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Tosini – Syllabus “Contemporary Sociological Theories”
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University of Trento – Faculty of Sociology
Undergraduate Programme in Sociology
Language: Italian
Study Course: Contemporary Sociological Theories [135132]
Academic year: 2010/2011
Term: First semester
Domenico Tosini
Assistant Professor
University of Trento
Department of Sociology and Social Research
Via Verdi 26 - 38122 Trento (Italy)
+39 0461 281324 (phone)
+39 0461 281348 (fax)
[email protected]
Office hours: Wednesday: 17.30 - 19.30
Third floor, Room 47
Formative aims
An understanding of the major sociological approaches which are contemporaneous with,
and subsequent to, Talcott Parsons's theoretical contributions. For all topics, an
introductory overview is offered, which is followed, as an opportunity for a closer
confrontation with the sociological debate, by an in-depth discussion of either a specific
author or a specific group of thinkers. In order to avoid excessive redundancy, the
selection of the topics depends on the programme of other required courses of the First
Level Degree of Sociology (Corso di Laurea Triennale in Sociologia) and International
Studies (Corso di Laurea Triennale in Studi Internazionali).
Course programme
1. Introduction.
2. An overview of contemporary sociological theory.
- W&W (chap. 1).*
* Wallace R.A., Wolf A. (2006), Contemporary Sociological Theory, Pearson Education
(sixth edition) OR Wallace R.A., Wolf A. (2008), La teoria sociologica contemporanea, il
Mulino (sixth edition).
3. Neofunctionalism and systems theory.
3.1. Functional analysis.
3.2. N. Luhmann.
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- W&W (chap. 2).
- Luhmann N. (1986), ‘The Autopoiesis of Social Systems’, Journal of Sociocybernetics
(2008), vol. 6, n. 2, pp. 84-95 (http://www.unizar.es/sociocybernetics/Journal/JoS6-22008.pdf) OR Tosini D. (2009), ‘Niklas Luhmann’ in G. Campesi et al. (eds.) Diritto e
teoria sociale, Carocci, pp. 6-35 (sections 1-4 only)
(http://portale.unitn.it/dpt/dsrs/docenti/tosini.htm - see “selected publications”).
4. Critical theories.
4.1. Major approaches.
4.2. The Frankfurt School.
- W&W (chap. 3).
- Appelrouth S., Desfor Edles L. (2007), ‘Critical Theory – Intellectual influences and Core
Ideas’, in Idem, Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era, Pine Forge Press, pp. 7792 (http://www.pineforge.com/upm-data/13070_Chapter3.pdf).
5. Conflict theories.
5.1. Major approaches.
5.2. L. Coser.
- W&W (chapter 3).
- Allan K. (2007), ‘Lewis Coser’, in Idem, Social Lens, London: Pine Forge Press, pp. 214220 (http://www.pineforge.com/upm-data/13636_Chapter7.pdf).
6. Macrosociological perspectives on modern and contemporary society.
6.1. Major approaches.
6.2. J. Habermas.
- W&W. (chap. 4 and 9).
- Bohman J., Rehg W. (2009), ‘Jürgen Habermas’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, sections 1, 2 and 3.1 (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/habermas).
7. Symbolic interactionism.
7.1. Origins and developments.
7.2. H. Blumer.
- W&W (chap. 5).
- Blumer H. (1969), ‘The Methodological Position of Symbolic Interactionism’, S.
Appelrouth, L. Desfor Edles (2007), Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era, Pine
Forge Press, pp. 166-177 (http://www.pineforge.com/upm-data/13071_Chapter5.pdf).
8. Phenomenology and ethnomethodology.
8.1. Origins and developments.
8.2. Principles of ethnomethodology.
- W&W (chap. 6).
- Denzin N. K. (1969), 'Symbolic Interactionism and Ethnomethodology' American
Sociological Review, vol. 34, n. 6, pp. 922-934 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca >
catalogues and electronic resources > journals).
9. Rational choice theories.
9.1. Major approaches.
9.2. R. Boudon.
- W&W (chap. 7).
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- Boudon R. (2003), ‘Beyond Rational Choice Theory’, Annual Review of Sociology, vol.
29, pp. 1-21 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and electronic resources >
journals) OR Boudon R. (2005) ‘Teoria della scelta razionale o individualismo
metodologico: sono la stessa cosa?’, in M. Borlandi, L. Sciolla (ed.), La spiegazione
sociologica, il Mulino, pp. 13-33 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and
electronic resources > E-books).
10. Macro to micro and back again.
10.1. The micro-macro link.
10.2. The analytical sociology.
- Hedström P., Ylikosky P. (2010), ‘Causal Mechanisms in the Social Sciences’, Annual
Review of Sociology, vol. 36, pp. 49-67 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues
and electronic resources > journals) OR Barbera F. (2004), Meccanismi sociali, il Mulino,
chap. 1 and 2 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and electronic resources >
11. Theory and progress in sociology.
- Rule J. B. (1994), ‘Dilemmas of Theoretical Progress’, Sociological Forum, vol. 9, n. 2,
pp. 241-257 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and electronic resources >
12. Conclusions.
A basic knowledge of the classical sociological theories and of the fundamental concepts
of sociology.
Teaching methods
A 48-hours lectures course comprehensive of discussion classes.
Learning assessment methods
Written examination. The test will last for two hours and thirty minutes. Foreign students
will be able to write their essays in English.
Reference books
- Wallace R.A., Wolf A. (2006), Contemporary Sociological Theory, Upper Saddle River
(NJ): Pearson Education (sixth edition) (except chapter 8) OR Wallace R. A., Wolf A.
(2008), La teoria sociologica contemporanea, Bologna: il Mulino (sixth edition) (except
chapter 8).
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(Online access to such references is free: for certain references by using directly their
respective URL; for the other references by using, as specified, the university library’s
URL, http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and electronic resources > journals /
e-books, and by selecting the corresponding periodical or e-book).
- Allan K. (2007), ‘Lewis Coser’, in Idem, Social Lens, London: Pine Forge Press, pp. 214220 (http://www.pineforge.com/upm-data/13636_Chapter7.pdf).
- Appelrouth S., Desfor Edles L. (2007), ‘Critical Theory – Intellectual influences and Core
Ideas’, in Idem, Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era, London: Pine Forge Press,
pp. 77-92 (http://www.pineforge.com/upm-data/13070_Chapter3.pdf).
- Blumer H. (1969), ‘The Methodological Position of Symbolic Interactionism’, S.
Appelrouth, L. Desfor Edles (2007), Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era,
London: Pine Forge Press, pp. 166-177 (http://www.pineforge.com/upmdata/13071_Chapter5.pdf).
- Bohman J., Rehg W. (2009), ‘Jürgen Habermas’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, sections 1, 2 e 3.1 (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/habermas).
- Boudon R. (2003), ‘Beyond Rational Choice Theory’, Annual Review of Sociology, vol.
29, pp. 1-21 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and electronic resources >
journals) OR Boudon R. (2005) ‘Teoria della scelta razionale o individualismo
metodologico: sono la stessa cosa?’, in M. Borlandi, L. Sciolla (ed.), La spiegazione
sociologica, Bologna, il Mulino, pp. 13-33 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues
and electronic resources > E-books).
- Denzin N. K. (1969), 'Symbolic Interactionism and Ethnomethodology' American
Sociological Review, vol. 34, n. 6, pp. 922-934 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca >
catalogues and electronic resources > journals).
- Hedström P., Ylikosky P. (2010), ‘Causal Mechanisms in the Social Sciences’, Annual
Review of Sociology, vol. 36, pp. 49-67 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues
and electronic resources > journals) OR Barbera F. (2004), Meccanismi sociali, Bologna:
il Mulino, chapters 1 and 2 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and electronic
resources > E-books).
- Luhmann N. (1986), ‘The Autopoiesis of Social Systems’, Journal of Sociocybernetics
(2008), vol. 6, n. 2, pp. 84-95 (http://www.unizar.es/sociocybernetics/Journal/JoS6-22008.pdf) OR Tosini D. (2009), ‘Niklas Luhmann’ in G. Campesi et al. (eds.) Diritto e
teoria sociale, Roma: Carocci, pp. 6-35 (sections 1-4 only)
(http://portale.unitn.it/dpt/dsrs/docenti/tosini.htm - see selected publications).
- Rule J. B. (1994), ‘Dilemmas of Theoretical Progress’, Sociological Forum 9 (2), pp.
241-257 (http://portale.unitn.it/biblioteca > catalogues and electronic resources >
- Adams B.N., Sydie R.A. (2002), Contemporary Sociological Theory, London: Pine Forge
- Borlandi M., Boudon R., Cherkaoui M., Valade B. (2005), Dictionnaire de la pensée
sociologique, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Boudon R., Cherkaoui M. (eds.) (2000), Contemporary Sociological Theory, London:
- Calhoun C. et al. (eds.) (2007), Contemporary Sociological Theory, Oxford: Blackwell.
- Ciacci M. (ed.) (1983), Interazionismo simbolico, Bologna: il Mulino.
- Collins R. (1988), Theoretical Sociology, Orlando: Harcourt Brace Javanovich.
- Collins R. (1992), Teorie sociologiche, Bologna: il Mulino.
- Crespi F. (2002), Il pensiero sociologico, Bologna: il Mulino.
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- Elliot A. (ed.) (1999), The Blackwell Reader in Contemporary Social Theory, Oxford:
- Gallino L. (2006), Dizionario di Sociologia, Torino: UTET.
- Giglioli P. P., Dal Lago, A. (ed.) (1983), Etnometodologia, Bologna: il Mulino.
- Izzo A. (2005), Storia del pensiero sociologico, Bologna: il Mulino (vol. III: 'I
- Jay M. (1979), L’immaginazione dialettica, Bologna: il Mulino.
- Jonas F. (1968), Geschichte der Soziologie, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Verlag
(Band III: ‘Französische und italienische Soziologie’; Band IV: ‘Deutsche und
amerikanische Soziologie’).
- Jonas F. (1989), Storia della sociologia, Roma-Bari: Laterza (vol. II: 'L'età
- Lallement M. (1993), Histoire des idées sociologiques, Paris: Editions Nathan (tome 2:
‘De Parsons aux contemporains’).
- Lallement M. (1996), Le idee della sociologia, Bari: Dedalo (vol. II: 'Da Parsons ai
- Poggi G., Sciortino G. (2008), Incontri col pensiero sociologico, Bologna: Mulino.
- Pollini G., Pretto A. (eds.) (2009), Sociologi: teorie e ricerche. Un sussidio per la storia
dell'analisi sociologica, Milano: Angeli.
- Ritzer G. (2003), The Blackwell Companion to Major Contemporary Social Theorists,
Oxford: Blackwell.
- Ritzer G. (2008), Sociological Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill International Edition
(Seventh edition).
- Rule J. B. (1988), Theories of Civil Violence, Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Rule J. B. (1997), Theory and Progress in Social Science, Cambridge (UK): Cambridge
University Press.
- Scott J., Marshall G. (2005), A Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Turner B.S. (ed.) (2008), The New Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, Oxford:
Further references might be provided during the lectures and available at the Didactics
Services Online (http://www.esse3.unitn.it/Start.do > Community > Academic years
2010/2011 > Teorie sociologiche contemporanee > materiali didattici).