Application of Bio-eco Engineering to Water Environment Restoration as a Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (Joe) Kaiqin XU1,2, Yoshitaka EBIE2 and Yuhei INAMORI3 1) Environmental Technology Assessment Section; 2) Bio-Eco Engineering Section National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa Tsukuba 305-8506, Japan 3) Fukushima University, 1 Kanayagawa Fukushima 960-1296, Japan The environmental quality standards relating to the protection of human health in Japan were amended from nine items into twenty six items, and the compliance ratios were more than 99.1% in 2005. However, the compliance ratios of BOD/COD for rivers, lakes and coastal waters were 87.2%, 53.4% and 76.0% in 2005, respectively, which still remains in low levels for enclosed water areas (Ministry of Environment, Japan, 2006). Especially in urban rivers, lakes, inland sea and bays, the water bodies are extremely eutrophic because of the direct discharging of gray water, which represents a substantial portion of the total household effluents, and the wastewater from the small scale factories. They are almost 70 % of the total pollutants in public water areas. On the other hand, as for the environmental quality standards relating to nitrogen and phosphorus in 60 determined lakes and 112 sea areas were 46.6% and 82.2%. The removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluent from domestic and industrial wastewater treatment facilities is most important to control the eutrophication. Water environment pollution has been accelerated by point and non-point sources. Consequently, the abnormal growth of blue-green algae in enclosed water bodies has become a serious environmental issue. Although the economic and social conditions in Japan, China and other Asian countries differ substantially, the environment ministers of these countries have been sharing the common task of combating environmental problems at the domestic, regional and global levels. It is necessary to promote joint research and development as well as the dissemination of appropriate technologies tailored for each situation, such as the ‘on-site advanced domestic wastewater treatment systems’ and ‘soil and aquatic plant purification systems’, based on bio-eco engineering. The extreme growth of poisonous picoplankton and the occurrence of water bloom even caused the crisis of water supply systems. The control of micro pollutants such as organochloride and agricultural pesticides is also an urgent problem. Some successful results have been reached through the cooperative studies of government, companies and research institutes. Some of the acquired new technologies have been applied to the practical use. At the meantime these technologies are adopted as advanced treatment methods and begun to spread to different regions. Among them the application of the eco-technology and bio-technology is one of the important tasks for the treatment of wastewater and the conservation of water environment. The removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in effluent from domestic and industrial wastewater treatment facilities is most important to control the eutrophication. In this presentation, new environmental problems caused by blue-green algae, necessity and improvement of nitrogen and phosphorus removal 144 technology, and some advanced national projects will be presented. As a cost-effective, energy-saving and less technique intensive innovation/alternative, eco-technology and biotechnology may be more important and useful to water environmental conservation. Eco-technology using wetland system, aquatic plant system, land treatment system, stream purification system, and some biological wastewater treatment systems should be established. The technical development for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by using the combination of eco-technology and bio-technology, and the efficiency promoting for the biological water and wastewater treatment must be carried out to prevent eutrophication. Many studies, both science and engineering, are needed to develop an effective treatment system which provides suitable habitats of aquatic livings. Furthermore, the importance of international cooperative studies has been increased because the water pollution of international rivers and oceans become more serious problems and it is recognized that emission of green house effect gases from deteriorated water environment and wastewater treatment may cause global environmental problems. The global water environmental issues, especially the abnormal algal growth and mycrocystin, comprehensive efforts in regard to these issues and some integrated countermeasures based on bio-eco engineering conducted in the NIES, Japan, are discussed. The applications of eco-technology and bio-technology to the restoration of water environment field as a decentralized wastewater treatment system were also discussed. References 1) Y. Inamori, K-Q. Xu and N. Noda: Development of Advanced Water Renovation Systems using Bio-eco Engineering for Establishing Sound Water Environment, in “Study on Lake Eutrophication and Its Countermeasure in China”, China Environmental Science Press Edited by State Environmental Protection Administration of China, 53-71, 2001 2) P. Hawkins, Y. Inamori et al.: A Review of Analytical Methods for Assessing the Public Health Risk from Microcystin in the Aquatic Environment, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, 54(8), 509–518, 2005. 3) R. Inamori, P. Gui, Y. Shimizu, K-Q. Xu, K. Kimura, Y. Inamori: Effect of Constructed Wetland Structure on Wastewater Treatment and its Evaluation by Algal Growth Potential Test, Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 41, 159–170, 2005. 4) Y. Inamori, Y. Kimochi et al.: Control of Anthropogenic CH4 and N2O Emissions from Several Industrial Sources and from Daily Human Life, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36(4), 449–457, 2003. 5) T. Saito, N. Sugiura, T. Itayama, Y. Inamori, M. Matsumura: Biodegradation of Microcystis and Microcystins by Indigenous Nanoflagellates on Biofilm in a Practical Treatment Facility, Environmental Technology, 24, 143–151, 2003. 6) R. Sudo and K-Q. Xu: Present status and conservation measures of water environment in Japan, in “Study on Lake Eutrophication and Its Countermeasure in China”, China Environmental Science Press, Edited by State Environmental Protection Administration of China, 107-122, 2001. 145 2nd Sino-Japan River Basin Water Environment Workshop May 24, 2007 Tshukuba, Japan Application of Bio-eco Engineering to Water Environment Restoration as a Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (Joe) Kai-Qin XU*, Yoshitaka EBIE* , and Yuhei INAMORI** *National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan ** Fukushima University, Japan Current conditions of lakes in Japan – problems shared between countries all over the world 30 25 20 Japan clears 80.9%, 74.9%, 環境基準達成率は, 河川8and 0.9 41.0% of environmental %, 海域74. 9%, 湖沼41. 0%と standards for rivers, sea areas, and lakes, respectively. When it 特に湖沼が低く, comes to standardsかつ湖沼の of concentrations of nitrogen and 窒素, リンの環境基準達成率 phosphorus, it clears only は 4 0 .6 と 極めて低 い 40.6% for% lakes. Teganuma 手賀沼 Inbanuma 印旛沼 Lake 児島湖 Kojima Kasumi霞ヶ浦 gaura (西浦) (Nishiura) 15 The growth of algae originated from nitrogen 窒素,リンに由来する藻類増殖に伴う and phosphorus increases the ratio of internally produced COD. 内部生産CODの割合の増大 Lake Suwa 諏訪湖 Nakaumi 中海 10 Lake Shinji 穴道湖 Lake Biwa 琵琶湖 (Lake Nan) Cell Cell (南湖) 5 Kamafusa 釜房ダム Dam 100µm Lake Nojiri 野尻湖 0 1988 1989 1990 63 平元 2 1991 3 1992 4 1993 5 1994 6 1995 7 1996 8 199719981999 9 10 11 Year 年度 Water10quality of 10 designated lakes (average of COD) ヶ所指定湖沼の水質状況(COD平均値) 100μm Cell morphology 有毒アオコ of toxic green の細胞形態 algae An accumulation of toxic green algae 有毒アオコの霞ヶ浦における集積部の状況 in Kasumigaura 2 2 定 湖沼 をは じめ 面 積が 1 k m を 越え る淡 水 湖沼 は 湖 沼水 質保 全 計画 定さ れ てい る指 Japan has more than の策 100 lakes over 1 km in area including those designated in the lake water 1 0 0 ヶ所以 上存在 し、気象 水深、形 川等から の流入水 特性は地 域ご quality protection project. While条件、 they are different状、河 from each other in weather 量等の conditions, water depth, shape, and volume of water inflow from rivers, green algae have been detected in many of them. とに異なるが、これらの多くの湖沼では 有毒アオコが顕在化 している。 オコの効 果的抑制対 策を図る 上では、 有毒アオコ の発生現状 とともに 各湖沼の To有毒ア effectively prevent the growth of green algae, the current condition of their growth and the 環 境お よび 地理 的特 性を 調査 解 析し 策と それ に基be づ く新 たな バイInオ・ エコ エン ジ environment and geographical properties of、対 these lakes should investigated. addition, advanced technologies for building bio-ecosystems should be developed introducing化技術 ニアリ ングを活 用した技術 導入による バイオ ・エコシステ ム構築のby ための支援 appropriate countermeasures 。 and bio-eco engineering. を充実 させる必要がある 146 Bio-engineering Technology to take full advantage of the function of microbes Advanced combined wastewater treatment system Eco-engineering Technology to take full advantage of the potential function of ecosystems Water and soil purification by means of aquatic plants and water culture Combination of bio- and eco- technologies Bio-eco engineering Kasumigaura Miho-mura, Ibaraki Prefecture 9 Domestic wastewater Miho-mura rural community wastewater treatment system Water 100 m3/day-1 inflow 1 Multi-purpose 6 7 8 bio-engineering experimental field 5 1 Treated water Constanttemperature facility for testing private sewage systems 2 3 Building to analyze technology transfer to developing countries in bioeco engineering 4 Wastewater tank Approx. 2km Facility for evaluating the effects of reducing eutrophication Treated water tank Approx. 2km Eco-engineering experimental field Water culture purification experimental facility y Develop and evaluate bio-eco engineering y Transfer technology to developing countries and give training y Cooperate with government offices and conduct international joint research y Promote the education of the environment and environmental safeguards Soil treatment experimental facility The Bio-Eco Engineering Research Laboratory of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, built as an international central facility 147 Comparison of toxicity between microcystis aeruginosa (a genus of blue-green algae) and different toxins Toxin Botulinus toxin Ciguatoxin Tetrodoxin Saxitoxin Dioxin Anatoxin-a(s) Microcystin-LR Microcystin-YR Okadaic acid Cholera toxin Microcystin-RR Potassium cyanide Toxic Algae Microcystis aeruginosa) LD50 (μg/kg-1) 0.00003 0.35 8 10 20 40 - 50 80 100 200 250 600 5,000 * When administered intraabdominally to mice, The WHO guideline of microcystin LR for drinking water quality: 1 μg/l 糸状性有毒アオコ( Anabaena affinis) Major eutrophic lakes in the Asian region where microcystin and musty odor substances were detected, including Japan and tropical, subtropical, temperate, and polar zones アルハイ湖 Er Hai 玄武湖Hu Xuanwu モンゴル Mongolia ● Barudanho 八堂湖 日本 Japan 中華人民共和国 China Afghanistan アフガニスタン ●● Most designated 我が国のほとんど lakes and marshes の指定湖沼 in Japan Nepal ネパール Pakistan パキスタン Bhutan ブータン ● クワン・ファヤオ湖 Kwan Phayao 太 湖 Tai Hu ● ● インド India Hong Feng Hu, Bai Hua Hu 紅楓湖,百花湖 ベトナム Vietnam ラオス Laos ミャンマー Myanmar ● Thailand タイ ● ● ● ベトナム Vietnam デンチ湖 Dian Chi Hu カンボジア Cambodia ブン・ボラペット湖 Bun Borapetto ● フィリピン Philippines バン・プラ湖 Bang Pra ラグナ湖 Laguna de Bay ● Indonesia インドネシア 148 Concentration of microcystin (μg/L-1) Concentrations of microcystin in eutrophied lakes in Japan, China, and Thailand 10 5 Microcystin-RR Microcystin-YR Microcystin-LR 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 Thai Hu Dian Chi Enhai Bangpra Tega(China) (China) (China) Reservoir numa (Thailand) Kasumi- Kojima gaura Lake Lake Suwa Lake Tsukui Lake * The concentrations of microcystin above were measured in a large accumulation of green algae. High concentrations of microcystin are detected in many eutrophic lakes in the Asian region, indicating that a measure to prevent increases in the toxic substance is required. Others 10% Wastewater from stockbreeding 22% Domestic wastewater Others 51% Domestic wastewater 33% Ratios of domestic wastewater in other Asian countries 68% Wastewater from stockbreeding 12% Pollution loads in Tokyo Bay Others 31% Domestic wastewater 63% 4% Pollution loads by source in Kasumigaura Others 39% Domestic wastewater 28% Wastewater from stockbreeding Industrial wastewater Industrial wastewater Industrial wastewater Indonesia 70% Thailand 75% Philippines 55% Malaysia 77% South Korea 54% China 53% 20% 13% 6% Pollution loads by source in Teganuma Pollution loads by source in Lake Biwa Ratio of domestic wastewater to the entire pollution load in Japan and other Asian countries 149 Microbes that contribute to the normalization of the aquatic environment Small biomass Low pollution load Birds Predation Fishes Predation Advanced wastewater treatment Large biomass Protozoans, metazoans, insects, shellfishes Predation Algae, bacteria (decompose organic substances, consume nitrogen and phosphorus) High pollution load Food-chains and their cleaning effect in natural and artificial ecosystems Predation of green algae by aquatic earthworms Aquatic earthworm Aeolosoma hemprichi Consumption of a flock Dispersion Flock of green algae Microcystis 150 Amoeba Amoeba that consumes filamentous green algae Thecamoeba sp. Filamentous green algae Special mouth structure Filamentous green algae taken into a ciliate Ciliate that consumes filamentous green algae Trithigmostoma cucullulus Ciliate Filamentous green algae Ciliate Ciliate that consumes filamentous green algae Furgasonia sp. Filamentous green algae taken into a ciliate Water purification and sludge reduction system using food-chains Domestic and industrial organic wastewater High concentration of BOD, COD, T-N, T-P, and SS Activated sludge treatment system using suspended microbes Predation and decomposition by protozoans including ciliates and sarcodinians, and micro-metazoans including rotifers, oligochaeta, and crustaceans Aeration tank Activation of animalcules at a high temperature Conversion ratio 0.5 BOD, N, P Bacteria Settling tank Takes advantage of food-chains of fishes including guppies and catfishes to reduce the amount of sludge and make water clear 0.5 0.2 0.1 Sludge tank Dried solids on the surface are recycled for use in green farms. 0.1 MicroGuppies Catfish metazoans Water becomes clear, green algae aggregates, and the amount of sludge is reduced. Protozoans Anaerobic nitrification, aerobic denitrification 151 Johkasou System that removes nitrogen and phosphorus – an application of bio-engineering Installation of a small compact combined wastewater treatment tank Installation of a medium size compact combined wastewater treatment tank Circulatory biological filtering system with anaerobic filter bed for advanced wastewater treatment (flow adjustable) Inflow Domestic wastewater Back wash drain pipe Baffle board Aeration pipe Flow shift gate Outfall First chamber of aerobic filter bed tank Circulation unit Sterilizing tank Second chamber of aerobic filter bed tank Treated water tank { Flow can be adjusted to cover increases in water volume in the morning and evening. { Nitrification and denitrification by anaerobic and aerobic circulation remove nitrogen. { Sludge can be recycled into ceramics. Biological slime filtering tank Outflow Sophisticatedly treated water Back wash pump Biological filtering tank Bowls made from ceramics recycled from sludge φ 5 – 9 mm 152 Flow of an advanced combined wastewater treatment tank BOD 200 mg/l-1 T-N 50 mg/l-1 T-P 5 mg/l-1 Adsorptive 吸着脱リン装置 dephosphorization unit Miscellaneous 生活雑排水 domestic wastewater し尿 Human waste Sterilization 消毒 Circula循環 tion HWL Discharge 放流 LWL First chamber of 嫌気ろ床第1室 anaerobic filter bed BOD T-N T-P Treated 処理水槽 Biological Second chamber of 生物ろ過槽 filtering tank 嫌気ろ床第2室 anaerobic filter bed 10 mg/l-1 10 mg/l-1 1 mg/l-1 water tank P Nitrogen Phosphorus Domestic wastewater Recycling of phosphorus Crops Returned to Fertilizer agricultural lands Recycled into fertilizers or industrial chemicals P Maintenance company Advanced combined Adsorbent recycling station wastewater treatment tank Recovery of phosphorus (Sewage treatment system) Adsorptive dephosphorization system Building of ecosystems to recover phosphorus resources in short supply, a strategic material banned from being exported in the United States. Carbon Prevention of the eutrophication of public water areas Human life Advanced treatment of nutritive salts Introduction of an advanced combined wastewater treatment tank to build a system that recovers phosphorus resources 153 The effect of an advanced combined wastewater treatment tank against domestic wastewater – an Application of Bio-Engineering A Pump-up toilet B Separate sewage treatment tank Conventional combined C wastewater treatment tank Treat only human waste Discharge of miscellaneous domestic wastewater Pumpup toilet Discharge of miscellaneous domestic wastewater Treat both human waste and miscellaneous domestic wastewater Final discharge Advanced combined Final discharge BOD 90 mg/l-1 wastewater treatment BOD 20 mg/l-1 Sent to a human waste treatment facility D Advanced combined wastewater treatment tank Retain a high, stable concentration of microbes to remove BOD and N Physico-chemical removal of phosphorus Advanced removal of BOD, nitrogen, and phosphorus Circulation system Final discharge BOD: 10 mg/l-1 or below T-N: 10 mg/l-1 or below T-P: 1 mg/l-1 or below P Human waste and miscellaneous domestic wastewater Advanced treatment of water Point sources Domestic/industrial Non-point sources Agricultural, forest. natural, rainfall Livestocks/fishery (fertilizer, manure ) (Sewer system, regulations) <Inflow from outside> Pollutant load from PS Water Quality Pollutant load from non-PS Lake/reservoir Water supply problems Lake reproduction Safety <Internal> Internal load ( 1 mg Algae=0.5 mg COD ) Sediment / algae Reproduction by diversion, circulation, dredging, harvesting etc. Natural and socio factors Water pollution mechanism mechanism and watershed management in Lake and reservoir 154 Lake Taihu Aquatic Environment Restoration Modeling Project Global transmission of information Introduce a new model of Tai Hu to the entire China Send that information to the Beijing global network base Technological transfer in China Promotion of education on the environment Technological transfer of water purification systems using soil Nanjing Wuxi Chao Hu Er Hai Tai Hu Technological transfer of advanced wastewater treatment Johkasous Technological transfer of water purification systems using aquatic plants and water culture Shanghai Japan Dian Chi Hu China Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) Joint research projects in cooperation with government offices Transfer of technologies for removing nitrogen and phosphorus in consideration of efforts to improve the environment in Japan Relation between throughput of water purification systems using aquatic plants and coexistent microbes Absorption of O2 in the air Removal rate of BOD 85% Trapping of suspended solids Aerobic (nitrification) Removal rate of T-N 85% Water purification by biomembranes in rhizomes Anaerobic (denitrification) Removal rate of T-P 85% Food-chains reduce the amount of sludge. Absorption of N and P into roots Because of their cleaning ability, plants and microbes can be used to decontaminate the environment. Reduced consumption of energy Food-chains reduce the amount of biomass. Control of emissions of CH4, N2O, and other greenhouse gases Roots supply O2. 155 Bio-park’s role in water purification and development into environmental education activities Overview of a water purification system in a bio-park Field trip activities in a bio-park Giving children opportunities to work in a water treatment system raises their awareness of the importance of environmental preservation Microsystin Remaining (%) Resolving power of the bacterium that resolves microcystin 100 LR YR RR 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 Time (Hour) 4 5 Decomposition of microcystin by Sphingomonas sp. When added to 1 mg/L-1 of microsystin at a bacterial concentration of 0.3 O.D. and put under a shake culture condition at a temperature of 30℃, the bacterium decomposed over 90% of microcyctin LR, YR, and RR in 5 hours. 156 Decomposition of microcystin by crude enzyme liquid extracted from Sphingomonas sp. Survival rate of microcystin LR (%) Preparation of crude enzyme liquid from bacteria 100 Culture and concentration of Sphingomonas sp. (O.D. 660 = 6.0) Ultrasonic disintegration and removal of disintegrated pieces Crude enzyme liquid 35% ammonium sulfate fraction Concentration and recovery micocystin LR Initial concentration (1mg/l-1) 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 Reaction time Decomposition of microcystin LR by crude enzyme liquid (treated with ammonium sulfate) (Protein concentration = 8.0 mg/l-1) The enzyme is high in resolving power before separated into enzyme liquid. The crude enzyme liquid treated with ammonium sulfate also decomposed the toxin to the minimum detectable level in 12 minutes after the reaction started. Artificial solar system 0 - 70,000 Lux Major characteristics Temperature temperature stratifications can be formed. ●Cultured green algae and other organisms can be concentrated and recovered. ● An analysis of a system Control temperature 5 - 35℃ loaded with bottom mud can be made. Formation of thermoclines and etc. temperature stratification Concentration and recovery system System to culture a large quantity of microbes Water depth: 4.0 m Capacity: 2.5 m3 Disinfecting filter ●Thermoclines and Control panel Sampling and animalcules that prey on them can be cultured. High Stratification ● Green algae and other algae Shallow along the length of the tower. Water depth ● Samples can be extracted Low Deep ● It can simulate natural light. Thermocline ● The tank can be sterilized. Bottom mud Body Compressor unit Structure of the system Overview of a large freshwater microcosm that helps develop environment recovery technologies based on bio-eco engineering research 157 Inte eraction between n organisms in eco-eng e ineering g that pla ays an important ro ole in de ecompos sing toxiic green algae Aeollosoma hempri richi (ologochae eta) Diispersed into se eparate cells eparate microcys stis cells Se Micro ocystis that forms s a flock of toxic c blue--green algae Preda ation Predation an nd dispersion Elution Enhanced resolving power Elution Bactteria Aeration in water w Microcystin RR Philodina P e erythrophthalm ma ( (rotifer) M Monas guttula (fflagellate) Org ganisms in nteract with h each oth her to com mpletely decompose microcystin. 158 Water purification by artificial wetlands using aquatic plants Gas Chamber Inflow Inflow Surface flow Surface of water Surface of sand Surface flow system Outflow Outflow Infiltration flow Surface of sand Surface of water Infiltration flow system The infiltration flow system provides higher throughput and is higher in stability than the surface flow system. It also effectively controls emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas. Letting wastewater run through a special device allows effective water treatment. Results BOD removal ratio (%) Calla Umbrella Plant -Organic matter removal characteristics- Typa Purple Bulrush Latiforia Loosestrife Ruush Zizania Canna Latiforia Pragmites Australia Control 100 80 60 40 20 0 Above 10 degrees Below 10 degrees BOD removal > 80% in planted systems NO significant difference of BOD removal from the plant species BOD removal was affected temperature Planted system can avoid clogging and maintain a good condition. Organic matter removal can be achieved with enough HRT in planted systems. 159 Nitrification and T-N removal ratio (%) Results Calla Umbrella Plant -Nitrogen removal characteristics- Typa Purple Bulrush Latiforia Loosestrife 100 Above 10 degrees 80 60 40 20 0 100 Nitrification 80 Below 10 degrees 60 40 20 0 Ruush Zizania Canna Latiforia Pragmites Control Australia Nitrogen removal > 80% removals were obtained in the systems with Canna, Manchurian Wild rice, Bulrush, Purple loosestrife, and Common reed. Nitrification/dinitrification was affected by water temperature. Wastewater purification system in a soil trench N2O CO2 Wastewater Aerobic bacteria O2 Absorption of N and P Org-C NH4 Nitrifying bacteria NO3 Small animals and insects prevent soil to decompose organic substances from clogging. Water flow Gas flow Aerobic zone N2O N2 Trench Organic substance CH4 PO4 Physical adsorption by Al and Fe Anaerobic bacteria, methane bacteria Treated water Recharge of groundwater with treated water Anaerobic zone 160 Process flow of a powerless anaerobic/aerobic soil treatment system Water inflow (domestic wastewater) Soil composition BOD 220 mg/l-1 SS 370 mg/l-1 Red clay Sawdust Water quality Inflow ratio Load 1 m3/d-1 First stage 5 COD 150 mg/l-1 T-N 50 mg/l-1 (Wastewater is fed into the system every 4 hours 5 times, starting at 8 a.m.) Anaerobic filter bed (Turned into nitrogen gas) Second stage Third stage 3 2 Anaerobic filter bed Anaerobic filter bed 70 - 80% 20 - 30% Wind driven fan Air Soil trench (Nitrification and phosphorus adsorption) Wind driven fan Air Soil trench BOD 1 mg/l-1 T-N 3 mg/l-1 T-N 0.1 mg/l-1 Outflow Soil trench No energy is required because wastewater naturally flows downward. Establishment of a global network that develops technologies for efficiently introducing bio-ecosystems and analyzes resultant improvements Technology for using bio-ecosystems to prevent eutrophication Bio-engineering system Eco-engineering system Control of the source of problems Purification (direct measures) Load inflow (Current conditions, standards) zLoad of point source zLoad of plane source Technological introduction Conditions, climates, lifestyles, and economy different between countries Technological development and introduction support system Analyze the cost-effectiveness of countermeasures against sources and direct purification measures Propose guidelines for appropriate plane maintenance plans Establishment of a global network to efficiently introduce eutrophication prevention systems that prevent the growth of toxic green algae as well as to raise public awareness of the environment in international society. 161 好 沈 メタン 気 殿 発酵槽 槽 槽 原料 貯留槽 槽 水素 発酵 槽 162
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