温泉用語集B page 1 2008年温泉用語集 B ABC順 英語 ドイツ語 A acclimation, acclimatization Akklimatisierung acid spring acidic water dermatitis actinotherapy, light therapy, phototherapy Lichtbehanbdlung, Lichttherapie action current Aktionsstrom active assistive exercise active electrode active exercise acupuncture adaptation syndrome adaptation to environment adaptation to high altitude, altitude adaptation aeration bath, bubble bath aerobic exercise aerosol therapy, drug aerosol therapy, nebulization aerotherapy affusion, irrigation aging index aging of hot-springs air bath airborne infection alkaline spring alpine climate alternating douche alternating foot bathing alternative and complementary medicine alum spring anaerobic exercise anaerobic threshold anelektrotonischer Strom anodal anode 総語数 759語 フランス語 日本語 イタリア語 acclimatation [気候]順応 酸性泉 湯負け 光線療法 活動電流 自動介助運動 acclimatazione photothérapie courant d'action differente Elektrode Akupunktur acupuncture syndrome d'adaptation Luftperlenbad, Luftsprudelbad Lufttherapie Güsse, Irrigation Spülung aérosol aérotherapie irrigation Luftbad aérobain allgemeine Heißluftbäder Höhenklima Wechseldusche, wechselwarme Strahldusche wechselwarmes Fußbad alternative und komplementäre Medizin Alaunquellen Anode médecine alternatif et complémentaire eaux alneux exercice anaérobique anode 関電極 自動運動 針、鍼、針療法 [環境]適応症候群 環境適応 高所順応、高所適応 気泡浴、泡沫浴 有酸素性運動、有酸素的運動 エアロゾール療法、エアゾール 療法 《噴霧療法、ネブライ ザー療法》 大気療法、空気療法 灌注 エージング指標 温泉の老化現象 空気浴 空気感染 アルカリ泉、重曹泉 全身熱気浴 高山気候 dermatiti da bagno attinoterapia, fototerapia corrente di azione esercizio con assistenza attiva elettrodo attivo, elettrodo differente esercizio attivo agopuntura sindrome da adattamento adattamento all'ambiente adattamento all'altitudine bagno di schiuma esercizio aerobico terapia aerosol aeroterapia effusione bagno ad aria 交代圧注[法] 交代足浴 bagno gegerale ad aria calda clima alpino doccia alternata, transitoria, doccia contrasto pediluvio a calore variabile 代替相補医療 みょうばん泉 無酸素的運動 無酸素的域値 陽極電気緊張電流 陽極の 陽極 esercizio anaerobico soglia anaerobica corrente cataelettrica anodico anodo 温泉用語集B page 2 anodal break excitation 陽極開放興奮 anodal break stimulation anodal closure (AC) 陽極開放刺激 陽極閉鎖 anodal closure clonus(ACCl) anodal anodal anodal anodal anodal closing contraction(ACC) duration(AD) duration contraction(ADC) excitation opening(AO) 陽極閉鎖クローヌス Anodenschließungszuckung (ASZ, AnSZ) 陽極閉鎖収縮 陽極持続 陽極持続収縮 陽極刺激 陽極開放 anodal opening clonus(AOCl) 陽極開放クローヌス anodal opening contraction(AOC) antipyretic bath aqua power aromatherapy aromatic bath arteriovenous anastomosis artesian well, flowing well artificial climate artificial climate chamber, environmental chamber Anodenöffnungszuckung artificial sunlight, quartz lamp artificial CO2 bathing artificial reservoir artificial hydrothermal system astringent bath atmospheric pressure atmospheric temperature atopic dermatitis künstliche Höhensonne Wasserkraft, Wirkung der Wasser Aromatherapie aromatisches Bad énergie hydraulique aromathérapie bain aromatique künstliches Klima climat artificiel Klimakammer astringierendes Bad Luftdruck, Druck der Atmosphäre Temperatur atopischer Dermatitis Augenschutzbrille bain astringent pression atmosphérique température dermatité atopique Badeanstalt Badearzt Badediurese Badehaus Badekurdauer Badekurort établissement thermal médecin thermal average geothermal gradient B station thermale 陽極開放収縮 解熱浴 アクアパワー 芳香治療 芳香浴 動静脈吻合 自噴井 人工気候 人工気候室 interruzione dell'eccitazione anodica interruzione della stimolazione anodica chiusura anodica spasmo clonico di chiysura anodica chiusura della contrazione anodica durata anodica durata della contrazione anodica eccitazione anodica apertura anodica spasmo clonico di apertura anodica contrazione dell'apertura anodica bagno antipiretico bagno aromatico clima artificiale 人工太陽灯 camera ambientale luce solare artificiale, lampada al quarzo 人工炭酸泉浴 人工貯留層 人工熱水系 収れん浴、収斂浴 気圧 気温 アトピー性皮膚炎 保護眼鏡 平均地下増温率 bagno astringente pressione atmosferica temperatura 温泉浴施設 温泉療法医、温泉医 水浴性利尿 温泉[治療]館 湯治期間 療養温泉地 stabilimento termale medico termale diuresi termale stabilimento termale durata della cura termale luogo di cura termale 温泉用語集B page 3 balneoclimatology balneological science balneologist balneology balneotherapy, spa treatment balneotherapeutics bath bath additive bath reaction, thermal crisis bath room bath voltage bath water bath with aroma essence bathing dermatitis bathing in water with microbubbles bathing therapy bathing with cutting crude drugs bathmotropic bathmotropic action bathyanesthesia Badereize Bäderverband Balneoklimatologie balneologische Wissenschaft Balneologie Bäderkur, Badekur, Heilquellenbehandlung, Balneotherapie, Heilbäderbehandlung Bäderheilkunde Bad, Badereize Badezusätze Badereaktion, Badekurreaktion Badezimmer balnéologie aattrattiva termale associazione termale balneoclimatologia scienza balneologica balneologia cure thermale, balnéothérapie, cure hydrothermale 温泉療法 温泉療法学、温泉治療学 bain 入浴、浴 [入]浴剤 浴湯反応、温泉反応 salle de bain 浴室 浴電圧 浴槽水 芳香温浴 浴湯皮膚炎、湯かぶれ 超微細気泡浴 cura termale, cura balneare, cura delle acqua termalismo bagni termani supplemento termale reazione alla cura termale Bäderkur, Badekur, Heilquellenbehandlung balnéation cura termale Binnenlandsklima climat continental Bäderdermatitis bed bath, lay down bath Behandlungsbecken Beschaffenheit der Heilquellen, Quellencharakter Bestrahlungsschutz β-endorphine bioclimatology biometeorology bland bath blood viscosity blood volume in tissue bog bath, peloid bath boiling springs bowling breating-out-into-water exercise bronchial hyperresponsiveness [入]浴刺激 温泉協会 温泉気候学 温泉科学 温泉学者 温泉医学、温泉学 thermalité β-endorphine bioclimatologie biométéorologie viscosité du sang Schlammbad bain de boue, illutation sondage bronchial Überempfindlichkeit hypersensibilité de bronche 浴療法 刻み生薬湯 変域値性の,変域値の 変閾作用 深部感覚消失 内陸気候 寝湯 治療浴槽 泉質 照射防護 βエンドルフィン 生気候学 生気象学 無刺激浴 血液粘度 組織血液量 泥浴 噴騰泉、沸騰泉 ボーリング 水中呼気法 気道過敏性 でrまちちだばgの clima di zona interna vasca per trattamente natura delle sorgenti, caratteristiche delle sorgenti bioclimatologia biometeologia bagno dolce fango sorgenti bollenti 温泉用語集B page 4 brush bath bubble bath buoyancy C cabinet vapor bath caisson disease, dysbarism, bends, decompression illness, decompression sickness carbon arc lamp carbon dioxide gas bath, dry carbon dioxide bath carbon dioxide bath care for bathing catalase action cathodal opening contraction(COC) cathodal electronic stream cathodal closing contraction(CCC) cathodal therapy centenarians ceramide Brunnenanlage Bürstenbad Luftperlenbad, Luftsprudelbad, Schaumbad Auftrieb bains bulles poussée verticale Caissonkrankheit Kohlenbogenlampe maladie de caissons lampe à arc de carbone Kohlensäuregasbad Kohlensäurebad Hilfen für Bad bains carbogazeux Kathodenöffnungszuckung (KOZ) katelektrotonischer Strom Kathodenschließungszuckung (KSZ) Kathodenbehandlung Hundertjährigen soin de bain circaseptan rhythm circulated water cleaning bath climate climate control centenaires céramide château d'eau Brustumschlag, Brustpackung, Brustwickel Quellencharakter chloration Chronaxie chronobiologie eaux vadoses Klima bagno energico 泡沫浴 浮力 bagno di schiuma impulso 蒸気函浴 減圧症、潜函病、潜水病 bagno di vapore malattia del casssone malattia dell'aria compressa, malattia iperbarica lampada ad arco carbonico bagno al gas di biosso di carbonia bagno al biossido di carbonio 炭素弧光灯、カーボンアーク灯 炭酸ガス浴 炭酸浴 入浴介助 カタラーゼ作用 陰極開放収縮 陰極電気緊張電流 chemical peeling chest pack characteristic of spring chlorination chronaximeter chronaxy chronobiology chloramine circalunal rhythm circadian rhythm circannual rhythm 泉源施設 刷毛浴 climat 陰極閉鎖収縮 陰極療法 百歳長寿者 セラミド 貯湯槽 ケミカルピーリング 胸部あん法 泉質 塩素処理 時値計、クロナキシー計 時値 時間生物学 クロラミン 概月リズム 日周期リズム、概日リズム 年周期リズム、概年リズム およそ7日周期、7日周期、 サーカセプタン 循環水 清浄浴 気候 気候調整 contrazione dell'apertua casodica contrazione della chiusura catodica trattamento catodico impacco al petto caratteristica delle sorgenti cronoassimetro cronassia ritmo circalunale ritmo circadiano ritmo circannuale ritmo circasettano acque vadose clima 温泉用語集B page 5 climate cure, aerotherapy climate reaction climatology climatic bubo climatic region climatotherapy, climatic cure climograph clothing climate coating effect cold bath, cool bath, frigidum bath cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cataplasm, cold pack chamber exposure climate climate physiology compress compression foot bath front mineral springs, cold springs pack quartz lamp Lufttherapie Klimareaktion climatologie klimatische Region Klimaheilkunde, Klimawechsel, Klimatotherapie kaltes Bad kalter Umschlag climatothérapie carte météologique bain froid, frigithérapie cataplasme froid, compresse froid climat froid kalter Umschlag kaltes Fußbad Kaltfront Kalte Quelle kalte Packung cold therapy, cryotherapy, psychrotherapy Kältebehandlung Kältebehandlung cold treatment cold weather survival coliforms community based medicine complimentary and alternative medicine complex ion complex spa therapy Umschlag, feuchter Umschlag, compress, pack, wet compress Kompresse conduction velocity of F wave conductive heating connective tissue massage continental climate continuous bath, prolonged bath contrast bath control factors of coagulation convective heating region climatique Bindegewebsmassage Kontinentalklima Dauerbad wechselwarmes Bad, Wechselbad bain de cire front froid collibacilles cataplasme climat continental 大気療法学、大気療法、空気療 法、気候療法 気候反応 気候学 気候性よこね 気候区 気候療法 aeroterapia reazione climatica climatologia climatoterapia 気候図 衣服気候 被膜効果 冷浴 bagno freddo 冷湿布 超低温寒冷暴露 寒冷気候 寒冷気候生理学;寒冷生理学 冷あん包、冷あん法、冷巻包 冷圧法 冷足浴 寒冷前線 冷泉 冷パック 冷石英灯 cataplasma freddo 寒冷治療、寒冷療法 寒冷処置 寒冷気候生存 大腸菌群 地域医療 相補代替医療 錯イオン 複合温泉療法 湿布、パップ、パック、罨法、 あん包、あん法、パップ剤 F波伝導速度 伝導加温 terapia del freddo trattamento freddo 結合組織マッサージ 大陸気候 持続浴 交代浴 凝固調節因子 対流加温 impaccchi freddi pediluovo ad acqua variabile fronte freddo sorgenti minerali fredde impacco freddo lampada al quarzo fredda compresse di garza impacchi, impacchi umidi riscaldamento a conduzione massaggio del tessuto connettivo clima continentale bagno prolungato bagno a temperature alternate riscaldamento a convenzione 温泉用語集B page 6 convergence conversive heating cooling bath cooling tower convergence crénothérapie crustal heat flow current perception threshold current perception threshold apparatus cryotherapy D daily periodicity daily pressure fluctuation daily variation day to day variation dead hand declimatization deep body temperature deep boreholes deep breathing deep drilled well deep geothermal water deep heating deep overflow water deep sea water deep sensation, deep sensibility deep water dehydrated deposit desert climate detector tube method diathermal diathermy diathermy, ultraviolet rays diathermic current dipolar bath discharge well discomfort index dissolved component diurnal variation divers paralysis dolphin-assisted seawater therapy douche, jet douche, douching douche massage cryothérapie tief Körpertemperature température profonde respiration profonde Erzlager eau profonde déshydratation gisement Fichtennadelbad diathermie Diathermiestrom variation diurnale Caissonlähmung Dusche, Strahldusche Duschenmassage douche [thermale], jet d'eau 収斂作用 転換加温 冷却浴 冷却塔 鉱泉療法 地殻熱流 電流知覚閾値 電流知覚閾値検出装置 冷凍療法、寒冷療法、凍結療法 日周期性 日内圧変動 日変動、日間変動 日日変動 白蝋病 気候不順応 深部体温 深層ボーリング 深呼吸 深層掘削井 深層熱水 深部加温 深層流出水 海洋深層水 深部感覚 深層水 脱水 鉱床 砂漠気候 検知管法 透熱的の とうひ浴 ジアテルミー ジアテルミー電流 二極電気浴 揚水井 不快指数 溶存成分 日変化 潜函麻痺 ドルフィンキャンプ 圧注法、灌注法 圧注マッサージ riscaldamento a conversione crioterapia riscaldamento profondo diatermia corrente diatermica indice di disagio paralisi del subacqueo doccia, doccia a getto massaggio sotto doccia 温泉用語集B page 7 drill drinking spring drinking hall drinking treatment drinking cure dry pack dynamometer dysbarism, hyperbaric disease, compressed air illness, caisson disease, bends E econoy class syndrome effective temperature forage dynamométre 掘削 飲泉 飲泉ホール 飲泉療法 飲用療法 乾パック ダイナモメーター Caissonkrankheit, Taucherkrankheit mal des caissons 潜函病 Economy Class Syndrom syndrome d'économie エコノミー症候群 有効温度、感覚温度 氷あん法 経皮的電気刺激装置 電極、導子 皮電点 電気眼浴 電気四槽浴 [白熱]電光浴 Trinkhalle Trinkkur Trinkkur trockene Packung Dynamometer cure de boisson cure de boisson Eisumschlag electrical nerve stimulation apparatus electrode electrodermal point electric eye-bath electric four-cell bath electric luminous bath Elektrode Vierzellenbad electric reaction of degeneration elektrische Entartungsreaktion electrical stimulation, electric stimulation elektrisches Vollbad electroacupuncture electrodiagnosis electroshock, electric shock Elektrodiagnostik Elektroschock electroshock therapy electrosleep electrotherapy Elektroschocktherapie Elektroschlaf elektrische Behandlung elektrisches Vollbad Emanatorium endothelial nitric oxide synthetase endurance exercise endurance performance erythema erythema dose evenly maintained far-infrared ray dry sauna evapotranspiration exercise électrode electroacuponcture électrothérapie exercice d'endurance endurance Entladungstherapie Erholungsort Erythema Erythemadosis Bewegung érythème exercice, entrainement 電気変性反応 電気刺激 全身電気浴 低周波鍼通電刺激 電気診断[学] 電撃、電気ショック 電気ショック療法、電気痙攣療 法 電気睡眠 電気療法、電気治療 全身電気浴 ラドン吸入館 血管内皮型一酸化窒素合成酵素 持久性運動、持久運動 持久性運動能力、持久運動能力 放電療法 休養地 紅斑 紅斑量 均等乾式遠赤外線サウナ[浴] 蒸発散量 運動、訓練 sala per cura idropinica cura idropinica impacco secco disbarismo, malattia da decompression elettrodo punto elettrodermico bagno a quattro celle bagno di luce reazione elettrica di degenerazione stimolazione elettrica bagno electrico interno elettrodiagnosi, elettrodiagnostica elettroshock terapia con elettroshock, terapia elettroconvulsiva sonno elettrico terapia elettrica bagno elettrico emanatorio esercizio di durata prova di durata terapia di scarico eritema dose di eritema esercizio 温泉用語集B page 8 exercise bath, kinetotherapeutic bath Bewegungsbad 運動浴 exercise pool exercise therapy, kinesitherapy, therapeutic exercise exercise tolerance exploring electrode exponential current exposure exposure time extension well, delineation well, explotatory well eye bath eye cup F face scale Bewegungsbecken piscine d'eau thermale, piscine de mobilization 運動浴槽 Bewegungstherapie kinésithérapie Testelektrode Exponentialstrom, Dreieckstrom Bestrahlungsdosis Bestrahlungszeit Fango fange fangothérapie, boues thermales far-infrared ray dry sauna far infrared rays faradization faradische Bürste, faradischer Pinsel Faradisation feuchte Ganzpackung feuchtkalte Packung Finnish bath Finnish sauna fließendes Fußbad first bath floating bath fluorosis foot bath, pediluve forest-air bathing formation water, stratum water fresh water freshly heated bath friction front bacino di movimento terapia di esercizi, chinesiterapia tolleranza di esercizio elettrodo dib prova corrente esponenziale dosaggio delle radiazioni tempo di esposizione 炭掘井 眼浴 洗眼器、眼浴杯、眼杯 Fächerdusche fair skin effect fango fango packing fangotherapy, mud therapy, pelotherapy 運動療法 運動耐性 探査電極 三角波電流 照射[線]量 照射時間 bagno per esercizi, bagno chinetoterapeutico Föhn Fußbad fluorose Fœhn bain de pieds Süßwasser eau douce Reibung, Reiben friction front フェイススケール 扇状圧注法 美肌効果 ファンゴ、;鉱泥 鉱泥パック、泥パック 泥療法、鉱泥療法、鉱泥湿布療 法 乾式遠赤外線サウナ[浴] 遠赤外線 感応通電刷毛 感応電流療法、感応通電法 全身湿パック 冷湿パック フィンランド浴 フィンランドサウナ 流水足浴 初浴 浮遊浴 フッ素症 フェーン 足浴 森林浴 地層水 淡水 さら湯 摩擦、まさつ、強擦 前線 doccia a ventaglio fango lampada a raggi infrarossi spazzola faradica, pennello faradico faradizzazione impacco umido totale impacco freddo umido bagno norvegese vento caldo bagno di piedi, pediluvio frizione fronte 温泉用語集B page 9 full immersion bath, full bath full pack full reaction of degeneration fumarole, femoral fumarolic gas functional electrical simulation G galvanic galvanic bath galvanic thertapy galvanization Vollbad ganze Packung, Ganzpackung, Ganzwickel komplette Entartungsreaktion, Totalentartungsreaktion Mofette galvanisch 全身浴 全身パック fumerolle à courant continue Galvanotherapie Galvanisation Galvanofaradisation Gemeinschaftsinhalation general conditioning action geothermal activity geothermal area geothermal field degré gradient géothermique, gradient géothermique eau enérgie géothermique production géothermique de l'électricité geothermal gradient geothermal hot water geothermal power generation geothermal steam geothermal well geothermy geyser, intermittent springs Geiser, intermittierende Quellen Glühlampe géothermie source intermittente, geyser glutathione Gradierwerke greenhouse effect greenhouse effect gas ground water gymnastics H half bath half pack halite, rock salt hand bath hardening bath health promotion Grundwasser Gymnastik eau souterraine gymnastique Halbbad Halbpackung sel gemme Handbad Gesundheitsförderung bagno intero promotion de santé 完全変性反応 噴気孔 噴気 機能的電気刺激 直流の 直流[電気]浴 直流療法 直流通電法 直流感応電流通電法 集団吸入 総合的生体調整作用 温泉活動 地熱地域 地熱地帯 reazione di degenerazione completa fumarola stimolazione elettrica funzionale galvanico bagno galvanico terapia galvanica galvanizzazione galvanofaradizzazione inalazione collettiva area geotermica 地温勾配、地下増温率 地熱熱水 地熱発電 地熱蒸気 地熱井 地熱 間歇泉 白熱灯 グルタチオン 枝条架装置 地球温暖化 温室効果ガス 地下水 体操 半身浴 半身パック 岩塩 手浴 硬化浴 健康増進 sorgente intermittente lampada ad incadenscenza acqua del terreno ginnastica mezzo bagno mezzo impacco bagno alle mani 温泉用語集B page 10 health promotion facility by using hotspring health resort health resort medicine health resort therapy heat heat conduction heat emission heat loss heat radiation, thermal radiation heat shock protein heated air bath, hot air bath, heat bath heating heating pad Erholungsort station climatique Kur durch Luftwechsel Hitze cure d'air chaleur conduction thermique Wärmeabgabe, Wärmeverlust radiation thermique Wärmestrahlung Heißluftbad, Heißluftbäder Heilbäder Heilklima heilklimatischer Kurort Heilquellen, Heilbrunnen Heilquellengeologie Heilquellenlehre Heilwasser heiße Kompresse Heißluftapparat Heißluftdusche Heißlufttherapie heliotherapy Sonnenkur, Heliotherapie, Sonnenlichtbehandlung, Sonnenlichttherapie hemostasis Blutstillung herbal therapy Pflanzentherapie Herzbad Kohlensäurebad in hoher high concentration carbon dioxide bathing Konzentration high frequency current Hochfrequenzstrom high-temperature fluid highland climate, mountain climate hip bath Höhenkurort Höhenluft hokutolite heißes Bad, heiße Bäder hot bath étuve séche chauffage chaufferette therapeutique hydrominérale héliothérapie hémostase 温泉利用型健康増進施設 健康保養地 健康保養地医学 転地療養 熱 熱伝導 熱放散 放熱、熱損失 熱放射、熱線照射 熱ショック蛋白 熱気浴 加温、加熱 あんか、かいろ 療養泉 治療気候 気候療養地 療養泉((源泉の意味)) 温泉地質学 温泉[治療]学 療養泉((水の意味)) 熱湿布 熱気[浴]装置 熱気圧注法 熱気療法 日光療法 luogo di cura medicina da luogo di cura terapia del luogo di cura calore condazione di calore emissione di calore perdita di calore radiazione calda, radiazione di calore bagno ad aria calda riscaldamento termoforo bagni termali clima salubre sorgenti termali geologia delle sorgenti termali terapeutica idrotermale acqua termale impacchi caldi apparecchio ad aria calda doccia ad aria calda terapia con aria calda elioterapia 止血機能 薬草療法 心臓泉、心臓の湯 bain de carbon dioxide á haut concentration 高濃度炭酸水温浴 courant à haute fréquence 高周波電流 高温流体 山岳気候 座浴 高原療養地 高山性空気 北投石 高温浴 corrente ad alta frequenza clima di montagna semicupio luogo di cura di montagna aria di montagna bagno calda 温泉用語集B page 11 hot bathtub circulating system hot climate hot compress, hot fomentation hot dry pack hot pack, hot compress 循環式浴槽 熱帯性気候 heißer Umschlag, warmer Umschlag heiße trockene Packung heiße Packung, heißer Umschlag, warmer Umschlag hot-spring bathing hot-spring deposit, sinter, tufa hot spring law hot-spring pool bathing Hot Spring Research Center Mineralthermalbad, Thermalbäder hot spring water, thermal water Quellwasser, Thermalwasser hot springs hot-water bottle Quelle, warme Quellen, Therme Wärmeflasche feuchtwarme Packung, heiße feuchte Packung hot wet pack Hubbard tank humic acid humic coal humic soil humus hydrogen peroxide resolving power 温泉浴 温泉華 温泉法 温泉プール浴 中央温泉研究所 Thermalschwimmbäder eaux thermales les bains, eaux thermales, sources thermales bouillotte acides humique sol humique humus bilan de lécoulement, bilan hydrologique hydrologic balance, water balance hydrokinesiotherapy Wassermassage, Unterwassermassage hydrostatischer Druck hydromassage, underwater massage hydrostatic pressure hydrotherapy hydrothermal activity hyperbaric oxygen therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation hyperbaric chamber Druckkammer hyperbaric disease, compressed air illness Taucherkrankheit hyperthermisches Bad, Überwärmungsbad, hyperthermal bath, therapeutic hot bath Überwärmungsbäder hyperthermal springs compresse chaud, cataplasme chaud 温あん包、温あん法 温乾パック 温巻法、温巻包、ホットパッ ク、温パック heiße Quellen hydromassage pression hydrostatique hydrothérapie hydrothermalisme impacco caldo impacco caldo secco impacco caldo bagno termale minerale, bagno termale scoria piscine termali 温泉水 acqua di sorgente calda, acqua termale 温泉 湯たんぽ sorgente calda bottiglia di acqua calda 温湿パック ハバードタンク フミン酸 腐植炭 腐植土 腐食、腐植質 過酸化水素分解能力 impacco caldo umido vasca di hubbard 水収支 水中運動治療法 水中マッサージ 静水圧 水治療法 熱水活動 高圧酸素療法 高圧室 高圧症 過熱浴 高温泉 idrochinesiterapia idromassaggio pressione idrostatica idroterapia ossigenoterapia iperbarica camera iperbarica malattia iperbarica bagno ipertermale sorgenti ipertermali, sorgenti calda 温泉用語集B page 12 hyperthemia hyperthermia and irradiation therapy hypertonic mineral water hypochlorite hypotonic mineral water Hyperthermie hyperthermie hypertonisches Mineralwasser hypotonische Quellen I ice massage ice pack impermeable bed implantation electrode inclinometer Bezugselektrode, indifferente indifferent electrode, reference electrode Electrode, Normalelektrode indifferent temperature indifferente Temperatur induced current faradischer Strom, induction massage Einleitungsmassage ultrarote Strahlen, infrarote infrared rays Strahlen, Infrarotstrahlen infrared radiation Infrarotstrahlung infrared rays lamp inhalation treatment Inhalation inhalation with iodine salt solution insolation, sun bath Inhalatorium Inselklima Insolation, Sonnenbad Interferenzstorm (Uemec) intermediate water International Society of Biometeorology International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology intestinal bath Darmbad, subaquales Darmbad ion sauna bath iontophoresis Iontophorese iron moor Eisenmoor irradiation Bestrahlung, Irradiation, Strahlung irrigation, lavage, wash Irrigation irritating climate isokinetic exercise isometric contraction inclinométre électrode normale, électrode de référence infrarouge inhalation humage d'un établissement thermal bain de soleil eau intermédiaire ionophorèse, ionothérapie irradiation lavage climat irritant contraction isométrique ハイパーサーミア 温熱併用放射線療法 高張鉱泉水、高張泉水 次亜塩素酸塩 低張鉱泉水;低張泉水 低張泉 氷マッサージ 氷パック 不透水層 植えこみ電極 インクリノメーター、脊椎可動 域測定器 基準電極、不関電極 不感温度、不偏温度 感応電流 誘導マッサージ ossigenazione iperbarica, ipertermia acqua minerale ipertonica acqua minerale ipotonica sorgenti ipotoniche massaggio con ghiaccio impacco con ghiacco elettrodo di impianto elettrodo neutro, elettrodo di riferimento tenperatura neutra corrente indotta massaggio a induziono 赤外線 赤外線照射 赤外線ランプ 吸入治療、吸入療法 ヨードゾル吸入療法 raggi infrarossi radiazione infrarossa 吸入館 島しょ気候 日光浴 干渉波電流 中層水 国際生気象学会 inalatorium clima isolano bagno di sole 国際水治療学会 洗腸浴 イオンサウナ浴 イオントフォレーシス、イオン 泳動、イオン導入[法] 鉄モール 照射[法] 洗浄 刺激性気候 等速性運動、等運動性運動 等尺性収縮 inalazione, terapia inalatoria bagno intestinale ionoforesi fango ferruginoso irraggiamento irrigazione esercizio isochinottico contrazione isometrica 温泉用語集B page 13 isometric exercise isometric strengh isometric training isotonic contraction isotonic exercise isotonic mineral water isotonic strength isotonic training contraction isotonique isotonisches Mineralwasser eau minerale isotonique isotonische Quellen J Jacuzzi Jacuzzi la société japonaise de balnéologie, climatologie et médecine physique Japanese society of balneology, climatology and physical medicine Japanese Society of Biometeorology juvenile water K keratinized insoluble membrane Kneipp therapy japanisches feuchtes Sandbad, japanisches Dampfbad juveniles Wasser Kneippkur Kneippkurort Kurgast Kurhaus Kurmittelanlage Kurmittelhaus Kurort Kurortbehandlung Kurortologie Kurpark Kurverwaltung 等尺性運動 等尺性収縮力 等尺性トレーニング 等張性収縮 等張性運動 等張鉱泉水、等張泉水 等張性収縮力 等張性トレーニング 等張泉 ジャグジー 日本温泉気候物理医学会 日本生気象学会 日本式蒸し風呂 初生水、処女水 Kneipp cure baigneur, curiste esercizio isometrico forza isometrica esercizio isometrico contrazione isotonica esercizio isotonico acqua minerale isotonica forza isotonica esercizio isotonico sorgente isotonica 角化不溶性膜 クナイプ療法 クナイプ療養地 湯治客 温泉保養館、クアハウス 温泉治療施設 温泉治療館 療養地 療養地治療 療養地学 療養公園 療養地事務所((案内)) bagno di vapore giappnese acqua giovanile luogo di cura idroterapeutica curista casa di cura luogo di cura luogo di cura trattamento in luogo di cura scienza del trattamento parco termale amministrazione di cura L Landsklima laser-Doppler blood-flowmeter legionella species light bath local bath, partial bath local climate local heating local hot-air bath local vapor bath Leitung der Quellwasser Lichtbad Teilbad, Teilbäder Lokalklima, lokale Heißluftbäder lokale Dampbäder Lokalklima, Ortsklima vélocimétrie Laser Doppler 陸地気候、田園気候 レーザードップラー検査 レジオネラ属菌 温泉[水]引込み管 光線浴 部分浴 局所気候 局所加温 局所熱気浴 局所蒸気浴 局地気候 clima interno del paese diorezione dell'acqua di sorgente bagno di luce bagno parziale clima locale riscaldamento localizzoto bagno localizzato ad aria calda bagno di vapore parziale clima locale 温泉用語集B page 14 low attenuation area (LAA) low frequency current therapy, low frequency therapy lukewarm bath, tepid bath M magma reservoir magmatic water magnetic water manupulative therapies marbled skin, cutis marmorata maritime climate massage maximal aerobic power medical hydrology medicated bath, herbal bath meridian meridian, meridian and collateral metal bath metasilicic acid microclimate microwave therapy, black light lamp, microwave diathermy milk bath mineral bath mineral spring intoxication mineral springs mineral water ローアテニュエーションエリア Niederfrequenzstromtherapie Luftkurort lauwarme Bäder, lauwarmes Bad 低周波療法 大気療養地 微温浴 chambre réservoir magmatique vulkanisches Wasser manipulative Therapie maritimes Klima, Seeklima Massage traitement manupulatif climat océanique massage hydrologie medizinisches Bad, Arzneibad, Zusatzbad acide métasilicique bain de lait Mineralquellen Mineralwasser, Quellwasser Mineralsalz, Quellensublimat source minérale eau minérale minimal erythema dose Mittelgebirgsklima Mofette feucht moist, humid monochromatic light monochromatic light therapy monochromatische Lichttherapie monopolar bath, monopolar electrothermal bath Moor morning hypertension mountain sickness, altitude sickness, Bergkrankheit, Höhenkrankheit mountain sickness humide マグマだまり 岩しょう水 磁気水 手技療法 大理石様皮膚 海洋気候 マッサージ 最大有酸素的作業力 水治療法学 薬浴 経絡 経路 金属浴 メタケイ酸 微[小]気候 極超短波療法 牛乳浴 鉱泉浴 鉱泉酩酊 鉱泉 鉱泉[水]、泉水 泉塩 最小紅斑量 中山気候 炭酸孔 湿性の、湿った 単色光 単色光線療法 単極電気浴 tourbe 泥[炭]、モール 早朝高血圧症 mal de montagnes 高山病、山酔い、山岳病 terapia con corrente a bassa frequenza luogo di cura climatico bagno tiepido acqua magmatica pelle marmorizzata clima marino massaggio massimo potere aerobico idrologia medica bagno medicato, bagno addizionale meridiano microclima diatermia da microonde, terapia a microonde bagno di latte bagno minerale sorgenti minerali acqua minerale sale minerale dose minima di eritema clima di mezza montagna mofeta umido luce monocromatica terapia con luce monocromatica fango malattia dell'altitudine, anossia da montagna 温泉用語集B page 15 moxibustion, moxacautery mud mud bath muscle hardness muscular induration mustard bath N Moxa moxa fangothérapie raideur musculaire Senfbad Nachruhe peloid pack, mud pack pelotherapy percussion petrissage, compression massage bagno alla mostarda riposo doccia nasale 閉塞前線 オクチルフタリド 油浴 開放空気療法 心身医学的秩序調和療法 浸透水 酸化還元電位 fronte occluso Packung, Umschlag, Wickel Paraffinbad Paraffinverband Teilpackung パック、てん包、巻包 パラフィン浴 パラフィン包帯 部分パック partielle Entartungsreaktion 不完全変性反応 受動運動、他動運動 泥炭浴 ペダル踏み運動 治療泥 impacco, cataplasma bagno di paraffina bendaggio di paraffina impacco parziale reazione di degenerazione parziale esercizio passivo bagno di torba esercizio di pedalata peloide impacco peloide, impacco con fango peloterapia percussione natürliche Kohlensäurebäder partial reaction of degeneration passive exercise peat bath pedaling exercise peloid 温泉泥 鉱泥浴、泥浴 筋硬度 筋硬結 からし浴 moxibustione, agopuntura con calore 浴後安静 鼻洗[浄]、鼻圧注 国民保養温泉地 天然炭酸[泉]浴 近赤外分光光度計 噴霧 針電極 マイナスイオン 不感温度浴 夜間温泉浴 非火山性温泉 栄養療法 nasal douche national hot spring health resort near-infrared spectroscope nebulization needle electrode negative air ions neutral bath night spa bathing non-volcanic hot-spring nutrition therapy O occluded front octylphthalide oil bath open air therapy order therapy osmotic water, infilteration water oxydation-reduction potential P pack, compress, fomentation paraffin bath paraffin dressing partial pack 灸 pulvérisation Nadelelektrode Ernahrungstherapie front occlus bain d'huile öffene Lufttherapie Ordnungstherapie potentiel d'oxydoréduction Moorbad Peloid Peloidpackung, Schlammbehandlung percussion, tapotement Petrissage, Kneten, Knetmassage 泥パック 泥療法 打診法、打診、叩打法、叩打 じゅうねつ法、揉捏法 nebulizzazione elettrodo ad ago 温泉用語集B page 16 physical exercise physical fitness physical medicine physicotherapeutics physiotherapy, physical therapy modality pine-needle bath plain water plain water bath physikalische Medizin Süßwasser Süßwasserbad plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) plate electrode pollution of swimming and bathing facility pool pool bath pool therapy pottasium permanganate consumption progressive currents progressive resistance exercise prolonged bath psammotherapy, ammotherapy, sand treatment psychrotherapy public bath pumping water pump massage Q quartz lamp R radiant heat radiation radioactive bath radioactive spring radon bath rain bath rain water, meteoloic water ray reaction of degeneration rectangular current médecine physique physiothérapie physiothérapie piscine thérapie en piscine 身体運動、運動((身体の)) 運動能力、体力適性 物理療学、物療法学、物理療法 学、物療学、物理医学 理学療法学、物理療法学 物理療法、理学療法 透熱療法 淡水 淡水浴 プラスミノーゲンアクチベー ターインヒビター1型 平板電極 プール浴場汚染 プール プール浴 プール治療 過マンガン酸カリウム消費量 漸増電流 漸増抵抗運動 esercizio fisico forma fisica medicina fisica fisicoterapeutica fisioterapia bagno agli aghi di pino acqua dolce bagno in acquq dolce elettrodo a placca piscina, vasca bagno in piscina terapia del bagno correnti progressive esercizio di resistenza progressiva bagno prolungato terapia con bagni di sabbia, bagno di sabbia psicrotherapy bagno publico Dauerbad 持続浴 Sandbadbehandlung Pumpenmassage 砂浴療法 寒冷療法 公衆浴場 揚水 ポンプマッサージ Quarzlampe [水銀]石英灯 lampada al quarzo 放射熱、輻射熱 放射、照射 calore radiante radiazione 放射能浴 放射能泉 ラドン浴 雨灌浴 天水 放射線、光線、線 変性反応 矩形波電流 直角波電流 気候再訓化 bagno radioattivo öffentliche Badeanstalt Strahlungswärme Strahlung bains publics chaleur rayonnante radiation bain de radiations, bain de radioactivité Radonbäder Regenwasser Strahlen Entartungsreaktion Rechteckstrom Reklimatisation bain de pluie eau de pluie rayon、radiations massaggio a pompa bagno al radon bagno di pioggia acqua piovana raggio reazione di degenerazione corrente rettangulare riacclimatazione 温泉用語集B page 17 reflection pressure wave reflex sympathetic dystrophy reflex zone massage Regendusche Reibmayer's massage techniques repeated sauna treatment resident flora residual chlorine resistive exercise resort medicine room inhalation Rauminhalation Rotlichtbehandlung Russian bath rhythm rice bran bath rinsing bath S vague de pression de réflexion 反射圧波 反射性交感神経性ジストロ フィー 反射帯マッサージ 雨状圧注 technique de massage de Reibmayer 莱氏按摩新論 [反復]サウナ療法 常在菌叢 残留塩素 抵抗運動 保養地医学 室内吸入 赤色光線療法 ロシア風呂 rythme リズム 糠浴 かぶり湯 Schonungsklima safety bathing saline moor saline spring salt of Ems-spring salt water bath sanatorium sand bath sand bathing saturated vapor sauna sauna bath sea bathing, seawater bathing sea bather's dermatitis seasonal disease sedative bath selenium-rich spa self-assisted exercise senile dementia sensory nerve conduction velocity salinisches Moor Kuranstalt Sandbad Sandbad Schlammbehandlung schwächere Solbäder Seebäder Saisonkrankheit Beruhigungsbad, Sedativbad Seeluftkur senile Demenz maison de cure bain de sable vapeur saturé sauna bain de mer bain sedatif 保護気候 安全入浴法 塩類モール ナトリウム-硫酸塩泉、芒硝泉 エムス泉塩 食塩泉浴 療養所 砂浴 砂治療 飽和蒸気 サウナ サウナ浴 泥浴療法 弱ゾール浴 海水浴 海水浴皮膚炎 季節病 鎮静浴 海洋大気療法 セレン泉 自己介助運動 老年痴呆 démence sénile vitesse de conduction de nerf sensitif 感覚神経伝導速度 massaggio riflessorio doccia a pioggia esercizio di resistenza inalazione interna trattamento con luce rossa ritmo fango salino stabilimentro di cura bagno di sabbia sauna trattamento con fango bagno in acqua poco salata bagno di mare malattia stagionale bagno sedativo cura con aria di mare esercizio auto-assistito 温泉用語集B page 18 serial bath, a series of bathing shallow overflow water short-term balneotherapy balnéotérapie à court terme short wave therapy, short wave diathermy Kurzwellentherapie silicious sinter Wildbäder simple thermals simulation therapy Reiztheraie single bath process sinter Mineralsalz, Quellensublimat sitz bath Sitzbad Sitzdusche skin-cleaning effect Reinigungeffekt der Haut skin conductance Effekt der Hautelastizität skin-softening effect soft water softening Solbäder source Quelle spa Badeort spa-aqua therapy spa treatment spa hotel Kurhotel spa sanatorium Kursanatorium spelaeotherapy spouting spring springs Quelle, Thermen, Quellen standard deviation of normal to normal interval standing bath stärkere Solbäder statische Elektrizität static electricity steam bath, moist air bath, vapor bath steam douche steam ratio steam well stimulation produced analgesia stimulating electrode stimulating bath stone spa, base rock spa Dampfbad, Dampfbäder Dampfdusche bain de siège eau douce source thérmale station thermale soin thermal fontaine électicité statique station hydrominérale (balnéaire) bain de vapeur [humide] analgesique par stimulation Reizelektrode Belebungsbad piérres volcaniques Stollenkur 連浴 浅層流出水 短期温泉療法 短波療法 珪華 単純温泉;単純泉 刺激療法 一浴法 湯の華 坐浴 座位圧注[法] 皮膚清浄効果 皮膚コンダクタンス値 皮膚柔軟化効果 軟水 軟水化 強食塩泉浴、ゾール浴 源泉 温泉地 水中運動療法 温泉療養、湯治 温泉療養ホテル 温泉療養所 洞窟治療 吹上げ泉 泉 心拍変動解析 継続浴 強ゾール浴 静電気 温泉療養地 蒸気浴。蒸し湯 蒸気圧注法 蒸気分率 蒸気井 刺激鎮痛法 刺激電極 刺激浴 岩盤浴 洞窟療法 serie di bagni terapia con onde corte, diatermia da onde corte scoria silicea terapia stimolante sale di sorgente, scoria bagno seduto doccia seduta acqua molle bagno in acqua salata terme, stazione termale trattamento termale ospedale terapia in grotta sorgenti bagno in acqua molto salata elettricita statica stazione idrotermale bagno di vapore doccia di vapore elettrodo stimolatore bagno stimolatore antroterapia 温泉用語集B page 19 strength-duration curve stretching exercise stroking, superficial stroking Strom, electric current sweat bath swimming subthermal springs summer resort superficial stroking, stroking superlow frequency therapy apparatus surface electrode surface water discharge sulfur bath sulfur moor sulfur spring sulphur sinter sun lamp T Tamagawa dermatitis tap water bath temperature of spring terrain cure thalassotherapy therapeutic dose therapeutic exercise, therapeutic gymnastic thermal crisis, bath reaction thermal vasodilation thermal vasodilation therapy thermography thermotherapy, therapeutic heating, fever therapy, heat therapy, hyperthermia therapy, induced hyperthermia thermoregulatory center thermosaline circulation three elements of hot-springs three-quarters pack time bath, time-limited bath timed bathing, time-limited bath tissue hemoglobin level Reizzeitspannungskurve Strom Schwitzbad courant natation subaquales Darmbad subthermale Quellen Sommerfrischenkurort Streichmassage, Streichen Schwefelbäder Schwefelmoor Höhensonne Leitungswasserbad Quellentemperatur Terrainkur Thalassotherapie Heilgymnastic Badereaktion, Badekurreaktion station estival d'été, station d'altitude bain de soufre eau thermale sulfatée fleur de soufre, eaux sulfureuses rampe soleil thalassothérapie poussée thermale vasodilatation thermique thermographie Thermotherapie, Wärmebehandlung, Wärmetherapie thermothérapie Dreiviertelpackung 強さ時間曲線 伸長運動 軽擦法、軽擦 電流 発汗浴 水泳 [浴中]洗腸浴 低温泉 curva di durata di forza esercizio di tensione massaggio superficiale corrente bagno di sudore nuoto bagno intestinale subacqueo sorgenti subtermali 避暑地 軽擦法 超低周波療法装置 luogo di cura estivo 表面電極;界面電極 浅層地下水層 硫黄浴 硫黄モール イオウ泉 硫黄華 太陽灯 玉川皮膚炎 水道水浴 泉温 地形療法 海[洋]療法、タラソテラピー 治療[線]量、治療薬量 治療体操 湯中り、浴反応 温熱性血管拡張 温熱性血管拡張療法 サーモグラフィー 温熱療法 体温調節中枢 熱塩循環 温泉の三要素 4分の3パック 時間浴 時間湯 組織ヘモグロビン量 apparato per la terapia a frequenza superbassa elettrodo di superfice bagno sulfureo fango sulfurso sorgenti solforose scoria sulfurea lampada solare, sole di montagna bagno ad acqua corrente cura del terreno talassoterapia dose terapeutica esercizio terapeutico, ginnastica salutare crisi termale, impulso termale termoterapia, riscaldamento terapeutico, termoterapia impacco di trequarti bagno a tempo 温泉用語集B page 20 tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) Togol mud bathing total residue trace element, Spurenelement tissue plasminogen activator Mikroelemente transepidermaler Wasserverlust transepidermal water loss travertine treadmill exercise tolerance test treatment pool, therapeutic pool trihalomethane tropical climate turbidity Turkish bath two-cell bath U ultra deep well drilling ultrashort wave diathermy, ultrasonic therapy, ultrasound therapy ultrasonic diathermy, ultrashort wave therapy ultrasonic Doppler technique ultrasonic irradiation, ultrasonic radiation ultraviolet radiation, ultraviolet irradiation ultraviolet rays, ultraviolet light, ultraviolet radiation ultraviolet therapy underwater douche underwater exercise underwater exercise in a heated pool underwater exercise therapy underwater massage urban climate V vaginal douche vasodilator response ventilation very high frequency therapy Visual Analogue Scale vibration treatment vibratory massage Niederschläge (der Quellenwasser) treadmill test Treadmill climat tropical ultrasonothérapie Ultrakurzwellenbehandlung, Ultrakurzwellentherapie Doppler-Ultraschall, UltraschallDoppler-Technik technique ultrasonique de Doppler Ultraviolettstrahlung 組織型プラスミノーゲンアクチ ベーター トゴール鉱泥浴 固形物総量 微量成分 residuo totale oligoelemento 経表皮蒸散水分量 温泉沈殿物 トレッドミル 治療プール トリハロメタン 熱帯気候 濁度 トルコ風呂 電気2槽浴 vasca terapeutica 大深度抗井掘削 超音波療法、超短波ジアテル ミー法 diatermia ad onde ultracorte 超短波療法、超音波照射 diatermia ultrasonica 超音波ドップラー法 超音波照射[法] 紫外線照射 irradiazione ultrasonica radiazione ultravioletta ultraviolette Strahlen rayons ultraviolets ultraviolette Strahlentherapie Unterwasserdusche, Schlauchbad Hydrogymnastik, gymnastique aquatique, Unterwassergymnastik exercice aquqtique 紫外線 紫外線療法 浴中圧注法 Unterwasserbewegungsbehandlung Unterwassermassage massage aquqtique 浴中運動療法 浴中マッサージ 都市気候 terapia con esercizio subacqueo massaggio subacqueo 膣圧注、膣洗[浄] 血管拡張反応 換気 高周波療法 ビジュアルアナログスケール 振動療法 振動マッサージ doccia vaginale lavage vaginal ventilation Hochfrequenzbehandlung Schüttelbehandlung Vibrationsmassage 水中運動、水中体操 温水プール水中運動 raggi ultravioletti terapia ultravioletta doccia subacquea ginnastica in acqua, ginnastica subacquea, esercizio subacqueo ventilazione trattamento con scuotimento vibromassaggio 温泉用語集B page 21 volcanic activity, volcano-dynamics volcanic gas volcanic hot-spring W walking pool Waon therapy warm bath warm convection warm front warm-water bath Vulkanismus activité volcanique gaz volcanique Wassertreten Wandelhalle Warmfront front chaud Wassergymnastik water-borne infection water content of stratum corneum, water content of horny layer water fall bath water immersion water with flow, bathing in flowing water wave bath wax bath weather disease wel drilling wet heat wet pack whirlpool bath, agitated-water bath whirl pool spa whole-body bathing winter resort Wasserfallbad Überschwemmung immersion dans l'eau Wetterkrankheit wechselwarme Strahldusche feuchte Packung Sprudelbad bain de mousse 2008年3月編集 用語委員: 倉林 均、三友紀男、小澤優樹、関 大輔、保崎泰弘 協 力: 日伊相互文化普及協会、モンテカティーニ・テルメ医師会 歩行浴 遊歩館 和温療法 温浴 温対流 温暖前線 温水浴 水中[治療]体操 水系感染 Wellenbad Winterfrischenkurort 火山活動 火山ガス 火山性温泉 station hivernale 角質水分量 滝湯(打たせ湯) 水浸 動水浴槽 波浪浴 ろう浴、蝋浴 気象病 [冷温]交代圧注法 削井 湿熱 湿パック 渦流浴、うずまき浴 泡風呂、泡の湯 全身シャワー浴 避寒地 camminamento in acqua atrio convezione calda fronte caldo idroginnastica, esercizio subacqueo bagno sotto cascata bagno a onde bagno di cera malattia del tempo doccia a raggio di calore variabile calore umido impacco umido bagno con acqua mossa, bagno a vortice bagno ad aria luogo di cura invernale
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