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Combinedindependent systems 1.* Combined-Dependent Systems !!" $" %$ "%& $ B$ B$ %$"1-"$ 5 !")$ +#"/ ! #% " )-+###0"#0# #)6-!'')'$##% ¨ Votes cast for individuals Proportional representative (Multimember districts) Mixed System Single-member districts #+" 1. Combined-Independent System !!"$")!+ # !# !"+&2+ #+0& #)&2+#0& #$#)0"$##)!#")"0" $##'$#!!' '% &0$!%"!" !$" )2 0" # ! " " $ - & #&!2$!&'0&%"!#!0&+,"-#! I5! E! ) +# & 1*- #$ ; %"26,!$# # !+ !" " _ ¨ Candidate with the largest share wins seat or majority ¨ Fewer larger parties ¨ Votes cast for parties ¨ Seats divided between parties on basis of share ¨ More smaller parties ¨ Votes cast both for parties and for individual ¨ Some seats filled by individual races, some by party outcome ¨ Mixed outcome $# $#: Patrick H. O'Neil (;<<J) Essentials of Comparative Politics, p. =?K. 7 '&0 !2!$ &$# &-& !!"-#" "#!2#$!&! %"E5-( &$ .. ;@@< B,#%"!" 1 Mixed System -# $#&$# -& )!+$$ SMP &2+$ #+$+%(#+," $#$!# Bloc Vote System #%!!" #" !2&$# )!+& +%(#&2#+*-* &2!# ) > !# # ¥¥´¥Â£¹¯¬³£ ³Î !# $ .. 0" =< " " &2 >< #%&$ .. ;@@? $"&0)$!&$#&!" $!",# %$#1-"+$0"+$-#$"!"%# 0#0"1#!$#+2)! E* !&$#&!""$")'B,# !&$# &+!0$!,# " !#0&%!!" $)# 6,$" *************** ' ' -, (;@_`) !&!E5-(#"!!" !!. !: '! 5 Bowler, Shaun and Bernard Grofman.Eds. (;<<<). Election in Australia, Ireland and Malta under the Single Transferable Vote: Reflections on an Embedded Institution. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Farrell, David (;<<=), Electoral Systems, New York: Palgrave. Norris, Pippa. (;<<?). Electoral Engineering: voting rules and political behavior. London: Cambridge. O'Neil, Patrick. (;<<J). Essentials of Comparative Politics. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. Powell, G. Bingham. (;<<<). Elections as Instruments of Democracy. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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