2013-14 ·Ì ËÝ··ËoÛ··¸Ý~··· h·ÏË Ý ¸·£·· Ý··v·zÝ OUTCOME and PERFORMANCE BUDGET of RAILWAYS for 2013-14 ËÝ··´····ËÝ··Ë··Ë|µÝ Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) 26 ÛÝ·ÝÀFebruary, 2013 ··Ý·¤·ÝoÛ·Ý GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 2013-14 ·Ì ËÝ··ËoÛ··¸Ý~··· h·ÏËÝ ¸·£·· Ý··v·zÝ OUTCOME and PERFORMANCE BUDGET of RAILWAYS for 2013-14 ËÝ··´····ËÝ··Ë··Ë|µÝ Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) 26 ÛÝ·ÝÀFebruary,2013 ¸·£··¤·Çt·À CONTENTS ·Ê£ zݤ·´p·· Page No. ÊvààChapter - I ·°¤····· Introduction 1-3 ÊvààChapter - II ¸··À······Ï¸·oÛ¸·£·· Ý· 4-9 Financial and Physical Performance ÊvààChapter - III ÊvààChapter - IV q··Ý§Ý·À´´·´t··£·Â···Ëv··· 10 - 13 XI Five Year Plan 2007- 2012 ËÝ ··¸Ýt····oËÛoÄÛuÜ·°·Äp··¸Ý~ ··· 14 - 41 A Few Salient Outcomes of Rail Operations ÊvààChapter - V Ý·ËzÝ·oµÛ¸·¤·· ÝNetwork Expansion 42 - 45 ÊvààChapter - VI ¤·´Ýc·· Safety 46 - 47 ÊvààChapter - VII j·· Ý·ioÛ·i··´···h·Ý|ÝÀm¤·h·ËProduction 48 - 55 Units & R.D.S.O h·Ä·´·oÛ ¤o¯ÏÛ·oÛÀ¸·¯oÛÀ····Êc··Ý·Ë·~· ANNEXURE A Sale of Scrap & Afforestation h·Ä·´·p·1¤·Ëp·7 2012- 13 ·Ì···Àq··¸|®Ý ··Ë́h·ÏÝ ¤zËÝ ···ÌoÛÀ¤·Çt·À ANNEXURE B1 to B7 List of Train Services in 2012-13 and Stations h·Ä·´·q· ··´t·oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···h·ÌoÛ· ¸·£·· Ý· ANNEXURE – C Performance of Projects costing more than Rs. 5 crore each Physical & Financial Targets and Progress of S.R.S.F works ***** 56 57 - 77 C 1 – C 102 CHAPTER I IN TR ODUCTION The Indian Railways is a departmental commercial undertaking of the Government of India. The formation of policy and overall control o f the railways is vested in Railway Board comprising the Chairman , who is an ex-officio Principal Secretary to Government of India, Financial Commissioner and other functional Members for Traffic, Engineering, Mechanical, Elect rical and Staff matters, all ex-officio Secretaries to Government of India. The Indian Railway system is managed through 17 zones and 68 operating divisions. Apart from the zonal Railways representing the operational part of the system, there are six production units engaged in manufacture of rolling sto ck and other related items. Research, Designs and Stan dards O rganization (RDSO) is the sole research and development wing of In dian Railways, fun ctioning as the technical adviser and consultant to the Ministry, Zonal Railways and Production Units with the status of a Zonal Railway. The Indian Railway has several Public Sector Undertakin gs/ affiliated organizations working under the overall control of the Minist ry of Railways. Box – 1 Indian Railways: A historical legacy One hundred fifty nine years ago , one April afternoon, histo ry was made at Bori Bunder in Mumbai when to the booming sound of a 21 gun salute, the first train on Indian soil started its maiden journey of 21 miles (34 km) to Thane. The steam engine and metal track had become a reality in India. Since then the ubiquitous rail track has traveled the length and breadth of the subcontinent, weaving an iron link among the diverse people of India. The Railway finances have been separated from the General finances as per the Separation Convention, 1924. This convention has been carried forward by the Railway Convention Committee of the Parliament, which determines the financial relation of the Railways and the General finances. The Railway Convention Committee also determines the rate of dividend which the Railways are required to pay to the General Revenues on the amount invested in former by the latter. The Railway Budget is normally presented to the Parliament ahead of the General Budget. Though the Railway Budget is separately presented to the Parliament, the figures relatin g to the receipt and expenditure of the Railways are also shown in the General Budget, since the receipt and expenditure of the Railways are a part and parcel of the total receipts and expenditure of the Go vernment of In dia. 1 The Indian Railway is the world’s largest government railway. The Railway functions as a vertically integrated organizat ion pro vidin g Passenger and Freight services. It is a single system which consists of 64,600 route km of track that criss cross the country, on which more than 19,710 number of trains ply, carrying about 23 million passengers and hauling nearly 2.67 million tonnes of freight everyday, thereby contributing to the economic growth of the country and at the same time promoting national integration. As compared to road tran spo rt, the railway has a num ber of intrin sic advantages as it is five to six times more energy efficient, four times more efficient in land use and sign ificantly superio r from the standpoint of environment impact and safety. In dian Railways, therefore, rightly occupies pride of place in the growth and development of the nation. The railway service is rendered through a nation wide rail infrast ructure coverin g t rack, stations, sidings, freight terminals, locomotives, coaches an d wagons and a myriad of infrast ruct ure inputs like signalin g, telecom, electrical installations, maintenance workshops etc. The output and outcomes achieved by the Railways in terms of Passenge rs and Freight carried results from the interwoven activities of the various infrastructure input s comprisin g the Railway Infrast ructure. W hile a direct one to one correlation in term s o f in puts and outcomes o f each activity is not easy to render in a t ransport sector like the Railways, the Performan ce cum Outcome Budget attempts to give a better insight in to the multifarious activities of the railways that , when combined, generate the outcome of transportation services. Box – 2 Rail Inf rastructure as on 31 .03.2012 • Route Kms: o Broad Gauge o Metre Gauge o Narrow Gauge • Running Track Kms: 89,801; o Broad Gauge (80,779); o Metre Gauge (6,725) & o Narrow Gauge (2,297); • Electrified Route Kms: 20,275 • Rolling Stock: o Wagons: o Locomotives: o Coaches: 64,600; (55,956); (6,347) & (2,297); 2,39,321 wagon unit s 9,549 nos. 55,339 no s. This performance cum outcome budget seeks to report on the Outcomes of the Rail services in terms of through put, financial results, addit ion to capacit y, and outcomes for the traveling public and rail use rs. The Performance Budget of Railways has been prepared in pursuance of the recommendations of the Standing Committee contained in their VI Report (1993-94) on 2 Demands for Grant s (Railways), 1994-95. This do cument inter alia indicates the comparative performance of Indian Railways in respect of Revenue and Expenditure vis-à-vis the targets. The performance in respect of works costing Rs. 5 crore and above, includin g transfer of funds from one work to other; target dates of completion of the projects are also indicated. It also gives a summary appraisal of the Railway’s performance including short falls, if an y, in respect of revenue earnings, expenditure, works performance as provided in the ongoing Five Year Plan an d Annual Plan . The Outcome Budget for Railways has been introduced from 2006-07 keeping in view the guidelines of the Government for converting financial outlays into physical outcomes. The Railway has a mechanism to measure the development outcomes of all major programmes givin g import ance to convertin g finan cial outlays into physical outcomes, with quarterly measurable and monitorable targets, to impro ve the quality of implementation of the projects. The Outcome Budget 2013-14 t ries to bring out the achievements/highlights that the Railway has tried to deliver upto 2011-12 and 2012-13 for the benefit of the people of the country. This Railway budget document provides an insight not only to the outlays provided under various plan heads, but also the targets set vis-a-vis the progress achieved in measurable terms, a feature unique to this Minist ry’s budget documents. Some of the information relating to O utcome Budget is also available in other budget documents, like, Explanatory Memorandum where Traffic Plan for goods and passengers as also efficiency indices, like, Plan Targets an d achievements are given. The quantifiable performance units of expenditure relating to non-plan expenditure for Demand No . 4 to 12 are included in the respective Demands for Grants (Part II). ***** 3 CHAPTER II FINANCIAL AND PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TABLE I (Rupees in crore) Key Fi nancial I ndi cators Financial Perf ormance Growth ov er 2011-12 Actuals 2011-12 Budget 2012-13 28,246 2,716 36,073 2,994 32,500 3,083 69,548 3,643 1,04,154 89,339 4,096 1,32,502 85,956 4,096 1,25,635 -43 50 45 1,04,110 2,135 1,32,552 3142 1,25,680 2,522 20.7% 18.1% 1,06,245 1,35,694 1,28,202 20.7% 74,537 17,610 84,400 18,500 84,400 20,000 13.2% 13.6% 6,520 9,500 7,000 7.4% Total Worki ng Expendi ture Miscellaneous Expe ndi ture 98,667 796 1,12,400 1,061 1,11,400 1,053 12.9% 32.3% Total Ex penditure Divid ent p ayable to General Re venue s Net Surplus after payment of Dividend Operati ng Rati o 99,463 1,13,461 1,12,453 13.1% 5,656 6,676 5,340 1,126 15,557 10,409 94.9% 84.9% 88.8% Particulars Recei pts (a) Passenger Earni ngs (b) Other Coachi ng (b) Goods (c) Sundry other Earnings Total Traffic Earnings Clearanc e from Traffi c Outs tandi ngs Gross Traffic Recei pts Miscellaneous Receipts Total Recei pts Ex penditure Ordinary Working Expe nses Appropri ati on to Pension F und Appropri ati on to Depre ciati on Re serv e F und Revised 2012-13 15.1% 13.5% 23.6% 12.4% 20.6% -5.6% 824.4% • Gross Earni ngs pl aced at 5V1, 25,68 0 cr in RE 2012- 13 are l ess than the Budget Esti mate s by Rs 6,872 cr. While freight earni ngs are expec ted to grow at 23. 6% over 2011-12, P asse nge r revenues reflect a growth of 15.1% . • The budgete d Ordinary Worki ng Expenses of Rs . 84,400 crore have been retai ned in the Re vised Es ti mates 2012-13. The appropri ati on to pension f und has b een incre as ed to meet the higher pension payme nts. TABLE II K ey Performance Indicators Actuals 2011-12 Particulars Rati o of Net Revenue to Capi tal Operati ng Rati o 4 Budget 2012-13 Revised 2012-13 4.2 12.1 8.6 94.9% 84.9% 88.8% TABLE III Passenger and Frei ght P erf ormance 8224.38 8640.00 Actual to end of December, 2011 6210.12 28,246. 43 32,500.00 20,593. 32 22,544. 15 969.05 100 6.70 704.86 735.32 69,547. 59 85,956.00 49,542. 63 61,220. 13 Actuals 2011-12 No. of Pas sengers Originati ng (in mi ll i ons) Passenger Earni ngs ( Rs . in crores) Freight L oadi ng ( in million tonnes) Freight Earings ( Rs . in crores) Revised Esti mates , 2012-13 Actual to end of December, 2012 6422.29 Details of Frei ght throughput are at Table IV • The thrust of i mp roved p erf ormance during 20 12-13 has hinged up on signific ant improve ment i n utilis ation of our rolli ng stoc k and fixed i nfrastructure, apart from induction of addi tional l ocomotiv es, coaches and wagons. There has also been a posi tive response of the marke t to dynamic prici ng polic y and other i nnovative measures i ni ti ated i n 201 2-13. Table IV Freight Traf fic Throughp ut Actuals , 2011-12 Coal f or Steel Plants Revised Es timates 2012-13 Net Tonne Tonnage Net Tonne Tonnage Originati ng Kms. Kms. Originating (Milli ons) (Milli ons) (Milli ons) (Milli ons) 46.6 9 18,526 47.82 19,606 Coal f or W as heries Coal f or The rmal P ower Stations Coal f or Public Use rs 1.62 300.15 107.35 350 212,532 59,950 1.27 317.38 131.01 98 192,015 62,885 Total C oal Raw Materi al for Ste el Plants 455.81 14.51 291,455 10,271 497.48 15.72 274,604 10,218 25.68 9.47 9.6 7 54.74 40.29 26,307 7,611 6,324 14,300 19,676 27.78 7.71 4.22 63.52 42.55 29,891 4,472 2,372 16,007 19,233 Ceme nt Foodgrai ns Fertili zers Petroleum & Lubri cants Container Se rvice Other Goods 107.66 46.40 52.69 39.78 38.02 74.33 62,036 57,927 43,810 26,096 45,298 56,496 104.83 47.22 47.70 40.85 40.77 66.35 59,648 61,622 42,453 26,144 48,174 49,763 Total 969.05 667,607 1006.70 644,601 Pig Iron & Finis hed Steel from Steel Plants Pig Iron & Finis hed Steel from other p oints Iron Ore f or Exp ort Iron Ore f or Steel Plants Iron Ore f or Other Users • • • • 9.1% 8.3% 8.2% 16% • 5.6% growth in l oading of Iron Ore for Other Users. 5 growth in Coal l oadi ng. growth in l oading of raw materi als f or s teel pl ants. growth in l oading of Pig Iron & Fini she d Ste el from Steel Pl ants. growth in l oading of Iron Ore for Steel Plants. Substantial Improvement in Eff iciency Indicators f rom 2009 - 10 onw ards. The sus tained i mprove ment i n efficie ncy has help ed in the marked turnaround in the perf ormance of the Railways. This is captured i n a fe w k ey perf ormanc e indic ators gi ven below: o Wagon Loading per day (BG) - has i ncre ased from 40032 in 2009-1 0 to 43157 in 2011-12 de noti ng an i mp rove me nt of 7.81% . This has enabled the substantial incre ase in F reight Earnings. o Averag e load per wag on ( Tonne - BG) - has inc re ased from 60.6 tonnes in 2009-10 to 61.2 tonnes in 2011-1 2 denoting 1% improve ment i n the capacity utilisati on pe r wagon loaded. This me ans that lesser no. of wagons woul d be require d f or the same amount of load carrie d. This als o re sul ts i n less train kms and consequently less c onges ti on on secti ons of the line besi des lower uni t cos t. o Freight trai n l oading daily - has incre ased from 2.43 million tonnes i n 200 9-10 to 2.67 million tonnes i n 2011- 12 de noti ng an i mprove me nt of 9. 88% . This has b een achieved through mechanised sys tem of l oading and inc reased wagon avail ability. o Wagon turn around ti me (d ays - BG) - has increased from 4.98 days in 2009- 10 to 5.08 days in 2011-12 de noti ng a margi nal j ump of 2% in ti me that a wagon takes to turn up f or l oadi ng agai n. o Averag e Train load (N et Tonne & BG) - has increas ed f rom 16 91 tonnes i n 2 009-10 to 1711 tonne s in 20 11-12 d enoting an imp rov eme nt of 1 .18% as the c arryi ng capacity of wagons inc reased, through be tter design of wagons and rationalisation of prescribed carrying capacity of wagons and route. o NTK M per Wagon per day ( BG) - has i ncre ased from 9022 tonnes i n 200 9-10 to 9261 tonnes in 20 11-12 registeri ng an i mprovement of 2.65% . o Wagon km per wagon per d ay (BG) - has i ncre ased from 256.2 k m i n 2009-10 to 265.3 k m i n 2011-1 2 regis te ring an i mp rove me nt of 3.55% . It is an ind ex of the move me nt of the wagons. Be tter res ult shows wagons are moved quickly to des ti nati on by curtaili ng delays in loadi ng and unloadi ng, c urtaili ng the nos. of wagons unde r or awai ting rep airs. o NTK M per route kms (in millions - BG) - has i ncreased f rom 11. 07 i n 200 9-10 to 11.94 i n 2011- 12 re gistering an i mprovement of 7.8 6% . Route km is more or less constant over the ye ars where as growth of N TKMs are hi ghe r and as s uc h it is incre asi ng trend, an indic ation of better track utilization and be tter loading. o Pass eng er kms per route kms (in millions - BG) - has inc re ased from 16.35 i n 200910 to 18. 30 km in 201 1-12 regis tering an i mprove ment of 11.9% . Route k m is more or less constant over years where as growths of PKMs are hi gher and as s uc h it is incre asi ng tre nd, an i ndic ation of better trac k utilizati on and growth in pas senger vol ume. o NTK M/E mploy ee ( open line) (in millions) - has increase d from 0.45 i n 200 9-10 to 0.52 in 20 11-12 re gis teri ng an i mprove ment of 15.6% . This i ndicates i mp roved s taff prod uc tivity. o PKM/E mpl oyee ( open line) (in millions) - has increase d from 0.68 in 2009-10 to 0.82 in 2011-12 re gis teri ng an i mprove ment of 20. 6% . This i ndic ates i mproved s taff prod uc tivity. o Vehicle km. per Vehicle day ( BG) - has i ncreased from 526 i n 2009-10 to 550 in 2011-12 re gis teri ng an i mprove me nt of 4. 56% . It is an ind ex of the movement of coaching v ehicl es. Bette r res ul ts s how improvement in mobility of the c oache s & reduction i n coache s under/ awaiting rep ai r. Graphical depict ion of the improvement in the above eff iciency indicators is shown in colour plat e no. 1 & 2. 6 2009-10 oËÛ ·· Ý oÄÛ ···· ¤·´¤·Çt·oÛ·Ì ·Ì j·Ëp ··À· ¤·Ä ··Ý Substantial Improvement in Efficienc y Indicators from 2009 - 10 onwards. h·Ï¤ ·· ··Ý ·° ¸· ··· ¸|Ý·· zÝ ···· ··· ¸|Ý·· · Ý·· ·° ¸·¸ Ý · · ·· Average Load Per Wagon (Tonne) (BG) Wagon Loading Per Day (BG) 61. 50 43500 4 3 15 7 61.2 61. 20 42000 4 16 3 3 60. 90 40500 4 0 03 2 60. 60 60. 6 60. 5 39000 60. 30 37500 60. 00 36000 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 ··· ¸|Ý·· ËÛÝ· ¤··· ¸ Ý···· ···q··|® ÝÀ oÛ· ÏÝ ¸·oÛ ·· · · Ý ·· ¸·¸· ·· zÝ·Û Wagon Turn Around Time (Days) – B.G. Freight Train Loading Daily (Million Tonne) 5.50 2.70 2 .67 5.30 2.60 5.0 8 5.10 2. 53 4.9 8 4.9 7 2.50 4.90 2.4 3 2.40 4.70 2.30 2 009-10 4.50 2010-11 2 009-10 20 11-12 2010 -1 1 2 011-12 h·Ï¤ ·· q··|® ÝÀ · Ý·· ·Ä Ý zÝ···· ·Ä Ý Ý zÝ· ¸o·À ·° ¸· ··· ¸|Ý·· ·° ¸·¸ Ý · ··· Average Train Load (Net Tonne) (BG) NTKM Per Wagon Per Day (BG) 1725 9300 9261 9247 1715 9200 1711 1705 9100 1702 9022 1695 9000 1691 1685 2009-10 2010-11 8900 2009-10 2011-12 ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 1 2010-11 2011-12 2009-10 oËÛ ·· Ý oÄÛ ···· ¤·´¤·Çt·oÛ·Ì ·Ì j·Ëp ··À· ¤·Ä ··Ý Substantial Improvement in Efficienc y Indicators from 2009 - 10 onwards. ··· ¸|Ý·· ¸oÛ·À ·°¸· ··· ¸|Ý·· ·°¸·¸ Ý· ··· ·Ä Ý zÝ· ¸o·À ·° ¸···q·µ ¸o·À ¸·¸··· ·Ì ··· Wagon Km Per Wagon Per Day (BG) NTKM Per Route Kms (In Million) (BG) 270.0 12.00 11. 94 11.80 265. 3 265.0 262. 1 11.60 260.0 11.40 1 1.3 4 25 6.2 255.0 11.20 1 1.07 11.00 2009 -1 0 250.0 2 009-10 2 010-11 201 0-11 2 011-12 2011-12 ···À ¸oÛ·À ·°¸ ···q·µ ¸oÛ·À ¸·¸··· ·Ì··· ·Ä Ý zÝ· ¸o·À oÛ·µt··ÝÀ h·Ë ·· ··i·¸·¸··· ·Ì Passenger Kms Per Route Kms (In Million)(BG) NTKM / Employee (Open Line) (In Million) 18.50 0.55 18. 30 0 .5 2 18.00 0.50 17.50 17. 36 0.4 8 17.00 0.45 0 .45 16.50 16. 35 16.00 2009 -1 0 201 0-11 0.40 2 009 -10 2 011-12 201 0-11 2 011 -12 ·°¸···q·µ ¸oÛ·ÀoÛ·µt··ÝÀ h·Ë ·· ··i· ¸·¸· ·· ·Ì ··§Ý · ¸o·À ·°¸ ···§Ý· ¸ Ý· ··· PKM / Employee (Open Line) (In Million) Vehicle Km. Per Vehicle Day (BG) 0.85 560 0.82 550 550 0.80 540 0.75 0.72 52 9 530 0.70 526 0.6 8 0.65 200 9-10 520 2009-10 2010 -11 20 11-12 ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 2 2010-11 20 11-12 Annual Plan, 2012-13 TABLE V (Rs in cr) Budget Estimates I. Internal Resources DRF, DF, & OLW R Capital Fund Total Internal Resources II. Revised Estimates 13135.00 4915.00 9950.00 .. 18050.00 9950.00 Safety Funds 2000.00 2000.00 Railway Safety Fund *Capital from General Exchequer III. a) Budgetary Support 21500.00 21308.00 b) Additional Budgetary Support for 2500.00 2957.00 National Projects Total Capitalfrom General Exchequer 24000.00 24265.00 Market Borrow ings and Others IV. IRFC 14896.00 14896.00 RV NL 104.00 104.00 WIS PPP 1050.00 1050.00 Total Market Borrow ings 16050.00 16050.00 *TOTAL PLAN SIZE 60100.00 52265.00 • Thrust of Annual Plan, 2012-13 has been to take up and complete throughput enhancement w orks on priority, increasing Railway’s carrying capacity as also to expedite new line projects. • Special emphasis was given to remove bottleneck on the system so as to remove various operational constraints and also providing better passenger amenities. • Works relating to electrification of sidings, where detention in rolling stock exists due to traction problem, continued on priority. Position of expenditure of some of the Plan H eads reflecting replacement and development exp enditure of Railways is given in Table VI & the outcomes/targets are given in Table V II. TABLE VI BE 2012-13 New Lines (Constructio n) Restoration of Dismantled Lines Gauge Conversion Doubling Traffic Facilities-Yard Remodelling & Others Computerisation Railway Research Rolling Stock Leased Assets-Payment of Capital Component Road Safety Works-Level Crossings Road Safety Works-Road Over/Under Bridges Track Renewals Bridge Works Signalling and Telecommunication W orks Electrification Projects Other Electrical Works excl. TRD Traction Distribution Works Machinery & Plant Workshops Including Production Units Staff Quarters Amenities for Staff Passengers Amenities Inv. in Govt. Comm. Und.-Public Und. Inv. in non- Govt.Und. i ncl. JVs/SPVs Other Specified Works Inventories Metropolitan Transport Projects New Lines (Const.) - Dividend free projects Total 5872.00 50.00 1950.00 3393.00 1017.45 345.94 68.11 18193.00 4230.00 600.00 1400.00 4603.00 451.00 2002.00 828.00 509.00 .. 487.00 1256.00 354.50 548.00 1102.00 1466.00 3006.69 486.00 150.00 4731.31 1000.00 60100.00 7 (Rs in cr) RE 2012-13 5945.62 49.30 2301.20 2647.46 887.90 226.06 51.19 17793.65 4230.00 650.30 1349.70 3870.00 328.51 1049.32 854.58 174.60 182.03 353.25 1507.62 204.95 341.11 967.55 707.27 2906.92 394.58 150.00 1190.31 950.00 52265.00 Approx. to end of Dec. 12. 4001.36 32.28 1842.19 1571.81 455.2 0 41.06 29.02 12634.9 6 4201.43 321.0 1 469.5 3 2891.70 228.2 8 569.9 2 534.8 0 210.9 8 .. 297.8 5 899.1 3 117.8 0 213.4 4 607.0 1 .. 1923.90 192.8 8 3108.28 686.2 3 618.1 7 38700.2 2 Table VII Outla ys a nd Outcomes / Targe ts: Annual Plan 2012 -13. S.No Name of Scheme/ Programme 1 1 2 New Lines etc. 2 Gauge Conversion Doubling 3 4 Objective /Outcome 3 Expansion of Netw ork Expansion of Netw ork Expansion of Netw ork Electrification projects Electrification of Railway routes. Locomotives (No.) Coaches (No.) Acquisition of Rolling Stock to augment carrying capacity Outlay 2012-13 (Rs in crore) Budget Revised 4 5 5922.00 5994.92 1950.00 2301.20 3393.00 2647.46 828.00 854.58 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Physical Outputs Original Revised 6 700 route kms 800 route kms 700 route kms 7 470 route kms 575 route kms 705 route kms 1100 route kms 1200 route kms Processes/ Timelines Remarks/ Risk Factors 8 9 The process involves finalisation of detailed estimates first. Thereafter availability of land on the alignment, finalisation of contract both for labour and material is done to start the work. Revised target s for physical output has been reduced primarily due to paucity of funds and also due to delay in land aqcquisition and failure of contracts. The process involves finalisation of detailed estimates first. Thereafter, contract for different activities like OHE, TSS, SCADA and S&T works. Revised target for electrification is likely to be achieved. Rolling Stock 5 Wagons (Vehicle units) 18193.00 17793.65 630 630 3816 4000 16000 16000 Signalling & Telecom (only major items) 6 Replacement w orks Track circuiting LED Signals Safety, Reliability & M odernisation Automatic Block Signalling (ABS) Block proving by Axle counters Train protection and w arning system (TPW S) Data Logger Augment Line Capacity, Safety & Reliability Safety, Reliability & M odernisation Safety. Event Logging for Predictive M aintenance and Investiga tions of incidents 291 stations 837 Locations 333 stations 2002.00 1049.32 250 stations 500 Locations 300 stations 275 RKM 200 RKM 401 Block Sections 300 Block Sections Agra Delhi section ( 200 Route KM ) 250 stations Agra - Delhi section (200 Route KM ) 8 250 stations Progress is matched with traffic requirement and also linked w ith Funds constraint. Track side work completed. Service trial with 35 locos on nominated trians are in progress. S.No Name of Scheme/ Programme Objective /Outcome Outlay 2012-13 (Rs in crore) Budget Interlocking of LC gates 7 Bridge W orks 8 Track Renew als 9 M etropolitan Transport Works Safety of Road users Rebuilding/ rehabilitation of bridges to improve safety as w ell as to enhance throughput Renew al of track Suburban Transport Systems 451.00 4603.00 4731.31 Revised 328.51 3870.00 1190.31 10 Others 18027.00 16235.10 11 Grand Total 60100.00 52265.00 Quantifiable Deliverables/ Physical Outputs Original Revised 300 438 900 bridges 702 bridges Remarks/ Risk Factors The revision in the target has been in accordance with revision in budget allotment. The bridge w orks are in progress as per the revised target. 3200 3000 Track kms Track kms M umbai: Belapur-Seaw ood-Uran electrified double line: W orks are progressing satisfactorily at various stages and to be completed by 2013-14. M umbai Urban Transport Project (M UTP) Phase-I : Project completed in M arch, 2012. M umbai Urban Transport Project (M UTP) Phase-II : W orks are in progress at various stages and expected to be completed by 2015-16. Chennai: Extension of M RTS Phase-II from Velalchery to St. Thomas M ount: W orks are in progress at various stages and expected to be completed by 2013-14. Hyderabad/Secunderabad: M ulti M odal Transport System(MM TS) Phase II (101 km): This w ork is in progress. Kolkata Metro Railway: Extension of Circular Railway from Remount Road to Santoshpur: This w ork has been started and is progressing satisfactorily. Dum Dum – Mahanayak Uttam Kumar – Kavi Subhash (25 km): Full section has already been commissioned. Follow ing projects are progressing satisfactorily at various stages and are likely to be completed by 2015-16: i) Extension of M etro Railway from Noapara to NSCB Airport(6.40 km) ii) Extension of M etro Railw ay from Dum Dum to Noapara (2.60 km). iii) Extension of M etro Railway from Noapara to Barasat via Bimanbandar (18.00 km) iv) Extension of M etro Railway from Noapara to Baranagar(2.60 km). v) Extension of M etro Railway from Baranagar to Barrakpore & Dakshineshw ar(14.50 km). vi) Extension of M etro Railway from NSCB Airport to Kavi Subhash via Rajarhat(32 km) vii) Extension of M etro Railway from Joka to BBD Bagh in Joka to Diamond Park(18.72 km) This included Plan Heads, such as, Traffic facilities, W orkshops, Inventories, Railw ay Research, payment of Capital Component of Lease Charges to Indian Railway Finance Corporation, etc., which are not amenable for quantification in a monitorable format due to a large number and varied nature of works under such plan heads. ***** 9 CHAPTE R III ELE VE NTH FIVE YEAR PL AN The Eleventh Plan marks a significant chan ge in Railways’ past investment strategy fo r capacit y augmentation to meet the quantum increase in traffic. The earlier approach of incremental capacity augmentation has given way to high growth st rategy which envisages creation of large capacity. Capacity expan sion plan include building Eastern and W estern Dedicated Freight Corridor and focus on completing throughout enhancement works like terminals, flyovers, grade-separato rs, additional loops at stations, automatic signalling etc. especially on High Densit y Network (HDN) and higher level of investment for new lines, gauge conversion, doubling and electrification works. On the operational front, the o bjective is to improve efficiency an d reduce unit cost of transportat ion through modernizat ion and technology up-gradation. Further, safety of operation s is to be improved through technological up-gradation & reducing human intervention in operation and enhanced training to impart better skills in operation & maintenance of assets. The main objectives in the Eleventh Plan are creation of adequate transport capacity to handle the projected growth of both passenger and freight traffic during the Plan perio d and provide impro ved services to both the segments. In crease in market share in freight traffic, both bulk an d non-bulk, is also an im portant focus area. The following thrust areas have been identified for the Eleventh Plan: 1. Capacity augmentation • • • • • • Const ruction of Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs) along the highly sat urated eastern and western routes. Providing additional lines on other routes. Doublin g works. Gauge Conversion to create alternate routes. Low-cost capacit y improvements. Technological up gradation. 2. Improving in operational efficiency and productivity • • • • • • • Intro ducin g heavier trains o f 25 t /30 t axle load. Intro ducin g higher capacity wagons with better payload to tare rat io. Running of double stack container t rains. Increasing runnin g o f lon ger passenger trains of 24 coaches. Intro ducin g higher capacity coaches. Right sizing of manpower. Increased computerization in operat ion and maintenance of services. 3. Increase in the market share in both bulk and non-bulk f reight traffic • Improving the qualit y of se rvice with reduction in t ransit time and better 10 reliabilit y and availabilit y. Facilitating building o f lo gist ic parks and container and other freight terminals. Rationalizin g freight st ructure and dynamic pricing policies. Increased use of IT-enabled services for improved customer interface. • • • 4. Consolidate the rail share in Passenger Business, particularly, in long distance and medium distance segment • • Increasing the commercial speed of passenger t rains. Intro duction of fast services between metropolitan cities with speed up to 150 kmph. Intro duction o f MEMU/DMU passenger se rvices. Improving customer interface by IT enabled services. • • 5. Improves the energy ef f iciency and adopting environmental f riendly measures • Use of fuel-efficient lo comotives. • Adoptin g energy-efficient technologies for manufacturing and maintenance activities. • Reducin g the electricit y charges and traction energy cost s. • Improving the fuel management in diesel locomotives. 6. Improving saf ety • • Technological up gradation by reducing human intervention and operation. Better - skills in operat ion and maintenance of assets by enhanced t raining. The financial targets/progress for the 11th plan are brought out below: ¾ Plan Size: • Approved Plan Outlay Rs 233,289 crore at current prices. • GBS - Rs 63,635 crore. • Internal Resources - Rs 90,000 cro re. • Ext ra Budgetary Resources- Rs 79,654 crore. Year-wise Plan Ex penditure is summarized below: (figures in Rs cr) Year GBS Internal Res ources Market Borrowings Total Plan Outlay 2007-08 8668 14948 5364 28980 2008-09 10110 18941 7284 36335 2009-10 17716 12196 9760 39672 2010-11 19485 11527 9780 40792 2011-12 21073 9198 14790 45061 11 ¾ Traf fic Projectio ns in Termi nal year 2 011-12 Transportation Targets for terminal ye ar, 2011-1 2 of Eleventh Pl an revi ewed d uri ng Mid Term Re vie w ( MTR) are as foll ows: • • Originati ng Frei ght l oading 10 20 MT, NTKM- 67 4 billion. Originati ng Pas senger - 8200 milli on, Passenger km – 1 100 billi on k m. Traffic Transp ortati on ac hieve me nts ye ar-wise f or the 11th Five Year Plan are as under:Item 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 (P) Freight Originating Traffic ( million Ton) 794 833 888 922 969 NTKM ( billion) 521 551 601 626 668 Pa ssenger Pass eng er Originating ( million) 6536 7047 7383 7809 8224 Pssenger Km ( billion) 771 839 905 980 1047 ¾ Fixed Inf rast ruct ure Creation Foll owi ng targe ts we re s et duri ng the Mid Term Revie w:• • • • New Line s - 20 00 k m Gauge Conversi on - 6000 k m Doubling - 2500 k m Rail way El ec trificati on - 4500 km Progres ses i n Inf rastruc ture Creation i n Eleventh Pl an are give n bel ow: (Units in km) Item Eleventh Plan Targ et ( MTR) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Achievement in Elev enth Plan New Lines 2000 156 357 258 709 727 2207 Gauge Conversion 6000 1549 563 1516 837 856 5321 Doubling 2500 426 363 448 769 752 2758 Electrif ication 4500 502 797 1117 975 1165 4556 12 ¾ Rolling Stock Capacit y Augm ent ation Targe ts f or Rolli ng Stock P roducti on & Procureme nt set during Mid Term Revie w of Eleventh Pl an are summari ze d bel ow: • • • • Wagons - 62,00 0 uni ts Coac hes -1 9638 uni ts (i ncl uding EMU/M EMU/DMU). Dies el Locos -1,01 9 uni ts Electric Loc os -1,205 units The progress i n Rolli ng Stock produc ti on & procureme nt in the fi rs t four years of Eleventh Pl an and targe ts for 201 1-12 are s ummari zed b elow: (in Un its) Item Eleventh 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Plan MTR Targ ets Achiev ement in XI Plan 62000 9101 9646 13068 14703 18357 64875 19638 3101 3193 3494 3660 3637 17085 Dies el L oco 1019 222 257 258 267 284 1288 Electri c L oco 1205 200 220 240 260 298 1218 Wagons ag ainst RSP (in Vehicular uni ts) Coaches (Including EMU /ME MU/DE MU) ***** 13 CHAPTER IV A FEW SALIENT OUTCOMES OF RAIL OPERATIONS PASSENG ER BUSINESS Suburban Transport Projects The Railways are usually preferred as a means for the suburban transport. Railways have been catering to the demand of providin g suburban transportat ion in the Metropolitan Cities like Delhi (excluding Delhi Metro Corporation), Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalo re, Jaipur and Hyderabad, by st rengthening existin g rail network around the city. The suburban system in Railways carries around 12 million passengers per day. The Railways are conscious of the need for improvin g the services for the suburban system given the crush load factor of suburban services. ¾ New Subu rban Trains: o In Mumbai suburban, 128 AC/DC EM U rakes inducted GP-194/MRVC project. With the introduction of above rakes, 546 nos. of additional services (Central Railway – 339 & Western Railway - 207) have been introduced an d 1155 nos. of services (Central Railway -728 & Western Railway – 427) have been augmented from 9 to 12 cars. Western Railway and Central railway have also introduced 15 car EM U rakes on their network. This has given relief to the commuters due to increase in passenger carryin g capacit y by 14-15% . o Conventional DC EMU rakes have been replaced by energy efficient 3 phase. AC/DC EMUs have regenerating breaking feature, through which about 30-35% energy is saved. With the introduction of these rakes, W estern Railway route has been converted to 25kV AC t ract ion from 1500V DC traction system. The work of conversion of 1500V DC to 25 kV AC traction system in Central Railway is also planned for completion by October 2013. Conversion to 25 kV AC traction will enable seamless operation fo r all Mail/Ex press t rain s touchin g Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai (CSTM). o For the first time in the history of Kolkata Metro, eleven air-conditioned rakes with indigenous technology have been introduced. Gradually, all old non Air conditioned Metro rakes will be replaced by Air Conditioned rakes. 9 more such rakes shall be int roduced shortly. The new rakes have higher acceleration and deceleration besides improved riding characteristics with air suspension arrangement. ¾ Progress of M etro Projects: o Kolkata M etro : The entire section of extension of Metro Railway, Kolkata from Dum Dum to Kavi Subhash (New Garia) 25 km has already been in commercial operation. 14 The following new extensions/new lines of metro railway are pro gressin g satisfacto rily: • • • Dum Dum –Noapara - Baranagar (4.47 km) at a cost o f Rs.411.06 crore. Noapara to NSCB Airport (6.40 km) at a cost of Rs.184.83 cro re. Noapara to Barasat via Bimanbandar (18 km) at a cost of Rs.2397.72 cro re. • • • Baranagar to Barrackpore and Dakshineshwar (14.50 km) at a cost of Rs.2069.60 cro re. NSCB Airpo rt to New Garia via Rajarhat (32.00 km) at a cost o f Rs.3951.98 cro re. Joka to BBD Bagh via Majerhat (16.72 km) at a cost of Rs.2913.51 crore. o Circular Railw ay, Kolkata: • Extension o f Circular Railway has been sanctioned from Remount Road to Santoshpur via Garden Reach, (8.80 km) at a cost of Rs. 268.52 crore. The work is in progress. o M umbai : • Belapur-Seawood-Uran (27 km) – The project was san ctioned in 1996-97 with co st sharin g between Railways & State Govt. o f Maharashtra in 1:2 ratio. Works are progressing satisfactorily. • M umbai Urban Transport Project (M UTP) (Phase-I) - In order to strengthen suburban railway network in Mumbai, MUTP Phase-I has already been physically completed in March, 2012. • M umbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP) (Phase-II) - Included in Budget 200809 at a cost of Rs. 5300 crore with co st sharing between Railways and Go vt. o f Maharashtra in 50:50 ratio. Sub-projects have been assigned to executing agencies viz. C.Rly., W .Rly. and MRVC. W orks are progressing satisfactorily an d project is targeted for completion in 2015-16. o Chennai : • Extension of M RTS Phase-II - from Velachery to St. Thomas Mount (5 km) was sanctioned at a cost of Rs. 495.74 crore with cost sharing between Railway an d State Government in 1:2 ratio . W orks are pro gressing satisfacto rily. The project is targeted for completion in 2013-14. o Secundedrabad: • Hyderabad/Secunderabad Multi Model Transport S ystem (MMTS) Phase-II has been included in the Budget 2012-13 at a cost of Rs. 632.68 crore on cost sharin g basis between Railway and State Govt. of Andh ra Pradesh in the ratio of 33:67. Ministry of Railways has also taken over East-West Corridor of Kolkata Metro Rail Corporat ion Ltd. (KMRCL) in year 2012-13. Railways have been entrusted technical and Safety planning of Metro Railways which has been fulfilled satisfacto rily. Ministry of Railways has decided to participate in Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) for connecting some select cities near Delhi with a dedicated fast co rrido r. 15 ¾ Non-Suburban Services: Railways are the preferred mode of transport for a large share of the population . Railways seek to better serve the t raveling public by enhancing availabilit y o f services and be rths/ coaches, impro ving facilities on board an d at stations an d ensuring comfo rtable and safe journey for passengers. Various measures have been taken to benefit the travelin g public, a few of which are high lighted below: Augmentation of Train Services • Steady in crease in passenger carrying capacity Outcom e: Creating additional capacity through additional berths in recent years, in popular trains, without eff ecting line capacity, led to optimum utilization of resources and increase in the revenue of railw ays. • Status of augmentation of passenger train services as announced in the Budget 2012-13 is summarized below: (Trains in pairs) S. No. N on Suburban Services Announced in Rail Budg et Announced in Parliament during Total Announcements Announced trains I mpl emented (2012-13) 1 Express trains 75 0 75 46 7 8 9 Passenger DEM U M EM U 21 9 8 0 0 0 21 9 8 12 3 4 10 11 12 13 Double Decker Total (Introduction) Extension Increase in Frequency 2 0 113 39 23 0 1 0 2 113 40 23 0 65 35 15 15 Grand Total 175 1 176 115 (Status as on 21.01.2013) List of trains intr oduced/yet to be intr oduced- Annexure B-1 Trains extended/yet to be extended- Annex ure B-2 Trains with increase in frequency done/yet to be done Annexure B- 3 Augmentation of Coaches: Durin g year 2012-13 (upto December 2012), 641 coaches have been augmented generating more than 41578 additional berths/seats. Also, 30 pairs o f im portant and popular mail/express trains have already been augmented to 23/24 coach length. Outcom e: Creating additional room of more than 41578 additional berths in popular trains without adverse eff ect on line capacity, optimum utilization of Railw ay resources w ithout additional burden on Railw ay inf rastructure and increase in the revenue of railw ays. (List of 30 trains augmented to 23/24 C oaches - A nnexure B-4) Operational Improvements: The Ministry of Railways has consistently strived to reduce losses in coachin g services without resortin g to an y in crease in burden on passengers by way o f increase in fares. This has been partly achieved through improved operation an d 16 maintenance practices which augm ent capacity in term s of berths available w ithout resorting to additi onal expendi ture on new coaches. Punctuality Perf ormance: Punctual running of trains is one of the greatest concerns of the Ministry of Railway. From Jan 01, 2009, Railway Board is analyzing Punctualit y Perfo rmance through the Integrated Coaching Management System (ICMS). This is a computerbased online system for accurate reportin g and analysis of voluminous data o f coaching train operat ions. Based on this, effo rts are being made to analyze an d reduce asset failures and other facto rs detrimental to Punctualit y o f t rains on IR. The punctualit y of Mail/Express train s (BG) on the Indian Railways in the calendar year 2011 was 73% . The Punctuality in calendar year 2012 was 80% . ¾ Passenger Ameniti es Moderniz ation of stations: o In order to share the increased earnin gs with the passengers, it was decided to give a major th rust towards improvement of passenger amenities at railway stations. Accordingly, 5 stations on each Division were identified fo r developin g them as modern stations. In all 334 stat ions in the year 2006-07 and 303 stations in the year 2007-08 (total 637 stations) were identified o ver In dian Railways. The modernisation pro gramme of these stations envisages the following: • Improvement in the façade of the station buildin g. • Improvement in the circulatin g area so as to ensure pro per entry an d exit of vehicles etc. • A light ing tower at an appropriate place to be in stalled for proper illumination. • Improved mo dern, cost effective lighting arran gements at the platforms, concourse etc. • Renovated water booths, • Renovated, modern, Pay & Use toilets. • Good Waiting and Retiring Rooms with modern furniture. • Good passenger guidance system including signage and coach indication boards, • Improvement of booking and enquiry offices to give them a facelift, • Lightin g of booking office, the queuing area in front of booking windows. • Improvement to the passen ger service, • En gagement of reputed architects/consultants for beautification. o Modern Station: The facilities to be provided un der this scheme, inter alia, includes good seating arrangements, waitin g halls, im pro ved platform surface, signage, circulating area with good illumination, improvement of station façade, platfo rm shelter, cleanliness of stations, etc. The objective of modernizing the stations is to have visible impact on the rail users. Greater powers have been delegated to GMs and DRMs on the railways to sanction and expeditiously complete the work of passenger amenities. Professional architects/consultants are being engaged for developing the stations into modern stations. Stations falling un der ‘A-1’, ‘A’ & ‘B’ catego ry would be provided facilities of the modern stations. Out of the 637 identified stations, works of modernisation at 614 stations have so far been completed. L ist of these stations is at Annexure- B-5. o Model station: Indian Railways have also selected 594 station s fo r development as model stations. These stations are provided with higher level of amenities to provide greater customer satisfaction . Such facilit ies include separate waitin g halls for upper class & 2nd class, NT ES, IVRS, Clock room, impro ved circulatin g 17 area, train indication board, adequate lightin g, improved signage, SPTMs / UTS, Pay & Use Toilets etc. So far, 569 stations have been completely developed as model stations and wo rk at remaining stations is at various stages o f progress. List of these stations is at Annexure- B-6. Stations fallin g under ‘D’, ‘E’ & ‘F’ category would be pro vided with ‘Desirable Amenities’ as applicable for Model Stations. The details of which is as un der: S.No. Amenities 1. 2. Retiring Room 2nd class waiting room (with bathin g facilities) Public Address System/Computer based announcement Book stalls/other stalls o f essential goods Parking/circulatory area with lights*** Public Phone booth Water coolers Signage (Standardised) Modular Catering Stalls* Pay & Use Toilets on platforms & circulatin g area UTS Provision of ATMs (preferably with ticketin g facility) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. STATION CATEGORY D E F Yes Yes Yes - - Yes - - Yes - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes** Yes Yes** - * In end platforms, all stalls should be embedded in walls. ** Optional items. *** Should in clude h igh mast lighting wherever feasible. o Adarsh station: To develop stations as Adarsh stations with facilities such as drinking water, adequate toilets, caterin g services, waiting rooms and dormitories specially for lady passengers, better signages an d other basic facilities, 977 stations have been identified. Out of the 977 identified station s, work o f development as 621 Adarsh stations has been completed. List of these stations is at Annexure- B-7. Thrust areas for improvement of stations selected as Adarsh Stations is as regards ‘C’ category st ations which is the majority category selected as Adarsh station, area of the focus would be as under: • Ethnic-ethos - lo cal art/architecture to be reflected in a distinctive and colourful manner. • Focus on quick entry and exit for passengers (minimum two entry and two exit points). • Railway road i.e. access from civil road to station premises to be smooth with no unauthorized fetters on this road. • Provision o f signage i.e. location of ladies/han dicapped coach. • Toilets – Provision of green toilets in local trains depending upon usage would be supplemented by – minimum 4 urinals of which 2 should be toilets at the platform. These will be renovated / made by Railways but operated on ‘Pay and Use’ basis. The location would preferably be the home platform/concourse on either side of the station only fo r ease of drainage and sanitation. 18 • • • • • Provision o f full shelters on the platforms for better protection from elements. Provision o f Booking Office on both sides, as required. Provision o f wide FOBs, as required. Improving the stairs quality. Provision of adequate drinking water arrangements at suitable point s ensuring no hindran ce to free flow of passengers. • Provision o f adequate lightin g. • Focus on maintenance of assets. • Conservancy contracts for cleaning Facilities of physically handicapped: Short term facilities like standard ramp for barrier free entry, earmarking parkin g lots fo r vehicles used by disabled persons, non-slippery walkways, signage, toilets, water taps suitable for needs of handicapped persons and “May I Help You” booths have already been provided at 562 ‘A-1’, ‘A’ and ‘B’ category of stations. Railways grant concession to four cate gories of disabled persons. The names of these four categories and the element of concession admissible are as under: S. CATEGORY OF No. PERSONS 1. Orthopaedically Handicapped/ Paraplegic persons who cannot travel without an escort. 2. Blind persons travelling alone or with an escort - 3. Mentally retarded persons who cannot travel without escort 4. Deaf & Dumb (both afflictions in the same travelling alone an escort persons to gether person) or with PERCENTAGE OF CONCESSION* 75% in Second, Sleeper, First Class, AC-3 tier, AC Chair Car& 50% in First AC and AC 2-tier and 25% in AC-3 tier & AC Chair Car of Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains. 50% concession First and Second Class season tickets also . O ne escort is also admissible for the same element of concession. 75% in Second, Sleeper, First Class, AC-3 tier, AC Chair Car& 50% in First AC and AC 2-tier and 25% in AC-3 tier & AC Chair Car of Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains. 50% concession First and Second Class season tickets also . O ne escort is also admissible for the same element of concession. 75% in Second, Sleeper, First Class, AC-3 tier, AC Chair Car& 50% in First AC an d AC 2- tier and 25% in AC-3 tier & AC Chair Car of Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains. 50% concession First and Second Class season tickets also . O ne escort is also admissible for the same element of concession 50% in Second, Sleeper and First Class. 50% in Monthly season ticket & Quarterly season ticket. One escort is also eligible for same element of concession. o Concession is admissible in Mail/Express fares, and not in O rdinary fares applicable on Passenger t rains. Concession is granted at the station and not in the train. Concession is admissible in basic fares only and all other charges like reservation fee, superfast surcharge, catering charges etc. are to be paid additionally in full. Season tickets are valid in First & Second classes only and not in any other class. Concession is not admissible in Circular Journey tickets/bookin g of trains & coaches, etc. 19 o The Deaf and Dumb persons can purchase tickets for AC 2-tier also on payment of concessional fare of first class plus difference of actual fares of the two classes. o As regards other facilities, inst ruct ions exist with Zonal Railways for provision of wheel chairs fo r physically han dicapped persons and Senior citizens at stations. This facility is pro vided, duly escorted by coolies (on payment) as per present practice. Moreover, Zonal Railways have also been advised to pro vide free of cost ‘Battery Operated Vehicles for Disabled an d Old Age Passengers’ at railway stations. Presently this facility is available at 23 stations. ¾ Easier Ticketing W ith a view to facilitate purchase of tickets by passengers from con venient and numerous location s, without the need to go to the Railway Counter, various measures have been taken as detailed below: Tickets through Internet: • Reservation on the Internet (i-ticket) was started by Railways through In dian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) in 2002. Subsequently in 2005, the concept of e-tickets was int roduced. • In case of e-tickets, the passenger takes print out from his computer and there is no physical ticket. • Additionally, since 2012, the autho rized SMS sent by IRCTC/Railways containing all vital details when displayed through laptops/palmtops/mobile phones combined with valid photo-id in original, is also treated as an instrument on par with the Electronic Reservation S lip (ERS). • In the beginning, the volume of e-tickets booked was very low, which picked up subsequently. The major jump in bookin g of e-tickets has been seen since May, 2008 when issuing of wait ing list e-tickets was started. On an average about 3.69 lakh tickets were booked daily through the internet in the April - November 2012 perio d. • It is man datory that at least one of the passengers booked on the e-ticket carry at least one of the TEN proofs of identity (in original) failing which all the passengers booked on an e-ticket are treated as travelling without ticket and excess charged accordingly:o o o o o o o o o o Voter Photo Identity Card issued by Election Commission of In dia. Passpo rt PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department Driving Licence issued by RTO Photo Identity Card having serial num ber issued by Central/State Government Student Identity Card with photo graph issued by recognized School/College for their Students Nationalised Bank Passbook with photograph Credit Cards issued by Banks with laminated photograph Unique Identification Card “Aadhaar” and Photo identity cards having serial num ber issued by Public Sector Un dertakings of State/Central Government, Dist rict Administration s, Municipal bo dies and Panchayat Administ rations. 20 Year w ise details show ing grow th in booking of e-tickets are as under : Financial Year 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 No. of tickets ( in lakhs) I 1.99 7.28 12.81 E ---- Total 1.99 7.28 12.81 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 23.85 28.83 33.98 25.01 1.88 39.40 155.11 414.43 25.73 68.23 189.09 439.44 2009-10 12.17 707.42 719.59 2010-11 2011-12 7.04 4.05 962.00 1157.72 969.04 1161.77 2012-13 ( upto Nov' 12) 1.93 899.33 901.26 Tickets through Post off ices: With a view to expand the reach of reserved tickets nearer to doo rstep of passengers even in remote areas, Indian Railways have signed a MO U with the Department of Post s fo r selling o f reserved tickets through Post Offices. Up to November 2012, this facilit y is available in 228 post offices. ¾ Inf ormation Technology o The Vision of Indian Railways fo r IT is to reach a stage where all information needs of organization can be met by comprehensive information highway available to both internal and external stake holders and Improve personal pro ductivit y at all levels by effective use of technology. o In the year 2012 the geographical reach of the customer interface applications was extended to remote areas while some new application s were commenced in the areas of Rolling sto ck asset management. The project-wise achievements are highlighted below:• Passenger Reser vation System (PRS): PRS facilit y has been made available at around 2987 locations by year-end by addin g around 160 new locat ions durin g the year. As per budget announcement of 2009, each Member of Parliament was invited to recommend one location of their choice for inclusion in the list of new PRS location s. Such recommendations were received from 52 hon’ble Member of Parliament while 58 locations were san ctioned as per the recommendations / pending recommendations during the year. PRS facility was commissioned at 59 such recommended location s. • Mushkil Aasaan Scheme (Mobile ticketing vans): 4 mobile ticketing vans were functionin g before the commencement of the year, i.e., one each at Delhi, Kilkat a, Vapi and Jaipur, one more such van has been introduced at Anand from June, 2012. Further locations were finalized fo r the introduction of the remaining 22 van s which are planned for commissioning. 21 • Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS): UTS facility has been extended to approx. 460 new locations /st ations during the year increasing the total numbe r of locations with UTS facilit y to 5551. • Automatic Ticket Vending M achines (ATVM s): ATVMs have been introduced in suburban sections on Indian Railways for avoidin g queues for suburban tickets an d Platform tickets. About 250ATVMs were commissioned during the year akin g the total tally of installed ATVMs to 808 on Indian Railways. • Indian Railw ays Commercial Portal: All 37websites of Indian Railways have been migrated to a common Plat form . The retiring room application was extended to 14 more stations an d is now functional at 31 stations on In dian Railways. ¾ Cateri ng Catering Ser vices • M obile Unit s: Type of unit Pantry Car Train Side Vendin g Licensee as on 31.03.2012 255 128 Departmental as on 31.03.2012 43 11 • Static Unit s: * Units with Licensees: Total 298 139 12187 11667 Type of unit Small Catering Units at A1,A, B & C category station except Milk stalls Small Catering Units at D, E & F category station except Milk stalls Food Plaza / Fast foo d Unit AVM Milk Stall Book Stall Curio Stall Ex clusive Chemist stalls Others * Departmental Units: Numbers 5746 2716 94 697 608 1221 290 24 271 520 Earning Details ( For the year 2011-12) Licensee Fee (Rs. In Crore) 220.53 Mobile 125.04 Static 95.49 Sales turnove r 250.11 Profit & Loss -67.04 22 ¾ Tourism • Mahaparinirvan Express: This special train for Buddhist Circuit was flagged off on 6th October 2007. Apart from Total 51 trips till 2011-12, the train has made 6 trips during 2012-13 (till December 2012). This train is being widely publicized and acclaimed in International and National media. International Travel Trade in various countries has appreciated this project. A network of General Sales Agents has been created in various co untries. Further a Buddhist special t rain ex-Chennai has been introduced in the name of ‘Dambadiva Vandana’ especially for the Buddhist pilgrim s from Sri Lan ka. It made three trips during 2011-12 carryin g 1124 passengers o f Sri Lankan pilgrims. • Bharat Darshan Train: This special t rain launched in 2004, enables common man to visit the places of Tourism / Religious / Historical impo rtance in the count ry at affordable price. It has made 63 trips durin g 2011-12 carrying a total numbers of 28,262 passengers. It has also made 49 t rips during 2012-13 (till November, 2012) carrying a total number of 22,966 passengers In addition to the train journey, the package takes care of the requirements of the passengers such as foo d, road transport to the tourist spots, etc. • Rail Tour Packages: IRCTC has developed economically priced rail tour packages for destinations all o ver the country. These packages include confirmed rail reservation, road t ransfer, hotel accommodation, meals, tour guide services, etc. and provide single window service to tourist. At present, 87 numbe rs of packages are available and marketed through the website (www.railtourismindia.com). 23,040 numbers of tourist s have availed these packages during 2012-13 till November 2012. • Launch of Tourism portal and Tourism Centres: IRCTC manages the tourism portal “www.railtourismindia.com” which serves as a sin gle point travel solution providing tourist train boo kings, tour bookin gs, hotel bookings, car rental, charters, air ticketing etc. IRCTC has also set up tourism facilitation centres at various cities of the country which add up the services rendered to the tourists. • Tourist train f rom Visakhapatnam to Aruku: A packages tour between Visakhapatnam and Araku will be operated by IRCTC in coo rdin ation with APTDC under the Value Added Tour Scheme on train no. 56501 between Visakhapatnam and Araku. Zonal railway has been advised to allot presently permitted seats and to augment the train in due course. • Outbound Package: IRCTC has operated its first out bound package (Air cum Rail) from Bhopal to Dubai in the month of August 2012. In the finan cial year 2012-13 (till November 2012), IRCTC has operated 3 outboun d packages for Dubai and Thailand with pro viding services to 125 passengers. ¾ Luxury Tourist Trains a. Palace on Wheels: This luxury tourist train is bein g operated by Indian Railways in association with Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation in Rajasthan sector including Delhi-Agra for more than two and a half decade. For the last few years, the train has been running with above average occupan cy. b. Deccan Odyssey: The train was laun ched in 2004 in association with Maharasht ra Tourism Development Corporation for operation in Maharasht ra and Goa secto r. The train is presently also ope rated on different PAN In dia itinerary. The occupancy is steadily picking up. 23 c. Golden Chariot: The luxury tourist t rain was laun ched in 2008 in asso ciation with Karnataka State Tourism Development Corpo ration fo r operat ion in Karnataka-Goa sector. The train is presently also operated on circuit involving KarnatakaTamilnadu-Kerala-Puducherry. In this train also, the occupancy is pickin g up. d. Royal Rajasthan on W heels: Because of the popularit y and demand of ‘Palace on Wheels’ one more luxury tourist train ‘Royal Rajasthan on Wheels’ has been launched in asso ciation with Rajasthan Tourism Development Corpo ration in 2009. The train is an upgraded version of Palace on Wheels and co vers mostly the same sector as by Palace on W heels in addition to Palace on Wheels. e. Maharajas’ Express: A luxury tourist train Maharajas’ Express in association with IRCTC has been introduced in March, 2010. The train consist s of 23 coaches with fourteen guest carriages providing four classes of accommodation namely Deluxe cabins, Junio r Suite, Suite and one truly classical Presidential suite. Every cabin has large window-designed so that guest can savor every bit of magnificent India. All passenger cars come with independent cabin-controlled air condit ioning, on-line water filt ration system, environment friendly toilets, pneumatic suspension, live television, W i-Fi internet, CCTV cameras, hair dryer, electronic safe deposit box, bath tubs (in Suite an d Presidential Suite). It operates with different PAN India itineraries. Outcome: Running of more and more tourist trains on important tourist circuits as per requirement. ¾ Cleanliness & Hygiene On Railw ays Improving upon the standard of cleanliness and hygiene in coaches is a high prio rit y area of Indian Railways. To this end, following schemes have been launched and implemented on Indian Railways: • Intensive mechanized cleaning of coaches in the coachin g depots through professional agencies. Heavy dut y machines such as high pressure jet cleaners, floor scrubbers, vacuum cleaners etc. are deployed for the purpose. This has already been implemented in 90 coachin g depots on different Zonal Railways. Other depots shall also be taken up in the ambit of this scheme. • On Board House Keeping Scheme (OBHS) in all Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto & other important long distance Mail/Express trains fo r frequent cleaning of coach toilets, doo rways, aisles & passenger com partments during the run of the train. The scheme has been implemented on 343 pairs of trains. Action is underway to further proliferate the scheme to all other identified t rains. • Limited mechanized cleaning attention to identified trains during their schedule stoppage enroute at nominated “Clean Train Stations” with focus on cleaning and disinfect ing o f toilets, doo rways and aisles. 29 such Clean Train Stations have so far been commissioned on different Zonal Railways. • Comprehensive pest an d rodent control arrangements through professional agencies are operational in all the coaching depots. 24 Freight Busin ess Indian Railways are the largest tran spo rter of bulk commodities in the country carryin g essential goods necessary for development and economic progress. Indian Railways carried 969.78 million tonnes of freight in 2011-12. The revenue earning freight loading performance in 2012-13 up to December 2012 was 735.32 million tonnes as against 704.86 million tonnes achieved durin g the corresponding period o f last year. The demand for freight loading on Indian Railways is a derived demand and is dependent on the growth in the economy, especially in the core sector since Railways is primarily a bulk carrier of freight. Overall, the Indian Railways have registered a growth of 4.32% in the period April to December 2012 as compared to 4.68% in the period April to December 2011. As against this, the IIP in dices for the core sector, on which the Railway freight loading is primarily dependent, showed a growth of 3.5% in the period April to November 2012, as compared to 4.80% in the corresponding period of last year. ¾ Vital Cargo f lows: • Coal: In the year 2011-12, Coal loadin g stood at 455.80 million tonnes as against 420.21 million tonnes in 2010-11. Coal loading in 2012-13 up to December 2012 has increased by 9.34% over the correspon ding period of last year. Coal moves from coal pro ducin g areas located particularly in Bihar, Jharkhand and Central India and Port s towards nearly 90 Thermal Power Stations (TPSs) and other users located all over the count ry. Coal loadin g from CIL has been showing a growth of 10.7 % ( April-November 2012) which is the best ever growth seen in the recent past. This is also reflected by the fact that pithead coal stocks at CIL have dropped to a low of approx. 43.3 MT (a drawdown of over 28 MT from 1st April 2012), coal based electricit y generation has grown by 14.1% in April to November 2012, coal sto cks at power plant s have increased to 10.2MT (up from 7.5 MT in October) and number of critical and super critical power houses have come down to 36 and 25 respectively (down from 50 and 30 in October 2012). Outcom e: Adequate and timely supply of coal was maintained to Power Houses for energy generations even though less than expected loading o ccurred in CCL an d MCL collieries due to law and order pro blems in the coal fields of No rth Karan pura (CCL) an d Talcher (MCL), un precedented monsoons, etc. Electricity generation (coal based) has shown a growth of 14.1% during April-November 2012. • Food grains: Major Foo d grains loadin g on In dian Railways is done by Food Corporat ion of India (FCI) for the Public Dist ribution System. In the year 2011-12, Food grains loadin g stood at 45.56 million tonnes as against 42.02 million tonnes in 25 2010-11. Up to December 2012, 33.89 million tonnes of food grains have been loaded against 32.71 million tonnes up to December 2011, registe ring a growth of 3.61% . Outcom e: Vital movement of food grains will be maintained in the country. • Fertilizers: To assist foo d grain production and to contribute to the agricult ural development of the country, fertilizer from various Plant s and from import s in different Po rts is carried to the food producing areas. Durin g the year 2011-12, Fertilizers loading stood at 52.79 million tonnes as against 48.17 million tonnes in 2010-11. Up to December 2012, 35.30 MT of fertilizers have been loaded against 38.76 MT up to December 2011, registerin g a growth of (-)8.93% . Outcom e: Timely movement of fertilizers is critical for sustaining agricult ural pro duction. This is being ensured by the Railways. • Cement and Steel: During the year 2011-12, 107.57 million tonnes & 34.86 million tonnes of Cement & Steel was loaded against 99.03 million tonnes and 32.30 million tonnes in 2010-11 respectively. Up to December 2012, 76.23 MT of Cement have been loaded against 77.99 MT up to December 2011, re gisterin g a growth of (-) 2.26% . Up to December 2012, 25.73 MT of Pig Iron and Finished Steel has been loaded against 24.93 MT up to December 2011, registerin g a growth of 3.21% . Outcom e: Bulk movement lowers cost of transportation and lends itself to development of infrastructure in country. • Container Traffic: During the year 2011-12, 38.58 million tonnes of Container traffic was loaded as against 36.84 million tonnes in 2010-11. Up to December 2012, 30.03 MT of container traffic has been loaded against 28.11 MT up to December 2011, registering a growth of 6.83% . Outcom e: Higher containerization leads to reduct ion in logistics cost of finished goods. ¾ Other initiatives: • Proliferation of Routes Enhanced Carrying Capacity: The notified carrying capacity of the network is being enhanced pro gressively. Running of train s with CC+6+2 has been universalized acro ss Indian Railways barring a few excepted routes. This enables loading of 22.4 tonne/axle. More than 30,000 Km s have been notified for running trains with CC+8+2, enabling loadin g of 22.9 tonne/axle CC+8+2 routes have been notified for loading of Ores, Gypsum, Limestone & Dolomite, Clinker, S lag, All types of Coal, stone, Cement, DAP and NPK fertilizers. 26 Outcome: En ables mo re through put. Already CC+6 has been universalized barring a few excepted routes. • Introduction of concept of ‘Designed Tare w eight of w agon’: Permissible Carrying Capacit y (PCC) of wagons has been fixed on the basis of ‘designed tare of the wagons’ and permissible axle load. Designed tare weight is also required to be taken as bench mark for reckoning of overloadin g an d for the purposes of booking of traffic. • In order to plug the leakage of railway revenue, guidelines has been prescribed for levy punitive charge of @ Rs. one lakh per wagon if overloading is detected in wagons that had undergone load adjustment. Market responsive Tariff and policies: • The concept of Dynamic Pricing policy has been introduced in recent years. It refers to tariff measures in response to marketing con ditions and for management of the regional and seasonal skew in demand of wagons with the objective of maximizin g revenues through optimal utilizat ion of t ran spo rt capacities and reducing idling of assets. This policy includes demand management strategy of combining a slew of Incentive schemes, improve market share by competitive pricin g and utilize idle assets through imposit ion of charges directed at shift ing demand for service from more preferred routes and terminals to less pat ronized sectors and to recover higher cost o f operation on account s of unbalanced demand pattern. • Guidelines for chargin g of container traffic un der Hub & Spoke system has been issued. It will result in augmenting the movement of containers and lead to generation of additional railway revenue. Customers oriented f reight policies: • In the recent past , Railways have taken number of steps to att ract additional traffic. These steps include concept of Dynamic Pricin g Policy th rough which differential tariff is charged to take care of skewed demand during different perio d of the year as well as between different regions of the country. Besides, the freight incentive schemes have been further modified to attract traffic, particularly in traditional empty flow direction, Incentive scheme for incremental t raffic and freight fo rwarders and the pro cedure for availing the benefits has been simplified. • Silver Card Holders have been exempted from payment of Wagon Registrat ion Fee. • Exemption from mandatory (100% ) weighment of HR coil & other steel consignments pre-weighed on certified mill-scales have been permitted subject to weighment of 5% of wagons by way of sample checks. • In-principle approval fo r dispensin g with mandatory (100% ) weighment in case of containerized EXIM traffic have been acco rded. 27 ¾ Road Over Bri dge and Road Under Bri dges (ROB & RUB): Railways provide Road O ver / Under Bridge (RO B/RUB) in collaboration with the respective State Government, whenever rail-road-t raffic, in terms of Train Vehicle Unit s (TVU) at any particular level crossin g (LC) exceeds one lakh TVU or in exceptional cases, even if the TVU is below one lakh from the consideration of smooth train operation. It has been the endeavor of Railways to construct more and more ROB/RUB to ensure safety of road users and con gestion free flow of rail and road t raffic. ROB/RUBs are also provided on Depo sit, Built-Operate-Transfer (BO T), under NHDP pro gramme through NHAI and new line (as accommodation works fully at railway cost). In case of BOT and NHAI wo rks, railways mostly supervise the work within the railway area in order to ensure safety o f train movement and the work is basically executed at the cost of sponsorin g agency. Railways have undertaken construction of ROB across the country in big way, on National Highways crossing at railway cro ssin g. The pro gress of cost sharing works sanctioned and completed from 2003-04 onwards is given below: Year Completed 2003-04 ROB/RUBs Works Sanctioned on cost sharing basis 53 2004-05 23 19 2005-06 47 21 2006-07 104 35 2007-08 98 28 2008-09 139 38 2009-10 107 80 2010-11 137 67 2011-12 186 83 2012-13 379 98* 20 ROB/RUB completed through schemes other than cost sharing basis in f our years 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13* Deposit works Accommodation works (New Line construction, Gauge Conversion, Doubling) (A.W.) Built Operate and transfer basis (BOT) 18 39 38 275 64 402 39 248 8 16 9 13 NHAI (const ructed by NHAI under railway supe rvisions & approvals for safe constructions of RO B across railway track) Subways in lieu of level crossing by o pen line Total 47 38 33 36 102 207 288 240 214 574 796 576 * Progress is based on actually completed upto Dec’2012 and projected to be completed upto M arch’2013 taken in consi deration. 28 ROBs/RUBs w orks (C os t Shari ng , Deposit, BOT, NHAI , A cco mmod ation- new line, gaug e conv ersion & d oubling) compl eted / likely to be completed during 2012-13. S N Rai lw ay State No. of W orks Complete descri pti on of the ROB/RUB i n li eu of LC No. K M, secti on , i n betw een stati ons . Type of work -CS - DP -BOT -NH AI - AW 1 CR (54) Maharashtra 54 Kalyan-RO B in lieu of LC No. 47-B at Km 57/16-58/1 on Kalyan-Igatpuri section. CS Khanda -ROB in lieu of LC No. 16 at Km 66/ 1-2between Diva-Panvel section. CS Stanvac Nagar - ROB at Km 19/13-14 on Kurla-Trombay section Outer Ring Road- RO B at km.821/6-8 in lieu of existing LC No.117 on W ardha-Nagpur section. DP Kasarwadi-RO B at Km 180/4-5 near Kasarwadi station on Pune-Lonavala section at Nashik Highway DP Chembur FCI Circle RUB (W idening) at Km 17/2-3, Kurla -Trombay section. DP Nawathe -RUB at Km 669/A/13-14 near Nawathe plot on Amravati-Badnera section. DP Anand Talkies RUB at Km 835/29-30 on W ardhaNagpur section Akurdi- RUB at K m 171/12A-13 on Pune -Lonavala section. Additional ROB at Shilapur at Km194/31- 195/1 on Igatpuri-Bhusaval section. DP Widening of Lonand ROB at Km 91/4-5 between Lonand and Nira station on Pune- Miraj Maladgaon-RO B in lieu of LC No.8/B at Kms. 279/45 on Daund-Baramati section 2 ER (48) Bihar 9 DP DP BO T BO T BO T Borkhedi-ROB (W idening) at Km 798.57 BadneraNagpur section Nagpur Modlimb-ROB at K m 398/6-7 on KurduwadiPandharpur section NH 9.Surat Division NHAI Miraj – Latur - RO B at Chainage No.459/4-5, 453/78 & 436/3-4 in Surat Division- 3 Nos. AW Miraj – Latur - RO B at Chainage No.410/5-6 in Surat Division. AW Panvel - Pen - ROB at Br. No. 85/1 , Mumbai Division Panvel - Pen - RUB at Chainage No. 83/4 & 84/2, Mumbai Division- 2 Nos. AW AW Amravati-Narkhed - RUB at LC No. 21, 40 &16 - 3 Nos. Lonand-Phaltan line - RUB - 6 nos. Ahmednagar-Narayandoh line - RUB - 3 Nos. Subways - 21 Nos. Chandan - Katuria (Project of Deoghar- Sultanganj) RO B at LC No. 58A AW Chandan - Katuria (Project of Deoghar- Sultanganj) RO B at LC No. 65. AW Chandan- Katuria line RUB - 5 Nos Banka- Karjhausa (Project of Deoghar- Sultanganj) RO B at Br No. 91. AW AW 29 NHAI AW AW OL AW Jharkhand West Bengal 17 22 Banka- Karjhausa (Project of Deoghar- Sultanganj) RO B at Br No. 91 B Dumka- Shlkarpara (Project of Mandathill- DumkaRampurhal) RO B at Br No. 107A, 112 & 115 -3 Nos. AW Dumka- Shlkarpara (Project fo Mandathill- DumkaRampurhal) RO B at Br No. 118A AW Hansdiha - Dumka ( Project of Mandarhill - Dumka Rampurhat ) RO B at LC No. 63B AW Hansdiha - Dumka ( Project of Mandarhill - Dumka Rampurhat ) RO B at LC No. 64A , 67A & 69 - 3 Nos AW AW Barmasia- Sikaripara ROB at Br. No. 57A AW Barmacia- Shikaripara (Project of ManderhillDumka- Rampurhat) - Subways - 6 Nos. AW Pinagaria- Harinsing line - RUB No. 149A & 151 - 2 Nos. Baghajatin - RO B in lieu of LC No.9/A/ E a t Km 10/5- AW CS 7. No. 15/A/3T CS Widening of Patipukur Underpass - RUBs at Jessore Road near Patipukur - Dum Dum - 2 Nos. DP Barapalasy- Bhaturia line - RUB No. 60 & 66 - 2 Nos. Subways - 16 Nos. Gulzarbagh-Rajendernagar- RO B in lieu of LC No. 74 Patnasahib-Guljarbagh - ROB in lieu of LC No. 72 AW OL CS CS Barrackpore -ROB in lieu of at Km 23/5-7 3 ECR (57) Bihar 6 LC Gaya-Kastha - ROB in lieu of LC No. 2 Jharkhand 4 ECOR (19) Andhra Pradesh O rissa 5 NR (64) Delhi Haryana 51 3 16 3 16 RO B between Darbhanga-Jaynagar Section at LC No. 1-A/3E Km 2/2-3 RO B between Jhanjarpur-Laukaha Bazar Section at Km 6/11-12 RO B at Bangari - Jiwdhara section at LC No. 151-Spl Km 153/1-3 Koderma yard - RO B in lieu of LC No. 34/A/T. CS NHAI NHAI NHAI CS Koderma - Ranchi New BG Line - ROB - 16 Nos. AW Koderma - Giridih New BG Line – ROB - 25 Nos. Koderma - Ranchi New Line - Subways - 8 Nos. Koderma- Tilaiya New Line - Subway at Km 54.474 Berhampur - Gopalpur Rd.- ROB in lieu of LC No. 306 O DR By-pass road. AW AW AW CS Ponduru-Sigdam- ROB in lieu of LC No. ML/438 CS Subway at LC No. KK-45 between ChatiariputJeypore stations Man Gobindpuri- ROB in lieu of LC No.16 OL CS RO B at K m 297.154 on Rambha By Pass between Rambha - Hum ma stations. NHAI RUB adjoining to existing RUB at Km 271.975 on indian Rare Ear th Pvt. Siding near Chhatrapur Station on Howrah-Visakhapatnam line) NHAI Subways - 13 Nos. Bijwasan-ROB in lieu of LC No. 21 OL CS Nangloi - ROB in lieu of LC No.11C (Sultanpuri road) at km. 15/15-16 CS Delhi - Rohtak- RUB in lieu of LC No.5-B near Rampura-Dayabasti. CS Delhi-Ambala-ROB in lieu of LC No. 88 Spl near Kurukshetra CS 30 Himachal Pradesh Punjab Uttar Pradesh 6 NCR (38) 6 26 12 Uttarakhand 1 Haryana 1 Faridabad - RUB in lieu of LC No. 578-B CS Palwal Yard- ROB in lieu of LC No. 566 at Km 14.81 CS RO B at Km 268/24-25 of Ambala-Ludhiana section DP RO B in lieu of LC No.C-55/E-2 at Km 92/18-20 on Delhi-Ambala section near Panipat Railway station DP Widening of RO B on Rohtak - Bawal section of NH-71 on Delhi - Rewari section (Railway chainage 78/7 78/8) at Km 436.543 RO B at chainage 4.252 and road chainage 434.857 on Rewari Rohtak new line NHAI NHAI RO B at Railway Km 48.820 on Rewari-Rohtak section and road Km 386.988 with widening of RohtakBalwal section of NH-71 RUB on Jind-Sonepat line (Part of New Line) - 7 Nos. RUB at LC No.53 on Jind-Panipat section RO B at Bijapur on Churaru - Takrala- Amb Andaura section (Part of Nandaldam-Talwara New Line) NHAI RUB on Amb Andaura – Daulatpur Chowk (Part of Nangal Dam -Talarah New BG line) - 5 Nos. AW Khanna - ROB in lieu of LC No. 155-B Budhlada - RO B in lieu of LC No. 194 at Km 228.8 RO B in lieu of LC No.B-92 at Km 110/2-3 in Barnala near S.D.College CS CS DP RUB in lieu of LC No.C-6/2 at Railway Km 7/10-11 on Firozpur-Ludhiana section (Near Lodhi Club) DP Chandigarh - Morinda : ROB part of ChandigarhLudhiana New Line RUB on Chandigarh-Ludhiana line (Part of New Line) - 18 Nos. RUB on Amb Andaura – Daulatpur Chowk line ((Part of Nangal Dam-Talarah New line) - 3 Nos. AW Mehrauli - Dasna - RO B in lieu of LC No. 95 CS Rampur-RO B at LC No. 413-A Ghaziabad- RO B in lieu of LC No. 2-C at Km 25/8-9 CS CS Ghaziabad- Saharanpur- ROB in lieu of LC No. 10-C near Muradnagar CS Hapur- RO B in lieu of LC No. 71 at Km 102/9-10 on Ghaziabad-Moradabad section CS RUB at RDSO for free passage between Admn. Block and Annexure I,II and other offices of RDSO , LKO CS Widening of ROB in lieu of LC No. C-6/2E at K m 15/7-8 on Utratia-Alam Nagar section. DP Widening of ROB at km 1390/4-7 on NH-24 on Moradabad – Bareilly section NHAI Widening of ROB at km 4/11-12 on NH-24 on Moradabad-Bareily section. NHAI RO B in lieu of LC No. 369-A at Km 1323/13-19 on Moradabad - Bareilly section NHAI Widening of ROB at Km 1366/15 on NH 24 on Moradabad -Bareilly section NHAI RO B at km 1340/13-14 and NH km 216.685 on Moradabad -Bareilly section at LC No. 380 NHAI RO B at Jw alapur on L aksar-Dehradun section at K m 21/13-14 in place of existing RO B No. 21-A on NH 58 RO B in lieu of LC No.553 at Km 1451/16-18 on Matghura-Palwal section. NHAI 31 AW OL AW AW AW CS Madhya Pradesh 7 8 NER (4) NFR (40) 2 RO B at Rly. Km 1290-1291 on Dholpur Mohari section. NHAI Subway in lieu of L-Xing No.410-C at Km 1206/11-13 in Jhansi-Gwalior section. OL Rajasthan 1 RO B in lieu of LC No.472-C at Km 1305/6-8 on Gwalior-Agra section. CS Uttar Pradesh 34 Construction of RUB in lieu of LC No. 72 at Km. 1249/1-3 in Tundla Yard (At Railway’s cost) CS RO B in lieu of LC No.55-A at Km 955/13-15 on Allahabad-Kanpur section. CS RO B in lieu of LC No.90-C at Km 1288/1-3 on Kanpur-Ghaziabad section. CS RO B in lieu of LC No.99-B at K m 1305/21-23 on Kanpur-Ghaziabad section. CS RO B in lieu of LC No.102-C at Km 1312/31-33 on Kanpur-Ghaziabad section. CS RO B in lieu of LC No. 240-A at Km 1331/13-14 on Kanpur-Jhansi section. CS RO B in lieu of level crossing No. 8-B at Km 1100-3133 on Kanpur-Ghaziabad section. CS RO B in lieu of LC No.6-A at Km 736/13-15 on Mughalsarai-Allahabad section. CS Rohta-Runkata Road-ROB in lieu of LC No.491-C Tundla-Ghaziabad RO B in lieu of LC no. 131-B at km. 1375/24-26. Tundla-Ghaziabad RO B in lieu of LC no. 136-B at Km 1389/1-3. MGS-ALD ROB in lieu of LC no. 15-C near Jigna. CS CS Dadri - RO B at Km. 1417/4 on Tundla- Ghaziabad section and on NTPC loop line. DP Widening of RO B No. 157 in Agra. Tundla - RO B at Km 1252/10-11 on Tundla Ghaziabad section widening of Bhuvanipur-Agra road (NH-2) DP NHAI RO B near Orai at Rly. Km 1248/9-10 on Jhansi – Kanpur section. (224/1) NHAI RO B near Bijouli (Jhansi) at Km 1119/32-33 on Jhansi-Bina section. NHAI RO B at Railway chainage 1332 -1333 near Bhandai Rly. Station for new four lane Agra Bypass. NHAI Uttar Pradesh Assam Tripura 4 9 10 CS CS Subways - 16 Nos. Azamagarh- Sarai Rani- RO B in lieu of LC No. 29-A OL CS Gorakhpur-Domingarh- ROB in lieu of LC No. 161-A (Tarang Railway crossing) CS Lakhimpur Khiri Town- RO B in lieu of LC No. 120Spl. Baharaich-Richia- ROB in lieu of LC No. 42 CS North Lakhimpur- Murkongselek line - RUB No. 293 at Km. 298.722 Rangiya- Rangapara North line - RUB at LC No. 41 at Km. 65.1 Dudhnoi- Mendipathar line - RUB - 6 Nos Subway in lieu of LC Gate No.NN-242 at Km 129/3-4 between Bamunigaon-Chaygaon stations in Kamakhya-Goalpara-New Bongaigaon section. AW Agartala – Sabroom line - ROB - 4 Nos. Agartala- Sabroom line - RO B - 2 Nos. 32 CS AW AW OL AW AW West Bengal 9 10 NW R (68) SR (44) Punjab Rajasthan Kerala Tamil Nadu 21 1 66 12 32 Agartala- Sabroom line RUB - 3 Nos. Subway in lieu of LC No. 33-BA (Manned) at Km 157/1-2 between stations Teliamura - Jirania in Baraigram-Agartala section. RO B No. 1/39 Km 87.52 of New ChangrabandhaNew Coochbehar New Changrabandha- New Coochbehar line Subways - 15 Nos. RUB No. 2, Km. 1.61 of New Maynaguri section Subways - 4 Nos RO B in lieu of LC No. 2C/2T near Bhatinda. Jaipur- Bandikui- ROB in lieu of LC No.181 at Km 179/6-7 Jodhpur-Samdari-Barmer-ROB in lieu of LC No. C325. AW OL AW AW AW OL DP CS CS Alwar- RO B in lieu of LC No. 111-C at Km 71/3-4 CS RUB at K m 525/2-3 near existing LC 26 near Nokha station between Nokha-Surpure on Bikaner-Merta Road section. DP RO B at LC No. 2 on Bangurgram - RAS section New Line project RUB on Bangurgram - RAS section New Line project 11 Nos. Dausa - Gangapur City section New Line Subways - 6 Nos. Sri Ganganagar-Hanumangarh section GC workSubways - 5 Nos Keshavganj-Swarupganj section Doubling workSubway -5 Nos Subways - 34 Nos. Shoranur- Mangalore- ROB in lieu of LC No. 174. AW Ela ttur- Q uilandi- RO B in lieu of LC No. 201 at km.688/100 – 200. CS Quilon- Mayyanad- RO B in lieu of LC No. 541 at Km 156/500-600. Payyanur- Thrikkarippoor- RO B lieu of LC No. 261 at Km 787/15 on NH. 17. CS Punkunnam- Mulgunnathukavu- ROB in lieu of LC No. 14 at Km 23/300 - 400 . CS Chalakkudy- Karukkutty- RUB in lieu of LC No. 50 at Km 64/200-300 CS Kochuveli- Trivandrum- RO B in lieu of LC No. 578 at Km 217/300-400. CS Subways - 5 Nos. Vyasarpadi- Korukkupet- ROB in lieu of LC No. 1 between Jeeva - Korukkupet. OL CS Tiruninravur- Tiruvallur- ROB in lieu of at Km 32/10 - 12 LC No.14 CS Maraimalai Nagar - Sinagaperumai Koil - ROB in lieu of LC No. 47 at Km 51/ 4 - 5 CS Sulur Road - ROB in lieu of 468/18 - 20 at K m CS Irugur- RO B in lieu of LC No. 144 at Km 475/22 - 24 Tenkasi Sengottai- RO B in lieu of LC No 502 at K m 660/ 8 - 9 . CS CS Vandalur- Guduvancheri - RO B in lieu of LC No. 37 at Km 37/2A - 4 CS 33 LC No. 143 AW AW AW AW OL CS CS 11 SCR (68) Andhra Pradesh 46 Irugur- Podanur- ROB in lieu of LC No. 146 at km. 479/22-24 CS Uthukuli- Tirupur- RO B in lieu of LC 435/12-14 Vanchipalayam Yard - RO B in lieu of Km 435/12-14 Ulundurpet- Puvanur- RO B in lieu of Km 198/8-9 Uthukuli- Tirupur- RO B in lieu of LC 435/12-14 No. 130 at K m CS LC No. 134 at CS LC No. 156 at CS No. 132 at K m CS Madurai - Tiruparankundram- RO B in lieu of LC No. 370 at Km 500/300-400. CS Madurantakam - Pakkam - RO B in lieu of LC No. 69. Samudram - Manaparai- RO B in lieu of LC No. 279 at Km 375/800-900 CS CS Melalathur Yard- ROB in lieu of LC No. 66 CS Akkarapatti - O ttichattram - RO B in lieu of LC No. 29 on Podanur - Dindigul section. CS Tiruchchrappalli - Kumaramangalam- ROB in lieu of LC No. 325 in Tiruchchirappalli -Pudukkotai Karaikkudi section. Dindigul Akkaraipatti - ROB in lieu of LC No. 5 on Dindigul – Pollachi section. CS Jolarpettai - Tirupathur - ROB in lieu of LC No. 89 on Jolarpettai- Salem section. CS Jolarpettai - Tirupatthur - RO B in lieu of LC No. 86 on Arakkonam - Jolarpettai section. Vaniyambadi- Kettandapatti- ROB in lieu of LC No. 82 on Chennai Central - Jolarpettai section. CS Salem- Ulundurpet Section on NH68- RO B at Valppady Bypass at Km 161/600-700 between Valapadi gate- Minnampalli Railway station on Vriddhachalm- Salem section Additional ROB to existing ROB No. 1449A at Rly. Km 481/7-8 (NH chainage 0.290) between SamayanallurSholavandan Railway stations on Dindigul- Maduri section RO B at Km. 7/500 between Karur-Velliyanai stations in Karur-Dingigul section NHAI Additional ROB to the existing RO B No. 397A at Km 334/7-8 between Ponmalai and Tiruchchirappalli Town stations Additional ROB to the existing RO B No. 1108 at Km 394/900 between Ponmalai and Tiruvarambur Stations Subways - 5 Nos. Palakollu- Gorintada- ROB in lieu of LC No. 23 NHAI Sirpur- Kagaznagar yard- ROB in lieu LC No. 77 at Km 202/33-35 CS Huppuguda- Falanknuma- RO B in lieu of LC No. 6 at Km13/10-11 Dhone- Bogolu & Dhone- Malkapuram- RO B in lieu of LC No.166 & 150 at Km 296/05-06 CS W angapalli - Aler - ROB in lieu of LC No. 37 CS Renigunta-Tirupati - RO B in lieu of LC No.111 at K m 84/25-27 CS Chalavaripaali- Tadipatri- ROB in lieu of LC No.161 of Guntakal Division. CS 34 CS CS NHAI NHAI NHAI OL CS CS Karnataka Maharashtra 12 SER Jharkhand 10 12 2 Madhira- Tondalagopavaram- ROB in lieu of LC No. 125 B at Km 534/05-07 and 534/08-10 CS Rechni Road - Bellampalli- RO B in lieu of LC No. 61 RO B at J ammikunta Station yard LC No. 21 at K m 331/16-18 between Uppal- Jammikunta stations on Balharsha- Kazipet section. CS CS Widening of existing RUB No. 102 A at Km 21/08-09 on Motu-marri-Jagga-yyapet. DP RUB at Alugaddabavi at Km 0/8-9 between Sitafalmandi- Lallaguda stations in SitafalmandiBolarum section Rail Nilayam-RUB at Km 194/21-22 between Secunderabad-Kazipet section DP RUB at Bridge No. 27A at K m 8/8-9 on Malakpet Secunderabad - Dhone section between Kachiguda Malakpet stations DP RUB at Kankargun ta adjacent to existing ROB at K m 1/34-36 on Guntur- Nadikudi Section between Guntur - Nallapadu stations. DP RO B at Km 169/12-14 on Secunderabad -W adi section between Sanatnagar- Hhafizpet stations RO B at LC No. 197 at Km 475/1-2 on ManmadSecunderanbad section in between DitchpalliIndalvai stations BO T DP NHAI RO B at Km 216/1-6 on Secunderabad - Kazipet section between stations Ghatkesar- Bibinagar NHAI RO B at Km 233/28-31 on Secunderabad - Kazipet section between padigipalli- Bhongir stations. NHAI RO B No.742-A on Morthad-Armoor Section at K m 147.717 RO B No.69 at Ch. 50110 between DevarkadraMarikal stations on Devarkadra- Krishna New Line NHAI RO B No.70 at Ch. 50494 bet. Devarkadra- Marikal stations on Devarkadra- Krishna New Line AW Devarkadra- Krishna New Line between MarikalPulimamidi stations - RUB - 4 Nos. AW Subways - 20 Nos. RO B at Km 570/4-5 on Guntakal- W adi section between Raichur- yermaras stations. OL BO T RO B No.1070-A at Km 1737 in Pandurangaswamy road- Raichur of Gadwal - Raichur New Line AW RO B No.77- B at Ch. 49408 in Homnabad- Hallikhed of Bidar- Gulbarga new line AW Homnabad - Hallikhed of Bidar- Gulbarga New Line RUB -4 Nos. Gulbarga- Sultanpur in Gulbarga- Bidar section RUB - 2 Nos. Subway in lieu of LC No. 40 at Km 84/0-1 on Vikarabad- Parli section between Matalkunta- Bidar stations Balaharshah - Manikgarh - ROB in lieu of LC No. 96 at Km 138/36-38 AW RO B at Km 133/4-5 on Secunderabad- Manmad section between Chikalthana- Karmad station BO T RO B at Km 161/1-2 on Manmad -Secunderabad section between Badanapur- Jalna stations BO T Subway - 9 Nos. Subway at Km 428/1-2 on Ranchi - Lohardaga OL DP 35 AW AW OL CS (5) West Bengal 13 SECR (35) Chhatisgarh 3 20 section RO B at Km 432/9-10 on Hatia- Orga section Jhargram- RO B in lieu of LC No. 82 Kharagpur- RO B in lieu of LC (Puri Gate ) at indian institute of Technology at LC No. 1 at Km 118/4-5 Jhantipahari- Chhatna- RO B in lieu of existing one at Km. 251/2-4 Nipania- Dagori- RUB in lieu of LC No.377 at Km.746/23-25 RO B between Dongargarh-Paniajob at LC No. 475A/37 at Km 929/5-7 RO B at Km 819/21-22 on Jora Saddu-Dhaneli Road RO B between Raigarh-Kirodimalnagar at Km 5 Maharashtra 10 15 SW R (83) WR (14) Andhra Pradesh 4 Karnataka 73 Tamil Nadu 6 Gujarat 14 CS CS DP DP 591/15-17 DP DP RUB on Howbagh Jabalpur - Guwarighat section at LC No. 155 & 157 - 2 Nos. Subways - 13 Nos. Subways on detour alignment at LC No. 114 &115 on Ghonsor - Binaiki section - 2 Nos. AW OL AW Subways - 3 Nos. RO B at Km 1109/29-1110/1 between Salva-Kanhan OL NHAI RO B at Km 1116/3-5 between Kanhan-Ramtek NHAI RO B at Km 1231/8-9 between Itwari-KO C NHAI Subways - 7 Nos. 14 CS 591/13-14 RUB in lieu of LC No. 291 at Km (Raigarh- Kirodimalnagar) Madhya Pradesh DP CS OL Tumkur- Rayadurg line - ROB at chainage 164255 AW Tumkur-Rayadurg line - RUB - 3 Nos. Bangalore- Maralahalli- RO B in lieu of LC No.116 at Km 286/800-900 AW CS W hitefield -Krishanarajapuram - ROB in lieu of LC No. 133 at Km 337/300-400 CS Subway at Km 10/000-100 between Yelahanka Chikballapur section. Kolar-Bangarapet section- ROB at Km 133/500-600 DP RO B at Hospet-Hubli section near Hitnal LC No. 75A at Km 132/900 NHAI DP Hassan-Bangalore City New line - ROB - 8 Nos AW Hassan-Bangalore City New line - ROB - 4 Nos AW Hassan-Bangalore City New line - RUB - 7 Nos. Ginigera-RC- New Line RUB - 2 Nos. AW AW Kolar-Chikballapur line - RUB in lieu of LC No.147 Sub way s - 46 N os . AW OL Subways - 6 Nos. OL RO B in liue of LC No.8A at Km 3/11-4/11 on Bharuch-Samni section. DP Widening of ROB in liue of LC No.179-B at Km 327/23-25 between Bharuch – Vadodara section. DP Widening of existing RO B in lieu of LC No 203 at K m 783/5-6 between Rantej-Jamnagar stations. DP Widening of existing ROB (No 319/A) in lieu of LC No 187 at Km 816/6-7 between Aliyavada-Hapa stations. DP Raising of existing superstructure to facilitate passing Double stacked container trains for PRCL at Br N. 20 (RO B) at Km 16/6-7, between stations Rajula and Pipavav. DP 36 Raising of existing ROB near Limbdi to facilitate passange of doubled stacked container trains for M/s Pipavav. RO B in lieu of LC No 127 at Km 747/5-6 between Rantej –Khandheri stations. RO B in lieu of LC No 2/C(TFC) Dhrangandhra - Kundapura stations Madhya Pradesh 16 W CR (30) 3 Maharashtra 1 Madhya Pradesh 16 14 BO T RO B in lieu of LC No 144 at Km 765/4-5 between Khanderi - Padadhari stations. BO T RO B in lieu of LC No 50 SPL at Km 630/8-9 between Dhrangdhra - Chuli stations. BO T Subways - 4 Nos OL RO B at Rly Km 698 on Godhra-Nagda-Kota BG line in connection with Ujjain-Unhel- Jaora two lane road project for up gradation of existing road DP RO B in lieu of LC No 9C/ E-I at Km 476/0 between Godhra-Nagda section BO T RO B in lieu of LC No 112- A with MPRDC in Ratlam Division BO T Udhna-JL section- RO B at Km 222/11-12 between Hol-Nardana for Nardana town by-pass on NH-3 NHAI Shobhapur- ROB at Km 994/5-6 No. 318 CS No. 379 CS Guna- Bajrang-Garh- RO B in lieu of LC No. 63 at Km 1094.440 CS RO B at Km 1059/1-2 on BIN-KTE Section. (Saugar by pass) RUB near Kareli at Km 889/11-12 at L.C. No. 271 'A' Rewa- Singrauli section New line - RUB at Km 1160 NHAI Rewa-Singrauli section New line RO B at Km 118.83 Rewa-Singrauli section New line - RUB - 4 Nos. AW AW Subways - 5 Nos. OL Morak – Dabhadeh - RO B in lieu of LC No. 87 at Km 858/8-10. CS Dakina- Talavat Km 918/02 No. 108 CS Sewar-Bharatpur - ROB in lieu of LC No. 244 at Km 1209/14-16. CS Ramganjm andi - RUB - 4 Nos. AW Subways - 7 Nos. Total W orks BO T between in Maihar Yard- ROB at Km 1144/4-6. Rajasthan DP RO B - lieu in of lieu in lieu Jhalawar LC of of LC LC Singrauli New line DP AW OL 674 CS - Cost Sharing, DP- Deposit, BOT- Built Operate Transfer, NHAI- by National Highway Authority of India, AW - Accommodation, OL- O pen Line 37 Benefit: • ROBs/RUBs facilitate f ast, saf e and unhinder ed movement of both r oad and rail tr affic at locations wher e road and rail tr aff ic inter sect, besides saving on time-spent waiting at closed level cr ossings. Smooth movement also saves on f uel spent on idle eng ine running. Subw ays : To e ase road traffic and e nhance s af ety on level cros sings, ne w di rec tives have been iss ued to Z onal Rail ways to cons truc t Subway ( RUB)’ b ased on cri te ria of s afe ty, restricted visibility and local re quireme nts. The p rogre ss mad e in this endeavor is as unde r:RU Bs/Subways i n lieu of level crossings Year 2009-10 • 2010-11 102 384 (C onstruc tion-207 + Ope n li ne -17 7) 2011-12 653 (C onstruc tion-379 + Ope n li ne -27 4) 2012-13 280* ( prog ress upto Dec’2012) (Cons truction- 1 51 + Open line- 129) * Addi tional 145 RUB/Subways will be completed by Marc h’201 3 Lev el C rossi ng (LCs) The works of manni ng, provisi on of lif ting barrie rs and basic i nfras truc ture are main aspe cts of s afe ty at Level Crossing for Railways as well as Road Users. S N Type of w ork at Lev el Crossi ng Targ et duri ng 2010-11 Prog ress duri ng 2010-11 Targ et duri ng 2011-12 Prog ress duri ng 2011-12 Target duri ng 2012-13 Prog ress during 2012-13 Upto Dec’12 1 W orks relating to manning of unmanned Level Crossings 1000 1399 (434 manned & Infrastructur e ready at 965 level crossing gates awaiting manpower) 2045 1178 (777 manned & Infrastructur e ready at 548 level crossing gates awaiting manpower) 1066 764 (244 manned & Infrastructur e ready at 520 level crossing gates awaiting manpower) 2 Provision of lifting barriers at Level Crossing 295 221 160 117 200 97 3 Provision of basic infrastructure like smooth road, proper gradient, hexagonal blocks on track for passing of road traffic. 1628 2079 1011 958 755 630 Benefits: Manning of Level Crossing g ates and L ifting Barr iers prevent r oad users fr om cr ossing tr acks when the tr ain movement is taking place. Basic infr astructure such as g ood r oads, proper gradients, etc, ensur es smooth movement of road vehicles through the L Cs. This prevents r oad vehicles fr om getting stuck at the LCs, thereby ensuring safety as well as smooth operation. Constructions of a few Railway bridges a t im porta nt locations are highlighted in c olour plates 3 & 4. 38 ··Ý·À· ËÝ··Ì ·Ý kÛ·ÝÀ ¸·t··Ë ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä· Road Over / Under Bridges on Indian Railways j·Ý ËÝ··Ë·Ì ·ÄÝ· Ý··· Ý·ËÝ·À p·´|Ý ·Ý Ý·£z³ÝÀ· Ý·v···q·µ ·Ý ¸oÛ·À·Ý kÛ·ÝÀ ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä· oÛ· ¸···µ~·t··Ï|®Ý· oÛÝ·· Construction/Widening of 4 lanning ROB at km 4/11-12 on NH-24 on Moradabad - Bareilly section - Northern Railway j·Ý ËÝ··Ë·Ì Ý· ÝÝÀ·ÝÀ·· p·´|Ý ·Ý ¸oÛ·À·Ý ¸·c·Ë· ···Î ·Ý kÛ·ÝÀ ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä· / ROB on Deposit Term at Km 1417/4 on Dadri-Maripat section - North Central Railway ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 3 ··Ý·À· ËÝ··Ì ·Ý kÛ·ÝÀ ¸·t··Ë ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä· Road Over / Under Bridges on Indian Railways j·Ý ·r· ËÝ··Ë·Ì Ý· Ý··q·Ý oÛ···ÄÝ·Ì ¤····Ý ¤·´oÛ ·Ý kÛ·ÝÀ ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä· ROB at Level Crossing No. 240A at Dadanagar (Kanpur) on North Central Railway j·Ý ·· ËÝ··Ë·Ì ۷˧ݷÄݹ· ÝoÛÀ Ý·Ë|Ý ·Ý ¤····Ý ¤·´oÛ ·Ý kÛ·ÝÀ ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä· ROB at Level Crossing No. 55A on Fatehpur-Bindki Road - North Central Railway ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 4 ¾ Signaling: • Signallin g systems, apart from ensuring high level of safety in t rain operations, are deployed fo r enhancing line capacit y. In spite of funds constraints, thrust was given during the year for com pletion of works o f replacement of over-aged signalling assets at stat ions, Track Circuiting, Block Pro ving by Axle Counters, Automatic Block Signalling, Train Protection and W arning system (pilot project) an d LED signals. Besides, Works of Interlocking & provision of Telephone at Level Crossing gates were given special emphasis. • Route Relay Interlocking (RRI), Panel Interlockin g (PI) & Electronic Interlo cking (EI) along with track circuits are deployed to replace over-aged signal equipment at stations, which have outlived their codal life and are required to be replaced for reasons of safety. Track Circuiting helps in safe operation of trains as it avoids human dependence to physically check the clearance of track in station section. Colour P late N o - 5 • Block Proving by Axle Counter (BPAC) provides automatic verification of clearance of block section, which otherwise is done manually by the station staff, thus reducin g human dependence further. Colour Plate No - 5 • In order to impro ve reliability and visibility of signals to Loco Pilots, outdated filament type signals are being replaced by high visibilit y LED (Light Emitting Dio de) Signals. Colour Plate N o - 5 • Train Protection and Warning System (TPW S) is an aid to loco pilot to prevent cases of over-speeding and Signal Passing at Dan ger (S PAD). W ork on Nizammudin (Delhi) - Agra section is completed and service t rials are in progress with 35 locomotives. • Automatic Signalling enhances line capacit y by permittin g more than one train between two stations. Durin g the year, Automatic Signalling is likely to be provided on 150 Route KMs. • Signallin g plays a major role in reliable, faster and safer operat ion of train s besides increase in line capacity. Some of the highlights of the achievements of the investments made under Signalling wo rks are as under: Items Fixed Target (f or 12-13) Likely to be achieved (Up to 31.03.13) Replacement Signalling works [RRI/PI/EI](No of stations) 250 250 Track circuiting (No of Location s) 500 750 Block pro ving by Axle counters (No o f block sections) LED Signals (No of Stations) 300 300 300 300 Interlocking of LC gates (No of gates) 300 350 All manned gate 275 Telephone at manned LC gates (No of gates) 39 ¸¤·q·· j·¤oÛÝ/j·oÛÝ~· Signaling Equipment/Instrument ßzÝ ¸Ý·Ë h´···µ ·· i·Ï·ÇmzÝÝ / Route Relay Interlocking ·¸§Ý·· ¤·´·Ë ÝoÛ / Wheel Sensor / Evaluator z³ÝËoÛ ¤··i|Ý i·Ïnz³Ý·Ó¸·oÛ ··Ón¤· / Trackside Electronic Box ·°o· · ·° ÝÀ· ¸|Ýh·Ë|Ý ¤·´oËÛ· / Light Emitting Diode Signal ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 5 ¾ Telecom: • Various wo rks un dertaken under Telecom include replacement of over-aged assets like old RE cable, O verhead Alignment & provision of O FC for Control & Data Communication. • The replacement works are necessary since old Telecom equipment like RE cable, overhead alignment etc. have outlive their codal life and are therefore required to be replace, as a safety measure. Highlights of the achievements our o f the investments made under Telecom works are given below:S.N 1 2 Items Replacement of OH alignment /RE cable. Either by 6 Quad cable plus OFC. Provision o f OFC communication for Data circuits Target fix for 12-13 2500 Km 2400 Km Achieved Remark up to Dec, 12 1262 Pro gress is slow due Km to reduced outlay durin g the year 2041 Km ¾ Green initiati ves & Energy Conservation Indian Railway is in ching forward in it s aim of achieving energy conservat ion of 10% as mandated in Vision document 2020. For undertakin g the respon sibility towards the global climate interchange, the year 2011-12 was commemorated as ‘the year of green energy’ by takin g various initiatives at Zonal Railways level like, creating awareness fo r green energy initiatives, tappin g non-conventional energy resources, energy conservation measures, etc. Green Energy Initiative. Policy initiatives & interventions taken to harness green energy resources and implementing energy con servation measures have yielded fruitful result s. So far IR has harnessed 10.5 MW of wind energy and about 4.5 MW of solar energy at LC gates, way side Railway stations, street lights, solar water heaters at trainin g institutes/running rooms/hospitals/rest houses/canteens/base kit chens etc. The railway stat ions havin g poo r availability of power supply are being provided with solar lighting systems fo r illumination of station durin g power cut. So far solar energy is being h arnessed at about 450 stations, of which about 35 railways stations are completely solar powered. • During 2011-12, solar energy was harnessed at lighting system at 134 Railway stations, 734 Level Crossing (LC) gates, 10 in office buildin gs, 306 street lights in colonies/trainin g schools and 111 solar based water heaters in running rooms/hospitals/rest houses/canteens/base kit chens etc. • Solar projects for addition of 4.69 MW p by providin g solar PV modules at 200 stations, 21 administrative buildin gs and 1000 level crossing gates have been planned as a part o f green energy initiative with Central Financial assistance from Minist ry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). Besides above, wind energy plant of about 93 MW capacity have also been planned to be harnessed 40 on IR in the wind rich states of An dhra Pradesh, Karnat aka, Kerala, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu & W est Bengal. Sh own in Colour Plate 6. Energy Conservation Initiatives. IR is very conscious about savin g energy, as energy saved is energy generated. IR has started use of energy efficient new generation electric locomotives an d Electrical Multiple Units (EM Us) with 3 phase regenerative brakin g features, head on generation systems for eliminating use of DG sets in t rains. Energy conservation initiatives includin g replacement of T-8 FTL by energy efficient T-5 & CFL fittings, provision of LED light s, energy efficient ceilin g fan s, occupancy senso rs, use of st ar rated equipments etc. have reduced the energy consumption. Thus intensifying these efforts has resulted into a savin g of 1.03% of electricity for non traction applicat ion (2458.34 Million unit durin g 2011-12 as compared to 2483.96 Million units during 2010-11) despite about 5% increase in connected load. Electrical Energy Consumption (Non Traction) in Million units Continued effort s and constant persuasion by Railway and energy conservation initiatives by IR have resulted into bagging 11 aw ards by IR out of total awards of 87 from 773 applications durin g 2012, the highest ever by any organization so far, which were distributed by Hon’ble President of India during National Energy Conservation day on 14th Dec 2012. IR received four of 1st awards in different category of Railways, Hospitals, office buildings (consumption less than 10 lakh unit year and more than 10 lakh unit/year). ***** 41 q·°À· kÛv··µ ¤·´·´·À ·§Ý· / Green Energy Initiative ¤····Ý ·zÝoÛ ·Ý ¤··ÏÝ ·°o · · / Solar lighting at Level Crossing gate ¤··ÏÝ ·Ï·· / Solar Panel ·ËzÝÛÝ·µ ·Ý ¤··ÏÝ ·°oÛ· · / Solar Lighting at Platform ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 6 Chapter V NETWO RK EXPA NSION ¾ Ne w Li nes Outcom e: The Railw ays are a very vital inf rastructure in integrating the country providing a crucial link to people living in remote areas and enabling transportation of bulk cargo and long distance passengers. Expansion of the netw ork through laying of new lines brings in rail connectivity to the populations of the hinterland of the lines. During the period 2012-13, 470 Kms of new lines w ere completed as f ollow s:• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ahmednagar-Narayandoh Khurda Road-Begun ia Lanjigarh Rd.-Junagarh (Part) Chandi-Biharsharif Jamua-Kawar Khagaria-Bishunpur Barkakana-Sidhwar Urwan-Hazaribagh Hazaribagh-Beas Bithan-Hasan pur Road Bhaluna-Katuria Kakwara-Kajhausa Barmasia-Shikaripara Pinargaria-Harsingha Barapallasy-Bhaturia Fatehabad-Etawah (Part) Etawah-Mainpuri (Part) Bhind-Etawah (Part) Sagarsultanpur-Mashrakh North ban k Rail Link & South Link up to Bridge Dudhnoi-Mendipathar Y-link Mainaguri Raod, New Mainaguri, New Domohini Changrabandha-New Cooch bihar Morinda-Khamano Samrala-Sahnewal Qazigund-Banihal Gulbarga-Sultan pur Raichur-Pandurangaswamy (Part) Devarakadra-Krishna (Part) Marikel-Makhtal Matnasibpur-Masagram Angamali-Kaladi Hirisave-Shravanabelagola Kanivehalli-Chikmagalur Rayadurga-Avuladatta (Part) Khargapur-Chhatarpur ¾ Gauge Conversion Indian Railways developed historically with 3 gauges – Broad Gauge, Metre Gauge and Narrow Gauge. Prio r to ado ption of unigauge policy, in early 1990s, the BG system constituted 56% of the total route Km and handled 90% of the total freight NTKM and 84% of the total passenger Km. At the same time the MG system constituted about 37% of the total route Km carrying 9% of the total 42 freight NTKM and 15% of the total passenger Km. The remaining was carried by the NG system. Starting from 1992, the Railways have increasingly sought to replace the MG system with BG in order to ensure seamless movement of traffic and passengers besides augmenting the carryin g capacity. Outcom e: The transportation across multiple gauges is inconvenient as it requires transhipment f or both the travelling public and also freight users thereby operationally benef icial f or Railways but also reduces inconvenience to the users residing in the converted sections that would now have access to the entire Broad Gauge netw ork of the Railw ays without having to undergo the inconvenience of transhipment. During 2012-13, 575 km of (Meter Gauge/Narrow Gauge) conve rsion has been completed. Section wise details are as under:• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chauradano-Raxaul (Part) Murliganj-Banmakhi (Part) Banmankhi-Purnia Krishnanagar Cit y-Amghata Naugarh-Barhni Rangapara North-No rth Lakhimpur Sikar-Loharu Hanumangarh-S rigan ganagar (Part) Pollachi-Kinattukkadavu of Pollachi-Podanur Muthalamada-Palakkad of Pollach i-Palakkad Sengottai-Bhagavathipuram Edamann-Punalur Chintamani-Sidlaghatta (Part) Ratlam-Fatehabad ¾ Doubling In the recent few years, with the libe ralization of the economy, there has been increasing demand for rail t ransportation along the existing routes. Saturation of existing routes results in slower movement of passenger an d freight trains an d also makes it difficult to provide adequate number of services to the ever growing demand in passenger and freight traffic. Providin g additional lines by way of doublin g, the existing routes enable the Railways to cater to this in creasing demand in passenger and freight traffic. Outcom e: Completion of doubling on saturated routes w ill enhance capacity to carry more f reight and passenger trains providing more services and f aster transit. During 2012-13, 705 Kms of doubling has been completed providing additional capacity on cert ain congested routes as un der:• • • • • • • • • • • Apta-Jite Jharsuguda-Rengali Simhachalam North-Gopalipatnam DL of bypass line Korukonda-Alamanda-Kantakapalli Chandrapura-Rajabera Ambika Kalna-Dhat rigram Poradanga-Manigram Poradanga-Mahishasur Dainhat-Patuli Patuli-Purbsthali Pirpanthi-Mirzachoki 43 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Muragachha-Bethuadahari Krishnanagar-Dhubulia Bhagawangola-Jiaganj Dankuni-Bally (Part) Nalhati-Takipur Phulia-Kalinarayanpur Tinpahar-Taljhari Jahangirabad-Barabanki Ghagh raghat -Chowkaghat Chauri Chaura-Baitalpur Mansa-Maur Banas-Sirohi Bhadbhadaghat-Diwanganj Kalhar-Mandi Bamo ra Sukhi sevian-Nishadpura Gulabganj-Sumer Sumer-Sorai Kurwaikaithora-Mandir Bamora Silyari-Mandhar Mandhar-Urkura Manoharpur-Posoita Jenapur-Jakhapur Garhmadopur-Jenapur Venkatachalam-Nidigunpapalem Hodal-Chhata Madpur-Jakhpur Panskura-Haur Esivi-Kupgal Kosgi-mantralayam Rajgoda-Tamluk Hari-Venkatnagar Chulha-Anuppur Venkatnagar-Nigaura Belghana-Tenganmade Mahisadal-Barda Barda-Basulya Sutahata Valadi-Kallakkudi Palanganatham Ariyalur-Kallakkudi Palanganatham Manchiriyal-Mandamari CPH-Bye pass Dumetra-Champajharan (Part) Kharagpur-Gokulpur Muri-Muri Outer Rajkharswan-Mahalimarup Tikiapara-Santragachi (Part) Melmaruvthur-Tozhuppedu Tindivanam-Perani Ottivakkam-Madurantakam Attipattu-Ennore 4th line Nagavangala-Ajjampur Ajjampur-Shivan i Channapatna-Settihalli Mandya-Yeliyur Hanakere-Mandya Ukaisongarh-Chinchpada Dharnagaon-Paldhi (Part) Sabri Road-Lilapur 44 ¾ Railway Electrification With a view to reduce Nation’s dependence on imported petroleum resources and to enhance energy security for the country, Indian Railways have been progressively carrying out electrification of Railways tracks. Electric traction being an energy efficient and eco-friendly mode of transport, is leading to considerable savings in imported fuel bill. Year-wise Railway Electrification targets and achievements during the period 200813 are as under: Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 ¾ Target (Route Kms) 1000 1000 1000 1110 1200 During 2012-13, 599 Route kms have been electrified till Dec.’2012 and it is expected that total 1200 Route kms would be electrified during the year (2012-13) covering the following sections fully /partly: Belapur-Ahmednagar-Daund Kondapuram-Vanganur-T adipatri Yelahanka-Oddraballi-Someshwara P akur-Sainthia-Ahmadpur Chinpai-Sainthia Sahibpur Kamal-Katihar Mondh-Phaphamau -Lalgopalganj Chakki Bank-Bharoli-Ravi River Jammu Tawi – Ram Nagar Ghaziabad-Simboli P aman-Govindpuri incl Kalyanpur- Kanpur Anwarganj. Siwan-Nunkhar Tinich-Gorakhpur Cantt. Kuretha-Mukuria Jhaua-Mukuria-Barsoi-Kishanganj Kanniyambadi-Vellore Cantt Shoranur-Ferok Chittapur-Wadi Ramanagaram-Mandya ***** Achievement (Route kms) 797 1117 975 1165 599 (till Dec. 2012 end) 45 CHAPTER VI SAFETY IR is quite unique and distinctive in character, really a microcosm of India. T o make it a safe and reliable system is an enormous challenge. The Railways has the most intricate and involved inter-dependencies. Safety on the Railw ays is the end product of the cohesive fusion of its myriad parts. A single flaw in the 64,600 route kms of track that criss-cross the country, a defect in over 9,500 locos, 55,000 coaches and 2.39 lakh wagons that haul about 23 million passengers and nearly 2.7 million tonnes of freight every day, an incorrect indication on one of the thousands of signals that dot the rail landscape, a mistake or an act of negligence by one of its staff directly associated with train running, even a rash act by one of the millions of road users who daily negotiate around odd level crossing gates spread across the system, an irresponsible act of carrying inflammable goods – any one of these multiple possibilities has the potential to cause a major tragedy. Added to these are the acts of sabotage by misguided elements spanning the whole country. Thus utmost vigil in safety in operations and also security of the traveling public is accorded by the Railways. Accident Rel ated Data As a result of various safety measures and sustained efforts over the years there has been a declining trend in the number of consequential train accidents, which has come down from 473 in 2000-01 to 415 in 2001-02, 351 in 2002-03, 325 in 2003-04, 234 in 2004-05 and 2005-06, 195 in 2006-07, 194 in 2007-08, 177 in 2008-09, 165 in 200910, 141 in 2010-11 and further to 131 in 2011-12. In the year 2012-13, during April to December, 2012, a similar declining trend has been observed as 92 consequential accidents took place in the period in comparison to 97 during the corresponding period of the previous year. Another important index of train safety, viz., number of consequential train accidents per million train kms has come down consistently from 0.65 during 2000-01 to 0.13 during 2011-12, which is the lowest achieved so far, despite quantum jump in the volumes of traffic being carried by the Indian Railw ays over the years. In the year 2012-13 also, accidents per million train kilometers is expected to come down further. ******* 46 Consequential train accidents since 2003-2004 to 2012-2013 Type of Accident 20032004 20042005 20052006 20062007 20072008 20082009 20092010 2010 2011 2011 2012 AprilDecember 2011 AprilDecember 2012* Collision 9 13 9 8 8 13 9 5 9 7 6 2.77% 5.56% 3.85% 4.10% 4.12% 7.34% 5.45% 3.55% 6.87% 7.22% 6.52% 202 138 131 96 100 85 80 80 55 42 38 62.15% 58.97% 41.98% 43.30% 41.30% Derailments Manned Level 9 Crossing Gate 2.77% Accidents Unmanned Level 86 Crossing 26.46% Accidents Fire in Train 14 55.98% 49.23% 51.55% 48.02% 48.48% 56.74% 5 10 7 12 7 5 5 7 4 3 2.14% 4.27% 3.59% 6.19% 3.95% 3.03% 3.55% 5.34% 4.12% 3.26% 65 65 72 65 62 65 48 54 40 38 41.22% 41.24% 41.30% 27.78% 27.78% 36.92% 33.51% 35.03% 39.39% 34.04% 10 15 4 5 3 2 2 4 3 7 4.31% 4.27% 6.41% 2.05% 2.58% 1.69% 1.21% 1.42% 3.05% 3.09% 7.61% 5 3 4 8 4 7 4 1 2 1 1.54% 1.28% 1.71% 4.10% 2.06% 3.95% 2.42% 0.71% 1.53% 1.03% 0.00% Total 325 234 234 195 194 177 165 141 131 97 92 Accident per million train kilometres 0.41 0.29 0.28 0.23 0.22 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.14 20032004 20042005 20052006 20062007 20072008 20082009 20092010 2010 2011 2011 2012 AprilDecember 2011 AprilDecember 2012* 161 119 120 85 88 75 63 56 52 36 32 49.54% 50.85% 39.69% 37.11% 34.78% 63 48 44 48.09% 49.48% 47.83% Miscellaneous Failure of Railway staff Failure of other 107 than Railway 32.92% staff Failure of 18 equipment 5.54% Sabotage Combination factors of Incidental Could not established conclusively Under Investigation Grand Total be 78 33.33% 51.28% 43.59% 45.36% 42.37% 38.18% 39.72% 86 84 81 76 75 57 36.75% 43.08% 41.75% 42.94% 45.45% 40.43% 14 8 9 9 6 5 5 4 1 5.98% 3.42% 4.62% 4.64% 0.00% 3.64% 3.55% 3.82% 4.12% 1.09% 18 4 6 8 7 13 14 16 6 5 3 5.54% 1.71% 2.56% 4.10% 3.61% 7.34% 8.48% 11.35% 4.58% 5.15% 3.26% 2 1 0 1 0 4 1 3 1 1 0.62% 0.43% 0.00% 0.51% 0.00% 2.26% 0.61% 2.13% 0.76% 1.03% 0.00% 17 16 11 7 8 5 4 4 3 2 6 5.23% 6.84% 4.70% 3.59% 4.12% 2.82% 2.42% 2.84% 2.29% 2.06% 6.52% 2 2 3 1 1 4 2 0 1 1 2 0.62% 0.85% 1.28% 0.51% 0.52% 2.26% 1.21% 0.00% 0.76% 1.03% 2.17% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.35% 325 234 234 195 194 177 165 141 131 97 92 * provisional ***** 47 4 CHAPTER VII Production Units & Research Design and Standards Organization ¾ Production Units Indian Railways have six P roduction Units manufacturing passenger coaches, diesel & electric locomotives, wheels, axles, wheel sets and diesel loco components (including rebuilding Diesel locomotives). All of these Production Units are ISO-9000 certified for international parity in Quality Management Systems. All Production Units are also certified for Environment Management Systems (ISO-14000). A broad overview of the performance of these units with reference to their actual production compared to the targeted production is given in the table below: Target Vs Actual Production Unit/Stock Production 2011-12 T arget 2012-13 Production Up to Jan.’13 1511 1585 1278 1421 1634 1347 246 250 218 259 280 240 86 79 64 25 50 46 RWF Wheels 201135 200000 156941 Axles (units) 99570 95600 84492 ICF Coaches RCF Coaches CLW Locos DLW Locos DMW Loco rebuilding Locos Outcome: • Railw ays’ in house Production Units ensure adequate and timely supply of rolling stock assets and other critical components for smooth and productive operations. • Through indigenization and technology absorption, costs of rolling stock have been significantly brought dow n. • Improvement in production has been achieved through optimal utilization of existing human and physical infrastructure resulting in l ow ering of unit costs. 48 Integral Coach Factory, Chennai • Established in 1952 and commenced production in 1955, with an installed capacity of 350 coaches per year. The installed capacity has now gone up to 1500 coaches per annum. It is further planned to be increased to 1700 coaches per year. The factory has produced 45920 coaches till Jan.’2013 since inception. • ICF produced 1511 coaches in 2011-12. This w as the highest production during any financial year. ICF plans to produce 1585 coaches during 2012-13. • ICF has rolled out 12 AC LHB coaches during 2012-13 till Jan.2013. • 247 EMU cars have also been rolled out by ICF during April –Jan.’2013. • ICF has turned out 36 air-conditioned Metro coaches for Metro Railway, Kolkata during April – Jan.’2013. • ICF has exported 38 DMU cars with stainless steel shell to Sri Lankan Railways in 2011-12. ICF’s export of coaches and spares in 2011-12 was for Rs.65.96 crore. ICF has manufactured 30 DMU cars for Sri Lankan Railw ays during April – Jan.’2013. Outcome: • Customised and specific demand of market has been met leading to greater customer satisfaction. • Induction of a number of items to upgraded specifications has l ed to better aesthetics, comfort and safety of travelling passengers. Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthal a • Established in 1986, it now has an installed capacity of 1500 fully furnished coaches per year. • RCF produced 1421 coaches in 2011-12 and plans to manufacture 1634 coaches in 2012-13. • RCF exported component worth 15.60 crore during 2011-12. • RCF has pioneered many major developments including 3rd AC coaches, self propelled ARME trains, high capacity parcel vans, high speed (150 KM/h) coaches for Shatabdi Express, Garib Rath cars and Double Decker coaches. • To minimise the problem of longitudinal jerks, RCF has fitted new CBC balanced draft gears in LHB coaches. • RCF has developed new design of stainless steel EOG coaches having 11% higher passenger carrying capacity. These high speed stainless steel coaches can be introduced in normal EOG Mail/Express trains other than Rajdhani. • RCF has manufactured prototype LHB GS crashworthy coaches. • RCF has been regularly supplying new rakes for running Duronto trains. 49 Outcome: • LHB type coaches of RCF provide improved passenger comfort, higher speed and additional berths. • RCF significantly contributes to Indian Railw ays ability to meet the demand for more trains in the country. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan • Established in 1948 for manufacture of steam locomotives. Since 1993, CLW has been producing only electric locomotives. The present capacity of CLW is to produce 200 electric locomotives per year and is being enhanced to 275 electric locomotives per year. CLW has been meeting the increasing demand of locomotives of the Indian Railw ays by optimum utilization of machinery and manpower. • Crew friendly cabs in respect of aesthetic and ergonomic design have been introduced in all three phase and WAP 4 locomotives. • CLW has successfully absorbed the 3-phase locomotive technology transfer from M/s.ABB by systematically developing indigenous sources for all high value items. Outcome: • Increased moving space for drivers, more comfortabl e w orking environment w ith improved track visibility and easier access to all controls and indications. • CLW has been abl e to hold the prices of the above high horse pow er locomotives in spite of escal ation in cost of material and labour. Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi • Set up in 1961, DLW is the only Diesel locomotives manufacturing facility in the world with both ALCO and General Motors Locomotive technology. DLW has a production capacity of 200 Diesel locomotives per year. • Since inception DLW has manufactured 6540 locomotives up to Jan.’ 2013 including 504 locomotives for non-railway customers in India and 110 locomotives for export to T anzania, Vietnam, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Angola and Myanmar. • DLW manufactured 259 locomotives in the year 2011-12 against the target of 275 locomotives. DLW has manufactured 212 Diesel locomotives during April - January 2012-13 including 173 High Horse Power HHP type locomotives and 5 locomotives for export to Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. • From 2007-08, DLW has switched over completely to IGBT technology for High Horse Power locomotives. • DLW has successfully upgraded WAG 4 & WAP 4 locomotives to 4500 HP which were originally of 4000 HP rating. DLW is w orking to upgrade it to 5500 Hp in the next stage of development. • Significant technological upgradation has been carried out in ALCO locomotives through 100 percent micro-process control, auto flasher, vigilance control and event recording. 50 • DLW has developed wider design cab for ALCO locomotives. developed twin cab WDP 4 locos on the EMD platform. • DLW exported LOCO & Component worth 11.27 crores during 2011-12. It has also Outcome: • Reduction in unit cost of production by more than 5% over 2005-06. • Has made locomotives more efficient, reliable, safe to operate and maintain. • Made indigenously produced EMD locomotives more efficient, reliable and further upgradabl e to 5500 HP. • Broader and enhanced visibility to driver. Diesel Loco Modernisation Works, Patial a • Started in 1981 with an installed capacity of rebuilding 72 locomotives per year, DMW has started manufacturing New Diesel Locomotives. DMW has rebuilt 86 locomotives in 2011-12 and manufactured 25 New ALCO Locomotives, DMW now also manufactures rail-cum-road vehicles, power-packs, traction machines, motorized wheel sets and ALCO Engines spares for Zonal Railways. It is also exporting electrical & mechanical spares of ALCO locomotives. • DMW plans to manufacture 50 ALCO Locomotives in 2012-13 and has produced 46 ALCO Locomotives during April – Jan.’2013. • During 2011-12, DMW exported components worth Rs. 2.2 Crores. Outcome: • Increased on-line availability of ALCO locos. Rail Wheel Factory, Bangal ore • Established in 1984, RWF produces a variety of wheels, axles and wheel sets for locomotives, coaches and wagons. It has an installed capacity for 2,00,000 wheel discs and 60,000 axles per annum. • RWF manufactured 201135 wheels, 99570 axles and 70315 wheel sets during 2011-12 and manufactured 156941wheels, 84492 axles and 49410 wheel sets during April - January 2012-13. • RWF has developed EMU wheel designs which has been approved by RDSO and are now under field trial. Outcome: • RW F has enabled Indian Railw ays to achieve import substitution in a significant manner. • RW F’s w heels and axles have a very high degree of reliability in service. 51 h¸·oÛ· h·Ä¤·´··· m·´ ···oÛ ¤·´q·{Ý· hh··¤·´ Research Design and Standards Organization (RDSO) q··|®ÝÀ znoÛÝ ·¸Ý·v·µoÛ ·°~···À zÝÀ¤·Àmm¤·ú / Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) ¤···ÝÀ ¸|Ý··Ì oËÛ o¯ËÛ ·· Ý ¸|Ýv··i· oÛ· ¸·oÛ·¤· / Development Of Crashworthy Design Of Coach ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 7 h¸·oÛ· h·Ä¤·´··· m·´ ···oÛ ¤·´q·{Ý· hh··¤·´ Research Design and Standards Organization (RDSO) |Ý·· |ÏÝoÛÝÛ¤···ÝÀ ¸|Ý·· q··|®ÝÀ ¤·Ë·· oÛÀ ·Äßh·· h·ÏÝ j·oÛÀ ¤·´p·· ·Ì ·Ê¸Ý Introduction and Proliferation of Double-Decker Coach Service ··io¯Û·Ë ¸·¢····Ä i¤··· ¤·Ë ·À¤·Àm·mt·m· ··· ¸|Ý··Ì oÛ· ¢·´p··· j·· Ý·Û/ Serial production of BCNHL wagons with micro alloyed steel ·ËzÝ ¤·´. / Plate No. - 8 Res earch Design and Standards Org ani zati on ( RDSO) RDSO is the sol e Re se arch and Design Organi zati on of Indi an Rail ways and func tions as the tec hni cal advisor to Railway Board , Zonal Rail ways and Prod uc tions Uni ts. It performs the f ollowi ng major functi ons: • R&D to mak e rail trav el s afer, more c omf ortable, reli able and economic al. • To ac hieve the maximum throughput wi th the le as t investme nt in inf rastruc ture & rolli ng s tock. • Close i nteraction with the cente rs of e xcellence, e minent educati onal & research instituti ons like IITs & ind us tries etc. f or cutting ed ge tec hnology wi th broad visi on incorporation on Indian Railways at a re asonable cost. • International c ons ul tancies f or design, tes ting and inspection of rail way e qui p me nts. • Insp ection of critic al and saf ety i tems of rolling s tock, locomotive s, signalling and telec ommunicati on equipment and track c omponents . • RDSO has a number of lab oratories which are well equipp ed wi th rese arch and testi ng f acili ties for devel opment, te sting and design eval uati on of v arious rail way relate d e quipme nts and mate rial s. Recent Achiev ements of RDSO • Train Collision Avoid ance Sys tem ( TCAS) . RDSO has successfully demonstrated the f unc tioning of Trai n C ollision Avoidance Sys te m on Mantatti-Nawandgi sec tion of South Central Rail way. F unc ti onal fe atures for c ab signali ng, display of signal as pec t and move me nt authority, speed control for loop li ne and collision av oidance functi ons like he ad- on, re ar-e nd and side c ollisions mess age s from loco were succe ssf ully demonstrated. Af te r neces sary approval, the field tri als will be f urther extended. Outcome: I ncreas ed s afety. • Devel opment of Cras hw orthy Design of C oach. In order to p reve nt deformation i n p assenger occupied areas and cli mbing of coaches one over the other and to achie ve e ne rgy abs orp ti on in non- passe nge r are as through controlled collapse and low accelerations to av oid inj uries to occ upants, a modified design of LHB cras hworthy c oac h has bee n devel oped. The prototype cras hworthy LHB coach was turned out by RCF , Kapurthal a. A cras h test has bee n cond ucted at RDSO on the prototyp e in associ ati on with Automotiv e Rese arch Associ ation of Indi a (ARAI), Pune. The d esign of LHB cras hworthy coac h will be finalize d af ter analyzing the test res ults. Crashworthy design of IC F c oaches of all v ari ants was earlier devel ope d by RDSO and they are in se ries p roducti on at RCF. More than 500 of s uc h c oaches have be en prod uc ed and are al re ady i n s ervic e on IR. Outcome: – Increas ed saf ety of pass engers . • TOT f or 25t and 32.5t Axl e load w agons . A transfer of Technology agreement has be en signed with M/s TTCI f or desi gn and develop ment of 25t and 32. 5 axle l oad i mp rov ed p ay to tare load ratio wagon. With this 52 technol ogy transfe r, Indi an Rail ways shall be able to indi genously d evel op high axle-load wagons for Indi an Rail ways Outcome: – Higher throughput and s elf-suffici ency in design. • Introduction and Proliferati on of Double-Decker Coach Service RDSO has de veloped desi gn of AC Double Dec ker coac h with an entirel y ne w shell design. Thes e will be operated on many routes of Indian Railway. Outcome: I ncreas ed pass enger comfort and revenue for Indi an railways • Commercial trial of Hotel load feature in W DP4B l oco motiv es nos . 40001 & 40003 on Garib Rath rakes Regul ar c ommercial tri al of WDP4B locomotives nos. 4000 1 & 40003 e quipped with hotel load converter in LJN b ased Garib Rath Express rakes. Both the loc os hav e been deployed for regul ar c ommerci al trial on Garib Rath plyi ng be twee n LJN-BPL & LJN- Raip ur secti ons wherei n c oaches shall be c onti nuousl y powe red by hotel l oad l oco & power c ar shall re main as stand by. The tri al i s goi ng on s uccessf ull y. This shall enabl e attachment of an addi tional c oach in lieu of one power car and thus i nc re ase p as senger c ap aci ty. Outcome: I ncreas ed throug hput • Ex pansion of Operati on of LHB Coaching Stock The LHB coac hi ng s tock by virtue of havi ng f eatures s uperi or to the ICF c oachi ng stock i s pl anne d to be introd uce d on ne w secti ons by replacing the e xis ting ICF c oachi ng stock. In thi s regard, i t has be en pl anned to introduce some new trai ns with LHB stock as well as c onversion of e xis ting stock over diffe rent railways. In view of this, all the railways have been re ques ted to p rovi de sanc ti oned speed of the prop osed se cti ons, train comp osi tion, p rimary mainte nance dep ots e tc. to enable RDSO to pre pare and p rocess speed c ertificates for operation/ COC R of the propos ed trai ns. Outcome: Better s ervi ces to passenger • Devel opment of Envi ronment Friendly Toilet Discharge System RDSO and DRDO have done joi nt rese arc h for devel opment of bi o- toile ts f or the coaches of Indi an rail ways . RDSO along with DRDO is c ons tantly up-gradi ng and improvi ng the desi gn of bio-toilets so that these c an be i ntroduced on Indi an Rail ways on a large sc ale. RDSO has dev elop ed and fitted openi ng me chanis m of ball v alve from i nsid e of the toilet comp artme nt. The perf ormanc e of the mechanis m is bei ng moni tored and no compl aint has been received d uring this trial pe riod . Outcome: Green Technol ogy • Devel opment of computeris ed LCC system f or 1400/700 hp A C-DC DEMU RDSO has developed comp uteri zed LC C syste m f or 1400 /700 hp AC- DC DEMU, whi ch is hi therto being i mp orted . The typ e tes t of the indigenous equipment has be en carried out by RDSO and res ults are satisfactory. Fiel d tri als have al so be en c arried out by Southern Rail way with satisf actory resul ts. The indige nous model is inte rchange abl e wi th exis ting i mported LCC. Outcome: I mport Substituti on 53 • Serial production of BCNHL wagons wi th mi cro alloyed steel : Se rial produc tion of BCN HL wagons wi th micro alloyed s teel is und erway. Duri ng October 2012, 774 wagons have been manufac tured. Till now 2 711 BCNHL wagons wi th micro alloyed steel have been manufac tured. All ne w BCN HL wagons are bei ng manuf ac tured after inc orp orating desi gn modific ati ons , based on RDSO’s field p erformance monitori ng, to stre ngthen the sli ding d oor and to ens ure smoother door openi ng. Outcome: I ncreas ed throug hput • Devel opment of Swing Moti on Bogie Four number prototypes of Swi ng Motion Bogie hav e bee n fitted on prototype BOXN25 M and B LC25 M wagons for oscill ati on trials . The oscillati on tri als hav e been conducted usi ng i nstrume nted wheel se ts f or BO XN25 at 12 5 Kmph at SW M – Kota sec ti on of W es t Ce ntral Rail way. Data rec orded d uri ng the tri als has been shared wi th the contractor to unde rtake desi gn revie w and i mp rove me nt. Meanwhile C RS sanction is bei ng obtai ned by NW Railway f or Tri als on BLC25 wagon. Outcome: Track-f riendly bogie to reduce track stress es • Devel opment of Auto C ar W ag ons ( BCAC BM) : Based on design v alid ation, c ar load abili ty trials & inspection of Auto C ar W agon Prototypes (BC ACB M), cle arance for oscill ation trial s has been gi ven. Sanction of C RS Northern Circl e has bee n recei ved for oscillation tri als and move ment of trial wagons to trial site. The prototype wagons are on their way to the tri al si te f or the oscill ation tri als. Oscillati on trial s of BCACBM wagon shall be conduc ted soon to i ssue the final speed certificate. Outcome: I ncreas ed throug hput of cars on Indian Railways network • Design of standard s pan bridg es f or 25t L oading 2008: With i ntroduction of ‘25 t Loadi ng-2 008’ in the year 2008, RDSO is engaged in design of v ari ous compone nts for stand ard span bridges and desi gn. Drawi ngs are progres sively bei ng developed and issued f or us e of Z onal Rail ways. (a) Desi gn of Steel - C oncrete composite girder deck sl ab for 30.5 m span for 25 t l oadi ng 2008: The desi gn work of s teel - concrete comp osite girder deck sl ab for 30.5m sp an for 25t loading - 2 008 f or curved alignme nt up to 40 has bee n c omplete d and s truc tural d rawi ng have be en approved. (b) Design of Steel - Conc rete composite gird er d eck sl ab f or 2 4.4 m span for 25 t l oadi ng 2008: The desi gn work of s teel - concrete comp osite girder deck sl ab for 24.4m sp an for 25t loading - 2 008 f or curved alignme nt up to 40 has bee n c omplete d and s truc tural d rawi ng have be en approved. Outcome: I ncreas ed throug hput by up-gradati on of bridg es f or 25t axle load • Settti ng up of C entre f or Railway Res earch ( CRR) at II T/Kharagpur Indian Railways Vi sion - 2020 ai ms to transf orm IR from a net tec hnology importer to tec hnology exporter. In orde r to devel op a long term f rame work for research coll aborati on, MOU wi th IIT, Kharagp ur has bee n si gne d by Railway Board on 13/2 /2010 for setti ng up a s tate of art Centre f or Rail way Res earch (CRR) at IIT/Kharagpur. As per MOU –“Indi an Rail ways will provide grants i n aid to the Ce ntre f or Rail way Research. 54 Parties would mutually decide the modali ties of f undi ng and execution of the MOU b ased on recomme nd ations of the ASC ( Ape x Stee ring Commi ttee).” Ten R&D projec ts costi ng Rs.21.5 0 cr. approx. & two R&D p roj ects costi ng Rs.64.13 l akhs approx. have be en sanc tioned i n the areas of He avy haul, High Spee d and Adv anc ed Material Scie nce s. Outcome: Will devel op long -term framew ork f or res earch collaborati on. • Trans parency in Public Procurement RDSO , in addi ti on to unde rtaki ng applied rese arc h, design & devel opment of new rolli ng s tock e tc ., is also dev elopi ng the product and manuf acturers f or c ri tic al & safety relate d c omponents. The proc ess of vendor devel op ment has bee n transforme d from the earli er rudi mentary me thod of deali ng through dak sys tem to the on-li ne sys tem making it transparent, us er friendly and ef ficie nt. The s tatus is now made av ailable through SMS and e-mails at v arious stages of regis tration. Si mil arl y, the prod uct ins pection has al so be en changed to on-li ne deali ng thereby eli mi nati ng physical visi ts for s ubmitti ng i nsp ection c alls etc. Making the d ocume nts avail able on-li ne, providi ng the vendor s ugges tion mod ule, creati on of spe cific ation through EOI has mad e the working effi cient and transparent. Outcome: Transparency in procurement • Trials f or Long H aul Trai ns Operati onal tri als of long-haul trai ns ( two goods trai n amal gamated in one train) with mul tiple uni ts of WDG3 A cl ass of loco fitted with Wirele ss Distributed Power s ys tem with synchroni zed braking feature has been c ompleted on SC rail ways. Outcome: – Increas ed throug hput • Devel opment of Indigenous High Availability Single Secti on Digital Axle Counter ( SSDAC) System to i mprove the av ailability and reduce the res etting rel ated problems Transient f ailures in axle counters re quire frequent re-se tting and thus affect s mooth trai n operation. An innovati ve desi gn of i ndigenous Si ngl e Se cti on Digi tal Axle Counte r has b een concep tualized. In this design prov en ele ctronic ci rc uits of s tand ard SSDAC, duplicated on same board /c ard is used. Us e of red und ant communic ation channel is also p ossi ble. Syste m uses auto-rese t fe ature to re- set the failed channel of system by correctly worki ng channel unde r ste ady state c onditi ons. Interf ac es f or the ope rator still remain the same. Spe cific ation has been issued. Outcome: Smooth train operati ons . ***** 55 ANNEXURE-A SALE OF SCRAP ON INDIAN RAILWAYS There is a huge arising of scrap of various categories on Indian Railways such as unserviceable track released from the gauge conversion work and track renew al w ork, permanent way fittings, condemned rolling stock (like locomotives, coaches and wagons) condemned vehicles, machinery and plant, off-cuts generated in manufacturing processes and other unserviceable items declared as scrap. The sale of various categories during the last two years is as under:Type of Scrap Rails (M.T.) & P.Way Ferrous Other Ferrous (M.T.) Non-ferrous Wagons (Nos.) Coaches (Nos.) Locomotives Nos Miscell aneous Total Sal es Value (Rs. in cr) Quantity 2010-11 Value (in cr) 1410893 2913.68 % of total scrap 66.09 393205 823.57 21836 13472 1621 237 63549 Quantity 2011-12 Value (in cr.) % of total scrap 912883 2430.36 60.73 18.68 338638 856.84 21.41 216.78 192.34 55.57 30.18 4.92 4.36 1.26 0.69 18466 11896 1500 170 210.88 207.32 61.34 28.41 5.27 5.18 1.53 0.71 176.72 4408.84 4.00 58120 206.96 4002.11 5.17 T arget for scrap disposal in 2012-13 is Rs. 4000 crore. Upto November’2012 Indian Railways has disposed off scrap worth Rs. 1867.25 crore. Figures of earning through sale of scrap for the last three years is as under:(Rs. in crores) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 3525.46 4408.84 4002.11 At present, Indian Railw ays recycle approximately 80,000 MTs of heavy melting scrap for manufacturer of wheels in Rail Wheel Factory at Bangalore. This scrap, comprising of condemned wheel sets, wheel axles & bogie frames is dispatched by various Zonal Railways/Production Units to Rail Wheel Factory, Bangalore. ¾ Afforestation on Railw ay Land The Railw ays Green Initiative: In pursuance of the Railw ays’ commitment tow ards environmental improvement through afforestation and also with a view to safeguard the precious railway land against unauthorized occupation, Indian Railw ay has undertaken afforestation on its vacant land on a large scale under green cover. During 2011-12 about 75.96 lakh trees were planted on railw ay land. A target of tree plantation of 100 lakh trees has been fixed for the year 2012-13. ***** 56 $QQH[XUH% ,1752'8&7,21 'HWDLOVRIWUDLQVLPSOHPHQWHGLQ5DLOZD\%XGJHW$VRQ 7UDLQQR )URP 7R 1DWXUH )UHTXHQF\ 6O 6ULJDQJDQDJDU 6XUDWJDUK 3DVVHQJHU ¬ 6KDOLPDU &KHQQDL ([SUHVV 'DLO\ :HHNO\ ¬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*XZDKDWL%DQJDORUH([SUHVV *XZDKDWL(UQDNXODP([SUHVV *XZDKDWL2NKD([SUHVV 'LEUXJDUK&KHQQDL(JPRUH([SUHVV 'LEUXJDUK&KDQGLJDUK([SUHVV *XZDKDWL2NKD([SUHVV *XZDKDWL7ULYHQGUXP([SUHVV 0\VRUH$MPHU([SUHVV +DWLD+RZUDK([SUHVV 0XPEDL&675DMHQGUD1DJDU 7HUPLQXV([SUHVV ϲϮ ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϱ Completed Modern (Touch & Feel) Stations upto December 2012 Sl.No. Station Central Railw ay 1 Ahmednagar 2 Akola 3 Akurdi 4 Amla 5 Badnera 6 Ballarshah 7 Bhandup 8 Bhusaw al 9 Byculla 10 Chalisgaon 11 Chandrapur 12 Chinchwad 13 CST Mumbai 14 Dadar (CR) 15 Daund 16 Dombivli 17 Ghatkopar 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gulbarga Jalgaon Kalyan Kanjurmarg Khandwa Kolhapur Kurduwadi Kurla Kurla (Lokmanya Tilak (T ) Lonavala Manmad Miraj Mulund Nagpur 32 33 34 35 36 37 Nasik Road Neral Pimpri P une Sandhurst Road Sangli 38 39 40 Satara Shegaon Shivajinagar 41 Sion Sl.No. Station 42 Solapur 43 Thane 44 Vidyavihar 45 Vikhroli 46 Wadi 47 Wardha East Coast Railw ay 48 Balangir 49 Balasore 50 Balugaon 51 Bargarh Road 52 Bhadrak 53 Bhubanesw ar 54 Bobbili 55 Brahmapur 56 Chipurupalli 57 Cuttack 58 Duvvada Jajpur-Keonjhar 59 Road 60 Kantabanji 61 Kesinga 62 Khariar Road 63 Khurda Road 64 Koraput 65 Mahasamund 66 Muniguda 67 68 69 70 71 72 P alasa P arvatipuram P uri Rayagada Sambalpur Simhachalam Srikakulam Road 73 (Amudalavalsa) 74 T alcher 75 Titlagarh Jn 76 Visakhapatnam 77 Vizianagram East Central Railw ay Anugraha Narayan 78 Road 79 Ara Jn. 80 Barauni Jn. 81 Barka Kana Jn. ϲϯ Sl.No. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Station Begusarai Bhabhua Road Daltonganj Danapur Darbhanga Jn. Dehri-on-Sone Dhanbad Jn. Garhwa Town Gaya Jn. Gomoh Jn. Hajipur Jn. Hazaribagh Road Japla Khagaria Jn. Koderma Mokama Motihari Mughalsarai Jn. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Muzaffarpur Jn. P arasnath P atna Jn. Rajendra Nagar(T ) Rauxaul Jn. Renukut Samastipur Jn. Sasaram Jn. 108 Sitamarhi Eastern Railw ay 109 Andal 110 Asansol 111 Baidyanathdham 112 Bandel 113 114 115 116 117 118 Barasat Bardhaman Barharwa Bariarpur Barrackpore Baruipur 119 120 121 Bhagalpur Bidhannagar Bolpur Chuchura (Chinsurah) 122 ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϱ Sl.No. 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 North 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 Station Dumdum Durgapur Giridih Howrah Jamalpur Jangipur Road Jasidih Kahal Gaon Kalyani Krishnanagar City Kumardhubi Madhupur Malda Town Nabadwipdham Naihati New Farakka P akur P anagarh Rampurhat Ranaghat Sahibganj Sealdah Srirampur T arakeswar Central Railw ay Achhnera Agra Cantt. Agra Fort Aligarh Allahabad Babina Banda Chitrakootdham Karwi Dhaulpur Etaw ah Fatehpur Firozabad Gw alior Hodal Idgah Jhansi Kanpur Sl.No. 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 North 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Station Kherli Khurja Kosi Kalan Lalitpur Mahoba Mathura Jn. Mirzapur Morena Naini Orai Raja Ki Mandi Vindhyachal Eastern Railw ay Azamgarh Badshah Nagar Bahraich Ballia Bareilly City Basti Belthra Road Chhapra Jn. Deoria Sadar Farrukhabad Jn. Ghazipur City Gonda Jn. Gorakhpur Jn. Haldwani Kashipur Jn. Kathgodam Khalilabad Lakhimpur Lalkuan 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Lucknow City Lucknow Jn. Manduadih Mathura Cantt. Mau Jn. Ramnagar Rudrapur City Salempur Jn. Sitapur Siwan Jn. ϲϰ Sl.No. Station Northeast Frontier Railw ay 205 Abhayapuri Assam 206 Alipurduar Jn. 207 Arariya Court 208 Barpeta Road 209 Bhairabi 210 Cooch behar 211 Dalkolha 212 Darjeeling 213 Dharmanagar 214 Dibrugarh T own 215 Dimapur 216 Diphu 217 Duliajan 218 Fakiragram Jn. 219 Furkating Jn. 220 Goalpara T own 221 Gosaigaonhat 222 Guw ahati 223 Haibargaon 224 Hojai 225 Jalpaiguri 226 Jogbani 227 Jorhat T own 228 Kamakhya Jn. 229 Katihar 230 Kishanganj 231 Kokrajhar 232 Lumding 233 Margherita 234 Mariani Jn. 235 New Alipurduar 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 New Bongaigaon New Cooch behar New Jalpaiguri New Mal Jn. New Tinsukia Jn. P athshala P urnea Jn. Raiganj Rangapara North Rangiya Jn. ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϱ Sl.No. Station 246 Silchar 247 Simaluguri Jn. 248 Sorbhog 249 Srirampur Assam 250 Tihu Northern Railw ay 251 Ambala Cantt. 252 Amethi 253 Amritsar 254 Ayodhya 255 Bareilly 256 Bathinda Jn. 257 Beas 258 Chakki Bank 259 Chandigarh 260 Dehradun 261 Delhi Jn. 262 Dhuri Jn. 263 Faizabad 264 Faridabad 265 Firozpur Cantt. 266 Ghaziabad 267 Gurgaon 268 Hapur 269 Hardoi 270 Haridwar 271 Hazrat Nizamuddin 272 Jagadhri 273 Jallandhar Cantt. 274 Jallandhar City 275 Jammu Tawi 276 Jaunpur 277 Kalka 278 Kurukshetra 279 Lucknow 280 Ludhiana 281 Meerut City 282 Moradabad 283 New Delhi 284 P anipat 285 P atiala 286 Phagwara Sl.No. Station 287 Prayag 288 Rae - Bareli Jn. 289 Rampur 290 Rishikesh 291 Rohtak 292 Roorkee 293 Saharanpur Jn. 294 Shahjahanpur 295 Shimla 296 Sirhind Jn. 297 Sultanpur 298 Unnao 299 Varanasi North Western Railw ay 300 Abu Road 301 Ajmer Jn. 302 Alw ar 303 Balotra 304 Bandikui 305 Barmer 306 Beaw ar 307 Bhilwara 308 Bhiwani 309 Bikaner 310 Dausa 311 Degana Jn. 312 Falna 313 Gandhinagar Jaipur 314 Hanumangarh 315 Hisar 316 Jaipur 317 Jaisalmer 318 Jaw ai Bandh 319 Jodhpur 320 Kishangarh 321 Lalgarh 322 Makrana 323 Mandi Dabw ali 324 Marw ar Jn. 325 Merta Road Jn. 326 Nagaur 327 P ali Marwar ϲϱ Sl.No. 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 South 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 Station Phulera Rai Ka Bag Jn. Rani Rewari Sikar Sirohi Road Sirsa Sri Ganga Nagar Suratgarh Udaipur City Central Railw ay Adilabad Anakapalli Anantapur Aurangabad Basar Bhadrachalam Road Bhimavaram T own Bidar Cuddapah Dharmabad Eluru Gadwal Giddalur Gooty Guntakal Guntur Hazur Sahib Nanded Hyderabad Jadcherla Jalna Kacheguda Kakinada T own Kamareddi Kazipet Khammam Kurnool Town Mahbubnagar Mirayalaguda Mudkhed Nadikudi Nalgonda ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϱ Sl.No. Station 369 Nandyal 370 Narasaraopet 371 Nellore 372 Nizamabad 373 Ongole 374 P akala 375 P arbhani 376 P arli Vaijnath 377 P artur 378 P urna 379 Raichur 380 Rajahmundry 381 Ramagundam 382 Renigunta 383 Repalle 384 Samalkot 385 Sattenapalli 386 Secunderabad 387 Selu 388 Tenali 389 Tirupati 390 Vijayaw ada 391 Vikarabad 392 Warangal 393 Yadgir South East Central Railw ay 394 Amgaon 395 Anuppur 396 Balaghat 397 Belha 398 Bhandara Road 399 Bhatapara 400 Bilaspur 401 BP HB 402 Champa 403 Chanda Fort 404 Dallirajhara 405 Dongargarh 406 Durg 407 Gondia 408 Itw ari 409 Korba Sl.No. Station 410 Nipania 411 Pendra Road 412 Raigarh 413 Raipur 414 Rajnandgaon 415 Ramtek 416 Shahdol 417 Tilda 418 T umsar Road South Eastern Railw ay 419 Bankura 420 Bano 421 Barabhum 422 Barbil 423 Bishnupur 424 Bokaro Steel City 425 Burnpur 426 Chaibasa 427 Chakradharpur 428 Chandrakona Rd. 429 Digha 430 Garbeta 431 Ghatsila 432 Hatia 433 Jalesw ar 434 Jhalida 435 Jharsuguda 436 Kharagpur 437 Kotshila 438 Lohardaga 439 Manoharpur 440 Mecheda 441 Midnapur 442 Muradih 443 Muri 444 P anskura 445 P urulia 446 Rajgangpur 447 Ramgarh T own 448 Ranchi Jn. 449 Rourkela 450 Santragachi ϲϲ Sl.No. Station 451 Shalimar 452 Siny 453 Suisa 454 T atanagar Southern Railw ay 455 Ambur 456 Chengalpattu 457 Chengannur 458 Chennai Beach 459 Chennai Egmore 460 Coimbatore Jn 461 Dindigul Jn 462 Ernakulam jn 463 Ernakulam town 464 Erode Jn 465 Jolarpettai 466 Kanniyakumari 467 Kannur 468 Karaikkudi Jn 469 Katpadi 470 Kottayam 471 Kozhikkode 472 Kumbakonam 473 Madurai Jn. 474 Mangalore Central 475 Mayiladuthurai Jn 476 Nagappattinam 477 Nagercoil jn 478 P alakkad Jn 479 P alani 480 P uducherry 481 P uttur 482 Quilon jn 483 Ramanathapuram 484 Ramesw aram 485 Salem Jn 486 Shoranur Jn 487 Srirangam 488 Sullurpet 489 T ambaram 490 Thalasseri 491 Thanjavur Jn. ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϱ Sl.No. 492 493 Station Sl.No. Thiruvarur 532 Thrisur (Trichur) 533 Tiruchchirappalli 494 534 Jn. 495 Tirunelveli Jn 535 496 Tiruppur 536 497 Tiruttani 537 Tiruvananthapuram 498 Central 538 499 T uticorin 539 500 Virudunagar Jn 540 Vridhdhachalam 501 Jn. 541 South Western Railw ay 542 502 Arsikere Jn. 543 503 Bangalore Cantt. 544 504 Bangalore City 545 505 Belgaum 546 506 Bellary 547 507 Bijapur 548 508 Birur Jn. 549 509 Davangere 550 510 Dharmapuri 551 511 Dharwad 552 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 Gadag Ghatprabha Harihar Hassan Jn. Haveri Hospet Hubli Jn. Londa Mandya Mysore Jn. Ranibennur Shimoga Town Tiptur T umkur Vasco-Da-Gama Whitefield 528 Yelahanka Jn. 529 Yesvantpur West Central Railw ay 530 Ashok Nagar 531 Bayana Jn. Station Bharatpur Jn. Bhawani Mandi Sl.No. Station 573 Dahod 574 Dhola Jn. Bhopal Bina Dakaniya T alav Damoh 575 576 577 578 Dhrangandhra Dw arka Gandhidham Gandhigram Gangapur City Ganj Basoda Guna 579 580 581 Godhara Gondal Hapa Habibganj Harda Hindaun City Hoshangabad Itarsi Jabalpur Katni Maihar Mandi Bamora Nursinghpur Pipariya Rewa 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 Indore Jamnagar Junagadh Kalol Keshod Khambaliya Kim Kosamba Maninanagar Meghnagar Mhow Miyamgam Karjan Mumbai Central (Main) Nadiad Navsari New Bhuj Nimach P alanpur Porbander Rajkot Ratlam Sabarmati (BG) Shujalpur Surat Surendranagar Than Ujjain Vadodara 610 611 612 613 614 Valsad Vapi Veraval Viramgam Wankaner 553 Satna 554 Saugor 555 Saw ai Madhopur 556 Shamgarh 557 Sihora Road 558 Vikramgarh A lot Western Railw ay 559 Ahmedabad 560 Anand 561 Andheri 562 Ankleshwar 563 Bandra 564 Bandra Terminus 565 Bhaktinagar 566 Bharuch 567 Bhauchau Bhavnagar 568 Terminus 569 Borivali 570 Botad 571 Chittorgarh Jn. 572 Dadar ϲϳ ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϲ Compl eted M odel Stations upto December 2012 Sl.No. Station Central Railw ay 1 Ahmednagar 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Akola Amravati Badnera Ballarshah Betul Bhusaw al Burhanpur Chalisgaon Chandrapur 11 CST Mumbai 12 Dadar (CR) 13 Daund 14 Devlali 15 Gulbarga 16 Jalgaon 17 Kalyan 18 Karad 19 Khandwa 20 Kolhapur 21 Kurla 22 Lonavala 23 Malkapur 24 Manmad 25 Matheran 26 Nagpur 27 Nasik Road 28 P une 29 Satara 30 Shegaon 31 Solapur 32 Thane 33 Wardha East Coast Railw ay 34 Badakhandita{PH] 35 Balugaon 36 Bhadrak 37 Bhubanesw ar 38 Brahmapur 39 Byree 40 Cuttack Sl.No. Station 41 Dhenkanal 42 Golanthra Jajpur-Keonjhar 43 Road 44 Kapilas Road 45 Kesinga 46 Khurda Road 47 P alasa 48 P uri 49 Rahama 50 Rayagada 51 Sambalpur Srikakulam Road 52 (Amudalavalsa) 53 Surla Road 54 Titlagarh Jn 55 Visakhapatnam 56 Vizianagram East Central Railw ay 57 Ara Jn. 58 Bakhtiyarpur Jn. 59 Barauni Jn. 60 Barh 61 Barka Kana Jn. 62 Begusarai 63 Biharsharif 64 Buxar 65 Chopan 66 Daltonganj 67 Danapur 68 Darbhanga Jn. 69 Dehri-on-Sone 70 Dhanbad Jn. 71 Garhwa Road Jn. 72 Gaya Jn. 73 Hajipur Jn. 74 Jamui 75 Janakpur Road 76 Jhajha 77 Khagaria Jn. 78 Kiul Jn. 79 Koderma 80 Madhubani 81 Mokama 68 Sl.No. Station 82 Motihari 83 Mughalsarai Jn. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Muzaffarpur Jn. Nalanda Nawadah P arasnath P atna Jn. P atna Sahib Jn. Phulwarisarif Rajendra Nagar(T ) Rauxaul Jn. 93 Renukut 94 Saharsa Jn. 95 Samastipur Jn. 96 Sheikhpura 97 Singrauli 98 Sitamarhi 99 Sonepur Eastern Railw ay 100 Andal 101 Asansol 102 Baidyanathdham 103 Bandel 104 Bangaon 105 Barasat 106 Bardhaman 107 Barharwa 108 Bariarpur 109 Barrackpore 110 Baruipur 111 Basirhat 112 Bhagalpur 113 Bidhannagar 114 Bolpur 115 Budgebudge 116 Canning 117 Chandannagar 118 Dankuni 119 Dhakuria 120 Dumdum 121 Durgapur 122 Garia ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϲ Sl.No. 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 KRCL 150 North 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Station Ghutiarisarif Howrah Jamalpur Jasidih Krishnanagar City Kulti Labpur Madhupur Madhyamgram Malda Town Murshidabad Nabadwipdham Naihati New Farakka Rampurhat Ranaghat Raniganj Rishra Sahibganj Sainthia Sealdah Sheoraphuli Sonarpur Srirampur Sultanganj T arakeswar Tollygunj Madgaon Central Railw ay Agra Cantt. Agra Fort Aligarh Allahabad Babina Banda Chitrakootdham Karwi Etaw ah Fatehpur Firozabad Gw alior Jhansi Sl.No. Station 163 Kanpur 164 Lalitpur 165 Mathura Jn. 166 Mirzapur 167 Morena 168 Naini 169 Orai 170 Raja Ki Mandi 171 T undla North Eastern Railw ay 172 Allahabad City 173 Azamgarh 174 Badshah Nagar 175 Bahraich 176 Ballia 177 Barhni 178 Basti 179 Belthra Road 180 Bhatni Jn. 181 Chhapra Jn. 182 Deoria Sadar 183 Farrukhabad Jn. 184 Ghazipur City 185 Gonda Jn. 186 Gorakhpur Jn. 187 Izzatnagar 188 Kaimganj 189 Kasganj Jn. 190 Kashipur Jn. 191 Kathgodam 192 Katra (UP ) 193 Khalilabad 194 Lakhimpur 195 Lalkuan 196 Lucknow City 197 Lucknow Jn. 198 199 200 201 202 203 Manduadih Mau Jn. Pilibhit Jn. Raw atpur Salempur Jn. Sitapur 69 Sl.No. Station 204 Siwan Jn. 205 Varanasi City Northeast Frontier Railw ay 206 Aluabari Road 207 Arariya Court 208 Bongaigaon 209 Cooch behar 210 Dharmanagar 211 Dibrugarh T own 212 Ghum 213 Gosaigaonhat 214 Guw ahati 215 Harishchandrapur 216 Jalpaiguri 217 Kamakhya Jn. 218 Katihar 219 Kishanganj 220 Kokrajhar 221 Lumding 222 New Bongaigaon 223 New Cooch behar 224 New Jalpaiguri 225 New Mal Jn. 226 New Tinsukia Jn. 227 P urnea Jn. 228 Raiganj 229 Rangiya Jn. 230 Silchar 231 Srirampur Assam 232 Tezpore 233 Tinsukia Jn. Northern Railw ay 234 Abohar 235 Akbarpur 236 Ambala Cantt. 237 Amritsar 238 239 240 241 242 243 Anandpur Sahib Ayodhya Baghpat Road Ballabhgarh Barabanki Baraut ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϲ Sl.No. 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 Station Bareilly Bathinda Jn. Beas Bhadohi Bhodwal Majri Chakki Bank Chandausi Chandi Mandir Chandigarh Dehradun Delhi Cantt. Delhi Jn. Delhi Sarai Rohilla Delhi Shahadara Deoband Dhuri Jn. Faizabad Faridabad Firozpur Cantt. Garh Muktesar Ghaziabad Gurdaspur Hapur Hardoi Haridwar Hazrat Nizamuddin Hoshiarpur Jagadhri Jallandhar Cantt. Jallandhar City Jammu Tawi Janghai Jaunpur Kalka Karnal Kathua Kurukshetra Lucknow Ludhiana Meerut Cantt. Meerut City Moradabad Sl.No. 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 North 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 Station Muzaffarnagar Najibabad Nangloi New Delhi P alwal P anipat P athankot P atiala Phagwara Pratapgarh Prayag Rae - Bareli Jn. Rajpura Jn. Rampur Rishikesh Rohtak Roorkee Saharanpur Jn. Shahganj Shahjahanpur Shakurbasti Shimla Sirhind Jn. Sonipat Subzi Mandi Sultanpur Unnao Varanasi Western Railw ay Abu Road Ajmer Jn. Alw ar Beaw ar Bhilwara Bhiwani Bikaner Falna Hanumangarh Hisar Jaipur Jaisalmer Jodhpur 70 Sl.No. 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 South 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 Station Kishangarh Kosli Makrana Marw ar Jn. Nagaur P ali Marwar Rana Pratapnagar Rani Rewari Sirsa Sri Ganga Nagar Suratgarh Udaipur City Central Railw ay Adoni Anakapalli Anantapur Annavaram Aurangabad Basar Bhadrachalam Road Bhimavaram Jn Bhimavaram T own Bidar Chirala Cuddapah Dharmavaram Dhone Dornakal Eluru Godavari Gooty Gudivada Gudur Guntakal Guntur Hazur Sahib Nanded Hyderabad Jalna Kacheguda Kakinada T own Kazipet ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϲ Sl.No. 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 Station Khammam Kurnool Town Machilipatnam Manchiryal Mantralayam road Mudkhed Nadikudi Nagarsol Nalgonda Nandyal Nellore Nidadavolu Nizamabad Ongole P akala P alakollu P arbhani P arli Vaijnath P urna Raichur Rajahmundry Ramagundam Renigunta Samalkot Secunderabad Srikhalahasti T adepalligudem T andur T anuku Tenali Tirupati T uni Vijayaw ada 401 Vikarabad 402 Warangal 403 Yadgir South East Central Railw ay 404 Bhatapara 405 Bilaspur 406 Champa 407 Durg 408 Gondia Sl.No. Station Sl.No. Station 409 Raigarh 449 Ernakulam town 410 Raipur 450 Erode Jn 411 Rajnandgaon 451 Jolarpettai 412 Shahdol 452 Kanniyakumari 413 Tilda 453 Kannur South Eastern Railw ay 454 Katpadi 414 Adra 455 Kayankulam jn 415 Bagnan 456 Kottayam 416 Balasore 457 Kovilpatti 417 Bishnupur 458 Kozhikkode 418 Bokaro Steel City 459 Madurai Jn. 419 Chakradharpur 460 Mambalam 420 Contai Rd. (Belda) 461 Mangalore Central 421 Garbeta 462 Mangalore Jn 422 Hatia 463 Nagercoil jn 423 Jhargram 464 P alakkad Jn 424 Jharsuguda 465 P uducherry 425 Kharagpur 466 Quilon jn 426 Kolaghat 467 Ramesw aram 427 Mecheda 468 Salem Jn 428 Midnapur 469 Shoranur Jn 429 P urulia 470 Thalasseri 430 Ranchi Jn. 471 Thanjavur Jn. 431 Rourkela 472 Thrisur (Trichur) 432 Santragachi 473 Tiruchchirappalli Jn. 433 T amluk 474 Tirunelveli Jn 434 T atanagar 475 Tiruppur 435 Uluberia 476 Tirur Southern Railw ay 477 Tiruttani 436 Alappuzha (Alleppey) 478 Tiruvalla Tiruvananthapuram 437 Aluva (Alwaye) 479 Central 438 Ambur 480 T uticorin 439 Arakkonam Jn 481 Varkala Badagara 440 (Vadakara) 482 Villupuram 441 Chengalpattu 483 Virudunagar Jn 442 Chengannur South Western Railw ay 443 444 445 446 447 448 Chennai Beach Chennai Central Chennai Egmore Coimbatore Jn Dindigul Jn Ernakulam jn 71 484 485 486 487 488 489 Bangalore Cantt. Bangalore City Bangarapet Jn. Belgaum Bellary Bijapur ŶŶĞdžƵƌĞͲϲ Sl.No. 490 Station Davangere Sl.No. 530 491 Dharwad 492 Gadag 493 Hassan Jn. 494 Hospet 495 Hosur 496 Hubli Jn. 497 Krishnarajapuram 498 Londa 499 Mysore Jn. 500 Shimoga Town 501 Tornagallu 502 T umkur 503 Vasco-Da-Gama 504 Yesvantpur West Central Railw ay 505 Bharatpur Jn. 506 Bhopal 507 Bina 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 508 Damoh 509 Gangapur City 510 Guna 511 Habibganj 512 Hoshangabad 513 Itarsi 514 Jabalpur 515 Katni 516 Kota Jn. 517 Madanmahal 518 Maihar 519 Pipariya 520 Rewa 521 Satna 522 Saugor 523 Saw ai Madhopur 524 Vidisha Western Railw ay 525 Ahmedabad 526 Anand 527 Ankleshwar 528 Bamania 529 Bandra Terminus 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 Station Bharuch Bhavnagar Terminus Billimora Chittorgarh Jn. Dadar Dahod Dewas Dharangaon Dw arka Gandhidham Gandhigram Hapa Indore Jamnagar Junagadh Mahesana Mandsaur Maninagar Mhow Mumbai Central (Main) Nadiad Nagda Nandurbar Navsari New Bhuj Nimach Nimbahera Okha P alanpur Porbander Rajkot Ratlam Surat Surendranagar Udhana Ujjain Vadodara Valsad Vapi Veraval 72 Annexu re B-7 Complet ed Adarsh Stations up to December 2012 Sl.No. Station Sl.No. Station Sl.No. Station 48 Titlagarh Jn 95 Belur Central Railw ay 1 Belapur 49 Vizianagram Jn 96 Belurmath 97 Berhampur Court 2 Bhandup East Central Railw ay 3 Chembur 50 Anugraha Narayan Road 98 Bethudahari 4 Chinchwad 51 Bihar Sharif 99 Bhadreswar 5 Currey Road 52 Chandauli Majhwar 100 Bhasila 6 Dadar 53 Chandrapura 101 Bhatar 7 Devlali 54 Gomoh Jn 102 Bhedia (Ausgram) 8 Dock Yard Road 55 Jehanabad 103 Bhimgarh 9 Dombivali 56 Madhubani 104 Bidhannagar Road 10 Ghatkopar 57 Mughalasarai 105 Biman Bandar 11 Gulbarga 58 Naugachia 106 Bira 12 Karjat 59 Parasnath 107 Birati 13 Kasara 60 Patna Saheb 108 Birnagar 14 Khadki 61 Rafiganj 109 Bolpur 15 King's Circle 62 Sasaram Jn 110 Bongaon Jn 16 Kurla 63 Sitamarhi 111 Brace Bridge 112 Budge Budge 17 Latur Eastern Railw ay 18 Matunga 64 Abhaipur 113 Burrabazar 19 Miraj 65 Adi Saptagram 114 Canning 20 Mulund 66 Agarpara 115 Chakda 21 Nasik Road 67 Ahamedpur 116 Chamagram 22 Sangli 68 Akra 117 Champa Pukur 23 Sanpada 69 Ambika Kalna (Kalna) 118 Champahati 24 Sewri 70 Andal 119 Chandannagar 25 Shivajinagar 71 Aranghata 120 Chandpara 26 Solapur 72 Asansol Jn 121 Chittaranjan 27 Tilak Nagar 73 Azimganj City 122 Chuchura 28 Turbhe APM Complex 74 Badkulla 123 Dakshineswar 29 Ulhasnagar 75 Bagbazar 124 Dankuni Jn 30 Vashi 76 Baghajatin 125 Debagram 31 Vish rambag 77 Baidyabati 126 Deoghar 32 W adi 78 Bally 127 Deula 33 W ardha 79 Ballygunge 128 Dhakuria East Coast Railw ay 80 Bandel Jn 129 Dhaniakhali 34 Balan gir 81 Banpur 130 Dhapdhapi 35 Balugaon 82 Bansh Beria 131 Diamond Harbour Road 36 Bargarh Road 83 Barakar 132 Dubrajpur 37 Dhenkanal 84 Baranagar Road 133 Dum Dum Cantt 38 Jajpurkeonjhar Road 85 Bardhaman 134 Dum Dum Jn 39 Kantabanji 86 Barrackpore 135 Dumka 40 Kesinga 87 Baruipara 136 Durganagar 41 Khariar Road 88 Baruipur 137 Durgapur 42 Khurda Road Jn 89 Basirhat 138 Duttapukur 43 Koraput 90 BBD Bag 139 Eden Garden 44 Muniguda 91 Begampur 140 Galsi 45 Paradeep 92 Belanagar 141 Gangnapur 46 Rayagada 93 Belerhat 142 Garia 47 Srikakulam Road 94 Belgharia 143 Gede 73 Annexu re B-7 Sl.No. 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 Station Ghutiari Shariff Gobordanga Gopalnagar Guma Guptipara Guskara Habibpur Habra Halisahar Haripal Harua Road Hasnabad Hooghly Ichhapur Jadabpur Jagaddal Jagadish pur Jamalpur Jangipur Road Jiaganj Jirat Joynagar Majilpur Kakdwip Kalikapur Kalinarayan pur Kalyani Kalyani Gho shpara Kalyani Silpanchal Kalyanpur Kamarkundu Jn Kanchrapara Kankinara Kashinagar Halt Katwa Jn Khana Jn Khardah Kirnahar Konnagar Krishnagar Cit y Jn Kulti Labpur Lake Gardens Lakshmikantapur Lalgola Liluah Madanpur Madhupur Jn Madhyamgram Magrahat Majhergram Malda Town Mallikpur Mankundu Sl.No. 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 Station Sl.No. Station Masagram 250 Suryapur Masalandapur 251 Taki Road Memari 252 Tala Muragachha 253 Tarakeswar Murshidabad 254 Tarapith Rd Nabadwipdham 255 Thakurnagar Naihati Jn 256 Titagarh Nalhati Jn 257 Tollygun ge Nalikul 258 Tribeni Namkhana 259 Uttarpara Nasibpur North Central Railw ay Netra 260 Achhnera New Alipore/Kolkata 261 Atarra New Barrackpo re 262 Banda New Farakka 263 Dapsaura Nischindapur Market 264 Fatehpur Sikri Paglachandi 265 Kiraoli Palpara 266 Lalitpur Palta 267 Moth Panagarh 268 Shikohabad Jn Pandaveswar North Eastern Railw ay Pandooah 269 Azamgarh Parkcircus 270 Ballia Patipukur 271 Balrampur Phulia 272 Barhni Plassey 273 Basti Prin cepghat 274 Bilaspur Road Purbasthali 275 Bilhaur Rajban dh 276 Burhwal Rampurhat 277 Chhapra Jn. Ranaghat Jn 278 Chouri-Choura Ranigan j 279 Farrukhabad Rasulpur 280 Gonda Jn Rish ra 281 Kathgodam Sahibganj 282 Mau Jn Sainthia Jn 283 Naugarh /Siddharth Nagar Salar 284 Pilibh it Jn Samudragarh 285 Ramnagar Sangrampur Halt 286 Salempur Jn Santoshpur 287 Sitapur Shaktigarh Northeast Frontier Railway Shantipur Jn 288 Alipurduar Sheoraphully Jn 289 Alipurduar court Shyamnagar 290 Alipurduar Jn. Simurali 291 Aluabari Road Singur 292 Ambari Falakata Sitarampur Jn 293 Arariya Siuri 294 Arariya Court Sodepur 295 Badarpur Jn. Sonarpur Jn 296 Baghdogra Sondalia 297 Balurghat Subhasgram 298 Bamangram Halt Sultanganj 299 Bamanhat 74 Annexu re B-7 Sl.No. 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 Station Banarhat Baneswar Basugaon Batasi Belakoba Bijni Buniyadpur Changrabandha Chatterhat Coochbehar Dalkolha Darjeeling Dhulabari Dhupguri Dimapur Dinhata Eklakhi Forbesganj Gazole Ghoksadanga Ghum Gosaigaon Hat Haldibari Harishchandrapur Hojai Jakhalabandha Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Road Jogbani Jorhat Town Kalchini Kaliyagan j Kamakhyaguri Karim ganj Jn. Madarihat Malda Court Matigara Nagrakata New Bongaigaon New Domohni New Maynaguri O ld Malda Panjipara Raiganj Rangapara North Rangiya Salakati Samsi Silchar Siliguri Jn Simraha Sivok Sonada Sl.No. Station 353 Sriram pur Assam 354 Sukna 355 Thakurganj 356 Tihu 357 Tipkai Northern Railway 358 Abohar 359 Ambala Cantt. 360 Amethi 361 Barabanki 362 Chandausi Jn 363 Dhuri 364 Faridkot 365 Gurdas Pur 366 Hapur 367 Hardoi 368 Jaunpur 369 Kalanour 370 Kotdwara 371 Meerut Cantt 372 Meerut City 373 Partap Garh Jn 374 Prayag 375 Rishikesh 376 Sandila 377 Shahganj 378 Sultanpur 379 Tarntaran 380 Udhampur North W estern Railw ay 381 Alwar 382 Barmer 383 Bhiwani 384 Choti Khatu 385 Dausa 386 Jaisalmer 387 Jalor 388 Jodhpur 389 Kosli 390 Lalgarh Jn 391 Nokha 392 Ratangarh 393 Sirsa South Central Railw ay 394 Adilabad 395 Anantapur 396 Bapat la 397 Bhongir 398 Bidar 399 Chittoor 400 Ghanpur 401 Gudur 402 Guntakal Jn 75 Sl.No. Station 403 Guntur 404 Jamikunta 405 Kakinada Town 406 Kazipet 407 Khammam 408 Kurnool Town 409 Lingampalli 410 Mahaboob Nagar 411 Nalgonda 412 Nandyal 413 Narasaraopet 414 Nellore 415 Nizamabad 416 Parbhani 417 Parli Vaijnath 418 Purna 419 Ramagundam 420 Renigunta 421 Tandur 422 Vikarabad 423 W arangal 424 Zahirabad South East Central Railw ay 425 Ambikapur 426 Anuppur 427 Belpahar 428 Champa 429 Chhindwara Jn 430 Chirimiri 431 Dongargarh 432 Kamptee 433 Korba 434 Manendragarh 435 Raigarh 436 Raipur 437 Rajnandgaon 438 Ramtek 439 Shahdol 440 Umaria 441 Umrer South Eastern Railw ay 442 Adra Jn 443 Amta 444 Anara 445 Andul Jn 446 Bagnan 447 Balasore 448 Ballichak 449 Bankura 450 Banspani 451 Barabhum 452 Bargachia 453 Bauria Jn Annexu re B-7 Sl.No. Station 454 Birshibpur 455 Bokaro 456 Brindabanpur 457 Burnpur 458 Chakradharpur 459 Chandrakona Road 460 Chas Road 461 Chengel 462 Chhatna 463 Contai Rd (Belda) 464 Dantan 465 Deulti 466 Domjur 467 Fuleswar 468 Garbeta 469 Giri Maidan 470 Gokulpur 471 Gourinathdham 472 Haur 473 Hijli 474 Jaleswar 475 Jhargram 476 Jharsuguda 477 Joychan dipahar 478 Kalaikunda 479 Kanthi 480 Kolaghat 481 Kotshila 482 Kulgachia 483 Mahisadal 484 Mecheda 485 Midnapur 486 Mourigram 487 Nandakumar 488 Narayan Pakuria Murail 489 Panskura Jn 490 Purulia Jn 491 Radhamohanpur 492 Rourkela 493 Santaldih 494 Sonamukhi 495 Srirampur (H) 496 Tamluk 497 Tatanagar 498 Tikiapara 499 Ulubaria Southern Railway 500 Alappuzha (Alleppey) 501 Aluva 502 Ambalapuzha 503 Angamaly Sl.No. Station 504 Avadi 505 Badagara (Vadakara) 506 Chalakudi 507 Changan asse ri 508 Chengannur 509 Chennai Beach Jn 510 Chennai Chetpat 511 Chennai Park 512 Cherthala (Shertalai) 513 Chromepet 514 Dhanuvachapuram 515 Ettumanur 516 Haripad 517 Jaganath Temple Gate 518 Kanjiramittam 519 Kannur 520 Karunagappally 521 Karuvatta 522 Kasargod 523 Kayan kulam Jn. 524 Kochuveli 525 Korukkupet 526 Kottarakara 527 Kottyam 528 Kumbakonam 529 Kuruppantara 530 Mahe 531 Manavur 532 Mararikulam 533 Mavelikara 534 Mayiladuturai 535 Mulanturutti 536 Nagappattinam 537 Nagore 538 Nilam bur Road 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 O chira Pattikkad Perambur Carriage W KS Piravam Road Pudukottai Punalur Q uilandi Rajapalayam Salem Sankaran koil Sasthankotta Senjipanambakam Halt Sriran gam Srivilliputhur St. Thomas Mount Tambaram 76 Sl.No. Station 555 Tenkasi 556 Thalasseri 557 Tiruchirappalli Jn 558 Tiruninravur 559 Tiruppur 560 Tirur 561 Tiruvalangadu 562 Tiruvalla 563 Tiruvallur 564 Tiruvarur 565 Tiruvizha 566 Tuticorin 567 Vaikam Road 568 Vayalar 569 Vellarakkad 570 Virudunagar 571 Vridhdhachalam Jn. 572 Wadakancheire South W estern Railw ay 573 Chamaraja Nagar 574 Hubli 575 Londa Jn 576 Nanjan gud Town 577 Vasco-da-gama W est Central Railw ay 578 Ashok Nagar 579 Itarsi 580 Jabalpur 581 Katni Murwara 582 Maihar 583 Makronia 584 Satna 585 Saugor 586 Sawai-Madhopur Jn W estern Railw ay 587 588 589 Andheri Bandra Bhanvad 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 Bhayander Borivali Chittorgarh Jn Dadar Dahanu Road Dahod Gandhigram Goregaon Himmatnagar Jamnagar Khambliya Kosamba Lalpurjam Annexu re B-7 Sl.No. 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 Station Sl.No. Station Malad 610 Mumbai Central (L) Mani Nagar 611 Naigaon Meghnagar 612 New Bhuj Mira Road 613 Okha Mumbai Charni Road) 614 Ratlam Mumbai Churchgate 615 Sabarmati Mumbai Marine Lines) 616 Santacruz ****** 77 Sl.No. 617 618 619 620 621 Station Saphala Ujjain Una Vangaon Virar ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 ··ËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· (1) Central Railway (2) New Lines (Construction) ···µ··´ ËÝ|··¤·········Ä¤·Ç Wardha - Nanded (via Yevatmal-Pusood) (270 ¸oÛ·À km) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1570.11 11.35 40.00 0.00 40.00 12.55 553.17 429.00 56.19 0.00 56.19 87.24 h§· ·q··À|··Àµ·Ïv···· Ahmednagar - Beed Parli Vaijnath (250 km) ¸oÛ·À 512.67 77.01 55.00 0.00 55.00 77.10 ·····À··Ë··|¸oÛ·À Baramati - Lonand (54 km) 138.48 87.07 10.00 0.00 10.00 26.13 ·Ä~···´··¸ ·|À¸oÛ·À Puntamba - Shirdi (16.4 km) 98.13 89.89 2.60 0.00 2.60 -2.48 1064.06 869.23 40.00 0.00 40.00 47.53 106.00 29.09 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 41.23 10.37 0.80 0.00 0.80 0.00 h····À·p·Ë|® ¸oÛ·À h·····¸Ý··µ· Amravati - Narkher (138 km) ¸·v····Ç¸oÛ·À Gauge Conversion Miraj - Latur (359 km) ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling ···Ë·v·¤·iµv···§····Ë§ß··Ëzµ Panvel - Jasai Jawaharlal Nehru Port z³¤z¸oÛ·À ·oÛ·À¤··Ë···Ä¸oÛ·À ·oÛ·À··§Ý·Ë ·¸oÛ·À ···Ë··Ë·¸oÛ·À ·Ë··Ë§·¸oÛ·À Trust (28.5 km) Pakni - Solapur (16.28 km) Pakni - Mahol (17 km) 42.73 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Panvel - Pen (35 km) 181.82 98.05 31.88 7.50 39.38 50.07 Pen - Roha (40 km) 192.10 81.71 30.00 4.50 34.50 38.18 C-1 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛ· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ Land acquisition work is in ·Ä· oÛ· ¸·ÝÀ ¤·´·´·À oÛ··µ ·Äß ¸oÛ·· q··· §ÏÝ Earth work of Bridges taken ··o۷˸·c·Ë··Ì Ýv·µÛ¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ process. The expenditure is ¤·Ä´Ýq· oËÛ ¸·m ·Ý·· ·µ {ËÝoËÛ oÛÀ ·°·Àc·· §ÏÝ oÛ··µ up. Consultancy contract for booked against deposit. tunnel awaited.Work is in ·°q·¸··Ì§Ïݸ···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ progress. Not fixed. oÛ··µ ·¸c·· §ÏÝ oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ Targetted work. Work ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß Completed and commissioned 29.10.2012 jn··Ä¹oÛq··Ç··Àv·À¤·Ëh¸·oÛ§ÏÝ completed.Hence Booking is oÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝ more than the original BG. oÛ··µ ··q·· ·Ì ··q·À Ý·ÝÀ h···Ý ·Ý §ÏÝ The work is on cost sharing ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁÏÝ ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· h·À ·À ·°q·¸· Not fixed. Land acquisition still going in h·ÏÝ ·· oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ oËÛ ¸·c·Ë· basis and expenditure is ·Ì §ÏÝ h§Ý· Ý·q·Ý·Ý··~· Ý·Ë§Ý ¸oÛ·À process booked against deposit of oËÛ ¸·m ·¸c·· §ÏÝ ¸oÛ·À oÛ· progress.Ahmednagar ·Ì Ýv·µÛ¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ Rs. 65.03 cr Narayandoh (12.5. km) oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ targetted 2012-13 on 67 km work is in progress. oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ ¤·Àh·Ým¤· ¸·ÝÀc·~· oÛÀ Work in progress. CRS inspection being planned. ··Ëv······iµv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝ h···Ë¸c·· o¯ËÛ¸|ÝzÝ ·Äp···· ¤·Ë ·°·· Unforseen credit received ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝh·ÏÝ ·ÄßoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝ Completed and commissioned from HQ. ¸oÛ·· Work in progress ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝh·ÏÝ ·ÄßoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝ Completed and Commissioned ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß oÛÝ Completed & commissioned on 25.8.2006 ¸ Ý··q···§ÏÝ ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝ oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ Completed oÛ··µ h¸q·°· ¼¤·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ ···Ë·h··zÝ· Work is in advance stagte. ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ ÛÝ·ÝÀ ·oÛ Panvel - Apta (15 km) h··zÝ··Ë· ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· completed.Apta - Pen ( 19 km) targetted for completion by ·c·¸···µ¸Ý·§ÏÝ Work in progress Feb, 2013 oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ ·Ë·oÛq·Ë· ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ Pen -Kagel (14 km) ÛÝ·ÝÀ ·oÛ oÛ·¤·Çݷ˧ݷ ¸oÛ·À completed.Kasu - Roha (26 km) targetted for completion by oÛ·Ë·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·¸···µ¸Ý·§ÏÝ Work in progress Feb, 2013 C-2 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 q··Ë···ÀoÛ··Ä···oÛ·Ó|µ ¸oÛ·À (1) Godhani - Kalumna Chord (13.7 km) oÛ··~·oÛ¤···¤·À··i· ¸o·À Kalyan - Kasara - 3rd line (67.62 km) ·Ä¤····v··q··´·¤·À··i· Bhusawal - Jalgaon - 3rd line (24.13 km) ¸o·À ···Ë··Ë§·¸oÛ·À·Ç¸· Panvel - Roha (75.44 km) - Land acquisition h¸·q·¯§~· À··oÛ··~··À´·{À··i··Ë́oÛ· Diva - Kalyan - Doubling of 5th & 6th lines ·Ë§ÀoÛ~· (2) 50.38 (3) 0.00 (4) 0.01 (5) 0.00 (6) 0.01 279.70 0.00 2.00 184.06 0.00 2.00 23.02 16.75 231.55 ·Ä́·iµc·Ë·À··¸·§Ý··¸··Ëv···t·Ý~·Mumbai Urban Transport Project (Phase-I) , ·Ä́·iµc·Ë·À··¸·§Ý··¸··Ëv···t·Ý~·Mumbai Urban Transport Project (Phase-II) ,, (7) 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 77.82 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.18 2250.90 2101.02 59.48 0.00 59.48 55.21 2723.00 119.78 220.53 0.00 220.53 259.21 117.81 97.47 10.00 0.00 10.00 9.77 227.45 154.33 17.71 0.00 17.71 8.58 481.06 62.05 55.00 0.00 55.00 11.08 4.76 ·§Ý··q·Ý·¸Ý·§Ý··¸Ý··Ëv···m´ Metropolitan Transport Projects ·Ë···ÄÝ···Ë··Ç·µ·¼ t·· oÛ·ÓÝÀ|Ý·Ë ÝoË··q·oËß··Ë́···À ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·oÛ· ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Belapur-Panvel Doubling of commuter double line as part of East-West corridor ··~·Ë·Ä·Ëµ ·ËÞ··· ·À·iµ·Ä́·iµ Thane - Turbhe - Nerul Vashi - Part of corridor ·Ë́oÛ·ÓÝÀ|Ý·Ë Ý¤·´oÛ···q· No.1 in New Mumbai ·Ë···ÄÝ ·À·Ä|ÝjË·¸·Ä·ÀoÊ· ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i· Belapur - Seawood Uran - Electrified double line C-3 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· §ÏÝ h´¸·· Estimate sanctioned. Final ¤··· ¸···µÝ~· ¤··Íc·~· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ Location survey completed. ¸·¸· Ý· h··´¸·· oÛÀ q·iµ oÛ··µ ··Ëv··· ¤·Ý Tenders are invited. Work is at planning stage. ·Ý§ÏÝ ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· h´ ·· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· oÛ··µ Part detailed estimate sanctioned. Work in planning ··Ëv···¤·Ý·Ý§ÏÝ stage. ¤··· ¤··Íc·~· ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ oÛ··µ ··Ëv··· ¤·Ý Site survey in progress. Work in planning stage. ·Ý§ÏÝ oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ Work in progess. oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ Work in progress h·Ë····i·¤·Ë|Ëݸ·zÝ·°··§ÄÝm Debit received from open ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß oÛÝ Completed & commissioned on line. 14.3.2008 ¸ Ý··q···§ÏÝ ·¸Ý··Ëv····ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Project completed. ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝ Target for completion is 2015 Commissioned on 14.4.2000 oÛ·Ëiµ oÛ·À·Ë ·À·§ÝÁ No variation oÛ·Ë ·Äß§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ oÛ·Ëiµ oÛ·À·Ë ·À·§ÝÁ No variation oÛ·Ë t·Ý~·, h·ÏÝ Commissioned on 9.11.2004 (Phase-I) and on 9.1.2009 oÛ·Ët·Ý~·,, ·ÄߧݷËq·m§ÐÝÝ (Phase-II) oÛ·Ëiµ oÛ·À·Ë ·À·§ÝÁ ·oÛ ·Ëß··Ë···ÄÝ ¤·Ë Phase-I Nerul-Belapur to p··ÝoÛ·Ë·Ý ·oÛ t·Ý~·, ··· Kharkopar by 31.12.2013 and Phase-II Kharkipar to Uran by ·oÛp··ÝoÛÀ··Ý¤·Ëj|®Ý···oÛt·Ý~·,, No variation 31.3.2014 C-4 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Eastern Railway New Lines (Construction) Deoghar-Sultanganj incl. Banka to Barhat & Banka to Bithia Road (147 km) (2) 607.09 207.67 60.00 0.00 60.00 104.48 Tarakeswar-Bishnupur with extension upto Dhaniakhali, ArambaghIrphala and new Material Modification for IrphalaGhatal (11.2 km) & ArambaghChampadanga (23.3 km) 1147.60 372.92 300.00 -100.00 200.00 121.44 Ý···ÄݧݷzÝ·´ ·Ýݸ§Ý··Ý·¤·· Ä·oÛ· Rampurhat-Mandarhill ¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝÝ···Äݧݷz·ÄÝ·Ý·iµ via Dumka (130 km) with ¸oÛ·À·À¤·ÝÀ··i·oËÛ·m new Material Modification for Rampurhat-Murarai h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· 900.05 330.98 110.00 0.00 110.00 136.76 ·¸Ý··Ý·ÄÝ····ÄÝ·Ý·¤··p·|®Ýq··Ä Bariarpur-Mananpur via Kharagpur, Lachimpur·ÝcÜ·À·ÄݷݧÝzݸoÛ·À 450.55 1.84 20.00 0 20 4.07 450.00 1.01 20.00 0 20 3.82 ·Ç·µËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· Ë·r·Ý¤·Ä···q·´v···´oÛ·¤·Ë·Ý§Ýz h·ÏÝ··´oÛ·¤·Ë¸·¸···Ý·|Ë Ý¤·¸§· ¸oÛ·À ··ÝoË ¡·Ý¸·£~·Ä·Ä·¸···p···À h·Ý····q·iÝÛ···h·ÏÝiÝÛ··· r·zÝ··¸oÛ·À·Ýh·Ý····q· t·´··|Ý·q´ ··¸oÛ·À·oÛ¸·¤··Ý oËÛh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (29.48 km) - 3rd line Barhat (67.78 km) ¤·Ä···q·´v·oÛzǸݷ··Ý·¤·· Sultanganj-Katuria via h¤·Ýq·´v···Ý··ÄÝ··Ë·§ÝÝ Asarganj, Tarapur & Belhar (74.8 km) ¸oÛ·À C-5 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m 44.48 committed ··´oÛ· ··Ý·§ÝzÝ ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë Banka Barahat ( 15 km) was ·Äß §Ý·Ë q··· ËÝ·r·Ýt·´ Ý· ¸oÛ·À commissioned on 21.08.06. ·°¸··Ý ·· h·¸Ý§Ý··µ ·· n··Ì¸oÛ ·§Ý expenditure ·¸c·· oÛ··µ ·· i¤·¸·m h·¸·n· unavoidable to achieve the oÛ·Ë ·´Äß §Ý·Ë q··· ··´oÛ· Deoghar Chandan ( 15 target as it iwas a targetted oÛ·oÛ··|®Ý· ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ km)15.3.12. Banka Kakwara §ÄÝh· work, hence excess oÛ·oÛ··|®Ý· p·Ýx··j¤·· ¸oÛ·ÀoÛ· ·c· (5.11 km) completed. Kakwara ¸···µ¸Ý· §ÏÝ t·´ Ý· o۷ĸݷ· Kharjhausa (9.1 km) targetted 31.03.2013. Chandan ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ··´oÛ·¤·Ä···q·´v· by Katuria ( 8.2 km) 28.2.2013. ·····´oÛ··À¸···Ý·|Ë Ý¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ Banka-Sultanganj & Bithia Road not fixed. Banka oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ oËÛ ¸·m ËÝ··Ë Re-appropriation by Railway ··ÝoËÛ¡·Ý····ÄÝ ¸oÛ·À Tarakeswar-Talpur ( 45 km) ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· ·Ä·µ¸·¸···v·· t···Ç oÛ··µ Board for Rs. 100 crore.- oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ q··ËoÛÄ ··Äݸ·£~·Ä·ÄÝ commissioned on 25.04.2010. oÛÀ ·°q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· oÛÀ ··¤·· 78.56. As per the pace of ¸oÛ·À ·oÛ ····ÄÝ ·Ï····Ý Gokulnagar-Bishnupur ( 17 oËÛ ¸·m oۧݷ q··· ·· mh·iµ ongoing work, fund provision ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë q··ËoÄÛ··q·Ý·Ï···ÄÝ km) by 13.6.10 Talpur oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·Ýiµ·À oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ was asked for. Rs. 111.10 cr ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ h·Ý····q·q··Ër··zÝ Mayanapar (11.4. km) on ··· mÛm·m oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ ARE, REP Rs. 92.85 cr and ¸oÛ·À mt·zÝÀ ··i··Ì oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ 4.6.12. Gokulnagar-Maynapur not fixed.Arambagh -Goghat ·Ë£· ·· oÛ·Ë Ì ¤··· ·Ý h··º·· oÛÝ FMA Rs. 119.98 cr balance §ÏÝ fund was surrendered well in (9.45 km) not fixed due to HT ¸ Ý··q·····i¤·¸·m·t··§ÄÝiµ advance, hence savings. lines. ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m 26.76 committed ··Ý····¤·À··Ä¸Ý·· ¸oÛ·À h·ÏÝ Barapallasy -Bhaturia (11.5 ·°¸··Ý ·· h·¸Ý§Ý··µ ·· n··Ì¸oÛ ·§Ý expenditure unavoidable to ¸··ËÝq·Ë··§Ýݹ¤·r·· ¸oÛ·À ··t·µ km) and Pinergena-Hersingha ·¸c·· oÛ··µ ·· i¤·¸·m h·¸·n·Û achieve the target as it was ·oÛ ·c· ¸···µ¸Ý· ··|ËÝݸ§Ý·oÄÛ·Ý·|Ý·Ë· (7.8 km) targetted by March, a targetted work, hence ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ j·Ý·|Ý·Ë· 2013. Manderhill-Kumradol §ÄÝh· excess. §´Ý¤·¸ Ý·· ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ §´Ý¤·¸ Ý·· (17.10 km) completed Umradol ÄÝ·oÛ· ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ ÄÝ·oÛ·· Ý··ÄÝ ·ÇÝÀ Hansdia (9.15 km) completed. §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ ··Ý···¸¤···¸ ·oÛ·ÝÀ··|®Ý· ÛÝ·ÝÀ Hansdia-Dumnka not fixed. Dumka-Madanpur completed. ·oÛ Baramasia-Shikaripara 2013 Feb, t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ h·Ä··· h´ ·· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· Not fixed. Part estimate Land plans mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well ¸oÛ·· q··· ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m ·Ç¸· ··Ëv··· sanctioned. prepared for 18 km. ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï i¤·¸·m in advance ARE, REP and ·Ï··ÝoÛÀq·iµ FMP hence savings. ·t··§ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ ··q· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ¸oÛ·· Not fixed. sanctioned. mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well q···|ÝÀiµ·Ï··ÝÀoÛÀv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝ preparation. ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï i¤·¸·m in advance ARE, REP and FMP hence savings. ·t··§ÄÝiµ C-6 Part DE estimate under ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 ··ÝoË ¡···q·Ý·¸o·À (1) Tarkeshwar-Magra (51.95 km) (2) 365.17 (3) 20.00 (4) 100.00 (5) (6) (7) -39 61 0.1 §Ý¤····· ݸ§´q··q·´v·¸o·À Hasnabad-Hingalganj (14 km) 172.03 20.00 100.00 0 100 0.1 §´¤·¸ ݧݷq··ËÙÝ·¸oÛ·À Hansdiha-Godda (30 km) 267.09 0.00 1.00 0 1 0 ·c·ÀoÛ·´··Ä···p····t·´ Ý·Ý·q·Ý oÛ·oÛÝÀ··Ä|Ý·p···À¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ t·´ Ý··q·Ý·p···À¸oÛ·ÀoË h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· LakshmikantapurNamkhana-Chandanagar with new Material Modification for Kakadwip-Budakhali (5 km) & ChandanagarBakhali (17.2 km) 458.31 125.46 250.00 0 250 4.72 Ë·r·Ý ÄÝ·oÛ·¸oÛ·À Deogarh-Dumka (72.25 km) 358.00 311.28 20.00 0 20 2.79 81.17 71.17 10.00 0 10 4.78 20.00 0.00 0.00 jp··|®ÝÀq··À··i··ÌoÛ·Ë·Ä·¸· Restoration of Dismantled Lines hv·À·q·´v··Ä¸ ·µ Ý··· ݸv···q·´v· Azimganj-Murshidabad (Jiaganj), incl. railway ··q·ÀÝ·À· ÝÀ·ÝË··Ä·¤·¸§Ý· bridge over river Bhagirathi C-7 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ÛÝ·ÝÀ ·Ì ··ÝoËÛ¡·Ý 2016-17 Tarkeshwar - Furfura mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well ÄÛÝÄÛÝ· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ¸oÛ·· q··· m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ sanction in Feb, 2012. Land acquisition taken under SRP. ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï i¤·¸·m in advance ARE, REP and h´·q·µ··Ç¸·h¸·q·°§Ý~· FMP hence savings. ·t··§ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ h·Ä··· h·Ä··Ë Ý···À· §ÏÝ Not fixed. Estimate under mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛÀ sanction. Land acquisition planned under SRP. ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï i¤·¸·m in advance ARE, REP and ··Ëv···§ÏÝ FMP hence savings. ·t··§ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ ··Ëv··· h···Ëq· oÛË h·Ä··Ë Ý· Not fixed. Planning commission mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well oÛË ¸·m oÛ·µÝ··iµ oÛÀ v·· ݧÝÀ §ÏÝ ·n¤···· ÝÀ approval to be processed. Naxalite area. ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï i¤·¸·m in advance ARE, REP and c·Ë·§ÏÝ FMP hence savings. ·t··§ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·c·ÀoÛ·´··ÄÝ··p···· ¸oÛ·À Laxmikantapur-Namkhana (36 Commissioned on mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ ··p···· km) ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï i¤·¸·m in advance ARE, REP and t·´·Ý··q·Ý oËÛ ËÝ··Ë oËÛ ¸§Ý¤¤·Ë ·Ì oÛ··µ ·Äß §Ý·Ë 30.1.2006. Work started in FMP hence savings. ·t··§ÄÝiµ q··· §ÏÝ ¤··À m·m· ··q·· §ËÝ·Ä m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ railway portion on NamkhanaChantranagar. Land acquisition h´·q·µ··Ç¸·h¸·q·°§Ý~·¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ taken under SRP for all MM cost. ¤·····Ëv··oËÛoÛ·Ý~··t··§ÄÝiµ Savings due to adjustment ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë Completed &Commissioned on 12.7.2011 q·iµ§ÏÝ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·Ä· oÛ· ¸·ÝÀ ¤·´·´·À oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ Earthwork of Bridges mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund surrendered well ËÝ··· oÛ·Ë v··Ë|®Ý·Ë oÛ· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ ·Ç¸· compoleted. Track linking is in oÛ··µ ¤·· ·Ý oÛ·· oÛÀ oÛ· q·Ä´v··i · in advance ARE, REP and oÛÀ h·· ·oÛ·· §ËÝ·Ä h·Ýh·Ë·À oÛ· oÛ··µ ßoÛ progress. ROB work held up oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ FMP due to less scope of q··· §ÏÝ oËÛ·· ¸oÛ·À ··q· oÛ·Ë ··t·µ for want of land. Only 5 km part work at site hence savings. ·oÛ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝ is targetted by March, 2013 q·iµÏ i¤·¸·m·t··§ÄÝiµ C-8 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Gauge Conversion ··µ···oÛzÝ··¸oÛ·À Bardhaman-Katwa oÛzÝ····v··Ý¤··j¸oÛ·À (51.52 km) with new Ý·ËݧÝÝÀoÛÝ~·oÛzÝ·· Ï·§Ý·zÝ···Ë¡·Ý Material Modification for ¸oÛ·À·Ëq·Ä··´q··oÛ·ËzÝ Katwa-Bazarsau (30.59 ¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ···Ë¡·Ý·Ë··ÝÀ km) - doubling, Katwa ¸oÛ·À·iµ··i·oËÛh···Ý·Ç· (Dainhat)-Mateswar, (34.4 km) Negunh· ··Ë Mangalkot (8.60 km) & Mateswar-Memari (35.6 km) - NL (2) h···· ·¸Ý··µ· (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1106.62 66.81 176.50 0 176.5 60.78 157.18 71.50 40.00 0 40 1.49 Sonarpur-Canning (14.96 km) with new Material Modification for KalikapurMinakhan via Ghatakpur (38 km) - new line 157.06 49.47 100.00 0 100 1013 oÛ··À··Ý··~··ÄÝoÊ£~···q·oÊ KalinarayanpurKrishnanagar with £~···q·Ý ··´¸··ÄÝ··ÝÀ·r··zÝ h·····¸··µ·Ýh·ÏoÊ£~···q· Krishnanagar-Shantipurt··Ý···¸o·ÀoÊ£~···q·Ý Nabadwipghat - GC & t··Ý·¸oÛ·À·Ï§Ý·zÝÀÝ·~··r··zÝ Krishnanagar-Chartala & ·À¤·ÝÀ··i·h·ÏÝ·À·À·Ç··oÛ new Material Modification for Krishnanagar-Chapra ¸·¤··Ý 254.86 127.63 120.00 0 120 52.03 ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling §Ý·Ý···q··´·t·Ý~·,§Ý·Ý· Habra-Bongaon Phase-I t··´ Ý··|®Ý·h·ÏÝ·uÜ·´ Ý·Äݤ·ß··q·Ý (Habra-Chandpara) & MachlandapurSwarupnagar ¤··Ë··Ý·ÄÝo˸·´q·¸o·À oÛ·¸·oÛ··ÄÝ·À··p····Ý·¤·· r·zÝoÛ·ÄݸoÛ·À·iµ··i·oËÛ ·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· - NL, Naihati-Ranaghat 3rd line & NabadwipghatNabadwipdham with extension to BB loop (9.58 km) C-9 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ··µ·····Ë·q··´· ¸oÛ·À Bardhaman-Balgoan (25 mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund surrendered well oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q··· m¤·h·Ý·À km)commissioned on 28.7.12. oÛ··µ ¤·· ·Ý oÛ·· oÛÀ oÛ· q·Ä´v··i · in advance ARE, REP and oËÛ h´·q·µ· ¤··À m·m· oËÛ ¸·m ·Ç¸· Land acquisition issued for all MMs under SRP. oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ FMP due to less scope of h¸·q·°§Ý~·v··ÝÀoÛݸ Ýmq·m§ÐÝ work at site hence savings. q·iµÏ i¤·¸·m·t··§ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing §Ý·Ý·t·´ Ý··|®Ý· ¸oÛ·À Habra-Chandpara 22.25 km) mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q··· ·Ë£· ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ commissioned on 28.4.2010. ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï n··Ì¸oÛ in advance ARE, REP and ·t··´ Ý·Äݤ·ß· ·q·Ý ·Ý ËÝ··Ë ¸§Ý¤¤·Ë ·Ì Balance not fixed. On m·m· oËÛ ¸·m mÛm·m¤· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· FMP as FLS for MM is not oÛ··µ ·Äß ¸oÛ·· q··· §ÏÝ m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ Machlandapur -Swarup Nagar, sanction, hence savings. work taken up in railway h´·q·µ··Ç¸·h¸·q·°§Ý~·¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ ·§ÝÁ§ÏÝi¤·¸·m·t··§ÄÝiµ portion. Land acquisition taken under SRP. t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ¤··Ë··Ý·ÄÝr·Ä¸zÝ·· ·ÝÀÛ ¸oÛ·À Sonarpur-Ghutia Sarif (14.96 Commissioned on mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ¸·¸· work, fund surrendered well oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q··· oÛ·¸·oÛ··ÄÝkm) ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï ¤··izÝ ·Ý in advance ARE, REP and ·À·p·· ·Ý m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·Ç¸· 30.11.06. On Kalikapur Minakkan. Land acquisition oÛ··µ oÛÀ oÛ· q·Ä́v··i · §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· FMP due to less scope of h¸·q·°§Ý~· ·Ä߸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ work at site hence savings. taken up under SRP. i¤·¸·m·t··§ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing oÊÛ£~···q·ÝoÛ·À··Ý··~··ÄÝ ¸oÛ·À Krishnagar-Kalinarayanpur(22 commissioned on mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund demanded as per oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q··· oÊÛ£~···q·Ý km) in ··¼··ÄÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ oÊÛ£~···q·Ý26.11.2010. Krishnanagarh·´oÛ·· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· ´oÛÀ ··´q· assessment oÛÀ q·iµ h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë ARE,REP,FMP and balance t··Ý···· ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ····ÝÀ···· Shantipur commissioned on Krishnanagarh·º·· oÛÝ ÝÀ q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·t·· fund surrendered well in ····ÝÀ·r··zÝ ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ 7.2.2012, advance, hence savings. not fixed. h·Ý·Àm·m· oÊÛ£~···q·Ý ¸¤·zÝÀh·r··zÝ· Chartala §ÄÝiµ Nabadwipdham-Nabadwipghat ¸oÛ·À ¸ ݤ·´·Ý oËÛ ¸·m ·¸c·· not fixed.(RVNL). Krishnanagar §ÏÝ ¸·ÝÀ ¤·´·´·À h·ÏÝ ·Ä· ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÐÝ City - Amghata (8.3 km) h·´oÛ·· h·ÏÝ ·Ç¸· h¸·oÛq·°§Ý~· ·Ë£· ¸§Ý¤¤·Ë ·Ì targetted for Dec, 2012. Earth ·Ä߸oÛmq·m§ÐÝ work and Bridges is progress. Estimation and land acquisition taken up in rest portion. C-10 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ··Ý·¤···§Ý¤····· ݸo·À Barasat-Hasnabad (2) 67.94 (3) 35.14 (4) 25.00 (5) (6) (7) 0 25 6.13 (12.12 km) ·´|Ë·oÛzÝ··p·´|·Ý·´|Ë·v·ÀÝ· Bandel-Jirat of BandelKatwa section 141.13 103.81 30.00 0 30 2.06 ·Þiµ·ÄÝ··q·Ý·§Ý·zݸo·À Baruipur-Magrahat (15 km) 68.33 38.33 30.00 0 30 5.37 oÛv·Ý·n·Ç·¸o·À Kajra-Kiul (15.85 km) 47.55 30.46 15.00 0 15 1.7 t··´ Ý··|®···q··´·t·´ Ý···v··Ý·oÛ ¸·¤··Ýh·ÏÝ··q··´···ËÝ··§Ë ···· ¸oÛ·À·t·´ Ý···v··Ý·q· Ý·§Ý ¸oÛ·À·iµ··i··Ë́oËÛ·m h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· Chandpara-Bongaon with extension to Chandabazar and new Material Modification for BongaonPoramaheshtala (20 km) & Chandabazar-Bagdah (13.86 km) - new lines 217.98 67.98 150.00 0 150 9.49 C-11 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··ÝÝ As per the pace of ongoing ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ Comppleted & Commissioned on 4.5.2012 ¸·¸· oÛÀ mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À mÛm··À work, fund demanded as per §ÏÝ in ·Ì h·´oÛ·· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ··´q· oÛÀ q·iµ assessment h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ·· oÛ·Ë ¤··· ·Ý h·º·· ARE,REP,FMP and balance fund surrendered well in oÛݸ Ý··q···i¤·¸·m·t··§ÄÝiµ advance, hence savings. t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ Completed and Commissioned on 8.2.11 mh·Ýiµ ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ work, fund provision was §ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ oËÛ ¸·m asked for Rs. 2.55 cr in ARE ¸·¸· oÛÀ ··¤·· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ·Ë oۧݷ q··· and Rs. 2.72 cr in FMP and fund was ·· h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ¸·¸· h¸q·°· ·Ì h·º·· balance surrendered well in advance, oÛÝ ÝÀq·iµi¤·¸·m·t··§ÄÝiµ hence savings. t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛËÝ ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ Completed & Commissioned on 5.8.11 mh·Ýiµ ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ work, fund provision was §ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ oËÛ ¸·m asked for Rs. 2.55 cr in ARE ¸·¸· oÛÀ ··¤·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ··´q·· and Rs.4.22 cr in FMP and fund was q··· ·· h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë balance surrendered well in advance, h·º·· oÛÝ ÝÀ q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·t·· hence savings. §ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛËÝ ·Äß §Ý·Ë Completed & Commissioned on 3.10.10 mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund demanded as per q·iµ§ÏÝ in h·´oÛ·· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· ´oÛÀ ··´q· assessment oÛÀ q·iµ h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ¸·¸· h¸q·°· ·Ì ARE,REP,FMP and balance h·º·· oÛÝ ÝÀ q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·t·· fund surrendered well in advance, hence savings. §ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing t·´ Ý··|®Ý···Ìq··´· ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· Chandpara-Bongaon (9.77 km) mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund surrendered well §ÏÝ ··Ìq··´·t·´ Ý··v··Ý ¸oÛ·À ¸···µ¸Ý· completed.Not fixed Bongaon¸·¸· oÛ·ÛÀ h¸q·°· ·Ì h·º·· oÛÀ in advance in ARE, REP, ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ t·´ Ý···v··Ý ·oÛ ¸·¤··Ý oËÛ ¸·m ·Ç¸· Chandabazar(11.5 km) not q·iµ Ï n··Ì¸oÛ m·m· oËÛ ¸·m FMP as FLS for MM is not h¸·q·°§Ý~· ··Ìq··´···ËÝ·§ËÝ ····· ¸oÛ·À fixed. Land acquisition for mÛm·m¤· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ i¤·¸·m sanctioned, hence savings. t·´ Ý···v··Ý·q· Ý·§Ý ¸oÛ·À m¤·h·Ý·À extenhsion to Chanda Bazar, Bongaon - Poramahesstala (20 ·t··§ÄÝiµ oËÛh´·q·µ· ·Ä߸oÛ··q··· km) Chandabazar -Bagdah (13.86 km) taken up under SRP. C-12 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 ·Ý§ÝÝ···À··§Ý·|®¸oÛ·À (1) Barharwa-Tinpahar (16.49 km) (2) 74.61 (3) 41.23 (4) 20.00 (5) (6) (7) 0 20 0.02 ··´|Ý·Ë¡·Ý¸t····iµ¸oÛ·À h·ÏÝioÛÝ·t·ÄÞ¸···q·ÄÞ´|ÝÀ ··Ý···Àt·ÄÞ¸···¸oÛ·À·iµ ··i·oË·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··ËË ·· ¤·¸§Ý· Pandabeswar-Chinpai (21.41 km) & IkraChurulia-Gurundi with new Material Modification between BarbaniChurulia (9 km) - new line 292.52 163.52 125.00 0 125 9.15 ¸t····iµ¤·Ḯ¸····°·¸´ ·oÛ¸¤·kÛÝÀ Chinpai-Sainthia, PrantikSiuri 590.91 123.58 40.00 0 40 9.12 167.84 25.93 25.00 0 25 5.48 402.57 33.18 75.00 0 75 45.61 ·À··§Ý·|®¤··¸§·q·´v·¸o·ÀTinpahar-Sahibganj ·À··§Ý·|®··q···ÄÝoË Ý·§Ë ÝÀoÛÝ~·ÝoË (37.81 km) - As phase-I of doubling of Tinpahar t·Ý~·,oËß··Ë́ Bhagalpur r·Ä¸zÝ··ÝÀ ·ÝÀÛoËÛ¸·´q··´q´ ··p···À ·oÛ¸·¤··Ý·´q··p···À·¤·´·À ¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ·¤·´·Àx··Ýp···À ¸oÛ·À·iµ··i·ÝoËÛ·m h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· Ghutiari Sharif-Canning with extension upto Bangankhali & new Material Modification for Bangankhali-Basanti (14.3 km) & BasantiJharkhali (23 km) - new line C-13 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ Completed & Commissioned on 8.8.2010 mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund surrendered well §ÏÝ ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï in advance in ARE, REP, ¤··izÝ ·Ý oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°·· ·· ¤·Ë oÛ· FMP anticipating less scope q·Ä´v··i · §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· i¤·¸·m ·t·· of work at site, hence savings. §ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·´|Ý·Ë¡·Ý ¹t···iµ ¸oÛ·À Pandabeswar Chinpai 21.41 commissioned on mh·Ýiµ ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ work, fund provision was oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ ioÛÝ·q··Ï´Ý|ÝÀ km) Alternative mÛm··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ asked for Rs.9.50 cr in ARE ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ·ÏoÛ¼·oÛ ¤·´ËÝp·~· oÛÀ 10.3.2011. mÛm··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý ßoËÛ and Rs.8.32 cr in REP and ··Ëv··· ···iµ v·· ݧÝÀ §ÏÝ ··Ý··Àt·Ç߸··· alignment for Ikra-Gaurandi ¸·m ¸·¸· oÛÀ ··¤·· oÛÝ·Ë oÛÀ ··´q·· Rs. 11.66 cr FMP and ¸oÛ·À oÛ· m¤·h·Ý·À h¸·¤·Ç¸t·· oÛÝ (21.5 km) is being planned. For fund was ¸ Ý··q···§ÏÝ Barbani - Churulia (9 km) SRP oÛÀ q·iµ ·À h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë balance notified. h·º·· oÛÝ ÝÀ q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·t·· surrendered well in advance, hence savings. §ÄÝiµ t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ¸t····iµ¤·Ì¸··· ¸oÛ·À Chinpai -Sainthia (31.61 km) mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund surrendered well oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ ·°·´¸·oÛ¸¤·jÝÀ Commissioned on 17.5.2010. ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï in advance in ARE, REP, ¸oÛ·À ·Ý ËÝ··Ë ¹§Ý¤¤·Ì ·Ì oÛ··µ ·Äß ¸oÛ·· On prantik - Siuri (33.98 km) ¤··izÝ ·Ý oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°·· ·· ¤·Ë oÛ· FMP anticipating less scope q··· §ÏÝ ·°·¸´ ·oÛ¸¤·jÝÀ h·ÏÝ t··Ï¸Ýq··t·¤·Ð¸··· work taken up in Railway q·Ä´v··i · §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· i¤·¸·m ·t·· of work at site, hence ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m m¤·h·Ý·À portion. SRP notified for Prantik - Siuri and Chowrigachsavings. §ÄÝiµ h¸·¤·Ç¸t··¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ Sainthia (56.50 km) t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ¸zÝ···§Ý·|®Ý·Ë§ÝÀv··ÝÀ ¸oÛ·À ÛÝ·ÝÀ Tinapahar - Tehjhari (9.78 km) mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund surrendered well ·oÛ ¸zÝ···§Ý·|®Ý·Ë§ÝÀv··ÝÀ ··· by February, 2013. Tender for ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï in advance in ARE, REP, ·Ë§ÝÀv·§Ý·ÝÀ·§Ý·Ý·v··ÄÝ ·Ì ¸·ÝÀ ¤·´·´·À ··· earthwork and bridges in -Talijhari and ¤··izÝ ·Ý oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°·· ·· ¤·Ë oÛ· FMP anticipating less scope ·Ä··Ë´ oÛ· {ËÝoÛ· ·° Ý·· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ Tinpahar Tahijhari -Maharajpur awarded q·Ä´v··i · §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· i¤·¸·m ·t·· of work at site, hence |ÝÀ¸·ÝÀ¤·´··ÀoÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝ savings. and 0.0d1 lac earthwork §ÄÝiµ completed. for t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing q·Ä¸···ÝÀ ·ÝÀÛoËÛ¹·q· ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë Ghutiari-Sharif-Canning 14.5 completed & mh·Ýiµ h·Ýiµ·À h·ÏÝ mÛm··À ·Ì work, fund surrendered well q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ h·´Ý· §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝoËÛ¹·q··´q··p···À km) ¸·¸· h¸q·°· ·Ì h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ Ï in advance in ARE, REP, ·Ý ËÝ··Ë ··q· ·Ì ·§Ý··Ç~·µ ·Ä··Ì oÛ· oÛ··µ commissioned. On Canning ¤··izÝ ·Ý oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°·· ·· ¤·Ë oÛ· FMP anticipating less scope ·Äß ¸oÛ·· q··· §ÏÝ q··q··p···À·¤·´·À Bangankhali, work of important q·Ä´v··i · §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· i¤·¸·m ·t·· of work at site, hence ¸oÛ·À h·ÏÝ ·¤·´·Àx··Ýp··À bridges taken up in railway savings. §ÄÝiµ ¸oÛ·À §ËÝ·Ä m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·Ç¸· area. Land acquisition under SRP issued for Gangankhali h¸·q·°§Ý~·v··ÝÀoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Basanti (14.3 km) and Basanti Jharkhali (23 km) C-14 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Dakshin BarasatLakshmikantapur (19.68 km), new line from Joynagar to Raidighi (20 km) and new Material Modification for JoynagarDurgapur (32 km) (2) 533.38 (3) 30.20 (4) 25.00 0 25 (7) 29.72 ··q·Ý·§·zÝ|Ý···´|ݧݷ·µÝ Magrahat-Diamond ¸oÛ·À¤·´q·°···ÄÝoÊÛ£~·t·´ Ý·ÄÝ Harbour (19.67 km) with new Material Modification ¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ|Ý···´|ݧݷ·µÝ q·ÄÞ Ý·¤··q·Ý·§ÝÝ·§Ý·zݸoÛ·À for Sangrampur·iµ··i··Ë́´ oËÛ·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· Krishanchandpur(25 km) & Diamond Harbour ¤·¸§Ý· 125.25 25.25 100.00 0 100 50.52 98.14 38.99 30.00 0 30 52.28 113.33 45.72 40.00 0 40 12.41 KrishnanagarBethuadahari (27.92 km) 137.56 30.00 30.00 0 30 32.43 ¸··Äh· Ý··oÄ·À·À¤·ÝÀ··i· Liluah-Dankuni - 3rd line ¸oÛ·ÀÄÛÝÄÛÝ· ·ÝÀÛ·oÛ (10.13 km) with extension to Furfura ¸·¤··Ý¤·¸§Ý· 257.42 0.00 30.00 0 30 10.77 ݸc·~···Ý·¤····c·ÀoÛ·´··ÄÝ ¸oÛ·Àv···q·Ý¤·ËÝ·· ÝÀr·À ·oÛ·iµ··i·¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ v···q·Ý Äq··µ·ÄݸoÛ·ÀoË·m h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· (5) (6) (Gurudasnagar)Bahrahat)(21 km) - new lines v·ÀÝ·h´¸·oÛ·oÛ···· ¸oÛ·À Jirat-Ambika Kalna (20.23 km) ··ÀoÄÛ···ÝoËÛ¡·Ý¸oÛ·À Nallikul-Tarakeshwar (17.18 km) oÊ£~···q·Ý·Ë·Äh· ݧݷÝÀ ¸oÛ·À Sharif C-15 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ¤··º·· Committed expenditure was ݸc·~· ··Ý·¤···c·Àv·ÀoÛ·´··ÄÝ Dakshin Barasat·· h·¸Ý§Ý··µ ·· n··Ì¸oÛ ·§Ý oÛ··µ unavoidable to achieve the ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ v···q·ÝÝ··¸ Ýr·À h·ÏÝ Lakshmjikantapur (19.7 km) target as it was a targetted v···q·Ý ÇÝq·µ·ÄÝ oËÛ ¸·m m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ completed. Land notification ·¸c····i¤·¸·mh¸·oÛ§ÄÝh· work, hence excess h´·q·µ··Ç¸·h¸··Çt···v··ÝÀoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ issued under SRP for Joynagar -Raidighi and Durgapur. Joynagar - t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·q·Ý·§ÝzÝ|Ý···´|Ý §Ý··µÝ Ý ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝÀ Magrahat-Diamond Harbour mh·Ýiµ ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ work, fund provision was §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ ¤·´q·°···ÄÝoÊÛ£~·t·´ Ý·ÄÝ ¸oÛ·À (19.67 km) completed. For h·Ýiµ··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ asked for Rs. 55 cr in ARE h·ÏÝ |Ý···´|Ý §Ý··µÝ q·ÄÝ Ý·¤· ·q·Ý··Ý·§ÝzÝ Sangrampur - Krishanchandpur mÛm··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý ßoËÛ and Rs.50.00 cr in REPand ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m m¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ h´·q·µ· (25 km) and Diamond Harbour (Gurdas Nagar)-Bahrahat (21 ¸·m ¸·¸· oÛÀ ··¤·· oÛÝ·Ë oÛÀ ··´q·· Rs. 50.25 FMP and balance mÛm·m¤·v··ÝÀoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ km) FLS taken up and land oÛÀ q·iµ ·À h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë fund was surrendered well in advance, hence savings. notification under SRP issued. h·º·· oÛÝ ÝÀ q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·t·· §ÄÝiµ ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ¤··º·· Committed expenditure was ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ ·· h·¸Ý§Ý··µ ·· n··Ì¸oÛ ·§Ý oÛ··µ unavoidable to achieve the target as it was a targetted ·¸c····i¤·¸·mh¸·oÛ§ÄÝh· Completed work, hence excess t···Ç oÛ···µË´ oÛÀ q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý As per the pace of ongoing ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ mh·Ýiµ ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ work, fund provision was h·Ýiµ··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ h·ÏÝ asked for Rs 15.50 cr in mÛm··À ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý ßoËÛ ARE and Rs.13.38 cr in ¸·m ¸·¸· oÛÀ ··¤·· oÛÝ·Ë oÛÀ ··´q·· REPand Rs. 13.60 FMP and fund was oÛÀ q·iµ ·À h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· ¸·¸· ¤··· ¤·Ë balance surrendered well in advance, h·º·· oÛÝ ÝÀ q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·t·· hence savings. §ÄÝiµ Completed v···ÝÀ Ý·Ý· oÊÛ£·~···q·Ý ÄÝ··Ï¸··· Krishnanagar - Dhubulia by January, 2013. one major and ·Ê§Ý·m·´·r·Ä·Ä·oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q··· 4 minor work completed. ÛÝ·ÝÀÝ·Ý· Ý··oÄÛ·À·Ï·À C-16 of bridges Dankuni -Bally by February, 2013 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 104.80 oÛ··À··Ý··~··ÄÝ ··´¸··Äݸo Kalinarayanpur·ÀÝ·~··r··zÝh·´r·zÝ· Ý···Ä¸··· Shantipur (15.85 km) ¸oÛ·À·iµ··i·oËÛ·m with new Material Modification for h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· oÛzÝ···zÇ·À¸o·À h§Ý· Ý·ÄÝoÛzÝ··¸oÛ·À h·····¸Ý··µ·oËÛ·mh···Ý·Ç· h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· Ranaghat (Aranghata)Duttapulia (8.17 km) new line Katwa-Patuli (17.7 km) with new Material Modification for Ahmedpur-Katwa (51.92 km) - gauge conversion ··§Ý·zÝÀ¤··q·Ý ÝÀr·À¸o·À Nalhati-Sagardighi (3) 0.00 (4) 100.00 126.95 0.00 141.76 (5) 0 (6) 100 (7) 27.49 100.00 0 100 14 0.00 30.00 0 30 5.97 277.28 0.00 60.00 0 60 8.1 134.87 0.00 25.00 0 25 18.97 144.74 0.00 25.00 0 25 29.97 45.90 0.00 10.00 0 10 0.01 141.03 0.00 20.00 0 20 14.81 129.45 0.00 25.00 0 25 4.51 149.95 0.01 20.00 0 20 0.07 169.82 0.01 20.00 0 20 1.44 148.05 0.00 25.00 0 25 13.71 20.01 0.01 20.00 0 20 0.032 (26.30 km) ¤··Ë· ݸ···t·´···ÄoÄ Ý¸o Sondalia-Champapukur ·À·ÀÝ·t·oÛ··¸oÛ·ÀoË (23.64 km) with new Material Modification for ·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· Bira-Chakla (11.5 km) hv·À·q·´v···Àq·°··¸o·À Azimganj-Manigram (20.49 km) ···q··Ë··¸v···q·´v·¸o·À Lalgola-Jiaganj (22.95 km) ¸¤···· ݧݷ´|Ý··À··À··Ç Sealdah Division - 2nd h·À·ÄÝoË·Àt· Ǥ·ÝÀ···À··i· passenger line between Mile 5-B and New Alipore ¸o·À (1.67 km) ·Ë·Äh· ݧݷÝÀ···¤·À¸oÛ·À Bethudahari-Palassey (22.51 km) ¤··¸§Ý·q·´v··ÀÝ·Ḯ·À¸oÛ·À Sahibganj-Pirpanti (10.45 km) ····¸·°́¤·Ë·r··zݤ·oµÛÄ·ÝË··ËoÛ· Tala-Princep Ghat Doubling of circular Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À ··ÝÀ······Ä·À¸oÛ·À railway (9.7 km) Nabadwip Dham-Patuli (22 km) h´¸·oÛ·oÛ······ÝÀ···· Ambika KalnaNabadwipdham (23.29 ¸oÛ·À km) ·Ý§ÝÝ····Ë·À|Ý·q´ ··¸oÛ·À Barharwa-Bonidanga (4.73 km) C-17 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ÛÝ·ÝÀ Ý·Ý· ÄÛ¸··· Phulia -Kalinarayanpur by 2013. Land oÛ··À··Ý··~··ÄݷǸ·h¸·q·°§Ý~··°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝ February, acquisition is in progress. ÛÝ·ÝÀ Ý·Ý· ·c· ¸···µ¸Ý· ÏÝ·§ÝzÝ Dainhat-Patuli targetted by ·zÄÝ·ÀoÛzÝ·· Ý··À§Ý··§Ý·Ë§ÝÀ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q··· February, 2013.Katwa -Danihal already completed. v···ÝÀÝ·Ý···§Ý·zÝÀzÝÀoÛÀ·Ý Nalhati-Takipar 2013 by January, h·µ oÛ··µ ·Ë ¸··· q··· ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛÝ Earth work is taken up. Land acquisition is taken up. ¸··· ¸ ݤ··Ý ·Ì ··ËÝ·|Ý·´q···Ï·Àq·°·· oÛ· Poradanga-Manigram targetted by December, 2012. ·c·¸···µÝ~· Lalagola-Bhagwangola completed. BhagwangolaJiaganj by February, 2013 ···q··Ë···q····q··Ë·· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· ÛÝ·ÝÀ Not fixed ·Ì·q····q··Ë··¸v···v·q·´v·¸···µ¸Ý· ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¤··¸§Ý·q·´v·oÛÝ··zÝ·Ë·· oËÛ ¸·m zÌÝ|ÝÝ oÛ· Tender for Sahibganj ¸···µÝ~·¬ ··t·µm Ý·Ý· ·ÀÝ·Ï·À Karamtola awarded. PirpantiMirzacheoki by March, 2013 ¸·v··µ¸t·oÛ·Ëiµ ¸···µ¸Ý··°¸o¯Û··oËÛh´·q·µ· Estimate under process h·µ h·ÏÝ ·Ä· oÛ··µ oËÛ ¸·m zÌÝ|ÝÝ ··t·µ Tender for earth work and bridges awarded.PatuliÝ·Ý··Ý·¤·À Parbsthati by March, 2013 ¸ ݤ· Ý·Ý· h´··¸oÛoÛ·······Àq·°·· Ambakikalna-Dhatrigram by ·r·Ä ·Ä· m·´ h·µ oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë Dec, 2012. 19% minor bridges & 17% earthwork completed. q··· h·µ h·ÏÝ ·Ä· ¤·´·´·À oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝ Earth and minor bridges work in progress.Barharwa·Ý§ÝÝ····Ì|Ý···Ì|Ý·ÛÝ·ÝÀ Bondanga by February, 2013 C-18 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 288.02 Ý··oÄÛ·Àt·´ Ý··ÄÝt··Ï·À··i· Dankuni-Chandanpur¸oÛ·À Ý··oÄÛ·À ·¸n·q·}® 4th line(25.41 km) as 1st t··Ï·À··i·oËÛ·°··t·Ý~·oËÛß··Ë́ phase of Dankuni·Þiµ··|®·ÄÛÝÄÛÝ·¸oÛ·À·iµ Saktigarh 4th line with ··i·oË·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· new Material Modification for Baruipara-Furfura ¤·¸§Ý· (3) 0.01 (4) 80.00 193.45 0.00 248.07 (5) (6) (7) 0 80 0.18 30.00 0 30 0 0.00 30.00 0 30 0 175.80 0.00 20.00 0 20 0 261.38 0.00 20.00 0 20 0 299.60 0.00 20.00 0 20 0 288.35 0.00 30.00 0 30 0 ··Ý··À{ÝÝ···Ä§Ý·zÝ·À¤·ÝÀ··i· Tarapith - Rampurhat Provision of 3rd line oÛ··°·····Ü 62.43 0.00 0.01 0 0.01 0 Ý··oÄ·À·ÝzÝz¬ Ý·q·Ý·Ý·¤··¤·À¤·À Dankuni - Bhattanagar ··i··¼ t···ÝzÝz¬ Ý·q·Ý·Ý via CC line (west) Doubling with one h¸·¸n··Ç·¤·¸§· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· 60.15 0.00 0.01 0 0.01 0 204.08 54.08 150.00 0 150 2.33 116.02 100.86 0.50 0 0.5 0.89 new line ¤·Ï´¸·······À{·À¤·À··i· ···¤·À¸v···q·´v·¸oÛ·À Sainthia-Tarapith - 3rd line Plassey-Jiaganj (54.29 km) Boinchi-Shaktigarh - 3rd line (25.83 km) ··Ëi´t·À ·¸n·q·}®·À¤·ÝÀ··i· ¸oÛ·À ¸·Ý·Ḯ·À··q···Äݸo·À Pirpainti - Bhagalpur (59.06 km) ¸·°́¤·Ë·r··zÝ··v·Ëݧݷzݤ·oµÛÄ·ÝË··Ë Princepghat - Majerhat Doubling of circular oÛ· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À railway (4.98 km) ·´|Ë···Ëi´t·À·À¤·ÝÀ··i· Bandel-Boinchi - 3rd line (30.53 km) ¸oÛ·À ·Çh·À·ÄhoÛÝ·h·ÏÝ·v··v· ·Äv··Ý·À·Äv···Àj·Ä·Ë¸Ý·· ·Àݸ ···ÄݸoÛ·Àh·ÏÝ ·Äv···À·§ÝÝ·§Ý·zݸoÛ·À·iµ ··i··Ë́oËÛ·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë···Ë́ ¤·¸§Ý· q·ÄÝ· ·¸n·q·}®·À¤·ÝÀ··i·oÛ· ¸·¤··Ý¸oÛ·À additional loop at Bhattanagar New Alipore-Akra & Budge Budge-Pujali with new Material Modification for Pujali-Uluberia (Birshivpur)(10.25 km) & Pujali-Bahrahat(9.75 km)new lines Gurap-Saktigarh Extension of 3rd line (26 km) C-19 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Nof fixed. oÛ··µ h·Ä·ÇÝoÛ ·v·zÝ ·Ì ··¸·· Work included in supplementary budget 2011¸oÛ··q······c·¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ 12. Target not fixed. oÛ··µ h·Ä·ÇÝoÛ ·v·zÝ ·Ì ··¸·· Work included in supplementary budget 2011¸oÛ··q······c·¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ 12. Target not fixed. ·Çh·À·ÄÝhoÛÝ·¸oÛ·À ·Äß§Ý·Ë q·iµNew Alipur-Akra (9.76 km) §ÏÝ ·v· ·v··Äv···À ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m commissioned. Budge-Budgem¤·h·Ý·À oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· ·Äß Pujali (11 km) land acquisition ¸oÛ·· q··· §ËÝ ·Äv···À·§ÝÝ·§ÝzÝ ¸oÛ·À taken up under SRP.PujaliBahrahat (9.75 km) and Pujali h·ÏÝj·Ä·Ë¸|®Ý··¸oÛ·À Ulbenia (10.25 km) ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ C-20 Completed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ·§Ý··q·Ý·¸Ý·§Ý··¸Ý··Ëv···m´ Metropolitan Transport Projects Ý·~··r··zÝ··q··´·¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· Ranaghat-Bongaon Electrification 17.98 16.61 1.37 0.00 0.05 0.00 ··Ý·¤···§¤····· ݸ·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· Barasat-Hasnabad Electrification 37.70 24.94 12.76 0.00 0.36 0.01 Ý·~··r··zÝq·Ë|Ë ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· Ranaghat-Gede Electrification 32.35 29.19 3.16 0.00 0.20 0.0012 j·ÝËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· Northern Railway Ë··|®Àݷ˧ݷoÛ¸oÛ·À New Lines (Construction) Rewari-Rohtak (81.26 km) 475.28 433.73 37.64 -1.17 36.47 35.28 v·À´ ݤ··Ë·À··¸oÛ·À Jind-Sonepat (88.9 km) 401.83 258.07 133.30 32.34 165.64 169.21 v···§ÝÝ····Ë§ß····Äq··oÛ··· Ý Jawarhar Lal Nehru Port Ý· ÝÝÀ·Ý·¤··h§Ý· Ý··· Ý······ÄÝ Tughlakabad-Dadri via ¤··¸·µ··zÝÀ··Ó|Ý·jtt··ÄÝ···Ý Ahmedabad & Palanpur Dedicated multimodal ··········q·¸···Ý··Ç¸· high axle load freight h¸·q·°§Ý~· 1664.00 400.00 1000.00 ¤··Ë··q·Ý·Ä¸·····¤··¸·µ· Sonenagar-Ludhiana Dedicated multimodal ·zÝÀ··Ó|Ý·jtt··ÄÝ···Ý··· ·······q·¸···Ý··Ç¸·h¸·q·°§Ý~· high axle load freight 1316.00 316.00 1000.00 corridor - Land acquisition corridor - Land acquisition C-21 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) h´¸·· oÛ·À·Ë ·À ¸··Ý~· oÛÀ Final bills for PSI pending for 23.03.2001 ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m want of sanction of final ·Àm¤·h·iµ oËÛ ¸·m h´¸·· ¸·· variation statement. ·oÛ···§ÏÝ 23.03.2001 zÝÀ¤·À Û·i· oÛ·Ë ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m OHE final bill for BGL-Gede ·iµ ·Àv·Àm·q·Ë|ËÝ §ËÝ·Ä ¸ ·Ý·Ë·¸Ý ·· pending for want of TC file, h´¸·· ¸·· ¤·À·Àh·Ëh·Ý·À Ý·Ý· ¸·m taken by CVO/RB. MM pending with q·m m·m· h·Ä··· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝ oËÛ estimate Railway Board for sanction. ··¤·¤·ÀoÊÛ¸·oËÛ¸·m·oÛ···§ÏÝ May, 2005 ¤···q·°À ¤······ h·ÏÝ oÛ·À·Ë ·À Final bills pending due to 31.12.2002 ¸··Ý~· oÛÀ ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· h´¸·· material reconcilation and of variation ¸·· ·oÛ··· §ÏÝ h Ý Ý ··¤··· sanction statement. 2 Nos of ····Ë·oÛ···§ÐÝ 31.12.2002 arbitration pending. ·r·ÄoÛ·ÀÏÝ·Ë ·À cases are ·ÄÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ·iµ ··i· ·¬Äß oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Completed. CRS sanction is awaited for opening of new ¤·Àh·Ým¤·¤·ÀoÊÛ¸·oÛÀ·°·Àc··§ÏÝ Minor variation line. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h·ÏÝ ¸·£·· Ý· oËÛ Funds kept to ··´|ÇÝ ¹·|Ý·Ý· ¸oÛ·À ÛÝ·ÝÀ Pandu Pindara Bhambewa ( 20 h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· Ýp·À q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·· commensurate the progress ·oÛ ···Ë··q··Ë§Ý·~·· ¸oÛ·À ÛÝ·ÝÀ km) by February, 2012. and execution of the work so ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ Bhamewa - Gohana (20 km) ·Ì···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À |ÝÀmÛ¤·À¤·Ë¤·´·´¸·· minor variation expenditure. Pertain to DFC |ÝÀmÛ¤·À¤·Ë¤·´·´¸·· Pertain to DFC in C-22 February, 2013 not fixed. ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Chandigarh-Baddi (33.23 km) (2) 328.14 0.30 (4) 0.01 (5) -0.01 (6) 0.0001 Ë··´ Ý·Äv·ÛÝ·q·ÝÞ|®oÛÀ Deoband (Muzaffarnagar)-Roorkee ¸o·À 160.10 121.50 38.60 -4.6 34 16.09 815.16 49.59 36.60 -33.6 3 3.54 4295.30 40.00 6.61 oÛ·¸ Ý··´··¤··iµ··i· Qadian - Beas - New Line (39.68 km) ¸oÛ·À 205.22 0.00 0.01 -0.01 0 0 ··´q··|ÏÝ·····|®Ý·¸oÛ·À Nangal Dam-Talwara ·iµ·|®À··i·h·ÏÝ·ÄoÛË ¸Ý··´····|®Ý· (83.74 km) - New broad gauge line & taking over ¸oÛ·À¤··i¹|Ýq·oÛ· siding Mukerian-Talwara h¸·q·°§Ý~· 730.00 321.57 23.00 4.11 27.11 27.79 h··Ë§ÝÝÛ·¸v·oÛ·¸oÛ·À Abohar-Fazilka (42.717 225.45 215.47 3.33 5.33 8.66 10.87 102.79 87.57 6.67 0.68 7.35 7.98 t·´|Àq·}®·ÝÝÀ¸o·À (3) (7) 0.16 (27.45 km) ···Ä··À¸···¤··ÄÝ·ËÝÀ ¸oÛ·À Bhanupalli-Bilaspur-Beri (63.1 km) lÛ¼£·oË ·oÛ~·µ·°··q·¸o·À Rishikesh-Karnaprayag (125.09 km) (29.16 km) km) ·Ý~···Ý~·q··Ëi´ Ý···¸o·À Tarantaran-Goindwal (21.5 km) C-23 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À (8) Minor variation (9) ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ |ÝÀiµ ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝ oÛ·Ë ·°¤·Ä· Not fixed. DE has been ¸oÛ·· q··· §ÏݷǸ· oÛÀ h·Ä····· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· submitted to Railway Board. h· ·ÏoÛ¼·oÛ ¤······ oÛÀ v··´t· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· Due to non availability of land it ¸·¸· t·· ¸oÛ·· q··· ·· ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· h´¸·· was decided to check other ¸·~·µ· ¸ Ý·· v···· §ÏÝ r···Ï¸··· oÛ··oÛ· ¤·Ë alternative solution. Final · ¬ÝiÀ oÛ·Ë v··Ë|®Ý·ËË oËÛ ·ÏoÛ¼·oÛ ¤·´ËÝc·~· oÛÀ decision yet to be conveyed by Board.Alternate alignment to v··´t·oÛÀv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝ connect Baddi from Ghanaulio Kalka being examined. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h·ÏÝ ¸·£·· Ý· oËÛ Funds kept to ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ ··q·· ··q·À Ý·ÝÀ Not fixed. Cost sharing project. h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· Ýp·À q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·· commensurate the progress ·¸Ý··Ëv···m´ j·Ý ·° ËÝ · ··q· ·Ì ·Ç¸· Land acquisition is in progress and execution of the work so h¸·oÛq·°§Ý· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ j·Ý·´t·· ·Ì in UP portion, major bridges, ·Ì···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À minor variation in ·°·Äp· ·Ä··Ì ¸·ÝÀ ¤·´·´·À oÛ··µ h·ÏÝ uÜ·ËzËÝ ·Ä··Ì earthwork and miknor bridges expenditure. taken up in Uttaranchal. oÛ·oÛ··µ ·Ä߸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h·ÏÝ ¸·£·· Ý· oËÛ Funds kept to ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ Ý·v· ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý ··q·· Not fixed.State Govt is not h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· Ýp·À q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·· commensurate the progress ··q·À Ý·ÝÀ ·Ì ·Ï··Ý ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ ·§Ý·Ë ¸oÛ·À oËÛ agreeing for cost sharing. and execution of the work so ¸·m{ËÝoËÛoÛ·Ëh´¹··ß· Ëݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝ Contract for first 3 km finalised. ·Ì···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À oÛ··µ h·Ý·Àm·m· Ý·Ý· ¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝ ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À minor variation in expenditure. ¸··´¸·· The work being controlled by ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ mÛm·m¤· RVNL h··´¸··¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ oËÛ ¸·m {ËÝoÛ· Not fixed.Tender invited. for FLS ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝoÛ ·v·zÝ Not fixed.Work included in Supplementary Budget 2011·Ì ··¸··¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝ Minor variation 12. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h·ÏÝ ¸·£·· Ý· oËÛ Funds kept to ·´q·· |ÏÝ·t·Çß zÝoÛÝ···h´· h´ Ý·ÏÝ· Nangal Dam Churaru - Takrala h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· Ýp·À q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·· commensurate the progress ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ ·Äß oÛÝ -Amb Andaura (44.25 km) and execution of the work so ÝÀ q·iµ §ÏÝÝ·v· ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý ··q·· ··q·À Ý·ÝÀ ·Ì completed and ·Ì···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À minor variation in ·Ï··Ý ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝ oÛ··µ ßoÛ q··· §ÏÝ n··Ì¸oÛ ·Ç¸· commissioned.State Govt not expenditure. agreeing cost sharing. Work oÛÀ··q···}®Ýq·iµ§ÏÝ held up as land cost has gone up. h´¸·· Ý·¸··· ·ÇÝÀ oÛÝ·Ë h·ÏÝ ·´|Ý·Ý Additional funds were oÛ··µ ··¤·¸·oÛ ß· ¤·Ë ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë 31.7.2010. Work was ¤·····Ëv·· oËÛ ¸·m h¸·¸Ýn· ¸·¸· required to meet final liability q··· ·· ·´Ý·Ä ¤·Àh·m¤· ¸·ÝÀc·~· v·Ä··iµ physically completed but the oÛÀ h·· ·oÛ·· ·À n··Ì¸oÛ oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· and store adjustments as ·Ì ¸oÛ·· q··· ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ h·ÏÝ t···Ç §Ý·Ë CRS inspection could only took the work was targetted to q·iµ§ÏÝ place in July 2012.Completed oÛÝ·ËoËÛ¸·m¸···µ¸Ý··· complete. & commissioned. ·À|Ý·Ç ¤···q·°À oÛÀÝ ··q·· oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· Re-appropriation was done ·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ·Ä·¸·¸···Ëq· ¸oÛ·· q··· to meet with cost of PW which was ·· v··Ë¸oÛ ËÝ··· · ·À··Ì oËÛ h¸·¸Ýn· material |Ëݸ·zÝ oËÛ ¸·m ·· ·Ì h¸·oÛ §Ý·Ë q·iµ exceeded in expenditure for additional debits of track ·±À machines. C-24 Completed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (2) 1093.59 (3) 716.31 (4) 70.00 (5) 62.9 (6) 132.9 (7) 134.77 10.81 0.00 0.00 150.89 150.89 0.00 110.49 108.96 1.50 2.83 4.33 4.33 166.61 148.98 14.50 -4.8 9.7 9.7 ¤··¸§Ý···· Ýh··´ ݸ·§Ý·Ý¤·ÝÀ·Ý Sahibabad-Anand Vihar 3rd & 4th line (4 km) ·À··i·¸oÛ·À 88.86 87.49 0.46 3.48 3.64 3.64 j·Ë¸zÝ··v··ÛÝ··· Ý ·Ë£· Utretia-Zafrabad ¸oÛ·Àp·´|ÝoÛ· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·Ý···Ë·ÀDoubling of balance 148 km section with new hoÛ·Ýq·´v·¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ ¤·Ä·····ÄÝh·Ë{ÝÀ¸oÛ·À MMs for Rae Bareli Akbarganj (46.9 km) & ·iµ··i··Ë́oË·mh···Ý·Ç· Sultanpur - Amethi h· ··Ë···Ë´¤·¸§Ý· 369.90 122.66 60.00 -31.33 28.67 32.53 ·Äq··oÛ··· Ýv··i´ÝzÝo˸······ Tughlakabad (Joint Cabin)-Palwal - 4th line ·À··i·¸oÛ·À 173.39 103.39 70.00 0 70 70.1 36.08 35.58 0.17 20.18 20.35 22.64 149.86 109.86 40.00 10 50 49.48 t·´|ÝÀq·}®Ý·Ä¸·····¸o·À h·····¸Ý··µ· ¸ ·ÀË··|®À¸o·À ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· h·Ý·§Ë Ý·oÛ´·oÛ·{ÝË ¸o·À §Ý··Ä|® oÛ´·oÛ·{Ý˸o·À (1) Chandigarh-Ludhiana (112 km) Gauge Conversion Delhi-Rewari (83 km) Doubling Amroha-Kankather (30 km) Hapur-Kankather (42.71 km) (29.22 km) - new lines (33.5 km) p·Äp·Ý······À·· Khukrana-Panipat v··p·····¤··m¤··Àh·Ýp·´|Ý·Ý Jakhal-Mansa - Doubling on SPR section Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛ~· C-25 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h·ÏÝ ¸·£·· Ý· oËÛ Funds kept to oÄÛuÜ ··q· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h· ··q· oÛ·Ë Some portion has been h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· Ýp·À q·iµ i¤·¸·m ·· commensurate the progress v···ÝÀ·oÛ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝ completed. Other part is and execution of the work so targetted by January, 2013 ·Ì···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À minor variation expenditure. in oÛ··µ h·Ý·Àm·m· Ý·Ý· ¸·£··¸ Ý· The work is being executed ·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ by the RVNL ¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝ Completed oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ Completed oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ Completed oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ Completed oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ¸·¸· Ýp·À Funds kept to ÛÝ·ÝÀ ·oÛ ¤·Ä····ÄÝ ·Ý·Ï·À 1.Sultanpur-Pskhrauliq·iµ ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À ¤··º·· commensurate the progress ·· ÏÝ·· ¸oÛ·À v···ÝÀ Bhadaiyan (15.17 km) by Feb, Ý·¸···h·ÏÝ·´|Ý·Ý|Ëݸ·zÝoËÛoÛ·Ý~·§ÏÝ of work. Variation in ·oÛ ·´´·Äh· oÛ··Ä¸ ·· ·q·Ý ¸oÛ·À 2013 (2) Bandhua Kalan - Shiv expenditure is due to {ËÝoÛË·Ä·h··´¸··¸oÛmq·m Nagar (13.00 km) by Jan, committed liability and store debits. ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À 2013. Tender re-invited. L ·À·Àmt·ÛÝÀ Ý··· Ý zÝ·j· ¤zËÝ ···Ì oËÛ (i) Encroachment between ·Àt· h¸·o¯Û·~· h·À ·§ÝÁ §ÝzÝ· §ÏÝ LL BVH-Faridabad town stations ¸¤·q··· oËÛ·· oÛÀ oÛ·À LLL i´v·À oÛÀ q·ÏÝ yet not removed. (ii) Scarcity of j····· ¤··· ··· h·ÏÝ ··ÓoÛ ···· signal cable.(iii) Non availability of Engg. Time Allowance and h¤··ÏzÝÀ¸oÛ·À·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ Minor variation blocks. Palwal -Asaoti (10 km) completed. oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ ¸oÛ·· q··· h·ÏÝ Ý·v· ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý h·ÏÝ commensurate the work and ·À|Ý·Ç ¤···q·°À oÛ·Ë ·Äq···· ¸oÛ·· making payment to State Govt and PW materials. q··· Completed oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ·ÇÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ Completed C-26 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 92.82 Û·Û···kÛi··§Ý··· ݸoÛ·À Phaphamau-Allahabad (3) 5.00 (4) 20.00 (5) -17.89 (6) 2.11 (7) 2.11 (12.9 km) ···¤···¹zÝ|Ý·t·Ý~·, Mansa-Bhatinda (PhaseI) 157.00 2.21 30.00 -19.5 10.5 10.28 ··Ë§ÝzÝ·· ·Ëiµ ¸oÛ·À Lohta-Bhadoi (39 km) 133.70 1.00 20.00 -11.89 8.11 8.11 h´····uÜ···À··|Ý®t·Ý~·, Ambala Cantt-Dhapper (Phase-I) 131.00 1.00 20.00 -10.6 9.4 9.41 t·noÛÀ·Ï´oÛ·Ý·Ë·À¸oÛ·À Chakki Bank-Bharoli (3.5 km) 12.55 1.00 10.00 -6.6 3.4 3.37 v···´·ÝuÜ···À¤·Ätt·À¸·´|Ý Jalandhar Cantt-Suchi ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~·¤·¸§Ý· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Pind - Doubling with electrification (3.5 km) ¸oÛ·À ¤··´··¸·v···ÄÝv··Ç·¤·´·Ý·Ä··ÝSambha-Vijaypur Jammu - Doubling across ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· 13.02 1.00 10.00 -9.02 0.98 0.99 39.24 1.00 11.00 -8.9 2.1 2.12 Bhadohi-Janghai (31 km) 89.11 1.00 9.80 -8.1 1.7 1.7 oÛ{Äh·····Ë·ÄÝ·´v···Ý··À·Ä··Ý Kathua-Madhopur Punjab - Doubling across ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· 84.03 1.00 15.00 -9.22 5.78 5.91 16.28 0.00 5.00 -5 0.0001 0 71.46 0.00 10.00 -10 0.0001 0 264.82 0.00 5.00 -5 847.76 818.76 20.00 5.3 25.3 25.42 Basanter bridge · Ý·Ëiµ v·´r·iµ¸oÛ·À Ravi bridge oÛ{Äh·····Ë·Ä·Ä·¤·´· Kathua-Madhopur Doubling accross bridge oËÛkÛ· ·Ë§ÀoÛ~· No.16,18 & 19 ¸·Ý···´q······¤··Ä·· ·Ë§ÀoÛ~· Mirthal-Bhangala Doubling across Beas bridge j·Ë¸z··Ý···Ë·À¸oÛ·À Utretia-Rae Bareli (65.6 v···´·Ý·{Ý··oÛ·ËzÝv··Ç··À ¸o·À km) Jalandhar-PathankotJammu Tawi (211.26 km) C-27 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ ¸·ÝÀ ¤·´·´·À h·ÏÝ q·´q·· ·Ä· oÛ· Not fixed. Contracts for earthwork and Ganga Bridge ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so {ËÝoËÛoÛ·Ëh´¸··ß· Ëݸ Ý··q··· variation in expenditure is nil finalised. ·Ç·§ÏÝ oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ 31..3.2013 oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ Not fixed oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ 31.3.2014 oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ Not fixed oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Fund kept commensuratre to ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì ···Ç·À the progress of work. So minor variation in oÛ·À·Ë ·À§ÏÝ oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· expenditure Fund kept commensuratre to ··Ëv···oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý··t·µ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À the progress of work. So minor variation in ·Ç·§ÏÝ Not fixed March, 2015 as per planning. expenditure oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ÛÝ·ÝÀ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ February, 2013 oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Fund kept commensuratre to ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì ···Ç·À the progress of work. So minor variation in oÛ·À·Ë ·À§ÏÝ Not fixed expenditure oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Funds re-appropriated to ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì oÛ·À·Ë ·À commensurate the work so variation in expenditure is nil ·Ç·§ÏÝ Not fixed oÛ··µ oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· Fund kept commensuratre to ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· ·Ì ···Ç·À the progress of work. So minor variation in oÛ·À·Ë ·À§ÏÝ Not fixed h·Ý·Àm·m··¸Ý··Ëv··· expenditure RVNL project oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°·¼· oËÛ h·Äß· ¸·¸· Fund kept commensuratre to ··t·µ ¸·¸···Ë¸v·· ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· the progress of work. So minor variation in ·Ì···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À§ÏÝ expenditure C-28 March, 2014 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ·iµ¸ ·À¸··oÛ·Ä··À´·{ÝÀ New Delhi-Tilak Bridge 5th & 6th line (2.65 km) ··i·¸o·À Ý···¤·Àq·°Ë|ݤ·Ë·ËzÝÝ Dayabasti - Grade (2) 65.77 (3) 59.70 (4) 5.00 (5) (6) (7) 54.15 28.89 25.00 -1.35 23.65 22.5 208.40 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 195.64 102.08 30.00 18.50 48.50 49.86 230.03 129.60 33.00 -25.29 7.71 8.27 243.78 18.33 1.00 0.79 1.79 2.35 16.06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 separator ·Ç··Í·ÝËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· ¸oÛtuÜ·p·zÝÀ··¸oÛ·À ·§Ý·Ý·v·q·´v··¤·Ýp·¸oÛ·À ·¤·Ýp·ÝË··r··zݸoÛ·ÀoËÛ·· ·iµ··i·§ÝË·Äh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· ¤·¸§Ý· §Ý·Äh··zÝ·À North Eastern Railway New Lines (Construction) Kichha-Khatima (57.7 km) Maharajganj-Masrakh (35.49 km) with material modification for new line between Masrakh-Rewa Ghat (30 km) Hathua-Bhatni ¸uÜ··Ï·À·Ä·oÄÛ§ÝÀÝ·|Ë Ý¸oÛ·À Chhitauni-Tumkuhi Road (58.88 km) Ý···ÄÝ···oÄÛh·´oÛ·{Ýq··Ë Ý·· Rampur-LalkuanÝ···ÄÝoËÛ¤··À·Ý·£zÝÀ³ ·Ý·v···q·µ·Ý Kathgodam - Road over bridge on National kÛ·ÝÀ¤·|ÝoÛ·Ä· Highway near Rampur C-29 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent h·Ý·Àm·m··¸Ý··Ëv··· (8) RVNL project mÛm·m¤··°q·¸··Ì ¤··izÝ ·Ý h¸·o¯Û·~· v·Ëv·Ë ¤·· ··Ë|µÝ Encroachment at site be ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Ý·Ý· ·Ä···µ¤· i¤·¸·m ·Äß ·§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· resetted by JJ Slum Board, therefore, work could not be v··¤·oÛ· (9) FLS is in progress. Not fixed taken up. h·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement Not yet fixed ·§Ý·Ý·v·q·´v·¸·£~·Ä·ÄÝ ·§ÄÝ··´ ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ Maharajganj-Bishunpur, completed. ·oÛ¸·£~·Ä·ÄÝ·§ÄÝ··´· ·Ýp· Mahuwan Bishunpur-Mahuwan Mashrakh by 31.3.2012 ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement §Ý·Äh··zÄÝh· ··v··Ý ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ ·zÄÝh· Hathua-Batua Bazar completed. Batua Bazar ··v··Ý·´t· ËÝ··À·oÛ ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·oÛ ·¸·····¸uÜ··Ï·À ·Ë£· Paniyahwa - Chhitauni by 31.3.2012. Balance not yet h·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ Panchdewari by 31.3.2012 h·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ´ C-30 fixed. Not yet fixed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 h·····¸Ý··µ· h·Ḯ¸|ݧݷÝv··Ï··ÄݸoÛ·À ··Ëv·À·ÄÝ·zÝ·oÛ·ÄÝ·Ý·¤···À·À·À· ¸oÛ·À q··Ë´|Ý··§ÝÝ·it·q··Ë́|Ý··§ÝÝ·it· ¤·À···ÄÝ·p··kÛoËÛt·Ý~·,oËÛß· ·Ë́¸oÛ·À q··Ë́|Ý·q··ËÝp··ÄÝ·Ç·h··´ Ý·q·Ý ··Ï····´¤·¸§Ý· (1) Gauge Conversion Aunrihar-Jaunpur (2) Bhojipura-Tanakpur via Pilibhit (101.79 km) Gonda-Baharaich - As phase-I of GondaBahraich-SitapurLucknow (60 km) Gonda-Gorakhpur loop with AnandnagarNautanwa oÛ···ÄÝoÛ·¤·q·´v···ÄÝ··oÛ·¤·q·´v· Kanpur-Kasganj-Mathura ·ÝË·À···oÄÛh·´·ÝË·À¤·Ë···oÄÛh·´ & Kasganj-Bareilly·oÛ¸·¤··Ý§ÝË ·Äh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· Lalkuan incl. material modification for ¤·¸§Ý·¸oÛ·À oÛ···q·´v····Ë¤·À···uÜ·Ý· ¸oÛ·À ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· q··Ë́|Ý···oÛ··ÄݸoÛ·À uÜ·Ý·moÛ··¸oÛ·À ¤·§Ýv·····Ä́|ÝËÝ··¸oÛ·À extension from Bareilly to Lalkuan (544.5 km) Kaptanganj-ThaweSiwan-Chhapra (233.5 Doubling Gonda-Mankapur (28.17 km) (4) (5) (6) (7) 160.43 170.60 5.17 0.33 5.50 4.86 195.64 29.04 30.00 -20.04 9.96 9.96 73.42 34.20 1.50 0.64 0.86 0.86 414.87 337.30 100.00 39.78 139.78 44.80 1207.22 1117.77 100.00 34.00 134.00 140.83 522.56 381.09 50.00 40.00 90.00 91.21 86.80 59.46 15.00 -14.15 0.85 0.85 86.50 83.40 3.00 -3.00 0.00 0.01 Sahjanwa-Munderwa (32.19 km) Babhnan-Mankapur (30.15 km) 121.57 109.36 30.06 -0.06 30.00 29.36 127.62 117.95 12.00 -7.70 4.30 4.35 moÛ··v·ÀÝ· ÝËiµ¸oÛ·À Ekma-Jiradei (43.6 km) 111.62 136.04 13.00 -4.94 8.06 8.07 ·Ä́|ÝË Ý·······¸oÛ·À Munderwa-Babhnan (45.25 km) Gorakhpur CanttBaitalpur (34.13 km) 161.94 167.37 30.00 -16.77 14.23 14.33 154.46 133.82 20.00 1.75 21.75 21.04 96.56 85.05 20.00 19.68 39.88 4.14 ·······oÛ··ÄݸoÛ·À Chhapra-Ekma (30 km) (3) q··ËÝp··ÄÝuÜ···À·Ï····ÄÝ ¸oÛ·À r··r·Ý·r··zÝt··ÏoÛ·r··zݸoÛ·À Ghagharaghat- Chowkaghat (5.63 km) ·zÝ·Àv·ÀÝ· ÝiË µ ¸oÛ·À Bhatni-Jiradei (38.11 km) 102.27 141.35 20.00 -0.70 19.30 19.80 ·zÝ·À·Ï····ÄݸoÛ·À Bhatni-Baitalpur (35.27 km) 148.46 58.85 60.00 -21.00 39.00 40.10 ··Ý··´oÛÀ·Ä}Ý··h·´¸ ·oÛ Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À Barabanki-Burhwal Patch doubling (29 km) 154.98 72.35 75.00 -9.30 65.70 63.83 C-31 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ h·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ´ Completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement h·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ´ Not yet fixed ·c··°··ÏÝ q··ËÝp··ÄÝ··Ï····· ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h··´ Ý·q·Ý Gorakhpur-Nautanwa ·Ý§Ý·À ·oÛ ·Ë£· p·´|Ý h·À completed. Anandnagar-Barhni by 31.3.2012. Balance section ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ Achieve the target Not yet fixed not yet fixed. ·c··°··oÛݸ···q···§ÏÝ oÛ···ÄÝ··ÄÝ· ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ Kanpur - Mathura completed. Bareilly Lalkuan by ·oÛ·ËÝ·À···oÄÛh·´ Achieve the target 28.02.2012 ·c··°··oÛݸ···q···§ÏÝ oÛ····q·´v····Ë¸¤·····ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Kaptanganj-Thawe-Siwan completed. ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement q··ËÝp··ÄÝoÐÛzÝt··ÏÝÀt··ÏÝ··ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Gorakhpur Cantt Chaura completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement h·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not yet fixed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement v·ÀÝ· Ý·iµ··zÝ·Ý Ý··À ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ ··zÝ·Ý Jiradai-Bhatpar Rani completed. Bhatpar Rani Ý··À·zÝ·À·oÛ ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·zÝ·À·Ï····ÄÝ·oÛ ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·Ä|Ý···v·§Ý·q·ÀÝ··· Ý·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Achieve the target C-32 Completed - Chauri Bhatni by 31.3.2012 Bhatni - Baitalpur by 31.3.2012 Burhwal-Jahangirabad completed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 ·kÛi´ Ý·Ý·h·´¸ ·oÛ Ý·Ë§ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· ¸oÛ·À h·Ï¸|ݧݷݷ´|ÝÆh·|ÝÀ§Ýh´ ·· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À q··ËÝp··Äݤ·§Ýv····¸oÛ·À ·Ç··Í·Ý¤·À··ËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· ·Ç··Ëi··q·Ä|®Àv··Ëq·Àr··Ë···Ç··· ··Ëi··q·Ä|®ÀÝ·|Ë Ýh·ÏÝ·Çt·´q·°·´|Ý· t·´q·°·´|Ý·¸oÛ·ÀoËh···· ·¸Ý··µ·¤·¸§Ý· (1) Mau-Indara - Patch doubling (8 km) (2) 65.52 (3) 45.95 (4) 29.00 (5) -11.07 (6) 17.93 (7) 18.23 160.89 0.00 10.00 -7.00 3.00 2.63 135.00 122.41 20.00 -4.00 10.00 17.36 1655.81 690.45 300.00 8.22 308.22 365.77 532.87 31.39 6.60 -0.1 6.5 6.5 385.20 46.05 60.00 -13 47 47.06 850.00 7.98 10.00 -9.5 0.5 0.47 Agartala-Sabroom (110 km) Jalalgarh-Kishanganj (50.077 km) 1141.75 170.74 100.00 56 156 157.07 359.86 0.71 1.00 -0.5 0.5 0.52 Bhairabi-Sairang (51.38 km) Sivok-Rangpo (44.39 km) Jogbani-Biratnagar (Nepal) (18 km) 2393.48 2.89 50.00 -48.5 1.5 1.52 3380.58 52.63 200.00 -200 0 0 241.52 0.00 0.00 0 20 0 4083.02 0.81 40.00 -39.3 0.7 0.69 222.21 0.54 100.00 -95.75 4.25 4.44 Aunrihar - Manduadih Patch doubling (38.80 km) Gorakhpur-Sahjanwa (17.7 km) Northeast Frontier Railway New Lines (Construction) New MoynaguriJogighopa with gauge conversion of New MalMoynaguri Road and New ChangrabandaChangrabanda (3 km) hݸ··q··q·¸···{Ý·oÄÝq·´v· Araria-Galgalia (Thakurganj) (100 km) ¸o·À ·Ë·Ë¸·····Àµ§µ Ý·zݸo·À Teteliya-Byrnihat (21.5 ÝÀ···ÄÝo۷˸§··¸oÛ·À hq·Ý···¤··ß·¸oÛ·À v····q·}®¸oÛ ··q·´v· ¸oÛ·À ·ÏÝ··À¤·ÏÝ·´q·¸oÛ·À ¸¤···ËoÛÝ·q´ ···Ë¸oÛ·À km) Dimapur-Kohima (88 km) v··Ëq···À¸·Ý·zÝ·q··Ë···¸o ·À ··Â§Ý·zݼ ···´q·¸o·ÝÀ Byrnihat-Shillong (108.4 km) Kaliyaganj-Buniadpur (33.13 km) oÛ·¸···q·´v··Ä¸··· Ý·Äݸo ·À ···ÇÝr··zݸ§·À¸o·À Balurghat-Hilli (29 km) ·ÄoÛ·Í́q·¤·Ë·ËoÛ··¤·Àr··zݸo Murkongselek - Pasighat (30.617 km) ·À moÛ··p·À···ÇÝr··z¸oÛ·À Eklakhi-Balurghat (87.11 km), Gazol-Itahar (28 q·v··Ë·i·§Ýݸo·Àh·ÏÝ Ý··q·´v·i·§ÝݸoÛ·ÀoËÛ·m km) & new Material Modification for Raiganjh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· Itahar (21.8 km) C-33 242.22 1.25 100.00 -79.5 20.5 20.97 165.82 0.00 23.50 -23.35 0.15 0.15 703.17 233.02 80.00 -73.9 6.1 6.31 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement h·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not yet fixed ··¤·¸·oÛh·· ·oÛ··oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per actual requirement ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·¸c·· p·´|Ý·Ì oÛ·Ë ·Äß oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Allotment is less in ··t·µ h·· ·oÛ·· oÛÀ ·Ä··· ·Ì h··´zÝ· comparison to requirement for opening of targetted oÛ·§ÏÝ March, 2014 section. ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ··t·µ March, 2014 ··t·µ March, 2015 ··t·µ March, 2014 ··t·µ March, 2015 ··t·µ March, 2015 ¸ ݤ·´·Ý December, 2015 ··Ý·À· ··q· oËÛ ¸·m {ËÝoÛ· ¸···µ¸Ý· Contract for Indian portion ··t·µ finalised. oÛݸ···q···§ÏÝ ··t·µ March, 2015 ··t·µ March, 2015 ··t·µ ··t·µ March, 2015 ··t·µ March, 2015 C-34 March, 2017 March, 2015 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 6.5 (6) 21.5 (7) 21.12 3.40 0.1 3.5 3.33 2163.61 195.00 25 220 217.03 415.73 160.72 87.00 -15.13 71.87 71.62 4444.00 395.19 100.00 205.3 305.3 286.75 1717.29 555.17 283.00 242.95 525.95 552.57 Aluabari Road-Siliguri (76 km) via Galgalia 453.04 348.90 40.00 3 43 43.08 Lumding-Dibrugarh (628 km) incl. link branch lines of Haibargaon-Mairabari (49 km) & SenchoaSilghat (56 km) 956.29 911.98 23.01 -20.01 3 3.75 ···¹|Ýq·¸¤··t·¸·q·°¸Ì |ݤ·· Lumding-Silchar ¸|Ýz·ËÝoÛt·Ë|®Ý·¸oÛ·À· ÝÝ·Äݤ·Ë incl.Migrendisa·ÏÝ·q·°··¸o·Àh·ÏÝoÛÝÀ·q·´v··Ý Dittockchera (198 km), ··iµ··¤·¤·¸§Ý··ÏÝ·q·°·· Ä···t·ËÝ· extension from Badarpur¸oÛ·À·oÛÝÀ·q·´v··ÏÝ£··¤·· Bairagram (44 km) and new Material Modification ¸oÛ·ÀoËh·····¸Ý··µ 4255.37 2663.83 283.00 74 357 349.66 ÄÝ···Ëiµ ·Ì·À···Ý¸oÛ·À oÄÛ··Ýr··zÝhq·Ý···¸oÛ·À ··Ëq·À·À··Ä·¸|Ý·Ç̄q·}®Ý·j·ÝÀ·ÐoÛ ··i·oËÛ·Àt·¤·´·oµÛ··i·¤·¸§Ý· ¸o·À §ÝÝ·Ä·À·§ÝÝ··q·Ä·¸oÛ·À ¸v·ÝÀ···i´Û··¸oÛ·À h·····¸Ý··µ· ´·¸q····ÄoÛ·Í́q·¤·Ë·ËoÛ¤·´·Ý ··Ýp·· ··i··Ì¤·¸§Ý·¸oÛ·À h·Äh···|®ÀÝ·|Ë Ý¸¤··Àq·Ä|®À¸o ·À·Ý·¤··q··q·¸··· ···¹|Ýq·¸|Ý·¯Ç¯q·}®¸oÛ·À §Ï·Ýq··´··ÏÝ···|®À¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ ¤·Ë·t··Ëh·¸¤··r··zݸoÛ·ÀoÛÀ ¤·´·oµÛ ··p····i··Ë́¤·¸§Ý· (1) Dudhnoi-Mendhipathar (19.75 km) Kumarghat-Agartala (109 km) Bogibeel bridge with linking lines between Dibrugarh & North Bank line (46 km) Harmoti-Naharlagun (20 km) Jiribam-Imphal (97.9 km) Gauge Conversion Rangiya-Murkongselek, alongwith linked fingers (510.33 km) for GC of BairagramDulabchera with bypass at Karimganj (29.4 km) & Karimganj-Maishashan (10.3 km) C-35 (2) 178.47 (3) 45.11 (4) 15.00 984.98 937.72 3230.02 (5) PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ··t·µ March, 2013 ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ¸ ݤ·´·Ý December, 2015 ··t·µ March, 2012 ¸v·ÝÀ···zÄÝ·Ä· ··t·µ ·oÛ h·ÏÝ zÄÝ·Ç· Jiribam-Tupul by March, 2014 and Tupul-Imphal by 2016 iÛ···oÛ h···oÛ··oÛÀ·Ä····Ìh··´zÝ·oÛ· Allotment is less comparison to allotment in ··t·µ March, 2013 ··t·µ March, 2011 ·´¹|Ýq·¸|Ý·¯Äq·}Ý ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ Lumding-Dibrugarh completed ·Ì ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ ¤·Ì¸t···¸¤··r··zÝ ·ÇÝÀ and commissioned in 1995Senchea-Silghat §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ 2002. §ÏÝ·Ýq··´··ÏÝ···|®ÝÀ ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ completed and commissioned oÛ·Ë ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ p·´|Ý oÛ·Ë on 15.4.2009, Haibargaon oÛ·Ë p·Ä·À ··i· oÛ·Ë ¤··Ð· ¸ Ý·· Mairabari completed and commissioned on 25.12.2009 §ÏÝ and section handedover open line on 22.1.2010 ¸ ݤ·´·Ý C-36 December, 2013 to ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Katihar-Jogbani with extension upto Radhikapur, KatiharTejnarayanpur and new Material Modification for Raiganj-Dalkhola (43.43 km) - new line oÛ·z·p···Ï··À¸oÛ·À Katakhal-Bhairabi (84 km) ·Çv····iµq·Ä|®ÝÀ¸¤··Àq·Ä|®ÝÀ·Ç New Jalpaiguri-Siliguri·´q··iµq··´···i· ··p····i··ËÌ ¤·¸§Ý· New Bongaigaon line h·ÏÝt···¤···n¤····|®À¸oÛ·À alongwith branch lines & new Material Modification ·iµ··i·oÛ····h···Ý·Ç· for Chalsa-Naxalbari (16 h· ··Ë·· km) - new line 85 (6) 110 (7) 12.14 50.00 -27 23 22.31 1012.59 25.00 -14 11 10.82 21.81 26.53 0.54 -0.49 0.05 0.06 147.50 125.46 10.00 7.93 17.93 17.93 Ambari Falakata - New Moynaguri (36.52 km) 257.93 257.93 0.00 0.01 0.01 0 New Coochbehar Samuktala Road (29.02 km) 190.40 0.00 10.00 -9.99 0.01 0 oÛ¸zݧݷv··Ëq···ÀÝ·¸·oÛ··ÄÝ oÛ¸zݧݷݷËv···Ý··~··ÄÝ·oÛ¸·¤··Ý h·ÏÝÝ··q·´v· Ý·p··Ë·· ¸oÛ·ÀoË·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· ¤·¸§Ý· ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· (2) 1041.79 (3) 714.29 (4) 25.00 223.01 81.17 1489.06 (5) Doubling ··· Ý·h·Ë|Ý··· Ý··§Ý··´ ÝÀ·Ä· Malda-Old Malda ·ÝË···oÛ· ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Doubling of track over Mahanandi bridge (0.385 ¸oÛ·À km) ·Çq·Ä··§Ý·zÝÀ¸|Ýq··ßh·´¸ ·oÛ New Guwahati-Digaru ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·Àt·Ý~·, Patch doubling (29.81 km) (Phase-I) h´··ÝÀÛ··oÛ·zÝ··Ç··Ëi··q·Ä|®À ¸oÛ·À ·ÇoÛÇt·¸·§Ý·Ý¤··ÄoÛ···Ý·|Ë Ý ¸o·À C-37 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) ··t·µ·oÛÝ··q·´v·|Ý·p··Ë·· (9) Raiganj - Dalkhola by March, 2015 ··t·µ March, 2014 m·m· t···¤·· ·n¤·· ··t·µ ·oÛ MM Chalsa-Naxal by March, h·ÏÝm·m·Ý·v··zÝp····v·Ð·À···§ÝÁ 2015 and MM RajabhatkhawaJainti not fixed. C-38 ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ··t·µ March, 2015 ··t·µ March, 2015 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ݸc·~·ËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Southern Railway New Lines (Construction) ¸·´¸|···¸v·´v·À¸·Û·····Ï Tindivanam-GingeeTiruvannamalai (70 km) ¸oÛ·À 227.40 52.74 30.00 -17.25 12.75 15.88 ¸·´¸|·····q··À¸oÛ·À Tindivanam-Nagari (179.2 km) Attipattu-Puttur (88.30 km) 582.83 68.36 71.00 -47.24 23.76 40.52 446.87 10.78 6.66 -6.48 0.18 0.19 Erode-Palani (91.05 km) 589.37 40.02 32.00 -31.83 0.17 0.18 523.52 25.07 6.66 -6.16 0.51 0.53 137.71 34.19 6.66 -2.78 3.88 4.07 945.73 441.56 30.00 124.13 154.13 173.43 550.00 87.34 83.00 -77.47 5.53 28.7 601.43 0.00 1.00 -1 0 0 415.49 384.39 1.00 1.19 2.19 2.29 905.62 495.66 10.00 17.07 27.07 27.9 214.18 159.17 10.00 10.85 20.85 21.84 h¸··z¬zÄ ·Ä·Ç¸oÛ·À iµ·Ë|···À¸oÛ·À t·Ë·ÏoÛ|·Ç··¤···§···À·Ä· Chennai-Cuddalore via Mahabalipuram (179.28 ¸oÛ·À ¸·Û······q·ÄÛ···Ç¸oÛ·À km) Tirunnavaya-Guruvayur (35 km) oÛߤ·Ë··¸oÛ·Àh·Ïݤ·Ë·· Karur-Salem (85 km) ·ËÝÇÝ|Ï·¸oÛ·À ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·with new Material oËÛ·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· Modification for Salemh´q····À¤··¸···¸oÛ·À Mettur Dam (43.43 km) doubling Angamali-Sabarimala (116 km) Madurai-Tuticorin via Aruppukkottai (143.5 km) h·····¸Ý··µ· ¸·Û¸tt······ ÄÏ ¸oÛ·À ¸·£·Ä·Ä·oÛ·z··|À¸oÛ·À Gauge Conversion Trichy-Manamadurai (150 km) Villupuram-Katpadi (161 km) ····· ÄÏ ¸·Û Ä·q·¸oÛ·À ManamaduraiVirudhunagar (66.55 km) C-39 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛÀ ··ÏÝ· ·¸·· ··|ÄÝ Details of land acquisition ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý oÛ·Ë ·°¤·Ä· oÛÝ ¸oÛ·· q··· §ÏÝ submitted to the Tamilnadu Ý·v· ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý ·Ë ·Ç¸· ·Äh··v·Ë oËÛ ¸·m State Government. State Ý·¸ · v··· oÛÝ··Ë oÛ·Ë oۧݷ §ÏÝ i¤· Govt has asked for deposit towards land Ý·ÏÝ·· ·°·Äp· ·Ä··Ë oËÛ ¸···µ~· oËÛ amount compensation and the same ¸·m mËv·Ì¤·À ¸···µ¸Ý· oÛÀ q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ ···µ· ·Ç¸· ¸···Ë has been deposited. In the mean time, agency fixed for ·Ý·Ëq··{ËÝoÛË h··´¸··¸oÛmv··m´q·Ë Not fixed oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÐÝ ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed mÛm·m¤· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ ·Ç¸· FLS completed. Land ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ acquisition is under process. h¸·q·°§Ý~·oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ ·¸Ý··Ëv···oÛ·Ë·´ ÝoÛݸ Ý··§ÏÝ Project has been frozen. Not fixed ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ·Ï··Ý ¸oÛ·· v·· ݧݷ Detailed estimates under ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ preparation. §ÏÝ Not fixed ¤···µv·¸·oÛ ¸·Ý·Ë· oËÛ mÛm·m¤·oÛ·ËÝ·ËoÛ¸ Ý··§ÏÝ Not fixed construction of 6 bridges and work progress. After adequate land, tenders will be called. major is in getting mega Works is in progress oÛ·Ý~· FLS is held up due to public ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ protest. ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· ¤··¤·· h·ÏÝ ······ Delayed due to land acquisition problem and court cases. ¤·´·´·À·····ÌoËÛoÛ·Ý~·¸··´· ·Ç¸·h¸·q·°§Ý~·oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ Land acquisition is under h´q····À····|ÝÀp·´|Ý·oÛ process Angamali-Laladi 31.3.2013 mÛm·m¤· h···Ë¸v·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Tender is being called for ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ conducting FLS {ËÝoÛË h··´¸··¸oÛmv··Ý§Ý˧ÐÝ Not fixed oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝ Commissioned ·Ḉß§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Work completed ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· oÛ·Ë uÜ·|Ë Ý®oÛÝ oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë Work completed electrification q···§ÏÝ oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝ Completed except ·Äß section by §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· oÛ··µ ¸···µ¸Ý· Commissioned . Electrification works not fixed ·§ÝÁ§ÐÝ C-40 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ¸ ´|Àq····Ë··t·À···noÛ·|· Dindigul-Polachi-Palghat ··Ë··t·ÀoÛ·Ë·´··Ç¸oÛ·À & Polachi-Coimbatore (2) 900.00 (3) 273.73 (4) 150.00 (5) -9.39 (6) 140.61 (7) 151.85 1005.19 110.60 150.00 -57.5 92.5 96.93 282.66 7.00 15.00 -13.14 1.86 1.94 547.96 425.36 10.00 30.35 40.35 42.34 1029.00 614.51 75.00 -2.11 72.89 79.99 441.69 351.76 25.00 -23.52 1.48 1.51 572.32 161.90 10.00 -9.74 0.26 0.26 556.64 144.85 10.00 -5.21 4.79 4.79 210.76 89.11 18.63 -12.87 5.76 5.67 85.70 5.21 75.00 -74.33 0.68 0.66 84.87 56.45 14.54 -11.08 3.46 3.38 68.74 41.13 1.00 2.12 3.12 3.07 102.35 54.46 35.00 -19.36 15.64 15.2 (224.88 km) ··¸···|Ä·ÄÏ ¸·Û·ßoÛ·ÏnoÛÄ|Àh·ÏMayiladuturai-TiruvarurKaraikkudi & ¸·Û·ÄÏ·Ä́|Àhq·¤····À ¸· ·´q······q·Ä|À··i·oËÛ·Ä· Tiruturaipundi¤········Ýq·Ä|ÝÀ·ÄoÄ Û·Ëi¤·¸§· Agastiyampalli, incl · ÄÏ ··Ë¸ ···no۷ǸoÛ·À restoration of NeedamangalamMannargudi line and Mannargudi-Puttukottai Madurai-Bodinayakkanur ( 90.41 km) ¸·Û¸t····À··q··ÏoÛ·ÏnoÛ·· Tiruchchirappalli-Nagore··q··¸z¬z···Ë·´oÛ·À¸·Û·ÄÏ ·Ä́|À·oÛ Karaikal with extension of Nagapattinam¸·¤··¤·¸§· VelankaniTiruthiraipundi oÛ·Ë··¸·Û·Ë··Ë¸·¸·Ût·Ë́ Ç h·Ï Quilon-Tirunelveli·Ë·oÛ· ·À¸·Û Ä·q·¸oÛ·À Tiruchendur & TenkasiVirudhunagar (357 km) · ÄÏ ··Ë ··¸oÛ·À oÛ|·Ç¤·Ë····¤···ÊÝ·t··· ¸oÛ·À Madurai-Rameswaram (161 km) Thanjavur-Villupuram (192 km) Cuddalore-Salem via Vriddhachalam (191 km) ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling ·´v···Ç¸·£·Ä·Ä·¸oÛ·À m~··µoÛÄ···Ä·´·ÄÛ¸·¸oÛ·À Ernakulam-Mulanturutti (17.37 km) t·Ë·Ï·Àt·oÛ·ËÛnoÛÄ·Ëz·À¤·À··i· Chennai BeachKorukkupet - 3rd line (4.1 ¸oÛ·À ···Ë·ÀoÛ·oÛ···oÄ·· ¸oÛ·À t·Ë··|oÛ···oÛÄ··¸oÛ·À ···Ë·ÀoÛ·t·Ë́q··Çh·´¸ ·oÛ ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À km) Mavelikara-Kayanakulam (7.89 km) Cheppad-Kayanakulam (7.76 km) Mavelikara-Chengannur Patch doubling (12.30 km) C-41 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝ (8) Under progress oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝ work under progress (9) 31.3.2013 ·Ï···|ÇÝÄ·ÇÏݸ·ß·ßÝ ·Äß §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h· Myladuthurai-Thiruvarur commissioned. Other sections p·´|ÝoÛ··c·¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ target not fixed. {ËÝoËÛ h·ÏÝ ¸·¸· Ý·h·´ oÛ·Ë h´¸·· ß· Contract and tenders are ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ under finalisation ¸ Ý··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝ oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝ Not fixed ¤··À p·´|Ý ·ÇËÝ §Ý·Ë q·m §ÐÝ h·ÏÝ ·Äß oÛÝ ¸ Ým q·m All sections completed and except §ÐÝ oËÛ·· ··q···¸ÝÝ··¸·ß·ÄÏÝ·Ä́|ÝÀ ··Ý·¤·· commissioned ¸·ßnoÇÛ··Ï oËÛ· uÜ·Ë|®ÝoÛÝ ¸v·¤··Ì ·c· Nagappattinum-Tiruturaipundi via Thirukkuvalai in which ¸···µ¸Ý··§´ÝÀ§Ý· work under progress target not fixed 31.3.2013 oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝ Work completed ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned h·Ý·Àm·m·oÛ··µ RVNL work ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned h·Ý·Àm·m·oÛ··µ RVNL work ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned ·°¸o¯Û···À·§ÏÝ Under process ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed C-42 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 63.02 (3) 22.89 (4) 23.01 (5) -16.01 t·Ë·Ï·Àt·h¸··zzÄt··Ï·À··i· Chennai Beach-Attipattu 4th line (22.1 km) ¸oÛ·À 102.42 5.23 62.00 · ÄÏ ¸ ´¸|q··h´·· Ä·ÄÏ oÛ·Ë|oÏ Û··· Madurai-Dindigul (incl. Ambaduturai·Ë|¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À 249.72 206.22 185.77 t·Ë··|§¸· h·´¸ ·oÛ ·Ë§ÀoÛ~· Cheppad-Haripad Patch doubling (5.28 km) ¸oÛ·À ·Ä·´·Ä߸·oÛÄÛ····¸oÛ·À ¸t·´q··Ç¸t·´q·····¸oÛ·À oÛ´oÛ··¸|··´·Äßh·´¸ ·oÛ ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À t·Ë́q···zzĸ·£·Ä·Ä·¸oÛ·À ··´·Ý·t·Ë́q···ÝÇ ··µ····ÀzÝÝ ··i·oÛ·¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~·¤·¸§Ý·h···· ·¸Ý··µ·oÛÝ·À¤·ÝÀ··i· ¸oÛ·ÀoËh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· Kodaikannal Road) (62.05 km) MulanturuttiKurruppantara (24 km) Chinganur-Chingavanam (26.5 km) Kankanadi-Panambur Patch doubling (19 km) Chengalpattu-Villupuram (103 km) with new Material Modification for Tambaram-Chengalpattu - 3rd line by GC of existing MG line alongwith electrification (30 km) oÛÄÛ·´··¸t·´q·····¸oÛ·À Kurruppanthara- (6) (7) 7 6.79 -58.25 3.75 3.68 41.00 -35.05 5.95 5.08 46.12 50.00 -11.04 38.96 32.68 222.95 45.83 50.00 -16.54 33.46 20.66 149.20 10.67 40.02 -33.77 6.26 6.01 708.66 273.44 100.03 51.05 151.08 93.24 346.15 24.30 1.00 0 1 1.03 125.25 13.47 10.00 -0.56 9.44 9.51 Chingavanam (26.54 km) h´····Ä£··§¸· ¸oÛ·À Ambalapuzha-Haripad (18.13 km) ¸·£·Ä·Ä·¸ ´¸|q··¸·Ä·ÀoÛ~· ¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À Villupuram-Dindigul (with electrification) (273 km) 1197.70 30.63 150.00 -150 0 0 ¸·Û··ÇhnoÛ·Ë~··t··Ï·À··i· Tiruvallur-Arakkonam 4th line (26.83 km) ¸oÛ·À m~··µoÛÄ··oÛÄ́···h´ ·· Ernakulam-Kumbalam Patch doubling (7.71 km) ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À 81.92 3.40 1.00 -1 0 0 71.32 3.61 25.00 -23.65 1.35 1.36 C-43 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed (9) Commissioned ÛÝ·ÝÀ oËÛ Ý·ÏÝ·· ··° Ý·Ý· Detailed estimate sanctioned ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Feb, ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· by GM during q··· §ÏÝ ··p·· ¤·´ oÛÀ h·¤·´Ýt··· 2011.Superstructure of Br ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ ¤·Ï· oËÛ q·|µÝÝ ··§ÝÝ No.44 is in progress, 4 ¸oÛm q·m h· oÛ··µ oËÛ ¸·m {ËÝoÛ· gerders cast out of 17 span. For other work tender oÛ··µoÛ¯ ··Ï··Ý¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝ Commissioned ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned ·°¸o¯Û···À·§ÏÝ Under process ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ·°¸o¯Û···À·§ÏÝ Under process ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ··ÝÀ··|µÝoÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ Heavy yard work is under ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ progress. Not fixed ·°¸o¯Û···À·§ÏÝ Under process ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed mÛm·m¤· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ ¸·¤·Ê· FLS completed and detailed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ estimate prepared. h·Ä····Ï··ÝoÛݸ···q···§ÏÝ Not fixed mÛm·m¤· oËÛ ¸·m mËv·Ì¤·À ¸···µ¸Ý· Agency fixed for FLS and is ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ in progress. oÛÀq·iµ§ÏÝh·ÏÝ·§Ý·°q·Ë¸··Ì§ÏÝ Not fixed h·Ý·Àm·m··¸Ý··Ëv··· RVNL project h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m··¸Ý··Ëv··· RVNL project h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL schedule preparation. are under h·Ä··· oÛÀ ¸··Àc·· oÛÀ v·· ݧÝÀ §ÏÝ Estimate is under vetting. ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Preliminary works are in ·°·´Ý¸·oÛoÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ progress. C-44 Not fixed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 h·Ë··Ä·ËËÇÝ|Ï·¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· ¤·¸§Ý· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À (1) Omalur-Mettur Dam Doubling with electrification (29.03 km) (2) 149.61 (3) 0.00 (4) 2.00 137.35 0.00 190.10 (5) (6) (7) 0 0 0 1.00 0 0.32 0.32 0.00 0.01 0 0 0 580.37 574.04 1.00 10.39 11.39 10.58 98.00 97.68 0.32 1.03 1.35 1.35 140.10 127.83 5.51 3.76 9.27 9.27 695.00 24.42 17.00 -16 1 0 h·Ë·Ä····¸Ý··ÀoÊÛ£~······ ObulavaripalleKrishnapattnam (113 km) ¸oÛ·À 788.81 301.49 164.30 0 164.3 0 ···Ë§ÝÝ··· ÝoÛ·ËzÝ···À ¸oÛ·À Manoharabad-Kotapalli (148.9 km) 670.04 40.74 30.00 -28 2 0.02 ¸·£~·Ä·ÄÝ·v····§Ý·|®Ý¸oÛ·À Vishnupuram-Janapahar (11 km) 60.72 52.74 5.00 2.98 7.98 11.63 v·qq····ËzÝ···t·ËÞ·Ä ¸oÛ·À···t·ËÞ·Äv····§Ý·|® ¸oÛ·ÀoËÛ·mh···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· ¤·¸§Ý· JaggayyapetMallacheruvu (19.1 km) with new Material Modification for Mallacheruvu-Janapahar (24 km) Cuddapah-Bangalore (Bangarapet) (255.4 km) 291.53 85.53 12.00 50.6 62.6 21.65 1090.23 80.79 100.00 -45 55 0 Bhadrachalam RoadSattupalli (56.25 km) 337.50 10.00 0.01 0 0.01 0 Gudur Durgarajapatnam (41.55 km) 277.74 0.00 1.00 0 1 0 o´ÛÄ ·····ÄÝ·ÇÝh´ ·· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Kumbalam-Thuravur Patch doubling (15.59 ¸oÛ·À km) ·´v···ÄÝ··Ë···Ï··Ë···Ï¤·Ë·§Ý·Ë Thanjavur - Ponmalai ··iµ··¤···i·oËÛ¤··· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Doubling (46.96 km) with a bye-pass line before ¸oÛ·À Ponmalai (1.13 km) oÛ··ÀoÛz·´q··Ç¸oÛ·À iÛq·ÇoÛ·Ë·´··Ç¸oÛ·À h¸··ÝÇ oÛ·ËÛnoÛÄ·ËÏ ·À¤·À··i· ¸oÛ·À ݸc·~···ËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· Calicut-Mangalore (221 km) Irugur-Coimbatore (17.70 km) Attipattu-Korukkupettai 3rd line (18 km) South Central Railway New Lines (Construction) o۷˸zÝ··À·Ý¤···ÄݸoÛ·À Kotipalli-Narsapur (57.21 km) oÛ|¬|···Ë́q··ÇÞ·´q··Ý·ËzÝ ¸oÛ·À ··t···Ý·Ë|ݤ·z¬zÇ··À ¸oÛ·À q·Ä|Ç Ý Äq··µÝ·v······ ¸oÛ·À C-45 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ··q· ¸·¤·Ê· ··ÏÝ· ·Ï··Ý ¸oÛ·· v·· ݧݷ Part detailed estimate is ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ under preparation §ÏÝ Not fixed ¸·¤·Ê···ÏÝ··Ï··Ý¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝ Detailed estimate is under ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed preparation. ¸·¤·Ê···ÏÝ··Ï··Ý¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝ Detailed estimate is under ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed preparation. ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned ·ÄßoÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Commissioned ¸ ݤ·´·Ý ·oÛ ¤·Àh·Ým¤· CRS inspection is planned oÛ·ËßoÄÛ··Ïm··ÏÝ p·´|Ý t···Ç §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ m··ÏÝ Korukkupettai-Ennore section by December, 2012 commissioned. Ennore¸·ÝÀc·~·oÛÀ··Ëv···§ÏÝ hÝÀ··Çp·´|Ý·oÛ Attipattu section by 31.12.2012 q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted work oÛ··µ h·Ý·Àm·m· Ý·Ý· ¸·£··¸ Ý· The work is executed by RVNL ¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝ ·· ··¤·¸·oÛ ·Äq·····Ë́ h·ÏÝ ·´|Ý·Ý·Ë´ Expenditure towards oËÛ·°¸·¸oÛ··q··· ·· ··¤·¸·oÛ ·Äq·····Ë́ h·ÏÝ oËÛ·°¸·¸oÛ··q··· ·· ··¤·¸·oÛ ·Äq·····Ë́ h·ÏÝ oËÛ·°¸·¸oÛ··q··· incurred is q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted work contractual payments and stores ·´|Ý·Ý·Ë´ Expenditure incurred is oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ ·Äß oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Work completed and ready for towards contractual ·Ï··Ý§ÏÝ commissioning. payments and stores ·´|Ý·Ý·Ë´ Expenditure incurred is v·qq····ËzÝ····t·Ëß·Ç ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ Jaggayyapet-mallacheruvu towards contractual oÛ·Ë ······· oËÛ ¸·m p··Ë· ÝÀ completed and opened for payments and stores q·iµ §ÏÝ ··· ¤···q·°À ¤·´ ··Ë·· ·°q·¸· ·Ì §ÏÝ q·ÏÝ traffic on 23.3.12. New material modification is in progress. Non·¸c··oÛ··µ targetted work. q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted work ···oÛ··µh·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ§ÏÝ New work sanctioned estimate q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted work not q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted work q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted work C-46 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (2) 617.63 (3) 410.27 (4) 60.00 429.49 349.49 567.47 q·Ä··q··µ·À ÝݸoÛ·À Macherla-Nalgonda (92 km) Gulbarga-Bidar (140 km) q·|Ý··Ý··t·ÇݸoÛ·À oÛ·¸oÛ··|Ý··À{Ý··ÄÝ·¸oÛ·À ·ËÝ···ÀoÛÝÀ··q·Ý¸·v······ Ý ¸oÛ·À ·´ Ý····ËÝ·q·Ä́zÝ··¸oÛ·À (1) Peddapalli-KarimnagarNizamabad (177.49 km) 30 90 (7) 81.04 40.00 52.9 92.9 149.83 146.93 60.00 20 80 85.37 363.26 50.27 33.00 -32 1 0.08 554.55 244.63 46.00 20 66 16.06 Gadwal-Raichur (60 km) 228.09 189.09 39.00 0 39 31.87 Kakinada-Pithapuram (21.5 km) 125.68 0.11 0.01 0 0.01 0 Nandyal-Yerraguntla (126 km) ·Ä·ÀÝ··· Ý·§Ý·Ç··q·Ý¸oÛ·À Munirabad- (5) (6) Mahabubnagar (246 km) ··t·ËÝ·····q··Ë́|Ý·¸oÛ·À h·····¸Ý··µ· hoÛ·Ë···Ç~··µ¸oÛ·À q·Ä́zÝÇÝq·Ä́·oÛ··q·Ä́·oÛ·oÛ·ÇÞ ¸oÛ·À·Ë́|ÝËoÛ·Çq·Ä·À·iµ ··i··oÛ·ÇÞ···µ·Ý·oÛ·Ëj{Ý··Ë ¤·¸§Ý·¸oÛ·À oÛ·zÝ··|ÝÀ··oÛ···¸·Þ·¸· ¸oÛ·À ·Ä Ýp·Ë|Ý h·¸ Ý···· ݸoÛ·À ···µ·Ý··oÛ···¸oÛ·À ¸¤·oÛ´ ÝÝ··· Ý·Ä Ýp·Ë|Ý·v··oÛ··ËzÝ ··Ë··¸oÛ·À Gauge Conversion Akola-Purna (210 km) 646.36 641.95 1.50 1.89 3.39 3.21 Guntur-Guntakal & Guntakal-Kalluru (478 km) incl. PendekalluGooty new line with lifting of Kalluru-Dharmavaram (76 km) 593.52 589.07 1.00 0 1 0.97 Katpadi-Pakala-Tirupati (104 km) 226.81 217.34 1.00 0 1 0.17 Mudkhed-Adilabad (167 km) Dharmavaram-Pakala (227 km) Secunderabad-Mudkhed & Janakampet-Bodhan (269 km) 346.62 245.07 10.00 0 10 2.37 610.07 569.48 10.00 0 10 25.91 374.31 362.28 1.00 0 1 0.24 C-47 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· ·Äq·····Ì Expenditure incurred is oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ì§ÏÝ ·zݸݷ·Ì h·ÏÝ ·´|Ý·Ý·Ì oËÛ ·°¸· ·· towards land acquisition, contractual payments, rails ¸oÛ··q··· (9) work in progress and stores. ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· ·Äq·····Ì Expenditure incurred is ·zݸݷ·Ì h·ÏÝ ·´|Ý·Ý·Ì oËÛ ·°¸· ·· towards land acquisition, contractual payments, rails ¸oÛ··q··· and stores. ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· ·Äq·····Ì Expenditure incurred is ·zݸݷ·Ì h·ÏÝ ·´|Ý·Ý·Ì oËÛ ·°¸· ·· towards land acquisition, contractual payments, rails ¸oÛ··q··· and stores. h·Ä··· oÛ·Ë h·À ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ¸oÛ·· v···· Estimate yet to be q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ sanctioned §ÏÝ oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý Ý·v· As per progress of work, ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý oÛÀ ·¸Ý··Ëv··· ··q·· State Govt agreed to share ·Ì··q·À Ý·ÝÀoËÛ¸·m·Ï··Ý§Ý·Ë q·iµ 50-50 project cost Non targetted project ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· ·Äq·····Ì Expenditure incurred is ·zݸݷ·Ì h·ÏÝ ·´|Ý·Ý·Ì oËÛ ·°¸· ·· towards land acquisition, contractual payments, rails ¸oÛ··q··· and stores. q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted project oÛ··µoÛÀ·°q·¸·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý oÛ··µoÛÀ·°q·¸·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per progress of work As per progress of work ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·······oËÛ¸·mp··Ë· ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝ Opened for traffic ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Completed C-48 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· ······À·Ä···ËzÝq·Ä·À Ý¸Ë ~·q·Ä́zÝ·oÛ·t·Ý~·,¸oÛ·À q·Ä·ÀÝ¸Ë ~·q·Ä́zÝ·h´ ·· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· ¸oÛ·À Ý··t·ÇÝq·Ä́·oÛ·¸oÛ·À q·Ä́zÝÇÝoÊÛ£~···§ÝݸoÛ·À (2) Doubling Balapally-Pullampet Phase-I of GootyRenigunta (31.5 km) Gooty-Renigunta - Patch doubling (151.04 km) Raichur-Guntakal (81.1 km) Guntur-Krishna Canal (27.12 km) Samalkot-Kakinada Port (15.6 km) ¤····oÛ·ËzÝoÛ·¸oÛ··|Ý···· ¸oÛ·À Ý·r···ÄÝ··´ Ý···ÝÀ¸oÛ·À RaghavapuramMandamari (24.47 km) h´ ··¸·§ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 97.00 95.00 0.50 532.00 485.75 46.00 221.93 149.99 38.00 120.75 117.44 2.00 0 2 0.67 123.03 109.60 10.00 0 10 0.65 136.23 10.39 75.00 50 125 1.52 1514.45 8.47 80.00 0 80 0 85.66 1.00 40.00 0 40 0.08 129.90 0.00 10.00 0 10 0 85.89 0.00 10.00 0 10 0 350.29 341.69 2.00 0 2 0 188.23 185.03 2.70 0 2.7 0.98 274.86 0.55 122.00 -107.31 14.69 16.13 Patch tripling Ý·Ḯ|Ýq·Ä··q··µ ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Daund-Gulbarga Doubling (224.9 km) and ¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ·Ä~·Ëq·Ä́·oÛ· Pune-Guntakal ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À ·´t·ËÝ····ËÝ··ËzÝh´ ·· ¸·§ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À q·Ä́zÝÇ Ý·Ë···À¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~·¤·¸§Ý· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À Electrification (641.37 km) Mancheryal-Peddampet Patch tripling (4.37 km) Guntur-Tenali - Doubling with electrification (24.38 km) oÊÛ£~·······Ë́oÛzÝ·t··· Krishnapatnam¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~·¤·¸§Ý· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Venkatachalam Doubling with ¸oÛ·À §Ý·Ë¤··ËzÝq·Ä́·oÛ·¸oÛ·À q·Ä|ÝÇÝÝ˸~·q·Ä́zÝ·¸oÛ·Àh·ÏÝ Ý¸Ë ~·q·Ä́zÝ·¸·Þ·¸·¸oÛ·À ݸc·~··Ç·µËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· ··Ë··iµt·´|ÝÀh·Ý····q·¸oÛ·À electrification (23 km) Hospet-Guntakal (115 km) Gudur-Renigunta (83 km) & Renigunta-Tirupati (9.34 km) South Eastern Railway New Lines (Construction) Bowaichandi-Arambagh (31 km) C-49 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation (9) ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· ·Äq·····Ì h·ÏÝ ¤···q·°À Contractual payments and ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ material adjustment. ¤·····Ëv·· oÛ··µoÛÀ·°q·¸·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ··t·µ As per progress of work Completed h·Ý·Àm·m· March, 2013 RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL ¸·c·Ë·oÛ··µ Deposit work h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL oÛ··µoÛÀ·°q·¸·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý As per progress of work q·ÏÝ·¸c··oÛ··µ Non targetted work ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÏÝ Completed ·· oÛ· h··´zÝ· ·°·· ·· ¤·Ë h¸·oÛ Fund allotment was more ··t·µ ·· ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛÀ ·À h· ···Ä¤··Ý than as projected. Land ·°q·¸· ·§ÝÁ §ÄÝiµ i¤·¸·m oÛ··µ oÛ· acquisition is also not ¸·£·· Ý· ·§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· q··· i¤·¸·m ·· progressing as expected. Hence, execution of work h·º··oÛݸ Ý··q··· could not done. Hence fund surrender. C-50 March, 2015 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 533.63 ÝÀr··v··Ë¡·Ý¸oÛ·À ÝÀr·· Digha-Jaleswar (41 km) mq·Ý·¸oÛ·ÀoËÛ·mh···Ý·Ç· with new Material Modification for Dighah· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· (3) 0.10 (4) 150.00 (5) -147.40 (6) 2.60 (7) 2.61 Egra (31 km) ·· ÇzÝ·Ë ··x··Ýq·°···Ý·¤·····q·}® ¸oÛ·À §Ý·|Ý· h·····|Ýq ·¸uÜ··t·´··|Ý·q´ ·· ··ÝoÛË ¡·Ýh·····q····h·ÏÝ v·´q·À··|®·ÄÛÝÄÛÝ· ·ÝÀÛ ¸oÛ·ÀoÛ····h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· Badutola - Jhargram via Lalgarh (54 km) 289.64 0.00 1.00 -0.99 0.01 0.01 Howrah-Amta, BargachiaChampadangaTarakeshwar, AmtaBagnan & new Material Modification for Janghipara-Furfura Sharif (12.3 km) 499.16 129.89 250.00 -222.96 27.04 29.97 ···ÄoÛ ÝÀr·· Ý Ë ··¯·~··´ ÝÀq·¯··h·ÏÝ Tamluk-Digha, DeshpranoÛ·´{ÝÀmq·Ý·¸oÛ·ÀoÛ···· Nandigram with new Material Modification for h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë·· 723.71 371.89 100.00 -77.00 22.70 24.70 Kanthi-Egra (26.2 km) h·····¸Ý··µ· Gauge Conversion Þ·¤····´q·ÝÀ··Ë¤·À¸oÛ·À Rupsa-Bangriposi km) (90 639.97 170.47 2.00 0.72 2.72 3.72 Ý·´t·À··Ë§ÝÝ|Ý·q·· zÝ·ËÝÀ ·oÛ ¸·¤··Ý Ranchi-Lohardaga with extension to Tori (113 ¤·¸§Ý·¸oÛ·À 456.45 137.97 20.00 5.65 25.65 25.65 km) C-51 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·· oÛ· h··´zÝ· h·· ·oÛ·· ¤·Ë Fund allotment was more v·Ç· h¸·oÛ ·· ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛÀ ·À ·Ç·µ than requirement. Land oÛÀ ··´¸· h· ···Ä¤··Ý ·°q·¸· ·§ÝÁ §ÄÝiµ acquisiton is not progressing i¤·¸·m ·ÇÝË ·· oÛ· j···Ëq· ·§ÝÁ ¸oÛ·· as expected earlier. Hence, v·· ¤·oÛ· ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝ full fund could not be utilised. Detailed estimate has not Ý·Ý·¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ¸oÛ··q··· June, 2013 been sanctioned by Railway Board. oÛ··µoËÛ¸·£·· Ý··ÝÝ·ËoÛ·À There was restriction execution of work. of ··|Ýq·¸uÜ··t···|Ý·q´ ·· ·Ì Ý·v· ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý State Government has not ··|Ýq·¸uÜ··t···|Ý·´q·· oÛÀ ·Ç· zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À Bargachia-Champadanga yet handed overland in ·À ¤·´ ··Ë¸·· zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À ··t·µ original TDC 31.8.07. Revised ·Ëh·À·o۷Ǹ··§ÝÁ¤··Ð·À§ÏÝ Bargachhia-Champadanga. §ÏÝ · ··Í ¸¤··´·Ý ·oÛ ·Ç¸· TDC March, 2014 subject to land being available by Sep, j···oÛÝ· ÝÀv··m 2012 ËÝ ··°···´ ÝÀq·°·· ·Ì ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oËÛ Land acquisition in the h·Ýiµ oÛ··µ·ÇËݧݷËq·m oÛ··µ ·Ì h·Ëc··oÊÛ·Ý ·°q·¸· ·§ÝÁ §ÄÝiµ Deshpran-Nandigram is not i¤·¸·m·ÇË ··oÛ·j···Ëq··§ÝÁ§ÄÝh· progressing as expected. Completed RE work. Hence, full fund has not been utilised. ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· h·ÏÝ ·´|Ý·Ý Ý·¸···h·Ì oÛ·Ë Fund ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë Rupsa-Baripada ( 52 km) required for ß·¤···¸Ý· Ý· 29.1.06. ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë h·ÏÝ ··i· t···Ç oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ commissioning the line and oÛ·Ë t···Ç oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· §ÏÝg commissioned to meet contractual and ·¸Ý· Ý···´q·ÝÀ··Ë¤·À oÛ· oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ Baripada-Bangriposi completed ¸·m¸·¸·oÛÀh·· ·oÛ··§ÏÝg store liabilities. CRS inspection h·ÏÝ oÛ·Ë ¤·Àh·Ým¤· Ý·Ý· ¸·ÝÀc·~· and sucessfully done on 22.12.10 ¤·Û····Ç·µoÛoÛݸ···q···§ÏÝg ·· c·Ë· oÛ·ÛÀ ·|®ËÝ ·Ç··q· ·Ì ÏÛ·· Forest area is exremist Ý·´t·À··Ë§Ý·Ý Ýq·· oÛ· oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg Ranchi-Lohardaga completed. §ÄÝh· §ÏÝ ¸v·¤·oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· infested area which seriously ··Ë§Ý·Ý Ýq···ÝoÛÀt·´·À oÛ· oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· Lohardaga-Barkichampi ·ÄÝÀ ·Ý§Ý ¤·Ë ·°··¸·· §ÄÝiµ §ÏÝg i¤·oËÛ affected the progress of the §ÏÝg ·ÝoÛÀt·´·ÀzÝ·ËÝÀ oÛ·Ë ¸ ݤ·´·Ý ·oÛ completed. Barkichampi-Tori Moreover, fund ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝg by December, 2012 h···· moÛ ¸·§Ý·iµ h·ÏÝ Ý·Ë ¸·§Ý·iµ work. to spend h·Ä··· oÛ·Ë ···m Ýp··Ë oËÛ ¸·m Ý·v· surrender ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý oËÛ p···Ë ·Ì h¸·oÛ ·· oÛÝ·Ë expenditure more in State Govt Account to maintain oËÛ¸·m¸·¸·h·º··oÛÀq·iµg 1/3rd 2/3rd ratio. C-52 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 1175.95 (3) 375.63 (4) 90.00 (5) -36.07 (6) 53.93 (7) 53.99 ¸zݸoÛ····|Ý· ¤·´·Ý·q··uÜÀ ·À ··i· Tikiapara-Santragachi 4th line (5.6 km) ¸oÛ·À 49.79 32.91 10.00 -5.00 5.00 5.00 q··ËoÛÄ ··Äݸ· Ý···ÄÝ·Ä·¤· Gokulpur-Midnapur Bridge No.143 52.14 39.47 25.00 -19.71 5.29 10.29 · Ý··§Ý·|Ý··´¤····À Padapahar-Banspani 155.28 149.25 5.00 1.40 6.40 8.90 ··Ý·À····Ýv··· Ý·¸oÛ·À Barbil-Barajamda km) 52.51 46.07 5.00 -2.57 2.43 3.92 ¸····q·}Ý Ý¸Ä ··· Bimlagarh-Dumetra 115.66 82.63 35.00 -24.11 10.89 23.38 h··v··t·´|ÝÀ·§Ý·|Ý Adra-Joychandipahar 112.00 32.31 10.00 -9.85 0.15 0.15 21.22 4.22 15.00 -12.49 2.51 4.01 90.89 44.40 35.00 -26.86 8.14 18.89 91.61 18.90 15.00 -10.33 4.67 10.67 ··´o ÄÝ· Ý···Ë ÝÝ ·Ï·À ··Ë··iµ t·´|ÝÀ Bankura-Damodar Vally p···· ¸oÛ·À Ý···q·Ý¸t··t··iµ with Bowai ChandiRainagar ¸oÛ·À ··´oÄÛÝ··ÄoÄÛzÝ ·¸~··ÄÝ Khana, ¸oÛ·À h·ÏÝ ·ÄozÄ Ý ·¸~··ÄÝ Chinchai, Bankura-Mukut j·Ý¤··Ë· ¸oÛ·À h·ÏÝ ··´oÄÝ· Monipur & new Material Modification for Mukut oÛ····À·ÄÞ¸····Ý·¤··§ÄÝ Monipur-Uparsol & Bankura (Kalabati)Purulia via Hura- NL ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling - (10 ·ÄÝÀj·ÝÀ h·jzÝÝ oËÛ¸···ÄÝÀ Muri-North Outer ¤·Ä·~·µÝËp·· · ÝÀ ·Ý ÝǤ·ÝË ·Ä· oËÛ Cabin/Muri - Doubling of ·¯·····¤·¸§Ý·p·´|ÝoÛ· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· section with provision of ··´¤····Àv··Þ·À¸oÛ·À Ý·v·p·Ý¤····´¸¤··À¤·ÝÀ··i· 2nd bridge over Subarnarekha Banspani-Jaruli (9 km) Rajkharsawan-Sini - 3rd line C-53 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h¸·¸Ýn· Additional requirement ·´·oÄÛÝ· ¤·Ë Ý···q·Ý ·oÛ ··i· oÛ·Ë Bankura to Rainagar h·· ·oÛ·· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· incurred to completed and oÛ·Ë t··Ä·Ç ¸oÛ·· q··· ··g Ý···q·Ý ¤·Ë commissioned on 20.01.08. progress the works as per ·{Ý·¸ ···ÄÝ oÛ·Ë i´v·· oÛ· Rainagar to Mathashibpur zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·ÀoËÛh·Ä¤··Ý§ÏÝg TDC ·ÝÀc·~· ¸oÛ·· q··· h·ÏÝ p·´|Ý oÛ·Ë t···Ç oÛÝ Trial Engine done on 28.3.2010 ¸ Ý·· q··· §ÏÝg ·{Ý·¸ ···ÄÝ ¤·Ë ·¤··q·°·· oÛ·Ë and secftion commissioned. ··t·µ ·oÛ ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· ·c· §ÏÝg Mantashibpur to Masagram by 2012. Bankura··´ÄoÄÛÝ··ÄoÄÛzÝ··Ë·À·ÄÝ oÛ·Ë ¸ ݤ·´·Ý ·oÛ March, Mukutmonipor by December, ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· ·c· §ÏÝg ··ËË·iµt·´|ÝÀp··· oÛ·Ë 2012. Bowaichandi-Khana by ¸ ݤ·´·Ý·oÛ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝg December, 2012 ËÝ· ·Ç¸· ·Ý h¸·o¯Û·~· h·ÏÝ ··¸·· Progress of work is delayed ¸ ݤ·´·Ý ·§Ä´Ýt· h·ÏÝ {ËÝoËÛ Ý·Ý·Ì oÛÀ ·q····Ý due to encroachment of land restricted ¸·Û··· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· ·Ì railway accessibility and failure of ËÝÝÀ§ÄÝiµ§ÏÝg December, 2012 zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· oËÛ Additional fund required to ¸ ݤ·´·Ý ¸·mh¸·¸Ýn·¸·¸···Ìh·Ë¸c··§ÐÝg progress the work as per December, 2011 succdessive contractors. TDC ·¸c·· oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Additional fund required to ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝh·ÏÝt···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Completed and commissioned complete the targetted work. h¸·¸Ýn·¸·¸···´h·Ë¸c··§ÐÝg ·¸c·· oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Additional fund required to oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝ complete the targetted work. h¸·¸Ýn·¸·¸···´h·Ë¸c··§ÐÝg Completed. ·¸c·· oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Additional fund required to ¸ ݤ·´·Ý complete the targetted work. h¸·¸Ýn·¸·¸···´h·Ë¸c··§ÐÝg December, 2012 ·¸c·· oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Additional fund required to ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝh·ÏÝt···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Completed and commissioned complete the targetted work. h¸·¸Ýn·¸·¸···´h·Ë¸c··§ÐÝg ·Á· oÛÀ ·® Ý· oÛÀ oÛ· ··Ý~· c···· oËÛ Progress hampered due to ··t·µ oÛ·Ý~· ·°q·¸· ··¸·· §ÄÝiµ ¸v·¤·¤·Ë ¸·¸· low bearing capacity of foundation soil resulting fund oÛ·oÛ·i¤·Ë···§ÄÝh·g March, 2013 utilization less. oÛ· ·°q·¸· §Ý·¸¤·· oÛÀ q·iµ v·Ï¤·· ¸oÛ Pregress achieved less as ··´·Ý aspected earlier. ·§Ý·Ë¤·Ëh·Ëc···Àg ¸·¸· Ý· oÛ·Ë h´¸·· ß· ·§ÝÁ ¸ Ý·· q··· Tender was not finalised. ¸ ݤ·´·Ý Hence surrender. i¤·¸·m¸·¸···´h·º··oÛÀq·iµ C-54 November, 2011 December, 2012 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 529.23 (3) 175.40 (4) 35.00 86.91 20.01 40.00 ¸¤··Àh·¸ Ý··ÄÝ ¸oÛ·À Sini-Adityapur (22.5 km) 3rd line ¤·ÝÀ··i· 95.29 1.00 15.00 -9.76 5.24 11.04 t·´··x··Ý·¸····q·}Ý ¸oÛ·À 151.00 0.13 35.00 -33.45 1.55 3.05 171.02 10.00 50.00 |Ý·Ë´q····Ë¤·ÀÝ·v·p·Ý¤····´ ·À¤·ÝÀ DongaposiRajkharsawan - 3rd line ··i· 309.44 0.01 15.00 ··Ëv·Ä|ÝÀ§Ý··Ë§ Ä Ý·¸o·À 131.49 0.00 5.00 36.66 0.00 10.00 271.69 31.01 10.00 948.80 75.18 570.00 40.15 ··´¤·oÄÛÝ·p·|Ýq··ÄÝ ¤·ÝÀ ··i· Panskura-Kharagpur ¸oÛ·À ··´¤·oÄÛ|®·r·zÝ·· 3rd line (44.7 km) with ¸oÛ·À ·iµ ··i· oËÛ ·m new Material Modification for Panskura-Ghatal h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· (5) (6) (7) (32.8 km) - new line Ý·v·q··Ë|Ý·····ÄoÛ ¸oÛ ·À Rajgoda-Tamluk (13.5 ··´¤·oÄÛ|Ý·§Ý¸ Ý·· ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· oÛ· km) - Phase-II of Panskura-Haldia t·Ý~·,, 30.00 doubling ChampajharanBimlagarh (21 km) ···ÄoÛ v·´ oËÛ¸···¤·Ä¸··· ¤·Ä··§Ý·zÝ· Tamluk Jn. Cabin Basulya Sutahata (24.4 ¸oÛ·À 35.18 km) Bhojudih - Mohuda (23 km) ¸oÛ·À Kharagpur - Gokulpur (6 km) via Girimaidan p·|®q··ÄÝ q··ËoÄ ··ÄÝ ·Ý·¤··¸q·ÝÀ·Ï Ý·· q··Ëi·oËÛÝ····Ë§ÝÝ·ÄÝ ¤·ÝÀ ··i· Goelkera-Monoharpur 3rd line (40 km) ¸oÛ·À ·¼ t··ËÝ··Ë ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· -14.11 0.89 0.89 -9.77 0.23 0.23 55.00 -5 50 24.36 56.00 -5 51 43.94 Western Railway New Lines (Construction) Ý·§Ý·Ë Ýi´ Ý·ÏÝ ·Ý·¤·· ¤·Ý Ý·Ý·ÄÝ x··Äh· Dahod-Indore via Sardarpur, Jhabua & ···Ý¸oÛ·À Dhar (200.97 km) uÜ·ËzÝ·j ÝË·ÄÝ··Ý¸oÛ·À Chhota Udepur-Dhar (157 km) C-55 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ¸·¸· Ý· p··Ë·À q·iµ ·q·Ý i¤·oÛ·Ë h´¸·· Tender opened but not ··t·µ ß· ·§ÝÁ ¸ Ý·· v·· ¤·oÛ·g i¤·¸·m finalised. Hence no fund ·Ì ¸·¸· oÛ· j···Ëq· ·§ÝÁ utilized in 2010-11 ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2014 ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· h·Ä··· oÛ·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· ·§ÝÁ ÝÀ Estimate was not sanctioned ··t·µ q·iµ ·Àg i¤·¸·m ·ÇÝÀ ¸·¸· oÛ· j···Ëq· by Board. Hence, full fund could not be utilised. ·§ÝÁ¸oÛ··v··¤·oÛ·g March, 2014 oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë ·Ì ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· ÝÀ Work sanctioned in 2010-11. ··t·µ q·iµg ·n ·Ë h·ÏÝ h·Ä··· oÛ·Ë h´¸·· Plan and estimate has not ß· ·§ÝÁ ¸ Ý·· q···g i¤·¸·m t···Ç ·£·µ been finalized. Hence, full ·Ì ·ÇÝÀ ¸·¸· oÛ· j···Ëq· fund could not utilise in the current year 2010-11 ·§ÝÁ¸oÛ··v··¤·oÛ·g March, 2014 ··t·µ March, 2013 ·Ç~·µ¸·¤·Ê·h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ§ÐÝg Full detailed estimate not ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed sanctioned. ·Ç~·µ ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ·§ÝÁ §ÐÝg Full detailed estimate not ·ÇÝÀ·¸Ý··Ëv···¸·r··µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝg sanctioned. Hence i¤·¸·mh·º··¸oÛmq·mg surrendered. C-56 Full project not fixed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 h·····¸Ý··µ· (1) Gauge Conversion ·¯····q·ÝuÜ·ËzÝ· j ÝË·ÄÝ Pratapnagar-Chhota Udepur (99.27 km) ¸oÛ·À ·ßt·¤····À ݧÝËv·¸oÛ·À Bharuch-Samni-Dahej (2) (3) (4) 6.11 20.00 18 38 46.67 37.74 29.00 0 29 31.35 798.85 4.29 40.00 0 40 3.77 318.24 0.13 60.00 60 0.86 220.26 219.81 2.00 0 2 -1.44 Ý·v·oÛ·ËzÝ·ËÝ··· ·´¤·v··¸··· ¤·Ë Rajkot-Veraval, v·Ë··¤·Ý ···Äݤ·Ý·¸|Ý·· Wansjalia-Jetalsar with ¸oÛ·À ·ËÝ···¤··Ë···· new Material Modification ¸oÛ·À h·ÏÝ ¤··Ë····o۷˸|Ý··Ý for Shapur-Saradiya (46 ¸oÛ·À ·oÛ ·iµ ··i· oËÛ km) and new line VeravalSomnath (281 km) & h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· 931.37 504.03 1.00 3 4 4.85 ¤·ÄÝË´·q·Ý····q·Ý }Ý·Ë··}Ý·¤·· Surendranagar·§ÝÄh· ¸······ ·oÛ ¸·¤··Ý ¤·¸§Ý· Bhavnagar, Dhola-DhasaMahuva with extension to ¸oÛ·À 319.68 276.37 4.00 4 2.83 Ratlam-Mhow-KhandwaAkola (472.64 km) h§Ý· Ý··· ݸ§Ý···q·Ýj Ý··ÄÝ Ahmedabad ¸oÛ·À ··Ë|Ý·¤·· ·····v·À Himmatnagar-Udaipur (299.2 km) incl. Modasa Ý·Ë|ݸoÛ·À Shamlaji Road (22.53 km) ·Äv··¸··· ¸oÛ·À ·¸··· Bhuj-Naliya (101.35 km) ¤·Ë ····ËÝ ¸oÛ·À ·oÛ ¸·¤··Ý with extension from Naliya to Vayor (24.65 ¤·¸§Ý· km) ·À·t·Ý····¸oÛ·À Nimach-Ratlam (135.38 km) 2.00 325.80 180.03 0.01 196.97 166.16 1421.25 (7) 4 Ý·v·¸····h´oÛ·Ë¡·Ý ¸oÛ·À Ý·····kÛp·´|Ý··hoÛ·Ë·· ¸oÛ·À 281.76 (6) 2 (62.36 km) Rajpipla-Ankleshwar (62.89 km) 247.52 (5) Somnath-Kodinar (36.91 km) Pipavav (385 km) C-57 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed h·Ý·Àm·m··¸Ý··Ëv··· RVNL project oÛ·¸·¸···´h··´¸zÝ·oÛÀq·iµ (9) ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed Less funds allotted ··t·µ·Ì·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝg Completed in March, 2012 ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation t·Ý~· h·ÝzÝÀm·mÛzÝÀ|ÝÀ §ËÝ·Ä zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À oÛ·Ë TDC for phase I RTM-FTD by ·oÛ ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· ·c· §ÏÝg 31.3.13. Part detailed estimate h·ÝzÝÀm·m·mt·|Ý·Ç oËÛ ¸·m h·´¸ ·oÛ for RTM-MHW sanctioned. ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· §ÐÝg ·ÇÝÀ ·¸Ý··Ëv··· TDC for full project not fixed. oËÛ ¸·m zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ §ÏÝg FLS is in progress for MHWm·mt·|Ý·Çp·´|Ý·· oËÛ ¸·m mÛm·m¤· oÛ· Khandwa. oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ§ÐÝ Estimate not sanctioned ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ§ÐÝ Estimate not sanctioned ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ·¸Ý··Ëv··· ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÏÝg ·£·µ oËÛ Ý·ÏÝ·· Project completed. Credit ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝ Completed. received during the year. oË̄Û¸|ÝzÝ·°··¸oÛmq·mg oÛ·¸·¸···´h··´¸zÝ·oÛÀq·iµ ··§Ý·Äݤ·Ý¸ Ý·· ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ·§ÝÁ Shahpur-Saradiya Less funds allotted detailed estimate not sanctioned. TDC §ÐÝgzÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À¸·º··¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝg not fixed. ·¸Ý··Ëv····ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝg ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝ Project completed.. C-58 Completed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ¸··|ÝÀ·ÀÝ·q··· ¸oÛ·À Bhildi-Viramgam (157 ·Ë§Ý¤··~···´q·· ¸§Ý· ¸oÛ·À km) with new Material h···· ·¸Ý··µ· oË ·m h···Ý·Ç· Modification for MehsanaTaranga Hill (57.4 km) h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· (2) 589.43 (3) 157.76 (4) 30.00 439.88 0.00 49.00 (5) 30 (6) (7) 21.54 1.00 1 0 0.00 4.00 4 0 56.82 54.01 0.00 0 1.44 714.60 136.89 200.00 0 200 152.63 27.56 24.69 9.56 1 10.56 0.99 32.99 12.92 12.99 0 12.99 7.39 271.88 0.04 59.00 0 59 5.35 32.67 127.00 2.00 1.65 3.65 3.67 685.17 0.00 1.00 0 1 0 93.71 90.51 2.82 0 2.82 0.03 107.14 100.88 0.01 -0.16 -0.15 -0.15 12.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 gauge conversion Miyagam-Karjan -DabholSamlaya (96.46 km)Doubling with electrification Doubling ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· ¤·ÇÝ·o۷ˤ··´··t·Ý~·,¸oÛ·À Surat-Kosamba (PhaseI) (35 km) ho۷˸ Ý···Ä§Ý· Ý p·Ë|Ý· ·Äv····ÄÝ Akodia-Mohamed KheraPatch oÛ§ÝÀ´oÛ§ÝÀ´ ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À Shujalpur doubling (13.15 km) j···v··q··´· ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· ¤·¸§Ý· Udhna-Jalgaon with electrification (306.93 ¸oÛ·À q··´·À···h· ÝÀ·ÄݸoÛ·À q··´·À···oÛ·´|Ý····Ëzݵ ¸oÛ·À ·ÀÝ·q···¤·ÄÝË ·q·Ý¸oÛ·À oÛ····À··Û·´ Ý·¸oÛ·À ·§Ý··q·Ý ·¸Ý··Ëv···m´ km) Gandhidham-Adipur (8 km) Gandhidham-Kandla Port (12 km) ViramgamSurendranagar (65.26 km) Kalapipal-Phanda (41.49 km) Viramgam-Samalkhiali (182.23 km) ·¸Ý·§Ý· Metropolitan Transport Projects ¤··´··o¯ÛvÇ ···ËÝÀ··À··´t··À··i· Santacruz-Borivili - 5th line ËÝ·¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· Railway Electrification ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~··¸Ý··Ëv···m´ Electrification Projects oÊÛ£~···q····q··Ë··¸oÛ·À Krishnanagar-Lalgola (128 km) ¸ ·À ¤··· ·Ë¸§··q·Ä|®q··´· Delhi Sarai RohillaGurgaon (30 km) ¸oÛ·À C-59 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·Ç´v·À ··Ó|Ý ·À£·µ ·Ì ·Ä¹oÛq· ·Ý ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· Booking in capital bonds ··zÝ··¸··|ÝÀ ·iµ ··i· ¸oÛ·À Patan-Bhildi (NL) 51.03 km head were restricted by zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝg TDC not fixed. Ý·oË Û·q·· ÝÀq·iµ·Àg Board. oËÛ Ý·ÏÝ·· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ··· New work approved during ¸·¤·Ê·h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ§ÐÝg 2011-12 oÛ··µ Detailed estimates sanctioned. ¸·¸···´ h·º·· oÛÀ q·iµ n··Ì¸oÛ Funds surrendered as ·¸Ý··Ëv···¤·¸q··oÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÏÝg estimate not sanctioned h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ§ÐÝg ·¸Ý··Ëv··· ·ÇÝÀ §Ý·Ë q·iµ §ÐÝg oÛ· ¸·¸···´ Project completed. Less ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg funds allotted. h··´¸zÝ·oÛÀq·iµg Project shelved not Completed ·Ç´v·À ··Ó|Ý ·À£·µ ·Ì ·Ä¹oÛq· ·Ý ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· Booking in capital bonds ·ÇÝÀ ·¸Ý··Ëv··· oËÛ ¸·m zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁ TDC for full project not fixed head were restricted by oÛÀq·iµ§ÏÝg Ý·oË Û·q·· ÝÀq·iµ·Àg ·¸Ý··Ëv····ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ë q·iµ§ÐÝg Board. Project completed. ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝg Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝg Completed ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· oÛ·Ë h·Ä··· Estimate sanctioned Board on 14.10.2011 ¤·ÀoÊÛ·¸oÛmq·mg by ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝg oËÛ Ý·Ï Ý··¤·ÀoÊÛ····oÛ··µ New work approved during h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ··§ÝÁ§ÐÝg 31.3.2014 Completed Estimate not sanctioned 11-12 ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝg ·ÇÝÀ§Ý·Ëq·iµ§ÏÝg Completed Completed ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ Funds re-appropriated to ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛÀ ¸Ý··ËzµÝ ···iµ q·iµ Completed. Completion report drawn and sanctioned oÛ···Î·Ì¸·¸···´oÛ··Ä·º·¸···Ëq·¸oÛ··other RE works to achieve h·ÏÏݤ·ÀoÊÛ·oÛÀq·iµg the target. q···g ·´¸··§ËÝg ÞoÛ·§ÄÝh·oÛ··µ Pended C-60 Frozen work ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 392.49 (3) 392.32 (4) 0.01 (5) 0.78 (6) 0.79 0.78 47.79 45.19 0.00 4.27 4.27 4.27 399.67 391.70 5.99 26.94 32.93 32.91 oÛ·ËÝ··À· ¯·t··· ·Ë|··Äq·ÄÛ Karepalli-Bhadrachalam Road-Manuguru (88 km) ¸oÛ·À 78.50 68.83 2.00 3.46 5.46 5.46 ¸··Ä·Ä·¸·Û¸tt····À ¸oÛ·À 161.13 159.13 0.01 3.24 3.25 3.25 175.80 155.12 10.00 -1.04 8.96 8.95 69.86 68.00 0.40 0.3 0.7 0.69 195.49 191.34 4.00 11.19 15.19 15.18 jvv·Ï·i´ ·Ï · ËÝ··¤··oÛ¤·À Ujjain-Indore & DewasMaksi (115 km) ¸oÛ·À 76.12 73.68 2.00 3.14 5.14 5.14 j·ËݸzÝ··¤·Ä·····Ä·Äq··¤··· ¸oÛ·À Utratia-SultanpurMughalsarai (288 km) 238.99 201.66 15.10 64.62 79.72 79.71 ¤·À··· Barabanki-Gorakhpur- 696.97 453.18 80.05 -17.15 62.9 62.89 217.36 159.99 37.05 -11.77 25.28 25.27 ¤·À·····Ä ····Ä·Äq··¤··· Sitarampur-Danapur··¤·· ·Ç·µ ËÝ··Ë oÛÀ ·Äp· ··i· Mughalsarai via main line ···Ä|Ä··q·|®§···Ï·À ¤·¸§· of Eastern Railway incl. Rampur-Dumra-Garhara¸oÛ·À (7) Barauni (562 km) ·Ë´q··ÇÛt···¤··´ ¯· ·Ç· ··¤·· Bangalore· ··´··Ä · ·Ë·§·´oÛ··Ï·····§·À Chennasandra loop via Yeshwantpur & ·Ç···¤··§ËÝ···¸oÛ·À YelahankaBaiyyappanhalli loop via Hebbal (46 km) Moradabad- LucknowUtratia (338 km) ·Ä· ··· ·p··kÛj·Ëݸ··· ¸oÛ·À VillupuramTiruchchirapalli (178 km) ¸·´q····À··|À¸oÛ·À Lingampalli-Wadi km) (161 h´|··jp···´|··Ë¡·Ý¸oÛ·À Andal-UkhraPandaveswar (23 km) ·À··oÛ·Ëz·¸oÛ·À ····´oÛÀq··Ëp··Ä··Ï·À ···Ë¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À v···´·v··Ç ··À v··Ç kÛ···Ä¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À Bina-Kota (303 km) Barauni; incl SiwanThawe (757 km) ··À Jalandhar-Jammu Tawi incl Jammu TawiUdhampur (275 km) C-61 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·Ë£· oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· Funds re-appropriated from oÛ·µt··ÝÀ h···¤· oËÛ ¸···µ~· oÛ··µ v··Ë Work completed except h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· other RE works to complete ¤·Àmh·Ë¸···µ~·iµ¤·Àh·Ý§Ý·v·À·ÄÝ oÛ·Ë ¤··Ð·· construction of staff quarters the residual work. assigned to ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq·¸oÛ··q···g q···§ÏÝoÛ·ËuÜ·|Ë ®ÝoÛÝ ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝg work CAO/Cons/ECR/Hajipur. h· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î ·Ì ¸·¸···´ oÛ· Funds re-appropriated from ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝgh·¸ ·£zÝoÛ··µ ·Ë£·§ÏÝg other RE works. ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq·¸oÛ··q···g Completed. remaining. Residual work ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ v···ÝÀ ·oÛ Work completed and CRS inspection planned by January, oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ¤·Àh·Ým¤·¸·ÝÀc·~·oÛÀ··Ëv···§ÏÝg RE works. 2013 ¸oÛ··q···g ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·ÇÇ Ý·¸oÛ··v····§ÏÝg To complete the residual Ý·Ë~·oÛ·oÛËÝ··À work ·´Ý·Ý·q·· h·Ëmt·iµ ·Ì ··Ïv·Ç Ý· z³Ý···Ë oÛ·Ë Completed except conversion ·Ì · Ý··Ë oÛ· oÛ··µ v··Ë of existing tramway to c m¤·¤·Àh·Ý oÛ·Ë ¤··Ð·· q··· §ÏÝ oÛ·Ë uÜ·Ë|®ÝoÛÝ ·Ë£· onventional OHE in DornakalKarepalli assigned to SCR. oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝg ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·ÇÇ Ý·¸oÛ··v····§ÏÝg To complete the residual ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· work v··Ý§ËݧÐÝg §ÏÝg ¤······ h·Ä··· ·Ï··Ý ¸oÛm Completed. Completion estimate under preparation. ¸·¸···´ h· ·¸c·· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î oËÛ Funds diverted to other oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress. Projected date targetted RE works. of completion by January, 2013 ¸·m|Ý···zµÝoÛÀq·iµ§ÐÝg ··ÝÀp·v···ÝÀ§ÏÝg ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·ÇËݸoÛmv···Ë§ÐÝg To complete the residual ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg ·Ë£· oÛ··µ h·¤··¤··Ë· Completed. Residual work to work be done by Asansol Dvision/ER ·´|Ý··ÇËÝ··ËÝ·Ý·¸oÛ··v··mq··g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg ·m ËÝ··Ë ¤····Ý ¤zËÝ ···Ì Completed. Electrification of 10 no. new railway crossing oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other oËÛ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~·oÛ·oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg RE works. station under progress. ¸oÛ··q···g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds jvv·Ï·i´ Ý·ÏÝ oËÛ ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· oÛ· oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë Electrification work in UjjainoÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other q··· §ÏÝg ËÝ··¤··n¤·À oÛ·Ë ¸ ݤ·´·Ý ·oÛ Indore completed. For DewasRE works. Maski projected date of ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝg ¸oÛ··q···g completion by December, 2012 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds jtt· ·°··¸·oÛ·· ···· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg High priority work under oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other i¤·Ë v···ÝÀ ·oÛ ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· ·c· progress. Projected date of RE works. completion by January, 2013 ¸oÛ··q···g §ÏÝg ¸·¸···´ h· ·¸c·· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î oËÛ Funds diverted to other oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress.Projected date targetted RE works. of completion by September, ¸·m|Ý···zµÝoÛÀq·iµ§ÐÝg ··ÝÀp·¸¤··´·Ý§ÏÝg ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg·À|ÝÀ¤·À¸ ݤ·´·Ý§ÏÝg oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g C-62 2013 Under progress. December, 2014 PDC by ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 133.85 (3) 133.06 (4) 0.50 6.3 6.8 6.80 69.83 56.94 3.00 3.85 6.85 6.85 821.53 166.52 118.05 17.14 135.19 135.18 155.73 68.25 65.10 -15.28 49.82 49.82 175.46 44.49 75.00 -15.22 59.78 59.78 151.49 21.28 46.10 -7.79 38.31 38.03 113.57 0.02 19.00 -16.21 2.79 2.79 ··ËÛ·~~·Ç·´q··Ç·Ë·´·Ç ··q·µ Shoranur-MangalorePenambur (328 rkm) ¸oÛ·À 371.52 0.26 53.10 -40.8 12.3 12.3 ·Ë§·oÛ·¸z´|··Ë§· ·Ä§·· Rohtak-Bhatinda-Lehra Muhabat (252 rkm) ··q·µ¸oÛ·À 294.02 0.20 37.00 -36.96 0.04 0.03 q··Ë́¸ ···§Ý· ··§··q·µ¸oÛ·À Gondia-Ballarshah (250 168.48 0.48 15.00 -13.45 1.55 1.55 299.50 22.38 64.10 -11.45 52.65 52.65 99.71 0.00 15.00 -10.29 4.71 4.71 216.00 0.72 120.00 -18 102 99 ¸·Û¸tt····À· ÄÏ ··q·µ Tiruchirapalli-Madurai (154 rkm) ¸oÛ·À ·oÛÇ·¤·À·Ë§·oÛ¸oÛ·À Shakurbasti-Rohtak km) (60 ··Ï·ÀoÛ¸z§·q·Ä··§·zÀ oÛ¸z§· Barauni-KatiharGuwahati incl Katihar·¤··Ëiµ ¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À (5) (6) (7) Barsoi (836 km) x··´¤·ÀoÛ···Ä mË·oÛ·Ë́t· · oÛ···Ä Jhansi-Kanpur incl Ait& Kanpur h··q·´v·oÛ··~··Ä ¤·¸§· Konch Anwarganj-Kalyanpur ¸oÛ·À (240 km) · ÄÏ ·Ä¸·o۷˸···q·oÛ·Ëi· ¸oÛ·À Madurai-TuticorinNagercoil (262 km) ···~·¤·À··Ë§z·v·´r·iµkÛ´t··§· Varanasi-Lohta-Janghaiincl. Û·Û··kÛ·¯··q·i··§··· ¤·¸§· Unchahar Phaphamau-Prayag¸oÛ·À Allahabad (207 km) q··¸v····· ·Ä· ··· ¸oÛ·À Ghaziabad-Moradabad (140 km) rkm) ·´|··Ë¡·Ý¤·Ḯ¸·····oÛÄ p···· Pandabeswar-SainthiaPakur incl. Khana¤·Ï´¸···¤·¸§···q·µ¸oÛ·À Sainthia (205 rkm) ··Ä·h····q·µ¸oÛ·À Mathura-Alwar (121 rkm) Ý·Ï´|Ý ····|Ý ·Ä~···´·· ¸ ·Ý|ÝÀ Daund - Manmad incl. Puntamba - Shirdi (255 ¤·¸§···q·µ¸o·ÀÝ rkm) C-63 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·¸oÛ··v····§ÏÝg ·c·§Ý·¸¤··¸oÛ··v····§ÏÝg (8) To complete the residual oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË work ··ÝÀp···t·µ§ÏÝg (9) oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress.Projected date of completion by March, 2013 oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ ·oÛ Work completed. CRS inspection done on 30.9.2012 ¤·Àh·Ým¤·¸·ÝÀc·~·oÛÀ··Ëv···§ÏÝg To achieve the target. ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress.Projected date of completion by October, 2015 oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ··ÝÀp·hnzÇݷݧÏÝg RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg·À|ÝÀ¤·À··t·µ§ÏÝg oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g Under progress. PDC March, 2013 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress. Projected date of completion by June, 2013 oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ··ÝÀp·v·Ç·§ÏÝg RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress.Projected date of completion by December, oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ··ÝÀp·¸ ݤ·´·Ý§ÏÝg RE works. 2013 ¸oÛ··q···g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress. Projected date of completion by March, 2014 oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ··ÝÀp···t·µ§ÏÝg RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·ËË oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· Under progress. Projected date of completion by March, 2015 oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ··ÝÀp···t·µ§ÏÝg RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ··t·µ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2016 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ··t·µ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2014 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ··t·µ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2015 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ··t·µ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2015 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ¸¤··´·Ý h·Ý·Àm·m· Ý·Ý· ¸oÛ·· v·· September, 2013 being done by RVNL oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ݧݷ§ËÝg RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g C-64 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 228.50 0.00 (4) 101.00 -41 60 (7) 54.95 97.68 0.00 5.00 -5 0 0.00 ݷˤ·· ¤·À···ÄÝ ·Ä}®·· ··q·µ Rosa - Sitapur - Burhwal (181 rkm) ¸o·À 112.54 0.00 5.00 4.61 9.61 9.61 ¸·v···q·Ý· Ý··q·}® ¸····q·}® Vizianagaram Rayagada - Titlagarh Ý···ÄÝ··q·µ¸oÛ·À 593.45 0.00 10.00 -10 0 0.00 ··ËoÛ··Ë ¤zÀ· ¸¤·zÀ·ÄÀ§¸z·· Bokaro Steel City-Muri·´|··Ä́|·¸····q·}®¸oÛÀ·ÄÛ Hatia-Bondamunda/ ·¤·Äh·´ ·ÄÛ¸···oÛ·Ëz¸ ··· ¤·¸§· Bimlagarh-Kiriburu Barsuan incl. Purulia¸oÛ·À 291.81 284.66 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 Ëݸ~·q·Ä́z·q·Ä́·oÛ·¸oÛ·À Renigunta-Guntakal (308 km) 291.79 225.17 65.00 0 65 23.75 h´·····Ä· ··· ¸oÛ·À Ambala-Moradabad (274 km) 278.37 276.99 0.10 0.07 0.08 -0.45 55.26 50.11 2.49 -0.77 1.72 1.72 455.51 452.77 0.50 -12.14 -11.64 -11.64 ·Ë·§´ÝoÛ····µ·Ý·q·Ä·À ¢·À ¤··¤··i¶ Yelahanka ·° ··´¼· ¸···· oËÛ Ý·¤·Ë ·Ë·ÄoÛ·Ë´|Ý· Dharmavaram - Gooty incl Penukonda···µ·Ý·¤·¸§Ý·¸oÛ·À h··ÝË··|®À··q·µ¸o·À Dharmavaram via Sri Satya Sai Prashanthi Nilayam (306 rkm) Alwar - Rewari (82 rkm) (3) (5) (6) Raipur (465 rkm) Kotshila (434 km) t··´¸|··ÄÀ·oÛ·oÛ···¸oÛ·À Chandil-Muri-Barkakana (119 km) p·|®q··Ä·À··Ä··Ä··Ë¡·Ý ···t·Ë Kharagpur/Nimpuraincl. oÛzoÛ··· À· ··p·· ··i· ¤·¸§· Bhubaneswar branch line of Talcher¸oÛ·À Cuttack-Paradip km) (540 C-65 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ¸ ݤ·´´·Ý h·Ý·Àm·m· Ý·Ý· ¸oÛ·· v·· December, 2013 being done by RVNL oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other ݧݷ§ËÝg RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ··t·µ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2014 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ··t·µ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2014 ·c· ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ To achieve the target, funds ··t·µ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· reappropriated from other RE works. ¸oÛ··q···g March, 2016 ¹·oÛ ·ÄoÛ oËÛ v·¸Ý·Ë oËÛ·· ¤··´oËÛ¸·oÛ Only token provision was ݸc·~· ·Ç·µ ËÝ··Ë oÛ·Ë §Ý¤··´·¸Ý· t··´|ÝÀ··Ë ·À Completed except Tr line work Chandiposh-Roxy ··¤·· oÛÀ q·iµ ·Àg v··Ë·· ËÝ··Ì ¤·Ë made through PINK Book. Ý·Ón¤·À §ËÝ·Ä zÝÀh·Ý ··i· oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë uÜ·Ë|®ÝoÛÝ for transferred to SE Railway. |Ëݸ·zÝ oÛÀ ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· §ËÝ·Ä h· h·Ýiµ Funds reappropriated from ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝg RE works for oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ¸·¸···Ì oÛ· ·Ä·º···Ë··Ëq· other acceptance of debits from ¸oÛ··q···g Zonal Railways. ·§Ý h·Ý·Àm·m· ·À£·µ oËÛ ·§Ý· §ÏÝg Appearing under RVNL oÛ··µ oÛ· h·Ýiµ ···Ë ··q· oÛ· oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë RE portion of work completed. oÛ·ËÝ Ý·Ý· ¸·£··¸ Ý· Ëݸ~·q·Ä´zÝ· ¤·Ë ·´ Ý··ÄÝ head. An amount of Rs. 0.58 q··· §ÏÝg ·Ë£· oÛ··µ h·Ý·Àm·m· Ý·Ý· ¸oÛ·· Remaining portion of work oËÛ oÛ··µ oËÛ ··q· ·Ý oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ··Ë crores was spent on the v·· ݧݷ §ÏÝg i¤·oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛÀ h·Ä··¸·· being done by RVNL. Projected portion of the work from ··ÝÀp···t·µ§ÏÝg date of completion by March, p·t·µ¸oÛmq·mg Renigunta to Nandalur done 2013 by CORE. o¯ËÛ¸|ÝzÝ ·°·· §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· Due to credit received ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg ·n¤·Ý ËݧÝÝ· ÇÝ· p·Ä|Ý oËÛ Completed. Electrification of oËÛ Ý·ÏÝ·· ·· lÛ~···oÛ §ÏÝg ¸·¸···Ë´ expenditure in 2011-12 is ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~· oÛ· oÛ··µ m·m· oËÛ ß· ·Ì Laksar- Dehradun section was Funds oÛ·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ¸oÛ·· q··· h·ÏÝ sanctioned as MM on oÛ· h· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î ·Ì ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· negative. reappropriated to other RE i¤·Ë j·Ý ËÝ··Ë oÛ·Ë ¤··Ð·· q···g ·c· ¸·¸· 19.09.2011 and assigned to ¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝg works. Northern Railway. Target by ¸ ݤ·´·Ý§ÏÝg December, 2013 h· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î ·Ì ¸·¸···´ |Ý···zµÝ Funds diverted to other RE q··Ë···ÄÝÀ oËÛ zÝÀh·Ý ··i· oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë uÜ·Ë|¬ÝoÛÝ Completed except TR line work works. oÛÀq·iµ§ÐÝg ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ ¸v·¤·oÛ· ¸·£·· Ý· Ý·Ç ËÝ··Ë oËÛ of Gola-Muri, being executed by Ranchi Division of SE ¸·mÝ·´t·À·´|Ý·Ý·Ý·¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝg Railway. oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ oËÛ·· oÄÛuÜ uÜ·ËzËÝ Work completed only few ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg oÛ··µ ·Ë£· §ÐÝg oËÛ Ý·ÏÝ·· small work are left.Credit h·Ý¤·Àh·Ëh·Ý ¤·Ë o¯ËÛ¸|ÝzÝ ·°·· §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ was received from RCOR oÛ·Ý~·lÛ~···oÛ·¸Ý·· Ý ··µÝ§Ý·§ÏÝg during 2011-12 showing negative outlay. C-66 Completed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 224.89 (3) 122.57 (4) 45.80 (5) -7.1 (6) 38.7 38.7 Udhna-Jalgaon (306 km) 144.43 132.88 0.01 0.21 0.22 0.22 ·Ä··Ë ·oÛ·Ëzz¬ ····¤·· p··Ë·· ·Ë| BhubaneswarKottavalasa incl Khurda ·ÄÀ¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À 326.48 296.70 2.50 1.16 3.66 3.7 266.54 240.52 21.00 -6.57 14.43 13.43 Patna-Gaya (92 km) 39.28 38.26 0.01 -0.01 0 0.00 Delhi-Ambala-Ludhiana 295.35 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 Vijaywada-Gudur 37.29 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 2397.72 0.00 1000.00 0.00 22.00 21.88 2069.60 5.16 1600.00 3951.98 0.98 1600.00 p·Äv··µ§··Ä|®·Ë{ ¸¤·zÀ¤·§···Ä Khurja-Hapur-Meerut incl q··¸v····· ·Ë{¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À City-Saharanpur Ghaziabad-Meerut km) kÛ···v··q··´·¸oÛ·À (7) (254 Road-Puri (457 km) m~··µoÛÄ··¸··Ë´ ¯· ¸··Ë´ ¯· Ernakulam-Trivandrum incl. TrivandrumoÛ··oÛÄ··À¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À Kanyakumari (427 km) ·z··q···¸oÛ·À ·Ëz³Ý·Ë ËÝ··ËoÛ·Ë·oÛ··· Metro Railway - Kolkata Metropolitan Transport Projects ··Ëh···|Ý···Ý·¤··· ·Ý·¤·· Noapara-Barasat via ¸·····´ ÝÝ ·Ëzݳ·Ë ÝË··Ë oÛ· ¸···µ~· Bimanbandar Construction of Metro ¸oÛ·À railway (18 km) ·|Ý··q·Ý·ÏÝoÛ·ÄÝ · ݸc·~·Ë¡·Ý ·Ëzݳ·Ë Baranagar-Barrackpore & Dakshineswar ÝË ··ËoÛ·¸···µ~·¸oÛ·À Construction of Metro railway (14.5 km) Ý· Ý· §Ý··iµh|¬|··Ç q·¸Ý·· ·Ý·¤·· Dum Dum Airport-New Ý·v·Ý§Ý·zÝ ·Ëzݳ·Ë ÝË··Ë oÛ· ¸···µ~· Garia via Rajerhat Construction of Metro ¸oÛ·À railway (32 km) C-67 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) o¯ËÛ¸|ÝzÝ ·°·· §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· Due to credit received v·Ç· oËÛ Ý·ÏÝ·· ·· lÛ~···oÛ §ÏÝg ¸·¸···Ë´ expenditure in 2011-12 is Funds oÛ· h· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î ·Ì ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· negative. reappropriated to other RE ¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝg June, 2013. works. ·Ë£· oÛ···Î oËÛ ¸·m ¸·¸···Ë´ oÛ· h· Funds reappropriated from h Ý ¬Ý |Ý·Çmt· oÛ·Ë uÜ·Ë|¬®oÛÝ ·Ë£· oÛ··µ Completed except two nos of h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î ¤·Ë ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· ¸oÛ·· q··· other RE works for residual ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ zÝÀ|Ý·Ç oÛ·Ë hÀÀ t···Ç 4WH, T/W are yet to be works. handed over to open line. ··i·o۷ˤ··Ð··v····§ÏÝg §ÏÝg ·Ç·µ ·zÝ ËÝ··Ë Ý·Ý· ····À····ÄÝ construction of Maltipatpur ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg zÝÀm¤·m¤· h·ÏÝ ÛÀ|ÝÝ ··i· oÛ· TSS and construction of ¸···µ~·g h·Ý·Àm·m· ·À£·µ oËÛ ·§Ý· feeder line by ECOR. Appearing under RVNL §ÐÝg Completed ¸·¸···´ h· ·¸c·· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î oËÛ Funds diverted to other ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg ¸·m |Ý···zµÝ oÛÀ q·iµ §ÐÝ n··Ì¸oÛ zÝÀ·À¤·À targetted RE works as work ¤·Àm·Àiµ ·Ì oÛ··µ oÛÀ q·¸· ·Ëv· oÛÀ v···À progress in TVC-CAPE to pick up. §ÏÝg Completed head. ·Ë£· oÛ···Î oËÛ ¸·m h· h·Ýiµ oÛ···Î Funds reappropriated from ¤·Àmh·Ë¤·À§Ý·v·À·ÄÝ Ý·Ý· h···¤··Ì oËÛ ¸···µ~· Completed except construction of quarters by CAO/C/Hajipur. ¤·Ë ¸·¸···´ oÛ· ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· ¸oÛ·· other RE works for residual oÛ·ËuÜ·Ë|¬ÝoÛÝ ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·ÇËݧݷËq·m§ÐÝg works. q···g ·°··¸Ý· ·· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·Äq···· Payment made under ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg charged expenditure. ¸oÛ··q···g ·°··¸Ý· ·· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·Äq···· Payment made under ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg charged expenditure. ¸oÛ··q···g C-68 completed. Completed 2016-17 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 2619.02 (3) 41.05 (4) 1625.81 Ý· Ý·zÝ·Ó·Àq·´v· ·À·¯ ·¸Ý·§Ý· Dum Dum-Tollyganj - MAC 3040.89 ·¯~···À oÛ· h¸·oÛ· · ¸···µ~· Design & construction of zÝ·Ó·Àq·´v·q·¸Ý·· Ý· Ý··|Ý··q·Ý rapid transit system incl between h·ÏÝ ··Ëh···|Ý··Ë··v·À ¤·Ä··£· t·´ extension Dum ··Ë¤·m·Ý··Ëzݵ oËÛ··¸·¤··Ý¤·¸§Ý· Tollyganj-Garia, 3031.87 195.00 364.03 189.45 0.00 573.78 165.42 48.53 v··ËoÛ·¸··· ·· Ý· ¸ Ý·Ë · ··q· Joka-Binoy Badal Dinesh ·Ý·¤·· ··v·ËݧݷzÝ ·Ëzݳ·Ë ÝË··Ë oÛ· Bagh via Majerhat Construction of Metro ¸···µ~·¸oÛ·À (5) (6) (7) railway (16.72 km) 0 356.51 393.45 5.00 0 9.50 0.33 23.00 (-) 6.70 16.30 16.30 Dum-Baranagar & Noapara-NSCB Airport DEP oÛ·Ë·oÛ··· ¤·oµÛÄ·Ý ÝË··Ë¸·¯¤·Ë´·r··z Kolkata Circular ··v·ËݧݷzÝ Ý· Ý· uÜÜ···À·Ë··v·À Railway incl PrincepghatDumDum ¤·Ä··£· t·´ ··Ë¤· §Ý··iµh|¬|· Majerhat, Airport, jzÝ·|Ý·´q·· Ý·v·Ý§Ý·zÝ ·Ý ¸Ý··j´zÝ Ý·Ë|Ý Cantt-NSCB & ¤·´··Ë£··ÄÝ ·Ý·¤·· q··|µÝ· ÝÀt· Ultadanga-Rajerhat Remount Rd-Santoshpur ·Ë¸····Ç¯v·¤·¸§Ý· via Garden Reach/Metiabruz ···t·Ë·Ï M.T.P.-Chennai t·Ë·Ï ··Ó¤· ϸ·|Ý zݳݷ´¸v·zÝ ·°~···À t·Ý~·Chennai - Extension of MAC 165.24 rapid transit ,, oÛ· ·Ë··t·ËÝÀ ¤·Ë ¤·Ë´zÝ ··Ó·¤· ··j´zÝ mass system phase-II from ·oÛ¸·¤··Ý Velachery to St. Thomas Mount DEP 330.50 t·Ë·Ï ·Àt··v· h· ¸·Þ·i·Ï ··Ó¤· Chennai Beach-Luz (now MAC 306.19 Thirumailai) - Mass rapid ϸ·|ÝzÝݳ·¸´ v·zÝ·°Ý~···Àt·Ý~·, 0.00 0.00 282.25 10.19 (-) 6.05 4.14 3.62 279.55 11.89 (-) 4.89 7.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 transit system (Phase-I) ¸·Þ·i·Ï·Ë··t·ËÝÀ ··Ó¤· ϸ·|Ý Thirumailai-Velachery - MAC 288.94 Mass rapid transit zݳݷ´¸v·zÝ·°Ý~···Àt·Ý~·,, system (Phase-II) DEP 588.64 C-69 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) zÝ·Ó·Àq·´v·q·¸Ý·· t···Ç oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· §ÏÝg Tolleyganj-Garia Noapara····|®Ý·m·Ý··ËzµÝ oÛ·Ë v·Ä· h·ÏÝ Ý· commissioned. Ý·····|®Ý· oÛ·Ë v·Ç· ·oÛ t···Ç oÛÝ·Ë Airport by June 2016 and Dum Dum-Noapara by June 2013 oÛÀ··Ëv···§ÏÝg hzÝ·|´Ýq·· ¤·Ë Ý·v·ËݧݷzÝ oÛ· oÛ·· Ý·ËoÛ ¸ ÝÝ·· Project of Ultadanga to q··· §ÏÝ q··|µÝ· ÝÀt· oËÛ Ý·¤·Ë ÝÀ··j´zÝ Ý·Ë|Ý ¤·Ë Rajerhat frozen, Remount ¤·´··Ë£··ÄzÝ oÛ· oÛ··µ ·Ç·µ ËÝ··Ë Ý·Ý· ¸oÛ·· v·· Road to Santoshput via Garden Reach is being ݧݷ§ÏÝg executed by Eastern Railway. ·¸····|ÄÝ ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý ¤·Ë ···µ· ¸·¸···´ Sufficient funds available ··t·µ from Govt. of Tamilnadu. j···§ÐÝg March, 2014 ¤zËÝ ·· i··Ý· oËÛ oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·À·À ·°q·¸· Due to slow progress of hnzÇÝ·Ý ·Ì t··Ç· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· §ÏÝg Commissioned in October, works on station building Construction of oËÛoÛ·Ý~·g h¸·¸Ýn· ¤zËÝ ·· i··Ý· oÛ·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· ËÝ ÝÀ 1997. additional station building q·iµ§Ïݤ···q·°Àh· ··Ë···°q·¸··Ý§ÐÝg ·¸Ý··Ëv··· ··´·Ý ·Ì ·Äß oÛÝ Project commissioned in ··t·µ ·oÛ ·Ï··Ý v·Ç· ÝÀ q·iµ §ÏÝg ¸Û¸·¹ ·q·· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý November 2007. Finishing ¤·´ ··Ë¸·· works is in progress. §ÐÝg C-70 sanctioned as material modification is in progess. ·oÛ Org. by March, 2002 Revised by June, 2007 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) (3) 208.15 (4) 9.64 (5) -3.14 (6) 6.50 6.50 227.62 0.00 0.00 341.41 232.85 20.00 20.00 40.00 31.61 418.17 73.31 75.00 0.00 75.00 9.92 324.66 156.51 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.96 378.56 119.72 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.58 205.00 2.97 6.60 0.00 6.60 0.00 211.00 5.26 6.60 0.00 6.60 0.00 326.20 2.67 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 t·Ë·Ï ·Àt···´·Ý·t·Ë´q···ÝÇ h···· Chennai Beach- MAC 227.62 Tambaram-Chengalpattu ·¸··µ· (7) - Gauge conversion DEP ·Ç·µ··ËÝ··ËË ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· East Central Railway o۷ˤ·À·Ä· New (Construction) Kosi Bridge Lines oÛ·Ë|··¸··Ï··¸oÛ·À Koderma-Tilaiya (68 km) §·v·À·Ä¤·q··Ï·À ··¤·· ·Ï ···À Hajipur-Sagauli via Vaishali (148.3 km) ¸oÛ·À u···Äv·Û·Ä¸oÛ·À Chhapra-Muzaffarpur (84.65 km) ·´q··oÄ ·Ë · ¤··· Darbhanga-Kusheshwar Asthan (70.14 km) ¸oÛ·À ··Ë·À§·À¤·À···}®À¸oÛ·À Motihari-Sitamarhi (76.7 km) ¸·§z·h·Ï´q···· ··¤·· Bihta-Aurangabad via h·Äq·¯§····~··Ë|¸oÛ·À Anugrahanarayan Road (118.45 km) C-71 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ··· ¤·Ë·· ·Äß oÛÝ ÝÀ q·iµ §ÏÝg BG service commissioned. oÛ·Ë ··· ¤·Ë·· ·Äß oÛÀ q·iµg BG service commissioned on ¤····Ý·Ì oËÛ ¤··· ·Ý j·¸Ý¸·t··Ë Construction of ROB/RUB in ¸·¸·· j·¸Ý¸·t··Ë ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä··Ì oËÛ oÛ··µ 1.11.2004. Works in various ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä··Ì oËÛ ¸···µ~· oËÛ ¸·m lieu of 14 LC contract ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÐÝg i· oÛ···Î oÛ·Ë ¸¤··´·Ý ROB/RUB are still in progress. ¤····Ý·Ì ·Ì ¤·Ë oËÛ ¸·m {ËÝoËÛ ·° Ý·· awarded for 13 out of 14 ·oÛ·ÇÝ·oÛݸ··Ëv···ËoÛÀ¤·´·····§ÏÝg These works are likely to be completed by September, ¸oÛm q·m j·¸Ý¸·t··Ë ¤·|ÊÝoÛ ·Ä· LCs and work in 10 ROB/RUB completed and 2013. ·ÇËÝ §Ý·Ë q·m §ÐÝ h·ÏÝ t···Ç oÛÝ ¸ Ým q·m §ÐÝg j·¸Ý¸·t··Ë ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä··Ì oËÛ commission ed. Railway portion works completedin 3 ¸·m ËÝ··Ë oËÛ ¸§Ý¤¤·Ë oÛ· oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë ROB/RUB and approach q··· §ÏÝ h·ËÝ Ý·v· Ý·v···q·µ ¸···q·t·Ë·Ï work by state highways ¸·q·· Ý·Ý· ·§Ä´Ýt· ··q··Î oÛ· ¸···µ~· department/Chennai ¸oÛ·· v·· ݧݷ §ÏÝg ¤····Ý ¤·p·· corporation is in progress. oËÛ ¤··· ·Ý j·¸Ý ¤·|®ÝoÛ ·Ä· oÛË oÛ··µ ROB in lieu of LC-22 oËÛ ¤·´·´· ·Ì ¸·ß¤·Ä·· ËÝ··Ë oËÛ ¸§Ý¤¤·Ë Trisulam Railway portion oÛ· v·Àm|ÝÀ oÛ·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· ËÝ ÝÀ q·iµ §ÏÝg GAD approved. Tender to be ¸·¸· Ý·m´ h··´¸·· oÛÀ v···À §ÐÝg ·§Ç´Ýt· called. Approach GAD under ··q·µ oËÛ ¸·m v·Àm|ÝÀ oÛÀ ¤··Àc·· oÛÀ revision. Hence restricted as v·· ݧÝÀ §ÏÝg h· h·· ·oÛ·· oËÛ per requirements. h·Ä¤··Ý·°¸··´··q··mq·m§ÐÝg oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg ¤·Ý··q·}®Ý ¤·Ë ¸oÛ·À oÛ··µ ··t·µ 10 km from Saraigarh by March, 2013 ·oÛ·ÇÝ·¸oÛ··v····§ÏÝg Work in progress ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of work for the financial year. ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Minor variation Not fixed ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ work for the financial year. ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg |ÝÀiµ¤·´·Àc···À·§ÐÝg ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ DE under vetting Not fixed |ÝÀiµ¤·´·Àc···À·§ÐÝg DE under vetting ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed mÛm·m¤··ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg FLS completed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed C-72 Not fixed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 678.62 1.00 (4) 1.00 0 1 0 228.05 1.00 1.00 0 1 0 490.80 1.24 1.00 0 1 0.11 304.41 1.00 1.00 0 1 0.19 106.20 3.34 1.00 0 1 0.23 q···|·z·q·´v· ··¤·· ÛÀq·´v· Gaya-Daltonganj via Rafiganj (136.88 km) ¸oÛ·À q·····Ë·q···t··· q····zËݤ· Gaya-Bodhgaya-Chatra, Gaya-Natesar (Nalanda) ···´ · 445.25 1.20 2.00 0 2 0.51 549.75 15.15 13.20 0 13.2 0.11 ··· ··c·À·Ä¸oÛ·À Nawada-Laxmipur km) (137 620.57 1.00 1.00 0 1 0 oÛĤ·Ë··¸·§·Àq·´v·¸oÛ·À Kursela-Bihariganj (35 km) Muzaffarpur-Darbhanga (66.9 km) 192.56 7.26 1.00 0 1 0 281.30 1.07 1.00 0 1 0.41 Sakri-Hasanpur (79 km) 175.88 151.83 21.00 0 21 15 1079.64 457.45 57.00 48.52 105.52 114.29 1389.00 737.01 50.00 48 98 157.38 ¤·À···}®Àv···q·¸··µ·À ¤·Ä¤·´ ¸oÛ·À ··¤·· Sitamarhi-Jaynagar- ·Äv·Û·ÄoÛz·h·Ë·v··oÛ·Ä ·Ë|¸oÛ·À h····Äh··Ë|¸oÛ·À h¸··¤·Ä··Ï·¸oÛ·À Nirmali via Susand (188 km) Muzaffarpur-Katra-OralJanakpur Road (66.55 km) Ara-Bhabhua Road (122 km) Araria-Supaul (92 km) |ËݧÀh·Ó·¤··Ë··´v··À¸oÛ·À Dehri on Sone-Banjari (3) (5) (6) (7) (36.4 km) ·Äv·Û·Ä ·´q··¸oÛ·À ¤·oÛÀ§¤···Ä¸oÛ·À ·Ä´q·Ë q·´q·· · À · ËÝ· ¤·§ ¤·|®oÛ Munger - Rail cum road bridge on river Ganga ·Ä·¸oÛ·À (14 km) ·z·· §·v·À·Ä · ·z·· oËÛ ·Àt· Patna - Ganga bridge ¤·´·oÛµ ··i··Ë´ oËÛ ¤··· q·´q·· ·Ä· ËÝ· with linking lines between Patna & Hajipur (rail cum ¤·§¤·|®oÛ·Ä·¸oÛ·À road bridge) (19 km) h··¤··¤····¸oÛ·À ¸q·À|À§oÛ·Ë|··¸oÛ·À ·Äv· ۷Ĥ·À···}®À¸oÛ·À p·q·¸|®··oÛÄ ·Ë¡·¤···¸oÛ·À Ara-Sasaram (98 km) 321.86 314.86 1.00 0 1 3.39 Giridih-Koderma (102.5 km) Muzaffarpur-Sitamarhi (63 km) KhagariaKusheshwarsthan (44 km) 452.36 340.76 43.00 0 43 13.01 411.23 385.23 26.00 0 26 45.6 162.87 86.78 13.00 0 13 7.37 C-73 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent mÛm·m¤··ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg (8) FLS completed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed |ÝÀiµ¤·´·Àc···À·§ÐÝg DE under vetting ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg work for the financial year. oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed work for the financial year. oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed work for the financial year. oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed work for the financial year. oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed work for the financial year. ·Ç¸·oÛ·h¸·q·°§Ý~·¸oÛ··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝg Due land process oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg (9) in ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed Further ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed acquisition Work in progress mÛm·m¤· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg h·q·Ë oÛ· FLS completed. work in progress. oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress ¸·Þ·§Ý·q·}®Ý ··q· ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ··t·µ Biraul-Hamagar (part 5 km) by March, 2013. ·oÛ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ·h·Ä···§ÏÝg oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress ¸ ݤ·´·Ý December, 2014 oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress ¸ ݤ·´·Ý December, 2014 oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg ¸ ݤ·´·Ý Commissioned Work in progress oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress ··t·µ March, 2013 oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress p·q·¸|®Ý··¸·£~·Ä·ÄÝ ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ··t·µ Khagaria-Vishunpur (606 km) by March, 2013 ·oÛ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ·h·Ä···§ÏÝg C-74 December, 2015 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ·v·q·À¸§¤·Äh·¸··Ï·· ¸oÛ·À · Rajgir-Hisua-Tilaya (46 km) & Natesar-Islampur ·zËݤ·i¤····Ä¸oÛ·À (2) 303.60 (3) 283.60 (4) 3.00 0 (5) 3 (6) (7) 15.13 1157.81 749.66 70.00 0 70 22.16 406.92 295.21 40.00 0 40 56.99 355.81 116.34 1.00 0 1 58.71 470.00 10.00 5.00 0 5 0 427.89 362.89 50.00 8 58 51.3 903.55 488.19 50.00 50 100 114 247.52 225.38 5.00 0 5 0.56 (21 km) oÛ·Ë|···´t·À¸oÛ·À Koderma-Ranchi km) jp··|®ÝÀ q··À ··i··Ì oÛ·Ë Restoration Dismantled Lines ·Ä·¸·uÜ··· (189 of Û·Äh·i¤····Ä ¸·····´ ¤·Ë Fatuah-Islampur incl. ¸·§· ·ÀÛ ¸·§· ·ÀÛ ¤·Ë ··Àr·· material modification for ··Àr·· ¤·Ë ·Ëp··Ä· ·oÛ ·iµ ··i· oËÛ extension of new line Daniawan to ¸·¤··§ËÝ·Äh····Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§· from h·····¸Ý··µ· Biharsharif; Biharsharif to Barbigha; Barbigha to Sheikhpura Gauge Conversion ¤·oÛÀ··ÏoÛ§· ··v··¸··µ·À · Sakri-Laukaha Bazar¤·§¤··Û·¸·¤·q·´v·¸oÛ·À Nirmali & SaharsaForbesganj (206.06 km) v···q··Àv···Ä· ·Àv···Ä· Jaynagar-Bijalpura, incl. between ·· À··¤· ·Ë··· ·oÛ ¸·¤·· ¤·¸§· extension Bijalpura-Bardibas ¸oÛ·À (Nepal) (69.08 km) ···¤·À¤·§¤·· ¤·§¤·· ·Ï·· Mansi-Saharsa, ··Ë·Ä··Ç¸~·µ··¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À Saharsa-Dauram incl. Madhepura-Purnea (143 km) Jaynagar-DarbhangaNarkatiaganj (268 km) v···q· ·´q···oÛ¸z··q·´v· ¸oÛ·À ¤··¤·À·Äp·q·¸|®·· ¸oÛ·À h·Ï Samastipur-Khagaria (86 km) & Mansi-Khagaria ···¤·Àp·q·¸|®··¸oÛ·À (9.78 km) ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling q···t··oÛ´|¸oÛ·À Gaya-Chakand (9.29 km) 46.68 22.62 15.00 0 15 0.02 Katihar-Semapur (11.26 km) ·ËÝq···v·§····· ¸oÛ·À Taregna-Jahanabad (15.20 km) ···¤·À·§ËÝ ·p·Ḉz h·´¸ ·oÛ Mansi-Maheshkhunt Patch doubling (22.12 ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À km) v·§····· ·Ë··¸oÛ·À Jehanabad-Bela (27.47 km) 39.09 20.54 15.00 0 15 0.16 90.67 85.67 5.00 0 5 1.57 38.15 17.23 15.00 0 15 0 127.23 114.23 13.00 20 33 40.72 oÛ¸z§·¤·Ë···Ä¸oÛ·À C-75 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) Ý·v·q·Àݸ·¸··· oÛ·Ë t··Ç·Ç oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· Rajgir q··· §ÏÝg ···Ë¤·Ýi¤····ÄÝ ·Ì oÛ··µ commissioned. progress in ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Tilaya ···Ë¤·Ýi¤····ÄÝoËÛ¸·m¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁg Work in Natesar- (9) Not fixed in Natesar-Islampur. oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Islampur. Work in progress oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress ·oÛm¤·mt·¤·Àm¤·h·Ýv·Àiµ SHC-SRGE by 2013 ·oÛ ·ÇÝÁ ·Ä··iµ oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· Full length by 2013-14 ·c·§ÏÝg oÛ··µ iÝoÛ·Ó· oÛ·Ë §Ý¤··´·¸Ý· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· Work transferred to IRCON ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ q···§ÏÝg Not fixed ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ···´p·À·Äº·····q· work for the financial year ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg Banmankhi-Purnia (Part) 201314 oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress t··ßÝ···ËÝn¤··Ï· ¸oÛ·À ÛÝ·ÝÀ Chauradano-Raxaul(33 Feb, 2013 t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg work for the financial year ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg Completed ¸oÛ··Ë·ÀzÝÝ oÛ· oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ 22 km completed and 31.12.2011 balance work in progress. h·ÏÝ ·Ë£·oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg 31.12.2011 C-76 km) ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Bela-Chakand (9.98 km)` (2) 52.76 (3) 36.76 (4) 15.00 0 15 1.44 Sonepur-Hajipur incl. Gandak bridge Barauni-Tilrath - Bypass line Kursela-Semapur (27.78 km) 119.66 43.36 25.00 0 25 4.45 15.37 13.10 0.10 0 0.1 0.46 84.33 53.56 15.00 1.5 16.5 12 133.86 110.86 15.00 0 15 1.33 ····¸·§·ÄoÛĤ·Ë··¸oÛ·À Thana Bihpur-Kursela (33.57 km) 67.60 50.51 15.00 0 15 0.3 ·Ëq·Ç¤···p·q·¸|®··¸oÛ·À Begusarai-Khagaria (40.38 km) 142.65 122.65 20.00 0.5 20.5 21.16 Tilrath-Begusarai (8.33 km) t·´ ¯·Ä··v···Ë·t·´ ¯·Ä··´|·À|·§ Chandrapura-RajaberaChandrapura¸oÛ·À Bhandaridah (10.6 km) ¤··Ë··q··Äq··¤··· ·Ë¸ ··h·Ë´ Sonenagar-Mughalsarai ···Ë ¸¤·q··· ¤·¸§· ¤·À ··i· h·Ï 3rd line with bi-directional ¤··Ë··q· · ··iµ h·Ë· signalling & flyover at Sonenagar (110 km) ¸oÛ·À 35.66 20.52 15.00 0 15 0.45 34.87 20.12 10.00 0 10 11.3 290.11 263.77 10.00 0 10 0 ·Ä··Ä··ËÝq···¸oÛ·À Punpun-Taregna (16 km) 194.41 80.91 10.00 0 10 0.73 u··§·v·À·Ä¸oÛ·À Chhapra-Hajipur (59 km) 182.16 153.09 10.00 0 10 9.66 o۷ǵ Àq·¯··¤·À§·Ë¸oÛ·À Karpurigram-Siho (26 km) Electrification Projects 77.21 33.85 10.00 0 10 0 25.64 18.89 0.00 0.69 0.7 0.69 810.78 69.56 66.00 -29.97 36.03 36.52 ·Ë··t··oÛ´|¸oÛ·À ¤··Ë··Ä§·v·À·Äq·´|oÛ·Ä·¤·¸§· ··Ï·À¸·····iµ··¤···i· oÛĤ·Ë··¤·Ë···Ä¸oÛ·À ·§ËÝ ·p·Ḉz····¸·§·Ä¸oÛ·À Maheshkhunt-Thana (5) (6) (7) Bihpur (31.75 km) ¸····Ëq·Ç¤···¸oÛ·À ¸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~··¸Ý··Ëv···m´ oÛĤ·Ä́|·oÛz·¤·q·}®v··Ä¸···z·´| Kusunda-KatrasgarhJaminiatand (23 km) ¸oÛ·À ·Ç·µ·zÝËÝ··ËË ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· ···t·Ë¸····q·}®¸oÛ·À East Coast Railway New Lines (Construction) Talcher-Bimlagarh (154 km) oÛ·Ë··Äz··q·}®¸oÛ·À Koraput-Rayagada (164 km) 526.50 518.54 0.10 -0.099 0.001 0.31 ···t·Ë¤·´···Ä¸oÛ·À Talcher-Sambalpur (174 km) 518.00 474.84 2.00 -1.66 0.34 0.36 C-77 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg (8) Commissioned ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed (9) oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg Work in progress ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed h·Ý·Àm·m·oÛ··µ RVNL works t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of ¤·Àh·Ýh·Ý¤·À·Çiµ oÛ·Ë ÛÝ·ÝÀ ·oÛ CRR-CUE by February, 2013 work for the financial year ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛÀ¤·´·····§ÏÝg ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned work for the financial year ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg ¸·· ·£·µ oËÛ ¸·m oÛ··µ oËÛ ··¤·¸·oÛ As per actual execution of t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned work for the financial year ¸·£·· Ý·oËÛh·Ä¤··Ýg oÛ··µoÛÀ·Ëv··°q·¸·oËÛoÛ·Ý~· Due to fast progress of work t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned oÛ··µoÛÀ·Ëv··°q·¸·oËÛoÛ·Ý~· Due to fast progress of work t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ···Ç·ÀoÛ·À·Ë ·À Minor variation t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Commissioned ··¤··· Arbitration ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· ·Ì ¸··´· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· Due to delay in acquisition of ··t·Ý ¤·Ë ¤·Ä··p···À ¸oÛ·À oËÛ TDC for Talcher to Sunakhani ¸···µ~· h·ÏÝ h· ¤·´·Ý oÛ··µ ·Äß land, the formation and other zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· p·´|Ý oËÛ (km 0.20) is 31.3.2013 and for allied work could not be ¸·m¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝg rest section not fixed. ·§ÝÁ¸oÛ·Ëv··¤·oËÛg started. h´¸·· ¸···Ì oËÛ ¸·m ¸·¸···´ h·Ë¸c·· Fund required for final bills §ÐÝg h´¸·· ¸···Ì oËÛ ¸·m ¸·¸···´ h·Ë¸c·· Fund required for final bills §ÐÝg C-78 ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Daitari-Banspani (155 km) Lanjigarh RoadJunagarh (56 km) (2) 1326.63 0.00 (4) 70.00 188.15 180.90 10.00 8.77 18.77 19.25 p··Ë···Ë|··Ë··q·À¸oÛ·À Khurda Road-Bolangir (289 km) 470.21 146.14 60.00 -0.34 59.76 60.27 h´q·Ä·¤·Ä¸oÛ´ ··Ë|¸oÛ·À Angul-Sukinda Road (98.7 km) Haridaspur-Paradeep (82 km) Gauge Conversion 638.50 0.00 196.15 1000.00 0.00 179.15 ··Ï··|®·q·Ä·Ç·Ä¸oÛ·À Naupada-Gunupur km) 180.28 175.57 12.00 -5.3 6.7 6.53 ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling p··Ë·· ·Ë|·ÄÀ t·~·, Khurda Road-Puri (Phase-I) (15.3 km) ¸oÛ·À 69.67 68.73 0.25 0.28 0.53 0.37 ¤·´···ÄËÝq´ ···À¸oÛ·À Sambalpur-Rengali (22.7 km) 113.55 109.14 20.00 11.15 8.85 6.67 oÛzoÛ···´q·¸oÛ·À Cuttack-Barang (12 km) 186.00 141.20 39.00 221.00 180.99 39.00 275.50 232.00 33.20 150.00 126.04 33.50 -5.85 27.65 27.65 194.89 99.80 62.00 -8.35 53.65 53.65 Ï··À··´¤····À¸oÛ·À ··´v·Àq·}®·Ë|v·Ç··q·}®¸oÛ·À §¸ ·¤··Ä··· À·¸oÛ·À h·····¸Ý··µ· (90 p··Ë·····´q· ¤·À ··i· Khurda-Barang - 3rd line (35 km) ¸oÛ·À v··q·}®···´q·¸oÛ·À Rajatgarh-Barang (20 x··¤·Äq·Ä|·ËÝq´ ···À¸oÛ·À km) Jharsuguda-Rengali (25.6 km) ¸·v···q··oÛ·ËÝ···¤·· ¤·À VizianagaramKottavalasa - 3rd line ··i·¸oÛ·À (34.7 km) C-79 (3) (5) (6) (7) PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent h·Ý·Àm·m·h·ÏÝ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝg (8) RVNL & completed (9) oÛ··µ q·¸· ·Ëv· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Additional fund to accelerate ··´v·Àq·}®Ý ¤·Ë ····À·zÝ·· oËÛ ¸·m ¤·Àh·Ým¤· Lanjigarh to Bhawanipatna h¸·¸Ýn·¸·¸·oÛÀh·· ·oÛ··§ÏÝg the progress of the work. ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· oÛ·Ë ·Ë ·À q·iµ §ÏÝg CRS sanction obtained on Revised TDC ····À·zÝ·· ¤·Ë v·Ç··q·}¬Ý oËÛ ¸·m ¤·´ ··Ë¸·· 27.3.12. Bhawanopatna to Junagarh is zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À¸ ݤ·´·Ý§ÏÝg December, 2012 ···Ç·À oÛ·À·Ë ·À h·ÏÝ ¤·Ë· ¤·Ë ¸·· Minor variation and late p·Ä Ý·µ Ý·Ë|Ý ¤·Ë ·Ëq·Ä¸··· ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m TDC for Khurda Road to receipt of SAIL bill zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À h·ÏÝ ·Ëq·Ä¸··· ¤·Ë Begunia ( km 0.32) is ¹···´¤·Ë·°··§Ý·Ë··g ···q·}®Ý ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m 31.10.2012 and Begunia to Nayagrah( 34 km is 31.3.2013 §ÏÝg h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ··i· ··Ë····· oËÛ ¸·m p··Ë· ÝÀ q·iµ Line opened for traffic, ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg ancillary works are in §Ïݤ·§Ý··oÛoÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÐÝg Completed progress ·Ë£· Ý·¸···h·Ì oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Additional fund required to ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg h¸·¸Ýn·¸·¸·oÛÀh·· ·oÛ··§ÏÝg clear residual liabilities. Completed h´¸·· ¸···Ë´ oÛ· ·Äq···· ¸oÛ·· v···· Final bills are to be cleared §ÏÝg h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg Completed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg ·Ë£· Ý·¸···m´ ·ÇÝÀ Work compled. liabilities cleared. oÛÝ ÝÀq·iµ§ÐÝg Residual ·¯Ä´|Ý··· ¤·Ë x··Ý¤··q·Ä}Ý· Ý·Ë|Ý ¸oÛ·À TDC for Brundamal to oËÛ ¸·m zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À ¸¤··´·Ý h·ÏÝ Jharsuguda Road (6.10 km) is ·ËÝ·q··À ···´v···¯Ä´|Ý··®Ý ¸oÛ·À September, 2012 and from Brenagali-LapangaoËÛ¸·mÛÝ·ÝÀ§ÏÝg Brundamal(19.50 km) is February, 2013 v·Ä··iµ ¤·Ë hnzÇÝ·Ý oËÛ ·Àt· Due to non availability of oÛ·ËzÝ·····¤··o´ÛzÝoÛ··À oËÛ ¸·m zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À TDC for Kottavalasa¸·¸···Ì oÛÀ h·Ä····· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· funds between July to ¸¤··´·Ý h·ÏÝ o´ÛzÝoÛ··Àh···|Ý· Kantakapalli is September, October, 2011 progress slow oËÛ ¸·m ¸ ݤ·´·Ý §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ h···· ¤·Ë 2012, Kantakapalli-Alamanda oÛ··µoÛÀq·¸··À·ÀݧÝÀg down. is December, 2012 and oÛ·ËßoÛ·Ì|Ý·oËÛ¸·mÛÝ·ÝÀ§ÏÝg Alamanda to Korukonda is February, 2013 C-80 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) Sambalpur-Titlagarh (182 km) oÛ·ËÝ···¤··¸¤·§·t··· j· ·À KottavalasaSimhachalam North - 4th ··i· line ···Ä¸zÝzÝ··q·}® ¸oÛ·À ·´¸ Raipur-Titlagarh (203 §·¤··Ï ··· ···Ä ·iµ ··i· km), incl new line Mandir ¸oÛ·À h·ÏÝ Ý···ÄÝ oÌÛÝÀ····ÝÀ · Hasaud-Naya Raipur(20 h···ÄÝÝ·¸v·· ··p·· ··i· h···· km) and new Material for ·¸Ý··µ· ¸oÛ·À oË ·m Modification conversion of Raipur h···Ý·Ç·h· ··Ë··¤·¸§Ý· (Kendri)-Dhamtari & Abhanpur-Rajim branch (67.20 km) (2) 950.84 0.00 (4) 60.00 -60 108.81 76.86 17.00 -8.67 8.33 8.33 691.67 0.00 60.00 -58 2 0.05 ·¯Ä´|····x··¤·Äq·Ä|· |·j· ··i· oËÛ Brundamal-Jharsuguda Fly-over connection for ¤·´··Ëv··§ËÝ·Ä··iµh·Ë·¤·´·oÛµ 88.02 0.00 10.00 -9.95 0.05 0 ¤·´···Ä¸zz··q·}®¸oÛ·À (3) (5) (6) (7) joining down line ··´¤····À Ï··À··Ë·oÛ·v··p···Ä· ¸oÛ·À Banspani-Daitari-TomkaJakhapura (180 km) 942.95 0.00 70.00 -70 |ËÝ·´q··ÄÀ¸oÛ·À Delang-Puri (28.7 km) 133.71 0.04 35.00 -21 14 1.26 679.27 0.00 66.00 -65.9 0.1 0 14.95 0.00 10.00 0 0 0 (28 143.82 83.36 0.02 0 0.02 0 (23 80.76 78.55 0.10 -0.06 0.04 0 180.24 177.96 0.10 -0.02 0.08 0.04 171.40 118.54 5.00 -2.59 2.41 2.45 ¤·´···Ä···t·Ë¸oÛ·À Sambalpur-Talcher (174.11 km) ¸¤·§Ý·t··· j·Ýq··Ë······· Simhachalam North··iµ··¤· ··i· oÛ· ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Gopalapatnam Doubling of bypass line ¸oÛ·À v··q·}®·q·Ä́|À¸oÛ·À §······ À·¸oÛ·À (2.07 km) Rajatgarh-Nergundi km) Rahama-Paradeep km) ·q·Ä́|ÀoÛzoÛr·Ä····Ä¸oÛ·À Nergundi-CuttackRaghunathpur (43 km) ¸zz··q·}®··´v·Àq·}®·Ë|¸oÛ·À Titlagarh-Lanjigarh Road (47 km) j·Ý··ËÝ··ËË North Central Railway ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· New (Construction) Lines C-81 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) h·Ý·Àm·m· (9) ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ RVNL Not fixed oÛ··µ ·ÇÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg h´··¸ÝoÛ Work completed. Internal t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg adjustment done. ¤·····Ëv··¸oÛmv···Ë§ÐÝg Commissioned h·Ý·Àm·m· ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed ¸·¤·Ê·h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ·¸oÛmv···Ë§ÐÝg Detailed estimates yet to be ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed RVNL sanctioned h·Ý·Àm·m· h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL RVNL ¸·¤·Ê·h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ·¸oÛmv···Ë§ÐÝg Detailed estimates yet to be ¤·p·Àq··Ë··· p·´|Ý ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m TDC for Deland to Sakhigopal sanctioned zÝÀ|ÝÀ¤·À ··t·µ h·ÏÝ ·Ë£· p·´|Ý oËÛ ¸·m section 12.4 km is March, 2013 and for rest section is ¸ ݤ·´·Ý§ÏÝg ¸·¤·Ê·h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ·¸oÛmv···Ë§ÐÝg Detailed estimates yet to be ··t·µ December, 2013 March, 2013 sanctioned ¸·¤·Ê·h·Ä···¤·ÀoÊÛ·¸oÛmv···Ë§ÐÝg Detailed estimates yet to be ¸¤·¸·· oÛ···Î oËÛ ¸·m ¸·¸· Ý· oÛ·Ë h´¸·· ß· Tender under finalisation for sanctioned civil works. ¸ Ý··v··Ý§Ý·§ÏÝg oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ h´¸·· ¸·· Works completed. Final bills t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg due. ·oÛ···§ÐÝg oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ h´¸·· ¸·· Works completed. Final bills t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg due. ·oÛ···§ÐÝg oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ h´¸·· ¸·· Work completed and final t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg bills due. ·oÛ···§ÐÝg oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ ¤·····Ëv·· Work completed and t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg adjustment done oÛݸ Ýmq·m§ÐÝg C-82 Commissioned Commissioned Commissioned Commissioned ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 601.41 (3) 548.41 (4) 33.00 0 (6) -13.28 (7) -12.68 (57.5 219.84 123.71 40.00 0 61.87 66.54 ·¸···Ä¤···· À··¸¤·´q··Ï·À · Lalitpur-Satna, RewaSingrauli & Mahoba·§·Ë··p·v·Ä·§·Ë¸oÛ·À 925.00 577.19 34.00 35 107.33 137.59 432.00 203.06 50.00 0 94.4 84.67 q·Ä··iz··· ··¤·· ¸ ···Äq··¸··Guna-Etawah via Shivpur-Gwalior-Bhind ¸·´|¸oÛ·À (5) (348.25 km) iz····Ï··ÄÀ¸oÛ·À Etawah-Mainpuri km) Khajuraho (541 km) h·q··iz··· ··¤·· ۷˧··· · Agra-Etawah via Fatehabad & Bah (110 ··§¸oÛ·À km) C-83 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ¸ ݤ··Ý ·Ì ¸§Ý¤··· Ýp·Ë v···Ë oËÛ ¸·m Credit of Rs. 84.11 cr received h·Ë·· ··i· ¤·Ë oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m oÛ· from open line to be accounted. December, 2012 oË̄Û¸|ÝzÝ·°··§ÄÝh·g ·´¸·· ËÝ···h·Ì oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· 2013-14, expenditure in excess of Rs. 4.57 crore occurred due oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ·mh¸·oÛp·t·µg to pending liabilities. oËÛ Ý·ÏÝ·· h¸·¸Ýn· Proposal of re-appropriation ·¼ t·· ·· Ý··Ë oËÛ p···Ë ·Ì 2013-14, Expenditure in excess of Rs. 30.28 crore ··Ý·¸ · oÛÀ h·· ·oÛ·· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· was submitted by GM/WCR oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ·moÛ·h¸·oÛp·t·µg occurred on account WCR. ·§Ý··°·´·oÛ·¼ t·· ·· ËÝ··Ë Ý·Ý· due to requirement of extra ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq· oÛ· ·°¤··· ·°¤·Ä· ¸oÛ·· funds during 2011-12 q···g ÛÝ·ÝÀ g ··· ··p· Þ·m oÛÀ February, 2012. Marginal ···Ç·À ·Ê¸Ý §ÄÝiµ ¸v·¤··Ý ¸oÛ¤·À ¸zÝ·~·À oÛÀ excess of expenditure only Rs. 27 lacs needs no comment. h·· ·oÛ···§ÝÁ§ÏÝg C-84 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 h·····¸Ý··µ· (1) Gauge Conversion (2) q··¸··¸ ···ÄoÛ··· oÛ·Ëz· ·oÛ Gwalior-Sheorpurkalan with extension to Kota ¸·¤··¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1176.09 0.70 12.00 0 0.94 1.04 622.41 1.91 25.00 0 0.75 0.75 111.50 109.50 2.00 0 1.41 1.48 81.48 75.14 6.00 0 1.27 1.27 Mathura-Bhuteshwar (3.48 km) Kanpur-Chandari (4 km) 5.74 4.25 0.00 0 0 0 16.85 13.62 0.00 0 0 0 Chheoki-Lohgara (26.88 km) Lohgara-Kataiyadandi (32.30 km) 82.64 82.40 0.20 0 0.49 0.49 84.49 84.10 0.40 0 0.5 -0.5 399.47 314.31 50.00 0 0 0 6.70 6.70 0.00 0 0 -1.59 54.67 47.64 7.00 0 0.9 0.85 (284 km) ··Ï··Ä¸¤··Ä·· q·´q···Ä ¸¤·zÀ ·oÛ Dholpur-Sirmuttra with extension to Gangapur ¸·¤··¤·¸§·¸oÛ·À City (144.6 km) ··Ä·ht··Ë·¸oÛ·À ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Mathura-Achnera km) Doubling (35 ··¸~·oÛ·ÄoÛzÏ··|·´|À¸oÛ·À Manikpur-Kataiyadandi (32.68 km) ··Ä··Ç·Ë ·¸oÛ·À oÛ···Ät·´ ·À¸oÛ·À uËÜh·ËoÛÀ··Ë§q···¸oÛ·À ··Ë§q···oÛzÏ··|·´|À¸oÛ·À h·Àq·}®q··¸v····· ¤·À ··i· Aligarh-Ghaziabad - 3rd line (106.15) ¸oÛ·À i··§··· ¤·Ç·Ë ·q·´v·¤·À··i· Allahabad-Subedarganj 3rd line ··oÛÀ··Ï·Ä¤·À··i· Panki-Bhaupur - 3rd line ·À·¤·Ë·v·Ç§À Bhimsen-Juhi ·····Ç·Ë ·Ý ¤·À ··i· Palwal-Bhuteshwar - 3rd line (81 km) ¸oÛ·À oÛ···Ä··oÛÀ ¤·À · ·À ··i· Kanpur-Panki - 3rd & 4th line (Phase-I) (9 km) t·~·,¸oÛ·À 30.89 29.89 1.00 345.00 300.20 35.00 1002.18 95.46 5.00 0 0.5 0.05 88.81 77.94 10.00 0 0.6 0.8 New Lines (Construction) Ajmer-Pushkar (31.4 km) 107.20 123.71 3.33 0 3.33 9.2 oÛ·Ë····Û··Ï À¸oÛ·À Kolayat-Phalodi (111.394 171.14 169.85 0.10 0 0.1 0.4 184.57 2.04 46.00 0 46 11.95 zÄ́|····Ä···Ä·¸oÛ·À j·Ý·¼ t··ËÝ··ËË ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· hv··Ë·Ä£oÛ¸oÛ·À Tundla-Yamuma bridge (21 km) North Western Railway km) ·´q·Äq·¯···¤·¸oÛ·À Bangurgram-Ras km) (27.8 C-85 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) h·Ý·Àm·m· h·Ý·Àm·m· (9) ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g i´v·À¸··¹Ýq·oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·oÛݸ Ý··q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g Completed ··t·µ March, 2013 Engineering work completed RVNL RVNL ·Ì ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m Target work for completing t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g in 2011-12 ·¸c··oÛ··µ uÄÜzÝ˧ÄÝmoÛ··µh·Ïݸ·¸··oÛ··µ Left over work and misc. t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g Commissioned Commissioned work. ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛÀ ·°¸o¯Û·· t·· ݧÝÀ Land acquisition process §ÏÝg under ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g C-86 Not fixed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 ·Ï¤··q·´q···Ä¸¤·zÀ¸oÛ·À (1) Dausa-Gangapur (92.67 km) (2) 410.08 (3) 136.89 (4) 60.00 0 60 (7) 41.26 h·····¸Ý··µ· Gauge Conversion 653.55 3.09 150.00 0 150 91.77 516.23 9.14 100.00 50 150 165.89 695.00 756.93 100.00 10 110 37.15 ÛÄ·Ë·v··Ë··Ä¸···|® ·Ë|¸···· Phulera-Jodhpur-Pipar Road-Bilara (41.14 km) ¸oÛ·À hv··Ë¸t···Ï|®q·}®j ··Ä Ajmer-Chittaurgarh¸oÛ·À j ··Ä ¤·Ë j·· ¸oÛ·À Udaipur (300 km), incl. ·oÛ ¸·¤·· §ËÝ·Ä h····Ç· h· ··Ë·· material modification for extension from Udaipur ¤·¸§· 57.20 47.31 0.10 0 0.1 0 566.00 546.93 1.50 0 1.5 4.3 h·q··Û·Ëzµ ··´ ÀoÛÄiµ ¸oÛ·À Agra Fort-Bandikui (151 km) 217.33 216.19 0.50 0 0.5 -3.37 ËÝ··|®À¤·· Ç··Ä ¸oÛ·À Rewari-Sadulpur (140 incl. material ¤·· Ç··Ä¸§¤·· ¸oÛ·À oËÛ km), h···· ·¸··µ· §ËÝ·Ä h····Ç· modification for gauge conversion of Sadulpurh· ··Ë··¤·¸§· 734.00 390.35 4.00 0 4 28.98 ¢·Àq·´q···q·¤·ß·¤· ·§ ·Ç· t·~· Sri Sarupsar ,¸oÛ·À 258.59 225.48 35.00 5 40 0.03 City v···Ä¸´q·¤·t·Äß · ¤·ÀoÛ··Ë§·ß Jaipur-Ringus-Churu & Sikar-Loharu (320.04 ¸oÛ·À (5) (6) km) ¤·Ç··Ä·§·Ä···q·}®¢·Àq·´q···q· ¸oÛ·À Suratpura-HanumangarhSri Ganganagar (240.95 km) ¤·· Ç··Ä·ÀoÛ··Ë · ··q·}® Ëq···· Sadulpur-Bikaner Ratangarh-Degana ¸oÛ·À & (394.35 km) to Umra (11 km) ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Hissar (70 km) GanganagarCanal Loop (Phase-I) (116 km) Doubling v···ÄÛÄ·Ë·¸oÛ·À Jaipur-Phulera km) (54.75 120.00 116.99 1.00 0 1 0.46 v···Ä ·Ï¤··¸oÛ·À Jaipur-Dausa (61.28 km) 197.00 196.92 0.70 0 0.7 6.25 C-87 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· ¸oÛ·· Expenditure incurred as per ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ progress of work. q···g ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i.e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g Not fixed store. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i.e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g 31.3.2013 store. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i.e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g Commissioned store. oÛ··µ ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· h·ÏÝ p·~|Ý oÛ·Ë p··Ë· Work completed and section t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g opened ¸ Ý··q···g ·§Ý··Ç~·µ ·Ä· h·¸ Ý ¤·¸§Ý· uÄÜzËÝ §ÄÝm Leftover work including t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g important bridge etc. oÛ··µ Commissioned Work of RRI at Agra Fprt t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g beomg dpme bu NCR prier more debits raised now adjusted. oËÛ Due to leftover work and t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g adjustment of store material Commissioned t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g Commissioned oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i..e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g Commissioned uÄÜzËÝ §ÄÝm oÛ··µ h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý ¤···q·°À ¤·····Ëv··oËÛoÛ·Ý~· Commissioned Commissioned store. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i..e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g store. C-88 Commissioned ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 ·Ï¤····´ ÀoÛÄiµ ¸oÛ·À (1) Dausa-Bandikui km) (29.04 (2) 95.34 (3) 97.11 (4) 2.00 2 (5) 4 (6) 3.45 (7) h··§¤··Ï·À¸oÛ·À Alwar-Harsauli km) (34.86 91.59 71.07 2.00 0 2 5.04 §¤··Ï·ÀËÝ··|®À¸oÛ·À Harsauli-Rewari km) (39.35 113.75 112.89 4.00 3 7 15.06 126.54 0.25 25.00 0 25 0 133.36 0.45 25.00 0 25 0 156.64 0.25 40.00 0 40 0 118.57 0.45 25.00 20 45 39.73 98.16 0.02 25.00 0 25 0 Rani-Keshav Ganj (59.5 km) Ajmer-Bangurgram (48.43 km) 273.74 0.00 5.00 0 5 0 213.39 0.00 5.00 0 5 0 q·Ä¸|®······|® ¸oÛ·À · Guriya-Marwar (43.5 km) & Karjoda-Palanpur (5.4 oÛv··Ë|®······Ä¸oÛ·À 239.73 0.00 5.00 0 5 0 251.91 0.00 5.00 0 5 0 116.20 0.00 1.00 0 1 0.0046 h··Ç·Ë|¤··Ë·· ·Ë| oÛ§À´oÛ§À´ Abu Road-Sarotra Road Patch doubling (23.12 ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À km) ¤·ß·q·´v·h··Ç ·Ë| oÛ§À´oÛ§À´ Swaroopganj-Abu Road Patch doubling (25.36 ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À km) ¤··Ë·· ·Ë|oÛv··Ë|· oÛ§À´oÛ§À´ Sarotra Road-Karjoda Patch doubling (23.59 ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À km) oËÛ ··q·´v·¤·ß·q·´v· oÛ§À´oÛ§À´ Keshav Swaroopganj ·Ë§ÀoÛ~·¸oÛ·À Ganj- Patch doubling (26.48 km) ·q··oÛÀoÛ·Ë{À·Ç·À¸oÛ·À Bhagat ki (28.12 km) Ý··ÀoËÛ ··q·´v·¸oÛ·À hv··Ë··´q·ÄÝq·°··¸oÛ·À ËÝ··|®À··§ËÝ߸oÛ·À ݸc·~··Ç·µ··ËÝ··ËË ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· ··|ݤ··q·|ݸt·Ý·Ë ·À¸o·À Kothi-Luni km) Rewari-Manheru (69.02 km) South East Central Railway New Lines (Construction) Wadsa - Gadchiroli (49.5 km) C-89 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i..e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g (9) Commissioned store. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i..e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g Commissioned store. oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i..e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g Commissioned h·Ý·Àm·m· store. RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL oÛ··µ oÛÀ ·°q·¸· h··µ·¬ ¤·´¸· Ý·q·· Expenditure incurred as per ·Äq···· h·ÏÝ ·~|Ý·Ý oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý ·· progress of work i..e. contractual payment and ¸oÛ··q···g 31.3.2013 h·Ý·Àm·m· store. RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ·§ÝÁ §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· Work not started due to estimate not sanctioned. oÛ··µh·´Ý··§ÝÁ§ÄÝh· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ·§ÝÁ §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· Work not started due to h·Ý·Àm·m· estimate not sanctioned. oÛ··µh·´Ý··§ÝÁ§ÄÝh· Not fixed h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h´¸·· ¤··· ¸···µÝ~· oÛË oÛ··µ oÛ· Final location survey work ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ {ËÝoÛ· oÛ·Ë ËÝ ¸ Ý·· q···g awarded on 6.4.2012. FLS h´¸·· ¤··· ¸···µÝ~· ¤·´·´·À ¸·¤·Ê· the detailed estimate will be h·Ä··· ·Ï··Ý ¸oÛ·· v··mq·· h·ÏÝ j¤·Ë prepared and will be sent to ËÝ··Ë··Ë|µÝoÛ·Ë·Ëv·¸ Ý··v··mq··g Railway Boards. C-90 Not fixed Not fixed ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 1105.23 0.44 (4) 0.00 0 0 0 585.93 157.94 50.00 0 50 47.59 ¸uÜ´ Ý··|Ý···´|Ý·· Û·Ëzݵ Chindwara-Mandla Fort (182.25 km) ¸oÛ·À 556.54 0.005 30.00 0 30 4.71 v····ÄÝq··Ë́¸ Ý·· ····r··zÝoÛzÝq´ ·À Jabalpur-Gondia Balaghat-Katangi ¤·¸§Ý·¸oÛ·À 673.63 522.48 100.00 0 100 74.84 Ý·ÀÝ·v·§ÝÝ·v·q· Ý··ÄݸoÛ·À Dallirajahara-Jagdalpur (3) (5) (6) (7) (235 km) h·····¸Ý··µ· Gauge Conversion ¸uÜ´ Ý··|Ý···q··ÄݸoÛ·À Chhindwara-Nagpur (149.522 km) incl. (285 km) C-91 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) oÛ·Ëiµ r·zÝ·}®Ý·§ÝÁ (9) Ý·ºv·¹·q· ¤·Ë Ý·Ër··z ·oÛÝ ¸oÛ·À oÛË t·Ý~· 31.3.2020 for phase-I from 95 , oËÛ ¸·m h·Ý·Àm·m· oËÛ Dalirajahara-Rowghat h·Ä¤··Ý ¤·Ë ·£·µ oÛ···Î oÛ·Ë t·Ý~··Ý km.(As per RVNL 8 to 10 years ·ÝÀoËÛ ¤·Ë ¤····Ë oËÛ ¸·m uÜ·À¤·q·}®Ý ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý due to the Govt of Chattisgarh's directives of work oËÛ¸ Ý ··¸· ÍÝ ··ÌoËÛoÛ·Ý~· No variation to be handled in phases. v·Ï¤··¸oÛ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý As the final grant received ¹uÜ Ý··|®Ý· ¤··j¤·Ý ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m 31.3.2014 for Saucer (72 km) Þ·m ·°·· §ÄÝh·g h· p·t·µ oÛ·Ë oÛ·ÛÀ 44.79 crore. Therefore §Ý Ý ·oÛ ¸··´¸·· ¸oÛ·· q··· h·ÏÝ expenditure was restricted to r·zÝ·}®Ý h·Ä·Ë· ¤·À·· h··µ·¬ oËÛ the extend. And the variation are within permissible ·À·Ý§ÏÝg Chhindwara limit.(i.e.5%) ··Ë|µÝ ¤·Ý ·Ý h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· h··´¸zÝ· While allocating the final ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ oÛÝ·Ë ¤··· j¤·Ë r·zÝ·oÛÝ oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý grant at Board level is oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q···g v·Ï¤··¸oÛ h´¸·· reduce to 4.69 cr. As the h·Ä Ý·· oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m ·°·· §ÄÝm final grant received 4.69 cr. h· ·· oÛ·Ë oÛ·ÛÀ §Ý Ý ·oÛ ¸··´¸·· Therefore expenditure was ¸oÛ·· q···g ¤·À|Ý·Çh·Ým·h·iµh·Ý restricted to the extend. oËÛ ¸·m oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m oÛ· Detailed estimate sanctioned for Rs. 590.91 crores for ¸·¤·Ä· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ¸oÛ·· q··· CWR-NIR and part detailed h·ÏÝ oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m oÛ· estimate was sanctioned for h·´¸ ·oÛ ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· Rs. 1436.81 crs. The ¸oÛ·· q···g ¤·À|Ý·Çmm·h·iµh·Ý detailed estimate of CWAoÛ· ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ·°¸o¯Û···À· §ÏÝg NIR is un der process. Work oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg in progress. Not fixed ··Ë|µÝ ¤·Ý ·Ý h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· h··´¸zÝ· While allocating the final v·Ë·À·À m¤·h·Ë··iµ ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m 31.3.2014. For JBP-SOY-40 oÛÝ·Ë ¤··· j¤·Ë r·zÝ·oÛÝ grant at Board level is h·ÏÝ ··Ý·¸ · oÛÀ j····· km and 31.3.2017 for the entire oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q···g h· ·t·· reduce to 75.51 cr.Hence h·ÏÝ ·· ¸···q· ¤·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ¤·´·Ç~·µ project subject to availabity of funds and forest clearance. h·Ä·Ë· ¤·À·· oËÛ ·À·Ý §ÏÝg savings is within permissible ·¸Ý··Ëv···oËÛ¸·m limit. Revised estimate oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m oÛ· ¤·´ ··Ë¸·· h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ¸oÛ·· q···g q··Ë¸ Ý·· sanctioned for Rs. 1037.90 ····r··zÝ h·ÏÝ ····r··zÝoÛz´Ýq·À p·~|Ý cr. Gondia-Balaghat and Balaghat-Katangi section oÛ·oÛ··µ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···§ÏÝg work is completed. C-92 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Doubling ¸···¤··Äݤ··oÛ· Ý·Ë|Ý oÛ§ÝÀ´oÛ§ÝÀ´ Bilaspur-Salka Road Patch doubling (39.4 km) Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À 144.19 110.96 10.00 0 10 -4.68 ¸···iµ ÝÄq·µ ·À¤·ÝÀ ··i· Bhilai-Durg - 3rd line (13.15 km) ¸oÛ·À 73.55 61.57 1.99 0 1.99 1.09 ¤··oÛ· Ý·Ë|Ýp··Ë́q·¤··Ý· oÛ§ÝÀ´oÛ§ÝÀ´ Salka Road-Khongsara Patch doubling (26 km) Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À p··Ë·ÝÀh·Ç··ÄÝ ¸···¤··ÄÝ ·Ë´ ··iµ Khodri-Anuppur, with flyover at Bilaspur (61.6 h·Ë·Ý¤·¸§Ý·¸oÛ·À 143.87 0.50 60.00 0 60 0 385.54 0.00 60.00 0 60 0 km) t··´····iµ··¤···i· Champa - Bypass line 37.64 13.87 17.00 0 17 14.28 oÛ··Ä·····q··ÄÝ Kalumna-Nagpur 27.69 4.93 10.00 0 10 8.17 - 872.12 8.04 50.00 0 50 10.66 ÝqÄ ·µÝ·v··´ Ýq··´··À¤·ÝÀ··i· Durg-Rajnandgaon - 3rd line 157.85 0.14 20.00 0 20 11.96 ¸···¤··ÄÝjÝoÄÛÝ·¸oÛ·À Bilaspur-Urkura (110 km) 321.00 135.33 3.95 0 3.395 0.04 ݸc·~··¼ t··ËÝ··ËË South Western Railway t··´··x··Ý¤·Äq·Ä|Ý· ·À¤·ÝÀ ··i· Champa-Jharsuguda 3rd line (165 km) ¸oÛ·À C-93 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·~|Ý·¤·Ë·~|Ý·ÝoË̄Û¸|ÝzÝ·°··§ÄÝh·g Store credit received from t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···g Commissioned the division v·Ï¤··¸oÛ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý As the final grant received t···ÇoÛݸ Ý··q···g cr. Therefore, Þ·m ·°·· §ÄÝh·g h· p·t·µ oÛ·Ë oÛ·ÛÀ 1.13 expenditure was restricted to §Ý Ý·oÛ¸··´¸··¸oÛ··q···g Commissioned the extent. h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· RVNL h·Ý·Àm·m· oÛÀ ·¸Ý··Ëv···g ·c· RVNL's project. Target by 2013 ·oÛ h·Ý·Àm·m· oÛÀ ·¸Ý··Ëv···g Ý·v· ¤·ÝoÛ·Ý RVNL's project. Due to non oËÛ ·· ¸···q· ¤·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· ·§ÝÁ ¸···Ë oËÛ clearance from forest state government. oÛ·Ý~·g v·Ï¤··¸oÛ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý As the final grant received oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m oÛ· ¤·´ ··Ë¸·· h·Ä··· Iind revised estimate is cr. Therefore, ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ¸oÛ·· q··· §ÏÝg oÛ··µ oÛ·Ë sanctioned for Rs. 42.93 cr. Þ·m ·°·· §ÄÝh·g h· p·t·µ oÛ·Ë oÛ·ÛÀ 14.24 expenditure was restricted to ·oÛ ¤···· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· ·c· The work is targetted to §Ý Ý·oÛ¸··´¸··¸oÛ··q··· the extent. §ÏÝg q·°····¸¤···Ì ¤·Ë oÛ|®Ý· ¸·Ý·Ë· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· ·Ç¸· completed by 30.12.2012. There was delay in land h¸·q·°§Ý~··Ì¸···§ÄÝh·g acquisition due to stiff resistance from the villagers. v·Ï¤··¸oÛ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý As the final grant received ¸¤···Ý ·Ý·Ä h¸·q·°§Ý~· ·§ÝÁ §ÝzÝ·Ë September, 2012 but delayed cr. Therefore, oËÛoÛ·Ý~·¸···§ÄÝh·g due to non removal of enc Þ·m ·°·· §ÄÝh·g h· p·t·µ oÛ·Ë oÛ·ÛÀ 8.51 expenditure was restricted to roachment. §Ý Ý·oÛ¸··´¸··¸oÛ··q··· the extent. v·Ï¤··¸oÛ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý As the final grant received oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m oÛ· ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· Detailed estimate is sanctioned cr. Therefore, ¤·ÀoÊÛ· §ÄÝh·g oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· ·Ý §ÏÝg ·c· for Rs. 983.46 cr. Work is in Þ·m ·°·· §ÄÝh·g h· p·t·µ oÛ·Ë oÛ·ÛÀ 9.81 expenditure was restricted to ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝg progress. Target not fixed. §Ý Ý·oÛ¸··´¸··¸oÛ··q··· the extent. v·Ï¤··¸oÛ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· As the final grant received ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oËÛ ·°¤··· oÛ·Ë h´¸·· ß· Land acquisition proposal not cr. Therefore, ·§ÝÁ¸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg·c·¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝg finalised. Target not fixed. oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m ·°·· §ÄÝh·g h· p·t·µ oÛ·Ë 11.39 oÛ·ÛÀ§Ý Ý·oÛ¸··´¸··¸oÛ··q··· expenditure was restricted to the extent. h·Ý·Àm·m· t·Ý~· , ·Àm¤··À ·zÝ··Ý· oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ Phase-I BSP-Bhatapara ¸ Ý·· q··· h·ÏÝ Ý¸c·~· ·Ç·µ ·· ËÝ··Ë Ý·Ý· completed and commissioned ·Ì t···Ç oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q···g in 2005-06 by SECR. Phase-II h·Ý·Àm·m· oËÛ ·À¤·À|ÝÀh·Ë oËÛ h·Ä¤··Ý Bhatapara to Urkura is to be t·Ý~· ,, ·zÝ··Ý· ¤·Ë jÝoÄÛÝ· ¸v·¤·Ë ···Ý done by RVNL as per their ·oÛ ·ÇÝ· ¸oÛ·· v···· §ÏÝ h·Ý·Àm·m· PCDO work to to completed by Novermber, 2012 Ý·Ý·¸oÛ··v····§ÏÝg RVNL C-94 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· Ý·· Äq·µ·Ä·oÇ Ý ·Ý·¤·· ¸oÛ·À (1) New Lines (Construction) oÛ··~· Äq·µ Rayadurg-Tumkur via Kalyandurg (213 km) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1027.89 29.79 40.00 8.79 48.79 48.79 816.14 0.20 17.00 -16.56 0.44 0.44 ·¸ÝoÄÛ·· oÄÛ·· ·iµ ··i· Marikuppam - Kuppam New Line (23.7 km) ¸oÛ·À oÛ·ËÉÝÝ§Ý¸Ý§Ý ·Ý·¤·· §ÝÝ··§Ý·À Kottur-Harihar via Harpanhalli (65 km) ¸oÛ·À oÛ|ÇÝݸt·oÛ·q··Çݤ·oÛ·Ë ··ÄÝ Kadur-ChickmagalurSakleshpur (93 km) ¸oÛ·À 99.64 0.00 0.01 354.06 317.89 6.66 -2.59 4.07 4.07 332.82 189.46 10.00 17.4 27.4 37.91 §Ý·¤···Ìq··ÇÞÝ·Ý·¤··¢··~··Ë·q··Ë··Hassan-Bangalore via Shravanabelgola (166 ¸oÛ·À 475.50 443.10 30.00 -26.86 3.14 38.14 ··q··oÛ·ËzÝoÄ|Ý·t·À¸o·À Bagalkot-Kudachi km) (142 km) §ÄÝ··Àh´´oÛ·Ë··¸oÛ·À Hubli-Ankola (167 km) 337.82 58.71 33.00 -23.67 9.33 10.71 ·Ìq··ÇÞ¤···´q···¸oÛ·À BangaloreSatyamangalam km) 226.00 0.29 3.30 -3.3 0 0 Whitefield - Kolar (52.9 km) 341.04 0.00 1.00 -1 0 0 Tumkur-ChitradurgaDavangere 913.00 0.00 1.00 -0.97 0.03 0.03 Shimoga-Harihar(78.66 km) 562.74 0.00 1.00 -1 0 0 h·····¸Ý··µ· (260 Gauge Conversion C-95 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) Ý·· ÄÝq·µ h·Ä·· Ý·zÝ·· ¸oÛ·À oËÛ Procurement of 52 KG rails Ý·· ÄÝq·µ h·Ä·· Ý··· ¸oÛ·À ·ÇÝ· Rayadurga-Avuladatla(14 km) ·Àt· ·¸c·· p·~|Ý oËÛ ¸·m has been done for targetted oÛÝ·ËoÛÀ·c·¸·¸·ÛÝ·ÝÀ·oÛg TDC by Feb, 2013 ¸oÛ··Ëq·°·· ·zݸݷ·Ì oÛÀ p·ÝÀ Ý oÛÝ ·À section between RayadurgaAvuladatla ( 14 km). Hence q·iµ§ÏÝgh·r·zÝ·}®Ý§ÄÝh·g variation ·Ç¸·h¸·q·°§Ý~·oÛ·oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝgLand acquisition progress Ý·v·¸·c·ËË ··Ì··o۷˧ݤ··´·Ý~· is in Not fixed Transfer of expenditure to ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁg ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· oÛÀ state deposits. ¸···q·Ý·Ý·¸··Àc··oÛÀv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝg ¸·· Not fixed. DE under finance vetting. ·c· oÛ·Ë ·°·· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ¸·¸·· Execution of various works ¤·oË̄Û··zÝ·· oÛ¸··Ë§Ý··À ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë Sakreyapatna-Kanivehalli km) completed. oÛ···Î oÛ·Ë ¸·£··¸ Ý· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· to achieve the target has ·ÇÝ·oÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg for excess ·· ·Ì oÛÝ·Ë|®Ý Þ·m oÛÀ ·Ê¸Ý contributed expenditure of Rs. 27.40 cr §ÄÝiµg Ý·v·¸·c·ËË ··Ì··o۷˧ݤ··´·Ý~· (15 Transfer of expenditure to ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë state deposits. §Ý··¤·µoËÛ· oÛ· ·c· ¢··~··Ë·q··Ë·· ¤·Ë TDC-Feb 2012/Dec 2012 ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ÛÝ·ÝÀ Sharavanabelgola-Hirescave ¸ ݤ··Ý ·Ì·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·(16 km) fixed by RB. HassanËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· ¸···µ¸Ý· ¸oÛ·· q··· §ÏÝg Sharavanabelgola ( 42 km) ¢··~··Ë·q··Ë·· ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ·Ì opened in 2006. Chickbanavarp··Ë· ¸ Ý·· q···g ¸t·oÛ····Ý ·Ë··´q·· Nelmangal (14 km ) completed ¸oÛ·À ··t·° ·Ì ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ ¸··· in March, 2011. q···§ÏÝg ·Ç¸·h¸·q·°§Ý~·oÛËÛoÛ··µ·Ì¸··· Delay in land acquisition ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁg Not fixed ·· ¸···q· ¤·Ë ¤·ÀoÊÛ¸· ·¼·· §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ Work not started pending ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ forest clearance. oÛ·Ý~·oÛ··µ ·Äß·§ÝÁ§ÄÝh·g Not fixed h´¸·· ¤··· ¤··Íc·~· oÛ· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· FLS is in progress ·Ý§ÏÝg h´¸·· ¤··· ¤··Íc·~· oÛ· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· FLS is in progress ·Ý§ÏÝg h´¸·· ¤··· ¤··Íc·~· oÛ· oÛ··µ ·°q·¸· FLS is in progress ·Ý§ÏÝg ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁgoÛ··µ··Ëv···¤·Ý·Ý§ÏÝg Not fixed.Work stage. ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Change in alignment under consideration. in planning h´¸·· ¤··· ¤··Íc·~· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg ¸·¤·Ê· FLS completed. DE under vetting. h·Ä···oÛÀ¸··Àc··oÛÀv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝg C-96 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) oÛ·Ë··Ý¸t·oÛ····ÄݸoÛ·À Kolar-Chickballapur (96.5 (2) 200.00 (3) 193.64 (4) 15.00 (5) 13.45 (6) 28.45 (7) 28.45 679.44 597.97 15 8.41 6.59 6.59 592.27 372.93 2.00 2 0 0 km) ·Ë́q··ÇÞݧÄÝ··À · ¸ ···Ëq·· zÝ·j· Bangalore-Hubli & Shimoga Town-Talguppa ···q·Ä··¸o·À (630 km) hݤ·ÀoËÛËݧ·¤···´q···ËÝ ¸oÛ·À Arsikere-HassanMangalore (236 km) 138.00 138.00 0.00 (Hotgi)-Gadag 499.41 368.05 5.00 0.47 5.47 5.47 ·Ï¤·ÇÝt···Ý·v··q· t·Ý~·, Mysore-Chamarajanagar ·ËÝÄ····· ·oÛ ¸·¤··Ý ¤·¸§Ý· (Phase-I) with extension to Mettupalayam (148 ¸o·À 608.57 198.05 2.22 4.56 6.78 6.78 127.44 144.46 0.58 7.85 8.43 8.43 77.79 85.42 2.76 1.84 5.18 5.61 hݤ·ÀoË Ë¸·ßÝÝ h·´¸ ·oÛ Arsikere-Birur - Patch doubling (44.28 km) Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸o·À 149.88 125.43 42.00 -14.44 27.56 27.56 Ý···q·Ý··Ï¤·ÇÝ ¸oÛ·À oË ´q·ËÝÀRamanagaram-Mysore (91.5 km) with ·Ï¤·ÇÝo˸·Ä·ÀoÛÝ~·¤·¸§Ý· 352.68 194.82 200.00 120.28 79.72 ¤··Ë···ÄݧݷËzÝq·Àq· Ýq·¸oÛ·À Solapur (300 km) km) ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling ··Ý··|®Ýo´·Ýq·~··À¸o·À Dharwad-Kambarganvi (26.68 km) §Ä··À§Ë·¤·Çݸo·À Hubli-Hebsur (17.17 km) electrification of KengeriMysore C-97 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·¸c·· oÛ··µg ·Ç¸· h¸·q·°§Ý~· oÛ··µ ·Ì Targetted work. Delay in ¹t····~·À ¸¤···r··zÝ ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· TDC by 30.9.12 Chinatamani¸···g ·ÇÄ· h·Ä Ý·· ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ land acquisition. Original oÛÝ·Ë oÛÀ ·c· ¸·¸· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝ Ý·Ý· Sdiaghatta(27 km) fixed by RB h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ grant was under C Bond and ¸···µ¸Ý· oÛÀ q·iµ ·À h·ÏÝ oÛ··µ and work completed FG under CAP h´·q·µ···g ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···§ÏÝg ·ÇÄ· h·Ä Ý·· ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original grant was under c t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g h´¸··h·Ä Ý··oÏÛ·oËÛh´·q·µ···g Bond and Final Grant under Commissioned CAP oÛ··µ ·Ì mt·m·h·Ý|ÝÀ¤·À Ý·Ý· Work is funded byHMRDC ¸····Ë£·~·¸oÛ··q···§ÏÝg ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝ h·ÏÝ ·Ì t···Ç §Ý·Ë q···g Completed and commissioned h´¸·· ·Ä¹oÛq· h·ÏÝ ¤·····Ëv·· oÛÀ ·°¸o¯Û·· in 2007. Final bookings and adjustments are under t··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝg process. ·ÇÄ· h·Ä Ý·· ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original grant was under c t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·· Bond and FG under CAP h·ÏÝ ·Ë£··Äq····oÛÀ·°¸o¯Û··v··ÝÀ§ÏÝg and also residual payments Commissioned are under process. ·ÇÄ· h·Ä Ý·· ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original grant was under c t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·· Bond and FG under CAP h·ÏÝ ·Ë£··Äq····oÛÀ·°¸o¯Û··v··ÝÀ§ÏÝg and also residual payments Commissioned are under process. ·ÇÄ· h·Ä Ý·· ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original grant was under C ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ë q···g h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·· g Bond and Final Grant under ·Äq·|ÝoÛ·Ýq···À oËÛ h´¸·· ··ÓoÛ CAP last Block section of is p·~|ÝoÛ·Ë·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝg Mugad-Kambarganvi Completed. ·ÇÄ· ·Àh·Ë ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original BO under C Bond t···Ç§Ý·Ëq···g h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·· g and FG under CAP. oÛÝ·Ý oÛ·Ë h´¸·· ß· ËÝ·Ë oÛÀ ·°¸o¯Û·· Finalisation of agreements are under process. v··ÝÀ§ÏÝg Commissioned h¸·¸Ýn· ·· oÛÀ ··´q· oÛÀ q·iµ n··Ì¸oÛ Additional fund sought ·ÇÝ·§Ý·Ëq···g i¤·oÛ· ·c· ¸···µ¸Ý· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· saince this is targetted. §ÏÝg Completed. targetted for completion. ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original BG under C Bond ¸oÛ·À p·~|Ý ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg §Ý··oÛËÝ 38 km section h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· ·· g and FG under CAP. Work is ·´|Ý· ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ·oÛ ·ÇÝ· completed.Hanakarein progress. Mandya(10 km) is targetted for oÛ··µ·°q·¸··Ý§ÏÝg oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝg 31.1.2013. C-98 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 27.23 5.34 (4) 20.00 (5) 17.47 (6) 2.53 2.53 ·Ë·§´oÛ·t·Ë··¤··´Ý· ¸ ·Ý·Ë·¸Ý j·¤oÛÝ·Ë´ Yelahanka¤·¸§Ý· Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À Chennasandra 37.82 9.10 20.00 17.32 2.68 2.68 ¸·ß¸ ····À h·´¸ ·oÛ Ý·Ë§ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Birur-Shivani - Patch doubling (28.67 km) ¸oÛ·À 121.98 0.00 60.00 -43.27 16.73 16.73 §Ý·Ë¤· ÄÝq··µ Ý·Ë|ݸt·oÛv··v·ÇÝ h·´¸ ·oÛ Hosadurga Chikjajur Ý·§Ë ÝÝÀoÛÝ~·¸oÛ·À 116.00 0.00 60.00 -60 0 0 §Ý·Ë¤··ËzÝ §Ä··À ··Ë´|Ý· ¸···ir··zÝ Hospet - Hubli - Londa ··¤o۷˸|q····¸o·À Tinaighat - Vasco-da- 2127.00 0.00 50.00 -12.5 37.5 42.57 33.36 0.00 5.00 -5 0 0 146.75 0.00 10.00 -10 0 0 225.10 149.55 15.00 -13.89 1.11 1.11 52.14 40.15 5.00 4.62 0.38 -0.06 · ··´··ÄÝ·Ë·§´oÛ· ¸ ·Ý·Ë·¸Ý Yeswanthpur-Yelahanka j·¤oÛÝ·Ë́ ¤·¸§Ý· ݷ˧ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· Doubling with overhead equipment (12.07 km) ¸oÛ·À (3) (7) Doubling with overhead equipment (12.89 km) RoadPatch doubling (28.89 km) Gama (352.28 km) ¸ ···À§·Ë¤· Ä q··µ·Ë|¸oÛ·À Shivani-Hosadudrdga Road (9.98 km) ··Ë~·q··Ä´v·À··Ä·¸oÛ·À Toranagallu - Ranjithpura (22.9 km) §Ý·izÝÛÀ|Ý·´q··Ý··ËzÝoÄÛ·· Whitefield-BangarapetKuppam (81.21 km) ¸o·À ·Ìq··ÇÞ ¸¤·zÝÀoÌÛq·ËÝÀ h·´¸ ·oÛ Bangalore City-Kengeri ¸oÛ·À oËÛ·À ¸·ÄÄ·ÀoÝ~· Patch doubling (12.45 km) with 25 kv ¤·¸§· electrification oÌÛq·ËÝÀÝ····q·Ý·¸o·À Kengeri-Ramanagaram (32.43 km) 160.14 71.09 15.00 -16.1 -1.10 -1.10 · ··´··ÄÝ·Ä·oÇݸo·À Yeshwantpur-Tumkur (64 km) 165.92 171.38 0.16 6.07 0.00 0.00 C-99 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original BG under C Bond ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝ g and FG under CAP. Tenders ¸·¸· Ý· oÛ·Ë h´¸·· ß· ËÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· finalised. §ÏÝg Not fixed ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original BG under C Bond ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝ g and FG under CAP. Tenders ¸·¸· Ý· oÛ·Ë h´¸·· ß· ËÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· finalised. §ÏÝg Not fixed ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· h·ÏÝ Original BG under C Bond ··q···´q··· hv··v··ÄÝ ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë Nagavangala-Ajjamjpur ( 8 FG under ¸¤···Ý ·oÛ ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oÛ· ·c· §ÏÝg km) fixed by Sep, 2012. h´¸·· h·Ä Ý·· oÏÛ· oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝ g and ·c· oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m ¸·¸·· CAP.Execution of various hvv···ÄÝ ¸ ····À ¸oÛ·À oÛ·Ë ··t·µ Ajjampur-Shivani (11 km) by March, 2013 oÛ···Î oËÛ ¸·£·· Ý· oËÛ oÛ·Ý~· ·· ·Ì works to achieve the target, ·oÛ·ÇÝ·oÛÝ·ËoÛ··c·§ÏÝg oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ·moÛÀ·Ê¸Ý§ÄÝigµ has contributed for excess expenditure of Rs. 12.48 cr. ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝg Original BG under C Bond. ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ h·Ä···oÛÀ¸··Àc··oÛÀv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝg Estimate under vetting. h·Ý·Àm·m··¸Ý··Ëv··· Not fixed m|ÝÀ·À ·ÐoÛ ¤·Ë ·Ç¸· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· ·§ÝÁ §Ý·Ë·Ë oËÛ Delayed due to non sanction of Iind ADB Bank oÛ·Ý~·¸···g RVNL project ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝg Original BG under C Bond ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁg ¸·¤·Ê· h·Ä··· ·Ï··Ý ¸oÛ·· v·· ݧݷ DE is under preparation §ÏÝg Not fixed ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝg Original BG under C Bond. h·Ä···oÛÀ¸··Àc··oÛÀv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝg Estimate under vetting. ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝg ·Ë£· Original BG under C Bond. ·ÇÝ·oÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg Residual payments made. ·Äq····oÛݸ Ý··q···g ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝg ·Ë£· Original BG under C Bond. Residual payments made. ·Äq····oÛݸ Ý··q···g Completed ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝg Original BG under C Bond. t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g Ý·v· ··´|Ý ·Ì §Ý¤··´·¸Ý· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· Transfer to State Bonds. q···g Commissioned ·ÇÄ· ·Àv·À ¤·À ··´|Ý oËÛ h´·q·µ· §ÏÝg ·Ë£· Original BG under C Bond. t···Ç§Ý·Ë q···g Residual payments made. ·Äq····oÛݸ Ý··q···g Commissioned C-100 ¸·£·· Ý··v·z oÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ¤·Ëh¸·oÛ··q·····À·°·ËoÛ·¸Ý··Ëv···o·¸·£·· Ý· h´·oÛ|®ËÝoÛÝ·Ë|®ÝÞ···Ì·Ì oÛ··µoÛ·¸··Ý~· 'HVFULSWLRQRIZRUN ·°··¸ ·· ··q·· ¹·oÛ·ÄoÛ oËÛh·Ä¤··Ý ·oÛp·t·µ oËÛ¸·m ··¤·· oËÛ Ý·Ï·· ËÝ··Ë ··Ë|µÝËÝ··Ë Ý···Ä· ¸·¸···Ëq· h· ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· oÛË Ý·ÏÝ··p·t·µ Anticipated Expenditure Provision Reappro- Modified Expenditure upto for priation cost (As per outlay during 2010-11 2011-12 by 2011-12 Pink Book 2011-12 2011-12 ) Rly.Board (4+5) /Rlys. during 2011-12 (1) (2) 85.00 0.01 (4) 1.00 (5) -1.00 (6) 0.00 0.00 1225.90 200.00 75.00 0.00 22.00 22.79 ··Ë····À·· ·À¤·À ··i· Bhopal-Bina - 3rd line (143 km) ¸oÛ·À 687.22 145.95 262.00 q·Ä··Û¸{··iµ¸oÛ·À 61.49 0.00 5.00 -1.50 3.50 2.17 287.35 0.01 5.00 0 0.01 0 ·Ìq··ÇÞݧݷizÝÛÀ|Ý·Ìq··ÇÞ ¸¤·zÝÀ Bangalore-WhitefieldCityoÊÛ£~·Ý·v··ÄÝ· ¸o ·À Bangalore Krishnarajapuram (23.08 t··Ï§ÝÝÀoÛÝ~· (3) (7) km) - Quadrupling ·¼ t····ËÝ··ËË West Central Railway ·iµ··i·Ì¸···µ~· New Lines (Construction) Ramganj Mandi-Bhopal (262 km) ··q·´v··´|À··Ë···¸oÛ·À ݷ˧ÝÝÀ··i·¸·uÜ··· Doubling Guna-Ruthiyai (20.5 km) ·Ä ·À··p·Ë|®· ·À¤·À ··i· Budni-Barkhera - 3rd line (33 km) ¸oÛ·À ***** C-101 PERFORMANCE BUDGET, 2013-14 3HUIRUPDQFHRISURMHFWVFRVWLQJPRUHWKDQ5VFURUHVHDFK (Figures in crores of Rupees) ·Ä·º·¸···Ëq····p·t·µoÛÀq·iµ·¸ ···Ì Reasons for re- ¤·´ ··Ë··oËÛoÛ·~··Ì¤·¸§Ý··Ç·¤·´ ··Ë¸·· Targets original/revised with appropriations and variations reason for revision ·ÌoÛ·À·Ë ·ÀoËÛoÛ·~· ·c· in amounts spent (8) (9) h·Ä···oÛÀ¸··Àc··oÛÀv··Ý§ÝÀ§ÏÝg Estimate under vetting ··q·· ·Ì ··q·À Ý·ÝÀ oÛÀ v··´t· oÛÀ v·· ݧÝÀ §ÏÝg Cost sharing is examination.Not fixed ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁg under i´v·· Ý·Ó¹·q· oÛ·Ë ·oÛ ·ÇÝ· Additional fund was required ¸···µ¸Ý· ·§ÝÁg Ý··q·´v· ·~|ÝÀ x·····|®Ý oÛ·Ë Not fixed. Ramganj Mandi Jhalawar completed. oÛÝ·Ë oËÛ ¸·m h¸·¸Ýn· ··Ý·¸ · oÛÀ for completing engine rolling ·ÇÝ·oÛݸ Ý··q···§ÏÝg h·· ·oÛ·· ·Àg ··¤·¸·oÛ ·· ·Ì by 31.3.2011. Difference in h´·Ý ·· h·ÏÝ ¤·´ ··Ë¸·· ·¸Ý·· actual expenditure and h·Ë·· ··i· ¤·Ë ËÝ··· ¤···q·°À oÛ· modified outlay is due to oÛ·|Ëݸ·zÝ·°··§Ý·Ë·ËoËÛoÛ·Ý~·§ÏÝg receipt of less debits of Permanent Way from open line. h·Ý·Àm·m··¸Ý··Ëv··· material ¸oÛ·À p·~|Ý oÛ·Ë ·ÇÝ· oÛÝ ¸ Ý·· q··· §ÏÝg 35 km section is completed. q·Ä···q·´v· ¤··ËÝ·· ¸oÛ·À oËÛ ¸·m Gulabganj-Sorai (14 km) by ÛÝ·ÝÀ ·oÛ ·c· ¸···µ¸Ý· ¸oÛ·· Feb, 2013 q···§ÏÝg RVNL project oÛ··µ ·Äß ·§ÝÁ §ÄÝh·g h·Ä··· ¤·ÀoÊÛ· Work not started. Estimate h´¸·· ¤··· ¤··Íc·~· ·ÇÝ· §Ý·Ë q··· §ÏÝg FLS completed. Not fixed. not sanctioned. ·§ÝÁ§ÄÝh·g ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ§ÏÝg ¸···µ¸Ý··§ÝÁ Not fixed. C-102
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