Japan Club of New Orleans ニューオリンズ日本クラブ ニューオリンズ日本クラブ会報 第三十七巻 Year 2012 Board Members 会長:中 篤行 President: Atsuyuki Naka ([email protected]) 日本語の副会長: 佐枝子・ジェンセン Japanese Vice President: Saeko Jensen ([email protected]) 英語の副会長: ボブ・ターナー English Vice Presidednt: Robert A. Turner ( [email protected]) 書記:ミッシェル・ハンセン Secretary: Michelle Hansen ([email protected]) 会計:山本 しのぶ Treasurer: Shinobu Yamamoto ([email protected] ) 編集:早苗・カイザー Editor: Sanae Keyser ([email protected]) 第 292 号 June 2012 在ナッシュビル 日本国総領事館からの挨拶 ニューオリンズ日本クラブの皆様へ 昨年11月に小林前首席領事の後任として着任しました。 改めまして宜しくお願い致します。 先ずは、既に御承知のことと存じますが、この度、ニュー オリンズ日本クラブ会長を務められた若林征子様が在留邦人 の方々への福祉功労に寄与をされた御功績により日本政府か ら旭日双光章を叙勲されましたことをお伝えしたいと思いま す。若林様は貴会会長としてニューオリンズ最大の日本紹介 文化行事でありますジャパンフェストの発展などをはじめ幅 広くご貢献されると共に、医師としても地域社会において長 年にわたりご活躍をされてきました。僭越ながら、この機会 をお借りしまして心よりお慶び申し上げます。 さて、私は着任早々昨年の12月にはニューオリンズに出 張し、貴会の総会・忘年会に参加させて頂き、大変楽しいひ とときを過ごさせて頂きました。また、今年になり4月はじ めに再び出張し、市の関係者の方々などに会いし、州都バト ンルージュも訪問し、日系企業の皆様にもお会いしました。 そして5月はじめにも再び出張しまして、貴クラブの中篤行 会長、佐枝子ジェンセン副会長に再会しお話することができ ました。また、その際にはニューオリンズ市が主催する国際 Japan Club of New Orleans 会議にも参加してきました。 P.O. BOX 8501 今後につきましては、本年6月と11月に領事出張サービ Metairie, LA 70011 スのため総領事館員がニューオリンズに出張予定です。また、 www.japanclubofneworleans.org 10月のニューオリンズでのジャパン・フェスト、 Page 1 また、姉妹都市の松江市との協力により開催される小泉八雲展に対しても当総領事館とし てできる限りの支援・協力をさせて頂く所存です。 佐藤博史総領事の下、私どもは今後とも様々な機会を通じましてニューオリンズをはじめ とするルイジアナの在留邦人の皆様と緊密におつきあいをさせて頂き、また、できる限りの 支援・御協力を致す所存です。引き続きどうか宜しくお願い申し上げます。 2012 年 5 月 17 日 在ナッシュビル日本総領事館首席領事 井龍一浩 Little Tokyo Restaurant Inc. www.littletokyonola.com E-mail: [email protected] 1521 N. Causeway, Metairie: 831-6788 310 N. Carrollton, New Orleans: 485-5658 1340 S. Carrollton, New Orleans: 861-6088 13371 Hwy 90, Boutte: 985-331-0887 Asian Gourmet Market: 466-0077 Greeting from Consulate-General of Japan at Nashville May 17, 2012 Dear Members of the Japan Club of New Orleans, I just started this new position of Deputy-Consul General, succeeding Mr. Kobayashi, last November. I would like to reiterate my sincere wish to have your continued acquaintance. In writing this message, firstly, I would like to share glad news with you. The Japanese Government announced that Ms. Masako Wakabayashi, former President of Japan Club of New Orleans, was honored with a prestigious decoration, “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays.” Ms. Wakabayashi has actively worked in the local community through many years as a medical doctor. She has also contributed to US-Japan cultural exchanges by, for instance, promoting “Japan Page 2 Fest”. Taking this opportunity, I would like to extend our heartiest congratulations upon the conferment of the decoration to Ms. Wakabayashi. Shortly after starting my job last year, I visited New Orleans in December and attended the general meeting/year-end party of the Japan Club, having a pleasant time. I made a trip to Louisiana again in April this year, and met staff of the City of New Orleans and Japanese-affiliated companies in Louisiana as well. Furthermore, I visited New Orleans again at the beginning of May, and met and talked with Mr. Atsuyuki Naka, President of the Japan Club and Ms. Saeko Jensen, Vice President. I also attended an international forum organized by the City of New Orleans. I would also like to inform you that my colleagues of the Consulate-General of Japan will pay a visit to New Orleans for consular service in June and November this year. Moreover, we will make possible assistance for the Japan Fest and Koizumi Yakumo (Lafcadio Hearn) Exhibition to be held in October in collaboration with Matsue City of Japan, sister city of New Orleans. Under the leadership of Consul-General Hiroshi Sato, we would like to continue having close contact with everyone in New Orleans, and all of Louisiana, extending assistance and cooperation as much as possible. Your continued warm favor of us would be much appreciated. Kazuhiro Iryu Deputy Consul-General of Japan 平成24年春の叙勲 若林征子元ニューオリンズ日本人会会長に対する旭日双光章の授与 4月29日、日本政府は、在留邦人への福祉 功労に寄与した功績により若林征子元ニューオリン ズ日本人会会長に旭日双光章の授与することを発表 しました。 若林征子元ニューオリンズ日本人会会長は、 昭和41年北海道大学医学部を卒業後、昭和44年 に米国ルイジアナ州に居住、昭和50年にニューオ リンズ日本人会が発足されると同時に同会の会員と なり、日米交流の促進、在留日本人の支援等に携わ られてきました。 若林氏が日本人会会長を務められていた平成 6年当時に規模を拡大したニューオリンズの日本文 化紹介行事「ジャパンフェスト」は、若林氏のリー ダーシップときめ細やかな配慮により大成功を収め、 現在でも続くニューオリンズ地域最大の日本関連行 事へと発展しています。 若林氏は、放射線科の医師としてこれまで5 0年以上に亘り地域医療の現場でご活躍され、また、 ニューオリンズ市に在住する数少ない日本人医師と して、ニューオリンズ港に寄港する日本人船員や臓 器移植手術のため同地を訪れた日本児童の世話をさ れるなどの貢献をされてきました。 Page 3 これらの地域社会における長きに亘る若林氏の貢献が認められ、平成7年には、アメリカ在 住アジア太平洋人協会から、地域に貢献したアジア人に贈られるフランク ・ハラ ・コミュニ ティー賞を授与されました。 勲章の授与は6月6日(水)に東京の外務省にて於いて行われ、同日、皇居に於いて 天皇陛下への拝謁が予定されています。 Japan honors Dr. Masako Wakabayyashi Former President of the Japan Club of New Orleans On April 29, the Government of Japan officially announced that Dr. Masako Wakabayashi, the former President of the Japan Club of New Orleans, will be honored with a prestigious decoration, the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays, in recognition of her outstanding contributions to promoting friendly relations between Japan and the United States. The decoration will be conferred by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. The Order of the Rising Sun was established in 1875 as the first national decoration awarded by the Japanese Government. The decoration is bestowed upon individuals who have made significant contributions to positive relations between Japan and her friends and allied nations. Dr. Wakabayashi has been recognized primarily for her abiding dedication to cultural exchanges between the Japanese and American communities in Louisiana and for her longstanding commitment to the health of Japanese residents in New Orleans. Dr. Wakabayashi has been an active member of the Japan Club of New Orleans, a social and recreational club for Japanese citizens, American-Japanese and their families, since its inception in 1975. During her time as President of the club (1994-2000), she led the tremendous growth of Japan Fest, a popular annual festival of Japanese culture designed to promote understanding between Japanese and Americans. New Orleans Japan Fest remains the largest of its kind in the Gulf South. In addition to promoting social and cultural exchanges among communities in the Greater New Orleans area, Dr. Wakabayashi has generously provided care and support to Japanese residents and visitors in need of medical attention as one of the few Japanese doctors in the region. Since moving to the United States in 1969, Dr. Wakabayashi has worked in various hospitals in New Orleans as a radiologist. Dr. Wakabayashi's lifetime of service has been widely recognized. She was awarded the Frank Hara Community Award by the Asian/Pacific American Society in 1995. The Government of Japan plans to host a formal conferment ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in Tokyo. Dr. Wakabayashi will be granted an audience with His Majesty the Emperor of Japan on June 6. For more information contact: Deputy Consul General Kazuhiro IRYU [email protected] (End) Page 4 時代を過ごし東京近郊の大学に通った私はいままで東 忘れ得ない東北の夏 (Part 1) 北を訪れたことがありませんでした。恥ずかしい限り 楠田 弘子 ですが東北にはまるで異国のようなイメージを持って 楠田ーオコネル家は息子の大和が生後7ヶ月の時か らほとんど毎年九州のふるさとを訪れることが慣例と なっていました。ところが去年は3月11日に起きた 東北大震災をきっかけにいつもとは違った旅を母子3 人で体験してきました。私は震災のニュースを受けた 直後仙台と岩手の友人に連絡をとりました。彼らから 被災状況を聞き、ニューオーリンズを2005年に襲 ったハリケーン・カトリーナで味わった苦い経験が思 い出されました。まずは日本人会のメンバーとして ニューオーリンズ所在の日本人関連団体と共に NOLA JAPAN QUAKE FUND(www.nolajapanquakefund.org)という義捐 金集めの募金を設立しました。カトリーナ時に関連各 政府機関や NGO からの義援金が極端に遅れたり、地元 の人々に届かなかったという経験から、義援金の提供 先は国際的な団体ではなく、地元に直結した NPO にす いました。その証拠といっては何ですが東北新幹線で 東京駅から仙台へ向かう間にビールと、そして読書を 楽しもうと思いきやあっというまに仙台に到着してし まいました。仙台はまるで東京の郊外だと実感しまし た。降り立った仙台の駅は活気にあふれ町には大きな アーケード、デパート、本屋、名物の牛タンの店がた くさん並んでいました。ニューオリンズに比べれば大 都会です。友人の奥様の実家は完全に津波で流され、 彼女のご両親は仮設住宅に収容されました。その後認 知症をわずらっておられたお父様の症状が悪化、また それまで元気だったおお母様もあらたに認知症の診断 を受け、この老人二人がどうやって安全に生活してい けるか家族で模索中とのことでした。彼女も自分が生 まれ育った家をなくし、ご両親の面倒をみながら瓦礫 の山となった自宅の処理に終われる毎日で、精神的に も肉体的にも疲れ果てている様子でした。(続く) ると委員会で決定しました。そのためには基金委員会 のメンバーが現地での視察訪問する必要が生まれまし た。私はこれを機会に大和と未加と共に基金代表のし て東京、仙台、宮古、陸前高田、大船渡に所在する団 体を間にボランテア活動を挟みながら訪問し、いろい ろな人々にお会いしてきました。 7月1日に東京入りし、まずは遠隔医療システムの ベンチャー企業を支援している医師から過疎地化、老 齢化が進む東北の震災後のより厳しい医療活動の現状 をうかがいました。その後救援物資の募集、配給を全 国的に手がける日本ユニバ震災対策チームの代表者と 面会し、彼らの提案を伺いました。その後数日仙台に 住む友人夫婦を訪ねました。大阪で生まれ九州で青春 Page 5 Horinoya Restaurant & Sushi Bar 920 Poydras Street, New Orleans Mon-Fri Lunch 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Sat Dinner 5:00pm-9:30pm (Till 10pm on Fri and Sat) Close on Sunday Earthquake. After that I went to Sendai to visit a couple who are friends of mine. I was born in Osaka, grew up in Kyushu region, and attended a college in Tokyo, so I had never visited Tohoku Hiroko Kusuda region. I am embarrassed to say this but I had an image of Tohoku region as if a foreign country. To Since my son Yamato was 7 months old, almost every year the Kusuda-O'Connor family has prove this, from Tokyo to Sendai on a bullet train I planed to have time for a lunch, drinking beers, visited Kyushu region, Japan where my parents and reading books. However, we arrived in Sendai reside. To my surprise due to the Tohoku Japan in a moment. I realized that Sendai is not far from earthquake on March 11th, 2011, my son, my Tokyo after all. The Sendai train station area where daughter, and I had a rather unusual experience. Immediately upon receiving the news about we arrived was a vibrant and busy place with a lot the earthquake, I contacted each of my friends in of shops, department stores, bookstores, and local Sendai and Iwate. When I heard their stories about restaurants, which sell famous barbecue beef tongue, side-by-side. Compared to New Orleans, the disaster, it reminded me of the painful memories about the experience I've been through this is a much bigger city. My friend's wife who when the Hurricane Katrina struck the city of New lives nearby told me that her parents' house was Orleans in 2005. As a member of the Japan Club oflost in the tsunami. Her parents now reside in a temporary housing. After that her father, who New Orleans, I worked to help establish a already had dementia, got worse in his condition. foundation to collect donations that is called the More over, her mother who was healthy, received NOLA Japan Quake Fund the diagnosis of dementia. They are now (www.nolajapanquakefund.org) with other Japanese related organizations in the metro New contemplating how to take care this old couple so they will be able live safely. On top of losing the Orleans area. There were problems because the victims of Hurricane Katrina could not access the house she grew up in, my friend's wife took care of funds for a long time or could not access at all. Toher parents while she was cleaning up the house avoid the similar problems, instead of sending the which became a mountain of rubble. She looked fund to international organizations, our committee exhausted, both mentally and physically. (To be decided to directly send to the local NPOs. To do continued) Unforgettable summer vacation at Tohoku region, Japan (Part 1) that, it became a necessity for one of our committee translated by S.K. members to visit and examine the disaster area where we wanted to send the fund. I took this opportunity to become a representative of the Monthly Socials committee with Yamato and Mika and visited volunteer organizations in Tokyo, Sendai, Miyako, Monthly Socials for Japan Club members Rikuzentakata, and Ofunato. We were able to meet are held on last Wednesday of every other month, many people while volunteering. On July 1st, 2011, we entered Tokyo, Japan. meet at 6:00pm. A doctor who works with a startup company using telemedicine system talked about the difficult situation of their work since the earthquake in the July 25- Kyoto II (5608 Citrus Blvd., Harahan) Tohoku region that is sparsely populated and has an September 26- Horinoya (920 Poydras St., New Orleans) aging population. Then I met one of the representatives of Nihon Universal Counter Crisis November 28 - Little Tokyo (3225 Williams Blvd., Team which collects and ships donations to help Kenner) the survivors of the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Page 6 very much for the kind assistance you extended to me during my work at the Japan Foundation and at the Consulate-General of Japan in New Orleans. While I will serve at the Japanese-German Center Berlin in order to foster dialogue and collaboration between Japan and Germany, I will also take care of the Japan Foundation's activities in Berlin and the new Federal States of Germany in my capacity as the liaison director of the Japan Cultural Center in Cologne. I would be extremely grateful if you could keep in contact with me and grant me further assistance. My new address is as given below. I am very much looking forward to seeing you again in Berlin. Masaru Sakato Deputy Secretary General Japanese German Center Berlin Saargemuender Str.2 14195 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49-(0)30-839 07 146 Fax: +49-(0)30-839 07 245 E-Mail (Private): [email protected] Very truly yours, Masaru Sakato Louisiana Children's Museum's event on March 10 Above photos are provided by Hiroko Kusuda Letter from Mr. Masaru Sakato Mesdames and Messieurs: I am pleased to inform you that I will assume the post of Deputy Secretary- General of the Japanese- German Center Berlin and together with my wife will move to Berlin on April 24, 2012. On this occasion, I would like to thank you 編集部より Page 7 Kyoto 2 Japanese Restaurant 5608 Citrus Blvd. Harahan, La 70123 Tel: (504) 818-0228 Fax: (504) 818-0944 Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:00-2:30 pm Sat. 12:00-4:00pm Dinner Mon. -Thurs. 5:00-9:30 pm Fri.-Sat. 5:00-10:00pm Sun. Close 今回号には、いろんな方々の記事をお届けすることができてよかったと思います。 時間をかけて送って頂いたたくさんの記事、報告など本当に有難うございました。皆さんにお 届けすることの責任を重く感じながら編集しています。皆様の意見、提案などを待っていますのでい つでも連絡して下さい。ページ数の都合で載せることができなかった記事は、なるべくはやく載せる 努力をしますのでしばらくお待ち下さい。 From the Editor I want to thank everyone for taking your time to send me information, articles, etc. I'm feeling a heavy responsibility to deliver to you. Please give me your feedback, etc. anytime. Thank you everyone for any help you provided to create the newsletter. There are articles I could not include in this issue due to the limited space. I will make sure that they will be included in the future issues as soon as possible. S.K. Deadline Date 次号の締め切りは、七月二十日です。 The deadline for the next issue is July 20th. E-mail の使える方は、どうぞ日本語と英語で原稿を送って下さい。 Please send your articles in Japanese and English by e-mails. My e-mail address: [email protected] E-mailの使えない方は原稿を下記に郵送して下さい。 If you have problem with e-mails, please mail your articles to: Sanae or Archie Keyser 420 Yenni Drive Kenner, LA 70065 Send your donations, messages to the board members, etc. to: Japan Club of New Orleans P.O. BOX 8501 Metairie, LA 70011 You can view Japan Club of New Orleans newsletters anytime at www.japanclubofneworleans.org Page 8
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