KS-4252 / September 2016 ご予約承り中!! 【経済学、資源・エネルギー、環境問題、環境政策、環境経済学】 現代の天然資源と環境政策に関する問題を理解する グローバルな変化の時代における 天然資源と環境政策レファレンス 全 4 巻 The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change. 4 vols. Dinar, Ariel (ed. in chief), The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change. 4 vols. 1200 pp. 2016:10 (World Scientific, SI) <630-1598> ISBN 978-981-4713-68-9 hard set 本書は天然資源と環境政策に関する画期的な概念と理論に関する 包括的なレファレンスで、著名な研究者によって、グローバルな変 化の時代における天然資源と環境政策に関連する問題が論じられて います。また、限られた天然資源の入手可能性と利用およびそれら の環境への影響に左右される、社会の様々な部分の経済的・戦略的 側面に焦点を当てています。第 1 巻「ゲーム理論」 、第 2 巻「人新世 の社会生態学-グローバル環境政治における連続性と変化」、第 3 巻 「社会の CGE モデル」 、第 4 巻「実験経済学」より構成されていま す。 国家・地域・グローバルなレベルの研究者・政策立案者が取り組む天然資源と環境政策 に関する問題についてユニークな視点をもたらす本書を、経済学、資源・エネルギー問題、 環境問題、環境経済学の研究者にお薦めいたします。 収録明細 VOLUME 1: GAME THEORY Introduction Ana Espinola and Felix Munoz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Overcoming Principal-Agent Problems to Improve Cooperative Governance of Internationally Shared Fisheries Megan Bailey, Niels Vestergaard and Rashid Sumaila Common Property Resource Exploitation under Imperfect Competition Hassan Benchekroun Mitigation and Solar Radiation Management in Climate Change Policies Vasiliki Manousi and Anastasios Xepapadeas On the Strategic Use of Import Tariffs to Control Trans-boundary Externalities Charles Mason, Victoria I. Umanskaya and Edward B. Barbier Non-Point Source Pollution in an International Context 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Kathleen Segerson Game Theoretic Modeling of Environmental NGOs in an International Context Anthony Heyes and Bogdan Urban On the Interplay between Resource Extraction and Polluting Emissions in Oligopoly: Pollution in Natural Resource Oligopoly Games Luca Lambertini Deforestation and REDD+: Taking Stock of the Latest Institutional Possibilities Charles Figuieresand Estelle Midle Climate Policies, Technical Change and R&D André Grimaudand Luc Rouge Strategic Behavior and the Porter Hypothesis Francisco André Transboundary Pollution, Clean Technologies and International Environmental Agreements Hassan Benchekroun and Amrita Ray Chaudhuri International Trade and the Environmental Goods and Services Industry Solveig Delabroye, Alain-Désiré Nimubona and Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné Differential Games: Solution Concepts and Applications to Global Resources and Environmental Problems Ngo Van Long VOLUME 2: THE SOCIAL ECOLOGY OF THE ANTHROPOCENE: CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS Introduction Richard Matthew, Kristen A. Goodrich, Connor Harron, Bemmy Maharramli, and Evgenia Nizkorodov Part I: Challenges of the Anthropocene 1. The Science of The Anthropocene Kristen A. Goodrich and Genia Nizkorodov 2. Social Understandings of the New Arctic Beth Mendenhall 3. Earth System Challenges and Goal-based Governance Norichika Kanie Part II: Continuity and Innovation in Global Environmental Politics Perceptions and Communications: The Role of Science and Scientists 4. The Advent of Science Diplomacy Robert G. Patman and Lloyd S. Davis 5. Making a Difference in the World: Perspective of Climate Scientists on Transnational Scientific Cooperation Lucie Edwards New and Resurrected Partnerships 6. Sustaining Public-Private Partnerships George Shambaugh and Richard Matthew 7. The Role of the University: Engaged Scholarship in the Anthropocene Beth Karlin, Candice Carr Kelman, Kristen A. Goodrich, Victoria Lowerson Bredow, Mary (Qi) Chen, Karen Jimenez, Phuongthao Nguyen, and Annette Tran 8. Farming for Walmart: The Politics of Corporate Control and Responsibility in the Global South Peter Dauvergne Resilience and Recovery: Managing Conflict and Disaster ㈱極東書店 2 KS-4252/グローバルな変化の時代における天然資源と環境政策レファレンス 9. Can Public-Private Partnerships Help Rebuild War-Torn Societies? Challenges and Opportunities for Peace and Development Michael Beevers 10. Challenges for Recovery in the Face of Sustained Crisis: Lessons from Swaziland Connor Harron The Nexus: Food, Water, Energy and Climate 11. Rethinking the Food-Water-Energy-Climate Security Nexus Richard Matthew 12. Reshaping Global Climate and Energy Governance in a Polycentric World: IRENA’s quest for an energy transition Franziska Mueller 13. Relationship of Mexico’s National Strategy for Climate Change and Energy Policy Reforms: A Compromise for International Action? Gustavo Sosa Nunez 14. Democratizing Water: New Approaches to Public Water in the Post-Privatization Era Madeline Baer 15. Innovative Role of Cities in the Future Bemmy Maharramli Justice and Equity Issues 16. Climate Justice: From Normative Claims to Social Practices Andrea Schapper and Linda Wallbott 17. Cities and the Challenge of Multiscalar Climate Justice: Unpacking the Political Economies of Climate Governance and Social Equity in Chicago, Birmingham, and Vancouver Corina McKendry 18. Crowdsourcing Sustainable Development Goals from Global Civil Society: A Content Analysis Josh C. Gellers 19. Designing Knowledge-based, Integrated Management Systems for Environmental Governance Steinar Andresen, Kristen Rosendal, and Jon Skjaerseth 20. Social Struggles in Uganda’s Acholiland: Understanding Responses and Resistance to Amuru Sugar Works Giuliano Martiniello Conclusion Richard Matthew, Kristen A. Goodrich, Connor Harron, Bemmy Maharramli, and Evgenia Nizkorodov VOLUME 3: COMPUTABLE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELS OF SOCIETY Introduction Tony Bryant Part I: CGE Modelling Issues 1. State of the Art in CGE Modeling Artem Korzhenevych 2. Global Applied CGE, the GTAP and Its Database Ernesto Valenzuela, Roman Keeney, and Badri Narayanan 3. CGE Models: Linking Natural Resources to the CGE framework Angelo Costa Gurgel and Henry Chen Part II: CGE Models Applied To Sectoral Aspects: Energy, Trade, Water, Health and Food ㈱極東書店 3 KS-4252/グローバルな変化の時代における天然資源と環境政策レファレンス 4. CGE Models of Water Issues Roberto Roson Martina Sartori Alvaro Calzadilla, Katrin Rehdanz and Richard Tol 5. CGE Models of Infectious Diseases George Verikios 6. CGE Models of Free Trade and Environment with a Case Study of India Koushik Das 7. An Analysis of Global and Domestic Climate and Energy Issues Using the GEM-E3 Model Bert Saveyn et al. 8. Global Assessment of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change Using CGE Model Tomoko Hasegawa, Shinichiro Fujimori, Yonghee Shin, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Toshihiko Masui and Akemi Tanaka 9. Coupling Detailed Energy Enduse Technology Information in a Global Computable General Equilibrium Model: An AIM/CGE Experiment Shinichiro Fujimori, Toshihiko Masui and Yuzuru Matsuoka 10. Climate Economics, Bioenergy and Land Use in a General Equilibrium Framework Ronald D. Sands and Shellye A. Suttles 11. CGE Models of Optimal Energy Depletion Hodjat Ghadimi Part III: Specific Environmental and Resource Issues with Regional Implications 12. CGE Models of Carbon Dioxide Emission Control with a Case Study of Latin American and Caribbean Economies Omar Chisari Osvaldo and Sebastian Miller 13. Comparing the Effects of Current EU Biofuel Quotas on Agricultural Prices Ruth Delzeit 14. CGE Models of the Economic Impacts of Climate Change with a Case Study of the Carribbean Roberto Roson VOLUME 4: EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS Introduction Anabela Botelho 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Appropriation from a Common Pool Resource: Effects of the Characteristics of the Common Pool Resource, the Appropriators and the Existence of Communication Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller, Mackenzie Rogers, Stephan Schott and Jingjing Zhang Passionate Providers and the Possibility of Public Commitment Luke A. Boosey, R. Mark Isaac and Douglas A. Norton Addressing the Private Wildfire Risk Mitigation Paradox in a Climate-Altered Wildland Urban Interface Joseph M. Little, Tyler Prante, Michael L. Jones, Michael McKee and Robert P. Berrens Collective Action in Dangerous Climate Change Games Astrid Dannenberg and Alessandro Tavoni Playing Safe: The Role of Quotas to Avoid Ecosystem Regime Shifts Therese Lindahl, Nikolina Oreskovic and Anne-Sophie Crépin Risk Perception in a Public Goods Experiment Glenn W. Harrison and Elisabet E. Rutström Behavioral Economics and Climate Change Adaptation: Insights from Experimental Economics on the Role of Risk and Time Preferences Maria Bernedo and Paul J. Ferraro EU ETS Trading Rules: An Experimental Examination of The Ausubel Auctioning Allocation Anabela Botelho, Eduarda Fernandes and Lígia M. Costa Pinto ㈱極東書店 4 KS-4252/グローバルな変化の時代における天然資源と環境政策レファレンス
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