Ⅲ ‖ Ⅲ棚‖ 03266573 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,DAVIS PURCHASE ORDER REPR:N丁 《]′ :じ )Pヽ student Health ` wollness Center BUSINESS CENTER′ MS 0400 o● viョ ′cA ″°:ucD47028 プ ROom #1301 95616-52'0 AC00unt3 Payab■ e Student xealth ` Rollne3S Cent One ShieldB Avenuo x!.y equipmnr ie Located it Roon *1301 rocat€d in rh. studenr s..1nh ! oer lness Euifdino C● いoず N/A ― Maintenance and Servioo AgrOOment for Phll'PB Digital Diagno日 tio 3 o Fir8t Year Bo9ingヽ 07′ 11/2014 EndB` N/A 28686 0000 ,114,744 00 ,l14.744 00 10 00 07/10/2015 Philips to invoice SHCS on a Yo● rly B● ●is 4 YEARLY PAyMENTS AT ,28′ 686 oo PER YEAR Term of Agreement: 07′ 11/2014 - 07′ 10′ 2018 SySTEH P(RCHASED ON UC DAVIS PO uCD1303757 Agreement v■ th PhiliPg Hea■ thcare for Digital Diagno3tiC 3 0 Serial #, SN13000176 Site looation: uC Davi3 /SHCS / sllwC (Site 工D■ 58800542)NOvation Contract xR0015-RAD ol14′ ,44 00 Total Prior to ,O OO TolalTax: ,114′ Tolal order '44 00 Terms and Conditions l. AITEI{PTS TO II4PIRSONATE UC DAVIS EURCIiASING PIRSONNEI, Ix REctNT xomHs. PIEASE NO!E| TIlEnE EAI,'E BIEN ORDIR OR R!-]IOI.}1E THB SIIIPI,IENf WITHOUT SPICIIIC VIRIITIN INSTRSCTIONS IROI'{ TB! ET,YIR/ANAIYST LISIED ON ISIS ORDAR/AGREETENI. ?I.!A,sE INSURE TIIAT AJ,I, COXJTUNICATIONS AX! ADDRISSED {O TIE BVYEI/AIIAIYST At tIIE OF'ICIAI Do Nc)|I xA(! TflIS ORDIR/AGRBE'IIN,I. }ITIRNATIVELY, YOU CAN CONIIRN VAIID CONTACT ITP / /PURCIIASI NG . UCDAVIS . IDU /EOUT/ INDEX . Cln? OPT- 1 . ' 2. TH! IOI,LOWING DOCUNENTS ARE INCORPORATPD IN THEIR ENIIIStY AS TII! TETXS AND CONOITIONS IN tIIElR OIDDR Ot Davis zol vcD41o2a univelEity ol c!Iifolnia PRlcEDlNcr: univ€lsity of c6lilollir "App.ndi,x-EquiprEnt M.intenanc6' r€!tu and condition. corditions can be viosd.t httP r / /M. ucop. edu / ploculerent- 66rvices /_t iles /app€rdix-squ ip@nt .pply to this orde!, Tb6se ts.M.nd Mlntenaic€.pdf lhilipe AddetrdM to staDdald rsr'n3.nd conditioDg Philip. redical syat6c selvic€ aq...mnt rerE and cooditioDs Philips addition.r Iruging syst6n s.lvice terru an.l conditionE PhiliF rochnology r&glad€g 3. rhi! o!d6! shd11 b€ subj€ct to th€ erMioaiion.nd aDdit by th€ califolnia st.te audiror fo! a p€lio<l ol thlee years af!E! final payrent und6! this O!de!. th€ €xanination lnd 6udit shall be coltin..l to thos6 Mtt6!3 conDected sith the p€rfolMnce of th€ ord€lr includirg, but not linited tor th€ costs of a.tnini3taring th. o!d6!. Public contract codo section 10513 lequires that €ach s€lle! eho eoterr into a! order eirh th. universiry 4. cllifofri! ror 510,000 o! lunber atd that 6uch s€11€! us. th. a.rj.gred nunbe! on all Eubeequ6nt olders with th6 univelsity. mle be .s3iqn€d ar id€ntific.tion the Federal rhploye! Identif.j,catlon numlE! or social s.culity Nunb€lr .E .pplopliare on e!.h orde!. university hdr designated the s€ll€r'. The lurber rhAll lcMin unchang€d legaldless ot future ntu changes. ADDRISS I]ISTED ON Fodoral Privacy Act of re7{/ you ar. h€!.by.otifi6d that di.cfosule of you! socill secllity nunbe! ie rond.rory. Disclosule of the soci.r s€curity nunber i3 lequited pulsu.nt to sections 5011 .rd 6051 of subtille r oa the Intern.l Rev.nue code and Regulltion 4. secrion 404.1255, cod€ of Fedelll R.gDlations. unde! s€ctioD 213, Tirle rr of tho social socurity Act, .B ae..i€d. Th6 social seculity rhe plincipal u6€E or th€ soclal secrlity runb6! shall bs to lepolt plyEnt! you h.ve !6ceived to the .uibe! is to varify yoD! identity. t6d€!.1 and stato gove!@Dts. 5. s€]f€! rallantt that it is .ot .xcluded tlon paltlclpation in any govErDrental .po!.o!6d p!og.d, inefuding, withoDt Liritrtion, the .nd No.-procrreent llogrffi. M€dica!€r edic.id, o! chmpus progrdg and th6 r.d6!a1 Plocu!*nt This o!d€! ghlll be subj€cr to telhiDation 1n the €v€nt th.t so1]6r 15 6xclud.d flom participAtio! lmdiate ir any lodo!.l ha.lthcare o! pr@ur€heDt p!oq.an. 5, univelsity of calitolnia r€lm Appeodi:-Equipeo.t r{.int€..nce.ppry to thiE oide!. Th6!c terc ald co.ditions can be viesed.t httpr//w.ucop.edu/p!ocureGot-servic€e/ f i les /.pp6nd ix-€qu lprent-Mint 6n..ce. pdr . 7, s6lle! shall plovide all .pp1.!cable reb.tes, i.conlives e.rned, !6ed, o! on account. ch6ck3 shall b€ rude payable to 'rhe iag€.te ot and Mil.d t.o the uriv€leity ot califolli., the univetsity of crlifornia" Ddvis, on€ shi€Idc Averle, c.Ehi.!'s oltice, Davis. catifo.nj!, 95616. seller shall Mke retelenc€ to d€palt@nt o.m aod pulchas€ o!d€. Durbe! ob drl check.. Peri,odic stat€rert Requi.€reDr: selle! shall seDd p€liodl,c atatemntr li3tinq aU !ebate.. or incontives ealDedr ua€d tor the uDiv€lsiry. starerents 3h.ll Page 1 ol 2 │││││││││‖ ││││ 丁HE UNiVERS:丁 Y OF CAL!FORN:A,DAVIS PURCHASE ORDER REPRIN丁 33250570 PO:UCD47028 includ€ deplltturt nam and purch.r. o!de! nuhbe!, otc.. state@rts shoul.t b€ Miled to th€ Univ€lsity of c.Litorni./ Dlvis, Irt.liel oD€ shistds av6nu€, Drvi6! c.lifolnia 9t616, Attontion' Di!6ctor, x.t€lier an.g6mnt. 3. Elvilorcntdl sust.inability! s.lle. rhall striv€ to conply with th€ vniversity of cllitorni. su.tainabla Plqctices lolicy. this policy can b€ vieued at http'//policy,ucop.edu/doc/3100155/sDstainlb16l2oPllctices. 9. utriv€rsity of c.lifornia Te!ro ard conditions appl,y to ttris o!de!. rh.!€ t€ru lnd conditiors ale included in uc BlEinesE and Finance ault€tin aus-{3, whicb c.n b€ viawed !t http://w.ucop.edu/plocurerent-3erwices/ rlnag€mnt, Address corespondence pertaining lo this order tol 530-754-1869 mvalineeucdavls edu to=′ /■¬_ ucdavis edu′ PurCha8■ ng 530-752-264, ,ma。 lcinie ied.vis edu 」oan Charter 530-7,2-2317 ,Chartere日 、。3 ucdavig edu BUYER SiGNATURE S:GNATURE VALINE,M:CHELLE NAME PRINTED OR TYPED Page 2 ol 2 Po $t4co groa-$ pH:Llps PH:ups HEALTHCARE ●In田 ぃ mmh“ ・ ― ^… "“ 22100 3dttell― Everett H10hWav RO.Oox 3003 B● thol,W● ●h:nen Ooo41● 嘔 7o■ 1800D727000 l: 0oo:● ● C-Ov:・ n。 。。d田 : f010■ ● Cu.lomcr C.rr Solullom Pion ; (t@) 722.9irrt 翻 "41 CHUCK AUCHTERLONIE o'nt ? Codnd PhOne:(5301754・ 766 ¨ uC● 3TUDENT HEALTH AttD WELLNESS CEM「 ER ooo ORCHARD RD DAVIB,CA9“ 16 MPamLHlon 00D STUDErr HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENFER 000 0RCHARD RD DAVla CA 90010 IMPoFTAN' NoTloE:- Horlh ola. p]ovldrr! rr' flnhdd thd lttr rllll..tlon! horlh tndub or trllebr r to]l or dFr|nl (loctudtrf r nbrto ot dhirpr|co tEdus on), thlt mult ftdy .nd lotrtl rly opod arch lorn or csurt on oort reort n ortii'apd]iori bimg plytrlnl $bniltld undl lny ltd.t lo.6lr hr.dlh_cft-prg0rlm, hdudtrt bu nd lrnmo Urd ilftrtd. rilirh b! llqonld !y drtc or t dcd br, Indudlnt but nol lldrd !o,t2 CFR t00t.oEZO), riiidii -;ty oirorgr 9日Ⅳ:oo E「 Imtlv● D● b: Phlll「 躙 R:ghtn象 "山 07Al測 4 田 A9囀 ― 8.n lo. E gldbn o.b: 07rqm1! tP‖ m● リ ° mm dfOr● 鵠翻錮機器m躊 留熙耀鵠開躍鵬犠杷柵寵‰押 “南 "“ DEuV計 r° 8eRVI● E ' 6 ffitffiHffitlf,Sgg;gr*tnplovrhreu'rna.dth..$lP.nrn .vd&nv b e'' p!*rtu │● u r. . l!bo? rd l?rFl covlrigE ldr an .iL swb.lrom gOO.rn . 6d)0 0l'. lrondry . Frtdr)r. €dudlng phlltsr plblrhod holdtyt. . elrbEdd&tglttl!! ol r.wloc clIr lor trrylo. conr&t culbman. ' (&!!l]Btpl4Atqfiomor,tnqu.3l phtfr.rMo.eodllnb.on.lta*ttln:Lhjllt. . fl!ry!.d tui!.t.r..ce:oor.r{t noT rm.'i | ry prn- Mdr&y- Fdd.y- lldudhg phi[r. publtha, tptid.y3. ooy.r!g. includlr lc{vfflc F lomrrd rcodirlg to I ldra(lJb b ltyt yv rshy, tdgo qudity,-olSrddnt. aetpmttl d{rhg, Frloflt[nca thl rtld lrty oh.l phntrd trvlo. Flttcbad by Ptrtlin. Pilhj snint rE'hm.;dil; h. oxR ryfi'u ir r ,z lhl|.g!L!I dtp.r'r(lrg m tr. r9.dfrc arodrcJ modal. . Plrbd 'r . q Fbg4d ri!d. fnb hatuor ]oduod hoirrty r.br tor l0!or utd lcr consodvo or ptannrd mdnbnlll€ oublds ol Sa.vlca Agrtamrd '|vct aovlragD houE. PAfr'8: . slr{rrd Dlni 6!rr.0.. thll plevtdla loliivarl ll.lIr. ' !o30 bcal r mrler on !.lll b m.tdlh 8nd l.patr tb aqdpD &v o.tlt dohrtw. Thb ptwlda! UPS nln dry dallvqy by €lr, lvrtbblg h nod drllwy lcHutr lrld drtlwry rctrl ont br ovrnErd or hlzldous gdfs). nen $!9r , lnotudlng ar!!, bo$ hardtylt! ad (Aoturl tins daEndt on uECVCLE: . OodrlLE rqn n .6ftwrr. .nd h.rdr,l'! .dhbl}V qF[r.., ThlS lndudr! on-db Or tumb t!bo.. hryll rnd Olfb comF.b rrbly, prrlomaln .nd rdhlllly lrEdl'lcdionr b axtriing €qjpmrnt roltwlra o. hrdwrl!, ‐cludhe""rim鰤 ・ m€{r|v to nl “ CtB70HER CARE 00LmONttcENrER: ● ● ol10nl● ● =:1‐ 13VBXA0 0u● ● :“ u● Date: 03/20r2014 Ro■ :1 ● al・ ● Pago l of8 vald To D● 19/2014 ": o5′ ' . F.trlor. Fs!rtd!. f aOLUnOll EI{HAI.CE* ' r ruppot rmote ryahm dhgnodl$ r f fioiiodng, philh3 gquF{Drn 13 cgnreLd vL ff ldr'net our rl|llorlr o.lrlrr lt dccdbld-tn tu i.ni ;!rd Conddom ttfbt, F3.ilff ;!y tlolrr drEh pot ol rc n.if,olt b vary by..l'totln fd !dtm[ ]9lr.r tay!|. lll Sqn lQl lnlorrnllbn. Anlhbh uPon t.quot lhL lootdn! imponrfi lsMoa mrnrgrnr rg,o E thrqlqh a socur€ lntalnrl llb. ldomdon on aqtitrrnt aawioo dror, hidorlscl rrvlo pcrlonnrnoc, rudonsa omfi'rd ptfird mdnbnrlE! tdEdlhr b avrllrbb. PhnF .'dtrr SCcdd Opdonr: Cnlrll{rttubttFlllmor Prwld$ comn rhsndw p!rt! rnd lrbs tupton lof t nd mcbr (pmun 4t 00) llld 8RO X.rfy tubt(r). 2.t rv^ uP8 - All lrbgr and parb (llcog banrric!) lt Q● ●H● n,:1・ 13V3XAO 0oot● :‐ ●●D● ": 0320/2014 neo.lrry. Rけ ■:l 0u● bV● ‖dT● Pa9o 2● f8 Dat● : o5/192014 □ □ 図 □¨ lnldvtrct il8 lroot y P.y.I?nb t6 4 Ouftt Sine c │“ fhymrn ら●91 S7,172 ll 3201000 d S114,7“ plyr r|l f 0oa oi.olrrl $or. 00A● ● │,"Applbbb to T‐ 町 iB暉 d !t Paymarfi YrJly P.ytl!n]! nq prl● ● 疇 "107● hly up: NOVAT10N ●●llmOo,I xR0015 RAD grl.qumtm rotrCorulll ntcl'tE s lpcctlio Suyh! OloljpDonulcl Numbar llprl!€ndng rn agilrlmnt contsir{ng dllooun(t, t€.a Jd tny orl|.wnbn w rpply b lhst llngL qJoE rduton. I m ariyrp orofocoiraa tum*rii ir,i,wn, Frrlrrjr'Trrrc and I llqf !1T..!4 qt ppvゎ thO qud“ │● 1哺 on Conditonl●1 8ob螂 ● ; “ │● -7● g't{trdqry qo(l nq burc formrl pltdlssr ord.c W. rdho.l!. prynnt! ln llat ol r PhfiipeHs8llhcrrtScrvloaAgGrnont. Our hc{lty do.. 6Il! drys prlor b lormd wrlflnv , lnfiithd:* gu!h!,' odrr!, rplrEtton. lnliJad: _ 鮮搬ぴ釉 The Regen● tor tF €qrtFtr om homvrr, dll. lo our hElncrdby€tatl llmiAbm, wr olnnot lra|. - NI鮮 trtr 0|!r/ PuE 姉 omf m L 籠 崎 m: Phllb8 by nb ofhe .! dxodb.d tn fornd Fr.chu odrr a undl 飩 b・ Totnl scalpbn€ horol. rO]! ! ltMorr br lllr rqulpnrrt lld.d abort foloirlr|g tl|m& !o tn prwt& rEtntlnlnoa EdrrE s,tth tta SIBn● ●70 Dat● ¬日l n● m● フ nl● ●mLI md● ●pri引 Lり 1耐 bn“ oぅ o,Phlllp 14● 薇 h― ●td b lnlendod l● r ule tl● ●● nlッ リ the ●pp“呻 。n thI● 製 ●●tlorL m may nOt b● dttl● d to mrd partl● ●嘲画 m pttmlu“ .._t●I Pnlllp● hmcar● “ “ qum0011cOnm"α mOne,whm● 来 、しfrns α藻)ol(2味 Of Orccで &tへ 俊 a9 oc-^_[\ineb Qu●u10n f:1‐ 13VBXA0 Rcu:1 0ooto回 O 0oob Vo:‖ Dete: Oo認 o/2014 P5 R)*ttcc*{rD}B Pa9o 3 of8 T● Dato: 05/192014 mmlle n‐ … IBII― 中 剛 幌 i.g@tttn lil Trrr..tl!at h dadE orxllcra a!t!ltD! Tna SatLaa o rEl tt qumloi babr, a! fi lr tilid) rr aJv calr- !' PhuF ha.rDa}tl, at'Dn nd .ltaEnrrn- adr c r GOmm・ ・ “ “ a onror ot ?lr{c ci .lt na.rt h6.!o.rrd ltcfik itcllarinc. (!la ' c rrrf). corFra&. rftllf),ly h.I(h ttcrnl c h. id.nl{r,lol'lnt drr ll3l tlqr ?ll.r cainFrt! h{n !.!$E |n.'E}ttDtia f .el.dirl.! r@a!r ala r{h !5od a. o! FaaiLrtrrlqbrartr|lirj lJ aart'c]lt l'r.ll a,9 lrr' aralo rp.ly doa bl d..lt. tdtcetr o.!!lrs!cr 9r*bl' t qrlg rd q.orlrFr||linr 0. (il fi Eleo c riF..rodrptrll\ tlrb.'fifi't lrth*li cllqr -tdorri {ilt a/t @.ll'l!lt ot n 8tr..t,1hotsravl-Mf,rtdseia aot r o!|, hri iaaaib|t|rtrbtr?|lr: (4 .lrt anr|lbn c ngF. Fqa, |l.lil!. tr aln.lrma,ror ol !l| t}'ta||t bt at|y.r|| otr.' ,|n Pr'taribcadraob. o. tt'{b.l lyl ar0..,r!d i' .r atlrltl lc r, iaanlr. cl iat rr: {rr) rry r.6crrrrsdol ctr ry&r o. Ht ,r!|c s lllr- d o. l''..nr, aa lnt d oftndrr.l!. et9l* !.ltl. o. he. .v!?l.d Dl rw p.rv aor irrt Ph]. or ttitr' .!aot-t.1 !tvlot.{ 1.! !,llltlqlElryllE Dsrligtulriratllrlll| n.ltOd.lrGd: tlE aunilit &ll I nLalrrt h |oh!r L artll'r llr.lricbna ln lr uaar nrld; t t oba- 6t lrdtrba t laSalcal *rtl. la.r.iald; ondlo,li..{ fittlb €|.t.lq toatcto? Ft I rtdfin5ot Fiq' D tf , tr rr lt trtd !..!{r (gtr.li $rFt|t q !r}tn i. ltrbrn 'i rrrF. [it rlr. pvlatrad r! lErurl'. oFrdrie mido.rl ., !tEtl<4[l n a)etar aclarL r+io trd tr rri..r ia iri avrlLlll. rl tu .cnd gtor d'lra, ttn tl{ra |n.t..rEl wiaa .' ctrt t qfirrrr a! tr !.arra||T nr.. lr .l trr. ll.m Dt ms. rrlc. crrclr ill| ld llgaa l' rr h.m. '|. 5, EIUIE Al,rtltlm w{rffi&t*irrrtdraolt(Itdatr|tqita!_aLc F *llroio, rrd ta atratiir rtE/ltarl. I |!rE ahlrr{htnt!95ttt |ll 9at lnaflll m rV rt(IIl rtl Fld rlfi Orr ll l-a. ol L6* jtlraal Fr itrIl c tlr flri'nfi ||a rdnitd !t llaaatta br, 3.a a tt r rt{ uida,0a - F.!ra ur. fimr$ arvba t. qJ.!.rt 'rt Et4atr-lrllEl I lrCt Itun F.lofill9 lrf la.aafirn rim fl{a'.l.|ly or hlt t b trtm| | 6ut- !y n fi lrtqrd PnNt |..ia!....ttd |!tt|!, bt rE|inDa b. gct,6 olh|lF!aa, -bolrfttlonJ ptry, &!aCfltdrtt rr!trrryfr/Ett tn, tbcct*|/i iam n,.rtar9{a, rlor tt{aa, E! ot r.ptia. r!ta. a.ad.e,, rr,r!('*l''E tr4Llt rqr,l' {'6f|rytalnrd.rnrit r|'gdrr ttta4( n|tddond|tqr-! tntqailr*. nrOrOu oart innirurrta Labr PnllF -ra ot (.b'lol 7.EalrtlEryDl zl na rlnl L tr rl bor h th. qlaulol rlEil nr'Ffi tEldr- htal !' g!4, .d'rl nitt hhda.|lfn ltr tafid n nb{rsrr.lbdri Cffi.r firtelrfit r,doi d &F wn|l rolb b na9r l,) rfEulenlt Da a,ll.lrl I D.he Frlnr.l! ifilld fur !t 8t arr 0l.l!. !!-ll biCDtl!|. dtn'li.y..rEt .ny osr qr€;r.t. r tIJ r'..gld{r9 r trilf !t crdillindfi.4ll ir .vcd rrdr rr!.toi t-q/n e !t. id[cl C hadr r d.da $th ry PlrS.. Frtd- lrr P's9. taqlqt qiri (l rbt !!. Fr\c. 'lrt 7.9 hrtdno..l ha qrtrtl aalr d olr l. l.rd r1,Ch ti).rarnlo alit{Ftd h ryrnn n4alo tnrld jd tn t- at tt irnr bar!o., lut rrdr tlta rat ta fil^arllrrrd lr d{artta ol !. Or.Ert.r u*h o,rtlt lt r ab- d Ettl. xnka |ll'ri.rr rrll.t Ptfi sil'. !t.n d Lnt.c, b lr !,.|!l;.d |.|nr ot tr. lhtll.t aa aiadn dar c hrnhdr tD* !r lr llob nirrrrr|o irt la] .. tr6rt(h- o.nt ttd lrc aa I $.Jl ,q b Pltl9l O d rl'qti da unll !t rit dsa d-r$aar..'rrr b aadt lyr!(tl trn lrria ottrln.&.t lrqrh n rdadtrad .r'rjn d .F ..rn ot Fr*. r| armd aua b lol ol !. llnld'l^taatltl ol 7.0lir. 'lhrgia.rri lrlo'lo-r &nm.lt r lE/llltt lo 9at ant Jnqr{ d\a lrtt lnl Agt-ianl lil$ I dttr c dr- xtrt:n b du.6l!tiJ!a I rt||t ot lia tararrnt r{ d ot|' |ct nadr llrtrrn Arpa. h uCl an aYad ? lF tlrt al ll. 09tdl. O rltitl ffrnrlla l,r€, nr l.r..{l.d ri ft r ra .l ar-oir .!ttlrr.!r u in..cr.!| frrr du a h.yt !i. ct r€, (al dcalt al r||nt (|ra rrt lo ol) oonnnaa oca.lbn dvliaa ha at r!tl. dt. o. b lroir (|a hrrr9ar, hardne, lst tEt trtS ! as! ltd -rirt rFr.. Ccollcqr, llltr.tn !L rlrlr'lrlb.., (lvl ltttt L filr^trrol$lr lodr,r'i rbCrltErlf,dM,s!..rydrriiit rFdnOOt i, €latoltr.l ldlixr qr$.ll. ra 島 躙 !舗 y― rH..● ・・ ●― l・ 幣 珈 翻 t― 路′ 躙 中 n● 躙 電器 糊 出 競 躙 漑 臨 出 淵冊躍用爛説爛出h沖 .._" “FW TV 騰 』壌服ぷ鵬出朧 翻!品 蹴 ¨ ― “ ¨ ¨ ¨ 〕 藤 口 崎 ■ILIP8勁 n■ “) 耶椰霞議話謡愚闘田凛出 =欝 辮 醐罰 )― 鞠 "NEl嘔 ¨ “Ⅲ ― 口 ヽ PA耐 ●LAu rOn● ●― ●疇 r le llol n● ●unEO uい ln"曝 籠 詢嘔 "卿 "¨ 87-● PHLIP6 DR町 嗜h-OⅢ 嘲錮鴨出麗 ギ… 暉 01● UEn叫 ,oR olN7rm PR● IP∞ 叫 ● ES,‖ 0し uOlll● "■ “ ●瞑,s● R―eCrr●●s wHall田 lnry (llfill !au'l c.lrln i4al]t rrYLt t|ldrlall tllrxllf rrEr. rt ant rrllair thJrnnuhrt) !! ta[ tt| !-r !r r ti.rt dto Or.!m.. llrt raaltaadlr.llraittfthn [.tlb rllr.tatr Cr*l.lL a,lY rhn_or dL b,t,.qra.lyd rrvEir rdiar tl to r. ti$i.aad r Cdrdt itF .'' Ct-.r!..,a u.aalrarEr.d.llbll.btrELltratltrty.gd.tddrne.otlar9tttxf,r.nyabo.tiol! aIctritWartunrilErt-F4c|'rdn;anarh'i.aEat FnfE ',. |trct b Phtt al' vhlcr d lta toll|br. 躙 蹴 脚 洲 圏 Q● ●tetlon f:1‐ 13VBXA0 R● v.:1 oucte l● ●oo 0oo,,V● ::dT● Dato: 05′ 19/2014 00m: 032072014 蹴 躍 … … 飽 Ⅲ … Pa9o 4 of0 詢船 出出 哺 ・ ― 臓協 /開 い 調出田躍問 躙 ¨ ,● . rffi!f:811.-g9l!t:l]^!!*!!1-!n'1tg'i-ri4r.qF,rr: .irp rur lt … 翻 m町 "rc r! d rrFlll{ltt 躙躊 「 laDav Gr ru *lrut !.orl or pr,4F.]t!rorr...rd p art|olrr.a'-t c.q|iarotl nala i.iridtr..rF |,!rr'utd.'t1ih.4r$n aatica t ii rrc qrr|ltt 鵬鋼輝鵬融 脚 "● “ 莉 辮 鸞nC―響 中 謡 熙 犠 麟 :― ,,.… 黒 留 "哺 ・ 硼口 ・ ・ "“ "・ 螂 rrtcnro … 」饉口 g“ 17,日 " … F臨 I Phnp● "● 稿 鋼 躙 調 蹴 躙 蝸 1糊躙 In_-0 and■ mm… 田 Ⅲ ".… “ 躙 ● … … … Ⅲ … … ― ・ ・ 山 噛 B“ ‐ "中 価 … 欄 欄 欄 職 酬 刷 脚 Ъ 辮 職 瀦 翻 脚 楡 欄 瑚 躍 躙 甲 ・ 7 Mulend“ 輸 g"“ … 輌 … md‐ g輸 ""中 町 鵠淵 陥 淵 需 Ⅷ 棚 酬 鵠 需 闇 機 oFl S lll^Crllrt$lasarJ. h ll ro,L5r C .udr au$ Forr.5.i c c @ftndaalLaa Jl luD lrd all-t alDtr ttol ttUl tlrl t n b llar ailgr .-i .,4 rrry lqkbr I F/tl h In $lr& rl! $l t a-6ad rvaa 鱗鰍灘職岬 翻翻 謬朧躙剛 80.… E !t !:L4tllallllltfN art 8r1b filtrt |tl! c{rltqt l-iElogy t l,.{. E iu! ,: E,l$ l: rdlcr.l 'nr!fl iJ99a.t I Aalt Cr{.rt. Dwr ri Arrnb.r E $i a: Uclrr Orrxr€ttlr u A,lb.:|d clnha &rn|..Iuat!! I.fia ,rt cddton EiSi l. Lr.lurd &i r irinb.,ta. larr.n!. D.nr rta c.nclot Eltlt t Sotiflr Uta ro^erllair ll.rf.rr 3fo.ri Etl{rr a lddoid Prftn Crl Sani-r tlirr d Co.aiona 需 淵酬路 問鰐L… r_軌 ..・ olmll● ● ││"● v,t-100 “ nl… ―● Ⅲ… …Ⅲ Ⅲ ● lmⅢ ● "… "_d“ “ ¨ 籠"嗜 ● "… … ou● u10n● :1‐ 13VBXA0 Rct:1 ooote l● ●●●D● b: 0u● te 020/2014 Page 5 of 8 v● lld To Dato: o5/19/2014 uLLl r@.!!!!lll tr. *i cdr{ }.r|t ra!-oan, $tilllts lbl. an- lt llLat'a oarr, Ptd9r *fl riFat ra ocr,f,d 8tt fi trt trwtclt rntd !' h{ta d iadfy qrb6f ol (bErd lrrLrl Oi A-,q ll-l nllrurltn.r.. ..!... Fr F rf,,ro!r!aa o/atrnr.rm.n -h.r. b rtr,r lr.fly r! lrni r!' cl !lt. carrr,8yttd rl'io ,(iai rrt'rlct ra l,.d|lbna, uron qrb.l'! rq{a.l Pnll[ FYia. |r'a.aa,y,teaLr I ti-t rfl ca.tac$arrna, iqrtlrn...lcrl|cFiar qoi\ n.ollr!. lln Pnllta riy n,|Fw .urh Eltllt ll6li 6lnl. h lta a{'a.llanl u Drdr tar* errtl.rlo!! olr !r EtactF ort ]! rJhc b th. .nrr lr'lrgl !.bi, Pnr'F a ?MF rlh.Ld'l ra Flun o0* ..?$cr tu conitd qt-ir m Dart,actda a rdttiad prrl. slidr ll.t E lltrdlllqt, na lo, rgary b nDa, co,lrt .y.l.'[ rrLaa rqaaa h raragaalr3 ll oaanpollr! llaad 31 3/qd b Prtlra trtldc.r ||t qi' dld grEadrrt|,.r{ $d billrn.l' ! !r l.m inxl i.rr nll{arllllrl c.lrplr b flr-tu. Pru fltb€d t0. ndp l|l lacom llr,cld rE l'9|,r!, dldn c Ptat lxt Pt||t al cEr Ft rllr m Elrllr llrr ailDa i! lrrara l| dtrd 9,b tl. glta.r | Pl l9a c0 9lltlrr rroh Car$ad ianrrl.,r- o,.hg ba !r Corin &ir! 'la i5. i.;a- hl-rrD alt'b. t|ib. rin F/6.Gulqnt a tlrrll ildrbra,D dtdL rlra.{ d r !lr. .la I rrel.ry ird rtn. qlqrr rl.61lt| coirld qtci avaf& h rrcclrL,!, strlrlrdra{4,l. na oa.dai oc"ir.lFsr (aa ahlta! b tra t caiql ltalfi ar..rl..hrra.rirlr, r Frap|.rrd bcrr oclrtd t-fi, q.ool.r.d Stn r vi[rol tntla o. ta agF.Fedr rl Frevll r-rd- nalltrn ct llsr&4rll. ?n.9.i.ll!.'!l Clo - rltl Ci'b.r..lr. S ltF b Oonrd trlr lr rlrr.! nd!rr$-. 'r 'l.L.t.lu. 'n.l-dilr.fo.r|!ddndn!.E t rEaa,a l9a mtcao car l'tlillE mdt'E. ougr/laq,l.rDrrr,itou! l'r3! r lfirat d,rg tr. a.lhr u*ntl}..a -li.t l?d&. r.ct a.a Dytu ott|l Eqrlrrf, l.frildr.r tolral b.oo.frd 8trt.n. lolrr.r. uro.h nxr |tvrhlr 5 olu t oFir.ry.r.riie l'aln aai"rr xl a.a&!a dt9 ttrr! fundc|t ad c'a.*r.nE l:llrrr cu{aa, btlll nal .!ialotadlno atr$r dif.rr olnllr! 6.u dnft c.lE r. r roirna or{ol! oha p.,tnt b * t tl. o€lra. !. rr t#S*ffifso** drr*t'hr-!t'16 at*n ss.bir.,., dr.nrdnb!.crrr.dtr.rr..t6*.ir pn.l q*.r!rrt FrN gr.oninr/lj*grugDadtacnhgaanot.Ill.o ifita qt f, rr dfiialt naai, ol !a rt r- llrrl|E trdbo lDnl, q*.u rr, ^!r.. aa|.a c6'r..d alifn r{y itj o qr.bm. tamfrrty ..n!\,t I nri oFrldr q cl i b no 5ll!a. 5a! orSrarl adata dit d Edlu arrt cu-nr l'lh Pnllba h {ilrtl It qrit$ l'irn an Da flE tqr ta la',te}l d' robl ot !r ltnad |rfrfiE, iiodlcLn laflr u. -tl.!ttl rllt!{trri. nc.}aLirihtarrqad.r. Prits ri l,llnt'tfE Fofil ar nllae.lrfi rI strc. d nc yF t!\io lra Eant r rr!*tr Ld.r.|. Edd! Pnlla ll Fy.t a-ta;tarrdl rld ohar rill.yrntr laa o.lrr+ rqhMr aa.rla.ad|r hart raa. ,o tltlr dslaa.. harrr'aa li,lrt t.!q.,.- !r '|y ato, d lcal d.rtia .cN.! o llt rnrlotaaa gt,c{e. t J||[ sao,ta lrl{rE,At tE&nFn Ac.aamrtaar lo.lt ar^nadr'tn o ar.aq,n( !7 PnDa io aallr qra Ji lnf'labll r,icdd *lii6 nt €$Flr '.ltu'l do lrol licxa FgrtclE a 9q&l trt aral cl ttrEt!ruf url- atitnd, hctuod n trr rzrarrrn, lll, fi &t ftaa! ai r'ldr..l Jr'.lot aldaol b tr ll.tiolai ',wttrpall-rl lla.o !.!al. stotn . PgI oalllrilan arla mn,l[nF. Gni6i !.a cif,ridLL.na .l! lltllLr tarJolr a llsllttl l..' r/Drflt' tl C€n.do llFit. a( r|! 6 cliraart rtErficrltl ltbtlr, o. anrlgrl I itia''o]1tlol lnllldn i.aqdtnall h art t ol, oFntE o(firidrj tr tllplt ||rJrba. l'cbt'. sdor *al Flrl ta nat-al: a0 rf|luF.i glr6.f Jd.,tdltrv.rtFr u6u rriaFdrrtt.lDrtdrll rrtfttbdtGnoirrr, FnIDa ti aottqra-Jrto b arr sylrn rdtr a arrrl aitilca c d aGialll l.'r grtlotnll EnrrJbr C aat lrrah t aai$t h |Et traa lrrt c-ffii,'rtt q!|lrt lnJnllrE t llFdlte arnf,tt 9.!dla. n(|.lat rarilt dautr gti-, cr Tula llld r*lfirr !:ary ls!.r. &rt t !aa, !,7. L|!|... dlafiia a.dllr' . h .lolnllrl. m.gii rtia.ri Gdaiarl cqrtitl.a., adarr), m RF rwtr, rrfio arrr ]rv^o 9otn nn lrd da&rt, nI. ltrrdl| 'rh9a.an pr. '$grn rr!-,.(t.u.ls dt !iJ.d nrrdrnr r*l-..!.d.t |'ob) {.!6ry or rdD.ICl roa-, W alln #r.w nit a. rnoto ftrlflr 't'llnt, ron6tforc ullt'r',ab nrrEEr, tDl.ratlt* 6r Ellt nnilutt, ,lt tLdhaat h r llb ad-.ad iatd- 6a.t. k laltaLd ..dld: -t!&9, hdtui.rn !|ood tnc'. c/i t6a.y r lsma.0, oddlea lrrbr Llarrr. alctEric tlanrpr ar talDa( -clcrdcal h.iuirrt 0tr{ a tdl e.l'.'al o. aread riSrrrL, 5c.!.t g|ra s.r !!.., alrF h.lrd d.ca (ryd adra&rl u"L. r, ln or daalttaltl), |vraa..Ll a/cloal .rPlti.rr, ,hts r t.!tlrt5 E9a. lilrya uilr dlt *a rl bro,n a, CGIAO8P tr lll tovba aaybn al.lta (ltllt Ga IEJlt rtn Orerl *uaerallrn @d|e ?LPr odttrr h rt{. Afr*rarl tiC, t,qad b dtdrtta.rrol|d{tr (t,tle 6l,r.qal. Glbr i!ry 'te/.a.'tb dillC. ol t lr\,b. Colrq.or -\Aa aal ia ml qiitaa hCd qtanrr wl !. lhlli- . nrinti paEtu ttltlFl .u lc. Plllga .l t-<rmd fl $tr a.rlc. ]a .i! tt. rt a?d ot ,rsvlt tilg'th, 6ral.buty Fna, -aaacry '!r.!rbl dnrt tEuicr;ita irD tl{a alflcala t attl dt.tt tt .r! r,taalbtial. t !001t[IrlnupdrqrlEr.rtrytnfill{t r, w. rl!,r!|uoF rn ts|lld r-r..!s anator li. cd 3ttdr ocm― ― EB器 出出羅諄訥惚置躍 rl|.in tdrt lrd x aadr ictta lt lsrna- … EAurdr Pt|l, lii l'oaiiaru hnlt o. l*fl s FrrFaaa, Pdtta lltll !t gtaiir tlica ltL /- tr nt lg??tlDa wll, rlll: ― upovtCa i rGJn aaoclad aa a, Fnw, i/lh*! al aollart rF [cf,- r'hh qraDna.l .aDlda b !! Oola.d "輛 ぃ _0・ H・ ,acrv c badgl c ■ …● "¨ ― ― ““ It tra dad-r atlo, ''oray …… arlnDa Fllt .tldlol D. tdantllfi Flltea aell! loc.liclr ln ll. lr.n bsvrct 9tL{'lc n$a furll5,rt (P89. a odt Fufrd 6'lt9 nr. rm ol tnl^elrfidi ltttB8 nrtan rlo ?ib'tg.tv Fa 'ld b lll. Fn8 n]i*.tl bJl.U. t lF b r;lbdt.or lhl Stllrt diartt*.8taa.t: tn llt'llllll(l. ?fta rd}ll!r.l!.! M idr !.. d rr.r dltrt nx i..h ol lnlaeltil.ltl. rartE ta !ao]t!.r{ h!a,r 6no(b, rElll/re Flac,! D,tfil li'ts P 8/t al|p,odaa F.r.dt ttrn loir. atr:i th,rJefi lll. FAE rd Cs.bllr.? llriut d. rtua a aral'lth a rddt o|rg! Paa, rit O,..it r .bg!$t r. rd..rLd ln..q!D A hllou.brt flt-!! ll3il b a..io. rr-ttht !r o.,rd b dvrd ! tatnt $rri Gt 7d rnab lla h,atlla ar.t ^ei.6*t!!,tt ud'rrallfr^la. 口 … 1ツ │=買 餞わ 釧出畔郡躍出串 T… :ツ 3_… け m哺 囀oい "‐ 疇""●10"n e11■ Ⅲ … 口 ・ ・ "・ 牌溜詰話器闘蹂需略需= け “…h".・ ・ 螂 … “口dm… …m 冨潔調器1躍 属躍庁 け…… … " 紹郡増 .・ 認遭 撚 Ч 臓 曲 1島 =。 tCP・ h● 17,3 "vl● Q●●回 On■ :1・ 13VBXA0 0u● t● 0● ●o000": 0320/2014 Rev.:1 0● ●● V● :ld To D● ● : 05″ 9/2014 Pago 6 of8 LO― … L 出 剛 計“ 1椰1.lhmい 欄 蝙mor蠅 蝋柵柵 t n"― f“ 珀 l日 ll rn na.i ot orudt will Unah. P..!. .ea (a d.tL.d balow) xl bft on 8chdd. a dbao{rt ol lunJr Agxltlr pryr'iada), r. d.s.{i.C ln Sadlod E bth. Udna gyrbln |lllrn ram di.l,o dr f{.} b.tor, l・ ●●● ・ thdr C|r.tom.r, ““ 01● ●nll● υ両 .r lr -b.rd.|!{,rth'! &.IIEEITEE F lod: lb m.ro.mmti iqd b,nmt**rC tFDa Ft.Elllga I12 llib b.ohnho lJl('oltdnm tr ffindt,lni rrt oatl olu|. dladtn d-. a.Irar.ill h Lra )bur lrlatr 0l. horntuy trd d.Urlttal ora.$ah |'blim tlout id ogtyn('t|r wl t cabrbbd 8.! Houn rll !a ota cira€t d tunr oa covlr|ga ,Eriltalt ta ord.t tha agnmmt lla xcr tar{ouhr gtcr tla llacbr durho tha ot d. ol b^aftmlll. taou'tmm P.td. tho Uttna Syltlrrr ltl Utlm! Syrllm la uortl- b Fldaa dhgroatc tD{f dt rine ha E }toorr ot ]tt giran clJr t. pJtod Pn[F l'.deD, ttlnuhdt he. m.btJl ot 8.wlt prdgrll.r|o. flun. la||{rtr|f,lt ol Oofilm dtlrnjc.t rt|.n t!. Cir&iD, 'rlt ndilbr lll Ph[pr adom, aarlica oatlar hn fi. t tlna Staai la lidh 5 FodrD dq,roltc tltlF. Dorrnam (baa art lia|l('. lna dr b pLrtrd ln..|lfraru {niar, qtElan rtpl.nrhlrrrl, h(llim ol l{eo(b d upflaa. i{at t/!a rtpho,tlrt, or lr odunlta d dlmn c, Ooitltra_ll! t $r [m .otatdl,' aBat dad d, to rraat lrlg.atntll mllf ntt rtllt Oof,tlffrr -d rQllll cabllalo iraad Et. Udfn! nq.rr L d.brnlr.d bt afr&iLle lh. hlr0 Do*nirr - Oowntlmal. lqi tr La lbrr lo. Hq,rra a lrFn Prrt r0r lr d.bntu b' llourt/8o llomlr lq!. i arlutnlljt? ll U}. U9!rn }t!n bt t,l. 8Gr }tol'n pidol| p-c. ol Uptln rll .trC tr|tJl&t ing ,r. rtt, by too [UD{rn Hoon r tlrrdn Prllrlbe. . 3.- OpOn! llltatlrlr ! Ufim Pifilrgr .o.dtid Cdrlg Ot dhf*{ !l. r .., lJ!{m. &n In ltt.unnnt &llrdrlb qrF lfit.nr t(d b .lol 喘 申 00●・ 喘 ・ ,嗜 ",■ 嘔 Dl● ● ●u“ 輛 m● 叩 dE mt Srn h|n r|l. 9.dll.d 6t ot/nt illl .Crtx. tht Uthra fucnliea ●││ 10ヽ !t p.yn|.nb drt ttd.n Ol… 艤 Uplm. ││││・ ,0"" 01■・ “ ●4鳥 ● 19餡 1● apra.d b 0-0… 郎 ・ ●7“ ""・ Da ““ 1耐 003‐ "L・ “ ‐ ●││ 0 "● ― … upum● .db/td br qrhtr lc h. rJthr Syt n P!tnr3{ &lurllEil 8dltdr,. br tHtnt. Ou― … dub Pdod ,0" ‐ 口!ooou“ ●●r● 誂 “ “ ,0%・ “ ,311・ "● . $rtiun acuahl'll ar.llDb 0● ●Hon■ :1・ 13VBXA0 n日略:1 ou● te:“ oo Oob: 03″ Юa14 0odB V● ‖ Pago 7 of 8 T● Dat● : αD"972014 ,.ltlnlgrqEtIl|q,.9raru@I UPdm PrQriry h d.lrl'llnad Er*lg b hr bh.lo trmd.r Udtu Pmr aea, (Udnl. Hqllre|lr P'l.l!l. h rfaii|id: ig lEltfTtr Dlrar: 3t- thl,l.r a AI tc t tU f,olt.t !r!o!i tn6.t d..Ir. tt rrnll hrlltlnn 9r.lotl, C houn r t daF . l2 riaLt . 2,3aO 6ra ltur ago Eti - O oorllttfia lErlr ! 2,llo Ugtmr Hotrt lhr t,Flir P.l! nlaf, 'iq,l lA&t,,aq'l0O.O.1* n altAEUiltDlT lllFtt a tr tt . )bort r t lfl to t P raqiry gara ltloseh Pdd.t oJ.r th. it noint L.ltlr.,tt I S mull x 6 C.ya x te haatr . C,sD Holrt I,SaO 9-. lhrr. - lD Oorngn. bult r 0320 Ud,ll. Hgl't (9S2O/glto)'lO.$,2't Up rlt. P..!. .e. t| flual I tO. f.hwlt.ct|!|r ot tu t !&t|! h.d, tr-@9ll! rr C{|.lnrt rtqud to.llt rrl.rrinrn p.,tod wnr ua rr rr (},.'.rfir,!rn nr.nrd. ro 94T! tt lm ryE1!I1!|!fg1?j.qlllb-pqlc{I my.Fpcol mo( clLb'ln firi t!fit P lF. h tnhg 0iat 0l. udlfi. P.rFfea vrat dol rHn i tor r pirtal] syrm *ttrh tn Godtyt.ll.l 0r.nd d o lbn,tntft F.l!d. t -u8lalllJxrearEl rltqr_!{_tn !!. EqSn ph r.98r,3..lD rrn rh. l'ldr ht t}DUn. Ourlt ry{! q q4I.9fI!A1o.t l{ll|'Orsrl. FOn A pAF EurR puRpo8E AppLtES tO rHe uirn: riuramnge. irERclt^M^8Ltry ofi Rll{888 rc... NOty nnANTy OF @ hatl.h. 'lrft vl 0ttsrrre OuttOn,:1・ 13VBXA0 al10tO l‐ ● Dete:“ 曖研Ю14 臨 :1 0oob valld T● 嘘 Pago 3 of8 05月 92o14 Phmips HealthcarO 22100 8othe‖ Everett HⅥ リ Bothe‖ ,wA 98021 pHELEps ADDENDUM TO SERVICE TERMS & CONDITIONS Philips Healthcare, a division of Philips Electronics North America corporation ("philips') and university of california Davis student Heallh and wellness center ('custome/) agree to amend the service Agreement terms and conditions (Quote #: 1-13VBXA0) between them. lf lhere are any conflicts between the terms of this Addendum and the terms of the Agreement, the terms of this Addendum shall control. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise detined herein, unless the context otherwise requires, 6hall have the same meanings set forth in the Agreement. 5. PAYMENT. All payments under this Agreement are due upon Customer,s receipt of philips' invoice until the Agreement amount and all applicable taxes and inlerest are paid in full, 13. THIRD PARTY MANAGEMENT. The Customer has not contracted with any third party service management organlzation at this time. However, if Customer contracts with a third party service management organizaton, ass€t management company, maintenance management company, technology management company, maintenance insurance organization or the like ("Third Party organization") in lh6 future, fqr purposes of centralized billing and management of services provided to customor, at customer's wriften reguest, philips will route invoices for payment of services rendered by Philips to such rhird party organization and accept payment from them on Custome/s behalf. Notwithstanding the above, Cuitomer agrees that tire services provided by Philips are subject solely lo the terms and conditions set torth in this Agreement, and that customer guaranties the payment of all monies due or lhat may become due under this Agreement in spite of any collateral arrangements customer may have with such rhkd party organization or any payments customer have made to the Third party organization. philips hat no contractual relationship for the Services rendered to Customer except as set forth herein. To the extent that the parts and servaces Philips provides are not covered by Custome/s arrangement with such rhird Party organization, customer agrees to prompfly pay for such parts and services on demand. 24. SURVIVAL, WAIVER, SEVERABIL|TY, CHOTCE OF LAW. Customer,s obtigation to pay any mon€y due to Philips under this Agreement survives qxpiration or termination of this Agreement. All of Philips' rights, privileges and remedies with respect to this Agreement wi continue in full force and effect after the end of this Agreement. philips' failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement i3 not a waiver of that provision or of Philips' right to later enforce each ald every provision. lf any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid, the remaining part will be effective. The law of the state of California will govem any interpretation of this Agae€ment and dispute between Philips and Customer without regard to the principles of choice of lai. 25' ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, philips' Addendum, and custome/s purchase Order #: UCD47028 constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and supersedes all other agreementa, written or oral, regarding its subject matter. No additional terms, conditions, consent, waiver, alteration, or modification will be binding unless in writing and s(lned by philips; authorized representative and Cuslomer. Additional or different terms Jnd conJitions,'whether stated in a purchase order or other document issued by Customer and/or philips, are specifically rejected and kmg Ph“ ps Healthcare 22100 8othe‖ Everet Hwy Bothel,wA 98021 「魁 鼎1』 :ξ 鴇s器 鶉 慾 「LttT‖ l 肌麗詳 』 lよ 蹴冨 部躙 肥 :ぎ :首 :「 AgЮ emett ha"ggned mも Addendum by har dJy aJh“ zed Omcas On he 肌棚:R籠冊 For ttrrilps J」″ 的 麟 Fort/PAた β″ 「 。 Ca″ゎrnね Daυお ‐ Sttrdenf″earrh and werrness cerrer C ““ 口 "●● "" -0, "8● Sarvlci Cont *E nanag,er 恥 n鴨 ma W野胤 1社Ψ Materiel Management kmg
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