ウラディーミル・アシュケナージ(指 揮) *招聘オーケストラとの来日 Vladimir Ashkenazy, conductor *appeared with visiting orchestra only (conductor) 1955 年ワルシャワのショパン・コンクールと 1956 年ブリュッセルのエリザベート王妃コンクール1 位という世界の檜舞台で初めて脚光を浴びて以来、アシュケナージは、著名かつ尊敬されるピアニ ストとしてのみならず、創造的で幅広い活動を行い、世界中の音楽ファンを触発し続けるアーティ ストとして、驚くべき経歴を築いてきた。 この 20 年間では、指揮活動が最も大きな割合を占めている。チェコ・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団の 首席指揮者(1998~2003)、NHK 交響楽団の音楽監督(2004~2007)を歴任し、2009 年 1 月からはシ ドニー交響楽団の首席指揮者と芸術アドバイザーに就任。シドニー交響楽団とは極めて良好な関係 を築いており、ラフマニノフ、エルガー、プロコフィエフ、マーラーといった作曲家フェスティヴ ァル、録音、海外ツアーなど数多くの刺激的な活動を行っている。 これらの役職の傍ら、彼は 2000 年に桂冠指揮者となったフィルハーモニア管弦楽団とも長年の関係 を保っている。毎シーズンのロンドンや英国各地における公演に加えて、最近の中国、韓国を含め 世界的にツアーを行っており、また 2003 年の「スターリン体制下のプロコフィエフとショスタコー ヴィチ」(ケルン、ニューヨーク、ウィーン、モスクワでも上演)や、2010 年 10 月にパリで再演さ れた「ラフマニノフ再考」といった画期的なプロジェクトも創り上げた。 また、毎年ツアーを行っている EU ユース・オーケストラの音楽監督、アイスランド交響楽団とNH K交響楽団の桂冠指揮者の任にも就いている。その他にも、クリーヴランド管弦楽団(元首席指揮 者)、サンフランシスコ交響楽団、ベルリン・ドイツ交響楽団(1989~99 首席指揮者・音楽監督)を はじめ、長年特別な関係を築いてきた多数のオーケストラと強固な繋がりを保ち、しばしば客演し ている。 指揮者として重要な活動を行う一方、近年ピアニストとしては、主に録音スタジオにおいて幅広い 作品を世に送り出している。主なものには、1999 年のグラミー賞を受賞した「ショスタコーヴィチ: プレリュードとフーガ」 、彼が委嘱した「ラウタヴァーラ:ピアノ協奏曲第 3 番」、 「バッハ:平均律 クラヴィーア曲集」 、 「ラフマニノフ:トランスクリプション」、「ベートーヴェン:ディアベッリ変 奏曲」がある。最新のソロのリリースは「バッハ:パルティータ全曲」のディスクである。ヴォヴ カ・アシュケナージと共演したピアノ・デュオのフランス作品集は 2009 年にリリースされ絶賛され た。2011 年の秋には日本と韓国でこのデュオのコンサートが予定されている。 彼はその多忙なスケジュールの合間をぬって、数々の興味深いTVプロジェクトにも参加している。 株式会社ジャパン・アーツ http://www.japanarts.co.jp 〒150-8905 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-1-6 TEL: 03-3499-8100 / FAX: 03-3499-8102 JAPAN ARTS CORPORATION http://www.japanarts.co.jp 2-1-6, Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-8905 TEL: 81-3-3499-8091 FAX: 81-3-3499-8092 中では、1979 年に上海で撮影された「毛沢東以後の音楽(Music after Mao)」 、1960 年台にソ連を去 って以来初めて生まれ故郷を訪れた 1989 年の記録「モスクワのアシュケナージ」、ロンドンの子供 達と一緒に出演した NHK「スーパー・ティーチャーズ」、2003/04 年のドキュメンタリー「スターリ ン体制下のプロコフィエフとショスタコーヴィチ」が特筆され、これらの放送によって聴衆を拡げ る努力も続けている。 *プロフィールの一部を使用する場合、日数が経過している場合は、ジャパン・アーツの校正チェックを お受け頂きますようお願い申し上げます。 株式会社ジャパン・アーツ http://www.japanarts.co.jp 〒150-8905 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-1-6 TEL: 03-3499-8100 / FAX: 03-3499-8102 JAPAN ARTS CORPORATION http://www.japanarts.co.jp 2-1-6, Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-8905 TEL: 81-3-3499-8091 FAX: 81-3-3499-8092 Vladimir ASHKENAZY (conductor) *appeared with visiting orchestra only Among the foremost musical figures of our time, Vladimir Ashkenazy was born in Gorky in 1937. He began playing the piano at the age of six and was accepted at the Central Music School at the age of eight. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, having studied with Lev Oborin. He won second prize in the International Frédéric Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw in 1955, first prize in the Queen Elisabeth Music Competition in Brussels in 1956, and joint first prize with John Ogdon in the 1962 International Tchaikovsky Competition. Since then, he has built an extraordinary career, not only as one of the most renowned and revered pianists of our times, but as an artist whose creative life encompasses a vast range of activities and continues to offer inspiration to music-lovers across the world. Conducting has formed the largest part of his activities for the past 20 years. Formerly Chief Conductor of the Czech Philharmonic (1998–2003) and Music Director of NHK Symphony Orchestra in Tokyo (2004–7), from 2009 to 2013 he has served as Principal Conductor and Artistic Advisor to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, collaborating on a number of exciting projects including composer festivals, major recording projects and international touring activities. His final concerts, in November 2013, featured Britten’s War Requiem. Alongside these positions, Ashkenazy has continued his longstanding relationship with the Philharmonia Orchestra of which he was appointed Conductor Laureate in 2000. In addition to his performances with the orchestra in London and around the UK each season, he appears with them worldwide – including tours throughout Europe and South America in 2014 – and has developed landmark projects such as Prokofiev and Shostakovich under Stalin in 2003 (a project which he also took to Cologne, New York, Vienna and Moscow) and Rachmaninov Revisited in 2002 at Lincoln Center, New York. Ashkenazy also holds the positions of Music Director of the European Union Youth Orchestra, with which he tours each year, and Conductor Laureate of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and the NHK Symphony Orchestra. He maintains strong links with a number of other major orchestras, including The Cleveland Orchestra (of which he was formerly Principal Guest Conductor) and Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (Chief Conductor and Music Director 1988–96), as well as making guest appearances with many other major orchestras around the world. Featuring an extensive repertoire that ranges from Bach to Bartók, Vladimir Ashkenazy’s Decca discography comprises a vast number of recordings, many of which have been crowned with prizes. He received Grammy® awards among others for Beethoven’s Piano Concertos with the Chicago 株式会社ジャパン・アーツ http://www.japanarts.co.jp 〒150-8905 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-1-6 TEL: 03-3499-8100 / FAX: 03-3499-8102 JAPAN ARTS CORPORATION http://www.japanarts.co.jp 2-1-6, Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-8905 TEL: 81-3-3499-8091 FAX: 81-3-3499-8092 Symphony Orchestra under Sir Georg Solti (1973), for Beethoven’s Sonatas for Violin and Piano with Itzhak Perlman (1978), a Ravel programme of solo works (1985) and Shostakovich’s Preludes and Fugues (1999). To mark his 70th birthday in 2007, Decca issued a number of CDs and DVDs – both newly recorded and reissued from Ashkenazy’s enormous Decca discography – which embrace his work as one of the most acclaimed pianists of his generation as well as over 25 years as a conductor. A programme of music for two pianos by Debussy and Ravel, recorded with his son Vovka Ashkenazy, was released in 2009; 2010 saw the release of Bach’s Six Partitas, which Vladimir Ashkenazy has recorded for the first time. A disc featuring Rachmaninov’s Piano Sonata No. 1 and his Variations on a Theme of Chopin was issued in 2011, followed by another acclaimed piano duo recording – this one of Russian works – with Vovka Ashkenazy. A disc of lesser-known Rachmaninov solo works appeared in February 2013, with August bringing a new recording of Rachmaninov piano trios with violinist Zsolt-Tihamér Visontay and cellist Mats Lidström. Further releases in 2013, marking Ashkenazy’s 50th anniversary as an exclusive Decca artist, included a 50-CD “original jacket collection” of his key recordings as pianist and conductor, a 2-CD selection entitled “The Art of Ashkenazy” and digital-only anthologies of Chopin and favourite encores. 2014 already saw the release of the album “Walking in the Air”, in which Vladimir Ashkenazy (joined by Vovka Ashkenazy for two-piano works) plays music by his longtime friend Howard Blake – including pieces dedicated to the pianist – as well as an 11-CD set containing Rachmaninov’s complete works for piano. The release of a solo Bach album, in which Ashkenazy plays works including the French Overture and the Italian Concerto, is scheduled for October 2014. Ashkenazy has also been involved in several television projects, such as Music After Mao, filmed in Shanghai in 1979, and Ashkenazy in Moscow – a series of programmes marking his first visit in 1989 to the country of his birth since leaving the USSR in the 1960s. He has developed educational programmes with NHK TV including the 1999 Superteachers, in which he works with inner-city London school children, and in 2003–4 a documentary based around his Prokofiev and Shostakovich under Stalin project. 2015/16 season only. Please contact Japan Arts if you wish to edit this biography. 株式会社ジャパン・アーツ http://www.japanarts.co.jp 〒150-8905 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-1-6 TEL: 03-3499-8100 / FAX: 03-3499-8102 JAPAN ARTS CORPORATION http://www.japanarts.co.jp 2-1-6, Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-8905 TEL: 81-3-3499-8091 FAX: 81-3-3499-8092
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