Guide To TDK Magnets Ferrite Magnets FB Series Neodymium Magnets NEOREC Series Magnet Applied Products TDK CORPORATION 1/ 19 Responding to the latest needs of magnet-applied products for a near half-century. Magnetic characteristics transition of TDK's magnet 100 800 70 600 50 400 Neodymium NEOREC53 Sm2Co17 30 Maximum energy product NEOREC55 NEOREC50 200 10 100 80 7 60 5 Al-Ni-Co-Fe Nd-Fe-B-Plastic Al-Ni-Co-Fe SmCo5 Al-Ni-Co-Fe 40 Sr-ferrite Ba-ferrite La-Co FB6 FB5 FB3N FB4D FB9 FB12 La-Co FB13B/FB14H FB5D Sr-ferrite 3 Ba-ferrite 20 NKS Steel MK Steel 1 10 8 0.7 6 0.5 4 1920 Ba-ferrite Co-ferrite KS Steel 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Year 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 TDK's development steps of magnet products from the ferrite magnet FB1A material in 1959 to the cutting-edge neodymium magnet NEOREC55 Series as well as the world's first La-Co high-performance ferrite magnet FB9, FB12 Series the path of a near half-century represents the evolvement and diversification histories of the magnet-applied products. TDK's Magnets Sintered Magnets Ferrite Magnets FB Series Rare Earth Magnets Neodymium Magnets NEOREC Series Sm-Co Magnets Bonded Magnets Neodymium Plastic Magnets Ferrite-Rubber Magnets 2/ 19 Responding to the latest needs of magnet-applied products for a near half-century. Changes in material development and market trends Neodymium Magnets : NEOREC Series La,Co Free Ferrite Magnets : FB9BF 1990 Dy Free Neodymium Magnets : NEOREC47HF Market demands for energy and resource savings rise. 2013 FB9NF,9BF,9HF NEOREC50BF,45BF 47SH,45SX,42TH 40UX 2012 1990 CM8B 1989 FB6N,6B,6H REC26E,22E NEOREC38,33,30SH, 27SH,35H,32H BQE14 Increasing the demand of Dy free neodymium magnet and La, Co free ferrite magnet to avoid resources risks of heavy rare earth and rare metals. NEOREC47HF Speakers and motors for automotive electrical equipment become smaller and more functional. Demand for magnets for motors for NC working machinery and robots rises sharply. 2010 FB13B,14H NEOREC53B,46HG 40TH,35NX 2009 NEOREC43SX 2008 FB12B,12H NEOREC50H,45SH 1987 FB4M The performance improvement and reinforcement of HEV and its market expansion as well as the accelerated development and propagation of power- saving/highefficient home electronic appliances which seek reduction of CO2 emission have rapidly expanded the demand for smaller and higher power magnets. 1986 FB3N FB4G,4K BQC14 2006 NEOREC40UH,38UX 2004 FB5DH NEOREC46HF,35UX, 38UH,30EV FB5D NEOREC42SH NEOREC50F CM11UH,8BL,8BLH 2000 Application of highly functional magnets in vehicle motors increases. NEOREC35,30H 1983 FB5B,5H,5N,5E REC32A,26A Demand for magnets for HDD built in home Information appliances & AV equipments increases. 1982 BQK12 NEOREC52A,50B,47H BQL15 2001 Micro-motors become smaller and more functional rapidly. 1985 The propagation of HEV and advancement in the powersaving (inversion) features of home electronic alliance has expanded the demand for magnet. BQL15N, BQC14N 2003 Demand for polar anisotropic magnets for stepping motors increases. Introduction of neodymium magnets and highly functional ferrite magnets accelerates downsizing and advances in functions of applied products. Demand for magnets for motors for automotive electrical equipment and microwave ovens(magnetrons) increases. Demand for magnets for EV and HEV hits full scale. Demand for magnets for optical communications (optical isolators) expands. Ferrite Magnets : FB Series 2000 FB9N CM11SH Digital cameras experience sharp rise in sales. Demand for magnets for small, energy-efficient motors increases. 1980 FB9B, 9H 1979 La-Co type next-generation ferrite magnets launched. REC26,22 1997 1978 NEOREC45F,40F,30UX, 27UX CM11N In mobile phone market, demand of magnets for small vibrating coreless motors and small isolators rises sharply. 1996 HEV move to mass production. BQA14 1976 FB5R (Sm 2-Co17 Type) (Sm-Co5 Type) Market for home appliance shifts from electromagnet type motors to permanent magnet type energy- efficient motors. 1970 FB6E NEOREC45,40,38SH, 34SH,41H,37H HDD downsizing and rise in capacity accelerates. Demand for magnets for small VCM and small flat motors increases. Sm-Co magnets launched. 1970 Strontium ferrite magnets launched. Applications expand rapidly. FB3A,4A Ferrite magnets for small motors launched. 1960 FB2A Demand for magnets for very small pager-vibration motors increases. Ferrite magnets for speakers launched. 1960 1991 FB3G NEOREC41,36,38H,34H, 35SH,31SH,30UH,27UH Demand for cheaper rare earth magnets increases. FB2B,3B,4B 1964 1993 Demand for speaker magnets increases and the magnets become more functional. 1974 REC18,20 FB4D REC32AH,26AH NEOREC35UH,31UH CM11B Sm-Co magnets are made more functional and cost is effective. REC30,24 Demand rises for magnets for vehicle ABS motors and sensors. NEOREC50 1994 Adoption of ferrite magnets for electrical generators in motorcycles advance. 1977 FB4H,3X,4X NEOREC47B,42B, 44H, 40H 1980 FB3K,4N 1999 1959 Demand for magnets for inverters and fuzzy control motors increases. FB1A 3/ 19 Shift from alnico to ferrite begins in earnest. Efforts to achieve products with world-leading quality and price performance. Responding quickly and appropriately to cutting-edge needs for magnetic materials, striving to make more compact products using magnets boasting better performance and lower cost, and contributing to the development of the market these are our basic business philosophies and objectives. 1μm To achieve these objectives, we have close alliances with our Advanced Techmology Development Center and Production Engineering Group, It is through these alliances we aim to achieve innovative analysis of physical properties and control methods free of restrictions of conventional theories, for ferrite magnet and neodymium magnet. We have also focused on improving and upgrading our production and supply systems, by streamlining our production lines, consolidating our global networks for production and marketing, and optimizing our production bases and systems for raw materials procurement. Composition controlling technologies High dispersion technologies Powder controlling technologies Structural and compositional analyses technologies Mold design technologies Highly accurate molding technologies Highly accurate high pressure molding technologies Crystal particles orientation technologies Single-domain grain image of the world's first La-Co type ferrite magnet Microstructure controlling (Calcination in atmosphere, heat treatment) technologies マグネットに寄せられる先端ニーズに迅速かつ的確に対応 Sintering technologies in ultra vacuum and high purity atmosphere し、 マグネット応用製品の小型、高機能、 ローコスト化と市場 Precision machining technologies の拡大発展に寄与する。それが私たちの基本理念であり、 事業目標です。 Surface treatment technologies その推進力の源泉は、先端技術開発センターや生産技術グ Precision cleaning technologies ループをはじめとする材料研究開発・生産技術開発部門と Production process design and facilities production technologies の技術連携です。先端的な取り組み成果の緊密かつ柔軟な 共有環境のもと、 フェライトマグネット、 ネオジムマグネットそ Quality management and magnetic field analysis technologies れぞれの領域において、 従来セオリーにとらわれない新たな 物性解析、制御手法を追求。同時に、生産ラインの合理化、 Magnetization technologies 原料調達の最適化など、ロープライスニーズにお応えする 改良、革新を推進しています。 Applied magnetic technologies 4/ 19 Element technologies of the Ferrite & Magnet Products Business Group Efforts to achieve products with world-leading quality and price performance. マグネットの基本組成の一部を置き換えることで飛躍的な 高特性化をもたらしてきたDy(ジスプロシウム)やLa(ランタ ン)、 Co(コバルト)などの希土類、希少元素を一切使わずに、 これまでに到達した世界最高レベルのハイパワー材と同等 な特性領域に位置する新たなマグネットを実現する。原料 の地域偏在リスクや相場変動リスクを排除し、恒久的かつ 安定したローコスト・ハイパワーマグネットの供給体制を確 立するために不可欠な取り組みです。 SEM image of Dy including NEOREC47H(left) and Dy free NEOREC47HF (right) To realize new magnet materials with high magnetic properties by replacing some of the basic composition of the magnet normaly has been brought without Dy (Dysprosium) and La (Lanthanum), Co (Cobolt). It is essential activities for eliminate raw material regional risk and price risk supplying the cost effective magnet sably and parmanently. TDK has developed La,Co free ferrite magnet with high magnetic characteristics which is equivalent them of FB9 material including La and Co, and has established production and supply systems of Dy free neodymium magnet with high Br close to top Br value of NEOREC55 Series. SEM image of the La-Co FB9 material (left) and La, Co free FB9BF material (right) TDKでは、La-Co系のFB9材に迫る高特性を実現したLa、 Co完全フリーのフェライトマグネットと世界トップレベルの Br値を達成したDy系のNEOREC55シリーズに迫るDy完 全フリーネオジムマグネットの量産・供給体制を確立。減磁 されやすいマグネット部位の粒界層に集中的にDyを拡散さ せ保磁力を強化する独自の高異方性磁界層 (High Aniso. field Layer= HAL)工法も展開しています。 また、 フェライトマグネットでは、 従来湿式成型手法の限界を 超える高密度充填によるハイBr 化と形状自由度、 最適化に Dy on grain boundary layer diffusion by HAL method よる特性改良を可能にした薄肉成型プロセスを開発。次世 代モータの設計・開発に世界をリードするFB12材の特性を And TDK is applying "HAL", High Anisotropic field Layer, which is a kind of Dy grain boundary diffusion method, to the part of magnet with easy demagnetization area for enhance coercive force. 上回るハイパワー・小型化メリットを提供しています。 Example of enhanced coercivity distribution model Added High HRE HCJ Low HRE HRE application area Heavy Rare Earth The thin wall molding process enables Br improvement and optimized shape, beyond conventional wet molding technique in ferrite magnet, high power FB12, leads the world in the design for the development of nextgeneration motor to be compact and provide benefits. Available 1.5mm thick skew shapes Improving magnetic property by shape optimization 5/ 19 TDK Worldwide Supporting Networks TDK set up its global network in collaboration with the Manufacturing Department and the Marketing Department. We always pursue the best price performance through a highly efficient relational mass production system. We also actively promote the marketing of technology in principal client countries. Once we determine the latest technology trend in the applied product market, we predict forefront magnet needs in the future, and reflect these in the activities of the R&D Department as quickly as possible. TDKは、 製造部門とマーケティング部門の連携により、世界 的規模のネットワークを構築。効率性の高いリレーショナル 量産システムを通して、 常に最高のプライスパフォーマンス を追求しています。また、 主要各国における技術マーケティ ングも強力に推進。応用製品市場における最先端技術のリ サーチから次世代マグネットニーズをいち早く掌握し、 研究・ 開発部門の活動に反映させています。 そして、 このグローバルネットワークの中核となるのが、 フェ The core of the global network is the Shizuoka Plant, a pioneer of ferrite magnet production technology, and the Narita Plant, a technology innovation center of neodymium magnets and magnet applied products. Both plants employ creative and advanced technology for developing a highly efficient mass production line. They combine Materials & Process Development Center to establish mass production engineering methods for the latest materials, and also assume the role of a supplier to network plants all over the world. ライトマグネット生産技術のパイオニアともいうべき静岡工 場と、 ネオジムマグネット、 マグネット応用製品の技術革新を 担う成田工場です。 どちらも独創かつ先進の高効率量産ライン構築技術を保有。 材料・プロセス技術開発センターとの技術連携で開発した 最新材質の量産工法を確立し、その先端ノウハウを世界の 工場に供給する役割も果たしています。まさにマグネットの Just like the "S"outh and "N"orth poles of a magnet, the "S" hizuoka Plant and "N"arita Plant are the main plants of TDK's Magnets to meet the desires of the magnet market into the next generation. N、 S極のように、"N"arita 工場と"S"hizuoka工場は、世界 のマグネット市場に生まれる夢をパワフルに引き寄せるメ インプラントです。 TDK Corporation Shizuoka Plant Ferrite Magnets (Wet) Shizuoka-ken Narita District Chiba-ken Shizuoka District TDK Corporation Narita Plant Neodymium Magnets Magnet Applied Products 6/ 19 TDK Worldwide Supporting Networks TDK Ferrites Corporation Oklahoma, U.S.A. Our plants operation year Ferrite Magnets (Wet) SAE Magnetics(H.K.) Ltd. Dongguan, P.R.China Assembling VCM 2013 P.R.China (Huanan) Plant TDK Dongguan Technology Co.,Ltd. 2002 P.R.China (Huanan) Plant TDK Hong Kong Co.,Ltd. 2000 P.R.China (Dongguan) Plant SAE Magnetics(H.K.) Ltd. 1999 Toso TDK Plant (Chiba,Japan) Toso TDK Ferrites Corporation 1994 Thailand (Rojana,Wangnoi) Plant TDK (Thailand) Co. Ltd. 1993 P.R.China (Xiaobian) Plant TDK Hong Kong Co.,Ltd. 1991 Germany (Herne) Plant BT Magnet-Technologie Gmb 1987 U.S.A. (Oklahoma) Plant TDK Ferrites Corporation 1985 Sagara Plant (Shizuoka,Japan) TDK Corporation 1979 Shizunami Plant (Shizuoka,Japan) TDK Corporation TDK Hong Kong Co., Ltd. Dongguan, P.R.China 1978 Narita Plant (Chiba,Japan) TDK Corporation Ferrite Magnets (Wet/Dry) Neodymium Magnets Magnet Applied Products 1978 Taiwan (Yangmei) Plant TDK Taiwan Corporation 1975 Mexico (Cd. Juarez) Plant TDK Texas Corporation TDK Dongguan Technology Co., Ltd. Dongguan, P.R.China 1973 Sagara TDK Plant (Shizuoka,Japan) Sagara TDK Corporation Ferrite Magnets (Wet) Magnet Applied Products 1970 Shizuoka Plant (Shizuoka,Japan) TDK Corporation TDK (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Rojana Plant Rojana, Thailand 1965 Yawata Plant (Chiba,Japan) TDK Corporation Neodymium Magnets Wangnoi Plant 1960 Wangnoi, Thailand Ichikawa Plant (Chiba,Japan) TDK Corporation Assembling VCM 7/ 19 Features of TDK's magnets Ferrite Magnets FB Series A oxide magnet made by sintering, using advanced fine powder control technologies based on a powder metallurgy method. Not susceptible to weakened magnetic fields, this is our core magnet product with outstanding properties for practical applications that surpass those of conventional metal magnets. Another strong feature is that it can be produced in volume at costs significantly below neodymium magnets. 粉末冶金法による高度な微細構造制御技術を用いた酸化 物焼結磁石で、減磁界の影響を受けにくく、従来金属(AlNi-Co)マグネットをしのぐ優れた実用特性をネオジムマグ ネットより格段に低いコストで量産できる中核的なマグネ ットです。 FB13B, FB14H : 高性能薄肉異方性材質(適応肉厚 :1.0 〜2.0mm) FB9NF, FB9BF, FB9HF : 最新鋭ハイパワーLa、 Coフリー材質 FB13B, FB14H : High-performance thin shape-isotropy materials (Available thickness : 1.0 to 2.0 mm) FB9NF, FB9BF, FB9HF : La, Co free latest high-power materials Magnetic characteristics distribution charts of FB Series 5.0 500 (kG) (mT) Residual magnetic flux density 4.8 Material group FB13B 480 4.6 Higher power thin-shaped molding materials FB12B 460 FB12H FB9B FB9NF 4.4 FB12 FB14H FB9N FB9 FB9BF 440 FB9H FB6N High-power La-Co-free materials FB6B 4.2 420 FB6 FB5D FB9HF FB6H 4.0 400 FB5DH FB3N 3.8 380 3.6 360 FB6E FB3G La-Co-replaced materials La-Co-free materials 3.4 340 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Thin-shaped molding process (kA/m) 2.5 3.0 3.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 5.5 6.0 Wet molding process (kOe) Intrinsic coercive force Dry molding process High-performance ferrite magnet for outer rotor Residual magnetic flux density Development trends in material group of the FB Series 4.8 480 (kG) (mT) 4.6 460 4.4 4.2 FB12H 430 FB9B 358 FB9H 397 High H cj FB3N FB9NF 280 FB9BF 340 FB6H 239 358 FB5DH FB9HF 400 318 Dry 3.8 380 FB3G Year 1985 8/ 19 h 263 Dry 400 g Hi 318 FB6B FB5D 4.0 FB13B 380 FB14H 430 263 FB6N 420 380 286 FB9N 440 FB12B 1990 FB6E 271 394 1995 2000 2005 2010 Br HCJ 430 400 397 394 380 358 340 318 286 280 271 263 239 2015 Features of TDK's magnets Neodymium Magnets NEOREC Series 型化、ハイパワー化が可能です。 This neodymium magnet achieved the world's highest levels of residual magnetic flux density Br, intrinsic coercive force HCJ , and (BH)max. A wide variety of magnetic characteristics provides a choice of most suitable type, enabling drastic downsizing, slimming, and increased power of magnet applied devices. NEOREC50BF/47HF/45MHF/45BF : Dyフリー材質 NEOREC50BF/47HF/45MHF/45BF : Dy free material 世界最高レベルの残留磁束密度と保磁力、(BH)maxを達 成したネオジムマグネットです。 豊富な磁気特性をラインナップ。最適な品種を選択してい ただくことで、各種マグネット応用機器の飛躍的な小型・薄 Magnetic characteristics distribution charts of NEOREC Series 15 1.5 ( kG) (T) 50BF 51DSX 50H Residual magnetic flux density HAL* 14 1.4 47B 47HF 45BF Axial 46HF 44H 45MHF 46HG 42B 45SH 44DUX High performance neodymium magnet for IPM motor HAL* 43SX Axial 13 1.3 42SH 40H 40TH 40UH 62 Transverse magnetic field molding process Series ( HAL* ) Axial 38UX 38UH 55 Transverse magnetic field molding process Series 35NX 12 1.2 53 Transverse magnetic field molding process Series 35UX Transverse magnetic field molding process 50F Series 30EV 11 1.1 1000 10 1500 15 2000 20 3000 (kA/m) 2500 25 30 Axial magnetic field molding process 35 40 Transverse magnetic field molding process Dy Free Axial magnetic field molding process (kOe) Intrinsic coercive force * HAL Method for increasing coercive force, by diffusing the heavy rare-earth element from the surface of the magnets to inside. Substantially reduce the oxidation of alloy powder (impurities generated) by precision atmosphere control 45 Series 50F Series Impurity Low Oxygen Process Dy content Boundary Boundary 53 Series Reduce 55 Series Nd 2 Fe14 B HAL* 0 1995 Oxide Nd 2 Fe14 B Dy Free 2000 2005 2010 9/ 19 2015 50F Series 53 Series The century of clean energy We are moving up to an even higher technological level. クリーンエネルギー応用技術への取り組みが世界的な規模 で本格化する新世紀。省エネルギー、 環境・資源保全推進の キーマテリアルとなるマグネットにおいても、 応用技術の可 能性を広げ、新技術を活用した製品を広く世界に普及させ る条件として、 さらなる小型、高性能化とローコスト化を実 現する新たな物性制御手法と高効率生産技術の開発・推進 に大きな期待が寄せられています。 世界にさきがけ工業化した独創材料フェライトを創業の礎 とするTDKは、 クリーンエネルギー世紀の幕開けに際して、 自らを e-material solution provider と位置づけ、限界 へチャレンジする技術風土をバックボーンに全社的な技術 An image which analyzed structure of crystals of ferrite magnets 連携と技術力強化に取り組んでいます。 The dawn of a new century has been accompanied by numerous initiatives around the globe, involving the application of clean energy technologies. 希少金属や重希土類の偏在リスク、 量的リスクを回避しなが ら、 世界最高水準のハイパワーを実現したLa、 Coフリー・フ Magnetic materials are poised to play a key role in both energy conservation and the preservation of resources and the environment. To expand the potential of applied technologies and to introduce products thatuse the new technologies, the market is keenly awaiting methods for controlling physical properties and developing highly efficient production systems. ェライトマグネットFB9RF や Dy(ジスプロシウム)フリー・ ネオジムマグネットNEOREC47HFなど、つねに時代の先 端ニーズにお応えしてきた私たち磁性製品ビジネスグルー プも、 これまでの成果に甘んじることなく、 次世代マグネット 応用製品マーケットのあらゆるシーンにおいて、さらなるメ リットと可能性を提供できる新マグネット材料の開発とロー コスト量産技術の革新に鋭意取り組んでまいります。 Analyzed magnetic field image of magnetic circuit X-ray analysis pattern TDK, founded as the world's first industrial supplier of original material ferrite, considers itself to be an "e-material solution provider " in this new century of clean energy. Supported by engineering efforts that have consistently tested new limits, we are strengthening our engineering ties and bolstering the technological capacities of our Company. The Ferrite & Magnet Products Business Group has been providing products to meet cutting-edge needs, including La, Co free ferrite magnet FB9RF and Dy free neodymium magnet NEOREC47HF, avoiding uneven distribution and quantitative risk of heavy rare earth and rare metals. But we have no intention of stopping with these achievements. In the new century, we will continue our efforts to develop and deliver new magnetic materials that meet the needs of our clients, in every area of the market for applied magnet products. 10/ 19 Typical material characteristics 500 1500 FB13B FB14H FB12B 460 FB12H FB9B FB9NF 440 FB9BF FB6N FB9H FB6B 420 FB5D FB9HF FB6H 400 FB5DH FB3N FB6E 380 FB3G 1400 45MHF 46HF 44H 46HG Axial 42B 250 300 350 44DUX 45SH 43SX Axial 1300 42SH 40H 40TH Axial 40UH 38UX 38UH 35NX 1200 35UX Dy type La, Co free 340 200 NEOREC 47HF La, Co type 360 51DSX 50H 50BF 47B 45BF Br (mT) FB9N Residual magnetic flux density FB Br (mT) Residual magnetic flux density 480 Dy free 400 1100 1000 450 30EV 1500 Intrinsic coercive force HCJ 2000 2500 3000 Intrinsic coercive force HCJ (kA/m) (kA/m) MAGNETIC CHARACTERISTICS ネオジム Neodymium Ferrite Magnet forms Type La,Co Typical material Residual magnetic flux density Coercive force Intrinsic coercive force Maximum energy product La,Co Dy High Br High HCJ FB6B FB9BF FB9B FB12B (mT) 420.0 435.0 450.0 470.0 1420 1390 1390 1140 (kA/m) 302.4 315.0 342.2 340.0 1097 1067 1058 867 (kA/m) 318.3 340.0 358.1 380.0 1353 1273 1273 2785 (kJ/m3) 33.4 36.3 38.6 43.1 390 374 366 231 Br - 0.18 - 0.18 0.18 - - 0.18 NEOREC50H NEOREC47H NEOREC47HF NEOREC30EV 0.11 - 0.60 - - 0.11 - 0.11 - 0.60 - 0.60 - 0.11 (%/K) Temperature coefficient HCJ 0.30 0.29 0.18 0.11 - 0.41 Reference data (traditional material) Curie temperature Magnet forms Recoil relative permeability Ferrite Neodymium Strength of magnetization (kA/m) (K) 733 1.05 to1.10 1000 603 1.05 2000 PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Magnet forms Ferrite Neodymium Density Thermal expansion coefficient (Mg/m3) (ppm/K) Flexural strength Compressive strength Tensile strength Young's modulus (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (GPa) Vickers hardness 4.9 to 5.1 837 15 10 70 700 35 200 530 7.5 to 7.6 419 5.2 −0.8 270 1100 74 170 600 : 磁化容易軸方向での測定値 Measurement value in the direction of easy magnetization : 磁化容易軸方向に垂直な方向での測定値 Measurement value in the direction perpendicular to the direction of easy magnetization 11/ 19 Concept-In - magnet applied products コンピュータによる磁気シミュレーションにより最適な磁石 Major initiatives グレードと形状デザインを選別・設定し、蓄積した磁場解析 ノウハウと先進システムを駆使した各種シミュレーションに HDD (Magnetic circuits for VCM) より、 ご要求の機能に最適な磁気回路を提案します。 Magnet roll for LBP Smartphone built-in camera Magnetic circuits for lens actuator Stacked magnets for preventing eddy current loss Magnet for TMR angle sensor Magnetic circuits for magnetic sensor (magnet unit) Corresponds to the request of integrated structural part injection molding magnets in magnetic circuit. Selection and configuration of optimized shape design and magnet grade by computer simulation, and suggestions requested by various simulation utilizing magnetic field analysis know-how and advanced system features a magnetic circuit. Large wind turbine generator (rotor magnetic circuit assembly) Plasma generating equipment (magnet unit assembly) For motors (magnet assembly for various uses) 12/ 19 Recommended materials are indicated in color FB Series /NEOREC Series Typical application and recommended materials Specifications design support and production of the magnet application product Sensors Others ABSセンサ 5D,5DH/50H,45SH 発電機 9BF,9N,9B,12B,12H/38UH Anti-lock Brake System Sensor Electric Generator Motors 燃料・オイルレベルセンサ 5D,5DH サスペンション制御 45SH フューエルポンプモータ 9BF,9N,9B,12B Fuel Level Sensor / Oil Level Sensor Suspension Control Fuel Pump Motor ディストリビュータセンサ 5D,5DH/45SH オルタネータ 9BF,9B,12B/40UH パワーウインドリフトモータ 9BF,9B,12B Distributor Sensor Alternator Power Window Lift Motor CAMセンサ 45SH イグニッションコイル(バイアス用) 40UH ABSポンプモータ 9BF,9HF,9H,9B,12B,12H CAM Sensor Ignition Coil (For Bias) Anti-lock Brake System Pump Motor パワーウインド挟み込み防止センサ スピーカ 45BF,42B ブロアモータ/ワイパモータ 9BF,9B,12B Anti-Trap Power Window Sensor Loudspeakers Automotive Sector Blower Motor / Wiper Motor 各種吸着用 5D,5DH/37H パワーステアリングモータ 9BF,9N,9B,12B/46HF,45SH For various adsorptions Power Steering Motor パワーブレーキ用モータ 9BF,9HF,9B,9H,12B,12H Power Brake Motor アクティブサスペンションモータ 9BF,9HF,9B,9H,12B,12H/45SH Motor For Active Suspension 世界トップレベルの磁気特性を達成した自動車用高性能マグネット群 High-performance magnets of the top-level world class for automotive 電子スロットルコントロール用モータ 9BF,9HF,9B,9H,12B Motor For Electronic Throttle Control 無段変速制御装置(CVT)用モータ 9BF,9HF,9B,9H,12B,12H Motor For Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT ) スタータモータ 9BF,9HF,9B,9H,12B,12H/40UH Starter Motor ドアロックモータ/電動ミラーモータ 5D,5DH Door Lock Motor / Power Mirror Motor ジェネレータ駆動用モータ 40UH Generator Operation Motor シートモータ 9BF Seat Motor HEV/EV駆動用モータ,ジェネレータ Operation Motor / Generator for Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Electric Vehicle 40UH,40TH,35NX,45SX,42TH 挟み込み防止センサ Anti-Trap Power Window Sensor パワーウインドリフトモータ Power Window Lift Motor 電動ミラーモータ Power Mirror Motor ドアロックモータ Door Lock Motor 電動パワーステアリングモータ Electronic Power Steering Motor Automotive エアコンルーバーモータ Louver Motor for Air Conditioners スピードメータ Speed Meter スピーカ Loudspeakers 電子スロットルコントロール Electronic Throttle Control フューエルポンプモータ Fuel Pump Motor オイルレベルセンサ Oil Level Sensor ブロアモータ Blower Motor オルタネータ Alternator ディストリビュータセンサ Distributor Sensor 燃料レベルセンサ Fuel Level Sensor HEV/EV駆動用モータ Operation Motor for HEV/ EV ジェネレータ駆動用モータ 無段変速制御装置用モータ Generator Operation Motor Motor For Continuously Variable Transmission イグニッションコイル CAMセンサ CAM Sensor Ignition Coil (For Bias) ワイパモータ Wiper Motor サスペンション制御 Suspension Controlr アクティブサスペンションモータ Motor For Active Suspension パワーブレーキ用モータ Power Brake Motor ABSポンプモータ Anti-lock Brake System Pump Motor ABSセンサ Anti-lock Brake System Sensor 13/ 19 Recommended materials are indicated in color FB Series /NEOREC Series Typical application and recommended materials Specifications design support and production of the magnet application product Office Automation Devices Sector Ink-Jet Printer Audiovisual devices Sector 紙送り用モータ 5D,5DH Paper Delivery Motor Personal Computer ヘッド駆動モータ 5D,5DH Camcorder HDD : VCM 47B,46HF,47HF Head Driving Motor キャプスタンモータ/回転ヘッドモータ 40H Capstan Motor / Head Motor HDD : VCM HDD : ラッチ 44H リールモータ 40H Photocopier HDD : Latch DVDレコーダー : 光ピックアップ 50B,47H DVD Recorder : Optical Pickup DVD, CD-ROM : 光ピックアップ駆動モータ DVD, CD-ROM : Optical Pickup Motor Reel Motor 感光ドラム駆動モータ 5D,5DH ローディングモータ 5D,5DH Photosensitive Drum Motor Loading Motor 紙送り機構駆動モータ 5D,5DH テープ巻取用スピンドルモータ 44H Motor for Paper Delivery Mechanism Spindle Motor for Tape Rewinding 冷却用ファンモータ 5D,5DH 5D,5DH DVD, CD-ROM : ローディングモータ ズーム用モータ/フォーカス用モータ Cooling Fan Motor Zoom Motor/Focus Motor 5D,5DH/44H DVD, CD-ROM : Loading Motor 5D,5DH Facsimile DVD, CD-ROM : クランパ 5D,5DH/37H,40H DVD, CD-ROM : Clamper 冷却用ファンモータ 5D,5DH 紙送り機構駆動モータ 5D,5DH ローディングモータ 5D,5DH Motor for Paper Delivery Mechanism Loading Motor Cooling Fan Motor 光ピックアップ駆動用モータ 5D,5DH Laser Printer ポリゴンミラー駆動モータ 40H Scanner Optical Pickup Motor キャリッジ駆動モータ 5D,5DH クランパ用 5D,5DH/40H Clampers Carriage Motor Polygon Mirror Motor 紙送り機構駆動モータ 5D,5DH Camera (Still/Digital) Motor for Paper Delivery Mechanism フォーカス用モータ 5D,5DH/44H 冷却用ファンモータ 5D,5DH Focus Motor Cooling Fan Motor 自動巻き上げ用モータ 5D,5DH/41H Auto Wind Motor マグネットロール DVD, CD-R Drive Magnet Roll 自動巻き取り用モータ 5D,5DH/41H Auto Rewind Motor 光ピックアップ駆動モータ Optical Pickup Motor ローディングモータ Others Loading Motor スピーカ 37H,40H Loudspeakers 光ピックアップ ヘッドホン 37H,40H Optical Pickup クランパ Headphones Clamper HDD VCM ラッチ Ink-Jet Printer 紙送り用モータ Paper Delivery Motor 紙送り用クラッチ Printer Clutch インククリーナ用モータ ヘッド駆動モータ 14/ 19 Cleaner Motor Head Driving Motor Latch Recommended materials are indicated in color FB Series /NEOREC Series Typical application and recommended materials Specifications design support and production of the magnet application product Telecommunications devices sector Home Appliance Sector Telephone Unit Air Conditioner レシーバ(スピーカ) 37H,41H 室外機 : コンプレッサモータ 9BF,9HF,9N,9B,9H,12B,12H/42SH,43SX Receiver (Speakers) Outdoor Unit : Compressor Motor 室外機 : ファンモータ 9BF,9B,12B Outdoor Unit : Fan Motor Smart Phone 室外機 : 冷媒流量弁 5D アイソレータ 9BF,9B,9H,12B,12H Outdoor Unit : Coolant Flow Control Valve Isolator 室内機 : ファンモータ 9BF,9B,5D,12B レシーバ(スピーカ) 37H,41H Indoor Unit : Fan Motor Receiver (Speakers) 室内機 : ルーバー用モータ 5D,5DH コアレス振動モータ 38UH,41H Indoor Unit : Louver Motor Coreless Vibration Motor レンズアクチュエータ 47HF Opening-and-closing Sensor Washing Machine 駆動用(DD主軸)モータ/給水ポンプ 9BF,9N,9B,12B,12H/42SH,47B,44H レシーバ Driving (DD Axis) Motor / Water Pump Receiver 開閉センサ 5DH レンズアクチュエータ Lens Actuator Drum Lid Sensor Refrigerator アイソレータ コンプレッサモータ 9BF,9N,9B,9H,12B,12H/42SH,43SX Isolator Compressor Motor ファンモータ 5D,5DH Fan Motor Smart Phone 振動モータ Others Vibration Motor 空気清浄機 : ファンモータ 5D,5DH Air Purifier : Fan Motor ドライヤー : ファンモータ 5D,5DH Hair Dryer : Fan Motor シェーバー : 駆動用モータ 5D,5DH ファンモータ Shaver : Driving Motor Fan Motor ・ルーバー用モータ Louver Motor 電動歯ブラシ : 駆動用モータ 5D,5DH Electric Toothbrush : Driving Motor 電動工具 : 駆動用モータ 9BF,9N,9B,12B,12H Power Tools : Driving Motor Air Conditioner ファンモータ 駆動用(DD主軸)モータ Driving (DD Axis) Motor Fan Motor 冷媒流量弁 Coolant Flow Control Valve Washing Machine コンプレッサモータ 開閉センサ Compressor Motor 給水ポンプ 15/ 19 Drum Lid Sensor Water Pump Typical application and recommended materials Factory Automation / Industrial Equipment Sector Medical Equipment Sector MRI : 磁場発生用 44H Industrial Robot MRI : Magnetic Field Generation 主駆動用モータ/軸・関節用モータ 血液循環ポンプ用カップリング 9BF,9B,9H/42SH Main Driving Motor / Shaft,Joint Motor Coupling for Blood Pumps 12B,12H/42SH,38UH,44H,43SX 分析機器 : 各種ポンプモータ 5D,5DH Analytical Instruments : Pump Motors 電動ベッド 9BF,9HF,9N,9B,9H,12B,12H/42SH Machine Tools Electric Bed テーブル駆動用モータ 9BF,9N,9B,12B,12H/42SH Table Drive Motor ベルト駆動用モータ 9BF,9HF,9B,9H,12B,12H/42SH Belt Drive Motor 半導体移送装置(リニアモータ) 50B,47H Semiconductor Transfer Equipment (Linear Motor) Other Applications 玩具 : 駆動用モータ 5D,5DH Toys : Driving Motor 空圧機器センサ駆動用 37H Sensors in Pneumatic Devices マグネットチャック 9BF,9BH,9B,9H/42SH Magnet Chuck マグネットカップリング 42SH Magnet Coupling ダイレクトドライブモータ 42SH Direct Drive Motor ラジコン用モータ 9BF,9HF,9N,9B,9H,12B,12H Motor for Radio Controlled Models マグネットスタンド(吸着用) 9BF,9HF,9B,9H Magnetic Stand (For Adsorption) Elevator 昇降用サーボモータ 9BF,9HF,9B,9H,12B,12H/42SH Servo Motor for Motor Elevation ドア開閉用モータ 12B,12H Door Motor マグネットラッチ(吸着用) 5D,5DH Magnetic Latch (For Adsorption) 磁気治療器具 5D,5DH Magnetic Therapy Instruments プラズマ発生装置 Plasma Generator Train Vehicle 主電動機 40TH Main Motor Electrical Generator ロータ 9H,12H/50F,46HF,47HF,38UH Recommended materials are indicated in color FB Series /NEOREC Series Roter Assembly Specifications design support and production of the magnet application product 16/ 19 Manufacturing process of magnet products and element technologies Manufacturing Process 混練 Kneading Ferrite Magnets SrCO3 Fe2O3 脱水 Dehydration a 1 自動計量 4 Wet Process 3 2 Automated weighing 仮焼 粗粉砕 微粉砕 乾燥 分散 Calcination Rough crushing Fine milling Drying Dispersion b 磁場成形 Molding in a magnetic field H2O 混合 Mixing 4 Dry Process 基本組成である炭酸ストロンチウムと酸化鉄を均一に混合(FB9、 FB12では基本組成にランタン、 コバルトを添加します)。 仮焼粒子を空気中、 水中で粉砕し、約1μmほどの微粒子を得ます。 Weighing and Mixing Crushing calcinated powder in air and milling in water to get fine particles of approximately 1μm Rough Crushing and Fine Milling Mixing iron oxide and strontium carbonate as a basic composition (in FB9 and FB12, add lanthanum and cobalt to basic composition) 微粒子は、 このあとWET、DRYプロセスに分別送出されます。 Fine particles are sent to the dry or wet process. 原料を空気中で加熱することで、ストロンチウムフェライト化合物 の粒子を得ます。 スラリー(粉砕微粒子と水の混濁液)の水分量を調整、混錬し、 均一 化します。 Calcination Wet process : Dehydration and Kneading By heating mixed powder in air to get particles of strontium ferrite compound Dehydration and kneading to keep specified decentration of slurry (suspension of water and crushed fine particles) 乾燥 5 Drying a b Wet Process 6 8 研削加工 検査 Grinding Inspection 7 Dry Process 焼結 Sintering 着磁 Magnetization Machining (Cutting/Grinding or both) スラリーを気流乾燥したのち、凝集をほぐします。 Dry process : Drying and Dispersion Drying slurry in a flash bulb dryer and pulverizing 製品仕様に応じて着磁を行います。 Magnetizing 金型にスラリー(Wet)、 粉体(Dry)を充填。磁場中で加圧して製品 形状の圧粉体を得ます。 Depending on the specification Molding in a magnetic field Molding the slurry(Wet)/powder(Dry) in a magnetic field to get a specific shape compaction (Wet Process → Drying) Inspection and Shipment 乾燥後連続炉に通し圧粉体を空気中で加熱することで、緻密化し た焼結体を得ます。 Drying and Sintering Firing the compaction in air by continuous furnace to get a dense sintered part 17/ 19 出荷 Shipment Manufacturing process of magnet products and element technologies Manufacturing Process Nd/ Fe/B Dy Co 縦磁場成形 Molding in a axial magnetic field Neodymium Magnets 1 3 自動計量 Automated weighing 粗粉砕 微粉砕(気流粉砕) Rough crushing 1mm〜100μm Fine milling (Jet milling) 10〜1μm 4 窒素 Nitrogen 溶解 Melting 2 鋳造 横磁場成形 Casting Molding in a transverse magnetic field 基本組成であるネオジム(ディスプロシウム)、鉄(コバルト)、 ホウ素 および添加物を秤量します。 合金に水素を吸蔵・脱水素することで粗粉砕を行ったあと、 窒素雰 囲気中の気流粉砕により数μの粒子を得ます。 Weighing Rough Crushing and Fine Milling Weighing neodymium(dysprosium), iron(cobalt), and boron as a basic composition with additives Pulperizing alloy by hydrogen absorption and desorption, then jet milling in nitrogen to get micromerter order fine particles 原料を高周波真空雰囲気炉で溶解・鋳造し、 NdFeB、 (Nd,Dy)FeB 合金を得ます。 金型に粉体を充填。磁場中で加圧し、製品形状の圧粉体を得ます。 Melting and Casting Molding in a magnetic field Melting and Casting in vacuum by high-frequency melting furnace to get NdFeB/(Nd,Dy)FeB alloy Molding the powder in a magnetic field to get a specific shape compaction 焼結 Sintering Products for VCM 7 表面処理* 精密洗浄 着磁 Surface treatment Precision cleaning Magnetization 熱処理 5 Heat treatment 6 8 加工 検査 Machining Inspection ご要請に応じてめっき、樹脂塗装、 あるいは表面改質を行います。 *Plating, Resin coating, or Passivation is done by requirement 真空 Vacuum バッチ式連続真空炉で圧粉体を加熱し、 緻密化した焼結体を得た のち、保磁力を安定化する熱処理を加えます。 製品仕様に応じて着磁を行います。 Sintering and Heat treatment Depending on the specification Firing the compaction by batch type continuous vacuum furnace to get a dense sintered part and then heat treatment for stabilizing Hcj Inspection and Shipment Magnetizing Machining (Cutting/Grinding or both) Surface treatment Precision cleaning 18/ 19 出荷 Shipment JAPAN Magnet Products Business Group TDK Corporation 〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦3-9-1 3-9-1, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan Tel : 03-6852-7279 Fax : 03-6852-7160 Nagoya District Office 〒460-0004 愛知県名古屋市中区新栄町2-13 2-13, Sakaecyou, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi 460-0004, Japan Tel : 052-971-1712 Fax : 052-971-0542 Osaka District Office 〒556-0017 大阪府大阪市浪速区湊町1-2-3 1-2-3, Minatomachi, Naniwa-ku,Osaka-shi 556-0017, Japan Tel : 06-6632-8177 Fax : 06-6632-8150 ASIA / PACIFIC TDK(Shanghai) International Trading Co., Ltd. Room 2201, Shanghai International Trade Center 2201, Yan An West Road, Shanghai 200336, China Tel : 86-21-6196-2419 Fax : 86-21-6270-9900 TDK China Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch Office Room 1910-1911, Goldlion Digital Network Center, 138 Tiyu Road East, Tianhe, Guangzhou 510620, China Tel : 86-20-3878-1088 Fax : 86-20-3878-0684 TDK Singapore (Pte) Ltd. 166 Kallang Way, Singapore 349249 Tel : 65-6273-5022 Fax : 65-6272-9543 TDK(Thailand) Co., Ltd. Sales Office 209/1 K Tower, Tower B, 11th Floor, Unit 3&4 Sukumvit 21 Road(Asoke), Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel : 66-2664-0671-5 Fax : 66-2664-0621-2 NORTH AMERICA TDK Corporation of America 475 Half Day Road Suite 300, Lincolnshire, IL 60069 U.S.A. Tel : 1-847-699-2299 Fax : 1-847-803-6296 EUROPE TDK Electronics Europe GmbH Wanheimer Straße 57, D-40472 Düsseldorf, Germany Tel : 49-211-9077-0 Fax : 49-211-414984 19/ 19
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