Chapter5 5。1 Distinction As is 1)iscussion far very as from of IR the we important especially data of use to VIS。As clearly showed easily detected in eruption Sangeang in VIS Api image taken them in clouds。In described VIS in from showed in%v.s。surface temperature those same surface separation eruption of most was no eruption active clear between the possible to We period not crossed in data so each only in that of have to the the of VIS even over has eruption images and mderlying including of or sea−surface, kinds of image clouds out of Alaid the clouds atmospheric brightness clouds,it two Soputan,Una low−toned eruption gromd detector the clouds.And possibly be suspendedmaterials eruption the could be clouds.Many Una,Galmggung of range of the of of diagram the their and domain taken clouds from the eruption cloud.This the to in the the be of due to low−toned difference eruption and before a of shown was on the the Una the but we were low to of the Alaid during contrary,there differences clouds,but zones higher the for both altitudes as clouds,the separation atmospheric cloud is altitudes. data value eruption ofbetter retumed standard fine the vague high a albedo mechanism clouds.Development the in noticed of emption of establish concentration brightness 一69一 eruption higher have relatively Una for data the having Fig.5−1.Good the the and albedo is can we high lower in images cloud.There the clouds recognized clouds,because at altitudes shows are surromdin窪atmospheric images.What cloud may intensity due GMS atmospheric clouds eruption altitudes,because data eruption April28−30,1981.On relation low and obtained emption Soputan more in and the accumulate clouds on Pagan Alaid the high were between clouds atmospheric Eruption reversed cases eruption clouds for a耳d the in that eruption case as of cloud some atmospheric the volcanoes this Alaid diagrams Una ambient for the in。C Um eruption eruption the in other distinguishing tendency of simple figure.In from used Galmggmg was as clouds difference the relation similar temperature clouds.The the may detection spread in and relatively the GMS,the domains volcanoes the of of ambient and is images,which black Alaid,Pagan,Soputan,Galmggmg seen the case for images. Albe母o clouds satellites Chapter3,most several volcanoes,also by the or images from investigation cloud dark−toned clouds further data distinguish volcano other eruption atmospheric and for is method that compared ejected cloud controlling enhancement for there to that materials in the VIS is in image amomt processing of of Tech.Rep.Meteoro1.Res.Inst.No。221987 the eruption desired 5.2 in cloudbased order to Estimation As on the in the radio・sounding estimation from GMS are good of individual Emption.In estimated duration crater time in by times by main image.In own at highest higher data,which one be were temperature,and cloud from the ambient emissivity of the temperature of an that the from be point complicated the far to of actual from that point on distribution distribution clouds which of on places due to by data ground very far difference the the of actual the in holds value eruption this for since all of the was portions bulk thickness and the on of not 一70一 an by values visual where Una that occurrence the gromd time the of crater is detachment from the wind directions and also higher shown the in an eruption of the actual under cloud.It of eruption it of the is an also the assumption eruption are cloud different generate present,accurate cloud.At surface considered, cloud will surromding of distribution surface an radio・somding actual problem obtained have,at eruption the Chapter3.This by temperature the values,even5 in temperature the do of as eruption emissivity.However,we surface altitudes their showed surface materials the top volcano.. of on the cases various surface。Concentration emissivity top the1983Una that volcano,from shape and and than of remains emissivity times detecting tentatively of by』 altitude clarified cloud,because study the has reference from from values sometimes of profiles corresponding observation difference the distribution of image over clouds the several to eruption with recognition temperature.Basides,there of its the altitudes GMS the at make are clouds。 observations。 duration value of eruptions,owing that to cloud LO of higher based air emption the this,there end difficulty of Eruptions larger to and surface emissivity however,that should partly a addition case,than obtained showed the due the those is lower partly of urgently atmospheric differences gromd together this the altitude in may after compiled comparison analysis eruption speeds are is stations.Generally,the by on data air・temperature wide ground data ambient altitudes using result image s highest the1982and1984Soputan data for the VIS from showed from observation data.A reason than and clou the stations observations on clQuds eruption on IR temperatures nearby greater image of surface ground image GMS GMS wind phenomenon air visual GMS its The was usingboth eruption results at visual data difficult,even various data Table『5−1,these observation.The covered by their eruptions from eruptions of data altitude Chapter3,many observation determined digital distinguish maximum basis altitudes There GMS更s accurately of described estimated on same data a on time,the Tech.Rep.MeteoroL inaccuracy of observations spreading higher top measurements may also eruption cloud altitude.On altitude of altitude ground observation km by witnessed On GMS the image cases for below eruption the through cloud did under not agree athigher show highest some cloud that and several examples ofgood data and that estimatedby GMS datadid of14km of presents by the visual actively currents GMS by an air altitude cases and Sakurajima eruption where than the clouds.The most the gromd rising an and apParently agreementbetweenthe visual not observation.The exceed Soputan coincided clouds reason for probably,the higher tops with the eruption of thevisual eruption the cloud, altitude this actual clouds erupting described of14 of estimated craters,as in should influences apparently than of elevations eruption clouds.They value considered September18,1982,well altitudes a by emption aircraft. are eruption are an partly be surface one,resulting in in the Chapter3.This the background caus農the by use of radiation temperature an was an from of an underestimation of not the on image is by inspections to of the the emption summit crater direction penetrated to obtain accuracy at the get be left whether top temperature by not actual cloud of of this estimated of the Apri11982Asama volcano,but altitude,but be an the Emption drifting with the was direction wind direction so a method and the to for carry the out of cloud the was when accurate altitude of an and of in only eruption eruption extent of over cloud,it an top is eruption of as the solve ofthe the clouds tropopause eruption case whether slightly。To observation into Emption judge determination 一71一 thin the the the1985Soputan radio・somding of penetrated surface obtained simple,however,to spreadingprocess measurements on during altitudes studies. eruption example image accurate further distribution actual GMS and for tropopause,especially exact of judge will the data should taken develop GMS to Chapter1.An domain into method of in1.40f Chapter・3.It To of wind data possible cloud・1ike by the clouds.The GMS described cloud elevation with It required altitude altitudes.(see3。7inChapter3).Wehaveneitheremissivitynortransparencydata eruption based the an value,but example,the estimated 0f to on be rising cloud lower thin and of 1987 altitude. For of of contrary,there emissivity the data crew might estimated eruption and image low、toned mrealistic down result Mayon,Asama altitude hand,there cloud Pagan showed top developing other eruption the data of noticed by joins ofthe GMS the responsible.It the an highest estimated be of Res.Inst.No.22 eruption shown in3.14 eruption・cloud this problem,it of respective indispensable cloud as the altitude the cloud or by to GMS is aneruption volcano. increase images. Tech。Rep.Meteorol.Res.Inst.No.22 At the same emissivity on detailed with and of conducted of of for of images in GMS by Briggs(1969)as of intensity of the In or estimated release eruptions which T.E.R。)was summation general more should image and direct thickness,brightness attained the by related means.It including of be Processes,physical features and is more data strongly features emissivity such and as and intensive by and careful required distribution to conduct concentration on thermal energy energy estimated the surface of of an eruptions at are strong in each of products the in this eruption the energy in erg(K.E.)and in Galunggung Alaid of the volume ejecta and released Mean of of were also the by eruption in classes(L and of method proposed the evaluation materials,kinetic estimated apd activity,the thermal clouds and and compared the total maximum total volume energy by watts S),then the mean(Mean in total obtained in the thermal each values.To in in individual their time ejecta ejecta for table)was possible of shown eruptions,the duration with was Lopevi.The mega the5volcanic erg(Total assigned total and clouds for ejected Kienle eruption the methods calculated one T.E.R is each small each in on been of as class present m3(Ejecta),its erg(T.E.)are also Table5−2. values large one based by have clouds. table)was table),which intensity energy clouds of of conducted juvenile class.For idea energy clouds al.,1976and Alaid,Asama,Pagan,Galmggung this into are eruption rate( divided released thermal data eruption of eruptions.The thermal with et by by cloud eruptions(Friedman Chapter1,as volcanic thermal on今ruption associated volcanoes in1.40f of based releases Augustine several by Time energy energy release According the GMS thermal for and obtained energy (Duration as distribution cloud。This of by actual study,estimations Table5−2,the energy large the spreading described ejections of5volcanic shown data optical magnitude cases kinetic analysis Sakurajima detected a eruption thermal this the an releaseJ Shaw,1979).In thermal know cloud. Estimations with to actual and Estimation energy of referential materials eruption have surface observation ejected 5.3 the observation comparison visual time,we 1987 to in as Mean the Eruption and the the results in T.E.R.,of eruptions at Table5−2,the the other showing7×1023erg Pagan order Pagan of105mega volcanoes.The and Eruptions.These and watts well 一72一 Galunggung which are Tota.1T.E.was significantly results the large,of correspond to Eruptions more the showed than10times largest the order the individual at the of1022erg,at eruption Tech.Rep.MeteoroL intensities here of based showed ejected as small thermal during energy the1982and inTable5−3(Q shown in images(GMS used for Data in the1983Una watts were 60minutes.The T,E.R.and was (Total respective and the x in the total volume individual Una Emption activity height,wind velocity and was obtained of value of for individual Q(Mean the eruptions has shown inGMS images judged in GMS also shown in emption on Iargest shown being Table August26, greater T.E.R.)is second are distance eruptions Q,the eruptions horizontal table,respectively)are mean second be one of recognized during to was the the thermal release of one the than105 in Table5 that rate(Q)was parameters,height,horizontal distance and wind period of the order of105mega September23−24giving September24.During this the period,the watts data of the thermal energy the three and estimated of energy the of the Table5−5together maximum obtained value eruption 一73一 the1983 cloud data eruption thermal cloud energy individual with emption calculating u,respectively)。A series clouds taken of8。7×105mega watts at OO bright.toned and presented by eruption。 eruption clouds for ejecta the1982Soputan by shown was the of volcanic based and be Mean juvenile eruption determined velocity(h,x to the case third maximum,than in with by estimated on three emptions the the intensity the in T.E.,1.9×1023erg, in from determined of Table5−4together Eruption at well individual Tab165−4,Total thermal tenth been cloud the the evaluation was values in in energy for of among the1984Soputan smaller,almost energy shown greatest tendency time results not eruption table),and the methods on duration the the that ejecta(T.E.). juvenile thermal in all indicate mean based T.E.)are m3(Ejecta Table5−4were results might erg(Total in values the table).According T, also assuming in individual and on for the1983Una many Eruption the data eruption were the energy by great by emptionswaswellseparated this the1984Mayon of T.E.estimated individual watt largest of thermal ejecta the each be The of cloud and the eruptions.The T.E.)to released clouds of total results Eruption.These There of Eruption.There showed Eruption,The image eruption ofthesethree time Q(h,u both time total and Una Una calculated erg(T, Una tenth eruptionclouddata Eruption. cases.The Ejecta by ofQ,1.9×106mega Emption duration eruptions GMS value Una 1984Soputan in T.E.estimatedfrom one Eruptions duration of throughout Una rate table)and calculation 1983,0f these around the1984Soputan this largest The almost as release Chapter3。The the −4。The T.E.Total inthistable).Each 5−3.The mega values E.and materials. The as onEjecta,K Res.Inst.No.221987 during GMT wide Tech.Rep.Meteoro1.Res.Inst.No。22 extent in GMS images.Except values of the order domains.By thermal was estimated the order of104mega assuming energy the release by emption the compiled cloud thermal results data was energy energy for of points,and based the data is 5.4 of volcanic strongly that clouds the same the cloud surface section5。L And and was not easy to To get images easily were the eruption cases and clouds total the shows the as of the small as approximate the thermal obtain materials.The Fig.5−2.Not range relation energy release more definite cloud based a total ejecta is the almost of of period of obtained by tenth of, one relation between ordinate)and the total juvenile scattering of T.E.(EJECTA)or1020『22ergs between by release withstanding of1021−22ergs linear wide Eruption during energy cloud(T。E。(CLOUD)in of eruption a erupion lower clouds on T.E.(CLOUD)and eruption cloud conclusion,further there is affected further also albedo by the backgromd distinguish an information tentatively same analyzed eruption compared can T.E. evaluate the accumulation radiation the that from cloud is the the from optical 10ud is eruption taken in personal clouds taken LANDSAT of MSS image pale in bands cloud on November14,1979,the the of sea an shows be result emption ground eruption as plot noted that cloud at obtained cloud was surface,so in in thin it was clouds,LANDSAT MSS one. processing.The data used are Jamary30,0ctober9,November14and on October12,1983.Generally, clear−toned Nos.6and7(Tanaka images 一74一 must atmospheric atmospheric computer on the same and of data temperature−albedo Sakurajima features through a in%)than in℃).This problem in M:SS July29,1985.It value(ordinate eruption on are on:LANI)SAT February24and temperature(abscissa,TBB clearly Nos。4and5,but thermal eruption in and Q energy. than,often in juvenile ejected on atmospheric Sakurajima Sakurajima eruption by ejected shown bright−toned be60minutes,the estimated December20,1979,March19,1980,March23,1981,and the to small required. Eruption eruption by that so relatively the1984September−October energy indicate show eruption thermal the showed juvenile eruption.To characteristics the many not throughout the clouds by an Physical Fig.5−3for section data is indicates the and(1id individual clouds abscissa)is T.E.(CLOUD),there intensity of of of energy in estimated gaps (EJECTA).This this smaller release less almost99.6%of in ejecta(T.E.・(EJECTA)in the eruption thermal period,eruption or time at7.9×1022ergs,while of1024ergs.The thermal this watts duration September23−24accomted The during 1987 et brightness in al.,1981).However,in obtained were almost bands the identical of case in Tech.Rep.MeteoroL all of the4bands after image・enchancement radiation brightness was Sakurajima eruption cloud band assigned showed decreasing towards The dependency bands cloud,sea images on area thin ones spreading over with those over ground anddecreases towards clouds sea and radiation middle the level of a All the wide of clouds individual eruption showed a high edges or in clouds of correspond with those 5−7showed a similar 7band approximately higher The high pattems radiation results may droplets or then or than bome both inside at least an the with cloud the was intensity radiation of brightness comparatively of compared of emption in ofthe present level high the of in the No.4 simple cloud,atmospheric Fig.5−5between eruption levels at various LANDSAT the MSS images crater or well of at bands clouds is concentrations the several at the those of thick features high sea onthe in of of at of No.4band the of the sea values extent which level surface those of clouds,but decreasing pattems,especially the Sakurajima spreading radiation and in portions atmospheric the whole,the was ofthe Fig.5−7.The those a Fig.5−6). surfaces portions No.4band atmospheric surface,but also compared in areas.As radiation−1evel patterns particles cloud dependency level known center of the Sakurajima atmospheric that the like might surface,and of shown dependency different the points low city cloud(see with Fig.5−61high with of central bands and rather the nearly in Fig. towards No. and atmospheric with radiation Fig.5−7). both been the showed or eruption are coincides extent possibility the that radiation parallel of than forest atmospheric in the of LANDSAT cloudswere radiation eruption of as as pattems higher pattem clouds.The to radiation surface.The atmospheric due which sea shows has are range crater near of brightness l4,1979.Both the surfaces,and concentrations.It not about30(see mixture level radiation presence levels Fig.5−4,where general,but area surface spreading on indicate a sea over the over in radiation forest leve1,which tips levels of area.The of taken the values November eruption radiation clouds,despite in No.7band.Thispattemisinparallelwiththepattemsof pattems eruption and the scattering the low and surface,but of shown to1281evels.The patterns October9,and the as 1987 No.7ban(1. surface,city taken Res.Inst.No.22 be clouds.On eruption the in cloud atmospheric the form therefore,reflects patterns diffemce of that the density droplets and their be or of the radiation might eruption Simple is cloud.So of explained thickness of coated the of sea ice as atmospheric and ice,water surface an water ejected water their a or with by size・distributions.When 一75一 of materials characteristics levels showed consideration,these composed droplets clouds or ice or of thickness large cloud or quantity is of ejected the materials eruption are bome clouds contribution of will the quantity of atmospheric of bome observed results water cases droplets For the are several on problems of be to observe spread disperse within explosions to purposes,a The its detection fine are the of GMS limit of of optical concentrations of ejected do that is not the almost estimate or decrease the a large concentration similar total substituting clouds contain to that volume the concerning of of or the ejected experimental or concentrations or volcanic GMS the eruptions image−monitoring author s opinion as of volcanic emptions, follows: extent for at the still inspections best altitude the and of is is behavior ejected also time of to necessary after of eruption high to the the fundamentally of of an weather several monitoring monitoring size,ground eruption of cloud occurrence dimensions detection small sequence small,immediately interval the an clouds with complete altitudes detect of for quickly eruption occurrence volcanic clouds clouds volcanic emption,For these demanded. image mder eruption Careful of time.Besides,it the eruptions.However,for Distinguishing assumed the ejections, them. in accurate volcanic (3) which using generally,emption short they about10km horizontal cloud effective the image・taking resolution sufficiently a determine experimentally in when shorter (2〉Gromd clouds cloud to to of be eruption due ash・clouds intervals important altitudes might be strong increase atmospheric within solved eruptions,but low of cases may the possible eruption more in eruption an monitoring volcanic at be kinds monitoring and compose bome to with ordinary will as tone.This inside,it sate皿ite establishment dark of spreading droplets clouds coating which various of (1)Image−taking is a on ConsiJeration It or a materials within size・distributions there of eruption cloud.Therefore,it materials 5.5 inside many ejected size・distribution 1987 manifest ice materials.However,in Tech.Rep.Meteorol.Res.Inst.No.22 of resolution eruption cloud in GMS conditions,but it is km.The detection limit eruption clouds of large volcanic of at eruptions least l km in of IR image reached usually20−30km of more GMS image generated detail image is by and is big of needed, clouds GMS images by observers 一76一 will make the detection of volcanic Tech.Rep.Meteorol.Res.Inst.No.22 emption that clouds of the vapours or that difficult to IR and under far atmospheric Cloud.However,since droplets mixtures of possible,as have well VIS eruptions of detector such as of eruption apply data clouds to Physical and do not the have are such strongly monitor mass as of the of of TM clouds are coated to impossible of clouds to compared mostly with those atmospheric peculiar atmospheric based detect on or of their clouds,it only eruption with composed water,ice two clouds have to eruption clouds TOMS(Total emption not only Ozone clouds sensors is kinds spreading having to in the Mapping as effective daytime but for also at Spectrometer)bome highly distinguish diffrent concentrated eruption on SO2clouds clouds. method eruption be detectors andusingmicrowave−sensorswillbe effective eruption the the purpose in the field have to be quickly conducted into for clouds clouds for analyses dynamics development characteristics distribution of data and the an on on to the of of of accurately materials of cloud a of of of observations of volcanic spreading volcanic also,processing variations eruption and of hazard−reduction, processed.And time convenient eruption and physical eruption eruption of clouds easy−operation spreading or volcanic system for of cloud−surface an the and clouds emption thermal optical in clouds.The estimate the and inside extent,and the eruption 一77一 energy features and to it is very important or or extent estimate optical of the mture emissivity of to releases,H:owever,we surfaces atmosphere,including physical altitude cloud characteristics the thickness,transparent altitude bome of surface actual dispersing variations the eruption distribution needed ejected the volcanic emissivities time or image・monitoring optical rising,spreading cloud GMS altitude of of purposes,the enough distribution is required. Temperature estimate clouds problems,additional detect investigate these is could one data image analyses MSS image・processing image eruptions.For i㎡しage also movement the many which operating or eruption similar from almost above・mentioned images we eruption clouds. detecting (Krueger,1983)is When is and satellite (5〉 clouds s Nimbus of eruption LANDSAT time.The many separate data.Besides,it of ejecta−particles apparently the night (4)Easy including like distinguishing feature features image solve wavelengths water the optical atmospheric To of as 1987 an thermal on the actual of eruption the surface eruption energy of cloud,to release cloud.Observations,measurements or and Tech.Rep.Meteoro1.Res.Inst.No.221987 theoretial to get studies the physical (6)Theoretical and the of sequences and of conducted eruption or in the eruption rising,spreading satellite image are important and (7) well data.The effective and such as and time for an fmdamental observation of and every available method spreadingemption cloud stratosphere data on paper,and of EI be spreading sequences regional spreading the Chich6n could the images(Matson,1984).Investigations for clouds results thermal ofvolcanic further and to experimental of image this eruption estimation for technique volcanological for the them.To begining variations studies will of volcano be supported dynamics energy conceming of release eruptions.Their the ejected by these eruption clouds as one of the results will provide eruption mechanism and tool volcanological make and of the of satellite (8)Establishment the aircraft ejecta・fall decay times are image field of volcanic in their useful provide of volcanic a eruption and strongly are data.Visual orbital important image for the and fmdamental observation ofejected from data on further the the data materials, information observations satellite demanded gromd eruption,mass clouds for effective effective,precise communication hazard for the ground, sequences development of of data ejecta−mass possible system reduction flight,various areas,estimation can a more ground−truth also is analyses. quick be of observations a will or eruptions work,and technique so−called of regions volcanic top−altitude clouds investigation for the end emption volcanic eruptions surveillance aerial measurements wide of atmosphere in satellite strength volcanic or over dynamics the eruptions dispersing and data in shown big using and intensity radar for the example,many were accurate the In applying clouds. on clouds the traced investigations,forming of by theoretical Satellite−monitoring materials by sciences. Precise study eruption images.For cloud of atmosphere be of intensively investigations atmosphere dynamics methods of emption satellite could evaluation properties spread stratosphere very more mechanism widely using the conducted experimental clouds of be optical eruption Detection well should through work and including information and monitoring analyses 一78一 of security are of eruption of transport,especially demanded.For movement cloud of image forecasts eruption data of clouds taken by Tech.Rep.Meteoro1.Res.Inst.No.22 GMS.For and these quick systems purposes,accurate image・data for the processing issuance occurrence of intemational data−exchange (9) For volcanic prediction Monitoring of volcanic monitoring gromd ground thermal by but volcano are show only sea−water difficult by owing observations DCP by GMS active images of IFOV of of volcanic gentle system its for of early be commmication image data on establishment the of an promoted. of monitoring directly volcanoes of contribute to of deformations useful measurements orbital GMS are images may volcanoes.The means for be images be GMS gromd should satellite radio・telemetered used as volcanic accompanied flows by active on have the higher be effective seismological growth of monitor these activities activities image activities. 一79一 should lava ejections or satellite those conducted of the as a events, ofvolcanic gases activity not lava or purpose monitoring observatories. volcano the prediction for should data the which fully−equipped IFOV.These orbital not compositions activities of should of temperatures,chemical activities.To limit sometimes no can of of such fume have pourings submarine and or that results demanded.The events kinds those sites non−explosive also to of those than active sites analyzed overrespectivevolcanoes besides,quick observation,detection sites platform(DCP)for Observation useful at on volcanic and eruption clouds deformations,ground There for aromd needed,and strongly observations.Analyses activities etc.from (10) volcanic state aerial data・collecting ground system data are based are erup亡ions,but resolutions thermal wamings eruption eruption volcanic or of systems emptions.Seismological of predicting of radio−sounding 1987 be analyses.Of of domes,and by monitored GMS by course,the eruption clouds, discolorations images is gromd or GMS can of very aerial be a
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