09/05/2005 14:52 A virtual world with peer-to-peer style By John Borland Story last modified Mon May 09 04:00:00 PDT 2005 For a virtual world, it starts out very bare: Just an empty blue space, with a picture of a cat in a "Star Trek" costume at its center. But that confused-looking cat is an avatar--a digital representation of a real person (in this case a reporter)--and the empty blue space is an early "node" in Solipsis, an experiment with building a peer-to-peer virtual world, released late last month by researchers at France Telecom. Still in the very early stages of development, the Solipsis project aims to draw together the technological lessons of "massively multiplayer" games like Sony's "EverQuest" and file-swapping networks like Kazaa or eDonkey. Developers are hoping to construct a sprawling virtual world that runs on its inhabitants' own linked computers, rather than relying on powerful central servers like those that run Web sites or EverQuest's fantasy adventures. News.context What's new: Massively multiplayer games are moving toward adopting a peer-to-peer model. Bottom line: Developers are hoping to create grassroots "metaverses" that exceed the ambitions of "EverQuest" or "Star Wars Galaxies." More stories on this topic What's the advantage in that? It sets Internet dwellers free--both in the "free beer" and "free speech" senses, according to the developers. "In a closed system, the world is bounded by the imagination of the people working in the company that owns the world," said Joaquin Keller, one of the developers at France Telecom, the French telecommunications giant, working on the project. "If your system is open, a lot of ideas will flourish. It's like the difference between one Web site and the whole Web." Solipsis and similar peer-to-peer and open-source projects are aiming at nothing less than a radical transformation of the way that games are developed, and even of the way people communicate and manipulate information online. Inspired by science fiction novels like Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash," which told of a sophisticated online virtual world called the "Metaverse," these developers want to make digital environments as complicated and rich as the real world. People might meet in a digital representation of their own rooms, or of the Taj Mahal, rather than simply exchanging e-mails, for example. 09/05/2005 14:52 Increasingly, this vision is being blended with the grassroots peer-to-peer and open-source movements, which aims at distributing computing power and creativity as widely, and as close to the individual user, as possible. Most big online virtual worlds, such as "EverQuest" or "Star Wars Galaxies," are hosted on big central servers. That's partly because the computing requirements of keeping track of a world's consistency--where people are, which dragons have been killed, which houses have burned down--are high. Keller and a growing number of developers have something else in mind. In their vision, each inhabitant's computer is responsible only for keeping track of what's in its own little corner of the world. In that model, visiting someone else online might mean a literal visit to their space, which has its own look, rules and feel. That anarchic model, without a central authority or even purpose, could be even more overwhelmingly immersive than today's "addictive" online games, some predict. "If you had a bunch of P2P worlds, it occurs to me that you might just lose people," said Edward Castronova, an Indiana University professor whose upcoming book "Synthetic Worlds" examines the issues around online games. "People won't show up on scorecards in a game, won't be in our economy anymore, we won't know where they are. They might be producing valuable things, and having a rich and productive social and economic life, but all in the virtual worlds." Not exactly the "Matrix," yet To be sure, a peer-to-peer virtual world with the three-dimensional visuals and rich environment demanded by today's game players is far away. Graphics production alone makes the project a difficult one. Big worlds such as "EverQuest" can cost tens of millions of dollars to produce, with much of that money going to art and design. Solipsis is utterly rudimentary in this regard. Two-dimensional images, each representing a person or a "bot," float inside the blue space of each individual computer's node. A separate chat room allows visitors to a node to interact. Graphics production and features like voice chat in future versions are being called for by developers. A few other projects, such as the Open Source Metaverse Project, are a little further along. That effort aims to let developers create their own 3D worlds, which can be hyperlinked together to provide bridges for server-hopping visitors. That project is drawing on modeling technology from the developers of the "Quake" video game. 'Second Life' However, even some larger commercial projects are moving in the grassroots direction, and they could show a path to the future. Take "Second Life," the virtual world created by Linden Labs. Rather than offer a traditional game environment like "EverQuest," it provides a growing world in which inhabitants can build their own homes, create their own "in-game" games, run businesses or do pretty much anything else that strikes their fancy. "Second Life" has 28,000 people online today, and some inhabitants are already making more than $100,000 a year in real-world money by selling digital wares constructed inside the world or running full-fledged role-playing games. "Second Life" is built on a distributed model, in which numerous servers are connected together, each one 09/05/2005 14:52 representing about 16 acres of land in the digital world. Those patches of digital space are seamlessly connected together to create the world as experienced by visitors. Today, all of those servers are run by Linden Labs, but the world was built to ultimately support a peer-to-peer model, where players might add their own 16-acre plot into the world from their own computer, said Linden Labs' chief executive officer, Philip Rosedale. For security reasons--including the fact that a real currency is traded inside the world--the company hasn't taken that step yet, however. "Interesting virtual worlds are ultimately going to be so huge that they couldn't possibly take the centralized approach," Rosedale said. "But pragmatically, we run all the servers today, since it gives you reliability." Some analysts say it's exactly that fear of giving way to the total anarchy of user-created content that may keep commercial ventures from going all the way to peer to peer. User-created environments will naturally be rough around the edges, and they might infringe on copyrights here and there and even be dangerous, after all. But they'll never fail to be interesting, backers say. And that's the point. "P2P virtual worlds are not for the faint of heart," said Crosbie Fitch, a developer who has written on the subject for several years. "But where would you rather play? In an expensive Utopia indistinguishable from an online creche? Or a collection of interactive universes that make the Web look like a quaint old tool, like Gopher does to Web surfers today? " Copyright ©1995-2005 CNET Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. 13/05/2005 10:11 HOME | NEWS | EXPLORE BY SUBJECT | LAST WORD | SUBSCRIBE | SEARCH | ARCHIVE | RSS | JOBS Gamers to rule their own virtual worlds Click to Print 18:34 12 May 2005 news service Will Knight Multiplayer online games could be made more robust and immersive by using peer-to-peer (P2P) networking to let players store part of a virtual universe on their own computer. Researchers say blending P2P networking - best known for letting people find and share music and video files online - with online gaming could make virtual worlds more stable and, eventually, more expandable. Massive multiplayer online role-playing games, or MMORPGs, provide users with a complex virtual world in which to interact and act out adventures with others. Popular titles in the genre include World of Warcraft, Everquest II and Final Fantasy XI. But existing games require users to connect to a centralised server owned and maintained by the company behind the game. Although this makes a game easier to control and maintain, it also provides a single point of failure and can complicate expanding it for large numbers of player. Now researchers at France Telecom have built a simple role-playing game that works without the need for any centralised server. The project, called Solipsis, lets users interact within a virtual space hosted collectively on their own computers. Infinitely scalable "The idea is to have an infinitely scalable world," says Joaquin Keller, who developed Solipsis at France Telecom's research laboratory in Issy-Les-Moulineaux, south west of Paris. "The current approach has limitations." A user expands the scale of Solipsis just by installing the software. The project currently provides only a 2D interface for user interaction, but Keller says more complex 3D graphical features are under development. Keller adds that designing the P2P virtual world has been tricky because of the need to avoid the network becoming flooded with communications as the number of users increases. The researchers dealt with this issue by developing a system that only exchanges messages locally rather than broadcasting them. Other P2P-powered games are also under development and some observers say they will enable the creation of more engrossing and exciting virtual worlds. Common governance The Open Source Metaverse Project, for example, lets users build visually complex 3D landscapes that can be linked to one another online. Some existing virtual worlds may also switch to a P2P network scheme eventually. Second Life, created by Linden Lab of California, US, was built with a P2P system in mind, although currently it runs on several large servers. Julian Dibbell, who co-edits the online gaming weblog Terra Nova, says P2P networking could go beyond just solving technical issues to generate more interesting forms of virtual interaction. "At the moment, the games companies are in control, and they tend to be autocratic," he told New Scientist."When you go peer-to-peer you have the prospect of common or complex governance." But Dibbells adds that, without central control, it could be a challenge to make sure such games continue to appeal to users. "How do you make things seem interesting for everyone if individuals can basically do whatever they want?" he asks. Unauthorised copying of digital artefacts may be a particular problem, he says, although Second Life provides a potential solution, letting users add copy controls to items they create within the game. These items can then be exchanged or sold to other users, and the currency used in Second Life can be exchanged for real world cash. Related Articles Attack on game raises prospect of online extortion 21 April 2005 Virtual island sells for $26,500 in cyber assets 15 December 2004 Sales in virtual goods top $100 million 29 October 2004 Weblinks Solipsis OpenSource Metaverse Project Research & Development, France Telecom Second Life Terra Nova Close this window Printed on Fri May 13 09:04:45 BST 2005 13/05/2005 10:11 10/05/2005 16:54 Actualités | Téléchargements | Dossiers | Forum | Contact Site de jeux et de concours gratuits, gagnez de nombreux Cadeaux ! A voir sur : 09/05 Le piratage de musique est insignifiant sur les réseaux 07/05 Etude P2P & Média: Point Break ou l'effet Brice de Nice 06/05 P2PMag : un nouveau magazine dédié au Peer-to-Peer Charte du forum Aide Recherche Membres Calendrier Bienvenue invité ( Connexion | Inscription ) Ratiatum [Forum P2P] > Peer-to-Peer et Société > Actualités En ligne · [ Standard ] · Linéaire+ Solipsis: p2p et monde virtuel partagé, Au delà du p2p? S ui v re c e su j et | E nv o ye r c e s u je t | I mpri me r c e su je t atao aujourd'hui, 11:25 Message #1 Bonjour à tous; Tit nouveau Une fois n'est pas coutume, un dinausaure de l'envergure de France Telecom fait de l'open-source. Et du Messages : 2 Inscrit le : aujourd'hui, 10:40 peer-to-peer qui plus est! Ils ont sorti Solipsis qui fait parler de lui dans de nombreux blogs et sites hi-tech (dont !!!) Solipsis est un monde virtuel partagé construit sur le principe des MMORPG (ou MMOG pour jeux online massivement multijoueurs) mais offrant beaucoup plus de libertés. En quelques mots Comme vous le savez bien, les monde virtuels des MMOG reposent aujourd'hui pour la majorité sur des serveurs centraux. Cela entraine toutes les problématiques de charges que l'on connait et le succès du peer-to-pear. Par ailleurs, ces serveurs et les mondes virtuels mis en jeux 10/05/2005 16:54 restreignent l'imagination des joueurs et des développeurs. Solipsis[est une réponse à ces deux problèmes. Solipsis est un monde virtuel paratgé. Oui. Mais un monde qui est vide dans son état initial et qui se remplit uniquement des utilisateus s'y connectant. Il n'y a pas de villes pré-existantes, pas de contraintes ni de scénario pré-établit. Nous sommes libres! Bon, le navigateur et ses plugins sont aujourd'hui limités mais c'est un projet open-source, ca va s'enrichir... Charger le logiciel La version actuelle est la 0.8.1, disponible en tar.gz ou sous la forme d'un installeur Windows Page de Download C'est un peu fastidieux à installer sous linux (voir les dépendances) mais immédiat sous Windows. Page d'accueil Solipsis Pour plus d'infos... Solipsis Home Dépendances * python (at least 2.3) * wx-python (at least 2.5) * twisted (at least 1.3, 2.0 not tested yet) * Python Imaging Library (PIL) Profitez! (RDV sur solipsis?) Atao Ce message a été modifié par atao - aujourd'hui, 11:29. Nioubi aujourd'hui, 12:45 Message #2 2 petites questions : Nomade - Si c'est un projet développé par FT - R&D, comment se fait ce que le site que tu proposes soit uniquement en 10/05/2005 16:54 anglais. Messages : 1517 Inscrit le : 10-03-04 - Peux tu expliquer pourquoi le site de FT - R&D ne trouve rien quand on recherche solipsis ? Preuve Ce message a été modifié par Nioubi - aujourd'hui, 13:30. atao aujourd'hui, 13:26 Message #3 Une réponse pour deux questions Tit nouveau Solipsis est un travail de recherche et il est l'aboutissement d'une thèse thèse. La thèse est d'ailleurs Messages : 2 Inscrit le : aujourd'hui, 10:40 en français :o). Cela répond au premier point, le langage de recherche étant l'anglais (à tord ou à raison d'ailleurs...). Cela signifie aussi qu'on est hors des auturoutes commercialles de FT. FT grosse entreprise, qui se trouve être légèrement en retard sur la comm: deuxième point... mais ca va venir.... Atao Nioubi aujourd'hui, 13:30 Ok merci pour tes compléments Nomade Messages : 1517 Inscrit le : 10-03-04 Message #4 11/05/2005 16:34 הפוך לדף הבית כניסה ראשי Gamer//2 חדשות כתבות טיפים וצ'יטים פורומים ליגות הרשמה שכחת סיסמה? צור קשר חיפוש על פי ערוץ 6חיפוש על פי סוג :Solipsisהמטריקס בפתח מאת :מערכת חיים ברשת תכירו את 'סוליפסיס' :הכלאה בסגנון מטריקס בין משחק מרובה משתתפים לרשתות שיתוף הקבצים. שבטים 6 חפש חנות משחקים חדשות נוספות :Unreal 2007הכרזה רשמית כולם ידעו מראש ,ועתה מגיעה ההכרזה הרשמית ,על פיתוחו של כותר חדש בסדרת הפעולה מרובת המשתתפים Unreal .Tournament :Bullyאלימות בבית הספר חברת 'רוקסטאר' ממשיכה בקו האלים שמאפיין אותה .והפעם :משחק חדש בשם ,Bullyשעוסק בבריון הכיתתי. שרתי משחק פעולה :Demonikמשחק של הדור הבא האם ,Demonikשרק עתה הוכרז ,יהיה המשחק שישנה את סגנון משחקי הפעולה-אימה? אסטרטגיה תפקידים משחקים המונים :Half-Life 2גרסת אקס בוקס שחיקה ב- E3 מבקרי תערוכת E3יוכלו ליהנות מגרסה שחיקה של משחק הפעולה ,Half Life 2 ולהתרשם מחבילת התוספות שבדרך. PlayStation :Incredible Hulkאתר הבית נפתח אתר הבית של משחק הפעולה The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction נפתח ,והאדמה רועדת. סימולטורים ספורט Nintendo Xbox חומרה משחקי סלולר משחקי טלוויזיה חברים512: גולשים372: בשרתים41/163: מסך כחול ועליו תמונה של חתול לבוש בגדי סטאר-טרק זו התחלה מעט עלובה לעולם וירטואלי ,אבל גם את רומא לא בנו ביום אחד .החתול הוא דמות המייצגת את הגולש והמסך הכחול הוא נקודת מימסר בפרוייקט סוליפסיס – ניסיון לבנות עולם עמית לעמית )(P2P וירטואלי שהושק בסוף החודש שעבר על ידי חוקרים בפראנס טלקום. הפרוייקט ,שנמצא עדיין בחיתוליו ,שואב את השראתו ממשחקים מרובי משתתפים כמו EverQuestומרשתות שיתוף קבצים כמו קאזה ואידונקי .מפתחיו מקווים לבנות עולם וירטואלי שיושתת על המחשבים המחוברים של תושביו ,במקום על שרתים מרכזיים רבי עוצמה כמו אלה של אתרי האינטרנט או הרפתקאות הפנטזיה של .EverQuest היתרון בכך ,לטענת המפתחים היא בשורת החופש לתושבי האינטרנט ,בסגנון 'חופש הביטוי' או אפילו 'בירה חופשית'. עוד בגיימר? בקרוב :פני המין האנושי לפרטים המלאים בקרוב :מרד הנפילים לפרטים המלאים ראיון מיוחד :בנות הCS- לראיון המלא ראיון מיוחד :משחקיות ניסיונית לראיון המלא 11/05/2005 16:34 'במערכת סגורה' ,הם מסבירים' ,העולם מוגבל על ידי הדימיון של האנשים שעובדים בחברה שהעולם הזה נמצא בבעלותה ואילו במערכת פתוחה ,רעיונות רבים יכולים לפרוח' .לדבריהם ההבדל הוא כה גדול עד כי הם משווים אותו להבדל שבין אתר אינטרנט אחד וכל הרשת כולה. עם זאת יש להבהיר כי המיזם נמצא מרחק שנות אור מהסביבה הוויזואלית התלת מימדית והעשירה של המשחקים בני זמננו .זאת כיוון שהשקעה בגרפיקה תכביד יתר על המידה על הפרוייקט .רק בכדי לסבר את האוזן ,בניית עולמות כמו אלו שב EverQuest -עולה עשרות מיליוני דולרים כשרוב הכסף הולך על גרפיקה ועיצוב. גיימגאלך :הנוקמים לקריאת המגזין בקרוב :מרחץ דמים לפרטים המלאים פרויקט הפאנפיקים :מקס פיין האם זהו סופו של פיין? בקרוב :אימפריה במלחמה לכתבה המלאה ביקורת :וואו .שגעון. לביקורת המלאה בקרוב :ג'קי כאן לפרטים המלאים כתוצאה מכך ,סוליפסיס למעשה מציע גרפיקה בסיסית למדי :דמויות דו מימדיות המייצגות את המשתתפים, מרחפות בתוך החלל הכחול של נקודת המימשק של כל מחשב .חדר שיחות נפרד מאפשר למבקרים בכל נקודת מימשק ליצור בינהם קשר. רוצים עוד גרפיקה ,שיחות קוליות? אנשי סוליפסיס זורקים את הכדור חזרה לרשת ולמפתחים פוטנציאליים שיתנו יד למאמץ. לאתר הבית של הפרויקט. תגובות מה זה הקשקוש הזה? ...למי אכפת חחחח ,Tomshaפליט 11/05/2005 15:37:02 - כתבה מאוד לא מובנת אני לא מבין את הנקודה .מה הייחוד של המשחק הזה? מה זאת אומרת פתוח ,מה הקשר לשיתוף קבצים? מי בונה מה? ,Talonשכיר חרב 11/05/2005 14:26:28 - מה הקשר לגיימר? ,yspeedאזרח 11/05/2005 14:09:22 - נגיד...... לא הבנתי אבל שיהיה ...נשמע די מטומטם ...לא הבנתי אנחנו בונים את המשחק או הם??? ומה עם מחשבים חלשים שלא יצליחו להחזיק את הסרברים?? זה שטויות ...עדיף להם לסגור עכשיו את הפרויקט לפני שהוא הופך לשטות של החיים הוסף תגובה כל הזכויות שמורות © 2005-1999ל | Gamer -תנאי השימוש באתר このサイトについて このブログでは、P2Pビジネスやア リエル・ネットワークに関連する最 新情報を紹介していきます。 【関連サイト】 アリエル・ネットワーク サイトトップ ArielArea Blog(開発者向け) 【関連製品】 ・プロジェクトウェア アリエル・プロジェクトA ・無料スケジュール共有ソフト アリエル・マルチスケジューラー 【アリエル・ブログ担当者】 プロダクト・マネジメント室 マネージャ 徳力 基彦 11/05/2005 15:50 2005年 05月 10日 PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる フランステレコムがSolipsisというP2P型の仮想空間の実験を行っているそうです。 Re: PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solip 内容もさることながら、フランステレコムの研究所がP2P技術に取り組んでいること に興味深いものを感じます。 さすがに当分日本語で利用できることはないと思いますが、Skypeもヨーロッパ発 でしたし、案外今後のヨーロッパは注目かもしれませんね。 PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる (CNET) 「 仮想世界への入り口は、何もない場所にある--それは空っぽの青い空間で、真 ん中にはスタートレックの衣装を付けた猫の絵があるだけだ。 France Telecomの研究者らは先月末、「Solipsis」というPtoPの仮想世界を構築す る実験的な試みを発表したが、この困ったような顔をした猫はそのなかのアバター-デジタル空間で実在人物(ここでは筆者)の代わりを務めるキャラクターだ。そし て、空っぽの青い空間は「Solipsis」の初期段階の「ノード」だ。」 メニュー [P2Pビジネス記事クリッピング] コメント (0) | トラックバック (0) 最新記事一覧 アリエル・コラム << 新月プロジェクト、朔-0.3.2リリース | 最新記事一覧に戻る | P2P の分類再び(1) >> メディア掲載履歴 アリエルの最新情報 P2Pビジネス記事クリッピング コメント コメントはありません。 イベントレポート 開発中の製品について トラックバック アリエル・ブログについて * ここにトラックバックを送信してください: 新着記事 P2P の分類再び(1) (05/11) トラックバックはありません。 コメント作成 PtoPを利用した仮想世界 名前: 12/05/2005 10:05 永遠(とわ)のベータ IT関連NEWSに対する愚痴とボヤキ、音を活用したBlogアイディア交々、映画やアニメからBBなど各メディアレビュー、てな感じでボチボチと <<Blog使い分けの悩みどころ・・・| Main | ここでBlogと日記を考えてみる。>> 記事検索 2005年05月11日 検索語句 開放される閉じた世界? 「PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる」,2000047715,20083379,00.htm >同プロジェクトの最終的な目的は、ソニーの「EverQuest」のような大規模マルチプレイ ヤーゲームや、KazaaもしくはeDonkeyといったファイル交換ネットワークから学んだ技術的 なアイディアを、1つにまとめ上げることだという。 とかいうと、ご大層な結果を期待するが、 この痛々しい肖像権侵害と思しきアバターのスナップショット見てる限りでは、 齎されるモノにあまり期待できそうにない(苦笑 「無料」と「自由」の意味での「FREE」だそうだが、 目的やリーダーシップや方向性とかが無いと、結果ってそうは齎されないだろう。 混沌の中から、それらが出てくる可能性が完全なゼロとは言わないが、 タナボタ待ちぼうけの烏合の衆と化す確立の方が遥かに高い。 だって、実際にクリエイティビティーがある人の多くは、 課金できるものを創って、自分の利益と権限を主張したがるだろうから。 実用的で売買できるレベルのものをホイホイくれるオヒトヨシはそうはいないでしょ? オープンソースだって、方向付けられた目的においての、 名誉というもの目当ての、目立ちたがりや、 人助けという(自己満足かもしれないもの)の代価を欲する エゴイズムの集まりにすぎないんだけど。 (それを否定してる訳では決してないので! 何で金にもならない事を高度な技術を持った大勢がやってるのかが理解不能な人への解り 易い説明のつもり。 むしろ可能な方は多くの人に役立つ良い事やってガンガン目立ってください!) それと比べると、「教えて君」と「クレクレ」だけで、何がもたらされるっての? マーケアンケートくらいにしかならないんじゃないの? 世間で良く言う「アイディアマン」なんていう口先だけの人間じゃなくて、 「技術屋」だったら「言い出しっぺがやる」って暗黙の了解ってのがあったもんだが。 本来、P2Pとかにしろ原初的なものは情報やデータだの、ツールの物々交換の 「ギブ&テイク」の世界で、 著作権侵害した自分の作品でないものを交換するだけの中には「創造性」なんてものは無 検索 新着記事 (05/12)ここでBlogと日記を考えてみる。 (05/11)開放される閉じた世界? (05/10)Blog使い分けの悩みどころ・・・ (05/10)アクエリオンに混乱している方へ (W (05/09)ランチェスター戦略 カテゴリ 日記(9) 科学の威力だ!(9) 東京新生活(4) Web(45) ビジネス(85) レビュー(59) メディア(27) TRPG(9) 格闘技(4) 最近のトラックバック 遂に人が乗れる2足歩行ロボット発売! by la3751の日々雑感(05/11) アクエリオンに混乱している方へ(W by 日 刊カタログ(05/10) 4mのロボットに会いに行く by モテ隊三銃 士(05/10) ショートコンテンツ by みんなのうたの広場 (05/09) ゲーム業界のブレークスルーか!? by 日刊カタログ(05/09) 12/05/2005 10:05 い。 これ、2ちゃんねるとかの「アップ希望」と「神キター」とかってのと変わらない様な気が・・・ でも例えば、「2ちゃんねる」と「ふたば☆ちゃんねる」を比べると、 文字での表現に基本を置く2ちゃんは、個人を特定しにくい匿名性を利用したいものの文字 ベースの発言に対して、 圧倒的な数の差があるROMという質を問わないレベル含んだ情報を求めるユーザーが殆ど で、 そこから創造的なモノができること自体が 「ヤラセ含んで行ったとしても奇跡的に稀」だから「電車男」は話題になるわけだ。 一方ふたばは発言の際には、 殆どは著作権や肖像権侵害にしろ「発言する限りは何か貼れ」って事がマナー(?)となってい る。 ぶら下がりだけは許さずに「オマエもなんかネタよこせ」って空間ということと、 文字を書くリソースよりは、例えコピペでも画像加工する作業が必要なので、投稿者が限られ るが「折角UPするのなら・・・」とネタに凝る人間も多いような気がする。 「OSたん」の摩訶不思議なクリエイティビティーと、内部マーケによる淘汰のスクリーニングや 先鋭化って現象はコラボレーションとして成り立っていた。 民明書房並に存在しない(下記はムック本) 【楽天ブックス】民明書房大全 架空の「とらぶる・ういんどうず」「双葉利秋」を信じてしまうアメリカ人まで現れ英語の Wikipediaで解説する必要まで・・・ 恐ろしく久々に見たらなんか知らぬ間にファンブックだの出るし 「Operaたん」だのまであるのか・・・(Firefox-koは知ってたが) 「実験」だの「学術」だのって言葉の中には「成果に対する逃げ」の要素があって、 その為にリソースとか時間とか金を費やすのかよって気がするんで、 どうせなら成功するようにもってった方がいいと思う。 だから「自由」って事が前提にしても、成果を求める限りは加減があるので、 少なくともGPLとかクリエイティブコモンズ準拠だのって決め事はしとくべきだと思うし、 SNS的に開発環境を構築していった方が有効だと思う。 ある程度「閉じる」ことや「共通の目標」がある事のメリット。 SNSの場合なら、情報の充実度=ユーザー数とも考えられるか? でもなぁ、規模が大きくなればなるほど、SNS乞食が相当潜り込んだし、 SNS内蛇頭のせいで、SNS間ハシゴしてるだけの本来の使い方を勘違いしてる輩とかいるし なぁ。 相談スレッドだけ立てて、回答者が集まっても礼も言わず立て逃げするマナー論外なクレクレ まで入り込んでるし。 そろそろ、繋がりでのプラス面だけでなくて、 内部の迷惑な人間と距離を置ける仕組みも必要なのかもね。 人によって「大切な人」の内容は当然違うので、 サーチする: 人気商品 河北茶3本詰合せ お試し河北茶セット よもぎ麺 おかずセット(鯨) おつまみセット 煮魚セット 石巻産焼きのり 河北茶飲みくらべセット 宮古そば うっちん ノイコンボード(グランドピアノ用) エコパット 星☆星 ピンブローチ うさぎ ピンブローチ(走) 花*イヤリング 花*イヤリング ノイコンボード(アップライトピアノ用) *花* ピアス *花* ピアス イチゴ ピンブローチ 新着商品 本物のFIFA ANTHEM収録CD 黄土石鹸(3個セット) 完全無農薬 赤じゃがいも1kg よもぎ麺 うっちん トリプルA MDソープ NET100g 宮古そば ゲルアンドゲルレギュラークリーム NET150.. 地模様シルクバック 地模様シルクバック ゲルアンドゲル トリプルAクリーム NET15.. セクシーショーツ★シースルーブラック ノイコンボード(グランドピアノ用) 鋼の錬金術師 TVシリーズ・コンプリート DV.. 劇場版 アップルシード”APPLE SEED” 劇場版 ふしぎの海のナディア スチームボーイ 通常版DVD 忍風戦隊ハリケンジャー TVシリーズ・コ ン.. 爆竜戦隊アバレンジャー TVシリーズ・コ ン.. 天上天下 コンプリートDVD-BOX(ボック ス).. (数百人との繋がりがあると称する人間を 人脈があると考えるか、尻が軽いから信用出来ないと考えるかとかね) フィルタリング設定できるツールとかあると不愉快な思いをしなくて済むか? 業者はユーザー数増やせばいいってなもんかも知れないけど、 人が増えるほど、変な輩やウソツキも当然増えてしまうので、環境は荒れる 膨大なデータと、希少情報は違うので。 一般常識はほぼ無価値だし、秘密な事ほど価値もあるってことも無視できなくなるのでは。 オープンである事や、共有する事のメリットと、 クローズである事や、独占する事のメリットという双方があるのだから。 しかも、この記事だと 「思考環境」は開放されているそうだけど、 「生活環境」はより閉鎖的になっているような気が(苦笑 ということで他にも論理的矛盾を言葉から指摘して証拠としてみよう >「閉鎖的なシステムの中では、世界はその世界の住人、すなわち企業の社員の想像力以 上には広がらない」 >「システムがオープンなら、多くのアイディアが次々に現れるだろう。1つのウェブサイトと ウェブ全体が別のものであるのと同じように、これら2つのシステムも異なっている」 この「オープン」の指すものの提議がおかしいし矛盾する。 例えばこうも言える 「この”オープン”と称するシステム」に関わっている人しかプロジェクトには携われないので、こ れもまた結局「クローズ」なシステムだと(W ぶっちゃけ、コンピュータの無い人からのアイディアは全く吸い上げられない。 =このシステムに携わる人以上の想像力には広がらない(W >1つのウェブサイトとウェブ全体が別のものであるのと同じように っていうんなら、既存のサイト同士やコミュニティー同士をお見合いさせるツールがあれば済 むって話じゃん。セルコンピューティングは全く関係無い。 >コンピュータの処理能力と創造力を、可能なかぎり広範に、かつ可能なかぎり個人ユー ザーに近いところまで分散させることを狙いとしている。 創造力を分散させてどうする(W。纏めるの間違いだろ(W と揚げ足まで取りつつも、 要は「セルコンピューティングの実験」がしたいので、 それが効果的との説得に有用と思しき「お題目」が「創造力」なんだろうと勘ぐる ま、サーバの負荷分散には大賛成。 現行もUDでの癌や白血病治療法研究とかってある訳ですけど マシンの処理能力って実は、ムーアの法則状態で進歩したおかげで、 各家庭に数十年前のスーパーコンピュータがはいってるみたいなもんなんだけど、 どう使ってるかっていうと・・・ 人間って結構生産的じゃないことだけが立証される(W SONYのPS3設計思想や戦略は「ちゃんと動けば」あながち間違いではないと思う んだけど、PSPみてもそうだけど、「円盤発射」だの「仕様発言」だのって見てると、 根幹的ハード技術力の方に疑問点が相当残る。 「SONYタイマー」問題とか解消する為のQCとかってやってるのかね? 分散コンピューティングさえ「ちゃんと動けば」、 「参加者が増えれば増えるほど快適になる」とかって事も考えられる。 12/05/2005 10:05 売れ筋商品 早聞き時事フランス語 5号 早聞き時事フランス語2 【はなまるマーケット紹介商品】沖縄バヤ リ.. シガーメイト【送料無料】 LaFranceTV 07 エマニュエル・ベアール 早聞き時事フランス語1 早聞き時事フランス語 4号 Rexona(レクソーナ) アクティブ(スティ 早聞き時事フランス語3 沖縄・あんま~のEM上等石けん マスティマックス MASTY MAX・2個セッ ト・.. CDアルバム「花・鳥・風・月」 Active Manuka Honey 250g パワーブリーズ スポーツ レッド 縮毛矯正・ストパー不要 遠赤・イオンケ ア.. セクシーショーツ★すけすけ・みえみえN セクシーTバック★悩殺ローズBE 超時空要塞マクロス コンプリートBOX セッ.. Balloon Version1.00 Do-バランス 新着ショップ スノーボードパーツショップ NE OUTLET 直輸入品販売のインポートファイブ こだわり食品の店≧古井 宮古そば オンラインショップ Blue Lagoon ContactLens ♪音を楽しもう♪ aaa Claire☆Lumiere (くれ-る.. 何かとショップ にこにこオンライン 境川商店 c・k・b ほのぼの本舗 ブレインネット オンラインストア Lilee CosMates まごころ北海道 コスプレ衣装製作の東雲社 シーサー支 店 毎日健康セブンライフ 沖縄そば&沖縄ドリンク&沖縄物産ショ プ RDF Site Summary RSS 2.0 12/05/2005 10:05 サーバ分散に貢献してくれる人間を集めるほど環境がよくなるとか? (立上げの時には、補助的なサーバシステムが逆に必要だろうけど) だから、創造性って事主体なら、負荷増やす3Dに拘る必要なんて本来ないんだよね。 この辺りが、技術屋の暴走なんだか、狩猟民族の奥行き信仰なんだか知らんが、 Quakeエンジンなんて三半規管の感覚矛盾で酔うだけじゃん。 だいたい検索や多数ファイル一括加工の場合、GUIよりCUIのシェルコマンドの方が優れてる し、 わざわざ3Dで複雑に表示する必要自体が無い情報の方が殆どだっての。 目的としている筈の「想像力」や「創造力」って「自分の脳みそ」を鍛えた方がイマジネーション は豊かになるし。 「綺麗な人」って言葉から何を思い浮かべるかなんて、機械には判読できないでしょ? それと、題目の「不確実な創造性」より有益な「現実面での成果」を上げるには 参加する側のメリットを「アナログな実益」にまで反映させる必要があるんだよね。 この点「Second Life」の中でRMTだろうが営利目的が実現されてるって事の方が、 「期待できるか出来ない成果」よりも「現実に」バーチャルゲームの中で起きてる事として事象 研究した方が良いのではと思う。,2000047715,20083379-2,00.htm >独自の「ゲーム内ゲーム」をつくり出したり、ビジネスを行ったり、その他思いつくかぎりのこ とをほぼすべてできるような成長する世界を提供している。 見る限りはそんなに既存の3DMMORPGと差はなさげなんで、 「思いつくかぎり」ってのは明らかに誇張表現だろうけど、 ゲーム内でロールプレイングゲームを運営!?(W 確かにこんな事もしてる(W 余談だが >タージマハールにアバターを住まわせ ってのにアメリカ人の知識レベルが・・・ タージマハールってのは噛み砕いた言い方すれば「お墓」だよ。(正確には「廟」) 如何にもラスベガスのホテルにタージマハールだのピラミッド型の創ったりとかする連中らし い。 両方とも「墓」です。 posted by ZEN at 13:09 | TrackBack(0) | Web この記事へのTrackBack URL 11/05/2005 15:51 あかまど(仮) net初心者の自称ソフト技術者。Gamer属性。あとSound Horizonとか。あらぬ方向にも…? goo ブログ CALENDAR P2P仮想空間Solipsis。 2005年5月 日 月 火 水 木 金 土 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 7 14 21 28 gooID: web / 2005-05-11 03:12:47 パスワード: Cnetに、「PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる」 という記事があった。 c ログイン状態を保持する d e f g どうにも理解しがたいというか、説明しにくい話なのだけど、 ログイン まぁ、タイトルのとおりだ。「P2P仮想世界」の話だ。 前月 ブログの作成・編集 翌月 ENTRY ARCHIVE 2005年05月 2005年04月 2005年03月 さしあたって、今時点のSolipsisは、「2次元座標のついたアバ ター付きチャットソフト」以外の物に見るのは困難だが、PtoP な上GPLなため、どういう成長をするかはかなり興味深い。い まは研究用というレベルで、もうちょっと遊べるようにならない と、いじる人はあんまり増えない気もするけど、P2Pの恐ろしさ RECENT ENTRY 5グラムのHMD「Tele-glass」。 P2P仮想空間Solipsis。 カーボンナノチューブ・ディスプ レイ実用化。 忘れた頃にランドウォーカー。 Sober.Pの威力。 フリーポート上陸。 MetroとPDF。 一次元上(うえ)の知性。 EverQuestII OpenBeta。 Opera8.0が200万本突破。目標 は6000万!? RECENT COMMENT KimI/忘れた頃にランドウォー カー。 ず。/忘れた頃にランドウォー カー。 ず。/EverQuestII OpenBeta。 Mickey/Opera8.0が200万本突 破。目標は6000万!? Kimiru-Hamiru/Lv<キャップ (装備)>。 ず。/Lv<キャップ(装備)>。 かん/Opera8.0の記事。 kzm/Opera100万本。SR#3.「事 故」 ずーすか。/Opera100万本。 SR#3.「事故」 KimI/Opera8.0の記事。 gooおすすめリンク goo トップ goo ブログ トップ gooメール はなかなか消滅しないところだ。時間がたくさんあれば何か生 まれる。 各々のノードは空間(今は平面だが)を持って、その空間は、 理想的には、本人が完全に制御できる。 ビューアやらプロトコルやらも発達していく必要があるのだろう が、物理法則まで含めた俺ルールの押し付け合いや、自分 の空間へのコピーや修正をしていくうちに、レギュレーション ・今日のトレンドを 今すぐチェック! 【今週のお題】 ・GWはどのように過ご されていますか? 携帯 携帯からもアクセス の範囲やら選択肢やらが絞られてきて、仮想空間のルール が生まれたり、発達する土壌になるかも知れない。 以前読んだVRMLの書籍の主張は、「仮想空間」の発想の根 源は、「人は位置や距離を必要とする」というものだったように 思う。「WWWのハイパーリンクが実現した『ノード間距離0』の 世界は人間の頭とか心に馴染まない」から、システムで空間 のメタファを用意するという考え方だ。 この考え方は今もいわゆるオンラインゲームに生きている。 今あるゲーム世界は、ぼくの知る限り、ユークリッド空間で、ラ プラスの魔が支配できる世界だけど、独立した仮想空間同士 がつながり始めてできるコミュニティの共有する世界が、3次 元空間じゃないメタファとか、ノード間の通信の時間差が距離 になるようなメタファに収束したら、それはそれでおもしろい。 ぼくはついていけないかも知れない。まぁ、ブログやらメール 端末やら、あるいはWebの空間すら理解できてないのかも知 QRコード(使い方) RECENT TRACKBACK 男としてどっちがいいんだ?(モ テ隊三銃士) るくるく(本ハ心ノ憩イナリ) OperaのCEOが大西洋を泳い で横断?(ねこビンタ) オペラCEO、水泳による大西洋 横断に挑戦(Mac miniで起業で きるか?) 頑張れとしか言いようが無い(中 杉通りの怪人) AdobeがMacromediaを買収? (Johnny style!) セキュリティ強化されたブラウザ Opera 8がリリース(noharmのお うち) Opera 8を使ってみた(中杉通り の怪人) 公式RMT搭載か!? エバー クエストII(やっぱり、ゲーム好 き!?) ひぇーー、アドビシステムがマク ロメディアを買収へ!!34億ド ル(ワールドインターネットビジ ネスニュース) 11/05/2005 15:51 れないんだけど。 ---こういうのが記事になることについて、「Cnetの色がよくわかん ない」とか、「何か昔のWired誌っぽい」とかいう感想もあるん だけど。 ---参照記事: Cnet:PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる KimI コメント ( 0 ) | Trackback ( 0 ) 前のページへ 次のページへ コメント コメントはありません。 CATEGORY Weblog Opera Sound Horizon games web books cyber FFXI コメントを投稿する 名前 タイトル URL BOOKMARK コメント goo 最初はgoo MY PROFILE goo ID diska 性別 都道府県 東京都 自己紹介 net初心者の自称ソフト技術 者。最近の話に疎いオタクくず れ。ゲーム好き。 ※規約に同意の上 コメント投稿を行ってください。 投稿 SEARCH このブログ内で 検索 6 この記事のTrackback Ping-URL 11/05/2005 15:52 記事全文検索 検索 ⇒本・CD・DVDの買取ならお任せください。 SKY WATCH HELP ・不明な点は【HELP】をどうぞ。 ・連絡先等は【Information】をご 覧ください。 ・サイト本体も閲覧くだされば幸い です。 *Written in Japanese* RSS feed RSS 1.0 RSS 2.0 ATOM 3.0 AskJeeves 動画検索とBlog検索へ進出 | ホーム | 「特定のオンラインゲームに突出した苦情数」国民生活センター が報告書 P2Pコミュニティ「Solipsis」の可能性 ⇒「特定のオンラインゲーム 出した苦情数」国民生活セン が報告書 P2Pのコミュニテイサービスだそうです。 ・PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる(CNET) これは結構面白いかも。 ⇒P2Pコミュニティ「Solipsis 可能性 現状、アバターコミュニティは多々あるけど、そこから外に出ることが出来ない。 ⇒AskJeeves 動画検索とB 検索へ進出 例えば、Yahooのアバターなら、どんなにがんばったところでYahoo内でしか使えず、他のサイトに「出張」することが ▽カテゴリリスト 不可能なわけです。 インターネット 服やアイテムを買うのに金を取られるのが一般的ですが、幾ら金をかけたところで所詮はそのサイトに留まるしかな -オンラインストレージ -IT戦士 BLOG -ブログる場合ですよ ⇒「一太郎訴訟」控訴審は知 高裁・大合議制で その点、P2Pならそういう呪縛に囚われることがない。 ⇒ニュース投稿用スクリプトを てみました ら色んなサイトが相乗りして、ユーザーはポータルサイトに関係なくアバターを「流用」できる。 -グッズ・アイテム ソフトウェア 記事で語られてるゲームはさすがに夢物語な気がしますが(擬似的に「ゲームのようなコミュニティ」になるとして ゲーム も)、そういう、ボータレスなアバターコミュニティができたら面白いかもなぁ…。 アニメ ただ理想は中央サーバーのないP2Pですが、絶対に悪さ(フィッシング詐欺等、悪質なものを含めて)をするユー 本・雑誌 企業 ザーがいる以上、中央サーバーが必要になる。 社会・時事 中央サーバーを置くと、そういう理想的な「自由度」にやはり制限がかかってしまうジレンマが生まれる。 生活 …んー。 「自由度が格段に高いIM」のイメージであってるか。 自由度と管理のバランスのさじ加減が難しいけれど、そこをクリアできれば面白いモノが出来そうだ。 [インターネット] Clip!! 投稿者:minami | 投稿日時:2005年05月10日 23:35 | コメント (0) | トラックバック (0) 【マーケティングセンター】 この記事に対するコメント アンケートモニター募集 -----------------------------この記事に対するコメントはありません。 55で眠れない!!キャンペーン この記事に対するトラックバック BS blog Ranking この記事に対するトラックバックはありません。 なんでもリング ≪●≫♥♠ (Web全体検索) 検索 ⇒「1チップMSX」遂に製品化 ⇒重さ約7kgのハンバーガー ⇒「ウィルス対策ソフトを買え 迫るウィルス ⇒「MS Metro」vs「Adobe P は作られた構図 ⇒GoogleがWebアクセス高速 ツールを提供 ⇒バンダイ+ナムコ=バンダイ コHD その他 お知らせ ⇒次世代Xbox の画像が正 表前に流出? く逃れることができない。 ログインすれば、チャットでもファイル交換でもボーダーレスにコミュニケーションができ、オープンソースプロジェクトな PC Preview ▽最近の記事/新着順 件 ⇒Lenovo、IBM PC部門を正 に買収完了 ⇒車泥棒、トランクに閉じ込 れる ⇒Apple、ジョブズ氏の伝記出 社へ報復行為? ドットフォンパーソナルV root権限ご提供の次世代 ティング [VPSサービス]\2,980~ □P 2005年05月 日月火水木金土 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 この記事のトラックバックURL 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 写真やイラストをハンコにしよう 【ハートポン!】 -----------------------------コメントを投稿する 恋愛と結婚をまじめに考えるあ なたへ・・・ *匿名投稿(URL・メアド非入力)が可能です。 ブライダルネット *強制改行ではありませんので、適度に改行を入れてください。 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ⇒2005年 ⇒2005年 ⇒2005年 ⇒2005年 ⇒2005年 ⇒2004年 11/05/2005 15:52 備忘見聞録(仮) 適当にやっています。 2005年05月10日 << May 2005 >> P2P > Home > 普通 信州FM PtoPの新しい利用法、それとも新たな世界の先駆け、どちらにしても一つの踏み出しの 一歩である。この一文では何のことやらさっぱりであろうから説明すると、peer-to-peerを利 用した仮想世界の構築が始まっているとのことである。仮想世界といっても現在ある MMORPGのように美麗な物ではなく簡素な物である。今回の試み、今あるMMORPGが サーバにアクセスすることによって世界に参加している野に対して、PtoP形式を利用する ことによって、その制約から逃れることが目的だそうである。また最近、仮想世界での生 活を楽しむといったものも出始めている。 これからどのように仮想世界が広がるかは分からないが、面白い世界が広がっていって 欲しい物である。 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 検索 参考URL:PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる [ 投稿者:betrayer at 00:00 | 普通 | コメント(0) | トラックバック(0) ] 検索 j 電子の海から n k l m n i この番組から j k l m この記事へのコメント 最近のエントリー この記事へのトラックバック この記事へのトラックバックURL 最近のコメント この記事の固定URL 記事へのコメント 名前: URL/Email: タイトル: フリートークの時間 P2P フリートークの時間 情報へのアクセス手段 なんちゃってiPod shuffle 読了 その27 フリートークの時間 ちょっとした疑問 (betrayer) 無線ICタグ実用化!金... (shun) 何が基準かそれが問題... (betrayer) 無題 (くいしんぼう同盟) お粗末さまです。 (betrayer) [必須] 最近のトラックバック セキュリティ対策の決... (EspressChart & EspressReport Tech Blog) マイクロソフト Wind... (ワールドイン ターネットビジネスニュース) 光学ディスクの寿命は... (とある中学 最終更新時刻: 2005年5月11日(水) 22時04分 PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる John Borland(CNET 2005/05/10 13:14 スパム・フィッシングメール対策最新情報! スパムメール対策最新テクノロジー1 ストレージ統合やILMの新しい選択肢! 次世代NASソリューションExaStore EX。 Trackback (8) 仮想世界への入り口は、何もない場所にある--それは空っぽの 青い空間で、真ん中にはスタートレックの衣装を付けた猫の絵があ るだけだ。 France Telecomの研究者らは先月末、「Solipsis」というPtoPの仮 想世界を構築する実験的な試みを発表したが、この困ったような顔 をした猫はそのなかのアバター--デジタル空間で実在人物(ここで は筆者)の代わりを務めるキャラクターだ。そして、空っぽの青い空 間は「Solipsis」の初期段階の「ノード」だ。 Solipsisの取り組みはまだ始まったばかりだが、同プロジェクトの 最終的な目的は、ソニーの「EverQuest」のような大規模マルチプ レイヤーゲームや、KazaaもしくはeDonkeyといったファイル交換 ネットワークから学んだ技術的なアイディアを、1つにまとめ上げるこ とだという。開発者らは、複数のウェブサイトやEverQuestのファンタ ジーアドベンチャーを動かしているような強力な中央サーバを利用 する代わりに、PtoPでつながったユーザーのコンピュータ上で動作 する、大規模な仮想世界を構築したいと考えている。 だが、そうすることで得られる利点とは何だろうか。この質問に対 して、開発者らはインターネット上の住人を「フリー」にすることだと 言う。ここでいうフリーとは、「タダで飲めるビール」という場合のフ リーと、「言論の自由」という場合のフリーの、両方の意味を併せ持 つものだ。 「閉鎖的なシステムの中では、世界はその世界の住人、すなわち 企業の社員の想像力以上には広がらない」と話すのは、France Telecomでこのプロジェクトに携わるJoaquin Keller。「システムが オープンなら、多くのアイディアが次々に現れるだろう。1つのウェ ブサイトとウェブ全体が別のものであるのと同じように、これら2つの システムも異なっている」(Keller) フジサンケイビジネスアイと連動中 IBM、1万人規模のリストラ--10億ドルのコスト削減 ワールドカップチケットの当選をかたるワーム拡大 米軍の機密情報、「コピーアンドペースト」で流出 ヤフー vs グーグル:ビデオ検索での競争が本格化 レノボ、IBMのPC事業買収を完了 Firefoxのダウンロード数、5000万回を突破 ミュンヘン市、Debian Linuxの導入を決定 サンにバイアウトの噂--ビジネスウィークが報道 ヤフー、音楽検索エンジンを開発中 ポッドキャスティング革命の第2章が始 まる・ポッドキャスティングで番組を聞いたこと のある人なら、良い番組を探すのが難しいこ とに気づいたはずだ。そこで登場するのが ポッドキャスティング専用の検索エンジン 「Podscope」である。 安値圏でもがくソニーの業績回復はピ ンぼけ・前3月期の連結決算と今3月期の業 績見通しを受けて、その収益回復の遅れに 警戒感が強まり株価は下落したが、先行きの 市場の見方は強弱まちまちだ。 マイクロソフト「Trusted Windows」の現 状・マイクロソフトはかつて、Windowsマシン 内に存在する機密情報を保護する方法につ いてビジョンを打ち出したが、10年近くたった 今でもこのビジョンはまだ実現されていない。 「M1000は新しい携帯電話の流れへの 挑戦」--NTTドコモ・NTTドコモが発表した PDAライクな携帯電話端末「ビジネスFOMA M1000」が注目を集めている。PC用サイトや メールが見られるこの端末は新たな流れを作 るのだろうか。 国連がサイバースペースの未来を考え る日・国連の関連機関である国際電気通信 連合(ITU)はインターネットに関しては事実 上何の影響力も持っていない。しかし、ITU がこうした状況を変えたいと考えていることは ほぼ間違いない。 第4回:メールかブラウザか、携帯電話 向けデータサービスの行方・携帯電話向 けデータサービスとして、中国ではメールを 利用したタイプが普及しているが、パケット課 金の導入でブラウザベースのサービスも復活 しつつある。 Solipsisや類似するPtoPおよびオープンソースプロジェクトでは、 ゲームの開発方法を抜本的に変革することに加え、ユーザーのコ ミュニケーションやオンラインでの情報操作のやり方まで変えること を狙っている。 Neal Stephensonの書いた「Snow Crash」は、「Metaverse」と呼ば れる先進的なオンライン仮想世界に関する物語だが、これらのSF 小説から着想を得た開発者らは、デジタル世界を現実世界と同じ ように複雑で豊かな環境にしようと考えている。その結果、ユー ザーは単に電子メールを交換する代わりに、例えば自分の部屋 や、あるいはタージマハールにアバターを住まわせ、そこで人と会 えるようになるかもしれない。 こうしたアイディアは次第に、草の根的なPtoPプロジェクトや、 オープンソースプロジェクトと融合するようになってきている。これら のプロジェクトでは、コンピュータの処理能力と創造力を、可能なか ぎり広範に、かつ可能なかぎり個人ユーザーに近いところまで分散 させることを狙いとしている。 EverQuestや「Star Wars Galaxies」に代表される大規模なオンラ イン仮想世界の大半は、大型の中央サーバによってホスティングさ れている。ユーザーがどこにいて、どの竜が倒され、どの家が焼き 払われたのかなど、仮想世界の一貫性を保つには、高いコン ピュータ処理能力が要求されるというのが、その理由の1つだ。 だが、Kellerやほかの多くの開発者には、別のアイディアがある。 彼らは、仮想世界における住人の周辺環境情報は、各ユーザーが 自らのコンピュータで管理すればよいと考えている。その場合、オ ンライン上のだれかを訪ねるというのは、固有の外観や決まり、特 徴などを持つその人物の居場所を、文字通り訪れることを意味する ようになる。 | 1 / 2 | 次のページ 関連記事 ソニー、オンラインゲーム用のオークションサイト「Station Exchange」を開設へ 2005/04/22 17:44 スタートレックのマルチプレイヤー・オンラインゲーム、2006年にも提供開始へ 2004/09/08 21:09 「オンラインゲームの売上は2008年までに現在の3倍に」--米調査 2004/07/13 17:52 オンラインゲーム市場を狙う大手IT企業の思惑 2004/06/21 10:00 インテル、中国最大のオンラインゲームプロバイダと提携 2004/06/10 17:47 MBIのアンケートに答えてiPod shuffleを当てよう! 登録はこちらから メールアドレス 購 読 地域データセンタのインフラを支えるInfraStruXure 出光興産、三井住友カードが選んだIT基盤 - 圧倒的な 柔軟性と信頼性を実現するBEA WebLogic - BEA Business Review Vol.6 最適なケーブル管理を提供するマルチベンダー対応 ラック SAN早わかりハンドブック 日本ストレージ・テクノロジー <Cisco SAFE>セキュリティのための設計提案[入門 編] レッシグブログ・リンクに 対するノルウェーの考え 方 今日の見どころ・アップ ル、タブレットMacの特許 を取得 情報化社会の航海図・ ネットの普及とメディアの 変化 江島健太郎の千里眼・ 日本Zopeユーザ会と CJKV日中韓越情報処理 【3way充電でいつでもおしゃれに音楽を携帯】 D-snap SV-SD100V (Panasonic) Let'snote 夏モデ ル Xacti DSC-S5 (三洋電機) (Panasonic) “新”VIERA PENCK (panasonic) (au),2000047715,20083379... 11/05/2005 15:48 最終更新時刻: 2005年5月11日(水) 22時04分 PtoPを利用した仮想世界「Solipsis」の実験始まる John Borland(CNET 2005/05/10 13:14 スパム・フィッシングメール対策最新情報! スパムメール対策最新テクノロジー1 ストレージ統合やILMの新しい選択肢! 次世代NASソリューションExaStore EX。 Trackback (8) 中心となる組織や目的さえもない、無秩序と言ってもよいこの仮 想世界は、「病みつきになる」とされる現在のオンラインゲームより、 はるかに中毒性の高いものになると推測する向きもある。 「PtoPの世界が山ほど存在していたら、人はそこにこもりきりに なってしまうかもしれない」と語るのは、インディアナ大学教授の Edward Castronova。同氏はまもなく上梓される著書「Synthetic Worlds」のなかでオンラインゲームにまつわる問題を論じている。 「ゲームの得点表に名を連ねることも、現実の経済システムに参加 することももはやなくなり、彼らがどこに存在しているのかも把握でき なくなるだろう。彼らは、貴重な物を生産しているのかもしれない し、豊かで生産的な社会/経済生活を送っているのかもしれない が、それらはすべて仮想世界のなかでの話だ」(Castronova) 「マトリックス」にはまだ遠い もっとも、今日のゲームプレイヤーが待望するような、3次元のビ ジュアルと豊かな環境を持つPtoP仮想世界が実現するのはまだ先 のことである。 同プロジェクトでは、グラフィック部分の制作だけでも大変だとい う。EverQuestのように大きな仮想世界になると、数千万ドルの制作 費が必要になる場合もあるが、予算の多くはアートとデザインの部 分に使われている。 Solipsisはこの点については非常に原始的で、人や「ボット」を表 す2次元のイメージが、各ユーザーのコンピュータノードの青い空 間に浮かんでいるというスタイルを採っている。別個に設けられた チャットルームでは、ノードを訪問したユーザー同氏がコミュニケー ションを取ることも可能だ。開発者らは現在、グラフィックの制作や、 フジサンケイビジネスアイと連動中 IBM、1万人規模のリストラ--10億ドルのコスト削減 ワールドカップチケットの当選をかたるワーム拡大 米軍の機密情報、「コピーアンドペースト」で流出 ヤフー vs グーグル:ビデオ検索での競争が本格化 レノボ、IBMのPC事業買収を完了 Firefoxのダウンロード数、5000万回を突破 ミュンヘン市、Debian Linuxの導入を決定 サンにバイアウトの噂--ビジネスウィークが報道 ヤフー、音楽検索エンジンを開発中 ポッドキャスティング革命の第2章が始 まる・ポッドキャスティングで番組を聞いたこと のある人なら、良い番組を探すのが難しいこ とに気づいたはずだ。そこで登場するのが ポッドキャスティング専用の検索エンジン 「Podscope」である。 安値圏でもがくソニーの業績回復はピ ンぼけ・前3月期の連結決算と今3月期の業 績見通しを受けて、その収益回復の遅れに 警戒感が強まり株価は下落したが、先行きの 市場の見方は強弱まちまちだ。 マイクロソフト「Trusted Windows」の現 状・マイクロソフトはかつて、Windowsマシン 内に存在する機密情報を保護する方法につ いてビジョンを打ち出したが、10年近くたった 今でもこのビジョンはまだ実現されていない。 「M1000は新しい携帯電話の流れへの 挑戦」--NTTドコモ・NTTドコモが発表した PDAライクな携帯電話端末「ビジネスFOMA M1000」が注目を集めている。PC用サイトや メールが見られるこの端末は新たな流れを作 るのだろうか。 国連がサイバースペースの未来を考え る日・国連の関連機関である国際電気通信 連合(ITU)はインターネットに関しては事実 上何の影響力も持っていない。しかし、ITU がこうした状況を変えたいと考えていることは ほぼ間違いない。,2000047715,20083379... 11/05/2005 15:48 今後のバージョンに搭載するボイスチャットなどの機能の開発を進 めているという。 これに対し、Open Source Metaverse Projectのような他のプロ ジェクトのなかには、もう少し手の込んだものもある。Open Source Metaverse Projectでは、開発者が独自に3Dの世界を作り出せるよ うにするのが狙いだ。これらの世界は互いにハイパーリンクでつな がり合い、訪問者がサーバー間を行き来できるようにしてある。この プロジェクトでは、人気ビデオゲーム「Quake」の開発者が生み出し たモデリング技術を利用している。 Second Life しかし、大規模な営利目的のプロジェクトのなかにさえ、草の根の 方向へ進んでいるものもあり、これらのプロジェクトが未来への道を 指し示している可能性がある。 第4回:メールかブラウザか、携帯電話 向けデータサービスの行方・携帯電話向 けデータサービスとして、中国ではメールを 利用したタイプが普及しているが、パケット課 金の導入でブラウザベースのサービスも復活 しつつある。 Novell SUSE LINUX Professional 9.2 MTBF(平均故障間隔)の解説と規準 EMC情報誌 on Life in infomation 2004年秋号 データセンタ(サーバルームおよび電算室)の冷却能力 を損なう問題を回避する方法 Novell Linux Desktop 9 レッシグブログ・リンクに 対するノルウェーの考え 方 今日の見どころ・アップ ル、タブレットMacの特許 を取得 情報化社会の航海図・ ネットの普及とメディアの 変化 江島健太郎の千里眼・ 日本Zopeユーザ会と CJKV日中韓越情報処理 【3way充電でいつでもおしゃれに音楽を携帯】 たとえば、Linden Labsが開発した「Second Life」という仮想世界 では、EverQuestのような従来のゲーム環境を提供する代わりに、 そのなかで住人が自分の家を建てたり、独自の「ゲーム内ゲーム」 をつくり出したり、ビジネスを行ったり、その他思いつくかぎりのこと をほぼすべてできるような成長する世界を提供している。 「Second Life」には現在2万8000人の住人がいるが、なかにはこ の世界の内側でつくったデジタルの物品を販売したり、ロールプレ イングゲームを運営するなどで、すでに年間10万ドルを超えるお金 を稼いでいる住人もいる。 この記事は海外CNET Networks発のニュースを編集部が日本向けに編集したもので す。 海外CNET Networksの記事へ 前のページ | 2 / 2 | 関連記事 ソニー、オンラインゲーム用のオークションサイト「Station Exchange」を開設へ 2005/04/22 17:44 スタートレックのマルチプレイヤー・オンラインゲーム、2006年にも提供開始へ 2004/09/08 21:09 「オンラインゲームの売上は2008年までに現在の3倍に」--米調査 2004/07/13 17:52 オンラインゲーム市場を狙う大手IT企業の思惑 2004/06/21 10:00 インテル、中国最大のオンラインゲームプロバイダと提携 2004/06/10 17:47 MBIのアンケートに答えてiPod shuffleを当てよう! 登録はこちらから メールアドレス 新着記事 購 読 D-snap SV-SD100V (Panasonic) Let'snote 夏モデ ル Xacti DSC-S5 (三洋電機) (Panasonic) “新”VIERA PENCK (panasonic) (au) Posted by Zonk on Monday May 09, @11:16PM Sections from the reality's-building-blocks dept. 3 more AskSlashdot 5 more Books BSD 2 more Developers Advertisement Solipsis - a Decentralized Open-Source MMORPG Preferences Subscribe Journal Logout Main Apache Apple 10/05/2005 16:49 joaquin.keller (741808) joaquin.keller [email protected] (email not shown publicly) Karma: Positive Anonymous Reader writes "Calling it an MMORPG is a bit of a misnomer because at this point there aren't any players, much less hit points, monsters, or flaming swords. Solipsis is an open-source project that aims to create a decentralized multi-user virtual world. It's still very much in its infancy, and as such the visuals are a bit lacking, but the aim is to create an endlessly scalable user-contributed world and it seems it's a nice platform to play with." Related Links · Compare prices on RPGs · Review IT Products · aims to create a decentralized multi-user virtual world · More Role Playing (Games) stories 1 more Games Hardware 2 more Interviews IT 1 more Linux Politics Science 2 more YRO Help FAQ Bugs Stories Old Stories Old Polls Topics Hall of Fame Submit Story About Solipsis - a Decentralized Open-Source MMORPG | Preferences | Top | 37 comments | Search Discussion Threshold: -1: 37 comments 6 Threaded c d e f g Change 6 Oldest First 6 Save: Reply The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way. well, in theory. (Score:1) by Neitokun (882224) <[email protected]> on Monday May 09, @11:21PM (#12481671) ( but you just know that this place is going to end up with n00bs making whorehouses and warez trading places. but, it's an interesting idea... i hope they can keep the stupid idiot factor down.... [ Reply to This ] Re:well, in theory. (Score:3, Funny) by ArsonSmith (13997) on Monday May 09, @11:47PM (#12482014) (Last Journal: Wednesday January 15, @09:17AM) Supporters Code Awards 10/05/2005 16:49 > n00bs making whorehouses and warez trading If we're lucky! Services Broadband PriceGrabber Product Guide Special Offers Jobs -Make fun if you want but it's for a good cause: Stormtrooper MS [ti [ Reply to This | Parent ] Glorified Decentralized Chat (Score:2, Insightful) by bhive01 (832162) * on Monday May 09, @11:22PM (#12481689) This program is no more than a glorified decentralized chat proggy. Anybo out where to find people yet? The Hive [ Reply to This ] Re:Glorified Decentralized Chat (Score:3, Interesting) by ZephyrXero (750822) <> on Tu 10, @12:59AM (#12482823) ( | Last Journal: Monday April 25 Yeah, kind of reminds me of "The Palace" from back in the day....I for something a little more akin to current MMORPGs....perhaps 3d -Zephyr Radio - Rock, Electronic & More [] [ Reply to This | Parent ] most MMOs (Score:3, Insightful) by HTL2001 (836298) on Monday May 09, @11:37PM (#12481857) most MMOs forbid client modification... this makes it easy! and since its decentralized, server modification also. unless they store user on a central server, cheating is gonna be BAD. [ Reply to This ] Re:most MMOs (Score:1) by Jamu (852752) on Monday May 09, @11:50PM (#12482055 If it's peer to peer then your internet connection will go down when a-hole takes a dislike to you. [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:most MMOs (Score:4, Interesting) by Elwood P Dowd (16933) <[email protected]> on Tues 10, @01:45AM (#12483216) ( | Last Journal: Monday May 09, @ 10/05/2005 16:49 unless they store user data securly on a central server, cheating is gonna be BAD. No, cheating is going to be redefined. While they're a billion miles from Metaverse-like, Neal Stephenson already worked this out pretty well. While you're walking along the street, the computers that run the street place limits on the appearance of your avatar. The sunbeams shooting out of your hairdo do not extend across everything else on the street. When you get into a fight on one server (in a bar, for example :), they can track your stats. If several servers agree that they trust each other, then they could share stats. Everyone knows there's no cheating in the Black Sun. If you're worried that the <Lord Pants; Level 60> floating above your head won't mean anything because anyone will be able to do that... then yeah, you're exactly right. Some servers will follow conventions and some won't and that's fine. Hang out in the areas where you like the rules. -There are no trails. There are no trees out here. [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:most MMOs (Score:1) by tprime (673835) on Tuesday May 10, @02:51PM (#12487345) This will make the MMO MORE like real life than others, if what you describe is true. There are certain areas of each city that you do not venture into. Be it for violence, drugs, etc. this creates the first true MMORPG ghetto. [ Reply to This | Parent ] Croquet (Score:5, Informative) by Elwood P Dowd (16933) <[email protected]> on Monday May 09, @11:44PM (#12481963) ( | Last Journal: Monday May 09, @11:31PM) Also vaguely interesting and along similar lines is Alan Kay's Croquet [] project. It's not particularly mind blowing, but it has potential. -There are no trails. There are no trees out here. [ Reply to This ] 10/05/2005 16:49 Cool... Let's see where this leads to. (Score:4, Informative) by obi (118631) on Monday May 09, @11:47PM (#12482008) I'm quite interested in such a system. However, for a true decentralized system you need to put trust metrics at the core of the system, because cheating would just be too easy otherwise. With a client/server model, you can just say: "everyone trusts what the server says, what the server says goes". With a P2P model you have no such easy way out. Anyway, I'll be very closely watching this - the only distributed system that comes close is opencroquet, but that's not really suitale for a real-time environment. While they might not necessarily succeed, it'll be very interesting to see their experience and conclusions once their prototypes start being used. [ Reply to This ] Re:Cool... Let's see where this leads to. (Score:3, Interesting) by rvw14 (733613) on Tuesday May 10, @12:32AM (#12482513) Here is an interesting article on cheating in MMORPGs. 02.html [] [ Reply to This | Parent ] is hacking the game part of the game? (Score:1, Offtopic) by evilmousse (798341) on Monday May 09, @11:54PM (#12482102) ( | Last Journal: Saturday February 12, @10:40PM) it should be. they should call the game "hackers vs. GMs". oodles of fun! i'm serious. it would be awesome! -why would god want to explain super-advanced physics to ancient camel-fuckers anyway, it'd be pointless. [ Reply to This ] Neverwinter Nights (Score:1) by PhiznTRG (261350) on Tuesday May 10, @12:00AM (#12482176) 10/05/2005 16:49 Isn't this something that could have been implemented with NWN and the portals that allow connections between different worlds? As others have mentioned, the cheating and stupidity will be the biggest hurdles to overcome. [ Reply to This ] As an oldtimer, let me say... (Score:4, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 10, @12:00AM (#12482183) *Waves cane* We called them MUDs in our day! And people played with the concept of decentralizing them back then as well. Nothing ever came of it, AFAIK. As other posters have said, trust is a huge issue. There are other problems with latency, bandwidth, synchronization, etc. [ Reply to This ] Hacks (Score:5, Interesting) by CrazyJim1 (809850) on Tuesday May 10, @12:06AM (#12482255) (Last Journal: Friday November 19, @01:02AM) When you do that client side stuff, you need to put checks on hackers. I won't get into much detail because maybe .01% of people who read this care, but you can pull off anti-hack tricks. Its important not to allow players to know the anti-hack tricks because they'd work around them. But if you make people pay for the game, and ban them, the overhead of loss will prevent most hackers. For example: Have every client connect to the main server to track stats. If a stat gets modified faster than it could be changed in game, then an alarm goes off. If you set up tons of trip wires like this, and institute a player based police system such as Halo 2 has, then you're set. If you don't protect a client side game against hacks, then if it gets popular, it will be hacked into the ground. -God spoke to me. [] [ Reply to This ] Re:Hacks (Score:3, Interesting) by cbr2702 (750255) on Tuesday May 10, @04:26AM (#12484313) ( 10/05/2005 16:49 Or you can make a fully decentralized system and pay no heed to cheating. You don't need to have a global idea of stats to have a good game. Each player can run a server component. Different servers correspond to different parts of the world, with a registration/transfer system. Sort of like the web with hyperlinks. Let players decide which servers they like. A server can keep stats, protect names, restrict avatars, or not. Servers with silly rules won't get used. Let econ do the work for you. -- This post written under Gentoo-linux with an SCO IP license. [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:Hacks (Score:2, Informative) by Jahf (21968) on Tuesday May 10, @06:23AM (#12485146) (Last Journal: Thursday August 05, @10:55PM) For example: Have every client connect to the main server to track stats. If a stat gets modified faster than it could be changed in game, then an alarm goes off. Under that assumption you have to at least allow 20 hours if not 24 hours of change. Sorry, but given the rate of casual players this would still screw them. You could still advance your character (characters with multiple computers or program instances) as if you were playing all day every day. Not nearly as fast as an insta-cheat, but still far more than a regular "real" player can keep up with. There is almost no way that a true P2P game would be able to prevent hacking, even with a background checking server (which wouldn't be true P2P anyway). We've already seen a few cases of P2P hashes being hacked without changing their sums recently. A police system is going to be far more effective than the alternative, but then you have to deal with the question of "10 people flagged this account as cheating but 20 people flagged him as being ok". Its less of an issue in a multiplayer game like Halo 2 (it isn't "massive" and you don't care nearly as much if player A is cheating because he only affects players B through Z, not players B through ZZZZZZ). There is another plausible idea ... have the P2P network randomly change various binaries used in the game and force all clients to update to the new binaries to continue playing. The clients would have to download the binary 10/05/2005 16:49 -and- propogate it and each client would perform checks back to the server (perhaps even sharing it back to the server in random intervals) so that the server can confirm that not only is the hash the same, but the bits are not different. If the server finds altered binaries, it can force a traceback through the clients that that slice was shared from until it finds the "right" slice. The slice -after- that is the one causing the problems. Eventually the entire client would be refreshed and any impurities wiped out. It wouldn't prevent cheating 100% of the time, but it would remove 100% of the cheats -over- time. And if it gets used by a software company, consider this prior art. -It is more productive to voice thoughtful opinions judge (moderate) others. (reply) than to [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:Hacks (Score:0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 10, @06:36AM (#12485213) Do you even know what prior art is fucktard? [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:Hacks (Score:0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 10, @09:57AM (#12486101) Oh yes, because you're the first one to ever think of this. Nice try tho. [ Reply to This | Parent ] Hmm. (Score:1) by say__10 (768448) on Tuesday May 10, @12:36AM (#12482557) ( I read this and thought "metaverse" anyone else think that too?? -Home of the midwest loser - [] [ Reply to This ] Re:Hmm. (Score:1) by GrassMunk (677765) on Tuesday May 10, @02:48AM (#12483591) To be honest i would love the idea of a metaverse. But its never going to happen. Ever. Because its a useless tech. Unless we can get full immersion like snow crash people wont use it. I've thought how awesome a metaverse would be, hell snowcrash is my all time favorite novel but 3d chat just wont cut it. [ Reply to This | Parent ] 10/05/2005 16:49 Trouble. (Score:1) by Seumas (6865) on Tuesday May 10, @12:47AM (#12482683) Sounds like it's welcoming a lot of trouble from those who are ill-prepared to properly contribute (sort of like people who don't know better and set their P2P clients to be full hubs) and people who want to intentionally introduce problems or cracks into the system. Hopefully people would still have to pay to play. I think that subscriptions to MMORPGs set an entry level to prevent a lot of troublemakers from joining up and disrupting everything. [ Reply to This ] Otherland (Score:1) by MistabewM (17044) on Tuesday May 10, @12:52AM (#12482744) I think Tad Williams may be intrested in this. And if you are reading this Tad, try fitting a story into less then 700 pages sometime. I may stay intrested that way. -"A learning experience is one of those things that says, 'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that.'" - DNA [ Reply to This ] Re:Otherland (Score:2) by geminidomino (614729) * on Tuesday May 10, @05:21AM (#12484677) ( | Last Journal: Monday November 15, @06:06PM) Oh hell no. I don't want to lose content because you have ADD. -Help! We're being attacked by the Culture of Life! Send Zombies! [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:Otherland (Score:2) by Dr. GeneMachine (720233) on Tuesday May 10, @07:53AM (#12485595) I second that. Tad? Are you hearing this? Keep it up, dude! Give us more! -This comment does not exist. [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:Otherland (Score:1) by Blacken00100 (864342) on Tuesday May 10, @04:37PM (#12488352) Ugh, no. "Content" is fine; page after page of mind-numbing description isn't "content." [ Reply to This | Parent ] 10/05/2005 16:49 Nice... but unfortunately. (Score:3, Insightful) by AzraelKans (697974) on Tuesday May 10, @12:54AM (#12482763) Unfortunately this is nothing "new" a good bunch of indie developers have tried to keep down the costs of creating a indie mmorpg by not having a central server (include myself to that list), and keeping it peer to peer instead. However so far is a lot more of theory (and some mixed bag tech demos) than actual results. Lets face it, if a super MMORPG (like WOW) is having trouble to keep a lag free (more or less) environment by using centralized state of the art equipment and systems with lots of bandwidth to spare. What chances does a run of the mill client in a home PC have? (which is usually connected to a bandwidth sucker proxy which is connected to a bunch of dumb users with a lot of spyware installed) a: none. The lag would be completely unbareable is hardly noticeable for web surfing but for a system sending an update of several dozens of users each 2-3 seconds is a killer. In the future we are going to see more systems like "guild wars" in which areas are instantiated for a limited number of users (including user based servers I think) instead of one server farm trying to handle all the users all the time. Now thats an idea that actually works! (although it takes the "massive" mostly out of the equation.) and it should be interesting for small developers. -Go ahead MOD my day! [ Reply to This ] Re:Nice... but unfortunately. (OT) (Score:1) by orgelspieler (865795) on Tuesday May 10, @02:02AM (#12483334) bandwidth sucker proxy Is that like The Hudsucker Proxy []? [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:Nice... but unfortunately. (Score:2) by S3D (745318) on Tuesday May 10, @09:12AM (#12485944) The lag would be completely unbareable is hardly noticeable for web surfing but for a system sending an update of several dozens of users each 2-3 seconds is a killer. I don't think the real lag would be worse then with normal server based MMORPG. The thing is, to play a game you have to interact not only with server, but with other client. Whatever lag other client have will affect you too while you are interacting with it in the normal MMORPG. In the central server 10/05/2005 16:49 case clients connect through the server. In the distributed case they connect directly. The latter case should be faster. Of cause enviroment synchronization will be more difficalt. [ Reply to This | Parent ] It's been done before... (Score:2) by SirBruce (679714) on Tuesday May 10, @12:55AM (#12482769) ( Back in the MUD days, Marcus J. Ranum created UnterMud, which allowed people to connect their own personal muds and transfer objects between them. Nothing really became of it, though; although players want user extensibility, they also need a structured ruleset within which they can play, which they can rely on to provide a consistent framework for their play. They don't want the risk of radical rules changing whenever they move from one server to another. Bruce [ Reply to This ] Missing the point (Score:3, Interesting) by istewart (463887) on Tuesday May 10, @01:30AM (#12483099) I think the guy who said that it's basically a glorified decentralized chat system hit it right on the head. I read this and thought "Metaverse," and their webpage/wiki says as much. I don't think it's meant to be any sort of a coherent game, although doubtless someone will use it as such. I think world boundaries and "streets" and other such metaphors for the physical world can be set up by using connection forwarding through other servers. For instance, if your Solipsis server is hosting a structure that's down the "street" from your buddy's server, then you would only accept incoming connections from your buddy's server. You would also block connection spoofing and maintain the illusion by checking back with his server to ask, "is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX connected to you, and is it headed my way (trying to connect to me)?" Of course, lag issues would have to be worked out, but I certainly think it's something to work from. I think goofy hacks will run wild, just like in Snow Crash, but server security can be set up to maintain a coherent world and keep out people you don't want around. [ Reply to This ] Re:Missing the point (Score:2) by Suppafly (179830) <suppafly@livejoF ... m minus language> on Tuesday May 10, @01:56AM (#12483302) ( 10/05/2005 16:49 i wonder if something like that could be accomplished with pirate WOW servers -Free Music and Witty Commentary [] [ Reply to This | Parent ] Better in theory than in practice (Score:3, Interesting) by petrus4 (213815) on Tuesday May 10, @01:41AM (#12483192) ( | Last Journal: Tuesday April 05, @05:26PM) I had a look at this a week or so back, since there was a link to it on Terra [] Nova []. I really wasn't particularly impressed, to be honest, although I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt and say that it is still very much early days as far as the project is concerned. There would also be a couple of major obstacles to this in the real world, sadly. a) With regards to content in particular, Sturgeon's Law [] would probably apply with a brutal vengeance. b) With client-side character files and (worse yet) individual control of bandwidth from peers, you'd see 14 year old Neo wannabes swarming out of the woodwork everywhere, with things like the recent Blizzard speed hack, item duping, and so forth. c) Although most people might, not everybody has broadband yet, sadly...and for this, everyone would need to. (I'm still on a 56k modem myself) At least in terms of its level of progress, Croquet [] is far more interesting. I downloaded it and had a mess around with it...and although there are some issues which could be majorly improved, (texture size needs to be made uniform, for one thing) it's coming along well. It will be a while I think before a sufficient portion of the online population will have the processing capacity or bandwidth for a networked version of Croquet to be large-scale viable...but when we get to that point it could be very interesting. It essentially looks like an ancestor of the sort of completely 3D, networked virtual environment that Gibson and others wrote about. -Dedicated to giving unfunny /. "humour" the Troll/Overrated/Redundant mod points it deserves. [ Reply to This ] What this... (Score:2) by creimer (824291) on Tuesday May 10, @04:44AM (#12484441) ( 10/05/2005 16:49 Sounds like a MUD to me. Or did I miss something? -You should date anything with a pulse, bad judgement and no restraining orders against you. - Dogbert [ Reply to This ] Re:What this... (Score:0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 10, @05:25AM (#12484712) You're completely wrong my friend. MUDs are not frequented by stars like Britney Spears, J-lo and Aguilera. [ Reply to This | Parent ] Re:What this... (Score:2) by creimer (824291) on Tuesday May 10, @05:42AM (#12484841) ( MUDs are not frequented by stars like Britney Spears, J-lo and Aguilera. So I would find Michael Jackson in MUD instead? That would explain a lot. -You should date anything with a pulse, bad judgement and no restraining orders against you. - Dogbert [ Reply to This | Parent ] Sigh. (Score:1) by But Who's Counting (703446) on Tuesday May 10, @04:18PM (#12488163) Internet drinking game: take one drink whenever someone proclaims that they want to make a multi-user system resembling Neal Stephenson's Metaverse. The last player who hasn't died of alcohol poisoning by the end of the week wins. [ Reply to This ] Search Barbie says, Take quaaludes in gin and go to a disco right away! But Ken says, WOO-WOO!! No credit at "Mr. Liquor"!! All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. Comments are owned by the Poster. The Rest © 1997-2005 OSTG. [ home | awards | contribute story | older articles | OSTG | advertise | about | terms of service | privacy | faq | rss ] The second installment of Engadget's interview with Bill Gates WIN member since Jan, 2004 Solipsis: Decentralized open-source MMORPG Advertisement Posted May 6, 2005, 3:49 PM ET by Jordan Running Calling it an MMORPG is a bit of a misnomer because at this point there aren’t any players, much less hit points, monsters, or flaming swords. Solipsis is an open-source project that aims to create a decentralized multi-user virtual world. It’s still very much in its infancy, and as such the visuals are a bit lacking, but the aim is to create an endlessly scalable user-contributed world. Advertisement Thanks, Joaquin. Read MARKETPLACE Permalink | Email this | Comments [0] Recent Entries » Solipsis: Decentralized open-source MMORPG (5/6/2005) » MashBoxx opens public beta test (5/6/2005) » Broadcast Flag struck down in appeals court (5/6/2005) » Peer Impact beta goes public (5/6/2005) » EMI signs on with Snocap music fingerprinting (5/6/2005) (Add your comments) Reader Comments Be the first person to comment on this entry. Buy any four (4) new Michelin® tires and get a $50 Visa® gift card. It's our way of saying thanks for buying Michelin® tires. Instant Win Game Chance to instantly win a iPod Mini® each week plus other great daily prizes. With GoToMyPC you can access your programs, files, emails and network – from anywhere! Try it Free! Get your own text link here. Add your comments Please keep your comments relevant to this blog entry: inappropriate or purely promotional comments may be removed. Email addresses are never displayed, but they are required to confirm your comments. To create a live link, simply type the URL (including http://) or email address and we will RECENT COMMENTS 5/9/2005;f=... History Archive Gallery #dotr 10/05/2005 17:02 Mainframe Radio Wiki Disclaimer Guidelines login | register | directory | search | faq | calendar | donate | forum home » You are not logged in. Login or register The Matrix Community Message Board » Forums » Déjà Vu » Snowcrash Fans - getting closer Email this page to someone. Author Kira Scurro Thread: Snowcrash Fans - getting closer posted 09-05-2005 15:38 this has absolutely nothing to do with mxo (though the matrix is used in the article), but i thought gamers would be more interested in this than anyone else, so i'm putting it here. quote: A Free Mind Member # 59 A virtual world with peer to peer style Published: May 9, 2005, 4:00 AM PDT For a virtual world, it starts out very bare: Just an empty blue space, with a picture of a cat in a "Star Trek" costume at its center. But that confused-looking cat is an avatar--a digital representation of a real person (in this case a reporter)--and the empty blue space is an early "node" in Solipsis, an experiment with building a peer-to-peer virtual world, released late last month by researchers at France Telecom. Still in the very early stages of development, the Solipsis project aims to draw together the technological lessons of "massively multiplayer" games like Sony's "EverQuest" and file-swapping networks like Kazaa or eDonkey. Developers are hoping to construct a sprawling virtual world that runs on its inhabitants' own linked computers, rather than relying on powerful central servers like those that run Web sites or EverQuest's fantasy adventures. What's the advantage in that? It sets Internet dwellers free--both in the "free beer" and "free speech" senses,;f=... according to the developers. "In a closed system, the world is bounded by the imagination of the people working in the company that owns the world," said Joaquin Keller, one of the developers at France Telecom, the French telecommunications giant, working on the project. "If your system is open, a lot of ideas will flourish. It's like the difference between one Web site and the whole Web." Solipsis and similar peer-to-peer and open-source projects are aiming at nothing less than a radical transformation of the way that games are developed, and even of the way people communicate and manipulate information online. Inspired by science fiction novels like Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash," which told of a sophisticated online virtual world called the "Metaverse", these developers want to make digital environments as complicated and rich as the real world. People might meet in a digital representation of their own rooms, or of the Taj Mahal, rather than simply exchanging e-mails, for example. Increasingly, this vision is being blended with the grassroots peer-to-peer and open-source movements, which aims at distributing computing power and creativity as widely, and as close to the individual user, as possible. Most big online virtual worlds, such as "EverQuest" or "Star Wars Galaxies," are hosted on big central servers. That's partly because the computing requirements of keeping track of a world's consistency--where people are, which dragons have been killed, which houses have burned down--are high. Keller and a growing number of developers have something else in mind. In their vision, each inhabitant's computer is responsible only for keeping track of what's in its own little corner of the world. In that model, visiting someone else online might mean a literal visit to their space, which has its own look, rules and feel. That anarchic model, without a central authority or even purpose, could be even more overwhelmingly immersive than today's "addictive" online games, some predict. "If you had a bunch of P2P worlds, it occurs to me that you might just lose people," said Edward Castronova, an 10/05/2005 17:02;f=... 10/05/2005 17:02 Indiana University professor whose upcoming book "Synthetic Worlds" examines the issues around online games. "People won't show up on scorecards in a game, won't be in our economy anymore, we won't know where they are. They might be producing valuable things, and having a rich and productive social and economic life, but all in the virtual worlds." Not exactly the "Matrix," yet To be sure, a peer-to-peer virtual world with the three-dimensional visuals and rich environment demanded by today's game players is far away. Graphics production alone makes the project a difficult one. Big worlds such as "EverQuest" can cost tens of millions of dollars to produce, with much of that money going to art and design. Solipsis is utterly rudimentary in this regard. Two-dimensional images, each representing a person or a "bot," float inside the blue space of Continued... check out that open source metaverse link on the "continued" page, too. looks pretty exciting. -------------------~BELIEVE~ From: la , ca | Registered: Sep 2001 | IP: Logged | Igpajo Operator Member # 11 posted 09-05-2005 16:08 That's interesting as hell, but I wonder how vulnerable the user's PC's that are participating and sharing computing power to sustain the system would be to malicious attacks. I don't know much about that kind of thing but it seems like opening your computer's processing power up to support a system being used by thousands of other people would have some security risks. But then, if a programming-illeterate like me can think of it, I'm sure the creators of the system have to. -------------------If you're not Outraged, you're not paying attention! From: Wa, USA | Registered: Sep 2001 | IP: Logged |;f=... Kira Scurro 10/05/2005 17:02 posted 09-05-2005 21:23 sure, i'd think the same thing about all p2p networks, but evidently they've gotten around that problem. A Free Mind Member # 59 -------------------~BELIEVE~ From: la , ca | Registered: Sep 2001 | IP: Logged | Printer-friendly view of this thread Switch To: Déjà Vu 6 Go Contact Us | The Matrix Community | Privacy Policy Powered by Infopop Corporation UBB.classic™ 6.7.2 History Archive Gallery #dotr Mainframe Radio Wiki Disclaimer Guidelines 10/05/2005 17:00 Main Site | Forums | The Gamer's Zion Network | GZ Partyline | GZRadio! | GZ Staff | Search GZ Please support us by clicking the advert below. Gamer's Zion > Announcements > Frontpage News Solipsis - a Decentralized Open-Source MMORPG Home Register For Free! Arcade Game Search Members List User Name User Name Password Calendar Arcade Log in Today's Posts Search this Thread Yesterday, 06:13:04 PM Dancin' Machine Respected Legend Join Date: Apr 2004 Location: Jimhead's Paradise Gender: Male Posts: 1,455 Yesterday, 06:17:04 PM TrickyPhillips Dancin' Machine Respected Legend Search Go Thread Tools TrickyPhillips b Remember Me? c d e f g Display Modes #1 Solipsis - a Decentralized Open-Source MMORPG Anonymous Reader writes "Calling it an MMORPG is a bit of a misnomer because at this point there aren't any players, much less hit points, monsters, or flaming swords. Solipsis is an open-source project that aims to create a decentralized multi-user virtual world. It's still very much in its infancy, and as such the visuals are a bit lacking, but the aim is to create an endlessly scalable user-contributed world and it seems it's a nice platform to play with." Read More... #2 I think open source projects are wonderful. They really allow things to get done easier, if you've got the right group of people together, on the development team. I'm going to be keeping my eye on this project for a while. It may just go downhill, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with it. __________________ 10/05/2005 10:11 BlogThis! GREAT-SOURCE-FOR GREAT-SOURCE-FOR IS A DIRECTORY OF SITES THAT IS A SOURCE FOR ALL KINDS OF VITAL, PERTINENT AND TIMELY SOURCE INFORMATION ABOUT A TREMEDOUS VARIETY OF MEDICAL AND OTHER SOURCE CONTENT. HERE YOU CAN FIND THE SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS MONDAY, MAY 09, 2005 ABOUT ME TH OMAS This article is sponsored by V I E W M Y C O M P L E T E P RO FI L E PREVIOUS POSTS Meet Lucene By Otis Gospodnetic and Erik Hatcher This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by Understanding Lucene Using the basic indexing API Working with the search API Considering alternative products One of the key factors behind Lucene's popularity and success is its simplicity. The careful exposure of its indexing and searching API is a sign of the well-designed software. Consequently, you don't need in-depth knowledge about how Lucene's information indexing and retrieval work in order to start using it. Moreover, Lucene's straightforward API requires you to learn how to use http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... This article is sponsored by http://www.great-sou... Source: Suns' D'Antoni to Be Coach of Year (AP via Yahoo! News) After unleashing the Phoenix Suns to a frenetic pace and guiding them to a league-best 62 wins, Mike D'Antoni is the NBA's coach of the year, a league source said on Monday. Source: Suns' D'Antoni to Be Coach of Year (ABC News) Phoenix Suns' Mike D'Antoni to Be Named NBA's Coach of Year, League Source Says Can You Really Get Sued for Using Open Source? ( Not so long ago Microsoft's Steve Ballmer alleged that Linux was infringing on some 228 patents. But open-source software is, from a legal standpoint, no more risky to deploy than proprietary products. Source: Suns' D'Antoni to Be Coach of Year (San Francisco Chronicle) After unleashing the Phoenix Suns to a frenetic pace and guiding them to a league-best 62 wins, Mike D'Antoni is the NBA's coach of the year, a league source said on Monday. The outcome of the vote first was reported by the East Valley Tribune in Mesa... Solipsis - a Decentralized Open-Source MMORPG (Slashdot) Anonymous Reader writes "Calling it an MMORPG is a bit of a misnomer because at this point there aren't any players, much less hit points, monsters, or flaming swords. Solipsis is an open-source project that aims to create a decentralized multi-user virtual world. It's still very much in its infancy, and as such the visuals are a bit lacking, but the aim is to create an endlessly scalable 10/05/2005 10:11 10/05/2005 10:10 BlogThis! digitalismo 10.5.05 La nueva frontera: mundos virtuales en estilo P2P. Los mundos virtuales han sido una de las grandes utopías de la era digital. La esquina donde se cruzan los sistemas de simulación y la realidad virtual es una de las más transitadas de las ciberculturas. Ya en los años '80 uno de los primeros proyectos de Alan Kay para Weblog de Hugo Pardo Kuklinski y Carlos Scolari para digitalistas iberoamericanos. Apple fue un acuario virtual donde los niños podían aprender los principios de la ecología interactuando con el software. Proyectos más recientes como Sodaplay, una simple pero potente máquina para la creación de criaturas animadas en formato vectorial, se están deslizando hacia la creación de ecosistemas para que puedan (sobre)vivir esos mismos entes (ver el forum llamado Sodarace). Hasta ahora los mundos virtuales (MUD, comunidades virtuales varias, el mismo Sodaplay del futuro) estaban ubicados en un único y potente ordenador bajo el control de una empresa o institución que los creaba y "administraba". Sin embargo, un grupo de investigadores de France Telecom está trabajando en el proyecto portales temáticos Infonomía Portal de la Comunicación Quaderns Digitals Infoamérica Solipsis, un intento por democratizar los mundos virtuales Telos empleando la tecnología Peer to Peer. De esta manera el mundo Dialógica virtual no se instalaría en un único ordenador ni el poder de Comunicación y medios intervenir en ese mundo estaría concentrado en un único sujeto o Mexicana de comunicación institución, sino que se expandiría a todos los miembros de la comunidad en un entorno open-source. En otras palabras, en joyitas Solipsis -un "public virtual territory" según sus creadores- el mundo acapulco66 virtual evolucionaría a partir de las dinámicas impuestas por sus usuarios. Como en la Wikipedia, cualquiera podría incorporar nuevos MIT Research entes al mundo virtual de Solipsis. Más información en el artículo "A Wired news virtual world with Peer to Peer Style" publicado por NYT technology news posted by carlos scolari at 00:10 Technology Review 0 comments: Post a Comment ····································· 10/05/2005 10:02 Nooface: In Search of the Post-PC Interface « Global Mobile Phone Market To Reach 3/4 Billion Handsets This Year | Main May 09, 2005 Emergence of Peer-to-Peer Virtual Worlds This article on summarizes the current state of peer-to-peer virtual worlds. Unlike managed virtual worlds such as Everquest or The Sims, which rely on centralized servers to manage the consistency of the virtual environment, peer-to-peer systems are based on ad hoc connections and provide its users with freedom from the predefined policies of traditional MMORPGs. The article focuses on the recent release of Solipsis, a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world (see screenshots and this Slashdot discussion), and it also mentions Croquet and the Open Source Metaverse Project. Posted by Editor at May 9, 2005 05:52 PM Comments Post a comment Name: Email Address: URL: j Yes k l m Remember Me? n Comments: (you may use HTML tags for style) i No j k l m n Home Downloads 10/05/2005 10:04 Your Account Forums Login or Register Navigation Home News Classifieds Legal Documents Mobile Access News Topics News Archive News Submission Search Search the Web May 10, 2005 Solipsis: Decentralized open-source MMORPG Calling it an MMORPG is a bit of a misnomer because at this point there aren’t any players, much less hit points, monsters, or flaming swords. Solipsis is an open-source project that aims to create a decentralized multi-user virtual world. It’s still very much in its infancy, and as such the visuals are a bit lacking, but the aim is to create an endlessly scalable user-contributed world. Related Links · More about Games · News by BoXeR Most read story about Games: Portable Gaming, Sony-Style Article Rating Average Score: 5 Votes: 1 Read the Full Story Here. Posted on Monday, May 09 @ 10:23:31 CDT by BoXeR Community Please take a second and vote for this article: Request Ban Calendar Contact n j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Donations Feedback Forums Geek Portal Members_List Recommend Us Cast my Vote! Shout Box Supporters Content Options Guides Downloads Encyclopedia FAQs (Help) Printer Friendly Reviews Surveys Send to a Friend Web Links Info Death Counter Staff Statistics Top 10 Associated Topics WinMX Italia P2P SicuRo 10/05/2005 10:06 P2P Forum Italia > P2P Articoli e Notizie Cerca User Name User Name Solipsis: il P2P incontra il MMORPG Home Registrati FAQ Password Regolamento Lista utenti Calendario Vedi Commenti Accedi Messaggi di oggi Strumenti Articolo b Ricordami? c d e f g Cerca Cerca nell'Articolo Solipsis: il P2P incontra il MMORPG In sviluppo un nuovo sistema peer-to-peer che darà la possibilà di sviluppare una rete logica sociale molto potente. Inserito da: VedoVa_NeRa Data pubblicazione: 08-05-2005 "Sembra davvero interessante", è la risposta all'email ricevuta da Joaquin Kellr in Francia. Gli appassionati di Social Software: incontrano persone e si fanno nuovi amici I Pionieri dell'elettronica: ottengono della terra gratis e possono conquistare il nuovo mondo Il programmatore Python: può aggiungere il suo plugin ed hack. Si parla del rilascio di Solipsis 0.8, un MMORPG p2p ed un progetto di dimensioni davvero notevoli per la costruzione di un "massively shared virtual world" (mondo virtuale condiviso a livello globale) come Keller e i suoi colleghi sviluppatori dicono sul sito di Solipsis "Non ci sono server: tutto si basa sui computer degli utenti finali" Un mondo peer-to-peer con l'introduzione in futuro anche di funzionalità di scambio file. Al momento tuttavia Solipsis, open source e distribuito con Licenza GNU General Public License, è un mondo deserto, privo di ogni vita. Non ci sono città precostituite, non ci sono abitanti ne scenari. Ma è destinato ad evolvere lentamente in una rete di peer che collaborano in tempo reale per popolarlo e svilupparlo. E a renderlo anche più intrigante "l'architettura di rete separa chiaramente i diversi compiti, così sia gli hacker del p2p che gli appassionati di multimedia possono divertirsi" dice Keller. 10/05/2005 10:06 Solipsis è scalabile e può essere esteso a "milioni, miliardi di utenti e di entità ed è progettato per essere ampio come il Web" Per adesso funziona su Windows e Linux. Ma la squadra di sviluppo ha pianificato di svilupparne anche una versione per MAC OS X nel prossimo futuro. Ecco una breve intervista con Keller realizzata da In futuro inseriremo documenti più dettagliati sulla rete di Solipsis. p2pnet Dove vivi in Francia? Keller A Parigi. Lavoro al centro di ricerca della France Telecom di Les Moulineaux p2pnet Ha creato lei Solipsis? Keller Si. l'idea mi venne nel 1998. Ma il progetto è partito nel 2001 quando fu fondato dalla France Telecom p2pnet Perché avete scelto il nome Solipsis? Keller Viene dalla parola Solipsismo, una dottrina filosofica che sostiene che la realtà esiste solo nella mente di ognuno di noi. Alcuni trovano difficile immaginare un mondo senza Dio. Nel mondo virtuale di Solipsis, puoi avere solo una visione locale: nessuno può avere una visione globale. Sarà, per esempio, impossibile sapere esattamente quanta gente è in Solipsis. Oggetti e persone sono la stessa cosa. Eseguono lo stesso codice. Sono peer-nodi in una rete logica che si diffonderà attraverso tutto Internet. Questo è il sogno dietro il progetto Solipsis Se in quel punto vedo tutti e tutti vedono me allora sono li p2pnet Chi lavora con te? Keller A Settembre 2001 ho arruolato uno studente, Gwendal Simon, per farlo lavorare con me su Solipsis. Antoine Pitrou ha cominciato a lavorare su Solipsis a Novembre, ed Emmanuel Bréton in Marzo. Lavorano sul progetto anche Didier Gorges (monetizzazione) e David Dugoujon (codice). p2pnet Qual'è l'obiettivo di Solipsis? Keller L'idea principale è di abilitare un cyberspazio simile al WEB ma costruito con i contributi dei singoli utenti usando i loro computer. p2pnet A che punto siete? 10/05/2005 10:06 Keller E' come se ci trovassimo nei primi anni 90 con il server web ed il browser mosaic, ma senza pagine web. Le differenze principali sono 1) In Solipsis "mosaic" ed il "server web" sono lo stesso programma (il nodo), così i lettori sono anche fornitori di contenuti ( la prossima versione implementerà il file sharing e 2) Quando navighi sul Web sei solo. In Solipsis incontri gli altri navigatori. Non so se Solipsis sarà il sistema che funzionerà, ma sono sicuro che ci sarà in futuro un sistema come questo. p2pnet Come ti è venuta l'idea? Keller Leggendo il romanzo di fantascienza Snow Crash di Neal Stephenson nel 1998. Mi ritrovai con il nucleo dell'algoritmo nel 2001. Nel 2002 avevamo il primo pezzo di codice funzionante (grazie soprattutto a Gwendal). Solipsis è diventato Opensource nel primo 2004 ed ho presentato Solipsis al codecon2004. p2pnet Vedo che usate la licenza GNU. Cosa significa in termini del futuro sviluppo? Keller Speriamo che altri sviluppatori si uniscano a noi p2pnet Può (o potrebbe) Solipsis essere usato in contesti diversi dal MMORPG? Keller Solipsis è votato all'interazione sociale. Il gioco non è l'applicazione primaria. La maggior parte della gente usa i MMORPG per incontrare altra gente. Fare punti non è lo scopo principale. Le persone interagiranno come sugli attuali programmi di messaggistica istantanea ma con gente che prima era completamente sconosciuta. Solipsis è un luogo di incontro. La gente creerà gruppi secondo i propri interessi, così ci saranno posti in cui parlare di sport, altri in cui parlare di musica o politica. p2pnet Quali sono i piani futuri? Keller Continueremo a lavorare su Solipsis. In qualche settimana aggiungeremo i "profili" alle entità del mondo virtuale. I profili sono una sorta di sito web personale con link ad altre entità. Daranno sostanza al mondo. Abbiamo in programma di creare collegamento DaWebaSolipsis e DaSolipsisalWeb - cioé clicchi su una pagina WeB e salti da qualche parte su Solipsis e viceversa. p2pnet Solipsis sarà sempre gratuito? Keller Proprio così. Abbiamo anche intenzione di costruirci un business su Solipsis e di dare la possibilità ad altra gente di costruire il proprio. Per ulteriori informazioni Solipsis HomePage Traduzione libera a cura di VedoVa_NeRa per Originale inglese a cura di Questo articolo vi arriva grazie alle donazioni di asterix che contribuiscono a mantenere online __________________ News Ticker | Forum Netiquette | Regolamento Giochi Arcade | Galleria Immagini | Fantacalcio | Free Hosting "Come io vi ho amati, anche voi amatevi gli uni gli altri." Commenti 10/05/2005 10:06 di mother on Ieri, 16:30 #2 Re: Solipsis: il P2P incontra il MMORPG Grande vedova...avevo aperto un topic qualche settimana fa a riguardo (poi chiuso per mio errore). Corro subito a provarlo per vedere com'è. Grassie « Articolo Precedente | Articolo Successivo » Regole di scrittura Tu Tu Tu Tu non non non non puoi puoi puoi puoi aprire nuove discussioni rispondere ai messaggi allegare file nel messaggio modificare i tuoi messaggi Il codice vB è On Gli smilies sono On Il codice [IMG] è On Il codice HTML è Off Vai al forum P2P Articoli e Notizie 6 Vai Discussioni Simili Discussione Creatore discussione Forum Risposte Ultimo Messaggio Snocap e MashboxX - Seria minaccia per le reti P2P? VedoVa_NeRa TekLog News 7 08-05-2005 18:39 RIAA vs P2P: gli artisti non vedono miglioramenti, anzi... Sonic TekLog News 12 08-04-2005 13:07 P2P Manifesto - (ver. Italiana) VedoVa_NeRa P2P Articoli e Notizie 18 02-02-2005 17:43 Dal Manuale dei FastWebbiani - IL Capitolo sul P2P IL_CONTE P2P Café 4 12-01-2005 11:50 Celebriamo il Peer-to-Peer VedoVa_NeRa P2P Articoli e Notizie 12 15-12-2004 22:21 Tutti gli orari sono GMT +1. Ora sono le 09:05. Contattaci - HomePage - Archivio - Informativa sulla Privacy - Versione RSS - Vai in cima Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.7 Copyright ©2000 - 2005, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. P2P Forum - Supporto italiano file sharing su reti peer to peer Update Yourself: P2p meets MMORPG 1 of 1 BlogThis! update yourself S H ARE I N F O R M AT I O N I S N O T A C R I M E . . . N O T S T I L L !!! 29 aprile 2005 P2p meets MMORPG Fonte e 28.04.2005 “Looks really interesting,” we replied in response to an email we’d had from Joaquin Keller in France. * Social software addict: meet people and make new friends * Electronic pioneer: take your land for free and settle the new world * Python programmer: add your own communication plugins and hacks And it was interesting indeed because Keller was telling us about about me B0Ni View my complete profile previous posts RIAA discovers Internet2 "...The RFID implant in my left hand..." Get RSS feeds on your Playstatio Portable Sony PSP Hack: Web Browsing o PSP with Wipeout Pure Si aprono le danze the release of Solipsis-0.8, a p2p MMORPG with truly astounding dimensions for a, “massively shared virtual world,” as Keller and his co-developers say in their Solipsis site. “There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines.” Solipsis=A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world. Bye posted by b0ni at 7:16 pm 0 comments: Post a Comment << Home 03/05/2005 15:23 Voidstar - Solipsis: Official release 1 of 3 Just Say No To DRM Menu • About Voidstar • Blog • Articles • Books • News feeds • Forum • Search • Syndicate this blog • Refer this page • SEA Wiki • UK Political Blogs My Stuff • My CV / Resume • New FF Site • FF Motorcycles • Bikeweb • P2P in B2B • B2B in HiTech • My Radio Station • FF mail list • MC-Engine mail list Links & Blogs • Technorati Profile • Dangerous Thinking • Ecademy • BurningBird • The RDF Patent Wiki • Related Pages • BlogCon 2002 • FishRush • Fusion Anomaly • Celebrity Blogmatch • RageBoy • Daypop • Spiked Online • Blogdex • Boing Boing • Memepool • Need To Know • AMA Superbike • R.U.Sirius • DisInfo • Robert Anton Wilson • Who Links Here Solipsis: Official release Tasty Tags Solipsis: Official release P2P MMPRPG [from:] [ << FoundCity ] [ Google Maps Hacking and Bookmarklets >> ] [ 29-Apr-05 8:40am ] [ 0 comments ] [ G ] [ TB ] [ # ] [ MMPRPG p2p ] , Comments List - max 6 Date - old 6 Filter - 0 6 Update settings Moderate comments Add comment AdSense advertising.internet AJAX Alexa allofmp3 Amazon Apple audio BBC birthday BitTorrent blogs bookmarklet Broadband browsers Chap chillout conference cooking CSS curry DRM Drupal Ecademy email etcon etech FF Firefox Flickr folksonomy font Gadget geek geo Google geourl gis gmail greasemonkey hard-drive hardware Hippy Identity Instant Messengers internet explorer iPod itunes long tail maps microsoft Money MP3 Music Napster NTL OSS P2P phones Photos PHP podcast Politics power law Programming prototyping Psychology radio rap RDF RSS Russian Scooters semantic web Skype spam Sysadmin tag tags Technorati The ThisSucks/adsense toolbar tools Tory trip-hop TV UK upgrades Voip webservices WiFi wiki wikipedia windows Wine wishlist XML YASN Backing Blair Login Email or UserID: Password: 03/05/2005 15:05 The Ten Thousand Year Blog (June 02003-) 1 of 7 The Ten Thousand Year Blog (June 02003-) 02005/05/02 Solipsis, a French-developed peer-to-peer system for a massive virtual world Posted by: David @ 14:13 Tagged and filed under: Cool Tools, Information Knowledgists, Collaborative Web, Searcher Magazine Threads, virtual worlds, P2P, wikis, libraries, archives, photography View my tags at virtual worlds, P2P, wikis, libraries, archives, photography View The Ten Thousand Year Blog Tags and Topics Cosmos Back in 1839 the French government purchased the rights to and granted a pension to Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre (1787-July 1851), the inventor of a photographic process he named the daguerreotype. France in turn donated the technology to the world and changed the course of history as this process became the first commercially successful photographic process. Only the world did not include England, where commercial photographers had to license the process if they wanted to legally use it. Fortunately, an English inventor, William Fox Talbot, had created a competing photographic process called the Talbotype or the calotype, a true negative-positive process, which led to a further evolution of photography. The daguerreotype and the calotype essentially became extinct (there are modern practioners today) when another process involving light-sensitive wet collodion was released in 1851, the year Daguerre died. Glass was used as the medium to which the collodion was poured onto, exposed in the camera, and then developed. Thus the term glass negatives. I read this afternoon of a new French invention being led by the R&D Division of France Télécom and made available to the world. This invention is called Solipsis, “a peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world. Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users’ machines. … Solipsis is a public virtual territory. The world is initially empty and only users will fill it by creating and running entities. No pre-existing cities, habitants nor scenario to respect… Solipsis is open-source, so everybody can enhance the protocols and the algorithms. Moreover, the system architecture clearly separates the different tasks, so that peer-to-peer hackers as well as multimedia geeks can find here a good place to have fun! The best approximation of what could be Solipsis in a near future may be Neal Stephenson’s Metaverse.” The Solipsis Wiki, from which the above quote is taken, is powered by Wikka Wakka Wiki I wonder when the first libraries and archives will appear. Comments (0) Search: Search 03/05/2005 15:07 Terra Nova: Innovation II- 03/05/2005 - Meta Data About TN « Innovation I | Main | See Jose hit » Nothing herein is legal advice. Apr 27, 2005 Other Players Papers Search on TN State of Play Videos Syndicate TN (RSS) Technorati TN Innovation II Joaquin Keller told us about Solipsis - a peer-to-peer MMOG. Some of us have heard o another peermog, but we were asked not to bally-hoo it. Anyway: it's Kazaa meets EverQ Recent Discuss. Comments Posted by Edward Castronova on April 27, 2005 | P Sam Kelly on Dances with Turing Sam Kelly on Dances with Turing TrackBack magicback on Consoles and Virtual Property Unggi Yoon on Consoles and Virtual Property Yaka St.Aise on Dances with Turing TrackBack URL for this entry: Raph on Consoles and Virtual Property Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Innovation II: Cory Ondrejka on Consoles and Virtual Property Comments Jeff Cole on Consoles and Virtual Property There are very few things which cause me to experience the sense of childlike awe which gus on Dances with Turing spoke of, but this is one of them. I want to have the author of this program's baby. I cons Eric on Consoles and Virtual Property since most likely we're both male, and I'm heterosexual, that could be difficult...however offer still stands regardless. ;-) Upcoming In the words of Wayne and Garth, we most definitely are not worthy. Conferences Posted by: Petrus | April 27, 2005 2005 05.18-20 E3 2005 05.28-30 Command Lines UW Milwaukee 2005 06.17-20 DiGRA 2005 06.23-26 Ed, Tech, Games, UW Madison Looked through it quickly. Any commentary and analysis on the different implementatio currently disclosed? 2005 08.10-14 Edinburgh Fest Posted by: magicback | April 27, 2005 2005 09.16-18 Accelerating Change Petrus, in awe, wrote I want to have the author of this program's baby. Archives May 2005 [Not intended to be mean] As a game of wordplay, think of the alternative meanings tha April 2005 out of this string of modifers. March 2005 February 2005 Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - Intended meaning: This program has an author, and I want to have the author's baby. January 2005 December 2004 November 2004 Meaning based strictly on word order: This program has a baby. The baby was authored October 2004 September 2004 someone. I want to 'have' the author. August 2004 **** 100K Group US Anyway - one thing that's either kind of cool about this or should seriously make me feel Ultima Online unlucky. I have the final pre-pub draft of my book sitting on my desk. In it, there' are lot EverQuest places where I write "Hoo boy, once P2P and MMORPG meet, it's going to be a hum-din Dark Age of Camelot when the dang book hits the stands, this will already have happened. *Dated before publ Star Wars Galaxies City of Heroes [sigh] World of Warcraft The closest I come to predicting is saying "You know, these are not pie-in-the-sky foreca 100K two technologies are laying around right now and just need to be connected." So I don't Group maybe it will make me look smart if it's just bubbling up as the book comes out. Asia Legend of Mir I do think peermogs are an almost scary concept. If they work. In the book (more shame Final Fantasy XI plugging SORRY) I coin this term 'toxic immersion' and discuss how peermogs could be Lineage II trouble if they are addictive. We'll just lose people. MU Online Ragnarok Online Posted by: Edward Castronova | April 27, 2005 Lineage Kingdom of the Winds 100K I wish this had come out before my talk at KTH Stockholm last week, which was basicall for the technology that this seems to deliver. Group Europe (1.4mb of Powerpoint slides temporarily available here, and you'll need two fonts from h Dubit here to read it). Runescape Playdo Habbo Hotel Richard Posted by: Richard Bartle | April 27, 2005 More Worlds A Tale in the Desert Achaea I do think peermogs are an almost scary concept. If they work. In the book (mor Active Worlds shameless plugging SORRY) I coin this term 'toxic immersion' and discuss how Counter-Strike peermogs could be serious trouble if they are addictive. We'll just lose people. Dark Ages EVE Iron Realms The traditional client server model still has a great deal of utility and appeal that should Kingdom of Loathing you for a while. P2P inherently has issues with authority (ie cheating) and consistancy th LambdaMOO likely to be solved easily. Matrix Online Neopets Neverwinter Nights Posted by: Thabor | April 27, 2005 Project Entropia The war between Kazaa users and the RIAA is a good case in point. Basically, the RIAA p Ryzom contractors to flood Kazaa with "fakes" of popular songs, so that if you try to download B Second Life Shadowbane Spears' latest, you get a 30 snippet segment of the song (legal fair use max for copying) f Skotos by silence. Or worse; supposedly Madonna had the network flooded with an obscene dia Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - The Game Neverending against music pirates. Veteran Kazaa users are trying to fight back with things like swapp The Sims Online stamps of "legit" files, firewalling known RIAA contractors, and the like. Aside from the There legal implications, it's a good example of how a peer-to-peer network can be subverted g ToonTown Vanguard enough motivation. Vzones Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates Beyond that, there's the model we've seen with 3rd party UO servers; most last just long for the owners to realize that the average MMG user can be somewhat demanding. Posted by: Scott | April 27, 2005 From the Solipsis wiki: "The world is initially empty and only users will fill it by creating and running entities. N existing cities, habitants nor scenario to respect..." Is it just me, or does anyone else reading that hear, "no ... respect"? "Solipsis is developed within France Télécom - R&D Division∞. NB: The name 'Solipsis' comes from Solipsism∞, a philosophical doctrine that claims th only exists in one's mind." Go ahead. Try to tell me those two things ("France" and "solipsism") are unrelated. I dar Seriously, the peermog idea is intriguing. I have technical questions, mostly concerning (Scalability probably won't be an issue for homebrewed games -- creating enough conten the box will be a far more common problem.) But the notion of cutting out the slow, exp middleman is probably too seductive a siren call to ignore. Question: How will the big client/server players react if a few peermogs get a lot of posit Will the typical choice be "beat 'em" (ad buys to promote having more/better features th peermogs) or "join 'em" (create their own peermogs)? Scott> the average MMG user can be somewhat demanding Heh. --Flatfingers Posted by: Flatfingers | April 27, 2005 The main idea behind Solipsis is to enable a web like cyberspace: built by users contributions and running on users machines. We are now like in early 90s with httpd + mosaic but no webpages. The main differences is that: 1) In Solipsis "mosaic" and "httpd" are indeed the same program (the node), so "readers "content" providers (next version will implement file sharing) Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - 2) When you "surf" the web you are alone. In Solipsis you meet the other surfers I don't know if Solipsis will be the system that will work but I am sure that there will be i future a system like this one. -- Joaquin Posted by: Joaquin Keller | April 27, 2005 I just finished reading Richard's presentation. It seems like a fair summary. I'd agree that Solipsis seems to have the potential to be very cool. It is clearly in the realm virtual worlds, not the in the realm of MMOGs. Commerical use would require a far more stringent set of features that would drift the arcitecture back towards client-server.. A clear delination of client content from server ru content. Seperate trust lists to approve transmission of the server and client. And some a established for publishing the trust lists. Handling of distribution and redundancy.. Prob few other things that haven't even occured to me. Its not that attractive commerically for any arbitrary client to be able to publish server d others, or to act as an authority for rule interaction. Also each commerical features acts as a limiting factor for how much growth a P2POG co handle. Someone could probably do well developing something along these lines targete to MMOG publishers as a 3rd party module Posted by: Thabor | April 27, 2005 What am I missing here? This sounds like something that wouldn't be very fun at all. There would be heaps of con overwhelming majority of which would be complete dreck. You would never know when the server you were playing on would go down. Your favori could disappear tomorrow, or an hour from now. Peer-to-peer is nice for going out and getting something you need on a one-shot basis, b long term, continuous reliability it definitely is not the way to go. Furthermore, I have absolutely ZERO confidence in the general public to create fun, com content. I am not saying nobody can, but the majority cannot. Go visit Neverwinter Nights fan sites (like NWN Vault). 95% (or more) of the stuff is com trash. Maybe I am totally missing something crucial here about what would make this actually interesting rather than titanically boring and frustrating? Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - Posted by: Aryoch | April 27, 2005 Come on. Don't be so pesimistic. The web is user generated. Some users are more skilled than others some are boring other not. Look at the blogs. Sure we need stable solipsis nodes. Just co-locate solipsis nodes with your -stable- apach Posted by: Joaquin Keller | April 27, 2005 Call me crazy, but with P2P why do you need a server machine at all? One of the nice things about distributed processing is that you can lose a node or two wit losing the entire system (as happens when a server coughs and dies). Look at the success terms of usage numbers) of the SETI@home project -- "graceful degredation" is a hallma well-designed P2P system. That said, it will probably limit the kinds of worlds you can create if everybody has to ha copy of the executable and all data running on their home machine (or even their Apach server if you really wanted to do it that way). You'll also have issues with players being ab hack their client files, but some sufficiently burly encryption might prevent that problem In short, sure there'd be problems with a peermog approach -- so? What technology *do have inherent problems that need to be overcome? The content creation problem is a separate issue, and that one I'm not so sanguine about Sturgeon's Law will definitely apply; the question is whether there'll be enough hits amo the misses for the entire concept to retain buzzworthy status. --Flatfingers Posted by: Flatfingers | April 27, 2005 I think peer to peer worlds have a great future. I’m building one myself. Solipsis looks lik interesting effort. I particularly like the use of geometry to find missing neighbors. But lo through the protocol, I didn’t see any explicit system of cheater discovery. That worries m MMOGs amply demonstrate, there are people who will create cheating nodes “just for fu Though absolutely pure peer to peer is intellectually satisfying, I’m not sure its entirely p given that some nodes will be “in the hands of the enemy”. Myself, I think a lot of advant be got from mostly peer to peer with some central server for final authority. Plus in my c using an already accepted 3rd party authority like DNS. Is there a cheater discovery pack the works as elegant and as the position discovery? Posted by: Hellinar | April 27, 2005 Edward, On reflection, I realise that you are correct about my grammatical gaffe in the earlier com Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - Sadly I consumed a certain amount of marijuana some years ago, as part of the usual tro youth that I believe many of us experience. However, I have noticed that my capacity for coherent grammar and sentence structure (indeed, my degree of intelligence in general) genuinely never been at quite the same level that it was before I smoked. Posted by: Petrus | April 27, 2005 I'm messing around with Solipsis at the moment. There are a couple of people on, I think can't quite figure out how to communicate with them. There is a chat room, but they don to be receiving my messages. Will keep trying, as I'm interested in this. Posted by: Petrus | April 27, 2005 Edward, Just noticed your comment about toxic immersion re peermogs, and the threat of losing Based on some of the horror stories I've read about EQ, I'm not sure how a peermog cou necessarily be much worse. (although if it could, I really don't want to think about it) I re hearing recently about Sony supposedly granting people the ability to order pizza from w EQ...which in my mind is completely wrong. Although the other thing re peermogs is that in my experience with eMule anywayz, you generally don't get anywhere near your full bandwidth capacity for downloading files. If the case, it's unlikely to me that a fully three dimensional environment would be feasible peermog...and although it's true that MUDs can be addictive, (I have a brother who faile two years of high school because of the amount he was playing Imperial Diku) from wha seen, the 3D element seems to be a prerequisite for generating truly life-threatening add problems. Posted by: Petrus | April 27, 2005 Peer-to-peer shared spaces aren't new, by the way. Croquet, being worked on by numero educational institutions and led by Alan Kay and David Smith, is also peer to peer and se quite a bit further along. More importantly, the security aspects of p2p MMOs are pretty scary. While I am a huge user-created content (obviously) a p2p MMO is different than using firefox to surf to apa Imagine web surfing where you give every website you visit your identity, credit cards, a your stuff for safe keeping. You have the delightful combination of hostile script code su hostile hosts. The positive is that everyone is trying to solve this security problem -- the n is that it might not be solvable. Posted by: Cory Ondrejka | April 27, 2005 Scott> The war between Kazaa users and the RIAA is a good case in point. Basically, the pays contractors to flood Kazaa with "fakes" of popular songs. You understand what this is, right? This is force projection within the continuum. It's no dropping litigation or bombs on servers. It's going inside the comm network and workin Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - its rules. And that's all you can do to project force in a P2P network. You realize what it m The only way for, say, a government to influence a P2P fantasy world is to send agents in world and use griefing or PvP rules to get the community to do what you want. It's Marines in mithril armor. Stealth and those wicked high-level AE spells have genuine security implications. 'Bind S becomes a useful surveillance tool. The norms of PvP combat in today's worlds are ur-str of conflict in real wars that will happen some day, in some system. I floated some of this stuff to serious security people about 18 months ago. I don't think bought it. But I can't get around it. Cory> Peer-to-peer shared spaces aren't new, by the way. Croquet, being worked on by numerous educational institutions and led by Alan Kay and David Smith, is also peer to seems quite a bit further along. That's the other one. Julian Lombardi at Wisconsin is the name I associated there. Hellinar> I think peer to peer worlds have a great future. I'm building one myself. Gah!!!! That makes three! I'll retire to Bedlam. Posted by: Edward Castronova | April 27, 2005 Richard's vision and the aim of Solipsis , and perhaps Edward's (have to read the book), probably what is going to happen rather than P2P Virtual Worlds, but what of P2P MOG NWN? On the gaming front, I envision more of connected game worlds hosted by a decent num ISPs with protocols to move avatars and objects across worlds. The downside case is tha will start putting forth immigration & visit policies and end up looking very much like th Posted by: magicback | April 28, 2005 The Solipsis system describes a peer-to-peer system. Richard Bartle's slides desicribe a client/server architecture where everyone can have a server with their own private world two are different, and I suspect Richard Bartle's proposal is more doable, or at least has ability for more interesting content. So... I wave my hand, add a few items to my VW's schedule, and the system is magically working. What does it give the user? 1) The ability to create their own worlds, which they have in text MUDs, the system I'm w on, and Second Life. (My system will have static 360 surround images like Myst III, no 3 accelerator or animated models.) Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - 2) The ability to host their worlds on their own computers, as with text MUDs and my sy 3) Convenient way to portal between worlds. They don't have to type in a new URL, but on an in-game door. Easy to impliment. 4) The ability to port their character's visuals, as well as approved items, between worlds where I run into non-technical problems: a) 3D model - I wave my hands. Poof. Done. Except for some policing with too many pol offensive models, etc. b) Approved races and items - Poof. Done. However, the chances are that any unique ite from a world won't transfer over. A stock sword might, but a sword of vorpal undead slay probably won't, UNLESS a group of VW authors gets together and defines a standard lib new stock objects, like D&D coming out with supplimentary rule books of magic items, monsters, and races. c) What prevents one VW from being monty haul and destroying the VW economy of eve else's world? Nothing. My VW can give players 1M GP just for entering. Of course, my VW blacklisted, and any character referred from my generous world can be denied. BUT, unl worlds block my site, one of them can be used for "loot" laundering, carrying the loot fro world, to the Carribean shell world, to any other world. I can also change my IP address back in business until I'm blacklisted again. Conversely, a world subscribes to a list of tru worlds and blacklists everyone else, but I suspect the average "confederation" of self-tru worlds would be less than 20 members. d) Minor problems, like: New PC enters world and finished in room A. Several weeks lat enters, but with different stats and the referral says to put the PC in room B. The default behavior is to use the new PC stats along with room B, but either case could be argued, e if the new version of the PC had lost some items. Another minor problem: PC's or user's already used by someone else. From a player perspective: 1) I think socializers will love it. It may turn into one of the many huge but empty 3D cha out there, though. (Socializers may want mud-mail forwarding, which is a bit tricky.) 2) Non-competitive RPG will like the concept of taking their characters between worlds, might not be so happy when their favorite magic item doesn't transfer. This can be most handled by logo-ing worlds that comply to specific magic-item standards. 3) Competitive players won't like it because there will always be an overly generous VW there, and probably intentionally built. 4) Explorers will like it. 5) Builders will like it. Again, they may end up building too much. 1 billion virtual world Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - counting, for only 1 million players. Any comments? I'd like to be convinced. Posted by: Mike Rozak | April 28, 2005 I do think peermogs are an almost scary concept. If they work. In the book (more sham plugging SORRY) I coin this term 'toxic immersion' and discuss how peermogs could be trouble if they are addictive. We'll just lose people. Don't worry, Sturgeon's Law to the rescue. 90% of what the peers will produce will be cr because 90% of anything is crap. And peers don't have a quality control department to s Posted by: Tobold | April 28, 2005 I like the idea. However, relating it to the Metaverse in Snowcrash is a bit over the top fo seems that this current setup is complex and that in order to truly "enter" this virtual wo need to have a certain level of technical proficiency. It is one thing to let advanced users stuff and add new content but in order for this to be successful you need to have someth everyone. Posted by: Seth Sivak | April 28, 2005 1) Crosbie Fitch has been talking about distributed virtual worlds since the mid-90's, and series of articles about design considerations and the various issues surrounding massiv persistent worlds in a p2p environment (including, if I remember correctly, some of the concerns mentioned here) which were published at least five years ago on Gamasutra. 2) As others here have noted, Alan Kay and the Croquet crowd have been tackling this sp a while, at its most basic and critical points, and made some striking progress. 3) Distributed VW has always been the assumed architecture for our Mars First! project also one of the architectures under consideration for a foundation-funded educational M which I'm beginning to assemble the advisory and development teams. I'm not suggesting that we or anyone else has already solved the thorny problems or alre a viable, scalable, peer-based VW. Just pointing out that peer-based architecture has bee the strategic thinking of some virtual world developers for a while now. It is a natural ap of our increasingly P2P culture (not to mention an inherently democratic and decentrali architecture that might/should lead thinking about mmo design away from the authorita centralized and paranoid model it currently exclusively inhabits, toward a trust-based, heterarchical and cooperative model of development, creation, community management administration...) All of which is not to take anything from this latest effort, in any way. But it probably sho surprise this crowd that quite a few, similar think-outside-the-box efforts are well under outside the mainstream, risk-averse game industry. Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - Perhaps it just reminds us all of the importance of staying inquisitive and looking beyon "usual suspects" to keep abrest of new ideas and new research, and of the danger of livin our assumptions, lest we find ourselves intently perfecting the horse-driven carriage whi are dreaming of rocketships to the Moon. Incidentally, security is only a major concern in an adversarial relationship. Posted by: galiel | April 28, 2005 Cory> a p2p MMO is different than using firefox to surf to apache. < What if the architecture was similar to using Firefox to surf Apache? That’s what I am ai in my world. In my personal vocabulary, I’d divide Net protocols into Watcher protocols Listener protocols. A web browser is a Watcher. The client looks at a particular place of i choosing at a time of its own choosing. Most MMOG client use Listener protocols, they o ear to the world, and wait for someone else to send them at message. My theory is that L protocols are inherently less secure than Watcher protocols. Solipsis protocol has a stron Listener component to it, which in my view decreases the security. Listener protocols are widely adopted in MMOGs because they lead to a faster, exciting w But my world supports a gardening game, where speed is not such an issue. My percepti that current MMOGs are aimed at people who have had a boring day at school and come and want some action. My game is aimed more at people who have had a frazzled day at office, and want some beauty and tranquility. With perhaps some quiet but creative putt around. I think a Watcher type protocol provides enough speed for that application. Wh provides the security benefits I expect, time will tell. Posted by: Hellinar | April 28, 2005 EC Habitats (c. 1997) was initially p2p and had secure distributed objects. Each system h it's own objects, and you could carry your objects (avatar, pocket contents, etc.) on to oth people servers. This is a Damn Hard Problem and something Chip and I have been remi writing about. The star connection problem becomes unwieldy, so we rearchitected around a proxy-hos - When you carry an object you host to another server, that host recieves host authority o object. This massively reduced the connection mess. Solipsis has a long way to go and (if it starts to succeed) is about to hit a raft of nasty pro like the one I described above. I must take issue with one naïve statement in this thread though: galiel> "Incidentally, security is only a major concern in an adversarial relationship." This is demonstratively and utterly false. Any time you offer your machine for connection in a distributed network, ALL connectio Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - security concern. How do you think software viruses spread? Someone you trust gives it Security is a design constraint in a distributed system, not a layer, not an afterthought. Posted by: F. Randall farmer | April 28, 2005 > This is force projection within the continuum. I fear the day when class balance issues are settled by summits in Geneva. Posted by: Scott | April 28, 2005 > This is force projection within the continuum. I fear the day when class balance issues are settled by summits in Geneva. ...but, but, isn't that metagaming ? Eek ! ;) Posted by: Yaka St.Aise | April 28, 2005 Sorry, I got into a bit of a rant in my last post. The idea of a distributed world is technica interesting to me. Unfortunately, I can't find enough player benefits to outweigh the dow and difficulties of implimentation. Many people here obviously think the benefits outwe costs. So what am I missing? Posted by: Mike Rozak | April 28, 2005 >I didn’t see any explicit system of cheater discovery. That worries me. As MMOGs amp demonstrate, there are people who will create cheating nodes “just for fun”. It seems that if you could distribute all world decisions over random multiple nodes (and ones local in virutal space)... you would have the ability to improve cheater detection gre player A from node A suddenly starts killing everyone around through using some cheat server... Servers B and C randomly picked to audit that data will disagree with the result (minority reports automatically dropped, or some such rule), and automatically invalida A's inputs. This could also be used as sort of a RAID server to backup content from any w (node) that goes down. Just make sure there's at least three copies of everything (or mor depending on demand/load balancing). Easier said than done, of course. Posted by: Yak | April 28, 2005 Minority Report: Didn't anyone see the movie! The implementation is probably more like what they are doing for micropayments: arcan statistical probabilistic quantum analysis :) Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - Posted by: magicback | April 29, 2005 There are some works on preventing cheating in distributed multiplayer games. See for i NEO (pdf). Solipsis is far to be a funny world ready to welcome gamers. It just provides a good infra for such peer-to-peer virtual world. By the way, I guess that it aims to create a "meeting place" rather than a "shoot'em up".. Posted by: Gwendal | April 29, 2005 > Security is a design constraint in a distributed system, not a layer, not an afterthought Randy is correct, of course, and my intentionally provocative statement was poorly word thus did not communicate my intent. I think the point I *meant* to make is still valid: There are many aspects to security, and many layers of implementation. I was addressin gameplay-sociological considerations, intending to make the point that games centered violent confrontational competition, which also assume an antagonistic dynamic betwee developer and player, tend to have a rather large administrative nightmare. Some aspect security are purely structural, as Randy points out, but others are a matter of design and dynamics. For example, IP theft is a problem in a proprietary system, not an open one. Piracy is a p when units sold are the prime revenue base, as opposed to a purely subscription-based b model. Certain hacks are only a problem in a game based on power dynamics such as str defense, offense, etc. - they are less of a problem in a game designed around other huma dynamics. (It was the latter I was thinking of primarily when I made my poorly worded pronouncement. In a game that is not zero-sum and not about individual accumulation and wealth, many forms of "hacking" have less of a meaningful effect on gameplay. Many security issues can be solved with intentional social architecture, that was my poin seems that, in today's game designs, ALL security is of the military mindset - armed gua punitive measure, and an assumption of venality on the part of the "enemy" (our audien customer!) What I am suggesting is that there are other forms of security that follow a d model. Not everyone in every community has to put seven locks on their door and own a doberman. In real life, I don't have to worry about my wife hacking my bank account - we share the account and know all of each other's passwords. We have to, we are a partnership raising family, and if anything were to happen to one of us, the other would need access to every share. Similarly, when I was in the military, I didn't have to worry about locking up my belongi when I was deployed with my own close-knit unit. Security is not purely a technical problem, it is also, in many case even predominantly, a Terra Nova: Innovation II - 03/05/2005 - relationship problem. We should, perhaps, look at what in our design models exacerbates security issues and w our design considerations could ease them. That is the point I was attempting, in my awkward short-hand, to make. Posted by: galiel | April 29, 2005 A real example of non-defensive security management in a multi-player game: In Terra, an early MMOG, I largely solved the problem of bug exploits through a social a rather than a technical one. I simply nurtured a culture where there was greater reward in being a "bug discoverer" t exploiting the bug for game advantage. We celebrated our "Bug Hunters", lauded them to the community, and even let their clan our supervision and within reason, enjoy the exploit for a short time before expecting th disclose it. No one ever abused this privilege, and, I found, it turned those most apt to da the game into its greatest protectors. Publicity and fame turned out to be more powerful impetus to cheat. Of course, it helped that we had also designed the game as a group v group, rather than a environment. I found that this created a dynamic more like sports competition than bloo combat - even though Terra was a tank war game. Obviously, you can't protect a server from a DOS attack with good will and wishful think what makes the real world work is more than just police with guns, it is the norms of civ and the consensual agreement to behave within certain parameters. Design and social architecture have determinative influence on behavior--areas which don't seem to be ad considered in these kind of discussions. Posted by: galiel | April 29, 2005 Peer worlds could tag their "money" objects with public key encryption of serial number they'd be able to have currency issuers with peer specific exchange rates. That way a wor gave money out too freely would find its issued currency was not very valuable... 1000 go issued by free money city might be worth 1 silver in work for your money land... I think t could be done but it'd get complex of course :) Posted by: Dee Lacey | April 29, 2005 Post a comment Name: c Remember personal info? d e f g Teknowledgy 7 of 23 to enable the remote viewing and robotic control of live video over the Internet without requiring any software beyond a web browser on the user's computer. * * * * * * * * Development Status: 4 - Beta Environment: Web Environment Intended Audience: Education, Science/Research License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Natural Language: English Operating System: Linux Programming Language: Java, JavaScript, Perl Topic: Dynamic Content, HTTP Servers, Display # posted by MXTRON : 11:54 Solipsis Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. Solipsis is a public territory and not a privately owned space. Also, as Solipsis is open source, everybody can enhance the protocols and contribute to the Creation. The world does not pre-exist, it is empty and only the user will fill it by create and run entities. The best approximation of Solipsis may be Neal Stephenson's Metaverse∞. The shared virtual worlds of nowadays MMORPG strongly rely on privately owned servers. These servers are an expensive bottleneck that limits their scalability. Moreover, these servers bound the freedom of the virtual world inhabitants and the imagination of the world-builders and developers. Solipsis resolves these problems. Moreover, it is free and open-source. * Development Status: 3 - Alpha * Environment: No Input/Output (Daemon), Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications * Intended Audience: End Users/Desktop, Science/Research * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * Natural Language: English, French * Operating System: OS Independent * Programming Language: Python * Topic: Internet # posted by MXTRON : 11:47 Classic Forum The Classic Forum is a classical threaded forum that consists of a daemon that holds all data in RAM and client programs that query the daemon or use shared memory to retrieve the data. It's designed to be very fast and flexible and has a very well designed plugin interface. The user interface features 72 configuration options and includes very nifty filtering options. [Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon), Web Environment [License] OSI Approved :: Artistic License 03/05/2005 15:44 Solipsis: Information From 1 of 2 Go Tell me about: Business Entertainment Food Health People Places Reference Science Sports Word Solipsis >> Jump to: Wikipedia Mentioned In Web Pages Images News Blogs Products Wikipedia Solipsis Solipsis is an open-source system for a massively multi-participant shared virtual wor designed by Joaquin Keller and Gwendal Simon at France Télécom Research and Development Labs. It aims to provide the infrastructure for a Metaverse-like public v territory. Relying on a peer-to-peer architecture, the virtual world may potentially be inhabited by an unlimited number of participants. A Solipsis entity is a basic element of the virtual world. To exist, an entity should run Node that may be controlled by a Navigator. Nodes are self-organized in a pure peer network where relationships depend on virtual proximity. A Navigator is mainly devo act as a Graphical User Interface. Some communication services may be plugged on t Navigator for interaction between entities. The virtual world is initially empty and is only filled by entities runned by end-user's computers. All Solipsis Nodes are functionnaly equal and no pre-fixed infrastructure i required. Therefore, there is no bound on the freedom of the virtual world inhabitants imagination of the world-builders and developers. Solipsis currently consists of: a peer-to-peer protocol over UDP which is used by Nodes. The Solipsis Proto gives to a Node the ability to ensure the presence of its entity within the virtual Moreover, this protocol aims to guaranty the maintaining of some suitable glob properties. a Node-Navigator Interface: an API between the Node and the Navigator. Cur in XML-RPC, this interface allows a Navigator to control a Node and to retriev informations on the virtual surroundings. a basic implementation of a Solipsis Node and a Solipsis Navigator under licen L-GPL. The Navigator features a 2D representation of the virtual world and cha 03/05/2005 15:16 Solipsis: Information From 2 of 2 communications. See also Snowcrash OSMP External links Solipsis Homepage osmp,2101,65865,00.html This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not h been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer) Mentioned In solipsis is mentioned in the following topics: Snow Crash peer-to-peer MMORPG Python programming language Copyrights: Wikipedia information about Solipsis This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Solipsis". More from Wikipedia Sponsored Links Solipsis Info Free articles and information about Solipsis. Jump to: Wikipedia 6 Send this page Print this page Tell me about: Home About Tell a Friend Buzz Privacy Terms of Use Contact Us GreenLink Go Help Site Map 03/05/2005 15:16 Solipsis 1 of 1 Solipsis Solipsis is a system for a massively multi-participant shared virtual world designed by Joaquin Keller and Gwendal Simon at France Telecom R&D. It relies on a peer-to-peer architecture, so its main characteristic is the scalability: the world may be inhabited by an unlimited number of participants. As there is no central authority, there is no bound on the freedom of the virtual world inhabitants and the imagination of the world-builders and developers. The program consists in two distinct sub-modules: the Solipsis Node is responsible of the maintaining of the virtual world structure, while the Navigator allows the user to "drive" theirs nodes around Solipsis world and chat or interact with other people in the world. External links Solipsis Homepage ( Solipsis on Sourceforge ( Retrieved from "" This page has been accessed 34 times. This page was last modified 12:13, 22 Nov 2004. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see Copyrights for details). 03/05/2005 15:06 Smart Mobs: Multi-participant virtual worlds 1 of 3 Home | About the Book | Speaking Services Mobile communication, pervasive computing, wireless networks, collective action. Smart Mobs Weblog About the Book » Table of Contents » Book Summary » Reviews, Articles, Interviews » Appearance Schedule » Bibliography « Supergames: Jane's smartmob phun | Main | "Dell stumps for free Wi-Fi" » .: SYNDICATE :. May 01, 2005 Multi-participant virtual worlds Smart mobs emerge when communication and computing technologies amplify human talents for cooperation. The impacts of smart mob technology already appear to be both beneficial and destructive. more... RSS 1.0 | RSS 2.0 | Atom Technologies of Cooperation Posted by Gerrit Visser at 11:06 PM Bruce points Smartmobs to Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world. "Solipsis runs under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is in effect a vacuum, empty of all life. No pre-existing cities. No people. No scenarios. Search Site Who is linking to Smartmobs? --- Suggest a Link --› In the Solipsis virtual world, you can have a local view only: no one can have a global view. It will, for example, be impossible to know exactly how many people are in Solipsis. Objects and people (avatars) are the same. They run the same code. They are peers - nodes in a logical network that will spread all over the internet. That's the dream behind the solipsis project." There is no server, it relies on end-users' machines. Solipsis is open-source. Everybody can enhance the protocols and the algorithms. Solipsis is developed within France Télécom - R&D Division∞ NB : The name 'Solipsis' comes from Solipsism∞, a philosophical doctrine that claims that reality only exists in one's mind. Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) .: NEW COMMENTS :. RSS 1.0 | RSS 2.0 | Atom "Dell stumps for free Wi-F... › anaventura › Jon Lebkowsky › Daniel Luke › cold wolf Social GPS... › Rebecca Anema › Rebecca Anema › Paul W. Swansen Multi-participant virtual ... › Gwendal › Joaquin KELLER "Happy Slapping" footage... › Arnaud › Ellis D. Tecnine .: RECENT ENTRIES :. Registering SIM card holders Read: "In The Bubble: Designing in a Complex World" Ubiquitous Social Encyclopedia "Dell stumps for free Wi-Fi" Multi-participant virtual worlds Supergames: Jane's smartmob phun "Camera phone saves man from deadly spider" Social GPS Making sense of life without wires Roland's Sunday Smart Trends #56 Comments The release annoucement: .: CATEGORIES :. Always-On Panopticon...or Cooperation Amplifier Solipsis: a peer-to-peer shared virtual world Beyond --------------------------------------------- Computation Nations and Swarm Supercomputers The Solipsis Team would like to announce the release of Solipsis-0.8. How to Recognize The Future When It Lands On You Shibuya Epiphany Smart Mobs and the Power of the Mobile Many Solipsis is a massively multiparticipant virtual world based on a peer-to-peer system (ie without servers). Technologies of Cooperation Some Solipsis prominent features are: * Scalable to millions, billions of users and entities * Solipsis is intended to be as wide as the Web * The virtual world is user contributed (so it is for now The Era of Sentient Things The Evolution of Reputation Wireless Quilts .: ARCHIVES :. May 2005 03/05/2005 12:37 Slyck Forums - Where File-Sharers Meet 1 of 2 Home · Forums · File-Sharing Dictionary · Chat · Contact Slyck's List of File Sharing Programs and Utilities Newsgroups BitTorrent eDonkey2000 WinMX DirectConnect Ares Spyware/Adware Removal Gnutella SoulSeek IRC MP2P FastTrack Welcome to the Slyck forums -- Have Fun and share something intelligent! Members can go to their private message account here. P2p meets MMORPG Forum Index -> More File-Sharing News > All Guides Top BitTorrent Sites 1. 2. MyBitTorrent 3. TorrentPortal 4. TorrentBox 5. NovaTina View previous topic :: View next topic Author LxBeast 5000+ Top ED2K Sites ed2k-it Shareprovider The Real World ShareVirus ShareLive > Entire List Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:34 am P2p meets MMORPG Post subject: Story : > Entire List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Message Joined: 10 Mar 2005 Location: England, UK And it was interesting indeed because Keller was telling us about the release of Solipsis-0.8, a p2p MMORPG with truly astounding dimensions for a, “massively shared virtual world,” as Keller and his co-developers say in their Solipsis site. “There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines.” _________________ Sign your avatar up here, or I'll be forced to do it for you - Vote scratch! in the current avatar round! Back to top May April March January December November Search The Archive: moculon 500+ Joined: 24 Feb 2004 Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 9:09 am taken a look Post subject: i've taken a look at this, it's very interesting. i'm sure it would help the developers if anyone wants to idle in there, chat about ideas or maybe contribute. my coding skills are considerably deficient... so i'm not going to be much help but i've run into some interesting ppl on there in just a few hours 'wandering' around. at the moment it really is an empty world, but the lack of a central server, and the ability to add mods surely can lead to anything people want. i'm sure most people here can see their mozilla in front of them and see that open source creations can become quite impressive. _________________ 'just because you feel it, doesn't mean it's there' 03/05/2005 15:15 Slyck Forums - Where File-Sharers Meet 2 of 2 radiohead. Back to top Display posts from previous: All Posts 6 Oldest First 6 Forum Index -> More File-Sharing News Go All times are GMT - 5 Hours Page 1 of 1 Jump to: More File-Sharing News You cannot post new topics You cannot reply to topics You cannot edit your posts You cannot delete your posts You cannot vote in polls 6 Go in in in in in forum forum forum forum forum this this this this this Sponsored Links: Algebra Help | Reality TV Home | Contact ©2001-2005 Powered by phpBB © 2001, 2005 phpBB Group 03/05/2005 15:15 Sensible Erection | Solipsis 1 of 1 home | home2 | Sensible Election | about | conduct | galleries | donate not logged in | log in Adult Search - Want porn? Search for it. Sponsored Link Sunday, 1 May 2005 Solipsis quote [ "Hoo boy, once P2P and MMORPG meet, it's going to be a hum-dinger" - Edward Castronova Solipsis? ...It comes from Solipsism, a philosophical doctrine that claims that reality only exists in one's mind.... ] Members Some people will find it wierd to imagine a world without God. In the Solipsis virtual world, you can have a local view only: no one can have a global view. It will, for example, be impossible to know exactly how many people are in Solipsis. "Objects" and people (avatars) are the same. They run the same code. They're peers - nodes in a logical network that will spread all over the internet. Registered: 18828 That's the dream behind the solipsis project. Classifieds More: BOOBLE Search sites, pics, movies, personals. Adult Reviews Rabbits Porn Website Reviews LONELY GUYS Meet Women Near You LONELY LADIES Find a guy for fun tonight. It's oh so empty at the moment. Lets all get manifest desitiny on it and colonise? [sci&tech] [by Sgt Harry 'Snapper' Organs..@12:59amGMT] [+9 Interesting] Comments popeoftheweasles said @ 1:19am GMT on 1st May [Score:1 Insightful] i haven't even looked at what you posted, but you get +1 for the monty python reference in your name Sgt Harry 'Snapper' Organs.. said @ 1:25am GMT on 1st May ...would you rather Ratty, in toad of toad hall? val said @ 1:35am GMT on 1st May I believe Henry Rollings wrote a book about solipisim. He embraced it for a year or so, then wrote about it. val said @ 1:35am GMT on 1st May Gah. ROLLINS. Sgt Harry 'Snapper' Organs.. said @ 1:39am GMT on 1st May Rollin rollin rollin, Sgt Harry 'Snapper' Organs.. said @ 1:41am GMT on 1st May [Score:1 Funny] Though the streams are swollen Keep them dogies rollin' Rawhide! capodibrio said @ 1:51am GMT on 1st May This is an interesting idea for a video game. What I don't get is how you advance in a video game that you are making yourself. Or even if there would be advancement or if you would just admire other people's creations. wockyman said @ 2:40am GMT on 1st May It's not a video game, per se... it's more like the Metaverse (as it, indeed, proclaims to itself to be). Moleculor said @ 2:42pm GMT on 1st May Sounds like the metaverse to me. (Or a less centralized version of Second Life.) wockyman said @ 3:28am GMT on 1st May 03/05/2005 12:27 Anyone know if there are any plug-ins for this other than the chat one that comes Sand-box 1 of 2 BlogThis! sand-box SANDBOX FOR PWI WEBSITES. Friday, April 29, 2005 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world Hmmmm // posted by BP/CMB @ 4:31 PM links Sand-Box Google Group pwinews Comments: Post a Comment archives 03/01/2004 - 03/31/2004 04/01/2004 - 04/30/2004 05/01/2004 - 05/31/2004 06/01/2004 - 06/30/2004 07/01/2004 - 07/31/2004 08/01/2004 - 08/31/2004 09/01/2004 - 09/30/2004 03/05/2005 15:49 Pretentiously titled blog: Aw, I wanted to explode... 1 of 2 BlogThis! PRETENTIOUSLY TITLED BLOG NO MADAM, I DO BELIEVE THAT'S YOUR MONKEY ON TV RIGHT NOW. TUESDAY, MAY 03, 2005 ABOUT ME Aw, I wanted to explode... AARON ZE IC HNE R Ah I forgot, I had my first Slashdot submission rejected today. J E RS E Y , U N ITE D But you know what? Forget them! Here's the article anyway! S TAT E S EWING, NEW Read my blog, all Calamormine writes "Getting tired of World of Warcraft? you need to know about me will Interested in working on a fledgling MMORPG? Then Solipsis be there. may be the way to go. Solipsis is an open source world that is V I E W M Y C O M P L E T E P RO FI L E as of now completely undeveloped. From the web page: "Solipsis is a public virtual territory. The world is initially LINKS empty and only users will fill it by creating and running Webcomics entities. No pre-existing cities, habitants nor scenario to Sluggy Freelance respect... Solipsis is open-source, so everybody can enhance Ctrl-Alt-Del the protocols and the algorithms. Moreover, the system Schlock Mercenary architecture clearly separates the different tasks, so that A Lesson is Learned, But the peer-to-peer hackers as well as multimedia geeks can find Damage is Irreversable here a good place to have fun !" Right now it's pretty much just a nifty chat client, but who knows what it could develop into given the right group of motivated Slashdotters." P O S T E D B Y A A R O N A T 5/3/2005 01:34:00 AM 0 COMMENTS: Sam and Fuzzy Questionable Content VGCats Carzorthade Overcompensating Count Your Sheep Magical Adventures in Space Something Positive Blank Water POST A C O M M E N T Dinosaur Comics << Home PREVIOUS POSTS *Sigh* Hurray, stupid foreigners! 03/05/2005 13:08 /patternHunter [/ph]: Solipsis /patternHunter [/ph] "We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde Monday, May 02, 2005 Solipsis Solipsis, an attempte to approximate Neal Stephenson's Metaverse, is "a public virtual territory. The world is initially empty and only users will fill it by creating and running entities. No pre-existing cities, habitants nor scenario to respect... "Solipsis is open-source, so everybody can enhance the protocols and the algorithms. Moreover, the system architecture clearly separates the different tasks, so that peer-to-peer hackers as well as multimedia geeks can find here a good place to have fun!" /Solipsis/ # : : 6:54 AM Comments: Post a Comment << Home re: /ph by feedburner subscribe w. bloglines email me patternboy visualizing social software increasing intelligence my my LinkedIn profile my Tribe profile /top5posts Nodal Points Social Software for Geniuses Stimulating Human Evolution Beyond Six Degrees Our Trans-Human Nature /links timothy leary william gibson virtual humans cory doctorow club zero-g /blogging technorati blog explosion bloglines blogger livejournal motime /blogroll 1 of 2 03/05/2005 15:09 Pappmaskin Diaré Techblog: Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a mas... 1 of 2 pappmaskin diaré techblog R ESI STAN CE I S US EFU L! Get this blog as rss 2.0 : Search permalinks i Web n j k l m n j k l m monday, may 02, 2005 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world For those of you missing the mud-playing days : Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world: "Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. The shared virtual worlds of nowadays MMORPG strongly rely on privately owned servers. These servers are an expensive bottleneck that limits their scalability. In addition, these servers bound the freedom of the virtual world inhabitants and the imagination of the world-builders and developers. Solipsis solves these problems with a free and open-source system. Solipsis is a public virtual territory. The world is initially empty and only users will fill it by creating and running entities. No pre-existing cities, habitants nor scenario to respect... Solipsis is open-source, so everybody can enhance the protocols and the algorithms. Moreover, the system architecture clearly separates the different tasks, so that peer-to-peer hackers as well as multimedia geeks can find here a good place to have fun !" Link posted by m. at 14:28 | permalink 0 comments: Post a Comment << Home My gear Guestmap blogroll A VC CNET CSS Beauty It's complicated Just goood 5ives A List Apart: for people who make websites ABC News: Technology Boing Boing Defense Tech eMarketer Engadget Technology News Gizmodo Google News Hinkmond Wong's Weblog Independent Media Center | | ((( i ))) InsideGoogle MAKE: Blog MAVROMATIC MIT News MIT Research News MIT World » Recent Updates The Mobile Music Blog MoCo Loco Newsweek Technology & Science Music thing Neil Gaiman's Journal NetWatch New Scientist - Latest Headlines News, Reviews and Tips about iPod Pappmaskin Diaré Pappmaskin Diaré Techblog The Pondering Primate design and architecture news Science: This Week's News Scientific American Slashdot: SlashPhone Smart Mobs Smart Mobs - How to Recognize 03/05/2005 13:06 - the original daily p2p and digital media news site 1 of 2 RSS feed: | Mission | Privacy | Contact: jon[at]p2pnet[dot]net Search j Web n k l m n i j k l m BearShare p2p Blubster p2p P2p meets MMORPG Social software addict: meet people and make new friends Electronic pioneer: take your land for free and settle the new world Python programmer: add your own communication plugins and hacks Read more... LimeWire p2p Warez P2P Hosting Welcome : ) Login: Password: New Morpheus Linkin Park hates WMG 'We want out!" May 02 - 3 comments Canadians: 'Contact your MP!' Of penalized music lovers May 02 - no comments Bahrain web registration storm Protest organized May 02 - 3 comments UK school asks REM for help 'Let us use your song' May 02 - 1 comment Close 'Pope as a nazi' site Rome judicial authorities May 02 - 5 comments 'Be glad we're on US list' May 02 - no comments US to 'monitor' Canada 'Special Watch List' May 02 - 8 comments Hong Kong BiTtorrent man - not guilty May 02 - 2 comments The Great Wall of Canada? 'Lawful access' reforms May 02 - 3 comments Microsoft Metro vs .pdf Bill's new target May 02 - 5 comments Firefox clocks 50 million The New Browser King May 02 - 4 comments 10,037 people sued by RIAA Current total May 01 - 24 comments Cuban / Soderbergh p2p move Movies available online May 01 - 3 comments MPAA, RIAA, NYPD 'raid' Three men arrested May 01 - 2 comments Reuters bitten by e-bug IM service shut down Apr 30 - no comments 'Cell phone rage' in NZ Jamming contemplated Apr 30 - 1 comment Malaysian web site attacks RIAA victimizes 925 people More subpoenas Apr 30 - 7 comments 'Piracy' isn't a priority - US AG Alberto Gonzalez Apr 29 - 5 comments BSA backs Apple Support briefs filed Apr 29 - 2 comments Russian FSS wants Net control 'Registration of mobile users' Apr 29 - no comments Austrian ISP must name user Court reverses decision Apr 29 - no comments RealNetworks Rhapsody rentals Of profits and plastic discs Apr 29 - no comments Microsoft reports huge profits Net income almost doubles Apr 29 - no comments NY AG Spitzer nails Intermix 'Secretly installed software' Apr 29 - 3 comments Tiger Direct vs Tiger X Apple gets sued Apr 29 - 9 comments iTunes is two years old wow Apr 29 - 3 comments Wal-Mart Good neighbour act Emphasis on 'act' Apr 28 - 2 comments iPod thefts and subway crime 'Earphones are a giveaway' Apr 28 - 3 comments My Search becomes My Web Yahoo's latest Apr 28 - 1 comment KYOURADIO: podcasts only First in the US Apr 28 - 2 comments Bahrain registration decree Sites have six months Apr 28 - 2 comments Bush signs Hollywood act 'A nod to the studios' Apr 28 - 1 comment bans Adware Warez P2P Make a donation For Rent ! 03/05/2005 12:25 - the original daily p2p and digital media news site 1 of 4 RSS feed: | Mission | Privacy | Contact: jon[at]p2pnet[dot]net Search j Web n k l m n i j k l m BearShare p2p Blubster p2p P2p meets MMORPG News Feature:- “Looks really interesting,” we replied in response to an email we’d had from Joaquin Keller in France. LimeWire p2p Warez P2P Social software addict: meet people and make new friends Electronic pioneer: take your land for free and settle the new world Python programmer: add your own communication plugins and hacks And it was interesting indeed because Keller was telling us about the release of Solipsis-0.8, a p2p MMORPG with truly astounding dimensions for a, “massively shared virtual world,” as Keller and his co-developers say in their Solipsis site. “There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines.” Warez P2P A peer-to-peer world ----- with file sharing to come. At the moment, however, Solipsis, open source and running under under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is in effect a vacuum, empty of all life. Hosting No pre-existing cities. No people. No scenarios. Make a donation But it's destined to slowly evolve through a network of peers collaborating in real-time to populate and develop it. Welcome : ) Login: Password: And to make it really intriguing, “the system architecture clearly separates the different tasks, so that peer-to-peer hackers as well as multimedia geeks can have fun,” Keller told p2pnet. Solipsis is scalable to, "millions, billions of users and entities and is meant to be as wide as the Web." For Rent ! For now, it runs on Windows and Linux. But the Solipsis team plan to develop a Mac OS X version in the near future. New Morpheus We had a brief email chat with Keller, and we’ll be posting a detailed paper on Solipsis by Keller and co-developer, Gwendal Simon, in the near future. Read on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> p2pnet: Whereabouts are you France? Keller: In Paris. I work at the France Telecom Research Center of Issy Les Moulineaux 03/05/2005 12:25 - the original daily p2p and digital media news site 2 of 4 p2pnet: Is Solipsis your creation? Keller: Yes. I came up with the idea around 1998. But the project really started in 2001 when it was funded by France Telecom. p2pnet: Why did you decide on Solipsis for the name? Keller: It comes from Solipsism, a philosophical doctrine that claims that reality only exists in one's mind. Some people will find it wierd to imagine a world without God. In the Solipsis virtual world, you can have a local view only: no one can have a global view. It will, for example, be impossible to know exactly how many people are in Solipsis. "Objects" and people (avatars) are the same. They run the same code. They're peers - nodes in a logical network that will spread all over the internet. That's the dream behind the solipsis project. "If I see everybody there and everybody sees me there, I am there." p2pnet: Who’s working with you? Keller: In September, 2001, I recruited a student, Gwendal Simon to work with me on Solipsis. Antoine Pitrou started working on Solipis in November, and Emmanuel Bréton in March. Most of the code running today was written by Antoine who's the developer of SPIP. Didier Gorges (monetization) and David Dugoujon (coding) are also working on the project. p2pnet: What's the goal behind Solipsis? Keller: The main idea is to enable a web-like cyberspace built by users' contributions and running on users' machines. p2pnet: What stage are you at? Keller: It's like we're now in early 90s with httpd + mosaic, but no webpages. The main differences are: 1) In Solipsis "mosaic" and "httpd" are indeed the same program (the node), so "readers" are also "content" providers (the next version will implement file sharing); and, 2) When you 03/05/2005 12:25 - the original daily p2p and digital media news site 3 of 4 "surf" the web you are alone. In Solipsis you meet the other surfers. I don't know if Solipsis will be the system that will work, but I'm sure that there will be in the near future a system like this one. p2pnet: How did it get started? Keller: Reading Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash science fiction novel 1998. Then I came up with the core of the algorithm in 2001. We had the first piece of code running in 2002 (Gwendal's work mainly). Solipsis became open source in early 2004 and I presented Solipsis at codecon2004. p2pnet: I see you're under GNU. What does this means in terms of future development? Keller: We hope other developers will join us. p2pnet: Can (or could) Solipsis be used in contexts other than MMORPG? Keller: Solipsis is aimed at social interaction. Gaming is not the primary intended application. Most people go on MMORPG to meet people. Getting points is not the main motivation. People will interact as in Instant Messaging but with previously unknown people. Solipsis is a meeting place. People will agregate according to their interests, so there will be places to talk about sports, other to talk about music or politics. p2pnet: What are your future plans? Keller: We'll continue to work on Solipsis. In a few weeks we're going to add "profiles" to entities. Profiles are sort of web pages with links to other entities. They'll give flesh to the world. We plan to made web2solipsis and solipis2web links - ie, you click on a web page and you jump somewhere in solipsis. p2pnet: Will Solipsis always be free? Keller: It will. We also have plans to build a business on Solipsis and there will probably be opportunities for others to make money as well on Solipsis. ============= "I have the final pre-pub draft of my book sitting on my desk," blogs Edward Castronova, associate professor of telecommunications, Indiana University, on Terra Nova. "In it, there' are lots of places where I write 'Hoo boy, once P2P and MMORPG meet, it's going to be a hum-dinger'!" Keller won his Master’s in Mathematical Logic from the University of Paris VII (Jussieu) and his PhD in network management and distributed systems from the University of Versailles. His interests include p2p systems, distributed algorithms and multimedia communications. Gwendal Simon won his Masters in computer sciences, specializing in distributed systems and networks, from the University of Rennes I. His 03/05/2005 12:25 - the original daily p2p and digital media news site 4 of 4 interests include distributed caches for web pages and multimedia streams. He’s taught computer programming at the Saint-Cyr School and is now studying for a PhD in videoconferencing and massively distributed shared VR systems at France Telecom R&D, and INRIA-Rennes. ================== Something you think we should know? tips[at] (Thursday 28th April 2005) [ Post a Comment ] Comments: heh by Reader's Write Monday 7PM by Higgy ^_^ by Reader's Write Re: P2p meets MMORPG by Reader's Write How do I? by Reader's Write Re: How do I? by Wandel p2pnet's contents are under Creative Commons License, unless otherwise stated. archives 2005 : may | april | march | february | january 2004 : december | november | october | september | august | july | june | may april | march | february | january 2003 : december | november | october | older 03/05/2005 12:25 OliverG - kultur, kreativität + kommunikation: P2P-Multi-User-Welt ... 1 of 4 twoday > typo > tools > P2P-Multi-User-Welt im... Anmelden - [<<] OliverG - kultur, kreativität + kommunikation literature, journalism, social software, wikis, weblogs ... - by oliver gassner "Here's blogging at you, kid."OG USER STATUS Du bist nicht angemeldet. login SUCHE go MENÜ OliverG - kultur, kreativität + kommunikation + - impressum + - termine + 1000 Seiten + about this blog + amazon wishlist + artikel, eigene + blogrolls + blogs + blogs&consulting + blogs&law + blogs@business + blogs@education, blogs@bildung + blogs@journalism + blogs@search engines + book fair, buchmesse + books + business + CarpeBlog + creative writing, kreatives schreiben + Dialoge mit Julian + diary, tagebuch + e-books, e-texts + e-mail + education, bildung + english + glossary, glossar + glossen + language, sprache + law, justiz + ligatur e.V. + literature, literatur + media + net art + networking + news + open content, creative commons + open source + podcast + RSS P2P-Multi-User-Welt im Geburtsstadium: Solipsis ARCHIV English summary @ end. Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So Wenn man in der Vergangenheit Multi-Player-Spiele oder andere Chat- und VR-Anwendungen programmierte, sah man immer einen zentralen Server vor, der zumindest diverse Buddy-Listen und Puffer-Dienste vorsah. Soch seit Peer-To-Peer-Computing seinen Siegeszug angetreten hat, stellt man solche Konzepte in Frage. In der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabtelung der France Telecom [die Seite lädt bei mir nicht] zum Beispiel arbeitet man derzeit an 'Solipsis' einer "massively multi-participant virtual world" wie es im Entwickler-Wiki heißt. Was bisher zu sehen ist, ist noch recht holprig zu bedienen und eher arm an Features: * Auf einer riesigen 'Fläche' sieht man andere User. * Wenn man sich zu 'peers' verbindet und die einem auch 'andocken', kann man (bisher nur) Chatten. * Das System ist in Python geschrieben und kann durch eigene Python-Erweiterungen durch jeden Nutzer um Funktionen bereichert werden. (Das ist der eigentliche Knackpunkt.) Wer schon mal in einem MUD gespielt und programmiert hat (OliverG = Elder Wizard in retirement bei TUBmud ), der April 2005 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 März Mai AKTUELLE BEITRÄGE Spam-Bekämpfung... Wie gehen Sie mit Spam um? ... wurde ich gerade gefragt... OliverG - 3. Mai, 11:37 Was wünscht sich... Na, den Aufstieg von Platz 9 der Technorati Top 100... OliverG - 3. Mai, 00:03 kleiner Tipp zum Verfolgen... kleiner Tipp zum Verfolgen der eigenen Kommentare via... gell - 1. Mai, 18:17 Schöpfergott und... Julian (bald 5): Berufe sind ganz doof. Ich: Wieso? Julian:... OliverG - 1. Mai, 15:33 Brauchen Blogs Kommentare... Do blogs need comments? fragt Bloggers Blog und berichtet,... OliverG - 1. Mai, 11:48 bundles Das ist hübsch: man kann in Tags zu... OliverG - 30. Apr, 21:12 Gebloggter Musenkuss Die Muse küsst binär und Lothar Glauch schreibt... OliverG - 30. Apr, 17:42 Über die Gegenwart... Nobody survives the Six-Lesson Curriculum unscathed,... OliverG - 30. Apr, 16:57 Dumb Slapping Also kein 'toothing' in Britannien sondern 'Happy Slapping':... OliverG - 29. Apr, 15:56 lesen hilft meist lesen hilft meist, wenns um 03/05/2005 15:48 OliverG - kultur, kreativität + kommunikation: P2P-Multi-User-Welt ... 2 of 4 +twoday social>software weiß, typo > tools > P2P-Multi-User-Welt im...was das bedeutet: + society, gesellschaft Man hat eine ganze Horde an + sprachlich herausgefordert Leuten, die ziemlich viel Arbeit + stuff, kram und Kreativität in solche Systeme + t-shirts + tools stecken und auch vor der + wikis Mitarbeit an der Entwicklung der + wikis@education Code-Grundlage nicht Bilderalben: + 1000 Seiten zurückschrecken. + shirts + tools BÜCHER Spielkram ist das an sich kaum, denn gerade Multi-User-"Computing-Systeme" dürften noch einige Entwicklungsstadien durchmachen - und der Sprung zum reinen P2P-System ist da ein wichtiger Meilenstein. netzdinge geht. aber da...- [<<] Anmelden OliverG - 29. Apr, 09:19 Wer nicht mit dem Netz umgehen kann, sagen die Wissenschafter,... anaximander - 28. Apr, 23:06 haben die... .. auch geschaut ob die leute auch bücher haben... OliverG - 28. Apr, 17:57 Und das als Ergänzung Erst wenn die Kinder keinen Aussicht auf Bildung haben, und... anaximander - 28. Apr, 17:50 Bei der Zeitungslektüre:... Erst wenn der letze Maler verdurstet, der letzte Musiker... OliverG - 28. Apr, 10:31 David Allen Getting Things Done Wer also bei der Geburt eines solchhn Systems dabei sein will: Bitte schön, Solipsis. Siemens: Vorstands-Tagebuch-Blog... Spätestens, wenn die Mitarbeiter ihren Chef nur... OliverG - 28. Apr, 09:22 Grassroot-Blogging in... 21Publish - Presse: Weblogs für amnesty international:... OliverG - 27. Apr, 18:30 P2P-Multi-User-Welt im... English summary @ end. Wenn man in der Vergangenheit... OliverG - 26. Apr, 15:07 Python - Solipsis huch, ich kann mir was einfacheres vorstellen. Sieht... David Allen Wie ich die Dinge geregelt kriege anaximander - 26. Apr, 13:08 Ja-Ja-Jamster New York Post: Jamster!, a mobile content company... OliverG - 25. Apr, 17:32 Die Adsense-Falle Kürzlich trudelte eine E-Mail bei mir ein vom... OliverG - 25. Apr, 15:36 STATUS Online seit 818 Tagen Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Mai, 11:37 Lothar J. Seiwert Balance Your Life Die Navigationsebene: Nur 'sichtbare' Peers stehen als Chatparter oder zur Anbindung als Peer zur Verfügung. Jostein Gaarder Sofies Welt CREDITS --Update: Es ist mir gelungen via Solipsis 03/05/2005 15:48 OliverG - kultur, kreativität + kommunikation: P2P-Multi-User-Welt ... 3 of 4 mitim... einem twoday > typo > tools > P2P-Multi-User-Welt Alban N. Herbst, Alexander von Ribbentrop Thetis. Anderswelt Bertrand Russell Denker des Abendlandes der entwickler Kontakt aufzunehmen "Joaquin". Zusammenfassung des Interviews: * In etwa einem Monat soll ein Plugin für Filesharing fertig sein. * Ich war ach der erste 'Nicht-Bekannte', den er im System gertroffen hat. * Mit der Funktion 'Actions / Jump near...' gelangt man, wenn man die voreingestellte IP 'anspringt' zu einem Treffpunkt mit Leuten, die eventuell Chatten mögen u.A. * Man denkt über einen Website nach, der eher 'user-orientert' ist udn arbeitet aktuell auch an einem Paper für die IETF. Another update: Wanna chat in Unicode? Solipsis has it: Anmelden - [<<] My Bloglines feeds Technorati Profile GeoURL Some blogs I read that don't have RSS DMT: typography limone mezzoblue �(typography) N!kkes Index Paranews Salam Pax II Sifry's Alerts Socialtext sunflyer X Typographica Typography: zainab, irak by BlogRolling Blogroll Me! Yesterday's Top 5 Links 1 http://www.nedstatba... 2 [new.png] 3 My Bloglines feeds 4 _notizen aus der pro... Bertrand Russell Philosophie des Abendlandes 5 gerold braun marketi... Track your links for free at FILM + TV Ocean's Eleven (a line in Russian and in Arabic) Also meet Zeze and Lulu, developer and project manager at Solipsis... 7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald (2 DVDs) English summary: R& D at France Telekom is developing a purely p2p chat and application environment in Python that can be expanded by 03/05/2005 15:48 OliverG - kultur, kreativität + kommunikation: P2P-Multi-User-Welt ... 4 of 4 users twoday > typo > tools > P2P-Multi-User-Welt im... Alias - Die Agentin - Staffel 1 Spider-Man & Spider-Man 2 (Collector's Edition, 4 DVDs) much like a MUD. "Solipsis" as it is called, has now only a chat function but will have filesharing ablilities within a month. To find people to chat to: Use the 'Actions / Jump near...' function and jump to the IP/Port entered there. You can chat in unicode: Russian or Arabic? No prob. The developers are planning to publish more user-oriented documentation oth their Wiki soon. Anmelden - [<<] Comment: Looks cool (albeit confusing) right now, go and watch how something new and unique is growing. OliverG - 26. Apr, 09:03 1 Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen - 0 Trackbacks Mehr zum Thema tools Super Size Me (2 DVDs) anaximander - 26. Apr, 13:08 Python - Solipsis huch, ich kann mir was einfacheres vorstellen. Sieht aus, als wäre das alles nur Eingeweihten zugänglich. Wenn es mir recht ist, wollten die Franzosen mal ein rein französiches Internet - vielleicht passt Solipsis exakt da rein :-) antworten Butterfly Effect (2 DVDs) FURLED Googolizer - Nidelven IT # an approach to communities for newspapers # Tagung 'besser online' (djv) # Many-to-Many: bundles # Slashdot | The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia, Part II # The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia: A Memoir # COMPUTING MACHINERY AND INTELLIGENCE # Generated by Furl Trackback URL: Backlinks 5 3 1 1 1 1 03/05/2005 15:48 Main menu submit story | wiki | create account | search | faq | chump | diaries | mission statement | p2pj | SETI · infoAnarchy. Which future do you want to live in? · IRC: #infoAnarchy @ Solipsis: P2P meet virtual worlds By Anonymous Hero, Section New Releases Posted on Mon May 2nd, 2005 at 05:51:51 PM GMT p2pnet reports about the first release of Solipsis, a peer-to-peer massively multi-participant virtual world. "Some people will find it weird to imagine a world without God. In the Solipsis virtual world, you can have a local view only: no one can have a global view. It will, for example, be impossible to know exactly how many people are in Solipsis. 'Objects' and people (avatars) are the same. They run the same code. They're peers - nodes in a logical network that will spread all over the internet." At the moment, however, Solipsis, open source and running under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is in effect a vacuum, empty of all life. No pre-existing cities. No people. No scenarios. < MGM vs. Grokster hits the Supreme Court (2 comments) Solipsis: P2P meet virtual worlds | 0 comments ( topical, editorial, 0 pending) | Post A Comment Login Make a new account Username: Password: Login Mail Password Related Links + p2pnet + Solipsis + More on Cyber Liberties + Also by Anonymous Hero Comment Controls Mixed (default) 6 Display: Threaded 6 View: Sort: Ignore Ratings 6 Newest First 6 Set Search No copyright or trademarks whatsoever except on the site engine, Scoop, which is under the GPL. Post here & it's in the public domain. Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards - Peer to peer MMORPG? 1 of 6 Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards > Indie Game Developer Forums > Game Development & Technical Peer to peer MMORPG? Register FAQ Members List Calendar Thread Tools User Name User Name Password b Remember Me? c d e f g Log in Today's Posts Search this Thread Search Display Modes 04-20-2005, 11:19 AM tentons Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2004 Location:USA Posts: 294 #1 Peer to peer MMORPG? Could something like this reduce/eliminate the costs of running a MMORPG? Seems it could lower the barrier to entry for indies since one part of the problem (apart from development) is actually supporting the servers etc. Thoughts? __________________ Jason McIntosh - Learning That's Fun! #2 04-20-2005, 11:24 AM dima Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2005 Posts: 260 P2P might not be the best solution because of security that servers deliver. Without a server that has an image of the gameworld and characters and stats people can cheat and hack the game. #3 04-20-2005, 11:30 AM Ryan Clark Senior Member Join Date: Oct 2004 Location:Canada Posts: 186 I was about to mention the cheating angle, but dima beat me to it. Another thing to consider is development cost. If you have the funds to develop a MMORPG, the hosting costs would likely seem insignificant. Especially if you design the server side for scalability. If your game isn't popular you'd only be paying for one server. If it is popular, the funds from player subscriptions would be sufficient to pay for additional servers. Puzzle Pirates has proven that it can be done, at least to some degree. __________________ Ryan Clark Grubby Games 03/05/2005 14:44 Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards - Peer to peer MMORPG? 2 of 6 The Game Programming Wiki 04-20-2005, 11:44 AM #4 cliffski Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2004 Posts: 557 04-20-2005, 12:07 PM cheating is only a problem because so many MMORPGS are obsessed with 'levelling up' This puts some people off. these games are pure grind/treadmill. Nowhere is it written that MMORPGS == Levelling up + Grind. How about one that had NO levels at all? these games should be about interaction and roleplay, no amassing points. __________________ Positech Games #5 Dan MacDonald Administrator Join Date: Jul 2004 Posts: 679 A few years ago I spent a lot of effort trying to come up with a secure p2p networking model for an MMO type game. It's certainly possible to split up the game state into regions and process chunks of the game state on the clients computers. However no matter how I approached it, and how I tried to conceive of ways to secure it, I just wasn't able to come up with a reliable way. For the simple reason that when the game state is distributed you are not in control of it, even if you set up servers to sort of validate the game state, if a group of people (who's clients are checked against each other) all decide to fake out the server there's nothing the server can do about it because they own and operate the game state. At it's core the p2p system is just insecure. Sure you can make it fairly difficult to compromise, but the more successful your game is the more incentive people have to hack it. The problem with persistent worlds is once they are compromised it is very difficult to un-compromise them without a wipe or some other traumatic event. Very often the effects are allowed to persist which also increases the incentive to hack. (Gold in UO?). Client server is secure because the server runs the whole simulation, it can choose to trust the client for absolutely no information. The clients can just send requests that the server processes and sends back a response for. This isn't always the most efficient way to go. I think a better problem to try and solve is making a client server model that scales linearly. If you have a server on your cable modem that runs 60 players and pays for itself, then it would be nice if you could grow it to 2 servers with 120 players that pay for themselves. Unfortunately what tends to happen as the population grows is that the problem increases in complexity and it actually takes 2.5 servers to support 120 players. So you get diminishing returns on a growing population. If you could create a self sustaining client/server system that scales linearly then you would have a very viable and secure model that would be both profitable and insure profitability in the future (as the game grows). __________________ Dan MacDonald 03/05/2005 14:44 Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards - Peer to peer MMORPG? 3 of 6 Rainfall Studios 04-20-2005, 12:20 PM #6 dima Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2005 Posts: 260 Quote: Originally Posted by cliffski cheating is only a problem because so many MMORPGS are obsessed with 'levelling up' This puts some people off. these games are pure grind/treadmill. Nowhere is it written that MMORPGS == Levelling up + Grind. How about one that had NO levels at all? these games should be about interaction and roleplay, no amassing points. Cheating has nothing to do with leveling up actually. You can cheat in many ways like getting items or progressing to different locations that you arent supposed to see yet, anything basically. If your game has any type of competition or interaction, it can be cheated and hacked. And if your game has nothing that cheating would acomplish, then it's dull and has no gameplay. Last edited by dima : 04-20-2005 at 01:11 PM. 04-21-2005, 04:07 AM #7 puggy Junior Member Join Date: Mar 2005 Posts: 9 hosting costs are nothing. I run and i use a server from It cost $99 per month, for a game that costs $10 per month that means you need 10 subscribers. Each server can host 1 world in the game, i have about 50 subscribers and i am using only using about 5% of the bandwidth useage. Most of this bandwidth is used up in the html parts of the game. Each world can have about 2-3 k players, but this figure really depends on the size of the world (more buildings means more processing power needed), the number of people online (people changing information in there company uses cpu time), the time of year ingame (jan 1st is always a bad time, it's when tax's are calculated) and cpu power itself. Currently i'm using a cel 2.6 but for $50 per month more i could get a very powerful cpu if required. Even if most of the client was done peer to peer, you still need a way for players to log on, find out where other players are and get certain info, download the game and of course your forums, which are a must. If your just developing the game, to save money you could host the game world on your own internet connection, but this will cause lag and restrict your own web browsing. __________________ Starpeace mpog - 04-21-2005, 05:47 AM #8 Sharkbait 03/05/2005 14:44 Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards - Peer to peer MMORPG? 4 of 6 Quote: Originally Posted by dima You can cheat in many ways like getting items or progressing to different locations that you arent supposed to see yet, anything basically. If your game has any type of competition or interaction, it can be cheated and hacked. And if your game has nothing that cheating would acomplish, then it's dull and has no gameplay. I beg to differ in the case of a Client/Server approach. In Client/Server, the Server controls the rules, the physics etc. and updates the game and player states. The client on the other hand is only responsible for sending the player's responses and for rendering the game world from the point of view of the player. Thus the player has practically no possiblity to cheat - the only exceptions are things like graphics settings that might allow the player to say, remove foliage and spot hidden enemies.. but that's mostly an issue with FPS hunter / hunted games. Still, it is something that can be controlled if needed by delegating visibility processing to the server. I've had a look at the Solipsis protocol, and it is definitely a smarter approach than the traditional P2P brute force approach of each peer notifying every other peer. However, I'm still skeptical about the system.. as it might take several network interactions for one peer to get a complete picture.. and most of the time it will be inconsistent. Anyway, it might just work out for a less action oriented MMO, and higher bandwidth rates in the future may yet make it a feasible approach. Still, I think the issue of security remains to be tackled - it is harder to cheat than traditional P2P because of the neighbouring peers, but it is still quite possible. __________________ Sharkbait Games 04-21-2005, 07:03 AM #9 dima Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2005 Posts: 260 Quote: Originally Posted by Sharkbait I beg to differ in the case of a Client/Server approach. I was talking about the P2P system and was trying to point out that leveling up isn't the only thing that tries to get cheated. 04-21-2005, 07:26 AM #10 Sharkbait Junior Member Join Date: Apr 2005 Posts: 19 Oh.. I thought you were implying that both C/S and P2P can be cheated in the same way.. my bad 03/05/2005 14:44 Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards - Peer to peer MMORPG? 5 of 6 Of course.. with P2P you could do all sorts of things.. go through walls, warping from one point to another, notify peers you just killed them (protocol permitting).. pretty much anything. __________________ Sharkbait Games 04-21-2005, 08:07 AM #11 cliffski Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2004 Posts: 557 Quote: Originally Posted by dima If your game has any type of competition or interaction, it can be cheated and hacked. And if your game has nothing that cheating would acomplish, then it's dull and has no gameplay. like the Sims you mean? Not all games are about scoring points or collecting stuff. In fact thats what pust a lot of people off. Theres always some 12 year old geek with mroe time on his hands who will have more gold pieces/credits than you. __________________ Positech Games 04-21-2005, 08:12 AM #12 dima Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2005 Posts: 260 I havent played the Sims online. Are you saying cheating would not accomplish anything in that game? And o yeah, there's nothing better than leveling up and collecting items, then hacking mosnters. Long Live Diablo! 04-21-2005, 10:22 AM #13 Hamumu Senior Member Join Date: Jul 2004 Location:Temecula, CA, USA Posts: 283 People cheated their asses off in the Sims Online (and even moreso in offline)! Of course, it also was a game all about leveling up/collecting... But anyway, take a game like UT or Quake - people go nuts trying to cheat there, even in the days before there were permanent stats kept. If there is something to desire (including immediate victory), people will cheat if they can. If there is nothing to desire, there is no reason to play. __________________ Mike Hommel Hamumu Software 03/05/2005 14:44 Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards - Peer to peer MMORPG? 6 of 6 « Previous Thread | Next Thread » Posting Rules You You You You may may may may not not not not post new threads post replies post attachments edit your posts vB code is On Smilies are On [IMG] code is Off HTML code is Off Forum Jump Game Development & Technical 6 Go All times are GMT -8. The time now is 04:36 AM. Retro64 Computer Games - Twilight Game Downloads Contact Us - Indiegamer Developer Discussion Boards - Archive - Dexterity Archives - Top Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.6 Copyright ©2000 - 2005, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. 03/05/2005 14:44 最新の日記 ようこそゲストさん ユーザー登録 ログイン ヘルプ huixing の 日 記 カレンダー << 2005/02 水 2005-02-13 >> 日 月 火 木 金 土 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 最新タイトル flickrをgooglemaps上にマッピング してくれるgeobloggers SKテレコムが携帯でTVが見れる DBMサービスを開始 ■ s kypeのライバ ルdamak aとheadcall googleがイギリスでskypeと似たサービスを始めるという 話もあるが,すでにskypeのライバルにはdamakaと headcallがいる。 中国のグレート・ファイアーウォール Great Firewallにも穴 チベット・ネパール間のバス運行開 始 safariでの不具合 ■ p2pを利 用しバー チャル・ ワー ルドを作る S ol i p s i s p2pを利用しバーチャル・ワールドを作るSolipsisはゲー ム・デベロッパーによってあらかじめ決められた世界ではな ヒンドゥー神話を元にしたテーマ・ パークGangadham く,wikiのように大勢のユーザーによってボトム・アップの形 ipodが税金の対象に でだんだんと形成される。solipsisははっきり区分けされた2 POEを使ったPCであるPoet6000 amazonが新しいウェブ・レイアウト を試行 つのサブ・モジュールによって成り立っている。Solipsis Nodeはバーチャル・ワールドの構造を管理し,Navigatorは ユーザーがsolipsisの世界を動き回るために使われる。 The program consists in two distinct 05/03 13:07 sub-modules: the Solipsis Node is responsible of Projects::JXTA Book the maintaining of the virtual world structure, while 05/03 13:06 the Navigator allows the user to "drive" theirs Gwren’s Home Page nodes around Solipsis world and chat or interact 05/03 12:28 with other people in the world. 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Welcome Login Search Help Create an Account About Update Your Journal English • Español • Deutsch • Русский • → Search: Category: Username 6 Search Smart Mobs ( smartmobs) wrote, @ 2005-05-01 23:06:00 Multi-participant virtual worlds Bruce points Smartmobs to Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world. "Solipsis runs under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is in effect a vacuum, empty of all life. No pre-existing cities. No people. No scenarios. In the Solipsis virtual world, you can have a local view only: no one can have a global view. It will, for example, be impossible to know exactly how many people are in Solipsis. Objects and people (avatars) are the same. They run the same code. They are peers - nodes in a logical network that will spread all over the internet. That's the dream behind the solipsis project." There is no server, it relies on end-users' machines. Solipsis is open-source. Everybody can enhance the protocols and the algorithms. Solipsis is developed within France Télécom - R&D Division∞ NB : The name 'Solipsis' comes from Solipsism∞, a philosophical doctrine that claims that reality only exists in one's mind. (Read comments) Post a comment in response: From: ( ) Anonymous- this user has disabled anonymous posting. i LiveJournal user: j k l m n Password: Username: c d e f Log in? g Don't have an account? Create one now. Subject: No HTML allowed in subject c d e f Don't auto-format: g Quote 03/05/2005 17:29 43 ThingsやTa-da listに続いて,またひとつruby on railsを使ったサービスが出来た。futuremailは未来の自分 にメールを送ることが出来るほか,未来の事柄を公開rss フィードで共有することが出来る。 [コメントを書く] トラックバック - Untitled Document 1 of 3 als je niets ziet klik dan hier Elke week het laatste hcc!net nieuws nieuwsbrief # 17 Computer!Totaal Praktijkgids DVD normaal: € 3,95 alleen voor hcc-leden: € 2,95 bekijk en bestel hcc!net hcc!magazine hcc!world vrijdag 29 april 2005 DVD X Copy Platinum (F14556) normaal: € 85,00 alleen voor hcc-leden: € 50,00 bekijk en bestel Entertainment Surftips Downloadtips Afmelden Beste hcc!netgebruiker, hcc!net ADSL S al vanaf 14,95 euro per maand! profiteer nu nog van onze actiekortingen Er is al een ADSL-abonnement voor 14,95 euro per maand. Bij dit abonnement krijgt u ook nog eens de aansluitkosten en de modem van ons cadeau! Deze en andere actiekortingen gelden nog tot en met 30 april. Dat is morgen al! 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De software, naamgenoot van de Romeinse keizer Nero onder wiens heerschappij een groot deel van de stad Rome in de as werd gelegd, wordt voornamelijk gebruikt om bestanden of mp3's op cd te zetten. Maar Nero biedt meer mogelijkheden. Niet alleen kun je verschillende bestandsformaten via Nero branden, maar je kunt met Nero Toolkit ook de brandsnelheid instellen of een dvd of video-cd menu maken. Een programma met vele mogelijkheden dus. Lees verder Het laatste hcc!magazine nieuws Kijk ook op het Weekoverzicht FRANSEN ONTWIKKELEN VIRTUELE PEER-TO-PEERWERELD 29 april 2005 - Twee Fransen experimenteren met een virtuele peer-to-peerwereld waarin gebruikers bestanden kunnen delen, chatten, surfen, spelletjes spelen en meer. Het netwerk verbindt p2p met MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game) en zou zo groot kunnen worden als het web, denken de makers. Solipsis, zoals het netwerk heet, is nu nog vooral leeg. Maar dat gaat veranderen, als het aan Joaquin Keller en Gwendal Simon ligt. Zij zien Solipsis uitgroeien tot een web-achtige cyberspace waarbinnen gebruikers kunnen communiceren en hun eigen plek bouwen. De bedenkers leggen een vergelijking met de MMORPG's waarbij duizenden mensen tegelijk online Ondertiteling tv-programma's op internet Firefox heeft 10 procent marktaandeel Registratieplicht voor alle Bahreinse websites Toename p2p-gebruik Digitale telefonie Casema in zicht Bush staat filtertechniek voor dvd's toe Nokia introduceert 4 GB muziektelefoon Rechtbank verbiedt alternatieve stemwijzer Spam kost ons 116 miljoen euro per jaar 03/05/2005 15:03 Untitled Document 2 of 3 spelen in een virtuele omgeving. Het grote verschil is dat er geen centrale server is en dat de inhoud door gebruikers zelf gemaakt wordt. Het basisprogramma is open source, dus iedere ontwikkelaar kan bijdragen. In de toekomst moeten in Solipsis 3D-beelden en multimediastreams mogelijk worden. De ontwikkeling van de gedeelde virtuele wereld wordt gesteund door de onderzoeksafdeling van France Telecom. Inspiratie kregen de Fransen door het concept van de Metaverse uit het science fiction boek Snow Crash van Neal Stephenson. De naam komt van een stroming uit de filosofie die stelt dat de realiteit een verzinsel is van de geest. "Ik weet niet of Solipsis het uiteindelijk gaat worden, maar ik weet zeker dat er in de nabije toekomst een systeem als het onze komt", aldus Joaquin Keller. gebruiksvriendelijkste website Google test adverteren via RSS RealNetworks bevecht p2p met gratis streaming muziek Microsoft's Metro gaat concurrentie aan met PDF Netscape-oprichters beginnen dienst voor p2p-grid Microsoft demonstreert onderdelen Longhorn Deze Week in hcc!world Aanvulling Nieuwsbrief april 2005 Brand in Sliedrecht Deze week in hcc!magazine Entertainment & Games Sean Connery speelt hoofdrol in nieuwe Bondgame Raad het Google-zoekwoord Controleer spelgedrag op pc met software Bollywood online Skydivers spelen Super Mario in de lucht School maakt eigen versie Sim City Wereldomroep reconstrueert bevrijdingsuitzending Radio Oranje Deze week in Surftips Test je efficiëntie Hoe strak organiseer jij je bezigheden als werkgever of werknemer? Deze test bepaalt aan de hand van een aantal vragen hoe efficiënt je bent. 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Download en print een lintje via de NCRV-site en speld het iemand op die het helemaal verdiend heeft. Of jezelf natuurlijk. Ga naar deze Surftip Deze week in Downloadtips 03/05/2005 15:03 hcc!magazine, informeert en vermaakt 1 of 2 webmail | mijn gegevens voorpagina nieuws RSS feeds weekoverzicht artikelen columns Herbert Blankesteijn Corrie Gerritsma surftips downloadtips games hcc games Zoek resultaten Er zijn 1 resultaten voor uw zoekopdracht naar solipsis 1. Fransen ontwikkelen virtuele peer-to-peerwereld vrijdag 29 april 2005 Twee Fransen experimenteren met een virtuele peer-to-peerwereld waarin ge bestanden kunnen delen, chatten, surfen, spelletjes spelen en meer. Het netw verbindt p2p met MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game) e groot kunnen worden als het web, denken de makers. De naam komt van een uit de filosofie die stelt dat de realiteit een verzinsel is van de geest. .... score is: 100% entertainment fietslog e-cards cursussen dreamweaver excel flash fotografie hardware illustrator internet javascript nero netwerken nieuwsgroepen outlook express photoshop powerpoint premiere windows word dossiers Veiligheid, virussen en spam Digitale fotografie Film en video Hardware Muziek Online consument Open source Privacy 03/05/2005 15:33 » Blog Archive » Sharing Virtual Reality 1 of 1 Never More Without Beer « Microsoft Explain Leet Speak To Parents Find Your Postcrap » Sharing Virtual Reality Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users’ machines. This entry was posted on Sunday, May 1st, 2005 at 11:20 am and is filed under Computer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Leave a Reply Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website Submit Comment Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). 03/05/2005 15:49 Flavor 8 » Solipsis: P2P Meets MMORPG 1 of 2 Flavor 8 Search: Sections... 6 Browse... 6 Register | Login | RSS P2P & Open Source & Gaming Published Apr 28 2005, 10:06 pm (by Reuben) Solipsis: P2P Meets MMORPG Very interesting. If this is done well, it’s potentially a paradigm shifting synthesis of technology. (With demographically targetted vertical integration! And little bells around its ankles!) “Looks really interesting,” we replied in response to an email we’d had from Joaquin Keller in France. And it was interesting indeed because Keller was telling us about the release of Solipsis-0.8, a p2p MMORPG with truly astounding dimensions for a, “massively shared virtual world,” as Keller and his co-developers say in their Solipsis site. “There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users’ machines.”… At the moment, however, Solipsis, open source and running under under the GNU Lesser General Public License, is in effect a vacuum, empty of all life. No pre-existing cities. No people. No scenarios. Link Some people will find it wierd to imagine a world without God. In the Solipsis virtual world, you can have a local view only: no one can have a global view. It will, for example, be impossible to know exactly how many people are in Solipsis. “Objects” and people (avatars) are the same. They run the same code. They’re peers - nodes in a logical network that will spread all over the internet. That’s the dream behind the solipsis project. Link Leave a Comment Note that you must be registered and logged in to leave a comment. Name Mail (will not be published) Website Thanks for your contribution! Please note: To prevent spam I am currently moderating all comments. Therefore there will be a delay before your comment appears on the site. I will not censor anything that isn't spam. Submit Comment Flavor 8 is a weblog maintained by Reuben Firmin Details: Post Date : Thursday, Apr 28th, 2005 at 10:06 pm Section(s) : P2P & Open Source & Gaming Do More : 03/05/2005 15:47 CodeCon 2004 6 of 7 FUTURE PLANS Continued full time development of Scream with an initial beta release planned for approximate 2004. SOLIPSIS - A PEER-TO-PEER SYSTEM FOR A MASSIVELY MULTI-PARTICIPANT VIRTUAL WORLD PRESENTERS HISTORY Joaquin Keller, Gwendal Simon In the beginning was the Metaverse (in Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson) and Gnutella 0.4. Thr years ago, at the dawn of peer-to-peer systems, the idea of building a serverless shared virtual emerged... France Telecom is indeed a good company for this kind of projects: France Telecom do not oper (almost) any servers, it instead operates networks, and peer networks are networks, aren't the DEMO 1. run the software and have a live chat with internet users and/or the Codecon attendees (depending on the local network config). 2. While so, present the Solipsis architecture and algorithms. 3. And to get feedback and support, we will present also how we envision = the future of S (open source, standardization, colonization,...). ACHIEVEMENTS FUTURE PLANS the first shared virtual reality with no server at all Short term: to make available an easy to install, .exe, installer (hopefully before codecon'2004) Less short term: to release, in a bazaar open source mode, a Solipsis beta version that could be reference implementation for standardization at IETF (or so). TOR - SECOND-GENERATION ONION ROUTING: A TCP-BASED ANONYMIZING OVERLAY NETWORK PRESENTERS HISTORY Roger Dingledine First-generation Onion Routing started in 1996, and culminated in an unreleased and inflexible prototype. Tor, the second-generation design, has been funded by the Naval Research Lab sinc 2002, and is intended as an update and replacement for Onion Routing. It addresses many limi in the original Onion Routing design, and is released unencumbered as free software. DEMO I'll give an overview of the Tor architecture, and talk about what security it provides and how u applications interface to it. I'll show a working Tor network, and invite the audience to connect and use it. ACHIEVEMENTS Code is usable, stable enough, portable, and small (~11k lines of C) Code is released unencumbered as free software We've written a clear byte-level specification and design paper CLAIM TO FAME FUTURE PLANS Freely available unpatented Onion Routing code has been a cypherpunk goal for more than a de Location-hidden servers via rendezvous points Restricted-route (non-clique) network topology Threshold agreement between directory servers Widely deployed testbed network VESTA - AN ADVANCED SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THAT HANDLES BOTH VERSIONIN SOURCE FILES AND BUILDING. PRESENTERS HISTORY Kenneth C. Schalk Vesta is the result of over 10 years of research and development at the Digital/Compaq System Research Center in Plao Alto, CA. It's been in production use by a microprocessor design group (formerly the Alpha development group, now a part of Intel) for over 5 years. It was released a 03/05/2005 15:00 Blogs of War » Solipsis: An Infinitely Scalable Virtual World 1 of 6 Saturday, April 30th, 2005 Solipsis: An Infinitely Scalable Virtual World Posted by John Little Joaquin Keller’s Solipsis project will create evolving and infinitely scalable virtual worlds free of the limiting client-server architecture currently used by MMORPGS. If it works, and that might be a big if, the implications could be staggering. Related: Wikipedia - Metaverse Wikipedia - MMORPG Link | Trackbacks TrackBack URL No trackbacks yet. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. "Blogs of War" and other sites sometimes beat traditional sources with the latest war news. - CNN TBTN | Blogs of War :: Navigation Home Archives Search RSS/XML Browse BoW Images :: Blog Info About Contact Advertise on BoW 03/05/2005 13:08 [[ MemeStreams ]] Top Links by Topic 1 of 4 Top Links by Topic .:. navigation .:. Current Topic: Technology View Timeframes MemeStreams Home Create an account All about MemeStreams Documentation Social Network User Weblogs About us Our privacy policy .:. search .:. Search MemeStreams Search this Topic .:. user login .:. [ Username ] [ Password ] Login Reset c I'm not using my own d e f g computer. Create an account .:. support us .:. Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. The shared virtual worlds of nowadays MMORPG strongly rely on privately owned servers. These servers are an expensive bottleneck that limits their scalability. In addition, these servers bound the freedom of the virtual world inhabitants and the imagination of the world-builders and developers. Solipsis solves these problems with a free and open-source system. Solipsis is a public virtual territory. The world is initially empty and only users will fill it by creating and running entities. No pre-existing cities, habitants nor scenario to respect... Memestreams is a collaborative web log. The members of our community work together to find interesting content on the web. As you use MemeStreams, the site learns your interests, and provides you with new links it thinks you will like. Read more... .:. browse topics .:. Back to Main Biotechnology Computers High Tech Developments Military Technology Solipsis is open-source, so everybody can enhance the protocols and the algorithms. Moreover, the system architecture clearly separates the different tasks, so that peer-to-peer hackers as well as multimedia geeks can find here a good place to have fun ! The best approximation of what could be Solipsis in a near future may be Neal Stephenson's Metaverse. Interesting. Development is being lead by France Telecom's R&D division. Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world Get MemeStreams Stuff! Thread [2] - Reply - Link from Rattle. No training wheels needed - New trike bike takes fear out of first solo ride Three Purdue University industrial designers who tapped into memories of their own childhood cycling misadventures have built a bike that ditches the training wheels but keeps rookies stable. Called SHIFT, it slowly transforms from a tricycle to bicycle configuration as the rider pedals faster, then returns to trike formation as the rider slows down. COOL! -LB No training wheels needed - New trike bike takes fear out of 03/05/2005 15:21 1 of 2 / url login | register | about | popular Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world by dp1974 ... on 2005-05-03 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to solipsis p2p networking games by fadereu ... on 2005-05-03 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to design p2p networks by eggplant ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to mmorpg wikiverso p2p games by tupidataba ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to game design technology p2p virtual world by logickal23 ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world common tags 20 9 8 8 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 p2p games mmorpg software network solipsis game mmog design metaverse virtual virtualworlds python cyberpunk gaming wiki networks social world Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. to p2p vrml solipsis by canyouhearme ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to games mmorpg ideas opensource by hannu ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to network software social p2p by rattus ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world An open-source peer-to-peer system for an online virtual world. to game software cyberpunk p2p network by Sam.Sargeant ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. to cyberpunk by thedaniel ... on 2005-05-02 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world via terra nova by foe ... on 2005-05-01 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to programming/games mmorpg p2p by esc ... on 2005-05-01 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to software alife by poncho ... on 2005-05-01 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to gaming geek p2p followup by kkennedy ... on 2005-05-01 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. to solipsis VR virtual_world metaverse by pgptag ... on 2005-04-30 P33r to p33r MMO by popsimax ... on 2005-04-30 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. to socialSoftware web trends gaming virtualEnvironments software p2p by marc ... on 2005-04-29 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world "servers are an expensive bottleneck that limits their scalability" 03/05/2005 17:21 2 of 2 to futurelab mmog games design networks by kokeshi ... on 2005-04-28 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to games software network wiki social FOSS by syphax ... on 2005-04-28 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world by peteresch ... on 2005-04-28 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world AWESOME! by ... on 2005-04-28 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to games by lancew ... on 2005-04-28 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world "Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines." to mmorpgs games virtualworlds p2p peermogs by jonathans ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to Python by thompc1 ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines. to mmorpg games p2p by cygnoir ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to mmog games by batcraft ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to game mmorpg @readlater p2p by sleepycat ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world but will it work? short on details to virtualworlds p2p by grimmelm ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to p2p mmorpg by ivar ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world (from the R&D division of France Telecom?) to p2p game mmog multiplayer python by dsandler ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world Solipsis is a public virtual territory. The world is initially empty and only users will fill it by creating and running entities. No pre-existing cities, habitants nor scenario to respect... to via/p2p-hackers solipsis p2p software network metaverse notreallysure wiki mmorpg virtual world sortof by blair ... on 2005-04-27 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to p2p software network mud by lambo ... on 2005-04-26 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to p2p software by martinroell ... on 2005-04-25 Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world to p2p network mmorpg by miraage ... on 2005-04-12 » Check another url: » An check url feed for this page is available at 03/05/2005 17:21 P2P MMOG | 1 of 2 Home » blogs » Jason Craft's blog P2P MMOG Submitted by Jason Craft on 27 April, 2005 - 12:15pm. This is incredibly cool. Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world - [] Navigation About Weblog The Annotated Flex Mentallo Search Photos » Jason Craft's blog | login to post comments Recent blog posts P2P MMOG Undergrad: The Game Designeritis Beta Check it Out This is the Identity Transformation Your Weight and Fate The World is the Client This Week Sunday Emergence more How To Ask Questions The Smart Way GameTab GameSpy: Will Wright Presents Spore... and a New Way to Think About Games VekTor Solipsis: A peer-to-peer system for a massively multi-participant virtual world The Hex Forums -> The Worst 03/05/2005 17:23 Wandel’s Blog 1 of 4 Wandel’s Blog [Lots of diffrent things] May 1st, 2005 at 14:27 by Wandel Hey, I can’t comment! I disabled commenting for people who aren’t registered, and I’m the only one(well, Timmy can too) who can register you. I did this because of all the spam comments I was getting. So If you want to be able to comment, you’ll have to contact me, or Timmy. Bush has signed the Hollywood’s Family Entertainment and Copyright Act I’ve written about this earlier. So, Americans really are stupid. Well, at least some of them. P2p meets MMORPG You can read about it here or at the official site. Apparently it’s an MMORPG that uses peer-to-peer technology. I’m downloading it at the moment to see if it’s any good. Will be back with an update on that. Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments » The greatest browser in the world hits 50 million downloads May 1st, 2005 at 14:00 by Wandel Yesterday, 29th of May, at 16:01 GMT Mozilla’s webbrowser was downloaded for the 50 000 000th time. In case you’re not one of those, I command you to immediately Get Firefox. I wish Mozilla good luck, and another 50 million downloads. Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments » Are they stupid? April 23rd, 2005 at 10:56 by Wandel I just read this. Apparently George W. Bush is soon going to sign The Hollywood inspired Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2004. This will give the entertainment industry cartels the power to jail people for up to three years, for people who are caught recording a movie in a theater with a camcorder, and six years for second offense. For comparison, these are some of the things that will put you in jail for 27 months(that’s two years and three months, in case you’re wondering) or less in Washington: Arson, Manslaughter, Burglary in the First Degree, Child Molestation in the Second Degree, dealing in child pornography, Drive-by Shooting, Third Degree Rape of a Child, Second Degree Kidnapping, Third Degree Rape and Sexually Violating Human Remains. And I’ve heard people saying copyright laws aren’t fucked up… Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment » 03/05/2005 17:25 Many-to-Many: Solipsis: P2P Virtual Worlds 1 of 1 About Us | Advertise | Contact Us | Services Corante Industry News Corante Weblogs 6 6 AUTHORS Clay Shirky ( Archive | Home ) Liz Lawley ( Archive | Home ) Ross Mayfield ( Archive | Home ) Sébastien Paquet ( Archive | Home ) David Weinberger ( Archive | Home ) danah boyd ( Archive | Home ) Suggest a Link (mail form coming soon) GUEST AUTHORS Nancy White, aka choconancy, is addicted to better understanding how we can successfully work, learn, play together as human beings in the online environment. She blogs at the Full Circle Associates Online Interaction & Community Blog. Guest author archives... 6 RECENT COMMENTS Peter Caputa on BzzAgent and Creative Commons - a cultural chasm james governor on Creative Commons crossing the line? Dovester: The O.G of YASNSs < Home > Ideant on edemocracy January 27, 2004 Solipsis: P2P Virtual Worlds Preliminary work on Solipsis, a system for building and navigating a virtual world hosted in a distributed fashion. The PDF of the protocols is a curious mix of math and poetry If an entity does not know any entity in some large sector, it will hardly know about an entity arriving from this sector. Conversely, if it moves forward a sector with no known entity, it will hardly get aware of entities it should met on its path. The Global Connectivity property aims that an entity will not “turn its back” to a portion of the world. There's very little fleshed out here, so I can't recommend it so much as point to it, but I remember Tim Sweeney of the game Unreal talking about something like this back when years had 1's in them, so it may have percolated long enough to be the right time for it. Posted by Clay at 4:42 PM Comments and Trackbacks Note that a very usuable version of Solipsis will be released as soon as today (1/28/04). Stay tuned ! Posted by Gwendal on January 28, 2004 04:51 AM | Permalink to Comment Evelyn Rodriguez on Creative Commons crossing the line? Alfred Thompson on korby parnell asks: 'when will you stop be[r]ating your colleagues?' Kevin Marks on korby parnell asks: 'when will you stop be[r]ating your colleagues?' Email this entry to a friend Email this entry to: Your email address: jake l on Creative Commons crossing the line? RECENT TRACKBACKS Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life: Classifying Users of Social Networking Applications Message (optional): Peer Pressure: Are Blogs Redefining Journalism? keso: 东拉西扯:互è”网 keso: 昨日新闻 åšå®¢æ°¸æ— 盈利模å¼ï¼ Send Lemonodor: Mavens in Usenet The Exposed Brain: A Niche Clientele SITE SEARCH 03/05/2005 17:39 :: CodeCon 2004- 03/05/2005 - draw group stream of consciousness [ start | index | login or register ] about people pictures software contact rss CodeCon 2004 [diff] [history] [edit] [rdf] Search I went to CodeCon 2004, and I had a blast. It was a great time. I've posted a short description and a photo album. I'm also posting my rough, incomplete, unedited notes on a few of the projects presented on Saturday and Sunday. Contents: { FunFS (Fast Userspace Network Filesystem) { Tor (anonymized onion routing) { Vend-O-Rand (entropy vending machine) { Osiris (security monitoring) { PGP Universal (encrypted email) { SCREAM (real-time audio synthesis) { Solipsis (P2P virtual world) { GracefulTavi (wiki server) { Mosuki (next-gen social network) FunFS (fast userspace network filesystem) goal is to make "nfs done better" (since nfs is stateless, insecure, bad track record, bad failure model) fully disconnected operation (w/very very aggressive, longlived caching) doesn't try to break new ground w/security, but aims to be "as good as necessary" - supports SSL, PAM backend, etc. *userspace implementation*!!! (easier debugging, packaging, porting, libraries, etc.) however, hard to believe this will have the same availability, performance, robustness as a kernel filesystem. make use of other projects: wvstreams ( for network comm, FUSE ( as a kernel module that bl d l i f i ( ith t i i l :: CodeCon 2004 - 03/05/2005 - moreover, there were lots of somewhat amusing questions from the crowd about the commercial nature of the product it costs money, even for end users, it's closed-source, etc. pretty standard normally, but definitely unusual in this crowd. not wholly unwelcome, but maybe a little. :P SCREAM so, the first impression we got from this talk wasn't the talk at all, but the demo setup. the lead (who spoke) was in the dj booth, the entire dance floor was cleared out of chairs, and there were 8 huge speakers in an array. after the talk, he ran a demo of 3d positional audio, w/him directing it *in realtime*. all of the attendees stood in the middle of the dance floors and got our collective ear drums blown out. it was great. :P real-time java audio sequencer/mixer/sampler/synthesizer spatializer, built on SuperCollider 3. *entirely* synthesized in real-time, can run w/o prerecorded samples at all! pluggable modules include: { GranuSampler: granular synthesis, allows mixing and matching samples at different speeds and fine-grained envelopes { Ambisonic Spatialization: first-order unit generator from SuperCollider, does full 3d spatialization of sound, output to 5.1, 6.1, dolby, headphones, etc. { AmbiGranusampler, combination server-client w/thin client and bandwidth-constrained protocol design. demoed at burning man on an 8-point speaker system, thousands of watts, 12 ft. tall speaker stacks. (!) high-performance UI, in the tradition of pro audio eq't, based solely on Java2D. next, planning to use this as part of a multimedia distribution platform w/java. also, want to try to use this to create open-source audio tools for film, music, etc. post-production (e.g. positional audio special fx as well as video special fx.) Solipsis purely distributed, scalable framework for virtual world w/avatars. inspired by mmorpgs, but also metaverse (from :: CodeCon 2004 - 03/05/2005 - w/avatars. inspired by mmorpgs, but also metaverse (from neal stephenson's snow crash), etc. built by france telecom (!). terms: each peer is a node, an avatar is a node w/a human driving it, a virtual object is a node without a human. the net structure and routing use measurements based on "known", "visible", and "near" nodes. these are calculated from visibility, history, distance, etc. principle is "if i can see everyone, and they can see me, then for all intents and purposes, i'm there." collaboration: when pre-existing entities see that a new entity joins in, they help announce that entity's info (basically assisted flood-fill). connections are *loose* w.r.t visibility. the network structure, routing, connectivity are organized like a 2D BSP tree. { each node has its own connxn BSP tree { the correlations (edges) are the net connxns { the BSP tree is *dynamic* - changes when other nodes enter/leave/move, etc. the "Global Connection Property" is basically a formalization of when the routing table for a node has converged. they've canonicalized it so that when a node joins or leaves, neighbors can help fill in the gaps in your routing tables to speed up convergence. "moving" in this virtual world is nontrivial. basically, you have a target, and a msmt of where they are in the network. you can also measure distance as # hops. to get there, you pick a random hop that's "toward" them (or not away from them) and keep going until you hit a node you've already seen. then you've "surrounded" the target, ie you've seen all its neighbors, so you're there. architecture: { nodes talk to each other w/UDP - stateless, short-lived connxns to maintain ad-hoc network and routing tables. { avatars talk w/"navigators", which use nodes to find navigators, then talk directly to the other navigators over XML-RPC, CORBA, etc. (stateful). { { navigators can do HTTP/proxy traversal the navigator has a pluggable platform that allows people to develop their own services (e.g. chat, gambling, trading, etc.) on top of solipsis :: CodeCon 2004 - 03/05/2005 - solipsis. demo was fun - we all logged onto solipsis and bounced around! it was a little temperamental, but it did work. the presenters were really excited - he said it was the largest load test he'd ever done. he was grinning from ear to ear, wihch was pretty cool. GracefulTavi sophisticated, fully-functional wiki written in php and mysql. fork of WikkiTikkiTavi, extended by NetIntegration Technologies demo had a few glitches w/permissions, but did show that gracefultavi could be installed, configured, and run (from scratch) within ~5 minutes. very conservative parsing - converts text to HTML w/regexps. parsed line by line w/temporary tokens, which has lots of benefits and only one downside (line breaks). wiki linking - WikiLinkWordsLikeThis (capitalized words) are automatically linked to the page w/that name. urls are automatically linkified, and there's a syntax to put alternate labels on urls. multiple regexps for parsing (as opposed to most wikis which use a single regexp). multiple regexps increases flexibility, power, *and* security vs. XSS. also provides wiki syntax for creating tables and other basic html features. advanced features: { { { { page hierarchy and tree relations diff functionality (basic version control, but no history per se) search that matches from most to least restrictive, w/advanced syntax pluggable macro framework. macros are written in php, however, and must be run on the server, so it's not clear how this is better than just hacking the source. future plans are annotation, groups, permissions, etc. frankly, wiki systems are a dime a dozen. this one seems nice, and has a few cool features (esp. diffs and macros), but i'm not sure whether it has enough to differentiate itself from the masses. Mosuki CodeCon audio up: 1 of 2 CodeCon audio up CodeCon 2004 audio archive torrent (300 MB) is up. I listened to the first two during Gunbound last night, so I'm only up to Solipsis yet, but these are the cool sounding ones: Codeville, Bram and Ross Cohen's distributed code versioning system PGP Universal, “Automatic, Transparent Email Encryption with Zero Clicks” (it's a proxy device you hook in line with your gateway, automatically signs things and manages keys) Solipsis, France Telecom's P2P MMOVW platform GracefulTavi, “advanced” wiki software Audacity, already the answer to “know a good free audio editing program?” Mosuki, “Artificial Networks Naturally”—not sure what this is But as you have to download all of them in the torrent, I may listen to a few others at random. Posted at 12:36 PM 6 Mar 2004 (0 comments) Comments TrackBack: Have you seen my scratch skunk? Search Search Post a comment Sign in with TypeKey (if you want). Name: Email: (optional; not shown) URL: Cookie me: (optional) c d e f g Comments: 03/05/2005 17:54
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