Design A 改-明朝 2013 COILS・TRANSFORMERS・FILTERS & ANTENNAS コイル・トランス・フィルタ&アンテナ Headquarters / 本 社 営 業 拠 点 18, Ohaza, Gomigaya, Tsurugashima-shi, Saitama-ken, 350-2281, Japan 〒350-2281 埼玉県鶴ヶ島市大字五味ヶ谷18番地 Tel : 049-285-2511 Fax : 049-286-7381 ● 営 業センター 〒350-2281 埼玉県鶴ヶ島市大字五味ヶ谷18 Tel 049-250-2291 Fax 049-279-1811 ● 東 京オフィス 〒170-0013 東京都豊島区東池袋1-17-8 NBF池袋シティビル3F Tel 03-5960-0350 Fax 03-5960-0348 ● 大 阪 営 業 所 〒532-0003 大阪市淀川区宮原2-14-10 中尾ロイヤルビル6F Tel 06-6395-6411 Fax 06-6395-6416 ● 名古屋営業所 〒465-0093 名古屋市名東区一社2-87 プラザ・タマ2F Tel 052-703-2247 Fax 052-703-2009 この印刷物は、適切に管理された森林からの原料を含むFSC®認証紙と植物油インキを使用しています。 墨DIC128 CATALOG No. C-052002 Printed in Japan '12.09 2K (HK) Coils・Transformers・ Filters & Antennas 東光株式会社 背幅3mm Balun Transformers バルントランス DC-DC Converter Transformers DC-DCコンバータトランス Inverter Transformers インバータトランス Dielectric Filters/Duplexers 誘電体フィルタ/デュプレクサ Diplexers/Triplexers ダイプレクサ/トリプレクサ Transponder Coils トランスポンダコイル Dielectric Antennas 誘電体アンテナ コイル・トランス NOTICE 1. Please be sure that you carefully discuss your planned purchase with our sales division if you intend to use the products in this catalog under conditions where particularly extreme standards of reliability are required, or if you intend to use products for applications other than those listed in this catalog. ¡Power drive products for automobile, ship or aircraft transport systems; steering and navigation systems, emergency signal communications systems, and any system other than those mentioned above which include electronic sensors, measuring, or display devices, and which could cause major damage to life, limb or property if misused or failure to function. ¡Medical devices for measuring blood pressure, pulse, etc., treatment units such as coronary pacemakers and heat treatment units, and devices such as artificial organs and artificial limb systems which augment physiological functions. ¡Electrical instruments, equipment or systems used in disaster or crime prevention. 2. This catalog is effective from Sep. 2012. Note that the contents are subject to change or discontinuation without notice. When placing orders, please confirm specifications and delivery conditions in writing. 3. TOKO is not responsible for any problems nor for any infringement of third party patents or any other intellectual property rights that may arise from the use or method of use of the products listed in this catalog. Moreover, this catalog does not signify that TOKO agrees implicitly or explicitly to license any patent rights or other intellectual property rights which it holds. 4. None of ozone depleting substances(ODS) under the Montreal Protocol is used in manufacturing process of us. ご注意 1. このカタログに記載の製品について、極めて高い信頼性が要求される以下の用途でのご使用を ご検討の場合、またはこのカタログに記載された用途以外でのご使用をご検討の場合は、必ず 事前に当社営業窓口までご相談ください。 ¡ 自動車、船舶、航空機などの交通輸送システムにおける動力駆動系・操舵航法系・非常信号 通信系および上記以外の系であってもその誤動作や機能停止が人命・身体・財産に重大な損 害をもたらす恐れのある電子的手段による検出・計測・制御・表示などの機能を含む系。 ¡ 血圧や心拍数などの医用計測装置、心臓ペースメーカや温熱療法などの治療装置、人工臓器 や人工義足手システムなどの生体機能補助装置。 ¡ 防災または防犯用電気機器・設備・システム。 2. このカタログの記載内容は 現在のものです。記載内容を予告なく変更あるいは 2012年9月 製造を中止することがあります。ご注文に際しては仕様・納入仕様書などの取り交わしをお願 いします。 3. このカタログに記載された製品の使用法および回路を適用したり使用したことから生じる諸問 題および第三者の特許権その他の知的財産権の侵害に対して、当社はその責任を負いません。 また、当社の特許権その他の知的財産権の黙示その他による実施許諾は致しません。 4. 当社の製造工程では、モントリオール議定書で規制されているオゾン層破壊物質(ODS)は一切 使用しておりません。 表2 背幅3mm 表3 Coils, Transformers, filters & Antennas ࠦࠗ࡞࠽࠹ࡦࠕޔ࠲࡞ࠖࡈޔࠬࡦ࠻ޔ Contents ⋡ᰴ 1 Balun Transformers / EMC Components ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬޔ㪜㪤㪚ࡁࠗ࠭ኻ╷ㇱຠ 2 DC-DC Converter Transformers 㪛㪚㪄㪛㪚ࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 3 CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 4 Dielectric Filters ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ 5 Diplexers / Triplexers ࠳ࠗࡊࠢࠨࠨࠢࡊ࠻ޔ 6 Transponder Coils ࠻ࡦࠬࡐࡦ࠳ࠦࠗ࡞ 7 Dielectric Antenna Elements ⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ 8 i Coils, Transformers, Filters & Antennas ࠦࠗ࡞࠻ࡦࠬࡈࠖ࡞࠲ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ CONTENTS Balun Transformers & EMC Components GHz-Filters Balun Transformers / Transformers for Frequency Mixer / Distributors / Splitters / Directional Couplers Chip Dielectric Filters (TDF Series) ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ/ᵄᢙࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ/ಽ㈩ེ/ಽጘེ/ ᣇะᕈ⛔วེ B4F............................................................ 2~4 B5F............................................................ 5~6 B5FL.......................................................... 7~8 Common-mode Chokes for IEEE1394 +'''↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ B4W .............................................................. 9 B5W ............................................................ 10 Common-mode Chokes for USB1.1 / USB2.0 / IEEE1394 / LVDS / DVI / HDM USB1.1/USB2.0/IEEE1394/LVDS/DVI/HDM↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ NT2012 ....................................................... 11 Common-mode Chokes for Smart Entry System ࠬࡑ࠻ࠛࡦ࠻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ BH8S........................................................... 12 DC-DC Converter Transformers SMT DC-DC Converter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ↪DC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 5CA ............................................................. 14 6CA ............................................................. 14 8CA ............................................................. 15 10CA ........................................................... 15 R10F ........................................................... 16 R12F ........................................................... 16 R15F ........................................................... 16 ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲㧔TDFࠪ࠭㧕 Part numbering system ຠ⇟᭴ᚑ Dimensions ᄖᒻኸᴺ ....................................22 TDF series for Wireless Broadband Communication ή✢.#0 ઁޔ............................................. 23, 26 TDF series for Mobile & Cordless Phone ៤Ꮺ㔚 ઁޔ........................................... 24, 26 TDF Series for Automotive & Satelite Radio ゞタ㔚ⵝⴡޔᤊࠫࠝ ઁޔ......................... 25, 26 Dielectric Filters 700~2500MHz ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ #4DFA..........................................................28 #4DFB..........................................................28 #AF3B..........................................................30 #AF3C..........................................................30 #AF5D..........................................................30 #6DFA..........................................................31 #6DFB..........................................................31 #6DFC .........................................................32 #6DFSC .......................................................32 #6DFSD .......................................................33 Antenna Duplexers ࠕࡦ࠹࠽࠺ࡘࡊࠢࠨ #6DPF..........................................................34 #6DPH .........................................................34 Precautions for using Dielectric Filters surface mount type 㕙ታⵝ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ߏ↪ߩᵈᗧ.....................35 Recommended soldering conditions ផᅑߪࠎߛઃߌ᧦ઙ .............................................35 Dielectric Waveguide Filters CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers CCFL Driving Inverter Transformer 㕙ታⵝ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ BLC4115 .................................................... 18 BLC4115L .................................................. 18 CLT4123 .................................................... 18 BLC4204 .................................................... 19 BLC4204B.................................................. 19 BLC4206 .................................................... 19 BLC4206B.................................................. 19 ⺃㔚ዉᵄ▤ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ WDFM ..........................................................38 Diplexers & Triplexers Diplexers for Digital CATV Set Top Box and Cable Modem ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞%#68࠶࠻࠻࠶ࡊࡏ࠶ࠢࠬ↪ࡓ࠺ࡕ࡞ࡉࠤޔ ࠳ࠗࡊࠢࠨ DIP1A ...........................................................40 DIP2A ...........................................................40 DIP1S ...........................................................40 DIP1H ...........................................................40 DIP1K ...........................................................40 Triplexer for MoCA Set /Q%#ะߌ࠻ࡊࠢࠨ TRP1A ..........................................................41 ii Coils, Transformers, Filters & Antennas ࠦࠗ࡞࠻ࡦࠬࡈࠖ࡞࠲ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ Transponder Coils Packaging, Sample order sheet, Type code Transponder Coils for Surface Mounting Packaging of Coils, Transformers & Filters 㕙ታⵝ↪࠻ࡦࠬࡐࡦ࠳ࠦࠗ࡞ ࠦࠗ࡞࠻ࡦࠬ㧒ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ߩ൮ⵝ㧔⥄േൻኻᔕ㧕 Dielectric Antenna Element Dielectric Antenna Element for GPS )25↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAKC .......................................................... 48 DAM ............................................................ 48 DAG ............................................................ 48 DAXC .......................................................... 48 DAS............................................................. 48 DAU............................................................. 48 Reel Packaging ࡞ࡄ࠶ࠤࠫ ............................................54 Surface Mounting Type, Reel / Tape List 㕙ታⵝ↪ࠦࠗ࡞ኻᔕ㧔࡞/࠹ࡊ㧕৻ⷩ......... 54 Sample Order Sheets ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ⹜ᵈᢥᦠ ..............................55 List of TOKO Type Code ᧲శ࠲ࠗࡊࠦ࠼৻ⷩ.......................................... 57 1 Contents SA3M12 ...................................................... 44 SA3M08 ...................................................... 45 SA3D14....................................................... 46 2 Dielectric Antenna Element for GLONASS ).10#55↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAKC .......................................................... 49 DAG ............................................................ 49 3 Dielectric Antenna Element for GPS & GLONASS )25).10#55↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAKC .......................................................... 49 DAXC .......................................................... 49 4 Dielectric Antenna Element for SDARS ⴡᤊ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞ࠝ࠺ࠖࠝࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAA............................................................. 50 DAV............................................................. 50 DAH............................................................. 50 5 Dielectric Antenna Element for ETC / DSRC '6%5-↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAT ............................................................. 51 6 7 8 9 iii Coils, Transformers, Filters & Antennas ࠦࠗ࡞࠻ࡦࠬࡈࠖ࡞࠲ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ Situation of TOKO products for RoHS Directive* Please see our company home-page about an approach for RoHS Directive and the latest situation. TOKO home-page ᧲శຠ䈱RoHSᜰ*ኻᔕ䈮䈧䈇䈩 RoHSᜰ䈮㑐䈚䈩䈱ข䉍⚵䉂䈶ᦨᣂ䈱ኻᔕ⁁ᴫ䈲 ᑷ␠䊖䊷䊛䊕䊷䉳㩷 䉕䈗ⷩਅ䈘䈇䇯 *RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) iv Balun Transformers & EMC Components ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ㧒EMCࡁࠗ࠭ኻ╷ㇱຠ CONTENTS 1 Balun Transformers / Transformers for Frequency Mixer / Distributors / Splitters / Directional couplers ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ㧛ᵄᢙࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ㧛ಽ㈩ེ㧛ಽጘེ㧛ᣇะᕈ⛔วེ Transformers for Frequency Mixers㧛ᵄᢙࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ Type P iac B4F Winding Turns 2 ½T4 3 ½T4 4 ½T4 5 ½T4 300 #617DB-1673 #617DB-1674 #617DB-1675 #617DB-1714 B5F 300 #458DB-1614 #458DB-1615 #458DB-1616 B5FL 300 #616DB-1196 #616DB-1197 #616DB-1198 4T(CT):2T 6T(CT):3T 8T(CT):4T 10T(CT):5T B4F 300 #617PT-1667 #617PT-1669 #617PT-1699 #617PT-1664 300 #458PT-1619 #458PT-1586 #458PT-1587 #458PT-1565 #616PT-1202 #616PT-1203 B5F 230 B5FL 300 #616PT-1201 2 8 4 6 ̆ 5 ̆ 7 ̆ 2 Page Balun Transformers & EMC Components Internal Connections 3 2 5 4 7 Balun Transformers㧛ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ 2 ½T2 3 ½T2 4 ½T2 5 ½T2 B4F 300 1500 #617DB-1653 #617DB-1643 #617DB-1654 #617DB-1644 #617DB-1655 #617DB-1645 #617DB-1724 #617DB-1646 B5FL 300 #616DB-1191 #616DB-1192 #616DB-1193 #616DB-1194 5 3 Distributors㧛ಽ㈩ེ Ԙ-ԙ=1T,ԙ-Ԛ=3T,ԛ-Ԝ=Ԝ-ԝ=2T B4F Ԙ-ԙ=1T,ԙ-Ԛ=4T,ԛ-Ԝ=Ԝ-ԝ=3T 300 #617DS-1676 #617DS-1711 1500 #617DS-1727 #617DS-1710 Splitters/Directional Couplers㧛ಽጘེ/ᣇะᕈ⚿วེ B4F B5F 300 300 Ԙ-ԝ, Ԛ-ԛ=½T Ԙ-ԝ, Ԛ-ԛ=½T Ԙ-ԝ, Ԛ-ԛ=½T Ԙ-ԝ, Ԛ-ԛ=½T ԙ-ԛ, ԙ-ԝ=2½T ԙ-ԛ, ԙ-ԝ=3½T ԙ-ԛ, ԙ-ԝ=4½T ԙ-ԛ, ԙ-ԝ=5½T #617PS-1660 #617PS-1661 #617PS-1662 #617PS-1663 ̆ #458PS-1623 #458PS-1624 #458PS-1625 7 4 6 #; RoHS Compliant 8 Common-mode Choke-Coils for Signal Processing ାภ↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢࠦࠗ࡞ B4W ........................................................................................................................9 B5W ......................................................................................................................10 NT2012 .................................................................................................................11 9 Common-mode Choke-Coils for Smart Entry System ࠬࡑ࠻ࠛࡦ࠻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢࠦࠗ࡞ BH8S.....................................................................................................................12 1 Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE B4F 5-0.45 Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) x RoHS compliant x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TOKO Part No. #617DB-1673 #617DB-1674 #617DB-1675 #617DB-1714 (Unit: mm) Winding Turns 1-6=2-4=2-6=3-4 2 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 4 1/2 T 5 1/2 T Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Piac 300 300 300 300 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #617DB-1673 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 2) #617DB-1714 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 TOKO Part No. #617PT-1667 #617PT-1669 #617PT-1699 #617PT-1664 Winding Turns 1-2=2-3=4-6 2T 3T 4T 5T Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #617PT-1667 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 2 Piac 300 300 300 300 2) #617PT-1664 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) Balun Transformers ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE B4F Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Balun Transformers ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ TOKO Part No. Winding Turns Piac #617DB-1653 #617DB-1654 #617DB-1655 #617DB-1724 2 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 4 1/2 T 5 1/2 T 300 300 300 300 1 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #617DB-1653 50::50: 2) #617DB-1654 50::50: Balun Transformers & EMC Components 2 3 3) #617DB-1655 50::50: 4) #617DB-1724 50::50: 4 TOKO Part No. Winding Turns Piac #617DB-1643 #617DB-1644 #617DB-1645 #617DB-1646 2 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 4 1/2 T 5 1/2 T 1500 1500 1500 1500 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #617DB-1643 50::50: 5 Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Balun Transformers ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ 6 2) #617DB-1644 50::50: 7 8 3) #617DB-1645 50::50: 4) #617DB-1646 50::50: 9 3 Distributors / Splitters / Couplers ಽ㈩ེ㧛ಽጘེ㧛ᣇะᕈ⚿วེ TYPE B4F Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Distributors ಽ㈩ེ TOKO Part No. #617DS-1676 #617DS-1711 #617DS-1727 #617DS-1710 Winding Turns 1-2 2-3 4-5=5-6 1T 3T 2T 1T 4T 3T 1T 3T 2T 1T 4T 3T Piac 300 300 1500 1500 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #617DS-1676 50:♽ 2) #617DS-1711 50:♽ 3) #617DS-1727 50:♽ 4) #617DS-1710 50:♽ Splitters/Directional Couplers ಽጘེ/ᣇะᕈ⚿วེ Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 TOKO Part No. #617PS-1660 #617PS-1661 #617PS-1662 #617PS-1663 Winding Turns 1-6=3-4 2-4=2-6 1/2 T 2 1/2 T 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 1/2 T 4 1/2 T 1/2 T 5 1/2 T BR I.L.(dB) at 100MHz 10.7 13.0 14.7 16.2 Piac 300 300 300 300 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #617PS-1660 50:♽ 2) #617PS-1661 50:♽ 3) #617PS-1662 50:♽ 4) #617PS-1663 50:♽ 4 Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE B5F Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TOKO Part No. #458DB-1614 #458DB-1615 #458DB-1616 1 x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Winding Turns 1-6=2-4=2-6=3-4 2 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 4 1/2 T Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Piac 2 300 300 300 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #458DB-1614 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) Balun Transformers & EMC Components x RoHS compliant (Unit: mm) 3 2) #458DB-1615 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 4 3) #458DB-1616 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 5 Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TOKO Part No. #458PT-1619 #458PT-1586 #458PT-1587 #458PT-1565 Winding Turns 1-2=2-3=4-6 2T 3T 4T 5T Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 6 Piac 300 230 230 230 7 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #458PT-1619 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 2) #458PT-1586 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 8 3) #458PT-1587 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 9 4) #458PT-1565 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 5 Splitters / Directional Couplers ಽጘེ㧛ᣇะᕈ⚿วེ TYPE B5F Splitters/Directional Couplers ಽጘེ/ᣇะᕈ⚿วེ TOKO Part No. #458PS-1623 #458PS-1624 #458PS-1625 Winding Turns 1-6=3-4 2-4=2-6 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 1/2 T 4 1/2 T 1/2 T 5 1/2 T Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #458PS-1623 50:♽ 3) #458PS-1625 50:♽ 6 BR I.L.(dB) at 100MHz 12.5 14.0 16.0 Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Piac 300 300 300 2) #458PS-1624 50:♽ Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE B5FL Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ 3.8 (Unit: mm) Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TOKO Part No. #616DB-1196 #616DB-1197 #616DB-1198 1 x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Winding Turns 1-6=2-4=2-6=3-4 2 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 4 1/2 T Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Piac 2 300 300 300 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #616DB-1196 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) Balun Transformers & EMC Components x RoHS compliant (Unit: mm) 3 2) #616DB-1197 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 4 3) #616DB-1198 (Impedance Ratio=50:200) 5 Transformers for Frequency Mixer ࡒࠠࠨ↪࠻ࡦࠬ TOKO Part No. #616PT-1201 #616PT-1202 #616PT-1203 Winding Turns 1-2=2-3=4-6 2T 3T 4T Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #616PT-1201 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 6 Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Piac 300 300 300 7 2) #616PT-1202 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 8 9 3) #616PT-1203 (Impedance Ratio=50::200:) 7 Balun Transformers ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE B5FL Test Circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 Balun Transformers ࡃ࡞ࡦ࠻ࡦࠬ TOKO Part No. Winding Turns Piac #616DB-1191 #616DB-1192 #616DB-1193 #616DB-1194 2 1/2 T 3 1/2 T 4 1/2 T 5 1/2 T 300 300 300 300 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1) #616DB-1191 50::50: 2) #616DB-1192 50::50: 3) #616DB-1193 50::50: 4) #616DB-1194 50::50: 8 Common-mode Chokes for IEEE1394/LVDS IEEE1394/LVDS↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ TYPE B4W Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ 1 (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 x x x x Common mode chokes for IEEE1394/LVDS 100/200/400 Mbps 2 chokes in one (for TPA, TPB) RoHS compliant x x x x IEEE1394/LVDS↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ 100/200/400 Mbpsኻᔕ 2࿁〝ౝ⬿㧔1㧛ࡐ࠻㧕 RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Electrical Characteristics 㔚᳇⊛․ᕈ ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #944CM-0051 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) 100MHz 300MHz 8.0 r 2.5 12.8 r 3.0 50MHz 5.0 r 2.0 2 Balun Transformers & EMC Components Features Pin Connections ធ⛯࿑ 3 500MHz 15.0 r 3.0 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ Insertion Loss Characteristics of B4W 4 Impedance Characteristics of B4W 5 6 Test circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 x Common mode x Normal mode 7 #1(#3) #8(#6) OUT #2(#4) #7(#5) R=50: R=50: IN TPA(TPB) 8 Applications ↪ㅜ Ideal for use as common-mode chokes for IEEE1394 interface. 9 9 Common-mode Chokes for IEEE1394/LVDS IEEE1394/LVDS↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ TYPE B5W Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 Features x x x x Common mode chokes for IEEE1394/LVDS 100/200/400 Mbps 2 chokes in one (for TPA, TPB) RoHS compliant x x x x IEEE1394/LVDS↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ 100/200/400 Mbpsኻᔕ 2࿁〝ౝ⬿㧔1㧛ࡐ࠻㧕 RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Electrical Characteristics 㔚᳇⊛․ᕈ ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #857CM-0052 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) 100MHz 300MHz 8.0 r 2.5 12.0 r 3.0 50MHz 3.6 r 2.0 Pin Connections ធ⛯࿑ 500MHz 14.0 r 3.0 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ Insertion Loss Characteristics of B5W Impedance Characteristics of B5W Test circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 x Common mode x Normal mode #1(#3) #8(#6) OUT #2(#4) #7(#5) R=50: R=50: IN Applications ↪ㅜ Ideal for use as common-mode chokes for IEEE1394 interface. 10 TPA(TPB) Common-mode Chokes for USB1.1/USB2.0/IEEE1394/LVDS/DVI/HDMI USB1.1/USB2.0/IEEE1394/LVDS/DVI/HDMI↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ TYPE NT2012 Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) 1 (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 x Wire-wound miniature common mode choke. x 2 Line use (for Data Line ). x 985AH-1001 and 985BH-1007 passed USB-IF Compliance Program (HS/FS signal quality test) x Surface mount / Reflow soldering. x RoHS compliant x x x x x ዊဳᏎ✢࠲ࠗࡊߩࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ 2ࠗࡦኻᔕ㧔࠺࠲ࠗࡦ↪㧕 USB-IF Compliance Programߦㆡว 㕙ታⵝࡠࡈޔኻᔕ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Electrical Characteristics 㔚᳇⊛․ᕈ ⸥ภ ᧲శຠ⇟ Symbol TOKO Part Number A B C D E F 985AH-1001 985BH-1007 985DH-1022 985DH-1023 985DH-1025 985DH-1026 2 Pin Connections ធ⛯࿑ ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼ᝌ៊ᄬ ⋥ᵹᛶ᛫/ࠗࡦ ⋥ᵹ㔚ᵹ Common Mode Impedance Common Mode Insertion Loss DC Resistance DC Current 10MHz 100MHz 10MHz 100MHz 500MHz /Line (mA) Max. (:) Typ. (:) Typ. (dB) Max. (dB) Min. (dB) Min. (:) Max. 18 165 1.2 4.0 11.0 0.26 330 10 90 1.0 1.5 8.0 0.26 330 7 67 1.0 5.0(Max.) 5.0 0.16 420 14 120 1.0 2.0 7.0 0.21 370 28 260 1.5 6.0 14.0 0.31 310 38 370 2.0 6.5 15.0 0.36 280 Balun Transformers & EMC Components Features 3 4 5 Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ Impedance Characteristics of NT2012 Impedance Characteristics of NT2012 6 Insertion Loss Characteristics of NT2012 7 Insertion Loss Characteristics of NT2012 8 Applications ↪ㅜ Test circuit ᷹ቯ࿁〝 9 Ideal for use as common-mode chokes for USB1.1 / USB2.0 / IEEE1394 interface. USB1.1/USB2.0 Application IEEE1394 Application 11 Common Mode Choke for Smart Entry System ࠬࡑ࠻ࠛࡦ࠻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢ TYPE BH8S Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) Features x Most suitable common mode chokes for suppressing AM band radiation noise. x Rated DC Current 1.5A Max. (1.995A Typ./¨40°C) x 2 line x Operating temperature ; –40°C~+105°C (Including self-temperature rise) x RoHS compliant ․ 㐳 x x x x x AMᏪၞࡁࠗ࠭ᛥ↪ࠦࡕࡦࡕ࠼࠴࡚ࠢߦᦨㆡ ⋥ᵹᦨᄢ⸵ኈ㔚ᵹ1.5A Max. (1.995A Typ./Ǎ40°C) 2ࠗࡦ ↪᷷ᐲ▸࿐㧧㧙40°C㨪㧗105°C㧔⥄Ꮖ⊒ᾲࠍ㧕 RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ Insertion Loss Characteristics of 1065CM-1002 Impedance Characteristics of 1065CM-1002 Typical Applications ↪ㅜ Pin Connections ធ⛯࿑ ǍT vs DC (1065CM-1002) 12 SMT DC-DC Converter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ↪ DC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 1 2 DC-DC Converter Transformers 3 4 5 6 7 8 CONTENTS SMT DC-DC Converter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ↪DC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 5CA ......................................................................................................14 9 6CA ......................................................................................................14 8CA ......................................................................................................15 10CA ....................................................................................................15 R10F.....................................................................................................16 R12F.....................................................................................................16 R15F.....................................................................................................16 13 SMT DC-DC Converter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ↪ DC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE 5CA Frequency Range: 10~500kHz Maximum Conversion Power: 0.5~0.7W Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ *Available in heights 3.2mm, 4.2mm and 5.2mm (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 Features x 6.2 × 6.8 Max. square and 3.2mm, 4.2mm and 5.2mm Max. height. x Package design is ideal for automatic assembly. Available on 12mm embossed tape. x Available with up to 7 terminals to provide secondary winding or taps or function as DC-DC transformer. x Output power depends on the height. H=3.2mm : 0.5W Max. H=4.2mm : 0.6W Max. H=5.2mm: 0.7W Max. (Rated power by each specification) x DC-DC converter transformer for Flyback system. x RoHS compliant. x 6.26.8ⷺMax. 㜞ߐ3.2mmޔ4.2mmޔ5.2mm Max. x ⥄േᝌ߇น⢻ x ዊဳߩ㐽⏛〝᭴ㅧߩߚޔDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߣߒߡ ᦨㆡ x ജ㔚ജߪ㜞ߐኸᴺߦࠃࠅᰴߩㅢࠅ H㧩3.2mm㧦0.5W Max. H㧩4.2mm㧦0.6W Max. H㧩5.2mm㧦0.7W Max. 㧔⸵ኈ㔚ജߪ᭽ߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠆ㧕 x ࡈࠗࡃ࠶ࠢDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲↪࠻ࡦࠬ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ TYPE 6CA Frequency Range: 10~500kHz Maximum conversion power: 0.4~0.7W Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ *Available in heights 2.6mm, 3.0mm and 4.0mm (Unit: mm) Features ․ 㐳 x 7.04 × 6.5mm Max. square and 2.6mm, 3.0mm and 4.0mm Max. height. x Suitable for reflow soldering. x Available on tape and reel for automatic insertion. x DC converter transformer with 8 terminals for a maximum of 4 outputs. x Output power depends on the height. H=2.6mm : 0.4W Max. H=3.0mm : 0.6W Max. H=4.0mm: 0.7W Max. (Rated power by each specification) x DC-DC converter transformer for Flyback system. x RoHS compliant. x 7.046.5mmⷺMax. 㜞ߐ2.6ޔ3.0ޔ4.0mm Max. x ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕ x ⥄േታⵝኻᔕߩ࠹ࡇࡦࠣ⚊น⢻ x 8ᧄ┵ሶߢᦨᄢ4ജߩDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ x ജ㔚ജߪ㜞ߐኸᴺߦࠃࠅᰴߩㅢࠅ H㧩2.6mm㧦0.4W Max. H㧩3.0mm㧦0.6W Max. H㧩4.0mm㧦0.7W Max. 㧔⸵ኈ㔚ജߪ᭽ߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠆ㧕 x ࡈࠗࡃ࠶ࠢDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲↪࠻ࡦࠬ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD TRANSFORMERS Please inquire for detailed specifications for Transformers. 䊃䊤䊮䉴᭽䈲䇮䈍䈇ว䉒䈞ਅ䈘䈇䇯㩷 14 (Unit: mm) SMT DC-DC Converter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ↪DC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE 8CA Frequency Range: 10~500kHz Maximum conversion power: 0.8W Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ 1 *:Height 2.9Max. (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) 2 ․ 㐳 x x x x 8.5 × 8.8mm Max. square and 2.9mm Max. height. Suitable for reflow soldering. Available on tape and reel for automatic insertion. DC converter transformer with 8 terminals for a maximum of 4 outputs. x Output power : 0.8W Max. (Rated power by each specification) x DC-DC converter transformer for Flyback system. x RoHS compliant. x x x x 8.58.8mmⷺMax. 㜞ߐ2.9mm Max. ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕ ⥄േታⵝኻᔕߩ࠹ࡇࡦࠣ⚊น⢻ 8ᧄ┵ሶߢᦨᄢ4ജߩDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 3 x ജ㔚ജ㧦0.8W Max.㧔⸵ኈ㔚ജߪ᭽ߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠆ㧕 x ࡈࠗࡃ࠶ࠢDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲↪࠻ࡦࠬ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ DC-DC Converter Transformers Features 4 TYPE 10CA Recommended patterns Frequency Range: 10~500kHz Maximum conversion power: 1.0~2.0W 5 ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ 6 *Available in heights 3.5mm and 4.5mm (Unit: mm) 7 ․ 㐳 Features x x x x (Unit: mm) 10.3 × 10.8mm Max. square and 3.5, 4.5mm Max. height. Suitable for reflow soldering. Available on tape and reel for automatic insertion. DC converter transformer with 10 terminals for a maximum of 5 outputs. x Output power depends on the height. H=3.5mm : 1.0W Max. H=4.5mm : 2.0W Max. (Rated power by each specification) x DC-DC converter transformer for Flyback system. x RoHS compliant. x x x x 10.310.8mmⷺMax. 㜞ߐ3.5, 4.5mm Max. ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕ ⥄േታⵝኻᔕߩ࠹ࡇࡦࠣ⚊น⢻ 10ᧄ┵ሶߢᦨᄢ5ജߩDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 8 x ജ㔚ജߪ㜞ߐኸᴺߦࠃࠅᰴߩㅢࠅ H㧩3.5mm㧦1.0W Max. H㧩4.5mm㧦2.0W Max. 㧔⸵ኈ㔚ജߪ᭽ߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠆ㧕 x ࡈࠗࡃ࠶ࠢDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲↪࠻ࡦࠬ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ 9 SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD TRANSFORMERS Please inquire for detailed specifications for Transformers. 䊃䊤䊮䉴᭽䈲䇮䈍䈇ว䉒䈞ਅ䈘䈇䇯㩷 15 SMT DC-DC Converter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ↪DC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE R10F Frequency Range: 1~500kHz Inductance Range: 0.01~350mH Maximum conversion power: 1.5W (Flyback system) Recommended patterns PITCH=2.5 ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) TYPE R12F Frequency Range: 8~200kHz Inductance Range: 1~450mH Maximum conversion power: 2.0W (Flyback system) Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) TYPE R15F Frequency Range: 8~200kHz Inductance Range: 1~600mH Maximum conversion power: 4.0W (Flyback system) Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) Features ․ 㐳 x R10F: 13.0 × 11.5mm Max. square and 6.2mm Max. height. R12F: 14.5 × 13mm Max. square and 6.0mm Max. height. R15F: 16.5 × 16mm Max. square and 7.0mm Max. height. x Suitable for reflow soldering. x Available on tape and reel for automatic insertion. x Multi-output DC-DC converter transformers for low-output power supplies. x Rated power by each specification. x RoHS compliant. x R10F㧦13.011.5mmⷺMax. 㜞ߐ6.2mm Max. R12F㧦14.513mmⷺMax. 㜞ߐ6.0mm Max. R15F㧦16.516mmⷺMax. 㜞ߐ7.0mm Max. x ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕ x ⥄േታⵝኻᔕߩ࠹ࡇࡦࠣ⚊น⢻ x ࡈࠗࡃ࠶ࠢDC-DCࠦࡦࡃ࠲↪ᄙജ࠻ࡦࠬ x ⸵ኈ㔚ജߪ᭽ߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠆ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD TRANSFORMERS Please inquire for detailed specifications for Transformers. 䊃䊤䊮䉴᭽䈲䇮䈍䈇ว䉒䈞ਅ䈘䈇䇯㩷 16 (Unit: mm) CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 1 2 3 CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers 4 5 6 PRECAUTIONS The inverter transformer generates high voltage and should not be touched during operation. 7 ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߪޔ㜞㔚ࠍ⊒↢ߐߖߡ߹ߔޕ ㅢ㔚ਛߪ⛘ኻߦ⸅ࠄߥߢߊߛߐޕ 8 CONTENTS CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers 㕙ታⵝ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 9 ゞタ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ BLC4115/BLC4115L ...........................................................................18 CLT4123 .............................................................................................18 BLC4204/BLC4204B...........................................................................19 BLC4206/BLC4206B...........................................................................19 17 CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ Max. 6.5 & 5.5W, Medium & Large size LCD Monitors and vehicle applications ᄢဳᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲㧔14ࠗࡦ࠴એᦨޔᄢ6.5 & 5.5W㧕㧛ゞタ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE BLC4115/BLC4115L (Unit: mm) Description The BLC4115/4115L are a CCFL driving surface mount inverter transformers which height are Max. 6.7/6.0mm and formed by EIR ferrite cores. It is suitable for Hand held personal computer and LCD monitors for 14 inch size or more and LCD monitor for automotive monitors. Features x x x x x x Small and low-profile h= 6.7/6.0mm Max. height. Suitable for reflow soldering. Tandem structure of unit without the ballast capacitor. Available for mounting machine due to sipply in form of tray. Universal out-put terminals for high-voltage. RoHS compliant. (Unit: mm) ⷐ BLC4115/BLC4115LߪޔEIRࠦࠕࠍ↪ߒߚ㜞ߐ6.7/6.0mm Max.ߩ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟 േ↪㕙ታⵝࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߢߔޕ ࡁ࠻ဳࡄ࠰ࠦࡦ߿14ࠗࡦ࠴એߩᄢ↹㕙ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲ޔゞタ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲ߥߤߦ ᦨㆡߢߔޕ ․ 㐳 x x x x x x ዊဳޔૐ⢛㧦h=6.7/6.0mm Max. ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕ ࠲ࡦ࠺ࡓဳ᭴ㅧߩὑ߽ࠬࠨࡦ࠺ࡦࠦ࠻ࠬࡃޔน⢻ ⥄േታⵝኻᔕߩ࠹ࡇࡦࠣ⚊น⢻ 㜞࡙࠾ࡃࠨ࡞ജ┵ሶ᭴ㅧ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ STANDARD PARTS SELECTION GUIDE BLC4115/BLC4115L TOKO Part Number Input Voltage Range (V) Output Open Voltage (Vrms) Power Consumption of CCFL (W) Oscillation Frequency (kHz) Operating Temperature Range (qC) BLC4115/BLC4115L 5~27 1500 Max. (2550Vo-p Max. 2sec.) 6.5/5.5 Max. 40~100 㵨20 ~ +70*(+85) Characteristics are different depending on operating conditions. / ᭽ߪ᧦↪ߏޔઙߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ (85°C)㧦Without ballast capacitance./ࡃࠬ࠻ࠬ᭽ߩ႐วߢߔޕ Max. 8W, Medium & Large size LCD Monitors and vehicle applications ᄢဳᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲㧔14ࠗࡦ࠴એᦨޔᄢ8W㧕㧛ゞタ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE CLT4123 (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) Description ⷐ Surface mount inverter transformer for CCFL driving. Suitable as an inverter transformer for LCD backlight. (14inch or larger LCD monitor or LCD monitor for automotive application.) The pin type is parts number CLTP4123. ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪㕙ታⵝࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߢߔޕ ᶧ᥏ࡃ࠶ࠢࠗ࠻↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߦᦨㆡߢߔ㧔14ࠗࡦ࠴એߩࡕ࠾࠲ޔゞタ ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲࠻ࡦࡔ࠭ࡘࡒࠕޔᯏེߥߤߦᦨㆡ㧕ޕ ࡇࡦ࠲ࠗࡊߩຠ⇟ߪCLTP4123ޕ Features ․ 㐳 x Original vertical structure. x Low heat and high efficiency are achieved by using ferrite core of high Bs and low los. x Available for mounting machine due to supply in a form of tray. x Ballast capacitor free system. x Suitable for reflow soldering. x RoHS compliant. x x x x x x ⁛⥄ߩ❑ဳ᭴ㅧ 㜞Bsૐ៊ᄬߩᣂࠦࠕ᧚↪ߦࠃࠅޔૐ⊒ᾲޔ㜞ല₸ࠍታ ࠻ࠗߦࠃࠆଏ⛎߇น⢻ߢ⥄േታⵝߦᦨㆡ ࡃࠬ࠻ࠦࡦࠬᣇᑼ ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ STANDARD PARTS SELECTION GUIDE CTL4123 TOKO Part Number CLT4123 Input Voltage Range (V) DC36V Max. Output Open Voltage (Vrms) 1800 Max. 3200Vo-p/3sec Power Consumption of CCFL (W) 8 Max./ch. 䋨35kHz/IC㚟േᤨ䋩 Characteristics are different depending on operating conditions. / ᭽ߪ᧦↪ߏޔઙߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ (+85°C) ; Without ballast capacitance. / ࡃࠬ࠻ࠬ᭽ߩ႐วߢߔޕ 18 Oscillation Frequency (kHz) 30~70 Operating Temperature Range (qC) 㵨20 ~ +70 CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ 2 in1 type, Max.3.5W/ch, LCD Monitors for 14 inch size or more and vehicle applications ᄢဳᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲㧔14ࠗࡦ࠴એᦨޔᄢ3.5W/ch㧕㧛ゞタ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE BLC4204/BLC4204B (Unit: mm) Description (Unit: mm) 1 ⷐ The BLC4204/BLC4204B is a CCFL driving surface mount inverter transformers which height is Max. 5.6mm and formed by EIR ferrite cores. Ideal for 14 inch or more LCD display and automotive monitors (Car navigation). BLC4204/BLC4204BߪޔEIRࠦࠕࠍ↪ߒߚ㜞ߐ5.6mm Max.ߩ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ 㕙ታⵝࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߢߔޕ 14ࠗࡦ࠴એߩᄢ↹㕙ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲↪ޔゞタ㧔ࠞ࠽ࡆ㧕↪ࡕ࠾࠲ߦᦨㆡߢߔޕ Features ․ 㐳 x x x x x Small and low-profile h=5.6mm Max. height. Tandem structure of the unit without the ballast capacitior. Transformer of two in one construction type.(1 input, 2 outputs/1 input, 1 output.) Suitable for reflow soldering. RoHS compliant. x x x x x ዊဳޔૐ⢛㧦h=5.6mm Max. ࠲ࡦ࠺ࡓဳ᭴ㅧߩࡃࠬ࠻ࠦࡦ࠺ࡦࠨࠬ࠲ࠗࡊ ࠷ࠗࡦࡢࡦ᭴ㅧߩࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ㧔1ജ2ജ/1ജ1ജኻᔕน⢻㧕 ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕน RoHS ᜰኻᔕ STANDARD PARTS SELECTION GUIDE 2 3 BLC4204/BLC4204B TOKO Part Number Input Voltage Range (V) Output Open Voltage (Vrms) Power Consumption of CCFL (W) Oscillation Frequency (kHz) Operating Temperature Range (qC) BLC4204 5~27 3.5 Max./2ch 40~100 㵨20 ~ +70*(+85) BLC4204B 5~27 1500 Max./ch (2550Vo-p Max. 2sec./ch) *2000 Max. (1000 Max./ch) (1750Vo-p Max. 2sec./ch) 7.0 Max. 40~100 㵨20 ~ +70*(+85) 4 CCFL Driving Inverter Transformers Characteristics are different depending on operating conditions.㧛᭽ߪ᧦↪ߏޔઙߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Use a floating-lamp topology.㧛ࡦࡊߪࡈࡠ࠹ࠖࡦࠣߢ↪ (85°C); Without ballast capacitance㧛ࡃࠬ࠻ࠦࡦ࠺ࡦࠨࠬ᭽ߩ႐วߢߔޕ 5 2 in 1 type, Max. 6.5W/ch, LCD Monitors for 14 inch size or more and vehicle applications ᄢဳᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲㧔14ࠗࡦ࠴એᦨޔᄢ6.5W/ch㧕㧛ゞタ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ TYPE BLC4206/BLC4206B 6 (Unit: mm) Description (Unit: mm) BLC4206/BLC4206BߪޔEIRࠦࠕࠍ↪ߒߚ㜞ߐMax. 7.0mmߩ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ 㕙ታⵝࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߢߔޕ 14ࠗࡦ࠴એߩᄢ↹㕙ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲ޔゞタ↪ᶧ᥏ࡕ࠾࠲ߥߤߦᦨㆡߢߔޕ Features ․ 㐳 x x x x x Small and low-profile h=7.0mm Max. height. Tandem structure of the unit without the ballast capacitor. Transformer of two in one construction type.(1 input, 2 outputs./1 input, 1 output.) Suitable for reflow soldering. RoHS compliant. 7 ⷐ The BLC4206/BLC4206B is a CCFL driving surface mount inverter transformers which height is Max. 7.0mm and formed by EIR ferrite cores. It is suitable for inverter transformers for 14 inch size or more LCD monitor for automotive monitors. x x x x x ዊဳޔૐ⢛㧦h=7.0mm Max. ࠲ࡦ࠺ࡓဳ᭴ㅧߩࡃࠬ࠻ࠦࡦ࠺ࡦࠨࠬ࠲ࠗࡊ ࠷ࠗࡦࡢࡦ᭴ㅧߩࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ㧔1ജ2ജ/1ജ1ജኻᔕน⢻㧕 ࡈࡠߪࠎߛኻᔕน RoHS ᜰኻᔕ 8 STANDARD PARTS SELECTION GUIDE BLC4206/BLC4206B TOKO Part Number Input Voltage Range (V) Output Open Voltage (Vrms) Power Consumption of CCFL (W) Oscillation Frequency (kHz) Operating Temperature Range (qC) BLC4206 5~27 6.5 Max./2ch 40~100 㵨20 ~ +70*(+85) BLC4206B 5~27 1500 Max./ch (2550Vo-p Max. 2sec./ch) *2000 Max. (1000 Max./ch) (1750Vo-p Max. 2sec./ch) 13.0 Max. 40~100 㵨20 ~ +70*(+85) 9 Characteristics are different depending on operating conditions.㧛᭽ߪ᧦↪ߏޔઙߦࠃࠅ⇣ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Use a floating-lamp topology.㧛ࡦࡊߪࡈࡠ࠹ࠖࡦࠣߢ↪ (85°C); Without ballast capacitance㧛ࡃࠬ࠻ࠦࡦ࠺ࡦࠨࠬ᭽ߩ႐วߢߔޕ 19 20 Chip Dielectric Filters ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ 1 2 3 4 Dielectric Filters 5 6 7 8 CONTENTS 9 Chip Dielectric Filters (TDF Series) ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲㧔TDFࠪ࠭㧕 Part numbering system ຠ⇟᭴ᚑ ............................................................ 22 Dimensions ᄖᒻኸᴺ .............................................................................. 22 TDF series for Wireless Broadband Communication.......................... 23, 26 TDF series for Mobile & Cordless Phone ........................................... 24, 26 TDF series for Automotive & Satellite Radio ...................................... 25, 26 21 Chip Dielectric Filters ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TDF Series عPart numbering system / ຠ⇟᭴ᚑ عDimensions / ᄖᒻኸᴺ TDFS Type TDFM Type TDF Type TDFH Type 2 Poles 3 Poles 4 Poles Unit: mm T1 T2 2.25 Max. 2.8 Max. 2.0 Max. 2.25 Max. 1.8 Max. 2.0 Max. x The length, L, is different depending on the part number. Refer to the separate table. 㐳ߐ(L)ߪຠ⇟Ფߦ⇣ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ T3 3.0 Max. 2.25 Max. 2.0 Max. x For the details of shapes regarding individual part numbers, contact us separately. ຠ⇟ߦ㑐ߔࠆᒻ⁁ߩ⚦ߦߟ߈߹ߒߡߪޔㅜ߅วࠊߖਅߐޕ عThe packing quantity / ᪿ൮ᢙ㊂ߦߟߡ The taping quantity per reel in Part Number tables is the quantity of standard packing. Please consult our sales or representative office when you hope for a different amount. ຠ⇟৻ⷩߦ⸥タߩ࠹ࡊ࡞Ფߩᪿ൮ᢙ㊂ߪᮡḰᪿ൮ᢙߢߔޕ ⇣ߥࠆᢙ㊂ࠍߏᏗᦸߩ႐วߪᑷ␠༡ᬺㇱ߹ߚߪ⽼ᄁ⓹ญߦߏ⋧⺣ਅߐޕ 22 T4 5.5 Max. 4.0 Max. Chip Dielectric Filters ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TDF series for Wireless Broadband Communication SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Numbers shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the device for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪޔᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ߚߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ ߹ߚߪઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ߊߛߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ 1 TDF Series ຠ Application Pcs/Reel 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN 2.4G-LAN WiMAX WiMAX WIMAX WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX WiMAX Wi MAX Wi MAX 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 5G-LAN 2000 2000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 2000 2000 1500 500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2 3 4 5 6 IN 8 Ԛ ԙ GND Ԙ 61-1 :# W × L × T (Max.) 5.7 × 5.1 × 2.25 4.5 × 5.2 × 2.0 6.5 × 5.1 × 2.0 9.0 × 5.15 × 2.0 3.2 × 3.0 × 1.8 5.7 × 5.1 × 2.25 5.7 × 5.1 × 2.25 4.5 × 5.1 × 2.0 4.5 × 5.2 × 2.0 6.5 × 5.35 × 2.0 6.5 × 4.05 × 1.90 6.5 × 4.75 × 1.90 6.5 × 4.5 × 2.5 11.5 × 5.9 × 3.8 6.5 × 4.5 × 2.5 6.5 × 4.75 × 1.90 6.5 × 4.4 × 2.0 4.5 × 4.5 × 2.25 4.5 × 3.3 × 2.25 9.0 × 3.3 × 2.25 3.2 × 3.25 × 1.8 9.0 × 3.1 × 2.25 3.2 × 3.2 × 1.8 3.2 × 3.05 × 1.87 3.2 × 3.05 × 1.8 4.5 × 2.9 × 2.25 4.5 × 2.9 × 2.25 ᢙ/࡞ 7 OUT Dimension (mm) ↪ㅜ Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ TDFH4C-2593X-10AP ᄖᒻኸᴺ Dielectric Filters ᧲శຠ⇟ ਛᔃᵄᢙ Ꮺၞ ᝌ៊ᄬ V.S.W.R. ㆬᛯᐲ TOKO Center Insertion V.S.W.R. Bandwidth Selectivity Part Frequency Loss in BW Number (MHz) (dB) Max. Max. (MHz) (dB) Min. (MHz) TDF2A-2450T-10AP 2450.0 Fo r 50.0 2.00 2.00 20, 16 (Fo í 280, + 280) TDFM1A-2450T-10AP 2450.0 Fo r 50.0 2.00 2.00 20, 16 (Fo í 280, + 280) TDFM1B-2450T-10AP 2450.0 Fo r 50.0 2.30 2.00 35, 30 (Fo í 430, + 350) TDFM1C-2450T-10AP 2450.0 Fo r 50.0 3.00 2.00 21, 32 (Fo r 150, í 200) TDFS8A-2450T-13AP 2450.0 Fo r 50.0 2.00 2.00 40 (Fo í 500) TDF2A-2484E-11AP 2484.0 Fo r 13.0 3.00 1.60 35, 30 (Fo r 350, r 700) TDF2A-2484E-12AP 2484.0 Fo r 13.0 2.00 1.60 25, 30 (Fo r 350, r 700) TDFM1A-2484E-10AP 2484.0 Fo r 13.0 2.00 2.00 25, 30 (Fo r 350, r 700) TDFM1A-2484E-11AP 2484.0 Fo r 13.0 3.00 2.00 35, 30 (Fo r 350, r 700) TDFM1B-2350T-11AP 2350.0 Fo r 50 2.30 2.00 35,30(1920,2700) TDFM1B-2546S-10AP 2546.0 Fo r 46.5 1.80 2.00 44, 40 (Fo r 412.5, r 868.5) TDFM1B-2639S-10AP 2639.5 Fo r 46.5 1.50 2.00 33, 35 (Fo r 410.5, r 866.5) TDFM3B-2593X-10A-01P 2593.0 Fo r 97 2.00 2.00 25(2275) TDFH4C-2593X-10AP 2593.0 Fo r 97 2.00 2.00 55,40, 30 (1393,2041,2377) TDFM3B-2596X-10AP 2596.0 Fo r 96 2.00 2.00 24,20(2200,3200) TDFM1B-2639S-10AP 2639.5 Fo r 46.5 1.50 2.00 33, 35 (Fo r 410.5, r 866.5) TDFS1C-3449T-10AP 3449.75 Fo r 50.25 1.50 2.00 40, 45 (Fo í 862, í 406) TDFM2A-3549T-10AP 3549.75 Fo r 50.25 1.40 2.00 31, 33 (Fo í 882, í 406) TDFM2A-4995X-10A-01P 4995.0 Fo r 95.5 1.50 2.00 20 (Fo í 795) TDFM2C-4995X-10AP 4995.0 Fo r 95.5 3.10 2.00 35, 50 (Fo í 560, Fo + 560) TDFS8A-5075Z-10AP 5075.0 Fo r 175.0 1.25 2.00 20 (4200) TDFM2C-5250X-10AP 5250.0 Fo r 100.0 3.00 2.00 35 (Fo í 400) TDFS8A-5250X-10AP 5250.0 Fo r 100.0 1.50 2.00 20 (Fo í 800) TDFS8A-5437Z-10AP 5437.5 Fo r 287.5 1.20 2.00 25 (Fo í 1937.5) TDFS8A-5500Z-10AP 5500.0 Fo r 350.0 1.00 2.00 25 (3500) TDFM2A-5775T-10A-01P 5775.0 Fo r 50.0 3.30 2.70 28 (5225.0~5325.0) TDFM2A-5775V-11AP 5775.0 Fo r 75.0 1.50 2.00 7,8 (Fo í 425, + 515) 9 6QNGTCPEGr Ԙ176 Ԛ +0 ԙ)0& 7PKVOO (Unit: mm) 23 Chip Dielectric Filters ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TDF series for Mobile & Cordless Phone SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Numbers shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the device for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪޔᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ߚߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ ߹ߚߪઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ߊߛߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ TDF Series ᧲శຠ⇟ ਛᔃᵄᢙ TOKO Center Part Frequency Number (MHz) TDF2A-836E-10AP 836.5 TDF2A-881E-10AP 881.5 TDFS8A-904A-11AP 904.0 TDFM2A-915E-10AP 915.0 TDFM2B-915E-10AP 915.0 TDFS1B-915E-10AP 915.0 TDFS8A-915E-10AP 915.0 TDFM1A-930A-12AP 930.5 TDFH5C-942G-11A-02P 942.5 TDFM2A-1090C-11AP 1090.0 TDFM1B-1747O-11AP 1747.5 TDFH5D-1842O-10A-01P 1842.5 TDFM1B-1842O-11AP 1842.5 TDFM2C-1870L-11AP 1870.0 TDFM1B-1880L-11AP 1880.0 TDFM3C-1880L-11AP 1880.0 TDF3B-1900H-11AP 1900.0 TDFM3A-1900H-10AP 1900.0 TDF3A-1907E-18AP 1907.0 TDF3A-1907E-19AP 1907.0 TDFM3A-1907E-11AP 1907.0 TDFM1B-1920V-10AP 1920.0 TDFM1B-1950L-10A-01P 1950.0 TDFM3C-1950L-10A-01P 1950.0 TDFH5D-1960L-11A-01P 1960.0 TDFM1B-1960L-11AP 1960.0 TDFM3B-1960L-13AP 1960.0 TDFM3C-1960L-10AP 1960.0 TDFM1B-2140L-10AP 2140.0 TDFM2C-2140L-10AP 2140.0 TDFM2C-2140L-11A-01P 2140.0 TDFS8B-2140L-10AP 2140.0 TDFM1B-2350X-12A-01P 2350.0 TDFS1C-3500X-11A-02P 3500.0 ᝌ៊ᄬ V.S.W.R. ㆬᛯᐲ Insertion V.S.W.R. Bandwidth Selectivity Loss in BW (dB) Max. Max. (MHz) (dB) Min. (MHz) Fo r 12.5 2.70 2.00 6 (Fo r 32.5) Fo r 12.5 2.70 2.00 6 (Fo r 32.5) Fo r 1.0 3.00 2.00 40 (Fo r 140) Fo r 13.0 3.00 2.00 12 (Fo r 50) Fo r 13.0 3.50 2.00 18 (Fo r 50) Fo r 13.0 4.50 2.00 32, 25 (Fo 㺍 77.5, + 77.5) Fo r 13.0 3.20 2.00 25, 17 (Fo 㺍 77.5, + 77.5) Fo r 1.5 3.50 2.00 40 (Fo 㺍 90) Fo r 17.5 4.00 2.00 20 (Fo 㺍 27.5) Fo r 7.0 5.50 2.50 35, 33 (Fo 㺍 80, + 80) Fo r 37.5 3.00 2.00 8, 25 (Fo r 80, r 160) Fo r 37.5 4.00 2.00 32 (Fo 㺍 57.5) Fo r 37.5 3.00 2.00 8, 25 (Fo r 80, r 160) Fo r 30.0 2.00 2.00 10(Fo 㺍 120) Fo r 30.0 3.00 2.00 34, 39 (Fo r 190, r 240) Fo r 30.0 4.00 2.00 12 (Fo + 50) Fo r 20.0 1.10 1.80 20 (Fo 㺍 480, + 210) Fo r 20.0 1.70 1.60 12, 20 (Fo 㺍 140, + 241) Fo r 12.5 0.75 1.50 45, 15 (Fo 㺍 486, 㺍 237) Fo r 12.5 0.65 1.50 35, 13 (Fo 㺍 486, 㺍 237) Fo r 12.0 1.60 1.50 35, 40 (Fo 㺍 486, 㺍 237) Fo r 70.0 2.00 2.00 25, 25 (Fo 㺍 350, + 780) Fo r 30.0 3.30 2.00 25 (Fo 㺍 230, + 160) Fo r 30.0 4.00 2.00 10(Fo r 50) Fo r 30.0 4.00 2.00 32 (Fo 㺍 50) Fo r 30.0 3.00 2.00 34, 39 (Fo r 190, r 240) Fo r 30.0 3.30 2.00 20 (1850~1910) Fo r 30.0 4.00 2.00 12 (Fo 㺍 50) Fo r 30.0 3.30 2.00 25 (Fo r 160) Fo r 30.0 2.00 2.00 10(Fo 㺍 160) Fo r 30.0 3.00 1.50 20(Fo r 160) Fo r 30.0 3.00 2.00 32(Fo 㺍 160) Fo r90.0 2.10 2.00 12(Fo - 240, +200) Fo r100.0 2.00 2.00 40(Fo - 400) Ꮺၞ ᄖᒻኸᴺ Dimension (mm) W × L × T (Max.) 5.7 × 9.9 × 2.25 5.7 × 9.4 × 2.25 3.2 × 8.5 × 1.8 4.5 × 7.7 × 2.25 6.5 × 7.9 × 2.25 4.5 × 8.3 × 2.0 3.2 × 8.4 × 1.8 4.5 × 7.5 × 2.0 11.5 × 8.4 × 5.5 4.5 × 7.6 × 2.25 6.5 × 4.75 × 2.0 14.1 × 6.6 × 5.5 6.5 × 4.5 × 2.0 9.0 × 6.25 × 2.1 6.5 × 4.4 × 2.0 9.0 × 6.8 × 2.8 6.5 × 5.3 × 3.0 4.5 × 3.8 × 2.8 5.7 × 6.1 × 3.0 5.7 × 5.9 × 3.0 4.5 × 3.8 × 2.8 6.5 × 4.1 × 2.0 6.5 × 4.2 × 2.0 9.0 x 6.55 x 2.6 14.1 × 6.1 × 5.5 6.5 × 4.2 × 2.0 6.5 × 6.0 × 2.8 9.0 × 6.4 × 2.8 6.5 × 5.85 × 2.0 9.0 × 6.4 × 2.1 9.0 x 5.8 x 2.1 4.5 × 3.65 × 1.7 6.5 x 5.4 x 1.9 6.5 x 4.3 x 1.9 ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ㧛Input Output impedance : 50: ຠ Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ TDFM1B-2140L-10AP (Unit: mm) 24 ↪ㅜ ᢙ/࡞ Application Pcs/Reel Cellular Cellular 900M-CT 900M-CT 900M-CT 900M-CT 900M-CT PAGER Cellular CATV Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular PHS PHS PHS PHS PHS Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular Cellular 1500 1500 2000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 500 1500 1500 500 1500 1500 2000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 500 2000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 1500 2000 Chip Dielectric Filters ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TDF series for Automotive & Satellite Radio SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Numbers shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the device for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪޔᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ߚߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ ߹ߚߪઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ߊߛߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ 1 TDF Series ᄖᒻኸᴺ Dimension (mm) W × L × T (Max.) 3.2 x 5.6 x 1.7 6.5 × 5.55 × 2.25 4.5 × 5.3 × 2.8 4.5 × 5.25 × 2.8 4.5 × 6.6 × 2.8 4.5 × 5.1 × 2.8 9.0 x 6.8 x 2.5 5.7 ×7.5 × 3.0 5.7 × 5.4 × 2.25 5.7 × 5.2 × 2.25 5.7 × 5.2 × 2.25 5.7 × 5.4 × 3.0 4.5 × 5.4 × 1.9 6.5 × 5.1 × 1.9 4.5 × 5.25 × 2.25 4.5 × 5.2 × 2.25 3.2 × 5.3 × 1.8 5.0 × 4.6 × 2.0 5.0 × 4.6 × 2.0 3.2 × 3.5 × 1.8 4.5 × 3.4 × 1.8 6.5 × 5.35 × 2.0 6.5 × 5.1 × 2.0 3.2 × 3.55 × 1.8 3.2 × 3.3 × 1.8 3.2 × 3.5 × 1.8 5.9 × 4.4 × 2.0 5.7 × 5.2 × 2.25 4.5 × 2.9 × 2.25 3.2 × 2.9 × 1.8 ↪ㅜ ᢙ/࡞ Application Pcs/Reel DAB DAB DAB DAB GPS+GLONASS GPS+GLONASS GPS+GLONASS GPS(L2) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) GPS(L1) SDARS SDARS SDARS SDARS SDARS SDARS SDARS SDARS SDARS SDARS VICS ETC/DSRC ETC/DSRC 2000 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ㧛Input Output impedance : 50: 2 3 4 5 Dielectric Filters ᧲శຠ⇟ ਛᔃᵄᢙ Ꮺၞ ᝌ៊ᄬ V.S.W.R. ㆬᛯᐲ TOKO Center Insertion V.S.W.R. Bandwidth Selectivity Part Freq. Loss in BW Number (MHz) (dB) Max. (MHz) (dB) Min. (MHz) TDFS8A-1472H-10AP 1472.0 Fo r 20.0 1.50 2.00 30,19(Fo - 567,Fo + 248) TDFM2B-1472H-10AP 1472.0 Fo r 20.0 3.00 2.00 34, 36 (Fo r 215, í 450) TDFM3A-1472H-10AP 1472.0 Fo r 20.0 1.80 2.00 38 (Fo í 422) TDFM3A-1472H-14AP 1472.0 Fo r 20.0 1.50 2.00 42 (Fo í 230) TDFM3A-1238I-10AP 1238.5 Fo r 21.5 1.80 2.00 10 (Fo r 140) TDFM3A-1590J-10AP 1590.0 Fo r 25.0 2.00 2.00 10 (Fo r 140) TDFM3C-1590H-10AP 1590.0 Fo r 16.0 3.20 2.00 25(Fo r 50) TDF3A-1227B-10AP 1227.0 Fo r 5.0 1.20 2.00 20 (Fo r 140) TDF2A-1575B-11AP 1575.4 Fo r 5.0 5.50 2.30 22 (Fo í 50) TDF2A-1575B-12AP 1575.4 Fo r 5.0 2.70 2.00 30, 28 (Fo í 140, + 140) TDF2A-1575B-13AP 1575.4 Fo r 5.0 1.00 2.00 7 (Fo r 140) TDF3A-1575B-10AP 1575.4 Fo r 5.0 2.70 2.00 30, 28 (Fo í 140, + 140) TDFM1A-1575A-13AP 1575.4 Fo r 1.0 4.00 2.00 18 (Fo r 50) TDFM1B-1575A-10AP 1575.4 Fo r 1.0 5.50 2.00 30.5 (Fo r 50) TDFM2A-1575A-10AP 1575.4 Fo r 1.0 3.20 2.00 30, 28 (Fo í 140, + 140) TDFM2A-1575A-11AP 1575.4 Fo r 1.0 5.50 2.30 22 (Fo í 50) TDFS8A-1575A-10AP 1575.4 Fo r 1.0 1.00 2.00 25, 5 (Fo í 726.5, + 275) TDFS1C-2326C-10AP 2326.0 Fo r 7.0 2.00 2.00 10, 6 (Fo í 100, + 100) TDFS1C-2326C-11AP 2326.0 Fo r 7.0 3.00 2.00 30, 25 (Fo í 100, + 100) TDFS8A-2326C-10AP 2326.0 Fo r 7.0 2.80 2.00 20 (Fo í 200, + 200) TDFS8B-2326C-10A-01P 2326.0 Fo r 7.0 4.50 2.00 24, 19 (Fo í 100, + 100) TDFM1B-2332E-10AP 2332.5 Fo r 12.5 2.80 2.00 32, 32 (Fo í 226, + 239) TDFS1C-2332E-10AP 2332.5 Fo r 13.0 2.00 2.00 37, 37 (Fo í 222.5, + 227.5) TDFS8A-2338B-11AP 2338.5 Fo r 6.25 3.80 2.00 30 (Fo r 200) TDFS8A-2338E-10AP 2338.5 Fo r 12.5 3.40 2.00 37, 25 (Fo í 200, + 200) TDFS8A-2338C-12AP 2338.5 Fo r 7.0 3.00 2.00 28 (Fo r 230) TDFS1C-2338B-11AP 2338.75 Fo r 6.25 3.50 2.00 20 (Fo r 56.5) TDF2A-2500A-12AP 2500.0 Fo r 2.0 5.00 2.00 20, 25 (Fo r 60, r 90) TDFM2A-5800B-11AP 5800.0 Fo r 5.0 3.00 2.00 20 (Fo r 400) TDFS8A-5810P-10AP 5810.0 Fo r 40.0 2.50 2.00 20 (5400) 6 7 ຠ Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ TDFS1C-2332E-10AP 8 OUT IN 9 GND (Unit: mm) 25 Chip Dielectric Filters ࠴࠶ࡊ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ ຠ TDF for Wireless Broadband Communication 6.5×4.5×2.5mm Max. 4.5×3.05×1.8mm Max. 6.5×5.1×2.0mm Max. ຠ TDF for Mobile & Cordless Phone 6.5×4.2×2.0mm Max. 4.5×3.65×1.7mm Max. ຠ TDF for Automotive & Satellite Radio 3.2×2.9×1.8mm Max. 4.5×5.25×2.8mm Max. 㪇 㪈㪇 㪌 㪉㪇 㪈㪇 㪊㪇 㪈㪌 㪋㪇 㪉㪇 㪌㪇 㪉㪌 㪍㪇 㪊㪇 㪎㪇 㪊㪌 㪋㪇 㪏㪇 㪚㪼㫅㫋㪼㫉䇭㪝㫉㪼㫈㫌㪼㫅㪺㫐㪔㪈㪋㪎㪉㪅㪇㪤㪟㫑䇭㪪㪧㪘㪥㪔㪈㪇㪇㪇㪤㪟㫑 5 20 10 30 15 40 20 50 25 60 30 70 35 Attenuation [dB] 0 10 9.0x6.8x2.6mm Max. 80 1450 26 1480 1510 1540 1570 1600 1630 Frequency [MHz] 1660 1690 1720 40 1750 Retrun Loss [dB] TDFM3C-1590H-10A 0 㪩㪼㫋㫌㫉㫅㩷㪣㫆㫊㫊㩷㩿㪻㪙㪀 㪘㫋㫋㪼㫅㫌㪸㫋㫀㫆㫅䇭㩿㪻㪙㪀 㪫㪛㪝㪤㪊㪘㪄㪈㪋㪎㪉㪟㪄㪈㪇㪘 㪇 Dielectric Filters ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole 5-pole PIN #6DFA #6DFB #6DFC #6DFSC #6DFSD SMD #4DFA #AF3A #AF4A - #4DFB #AF3B #AF4B #AF5B #AF3C #AF4C #AF5C #AF3D #AF4D #AF5D FILTERS DUPLEXERS TYPE Rx (Receiving) Tx (Transmitting) #6DPD 2-pole 2-pole #6DPF 3-pole 3-pole #6DPH 4-pole 3-pole 1 2 #6DPK 5-pole 4-pole 3 4 Dielectric Filters 5 6 CONTENTS Dielectric Filters ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ 7 #4DFA ....................................................................................................28 #4DFB ....................................................................................................28 #AF.........................................................................................................30 #6DFA ....................................................................................................31 #6DFB ....................................................................................................31 #6DFC....................................................................................................32 #6DFSC .................................................................................................32 #6DFSD .................................................................................................33 8 Antenna Duplexers ࠕࡦ࠹࠽࠺ࡘࡊࠢࠨ 9 #6DPF ....................................................................................................34 #6DPH....................................................................................................34 Precautions in using dielectric filters suface mount type ..........................35 㕙ታⵝ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲㨯ߏ↪ߩᵈᗧ Recommended soldering conditions.........................................................35 ផᅑߪࠎߛઃߌ᧦ઙ 27 Dielectric Filters for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TYPE #4DFA (2 Pole SMD Type) / #4DFB (3 Pole SMD Type) Frequency Range: 700~2500MHz Temperature Range: - 40°C~+ 85°C #4DFA Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㐳ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ #4DFB (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㐳ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Number shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the devices for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߢߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ⥌ߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰߚࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ߹ߚߪ ઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ਅߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ TYPE #4DFA: SMD 2 Pole Designs ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #4DFA-836E-10 #4DFA-881E-10 #4DFA-902E-10 #4DFA-947E-10 #4DFA-866A-10 #4DFA-886A-10 #4DFA-808C-11 #4DFA-849C-10 #4DFA-915E-10 #4DFA-1227B-10 #4DFA-1227B-11 #4DFA-1227D-12 #4DFA-1237L-10 #4DFA-1248B-10 #4DFA-1575B-10 #4DFA-1575B-12 #4DFA-1575B-14 #4DFA-1591L-10 #4DFA-2442P-10 ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 836.5 881.5 902.5 947.5 866.0 886.0 808.0 849.0 915.0 1227.0 1227.0 1227.0 1237.0 1248.0 1575.4 1575.4 1575.4 1591.0 2442.0 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) r 12.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 2.0 r 1.0 r 8.0 r 8.0 r 13.0 r 5.0 r 5.0 r 10.0 r 30.0 r 5.0 r 5.0 r 5.0 r 5.0 r 30.0 r 40.0 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.0 1.2: 0.7 Typ. 1.2: 0.7 Typ. 1.7 2.0: 1.4 Typ. 2.0: 1.4 Typ. 1.2: 0.7 Typ. 2.5: 1.8 Typ. 1.5 2.5 Input Output impedance㧛ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ : 50: 28 Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Ripple V.S.W.R. in BW in BW (dB) Max. Max. 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.43 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.7 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.7 2.0 1.0 2.0 ㆬᛯᐲ Selectivity (dB) Min. (MHz) 18 (fo r 77.5) 18 (fo r 77.5) 18 (fo r 77.5) 18 (fo r 77.5) 30 (fo í 105) 22 (fo r 45) 22 (fo r 64) 22 (fo r 64) 18 (fo r 77.5) 7, 30 (fo r 35, r 140) 15, 20 (fo + 140, í 140) 16, 20 (fo + 140, í 140) 10, 15 (fo + 140, í 140) 7, 30 (fo r 35, r 140) 7, 30 (fo r 35, r 140) 17, 20 (fo + 140, í 140) 17 (fo r 50) 10, 15 (fo + 140, í 140) 15 (fo r 250) ᔕ↪ Application AMPS AMPS NMT/GSM NMT/GSM CT2 Cordless Phone Wireless Microphone Wireless Microphone Spread Spectrum GPS GPS GPS GPS+GLONASS GPS GPS GPS GPS GPS+GLONASS Spread Spectrum Dielectric Filters for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TYPE #4DFB: SMD 3 Pole Designs ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #4DFB-591F-10 #4DFB-621F-10 #4DFB-704E-10 #4DFB-790H-10 #4DFB-796F-10 #4DFB-836E-10 #4DFB-881E-10 #4DFB-886A-10 #4DFB-953A-10 #4DFB-915E-10 #4DFB-1030C-10 #4DFB-1227D-10 #4DFB-1575D-10 #4DFB-1542G-10 #4DFB-1643G-10 #4DFB-1747N-10 #4DFB-1842N-10 #4DFB-1950L-10 #4DFB-2140L-10 #4DFB-2442P-10 #4DFB-920A-11 #4DFB-860D-10 #4DFB-938A-13 ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 591.0 621.0 704.0 790.0 796.0 836.5 881.5 886.0 953.5 915.0 1030.0 1227.0 1575.0 1542.0 1643.5 1747.5 1842.5 1950.0 2140.0 2442.0 920.0 860.0 938.0 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) r 15.0 r 15.0 r 12.0 r 20.0 r 14.0 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 1.0 r 1.5 r 13.0 r 7.5 r 10.0 r 10.0 r 17.0 r 17.0 r 35.0 r 35.0 r 30.0 r 30.0 r 40.0 r 2.5 r 10.0 r 3.0 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.7 3.0 2.5 2.5 4.5 6.0 2.7 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.0 1.6 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 5.0 2.5 2.0 Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Ripple V.S.W.R. in BW in BW (dB) Max. Max. 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.0 2.0 1.1 2.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.6 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.5 1.2 2.0 1.2 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.2 2.0 1.0 2.0 0.8 2.0 1.0 2.0 ㆬᛯᐲ Selectivity (dB) Min. (MHz) 40 (fo r 110) 40 (fo r 110) 40,43 (fo í 100, + 100) 35 (fo r 100) 40,43 (fo í 100, + 100) 12 (fo r 32.5) 12 (fo r 32.5) 41 (fo r 45) 30 (fo r 30) 12 (fo r 32.5) 20, 50 (fo r 35, r 140) 12, 40 (fo r 35, r 140) 12, 40 (fo r 35, r 140) 17 (fo r 84.5) 18, 28 (fo í 67, + 108) 12, 38 (fo r 100, r 350) 24, 38 (fo r 157, r 350) 25, 25 (fo í 230, + 160) 30, 22 (fo í 340, í 160) 5, 32 (fo r 80, r 250) 50, 18 (fo í 88, r 20) 15, 35 (fo r 35, r 80) 18, 13 (fo í 36, + 36) ᔕ↪ Application Wireless Microphone Wireless Microphone Wireless Microphone Wireless Microphone Wireless Microphone AMPS AMPS Cordless Phone RFID Spread Spectrum TCAS GPS GPS MCSS/INMARSAT MCSS/INMARSAT PCN PCN W-CDMA W-CDMA Spread Spectrum Digital TV LMR LMR Input Output impedance㧛ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ: 50: 1 2 3 4 Dielectric Filters 5 6 7 8 9 29 Dielectric Filters for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ #AF Series Frequency Range: 700~2800MHz Temperature Range: í 40°C~+ 85°C Package ታⵝࡄ࠶ࠤࠫ #AF3B #AF3C 10 x 13.5 x 4.0 mm #AF5D 13 x 12 x 4.0 mm 26 x 14 x 6.2 mm ̴Descriptions ⷐ Surface mounting dielectric filter . The resonator have 2-5 pole and the size is 3-5mm. TOKO will comply with your demand characteristics. RoHS compliant ᝄེဳߩ㕙ታⵝ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ߢߔޕ 3㨪5mmⷺߩᝄེࠨࠗ࠭ޔ2㨪5⚛ሶ߇ㆬᛯߢ߈߹ߔޕ ߅ቴ᭽ߩߏⷐ᳞․ᕈߦᔕߓߚࠞࠬ࠲ࡓឭ᩺ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ RoHSᜰኻᔕޕ Applicable range ㆡ↪▸࿐ x x x x x Frequency Range:700~2800MHz Temperature Range: í 40°C~+ 85°C Resonator size:غ3mm,غ4mm,غ5mm Resonator array:2,3,4,5 Input Output impedance : 50ohm x x x x x ᵄᢙ㧦700㨪2800MHz ᮡḰ᷷ᐲ▸࿐㧦-40㨪+85°C ᝄེ㧦غ3mmغޔ4mmغޔ5mm ⚛ሶᢙ㧦2⚛ሶޔ3⚛ሶޔ4⚛ሶޔ5⚛ሶ ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ㧦 50ǡ Example ઍຠ⇟․ᕈ TOKO Part Number㩷 ᧲శຠ⇟ #AF5D-2140L-10 Center frequency㩷 ਛᔃᵄᢙ 2140 MHz Bandwidth㩷 Ꮺၞ For30 MHz Insertion loss㩷 ᝌ៊ᄬ 3.0 dB Max. Ripple㩷 䊥䉾䊒䊦 1.0 dB Max. VSWR 2.0 Max. Attenuation㩷 ᷫᐲ 43 dB Min. at 1980 MHz 50 dB Min. at 2300 MHz 0 0 10 5 20 10 30 15 40 20 50 25 60 30 70 35 80 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 Frequency [MHz] Custom device ࠞࠬ࠲ࡓኻᔕ TOKO will comply with your demand characteristics. ߅ቴ᭽ߩߏⷐ᳞․ᕈߦᔕߓߚࠞࠬ࠲ࡓឭ᩺ࠍⴕ߹ߔޕ ߏⷐ᳞᭽ࠍᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ߹ߚߪઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ਅߐޕ Please contact our sales office or representative office. 30 2500 40 2600 Return Loss [dB] Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ Attenuation [dB] Specifications 㔚᳇⊛․ᕈ Dielectric Filters ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TYPE #6DFA (2 Pole Type) / #6DFB (3 Pole Type) Frequency Range: 700~1900MHz Temperature Range: í 40°C~+ 85°C #6DFA Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1 (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㜞ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ #6DFB 2 3 (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㜞ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Number shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the devices for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߢߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ⥌ߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰߚࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ߹ߚߪ ઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ਅߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 836.5 881.5 933.5 902.5 947.5 915.0 886.0 914.5 959.5 808.0 849.0 1227.0 1575.4 860.0 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) r 12.5 r 12.5 r 16.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 13.0 r 1.0 r 0.5 r 0.5 r 4.0 r 6.0 r 5.0 r 5.0 r 10.0 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 1.8 1.8 2.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Ripple V.S.W.R. in BW in BW (dB) Max. Max. 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 1.2 2.2 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.8 0.5 1.8 1.0 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Ripple V.S.W.R. in BW in BW (dB) Max. Max. 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 ㆬᛯᐲ ᔕ↪ Selectivity (dB) Min. (MHz) Application 20 (fo r 77.5) 20 (fo r 77.5) 20 (fo r 77.5) 20 (fo r 77.5) 20 (fo r 77.5) 20 (fo r 77.5) 24 (fo r 45) 24 (fo r 45) 24 (fo r 45) 15, 33 (fo r 25, r 111) 18 (fo r 50) 12 (fo r 50) 12 (fo r 50) 10 (fo r 35) Cellular-AMPS Cellular-AMPS Cellular-TACS Cellular-NMT/GSM Cellular-NMT/GSM Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone Cordless Phone Cordless Phone Wireless Microphone Wireless Microphone GPS Receiver GPS Receiver LMR ㆬᛯᐲ ᔕ↪ ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 836.5 881.5 933.5 902.5 947.5 915.0 886.0 914.5 959.5 1575.4 1544.5 1643.5 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) Selectivity (dB) Min. (MHz) Application r 12.5 r 12.5 r 16.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 13.0 r 1.0 r 0.5 r 0.5 r 5.0 r 14.5 r 17.0 6 7 8 TYPE #6DFB: 3 Pole Designs ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #6DFB-836E-10 #6DFB-881E-10 #6DFB-933G-10 #6DFB-902E-10 #6DFB-947E-10 #6DFB-915E-10 #6DFB-886A-10 #6DFB-914A-10 #6DFB-959A-10 #6DFB-1575B-10 #6DFB-1544F-10 #6DFB-1643G-11 Dielectric Filters 5 TYPE #6DFA: 2 Pole Designs ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #6DFA-836E-10 #6DFA-881E-10 #6DFA-933G-10 #6DFA-902E-10 #6DFA-947E-10 #6DFA-915E-10 #6DFA-886A-10 #6DFA-914A-10 #6DFA-959A-10 #6DFA-808B-11 #6DFA-849B-11 #6DFA-1227B-12 #6DFA-1575B-12 #6DFA-860D-10 4 12 (fo r 32.5) 12 (fo r 32.5) 6 (fo r 28.5) 12 (fo r 32.5) 12 (fo r 32.5) 12 (fo r 32.5) 40,50 (fo í 45, + 45) 40,50 (fo í 45, + 45) 40,50 (fo í 45, + 45) 18 (fo r 50) 20,30 (fo í 64.5, + 82) 23,37 (fo í 67, + 108) Cellular-AMPS Cellular-AMPS Cellular-TACS Cellular-NMT/GSM Cellular-NMT/GSM Spread Spectrum Cordless Phone Cordless Phone Cordless Phone GPS Receiver INMARSAT INMARSAT 9 Input Output impedance㧛ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ: 50: 31 Dielectric Filters ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TYPE #6DFC / #6DFSC (4 Pole Type) Frequency Range: 700~1900MHz Temperature Range: í 40°C~+ 85°C #6DFC Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㜞ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ #6DFSC (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㜞ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Number shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the devices for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߢߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ⥌ߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰߚࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ߹ߚߪ ઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ਅߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ TYPE #6DFC: 4 Pole Designs ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #6DFC-836E-10 #6DFC-881E-10 #6DFC-902E-10 #6DFC-947E-10 #6DFC-897G-10 #6DFC-942G-10 #6DFC-1030C-10 #6DFC-1090C-10 #6DFC-1229B-12TW #6DFC-1747O-11 #6DFC-1842O-12 #6DFC-1542G-10 ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 836.5 881.5 902.5 947.5 897.5 942.5 1030.0 1090.0 1229.0 1747.5 1842.5 1542.0 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) r 12.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 17.5 r 17.5 r 7.5 r 7.5 r 5.0 r 37.5 r 37.5 r 17.0 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.5 3.5 Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. ㆬᛯᐲ Ripple V.S.W.R. Selectivity in BW in BW (dB) Min. (MHz) (dB) Max. Max. 1.0 2.0 23 (fo r 32.5) 1.0 2.0 23 (fo r 32.5) 1.0 2.0 23 (fo r 32.5) 1.0 2.0 23 (fo r 32.5) 1.1 2.0 4, 16 (fo r 27.5, r 37.5) 1.1 2.0 4, 16 (fo r 27.5, r 37.5) 1.0 2.0 40, 60 (fo r 60, r 120) 1.0 2.0 40, 60 (fo r 60, r 120) 0.6 2.0 35, 33 (fo í 36, + 36) 1.1 2.4 8, 21 (fo r 57.5, r 80) 1.1 2.4 8, 21 (fo r 57.5, r 80) 1.5 2.0 42, 50 (fo r 84.5, + 112) ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 2.5 4.0 Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Ripple V.S.W.R. in BW in BW (dB) Max. Max. 0.9 1.7 1.2 2.0 ᔕ↪ Application Cellular-AMPS Cellular-AMPS Cellular-NMT/GSM Cellular-NMT/GSM Cellular-EGSM Cellular-EGSM TACS TACS CATV Cellular-PCN/DSC1800 Cellular-PCN/DSC1800 INMARSAT TYPE #6DFSC: 4 Pole Designs ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #6DFSC-836E-12T #6DFSC-920C-10 ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 836.5 920.0 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) r 12.5 r 7.0 Input Output impedance㧛ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ: 50: 32 ㆬᛯᐲ ᔕ↪ Selectivity (dB) Min. (MHz) Application 43 (864~894) 40 (fo r 53) Cellular-AMPS Digital TV Dielectric Filters ዊဳ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TYPE #6DFSD (5 Pole Type) Frequency Range: 700~1900MHz Temperature Range: í 40°C~+ 85°C Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ 1 (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㜞ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Number shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the devices for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߢߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ⥌ߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰߚࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ߹ߚߪ ઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ਅߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ 3 TYPE #6DFSD: 5 Pole Designs ᧲శຠ⇟ ਛᔃᵄᢙ TOKO Center Part Frequency Number (MHz) #6DFSD-881E-10 881.5 #6DFSD-881E-12T 881.5 #6DFSD-902E-10 902.0 #6DFSD-947E-11 947.5 #6DFSD-947E-10T 947.5 #6DFSD-1030C-10 1030.0 #6DFSD-1090C-10 1090.0 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) r 12.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 12.5 r 7.5 r 7.5 ᝌ៊ᄬ Insertion Loss (dB) Max. 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.5 2 Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Ripple V.S.W.R. in BW in BW (dB) Max. Max. 1.2 2.0 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.9 0.7 2.0 1.0 2.0 ㆬᛯᐲ ᔕ↪ Selectivity (dB) Min. (MHz) Application 24 (fo r 32.5) 52 (824~849) 25 (fo r 32.5) 25 (fo r 32.5) 53 (890~915) 60 (fo + 60) 60 (fo í 60) 4 Cellular-EAMPS Cellular-EAMPS Cellular-NMT/GSM Cellular-NMT/GSM Cellular-NMT/GSM TACS TACS 5 Dielectric Filters Input Output impedance㧛ജࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ: 50: 6 7 8 9 33 Antenna Duplexers ࠕࡦ࠹࠽࠺ࡘࡊࠢࠨ TYPE #6DPF Frequency Range: 700~1500MHz Temperature Range: í 40°C~+ 85°C Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㜞ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Number shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the devices for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߢߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ⥌ߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰߚࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ߹ߚߪ ઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ਅߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ TYPE #6DPF ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #6DPF-1216A1252A-11 #6DPF-1643G1553J-13 ㅍฃା Tx or Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 1216.5 1252.5 1643.5 1553.25 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) 2.5 2.5 17.0 23.25 ᝌ៊ᄬ Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Insertion Ripple V.S.W.R. Loss in BW in BW (dB) Max. (dB) Max. Max. 2.7 0.5 2.0 2.7 0.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 ᷫ㊂ Attenuation (dB) Min. (MHz) 28 (1250) 28 (1219) 40, 28 (1480,1559) 7, 20 (1600,1626.5) ⸵ኈജ㔚ജ Maximum Input Power (W) 1.0 1.0 TYPE #6DPH Frequency Range: 700~1500MHz Temperature Range: í 40°C~+ 85°C Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ (Unit: mm) *: Depends on Center Frequency. *: 㜞ߐߪᵄᢙߦଐሽߒ߹ߔޕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES x The Part Number shown in the table below are standard devices, which are readily available. TOKO will design and manufacture modified and custom devices with specific characteristics to meet your requirements. If you do not find the devices for your application in this catalog, please contact our sales or representative office. x RoHS compliant x ਅ⸥ߩߦ␜ߔຠ⇟ภߪᮡḰຠߢߔޕTOKOߢߪ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩߏⷐᦸߦวࠊߖ⸳⸘ޔ ⥌ߒ߹ߔߩߢ߅ޔቴ᭽ߩ↪ㅜߦㆡวߔࠆ᭽߇ᒰߚࠄߥ႐วߪޔᒰ␠༡ᬺᚲ߹ߚߪ ઍℂᐫߦߏㅪ⛊ਅߐޕ x RoHSᜰኻᔕ TYPE #6DPH ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number #6DPH-902E947E-14 #6DPH-815D860D-10 34 ㅍฃା Tx or Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx ਛᔃᵄᢙ Center Frequency (MHz) 914.5 959.5 815.5 860.5 Ꮺၞ Bandwidth (fo r MHz) 12.5 12.5 9.5 9.5 ᝌ៊ᄬ Ꮺၞౝ࠶ࡊ࡞ V.S.W.R. Insertion Ripple V.S.W.R. Loss in BW in BW (dB) Max. (dB) Max. Max. 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 1.8 0.5 2.0 2.7 1.0 2.0 ᷫ㊂ Attenuation (dB) Min. (MHz) 30 (935~960) 25 (890~915) 43 (851~870) 58 (806~825) 30 (941~960) ⸵ኈജ㔚ജ Maximum Input Power (W) 4.0 5.0 1.0 Dielectric Filters for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ عPrecautions and recommended soldering conditions for using dielectric filters surface mount type. 㕙ታⵝ⺃㔚ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ߏ↪ߩᵈᗧផᅑߪࠎߛઃߌ᧦ઙ Temperature profile (land surface temperature) ᷷ᐲ䊒䊨䊐䉜䉟䊦䋨䊤䊮䊄ㇱ㕙᷷ᐲ䋩 1 2 3 4 1. ࡈࡠߪࠎߛ᧦ઙ ߪࠎߛઃߌᕈ ࡈ࠶ࠢࠬઃߌߒߚ┵ሶㇱࠍએਅߩ᧦ઙߢߪࠎߛਛߦ ᶐẃߒ95㧑એߩ㕙Ⓧ߇ߪࠎߛߢⷒࠊࠇࠆߎߣޕ ᧦ઙ ㋦ຠ 㧦 215r5°Cߩߪࠎߛਛߦ3r0.5⑽ᶐẃ ㋦ࡈຠ 㧦 245r5°Cߩߪࠎߛਛߦ3r0.5⑽ᶐẃ ߪࠎߛ⠴ᾲᕈ એਅߩߪࠎߛઃߌ᧦ઙߢ⇣Ᏹߩߥߎߣޕ ㋦ຠ 㧦 230r5°Cޔ5⑽㑆 ㋦ࡈຠ 㧦 255r5°C㨮5⑽㑆 2. ᵞᵺ ߪࠎߛઃߌᓟߩࡈ࠶ࠢࠬߩᵞᵺࠍߒߡਅߐޕ ᵞᵺᶧߣߒߡ৻⥸⊛ߦ↪ߐࠇߡࠆోߡߩᵞᵺᶧ߇ ↪ߢ߈߹ߔޕ 3. ߘߩઁ⇐ᗧ㗄 ߪࠎߛઃߌߪᭂജૐ᷷ᐲߢ⍴ᤨ㑆ߢⴕߞߡਅߐޕ ᝄེߩ㌁㔚ᭂߦߪࠎߛ߇ઃ⌕ߒߥࠃ߁ߦߒߡਅߐ ޕ ┵ሶࠍᦛߍߚࠅޔಾᢿߔࠆߥߤ┵ޔሶㇱಽߦᄖജࠍട ߃ࠆߎߣߪㆱߌߡਅߐޕ 4. ߎߡߪࠎߛ ㋦ඨ↰ 㧦 ߎߡవ᷷ᐲ350°Cએਅޔടᾲᤨ㑆5⑽ એౝޔ1࿁ ή㋦ඨ↰ 㧦 ߎߡవ᷷ᐲ390r5°Cޔടᾲᤨ㑆5⑽ એౝޔ1࿁ 5 Dielectric Filters 1. Reflow solder conditions xSolderability When flux-mounted terminals are immersed in solder at following conditions, at least 95% of the surface should be covered by solder. Conditions leaded process : 215r5°C for 3r0.5 seconds lead free process : 245r5°C for 3r0.5 seconds xSolder heat resistance No abnomalities under solder conditions of leaded process : 230±5°C for 5 seconds lead free process : 255r5°C for 5 seconds 2. Rinsing After Soldering, you should rinsing away the excess flux. Any commercially available rinsing agent may be used. 3. Other Precautions Perform soldering at temperature as low as possible and for time as short as possible. Make sure that the silver electrode of resonators is not covered by solder. Avoid applying external forces to terminals such as by bending or cutting them. 4. Iron Soldering Perform iron soldering with iron at following conditions. Conditions leaded process : 350°C for 5s. Max. lead free process : 390r5°C for 5s. Max. 6 7 8 9 35 36 Dielectric Waveguide Filters ⺃㔚ዉᵄ▤ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ 1 2 3 4 Dielectric Filters 5 6 7 8 9 CONTENTS Dielectric Waveguide Filters ⺃㔚ዉᵄ▤ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ WDFM....................................................................................................38 37 Dielectric Waveguide Filters ⺃㔚ዉᵄ▤ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ TYPE WDFM TOKO Standard Foot Patterns ᧲శᮡḰࡈ࠶࠻ࡊࡦ࠻ (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) ̴Descriptions ⷐ WDFM type is miniature waveguide filter for high frequency wireless communication about Fixed Wirelwss Access service (FWA). This type is SMD and monoblock structure. WDFM࠲ࠗࡊߪFWA╬ߩ㜞ᵄㅢା↪ߦ㐿⊒ߐࠇߚ⺃㔚 ዉᵄ▤ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ߢߔޕ ᒰ␠ߩ㜞ᵄ⸳⸘ᛛⴚߦࠃࠅޔ㕙ታⵝൻޕ ⓨᵢဳߦᲧߴᄢߦዊဳࠨࠗ࠭ࠍታߒ߹ߒߚޕ Features ․ 㐳 x x x x x Surface mount available, miniature size and low profile Frequency Range: 10GHz - 30GHz High Q and low insertion loss High Selectivity RoHS compliant x x x x x 㕙ታⵝޔዊဳૐ⢛ ᵄᢙ▸࿐㧦10-30GHz 㜞㧽ޔૐ៊ᄬ 㜞ㆬᛯᐲ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ ↪ ㅜ Applications x High frequency wireless communications about FWA x A custom filter is available on order please contact our sales staff. x FWA㨮ട⠪ή✢╬ߩ25GHzᏪㅢାᯏེ x ⸥એᄖߩ᭽ߦ߽ኻᔕน⢻ Example ઍຠ⇟․ᕈ WDFMB-25000Z-10-01 Specifications 㔚᳇⊛․ᕈ Typical Characteristics ઍ․ᕈ TOKO Part Number㩷 ᧲శຠ⇟ WDFMB-25000Z-10-01 Center frequency㩷 ਛᔃᵄᢙ 25000MHz Bandwidth㩷 Ꮺၞ For230MHz Insertion loss㩷 ᝌ៊ᄬ 1.5dB Max. Ripple㩷 䊥䉾䊒䊦 0.5dB Max. VSWR 1.7 Max. Attenuation㩷 ᷫᐲ 20dB Min. at For1700MHz 38 Diplexers for Digital CATV Set Top Box and Cable Modem Triplexers for MoCA Set 䊂䉳䉺䊦CATV䉶䉾䊃䊃䉾䊒䊗䉾䉪䉴, 䉬䊷䊑䊦䊝䊂䊛↪䉻䉟䊒䊧䉪䉰 MoCA Setะ䈔䊃䊥䊒䊧䉪䉰 1 2 3 4 5 Diplexers / Triplexers 6 7 8 CONTENTS Diplexers for Digital CATV Set Top Box ,Cable Modem. 䊂䉳䉺䊦CATV䉶䉾䊃䊃䉾䊒䊗䉾䉪䉴, 䉬䊷䊑䊦䊝䊂䊛↪䉻䉟䊒䊧䉪䉰 DIP1A............................................................................................. 40䌾42 DIP2A............................................................................................. 40䌾42 DIP1S............................................................................................. 40䌾42 DIP1H ............................................................................................ 40䌾42 DIP1K............................................................................................. 40䌾42 9 Triplexers for MoCA set.㩷 㩷 MoCA set ะ䈔䊃䊥䊒䊧䉪䉰 TRP1A ........................................................................................... 41䌾42 39 Diplexers and Triplexers 䉻䉟䊒䊧䉪䉰䋯䊃䊥䊒䊧䉪䉰 TYPE DIP1A and DIP2A (Unit: mm) TYPE DIP1S (Unit: mm) TYPE DIP1H and DIP1K (Unit: mm) The distributor is built into DIP1H㩷 㩷 ಽ㈩ེౝ⬿䇮㩷 The distributors and LNA are built into DIP1K㩷 㩷 ಽ㈩ེ䈶LNAౝ⬿ 40 Diplexers and Triplexers 䉻䉟䊒䊧䉪䉰䋯䊃䊥䊒䊧䉪䉰 TYPE TRP1A 1 2 (Unit: mm) ․㩷 㩷 㐳 x Diplexer/Triplexer for digital CATV set top box and cable modem. x Integrated type of Tx and Rx in the shield body with F connector. x Low-profile : DIP1A and DIP1S, Narrow bottom area : DIP1H and DIP1K x Connecting F type connector to cable and mounting TX and RX terminals on PCB ensure high performance diplexer. x DIP1A with IEC61000-4-5 Level 4, UL60950-1 section 7 Lightning surge protection circuit. x DIP1H has a surge protection circuit of IEC61000-4-5 level 4, and built-in distributor. x DIP1K is LNA add to DIP1H. x Designed to meet DOCSIS2.0, DOCSIS3.0,ANSI/SCTE. x TRP1A for MoCA Set. x RoHS compliant x 䊂䉳䉺䊦CATV䉶䉾䊃䊃䉾䊒䊗䉾䉪䉴↪䈶䉬䊷䊑䊦䊝䊂䊛↪ 䉻䉟䊒䊧䉪䉰/䊃䊥䊒䊧䉪䉰 x ㊄ዻ䉲䊷䊦䊄䈪ⷒ䉒䉏䈢Fဳ䉮䊈䉪䉺ઃ䈐Tx䊶Rx৻ဳ᭴ㅧ x ᮮဳૐ⢛䈱DIP1A䇮DIP1S䉺䉟䊒䇮❑ဳ⋭ታⵝ㕙Ⓧ䈱DIP1H䇮 DIP1K䉺䉟䊒䉕䊤䉟䊮䊅䉾䊒 x 䉬䊷䊑䊦ធ⛯↪Fဳ䉮䊈䉪䉺䉕⚵䉂ㄟ䉃䈖䈫䈮䉋䉍䇮TX䋬RX┵ሶ䉕ၮ ᧼䈪ធ⛯䈜䉎䈣䈔䈪㜞ᕈ⢻䈭䉻䉟䊒䊧䉪䉰䈏ታน⢻ x DIP1A䈮䈲IEC61000-4-5 䊧䊔䊦4, UL60950-1 section 7 ኻᔕ 䉰䊷䉳⼔࿁〝ታⵝ x DIP1H䈲IEC61000-4-5 䊧䊔䊦4 䉰䊷䉳⼔࿁〝䇮ಽ㈩ེౝ⬿ x DIP1K䈲䇮DIP1H䈮LNA䉕ㅊട x DOCSIS2.0,DOCSIS3.0, ANSI/SCTEኻᔕ x MoCA Set ะ䈔TRP1A x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ Applications ↪㩷 㩷 ㅜ x Suitable for designing Open-cable set top box and CableModem for Europe, USA and Asia x Suitable for designing MoCA set top box #R975ABISN-1220 R1246ABIRN-1002 R1257ABNZN-1005 R1190ACVZN-1010 Region of Applications DIP1A DIP1S DIP2A TRP1A R1190ACVZN-1021 TRP1A #R975ABJUN-1221 R1246ABJTN-1001A R1190ACVZN-1019 DIP1A DIP1S TRP1A #R975ABISN-1222 #R975ABISN-1204 R1086ACITN-1001 R1182ACIZN-1003 DIP1A DIP1A DIP1H DIP1K #R975ABJUN-1223 R1190ACVZN-1017 DIP1A TRP1A TOKO Parts.No. USA Euro China Japan KOREA Pass-band Down Stream Filter Up Stream Filter 5-42(MHz) 54-1002(MHz) 5-42(MHz) 54-1002(MHz) 5-42(MHz) BPF䋺54-1002(MHz) 5-42(MHz) BPF䋺54-1002(MHz) Add MoCA BPF䋺 1125-1525(MHz) 5-42(MHz) BPF䋺54-1002(MHz) Add MoCA BPF䋺 1125-1675(MHz) 5-65(MHz) 88-1002(MHz) 5-65(MHz) 88-1002(MHz) 5-65(MHz) BPF䋺88-1002(MHz) Add MoCA BPF䋺 1125-1525(MHz) 90-1002(MHz) 5-55(MHz) 76-1002(MHz) 5-65(MHz) 90-860(MHz) 5-55(MHz) 90-860(MHz) 5-55(MHz) 5-85(MHz) 5-85(MHz) 108-1002(MHz) BPF䋺108-1002(MHz) Add MoCA BPF䋺 1125-1525(MHz) 4 5 6 x ᰷☨䇮䉝䉳䉝ၞ䈱䉥䊷䊒䊮䉬䊷䊑䊦᭽ะ䈔䉶䉾䊃䊃䉾䊒䊗䉾䉪 䉴䇮䉬䊷䊑䊦䊝䊂䊛䈮ᦨㆡ x MoCA 䉶䉾䊃䊃䉾䊒䊗䉾䉪䉴䈮ᦨㆡ Specifications ᭽ Location 3 Diplexers / Triplexers Features 7 Lightning Surge Protection IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 DOCSIS3.0 DOCSIS3.0 DOCSIS3.0, MoCA Rejection DOCSIS3.0, MoCA1.1 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 DOCSIS3.0, MoCA2.0 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 DOCSIS3.0 DOCSIS3.0 DOCSIS3.0, MoCA1.1 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 DOCSIS3.0 DOCSIS3.0 DOCSIS2.0, Distributor DOCSIS2.0, Distributor, LNA IEC61000-4-5 Level4 IEC61000-4-5 Level4 DOCSIS3.0 DOCSIS3.0, MoCA1.1 DOCSIS 8 9 41 Diplexers and Triplexers 䉻䉟䊒䊧䉪䉰䋯䊃䊥䊒䊧䉪䉰 Schematic ⷐ 䌄䌉䌐㪈㪘㩷㪫㫐㫇㪼㩷 䌄䌉䌐㪉㪘㩷㪫㫐㫇㪼㩷 Frequency Characteristics ᵄᢙ․ᕈ Typical Characteristic ઍ․ᕈ DIP1A type Up Stream Filter 0dB Down Stream Filter Att (dB) Att (dB) 0dB 100dB 5MHz f(MHz) 100dB 5MHz 1GHz 1GHz f(MHz) DIP1H type Up Stream Filter Down Stream Filter (Tuner out) Down Stream Filter (RF out) 0dB 100dB Att (dB) Att (dB) 0dB Att (dB) 0dB 100dB 1GHz 5MHz 100dB 1GHz 5MHz f(MHz) 1GHz 5MHz f(MHz) f(MHz) TRP1A type. Up Stream Filter Down Stream Filter MoCA Filter 0dB 0dB 100dB 100dB 100dB 2GHz 5MHz f(MHz) 42 Att (dB) Att (dB) Att (dB) 0dB 2GHz 5MHz f(MHz) 3GHz 5MHz f(MHz) Transponder Coils for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪࠻ࡦࠬࡐࡦ࠳ࠦࠗ࡞ 1 2 3 4 Transponder Coils 5 6 7 8 9 CONTENTS Transponder Coils for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪࠻ࡦࠬࡐࡦ࠳ࠦࠗ࡞ SA3M12 .................................................................................................44 SA3M08 .................................................................................................45 SA3D14..................................................................................................46 43 Transponder Coils for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪࠻ࡦࠬࡐࡦ࠳ࠦࠗ࡞ TYPE SA3M12 Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 Features x High reliability conforms to automotive applications. x Encapsulated core and winding for anti-shock proof. x High Q and high sensivility due to optimaized magnetic material and electrode structure. x Wide inductance range for design flexibility. x Applicable to reflow soldering. x RoHS compliant. x x x x x x Applications ↪ ㅜ x Suitable as a Transponder Antenna Coil for TPMS and Keyless Entry System. (Vehicle application) x Wide operating temperature range (í 40°C~+125°C) ゞタၮḰߦㆡวߔࠆ㜞ା㗬ᕈ ⏛ᕈߣᏎ✢ㇱࠍ᮸⢽ኽᱛߒߚ⠴ⴣ᠄᭴ㅧ ⏛ᕈ᧚ߣ㔚ᭂ᭴ㅧߩᦨㆡൻߦࠃࠆ㜞Q㨯㜞ᗵᐲᕈ⢻ ⸳⸘⥄↱ᐲ߇ᐢߊޔᐢࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬ▸࿐น⢻ ࡈࡠߪࠎߛઃߌ߇น⢻ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ x TPMSߣࡕ࠻ࠠࠬࠛࡦ࠻ߩ৻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߩ࠻ࡦࠬ ࡐࡦ࠳↪ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠦࠗ࡞ߦᦨㆡ㧔⥄േゞ↪╬㧕 x ↪᷷ᐲ▸࿐㧦㧙40 㨪 㧗125°C SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD TRANSFORMERS TYPE SA3M12 ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number 1144AA-102J 1144AA-122J 1144AA-152J 1144AA-182J 1144AA-222J 1144AA-272J 1144AA-332J 1144AA-392J 1144AA-472J 1144AA-562J 1144AA-682J 1144AA-752J 1144AA-822J㩷 ࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬ Inductance L (mH) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 7.5 8.2 ᷹ቯᵄᢙ Test Frequency (kHz) 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 If you are looking for inductance other than the above, please contact us. ⸥એᄖߩࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬߩᓮኻᔕ߽߅ฃߌߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ 44 ⸵ኈᏅ Tolerance (%) r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 Q Unloaded Q Min. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Transponder Coils for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪ ࠻ࡦࠬࡐࡦ࠳ࠦࠗ࡞ TYPE SA3M08 Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ 1 (Unit: mm) 2 (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 x High reliability conforms to automotive applications. x Encapsulated core and winding for anti-shock proof. x High Q and high sensivility due to optimaized magnetic material and electrode structure. x Wide inductance range for desigh flexibility. x Applicable to reflow soldering. x RoHS compliant. x x x x x x Applications ↪ ㅜ x Suitable as a Transponder Antenna Coil for TPMS and Keyless Entry System. (Vehicle application) x Wide operating temperature range (í 40°C~+125°C) 3 ゞタၮḰߦㆡวߔࠆ㜞ା㗬ᕈ ⏛ᕈߣᏎ✢ㇱࠍ᮸⢽ኽᱛߒߚ⠴ⴣ᠄᭴ㅧ ⏛ᕈ᧚ߣ㔚ᭂ᭴ㅧߩᦨㆡൻߦࠃࠆ㜞Q㨯㜞ᗵᐲᕈ⢻ ⸳⸘⥄↱ᐲ߇ᐢߊޔᐢࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬ▸࿐น⢻ ࡈࡠߪࠎߛઃߌ߇น⢻ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ 4 x TPMSߣࡕ࠻ࠠࠬࠛࡦ࠻ߩ৻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߩ࠻ࡦࠬ ࡐࡦ࠳↪ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠦࠗ࡞ߦᦨㆡ㧔⥄േゞ↪╬㧕 x ↪᷷ᐲ▸࿐㧦㧙40 㨪 㧗125°C SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD TRANSFORMERS 6 TYPE SA3M08 ᧲శຠ⇟ TOKO Part Number 1143AA-102J 1143AA-122J 1143AA-152J 1143AA-182J 1143AA-222J 1143AA-272J 1143AA-332J 1143AA-392J 1143AA-472J 1143AA-562J 1143AA-682J 1143AA-822J 1143AA-103J㩷 1143AA-123J 1143AA-153J 1143AA-183J ࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬ Inductance L (mH) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2 10.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 ᷹ቯᵄᢙ Test Frequency (kHz) 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 ⸵ኈᏅ Tolerance (%) r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 r5 5 Transponder Coils Features Q Unloaded Q Min. 25 25 25 25 30 30 35 35 30 30 35 30 30 35 35 35 7 8 9 If you are looking for inductance other than the above, please contact us. ⸥એᄖߩࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬߩᓮኻᔕ߽߅ฃߌߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ 45 Transponder Coils for Surface Mounting 㕙ታⵝ↪ ࠻ࡦࠬࡐࡦ࠳ࠦࠗ࡞ TYPE SA3D14 Recommended patterns ផᅑࡄ࠲ࡦ (Unit: mm) (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 Features x High reliability conforms to automotive applications. x Encapsulated core and winding for anti-shock proof. x High Q and high sensivility due to optimaized magnetic material and electrode structure. x Wide inductance range for desigh flexibility. x Triaxial LF antenna coil. x Applicable to reflow soldering. x RoHS compliant. x x x x x x x Applications ↪ ㅜ x Suitable as a Transponder Antenna Coil for TPMS and Keyless Entry System. (Vehicle application) x Wide operating temperature range (í 40°C~+85°C) ゞタၮḰߦㆡวߔࠆ㜞ା㗬ᕈ ⏛ᕈߣᏎ✢ㇱࠍ᮸⢽ኽᱛߒߚ⠴ⴣ᠄᭴ㅧ ⏛ᕈ᧚ߣ㔚ᭂ᭴ㅧߩᦨㆡൻߦࠃࠆ㜞Q㨯㜞ᗵᐲᕈ⢻ ⸳⸘⥄↱ᐲ߇ᐢߊޔᐢࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬ▸࿐น⢻ 3ゲ৻ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠦࠗ࡞ ࡈࡠߪࠎߛઃߌ߇น⢻ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ x ࡕ࠻ࠠࠬࠛࡦ࠻ߩ৻ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߩ࠻ࡦࠬ ࡐࡦ࠳↪ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠦࠗ࡞ߦᦨㆡ㧔⥄േゞ↪╬㧕 x ↪᷷ᐲ▸࿐㧦㧙40 㨪 㧗85°C SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD TRANSFORMERS TYPE SA3D14 ࠗࡦ࠳ࠢ࠲ࡦࠬ Inductance L (mH) X: 1.0 䌾 6.3 Y: 1.0 䌾 6.3 Z: 1.0 䌾 9.0 ᷹ቯᵄᢙ Test Frequency (kHz) 125 125 125 SA3D14 type is custamized item. Please feel free to contact us for details. SA3D14ߪࠞࠬ࠲ࡓ᭽ຠߢߔ߅ߪߡߟߦ⚦ޕวࠊߖਅߐޕ 46 ⸵ኈᏅ Tolerance (%) r5 r5 r5 Q Unloaded Q Min. 20 䌾 30 20 䌾 30 20 䌾 30 Dielectric Antenna Element ⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ 1 2 3 4 5 CONTENTS Dielectric Antenna Elements Dielectric Antenna Element for GPS GPS↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAKC .....................................................................................................48 DAM .......................................................................................................48 DAG .......................................................................................................48 DAXC .....................................................................................................48 DAS........................................................................................................48 DAU .......................................................................................................48 6 Dielectric Antenna Element for GLONASS GLONASS↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAKC .....................................................................................................49 DAG .......................................................................................................49 7 Dielectric Antenna Element for GPS & GLONASS GPS & GLONASS↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAKC .....................................................................................................49 DAXC .....................................................................................................49 8 Dielectric Antenna Element for SDARS ⴡᤊ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞ࠝ࠺ࠖࠝࠫࠝࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ 9 DAA........................................................................................................50 DAV........................................................................................................50 DAH .......................................................................................................50 Dielectric Antenna Element for ETC and DSRC ETC/DSRC↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ DAT........................................................................................................51 47 Dielectric Antenna Element for GPS GPS↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ TYPE DAKC, DAM, DAG, DAXC, DAS, DAU DAKC DAM DAG DAXC DAG1575CR3T 㧦t=4.0 DAG1575CR30T㧦t=2.0 DAS DAU DAU1575CR53T㧦t=4.0 DAU1575CR85T㧦t=2.0 Features ․ 㐳 High-spec غ25mmH4mm Compact غ20mm/غ18mm/غ13mm/غ12mmH4mm Low-profile غ25mm/غ20mm/غ12mmH2mm Microstrip structure, offset single feed through ground plane and substrate. x RoHS compliant x x x x x x x x x (unit:mm) 㜞ᕈ⢻غޔ25mmH4mm ዊဳغޔ20mm/غ18mm/غ13mm/غ12mmH4mm ૐ⢛غޔ25mm/غ20mm/غ12mmH2mm ࡑࠗࠢࡠࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ᭴ㅧ৻࠻࠶ࡈࠝޔὐ⛎㔚ᣇᑼ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES TYPE DAKC/DAM/DAG/DAXC/DAS/DAU ᧲శຠ⇟ ຠࠨࠗ࠭ TOKO Part Number Antenna size (mm) #DAKC1575MS74T 25㬍25㬍4 ਛᔃᵄᢙ Ꮺၞ ᓧ(ᄤ㗂) GND᧼ࠨࠗ࠭ ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ Center Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Typ. RHCP Gain (Zenith90q) (dBi)Typ. GND plane size (mm) Impedance (:) 1575.42r1.023 1580.5 *1 25.0*2 5.0 70 50.0 *1 *2 15.0 4.0 70 50.0 10.0*2 2.0 40 50.0 *2 ฃାᵄᢙ▸࿐ Range of Receiving Frequency (MHz) DAM1575CR25T 25㬍25㬍2 1575.42r1.023 1580.5 DAG1575CR3T 20㬍20㬍4 1575.42r1.023 1582.5 *1 *1 DAG1575CR30T 20㬍20㬍2 1575.42r1.023 1582.5 8.0 -1.0 40 50.0 DAXC1575CR76T 18㬍18㬍4 1575.42r1.023 1582.5 *1 9.0*2 0.0 40 50.0 1575.42r1.023 1582.5 *1 *2 -1.0 40 50.0 1582.5 *1 *2 -2.0 40 50.0 40 50.0 DAS1575CR23T DAU1575CR53T 13㬍13㬍4 12㬍12㬍4 1575.42r1.023 7.5 7.0 DAU1575CR85T 12㬍12㬍2 1575.42r1.023 1582.5 *1 6.5*2 -4.0 *1 When covered with the radome, then in general the shift in the center frequency is set so that it will be lower. ࠼ࡓࠍⵍߖߚᤨ㨮৻⥸⊛ߦਛᔃᵄᢙߪૐᣇߦ⒖േߔࠆߩࠍㄟࠎߢ⸳ቯߒߡ߹ߔޕ *2 Return Loss ҇ –10dB *3 Fixing the Antenna: Use of a double-faced adhesive tape on the grounding plate is recommended. ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ߩ࿕ቯߦߟߡ㧦ࠣࡦ࠼ၮ᧼ߦⵝ⌕ߔࠆ㓙ߪਔ㕙ធ⌕࠹ࡊߦࠃࠆⵝ⌕ࠍផᅑߒ߹ߔޕ 48 Dielectric Antenna Element for GLONASS GLONASS↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ TYPE DAKC, DAG DAKC DAG t=5.0 (unit:mm) 1 ․ 㐳 Features x Right-hand circular polarization specifically developed for reception of GLONASS. x Microstrip structure, offset single feed through ground plane and substrate. x RoHS compliant x GLONASSฃାߦᦨㆡߥฝᣓᵄ⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ x ࡑࠗࠢࡠࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ᭴ㅧ৻࠻࠶ࡈࠝޔὐ⛎㔚ᣇᑼ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ 2 SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES TYPE DAKC/DAG ฃାᵄᢙ▸࿐ ਛᔃᵄᢙ Ꮺၞ ᓧ(ᄤ㗂) GND᧼ࠨࠗ࠭ Range of TOKO Center RHCP Gain Antenna GND plane Bandwidth Receiving Part Frequency (Zenith90q) size size Frequency (MHz) Typ. (mm) (mm) Number (MHz) (dBi)Typ. (MHz) DAKC1602CR86T 25㬍25㬍4 1602+3.375/-3.9375 1602 *1 25.0*2 5.0 70 *1 DAG1602CR87T 20㬍20㬍5 1602+3.375/-3.9375 1602 14.0*2 3.0 40 *1 When covered with the radome, then in general the shift in the center frequency is set so that it will be lower. ࠼ࡓࠍⵍߖߚᤨ㨮৻⥸⊛ߦਛᔃᵄᢙߪૐᣇߦ⒖േߔࠆߩࠍㄟࠎߢ⸳ቯߒߡ߹ߔޕ *2 Return Loss ҇ –10dB *3 Fixing the Antenna: Use of a double-faced adhesive tape on the grounding plate is recommended. ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ߩ࿕ቯߦߟߡ㧦ࠣࡦ࠼ၮ᧼ߦⵝ⌕ߔࠆ㓙ߪਔ㕙ធ⌕࠹ࡊߦࠃࠆⵝ⌕ࠍផᅑߒ߹ߔޕ ᧲శຠ⇟ ຠࠨࠗ࠭ ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ Impedance (:) 3 50.0 50.0 4 Dielectric Antenna Element for GPS & GLONASS 5 GPS & GLONASS↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ Dielectric Antenna Elements TYPE DAKC, DAXC DAKC DAXC 6 7 ․ 㐳 Features x A dual frequency antenna capable of receiving GPS and GLONASS. x Microstrip structure, offset single feed through ground plane and substrate. x RoHS compliant x GPSߣGLONASSࠍหᤨߦฃାน⢻ߥ⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ x ࡑࠗࠢࡠࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ᭴ㅧ৻࠻࠶ࡈࠝޔὐ⛎㔚ᣇᑼ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ 8 SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES TYPE DAKC/DAXC ᧲శຠ⇟ ຠࠨࠗ࠭ ฃାᵄᢙ▸࿐ ਛᔃᵄᢙ Ꮺၞ ᓧ(ᄤ㗂) Range of TOKO Center RHCP Gain Antenna Receiving Bandwidth Part Frequency (Zenith90q) size Frequency (MHz) Typ. (mm) Number (MHz) (dBi)Typ. (MHz) 1575.42r1.023 3.0 DAKC1590CT23T 25㬍25㬍4 1602+3.375/-3.9375 3.0 1575.42r1.023 -2.0 DAXC1590CT24T 18㬍18㬍4 1602+3.375/-3.9375 -2.0 * Fixing the Antenna: Use of a double-faced adhesive tape on the grounding plate is recommended. ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ߩ࿕ቯߦߟߡ㧦ࠣࡦ࠼ၮ᧼ߦⵝ⌕ߔࠆ㓙ߪਔ㕙ធ⌕࠹ࡊߦࠃࠆⵝ⌕ࠍផᅑߒ߹ߔޕ GND᧼ࠨࠗ࠭ ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ GND plane size (mm) Impedance (:) 70 50.0 40 50.0 49 9 Dielectric Antenna Element for SDARS ⴡᤊ࠺ࠫ࠲࡞ࠝ࠺ࠖࠝࠫࠝࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ TYPE DAA, DAV, DAH DAA DAA is Dual type Antenna for SiriusXM. DAV DAH DAH is Antenna for XM. DAV is Antenna for XM. unit:mm ․ 㐳 Features x Left-hand circular polarization specifically developed for reception of satellite digital audio radio systems. x Microstrip structure, offset single feed through ground plane and substrate. x RoHS compliant x Satellite radioฃାߦᦨㆡߥᏀᣓᵄ⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ x ࡑࠗࠢࡠࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ᭴ㅧ৻࠻࠶ࡈࠝޔὐ⛎㔚ᣇᑼ x RoHS ᜰኻᔕ SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES TYPE DAA/DAV/DAH ᧲శຠ⇟ ຠࠨࠗ࠭ TOKO Part Number Antenna size (mm) DAA2332CL52T 28㬍28㬍6 #DAV2338CL10T 25㬍25㬍4 ฃାᵄᢙ▸࿐ Range of Receiving Frequency (MHz) 2332.5r12.5 2338.75r6.25 ਛᔃᵄᢙ Ꮺၞ ᓧ(ᄤ㗂) GND᧼ࠨࠗ࠭ ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ Center Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Typ. LHCP Gain (Zenith90q) (dBi)Typ. GND plane size (mm) Impedance (:) 2400.0 *1 150.0 *2 5.5 40 50.0 6.0 70 50.0 40 50.0 2348.0 *1 55.0 *2 DAH2338CL42T 20㬍20㬍4 2338.75r6.25 2352.0 *1 50.0 *2 5.0 *1 When covered with the radome, then in general the shift in the center frequency is set so that it will be lower. ࠼ࡓࠍⵍߖߚᤨ㨮৻⥸⊛ߦਛᔃᵄᢙߪૐᣇߦ⒖േߔࠆߩࠍㄟࠎߢ⸳ቯߒߡ߹ߔޕ *2 Return Loss ҇ –10dB *3 Fixing the Antenna: Use of a double-faced adhesive tape on the grounding plate is recommended. ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ߩ࿕ቯߦߟߡ㧦ࠣࡦ࠼ၮ᧼ߦⵝ⌕ߔࠆ㓙ߪਔ㕙ធ⌕࠹ࡊߦࠃࠆⵝ⌕ࠍផᅑߒ߹ߔޕ 50 Dielectric Antenna Element for ETC and DSRC ETC/DSRC↪⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ TYPE DAT 1 (Unit: mm) ․ 㐳 Features x x x x x 5.8GHz circular polarized dielectric antenna element. Broad-band and low-ripple. Good reception by excellence axial ratio The optimum directivity for DSRC and ETC RoHS compliant x x x x x 5.8GHzᏪᵄ⺃㔚ࠕࡦ࠹࠽⚛ሶ ᐢᏪၞޔૐᏅ ఝࠇߚゲᲧ․ᕈߦࠃࠅ⦟ᅢߥฃାࠍታ ETC/DSRCߦᦨㆡߥᜰะᕈ RoHS ᜰኻᔕ 2 SELECTION GUIDE FOR STANDARD DEVICES 3 TYPE DAT ຠࠨࠗ࠭ TOKO Part Number Antenna size (mm) ฃାᵄᢙ▸࿐ Range of Receiving Frequency (MHz) ਛᔃᵄᢙ Ꮺၞ ᓧ(ᄤ㗂) GND᧼ࠨࠗ࠭ ࠗࡦࡇ࠳ࡦࠬ Center Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Typ. RHCP Gain (Zenith90q) (dBi)Typ. GND plane size (mm) Impedance (:) 40 50.0 *1 DAT5810CR28T 13㬍13㬍3 5810.0r40.0 5810.0 500.0 5.0 *1 Return Loss ҇ –10dB *2 Fixing the Antenna: Use of a double-faced adhesive tape on the grounding plate is recommended. ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ߩ࿕ቯߦߟߡ㧦ࠣࡦ࠼ၮ᧼ߦⵝ⌕ߔࠆ㓙ߪਔ㕙ធ⌕࠹ࡊߦࠃࠆⵝ⌕ࠍផᅑߒ߹ߔޕ 4 5 Dielectric Antenna Elements ᧲శຠ⇟ 6 7 8 9 51 52 Packaging of Coils, Transformers & Filters Inverter Transformer Sample Order Sheets List of TOKO Type Code ࠦࠗ࡞࠻ࡦࠬߩ൮ⵝ ⥄േൻኻᔕ ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ⹜ᵈᢥᦠ ᧲శ࠲ࠗࡊࠦ࠼৻ⷩ CONTENTS Packaging of Coils · Transformers & Filters ࠦࠗ࡞࠻ࡦࠬߩ൮ⵝ㧔⥄േൻኻᔕ㧕 Reel Packaging ......................................................................................54 ࡞ࡄ࠶ࠤࠫ Surface Mounting Type, Reel / Tape List. ..............................................54 㕙ታⵝ↪ࠦࠗ࡞ኻᔕ㧔࡞/࠹ࡊ㧕৻ⷩ Inverter Transformer Sample Order Sheets .............................................55 ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ⹜ᵈᢥᦠ List of TOKO Type List .............................................................................57 ᧲శ࠲ࠗࡊࠦ࠼৻ⷩ 53 Packaging of Coils · Transformers & Filters ࠦࠗ࡞࠻ࡦࠬ㧒ࡈࠖ࡞࠲ߩ൮ⵝ㧔⥄േൻኻᔕ㧕 عReel Packaging ࡞ࡄ࠶ࠤࠫ Taping for automatic insertion of SMT Coils · Transformers & Filters Surface mount devices/adjustable & fixed This ever expanding assortment of product and unsurpassed quality control, not only give you a component that functionally performs, but just as importantly, allows the use of a variety of placement and soldering equipment necessary for the FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING PLANT required in today’s competitive world. Various packaging schemes are available. In addition to bulk, tape and reel and magazine, methods are offered for high volume insertion equipment. The following chart lists the packaging details for TOKO's SMD coils: 㕙ታⵝࠦࠗ࡞㨯࠻ࡦࠬ㧒ࡈࠖ࡞࠲⥄േᝌᯏ↪ ࠹ࡇࡦࠣ൮ⵝ นᄌ߅ࠃ߮࿕ቯߩ㕙ታⵝⵝ⟎ ߎߩ⼾ንߥຠ⟲ߣᦨ㜞ߩຠ⾰▤ℂߦࠃࠅޔᯏ⢻ᕈߩ⏕ߪ ߽ߣࠃࠅ┹ޔߩỗߒᣣߩᏒ႐ߦⷐ᳞ߐࠇࠆSMDߦਇน ᰳߥ㕙ታⵝⵝ⟎߿ߪࠎߛઃߌⵝ⟎߇ߐ߹ߑ߹ߥᣇᴺߢ↪ ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ᄙ᭽ߥࡄ࠶ࠤࠫᣇᴺ߇น⢻ߢߔޕᄢ㊂ߩᝌⵝ⟎ߦߪࡃޔ ࡞ࠢߩઁ߇ࡦࠫࠟࡑ߮ࠃ߅ޔ࡞ޔࡊ࠹ޔឭଏߢ߈߹ߔޕ ᰴߩ࿑ߪ᧲శߩSMDࠦࠗ࡞ࡄ࠶ࠤࠫߩ⚦ߢߔޕ Tape and reel dimensions ࠹ࡊ࡞ኸᴺ࿑ Notes: (1) There are at least 10 blank spaces (80mm each) at both ends of the tape which do not include the coils. (2) The protective tape should not cover the holes nor be shifted to the sides. Further, the tape should not be removed during transportation. (3) The deficiency per reel is within 0.5%. (4) The coils are positioned with the bonding surface facing bottom of the pocket. (5) Dimensional tolerances conform to the standards of Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ). RC-1009B, for Taping Dimensions (Chip Form) of Electronic components. x ࠹ࡊߩవ┵ਗ߮ߦ⚳┵ߦߪ10ࡇ࠶࠴(80mm)એߩⓨㇱࠍ ⸳ߌߡࠆޕ x ࠞࡃ࠹ࡊߪޔㅍࠅⓣࠍ߰ߐߛࠅߛߺߪࠄ߆ࡊ࠹ޔ ߒߚࠅߒߥߎߣߚ߹ޕャㅍਛ߇ࠇߥࠃ߁ߦߒߡࠆޕ x ㇱຠߩᱤᛮߌߪ1࡞ᒰࠅޔ0.5㧑એౝߢߔޕ x ࠹ࡊ߳ߩㇱຠߩᝌߪޔขઃߌ㕙ࠍਅߦߒߡࠆޕ x ኸᴺᏅߪᣣᧄ㔚ሶᯏ᪾ᎿᬺળⷙᩰRC-1009Bޟ㔚ሶㇱຠߩ ࠹ࡇࡦࠣኸᴺ㧔࠴࠶ࡊᒻ㧕ߦޠḰߕࠆޕ عSurface Mounting Type, Reel/Tape List 㕙ታⵝࠦࠗ࡞ኻᔕ㧔࡞/࠹ࡊ㧕৻ⷩ Type B5FL B5F B4FL B4F B4W 6CA 8CA 10CA R10F R12F R15F 54 A I330 I330 I330 I330 I330 I330 I330 I330 I330 I330 I330 Reel Size (mm) B1 B2 17.5 r 0.5 21.5 r 1 17.5 r 0.5 21.5 r 1 13.5 r 0.5 17.5 r 1 13.5 r 0.5 17.5 r 1 13.5 r 0.5 17.5 r 1 17.5 r 0.5 21.5 r 1 17.5 r 0.5 21.5 r 1 25.5 r 0.5 29.5 r 1 25.5 r 0.5 29.5 r 1 25.5 r 0.5 29.5 r 1 25.5 r 0.5 29.5 r 1 C 16.0 r 0.3 16.0 r 0.3 12.0 r 0.2 12.0 r 0.3 12.0 r 0.3 16.0 r 0.3 16.0 r 0.3 24.0 r 0.3 24.0 r 0.3 24.0 r 0.3 24.0 r 0.3 D 7.5 r 0.1 7.5 r 0.1 5.5 r 0.05 5.5 r 0.05 5.5 r 0.1 7.5 r 0.1 7.5 r 0.1 11.5 r 0.1 11.5 r 0.1 11.5 r 0.1 11.5 r 0.1 Tape Size (mm) E F G 6.9 r 0.1 6.4 r 0.1 3.95 r 0.1 6.9 r 0.1 6.4 r 0.1 4.6 r 0.1 5.4 r 0.1 4.4 r 0.1 3.2 r 0.1 5.4 r 0.1 4.4 r 0.1 3.5 r 0.1 5.3 r 0.1 5.3 r 0.1 2.4 r 0.1 6.6 r 0.1 6.9 r 0.1 3.3 r 0.1 8.6 r 0.1 8.9 r 0.1 3.2 r 0.1 10.8 r 0.1 10.4 r 0.1 3.6 r 0.1 10.0 r 0.1 11.5 r 0.1 5.8 r 0.1 12.9 r 0.1 14.4 r 0.1 6.8 r 0.1 15.9 r 0.1 16.4 r 0.1 7.5 r 0.1 H 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.4 r 0.05 0.5 r 0.05 0.5 r 0.05 I 12.0 r 0.1 12.0 r 0.1 8.0 r 0.1 8.0 r 0.1 8.0 r 0.1 12.0 r 0.1 12.0 r 0.1 16.0 r 0.1 12.0 r 0.1 20.0 r 0.1 20.0 r 0.1 Q'ty 1 Reel 1500 1000 2000 2000 2000 1500 1000 1000 1000 500 250 CCFL Driving Inverter Transformer Sample Order Sheet ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ⹜ᵈᢥᦠ ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬߩ⹜ߏᵈᢥߦ㓙ߒߡ x ⹜ࠍߏᵈᢥߐࠇࠆ႐ว߅ޔᚻᢙߢߔ߇ਅ⸥㗄⋡ߦߟߡᒰ␠ᜂᒰ⠪߳ߏᜰ␜ਅߐޕ x ⹜⸳⸘ᬌ⸛ࠍⴕ߁ߚߦᔅⷐߥᖱႎߢߔߩߢ㗄⋡ߦᴪߞߡߏ⸥ਅߐߦ․ ޕ5㗄ߪᭂജߏ⸥ਅߐ㧕 㧔⸥㧦 ᐕ ᣣ㧕 ⾆ ␠ ฬ㧦 ᚲዻㇱ⟑㧦 ߏ⧐ฬ㧦 ⾆␠ᚲ㧦 ޥ- 㔚 㧦 㧕 - 㧔ౝ✢㧦 㧕 FAX㧦 㧕 E-mail㧦 1. ↪ㅜ↪ᯏེ ················································ 2. ↪႐ᚲ····························································غደౝ غደᄖ غゞタᯏེ ઁߩߘغ 㧔 °C㨪 °C㧕 ࠻ࡦࠬߩ⸽୯ 㧔 °C㨪 °C㧕 3. ↪᷷ᐲ▸࿐·····················································࠶࠻ߩ⸽୯ 4. Ꮧᦸߩ᧲శ࠲ࠗࡊฬߪᄖᒻኸᴺ 㧖1 ············ ဳࠬࡦࠦ࠻ࠬࡃغ ဳ↪ࠨࡦ࠺ࡦࠦ࠻ࠬࡃغ ᄖᒻኸᴺ㧦㜞ߐMax= mm Max㧩 mm 㐳ߐMax㧩 mm 5. 㔚᳇⊛․ᕈ x ജ㔚▸࿐ (Vin)·········································· DCr V㨪 V㧔ᮡḰ୯ x ജ⸃㔚. ·················································· V rmsߪ x ↪CCFL▤ ···················································· ▤ฬ㧦 Vp-p㧔Vin= V㧕 Vᤨ㧕 ࡔࠞฬ㧦 ᧄᢙ㧦 x ↪ࡄࡀ࡞······················································· ࡄࡀ࡞ဳ⇟㧦 ࠳ࡒ⽶⩄ᤨߩᛶ᛫୯㧦 x ⊒ᝄᵄᢙ······················································· kHz㨪 ࡔࠞฬ㧦 ࠗࡦ࠴ᢙ㧦 : kHz 㧔ࡄࡀ࡞ផᅑ୯ kHz㧕 x ⸳ቯ▤㔚ᵹ······················································· mA rms㧔ജ㔚Vin= Vᤨ㧕㧔ࡄࡀ࡞ផᅑ୯ mArms㧕 x ▤㔚······························································ V rms 㧔ജ㔚Vin= Vᤨ㧕 x ⺞శᣇᑼ㧔ෳ⠨ߦ߅ુߒ߹ߔ ................... غ㔚ᵹ⺞శ ࠕ࠽ࡠࠣ⺞శ O#/CZ㨪 O#/KP غPWM⺞శ &WV[⺞శ /CZ㨪 /KP x ↪࠻ࡦࠫࠬ࠲߹ߚߪFET........................... غછᗧ غᜰቯ ဳฬ ࡔࠞฬ x ᓮIC.............................................................. غή 㧔ᜰቯߩ႐วߪޔᔅߕᡰ⛎ਅߐ߹ߔ᭽߅㗿ߒ߹ߔ㧕 ဳ غฬ ࡔࠞฬ x 㚟േ࿁〝ᣇᑼ .................................................... ࡗࠗࡠغ࿁〝 ࠫ࠶ࡉ࡞ࡈغ࿁〝 ࠫ࠶ࡉࡈࡂغ࿁〝 ࡞ࡊࡘࠪ࠶ࡊغ࿁〝 ઁߩߘغ 8KP .#/2 )0& 㧔ෳᾖ㧦ࡠࠗࡗ࿁〝㧕 㧔ᵈ㧕࿁〝⸳⸘ࠍⴕ߁႐วߪᔅߕታ⽶⩄߇ᔅⷐߣߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢታ㓙ߦߏ↪ߔࠆ FL▤ߩᡰ⛎ࠍ߅㗿ߒ߹ߔޕޔFL▤ߩ᭽ᦠ㧔ࠦࡇ㧕߽ᷝઃߒߡਅߐޕ 6. Ḱߔߴ߈ోⷙᩰ 2 ····································· غή غ㧔ⷙᩰฬ߮No.╬ 㧕 7. ⅣႺⷙᩰ·····························································(RoHSኻᔕຠ) ઁߩߘغ㧔 㧕 8. ߘߩઁ ······························································· ̪1 ታ⽶⩄ߢߩ⹏ଔᓟߦ࠻ࡦࠬ࠲ࠗࡊߪᄌᦝߣߥࠆ႐ว߇ߏߑ߹ߔޕ ̪2 Ḱߩߺߣߒⷙޔᩰขᓧߪ⥌ߒ߹ߖࠎޕ 55 CCFL Driving Inverter Transformer Sample Order Sheet ಄㒶ᭂ▤㚟േ↪ࠗࡦࡃ࠲࠻ࡦࠬ⹜ᵈᢥᦠ CCFL DRIVING INVERTER TRANSFORMER SAMPLE ORDER SHEET Please fill in following points, especially number 5. Your information Company: Date: Section: Your name: Telephone No: Fax No: ( ) — E-mail㧦 1. Application, set ··············································· 2. Place of use ······················································غIn house غOut side غIn car 3. Operating temperature ····································Guarantee of set ( Guarantee of transformer ( غMisc ( °C㨪 °C㨪 ) °C) °C) 4. Toko type name, Dimension1······················· غWithout the ballast capacitor غWith the ballast capacitor Dimension H Max mm W, Max mm, L Max 5. Electrical characteristics x Input voltage range (Vin)·································· DCr x Output open voltage. ······································· x Kind of CCFL tube ··········································· Name: V㨪 V (Average V rms or Vp-p㧔Input voltage Vin=at V) V) Maker: Lamp Q’ty: x Kind of Panel ··················································· Name: Maker: Impedance at dummy load : x Oscillating frequency ······································· mm kHz㨪 Inch Size: : kHz 㧔Average kHz) x Setting tube current ········································· mA rms 㧔Input voltage Vin=at V) (Panel recommendation = mArms) x Setting tube voltage. ········································ V rms 㧔Input voltage Vin=at V) x Dimming (Reference)...................................... غCurrent dimming (Analog dimming) mA Max 㨪 mA Min غPWM dimming (Duty dimming) % Max 㨪 % Min x Kind of Transistor or FET................................ غNon غYes ( Name Maker ) (Please give us several samples.) x Driving IC........................................................ غNon غYes ( Name Maker ) (Please give us several samples.) x Driving circuit .................................................. غRoyer circuit غFull-bridge circuit غHalf-bridge circuit غPush-pull circuit غMisc ( ) 8KP .#/2 )0& (Note) In occasion of inverter circuit design, we absolutely need to have a FL tube sample and a copy of it's specification sheet. 6. Safety standard 2 ·········································· غNon غYes (Name and No. ) 7. Necessary Environmental standard ············· (Cope RoHS) غMisc (Name and No. ) 8. Misc·································································· 1 After we evaluated trans with panel or CCFL , “Transformer-type” may change to other type. 2 Safety standard is only conformity, we will not acquire “safety standard”. 56 List of TOKO Type Code ᧲శ࠲ࠗࡊࠦ࠼৻ⷩ TYPE CODE vs. TYPE NAME (Reference) ࠦ࠼ vs. ࠲ࠗࡊฬ (ෳ⠨) We don’t show type which includes type name in part number. ຠ⇟ߦ࠲ࠗࡊฬ߇߹ࠇࠆຠߪ⸥タߒߡ߹ߖࠎޕ A code is a number of three-digit or four-digit included in the first part of TOKO part number. ᧲ޔߪޠ࠼ࠦޟశຠ⇟ߩᦨೋߦ߹ࠇࠆ3ᩴ߹ߚߪ4ᩴߩᢙሼޕ Code Type 㩷㩷 Code 181 10RB 㩷 㩷 892 187 8RB 262 8RBS 395 458 Type 㩷 Code D124C 㩷 1009 㩷 㩷 898 8CA 㩷 㩷 㩷 914 D52LC 㩷 5CA 㩷 㩷 915 D53LC 㩷 B5F 㩷 㩷 916 D63CB 㩷 494 8RBH 㩷 㩷 918 D62LCB 558 MC152 㩷 㩷 919 D104C 616 B5FL 㩷 㩷 920 617 B4F 636 D73F 638 646 Type 㩷㩷 Code Type DSH126C 㩷 㩷 1217 DEM8045C 1010 DH124C 㩷 㩷 1224 DEM2810C 1020 DIP1C 㩷 㩷 1225 DEM2812C 1032 DH10F 㩷 㩷 1226 DEM2815C 1044 DIP1D 㩷 㩷 1227 DEM2818C 㩷 1047 DS75LC 㩷 㩷 1229 DEM3512C 㩷 1065 BH8S 㩷 㩷 1231 DEM3518C D62CB 㩷 1068 DB3015C 㩷 㩷 1234 DEM4514C 㩷 㩷 921 D63LCB 㩷 1069 DB3018C 㩷 㩷 1235 DEM4518C 㩷 㩷 931 D128C 㩷 1070 DB3020C 㩷 㩷 1239 DFE252012C 5CCE 㩷 㩷 940 BLC4204 㩷 1077 DS74LC 㩷 㩷 1245 DHCP6144 D75CE 㩷 㩷 944 B4W 㩷 1079 DS73LC 㩷 㩷 1246 DIP1S 646 D75F 㩷 㩷 952 DS104C2 㩷 1082 CLT4123 㩷 㩷 1248 DEM8040C 648 D78C 㩷 㩷 953 DS126C2 㩷 1083 CLTP4123 㩷 㩷 1255 DG6045C 665 R10F 㩷 㩷 957 BLC4204B 㩷 1085 SA3D14 㩷 㩷 1256 DEM2612C 687 D76UP 㩷 㩷 960 D518LC 㩷 1086 DIP1H 㩷 㩷 1257 DIP2A 814 D10F 㩷 㩷 962 D106C 㩷 1109 DB315C 㩷 㩷 1258 DIP2F 816 10CA 㩷 㩷 964 ECM85 㩷 1120 SA517 㩷 㩷 1259 UCMH0907 822 8RHB2 㩷 㩷 966 DS106C2 㩷 1131 DIP1F 㩷 㩷 1264 DG6050C 823 8RHT2 㩷 㩷 969 BLC4206 㩷 1134 DS84LCB 㩷 㩷 1267 DG8040C 824 10RHB2 㩷 㩷 970 BLC4206B 㩷 1135 DS85LCB 㩷 㩷 1269 DFE252010C 830 10RHT2 㩷 㩷 975 DIP1A 㩷 1143 SA3M08 㩷 㩷 1273 DEM8030C 836 FSDV 㩷 㩷 985 NT2012 㩷 1144 SA3M12 㩷 㩷 1274 DEM10050C 838 6CA 㩷 㩷 989 D126CT 㩷 1156 D2810CB 㩷 㩷 1276 DFE322510C 844 B4FL 㩷 㩷 990 BLC4115 㩷 1164 D104LC 㩷 㩷 1277 DFE322512C 857 B5W 㩷 㩷 991 BLC4115L 㩷 1179 DS104LC 㩷 㩷 1278 DEM4520C 873 R12F 㩷 㩷 992 DS86C 㩷 1182 DIP1K 㩷 㩷 1285 DFE201610C 875 D52FU 㩷 㩷 993 DB320C 㩷 1190 TRP1A 㩷 㩷 1286 DFE201612C 876 R15F 㩷 㩷 997 DB318C 㩷 1198 D2815CB 㩷 㩷 7502 13RHBP 887 D32FU 㩷 㩷 1006 DH63LCB 㩷 1200 D2808CB 㩷 㩷 7503㩷 11RHBP㩷 888 D31FU 㩷 㩷 1007 DH75C 㩷 1205 BPW10040 㩷 㩷 㩷 889 D53FU 㩷 1212 DIP1N 㩷 㩷 㩷 1008 DSH104C 57 58 コイル・トランス NOTICE 1. Please be sure that you carefully discuss your planned purchase with our sales division if you intend to use the products in this catalog under conditions where particularly extreme standards of reliability are required, or if you intend to use products for applications other than those listed in this catalog. ¡Power drive products for automobile, ship or aircraft transport systems; steering and navigation systems, emergency signal communications systems, and any system other than those mentioned above which include electronic sensors, measuring, or display devices, and which could cause major damage to life, limb or property if misused or failure to function. ¡Medical devices for measuring blood pressure, pulse, etc., treatment units such as coronary pacemakers and heat treatment units, and devices such as artificial organs and artificial limb systems which augment physiological functions. ¡Electrical instruments, equipment or systems used in disaster or crime prevention. 2. This catalog is effective from Sep. 2012. Note that the contents are subject to change or discontinuation without notice. When placing orders, please confirm specifications and delivery conditions in writing. 3. TOKO is not responsible for any problems nor for any infringement of third party patents or any other intellectual property rights that may arise from the use or method of use of the products listed in this catalog. Moreover, this catalog does not signify that TOKO agrees implicitly or explicitly to license any patent rights or other intellectual property rights which it holds. 4. None of ozone depleting substances(ODS) under the Montreal Protocol is used in manufacturing process of us. ご注意 1. このカタログに記載の製品について、極めて高い信頼性が要求される以下の用途でのご使用を ご検討の場合、またはこのカタログに記載された用途以外でのご使用をご検討の場合は、必ず 事前に当社営業窓口までご相談ください。 ¡ 自動車、船舶、航空機などの交通輸送システムにおける動力駆動系・操舵航法系・非常信号 通信系および上記以外の系であってもその誤動作や機能停止が人命・身体・財産に重大な損 害をもたらす恐れのある電子的手段による検出・計測・制御・表示などの機能を含む系。 ¡ 血圧や心拍数などの医用計測装置、心臓ペースメーカや温熱療法などの治療装置、人工臓器 や人工義足手システムなどの生体機能補助装置。 ¡ 防災または防犯用電気機器・設備・システム。 2. このカタログの記載内容は 現在のものです。記載内容を予告なく変更あるいは 2012年9月 製造を中止することがあります。ご注文に際しては仕様・納入仕様書などの取り交わしをお願 いします。 3. このカタログに記載された製品の使用法および回路を適用したり使用したことから生じる諸問 題および第三者の特許権その他の知的財産権の侵害に対して、当社はその責任を負いません。 また、当社の特許権その他の知的財産権の黙示その他による実施許諾は致しません。 4. 当社の製造工程では、モントリオール議定書で規制されているオゾン層破壊物質(ODS)は一切 使用しておりません。 表2 背幅3mm 表3 Design A 改-明朝 2013 COILS・TRANSFORMERS・FILTERS & ANTENNAS コイル・トランス・フィルタ&アンテナ Headquarters / 本 社 営 業 拠 点 18, Ohaza, Gomigaya, Tsurugashima-shi, Saitama-ken, 350-2281, Japan 〒350-2281 埼玉県鶴ヶ島市大字五味ヶ谷18番地 Tel : 049-285-2511 Fax : 049-286-7381 ● 営 業センター 〒350-2281 埼玉県鶴ヶ島市大字五味ヶ谷18 Tel 049-250-2291 Fax 049-279-1811 ● 東 京オフィス 〒170-0013 東京都豊島区東池袋1-17-8 NBF池袋シティビル3F Tel 03-5960-0350 Fax 03-5960-0348 ● 大 阪 営 業 所 〒532-0003 大阪市淀川区宮原2-14-10 中尾ロイヤルビル6F Tel 06-6395-6411 Fax 06-6395-6416 ● 名古屋営業所 〒465-0093 名古屋市名東区一社2-87 プラザ・タマ2F Tel 052-703-2247 Fax 052-703-2009 この印刷物は、適切に管理された森林からの原料を含むFSC®認証紙と植物油インキを使用しています。 墨DIC128 CATALOG No. C-052002 Printed in Japan '12.09 2K (HK) Coils・Transformers・ Filters & Antennas 東光株式会社 背幅3mm Balun Transformers バルントランス DC-DC Converter Transformers DC-DCコンバータトランス Inverter Transformers インバータトランス Dielectric Filters/Duplexers 誘電体フィルタ/デュプレクサ Diplexers/Triplexers ダイプレクサ/トリプレクサ Transponder Coils トランスポンダコイル Dielectric Antennas 誘電体アンテナ
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