H15 英語活動カリキュラム 秋田市立中通小学校 月 4 5 題 材 あいさつ 紹介 時・日 週・月 季節 国 6 体 天気 気分 7 学校生活 アクション 文房具 場所・勉強 スポーツ 8 9 10 11 12 色・形 動物 食べ物 3 ごきげんいかが? How are you ? I'm fine thank you. And you ? I'm fine , too. Thank you. 頭にタッチ! Touch your head! (mouth,nose,eyes,shoulders, knees,toes,ears ) ( )しましょう Sit down. Stand up. Turn around. Hands up. Hands down. Clap your hands. Tap your feet. Look. Quiet please. Make a circle. これは何色?これは何? What color is this ? (green,pink,blue,yellow ) アルファベット What is this ? 数 (cat,tiger,lion,bear,rabbit, apple, アクション banana,lemon,orange) いくつかな?手をたたいてみよう Counting 1 12 Let's count. How many ○ ? これがぼくの家族だよ。 おきなさい。ねなさい。 家庭生活 This is ○.(mother,father,sister, 家族 brother, grandfather,grandmother) アクション Wake up. Go to school. 職業 Open the window. Watch TV. Go to bed. クリスマス 買い物 1 2 1 年 あいさつをしよう! Good morning , ○! Good afternoon , ○! Good bye , ○! See you. Good night ○! Thank you. Sorry. That's all right. Nice to meet you. Hello. I'm ○. 言葉遊び まとめ 2 年 3 年 4 年 ごきげんいかが? How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you? I'm fine, too.Thank you. きょうは月曜日 It's Monday. (Sunday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,Friday,Saturday) 頭・肩・ひざ・つまさきさん Head,shoulders,knees,toes. eyes,nose,mouse,ears はじめまして Hello. I´m・・・・. Nice to meet you. 今,何時? What's time is it now ? It´s three o´clock. きょうの天気は? How´s the weather? It´s snny. It´s hot. It´s cold. 出身国はどこ? Japan, America, China・・・ 気分はいかがですか? How are you? Im hungry. あなたの名前は? Hello,my name is ○. What's your name ? My name is □. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too. 曜日をおぼえよう。 What's this ? "Wednesday." どこから来たの? Where is "curry" from ?India. Where is this costume from ? China. みんなでジャンプ Hold hands. Turn around. (Jump,swim,danse,sleep,run,walk) これはいすです What´s this? It's a chair. ruler,notebook,pencil, blackboard,sciss どうしたの? What's the matter ? (How are you ?) I'm cold. Oh,that's too bad. 果物・野菜・動物さん What fruits do you like? I like apples. (animals,vegetables,colors,) マザーグースを楽しもう Twinkle,twinkle,Little star♪ ♪Mary Had a Little Lamb♪ ABCの歌を歌おう A∼Z 四角を青くぬろう What's this? It's a yellow circle Paint a square blue. (triangle,square,circle,) みかんはいくつあるの? Counting 1∼20. How many oranges? Three oranges. (Two apples.Five bananas.) わたしの家族 This is my father. (mother,brother,sister) 20まい持っているよ Counting ∼20 サッカーは好き? Do yo like sccer? Yes,I do. / No,I don´t. 顔を洗うよ I wash my face 英語で鉛筆は何と言いますか。 What's this in English ? "Pencil" chair,desk,eraser, blackboard,notebook ABCの歌を歌おう。 Let's sing a song"The Alphabet Song" マザーグースを楽しもう Twinkle,twinkle,Little star♪ ♪Mary Had a Little Lamb♪ 電話番号を教えて? What's your telephone number ? 2345-6789. I see. Thank you. クリスマスを楽しもう。 Merry Christmas! Let's play the games! クリスマス会をしよう Let's play the games. (Black Box Game.Rock, Paper,Scissors etc.) ( )をください。いくらですか? ○, please. Here you are. How much ? ○ dollars. Here you are. Thank you. 劇ごっこをしよう。 早口言葉で遊ぼう。 Let's play Tongue Twister. Let's read The farmer and the Beet. これは何?救急車だよ What's this ? It's an ambulance. (fire engine, motorcycle) Go. Stop. Turn. パイナップルをください One pineapple, please Here you are. How much? Two dollars. Here you are. Thank you. 5 年 私の友達を紹介します This is my friend ..... This is my friend ..... Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 今日は何日ですか? What's the date today? Today's May 20. 出身はどちらですか? Where are you from? from Japan. America, Australia,China, Italy, India, 今日の気分は? ここは体育館です Excuse me.Where is the gym? This way.This is the gym どんなスポーツが好きですか? What sport do you like? I like swimming. 青いTシャツをください I want a blue T-shirt. Here you are. Thank you. You are welcome. それはごはんです What's this? It's rice. 6 年 私のことを紹介します My name is . What's your name? Nice to meet you. I like ∼ . 僕は春が好きだよ Do you like summer? I like summer . What season do you like? 気分はいかが? How are you? I have a headache. 音楽室はどこですか? Where is the music room? This way . Let me show you . gym,library,lunch room teacher's room 白いTシャツを下さい Please give me a white T-shirt. Here you are. Thank you. いくつ「A」を見つけたか あなたの名前のスペルを A∼Z 教えてください Counting ∼100 What's your name? How many As? Twenty eight. My name is Keiko. 何をしているの? How dou you spell it? What are you doing? I'm singing. K , e , i , k , o . お父さんは船長です Father is acaptain. businessperson, homemaker,teacher,nurse,doctor 赤い三角がほしいな I want a red triangle. Here you are. Thank you. You are welcome. それはにんじんだよ Making Christmas cards, & Christmas Tree. Let´s play the games. BlackBoxGame, Rock,Paper,Scissors サッカーが好き。 What's sport do you like ? I like soccer.Let's play soccer. 将来何になりたい? What's do you want to be? I want to be a policemann. 何をしているの?[電話] Hello, this is .... speaking What are you doing? I'm watching TV. あなたのご職業は何ですか? What do you do? I'm a doctor. 本を読みたいな What do you want to do? / I want to go to bed. クリスマス集会をしよう Making Christmas cards. Let´s play the games. BlackBoxGame, Rock,Paper,Scissors いくらですか? May I help you ? I want this . Here you are . How much is it ? Five yen . Thank you . Skit 英語で遊ぼう。 早口言葉 英語劇 クリスマスにほしいものは? What do you want for Christmas. I want a ..... クリスマスの買い物をしよう This candle, please. Here you are.How much ? Two dollars.Thank you. 早口言葉で遊ぼう 「小さな赤いめんどり」をよもう。 Let's play "Tongue Twister" Let's read"The Little Red Hen" クリスマス集会を開こう Making Christmas cards. 本屋さんへ行こう This book, please. Here you are. How much? Twenty dollers. Thank you. 国際電話をかけよう! Hello, This is ○○ speaking. Is there ○○ ? Yes. Hold on a moment. Thank you. 英語であそぼ! To be , not to be ,that is question. All is the well,end is the well. 英語であそぼう 早口言葉 詩の暗唱 フリープラン 将来何になりたい? What do you want to be? I want to be a policeman.
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