NetVault Backup 7.4.5 リリース・ノートのダウンロードはこちら

NetVault Backup 7.4.5, Update 4 Release Notes
Copyright © 2007 BakBone Software K.K.
本ドキュメントには、 NetVault Backup version 7.4.5 のリリースに関する重要な情報が含まれています。 本ドキュメン
トでは NetVault 7.4.5 の新機能に関する簡単な説明とプログラム修正情報を提供します。 NetVault 7.4.5 の使用方法
に関する詳細は、 NetVault Backup 7.4.x アドミニストレータズ ・ ガイドや関連する技術情報をご覧ください。 アドミニ
ストレータズ ・ ガイド等は、 バックボーン ・ ソフトウエアの下記 URL からダウンロードいただけます。
Section 1.0 - NetVault Backup 7.4.5 について ........................................... 2
Section 2.0 - 新機能 .................................................................................... 2
Section 3.0 - 一般的な注意事項................................................................... 2
Section 4.0 - NetVault 7.4.5 のインストール ................................................ 4
Section 5.0 - NetVault 7.4.5 にアップグレードするには ................................ 4
Section 6.0 - NetVault Backup 7.4.5 用ドキュメント .................................... 8
Section 7.0 - 既知の問題点 ......................................................................... 8
Section 8.0 - ソフトウェア修正 .................................................................... 17
Section 9.0 - バックボーン ・ ソフトウエア株式会社について ........................ 22
NVE 7006-66A 05/21-07
End User Release Notes - NetVault Backup 7.4.5
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1.0 - NetVault Backup 7.4.5 について
オープン ・ システムのデータ ・ バックアップ/リカバリ ・ ソリューションを提供するバックボーン ・ ソフトウエアの
NetVault 7.4.5 は、 あらゆる規模のシステム要求に合わせ拡張することのできるエンタープライズ ・ クラスのデータ保
護機能を提供しています。 NetVault の柔軟なモジュラ ・ アークテクチャにより、 様々な機能を組み合わせることで、
現在の、 そして将来のデータ保護要求にも応えることができるよう設計されており、 実績ある信頼性と高性能を提供
しています。 .
2.0 - 新機能
NetVault Backup の本バージョンにおける新機能は、 下記の通りです。
X 複数言語のサポー ト - バージ ョ ン 7.4.5 か ら、下記言語で GUI を表示する こ と が可能にな り ま し た ( 但 し 、
日本でサポー ト ・ サービ ス を受ける には、 日本語版 GUI も し く は英語 GUI でのみご使用 く だ さ い )。
Z Chinese (Traditional)
Z Chinese (Simplified)
Z English
Z French
Z German
Z Japanese
Z Korean
X Command Line Interface (CLI) 機能の強化 - 追加 さ れた機能は下記の通 り です。
Z “nvjobmodify” コ マ ン ド の強化 - 本 コ マ ン ド で、 自動で複数のジ ョ ブ を変更する こ と がで き る よ う
にな り ま し た。
Z 新 し い コ マ ン ド - “nvpolicy” と “nvdevice” の 2 つの コ マ ン ド が新 し く 追加 さ れま し た。
X File System Plugin ver. 7.0の新機能 - バージ ョ ン 7.4.5に標準で採用 さ れてい る File System Plugin ver.
7.0 の新機能は下記の通 り です。
Z Network Share Backup 機能 (CIFS バックアップ: Windowsクライアントのみ ) - Windows ベースのファイ
ル ・ システムのバックップを行う際、 共有設定を行っているリモートの Windows システムのドライブとディ
レクトリにアクセスし、 CIFS でバックアップを行うことが可能です。
Z Windows ショート・ネームのバックアップ/リストア (Windows クライアントのみ ) - Configure ウィンドウ ( な
らびに Plugin Options > Configure ウィンドウの File System Plugin タブ ) では、 Windows OS で使用さ
れるショート ・ ネームのバックアップ/リストアを可能にする 2 つのオプションを提供しています。
Z Linux OS の ACL のバックアップをサポート
Z Linux/UNIX OS のスパース ・ ファイルのバックアップをサポート
3.0 - 一般的な注意事項
X 使用可能な Command Line Interface ツールについて - 本 NetVault Backup バージ ョ ン で使用可能な CLI
ベースの コ マ ン ド はすべて、 NetVault Backup 7.4.x Command Line Interface Guide に記載 さ れていま
す。 本ガ イ ド に使用方法が記載 さ れている コ マ ン ド は、 NetVault Backup 製品でのみご使用いただけま
す。 また、 本ガ イ ド に記載のない “...\NetVault\util” デ ィ レ ク ト リ ( または、 その他の NetVault Backup
End User Release Notes - NetVault Backup 7.4.5
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デ ィ レ ク ト リ ) にあ る コ マ ン ド のご使用はサポー ト さ れていませんので、 絶対に使用 し ないで く だ さ
X NetVault の “\tmp” ディレクトリに、充分な空き容量があ る こ と を確認 し て く だ さ い。NetVault の "\tmp" デ ィ
レ ク ト リ は、 バ ッ ク ア ッ プ ・ オペ レ ーシ ョ ンの間テ ンポ ラ リ ・ スペース と し て使用 さ れます。 ハー ド ・
デ ィ ス ク 上に使用可能な充分な空き容量がない場合、 エ ラ ー警告が表示 さ れロ グ ・ エ ン ト リ が生成 さ れ
X Shared Virtual Disk Library(= 共有仮想テープ ・ ライブラリ ) のライセンス容量は、 通常の仮想テープ ・ ライブ
X マイクロソフト社の Volume Shadow Service (VSS) ライセンスは、 NetVault のコア ・ モジュールに組み込まれ
ており、 NetVault のデフォルト ・ インストールで 45 日間ご試用いただけます。 VSS 機能を使用する前に、
Packages/Extra ディレクトリ以下にある評価ライセンスをインストールする必要があります。 Windows 2003
で標準で提供されている VSS 機能を利用したバックアップをお勧めしますが必須オプションではありません。
X NetVault Backup v6.5.2 または 6.5.3 から v7.4.5 へ直接バージョンアップすることはできません。v7.4.5 へバー
ジョンアップする前に、 まず v7.1.2 へバージョンアップする必要があります。
X 暗号化プラグインは、 NetVault の コ ア ・ モ ジ ュ ールに組み込まれています。 暗号化機能を使用する前に、
Packages/Extra デ ィ レ ク ト リ 以下にあ る Cryptography Encryption License を イ ン ス ト ールする こ と で
45 日間ご試用いただけます。
X SVDL (=SVTL) Plugin は、 NetVault のコア ・ モジュールに組み込まれており、 NetVault のデフォルト ・ インス
トールで 45 日間ご試用いただけます。
X Backup Saveset インデックス ・ サイズの制限値の引き上げ - 7.4.x より前のバージョンでは、 NetVault
Database に保持される各 Backup Saveset 毎のインデックス ・ サイズの最大値が 2GB でした。 NetVault
7.4.2 以降では、 以下の OS を除き、 その他すべての OS の NetVault Server でインデックス ・ サイズの最
大値が 2GB から 4GB に増えました。
重要事項 : バックアップ/リストアを適切に行うには、 本インデックスを保管する NetVault Backup の "tmp" フォル
ダは、 同インデックス ・ ファイル ・ サイズの少なくとも空き容量の 3 倍必要です。 例えば、 バックアップ ・ ジョブに
より 3GB のインデックス ・ ファイルが生成された場合は、 NetVault Server 上の "tmp" ディレクトリは、 少なくとも
9GB の空き容量が必要となります。
X CLI ベースへ変更する変数 - NetVault には CLI ベースのコマンドが多数あり、“%MACHINE” 変数を使用するこ
とが可能です。 この変数は、 “%LIBRARYMACHINE” に変更されています。 例えば、 構文に “-format” ス
イッチを使用して、 この名前がレポートに含まれるフィールドを呼び出す場合下記のように表示されていること
を確認してください :
X VMWare ESX Server 環境のバックアップ / リストアのサポート - “VMWare ESX Server” ソフトウェアは、1 台の
物理的なサーバ上でひとつのホスト OS を稼動し、 その上で複数のゲスト OS を稼動させることを可能にする
製品です。 NetVault は前バージョンと同様に、 VMWare ESX Server 環境のバックアップ/リストアをサポー
重要事項 : VMWare ESX Server 環境のバックアップ / リストアを行なう場合は、 ご使用前に NetVault
Implementation Guide for VMWare ESX Server をお読みになり、 動作確認を行ってください。 本ガイドは、
BakBone Software の下記サイトからダウンロードいただけます。
End User Release Notes - NetVault Backup 7.4.5
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4.0 - NetVault 7.4.5 のインストール
NetVault Backup v7.4.5 のインストール方法の詳細は、 NetVault Backup 7.4.x インストレーション / アップグレード ・
End User Release Notes の本セクションでは、 NetVault Backup を新規インストールする前に、 事前に考慮しておく
X 英語以外のイ ン ス ト レ ーシ ョ ン ・ フ ァ イルを使用する際の必要事項 (Windows ベース で イ ン ス ト ールを
行 う 場合 ) - Windows マ シ ン で NetVault のイ ン ス ト ールを開始する際、必ず “install.exe” フ ァ イルを使
用 し て く だ さ い ( こ れ以外の “install_ja.exe” な どの “.exe” フ ァ イルは使用 し ないで く だ さ い。 例えば、
“install_ja.exe” は、 特定の言語でのイ ン スールに関連する フ ァ イルにな り ます )。
X NetVault Replicator 製品とのインストレーション ・ ディレクトリの衝突 - ターゲット ・ マシンに NetVault
Replicator 4.2.x 製品が既にインストールされている場合、 インストール時、 NetVault Backup が NetVault
Replicator に上書きしないよう措置をとる必要があります。 標準設定では、 NetVault Replicator と NetVault
Backup は両製品とも “...\NetVault” ディレクトリにインストールしようとします。 同ディレクトリへのインストール
を行う表示が出たら、 デフォルトのインストレーション ・ パスの最後に以下を追加し、 NetVault Replicator の
インストレーション ・ ファイルへの上書きを避けてください。
Z Linux/UNIX ベースの OS: “/backup”
Z Windows ベースの OS: “\backup”
こ れに よ り 、 “...\NetVault\backup” デ ィ レ ク ト リ に NetVault Backup はイ ン ス ト ール さ れます。
重要事項 :
1. 本問題は NetVault を新規インストールする際にのみ発生し、 アップグレードの際には問題ありません。
2. 上記のインストール手順を実行せず、 そのままインストールした場合、 既にインストールしてある NetVault
Replicator に NetVault Backup が上書きされ、 NetVault Replicator は消去されます。
3. 両製品がインストールされていて NetVault Backup をアンインストールすると、 NetVault Replicator も削除
X Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 サポー ト の事前要件 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 環境を NetVault
Backup でサポー ト する には、 "" ラ イ ブ ラ リ がイ ン ス ト ール さ れてい る必要があ り ます。 本 ラ
イ ブ ラ リ は、 Red Hat v5.0 の標準イ ン ス ト ールではイ ン ス ト ール さ れませんので、 シ ス テムに イ ン ス
ト ール さ れていない場合は、 手動で イ ン ス ト ール し てお く 必要があ り ます。 "" は、 イ ン ス タ
レ ーシ ョ ン CD の "libXp-1.0.0-8.i386.rpm"(i386 の場合 ) 内に含まれています。
5.0 - NetVault 7.4.5 にアップグレードするには
アップグレード手順に関する詳細は、 下記 BakBone ホームページに掲載の、 もしくは NetVault 7.4.x CD に収録さ
れている 「NetVault Backup 7.4.x インストレーション / アップグレード ・ ガイド」 をご覧ください。 #manual
Solaris 10 でのアップグレードについて
End User Release Notes - NetVault Backup 7.4.5
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NetVault Backup 7.4.5 では、すべてのラ イ ブ ラ リ ・チ ェ ン ジ ャの “robotic devices” に接続する ため Solaris が提
供 し てい る SGEN デバイ ス ・ ド ラ イバを使用 し ています。 以前のバージ ョ ンの NetVault Backup では、
NetVault ネ イ テ ィ ブの “nvdriver” コ ンポーネ ン ト を使用 し て こ の通信を行 っ ていま し た。 NetVault Backup
7.4.5 へア ッ プグ レー ド し た後は、下記方法のどれか 1 つ を選択 し 、既存のデバイ ス を新 し い SGEN ド ラ イ ブへ
変更 し て く だ さ い。
重要事項 : バックボーン ・ ソフトウエアは、 方法 1 を実行されることをお奨めします。 方法 1 は、 より確実で、 将
X 方法 1: 既存のデバイ ス と 削除するデバイ ス を利用 し ているすべてのジ ョ ブ を削除する
As the title states, you must remove any devices in use, and then delete any existing jobs that target
these devices. While this method presents the most overall work, it offers the best overall solution to the
issue. It offers the easiest method for adding additional backup devices in the future (i.e., once you have
converted to the SGEN device driver in place of NetVault:Backup’s driver, you will be able to easily add
new devices using the NetVault:Backup GUI). To properly use this method, follow the steps outlined
1. Perform a complete backup of the existing NetVault Database on the Solaris 10 NetVault Server that
is to be upgraded.
2. Access the Job Management window and thoroughly review all pertinent jobs that target any devices
that are currently under the control of this NetVault Server. Make note of all settings and options.
3. With all settings noted, delete all existing jobs that target devices controlled by this NetVault Server.
4. Access the Device Management window of the GUI. Remove all devices that are currently under the
control of this NetVault Server.
5. Upgrade to version 7.4.5 on the target Solaris 10 NetVault Server (as outlined in the NetVault:Backup
- Install/Upgrade Guide for 7.4.x).
6. Stop NetVault services (i.e., using the NetVault:Backup Configurator).
7. Navigate to the following directory on the Solaris 10 system (where “...” refers to the complete path to
the installation of NetVault:Backup):
8. Locate the “scsi.cfg” file and open it for editing with a text editor. Locate the [SCSI] stanza, and edit
it to appear as follows:
Use NV driver=FALSE
Important: If the [SCSI] stanza is all that exists in the scsi.cfg file, you can simply delete this file to obtain the
necessary result. However if any other entries exist in this file, it must remain in the “...\netvault\config”
directory (and you must edit the file to appear as outlined above).
9. Navigate to the following directory:
10.Locate the “sgen.cfg” file and open it with a text editor. Edit the file to appear as follows. Lines shown
below, prefaced with a “#” are existing lines in the file. Locate each and preface it with a “#” in order
to leave it in the file, but have NetVault ignore the entry. Non-”#” prefaced lines indicate new entries
that must be added.
#name=“sgen” class="scsi" target=0 lun=0;
#name=“sgen” class="scsi" target=1 lun=0;
End User Release Notes - NetVault Backup 7.4.5
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#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=2 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=3 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=4 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=5 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=6 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=7 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=8 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=9 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=10 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=11 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=12 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=13 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=14 lun=0;
#name="sgen" class="scsi" target=15 lun=0;
#NV additions - auto generated by postinstall
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=0 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=1 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=2 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=3 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=4 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=5 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=6 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=7 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=8 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=9 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=10 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=11 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=12 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=13 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=14 lun=0;
name="sgen" class="scsi" target=15 lun=0;
11. With the file properly edited save and close it.
12.Issue the following command to generate a required link at “/dev/scsi/changer”:
devfsadm -v -i sgen
13.Restart NetVault services (i.e., via the NetVault:Backup Configurator).
14.Re-add the removed device(s).
15.Re-create all deleted jobs (i.e., using the information gathered in Step 2).
X 方法 2: 適用デバイ ス を含む sgen.cfg フ ァ イルを編集する
Overall, this is the shortest method to employ. However, it only accommodates those devices that are
currently under the control of the NetVault Server (i.e., if you need to add addtional devices to the
NetVault Server at a later date, they will not be automatically recognized by the software, and additional
configuration steps would be required). This method also presents a potential risk because if the machine
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is re-configured, the links that are manually created here may be lost, preventing NetVault:Backup from
detecting the devices.
1. Log in to the existing Solaris 10 NetVault Server, using an account with at least super-user level
2. Stop NetVault services (i.e., using the NetVault:Backup Configurator)
3. Open a terminal session and issue the following command to list the current NetVault driver entries:
ls -l /dev/nv*
4. The resulting output will appear, similar to the following for each device:
/dev/nv42 -> ../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/nv@5,0:42
The last segment of information reveals “/nv@5,0:42”. This information consists of the SCSI ID “5”, the LUN value - “0”, and the device instance number - “42”. Record all of these values for each
device revealed.
5. Determine which of the identified devices are actually in use by using the “prtconf” command:
prtconf | grep nv, | grep <device instance number>
If a value of “nv, instance <device instance number>” is returned, the device is in use, and should
be re-configured using the remaining steps illustrated here. Otherwise, it can remain unchanged.
6. Remove the existing NetVault driver by issuing the following command:
rem_drv nv
7. With the driver removed, ensure that it’s related configuration file is renamed, in order to remove it,
but also preserve this file for future access, if necessary. This can be accomplished by issuing the following command:
rename /usr/kernel/drv/nv.conf /usr/kernel/drv/nvold.conf
8. Navigate to the following directory:
9. Locate the “sgen.conf” file and open it for editing.
10.Add the following stanza to it:
#NV additions
name=“sgen” class=“scsi” target=<SCSI ID> lun=<LUN value>
The “SCSI ID” and “LUN value” variables in the final line apply to what you recorded in Step 4 for
these values.
11. Save and close the file.
Important: if further changers are to be added in the future, it may be beneficial to add 'name' entries for all of
the currently unused “target” and “lun” combinations (i.e., in order to distinguish a specific device).
12.Update the SGEN driver to use the new configuration, by issuing the following command:
update_drv sgen
There will now be a new link created to the SCSI device using Solaris 10’s native SGEN driver, and
saved in the format “c<x>t<SCSI ID>d<LUN value>” (e.g., “c2t5d0”), in the directory,
“/dev/scsi/changer/”. Navigate to this directory, and make note of this link name (i.e., using the SCSI
ID - “t<x>” and LUN value “d<x>” to identify the file).
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13.It is next necessary to identify the device to which the created link file applies. Issue the following
command to accomplish this (where “c<x>t<x>d<x>” applies to the link file identified in “/dev/scsi/
ls -l /dev/scsi/changer/c<x>t<x>d<x>
The command should return a result similar to the following :
/dev/scsi/changer/c<x>t<x>d<x> -> ../../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sgen@5,0:changer
14.Note all of the resulting information that occurs (e.g., in the above example, the resulting information
consists of “/devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sgen@5,0:changer”).
15.Navigate back to the directory housing the NetVault driver entry for this specific device -- “/dev/
nv<X>” (i.e., the path revealed for the selected device back in Step 4 -- “/dev/nv42” in that example), delete the entry in this directory, but leave the directory itself intact.
16.Re-link the new SGEN driver device, by issuing the following command (i.e., where the variable
“<path information for device>” refers to the resulting information recorded from Step 14, and the
variable “<x>” refers to the device’s instance number -- as noted in Steps 4 and 15).
ln -s <path information for device> /dev/nv<x>
17. Restart NetVault services (i.e., via the NetVault:Backup Configurator). The device will be available in
NetVault, using the SGEN driver.
その他サポートしている OS でのアップグレードについて
Solaris 10 以外の OS では、 NetVault Backup 7.4.x Installation and Upgrade Guide に記載 さ れている事項以外
にア ッ プグ レ ー ド 時必要な作業はあ り ません。 .
6.0 - NetVault Backup 7.4.5 用ドキュメント
NetVault Backup 製品向けのマニ ュ アルには、 下記の 5 種類が用意 さ れています。 ス テ ッ プ順にお読みいただ
く こ と で、 NetVault のイ ン ス ト ール、 導入を よ り 簡単に進めていただ く こ と がで き ます :
X Step 1: NetVault Backup 7.4.x インストレーション / アップグレード・ガイド - 本ガイドには、NetVault のインス
トール、 バージョンアップに関する全手順を説明しています。
X Step 2: NetVault Backup 7.4.x Getting Started Guide ( 英語のみ ) - NetVualt の開始、操作方法に関する
基本情報を説明しています。 もしくは、 NetVault 7.4.x 簡単設定ガイド ( 日本語 ) をご覧ください。
X Step 3: NetVault Backup 7.4.x アドミニストレーターズ・ガイド - NetVault で利用可能な全機能を完全に詳細
X Step 4: NetVault Backup 7.4.x コンフィギュレータ ・ ガイド - NetVault のコンパニオン ・ ユーティリティ、 つま
り NetVault Configurator で利用可能な機能のみを説明しています。
X Step 5: NetVault Backup 7.4.x Command Line Interface User's Guide ( 英語のみ ) - NetVault CLI 機能
7.0 - 既知の問題点
本セ ク シ ョ ン では、 NetVault Backup の既知の問題点について説明 し ます。
Known Issues with the NetVault Backup File System Plugin
X Restrictions in Windows
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Z Backwards Compatibility Issues - This version of the File System Plugin is not fully backwards
compatible with certain backup jobs, or restores from backups created using earlier versions of the
plugin. The following issues apply and should be taken into consideration:
Z Incompatibility with Some Older Version File System Plugin Backups - All backups made by very
old versions of the File System Plugin (i.e., from NetVault version 6.0.2 and earlier) will not be
restored by version 6.17 and later of the File System Plugin. The user will receive a log message
and the job will fail. The actual version of the File System Plugin used to create the backup to be
restored will be needed to recover this data.
Z Incompatibility with Existing System Settings Backups - Previous versions of File System
Plugin made it possible to conduct backups of System State components via a “System Settings”
group of selectable items. Any attempt to restore these backups with version 6.17 (or later) of File
System Plugin will fail. This is because System Settings backups with older versions of plugin are
incomplete/inconsistent and include files that should not be backed up when processing a proper
System State job. In addition to job failing, user will receive a log message in the NetVault Logs window. Any existing backup jobs which select “System Settings” data items via a backup selection set
should be redefined after installing version 6.17 of the plugin and the new “System State” selection
item should be utilized. If these backups are not altered in this manner, they will fail when run. Please
see Chapter 17: The File System Plugin of the NetVault Administrator’s Guide (version 7.3) for more
information on properly setting up a System State backup with version 6.17 of the plugin.
Important: The restriction outlined above only applies to System State data backups and recoveries. Files,
directories or other portions of the file system can be restored from tapes created by earlier plugin versions
(i.e., except as noted in point 1, above).
Z Changing a Directory to a Mount Point Causes Incremental Backup to Run as a Full Backup - If
a directory included in the Selection Set for a File System Plugin backup job is ever changed to a
Mount Point, any future Incremental backups performed using this Selection Set will be performed as
Full backups (i.e., all selected data will be fully backed up). This will occur even if an intervening Full
backup is performed of the Selection Set (i.e., if a Full backup is performed to try to reset the Incremental scenario, future Incrementals will still be performed as fulls). To accommodate for this issue,
you must recreate/manually edit the Selection Set.
Z Restoring Encrypted Files Over Hidden Files - In Windows 2000, Windows will fail an attempt that
is made to restore an encrypted file over a hidden file. The plugin attempts to delete the hidden file in
this case, but success is not guaranteed as the DeleteFile call is not sensitive to the elevated privileges of the plugin.
Z Restoring over “Read Only” Files - It is not always possible to restore a file over a file marked as
“read-only”. As a result, the plugin attempts to remove read-only status from a file before restoring
over it. Again, success is not guaranteed because the SetFileAttributes call is not sensitive to the elevated privileges of the plugin.
Z Restoring Non-Encrypted Files Over Encrypted Ones - It is not possible to restore a nonencrypted file over an encrypted file. To work around this, the plugin attempts to delete the encrypted
file first. Again, success is not guaranteed because the DeleteFile call is not sensitive to the elevated
privileges of the plugin.
Z Encrypted Files and ACL’s Denying Access - In Windows 2000/2003, it is not possible to backup
an encrypted file if ACL's deny all access to file despite process having backup and restore privileges.
The two versions of Windows seem to have slightly different behavior. Please refer to (FMS 22294)
X Restrictions when Using NetVault’s Encryption Plugin
Z Timeout Delay During a Restore - A recently discovered fault may affect the restore of encrypted
files on some Windows 2000 machines. When attempting the restore, a time out delay of up to one
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minute per file may be experienced. This issue is currently under investigation to remedy it (i.e., to
confirm if its cause -- the File System Plugin or the specific environment in place).
X Backup/Restore Windows File Short Names Options (FSG-46) - The following known issues apply to
the use of these options:
Z Incompatible with Windows 2000 - Short names are successfully backed up when the option is
enabled, but due to limitations with Windows 2000, they can not be successfully restored (However,
they can be recovered to another supported version of Windows).
Z Restoring Short Names Only Works if an Existing File with the Same Short Name Does NOT
Already Exist
Z Not supported with Windows Encryption and Windows Compression - If Microsoft Windowsbased Compression and/or Encryption functionality are enabled on a target system, attempts to
backup/restore short names will fail.
Z Access Timestamp Reset (FSG-25) - When performing a backup with the File System Plugin, the
access timestamp established for directories will be reset from the last time the directory was actually
accessed, to the current date/time (because NetVault is effectively accessing the directory). However,
if the File System Plugin backup option, Backup/Restore of Windows File Short Names is
enabled in the Configure window, the access times will not be reset (but short names will be recovered as expected).
Important: This only applies to directory access times (i.e., the date/time the directory was physically
accessed -- not the “Modified” time revealed for Windows-based file system items).
X Failed Incremental Backups Using Previous Version Backup Selection Sets (Linux/UNIX-based
File System Backups, ONLY) - If you are to upgrade to this version of the File System Plugin and perform an Incremental Backup using a backup saveset created with an older version of the plugin, the
backup will complete with a status of “Backup Failed”. To accommodate this issue, simply perform a
Full backup of all of the specific data, in order to re-establish the starting point (e.g., access the Job Management window, and locate the job that represents the Full backup in the Incremental scheme, and run
that job).
X Selections Not Recognized in Previously Created File System Plugin Jobs - This version of the File
System Plugin may not recognize data selections made for jobs created with previous versions of the
plugin (i.e., data items selected for inclusion in a File System Plugin backup job created with a previous
version of the plugin may not be recognized with this version of the plugin). Therefore, attempts to run the
job may fail. To resolve this issue, load the job, re-select the necessary data items and re-save it with the
same Job Title.
Other Known Issues with NetVault Backup
X CLI Issues (All CLI commands for version 7.4 of NetVault are documented in the NetVault:Backup Command Line Interface User’s Guide).
Z asf_load_media - This command will fail if the machine name contains any spaces.
Z asf_release_drive - When this command is issued to various brands of library device (e.g., those
containing various Exabyte or 9840 drives), a delay of up to eight (8) minutes may occur before the
media is unloaded. A known work-around for this issue is covered in the steps that follow:
1. Launch the GUI on the NetVault Server and access the Device Management window.
2. In the Devices tab, locate the target drive and right-click on it.
3. In the pop-up menu that appears, select the Unload command.
4. The drive will remain in an “Idle” state and the media will not be unloaded as expected. If the logs
for the selected device are viewed, an entry stating “Unload media in drive <X> failed - Device
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unavailable” will now be revealed. Repeat Steps 2 - 3 a second time, and the media will be
Z nvacslsmedia - The range function does not work properly. The work around is to explicitly run this
command for each media label/barcode the user wishes to allocate or deallocate. This can be accomplished in a script.
Z nvexpiresaveset - Used with a NULL input for Saveset ID will cause random Saveset to be expired.
Z nvcleandrive - When a space character is all that is input for a library’s name with this command, the
first library in NetVault:Backup’s device management configuration will perform a clean operation on a
respective drive. For example, if the syntax ‘nvcleandrive -libraryname “<space character only>” librarydrivenumber <X>’ is input and executed, NetVault will automatically target the first library in its
configuration order (i.e., the first library displayed in the Devices tab of the Device Management window in the GUI), and perform a clean operation on drive “<X>”.
Z nvjoblist - When this command is initially issued, the output may not report consistently. The workaround suggested for this is to launch the NetVault:Backup GUI, access the Job Management window and then return to the Command Prompt/Terminal Session and re-issue the command.
Z nvjobmodify
- Does not function properly when this command’s “-type” switch is used in conjunction with it’s
“BS” option.
- The “-change” switch does not function properly when attempting to modify backup options for a
- After execution of the command, the job is actually submitted to be run, even if the “-submit”
switch is not included in the syntax.
Z nvsetcreate - Data selections below the “Fixed Drives” level of the selection tree can not be named
using this command’s “-include” switch (i.e., it is only possible to include an entire fixed drive in the
the creation of a Backup/Restore Selection Set when using this command).
Z nvsetcleaninglives - Allows erroneous live count to be set.
Z nvsetdrivecleaning - The following are known issues with the use of this command:
- Does not support the use of multiple switches.
- Does not display drive cleaning properties correctly.
- If invalid input is provided with this command, actual drive properties may be changed. Ensure that
the syntax is properly input.
Z nvsyncronizesilomeda - CLI does not update media status in Device Management window for Windows-based installations.
Z nvremovemedia - With NULL string deletes first entry in media list.
Z CLI Commands will not Function Properly when the Locale is Set to a non-English Language When the language selection is set to anything other than English (i.e., in the Language Selection
field located in the General tab of the Configurator), attempts to use NetVault:Backup command line
interface commands may fail.
Z Duplicate CLI Utilities After Upgrade from Version 7.1.1 to 7.4.x - With an installation of
NetVault:Backup Version 7.1.1, the CLI commands listed below were installed to the noted directories
(where “...” refers to the complete path to the installation of NetVault:Backup):
- nvreadlog: “.../netvault/bin”
- nvtrigger: “.../netvault/util”
- nvsettrace: “.../netvault/util”
Upgrades to Version 7.4.x will install new versions of these same utilities in the following directories:
- nvsettrace: “.../netvault/bin”
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- nvtrigger: “.../netvault/bin”
- nvreadlog: “.../netvault/util”
After upgrade, navigate to the “.../netvault/bin” directory and delete the 7.1.1 version of the “nvreadlog” utility (i.e., there should be no “nvreadlog” utility in the “.../netvault/bin” directory). Once completed, navigate to the “.../netvault/util” directory and delete the 7.1.1 version of both the “nvtrigger”
and “nvsettrace” utilities, as well.
X Loss of the NetVault Database and Software Compression Functionality (VDL Devices, ONLY) - In
the event that you are to lose your NetVault Database and recover a backup of it, NetVault will be unable
to accurately report back the amount of space available on a virtual tape that contains backup job(s) that
had the Software Compression functionality enabled (i.e., the tape will not be automatically scanned by
the NetVault Device Manager -- The drive housing the media will be labeled as “Waiting for Media”, and
eventually time out, failing the job). This only appears to be an issue when the job targeting this type of
media also has the Software Compression functionality enabled. As a work around, you can perform
either of the following:
Z Disable Software Compression and Re-launch the Job - In this instance, NetVault will perform the
automatic scan of the media and use it accordingly.
Z Manually Scan the Target Media - From the Device Management window, perform a full Scan of all
of the media currently present in the Virtual Library. If you have already encountered this issue, the
media may appear as if it has vanished from the Virtual Library. In this case, follow these steps:
1. Select the Media Request tab
2. Locate the request in the window and right-click on it.
3. Select the Hold command from the pop-up menu.
4. Return to the Devices tab and perform a full Scan of the VDL (i.e., right -click on the VDL node
and select the Scan command). The media will be returned to the drive.
5. Return to the Media Request tab, and take the Media Request off of “Hold”.
X Working with VMWare ESX Server - If this software component is in use, the following points must be
taken into consideration:
Z Client/SmartClient Use Only - This build is only supported for use as a NetVault Client or SmartClient within VMware guest operating environments
Z SCSI Drive Limitation - ESX Server and Virtual SmartClients should be configured with SCSI tape
drives only
Z SCSI IDs Must Match - The virtual SCSI ID must match the physical SCSI ID of the tape device
Z Robotic Arm Configuration Requirement - The Robotic Arm should only be configured through
non-virtual systems such as the backup server or service console server
Z Dynamic Drive Sharing Should Not be Used
Z Smart Client Performance - Performance with SmartClients is less than when using standard nonVM configurations
Z Restoring “vmdk” Files Directly into the VMFS - This is only supported to existing directories. Creating non-existent directory structures within this file system through the recovery job is not supported
Z Only Adaptec HBAs are Supported
X Maximum Backup Saveset Index Size of 2 GB on FreeBSD Systems - A NetVault Server established
on a FreeBSD operating system has a size limitation for an individual Backup Saveset index of 2GB.
X NetVault Does Not Recognize a Standalone Device (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, Update 1, Only) When a standalone tape device is locally attached to a machine running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4,
Update 1 (RHEL4U1), the device may not be recognizable to the NetVault Server. With this version of
RHEL, the SG driver used to support this form of device is not automatically loaded, and must be
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manually loaded on the RHEL4U1 system, in order to support these devices. After manual load of the
driver, it is necessary to stop and restart NetVault Services on the NetVault Server. This issue only occurs
in instances in which the RHEL4U1 machine does not also have some form of library/changer device
locally attached (i.e., the standalone device is the only type of backup device locally attached to the
RHEL4U1 machine). The Linux “SG” driver is an upper level SCSI subsystem device driver that is used
primarily to handle devices such as a standalone tape drive. For complete details on obtaining and
loading this driver, please see the relevant RHEL4U1 documentation.
Various NetVault:Backup Reports Are Not Generated when Run (Linux Itanium Installations,
ONLY) - When various reports are selected from the Reports window and run on a Linux Itanium
NetVault Server, an error message will be returned, stating: “Failed to run reporting job. Failed when
running job to produce output. Please see job log”. At the time of this release, the following canned
reports were known to result in this error:
Z Library Contents
Z NetVault Error Logs
Z NetVault Logs
Z Offline Device
Z All Media-related Reports (except for, Media Quotas and Usage report jobs)
Stopping NetVault Services does not Log an Event in the Windows Application Event Log
(Windows 2000 Installations, ONLY) - In previous versions of NetVault installed on a Windows 2000
system, attempts to stop the NetVault Service would generate a log in the Windows Application Event
Log. This version of NetVault does not log an event when the service is stopped. This only applies to
NetVault installed on a Windows 2000 system (other Windows platforms will log the event).
SVDL Error Logs Generated When No SVDL Devices Exist - In various instances, error messages
have been revealed in the NetVault Logs pertaining to Shared Virtual Disk Libraries (SVDL) when none
have been set up for use (e.g., Mar 17 05:10:06 NetVault[403]: NetVault: Client: '<client name>' Class:
'System' Job: 'N/A' Warnlevel: 'Error' Msg: 'Failed to spawn 'SVDL Library Manager' (/usr/netvault/bin/
nvsvdlchgmgr)). If no SVDL devices have been created, and these messages appear in the NetVault
Logs, they can be ignored.
Inability to Have a Large Number of Jobs Running Simultaneously (Windows-based NetVault
Servers, ONLY) - The default value established for a Windows’ system memory setting, “non-interactive
desktop heap” has the potential to be exhausted if a large number of NetVault jobs are running
simultaneously on the machine (e.g., tests running 30+ NetVault jobs have realized this error). As an
end-result, a certain number of the jobs will stay active and run, while the remainder of the jobs will fail
(i.e., return a result of “Job Died Unexpectedly” as its Run Status in the Job Management window).
This is a known Windows operating system issue, and specific changes to the O/S can be made to
resolve it. If running a large quantity of simultaneous jobs and this error occurs, please do not attempt to
resolve it yourself, but instead contact BakBone Technical Support for the resolution.
Certain Text is Partially Hidden in the Media Management Window - In certain instances when the
Media Management window is initially accessed, it will appear to crop text from the window. The
proposed work-around for this issue is to simply resize the window. Once this is done, repeat attempts to
access the window will reveal it in its resized dimensions.
Issue with the Local Drives Only Option and the Teradata Plugin - With the release of NetVault 7.4.x,
a new option entitled “Local Drives Only” is made available in the Target tab of the Backup window.
This option conflicts with the existing Teradata global configuration parameter “Allow use of Network
Attached Devices”, which should be used in preference. Therefore, the Local Drives Only option
should not be used in conjunction with Teradata Plugin backup jobs.
No Case-sensitivity when Setting Up and Using Group Labels - If two separate Group Labels are
created with the same name, but are differentiated through the use of capital letters (e.g., “Group-1” and
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“group-1” are created as separate Group Labels), NetVault may ignore this difference and assume that
all of the media between the two groups actually only exist in a single group. For example, “Group-1” and
“group-1” were created, and separate pieces of media are included in each group. If Group-1 is called
out for use in a job, NetVault may include not only the media established in “Group-1” but also those
named in “group-1” (i.e., NetVault will ignore the capitalization difference and assume that only one
Group Label actually exists, thereby including all media named in both groups).
Linux/UNIX-based Versions Can Not Pause NetVault - It is not possible to pause NetVault operations
when running version 7.4.x on a Linux/UNIX-based operating system.
Consolidate Incremental Backup Plugin Backups and Expired Backup Savesets - In the event that
a backup saveset has expired (i.e., it has reached its designated Backup Life, as set in the Advanced
Options tab in the Backup window), an attempt to include this retired backup in a new Consolidated Full
backup will not reveal a result of “Failed”, as it should. Instead, the backup will attempt to run and return
a completion status of “Completed with Warnings”. In actuality, the Consolidate job will fail and
inspection of the NetVault:Backup Log entries for the job will reveal such (e.g., An entry of “LogError”
with the accompanying message, “No backups for set <backup saveset name> found”). This should
only be an issue if a Consolidate Incremental Backups Plugin backup has been scheduled to occur at
a later time, and any target backup saveset is retired before the scheduled run time for the Consolidated
backup. Therefore, to avoid this issue, ensure that your Consolidate backup is scheduled to run before
the Backup Life for its target backup savesets have elapsed. If setting up a new Consolidate job, this will
not be an issue, because only currently available backup savesets will be revealed for inclusion in the
Consolidated backup (i.e., retired backup savesets will not be shown for selection).
Delete Non-Scheduled Jobs Option Deletes Triggered Jobs - This option is intended to delete any
non-scheduled jobs, after a specified amount of time. However, since jobs using the “Triggered” schedule
type have no physical scheduled time, they are also deleted after the input amount of time elapses. If you
are using Triggered jobs in your NetVault environment, do not use the Delete Non-Scheduled Jobs
Selecting Multiple Duplication Jobs and Using the “Run Now” Command will Result in Failed
Jobs - If multiple jobs that have been set up as a duplications (i.e., via the “Duplication” option in the
Advanced Options tab of the Backup window), are selected in the Job Management or Status
windows of the GUI and the Run Now command is used via the pop-up menu, the jobs will fail.
NetVault:Backup GUI can Shut Down when the Client View Button in the Policy Management
Window is Clicked Multiple Times (Linux-based Installations, ONLY) - If you are to click on the
Client View button in the Policy Management window more than once, and then close the Policy
Management window, the GUI will shut down. There is no data loss as a result of this shut down.
Running a Multi-job with Auto-Deletion Set to Default (i.e., “On”) - Parent and child jobs may still be
visible when opening the Job Manager. This is a refresh issue and can be overcome by closing the
NetVault GUI and reopening it. There is no need to stop/restart NetVault services.
Problem of NVDB restore on NetVault 7.4.x. - Restoring of events is not working, but full restores do
complete successfully. In addition, do not individually select the “Events” item when restoring the
NetVault Database.
NetVault:Backup 7.4.x Installation Fails if Installation Directories are Mount Points (Linux/UNIXbased O/S Only) - The NetVault installation script tries to delete the existing contents on the mount point
(which isn’t allowed in a UNIX-based environment) and the installation will fail. To work-around this issue,
create a sub-directory below the mount point, and install NetVault to that directory.
Unable to set a Drive Offline and Bring the Drive Back online (Drive goes down) - For physical
drives, when media is in the device, you can not bring the drive online. The user must either stop and
restart NetVault, or remove the media before bringing the drive online. This functionality works correctly
for Virtual Drives and Libraries but not for Standalone drives.
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X Issue with Data Copy Plugin Backups of NetWare Thin Client Full/Incremental Backup Series When a Data Copy Plugin backup is set up for a NetWare Thin Client Plugin backup, and the
“Automatically Get a Set’s Last Full Backup” option is enabled in the Backup Options tab, NetVault
will target the actual last backup performed for the data copy, regardless if that last backup was a Full or
Incremental backup (i.e., the “Automatically Get a Set’s Last Full Backup” option sees all NetWare
Thin Client Plugin backups as Full backups).
X Error Occurs when NetVault is Removed from a System and then is Re-installed to that System
(Solaris (SPARC) O/S ONLY) - If the uninstall process offered with NetVault 7.4.x is used to remove it
from a target machine, various NetVault directories are left on that machine. If a later attempt is made to
re-install NetVault on this machine, an error will be revealed and the re-installation will fail. The workaround for this issue is as follows:
1. Initiate a terminal session on the target machine and navigate to the following directory (i.e., where
“…” refers to the complete path to the installation of NetVault):
2. Issue the following command to remove the link that locks the NetVault “tmp” directory:
unlink ./tmp
3. Back out of the NetVault directory, and remove the link that locks the NetVault installation directory by
inputting the following two commands in sequence:
cd ..
unlink ./netvault
This will allow users to re-install NetVault on the target Solaris (SPARC) machine.
X Issue with Installation Script on Solaris platform - Even though NVDB is not installed on NetVault:
Backup Clients, the installation script prompts for the NVDB path during client installations on Solaris
platform. This path can be left as is during installation as NVDB location is irrelevant for NetVault: Backup
X Non-English Version/Localization Known Issues - All of the points that follow correspond to Known
Issues that apply only to non-English versions of this release of NetVault:Backup:
Z If Asianux 2.0 machine is rebooted, nvpmgr starts with LANG=C - After installing NetVault 7.4.x
on Miracle Linux 4.0 (LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8), nvpmgr starts in LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8. However, if the
machine is rebooted, nvpmgr starts in LANG=C (actually, no LANG setting). NetVault cannot display
Japanese UTF-8 characters correctly because it looks like the UTF-8 -> EUC conversion function
does not get activated. The work around for this is to set LANG in
Z Status Window Operator Message Frame Corruption on Linux-based O/S (Japanese EUC) Messages in the Operator Messages frame of the Status window that have not been acknowledged
(i.e., those entries that appear in bold text in this frame) will be displayed incorrectly in JapaneseEUC
installations of NetVault 7.4.x. Once the message is acknowledged, the operator message will be
properly displayed (i.e., right-click on the message and select the Acknowledge command from the
pop-up menu). This is a font display issue which is different for each language and which is unique to
the Operator Messages frame.
Z NetVault:Backup GUI May Inadvertently Shut Down in Japanese EUC Locale Installations (Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Advanced Server Installations, ONLY) - This issue occurs only to Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 3 Advanced Server installations that have applied Updates 1 and 3 (i.e., Update 2
installations are unaffected). Various navigation operations in the GUI can cause it to shut down
abnormally in this environment. No other languages are affected. There is no loss of data and a simple GUI restart is required to recommence working.
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Z Use of Non-English Characters in the Set Filter Options Window - Various fields of the Set Filter
Options window (i.e., accessed from the Job Management window) do not allow for the input of nonEnglish characters.
Z End User License Agreement (EULA) Display Issue - If the default locale is changed (e.g., from
UTF8 to EUC or vice-versa), the EULA may not be displayed properly. The proposed work-around for
this issue is to use an EUC displayable terminal to view the EULA.
Z Display of Simple Chinese Characters in Microsoft Windows XP Installations - This format of
character is not properly displayed when performing backup and restore operations from a Windows
XP installation of NetVault:Backup. The recommended work-around is to access the General tab in
the NetVault:Backup Configurator and set the Language drop-down option to “English”.
Z Display of Characters on the Main GUI May Not Display Properly in Japanese/Korean Locales
Running a Linux IA64 Operating System - The labels accompanying the large buttons in the main
window of the GUI my not display properly in these environments (NVG-1463).
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8.0 - ソフトウェア修正
本セクションは、 本バージョンの NetVault Backup で修正された事項を掲載しています。 リリース ・ バージョン毎に、
Fault Fixes with Version 7.4.5
Jira Key
After an upgrade from 7.1.0 to 7.1.2, imported NV tapes are marked as FOREIGN and cannot
be scanned from slots.
CLN barcoded tapes do not show up in the IBM 3581 2U library.
nvdev mgr outputs messages to console screen
nvtrigger:Illegal return code(When a network is downed)
snvsetstanza' usage calls the user a 'lamer'
Post install script fails when NetVault password includes < or > character
Teradata Site using NetVault 7.1 SPG and Teradata Engineering report " End Of Data marker
not always written to tape" problem with LTO drives
Even if the error occurs, it is displayed, "Backup Completed"
Changing polling time for a standalone drive does not make any difference
File system corruption caused by netvault nvpmgr on solaris UFS file system
Backup Advanced Options Tab - Few combo box items not localized
Group name is not being saved in a backup job
NDMP Generic Test 2.28.25: Cannot restore NetVault Server File System backup.
SVDL - unable to use EMC powerpath raw device on solaris for SVDL creation
Updated nvjobmodify command to provide both fault fixes and new functionality
Yahoo - bad tape is assigned repeatedly thus drives go offline
File names with foreign characters are erroneous in the selections windows
nvpmgr.exe crashes sporadically during backup of virtual client - physical node backups work
Auto-log purge based on "exceed log age" does not work.
Cannot switch off libverbose mode in netvault 7.4 onwards.
Expiring License deletes Users in Access Control
Solaris pkgrm netvault requires unlink for 7.4 onwards
Intermittant death of nvpmgr - no useful error messages
NDMP attatched drive is placed in Media group BAD but is available and working correctly.
Schedule time of job is wrong time.
End User Release Notes - NetVault Backup 7.4.5
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Jira Key
Cannot create > 230 Gb VDL on Windows XP professional (SATA disks)
NV 7.4.2 installation on 32 Bit Windows fails with "Error: Failed to disable WOW64 redirection"
Cannot backup 64-bit Windows boxes to NDMP attached device
translation of "discard after" in Advance Tab is not understandable
Snap device management problems after 7.1.1 to 7.4.0 Guardian OS and NetVault upgrade
Installer spelling mistake
CLI: nvlabelmedia error on Solaris Intel.
Need consolidation APM to have support added for NSB. 1-line code change.
Complete solution for "Backup index is corrupted when backup index size is exceeded 2GB"
Yahoo additional CLI tools for Forte
There is "Monday" string as default in "Group" option of Backup window > Target tab > Media
Options frame
Investigate if NetVault deletes semaphors of other applications
Report output does not conform to RFC 2045 section 6.7
Scheduler does not check validity of submitted policies
With previous versions of the plugin, data under NFS/AMD mount points was being backed up
even though the “Backup through Mount Points” option is disabled. This has been corrected.
When using Open File Manager (OFM) functionality with previous versions of the plugin, the
plugin failed to un-synchronize drives and all drives remained synchronized.
On Windows-based clients, restoring a Registry file caused the File System plugin to crash.
This has been resolved in this version of the plugin
Previously, Backup jobs with the VSS option enabled were failing on Windows 2003 x86-64
(64-bit) clients. Now, the jobs will complete successfully.
Restore System State to file only succeeds if the registry is skipped, else “nvfs.exe has encountered a problem and must close” & Restore died unexpectedly. Previously, when performing a
System State Restore, restoring to a file succeeds, but, only if the registry component is deselected. In addition, restoring only the registry file failed. This has been resolved with this version
of the plugin
Fault Fixes with Version 7.4.4
Jira Key
Drives now missing from ACSLS library configuration
Unable to create SVDL > 2 TB in size
NVDevice Eject script not working in 7.4 Release given to Adaptec for Snap Servers
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Jira Key
Problem using arc catalog on restores - on SVDL only
Snap device management problems after 7.1.1 to 7.4.0 Guardian OS and NetVault upgrade
Report Writer core plugin not creating reports for some report types on Linux Itanium for NV
7.4.2 and NV 7.4.3.
Fault Fixes with Version 7.4.3
Jira Key
GUI should accommodate for column based sorting in various screens.
Cannot scan media in Device Management
Restoring media database fails with NetVault 7.4.x
Killing an existing thread in a multi context environment kills the process
4GB solution for “Backup index is corrupted when backup index size is exceeded 2GB” problem
modify job manager - default value for job keep alive rate from 0 to 5 minutes
SBT error 7111 will occur when repeatedly allocate/release a channel over 1,000 times
Drive option causes restores to fail (Number of blocks to write/read at a time).
Want to be able to pause NetVault log GUI.
Media Mgmt. Change Expiry is off by 8 hours in Unix Systems.
NV7.4 for Linux will not run post-exec script on backup failure.
Tape can not be scanned back if during backup the write block number is set to 16.
Reporting can not be configured to send notification
Bold fonts used on the motif GUI frontscreen will not display correctly in all Linux distributions in
all locales
Plugin dies when browsing the database to perform a restore
Yahoo - media manager memory leak and nv service crash
Create SVDL' window does not appear on Debian Linux 3.1 R1 & RHEL4 update2
Report - Component's Filter settings will not be saved when Language mode is JapaneseEUC
Reporting notification event does not work in JapaneseEUC language setting
Encryption key handling code does an inappropriate key phrase migration thing with hardcoded locale ID
Fault Fixes with Version 7.4.2
Jira Key
Simplified Chinese characters not displayed correctly in backup/restore window - XP only
License disk media bug when reusing disk media.
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Jira Key
Report - Component's Filter settings will not be saved when Language mode is set to
NetVault allows a tape marked read only to be blanked
For Mac --> MAC 7.1.1 (GA) you cannot create virtual library on OSX 10.4 on a clean install
with no other devices attached
When attempting to stop the NetVault Process Manager using Windows Service, an “Error
1067 Process Terminated Unexpectedly” is received.
Data Copy using migrate will allow incremental backups to complete but will not restore
Reporting can not be configured to send notification
Can not restore Reports Database
nvdeviceeject -devicename doesn't recognize the drive name
Group view in device management doesn't list group if all members are loaded
Cannot Edit the backup options of a backup job
Device Scan tab in configurator does not display correctly
Mac loses set controls in backup options window
Index Compression not working in 7.4
Automatic index compression not working in 7.4+
Bold fonts used on the motif GUI frontscreen will not display correctly in all Linux distributions
in all locales
Fault Fixes with Version 7.4.1
Jira Key
The FreeBSD Operating System’s version of the File System Plugin could not not expand the
root-level item in the Selection tree.
NDMP APM Icon in backup window missing “Default methods” after NV build upgrade.
Some canned reports will not work in non-English locales
Consolidate plugin memory leak on writing to media
Device performance statistics broken - device name reported as ‘Unknown Device’
Netvault report manager displays 'netvault report performed with an error' when Netvault 7.1
has been upgraded to 7.4
Selecting and then aborting a job with a current status of “Pending” in the Policy Management
window kills the process “nvsched” on the NetVault:Backup Server
Jobs created as retries under policies cannot be deleted (nvsched crash)
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Fault Fixes with Version 7.4.0
nvlogdump fix for end time not in 7.3.
Script may need clarifying as to how NV refuses to install pre 7 nvdb (NCR DR 258250)
Failure to spawn plugin for progress screen kills the job.
Request utility that can reset drive cleaning stats.
Problem with removing specific Client job from a policy that is already created.
Can not assign offsite location from command line when tape is not in library (NCR DR 243910).
Two GB index file size limitation.
Job - User defined “Run a Job” method does not run job defined with “sysrunjob.bat”
(NCR DR 93453).
Scheduler “instance data” table does not have records in instance order, breaking at least
Filtering logs based on Client and job, Client name filter ignored.
In NTAP-SC5, media manager and comm manager died.
Restore from Job with Duplication phase pulls from Physical not Virtual media.
NVLABELMEDIA command ruins Saveset (no longer available to be restored) (NCR DR
NetVault restore fails - Failed to read data from media (NCR DR 280113).
Need to implement a pause in the NV Log GUI to prevent constant scrolling (NCR DR 258948)
Need confirmation after “Scan” (library) selected from “Device Management” (NCR DR 260191).
Incremental file system backup doesn't recognize exclude files (NCR DR 261710).
Ability to schedule a restore job that uses the latest generation of a backup (NCR DR 217440).
Hidden console window for nvstatsmgr.exe can lead to local privilege escalation for unprivileged
nvscanmedia command does not work.
Binary Log Dump does not include “=== LOG DUMP COMMENCING ===” entry with Server
Information from Startup icon
“Scan” method on libraries requires Confirmation dialog (NCR DR 260191).
MediaFormat API (MTF) only works for the File System Plugin.
Failed to write all of '/MediaDatabase/Files/Backup/0000/<whatever> when doing NVDB
Restore and corrupted indexes.
Incremental backups of long path cause File System plugin to crash with guard band error.
Restored file is corrupted (in some cases) when network compression option is enabled.
When change encryption key string password on Encryption tab in nvconfigurator, pop-up error
will occur.
nvscanmedia CLI is stored in the util directory as nvscanmedia.exe.exe
GUI's should be able to domain control servers with the same major and minor version number.
End User Release Notes - NetVault Backup 7.4.5
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