( ) Journal of Horticultural Science 448-459 .# 1391 !" 4 26 2008 - 4730 :$ Vol. 26, No. 4, Winter 2013, P. 448-459 ISSN: 2008 - 4730 ! " #$% " !" *% ' !&!' () " 3 5657 8 -23! " /02 -*1! +, 1391/4/6: 1391/8/2: -./ 0 1-2 !" " #$ %& ' ()* + , +? (-C - (>=7(.> / ? (@7 12AB '? <)=3 3 (9)" :).;" '5)6 7 8 .3 ? <)=-3 -3 J-"(-)" 4 ? 3 2 1 '--5)6 - 'D E) %$ .@ 3 "'>" #$ .3 ./ 0 $ (3 " '%> '--%U -+" T3 .> .L" +QR" )2/S ? +" 'D E) P" .> (9)" () !" K LM -/ (.@-3 P? Y-7 1 Z P[" .> %> ? 20 1" ' 2 95 (%=> C ? 0(.>3 U 4 '" ? 'L.= (L)() 20 ? 15 10 5 @-2 '-? (>=-7(-.> -/ ? <\-3 -3 #C ]B pH P3 . $ .3 9)" "U " +" -7 (-* '(-L" Y[-/ #C ]B ? pH 9)" "U " P? Y7 P[" '%> +? (C 7 PR> ^.> .> ' 0+> 1?-@ '-%> +? (-C .-3 .- '(-L" Y-7 (>=-7(.> / ? <\3 3 P3 . $ .3 +" / (.@3 Y7 `>" '(L" C <)=3 3 . +R" + ' 0+> '.7/ _ <)=3 3 ? '(L" -/ ? <\-3 -3 P-3 . -$ .-3 P[-" .R- c - .3 + 0 +" / (.@3 a@* b LM ? 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