personalities / Carl B. Gacono, J. Reid Meloy. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1994. -- (The LEA series in personality and clinical psychology / Irving B. Weiner, editor). Handbook of psychological assessment / Gary GrothMarnat ; : cloth. -- 3rd ed.. -- J. Wiley, 1999. Intellectual and neuropsychological assessment / Gerald Goldstein, Sue R. Beers, volume editors ; : hbk. -- John Wiley, 2004. -- (Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment / Michel Hersen, editor-inchief ; v. 1). Personality assessment / Mark J. Hilsenroth, Daniel L. Segal, volume editors ; : hbk. -- John Wiley, 2004. -(Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment / Michel Hersen, editor-in-chief ; v. 2). Behavioral assessment / Stephen N. Haynes, Elaine M. Heiby, volume editors ; : hbk. -- John Wiley, 2004. -(Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment / Michel Hersen, editor-in-chief ; v. 3). Industrial and organizational assessment / Jay C. Thomas, volume editor ; : hbk. -- John Wiley, 2004. -(Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment / Michel Hersen, editor-in-chief ; v. 4). Psychological testing : principles, applications, and issues / Robert M. Kaplan, Dennis P. Saccuzzo. -- 5th ed. -- Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001. An introduction to psychological tests and scales / Kate Miriam Loewenthal ; : pbk. -- UCL Press, 1996. 10958775 なし 10958783 なし 10958791 なし 10958809 なし 10354207 なし 10354215 なし 10354223 なし 11278660 なし 11278678 なし 10306934 なし 11390929 なし 10990695 なし 10309128 なし 10992139 なし 10308799 なし 10307411 なし 10307981 なし 10762912 なし 10308831 なし 11039203 なし 11039211 なし 11039229 なし 11039237 なし 10760783 なし 10307015 なし 140.7 McI 140.7 Nic 140.7 Nic 140.7 Ros 140.7 Wa 140.7 Wa 140.7 Wal 140.75 Ste 1 140.75 Ste 2 140.75 Ste 3 140.75 Ste 4 140.8 Pr 141 Cor 141 Hay 141 Lim 141 Neu 141.1 Fis 141.1 Ste 1 141.1 Ste 2 141.1 Ste 141.1 Ste 141.2 Don 141.2 Gib 141.2 Hur Foundations of psychological testing / Sandra A. McIntire, Leslie A. Miller. -- McGraw-Hill, 2000. Presenting your findings : a practical guide for creating tables / Adelheid A. M. Nicol and Penny M. Pexman ; : : pbk. pbk.. -- 6th ed. -- American Psychological Association, 2010. Displaying your findings : a practical guide for creating figures, posters, and presentations / Adelheid A. M. : pbk Nicol and Penny M. Pexman ; : pbk. -- 6th ed. -American Psychological Association, 2010. Contrasts and effect sizes in behavioral research : a correlational approach / Robert Rosenthal, Ralph L. : pbk Rosnow, Donald B. Rubin ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2000. Eminent contributors to psychology / Robert I. 2 v. 2 Watson, Sr., editor ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Springer, 1974. Eminent contributors to psychology / Robert I. 1 v. 1 Watson, Sr., editor ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Springer, 1974. Tests and assessment / W. Bruce Walsh, Nancy E. Betz. -- 3rd ed. -- Prentice Hall, 1995. Sensation and perception / volume editor, Steven Yantis ; : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2002. pbk - (Stevens' handbook of experimental psychology ; v. 1). Memory and cognitive processes / volume editor, Douglas Medin ; : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- John Wiley & Sons, pbk 2002. -- (Stevens' handbook of experimental psychology ; v. 2). and emotion / volume editor, Learning, motivation, Randy Gallistel ; : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- John Wiley & pbk Sons, 2002. -- (Stevens' handbook of experimental psychology Methodology; v. in 3). experimental psychology / volume editor, John Wixted ; : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- John Wiley & pbk Sons, 2002. -- (Stevens' handbook of experimental psychology ; v. 4). Theories of learning / Ernest R. Hilgard, Gordon H. Bower. -- 4th ed. -- Prentice-Hall, 1975. -- (Century psychology series). Remaking the concept of aptitude : extending the legacy of Richard E. Snow / Lyn Corno ... [et al.] ; edited by Lee J. Cronbach. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2002. -- (The educational psychology series). Relational frame theory : a post-Skinnerian account of human language and cognition / edited by Steven C. Hayes and Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Bryan Roche. -Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. Reconsidering conceptual change : issues in theory and practice / edited by Margarita L◆U00ED◆mon and Lucia Mason. -- Kluwer Academic, 2002. The origins and history of consciousness / Erich Neumann ; foreword by C.G. Jung. -- Routledge, 1999. -- (International library of psychology ; 26 . Analytical psychology ; 7). Race and intelligence : separating science from myth / cloth : alk. paper edited by Jefferson M. Fish ; cloth : alk. paper. -Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002. Encyclopedia of human intelligence / Robert J. Sternberg, editor in chief ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- Macmillan Library Reference USA, Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995. Encyclopedia of human intelligence / Robert J. Sternberg, editor in chief ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- Macmillan Library Reference USA, Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995. Mind in context : interactionist perspectives on human intelligence / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Richard K. : hbk Wagner ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1994.evolution of intelligence / edited by Robert J. The Sternberg, James C. Kaufman. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. A mind so rare : the evolution of human consciousness / Merlin Donald. -- Norton, 2001. Perceiving the affordances : a portrait of two psychologists / Eleanor J. Gibson. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Describing inner experience? : proponent meets skeptic / Russell T. Hurlburt, Eric Schwitzgebel ; : : hard hard. -- MIT Press, 2007. -- (Life and mind : philosophical issues in biology and psychology). 10289353 なし 11446598 なし 11446606 なし 11601978 なし 10780658 なし 10780641 なし 10289361 なし 10984235 なし 10984243 なし 10984250 なし 10984268 なし 10490555 なし 10307957 なし 10762151 なし 10762243 なし 10308617 なし 10762631 なし 10306884 なし 10306892 なし 10307106 なし 10308237 なし 10761096 なし 10763399 なし 11238177 なし 141.2 Jul 141.2 Lai 141.2 Poc 141.21 Blo 141.21 Ges 141.21 Hei 141.21 Mas 141.21 Rad 141.27 Bal 141.3 Ber 141.3 Bou 141.3 Chr 141.3 Col 141.3 Dag 141.3 Dud 141.3 Fei 1 141.3 Fei 2 141.3 Fiv 141.3 Gee 141.3 Gra 141.3 Jar 141.3 Lev 141.3 Log 141.3 Mar 141.3 Moo 141.3 Pea 141.3 Ste Dialogues on perception / Bela Julesz. -- MIT Press, 1995. Feelings : the perception of self / James D. Laird. -Oxford University Press, 2007. -- (Series in affective science / editors, Richard J. Davidson, Paul Ekman, Klaus R. Scherer). Does consciousness cause behavior? / edited by Susan Pockett, William P. Banks, and Shaun Gallagher ; pbk. : alk. paper pbk. : alk. paper. -- 1st MIT Press pbk. ed. -- MIT Press, 2009. Seeing double : over 200 mind-bending illusions / J. : pbk Richard Block ; : pbk. -- Routledge, 2002. Vision : its development in infant & child / Arnold Gesell, Frances L. Ilg, Glenna E. Bullis. -- Optometric Extension Program Foundation, 1998. Attention in vision : perception, communication, and action / A.H.C. van der Heijden. -- Psychology Press, 2004. The psychology of graphic images : seeing, drawing, communicating / Manfredo Massironi ; translated by : alk. paper Nicola Bruno ; : alk. paper, : pbk. : alk. paper. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Eye movements and information processing during reading / edited by Ralph Radach, Alan Kennedy and Keith Rayner. -- Psychology Press, 2004. -- (A special issue of the european journal of cognitive psychology). Cognitive approaches to human perception / edited by Soledad Ballesteros. -- L. Erlbaum, 1994. Brain literacy for educators and psychologists / Virginia W. Berninger, Todd L. Richards. -- Academic Press, 2002. -- (Practical resources for the mental health professional). Learning, motivation, and cognition : the functional behaviorism of Robert C. Bolles / edited by Mark E. : hbk Bouton, Michael S. Fanselow ; : hbk. -- American Psychological Association, 1997. The handbook of emotion and memory : research and theory / edited by Sven-◆U00C5◆ke Christianson. - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992. Theories of memory / edited by Alan F. Collins ... [et : hbk al.] ; : hbk, : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum, 1993. Inhibitory processes in attention, memory, and language / edited by Dale Dagenbach, Thomas H. Carr. -- Academic Press, 1994. Memory from A to Z : keywords, concepts, and beyond / Yadin Dudai ; : pbk. -- Oxford University Press, 2004. The Praeger handbook of learning and the brain / v. 1 edited by Sheryl Feinstein ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- Praeger, 2006.Praeger handbook of learning and the brain / The v. 2 edited by Sheryl Feinstein ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- Praeger, 2006. Autobiographical memory and the construction of a narrative self : developmental and cultural perspectives / edited by Robyn Fivush, Catherine A. Haden ; : hbk. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003. Situated language and learning : a critique of traditional : hbk schooling / James Paul Gee ; : hbk, : pbk. -Routledge, 2004. -- (Literacies). Lifespan development of human memory / edited by Peter Graf and Nobuo Ohta. -- MIT Press, 2002. -(Bradford book). Human learning : an holistic approach / edited by : pbk Peter Jarvis and Stella Parker ; : pbk. -- Routledge, 2007. A mind at a time / Mel Levine. -- Simon & Schuster, 2002, 2002. Visuo-spatial working memory / Robert H. Logie. -Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995. -- (Essays in cognitive psychology). Learning and awareness / Ference Marton, Shirley Booth ; cloth : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- L. cloth : alk. paper Erlbaum Associates, 1997. -- (The educational psychology A handbookseries). of reflective and experiential learning : : hbk ISBN:0415335159 theory and practice / Jennifer A. Moon ; : pbk, : hbk. - RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. The science of learning / Joseph J. Pear ; : case, : : case pbk. -- Psychology Press, 2001. Learning : nineteen scenarios from everyday life / Gerhard Steiner ; translated by Joseph A. Smith ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1999. 10307064 なし 11129434 なし 11390697 なし 11015351 なし 10996114 なし 11038478 なし 10762607 なし 11038486 なし 10763472 なし 10761575 なし 10307171 なし 10761401 なし 10307148 なし 10309086 なし 10959153 なし 11039294 なし 11039302 なし 10320075 なし 11039245 なし 10761211 なし 11129467 なし 10762052 なし 10307098 なし 10762680 なし 11038221 なし 10308138 なし 10308229 なし 141.33 Dee 141.34 And 1 141.34 And 2 141.34 And 3 141.34 And 4 141.34 Bad 141.34 Bau 141.34 How 141.34 Mac 141.34 Mag 141.34 Tul 141.4 War 141.5 Bar 141.5 Eva 141.5 Gar : 141.5 Gig : 141.5 Gri 141.5 Nod 141.5 Rob 141.5 Rob 141.5 Ste 141.5 Ste 141.5 Ste 141.5 Taf : : : : : : The psychology of learning / James Deese. -- 2nd ed.. -- McGraw-Hill, 1958. -- (McGraw-Hill series in psychology). Structure of memory / edited by Jackie Andrade. -Routledge, 2008. -- (Critical concepts in psychology . Memory / edited by Jackie Andrade ; v. 1). Memory processes / edited by Jackie Andrade. -Routledge, 2008. -- (Critical concepts in psychology . Memory / edited by Jackie Andrade ; v. 2). Working memory / edited by Jackie Andrade. -Routledge, 2008. -- (Critical concepts in psychology . Memory / edited by Jackie Andrade ; v. 3). Constraints on memory / edited by Jackie Andrade. -Routledge, 2008. -- (Critical concepts in psychology . Memory / edited by Jackie Andrade ; v. 4). Working memory, thought, and action / Alan Baddeley ; hbk : hbk, : pbk. -- Oxford University Press, 2007. -(Oxford psychology series ; no. 45). Remembering the times of our lives : memory in infancy and beyond / Patricia J. Bauer ; : pbk. -Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007. -- (The developing mind series). Introduction to human memory : a psychological approach / [by] Michael J. A. Howe. -- Harper & Row, 1970. -- (Harper's experimental psychology series). Prospective memory : an overview and synthesis of an emerging field / Mark A. McDaniel, Gilles O. Einstein. - SAGE Publications, 2007. -- (Cognitive psychology program). Everyday memory / edited by Svein Magnussen and hardback Tore Helstrup ; : hardback. -- Psychology Press, 2007. The Oxford handbook of memory / edited by Endel Tulving, Fergus I.M. Craik. -- Oxford University Press, 2000. Attention : a neuropsychological approach / Antony Ward ; : pbk, : hbk. -- Psychology Press, 2004. -(Psychology focus). Cognitive psychology : an overview for cognitive scientists / Lawrence W. Barsalou ; : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1992. -- (Tutorial essays in cognitive science). Hypothetical thinking : dual processes in reasoning and judgement / Jonathan St. B.T. Evans. -- Psychology Press, 2007. -- (Essays in cognitive psychology). How homo became sapiens : on the evolution of pbk thinking / Peter G◆U00E4◆rdenfors ; : pbk. -Oxford University Press, 2003. Bounded rationality : the adaptive toolbox / edited by G. Gigerenzer and R. Selten ; program advisory hc committee, G. Gigerenzer ... [et al.] ; : hc, : pbk. -- MIT Press, Images2001. and reasoning / edited by Pierre Grialou, Giuseppe Longo, Mitsuhiro Okada. -- 1st ed. -- Keio University, 2005. -- (Interdisciplinary conference series on reasoning studies ; v. 1). Critical lessons : what our schools should teach / Nel pbk Noddings ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2007. Methods of thought : individual differences in reasoning strategies / edited by Maxwell J. Roberts and Elizabeth J. Newton. -- Psychology Press, 2005. -(Current issues in thinking & reasoning). Problem solving / S. Ian Robertson ; : hard, : pbk. -hard Psychology Press, 2001. Environmental effects on cognitive abilities / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Elena L. Grigorenko. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Li-fang Zhang ; : cloth cloth, : pbk. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. -(The educational psychology series). Representation, memory, and development : essays in honor of Jean Mandler / edited by Nancy L. Stein, Patricia J. Bauer, Mitchell Rabinowitz. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Reading and the mental lexicon / Marcus Taft ; : pbk. pbk - Lawrence Erlbaum, 1991. -- (Essays in cognitive psychology). 11485984 なし 11193208 なし 11193216 なし 11193224 なし 11193232 なし 11210796 なし 11131984 なし 11485752 なし 11210820 なし 11210812 なし 10288314 なし 10992212 なし 10760700 なし 11210804 なし 11015211 なし 10760684 なし 11485836 なし 11278256 なし 10992238 なし 10308161 なし 10762904 なし 10762847 なし 10320083 なし 10307114 なし 141.5 Tho 141.5 Tye 141.51 A 141.51 Alb 141.51 And 141.51 Bal 141.51 Ber 141.51 Bo 141.51 Car 141.51 Cov 141.51 Daw 141.51 Dem 141.51 Dem 141.51 Den 141.51 Gop 141.51 Gos 1 141.51 Gos 2 141.51 Gos 3 141.51 Gos 4 141.51 Gos 141.51 Hah 141.51 Ham 141.51 Hea Growing minds : an introduction to congnitive hardback development / Stephanie Thornton ; : hardback, : paperback. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Consciousness, color, and content / Michael Tye. -MIT Press, 2000. -- (Representation and mind / Hilary Putnam and Ned Block, editors)(Bradford book). Cognitive foundations of natural history : towards an : hard anthropology of science / Scott Atran ; : hard, : France. -- Cambridge University Press, 1990. Visual thought : the depictive space of perception / [edited by] Liliana Albertazzi ; : hbk. -- John : hbk Benjamins Pub., 2006. -- (Advances in consciousness research ; 67). A functional theory of cognition / Norman H. Anderson. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1996. Cognitive psychology : key readings / edited by David : hbk A. Balota and Elizabeth J. Marsh ; : pbk, : hbk. -Psychology Press, 2004. -- (Key readings in cognition). Education and mind in the knowledge age / by Carl Bereiter. -- Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002. Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism / edited by Pascal Boyer. -- Cambridge University Press, 1993. Cognition and instruction : Twenty-five years of progress / edited by Sharon M. Carver, David Klahr ; : : cloth cloth, : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2001. -(Carnegie Mellon symposia on cognition). Saying, seeing, and acting : the psychological semantics of spatial prepositions / Kenny R. Coventry, : hbk Simon C. Garrod ; : hbk. -- Psychology Press, 2004. -(Essays in cognitive psychology). Understanding cognitive science / Michael Dawson ; : pbk. -- Blackwell, 1998. Cognitive developmental change : theories, models and measurement / edited by Andreas Demetriou and Athanassios Raftopoulos. -- Cambridge University Press, 2004. -- (Cambridge studies in cognitive perceptual development). Unity and modularity in the mind and the self : studies on the relationships between self-awareness, personality, and intellectual development from childhood to adolescence / Andreas Demetriou and Smaragda Kazi. -- Routledge, 2001. -- (International library of psychology ; 1). The primordial emotions : the dawning of :hbk consciousness / Derek Denton ; hbk. -- Oxford University Press, and 2005. Words, thoughts, theories / Alison Gopnik and Andrew N. Meltzoff ; : hbk, : pbk. -- MIT Press, 1997. : pbk - (The MIT Press series in learning, development, and conceptual change). Objects and concepts : the physical world / edited by Usha Goswami. -- Routledge, 2007. -- (Critical concepts in psychology . Cognitive development / edited by Usha Goswami ; v. 1). Language development and the psychological world / edited by Usha Goswami. -- Routledge, 2007. -(Critical concepts in psychology . Cognitive development / edited by Usha Goswami ; v. 2). Learning, memory, and reasoning / edited by Usha Goswami. -- Routledge, 2007. -- (Critical concepts in psychology . Cognitive development / edited by Usha Goswami ; v. 3). The Development of literacy and numeracy, and aspects of atypical development (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and autism) / edited by Usha Goswami. -- Routledge, 2007. -- (Critical concepts in psychology . Cognitive development / edited by Usha Goswami ; v. 4). Cognitive development : the learning brain / Usha : pbk Goswami ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Psychology Press, 2008. Similarity and categorization / Ulrike Hahn, Michael Ramscar ; : hbk. -- Oxford University Press, 2001. Social cognition : key readings / edited by David L. : hardcover Hamilton ; : hardcover, : pbk. -- Psychology Press, 2005. -- (Key readings in social psychology). Experimental cognitive psychology and its applications / edited by Alice F. Healy. -- American Psychological Association, 2005. -- (Decade of behavior). 10314391 なし 11015336 なし 10607000 なし 11129418 なし 10761609 なし 10993855 なし 10761997 なし 10607026 なし 10762045 なし 11038494 なし 10308286 なし 11038957 なし 10762110 なし 11015096 なし 10761948 なし 11130820 なし 11130838 なし 11130846 なし 11130853 なし 11193240 なし 10288264 なし 10992477 なし 10992147 なし 141.51 Hen 141.51 Hon 141.51 Hou 141.51 Hum 141.51 Hum 141.51 Joh 141.51 Lam 141.51 Lev 141.51 Mat 141.51 Mcc 141.51 Mcc 141.51 Med 141.51 Mor 141.51 Mos 141.51 Oak 141.51 Pay 141.51 Pet 141.51 Poh 141.51 Ree 141.51 Ree 141.51 Ric 141.51 S 141.51 Sch 141.51 Sch 141.51 Sie 141.51 Spe Why humans cooperate : a cultural and evolutionary alk. paper explanation / Natalie Henrich, Joseph Henrich. -Oxford University Press, 2007. -- (Evolution and cognition). : the normative foundations of critical Disrespect : pbk theory / Axel Honneth ; : pbk. -- Polity, 2007. Dictionary of cognitive science : neuroscience, psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and philosophy / Olivier Houd◆U00E9◆, editor, with Daniel Kayser ... [et al.] ; Vivian Waltz, translator ; Christian Cav◆U00E9◆, scientific advisor. -Psychology Seeing red : Press, a study2004. in consciousness / Nicholas Humphrey. -- Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006. The inner eye / Nicholas Humphrey ; with illustrations by Mel Calman. -- Oxford University Press, 2002. Brain development and cognition : a reader / [edited by] Mark H. Johnson, Yuko Munakata, and Rick O. : hard Gilmore ; : hard, : pb. -- 2nd ed. -- Blackwell Publishers,of2002. Handbook cognition / edited by Koen Lamberts and Robert L. Goldstone. -- Sage Publications, 2005. Thinking and seeing : visual metacognition in adults and children / edited by Daniel T. Levin ; : hc, : pbk. -MIT Press, 2004. -- (Bradford book). Foundations of perception / George Mather ; : hbk, : : pbk pbk. -- 1st ed. -- Psychology Press, 2006. Mechanisms of cognitive development : behavioral and neural perspectives / edited by James L. McClelland, : pbk Robert S. Siegler ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001. -- (Carnegie Mellon symposia on cognition). Mechanisms of cognitive development : behavioral and neural perspectives / edited by James L. McClelland, : cloth Robert S. Siegler ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001. -- (Carnegie Mellon symposia on cognition). Cognitive psychology / Douglas L. Medin, Brian H. Ross, Arthur B. Markman. -- 4th ed. -- Wiley, 2005. The cognitive psychology of planning / edited by Robin : hardcover Morris and Geoff Ward ; : hardcover. -- Psychology Press, 2005. -- (Current issues in thinking & reasoning). Social cognition : understanding self and others / Gordon B. Moskowitz ; : hc, : pbk. -- Guilford Press, 2005. -- (Texts in social psychology / editor, Abraham Tesser). Cognitive development / Lisa Oakley ; : hbk, : pbk. -pbk Routledge, 2004. -- (Routledge modular psychology). Cognitive psychology / David G. Payne, Michael J. Wenger. -- Houghton Mifflin, 1998. Perception of faces, objects, and scenes : analytic and holistic processes / edited by Mary A. Peterson and Gillian Rhodes. -- Oxford University Press, 2003. -(Advances in visual cognition / series editors, Gillian Rhodes, Mary A. Peterson). Cognitive illusions : a handbook on fallacies and biases in thinking, judgement and memory / edited by R◆ : hbk U00FC◆diger F. Pohl ; : hbk. -- Psychology Press, 2004. Cognition : theory and applications / Stephen K. Reed. [Study Guide] -- 5th ed. -- Wadsworth, 2000. Cognition : theory and applications / Stephen K. Reed. -- 5th ed. -- Wadsworth, 2000. Models of cognitive development / Ken Richardson ; : : hbk hbk, : pbk. -- Psychology Press, 1998. Causal cognition : a multidisciplinary debate / edited by Dan Sperber, David Premack, and Ann James Premack. -- Clarendon Press, 1995. -- (A Fyssen Foundation symposium). Young children's cognitive development : interrelationships among executive functioning, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind / edited by Wolfgang Schneider, Ruth Schumann-Hengsteler, Beate Sodian. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2005. Objects and attention / edited by Brian J. Scholl ; : : pbk. pbk.. -- MIT Press, c2002, 2002. -- (Cognition special issues). minds : the process of change in children's Emerging thinking / Robert S. Siegler ; : pbk. -- Oxford University Press, 1998. Beyond the learning curve : the construction of mind / : pbk Craig P. Speelman, Kim Kirsner ; : pbk. -- Oxford University Press, 2005. 11054608 なし 11132545 なし 10983757 なし 11054566 なし 11054574 なし 10762193 なし 10992253 なし 10993947 なし 11038866 なし 10763407 なし 10762698 なし 11038767 なし 10992246 なし 10992436 なし 10395366 なし 10308336 なし 10321313 なし 10992220 なし 10288231 なし 10288249 なし 10309094 なし 10607018 なし 10992196 なし 11015344 なし 10288439 なし 11038858 なし 141.51 Stu 141.51 Ter 141.51 Tha 141.51 Tom 141.51 Wa 141.51 Wag 141.6 Arc 141.6 Bre 141.6 Bro 141.6 Clu 141.6 Csi 141.6 Dav 141.6 Fra 141.6 Mac 141.6 Saa 141.6 San 141.62 Cas 141.67 Fri 141.7 Ban 141.7 Cli 141.7 Gro 141.72 Adv 141.72 Adv 141.72 Dec 141.8 Car 141.8 Har 141.9 Bol Dictionary of cognitive psychology / Ian StuartHamilton ; : pbk. -- revised ed.. -- J. Kingsley, 1996. The missing link in cognition : origins of self-reflective consciousness / edited by Herbert S. Terrace and Janet Metcalfe. -- Oxford University Press, 2005. Mind : introduction to cognitive science / Paul Thagard. -- MIT Press, 1996. The cultural origins of human cognition / Michael : pbk Tomasello ; : pbk. -- Harvard University Press, 2000. Comparative analysis of mind / edited by Shigeru Watanabe. -- Keio University, 2003. -- (Series of Centre for Integrated Research on the Mind). Human intellect and cognitive science : toward a general unified theory of intelligence / Morton Wagman. -- Praeger, 1996. The nature of grief : the evolution and psychology of reactions to loss / John Archer ; pbk.. -- Routledge, 1999. Emotion and motivation / edited by Marilynn B. Brewer and Miles Hewstone. -- Blackwell Pub., 2004. -(Perspectives on social psychology). Gender, emotion, and the family / Leslie Brody ; : pbk. -- Harvard University Press, 1999. Adult attachment and couple psychotherapy : the 'secure base' in practice and research / edited by : hbk Christopher Clulow ; : hbk, : pbk. -- BrunnerRoutledge, 2001. Flow : the psychology of optimal experience / Mihaly : pbk Csikszentmihalyi ; : pbk. -- HarperPerennial ModernClassics, 2008. Shadows in the sun : the experiences of sibling bereavement in childhood / Betty Davis ; case : alk. pbk. : alk. paper paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- Brunner/Mazel, 1999. -(Series in death, dying, and bereavement). The psychology of happiness : a good human life / : pbk Samuel S. Franklin ; : hardback, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2010. The psychology of emotion : morbid and normal / John T. MacCurdy ; : set. -- Routledge, 1999. -(International library of psychology . Abnormal and clinical psychology ; 12). The development of emotional competence / Carolyn Saarni ; foreword by Ross A. Thompson ; : hard, : pbk. : hard - Guilford Press, 1999. -- (The Guilford series on social and emotional development). Grief : the mourning after : dealing with adult bereavement / Catherine M. Sanders. -- 2nd ed. -Wiley, 1999.of attachment : theory, research, and clinical Handbook : hard applications / edited by Jude Cassidy, Phillip R. Shaver ; : hard, : pbk. -- Guilford Press, 1999. Human facial expression : an evolutionary view / Alan J. Fridlund. -- Academic Press, 1994. Self-efficacy : the exercise of control / Albert : pbk Bandura ; : pbk. -- W.H. Freeman, 1997. Ordinal measurement in the behavioral sciences / Norman Cliff. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003. Aggression and war : their biological and social bases / : pbk edited by Jo Groebel, Robert A. Hinde ; : hbk, : pbk. -Cambridge University Press, 1989. Advances in motivation and achievement : a research v. 10 : 1997 annual ; v. 7 : 1991, v. 10 : 1997. -- JAI Press, 1991. The role of context / volume editor, Timothy C. Urdan. 11 -- JAI Press, 1999. -- (Advances in motivation and achievement : a research annual ; v. 11, 1999). Why we do what we do : understanding self-motivation / Edward L. Deci with Richard Flaste. -- Penguin Books, 1996. -- (Penguin books . Psychology business).psychology : the science of happiness and Positive human strengths / Alan Carr. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2004. Thinking : psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment and decision making / edited by David Hardman and Laura Macchi. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2003. Kompensation und Common Sense : zur Lebensphilosophie Alfred Adlers. -- Hain bei Athen◆ U00E4◆um, 1985. : pbk 10 10306942 なし 10992204 なし 10307122 なし 11015294 なし 11485851 なし 10307130 なし 10386597 なし 10959179 なし 10310217 なし 10762409 なし 11464674 なし 10309854 なし 11535051 なし 10308591 なし 10308989 なし 10314367 なし 10308468 なし 10307247 なし 11464716 なし 10764827 なし 11054483 なし 10308054 なし 10308062 なし 11446556 なし 11038155 なし 11038429 なし 11468980 なし 141.9 Boy 1 141.9 Boy 2 141.9 Boy 3 141.9 Boy 4 141.9 Cha 141.9 Coo 141.9 De 1 v. 1 141.9 De 2 v. 2 141.9 Dob pbk 141.9 Eys : hbk 141.9 Rot 141.9 Sak 141.92 Bar 141.92 Car 141.92 Gar 141.92 Hef 141.93 Aue 141.93 Bru : hbk 141.93 Cap : hb 141.93 Dec : pbk 141.93 Eng 141.93 Eri : pbk : pbk : hbk : pbk Intelligence / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske. -- SAGE, 2004. -- (Sage benchmarks in psychology . The psychology of individual differences / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske ; v. 1). Personality / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske. -- SAGE, 2004. -- (Sage benchmarks in psychology . The psychology of individual differences / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske ; v. 2). Cognition, emotion and conation / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske. -- SAGE, 2004. -(Sage benchmarks in psychology . The psychology of individual differences / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske ; v. 3). Clinical and applied research / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske. -- SAGE, 2004. -(Sage benchmarks in psychology . The psychology of individual differences / edited by Gregory J. Boyle and Donald H. Saklofske ; v. 4). Self-criticism and self-enhancement : theory, research, and clinical implications / edited by Edward C. Chang. -- 1st ed. -- American Psychological Association, 2008. / Colin Cooper ; : pbk. -- Arnold, Individual differences 1998. Characters and events : popular essays in social and political philosophy / Edited by Joseph Ratner ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Octagon Books, 1970. Characters and events : popular essays in social and political philosophy / Edited by Joseph Ratner ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Octagon Books, 1970. Entwicklung des Ichs / herausgegeben von Rainer D◆ U00F6◆bert, J◆U00FC◆rgen Habermas und GertrudNunner-Winkler ; pbk. -- Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1977. -- (Neue wissenschaftliche Bibliothek ; Soziologie ; 90). Individual differences : normal and abnormal / Michael W. Eysenck ; : hbk, : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1994. -- (Principles of psychology). Die Schichten der Pers◆U00F6◆nlichkeit / von Erich Rothacker. -- 7. Aufl. -- H. Bouvier, 1966. Individual differences in children and adolescents / Donald H. Saklofske, Sybil B.G. Eysenck, editors ; with a new introduction by the editors ; : pbk. -Transaction Publishers, 1998. Ecological psychology : concepts and methods for studying the environment of human behavior / Roger G. Barker. -- Stanford University Press, 1968. Evolutionary explanations of human behaviour / John H. Cartwright ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2001. -(Routledge modular psychology . Comparative psychology). Nature and nurture : the complex interplay of genetic and environmental influences on human behavior and development / edited by Cynthia Garc◆U00ED◆a Coll, Elaine L. Bearer, Richard M. Lerner. -- Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. Ecological psychology in context : James Gibson, Roger Barker, and the legacy of William James's radical empiricism / Harry Heft. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2001. -- (Resources for ecological psychology). Person und Verantwortung : zur Bedeutung und Begr ◆U00FC◆ndung von Personalit◆U00E4◆t / hrsg. von Annette Schavan u. Bernhard Welte ; mit Beitr. von Alfons Auer ... [et al.]. -- 1. Aufl. -- PatmosVerlag, 1980. -- (Patmos Paperbacks). Personality : a cognitive approach / Jo BrunasWagstaff ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 1998. -(Psychology Personality : focus). determinants, dynamics, and potentials / Gian Vittorio Caprara, Daniel Cervone ; : hb, : pbk. -Cambridge University Press, 2000. Handbook of self-determination research / edited by Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan ; : pbk. -- University of Rochester Press, 2004. Personality theories : an introduction / Barbara Engler. -- 5th ed. -- Houghton Mifflin, 1999. Identity : youth and crisis / Erik H. Erikson ; : pbk. -W. W. Norton, 1994. -- (Austen Riggs monograph ; no. 7). 10994994 なし 10995009 なし 10995017 なし 10995025 なし 11193182 なし 10307650 なし 10490852 なし 10490860 なし 11496841 なし 10307239 なし 11486966 なし 10307684 なし 10309250 なし 10761922 なし 11038197 なし 10762664 なし 11491933 なし 10307635 なし 10307643 なし 11516242 なし 10308294 なし 10309169 なし 141.93 Ewe 141.93 Eys 141.93 Per 141.93 Pet 141.93 Rob 141.93 Rud 141.93 Ste 141.93 Van 141.93 Wat 141.93 Wes 143 Aus 143 Bal 143 Bel 143 Ber 143 Ber 143 Ber 143 Bor 143 Bow 143 Bre 1 143 Bre 2 143 Bre 3 Personality : a topical approach : theories, research, major controversies, and emerging findings / Robert B. Ewen. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1998. Dimensions of personality / Hans Eysenck ; with a new pbk. : alk. paper introduction by the author ; pbk. : alk. paper. -Transaction Publishers, 1998. Personality : theory and research / Lawrence A. Pervin, Daniel Cervone and Oliver P. John ; WIE. -- 9th ed. -- John Wiley, 2005. Personality and the frontal lobes : an investigation of the psychological effects of different types of leucotomy / Asenath Petrie. -- Routledge, 1998. -(International library of psychology . Abnormal and clinical psychology ; 14). Conceiving of personality / Michael Robbins ; alk. alk. paper paper. -- Yale University Press, 1996. Six approaches to the person / edited by Ralph : pbk Ruddock ; : pbk. -- Routledge and K. Paul, 1972. Personality and intelligence / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Patricia Ruzgis ; pbk.. -- Cambridge University Press, 1994. Self and systems : explorations in contemporary self psychology / edited by Nancy VanDerHeide and William J. Coburn ; : paper. -- Blackwell Pub. on behalf : paper of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009. -(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; v. 1159). Capturing identity : quantitative and qualitative : clothbound methods / edited by Meike Watzlawik, Aristi Born ; : clothbound, : paperback. -- University Press of America, 2007. Personality development : theoretical, empirical, and clinical investigations of Loevinger's conception of ego development / edited by P. Michiel Westenberg, Augusto Blasi, Lawrence D. Cohn. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998. Developmental theories through the life cycle / Sonia : hbk G. Austrian, editor ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Columbia University Press, 2002. Lifespan development and the brain : the perspective of biocultural co-constructivism / edited by Paul B. : hardback Baltes, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, Frank R◆U00F6◆ sler ; : hardback. -- Cambridge University Press, 2006. Experiencing the lifespan / Janet Belsky. -- Worth Publishers, 2007. The developing person through the life span / : hardcover Kathleen Berger ; : hardcover, :paperback. -- 6th ed. - Worth Publishers, 2005. Development through the lifespan / Laura E. Berk. -2nd ed. -- Allyn and Bacon, 2001. Developmental science and the holistic approach / edited by Lars R. Bergman, Robert B. Cairns, Lars-G◆ U00F6◆ran Nilsson and Lars Nystedt. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. Well-being : positive development across the life course / edited by Marc H. Bornstein ... [et al.] ; : cloth. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2003. -(Crosscurrents in contemporary psychology). The making and breaking of affectional bonds / John Bowlby ; with a new introduction by Richard Bowlby. -Routledge, 2005. Theoretical perspectives on perception and cognition / edited by J. Gavin Bremner and Charlie Lewis. -- Sage Publications, 2005. -- (Sage benchmarks in psychology . Developmental psychology ; 1 . Perceptual and cognitive development ; v. 1). Infant perceptual and cognitive development / edited by J. Gavin Bremner and Charlie Lewis. -- Sage Publications, 2005. -- (Sage benchmarks in psychology . Developmental psychology ; 1 . Perceptual and cognitive development ; v. 2). Perceptual and cognitive development in childhood / edited by J. Gavin Bremner and Charlie Lewis. -- Sage Publications, 2005. -- (Sage benchmarks in psychology . Developmental psychology ; 1 . Perceptual and cognitive development ; v. 3). 10762037 なし 10307668 なし 10992428 なし 10308609 なし 10307254 なし 11485794 なし 10307262 なし 11390663 なし 11278181 なし 10762953 なし 10761583 なし 11038940 なし 11039351 なし 11038122 なし 10763373 なし 10762938 なし 10320109 なし 11038932 なし 10994960 なし 10994978 なし 10994986 なし 143 Bre 4 143 Bre 5 143 Bre 6 143 Cor 143 Cra 143. Elm 143 Eri 143 Fra 143 Fri 143 Gos 143 Har 143 Har 143 Har 143 Isa 143 Isa 143 Kee 143 Kof 143 Koo 143 Lam 143 Lan : cloth : hbk : hard cloth Theoretical perspectives / edited by Charlie Lewis and J. Gavin Bremner. -- Sage Publications, 2005. -(Sage benchmarks in psychology . Developmental psychology ; 2 . Social and language development / edited by Charlie Lewis and J. Gavin Bremner ; v. 4). Social development / edited by Charlie Lewis and J. Gavin Bremner. -- Sage Publications, 2005. -- (Sage benchmarks in psychology . Developmental psychology ; 2 . Social and language development / edited by Charlie Lewis and J. Gavin Bremner ; v. 5). Language, communication and literacy / edited by Charlie Lewis and J. Gavin Bremner. -- Sage Publications, 2005. -- (Sage benchmarks in psychology . Developmental psychology ; 2 . Social and language development / edited by Charlie Lewis and J. Gavin Bremner ; v. 6).mind : the origins of human language, The recursive thought, and civilization / Michael C. Corballis ; : cloth. -- Princeton University Press, 2011. Human development / Grace J. Craig, Don Baucum. -9th ed. -- Prentice Hall, 2002. Rethinking innateness : a connectionist perspective on development / Jeffrey L. Elman ... [et al.]. -- MIT Press, 1996. -- (Neural network modeling and connectionism ; 10). The life cycle completed / Erik H. Erikson. -Extended version with new chapters on the Ninth Stage of Development. -- W.W. Norton, 1997. Doing research with children and young people / edited by Sandy Fraser ... [et al.] ; : pbk. -- Sage, 2004. Culture and human development : the importance of cross-cultural research for the social sciences / edited by Wolfgang Friedlmeier, Pradeep Chakkarath, and Beate Schwarz. -- Psychology Press, 2005. Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development / edited by Usha Goswami. -- Blackwell, 2002. -- (Blackwell handbooks of developmental psychology). An atlas of interpersonal situations / Harold H. Kelley ... [et al.] ; : pbk.. -- Cambridge University Press, 2003. Developmental psychology : a student's handbook / Margaret Harris, George Butterworth ; : hbk, : pbk. -Psychology Press, 2002. Growing points in developmental science : an introduction / edited by Willard W. Hartup and Rainer K. Silbereisen. -- Psychology Press, 2002. Intellectual growth in young children : with an appendix on children's “Why" questions by Nathan Isaacs / Susan Isaacs ; : set. -- Routledge, 1999. -(International library of psychology ; 73 . Developmental psychology 11). Intellectual growth in young; children : with an appendix on children's “Why" questions by Nathan Isaacs / Susan Isaacs ; : set. -- Routledge, 1999. -(International library of psychology ; 73 . Developmental ; 11). An introductionpsychology to child development / Thomas Keenan ; : hard, : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 2002. -(Sage foundations of psychology series). The growth of the mind : an introduction to childpsychology / K. Koffka ; : set. -- Routledge, 1999. -(International library of psychology ; 75 . Developmental psychology ; 13). Beyond the century of the child : cultural history and developmental psychology / edited by Willem Koops and Michael Zuckerman ; : cloth. -- University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. Hunter-gatherer childhoods : evolutionary, developmental, and cultural perspectives / Barry S. Hewlett and Michael E. Lamb, editors ; cloth : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- 1st ed. -- Aldine de Gruyter, 2004. -- (Evolutionary foundations of human behavior). Vygotsky's developmental and educational psychology / Peter E. Langford ; : hardcover. -- Psychology Press, 2005. 11063815 なし 11063823 なし 11063831 なし 11562519 なし 10308963 なし 10288421 なし 10306975 なし 10321529 なし 11038973 なし 10760676 なし 10321222 なし 10761344 なし 10319895 なし 11338860 なし 10395770 なし 10762565 なし 10761419 なし 10321206 なし 10395754 なし 10395325 なし 143 Ler 1 143 Ler 2 143 Ler 3 143 Ler 4 143 Ler 143 Mil 143 Mis 143 Mos 143 Pac 143 Pas 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia Applying developmental science for youth and families : historical and theoretical foundations / editors, Richard M. Lerner, Francine Jacobs, Donald Wertlieb. - SAGE, 2003. -- (Handbook of applied developmental science : promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs ; ; v. 1). Enhancing the life chances of youth and families : contributions of programs, policies, and service systems / editors, Francine Jacobs, Donald Wertlieb, Richard M. Lerner. -- SAGE, 2003. -- (Handbook of applied developmental science : promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs ; ; v. 2). Promoting positive youth and family development : community systems, citizenship, and civil society / editors, Donald Wertlieb, Francine Jacobs, Richard M. Lerner. -- SAGE, 2003. -- (Handbook of applied developmental science : promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs ; ; v. 3). Adding value to youth and family development : the engaged university and professional and academic outreach / editors, Richard M. Lerner, Donald Wertlieb, Francine Jacobs. -- SAGE, 2003. -- (Handbook of applied developmental science : promoting positive child, adolescent, and family development through research, policies, and programs ; ; v. 4). Concepts and theories of human development / Richard M. Lerner. -- 3rd ed. -- Lawrence Erlbaum associates, 2002. Toward a feminist developmental psychology / edited : hb by Patricia H. Miller and Ellin Kofsky Scholnick ; : hb, : pb. -- Routledge, 2000. Children with developmental coordination disorder : alk. paper strategies for success / Cheryl Missiuna, editor ; alk. paper, alk. paper. -- Haworth Press, 2001. Human development across the life span : educational and psychological applications / edited by Ralph L. Mosher, Deborah J. Youngman, and James M. Day. -Praeger, 1999. Cultural and critical perspectives on human development / edited by Martin J. Packer and Mark B. Tappan ; : pbk. -- State University of New York Press, 2001. paths to constructivism : Jean Piaget and Lev Parallel : hbk. Vygotsky / by Susan Pass ; : pbk., : hbk.. -Information Age Pub., 2004. Success and understanding / by Jean Piaget ; in collaboration with M. Amann ... [et al.] ; translated from the French by Arnold J. Pomerans. -- Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). The mechanisms of perception / Jean Piaget ; translated by G.N. Seagrim. -- Routledge, 2006. -(Routledge library editions . Piaget). An introduction to Piaget / P.G. Richmond. -Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). logic : a critique of genetic epistemology / Piaget's Muriel Seltman, Peter Seltman. -- Routledge, 2006. -(Routledge library editions . Piaget). An outline of Piaget's developmental psychology / [by] Ruth M. Beard. -- Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). A teacher's guide to reading Piaget / by Molly Brearley and Elizabeth Hitchfield. -- Routledge, 2006. -(Routledge library editions . Piaget). The child's conception of movement and speed / Jean Piaget ; translated from the French by G.E.T. Holloway and M.J. Mackenzie. -- Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). Behaviour and evolution / Jean Piaget ; translated from the French by Donald Nicholson-Smith. -Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). aspects of Piaget's work : 1. An introduction to Further 'The child's conception of geometry' and 2. An introduction to 'The child's conception of space' / G.E.T. Holloway. -- Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). 10314425 なし 10314433 なし 10314441 なし 10314458 なし 10762789 なし 10763498 なし 10762839 なし 10308088 なし 10763506 なし 11038403 なし 11226578 なし 11226586 なし 11226560 なし 11226552 なし 11226651 なし 11226644 なし 11226602 なし 11226610 なし 11226628 なし 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pia 143 Pil 143 Rho 143 Ric 143 Rog 143 Sal 143 Sam 143 Sla 143 Sle 143 Sug 143 Val 143 Vid 143.07 Lew 143.1 Bor 143.1 Ell 143.2 Hob 143.3 Puy 143.3 Wal 143.5 Goo 143.5 Koh 143.5 Men : 143.5 Neu : : : : : Piaget's theory : a psychological critique / Geoffrey Brown and Charles Desforges. -- Routledge, 2006. -(Routledge library editions . Piaget). The child's conception of time / Jean Piaget ; translated [from the French] by A. J. Pomerans. -Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). sense of Piaget : the philosophical roots / Making Christine Atkinson. -- Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). Piaget and knowing : studies in genetic epistemology / edited by Beryl A. Geber. -- Routledge, 2006. -(Routledge library editions . Piaget). Jean Piaget : an interdisciplinary critique / edited by Sohan Modgil, Celia Modgil and Geoffrey Brown. -Routledge, 2006. -- (Routledge library editions . Piaget). Developmental psychology and social change : research, history and policy / edited by David B. pbk Pillemer, Sheldon H. White ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2005. -- (Cambridge studies in social and emotional development). Adult attachment : theory, research, and clinical implications / edited by W. Steven Rholes, Jeffry A. Simpson ; : [pbk.]. -- Guilford Press, 2004. Developmental psychology : how nature and nurture hardcoverinteract / Keith Richardson ; : hardcover, : paperback. -- Macmillan, 2000. The cultural nature of human development / Barbara Rogoff. -- Oxford University Press, 2003. An introduction to theories of human development / Neil J. Salkind ; : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 2004. The transactional model of development : how children and contexts shape each other / edited by Arnold Sameroff. -- American Psychological Association, 2009. The Blackwell reader in developmental psychology / alk. paper edited by Alan Slater and Darwin Muir ; : alk. paper, : pbk. -- Blackwell Publishers, 1999. Child, adolescent and family development / Phillip T. Slee ; : pbk.. -- 2nd ed. -- Cambridge University Press, 2002. Life-span development : frameworks, accounts and hbk strategies / L◆U00E9◆onieSugarman ; : hbk, : pbk. - 2nd ed. -- Psychology, 2001. Handbook of developmental psychology / edited by Jaan Valsiner and Kevin J. Connolly. -- SAGE Publications, 2003. Piaget before Piaget / Fernando Vidal. -- Harvard University Press, 1994. Conceptions of development : lessons from the laboratory / edited by David J. Lewkowicz and Robert Lickliter ; : pbk.. -- Psychology Press, 2002. The psychodynamics of gender and gender role / edited by Robert F. Bornstein and Joseph M. Masling. -- American Psychological Association, 2002. -(Empirical studies of psychoanalytic theories ; v. 10). Sex differences : summarizing more than a century of scientific research / Lee Ellis ... [et al,]. -- Psychology Press, 2008. The cradle of thought / Peter Hobson. -- Macmillan, 2002. L'enfant du jour, l'enfant de la nuit : la rencontre analytique / Remy Puyuelo. -- Delachaux et Niestle, 2002. -- (Champs psychanalytiques). Handbook of clinical child psychology / edited by C. Eugene Walker and Michael C. Roberts ; : cloth. -- 3rd ed. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2001. I know just what you mean : the power of friendship in women's lives / Ellen Goodman, Patricia O'Brien. -Simon & Schuster, 2000. Women and mental health / edited by Dora Kohen ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2000. Feminism and emotion : readings in moral and political uk philosophy / Susan Mendus ; : uk, : us. -- Macmillan, 2000.fear of the feminine and other essays on feminine The psychology / Erich Neumann ; translated from the pbk German by Boris Matthews ... [et al.] ; : pbk. -Princeton University Press, 1994. -- (Essays of Erich Neumann ; v. 4)(Bollingen series ; 61). 11226636 なし 11226594 なし 11226669 なし 11226677 なし 11226685 なし 11038965 なし 11038189 なし 10308344 なし 10321321 なし 10993962 なし 11425105 なし 10308377 なし 10278786 AV付録 なし 10762417 なし 10321479 なし 10307023 なし 10764777 なし 10314334 なし 11337813 AV付録 なし 10763530 なし 10761542 なし 10289478 なし 10310696 なし 10321412 なし 10310795 なし 10306926 なし 143.6 Hoa 143.7 Bir 143.7 Hil 143.9 Jac 143.9 Ki 143.9 Ki 143.9 Lev 143.9 Nab 143.9 Shi 143.9 Tho 145 Sel 145.7 Les 146 Laz : [pbk] 146 Mar : pbk. 146 Mij 1 146 Mij 2 146 Mij 3 146 Per 1 146 Per 2 146 Per 3 146 Per 4 146 Per 5 146 Per 6 146 Per 7 : hard : pbk : hbk Erikson on development in adulthood : new insights from the unpublished papers / Carol Hren Hoare. -Oxford University Press, 2002. Handbook of the psychology of aging / editors, James E. Birren and K. Warner Schaie ; associate editors, Ronald P. Abeles, Margaret Gatz, and Timothy A. Salthouse ; : hard, : pbk. -- 5th ed. -- Academic Press, 2001. -- (The handbooks of aging / editor-in chief, James E. Birren). The force of character : and the lasting life / James Hillman. -- Random House, 1999. Encyclopedia of multicultural psychology / edited by Yo Jackson. -- SAGE Publications, 2006. -- (A Sage reference publication). Handbook of cultural psychology / edited by Shinobu Kitayama, Dov Cohen ; : pbk. -- Guilford, 2010. Handbook of cultural psychology / edited by Shinobu Kitayama [and] Dov Cohen. -- Guilford Press, 2007. Psychological anthropology : a reader on self in culture / edited by Robert A. LeVine ; : hbk, : pbk. -- WileyBlackwell, 2010. -- (Blackwell anthologies in social and cultural anthropology ; 13). Culture and psychological development / Dabie Nabuzoka and Janet M. Empson. -- Palgrave Macmillan,frames 2010. of mind : cultural perspectives on Japanese human development / edited by Hidetada Shimizu, Robert A. LeVine ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2001. Folk psychologies across cultures / R. Murray Thomas ; : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 2001. Abnormality / Martin E.P. Seligman, David L. Rosenhan ; : pbk. -- W.W. Norton, 1998. Assessment, treatment, and prevention of suicidal behavior / edited by Robert I. Yufit and David Lester. - John Wiley, 2005. Stress, appraisal, and coping / Richard S. Lazarus, Susan Folkman ; : [pbk]. -- Springer Pub. Co., 1984. What is clinical psychology? / edited by John Marzillier and John Hall ; : hbk, : pbk.. -- 3rd ed. -- Oxford University Press, 1999. International dictionary of psychoanalysis = Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse / Alain de 1 Mijolla, editor in chief ; : set : hardcover - v. 3. -Thomson/Gale, 2005. -- (Macmillan reference USA). International dictionary of psychoanalysis = Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse / Alain de 2 Mijolla, editor in chief ; : set : hardcover - v. 3. -Thomson/Gale, 2005. -- (Macmillan reference USA). International dictionary of psychoanalysis = Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse / Alain de 3 Mijolla, editor in chief ; : set : hardcover - v. 3. -Thomson/Gale, 2005. -- (Macmillan reference USA). Foundations / volume editor, C. Eugene Walker. -Pergamon, 1998. -- (Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 1).issues / volume editor, Arthur N. Wiens. Professional - Pergamon, 1998. -- (Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v.and 2). methods / volume editor, Nina R. Research Schooler. -- Pergamon, 1998. -- (Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 3). Assessment / volume editor, Cecil R. Reynolds. -Pergamon, 1998. -- (Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; & v. adolescents 4). Children : clinical formulation & treatment / volume editor, Thomas Ollendick. -Pergamon, 1998. -- (Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen: ;clinical v. 5). formulation & treatment / volume Adults editor, Paul Salkovskis. -- Pergamon, 1998. -(Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 6). Clinical geropsychology / volume editor, Barry Edelstein. -- Pergamon, 1998. -- (Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 7). 10760775 なし 10761377 なし 10308534 なし 11187887 なし 11515376 なし 11132123 なし 11516374 なし 11535069 なし 10761468 なし 10763522 なし 10309144 なし 10991446 なし 10309102 なし 10308716 なし 11226800 なし 11226818 なし 11226826 なし 10395101 なし 10395119 なし 10395127 なし 10395135 なし 10395143 なし 10395150 なし 10395168 なし 146 Per 8 146 Per 9 146 Per 10 146 Per Idx 146 Pha 146 Tru 146.1 Coc 146.1 Isa 146.1 Koh 146.1 Lac 146.1 Lik 146.1 Mil 146.1 Mit 146.1 Moo 146.1 Par 146.1 Ric 146.1 Sch 146.1 Wal 146.13 Bet 146.13 Bra 146.13 Bra 146.13 Fre Health psychology / volume editors, Derek W. Johnston and Marie Johnston. -- Pergamon, 1998. -(Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 8). Applications in diverse populations / volume editor, Nirbhay N. Singh. -- Pergamon, 1998. -(Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 9). Sociocultural and individual differences / volume editor, Cynthia D. Belar. -- Pergamon, 1998. -(Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 10). Comprehensive clinical psychology / editors-in-chief, Indexes Alan S. Bellack, Michel Hersen ; v. 11. -- 1st ed. -Pergamon, 1998. Clinical psychology : concepts, methods, & profession / E. Jerry Phares. -- 4th ed. -- Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1992. psychology : concepts, methods, and Clinical profession / Timothy J. Trull, E. Jerry Phares ; CDROM. -- 6th ed. -- Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001. The curve of life : correspondence of Heinz Kohut, : cloth (alk.paper) 1923-1981 / edited by Geoffrey Cocks ; : cloth (alk.paper). -- University of Chicago Press, 1994. Social development young children / Susan Isaacs ; : set. -- Routledge, 1999. -- (International library of psychology ; 183 . Psychoanalysis ; 20). Heinz Kohut : the making of a psychoanalyst / Charles B. Strozier. -- Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001. ◆U00C9◆crits : the first complete edition in English / Jacques Lacan ; translated by Bruce Fink ; in : pbk collaboration with H◆U00E9◆lo◆U00EF◆se Fink and Russell Grigg ; : hardcover, : pbk. -- W.W. Norton, 2006. Klein : her work in context / Meira Likierman ; Melanie : pbk. -- Continuum, 2001. A short introduction to psychoanalysis / Jane Milton, Caroline Polmear, and Julia Fabricius ; pbk.. -- Sage Publications, 2004. -- (Short introductions to the therapy professions). Just who do we think we are? : methodologies for autobiography and self-study in teaching / edited by Claudia Mitchell, Sandra Weber, and Kathleen O'ReillyScanlon ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2005. Psychoanalysis : the major concepts / edited by Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine ; editorial board, Alvin Frank ... [et al.] ; consultants, Jacob A. Arlow ... [et al.]. -- Yale University Press, 1995. The unknown Karen Horney : essays on gender, culture, and psychoanalysis / edited with introductions by Bernard J. Paris. -- Yale University Press, 2000. Clinical applications of continuous performance tests : measuring attention and impulsive responding in children and adults / Cynthia A. Riccio, Cecil R. Reynolds, Patricia A. Lowe. -- John Wiley, 2001. The contemporary Kleinians of London / edited by Roy Schafer. -- International Universities Press, 1997. Psychoanalysis and ethics / Ernest Wallwork ; : pbk. -Yale University Press, 1991. Freud and man's soul / Bruno Bettelheim ; pbk.. -- 1st Vintage Books ed.. -- Vintage Books, 1984. The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and S◆U00E1 ◆ndor Ferenczi / edited by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, and Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch ; under the supervision of Andr◆U00E9◆ Haynal ; transcribed by 1 v. 1 Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo ; translated by Peter T. Hoffer ; introduction by Andr◆U00E9◆ Haynal ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993. The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and S◆U00E1 ◆ndor Ferenczi / edited by Eva Brabant, Ernst Falzeder, and Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch ; under the supervision of Andr◆U00E9◆ Haynal ; transcribed by 2 v. 2 Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo ; translated by Peter T. Hoffer ; introduction by Andr◆U00E9◆ Haynal ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3. -- Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993. writings and letters / Sigmund Freud ; Psychological : pbk edited by Sander L. Gilman ; : pbk. -- Continuum, 1995. -- (The German library ; v. 59). 10395176 なし 10395184 なし 10395192 なし 10395200 なし 10289387 なし 10307866 AV付録 なし 10307320 なし 11338878 なし 10760692 なし 11238383 なし 10308708 なし 10992402 なし 10991669 なし 10307353 なし 10307437 なし 10762011 なし 10307197 なし 10307049 なし 10983708 なし 10306959 なし 10306967 なし 10306991 なし 146.13 Fre 1 146.13 Fre 2 146.13 Fre 3 146.13 Fre 4 146.13 Fre 5 146.13 Fre 6 146.13 Fre 7 146.13 Fre 8 146.13 Fre 9 146.13 Fre 10 146.13 Fre 11 Pre-psycho-analytic publications and unpublished drafts. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 1. 1886-1899). Studies on hysteria / by Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 2. 1893-1895). Early psycho-analytic publications. -- Vintage, 2001. - (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 3. 1893-1899). The interpretation of dreams (first part). -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 4. 1900). The interpretation of dreams (second part) ; and, On dreams. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 5. 1900-1901). The psychopathology of everyday life. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 6. 1901). A case of hysteria ; Three essays on sexuality, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 7. 1901-1905). Jokes and their relation to the unconscious. -Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ;Jensen's v. 8. 1905). 'Gradiva', and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 9. 19061908).case histories : 'Little Hans' and the 'Rat Man'. -Two Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 10. 1909). on psycho-analysis ; Leonardo da Vinci, Five lectures and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 11. 1910). 11337888 なし 11337896 なし 11337904 なし 11337912 なし 11337920 なし 11310711 なし 11337946 なし 11310729 なし 11337961 なし 11337979 なし 11337987 なし 146.13 Fre 12 146.13 Fre 13 146.13 Fre 14 146.13 Fre 146.13 Fre 146.13 Fre 146.13 Fre 146.13 Fre 146.13 Fre The Case of Schreber ; Papers on technique, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under 11337995 the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 12. 1911-1913). Totem and taboo, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. - (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German 11338001 under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 13. 1913-1914). On the history of the psycho-analytic movement ; Papers on metapsychology, and other works. -Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / 11338019 translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ;Introductory v. 14. 1914-1916). lectures on psycho-analysis ; pts. 1 and 2, pt. 3. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / 15 pts. 1 and 2translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 15-16. 1915-1917). Introductory lectures on psycho-analysis ; pts. 1 and 2, pt. 3. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / 16 pt. 3 translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 15-16. 1915-1917). An infantile neurosis, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated 17 from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 17. 1917-1919). Beyond the pleasure principle ; Group psychology, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of 18 Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 18. 1920-1922). The ego and the id, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated 19 from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 19. 1923-1925). An autobiographical study ; Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety ; The question of lay analysis, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / 20 translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ;New v. 20. 1925-1926). introductory lectures on psycho-analysis, and 146.13 Fre 22 146.13 Fre 21 なし なし なし 11338027 なし 11338035 なし 11338043 なし 11338050 なし 11338068 なし 11338076 なし other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under 11338092 the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 22. 1932-1936). The future of an illusion ; Civilization and its discontents, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -(The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German 11338084 under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 21. 1927-1931). なし なし 146.13 Fre 146.13 Fre 146.13 Mah 146.13 Roa 146.15 Jun 146.15 Jun 146.2 Ban 146.3 Lop 146.8 Ald 146.8 Axl 146.8 Ber 146.8 Big 146.8 Bow 146.8 Bro 146.8 Cai 146.8 Cas 146.8 Cas 146.8 Cat 146.8 Cha 146.8 Dal 146.8 Den 146.8 Dob 146.8 Han Moses and monotheism ; An outline of psychoanalysis, and other works. -- Vintage, 2001. -- (The Standard edition of the complete psychological works 23 of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey, in collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 23. 1937-1939). The Standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud / translated from the German under general editorship of James Strachey, in 24 v. 24. Indexes andthe bibliographies collaboration with Anna Freud ; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson ; v. 24. Indexes and bibliographies. Vintage, 2001. historical, and textual Freud's Dora : -a psychoanalytic, : alk. paper study / Patrick J. Mahony ; : alk. paper. -- Yale University Press, 1996. Meeting Freud's family / Paul Roazen ; : hard. -: hard University of Massachusetts Press, 1993. The spirit in man, art, and literature / C.G. Jung ; translated by R.F.C. Hull. -- Routledg, 1966. -- (The collected works of C.G. Jung / editors, Sir Herbert Read, Michael Fordham, Gerhard Adler ; v. 15). The Zofingia lectures / C.G. Jung ; translated by Jan van Heurck ; with an introduction by Marie-Louise von Franz ; : hbk. -- Routledge, 2000. -- (The collected works of C.G. Jung / editors, Sir Herbert Read, Michael Fordham, Gerhard Adler ; Supplementary v. A). Self-efficacy in changing societies / edited by Albert : pbk Bandura ; : pbk. -- 1st paperback ed. -- Cambridge University Press, 1997. Positive psychological assessment : a handbook of models and measures / edited by Shane J. Lopez and C.R. Snyder. -- 1st ed. -- American Psychological Association, 2003. Case study designs in music therapy / edited by David Aldridge ; : pbk. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005. Dibs : in search of self : personality development in play therapy / Virginia M. Axline. -- Penguin, 1990. -(Penguin books . Penguin psychology). Basic concepts in family therapy : an introductory text / Linda Berg-Cross ; pbk.. -- 2nd ed. -- Haworth Press, 2000. Dictionary of counseling / Donald A. Biggs ; with the assistance of Gerald Porter. -- Greenwood Press, 1994. literature to help troubled teenagers cope with Using health issues / edited by Cynthia Ann Bowman ; foreword by Jan Cheripko. -- Greenwood Press, 2000. -- (The Greenwood Press Using literature to help troubled teenagers series). Handbook of counseling psychology / edited by Steven D. Brown, Robert W. Lent. -- 3rd ed. -- J. Wiley & Sons, 2000. Humanistic psychotherapies : handbook of research and practice / David J. Cain, editor, Julius Seeman, associate editor. -- American Psychological Association, 2002. Drama, psychotherapy and psychosis : dramatherapy and psychodrama with people who hear voices / John : hbk Casson ; [foreword by Zerka Moreno ; afterword by Sue Jennings] ; : pbk, : hbk. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2004. in psychotherapy / edited by Louis G. Insight Castonguay and Clara E. Hill. -- 1st ed. -- American Psychological Association, 2007. Introduction to play therapy / Ann Cattanach ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2003. Intuition in psychotherapy and counselling / Rachel Charles. -- Whurr, 2004. An introduction to family therapy : systemic theory and : hbk. practice / Rudi Dallos and Ros Draper ; : hbk., : pbk.. - Open University Press, 2000. Sudden death in childhood : support for the bereaved family / Ann Dent, Alison Stewart ; forewords by Gordon Riches, Jean Simons. -- Butterworth Heinemann,of2004. Handbook cognitive-behavioral therapies / edited by Keith S. Dobson. -- 2nd ed. -- Guilford Press, 2001. Therapy with difficult clients : using the precursors model to awaken change / Fred J. Hanna. -- American Psychological Association, 2002. 11338100 なし 11338118 なし 10307338 なし 10306900 なし 10307445 なし 10307452 なし 11446630 なし 10321255 なし 10395648 なし 11249786 なし 10308427 なし 10307379 なし 10307924 なし 10356475 なし 10761195 なし 10991966 なし 11093085 なし 11249695 なし 10395564 なし 10761989 なし 10959104 なし 10308484 なし 10761187 なし 146.8 Hor 146.8 Jon 146.8 Jun 146.8 Kad 146.8 Kap 146.8 Kay 146.8 Kes 146.8 Kne 146.8 Lee 146.8 Lie 146.8 Lie 146.8 May 146.8 Mos 146.8 Nee 146.8 Nel 146.8 Nic 146.8 Nie 146.8 Osb 146.8 Pav 146.8 Pay 146.8 Phi 146.8 Raz 146.8 Rog 146.8 Rog 146.8 Rog The therapeutic process : essays and lectures / Karen : alk. paper Horney ; edited with an introduction by Bernard J. Paris ; : alk. paper. -- Yale University Press, 1999. The arts therapies : a revolution in healthcare / Phil Jones ; : hbk. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2005. Counseling across the lifespan : prevention and treatment / edited by Cindy L. Juntunen, Donald R. Atkinson. -- Sage, 2002. Contemporary play therapy : theory, research, and :hbk practice / edited by Charles E. Schaefer, Heidi Gerard Kaduson ; :hbk. -- Guilford Press, 2006. Art, science and art therapy : repainting the picture / hb. Frances F. Kaplan ; pbk., hb.. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2000. Using literature to help troubled teenagers cope with family issues / edited by Joan F. Kaywell. -Greenwood Press, 1999. -- (The Greenwood Press Using literature to help troubled teenagers series). Psyche and helix : psychological aspects of genetic counseling / edited by Robert G. Resta ; essays by Seymour Kessler. -- John Wiley, 2000. Cognitive-behavioral play therapy / Susan M. Knell. -J. Aronson, 1993. An introduction to multicultural counseling / Wanda : case M.L. Lee ; : case, : paper. -- Accelerated Development, 1999. Art therapy for groups : a handbook of themes and : pbk exercises / Marian Liebmann ; : pbk, : hbk. -- 2nd ed. - Brunner-Routledge, 2004. Healing plots : the narrative basis of psychotherapy / edited by Amia Lieblich, Dan P. McAdams, and : hbk Ruthellen Josselson ; : hbk. -- American Psychological Association, 2004. Feminist family therapy / edited by Kathleen M. May. - American Counseling Association, 2001. -- (The family psychology and counseling series). Drawing the line : art therapy with the difficult client / Lisa B. Moschini ; : pbk. -- J. Wiley, 2005. Cognitive therapy : 100 key points and techniques / : hbk Michael Neenan and Windy Dryden ; : hbk, : pbk. -Brunner-Routledge, 2004. Introduction to counselling skills : texts & activities / Richard Nelson-Jones ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- SAGE, 2005. Handbook of family development and intervention / edited by William C. Nichols ... [et al.] ; : cloth. -- J. : cloth Wiley, 2000. -- (Wiley series in couples and family dynamics and treatment). Counseling and psychotherapy with religious persons : a rational emotive behavior therapy approach / Stevan Lars Nielsen, W.Brad Johnson, Albert Ellis ; : cloth. -: cloth Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. -- (The LEA series in personality and clinical psychology / Irving B. Weiner, editor). Career development, assessment, and counseling : applications of the Donald E. Super C-DAC approach / W. Larry Osborne ... [et al.]. -- American Counseling Association, 1997. Community music therapy / Merc◆U00E9◆d◆U00E8 ◆s Pavlicevic and Gary Ansdell ; foreword by Even Ruud. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004. Dance movement therapy : theory, research and : hbk practice / edited by Helen Payne ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Routledge, 2006. Nonverbal behavior in clinical settings / edited by Pierre Philippot, Robert S. Feldman, and Erik J. Coats. -- Oxford University Press, 2003. -- (Series in affective science / editors, Richard J. Davidson, Paul Ekman, Klaus R. Scherer). Healing trauma : the power of group treatment for people with intellectual disabilities / Nancy J. Razza and Daniel J. Tomasulo. -- American Psychological Association, 2005. Psychotherapy and counselling : a professional business / Cynthia Rogers ; : pbk. -- Whurr, 2004. Counseling and psychotherapy : newer concepts in practice / by Carl R. Rogers. -- H. Mifflin, 1942. The Carl Rogers reader / edited by Howard : pbk Kirschenbaum and Valerie Land Henderson ; : pbk. -Houghton Mifflin, 1989. 10308559 なし 10991412 なし 10762003 なし 11093077 なし 10308633 なし 10308021 なし 10289601 なし 11093069 なし 10308690 なし 11039146 なし 11015328 なし 10310407 なし 10991453 AV付録 なし 11039278 なし 10992410 なし 10761724 なし 10762771 なし 10307593 なし 10395655 なし 11130861 なし 11037843 なし 11037868 なし 10395572 なし 11227071 なし 11227089 なし 146.8 Sil 146.8 Som 146.8 Sto 146.8 Sug 146.8 Sug 146.8 Wac 146.8 Wac 146.8 Wat 146.8 Wat 146.8 Wei 146.802 Fre 146.82 All 146.82 Aye 146.82 Bel 146.82 Ben 146.82 Blo 146.82 Buc 146.82 Cat 146.82 Che 146.82 Cre 146.82 Dre 146.82 Edg 146.82 Fra Aggression and depression assessed through art : using Draw-A-Story to identify children and adolescents at risk / edited by Rawley Silver ; : pbk.. - Brunner-Routledge, 2005. Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice : skills, strategies, and techniques / John Sommers-Flanagan, Rita Sommers-Flanagan. -- J. Wiley & Sons, 2004. The evidence-based practice : methods, models, and tools for mental health professionals / edited by Chris E. Stout and Randy A. Hayes. -- J. Wiley & Sons, 2005. Counselling and the life course / L◆U00E9◆onie : pbk Sugarman ; : pbk. -- SAGE, 2004. -- (Professional skills for counsellors). Counselling and the life course / L◆U00E9◆onie : pbk Sugarman ; : pbk. -- SAGE, 2004. -- (Professional skills for counsellors). Psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, and the relational world / Paul L. Wachtel. -- 1st ed. -- American Psychological Association, 1997. Theories of psychotherapy : origins and evolution / :pbk. edited by Paul L. Wachtel and Stanley B. Messer ; :pbk.. -- American Psychological Association, 1997. Testing and assessment in counseling practice / edited by C. Edward Watkins, Jr., Vicki L. Campbell ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. -- (Vocational psychology). Music therapy with adults with learning difficulties / hardback edited by Tessa Watson ; hardback, pbk.. -- Routledge, 2007. Comprehensive guide to interpersonal psychotherapy / Myrna M. Weissman, John C. Markowitz and Gerald L. Klerman. -- Basic Books, 2000. -- (Basic behavioral science). History of psychotherapy : a century of change / edited by Donald K. Freedheim ; associate editors, Herbert J. Freudenberger ... [et al.]. -- American Psychological Association, 1992. Ready, set, relax : a research-based program of relaxation, learning, and self-esteem for children / by Jeffrey S. Allen and Roger J. Klein ; alk. paper. -- 1st ed. -- Inner Coaching, 1996. Mother-infant attachment and psychoanalysis : the eyes of shame / Mary Ayers ; : hbk., : pbk.. -Brunner-Routledge, 2003. Handbook of behavioral and emotional problems in girls / edited by Debora Bell, Sharon L. Foster, Eric J. Mash. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2005. - (Issues in clinical child psychology). The purpose of counselling and psychotherapy / Michael Bennett ; : pbk. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Helping children with aggression and conduct problems : best practices for intervention / Michael L. Bloomquist, Steven V. Schnell ; foreword by John E. Lochman. -- Guilford Press, 2002. A practical art therapy / Susan I. Buchalter ; pbk.. -Jessica Kingsley, 2004. Narrative approaches in play with children / Ann Cattanach. -- Jessica Kingsley, 2008. Techniques of child therapy : psychodynamic : cloth strategies / Morton Chethik ; : cloth, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Guilford Press, 2000. A handbook of play therapy with aggressive children / : cloth David A Crenshaw, John B. Mordock ; : cloth : alk. paper. -- Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. School-based play therapy / edited by Athena A. : cloth Drewes, Lois J. Carey, Charles E. Schaefer ; : cloth. -John Wiley, 2001. Anna Freud : a view of development, disturbance and therapeutic techniques / Rose Edgcumbe ; : hbk., : : hbk. pbk.. -- Routledge, 2000. -- (The Makers of modern psychotherapy). On the theory and therapy of mental disorders : an introduction to logotherapy and existential analysis / Viktor E. Frankl ; translated by James M. DuBois. -Brunner-Routledge, 2004. 10991396 なし 11038668 なし 10992451 なし 10394799 なし 11037850 なし 10307361 なし 10307395 なし 10761476 なし 11063856 なし 10308823 なし 10307007 なし 10289346 なし 10321792 なし 10992469 なし 10394781 なし 10762268 なし 10394773 なし 11130903 なし 10308476 なし 10992378 なし 10760734 なし 10308492 なし 10991404 なし 146.82 Git 146.82 Gut 146.82 Gut 146.82 Har 146.82 Kad 146.82 Kar 146.82 Kaz 146.82 Kot 146.82 Lan 146.82 Mos 146.82 Orv 146.82 Oso 146.82 Ost 146.82 Pfe 146.82 Pro 146.82 Rus 146.82 Tro 146.82 Tud 146.82 Vas 146.89 McL 146.89 Orl 146.89 Wei Play diagnosis and assessment / edited by Karen Gitlin-Weiner, Alice Sandgrund, Charles Schaefer. -2nd ed. -- Wiley, 2000. Relationship development intervention with children, adolescents and adults : social and emotional development activities for Asperger Syndrome, autism, PDD and NLD / Steven E. Gutstein and Rachelle K. Sheely. -- Jessica Kingsley, 2002. Relationship development intervention with young children : social and emotional development activities for Asperger syndrome, autism, PDD and NLD / Steven E. Gutstein and Rachelle K. Sheely. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2002. Resilient therapy : Working with children and families / hbk. Angie Hart & Derek Blincow with Helen Thomas ; hbk., pbk.. -- Routledge, 2007. Short-term play therapy for children / edited by Heidi Gerard Kaduson, Charles E. Schaefer ; : pbk.. -Guilford Press, 2000. Play as therapy : assessment and therapeutic interventions / edited by Karen Stagnitti and Rodney : alk. paper Cooper ; forewords by Steve Harvey and Gail Whiteford ; : alk. paper. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009. Psychotherapy for children and adolescents : directions for research and practice / Alan E. Kazdin. - Oxford University Press, 2000. Play therapy : basics and beyond / by Terry Kottman. -- American Counseling Association, 2001. The handbook of child and adolescent psychotherapy : psychoanalytic approaches / edited by Monica : hbk Lanyado and Ann Horne ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 1999. pop your cork on Mondays! : the children's antiDon't stress book / written by Adolph Moser ; illustrated by Dav Pilkey ; lib. bdg.. -- Landmark Editions, 1988. Handbook of conceptualization and treatment of child psychopathology / edited by Helen Orvaschel, Jan Faust, Michel Hersen. -- Pergamon, 2001. Young children and trauma : intervention and treatment / edited by Joy D. Osofsky ; foreword by Kyle D. Pruett. -- Guilford Press, 2004. Using drawings in assessment and therapy : a guide for mental health professionals / Gerald D. Oster, Patricia Gould Crone ; : hardcover, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -Brunner-Routledge, 2004. Innovative mental health interventions for children : programs that work / Steven I. Pfeiffer, Linda A. Reddy, editors. -- Haworth Press, 2001. Counseling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents : theory and practice for school and clinical settings / edited by H. Thompson Prout and Douglas T. Brown. -- 3rd ed. -- John Wiley, 1999. Play in child development and psychotherapy : toward empirically supported practice / Sandra W. Russ ; alk. paper. -- Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. The importance of fathers : a psychoanalytic reevaluation / Judith Trowell and Alicia Etchegoyen ; : : hbk hbk, : pbk. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2002. -- (New library of psychoanalysis ; 42). The person-centred approach : a contemporary introduction / Louise Embleton Tudor ... [et al.] ; : pbk. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. The developmental psychopathology of anxiety / : cloth Michael W. Vasey, Mark R. Dadds, editors ; : cloth. -Oxford University Press, 2001. The counsellor's workbook : developing a personal approach / John McLeod. -- Open University Press, 2004. How psychotherapists develop : a study of therapeutic work and professional growth / David E. Orlinsky, Michael Helge R◆U00F8◆nnestad and the Collaborative Research Network of the Society for Psychotherapy Research ; with contributions by Hansruedi Amb◆U00FC◆hl ... [et al.]. -- 1st ed. -American Psychological Association, 2005. Therapist's guide to self-care / Lillie Weiss ; : hardback. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2004. 10307551 なし 10762805 なし 10762797 なし 11063898 なし 10308930 なし 11535226 なし 10308641 なし 10761591 なし 10308542 なし 10289338 なし 10762516 なし 10992444 なし 10394765 なし 10760759 なし 10308740 なし 10321552 なし 10761286 なし 10395556 なし 10761708 なし 10992394 なし 10991388 なし 10991420 なし 147 Ale 147 Gui 147.1 Luc 151.4 Lea 303 Kup 1 303 Kup 2 316.8 Bar 316.8 Phi 333.6 Wat 334.4 Par 361.16 Sil 361.235 Dur 361.235 Gre 361.235 Pin 361.4 Ble 361.4 Chr 361.4 Eve 1 361.4 Eve 2 361.4 Eve 3 361.4 Eve 4 361.4 For 361.4 Fra 361.454 Rei 361.48 Ben 361.5 Ste 361.6 Abr The oracle of Baalbek : the Tiburtine Sibyl in Greek dress / by Paul J. Alexander. -- Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, 1967. -- (Dumbarton Oaks studies ; 10). The encyclopedia of witches and witchcraft / : pbk Rosemary Ellen Guiley ; : pbk. -- Facts on File, 1989. Arcana mundi : magic and the occult in the Greek and Roman worlds : a collection of ancient texts / : pbk translated, annotated, and introduced by Georg Luck ; : pbk. -- Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985. The curse of the self : self-awareness, egotism, and the quality of human life / Mark R. Leary. -- Oxford University Press, 2004. The social science encyclopedia / edited by Adam v. 1 Kuper and Jessica Kuper ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- 3rd ed. -Routledge, 2004. The social science encyclopedia / edited by Adam v. 2 Kuper and Jessica Kuper ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- 3rd ed. -Routledge, 2004. Stereotypes and prejudice in conflict : representations of Arabs in Israeli Jewish society / Daniel Bar-Tal, Yona Teichman. -- Cambridge University Press, 2005. Racial identity in context : the legacy of Kenneth B. Clark / edited by Gina Philog◆U00E8◆ne. -American Psychological Association, 2004. -- (Decade of behavior). / Malcolm Waters ; : hc, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. Globalization : hc -- Routledge, 2001. -- (Key ideas / series editor, Peter Hamilton). Children of global migration : transnational families and gendered woes / Rhacel Salazar Parre◆U00F1◆as ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Stanford University Press, 2005. Doing qualitative research : a practical handbook / David Silverman ; : pbk, : hbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Sage Publications, 2005. Readings from Emile Durkheim / [edited by] Kenneth Thompson ; pbk.. -- Rev. ed. -- Routledge, 2004. Pierre Bourdieu, agent provocateur / Michael Grenfell ; : hb : hb., : pb.. -- Continuum, 2004. Pierre Bourdieu, sociologue / [sous la direction de] Louis Pinto, Gis◆U00E8◆le Sapiro et Patrick Champagne ; avec la collaboration de Marie-Christine Rivi◆U00E8◆re. -- Fayard, 2004. -- (Histoire de la pens◆U00E9◆e). Social cognition : how individuals construct social reality / Herbert Bless, Klaus Fiedler, Fritz Strack ; : : pbk hard, : pbk. -- Psychology Press, 2004. -- (Social psychology : a modular course / edited by Miles Hewstone). Cultural diversity : its social psychology / Xenia Chryssochoou ; : pbk. -- Blackwell, 2004. Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science / :v. 1 editors-in-chief, Brian S. Everitt, David C. Howell ; : set : hardcover - v. 4. -- Wiley, 2005. Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science / :v. 2 editors-in-chief, Brian S. Everitt, David C. Howell ; : set : hardcover - v. 4. -- Wiley, 2005. Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science / :v. 3 editors-in-chief, Brian S. Everitt, David C. Howell ; : set : hardcover - v. 4. -- Wiley, 2005. Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science / :v. 4 editors-in-chief, Brian S. Everitt, David C. Howell ; : set : hardcover - v. 4. -- Wiley, 2005. Social motivation : conscious and unconscious processes / edited by Joseph P. Forgas, Kipling D. Williams, Simon M. Laham. -- Cambridge University Press, 2005. -- (The Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology A history of series). group study and psychodynamic organizations / Amy L. Fraher. -- Free Association Books,relationships 2004. Close : key readings / edited by Harry T. : hardback Reis, Caryl E. Rusbult ; : hardback, : pbk. -Psychology Press, 2004. -- (Key readings in social psychology). The development of the social self / edited by Mark Bennett and Fabio Sani. -- Psychology Press, 2004. Culture and competence : contexts of life success / edited by Robert J. Sternberg and Elena L. Grigorenko. -- American Psychological Association, 2004. The social psychology of inclusion and exclusion / : hbk edited by Dominic Abrams, Michael A. Hogg, Jos◆ U00E9◆ Marques ; : hbk. -- Psychology Press, 2005. 11603982 なし 11369204 なし 11604584 なし 10395218 なし 10992295 なし 10992303 なし 10991842 なし 11038148 なし 11039260 なし 10993640 なし 10992113 なし 10992105 なし 10992006 なし 10395267 なし 11039195 なし 10993806 なし 11038536 なし 11038544 なし 11038551 なし 11038569 なし 11038171 なし 10395275 なし 11038692 なし 10993830 なし 11038130 なし 10991875 なし 361.9 Har 361.9 Kap 361.9 Kol 361.9033 Kem 1 v. 1 361.9033 Kem 2 v. 2 361.9033 Kem 3 v. 3 367.1 Ess 367.1 Ung 367.2 Jos 367.3 Dea 367.3 Fit 367.3 Hol : pbk 367.3 Kag : hbk 367.3 Kna 367.3 Sam 367.3 Sin 367.3 Sin 367.3 Sin 367.3 Smi 367.3 Smi 367.3 Sto 367.3 Sut 367.3 Was 367.3 Wis 367.5 Kim 367.6 Bar : hbk : pbk : cloth : cloth Handbook of data analysis / Melissa Hardy and Alan Bryman. -- SAGE, 2004. The Sage handbook of quantitative methodology for the social sciences / David Kaplan, editor. -- Sage, 2004. Test equating, scaling, and linking : methods and practices / Michael J. Kolen, Robert L. Brennan. -2nd ed. -- Springer, 2004. -- (Statistics for social science and public policy). Encyclopedia of social measurement / editor-in-chief, Kimberly Kempf-Leonard ; : set - v. 3. -- 1st ed. -Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. Encyclopedia of social measurement / editor-in-chief, Kimberly Kempf-Leonard ; : set - v. 3. -- 1st ed. -Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. Encyclopedia of social measurement / editor-in-chief, Kimberly Kempf-Leonard ; : set - v. 3. -- 1st ed. -Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. A companion to gender studies / edited by Philomena Essed, David Theo Goldberg, and Audrey Kobayashi. -Blackwell, 2005. -- (Blackwell companions in cultural studies ; 8). Handbook of the psychology of women and gender / edited by Rhoda K. Unger. -- John Wiley, 2001. Family, body, sexuality and health / general editor, Suad Joseph ; associate editors, Afsaneh Najmabadi ... [et al.]. -- Brill, 2006. -- (Encyclopedia of women & Islamic cultures ; v. 3). Parenting stress / Kirby Deater-Deckard. -- Yale University Press, 2004. -- (Current perspectives in psychology). Parent partnership in the early years / Damien Fitzgerald ; : pbk. -- Continuum, 2004. -(Classmates). Women and family in contemporary Japan / Susan D. Holloway ; : hardback, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2010. Family, self, and human development across cultures : theory and applications / ◆U00C7◆i◆U011F◆dem K◆U00E2◆◆U011F◆it◆U00E7◆iba◆U015F◆i ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2007. The parenting skills treatment planner / Sarah Edison Knapp, Arthur E. Jongsma, Jr ; pbk. : acid-free paper. - Wiley, 2005. -- (Practice planners). Treating parent--infant relationship problems : strategies for intervention / edited by Arnold J. Sameroff, Susan C. McDonough, Katherine L. Rosenblum ; : hbk. -- Guilford Press, 2004. Foster carers : why they stay and why they leave / Ian Sinclair, Ian Gibbs, and Kate Wilson ; pbk.. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004. -- (Supporting parents). Foster children : where they go and how they get on / Ian Sinclair ... [et al.] ; : pbk.. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005. Foster placements : why they succeed and why they fail / Ian Sinclair, Kate Wilson and Ian Gibbs ; pbk.. -Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005. The encyclopedia of parenting theory and research / edited by Charles A. Smith. -- Greenwood Press, 1999. The encyclopedia of parenting theory and research / edited by Charles A. Smith. -- Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999. Black sheep and kissing cousins : how our family stories shape us / Elizabeth Stone ; with a new introduction by the author ; pbk. : alk. paper. -Transaction Publishers, 2004. Helping families with troubled children : a preventive approach / Carole Sutton ; : pbk, : hbk. -- 2nd ed. -J. Wiley, 2006. Handbook of family literacy / edited by Barbara Hanna Wasik ; : casebound. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Empowerment practice with families in distress / Judith Bula Wise ; : pbk, : cloth. -- Columbia University Press, 2005. -- (Empowering the powerless : a social work series). Handbook of studies on men & masculinities / editors, Michael S. Kimmel, Jeff Hearn, R.W. Connell. -- SAGE, 2005. Peer violence in children's residential care / Christine Barter ... [et al.] ; : cloth. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 10395309 なし 10395317 なし 11038338 なし 10991917 なし 10991925 なし 10991933 なし 11037959 なし 10763704 なし 10991628 なし 11038700 なし 10394971 なし 11535002 なし 11278207 なし 10991859 なし 11039252 なし 10394872 なし 10394880 なし 10394898 なし 10309011 なし 10309029 なし 10395408 なし 11038825 なし 11037991 なし 10991503 なし 10993798 なし 10991552 なし 367.6 Fon 367.6 Jaf 367.6 Law 367.6 Mil 367.6 Mor 367.6 Ome 367.6 Pri 367.6 Saj 367.6 San 367.6 Shi 367.6 Tay 367.6 Tro 367.6 Way 367.68 Whi 367.7 Tra 367.9 Rad 368.64 Lal 368.71 Swe 369 Ban 369 But 369 Dea 369 Pay 369 Qui 369 Sco : pbk : hbk :cloth : alk. paper : pbk Child abuse and culture : working with diverse families / Lisa Aronson Fontes. -- Guilford Press, 2005. Protecting children from domestic violence : strategies for community intervention / edited by Peter G. Jaffe, Linda L. Baker, Alison J. Cunningham. -- Guilford Press, 2004. Principles of child protection : management and practice / Anne Lawrence ; : pb, : hb. -- Open University Press, 2004. Child maltreatment : an introduction / Cindy L. MillerPerrin, Robin D. Perrin ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Sage Publications, 2007. Domestic violence and maternal and child health : new patterns of trauma, treatment, and criminal justice responses / Stephen J. Morewitz. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004. Nonviolent resistance : a new approach to violent and self-destructive children / Haim Omer ; translated from the Hebrew by Shoshannah London-Sapir and Haim Omer ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2004. Can you read me? : creative writing with child and adult victims of abuse / edited by Jacki Pritchard and Eric Sainsbury ; : pbk. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004. Protecting children against corporal punishment / Monica Sajkowska. -- Council of Europe, 2004. The seduction of children : empowering parents and teachers to protect children from child sexual abuse / Christiane Sanderson ; : pbk. -- 1st American pbk. ed. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004. On their own : what happens to kids when they age out of the foster care system? / Martha Shirk & Gary Stangler ; with a foreword by Jimmy Carter. -Westview Press, 2004. Young people in care and criminal behaviour / Claire Taylor. -- Jessica Kingsley, 2006. Helping abused children and their families : towards an evidence-based practice model / Chris Trotter ; : pbk. -- SAGE, 2004. Adolescent boys : exploring diverse cultures in boyhood / edited by Niobe Way and Judy Y. Chu ; foreword by Michael Kimmel ; cloth : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- New York University Press, 2004. The material child : coming of age in Japan and America / Merry White ; : pbk. -- University of California Press, 1994.and the family in Japan's aging Demographic change society / edited by John W. Traphagan and John Knight ; : pbk. -- State University of New York Press, 2003. -- (SUNY series in Japan in transition)(SUNY series in aging and culture). Gender and choice in education and occupation / edited by John Radford ; pbk.. -- Routledge, 1998. The causes of rape : understanding individual differences in male propensity for sexual aggression / Martin L. Lalumiere ... [et al]. -- 1st ed. -- American Psychological Association, 2005. Multisystemic therapy and neighborhood partnerships : reducing adolescent violence and substance abuse / Cynthia Cupit Swenson ... [et al.] ; foreword by Patricia Chamberlain ; alk. paper. -- Guilford Press, 2005. Ethics, accountability and the social professions / Sarah Banks ; consultant editor, Jo Campling. -Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Social work with children and families : getting into practice / Ian Butler and Gwenda Roberts ; : pbk. -2nd ed. -- Jessica Kingsley, 2004. The ethics of welfare : human rights, dependency and responsibility / edited by Hartley Dean ; : pbk. -Policy Press, 2004. Modern social work theory / Malcolm Payne ; consultant editor, Jo Campling. -- 3rd ed. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Supporting parents : messages from research / David Quinton. -- Jessica Kingsley, 2004. Safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children, families and communities / edited by Jane Scott and Harriet Ward ; foreword by Maria Eagle. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005. -- (Child welfare outcomes). 10394823 なし 10394831 なし 10394914 有 11038809 なし 10993889 なし 11038163 なし 10394856 なし 10394815 なし 10394906 なし 10394948 なし 10991313 なし 10993772 なし 11038213 なし 11015005 なし 10278810 なし 10308146 なし 10991826 なし 10959146 なし 10394922 なし 10959096 なし 11039161 なし 10959203 なし 10395424 なし 10991305 なし 369.02 Her 369.033 Enc 1 v. 1 369.033 Enc 2 v. 2 369.033 Enc 3 v. 3 369.033 Enc 97 1997 369.033 Enc 03 2003 369.16 Gar 369.16 Mal 369.17 Gib 369.27 Eme 369.27 Pri 369.27 Rea 369.27 Swa 369.27 Tre : hbk 369.28 Aus :alk.paper 369.28 Bra : pbk. 369.28 Rap 369.4 Hir 369.4 Pez 369.4 Wul 369.408 Fro 1 369.408 Fro 2 369.408 Fro 3 369.408 Fro 4 369.9 Rap : hbk 370.1 Cra : hbk. 370.33 Wal : hardback : hardcover : pbk : hbk Encyclopedia of social welfare history in North America / editors, John M. Herrick, Paul H. Stuart ; : cloth. -Sage, 2005. -- (A Sage reference publication). Encyclopedia of social work / Richard L. Edwards, editor-in-chief ; : set : hardcover - 2003 supplement. - 19th ed. -- National Association of Social Workers, 1995. Encyclopedia of social work / Richard L. Edwards, editor-in-chief ; : set : hardcover - 2003 supplement. - 19th ed. -- National Association of Social Workers, 1995. Encyclopedia of social work / Richard L. Edwards, editor-in-chief ; : set : hardcover - 2003 supplement. - 19th ed. -- National Association of Social Workers, 1995. Encyclopedia of social work / Richard L. Edwards, editor-in-chief ; : set : hardcover - 2003 supplement. - 19th ed. -- National Association of Social Workers, 1995. Encyclopedia of social work / Richard L. Edwards, editor-in-chief ; : set : hardcover - 2003 supplement. - 19th ed. -- National Association of Social Workers, 1995. Handbook of social work with groups / edited by Charles D. Garvin, Lorraine M. Guti◆U00E9◆rrez, Maeda J. Galinsky ; : hardcover. -- Guilford Press, 2004. work with adolescents : principles and practice Group / Andrew Malekoff. -- 2nd ed. -- Guilford, 2004. -(Social work practice with children and families). What social workers do / by Margaret Gibelman ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- NASW Press, 2004. The international handbook of applied research in intellectual disabilities / edited by Eric Emerson ... [et al.] ; : cloth : alk. paper. -- Wiley, 2004. Motherhood and disability : children and choices / Ora Prilleltensky ; : cloth. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Disabled children and the law : research and good practice / Janet Read, Luke Clements and David Ruebain ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- J. Kingsley, 2006. Disabling barriers--enabling environments / edited by John Swain ... [et al.] ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Sage, 2004. Constructions of disability : researching the interface between disabled and non-disabled people / Claire Tregaskis ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2004. Mental disorders, medications, and clinical social work / Sonia G. Austrian ; : cloth, :alk.paper. -- 3rd ed. -Columbia University Press, 2005. Psychodynamic social work / Jerrold R. Brandell ; : pbk.. -- Columbia University Press, 2004. -(Foundations of social work knowledge). The social construction of intellectual disability / Mark Rapley ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2004. A place to call home : after-school programs for urban youth / Barton J. Hirsch ; softcover. -- 1st ed. -American Psychological Association, 2005. Parenting assessments in child welfare cases : a practical guide / Terry D. Pezzot-Pearce, John Pearce ; : hbk, : pbk. -- University of Toronto Press, 2004. Beyond common sense : child welfare, child well-being, and the evidence for policy reform / Fred Wulczyn ... [et al.] ; : cloth. -- AldineTransaction, 2005. Historical perspectives / edited by Nick Frost ; : set. - Routledge, 2005. -- (Major themes in health and social welfare . Child welfare / edited by Nick Frost ; v. 1). abuse and child protection / edited by Nick Frost Child ; : set. -- Routledge, 2005. -- (Major themes in health and social welfare . Child welfare / edited by Nick Frost ; v. 2). Child placement and children away from home / edited by Nick Frost ; : set. -- Routledge, 2005. -- (Major themes in health and social welfare . Child welfare ; v. 3). Issues in child welfare / edited by Nick Frost ; : set. -Routledge, 2005. -- (Major themes in health and social welfare . Child welfare ; v. 4). New qualitative methodologies in health and social care research / edited by Frances Rapport ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2004. Creativity in education / edited by Anna Craft, Bob Jeffrey and Mike Leibling ; : hbk., : pbk.. -- Continuum, 2001. A dictionary of education / edited by Susan Wallace ; : hardback. -- Oxford University Press, 2008. 10992279 なし 10958999 なし 10959005 なし 10959013 なし 10959021 なし 10959039 なし 11037884 なし 10991537 なし 10991545 なし 10993715 なし 11037918 なし 11038833 なし 10991974 なし 11037934 なし 10991511 なし 10991529 なし 10993939 なし 10991487 なし 10991602 なし 10991479 なし 10991560 なし 10991578 なし 10991586 なし 10991594 なし 11038031 なし 10761260 なし 11227139 なし 370.33 Wal 370.35 Wor 2005-1 370.35 Wor 2005-2 370.4 El-h 370.4 Joh 370.4 War 371 Hay 371 Mat 371.1 Car 371.1 Nod 371.253 Sim 371.3 App 371.3 Mul 371.37 Van 371.4 Ada 371.4 All 371.4 And 371.4 Aro 371.4 Ash 371.4 Bai 371.4 Bar 371.4 Bat 371.4 Ben 371.4 Ben 371.4 Ber 371.4 Bro 371.4 Bro A dictionary of education / edited by Susan Wallace. - Oxford University Press, 2009. -- (Oxford paperback reference). The world of learning ; 2nd ed.: 1948 - 55th ed. : 2005 : 55th ed. : 2005 : 1 2. -- Europa Publications, 1948. The world of learning ; 2nd ed.: 1948 - 55th ed. : 2005 : 55th ed. : 2005 : 2 2. -- Europa Publications, 1948. Elusive justice : wrestling with difference and educational equity in everyday practice / Thea Renda : pbk Abu El-Haj ; foreword by Michelle Fine ; : hbk, : pbk. -Routledge, 2006. -- (Teaching/learning social justice / edited by Lee Anne Bell). International handbook on the economics of education / edited by Geraint Johnes, Jill Johnes. -- Edward Elgar, 2004. Education studies : a student's guide / edited by : hbk Stephen Ward ; : pbk. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. The RoutledgeFalmer guide to key debates in : pbk education / edited by Dennis Hayes ; : hbk, : pbk. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. An introduction to the study of education / edited by David Matheson. -- 2nd ed. -- David Fulton, 2004. The RoutledgeFalmer reader in philosophy of education : pbk / edited by Wilfred Carr ; : pbk, : hbk. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2005. -- (Readers in education). Philosophy of education / Nel Noddings ; pbk. : alk. pbk. : alk. paper paper. -- 2nd ed.. -- Westview Press, 2006. John Dewey and the art of teaching : toward reflective and imaginative practice / Douglas J. Simpson, Michael : cloth J.B. Jackson, Judy C. Aycock ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 2005. Ideology and curriculum / Michael W. Apple ; : hard, : : hard ISBN:0415949114 pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Reading Bernstein, researching Bernstein / [edited by] Johan Muller, Brian Davies and Ana Morais. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Television and child development / Judith Van Evra ; : : cloth cloth, : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. -- (LEA's communication series). Case studies in educational psychology / by Frank A. Adams. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2000. -- (Source books on education ; v. 16). Improving working memory : supporting students' : pbk learning / Tracy Packiam Alloway ; : pbk. -- SAGE, 2011. Handbook of psychoeducational assessment : ability, achievement, and behavior in children / edited by Jac J.W. Andrews, Donald H. Saklofske, Henry L. Janzen. - Academic Press, 2001. -- (Educational psychology series). Improving academic achievement : impact of psychologival factors on education / edited by Joshua Aronson. -- Academic Press, 2002. -- (Educational psychology series). An introduction to cognitive education : theory and :hbk applications / Adrian F. Ashman and Robert N.F. Conway ; :hbk, :pbk. -- Routledge, 1997. The Sage handbook of philosophy of education / hbk. edited by Richard Bailey... [et al.] ; hbk.. -- Sage, 2010. Children's understanding of society / edited by Martyn Barrett and Eithne Buchanan-Barrow. -- Psychology Press, 2005. -- (Studies in developmental psychology). The educated brain : essays in neuroeducation / : hardback Antonio M. Battro, Kurt W. Fischer & Pierre J. L◆ U00E9◆na, editors ; : hardback. -- Cambridge University 2008.guide to child development and A teaching Press, assistant's : hard psychology in the classroom / Susan Bentham ; : hard, : pbk. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Psychology and education / Susan Bentham ; : hard, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2002, 2002. -- (Routledge modular psychology). Development through the lifespan / Laura E. Berk. -3rd ed. -- Allyn and Bacon, 2004. Motivating students to learn / Jere Brophy. -- 2nd ed. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Motivating students / edited by Sally Brown, Steve Armstrong, Gail Thompson. -- Kogan Page, 1998. -(Staff and educational development series). 11278488 なし 10395242 なし 10395259 なし 11039070 なし 10992022 なし 11038734 なし 10395630 有 10395606 なし 11039047 なし 11039328 なし 10991370 有 11038247 なし 11038254 なし 11038445 なし 10761245 なし 11427028 なし 10307916 なし 10761492 なし 10307908 なし 11305935 なし 10992089 なし 11278249 なし 11038775 なし 10762367 なし 10368223 なし 11038288 なし 10308245 なし 371.4 Bru 371.4 Car 371.4 Chi 371.4 Chi 371.4 Clo 371.4 Coh 371.4 Dai 371.4 D'am 371.4 Dan 371.4 Dev 371.4 Ell 371.4 Erc 371.4 Fis 371.4 Fis 371.4 Fra 371.4 Gar 371.4 Gei 371.4 Gel 371.4 Has 371.4 Hof 371.4 Isa 371.4 Jac 371.4 Jam 371.4 Koz 371.4 Kum 1 371.4 Kum 2 371.4 Kum 3 Child's talk : learning to use language / Jerome Bruner, with the assistance of Rita Watson ; : pbk. -- 1st ed. - W.W. Norton, 1985. The handbook of child and adolescent clinical : hc psychology : a contextual approach / Alan Carr ; : hc, : pbk. -- Routledge, 1999. Psychology and the teacher / Dennis Child ; : hard, : : pbk pbk. -- 7th ed. -- Continuum, 2004. Psychology and the teacher / Dennis Child ; : hard, : : hard pbk. -- 6th ed. -- Cassell, 1997. Handbook of emotional & behavioural difficulties / : hbk edited by Peter Clough ... [et al.] ; : hbk. -- Sage, 2005. How the child's mind develops / David Cohen ; : hbk, : : hbk pbk. -- Routledge, 2002. Motivation, emotion, and cognition : integrative perspectives on intellectual functioning and : cloth development / edited by David Yun Dai, Robert J. Sternberg ; : cloth, : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2004. -- (The educational psychology series). Handbook of school neuropsychology / edited by Rik D'Amato, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, and Cecil R. : cloth : alkCarl paper Reynolds ; : cloth : alk paper. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Vygotsky and pedagogy / Harry Daniels ; : hbk, : pbk. - RoutledgeFalmer, 2001. Children, power and schooling : how childhood is structured in the primary school / Dympna Devine. -Trentham, 2003. The personal intelligences : promoting social and emotional learning / Launa Ellison ; : pbk. -- Corwin Press, 2001. School consultation : conceptual and empirical bases of practice / William P. Erchul and Brian K. Martens. -2nd ed. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002. -- (Issues in clinical child psychology). Encyclopedia of applied developmental science / 1 v. 1 editors, Celia B. Fisher, Richard M. Lerner ; : set : cloth, v. 1, v. 2. -- Sage, 2005. Encyclopedia of applied developmental science / 2 v. 2 editors, Celia B. Fisher, Richard M. Lerner ; : set : cloth, v. 1, v. 2. -- Sage, 2005. Children's friendship training / Fred Frankel and Robert Myatt ; : pbk. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2003. Exploring cognitive development : the child as problem solver / Alison F. Garton ; : pbk. -- Blackwell Pub., 2004. Erziehungsmittel / von Erich E. Gei◆U00DF◆ler. -3. Aufl. -- Klinkhardt, 1969. Understanding child behavior disorders / Donna M. Gelfand, Clifford J. Drew. -- 4th ed. -Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2003. Transfer of learning : cognition, instruction, and reasoning / Robert E. Haskell. -- Academic Press, 2001. -- (Educational psychology series). Personal epistemology : the psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing / edited by Barbara K. Hofer and Paul R. Pintrich. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. young children / Susan Isaacs ; : Social development set. -- Routledge, 1999. -- (International library of psychology ; 183 . Psychoanalysis ; 20). The development of judgement and decision making in children and adolescents / edited by Janis E. Jacobs, Paul A. Klaczynski. -- Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005. Participatory action research for educational leadership : using data-driven decision making to improve schools / E. Alana James, Margaret T. Milenkiewicz, Alan Bucknam ; : pbk. -- Sage Publications, Psychological2008. tools : a sociocultural approach to education / Alex Kozulin ; : pbk. -- Harvard University Press, 1998. Introduction to philosophy of education. -- Anmol, 2005. -- (Encyclopaedia of educational philosophy / edited by S. Kumar, Narendra Kumar ; v. 1). Ancient educational philosophy. -- Anmol, 2005. -(Encyclopaedia of educational philosophy / edited by S. Kumar, Narendra Kumar ; v. 2). Aims of education. -- Anmol, 2005. -- (Encyclopaedia of educational philosophy / edited by S. Kumar, Narendra Kumar ; v. 3). 10995033 なし 10308450 なし 10992014 なし 10307932 なし 10993764 なし 10762359 なし 11038437 なし 10983716 なし 10764751 なし 10321487 なし 10307973 なし 10762250 なし 11072071 なし 11072089 なし 10321511 なし 10395341 なし 11486610 なし 10279032 なし 10761633 なし 10762102 なし 10970051 なし 10991867 なし 11132156 なし 10308039 なし 10991354 なし 10991495 なし 10991818 なし 371.4 Kum 4 371.4 Kum 5 371.4 Kum 1 371.4 Kum 2 371.4 Kup 371.4 LeV 371.4 Lip 371.4 Lod 371.4 Luh 371.4 Mar 371.4 Mit 371.4 Nap 371.4 Nor 371.4 Oat 371.4 Ols 371.4 Pau 371.4 Pic 371.4 Pow 371.4 Put 371.4 Rob 371.4 Ros 371.4 Sal 371.4 Sap Philosophy of learning. -- Anmol, 2005. -(Encyclopaedia of educational philosophy / edited by S. Kumar, Narendra Kumar ; v. 4). Reflections on educational theories. -- Anmol, 2005. - (Encyclopaedia of educational philosophy / edited by S. Kumar, Narendra Kumar ; v. 5). Child care and protection : issues,challenges and : vol.1 response / A. Kumar ; : vol.1, : vol.2. -- Anmol publications, 2005. Child care and protection : issues,challenges and : vol.2 response / A. Kumar ; : vol.1, : vol.2. -- Anmol publications, 2005. Children's peer relations : from development to intervention / edited by Janis B. Kupersmidt and Kenneth A. Dodge. -- American Psychological Association, 2004. -- (Decade of behavior). Anthropology and child development : a cross-cultural reader / edited by Robert A. LeVine and Rebecca S. : hardcover New ; : pbk, : hardcover. -- Blackwell, 2008. -(Blackwell anthologies in social and cultural anthropology ; 11). / Matthew Lipman ; : hard, : pbk. Thinking in education -- 2nd ed. -- Cambridge University Press, 2003. Child & adolescent life stories : perspectives from youth, parents, and teachers / Marguerite G. Lodico, Katherine H. Voegtle ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Sage, 2005. Zwischen Intransparenz und Verstehen : Fragen an die P◆U00E4◆dagogik / herausgegeben von Niklas Luhmann und Karl Eberhard Schorr. -- 1. Aufl. -Suhrkamp, 1986. -- (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft ; 572). The psychology of teaching and learning : a three step : hard approach / Manuel Martinez-Pons ; : hard, : pbk. -Continuum, 2001. Self-determined learning theory : construction, verification, and evaluation / edited by Dennis E. Mithaug ... [et al.]. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003. -- (The LEA series on special education and disability / John Wills Lloyd). Successful educators : a practical guide for understanding children's learning problems and mental health issues / Nathan Naparstek. -- Bergin & Garvey, 2002. Education and psychology in interaction : working with uncertainty in interconnected fields / Brahm Norwich. -- Routledge, 2000. -- (Routledge research in education ; 3). Cognitive and language development in children / John Oates and Andrew Grayson ; : pbk. -- Open University, 2004. -- (Child development). Psychological theory and educational reform : how school remakes mind and society / David R. Olson ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2003. Group creativity : innovation through collaboration / edited by Paul B. Paulus and Bernard A. Nijstad. -Oxford University Press, 2003. Working memory and education / editied by Susan J. Pickering. -- Academic Press, 2006. -- (Educational psychology series). Promoting children's health : integrating school, family, and community / Thomas J. Power ... [et al.]. -Guilford Press, 2003. Aggression, antisocial behavior, and violence among girls : a developmental perspective / edited by Martha Putallaz, Karen L. Bierman ; foreword by John B. Reid ; : pbk. -- Guilford Press, 2004. -- (Duke series in child development and public policy / Kenneth A. Dodge and Martha Putallaz, editors). Cross-cultural child development for social workers : : pbk an introduction / Lena Robinson ; : pbk. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Handworterbuch Padagogische Psychologie / Detlef H. Rost (Hrsg.). -- 2. uberarbeitete und erw. Aufl.. -Beltz, PsychologieVerlagsUnion, 2001. -(Schlusselbegriffe). Student motivation : the culture and context of learning / edited by Farideh Salili and Chi Yue Chiu, Ying Yi Hong. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. -- (Plenum series on human exceptionality). Psychological and educational test scores : what are they? / by Marty Sapp ; pbk.. -- C.C Thomas, 2002. 10991941 なし 10991958 なし 10991339 なし 10991347 なし 11038346 なし 11105251 なし 10321438 なし 10991909 なし 11486867 なし 10761252 なし 10282804 なし 10762490 なし 10308104 なし 10395333 なし 10321297 なし 10321305 なし 11425501 なし 10321677 なし 10991883 なし 11039344 なし 10761179 なし 10762201 なし 10764793 なし 371.4 Sca 371.4 Sch 371.4 Sha 371.4 Sha 371.4 Sil 371.4 Smi 371.4 Sro 371.4 Sta 371.4 Tet 371.4 Tol 371.4 Tor 371.4 Van 371.4 Vol 371.4 Vyg 371.4 Wal 371.4 Wei 371.4 Wig 371.4 Zim 371.403 Raj 1 371.403 Raj 2 371.403 Raj 3 371.41 Des Children's play / W. George Scarlett ... [et al.] ; : pbk. - Sage, 2005. Innovations in learning : new environments for alk. paper education / edited by Leona Schauble, Robert Glaser ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1996. Behavioral assessment in schools : theory, research, and clinical foundations / edited by Edward S. Shapiro, Thomas R. Kratochwill. -- 2nd ed. -- Guilford Press, 2000. Philosophy in the classroom : improving your pupils' thinking skills and motivating them to learn / Ron Shaw ; pbk.. -- New York, NY, 2008. Handbook of language and literacy : development and disorders / edited by C. Addison Stone ... [et al.]. -Guilford Press, 2004. -- (Challenges in language and literacy). Piaget, Vygotsky and beyond : future issues for developmental psychology and education / edited by Leslie Smith, Julie Dockrell and Peter Tomlinson. -Routledge, 1997. The Development of the person : the Minnesota study of risk and adaptation from birth to adulthood / L. Alan Sroufe ... [et al.]. -- Guilford Press, 2005. Education / Merv Stapleton. -- Hodder & Stoughton, 2001. -- (Psychology in practice). Handbook of research methods in developmental science / edited by Douglas M. Teti ; : hard. -: hard Blackwell Publishing, 2005. -- (Blackwell handbooks of research methods in psychology). The cradle of culture and what children know about writing and numbers before being taught / Liliana Tolchinsky ; : cloth. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003. -- (The developing mind seires). Understanding and teaching the intuitive mind : student and teacher learning / edited by Bruce Torff and Robert J. Sternberg. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. -- (The educational psychology series). Learning potential assessment and cognitive training : actual research and perspectives in theory building and methodology / edited by G. M. van der Aalsvoort, W. C. M. Resing, A. J. J. M. Ruijssenaars. -- JAI, 2002. -(Advances in cognition and educational practice : a research annual ; v. 7). Motivation in learning contexts : theoretical advances and methodological implications / edited by Simone Volet, Sanna J◆U00E4◆rvel◆U00E4◆. -Pergamon, 2001. -- (Advances in learning and instruction Educationalseries). psychology / L.S.Vygotsky ; introduction by V.V.Davydov ; translated by Robert Silverman. -St. Lucie Press, 1997. Special needs and early years : a practitioner's guide / pbk Kate Wall ; pbk. -- Paul Chapman, 2003. Discovering successful pathways in children's development : mixed methods in the study of childhood and family life / edited by Thomas S. Weisner. -University of Chicago Press, 2005. -- (The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation series on mental health and development). Development of achievement motivation / edited by Allan Wigfield, Jacquelynne S. Eccles. -- Academic Press, 2002. -- (Educational psychology series). Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : theoretical perspectives / edited by Barry J. : pbk Zimmerman, Dale H. Schunk ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -Routledge, 2009. Encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology and education 1 : A-C / edited by Madhu Raj ; 1 : A-C, 2 : D-L, 3 : M-Z. -Anmol Publications, 1996. Encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology and education 2 : D-L / edited by Madhu Raj ; 1 : A-C, 2 : D-L, 3 : M-Z. -Anmol Publications, 1996. Encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology and education 3 : M-Z / edited by Madhu Raj ; 1 : A-C, 2 : D-L, 3 : M-Z. -Anmol Publications, 1996. Teaching and learning : the essential readings / edited by Charles Desforges and Richard Fox ; : hbk, : pbk. -: hbk Blackwell Pub., c2002, 2002. -- (Essential readings in developmental psychology). 10395390 なし 10761757 なし 10308781 なし 11132198 なし 11038395 なし 10308203 なし 11038908 なし 10762540 なし 10992154 なし 10321545 なし 10307965 なし 10282911 なし 10761088 なし 10308260 なし 10314359 なし 10958726 なし 10761625 なし 11457397 なし 11130796 なし 11130804 なし 11130812 なし 10762722 なし 371.41 Gre 371.41 Mat 371.41 Pal 371.41 Sou 371.41 Ste 371.42 Bow 371.42 Dup 371.42 Moe 371.42 Olw 371.42 Pla 371.42 Sha 371.42 Sie 371.42 Sig 371.42 Zag 371.43 Bor 371.43 Eri 371.43 Hou 371.43 Hug 371.43 Lin 371.43 San 371.44 Sin 371.45 Adv 371.45 Adv 371.45 Ari 371.45 Bar Learning disabilities : implications for psychiatric treatment / edited by Laurence L. Greenhill. -American Psychiatric Press, 2000. -- (Review of psychiatry series ; v. 19, no. 5). Informal assessment and instruction in written language : a practitioner's guide for students with learning disabilities / Nancy Mather and Rhia Roberts. -J. Wiley, 1995. & disorders of the self in children & Learning disorders adolescents / Joseph Palombo. -- W.W. Norton, 2001. -- (Norton professional book). How the special needs brain learns / David A. Sousa ; : : cloth cloth, : pbk.. -- Corwin Press, 2001. Improving the care of people with learning disabilites : clinical audit project examples / Kirsty MacLean Steel and Claire Palmer. -- Gaskell, 1999. School-based interventions for students with behavior problems / by Julie M. Bowen, William R. Jenson, and Elaine Clark. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004. ADHD in the schools : assessment and intervention strategies / George J. DuPaul, Gary Stoner ; foreword by Russell A. Barkley. -- Guilford Press, 1994. -- (The Guilford school practitioner series). Youth aggression and violence : a psychological : cloth approach / Thomas G. Moeller ; : cloth, : pbk. -Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. Bullying at school : what we know and what we can do : pbk / Dan Olweus ; : pbk. -- Blackwell, 1993. -(Understanding children's worlds). Bullying and the brain : using cognitive and emotional intelligence to help kids cope / Gary R. Plaford ; pbk. : alk. paper hardcover : alk. pap - pbk. : alk. paper. -- Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006. School violence : assessment, management, prevention :pbk / edited by Mohammad Shafii, Sharon Lee Shafii ; :pbk. -- American Psychiatric Press, 2001. Helping children with autism learn : treatment approaches for parents and professionals / Bryna Siegel. -- Oxford University Press, 2003. Children with autism : a developmental perspective / : cloth Marian Sigman & Lisa Capps ; : cloth, : pbk.. -- Harvard University Press, 1997. -- (The Developing child). Autism : identification, education, and treatment / edited by Dianne E. Berkell Zager ; : pbk. : alk. paper. - 2nd ed. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999. Counselling in schools / Robert Bor ... [et al.] ; pbk. -SAGE, 2002. Teaching counselors and therapists : constructivist and developmental course design / written and edited by Karen Eriksen and Garrett McAuliffe. -- Bergin & Garvey, 2001. Counseling and educational research : evaluation and hbk application / Rick Houser ; hbk, pbk.. -- Sage Publications, 1998. Handbook of psychological services for children and adolescents / edited by Jan N. Hughes, Annette M. La Greca, Jane Close Conoley. -- Oxford University Press, 2001. Brief counselling in schools : working with young people from 11 to 18 / Dennis Lines ; pbk. -- SAGE, 2002. Handbook of crisis counceling, intervention, and prevention in the schools / edited by Jonathan : cloth : alk. paper Sandoval ; : cloth : alk. paper, : pbk. : alk. paper. -- 2nd. ed.. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Biobehavioral assessment of the infant / Lynn Twarog Singer, Philip Sanford Zeskind, editors. -- Guilford Press, 2001. Advances in child development and behavior / edited 28 v. 28 by Hayne W. Reese ; v. 1 - v. 37. -- Academic Press, 1963. Advances in child development and behavior / edited 29 v. 29 by Hayne W. Reese ; v. 1 - v. 37. -- Academic Press, 1963. Children's imaginative play : a visit to wonderland / Shlomo Ariel ; foreword by Brian Sutton-Smith. -Praeger, 2002. -- (Child psychology and mental health). Pet loss and children : establishing a healthy foundation / Cheri Barton Ross ; pbk. : alk. paper. -1st ed. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2005. 10307726 なし 10307585 なし 10762508 なし 10762813 なし 10308211 なし 10282671 なし 10307528 なし 10762672 なし 10309110 なし 11039088 なし 10762128 なし 10320000 なし 10761955 なし 10761617 なし 10761534 なし 10761567 なし 10307718 なし 10308567 なし 10763514 なし 10763423 なし 10761690 なし 10763415 なし 10761526 なし 10762482 なし 10394757 なし 371.45 Ben 371.45 Bjo 371.45 Buk 371.45 Coo 371.45 Cor 371.45 Cor 371.45 Dav 371.45 Dav 371.45 Deh 371.45 Don 371.45 Dos 371.45 Edm 371.45 Eur 371.45 Eur Delinquent and neurotic children, a comparative study / Ivy Bennett ; : set. -- Routledge, 2001. -- (The international behavioural and social sciences library . Child development ; 1). Children's thinking : developmental function and individual differences / David F. Bjorklund. -- 3rd ed. - Wadsworth, 2000. The Company they keep : friendship in childhood and adolescence / edited by William M. Bukowski, Andrew F. Newcomb, Willard W. Hartup ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1996. -- (Cambridge studies in social and emotional development). Understanding and supporting children with emotional : pbk and behavioural difficulties / edited by Paul Cooper ; : hb, : pbk. -- Jessica Kingsley, 1999. Friendship and peer culture in the early years / William A. Corsaro ; : pbk.. -- Ablex Pub. Corp., 1985. -(Language and learning for human service professions). Handbook of childhood death and bereavement / Charles A. Corr, Donna M. Corr, editors. -- Springer Pub. Co., 1996. Child development : a practitioner's guide / Douglas : hbk Davies ; : hbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Guilford Press, 2004. -(Social work practice with children and families). Fake, fact, and fantasy : children's interpretations of television reality / M◆U00E1◆ire Messenger Davies ; : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1997. -- (LEA's communication series). Child development : its nature and course / Ganie B. DeHart, L. Alan Sroufe, Robert G. Cooper. -- 4th ed. - McGraw-Hill, 2000. -- (McGraw-Hill higher education). A study of children's thinking / Margaret Donaldson, in collaboration with Donald Withrington ; : set. -Routledge, 2001. -- (The international behavioural and social sciences library . Child development ; 2). Child mental health : exploring systems of care in the new millennium / David A. Dosser, Jr. ...[et al.] editor. - Haworth Press, 2001. Forming ethical identities in early childhood play / hardback Brian Edmiston ; hardback, pbk., ebk. -- Routledge, 2008. A sure guide to hell. In seven sections, containing directions to parents in the education of their children... 2nd ed. (1751) / Belzebub [Benjamin Bourn] . The young student's assistant; or literary entertainer... Part 3: Some serious reflections on the melancholy consequences which too naturally attend the neglect of parents, in the education of their children (1752) . Five letters of advice: humbly offered: I. to parents: concerning the education of their children in the fear of God, II. To children to excite 2月1日 them to remember their creator in the days of their youth... (1754) / Well-wisher to the souls of men . Some assistance offered to parents with respect to the religious education of their children..., 2nd edition (1759) / Benjamin Dawson . The excellent daughter: a discourse very necessary to be given by all parents to their children, ...To which is added several proper lessons of the duty of daughters..., 7th ed. (1760) / White Kennett. -- Edition Synapse, 2009. -- (Books on children in 16th-18th century Britain / series consulting editor, Takau Shimada ; editor, Yuko Virtuous children the joy of their parents. A sermon to young people (1771) / Philip Taylor . The laws respecting women, book the fourth, of the laws concerning parents and children; and the interests of infants (1777) . A plan of education, for a limited number of young gentlement [sic]... those parents, who regard the health, comfort, and virtue of their children... (1794) / a clergyman [Thomas Lancaster] . 2月2日 A guide for self perservation & parental affection; or plain directions for enabling people to keep themselves and their children free from several common disorders (1793) / Thomas Beddoes . Advice to parents on the management of their children in natural small pox, and during inoculation... 2nd edition (1797). -- Edition Synapse, 2009. -- (Books on children in 16th-18th century Britain / series consulting editor, Takau Shimada ; editor, Yuko Engetsu ; ser. 2 ; 1751-1800 ; v. 10762284 なし 10309441 なし 10307221 なし 10307940 なし 10761666 なし 10309508 なし 11037876 なし 10311272 なし 10309037 AV付録 なし 10762433 なし 10760742 なし 11134129 なし 11356607 なし 11356615 なし 371.45 Eur 2月3日 371.45 Eur 2月4日 371.45 Eur 371.45 Eur 1 371.45 Eur 2 371.45 Eur 3 371.45 Eur 4 371.45 Eur 5 371.45 Eur 371.45 Eur 6 371.45 Eur 7 371.45 Eur 8 371.45 Eur 9 371.45 Eur 10 371.45 Eur 371.45 Fas 1 371.45 Fas 2 371.45 Fas 3 371.45 Fit 371.45 Fit 371.45 Gau 371.45 Goo 371.45 Gra 371.45 Gre 2-別 1-別 2-別 Elements of morality, for the use of children, ...translated from the German, vol. 1 & 2 London, 1793 / Christian Gotthilf Salzmann. -- Edition Synapse, 2009. -- (Books on children in 16th-18th century Britain / series consulting editor, Takau Shimada ; editor, Yuko Engetsu ; ser. 2 ; 1751-1800 ; v. 3). The joy of children [i.e. parents] in wise children : a sermon (1798) / George Lawson . Parsing lessons for young children: resolved into their elements, for the assistance of parents and teachers (1798) / Mrs. Lovechild . The family book, or, Children's journal. Consisting of moral and entertaining stories...from the French... (1798) / Amaud Berquin. -- Edition Synapse, 2009. -- (Books on children in 16th-18th century Britain / series consulting editor, Takau Shimada ; editor, Yuko Engetsu ; ser. 2 ; 1751-1800 ; v. 4). 子どもに関するイギリスの初期文献 : 18世紀後期 (1751-1800) / 向井秀忠解説. -- ユーリカ・プレス, 2010. -- (Books on children in 16th-18th century Britain / series consulting editor, Takau Shimada ; editor, Yuko Engetsu ; 第2回 . 18世紀後期文献集 ; 別 冊日本語解説). The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 1, v. 1 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 1, v. 2 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 1, v. 3 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 1, v. 4 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 1, v. 5 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 1, suppl pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 2, v. 6 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 2, v. 7 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 2, v. 8 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 2, v. 9 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 2, v. 10 pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. The children's encyclopedia / edited by Arthur Mee ; pt. 2, suppl pt. 1: [set] - pt. 2, suppl. -- Eureka Press, 2009. Encyclopedia of children and childhood in history and v.1 A-E society / Paula S. Fass, editor in chief ; : set : hbk - v. 3. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. Encyclopedia of children and childhood in history and v.2 F-R society / Paula S. Fass, editor in chief ; : set : hbk - v. 3. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. Encyclopedia of children and childhood in history and v.3 S-Z society / Paula S. Fass, editor in chief ; : set : hbk - v. 3. -- Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. Infancy and culture : an international review and source book / edited by Hiram E. Fitzgerald ... [et al.]. -- Falmer Press, 1999. -- (Reference books on family issues ; v. 27)(Garland reference library of social science and ; v. 1168). Infancy culture : an international review and source book / edited by Hiram E. Fitzgerald ... [et al.]. -- Falmer Press, 1999. -- (Reference books on family issues ; v. 27)(Garland reference library of social science ; v.context 1168). of cognitive development / Mary The social Gauvain ; foreword by Robert S. Siegler ; : hbk, : pbk. : hbk - Guilford Press, 2001. -- (The Guilford series on social and emotional development). Children of depressed parents : mechanisms of risk and implications for treatment / edited by Sherryl H. Goodman and Ian H. Gotlib. -- American Psychological Association, 2002. Microdevelopment : transition processes in development and learning / edited by Nira Granott and Jim Parziale. -- Cambridge University Press, 2002. -(Cambridge studies in cognitive perceptual development).children's experience : methods and Researching approaches / edited by Sheila Greene and Diane Hogan ; : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 2005. 11356623 なし 11356631 なし 11356649 なし 11516390 なし 11516408 なし 11516416 なし 11516424 なし 11516432 なし 11516440 なし 11516457 なし 11516465 なし 11516473 なし 11516481 なし 11516499 なし 11516507 なし 10321750 なし 10321768 なし 10321776 なし 10310282 なし 10754091 なし 10308914 なし 10278604 なし 10761229 なし 10993632 なし 371.45 Gre 371.45 Han 1 : cloth 371.45 Han 2 : cloth 371.45 Han 3 : cloth 371.45 Han 4 371.45 Her 371.45 Het 371.45 Hop 371.45 Hug 371.45 Ina 371.45 Jam 371.45 Jen 1 v. 1 371.45 Jen 2 v. 2 371.45 Jen 3 v. 3 371.45 Kas 371.45 Kat 371.45 Kea 371.45 Lar 371.45 Lew 371.45 Lid 371.45 Mas 371.45 Mer 371.45 Mer : cloth 371.45 Mit : hard : hbk : hbk : pbk : hbk : pbk Doing research with children / Anne Greig and Jayne Taylor ; : pbk. -- SAGE, 1999. Theoretical models of human development / volume editor, Richard M. Lerner ; : cloth. -- 6th ed. -- J. Wiley, 2006. -- (Handbook of child psychology / editors-in-chief, William Damon and Richard M. Lerner ; v. 1). Cognition, perception, and language / volume editors, Deanna Kuhn and Robert Siegler ; : cloth. -- 6th ed. -J. Wiley, 2006. -- (Handbook of child psychology / editors-in-chief, William Damon and Richard M. Lerner ; v. 2). emotional, and personality development / Social, volume editor, Nancy Eisenberg ; : cloth. -- 6th ed. -J. Wiley, 2006. -- (Handbook of child psychology / editors-in-chief, William Damon and Richard M. Lerner ; v. 3).psychology in practice / volume editors, K. Ann Child Renninger and Irving E. Sigel ; : cloth. -- 6th ed. -- J. Wiley, 2006. -- (Handbook of child psychology / editors-in-chief, William Damon and Richard M. Lerner ; v. 4). child psychology : social learning, development, Clinical and behaviour / Martin Herbert ; : pbk, : hbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Wiley, 1998. -- (The Wiley series in clinical psychology). The welfare of children with mentally ill parents : learning from inter-country comparisons / Rachael Hetherington ... [et al.]. -- John Wiley, 2002. The Cambridge encyclopedia of child development / edited by Brian Hopkins ; associate editors, Ronald G. Barr, George F. Michel, Philippe Rochat ; : hardback. -Cambridge University Press, 2005. Evolutionary playwork and reflective analytic practice / Bob Hughes ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2001. Young children's naive thinking about the biological world / Kayoko Inagaki, Giyoo Hatano. -- Psychology Press, 2002. -- (Essays in developmental psychology). Constructing and reconstructing childhood : contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood / edited by Allison James and Alan Prout ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Falmer Press, 1997. Childhood / edited by Chris Jenks ; : set - v. 3. -Routledge, 2005. -- (Critical concepts in sociology). Childhood / edited by Chris Jenks ; : set - v. 3. -Routledge, 2005. -- (Critical concepts in sociology). Childhood / edited by Chris Jenks ; : set - v. 3. -Routledge, 2005. -- (Critical concepts in sociology). Key issues in childhood and youth studies / edited by Derek Kassem, Lisa Murphy and Elizabeth Taylor ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2010. Blackwell handbook of early childhood development / edited by Kathleen McCartney and Deborah Phillips. -Blackwell Pub., 2006. -- (Blackwell handbooks of developmental psychology). Culture and the child : a guide for professionals in child care and development / Daphne Keats ; : pbk. -Wiley, 1997. -- (Wiley series in culture and professional practice). Unequal childhoods : class, race, and family life / Annette Lareau ; : pbk.. -- University of California Press, 2003.of research with children and young people The reality / edited by Vicky Lewis ... [et al.] ; pbk. -- Sage in association with the Open University, 2004. Early childhood assessment / Carol S. Lidz. -- Wiley, 2003. Cultural processes in child development / edited by Ann S. Masten. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1999. -(The Minnesota symposia on child psychology ; v. 29). Behavioral, social, and emotional assessment of children and adolescents / Kenneth W. Merrell. -- 2nd ed. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2003. Social skills of children and adolescents : conceptualization, assessment, treatment / Kenneth W. Merrell, Gretchen A. Gimpel ; : cloth, : pbk. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 1998. Children's reasoning and the mind / edited by Peter Mitchell, Kevin John Riggs ; : hard, : pbk. -Psychology Press, 2000. 10307999 なし 11014446 なし 11014453 なし 11014461 なし 11014479 なし 10308278 なし 10278612 なし 11092913 なし 10762425 なし 10762557 なし 10309672 なし 10994424 なし 10994432 なし 10994440 なし 11535143 なし 10994739 なし 10309953 なし 10321628 なし 10321636 なし 11015377 なし 10309979 なし 10764801 なし 10309730 なし 10308948 なし 371.45 Mol 371.45 New 371.45 New 371.45 Pia 371.45 Pia 371.45 Pro 371.45 Psy 371.45 Rot 371.45 Rub 371.45 Sal 371.45 Sam 371.45 San 371.45 Sch 371.45 Sch 371.45 Sch 371.45 Sha 371.45 Sha 371.45 Sha 371.45 Sha 371.45 Shw 371.45 Shw 371.45 Shw Developmental variations in learning : applications to social, executive function, language, and reading skills / edited by Dennis L. Molfese, Victoria J. Molfese. -Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Making space : the development of spatial representation and reasoning / Nora S. Newcombe and Janellen Huttenlocher. -- MIT Press, 2000. -- (The MIT Press series in learning, development, and conceptual change)(Bradford book). Childhood and adolescence / Philip R. Newman, Barbara M. Newman. -- Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1997. The child's conception of physical causality / by Jean Piaget ; with a new introduction by Jaan Valsiner ; : pbk. : alk. paper. -- Transaction Publishers, 2000. The child's conception of physical causality / by Jean Piaget ; with a new introduction by Jaan Valsiner ; : pbk. : alk. paper. -- Transaction Publishers, 2000. The body, childhood and society / edited by Alan : uk : hard Prout ; consultant editor, Jo Campling ; : uk : hard, : uk : pbk, : us. -- Macmillan, 2000. The Psychoanalytic study of the child / founding editors, Anna Freud, Heinz Hartmann, Ernst Kris ; 56 v. 56 2001 managing editor, Albert J. Solnit ; editors, Ruth S. Eissler, Peter B. Neubauer, Albert J. Solnit ; v. 31 1976 - v. 61 2006. -- Yale University Press, 1972. Disclosure processes in children and adolescents / edited by Ken J. Rotenberg ; pbk. -- Cambridge pbk University Press, 1995. -- (Cambridge studies in social and emotional development). Handbook of peer interactions, relationships, and groups / edited by Kenneth H. Rubin, William M. Bukowski, Brett Laursen. -- Guilford Press, 2009. -(Social, emotional, and personality development in context). Child development / edited by Neil J. Salkind. -Macmillan Reference USA, 2002. -- (The Macmillan psychology reference series). Studying childhood and early childhood : a guide for : hbk students / Kay Sambell, Mel Gibson and Sue Miller ; : hbk. -- 2nd ed. -- SAGE, 2010. Young children, videos and computer games : issues for teachers and parents / Jack Sanger ... [et al.] ; : pbk. -- Falmer Press, 1997. Child development : the human, cultural, and educational context / W.H.O. Schmidt. -- Harper & Row, 1973. and treatment of childhood problems : a Assessment clinician's guide / Carolyn S. Schroeder, Betty N. Gordon. -- 2nd ed. -- The Guilford Press, 2002. Conceptual development : Piaget's legacy / edited by Ellin Kofsky Scholnick ... [et al.] ; : hardcover. -: hardcover Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999. -- (The Jean Piaget Symposium series). Observing children : a practical guide / Carole Sharman, Wendy Cross and Diana Vennis. -- 3rd ed. - Continuum, 2004. Developmental psychology : childhood and adolescence / David R. Shaffer. -- 6th ed. -- Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2002. Children's personal and social development / [edited by] Sharon Ding and Karen Littleton ; : pbk. -Blackwell, 2005. -- (Child development). Social and personality development / David R. Shaffer. -- 4th ed. -- Wadsworth Pub., 2000. Applied developmental psychology : theory, practice, and research from Japan / David W. Shwalb, Jun Nakazawa and Barbara J. Shwalb ; foreword by Hiroshi : Hard Azuma ; : pbk, : Hard. -- Information Age, 2005. -(Advances in applied developmental psychology / edited by Irving E. Sigel). Applied developmental psychology : theory, practice, and research from Japan / David W. Shwalb, Jun Nakazawa and Barbara J. Shwalb ; foreword by Hiroshi Azuma ; : pbk, : Hard. -- Information Age, 2005. -(Advances in applied developmental psychology / edited by Irving E. Sigel). Applied developmental psychology : theory, practice, and research from Japan / David W. Shwalb, Jun Nakazawa and Barbara J. Shwalb ; foreword by Hiroshi Hard Azuma ; : pbk, : Hard. -- Information Age, 2005. -(Advances in applied developmental psychology / edited by Irving E. Sigel). 10762755 なし 11015369 なし 10308328 なし 10395747 なし 11338852 なし 10309813 なし 10762946 なし 11039393 なし 11356664 なし 10761161 なし 11535168 なし 10311769 なし 11486016 なし 10760791 なし 10761393 なし 10394963 なし 10760809 なし 10994721 なし 10308997 なし 10984227 なし 11338886 なし 11338894 なし 371.45 Shw 371.45 Sie 371.45 Sie 371.45 Smi 371.45 Tan 1 v. 1 371.45 Tan 2 v. 2 371.45 Tan 3 v. 3 371.45 Tan 4 v. 4 371.45 Tis 371.45 Val 371.45 Vas 371.45 Wal 371.45 Wei 371.45 Wys 371.45 Zel 371.45 Zub 371.47 Ben 371.47 Bro 371.47 Fry 371.47 Fur 371.47 Kro : hbk 371.47 Kro : cloth 371.5 But : hard : pbk : hard hbk Japanese childrearing : two generations of scholarship / David W. Shwalb, Barbara J. Shwalb, editors ; foreword by Takeo Doi. -- Guilford Press, 1996. -(Culture and human development / Sara Harkness and Charles M. Super, editors). How children develop / Robert Siegler, Judy DeLoache, Nancy Eisenberg. -- Worth Publishers, 2002. Children's understanding of biology and health / edited by Michael Siegal and Candida C. Peterson ; : hard. -Cambridge University Press, 1999. -- (Cambridge studies in cognitive perceptual development). Blackwell handbook of childhood social development / edited by Peter K. Smith and Craig H. Hart. -Blackwell Publishers, 2002. -- (Blackwell handbooks of developmental psychology). Discussions on child development / edited by J. M. Tanner and B◆U00E4◆rbel Inhelder ; : set - v. 4. -Routledge, 2001. -- (The international behavioural and social sciences library . Child development ; 4-7). Discussions on child development / edited by J. M. Tanner and B◆U00E4◆rbel Inhelder ; : set - v. 4. -Routledge, 2001. -- (The international behavioural and social sciences library . Child development ; 4-7). Discussions on child development / edited by J. M. Tanner and B◆U00E4◆rbel Inhelder ; : set - v. 4. -Routledge, 2001. -- (The international behavioural and social sciences library . Child development ; 4-7). Discussions on child development / edited by J. M. Tanner and B◆U00E4◆rbel Inhelder ; : set - v. 4. -Routledge, 2001. -- (The international behavioural and social sciences library . Child development ; 4-7). Researching with children and young people : research design, methods and analysis / E. Kay M. Tisdall, John M. Davis and Michael Gallagher ; : pbk. -- SAGE, 2009. Culture and the development of children's action : a theory of human development / Jaan Valsiner. -- 2nd ed. -- John Wiley & Sons, 1997. Child psychology : the modern science / Ross Vasta, Marshall M. Haith, Scott A. Miller. -- 3rd ed. -- Wiley, 1999. L'◆U00E9◆volution psychologique de l'enfant / par Henri Wallon. -- 7. ◆U00E9◆d. -- A. Colin, 1962. -(Collection Armand Colin ; no. 232 . Section de Philosophie). Individual development from 3 to 12 : findings from the Munich longitudinal study / edited by Franz E. Weinert, Wolfgang Schneider. -- Cambridge University Press, 1999. Childhood studies : an introduction / edited by Dominic Wyse ; pbk., hbk. -- Blacwell, 2004. Developing theories of intention : social understanding and self-control / edited by Philip David Zelazo, Janet Wilde Astington, David R. Olson ; : hard, : pbk. -Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999. Children and disasters : a practical guide to healing and recovery / edited by Wendy N. Zubenko, Joseph Capozzoli ; : pbk.. -- Oxford University Press, 2002. Researching youth / edited by Andy Bennett, Mark Cielik, Steven Miles. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. The world's youth : adolescence in eight regions of the globe / edited by B. Bradford Brown, Reed W. Larson, T.S. Saraswathi ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2002. Learning to cope : developing as a person in complex societies / edited by Erica Frydenberg. -- Oxford University Press, 1999. The development of romantic relationships in adolescence / edited by Wyndol Furman, B. Bradford Brown, Candice Feiring. -- Cambridge University Press, 1999. -- (Cambridge studies in social and emotional development). Identity in adolescence : the balance between self and other / Jane Kroger ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -Routledge, 2004. -- (Adolescence and society). Identity development : adolescence through adulthood / Jane Kroger ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Sage, 2000. Gifted and Talented / Jasquie Buttriss and Ann Callander. -- David Fulton Publishers, 2005. 10309987 なし 10321685 なし 10309003 なし 10762185 なし 10762334 なし 10762342 なし 10762326 なし 10762318 なし 11457298 なし 11132487 なし 10309060 なし 10996106 なし 10309078 なし 10321735 なし 10762821 なし 10762375 なし 11038759 なし 10319994 なし 10308906 なし 10308872 なし 10992485 なし 10310340 なし 10395234 なし 371.6 Kok 371.6 Lap 371.7 Ham 371.7 Wal 1 371.7 Wal 2 371.7 Wal 3 371.7 Wal 4 371.7 Wal 5 371.7 Wil 371.8 Lec 371.8 McM 372 Be 372 Mo 372.1 Oka 372.1 Roh 372.2 Kee 1 372.2 Kee 2 372.33 Ste 372.5 Ri 373.1 Mo 373.1 OECD 04 Diaspora, identity and religion : new directions in theory and research / edited by Waltraud Kokot, Khachig T◆U00F6◆l◆U00F6◆lyan and Carolin : hbk Alfonso ; : hbk. -- Routledge, 2004. -(Transnationalism / series editor, Steven Vertovec ; 14). development, self, and identity / edited by Daniel Moral : hc K. Lapsley, Darcia Narvaez ; : hc. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Adapting educational and psychological tests for cross-cultural assessment / edited by Ronald K. Hambleton, Peter F. Merenda, Charles D. Spielberger ; cloth : alk. paper. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. Testing, evaluation and instructional reserach / John A. Watson ; (set). -- Commonwealth, 2005. -(Encyclopaedia of modern techniques of educational testing / John A. Watson ; 1). Intelligence tests and achievements in schools / John A. Walton ; set. -- Commonwealth, 2005. -(Encyclopaedia of modern techniques of educational testing / John A. Watson ; 2). Hand book of objective tests and evaluation / John A. Walton ; (set). -- Commonwealth, 2005. -(Encyclopaedia of modern techniques of educational testing / John A. Watson ; 3). Testing techniques in college and universities . John A. Walton ; (set). -- Commonwealth, 2005. -(Encyclopaedia of modern techniques of educational testing / John A. Watson ; 4). Educational objectives and achievement testing / John A. Walton ; (set), 2005. -- (Encyclopaedia of modern techniques of educational testing / John A. Watson ; 5). Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence / edited by Oliver Wilhelm, Randall W. Engle. -- Sage Publications, 2005. Ethnography and qualitative design in educational research / Margaret D. LeCompte, Judith Preissle, with Renata Tesch. -- 2nd ed. -- Academic Press, 1993. Research in education : evidence-based inquiry / James H. McMillan, Sally Schumacher. -- 6th ed. -Pearson, 2006. A history of the problems of education / John S. Brubacher. -- 2nd ed. -- McGraw-Hill, 1966. -(McGraw-Hill series in education)(Foundations in education). A text-book in the history of education / by Paul Monroe. -- AMS Press, 1970. Education in contemporary Japan : inequality and diversity / Kaori Okano and Motonori Tsuchiya ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1999. -(Contemporary Japanese society). Teaching and learning in Japan / edited by Thomas P. : pbk Rohlen, Gerald K. LeTendre ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1998. International handbook of educational research in the Asia-Pacific region / editors, John P. Keeves and Ryo pt. 1 Watanabe ; : set, pt. 1, pt. 2. -- Kluwer Academic, 2003. -- (Kluwer international handbooks of education ;International v. 11). handbook of educational research in the Asia-Pacific region / editors, John P. Keeves and Ryo pt. 2 Watanabe ; : set, pt. 1, pt. 2. -- Kluwer Academic, 2003. -- (Kluwer international handbooks of education ; v. 11). in Britain 1750-1914 / W.B. Stephens ; : uk, Education : uk, hbk hbk, : uk, pbk, : us. -- Macmillan, 1998. -- (Social history in perspective). The invisible children : school integration in American society / Ray C. Rist. -- Harvard University Press, 1978. education to support a knowledge-based Higher society full of creative vitality : new developments in higher education reform. -- National Printing Bureau, 2004. -- (White paper on education, culture, sports, science and technology ; FY 2003). Education at a glance : OECD indicators ; 1997 - 2009. 2004 -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1997. 11038114 なし 11038106 なし 10992063 なし 11039401 なし 11039419 なし 11039427 なし 11039435 なし 11039443 なし 10992121 なし 10761443 なし 10994226 なし 10480655 なし 10480663 なし 10310209 なし 11014982 なし 11015443 なし 11015450 なし 10310092 なし 10480762 なし 10388304 なし 10395291 なし 373.1 Zaj : hbk 373.4 Ba 373.4 Ga 374.2 Wea 374.3 Bub 374.3 Cam 374.3 Dan 374.3 Hir : cloth 374.3 Moo : hbk 374.3 Re 374.3 Rof 374.35 Ade 374.35 Ann 374.35 Cam pbk. 374.35 Cos :cloth : alk. paper 374.35 For : pbk 374.35 Lou 1 pt. 1 374.35 Lou 2 pt. 2 374.35 Ost 374.35 Rho 374.35 Rog paper : alk. paper 374.35 Sul cloth :pbk. : alk. paper :alk. paper ISBN:0415304784 International handbook on globalisation, education and policy research : global pedagogies and policies / edited by Joseph Zajda ; section editors, Kassie Freeman ... [et al.] ; : hbk. -- Springer, 2005. American public school finance / W. Monfort Barr. -American Book Co., 1960. School finance : the economics and politics of public education / Walter I. Garms, James W. Guthrie, Lawrence C. Pierce. -- Prentice-Hall, 1978. Perspectives on student behaviour in schools : exploring theory and developing practice / Janice Wearmouth, Ted Glynn and Mere Berryman ; hbk. : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- Routledge, 2005. The insider's guide to early professional development : succeed in your first five years as a teacher / Sara Bubb ; : pbk.. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (TES career guides). Assessing teacher effectiveness : developing a differentiated model / Jim Campbell ... [et al.] ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Research on alternative and non-traditional education / editors, Julie Rainer Dangel, Edith M.Guyton ; : pbk. - Corwin, 2005. -- (Teacher education yearbook ; 13). Teacher training at Cambridge : the initiatives of Oscar Browning and Elizabeth Hughes / Pam Hirsch, Mark McBeth ; : cloth, : pbk.. -- Woburn Press, 2004. -(The Woburn education series / general series editor, Peter Gordon). The good teacher : dominant discourses in teaching and teacher education / Alex Moore ; : hbk, : pbk. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Foundations of education for prospective teachers / Sandford W. Reitman. -- Allyn and Bacon, 1977. The new teacher's survival guide to behaviour / Sue Roffey. -- SAGE Publications, 2004. The professional development of teachers : practice and theory / by Philip Adey with Gwen Hewitt, John Hewitt and Nicolette Landau ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. Developing multiprofessional teamwork for integrated children's services : research, policy and practice / Angela Anning ; : pb. -- Open University Press, 2006. Working with support in the classroom / edited by Anne Campbell and Gavin Fairbairn ; hardback, pbk.. -Paul Chapman Pub., 2005. Learning to teach in an age of accountability / Arthur T. Costigan, Margaret Smith Crocco with Karen Kepler Zumwalt ; cloth : alk. paper, paper : alk. paper. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Professional development, reflection and enquiry / Christine Forde ... [et al.] ; : pbk, : hbk. -- Paul Chapman, 2006. International handbook of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices / editors, J. John Loughran ... [et al.] ; : [set] : hb, pt. 1, pt. 2. -Springer, 2007. -- (Springer international handbooks of education ; v.handbook 12). International of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices / editors, J. John Loughran ... [et al.] ; : [set] : hb, pt. 1, pt. 2. -Springer, 2007. -- (Springer international handbooks of education ;practice v. 12). for educators : professional Reflective development to improve student learning / Karen F. Osterman, Robert B. Kottkamp ; : hbk. -- 2nd ed. -Corwin Press, 2004. A practical guide to mentoring, coaching, and peernetworking : teacher professional development in schools and colleges / Christopher Rhodes, Michael Stokes and Geoff Hampton. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Classroom behaviour : a practical guide to effective teaching, behaviour management and colleague support / Bill Rogers ; cloth : alk. paper, paper : alk. paper. -2nd ed. -- PCP, 2006. Supervision that improves teaching : strategies and techniques / Susan Sullivan, Jeffrey Glanz ; foreword by Jo Blase ; cloth, pbk.. -- 2nd ed. -- Corwin Press, 2005. 10992055 なし 10480796 有 10480804 なし 11039039 なし 10395002 なし 11038239 なし 10395010 なし 11038098 なし 11037975 なし 10480838 なし 10991735 なし 10993905 なし 11038817 なし 11039005 なし 11038742 なし 11039112 なし 11039179 AV付録 なし 11039187 AV付録 なし 10993848 なし 10991651 なし 11039013 なし 11038726 なし 374.35 Vil cloth 374.6 Wei : pbk. 374.7 Org 374.9 Rap 374.92 Wal 375 Br 375 Coh 375 Mar 375 Ta 375 Wra 1 375 Wra 2 375 Wra 3 375 Wra 4 375.1 Be 375.1 Jar 375.1 Pol 375.1 Sag 375.1 Sav 375.1 Wib 375.182 Ha 375.19 Fis 375.2 Fa 375.2 Gu 375.4 Als : pbk : international ed. : pbk : pbk A guide to co-teaching : practical tips for facilitating student learning / Richard A. Villa, Jacqueline S. Thousand, Ann I. Nevin ; cloth, pbk.. -- Corwin Press, 2004. Preparing educators to involve families : from theory to practice / Heather B. Weiss ... [et al.], editors ; : hbk., : pbk.. -- Sage, 2005. Lessons in danger : school safety and security. -Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005. Handbook of preventive interventions for children and adolescents / Lisa A. Rapp-Paglicci, Catherine N. Dulmus, John S. Wodarski. -- John Wiley, 2004. Safe and healthy schools : practical prevention strategies / Jeffrey R. Sprague, Hill M. Walker ; : pbk.. -- Guilford Press, 2005. -- (The Guilford practical intervention in the schools series). The process of education / Jerome S. Bruner ; : pbk. - Harvard University Press, 1978. -- (A Harvard paperback ; HP115). A guide to teaching practice / Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison. -- 5th ed. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Key concepts for understanding curriculum / Colin J. Marsh ; : pbk, : hbk. -- 3rd ed. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Teachers' library / series editor Ivor F. Goodson). development : Theory and practice / [by] Curriculum Hilda Taba ; Under the general editorship of Willard B. Spalding ; : international ed.. -- Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962. Literacy, its nature and its teaching / edited by David Wray ; : set. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Major themes in education . Literacy / edited by David Wray ; v. 1). Reading, processes and teaching / edited by David Wray ; : set. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Major themes in education . Literacy / edited by David Wray ; v. 2). processes and teaching / edited by David Writing, Wray ; : set. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Major themes in education . Literacy / edited by David Wray ; v. 3). literacies, the impact of technology / edited by New David Wray ; : set. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Major themes in education . Literacy / edited by David Wray ; v. 4). Principles of guidance / Harold W. Bernard, Daniel W. Fullmer. -- 2d ed. -- Crowell, 1977. The theory and practice of teaching / edited by Peter Jarvis ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Routledge, 2006. Reflective teaching : evidence-informed professional practice / Andrew Pollard ; with contributions by Janet Collins ... [et al.] ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Continuum, 2005.action research guidebook : a four-step process The for educators and school teams / Richard Sagor ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Corwin Press, 2005. Challenging research in problem-based learning / [edited by] Maggi Savin-Baden and Kay Wilkie ; : pbk. - Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press, 2004. -- (SRHE and Open University Press imprint / general editor, Heather Eggins). Lesson study communities : increasing achievement with diverse students / Karin Wiburg and Susan Brown ; foreword by Akihiko Takahashi ; : hbk, : pbk. -Corwin Press, 2006. Learning in the primary school / Kenneth R. Haslam. - Allen and Unwin, 1971. -- (Unwin education books ; 9). Children's learning from educational television : Sesame Street and beyond / Shalom M. Fisch ; : pbk.. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2004. -- (LEA's communication series). History of elementary school counseling : overview and critique, with a chronological bibliography from 1924 / Verne Faust. -- Houghton Mifflin, 1968. Discussion, conference, and group process / Halbert E. Gulley. -- Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960. Analysing exemplary science teaching : theoretical lenses and a spectrum of possibilities for practice / edited by Steve Alsop, Larry Bencze and Erminia Pedretti. -- Open University Press, 2005. 11038718 なし 11039021 なし 11039336 なし 11037892 なし 10395283 なし 10480846 なし 10959195 なし 10395416 なし 10480853 なし 11038296 なし 11038304 なし 11038312 なし 11038320 なし 10480861 なし 11039054 なし 10991990 なし 10991461 なし 10992071 なし 11039062 なし 10480952 なし 10395382 なし 10480960 有 10480986 なし 10395457 なし 375.4 Bev 375.4 Bre 375.4 Cha 375.4 Fal 375.4 Fen 375.4 Fra 1 375.4 Fra 2 375.4 How 375.4 Mab 375.4 May 375.4 Oxf 375.4 Pea 375.4 Rud 375.4 Tob 375.41 Cam 375.412 Mus 375.42 Ge 375.42 Gil 375.42 Tol 375.422 Blo 375.422 Lin 375.422 Na 375.422 Pet 375.422 Sea Science education and culture : the contribution of history and philosophy of science / edited by Fabio : pbk Bevilacqua, Enrico Giannetto and Michael R. Matthews ; : hard, : pbk. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. Strategies for successful science teaching / Sharon Brendzel ; : pbk.. -- University Press of America, 2005. The young child as scientist : a constructivist approach to early childhood science education / Christine Chaill◆U00E9◆, Lory Britain. -- 3rd. ed.. -Pearson Education, 2003. Free-choice science education : how we learn science outside of school / edited by John H. Falk ; : cloth, : paper paper. -- Teachers College Press, 2001. -- (Ways of knowing in science and mathematics series / Richard Duschl, series editor). Defining an Identity : the evolution of science education as a field of research / by Peter J. Fensham : pb ; : hb, : pb. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. -(Science & technology education library ; v. 20). International handbook of science education / edited Part 1 : pbk by Barry J. Fraser and Kenneth G. Tobin ; : set, Part 1 : pbk, Part 2 : pbk. -- Kluwer Academic, 2003. International handbook of science education / edited Part 2 : pbk by Barry J. Fraser and Kenneth G. Tobin ; : set, Part 1 : pbk, Part 2 : pbk. -- Kluwer Academic, 2003. Connecting girls and science : constructivism, feminism, and science education reform / Elaine V. Howes ; : pbk. -- Teachers College Press, 2002. -(Ways of knowing in science and mathematics series / Richard Duschl, series editor). Science education for elementary teachers : an investigation-based approach / Ann Benbow, Colin Mably. -- Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002. Global science literacy / edited by Victor J. Mayer. -Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. -- (Science & technology education library ; 15). Designs for science literacy. -- Oxford University Press, 2001. Eco-literacy for primary schools / Alan Peacock. -Trentham, 2004. Scientists in the classroom : the cold war pbk reconstruction of American science education / John L. Rudolph ; : hard, : pbk. -- Palgave, 2002, 2002. Improving urban science education : new roles for teachers, students, and researchers / edited by Kenneth Tobin, Rowhea Elmesky, and Gale Seiler ; : cloth, : pbk. -- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005. -- (Reverberations : contemporary curriculum and pedagogy / series editors Joe L. Kincheloe and Shirley R. Steinberg). Handbook of mathematical cognition / edited by Jamie I.D. Campbell ; : hardcover. -- Psychology Press, 2005. Mathematics for elementary teachers : a contemporary approach ; cloth. -- 7th ed.. -- J. Wiley, 2006. Science in elementary education / Peter C. Gega. -3rd ed. -- Wiley, 1977. The RoutledgeFalmer reader in science education / : pbk ISBN:0415327784 edited by John Gilbert ; : hard, : pbk. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Readers in education). The science education of American girls : a historical perspective / Kim Tolley ; : hard, : pbk. -: pbk RoutledgeFalmer, 2003. -- (Studies in the history of education). Creating a classroom community of young scientists / : pbk Jeffrey W. Bloom ; : hbk, : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -Routledge, 2006. Internet environments for science education / edited : pbk. by Marcia C. Linn, Elizabeth A. Davis, Philip Bell ; : cloth, : pbk.. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Science in the elementary school : content and methods / John Gabriel Navarra, Joseph Zafforoni. -Merrill, 1975. Concepts and inquiries for teaching elementary school science / Joseph M. Peters, David L. Stout. -- 5th ed. -- Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2006. Issues in science teaching / edited by John Sears and : pbk Pete Sorensen ; : hbk, : pbk. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2000. -- (Issues in subject teaching series). 11038619 なし 10395515 なし 10993954 なし 10395499 なし 11038577 なし 11038593 なし 11038601 なし 10395481 なし 10395523 なし 11038585 なし 11038627 AV付録 なし 10395507 なし 10395465 なし 10395473 なし 10992097 なし 10992048 なし 10480994 なし 11038510 なし 11038528 なし 11039369 なし 10992329 なし 10481000 なし 10992337 なし 10992345 なし 375.49 Kir 375.49 Pen 375.82 Gru 375.86 Ric 375.862 Mck 376 Bru 376 Per 376.1 Al 376.1 Ann 376.1 Ca 376.1 Can 376.1 Cr 376.1 Da 376.1 El 376.1 Er 376.1 Ka 376.1 Keh 376.1 Pal 376.1 Pug soft : alk. paper 376.1 Smu : cloth 376.1 Wa 376.11 De 376.11 Gol 376.158 Nun 377.15 Rac : pbk pbk. : alk. paper : pbk : pbk The handbook of physical education / edited by David Kirk, Doune Macdonald and Mary O'Sullivan. -- Sage Publications, 2006. Sport education in physical education : research based practice / edited by Dawn Penney ... [et al.] ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2005. Teaching speaking & listening in the primary school / Elizabeth Grugeon ... [et al.] ; pbk., pbk.. -- 3rd ed. -David Fulton Publishers, 2005. Doing academic writing in education : connecting the personal and the professional / Janet C. Richards, Sharon K. Miller ; cloth : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. Integrating instruction : literacy and science / Judy McKee, Donna Ogle ; pbk. : alk. paper, hardcover : alk. pap. -- Guilford Press, 2005. -- (Tools for teaching literacy). learning in early childhood / Tina Bruce ; : Developing pbk. -- P. Chapman, 2004. -- (0 to eight years). Teaching practice for early childhood : a guide for students / Rosemary Perry ; pbk. : alk. paper, hardback : alk. pape. -- 2nd ed. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. Children as teachers : theory and research on tutoring / edited by Vernon L. Allen. -- Academic Press, 1976. -- (Educational psychology series). Early childhood education : society and culture / edited by Angela Anning, Joy Cullen and Marilyn Fleer. -- SAGE, 2004. The r◆U00F4◆le of the teacher in the nursery school / by Joan E. Cass ; flexi. -- Pergamon Press, 1975. -- (Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering and social studies). Childhood and postcolonization : power, education, and contemporary practice / by Gaile S. Cannella & Radhika Viruru ; : pbk, : alk. paper. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Changing images in early childhood). Education of exceptional children and youth / editors, William M. Cruickshank, G. Orville Johnson. -- 3rd ed.. -- Prentice-Hall, 1975. The preschool in action : exploring early childhood programs / edited by Mary Carol Day and Ronald K. Parker. -- 2nd ed. -- Allyn and Bacon, 1977. Essays on education and kindred subjects / by Herbert Spencer ; introduction by Charles W. Eliot. -- Dent, 1911. -- (Everyman's library ; no. 504). Childhood and society / Erik H. Erikson ; : pbk. -- 2d ed.. -- Norton, 1963. Physical knowledge in preschool education : implications of Piaget's theory / Constance Kamii, Rheta DeVries. -- Prentice-Hall, 1978. An introduction to childhood studies / edited by Mary Jane Kehily ; : pbk. -- Open University Press, 2004. A child's work : the importance of fantasy play / Vivian Gussin Paley ; : cloth. -- University of Chicago Press, 2004. Contemporary issues in the early years / edited by Gillian Pugh and Bernadette Duffy ; cloth : alk. paper, soft : alk. paper. -- 4th ed. -- Sage Publications/PCP, 2006. Differentiating for the young child : teaching strategies across the content areas (K-3) / Joan Franklin Smutny, S.E. von Fremd ; foreword by George S. Morrison ; : cloth. -- Corwin Press, 2004. Socioemotional measures for preschool and kindergarten children : [a handbook] / Deborath Klein Walker. -- [1st ed.]. -- Jossey-Bass, 1973. -- (The Jossey-Bass behavioral science series). The child and the curriculum and The school and society / John Dewey ; introduction by Leonard Carmichael ; : hbk, : pbk. -- University of Chicago Press, 1956. -- (Phoenix books ; P3). Toys, games, and media / edited by Jeffrey Goldstein, David Buckingham, Gilles Broug◆U00E8◆re ; : cloth. -- L. Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Handbook of children's literacy / edited by Terezinha Nunes, Peter Bryant. -- Kluwer Academic, 2004. 500 tips for tutors / Phil Race and Sally Brown ; pbk. : alk. paper. -- 2nd ed. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -(500 tips series). 11039104 なし 11039096 なし 10395614 なし 11038999 なし 10992311 なし 10991321 なし 10959161 なし 10481232 なし 10395044 なし 10481240 なし 10993863 なし 10481257 なし 10481265 なし 10481281 なし 10481299 有 10481315 なし 10959187 なし 10395432 なし 11039120 なし 10991982 なし 10481349 なし 10481364 なし 11038452 なし 10394997 なし 10395598 なし 377.15 Rac 378 Bak 378 Big 378 Flo 378 Fox 378 Jon 378 Jon 378 Lee 378 Lor 378 Mac 378 Mar 378 Mel 378 Mit 1 v. 1 378 Mit 2 v. 2 378 Mit 3 v. 3 378 Mit 4 v. 4 378 Nin 378 Pic 378 Pur 378 Ski 378 Tho 378 War 378 Yvo 378 Zag pbk : hbk : case 500 tips on assessment / Sally Brown, Phil Race and Brenda Smith. -- second edition. -- Kogan Page, 2005. Asperger's syndrome : intervening in schools, clinics, and communities / edited by Linda J. Baker, Lawrence A. Welkowitz. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. Ageing with a lifelong disability : a guide to practice, program, and policy issues for human services professionals / Christine Bigby ; foreword by Gordon Grant. -- Jessica Kingsley, 2004. ICT and special educational needs / edited by Lani Florian and John Hegarty ; pbk. -- Open University Press, 2003. Including children 3-11 with physical disabilities : practical guidance for mainstream schools / Mark Fox ; : pbk. -- David Fulton, 2003. Supporting inclusion in the early years / Caroline A. Jones ; : [hbk], : pbk.. -- Open University Press, 2004. -- (Supporting early learning). Inclusion in the early years : stories of good practice / Phyllis Jones. -- David Fulton, 2005. Co-ordination difficulties : Practical ways forward / Mischele G.Lee. -- David Fulton, 2004. Inclusive education : a practical guide to supporting diversity in the classroom / Tim Loreman, Joanne Deppeler, David Harvey ; : hbk, : pbk. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2005. Movement and learning in the early years : supporting dyspraxia (DCD) and other difficulties / Christine Macintyre and Kim McVitty. -- Paul Chapman Pub., 2004. Transforming disability welfare policies : towards work and equal opportunities / Bernd Marin, Christopher Prinz, Monika Queisser (eds.). -- Ashgate, 2004. -(Public policy and social welfare ; v. 29). Inclusive education : learners and learning contexts / edited by Melanie Nind, Kieron Sheehy and Katy Simmons. -- David Fulton in association with The Open University, 2003. Systems and contexts. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -(Major themes in education . Special educational needs and inclusive education / edited by David Mitchell ; v. 1). Inclusive education. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -(Major themes in education . Special educational needs and inclusive education / edited by David Mitchell ; v. 2). Assessment and teaching strategies. -RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -- (Major themes in education . Special educational needs and inclusive education / edited by David Mitchell ; v. 3). Effective practices. -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2004. -(Major themes in education . Special educational needs and inclusive education / edited by David Mitchell ; v. 4). Inclusive education : diverse perspectives / edited by Melanie Nind ... [et al.]. -- David Fulton in association with the Open University, 2003. Inclusive teaching,inclusive learning : Managing the curriculum for children with severe motor difficulties / Pilla Pickles. -- Second edition. -- David Fulton, 2004. Handbook of inclusive education for educators, administrators, and planners : within walls, without boundaries / edited by Madhumita Puri and George Abraham ; : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 2004. Inclusion : the dynamic of school development / David Skidmore ; hard. -- Open University Press, 2004. -(Inclusive education / ed. by Gary Thomas). Inclusive education : readings and reflections / Gary Thomas and Mark Vaughan ; : pbk, :hbk. -- Open University Press, 2004. -- (Inclusive education / ed. by Gary Thomas). Making valuing people work : strategies for change in services for people with learning disabilities / Rachel Fyson and Linda Ward. -- Policy, 2004. Employment for individuals with Asperger syndrome or non-verbal learning disability : stories and strategies / Yvona Fast and others ; pbk.. -- Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004. Autism spectrum disorders : identification, education, and treatment / edited by Dianne Zager ; : case, : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. 10395622 なし 10394732 なし 10394849 なし 11037827 なし 10395671 なし 10395036 なし 10395697 なし 10394724 なし 11039286 なし 10992501 なし 10394807 なし 10394708 なし 10993723 有 10993731 有 10993749 有 10993756 有 10395689 なし 10394716 なし 10394740 なし 11038791 なし 10993913 なし 10394930 なし 10394864 なし 11038783 なし 378.033 Rey 379.3 El 379.3 Gr 379.46 Gri 379.9 Tho 1 : uk 379.9 Tho 2 : uk 379.9 Tho 3 : uk 379.9 Tho 4 379.9 Tho 5 : uk 379.9 Tho 6 : uk 383.8 Log 384.08 Yo 384.7 Har 490.14 Chr 490.14 Coh 490.14 Fri 490.15 Hal 490.15 Ins 490.7 Eva : hdbk : us Concise encyclopedia of special education : a reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults / editors, Cecil R. Reynolds, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen. -- 2nd ed.. -Wiley, 2000. Teaching and learning elementary social studies / Arthur K. Ellis. -- Allyn and Bacon, 1977. Social studies for our times / Richard E. Gross ... [et al.]. -- Wiley, 1978. Mothering for schooling / Alison I. Griffith, Dorothy E. Smith ; : pbk, (: hbk). -- RoutledgeFalmer, 2005. -(Critical social thought / series editor, Michael W. Apple). Letters on education I / Elizabeth Hamilton ; introduction by Setsuko Kagawa ; : uk : [set], : jp : [set]. -- Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. -- (Women's education in the nineteenth century . The mother : education in the home / edited and introduced by Setsukoon Kagawa ; v. 1). Letters the elementary principles of education II / Elizabeth Hamilton ; : uk : [set], : jp : [set]. -Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. -- (Women's education in the nineteenth century . The mother : education in the home / edited and introduced by Setsuko Kagawa ; v. 2). for the improvement of early education and Hints nursery discipline / Louisa Hoare . Woman's educational mission : being an explanation of Frederick Fr◆U00F6◆bel's system of infant gardens ; : uk, : jp. -- Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. -- (Women's education in the nineteenth century . The mother : education in the home / edited and introduced by Setsuko Kagawa ; v. 3). Household education / Harriet Martineau ; : uk, : jp. -Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. -- (Women's education in the nineteenth century . The mother : education in the home / edited and introduced by Setsuko Kagawa ; v. 4). Maternal counsels to a daughter : designed to aid her in the care of her health, the improvement of her mind, and the cultivation of her heart / Matilda Pullan ; : uk, : jp. -- Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. -- (Women's education in the nineteenth century . The mother : education in the home / edited and introduced by Setsuko Kagawamy ; v.children 5). How I managed from infancy to marriage / Eliza Warren . Counsel to parents on the moral education of their children / Elizabeth Blackwell ; : uk, : jp. -- Thoemmes Continuum, 2004. -- (Women's education in the nineteenth century . The mother : education in the home / edited and introduced by Setsuko Kagawaof; v.eating 6). and drinking / A.W. Logue ; : The psychology pbk, : hdbk. -- 3rd ed. -- Brunner-Routledge, 2004. Asobi : the sensibilities at play / edited by Yoshida Mitsukuni, Tanaka Ikko and Sesoko Tsune. -- Mazda Motor Corp., 1987. The handbook of sexuality in close relationships / edited by John H. Harvey, Amy Wenzel, Susan Sprecher. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Encyclopedia of health psychology / edited by Alan J. Christensen, Ren◆U00E9◆ Martin and Joshua Morrison Smyth. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004. The health psychology handbook : practical issues for the behavioral medicine specialist / editors, Lee M. Cohen, Dennis E. McChargue, Frank L. Collins, Jr ; : cloth. -- Sage Publications, 2003. Foundations of health psychology / edited by Howard S. Friedman and Roxane Cohen Silver. -- Oxford University Press, 2007. Lesser harms : the morality of risk in medical research / Sydney A. Halpern ; : cloth. -- University of Chicago Press, 2004. -- (Morality and society). Ethical conduct of clinical research involving children / Marilyn J. Field and Richard E. Behrman, editors ; Committee on Clinical Research Involving Children, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. -- National Academies Press, 2004. Advanced models of cognition for medical training and practice / edited by David A. Evans and Vimla L. Patel ; : gw, : us. -- Springer-Verlag, 1992. -- (NATO ASI series ; ser. F . Computer and systems sciences ; vol. 97). 10279149 なし 10481539 なし 10481547 なし 10992030 なし 10991743 なし 10991750 なし 10991768 なし 10991776 なし 10991784 なし 10991792 なし 10993822 なし 10481661 なし 11038205 なし 10993780 なし 10993897 なし 11038981 なし 10959120 なし 11038015 なし 10761047 なし 491.3 Uli 491.371 Kal 491.371 Koe 491.371 Lev 491.371 McG 491.371 Pos 492.9 Bur 492.902 Ta 492.907 Bri 492.925 Bet 492.925 Gib 492.925 Haz 492.925 Hoc 492.925 Lux 492.925 Sid 492.925 Tom 492.925 Won 493.125 Tho 493.125 Wad 493.49 Ste 493.7 Bro 493.7 Car 493.7 Dos 493.7 Ell 493.7 Eve 493.7 Fra The Cambridge encyclopedia of human growth and development / edited by Stanley J. Ulijaszek, Francis : hardbound E. Johnston, Michael A. Preece ; : hardbound. -Cambridge University Press, 1998. Handbook of brain and behaviour in human development / edited by Alex F. Kalverboer and Albert Gramsbergen. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. Brain and music / Stefan Koelsch. -- John Wiley&Sons, 2012. The world in six songs : how the musical brain created human nature / Daniel J. Levitin. -- Plume, 2008. Memory and emotion : the making of lasting memories / James L. McGaugh ; : pbk.. -- Columbia University Press, 2003. -- (Maps of the mind). Educating the human brain / Michael I. Posner and Mary K. Rothbart. -- American Psychological Association, 2007. The practice of nursing research : conduct, critique & utilization / Nancy Burns, Susan K. Grove. -- 5th ed. - Elsevier/Saunder, 2005. The development of the Japanese nursing profession : adopting and adapting Western influences / Aya Takahashi. -- RoutledgeCurzon, 2004. -- (Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia ; 15). Advanced design in nursing research / edited by Pamela J. Brink, Marilynn J. Wood. -- 2nd ed.. -- Sage Publications, 1998. Mosby's pediatric nursing reference / [edited by] Cecily Lynn Betz, Linda A. Sowden. -- 5th ed. -Mosby, 2004. in paediatric oncology nursing / edited by Perspectives Faith Gibson, Louise Soanes, Beth Sepion. -- Whurr, 2004. Nursing care of the critically ill child / [editor], Mary Fran Hazinski ; original artwork by Marilou Kundmueller. -- 2nd ed. -- Mosby-Year Book, 1992. Wong's clinical manual of pediatric nursing / Marilyn J. Hockenberry ; senior consultant, Donna L. Wong. -6th ed. -- Mosby, 2004. Delmar's pediatric nursing care plans. -- 3rd ed.. -Thomson Delmar Learning, 2005. Textbook of community children's nursing / edited by Anna Sidey, David Widdas ; foreword by Elizabeth Fradd. -- 2nd ed.. -- Elsevier, 2005. Pediatric oncology nursing : advanced clinical handbook / Deborah Tomlinson, Nancy E. Kline (eds.). -- Springer, 2005. Wong's essentials of pediatric nursing / Marilyn J. Hockenberry... [et al.]. -- 7th ed. -- Mosby, 2005. Handbook of eating disorders and obesity / edited by J. Kevin Thompson. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2004. Handbook of obesity treatment / edited by Thomas A. Wadden, Albert J. Stunkard. -- Guilford, 2002. The Neurobiology of stress / edited by T. Steckler, N.H. Kalin, J.M.H.M. Reul. -- Elsevier, 2005. -(Techniques in the behavioral and neural sciences ; v. 15 . Handbook of stress and the brain ; pt.1). Attention deficit disorder : the unfocused mind in children and adults / Thomas E. Brown. -- Yale University Press, 2005. -- (Yale University Press health & wellness). Abnormal psychology / Alan Carr ; : pbk, : hbk. -: hbk Psychology Press, 2001. -- (Psychology focus). Treating mental illness and behavior disorders in children and adults with mental retardation / edited by Anton Dosen, Kenneth Day. -- American Psychiatric Press, 2001. Treatment of suicidal patients in managed care / edited by James M. Ellison. -- American Psychiatric Press, The link2001. between childhood trauma and mental illness : effective interventions for mental health professionals / Barbara Everett and Ruth Gallop ; : pbk. -- Sage Publications, 2001. Handbook of rehabilitation psychology / edited by Robert G. Frank and Timothy R. Elliott. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. 10290930 有 10762276 なし 11569670 なし 11337847 なし 10321289 なし 11039310 なし 10992261 なし 11037967 なし 11038502 なし 10991677 なし 11038080 なし 11038007 なし 11039377 なし 10991636 AV付録 なし 10991644 なし 11038072 なし 10991685 AV付録 なし 11038684 なし 11038650 なし 11337730 なし 11015302 なし 10308443 なし 10307767 なし 10307775 なし 10310902 なし 10307791 なし 493.7 Fre 493.7 Ger 493.7 Git 493.7 Gol 493.7 Gor 493.7 Gun 493.7 Har 493.7 Hei 493.7 Hen 493.7 Joh 493.7 Lic 493.7 Mes 493.7 Nic 493.7 Nol 493.7 Pre 493.7 Pue 493.7 Rac 493.7 Ron 493.7 Rut 493.7 Sho 493.7 Sim 493.7 Sul 493.7 Sza pbk. : alk. paper : hbk. Mental health and illness : questions and answers for counsellors and therapists / by Dawn Freshwater, with contributions from Jeni Boyd and Sabi Redwood. -John Wiley, 2006. The handbook of genetic communicative disorders / edited by Sanford E. Gerber. -- Academic Press, 2001. The psychotherapist's guide to psychopharmacology / Michael J. Gitlin ; : (hc). -- 2nd ed. -- Free Press, 1996. Contemporary approaches to neuropsychological assessment / edited by Gerald Goldstein and Theresa M. Incagnoli. -- Plenum Press, 1997. -- (Critical issues in neuropsychology / series editors, Antonio E. Puente, Cecil R. Reynolds). The essential guide to psychiatric drugs / Jack M. Gorman. -- Newly rev. and updated. -- St. Martin's Press, 1995. Psychotherapy for personality disorders / edited by John G. Gunderson, Glen O. Gabbard. -- American Psychiatric Press, 2000. -- (Review of psychiatry series ; v. 19, no. Synaesthesia : the3).strangest thing / John Harrison. -Oxford University Press, 2001. Clinical neuropsychology / edited by Kenneth M. Heilman, Edward Valenstein. -- 4th ed. -- Oxford University Press, 2003. Asperger's syndrome and sexuality : from adolescence through adulthood / Isabelle H◆U00E9◆nault ; foreword by Tony Attwood ; pbk. : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- 1st American pbk. ed. -- Jessica Kingsley, 2006. Developmental cognitive neuroscience : an introduction / Mark H. Johnson ; pbk. : alk. paper. -2nd ed. -- Blackwell, 2005. A handbook of psychiatry / P.M. Lichtenstein and S.M. Small ; : set. -- Routledge, 1999. -- (International library of psychology ; 11 . Abnormal and clinical psychology ; 11). Understanding Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism / Gary B. Mesibov, Victoria Shea and Lynn W. Adams ; : pbk., : hbk.. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. -- (Autism spectrum disorders library / series editor, Gary B. Mesibov). The Harvard guide to psychiatry / edited by Armand M. Nicholi, Jr. -- 3rd ed. -- Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1999. Mental retardation in America : a historical reader / edited by Steven Noll and James W. Trent Jr. ; : pbk. - New York University Press, 2004. -- (The history of disability series). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists / John D. Preston, John H. O'Neal, Mary C. Talaga. -- 2nd ed. -- New Harbinger Publications, 1997. Handbook of neuropsychological assessment : a biopsychosocial perspective / edited by Antonio E. Puente and Robert J. McCaffrey. -- Plenum Press, 1992. -- (Critical issues in neuropsychology / series editors, Antonio E. Puente, Cecil R. Reynolds). Panic disorder : the facts / Stanley Rachman and Padmal de Silva. -- 2nd ed. -- Oxford University Press, 2004. -- (Oxford medical publications)(Facts). Intellectual disabilities : genetics, behavior and inclusion / Jean Rondal ... [et al.]. -- Whurr, 2004. Child and adolescent psychiatry / edited by Michael Rutter, Eric Taylor. -- 4th ed.. -- Blackwell Science, 2002. A history of psychiatry : from the era of the asylum to the age of Prozac / Edward Shorter ; : pbk. -- John Wiley & Sons, 1997. Self-injurious behaviors : assessment and treatment / edited by Daphne Simeon, Eric Hollander. -- American Psychiatric Publishing, 2001. -- (Clinical practice). Conceptions of modern psychiatry : the first William Alanson White Memorial Lectures / Harry Stack Sullivan ; with a foreword by the author and a critical appraisal of the theory by Patrick Mullahy. -- [2nd ed.]. -- Norton, 1953. Words to the wise : a medical-philosophical dictionary / Thomas Szasz ; cloth : alk. paper. -- Transaction Publishers, 2004. 10991297 なし 10307783 なし 10289486 なし 10307486 なし 10289460 なし 10307734 なし 10762896 なし 10321214 なし 10991289 なし 11038924 なし 10308583 なし 10762458 なし 10308732 なし 11039153 なし 10289494 なし 10307494 なし 10395580 なし 11037942 なし 10266377 なし 10307387 なし 10307858 なし 10309151 なし 10395028 なし 493.7 Von 493.7 Wil 1 493.7 Wil 2 493.7 Wil 3 493.7 Wil 4 493.7 Wil 5 493.7 Wil 6 493.7 Wil 7 493.71 Cic 1 493.71 Cic 2 493.71 Cic 3 493.72 Ase 493.72 Ell 493.72 Gro 493.72 Lai 493.72 Sel 493.72 Som 493.73 Eva 493.73 Kus 493.74 Can 493.74 Eve 493.74 Kel 493.74 Kna Global perspectives on mental-physical comorbidity in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys / edited by : hardback Michael R. Von Korff, Kate M. Scott, Oye Gureje ; : hardback. -- Cambridge University Press, 2009. -(The WHO World Mental Health Surveys series)(Cambridge medicine). Infants and preschoolers : development and syndromes / Stanley Greenspan, Serena Wieder, Joy Osofsky, editors ; : cloth. -- Wiley, 1997. -- (Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz, editor-in-chief ; v. 1). The grade-school child : development and syndromes / Paulina F. Kernberg, Jules R. Bemporad, editors ; : cloth. -- Wiley, 1997. -- (Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz, editor-inchief ; v. 2). : development and syndromes / Lois T. Adolescence Flaherty and Richard M. Sarles, editors ; : cloth. -Wiley, 1997. -- (Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz, editor-in-chief ; v. 3). Varieties of development / Norman E. Alessi, editor ; : cloth. -- Wiley, 1997. -- (Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz, editor-inchief ; v. 4). Clinical assessment and intervention planning / Saul Isaac Harrison and Spencer Eth ; : cloth. -- Wiley, 1998. -- (Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz, editor-in-chief ; v. 5). Basic psychiatric science and treatment / Norman E. Alessi, ... [et al.], editors. -- Wiley, 1998. -- (Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz, editor-in-chief ; v. 6). Advances and new directions / Paul L. Adams and Efrain Bleiberg, editors. -- Wiley, 1998. -- (Handbook of child and adolescent psychiatry / Joseph D. Noshpitz, editor-in-chief ; v. 7). Theory and method / editors, Dante Cicchetti and Donald J. Cohen. -- 2nd ed. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2006. -- (Developmental psychopathology ; v. 1). Developmental neuroscience / editors, Dante Cicchetti and Donald J. Cohen. -- 2nd ed. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2006. -- (Developmental psychopathology 2). Risk, disorder, and; v. adaptation / editors, Dante Cicchetti and Donald J. Cohen. -- 2nd ed. -- John Wiley & Sons, 2006. -- (Developmental psychopathology ; v. family 3). Ten minutes for the : systemic interventions in : hbk primary care / Eia Asen ... [et al.] ; : hbk, : pbk. -Routledge, 2004. Overcoming destructive beliefs, feelings, and behaviors : new directions for rational emotive behavior therapy / Albert Ellis. -- Prometheus Books, 2001. Neuropsychological assessment in clinical practice : a guide to test interpretation and integration / Gary Groth-Marnat, editor. -- Wiley, 2000. The concentric method in the diagnosis of psychoneurotics / M. Laignel-Lavastine ; : set. -Routledge, 1999. -- (International library of psychology ; 10 . Abnormal and clinical psychology ; 10). Diagnosis and treatment planning in counseling / Linda hardbound Seligman ; hardbound, paperback. -- 2nd ed. -Plenum Press, 1996. Clinical interviewing / Rita Sommers-Flanagan and John Somers-Flanagan. -- 2nd ed. -- Wiley, 1999. Dyslexia and vision / Bruce J.W. Evans. -- Whurr, 2001. A cursing brain? : the histories of Tourette syndrome / : hard Howard I. Kushner ; : hard. -- Harvard University Press, 1999. Evolution and posttraumatic stress : disorders of : hdc. vigilance and defence / Chris Cantor ; : hdc., : pbk.. -Routledge, 2005. Family therapy for ADHD : treating children, adolescents, and adults / Craig A. Everett, Sandra Volgy Everett ; : pbk. -- Guilford Press, 1999. Encyclopedia of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders / Evelyn Kelly. -- Greenwood Press, 2009. Living with terror, working with trauma : a clinician's handbook / edited by Danielle Knafo ; hardcover : alk. pap. -- Jason Aronson, 2004. 11408705 なし 10958700 なし 10958718 なし 10395051 なし 10395093 なし 10395085 なし 10395077 なし 10395069 なし 11038874 なし 11038882 なし 11038890 なし 11038056 なし 10763449 なし 10307569 なし 10308575 なし 10308369 なし 10308807 なし 10762391 なし 10308674 なし 11015104 なし 10307890 なし 11337854 なし 10991438 なし 493.74 Par cloth 493.74 Res 493.74 Sco : pbk 493.74 Tim : pbk 493.74 Wei 493.75 Rog 493.76 Ant 493.764 Pow 493.9 Alt 493.9 Beh 493.9 Gol 493.9 Mal 493.9 Osb 493.9 Pom 493.9 Rid 493.9 Rud 493.9 Sch 493.937 Cla 493.937 Edw 493.937 Fin 493.937 Her 493.937 Jam 493.937 Kea 493.937 Sil 493.937 Swa : cloth TNY 1 v. 1 Munchausen by proxy syndrome : misunderstood child abuse / edited by Teresa F. Parnell, Deborah O. Day ; cloth, pbk.. -- Sage Publications, 1998. The hidden disorder : a clinician's guide to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults / Robert J. Resnick. -- American Psychological Association, 2000. Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder / edited by Michael J. Scott and Stephen Palmer ; : hdk, : pbk. -Cassell, 2000. -- (Stress counselling series). Rethinking ADHD : from brain to culture / edited by Sami Timimi and Jonathan Leo ; : pbk. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. ADHD in adulthood : a guide to current theory, diagnosis, and treatment / Margaret Weiss, Lily Trokenberg Hechtman, Gabrielle Weiss. -- Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Semantic cognition : a parallel distributed processing approach / Timothy T. Rogers and James L. McClelland ; : pbk. -- MIT Press, 2004. -- (Bradford book). Handbook of assessment and treatment planning for psychological disorders / Martin M. Antony, David H. Barlow, editors ; : pbk. -- Guilford Press, 2002. Mood disorders : a handbook of science and practice / edited by Mick Power ; : cloth. -- J. Wiley, 2004. Supportive care of children with cancer : current therapy and guidelines from the Children's Oncology Group / edited by Arnold J. Altman ; with a foreword by Gregory H. Reaman. -- 3rd ed. -- Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Nelson textbook of pediatrics / [edited by] Richard E. Behrman, Robert M. Kliegman, Hal B. Jenson. -- 17th ed.. -- Saunders, 2004. Children and youth in sickness and in health : a historical handbook and guide / Janet Golden, Richard A. Meckel, and Heather Munro Prescott. -Greenwood Press, 2004. -- (Children and youth : history andpaediatric culture). life support : the practical Advanced approach / Advanced Life Support Group ; edited by Kevin Mackway-Jones ... [et al.]. -- 4th ed. -Blackwell, 2005. Pediatrics / edited by Lucy M. Osborn ... [et al.] ; illustrated by Nadine Sokol. -- Elsevier Mosby, 2005. Pediatric decision-making strategies to accompany Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 16th edition / Albert J. Pomeranz ... [et al.]. -- W.B. Saunders, 2002. Pediatric life care planning and case management / edited by Susan Riddick-Grisham. -- CRC Press, 2004. Rudolph's fundamentals of pediatrics / editors, Abraham M. Rudolph, Robert K. Kamei, Kim J. Overby. -- 3rd ed. -- McGraw-Hill, 2002. -- (A Lange medical book). Evaluating the processes of neonatal intensive care : thinking upstream to understand downstream processes / Joseph Schulman. -- BMJ, 2004. Community planning to foster resilience in children / edited by Caroline S. Clauss-Ehlers and Mark D. Weist. -- Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. Pediatric neuropsychiatry / editors, C. Edward Coffey ... [et al.] ; alk. paper. -- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006. The handbook of training and practice in infant and preschool mental health / Karen Moran Finello, editor ; : hb. -- Jossey-Bass, 2005. Developmental problems of childhood and adolescence : prevention, treatment and training / Martin Herbert ; : pbk. -- BPS Blackwell, 2005. Neuropsychology of childhood epilepsy / edited by Isabelle Jambaqu◆U00E9◆, Maryse Lassonde, and Olivier Dulac. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub., 2001. -- (Advances in behavioral biology ; v. 50). Tumors of the pediatric central nervous system / edited by Robert F. Keating, James Tait Goodrich, Roger J. Packer ; TNY, GTV. -- Thieme Medical Publishers, 2001. Posttraumatic stress disorders in children and adolescents : handbook / edited by Raul R. Silva ; : pbk. -- Norton, 2004. -- (Norton professional book). Pediatric neurology : principles & practice / [edited by] Kenneth F. Swaiman, Stephen Ashwal, Donna M. Ferriero ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- 4th ed. -- Mosby, 2006. 10761971 なし 10307841 なし 10308765 なし 11337862 なし 10308815 なし 11038361 なし 11038270 なし 11037835 なし 10394989 なし 10395663 AV付録 なし 11037983 なし 10991610 なし 10993707 AV付録 なし 10991362 なし 10996122 なし 10993673 なし 10394955 なし 11037926 なし 10992352 なし 10992386 なし 10991834 なし 10395549 なし 10992360 なし 10395226 なし 10993681 なし 493.937 Swa 2 493.9375 How v. 2 : hbk 493.9375 Wal 493.94 Wes 495.5 Rol 498 Bas 498 Bow 498 Bra 498 Gru 498 Hig pbk. 498 Hol : hb 498 Kel :hb 498 Lou 498 Scr : hb 498 Ton : hard 498.14 Coo : pbk 498.36 Mor 501.84 Gor 701.04 Kau 701.4 Arn 707.9 Hec 724.7 Mau 780.14 Ker : hbk 780.7 Jon : pbk 786 Cro 1 v. 1 786 Cro 2 v. 2 801.01 Smi : hbk :Eur. : hb : alk. pap Pediatric neurology : principles & practice / [edited by] Kenneth F. Swaiman, Stephen Ashwal, Donna M. Ferriero ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- 4th ed. -- Mosby, 2006. Autism and Asperger Syndrome : preparing for adulthood / Patricia Howlin ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -Routledge, Autism and2004. early years practice : a guide for early years professionals, teachers and parents / Kate Wall ; : [pbk], : hbk. -- Paul Chapman, 2004. Color textbook of pediatric dermatology / William L. Weston, Alfred T. Lane, Joseph G. Morelli. -- 3rd ed. - Mosby, 2002. Maternal-child nursing / series editor, Paulette D. Rollant, Joyce J. Hamlin, Karen A. Piotrowski. -- 2nd ed. -- Mosby, 2001. -- (Mosby's review series). Qualitative research in health care / edited by Chris Bassett. -- Whurr, 2004. Measuring health : a review of quality of life measurement scales / Ann Bowling ; : pbk, : hbk. -3rd ed. -- Open University Press, 2005. Operations research and health care : a handbook of methods and applications / edited by Margaret L. Brandeau, Francois Sainfort, William P. Pierskalla ; : ebook. -- Kluwer Academic, 2004. -- (International series in operations research & management science ; 70). Perspectives on health and human rights / edited by Sofia Gruskin ... [et al.] ; : Hardcover, : pbk. -Routledge, 2005. Communicating in the health and social sciences / Joy Higgs ... [et al.] ; pbk.. -- Oxford University Press, 2005. Qualitative research in health care / edited by Immy Holloway ; : pb, : hb. -- Open University Press, 2005. Identity and health / edited by David Kelleher and Gerard Leavey ; hb, pbk.. -- Routledge, 2004. Encyclopedia of women's health / edited by Sana Loue and Martha Sajatovic. -- Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004. Quality, risk and control in health care / Ellie Scrivens ; : hb, : pb. -- Open University Press, 2005. Health Promotion : Planning and Strategies / Keith Tones and Jackie Green ; : hard. -- SAGE, 2004. Power and conflict between doctors and nurses : breaking through the inner circle in clinical care / Maureen A. Coombs ; : pbk, : hbk. -- Routledge, 2004. Insomnia : a clinical guide to assessment and treatment / Charles M. Morin, Colin A. Espie. -Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2003. Cognition and technology : co-existence, convergence, and co-evolution / edited by Barbara Gorayska, Jacob L. Mey ; US : hb : alk. paper, Eur. : hb : alk. pap. -- J. Benjamins Pub., 2004. Creativity across domains : faces of the muse / edited by James C. Kaufman, John Baer. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2005. Visual thinking / Rudolf Arnheim ; : [pbk]. -- Renewed. -- University of California Press, 1997. Looking into pictures : an interdisciplinary approach to pictorial space / edited by Heiko Hecht, Robert Schwartz, Margaret Atherton. -- MIT Press, 2003. -(Bradford book). Colour perception : mind and the physical world / edited by Rainer Mausfeld, Dieter Heyer. -- Oxford University Press, 2003. Rethinking aggression and violence in sport / John H. Kerr ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Routledge, 2005. The sports coach as educator : re-conceptualising sports coaching / edited by Robyn L. Jones ; : pbk. -Routledge, 2006. Encyclopedia of recreation and leisure in America / Gary S. Cross, editor in chief ; : set, hbk, v. 1, v. 2. -Scribner, 2004. -- (The Scribner American civilization series). Encyclopedia of recreation and leisure in America / Gary S. Cross, editor in chief ; : set, hbk, v. 1, v. 2. -Scribner, 2004. -- (The Scribner American civilization series). Chomsky : ideas and ideals / Neil Smith ; : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Cambridge University Press, 2004. 10993699 なし 10991891 なし 10993921 なし 10395531 なし 10958692 AV付録 なし 10959138 なし 10991719 なし 10958684 なし 10959112 なし 10991727 なし 10991693 なし 11038023 なし 10993871 なし 10991701 なし 11038064 なし 11038049 なし 11038676 AV付録 なし 11038411 なし 10992188 なし 10395374 なし 11038353 なし 11038460 なし 10992493 なし 11039138 なし 11038635 なし 11038643 なし 10992170 なし 801.03 Fit : cloth 801.04 Ant 801.04 Jos 801.3 Hal 832.033 Oxf 833.1 Col 833.1 Me 833.1 Oxf 1 v. 1 833.1 Oxf 2 v. 2 833.1 Oxf 3 v. 3 833.1 Oxf 4 v. 4 833.1 Oxf 5 v. 5 833.1 Oxf 6 v. 6 833.1 Oxf 7 v. 7 833.1 Oxf 8 v. 8 833.1 Oxf 9 v. 9 833.1 Oxf 10 v. 10 833.1 Oxf 11 v. 11 833.1 Oxf 12 v. 12 833.1 Oxf 13 v. 13 833.1 Oxf 14 v. 14 833.1 Oxf 15 v. 15 833.1 Oxf 16 v. 16 833.1 Oxf 17 v. 17 833.1 Oxf 18 v. 18 833.1 Oxf 19 v. 19 833.1 Oxf 20 v. 20 833.1 Oxf : hc : blue sturdite Handbook of language and social interaction / edited by Kristine L. Fitch, Robert E. Sanders ; : cloth, : pbk. - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. -- (LEA's communication series). Theory of mind and language in developmental contexts / edited by Alessandro Antonietti, Olga Liverta-Sempio, Antonella Marchetti. -- Springer, 2006. -- (Springer series on human exceptionality). Language and identity : national, ethnic, religious / John E. Joseph ; : pbk, : cloth. -- Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. a lexicon / edited by D. Geoffrey Hall and Weaving Sandra R. Waxman ; : hc, : pbk. -- MIT Press, 2004. -(Bradford book). The Concise Oxford dictionary of English etymology / edited by T.F. Hoad. -- Oxford University Press, 1993. -- (Oxford paperback reference). Collins Cobuild advanced learner's English dictionary ; : pbk. : ja + CD-ROM, : pbk. + CD-ROM, : hbk. + CDROM. -- 5th ed. -- HarperCollins, 2006. Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff ; : blue sturdite. -- G. & C. Merriam, 1981. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. The Oxford English dictionary ; : set - v. 20. -- 2nd ed.. -- Clarendon Press, 1991. 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