Servo motor『MP series』 ■We utilize servo technology has proven extensive inin- house industrial robots worldwide market share. ■This servo has the advantage of low cost motor knowledge of the world's top consumer market share. ■Servo motor has its own factory in China more than two million u units nits per month. ■Servo motor encoder is a product develop ed internally. ★Motor Press Press case adoption It It is lineup as for □42(50W/100W) □62(200W/400W)□ 62(200W/400W)□80(750W) ★Encoder 1x 1x 1x Magnetics Magnetics absolute encoder (12 bit/multi turn) This This encoder becomes possible so far making to the gap wider than than the type, and secures secures high productivity and reliability. ★Driver Board off multi axis Board type to separate power supply and drive in consideration o servo servo application. Drive Drive circuit is One model of 750W. Power Power supply circuit is Three models of ~200W/~ 200W/~400W/~ 400W/~750W. 750W. The The case optional is set. 【Applications】 ■Robot ■textile machinery ■general industrial machinery ■semiconductor and of device related to liquid crystal manufacturing food manufacturing machine etc ◆ Motor Model MP101 MP101 N R at ed ed Output P ower Sign R ated O utput MP500 50W(□42) MP101 100W(□42) MP201 200W(□62) MP401 400W(□62) MP751 750W(□80) B a s i c S p e c M Sign Shaft Type S Str aight K Key D D Cut A A Cut (Double-sided ) Vo lt age S pecif icat ion 01 S pecificat ion Num ber Enco der S pecificaion Sign B re ak N Without break Sign volta ge Sign S pecificat ion A 24V with br eak 2 AC200V~230V M 1xMT 3 DC2 4V N NxMT 4 DC4 8V U UVW ◆ Motor Specification It em S 2 AC 200V 200 V ~230V 230 V S p ec ifica tion Un it Volta ge 200V Motor Mod el (MP□□□□□ □□) 500□2□M 101□2□ M 201□2□M 401□2□M 75 1□2□M F la n ge □42 □42 □62 □62 □80 Dr iver Mod el DJ23D01 Ra te a d Out pu t W 50 100 200 400 750 Ra te d Torq u e N・ m 0.159 0.318 0.637 1.273 2.387 R ated I nsta nte ou s Ma x To rqu e N・ m 0.477 0.955 1.910 3.820 7.162 Ra te d S p ee d rp m 3000 Max Ra te d S p ee d rp m 5000 4500 Rot or W it h o u t B ra ke 0.020 0.034 0.127 0.196 1.563 kg・ kg ・ ㎡× 10 ⁻ ⁴ In e rtia with Bra ke 0.027 0.041 0.175 0.244 1.867 Ra d ia l( 75 75 220 240 310 l( P dire c tion) tion) N Ad mit T hr ust 70 70 80 115 170 load T hr ust (B d ir ec tion) 120 120 165 200 270 tion) N E nc ode r 12bit ABS se rial commu nication DC 24V 24V ~ 48 V 項 目 B a s i c S p e c 単 位 仕 様 Vol tage DC24V DC48V Mo tor Mod el (MP□□□□□□□) 500□3□M 101□3□M 500□4□M 101□4□M 201□4M□ 401□4□M Fla nge □42 □42 □42 □42 □62 □62 Driv er Mo del DJ33D01 後日発表予定 R ate ad Ou tpu t W 50 100 50 100 200 400 Ra ted To rque N ・m 0.159 0.318 0.159 0.318 0.637 1.273 Rated Insta nteous Ma x T orque N ・m 0.477 0.955 0.477 0.955 1.910 3.820 Ra ted Sp ee d rpm 3000 3000 Ma x R ate d Sp eed rpm 4500 4500 R oto r W it ho u t B ra ke 0.020 0.034 0.020 0.034 0.127 0.196 kg・ kg ・ ㎡ × 10 ⁻⁴ Iner tia wit h Bra ke 0.027 0.041 0.027 0.041 0.175 0.244 Ra di al( 75 75 75 75 220 240 al( P di rec tio n) n) N Adm i t Thr ust 70 70 70 70 115 115 loa d Thru st (B d ire ctio n) 120 120 120 120 200 270 n) N Enco de r 12bit ABS serial communication 使 用 周 囲 条 件 Tim e ra tin g Continuous Oper ati ng T em p erat ure 0℃~40℃(Non-condensing) Sto rage T em pe ratu re -20℃~65℃(Non-condensing) Op era er a ti ng Hu mi dit y 20~85%Rh(Non-condensing) Sto re atm o sp her e No corrosive gas Vib rati on c lass V 15 (JEC2121) Du rab ili ty ty Vib rat ion 10~150Hz Acceleration 100m/s2 Du rab il ity Sh ock Motor 200m/s2 XYZ Each direction 3 Tim es IP R ati ng IP50 ※ The ambient conditions, AC200V ~ 230V DC24V · 48V and a common design. ◆ Encoder Specification ■配線仕様 Basic specification 単位 V mA 仕 様 D C 5± 1 0 % 2 0 b e lo w O p e ra t i n g Te m p e r at u r e ℃ %RH 20~ 20 ~ 80( 80 ( N o Dewf al) al) St o ra ge T em pe r at ur e %RH - 1 0~ 0 ~ 90 ( N o De wf al) al ) E x te rn al ma gn e ti c fi e ld d i st ur ba n ce M a g ne t m o m r nt I n e r t ia Ma s s 0 ~7 5 mT W i t h in ± 2 g・c ㎡ 0.85 g 11 . 5 b el o w ◆ Externals size ・Torque Rotation Characteristic ■ 50W 50W Co n te n ts IN IN OUT OUT OUT OUT - Main power Blind Signals External capacito r External Battery +Data Request -Data Request +Communication clock -Communication clock +Communication data ‐Communication data 50W DC280~320 V(AC200~230V系) [Standard] 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 6000 1.5 5000 1.25 瞬時動作領域 Peak run ning range 4000 1 電流値 Current 3000 0.75 連続動作領域 Co ntimuo us r unning 2000 1000 0.5 0.25 0 電流値 Current (Arms) Op e ra ti ng T em pr at ur e Ⅰ/O 0 0 0. 1 0.2 0. 3 負荷トルク Lo ad Tor que [N・m ] 0.4 0. 5 50W DC24V 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 6000 12 5000 10 電流値 Cur rent 4000 瞬時動作領域 Peak running range 3000 連続動作領域 2000 Co ntimuou s r unning 1000 8 6 4 2 0 [With brake付 brake付] 電流値 Current (A) Cu r re nt C on su mp ti on Te rm in al VCC GND CAP BAT +REQ -REQ +CLK -CLK +DO -DO NC FG 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 負荷トルク Lo ad Tor qu e [N・m ] 50W DC48V 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 6000 12 5000 10 瞬時動作領域 Peak runnin g range 電流値 Curr ent 4000 3000 8 6 連続動作領域 Co ntimuo us r unning 2000 1000 4 2 0 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 負荷トルク Load Torque [N・m] 0.4 0.5 電流値 Current (A) 項 目 Vo l t a ge Pin No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ◆ Externals size ・Torque Rotation Characteristic ■ 100W 100W 100W DC280 ~3 20V(AC200~230V) 3 5000 2.5 瞬時動作領域 Peak running range 4000 2 電流値 Current 3000 1.5 連続動作領域 Cont imuous ru nning 2000 1000 電流値 Current (Arms) 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 6000 [Standard] 1 0.5 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 負荷トルク Load Torque [N・m ] [With Brake] 18 5000 15 4000 12 電流値 Cu rrent 3000 9 連続動作領域 Cont imuous ru nning 2000 1000 電流値 Current (A) 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 100W DC24V 6000 6 瞬時動作領域 Peak running range 3 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0. 6 0.8 1 負荷トルク Load T orque [N・m] 10 0W DC4 8V 18 5000 15 瞬時動作領域 Pe ak runni ng r ange 4000 12 電流値 Cur rent 3000 9 連続動作領域 Co ntimuo us r unning 2000 1000 6 3 0 電流値 Current (A) 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 6000 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 負荷トルク Load T orque [N・m] ■ 200W 200W [Standard] 6000 6 5000 5 瞬時動作領域 Peak running range 4000 3000 4 連続動作領域 Contimuous running range 2000 1000 3 電流値 Current 2 電流値 Current (Arms) 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 200W DC280~320V(AC200~230V) 1 0 0 0 0.5 [With Brake] 1 1.5 負荷トルク Load Torque [N・m] 2 6000 30 5000 25 瞬時動作領域 Peak running range 4000 3000 1000 15 電流値 Current 連続動作領域 Contimuous running range 2000 20 10 5 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 負荷トルク Load Torque [N・m] 2 電流値 Current (Arms) 回転数 Rotation(r/min) 200W DC48V ◆ Externals size ・Torque Rotation Characteristic ■ 400W 400W [Standard] 400W DC280~320V(AC200~230V) 12 5000 10 瞬時動作領域 Peak running range 4000 3000 8 6 連続動作領域 Contimuous running range 2000 1000 電流値 Current 4 電流値 Current (Arms) 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 6000 2 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 負荷トルク Load Torque [N・m] 3.5 4 回転数 Rotation (r/min) 6000 45 40 電流値 Current 5000 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 瞬時動作領域 Peak running range 4000 3000 連続動作領域 Contimuous running range 2000 1000 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 負荷トルク Load Torque [N・m] 3.5 電流値 Current (Arms) 400W DC48V [With Brake] 4 ■ 750W 750W [Standard] 7 50 W DC 2 80 ~32 0V( A C2 0 0~2 3 0V ) 6 00 0 8 回転数 Ro tati o n (r /min ) 3 φ 70 - 0.03 φ 10 2 0 0 55 MAX 口 80 5 00 0 4 00 0 3 00 0 2 00 0 16 電流値 C ur re n t 14 瞬時動作領域 Pe ak ru n ni ng ra nge 12 10 8 連続動 作領域 Co nt i muo us ru n ni ng 6 4 1 00 0 2 0 0 Φ 60.6 Φ 70 - 0.03 [With Brake] 35 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 負荷ト ルク Loa d To r que [N・m ] 7 8 電流値 C urr en t (A rms) 145.8 35 Servo Driver・Power Supply DRIVER【 DRIVER【DJ23D01】 DJ23D01】 POWER SUPPLY【 SUPPLY【DP21P01】 DP21P01】 POWER SUPPLY【 SUPPLY【DP21P02】 DP21P02】 POWER SUPPLY【 SUPPLY【DP21P03】 DP21P03】 ◆ OPTION Driver Case Driver Case 型番: 型番: AP00101 Power Supply Case Configuration tool 型番: 型番: AP00301 型番 : AP00601 Hea rt Sink 型番: 型番: AP00201 ◆MOTOR・ MOTOR・DRIVER・ DRIVER・POWER SUPPLY COMBINATION(Example) COMBINATION(Example) To 200W, To400W to750W power supply will be controlled by one until the motor. To 200W (EX) To 750W (EX) 200 W Power Suppl y Ser vo Driver 50 W Motor Ser vo Driver 100 W Motor 750 W Power Suppl y Ser vo Driver 50 W Motor Ser vo Driver 200 W Motor Ser vo Driver 400 W Motor Ser vo Driver 100 W Motor ◆ ドライバ型番 ドライバ型番の 型番の見方 DJ 2 3 電圧仕様 電圧 記号 管理番号 モータ瞬時最大電流 モータ瞬時最大電流 DC280V~320V (AC200V~230V) 2 D01 記号 出力電流 3 15A以下 ◆ Specifications of Servo drive Items M ai n C i rc u i t P o we r S u ppl y In pu t P o wer Su pp ly P o we r C o nt ro l Ci rc u i t C on t ro l m o de C o n tro l I n pu t Co n tr o l O ut pu t In pu t Pu l se Ou tpu t P u l se 仕 様 DC280~320V -15%~+10% (AC200~230V -15%~+10% 相当) DC24 V ±10% 100 mA(Typ. ) Posi tio n Con trol Se rvo ON, e rror reset, re ady supply, com mand pul se input is disabled, the devi ation cou nte r cle ar, P / PI control switchi ng Servo mode, errors , Po sitioni ng com ple tio n m a xi m u m c o m m a nd pu l se f re q ue n c y 2M pps In pu t p ul s e si gn al f o rm Position com man d pul se / direction Ou t pu t pu l se si gn al f o rm Position pulse encoder (AB-phase quadrature pul se si gnal, Z-phase pulse index) T uning Chunin gum ente nansusofu to 『HPSM T』 more coordi nated Prote ctiv e Fu nc tion Overvoltage, ove rspeed, overcu rrent, overl oad, overheat, encoder error, excessive posi tio n deviation, param eter e rror Ala rm tra ce -b a ck ca pa b ilit y C on trol sch e me Alarm History fe ature information Three-ph ase sine wave PWM inverter drive En c od e r Fe e db a ck Absolu te en coder (up to 12 bit) ※Addition al batteries available ※ Mu lti -tu rn C ontrol sign al Pu lse sign a l I n- p u t O ut - p u t I n- p u t O ut - p u t C om mu n ica tion fu nc tion Dyn a mic Bra ke Op era tin g T e m pe rat u re Stor age Op era tin g hu mid ity Stor age A lt itud e Vibr ation Photocoupler input (24V isolated system, 5 points) Open collector output (24V system insulation, 3 pts) Position command signal (point 1), EIA-422 differential Position encoder signal (point 1), EIA-422 differential Half-duplex asynchronous serial communication 1ch (multidrop) EIA-485 differential Built-in 0~55℃(No freezing) -20~65℃ (guaranteed maximum temperature: 17 humidity hours but less than 72 ℃ 80% Rh) 20~85%Rh or less (Non-condensing) 20~85%Rh or less (Non-condensing) 1000m or below 5.8m/s2(0.6G)以下10~60Hz((not avail abl e in continuous res onant frequency) ◆ Dimensions ◆ Case ◆ Wiring Diagrams P 24 V(+) Circuit breaker 24V Powe r Power failure PLC G 24V(24V(-) Pulse train signal DC280 V L N Power Supply Noise Filter Driver CN 5 N CN 10 CN 9 CN 8 CN 4 P CN 7 N CN 3 RG Magnetic contactor CN 2 P1 CN 3 W Y D R r e w o P AC200V Power Supply N L CN 1 U CN 11 CN 12 CN 1 P CN 2 V CN 4 R CN 7 CN 5 T CN 10 CN 6 FG FG Regenerative (Customers Prepared) Configuration Tool(option) Encoder cable Power Cable ◆ Model DP 2 Volta ge Specif icat ions S ign V olt age age 2 DC280V~320V (AC200V~230V系) 1 P01 P01 Ra te d Ou tpu t Rat ed C ur r ent Sign Out put C ur r e nt Sign Rat ed Out put 1 5A or less P01 To 200W P02 To 400W P03 To 750W ◆ Specification of Power Supply Item Model Motor Volt age F requency Input Power Ca pacit y Circuit Brea ker Output Ra ted DC output curr ent Re ge n e rat ive r e sist an c e ( Co n n e c tio n ) R egenera tiv e Power Ca pa city Oprea ting ting T amp e ra tu r e St ora ge Oprea ting ting Hu mid ity St ora ge Stor age Atmospher e Alt itude pr oof v ibra tion Dielect ric st reng th v olta ge Specification DP21P01 200W 約0.5KVA 10A 1.5A -(*1) -(*1) DP21P02 400W AC200V~230V 50Hz/60Hz 約0.9KVA 10A 2.5A 47Ω 20W 0~55℃ (No Freezing) DP21P03 750W 約1.4KVA 15A 4A 47Ω 20W -20℃~65℃(guaranteed maximum temperature: 17 humidity hours but less than 72 ℃ 80% Rh) 20~85%Rh or less (non-condensing) 20~85%Rh or less (non-condensing) No corrosive and explosive gases. 1000m or less above sea lev el 2 5.8m/s (0.6G)以下10~60Hz(Continuous use of non-resonant frequency) Primary - groun d betwee n AC1 50 0V, 1 minu te (sen sitivity cu rre nt 2 0m A) c an with stan d ◆ Dimensions DP21P01 ( DP21P01 (To (To 200W 200W) DP21P02 DP21P02 (To (To 400W 00W) DP21P03 DP21P03 (To (To 750W 750W) ◆ Option Driver Case ( Model: : AP00101) ) Power Supply Case ( Model: : AP00301) ) Heart Sink (機種名: ) 機種名: AP00201) <販売元> < 開 発 ・製 造 元 > 営業推進部 〒 141-0032 東京都品川区大崎 1丁目 20-13 TEL:03-5740-3006 FAX :03-6843-3123 Printed in Japan Nov.2010
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