92 /0 + ! ῌ" # $ Change in Color of Thermal Water of Umi-Jigoku Hot Pool in Beppu City, Central Kyushu, Japan Beppu Geothermal Research Laboratory, Kyoto University Shinji OHSAWA Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Toho University Yuji ONDA, Nobuki TAKAMATSU In Umi-Jigoku hot pool in Kannawa area of Beppu City, acid Cl-SO. type thermal water had been colored in greenish blue, however we recently observed that the color changed to blue green, which is caused by absorption of sunlight of long wavelengths by H, O molecule. The previous color (greenish blue) results from blending the blue green with blue caused by Rayleigh scattering of sunlight by aqueous colloidal almino-silicate of *.*,/ῌ*../mm particle size. Owing to low concentration of the aqueous colloid, the color of the Umi-Jigoku thermal water dose not become clear blue in contrast to other blue-colored thermal waters in Beppu. In addition, it is ascertained by calculation of absorbance using dissolved ion concentration and molar extinction coe$cient that the thermal water of the Umi-Jigoku hot pool would not be colored by aqueous ferrous ion. , !"#$%&'()* %&'()*+ , - . $ῌ/ 0 1ῌ2 3 4 5 Radon Concentrations in Thermal and Mineral Waters of the Springs in Hokkaido Hokkaido Institute of Public Health Naoki AOYANAGI, Daisen ICHIHASHI, Eiji UCHINO The distribution of radon concentrations in thermal and mineral waters of springs in Hokkaido were investigated. The radon concentrations in thermal and mineral springs in Hokkaido, were generally lower than in the whole Japan, with an average concentration of about - Bq/L. Only one cold spring in Osyamanbe-cho satisfied the therapeutic spring standard as radioactive among the +/, springs in this investigation. Acidic springs had lower radon concentrations than neutral and alkalic springs. There was no correlation between the concentration in the spring and well type, chemical characteristics, and so on. ¸ /- ¼ ,**- +,TU¶·¸ /0 a·m-¹º» ./0 93 - ῌ ῌ Study on Elucidation of Pollutant Pathway of Legionella in Hot Spring Water Department of Chemistry, School of Medicine, Toho University Koji YAMADA, Naoyuki KATO Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine, Toho University Akira OHNO, Keizo YAMAGUCHI ! "#$ %&$'()*+,-./01 23 '(/4 56 /789:;<=>?9@ AB*C36/DEFG:H;<=>?9@ 1 I1?J/K1>HLM=I/'N>?'?@ =OPQRS89: I=)TU)VW4XYPZ)[\R>9]H^_9:;<=9@ 2`a TU)YP3bc>?9 L. pneumophila /d1 TU$W4X2)e !Rfg1 2I=hicA L. pneumophila 3jkl/mn_9IIR=I /89Ao/hRpNA@ `aqr1A ++ s. TU 3 tu 2)e ! . tuI= L. pneumophila Rhi1A@ c =/vwxy3mz1As , tu{1 jkl/m|n_9II RAPD R ?>}~RpNA@ 2) jkl'mz='INA@ 1I1`a)qr ' |R1>?9/HK=J TU$.) o5 I=3hicA@ ) I=|1>?9TU_N>H/YP89!3_93cA@ `TU ))OPQR=I/89Ao/ !I=' B)/"d1 >6 /789:'(H;#89$3_9:;<=A@ . !"#$%&'()*ῌ+,*-./012 3-4567#8& % ¡¢£¤ ¥ ¦ & § '¨© ª « ¬(¨ ) ®© ¯ °±*ῌ ² ~³´ Aquatic Thetary Cuts Down Local Medical ExpensesµIt is based on the measure in the aquatic therapy class in Yufuin and Naoiriµ Pal Fitsystem Company Masumi KOGA Yufuin Town Misao MORIYAMA Iwao Hospital Shigeru GOTO Naoiri Town Chiemi SATO, Michiyo OTSUKA Yufuin is located in the middle area of Oita Prefecture, and population is a town of many % 94 people with hypertension, arthropathy of the knees, lumbar, and shoulders, brain blood vessel obstacle, and circulatory organ system disease in +, +.*1 persons, ,-῍ of rates of aging, and an illness tendency. Cultivation of the “aqua fitness leader” which started in +330 as public health service and will promote the production network of health of residents subject to a town ownership hot spring pool in July, ,*** including an aquatic therapy class the residents volunteer for aqua fitness leader /1 persons in all is working three terms, Cooperation with the doctor of a local medical association was also achieved from a spread of activity of a townsman subject, and a townsman’s institution users also increased in number gradually. Among users, those in whom e#ects, such as mitigation of a joint ache and rationalization of hyper tension and the high cholesterol, and the blood glucose level, show up also appear, the number of times of going to hospital regularly and the quantity of medication also become less, medical expenses are controlled, and things are clear also by medical statement investigation. Moreover, in Naoiri of the prefecture in question, the aquatic therapy class in the bathtub of the public hot spring combined with the exercise program on land started. (January to March, ,**-). There was participation of two groups [about ,*] and half were people with overweight tendency metabolism. The Remainders were people with arthropathy, such as of the knees, lumbar, and shoulders. 2*῍ of the participants showed the mitigation e#ect and the loss of chronic joint ache in quantity. The rate of increased participation and almost all participants’ amount of body activities, It was suggested that this approach aiming at creation and maintenance of an exercise custom was e#ective. / , ῌ ῌ ῌ Life of Two Periodic Bubbling Springs Predicted from Their Periods The College of Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University Eiichi ISHII, Naoki MAEDA, Tomohiko AKACHI !"#ῌ$%&'()"#ῌ$%*+,- ./0,1.2 3456789:;</=567>?.@AB0C DEF5345G.;<@A- H5I JKL5.M"#%5NOFP/0@&QRSC 34- T"- UVT"- HWXW@A"#% 5NO>Y6,ZSC !"#ῌ$%FP- 34P[\J]/^ ,*/* ._^NO>`R&QRAWC T" P[\a]/b^ ,*0- .MVE,EcdefMg^- h- UVT"PJ]/ ijg^- k]l ,*-/ .mn/^opUV,,EcdefMgC qk]rWU VT"5 ,*-/ .P*stuMgC UVT"MJ]/&vcwP- 5xyz{M )|Fg&QR0C '()"#ῌ$%FP- 34}~UVT"M[\a]/b^ ,*+/ .,Ecd efMgC T"l[\a]/b^ ,*+1 .MVE,Ec5FP/0@&Q k /- ¼ G,**-H j%( ·E¸k /0 ¹¸ <QRlº G»mD5H 95 ,*+/ , ῌ !"# $%& ῌ !'( )* +,---.,- 0 II /0 1 2 A Modified Dynamical Model of a Geyser Induced by Inflow of Gas II Department of Preschool Education, Nagoya College Hiroyuki KAGAMI 3456 ῌ 789:;<=>?@4 ABCD EBCD ?F,# G1 ,*** ; 1 ,**,H I EBCD ( JK .( .JL?# MNJO ? P!#EBCD?F# GKagami ,**-H QR4K ῌ :;<"##S. A?.TU #EBCD?V$WXYZ# P!#EBCDT?[\# %]^ P!#EBCD_`-#abYWZacd?;e NJf>?gh.. abYWZacd=> ,**- 2 i1j,;eU#klm$%& ῌ 7 =>.+&hnopqr?stT ῌ nopqr?BCD'(h.u3.?2# 4K NJjt Tvw( xyz){U*+,.U Af>+?|}~.f# +?t/h.+,0.3. ?# 4# $%& TvwT{U*7=>.abYWZacd= >?' 7.+&h.nopqr?1T $%& 2 GT34 56 7"89:;H ?'(# 3 BCD <) ῌ ?'( =3.?>,vt . 1 ! ?@A7]^ B C $ The Investigation Methods on the Well-obstructions Geological Survey of Hokkaido Takahiro SUZUKI jtDU# i?3. EFG., ( HTI J*K3. L (" HTI MNO" Z DPQ .-#* EFRS.# 3?T EF M¡¢£¤O .¥¦- ¡¢£¤26 (".MNO" §+ ¡¢¨©UVªo«¬ZWX& YZ(ῌ[\( ]#^ h3.j§+_- ?@ z Dp«aY`®Q G¯D°h±²abª³cd´ ,,- A e¡¢£¤°hAfµ,vt Dghi¶ Pi< 96 !"#$%&'() $*+, -./* !"#01(234 5 6768 9'($+: !"#/* ῌ;<* =<* >? ῌ;< * @A2BCDEFGHIJKL/.M N$ !6/&* ? O =<* PQ pHῌR=STUV+WX=<YZ[ \Z]^EF2 _ X `ab2cd X `[.M eN$ !6/&* ? 2 fghi'( j k fghlm/ n o pῌq Conductivity Logging for Thermal Spring Well Nihon Chika Kenkyusho Co. Ltd. Nihon Chika Tansa Co. Ltd. Koji SATO Tadashi TAKAYA, Tadashi CHIBA rst uP!@A$v8 w x!$!"&PQ!"y P #+WX$6z {zPQP !|{$%=$}~8 ? a , P!^E P@A+WX$@A6 w& Y Py +,/** m $ P P u&' uU () * Q$+WX$@A> {]HE+y>@, { PQ-. fP .* /# +0* lῌmin -.QU/* mh 6O0 P@A$ @A>^E . $%= 1.]HE{7.8] HE>$ S P -.PQP> /../ -* 2l -.60P @A$@A>^E P$%=^E3 4 ¡Q¢ f£¤Qh ¥">$ ^E¦ §¨6!58¤ QW7.!©$W ^E >_ª« 3 6¬<i<'(®¯7'(°±E 8 ² ³ῌ´ Q 9 : ;¤<<=µ °±E > ¶ · =?<'( ¸ ¹ @ k Cº»'( j-A ¼ Translational Research in Balneology from the View of Knowledge Informatics } /- ¼ ^,**-_ u·¸} /0 ¥¸F~¹º» ^¡-_ 97 Institute of Medical Science of the University of Tokyo Jun NAKAYA, Tetsuo SHIMIZU Helath Administration Center, Hokkaido University Yoshinori OHTSUKA Research Institute for Health Resort Medicine Yuko AGISHI AdIn Research Inc. Koji SASAKI !"#$%&'()"* +,-." IT /012,3!"* 45678956,:";/<:* =>?@:; / ABC)D E.FG!"* H.IJK!" !L"MN#$O!"* P %&'( .")*+QR$!"* P,M<ST: ,MUD-!"* ,M .VW?@:X/01YUDZ2?@"* 01Y <UDP3[$O ?@"* <[4\] EBM ^Evidence Based Medicine_ 56 7`894\a "Ubc::-,db* 01 )87efg:hijkT .l7`8978;m: <=fno=db* IT pdqrsdt"= uv=2.q D w>?@xyzAB QOL )z"=2.q"* ,M<CD {<[E|!"= }F~+,GH!"3!"=qa EBM CD!"I."* +* YJKLM K NO>K PQ5 R S ῌT U V FῌWT F XῌY T Z ῌ[ R \ Breathing-Out-Into-Water Exercise by Head-Out Water Immersion for Obstructive and Constrictive Pulmonary Diseases Division of Rehabilitation, Division of General Medicine, and Kusatsu Branch Hospital, Gunma University Hospital Hitoshi KURABAYASHI, Kazuo KUBOTA, Kousei TAMURA, Jun’ichi TAMURA, Naoki WADA, Kenji SHIRAKURA ]^_`_a ^COPD_ bcd,:eqf)"= 3:* "dq^_g_a ^CCPD_ 'f7h7'(:* d'( 0 i COPD ^02.1/.1 _ 0 i CCPD ^0-.1+,./ _ bcd,: e , d:* ,jk -2 bl::%? +,* cm kmno KD"* p78%q,n 78¡br¢ ,ῌ- cm £lsf¤D¡78q bctam,* + ¥ ,* 5 + u , ¥ ¦ - u , v§:* ¨6©rª«w¬x yukz®¯5{°±²d.:* u³ FEV+.*῍ V,/ COPD fg|´:* CCPD FEV+.*῍ V,/ |´µ¶ \3¼> 98 COPD CCPD COPD CCPD !"#$ %&'()&*+ COPD ,-./0 CCPD 12, 32456)78)-9:0 ;<=>?6)-@ 8ABC2DE15F)&*G<=;HIJ ++ K >L>!"#$BMNOMPQRS! %TU! &'B ( ) Vῌ* + W XῌY,* X -ῌ. * / Zῌ0 ( [ Platelets Activation by Very Hot Hot-Spring Bathing Division of Rehabilitation, Division of General Medicine, and Kusatsu Branch Hospital, Gunma University Hospital Hitoshi KURABAYASHI, Kazuo KUBOTA, Kousei TAMURA, Jun’ichi TAMURA, Naoki WADA, Kenji SHIRAKURA !12$ \345]^_3 `6a7()b8c d\() ef gC%hi()9:;jk@)-lmIJ ) no<=pq >E?)12d\@r()sABtEuv !Cw$ +* xyzD; {,2ῌ-1 |} .1~ &'\3% - E!5 5F 5 +/ +2* CsAEGH IJKJLEh M>N(AQ {PO} E OP(AMS {Fbg} SSm {vWF} E QR !¡¢$ .1~ - 5£j\ -0.2~ -2.0~ ef 5 +/ Cs A¤S_ ¥T U¦ §M ¨ sAV PO, Fbg, vWF 5F Fbg vWF a WXV©ª13 gCMV «ª1 !"#$ d\(AsA;6)-¤S>2/0 PO ¬ ®S¯ ST°(A±Y0 Fbg vWF M²³Zg0 6)"F d\(As A;0 )-´>229:0 d\sA;0 9µ¶·¨¸µ ¶kῌ¹6¹º» 6)"F +, : !"#$% K >L>!"#$BMNOMPQRS! %TU! &'B ( ) Vῌ* + W XῌY,* X -ῌ. * / Zῌ0 ( [ Problems in Geriatric Rehabilitation : Clinical E#ects of Focal Treatment on Pressure Sore by Hot-Spring Water /- ¦ U,**-W d /0 e ¡ U¢£¤¥W 99 Division of Rehabilitation, Division of General Medicine, and Kusatsu Branch Hospital, Gunma University Hospital Hitoshi KURABAYASHI, Kazuo KUBOTA, Kousei TAMURA, Jun’ichi TAMURA, Naoki WADA, Kenji SHIRAKURA !"#$% &'( )*+,-./'01234/%5'( 6789: 1* ;<=>?@ !῎A<=,013BC/' ++ .D( + EF /ῌ GHIJK 301LMNO( P2QR'SHT U.*VW 301,= +/ XFY%O( SHT3 Z[/\]^_]`3 ,* XFabY%'( c$3 + d , efg - hFiR'( jk,lmno 01,Xp UShea JDW qr stu>fv'( 2,X Hw +*.+, Naw /-.1, Kw +0.*, Mg,w -3.*, Ca,w 1,.*, Fe,w +../, Mn,w +.., Al-w -3.*, Zn,w *.+, V/w *.+, Fx +,.*, Ix *.-, Clx -.-.*, SO.,x 0++.*, HSO.x ,*0.*, H, SiO- ,/*.*, HBO, 2., mgῌkg > pH ,.* >yv'( zm {* 2-.3|0.- ; 01qr -.1|+.2 ,.+|+.- q}~( ῎ ῏A$$ . 1 Dv' jk * ῌ ῍ ῎A$$ , , 0 + D8v' ++ D, , D jῌ / Dl U3*ῌ <=,tu}~W - Dl + D>yv'( )*+,-.019/%k7l>yOc8#$'( .D 2QR'SHT3Y%OR>l>y -.?@ !3NO.Dk 734>&O#$'( +-ῌ E#ects of Warm Water Bathing on Hemodynamics of Liver and Kidney Kagoshima University Hospital Kirishima Rehabilitation Center Jun-ichi IIYAMA, Yutaka HORIKIRI, Kazumi KAWAHIRA, Nobuyuki TANAKA The aim of this study was to examine the e#ects of single warm water bathing (WWB) on human body. Indocyanine green (ICG) was given intravenously (*./ mg/kg) to 3 healthy male subjects (--.0|2., years old). Blood samples were taken -, 0, and +* min after injection in order to calculate ICG plasma clearance (ICG-PC). ICG injection was done .* min before and +* min after WWB (+* min at .+V). A mixture of +*ῌ para-aminohippurate (PAH, *.- ml/kg) and +*ῌ sodium thiosulfate (NTS, 2* ml) was given intravenously to +, healthy male subjects (-,.-|1.1 years old) -* min after WWB (+* min at .+V). Clearance of PAH and NTS was used as an index of renal plasma flow (RPF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). PAH and NTS clearance were also calculated after rest without bathing during another day. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), and sublingual body temperature (SBT) were also recorded while subjects were supine and warmed by a blanket. After WWB, BP was slightly decreased. HR, CO, and SBT were significantly increased. ICG-PC was significantly decreased from *.,**|*.**2 to *.+0.|*.**2 (p*.*/). RPF sig- nificantly increased from -22./|+/2.3 ml/min to /1,|+1*.1 ml/min (p*.*/). However, GFR was essentially unchanged from ++/.0|-1.- ml/min to ++3.-|/+.- ml/min. Although CO and RPF were increased due to the vasodilating e#ects of mild thermia, ῌ῏῍῎ 100 hepatic (portal) blood flow was decreased. GFR, which is related to glomerular filtration pressure, was not improved because of the thermal vasodilation of glomerular e#erent and a#erent arterioles. The E#ect of Spa-aqua Therapy on Lifestyle-related Diseases in Collaboration with Public Spa Facility +. Iwao Hospital Shigeru GOTO, Yujirou IWAO Chouei Onsenkan Kuajyu Yufuin Misato MORIYAMA PAL FIT SYSTEM Masumi KOGA Yufuin is famous as one of the most popular spa resorts in Japan. However, little attention has not been paid to spa facilities to promote health care for the residents in Yufuin. Yufuin Onsenkan is located in the center of Yufuin and has public spa and pool facilities. The aim of this study is to assess the e#ect of spa-aqua therapy on various lifestyle-related diseases in collaboration with public spa facility. For the past two years, we have introduced spa-aqua therapy to patients who had been diagnosed and treated as certain lifestyle-related diseases (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc) in our outpatient clinic. +,. patients consented to enroll in the program of aqua exercises that were individually designed. These patients has undergone aqua exercises (-* minutes’ walking, etc) more than at least three times a week for more than - months under the supervision of medical doctors, aqua therapists, and public health nurse. These patients have been assessed for clinical symptoms and laboratory data for +ῌ+, months following spa-aqua therapy. 23 of +,. patients had some improvement regarding clinical symptoms, laboratory data, and frequency and dosage of medical prescription. Briefly, ,* of ,. diabetic patients decreased the levels of fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A+C. +0 of ,* hypertension patients decreased the blood pressure with low dosage of medicine and low frequency of medical prescription. From health insurance points of views, annual medical fees of seven patients, who were randomly chosen among +,. patients, decreased the cost for medical fees following treatment combined with medicines and aqua therapy. By collaborating public spa facility which many residents daily used, we could successfully and naturally induce aqua-spa exercise to the usual habitual behavior for the patients of lifestyle-related diseases. This kind of preliminary trial may have future potential not only to promote health care for the local residents but also health care management in spa resort areas. +/ & /- ¼ /,**-0 37& /0 E'¸¹@º /»S?T0 101 E#ect of Bathing on Urinary Excretion of Uric acid Health Administration Center, Hokkaido University Yoshinori OHTSUKA Naruko Iin Nobuhiko TAKAHASHI The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo Jun NAKAYA !"#$%!& '( ')*#+,-. /ORP0 1**2345( ORP 6*1,-7%3( 89:;<=> !%!? "@ABC6!& DE( "FG ORP ")H#2IJKL< M!#N< *)COPQ& 3 R#SJT< - RUV# - WXY)Z( [B\B**( *:]( ^ #6UBN<_`PQ& ! 0 aNbcd . ae , af") - E( FG , E<gh)`6( ORP, pH, ijklm( ##+<OPQ& *1 .*ῌ.,n `oQ& *#$p ORP 1** /,1m V( Nao*:] .*1 mV( #"4# ORP 1!5af""4)r&) 'vP( ^ +./ mV %oQ& q;% !st<uPQ& **d ORP 1 ^d1wxPQ& Nao*:]d"FG##+1'(#st1JNoQ& #ῌijklm /UAῌUCr0 )" ORP "#f)1*#;%)NNybU*z#+#, {( eQ( pH "1*z#|#,{<uPQ& # pH 1}~'vP-ZC6Q& ORP 1 *# ORP #KL<ZQ& ORP 1FG1KLABJNoQ& ?Bb#Nb +& ^#2IJ). ORP #6*)/ !?")23( #'v !09%!& ,& #kX +112)*%!& -& # pH ##+1 34#5<6PC6!"MbB!& +0 QOL 378 |ῌ9 ῌ: ' ; E#ects of Short Staying Spa Therapy on Patients QOL Education and Research Committee of Japanese Association of Physical Medicine, Balneology and Climatology Masashi NOBUNAGA, Susumu KATAGIRI, Kazuo KUBOTA <=>#?)1 ,ῌ. f#/-_`<@ !"ABCQ( })1 -ῌ1 3AB #C=D'.%!& [??#2IJC=D)4zE%!#N<=>#< FC.GH OPQ& ¡¢0£I"PC ,+/ I¤¥bBQ& )1 , f¦§#J I /$p -+ 30 4 2* I¨eBC6Q#)#Q¥KL)¡¢OPQ& M#©9N5 /© +-0 I( O 13 I : $pPM 0, ª0( «oC6Q¬Q1 ®l( ¯°±( R²³´( µ¶ῌ·µ( 102 /3 !"#$ %&'()* +,-./0 12345 6789 visual analogue scale :VAS; < +,=34 QOL 9 Face Scale < ADL 9 MHAQ >? @ A BC ῌD EFG9HIJKL VAS <MNO PQ6 RS TUVWXO ADL YZ[\7]^_9+,=MNO*V# `a.bc*MNd*+,e fghi :pj*.**+; 9V*klmn#o `O*+,pq + rsO*MNO tu+,pqvLghi" wwLxyz {yzLV|} +,~ RSO Q6LTU O 3xy+, : + f; V. `oLV + rswL#"L +2ῌ Mountany Spa in Romania. Low Mineralized Waters Used in That Areas Model : Stana De Vale SC European Drinks Sa Romania Veronica GEAMANU, Viorel MICULA In Romania are known as mountany spas, climatically spas which are located in mountany zones like that which are definite geomorfologicaly point of view and which are developed on the 3** mo+1** m high altitude. This interval was established beyond the watering researced made in Romania during the last 1* years. This interval is known as the very best for the human being health without mentioned the age. The very known mountany spas in Romania are : Sinaia, Predeal, Busteni, Poiana Brasov and Stana de Vale. These are recognized like climatic spas and theirs features are tonic byoclimat stimulated, lower atmospheric pressure,clean air, without dust powder and allergen, with powerful ionization. We choose Stana de Vale spa as model because beyond the specific features, that we mentioned before and the low mineralized waters which are utilized in practice in the curative treatments (waters with dry residue lower than +*** mg/l), is the only mountany spa in Romania which has such a curative characteristic (low mineralized water). Stana de Vale source with low mineralized water is located in the west-central part of Vladeasa Mountain from the Limertones Western Carpathian chain at ++.. m high. This source named by local topic as Wonder Spring, is also the most important source of still mineral water from Romania. The water springs arises from the limestones deposits of Anisian age, which is developed in the dolomitic limestones facies. Chemical point of view,the water is hydrogencarbonatated, calcic type with TDS that reached ,** mg/l and the inferior boundary of TDS is +2* mg/l. In the last period of time about ,**+ῌ,**- years, Stana de Vale low mineralized water was tested and studied from medical point of view, like doing researching regarding the therapeutical e#ects. The studies regarding the e#ects of the treatment with Stana de Vale still mineral water low mineralized are made by Baile Herculane Balneoclinic Departament. Also experimentally farmacodynamic studies and clinical studies was made by National Institute of Recover, ³ /- ¼ 3,**-4 )*%5±7²³ /0 ´µ²¶+·¸(¹ 3º»4 103 Phisical Medicine and Balneoclimatology from Bucharest, Romania. The results of these studies established for the low mineralized water therapeutical directions which recommending this water in the treatment and prophylacsis renal-urinary illness and in the diets pour NaCl. We add to the natural factors of the spa, hotels and villas, modern equipment for practicing sports like ski, modern treatments(physiotherapy naturist medicine) and for the future the perspective of practicing games, like golf, and the construction of a few swimming pools, all in accordance with European standards. All of this recommending Stana de Vale spa like a unique climatic and bathing objective in Romania, which will be presented and illustrated in extenso at the session of the conference. +3 ῌ Long Distance Lateral Flows of Hot Water Controlled by Impermeable Lake Deposits Examples of The Hohi Geothermal Area, Central Kyushu, Japan Geological Survey of Japan, AIST Shiro TAMANYU !"# $%&'() *+, -./01 2* 3+32/4 %56789:*; <=>*;?@%5A BCDE*;5F%5*G.BHIJK1 LM#;BHNO+()PHQ R0MC STUVWSXYZ[\0MCH]JK1 STUVWSXY C-C῍^ 3_ `*;DEHa-.bcd04 C D-D῍^ 3?@%5*;ecfgHa-.h ij04 klJK1 STUVWSXYmnop +4 qBr'*stC)Cu 8,-./0 ,4 )vCJ wxyz)yC0 -4 {.|}SU)~/.( )CῌH ,.0 .4 C ~ BJ.^C0 01 C-C῍^ ) !B P8"$vSTUVWSX Y#K1 MqDEjbc*;#$0C ;#01 D-D῍^ P8"$v !B STUVW¡#K1 M)¢£%+¤H& 0C ec+<¥>#$0C¦R#01 M#; "K0!B §;#0 %5)¨© $ª«¬0 ®+¯° '(01 ,* !"#$%& ()¥ 104 ῌ ῌ Low Temperature Hydrothermal System in the Southern Area of Fukuoka City, Japan Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University Yasuhiro FUJIMITSU, Jun NISHIJIMA, Sachio EHARA Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University Yu OBA ῌ!"#$%& 'ῌ (()*+,-./012 3#456) (%& 7089:;<1$=66>?@& AB$,-C1()$D./E( F.* G/*HI ;<12 .6.J,-%KL$MM& NOP%Q?6$RS/0J02 N3; T;%& UVJ W:XYC1Z[& E Fῌ\ ,.* km& ῌ\ -.2 km ]$ ,1* I $^X_.Z` abXcd.Z2 ^efg - hijklm& 3#$W nop* , !"q$rs/013t*#.Z2 3S?%ῌu\Xvw& xyzx{$ |S}*~Zῌ{X./012 $3#;cdRSZ$b& %&ab lmJ 6?K.Zlm& 3 , !nopw& )*'C1=*& 'X15;<& Z($~/;Z)tKL?S1 E**3nop$~/:6?7t& ()+,tJ~/01& tl-. Z2 ,+ NPO . B ¡ ¢ £z¤z¥ Emmy SUPARKA ¦z¤§¨¥ D.S. WIDARTO On the Hot-springs along the Outer-Arcs of Southwest Honshu and Sunda Arcs NPO Kyoto Institute of Natural History Susumu NISHIMURA Bandung Institute of Technology Emmy SUPARKA Indonesian Institute of Sciences D.S. WIDARTO /!©ª«(t¬J0E(; -Heῌ .He FIsotope ratioI E0),-* ®?S/012 Z& ¯°±©$=0)*<& N²$50/& ab& %& ab*JRS& ³-RSZ2 NlmX´µ12 ¶·'¸OP¹º"1X©;2»¼OPu\% NEE-SWW ;<12 3 ³ /- ¼ ¸,**-» ¯!°±²³ /0 ´Z²7"µ¶#· ¸¹º$» 105 !" #$% &' ()*+,-./0 1 23145 6" 7 89:;<=>?@ABC<D<E FGHIJK, !L M?NOFGPQ?RSABC" T?UVWXYZ[,\I,L ]^ ,_$" #`L .,a +*lῌmin" bc!5" Na-K-Ca-Mg-SiO, cd ec -,.f---a !" ghi9:;FGPQ?RT?Uj Sk!L hi()+l-./456" mnPopq?rstuRvwxwyz {|wI Popq?rstuR vwxw}~ 0* km c!" T?UstuR{ ,/*f/** km { %$," # +/ } c | ,_$ ec/ I| |YI" #$%," 9:; ULF-, ELF-MT |Y ,chi,I#!" #$ % -Heῌ .He " L ?RE|[ $" MORB /*f0* km c | r¡MD= ¢C" #£? RE8|£¤ " e ?RE¥#%$ -He |¦" Sk vwxwMD= ¢ ?RE|L §¨$ |L ©Iª«6YI¬%$" ,,ῌ High Rates of Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern East Pacific Rise Segments Department of Geology, University of Delhi G.S. ROONWAL The southern parts of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) represents an ultrafast spreading axis. It is characterized by volcanism, and high hydrothermal activity, which results in anomalous in high levels of hydrothermal precipitates in the sediments, as well as in the seawater and characteristic hydrothermal fauna. -* sediment samples fro three cores collected from the flanks of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) diverging plate margin near +1®S and +2®S (two cores) have been anlaysed chemically and mineralogically. Multivariate factor analysis and quantitative partitioning reveals that the non-carbonate fraction of the sediments consists dominantly of Fe-Mn rich hydrothermal precipitates (ῌ3*ῌ) with very little detrital (ῌ,./ῌ), hydrogenous(ῌ,./ῌ) and biogenic (ῌ.ῌ) contribution. Hydrothermal metalliferous solutions were discharged periodically from the vents, and chemical fractionation between Fe and Mn took place during their precipitation. With growing distance from EPR, dilution of hydrothermal precipitates with biogenic debris increases, indicating a decrease in sedimentation rate. Westward transport of hydrothermal components by mid-depth currents results in a low accumulation rate of hydrothermal matter on the eastern flank sediments, where evidences of early diagenetic changes have been observed in the form of transformation of amorphous Fe-hydroxide into crystalline goethite and formation of nontronite. ῌ῏῍῎ 106 ,-ῌ Geochemical Aspects of Thermal Water Formation in Active Volcanic Areas (On the Example of the Kuril Island Arc) Far East Geological Institute, Vladivostok, Russia O.V. CHUDAEV Pacific Institute of Geography, Vladivostok, Russia V.A. CHUDAEVA School of Medicine, Toho University, Tokyo, Japan K. SUGIMORI Department of Chemistry, Tokyo University, Japan A. KUNO, M. MATSUO United States Geological Survey, Boulder, USA K. NORDSTROM Institute for study of the Earth’s Interior, Okayama University, Misasa, Japan M. KUSAKABE The purpose of this study is to provide geochemical data on the thermal waters of the Kuril Islands. The work is based on the study of active volcanoes (Mendeleev, Golovnin, Ebeko) on Kunashir and Paramushir Islands. Among the thermal water types studied, three main groups can be distinguished : sodium-chloride, sulphate, and sodium-chloride-sulphate. The behavior of siderophile, chalcophile, lithophile, and rare-earth elements is discussed. These data together with the results of isotopic studies and computer modeling allowed to determine the physical-chemical parameters of water formation. ,.ῌ Microbiological Investigation of Kuril Islands Hot Spring Waters Dept. Biology, Toho University School of Medicine, Japan Kenji SUGIMORI Far East Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Russia Oleg CHUDAEV Pacific Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science, Russia Valentina CHUDAEVA A microbiological study was undertaken in the geothermal areas of Kunashiri and Paramushir Islands, focusing on hot spring water and sediment and microbial mats. Ten acidic samples and - neutral samples were taken from Kunashiri Island, and 0 acidic samples and + neutral sample were taken from Paramushir Island. Sporeforming bacteria, Bacillus sp., were detected in the acidic samples from Kunashiri Island and the neutral samples from Paramushir Island. Non-sporeforming and rod-shaped bacteria, such as Thermus sp., were detected in the neutral samples from Kunashiri Island. Branch shaped and non spore-forming bacteria were detectedin the acidic samples from Kunashiri Island. These bacteria were not classified for bacteria species. In microscopic observation, Cyanidium sp. was detected in green acidic samples from Kunashiri Island and Paramushir Island. Phormidium valderianum var. tenuis was detected in the green neutral samplesfrom Kunashiri Island ; Anabaenopsis sp. and Synechococcus amphigranulatus were detected in the green neutral samples from Paramushir Island. A large variety of diatoms were observed in most of the samples ; Pinnularia braunii var. amphicephara was the main diatom in the Kunashiri samples. The minor diatoms Gomphonema olivaceum, Eunotia sp., Pinnularia microstauron and Navicula cryptocephara were detected in Kunashiri samples. Kunashiri sample. A protozoa, Trachelomonas crebea, was detected in a /- ,**- ,/ῌ /0 107 Hydrogeological and Geothermal Investigation of the Sarot Spa (Bolu_ Mudurnu) and Surroundings Faculty of Engineering, University of Ankara, Turkey Faculty of Engineering, University of Kocaeli, Turkey Baki CANIK Suzan PASVANOGLU Thermal and mineralized waters of the Ta_kestiSarot spring were studied in terms of origin, source characteristics, physicochemical features, and to determine the possibilities of increasing the flow rate and temperature. The crystalline basement in the region consists of rocks in the green schist facies. The Upper Cretaceous limestone on the southeast of thermal spring and overlie the crystalline basin. In the South of the area these units are covered by Pliocene aged lacustrine sediments and Quaternary deposits. The rocks constituting the thermal water aquifer consist of the partially metamorphic rocks of diorite, tonalite, diabase, and amphibolite of the green schist facies which have the secondary porosity and permeability. The Sarot thermal water emanates along a secondary fault in the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). The temperature in the main source is 0-, and the flow rate is +.1*3 l/sec. In the other secondary sources, the flow rate and the temperature are much lower. The origin of the water was interpreted according to the isotope analyses. These hot waters are of meteoric origin that circulate and restores heat through the fault zone due to the geothermal gradient and discharge to the surface. The thermal and mineralized waters are Na, Ca and SO.-rich. In the study area, it is understood that it could be possible to improve the flow rates and temperatures of thermal waters by drilling. By obtaining the flow rates, temperature and chemical composition of the water, it would further facilitate the direct use of the water. ,0ῌ Circulation of Groundwater in the Hakone Volcano Hot Springs Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan Masao OHYAMA In this study, the author measured the age of the Hakone volcano groundwater as determined by environmental tritium concentration. The author carried out the tritium concentration analyses for +2 water samples collected from +320 to +321. The tritium concentration ranged from - to +2TU. Using a “mixing model” the author estimated three different turnover times as follows : *.// years for discharges at the mountains mid-slopes ; 0+, years for discharges at the mountain foot and -*+** years for the thermal water. ,1ῌ Soil Temperature and Climate Change over Mongolia Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, Mongolia G. NAMKHAIJANTSAN, D. ERDENETSETSEG The heat penetration into the soil is one of components that have direct indicate the climate changes and fluctuations. This paper discusses the soil temperature changes during ;6¼ 108 global warning using zero temperature penetration depth into soil or the upper portion of permafrost. It is proved that winter warming is clear by decreasing of penetration depth of * and most permafrost areas in northern part of Mongolia is belong to increased penetration depth from /* cm to +/* cm in to deep soil. ,2 Recommendation of Dispersive-type Geo-heat Utilization GREEN, AIST Tetsuro NODA + !"#$%&'() %"' *%'+( ',-. '$/01234546789:+ , ;<=>?@ABCDE B%$ FGHI$ GHP BJKL +/$BMN"OPQB: &R 'STUVW#KXNY@6Z [' - \]W^_` 9Ia!"9bcd#$%\]W^_'+ e!f &gh'i#9()%!"/# gj) CO, A9 k῍l_m_*+d%$' i# h)n,op-qrs'&R.tu_ vw3x4yz{!"bc'+|}d%$B~ /\]W^_0$ 0'K01 ,3 23- 4 Regional Changes of Spas in Japan Department of Geography, Chiba University Junji YAMAMURA &5;6 78';69:#9U ;#<='/0;6> 9N# -.th?;6B@'J ABCX;6= D'/#B E7B& _ B5F0G0H;6B¡9I¢0) £J'/0 +31, '$ ,**, ';6$¤KL9M!' g,N9i$K# ¥¦ -* '§¨Ok9©$ ;6k +,,,0 ª «P 02῍¬ 6k + Q 131 ª «01῍¬ ;6RA>S +-- Q®vW «+*.῍¬ ¤K¯T:-° /+ Q 0,/21 - «0*῍¬ ±²¤Kk ,,1.2 Q- «,/῍¬ /# ';6³´Ik .,021 ª + -.1 U$/# g,VM9©$ RA>WXῌµ¶YBZ ·HI/;6,h¸U¹ºY+RA>B# [º'»\P .3῍ § /- ´ ®,**-³ ^dEF¥|¦§ /0 ¨{¦\©ª«¬ ®¯°±²³ 109 -+῍ -*῍ ῌῌῌῌῌῌ !"#$ %&'()*! +,-"./012-34 5678 +/῍ 2῍ 9 '(:;< /,῍ ,,῍ =$ >?@AB:;< -/῍ ,1῍ [email protected]ῌKLM/NO@PQ8R$ ST '(UV WX@YZ'()@[!"#$ \] ^_`EFabc^defgG]@h-H . i^!EFjk-lmn^d@hop` EFG@GqrV8stuvwx#$ -* yz{| } ~ {| Regional Changes of Yunohira Spa in Oita Prefecture Depatment of Tourism, Beppu University, Beppu Department of Geography, Chiba University, Chiba Takaaki KOBORI Junji YAMAMURA It is well known that the many hot spring areas that flourished as tourist resorts during the period of post-war rapid development are losing their popularity in following with the current recession. On the other hand, so-called health hot springs, hot springs utilized for health purposes, have recently become a focus of interest nationwide. Looking at regional changes at the traditional health hot spring of Yunohira Spa in Oita Prefecture, we will consider the current state of health hot springs through research on the actual conditions of visitors, including their needs and problems. By comparing data on local businesses from +31* and ,**,, it is clear that despite retaining its historically rural landscape, the function of Yunohira Spa as a health hot spring has changed to that of a tourist hot spring. However, it is now time to take a second look at utilizing hot springs for their curative and recuperative functions. Taking into consideration current visitor needs, it is necessary to reform traditional health hot spring areas such as the famous Yunohira Spa. -+ !"# $%&'()*+, How are Hot Springs Thought of by Users in JapanResults of a Questionary Survey on the Knowledge of Hot Springs Gifu Prefectural Museum Yasushi FURUTA ^d!8fEF! H@?EF8D` ! wx#$ 4EF ¡T-.i! ¢EF-£xw@h¤ w 110 !"#$%& !'()*+ , -!.$/0( !'1 23456789 ': ;<=>?@ABC1 DEFE !"#<GH:I+- & J!$KL $M .** %&' N()*OPQ+, RS TD UV NW-O.X !;UV NY/ Z0['V 11'1(4 \ ]2^_`ab3cd J 4-5efg& Jhi ;6jUO .XZ0['17(D '48k9 :::;lm<=>?1n !@o:& -, pAq:r,BC D E F s GHHtuvw I J ῌῌx K y z GH{E | } L ~ E#ects of Hot Spring (Johzankei) Bathing on Stress Reduction School of Medicine, Hokkaido University Sapporo School of The Arts Masae WATANABE Division of Health and Sports Sciences, Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University Kiyoshi MORIYA, Keiko HASHIMOTO School of Medicine, Hokkaido University Yuko AGISHI Kuv pAqMN0O __$%PO PO D-QPOb= iRi STC?b (\ ] 'U,4-V<!WX (& Y //0, Z[? 2 \$ ,**- +, +- : -*+3 : ** 34d: & 4U__D-QPO __%PO PO N0O$ __ 7bQ]^ +/* L T(PO NMV _`ab bb b ¡& N0 ¢M£ O$Oc¤ +**῍ bῌd ¥¦(& Y`ee( ,2,3§ ¨$POf©ªz«g +* ( -3§ $hPO +* ( iO¬©ªz«gLj -* (:& M$N0O POk Nl(gV C?bmnD® NGood MoodV moD® N¯CV pr& iO¬ N«CV pnD® r N¯CV pq:& %PO PO$ D-Q POV°iO¬ NA7CV rp#±r(& POsXi N0O %PO PO D-QPO t$²u2 & N0O$rsXb=³vQ (w´ ]µ¶?_ N0F(:·>H,x0¸>ay¹Xº» (I+- K¬¼zn!$%& · /- ¼ d,**-h "Dµ¶· /0 ®i¶=E¸¹º d»FG7h 111 -- The Number of Aged People Qualified for Receiving The Care in Spa Districts, Comparing to That in Non Spa Districts Shonin Hospital in Beppu Masashi NOBUNAGA !"#$% &'()*+ , -./0123456789::9(+;< = 1:(>(?+@A012B:+CD EF+GHIJK(!F+ GHLM?N> O!< 1:PQ9:RGHLRS (T+U>;12V R !WX/(F+SGH LY/ZR[S\*+]^< S_.W(C`a +. / bcGH dGHLYῌ0/ efLYg+**h +-.3+῍ Zi W d+/.30῍h jkX d+1./*῍h l!X d+0.2+῍h mnX d+2.+1῍h "oX d+1.3-῍h (T+;pOq( dp r*.**+h # !F^< XS +/./*῍ ZstX d+0.1*῍h uvX d+2..,῍h l!X d+0.2+῍h mnX d+2.+1῍h (T+w# !F^2qx dpr*.*+h uvXm nXk](y:^< >CWTq( dpr*.*/h !F^< z]({ YWX2|}34 + {$DL d0/ efh YW +* % i W -01 jkX +.2 l!X ., mnX -01 "oX /,+ X - stX +*1 uvX +, L(F+WX2wO/&'*~; !F^< -. !"#$ ()*78 ! + ,ῌW i ῌ , - E#ects of Toyotomi Spa Therapy in Chronic Skin Diseases Hokkaido Institute of Public Health Eiji UCHINO, Daisen ICHIHASHI, Naoki AOYANAGI ./X d()h (0 d+,1. "h * 1/]^2& AD L . %3 L , % 456 &C57#Y>(?;+5T^< S _. AD L 56O(L89:2 O*4S¡¢ ;£01/<(y^< 3L 1¤=¥>9:2>;^y & 9:>| ¦>;2 4(56/?¦§D¨©9ª9:<(y^< f ./ 12&56()*«y+' !D O¬/ @A®Y>/¯ B0° , =±*+² ³'´C !1/:9(*^< -/ !"#$ ()*78 W i ῌ! + ,ῌ , - ¼ 112 E#ects of Toyotomi Spa Therapy in Chronic Skin Diseases Hokkaido Institute of Public Health Daisen ICHIHASHI, Eiji UCHINO, Naoki AOYANAGI NC/Nga mouse is a model for atopic dermatitis, showing specific symptoms such as dermatitis and overproduction of IgE. We sprayed di#erent spa waters (alkaline salt springs, acid alum vitriol springs, simple sulphur springs) at the NC/Nga mice and examined the changes in skin symptoms, and serum IgE levels. The skin symptoms recovered nearly completely treated with acid alum vitriol springs, and the group treated with alkaline salt springs and simple sulphur springs showed some improvement but there were mice that did not improve. The rise un serum IgE levels were significantly repressed in the groups treated with alkaline salt springs and acid alum vitriol springs. -0 Eruptions after Acid Spring Bath Ueda Hospital Jun-ichi NOGUCHI !"#$% &'() )* +,)-. &/$%-012 +/2 345-6 789*:; . <3=-. A > : +- ?2῍@ : ABCῌ DCῌ EFCῌ ?GCῌHI@ JK pH ,.* LM;NO3;PQRSTU . V MV WXYJKRZ[;F3>6TU . B > : +-. ?2/῍@ : JKNO3)V\]^;_9S` aU . b%2cdef g;[34 6 b;Th6`aU !8 '6ibj k6lmU no34 !pq r\9 . C `U VUs : 00 ?.,῍@ : ;;t S + uR [6n j\vwU b!64 . b;vw2q)\w9a32Jx 6yqV$;>Tz5* LnV$;{|V}~5*9 h~34 . b% `U !9}. 6 b;h~;j= ! 2 |Jj F^)*x . b% VUs !9}. 2;34j ;} ῌ; !V$"U . D j : -1 ?,-῍@ : ; )) j;a 6`aU . b%29# ;65*lmU Q ;$6) %Q8j65 -FJ . -!# 93;9#;&; &'>W 6¡) & ;¢}2£¤¥()*¦x. ;§¨ 93;#;)y2©ª)-«y &) ; «y¬*U%9h~J . 2;$U . K}\¬*;J$J9)y )*+®J¯°3\4 . ±;z t)*2 ; &²³´xµ¶) %·;,¸; ¹º»Js%J$J9. /- ,**- -1ῌ /0 113 Hydrokinesitherapy of Arthrosis Deformans Patients with Geothermal Mineral Water Clinic of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation UMHAT”Saint Marina”, Medical University-Varna, Bulgaria T. TODOROFF The arthrosis disease is the most frequent chronic disease of the locomotory system. The Bulgarian scientist Cenov has found destructive changes in one or more joints in 3.2ῌ of the workers in some factories during prophylactic examination. This pathology leads to serious disablement and her treatment is still waiting for the so called “panacea”. Drugs have their place in the therapy, but the isolated drug therapy could not solve the problem definitively. Nowadays in the treatment of the arthrosos disease there is a tendency of a serious increase in the usage of the methods of physical therapy, whose e#ects are still not su$ciently investigated. The Republic of Bulgaria is exceptionally rich in hydromineral resources. There are /,* healing mineral springs in our country, distributed into +3* hydromineral deposits with the capacity of -,** liters/second and with ,. hour capacity of ,/* million liters. Approximately -/. of the hydromineral resources are warm or hot with water temperature between -1ῌ+** degrees. Bulgaria posseses the complete variety of mineral waters. Some of the springs were famous even during the times of the Roman and the Byzantine empires,the baths being regularly visited by their emperors, such as Septimii, Sever, Maximilian, Justinian and other noble families from Italy, Egypt, Greece etc.. Nimfeums and asklepions were prospering around. Mineral water was used also for heating the baths, circulating under the baths floor. World-famous were the springs in Hissar (the ancient Augusta), Kjustendil (Pautalia), Sofia (Serdika), the Sliven mineral baths (Tonzos), the Bourgas mineral baths (Termopolis), Stara Zagora (Augusta Trajana), Sandanski (Medius) etc.. About 2/ῌ of the mineral springs are acratothermal. The modern therapy of arthrosis disease requires a complex treatment of the di#erent symptoms, the application of balneotherapy in combination with other physical factors being of a great importance. The drug therapy by itself cannot solve the problem with this kind of pathology and it’s application is recommended in the opening stage for suppression of the acute pain and inflammation. After this period a decisive factor is the beginning of balneoprocedures in combination with other factors of the physical medicine. Knowing the characteristics and the e#ect of the di#erent mineral water types, we should give a serious thought of making the next bold step in the therapy of the athrosis disease : the balneotherapy to be gradually replaced in our practice and methodology with balneoprophylaxis. -2ῌ A Brief Survey of the Deep Contact between the Human Race and the Earth’S Heat From Prehistory to the ,*th Century 114 Faculty of Sciences, Michoacan University Mario-César Suárez ARRIAGA Faculty of Engineering, National University of Mexico Fernando SAMANIEGO This work is a general outline on the common points of the contact between di#erent human societies and the thermal Earth. During millions of years many areas in our planet were very rich in active geothermal manifestations : earthquakes, volcanoes, thermal springs, fumaroles, mud lakes, lagoni, hydrothermal deposits. In these sectors a profound relationship emerged very early between humans and geothermal phenomena. From his darkest past prehistoric man used volcanic rock, silex, obsidian, ignimbrites, flint and basalt to manufacture tools and weapons. Some of his descendants knew how to use lava extrusions to make homes with hard rock, cooking by steam at fumaroles or on naturally hot rocks and how to use thermal waters and muds in the hygiene of the body, in the curing of wounds and in tempering arrows and lances used for hunting and for war. Washing and bathing from thermo-mineral springs, irrigation and therapeutic and recreation applications occurred at di#erent times in diverse ancient cultures spread in all the continents. Bathing in geothermal waters was an essential part of life in many advanced old civilizations. There is a long line of bathing culture started with antique prototypes in the Old World of Greeks, Romans, Turks, Chinese, Finnish, Japanese, Jews, Arabs, Mesoamericans, Maoris, Koreans and Indonesians. Spas (Salus Per Aquis) or health through waters containing mineral components, were used for curing not only rheumatic, sciatic, gynecological and other physical diseases but also for treating psychiatric problems and for relaxation. Geothermal energy also played an important role on human occupancy of some territories, because volcanic activity should have determined alternate emigration-immigration fluctuations over the population in the a#ected zones. At the same time, the economical, social, agricultural and craftsmanship development of the people living in volcanic sites were influenced by volcanic eruptions. The mythical religious interpretations of geothermal phenomena occurred very early, reflecting a profound respect toward terrestrial heat. Many ancient cultures throughout the world developed close to recent volcanic apparatus interacting with geothermal events. Now their descedants are developing and using spas, space heating/cooling and agricultural geothermic programs, while others are commercializing its by-products or building greenhouses and electrical power generation plants. This perspective emphasizes the prehistoric antiquity of the cognitive processes and practical uses of geothermal phenomena. +1 -3 .* .+
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