2014 年 AGU Fall Meeting に参加し、研究発表を行いました(2014/12/15-19) テーマ:地球物理学,自然災害科学,東日本大震災 場所:モスコーニセンター及びサンフランシスコ・マリオット・マーキス(カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ) 12 月 15 日(月)から 19 日(金)まで、米国サンフランシスコのモスコーニセンター及びサ ンフランシスコ・マリオット・マーキスで米国地球物理学連合(AGU)が主催する AGU 2014 Fall Meeting が開催されました。同学会は、宇宙・地球科学の研究を促進し、その成果を広く発 信することを目的としています。本大会は非常に大規模なもので、5日間合計で 2 万 3 千件を超 える発表が行われ、参加者数も 2 万4千人以上に及び、いずれも過去最高となりました。このた め、例年使用されているモスコーニセンターに加えて、近隣のホテルであるサンフランシスコ・ マリオット・マーキスにおいても一部の口頭発表セッションが行われることとなり、分野によっ ては複数の会場を頻繁に行き来する必要が生じる一方で、天気の悪い日が多く、参加者にとって は不便に感じる場面が多々見受けられました。 展示会場においては約 250 の企業・団体・学術機関等がブースを出展し、物販・プレゼンテー ション・グッズ等の配布を行いました。日本地球惑星科学連合のブースにおいては国内諸機関の パンフレット類が配布され、災害科学国際研究所のパンフレット・IRIDeS Quarterly・IRIDeS Report・HFA IRIDeS Review もその中に含められ、用意した 200 部あまりはほぼすべて参加 者の手に渡ることになりました。 災害科学国際研究所からは、越村俊一教授・佐藤源之教授・菅原大助助教・マス助教(災害リ スク研究部門) ・イ助教(地域・都市再生研究部門) ・趙 大鵬教授・遠田晋次教授・日野亮太教授・ 三浦 哲教授・岩渕弘信准教授・岡田知己准教授・木戸元之准教授・山本 希准教授・飯沼卓史助 教・石村大輔助教・岡田真介助教・丹羽雄一助教・土屋史紀助教(災害理学研究部門) ・サッパシー アナワット准教授・福谷 陽助手(寄付研究部門)が参加し、口頭・ポスター合わせて 64件(昨 年は 43 件)の発表を行いました。うち 8 件は招待講演として行われました。各講演の題目等は 次頁の表の通りです。 講演する越村教授 ポスターセッションの様子 (次頁へつづく) (発表教員名は当研究所所属教員のみ記載) 発表教員名 (敬称略) マス・越村 発表日 タイトル 12/15 Analysis of Tsunami Evacuation Issues Using Agent Based Modeling. A Case Study of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in Yuriage, Natori. 趙 12/15 Long Indian Slab in the Mantle Transition Zone Under Eastern Tibet: Evidence from Teleseismic Tomography 飯沼・日野・木戸・ 12/15 Revisiting the Interplate Coupling Beneath Northeast Japan Before 三浦 the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (M9.0) Based on Terrestrial and Seafloor Geodetic Observations 山本・三浦 12/15 Volcanic Activities of Hakkoda Volcano after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake 内田・日野 12/15 A Trial Estimation of Frictional Properties and Propagation Process By Focusing on Temporal Aperiodicity Off Kamaishi Just after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake 福谷・サッパシー・ 12/15 A New Proposal for Tsunami Hazard Map Explicitly Indicating 今村 Uncertainty of Tsunami Hazard Assessment 土屋 12/15 Observations of the Io Plasma Torus Using Exceed Onboard Hisaki (Invited) 土屋 12/15 Multi-wavelength observations of Jupiter's aurora coordinated with Hisaki and other space telescopes 菅原・後藤 12/15 Estimation of capacity of suspended load considering effects of preservation of turbulent kinetic energy サッパシー・福谷・ 12/15 Empirical Fragility Analysis of Buildings and Boats Damaged By the 今村 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami and Their Practical Application 今村・菅原 12/15 Tsunami Simulator Integrating the Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics Method and the Nonlinear Shallow Water Wave Model with High Performance Computer 今村・菅原 12/15 Real-time Tsunami Inundation Prediction Using High Performance Computers 木戸・日野 12/15 Development of real-time mobile-buoy observation system for tsunami and crustal movement 三澤 12/15 Sub-relativistic and relativistic electron precipitations above diffuse aurora: Conjugate observations of SAMPEX and the all sky TV camera at Syowa Station 趙 12/15 Seismic structure of the Tonga Arc and Lau Backarc Spreading Center from joint inversion of local and teleseismic body wave arrivals 日野 12/15 Spatial distribution of earthquakes around the southern end of the co-seismic slip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake 内田 12/15 Development of High-speed Visualization System of Hypocenter Data Using CUDA-based GPU computing 飯沼 12/15 Modeling Deformation Processes of Northeastern Japan Island Arc Considering Rheological Structure Affected by Hot Mantle Fingers 岩渕 12/16 Aerosol retrieval from twilight photographs taken by a digital camera 石村 12/16 Paleo-tsunami deposits since ca. 5 ka in Koyadori and Onuma on the Sanriku Coast, northeast Japan 後藤 12/16 When is a Tsunami a Mega-Tsunami? 菅原・後藤 12/16 On the role of energy balance for numerical modeling of tsunami sediment transport 佐藤(源) 12/16 Effective GPR Data Acquisition and Imaging (Invited) 土屋 12/16 Observations of oxygen in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn by Hisaki 土屋 12/16 Local electron heating in the Io plasma torus associated with Io: the HISAKI observation 土屋 12/16 Solar wind influence on the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Io plasma torus observed by HISAKI/EXCEED 土屋 12/16 Preliminary Results from a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMMNewton Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus 土屋 12/16 Variation of Jupiter's Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED 土屋 12/16 Variability of Jupiter’s Main Auroral Emission in Response to Magnetospheric Hot Plasma Injections 遠田 12/16 What Controls the Duration of Aftershocks, and Why It Matters for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment 岡田(知) 12/16 Crustal Fluid Distribution in the Source Area of the 2008 IwateMiyagi Nairiku Earthquake, NE Japan Inferred from Seismic Tomography (Invited) 越村・日野 12/16 Real-time tsunami inundation forecasting and damage mapping towards enhancing tsunami disaster resiliency (Invited) 遠田・岡田(知) 12/16 Local receiver fault dependency of seismicity shut down in the 2011 Tohoku-oki stress shadow 遠田 12/16 Tests of remote aftershock triggering by small mainshocks using Taiwan’s earthquake catalog 岡田(知) 12/16 Local-Scale Ambient Noise Tomography In and Around the Naruko Volcano, NE Japan 和田 12/16 The Effect of Near-Trench Fluid Circulation on Slab Dehydration Depth in the Chile Subduction Zone (Invited) 山崎 12/17 B31G-0117 Grene-Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project in Arctic (GTMIP) 後藤 12/17 Submerged Humid Tropical Karst Landforms Observed By HighResolution Multibeam Survey in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, Southwestern Japan 岩渕 12/17 Cirrus cloud properties inferred from multispectral imager and lidar measurements 市來 12/17 Three-Dimensional Resistivity Imaging of Quaternary Volcanic Regions in NE Japan by Magnetotellurics 遠田 12/17 Significant seismic streaks corresponding to lithological contrasts in Mesozoic and Paleozoic accretion units, southwest Japan 日野・飯沼・三浦 12/17 Recent development for near-field tsunami forecasting based on real time GNSS and offshore tsunami data (Invited) イ 12/17 Prediction of Radioactive Material Proliferation in Abukuma Basin using USLE 小原 12/17 A Proposal of Global Data System for Solar-Terrestrial Science 趙 12/17 Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Tomography of the Source Zone of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake (Mw 9.0) 内田 12/17 Decadal-Scale Decoupling of the Japan Trench Prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from Geodetic and Repeating-Earthquake Observations 日野・飯沼 12/18 Fault modeling of the Mw 7.0 shallow intra-slab strike-slip earthquake occurred on 2011 July 10th using near-field tsunami record 木戸・飯沼・日野 12/18 Fast Displacement Rate of the Subducting Pacific Plate After the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Measured by GPS/Acoustic Surveys 三浦 12/18 Spatiotemporal Evolution of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in Northeastern Japan Arc 木戸・日野・飯沼・ 12/18 GPS/Acoustic Observations Along the Japan Trench for Postseismic 和田 Deformation After the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake 内田・岡田(知) 12/18 Diversity in the High-Frequency Wave Radiation of Small Repeating Earthquakes 内田 12/18 Activity of Small Repeating Earthquakes along Izu-Bonin and Ryukyu Trenches 岡田・今泉 12/18 Quantifying crustal back-arc extension and shortening in the Northeast Japan arc 丹羽・遠田 12/18 Continuous Holocene Submergence of Southern Sanriku Coast Consistent with the Coseismic Subsidence of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Japan Earthquake Revealed from New Paleo-Geodetic Data 佐藤(源) 12/18 Advanced Borehole Radar for Hydrogeology 遠田 12/18 Stress transferred by the 2014 M=6.0 American Canyon (Napa), California, earthquake, to the West Napa and Concord-Green Valley faults 日野・飯沼・木戸 12/19 Dominance of Viscoelastic Relaxation after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed By Seafloor GPS Observations (Invited) 遠田 12/19 Sustained High Seismicity Rate Beneath Tokyo Associated with after-Slip of the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake (Invited) 小原 12/19 Relationship between Relativistic Electron Flux in the Inner Magnetosphere and ULF Pulsation on the Ground Associated with Long-term Variations of Solar Wind 木戸・飯沼・日野 12/19 Direct-path acoustic ranging across the Japan Trench axis, Adjacent to the Large Shallow Thrusting in the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake 日野 12/19 JDASH – Japan Trench Deep-sea Research for Assessing Shallow Seismic Slips and Their History 和田 12/19 Modeled Temperatures and Fluid Source Distributions for the Mexico Subduction Zone: Effects of Hydrothermal Cooling and Implications for Plate Boundary Seismic Processes 日野 12/19 Transient crustal deformation due to slow slip observed on ocean bottom pressure recorders in the Hikurangi margin 三浦 12/19 Imaging of early acceleration phase of the 2013-2014 Boso slow slip event 内田 12/19 Space-time Renewal Model for Repeating Earthquakes and Slow Slip before and after the Major Earthquakes in the Northeastern Japan Subduction Zone 文責:飯沼卓史(災害理学研究部門)
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