/ / / イ 一 ヽ 一・ ′ . 押・ イ )91彙 9組 City and lndustria! Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd. BOARD ︰ 挙 . ヽ ヽυ ′ ‘ RESOLUT10NS‐ Part口 ‖ August 2010 to March 2013 i ︲ ﹁ INDEX OF グ5。 、 イ ,9総92 │・ , 5■ 6H BOARD MELlム NG:DA¬ E-06.08.2010 MAttER=NDEX OF THE AGENDA lTEMS TRANSACTED BR No Item HOD No. Sublect 10349 2 10350 3 10351 4 10352 ヽ ′ 1 conoerned 〓 ヽ〓 ・ ︲︵ of Leave of Absence to the Directors of the Corporation. To connrrn Minutes of the 515° Meeung Of the Board of Directors of COrDOra● On held on 29 6 2010 Action Taken Report the Resolutions passed the 5146 Meeting of the Board of Directors of Corporation held on 01.06.2010. To approve empanelment of NonBanking Companies/ Trustees/Custodian/Depository Services for the purpose of issuing NOC as per Regulation 10 of Navi Mumbai Disposal Lands (Amendment) Requlations, 20O8. Proposal for approval to d口 ft Re― seШ ement and Rehablitation Po‖ cy For Navi Mumbai lnternat onal AirpOrt tte CS Noted CS Approved with modifications CS Noted CS Approved GM(SEZ) To review in the next Board Meeting to be held on 9.8.2010 at 5.00 PM at'Nirmal' Td review in the next Board Meetjng Grant in Decision of Board on Financial of ●υ ProJect AfFected Persons 10353 6 Prcject - Extension of Developmental & I4arketing N|VISEZ 10354 Enhancement in the wages contractual workers engaged 10355 8 ͡ ■ 10356 , 9 ■ 一 , ′ う 107 Plot of land earlier allotted to allotted 30357 CHO various DeDartsnents of CIDCO. Reviewing cases of the employees & ofncers of the Corporation who are under suspension due to the charges leveled against them by Police Deptt. and determining whether they should still to be kept under suspension. l4azgaon Dock Ltd. - M(P) 58 ` M(TS)1 Transfer of land to Govt. Orgn. to a Co-op, Housinq Sociew. CIDCO Navi Mumbai Fettva1 2010-11 to to examine the matter and send the same to Govt. with hts VC&IYD PRO CL&SO ー Defened. To resubmit agenda for all Societies toqether. Provision of Rs.1.5 crores for 2011. To get the accounts of 2010 audited. Approved widl some modincatlons (File to be ciosed) ^ Taking policy decision for sending the proposai Govt. for extending benefit of 12.5% Scheme to Mandir, Devasthan and Masjid's land for their Trust's land and Niyas Khate land and their Vahivatdars. Approved recommendations. ■ 三ぶt●1〓 ・ ● ヽ一 ︱︱十111 ¬ 再 n げ i lililestones. 7 GM(SEZ) ヽ 、 ¨ 一 足 肇 ¨ ●一 , : グ5, 12 10359 ︵ J 10360 Apprisal of status of TFT-LCD Project Joint Venture with Videocon Industries Ltd. Constuction of Road over Bridge (RoB) near Seawoods Dardve Railway Station at Km 36.10 Nerul, in Navi Mumbai (2d Call) - 14 10361 15 10362 in - !_ 、 [バ 16 10363 Approved with modifications. ACE(RP) Approved ACE(RP) Approved Revised Administrative Approval on anticipated completion cost. re-amend earlier approved amended text the proposed commercial aqreements. Balganga Water Supply Project, Navi Mumbai In princjple approval fot taking up various works under Balganga Water Supply Project and to accord Adminisfative Approval to the Block Cost Estimates of $ese works. Construction of 36 lvl wide road and S.W. drain along BPCL Compound Wall at Dronagiri Administrative Aooroval. lnfi-astructure Development of roads, fooFath, S.W. drains, water supply, sewerage, steet lighting wo* etc. for 12.5% Scfieme at Karaniade. Panvel. To GM(rrSP) DeFered ACE(II)/ CEaGM rech) SE(Dron)/ CE&GMaqch) Deferred, To re-submit in the next Meeting. SE(P&K)/ Approved SE(Env)/CE&GM CeCh) Approved wiEr modifications. - 17 18 10364 10365 Integrated Waving Off DPC leved on water charge bills oF Sudhagad Education Societyt Schools in Sector lE&3E at Kalambo‖ 19 10366 Undertaking New Projects in CE“ Mcrech) ACP(NT&SP)/CP Maharashtra 躙 792010 20 ハ 10367 of unacquired lands in ACP(NM田 ハ′SR) Navi Mumbai - Submission of /CP Deferred Development Development Model to the Gow. for approval and issue of necessary directives. ¨ 2 ^ Z ρ ● , 21 10368 10369 SuDDlemenbry Aqenda - 1 To apprise Notifications relaGd to CIDCO issued by Urban Development Deptt., Govt. of Maharashb-a. Upgradation of peripheral roads to concrete pavement Warehousing Complex in Kalamboli CS ACE(11)/ CE8GMcrech) - Appraisal on Board's directives dated 11.6.2010 during the extended 514s Noted Approved with modifications. (To bring in next Board Meetjng). Board lYeetinq. 23 10370 Q Approved ACE(II)/ CE8tGM(Tech) ͡ /3- ぞへ /∼ ヽ ヽヽ“﹂れ Area redamation in Sectors 21,22, 27, 28 & 29 of Taloja - Panchnand Naqar Phase-II of Nodal area at ゝ ノ ヽ フ / 55と Ka ambo L 24 10371 CJ ^ Z 10372 Navi Mumbai (CA No 02/CIDCO/EE(KUM‐ nI〕 ノ 21X19-10 Engaging agency for short listing the applications received for various oosts Lease of Plot No.112, admeasuring 500 sq. mtrs. (approx), in Sector-8A, Airoli M(P) Approved CSSO DeFerred MM (II) Approved ACE(■ )/ Approved ADM(い o/ Approved with modifications. ACE(II)/ Deferred to Airoli Bengali Asscn., for setting up Goddess Shri Shri Durga Temple. 26 10373 TABLE■ :LMS: Allotment of altemate PIot No.7A in Sector-12 at Dronagiri, in lieu of ealier allotted Plot No.P-s :´ 27 10374 ↑︵ 28 10375 29 10376 & p-6, admeasuring 800 sq. mtrs. in Sector43A at Dronaqiri, Navi Mumbai, Construction of Dam across Ealganga River for water supply to CIDCO Areas in Navi Mumbai. vasarⅥ rar ProJect: wbdrawi of CIDCO as Spedal Planning Autho"ty CE“ MITeCh) from WSR 鷺讐 ぽ 輝 畔 7柵 」 l肌 『 ‖ Sedor 4 at Kharghar7 NaM Mumbai (CA No 01/CIDCO/SE(KHttΠ 1/EE (KHR rV)/2009‐ 10 30 31 10377 曙 器器 職 棚拙 ′ 棚 MumbaL` To apprse abOut demands of BrrC Rehab‖ tation sangharsh union CEaCMcrech) ChieF PIanner CA0 To p ace detaled agenda note in next Board Meetinq To place deta‖ ed agenda note in next Boarc MeeunO ͡ ● ヽ ︶ 徐ぶ ζ \ らら3 517H BOARD MEL:■ NG:DATE― ■6.08.20■ 0 MAttER INDEX OF THE AGENDA rrEMS TRANSACrED Item No 1 BR No 10378 Sublect Grant of Leave of Nature of otooosal Absence to the Compliance To conttnn Minutes of the 516い Meeung of the BOard Of Dir∝ brs of COrporation held On 6 08 2010 & Compliance HOD ∞ Deaision of tfie Board noerned CS Noted Directors of the Corporatj,on. 2 10379 cOnnrmed CS ●ons 9082010 3 10380 ハ = Acton Taken Report on Resolutions passed in Continu€d 5146 M€eting of wth sclme mOd nca― ln BRNo 10356 the the the CS Noted CS Noted Poikγ GM(SE2) To consider in next Meeting. Administrative ACE(IIソ Compliance Board of Directors of Corporation held on 11.o5.2010. ´ 4 10381 To apprise tfre Board Notifications related to oD@ issued by the urban Developrnent ∞ rporate nCe Deptt., Go\,t. of … Maharashtra. 5 Deferred 口ヽ ′ To approve tl|e draft Resetttement and Rehabilitation Policy for Navi Mumbai Internauonal Airport Proiert Affected Persons. Power Poant Pi€senbtion will be given at the Eoard t4eeting by the HOD alonq with draft handouts of the Drdft Policy. Balganga Water Supply Croiect, t'tavl 6 10382 Mumbai - In princjple approval for taking up various works ア 10383 ぽ 鴨 響 ¶ fⅧ Saor4 at Kha"har7 Na● (CA No 『 9 10384 ͡ ‖ MumbaL 01/ODCO/SEKHR Approved rFttGM package Administrative ACE(IIソ Approval CE&GM with System oftender. ITeCh) U湿 【KHR‐ Ⅳ 1/21109-10 DeFe「 red under Ealganga Water Supply Projert and to accord Administ'ah_ve Approyal to the Block Cost Estimates of these work. 騨 8 Appro\.dl Noted CeCh) Π1/EE Lease of Plot No.112, adrneasuring 500 sq. mus. (approx), In Sector-8A, Airoli to Airoli Bengali Asscn., for setting up Godd6s Shri Shri Durga A‖ otment CSSO Deferred MM ll Approved with modified Temple. ● ・ Vastuvihar & Celebration Housing Scheme at Sector-16 & 17, Kharghar, Navi Mumbal schedule. 10 10385 Prtlposed Plot No 8′ - BhoOmiputra Bhavan On Seclor 19、 at ulwe Node′ Noting For engaging services Consu● nt tO reView and mOdi″ existing pOIc es Of Marketing EЫ ate 12 10307 Resolution. Administrauve/ Financbソ PO cy f O睫鋼 10386 Approval Relaxation in payment Navi Mumbal 11 Administrative ACE(1&Nη CE&GM Approved / Cech〕 Administ● uve/ M(P) N● ted policy Depanments Granting temporary permissions Policy ChieF Planner under the provisions of Regulation 28 of Sanctioned G.D.C.R. of Navi 西 一 一¨・ 兒 ジ 1 ヽ今 一 0″〃・ 卜К一 ヽ Ivlumbai. CO イ )驚像 う∫浄 518TH BOARD MEE:■ NC: DATE-08.09.20■ 0 MASTER INDEX OF THE AGENDA二 :に MS TRANSALIED Item BR No. No 1 40388 Subject Nature of prcposal of Leave of Absence oirectors of he Corporation. Grant to ttte Compliance HOD StatuS of decision concemed' CS sha T c Benlamin, Shl M KSnvastava, Shl RY Galh″測 , Shl S S Smdhu and Shn V S Nahala =ご 2 10389 Some addition to B.R. No. 10356 rclabd Compliance CS to Mazgen Uock LH. Some additonlo B R No 10356 ●:aled lo Maz‐ gaon Dock Lld Confirmation ハ 3 10390 4 40391 5 Deler ed of Minutes of the 517tr Board of DirectoE of Meeting of tle Corpoction held m 16.08.2010. To conlirm Resoiution by CiroJlatjon Compliance dated 24.08.2010 on the subject of authorizing Company Secretary for convening 4@ A.c.M. of CIDCO for the F.Y. 200910 on 23.09.2010. To apprise the Board Notifications Apprisal related to CIoCO issued by the Urban CS Yes CS Yes MFS}1 Det"d GM Extension for 60 days Development Deptt., GoM. 6 10392 Plot No.7, admeasuring 50043.73 sq. in Sectorl6, New Panvel Whether to accept Ule plea of the Licensee lhat he mnstruclion is Polcyl Adm - mtrs. Approval completed within the sliDulated Deriod. Development of Kharghar Hill Plateau, A‖ otment NaviMumbai, 7 ハ (0393 (lT&SP) Exlens on of ime lmit lo「 hold ng he 40h Ceneral Meelng of Compliance CA0 Relecled the CorporaUon for the Financial Year 2009‐ 10 れ , S 5SS 519IH BOARD MEETIN ASTER INDEX OF THE ACE■ DA Item BR No No 01 10394 02 10395 03 10396 ら ヽ´ SubJect Grant of Leave of Absence to the Directors of the Corporation. 1o apprise fie Board Notifications related to cDco issued by the Urban Develooment Deptt., GoM. Payment oF Special Alowance to EMS TRANSAI concerned Apprisal CS Noted ЩP) To re-submit with justifiable reasons. Policy HOD CS of VGMD and Jt MD― App‖ cab‖ itv and enhancement of 04 10397 io contjnue the present rates of Transfer Charges. Policy 、 MOヽ )1 T‖ tO 30 09 2010 and b百 ng fresh proposal ͡ fO「 upwarc reviЫ on Eコ ハυ 10398 Consultancy for deveiopment of sustainable model for Wedand Preservation 06 0フ ハ Shri M K Srivastava &Shn R Y Gaikwad Personal Secreta● es and Perstlnal AssiЫ いnts Status Of decision Nature of orooosal compliance 10399 10400 at Adm. Approval Apprclved CE&GM crech) Khandeshwar Lake, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai Payment of consultancy charges to TERI. Navi Mumbai Development Wedand Centre along Mangrove Palm Beach Marg Road in Nerul, Navi Mumbai. independent rnachinery fol retonciliatjon due to non-availability of village-wise and survey number-wise allotted and balance land, tobl developed land record acquired from 95 villaoes by CIDCO. - of Adm. Approval CP (ShH NamdeCI Bha― 9ゴ t dissented) Frch Resolut on adopted′ superse― ding B R No 10216 ct 23 11 09 Creation of Adm. &rpro. val CLaSO Approved with changos C め珍 一“ 一 ´C ︶κ ヽ一 αヾ ξ ら 520‐ 30ARD MEL:ユ NG:DATE-29.09,2Ш ――― │:■ ― '『 MASTER INDEX OF THE ACENDA ITEMS TRANSACrED mに e t ︲ BR N0 10401 1 '10402 2 SubJed Grant of Leave of Absence to the Directors of Nature of HOD′ oroDosal DeD“ Decision oF lhe Board Compliance CS Not● 'Apprisal CS Noted .Compliance CS Noted the CorDordtjon. To confrm Mttutes of the 518th Meeung of the Board oF Directors Of Corpora● On held on 3 10403 4 1∝ ∝ 892010(Thに tem shJl be drcubted separatery) __ To apprise the Board 'Nil' Notifications of U.D.O., GOM, related to ODCO for tie period 10.9.2010 to 17.9.2010. 10405 5 luho.is,"g ODCO to Set impleaded as pao in tand Acquisiton Referehces preferr€d by the land owners and ddfend tlle s€IrP on behaf of Govt. in respect of the land acquir€d for Lavi Mumbai Proiect Deueloprnent of TFT-LCD Proiect in JV with Vrdeocon Industsi€s modificatior6 to tlE Ud - Policy Sugg€sted Noted consultant (“ nd5) OSD ti卜 [‐ LCD Appm tO grd GOM ProJこ ) Government Resolution and apptoral to Share Subscription aM Aqreernen!O the Board regarding 'ProDo6ed New Towns in t'ldE@tElShareholders ´ b 摯 Compliance 10406 1“ 07 7 resenUtion 面 駅 覺 輔曙 臓蠍 104D8 8 Teacher Award Schne _ of PlOt No l12, admeaSu■ ng 500 Sq 「 劇 鞣 聾 ま#[鴇 郡 Le^C・ p。 l cy .ACPCNra SP)′ Pol cy CP CSSO ― Allotnent CS50 month and a decision 1蔀 10409 9 軍串≧評鼎 粗 腋闘n器 写 ― レi__ .● ― ●●●●●││″ hn“ r聰 、 DeFerre 10 d ― 蠅 襴輩 ` ハ ●´ 11 12 13 oヽ ^● ^__^″― “ Apprlsal ACE(1&NTD/ Noted Pdiり rech) CP DeFerec Policy CA(ND/ Approved PoliCy `A′ CA(VDノ CE“ M 1 ι:W: New Towns Projecb Revision oi lransrer Charges for New Aurdngabad & Waluj' 10411 Auransabad P'qed Filation Price of un-sold proPerty N*, of Sale Adm bad) Adm Approved Wth 10%hike (AЪ adう Approved νO‖ Cy ―M(P) Approved Policy M(TS)1 Approved Flnancial & Adm. Approval M(RHB) TO come、 マth a Appro\ral 00つ SuDDlementary ' ハinヽ I 10413 1讀 『 (CiVi) ●フ MOヽ }1 Adm. 10412 10414 Fo‖ 創 +i、 ‐ kハ 10410 ●●__● │__` ^1“ ^ぃ IV CCι:i19 14 DeFerred fc「 6 :8:留 The rdtes of transfer charges for Nooal Area . r ..,.-,!5t A^---har ,nln 子0「 【Re pc「 u uν :υ 16 10415 Nerul NaVi MumbaL policy 及 ^/ J、 52■ BoARD MEE:二 NG:DATE-08.■ 0.2010 MASTER INDEX OF THE ACENDA ITEMS TRANSAι L ′ 5`ワ 'Cつ ヽ S・ 輸に 1 BR No 10416 ・. Grant SubJect of Nafure of Dlotxrsitl Leave of Absence to COmpliance the ・ ・ illD HOD concerned CS Decision of the Board Shri M K Slvas‐ tava, Shri RY Gaittad & shl Directors of the Corporation. s s sandhu 2 10417 To contti n Minutes of ule s190 Compliance CS cOnnrned CS Noted Meeung oF the Board oF D recbrs of 3 10418 4 10419 COrporalon hdd on 14 09 2010 To apprise ule Board NouncatiOns rebted to clDCO“ ued by the u「 ban Deve10pment Deptt′ A 5 10420 GoM Redevelopment of slums by CIDCO in Nl4l4C area through Basic Services to Urban Poor (BSLrP) Scheme under Jawahadal N€hru National Urban RenevJal Plissbn oNNURl.l) Poi cy Off-site infAstrwture d€r€lopfiEnt work by GDCO for rental houshg Poi cy scheme areas of ′ 1 ,, 6 10421 App_│ CE&GM aech) sdE n€ to be put CE&GM CeCh) MMRDA ■II■︱ 奉 譲 幹・ こ 聾 簾 感 near/adjacent to CDCO a.ea on 'Deposlt Work Sasls'. Construction of 24 M wide approach road to PanF Village at Dronaglri (1r Financial ACE(letw/ CE&GM CA approval σ∝h) Policy M(P) Adm. Approv-al CE&GM stage road & sWD) - Pro@sal appro- ved. Funding pattem & modaliti= of the up tO 8oard. In principle r4ith modifica- appro/al slight tions. Adm. & Approved No.0UCIDCO/EE(Dron-I)/ 2010-1 1. of the post of ′ 1“ 2z Upgradation officer 8 10423 Inspcc● on oF Deanters at Shanghai′ Law To re-submit with C.R. fo. hst five y@rs, China for the work Of 70 MLD 51P in 9 Deferred (TeCh) NavI MumbaL Rectincation in B R No 8997 dated Sectc r‐ 16′ KharC haら 1052004 10 DeFerred Development oF unacquired lands in NaVi Mumbai devebpment ― Adm. Approval M03)‐ 1 Pol cy ACP(NM)/ Submission of model lo CP the 10424 Deferred Power Point Presentauon tO be made nは Gaernment For appDval & Issue 11 ApproVed necessary directlves(DeFered h bst meetlng heu On 29 9 2010) Lease Composite School plots Scheme No,CSSO/SCH/01/09-10 various of advertlsed under Adm, Appro\.dl CSSO in To resubmit after proper scrutiny of tie applications by a Legal of Navi Mumbai - Submission of Src decision to Eoard/Govt. for nodes Expert. approval. Tabie item: 12 1“ 25 一 卜r一 十11■■︱ ︱■11■〓肘レ膀 ︲ Seawoods Estate Housing scheme― Administratve Phase II′ Part n′ Grant oF eXtension Approval in ume For payment Of insta‖ ment5 beyond extendable penOd MM(1) Approved ζ`くヽ 3 膠 8 う ら ヽ ヤ ξ, No R ・ ﹄ B item Subl螢 HOD l{Etur€ of 1 ∞ 10426 02 ■0 10427 ^0 10428 Grant of Leave of Absence to the Dlrectors of the CorpoGtion. To connnn Mh雌 d the S20h ttngま Ooard of DiFcヒ Is or Co"Ю ratlon held 2992010 TO oonnm Minutes Of the 521'l Ooard oF Directofs of 市 on Meelng OF the ∞ rpOra● on hed on n“ rned CS Compliance Decisioh ol tfic aoard Vstai T.c. BenF-min, LY.@ikwad and S.5. Appnsal CS Confinned wtth slight modifiGtions Appr● CS Conl― d l with Ыりht mOdncat Ons 03 10 2olo 04 10429 n躍 咄甜『 豊曝∬織 写 60"10 and 16 01Ю =駄 101espd嘲 05 10430 To apprise dE Board Nodffdttors related to cIO@ issued by tE Urban De\,ebFrEnt D€8., AppHsal CS Noヒ 螂 App_│ CS 田 Inお m● いry CS Approt/ed, GoM. 10431 =iハ “ Sahakari Grihaniflnan SansUB (PrDposed) for dlqEnent ot land in tlavi Mumbai. Devebprnent oF Kharghal HⅢ Pbteau′ Nau Semmbeら 2010 "PAPs duHn9● e― th Grant of educaton a10哺 nce tO the wards of Allotsnert - MM(11) ,dmlnMive 却 ment GM(mSpl 14 Lease of plots br of Geneni cOnsu tant Ra‖ lnfomatory cDnduct D€fenEd due to el€ction cDde of conduct Defened due to election code of M(pl Defuned due to election code of 川10ment_ CSIl Deftn€d due to ekcdon 6de of AdttnistEt ve Approvd Finandal appual た0 lneen Bebpurand Pendhar,Nan MumbaL 酬 品輌品乱N謂 げLttΨ 認鼎 『 the MS― Tattng note Of Gwemment cJ剛 lars and 曰nanda& Adm Apprrlva! Applsal& policy ses in tok conduct ACE(Rp) CERGMo′ SE(日 9 ) “ Consultant (tandS) conduct DefeEed due to electon code of conduct Deferred due to conduct un ts 星翼畢 盤 il篤 品瞥1淵班:盟 肝 Defened due to electim cDde of Nvavョ lav Regublmuon OF unauthOHzed resldenlЫ fudueto lt輸 M(P) r remarks in lARs to d spOse ofF the● ∩ Fhancial approval cottdOr une No“l appЮ ving procedure to be adopted tO orer 18 Defened election (!nduci Sociat tjvetfare & Reglonafcrlbnal acEvltd€s adv€rtised und€r Scherne No. G5o61d&q03l0+10 in varbus nodes of l\tavi Humbal - Submission of Src legislon to Board/Govt. for aoorovat. Supplemcntary-I imp ementatbn of M¨ Appt_l note Papent oF ex gnta tO al the ottcers& mp● yees OFthe C● Orauon 17 ekて oon electbn code of Detals of p眺 Ы口 国 AopOin● 硬 nt lllnTed condud Kamgar 13 15 GM(S口 り DeFeiTed due to Policy 釉 mCOded ”d of Akhil MahaGshtra Mathadi ernployees― relAsbn ln the edst ng ntes … ͡ in next lvle€tinq Delmed decdon AppHsal Report. O d Request - Inv€Snert ftogres OF O NMSZ Projed o「 12 frer M(P) cond雌 Mumbal 11 Pdicy e d ∞ 10 Allofi|ent of EnearEnts to the €rnploye€s of tlE Corporatlon under Wethre SdE ne. bd to supply l,,lardthl version of Omce note e u d 09 Nav Mumbal ¨ m 03 いに DspO■ 1 0f talds(輌 endment)Re9u atons′ 2008 “¨ ●7 De ega● on oF Powers unde「 らり ヤ 1 19 ヵ lc unent CISCl D€{ened due to election code ol conduct 肥::la:F ζ tte認 鶏濡雉 “J● TOm lahansm Pegい 酬置墨蟹 $rpplemeftary-II Po icy ChieF PIanner Deferred drre to election code of To submft ihe un'audtted BrtanE SFA-and- Policy 1牌 絲 ‖ ∬ ittin島 薄 障 Doard Meetln9 dated 18 2 2010 fOr a1loOnent of bnd h Sac「 23′ Ghanso l 20 :‖ 22 @nduct Profit & Loss Aacount for the HnanchtYear end€d 31.3.20{E for appraisal d th€ Board. Speclal Regulatloos fc aegopment of f Po● E$bllshments/Blo-tedirDlogy unEi/park ln Navt 23 24 25 ■u"e“ m App_ai Integrated development of lrifi,.stuctul€ wsks Se(tor-18 at UhrE, ,tavi Murnbat. CA No.01/Gm/SE(UhrcyE(B&l-l-trV 20tG I I Revised Polic, fur grant-inatd sdrme for sdr@b and (dkges functioning ln Projed AIea of Navt Gef Planner Mumbai. AlloEnent of plcts under 12.5% SdEne tor pAps of XaGnFde tlode in Cん 0 “● Avard of Wo改 Po icy CIm D4freddueto electlon code of cDndud De― due e mOn¨ to Of cclldud ¨ σ∝h) CO/ M(Rhbn) Humbai. Otudueb electim @de of Dei?red due to election @(h of aonduct S,口 αttnbrv‐ 1コ 26 oefered due to eledon code of aordud Upgradation of pedpheral roads to cDncr6e pavement in (alamboli Warehouslng complex at ■財r“r ● lGlamboli. 飾 in stratNe AppE val CS■ GMo fudueti) elecffon code conduct ‐ ͡ ヽ0 of ら `。 イ レ9PC9 mに e t m“ MASTER滞 馴 器 鵬 器 淵 NAい 品 `日 Nalu,E Subject of HOD orooosal 1 10432 Grant of Leave of Absence to lhe 2 10433 T。 Compliance CS Noled Apprisal CS Confimed Appr“ CS Noled Apprisal CS Noted Appr sa! CS Noted DⅢ eclors ofthe C ∞ Decision ol the Board nnm Minutes of the 522 Meeting of the Board of Directors of lon held On 03 11 2010 3 10434 4 10435 Action Taken Report ln resPect of Resolutions passed by the Board in 518rh Meetinq held on 8.9.20'10. Action Taken Report nol rece ved ∞ ncemed from the 補 電 1」 if悧 ギ 跳 Meetings held 29 9 2010 ハ 10436 5 On HODs n │ 屯 濯 2署 14 9 2010, and 1 10 2010 To appnse the BC ard Notncations related 10 CIDCO issued by the urban Deve10pment Deptt coM 10437 6 AppOintment of Ceneral Consu陸 nt Financral ior impttmentatOn of Metrcl Ral Cordor Line No l bemeen Bebpu「 and Pendhar,Navi Mumbai apploval ACE(RP) with slight mod ications in the reso- lution Allolment 7 of tenements lo Pol cy M(P) Apprisal GM(SEZ) Administrative Approval MMOり lhe employees of lhe Corporation under Welfare Scheme. 3 NMSEZ Prolect 9 Request ― nVestment of Akhil Maharashlra Mathadi lGmgar Sahaka Grihanrrmao Sanstha (Proposed) for allotment of land in Navi Deferred for are intended to be allotted Development oI Kharghar Hill AIlotment GM(lTasP) ͡ 12 Def6rred want of list of Mumbai. 10 Deferred Def6.ted 10430 Deta]s of p10ts aliOtted to PAPs Apprlsal CL&SO Noted 10439 during the month of September 2010 Grani of education allowance to the wards oI employees - revisron in lnfomatory M(P) Approfed Financial approval e h & e h O 14 the eristrnq raies. Payment of ex-gratia Employees Officers Corcoration. Lease of plots for Social wellare & Regional/Cuhural activities ad ^● 10440 nole AdminiEtrative M(P) CSSO Deferred advertised under Scheme No CSSO/SW&C /03/09-10 in various nodes of Navi l\rumbai Submission ´ 0 1“ 41 of SFC decision lo approval. Construclion of 36 M wide road and S W. drarn along BPCL Compound Board/Govt- f or CE&CM (TeCh) 斃 θ tl ら `' 2 16 `“ Providing poWer supply Financial & SE(Eに ct) Node by CIDC0 0n behar of the tatingrete of Applsa& Governmenl Circulars and approving Procedure to be adopted to offer remarks in LARS to dEpose off the cases rn Pol cy Consultant (Lands) Policy CL&SO Lok NvavalaY. 10444 18 理 型 ]IT鴇 Wii: 品 s記 翻 Approved CeCh)′ infrastttcture development in UIWe MSEDCL 10443 17 CE&GM PAPs in NaVi Mumbai PrOlecl Area, Approved COpy of GoVt Ltter tO be made as per COVernment Order dated abに 2212010 aVal to Shl Bhagal e Shr Wankhede 19 A‖ NlOment omenl of pい under 12 5% 懸 ξ 悧 &Ta"“ Def● 嗣 21822. scheme to PAPs n Sedor‐ Ghanso‖ CL&SO by draw Of10tS` 罐 Ъ 轟 鳴慇 確 乳 10 2 2010 fOr allomont of land in ハ C^^,^に つQ 10445 20 '■ h● ぃo● ‖ 轍 h聰 呵 i Town Planning Act l― Policy CA0 鰤 " Pbnne「 Allotrnent oI Plots uncler 12.c% Scheme for PAPS of lG6njade Nod€. Thl6 ham waa colBlderEd *s- r.-a ltffi\ N Oment CL&SO 留uЮ ttT輩:tr.3] R糟昇 Fin Approval& CE&GM To review the un― audlted じaり nce 21 Sheet and Pont&Loss Accountrof the Financtal Year ended 31 3 2003 ぃ ‐1イ lh● nめ ,a `^__ぃ -1‐ 22 23 10446 24 10447 ͡ ba[Ц SЦ 淵場 k躙 1● Dせ び :1ヽ 10448 25 26 1“ 9 ′ つ nin_11 Polcy 需 i:メ 』 硼 柵 鮮濡 ”′ つこ 咄 TR驚 智 %:瞑 冊 aylng CSSO′ M(Rhbn) Approved modifications. AdminiStrative p:ovid ng Delerred B∬ Revised Policy for grant-rn_ald scheme for sctools and colleges functioning in Proiect Area oI Navi Manuractunng, Ch ef Oofered (TeCh) CE&GM eCh) Appoval Approved with adding narratiOn 「 ′ _1_ぃ ●‐ ‖ 10450 」 21:[r Revised Adm. CE&GM Approval & (TeCh) Apprisal M(TS)1 ¶ 爺 ID:躍 Ine from Kalambon Junction tO MBR in SedO「 26.Kharghar along Sion Panvel ExpreSs way 28 10451 Ploa-of land earlier allotted Mazoaon Dock Ltd - Transfer to of land;lbned lo Govl orgn to a Co_ oD. Housing Society. Approved w th addlng ::52と そ でヘ '[2[ 12 う6= 爾 五iこ i 雨 5扇 =3=F Provding & =雨 lneS たh Centre laying sewer at CrOぃ ‖ ! & CIDCO VValul of Naga「 29 Mahanagar. Aurangabad No 04′ CIDCO/SE(NT)′ Adm. Approval ACE(′ NT) N10tment CSS0 Defongd CA EEIAUR)′ 2010‐ 11 Su● ●!Omentarv‐ ! TiiEiEI NoG on lease of composite school plots advertised under Scheme No CSSO/SCH/0112009-'I0 in vanous nodes of Navi Mumbai Submission of Socjal Facility Committee decision lo Boad / Govt. for approval - as Per in its 30 DeIe.red. direclives given bY Board 52'!d Meeiing held on 8' October' 2010. Tabl● Item 31 10452 T. ro apprie Envkonmental Clearance ハ 2. Aopr● al CM(SEη l Noted for lntemational Airport, N€u M'Jmbai. To requ6t GOM for dePutatlon 2 Approved of staff. ͡ ハ″4い ´. 13 せ タ ︼ 、マ 、 ^ ら6ろ 521 ′ イ,9PCO 5241H BOARO MEヒ :■ NG:DATE- 10012011 MASTER IllDEX OF THE ACE"DA ITEMS TRANSAし :ED ● 輸出 1 BR No 10453 Subl薇 ature of Drooolial Grant of teave of Absence to the Cornpliance OD concerned “ CS DiroOrS Of the Coporation Decislon of the BoErd Grarted to S/Shri K.Srivastava, Bhaskar M. wankhede & L, Radhakrishnan 2 1∝ 54 For rc-disorsEion of IGm tlos. 22, 25 & 30 of Drdft Minutes of 523d CS Appr sal Redisdrssed aM Minutes confirmed bY deferring tem Board Meeting held on 30.11.2010. No.22. 3 10455 To appnse the Ooard NotncatOns Apprisal CS Applsed Coanpliance CS Wilidrawn at the re ated to CIDCO● Sued by the urban Deve opment Deptt′ GoM 2. 4 To approve post facto basis for having made investment by CIDCO in equity shares of some request of C.S, Companres. 2. To seek prior approval for investment of R5.260/_ sores in a SFiu propo6ed with M/s. 5 10456 ● Videocon lndustries Limited. To submit the un― audited Balance Apprisal & sheet and Profit & Loss Account for A[proval Applsed&Board CAO issued for appra191 or the Board 6 10457 CIDCO Navi Mumba,Fest Val-2010Approva to the Aud t Report&post Financlal 10458 8 Transfer charges for the Plot No.7, admeasurinq 50043.73 sq. AoDroval Admanistrdtive laying se、 ve「 Nagar‐ I ‖nes at Growth Centre Of & II′ CIDCO′ Walul Approved M(T5)1 DeFerred Approval Policy / Mministrauve ADoroval Financial Approved ACE(1/鴫 Approved =リ Sector-16, New Panvel whether to accept the plea of the Lrcensee tfiat the construdion is completed within the stiprlated leriod. walui Mahanaoar Proiect (Auranoabad) - Fixation of sale pnce for unsold DroDerties. Walul Mahanacar: Provid ng & M(IS)1 A 10460 / Administrative in Approved 飾岬 10 10459 Policy ending 31 3 2011 mtrs. 9 pelod PRO approval facto apprc val to he expendlure フ & Award of Mahanaga「 ′ Aurangabad CA No O″ CIDCO/SE(IЛり/EE(AUR)/2010‐ 11 ● Conld 2 ヽ 4 CbVes di口 〕 to CAO the Finandal Year ended 31 3 2Cll18 ノ. ら `イ 11 10461 10462 Integrated infrastructure Financial Development of roads, fooQath, S.W.drains, water supply & sewerage etc. for 12.5olo scheme rn Sector 1 to 6 at Karaniade, Panvel. & Award of Change in the name oF a‖ ottee for A10tment Approved CE&GM CeCh) adm 1500 M2′ mor-12 at Kharghar PP/CNG Kharghar P10t No F‐ ACE(IIy MM(1) Appmved′ with mOdinca● Ons CP For resubmls‐ slon 93′ alotted under Special Scleme announced by the Minlstry of Petroleum & Natural Cas to the beneFdary of Mai●「S Of 26/11 teroHst a"κ k on Mumbaし Sh“ Prakash Panduang MOre to Smt 測 haV & Sh■ Sulocllana Bhikali 」 Bhikai takhu〕 adい 13 10463 Modifications to GDCR to facilitate implementation of Baslc Servic6 for Policy ater meetlng of TPO - thban Poor (ASUP Sd|eme) Incorporation of New Prcvisions. ͡ 測¨ DevelOpment Of Kharghar Hll Plateau′ 14 with ∞ mmissioneら GM(呻 Navi Mumbai NMMC For resubmission after reviewing present trend of ´ b 10464 16 upgradalon of one post oF S「 Administrabve M(P) market value. Approved Planner tO Addibonal ChieF planner Aoproval Aopl“ l of status oF the prold Aoprisal CM(IISP) Deferred Noted ` Development of integrated Comp ex 17 18 1“ 65 at Seawoods Rallway Stat on′ Details of plots alotted to PAPs dunng ApprisaI CLaSO 10466 the month of Novembeし 2010 8“ TC (Mumbal Mahanagar Apprisal & CA0 Palwahan Mahamandaリ ー TO derve Approval decislon on various demands made by its emplovees 19 10467 __ Ava,lablity oF land at CIDCO New Nashik as Apprisal GoM dirded ADM(Nashik) Nashik Municipal Kabrastan for Musim Cc mmun ty ハ C● p tO handove「 land 20 10468 Modificalons Polcy to the Development CP Approved. Pbn of Navi Mumbal in vew of pЮ pos∞ Navi Mumbal lntemauonal AirpOに and Environment Cに arance qranted thereof う‘ Table ltems: Request of Mumbal APMC for Policy MITS)1 DeFerred Policy M(RHB) App“Ⅳ pe,, lss10n to uti12e the FSI of land used Fo「 intemal road and open space 22 10469 Infot, ,ative note regarding achange of p ot from Nodal area to PAP TruSt under social faclity a‖ “ oonent り出バ︾ 1ゞ ′21ぃ ヽ 56θ MA::[:ユ :fI彙 響癸::豊 早::'単 肇i3f子 焉J子台1::(Fξ icTED 1 3m BR No sublect 104フ 0 Grant of Leave of Absence to me Drrectors of the CorPoration lo 1 lGtlre of HOD DnoDosal concerned CS Compliance Dec161on of the Board Noted & also to write to all Directors to attend meetings reqularly. 10471 2 Applsal cOnarrnauon of tte minutes of 524い 10472 cations. -confrnned nげ 「 雪盤迅 』 朧 L∫ 留 10473 ^ぃ ● nぃ 希 心 CS Compliance CA0 け∝引 ∼ addibO IS Mcrs)1 To re‐ submt M consider and approve me Directors' Report for the Financial To Year 31.3.2007. ͡ Appnsal atts〕 Ⅲ__^^ ^:^^― … urlla口 υtVじ :υ PI 4 帯1ど lⅧ 雌鷺 5 Admlnistrative Approval & Financial ODen SpaCes Po‖ o/ 6 addtions/modifi- BOard Meetng held on 10012011 _ 3 with CS Apprised M(RH3) certaln speC iC ltem was alcadyl discussed in 524 BM and ttrtlle「 oonf nned in 525 BM. With addl otment ●ons PoliCy ModincauOn in the Recruiment g ttb鮎 フ agenda the With detalls 謂 1認 r:F踊 ∬電 ざ孵♀ a‖ Wi● _ ●(P) I DeFerred (Amendment) [辮nt Forelnan 盤」 漱 ASS■ lE O& :η :‖ (日 re)′ computer Operator 8 10474 柵 恥 鰍硼 ͡ AdminiStrabve Approval mOnsli・ extendaЫ e pettOd ■ 一一 一 “ ¨ 一 10475 11 104フ 6 P 10 s:innlomentarv― I Request Ofi]#u!r Mal塁 ︰ ・・ A‖ Otment MM II Deferred Appnsal CLRSO Appnsed Apprisal GM(rr8tSP) i:1甚 ] G“ hbnrman Sanstha(PropOSed) otment of land in NaV fOr a‖ Mumbal 蹄よ∬5戦製滞:品 鱒 month Of December,2010 棚 ∞ j:│』 評 "ゾ 1謁 謡 mplex at SeaW00dS Ranway To re-submit after meeting wi$ the agenda Transaction Advisor/ StatiOn′ 総 θ ミ 〃リ ン i メ ιドヽ一 響訂漱ν ′ヽ う m﹄ o ︲ BR No Subject Z ^ suoDlementary-II Development of Kharghar Plateau′ J ^ NaM Mumbai H‖ I ttd. HOD DeclElon of the oroposal concerned Board A‖ otment GM(rrasP) Approval ACE(RP) _ _ To decide role of Konkan Railway Corporation Nalure of (KRCL) in To apprise the Board of Directors the letter of Apprisal Mas)‐ 1 Urban Amendment to General from Be apur to Pendhar′ 16 Flnanclal appro- fe€s) 10478 Out of C● urt setuement in respect oF anotment of PIot No 47′ SectOr‐ Po‖ General Manaqer (Envlronment). 1フ 19A′ VaShし 9 測 lotment To re+ubmit the agenda in the noc Consultanfs ___ N;vi Mumbai Intemauonal AirDort Plqjgg!: Creation of a Post of ACE(RP) val (Revislon ln NaM 1047フ ͡ Board Meetrns. ∽ nsultanrs fees for Metro ProJ“ Mumbal To re-submit the agenda in sle n€xt Devetopment Deptt., GoM. 15 Board Meeting. 1. about To re+ubmit the agenda in the next implementation of Metro Conidor14 Deferred l4eetirE. GM(SEZ) Approved MM I ApproV日 NaM Mumbai a‖ otted to M/s Shyam Enterp_ ͡ 鐙 17 ‐ヽ ヽヽ Board 6` S●6 ヽ̀ ら `ッ ヽ MASTERINDEX OF THE AG B.R No Sublect 1 10480 2 10481 Grant of Leave of Absence to the hi,-*^rc ^f rha a^rn^riti.n lYinutes of the Confirmation 525th Meeting of the Board of Directors held on 21.1.2011 and 525th Meeting held on contd. .rl 1 'rn1 1 3 10482 Item No of 鯉 :lu∬ lssttp#“ :n5邦 Meeung Of the Board OF D reCtOF● oF COrporatlon held へ♯ HOD orrooosal Compliance concerned CS Apprisal CS cOnnrmed Apprisal CS Noted 10483 Apprisal CS Noted L∫ sWnげ 鷺 留崎‰貯電 ntt c.oM 1■ ヽっぃ no、 ′ olハ nmoni 10484 5 Noted On 30.1■ .20■ 0 4 Decision of the Board tthlre of n● eequest of the Maharashtra State softball Asscn. for sponso6hip of Rs,25.00 lacs for organising 4m Asian Junior Men's Softball Finandal approVal pRO Approved ro be given to shn (Earlier Championship. D^-^r.,+r^^ rv ai.-rrl.fi^n\ 6 10485 MOdincauOn in the Recruitment schedule pertaining to Assistant M(P) Approved ACE(RP) NeedS mO「 e discusiOn A‖ otment MM(11) Approved Apprisal GM(mtSP) Deferred AOmlnlStrauve Adm(Aur/ Approved Policy (Amendment) Accounts OfFcer′ Sub OfFcer ect)& (nre)′ Ass Stant Foreman(日 フ 10486 ^■ ごゲ革 ■ iJ 1 Amendment to 8 Po icy To decide role of Konkan Ratlway Corpn. Ltd. in implementation of General Financial Consultant's fee for Metro Project from Belapur to Pendhar, Navl l・ 9 1048フ lu Request trom Akhil lulaharashtra Mathadi Kamgar Sahakari (Proposed) Grihanirman Sanstha Navi land allotment 10 棚 in of for よ:[話 芦 ttfび 鴇 撃 嵩 Complex at SeawoodS Ranway Station. 11 10488 Aurangabad PrOlect: Sale or Approval constructed han in central FaCility New ___J _ _ _ Bundin9 at N― フ′CIDCO′ A′ bad 18 wJuj) うζ3 1 12 1 Policy 10489 Pub‖ cation (Earlier _ ´ :_´ │● :ヽ ●● ●ヽ Approved ResolutiOn ^● “ 10490 13 CP Deta s Of plotS a‖ Otted to PAPS Apprisal clnso certain dtrectives to CL&so) under 12 50/o SCheme during the monln ol Jd‖ u● lγ ′ I:晃 器 調 協 10491 14 品 堤 器 ::∬ Noted (with Adm. & Financial approval M(TS)1 Adm. & Financial approval CEaCM Approved Of Plot No 3 admeaSuttng 1500 M2 in SectOr-17′ NeW PanVel a‖ otted 〓リ ヽ‘ 10492 tO TRIFED) ConStructloo 01 aα Oヽ Dam y。 ・︵ 鳥棚 躙デ 翻 ¶ξ ITeい ) ∞ ´ 0 10493 10494 17 ReV Sed ConStructon Of Fi「 e Stat10n On Plot No l`S“ Or-19A in UIWe CA Administrative ApproVal N010′ CIDCO/SE(UIWe)/EE(3&U― Iヽ ′ つ010-11 _ Apprisal me aDout To apprise the Boaro ComPanY Secretary Reoort whether issue related (Bi4Tc me ex' given to grant can be of S CE8tGM Approved ITeCh) CS - 6rd noted the vievvs furnished by CS. employees.) ¨ 癬 詠 補 『 ー suppieme_ 18 10495 ′ヽ い´ヽ ハ 19 10496 `nOつ Apprisal CE8 GM σeCh) Policv CP TO disCusS further in the next Meeun9 C´ h‐ ぃ ● Approved GDCRs Of NaM Mumba(CIDCO JUrl5(lrLLrurr l. 20 10497 ¨ A‖ otment under 1250/o CLaSO l,lot approved. Lottery will be implemented as drawn on 18.2.2010. 21 10498 22 10499 Proposed Mass Housing -^-r^..< Apprisal Note $neme ln CE■ GM ApproVed (TeCh) !i Lh:r^har 鰹論畢撒u朧嬬 Apprisal Note CIDCO′ Navi Mumbai CE●3M (TeCh)& chlef Planner e19ible … ciaries finalSed ,le、 … ヽ9 benefi‐ tO at be the う │, `ョ 527ff BoARD i,EETING I{ASTER IiIDEX OF THE AGENDA ITETIS TRANSACTEO oN 25.4.201{ Item BR No Subl●Ct Nature of pnoDosal No. 1 2 2(a) 10501 Grant of Leave of Absence to the Compliance CS Directors of the Corporation. 10502 connrmauOn Of he minutes of 526J Apprisal CS 10503 Board Meeuno held on o7 03 2011 To conflrm Resolution by qrculaEon, Apprisal CS Compllance CS Apprisal CS Aoprlsa CS Appnsal CA0 circulated on 19.4.2011, on the subjeEt of 'Payment of eohanced compensation amount of P$.7,75,65,fi41- in Hontle Hlgh 3 HOD concemod う0504 Court at Auranqabad in first aODeals'. Notlce of lnteに 量 は eved mmn dle Dlrecto(s)fOr ule y"「 2011‐ 12 under Secuon 299 of the Compames札 ͡ 4 10505 5 10506 1956 To appttse the Board NotlFcauons rebted to cIDCO issued by he urban coM Acton Taken RepOr m resttd of DeveloOment Deptt′ Resoluuons passed by the Board in 524い Mee● ng held on 10 01 2011. 6 10507 To submit the Sheet and Profit the 7 Flnandal Year ended on 31.3.2009 for aDprisal of the Board. Revision of ReServe Pttces of a‖ the Nodes for the year 2011‐ 12 and Water 一︵ 8 9 un-audited Balance & Loss Account for DistnbubOn sunng lo802 45 M2 in Sdo[58A 10 oted to M/s Vanashree CHS Ltd in the vear 1990) App百 sa1 0f tttus of ` Economlst Appnsal M03)‐ 1 Apprisal & Administrative M03)‐ 1 Betterment Chargesin NaM Mumbal To appnse the BOard of Directors about a letter of the urban Development Deロ ヒ′GoM′ penaining to AdarSh sahab百 Kukut Vyavasaソ k SanЫ いa Marvadit shlravne Recunca10n ln B.R No 8997 dated 10.52C104 (Rot Noslυ ′admea‐ Nerul a‖ Pollcy the proJ“ Approvdl Apprisal GM(r"SPl Appnsal GM(SEZ) Development oF integrated Com口 ex 11 at Seawoods Ra‖ wav Statlon″ NIVSEZ Project: Compllance of Board Diredives. ¨ / 5フ ο mに e t 12 13 B R No 10500 10509 Sublo6t Admintatlve Approva Nqture for construcuon Of plpe ouuet 鋼 cture on Holding Pond No 2 at Dronaqid Design&construcuOn Of 4 91 Km EleVated Ⅵaduct for NaM Mumbai Metro prOJ。 ま 挟詢veen Chainage 10740 M eXduding nve stauOns′ Mz ∝ n"I Paκ Pethapada′ Secto■ 34 of HOD DnoDdsal concornad Admノ ロn ACE(RP) approval Awarding of contracts ACE(RP) d ACEIRP) (Khargharl′ Panchanand and Pendhar each of lengh 140 m on Beapur― TaloJa ― Khandeshwar Corddor of Nav Mumbal Metro cCA No 021CIDO/ACE(RPソ SE c III ͡ &HQ)201011) Des gn&∞ n― bon of 4 34肺 14 Elevated Vadud bemeen Chalnage(‐ )50 m to Chalnage Awarding contracts 5130 m oKduding SIx Stauons′ viz Belapur7 Sector7 CBD′ α D∞ Sc ence Paκ U‐ v ShOWに SdO[1l and Sector14 (Kharghaり ′eaCh Ofに ngth 140 m ― Tal● Ja ― on Belapur Khandeshwar Oomdo「 Of NaM Mumbai 15 10510 year 16 10511 ͡ Met o. [CA No 01/CIDCO/ACEIRP)/SE ITP‐ 111 &HO)2010‐ 111 Seeking approval of the Board to the performance review for tle 2010-11 Budget Estimates for the year 2011-12. Plot No.7, admeasuring 50043.73 sq. mtrs. in S€ctor-16, New Panvel Policy CA0 and Admlnistrabve Approval MCS)‐ 1 App口 sal Note GM(■ ■SP) 測lotment/PO ICy M(RHBN) - whether to acrept the plea of the Licensee (Kamala Sports Academy) that the construcuon ls compl€ted within the stipulated 10512 `7 period, App"sal and nnal decision on the prolect of Developnlent of Kharghar H‖ Plateau′ Navi Mumbai 10 10513 Request for a‖ oment Of Engg Co‖ ege plot by Sh kshan Prasarak MandaI′ Nerul 齢秒 21 / 5'│ ltom No 19 BR No 10514 Sublect l,letur€ of onoDosal Ploposed modincatIOn under salon 37(1)oF MRaTP Act′ 1966 1n the sancuoned cDCR of NaⅥ Po‖ cγ ∞ HOD ncomod c.p. Mumbal and implementalon of the proMЫ on of b″ o動 ircases fOr speoal bundings and For a‖ buildings haung hdght more than 22 mtrs 測l● unent Of plots under 12 5% 20 劇 10ment ¨ Scheme For PAPs of Ulwe Node throuqh draw oflots 21 Allounent of plots to the PAP5 under 12.5Yo Sreme from the land acquircd for Navi Mumbal Project. (in Maratfii version 22 Taklng p● licy dec sion for sending Apprisal/ Approval ctnso onlv) ハ Pollcy ¨ Apprsal C■ AopnsaI Ctu the propOsal to Govt for eending benent of 12 5% Scheme to Mandir7 Devattan and Maコ ldt land for heir Trusrs iand and Nlyas Khate land and thelr Vah∼ atdars(in Marathi versbn onin 23 Deta‖ s of p10ts a‖ oted to PAPs 60 under 12.596 scherne to in the month of February&March′ 2011 おr app市 sal of the Board Deta‖ s of plot a‖ otted in Mole‐ 24 WaghvJi‐ A repOrt(in MaF曲 25 ͡ 26 10515 i version on:v) NaM Mumbal lntenlatlonal Arport ― Appnse Board of apprclvals obtained indud1119 studles conducted ぃJホ refererlce to BR No 9523 dated 30 11 2006 and to seek approval fOr addね onal pr● operative expenses on new wo“ Proposed modmcaEons the Development Plan of Navl Mumbai ln view of propced Navi Mumbai lntemational and grdnted environmental clearance thereof (revised propcial as per MoEF cleardnce under Section 37(1) of the MR&TP AcL 1966. TransFer charges For the pe円 。d to Adminlsbative Approval ACTE AppHsal CP Arport 27 10516 frorn 01 04 201l to 30 06.2011 Adminlstratlve ADoroval M03)1 勒 tエ 22 k 5‐ 527111 BOARD MEETING of Leave of Absence Directors of the CoEoGtion. Grant 10518 to Rev sion of Reserve plces of a‖ the the Nodes fOr the year 2011・ 12 and Bettennent Water Di試 Hbubon Gam“ in NaM Mumbai. To applse the Board of Dlrectors about a letter of the urban Deve10pment De陣 ′GoM, penaining to Adarsh Sahakan Kukut Vyava“ Mk Sanstha Manね dlし Shiravne RecuncauOn in B R No 8997 dated 1052C104 (PIot Nos l● ′admea‐ su面 ng 10802 45 M2 in Sector50ヽ Nerul a‖ oted to M/s Vanashree CHS ハ Ltd in the vear 1990 Aoplsal of mtus of the proJed ` Devdopment of integrated∞ m● ex at Seawoods RallWay StauOn″ NMSEZ Project: ComPllance 10519 Design of Board & constuction of 4.34 Km. Elevated Maduct between Chainage () 50 m to Chainage 5130 m. e(cluding ハ Awarding of contracts ACE(RP) Six Stauons, viz. Belapur, Sector-7 CBD, CIDCO Sdence Parl! Utsav ShowK Sector-11 and Sector-l4 (Kharghao, each of length 140 m. on Belapur - TaloJa - Khandeshwar corridor of Navi Mumbai Metro. [CA No.0UcD@iAcE(RP)/sE CIP- & 2010-11] otment Of メOtS under 12 5% scheme for PAPs Of Ume Node A‖ through dratt oflots of plots to the PAPS under 125% SCheme from the land Allotrne,rlt acquired for NavI Mumbal Prold (in Taklng policy dedsion for sending the pdposal Govt. for extending beneflt of 12.5% sdrcme to Mandir, Devasthan and Maiidt land for their Trusfs land and Niyas loate land and to their Vahivatdars. (in Ma6tfii 一 ‘ Deta‖ s of口 OtS JIotted to PAPs under 125% scheme to in he monh of February & March′ 201l fOr appnsal oFthe BOard _ %8 SI ゛ ` ヾヽ下 ″ 一 らん 一 24 Detalに of 口ot a‖ dttd in MoJe‐ Waghva" ‐A repOに on Marathi Appnsal version oniv) Nav Mumbal Intematonal Alrport Adminlstrative Board Approval Apprjse of apprwals obtained including studies conducted with BR No,95Z dated reference 30.11,2006 and to seek approval for additlonal pre-operative expenses on new woris, Poliγ Development of unacquired lands ln - 25 CLaSO ACrE to 28 Navi Mumbal - Submisslon of Development Model to the Gcl\t. for approval and issue of necessary directives. 29 ͡ 10520 ln the te)d of earlier Admlnldrative Appro\rdl "Trlpartite approved Agreemenf for the Belapur'Panvel, Thane-TurbheNerufvashi and Belapur/l,lerul Seawwds Uran suF prolects and approval urban railway the draft "SuPPlementary Agreement to L€ase" for MankhurdBelapur sutsurban rallway Prolect Amendment draft of - to of ͡ 21 chlef Planner ACE(RP) ら7, ON 12 6 21111● Itom No. 1 B R No 10521 8 `0522 Sublect Natura of ploDOAal Grant of Leave of Ab6ence to the Directors of the CorDoction. To appris€ the Board of Dlredors about a letter of the Urban Develotrnent Dept,, GoM, pertalnlng Kukut to ハ 10 HOD ncomod CS Aoplsai M03)‐ 1 Apprisal & Mministrattve MOS)‐ 1 Adarsh Sahakri Vyavasaylk gnstha MaMadit, Shiravne. RectificaEon in B.R.No.S)97 daH 10.5.2m4 (Plot Nos.1&2, admeasuring 10802.45 M2 in Sector-584, Nerul allotH to M/s.Vanashree CHS Ld. ln the year 1990) Appnsal d ttuls Of utt prOJ“ ・ Development of lntegrated 9 Compliance ∞ Approval Appnsa! CM(ITm) Appnsal GM(SEZl Complex at Seawoods Ra‖ way stauOnt NMSE Projeck compliarrce of Board Dlrectiv€s. 20 A‖ otment of plots under 12 5% Scheme for PAPs of Ulwe Node A‖ 山 ment throuoh draw oflots 測bment 21 of口 otS tO he PAPs under 12 5% Scheme from the land acqulred for NaM Mumbal Prolect (in Ma"網 hi version OnlYD 22 _ Takng policy dedsion br sending the proposal to Govt for ハ extending Apprisal/ Approval beneFt of Pollw Э CLm CLu 12.5% Scheme to Mandir7 Devasthan and Maゴ id` land br their Tn6rs land and N yas Khate land and their Vahivatdars(in Marathi version oni、 心 Detans Of,OtS d10ted to PAPs under 12 5% scherne to in the month of February&March′ 2011 23 螂 ADpHsal CLaSO Administratve ACTE for app‖ sal of the Board 25 `0523 28 NaM Mumbai lntemauonal ArpOrt ― Appdse Board of approvals obtained induding studies cond∝ ttth 30 reFerence No 9523"ddated 11 2006 to and BR to seek approval fOr addttonal pre operauve exDenく´くon new"に 。 Development of unacqulred lands in Navi Mumbai Submlssion of DeveloDment Model to the Govt, - ●ダ Approval Poli" chlef Planner 57う ヽ 一 ・ for approval Lease and issue of of ploE for religious in NaV Mumbai Inforrnatory note on app‖ cauOn Of Chief provI● on or securln 124B SeCond Schedule′ Parti and Part‐ II of Planner MRaTP(Amendment)Ac 2010 wlh the ntt rales of Development Charges in CIDCOt junsdicuOn wherever lt is functionlnq as NTDA or SPA. Reqtti d Ramrao Adlk Eductton SOdtt and conunental Medicare Founda● on " "nsfer not No l′ Secto■ 7′ Nerul and Plot No 2′ Seco「 5, ハ Mmlnlst-duYe Appro\rdl Mas)‐ 1 Nerul respecbvely to ` Padmashree D「 DY Paul Deemed Ljniversltv. NaM Mumbai lntemauOnal AlrpOrt PrOlα l― Apprlsal note regardhg Ыいtus of land acquIЫtlon and rehab‖ itauOn ハ ぶ `つ 2` ら76 _f/ ヘレ 528TH BOARD MEETING : DATE - 18.05.201,t MASTER INDEX OF THE AGENDA ITEMS TRANSACTED mに o ︲ 1 BR No 40525 Natu ro Of Subj6ct Pnopo6al Grant of absence Compllance HO D concer. ned CS Declsion of th€ Boad Leave granted to MK Srlv● s― Sh“ tava′ Shn L Radha― kr shnan&Shn S S Sandhu 2 10526 Confirmation of the Minutes of 5276 Board Meeting held on 25.4.2011 and Cootinued Meetings held on 3.5.2011 & 3 10527 Apprisal ハ 12.5.2011 /' of status of the project "Development of Illtegrated Complex at App"sal ∝ Apprisal GM (rTcP) 10520 Allobnent of plots under ment A‖ ∝ CL60 10529 6 10530 7 10531 lob. Allotsnent of plob to the PAPS under 12.5olo Scheme from the land acquired for uctions ͡ ‐ Details of plots allotted to PAP5 under 12.5olo scheme to in the month of February & lYarch,2011 for apprisal of the Board. for comDliance. Noted Apprisal CLaSO Noted Chief Approved Po‖ cy instr- CL&SO Apprisal Informatory note on application of provislon of section t24B to Cは SO Navi Mumbai Proiect Planner Second Schedule, Part-l and Part-ll of IYR&TP (Amendment) Act, 2010 with the new rates of Development Charges in jurisdiction wherever it is functioning as NTDA or SPA. CIDCO'5 年 ヽ る 27 , Draud of lots drawn with certain 12.50/6 Scheme for PAP5 of Ulwe Node through drawl of ち at length passed resolutions Discussed with modifications, Seawoods Railwav Station". 4 Confirmed うフ7 ヤ ヽ of Ramrao Adik Education Society and Continental Medicare REquest Adminlstrau ve Approval MOS〕 1 RAES Foundation to transfer Plot No.1, Sector-7, Nerul and prOduce Plot No,2, Secor-s, ca‖ ed Dr. D.Y. Patil Nerul Aopnsal GM(SEり Policy Chief Pianner of Board Direct ves 10 Development lands in of unacquired Navi Mumbai Submission of - Development Model to the Govt. for approval and issue of ハ necessary directives. Submisslon of legal opinion In respect of Kharghar Hill Plateau. - CMF certain for by MITS) Mde leter dated 2332011 Vidyapeeth NMSEZ ProJect:Comメ hnCe & documents a ready Deemed UniversiV. 10532 and decided to wat u‖ respectively to-'Padmashree 9 Dscussed Power Point Prsentation to be shown. Special Board A Meeting to be convened exclusively to discuss this subject A‖ otment GM Re-submission of (IInsP) agenda note for cancellation of tender, wjth proper ^ ∠ reasons. `0533 Taking policy deosion for sending the proposal to Govt. for extending benefit of 12.50/0 Scheme to [4andir, Policy CLaSO To send to Govt. of Maharashtra Devasthan and Masjid's land for thelr Trust's land and Niyas Khate land and their VahivatdaG. ^ 0 ︵ ﹂ 10534 TABLE rTEM Appoinunent of Consultant for Project Mmlnlstrati Raih,Yay ve Approval Preparation of Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) as Administrati Ye Approval Proiect works 14 10535 CRZ Nouflcation - 2011 ACEIRPp Approved CP Approved : Appolntment of MoEF authorised agency for delineation of HTL and LTL 夕き in Navi Mumbai. 2ι ら73 craco イ :計 いに ll A“ E CIマ :15 28TH]UNE.2011 姉恥 B.R No Subjα 士 Natllre of p"pOsa: 01 02 10536 10537 03 10538 To app"se the Board NotlncauOns related to CIDCO issued by the urban Devdopment Deptv 04 10539 ハ Grant of absence cOnnr na10n of the Mhutes oF 52ア (2no contd) Board Meeung held on 12 5 201l and 528th Board Meeunq held on 18 5 2011 Compliance Apprisal CS CS Appnsal CS Policy CA0 GoM Seekng approval of he Board to the perfonnance review for the year 2010‐ 1l and Budget Esumates for the year 2011‐ 12 - POwer point Presentation. ͡ % HOD concen ら2』 ´ 〈卜gH"2嘔 ` 電鼎 船 R o B ” I m em t 01 02 10540 03 10542 10541 需 辮 露 騨 . Su切 戯 Gmnt of absence 1ま 碗 脇 瀾罪 邸路1詈i電 話 ]l馨 llis● cOnnrmauOn OF ule mnuぃ ●0 ︵υ ′申ヽ 10543 10544 06 10545 07 10546 CS Appnsal Appul CS To atprise the Board Notifi@dons rdated to ODCO issued W the tirba! Developmert DeDtt., GoM. Action Taken feport in respect of nesofittr'ons pa.ssea by App_│ CS Appnsal CS Apprisal CS Approval CAO Poll" CA(Nη AdmlnisUaU\€ Appmval ADM(NSЮ Adminisfau\€ & Flnancial “ACE(mつ Ale Bo6rd ln 525 Board MeeUhS held on 21.01.2011. Action Taken Report in respect ot nesolutios passed by dle Board in 526 Eoard MedinS held on 07.03.2011. To ccndder and apprOve me Bdance Sheet and Prcnt& 2008 1054フ Compliance lleld Loss ttullt for te Flnandbl vear ended 31重 08 HOD concerned on Of 52"己 rd“ eetlng On 28 06 2011 04 Nature of proPosal March′ JeW Town Prolα 士 Aurangabad and wa uj ProleO ror ule nnanoJ Year 2011‐ 12 09 t{ew Nashlk Prof€d: lttotnent of ptoS unaer trouses CDCO New Nashtk in terms of to the PAPS at 10 10548 Design′ ∞m● eX 11 10549 12 │͡ ― 8.R.t{o.10294 dated 18.2.2010. 口annng and consmcu¨ Of Ulwe NaM MumbaL ttmercb in sec10r‐ 19A′ Constu“ on of 36 M口 de road and s w Dtth JOng BPCL CompOund Wa‖ at DmnaCid Roガ ew oF Board ResKllution No 10206 dated 23 11 2009 ab s.セ 器 唯∞記電仰可 管躙t艦瑞 13 10550 PropOsed HOuJng scheme― l。 14 10551 "uOns at Navi mumbai― ´ dminli口 uve App● val 却 Ounent OF pに nises at Πて Belapur to Reg strar oF ∞ mpanies and at nP vash toヽ ぃ″ ure TttnOiOgy ADorct/al Agency Acrepbnce & CAfN7 Mgech)/ CEaCMITech)/ ACE(Iい Award of r,tork o Re\r'iew of GM eadier decision 6EZ― AiOrt) Administrau!,/e CEtGMITech) Approval rυ A‖ otment GM(ITSD Aloment MMm) Flnarrcial ACК RP) Pa■6 of lndla 10552 , 螂 ■盤 』 蹴矯琲 而 瓢 輛 蒻 ´ 6 10553 \rnsvuclon or KU6 on DilG panvel Rallway une and on NH-4 for esbblishlng connectivity between 12.5olo Sch€me at PandEnand & Kharghar Node. 30 Approval & Award of v'Jork α )ミ ユ ら攪 /′ r ″ , 一 ´ Nature of SutteCt Item Designa● on oF CID∞ as Speoal ttanning Authorty fOr the lnnuence 2one cIZ)OFabout 25 KM radb dttn∝ of 17 pЮ DOSed intemalα ηl A… rtin Na● 18 10554 ` CDmmittee. su99は lclns/obled 10555 const tuted Ons rece∼ for CP Polcy CP heanng d h respect of Drat ●飩℃lopment P● n ― To determine the rates of Transfer Charges period frcm 1r Jdy, 2011 to 31" March. 2012. for tt|e To frame pollcy to permit educational instjtutions to 20 Po icy Mumbal Latur F"nde Area:ModncauOns tO the∞ mpO● lon of Planning 19 HOD conaerned Prop6al m。 commence addl. courses in the higher education on tt|e plots allotted for specific courses in higher education, witfurt grant of additional land and to r€gularise additional courses presenuy commenced by M/s.namrao MOS‐ 1) Pollcy Po‖ cy(lnstn tO ohin N∝ M‐ 1) froln Med Coundl′ AICIE &Law) Adik Edn. Socjdy on Plot No.l, Sector-7, t{erul, tbvl Mumbal in addluon b the exlsbng uses for ErEineering, _′ 、 ヽこ Medical and Law Colleqe. 10556 spOnsOship to lndia Gmng∞ nferen∝ ` Indh Turkey Busims Partnship Summk′ in I‐ mbu1 6om Aprl 12- PRO Financial Apgoral 15,201l organised by IMC 22 10557 !!9!4I9SE_E E! i Reqarding odd shape plot alloted to Yesh$/anbao Chavan Balvikas Kendra ln t€rms of Boad Resolution No.10208 dated 23.11.2010. 23 24 To discuss and take declslon on applicrtions r€ceh/ed for plots for setting up religlous placEs, as allot nent .f 10558 directed by Eoard on half-vearlv basis. Final deo● on on the pmlect of Deve10pmat oF Kharghar HⅢ 口ateau′ tυ ヽ4 10559 Mminiffiile AdmtAuo Approval 測 bment CSSO Apprisal GM(ITasP) Apprlsal CAO Award of v.,ork ACE(RP) NaM Mumbal To submt the un● udited Balance Sheet&Prom&Loss 価 unt for the ttnandal Year ended 31 3 2010 for appttsal of he Boa劇 26 10560 27 10561 28 10562 COnstrucuon Of ROB on Diva― Panvel Ra‖ way ‖ ne at bbmboi WarehouJng Second Access to Talola MIDC at 細 る1ノ 1● 11 ͡ Design and conttcbon of MIG and HIc,pe tenements with ofn“ and shOps ln Scor‐ 36 at Kharghar′ NavI Mumbal― Admi“ 壺面曖 AoproⅦ l&Award oF work ∽ nstruω on of Dam across Ba ganga Rivg for Water Suppiy tO CIDCO amas in Na● Mumbal― Approal to rehaЫ l● Oon padoge preDared by KIDC 29 of Administrative Approval Appro\.al to Rhbn Pa*age(to be sent to GOM) CEaCMcra) CE&GMITech) th€ Pollcy M(D Graliauon of agenda of the Board Meetngs to the Policy CS Allotment tenemenb to the employees of Corporauon und€r Welfare Sdrcme TABLE■ iEM 10563 " Dlrectors ulrOugh eledronic mode 31 / ヽ 1ヽ _:L ' ′ 5S「 イ ,949C9 Item No No 01 10564 HOD SubJは BR ∞ ncemed Leave s/shH CS Granting Leave of €bsence status of decislon tava′ granted to M K SnVas‐ Radha KHshnan &S S Sand峰 ´ ・ ´ 一 ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ ︲ 一 ・ 一 パ ﹁ 村 02 10565 03 10566 BOard CS Approved ‰騎鴨2邦 :∬ 鴨 」 鰹:Lu翼 鷺 CS Approved CS Approved CS ApProved conirlnalon of the Minutes of 531` M‐ ‐I:●●■ ho[Hハ nRO'011 Board っ に つn(1 04 10567 10568 2 1つ ヽ つnll 鯉:lu謂 [:ss£ JM‐ ●^ヽ 05 Meeungs held on 25 4 2011′ etttetoa清 ‐H■■ いo[H 1寵 2♂ an l■ ■ '01■ hei酬 NΨ∞ l wS℃ 開 ra盤 謝 DeVe10pment Deptt.GoM lncorporation oF a subsidia呼 cOmpany To「 、,^,ヽ ■ ― 卜、:Mハ i● 1 0rni● I dV ^0ゴ 06 │ヽ 07 08 ::〕 、 ll〕 10569 10570 │ シ ぷ鱚 恥 :瑶 m鮮 DeFered … CE8tGMCrech) ib器 需 13a協 議 懸品[Mum“ ac∞ rdin9_ CE8tGMこeCh)/ ACE(皿 hi憾 翼 椰 樵J鼈 港 鳳 罰l副処躙1酬獣踊 墨ぽ畔1椰ff躙 破 甲革Fll組絆 恵[ 10571 ドamotilじ :]υ ut 10 Ⅲ_│_■ ●_^_^A● ‐ つつ nelЧ :lt " CE&GMCrech) Approved C.P Deferred mlrcヽ 1● CP 10572 帽 ApprOVed ‐ ιυ■■ ■∠ ′ 09 i[1:」 Ap冊 常 橋 ns 増 1。 sublect tO approval of the GOM F′ │ 3乞 、 γ ・″ , ′ ン/″ No R蘭 一 B Itent う8= HOD SubleCt ∞ ^ 2 ^ J ↑ 1 Ta[l° :1:まle」 rJ ●■ hom● ハ † Knmalhe 「ぐ́ )島 GM (SEZ― 10575 m9話 需 Approved ACE(RP) Appttd CP Deferred 増 」 「楊P硯 cHo ]:HMF込 縦 畠 ‖ ′_1● ぃ卜^‖ N‐″ pハ nvel and Ulwe Nodes 18 10576 19 105771靴 l 訓he mぃ 器』 卿l置 課 デTttnI寄 項 瀾 Ih∬ ξ Approved Approved Manager(Pers) │¶ 20 l CHO Lease Of PIotS fOr deVelopment or buper Speda w HOSPital ´ヽ ‐ Ai「 Port) CE8tCMCreCh) " 鳥翻計 出)R:1群 鵠認器ξ Zone. DeFered 』 Modifications to the sanctioneo DP u/s J/ of MRTP ACT - Conversion of area under earlier 45 m wide road to Residen6al 16 17 (SE2&Arport) ,盤糊雫急躙Ftthω 91」 p鵬:謡 #留露 押r"lavだ ni認 105フ 4 Deferred b酔 珊 鶴 I縄 10573 ncerned GM Devebpment of land near Village Vadghar & Dapoli ear-marked for ReseHement of Airport Project Affected Villages and policy decision for award of works to Airport Project Affected Persons (APAPS) and other PAPS. Review of 3oard ResOIutlon No 10206 dated 23 11 2009 -測 lotment of land 薄翼 聯 14 Status of de.ision Approved⊃ CLaSO DeFered 0 Deferred CLaSO Deferred M「 S)111 DeFered │ つハ 21 22 11 "勁 柵 ∫0::′ WI ?射 :騎 ∬ e駄 :ヽ 諸 胃勁ム鰤Fiノ 譜黒滞 ]:l:1 っnll 23 Dete::::inauon of base ri Rヽ year ior 「げ雷 ヨ 叩11椰蔦 i郡憮 M (TS)― 24 脚 Plot 揚 猾 No 47. Sector‐ 30A′ I Deferred 麒 Vashi′ Mumbal 33 NaVi こ ,11,1・ 1ミ :ドヽ ―― 了?r/ ら6) ヽ 25 〇 R一 B N Item No 10578 SubJα t HOD Status of decision @ncemed To allow consumption of balance built up area of about 20000 sq. mtrs. for PIot No. 1, Sector-7, Nerul allotted to M/s. Ramrao M「S)‐ I Approved w th modincabons Adik Educatjon Society. 26 New Nashik Project: Waiver of interest to Smt. Kalpana Shlvaji Chumbale & Shri Shivail Pandurano Chumbale. Noting and revlew oF Unaudited Balance Sheet for the year 2010-11 27 28 10579 Proposal for regularizauon of unauthoned construct ons constructed by PAps of NaM Mumbai for thdr dare need(Gane Pou)― Rev sed ReSOluuon Takng polcy decision regarding e‖ giblllw for 12 50/O scheme to the Vahivatchar/ Devasthan bnds and thar tenents(except 29 簿 10580 Defered CA0 DeFerred CL SO To submt the proposal to the GoM CLSO Defefied ACEIRP) Approved CGMσ &ヽ ) Approved and Hoverpoも developed by CIDCO at Belapur and Vashi′ Na● Mumbai Plot of land earlier allotted to Mazgaon Dock Ltd. - Transfer of land to the Co-op. MITS III) Deferred Houslnq Societies. Income Tax demand oF Rs 453 00 crores raised by lncome Tax Dept For the FY CAO Deferred CAO Deferred CP DeFerred Manaoinq∽ mmitee)― 30 Adm(Nskl Construction Ra‖ way of RoB Revised Proposal on Diva― Panvel une at Kalambon vvarehOuslng′ Second Access to TaloJa MIDC at KM 61/10‐ 11 「CA No CIDCO/RP/EE(PPetO)/2010-111 31 10581 To strengthen the Coastal Secunty in and around Mumbal こ Appnse BOard of suppot requested by lndian Coast Guard Region(W∝ →′Ministw oF Defence′ Gol′ 32 パ 33 2005‐ 06(A Y 21X16-07〕 34 35 Informatory Note on investrnent of surplus funds, Reconstruction of JKL-2 Type Apartsnents in Sector-s, Kalamboli Relaxation in GDCR'5 provisions. - 、1噸ざ 34 ら′争 Item BR No. No 01 10582 SubJect Status of decision 3́rantlng Leave of absence / 02 10583/ cOnnrrnauOn Of the Minutes of the 532“ Board Meeung heid on 19102011 03 IncorpOration oF a subЫ diary Company For NaM Mumbal Metro Ra‖ Prold 04 Modificatjons to the sanctioned Dp u/s 37 of MRTP ACT - Crnversion of area under earlier 45. m wide road to 05 10584/ Reconstruction KL-2 T),pe Apartments in Sector-s, Kalamboli ͡ Residential Zone. け/ Eυ ハU 06 HOD concemed of - Relaxation in GDCRT provisions, To submt the un‐ audted BJance sheet and Pront & Loss Account ror the nnanciaI Year ended 31・ March′ 2011 Granted CS Confirmed with modificat ons CS Defered CS Defered CP Approved with modificattons CP Noted CA0 Noted CA0 Noted CA0 Noted ACE(RP) for appn,│。 Fthe Board 07 10583/ Income Tax demand Of Rs453 00 crores raised by lncome Tax Deptt for 08 09 the FY 2005‐ 06(A Y 2006-0フ ) 1058/ Informatory Note on investrnent of surplus funds. 10588/ Development of New Coach Cornplex at Panvel. 10 ͡ 10589 / Development of iand near V‖ age Vadghar & DapO“ ear marked fo「 10590 ノ 12 Resettiement oF AirpOrt P「 Olect AfFected ages and policy decision for avvard of AirpOrt) to ArpOrt prOlect Armed PersonS(APAPs)and other PAPs Review of Board Resolution Nol02O6 dated 23.11.2009 -.A otment of land admeasuring about 7250 sq. mtrs. to F1ls. Conware (Punjab State Container & Warehousing Corpn Ltd.) plot No.28, sector-2, Block 2A, Dronaqiri. Request of ttl7s. Uonin Entertainient Co. Ltd. for NOC to form a Co-oo. Society of buyers of units and then for execution of lease deed in favour of such Society on ptot N0.47, Sector-3oA, Vashl, Navi Mumbai. Dete「 minalon Of base year for 3ζ GM(SEZ― A rport) tenders To seek another legal opinion M(TS)‐ 1 Deferred M(TS)III σ にヽ ` ル1 │ヽ ヽいい一´ 灘皿鶉 ⅧfF Dispose off the p10ts by inMting 一ゝ ■5 GM (SEZ& Vi‖ ヽ ⅥDに 11 Approved ‐‐ `. ′ / 585 R一 〇 B N 輸“ 14 10591 SubJ“ HOD Decision taken by the Board 花:嘔 嘱潔iry鵠 1ょ 鴛Ol踏 COllCerned 〓υ To send to covt Mきヽ‐lH) Approved wthOut wating fOr cOnnrma_ MM(II) ゆ uSing Societles 10592 /A‖ oment Of plots tO MSEDC Ltd n Vattous Nodes of NaM Mumbai for sub‐ statlons tion of une Minutes 16 105,シ N€w Nashik Proiect: Waiver of interest to & Smt. Kalpana Shivaji Chumbale 17 ͡ 18 Shivaii Pandurdno C}lumbale, 10594 /Details of plots allotted to PAPS under ノ 12.596 scheme in $e month of Aonl, 2011. 10595 ′ Detals of plots a‖ otted to PAPs under ′′25%scheme in the month of Mav.2011 19 10596/ 20 10597 蹴 轟嵩 側柵市 /Taking =備 艦 ′ r policy decision regarding eligibility to the Vahlvatdhar / Devasthan lands and their tenants (except fot ノ 12.5o/o scheme Manaqinq Commiftee) ︵ Z 22 Shri - Adm(Nsk) Approved′ subJect to Govt app■ oval Noted CLaSO Noted CL60 Noted CLaSO Approved CLaSO Deferred Cは SO Approved CLaSO Revised Prooosal. Drawl of lots r Allotment of land to PAPS under 12.590 Scheme ln Ulwe, Karanjade, Nawade, Kalundre, Taloja and Owe villages by drawl of lob, Fr6{m -6 qtfiiiirrd o4n qrdq 6{da_d qraq 1051リ ン 6tr{qr$ q{-r q €qr+d q4-4t qqle fuqd lEd TEr liidq rHrd qfr srcc ii. A'bad Frinqe Area Proiect: Lewino "qrs!ft 6r{q<6_s qrqfl flE{r?n 23 1051,/ Approved with Rs 480 lnfrastructure Development Cost (lDC) for (IDCl tt RS 70(Do recovery ͡ 24 ●コ ^ Z 26 of expenditure towards infrastructure development. Allotrnent of tenements to the employees of Not approved and the Corporation under welfare scheme sought more deta15 from M(P) 10600 /Enhancement project altowance to Approved. ノ Assistant Engineers and Assistant Executive Enqineers workinq on Sundavs. Permitting Non-residential activiues at Defened the plots allotted for Residential purpose. M(P) of 27 28 CP Grant of 'No Dues Certificate' for obtatnlng occupancy certificate in respect of Plot No. 19 & 20, Sector 19-D , Vashi , Navi Mumbat for M/s. Satra Propertles (lndia) Ltd. 10601 Delegation of powers to ofrcials Of cIDCO― under MR&TP Act′ 196■ CE&GM (Terh) CP M σ S‐ 1) DeFerred Approved waiting for CP without confir- mation of the Minutes. 8ぐ ` ヽ ′ 't つ / ` ・ To take note of the contents of Govt. Resolution dated 13.10.2011 issued ln respect of compromising Land Acquisition References in Loknyayalaya and revoke Add Co‖ ector (Land AcquisibOn) CIDCO B.R.No.1O443 and authorise an Officer from CID@ to indude in the Committees. Navi Mumbai tletro Rail INMMR] - Approved Appraise Board regarding various actions taken for implementation of Navi Mumbai Metro Rail Project with reference to BR No. 10238 Dated 05/01/2010 and to seek approval for technical tour in two groups for conductinq studie6, To delete from the Board Note and ハ B R No 10354 dated 6 8 2010 Canteen Worke6 mentioned bv inadvertentlv. To decide the procedure for preparation of eligibility list of landless labours, salt pan workers and village artisans in Navi Mumbai distributjng 40 sq. mtr. land under for 12.5olo scheme. ͡ `ア without waiting confir. maton of the lilinutes. for ACE(RP) `ζ 5ッ gЪ 気 │ヽ J , crDco No 01 R 0 B N Item Suり α■ … HOD concerned 10606 Granting Leave of CS absence Status of derision taken Absence oF teave Oranted tO S/Shl M K Slvastavl′ Asthana, SS 02 10607 16 of the Minutes-i tfre 55F Board l4eetings held on 23,11.2011 & 22.12.20fi. Confirmation D L Sandhu Rahm Radhakr皓 わnan′ and Bhaska「 │IVankhede Confirmed without modifications 印罵 よ‰部 │;T西 臨盤:囁 棚 『 CE●3M (TeCh) KI吉 ::ai Applsal on balance payment to Nouce of hterest h respect of shl Pramod に Charman′ cIDCO ¨ CS Took on record CP Approved Power Point Presentation to be given to Board. │ ″ヽ 10608 04 10609 Wa!uJ Mahanaga“ ModncauOns tO sanctioned Dp u/5 37 of MRTP Conversion oF area under eariier 45 m e e h d t燎i w 03 ●υ ︵U road tO Residen● al Zone 10610 06 鋼為t鶴‖0淵T蝋 │ へ︶ U/ J 10611 MσS)‐ lII Approved M(TS‐ III) Deferred ! 畳直茎I」 話il品言::bJ59 SOCietyl 含縄霧tX∬ Ttti』 継君1品 :]=認 : GM(rTasP) 抑罰itta器 ¨ ° GM I Approved tO isue oFfer 鉗 盤 猛 酬 蹴 tFttia半 “ (rr81sP) │ :』 nfl もlvln9 reply tO the Covt On the issue of M(P) :♀ 08 10612 09 10613 10 10614 │ 患 櫂キ 。 Approved cor::;::。 fF EL/CL encashment by the consider and approve $re Directors, Report for the Financial year 31st t4arch, 2008. (Printed brochure will be tabted at the time of meeting) To CA0 Accounts approved. I Evolved time frame for l CAO to compleie audit of I accounts for remaininq I years. Also made Chief I Accounts Officer to be l responsibte officer u/s. I 210 of Cbmp, Act 1956 ] for annual i acoffiS. 88 ら │ │ = ● Permrfting Non-residintial activities in the ent a purpoヽ rttmPに 臨 Construchon 1` 鋼 of CTICO UttiUifionEnter on !鶏 │)° 樵al'駕 uttbi° ■S驚」 蛇 Administrauve Discussion on ttre requesstreceivedftomGi Pratlsthan′ Nerul― shree Vitthal Rukhamini - | Recommendations made- by To process application, as per the the public ‖騨鴫1服朧1:満 fhoFi田1 7∫ 冒[器蹴 〕 0認 )lt Pa口 ::∫ a′ ′͡ Deferred 1:]:」 ]UN:e ‖偽 譜蹂 島 ″ぜ ぎ 謡:rttMumba │ユ Declaration of intention to prepare Draft Development plan afresh and appointrnent of Town Planninq Officer. Status Note on Nrvi llumba-i ttetro-naii P「 oJect AND CA(N⊃ Approved 9peratpn&Maintenance Of Metrcl Ral― A Power Point Presentation in the Board. TABLE rrEMS 3ittlittξ ::ytt」 ぽL4器酬器 蒲鞘 ‖ 蠍曇輛 j累 ハ Re{esignation of existing post of JI.MD as 'Addl. M,D. of two be filled Creation posts of Jt. 14D., to on utat,on basis 29 83 / 〓 ら8, € . r:;*r-. , SI Subject No. 01 Granting Leave of Decision ofthe Board Absence gnnted tO absence Sh「 i Rahul Asthana′ Shri Radhakrishnan & ︱︲ IFI︲ Shri M K Sr vastava 02 03 04 nyW跳 ]Y the 534 呻 :記 1:F Shr Rahul 靱 Appointment of fransaAion Confirmed ]。 ltrl需 10621 nOuGor to Approved 3躙 :::齢 le::│]│[]』 ͡ 面 ngお rmざ 。 ξ ここ 語 最 ● 〓0 ∩︶ 10622 p「 6。 oF nlTnation 1:││:lilll』 SpedattH誕 wtho jt For cOn waiting the Minutes dζ CE&GMoech)/ 1:l]]]di:19:S: D殿 器y円 ‖ 品「Ntt m続 KIDC OFrdaに Discussed the :♀ and tO deliberate further on 29312 agenda on Copy ofに pOに tO be sent to l)KIDC′ 2) CE & GM(Tech) CIDCO released subject approval of GOM. ͡ s O R “ t Rehab amount 38.57 crores to Monitoring Committee to be set up. 3 Member Expert Committee also to facrlitate monitoring once in a month. 記肥 肌 搬tsT 椰11曇 Jf写 _ ReMsed Adtthttigiし き 鸞 i‖ Na■ Agenda discussed umbЫ 酬::首 ::::胞 :L踏 お電Ψ写″等 NaM Mumba A品 1甚 i:乱 惜 ]り haし w“ be further aFter site visit by the D rectors CE&G14cech) Approved 話Ltお 皿 Approved 埒 唆 ″ くo ・ ダ 10625 09 Development of Green Fleld Truck Terminal at Dronagiri, Navi l.'lumbai on BOT basis ACC(RP) 5。 butl out to Approved, detailed lay be briefed to MD / PS(UD). In the lay out, Hotels, Restaurants , Bank ATM etc to be deleted Only permissible facilities for Parking plots Provtded in GDCR to be allowed. 10626 10 1062フ ͡ 12 10628 of peripheral S,W. drains in GM(SEZ& Airport) CP Approved Wdu,Mahanaqar Proiect:MOdncalons u/s 37 of IYR&TP Act, 1966 for increasing the CP Approved CP Deferred MCS I11) Deferred Economist DeFerred M(P) Deferred CSSO Deferred CSSO Deferred M(Rhb) Approved CL3tSO Defered ^ J ●フ 01 04 2012 to 31 03 2013 Group Insurance claim of late G. Madhu Babu, 5r. TransDortation Enqineer, Lease of plots fOr re191ous pu「 pose in Navi 16 17 Mumba [o)ArOI Benga"Asscn ―Temメ e lゥ Good Shepherd Trust ― ChurCh O“ ) Kharqhar A Seva Sanqham - Temple Recommendations made bY Public Undertaking Committee rn its 6th Report - 18 Approved Rehabilitation & Resettlement pocket - Dap!! Walui Mahanaqttr PrOieCt:MOd ncaJOns u/s 37 of MRITP Act′ 1966 tO the sanctoned Deve10pment Plan― Conve6ion of area under ` ` No urbanisation Zone′ to Industr al Zone′ Gut No 36 oF M‖ age ltawa width of 30 m. wide commercial belt in NagarII along Aurangabad - Pune State Highway No 60′ opp MIDC Area Permitting non-residential activities in the ots allotted for residential purpose. Amendments proposed to the Navi Mumbai Drsposal of Lands (Amendment) Regulatjons, 2008 and to City and Industnal Development Corporation of l4aharashtra Ltd, (Lease of Land to Co-op. Hsg, Society) (Amendment) Requlations′ 2008 (Deferred ltem ReMsron of the Reserve Prices for all Nodes in Navr Mumbai for the year 2012-13 14 ハ tonstruction Recovery of differential amount of lease premrum from Bharati Vidyapeeth as per Audit Para 4 4 of C81AG for the vear 2006-07 19 10629 Handing over of coni「 uded houses for the displaced Adivasis at Roadpai M‖ age′ Ka ambo‖ 雛滉:[r摺 鵠 紫闇JR艦 鵬 20 21 10630 :iF Drawl of lots i Allotment of land to PAP5 under 12.5olo Scheme in ulwe. Karanjade. Nawade, Kalundre, Taloja and owe vlllages by Item) 燿物 ′´ 、″ I done by OSD to I'lD on ・ く ■ Lots drawn. Review of allotment in a time bound manner to be /「 Fお\ bi‐ weeklv \ ″ に ヽ drawl of lots. (Deferred CLSO basis ´ ´ ら■ / 1 TABLE ITEMS 一 2 ^ 2 10631 NOC for construction of CIub House on Piot No.7, Sector-10, CBD-Belapur allotted io Police, Navi Mumbai Commissioner lncrease in built-up area from 4000 sq. mtrs. to 6000 sq. mt6. and reducinq the play ground area from 12333 sq. mtrs. to 10333 so. mtrs. Construction of Coastal Police Station (NRI) at Eelapur Node of Navi Mumbai. Village-wrse survey or Uran & Panvel Taluka in respect of acquired, unacquired, developed and balance land by engaging private agenry through Settlement Commissioner and Director of Land Records, other Discussion of 23 10632 24 10633 M(TS‐ 1) Approved CttGM Approved - (TeCh) CLaSO Approved Chairman Those completed 3 years in ctso deptt to be rotated as Per decision at NagPUr ヘ dated 22.12.2011 Mr Vasant Bhoir to be added as Member in a SFC Committee. Proposal of Mahatma Phule to be taken up at the next Board Meeting. Next Board l4eeting on 29.3.11 at 11 AIY ͡ Sh Namdeo Bhagat other Discussion Many HOD5 occupying are the position as Incharge. Regular fllling up the post need to be prioriti2ed. Supporting Staff must be deployed in Engineering, Estate Department. 42 , ´ ● う Ⅲ2 1 > cr,Dco . ︲ 師 S BR No 01 10634 HOD Sublect Granbng Leave of concerned Status of decision s/shn Tc Benlamm′ absence M K Sttvastava′ Rahul Asthana′ L Radhak「 lshnan′ s s sandhu&Bhaska「 Wankhede 02 cOnnrrnat On of the Minutes of the 535m 03 04 小 rυ nU 10635 Board Meetnq held on 14 03 2012 Dis<lssion on balance payment to KIDL - Construction of Dam across Balganga River for water supply to CIDCO areas in Navi Mumbai, 「 Construcbon oF CIDCO Exhibitton Center on Plot No lA`15′ 29&30 in Sector‐ 30ん ― RoЛ sed vashL Nav Mumba Adm nistrauve ApproVa (Discussion in continllation of Agenda ltem No.5 of 535th 8oard Meeting dt.14.3.20■ 2) ReVision of the Reserve PHces fOr Jl Nodes in NaVi Mumbai for the year 2012― 13(01 04 2012 to 01 03 2013) _ C,,oup tnswin." claim of late G. Madhu Babu, Sr. Transportation Engineer ' 06 10636 0フ 10637 Educaton A owance to the Wards of emploソ ees of(■ DCO― reVIs on ln rates _ 08 10638 up9radatlon Of the pOsts of Sanitary lnspectors Lcase of ploヽ for religlous purpose in 09 1117′ つ Minutes sha‖ be placed in the next meeunq CE&て 下r Cり / KIDC OfFcials CEaGM Deferred σeCh) Economist Ex st ng RP increased by 50/o upto 30 9 2012 M(P) Approved M(P) Approved M(P) Approved CSSO Deferred CSSO Deferred CL81SO Deferred MM(I) Deferred M(P) Deferred Nav Mumbai[o)ArO‖ Bengan AssCn― Temple (1)Good Shepherd Trust ― ` ヽ 10 11 Z ^ Church (11) Kharghar Avyappa Seva Sanoham― Tem●e](Deferred ltem) Public Reconrnrendations made Report in its 6h Committee Undertaking lease of Recovery of differential amount premium from Bharati Vidyapeeth as per Audit Para 4.4 ol C&AG for the year 200607 Details of plots allotted to PAPS under 12.5olo scheme during the period July 2011 to Dec.2011, A‖ otment of Plot No 3-58′ SedO■ 20. by A ro‖ 13 tO M SE D Col■ d fO「 Sub― stauon_ otrnent of tenements to the employees of the -A Scheme. Corporation under Welfare 13 ︱ 劃 I l 6q+ of allotrnent in respect of Plot No.21, admeasurlng 1310.10 sq. mtrs. in Sector-7, Airoli to M/s. Superior Builders, agreed to be leased for the purpose of Commercial-cum-Residential use, with FSI 1.5 To revoke 8.R.No.10297 passed in 512 Meeting of the Board of Directors as per the recommendation of Govt. Enquiry Regularisation Cυ MM(I) Deferred cL&so Deferred CAO Deferred M(rs-1) Approved ´ 0 ReDort. Seeking approval of the Board to the Performance Review for the year 2011-12 and Budget Estimate for the year 2012- 1 l ll l l l l l l l l l l ト 14 13. TABLE ITEM 17 10639 Transfer charges for the period from 01.04.2012 to 30.6.2012. ノ 9\ ` う。4 . イ . i “ S 01 UZ BR No 10640 lυ 641 HOD Subjα ■ Granhng Leave of CS 郡 乳魁igrttl」 1‰ ぷ : CS r哨 lC1642 ͡ Leave granted to S/Shri M.K.Srivastava, Rahul Asthana, S.S. Sandhu, L. Radharishnan and Bhaskar Wankhede. Approved with certain mOdincalon 2932012 U」 Decision of the Board ∞ ncemed absence '9像99 No tO BR 10621 (regarding Super spec a“ ty Hos‐ pb:s in Navi Mumbal) Action Taken Reports in respea o?-n6tutiorrc passed by $e Board ln its Meetings held on 7 Sept 2011(531), 29 2011(532) and 23 Nov 2011(533) To apprise t'totiRcaUoni retateO to OOCO G Noted CS Noted ft ∝ 10643 issued 05 ll1644 by Flnance Deptt., Govt. of 14 a ha rashtra . Nouce of interest received from the D rectors ¬ Approved CS for the yea「 2012-13 under section 299 oF the Companes Act′ 1956 06 10645 07 10646 :認 ∫冊 h鯉 ぷ∬蕊 璃 CSSO Approved Facmty committee 臓 ∬珊時iF臨戸 CSSO if』 ([)np惜 Approved, after discussioh in detail, ― . 中︵ larghar Ayyappa seva sangham 1004/ CSSO Notice slatus-quo to maintain. 09 10 11 2006-07 10648 10649 10650 ng 酬 ::/輛 luJW m° … PO cyゎ「 GSO& Economli 躙1艦帆 椰聞 鮒野驚 盤出盤押乱富島磐H2md mざ ettf蹴「 群 Approved, after di<.r,<<i^^ ih riar.il ACE(11) Seekng apprOvЫ Approved. CA0 Approved. … 12 10651 Eng neer nに 13 14 M(P) Approved M(P) To study the proposal in details CLaSO I 10652 q∫ I り軍 171\ │1喘 ] う。ち ハ ノ 2011 To revoke 8,R,No,10297 passd tn 15 512th Meeting of the Board of Directors as per the recommgndation of Govt. Enquiry Reoort. To dbt hnd under 12 50/O scheme agttnst h百 ご 16 muy CLaSO Deferred CLaSO DeFered MITS‐ 1■ ) Deferred Mas‐ 1) Approved MM(1) Approved Sr Noted 巡 還、祠 襴需 胤 i稿 譜 Amendments prOposed tO the NaM M」 品bЫ 17 2躙 811dloL][i:III曹 18 10653 19 10654 I]11Lii:│『欄 eめ 鰺mmdmmり mS“ Extension of construction period in respect of Plot No.5Z admeasuring 6000 sq. mtrs. in Sector-1g4 Nerul-allotted to Maritjme Museum Dufferin Charitable Trust. Regularisation allotment in respect of plot of No.21, admeasuring 1310.10 sq. mus. in Se{tor-7, Airoli to M/s. Superior guilders, agreed to be leased for the purpose of ͡ 20 21 10655 10656 Commercial'cum-Residential use, with FSI 1.5 To subm t nnal DraFt RepOrt of Socio Economic Surve_of Ex EmJoyeeS Of BMTc to the Board Request of M/S Purab Estate ht Ltd for Statistician M(TS-1) Approved MM(I) Approved ACE(RP) Approved CE&GM Approved surrender oF PIot No 05′ admeasu「 ing 3284 757 sq mtrs in Sector-15′ Mumbai 22 10657 23 10658 A‖ otment CBD― Belapur′ Navi of Plot No B‐ 58′ Sector‐ 20′ Airor to Ltd for Sub― stat on Construd on oF channeI′ area leveling for Metro MSED∽ DepOt cum‐ wo「 kshOp at Ta ola′ Nav Mumbal― Award of wOrk(cA No 01/CIDCO/RP/SE「 P‐ 24 10659 III&Q)/2011 lυ Construcbon of cIEICO Exhibl日 on Center on Plot No l、 NaVI ヘ rυ ヽ∠ 10660 mval 29&30 in Sector‐ 30A′ Vashし Mumbal ― Rev sed Admin strauve 15′ Design and cOnstruction oF 05 Nos of Elevated CeCh) ACE(RP) Approved MITS-1) Approved M(TS‐ 1) Approved Metro Stauons at central park of Kharghar′ Pethpada′ Seco「 34 Kharghar′ Panchanand and Terminal statlon at Pendhar for Navi Mumba 26 10661 27 10662 Metro L ne No l (CA No 13重 DCO/RP/SEITP‐ III&HQ)/201011) Request of l4umbai APMC for permission to utilize residual FSI of land used for internal lqqd and open spaces. Request of M/s. Mohan Entertainment Co. for grant for permission to relax the restriction of transfer of assignment without change Of user for Plot No.47, Sector-3oA, Vashi, Navi l,lumbai. 4` うqξ ″ I 53♂ 留器 淵 出 躙 辮 鶴 飢﹂ BR N。 Subrect HOD ,94Pco AVAN Dedsion of the Board concerned 01 02 10663 10664 Granting Leave 躙 of &Ъ r馬 672012 CS abserce Grant“ to RahJ Asu“ ⅧoJ昴 昔1: ′ THE MEErINC ADJ00RED T0 14.フ .20■ 2 AT 10 AM AT CIDCO BHAVA“ N00THER BuSINESS WAS TRASAし :LD DURING THIS MELl■ NG ,ハ :ハ 47 ,Mに snvaava.t Rad lakrishran and v s Nahata ら17 ︲ .m S Suttd BR No HOD D€cision of the Board @ncerned 01 10665 Granting Leave 02 10666 Confirmation 537i' of absence of the Minutes of the Board i4e€ting held on !o ysnd T.c.8enFmin, nrhul Ast,l.na, M.(Srivastava, t. R (haknshnan CS Ganted CS Confrrmed CS Noted. To file e-form 1AB in respect of making cAo as responsible Officer for annual with modifications. 27.4.2012. 03 04 10667 10668 ヽ ハ ●J ∩υ 10669 06 07 10670 08 Action Taken Reports in respect of Resolutions passed by the Board in iE 5346 l4eeting held on 27.1.2012. (Except ATR not received from CAO aqainst 8.R.No.10614) Approval to bear annual regulatory compliances expenses of Mahatourism Corporation Ltd. (A joint venture Company of CIDCO & MTDC) to avoid eouiW erosion, accounts of the Corporation. CS Approved CS Approved M(P) Deferred M(P) Approved Law M(P) Deferred Upgradatjon of PRO as Manager (Corpordte Communicrtion) in the M(P) Deferred MM(1) Approved the 42no Annual General Meeting of CIDCO for the Financial Holding Year 2011-12. Payment of overtime allowance to the emDlovees of the CorDoration. lmplementation Pay Commission for the employees of Flre DeDartment. of 6m Up-gradation of the post of Officer 09 10 10671 バ cadre of Sr. D.O. Recovery of Watch & Ward charges in respect of Plot No.47, Sector 19A, Vashi agreed to be leased to !'lls. Shyam Enterprises for storage of edible Oil/Oil seeds/cold storage related to APM. Appointment of Society for Promotion of Area Resource Center (SPARC) Non Government Organization (NGO), - for carrying GM(SEZ& AirpOrt) To invite representative of the SPARC to make a presentatron on Survey. out Baseline Socio Economic Survey (BSES) including Cadastral Survey in villages affected by the 12 10672 proposed Navi l.4umbai International AirDort Project. Training of existng ttrm Water Channel from Gor course tO Talola Creek at Kharghar― (Part II)′ Navi Mumbaし from Ch 900 m to ch 3205 CE8tGM To take up in next meeting. σ eCh) m 13 Design & Construction of 06 Nos. of Elevated Metro Stahons at Sector-7, CBD-BelaDur; Science Park. Utsav 4g ACE(RP) To take up h nett m"ung: 、 /Z麒 ヽ lシ : ││ てグ らq乞 / ― _ ノ ノ′ ′ ' Chowk′ Sector ll & Sector 14 at Kharghar and EleVated Terninal Station at Belapur (cA No 12/ CIDCO/RP/SE"‐ III&HOソ 201011〕 Proposed Housing Scheme in cut No. 4 & 14 of Village Wadgaon (Kolhati) in Nagar-l of Waluj Mahanaqar Proiect. Revised Land Pridng and Land 14 15 DispOsal policγ for leasing oF Social CP M(Rbh)St Economist Fachty p ots in 12 50/c area to the Trusts forned by PAP5 0f Navi MumbaL 16 To take up in nert meeting. To take up for de‖ beraい on in the adJourned meeung on 2372012 ACE(RP) To take up in next meeting. ACE(RP) To take up in next meeting. CE&GM of balance road eCh) (up to stage-l) , S.W Drain etc in 「 Sector-2o & 21 of 12.5 o/o scheme at U[,'/e , Navi Mumbai Development integrated infraCE&GM o/o structure works under 12.5 scheme eCh) rn Sector-17 at Ulwe, Navi Mumbai 「 Modification Navi l4umbai CP Development Plan (NMDP) and General Development Conkol Regulations uls 37 of MR&TP Act, 1966 - Incorporation of Airport and Allied Activities/ SeMces Zone. Providing employment on M(P) compassionate ground to the legal heirs of deceased and permanent disabled employees of the Corporation Amendment in the norms of age limit and time limit for obtaining qualifvinq certificate in tvDewritino, power supply SE(E ect) Oevelopment infrastructure distribution nehvork wth construction of 33/11 KV & 11/0.4 KV HT substations and allied work in Sector 25 to 45, Kharghar To take up in nelt meeting. Alteration of contract and approval to revised Contract Agreement with The Louis Berger Group Inc., General for 'Implementatjon of Mego Rail Proiect for Line No.1 from Belapur to Pendhar in Navi Mumbai. Constructon oF Retaining VVa‖ 8t Precast RCC compound wal to Metro Consultant ■.ハ 17 DepOt plot at Taloa Panchanand′ Mumbal (CA Navi No 03/CIDCO/RP/SE (TP‐ III&HQ)/2011-12 lntegrated development 18 infrastructure 19 20 Å 21 10673 work of of To take up in next meehng. to To take up in next meeting. Approved, - 22 106フ 4 23 10675 of Approved. Node, Navl Mumbai. To consider and approve the Balance Sheet and Profrt & Loss Account for the Financial Year ended 31$ l4arch, CA0 Approved and to implement without waiting for confirmation of the Mrnutes. 2009, TABLE ITEMS ││「 ど 一 19 │=:│ 59) 24 10676 Enhancement in wages to contract workers engaged cHo the for Approved sanitation seMces. ●υ ﹁ι 106フ ア MITS-1) Transfer Charges for the period from 01.07.2012 to 31.03.2013. Approved and to implement without waiting for conFirmation of the Minutes. ゛ 6《 A.fi. 94 4H. o3'o*. tola 539 382012 10678 1 Gmnting Leave 539 382012 10679 2 Confirmatlon 539 382012 10680 27 7 .7 .20L2 & t4 .7 .2012. Allotment of tanO to- NTURDA for MM‐ I 539 382012 of CS absence of the Minutes of he 538d' Board l'leetings held On Mumbai Trans Harbour Link- 10681 3 htegrated development of CE&GM infrastructure works of balance road (up to stage-I), S.W Drain etc in Sector-2o & 21 of 12.5 o/o scheme at 539 ハ 539 9 ^ J tリ 539 382012 4 CE&GM 吊 霧霧器地"」 unde「 留ξ 嘲 所 lili n sectOr‐ 382012 5 10683 6 382012 10684 7 神ad“ "w, crech) CE&GM Leg crecD Opl ACE(RP) 9 ^ J rJ ::‖:[:fllヽ :島 8 NaM Desrgn & Construction of Six Nos. of ACE(RP) Elevated lvleFo Stations at Sector-7, C.B.D-Eelapur; Science pa*, Utsav Chowl! Sector-ll; & Sector 14 of Kharghar and Elevated Termlnal Station at Belapur. C.A.No. 12lCIDCO/Rp/SECI?-III& !Q) 2010-11. Implementauon 10685 17 at ulwe′ Set ement Of Dispute in respect Of 網 li鮮 382012 382012 crech) UIwe. Navl Mumhei 10682 ` ハ CS LonsrucUon Of MetrO Ra‖ ‖ li:lT Bdapurt。 of Retainino wall & ACE (RP) Precast R.C.C. compoun? wall to Meuo Depot at Taloja panchanand_ Navi Mumbai. C.A. No. 03/CIDCOi 539 539 382012 382012 10686 10687 9 lP/SEoP-rrr& HQ)/2011-12 Kequest received from St. Georoe CSSO Trust, Plot No.l6, Sector_1g. Ne; Panvel (E), Navi t"tumb;i for allotment of additional 3OO so. mtrs. area from adjacent Social Facilitv plot for expansion Church of actlvities. 10 CSSO │ Sヽ ィ ) =≦ ‐ 1跨 ギ 64 539 382012 OfFe応 にceivedわ r ttase Of POt No 13A′ admeasuttng 8000 M2 in 露Ⅷ 」 B蹴 539 38.2012 No CSSo′ 04/HE′ 10688 12 「 乱 『 under Co‖ eges 11‐ 柵 scheme 1, Revised Land Pricing and Land Disposal Policy for leasing of Social Facility plots in 12.506 area to the Trusts formed by pAps 539 382012 1‐ New Town project: M(Rbh) & Economist Navi proposed CP Housing Scheme in Gut Nos. 4 & 14 village Wadgaon (Kolhati) in Nagar Waluj Mahanaqar Project. of 539 of Mumbai. 13 CSSO 382012 14 -I of Modiflcation to .t',tavi Murnbai CP Development Plan (NMDP) and ヘ General Development Contlol Regulations (GDCR) under section NIR&TP Act, 1966 Incoeoration of Airport and Allied 37 of 亡コ 539 382012 Activities/Service Zone. Walui Mahanagar project CP Modificagons u/s. 37 of MR&TP Ad, 539 382012 16 1966 to the sanctioned D.P. Conve6ion of area under 'No Urbanisation Zone' to 'lndustrial Zone' for Gut Nos.62(P), 65(P) & 66(P) of Wadgaon (Kolhati) - M/s. Balkdshna Industries, Proposed modification uA gZ(f) of CP MR& TP Act, 1966 in the sanctjoned ︵ . GDCR of Navi Mumbai for or redevelopment of CIDCO conskucted residential reconstruction 539 382012 17 buildinqs in Navi Mumbai. Request for handing over cIDCO urban Haa,sectOr‐ tO 539 382012 18 539 382012 19 NaVI Corpora10n Up-gradauon Offlcer 29′ Mumbal CP CBD‐ Belapur Municipa of the post of Law M(P) nc話 置:織 席乳濡 Ta滉 M(P) nギ 539 382012 539 382012 cadre Of sr D O 10689 20 21 Holding the 42nd Annual General CAO lYeeting of the Corpordtion for the vear 2011-12. Informatory note on investmEnt? l!!plus funds. S2 CAO α 1.:fi 6。好 382012 539 382012 539 382012 22 ¨ 5 ¨ 2 539 24 To revoke Board Resolution No 10297 passed in 5126 l4eetino of the Board of Directors as per the recommendation of Govt. enquiry CL&SO l'eport. To allot the land under 12i% CL&SO scheme against the land acquired for MIDC propose and accordtngty transferred to CIDCO Navi N,tumbai PIoject. Implementation of the Mahanstrt-a M (P) Fire Preventlon and Ufe Safety Measures and Strengthening of Corporation's FireFiqhtinq Service. A‖ otment oF plot tO M/s Tata POwer MM(IID Act, 2006 r′ 382012 ﹁ι 539 Company for 400 KV Transmission une bay adlacent tot MsETC疇 Kharghar ReceMng stauOn in ヘ Secto■ 6′ 539 382012 Kharghar7 165x103m‐ 16995M2 26 admeasunng to GDCRS Provisions - CP Reconstruction of CIDCO Amendment constructed 382012 28 A‖ oment A roli′ 382012 29 539 382012 30 ͡ Plot No 2, Sector ll′ M/S Pa‖num Entertainment and Plot No.1, SectorKharghar M/s, Popcorn Enterfainment for establishment of a !lultiplex-cum-Entertainment Centre. Extending the fac‖ iues being given to the work‐ charged employees to the da‖ y wages/∞ ntract baЫ s emplovees oF the Corporation. 2, 539 げ b 9 ^ J rJ residential condominiums under change of use provision. MM(1) to otment of land admeasuring 350 00 sq. mtrs on Kharghar H‖ 卜 Top tO M/S Paunum square A‖ 50′ Trust For Club‐ cum‐ Entertainment S 3 M (P) MM(1) らめ O 姉N CONTD 539m BoARD“ EEl■ NG HELD O"30.03.2012 AT NERHAL AT■ OAM BR No Sublは Sponso.iFg HOD 10690 Granting Leave of CS ab6ence Offers κnヨ Ⅵ」 for lease of Plot No 13A′ admosunn9 8000 M2in ttor23,CBD‐ Belapur fOr semng up Modical related PrOres● Ona Coleoes under劇 随me No CSSO/04′ HE/1112 11 13 10691 14 10692 r● ” レ/ 1 10693 New Town Proled:PropOsed HouJng s● emein Cut Nos 4 &14 of v‖ bge Wadgaon(Kolhall)in Nagar■ of WaluJ Mahanaoar PЮ iect Modlfi@tion to Navl Mumbai Development Plan (NMDP) and General DeveloprEnt Control Reguhtjons (GDCR) under sfttim 37 of MR&TP Act, 1%6 - IicDrpoEtion of Airport and Allied Adivitietservi@ Zorc, Waluj l.tahanagar Prore.t: Modificabons u/s. 37 of MR&TP Act, 1966 to tile sanctioned D.P. - Conversion of area under 'No Urbanisation Zone' to 'Indusuial Zone' fo. Gut Nos.62(P), 65(P) & 66(P) of WadgEon (Kolhati) M/s. Balkrlshna pЮ posed modncauon u/s37(1)of Mは TP Ad,1966 h the sanctoned GDKR of Navi Mumbai for 祀∞ n■ nJcton cr 18 19 21 22 10695 23 Request for handing over CID00 Uは Secto「 29′ ● D― "n Haat′ Be apurto Na■ Mumbal Munidrlal Comoration Up-gradation of the post of Law Officer Upgradation of PRO as Manager (Corporate Communication) ln the cadre of Sr. D.O, lnformatory note on lnv€sthent of surDlus furds. To revoke Board R6olution No. 10297 passed in 512h Meeting of ttle Board of Dir€ctors as per the recommendauon of Go/t. enquiry re@rt. To a‖ ot ule land under 12 596 schに rne against uhe land acquired for MIDC Propose and ar_rdingly transFered to CIDCO Navi Mumba Prolo“ 24 10696 Implementaucln of the Maharashtra Fire preventlon and ufe SaFety Measures Act7 2006 and Strengthen ng oF∽ 呵Юralont 25 1069フ A‖ ● ´ ′ Flre‐ F19ht ヽ 26 10698 n固 to ShH Rahul na & Shl L 慟 鮨n To put up to Bo.d cerEln d€Ells, Aptroved wlEr modifications CP A● pro■ ed CP Appnd CP Defened - to show PPP ln no(t m€eting. CP Appcved M(P) M(P) Defered DeFerec CA0 Noted CL&50 Deferred― to appnse cgtain 15 CL&50 M(P) … Defen€d for want of additional information Approved wlth modifications ng Service unent oF plot tO M/s Tata POwer(bm"ny fOr 4oo KV TransmЬ ●on une“ y adja∞ nt tOt MsETCLt Kharghar R、 ciMng Stabon in Seclorる ′飾 arghar・ admα 6unng 165x103 m‐ 16995M2 Amendment to GoCRS Provisions - Reconshucuon of ODCO conshucted residential condominiums under dEnge provision. 28 ∽ 価 輛 CP Navi Mumbal ll1694 the afur asertalnhg redevelopment of clDCO construded residenuai bu ldings in 17 of Board - lndustri€s. 16 ¨ oecision Alotment Of口 Ot No 2′ Sector Ente● inment and POt No l′ ll′ A rolし of MM(1:) Approved CP Approved MM(1) DeFerred M(D Deferred MM(1) DeFered M(RH3) To submt tに use tO M/S Paunum tor2, na● har tO M/s PottDm Enterta nment for establlshment oF a Mutiplex“ ¬Im‐ Entenainment centre mendng the faolmes being gven b ule wKlrk charged 29 employees to the daly wages/cOntra bags empi● yees ofせ Ю Co「 poration 30 ハ‖ otment of land admeasurn9 50′ 350 00 sq mtrs on Kharc har Hm― TOp to M/s Plaunum square Trust For C ub 10699 cum― Enteは ainment ●ther dismssbn:Re ated to:tem No 12(BR No 10688)of meeun9 her on 3 0 12 on ule sublα tt of い lsed Land Prにing and Land DIspOsal P01cy fOr ea● ng oF,〔 bI Faolty Ⅲ¨ h125%area tO the Tru¨ fomedけ PAPs of Na,Mumbai ∫1 暉 ψ ら仏 ´ ′ 999 `♭ ︲ .b S BR No SutteCt HOD hrtE 1 10700 2 ︵ヽ ・ 3 4 GGnting Leave of / n.- of pig' oosal, CS absence (CDm口 bnce) cOnnana10n of me ttnutes of 539b Boa劇 Meeung held on 3 8 2012 and Ad」 oumed Meeung held on 30 8 2012 (CDm口 hnce) Power Polnt PresentauOn On App。 lntment oF Gfl(Alrport) Socety fOr PrOmobon of Area Resource Center(sPARCl for Cattng Out Base‖ ne Sod∝ Economに Survey(BsES)hdudng Qdastra Survey h Mlbges afFded by the prOpOsed Nav Mumbal:ntemauOnal Alrport Prol“ (Power p.Int Pr― nta● onヽ Proposed modification u/s 37(1) of MR& Tp Act, 1966 ln the sanctoned GDCR of Navl l'iumbai for reconstruction or redevelopment of CIDCO constructed residentlal buildings ln (Finan ial CS “ DodJon or the BOard in bller teave granted tO s/Sh" Rahul Asulana′ L Radha Krishnan&V S Nahata Sha‖ be lon dlsc!I・ ミ ●ken up For in the presence Of Vα ttD in he next mttng AprvaD Shali be taken up For pGence Of ヽC&MD in けЮ net disctlsslon in u℃ meetng Ⅵ鍛 MD CP (POliCy) Sha‖ be taに n up for discusЫ on in the presen∞ of VCmD in he next meet ng Navi l,lumbai. (Power Point Prcsentation) IncorpOrauon oF a subsidary C● mpany by CID∞ for Nav Mumbal Metro Ra‖ ProJは 5 CS : In― principle 6 approval For Governmenrs Direcuves u/S37(1)AA of the MR&TP Act′ 1966 to effect modincabon in the Development PIan of NaV Mumbai For conversion oFland in sdor 52′ Nerul from ● ken up for p■ nclple of VCaMD in the next CP (P01Cy) ͡ フ be discusslon in the presence approvJ) Permltting Non-Residential activities tn the plots allotted for Residential propose. Sha‖ (POICy h‐ meetinq Shall be taken up for disorssion in the presence of VC&MD ln the next meetinq Shall be bkefl CP (Adm, Approval) up for drsorssion in the presence of VC&I40 h Ble nod meetirE, resident al zone to water bodv CIDCO New Nashik PrOlect 8 possession of land to Rachana ― Gung co― Op ADM(Nashk) (“ m Approaり 10701 AppHsal Note to Board regarding Fuln‖ of e“ giblity cttterla oF Sal Pratisthan′ 10 10702 11 12 10703 CSSO ment (App● 9り Nerul PRO EstaЫ Mumbai "hment of Patrakar Bhavan h NaⅥ discussion in the presence oF vαMD in ule nc( HouЫ ng Soclety 9 Sha!l be taken up For (Adm ApproV.り meet nq To fomard tO CoM fO「 its appmval′ as per the pOlcy in‐ pnttpal apprcval fo「 COn5¨ Cung the bldg by CIDCO Transfer of shares A‖ otment oF premlses No E‐ 301&D‐ 301 ∝ (S● tutory ∞ molanceヽ at GM(rrMP) 記器背rT電鷲 u瀧 :出 『1:躍 監fttFS (却 lCtmentl ゞ ゞ Approved Shal be taに n up For discussion in the presence つ 籠 冊 味 挙 7/ 6´ ′ Development of Integrated Comple\ at Apprisal to Seavroods Rallway Station 13 14 107∝ lA● prisり - Board. / GM(rCSp) rコ ●■ 1フ 10705 cE(s) Upgradauon of penpheral roads in Kalambo‖ VVarehousing cOmplex at Kalambo‖ (CA No 09/α DCO′ EE(KLM‐ I〕 /2011‐ 12) Detals oF plots a‖ otted to PAPs under 12 5% scheme dunng the perlod flom Januaγ 2012 10706 、´ ヽ of A.ceptance) C181SO (App‐ l) infrastructural works or roads (upto stage-I), S.W. drdin, sewerage & water supply etc. ln s€ctor-23 under 12.56,6 scheme at Ulwe, Navi Mumbal. Integrated development of infrattuctural works of babnce roads(uptO Stage‐ 1)′ S.W drains, sewerage & water supply etc in Sdors 2′ 3&5 of 12 5%sCheme at ulwe′ App_l) up For Approved CEIN) App/● ved (Alm Appral) _ GM(rTeSP) (App sal) l‐ ω鴨 negularisatibn of the unauthorised development carrled out after grant of development permlsslon within the 19 taken discussion in the presen∝ or VC&MD in the は (Adm Deve10pment of l「 LCD Prolα t in」 V with Ⅵdo∝つn lndustnes Ltd― Appralsal RepOrt 18 be Sha‖ meeunc balance NaM Mumbal. for (&ency CE (Nolth) Integrated development up disoJssion ln Ule pr€s€flce V@MD in the next meetino App口 ぃ超 of to〕 uly′ 2012 for appHsal of the Board 16 Shall be taken Shall be bken uP for dlscusslon in the presen@ vc&l'lD ln dle next meetinq, of be taken Sha‖ up for discthiOn in the pttnce of VGMD in the 贈戯 meeung approvable llmlts, but without obtaining due permission for the same on allotted land / plot ln Navl Mumbai (CID@ iurisdicton) Formulauon of guldelines and procedure of reou larisation. - CP Amendment to GDCRs for NaM Mumbal― 20 (POIⅢ ) ProMsion for gttnt of 2 50 FSI for HOugng Schemes of EWS′ LIG and MIG by α DCO h 21 1070フ 22 10708 ReViSIon of ReServe prices of for the year 2012‐ 13(from 31032013)in NaM MumbaD 23 10709 trtotlce of cE(North) Appcved _ tnteiest received from the CS (“ ●匈 Ap四 cE(North) AopDved ComDanies Act, 1956. 10711 26 G こonst「 u“ On of pedpheral S W. drain in Rehabl‖ talon DapO‖ Mm. ApgDval & (Ret Eed Navl Mumbai. 25 next “ CDm口 いnce) the Designing, Planning and Constructlon of commerclal Complo( in Sector-lgA at Ulwe, in the (Mm. Approval) Directors on the Board of Directors of CIDCO 10710 vc&rilD Approved for the year 20!2-13 uls.299 of 24 of 究 17暇 F 記鵬』 Devdopment of integrated infrastructure works under 12 5%Scheme ln sector‐ 16 at ulwe disorssion in the Presence meeting. NaM Mumbai(CIDCO iunsdicuOn) ___ ハ slrll be bken uP fot & Resettlement pocket ― A consolidated policy to determine the rates of additional lease oremium for giving permisslon to consume dlfferent types of ApproVed Mm. approval & Mcrs III) shali be taken up For discusslon in the presence MDル ∬淵 井 〕 ( マ ´ し / ` イ コ 鉾一 ゞ ξ (South) (Revlsed ′ ¨― ´ ´ ' / 6・ 3 ´‐ FSI 27 Financing the project on cost sharing basis for running of 12 car EMU rdkes on harbour line - Payment of Rs.100 crores to Mumbal Railway Vikas CorDoration Ltd. 28 Payment of over0me allowance to the 30 10712 10713 Allotment of Plot No.2, Sector 11, Airoll, to M/s. Platinum Enterbinment and Plot No.l, Sector-2, Kharghar Entertainment Popcorn establlshment of │ヘ 10714 Grantln‐ Ad for∞ nimcbon of balance FSI of∞ mmunlty Centre to the Kha“ 3elapur Ⅵbhag Sheぬ d MM(助 (Adm Appro● 1) Kalwa‐ Sama」 Sanghatana be taken Sha‖ be taken S7 up For discussion in uhe presence of Ⅵ 睫 菫 “ meeunO "JD in To seek appに Ⅳ●l or he Government for OpuOn No3 menUoned in he (Adm Approvaり To seek approval of the Governm€nt for Opbon No.3 menuoned in the Board Note. MO時 III) (POIICyl Sha‖ be taken up for di,ousion in the presence of VCmD in the ne“ meeunq M(Rhり Apprord wiul dに輌 ∞ tO remove mdition that 24 (Adm& M‖ ages are not ele19ible tO 日nance) get a beneFt oF community center n future ハ up For diO",ssion in the presence Board Note MM(II) a MultiDlex-oJm-Entertainment Centre. Crntinuaton of prevailing rates of servlce charges for he period upto 31.3.2013 31 32 for to M/s. M(P) Aoprovaり Allotnent of land admeasuring 50,350.00 sq. mtrs. on Kharghar Hill- Top to M/s. Platinum Square Trust for Oub- cum-Entertainment, Sha‖ of VCaMD in ule nec meeung lAdm employees of the Corporation. 29 CE(SP) (Flnanoal) ? `。 BR No S:. NO Sublect l HO● ′ na‐ D€cisioh of the Board ture of pro‐ │ 10フ 1 15 of Granting Leave ●osa!. CS absence (COm口 ancel ,ve 9anted tO Shri Rahul Asmna′ L PaOha Klshnan & 1・ shH V S Naha● 10716 2 D 3 ͡ 4 D Conirnauon Of the Minutes of 539m 8oard Meeung held on 3 8.2012 and Ad10umed Meetlnq held on 30 8 2012 _ presentation Po\fler Point on Appoinbnent of Society for Promotion of Area Resource Center (SPARC) for carrying out Baseline Socio- Economic Survey (BSES) lncluding CadaSral Survey in villages affeded by the proposd Navi Mumbai tntemational Airport Proiect. (Power Point presentation) Proposed modinca● Act′ cs with certain modlflcation to 8R No.r0687 & 10599( PAP Plolicy) GM(ハ rpOrtl Delered (Financol Approvaり CP On u/S37(1)of MR&TP 1966 in the mnctoned GDCR of Navi Confirmed (Compllance) DeFerred (P01Cy) Mumbai for reconstruct on or redevelo,ment oF ClDCO constructed residenual buldings in NaM Mumbar presentation〕 1071フ 5 ͡ 10フ 18 フ 10719 8 9 10フ 20 POint IncorporauOn Of a subsld ary company by CID∞ for Navi Mumbal Metro Ral Prol∝t: In‐ pHnciple 6 (Power approval for 10721 in ^ Z ^ J 14 10722 10723 (P01Cy) Government's MR & TP Act, 1966 to efrect modification in the oevelopment Plan of Navi Mumbai for conversion of land in sector 52, Nerul from residential zone to water body. ― Giving CIDCO New Nashik Proled possession of land to Rachana CO Op Housino Societv App“ saI Note to Board regarding fuin‖ of Patrakar Bhavan Nerul in 10725 ADM(Nashi0 (Adm To obtain legalopinion Approval) CSSCl (Applsal) PRO (Adm TO p ace before the Commi¨ e. as per G R dt 5 5 2011 No fllodiir@boo bl€n n the deddon in the earlier meetirq, AoDr DVal) of premises No E‐ 301&D‐ 301 at Development of Integrated Complex at Seawoods Railway Station - Apprisal to Board. Upgradauon oF pe百 pheral roads in Kalamboli Warehouslng Compiex at Kalambo‖ 亡リ (CA No 09/CIDCO/EE`KLM‐ 1)′ 2011‐ 12) 10726 Approvaり Navi Transfer of shares A‖ otment Approved and to send to 6oM CP (Adm ment Sanpada Ralway Stauon tO secunty Guarcs Board for Brihamumbal and Thane DiStnct 10724 CP Directives u/s 37(1) M of the Establishment Gol.'l . Apploved the Mumbai. 11 pnndpに To s€ek in-principle approval of approvalヽ Permittjng Non-Residential activities plots allotted for Residential propose. oF eliqibilitv crite"a of Sai Prausthan′ 10 CS (PO Cyln― CS(Slatutory Compl● nce) GM(rTQsPl (Albmentl GM(rrMPl (ハ pp19り No modification in the deoson taken ln the Drevious meetinq. Approved To approach the GoM to oonvey ● dedsbn′ w it BR No 10173 27 Au9 2009 cE(s) “ No modm.ntion in the deciSon taken in the earlier meeting. Acceptance) Deta15 0f p10ts a‖ otted to PAPs under 12 50/o cuttsD scheme duttng the pe面 od from」 anuary 2012 (Applsal) N●ed to」 ulv′ 2012 for appnsa1 0f the Board │(;― / ゞι ヽ 1 S `。 16 10727 謂 ∫ 1蜃 CEINo両 ) (Adm ApFrO″aり 1酪 17 10728 CF(N) (“ m Appr2vaり 18 10729 GM(ITsP) 胸 O 19 昴 墨あぶ品lu為 ど171:Pl:IPI型 型 坐 」″ D 10 submit the ractual (Appnsaり rI ′ヽ 20 Δm● ぃH 10730 CP (P01Cyl ^ 2 :t脳 li ν D^″ ^:^^ ■ ● 10731 _ r雷 鸞 騰1薦渕 鵡』 '塑 Economlst (POl●の 一 22 24 11';ぷ鏃 Approval) CS 6● tutory COm口 ●nce) 10733 y'● `り ′ rid‖ 口Ing 靭辮 乱 m.改 f° 25 26 27 D 10735 D and ∽ nstr[lrtinn _F 「19Aま Lwこ h sect。 υ 満 kp熙駆 hiWP柵 産::評 cE(North) (Revised Adm. Appror'at& a [ nl驚 cE (sostr) (Revlsed MrD. Approrai & 邸器 [搬騰暉 篇 暮 欄蕪癬 軍 t° the CE (Sp) M(P) Approval) に hm面 L鮨 評 訥 晰 Waiung For cOnnrnation of the minrrt* ment画 亀du計に 濡 。 f『 :‰ Lynnrrnauon υererred Approved & to inform the υererred 馴 / 辞 /,I / .一 ゞ」 下 i鼎 :::) (日 nandal) (Adm 腱 solutll:lメ 多Й 一 = n∝ き 昴尋皇S:F雄 器用 :millド Mい nm調 ° :‰ ittf¨ ement w th詰 ヽ解 28 10734 cE(tlorU') (adm. ini臨 :W罰 LMBR α M ͡ [O impiement th( ResoluuOn withou 棚 10732 朧i uI晶 23 Ved and to send :::│° ′ 5 `・ 29 LMBR AIlounent Ofland admeasu面 ng 50′ 350 mtrs on Kharghar Hil‐ Top to M/s Plaunum Square Trust for Oub‐ cum― Entertainment 30 LMBR ( 32 10737 modifications No proposed in the declsion taken in prevrous meetinq. modifications No of Plot No 2, Sector ll′ Airo‖ ′to M/S Plaunum Entett nment and PIot No l, MM(II) Kharghar to M/s Approvaり proposed in the decislon taken in previous meehng Mcrs‐ III) Approved&to implement Entertainment 10736 (Adm Approvtlり A‖ oOnent Secto■ 2′ ヽ 31 MM(II) oO sq For PopcOm estab‖ shment of (Adm a Muluplex cum‐ Entetainment Centre Continuation oF preva‖ ing 「ates oF servlce charges For the pe甫 od upto 31 3 2013 (P01iCy) Grantin‐ Ad H(Rhb) Belapur vbhag sheぬ「i SamaJ Sanghatana (Adm. & for∞ nstru“ on oF balan∝ FSI of Community Centre to the Khan Kama Finance) ハ ͡ `0 輌 thout Wattng For cOnnrna10n of minutes modmcatrons proposed in the decision previous meetinq, No taken in 6\o ´ -sat 1‐ t- 4 -s{r 3 11 12 10738 541 311 12 10739 1 ^ 2 541 C hCl) gr,r h.l J oq 63,tl,12 Granflng Leave of CS absence cOnnrrnauOn Of ule Minutes of 540い Board Meetng held On 28 9 2012 31112 541 31112 541 31112 541 31112 10740 3 and conunued Meetng held On 19102012 Payment of exgratia to all OfficeG and Employees of 一 朧恥 541 31112 Allounent of premises NoC 2Ot at Sanpada Rly. Sh. to the Deputy Inspector General (Reglstration) and Dy. Collector, Sbmp, Konkan Dvsn., GM DeFer (rTsP) Mas‐ 1) 6 7 A consolidated policy to determlne Mい ‐III) the rates of addiuonal lease premium for gMng p€rmission to consume different types of FSI. lDgferred item in previous Meetino). Lease of Plot No.14, admeasuring sq. mtrs. in Sector-lg, Kharghar to the Institute of Chartered Accountants 31112 M(P) Thane. 10741 1386 541 CS Corporation, 4 ハ 541 4.6,r-ra 8 of CSSO To discuss in the Adj. meetino To discuss in the India Adl ISCAI), New Delhi. Fatt ComdOr on crM_Panvel CE(Sの HarbOur Line meeunq To discuss in the AdJ ͡ 541 31112 9 meetinq Regularisation carrled of me Oevetffient out after grdnt CP of discuss development permission within the approvable limits, but wlthout obtaining development permission on the plots allotted in Navi Mumbai (CIDCO jurisdiction) Formulaton of 541 31112 10 guidelines To in the Adl meeung - and procedure of reqularisation. (Defened item). Power Point Presentation: p6pEE modification u/s 37(t) of MR& Tp Act, 1966 in the sanctioned GDCR of Navl lYumbai for reconstruction or redevelopment CIDCO of constructed residential buildings in Navl [4umbal. (Deferred ltem). % St CP To discuss in the Adl meeting ͡ / l` ︶ 一 ′ “ ι 541 31112 11 Power POmt presentalon:AopOInし ment oF Sooew fOr prOmOuon Of Area Resource center(sPARC)for carrying out GM To IA rpOに ) in the Soci。 ― Base‖ ne discuss AdJ Economic Survey(BSES)lnduding meetlng Cadastral survey in M‖ ages afFected 4.M 5 4. 鋤 5 by the proposed Navi Mumbai 61112 lnterna」 onal AirpOrt Prolect. 10742 CS Granting leave of absence 611 12 6 A consolidated pollcy to detemjne M‐ m) the rates of addloonal lease premium for giving permission to 4. 5 comume different typ€s of FSI. (Deferred item in previous Meetino). j d A 61112 フ Lease oF Piot No 14′ admeasuttng 1386 sq ͡ i d A 8 4. 綺 5 ︲ 4 5 61112 6.1112 9 mtrs in secto「 ‐19′ Kharghar tO the lnsutute oF Chartered Accountants Of lndia 型 墜 墜 些 w Dehi Fast Corrdor on clM ‐Panvel Harbour une Regularisauon of Bre devetopnrent carried after gmnt of permission development within the out CSSO To @ntinue discussio n in nelt meetino CE(SP) CP Adl meeung approvable limits, but w'rthout obtaining development permission on the plots allotted ln Navl Mumbal (CIDCO jurisdlction) Formulation ︲ 4村 5 of 61112 10 ͡ guidelines - and procedure of reguiarisation. (Defened item). Powe「 Point Presen● uo鵬 PrOposed mOdnca10n u/s37(1)of M熙 贅IP Act,1966 in the sancboned GDCR of NaM Mumbai for reconstrutton o「 redevelopment Of CP discuss in the Adi. meeting cIDCO cons● ■cted residenual bu‖ dings in 541 AdJ 1■ ︲ 4村 5 61112 ● ● ^一 NavI Mumbai(Defered item) Power Point Presentation: Appointment of Society for Promotion of Area Resource Gnter (SPARC) for carrying out Baseline Socio- Economic Survey (BSES) tncluding Gdasb'al Survey in vtllages affected by the proposed Navi Mumbai Intemational Airport Proiect. Other de:ibera● Ons ユ Lokshah 2日 ‖ho uD VaCant OOst h CIDCo 3 To bke uD new HsO Proた Navi Mumbai To GM (AirpOrtl To discuss in me Adl. meeung dh ͡ ヽ ^ヽ ヽ 一 (tl _ ¨ ′ ′ ヽ `2 塀 、, ジ ´ 二 ●︰ ■ 1 61シ ︱ ‘, 一 542ND ACPUR R E N O mに e t i HOD ∝med 10743 Nature of proposal Sublect con‐ CS craco Granting Leave of Absence Com- pliance Dedslon of the Board Lea\€ of ,\b6encE grdnH to Shri Rahul Asurana, L.Radhaklshnan, Shrl V.S.Nahata & 2 “ 4 CS 10744 10745 cOnnma10n Of the Minutes of 541・ Bcad Meeting held On 3 11 2012 and AdJoumed M● 副 ng held on 6 11 2012 Action Taken Report in resped of Resolutions passed by the Bonrd in the followinq Board l4e€tinos: Meeting No 5 ^ J ●● _ 3 0 0 0 ͡ CS G 10746 Shd Wanlhede. Com● cOnnrmed Ibnce Compliance Noted Oom- Noted Date 1432012 2932012 2742012 536 537 To applse NouncabOns relat」 to CIDCO issued b/ υに邁n Deve opment Deptt′ pliance 6ovt of Maharashtra 5 CP Power Point Presentation: PrOpOsed mOdnO10n u/5 37(1)of MR&TP Act′ 1966 in the sanctioned CDCR of NaVI Policy Deferel Policy DeFe祠 Policy Defered Mumbai for reconstruction or redevelopment oF CIDCO cOnsmcted residenual 6 CP bulldings in NavI Mumbal a疱 ″ /ra77"ι 二 ″ ャ Re9ulansa10n Of the development “ `",camed out aFter grant oF development permission with n dle apprOvable lmits′ but wlu10ut obta ning deve opment perm`Jon on the p10ts allotted in Nav Mumba (ODCO ,ur SdiC10n)― FomulatiOn of guidelnes ͡ 嘔η フ 8 CE(SP) 9 CSSO and prOcedure of regualsabOn μりOπプ m“ ゴ 2M""η λ =● Power Pc nt `″ A consolidated Presentationi policy to determine the rates of additional lease preflium for giving permissioo to consume different types of FSI. (Defened iten @ 6,11.12 Meet-nd, Fast Co「 HdOr on erM‐ Panvd Harbour Fin, I uneJを たそ拗rピ 1輛 α7ι ゴ エ/2´ そ想 ,σ λ policy Lease of Plot N0.14, admeasuring“ 1386 Alotment sq. mEs, in Sector-lg, Kharghar to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), New Delhi. (Defend item on 5-11.12 Meetjnd- 63 Deferred Defered ′ 一 … ヽ ‐ … 613 ` ヽ ∞ n‐ R¨ 0 HOD No 3 N Item Nature of propGal Subled Dedslon of Ele Eoard celned 10 CE(SD 10747 CDnstruction of pipe out et structure on hOuing Pond No 2 at Do口 9m(cA No Rerised Adm 01/α OCO/RP/EttR1/201112 App07al (4ul● ‖) &Awa“ of work A CE(N) 10748 oevelopmert Wofk d Integrdled Infrasbudure under 12.5% sdl€me in Sedd-8 at Ulwe, Navi Mumbai. 12 CE(N) 10749 Des19n and cOnstructon oF日 皓 &uG infrastructure wo● 6 in Khargha「 ′NavI Mumbai 鰤 卜36 at to lrys. J.ll. Mhats€ Infra M.ttd, at [+] 45.5% [aM at C)13.97% lf compared with latest CSR of Ap四 ョ Aproved 1 I Financial & Adm. Approval Disctlwd On 18th& 19昴 Dec 2012 App∞ ved (Award of wOrk to M/s B C Shrke ͡ Constn Technolog/ Pvt ltd on ther 3S [Award of wc k to M′ s preFab industria12ed COnJビ uction technolo9/ as per various G● vt ^ J CE(N) 10750 Notln∽ 10ns and Revised Admin strabve Appronlfor he proi。 ■) Integrdted development of infcstuctlral 14 CE(N) 10751 Development of lntegrated lnfrattucture Woに CA0 10752 Financial of work ′Award 1フ CSSO 10753 10754 To submt the un audted Babnce sheet Appointment of Town Planning Officer for Appraisal Deferred Nm DeFered Adm Aoproved ん "′ SupPLEMENTARY CE(N) decid€d by V@i40, Approved Policy al譜 “ 20 Adm Approved ::‰ 話 un開 。 鵠嘉 → DOの Up9'ada● 。n also to seate one mo.e post of CAO. Distibution of work amoog th€m will be &prisal ― M(P) Noted. Board decid€d AppKlval OF S「 19 Thttkur infraprolects designation' and not 'by name'. OfFes n面 ved fOr ease of口 ot No 13吼 HE/1112 M(P) Approved [Awad of workto M/s various New Town projects ,ry admeasuttng 8000 M2 in Sdo■ 23′ CBD― Be apur for su」 ng up Med Ol related Profolonal ∞ ‖e9es under Scheme No 18 p眈 ht ud at(1802%)1 Board cAr田 K D Con― uons Ltd at(‐ 19%)1 of Wolk and Prort&Loss′ い∞unts For ule Ⅵ r ended 31 3 2012 For app● Isal of the “ 16 Approved lAward ofwokto M/s Finandal under 12 596 scheme in sdOr-17 at u崚,Nav Mumbal 15 B C Shllc∞ nttudlo● Techndogy pvt ttd] of balance roads (upto Stage-l), S,W. Drains etc. in Sedors-20&21 of 12.5% SctEme at Ulwe, l,lavi Mumbai. worlG ͡ call- 2011-12D. Adm Policy ,pe tenernents with shOps and on site App.o\€d. (Arxa.d of $/o.k- ,lul =謂 工TEMS Of POst Of Ldw OfF∝ r (DeFerred ltem) 10フ 55 CDnstuctbn Of「 ∞ds upto lst‐ ge Of 譴 躙 nl肥 ul躍 記罷撃fr」 駅1: a,Ongwiul bOx type culvert n ScOrs 56 糀 me d DrKllagn =澁 Approval αハ )ヽ もく ` /ヽ ′「 ´ ′ `1亀 con― 。 mN 面に HOD Nature of Sublは ﹁‘ cemed Fn ∽ nstruction oF Dam aooss Ba ganga R ver for Water Suppv to CIDCO areas in NaVI Mumbal ― Reease of Rs96 25 CElつ Decision of the Board proposal ApprC val u ures,Le 8yる 。f amount worked out on the basis of Ready ROoner Rate′ to KIDC For deposung t tO he ofr∝ of the To be taken up in the 欧 "d Meeung schedued to be he● on 26 12 2012 D/倒 lector(tand AcquS面 On)Ralgad for bnd AcqulsbOn oF Ba19anga Dam proiect 22 CEK勁 10756 frcm Golf CouEe to Taloja Creek at work lAwad ofぃ バ水 at Kharghar, Navi l.lumbai (Part-tr, lrom Ch. 900 ln. to ct1. 3205) - Award of Work to l',i/s. Shree Venkateshwara Infrasuuature h^. 23 ()185%bM/S Shree Venkateshwara lnfい に Ltd l Ltd. Award of Design and constmon Of Depot`um― CEKSP) Wo“ hop at Talola fOr NaVi Mumbai ͡ Work σp nI&HQソ 2011‐ 12)‐ Award oF Wok to M′ s]Kumar‐ CRTC('つ 24 MMII 10757 CE(S) 10758 (う Pollcy / The delay caused in panent oF sale pHce Adm. of Apartments alotted under the 'Unnati Hous ng Scheme'′ UIwe′ Nav Mumbal ― Approval Development oF infrastructure dist面 power bulon supply nemork Awarc of CE(SP) 669% Appro\rcd. Ho/vever, proper justification for grdnt of extenslon be highlighted in the proposal while seeking aooro/al from GoM. AoproVed [Award oF work‐ 3rd can‐ at(+lo36)tO M/s Lee“ POwertech NaM MumbJ(PhaSe I)′ P10r ty‐ IШ l[3rd Ca‖ ]― Awad of wok to M/s Engineers ht Ltd] Leena Powelth engineers Pvt Ltd Implementation of lleuo Rarl Project for Re/ised - Mm,& - Talole MIDC Kalamboli - Khandeshwar. Finandal Revised Administrative Approval for Metro Une 1 from B€lapur to Pendhar. ApForr'al Goneral ing inc uding 33 KV Sub― stauon equlpments and con¨ ■cuOn Of l1/04 KV HT Sub― ¨ いon and alled doCdcal work in Ulwe Belapur/Kharghar ͡ M馘 Wok Node′ 26 Board on 26 12 2012 Relaxauon or prcvisiOn made in the NMDЦ A)Regua10ns′ 2∞ 8 25 To be taken up in ule schedued to be hed metro une-1(cA No02/CIDttRP/SE t Approved Award of Training of exlstlng Storm water Channel Disorssioo on Dr. AmHkar To be taken up in he Board Meeung scheduled to be held on 26 12 2012 Bhavan constn. any ottrer item wittr tfre permission of the Ctair. 儡 rs / 61 ダ ` ヽ I輌 HOD BR No con― No cmed フ Boad of the Hefl€d in Polcy modification u/s 37(1) of FIR& TP Act, 1966 in the tlte meetings held at s.nctioned GDCR Nagpur. Proposed Deferred Pollcy in the meetngs held at Nagpur of gui(lelin€s and procedure of regularisadon. 嘔D ハ Decision of Navl Mumbai for recorEtruction or redevelopment of CIDCO const ucted residential buildrngs in Mvi tilumbai lDefend iEn on 6.11.12 Meetiru). Regularisatron of the development cnnied out after grant of development permissioo wlthin the appiovable limits, but without obbining ds,/elopment permisslon on fte plots allotted in Navi l'iumbai (CIDCO Jurisdictlon) - Formulation CP 6 Nature Of proposal Power Polnt Pres€ntation: CP 5 Sublect (Oelered item on 6.11.12 Mtrtitd. Pcwer pdnt Preen3oO配 A∞ nsddated po cy to in Defened Policy the determine the rates oF addn ona lease prem um meetings held at for g vlo9 permission to consume diFferent types Nagpur of FSI 8 CE(SD 9 CSSO 18 ∠ ι わり貿′ を97● 77`′ ゴ′2″ り _ “ “ Harbour une FaSt ∞ mdor on CSTM ―Panvel ゴ′2″a,“′ μり0■ プ 勧 “ `′ admeasulng 1386 5q mtrS Lease of Plot No 14′ 19, Kharghar to tt lnsttute of in S(Klo「 ‐ Chartered Accoun■ nts oF india(ICAI)′ New Deh イ の 0田 ″′ ηの a″ ′2″ ″ り M(P) `α Fin / DeFered in the policy meeungs held at Naoou「 A‖ Otmen t Deferred in meeungs Nagpur held DeFered in “ meetings M(P) 0Egadationgradation of post of Law officer (Deferred Adm CS the at in the Deferred meetings held at Item) ■ at held Naqpur 19 the 10759¬ Granungに ave oF absence Complia nce ͡ NaoDur Rahul Asthana Sh「 i & shl L Radhakrishnan ‘ , 23 C氏 9 CE(SPl 10760 10フ 61 Construction of Dam across Balganga RNer for Water Supply to CIDCo areas in Navi l4umbai Release of fu.96.25 crores. i,e 80o/o of amount worked out on the basis of Ready Reckoner Rate, to KDC for depositing it to the office of the Dy. Collector (tand Acquisition) Raigad for Acauisition of Balqanqa Dam Project DeJgn and constructbn of DepOt― ct Workshop n‐ Fin. Approval mation of minutes. Land at Tal● a For NaM Mumbai metro une l(o No 02/CIDCO/RP/SE (TP II:田 Q)/201112) ‐ Awa“ oF Wo代 PRO 10フ 62 10763 of vhiio Rail Proiect ror Belapur/Kharghar - Taloje l4lDC Kalamboli Khandeshwar. Revised Adm. Approval for l'1etro Line 1 from Belapur to Pendhar. iidernenta-tion Approval of the Board to contribute Rs,15.00 CRTC('V) at(‐ 66% Revに ed Adm& Financtal App「oval Approved ― ) wittr certain modifications. 憲 辮i7ダ Approved F nancial Fin. Approval 禦 ´ `C Kumar ^ ^´ lakhs as financial assistance For Akhil Agri Samaj Parishadeche 7b Maha Aadiveshan oraganised by Akhil Aaqn Senrai Panshad, Panvel-Raigad. 〕 ・鯰 27 CE(SD App● ved AIvard of work to M/s Award oF Work to M/s'Kumar CRTG(」 V) 26 Approved and to implement without waiting for confir- くγ イ ノ l″ ,‐ ′ ― 1ド π :nlド ■ 1:′ = con‐ BR No SubJ“ ︵ ゞ 3 ■0766 CS 脚 hdd餞 mる 2ギ 柵 到I11‖ ゃ L 二 一 10765 Absence I I″ CS of 一 ヽ , 2 Granting Learc 1 ・¨¨ 10764 一 い ′ ´ ″ ■ ″ ・ ヽ・ CS 、 ■ 、 ”ヽ 一 1 IW■ Pnnr;aE 警鷲 111ギ : : :― t ‐ 、岬 ::「 I:、 ││,( │││::││:│llil:llllllll::││ [:││:III:iil:││: Mah― 112t113 4 CE(S) 10767 ´ ヽ′ dunng l 12"2.や ( 1.1 Po$r.f, Polrt R€se'lt 6q|j.r€f ■ 、 ヽ =●pmsal KDC oo EalgangE Dam roed.(6i per dir€cti\,€s of th€ Eoad' fh.' li卜 S 26.2.m12). , ,. j Po{er Polit Pr€scitdqri CP 、ド 一 cemed 蹴難 NO, HOD ¨ ¨ ヽ ,,. :師 `嘔 ,1'11 tli【 :■ cr― 饉 」` 輸 躇 輸 鞠 modifiGtirr u/s. 3{1)r;of MR& TP Ad, 1966 in the sando.Bi GDCR of Navi Mumbai . for reconst'uction or r€deEloprn€rt d 機 Deed PtEp.E€d 6 CP 10768 (M: t4etino). :.. Ⅲ歯 n3蕊 1潔 app「 α able lmlじ "1穏but 潔鵠∬ ͡ 卜″ “ ゛ 一 一 中 ¨ ・ ・ CIDCO con*uded ,6i&ttiiil building6 in lGvi Mwrl.tui. itan ot16.11.12 Regu● ● sau¨ ず the“線 Apprded 。 obtaining deve10pment l III) 8 9 CE(SP) CSSO ι 2謂 鵬of 胤∬ Lease ││││:'│ Fln ′ : ●01Cy‐ sq. mtrs, tn Sedor-lg, to $e lnstitute of Chartered Accounhnts of rIndE ' (ICAJ), New Delhl. 1386 Kharghar . │ Plot N0.14, adnieaiuring , l 響 叩 r11.■ │ ﹂ 、 ■ ・ 〓 ´ ´ , Mい JIィ ‐ , 7 サ ル 一 ¨ ・ ¨ 一 ¨ ” , , 11111 111彎 │ 1 .:● : 1 0eFered i 〔 │ ■ 1 (Defdfed item on 6.11.12 Meetirc). C7 ⑮ ノ ● らロ らキ ■ Item HOD BR No oon― No 10 cerned M(P) CE(N) UpgGdaUon of PRO as l4arEgs (@rporate Communication) ln llle ,l cadre of Sr. D.O. (Mqed lbi) on of pOst Of Law“ │:11 (DeF― Itm) up― grada● 輸 Khn to 10TL D― CE(N) 10769 14 PRO 10770 │ g“ 瓢 曲 織 H電鰤 蜘 ¨ P― n =,1 ■ liキ 11塾 I 一 ¨ 13 ド空責撃 酔 wide │ r﹂ 14 す . .│' t`… Sb€rEtienirE/RestuturnE Arterial Road [36 DeFered lkv “ 騨= 12 Sub10ま ﹂ “ ﹂ ¨ ﹁ ヽ 一 M(P) Dedsion of the Eoard pr-1 蹴押 11 nture of │=響 │ by K― │「 ‐ 1111111 語i∼ 1) 1'IIギ =:ifl. ,i :● Itilili 11 : , '1,.111 1 11‐ 1::il=・ ■ ` :i: )` │ ■ 「 一 ¨ 一 一 一一 一 ・ 一 一 ・ 一 一 一 ・ 一 ・ ヽ ﹁ 一 ﹁ で , こ一一 一 ・ 一 r一 一 一 ヽ・ ・ ■一 〓 ● , ︱ │ ︰ , , ( ^ cヽ & 1‐ ::´ 方 ナ ′り 一︱ イ )9ィ 9C MASIR INDEX OF AGENDA rTEMS TRANSAclLD DURING THE 544 H BOARD MEEnNG HELD ON 16 3 2013 AT'NIRMAL' CORPOARTAE GOVERNANCE SHEET ハ Decislon of the Board Granting Leave of Granted to Shri Absence Radha Krishnan, &shn v s ͡ Nahata ヽ Lonfirmation of the Minutes of 543rd Board Meeting held on 8.1.2013 at 'Nirmal'. 10772 Compliance Confirmed with certain modifical'^ tions in back ground Pertainitl to the subject or 'Balganga' 10773 OSD (NAINA) Appointnrent of cIoCO as Speciat Planning Authonty(SPA)fDr the Navi Mumbai A rpOrt lnnuence Notined Appraisal Noted With the directives to b百 鳴 a detailed note m staFFng patter Area(NAINA) vis visら ‐ modus Operandi for thi〔 Prolect ハ 10774 ▲ Atton Taken RepOt h res膵慧 Of Resolutions passed bY the Board in the following Board lileetings: 538 772012&1472012 539 382012&3082012 540 2892012& Appraisal Noted 19102012 541 3112012&6112012 Power Point Presentatlon: A consolidated policy to determine the rates of additional lease premium for POncy& Fianancial ApproVed with certain ギ ξ9 」 ツ bl, giving permission to consume different types of FSL decision modifrcations ln case of IT/ Residential Hot€ plot- 25 o/o of Premium determined by Govt will be charged while granting (Deferred item on 6.11.12 Meeting). Additional FSI. This 25 o/o is in addition to Govt determination ol ALP , which is al present shared I NMMC, CIDCO and Govt at the ratio of 50o/o, 25o/o and 25 o/o respectively, Strengthening/Re-structuring of Arterial Road [36 M wide road] from Khopta to IOTL, S€ctor-l at Dronagiri. (Deferred Item) 10777 4 M(TS-rn) Approved, but t( implement only after MD's visit i site Approval for appointment of Committee consisting of experts for examining the'Techno-Economic Feasibility' of Waluj Mahanagar Project, as per the directives of Govemment. Adm. Approval Approved with modifications ar to bring the report within on month. Request of Central ReseNe Police Force to waive the DPC accrued on Financial Approval Deferred with direc-tives to I4(TSIII) to rep suitably to the letter of CRPF, quoting the condi-tions stipulated in the Agmt to Lease, the first instanc( and to bring the the arrears of service charges payable for the land admeasuring 50 acres at Kharghar. 70 1i-- I b19 Board. 9 10778 cE(s) Development of land near Village Vadghar ear-marked for Resettlement of Airport Project Affected Villages Award of work (Part-I/A). ; Approved with condition to hav a separate monitor-ing cell for quality control. 10 10フ ア9 Sr Revision of Reserve Prices of all the Policy & Economist New Towns for the remaining Period Financial of the year 2012-13 (from 1.10 2012 to 31.3.2013) and also for the Year 2013-14 in New Aurangabad, New Nashik, New Nanded & Waluj implication involved Delegation was given VC&M to revise the rat by compare the rates of Ready Reckoner (R/R) to applicable for those areas and any such revisio should not be le than the rates o Mahanagar, R/R. Decision of the Board 10780 Chikaldhara Hill Station Notified Area using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (LiDAR) Revised Approved Adm. Approval Technology. (cA No.01/CIDCO/ACE -opographicatsurveyof (r&NrysE(DyEE(NGP) I Zott-t2 Revised Administrative Approval due to inclusion of additional area of 710 10781 Construction of roads upto 1st stage of asphalting including storm water drains and balance sewer line worK in Sector-27 under 12.5olo scheme at Dronagiri. Adm. Approval 謬ヾ In-principle approval was given and VC&P will 90 to site ar then to decide f, implementation th 6a) 10782 cE(N) Construction of roads upto 1st stage of asphalting including storm water drains and balance sewer line work5 in Sectors 47 & 48 under 12.5olo scheme at Dronagiri, Adm Approval 14 10783 cE(N) Integrated development of balance infrastructural works of Roads (upto Stage-I), S.W. drains, Sewerage & Water Supply etc. in S€ctor-23 under 12.5olo Scheme at Ulwe, Navi Mumbai. Award of Work ︰ ︵ . . ヽ 13 -do- 3rd Party Qualib audit to be mad applicable. The system followed in BMC for 3rd Party Quality Control Audit be explored and same be follow in CIDCO and tl' agencies empa- nelled in BMC may also be empanelled in CIDCO, Eリ ´ 0 17 10784 cE(N) Development of Infrastructure works under 12,50/o scheme in Sector-16 at Ulwe, Navi l4umbai, Award of -DO- 10785 rY(rs-1) Transfer charges for the period from 1.4.2013 to 31.3.2014 Policy Approved 10786 M(TS-nr) Determination of rates of service charges for the year 2013-14 Policy Approved ^ ヽ′ . 72 G夕 Item BR No HOD SubJect Nature of proposal Decision of the Financial assistance/spOnsOrsh p From Financial CIDCO to MP SanJay Pa日 I Chasak and MLA BhalJagtap(hasak approval organized by Radheya Sanskritik Kala Deferred with a direction to evolve a policy guidelines and bring the same Krida′ Chirle beFore No Board concerned 18 Def PRO t FIoOd‖ ght Cricket Tournament 19 Def PRO Financial assも tance/sPOnsOrship From Financial CIDCO to Aagri‐ Ko‖ Mahotsav 2013 approval Financial assistance/sponsorship from CIDCO to Navi Mumbai Mahila Financial the Boar( do ヽ 20 DeF PRO ͡ do apprcval Mahotsav 2013 organised by Sri covardhini Sarvajanik Seva Sanstha, Z ¨ Def PRO Financial assistance/sponsorship from CIDCO to Akhll Bharatiya Flarathi Sant Financial do approval Sahitya Samelan, Navi Mumbai organised by Varkari Sahitya Parishad, N4aha 22 table 10787 GM (IT&SP) rashtrr. TO TAKE PREMISES IN NIRMAL OR IN NEARBY VICINHY AREA item ハ ヽ "` 73 ADMN APPROVAL APPROVED & t implement without waitin( ior confirmatio of l4inutes CS 544 1632013 10771 1 Granting Leave 5“ 1632013 10772 2 cOnnrmatiOn of the Minutes oF 543rd of Absence CS Board Meeting held on 8 1 2013 at 'Nirmar 5“ 1632013 10773 3 10774 OSD 劇an雨 ng Authodty(SPAl for the NaⅥ (NAINA) Mumbal A rpOrt lnnuence Notlned Area(NAINA) Action Taken Report in resPect of CS Resolutions passed bY $e Board in the following Board l4eetings: 538 772012&147.2012 382012&3082012 539 2892012&19102012 540 1632013 路 AppOintment oF CIDCO as Specal 4 ハ 3112012&6112012 541 544 1632013 10775 Power Point Presentation: 5 A Mcrs_lII) consolidated policy to determine the rates of additional leas€ premlum for consume giving permission to different types of FSI. (Deferred ltem on 6.11.12 Meeting)544 16.32013 10776 ng mCtu‖ 6 Arte百 al °f CE(N) Road[36 M Wide rOad]frOm Khopta to I(用 , SdOr‐ l at Dronagri(DeFe― 544 1632013 10777 フ ハ for aPPointment of CP Committee consisting of experts for examining the Techno-Economic Feasibility' of Waluj Mahanagar Project, as Per the directives of AgrproGl- Government. 544 16.3.2013 Def 8 Re+rest of Cntral Reserve Police MOS‐ II) Force to waive the DPC accrued on the arrears of service charges payable for the land admeasuring 50 acres at Kharghar. 544 1632013 10778 9 Devdopment of bnd near V‖ hge CE(S) Vadghar ear‐ marked fOr Resettlement of AirpOrt Prolect AfFected V‖ 544 1632013 10779 10 lages(P峰 evhlon of Reserve Prices of all the New Towns for the remaining Period Sr Economist 71 ^ ¨ ﹂ ´ 0 S of the year 2012-13 (from l 10 2012 to 31.32013)and JSO fOr the year 2013‐ 14 in NeW Aurangabad′ New Nashi` New Nanded 8t WaluJ Mahanaga「 544 1632013 10780 CE(N) Topographical survey of Chlkaldhara 11 H‖ l Station Notned Area using TerrestiJ Laser Scan面 ng(JDARl Techぃ o ogy (CA No.01/CIDCO/ACE ‐ (I&N⊃ /SE(D)/EE(NGP)/2011-12 ReVised Administrauve Approval due to inclusion of addiuonal area of 710 Ha. 544 16.32013 10781 12 ^ Construction of roads upto 1st stage CE(N) of asphalting Including storm water drains and balance sewer line works in Sector2T under 12.5c% scheme at Dronagiri. 544 路 1632013 1632013 10782 10783 13 14 Construction of roads upto 1st stage CE(N) of asphalting including storm water dralns and balance s€wer llne works in Sectors 47 & 48 under 12.5% scheme at Dronaqiri. Integrated development of balance CE(N) infrastructural works of Roads (upto Stage-I), S.W. drains, Sewerage & Water Supply etc. in sector-23 under Ulwe, Navi 12.57o Scheme at Mumbai, 1632013 10784 5“ 16.32013 10785 Cυ l‘ 544 ハ 1 16 Development of Infrastructure worKs CE(N) under 12.5olo scheme in Sector-16 at tllwe. Navi Mumbai. Transfer charges tor me penOo rrOm M(TS l) 1 4 2013 to 31 3 2014 544 1632013 10786 17 _ うeterminauOn of rates oF service char● es for the year 2013‐ 544 16.32013 Def 18 Financial 14 asSiStance/sponsorsnlp PRO from CIDCO tO MP Sanlay Patl chasak and MLA Bhal'agtap Chasak Flood‖ 9ht Cncket TOurnament organi2ed Kala Krida′ 544 Mcrs‐ ■1) 1632013 Def 19 Financial by Radheya ChiHe Sanskritik asSiStance/sponsorsnlp From CIDCO tO Aagn‐ Kol MahO理 69 7⊆ PRO 544 1632013 Def 2013 日nanda assls● nce/SponsOrsh p PRO From CIDCO to Navi Mumbai Mah‖ a Mahotsav 2013 o「 ganised by Sri 20 Govardhini sarvalanik Seva Sanstha 544 1632013 Def Financial 21 assistance/sponsorsh ip from CIDCO to PRO Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sant Sahitya Samelan, Navi Varkari Mumbai organised Sahitya Parishad, Maharashtra. by 54 1632013 10787 22 table i■ m TO TAKE PREMISES IN NIRMAL OR IN NEARBY VICINITY AREA ハ ͡ 7` GM(rT& SP)
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