Keeping Pace with Technology - the Nissan Experience Professor Andy Palmer, Senior Vice President The Nissan Motor Co. 日産での経験-技術とともに進化するということ 日産自動車副社長・アンディ・パルマー氏 12.00pm - lecture Monday, 28th February 2011 12.00pm* 13.30pm - sandwich lunch JETRO 2.00pm - end MidCity Place 71 High Holborn *Please note that guests are asked to arrive by 11.50am as the lecture London WC1V 6AL will begin promptly at 12.00pm). £12 for members of JS/JCCI and those introduced by JETRO £18 for non members (please send payment with booking) Deadline for booking: Friday, 25th February 2011 Keeping pace with fast-changing technologies, environmental demands and global developments is a challenge for all companies but particularly for those whose markets and manufacturing bases are entirely global. In this business group lecture by a distinguished Japan-based UK citizen, we will hear about Nissan’s experiences. Being responsible for some of the company’s most advanced products, Professor Palmer will be covering topics which have immense relevance for many members. 急速な変化を遂げる技術や環境基準遵守、 世界の発展に対応することは、 すべての 会社にとって、 とりわけ世界中に市場や製造拠点をもつ会社にとっては難題であり挑 戦でもあります。 今回のビジネスレクチャーでは、 日本を拠点に顕著な功績をあげて いらっしゃる英国人、 アンディー・パルマー教授をお招きします。 氏の日産自動車での ご経験や、 最新の製品開発に関与されてきた経験など、 このレクチャーは会員の皆 様にとって多大な関連性のある話題となるでしょう。 This is an important topic, particularly for those involved in long-term decision-making on developments and investment. Keeping pace with technology poses a particular challenge for those countries where the level of manufacture is not as high as it was and where developments are heavily regulated and yet in which competition remains very keen. Professor Palmer will use the Nissan experience to explore these challenges and help us understand how his company has remained a world leader and continues to invest heavily in the UK. 特に、 新製品や投資に関する長期的な政策決定に携わる方には重要な話題だと思 います。 技術の進歩を維持することは、 製造レベルがかつて程よくない国、 開発規 制が厳しい国、 未だ競争率が非常に高い国などにおいては、 特に困難を伴います。 パルマー教授は日産での経験を基にこの難題への取り組み、 また日産がいかに世 界的リーダーに留まってこられたか、 英国への重点的な投資をどう続けるかについ てお話いただきます。 Prof Palmer is one of Nissan’s top 10 executives and sits on the company’s executive committee with global responsibility for its product axis. He has global responsibility for Planning (Corporate & Product) and Programme management; Marketing & Communications; the company’s Business Units, such as LCV, Luxury and electric vehicles; and the group IT division. During his distinguished career in Nissan, he personally devised the LCV breakthrough strategy which led to a 5 fold increase in global sales between 2002 and 2010. More recently, he led Nissan’s product launch offensive, launching vehicles such as the new Micra, the Qashqai and the 2011 European Car of the Year, the Nissan LEAF. His experiences have always been along the interface between engineering and management. We are grateful to JETRO for kindly hosting this event. パルマー教授は、 日産のトップ10の主要幹部社員のひとりで、 製品の主要事項に関 してグローバルな責任を持つ委員会ノメンバーです。 。 立案 (企業や製品) 、 プログ ラム管理、マーケティング、通信、LCV、高級車や電気自動車などの事業部門、 グル ープIT部門などその世界的責任は多岐に渡ります。 輝かしい功績の中でも特に氏 の飛躍的なLCV(Light Commercial Vehicle小型商用車)戦略は、 2002年から2010年 間の世界販売数を5倍に増加させるという結果を導きました。 最近では、 新Micraや Qashqai、 2011年にヨーロピアンカーオブザイヤーを受賞したLEAFなどの新製品の 発売を先導されました。 工学技術と経営、 双局面でご活躍されています。 この場をお借りしまして、 会場をご提供いただきます日本貿易振興機構 (ジェトロ) に感謝申し上げます。 ご予約の際は、 お名前、 ご勤務先、 お役職等をご明記の上、 お 電話020 7828 6330またはEメール [email protected]にてジャパンソサエ ティまでよろしくお願いします。 Please use the booking form below to reserve your place, or contact the Japan Society office on tel: 020 7828 6330 or email: [email protected] ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... This series of lectures is being attributed to the following companies which are committed to a five year programme of support for The Japan Society Schools Education and Outreach programmes: Astellas Pharma Inc, Canon Europe Ltd, Central Japan Railway Company, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Daiichi, Sankyo Co Ltd, Eisai Europe Ltd, Hitachi Europe Ltd, Itochu Europe plc, “K” Line Europe Ltd., Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Europe BV, Mitsui & Co Europe Plc, PWC LLP, Swire Charitable Trust, Sumitomo, Corporation Europe Ltd, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd and TEPCO. In association with: Keeping Pace with Technology - the Nissan Experience, Professor Andy Palmer, Senior Vice President The Nissan Motor Co. (28th Feb 2011) Name: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Address: ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Company:..................................................................................Position:.................................................................................... Tel no:.......................................................................................... Email: .................................................................................... Name(s) of participants . ......................................................................................................................................................... No. of tickets required: ................................................... (£12 members of Japan Society/JCCI/BJLA and those introduced by JETRO) .................................................................................................. (£18 non members) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete payment details below: r I enclose a cheque for £................................ (made payable to ‘The Japan Society’) r I wish to pay by credit card (card payments also accepted by tel, fax or email) I hereby authorize you to take a payment of £............................... from my credit card Card Type*: Mastercard / Visa / Switch (*please delete as applicable) Card Number: .......................................................................... Name on card: . ............................................................... Expiry Date (mm/yy): . ........................... Valid from (mm/yy): . ............................... Security code: . ................. (3 digits on back of card) Issue No: ........................................................ Address of Card Holder (Billing Address): . ..................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... Signature: ................................................................................................... Date: . ........................................................ The Japan Society Swire House 59 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AJ tel: 020 7828 6330 fax: 020 7828 6331 email: [email protected] A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 3371038 Registered Charity No. 1063952 VAT Registration No: 241 5505 89.
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