1瑠 1電 l .ll 丹 ■ ≡一 や ni l ‖ ‖ B! Van BurenCommunity Schools LanguageArts June 2003 ‖ 11 │ 口 │││ │― │ ‖ │: ││ 甘 1 ││ l CurriculumWriters - preKinderuorten-6 Teresa Adkins Anitq 6onry Teresq Dickenson LindoEolden LindaHinshqw KellyLoeffler @uten Pedrick Ghrisfine$haw Sara Retqffick Rita Tedrow Joyce Wsrd Lorrie Whitacker Curniculum Wnitens7- 1? SusanAlarie Lisa Bengre Tom Kepfer DqvePqufek liory bown $chuck Associqtesuperirfendent/curniculum Director: Dr. Karenstinson Secretory: PamBainbridge Assistedby: Amy Conyers 1調 ⋮ ⋮ ﹁= ﹁ ﹁ 仰■ ︲ ﹁t ﹁一 l l l Table of Contents TitlePage E d u c a t i o nEa ql u i t yP o 1 i e y . . . . . . . . . EducatiOnB1 0biectiVes … . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. ………………………………… ………………………………… …………… ■■ Mislion Statement and Philo30phy.… ……… …………… ………Ⅲ ……………,,‥ │…………ヽ … …………7 Division V E d u c a t i oFn r o g r a m K-6Curriculum Overview andEvaluation …………………4 ‐ 6 ...,,................8 …… ………… …………… …9 ・.苫 ……………… ………… … …… …… … ……………………………Ⅲ1 0 !‖ ! 督 ど 11!:祐 │:ま 名 古 甘 1古ど :│:1古 古 」 孟 : S ,.……………………………h …………・ , t、h … ……………・ rll :居 :!13:古 Ⅲ ……Ⅲ , , …・ ………………, . 1 1イ … 7 │: │― ! P 「o ¬ K S y l l a b u s . .…Ⅲ ………………↓ . …! … ………Ⅲ l・ ・……………t “ …………, ・ ヽ ―…………………, ・―. ・ … …Ⅲ ,・ ・ ・ ………………・ t・ …………………………………1 8 P r 8 1 K S t a n d a r d s a n d B e n c h m a r k B ………. ャ ……………・ ……………………, “= ヽ …………………………………1 い ・ ………………, ・ …… ……・ ・ ・ ・ …………1 9 ‐ 22 ― P 「 ●K U n l P l a ………… n s … …………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………2 3 2‐4 Kindergarten Syllabus/Unit PIョn… ……………Ⅲ .… …………………………………―,.… ………………………………ヽ t……………,,… ………Ⅲ ……ヽ ……………25 Kindiergalten standards and B● hchmarks ,t… …………・ ,′ .… ……………,1… h‥……………………………・ ・ …………,い1.… …………..h… ………26 ││ K i n t t e regn3 成U n “ P l a n n e r …………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ …2 9 - 3 3 Fi円 uan応 l P i a n …………………………………………………………………………………………………3 4 - 3 5 l G r a d e S y古 lも l′ 1 Fi「 st G「 ade Standards and B● nchrllarks.… ………Ⅲ .… ………………・ !… ………………・ ・ "……Ⅲ…….・ …………….。 ………Ⅲ ,… …―…………""h… …36-38 FI「 stl GFttde Unit Plans.… …… ……,,・ ヽ ・…………,…………・ ヽ ……………,."h………………・ !… …………………………・ :… ………………………….・ r′ …………39-53 Second or3de Sy‖ abus...……………………………,………………ヽ .・ Ⅲ ……………′ …………………………………………………′ ・!… ………中′ ● ……………….,… 54‐55 S and Benchmarks… ……… …………―… ││:[::│::暑 :[:掃 !鑑 ……Ⅲ…● ′ ………………………………- 5 6 中5 9 ■■ 1 n s ……………。 . ……………………… 、 ………………………………………………… … …………………………………… …………………… 60-70 I Third orade sy‖ abus ,、 ……………………│ …… … ……71 ■■ Thi甲Gl‐ 3de Standards and Benchmarks… ……………. ……… … …………………………… ……………… ……………7 2 - 7 島 Third G「3de Unit Plans … … ……………………・ ,h……………… …叫………………,│… ……………………………………………,1… Ⅲ………………………………76‐33 Fourth Grade SyHabus … ……,… …………′ ………………………Ⅲ .……………….ヤ ……………………… …………………………………"……………,!… …………84‐35 FouithGiade $tandardsand Benchmarks ︱ ,…………………"… …………………Ⅲ .……………"…… ……,.… …………86-89 Founh● 「 8d● Unit Plans ……………………,……………………・ , …………………………………………………………………………ヤ .・ ………………………………90-101 FlfthlGrade Sy‖ 3buS ………… …―…………………………………Ⅲ .′………………………………│.… ………… …………………………………… ………………th1 02 ︱ F I h■, 「 a d e s t a ndards nchmarks… and B● ……………… … ……………………………………… ………… ………… … … …10 31‐ 07 FIFth Grade Untt Plans… ……………………… ………………………………………………… ………………………… ……………………… │… … 108-126 ■■ ■■ Sixthl●rade sy‖abus … ……… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………127 Sixth orade Sttndard3 3nd B● nchttarks.出 ……… │…… …… ………………………………………………………… … … ………… … …128‐131 S i X t h G r a d e U n l…………………………… P 1 3 n S … …………………………………………………………………………… 1 3 2 - 1 4 6 ││ ││ 1電 ■ ■〓■■ ■■ { ' o c l eN l l t ) t ) │:│ EDLTCATION AL PHILOSOPHY ■口 The Bcrtrdof'Directorsof the VarrBurenOurnnrlurit1 SchoolDistricris crrnrnrirted to the oFrerafion of schoolswhoseFrurpose is r<-r sen,eb1'assisting eaohlearrrerclevelopr into a rl.lrlfllre individualand contributingrnemberof societ\..The goalsoi erlucationand the goalsof. denrr:cracyare fundanrentalll'the sanre. The boardbelievesthe natureof learnilg is cgnti'r.ror.rs ︱ experience throughoutth-elifb of eachindividr"ral. This experience is influencedby a var:iett'of ︱ factr:rsincludingthe enviroumentsurroundingthe learner. The board alsobelieves.anti recognizes"the natureof a learnerrequiresan awarenessof the uniqueneed$of eachindividual and the various stagesof developmentassociatert with growth. It is 6elievedall 6avethe ロ ー H ‖ │: ││ capabiliryof Iearninegiven approprriare opportunir).. The Board of Directorsrecogttizesthe guardianshipof public educationis a trust and ap obligation. Consequently, the boardbelievesthat a desirablelearningatmospheremust be providedwhich includesthe tbllowing: (l) Appropriatefacilities; Competentstaff. {Z) {j) Appropriateeducationaland instructionalmaterials:(4) Assuranceof sat'ety'; (5) Recognitiorrcrf individualdigmty and worlh; {6) A scopeof educationalerpedencesto challengeeachstuclept; and (7) Periodicreview,revision,and evaluation. The Board fur-therbelievesthe scopeof'etJucational experienceshouldnieet the needsr:f, vitriedIearnersandincludeexperiences that enccrmpass the intellectald associated Sasica'd developmental skills,aswell as aesthetic, physicai.civic. sociai,vocational,multiculrural,errd technological awareness, ■■ ‖ ││ 1 1 ││ D&te●f AdOptiOn: Mュ 予9、│'9り viewed: Date R● Au単 ュ 3t ili1999 Pate Revised: │'95 NOvernber生 1瑠 1軍 │:: │:│ ││││ ││││ ││ ” 1 ■ ︱ . ︱ . ││ Forward Thepurposeof thisguideis to assistteachersin the organization and instruction of Language Artsclassesin thevan BurenCommunity School District. Thisguideprovidesdirection for teachers of gradesPre-kindergarten throughsixthgrade,and is adaptable for individual andclassneeds.it 'r, however,important thatteachersfollowthe suggestedsequenceand scopeof lessoncontentto ensuresystematic andcomprehensive instruction concepts and skills Committee members established basicagreement on the philosophy and goalsof Language Artsin our schoolsysiem. Thisguide,prepared by classroom teachers, for useby classroom provides teachers, a scopeandsequence for in$truction, whichreflects a sense of wonder,andappreciation for the giftswithinandaroundus. 1瑠 ││││ 丹 ︱ ■■ ∼朴 ‖ Acknowledgement ︱ Duringthe 2002-2003 schoolyear,a committee of teachersand was formedto developa Language administrators Artscurriculum witha pre-k through12thgradecontinuum.The committee memberscombined theirunique joint competencies in a and interests effortto developthiscurriculum, whichis the resultof interactions and ideaexchanges amongthe committee members, fromteachersand administrators withthe schoolsystem. ︱ . = Thiscurriculum shouldassistteachersin determining the expected conceptand performance levelat the variousgrades.lt is not designedto restrictor limitthe c?eativity or imagination of teachers.The guideservesas a for the development springboard of additional and mastersof skills, concepts on the abilityand interests depending of eachstudent ︱ Thisprojectwas successfully completedin the summerof 2003,because and consistentetfortsof the committeememberswho of the dedication participated in this project: Elementarv: GwenPedrick,SaraRetallipk, AnitaCorry,LindaGolden,LorrieWhitacker, TeresaDickinson, Teresa'Adkins, LindaHinshaw,KellyLoeffler,Christine$haw, RitaTedrow,andJoyceWard. Secondary: SusanAlarie,LisaBenge,Tom Kepler,DavePaulek,and MaryDawnSchuck. I B ﹁ ︱ We aregratefulto thesecommitteemembers,andsupportthe compliment theirfineefforts. 日 ‖ ︱ . ︱ ︼ l t l ! ︱ ・ ︱ ≡ 1瑠 ⋮ ・ ■ ■ ”﹁ ■■ Code No 605‐ Rl │: ││ VAN BUREN SCH00LS EDUCAT10NAL EQuTYPOLICY STATEMENT ■■ 1 1 It is the policy of the Van Buren CommunitySchoolsnot to discriminateon the basisof sex,race,nationaloriginicreed,age,maritalstatus,or disabilityin its educationalprograms, activities,or employmentpoliciesasrequiredby Title VI andWI of the l96a Civij nights Act, Title IX of the 1972EducationAmendments,and Section504 of the FederalRehabilitationAct of 1973. . .I It is alsothe policy of this district that the curriculumcontentandinstructionalmaterials utilizedreflectthe culturalandracialdiversitypresentin the United Statesandthevarietyof careers,roles,andlifestylesopento womenaswell asmenin our society. Oneof the objectives of the total curriculumandteachingstrategiesis to reducestereotypingandto eliminatebiason the basisofsex, race,etttnicity,religion and disability. The cuniculum shallfosterrespectand appreciationfor culturaldiversityfound in our countryandan awaf,eness of the rights,duties, andresponsibilities of eachindividualasa memberof pluralisticsociety. Inquiriesregardingcompliancewith Title IX, Title VI, or Section504 maybe directedto Dr, KarenStinson"AssociateSuperintendent, 503Henry Street,KeosauquqIA 52565,3lg-Zg33326,to the Directorof the Iowa Civil RightsCommission,DesMoines,'IowEor to the Director of the RegionVII Office of Civil Rights,DepartmentofEducation,Kan$asCiiy, Missouri. . 1 Reviewed 8/13/97 ぃ 1 1 r ││ ‖ ││ ⋮ . 輯 お い 一 ”打 州 f = ︱ ︱ ︱ CorieNjo 1o'l EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES I. OUR FRAMEOF REFERENCE We believethet the schoolas a publicinstitutionshouldprovideinsofaras oossible: ■■ 1, A well-qualified and efficierrt corpsof teachers. 2. A physicalplantand equipmerrt adequateto rrreetthe needsof ever-vleamer. ■■ 3. Experiencesfor effectiveleanring. 4' An educational leadership. whichleadsto continuous rmprovements of the school. ■■ we believethete is a cornmonset of skills,knowledge,arrdattitudesessentielto the totaldevelopmentof all Van Burenstudents..Thesel.earning's have intrinsicvaluJ, independentof a student'shackgroupd, for the fulfillmentof futureaspirations,we furtherbelievethat theseskills,knowledgeand attitudes constitutea set of expectations that all studentscreateand attainmeaningfulgoals and engagein life long learning. 出■ ■■ The skillsand competencies, late listed,establisha visionof what a van BurenHigh schoolgraduate shouldknowand be ableto do withinthe identifiedareas. Recognizingthat students begintheirscrro-oti'fat difforentlevelsof readiness,and some have developmentalnanlicapi, the listedskills ind competencieiare not mefintto defineminimumcompetenciesbut set a standardfor sn educationcitizenthat is essentialto becominga productiveand contributing memberof society. ■■ H.SKILLS AND COMPETENClES Reading ⋮ ■■ As a resultof education in gradesK- 12,4eachstudentshouldbe ableto: r ■■ r r ■■ ' ' ︱ ︱ ' I identifyandcomprehend the mainandsubordinate ideas,detailsandfactsin writtenworkandsummarize theideasin his/herownwords; identify, comprehend andinfercomparisons, contrasts, sequences andconclusions in writtenwork; i"Ecognize purposes different andmethodsof writing,identifya writer'spointof viewandtone,a5d interpret a writer'smeaninginferentiaily as wefias iiterafly; setpurposes, askquestions andmakepredictions priorto andduringreadinganddrawconclusions from reading makecriticaljudgmpnts aboutwrittenworkincluding separating factfromopinron, recognizing propaganda' stereotypes andstatements of hrias, retognizing inconsistency andjudgin{thev"alidity of evidence andsufficiency of support; vatYhis/herreadingspeedandmethodbasedon thetypeof materialandthe prrrpose for reading; usethefeatureof booksandotherreference materials, suchas tableof contents, preface, introductio', titlesandsubtiiles, index.grossary, appendix andbibriograpny. Writing ■■ As a resultof educationin gradesK * 1a,eachstudentshoulclbe atrte to; ■■ . 日 ︲ 一¨ ■ ■ ” 一一 一 ︱ ■■ writestandardEnglishsenlenceswith correctsentenceslructure,verb forms, punctuatiorr, capitalization possessives, pluralforms,wordchoiceand spelling; select,organizeand,retateideasand developtheni in cohercntparagraptrs; organizesentencesand paragraphsinto a varietyof forms and producewritingof an appropnatelength usinga varietyof compositiontypes; use.varying language, informatiott, styleand formatappropriate to the purposeand the selected audience; cotlceiveideasalld selectand usedetailedexamples,illustrations, evidencearrtllogicto developthe lopic: gatherinformation frotnpritlaryand secondarysources,wfite a repofiusingthat information; quote, paraphrase arrdsumnrarize accuratery, arrdcitesourcesproperry; 4 珊瑠 ■■ inrprovehis or her own writirt{lby restructuring, correctionefrorsand rewriting 1招 Speakingand Listening As a resultof educationin gradesK - 12, each studentshouldbe able to: ││││ ■■ ■■ ■■ engagecriticallyand construclivelyin an oral exchangeof icfeas; ask and answefquestiorrs correctlyand concisely; understandspokeninstructiolrsand give spokeninstructionsof others: distinguish relevantfrom irrelevantinformation and the intentfrom the detailsof an oratmessage; identifyand comprehendthe main and subordinateideas in speeches,cliscussions, audioarrdvideo presentatiorrs, and repofiaccuratelywhat has been presented; comprehendverbaland nonverbalpresentations at the literal,infererrtial and evaluativelevels; deliveroral presentations usinga coherentsequenceof thought,clarityof presentation, suitable vocabularyand length,and nonverbalcommunicationapprofiriatefor ine furpos* ano audience. Mathematics 1 1 . 日 . ﹁ . . ¨ 一 ヽ 一 ︱ ” “ 一 一 1 As a resultof educationin gradesK - 1?, each studentshouldbe able to; t ' , l r r . r . add,subtract,multiply,and divide usingwhole numberc,decimals,fractionsand integers; make and use measurementsirt bothtraditionaland metricurritsto measurelengths, areas,volumes, weights,temperaturesand times; u$e r€tios,proportions and percents,powersand roots; uflderstandspatialrelationshipsand the basic conceptsof geometry; ffiffkeestimatesanclapproximati0ns, and judge the reasonableness of results, understand. the basic conceptsof probabilityand statistics; orgonizedata intotables,chartsand graphs,and read and interpretdata presented in theseforms; forrnulateand solveproblemsin mathematicalterms. ︲ Reasoning ■■ As a resuttof edueationin gradesK - 12, each studentshouldbe able to: r ■ロ " ︱ ' r ' ︱ ■B recognizeand use inductiveand deductivereasoning,recognizefallaciesand examineargumentsfrom variouspointsof view; drawreasonableconclusiotts from informationfound in varioussources,and defendhis/herconclusions rationally; fornrulateand test predictiorrs and hypothesesbasedon appropilatedata; corlprehend, developand use conceptsand generalizations; identifycauseand effectrelationships; identifyand formulateproblems, gather,analyze,synthesizeand evaluateinformationpertinent to the problem; developalternative solutionsto problems, weightrelativerisksand benefits,make logicaldecisions and verifyresults; rlsecriticaland creativethinkingskillsto respondto unanticipated situations and recurringproblems. " r ' r Studying ■ ■ As a resultof educationin gradesK- 12,eachstudentshouldbe ableto: I ■■ setlearning goalspriorities corrsistent withstatedobjectivesand progressmade,and allocatethe time necessary to achievethem. determine whatis neededto accomplish a task and establishhabitsconductiveto learningindependenily or withothers: * ︱ ' t ︱ . ' followa schedulethataccountsfof bothshorl-and long-term project acconrplishrnerrt; locateand use a varietyof sourcesof inforrnation includingprirrtarrrlrronprintrnaterials, coprputers arrd othertechnologies, interuiewand direclobservations: reador listento speeificinformation and take efficientnotes :│:: Tethn.│。 gif31 Literaty n grad8S K― :│││: I 出 イ2i e3Ch Studeilt should be 8ble tO: AsarestlltofedL!G3ti:11° i d e n t i f y t t n d d e s i g n t e c h n i q u e s f o r r e c o 9 n i z i n g a n d os bo li ev mi sn 9 i np 「s c i e n c e , i n c l u d i n g t h e lr.―器:聞 舗躙 :告 踏 艦鑑縦盤器:鞘試騰1躁 品 『 ] 増 掃 塩 柵甜 鞘辮陥llty Of lt:1襴寵 離苦 開幣 買 :摘艦掛1招 鮮 程堺 mmttthep曲 ‖ !・ r ││ 1 1 1 1 1 ■■ ︱ ︱ l t l ‖ 脚 and t陥闘 OnS Of帥 確 a l l d t e c h l l o l o g y m輸 鋼ぃ 問 調 F酬 珊 ュ ︱ . ︱ 1瑠 ■ . rJ ﹁ ︼ ■田 l'; 1,, 2003 Language Aコ ほCuriculllm l" MissionStatement In Van BrrrenCommunitySchools,languagearts instnrctionshould stimulate,teachandextend communicationandthinking skills. Instnrctionshouldallow studentsto becomeeffective,enthusiastic readers,writers, communicators,and life-long learners,ableto uselanguageeffectively in their pursuit ofboth personalandcareergoals. ⋮ ︲ ︼、 Statementof Philosophy ⋮ ⋮ Learningto communicateis somethingall peoplehavein cofllmon. Our purposeis to guideand complementthis naturalprocess. Our approachto teachingeffective communicationis designedto meet the needsof the students,without regardto race,sex,physicatability or cultural background. Listening,speaking,reading,andwriting go handin handandshould not be fragmentedinto isolatedparts. Structuringa curriculum shouldprovideoppornrnitiesfor listening,speaking,reading, andwriting at all gradelevelsand for all ability levels. The Van BurenCommunitySchools'facultyrecognizesthe needto stimulate,teach,andextend the communications andthinking skills of studentswhile alsomeetingtheir basicneedsof belonging, power,freedom,and fun. Whetherspeakingor writing, we shouldrememberthat communicationis a process.The steps of this processincludepreparingthe message, improvingor clariffing the message throughfeedback, andfinally achievinga mutual understanding. Listeningandreadingare also areasin which the partsof the processmust be taughtwithin the contextof thewhole. We will uselisteningandreadingskills to developthe ability to comprehend, analyze,and appreciatelanguage. Instructionshouldallow sfudentsto becomeeffective,enthusiasticreaders,writers, cornmunicators,and life-long learners,able to uselanguageeffectively in their pursuitof both personal andcareergoals. r 1軽 │:! ︱ ︱ r ︼≡ 一 一¨ ” 付”≡ ■” ︱ ‖ ││ ││ 日 ︱ ‖ │: ︱ ︱ ︱ 日 ” ︱ ││ ││ DIVISION V EDUCATION PROGRAM 281- f2,5(?56)Educationprogram. Thefollowingeducationprogramstandards shallbe metby schoolsandschooldistrictsfor accreditation with the startof the 1989-1990 schoolyear. 12.5(f) Prekindergarten Program.If a schooloffersa prekindergarten program,the programshallbe designedto helpchildrento work andplay with others,to expressthemselves, to learnto useand manasetheir bodies,andto extEndtheir interestsandunderstanding of the world aboutthem. The prekindergarten programshallrelatethe role of the family to the child's developingsenseof self and perceptionto others.Planningandcarryingout prekindergarten activitiesdesignedto encourage cooperativeeffortsbetwdenhomeandschoolshallfocuson eommunityresources.A prekindergarten teachershallhold a license/certificate licensing/certiffingthat the holderis qualifredto teachin prekindergarten.A nonpublicschoolwhich offersonly a prekindergarten may,but is not requiredto seekandobtainaccreditation. 12.5(2)Kindergartenprogram. Thekindergartenprogrirmshallincludeexperiences designedto develophealthyemotionalandsocialhabitsandgrowth in the languageartsandcommunicationskills, aswell asa capacityfor the completionof individualtasks,andprotectandincreasephysicalwell-being with attentiongivento experiences relatingto the developmentof life skills andhumangrowth and development'A kindergarten teachershallbe licensed/ certifiedto teachin kindergarten.An accreditednonpublicschoolmustmeetthe requirements of this subsectiononly if the nonpublicschool offersa kindergartenprogram. 12.5(3)Elementaryprogram,grades1-d. The following areasshallbe taughtin gradesonethroughsix: English-language arts,socialstudies,mathematic$, seience,health,humangrowthanddevelop*ent, physicaleducation,traffic safety,mu$ic,andvisual art. In implementingthe elerrrentary progrnmstandards, the following generalcurriculumdefinitions shallbeused. a. English-language arls, Englishlanguageartsinstructionshallincludethe following communication processes: speaking;listening;reading;writing;viewing;andvisualexpression and nonverbalcommunication.Instructionshallincorporatelanguagelearningandcreative,logical,and criticalthinking. Thefollowingshallbe taught:oral andwrittencomposition; communication processes andskills,includinghandwritingand spelling;literature;creativedramatics;andreading 神丹納 ﹁一﹁ 一 州■ ﹁ ︱ ︱ ︱ l' . J, = ︱ ぃ = l, K-6 Curriculum Overuiew And Evaluation Language Arts instructionin gradesK-6 will averageapproximately2 hours,dueto an integrated format. Thetextsandrelatedmaterialsselectedandusedin this curriculumguidearefrom the SilverBurdettGinn series,supplemented materials,andthe AcceleratedReaderprogram: Literature Works. 1997ed. The abundanceof authenticliteranrreandresourcesprovide a rich backgroundfor successful teacher-student collaborationas studentslearnto read,to write, andto communicate. Literatureresourcesprovide a wide arrayof selectionsthat will engagestudentsandinspirethem to readandwrite. Resourcesprovidemaximumversatility and flexibility in meetingdiversestudent developmentneedsaswell asvariedteachingstyles. Universalthemeswill organizethe literature arourd broadthemesthat relateto all the students'lives. The thematicstrategiesand skills allow studentsto exploreintegratedcontentanddevelopstrategiesfor learningwhile meetinggradelevel curriculumgoals. In the primarygrades,studentsbeginto acquirethe skills necessaxy for successfulspeaking, listening,writing, andreading. In the uppergradesstudentscontinueto studyin depthskilis necessary to becomesuccessful cornmunicators. Sinceour sfudentsgrow througha variety of leaming sfiategies,our evaluationtechniqueswill not be limited td paperandpencil assignments.Teacherswill usealtemativemethodsof evaluatins whichmay include: ︱ ≡ ︱ l. 2. 3. 4. 5. l, 1., l, 1 . ・ ︱ ︱ ﹁ 1 I Cooperativelearningactivities hdividual and/orgroupprojects Studentpresentations Evaluationsof activity sheetVquizzes/tests Teacherobservationof studentapptiedskills RenaissanceLeamins Program Renaissance learningprogramenhancesour cr,uriculumwith a combinationof researchbased infbrmationsystems, professionaldevelopment resources, consultingservices,andevaluationtoolsto help us aseducatorsdramaticallyacceleratelearningfor all of our students.Sinceour sfudentsgrcw througha varietyof learningstrategies, our evaluationmethodsof evaluatingwhich may includJ: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Teacherobservation Computergeneratedreports Fluencyassessments STAR Readingdiagnosticassessment STAR Early Literacydiagnosticassessment 1瑠 │ │:1 1 H-1l Lnnttuntte AH母 │ │ │ I r l DettinitiOnsi 献挺 榔 d ttd _W8!品 盤 胃 B揃 濫モ ゴ │:[艦 !dm甲 鮒粘岩 曲d A 曲 輸 11 1 ‖│ │ 叩 硼 ふ 、肺 血 摘 ぉ 飾 ,bvぉ 血 ns/島 :● is: In的 I 岨m的 村抑 d t t d b e t doL曲 jl引 ば 軸鵡 帥S ││1 盟 托酷 艦 :1‐ 品::世 :!抽 rd Gttlder Fぶ l: 1 品こ r and DttdOPm勘 北 :i品 1開 ll l 潜 群 ││ 1 艦:牌stts e l l ∬盤 │ご ll l :盤 器::鷲 │!!ld Gtted ll l l: │ ‖ ― │ : ― ︱ ︱ ││ 10 ≡ ¨ 一 ■ 一 一 一 ⋮ 一 一 ︻ 一 一 ・ ・ ・ ■≡ ■ ” 一 ツ ■ 一ヤ ■ 掛対=中 =﹁H ⋮ ¨ ︲ い 一 一 中 一 ” = 一 一 一 ︲ ≡ ﹁ !一L ・ ⋮ ⋮・ ︱⋮ ≡ ︱¨ ”≡ ≡ ≡≡ ¨ t ■ 円 ■︱ ︱ ■ ■︱ ■ ■ ■︱ ■ B ■ B ■ B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 口 ■ ■ ■■ 一 ︱ 一 ︱ 口 ︱ 口 ■ ■ 一 ■口 出 Pre-K-6 LanguageArts $tandardsand Benchmark Grade-LevelIndicators $tandard1: Ability to use Readingprocess 1.1. Determines wordmeaning,recognition (fluency) ︲ ¨ Pre-K- recognizes theirfirstand lastnames K - readscolorwords K - readspre*primer dolch f - increasesWplvl* 1 - decodes. words-cv_c,brends,digraphs,rong/short vowers 1 - readsprimerand 1"tgradedofch . 一 2 - decodeswordsusingphoneticanalysis,structuralanalysis,context clue$ 2 - reads2ndgradedolc-hwords 2 - increases fluencyon appropriate leverreadtngmaterial 3 - readsB'dgradedolch 3 - decgdesappropriate level*otq using:Phoneticanalysis(tion,sion)Structural analysis(suffixes,prefixes,syllabication, compounoworos,contractions, plurals, base/rootwords,and contexfdues . ¨ 十 . . 4 - readsat appropriatelevelshowinggrowth 4 - decodesappropriate levelwordsusing:phoneticanalysis,structural analysis,& contextclues ﹁ 5 - readsgradereverappropriate passageswithfruency ・ . 6 - readsgradereverappropriate passage$withfruency 1.2 lnterpretsnon-literal languagemeaning(vocabulary) Pre K -namesoppositesof basicconcepts K - demonstrates understanding of directionar words 1 - readscompound words 2 - learnslevelappropriate vocabularywords 2 - understands and useslevelappropriate vocabulary (synonyms, antonyms, homophones/graphs, ect.) 3 - leamslevelappropriatevocabularywords 3 - useslanguageappropriate vocabilary(multiplemeaningwords,synonyms, antonyms, homophones, contextcluesi 4 - learnslevelappropriate vocabulary words 4 - useslevelappropriate words ,, ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ' 5 -.Learnsgraderevervocaburary fromassignedstories 5 - Usesa varietyof contextcluesto decodeunknown wordsat gradelevel 5 - Usesbasicgfadeappropriate stru_ctural analysistechniques to decooe(vowel Patterns, syllabication, prefix,suffixrootwords,contraciions) s - Learnsgraderevervocaburary fromassigned storres 6 - Usesa varietyof contextcluesto decodeunknown wordsat gradelevel 6 * Usesbasicgradeappropriate structural analysistechniques to decocte (vowel patterns, syllabication, prefix,suffix,rootwords,contractions) ││ 13 Interprets information in newcontexts(makepredictions) Pre-K- Sequences B pictures 日: ︱ K * Drawspictures io sf,o* predictions K - Sequences at least3 pictures ︱ 1 - Drawspicturesor writesentencesto showpredictions 2 - Confirms andrevisessimplepredictions 2 - Compare andcontrasts appropriate leveltexts ■ leveltexts I - Cofpares andcontrastsappropriate 3 confirmsand revisespredictions fromappropriate leveltexts ││ 4 * Makes,confirms, revisespredictions fromappropriate leveltexts 4 - comparesand contrastsideas- appropriate levertexts ︱ ︱ 5 * Usesgradelevelappropriate vocabulary correcily,basedon contextof sentence 5 - Makes,confirm, andrevisespredictions aboutwhatwill be foundin text-grade level skills(priorknowledge, ideasfromtext,illustrations, topicsentences, key words, foreshadowing clues) 14 ‖ ‖ ■■ ││ ││ understands statedinformation by answering questions Fre-K- ldentifies_S0% of letters(upper& lower) Pre-K- NamesZjo/oof lettersof ifre alphabet Pre-K- Matchesupper& lowercaseletters K - Nameslettersof alphabet K - Namessoundsof tetter K - Matchesleitersoundto symbol K -- lsolatesbeginning soundi K - Blendsandformsone syilabre wordsfromspokenphonemes K - Namesrhyming words 1 * Namesvowelsounds 1 * Namessoundsof blends, clusters, digraphs ︱ ・ ︱ 2 - Answers iiterar questions overgradererrer reading 2 - 80%of students willachieve8o*% or AR .ornpr*rrEnsive testsat theirrndividual level I2 . ” ︱ ︱ 一 = 4-80%of studetts酬 3CHeVe 80%o皆 4-Answers lite「31 queStiOns Ove「 ad〔檻 :F鼎 9「 - 酬 1登 襴 摘 . ﹁ ︱ .⋮ ≡ “ ︱﹁ ” 十 ﹁猟 拘 宙! ■ 中 r ■ 埼i ■ ﹁”1 ﹁ ■ “ ¨ ︱ :=餓牌:t腱 記 ぎ 朋「 皆 :‖ 匙 ;営 屯 紺管黒甜卍‖ :n封 。 n tests乱 肺門 n胡 Hdu創 に vd ︱ 1 ― 開 鋪 帯 盤 S封 肺 瞳 晋 由n由 宙du剖 に川 VellnClttn9 8nS闘 町 幣 鮒 呂辞 跳 督 f 標 AR comprehensive tests atthei「 individuallevel 1 Vel hdttng answ 品普 景 乳 紺 鮒 詔 1 辞 1 盤 ! 督 : : 鑑鴇 ! 瑞 1欄 者:配 爾禅AR corrlprehensive tests atthei「 individual level ︲ vatte呼 亨tandard 2:ComprehensiOn of Of Literary Texts ︱ ⋮ ⋮ 21打 Determines m3in ideas ぃ 可…lndicates rr13in idea Ough th「 drawing O「 wⅢting 1 . 日 ︲ ︲ I ﹁ ︱ . B B 一 ― : = 胤電 鷺艦‖ [鮒 品 盟骨 跳棚督ズ 詔舗 摘: 艦 楢 鷲罫龍‖ ]品 M d uに v剖封 │ ::辮 賠縄恥 鋪計 酬盟増 就君 「 品秘法 :総晶緊乱httn胡 拙「 Hdu封 に vd :既 塩 冊 舗 酬盟督 増 :現 腎 l!r」 撫瑞揮 』 稽縦 盟 封肺 h胡 萌 欄level ―::撤 昭 鷺艦R鮪品 監1翼 電 占 榊着士 :濡 呂 活 留 梢僣樫晋豊 柑舗撤Bu割 に 同 2? unde「 stands e19ments Of a stO「 y I l I P「e‐ K― Answers basic“whO'and“ what"questions 3北 e「listening t0 3 Sto「 y 打―Te‖s whe「 e slory toOk place and whO the cha「 acters are 2-ldentifies basic elerrlents Of a stO「 O p「late rllaterials y usin9 8pp「 I es basic elerllents Of a stOry using app「 1 3-ldentl打 opttate rTlatettals . ︱ 4-::::::鷲 倒 e軋 V「 配 S andl櫛 緊桃胤猟足 灘∫ :冒 :柑 甲 稚:譜 l s b a s i c ys t eO l「e r n e n t s O f t e x t i 日 1 5 … R e c 0 9 n ieと 9 r a d e l e v e l oapptpt「 a t ee a「d i n 9 r n a t e r i a l s i 6-Reco9ni2es b3SiC stOry elerllents Of text in gr3de leVe1 3pprOp「 l l a t e 「 e a d i n 9 r ¬ a t e 「1 白1 阜 ¨ ︱ 13 ︱ トー﹁ ︲ ︲ ∼ ■ ” ■ ヤ ■ ” ・ ■︻. 一 一 ■ P⋮ ︼打= 出 巾 打一 ■打 ¨ ギ■■ h 一 1 1 1 ⋮ ⋮ ︲ 2'3 Inferstraits,feerings, or motivates of characters 2 - develops understanding of characterization usingappropsare materials 3 - Develops understanding of characterization usingappropriate materials 4 - Makesinferences or drawconclusions aboutcharacters' qualities, motives, and the consequences of theiractions 5 - Makesinferences anddrawsconclusions aboutcharacters' qualities andactionsin gradelevelappropriate materials 6 - Makesinferences anddrawsconclusions aboutcharacters' qualities andactionsin gradelevelappropriate materials standard3; comprehensionof variety of Informationar rexts 3.1. Comprehends detailsin passages andtexts K - Responds to a questionaboutthetextusingartwork 1 - Responds to a questionaboutthe textusingaftworkor writing t -ff?1;lariouspartsoftext(grossarv, tabreofcontents, etc.)usingappropriate 2 - Fotow_s directions usingappropriate revermateriars 2 - crassifiesand categoriiesusinguppropii"te revermateriars ﹂ t -#r*r-_?,larious partsof text(grossary, tabreof contents;etc.)usingappropriate 3 - Forowsdirections usingappropriate revermateriars 3 - crassifies andcategoriiesusingappropiiate revermateriars 4 - crassifies andcategorizes usingappropriate revermateriars 4 - usesspecific strategies to cleaiupconiusing partsof thetext(rereads text,consutts whether ffiffiili-",1i;fluestions textmak;s sense ;';;t, orasks rorherp) ar 4 - Reflects on whathasbeenlearnedafterreadingat an appropriate level ⋮ ︻ 5 - rdentifies detairsin gradereverpassages t - t-iff#ionus Partsot text(index,tabl6 andtexts of contents,glossary)to locatespecific ⋮⋮ ⋮ . 6 - rdentifies detaifsin gradereverpassages t - t-i::;ffious partsot text(index,tablE andtexts of conrents,glossary)to locatespecific . 3.2. Analyzes styleor structure of a passage 2 * Sequences storyeventsat appropriate levet 2- ldentifies fantasy,rearity, pointoi viewusini rever "pproprrate 14 ︲ ︲ ︱ . ﹁ ⋮ ⋮ , ・ i ・ ・ t 小 一 軸樹岬 中押付 ︲ ■↓ ≡一 ■ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ . ■ 一 ■可 B 一 ■ ■ B口 ■■ 曲 ︱ ︱ 由■ ︱ 一 3 - Sequences storyeventsat appropriate lever 3 * ldentifies fantasy,rearity, pointof viewusingappropriate revel 4 * useschapterandsectionheading,topicsentences, and summary sentences to construct thernainideaat appropriate lever 5 - Monitols attempts gradespecificstrategres to clarifyconfusing partsof text lnd (rereads text,consultsanothersource,questions whethertextmakessen$eor not, or asksfor help) 6 - Monitol* to clarifyconfusingpar-ts |nq attemptsgradespecificstrategies of text (rereads text,consults anothersource,queitionswhetheriextmakessenseor nor, or asksfor help) 3.3. Drawsconcrusions, summarizing, andparaphrasing information 2 - Drawsconclusions formtextclues(including cause/effect) usingappropriate level materials 2 sequences storyeventsusingappropriate revermateriars -formtextclues(including cause/effect) usingappropriate levet "#i:iconclusions 3 sequencesstoryeventsusingappropriate revermateriars ⋮ I≡ ■口 出 ︱ ■ 4 * Drawsconclusions fromtextclues(including cause/etfect) - - \ / vusing H H r u t r r r s t q i llevel vtt'Y q appropriate E matgfials ._ 4 - sequencesstoryeventsusingappropriate revermateriars ' 市⋮⋮ ︱ギ 5 - Compares andcontrastsideaslearnedwithrngradelevel appropriate text 6 - Compares and contrastsideaslearnedwithingradelevel appropriate text 3.4. ldentifies author'sviewpoint in an informationar text 2 - Readsfor a varietyof purposes usingappropriate revermateriars 2 * Discusses author'spuipo*eusingappropriate revermateriars 3 - Readsfor a varietyof purposes usingappropriate revermateriars 3 - Discusses author'spurposeusingap-propriate revermateriars 卜 〓 4 - Attempts to identify factandopinionthatauthor'suseto persuaoe readersat appropriate levelmaterials i 4 - Attempts to identifytheauthorsuseto pintof viewat appropriate revelmaterials 5 - ldentifies factandopinionthatauthorsuseto persuade readersin gradelevel approprrate materials ﹁ 6 - ldentifies factandopinionthatauthorsuseto persuade readersin gradelevel appropriate materials 15 j ■ ︱■ ・ ・ . ギ ﹁ 十 ■ ” 1 ■ ・ ⋮⋮ 一一 ・ . . , 十︼ ﹁ ︼ ■ ﹁ . ︱ ⋮ ⋮︱ ⋮ ﹁ ︼ 門﹁ 坤中= = 増﹁ ⋮ キ 一 ・ ば ⋮ , ・ ≡ ⋮ ・ ︲ ︼ ¨ ・ ⋮ ■ ■ ・l 口 一 ︱ 出 ︱ ︱ 口 B , B B■ ■ ■ l r l ︱ ︱ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ︱ 一 ︱ ■ ■■ 一 ■ 出 standard4: Demonstrates competencyin written communication 4.1. Usesthewritingprocess Pre-K- writes at reast25%of the rettersof the alphabet Pre-K- Writestheirownfirstname K - Usesknowledge of soundsand lettersto writephonetically 1 - usesa mixof phonetic and standardspeilingin writing 十 2 - Beginsto constructcompletesentences 2 - Dictates or writessimplestorieswithevidence of a beginning, a middle,andan ending 3 - Beginsto constructcompletesentences 3 - Beginsto developparagraphs containing a topicsentence andsupporting details (usingprewriting strategies (brainstorrni-ng, storymap,notebookof ideas) 4 - Usesprewriting strategies (brainstorming, storymap,notebookif ideas) 4 - Usesstrategies to producea finishedpiJceof writing(draft,revising, editing, publishing ' 5 - Uses'effective prewriting.strategies to explore,limit,and organizeideasfor writing 5 - Drafts,revises,edits,and proofieadwrittenworkwithgrade levelappropriate skills 6 - useseffectiveprewriting,strategies to explore,limit,and 6 - Drafts,revise$,edits'and proofieadswriitenworkwith organizeideasfor writing gradelevelappropriate skills 4.2. Usesthe standards or writtenEnglish ' Pre-K* writestheirnameusinga capitalletterfor their firstletterof theirnameand lowercasefor the resi K - writestheirnameusinga capitalletterfor theirfirstretter of theirnameandlower . casefor the rest 1 - Beginsto writesentences thatstartwitha capitalandendswitha punctuation mark 2 - Beginsto writeusingappropriate grammar, usage,andmechanical conventions of writingat gradelevelproficiency 3 - continuesto deverop writingthatusesappropriate grammar, -usage,and mechanicar conventions of writingat gradereverpr6fi.i*ncy' 4 - writesusingappropriate grammar, usage,andmechanical conventions of writingar gradelevelproficiency 5 * writesusingappropriate grammar, u$age,andmechanical conventions of writingat gradelevelproficiency 16 1瑠 6 - Writesusingappropriate grammar, usage,and mechanical conventions of writirrg ar gradelevelproficiency │:! standard5: Demonstratescompetencyin spokencommunication │││ 5"1. ││: │││ ││││ │││ ‖│ │││ │: ― : 日 BII II II II II ││ ││ li Formulates anddeliverseffective orarcommunicatron Pre-KPre-KPre-KPre-K- Speaksin complete sentences Namesbasiccolorandshapes Statestheirfull namewhenasked Statesbirthdayandagewhenasked 1瑠 中 打月中 判¨ I! ︱ ︱ Pre-Kindergarten Syllabusfor Language Arts │ず lf ︱ l*'Quarter +Recognize firstname *Beginto write first name *Identi$'andnamelettersAa-Ff *Matchupperandlowercaseletters Aa_Ff *Identifyandnamel0 basiccolors *Identi$randnamesimpleshapes *Answer"who" questions aboutstories +LearnAge *Identifl'andnamehodY Parts ︱ ︱ ︱ ?odQuarter *Continueto work on writing first name +Identifyandnameletters Gg-Kk *Match upperandlower caseletters Gs_Kk *Continueto identifyandname simpleihup*, +fuiswer"who" and"what happened" questionsaboutstories +Learnto identifyandnamegray (color) ︱ ︱ ■■ ︱ 3d Quarter *Recognizelastname +Beginto write lastname +IdentifyandnamelettersLl-Tt nMatchupperandlower case lettersLI_TI simple opposites (i.e. on/oft talVshort;inlout) i{** *Continue to identifyandnameshapes +Learnfull name *Leambirthday +continueto answer"detail"questions aboutstories *Beginto understand rhymingconcept ロ ー ■■ 4fr Quarter +Continue to work on writinglastname *IdentifuandnameletterstJu-Zz *Matchupperandlower caselettersIJu-Zz *Sequence pictures +Continue to nameshaues *continueto answermore"detail" questionquestions aboutstories *Continueto work on rhyming fBegin to write all letters of the alphabet ■■ ︱ ︱ ユ8 のヨ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱脇臣 ∽卜0工 の卜 0 工 ぃ ﹂0 〓 む 一 ф い 田 ● Lф 車 ● 一 で E 田 ﹂ф ュ 住 ヨ 田耳﹂●中ф一 こ0中 n町 ●n 一 た■′”中Eф碍郵コの 目 nф岳 コロ a的む0こ伍刊剤判叫州 0一 ■イや ビoわヨ中 n町いn一 一 の ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱陶ギ町一 . エ一 梨詳謡 層儀暁艶 ・ ﹂ ф>o一一E田﹂ фュュコ︶中 фnm ユ田 い 一 n“ Dn 〓工 りど ф碍里 的 艦艦鮮に牌性憾れ︲ ュ害畳 鞠門韓醍 ”出王Oф三●二 田コ > E 中 B一 一 再 一 隆 韻 難 譴 章 ﹂●ヽ コa圧0中E0 ■﹂ф中 一 一中 ф〓”Oaao りфE 何亡 切﹂ф〓●ヨ 0〓фLD町 軍一 空 L 田﹂oO﹂ ﹂0一 3aF E0 0 住 ガ ロ﹂田O Pい0何fa 一 < 哺 ︲何 ﹂ ゴ0り いф 一 卜 工 一 < . ф ﹂00■ ﹂D〓ф 一 コ ﹂ Oф↓ ф”︲生ωEO町ф 一 ●●︼ >0 電田 ﹂●生ュコ︸ ︻Om的o ﹂фヽ 一 再 . ●nm三ュ一 m い王000ヽりф 0甲” 中 〓 一 ф・ ユOф住 ﹂0〓фヨ ︲︲︲ ︲ E 町﹂3o﹂a ﹂0中コュE ●● . り硝﹂硝o ︱ り︼ぃり 櫛﹂町ф ф﹂コ中 ●一 住 ぃ中 ω●工仰王﹂0■一 ヽ碑むL田0 n ︰ E ф町ヨ n一 ︼ 害ゴ仰 中 oф一 肥 肝 ∽ 倍博隅嘱応︻30” い“ 士り に 騰 鮮 ︲ 卜 博 怖 ド 悔対い ︲ f●町0卜・ 軽築 鋒 鐸 築 艶 中こいコ掛コい おE口 ”aфOC●o фEO いфE 何仁 ﹂い ●田ф f ト ф一 n付 On 一 一 T耳 仰中E● お ヨ中∽ , 的D E 何 電 中り町 一 声 0 ﹂一 ф f中 o N一 で E 硝 一りと 単 Eヽ E D0 0ф ﹂ ︱︱ ︱︱ 的 申 ri ﹂担一 匡析 王0旦 三●正 二 一仰お﹂9〓 ﹂0ヤいいE 町E │ギ i l 寸 丁 的 丁 N r r 丁 ”工﹂唖一 と 三●ED田 一ヽ 悟里く 培母Fコ悌 ︱ ユ9 耽 ││ 0ュコ 0 ﹂ D町亡 電 o ﹂ ﹂ 肥陶博仰碑一 隠 ■ ● 田一 宝土 Dfo田фト ︲ お Xф卜 T 生単●牛ビ0軍中0 中 の りこ● り0コげ DE ●! 〓 研L田 . 卜 軍 電 ● 哺 F ■ E 0 田 い n 〓 り 牛藍一口ф中 中 EL町やり﹂0一Eコ 寸 甲 ‘ の中XD出E00 と,фE E E● 何Fと0 E ” 0﹂ 一 将 ﹂ 一 中 住﹂0中﹂一 的 丁 OE一 E輌OF卓い働 町 コ D E 何 町 0 0 ﹂ ﹂ ュ ﹂ ф 一 一 だ丁E●L 仰︼ 中C↓ 側 r ﹁ ′ EOお一 EDO●い﹂ DE E弱фF﹂ LO≧′りф﹂ と 一 で ф6 丁 十 F ﹂0中 ¨り出L“F一 〓 0電い山 l hoEфコ再︼ E● ED000﹂ A ︹ DE一 E串OF﹂コ﹂0車 働いE L﹂● 0 再一 申 0 ﹁T 硝﹂可打 〓付中り ≡ L f, │! ‖ gα士屯把EC 輌世﹁ tり I l; ︱ ︲ ︱︱︱階 ■■ ││ 的EO一 >0﹂住ヽ仰EO一 “一 リコ﹂E一 │:│ ﹂申●> 〓< ” だEコ 中● 三担印電いヨ l 母W﹁鳴 中卜■h l ‖ … … 柩 丁 「 1琵 ︲一 ! ■ ri 1 ⋮ 1 ● f ■ 声 ф 一的 町 ぬ ョ●盗町■ ф 的 中切 町 ” ギ い E ● 一 “● コ げ 中何 f ヽ> お 亡 田 ⋮ ︱ ⋮ = 市 1 岬 中X ф ・ 卜 1 r ギO E n b r 中o ︲ 一 L o りE ф 一 三 ● ﹂a r L● 由ヤ 中“ ︱ ︱ ャ 可 LE B 〓 何 ︼ 岬 h﹂O中り い 半0 0申Eф軍 0 い い C何 。 的﹂ф口ED 一 ︼ O m N 中 〓L“一 E 五●EO ﹁ 出 o●の I m卜 巨﹂漫 電! 申 ф切! ф上ф町фト ﹂ 門ド憾胆門ほ隅腎りぃ一 翠 ヨ 中● ﹁ ふ ﹂“ 培 け = ││ 騰燿朽にぽ旧品情踊 фn 〓> いと い電押 一 的 ¨ ││ G>一фりnO ﹂0 ●何o 一 三 ト ‖ ︱︱ ﹂ 嗣酎¶コ刊¶¨ ●三中 酎ビリヨ だEコ﹂ ■ ■■ ‖ ↓ 置 1瑠 抑 ■■ ︲ ll 、 ︲ ︲ фF単WE L U A 一 f”中0 中りぬこ h刊 日0 ′ 円測叫掛耐掛 ﹁ ヨ 日 фの町0 ﹂●■声 0一BL町 ●巨 町E ﹂ф 一 三中﹂● い 車 理 揺的 一 鉛蜘 艶業 一 い 抑 ︱︱ 引判 こ の0屋 田E 正〓車︸”江00n 可 E 田 “ 二>ф E h 〓田 お ヽい ф 一生 E 何 い O U 何 F 千 ﹂O E O 町 い 一 ぃ︼ ●●正の主﹂0章 ф一町E . ︰﹂ф O 単田On主一 f 町0 町f● 卜 わ . 田f● り中 わ﹂町on工一 фф正∽王﹂0車 。ぉ田F千﹂D ф町ф f ト ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱ ●将 い例 0 中E 博隅ドににo﹂ 脇博 塩 軍 fり一 西曲 │ ¨ ”草L碍F吾 一 ●車● 田 fりと働E凹 Eい打一 一 於庁い ﹄井吐抑中一印報一蜘 一的蜘的 一 一 一 ” ﹁申 巾 。E 何E 中 の町 CG ” 仁章 一 0 可 ф三中 申 ﹂一 ∼ ﹂ фギ任■一●ギω一 0輌 い0 中 一 中 卜,い〓 ﹂ D3コ︺● “モ一 tビ ” にに門ぼて ﹂ ︱ ■■ ■■ ︱ ︼ ==¶習倒¶出甲 ど<博 F ” ■ ■ 21 ‖ αコ的正0一 弱 ф三中中0 一 “何ф一 過 ざ 崎 州 申 田 い中L■r〇一ф 車 ф 中 ↓ n n 一 官F ∽口EO可コ中 的 l, o一 駐〓 町” めに 将Eント 一 BI 〕 ) 一 章 ︱﹄惜 堺ご︼ BI EO 阿0 に コ F 卜 仁 0 距 一 0 にい将I≡P ビ一h●Eo中0吼軍 0 0 いфヤ田二 りEOE D凸 ¨ 寸 可ヽ何● E付中” . ││ ф 概悟牌悔期 仰り< ︱ │: のコ 日│ ﹁嘲=弓引判 ” 〓 ビ お いo 三︺研E●H │ギ │ │ ││ 目日批乾 1革 1翠 一一■ 一 仰 中E ● 一 コ 中り 仰ф ﹂ 田 三 切 い 一り 町 n ︷ф臣 “E い一 百﹁FE DEお 押﹁単抑却 吐抑 ば昨 耳コトと●f申ω︼“中∽ 一 Eфでコ中 吾F り中 り 詩 憾 ど 碍 f 一 コ ■中 ﹁ 部斃軽鞠四斜” Eo打町主 ф” n向︶﹂い正●田фト ぃ ﹂0 〇 O 一 EC町 O中的 一 n 町 いぬ ︱ “ BI ﹂町硝E 田 型 0 馳店旧悔席にド фu町E■いfo町●ト E りф例 中 H 隠忙に︲●出 E●一 ︱ ” ︱ 的 ヤ崎 リエ﹂町巨 OEф 正 ︱ 河判司ゴ用判ヨ刊判判I ︱H倒 芯出 く再фFコ“ ︱ ■ EO 価0 L ヨ F 浄 ヒ 0 0 拒 E い 一 ф駐〓 00 いい﹁町単 仰EOE い 〓0駐的 E一ふOEo中 中 凸 巾町 打﹂“可 電付︺り ビф拒町り一 LョF芦E0〇 田﹂O ф> 一 将●фL ф り﹂ф卜二ф硝 碍ビ田 り●申“ コFと● 一 ﹂ 甲 崎 ¨ り〓﹂田F〓 一いE● 田 圭 ф50 市oコ川判 ” 間︲▼ 馬 ﹁ ‖ ф庄 可L ︱ ‖ 中碑〓王●ф工● ↓ 何ョコ一 卜一 コE一 ││: EoE りいф切り< 中 ︱ 一 緊 噺 軽 慢幅に尼“ 曜 中 一 融離繭 ‖ . 的ヨ 的0 l,'i ︱︱ ﹂ 耐酎封コ剰判中 o二中 3Eロヨ だEコ﹂ ■■ ││ 牌隔嚇 ヽo﹂L務 E迫り運 ヨ ■■ II ︱ Pre“ Kindergarten unit Plans fOr Lanttnge Arts Aa Bb Themes:AlPhabet,Apples,Alligators,Animalsキ 恥 e Adventtes ofAbbv AttHatpr TheFrles:Buttons,Bees,Bears,Bubbles B u b b l e B e a r CC Dd Themes:Caps,C10uds,C10wns C O D V C a t S 側 Lemes:Ducks,Docttrs,Dolls,Dinosa岬 ,Dogs l l Ee 雛 En能 韓 檻 1靴附辞gtt Exe面 Fhぃ 摘 鷲&惜掛 afe萌 Ff B T h e m e s :Goose,Gingerbreat Ghosts 1 Hat軋pO腕 阻 齢鑑Ll群韮蟹軋 路脚° 辮 活 批 matitt Amettctt lndimtt Le 1 1 1 Oh 盤縦盤毛 側瑠拠P戸 【 mg帥 ° 路ndntts 軋 盤宮 据毘盤 1 榊 監:硝苦濫留辮 OnS'Lantems 1 鴨 1 舶 . ︱ Nn 経:羊 鍬 ン 陥 nSte恥 ,M面 Newspapertt No鈍 軋 s 盤盟[督 盟税 ︱ ≡ 1 PP c 私灘 ThemeF:PigS,PuPPies,PiZZtt PaHies ﹂≡ ︱ 1到 もq Themett 比 s,Queens,Qdet Q前 │ギ 稚 占 │:: 濫 wy面 艦 !s 「 L監 軋 R冊 的 側 島 Rhm硝 all,serlseS,SeaSOns/Spring lr i ttns/m批 削epho確 抑弱 │― │ lu ndewat研 ││ 1↓ 1血,vase ││ァ ‖ w艦留 話置 薔,wateL Weath研 Worm's Waqon l, I -: )(x I ' Themes:X-rays,Xylophone A Xvlophonefor X-Rav Fish , li l, Yy Themett Yard,Yam,Yellowj Yo‐ Ld Yak l― … I TheYakWho判 多 Themes:zoo/zebraP Zittag,Zippers h l l t t 軍埴::罷 │ │ ― Z お … │ ― 品 逮招橋話泌播督 苫 盤 櫨群揺井迅es胡 ,curetty ttng uttd』 . │ │ │ │ l i l l l l L a mz v l 盈 11 ギ │ Yo l E I l l ― I 24 Ong宙 山 山e Letttt PeoPに. ︱ 中ギ= “﹁ =¨ ■一 ︱ Kindergarten ptan Syllabus/Unit Re3ding R豊3dineSS ,|,'@o l St Quarte「 1st euarte, 十 l d e n t i f y a n d l wt 「 *Unit1 e u p p e r a n d 1 0 cw ae s「e , All of Us Together and le3rn sounds Ofi 3,t,sr rrl,b,c,fi「 ,h, Themel-MarvelousMel j i n , p i l *Develop understanding of directional words (over/under,above/below, inside/outside, etc.) *Develop understanding of rhymingwords BI Znd Quarter *ldentify and write uppd'rand lowercase. and learnsoundsof: g, d, v, i, w, k, qu, x, Y,Z'O,g,U *Sequencing of at leastthreeevents *Continue workon rhymingconcepts . “ ﹂ 3rd Quarter "ldentify beginning soundsin words *Continue to workon rhymingconcepts *Beginto journal "Drawpicturesto respondto stories "Learnto readcolorwords *Learnpre-primer dolchwords Quickas a Cricket Theme2 - your FamilyinO wtine FlowerGarden Theme3 - Bestof Friends Toqether ZndQuarter *Unit2Changes, Changes Theme1 -A yearof seasons Sprinois Here Theme2-Growingup An Eoqis an Eqq Theme3-NewWindorarq Wortds 3rd Quarter *Unit3 LaughOutLoud Themel-RhymeTime 丁heme 3中 丁ales丁 o Te‖ Again 些些型聖登王蜂盟 中 unit4-Our献 群詰帽 ≡ ︲ 4th Quarter *Continue to workon rhymingconcepts andauditory it<itts *ldentify discrimination beginning andendingsoundsin words *Continue journal to *Drawpictures *Oralblendingto respondto stories of words "Continue to workon colorwords *Continue to workon pre-primer dolch words ≡ Theme1 - HereBy Me Mv FiveSenses ThemeZ - JustAroundthe Corner SinoA $onaOf people Theme3 - All OverTheWorls On The Go 4th Quarter *Unit5 NatureHverywhere T h e m e l- G r e e n T h u m b GrowingVeoetable Soup ThemeZ - Touchthe Skv Whatls The Sun Theme3 - HereCometheAnimats MusicIn TheNiqht ≡ ・ い 25 住< ≡ 町 0いュ 再田 一 ■■ . り < ト . m . . F 0 < 卜 一凹 ■■ ■■ h〓卜軍い町 ф中 い町ュ E由﹁却出 可 的 DE一 章 田﹂0 ﹁Eい コ申 で 的 ! ︲︲︲ 的〓王o●三● 一 中 付コ専一 >一 碍E一 仰〓〓●фf● 一 硝コB一 一 >一 専E〓 ︱ ︱ りo﹂コ” 0一 島 的 ”mф一コ的 OoLфヨげい 中 0 一 〓■ィ岬申Eфココ﹁り 雷呈 整 . 一 講一 誰 ︱︱ ︱︱胞隔居 踊 Dn 〓二 出 E●おヨ ∽ ま いお﹂0■一﹂0 〇O 〇 り町 一 一 n 的 いいお一 卜軍0付 町E町 ”DE m働 ф リф фの お ヤ 一 ︱ ︱ ” 1 1 0 町卜 ふと町﹂ 中 り 00田 〓 ф博町﹂卜 町E町 明 00 D﹁ 王 的 ■ ぃ〓00田 DE●∽ ︱ ”町﹂ Emф﹁ 〓 田匡 白 一 一ф﹁ ●ф一 фm︰﹂фE●何D ﹂ 専ф中 切一 中 ●白 ヨ U﹂●Ъ二 fO一 ︰ f申町5tαфど 何0﹂ф可E一 ︼ 崎 十 いに0仰り0ヨ 、じ町ф﹂ 働E再口 Dp 1 4 1 ︱ り〓﹂町 ︱ ︱ t世電 再●F■仰 ”切D00﹂住 動電 何ф 再 一 E фり⊃ ●中hど〓ぬゴ﹁ ”r 可ヽ毎可 E付中 り ャ ” ¨ ■、 一 中 ﹁ 一 一 ﹁ 一一 ¨ ︱ 中 ”出﹂再F 申 三●ビい田 華欝鍔諜難離 鍵一 謎型 一 Oфの 一EO〓 側卜︲ to﹂ 胆 卜 悔 側 に 博 的 隔脚陶︲ 惇 に 翌に0お宮 ∽ 昭ド嘱塙 FOョ則出ヨ倒 ︲︱lhは . ェoこいコ再︺亡●お≡ E働00世 一 Enりぃいり< 馳に町 ︱ ギ ー 拓 一 の 〓 一 ビ . . 比卜怜ド隅悟卜∽ヨ幹卜0工 ∽ф .0 < 卜.u凹 世ピユ< ∽0 席鰐用に駒 一 的押= 伸 =¨ 坤 ︱ ︱ 単何 > 常< 一 〓 E ヨ ﹂● 工中9﹂●■ 刊 雛 華 宅 丁 ■■ ■■ ︱ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ﹁ 河抑卜巨 神 的“︻ 凸中め り切D00﹂﹂ 働亡一 も田●E фり⊃ O中卜中一 一n< ”F T﹂碍可 E碍︺切 ︱ ■■ 27 ぃ硝﹂ 0車 G〓 匿卜蛇﹂ 田 фE 田E ●﹁ф一 ビい0コ中の n町 фn 一 一 モ身 仰︼ ぃфEいの DE一 で田фば oOT ﹂﹂ コ何めに 申 い中 町〓 望担﹂ 1圧 ”●匡 いLOEQ Eい王0ュい 一 と﹂●半り再生gr ф一 ぬ何〓卜の いE● 再主0単一E町 碍ED 一 ぬ 一 一 モニ い中電0市登一の い可単0■一E一”口Eコ●∽ 働電 EE Dф 一 一 n O中 何↓ ●り一●中ф一 過何 On 一 た■一”中Eфでコ中の 町 中On何三a一 〇nE 、切 ﹂D〓●一●﹁ 一 再Eコ0” ﹂●〓●一工oギ問ビ﹂ 〓I> 切﹁ほ●可コ中い On町 a 町 い ● ”﹂ф将ф一い正︼単0 申 五 中 一 だ 牛 仰柏電コ0い ф正一ф臣 田C ﹂ F 仰申EO碍郵中の 一 一 一 ■■ __ … < ビ ● ヨ田 9 hい町﹂い〓ヨ トE何凹 ﹂師口” ●ф一 い切 ﹂0三●町ф 巧ω︼ ト のむ一 E●三住 一 mコ仰モデ 〓ф卜 EO十 電置む ф∽ り = 岬こ0軍”いコげ OE O〓 いE町 卜 Eo 町F〓0 ビ E 申中的 E何中 一 いほф巧E⊃ 寸 軍 牛 一でф︼ で 丁 ¨ ”〓L“E 〓い亡o出 りい主再世nO 市世︼ 一● ︱ ぃ中 翌 ●圧 何E 轄ま 出 Eф柏担 い 榊に にド 把 ︼ ︱ 1笹 │ 1樹 │= │_上 町コ碍一 >一 〓工Oфf● 一 でこ一 ︱ り申 EいE”りфりり< ︱ │― . L< 0 < ト F . 何一 0●ュい 工的一 柏凹 一 ビ ” ぃ . ■< 町もい王 いコ ∽卜0工 りEO一 >0﹂住ヽりE●一 切一 いコ特E一 ■■ ‖i H 洲 判 q 剰 判 巾〓 E コ 中● 〓 学研 E い ヨ Lrl l'r 土 ︻. 町 ●0駐 十 住< ︻ 正” 馬﹂ < 可凹 ↓ 一 一 仰 . . 席悟踊卜に町ф 的ヨ∽卜0正 店幡煙博層団目 ヽ何●卜 〓く 中 E 〓 コ ∼● 〓︺研毎●ヨ , り <ト . 町石●ュ∽ ゴ世旺土< お凹 一 陶ほ悟性 町 い D E おt■イ一仁 い お お申∽ お ﹁X ф 中 ﹂● ф め 町 明 ” 何 ユ E い 硝 ф 一 一 中 ‖│ ︱ 面ど 聖 里 科 引 封︹ 判河引掛ヨ掛 可Em い碍E郵●切 単● фD町ф一 ヽ F●E〓 生 ︲﹁ 腔卜‰朽岬 〓車 切どфお軍 り 町世中 一 一倒 惚肥に阿的ほ0 十 町巨 望担与ф申 中ぃ一 いり﹂ фf●町фト 円附ヤ ф 暇 卜 匡0柱 Eや ぢ Ю働 , りいфい0﹂ユ DE い﹁一 一E■一фf中D室一 中 寸 巾仰〓L何E 〓●E●山 仰堂●0山 0一田﹂ り 卜 可E町 仰●一0中 匡 巳 中い世 ﹂里 ︱ り〓生町rE 再 o﹂く 一●●F コ 切 亡●将町●一 仁コE差L 00 ビф ●住リ ビ 卜oEф 王 一 ︼0﹂E ●● 的ф中町﹂一 “EO庄 ф︹中 ”寸 打L“百 E何中切 DE一 仰ヨ 中 Xф中ф おO 町 E中一叫噂主帥 中 止 中 n 田 0︼可LOュリ0﹂ 〓〓戸 り中 Eфむコ︼つ ︱牌性鵬阻に り ︲︱ ︲ ︱︱暇榊卜E●■ 電担■到判 一 中O t 町 Ъ 一特● ︱ 口 L“ 可 〓 何 ︼ り “ ︱ . ¨ 一 ”一 ぃ . 村把ドお出Fコ 仰 ︲ EO 一 的Eф 三 ф ﹂住 魔﹂O n 一 ¨n コXO中神旺田 いいめ何い切何ユ E 切 町神 一 〓 ●U い朽Eф正い﹂生産 oO 千 的 中切主L電F ≡ はEф f 田 卜 L 町 E O 軍 崎 F 主 0 半亡 一 ﹂0 00 面世中 Eф ぃ ﹁X ф ■■ ││ 鑑 ︱ ■ 葬 ︱ ‖ 謹 一 ︱ ││ 島 11 翌 EфE mい0仰”< ︱ ‖ 日i 舗覇難華 │ギ ︱ ﹁日 川刑 一 ﹁川 ¨群 E コ 中● f 中9 E O H 1打 調 群⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ・ ・ ⋮ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■口 ■■■ ■ KindergartenLanguageArts Theme1: MarvelousMe! Quick as a Cricket PageTl4-25 軸 eme Faltly M血 Flower T48_59 2:Your and Gard● ■ ‐ nlette 3:Best ofFnends Pages T82‐91 Building Background SharedReading Cqmprehenslon CornparearrdContrast PhonemieAwareness Rhymes Print AwarenessConcent of a Word Poew Talksl SharedFeading A Storvto Explore! Readingthe Readable Exploring Print Building Background SharedReading Comprehengion Sequance Phonemi.cAwarerress Rhyrrres PrintArvareness Letter Names Poerv Talks! SharedReading A Storvto Exnlore! Readingthe Readable ” . ︲ . B 日 ■ =■一 ■■︼ 一 ■B ■■一 ■口中 A Bitt Book to Share! Bulld地 略 B3Ckground Share Readhg Comprehenslon Predict Outcomes Phongttc Awareness Be宮コ Ening Sounds Prlnt Aw□reness Letter Names Poetrv Talksと Shared Readhg Response: thvorite Group Talk illustration Dramatizing Shaed Writrng Speakineand ClassBook Ligtenine PoeW Talks! Telling About ittdividrral Books Yourself A Storvto Exulore! Viewins Exploring Print malie Picture Walk a big book Poetrv lalks! SharingOptions: Choral reading Rhymetime Dramatic interpretation Visual lnterpretation PersOnal ResPOnSα GTouP Talk Dranat立 地 per3011aliztt stOry illusmtiOns Spe紬 宮alld S h a r e =d w dL i血 s t q1肛 1宮 B 士山& 呼 B 0 0 k Tell的 呂F 8 鵡l y Poety Tagl Sto五es FavoH性 =Fュ町uly ヽ ■〔 Atttほ 宮 Story Pre宙ew and Pttdct A S t o r v t o Poetv E xTalLsl p l o r e ! ExPlo占 ng PHnt Shared ttdOnS! mak● a wau bOok Echo r中血略 Drarnatlc 血性甲reほtion やtsual interpretation Science CompareFingerprints SocialStudies Role-playftaits and t-eelings Discussloud behavior Mathematics Graph tbvorite animals Play with sieeconcepts Measureand graph heights Createrepeatingpatterns SocialStudies Createfamily memory book Illustrate personal calendars Discussfanily traditions IdentiS social conventions Science Createsecondarycolors Discussgardeninsects lvlathematics Identifr color patterns Comparefamily size Oral composi PersonalResponse: choosean advenhrre SharedWriturs Friefldship Flip Book PoetrvTalksl ClassAccordion Book A Storv to Errrlorel ExploringPrint: make a story picture Readhg dle Readable 巴xP10Hng Pint 29 GTOup Talk Retell血 = S H 曲■ 対 a n d L i s 宮 t 輸 Descibhg a Fiend Vie― E Pi3的「,Walk P9em mik」 Sharillg OptiOns: Gro叩 Shg地 Draコ巳atic htettretatioII Visual intewretatiO■ Oral cOmPOsu18 Mathqrrratics Classifuand countbucls and butterflies $cience Experimentwrth buoyancy Experimentwith liquids and solids SocialStudies Createteamwork Pop:u' 6oont Createautographbooks Playgamestogether Discussage-suitable activities. ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ . ⋮ 中対 = ﹁ 岬 ■ ﹁ い︲=﹁ 拭 ■ 一 “ ≡ ≡ 一 ≡ヽ ・ ︱ Unit Planner(Pacing 6 weeks) Integrated Language Arts Illeme l:A Year of seasoュ S「ing is Here Page T14r25 Buユ dl13 BackBrOund Shared Readm3 ComprehensiO■ PersortalResponse: favorite season SharedWritine Classi中 SeasonalSentences Pint Alvtreness PoetrvTalks! Leter Nalnesヽ 血 ClassBook Sentences A Storvto Exolore! Pho占 cs_ ExplorrngPrint: ■lital COnsOnant m Make a standup P o e t t T t t s !book Shared]韓既x五ng A Sttrv tt Explore! R e a d i n g t h e R e a d a b l e EttP10地 Pttt l i Growing Up Art Egg is a EggT48-59 l ≡ ︱ ¨ 1 C o m p r e h e n s 血 Mah ldea 旦苅ほt Awareness Leter Names Ss〕 Nn P h o n i c s hital COnsonallts s,n Poeとv Talksi Shared Reading A S t oE rx vD 1 t0 ● r e ! Reading the Readable E甲 lo山唱 Pttt R e 嗣 冊 脇ロ PersOrlal ResPOnSe: Group Talk Retelling Favodte stOry sce■e Speakineafld S h a r e d貿 W i Listenine 血 Polttait BoOk Talking About POem Talks! Growing Up Bull● 山R BOard Viewine DisPIュy Picture Walks A S t o r v lb o 円 !E 納 Po€W Talks! EttH血 宮Pボit: SharingOptions: Make a iLns■ ip Group singing New verse Dramatic rnterpretation . ︱ ぃ 1 雨ヽndo対、,Ne、v Wo「 lds Good_bye, Hello T82‐93 1 1 Building Background ,SharedReading Comurehension Compareand Contrasl Print Awareness Letter Names,Gg, Hh Phoaics Initial Consonants G,H Poettvlalks! SharedReading A Storvto Explorel Readingthe Readable ExploringPrint GroupTalk Retelling $peakirrgaxd Listenine Telling Season Stories Viewins Picture Walk Poetrv Talks! SharingOptions: Choral reading Rhymetime Dramatic uterpretation Visual interpretation Personal ResP● nSei Draw Pi● “H屯 Sharedヽ v占ting Shape B00ks Poetrv Talksl F五輔 8町 CardS A Storv tt ExDb門 ! ExPlo正ng P=nt l■ ake a story picttre 1 ・ ︱ ” 日 ︱ 抑 Discusshow animals grow and change Discussanimalsthat hatch Chart'-meltabilify" Matherrratics Sortandclassit\. seasonalitems CompareweigJrtsof seasonalitems EocialStudies Discussweather appropnateclothing Pantomimeseasonal activities Discusslife cycleof buttertlies Observehow plants grow SocialSnrdies Discussoccupations Chart growing-up locations Mathematics Measurehandsand feet Build with blocks Searchfor shapes Chartchildren'saees Constructmodelhomes Retell血g/Rol● Play Createschoolmao SIlettintt and Interviewmoving L i s 貿 t 抽 companyrepresentative Talk地 On the PhOne Discussmakingnerv Viewln= friends Pic“re Walk Ssience P O e t r v T a l kExperiment s ! with boclv ShaHng OPtiOnH movements Choral reading Categorizerocks Rhttne dHe Mathematics Dramatic Make cookies mterpretatiOn Countsteps Visu81 hterpretatiOn ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 日 ︱ Big andLittle SharedBooks 恥 eme l: 田hyme Rhyme Me a World Pages T14-21 Theme2: Sing a Happy Song Down by the Bay T44-55 ≡ ︲ ︲ ” . . . . ” ” “ 一 一 ﹁ . 一 一 r. 一 一 一 ・ ” い i ﹁ ︰ ・ 対 ” H ﹁ “ 一 ■ = 中 =一・ 一 ⋮ 一 ︻ 一 ・ = ギ ﹁一 一 ﹂ 一 一 ﹁ 一 一 Unit Planner(Pacing 6 weeks) Integrated LanguageArts ︱ ︱ ︱ Theme3: Tales to Tell Again Abuela'sBig Bed PageT78-87 Readh目 W曲 血宮 I B Listenirg/ Speaking/ Cross-curricular Viewins A Bitt B9ok to share! Resuonding ResBondine Mathematics Building Backgroulld PersonalResponse: GroupTalk Retelling Createcounting-rhyme Shared Rettdin3 sharethvorite rhyme Speakhs,and posters COmDT● henslon SrharedWritins Listenine Role-playbuying and Real alld Mak● B elleve ClassBook of Recitea Favorite selling P 揃t A w a r e n e s s Rhymes Rhyme Science L e t e r D d ,i」 PoetrvTalksl Paint treesof each Viewine PocketPoemsClass Picture Walk 蜘 seasQn 血ttCOnsOnants崎 Book PoetryTalksl Discussdifferent animal A Stow to Erolore! SharingOptions: 印 feet Shared Reading Exploring Print: Finger play Sociai Studies Make a big book Dramatic Play universalgames R e a d i an dg a bt lh ee R ● interpretation Sharehaditionel stories ■判P l 印 山唱 P 丸拭 Visual interpretation atrd tbods Oral composing Learn kaditional folk dances A Biq Book to Sharel R c s D O宮 n d i ■ Reswndins Mathematics Building Backgrorurd Pcrsonal Responsei Group TaIk and Estimatenumberof SharedReading Draw silliest stOry Rerelling watermelonseeds; Comureheruion scene Speakingand compareresults Realand lvlake Believe S h a r e l d W i ListErlins t i n = Write story equations PrintAwareness Class B00k Giving Directions and sets l,etter NamesBb. Tt Poettv Tabl Viewine Measrue"bay" water Phoniqs Elephant cOunth宮 Picture Walk Identi$ numbersin hitial Consonantsb.t Books PoetrvTalks! countingsongs PoeW Talks! A S t o r。E vと 料 l o r e ! Sharing0ptions: Scierce SharedReading E t t P l o l唱 士P 立耐: Group singing Discusswhales A Storv to Explore! Makea nd― up Dramatic Createoceanhabitat Readingthe Readable fam sceme rnterpretation mural ' Visual interpretation Exploring Print $ocialSnrdies Oral composing Draw silly homescene Discusstraditional family songs A旦二 呂B o o l 的 昼h a r e l Respondins 叩 Science Building Background Person■l ResPo■se: Group Talk Experimentwrth weight Shared Readhg Dra■v favttte stOry Dramatizing Createrain forestposters COmDrehenslon aru口 nals Viewins Mathematics Character Shared Writ品 2 Picture Walk Createquilt numbersets Pint Awareness Class Newsp8Per PoetrtrTalks! Measuretemperature L e t t e r N a l n e s L l , K k ,PAo ae t r v T aJ性 SharingOptions: SoeialStudies Pho拭 cs Story characters Echoreading DiscussPuertoRico Litial Consollants l,k Class B00k Rhyrnetime Make storytellinghats Phonogrm― at A S b r v t O l Eo 料 門 │ Dramatic Ilvite gueststo tell Poett Tattsl EttPlonng Pttt: rnterpretation stories Shared Re駅出n宮 Make a shape b00k Oral composing PIayfolk-taleanimal A Storv tO Explore! sames I Re剤 脱 g dle Reattble Explorin■ Pボnt I ” ︱ . ¨ ︱ ユ Unit Planner(Pacing6 Weeks)IntegratedLanguageArts Bi3出 ld Little Shared Bools . Theme l:Here By Me 巾町 丘ve senses T14‐23 . ⋮. .⋮ ¨⋮. 恥 eFne 2!Just Attund the Corner ShB a sO■80f PeoPle T46‐57 Readirrg Building Background SharedReading Comprehension Classify Print Auareness Letter NamesFf, Ee Phpnics Initrgl Consonantf Phonemic AwarenessRhyming Words PoeW Talkst SharedReading A $torv to Exolore! Readingthe Readable Explorine Print Wdting Listening/Speakind Vieu'ins Resuondine Respondins PersonalResponse: GroupTalk R€telling Sharethvorite Speskingartd photograph Listerune SharedWritine DescribingOur Accordion Books EverydayWorld Viewine PoetryTalksl SensePictures Picture Walk A Storv to Explore! PoetryTalksl Exploring Print: ShanngOptions: make big book Choral reading Dramatic interpretation Visual interpretation Oral composing A B I E B o o k l o S h a r eResponding ! B 祖1 1 I曲t t B a c k g r o u nPersonal d Response: Sh8red Re■ d地 帥 ・ Sharefavorite photographs Draw ConclusiOns SharedWritine 醜nt Awareness Accordion Books Letter Names Pp,正 Poew Talks! P 臨 ●s SensePictwes h i t i a l c O n s O n a n t ApStory to Exolore! P O e m T a l k sExploring ! Print: Shared Re対 阻 g make a story strip ¨ ﹁ A Storv to Explorel Rea的 鴫 tLE R● 8dable ExPl血 g Pttnt Therne 3:All Over tte World On the Go Pages T80‐91 ︱. ・ ・︱ A Bie Book to Share! Building Background SharedReading Comureheruion lvfain Ideas Ptint Awareness Letter Names Zz, Xx, Rr, Oo Phonics hrtial Consonant Phonogram-op Poetrv Talks! SharedReading A Storyto Exnlore! Readingthe Readable 'Explonng Pnnt Rqslondins Group Talk Dramatizing Sueakingand Listenine Telling About FavoriteSongs Vieudrrg Pictwe Walk Pq€trvTalks! SharingOptions: Choral reading Rhyrnetime Dramatic interpretation Visu,alinterpretation Oral comuosine Respondins 印 PersonalResponse: GrOup talk Retellhg Discussvehicles V i お 帥宮 SharedWritirls Picmre walks TravelPosters 印 Poew Talks! Sharing Options: ClassFavoriteFoods ChOml read地 Book Dramatic A $tol to Explorel interpretatOn ExploringPrint; Visllal interpretatiOn Make an accordion Oral coⅢPOsing book ・ ・ 一 32 Cross-curricular Science Explore with senses Discusslrow senses work Explore sensecenters Play with shado*s Mathernatics Chart food tastes Createsensorysets SociolStudies Discusssafetyrules Discusssensoryloss Maulematcs Dittuss cOms Coult building tloors Sc飾 ● Use senses tO descnbe the city ldttti取livl略alld n o n l i瑠宙岨 理 3 8ocial sttlts Discuss addresses and phone nwnbers Create neittbOrh00d ■laps Create city― people 出splay Chalt●OMnulu付 acti宙 ties SocialSludies Discusssafetv equrpment Classifrvehiclesby locationofuse Discussimportanceof wheels Lrvestigateemergency vehicles Science Make spacevehicles Experirnentwith wind power ldathematics Experimentwith time segments Practicecountdownand blast off ﹁ ⋮ 一■H ﹁ ≡ ﹁ 的=刊押 出一 ︱ ︱ ︱ B日 │ Unit Planner(Pacing6 Weeks)IntegratedLanguageArts Big出ld Little Reading Shared Books Writing nl.mel: 竹 ●●n Thttb Oro拭 llB VettCtable sOup T 1 4 宅5 Resuonding PersonalResponse: Illusffatethvonte gardefling$teps haredWriture How-to books PoetrvTalks! Pop-upPlant Cards A Stow to Explore! Exploring Print: makea mobile │ │ │ │ A Bi=Book tO share! Bdldtt BackgroШ 週 Shar●dR● adhB C o m p r e hn●s i o n Sequente Pint A中 町 印less Letter Names Vv,ww P h o n l c s hidal CttsOnant v,w P o e t v T剖 a比 Sharcd R3潤 阻 g Readtt the E坤 lo点ng Pnnt mclne 2: Tou●h the S町 What is dle Surl?T48-57 Readabに . A Bis Book to Share! Building Eackgror.rnd SharedReading Comprehension Note Details Print Auureness Letter NamesYy, Uu Questions Phonics Initial Consonanty Phonogram-ug Poetv Talks! SharedReading A Storvto Explore! Readingthe Readable Exolorins Print A Big Boo* to Shsrel Building Background SharedReading Cornprehension Causeand Effect I Nittt T80-91 Print Awareness LetterNamesCc, Qq ExclamatorySentences Phonics Initial Consonantc PoetrvTalks! SharedReading A Storyto Explore! ReadingthEReadable ExploringPrint 1搬∬ Responding PersonalResponse: Illustrate and label Questionsand answerfrom the story SharedWritine Sky Mobiles PoeW Talks! Wisheson Wonder Stars A Storvto Explore! Exploring Print: make a storv line 1lg/SpeakllB/ ListeI五 Vitwin巳 Resnondinq Group Talk Dramatizing Speakingard tistenilrs Following Directions Viewirre Pichue Walk PoetrvTalks! SharingOptions; Choral Reading Rhymetime Dramatic interpretation Visual interpretation Oral comnosine Respondine Group Talk Checkingfor Aaswers to questions Viewirre Picture Walk PoeWTalks! SharingOptions: Group singing Dramatic interpretation Visual interpretation OraJcomposing Cross-Curricrrlar SQience Di tlerentiate betr.leen plants and anirnals Recordsproutingtime Exanrinehow plants absorbwater SocialStudies Interview vegetable specialist Discusscookingand gardeningtools Mathematics Chart favorite vegetables-Sort beans by number Science List sm safetynrles Createweatherthct cards Createand label moon shapes Make constellation pictures ldathernatiss Discussnear and far Chart week's weather Swial Studies Chart objectsby location Discussair pollution Drevention R e s p o n t t E R e s p o n d h 宮 Science PerSOB81 R●sPonSel G r o u P T a k R e t e l l Sort i n g featheredand furry Dmmattte FavOnte S p e 抽宮a n d anrmals story scene List覗 Createsea-animalmrual S h a r e d W V iT etl lih gn A宮 b o u t a P e t Make butter 血 al SOunds BOok Vitth■ Recordpet activities P o e m T a l k Picnlre s ! walk SoeialStudies L a b e l C o w G a m e Poett Talks! Createfarm scerrces A Story to ExPlorel S胎 向ng Options: lvfakeendangered E対叫oHllg PHュti Echo reading aninal posters Make a story mural Choral readh目 Mathematics Dramatic 血 判 畔 tatOn Visual htettre出 亡on Oral cOmpOsh宮 ⋮ ・ ⋮⋮︻ ⋮ 33 Make animal number Iines Make up numberstories about farm animals First 6rnde Syllobus/UnitPlsn l,i l; l,'i l, l, I l, t I l' , l, I I l, l, l. Reqdinq Reodiness 1st Quorter *Leornprimerdolchwords "Beginreoding"wordsper minute" Passoges shorf vowel "Decodewordsconfoining sounds *Nstfle vowelsourrds *Drsw picturesor write sentences to showpredictions *Respond to text usingsrtwork or writing *Beginfo usea mix of phonemic and stsndqrdspellingin their writing. ?nd Quorfer *Lesrnprimerdolchwords *Continue reoding"wordsper minute" possages *Decodewordscontaining longvowels ondblends *Nomeblends,clusters *Resdcompound words tDrsw picturesor write sentences to showpredictions *Respond to text usingarfworkor writirrg *Continue to usea mix of phonemic ond stqndsrdspellingin their writing. *Tell whereo story fakesplace ondwho fhe chsrqcferssre. *Drqwpicturesor write senfences fo showpredictions *Respond to text usingqrtworkor writing *Continue qnd to useq mix of phonemic sfondordspellingin their writing. *Tell whereo story takesplocesnd who the chsrocterssre. *Indicstemoinideqof the story throughdrowingor writing 4fh Quarter *Learnfirst gradedolchwords *Continuereading"wordsper minute" p0ssq9es *Drowpicfuresor write sentences fo showpredictions fo text usingartworkor "Respond writing *Continue qnd to usea mix of phonemic stondsrdspellingin their writing. "Tell whereo story tokes plocesnd who the chqractersqre *fndicatemoinidenof fhe sfory throughdrowingor writing 3rd Quarter *Leornfirst gradedolch words *Continue reading"wordsper minufe" pflssqges wordscontoining ,*Decode digraphs *Nomedigrophs T' l1 34 ﹁ ﹁■ 中 ﹁ = ﹁ 一 一 = = 一 一 = 一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︲ “ ︼ ︱ ︱ ■ 、 ︱ │ │ 1│!│ │ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ First 6rade $yllobus/UnitPlqn Liferature lst Quarten *Unifl-HereIAm Mv Bed Unit 6 - Changes in the Weather What Will the WesfherBeLike? fodav? The Windondthe Sun Howthe SunWos Born RsinTalk WhenSumrnerComes HowTo BuildA SsndCastle I An Six Whst Do YouLike? Fqces "Unit 2 - Let'sBeFriends I NeedA Friend Mv Friends The Chickondthe Ducklinq FeotheredFriends ZndQuarfer *Unit 3 - Animal'sEverywhere HootHowlHiss 6ood-Nighf,Owll Little,Elephant If's A 6irll *Unif 4 - The World We Share As The CrowFlies Mv River I Am Eyes WhereIn the World is Kenvo? Whst ConYou$ee In Kenys? ︱ 3rd Qucrter "Unit5-Jusffmogine " PretendYouAre A Caf It LookedLike Spilt Milk CloudsTell Us About The Westher EEKIThere'ss Mousein the House GeorqeShrinks 4th Quorter *Unit7-TellMesStory MoonRope BabyRqtfle Snoke Te Ata. a Storvteller StoneSoup Robbit'sLsst Roce LazvLion *Unit I - Watch trAe6row Chonqes The LeovinqMorninq Two Wavs to KeepIn Touch Lizzieqnd Horofd Anthur'sPet Business Wafch Us 6row Pefs Need Cqre ︱ . ︱ ≡ ︱ 35 ︱︱ ﹁判判 討 ﹁ 拍凹 踊 朽 oom り くト . , f 空 E ←< 的ヨ い0 酬ゴ割引胡封 . 中 V空配←< いヨ い0 剛ゴ釧州胡剖 ﹁ . ゴ望旺二< ∽ヨ いф 暦晶 一 夕一 神的一 王●● 三ω三 何コ一中 一 OE↓ h忙 円 昨 門 世 踊 空 “ 島 “﹂け一 三 じ . o ”uE型 ぬ ●E 何E 〓 章 切コEい コ中 可 の E ●ぃ 一 0■′ 0> いほ 付E 一 宝声 岬中ビ●腎掛申の 凹p B 巾Eo︼ む 将 盟 ュ 〓●fり P りいoE掛 輸 洲 ﹂ 掛 門に ≡ o ”聖 ぢ ェ ニ 田 市 〓ま 出 に0町〓 の 一 ので﹂●ニ b ● 陣 悔 限 は l P お耐理 ギ費 0何 0ね 〓二 ︺ Eけやヨ ∽ 切 島 D “ L 鮮 哺 〓 ≡ で E . ﹁ り 電0 り 0〓 卜 印 ● E ● o り 切 E ﹁ 一 0 “ E O り E Oい ¨ ど ¨ 三 硝 口 , 切一 “卜 一 “ E E O 将● E O 正 ﹂ O E 一 リコ DE﹂ E“ 何 コ電 O い OE い リ 可 ﹂0 ■′ い 可 0 ● ● E ● 中 ● 一 ぬ町 ●n 一 溝■′ 仰中E ● E ョ メ岬 ф n“ 聖 ぃ に博 脇肥 町 沖 的ぢ 〓E ﹂●駐 理 ●章 出 EO再〓 ∽ 昭 辞譴鮮却 覗紺挽 満 催辱電車 卜一 中仰一 一 王い0 三む二 付ョ可﹂ 可ビ 一 卜お E凹 一 何巨 ヨ0 ﹁ 中●● f的軽 0>卜十 >¨ 一”〓〓いい三●二 何お専¨ 将ビ 丁 り﹂ 卜一 中 一 王い0 卓0二 “掛可一 EE 丁 卜王い〓 車再げ ぃoヽこ EFと 百町 〓 中り付0一コ“ 芍い中何単一り︻ ●n 一 電耳 ”oo町”い硝a ”●中ョE丁L 常い住 りUヽ0>> >一 やり¨ 一 王●● 三0三 何ョE一 EE一 〕│ 仰一 碍EO中田官 ど ●● 一 ●い ﹂●たo町0ト 0い中 り一 “一фコ何臣 ● の ﹂い 三り“いト でф中0中一 “B二0トト 0﹂コ一何﹂0〓ヨ 蝦一 的фE●中 切30 何 せ何い﹂ い E > りい母 L住 ¨ ュ●三〇 一 り一 ﹂0中 D﹂中 腎何●旺 ﹂0中0ュ一 〇0圧 00 0D“住 o●拭︼a gL一 百“0年や 樽何ω略 ﹂0﹂い住﹂ いい区 卜〓卜軍o何 o可EE と0三●町●ト リ●D雨■ h口F ¨ 口 o< りo D何n切町ユ ф中打LFL ﹂0﹂ m一﹂●卜> “い一 〓>甲0何 拒蛇町 りい E 町D リコo E哺> ュ エo一 0凸 中り培 E﹂Ob 出 0﹂﹂ E ● 将 ●● り 一XOト ロ ︱ り〓L何 EE三 ︱ 36 ││ ‖ ︼ ∽ヨ い 0 │li い0卜一 ●り一 可●︻ 中 ︺ ゴ0 中 Iい ﹁ 中十 り0﹂0単 ± 3 E ﹂● 働L一 EEфE ф三コфE恒E﹂0︼ фO 丁 r ““〓L何F仁〓●E●山 働仰000﹂﹂ DE¨ で田0ビ ф切⊃ ●中h一〓 ぬ< [ギ 可L何可 E何中り ││ . 0 <卜 碍田 市 朽 фュ∽ . . f 世 E ←< ∽ヨ いい ︱ ││ nE●一 い一 >o﹂住 │:: “中EOE nけ●”nく ││― │ 中 顕中 靖 郵蹴 襲理 一 畳≡ 号﹂ 申 藁襲舗弱 ││ ー ロ 到剰掛目掛刊引判ゴ日到ョ到叫到潮用 封判 到封淵習馴ョロ判 高型 ギ 〓 むF ■” ︱ ‖│ ‖│ nョ中電中 ヽ“E●≡ l:│ ⋮ ︱ ョ刑判引 〓剖引 ¨ 的≡いH 出=3 ﹂0 ■中 ││ ││ 口 . 一 0<卜 碍田 市打oュ∽ [ ﹁ 一 ゴ翌任←< の0 的ヨ 1騨 l ﹁ 〓XO中﹂● ●働付切り硝位 E︼ ∽〓付中0硝 DE将●●Eい﹂ 卜単 E凹〓 町 E﹂ョ0 ﹁ コx O卜 E O﹂中 E ● コ●●” :置 , r巾 り出L、F戸 中 ● E● 田 ぃ中 XO卜 一 町〓0将町F主0単こ一中● 卜中0一町 nED三фLュ匡 Oф 市巾 ■馬E可 E何中 br牛● EO 一 切 り王0 0曲 0おS﹂ト 一 ”ф 一0い DC一 一いい正 ●L中 E O 甲い 0仰 中Xい卜 E 一 L I 坤 ‰瑚劇酬潤瑚恥電 I 哺 x ﹂ oO 拭 宅 何円にど 切 と恒l 一 河卜指 モ一一 ”tnfm﹂ 把 抑一■対理 ヨお 〓刊¨ ¨ ” L“一 〓〓●電●田 王 , . 吾 ・ 推 蜘 ﹂ 抑 逆評一 籍岬 ・ 揺刺 斑 囃甑雖唯 巾認 ” ェH 何 E 三 ︰ l ゴ翻川判可in 判対到甜到掛q判高望 く ど фF ヨ” i m王0ま り焦出●“﹂可三け 0三中●E〓 持E的 o●町一 ュ だ0●中 博 牌 慣 艦 幅 艦 怪 ほ佳 肥 p 赳 品町 いn 〓〓 担 Eoおコ ∽ ボ〓0ま り章出一 ●理 町三0 ● f中 0正■′樽E哺 0い可 一 ュ 王0●中 B 的●≧・ ﹂り 再むFO 電世︺ ¨ 翌 o︼型ぬ町 ●n 荘車 出EいU宮 仰 一 卜悔 隅怖 に b お 五博 一 I 旨漫 ‘ Xф中UE田 切фD冊り仰ma c一仰〓田中 り” фお い碍ビфfい﹂ュr 電00・ 中 的 ぃ 一 ”工L車臣 〓り〓 ●田 い0ュ・ 再 ●F O 電 世 ギ ー0 DE ■′﹂o 江﹂0■〓﹂輌 DE一 り第 コX●” of中 母 E ぃoョげ ︻ w O” U Eo 生“●﹂ 〓 ■メ0中E● Uコ中の には慣隅ドに崎 将 │ ︱︲ 0<ト . 白田 住∽ 工世ピ ︼ < . “増●臣 のコ ﹁ ∽卜0 玉 ︱ “中〓● E nいOoq電 ф ェ :言 [置 0中は い一 臣 的め●的”く 到鼎判弓判¶ 一 〓〓コ ﹂● 〓中DEф■ EO梅“ュ фnぬ︹︼﹂ф 三●付0ト 宮”E田 一 何ELョ0 ﹁ む 、 l , 0 <ド . r . ●●駐の n︼ “一 町凹 一 <卜 王い一 圧 ≡ h . ュ< ωヨ 担一0臣 ∽卜0 〓 卜章ほ町 一 何官﹂コo ﹁ l ︱ 0 <ト ≡ . 何石фa∽ り<ト ゴ迎匡 で凹 一 ” . ︻ ■< 仰ヨ “増●〓 ∽卜〇工 l ”E● 一 >●、ユ ヽ切E● ¨ n中 ●ョ∼E ︼ l 叫 革一 馴 ・ . ⋮ 中 ﹁ . 一 ﹁ = ■ ■ ・ れ ﹁ ﹁ ﹁ ﹁ ⋮ ﹁ ば t P 十 一 性 H r l 37 ││ │ ' ' t l │ 岬 El り 0 .骨 置 営 E 0<ト . 白凹 住∽ 王世区 中 < 、 ∽ヨ ∽0 ”L ● 一 ”﹂ >●L住 いョ単E 一 ヽいE ● 巾 f ︱ ュ E 町“ DE定 ﹂車 申Eい コ中 い●﹂ 町 ∽ 田 “ 中車 O E o n ● ” 仰ギ ﹁ 湘渦 ﹁¶ ﹁ E ﹂o 三ギ研E●ヨ 出 コ ⋮ . 樹引. ≡ ”⋮ 切一 町 E O 中何 聖 0〇一 ●抑 L●Eり付0 一 U●中 x●卜 E oと E●¨ 0いい 中 中 り出﹂軍E │ ` ︱ ︱ ≡ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ¨ ぃ工L何〓 三●E●田 ︱ . ︱ ︲ 口 ﹂ くド F” 判判綱樹判⋮ 出 や 対 ” ︲﹁ ﹁川判把¶劉増¶掛Tn CO中 甲世E封E 一 言Oф ほфギFtr電一hoEфコ ” ф住 ф 嘔 一一 抑 一 珂と″だ一だ一 地ぬi寸 狩卜“可〓IPい ︱ ぃ 働亡一E■′は一OL〓一 фュ仰 専﹂田一E輌︼ い でに田 ●軍OEOfa 特O xFE 輛 り●り ⊃ = 寸 い0呂お OF O 再 世中 Tり 輸E E■す ● コ E 印E 0﹂ 切 E﹂何 EE“中” 軍 と 三 一 一 〓 お E“ い悔● E● 三a いO x干E 町 ●リヨ 一 モF 的一Eい 0ココm ︱ 博博 │ │ :: │」 │ ■■ 38 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ = ” 招 常 群荘 ﹁ = ギ 一■ ■ =〓 一 ︼ ■■ 一 一 t盟灘帯i描 ず :ns The:nes at a Glance!Here:Ain Selections Comprehension/ CriticalThinkinq Vocabularv B I ︱ ︱ I B l r ︲. . . ﹁ 一 ︻■ ⋮︲ヤ ︲ ﹁ . 一 ≡ 一一 一 . VVhat l Llke Reading Strategies, T10 Listening Comorehensiorr. T10-11 I Aln Six Reading Strategiesi T18,T21,T45 ClassifyノCate9oHz● T26t T321 T391 T52-53 RespOnse Opti● nsl T89 Support Tape Reading St「 ョte91gs T72・ T75.T82 ●lassify/catB9orize T85,T96 RespOnse Options,T89 Support丁 白p● Keyヽ WO「ds,T17,T27-28, T30.T33‐ 34,丁 41,丁 50‐51 High Frequency Vvo「 dsi T221T25,T50-51l T54‐ 55 Fanllly words,T100 Support Tape Key Words.T7可 l T83 High F「Bquency VVords, T7可 コT77,T79.T90‐ 91 Farnily Wo「ds,T可 00 Suppo「 l Tttpe Reading th●P●●冊 , T打04 Responding to P00ml Tl硝 Respondi119 t●the Seif Po「traits,Tlo6 Readi‖g St「 ate9ies. Tl14,T120 CI白SSify/Cat● 9oHヱ●・ T1251T打 36 R●sPonse Options, T129 Support Tape R●白ding the Po3m〕 T144 Responding to Po●mi T145 Key llVo「d3,丁 104 Developing con● ●pts and Vocttbulary,T104 SuppOFt TaDe Whttt Do YDu Like? 21F「i●nds Flne A成 P o 「t f o l i ● Faces N● S h a d ●w i n VVもto「 Phonics/ LiteraryAnalysis, and Aporeciation Genre:Fiction.T10 Key VVOrdsl Tl13,Tl19 H19h F「equency VVords. T l 1 3 , T 1 2 2 , T 1 3 01 ‐ 31 Sens● Words,丁 140 Suppolt Tape Key柏 Vo「ds!丁 144 DeveloPing concepts and Vocabulary,T144 C r e 白甘n g a M o o d i T 1 4 4 十 1 ﹁ 1 1 1 . 1 39 lnitial COnsonant s, A u t h o 「s C r 3 ■ : T231T58-59 SOul]d Devices 11litial Colnsonani miR h y m 8 1 千 3 8 , T 4 2 T31,丁 431T56-57 Asti・ oVVord │ Review:lnlial Genre!Fantasy.T86 Cons● nant st T231 A u t h o ドs C r a t l T58‐59 S o u n d D ●v ! ● es: 1nitial Consoilants lR e p e t ‖l o n , T 8 0 . T 9 7 dt T871丁94‐95 1nitinl consOnants r T92‐93 AstroWord Genre:Poetry,T104 initial Consonants p】 丁121,T123,T132133 1niial「 On30nants k, w,T124,T134L135 Ast「 oWord Genre:Poetry,T144 │ 掛ギ一 ︱ lntegratingLanguageArts and Cross-curricularConnection Writi SB● Hi ︱ 101lSi VVilLlilg c8Pモ Tll ︱ ︱ 〓 一 ≡ l ﹂ l VV「 iting a Birthdtty Card,T35,T60 Sin9 a School Slng,丁 48 Create tl Sto「 y C13in,丁 49 cpttpOse a cl白SS P9em.T49 Listening, Speaking, and Viewinq B●ginning sounds,m 白nd si T23,T311丁 431 T63 AstroWo甫 A llV● r d fo「 M● : C8P“ al L丁46i丁 6打 ReaderResponse Groups,T48 Makea Graph,T49 Fingerplay, T62 StoryTape = . = I rza.rsa I Personal T89 I Responses, Content Areas and Studv Skills Talking about llkes 白!ld disttkes,Tll Looking at l l l u s t r a H o nTsl‐ l Liste1ling to stOlv Taper Tll Read Aloud Big Rnnt Tan合 B I Writingto Tell i WhatWe Like. ︲︲ ︱ ︱ ﹁ ヨ 一 月 市 ︲ ャ ≡ ︻ 一 H ︲ ︻ ■ ■ w・ ギ 一 ︱ │ Gramrnar,Usage, and lllechanics Social Studies: Mttking n Classroom Map,T64 Arti Creating Class Self“ portrait Mu「als, T64 Math●冊atiCS: Dem● nstrath9 one_ tO出 One Co「「 espondence H●3にh&safetyl Exp10「in9 Safety R u l ●s f O 「 crOssing lhtt Rlraal ■ Beginning sounds r,i ョn d d , T 8 7 , T 可0 1 Ast「 oWord Namlng‖ ′ Ords for P3ople,丁 99 ︱ Writing Shape Poems,T89 Chanting a Poem, T76 ReaderResponse Groups, T89 Complete Sentences, T100 StoryTape ︱ ︱ ︱ 帆′ Hte Th15ヽ Way: C時 占甘ngぬ “ tw0 F「 中ndsⅢ P●e冊 , T105 Create a Poerrl, T105 StO「 y T3pe Aニ So●ial studies: S h a r i n g t t白「 ditions 9mh l :艦開 督 町 寧 :辮批 蝉:町 Gl‐ aphi 03 T可 │ 1 M a t h e 冊 白宙c s : Number wOrds】 ¬ Tlo4 1 Vi● win9 the sel「 ︱ POltraits,Tlo6 RespOndlR9 tO the Selr‐ 106 pOltrals,丁 ︱ ︱ ︱ ロ 40 │ │ │││ W百 甘 口「 dヽ ‖: l g a F 1 0 │ 百e911]111ng sOuilds f l k , a n d W T121,T123i丁 124i 丁1 4 1 与abeling the Parts P i │ギ of a Fac●l T1261 T138 P e l 将o n a l ReSpOnsei T129 1丁 Listening, Grammar, Usage, Speaking, and and Mechanics Viewino NarningWordsfor ReaderResponse t h i n g sT, 1 3 9 Groups, T129 Rhyming Words, T140 St0ryTape BI ll ll l l Drawing ttnd LlbBling shョdOw PiCtures,T145 Write This way: WHHng a Poem, T145 Listening to the Poem,T144 Discuss thePoem, T145 StoryTape l l l l l l l l ― │― │ l i l― │! ││ ││ │: ││ 4 C ●r l t e n t A r e a s a n d StudY SkHiS ︱ ︱︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱︱ ︱ ≡ ﹁ │:: │ S●Ci31 Studiesi Acting Out and Reco「din9 Emotions, T142 Music:T3pping and Moving to stOlv R h y t h m . 丁1 4 2 Scrence!Making a 5 Sens●s Chart,T143 H e a t t h & s a f e t y : L●arlling About Foods from other count「 ies ︱ ︱ ⋮ ¨ 丁1 Themesat a Glance:Let's Be Friends Selections 1 一 一 = 1 ︱ w3y l Bttng a F 「i e n d ? I Needa Friend ■ . . ≡ ロ ︱ 由 ︱ ︱ 1 一 1 ロ ■■ 一 二 ■ My Fttends/Minna Oね Oshiete Kurettashita T h , M O ●W 「 e 丁ogether cet The Chickand Dumpling ■■ ⋮ . ⋮ ■■ F8athe「 ●d Friends C●mprehensiOn′ Critica!Thinkinロ VOE Phonics/De[oUing Reading strate91esi T170 とisterling ComprehensiO11, T170‐ 171 R●adillg st「 8te9iesl Key wOrdsl T177. T1781T1981丁 203 丁打81:T197=T209 1nferencesノ Context clues, Predicting T182,丁 19o Outcomes,T1801 High F「●quency 丁187,T202,T2041 Words,T1961T2091 丁210-2打 可 T2打2‐2打3 Nothing Detailsi Rebui!d the Story T133,T193,T201 T2DB‐ 203 Emer9ent Literacy: Colo「 VVords,T22D Understanding s甲ppOrt Tap● Patterned Text, T184 SupDOrt TaD● R8ヨ91ng bモralegles, KeyWords,T229, T230,T239 T241 inferences/ HighFrequency Predicttn9 Words,T229,TZ4S, 0utcomest T235, T247,T250-251 T237〕 T249 Wordsthat Describe RPspOns● optiOns, Friends,T260 T249 $upportTape Support Tap● Readin9 0r singing Key Words,T264 the song,丁 264 Dev● loping RespOnsin」 tO the Concepts and Son9,T264 Vocabulary.T264 Reading strat● 91●si T272,T275,T279 inferencesノ Predicting Outcomes〕 T276, T281,T294 RespOn3● opiiOnsョ T287 Support Tape Readin9 thロ Nonfiction,T302 RespOnding t● NonfictiOn,T302 爪●y vvo「85, 1271 High F「●quency Words:T271,T280. T288‐289 Context● luesi T277 Words fo「 Bョby A n i m ョl s . T 2 9 8 Support Tape ■口 ^ey vvoros,| Suz Developing Concepts and Vocabulary, T302 ︲ 一︱ ﹄ 一 r . 一 ︱ 42 LiteraryAnatysis malys百 ] and ciatiolr 8● │]re:F81li3sy7 T170 lniti31 CO11301lantsi G●il「 e l F3!ltaSy. ni g.T1851丁 216T243 217 Review:lnliョ l and F i n a l T l 可, T 可8 6 initial Con30nants「 : 丁194 11liti31 COnSonantsl bi x,T195,T214, T215 R3vi●wi intta! Consonants m,s, T199 AstroVvOrd FinalConsonants T282,T2s2-2s3 Review:Initial Sonsonants. T2g0291 AstroWord ●enre:sOn9,T264 StOry Devl● ●si R●p●tiion,T264 ●●nre:Fttntasy. T274 Story structure: C h a r a c t e :「T 2 8 4 , T295 Genre:No門 lGtiOni T302 Fiction and Nonttct10nl丁 302 ︱ ︱ W百 甘 spe‖ ing VY日モ in9 LaDeis D I ●w i n g s , T 打7 1 Grammar,Usage, and Meehanics F 一 ■口 一 B■ 一 U →i n g l A Fdos「 t 0 D e s ●高b e t 丁可B 8 , T218 一 ■ 研 ■ロ ロ ■ Br . B■ . 中 ﹁ ” . ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■口 ■■ ■■ lJrawa Fnen0's Face.T26E WriteThisWay: Gopying and lllustrating the Song T265 Listening, Speaking,and Viewino ConterrtAreasand $tudvSkills Discussin9 a visほ with the Pr● 5ident, T171 Looklng at ‖u S t r 3 t 1 0 n S , T 1 7 1 Looking tO the story T3pel T171 R e a d A l o u d B l g Book Tape 出 ■ ︲; ︲一 ︲ . i “ . ・ . ” ” ︻ . 十 ・ 一 一一 ・ ︻ ﹁ ︼t 卜一 ︻ 一 “ 出 ﹁ 一 ¨一 ︲ ⋮ . ︱ Integrating LanguageAfts and cross curricurarconnections B●ginning sounds b,ni and g,丁 1851 T221 f ASt「 oWo「 d Emer9ent L注 ●racy: Punctuation‐ T200 Descttbi119 WO「dS, T219 ReaderResponse Groups,T207 Act lt Out,T207 Askingand Answering Questions, 7220 SocialStudies: MaKing Welcome, Friendbooklet, T222 Art:Creating Dream a StoryBookmarks, 7222 Science: Makirrg Chartsof Need, T223 Mathematics: SortingFurniture Pictures to Makea HousePoster,T2Z3 CapitslLettersfor Listening to a Poem, Mathematics: ProperNouns,T259 T2?6 Practicing ReaderResponse Friendship Double Groups,T249 Addition. T262 Talkingon the Art:MakingOriginal Telephone, T?60 Animals,7262 StoryTape SocialStudies: Learning from Community Helpers, T263 Science: Observing andRecording AnimalBehaviors, T263 P a n t o m i 冊i n g s O n g i $toryTape T264 SOund RepetitiOn Devices,T264 窃 中eSCHbing StOry SDBH Ellding sOunds t,│ di and inl T282, T299 M a k e M e r i t B a d g e s , AstrOWord Cha「acte「:T285、 T296 Addin9-StO Nouns‐ T297 Listening, S p e a k i n ga,n d Viewino Listen to 3 Poemi T268 Reader Response Croups,丁 287 Rete‖ the stOryi T287 Fol10w DirectiOn37 T298 Story ttape Content Areas and FittHH、 ′t lr:Hr 而 ︱ ︱ ︱︲ ﹁ 〓 Writin Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics … W「it●This way: C 「e a t i 1 1 9 w ● help ba1lnersi T300 Sci●nce:c01lducttng a1l Expe「iment, 丁3 o o Mathematicsi M a k i 日9 白 n A c t i v l i 8 S With F「 lends Graph, T301 H e a t t h & s a f e t y : DiscusSing Vvat● 「 S3fBIV T■ ol 堪:gingDttwings, Art:Birds Of白 Feather,T303 T237 Make Safe SWimming Posters, T301 . . 理 出 ≡ ⋮ . ︲ ︲ ” ” ︲ ■ ■ 出■ 中 ■ ■ 一 ■ 一 ■■ 一 ■ 口 B■ 由■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ “ 韓 Themes at a Glance: Animals Everywhere = = ■ Selections Cornprenerrsion/ CriticalThinkinq Over in the Meadow RBading strate9i●SI ”■ i 一 ︻ ≡ 用oot Howl日 iss ≡ .t ¨ い ¨ 甲ood‐Night owl 十 一 中 T10 Liste!]i1lg ComprehensiOn, T 1 0 - 1 1 R●白ding stlBtegies, T可8,T23 N●村n9Detalls‐ 丁26j T301T34,T44‐ 45 Review:lnferen● ●sノ Predicting Outcom● s,T29 RespOn38 0ptions, T41 Support Tape Re3ding strat● gi●s, T64.T73 Notin9 Details T75, T38 R e s p o n s ●o p t i o n s , T81 Support Tョ pe Literary An31ysis Vocabu Genre:Courrtirrg R h y m eT, 1 0 ︱ 中 一 Key vvords,T171 T201丁 32,丁 42-43 H19h Fr● qu●n●y Words,T24,丁 27, T35,T42“ 43,T46-47 11Vords fo「 Animal Sounds,T39,T54 Rebulld the stolv T42-43 SuppOrt TaD● K●y Wordsi T631 丁69,T170 Hi9h Frequ● ncy WO「 dst丁 63,T67, T82‐83 Cont● xt clues‐T79, T89 Night and Day WOrds.丁 92 SuめめOrt丁ョめ● K●y Words,T96 DeveloPing Conc● pts and VOC3bulary,T96 creatures Ofthe Nlght Rcaばing the Nonflction,T96 Cinssrfyhgコ丁98 Responding to the NonttctiOn,T97 性lS lithe L‖ │●Owl Reading tne poern Key words,T98 T98 DeveloPing 、 Responding to the COncepts and Poem,TgB Vocabulary,T98 Visualizinq, TgB Reading strategieぎ . Key wOrds〕 Tlo5 L1ltl●EI●phant │ぜ 奇a G I H I T1061 Tlll Notting Detallsl 丁打D9`丁 打26 RespOnso options, Tl19 Suppolt TaDe Reading th● N o n f i c t in● .T134 RespOnding to N o n t t c t i o n ,打 丁 34 Detalls from Pictures,T134 Phonics/Decodinq High F「●quency Words.Tlo5,Tl12, T120と121 Size and shttPe W o r d s r T 打3 0 Support Tape KeyWords,T134 Developing Concepts and Vbcabulary, T134 45 R s v i ●w : l n t i 3 1 a n d Fin31● OnSonantsi 丁22,T_● B!T31,T381 丁50‐51 intti31 qtl,T25,丁 43‐ 49 R e v i e w : l n l l 白│ consonant f.T28 AstroWo「 d C e n 「e : N o n f i c t i O n i Tl18 Phono9raphs_at. T7有.T84‐85 Reviewi Final ●OnSDnantS,T72. R e v i ●w : i n 比l a l Consonants,T74 Phonograph3-np,_ 白d l T 8 6 - 8 7 AstroWord Genre:Fiction.T64 Genre:Nonfiction. TgB Genre:Poetry,T9B lnitial Con30nants y: Z,T打 可3,T124-125 P h o n o 9 「3 m _ a n , C o 日s O n a n t v , T I ィ 61 T122-123 AstroVvord Genre:Fiction,Tlo6 Story St「ucture: Setting Tl141 T1 27 Genre:Nonfiction, T34 │ Artsand Cross-curricular Connections ︱ ︱ Grflmmar, Usage, and Mechanics Writingaboutan A n i m aal n dl t ' s B口 ︱ ︱ ■■ ■■ Wtttin9 Ab● ut Sounds,丁 77,T9o P3rSOnal RespOnse, T81 EndingSoundsffi Action Wordsl T211 b , b ・X , 8 n d p j 丁5 5 Asti● Wo円 出■ Short a Words,with ―at,tapj,ad!丁71, T93 D白│ly Language Activ止i● s,丁可53 sp●│ling Pretests and POstt● sts.T156 AstroW● rd Adding― ●dt。 Action llvo「 ds,T58= T91 Dally Language A c t i v l is● .T153 ■■ WHte This way: Reader Response Groups,T41 Lookingat PictureDetails, 754 StoryTape ■■ ■ ■ WdteThisWay: Dialogue Between a Persona anAnimal, T99 Science:Makingan AnimalFeatures Charr. rcD Reader Response Groups, T81 Dramatize the Story,T81 Dramatizatiorr, T92 $toryTape Reporting on the Article,Tg7 Sharing Hxperience. Tg7 WⅢte About Being a N19ht c「 eatu「 ●,197 W「itin9 Kinds Of S●中tences,Tl131 T128 PBr50nal ResPOnse, Tl 19 SkHis M a k i n ga n d ldentifying AnintalSounds, T11 Lookingat l l l u s t r a t i o nTs1, 1 Listening to the Story,T11 ReadAloudBig Book Tape 村omei丁 11 Desc「ibi日 g、Ⅳhere Animals Live,T37: T52 PerSOn31 Response, T41 W「itθRiddlesi T41 csntentareasand Mathematics: Makinga Schedule, Tg4 Drama:Presentina a Dramatization, TS7 Ar1:makirrgFicturesof AnimalHomes. Tg7 Sc!●ncel Making 3 VV●Odl白!ld Creatures Chart,T94 MuSに !M8kin9 Rhythm instrumentsl T94 Sociai Studi● s:Makl119 a VVIldlife Sanctuary Mural,T95 Mathemattcsi creattng Addition Probtems,Tg5 Science: makinga tVignt Character Chsrt,T97 Art: DrawingNight Creaturesand Their Homes.T97 $eeingthe Shape,T98 StoryTape Short a vvOrd,with …3 n . , 白 ml Tl16, T可31 Daily Lan9uage Acttvlles,T154 SpelllR9 Pretests and Posttests,T156 AstroWOrd UsingCapitat LettersandEnd Marks,T129 i ReaOerI Response T119 | Groups, 1 gaS的 り 紹悟 1樽 畔;野 │千;」 ュ 甘 ︱ ︱ Wttt,Thほ Way: ■■ Reading for Information, T134 Detailsfrom Pictures, T134 create a Birth Ann6unceinent, T135 IL_ Slqy:epe_ 46 S ●i e n c e : M a k i n g a CI白 ss 8ook About Animal camouHage: T 打3 2 Math● inaticsi Measuring and C o m p a t t n g H ●l g h t s , T132 Social stLldieS:Making a class B00k About Anima13j T1 33 MuSic:Addin9 Ve「 ses t0 T133 Arti Creating 3 Baby Book,T135 ︱ 理 ︱ ⋮ ﹁ ⋮ ⋮ I ︱ Thernesat a Glance:The World We $hare Selections One Lighi,One Stin │ 一 AS the Crow FIles ⋮⋮ ︲ ⋮ ⋮︼ ⋮ ⋮ ︲ ≡⋮ My River . ThB Littl●Fishes Los pescadito3 I Am Eyes,NI Macho ⋮・ Wherein theWorld is Kenya?Canyou segKenva? Fine Art Poltfol10 C●mprehensi● n′ Critital Thinking Reading st「8te91es、 T168 Listerll!19 comp「 ehe1lsiOni T168“169 Readii19 St「 a te91● si T176Ⅲ 丁1 9 可 ,T1921 T2021丁 205 Main ld● asノDetallsl 丁183.丁193,T199, T210-211 Revi●w:Ciassify/ Cate9ori■ e,T197 R e s p O n s ● ●p t i O n s , T207 suppOrt Tap● Reading strate91●sコ T2301T238 Main ldeas/Detalls, T242,T256 Respons● options, T248-249 Support Tape R e a d i n g t h ●P O e m , T264 Responding t0 POem,T264 Reading strategies. T272,T285 Revi●w:Classify′ Cate9oHz● l T277 Main ldeas/Detallsl T281,T296 ReSpOnse options, T239 SupDOrt Tape R●ading th● Nonfiction,T304 RespOnding t0 Nonfictio11,T304 Focusin9 oR Detalls, T告04 R●6pOndin9 1o the AFt.T306 Vocabula P h o n i c s /D e c o d i n s LiteraryAnalysis and Appreciation Genre:Sorrg,T168 K e y W o 「d s , T 1 7 5 , T178,T184f T186: T 1 9 4 1 T 2 0 8 ‐2 0 9 H19h Frequency Words,T打 80,T1881 T208.T212-213 City ttnd Country Words,T1891T220 Rebuild the StOry T208-209 Support ttape Keyヽ Words,T229 High F「equency Words〕 T229,T243, T250-251 Water wOrdsi T260 suppOrt Tap● Key WVo「ds,T271 Dev● loPing Concept3 8nd , Vocabul白「 y〕T264 Key wOrds,T271 High F「●quency WOFdSi T271,T276F T290-291 Review cOmpOund W● rds,T282.T300 Support Tape Key wO「dsI T304 Developing Concepts and Vocabulary,T304 甲 ︱ ︱ ︱ 47 Reviewl lntial and Fin31 Gonson3nt m, T179 Phono9「 白mS-Opl― Ot.T1321T190, T214-215 Revi●w:lnkial Gonso1lant f,T打87 R3VI●W: Phono9rams_apt T打96 Diagrttph sh,T198, T216-217 AstroWo「 d Dia9「 arn wh〕 丁2 3 3 コ T240,T254-255 Comppund‖ ′ ords, T236,T257 Phono9ram― o91 T246j■ 252‐253 Ast「oWoFd G8nre:NonH●tion, T176 Gen「 ●:FicHon,T230 Stolv Structure: Revi●wi setiing, T235 Genre:P● etry,T204 Repet北ion,T264 Phono9ra向 1…un,T2 75,T292-293 Blends with s and「 , T278,T280,T294295 Genre:Fictioni T272,T274 Auth● ドs Crat: Review:Rhtth冊 , T287 Plu「 alsl T2841 T297 Ast「 oWo「 d G e n 「●: N o n f i c t i o n , T304 ﹁ . ” 中 ・ 一 一一” 村” 一 一 科= 一 一 、. 沖 f■一 十 ︲ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ IntegratingLanguageArts and Cross-curricularconnections Writin Spe‖ i Grammar,Usage, and Mechanics Wビ「 iting Descriptions、 丁169 M a k i n g a M a p STh o1 「 8t 1o. W o r d s i w t t h …l p , _ O t i T8打2 ! T2イ8 Per50nal R●spOnset 丁1 9 0 . T 1 2 1 T207 D 白i l y L a n g u a g e 丁248 S h o 成 ●w o r d s w k h … 09,‐Ot,T246.T261 Da‖y Langu白98 Activlies,丁 326 Spelling Pretests and Postestsi T33D AstroWord Wo「 ds That丁 色H Wherel T20可 ,T219 DB‖ y Languttge Activlies.T325 P ●│ ぉ o n a l R e s p O n s ●, T207 Reader RespOnse Sroups,T207 Dramatic Readin9, 丁207 Giving Directions, T220 Story Tape Sclence:Making a Chttrt,T222 M8thematics: Ciassifyin日 ClassrOom Obiects by Shttpel T222 Social Studiesi Making Maps〕 T223 Arti Creattng Environment CoHttsett T,,■ ContractiOn rs, T234,T259 Daily Language AcHv由 les,T321 R88der R● spOnse Groups,T249 Dramatize the Story) T249 Main ideas and Det白i13,T260 Sto「 y Tape Drama:ActingOuta Poem.T262 SocialStudies: Makinga Community Web, T262 Science: Making PostersAboutthe Environment, T262 Art:MakingAnimal Sculptures. T263 Listeni!19 10 th● Poemt T264 Story ttap● Art:Making a Mobile,T264 Sc!ence: Resea「 ching Fish, T264 SOCi白I Studies: D「awing Different Kinds of Homes, T302 SCi●nC81 0rOWing Plants,T302 D『am3:Role`p13ying Animals,T303 Mathematics: Makin9 8n Anim31 to日 mphi T303 pl● ︱ ︱ Wttte Thi3 Way: VVFitin9 8 POem Like “ The Littl● Fishes", 264 ︱ ↓ 1 Using AIIRertttiOn, T287,T298 PerSOn31 RespOn3el 丁2 8 9 1 Sho止 u words wlh… un.―ut,_u9,丁2751 T301 Da‖y Lttnguage Activi甘 ●s.T327 spe‖ing Pretests and POsttestsi T331 AstroWol」 Conteni A「 eas and Studv skiHs DiScussing P●ople in the Cornrnunity, T169 Looking at l‖ ust「 白tio1lsl T1 69 Listening to the Sto「 y Tttpe.T169 R ●白d A I ● ud B19 3oOk Tape A c t i v i性e s = T 3 2 5 Sp●‖ing P「 ●t● sts and POsttests,T330 Astro‖′ ord Uキin9 the Senses t● DPsE「ibel T244, T258 … ` PI「SOnal Response, T248 Crlate a stOry】 Listening, Speaking,and Viewinq Using see and saw, T2861T299 D311y Language Activtties.T327 ReaderResponse Groups,T289 Descrilring Surroundings, T300 StoryTape 1 1 ⋮. VV日11:]9 8DOul Kelly白,T304 VV「止e this way! Make a POster〕 T305 Viewlng the AfHcan l牟 Alt,1306 ︲ 48 四圃 理 四 止I Makin9 a M35al l 1器 Themeat a GlancelJust lmagine Comprehension/ │;: $kipto MyLou │:i Vocabulary Crititar Thi ding strate91●si T10 PhDniC′ Dec● ding 面覇弱石詰lySIS/ and Appreciation Genre:Fictiorr, T10 Comprehension, T10-11 FretendYou're Reading Strategies, T7o, a Cat 丁74,T35 Compa「 e′Contr3St T821T23,T381T50‐ 51 R●vi● w:lnf●「 ences′ Predicting out●omes, T26 RespOnse Optionst T87 Support Tape ■ l: ⋮ lt Looked S p l 性M I l k ReadingStrategies, T7O, ! T74!T85 Compare/Cont「 白st`丁82, T94 R●spOnse Options,T87 Suppo「 t Tape K e y l Ao′ rds,T17, T 3 7 , T 4 8 ‐4 9 Hi9h F「●quency Words,T20,T27: T39,T481T52‐53 QuesiiOn VVo「ksi T32,T60 Homographsi T40 Rebuild the stO「 y T48‐49 *ick, Phonograms iShi T251 T29,T56“57 Revi● 、 ば PhOno9ramsi ,3nl,u1li T33 SupportTa Key llvOrdst丁 69, T73 High Frequency Words,T69‐ T75j T88-89 VVo「ds that te‖ whenl T98 . ︱ ! ︱ Responding to PoBm, T打03 Developing Co:1● ●pts and R B 8 d i n g t h ●P h O t 0 Essay,Tlo4 R●sPondin9,Tィ o4 Compare and cOntrast, T104 KeyWords,T104 Developing Concepts and Vocabulary, T104 ng Strategies, ≡ ≡ 日 ︱ T打12f T123 Real止y/Fantasy,Tl181 T128-129 ReviBwi lnferences/ Predictin9 0utcomesj T125 RespOnse op付 On3.T127 Tnn Phono9rams… lgl― im, T35,T43!T54‐ 55 Review:Blends wth s, T42 AstroW● rd Consonant BI●nds with l,T78,T90‐9イ Oontract10nsI IB4, T95 Blends and Digraph3〕 T76,T81,T92出 93 Ast「 OllVord Readingthe Poem,TlOZ Key ttVOrds,T可 o2 EEK!There's Mousein the House GenreF : i c t i o nT, I B Author'sCraft: Review:Repetition, Key llV。「 ds,T可 11 丁可16 High Frequency Wo「dsi Tlll, Tl17,Tl可 9, T 1 3 0 ‐1 3 1 Antonyttsl T121, T 1 3 6 〕T 1 4 0 Poetry,T102 Genre:Photo Hssay, T104 Phonograrn-en, 丁120,T132-打 33 Short Vow● │ Phonogram3,Tl16. T134‐135 Ast「 ●hrord Fiction.Tl12 、 ︱ Readingthe Poem-,T1-44- Antonyms, T144 Respondingto the Poetry,T144 GeorgeShrinks 日 、 日 │ ││ ││ eadingStrategies, K e yW o r d s T , 1 5 1 , Phonogram-eA, -*t T152,T164 T155 1nferences/D「 awing H19h F「●quency COnclusions,T165 WDrds,T151, Reallty′ Fantasy,T1671 T159,T161, T176 T 1 7 0 ‐1 7 1 Response optiOns,T169 Synonyms,T156, Suppolt Tape 丁1 7 7 , T 1 8 0 My Bed Readingthe Fiction, 1 丁134 ResPonding tO Fic甘 ol], T184 Key VVOrds,T184 U n d e 「s t a n d i 1 1 9 V O C 8 b L J l a r y , T3打 4 丁lB4 49 丁1 5 7 i 丁1 1 3 , T 1 7 2 - 1 7 3 Consonant BI● nds. T 打6 2 . T 1 7 4 - 1 7 5 Ast「 ●h ′o r d 8 ●n r e : F a n t a s y , T166 StOFy st「uctu「●: Revlewi charttcter, 丁1 6 7 丁184 ︱ ︱ ¨ 一 、 一 ・ ⋮ ” 出= W≡一 神” ≡ ≡¨ ” ・ ﹁ 一 t ︱ lntegrated LanguageArtsand Cross-curricular Connections ︱ Writin Grarnrnar, Usage, and Mechanics Sp● Hinq ︱ WdtingNew Versesfor a Storyor Song, T11 ︱ ︱ Wttting ︱ Rttymes.T301 T38 PO「3onal RespOnse〕 T47 ︱ Short i llVords wlth… 19,and_it,T35,丁 44, T61 ' Daily Language Activttes.T203 Spe‖ing Pretests and Posttests,T298 Astro‖′ ord Pronouns. T45 you,he, Pronouns andshe,T59 DailyLanguage Activities. T203 ︱ W「iting slrnilesj V V o r d s w i t h s t a n d s hPronoun ′ l,T79,T97 T77,T96 T81,T99 DaHy Langua9● P●「 SOn31 Rettp● n38,T87 ︱ D白‖y Langu白 9e Activ止iesl T205 SpeHing Pretests and Posttests.T209 Astroh′ord Activ性les,T204 Listening, Speaking,and Viewino Speaking as the StoryCharacter, T11 Looking for Humorin lllustratiorrs, T11 Listening to the Story Tape,T11 ReadAloudBigBook Tane C●ntent Areas and S+lBrtv ttlri!1ミ J SocialStudies: Designing a NewAnimal.T62 Science: Making Animal actionCharts,T62 Music:Playing anAnimal $ingingGame,T63 Mathematics: Writing AnimalNumeral Books. T63 ReaderResponse Groups,T87 Visualizing Animals andObjects, TgB $toryTape Mathemattcs:Making Books of Math Facts, T100 SociョI Studies: Responding to a Zunni P o e m コ丁1 0 0 SCi8n●●:Making VVhy We need Vvater Mob‖es, T10可 Art:Painting inkblot Shared Rettdin91 T102 Visualizingi Tl o2 StO「 V T3De D「3ma:Acting Outthe Poom,Tlo3 Discuss the Question,Tlo4 Stolv Tap● Scierlce:Makin9 c10uds, T105 ReaderResponse Groups, T127 Tellingan Add-on $tory,T140 $toryTape clossary/ABCOrder T 13 7 Science: Making Animal Posers, T142 Art:MakingMazes,T142 Mathematics: Building BlockStructures, T143 Social$tudies: Making Peoplehelping people Poster. T143 ︱ Reader RespOnse Gttups,T47 Retelling the sto!Yl T47 Riddl●s,T60 Sto「y Tape n ● ミi 内n t T t t n イ ︱ Wttte This way: Write 3 ClaSS Polm:Tlo3 ︱ W 「 Ⅲ●T h に W a y l Greate a c10ud 」o8「nali Tlo5 ︱ R e よl a n d M a k e B●ll● Vet T可22, T138 ︱ ︱ Short e Wo「 ds,with一 en,and一 eg:T1201 丁141 A New Endingi Dally Language 丁127 Activities,T205 Personal Spe‖in9 Pretests a口 d R e S p ●n s e , Posttests.T209 T127 Ast「 oⅥ′ ord v v f l n eI n t s w a y : Excitement Word. T139 Daily Language Activlies.T205 S h o 成 ●V V o 「 ds with_ ︱ P●rsollョ I RespOnse. T144 Stolv Tttpe Usecompari$oned and_et,T1571 in a Lineof T163,T131 Poetry,T127 D白ily Langu39e 日 Activ“ies,T206 Sp●│ling Pretests and Posttests,T209 Ast「 oWord ︱ _上 │ _ 50 ____」 ∼﹁ ﹁ . ︱ ・ ” . 一 一 ︼・ ” 一 ﹁ 一 や 一 一 一一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ = ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ W打 打 Wttting a Listi 丁1 5 8 , T 1 7 8 Pe「sonal 中eSpOnse, T169 Sp● Hing Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Lette「 Greeting and Closil]gsl T179 Daily Language Acttvttiesi T206 WriteThisWay: Writea Rhyming Sentence, T185 Listening, Speaking,and Viewing ReaderResponse G r o u p sT,1 6 9 Tellinga $toryabout a n E v e n tT, 1 8 0 StoryTape Per501lal RespOnse, T184 Sto「 y Tape ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 51 Content Areas and 史 ! 口l r ,t t、じ :Hr ] Math●Fllatics:Measu「 ing li: 「 in Ⅲ G ●O r g e s ⅢT 1 8 2 Arti Creatiln9 Letter Papel H e a h‖& s a f e t y : M a k i n g H e a h‖y H a b l s P I ● C h a r t s , 丁1 8 3 S06ial Studies:Writing W科= ﹁れ■ や ti ≡ ≡. ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ Themesat a Glance:Changesin the Weather $elections Mushrooms in the Rain C●inprehensi● n/ Critical Thinkina R●ading strat●91eS, T10 Liste1ling ComprehensiOn, T10-11 t. t l, I I I I I I T l, Phonics/ Decoding The VVind and the sun i! Hdw the Sun Was Born/Co'moel Sol Nacio' Rain T白 lk R●3ding stratど s, gl● 爪e y w o 「g s , 丁7 可 High Frequ● ncy Words,T7打 .T86-87 Words fOr Outd00r Clothing,T96 Support Tape Cause and E打 どct, KeyWords,tl OO Developing Concepts and Vocabulary, T100 T72,T83 Cause and Effect, T79,T91 RespOnse(pptiOns〕 丁85 Support丁 白D● T10o Reading the Folk Tale,Tlo打 ResPonding tO Folk T 白│ ● j 丁1 0 2 Re8ding strategi● 3. T10,T121 Drawing ConclusiOns.T可 18, T126-127 RespOnse optiOns, T124‐125 Support丁 3p● Thl CI● u d s a n d T h 8 RじdOing[ne POem, VVind T140 FineArt Portfolio RespOnding t0 P 0 0 m 】 丁1 4 0 D e v 酎o p i n g Concepts,T142 R●sp●!lding tO the Suttin the A「 t,T142 Literarynna-tysis Genre:Fiction.T1D Key WOl‐ dst丁 T261T50‐ 51 Homophonesl T28 High Frequency Wo「 ds,T29.T321 T42,T50‐ 511丁 54-55 Reviewi cOntext Clues,T31 Dttys Ofthe Vve● kt T41 Days and MOnths, T41,T62 Rebuild the story, T50-51 Suppo「 t ttape l,. l; I l, Vocabulary Short and Long a, T761丁 88-89 Words wlh_3「 , 丁78,T90 Ast「oWord Author'sCraft: SoundDevices: Rhyme,T37 Figurative Larrguage, T40 Author'sCraft: Figurative Language, TB1,Tg3 StorySlructure: Character, Setting, Plot,T82,Tgz GenF●:Folk T白│● , T100 爪By vvOrgs,「 lo9 High Frequency W o 「d s , T 可o 9 . T 1 2 0 , T 打2 8 - 1 2 9 Mak● A‖ ′ o「 d U m b 「●│ 1 3 . T 可 25 Words fO「 lHeathe「 Sounds,丁 136 野uppOrt Tapes W o r d s w t t h _ i 「, T イ1 3 1 T 1 3 2 Consonant Dig「 a p h 5 , T 可1 5 , T133 Short and Long lt TJイ3,T130-13イ Ast「oVVo「d 辮嗣 │ 52 Wo「ds wth_0「 , 丁30,T58 Sho「t and L01lg● 1 T33,T35=T56‐ 57 Ast「 olJ o鴨′ Ⅳ G e n 「e : F i c t i O n l1丁 10 'sc「 Autho「 白止: SensO「 y Language, t可14 巾 Rキ ︱ . . l ⋮ ii コ ー ヽ■ ■ ■■ 一 ≡ 、 ・ 一 ⋮ ︱ │ I Se:● Cti●ns WhertSummer C0rxes Comprehension/ CriticalThinkinq Reading tttrate9ies, ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ T150Ⅲ 丁165 Drawing ConclusiOnsi丁 156, 丁1 6 イl T 可7 9 Make Cenerallヱ atiOnsl T170,T180 R o s p o 月s e o p t i O n s i T172-173 Supp● rt Tap● Howto Builda Sand Key Wordst T188 Castle Developing Concept5 and V o c a b u l 白r v i 丁1 8 8 Vocabulary Key Words.T1491 T打57 High Frequency VVo「dsl T1491 T167. T174-打 75 SPecialized Words, T1661T181 0「der wO「ds,丁 166! 丁184 Suppo「t ttape onics/ Decoding Short and Lo,lg ei T1531T159r T176177 R●view cOnsonant v,T157 Wo「ds wtth中●「 1 T178 OVVo「d Ast「 LiteraryAnalysis and Aporeciation Genre:Nonttctlont 丁150 Discuss i‖ 白9 e r y i T173 Gettre:Nonttction, T可88 ︱ . ︱ ︱ . ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ . ︱ ︱ ” ︱ 53 1輝 1.., -i . r l,' I t l' I I I I I lr 1 I l, Grade2 LanguageArts $yllabus Theme.l:MyFamily,Friends, andNeighborhood (4€ weeks) A. An Extraordinary Egg B. MatthewandTilly 3: ii13t11,,,' E. Computer Penpal's LitfleNino'spizzeria t G. FamilyTime H. A BirthdayBasketfor Tia l. ZuniGrandmother; CousinsAre Cozy Theme2: Natureat YourDoor(4€ weeks) A. WhereDoesthe TrailLead? B NatureSpy C. LookingAround D. Birds,Birds,Birds E. Homein the Sky F. Buddies G. DearMr, Blueberry H. lf You Ever Theme3: $tretchYourlmagination (4€ weeks) A. The $alamander Room B. Jutiui c. PigTales D. Truman's AuntFarm I E. WhyAntsLiveHverywhere I ;1 F. DreamSong G. TheMysterious Tadpole I H. TheMysterious l., Nessie Theme4: LifeLongAgo(4€ weeks) A. TimeTrain I f B. BigOldBones: A Dinosaur Tale C. LongGoneandTheLizard D. TheMega-Egg DownUnder I t E. Fossils Tellof LongAgo F. Whatlf.... G. TheLitilestDinosaur I t . Theme5: A Giftof Tales(4S weeks) A. ZomotheRabbit , B, TheBossyGallito Ir C. TheMagicof $torytelling D. StoryPdem E. Twoof Everything I'. prizedpossession F. TheEmperor,s G. Coyote StealstheBlanket: A UteTale I H. Whoopee Ti-yi-yo I f. Aesop'sFables Theme6: $haringOurLives(4€ weeks) I A. TheLotusSeed I B. AuntFlossie's Hats(andCrabCakesLater) C" Past I , I ;' I H 中 粕﹁抑 ■■■ D. fhey Cameto America E. Soon.Annala F. MyFirstDay G. !\rillYouPlease FeedOurCat? │:: ││: │ │ │ ― 11甘 溜:濫 電 品脚町 .陥 簡 ′ B° ° k tt and 2 日 │1 柱 官 祥 古 占 出 整 呂 呂 1斗 留 サ キ ず PhonicsActivityPackets ‖ ‖ ││ Kit LeveledReadersLibrary LeveledReadersTapes ReadAloudBig Books ReadAloudBig BooksTapes ThemeTradebookLibrary StudentPracticeBook $pelfing$ourceBook │1縄 掘捕脇鞘 Att SttL sAssessme‖ ‐ Phonics inventory aChing charts/Bookl and 2 lll ・ Additional Teacher selected Rllaterials l l l l ︱ ︼ 1 ││ ││ ︱ ﹂ ︱ 十 日 55 、 申 = 一ヽ ■■■ チ . h りくト コ 凹 一●ュ ∽ 出nt ビ 中< . ︼ と 可﹂9 望 ユ ヽ ぬ り 工 ooE町ロ コ動 出 , h 5一 ●町 切〓中 〓い 0中L ヽ何 ︼ 中 ︼ 口●E 〓 m●石 Ef●●甲ピ リ 中 〓 町0 ご● び o ボヨ ガト ︹ ぃ B “ い り H 切卜 0 工 r . り<卜 ● 凹 ●●ュ ” 一 出 切一 ビ 中< . . ヽ 6 0 工 い0こ輌口 野働 E 町﹂o巳 ュ . トど> 0付 い り 0 E 何 打 ●E 群 〓 ¨ 出 ﹂ モ 一 h . ふ0 ● 一 o E f ●●︼ L り●〓 方0 r 口 . り<卜 可 凹 ●●ュ リ 〓 り一 E ギ屯 ≡ ヽ 凸 0 正 ざ じ仁“ロ コ D E F ぁ ●特﹂ . 、己卜将o“ い〓¨ 単 “ 0﹂E モ何¨ 口 いE ボDO石 E三oい中︹ Lりф〓 A . 、 席間に担● 00 ηヨ 仰卜0工 ≡ 駐 面電 い ∽h 〓 饉︲ 壬糾野 . ﹁ む 将 0 E 想 働●﹂﹂ 3 ≡ 注3 < . . 、 o﹂E︼ ヽ何中 可い〓 工 い 出卜 Lり 0 一 ︲ ︱ ﹂O F 中勘 L い 一 = ピ腫艦ド旬 . ”n・ 与い工じ付 中中 り聖 曲 ● ど ●ュ . E● 可と 0切 0 ﹂0 中何● 甲 ぬ 三 ト ︼ E< ﹁ 目0 ど 0〓 電●〓Eま でE付 一 Eo将何己 ●りぬ0 ﹂い正0何いト 点ビ的中 怪ま 田 こ の●OE出 Eo 的 腎EG 一 1 ■■ ■■ 0卜的 一≡ 何コ距 一 >一 一 口E一と い三︼ 切Eф 三●L駐 E Oo 区 丁ヽEo 申輌 切中”い中 EO¨ ざ 0 的 い>い中 〓い町 一 一 〓> い申E● Eコ中い 牛0 ざ ●的 章 E 働﹂︼ 可町聖 ●>●一0中硝忙ュ6こュa何 ﹂o>● 切電● り0再げ 一 お ぁ E“ 出 ●口日 的 〓 師陶怪ほ増 ︲ n一 X的口“ ●>●一 い中 “一軋巳邑ユけ引例団掛引6 引 お E輌 聖 車 ュ E o o 一 〓■′ リロビ い で コ ︼的 ● > o 一 0 中何 E ュ 巳 a ュ 付 JX o中 一 E付 E E 3 0 0 一 で ﹂ ぬ 〓 〓ニ ギ何 五車 a g﹂ 切 い 的﹂ 中ョ O n 何 的 E ● 距● 一 >聖 口 0 ﹂﹂ い 一 ﹂ュ 何 土 い>い 一 中 ”E ぁE O E卜“ 一︺ 卜 ﹂町 一コ o 車 0 0 卜 ● ︼硝 〓 阜 巳 ︻ 切E hE o f “ コ E・・ ボ 〓哺E 〓 ュ 出 LO E〓 m 旧 怖 卜 怪 一 ф Eo ヽど 町 再 一 n 何いo ト 〓何 EO中町E いいコ EE何 UE電申り﹂ф可Eコ 一 モ声 いコEい再ョ〓り ユユ “ ●中 町E 〓世﹂ EO一 り切何 L﹂町い十〓 ヽ二 り中E● コ 一 一い 一い 卜 い 一 ● コ何 官 ﹂ 巳 陶町 E 一 吾 f′ 切コE 仰 再 コ 中い ● > い 一 0 中何 忙 仁 巳 ュ ﹂ 師 母 ● 的 い コ ● 一 一 “ ヤX O 中E ● じ E E 可 仰︼ リ ト 一S E 町 一 “ ﹂コ ロけ コ ト ” . り一 リト 町 E 何 ● ф L O a n 電 の コ 切 〓 r 一 ” 一 正 朽 望 q章 o E ほ ョ 0 0● O 出 お 0卜● 一ф中町一ュ●﹂駐駐町 E0 〓STOコ“F﹂ ︻ 肥悔踊肥 円E 再>o一い可田﹂0 ■■ ■■ 町 фや付再生 一 町中Eф窪 い一 a島ヨ 一 E . ︻︲ E < ● ▼ り埜 屋 い正 “Eい中町E﹂ 一 い中E● E D一 生駐 一 哺E●中“Fち 一 何中E● F ¨ 阜a掛り ●中 一 . E< ご ■ りoE ●エト “ 出 付仁L 何 E●E ф 位駐3い 一 一 中 一 ﹂ ” 一︰ E●ニト 区< ・ や り。F Xい中F﹂0﹂牛 EOおい0 ﹁ 的 ︱ ︱ ︱ ¨ ▼一 ”正単付戸一 三OLф的 ︱ . ︱ 宙 p” ! く 再 oF伸● ︲ ・ いいфり9汁﹂ め亡一 聯的фL いり⊃ 0やh一〓コ郡﹁ ・F コH“E q付中い E哺●E o吾 DE E 缶 朽 も ﹂●章 > фE ち D亡一 6 r r i 巾“〓L里 E 三●r﹁ ●田 一 一 中 哺 畔 一 的 ぃ 型 い 崎 い 車 い 中 的 的 昨 碓一 帥 中 一 一 帥 軒 詢 十 中 確 一 一 的 一 h ● E D ヨ 一 働 0 E ・ 。 ф 中 一 一 ﹂ 一 パ ] 中 中 一 軽 市 ﹃ ヤ 将 ・ 中 ﹁ 一 一 一 中 一 一 ﹂ 出Eф匡 碑いωいい< ボ軍田ф EO 富L圭一 単だ けの何世 oだ 〓ュ 出 年o可ヨ 悟に愕 一 ,ゴ町 誰一 叩 卍 能朗 . 56 ││ 〓 . n , n ば い 凹O ∽い りH ∽卜0 王 一 E 〓 3 日 的E O 一 >●﹂住 ヽEO 一 m一 仰コ中E 引剰剰 1 ││ Ч則 側 ﹁ 出 ン ﹁ 草い 0 E 何 いLL 一 卜出>将●何 り〓一 ﹂モ 一 可 点酌 ・一 ・E o ・ 中ぃ 三 L9り〓 r . . 可 凹 ●Oa “ 〓い一 ビ 中屯 ¨ ︻ 、 、 、 n “り 出い 働ф 切ヨ リト● 工 一 ︺ <卜 抽 抑 中 艶 鋼 幣隅難 ずF 猛鞘描艶難 0 〓 E、二 電 ●〓 Eo喜E〓 . E O 将 母 卜 、い り n O Lф 三 い “ い ト 車﹂● 〓 、 E O 将何 、L ● 切ぬ ● Lい 三 ● 何 い ト 〓何 世 0 中何 FE む 卜 0 一ф 中何 仁 a O ﹂a ﹂ 何 め 増 リ ヨ いo り0 生L掛 a 一 ¨ 0 > 何 Lo 十 で 町 い ﹂ 士ヽュ ”︼E O で コ 〓仰 性︲には旧門性 n 単0 田 E ﹂ 博 E 何 申切与ф B E コ 的 >ф 一0 中付 L a O格駐 駐 付 め ビ の コ 〓可 E O 中付 営略 一 ” E ● 将 町 N E ф 中0 何﹂“ 三● ao一 い>い市 一 〓耳 ●中E● 石ヨ〓岬 めE一 “コ 許 ●中り 町 ﹂0 り︼ビф E O 一 い ф卜い 一●中何 EaO≡ュ阜町 〓“EO中町EL 一 〓 ●口 〓二 出 Eoお日 的 世り何ぬ 占 一 ” 何E 市” E●E 型位位ヨリ 一 担﹂い中 . ︻︲ E < 0 口 りфE ● 三ト a ュコい O 一 町Eф中何F三 何中EO E い一 aa コリ 一 . ︻︲ お エト ぼ < 0 r り0↑F 一付 E ● 中何 F ﹂ 一付 中E O E . .‘ 任< 0 ▼仰фE●fト 何仁い︼何宜略 一 何一ビф E O 一 aa3り ﹂ 円旧睡 . ≡︲ 匡< 0 ▼りфE ofト 中XO中ビ品0﹂単E●朽りф∽ 中 ¨ ≡ ぃ . ︲ l 5 町P一 005坤沖十 ・︼ 凹刊淵判﹁= ¶淵川=糾H刊刊¶鞘¶t川引一 I中 概 ●宮 こ生 ゅEお い0ば фい⊃ oコ掛 一 一 互式 中 中や 中 軍〓 母 ” , ¨ い工L何F声一 0こф田 ︰ 榊 難 卿 輯 離 一 器 認 鍵 ! │十 . h一“ >一 いい り〓¨ 一 〓い 0中E モ何≡ 再● E ││ . ︹ 一 ヽ白り■ いoE付ロコD E何﹂D巳 ﹂ ― │ ― ゴDo石 E三0●中、 Lり0〓 . い〓 E■f EO軍的i ●りnO ﹂い三●何● ト 1 ” . h n 、 ∽ り 山 ф り O ∽ヨ 仰卜● 群 ●>0¨ 〓何〓0中可 E﹂ 一 фや“恒ユ●特阜﹂串 めに一 リコ a〓“中●樽 〓 ● 駐駐再り 昼 0﹂ 軍将E h単一 E●担 〓一 ま り中 Eいで日 的 一 ●>い 何掛 > E 一 一 硝 一 ︻ 一 可 一生 いf” ﹁ りEい三盟 位置 oい 一 中町 ”︼り0中は0一 ﹂< E0 ぃ>0中 点o町 一 一 ヽ> 仰中EO一ョ︼岬 ﹂● A ф的 卜︼ ︱ ”﹂0一 何0一 0卜ф一い石何持U 一亡一一 │: r リ ギ ト ●凹 ど oュい ゴ い一 E 中 く . ︼ ヽa り 王 ●OtSヨ ヨ0 E “﹂D●主 . 卜 卜 0的 い 的 0 L 何 ● E だ 将 〓 ¨ 〓 モ 中 ﹂ 口 ぃ ぶ 0●石 E〓●的学 LO い 〓 ” . i ぃ ︻ ∽ 0 出O n い ”ヨ 仰ト ”亡●¨ >0﹂住ヽEO¨ ”一 リコ特こ一 嘲朝 側矧 引 引 ¶ 一 〓 旺 掛 半0 二神D r は 一 日: │!: ●● ︹, 、 り<卜 再 田 ど ●生 ω 〓い一 ピ ユく ﹁ . 00E哺 コD E∼哺単めo﹂ユ ヽn り 正 U 一 ︹ ェモト一 む“ 的市 ︼ 出出“ ●単E 培“中 可 o館 、 ゴ D● ●﹂ 一 五 F ぃ ︼RL 0 0 〓 ︲ ︰ 属にぼb りHη卜0〓 ︱ 、 口 . 、 リ ギ ト ﹁阻 ●D位り 〓的中 E ■く . . 、3 り 工 ●●E町ロ コD ” ヒ硝ヽ印望 ﹂ h 卜 > ● 町 ”路中 〓 軍 〓切 0﹂Eモ付︼ ●●富 ゴ Do 〓 ● 石 三 翌 二 Lり 0 〓 、 B h 席隠ド一 相わ 切り 切ヨリト0 0中 r 中 リ ギ ト ﹁凹 ●●L切 ゴ 担 E ←屯 “ . ヽ3 0 〓 いいE田ロ コD E P 奇 pユ h〓>軍いS R い軍中 単“ 0﹂Eモ何¨ 口OE ボ DO OL 一 五 中ピ . ︹ . Bリい〓 け 円限 凹0 切0 切H リト● リ リ差 r ︰ ︰ 隅に脇0 ボ ヨ が 卜●工 ︱ り砥0一 的¨ >0﹂LヽLO一 のコ単L一 r り <卜 コ出 ど 0位リ ゴ 担 ピ ユく 中 ヽ凸 り I J いこ付ロ コD P 〓 世 9巳 位 h申下 軍い町 ・ n科一 革“ 0﹂E〓“≡ 可OE ゴ 的●中 ●“五●●︺ ピ ”一 一 一 ヽ ” . ぃ 一 . ” 中” 一 ︹ 任< ど o〓 亡●将電〓 〓GTф中付E 〓何ぜф︼付E ф卜ф一ф中付Eュ●ヒL住硝 DE いコ い りo﹂ 一 仁掛■ 一 切L● f中ョ“ ”リヨじり 一 D 一 た■′仰”EO可ヨ〓岬 的 中 評 巾 町 一 十弛 判 時 叫 晰 時 的 中 嘩 中 中 中 中 巾 時 い 中 時 中 o年 o 0 何 い 正 は ト に 肥 性 肥 に 的 的一 牌 悔 距 便 肥 悔 忙 鷹 世ぽ 語車 出 Eфで宮 い ギ築車 い 巾 語難 秘 離﹂ 義 語 鞠﹁ 弊鋼 砥< ゴ﹂o〓 E●〓 単〓 O﹂ o oギ 毎 い o ト け 性 ド 隅 ド に 町り 一 . 的 一 誰謎 ・ 瑚乱” 弾牲誕 鉾 騨巾 任 < ゴ LO章 EO中︼督 F ●的 o﹂ い 的三 町 い n ト︲ け に 肥 悟 ぼ に 陸隅隅隅里麓 黎諾 む中 、ど 宮一 ●ヽ ′ む一 〓車ギ︼ ぃゃ 母Eュ●﹂阜軋田 的E ηヨ む田 ●的● 母む ︺ 申 f 署 宮 ﹁呂 中 中 理 害 増 中 長 0中 町軍 石卜史 掛担﹂ 〓担ヽ ﹂巳 位位的め〓リコ ф>い﹁ ↓ 創 リE●梅●0こ 口 ヽ二0 0 〓 単一 一 ヽ> ”︼EO 再コ一い 信 “I●﹁何F﹂ 一 町︼Eф E O一 一 生生郵” . ぼ度 o■ りいE・至ト 哺E●↓哺E﹂ 一 何中E● F 一 ” aュ コめ ●一 肝侍住町■ 的・〓い三ト 何一●中硝 F三 町中Eい畳 的 ュ ュコの 一 一 ぼFf 一哲ED声 , ・ ・ . ^ 的 的 rn ”江﹂町 FE ● に ● f m , ︻ m出L何F中 五いビ●田 支 出 E oと は里 再 ●∽ 培昌 ほ だ評 謎﹃ 鐸 難欝器 湘 u略 ● o “ い f ト ド 隔 怪 踊 悟 に 胆 腔 甲 中 . ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ . . ¨ ︲ ︱ ⋮ 判刊 5 ⋮﹁ ¶¶ 川 ⋮判 劇樹翻 封 日 同 引 市pギ を ф一 ⋮ ●お, ・ X ф卜 一 何E ﹂ 竹︼ nf●一 ︲ 中 0単 E一中 ● 3 ●一 卜田> 特 ● E●﹂ 斜淵判丹引¶ 〓電コ 中 仰にせfфLar 電0い 巾 D電0郵 0 三中 革中可E何= 巾一 い ﹁一 ■ 1 I ロ中 口 口 町 出 ●● ュ 切 出い市 E ■ギ . h い0こ付 ロ コめ E 何﹂口 望 a ︱ ︱ ︼ Eo軍 仰”om”< f いュリ 王●ф 三● ↓ 一 、 . 、 り中い Oф 0 ”● コ﹂ ﹂●〓 出 三 王 仁 ぬ 正 ” ﹂●将 E〓r EO将Gと ● りnO ﹂い三●“い ト り﹂0申 師0一 い>●一ф可町士U お亡一一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 崎世い中町F﹂ 一 位a30 的中E● E O 一 ↓ . ざ二 < め,F り● 〓 o E ︻ ︲ ざ二< ボ 丁りいE い三ト 町 一E ● F ﹂ф a a 5 り 一付 電 ● コ崎 付 喘 一 一 Xф中E﹂0﹂単 E●軍0いの ︼ ︱ = = 十 的寸 昌 特一 り一生町 = ︱ ョ 洲 ョ馴 市Ю コ ⋮ ⋮到 ¶ 習 判 ﹁ ¶ 冊 翻 ¶ = = 珊 ≡⋮ ” ¨ ” 一I 再 世 一 ⋮秘 =H劇引 中 ・ 一 E●将n一一 せコf卜E00 転●〓E七十E一卜●に0中0﹂E ●● のい”町とりE●E D偽 ” 甘 打﹂“村〓何出り ”の000﹂ュ DE再E■′фf中扮Dい コ 十 寸 ■ 一 ”工LほF浮申 OLO田 ” OE中りфリコ 的 寸 fり〓DE門︼Eい〓E主′﹂0 り0﹂何UE何中 ●3﹂中りE00 0ヤ亡一 勧●一 小 ︼ 出Eいでコ︼的 ﹁ い 0 ● E O 口E O r O 口ф a E ● り 一 付 0 ●●ビ●碍︻ 卜● 三〓■声りい一●コリ 単 ﹂〓 ■ o o中何コ世 U 出 E●お掛中い 担 魯 L 析 0中≡ 冒 ︰ . r U <卜 や胆 ●●a仰 〓り¨ E ■く ︻ , . ヽ凸 り 正 ●OC何ロ コ9 E O﹂印望 a hいEO い O﹂a > ф い ● 単め 中“ 何 一 E 一 一 可 . 3 下一 再 n り一 ぃい 0 ●a仰 印 E ■ ′ o “ 笠 り 慢 馬 ヽ担 でいほ い E ● E ● > E ● ● 一G い 一E 何 王 三 一 ︺ 再 性 卜 甲 正 ● O FE . ” . . ” . 貞 D●石 E いい り的 0〇 ● ”0 コh ■0、 中 ニ 〓 D 中 E “ ф L ョ ﹂ E 0 〓 町 ” 付 と 0 生 〓 三 と 働 出 “モ﹂畳 ユa何 “ L モ 0 王 E ﹁ . ぃ n ︹ ︼ 的 り 凹 0 い い mヨ ”卜0 工 ﹂いお E〓r EO母何こ 的りn● Lい三●何●ト DE︼ リコ 0中E■メ0︼ E一 Don の中EOロコ点岬 り <ト >一 3一 再 “ ボ¨ 一 一 王り 慢 〓 ヽ担 再●臣 ヽ凸 り 正 貞 口●石 E三●●︺ぱ 0 0 〓 . . . 、 h 的0 凹0 ”い ∽出 リト0 工 ビEC 一 q一 卜C≡巴ヽこ 0 一 切コ単E ︼ ︱ 日│ 59 日│ 臼 耐翻¶引剰﹁一 働〓 げJ o二一 〓こ⊃中 ⋮ . . . ⋮ 出︲中 打﹁ =・ギ一 = ¨ ≡一■一 一 , ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ │― ” ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ¨ 鞘村博= 巾 一 中 ﹂ 中一 ¨ = ∼■■一 一 ≡一一 一 ・ ︲ ¨ 一 一一 一 ︱ 評 」 呂 ::Arts 岩 4二 6 weeks Theme1: My Family,Friends,Neighbors Selections Read Aloud Big 日ook,An 巳荘ra●rdinary Egg Mathew and TiHy Friends Comprahens:on/Critica: Vocabulary Thinkinq Listenlng Comprehenslon T 1 0‖ “ Responding to the Read Aloud Big B00k・ Tll Reading strategies Key WOrds T19 T21,T30,T34,T40,T47 Antonyms T24 D r a w i n g C o n c l u s i o n s T 2 6 1 Support Tape T391T43,T44コ T52 Cause and Ettect T32,T50‐ 51 ' RespOnse options T48-49 SupDO「 t TaDe Make GeneraHzation T65 Deve!oping Use‖ lustrations T65 Concepts and RespOnding T65 Vocabulary,T● 2 出 Reading Strategies T73, T30,T86 Predicting Out●omes T73ロ T81,T90‐ 91 Cause and Erect T33.T92‐ 93 Response optiOns T38‐ 89 Support TaDe Key ulords T7可 Compound Words T77 suppOrt Tape CPmputers Pen R e a d i n g i n t e r v i e w s T0 可 5 ResPonding the interview 丁可0 5 Reading strBteg:es T可 13, T123,T可 30,T139 Predicting outcomes T123. T131,T可 45 Compare and cOntrast T125,T可 37.T142中 143 Response Options T可 40‐ 14可 SuppOR Tape Developing Concepts and Vocabularv Tl o5 Key Words T可 可1 Work Study Vocabulary: Homophones T可16,T144 Support Tape FamilyTIme Reading the Poem而 RespOnding to the Poem T155 Fine Arts Po部 01i0 Developing Gonceptsand Vocabulary T154 Analyzing Language T155 Developing COncepts T156 Responding to the Paintin9 T157 The Letter 日 . ︱ Pal ︱ Littie Nino'S Pi2里ena ︱ ︱ ≡ l l t l 十 A口 :rthday Basket f● 「T i a ロ ロ ≡ 一 ・ 一 ・ ReadingStrategies T165, T170,T17T 2 ,1 8 0T , 1S5, T187' Sequence T176,T183, T190-191 Response OptionsTlBE189 SupportTape ZuniGrandmother:Reading the Poem T204‐ CousinsareCozy 205 ︲ RespOnding to the Poem T204‐205 Key wOrds T打打可 Wo「k Study Vocabulary: Homophones Tl16,T144 Support Tape Developing Concepts and Vocabulary T204ロ 205 60 Phoni● sr Decoding Short and Long a, T33,T54“ 55 AstroWord LiteraryAnalysisand Appreciation Genre:Fantasy, T10 Genre:Reanstic Fidion T20 A u t h o 「s c 阻 ■: Dial● g u e ・T 3 7 Sensory Language T38 Genres:Cartoonand lnterviewT62 Short7 Long Genre!Fantasy,T72, o and e T75 T84,T94・ T97 Ast的 ‖わ「 d Genre:Interview, T104 Short and Long! 丁115, T146‐ 147 AstroW● 「 d Genre:Realistic Fiction Tl12 Autho「s crat:Point of View Tl14コ 丁1 2 4 , T 4 2 3 SummaHzing T129 Print Devices T1 34 Genre:POetry,TJ54 Rhyming T155 Short and Long l Tl15, T可46‐147 AstrOH′o「 d Genre:ReaHstic Fictlon T164 Autho「 s crat:POint of V i w● T 1 6 7 SOund Devices,T163コ T193 Figurative Language T177 Genre:Poetry, T204205 ︱ ︱ ︱ 巴 ︱ ︱ ! 増=叫 中≡■¨ = 一 一一 ﹁ ■¨ ギ 一 ﹂ 一 一 一 IntegratedLanguageArts and Cross-curricular Connections Writing $pelling sonal ResPonse P●「 Grammar TheShortI and Nouns f。「 LongI sounds Peopl●コPlaces, T 11 5 ,T 1 5 1 and Things, AstroWord T l 1 9 , T 打4 9 DailyLanguage Da‖y Language ActivitiesT22E Activtties,T229 SpellingPretests and PosttestsT233 丁可40 tiVe ResPonse │ユ 号 宇 Making a Menu 丁可48 中hyming,T155 ︱ ︱ ⋮ 口erSOnal Response, T,38 CreatiVe RespOnse T189 Utting Sense wOrdsョ T 可9 8 ︱ The shOrt u and Long u Sounds, T 可7 1 口T 2 0 1 AstroWOrd Daily Language ActivR:● s,T230 Spe!!ing Pretests and Postlests T233 One or mo「 e T h a n o n e , T 打6 9 , T199 Daily Language Activttesl T230 Listening,Speaking, and Viewinq Use‖ lustrations,T135 Reader RespOnse Oroups T140 Creative Response T140 Cri甘 ●al Response T可41 Viewing Advertisements T可 50 Story Tape A r t : M a k e a M e n u Mathemattcs:Adding Up Mea!s,T152 SOCi白I Studies: Leaming About Restaurants,T153 Heatth i safety:PIE=a My Way,T153 Readingthe Poem, T155 Challenge: Analyzing Language, T155 StoryTape Art:Drawing Pictures of CIョss Activttes.T155 introducing the Art:Create Your Own, P a i n t i n g sT・ 156 T157 U s e ‖l u s t r ao甘 ns,T175 Music:Celebrate白 Reader Response Fiestal T202 G「oups,T138 Art:Create spedal 0ral DescHptions.T200 Friend Basket,T202 Story Tape Mathematics:Graph . C13SS Bithdayコ T203 So●ial Studies: BiFthdays Round the World,T203 ︱ Readlng the Poem, T205 StO「 y Tap● ReadB「 s Theatre,Tll Read Aloud Big B00k Tape ︱ WritingyourNote$, T11 ︱ ︱ P申円Onal RespOnse, T43 CttatiVe RespOnse, T49 TII!ing About F「 lends.T56 ︱ The Short a and Long a Sounds, T331T59 AstroWo「 d Daily Language ActivR:es,T227 Spel‖ng Pretests and POsttests, T232 Sentencesコ T23, T27,T57 Da‖y Langu39● Activttes,T227 Use lllustrations, T22 SensoryLanguage, T38 ReaderResponse Groups,T48 Resolving Conflicts, T58 StoryTape ︱ C 9 日n e C H n g t 0 0 t h e r Literature T64 1ntttFView Fri● nds, T65 ■■ ■■ ︱ Writeto Toad,T87 PersonalResponse, T88 CrqativeResponse, TE8 CreativeResponse, TE9 Writinga Message, T93 ContentAreasand $tudvSkills Science: Experirnenting withWaterSounds. T11 P a r t s f●a B o ● k,+53 So●iai StLldieS:Take a NeighbOrhood TOurョ T60 Art:Draw a Sidewalk Mural,T60 Mathemati●s:Make a Classroom StO「e,Te可 Heaに h i safety:Make a Safety Posterョ 丁6可 Connecting to peiiEnal Experiences, T64 StoryTape The ShOrt● and Long O sOunds, T84コ丁101 Ast的‖わrd Daily Language Activlies,T223 Spel‖ng Pretests and Posttests, T232 Statements and Questions,T74, T99 D白│ly Language Activtties,T223 ReaderResponse Heatth&safety:wttte Groups,T88 a S a f e t y B o o k B 0T2可 CreativeResponse,TSgScience:create a Expressingldeas, TerrariumコTlo2 Feelings, andOptions, 1nvestioate Animal T100 NeighbOrs,Tlo3 StoryTape S o ●i a l S t u d i e s : M a k e a Classroom POst omceコ T103 ︱ RetpOnding tO the interviewi Tl o5 Reading the interview, T105 a Choosing Among Reference SOurces, T105 T 1 5 料 卓 ︱ 神i ■ ” 十 ■ 中 Themeat a GlanceNatureat your Door Reading$trategiesand Skills Comprehen8:● n′ Critical Thinkina VVhere Does the T「ョ‖Lead? 卜 NatureSpy ” 一 一 ﹁ ■=■ ■■■甲 ■■■≡ ■■■口 ■■■マ ■■■甲 ■■■中 械 と 呂 岩 ::Alts Fine Art PoAfolio Phonics/Decoding LitoraryAnalysis and ADpreciation Genre:Fiction,Tlo Key‖ ′ Ords,T19 Antonyms,T4● supp● rt Tape Long e(●e,ea)T29, Υ5G‐ 57 AstttWord Reading the Poem, T66 Responding to the Poem.T66 ︲ ⋮ ” ■■ Birds,Birds,B:円 悟 Reading the Artideコ T67 ResPonding to the Articl● l TG7 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T67 1 ■ Hlme inthe sky Reading strategies, T75,T89,T93,T95, T96,T打 00,T103 Sequence,T31・ T103 R e s p ●n s e O p t i o n s T 1 0 ■ 打0 5 Support丁 ョDe Key WOrds,T73 Synonyms/ Antonyms,T可 o9 Support Tape 日ug●ieS Reading the P● em T可2可 ResPonding tO the Poem and the Painting,T121 Dev810ping Concepts and Vocabu!ary,T120 Appreciating Multi‖ ngua‖sm, T12打 Dear.Mr. Blueberry Reading st「 ategies T129,T可 32,T140, T 可5 3 Fantasy/ReaFty T131,T134ョ T139, T156口 157 Response Options T154甲 155 Support Tape Key WOrds T127 Compound llVords,T138 sumxes,T14打 supPOrt Tape lf youEver Reading the Poem T170 RespOnding to the P O e m , T 可7 0 ResPonding tO the Photo9raph=T171 Developing Concepts and Vocabulary,TJ70 ■■ ︱ 甲 LI●Hng Around 卜 ■ Developing Conceptsand Vocabulery, T66 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T66 ⋮ ⋮ 一 ■ L Listening C o m p r e h e n s i ●n T 打0 RespOnding to Read Aloud Big B00ks,Tll Reading strategies, T21,T28,T32,T33ロ T34,T38コ T49 Classify and CategoHze,T30, T54‐55 f Respons3 0ptiOns T50‐5可 Support Tapes RespOnding to the Art‐ T65 Vocabulary ■︱ ︱ ■ ︱ ■ ■︱ ︱ , ■︱ 62 Genre:Nanative Nonflction, T20 AuthofsCraft:Point of View.T23 Characterization, T26 Genre:Poetry,T66 Genre:Articl● .T67 Longa, i, $pellings T 1 0 1T. 1 1 0 - 1 1 3 AstroWord Gen「●:ReaHstic Fiction,T74,T77 S t o r y S t r u d u r e : Characters and Setings,T79,T34, T106‐ 可0 7 G ●n r e : P o e t r y , T2可 0 Rhyming,Tl,可 Longo, u Spellings T 1 0 1T, 11 0 - 1 3 A$troword Genre:Fantasyコ T128 Genrei Friendly L ●t e r , 丁1 3 0 's craft: Autho「 C h a r a c t e r i z打 ョo n , T136 Genre:Poetry,T171 Repetlion in Poetry, T打7可 ” 神﹁一一 = 畔中“ 一 中 一 ■ 一 一 ■ 一一 中 ■ 一 一一 IntegratingLanguageArts and Cross-curricularConnections Writing SP● Hing Grammar The Short and Long e P「onounsョ T59 Sounds,T61 Dョi!y Language Language Activiliesョ A c t i v l i e s , T 1 9 4 T193 f spel!ing Pretests and Posrlests,T198 AstttWo「d obserulngDetells, T22,T37,T40,T60 ReaderResponse Groups,T50 StoryTape ﹂ RPsPonding to the Art,T65 Viewing the Art,T65 Developing Conceptsand Vocabularv. T65 Echo Readingr T66 Story Tape Make a Bird Watcheド s Lo9, T87 Small-Group Reading, T67 StorvTape . Rlader RlsponSe CrouPs,Tlo4 Maklng a POsicard,Tl14 More Ab● utthe Long a S o u n d , T l o 打, T l 1 0 , T‖3,Tl17 Da‖y Language Activlies,T194 Spelling Pretests and Posttests,T打98 AstroWord Common and Proper Nouns, Tl15 Daily Language Activlies,T194 民やSPOnding to the Poem and the Painting, T121 ' Rhvming.T121 ︲ . Personal Response T154 Creative Response T155 Reflectingon the Theme,T155 Partsof a FriendlyLetter, T130.T164 Content Areas and Study SkHis Read Aloud,T10 RespOndlng to the Read Aloud Big Book,Tll Listening to the Story Tapel Tl可 Read Aloud Big B00k Tape Wtting a New V●rsion ofthe StOry,Tl可 Personal T50 Response, Reflecting onthe Theme,T51 UsingMain ldeasand Details,TSE Listening, $peaking,and Viewinq M o 「e a b o u t t h e l o9口 N a m e s a n d a S o u n d , T l o l , T l 1 0 1T R l e s , T 可6 5 T 可1 3 コ Tl17 Da‖y Language Daily Language A c t i v l陀e s . T 1 9 5 Activttes,T194 SPelling Pretests and Posttests,T198 AstttWo「 d r Rqpet間On in Pobtry,T17打 ご 63 Reader Re,Ponse erOups,Tlo4 Creative ResPonse, T可05 、 、 Ctttical Response, T105 Listening to Your Envl「 onment,Tl可 6 Storv Tape Paired Reading, T可21 Story Tape Reade「 Response Oroups,T154 CHttcal ResPonseコ T155 Volumeコ Tone,and Rate,T166 Story Tape Theme Link,T31,T41,T44 Alphab● H c a 1 0 r d e r i T5532 年 Science:LoOkin9 Close and Closer,丁62 Art:Nature Stamps,T63 Mttthemattcs:symmetryin Nature,T63 Social Studles:VVho spies on Nature?T63 Art:Create Your OWn Collage,Tl18 Mathemattcs:Count by l Fives,Tl18 Social Studies:Bird.s eye View ofthe City,Tl19 S c i e n c e : ‖′ hat's Your Opinion,T可 打9 SocialStudies: Appreciating Multilinguatism C a r d c a t a !g●T 1 4 8 , T 1 5 8 Choosing AmOng Reference sOurces.T159 Mathemattcs:How Big is the Bi99est?T168 Art:whale Talis,T163 Sciencei ciassifying Whales,T可 69 Music:whョ le Songs,T169 Social studies:At Homein the o●●an.T可69 Choral Reading, Sociai Studies: T170 Appreciattng Cuttural Appreciattng cuLural D i v e r s l y , T 1 7 1 Diversly,T17打 Sto「 v Tape ■=﹁■=≡ ■︱∼ ■ ■ r≡≡ ■﹂ ■ 十 ﹂, ︱ ︱ 一 ト ■” ≡ 一 ・ 一 一 ︼ 、 ≡ ¨ ” 一 ︼ ¨ “ 一 一 一 一 ︼ ︼ ︼ 一 ︼ ︼ 一 一 一 一 甲 一 一 一 ↓ “ ︼ 一 一 “ ” ︼ ︼ 一 一 ︼ 甲 一 一 一 ︼ 一 一 一 一 一 一 出 ︼ 一 ︼ 一 ︼ 一 一 一 一 一 ︼ 一 一 一 “ “ 一 “ 一 中 一 ︼ ︼ 一 一 ︼ 一 一 一 一 口 由■一■ ■一■一i “ 一 口 一 “ 一 一 一 一 口 一 一 出 一 一 一 一 一 ︼ 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ︼ ︼ ︼ ¨ 一 ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ ¨ 一 ︼ 一 一 一 ︼ 一 ︼ ︼ 一 一 ︼ “ 一 一 一 由■■ロ 一 一 一 一 一 T ” “ 一 Themeat a Glance:StretchYour lmagination ReadingStrategiesand $kills 8e:ecti3nS Comprehensi● n′ Criticョ:Thinkinq Vocabulary Phonics/Decoding Listening The T10-11 Salamander Cornprehension, Room Cbllection/ AnthOlogy Reading Strategies,T21, K e y W o d「s , T 1 9 T29,T30,T35,T45〕 丁47. USe B3Se` VOrds, T48 T22 Make Genera!:zations Compound Wo「 ds, T24ョ 丁40 T23,T54 Contractions T25 Word R●fe「 ents Contexl Clues, T31,T55 R e s p o n s e O p t i o n s T37,T52中 T 5 1 53 SuDDOrt TaDeS Support Tapes… Pig Tales Readingthe Interuiew, T64 Responding to the lnterview. T64 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T64 Tfuman's AuntFarm Readlng Strategies,T73ョ W7,T31,T87,T91,T90, T101 K e y w O r d s , 丁1 7 打 Homophones, T175,T106 Context Clues Support Tapes D「 a w C o n c l u s i o n7s4:・ 丁 T76ョT30,T39,T93.丁 97ロ T98,T99‐ T104‐105 R38POnSe Options,Tlo2‐ 103 Support Tape Why An悔 Live Everwvhere Abueia Reading the Folk Tョle, T 可1 7 Drawing Conclusions, Tl17 ResPonding lo the Folk Tal● . T 可1 9 Reading Strategies, T可27,T132,T147,T158, T157 FantaSy/Rea1ly,T133, T164 ResPonse Options,T161 Support Tapes R‐controlled o,T32: Genre:Fantasy,T20 T56‐57 A u t h o 「s C r a t i H u m o に AstttWord T36,T38,T43 CharacteHz白宙On,T41 Genre:lnterview. T64-65 R▲contro!!ed T88コ T可03中109 AstroW● rd ,T84 Developing Con●●pts and Vocabulary,T打17 Key ulordsl T1 25 Context C!uesコ T130,T136.T打 50 MultiPI●Meaning W o r d s , T 可3 8 , T140.T162‐ 163 Support Tョ pes Dream$ong Reading and Listenin9 to Developing Conceptsand RespOnding to the song, Vocabulary, T174 the S●ng,T可75 LiteraryAnalysisand Aporeciation Genre:Fantasy, T10 Genre:Fantasy, W2,F79 Author'sCraft:Dialogue, T78 Oenre:Folk Tale,T可 16 R‐●ontr●‖ed e,1,u, T146,T166‐ 107 AstroWord Oenre:Fantasy.T126 A u t h o 「s C r a t : P o i n t o f V i e W , T 打2 8 Figuratlve Language, T 1 5 2 ‐T 可6 5 Story Structure Seting, T135 Genre:Song,T174 Repet間on,T可74 T175 Fine An P●ぱol:● The Mysterious Tadpole Th● MVSteHOus Nessie lhtroducing the Art,T176 RespOnding to the Art, T177 Reading St「自tegiesコ T135,T187,T197,T211 SummaHzettT192,T216 RespOnse Optionsョ T213 Support Tape Readin9 the Article,T227 RespOnding to the Article, T227 Key words,T183 compound Words, T打96 Context clues, T200 Suppo■ TaDeS Developing and Goncepts vocabularv. T226 α vowels, Genre:Fantasy,T184 R-controlled T204,T21E-219 Authoris crati AstroWord CharacterizaJonコ 丁190, T193,T214 Gen「 ●:Articl● ・T226-227 ││ Arts and Gross*Curricular Connections Writing ││ ││ 11 1 - 11 1- │― Usage, Listening, Grammar andMechanics $peaking,and dlrerent POint of vlew,Tl可 capitaliz[ng NameS O■PlaCes,T59 Da‖y Language ,T248 A c t i v l :s● Useillustretions, T42 ReaderResponse Groups,T51 Understanding BodyLanguage, T60 $torv Taoe Mathemattcs:ドs Time,T62 Social Studi● s:Table Manners,T62 0打 to AlaskヨコT63 Science:Tempemtures Here and There,T63 Music:Listen to the Beatョ T63 Responding to the lnterview PErsonal T102 Response, Critical T103 Response, Wrftinga Good T110 Beginning, ProperNouns,T65 Reading the lnterview・T64 Art:Drawing Pigs,T64 caplalizing Names of P!aces,T59 Daily Languag● Activlies,T248 U s e ‖l u s t t t H o n s , T76,T92 Reader RespOns● G r o u p s Tョl o 2 Creative resPonse, T103 Developing Telephone Skilisコ Tl12 Storv TaDe Science:All About AntS, Tl14 Sociai Studies:Communly C h a r t , T 可1 4 Health i Safety:Heatthy Foods,Tl可 5 Art:Create a Card.Tl15 Mathemattcs:Estimate and Compare Reading the Folk T a l e , T 打1 7 Social$tudies: Cultural Appreciating Diversitv. T118 Use‖ lustrations, T可39,T14“ ,T15可・ T152 Dictionary/Glossaryコ 丁123, 159 SOCi31 Studies:one Langu3ge,Many Countries, T可72 The Vowel+「 Sound in arln,Tl13 Da‖y Language ActivRies,T243 Spelling Pretest,and Postlests,T254 AstttWord Rlsp● nding tO th●Folk Tale, T 打可9 Fersonal Response, T161 Creative T161 Response, Writinga Good T168 Ending, More Long l SP3!‖ ngs,T17可 Daily Language Activlies.T250 Spelling Pretests an Posttests,T225 AstttWo「 d Presen卜 tense V e 成〕 s , T 打3 1 , T 1 6 9 Da‖ y Language ActivRies―T250 号干 81erttPspOnse】 Connecting A●「 oSs Text,T16可 Vi● wing,T170 Story Tape Mathemattcs:Sky Htth, Repetition,T174 Story Tape SocialStudies: Appreciating Cultural Diversity, T175 Art: Responding witha Drawino. T175 lntroducing the t, A「 Art:CreateyourOwn,T177 RlsPonding t0 t h l A r t丁1 ・7 7 Personal Rdsponse, T213 Make Comparisons, T213 UsingExact Vdrbs.T?20 │││ │││ ││ Amazing Monuments,T173 Art:The Shape of Things・ T172 Science:Clouds,T172‐ 173 T173 ││ ‖ Listening to Music,T可 1 vowel+「 sounds in fo「 ,T61 Renecting on the Da‖y Language Theme,T51 Activlies,T249 Writing Events in Spelling Pretests and ●rder,T58 POSttests:T254 AstttW● rd ││ ││ Read AI●ud,T10 Read Aloud Big 日ook TaB● 日e r s o n a l 「 esPonses,T51 │││ ││ Gontent Areas and study Sk:1ls Viewinq VV百 宙 ng from白 ‖ ││ sp●‖ing T176 Viewing th●Art, T176 WO「dS that Sound ‖ke,T223 Dai!y Language ActivliesJ T251 Spel‖ng Pretests and Postests,T255 Adding― ed to Verbs,T打 38 Daily Language Activlles,T25可 lnfprrnal !e, Arti● Use l‖ustrati● ns, T205,T203 Reader Response, T213 RenectiOn On the Theme・ T213 Telling a Story, T333 Storv Tape ResPonding,T227 Storv TaDe T227 衛 card catalogョ T202,T217 Science:Vvhat's an Amphibian?,T224‐ 225 Sociai Studies:Polliwogs in DangeP,T224 Locating the Loch Ness Monster,T225 Art:More Mysterious Anim3tS.T225 Selections Read Aloud Big Blook Time ■■ Bi9 01d BOnes:A DinOSaur Tale │││ lntt Strateeies St Theme at a Glance: Glance:Life Lone Aeo Readine and SkillS Phonics/Decoding Literary Comprehension/ Vocabulary Anelysisand CriticalThinkino Aporeciation Listening Genre:Fantasy, T10 T10T r Comprehension, ain 11 Responding to the ReadAloudBig Boolr, T11 Reading Strategies, T21,T23,T33,T41, T44,丁 47,T48 Drawing Conclusions・ T25,T32,T34,T38, T53 Key Wordsコ 19 support ttape Support ttaDe ‖│ L0ngGoneand the Lizard 11 丁he M● ga,Egg D ●w n U n d e r 1 - │ FossilsTellof LongAgo ││ │ ―│ Readingthe Poem,T66 Developing to the Responding Conceptsand Poem.T67 Vocabularv. T66 Reading the Artide, Developing T69 Conceptsand Responding t● the Vocabulary, T68 │● Arti● .T69 Reading strate9iesョ 丁77,T82,T35,丁 37, T90,T95,T105,T106, T107 Main!deas/Deta‖ s, T80,T84,T86,T90, T92,T94コ T96.T100, Tl10-111 ResPonse Options, 丁108‐109 Support Tape Key WoHs,T75 Specia‖ zed V●●abularyョT8打 ョ Tl12 Context Clues, T88,T99 M u 性: p l e M e a n i n g Words,T91 Support Tape ││ VVhat if. ││ Reaging ine pOem, T123 R●spOnding to the poem,T125 Devel●plng ●on●●Pts and Vocabulary,T可 24 Fihe Art Porrolio About Cave A「tists, T127 Developing Concepts and V03abularyョ T124 The Littiest Di向osaur Reading Strategies, 丁135,T打 37,T143, T 1 4 9 , T 打5 1 , T 可5 6 ! T159,T162,T165 Author's Purpose・ T137ョ T可42,T可 45, T 1 5 4 , T 1 5 3 . T 可7 0 ResPonse OptiOns, T166‐ 167 Support Tape Key Wo「 ds.T133 VVords that Compareコ T153 Support Tape ‖│ 日│ ││ ││ 口│ Genre:HistoHcal Fkllonl T20ョ T23 Chsstt and Cal●g●riz3,T26ョ T52 et T361 T54 surnmariと R3SpOnSe optiOns,T51 11 │ Vowel Pair ea・ T29 V●we!pairs oo,ea, T56,T59 Astr●llVo「 d 66 Genre:P● etry・T66 Autho「 s Cra■:Rhyme, T67 Genre:Articie,T68 Vowel Pairs oi,and OyョT38 Vowel pai「 ou,T92 Vowel Pairs● :,oy, ou口ow,Tl14rl17 相 roWord Gen的 :POetry,T可 24 Autho「 s Cra■:TOnc, 丁239 Genre:Poetry,T124 Autho「 s Cra■:Humo鳥 Punコ Word Play,T125 Vowel Pairs,au, aw,丁 可33,T172L打 73 AstroWOrd Genre:lnttrrnattOnal Fiction,T134 A u t h o 「s C r a f t : Figurative Language, T可44 Word Choice,丁 152 H u m o 「, T 1 5 7 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 的掛= ・ ■■ “ ≡ ≡ .一 十 口 ■ 一r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ 口 ■口 ■ ■■ ■ 出■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ IntegratingLanguageArts and Gross-Gurricular Connections Writing SpeHing grammar, usage, and Mechanics WritingLettersor Fostcards. T11 Personal ReSpOnse, T5可 GtttiCal ResPonse, TSl using order Words, T00 The Vowei ScundsJ ln took and too,T13 Daily Language Activtties,T203 Spel!ing Pretests and Po封 ests,T208 AstroWo「 d lrregularVerbs, was,were,T48,T61 DailyLanguage Activities,T203 Lastenang, $peaking,and Viewinq Read AI● u d 口T 可0 ReSpOnding to the Reョd A10ud Big Book,Tll Read Aloud Big Book Tape Visuョ IL止eracy,T80 Reader ResPonse Groups,T51 GMng and Following Diredions,T62 Story Tape Content Areas and Study Sk::is Reference Sources, T31,T55 Music:A Bones Ballad,T64 Mathematics: Makea Dinosaur Skin,T64 Social$tudies: Plot AnotherPott'sTrip, T65 Science;Guess Wherelt's From.T65 ResPonding to the Pbem,T67 cooperative Reading,T66 Discussing Rhyme, T67 Sto「v Tape Art: Drawinga Lizard. T67 RBsp● nding to the ArtiCI● Cooperative Reading,T69 Sto「v TaDe visuョI LRera● y,丁80 Reader RespOnse ettups,Tlo8 Reading a Graph, T69 Fersona:ReSPOnseコ T103 Creative RespOnse, T167 Clmbining SPntences,T可 74 ■ ■ 一 ■ 一 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 甲 The Vowei Sounds in rnouth and blowコ T12可 Da‖y Language Adivttes,T204 SpelHng Pr●tests and Posttests,T203 Us:ng has and have, 丁9 7 , T 9 8 , T 可 1 9 Daily Language Activ確 i● s.T204 │!Ve reSponse, 骨│:倍 Ctttical ResPonse, T109 0ral RepOrts,T120 Story Tape Rlsponding to the Poem,T125 ResPonding to the P “i n t i n g s , T 1 2 7 PI「SOn31 RespOnse, T166 ■ 口 由 ■■ The vowel Sound in a l l , T7可 7 CⅢatiVe Response・ Daily Language Tl17 ActivLies,T205 Cttmbining Spelling Pretests Sttntencesl T174and Posttests.T209 AstroWord Testtttaking Strategi● s,Tlol, Tl可3 Art:Make a“ Fossiド in a minute,T122 Science:VVatch it Change!コ T122 Mathemati● s:one in a Millionl,T123 SOCI白I Studies:T「 ace s your Communlyヨ 日i s t oy「 , T 可2 3 Visualize,T125 ChOral Reading・ T125 Storv Tape Viewing the Paintings,T127 EIlipsis POintsコ 丁141 ViSual LReracy, Quota甘 on Marks, T可55,T16J T可48 Reader RespOnse Using ttndョ nd take・ Oroups口 T可66 T175 Creating and using Dai!y Language infornative Visuals, Activlies,T205 T176 Story Tape ■■ ﹁ 67 AR:Greate your own CaV8 Painting,T127 D:ctionary/Glossary, 丁130,T161,T163打69 A l p h a b e t i c a 1 0 r, d e 「 T140,T171 Mathematics: Dinosaur Length, T178 Science:What Do They Eat?,T179 Music:Sing a Song, T打79 Arti There l Am wlh a Dinosaur!.T179 ■■ Theme at a Gtan● ‖│ ││ Gomprchension/CriticalVocabulary Thinking 21m03nd the Rttbbit Listening C o m p r e h ●n s i o n , T 1 0 ResPorlding to the Read A!●ud Big Bo●k口Tll The BOSSy G8‖ 10 Reading Strategies‐ T21ョ T25,T29,T39,T4可 ,T45 Sequence:T22,T26, T44,T51 The Magi● of StoWell:ng StoryPoem Two of Evewhing ■ 日│ 1 1 │ 日 ││ ││ Genre:Folk Tale, T10 Key wOrds,T19 Synonyms.T34 Context C!uesロ T38 C ol nu ● Tape s i O n s , T 2Support 4 , Reading the ArtidB,T62 ResPonding to the Atticie.T63 Reading the story POem, T65 Develofing Conceptsand Vocabularv.T62 Developing Conceptsand Vocabularv.T64 Reading Strategies‐T73ロ T83コT35,T90,T95, T100 Word Referents,73. T95,T103 Drawing Con● lusions, T79,T105 Key Words Context C!ues, T77,T88,T107 Support Tape The Emperofs PrizedPossession T104 ResPonse Options,Tlo3 SuppOFt Tape P「esenting the Play, Tl19 Drawing Conclusions, T121 ResPonding to the Piay, T “2 3 Genre:FolkTale, T20,T23,T30,T45 Genre:FolkTale: Story, Cumulative T30 AuthofsCrafr:Print T34 Gonventions, Genr●:AttclBョT62 StOnFel:ing T63 Genre:Slory Poem, T64 Sequence.T65 strudural Analysis: G e n r e : F o l k T a l e , P!unョls and ve的 T72口▼ 4 Endings,T82,T39, T108‐ 111 AstrOWord Devel●ping C ●n c e P t s a n d Vocabulary,Tl13, T120 ClyOte stea!s the Blanket A Ute Tal● Reading Strategies, 丁131,T137,T141‐ T143, T144,T160 Predicting out●o市es, T151,T158コ T165 ResPonse Options, T196‐ 197 Support Tape Key Words,T129 Multiple Meaning Words,T15,T166 Support Tttpe whoopee丁 Reading the sOng,T176 Responding to the Song, T 打7 7 sPecia!:zed V o c a b u l a rT y1 コ 77 卜Y卜Yo ││ ││ structural Analysis: Contracti● ns,T27ョ T54‐55 AstroWo「 d Fantasy/RealRy,To9, ‖ ││ Phonics/$tructural LiteraryAnalysis Analvsis and Aporcciation Dttw T26:T23コ T40,T42.T50 Auth●「s Pu甲 OSe,T30コ T52 R e s p o n s 付O p t i o n s , T 4 8 ‐ 49 Support Tape │! ― │ ― :● 3 Reading Strategies and sk:::s Spr●Cti●ns ‖ ]│ ││ ●:A GrtofT白 68 Genre:PI臼y,T可18 Autho「s CttR: lnvolving the A u d i e n ●●・T 1 2 0 Sto「 y Structure: Plot.T122 structural Analysis: Changing y to l〕 T145,T可 63,169 AstFO‖′ Ord Genre:Play.Tl18 Auth●「s Cra■ : Sensory Language, T 寸3 3 Characterizationコ T134,T140,T164 Sound DeviCes, T可40,T147,T167 Figurative Language Sirn‖ e, T155 Genre:Song,T176 │ Aesop'sFables ││ │ │ │ e Art pO曲 F● 0 FiⅢ 町 Reading Strategies, Key VVords,T183 T18S,T191 Support Tape Compare and Contrast,T189コ T198 Cause and Erect, T190,T200 Make Oeneralizations, T193,T199 Response Options, T196‐197 SuDDOrt TaDe ReSponding to the Art.T212 │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 69 Structural Analysis: G e n r e t F a b l・ ● 丁1 8 4 , T186.T194 doubling,Dropping e,T191,T202-205 AstttWord i ⋮ 一 申ぱギ =中 〓t 一 ¨ 〓 !︲ ■一 一一, 一一 Integrating LanguageArts and Gross-Curricular Connections SP● ‖ing Writing Grammar, usage,f,nd mechanics wriung OHginal Tal● sL Tll Listening,speaking, and viewing Read A10ud〕 T10 Read Aloud Bi9 Book Tape W o r d s S p e l l e d Using do and VisualLiteracy,T32, with th,sh:and T43 9o,T57 Daily language ReaderResponse, lnvRation,ch,T59Daily T48 Language A c t i v l i e s l T 2 3 Connecting 6 Across ActivRies,T236 Texts,T49 Spel‖ng Pretests ChoralReading, T58 and Postests, StoryTape T242 Astro‖ ′ ord Personal Responsel T48 WHttng T56 Paired Reading,T62 Story丁ョp● Responding to the Poem Adding― s and― eS,T可 打5 Da‖y language wtte Folk Tales‐ 干110 Activ性ies,T237 Write About Three Spelling Pretests and Posttestsi wshes,Tlll _, T242 Wtting Paragttphs, Tl12 AstroWo「d PI博 onal Response, T打03 PairBd Reading,T64 Sto「 v Tape PrOper Nouns and Tlles.T74 AdiectiVes: How Many, VVhat,qnd, T 8 可, T 9 2 , T l 1 3 E x c l a m a t in● Points,T9可 DaHy Language Activttes,T237 . . ﹁ ︲ The Final Long e Sound Spe‖ ed y, T 可7 3 Daily Language ActivRies,T238 Spel‖ng Pretests Wtte a StOry,T169and Posttests, U3ing Precise T243 Adiectives.T打 70 AstttWord 早号::inal ResPonseコ Creative ResPonseョ T163 , CHtical Response・ T打33 U3ing a,an, and,the,T171 D3ily Language Activlies,T238 一 一 Peぃonal Response, T162 一 . Adding― ●d and in9,T209 CttatiVe RespOnse, Da‖y L3nguage γ197 Activ忙ies,T239 Mlking SpelHng Pretests compaHsOns,T197 and Posttests, WHting T243 CompaHsOns,T206 AstrOWord c● nt●nt Ar●a and study Sk:i:s ComPattng wtth AdiectiVes, T207 Daily Language Activ性 ies,T239 ︱ 70 Dictionary/Glossary, T23, T53 $cience:DrawingBirds, T60 Social$tudies:Wedding Traditions, T60 CreatingandReadinga Map,T61 Mathematics: Domino Probabilities. T61 Socialstudies:Awareness andUnderstending of StoMellins.T63 Art:Creatingan lllustration, T65 丁B4・ Visual Literacyョ T83.T94 Reader resp●nse,Tlo3 Makin9 oompaHsons, T103 Retel‖ ng a Story,Tl14 Story Tape AR:PictOgttphs in A‖ cultures,T打 16 Musl●:Clapping out Rhym● 3,Tl16 Art:DeSign Your Own ChattGter.Tl17 Mathemattcs:A Weighty Question,Tl17 Cooperative Readingコ T 可1 9 Perforrning a卜lay, Tl19 1「 n provising a Sceneコ 丁123 Storv TaDe Art:Creating Props,Tl19 D r a w i n g a s p e c i a !e ‖ m. T122 SOCi白!Studies:Tttles of the WOrld Leaders,T12打 V i s u a l L i t e r a c y , T 1 3 6 1 Socia!Studies:states with T156 Native AmeHcan Names, Reader ReSPonse, T可74 T」12 Mathe市 3甘CS:A Weavers Making CompaHsonsコ Design,T可 74 T 打6 3 Art:Making a Blanket,T175 Evaluatin9 a Speake「s Physica!Education:Run for P u 「p o s e ョT 打7 2 門, T 1 7 5 Storv TaDe C h o r a l R e a d i n gTコ可7 6 Storv TaD● Reader Response, T196 Creative Response, T197 Criti331 RlsPonse, T197 StOWe‖ ing Techniques,T203 Sto「 y Tape Music:singing the sOng, T177 Testtaking$trategies, T201 Art: DrawingMixed-Up Fables,T210 Science:A.Do You Know?' AmmonalBooklet, T210 Mathematics: Compare Containers, T211 SocialStudies: Problem Solvins, T211 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ I, ThemeI: CreativeImagination(4-6weeks) Roxaboxen SecretPlace TheLittle Painterof SabanaGrande TheBig OrangeSplot I Lovethe Look of Words June29, 1999 II: II. Theme Wondersof the Sea(4-6weeks) A. TheMagicSchoolBus on the OceanFloor B. Water,Moon, and Sun C. Very LastFirst Time D. SunkenTreasure E. Soundof Water III. ThemeIIII Our Families,Our Communities(4-6 weeks) A. ChickenSuinday B. Grampsand I C. Mom Can'tSeeMe D. Mac & Maire & The Train TossSurprise E. Songof Frustration F. HalmoniandPicnic VI. Theme[V: TalesFrom Around The World (4-6 weeks) A. The SingingSnake B. TheCrocodile C. AnasiFindsa Fool D. TheAnt andthe Dove E. Ma'ii andCousinHornedToad F. PaulBunyanandBabe G. TheMagical StarfruitTree V. ThemeV: TakingCareof the Eaxth(4-6 weeks) A. Justa Dream B. Acorn " C. Oil Spill! D. DearWorld E. The WomanWho Outshonethe Sun F. And My HeartSoars (4-6weeks) VL ThemeVI: MeetingChallenges A. Hanna'sCold Winter B. If I werePresident C. UncleJed'sBarbershop D. High Hopes E. Ramona'$Book Report 口 . . . A B C D E F ⋮ ⋮ . 一 ⋮ ¨ ・ ⋮ 一 =﹁ 一⋮ ¨ ⋮ 一 , ・ ≡≡≡ 一 一 ︻ 1 1 1 ︱ 1 = l 出 l l Grade3 Syllabus l r l 71 ギ■ = ■■ ︰ . , ≡︺ U く卜 ●● ●●aり 〓”≡ ギ . ぃ a 王 ●●E何 ヨ働 と再∼Do﹂ユ ヽ O 硝 一 ・ h〓卜出o何 ”¨ 古単切 A 〓ビ電何﹂ 増OE ぃ ヽ口●¨ ●車〓●翌■ Lり ● 〓 . 、 . 、 、 “り 叫ф りф ∽ヨ 的卜O I 〓DO一 ●E車●●中、 r . 中 中く り <卜 ●● o●L“ ゴ ”一 n . 30 E 口﹂働●Lュ ヽn り I ●●E付可¨ ︻ h〓卜将0何 ”耳¨ 〓n ●一E〓何一 ■OE ︱ ︱ ︱ 区< ф>0一一 “コ守一 >︼ ↓ 町ビ中 何n 単”的 ビ0 ”EO 出 巳軍共x︼Eo LO三︼︼ ギ 一 三 ”お ざ 目 岳 里 ↓ 軍 出宙 百 ︼ 時隠 将 岳 ︼ 切︺n出 ﹂ ф>●一0中 何raO﹂aa何 0 > 0 一 ω ”何 t a O ﹂a a 付 E ● り 0 コ 〓町 E ф ”何 質L 一 可 n ”h 一 何 E何 一 n 単ョ 中● ョ L中” ︺ 余 出 E 0 0 再 E 可 切一 n ”一 ”h 十 何 E E O 中 口 E C 〓 ュ め E 的コ “ ” 口 oま ●>●中фや“モュ里 ュュ“ EO と い一 再n何●●> 一 り”“ r ﹂田o一一 可0にD¨ 電〓 め学Eф一コメ岬 ギ町忙出 付E h ょ ”臣 hEo 電何 り巨 hEOEh“ 申 . ︰口 ぁ﹂“ コ 何●●> A 何 ュ豊 位﹂“土ф>0 ● ︶ ¨ 単 一 0 〓 一 0切コ 可E何 可E目 的LいUEヨ 一 〓〓 切申官い0コ”り “何L︼E00 可ビ何 赳 何生E O中 EO可コ〓叫 ︼ 一 宝ゴ リ申 , ф>●一 ︺魚 一 単 9〓 EA 王L 矛 何f単 出モチ 出宅何 住津 島a何 車い 軍 E”0 ● E 一 一 中 〓 T 中 n ほ●村何と 0のぬ 0 ﹂● 三0何фト コon付 “EO甲世可世 ュ ф一 ﹂E格切 ●“¨ >o﹂ ︼ ︻ 圧 < ︱ 悔 にl E L程 8 ざ 将 E 〓車 ︼ 唇 電 あ ︲︲ 中 ” 二 豊石 切〓aF 5 0E ●〓 ボ ●EO三ュOE ●掛 E< 電●一 ●”ぬ● L●卓い何фト ギ野F一 に< 点Eい軍モ■′●E町 里 3 い00E翌 E掛 い切0百 一 ” ”略 母町世科E 可>ф一●お硝﹂ り り中控 一EO一 0日 一 と〓●E〓Eお 0将0い0可 車一二 い中E●可コ〓叫 n EO軍町■ 0的一0 ﹂0ビ●田●ト 〓何将出 何E 可 >型 ●市 Eュ里 ニュ何 5 ●コ車 三 ●切何控 ●臣 〓身 出 Eω一コギリ 庁︲ 卜 怪 ガ〓田ф EO〓阜F ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 弱 O 何EL帝料E●〓 0一 ュュコ“ , 一 t ” ︰ E < び ▼ いo軍 ●fト 町E型 付E格一 何中 ュユコ“ 亡OE ф一 一 ” ︰ E< ご ヤ リ堂E ф〓ト 何 何 耳一言単E●E ●一 ュユお“ p 一 恒 n ︲ 正< ご すのфE o三ト . 丁▼ . 側 ▼ . 巾 , 寸 ▼ リエ﹂硝F︼ 三●EOm “ 何EL狩料EOE い一 ﹂ュコ切 翌 一 E ” h⋮ E < ● ▼ 切里 L ●fト 〓 出 E 里 F EE 再 D∽ ︱ ︱ 日 出 ︱ 到割目□胡翻判判倒目劉淵翻淵封習剖﹁判珂翻剰ョ湘判ボo 略 <ぢ●Fヨの 切∽00A 王﹂ D亡一 可田OE Oリコ 0中h︼〓 至< 中▼ 町〓何口 E何中り ¨ の工﹂何巨三OLい出 . , ∽EO将りфコげ DEEф社昴 E何 卜n EO〓何F〓o い 碍L何ギの﹂いOEコ 寸 ▼ 半と U●ギ何︼ ﹁ ﹁ X●ギE 貿︺章 ●L 仁一EO一 百 将 ф﹂住 ∽ф〓町圧 ︶り︼ 付匡 共草E〓面 ﹂ュ﹂ф”E一 n ▼ ︻いEO一 一 ‘ F何︼ 掛0何00>︺0年一 ぼ何OFH00何コDE可一一 何﹂0〓TE●E 中 ︷ェ 0﹂a﹂ф︼こ一 州 丁 中 点升 〓 ●コ専 t担 ︼E DR 再 ﹂口 5 単 JEo電 ●ф E o■ ”一片 喜 r車 фE ち DE E田●E ф毎 ●E E ﹂●ギい 臼 十ざ め︼EoE りめいり宅< ︱ ■■ 72 Lり0経 . h 、 、 ︲︲ほ陛U凹ф りい 切ヨ“卜0エ . . り<卜 B出 ご uan ゴ 出﹂ n r 一 出 ほ何配 ヨD 圧 E p望住 ■く ヽ 臼0正 “ ” 掛 臣 再 何 ”〓 〓い 母 E﹂ お 吾 n〓 〓 mO” OE三中里二 ﹂り0〓 h ︻ ︻ r . りU 凹0 りい いヨ リトO I n . り く卜 朽0 ど 聖巳” ゴ ”t ” ≡ 出 こ 何 コD E 軍 留︼位 ギ ギ ヽB ● 正 “ 〓 ” 掛 再 何 ” 出n p亡 い 〓 〓 ヽ軍口 可●軍 n 〓 0〇一 o﹂工豊 出 Lり 0 〓 │: ﹂何0> 〓< 出一 にコ 単o 正亨 働EOヨ のLO一 り一 >0﹂Lヽこ0一 ∽ョ中q一 . r ︱︱︱僚艦は山0 仰● がコ ∽卜0工 ││ r コ ﹂ユく ヽ臼 り 正 リ ギト 可● ●●ュn ゴ “¨ R B ●OL何﹁¨ ヨ働 E﹂田﹂0●Lュ h出>”0何 、 . ●中 ●E三●0︺ 〓〓切 ●単E宅““ ■OF︼ hO●一 B h ぃ 、 . 、 Lり い 〓 切じ 凹 り 切り ”H 仰卜D 〓 ︲ ︲ に 可 ト モ 巴 0叫由 口 出 切 昭 ︰押く 為里U 工 . ボ 0に何u” コD 圧 E D巳 ﹂ 掛 王 打 付 、 ” “一〓出● ●単E 唱付中 o E 〓 o翌 ﹁ O F、 h的 ● 一 どq耳Eф将E〓 . E O 将 町 と ● “ n O ﹂0 三 ● 田市事 ど 里耳 Eω将恒〓 n E●コ何■ ●仰0● Lい三●“翌 王〓g〓rEゅ事I■メ ” 〓Φ将“と 0い00 ﹂0 三●何翌 ︱ ど 望F 察 単 E単 中 EO〓何と 0“nO﹂0三●町出 ピ< ︱ 出EфEりのo”め< ︱ コa , や N 何電ф中 町匡 ︼ 0>0一ф” 何一ュ巳 a﹂何 0﹂一 “ヨ ●”0母 J﹂ 一 ”LO写 ョ何 “リョ0切” 可 一 梅■′り中EO可ョ〓叫 〓硝忙担 何E “ “再卜群世E●圧 ●¨ a﹂ヨ“ 母 一 狂 ” .︲ ピ< ● rりOE ●三ト . い N ω二 0 一 ω ︼何 L a 豊 一 O h中 いE何> 何 ﹂0﹂0何●﹂ 〓〓二 め中Eф可ョギ0 単 何 翌 何EL 凍禅EO置 ●一 aaヨリ 一 モ ぉ .・ E < り ド 切OE ф〓ト ﹂a 何 D E 一 り 河 切ф “ 0 3 ●卜0一0︼ 何Eュ巳 ュュ何 DE一 “ヨ 〓町t翌 何F﹂一 EO甲何NE豊百 “﹂町rり お DE一 一E何申切﹂0再Eコ a●一 0卜●可 〓丁ヌ リ中 Eф樽コメ叫 り王﹂何F﹂三OLO田 , ▼側 ﹁ 州 宝担 宮PギE担ぢoり “ 町F﹂言料E●E ф一 ﹂ュコリ 担 一 E 中 , E < ご 十 00宮 ●三ト “ O “F﹂言単E●E ф一 ュユコ” 中 一 E . t, 旺 < O T ”фE O三ト “F︼一 ф>0一い申 何tュ0略 ユa何 ギ何E口申 Dビ一 リヨ土 rOギ 切的性 on い 単Eф臣ф一 い一 切何n 、 仁●一ヨ︼ ど甲E●●〓 モ耳 切︼ り E 巳 単 〓 “ E h〓 Eф口 〓〓 出 EфO日 の 0>● 一 〓“tい”何E﹂ 一 “ヨ リ再何打 可 t O生ュコリ 出 何一ュ豊 aa町 DE一 ●>●一一 町 ョロ一 >中 一 一E一 た0 三︼一何 ”””翌 EO “Eい ф略ュ E章X︼ E0 中 f 0 h ざ 一● ●>●¨ 三●町 〓I岳 ””Eф樽ョ中い ﹂ ぎ ●ф ≡ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ≡ ︱ ︱ 割 国 判 目 目 ・︲判 剰 剣 ョ 割 期判 ご ●﹂ < 石oFコ仰 的双0卜 〓 理 型 一 帝 > ち Eo一 ∽q●三型 a臣oO ” ヨを 3ф一 N 口 付TEE り の工﹂堕 匿 三OL●山 , . ﹁ . り ど ●三り︸り付0コ一E一 町F﹂DEFt﹂ф中0日 30>OE ∽0一0” T側 勢評 繋琵革紹 i帥 点 議築裁瑠躍押 り﹂0〓買出可に一一 0>0一〇0何単ロ ︱ ■■ 73 , . 、 、 ぃ ピ リo〓 り0 凹0 りい “ヨ リト0〓 ︲ じ可卜 d口 dO●切 主”Iiく ヽ 白り工 h ぴ ●E付口一 ョめ 臣 里 D里 ュ 3 〓 再 “ ぉ . り〓一 OE〓o出 〓m A 草E唱何中 可●耳L hDO¨ . r . B ぽ●●〓 りU 凹0 り● ボヨ リト0工 ︱ r ● <卜 打● d OLリ “ ゴ I ■ く ヽ 日0 工 h ボ OE付 ョD 軍 E DOL■ 打 中 3 臣 甘何 小 、 ”〓︼ OE〓o翌 〓り A 草q軍可一 可●F冷 h研●一 、 ぃ ピ U 中 〓 ∽U ゴ 0 りり P叫 ■ リト● エ のEO一 >●﹂L■ 0一 ∽一 り郵中E一 ︱ 出 潮川可詞引ごEDち 毎DEфH ︱ ︱ . 中”.﹁ 一 一一 ・ . iい 一 一一 ︱ N ≡ . り く 卜 可● ●●ュ” ゴ ”軍← く ヽ 臼0 工 ︻ ざ 中E町博﹂ ョ0 E 避 D母 生 3 臣 打 “ ぃ h ”〓中 0﹂〓●0中 出り 0﹂Eq何¨ 口o巨︼ h働0” B . , 、 . . Lり 0 軍 り 0 Щ O りい ”ヨ 切卜● 軍 h 3 可o ど OLリ ゴ 出中 中 < ヽ Bり 正 ょ r ф● ビ 何 口 一 コ 働 F 章 世 D 凸〓 a h 卜 0 何 〓 将 り<卜 旺< ” 電 0ま E翌モ重声 , EO中“と фいn●Lф三百何ф申 E< r 王〓9■一仁●〓E>> 口 EO一 こ ●unO ﹂фr再 何●ト ︼田i n ぃ 切〓中 OE〓い出 〓い 0﹂E軍口一 ﹁●F︼ 卜DO“ ︹ . 中 . . . Lり0〓 り0 凹0 りф リヨ “卜0〓 ‘ 輛 町型 何E ф二ф一0中 何〓ュ里 生ュ何 DE一 のコ 0り0酔 コュ 一 . 田圧 雨 E●中 リ一0五”ョ何 “リコ0り¨ 一 〓〓手 り中EO 一コ〓叩 ●>● ● 何 ﹂0﹂伍巴何 DE コ リ 切0摯 ヨa リ 0 中 ギ 一 〓 ︼ L●碍軍 仰 ﹂o 3 oモ“卜 何 L担 口 樹 〓 〓〓 ”” 何F﹂一 ●>0一0中 何〓a巳 aa町 DE一 り神 〓可Iф︼ “学Eい>い 、 ビ0中 り 0●E●コげ●切 軍一二 胡中E●コゴメ叫 祥“E翌 何E 占 ф>● 0 ﹂ュ豊 ュュ町 DE 切ヨ い 性ф ” 常 一 ” 世 0 ¨ . X翌 oビ一 mфお一 ●︼ OF何 ●”ョ何● 働E一 ●コ一 Ee﹂りEO¨ ∽掛一 ●I葛 〓軍 可〓ュ 出E●可ヨリ 0>0一0中 弱TaO﹂aa町 〓付仁翌 町Fヽ一 働E一 切コ 章 0一 卜単 ● 学E¨ ●a 可E何 h〓一 町0﹂ ビ< ●霜 h紹 〓 理 占 程 増 峯 〓 出 言 電 あ . 何序一一 ●>0一0中 町に住巳 住住田 DE¨ リコ 王﹂n耳>Eфi一 r>ン 〓田〓ф中 一 官 出 E●葛 あ ︼ E撃 o ■ 里 “出 Eoコげ輯 一 . 年0将何と い∽nO ﹂OfO何●ト ● 卜 ф 一 口 中何 任 ュ 豊 〓何 E D中何 年 ﹂ 一 aユ 何 い>ф ф中 町増住豊 La町 働E一 ”ョ 〓何一出 何F﹂一 一 ON一 ﹂0一 W 察 U 可E町 母 一 りの何再 〓〓 出 Eфu〓 0 〓硝Iф申何 圧 . ф>0一0中“〓ュO aュ付 DE 一 “コ ︷o中● 一 DE一 のコ リEo相●0と 0 〓 ● 〓●特 ︼ 電車 り中LO ●コ〓り E< 町 単● りt 何ュ 切〓0任何> ф切コ 〓〓F “︼仁● 一コ〓 叫 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 市E翌何E 一 母 EфE型ュュコ“ ≡ .︲ 圧く 0 rりOE●三ト “E翌 付耳﹂言料EOE ●一 ュaコ切 一 ﹁ ︲ だ < ご ▼ ∽oE D三ト 〓 側 ” . m 的 , 寸 ∽〓﹂付F﹂三●LO出 ﹁ 口巾 何E出 何F﹂ 千料電● E O 一 Lュ コリ 一 . .︲ E < ● ず ”ф E ● 〓ト ぱ < J ■ 切●E o三ト 硝 E O 中硝 E格 将料 E ● ELф ュ ュ コ ” 一 一 支い︼亡Pギc担ぢ●∽ 1 1 1 1 ” 1 判 ョ 引 ∃ 目 = 判 剰 剣 ヨ ゴ 嗣 判 宙 ф﹂ < 石 ●Fヨの ∽ギ Xい卜 一 何EO将“F〓0一E一中● h︼ фf田bLb E●一 仰Eф三ф﹂住圧 oO ” “ 可﹂付打E何中の ﹁. 何Eo軍何Fこ0卜E一E何 電一” 仁一 ●ュ章 ф一 > り﹂●三︼ コ何 “0碍将Eф可一 寸 ” 〓 ●ギ一 . r ﹁, に●将町F〓●距た DE一 り何L三ュ硝﹂“住 一E何 D仁一 NE硝F士とコの ∽EO一 ∽コ一 ●E00 0Eモ声“﹂臼 い 巾 ︼. ●D町∽り何ユ 町 ち ф﹂コ” ●コ﹂” h︼ い ﹂0 0↓ り ●Nh一 何E<﹁ 酎 ” ・ ﹁ XO”樽亡何 ∽00何∽り付住 C 切 何 0 り CO 0﹂aE o ∽︺ ︼ ” 〓 一 O 正 ● 甘” り〓 何E 三●E●田 “ 一 望oギ 応 じむE 石>聖 ф可何﹂ り r と 朋 り05 ボ〓 母 寅 百 ち 型程 単 凝 翌 ど 電 身 E翌 I>> , E●将何>京X︼ nO ﹂0三0何いト m中にOE﹂り∽●の宅< ■■ ■ ■ 74 h . り <卜 可o ご oュ” ゴ ”モ■く ヽ口 0 工 h i 00こ吋可一 ヨD F演出働里 ユ hだ>将0“ 、 ぃ “常中 0﹂三0●中 〓“ 0﹂E昭可﹂ ●●F︼ hDO︼ ぃ 中 . . . 、 Lり 0 〓 仰0 凹0 りり 的ヨ リトD 〓 日 日 . r り <卜 ●● いOa切 ゴ リー← く ヽ dO工 r . 史 と 口●¨ コo E 理 D里 a 3 臣 将 付 ぃ . 切〓い OE三●●中 出” 0﹂電車付一 口OF︼ hO●一 R , ぃ . 、 、 Lり ● 臣 り り 凹0 ∽ф ”H “卜0 〓 ︱ 世ED 埼 正あ Eωヨ りこ●一 >0﹂Lヽこ0一 り中 リコ中E一 樹劇到司 ︱ ││ 1竜 車いEфT嘱〓a ф ”可 一 ュ O La ュ 付 “ф 切 コ 中何 写 可 E何 ざ D付 リョ D E 将 E車 け二 い ● 何﹂働 G D E ■′ o り E ● 甲E ● > E O ● ︼ 一 一 ● 将 任 い . ﹂何 E E 理 D 〓出 モ 町 環 古 E 位0一 ●>OE ● ●コE将LO● ∽ギE●一コメリ 付 〓 ф ”“ F ﹂ 析 母 E O E ● 一 aaコ切 一 ギ声 < す W ▼ りoE い三ト “E翌 付主L言出EфEL a阜コ切 O一 一 h3 ず二< 0 W“фE ф三ト 文●中EP一E里再фり ││ │││ ‘ 側 寸 . 十寸 ∽王﹂何E 三0こф出 “ ”〓﹂何E 三中E●田 ││ ││ r 〓oф〓● 〓o﹂り “ギ切〓〓0●正● h 中 りoモnコL 〓受望F EO出一〓 . EO梅可と фり00 ﹂ф三り何ф︼ ユ●ギ“ 働E﹂ い﹂ E一 町申Eo● “EanLD担 何ュ 里n ↓出ф dL︼ n環晋孔 働〓臣格 里り〓, ︲ 0 理 ち DE一 り3 翌︼ 一り0一 出 モニ 世 ユ 9亡¨ ”〓車邦︺ Oaユ諄仰●E何o●E翌 Eいり 口働E甲﹂ ュ●一 0卜●●0中仁一 Dい0小 学E●一コ〓叫 │ h め出 〓じ●正い〓фュ” “︼ 車けф三● り﹂0ギ何0一 0>0一●U何士U 口E一一 望P申切EOф●︼E一 Oфnり中 にo●コ〓叫 卓 ﹁ 出 買 ▼ 出 ュ E何 再 ●F コ” 将 博 D軍, B 甲E●口 りい0ば型 E●り ф中 翌 a軍 8 ││ 75 ││ ﹁ 三”〓DE円一E●〓モ■r杭︼り0﹂何OE何ギ∽ ф五中りΦ∽⊃ 州 寸 . ‘ 一 ∽り●●●﹂ユ DE将E■イ0三”00のコ ▼ 寸 ││ 割国q習目明掛ヨ利潮到胡用到 高里<3●∬ヨリ ― │! │― 日│ . h りOInョL 事■望F に出寝一 生耳 一 ‖ │ │― 、 〓 リ ギト 口0 ど いan ゴ 出 中 中 く ヽB ● 工 中 ボ じE何担 再D E E D巳 住 3 臣 む 何 ぃ 、 り〓“ oE三●出 〓り 0中Eモ何一 可o〓︼ hDO” . . ” . . ぃ Lり 0 驚 り 0 凹 0 切● りH m卜 0 〓 ll n E●将何とф切nO﹂ 0三●“翌 f り中 Lい臣 りり0りい< │ ― ぃ . リ ギト 口0 ど 0ュ” ゴ 出 中 中 く ヽ口 り 工 , コo E 理 D巳 位 3 〓 再 町 J oE何口一 、 B い〓一 0﹂〓0出 〓り 0﹂仁電田い 可●F︼ hBO¨ 、 ︻ . B ふ . L0 0 〓 の 0 凹● 切ф 切ヨ ”卜● 五 ‖ EO壇即世 EョF笹E●● Eф〓T〓 E一h●にфギ0ユE 一 〇0 ”0︼ 町﹂︼ 切電0匡 一 ф白 ” 寸 可略何■ ビ何中り │ 切LO一 り” >●﹂L ヽEO一 り運 E一 li 剤到刊到引 〓EDも 工もEoヨ │││ │:: LinguageAits Third 3rnde ‖― │ 陥対w ttaゴ 耐ons Theme tt a tta耐 $elections Roxaboxen ││ │ │ 日 A Secret Place The LittlePainterof SabanaGrande │ ︱ ThePainterandthe Judge ︱ ︱ The Big orange Splot Gompttnens:● n′ Critical Thinkina Reading Strategies, T可9,T22,T24,T33 Dttwing Conclusions T31, T38コ T46-47 Authoた Pu中 OSe, T37 Response Optionsョ T41 Reading the Poem, T56 Responding tO the P●●mョT57 Reading strate9ies, T65,T72,T76,T33 Prediding Outcomes,T79, T38‐89 Response Options Support TaPe . ︱ 日 ︱ ︱ Writing Des● riptive VVttting, T48‐49 Oenre:Poetry,T66 Sim‖eョT56 ResPonding lo the Poem,T57 Key Words,T63 Short and Long e, T●3 Ph● ni● s Review: Sho止 and Long e, ●十r,190‐91 Suppo止 Tap● AstroW● rd Author"sCraft: Characterization, T69,T71,T81,T9293 FigurativeLanguage T70 Dialogue,T74 PersonalResponse, T86 CreativeResponse, T87 Paragraphs, T94-95 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T102 Genre:Folk Tale, T Ⅲ0 2 Point of h/iew.Tlo3 Key words,Tlo9 Special M● ョnings, T可2可 中Meaning MH比 ip!● Wo「 ds,T123 Phoni●s Review: Short and Long l,o, │ 十「 r , T2可 6 , コo キ T138 SuppOrt Tape A s t r o′ ‖ ● rd Cenre:Fantasy, 丁可打0` Auth●ずs Cra■: H u m o 「, T l 1 4 Figurative language T 可可7 ‐ 118 DialoguB,T打 27 Creative Response, T可3可 Using C●mPare and C o n t r a s t , T 1 4 0可 中 41 Reading the Poem, T可49 Responding optiOns,T180-181 Support Tape Key Words口 T155 Phonics Review: Short and Long uョ u+r,T162,T可 B4“185 口 M甲ltipl● Meaning Words,T打 63,T188 Context clues, T176,T182‐ 133 Specialized Vocabulary,T189 SuppOrt Tape Ast「 oWord eenre:sttence Fiction,T158 A u t h o 「s C r a ■: C h a r a c t e H z a 宙o n ロ T160 A‖Reration丁 164, T194 P●rsonal RespOnse, T130 Creative RespOnse, 丁181 ResPonding to the Art,T199 Developing concepts,T198 Reading strategiesョ T102 Responding to the F ●l k T a l、 ● T103 Reading strategies‐ Tlll"丁 可可5,T127 Compare and Contrast,T:13‐ T132-133 Sequence,T可 24, T 可3 4 RespOnse Options, T 1 3 0 ‐1 3 1 Support Tape ︱ 口 Fine Art Po問 Fo1lo Key Words,T17 Connecting to Key Words,T28 Colo「Words,T28 Ph●nics Review: Sho止 and Long a, a十,「丁42‐43 Support Tape AstttWord Literary Analysis and Appreciation Genre:Realistic Fiction, T18 Story$tructure: Setting,T21,T44-45 Author"sCraft: Figurative Language, T33 lmagery/Sensory Language, T34 Repetition. T36 Developing Concept andVocabulary, T56. I Lovethe Lookof Words VocabularyM|ord Studv . 日 日 76 Using synonyms fO「 vattety and precision,T19o口19“ ︱ ¨ ” ・ ¨ ■ ・ 出中 一 一・ 付 ■■ 一 一 = 〓一 一 日 Integrating LenguageArts and Cross4 urricular Connections ︱ SPe‖ing 掛 母hOR a and Long a 3ounds T53 Da‖y Language GrammarUsage, and Mechanics Sentences,T50‐ 5打 Dai!y Language Activtties,T233 B I ies,丁 233 ハctiv止 SpelHng Pretest and 口OSttestsI T238 AstroWord Listening, Speakingand Viewins VlsualLiteracy, T32 ReaderResponse Groups,T41 CreativeResponse Groups,T41 HavingDiscussion, T52 $toryTape ContentAreas Study Sk:::● Mathematics: Creatinga Cunency,T54 SocialStudies: Talking Politics,T54 Science:Researching the Desert,T54 Art:Designing a Brochure,T5$ Music:MakingMusic, T55 Paired Reading,T56 Storv Tape I I I Sい。rt eョ nd Long e Sounds,T99 D口│ly Language ACtivlies,T234 spelling Pretests and Posltests,T238 AstrOWord I Sho注 land Long l Soundst T45 _, D卓ily Language Activttes,T235 Punctuating Dialo9ue,T75 SubieCtS:丁 96 Predicates,T97 Daily Language ActiVtties,T234 I Singular and Flural Nouns,T142 Commonand ProperNouns,T143 Spel‖ 向 g Pretests DailyLanguage a,d POSttests,T239Activities,T236 AStroWord Reader Response Mathematics: g Practicin Groups, T86 Scale,T100 Creative Response, Science:Animalsof T87 Direstions, T9E StoryTape RespOnding to the Folk Tal● ,T103 Reader Response G r o u P s , T 可3 0 Creative Response, T131 ChO旧 I Reading, T打44 Story Tape I I 日 1 1 1 Shlrt O,and short五 T195 Dally Languョ 9e A●tivttes,T236 Spl‖ng Pretests and Posttests,T239 AstroWOrd Chora!Reading, T149 Storv Tape Visual Literacy, T163,T167 Reader RespOnse Oups,T180 ●「 Criti● al Response, T181 A!ileration,丁 194 Story Tape 1 Viewing the Art, T 可9 8 Psnama,T100 Art: Weavingand T101 Design, Sc:en●●:L●arning About Plants,T可 46 Mathematicsi Counttng Col●r Combinations. T146 Heatth and Safety: Making safety Posters, T147 SOGial` Studi● s: Discussing creativity. and Responsibi!Ryコ T可47 Music:Making a New Song.T147 Health and safety: Designing safe Structures.T193 Sci●nce:Thinking Ab● ut the lonosphere,T196 Social Studies:Finding the Locations,丁 196 Mathematics:sizing up the Vegetables,T197 A■:Drawing a Sti‖ Life, T197 Art: Makea Sculptureof Drawing, T199 Use Reference Sources, T171 Dictionary/ Glossary,TE6187 1 Themeat a Glance,Wondersof the Sea ‖ ‖ Selections The MagicSchool Buson the Ocean Floor ‖│ │ │ ││ ││ Vvater,Moon,and Swn Very LaSt FttH丁 [me ││ │― ││ Fine Art PortFo11● SunlrenTreasure ││ ││ │―S0undof Water ││ ││ │ │ 1 Comprlehen3:On′ Critica!Thinking Reading Strategies, T可9,T27.T28,T30, T36,T40 Predicting Outcomes,丁 24, T35‐ T49 Mョ in ideas and Suppo「 t Deta‖s T34 ResPons8 0ptiOns, T43 SuDDOrt Tapes VocabularyrWord Studv KeyWords,T17 Synonyms, T?3 PhonicsReview: VowelPairs,au, aw, oi, oy,T28,T44-45 $upportTape AstroWord R e a d i n g t h e M y t h コ Context Clues,T59 T59 ! StOWe‖ eドs PurposeB T00 ResPonding to the Art,T61 Resp●nding to the Mvth,T6可 Reading Strategies, Key Words,T87 T69,T71,T77,T82, Phonics Revie、 〃: T86 Two Sounds for oo, Mak● T76,T90‐ 91,T101 Gen● ral:zations, Context C!ues,T811 T74,T9年 93 T193 Sequence,T77,T92 Support Tape' R e s p o n s e o p t i o n s , AstroW● rd T83口89 Suppo止 Tape RespOnding to the Art‐ T105 Reading Strategies, Key Words,T打 11 T 可可3 , T 可可7 , T 1 2 3 , Specia!:zed T 打3 可 Vocabulary,T“ 可4, Main id3aS and T123,T139 Supporting Detai!s Phonics Review: T125,T127コ T打30, Vowel Palrs,ou,ow, T 可3 4 ‐ 13S Tl10,T可 36-137 R e s p ●n s e O P t i o n s , 0ontext Clues, T133 丁120,T126,T138 Support Tap● Support Tape AstroWord Reading the POem, D●veloping T151 Concepts and ResPonding to the Vocabulary,T150 Poem,T151 LiteraryAnalysis and Appreciation Writing Gen隅 : Fantasy/Narrative NOnttction,T18,T20 Story Structure: Se■ing,T25,T38, T43 : Autho「 s Cra■ H u m o 「, P u n WordPlay,T32, lmagery/Sensory LanouaGe.T33 Peffionel Response, T43 Criticel/Creetive Response, T43 Paragraphs, Topic Sentences and Supporting sontences, T50-51 Gen「 ●:Myth.T53 RespOnding to the Myth,T6可 Genre:Realistic Fiction,T68,T70 Authofs Craft: lmagery/Sensory T80 Language, Vividverbs.TES Personel Response, T88 Greative Response, T89 Maintaining Tense, T96-97 RespOnding to the Art.T105 Genre:NonttCtion, Tl12 Personel Response, T133 Creative Response, T133 Organizing a Report,742-143 Genre:Foetry,T150 SoundDevices: T150 onomatopoeia, SOund Dev:● es T150 ︲ ≡ ・ 出﹁一 ﹁ ⋮ 一 ”﹁ ≡ ¨ ︼r 一・ 一一 一一 一一 一 r ︱ Themeat a Glance:Our Families,Our Communities ︱ Selections Chicken Sunday ︱ ︱ ︱ GrampsandI ︱ ︱ ⋮ ≡ ・ 一 一 M ●n Mb c a n t ComPrahen3:On′ Critical Think;ng Reading Strategies, T可9・T27,T31,T40 Predlはing outcomes, T24,T26 Author's Purpose,T39, T43 RespOnse Options,T42‐ 43 SuDDOrt TaDe Reading the Play,T59 Connect to Personal Experience,T59 Responding口 tothe P!ay, T61 s 8 eRBading Strategies, Vocabu:aryrWord Study Key Words,T17 Synonyms.T32, T49 Structural Analysisi Plural and !nflectionS,T34, T44‐45 Support Tape AstroWVord Building Meaning, T58 KinestheHc Activ町 : T60 Key Words,T67 LiteraryAnalysis andAppreciation Oenre: Autobiography,T20 Autho「 ,Cra■ :word Chol●e,T25 Characterization,T26ョ T27 Mood,Tone,T48 Fi9urative Language, T37 Genre;Play,TSE in a Play, Characters T5g Genre:Biography/ Wttting Personal Response, T42 Creative Response, T43 Making Comparisons, T43 Using$imiles, T50-51 Creatinga New Scene.T61 Personal B I = ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ T69,T76,T78,T84 Structural Analysis: Autobiography, T68 Response, T86 Main ldeas/Details:T72, Changing y to l, Story$tructure: Creative T9可 T78,T88‐ 89 T71 Character, Response, T87 Autho「's PttFPOSer T8打 Antonymsコ T83‐ 丁92 Autho/sCraft:Sound Making , T93 SuppOrt Tape Devices Comparisons, C o m p a r e a n d C o n t r a s t , AstroWo「 d Onomatopoeia, T73 TE7 T32,T90 Humor,T80 UsingSensory Response cPtions,T86‐ Words,Tg4-95 37 Suppo■ Tape Flhe Art Portfollo intr● ducing the Art, T102 Rlsponding to the Paintings,T103 Visua!LReracyョ T103 Mhc& Marle& R3ading Strategi● s, K e y W o r d s , T 可o 9 G●nた :ReaHstic Personal theTreinToss T可11,Tl16,T120,T130 S t r u c t u r a l A n a l y s i s :Ficti● n ,Tl12 ResP●nse.T86 $qrprise S u m m a t t z e , T 打1 5 , D o u b l i n g D r o p p i n g S t o r y S t r u c t u r e : Creative T打26,T138口 139 e , T 打可4 , T 1 3 4 ‐1 3 5 Setting,Tl13,T128, Response,T87 RespOnse OPtions, Suppo「ttape T可36 Making T132-133 AstroWord Character,丁 127 Compattsons, Support Tape Autho「s Crat:Sound T133 Dev!ces 0町 anizing Onomatopoe:白,Tl18 Chronologi● 白‖ y, M o ●d , T 1 2 2 T 打4 0 - 1 4 可 SOng Of Frustra何on ︱ Reading the Poem, T可49 RespOnding to the Poem=T149 日 Halmoni and the Reading Strate9iesョ Pilni● T可57,T158〕 丁可62, ︱ T172,T173 Sequence,T164,T134 Sum『nariz●コT可76,T可 87 RespOnse OptiOns, T 打3 0 中 181 Support Tape Deve!oPing Concepts and Vocabulary,T148 Key Wo「 ds,T155 Structu阻!Analysis: Review:Ending, T160,T132‐ 183 Support Tape AstroWord ︱ ︱ 79 Vivid langua日 ●.T125 Genre:Poem,T148 R h y m e s , T 可 4 8 ‐1 4 9 Genre:Rea‖stic Fiction,T可 56 Autho「s Cra■ : Chara●tettzalion: T161,丁 174,T135 Rhythm and Rhyme, T175 Rhymes,T148“ 149 ResPonding to the Poem, T打49 Person Response, T1E0 Creative response, T1E1 Critical Response, T181 Making Comparisons, T181 UsingDetails, T188-89 I I ⋮ ⋮F 申刊卓ギ == ﹁ ⋮ 中 中一 I │ │ Integrate LanguageArts and Gross*GurricularConnections GrammarUsage,and Sp● Hing Mechanics Adding―s,and― PersonalPronouns, T29 31,T55 Adjectives,T52 Baily Language Adjectivesof T53 ハC t l V l i e s l T 2 2 8 Comparison, 8Pel!ing Pretests DailyLanguage and Postests, Activities,T223 T234 AstroWord │― │ ││ │ │ │ │ Gttanging y toSubieCt l, P「Onouns,T96 T99 D巨i!yLョ nguage 0bieCt Pr●nouns,T97 Daily L白 同guage A●tivlies,T229 A c t i v l i e sTコ 229 spe!!ing Pretests and Postlests, T234 AstroWord Adding Jed・ and -1「 g,T145 D市:ly Language A●tivli● s,T230 spelttng Pretests ヨ中d POSttests, T宝35 AttrOWord Friendiy Leter Fo「 natョ T142‐ 143 Dally Language AdivRies,T230 │ │ │ │ Llstenlng, Speakingand Viewinq Visual Literacy,T38 Reader R3SpOnSe Groups,T42 Renecting on the Theme,T43 Listening to Both Sides,T54 Storv TaDe Cooperative Reading, T59 Kinesthetic Activity, T60 VisualLiteracy,T61 StoryTape Vi$ualLiteracy,T70 ResderRe$ponse, T86 CreetiveResponse, T87 Challenge, T87 OralDescriptions, T98 StoryTaoe ContentAreas Studv Sk:::s SocialStudies: Yesterdayand Today, T56 Mathematics: Earning andSpending, T56 Science:Changesin Golor,T57 Art: Designinga Hat Performing Arts: Inventinga Noisy Dance,T100 $ocialStudies: Equal Accessto Housing, T101 Mathematics: Money Problems, T101 Viewing the Painting,T102 Visual Litettcy, T103 Att Create Your Own, T103 Visua!Literacy, T可可7,Υ打24 Reader ResPonse Gttups,T132 Creative RespOnse, T可32 Rel●cting On the Theme,T133 Giving Oral Dire● tions,T打 44 Story Tape Screnc● :LettHl:ng about Trains,T可 4● AR:Pi“ ures of our Communly,T146 eraphic Aids/Maps,T打 21, T137 Musici CiackhattC!acky Train Tuneコ T146 Mathemattcs:Turning Minutes into HOurs, T可47 So●iai Studies: Mapping a Train Trip, T 可4 7 Reading the Poem, 丁1 4 9 Sto「 v Tape Adding tter,and ―e s t , T 1 9 3 Sentence Pats,T170 1 r r e g u l a r V e r b s ! T9 可 0 D311y Language G t t m m a r R e v i e w コ 丁1 9 可 A“ivRies,T23打 D311y Language spelling PretesほA c t i v l i e s : T 1 3 1 ︱ anF POStleds, T235 AstroWOrd . ︱ ViSuヨ!Litenacyロ T162 Reader ResPonse erOups,T180 Creative RespOnse, T18打 C百宙●ョI RespOnse・ T打3可 Pantomime/BOdy Language,T192 Story T,pe ︱ 80 Social Studies:From City to City,T194 Heatth and safety: Safety T:Ps,T194 Mathematics:How M u c h W l ‖t h e P i G n i C Cost,丁 194 Music:creating a 」ump‐Rope Song, T195 Art:Ways to Look at Things,T可 95 Di● tionary/ Glossary.Ttt BI . 、 .. h . ︲ ・ ・ 十 一﹁ 一 ” 一 ︲ ︲ 出﹁ ﹁ 申 打 一 ■■口 ■■■ ■■口 ■■■ ■■■ ■■口 ■ 十 Themeat a Glance:TalesFrom Around the World $elections Gomprehension/ CriticalThinkinq VocabularyAWord Studv 丁h●Singing Snak● Reading Strategies, T19,T23,T29,T32, T37,T4可 Drawing C● nclusilnsi T34,T39 Predicting OutcOmes, T36 Cause and Ettect.T40 R e s p o n s e o p t i o n s4,2丁 Suppo■ 丁ape The Crocodile the Poem,T61 Developing Reading Responding to the Conceptsand Poem.T61Vocabulary. T60 AnansiFindsa Fool The Ant and the Dove Ma'iiandCousin HornedToacl ︲ ︲ FaulBunyon andBabe 丁me magical Starfruit Tree LiteraryAnalysis andAporeciation Key ulords,T17 Structura!Analysis: Compound W● rdsi T32,T44‐ 45 Support Tapes Writing Genre:Folk Tale, Creative′CHtical T13,T20 Responsei T43 S t o r y S t r u c t u r e : P l o tConnecting T22,T26.T46-47 Across Texts, Autho「 s Crat: T43 CharacterizatiOn,T27 VVoH(ing with Diョlogue,丁 28,T31 Story Parts:PI● tコ W o r d C h o i cT e3 ョ 8 T52口53 Genre:Poetry,T60 Visualizing‐丁60 Reading Strategies, Key words,T67 Genre:Fo!k ttale, T69,T80,T37,丁 90 Structural Analysis丁 : 68コT70 W o r d R e f e r e n t s , T 7 Sy‖ables,T76,T94‐ 4, Story Structure: T98口99 95 Chattcterコ 丁1 7 1 , D r a w C● ol 日 u S i o丁 n7s5コ Support Tape T177,T196-197 Sequence,T82 AstroWord Autho「 s cr3■:WOrd Response optiOns,T92‐ Choi●●コT32 93 Figurative Language, SuPPo■ Tape T83,丁 39 SOund Devices,T34ロ 35 Vivid Vettsl T86 Reading the Fab!e, Developing Genre:Fabl● コTlo3 T109 Conceptsand ResPonding tO the Vocabulary, T108 F a b l ●ョT 1 0 9 Multiple-Meaning ResPonding tO the Poem,T61 Personel Response, Tg2 Creative Response, Tg3 Developing Setting, T100101 RespOnding t0 the Fable,丁109 Words,T109 Reading Strate9iesコ Key WOrds,Tl15 Tl17コ T127,丁 131, Structura!Analysis T133,T136,T140 Stressed Syllables Drawing ConclusiOns, T126ョ 丁146口可47 T122ョ T132 Support Tape Compare and contrast, AttroWord T可35 Fanほ sy/Reallsm,T137, T144“ 145 R e s p o 日S e O p t i o n s , T 1 4 2 ‐1 4 3 Support ttape Reading the Ta‖ Tale, DeVeloping T161 Concepts and RespOnding■ 丁打61 Vocabularv.T160 Reading Strategiesョ K e y w O r d s 」T 1 6 7 T138,T179,T182ョ StRJCtural Analysis: 丁186コ丁138,T192 Unstressed D r a w i n 3 C o n c l u s i o n sSyl!ables,T175, , T172,T可 39,T191 T198中199 Make CeneraHzations. Supp● rt Tape T191,T202-203 AstroⅥ′ Ord Respons●options, T194-195 Supp● rt Tape FiHe Art PortfoH0 Interpreting lmages, T213 81 G e n 「●: F o l k 丁ョ! e , T l 1 6 , T 打 可3 S t o y「 S I F u C t u は C h a r a d e r , T 打1 9 ョ 丁121l T136 Author's Cra■ :sOund Devices,T124‐ 打25, T可43甲149,Vivid V e 成〕 s,T131 1 m a g e r y , T 打3 4 Personal Response, T142 Creative Response, T143 Wortingwith $toryParts: Character, T1s2153 Genre:Ta‖ Tal●, T可60 Ex39geration.T可 6打 Genre:Folk Tales, Personal T 1 6 9 , 丁1 7 0 Response, T194 S t o r y S t r u c t u rGreative e : Character,T171 Response, T195 Plot 1 90,200 Critical A u t h o 「s c r a t : Response, T195 Fi9urative Language, UsingDialogue, T 1 7 7 〕丁1 8 6 T204-205 Dial● g u e , 丁1 7 9 S●und Devicesl T可 85 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 、 . 一 =H一 =申 =■ ¨ ■一 一 F一 一 ≡ ≡一 一 一 一 一 ︱ Themeat a Glance:TakingCarc of Earth $elections J'usta Dream Acom ︱ 9‖SPH‖ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ Dlar WoHd EOmp口 enen3:On′ Critical Thinking Reading Strategies, T19,T23,T29,T32, T34,T39,T42 Drawing Conclusions, T22.T27,T38‐ T41 Fantasy/Realism,T24, T33,T48 Cause and Ettect,T29 V●cabu:ary7word Study Key Words,T17 Contexl Clues,T25 Homograhs,T26, T50,51 Synonyms′ Antonyms,T30,T49 Sy!lables,T31コ丁53 Compound Words, Ciassitt and Catego百 ze, T39,T52 T37,T46‐ 47 Support Tape Compare and 60ntrast, AstttWo「d T42 ReSpons● ●pti● ns,T44‐ 45 Support ttape Reading the Poemコ T63 Responding to the Poem,T● 3 Developing COncept and Vocabu!aryコ T62“ ︱ Reading strategi●s, Key Words,T69 T7可,T72,T75,T78, Muitiple Meaning T81,T32,T34,T35, Words,T73,T33 T38`T91,T94 Contett clues,T79 Cause and Ettectt T74, Prettxes,T80,T102‐ T98‐99 103 Fantasy/Realism,T76 Using Precise 0 o m p a r e a n d c O n t r a s t ,Words,T9o T30 Suppo止 tape Drawing conclusion3 AstroWord T92,T100‐ 10可 ResPonse OptiOns,T9●‐ 97 Support Tape Reading Le■ers,Tl14 Responding to the LeterS,Tl可 5 Literary Analysi母 and Appreciati● n Gen的 :Fantasy,T可 8 Autho「 s Cra■:Point of View,T21 Sensory Language, T28 63Genre:Poem,TS2 IntemalRhyme, T63 Genre:Nonttction: 丁70,Tγ 3 Genre:Lette時 口Tl14 Persuasive vvriting, Tl15 Writing Personsl Response, T44 Foeusing on Reasons. T54-55 RespOnding to the Poem,T63 1nternal Rhyme, T63 P e 時o n a l RespOnse,T96 Creative RespOnse,T97 C付甘cal RespOnse,T97 Relating Fact to opiniOn,T可06‐ 107 ︱ ResPonding to tho Leters,Tl15 Po「suasive W 百 甘n g コT l 1 5 ExP!ョin Your C r e a t i o R Tョl 1 5 ︱ Responding to the Artロ 丁可17 TheWoman WhoOutshone theSun Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary. T116 話墾1鴨 ;ュ 譜背留 Key urords,T123 HOmO日 raphs,T可 30 sumxes,T可 33, 丁可5 0 口 可5 1 Support Tape AstroWo「 d Per50nal Responseコ T148 Creativ● Figurative Languttge, RespOnseコ T可49 T128,T154‐155 Making R● petition,T144 DescriptiOns Sto「 Vivld wlh wOrds, y Structure: Se■ing T13可 T153‐打59 Characterョ T 可3 2 , T 打5 3 Reading the Poem, T167 RespOnding to the Poem,T167 Developin9 Concepts and Vocabulary,T166 Genre:Poeml T166 SOund Devices: Repetition,T167 ︱ Fine Art PoRfO‖ 0 ︱ ︱ AnH My Hean soars T141,T145,T146 Fantasy/Realism,T129, T可52 Theme Link,T134 Cause and Ettect,T136, T142 Drawing、Conclusions, T140 ResPonse Options, T143‐149 Support Tape ︱ 82 Genre:Folk Tale, T可24,T打 27 Autho「 s crat: Responding to the Poem,T167 3ound Devicesi RBDetition T可 お7 │:: ‖: 口 │ ││ ││ ― │― lntegratcdLanguageArts and Groes-Cu rricufarConnections Lt$tGntng, Spealcingand Viewinq Words vvith sprョ SutteCt and Obiect Uselllustrations, str,tch,ng,and Pronouns,T40,T56 T23 Using Ne9ative町 Vordsョ ReaderResponse qv,T59 丁57 Groups,T44 口aily Language Activttes,T20可 Daily Language CreativeResponse, spelHng Pretests A c t i v t t e s , T 2 0 1 T45 attd Postests, CriticalResponse, T206 T45 AStroWord Reflectingon the Theme.T45 Detectingan Artlst's Bias,T58 StorvTaoe Grammar Usage,and Mechanics ││ Prettxes un and rl,Tlll Dai!y Language Punctuation,T89 Troubl●some WOrds:tO, t00,two,T打 08 Aばivki8S,T202 Using P!urais and spel‖ n g P口 ● tests Possessivesl Tl o9 and posttests, Dヨ│ly Language T206 _ A d i v 性i e S , T 2 0 2 AstroWord │― │ │― ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ReaderResponse Groups,T96 CreativeResponse, T97 Critic€lResponse, T97 Reflectingon the theme,T97 UsingVisualAidsin a Presentation, T110 StoryTaoe Health and Safety: Outiining,T80 Care of Chemi●als, Use Gttphl● T可可2 Aids,T84 Science:Making a Tel●phone SPi‖ ,Tl12 Directory,T93, Social Studiesi SchoOI T104‐105 Secrets,T打 打3 Mathematics:Fi‖te「 up,Tl13 Art:01卜 spi‖ A ■. T l 1 3 Paired Reading, Tl14 Visual Communica甘 ons, T打15 Story Υ ape ││ ││ Study Sk:::s Paired Reading,T63 RespOnding to the Poem口 T63 │││ │! Content Areas Socia!Studies:Public Treasures=T60 Music:Music ofthe Earth,T30 Mathemattcs:Pounds of Paper,T61 Science:What's My Habitat,T6可 Art:Art f● rthe Eatth, T61 individual viewing・Art:Create your own, T可16 T可17 Palred Viewing, T可可6 Consonant Slundsi and S, TJ03 D申‖y Language Altivl:es,T207 PronounReferents, T143 Wordsthat needs Commas, T160 Grammar revlew,T161 DailyLanguage Activities.T203 Visual Literacy, T139 Reader Response Oroups,T148 Creative RespOnse・ T149 CHttcal ResPonseコ 丁149 R3何ecting on the Theme,T149 Deterrninlng Problems and solutions,T162 Sto「v Tape Mathematics: Test‐ taking Measuttng the Rain・ s t r a t e g i e s .5T6打 ‐ T164 可57 Musi● :sOngs of Mexi● o,T164 Social studies: Mexico Map,T185 Science:cttter and the iguana,T165 Art:Lucia's Hair,T65 Choral reading,T打 67 Story Tapl 鶴 Social$tudies: NativeAmerican Background and Discussion, T187 1軽 │:││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │ │ FourthGradeSyllabus LanguageAils │. Understanding Ourselves Pacing:Sto4weeks Collection/ Anthology Miretteon the HighWire FineArt Portfolio I Canand By Myself Justinat the Ranch Cowboysof the OldWest BetweenFriends The Lionandthe Mouse El Chino Genre: Speech Genre: Nonfiction Genre: Poetry Genre: Nonfiction The StoriesWe Tell Pacing: 4-6 weeks The Storyteller Things Genre:RealisticFiction Genre:Poetry │ │ │ │ ││ 日 │ Genre: Poetry Genre: Realistic Fiction Genre: Informational Article Genre: Realistic Fiction Genre: Drama Genre: Biography Sharlngthe Earth Pacing: 4-6 weeks The GreatKapokTree FineArt Portfolio Haiku City.Green Song I'm NotAfraidto Tell the WorldHow I Feel OtterEmergency/RescueAlert Birdfoot'sGrampa And Nowthe GoodNews │ │ Genre: Historical Fiction ' FineArt Portfolio $leeping Ugly lf YouSay$o, Claude Tall-Tale Man PourquiTales:WhyMosquitoes Buzzin People's EarsandTheTigerandthe Persimmon andRabbit's Tail lV. Greative Solutions Pacing:4-6weeks TheChick€n. Q6spMonster Todayis VeryBoring TheBoy\'VhoDrewCats FineArt Portfolio Garrett Morgan, Inventor Genre: Fantasy Genre: Poetry Genre: RealisticFiction Genre:FairyTale Genre:TallTale Genre:Play Genre:FolkTale Genre:Short Story Genre:Poetry Genre:Folk Tale Genre:Bio9raphy ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ⋮ ⋮” H一 一﹁⋮ ﹁川月 中 料一・ 一 ・ 一 一 一 ≡一 ︱ The FabulousFork! Rescue Underwater Genre: Article Genre: NarrativeNonfiction ︱ V. Transformations Pacing:4-Eweeks Buffalowoman You-Tu TheTalkingEggs FineArt Portfolio The GoldCoin Changes& The Phasel'm GoingThrough Satoandthe Elephants ︱ ︱ B I Vl. DiscoveringHiddenWorlds Pacing:4-6 waeks DarkDepths FireMountain The DeserUYaquisin the Desert FineArt Portfolio EnteringAnimalWorlds DancingBees HiddenWorldsInsideYourBody Genre:Legend Genre:Poetry Genre:FolkTale Genre:FolkTale Genre:Poetry Genre:Fiction Genre:Nonfiction Genre:Nonfiction Genre:Poetry Genre:Nonfiction Genre:Article Genre:Nonfiction I I I I I I I I I 笛 ■■ の卜0工 轄嵯 鴫理 距 覇成聾 , h0〇一 OE三фф卜 L 中 aO工 何将0〓 ” と , . 〓古卜 可凹 この 0<ト ょ 博脇博悔博にL00〓 リトOI 的 . . . ・ ●凹 ュ切 0 <ト ゴ担E←< 可凹 . 怖肥付o ピリф〓 り 中 何一 oE せф 匡 一 h n● 一 E 母 〓 ・ 何喘 0聖巳“ rり. 申凹 “ くト . 旧卜 L0 0〓 リト0 正 E●U3中 王﹂9〓 ヤ り h 阿隔口 фE 堂巨 二 正式卜の 圧< 切” ∽ф申い臣 фだ中 ょ ど ︹喜 〓 Eф●コ ” ボ いNN百 ● “” “0中 E増 言 ご< 肥 胆 居 晴 ュ︼ ” 出 盟単 ●E ●〓ト ボOE 3何●ビ ” ロE●●コ中 い E●将何と 口りnO ボ ぃNN百 ● 島開 雑難 既 り︺森単 一 0>●一 担 町〓位里 aa何 ﹂ф>o 切ビ● 将“●野げ 哺﹂ф〓一生望耳”仁“ 〓T> り申Eい ヨ 一 可 ギリ 出 り●申 正 rヽE● ”切何● G ﹂0 お と ●●り n 卜 ゆ ∞ ︼ 一 む>町 ≡“ 0>ф中 三●“ h 単E 阿愉幅ギ ●OE ●>0一фギ何モa里 aa何 付 xo 一 ギ 申 中 何 E F串 〓 二 叫 付 o 一“ 何 ф 一 一︼∽ 何 単 仁 ● り 一 ビ 何 ф L付 L E O い 官 何 ● ” 中E ф 専 コ 〓 何任a里 住﹂何 賞 ● ●>ф ●中 ︼ 一 一 仁中町Eヨ0﹂On 一 何三■′中コ●0何 モF 申 りE●一 3毎盟﹂聖ュ軍栃 oり下世 午 ” 専E“ FtこE。● ●〓付F﹂“中L ボ 圧 hEOEh と コ 樹 o > こ 翌 理 ф> 翌 何性aO﹂ュュ可 一 い 切 コ n o 一 ”Eい一コ一 ∽ ф>い一●一 何電ュ里 生住何 一 ●正中コ 何 り●E●︼ リロ ヒ0﹂ hビ何 ヨ 何●●> ﹂ 一 n “り付 ● ョ 〓I二 り中 E●一ヨ︼ U●E働一 切 切 n 0 ど余出EO● ●E田 ”︼ 中何 “фョ一 “hi “E何 り UE“ ●将DEOエュ 古耳ョ〓︼宮︼ ф 中一 鷺 n留 一 b 出S Eф一 峯 り官 ●〓 戸 中■あED めEtFo三“ g 〓 OE〓Eョ 0可●0い あ EO ヨ 0 単 町 メ︺ ●ヨ 目 離 ほ睡麗畔艶岬 n ﹂ 圧<ボ〓田● 圧<卜り ●臣 ηη●切 日 ︱ ■■ ■■ 何E●中 何E ﹂ 生aョリ 一 担ビOEO一 EOE 位aコ . 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U凹 この 0<ト ” ゴリ一 Eユ< ピ 0 0〓 の卜0 工 n “ビ0一 切”コ0切一 ф ∽фNN一 ョげ 口 ∽“何一 h ” “中り0一いE い〓中 〓■望ゴ 中E●Uコ〓” │ ︻ 寸 凹 ュ ∽ 0 <ト . ゴ 控 正■< ピ リ 〓〓 リト0 工 │ │ ‐ . ““ ●E三いфト 0い〓二 卜DO一 ■■ 屯 ≡E 巳 E “ 切 口 切 切 く . D﹂〓何F﹂ヨo﹁ ごt9〓 ギEO●■ り E < ボ 盟 田 石 ● ボ 材 い卜 ●圧 0三ト . LO将何ュ ●切nn︺﹂0だ0何0ト ││: r . U凹 d∽ り<ト n “ ゴ担Eユ< ﹂りい〓 リト0 工 ││― │ 、 ! │ │ 切車0中 >OLLヽ“EO中 ●中 ”ョ﹂E中 ││― │ 期淵判珂封¶” ●〓中 D宮●H 嵩Eコ中 11: h0〇一 OE 三●●卜 ぃ . d の り <ト ゴ 出 ビユ< ﹂ h0〇一 oEEoい卜 ︻ 再凹 ょ 百凹 ” hO●一 0年fOい卜 可凹 h dり O <ト ゴ出正■< ビ 0 0〓 I I I I 対淵判呵﹃¶ ” 0 五中 研EいJ 〓ビコ 中 リビ0 中 “︼ >OLLヽりE● 一 り〓﹂E中 . d り 0 くト ゴ控任ユ< ピ │ギ 1 ⋮ ⋮ い>ф 一ф博 出 め 何 ∽ E● 軍●> EOり 一 ” 将 い 0 中E 何 〓 い い F ﹂ E 町 ф D 何 リ コ 一 O 0﹂ 何 ﹂町 F 卜 と 何﹂D n単 C ユ 巳 ユ ﹂ 田 口 E ” ヨ t 一 一 EF 翠 ED●コ ∽ 肥 に ほ 隈 ●覇 町 ●n 一 1 ド 〓 0 ● n ф ︼O E = ” ュ 町 L﹂ 卜 共 ︼ り 1 ︼ ︱ ︲ . 何電ф中 何〓 一 ギ声< 一 口E 甲 rりoE い〓ト 担 E●E 聖 ュLコリ ド博卜席忙 担 何〓 ︼ r l l ⋮ ⋮ = = ︱ ︲ 到醐劇刊刊剤封 ■T日J■η封J I 到劇耐目鮒副部到 枯出<ど●掛ュ“ ギ 可略何習は何中り . リ 0工学的0”﹁一側 寸 三り〓DE=一電ф〓t■r古︼∽u﹂何コE何ギ , りい0●●﹂a Dq半任■′oE甲り0の コ 十 寸 “ ”ど EE 三●E●田 X●卜 P “●トロE●将●●り 中 aュコリ 担Eф軍0一 ド博怪胆怖隔壇 一 E●一 EコE E ●O E出 モ 単 〓 電 ●一 〓 電型 фュE R ︺り糾 翌 材 Eo臣 0日 0卜0ヨ ●口軍 可E一“ DE将〓■点︼ ﹂ 0リコ n 出 “ 留 一 匡 ■ りEE 3 樹 一 o翌 軍 材 りE ● 口 一境 ︺ L毎 何 фOコ一里 a 塩v00ф ュ コ0こり一 一 n打 ”●一 D小 学何串“ ф∽掛 . 5 導o 胃発荘靖邦離 〓田0 5E一 中 可● 一 1 n DE〓何E コo﹁ 車﹂0■′”E● I ” ︱ 1辛 距 隅 lrts Themeat a Glance:UnderstandingOurselves ││ ││ ‖ ‖: ││ ‖│ R●BJing StratBg:● s and Sk::is se!ect:● ng GOllefilon/ Anthology It/llrrette on the Highwlre Responding to the Art, T53 I can and By Myself Readingth* Poem$, T54 Responding to the Poems.T55 Justin at the Ranch Reading strate9ies] T62,T65,T69,T71, T77 Summattze,T38 r― CPWbOys ofthe Old Ⅵ ′ est Blhreen Fttends ││ ││ │ I l I I 「川eL:On and the Mluse , chino Vocabularyr Word Study Key wOrds,T17 Context clues, T20,T40‐4可 G e n r e : H : s t O 百c a l Fiction,T13,T24 Writing Personal Response, T36 CreativeResponse, Sequen● │ョT70,T字 2‐33 B a ●k g r o u n d i n,的 T72コ T74 RespOnse Options, T80・8J 民●SPOnding to the ArtiC!● ,T79 Reaging strategies, T可02,T103,丁 可12J T l 1 5 , T 1可6 " 丁 120, T123 Predict outcomes T104,T13打 RespOnse OptiOns T 1 2 6 ‐1 2 7 Support Tape R e a d i n g t h e P ! a y丁1 コ 4ダ S u m m a t t z e , T 打4 5 Draw Conclusions, T140,T147 Author's Viewpointl T 可4 9 Responding tO the Play, T可49 Genre:Poetry,T54 Repetitionin Poems, T55 ReSpOnding tO the Poems,T55 Key WO「 ds,T● 1 Compound wOrds, T63,T34口 35 Support Tape AstroWord Gen「e:Rea‖ sti● Fiction,T62 Autho「s cra■:stOry Structure Charader, T66 Personal ResPonse,T30 Making DescHPtiOns Vividコ 丁88‐89 Genr●:Reattsti● Fiαi● n,T102 Rhyme and Rhythm,T149 RespOnding to the Art,T53 Developing Conceptsand Vocabularv. T79 Key wOrds口 T101 Context clues Tl19コT132 Support Tape DeVe!●Ping Concepts and Vo●abulary, T打42 Context c!u● s, T143,打 49 Reading Strategie5, Key wo「 ds,丁 155 中OmpOund words, T 打5 8 , T 1 7 6 Ttt SGI■│●1,T163,T16B D t t w C olnu● siOn3, T160,T162,T174〕 丁1 7 5 RespOnse OptiOns, 丁172,173 Support Tape ParagraphUnity, T44 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T54 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T54 Word Endings, T166 SuPPOFt Tヨpe Astrou′ Ord l, t LitereryAnalysis and Appreciatlon r37 Fine Arts Po甫 o‖o 日│ ││ Gomprehen3:On′ Critical Thinking Reading Strategiesl 丁18,T23,T29,T32 90 Autho「S cra■ : Dialogu● コ丁可06.T130 Story Sequence: Plot T1 07,T128中129 Genre:Drama,TUZ T143 Author'sCraft: Rhyme,T144 Characterization, T145 RhymeandRhythm, T149 StoryStruc.ture Plot. T148 Rhyme and Rhythm, T 打4 9 Genre:BiOgraphy, T 打5 6 A u t h o 「s c r a ■ :POint o f Ⅵe w , T 可 5 7 1 m a g e r y , T 打6 7 Creative PrOcess, T170 Personal ResPonse,T172 Creative RespOnse, T173 0rganizing Ch「onologica‖yj 丁130‐131 韓 IntegratingLanguageArts and Gross-CurricularGonnections ︱⋮ ≡ Spe‖ing GrammarUsage, and Mechanics S"Ort VOW●│, T件9 End Marks,T25,丁 47 Types of sentences, Doily Language T46 Attiv性 ies,T223 Daily Language spel‖ ng Pretests Activlies,T223 and Posttests, Tを23 AstrOWord ︲ ﹁ ︲ ︲ Ltstening, Content Area $peaking,and Viewinq VisualLiteracy, Sc:ence:Make Sens3 0f T30,Reader Oravly,T50 ResponseGroups, Art:│‖ustrate a Stuntョ丁50 T36 SociョI Studies:chart CriticalResponse, G● og「JPhical Data,T51 T37 H●Blth and Safety:share GivingConstructive Accomp!ishments,T51 Feedback, T48 Mathema甘 ●s:Ta‖y StorvTape Adivl:es.T51 Viewing the self Portraits.T32 Long Voweis spelled vOw● │ C6nsonantコ Sentence Parts: SutteCt,T64,T90 Sentence Parts: Tl193 PredicateョTG4,T91 Da:!y Language Daily Languョge Aotivttes,T124 Activttes,T224 Spe!付ng Pretests_. 3nd POSltests, T控 8 VOW3!SOunds a/ and e′T139 Daily Lョ nguage ACtivlies,T225 Spel!ing Pr6tests and Posttests, T229 Compound Sutteds and Predicatesコ丁130 Compound “ Sententts,T137 Da‖y Language Activ比 ies,T225 End Punctuation, T147 Vowei sOunds y and o/,T135 Commasin Place Names and Dates, T 1 6 4 ・T 1 3 2 Grammar Revtew Pretests T183 Da‖y Language Activlies T226 紹隅 暇 Spキ │‖ ng ° Stteも 判∫ Study Ski!:3 Parts Of a Bo● k, T42‐T43 Art:Making a Self PoRral‐ T53 Readingthe Poems,T54 Repetitions in Poems,T55 StoryTane Reader ResPonse G「oups.T30 Re‖ecting the Theme,T81 Personョ│ ExpressiOn,T92 Sto「 y Tape ResPondlng the Articie,T79 Storv TaDe Reader Response Group,T126 Ctttical RespOnse" T127 Reflecting on the Theme,T127 D「ョmatlze and lmprovise,T138 St●ry Tapes Reading the Play, T142 Rhyme,T144 Rhyme and Rhythm,T149 Story Tape Reョder RespOnse Groups,T打73 CHtical RespOnse, T173 Connecting Across Texts,T173 Relating an AnecdoteコT可34 Story Tape 91 SocielStudies: Map CaftleRenches,T94 Art: DesignA Ranch,Tg4 Mathematics: Gookfor Nine,T95 Science:MakeHealthy FoodChoices.T95 Didionary/ GlossaryB T67■ T8●・ 87 Art: Sketchan Authentic Schedule and Outfit,T140 C a l e n d a 円. T 1 3 3 SocialStudies:Createa Newspaper, T140 ResearchPuertoRico Politics, T141 Mathematics Calculate Expenses,T141 Careers:ExploreTheetre Careers, T141 Art:Design c!● thing, T186 Mathemattcs:P10t Seating Capactty,T186 Careers:ExPlore Careers,TⅢ 87 3o●iai Studies:RepOrt on Ceographical Data,T187 S c i e n c e : c h a r t Cm‖a 甘● Elements.T137 Dictionary/ Glossary,T177 Test Taking Strategiesコ丁178‐ 179 1韓 ││ Theme ata G:anc● :sharing th● Earth Reading Strat● g:●s and Sk::ls $elections │││ collecilon/ Anthology TheGreat KapokTree Reading Strategies,T18: T19,T22,T29,T31 Cause andほ 市ect,T24! 丁38‐29 Autho「s PurPose, T32,T40 Fine Arts PI市 olio MqkeInferences T53 AnalyzingReactions T55 │― │ │― ││ ││ C●mprehensi● n′ Critica:Thinking etryョ Rettding the P● 丁156 RespOnding to the Poems.T57 GRy Green Reading Strategies,T64, TG7,T70,T75‐ T76 Word Referentsコ 丁69ロ 丁84 Make inferences,w3, T83 RespOnse Options,T71‐ 79 Supp● rt Tape $ong RBading the Poem,T94 RespOnding to the Poem〕 丁95 rtt nOt Reading the Speech,T96 aFraid to te‖ Main!deas and Deta‖ s, the woHd 丁98 hlw i feel SummaHze,T100 Fad and opinion, T101 RespOnding t●the Sp●ech.T可01 H自lku Vocabu:a呼 ′Word Studv Key Words,T17 Syllabicationコ T30, T42‐43 Support Tape AstrOWord Devel●ping COncepts and vocabulary,T58 Svllabication・ T57 K e y W od「 s,T63 Syllabicati● n,T38コ T85 Support Tape Astro‖′ ord │:― ││ OttBr │ 日 B r i Genre:Poetry, T94 Personification. T95 PersonittGatiOn, T95 Developing Concepts and Vocabulary, T9S Connotation/ Denotation, T96 BuildingMeaning, T99 Genre:Speech,Tg6, T97 AuthofsCraft:Mood anclTone,T98 Summarize, Persuasion. Key WVords Tlo7 Specla‖zed 21, Vocabulary,Tl19 T136 Greek and Latin Main!deas and Details・ Roots,T122,T134‐ Tl13,T123,T132‐ T133 丁1 3 5 R e s p O n s e O p t i o n s , T 1 3 0 ‐ SuppoR Tape T 可3 1 AstttWord Support Tape Genre:Non打 ction,T108 Autho「s cra■ : Des●Hptive Detatts, Tl16 Topic Sentence,T120 Gen「●:PhOtO Essay, T124 Personal Response,T130 Creative Response,T131 ToPic Sentence and Supporting Details,T138‐ T139 Reading the Poem.T打 46 Responding to the Po3m‐ T147 Reading strategiesコ T154,T可 59,T160,T可 63 Cause and Erectコ T 1 5 5 , T 打7 0 D r a w C ol nu ● sionsi T101,T打71 Classify and CategoHze, T162,T168‐ T打69 ResPonse Options,T166‐ T167 Support Tape G e n r e : P o e t r y , T 可4 6 M e t a p h o 「, T 1 4 7 MetaphO「,T可47 Genrel No日何ction,T可 54 Autho「s cra■ Persuas:ve Language, T157 Peffional Reading Strategiesロ Emergency T可OBコT可17,T127 Rescue Alert Sequence,TJl,TⅢ │ 日 Developing concepts and Vocabularyョ T94 ElfEfoot's Grampa And Now the Good News Key Words,T可 53 specialize Vocabulョ ryコ丁可56, T172‐T173 Support Tape l 92 打 0 │ G e n r e : R e a ‖s t i c F i cnt,i ●Personel T34 Response, T78 Autho「sC旧 ■: Creative Figurative Language, Response, T79 T70,T30口81 Organizing S t o r y S t r u c t u r e : P 1 0Spatially, t, T86-87 T72,T32 0 0 │ Genre:Poetry,T56 DeSCttbing M●打vatiom and Fee‖ngs,T53 Sy‖abi●atiOn,T57 T T ││ LitcraryAnalysisand Writing Appreciatlon Genre:Fantasy, T18 Pers0nal Author'sCraft:Creative Response T36 Process.T34 Creative Responses, T37 Ordering Responses, T4445 Response, T166 Creative Response, T167 Persuasive Language, T17+ 175 IntegratcdLanguageArts and Gross-Curricular Gonnections │││ Spelling GrammarUsage and Mechanics │ │ ―│ │ │││― Vowel十 「 S●unds l甲Cheer,spOrt, Hard T49 Singular and Plural Nouns,T43 Commasin a Senes, T147 Da‖ y Language Daily Language ハCtiVilies,T217A c t i v R i e s , T 2 1 7 │!││ ng Ptttests やpel‖ lnd POStletts, I I I T222 Astro‖′ ord t l, l, SubieCt Pronouns, T67,T88 0bieCt Pronouns, T67コ丁89 A“ivl:eS,T218 Da‖y Language, SPe!ling Pretests A c t i v i性e s T 2 可 3 attd Po封ests, T222 AstroWord Reader Response Cttups,T36 C百甘●al Responseコ T37 Ren●cting on the Theme,T37 Analyzing intent and Content,T48 Story Tape ContentAreas Study Sk:::s Social$tudies:Discuss Gttphi●Alds: RainForestPeoples, MapS‐ T20,T41 T50 $uggestEnvironmental $olutions, T51 Art: lllustrate Descriptions fromthe Te)il,T50 Science: Animal TradingCards,T51 Mathematics: Compare RainforestLosses,T51 viewing the AR,T54出 T55 Reading the Poetryコ T53 Storv Tape AR:Greate ottgina:Art, T53 VisualLlteracy,T65 ReederResponse Groups,T78 Reflecting on the Theme,T79 Speaking to Persuade, T90 StoryTape Science:Diagram Photosynthesis, T92 ChartPlentNeeds,TgB Social$tudies: ResearchLocal Sculptures, T92 Art: Planthe Perfect Gaden,T93 Mathematlcs: Plota Garden,T93 ChOral Reading,T94 Story Tape Reading the speech T96 PersuasionコT可01 Storv TaDe Vowei Sounds Oir and Ou/,T143 Dlily Language COmmOn Nouns an古 Proper N●uns,T可 40 Capl白 liZing TRlesコ A“ivtteS,T219 PrOper Nouns inliais, spelling,Pretests T可41 an「POSttesほ Daily Language , T呂23 Activttes.T219 Attroword ︱ I I T I f, Vowel十 「 slunds in spare and curbl T91 De‖y Language Listening, $peaking,and Viewino ︱ Vo前 el sOunds 001and yoo, T179 I A c t i o n V e r b s , T7可6 Grammar Review T177 Dal!y Language Da‖y Language Activli● s,T220 Activlies T220 SPB!ling etests P「 anギPOStests, T2,3 Reader RespOnse erOups,T130 Ctttical ResPonsゃ , T131 Reflecting on the Theme,T13打 Viewing tO Get infornation T142 Storv Tape Graphic Aids: Maps,T99 Sttence:甲 おHay Other G r a P h i ●A i d s : Facts,T可 44 Maps,Tlo9 Sociai sludies Report Ency●10pedia, O n O ‖, T 1 4 4 T126,T137 Mathematics caiculate Rescu● Erorts,T打45 Heatth&saFety:Put Together a T001bOx, T 打4 5 Reading the Poemョ T146 RespOnding to the P00m,T可 47 Storv Poem Reader Response Oroups,T166 Conneding Across T●xls,T可67 Probiems and SoluJons,T173 Story Tape H AttroWOrd 93 Mathematics: Popu!ation oraph,T180 Social Studies:Locate Endangered Animals, T 可8 打 Health and Safety TraCe a Food Chain, T可81 A r t : C r e a t e a G ae‖ ry, T 可8 1 ︱ T:rH●ata G!ance:The Sto百 ●母We T● H Reading Strateg:● s and Sk:::3 ︱ ︱ Comptthension′ Critica:Thinking The StOWe‖ er Reading StnatBgies, T18,T20ョ T21,T22, T29〕T30 SummaHze,T28,T30 R e s p ●n s e O P t i o n s , T32‐33 Suppo「t Tape Reading the Poem:丁 49 RespOnding to the Poom.丁49 selections ︱ ︱ Things ︱ Flhe Arts PI面 ●1lo Developing Conceptsand Vocabularv. T4E ︱ Gompare andContrast, T52 Responding to theArt, T53 Reading Strategies T60,T64,T69J T70, T74 Compare and Contttst, T61 Mako Generallzations, T64,T82‐ 83 Predid Outcomes,T63 RespOnse Options, T73‐79 Suppo■ Tap● lf you say so, Reading Strategies, C I “u d e T100,Tl10,T打 打可, Tl13,Tl14 Compare and Contrast, T可打2,Tl13口‖ 9 RespOnse OPtions Tl16口T417 Support Tape Tal卜Tale Man Reョding the Play.T134 Compare and Contrast, T130 RespOnding to the P!ay, T可37 Reョding StHtttegies, 品 到 穏 .s T可44,T148,T152・ 冊 's Bulユin PeOPI● T156,T158,T160コ EarS T104,T166,T可 88 VVord Referentsコ 丁145,T177 Autho「s Purpose, T可55,T176 Compare and cOntrast, T163,T175 RespOnse Options, 丁可70口 17可 Support Tgpe SIlePing U91y Vocabu:aryr word Study K●y Words.T17 PreFlxes,丁25,T38ロ 39 Support Tape AstttW● rd LiteraryAnalysis and Anprecietion Writing Fi● lion, Gen「●:Realisti● T13 Personal Response, T32 Creative T33 Responses, UsingDialogue, T40-41 Genre:Poetry, T4E Informal FormaU Lanouase. T49 DescHbing the Art,T52 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ . ︱ ︱ ︱ Key words,丁 59 Multiple MBaning Words,T67,T34T 85 SuppOFt Tape Genre:Fョ iry Talesロ T60,T65 Authoギ s Crat:Point of View口 T63,T80‐ 31 Diョ1● 9ue,TS3 Personel Response, T78 Creative Response, T79 Humorin Characterization, T86-87 Key w● rds,T99 PreFlxes,Tlo7, T打23 Suppo「 t TaP● AstroWord Genre:TallTale,T100, T105 Author'sCraft:$ound Deviced,T102,T122 Figurative Language, T106,T120 Characterization, T109, T121 Personal Response, T116 Creative Response, Tl 17 StoryStructures: Plot.T124-125 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T132 Synonyms, T136 Genre:Play,T132, T134 Mood and Tone,T135 Story Structure:Plot, T 可3 5 Genre:Folk Tal● ,T144, Personal T100 Response, T170 Autho「's Cra■:sound Creative Devices,T可 47,T174 Response, T171 S t o r y S t r u c t u r e : S e t i nCritical g, T可49,T157〕 T161, Response, T171 T172口 可7 3 Developing K●yw● rdS,T146 Context Clues, T153 Creative ResPonse, T17可 Support Tape ︱ $etting,T17E179 ” ︱ 中 日 ・ ︱ 盟 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ i ︲ 一 ↓ ﹂⋮= 卜 一 ■ ≡ ” ¨ ¨ 一一一 ≡ ≡ 一 一 一 一 ≡ ﹂ 一 一 一 ≡ 一 ≡一 一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ IntegratingLanguageArts and Cross4urricular Connections sPe‖ ing Grammar,Usage, and Mechanics Punctuating T24,T42 Outcomes, Capitalizing T43 Quotations, DailyLanguage spelHng PretestsActivities.T221 Reader Resp● nse Groups T32 CHttcal RespOnse T33 Connecting Across Texts,T33 and Pos■ ests, T226 AstttWOrd Story Tape Prefixes un口,re口, dis‐ ,and mis‐, T145 D111y Language A●tivlies,T221 │. Art:Createyourown,T51 contracti● ns,T691 T39 Vett Tettses,T88 AttvtteS,T222 Dai!y Language spelling Pretests_ Activttes,T222 and Posttests, T120 AttroWord Reader RespOnse Oroups,T78 Cttti● 3!ResP● nse, T79 Conneding A● 「 oss 丁exts,T79 Telling/Retellingョ Sto「 y,T90 Story Tape Scien3B:lnvestigate Sieep,T92 WV『 ■●陸 hibit Labeis,T93 So●ial Studies: Tell a Traditional T92 Art:Make Character Masks,T93 Mathematics:Work with Three,T93 Aギding―ed and ing,T129 Dlily Language Acti▼ ly,T223 Slel‖ ng Pretests an「POgttests, T227 Reader ResPonse Music:Createan Original GrouPs,Tl16 FolkSoirg,T130 Creative Response, SocialStudies: Makea Tl17 Map,T130 CH町●a!ReSpOnse, Science:$tudyTexas Tl17 PlantsandAnimals, T131 Connecting AcrOsS Mathematics: Usea Map Texts,Tl17 Scale,T131 Listenlng Atentively, Art:DrawScenery, T131 T128 Storv Tape Reading the P!ay, Art:Making Props and T134 Scenery,T137 ResPonding to th● D「ョma:Puting on a P13y, Play,T137 T 打3 7 Story Tape Aま 「 ●Word │:││ ││ li ll ll Study Skil:母 Social$tudieslnterpreta Encvclopedi3, Map,T46 T37 Discuss$outhwest Culture,T4T Art: Makea Petroglyphs, T46 Meth:Makea Table,T47 Science:Keepa Weether Joumal.T47 Theme Link,T50 Viewing the AR,T50 ResPonding to the Art.T53 ‖ ‖― ││ StO恥 だ●1ling T44 ContentArea$ Cooperative Reading, T49 Responding to the Poem,T49 StoryTape Vow●I Sounds oo and o,T91 DttHy Language ││ Listening, Speaking,and Viewino Compound l■ d s , T 可8 3 o「 Possessive Nouns, T “5 0 , T 打3 0 D→:ly Language Grammar Reviewコ ActivRies,T224 T18打 SpβlHng Pretesほ Da千ly Language and Posttests, Activlies,T224 T227 AstroWord ︱ Reader RespOnse Or●ups,T170 CHtical Responses, T17打 Connecting Across Texts,T171 Cho「al Reading, T182 Story Tape ︱ 95 $cience:Writeabout Animals,T1E4 Art: Depictan lmage, WestAfricanStyle,T184 Mathematics: Estimating Weight,T185 Drama:Dramatizeanimal sounds,T1E5 SocialStudies:Interpret Animal$ymbols, T185 Tale, BI ││││ 口 lse:● ●1:●ns Th●me at G:anc● :Cr●ativ●Soluti●ns R●ading Strat●g:●B and Sk::is Comprehens:● n′ Critica:Thinkina ken The Chi● C10p Monster Reading Stnategies T18‐T24,T29,T31, T33,T38 Draw Conclusions T35,T45 ResPonse Options T40‐41 SuDDOrt TaDe 丁l d a y [ s v e r y Bbring Readingthe Poem, T56 Nonsense Verse, T57 Responding to the Poem.T57 EIII I:│ ││: ││ V●●abuiary/W● rd Studv Key Words,T17 Context Clues,T23, 丁46 Support Tape Literary Ana:y3:3 and Appreciation Genre:Short Sto「 y.T18 Autho「 s Cra■:Point of VieW,T20,T42‐ 43 Diョlogue,T22,T44 Mood,T27 Developing Concepts andVocabulary, T56 Genre:Poetry,T50 Nonsense Verce,T57 Genre:FolkTale,T64 $toryStructure:Setting, T65,T67,T84 Author'sCraft: Figuratlve Language, T66 Characterization, T69, T85 Personel Response, TEZ Greative Response, T83 Similesend Metaphors, T90-91 丁中e日oy who Drew Cats Reading strategies, KeyWods, T63 T64・T70,T73 Suffixes,T68,T87 Make inferences, Homophones, T73, T72,T3● T88 R e s p O n s e O p t i o n s コ $upportTape T32‐33 AstroWord Support Tape I I I│― Flhe Art PO市 oli● RespOnding to the DeVe10ping concepほ Art,T99 and Vo●abularv,T98 Garrett Morgan, Reading Strate9ies K e y W o r d s , T 1 0 5 ││―│ lnventor T104,T106,T打 可tロ Muit卜sy‖abic VVords Tl14 T “0 7 . T 可2 1 Main ideaゴDeta‖sロ Support Tape 丁可10,T120 AstroWord Make lnferences, T 可打2 RespOnse Options, Tl17 Support Tape Mletihe R●ョding the Drama, Developing Concepts invento「 ofthe T可34 and Vocabulary,T133 Stbplight Main ideas/Detョ ils Combining Fo「 ns‐ T可36 T133 Responding to the Compound Words, Dttmat T137 T135 Th母 Fabulous Readingthe Article C o m p o u n d W o r d s Fork! T138 T139 BII ││ │ 日 │ │― │― │ Genre:B:ography,T106‐ 107 Personal ReSponsel T可17 Creative RespOnse, Tl17 Using order of Words,T124ロ 125 Genre:Drama:T可 3,コ VVriting Dialogue,T35 T135 Genre:AIticie T1 38 RespOnding to the Article T1 4可 Genre!Narrattve Nonttcti●nコ丁可43 PerSOn31 ResPonse, T166 Creative Response: T可67 Summary Paragttphs‐ T174‐T175 Sequence T140 Paraphrase T141 Responding to the ArticleT141 Underwater Rescue Reading Strategies, T148,T149,T151, T153,T164 Autho「s Viewpoint, T可52,T170 Facy Opinions, T可57,T168・ 169 Response Optlons, 167 T 可6 6 ‐ Support Tape Compound Wordsコ T139 Key wOrds,T149 Homo9raphs,T154, T17可 Support ttape ロ ││ Personel Response, T40 Creative Response, T41 Maintaining Tense,T48-49 Responding to Art T99 ││ ││ ││ Writing 95 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ r一!≡ ≡ 竹口一 ⋮﹁ ¨ 一︲一 一 一 ・ 一” 一 日 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ IntegratedLanguageArts and Gross-curricularconnections spe‖ :ng Grammar,Usage, Mechanics 甲O m o p n o n e s , T53 Dgi!y Language T2可7 ACtiVliesョ ng Pretests 早pel‖ Jnd Posttests, Main verbs and HelPing verbsi T50 ContttctiOns,T51 Daily Language A c t i v t t e sT‐ 217 T222 ││ 甲uTlxes― rul,‐ less‐ ‐ment,可 y,T95 │! Linking verbs口丁92 Negatives,T93 Datty Languag● Activlies,T218 │ │― ││ ││ ││ Listening, Speaking,and Viewinq ReaderResponse Groups,T40 CreativeRe$ponse, T41 CriticalResponse, T41 Reflectlngon the Theme,T41 ldentiffingMood,T5Z StorvTeoe Gooperetive Reading T56 StoryTape Sc:ence:Learn about Lightning,T54 So●ial Studies!Research Farn Products,T54 Mathemattcsi cal● ulate Averag● YI●ldi T55 AR:Make a M● nster Museum,T55 MuSic:Discover Musicコ 丁55 ViSua:Literacy,T71, T74 Reader ResPonse Gr●ups,T32 Rettecting on the Theme,TB3 Giving and Listening to Diredions,T94 Story Tape Science:R8PO止 on Animョ I Behav:or,T96 Sociai sludies:study Japanese AgricuLure, 丁96 Map Japan's Terrain,T97 Art:Draw Screens of Animais,T97 MathemaHcs:Measure Mlre Long Voweis,T129 DI:ly Language Activtties,T219 Spel付 ng Subied Very Agreement,T126 1regular Verbs,T127 Daily Language PretestsA“ iv忙i●s,T219 and Posttest, T223 AstroWord Reflec'ting on the ThemeT117 InfomativeTalks: Givingan oralReport T128 $toryTape │ Science:ReplFt On inventiOns,丁J30 Social Studies:w乱 ● About A問 ●an AmeHcan Leaderビ ,T130 酎 e 隅!号 吊 :陥1隅町 Careers:Leョ 丁ime Linesョ T‖0,T打 23 NewsPaper, T 打 1 . T ‖8 ‐ 119 Card Catalog, Tl13,T122 Cooperattve モ read市 : SocialStudies:Research consonant D3:ly Language A●livlies,T220 SPゃ│‖ ng Pretests anギPOStests, T223 丁roublesO市e Verb Pairs,T176 Grammar Revi● w: T 打7 7 D3‖y Language A c t i v l i e sT‐ 220 ReaclerResponse Groups, T116 CriticelResponse, T167 Refleciingon the Theme,T167 Responding to a Speaker, T178 $toryTape │ │ FoHowing Directions,T89 rn about 輔 fety careers,T131 Art:Design Beautiful inventions.T可31 TJ32 じooperative Reading, T138 Storv TttDe So由ndsj,T179 │ Tel●PhOne Directoryョ T 47 丁97 工lmple steps口 ││ ││ Study Sk:│:S V i e w i n g t h e F i n e A r t Art: Createyour Own Tgg T98 │― ││ ContentAreas 97 Inventors. T137 Using a Map, TJ40 Heョlth and Safdy Choosing D e m o n s t r a t e F i r s t A i d , Resourcesョ T130 丁可72‐173 Scien●●:lnvestigate Dolphin inte‖ igence, T130 MuSic:Listen tO“ w whョle S o n g s ・. T 1 3 1 Mathemattcs:calculate 丁ime in Fractions,T181 Sociai Studies:Mョ p O n・T打81 全nimal Migra甘 ⋮ ⋮ ︱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮≡ ,≡ ≡ ⋮一 ⋮ ⋮ 一引 中 一 ︱ ≡一 ⋮ ≡一 一 ■■■ ■■■ 出■■ ■■■ ■■■ 出■■ ■ Them● 白ta G:ance:TransforrnatioHs Reading strategi●母and Sk;::s $elections comprenens:● n′ Criticat Th:Hkina BuffaloWoman Reading Strategieぎ 丁18,T23,T24,T25, T32 RespOns3 0ptiOns, T36‐37 Supp● rt Tape You-Tu Readingthe Poem, T52 Responcling to the Poem.T53 Vocabuiaryr Word Studv KeyWords,T176 Synonyms/ Antonyms,T25,T4041 ContextClues.T27 SupportTape Developing Concepts enclVocabulary, T52 alking │ :3:ゴ Reading Strategies, Key W● rds,丁59 T60,T67〕 T70,T74, Compound lHOrds, T73 T66,T87 Chattcterization, Mu:tipletmeaning T64,T77 words,T68,丁 86 Make Judgments, specialized T70,T82‐ 33 Vocabulary,T19 P r e d i c t o t t c o m e s , Synonyms/ Υ73コT84 Antonyms,T72 Compare/Contrast, Support ttape T75 AstroWord ResPonse Optlons, T80‐31 Support Tap● Fine Art Po甫 ●li0 The oOld cOin Link to the Theme, T96 ResPonding to the Art,T97 Readin9 Strategies: T 1 0 4 , T 1 0 6 , T 打0 8 , T l 1 4 , T 可可7 , T 打2 0 , T121 Changes and Reading the P● emsョ the PhaseI'm T 打4 2 GoingThrough ResPonding to the LitereryAnalysisand Appreciation Writing Genre:Legend,Tイ 5,T19 Pensonal S t o r y S t r u c t u r e : P l o t , T・ 2 打Response, T36 T28,T31,丁 38‐39 Creative Authoris cra■ :Forlnat Response, T37 Languag● ・T23 UsingSensory 1magery,T29 Words.T44-45 Gen「 e:POetry,T52,T53 Foetry: Rhymed Verse, T53 Genre:FolkTale,T60 Author'sCraft:Figurative Language, T61,T85 InformalLanguageT62, T76 Personal Response, T80 Creative Response, TEI Comparing and Gontrasting, T88-89 Compare′ ContrastョT97 氏ey w● ros il口3 ConnotatiOn′ DenotationコTJ10 M u t t i p l me e・a n i n g W O r d s : 丁可打S Synonyms/ A n t o n y m s , 丁可3 3 Support γape Genre:Fo!k Tale,Tlo4 Autho「s craR:Point of V i e w 〕丁打0 6 Figurative Language, Tl18 Story Stmcture: C h a r a c t e r , T 1打2 , T 可1 6 , Tl19,T128‐ 129 Developing cOncepts and vO●Jbulary, T142 uenre:ド Oetry,丁142 Personal RespOnse, T可20 Creative RespOnsel T127 StOry Structurei Characterコ T13■ 135 Action Verbsコ T 可4 3 POemS口 丁143 Satoandthe Elephants Reading strategies, T150,T150,T160, T打70 Compare/cOntrast, T 打5 3 Mttke inferences, T154,T16打 ョ丁1 6 4 Sequence,T156 Autho「s viewpOint, T158,T打77 Make」 udg印●ntsコ T可691T可76 RespOnse OPtiOns, T172,T173 Suppo■ Tape Connotation′ Dencta甘 o n : 丁1 6 5 Analo9ies,T173 Support Tape 98 Genre:Fictionコ T150 ‐ Story Structure: Character〕丁打55,T174‐ 175 Autho「's cra■:Figurative Language,T157,T181 Descmptive Writing,T163: Mood丁 167 Persbnal ResPonse, T可72 Creative Response, T173 Using Synonymsi 丁80‐3可 ﹁ . 一 一ギ一 ・ 十一 一 一= 一 一 一 一 一 一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ IntegratedLanguageArts and cross curricularconnections SP●Hing Grammar,UsagE, Mechanics caPla‖zation,T26 Reader ResPonse SutteCt and obiect G「ouPs,T36 P「 onouns,T46 CHtical RespOnse, s:lent ●OnSOnants(kl │ , m ) : g , w b・コ T49 Possessive ︱ Pronouns,T47 y Language 中a‖ Activttes,T223 Daily Language Spelling Pretests A c t i v lsi,●T 2 2 and Posttests ︱ T228 ︱ The VCw and ︱ ¥最FVPatems, 日aily Languag● A c t i v t t e丁 s2コ 24 AdiectiVes,丁90 AdiectiVes Of COmpaH30n,T91 Daily Language Activlies,T224 ︱ spel‖ ng P「 etests and Postests, T228 AstroWo「 d _ ︱ │ │ Consonant Slunds s.′ k w/ and v,T139 D3‖y Language AttivRies,T225 Sle!‖ng Pretests and Posltests, T229 Li$tening, Speaking,and Viewino Advetts,T136 Adverbs Of丁ime and P!ace,T137 Da‖y Language Activtties,T225 T37 Reflecting on the Theme,T37 Confli● t and Resoluti●n,T48 S t o 出T a p e GhOral Reading,T52 Poetry:Rhymed Veほ e,T53 Sto「 v TaDe h口己q●rヽ母SPOnse Oroups,Υ 80 Critical RespOnse, T81 C「eative Responsesョ T81 Conneding Across Texts,T81 Speaking t0 Entertain,T92 Sto「v TaDe v:〔 引ring ine Painttn3S.T96 V i S u a l 日t e t t G y , T 打 打J Reader RespOnse G 「o u p s , T 可 26 Cttti6al ResPonse, 丁127 Refleding on Theme, 丁打27 Participating in a DiscussiOn‐ 丁1 3 8 Story Tape │― Action verbs,T143 │ │ │ │ │ │ Final,T135 Da‖y Language Attvttes,T226 Spll‖ ng Pretests and POstt● sts, T219 AstroWord AuV口 i口5, ::3ql Advetts Of Compョ 百sOn,TJ82 Grammar Reviewョ T 打3 3 Da‖y Language Activttes,T227 ContentAreas An: Makea poster,TS0 Science:Sharethe Environment, TS0 Mathematics: Compare Populations, T51 Music:Composea NatureSong,TSl SocialStudies:Write a TravelBrochure. T51 An: Grestean lmaginery Animal,Tg4 Science:Classify Animal'sEggs,Tg4 SocialStudies:Research FolkCulture,Tg4 Mathematics: Calculate MuslcelFractions, TgS CrcatingLlfe-Sized Models,TgS A■ :Create your Own, T97 Sodel Studies:Reporton Mythsand Legends, T140 FindOut aboutMigrant Workers,T141 Science:Leamthe Effectsof the Sun'sRays, T140 Careers:ReseerchSocial Work,T141 Mathematics: Calculate theAmounts, T141 eralⅣ e Reattn働 ギ 肥 RespOnding tO the POem,丁 143 Story Tape V F S u a l L i t e r a c丁y1コ 59, T166 Reader Response Groups,T可 72 Creative ResPonse, T173 Critical RespOns● コ T可73 Connecting A● 「 oss Texts,Tlo3 Giving an Ora! RepOrt,T134 Storv TaDe 99 Ck 腎 1I Art:Carve 島 a Figure,T186 Mathemattcs:cOmpare Si=es,T187 Social studies:Learn A b o u t S c u l p t u r e s丁 コ 187 Study sk:::s Fo‖ow DI「 ●ctions,T30 Card catalo9, T34,T43 ⋮ ︲ ﹁ ・ 一 一 ⋮ 一 十一 十 一 一 , 一⋮ ︻ 一 一 P 卜 ! 一 ⋮ 一一 一 ・ 一 一 一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ Theme ata G!ance:Discovering H:dden W。 Reading strategies and ski::3 Comprehension7Efrt-i cai-Thinking Seiecti● n3 Park I Reading st「 ategitts,T14,T18コ Depths T19,T20,T24,T32 M a k e ! n f r●e n c e s , T 2 1 , T 2 4 C l a s s i f y / c a t e g oT H2 z2 ● ,T3637 Fact and oplnion,T25 Sequence口 T28 RespOnse optiOns,T34中 35 SuLplrt Tape Fire Reading st「 ate91es‐ T52,〒56, Mountains T57コT65,T72・ 丁73 CヨuSヴEttect T53,T78 RespOnse OptiOns,T71‐ Support TaP● 77 ︱ ︱ ︱ TheDeserU Yacquis in theDesert Reading th●POemB T92 RespOnding to the Poem,T33 Fine AH Pbぱ●lio Responding to nGTrt,F-. Ehtering Attimal Worlds ReadingStrategies, T104,T10g; T 1 1 3T, 1 1 5T, 1 2 0 $equence, T107,T116,T126 Response Options,TIZZ-1Z1 SupportTape ︱ ︱ Dancing Bees ︱ ︱ Ddncing Bees ︱ ReadingtheArticle,TlgEMainldea/Supporting Details, T141 ReadhgStrategy,Tt41 PredictOutcomes, T142 CriticalThinkingRecail,T143 Responding to the Article.T149 ReadingtheArticte,TiSA MainldeasSupportingDetaits, T141 ReadingStrategy,T141 PredictOutcomes, T142 CriticelThinkingRecall,Tl 43 Responding to the Article,T143 ︱ ︱ ︱ Hidden 阻略Jes,T15o,十 梗語, VVI「 lds 講 謎 甲馬尉 i n S l d e Y o u r Summarize,T打 51:丁 161‐167 BOⅢ Autho「s Purpose,T152,T打 54 y Make GeneralizaWons,T155, T 打6 7 Response OptiOns,T164口 165 Support Tape Voこ abularyr WOrd Studv Literery Analysis and Apprcciation Writing ney woros, l-17 $upportTape Genre:NonttctiOn,T“ 「 Autho「 s cra■:POint of V i e w , T 可9 Figurative LangLrage,T26 Perconal Response,T34 Creative Response, T3S Planninga Report,T42-tB 氏βy wOtts:丁 55 SPeCia!ized Vocabulary,T57 Word oHgins,T61 Mu!tip!e『 neaning words,T62 surtxes,T80,T8打 Synonyms& Antonyms,T● B Support Tape AstroWV6rd ueveloplng Concepts and Vocabulary,T92 0 景 艦予 弊品:盟 千 牙 許 置 Fad7 0pinion,T71,T79 「 :ds 氏ey wOrds口 丁可93 Specia!ized Vo●abulary,Tloo Oombining Fo「 ns Tl打7,T128 Supp● rt Tape Ast「 oWord Developing Concepts and Vo●ョbulary,T可38 Context clues, T133 Building Meaning, T143 ueve!oping Concepts and V o c a b u l a r y , T 可3 8 Context clues, T139 Building Meaning, T140 KeyWords,T14g Multi-syllabic WordsT157,T169 Specialized Vocabutary, T161 SupportTape AstroWord 100 Personal ° r'SC旧 仕lmage呼 RespOnseコ T76 ョ 牲野 Creative Sens●ry Language,T64 Genre:POdry,T92 oFs C「a■:lmageⅢ ョ 牲 野 Genre:Non¶ ●ti● n,Tlo4 Autho「s craR: DescriPtive Ddatts.Tlo5 :1鞠 鞘 : 鞘将 F:gurative Language, T 可1 3 Genre:Ati● Genre:A止 le‐丁可38 icl● ,T・138 Genre:Nonfiction. T150- RespOnse,T77 Distinguishing Fact frOm Opinionコ 丁34‐ 85 Auth●「s cra■: lmagery,T93 Personal RespOnse, T122 C「eative RespOnse, T123 Taking Notes, T130中131 RespOnding t0 the Attde口 丁打4 3 Cri宙 3 ヨI T h i n k i n g R e c a ‖l T 打4 3 ResPonding t0 the Attcle,T143 Criti● 白I Thinking Recall,T143 P e 旧O n a l RespOnse, 丁1 6 4 Creative RespOnse, T165 Audience and Purpose,T172‐ 173 lt' IntegratedLanguageArts ancrGrosscurricurarGonnectione 1,. f, l',' I I I f I I l, l, t I I t I I I spei:ing Grammar,Usage,and Mechanics Listening, Speaking,and Viewing じommoniy !ncom「ete Sentences, ReaderResponse MiSSpelled T23,T45 Groups,T34 Wo「ds,T47 Using a,an,and the,T44 CriticalResponse, Da‖y Language Daily Language Activlles, T35 Activittes,T215 T215 Reflectingon the Spel‖ng Pretests Theme,T35 aⅢd POSttests, Describing T220 Similarities and Differences,T46 StoryTape F 口「 : ヨ8 , : ● V uapflaltzeilon : Greetings VlsualLiteracy,T74Daily Language andClosingn, T86 ReaderResponse A c t i v l i e s , T 2 1 6 Commas:Greetings and Groups,T76 spel‖ ng Pretests Closings, T87 CriticalResponse, T7 and POstests, DailyLanguageActivities, Reflectingon the T220 T216 Theme,T77 AstroWord FollowingEmeqency Procedures, TBB StoryTape changing y tO I, T135 Dally Language ActivRies,T217 Spll‖ng Pretests anギ POSttests, T2'1 AstroWO「 d : H I 甲U 口●y ‖ョロ: e rareninesis, 1160 W O W S , T 打7 7 Colons,丁 174 Dal!y Language 0 r a m m a r R e v i e w i T7 可 5 Daily Language Activttes 台 、 科 liを 畳 s 拙 T2打B 31卜 and POsttests, T22可 Astrou10「 d V:口 Wing lne AR,丁94 ViSuョI Lleracy T95, T96 Art:CreateYourOwn T9s 淵 Social Studi●s:RepO■ On Conservationists T1 36 A R : C o n s t r u c t a Bn‖ d 丁1 3 6 Mathematics:Find the Distance T1 37 S c i e n c e : R e c o r d A n i m 白│ Data,T137 DescHbe Animal HOmes T 可3 7 e田 Ⅳ e Reaal町 RespOnding to the Arti● le,T打43 Story Tape Reader ResPonse erOups,T打 64 Renecting on the TheFne,丁 165 1nterview/Survey, T可76 Story Tape 101 D[ctionary/ Glossary,T20・ T40 Gttphic Aids: Charts and Tab!esョ T22,T38‐ 39 Library skil!s, T30,T4可 Socin!studies:良 epoA on Predicting Natural DisastersョT9o Sc:ence:RePort on a Natu門│,T90 Art:Create a Natural Disaster,T9打 Heatth i safety:create a Safety Poster「 T9打 Mathematicsi Find Average Temperature Loss,T9可 Social studies:=ocate Yaqui Sites,To3 T134 StOry丁ョpe Study Sk:!:s $ocialStudies:Reporton DivingSites,T4E Art: Createa Mural,T4g Science:lllustrateAnimal Camouflage, T4g Mathemetics: Compare Measurements, T4g Careers:ExploreNature Careers,T49 PairedReading,T92 Responcling to the Poem,793 StorvTane PrepositiOns and Reager HespOnse PrepositiOna!Phrases, G「oups,T122 T105,T132 Critical RespOnse, Adiective Prepos止 iOnョ │ T123 Phrases.T133 Remecting on the D311y Language Activliesコ Theme,T可 23 T217 Using visual Aidsコ QuotationMarks,Ti40 ContentAreiE Health& $afety: ListRulesfor Dental Gare,T17E Science:Reportson BloodComponents, T17g Mathematics: Calculate Equivalents, T179 $ocialStuclies; Reporton MedicalAdvances, T179 Careers:LearnaboutX. rqyTechnicians, T179 Skimming/ Scanning白 丁60, T33 Graphic Aid Diagrams,T82 丁白king Notes/ Outtining T可可9, T可27 Graphi● Aids: Charts and Tables,T124‐ 125 Forrns and Applica打 Ons, T129 Footnotes,T可 3「 Graphic Aids T 可4 0 Choosing Resources, T 打7 0 口T 1 7 可 出 ︱ Fifth Grade Language AHtt SyHabus ︱ │・ Tttem景 ml? (4-6 s) Wee“ .│こ 器!:金 ︱ B.lt Statted vttth Miss ibbOtson C.Alvin Ailey D.Att Eye F● 「Reality ︱ Them民 i!:温 口 日 6 Week→ “ 1縄 ︱ B.Missing MaizOn C . C o m i n g o v e r / T h e G ro en a t D.01d TraditiOns,New Beginnings Migra甘 ︱ ︱ _Loo町 Theme‖ ng Below枯 ek→ A.AII Baba gnd the MR 譜:協蹴祥 B,T「acking the Monarch ButerHies … 旨【 !辞括 稚隅Pttestthes ‐ ingS仲 6Ⅵ ぬ ek→ rhem景 口 ‰;」 モ 補晶 丑 :‖ :1督 群 的m ttmg :隅 ゴ硝 D.LAFFF │― ││ ︱ ︱ V. ︱ ︱ VIロ Theme v_Learning F「 orn Nature(4-6 VVeeks) A.The Dolphins Led Me HOme B“VVolf vvatch C口Farming On Avenue B D.City Birds ︱ T h e m e v l _ v O i c e s oFm「A m e 此渦' s P a s t ( 4 - 6 W e e k s ) ︱ 含盤岳 よ 龍 8唱 韻 濁 C 口T h e Y o u n g e s t B u 府 D 口A G I ■f o r A t h e n s 引さH u n t e r ︱ ︱ 102 │: ︱ n h 0<卜 a凹 ヨ<一 0凹L∽ ︼り¨ E . 中 ︲ n 卜< <一 日凹 〓 工●出卜 L00〓 . び赳ガ0 ∽卜0〓 ぼ博︲ 的︼E●E ED一 りい何 h〓町一 一 めに一 ギ“●ギ﹂OE付●E ぼ < 卜∽ ¨ の中”いギ●F一 0三ト 一 〓田● ¨ り 田 一 卜 一 のOHN一 コげ 〓田0 り田L 受8 章 卜腫温母軍 h ” ” ”EO一 りのコ0の一 O 働ョ0﹂ ギ E f リC●甲町と 0り●n﹀﹂0 ●何ф 三 ト ” “ギEO一 と に0材 喝く h一 何臼 一 f ON担 コ9 E < 害 3 のE●将じ“﹂中EO● “ 卜 い0﹂0■′中 0●﹂ りфX甲い﹂ユ ” 、 E●拒何●一 の何n ∽E﹂0〓町a n何〓hい 0一 電 O ф ” “ り、 何 E 何 一 一 ぜ一 f の o章 E〓o ほコ 可■5 こ 電 t 〓 0“0●●一 h〓何0一 〇0︼ 何﹂︼ り 0 中 ∽● コ 田﹂コ古 お﹂中 ” い” 何tュ0﹂位a何 Φ可何﹂D 一 ●一 り何n Oのコ 〓tF り︼ ビфロコ”∽ ∽一 何tфギ何E D仁一 0>ф一 可何●﹂ 十 ● 何﹂D E り 0 ■ メ C 〓 O 口 E 一 ■ 工Eコ ●町0●●可 ●中り●コ一 ●︼ XO︼ E●● ョ︼ E O コ ” 可 ほ ド り ト 隅 鮮 臨 忙 に 即 脇 陶 踊 何ф﹂ 一 L00コ〓叫 何ф拒一 >将り付 一 何ギEDE o一 aaコ∽ 一 E m﹂Do﹂﹂ ﹂●可何●ビ 付﹂ф可 ●●< r 0●中 甲 ▼りoE 隔 愕 肥 艦 曙 蝉 ■ ● ■ りфE ●fト ︻ hO﹂0コ中 ф中何Eュ●﹂aュ田 正〓■′ ∽〓●一n o一何L ∽〓●On ﹂0可何DE 官 ⋮ 欝 中襲 鵜 ⋮. ⋮ ︻⋮ ︱ ” 的〓L付E 五●E●田 村型<葛фFョリ ﹁ ∽り●●0﹂住 DE一 何O O∽コ ● h コ E ︼ ︼〓n< “ヤ ■L何口E田一切 ∽電0軍り0コげ DEE●章 ” りに担 石 お 世 ユ “ф工何E ︷ 陶的愉怖隅脇隔は卜的町 ED3 ︺E・一 ギ 一 . ■■口 ■■■ ■■口 ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■ . 、 白0工 <一 白凹〓 白凹 、 . ョ<¨ 0凹住り 正●凹卜 Lりい〓 . ぉ ぃ ぽ旧に的悔卜 りJ り0 リト0〓 ︱ ︱ ︱ . ﹁ U<卜 ●凹 ぃ h , ョ< ︼ ●凹Lり ︼り一 ビ 卜< 凹ф ▲ B <一 日凹革 工ф凹ト ピ リ 0臣 F h 中 弔 ︱︱I 切ф リョ 仰U リト0 工 ︱ 日 B aU 正 U<ト F h ︲ 臼 凹 J<一 0凹L∽ ︼∽一 E 卜< h A <﹁ 臼期〓 工0凹ト ピ リ 0〓 ” 中 ” 中 ︲ ︲ 仰ф り出 りU ”卜0 工 ︱ ”EO中 出 発︼ 単 空 古 林 首 町〓 ︱ . 中 ∽︼ ●付中﹂0﹂ 0 卜 付 ﹂o f 中 切 可 硝 0 ﹂ ”C O E コ 〓 ︺ ト︲ に ︲ 円 に 対 〓 付 二 的 コ 〓 屯 中 本0 中 電 一 E ● ︼ E ф り 出 ュ 切фコф ︻ DE一声●可は い0章 一 L何 中 り﹂ ●単 三 世 や 0 h●主 “ ∽ф●ED︼ E●∽●一 a●︼h 仰い一 ” 将 ∽ E ● 氏 “何●●一UE付 0働軍фモ声OC 〓 L●tユ リ●∽ヨ︸〓一 〓い ●>● ● 何﹂D 一 一 0 EO で0の町n ︼ X●”E一uEコ0中いn 一 ゴ 吾 何三■r︼コOn何 “E●特●一 盟 a 小 ︼ 盟世>ф﹂ 可 h B 可E何 Fと軍E●● Oヱ何F﹂切︼Eф●コ学り , ●●EO︼EOり 何 XO︼EO● E● U●い何n h 0●﹂﹂●● 中0 ︼ 〓 浄 何一 コn田o●>A ユ生町 単けE住●﹂ “ コ一 耳い 仁 コ ● 吾 ︼ ● ︼ “ ほ ぼ刑 門 円 旧 阿 ︲ ︱ ︱ ︱ 5将出可三 可卜●ヨ●打軍 り 腔︲ 日 ﹂ф 硝●E 可 何﹂●十 ф費︺< ボ丁 F”OF﹂ 0三ト 硝0︼ りф > 0何 一 は”Eф臣 ф一 ュュコ∽ 将 一 打 . 一 E一 世 o●単ユ ﹂ф可何фE ︱ ︱ 車●二中 EO出●●り 一X●卜 F ︱ ︱ I階肥肥腫限旧に ビ■ ”的に Ю正ト X出 ﹂いE何фE E< 卜切 ︼ E上〓切 ●中●ビ何 LO一 C一 住O E何 口 ﹂﹂o中 . ” の中 電●E LD一 ∽的付 h〓何町 0︼ E●母∽●コけ 0 Oфa“ 付 単фチ ∽E何 に一 ” ” ●︼D﹂一 ●E一 h〓〓0田 ﹂ 〓 田ф び 田生 b二ф>●一 ロコ一 ご●や何●E 一●学 硝﹂D郁3Q< 何コ0一 >一 一 一E一た0三中中付 ∽ф∽0住﹂コュ ボ中 “0”●E●三一 E●毎付と o∽nO ﹂0 0何0 工 ︼ ¨ り” いい学 一 ∽︼ 仁●E ED一 り切“ 卜〓付可 と 何一 コn何0●> h一 〓00章 一 の出卜一 日 一 〓田い ず窃0中●E●三一 一 T 陶 卜 ︲ 日 u ≡E d E g g 叫 “ “ q ︱ . 寸 十 何一 十︲ 日 ”出﹂何軍 三●E●山 ︱ l'1 ︻ F 白り工 0<卜 臼凹 T ヨ<一 0凹住り ︼り一 E︰ 卜< . h 山 <﹂ 凹〓 工●凹卜 LUO〓 a ≡ ぉ r n り0 リヨ 仰り リト0工 ︹ り<卜 臼= h ︲ , り田卜一 ﹂0町的●E E < 卜の ボ Eo覇 のコ●“一 ● . 寸 N り担 中 一 主再 何 ” 何ギ EфE ф一 aa掛め り〓00n 一 ●E何出 ボY ▼ り●E OEト ‘ 巾 N の一 付E●争付F﹂DL一 町何●﹂ ●ギ何一ュ●﹂ユユ“ 0>●中фコ理 O E一ф”oユ略コ住 ∽ O コ何 一 L 三ギ り〓●●n ﹂ ●0何фE O●︼ 的﹂ф可堂算ヽ ︻ 甲 ∵りoEф三ト 三oョ豊 三”的Eo将何と いのぬ0 ” ﹂ф三●何い卜 ∽︼電OFヽ ED一 り∽< コOn硝 りに●”コ●EO● ∽■r 何﹂0 ギ 一 一 E Eф町ョ一 り 1にド隅門 P何境と ,●工町E ∽中 翌 ●on 二 雨臼 ボфN担 ヨg 正< ゴ∽0卜 いE O正ト 切C一LO神的OE E<卜切 一 αE卜一 ︻ 切LO一 ”切コ●”一 町 三Dコ0ヽ三︺ 0ギ何任ユ0﹂aユ何 0>0 00何﹂D E一 一 中 切C●将い何 軍E何 ∽●将王何コげ R ∽﹂0︼ ●付﹂町三● ︻EO 輌N ● ф何単何三●︸ 将 中 E ∽一 何t●︼ 何F﹂DE一 ●耐ф﹂ 働Eと 一 Eい軍 出aEф〓“ ギ E●Tヨギ 中 リ 切一 何Eф中何F﹂働E一 口何0﹂ 0︼ 何tユ0﹂ユユ硝 一 い>●一ф一硝﹂D 仁一一●” ф h一 何a ギωo卜 oE oEト 一 ︼ ” 田卜 一 材 D”﹂●u“●ビ . りのコфり一 ビコ 氏卜り “EO一 コ 三Dヨ0﹂工︼∽﹂●将何と 0”n● h ﹂0三●何0卜 ∽ギEфE ED一 ∽屯< のEO将何こ 0“nO ﹂●三0何●ト ポY ▼∽OE oEト 出モ 里E 〓“営●山 〓酎 . 酎 酎 5 E軍●∽ ギoこ ︶電 出 培 出 EoE 聖 o と ●︼ ∽●一 ”何n ∽ON一 L働000﹂∽” EO一コ” り ﹂ф町何●ビ 可0” 何﹂0 再●●< ボ︼ EфE Ep り”< h一 何白 一 ボON担 コ● E< ギ∽0卜 фE い三ト い一 0>ф一卜〓〓n何 一 “コu一 >一 生, 0三中中5 可L一 ”ギリф中EO一 ∽E●三巳 住E単●o ﹂o口何OE 可﹂0一 ф︺宅< E● お 口0︼ 卜●的 ギリ何ф一 町 ф>ф一 E00コ︼ ∽ L9 “ 中 f●硝 一 モ声 り︼ 卜●的 ﹂0コ何OE 町ф君w ﹂ф拓●●< ︰ び ▼いoE o三ト 中x●卜 臣 OL∼ 電●将●●り 引 ” ” ” ”v t付常申 三●EO田 ¨ ≡ 村 豊 く 口●●F コ“ ﹁中 期 h 0 <卜 a 凹 A ︲ ョ< 一 ● 凹Lり I 切一 ぼ 卜< ” ” <一 a 凹〓 王 ● 凹卜 ぱ ● ф 出 . ” 中 B の0 り一 ∽O リトO 工 ■<一 ●凹L の ︼の一 ビ 卜< 市 ” <一 a凹〓 〓●凹ト ピ ︻ . ょ ”00〓 り● のヨ りり リト0正 . ф町何●E 〓 出ф づ 田生 材 型 ﹂ EфE ED研い< E<卜り びギ ∽一 付tф︼ 何F︼DE一 ●何0﹂ фt田> 出 何ta里 ユユ付 ф一何﹂D 中0 ふ中 E●田 ︼ E00コ リ ︼ pに隔旧隈性 布 E りoに一 │ │ 」 島 町 臼 ボ ●H N百 ● E < ボ 材 Dト . ●一 と0エト りに●栃 ∽軍口仰 可 一 “ ”EO将何と ●りnO ﹂●正0何● ト ● 氏 U<卜 凸凹 h ョ<一 0凹Lり ︼り一 E︲ 卜< . ﹁ 、 <一 日凹〓 〓0凹卜 L●●〓 “ r h r りO リヨ りり リト0王 三 空 ●中間中“ ●>●■ 0口田士U 口E”中 ││ 誕藁 櫻難 襲 甜 釜軸 . 対日酎翻副爵判判目到 為 > 的指 Eo一 出古 卜 3 価﹂ 樫 o三ф﹂ aE Oф 拭 官 E可E母 仰 翌 ヨ指 ュ ф中 ︱︱︱ ││ 耽中E●E ””0●也 車 │ 1 習 ! ! ”E●︼ ”¨ >●LLヽりEOい “己 L一 E コ ﹂0 出中 l, l, l, l, 剤目副日ゴ到樹翻到倒ヨ封ヨ判劇 l',, 1,,' 0 <ト “ . ︲ 臼 阻 ヨ< 一 ф 阻L∽ ▼ ∽一 E 卜< . . <中 G 凹〓 工 0 凹ト ピ リ ф〓 ★ ぃ A “ ∽0 リヨ りU リト0 工 ︲︲ . 臼リエ 0<ト ︻ “ 3凹 ョ<” ●凹任の ︼の一 E︲ 卜< ︹ ” ︻ <一 日凹〓 正●凹卜 LO●〓 ぃ . ︻ . ︲ の中 切ヨ ∽0 仰卜0工 . 0<ト ︰ 0<ト h ” a凹 ヨ<一 0凹Lの ︼り一 E︲ 卜< ” . 中 <一 a凹〓 正●出卜 ほU . B . . ●〓 ∽● リヨ りり リト0エ . 白凹 ヨ<一 ф町Lり ︼り¨ E 卜< 中 n <一 日凹〓 工●凹トピリ0〓 ぃ ︻ ︱︱卜隈Ⅳは当 ∽り ∽卜0〓 ”LO中 nい 卜●二Lヽ”LO¨ ”ョいE“ ︱ ︱ 一 一 一 ” 一 ・ 一 目 回 習 翻 割 翻 団 副 封 ︱ 一 一 一 一一 十¨ ≡ 一” 一 ﹂ ︱ のL●一 り∽ョ●∽一 百 三働ゴ0﹂三十 E●将何■ 0”n● ﹂o o可0 正 ト ボ 中EO一 重 電D覇 咆< ヽ” 何臼 中 Φエト ゴのф卜 0常﹂ Ld gd て 住 巳 ギ ト α αぼ卜 中 び ど0ユ●七 口豊 間 一 石JE < ︻ ∽E●一 ∽∽コ●り一 可三Dコ0﹂三中 E●将何■ ф∽n● ﹂Φ三●付фト “ ∽ギEO一 E ED一 り屯< 卜一 串a 一 ギリ0卜 ●E O三ト ” ﹂ ● 何O 0 E < 卜 E り “田卜一 びモ●ユい単 称豊則い 百げE< ” 的E●一 りのコ●り Dコ●L ︼ 一 一 正 E E●将何こ ф∽nO ﹂ф三●硝● ト ボギ EoE E ∽“ 卜一 何a p < 一 ●エト ゴ∽●卜 ●匡一 ∽一 町一0︼ 何F﹂0︼ 町〓a●﹂aa何 一 0>い一 ф 何﹂D ほ り﹂0 串фL ф 何コ い住 ” ﹂ ℃ 一 町 O 0中い”ョ ︹ と0三︼コ何 ︼ 何E一E●一 E一 ュ● りo﹂軍αфU一申Eф●コギ “ 愕隆門悔円町﹂ ︲︻ 何qE P Ψ 軍 さ リギにo町ヨ “ 宝 ●中●中町塩住●丘a生町 ф>ф ● 何﹂働 田 一 一 コ E中 ”何L一 E●● 三〓■メ可0仁﹂付0一り何ф守一︼ ︱的にド肥 a一 ●三 ﹂●中の王∽何 一 び りEいり ハ 暉 切 主 モ 貫 o ﹂0三ギ0三〓 卜 りEO将∽фョげ ●00﹂コ●り ﹂O ” E OL何 .A “ O︼“U町0﹂ 0﹂ 〓コ∽E●● t ヤ X● ︺ ∽ ュ 何 D ﹂ リ E O o 申 ギ ど 墳 一 コ ∼ 住コ ﹂何ф一 o ●”いф一 Oф中何﹂︼ ∽ ●に再 ●ユ的 OU何﹂D ギaE O〓何 C付 峰●〓EOF︼り” Cф可コギ碑 ︲︲︲︲ 口 ︱ ︱ ︱ ∽ф将一 >将0何 一 付︺EO揺 D一 aab仰 ボ 王o●田 正 < B ”ギL●E 仁め一 りの何 h〓何ロ . ● ■ りфE ф三ト ボ王00田 ビ< り●将¨ >軍0何 一 何一 EDE ф一 ュュ掛的 ︻ ∽︼EOE ビ働一 ∽∽何 h〓何E ざ︲F”фEф三ト ∽Φ > ●何 何 EфEO一 ュュコリ 将 一 中 ギ 一 び王00田 E< . ”﹁EOE ED一 ∽“何 h〓的可 中 0■ り●Eф三ト ボ〓●●田 E< ∽いお一 >与0何 一 “︼EOF﹂0一 ュaコリ ” ∽ギ E●E ED りり付 卜 何一 一 〓 ︰ りoE o ▼ 三ト ボ 悔隔忙rに悟〓∼E●将0●∽ . ︱ . 1 掛封翻副到副判矧田到 一ー 剰 ¨ , 寸 巾 , n ” ﹁ 側 ” 〓● ,. “︺ t 軍 臣 〓0電●田 ﹁ 日 日 高 望 < 古 ●F コリ 1 . り︼ 何E●一 硝F〓0十二■Uhギ 又0︼一 Ot何卜 何 与O EO材E●五0年ュF一 ︼ 0中 山 巾 ﹁〓何増E何中り ” 切︺ t 聾E 〓OE●田 , ●D何材 甲ユ何中 ●出ヨ石ヨ ﹂ o “めいNh に 材 掛 聖 柿 < 拭 付 ‘ 切︺魚単可E何りфO何り∽何ac一 的性何” 0口∽可Cфfф﹂ 住臣●n︶. =m L 専一寸 m . ︼. に●将何Fと0﹂E一OE一 仰何﹂fユ田﹂何ュ UE何 D﹂ N 何F二﹂コ的 ぃ いEO一 ∽3一 0こ●● り単 何La m 付 中E XO一一 何EO甲何F〓0挙土 E何 E一︼ ︼ E一 ●a単ф一 卜の﹂●E︼ コ何 いい一︼ Lф ■〓 打舌 ヨ●コ軍 り 肥 B 何●¨ 0>ф一〇0何﹂D 出 付電ユ●﹂ユユ何 一 E一の口何︼ ●町 りOF〓Lф一一ギにфロコギリ E O 何 F と 0 E ● ● ●a” 〓 中 一 毎 一 . 0︼ 付●0一●ギtr何∽りo一 D ∽︼EO一 〓 m● E●● 中 ご0口何фビ 正 <卜 ∽ り田卜 ” ち 翌 n担 斉 培 E一 ︸貿 世 何 お り屯 ユ ゴ ど●阜 世 ヽり掛田 ︻ コげ E < リ掛0狂付> 0こ中り●のコ “学E●ロコ︼ 一 り 中 ∽EO一 ∽的ョ●∽一 一 三Dコ里 三中 E●軍何こ ●りnO ﹂ф三0何ф り︼ XO︼0電何 ∽00何∽り何ュ ト ボギ E●E Epの“< h一 付臼 一 ギ∽0卜 OEфEト 盟〓 ●E万り0””< “ 〓 E コ 竹● 正口D E●H I B I I ︱ ユ皓 ” 1封 り<ト . ﹁ ぃ 臼凹 ●凹Lい ︼り一 ぼ︰ 卜< ” <一 凸凹〓 ” . h 工●凹卜 L 〓 凹0 ” ぃ 一りф” りo ∽ヨ のり リト0正 0<ト ” , h a凹 0凹住り ︼り¨ ピ︲ 卜< 中 <一 日凹〓 . h r 工●凹卜 L00〓 凹● 中 け 隈Ⅳ陪町■り0 リト0エ │││ ︱ ︱ , 何>ф 一 〓口0 ﹂фOa EOコ何コ一 ぉ 出0∽ ︼電Φ一コ ∽ り●七ぬ郵﹂ ●>●0 ﹂●正●碍Φト UOュ0一 ボ” ﹂●E ED栃 宅く 五一 付n 一 h 〓山● ︹ 働E毎E■一 EDU掛中 の ﹂● りい一 aE 一 ︱ ︱ 社 欝襲辞 軍艶的 面●一 は硝三●●F﹂OC何 ●D何∽コ 一 ﹂硝E上と何﹂O A のコ 単何Ia巳 住位何 働E一 “一 何taO﹂aa付 一〓∽ 0︼ 0>0 ω 田 め ■一 ﹂●章 一 一 U E 〓 〓 EO〓E■r可口いと●0丘ュ E付 中 0 一 〓E . 中 0め一 >い﹂ ギ何﹂可 一 吾耳 ∽︼電ф●コ一 “ , DE 生デ ﹂o ”何0口一 常 一 ﹂ B T 0日一 E付OL● OE何 〓Eた一 ф﹂0 ュX0 一 ︱ ︱ ︱ J I ∽ф匡 0 ▼ 正ト りф一 何︼E●臣 ω一 aュヨリ 〓>将0何 一 、 ∽PEDE ED一 ∽り何 、〓町ロ ︲ りфE ● ▼ 三ト り0 > 0何 田 EDE O ュュコの 将 一 特 ギ 一 一 . り中 LOE L働一 ∽切何 h〓何● J ” “電 何E 〓●E●田 ﹁ . 正∽〓働に旧一Eい事 一■′﹂0 ”U﹂何OE何ギい い三中り●リコ N 寸 . ﹁ ∽”фO●﹂a OC軍E■′o 三中∽●∽D r 寸 ︱ ︱ 刊 ︱ 掛ヨ翻爵部爵判判目到 ︱ ︱ ︱ 高 出 < ど ●F 〓り LO将町盟, EコFこE●● EO” OaFあ● ”0ギ ”官 F ET声︺Eфギ 何﹂口 のLO臣 一 0働 ¨ 寸 H! E村 E付中り 0ギ”0一 Dфコ何L” “ DE毎一 単耳o﹂■ 0>拒●n性ф фリョ 一■一 〓 ︱ ■■ 107 фでコあ 樫に柘隔幡阿隈怪将 出L r DE将一 何卜● 一● ﹂o●ユ C● 何コ一 朽 ” 出0の 働E〓何﹂﹂コ●︻ボX▼ tnヨ﹂ o卜●可 ﹂OfO何0ト 0●a●一 ボ︼ EoEED窃”< 卜一 何B 一 中 〓 田0 ” DE〓モ■r ュETり 忙世旧隔脂 樹 一 ︱ 糾測酎劇日用対酎糾 到胡相対ヨ耐刊︲ 寸“ 出 E コ ﹂0 〓口働 E●■ │││ 1神 I FhGHde THEME AT A GLANCE VES PERSPEC‖ II ― Reading strategi● s and sk:!:s l. I, l, l' I l' , I l, l, l: I I l, l, SELECT:ONS 的。 わgy 4″ The AI卜 A meHcan slurP Lluis Brail!● Llsers Take A‖ The MOuse and the E!●phant Fi"e Art PortfoHo Beni Seba!lo VVhatis old? COMPREHENS:Ow CR:T:CAL TH:NK:NG Re3ding strategi●s, T13,T23,T32 Cause andに fFect, T26,T23 RespOnse options, T35 SuppOrt■ ねPes VOCABULARY WORD STUDY 寸Key Words,T17 Context Clues,T21 Compound Words, T24,T4い 41 Support Tape Mainldeaand Detbils, Developing T51 Conceptsand Vocabulary, T50 Reading strategtes〕 丁60,T6可 ,T69口 丁7B Make Oenerarizョ tiOns, T75,T86‐ 87 RespOnse Options, T32‐33 Support Tape Reading the Folk Tal●,T98 ResPonding to the Folk Tale,Tlol 1冊 離 椛 罫穐 Words,T63〕 丁33中 89 Specialized Vocab■ lary,To3 SuPport Tape ueveioPing Concepts and Vocabulary,T38 Using Specittc Words,Tloo RespOnding to Art, T103 Readlng Strategies, Tl可 0 , T ‖8 , T l 可 9 P r e d i c t o u t c o m e Words,T125 s, Tl15,T122‐ 123 cOmpOund llVords, VVOrd Referents. Tl14・ Tl15 T可16,丁 打24 WOrd Referents, Response OptiOns, T可可6,T124 T12可 ‐ 122 Support Tape Support Tape Inferences: Comparisons, T137 Reading the Interuiews, T137 Perspective/polnt of View,.T138 Respondino. Tlgg Developing Concepts and Vocabulary,T打 36 品 !:[き _T TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN SIX∵ ∵ │ 108 │ │ ― V Autho「 s craR: ChattcterizatiOn, T99 PersohittcatiOn, T100 Genre:Narattvど 1冊維椛品 1督 =丁 ESttED W=丁 ESttED SKILLS SKILLS IN THIS THEME │ Genre:Realistic 日αion,T60 Autho「 s cra■: Dla!ogue,T68,T84‐ 85 UΠderslandingコ T62 C h ヨ旧C t e r . T 7 打 Genre:Folk Ta!eコ T98 WR:T!NG r/ VividDescriptions, T30,T42- 43 PersonalResponse, T35 Creative/Critical Response, T35 RespOnding tO th戸 Biography,丁 53 PersOnal Respontte, T82 Greative RespOnse, T83 ギUSing Dialogue, T90‐91 Rewrittng a Favorite F o l k T a l,● T101 RespOnding to A〔 GUAGES. 口1 L:TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT:● N oenre:shOrt Story, T可6 Autho「 s crati POint of Vewコ T19,T36‐ 37 SOund Devicesコ T20,T38‐ 39 ViVid DescttptiOns, T30 Genre:BiOgraphyョ T50 丁1 0 3 N●nttcti● n,T打可打 Autho「s cra■: AutobiOgraphical l n c i d e n t , T1打 3 ]鞘品糾 打 掛_ 129 けenre:lnterviewョ T打36 Persuttsive眼 ミHng, T可39 Perspective/POint Of VieW,T可 38 ■ ■ 中 ■ ■ 一 ■ ■ 口 ■ ■ 口 ■ ■ 一 ≡■ ■ . ⋮ ⋮ ■ ■ ﹂ B ■ ⋮ ・ . ” ︲ 十 t 1 ¨ ﹁ “ ・ 〓 ・ 出” r 一 一■■ ≡ ≡⋮ 出 一 口 SELECT10NS COMPREHENS10N′ CR:T:CAL TH:NK:NG VOCABULARY WORD STUDV L:TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT10N WR:T:NG Nino Leading an Old Man to Market Inferences, T141 Reading the Poem, T141 Responding to the Poem.T141 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T140 Genre:PoetryT140 Photography and OtherLessons Reading Strategies, T 1 4 8 , T 1 5 2 , T 可5 3 ‐ T 1 5 4 コT 1 3 2 Make lnferences: 丁159,T170 Resp● nse Options: T164‐ 165 Support Tape ギK e y W o 「d s , T 1 4 7 Specialized Vocabulary,T180 Suppo「t Tape Genre:ShortStory, in RespOnse,T163 T148 Personal Response, AuthofsCraft:Poinl T164 of Mew,T149, Creative ResPonse, T16E-169 T165 { character, T150, 寸uSing Deta‖ s, T156.T166-167 T172‐173 Anceslry Reading the POem, T打30 AttuSionョ T181 My Grandma Sequen● ●,T183 Reading Strategies. T 1 8 5 ‐1 8 6 RespOnding to the Story,T189 Developing Genre:P● etry,T180 Concepts and Rhythmョ 丁131 Vocabu!arv口 T180 Developing Genrei Sho止 Story, Concepts and T182 V o c a b u l a r y , T 1 8 2 Autho「 s cra■: 1nforTna!English, Dialogueコ 丁184: T 可8 3 Point ofヽ西ew,T可 37 Responding to Poetry:丁181 Rhvthm.T131 UsingInformal Language, T189 マc h a r a c t eTr1口 88 一 Integratedl-anguageArts end Cross4urricular Gonnections 一■ ■ SPELL:NG GRAMMAR,uSAGE, AND MECHAN:CS ギ, h O r t V O W e l s , ギ間nds of Sententts, L:STEN:NG, SPEAК :NG,AND V:EW:NG 由 ■ ReaderResponse T47 T25,T44 Groups,T35 D“ily Language V E n d P u n c t u aReflecting t i o n on o the n Attivttes:T225 the ThemeコT35 Theme.T35 spel‖ ng Pretests Da‖y Language TellingAnecdotes, a,d Posttests, Activlles,T225 T46 T230 StoryTape ■ 一■ ■ AstroVVord CONTENT AREAS “■ ■ ¨ 一■ SocialStudies: Trace.Family Origins,T48 Reporton Emigration, T49 Healthand Safety: Tallrto Nutritionlst, T48 Art: Createa Class RecipeBook,T49 Mathemetics: Graph Calories,T49 ■ Cooperative Reading,T5可 Sto「 v TaDe . 一■ 口 十 出 ■ ■ 一 ■ ギVowei sounds たツand/e/,T59 D3‖y Language Agtivl:es,T226 Spelling Pretests anH POSttests, T2b0 AstroWord 7督 :撤 抽艦s and Predi●ョtes,T93 Da‖yLヨ nguage A c t i v ie 甘 sョ T226 ReaderResponse Groups,T82 Reflecting on the Theme,TE3 Conducting an Interview, T94 StoryTape ■ . 出■ ■ t TESTED SK!LLS IN THiS THEME SWPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLEIN SIX LANGUAGES. NOTES: “■ 口 耶 Mathematics: Find Area,T96 Music:Write a Song,T96 Art: Makea Csrtoon,T97 $ocielStudies: LeamAbout$ports, T97 Science: Check YourHearthRate, T97 STUDY SKILLS 、 ︲ =≡ =叫 中 ” ≡■一 ≡≡ 一 一 ¨ 一 一 ” ・ ︱︲ ︱ 口 ■︱ ■■ ︱ ■ ︱ 口 出︱ ■ ■ 一 ︱ 口 ■︱ ■ ■ 由 ■ ■ “ SPELL!NG L:SttEN:NG, SPEAK:NG,AND V:EWiNG CONTENT AREAS STUDY SK:LLS Pa[red Reading,T96 Responding to the Folk Tal●,T10可 Sto「 v Tape Viewing the A注 , T102 ギVoweis Sounds ′ irand′0/,丁109, TI可 33 Bai!y Language ActivttieS,T227 Sipelling Pretests ahd Posttests, T231 Astr● Wo「d { Compound $entences,T130 .r/Commonand ProperNouns,T131 DailyLanguage Activities,T227 Personal RespOnse, T121 Rene“ ing on the Theme,T可 21 Autobiographi● ョ│ incident,T132 S t o r y TPョ e Art:Create Your Own.T103 Health and Safety: interview a Nurse, T134 A止 :Make白 Diagram‐ T134 Social Studies: Leam AboLItthe Phil:ppines,T135 Mathematics: Caにulate Data, T135 S●lenc●:Leam About Memory, 丁可3 5 Reading the intervi● ws,T137 interviewing口 T 138 RespOnding,丁 139 Storv Tape Reading the Po●mョ T14可 ResP● nding to the Poem,T141 Storv Tape ︲ ■ B ■ ■ 一 ■ 口 ■ ■ ■■ 一 寸Vowei Sounds /OD/and/y00/, T177 D科ily Lョ nguage AltivttieS,T223 │:艦料 f抑 Grammar Review, T175 Daily Language spelllng PretestsA c t i v t t e s , T 2 2 8 and Posほ ests, T23可 AttrOWord 千TESTED SKILLS ││ GRAMMAR,uSAGE, AND MECHANiCS ReaderResponse Groups,T164 Reflectingon the Theme,T165 Interpreting Photographs, T176 $tory Tape Reading the Poem, T180 Sto「v TaDe 寸P u n c t u a t i n g D i r e c t Reader's Themeコ Questions,T134 T132 V v e t t T e h s e s , TResponding 185 to the Story,T打39 Storv TaDe IN THiS StJPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN S!X LANGUAGES, NOTES: ││ │― ■0 Sociai studies: Leam Aboutthe Nョvaio Language, T173:Make a B「ochure,丁 可79 Art:Design Jewelry, T可73 Mathematics:make Change,T179 Sclence:Report on Photo日 raDhV 丁estttaking Strategies,丁 127 ││ THEME AT A GLANCE UNCOVERING THE PAST:ANCIENT EGYPT │││ │││ : ││― Read:ng strateg:es and SkH:s SELECTI● 門S cOrr●●r7o, /A"的 orogy A WaHng Tourof PVramidS/Th8 S ●c r e t C h a m b e r │― COMPREHENS:ON′ GR,T:● AL TH:NK:NG Read Stttte9iesョ T18, T25,T26‐ T23ョ T30, T33,T35,T37コ T43, T48 Main ldea and Details, T20,T22 寸cOmpare and L:TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT!ON G e n 「●: H i s t o r i m l Fk対On,T27,T38 Autho「s cra■: Sensory DetaWs, T30 Dialogue,T32 Mood▼T34 DescHptive Language,丁 45 VOCABULARY′ WORD STUDY 寸Key Words,T17 AdiectiVes口T31 V SuFlxes,T56 SuPport Tape AstroW● rd Contttst,r21 Mako Judgments, T24,T47 │ 「 寸sequence,T40, T52‐53 Response Options, T50口5可 SuDDOrt TaDe ││ ││ Fine Art Po甫 ol:o Use lllustrations,Te8 D r a w C ●n c l u s : o n s , T69 Responding to the Art, T69 Vocabulary Suppo「 T63 │― RPvea‖ng the MysteHes of Mummies Reading Strategiesョ T76,T79,T80,T83, T85ョT86 1品 昏 盤肝占 吊4 ││ ギciassify and │ t, Vocabulary Support, T68 Writinga Report, T6g Gen「 e:Nonttction, T76 Support ttape AstttWord Disttvettng C山比utt Throu9h AR The WWnoed Cat ││ 11 ‖ 母 ‖I Nb荘 ■TESTED SKILLS Report,T96出 97 R e a d i n g t h e A r t i c l e , Developing T 打0 5 COnGepts and RespOnding to the Vocabulary,T104 Articie,T可 o5 Reading Strategies, 寸Key wOrds, T可12,丁122:T120 Tlll Genre:Myth・ 丁可打3 ギsurlxes,Tl18ロ SummaHzo,T可 17, T可34 T130‐13打 Synonyms and Author's Purpose, Antonyms,Tl19, T124 T135 RespOnse Options, Support Tape T可28‐打29 AstroWord Support Tape IN THIS THEME StJPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN SIX LANGUAGES. ││ │ ││││ Persona!Responseロ T88 CFeative 職翼掛嵩電督 Categorize,T77,T92‐ 93 SummaHze,T34 ResPonse options, T88“89 SuDDOrt TaDe ││ ││ WR!T:NG Personal Response, T50 CreativeRespon$e, T51 Reflecting on the Theme,T51 { Organizing $patially,T58-59 11] Genre:Nonttcti● n Article,T104 Classifying,T可 o5 G e n 「e : 門c t i o n , T l 1 2 S t o r y su tc 「 ture: C h a r a ●t e r , T l 1 4 , T 可2 0 A u t h o 「s c r a ■ : Flashback7 Foreshadowing, T 可打G , T 1 3 2 Personal RespOnse, T126 Creative RespOnse・ T129 V organizing ChttnologicaHy, T136‐ 打37 │:│ COMPREHENS10W CR:TICAL TH:NK:NG │││││ SELECT:ONS Reading Strategiesl T 1 5 0 , T 1 5 5 , 丁1 5 9 , T161,T1621T165 A]da │││ V sequence.T152, T156,T175 Make inferencesョ 丁1 5 S , T 1 6 0 V i S u 3 1 L i t e t t c y , 6T 3可ョ T168 │ ―! │― VOCABULARY′ WORD STUDY ギcompare and ― ││ 1-― 日 GRAMMAR,USA● AND MECHAN:CS SPELL:NG E, Commonand Proper Nouns,T39 { Capitalizing Titles, Attivlies,T22可 Names,and lnitials, spelling PretestsT60 and POsttestsョ { Singular andPlural, T226 T61 DailyLenguage Activities.T222 ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ LiSTEN:NG, SPEAК :NG,AND V:EW:NG ReaderResponse Groups,T50 QreativeResponse, T51 $tory Tape SKILL〔 IN THiS = NITES: BI I I I― I │ CONTENT AREAS STUDY SK:LLS I Studies: So●│ヨ GraphicAlds, T19, Debate OwnershiP T29, T5+T55 of Artifacts,T84 { Newspapers, T57 Art:Design Artifacts for a Pharaoh,T64 !‖ ustrate Verbョ │ lmag● 母ョT65 Mathemattcs: yttm田 g謎 幣 『 Science:Deterrnine the Age of O朗 ●●ts, T65 Viewing the A止 S●●:al Studies: , T66 W Card Catalog, RespOnding to the Chart infoFnatiOn on T82,T95 Art,T●9 Mummi● s,T102 D r a w c o n c nl su ,s i Malほ ● an A成ifaCts T39 C●│!age,Tlo3 0ral RepOrts,T打00 Sciencei Create Story Tape Decomtionョ T102 Preserve Fruit・ T可03 Mathematics: Calculate Weights, T103 SUPPORTttAPES ARE AVAILABLE lN SIX LANGUAGES. │I ギcoherence: Maintaining Tense, T178-179 Integreted LanguageArts and Cross-CurricularConnections w vVords wlth―i● 〕 ald-31,T63 Daily Language、 ││ WR:TlNG Personal Resp● nse, T170 Creative ResPonse, T171 Contrast,T164,T打 72‐ 173 R e s p O n s けo p t i ● ns, T 可7 0 ‐ 171 SupDOrt TaDe ││ ││ { KeyWords,T149 ContextClues,T153 Homophones/ Homographs, T158, T176 SupportTape L:TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT:ON G●n「 e:Legendロ T150 Autho「s Cra■: Figurative language, T151 C h a r a c t e r i z a t in ● , T 1 6 1 , T 打7 4 Story Structure: Plot,T154,T166 距 一 =怖 ・ 一﹁■ い E一 一一 ・ ■一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ l: I I t; l. . GRAMMAR,USAGE, AND MECHAN:CS SPELL:NG ギvOwe!十「 Singular and Plural Nouns,T81 sounds:T10可 { Possessive Nouns, Daily Language ACtivtties,T222 T98 ng Pretests { Commaswith spel‖ lntroductory Words and Postests, T226 andPhrases,T99 AttroWord DailyLanguage Activities,T222 寸Vowet Sounds ′ ou′,ノ │′,T141 D奇:ly Language Activttes‐T223 snel町ng Pretests and Posttests, T227 Att「 oWOrd … n●uns‐ ギSuttect Pr● T可15,T138 V obiect Pronouns, Tl15,T139 D3ily Language A“ivttes,T223 : I' l, l, 十 W Final′e!′ ・/en′, ノ er/,T183 Dli!y L8日 9uage Aotiv止ies〕T224 S181‖ng Pretests and Postests, T227 Astrou′●rd { Possessive Pronouns, T157,T1S0 GrammarReview. T181 DailyLanguage Activities.T224 L:STEN:NG= SPEAК lN● =AND V!EW:NG Reョder RespOnse G「ouPs,T88 Rettectlng On the Theme,T89 0ral RepOis,T100 Story Tape Cooperative R ●ヨd : n g , T 1 0 5 Responding to the Arti● le,T105 Storv Tape Use l‖ustrations, T123 Reader ResPonse Groups‐ T123 Critical R● s Ponse, T129 Re硯●●ting on the Theme,T129 Drama打 ゴng a st●ryコ T140 Story Tape Reader Response 丁1 7 0 Oroupsコ Creative RespOnse, T171 CH廿●a!Response, T17可 Telling/Rete!!ingョ Story,T182 Story Tape ⋮ ⋮ 一⋮ 学 TESttED SKILLS IN THiS THEME SuPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN SIX LANOUAGES. ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ︱ NOTES: ■■ HB CONTENT AREAS So●ial Studies: Chart infornation on Mummies,T102 Make an ARifacts Co:!age,T103 science:Create DecOrationコT102 Preserve Fruit,T103 Mathematils: Cョlculate Weights, T103 STUDY SK:LLS 寸C a r d C a t a l o g , T82,T95 ClassifyingコT105 Social Studies: Research Be‖ efs About the AReHife, T142 Preserve● ood D●●ds,T143 A止 :Create a Board Game,T142 S●ience:Compare Myth and StienW何 ● Fact"丁 143 Mathematics: 亡 weigh口 the Heart, T143 Skim and Scan, T125,T135 Mathちma甘〔 路: lnvestigate vOlume of C●ntttine円 口T可74 S●●iai Studies: 寸C a r d C a t a l o g , T157,T177 Skim and Scan, T イ6 5 Compare Ancient and Modem Foods, T134 MuSi●:Lほ主en to O p e r a ‐T 1 3 5 Science:Research Egyptian lrrigaJon, T185 A 止: C r e a t e R o y a l D e s i 口n s ‐T 可3 5 ││ THEME AT A GLANCE FIND:NG COMMON GROUND │││ Reading Stratagies and SkH:s │││ SELECT:● N8 じo r r er ● ror7/ │― │ A,rrlor● gy Don3t Letthe Bedbugs BRe ││ COMPREHENSiON7 CR!TtCAL TH:NK:NG Reading Strategies, T18口T27,T28,丁 32 VOCABULARY/ WORD STUDY 1占 :半 灘靴=7 ギP r e d oi u住t c o m e s T20,T31コT39 , T25,T23,T38 R e s P o n s ●o p t i O n s , T34‐35 Support Tap3 Support Tape L:丁ERY ANALYS:S AND APPREC:AT10N Genre:short stOry, T18 Autho「s cra■: Dialogue,T19 Flashback,T21 Humor,T23 A!lusions,T27 WR:T:NG Personal RespOnse, T34 Creative RespOnse. T35 マconstttcting a PI●t,T42‐43 V stOry Structure: li― Reading the Fo!k Tale,T51 Main ldea and Detatts, T51 Sequen● ●,T52 Responding to the Folk Tal●コ丁53 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T50 Genre:FolkTale, T50 { StoryStructure: Plot,T52 Vivid Verbs,丁 53 The Meeting Reading the POe市 , T54 Responding to th8 Poem,T55 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary, T54 Genre:POetry,T54 1nfornal Language/ SiangコT55 infornal Lョ n guageノ Siang,T55 ShOot to」 町n Reading Strategies, T62.T66,T● 9,T71, T74 ギD r a w C o n c l u s i o R S , T66 Cause and Ettectt T67,T33 Gompare and Contrast,T72 Response optiOns, T78‐79 Support Tape Cenre:Realisti● Fi■lon,T62 AuthO「 sc旧 ■:FiH Pe旧 on POint of Vi●w,T63 Dialogueコ T65,T82 PerSOn白I ResPonse, T78 Creativ● RespOnse, T7● Making T79 7鞘 鞠 魯 Chattcter,T86-37 ││ ││ ││ 日― │ 日│ │― 1 1鳳灘靴督 T65,T85 0onnotation and Denotation,T70, T34 specialized Vocabulary,T7可 SupPort Tape Flne Art Po円 Fo旧 ● ViSual Literacy,T95, T96 RespOnding to the Art, T97 Appreciating Multilingualism: Vocabulary, T96 The Rebe‖ ion of thl Magl●白│ Rabbits Reading Strategies, T可04,T105,T106, T107,T109,Tl16〕 T120 V Auth● 「s v i e w p o i n t , T108,T126‐ 可27 Word Referents, T103.卜丁128 V D r a w C o nl ● usiOns, T可10,T124-可 25 RespOns3 0ptiOns, T122口打23 Supp● Ft Tape W Key Words,T103 Greed and Latin │― │― P!●t,T29‐ T36‐37 TheLion's Whisker ││ ││ ││ ││ NOTES: Writea Storyor a Poem,T97 Writea Paragraph, TA7 ]盟 品 盟昭L理 19 Tll● Support Tape AstroWord SKILLS IN SUPPORT TAPES ARE AVA!LABLEIN SIX LANGUAGES. │― 7樽 品 Wure: C h 白旧C t e r , T 7 3 , T30‐31 Genre:A‖ ●9ory, T104,T109 Autho「s cra■: CharadeHzationコ T 可 ‖ Personョ !Resp● nse, T122 Creative Responss, T123 V Audience and ギFigurative Purpose,T130口 13可 Language,Tl13 Simil● ・Tl14 W stOry Structure: P!● t,Tl17 ︱ ︱ ﹁ ︲ ” ︲ 中 一 ■﹁ 一 一 ﹁ . . i 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ” 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 ︼ ︼ 一 一 ︼ 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ↓ ↓ ↓ 一 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ↓ 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 二 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 COMPREHENS10W CR:T:CAL THlNKING SELECT10NS VOCABULARY′ WORD STUDY 1鳳灘靴=43 Reading Strategies, T144!丁 153,T157, T153 T 1 5 8 , 丁1 6 0 Support Tape Make!nferences, T147 ギP r e d i c t o u t c o m e s , 丁打5 8 寸A u t h o 「s V i e w p o i n t , 丁5 9 , T 1 7 0 Respons3 0ptiOnsコ T164-165 SuPport Tape war eatte Arn Chorn: Peecemaker Readlng the Artide, T181 尋 開 齢艦 .哨 Developing Conceptsand Vocabulary L:TERY ANALYS:S AND APPREC:AT:ON Genre:Histoボca! Fiαion,T可44‐T148, T150 Story Structure: Setting,T145,T132‐ T168 P!ot,T16可 Autho「s Cra■:Mood and Tone,T146: T可49ョT156,丁 169 寸Figurattve Languttge,T150, T 1 6 6 中1 6 7 WRlTlNG P●rSOn31 ResPonse, T164 Creative RespOnse, T165 マDeveloPing Setting,T172-173 Genre:Article,T180 T182 ギAutho「s Viewpointコ T133 RespOnding to the Arti● │● Ⅲ丁183 -: SPELL:N● 寸小dding-3d and ―ing,丁47 Dユily Language A“ ivli● S,T219 Spe!ling Pretests and Posttests, T224 AttroWord IntegratedLanguageArts and Gross4urricular Gonnections GRAMMAR,UttACE, AND MECHAN:CS 裕 拙艦帽 Da‖y Language Activlies,T219 LiSTEN:NO, SPEAК :NG,AND V:EW:NG ReaderResponse Groups,T34 CreatlveResponse, T35 ListeningBetween the Lines,T46 StoryTape Cooperative Reading,T51 Vivid Verbs,T53 Storv ttape Cooperative Reading,T54 StoruTaoe = IN TH!S THEME SUPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLEIN S!X LANGUAGES. NOTES: 船 CONTENT AREAS Art: Makea Skyline, T4E Socialstudies: Reporton Maniage, T4E Science:LearnHow AnimalsSleep,T49 Mathematics: Take a Survey,T49 Music:Listento Musicals.T49 STUDY SK:LLS 寸Di●tionary/ Glossary,T40口4可 SPELLlNG WIHomophones, T91 D口ily Language ACtiVttes,T220 ng Pretests spe!‖ I. and Posttests, T224 GRAMMAR,USAGE, AND MECHANICS Phreses, Prepo$itional T68 { VerUTense.T88 { Contractions, T89 DailyLanguage Activities,T220 l, I I I' I, l. ' I, J. I I f, l' I l, t Quotetions Mar*s, T111 { Functuating Dialogue, T132 Sβel‖ ng Pretests r/ Capitalizing Dired 白nd POSttests, Quotations and T225 Dialogue, T135 AstroWo「 d DailyLanguage Activities,T221 WICOmpound W o r d s 〕T 1 3 5 D白‖y Language T221 A ●t i vi止e s ョ 博7 1鞘信 雅腎 予 w More vowe:+「 S,undS,T可 77 D字:ly Language T174 A位 iv止 ies,T222 Gttmmar Review, spel‖ng Pretests T175 and Posttests, Dヨ‖y Language T225 Activtties,T222 AttroWOrd LiSttEN:NG, SPEAK:NG,AND VlEW:NG ReaderResponse Groups,T78 CreativeResponse, T79 Reflecting on the Theme,T79 Participating in Discussions, T90 $toryTape Viewing the Paintinas.T94 Visua!Literacy, Tl19 Reader Response GrouPs,T打 22 Creative ResPonse, T123 Cri可381 Response, T123 Gonnecling AcrOss the Texts,T123 Sp●ョking to a SPec!何c Audi●nce, T134 St●ry Tape CONTENT AREAS Social Studies: Explore Mutual interests,T92 Art:Make a Card, T92 Heaith and safety: HOspitai Careers, T93 Make an Exerc8Se Chart,T93 Mathemattcs:Count Calo甫es,T93 Art:Create Your Own.T95 Art:Hide the Magi●al Rabbits, 丁136 Social Studi●s: L e a m A b to 日C he ‖ 口 s Past and Present, T打36 Compare Democracy and M ‖l a r y R u l ● " T 可3 7 Mathemattcs: Compute the Number of Rabbis, T137 Science:lnvestigat, 鴨綿品理竿可 37 ReaderResponse S c i e n c e : R e s e a t t h Groups,T164 VVeapons,T178 Reflec'ting on the Sociat Studies: Theme,T165 Make a Booに ,T可78 CriticalResponse, Send a Peace T165 Leter,T179 Expressing Personal M a t h e m a t i c s : Feefingsand C o m p a r e S t a Opinions, T176 T179 $toryTape Art:Make Recrukment Poster, T179 Cooperative Reading, T181 Responding to the Article,7183 $tory Tape 章 丁 FRTFn RrH: STUDY SK:LLS THEME SttPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN S!X LANGUAGES, NOTES: l16 Encyclopedia,T151コ T 可7 1 t t s t i c s , │:│ THEME AT A GLANCE STRANGE ENCOUNTERS ‖ 1 - 11 R●ading St‖ltegies and SkH:3 SELECT:ONS correcrrO〃 A"的 ●rOgy Aunt MH‖ cent 1‖│ 日│ │― The Disobedient Child Talesfromthe Mayas Rabies ││ │ ︱ ︱ Things That Go GleeP in the Nigm ︱ │ │ Reading strate9ies, T18,T21,T23,T33, T36,T42 Make inferences,T21 Cause/EfFed,丁30r T36 Make Judgments,T33 RespOnse Options, T44‐45 " Support Tape VOCABULARY′ WORD STUDY ギKey Words,T17 T23 Context Cluesコ Specialized Vocabulary,T231 丁5 1 マsurlxes,T40 Support Tape AstroWord WR:T!NG PersonalResponse, T44 CreativeResponse, ギcharacteHzatton, T45 T19,T22,T28,T46‐ CriticalResponse, 47 T45 Sensory Languag● 1 { UsingSynonyms, 丁34 T52-53 1rony,T41,T48-49 '将 品計 跳luは Readlng the Folk Taleコ丁1車 Predi●6tin9 0utcomes,Tel Making inferences‐ Te2 RespOnding to th● Articl● .T65 Reading the A止 icleコ T64 RespOnding to the A止│● l● .T63 Reading strategies, T72,T75,T73,T73, T33.T92 Make!nf8rences‐ 丁73, T87 寸Fad/Oplni● nコT30, T96‐97 Cause and EfFectョ T86 RespOnse Options, T94‐95 SuDDOrt Tao● Reading Strategies, T ‖6 , T H 9 , T 1 2 3 コ T124 Mak3 Judgments, T 打1 9 , T 1 3 2 ‐1 3 3 Make inferences, T12可 RespOnse Options, T123出 129 SupDOrt TaDe Vivld Verbs,丁 63 Genre:FolkTale, T60 Author'sGraft: Foreshadowing, T61 Developing Conceptsancl Vocabulary, T64 Genre:ARi● lel To4 { KeyWords,fil Genre:Realistic { Preflxes,T82,Tgg FI● tion,T72 SupportTape AuthO「sC間 ■: AstroWord Flashback,T75 V charader,T76, T30 7盟 冊 &呂 協 は Plot,T81,T98 1皆 :幣 盤齢招15 T134 Connotation/ Denotation,T可 23‐ T135 Support Tape AstroWord ■TESTED SKILLS SUPPORT TAPES ARE AVA:LABLEIN SIX LANGUAGES. NOTES: │ │ LlTERY ANALYSlS AND APPREC:AT:ON Genre:RealiSti● Fidion,T18 Autho「s Crat: 丁uHtting Point.T38 ││ ││ COMPREHENS:ON′ CR!T:CAL THlNK:NG ■7 Genre:Fantasy, Tl可6 Story Strudure: Chattcter,Tl17, T125,T130‐131 VV古出ng a Modem Folk Tale,Te2 Vivid Verbsョ T63 PersonelResponse, T94 CreativeResponse, T95 CriticalResponse, Tg5 { Choosinga pintof View,T102-103 Persona!Response, T128 Creative Response, T 打2 9 W summary Paragttphs,T13● 137 ‐ IJ ‖ SELECT10NS Fine Art Po甫 ●‖● B I FⅢeway ‖―MissFaberge's COMPREHENS:ON′ CR:TiCAL TH:NK:NG ResPonding to the Art, T 可4 5 SbuthbOund on the Reading the Poem, LdstDaze │! │― ││ T146 RespOnding to the Poem.T147 Reaging strategies, T154,T159,T162, T 可6 3 , T 1 7 0 Make inferences, T155,T158 P r e d i c t Ooumte● s, T打65 ' Co市 pare and Contrast,T166 RespOnse OptiOns, T172‐173 Support ttape Genre:Poem,T146 Poetry:Free Verse, 丁可47 Poetry:Free Vers● ・ T可47 W Key Words,T153 C●ntext Clues,T161 Ana!o9ies,T163‐ 丁179 Sy‖abi●ati● n,T178 Support Tape Astr●Word Genre:Science Fiction,T154 Autho「s Cra■: Pettonal Response, T 打7 2 R e 何e c t i n g o n t h e T h e m ● ョT 1 7 3 ギu s i n g S i m i l e s a n d Metaphors,T180ロ 131 予 鵠 辞j7 Languageョ T160, T174‐ 175 Mood/Tone,丁 167, T 1 7 6 ‐T 1 7 7 ギcharacter,T169 L:SttEN:NG, w Prettxes Pre‐ , ‐ ,un‐,and pr● tttnS‐ ,T57 DI:ly Language A軒:vl:eS,T223 7盟 間罷旨幣 Dョ:!y Language Activtties,T223 S,0!‖ ng Pretests and Posttests, T223 │! Att「oWOrd │ ││ Vivid Vetts,T63 │― │― SPEAKlNG,AND V:EW!NG CONTENT AREAS STUDY 3K:LLS ReaderResponse Science:Reporton Encyclopedia, T32 Groups,T44 Exploretion CreativeResponse, Instruments, T58 T4S Music;LeamAbout Connecting Across MuslcalTraditions, Texts,T45 T58 SheringInformation, Art: Makea Sketch, T56 T5g StoryTepe Soclal$tudies: Reporton Women Pioneers, T59 Mathematics: Find Population Density, T5g T55 Teacher Read Aloud,TGl Storv Tape Gooperative Reading口T64 Story Tape LLS IN THiS SUPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLEIN SiX LANGUAGES. 11Ⅲ・母 │ │ │ WR:T!NG 144 DeveloPing C O n 〔湾p t s a n d Vocabulary,T146 GRAMMAR,U8AGE, AND MECHAN:CS SPELL:NG ‐ ││ L!TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT:ON Integratedl,,anguage Arts and Crose-CurricularConnections │││ │― VOCABULARY′ W● RD STUDY Link to Theme,丁 ■ 8 Social Stud:es: ReSearch Mayan Civ‖ization and Cuitur● .丁65 Graphi● A:ds:Time LineコT64 U t t i n g aGp「 h にA i d s , T65 1干 │十 11 1i SPELL:NG GRAMMAR7 uSAGE7 AND MECHAN!CS ・ Exclamation,T91 ずPrettXes det,ex‐ and inte卜・T107 V Predicate 口8ily Language ACtiVttes,T224 ng Pretests Spel‖ and Postests, T223 ◆出:習 首景最混il!よ AdiectiVes,Tlo5 Dally Language Adivl:es,T225 AstroWord L:STEN:N● ョ SPEAKlNG口 AND VlEW:NG ll ll ll マIGreek and Latin R●●tsコ 丁141 D白i!y Language AttivRies,T225 l ―│ and Posttests, T229 AstroWYo「 d spel‖ ng Pretests interpret ↑ 運 絲=│IЪ atesi:lustrations,TJ20 and Places,T138 Reader ResPonse ギM a i n a n d H e l p i GrouPs,T123 ng Verbs,T139 Criti● 白I ResPonseョ Dョily Language T可29 A■ :vttieS口 T225 Connecting Across Texts,T129 StOWe!ling,T140 Story Tape ││ ││ │ ││ ││― 寸Endings―。usコ‐ age,_ant,and_ ment,T135 DI:ly Language A航 iv止 i● s口T226 SPe!!ing Pretests and Posttestsコ T229 AstroWord l t a l i c s , T6可 9 寸TrOub!esOme verbs, T182 Grammar Review, T可33 Daily Language Activほies,T盟 6 │││ Cooperative Viewing.T145 Teacher Read AI●ud,T可 46 Sto「vTョ De R●ョder ResPonse erOups,T可 72 Creative Response, T173 Critica!Response, T173 Reflecting on the Theme,T173 Creating a Ⅵsual lmage,T打 84 Story Tape IN:H15 ││― ││ SUPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLE!N SIX LANGUAGES, NOTES: │= lil ll CONTENT AREAS Reader RespOnse science:RepOrt on erOups,T94 the lmmune systemコ Crittca!RespOnse, T可03 T95 S●ciai Studies: Reflecting on the Create a News Theme,T95 Broadcast,T108 Giving and Listening Careers:Leam to ingtructiOns,Tlo6About Story Tape Mete●「 ●lo9iStS, ■9 丁109 Mathematics: Cal●u!ate Outcomes,丁 109 Art:Make a CaRoon, 丁109 So●iai Studies: lnvestigate Fam‖ y Roots,T142 investigate Basketbョ ‖,Past, Present,and Future, T142 Mathematics: Caiculate打 me Travel,T143 Sclence:Research Oxygen use,T143 Art:CreateYour Own,T145 Art:A Direrent Perspective,T147 Science:Research Robots,T186 SocialStudies: Reporton Education, T186 DebateRobot Roles,T187 Careers:Explore Robotics, T187 Mathematics: CalculateRobot RepairBill.T187 STUDY SK:LLS fr THEME AT A GLANCE SuRViVAL l',' l', I T I I I I l. I I I ReadingStrategiesand Skilts SELECT10NS 拭10〃 G●rr● Д円的o10gy Kinship COMPREHENS10W CR!TICAL TH:NK:NG Reading Strategies, T18,T19,T20,T22ロ T24,T26 ギcOmpare and Contrast,T21,T32433 Make inferences,T25 Response Options, T28‐29 SuDDO「 t TaDe Llader ofthe Pack Reading Strategies, T48,丁 50,T51,T57ョ T61,T63 V compare and VOCABULARYr WORD STUDY L:TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT:ON Autobi●9raphyJ T1 8, 丁19 Autho「sC阻 ■: Theme,T22コ T30-31 1冊離塊品 Words,T53,T70 Genre:Drama・ T82 Autho「s cra■ : Visual:zation,T51 Pel:sonal Response, T66 CreativeResponse, T67 Making Comparisons, T67 { TopicSentences and Supporting Details,T74'75 Genre:Drama.T82 AuthofsCraft: Characterization, T83 lrony;-T8$ Humor,T87 UsingAdverbs,T89 Writean Altemate $cene,T91 Genre: Supp● t Tape Contrast,T54 艦 艦 船 鮮 T53,T63‐ ●9 Cause and Ettect,T62 Sgt.Dobeters DI●p Freeze Fihe Art Po由 FoHo The Orandfather Tree ' t t ResPon,e OPtions, T66‐G7 Supp● rt Tape Reading the Play, T32,T86 Predict Outcomes, T39 Autho「s Viewpoint, T90 Cause and EfFect,T9o ReSPonding to the Plavt T91 Responding to the AR, Developing T93 Concepts and Vocabulary,T92 Reading Strategies, ギKey Words,T99 T100,T105,Tl12・ Synonyms/ T 可1 4 Antonyms,Tlo4, ギDraw ConclusiOns, T125 T109,T可22口 123 Support Tape Cause/Ettect,Tl可 打 Make inferences, T 打1 2 RespOnse Options, Tl18‐ ‖9 Support Tape 1 特SuPP●醐RT TAPES 醐 ARE 紳AVAILABLEIN 鮮 絲SIX LANOUAGES, 車 I NOTES: │ ― │ │ WR:T:NG { KeyWords,T17 Compouncf VVords T20,T34 Support Tepe AstroWord │ ユコ0 Personal RespOnse, T28 Creative RespOnse, T29 寸using SensOry Words,T36‐ 37 RespOnding 10 the Artt T93 Cen「●:HistoHcal Perso中al Response, Fiction,T打 0 0,T103 Tl13 S t o r y S t t t c t u r e :Creative RespOhse, Se■ing,Tlol,T可 24 T“打 9 コ A u t h o 「s c 旧 ■: マcomparing and Figurative Contrasting,T126‐ Language,Tlo3, 127 丁1 0 , T 1 2 0 口 12打 Repetttion,T105 丁h e m e , T 可1 3 IⅢ 11 日 │ 8ELECT:ONS Httr「 icane 9ne Dark Night ││ │― Flur Againstthe SIョ Reading Strategies, T148,T153ョ Tl14, T166 Make infettn●●sョ T151,T可 72 Characterization, T152 寸Autho「s Purpose, T156,T170と 打71 Response options〕 T168‐169 Support Tape 1 - ││ ││ I SPELLlNG │ │ │ │ ││ spel‖ng Pretests │││ も WR:T:NG T34 Genre:Poetry, Author's Craft: T135 lmagery, T135 lmagery, DeveloPing Concepts and Vo●abulary,T130 Building Fluency, T140 Genre: Autobi●graphical Narrative,T打 36, T139 Auth●「s Cra■: sens●ry Language, T139 Autobiographical Narrative, T139 Analyze Language, 丁打41 Genre: Poetry, T141 島‖47 Genre:Rea!isti● 1協牌 T148 Fiは:on〕 meanings,T154 AuthO「s Cra■: Specialized Figurative Vo●abulary,T160 Language口 丁153, Multi‐ s y‖白bi●VVords, T154,TJ58 T 1 6 3 , 丁1 7 3 Dialogue,T159 Support Tape MoOd,T160 Ast「 oWord characterizationロ Personal RespOnse, T168 C「eative RespOnse, T169 V using Order Wordst T176口177 T162 GRAMMAR,USAGE, AND MECHANiCS 寸A d v e r b s , T 3 8 ギA d v e r b 3 0 F T i m e , Place,and Manner, T39 Da‖yLョ nguage A ●t i v t t e s , T 2 1 9 and Posttests, T224 AstroWOrd ■TESTED IN THIS E PP° ボ TAttESAREAVAILABLE N SⅨ 中 L:SttEN:NG〕 SPEAK:N● ,AND VIEW:NG ReaderResponse Groups,T28 CriticelResponse: T2g UsingVisualAicls to Explain,T40 StoryTape LANGUAGES. NOTES: ││ │― │ ││ L!TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT10N IntegratedLanguageArts and Cross-GurricularConnections V Fndings― :on,‐ ti9nロ ョnd― sion・ T41 Da:ly Languag● A9tivttes,T219 ││ Reading the Poeml T134 Responding to the Poem,T135 Reading the Autoblographic81 Narative‐T137 ResPonding to the Autobiographi●al Narative,T140 Reading the Poemコ 丁14: r ReSPOnding to lhe Poem - ││ VOCABULARY′ WORD SttUDY Deve:oping Concepts and Vocabu!ary,T134 One Creat Thing ││ 1 COMPREHENS:ON′ CR!TlCAL THlNKlNG ユ21 CONTENT ARRAS STUDY SK:LLS Mathematics: FormVApplications, CalculateAverage T35 Speed,T42 $cience:Explorethe Tundra,T42 Reporton Primitive Knowledge, T43 SocialStudies: Explorethe Last Frontier.T43 │ギ li SPELL:NG 寸Fndings― en●●,‐ ableコand… arlce,― T79 ibl● コ DI:ly Language AttiVlies,T220 spelHng Pretests and Postests, T224 AStrOW● rd ll― │ ││ GRAMMAR,USAGE" AND MECHANlCS 寸Contractions,丁 59, T77 V Adverbs of Compttrison,T56 Da‖y Language Activは es,T220 ││ Vivid Verbs,丁 38 Using Adverbs,T89 │― w Unusual spellings of │││ ││ 7 掃 習 精 :: 挑 」 皆s and CI● sings,Tl,3 Consonant Sounds,T可 31 Daily Language Dli!y Language Activttes口T221 Activttes,T221 _… spel‖ ng Pretests and Posttests, T225 ││ ││ ││ │ │ interview,T60 Reader Response Groups,T66 CHtical ReSponseコ T67 的SS Conne● ting A● Texts,T67 Conducting an lnterviewコT78 story Tape Sentence Fr3gments, T138 マPrettxes● om字 and Con“ ,T可31 D卓ily Language Activtties,T222 Spe‖ ng Pretests and Po守 駐ests, T225 AstroWord Reader ResPontte C r o u p s 口丁1 1 8 Creative RespOnse, 丁119 Ctttical RespOnse, 丁119 Conneding Across T●xts,Tl19 interpreting Nonvetta! Communi● atlon, 丁130 Storv Tape Paired Reading, T134 Storv Tape ResPonding to the Autobiographi●a: N a r r a t i v eT‐1 4 0 Storv Tape Visual Literacy, T153,T133 Reader Response erOups,T168 Creative ResPonse, 丁169 Connecting Across Texts,T169 Using Ro!e‐ play, T可30 Story Tape 丁ESTED SKILLS IN THIS THEME SuPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLE!N SIX LANGUAGES. │││ NOTES: ││ STUDY SK:LLS W Graphic Aids: Diagrans,T71 ギchOosing Resouに eS,T72‐ 73 Art:Greate Your Ownコ T93 ReSearch Artists,T93 So●ial Studies:RepOrt on Caribbean PeoPies, T132 S●ience:Leam About C!ouds口T132 Leam Ab● ut isi白 ndS, T 可3 2 Mathematics:Locate Encyclopedia, T116 tsiands on a Map, 丁133 Mus:●:Use P●「 cusslons instrulilenお .T可33 Art:1昭 sua! lnterpretations,T135 SocialStudies: Using Discussthe Mississippi River.T138 a Mapコ T133 StorvTaoe W Negatives,丁 打56, 丁1 7 3 Grammar Revle市 , T179 Daily Language Activ忙 ies,T222 │― ││ CONTENT AREAS Health and Safety:List Cold―Weather safety Tips,T80 Sc:ence:Research Dog Breeds,T80 Social Studies: Compare Living Environments,T31 MaP an idlarod,T81 Mathematics: kloョ dョ Deterrnine VVo「 T81 Readers'Theeter, T82 StoryTaoe C●operative Viewing・丁92 ││ ││ L:STENING, SPEAKlNG,AND V:EWING ユ22 Science:Investigate SouthChinaSea $torms,T182 HealthandSafety: Understand the Need for Fluids,T182 Music:Southeast AsianMusic,T183 Methematics: Charta Curse.T183 $ocialStudies: Leam AboutMetnamese Culture, T183 GraphicAids:Maps, T149 'rlDidionary/ Glossary, T150, T174 LibrarySkills,T157, T175 中 ・ 的 H ” 一 ︱ 口 ■ 口 ■︱ ︱ 口 一 ■ ■ ︼ THEME AT A GLANCに JOURNEYS OF CHANGE R3aJing strategi● 一 ■ 一 SELECT:● NS 一 ≡ ≡ ≡ ■ ■ 一︱ Collection /Anthology GallMeProteus COMPREHENS:ON′ CR:T:CAL TH:NK:NG ≡ ﹁ 出 丁 Reading Strategies, T可3,T20,T22,T231 丁20,T29,T32,T33, T38 Make Judgments, T19,T44‐ 45 Compare and Contrast,T23 RespOnse Options, T42中43 Support TaPe 3 and Sk:‖ s VOCABULARYr WORD STUBY 7 灘靴呂 1占 :苫 T27,T39,T48 SuPport Tape ⋮ 口 ! ・ ■ ュ ” ■ ■ 口 Nlckel-a-Pound PlaneRide ︲ ■ ■ 一 ■■ Flhe Art Po市o‖o B A‖ Aboardi r l B 甘 ﹁ r キ 丁ESTED SKILLこ 3 灘靴督 1占 :常 Reading Strategies, T64,T70,T74,T73 P r e d ti ●o u t c o m e s , T66 TS9,T34 Mult卜sy‖abi●vvO「ds, Make inf●降n●es,T71 T73,丁 86 Summarizeョ T77ョT85 Analogies,丁 73,T37 R e s p O n s ●O p t i o n s , Compound Words, TS2‐53 T74 Support ttape Suppo■ Tape AstroWord RespOnding to the Art, T99 R●ョding Strategies, T102,T100,T107, T‖ 可:TH3,T可 17コ T121 Main idearDeta‖sョ 丁109,T打 20‐打27 V cause and Ettect, Tl10,T130 V classify/CategoHze, T‖2,T打 打3 , T 1 2 3 V FaCVOPinion,T可 16, T129 R e s p O n s e O p t in● s, T124‐ 125 SupDOrt TaDe IN THiS 寸Key Words,T可 05 Greek/L3可n Ro●ts, Tl14,T13可 Astr● VVord SUPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLE IN SIX LANGUAGES. = NOTES: . ¨ l r ユ23 L:TERY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT:ON WRIT!NG Genre:Science F:di● n 〕T 1 8 Authoris CraR:Point of Ⅵew,T19,T46 Flashba● k /Foreshadowing, T20,T32,T35,T47 Time‐order Words, T24 Figurative languag● : T25 Humor,T30 CharacteHza甘on, T31ョT34 Persuasive Languageコ 丁36 Pensonal Response, T42 CreativeResponse, T43 CriticalResponse, T43 { UsingLanguage to Persuade,T50-51 Genre:ShortStory, T64 AuthofsCraft; Exaggeration, T65 Dialogue,TBE SensoryLanguage, PersonalResponse, TE2 CreativeResponse, T83 CriticalResponse, T83 { Ordering Rea$ons, Tg0-91 w2 Vivid Verbs.T75 Genre: Autobiography, T146 AuthofsCraft: lmagery, T157 RespOnding to the Arts‐T99 Pe時 Onal RespOnse, T164 Creative Response, T165 寸T a k i n g N l t e s , 打7 3 T172‐ 干 日 │││ ││ SELECT:ONS Tいo Eagie Has Lttndedi ││ ││ │― │ MDon/orbiter S Shows How Eath LOoks from the MI●n │・ COMPREHENSiON′ CR:T:CAL TH:NK:NG VOCABULARY/ WORD SttUDY Reading Strategies, T142,T146‐ T147コ 丁J52〕丁153,T160, T162 Make inferences, T149,T161 :s PurPosel ギAutho「 T15打 ,T166 ギsequence,T155, 丁167 Cause/EfFect,T156 R e s p O n s e O p t in● s, T164-16ト Support Tape Reading the Poems, T 有8 0 Responding to the Poems,T131 寸K e y W o r d s , T 1 4 5 ed specialiュ VocabularyコT147: T153 anings, Mu!tiPle M● T148 Synonyms,T150 Genre: Autobiography, T146 Author"sCraft: lmagery,T157 V Taking Notes, T 1 7 2 ‐1 7 3 ギcontext clues, Developing Conceptsancl T180 Vocabulary, 丁1 8 2 Genre:Poetry,T180 AuthOFs C「白■: Pers●niHcation, T131 Genre:Essay,T182, TtB5 子襴 艦 T134 Responding to the 87 Essavt T可 │ WR:TING Personal Response, T164 Creative Response, T 可6 5 T 打5 4 , T 1 6 8 suppOrl Tape the Future Reading the Essay, FHght t● ││ 巴 ││ Ltt LRY ANALYSiS AND APPREC:AT!ON RespOnding to the Poems.T可 31 Personittcation, T181 Responding to the Essay,T187 Writean Advertisement, T187 lntegratedLanguageArts and Cross4urricular Connections L:母丁EN:Ng] ││ ││ ││ I SPELL:NG 寸Adding… s,and― esl T55 D申‖y Language ies,T223 Activ止 Spel!ing Pretests and Posttests, T223 . AstroWOrd GRAMMAR,USA● AND MECHAN:CS { Prepositions, T21, T52 { Prepositional Phrases,T$3 DailyLanguage Activities, T223 ││ =TESTED SK!L邸 │ │ Eロ SPEAK:NGコ AND V:EWiNG ReaderResponse Groups,T42 CreativeResponse, T43 CritlcslResponse, T43 Connecting Across Text$,T43 Listeningto Persuasive, T54 StoryTape IN ― 母 =N:忙 ■ │ │ │― │ 124 │ ― │ GONTENT AREAS STUDY SK:LLS Soclai studies:Find Fo!lowing New Uses for Old D i r e c t i o n s . T 3T74ョ 9 Materlals,T53 Arti Design a Plantコ T56 Science:Grow Food in Water,T57 investigate Artifdal intelligen● e,T57 Mathematics: Cal●ulate Supp‖esコ T57 一 一 一 H 仰 ﹁ ” 一 r 一 ・ 一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ││ │― 日 ││ │ SPELLING nt ギS i l ● │ │ │ w Mo「eじ reeK and Latin Roots,T可 37 Daily Language Activttes,T225 Sβ●│!ing P口 etests attd Posltests, T控 9 Att「oWord Pairedヽ打ewing,T96 ViSuョI Literacv‐ T99 ♀ 縮だ 幣 鑑n創 Phttses,T134 Dョ‖ y Language Activttes,T225 丁可25 CHttcal RespOnse, 丁可25 Renecting on the Themeコ 丁可25 Vi●wing 10 G3in inforrnation,T136 Story Tョ pe 寸母●mmonly W Subiecttre的 Miや ed vvO「 Spe‖ ds, A9reement,T174 T 可7 7 Da‖y Language Activttes,T226 SPbl‖ ng Pretests and Postlests, T229 Grammar Review・ T175 Da‖y Language Activttes,T226 AstroWord Theme,T165 Listening fo「 lnforrnation,T176 Story Tape │ ││ SKILLE IN THEME SUPPORT TAPES ARE AVAILABLEIN Slx LANeUAGES. NOTES: │ │ li ll CONTENT AREAS { Adjedive VisualUteracy,T80 Phrases, ReaderResponse 甲on3onants k,n・ Prepositional W , b , t i p : h ,T92 T95 Groups,T82 { $entence 中aily Language CreativeResponse, Fragments, Tg3 ハCtiVttes,T224 T83 ng Pretests DailyLanguage ,pel‖ CriticalResponse, and Postestsi Activities,T224 TE3 T223 Connecting Across AstroWord Texts,T83 Speakingto Percuade,Tg4 StoryTape 日 │ 日 L:SttEN:NG, SPEAK:NG,AND V:EW:NG GRAMMAR,usAGE, AND MECHAN:CS 泌 Methematics: Calculate Dollars andPounds,TgB $cience:Research the Principlesof Flight,T96 Careers:Explore PilotCareers,Tg6 SocialStudies: Reporton Aviators, T97 Art: Drawan Aerial View.T97 STUDY SK:LLS Newspaperl T67‐ T88申89 ▼ch00sing Resour●es,丁76 A ■: C r e a t e Y o u r Own,T99 Mathematics:Mak● ョBar oraph,T138 Art:Design a Train CarJ丁 138 So●:ョ I Studies: Leam About Stevenson,T139 MuSic:Listen to Train sOngs,T139 MusiC:Listen to 丁「 ョi n S O n g s , T 1 3 9 Sc:ence:Report on Steam Engines, T139 Mathematics: ギChoOsing Calculbte Distances, Resources,T158コ 丁178 T打69 So●iat Studies: Note Taking and Leam About Moon Outlini甲 9,T打 70‐171 Myths,T可 73 L●3m Ab3ut Oreeting customs, T179 Science:1日VeStigate SPace Pr● ieCtS, T179 A止 :Draw VVeightlessness, T 可7 9 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ・ ¨ 申一 中甘 ≡ ∵■■ ・ 卜 一・ 中 一 一 ︱ WttSp引にd WOrds・ Agreement,T174 T177 Grammar Revlew, T175 paily Language Activlies,T226 ,pel‖ng Pretests and POstests, T229 Da‖y Language Activlies,T226 Reader RespOnse erOups,T164 Critical Response. T165 Rettecting on the Them● コT165 Listening f● r info「 nationョT176 Story Tape ││ ││ Topicsentences, │― Cooperative Reading,T可 32 Connecting t● Literatureコ 丁可86 Story Tape 日 │ rl = TESTEDSKILLStNTH|STHEME SUPPORTTAPESAREAVAIIJBLEIN SIX LANGUAGES. NOTE$: B │ │ │ │ ││ │ ︱ ︱ 路 Ca!culate Distances, T178 Social Studies: Leam About MOon Myths,T178 Leam Ab● ut Oreettng CustOms, T179 Science:investigate SPace ProieCtS, T可79 A成:Draw VVeightlessnessl T179 ReSources,T158, T169 Note Taking and Outlining,T170-171 Graphic Aids.T183 Create a司町me Line, T184 Literature:Research Greek Myths,T186 AFt:Design an Airc門 ■ョ丁187 ■ ■■一 一■■一 ︱ ︱ $ixth GradeLanguageArts Syllabus │. ︱ ︱ Theme| - Perspectives (4-6Weeks) A. TheAll AmericanSlurp B. LosersTakeAll C. BennieSeballos D. Photography andOtherLessons ︱ Themeff - uncovering the past;AncientEgypt(4-6weeks) A. ThewalkingTourof the pyramidJ/The secretchamber B. Revealing the Mysteries of Mummies C. TheWingedCat D.Aida ︱ ︱ ︱ Themelll - FindingCommonGround(4-6Weeks) A. Don'tLetthe BedbugsBite B. Shootto Win C. The Rebellion of theMagicalRabbits D. WarGame ︱ ︱ IV= ︱ ThemelV - $trangeEncounters (4-6Weeks) A. AuntMillicent B. Rabies ! ThingsThatGo Gteepin the Night D. MissFaberge's LastDaze ︱ ThemeV - Survival(4-6Weeks) A. Kinship B. Leaderof the pack C. TheGrandfather Tree D. FourAgainsttheSea VIⅢ ThemeVl - Jourtey'sof Change(4-6Weeks) A. CallMe profeus planeRide B. Nickel-a-pound C AftAboard! D, The EagleHasLandedl ︱ V. ︱ l n l l 127 隆 ≡ n凹 一 . り<卜 ≡ ︲ 0田住∽ ︼の一 任 卜< 山0 一 ョ<¨ 一︲︲に 隣 I 中Xい中Lф博珂い に 任 < 卜 m f 働 コ O Lだ ” ︲ O o担 ﹂ せ E子掛 引 割 封 引 目 o . E何 一 と LO中 0中 CO “●ョげ ● 00 阜り “ 印EE ヽ 市 ● 身切E弱 車≡ A r f 一 叫一抑中い 的 に 榔 に に 幅 に F 忙 席 ド 博 ︲ 門 に 博 隅 性 師拘﹁町阜切百“o﹂中 ︲ ”L●中付け一 ●>●J ●や 何L掛 町 〓一中 I I I ■■ ほ中尊何ф E . 口い口け﹂い一 いDDて﹁ D 二 ●B〓 一 じ三 中 的● > い何 ﹂ 何中ビOE O十 駐位b 切 軍 ≡ 再 一 F﹂ 何﹂00﹂ユ ﹂●柏Sф 区 ”︰ o Eo三ト 隅隔に肥脚隅打 < 的 口のOF 的 ●●n 王 . ф碍弱Lコ り〓00め ﹂い硝何い 匡 ぃ市●●< 一 o■ “●E ●Eト “●打一 >特●硝 何一Eい F﹂ф ユユ 〓仰 一 一 声L付﹂00﹂住 ヽф で町い に 旧岬 煙 切EO朽仰むョげ DEEф> ” .t 怖阿隠際艦慨3< ● ▼りい軍 いニト 出 旧旧ドト昨 0﹂中E●母●●仰 ︻ 千 F 〓 E E 0 0 ф “ F﹂ 仰 E い ョ 〓 中 可 〓岬 腔中 襲格 部 諮誕 訴鞘襲襲﹂ ボ 中Eф E ED窃 ”何 h一 Sa 一 ≡ ≡ 臣 田 ● い 曲 生 ビ●コ町● E . ぃ 何≡ Oo●< いあ い中● E O 三ト 中 中 型 おL付 。 荘 距 ・ い O E は〓 E ф い 官一おビコ●昨 фぬ 一 宝耳 申G f■′中コ●n電 りEo一●一 ﹁聖 ﹂ ● 切一 >p ﹂ 乳 が蹴兼謡韓鞘髄璃 諮中 却 鞘誕 Eoおい>﹂い的nO ﹂● ●町 い 中 三 丁 中亡O E 仁働栃 ”何 h 一 踊6 一 り中切0口 、L何一 ョ “0●卜 ぁ一 n 王●●卜> 打 材 ●︼ ●臣 ● 三ト 陶阻 性 F 怪 由 0 ¨ ∽田卜 一 一 “●NN︼ ヨげ 一 臣田● 醍 理 蝉 ・艶 錠辞巧 騨翼 切 ● ■ ′ 軍 〓 ● 仁 電 再 直 ● 0 0 い 卜 何 り 働 〓 り 町 略 ” T 再 〓 ︼ 中 ¨ ・ 誰躍唯 昨 運ユ 職拘 弊語襲揺 ● 昌 雪兼車 抑 叫 一 百ф 可 伝 E 輔 望 響 ● い り 3 X ф い 亡 t ● ● ● 中 出 一 O E 卜 E 何 中 り ● の r 中 コ ド E い じ コ ロ β “中Eい巨 こo︼ り印何 卜〓何百 一 めE一 ︼切ф中ヽ●召何いE E く 卜 ∽ 一 ●中い0中 い臣 い エト 一切 い コ ● 的 ﹂で ﹁ 〓田● ∽出卜一 ヽ﹂町一 コぬ 町●0ト ト一 〓фO>> ︲ ︻ 的卓 ● “E● 町主 いり 〓● ● いト 軍 何 ︶ n n 三 ボ中 Eい宮 E恥材 “< h一 哺3 一 I ■■ r ﹁ ▼ り〓L何E E●鰐●山 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 例翻 ョ剖 酎 ¶州 ¶淵判剰﹁お世 く お “F コい 州州 お河n圧 ●”コ0中 h申 t拘E一 ︼ぃ抑的一h ¨ 一 一 n< 巾 や打卜何打E田中 ・ い 巾り〓﹂田 笙 〓いLo出 ・ 骨 E担 む 辱 い﹂ユ ”ф正田宮 ′ 一 ふ ・ E ф 一 E ・ E 0 0 0 ф ﹂ ︷ 卜 , 単 ︶ 再 こ ● 岬 一 キ 将 弾 岬 的 一 一 幕 一 中 一 一 ﹁ ボ ぃNN百 9 E < 十︲ Jり。卜 ●Fヽu正ト ︲︲︲ り担E い E ”” ф ” 仰 エ I ユ28 . 00工 り<ト F . ‘ 白凹 ヨ<﹁ 0凹ユ∽ ︼的﹂ E 卜< 中 . . <一 凸凹軍 Iф凹卜 L00〓 . . . . ︲︲ ∽0 いヨ ∽り の卜0〓 0 <ト ﹁ ︼ ︲ a凹 ョ< 一 0 凹住∽ ︼∽一 区 卜< . ” . <一 6凹臣 正 い凹卜 ﹂り い 〓 . . 、 . 口● のコ 的0 仰卜O I ︱︱ . . aり工 <一 白田〓 3山 ” . ョ<一 0町住の 正0凹卜 Lりф〓 ぼ博に日はは偉 I ︲ 到Ц日耐ヨ日■用判引朝蛸邸判対当朝到剰引朝︱ ︲ ▲ ●五申 勧宮●H ・ 朝¨ 〓Eコ略 仰 >oL生ヽ切軍●﹂ いョ﹂E一 脇塩 ℃ “ ︻ ■■ 的 00 工 . r t一 白 凹〓 凸 凹 ヨ< 一 ф 凹L 任 <卜 の ﹂фお町ф∝ . りE●研 いコい出 で 働ョ●﹂ リL● m “ фいno f 三コ 軍 >﹂ . . . 工●凹卜 L00〓 的0 ﹂ фf●“ф卜 ﹂ Eф圧電p切い< 的申 ︻ ≡ . ︼ 店慨< 卜 仰ヨ 的0 ∽卜0エ ︱︱にぼm白 あo卜 ・Eф王ト ギリф︼﹂фB田●E E <卜 の ︻ 仰LO一 りのコ●り一 お 正働コ●﹂二一 いE●将田卜﹂фりnO ﹂D O硝ф f ト ボ ロEDE ED析 “< 卜 田 一 一● い∽●生﹂コユ 仰L●三ギコ町 DE一 卜中FEфO一りH a匡 い出何 円〓ppヨ﹁● ”単 硝﹂可 ﹂0 りфOこ空 ф卜電一仰D︼町Fちい〓出 いコヨコ● ︱ ︱ 弱 ︱ ! o< ︷ぉ 卓章 0 寸︺い世 相手 一 コ . 町中 LфE ф一 住aコ∽ り王00田 一 , むU何﹂卜 0︲F 的DF塙 фfト , 的 N 寸側 ! 仰 0● 一方 > 王 0 寸 ャ 工 n ﹂ф可町oγ一樽фコ 町﹂ω↓ D●●< 中︲ ︲ ︱︱︱︱︱ o ャいい圧фエト 側田 一 望 章 甲こ 望 8 n ﹂ぃで田●E 硝いギm﹂い ●●● ︼ < ! J 十 ∽OE Dfト “ 旨 . 田 ﹂0一町●ぱ一 0申“﹂0 OфO お 一 < fN 塁 中 宮 o出 〓o中 ︼いいの 蝉 . ぃ垣 ﹂ 望 鷲 仰〓﹂何F” 三●ビ●船 . 甲 rmфE い三ト 靴 旧旧F 輔難 日 1 1 1 i l . . 0 仰申EфE い一 ф りU旺町” ”﹂oおED 側 m . 何фU一E一 田L﹂ 0ビ任L ф﹁ ●a 千 N ”〓﹂“E 〓OEい田 中 ・ ︱ ︲ 判劇刊¶剤茎 ︲劉 胡 ¶ 淵 円 刊 鳩 望 く 再 “F 再印 X 珂ほn〓一時● あ中●E何卜 町 卜● EO一 りといf価 駐仁米Ψ 市 ︲ 切中 ︲一”h﹂ ● “ 七再何打 ビ付甲“ t h毎 コ 1抑 卿 聖善播輔 帥中 翠寵離部轄 ボ фNNち ● E < ф ︲︲︲ ゴ仰 卜 ф圧 ф三ト い車 町﹂朽 ﹂0 いい0こф﹂い一E一り出︼mF﹂い〓﹂ DBココ● I い ロ 何 中EO口一中Eфでコ申り ︱︱︱︱︱︱卜榔W円に怪隔忙﹂ り0軽一 ﹂ф一何いr一碍0担師﹂0 0●● ﹁E● 一 ゴ ぎ 0的 碑町ф一ギ町 0>ф十六︶ 中 何 一 Cфおお一 り 中● ざ 一的 Tゴ 的一 ぃ押りф中EO一 いEф工ф﹂駐E ●● 卿 豊善播鶴 幾謎 離響繋 ”0中﹂фお何DE 中 ピ <卜 ∽ ︻ ”E●一 ”いョoい一 で 五めョ0﹂五ギ リEO将何卜﹂いいnO ﹂● り町ф f ト ボ 申Eф匡 こ D研 い田 ヽ 硝 一 一白 ボ ぃNN百 9 E < ”фト ロ匡 ф正ト ︲︲ ︲︲ ギ I dl ) ● 」 ” L ●aい ﹂ い いN N一 コ何 中 ヽ ﹁ 嗣 ﹁ ﹁ I 可 E 白0エ . r <一 白凹〓 凸凹 ヨ<一 0凹住∽ . ﹁ 中 │││ コリф中﹂ф硝田OE α < 卜 的 ボ E ф 5 E E ” h一 “ ” “a 万 一 中 f фN コ 仰 いo 赳 ビ < 9 中 ト . фE фf卜 Eo一 い仰ョ●仰一 ロ ﹁ いL●野可>﹂い仰nO ﹂い oはф f ト 仰中E ● E め 切 ● り 仰 く I E 00工 ” ギ 石 凹〓 占 凹 ヨ〓 0凹L申 . . ↑ I “ り 工●凹卜 Lり0三 ∽0 、 . . 備ド<卜 仰コ∽● 的卜0王 白O I ︻ F く一 白凹〓 ●凹 J<一 ●凹住∽ h . 工ф凹卜 Lり ф臣 ガ ф F ,﹁ ︼ ﹁ 中 り < 卜 のゴ ∽0 的卜0 工 E い ﹂E一 胸I伸脇博ほ肥ぽに門に一¨ 申 I 倒期日耐掛日■HⅥ刊叫叫団叫胡判朝到 ︲ 町 ¨ E o 研 割﹁h 判 倒 出 コ﹂ f︺ ビ●H I “ 凹卜 ﹂Oф〓 ”ф ﹁工0﹁ 十 一 ド リ<卜 仰ヨ的0 的卜0〓 11: 1卓 〓 ф中付 E ︼ ユ DE﹂町ф い田фお一 一 正 〓 百 一 聖 何ュ庄 oい 電田● 盟 Eф 軍 コ ∽ Xф中町 E一 中 f〓■メBDE﹂田ω一り何いで一 Loo こ田o い出電ф コ︼ r ロ の ﹁ 隅艦肥に性慨Ⅳ︲ 愕性榔怖忙町﹂ 隔 肥 に 限 旧 電 押 . ”ば0 り的コ0” 勧ヨ0﹂ 中 一 一 お 工 工 ”亡●軍田ュ 0りnO ﹂●正●町0 ト ”中 CD一 監 ED栃 い田 ヽ一 G白 ぃ﹂ф町町ф略 い0町コリ﹂фュ ●中む”再 の O コ間 町 一 L 正中 中 f中 。 ゴリo卜 фE ф三ト 碑0再将ビфで一”中E●ココ中 仰 ︱︱に︱停悔ほ的ほ肥悔榔 卜円n中 ﹂ oお何●ぼ α<卜的 . の 山卜 一 ﹁ 仰ど ●ユф﹂ヽ仰фNN中 ョげ ビ て﹁ ぃ りE●一 いのコ0い一 一 fめコ●に工学 的EO将田bLO的n● ﹂● ●町ф f ト ボ ”Eф巨 こ働栃 い町 h G 一 一白 ф三ト ゴいф卜 ●再 一 ﹂ф再何фE E < 卜 ∽ . ω山卜 一 ボ ●住D﹂ い出 間 ち 丁 ど ヽ に< ︻ ∽E●一 ∽いコ0い一 で 二働コO﹂三” 切EO再田〓 むのnO ﹂い O町ф f ト ボ中 Eф圧 こp りい町 h一 “白 一 ●三ト ゴoф卜 фE一 石げ ﹂いお何ωビ ビ < 卜 り . 仰m卜 一 ガ ど ●ユ0﹂ヽり盟 対 何●” ф”●ヨ ●T“上 打 E一一 甲 陶性旧中 拭 理 百 E■ 稲 E ﹂●牛 E E oと ■■ ■■ ︱ ︱ 碑ф将¨ >甲●哺 ≡ 田申EO軍 ф一 ﹂住ヨリ い王00田 一 ︼ 圧 < “申EDE Ep “切町 ・︲ p F りф匡 ﹁ DE 一 h一 ¨ 価3 . 寸 的 的的 ∽型中 一 と石m ≡ 町︼EфE O一 Qaコ∽ 切〓00山 一 ︼ E < o中にфE Ep りい何 ≡ h一 何3 0︰▼ り0匡面 エト 一 E< りф拒一 >朽0何 h 町一EO官 ф一 ュュコリ 的〓00曲 一 [ 切中EDE EP りの< 側的 ”〓与再E 三●Eф船 甲的 ” 町a ●︰rいい岳 фfト 二中 . 切王 o o □ ”0お一 >おり何 田 ︼C O E D a ュ コ 一 一 仰 . Eф巨 Ep り“可 E< m﹁ . 二 届 3 D︲Pいい匡 фに 一 には伊卜性Eo﹂﹂EO村●0い ︱ ■■ ■■ ︱ ︱ ︱ 再 ●﹂< ︺●ュ ゴ コ“ ﹂ あ” 棋世 骨 nお 革 ち 告n一 河,町格 ξ●﹂ 切亡ofD仁 E 0 ︲0 馬 官 軍 〓 担 竹 巾 , り〓﹂EE 〓いEい出 仰” XO 再E町 ” りф動的りの町住 E一●i町︺ いで 玲0千一Lいお一”Eф ョ申 再 ∽ 町 単o い亡Ga リコ0モ町> o fコ切0仰コ 申EO珂コ中“ D o 圧 雷仰 十 襲 鍵理 輪対﹃ だ ” ∝< ﹁ ぃE●一 仰いコリい一 一EDコ0﹂三” いE●将何t 〓 фりぬ0 ﹂いf●田いト ボ一 ビ聖匿 ED栃 り輌 ヽ↓ 町a 一 十 ゴリ0卜 фE ф三ト ︱ I ⋮ H嘲 ”〓 E コ 中0 三 ︺3 ■ ● ヨ ︱ │ 00エ . ︼ <一 a凹王 6凹 ヨ<一 い凹住∽ . . . 工い凹卜 L00〓 ∽Φ . ︻ . ” O < 卜 的ヨ い0 の卜0工 ││ ユ抑 白り工 ﹁ . ‘ <一 8凹〓 a凹 ヨ<一 中凹住∽ . . ︼ 工0凹卜 L00玉 ∽● F 、 ﹁ . り < 卜 ∽ヨ ∽0 ∽卜0工 00 工 . r <一 白 口臣 白 凹 ヨ< 一 中 凹住 仰 . . 中 工 ● 凹卜 L0 0 〓 り ф . ︻ . 0 < 卜 的ヨ ∽0 ボ ト0 工 白り 王 凹 ヨ< 一 中 凹L ∽ . ” Lり 0 〓 ∽ 0 ” ︻ り 0 の卜 0 工 ”中E ● E い い 0め ”< q胡ヨ朝到ヨ¬倒 ││ . ︼ ﹁ <一 B 田〓 白 . 工 0 凹卜 F . り < 卜 のヨ ││― 倒螂目耐ヨ日H対判刊叫四馴 ︱ ■■ X い 町 ● “ 中 田 D ” ヨ E コ ” E ュ o ・ 町 コ ﹂ ф 〓 ﹂ 特 〇 ば い 0 ぃ 理 ﹂ 中 一 ﹂ 神 や 脚 f 晦 一 コ 一 海 丁 一 申 一 げこ こ ﹂ α一 > CLユ ヽ明 t ● 中m コ﹂〓 一 │:│ ︱ 30工 , 6 凹 ヨ< 一 ф 凹 住り 白0王 . . 式一 日凹〓 0凹 ヨ<一 0凹Lの . ﹁ . 工●凹卜 ﹂0 0〓 ∽0 F t . . . O < 卜 仰ヨ 的0 の卜0工 . <一 0 田臣 り●一nョ﹂ 一фュ0 い卜い ﹂い ●田фト 一 で 三 い一 Eф匡 〓 め栃 ”町 ヽ再田 白 ” 〓 鶴● . DE将E■メ ュ匡 町り 中EO可ョ︼り 特● りい一 い0仁過ョ﹂ ●卜●専 ﹂● ●“ф 樽0ュ●一 f ト リ︼EDE こめ窃 切付 h 町 一 一白 中 一 〓 阻● 亡●軍一 い0ュ臣 ●● 中● 仰Eo Eф>E●0 甲 亜●一 E田f●●F﹂﹂0 一 田●軍田■津ヒ田﹂D 一 фE申単0 じE呵F■と Oф DEロビ〓■′いい出〓ント ︱ ︱ ︱ ︻ い 申E D E E D 一 りり 町 いい距一 >母Om 一 町申Eф匡 ф↓ ュ﹂ヨリ ” 輛コ 0︰Fいф匡0エト ︲ ︲ ∼一 ・ 卜一 町U 0︲ドいい軍●五ト 一 ” 仰一 ばф圧 亡D一 め仰町 り●把と石町 面電 o匡聖生aヨ∽ ︱ ︱ ︱ 翻瑠 増 翻 ¶ 矧 N 寸 , r寸 ”〓LEF 中 〓 ●E●出 Eョ EO再 一 ﹂≡ C一卜●電o中 一 だ一一 対一一 いユ匡 0じ ”ф申 ⋮と に ●o l 哺出 ”正0歴 両 凸十 ∴寸■ 〓 市持 ギ 町中 的 . fり〓働E凹 ビ0〓E■′特● ”●﹂的コE田中り D正中切ф切 コ 口 寸 , . い∽Dり●単a 働E軍t■メф f神切ф仰D r 寸 ・ ” ”出略何F ︼〓●〓●田 ︱ に 旧 卜 恒 ●出 E担 再 いり ﹁ 王﹂0二 Lo〓 ■′ 一 ” h 一 ф り●い >い﹂ ”〓町士 お田фと ●●La E町 E ど 可 一 口 DE再Eヽ 声 ﹂●単い硝いわ一фN E町D﹂0 一 ・ 誕ギ難正岬 雪申 ﹂ 確蛸ギ 邦郵輔誰端 ︱ 。 ﹁E︼市 ロトいヨ ●打“L 円陪性町 ︼ U ︱ ユ3ユ ││ ” DE将t卜P a匡 町り 伸E●専ココm 特● りい一 ︱ ︱︲ ︲二 ” ・ 朝 出 E B一単● 〓 ︺研 E ● ■ ︱ ヨ “ 仰申 王い圧万的●”りく = 劇倒 □田判調刊朝到ヨ¬劇 ︱ 1昌 ︹ . 正●田卜 L0 0〓 が ● F ﹁ ﹂ . . O < 卜 ∽ヨ 的0 い卜0 工 ︱ ︲ 倒 馴 日 団 ヨ 日 ,一 対叫 ︱ < 切E● 一 ”一 >●Lユ ヽ”宮● 一 いコ単L一 ︱ │ど │ 11 6th Crade THE卜 lE AT A GLANCE:対 Who Am l? Reidintt Sti・ ntegies ind skills 日│ ││ SELECT10NS (.loI I ecti ott .,lttrlto /rrqtr' Llopr citt ││ ││ ││ ││ Fill● Alt Polぜblio AbDut NOtcbOoks ││! rt sttited、 vitll ヽイiss TbbotsDn ││ 日 │ │― ││ │ V Kc1Wolcts, TI7 L-onrpound WordsT25"T+l--11 Homoplrores. T27"T+l-.15 SupportTapc AstroWord ResPondingモ o thc AH.T55 DevelopingConcepts. T54 Respondirrg to the Poern,T57 Rcadillど Sttatcご ies,T6キ, T68T69、 T75 rMak● Inば Lrenccs_ T65,T7キ ,T82口33 RcspO■se Options‐T78‐79 S l l prpt● DT eと Readirrgthe Excerpts, T95T96 Resporrding to tlre Diarics.T97 Alvin Ailel Readi11革 Strateど ies‐ T】oキ、 T1051T10,Ⅲ Tl16.T120 R●spOnse Optiolls、 T12キh V Ke1'lVords.T6-l { SLrffixes, T66. T84-8-5 SupportTape AstroWord 1籠 1齋枇玉 出0執 軸H T 上] 〔 )‐ 131 SllPPOIt TaP● 上 25 寸s.qllcnce‐ T126-127 WRITlNG │,T!8 Gcllrel Sholl StD特 ・ Alithol` sC】と 1比:51ol、 5tl■ l cturc_T19.T2, Flashb母じk.T2fl V Fiど u地 は、eLュnttuatte、 T21 ギごhamctettzュ ti01lL T28、 T+0-41 Sound Dcvices: RepedtiDn.T30 Pelsonal Rcsporrsc. T.1tt Clcirtir,eRcsporrse. T39 r/ Pnragraphs. T+6-+7 Genrc:Poetr),T56 Author's Cla.ft: .l FigurativeLanguage. T57 Ehュ!lenge:Ⅵ ′ 五古n営 「 Poctl、 ,T56 G●n時 :AubbioFaprbi= T6+ A l l t h r●' s C r止: 』 Usinどthc witin営 PrD●ess‐ T71 PsrsOnal Response V chamcterizatioll.T7て ) T78 ギFiguintiT● 恥叫品督 ● = Cttat持e Rttp●」se― T71_T80-81 T7, V using Simil● s ttd Met■phOrs,T86H87 G●llre:Dia弔:,T,4 Ettatc a Code‐ T 95 RespOndinど t●the DiBries、 T ,7 Genrc:BiOgrtlph丁 =T10キ : T 1 1 8 Author's Cr■ ■l SensD恥‐ Deiお ls_T105 Vivid VeI・ bs‐TI{)6 ギFitturative Langll■ ど●‐ T l l r ) T、1 2 8 Stoll‐ Stll]● tLlrC:Settinど ― Tl12.T129 Pcrs01lal R●軍 pollse. T12+ Crcative Rcspollse、 T125 ▼usintt s)「 1101埼 lllSt Tlユ2!上31 ― Kiltherirrc Duilranr's Maeic 5olidaridad alld This Da〕is Ctter $r0wer I han tlle Rest │ │― LrTERARY ANALYSIS ANB APPRECIAT丁 ON VOCABULARY/WORD STUBY Rctldill営 Sti:1に さlcs:T18, T21)、T2ユ T2キ . T29.T3キ Ctillsc■ 】 ld Ettct. T31 ResP01lSe 町 tiOnS‐T38‐ユ, Suppolt Tapef F l r Y o l l r E●寸 s O,13! ││ │ ││ せOMPRETlttNS 10N/CRITICAL THINHINC Readingto the Biosraph\.TI-+l Rcudirrgthc Poems. Tl42 Responding to the Pocrns" Tl-l-1 ConbiningFormsTI4I Genre;Nonfiction.Tl-t0 I Developing Concepts arrd Vocabuliul'.Tl-12 Gt・ nlt:POcti丁―Tlヰ2 Author's clャ L比: Rcpeatinき :l Patter11_ T 上│ ユ Devc10ping G● ncePts arld :.Tl+キ W H t e a L c t t e r 、 GcnH】 sh01t Sto埠 T I キ9 Aモ!thOr's Clll丘 : Wri[eaPュrを 1ど HlPh: 寸c l lnaclt・ e r i ' tT l tl i+To51l4 9l Ⅲ l 襴 I」 罷 +H6 5toll Stl■ tttllに :Plot │Tl+6,TI+8 ギ rL付 可H バ に )冊 品 ‖糾 品 正 甘淵 盟糾R村 ぃ ‖品言 ■■ NOTESi ■3 2 Repeating 8 Patterlli T l キi 11 ごOMPREHENS10N/ CRITIcAL │ 1!│ SELECTrONS ,{n Er-clbr Renlih, ___THINК IN母 ││― ││ W Ac[:oll vLArbS.TS2. T48 lActiviLies‐ T219 Spellirl営 PI■tests tllld POstttsts‐ T224 Tキ9 ・ DaiI】Ldllgll:略 ● Activitics‐ T219 VT町1lblcsoine G:iti● 対 ThillR‐ ill革 ,Tユ 9 Lib■ enill営[O BOtll sttLs. T5(〕 StO与 Tapc Viewin=dlc Alt TI百 │││‐ Respondingto the poerrr. T57 Storl,Tape ReaderResporrse Groups. T78 Reflectilrgon the Therue. T79 Listeuingto Poetry-, Tg0 StoryTape │││ │ ││ ││ ││ Yrvlarnand Helprng Verbs.Tt-1{ .l IrregularVerbsTt-15 SPelling PretestsDail).Lan*euiige a1ld POsttests_ Activities.T22t T225 ヽL■PORT[APES ARL AЧ ll ⅢTE& WRlTING P ●1s・ じ 1 11 と l ResPonsc T!68 ぜlGと 1を i vc Resptjnse: ヽ VI・ i [c tl Descl・ iption、 Tl19 ▼c011lpal ill=11litt C o l l t l醍s t i n.革 T 1 7 6 ‐1 7 7 Mathernatics:Chan Eqlrivalerrts" TiZ ShowIrrteractionsof Sets"T5-1 SocialStudies:Discuss TeachingMerhods-Tj-l Arf: UseCallignrphl Til Ai:Mttintt a EDllagei E LIsten tt MH年 1暇 Alt:11lustrateュ POenl_ T,2 Scicllce:Smぃ sullset Co10rs,T93 Social、 Studies:Aだュk●ュ Tinlc Line,T93 Mathelllaticsi ch● ●【 単 Storl Tape T9] 塾 r Resp01lse Groups― lbOCl出5tudies:R● p●■ 骨 ::甘 o 駐D a n c c G r O Tl と l3P8s ‐ Rcnectinど 。11 11lc Thcrllet Scierlce:Dl■ 「 、 ■MLlscle T12耳 Diュ革ranl,T上38 【 1lt● llprctiVe Readinど ‐Tlュ6 Music:Listen 10 1vusic、 Sto、 Tape T13, Hcaltil dlld safcl_■ i chart Ph〕SiCユ !Activities.T139 fLILヽ BLElヽ ヽど〈L!ヽ NGIl、 GEs │ │ │ │ T t t A ヽT T キ■ { Vowel Sounds Y veru leuse. l-7-3. /lVandlel"TgI T88 Daill,Language r/ t*ir*ing Verbs.TB9 Activities.T220 Daill,Larrguage SpellingPretests Activities andPosttests^ TZ21 WiVO、v● I sDllndS れ! i n d ん/ ‐ T137 Dlil_l「 Laュ=11■ ど● A●tivities‐ T221 A げRespons=Groupょ Science:GatherFacts 号 押 About Spiders.T52 Verbs. IW Sh01l Vowelsi T51 1D■11)LJll営 llage ││ 日 AppBFr▼ ・ W К●〕ヽ ヽ ′ 0 1d ・ s,Tl斉 Gell】 e:BiO博::lPll、 _T156 Gr● 母k a l l d L : 1 l i l l T157 Roots▼ T160‐T174-T175 CO11lPOulld IV01ds TI11. T172 ヽ I S u 鮒、e s . T 1 6 1 . T 1 7 ] StO、 T』Pc AstrOW91d ││ ││ LlTERARY ANALYSIS AND VOCABuLARY/WoRD STモIDY 出 PS‐T'7 11 l Gride 6は THEⅣ IE AT A GLANCE:出 roving On Rettdi:lg Sti・ ュtesiesュnd Skilis 11 11 11 SELECTloNS COMPREHEWS10N′ CRITIcAL TttrNHrNs 〃ビ`F′ (て】 r,′ ′.′ !′ ′ 〃′ (P竹 【 Nacho Loco ヽ Retldillど Si】 atettics・ T18: T l〕 〔 ―T 2 2 . T 1 6 _ T 2 7 T2, 卜丘lkc rLIdど 11lGllts、 T25T36お7 Rcsponsc Opti● ns、T12卓 _13 A Challerrgefor Celirda Rcddiltt til● Alticlct T+8 Callse alld E掟 ●t、 Tキ, ResPO1ldins tO thc Adclc.T51 │ VOCAB【 rLARY′ WORD ST【 IBY LITERARY ANALYSIS AND APPRECrATrON ヽ■′B l T ■■ ■■ V KcrvWor:ds. Tl7 V CortelitClues,T2l 51'llabication.T-1tl--1I SupportTapc AstroWord Ccrrre:Shor:t Storr,. Tlg PclsOntll ResPBnsG Author'sCrirll:Dialogue. T32 Tl9 Cr●ati、 ●RcspOnsc、 ,Sensorl Language. T?-i TJ] Stor1,Stmcture:Ptot.TZ{) ギM ぉ n t a i l l i nTさ ensGⅢ ./ Clraracter. Tl l. Tl+-is Tキ0-キI Dcve10pill=CDllCCpts : ,T48 社nd VOC8bul:H〕 ビonncct tO K中 WOrds、T5o Genre:Article. TJB 単】 ppOrt Ttte ■■ MissingMaizon ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ I ReadingSrrrregies.It5B. I T59.T6l. T6-1.Tfi5. 革瑞 t準絲 摘 営 I T68.T70,T76 ヽ Vol・ ds‐T66,T82-8] PredictOutconres,TCri こ玉阜●k and Lallll lVord Referents.T6_1. Ro01st T7ユ T80-til SupPOrt TaP● Ma-lieInferences.T95 Response Options,T7B79 SupportTape SinceHarrrraMoved Readingthe Poern., T9+ DttdOpil18 COllccpts AtvalMakeInferences.Tgj and V●cabtua町 ,T,4 Responding[o the Poem.T95 Pgrlraitsof People Readirrgrhephoto 」掛reloplllgじ 01lcepts on theMove Essa;.. T96 ・T96 担ld VOcabul:1培 ‐ Main ldeaaud LVol・ d P■■sh T97 Supporting Details.Tg7 マMllttc_h.ュ ∬n宮 Resporrding to the photo Words.T,8 Essa;,T99 Sinlilar Mcalli11尊 s、 Respondirrgto Biogtaphl.,T5l Genrc:RealisticFiction. PersOIttI R● spolls● ― T58 T78 'e ResPOnsci Author'sCraft: Creュti、 Characterization. T60. T7, T8"+ マusinビ scns01丁 Genrc:Poetry,. T6-l WBrds、T86-87 Dialogue.T67, TBj hnage4..T69 SensoryDerails.T7.1. 辮 鯛闊 MnfteInfererrces. TgJ Genre:photogssar:tgO Resporrding to the PhotoEssal'.T?g T'8 ■■ けゴ 1監 灘 枇 掛 T l o 9 . T l 1 6 、T 1 3 4 SuppOrt Tlpe ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ `111F〔)R!‐ Frヽ J)itヽ ′ 、 Rl:、 ヽ十 ` 11,AIユ │.lJヽ 卜iH i,′ 、、(テ 1「、 (〕 I:掛 WOTE5: ■■ ユ34 Gerrre:Historiciil Nonfictiorr_ Tl{)6: NarrativeNonfictiorl Tl l-l; Poern" TD7 Autlror's Cliilt: Visrral Literac;,.Tl l7 Repetition. T12l RcsPOndillど 10!1lc P ●●n l . T 1 2 7 Pcrsonal Responsc. T128 ]rcnti、 ●Respollsc. 「129 1 usillど A ttectiヽ cs ind Advcl・ bs in 〕e S G r i p t i 0 1 l s i 6T-! ユ ]7 一 一 一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ■■ COMPREHENSrON/ CRITrCAL THINHlNG SELEfTloNS VOCABモ ILARY/ WORD STllDY LlTERARY ANALYSrS ANl■ ApprFr“ ■■ ■■ F i n ●A コ t P o i l i 3 1 i 0 ResPolldill尊 10と 11● AIt T145 Old Trlditions. Rctldi11ど Stl■ teど icsi T15三 Nerv Be.uinniugs T153:TIざ 6-T157.T158. T162 5LlppOrt T(lpc [olllpttre■ 1ld c● ntrist. T15,.T166‐ 167 ↓ [81LI里 :督 品 56 :1乳 1 ▲T ■n w WRrTING Wi:it●:l POG111 Tl+5 Personirl I Rcsporrstr. T I6-{ I Clcatirc I Responsc. T lri5 i V Organiz-ing I Chronologicallr,. I TI72-l7i I ` Au山 ol・5 Cril上 :POill〔0「vicw. T15] Respons.Op止 ons‐ T 16+ 165 ■■ ■■ ■■ V Horuophones, T+5 Dailt Language Activiries.Tlt5 $pellingPretests arrdPosttestsT220 迎 Ⅲ Tape T丁ReaderResponse 1盤 :!札 F24‐Groups. :艦 T-12 D=、 Lanttuaど e Actwities.Iと 15 ■■ Matlreilatics:Conpare NutrientPerrentages" T-t6 CrcativeResponse. T3_r SocialStudies:Studl-Earing DramatizingDialogue, Habits.T16 T+-t Science:Investigatethe Value Storl,Tape of Prntein-T47 Music: Write an ErrvironmentalRap"T.l7 Healthurd Safe[.:plau tr VegetariiurDiet, T-17 P:lixtt Readi11ど .T48 SiOA'T由めと 寸S e l Il l● t● ● P c s . T 6 2 1ReaderResponse 恥 WI VDWel SoLlndS ■■ / 0 1 / l出d ん1 1 /T 、 ,I L阻騨軽e … 母車I】 Activities,T216 ■■ spellinttetests Pl・ alld POsttests、 T220 AbtttWOrd T88 ■■ Groups.T78 ギcュ 101l and Elld Pitaliz航 Reflectingon theThemeふ だaris.T89 Tl9 Daitt LallgLlagc ExpressingIdeas. Act"itiest T2 16 Feelings.and Opirrions. T90 Storl,Tape こ口・丁榔 VC AeJmllB‐ SocialStudies:FinOInformatiorr on Wonrerrpoets. T92 Afi: ExpressYourself Visualll..TgZ Mathernatics:Find the Distancc,T93 Science;Diagramthe Chaugirrg$easons. Tgj 手掛 ■■ &littd Readinど ―T,6 「T99 Visllュl Litcrti叫 ‐ Riハ1、T】h. ■■ W V o w c lr 十 Soinds:T141 ‐Lanどuaど Dlil〕 , Actやitieゴ ■■ SP11ling Pretests and P●sttesLs.T221 Astroヽ V 01・ d GonlPIcte Scntcncls、 Tl18 ■■ し00PCl■tIVe ttcadinど . T127 ▼sc1lterlce Palts:stlttcct‐ Rctlder ResPollse T138 Grollps,T128 V sentellcclts: P柱 71 ResPOnscF T12, Creati、 Pl・ ●dict■ tes.■1〕9 R●flectinどoll the Thelllc_ Daitt Langu3ぎ ● T129 A c 甘宙t i c s . T 2 1 7 1ntelh71● win母 ,T14o S[0中 Tape Viervingthe ArL Tt{J ■■ ■■ V More Vowel+ r' SorrndsTt 77 Dai\'Language Activitics.T2tB SpellingPrctesrs andPosttests. T22l ,1stft)W()rd ■■ i - l l j $ - l ' l : l ) t i H l t . I " $t } i V Col口p01lnd S●1lL● 11● es T17キ Gra111■ l ar Rcvicw Ti75 Dai町 Ld止単tlattc AcLivities、 T218 ReaderResporrse Groups.Tl51 RellectingorrtheTherne Tt65 Relatingan Autobioglaphical Incidcilt.T I 76 Storl Tape │!II、 IIr尼ヽ1!: ■■ H可〕 ) R I I 、P L 出 、R L ヽヽ ヽ11_、 叫〔 │IIコ !iい│ヽいモ1 ヽヽSl11、(lL州 Nt)TE呂! 135 A江 :Harlds O!lA● tivitl.T99 SocialSrudies:Pr.ofitean Immigrant'sExperieuces. TH2 posters. Alt: CreatePersuasive Tll2 Mathematics:Makea PopulationGraph.TlJ.l Science: Repor:t on Disease Control.TI,tl GraphicAids: Maps.Tll I Test-ta-liing Strategies. TI.r5 Alt:M■ke a Coat ofAr11ls、 T145 Dcleuce: Milke LlassList. Tt78 Art: Makea Papereuitt. Tt?S Mathernatics:Chart .A.veruse Rainfall.Tl79 SocialStrrdies: Makeil Repoll. Tllf) Sraphic Aids: Intelprcti11単 rvi3ps‐ T161): T170‐ 171 マDic付 O 11■ hl / G l o s s1と 1 、T 1 6 忌_ Rcsearcli cnlilbi niti ctl!tllrcs、 丁17, ︲ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ 一. ⋮ ≡ ⋮ 神 ■ 一 ︱ ⋮ ■ ギ ≡ 一 ・ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ :〕 5古 〔 ]:・ ■de THEttIE AT A GLANCE:L00king Below The Su】 ギ Lte Rendirl宮 St:・ atetties ind ski1ls COMPREHENS10Nノ (「 RITICAL THlNHING SELEETrONS {...1 ttIh,'s' 71,r,r,',, 1,tIIn I o gr,' Rcattntt Stmtど どiesし Ali Babanndthc Tl母、T2oTュ │卜 T12. MissingClassSlipper Tl+ マPttdlct Oti忙 0■ les. T25,Tユ 吊― l, M迅 時 II甘ll・ elwes.T28 S111■ lluHz● ―T2,,T+1 Resp9nse oP芭 01lsr T35-37_ SllppO■ Tape R●斌inどnt可 WlratDo Aninals Knowi) T52 Dra、v ConclusiOns_ T5+ ︱ ギMHn ttdea and ︱ Dctおlst T55 Retldi11ど S tl■ re野i‐ T55 Respolldintt tO tile Altic!e.T57 ︱ Trackirrgthe Morrarch Butterflies ‖ │ │ 肺[、 Mi C舶lci61ッ SDれ 百 TlreSecrrtArnong Tlre Stones │ │ ││ ││ Tlll BIi1l oFa 5[911● ヽ[‖POR rT、 丁 号 群ぽ雅淳 早 秘 鑑 踏 皆 温瞥 鑑: 拙品ca刺 D c t a i Tl 7s 4‐, T 8 80 1‐ ResPOnsc optiOns‐ T78出79 SLIPL● Jt T■ pe Rttadlllど t he POelll T94 Respondir唱 怖 the POeJl.T'5 R●adj1lg Stlllと ●どlCS、 T102-TI{〕 3 、T l o 7 T l l l )T Ⅲ l 1 2 どallse and EfFcct. Tlll RcspOnse(ppLions, Tl14-115 ACiltlintt Lnc r9cln T と3 0 RcsPDll出n=10 thc Po● lllL T13 1 H“LS「ヽ HEヽ f frllL!ヽ 1〕 REと 、ヽ F、 1、 BLE卜 VOCABULARY/ WORD ST【 FDY V Kc; lVolds.Tt7 V Prcfixcs. Tr0- T+?+1 SupportTapc AstroWord Geurc:StrorrTlor.rr" f t,lt ,{utlror'sCraj-t: Cltarncterizirtion. Tl_1 Dialogue.T27 Gcnre:hrter"r,iew. T,1-l Story,Structure: V Charactcr. T2+-T+0 PIot.T3l uevel0plngConcepts and Vocabulary-T52 StructulalAnalt.sis. T-i-1 Counectirrgto Ke) Words.T-5-1 Genre:ArticleTSJ ! Ke1Words.T63 Word Origins,T67 Specialized Vocabular_r.Tg.[ Sto4.Tape Gerue;Nonfiction-Tf"+ りぃ e l o p l 1 1 = 0ば1 l c e p t s 8ndヽ ′ o●abLlla単,T,+ Genre:Poetrl" fltJ WR】 TING PersOI〕 を 1l RcsP01lSC, Ti6 Creati、●ResPOnsc, T17 Critictll RcsPsllSCl T37 V St01丁Stl■ lct111● : Pl●│_T+ltキ5 GenerateQuestions. T56 PersonalReqronse. T78 CreativeResponse. T79 {Topic Serlterces artdSupporting Details,T86-S7 lmagerl'/Senso4 Languaee.T95 V Att WO】 dS― T101 :ShO■ s101〕 iTュ r)2 PC再飢1胡ResPbns● 、 1軒nin尊 G格1lr●批 l・ lClllE挽 ‖ Tユ」 + │ = 叫 将 :│:ま :fチ 鞘 Gitali、,RcsP01lSel l Suppolt Tape 寸cllュ 出cter.Tlo9 Author― s ErB血 ! C!1111 8GtCl・ lzatiD■ T!〔 )│ Therllc.Tlll)。 TllF.、 117 Poerry'. 1幣瑠!品 糾相埠 ) Genrc: TI_X) 出EL`ヽ ヽ〔 丸1、はこ‖ N〔〕 TES: ││ 日 LITERARY ANALYSrS AND A ppn FfⅢ lA T=A間 ■3 6 T l 1 5 1 ∈ritical RcsPOnse、│ TH5 マUSinどD●tails. │ T122-12コ │ P●clll Tl〕 I I ■■ ■■ SELECT10NS ■■ Retulil to tlte lirtrnrc' ■■ ■■ ■■ Ptotectingthc fitanit ■■ Fine AIs POltfDli0 ■■ ■■ マPttrI、es Pre‐ .re―― u早‐ ,曲ld lnid― ,T30, T14, Ddily Language AIlivities,T217 P retests卜 SPcllillど a lld Posttcsts、 T 42Jキ3‐ ′ T122 ‐ AstroWord COMPREHENS10N/ CRITICAL THINHING LITERARY ANALYSIS AND APPRECTATrON WRITING Rcading Strtl:●占ies. 寸K 的 ‐W V o r d s 、 T137 Gellre:Nolulcriじ 11.Tli古 Pcrs01ltll Rcspollsc T138、T16〔〕 C o l l t c x t C l u e s . T l l , 、 ALltl10r・ s Crtlft:Polll[OF T 1 6 2 Ctluse ind E」 T l キ8 とct、 Vicw.T139 Cretlti、 G ResPollse、 TIキ2 5pcclll:7ed D e s c l i cp Dt ● it 、 a l Tl 1、4 キ T 1 6 よ Ma丘 ●JudどIllenls、 Vocむblllを 1埼.Tl+7、 Fi営l11・ ativc LtingLlユ 1N ど V T lil1氏 otcs_T171)― どCⅢ T l キ8 、T 1 5 7 T156 T L キ ( 5 171 W s e q u c n c c T, 6T 65 1 、 寸P 性ほ、e s . T 1 6 7 11■ fol・ llltil 111ど Lこuこどe‐Tlざ8 Responsc Dptiollsi Suppolt Tapc T162‐ 113 AstrOヽ/DIPd SuppDH Tapc R ●: H i t t t h c A l t i .c l ● DevelopingConceprs Gerue:Aflicle- Tl78 Gcncmtc ollestions. T179 andVocabularl.Tl78 T179 R●sPolldttg tt nc AHd●le.T17, Responほng to lh● Alts.T181 VOCABULARY′ WORD STUBY 寸SillguIBピand PIurJ NoLl■s,T20.T46 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ VisualLiteracl..T26 ReuderResponse 寸cOlllmOn and PrDperGroups.T36 Nouns.T+7 CreativeResponse" rL触1=Luge Dお 1〕 T]7 ies.T2上 ActⅢこ と 7 ConnectingAcross Texrs"T-17 Giving Instrlctions. T+E Stor} Tarre CooperativeReadirrg, T52 Cornprehension Support,T5.l T55 Challenge. Storr Tape 1/e1/and/er/ 寸Fillュ W Suttect Pr0110uns. ReaderResponse T上27 Tl,キ Groups-T7S DIユ下LュュどLlaさ ● 】 ギ〔 ぉect PrOnOllns. CriticulResponse. T79 AStivities、 T219 T125 Reflectingon the SP11liP=P博 [● StS and Dail)Lanど Llatte Theme.T79 PoSttcsis_T22ユ AcHvitcs.T219 UsingVisualAids. AstrOIVOrd T90 StoryTupe ■■ CooperativeReading. ■■ T9+ Interirctive Rcading. T9+ 、=IFFヽ 「LDヽ 【ILl.再Jヽ IHlヽ TI!LME `【;,POR T Tlrヽ PES ARE」 ヽVコヽII,ABLLlヽ 苫I11_.、 NGI:Aむ L村 Genemt● QlleStiOns. D軸 ′ e10Ping COncepts and Vo●dhHal下 .T180 Ston-Tape ■ロ NOTES: ■■ ■■ 137 T上81 Careers:【ぶ k lo a Vctcinarian_T50 M4ahelnaticsi C■ lculat● Distaュ ce‐T50 S c i1● 1●● :Chalt Visioli Allin狙ほ.TS上 Social StLldeS:L●al11 Abollt Doど s‐T51 A■ :11lthiratc Stories、 T51 iI] Scierrce: Research Gerrerate Questions. ArrimalIrrtelligerrce, T56 T56 Art; IllustlatetheAiliclc. T9: SocialStudies:Mnp Butterfll Routes.Tgz Debatethe Issues. T9:l Mathenratics:Estinrate TLar,elRiltes,Tg.1 Rescarclr Science: Buttedl],Lifc Cl cles. T9"1 Tattintt Notes― T16 T85 5 H m f o r D c t a.l l 三 T173 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ; ⋮ 一 ︲ ■ 押⋮ ︲一 ︲ ¨ ・ 一 一 ・・ ・ ・・■ ■■口 出■ B ■■ 口 ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■口 ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ︱ ︱ ︱ SELEET耳 COMPREHENS10N′ CRrTrCAL TttIN【 lNG ONS V Compound\VordsT9l Daill Languagc T2l S Activities. SpellingPretcsrs and PostrestsTZ2-1 AstroWorcl 寸と ヽddill=→d,alld ギ上ど, T 1 7 5 D11ly L出1=uag● ABtivitics,T220 SpcllinどPretesis alld Postttst5.T223 AstroWord i V Possessive Nouus. T88 Clpitalizationot Titlcs.Nanres.arrd Initials.T89 Daily Lirrrguage ActivitiesT2l9 V Cornpourrd Subjects audPredicate. Tt72 GrarnmarReview. TI73 Daill Larrguage .Activities.T220 VOど ABモ】 LARY′ WORD STUDV ReaderResponsc Groups.TI l-l CreativeResponsc. Tt l-i .qcross Counccting Text.Tl l5 Giving a Nervs Report,T126 StoryTape Coopemt市 ●RctHin営 ‐ TlSf〕 Intcrtl● dve Rcadillど、 T130 Visualize,T131 St●ぃ「TaDe Us●IHustrations. T15]、 T157 R●ュdcr ResPOns● Gl・ olIPS,Tl12 Vicwi叫 ぎt●Gaill 王 llForntttiOnh T1 7+ ViSLLli Litemcr卜T146 StO町 Tape LITERARY ANヽ LYSIS AND APPRECTATrON SocialStudics:Research CliffDrlellcrs.TIlS HealthrmdSafeg-;Md;c ;t Carc Safb4-Brochure_ TI2II Science:Study Landfonns.TI29 Cirreers:LetrrnAborrt .{rclte'o1og5'. Tl29 Mathematics:ArralS,ze Visitor Tallr,.TI29 Alt:Visualize、 T131 S●lcll● c :R●polt O上Fish Fttts、 T176 H●aith ilnd S3f151: Rcscalfh BD8ting sa■ ぃ, T176 SDCinl StlldicE trittH Changes in TranspoltatiOn卜T177 Matllcluatics:Unlock a Grid、 T177 ResPDndllg to the Articl● ,T17, StolT Tape Viewintt tll●Alt,T180 Alt:Creatc Your Owll_ ResPOlldintt tD thC Ali― T181 T181 ヽイ剤にintt GOnrlections, Tl思1 Ⅲ THIヽ TItLヽIE 古L i F P O R T ■ せE S A R E A V A I IAャ B L E N S H L A 卜 u F ! ヽむE 母 NoTES: 邸 WRITlNC E ‖叫 c i ● l 〔) 8 P C d i t lT、 T l10‐ 121 W Gmphi● Aids: Diagr出■si Tl+0、 T l +、 ユ T 1 5 .ユT ュ 5 6 、 Tl14-165 マc a r d c a t a l D g , T 1 4 1 . T168-16, Gencrate oucstions. T179 一抑■〓 一■一■ ■■ 6'l'Grade THEIv*IEAT A GLANCE: [m*ges nnd II11■ ill:11宮 s .・ ReadingStrategiesand Skills ■■ 〔OMPREHENSIoN′ CRITICAL THIN【 rNG SELECTrONS ■■ C tt | | trd i o u.,,1t ft ho I tt gt, Milo's Mlstcrious Gilt ■■ ■■ PeachBlossom Spriug Rendi11革Strateど ics、 T l 吊、T ユ5 、T 2 6 、T 2 , T]().T34 S●quc1lce‐ T2〔〕 Predict ollt● ol■●5.T23 RcspOllse Opions‐ T36-37 Reading Strat●喜ics= T56‐T60,T52.T67, T71 PttdiCt Outconlcs_T59 Kぃ WOIVds.T17 MultipleMeirnirrgs. T22 Connotations/ Denotations T-1I.T-li Arralogies,T-t0 SupportTape 1盤 縦晋 鴨ご 孔l ■■ Multi-qllabic words. T82 ギDraw Conclusi5ns_ SrrpportTape T6'L T78b79 AstroWord Response OptionsT76- ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Readingthe Pla1,.T92 耳irSt Malllled Flittht ReadingStrategl-.Tg5 V Draw Corrclusions. T97 { ComparelContrast" T99 Responding to the pla],. T99 ReadingStrategiei t,Vellus D朝 ′ ●10pin営[●且●●PiS and VO● ■bulュ理馬 T92 SP,ciJized Words‐ T'4.T98 Voα ibda→ 「 :【射 W● rds_T,5 К母「WVOHs.T105 千 藍縄掛退1品 st, ■■ T109_T120-121 ヽ ミ t/oPinionl Tlltl RcspO■sc opthlls, Tlll‐117 ■ロ 甲 ュ●A H P 側 , ・ tFoHO IR● I T135 ■■ Maria Isquierdo's N{exico ■■ LAFFF LrTERARY ANALYSIS AND APPRECIAT10N VOCABULARY/ WORD STllDY 樅 盟 錯:ギ !!1 ML1ld‐SyIIabic IVord5, T122 511ppoTt Tapc AstrOWold WRITIN8 re:Fantasr,. Tl8. T2+ PersornlResponsr. Allthoris c恥 性 Inttrln■ 1 T,lfi CreativcRcsponse 字 苫 間と 揺品 bnl T21‐ |^. '1-t T ユ8 ‐ 39 W ●T d p l.町 T 2 ,石T 3 2 Forcslladowinご ‐T27 ? \ btDll'Stnlchilt: Ctraracter.T+.t-.+5 Devicesof Shle. T2B Genre:Folk Tale.TiB. Pers01lal ResPO1lsc: T68 T76 「 Author's Clirll: Crearins ビrcati、 e RcsPOnse、 Mood.Tll T77 Sensorl,Details, T70 ギsunln13丹 Story.Strrrcturc;Thenre. PttattI(aphs、 T8+,85 T72.T80 Genrc:Plat..T92.T9J Author's Crrft: Foreshadowing. T9-i FigurativeLinguage. T96 Challenge: Wririrrgrr Plav.T98 G●11中モNOnrlction.Tlo6 AuthDr'sC[ミ :POint Of V i c l h , T l〕 〔 7 ‐T l 1 8 - 1 1 9 Dぃ eloping S● t tillg、 TI`〕 8 , T 1 2 4 ‐1 2 5 Pcrs●1lal Rcspolls● . Tl16 Cttativl Responseト T117 マDぃ ●19Pillど S ettin営 . T 上2 4 申 12_■ sPDnantt b th.A■ = Rcsp01ldillg[D廿1● AHs、 Tl=5 Readill暮th●Bi● raph〕:= 碁 T136 ResPOndinど t011■ c ■■ Ke1'Words. Tl-t3 T144i T151,T155‐ l cOn五 otatiol1/ T157.Tl58 Tt+7. | Denoration. MakeJrrdgmcnrs. TI-t-5 | ftaa Tti0. SuRport Tape |{ate.Inferences_ I ■■ Scqtiencc_T15] R●sPonSe OPLions, T130‐13L ■■ ヽ│lh`││:I〕 HヽHLヽ !ヽlJI!ヽ 1 11tr‖ : ヽ1 1 〕 PORT「 、 P E ド 、R ! : A ヽ′ 、I I 」 、B r 」 L ド ヽr 下│ " │ 、 〔 H I 、G 五出 NOTES: ■■ 邸 Genre:Biographl. T l-16 Respondiug to the Biographr,. T1.17 晩 nl.e: PersOrHI RcspOnsc‐ Tl伸 〕 Clcativ●RcspOnse‐ T161 V usinどDinlo=uc, T168-169 Ficl.ion. Tl+キ Author‐sc■ 1上:SOulld Dc、liccs‐ T148‐T15+、 T154 吊lol】Stl■ l cture:P191h T156T162-113 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ⋮ ⋮■ ≡卜 ≡ ■■ ■ !⋮ ¨ ︱ SELECTrONS Eutptl Flc:itd/Dreams COMPttHENSIoN′ CRITIビ AL THINК ING ReとldiI]ど tllG POelns‐ T176 Fi、― up Stl'■ tetties、 T177 Respondillど to 111● Po●11ls: T177 W POsscsslve Plo1lollns、 Tl'Ⅲ T46 ︱ ︱ 日 ︱ V Sullixes.r[ess.-litl. -11-" lcss.T-19 V Attcc百 、 es.T47 Dirill Language Dail〕‐Lanどllaど e Activities.T2l-1 Actvitics.T211 $pellirrg Pretestsand Fosttests, T2I lJ 'dstroWord 寸Changin= V Demonstratiie FinJ、 10 iL T8, Adjectives.T65 ・ ● { Cornrnas in a Selies. 中aily Lallgua営 Act巾拭es.T2上 ヨ T86 V Rrticlesa- an, andthe. Pelllユ 早 革 Pr●tests ald T87 Posttests,T2上8 Daill,Language AstttWold Activities.T2l.l Advcお s、T96 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 1 Consonant Sourtdsfor /s/, k/. /j/,Tr29 Daill'Language Astivities,T215 Spelling Pretestsand posttests. T2I9 W Capittllizati● 11:ProPer NOullsょndPr● 11● unst T126 V suttectュ 1ld oヒ Ct i● PrO■OL」 ユ S、T127 D3iヽLan罫la呂 ● VOCABモ ILARY/ WORD STUDV Dc:vclopirtg Corrccpts irnd Vocabularr. Tl7fi ReadcrRcsponsc Grorrps- Miltlrernatics: CirlculatcTi ure DistributiorrT50 Crctlir,c ResponseT-i7 ,{rt: N{akea Boiu'dGame.Ti0 Connectirrg AcrossTcr:ts. SocialStudies:Findtlre T37 Doldrruls.T5I Rendinga Map. T-tB Science:Inrr'estiSate Yarvning. Story,Tape T5l Ciueers:Leiu-nAbout I \{} Render ResP01lSe Gttups, Tl16 Critical Response,Tl17 R●■ectill=●1l the Tlleln● , Tl17 Sto与r Tape Vicwin革 the Alth T132 Visu】 Litemc、・ 、Tlユ+ I B Challcnge:Gompttc Alt: T137 Crcate YOur Own T137 r Tape St● 中 I W Sllent Colls01lailts k.1、 W、ど:h‐tⅢb、 tr。 lnparisOn,T170 T173 GttIBmar Rewicw、 T」71 D母11)Lall呂 l iatte Daily LanどLlaど e Aごtivities.T216 ActⅢities T216 Vl樹 錨借と F152 I R●8dCrよespollse Groups‐ T161) Citical ResPonse.T161 Collnecti11ど AcrOss T●ドts、 Tl11 PmtLipモlting in a Discussi011_T172 ‐ Sloも Tape C00pcl'と itivc Rcadill博 : T176 呂│● 1、Tど 、 1■ n ヽ ト 一 一 胤 ︱ 印 一耶 ■ 0 H N 日 \ - l ' L i sl l i D S i \ l t , L St r : - T t r r , r 'Ir ' r WRITlNC NcwsPnpcr‐ T+2-4ニ R●adi:1単 tl 卜faP,T48 Cattrrpr:rrrlt' Ti t Visual Literacl,.T7.t ReadingResponse Grnups.T76 CreativeResponse. T77 Reflectingon the Theme. T71 Telling/Retellinga Stor1,, T88 Ston,Tatre Readers'TheaterTg2 Responding to thePlal. T99 StoD'Tape 1dellti5‐ intt M00d‐ T128 Ac[iv■ ics.T215 LrTERARY ANALYSIS ANB APPRECIATrON Gellre:POctI、、T176 凹 Art: Make a Scroll. T9() Xfirthematics: Glaph Number Pattems. T9{) Create a Magic Squale. Tgl Social Studies; Design il Perfecl Socien.T9I Dicti311担打/Glo SS■1丁i T8〕 │ 5cienc●:Investiき 出te Hoヽ v Tょ題11宮NBtcs‐ Pお 1lts Arc Madct Tユ 30 T123 Cr●住俺 a Color Wheel:Tュ 3ュ So●ial Stlldics:Repolt D1l an AltistギTュ30 Mathelllatics:Eniょ r革●■nd Rcduce an 1lllュg●,T131 A I t : C l l叫 a●ぉ 坤n r l l u s t l l l t i o r l Att: flreate Youl Own_Tl:J7 Arr: createBookJackets" TlTa Science:Resealch TechnologicalAdvarrcesT I 7-l SocialStudies:Research ChirreseAchiel'erncnts.T I ;-5 Mathernatics: Solvea Locic Puz.z.le. T 175 NewsPaperi Tlfj7 │ ︲ !﹁ ⋮ ⋮ ︱ ︲ 一 ﹁ギ一 一 一 ︲ ■■一 一 , ≡ ・ 一 ・ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 6th G:tょ de T H E 〕 I E A T A C L A N C E : L とュr l l i l l g F l ' o H le N a t u l ・ Rendillg Stl・ atettiesュ 1ld Skills ︱ ごOprPREHENS10N/ CRITICAL SELECTloNS THIN【 ING Collection/Anthologl Stmtettics,T18、 TI,. Tbc Dolphins LedMc Tユユ.T2ほ Horucr マDttwぜ ●nclusions, T2`〕FT‐ ' ヽイュ【●G●11● 1■liZュ 車01ls T 2 3 , T 3 6 - ユ7 ResPonsc options‐ T34r35 SuppOlt Tdpe LITERARY ANALYSIS AND APPRECIATloN VOCABULARYプ W3RD STUDY ヽ VRITING ! Kcl,Words. Tl7 GrcekilatinRoots. Tl2. T_r8 ContestClues.726 SupportTape AstroWord Genrc:HistoricalFictiorrTltt Author'sCraft: FiguativeLanruuage. T:4 First-personNrrrrative. T25 Imagerl.T27 Persoual Rcsponse. T_1+ CreltiveResporne. T3_i RcJlectin*q orrthc Theure.T]5 .l SpecirrlOrganizirrg. T+2-+.1 ︱ 日 Rendingilre Poem-T50 Responding to the Poem-T5I Developintt c● 11● ePis and vocab阻1813「 、T51〕 Gerue:Poehl,-T5{) Author'sCrnit:Filst Person-T5l ‖町lf Watth Strategi● s‐T58=T61= T68,T69.T73 Sllmlllarize,T62ョT69Ⅲ T82 Author‐s PulpOsc,T6ュ ‐ T81 ギKtt wOl・ dsi T57 SpecitJizcd V●●ュbllh卜「 ,T66,T83 SIIPpOlt Tape Responding to the Poem"Til Wlite a ShortFoern. T52 G●n母!PhOtO Essと 町ⅢT59 Author's Cr!1■ : DeschPttvc Det対1‐ T60T`+ Pers●船 l ResPo■s●│ T76 Cr●a“ve R●sPOnse‐ T77 V Distinguishintt Fact 丹91n OpittDn,T84-85 ︱ DeseffTortoise Desl巾 dVe Lanど uttel T68 Ciassi母 /cate呂 Oriz● , T67_T80 寸Fttt/Opi1110n,T71, │ │ T78-7, ResPO■ sc oPdOns‐ T71‐77 Stoぃ'Tape Wh● Lctls the W●lf Pack? ││ │ F4rnring ort Avenue BI │ │ TltrecPoenn │ R●:dintt the Alticl● = T,2 ▼M出 1l ldewDehils T,3 leSPOIldl■ ど10 the Alticl● ,T,3 Stratctties,T上〔 )│=THJ Tl13=Tl17 Autllo「仲 vieWpoint. T107.T122-12ユ 寸Fttct/Opin10n‐Tlll、 T124 ResPOnse oPtio■ 、十 T 1 2 1 )1‐ 2上 岳llpp01l Tapc Readillどtll● PO●■ls, T136 ResP01ldill革10 tile P,cllls_T137 `【TPORT Tす ヽPLS=ヽRE.ヽVAHャABLE rN sH LANGll、 │: Genrl:F01k Tal● ,T,4 Allthor's Cra止 : SusPcnse,T,9 Using Dia19ど uc:T,9 v Ke]'Words.Tt05 Slnonlnm and Autorrlms.Tl12" Tl25 SupportTape peveloplug Colrcepts iurd lbcirbulan. Tt l6 むLS NoTES: │ │ Щ GenrばNolflcHOn,TII` AuthOr'sCmi: Figu1ltive LinttLlarf8, T108 Pcrsuasivc wittinき , Tl14.T128‐ 12, Genrc:Poctn, Tl-16 Senso4,Detflil" Tl.t7 UsingDialogue,T9g Responding to the Folk Tale.Tgg PelsOnal Respo1lsei T120 母Iitical ResPOnse: T121 Rcnectill暮 。n』lC Thcllle,T12上 マusillどLanど uaどe t0 Pcrsuld●.T12は ‐129 ︱ ︱ SELECT10NS Cuhureof hpanese Gitrdr:'n ││ FourHaikrr ││ ‐ どi与Birds ││ Finc Art POltFollo ││ ■■ │ S t rlモ t e t t i eT sl ‐ + 8 ‐T 1 5 0 、 PrcserrtTerrse"T5l w Pl.rlxes disi inl_ 11311… ⅢT89 ,ユnd in… │ ロ EI)ヽ 氏11=IA Iヽ THl │ │ 打 1摘椎坪1堅 Gettte: Norrliction.T Il8 PersO■ tll RcsP01lSe、 T162 Cretl亡、c ResPOnSe. T163 R●flectill=01l thl TllemcL T163 SuppOrt TaPe Astl・ oWord 寸o r d c i n g Ra●s o n s 、 T170-171 Challerrge: Writea CteatireSton.TlEr) ReaderResporrse Grnups.T-i-l Cdtical Response, T,15 Role-pla1.ing to Solr,'e Problems. TJ5 Sto4.Tape Science:Developrnerrt of Navigation.T.tB IdentiS Dolphins.T-tg Mathematics:Relative Measurernerrts, T.t9 SocialStudies:Find Karana'sIsland,T-tg Arl: Visualizelocatiou, T+9 lndepend● nt lteadlll宮 , T50 StO町 Tnpe Visual Literacl,.T72 ReaderResponse Adicctiヽ cs.T,7 こ ヽ Vltitc■Htllkll Tl+1 HealthandSafety;Make a WirrterCiltfllo$.Tg0 D+i!)La11ど Llage ▼盟 :語 品1:私群 !'T65 LilOups, I /0 Science:RcsearchDal-Alt舟ites、 T218 Gttctings indビ10sintts_ Critical ResponseT?7 Night Crtcles. T90 SPelll早 =Pたtests andT87 Reflectingon the Research the Life Clcle P●ドltests.T222 D8iI)Lallgllage Therne-T77 of Wolves. Tgl AstlゎLV01J A●[iviと ies.T218 Crcatin-rr ll Visual SocialShrdies: Arctic hnage.T88 Explorations. T9l Ston'Tape Mathernatics: Calculilte theTinre.T9l ロ tW RTTlN「 Gerrrc: Haiku.TI-l{} ViewirrgtheAfi. TlTB ResporrdingtD tlre ArtTlSl WIVolT●l sOllnd l軸 _ + T47 松 艦 ギ 艦 Dば Itt Lan:辞 aど● PIaceⅢa1ldヽ4出n■er,Tキ卓 ' :L』llgLlagc Activitics,T217 … Dお 1卜 Spelling Pretests alld Act的ities_T217 Posttests.T222 ││ │││ LITERARY ANALYSIS AND APPREご IAT10N Gcnre:Articlc-Tl-t$ Reading the Haikll、 (〕 Tlキ RcspOndintt tO tュ lc mliRll_T141 T151.T164 V cl■ ssぃた at噌o卑「 : T15ユ ,T上 65 RcspOns● options. T162‐ 16] Suppolt Tape │― 日 VOCABULARY/ ヽ VORD STUDY 手 抽F艦 ど 艦I駐 T 1 6 6 ││ │ iOMPREHENS10N/ 〔 CRITICAL THIN【 INC RGddi11どth●ArticIG‐ Tll将 Rcsp9ndin営 [o thc AIiicle.T!39 rarrrfl Kea$flg, I 9J Storr,Tape Cooperative Reading, T9+ Respondingto the FnlkTrle TA? reilcnerKeirdAloltd. T96 Perfonnin*g Dialogue. T99 Ston Tape ⅥE ヽ【│IF()R′ │ rヽPES ヽ Rl: ヽヽヽ町,′ ヽ BI」│「、 、1ヽ│ 、、ti1 1、 (;itヽ NO「 ES: 142 { CardCatalog.T-tr) ErrqclopediaT{l ⋮ ⋮ t 一 一 一 一 一 一 ギ P 一 一 “ ・ ︲ 一 一 一 ” ・ ・ “ 一 一 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ SELECTrONS COMPREHENS10N/ CRITICAL THINHlNG マPrescriPtiOns ind Preposl10n■ l Phrascs. T l l l.〕 T13f) -ion.-tiorr. V Endings. -siort,Tl-1-1 DBilll Larrguage ▼ctlPi血 Actirities.Tl l9 11と と 11:Di‖ lti● ct SpcllingPrelests ilnd rpllDtit1911s ind Posttests. T22-1 Di■ lo喜 lle.T131 Astr:oWord Ddl)Langua喜 ● A ●[ 挿■i c S . T 2 1 9 VOCABULARY/ WORD STUDY VisrralLiteracr,.Tl l8 RcadcrRcsporrsc TI20 Groups" Rcflcctirrgon thc Thcrne. Tl2l Spealiingto Persuirdc. Tt-12 Stort,Tape LlTERARY ANALYSIS AND APPREfrATTON Science;Makea Cluss Gilldcn.Tl-1.1 SocialStudies:PIana Victorl Garden.Tl.l.t Find OtherGiudcns. Tt-l5 Mirthernatics: Find Area ilnd Petcent.Tl35 ヽVRITINC FO甘11lS ld tl】 Applictitionsi Tl ll Telepl1011● Dircctoll、 T127 Teとlcller Read A101ld. Tlユ6 ‐ Stoぃ T8pe PairedReading. TI-18 Storl Tape Preposilions, Tl{t ︱ W Addinど ,口s and―cs、 Transitioll WOrds, T175 T158 ︱ ︱ DⅢl町Lal単 ua革 ● 野 ctiVe ギA可● A●江v■les_T220 Spclll■どPFeteSts tild P D S t t e S t sT 、 223 AtttrOWord ' PttPOSit1011al Phtts● s‐ T172 Gramlnar Revl● w, T173 D出 1】L出 1営 ua厚● Actttitics_T220 ︱ ︱ TEttTED母 1lILLヽ PギTHl 「 村L「 PPORT TlAPLS AREヽ ヽAILABLE INや Alt:PItt a G∬ d c l ■T I = p SDdd StudicH ttn上さse Cul仙附.T139 Tctrll●T Rcad Aloud_ T140 Ston「Tap● ReaderResponse Groups.T162 Critical ResponseTt6-1 Reflectingon the Therne-T16-1 Listerringfor Information.Tl7'l Stoq'Tape Science:Bird Be;rtrrs. TtTf: Mathematics:Cornpare Fhing Speeds, Tt76 ComputeFood RequirementsTI77 SocialStudies: InvestigateUseof CanierPigeons. Tl77 Careers:Explore Onritholos\," Tl77 Paircd Viewing卜 T178 Alt:Cre■伯 ュMDlltatte= RcspOlldi11宮 tD thc Alt, T180 ` T181 Ab9utthe Medhnl.T181 F〔L!ヽ 卜『 G【LヽGES ︱ NOTES: ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 踏 W GttPl工C Aid宝 Diagrぉms,T149‐ T168 TttdllどNotes T150 Fol10H高1lg Dir● ctiolls― T152“ T167 Skiln and Scan_T169 │:│ 5trl Gl・ ■de THEWHIE AT A GLANCE:VOices FrOHI Ame14た ■'s Pist ││││ ReadingStrategiesand Skills ■■ ビOMPR工 SELECTIoNS HENS10N′ fRITrCAL THrN【 ING ■■ ロ v lキ ま :1招 耗 掛 │!!rr2.プ [昔 モ :母 晋 よ :1有 :中 :1 予 Volage VOCABULARY′ WORD ST〔 FDY 【ey Wo】・ ds.T上 7 Homograplx.T-11T+-l V PIttict Ot::EOユ 1● S. SupportTape T2I. TIZ I Sequerrce" ■■ T22.T40 C●1■ Par● Bttd cOntr出主= T26 M3Rc lnfercllces,T2, RcspOnsc.opti● 1ls, T38-39 ■■ ■■ Carry,ingthe Rurrning-Awal ■■ LastDa!,sat Red Clay Reading the TS4 Comparr/Cortlast.T-i7 Respondingto the Nanative.T59 ReadingStrategies, 出日 T 6 5 , T 7 3 : T T7 75 1ュ: T7,、T82 寸c ュ usc a n汗 d 1 ,E 齢 ■■ T 6 8 , T 8 0 . T 88 98 “ Make rtldttn■cnts‐T7キ. T,0 Conlpar●/Contrast‐ T81 R●sp011s● opti●ns, T35‐87 ■■ ■■ BrrffirloHunter Understanding Ke1, Words. T85 Reading Strategies, 【,y WOrds.T15 COIllPOLlnd wOl・ds‐ T72.T,上 SuPPDlt Tape A討 Ow● rd LlTERARY ANALYSrS AND APPREfIATrON Genre:Nurative. T54. T57 Author's Claft: Narration.T55 Gerue:HistodcalFicrion. Persorral Response. T86 CreativeResponse. T87 CriticalResponse. T87 ./ Pointof View. T9J95 Gcnre:Autoblo呂 raph丁. C l u e s iT l (T )l8 1 2 , Auど1lor〕 sCこミ :P●i】 ] :Df Vkぉv.Tl10、T上ユ0 ■■ マIdelltiら i11= ■■ Genre;Poetn. Tl_lJ ■ ■ Autllorls Cェ 1■:scnsoA Words T135 Readingthe Interrrier,r,r Genre:0ral Historr. ■■ T137 W● 対 RcFercnts TIF7 M&klll営 Ilfcrellces= Tl]は Co触lPllrc/COnt凝 lsti Tl+2 TIコ6_T139 ■■ inH、T!キ s ■■ Responding to rheAra PersolralResponse. Tl18 ∈時ativc ResP● 1lse T l 1 9 Criticnl Rcsp● nsc、 Tll, Alldiencc and P l l i p O s c : T 1 2 16 2‐7 As I Walk Along tll● Readingthe Poern Hillside T13+ ResPOndin革 │●tllc Poelll.T上 35 Finゃ All POltroli0 N出 ■ ■tlo■ _T55 T66_T69 St●恥 Stmcturei Scttlll革, T67 Author's cl.ai:M● ●d. T75 C唖 柱cteЛzaよO11,T77 ResP01lseけ ,tiOns. T l 1 8 1‐1 9 Talesform Tucson P●1・ SDnal RGsP01lSC T3母 TlS Audlol's Cr3■ :Fol■vard. C に ュt 的G R e s P 0 1 l s e 、 T19 T3, マFi=llrative Lュ ュどLltl_te、 マPitllllli11さ 柱Rep● l L‐ T25 T+6-+7 Epi10tJu●.Tユキ Sto埼 Smctll埼 ,T]キ PI●tⅢTユ8_Tキ 上 Kel Words,Tt07 T10+,Tlo8,Tlo9= C ●1 l t e x t Tll上r T11+,Tュ15 T123 Word Ref●略IltsL Tlf19.SLIPPOlt Tユ pc T122 Make G● neralizatiolls、 Tl13:T121 WRITrNG Gertre:HistoricalFiction. BuildingBackground. l:risJE') sIJJJ--S J\ !】Hド J!!〕 JMJ: 1)││〔 )Rl 丁 1ヽ !〕 i:H″ 、RI: ヽヽヽII_ヽ 1lIⅢ E P〈馬lrギ !」 !、 、t、 lf=ヽ (1正、 ■■ Nに)TES: 144 Responding to the PoernTl-15 SensorlWords.Tlij OralHisro+.Tl-i9 Responding to the Literature. Tl-tl Cre$tingOrai Histories. TllZ Resporrding to the OralHistorl.TI"t-r │: ││ A │││ ビOMPREHENS10N/ CRITIcAL SELECT10NS THINЦ INC S i n t t r A [ 1 l e n sR●ュdill革Stratcど:es、 T 1 5 + 、T 1 6 F T 1 6 6 、 T ll,.T172 VOEAB【 「 LARY′ WORD STUDV │ T 1 5 ‖、T 1 8 8 SupP●1・ t T:lPc V Endinビs―●nt,― ant. ,縦 nt`… able.■nd 一ible、 T51 V Comruaswith Narnes and lntroductory Words.Tzt. T.tB D由 Iy L側lguage V Co[unasin Datesand Attvities_T233 PlirceNarnes-T-19 SP●1ling Prctcsts arld Daily Langurge POヽttests‐ T218 Activities.T2J{ AstrOWOrd ll ll ll マ「OIIun。 1lbr ││ │ │ │ W PLulCtltttin目 ReirderResponse 0 - T ' 6Groups,T86 ▼盟 措提: 杵 メ CreativeResponse. T,, D・時 恥nttng● Dai町 Lan即 ■祥 AclivitiCS.T23キ ActⅢiti● s.T2]5 SP申!lintt Pr● :● sis tlnd Po駅tests、 T ユ38 寸The Vccv alld VCrv Pattcmsュ T上31 D お I ) L a n どu a t t e A c t 府i t i c s . T 2 3 5 spcrlintt Pl● lcsts ind POSltCStS‐ T239 A 乱十 DWOrd =丁│」 ヽl El)ヽ【II_ェ .ヽ1ヽ 1■ I T87 Critical Response. TIlT Reflectingorrtlre Thenre.T87 Intorrationand Enunciation. T98 Ston,Tape W Advcrb PltPOs■ 1011■ 1 Reader RespOnsc GコDuPS‐Tl18 寸Pullctuation: Ettative ResPOn出‐ Gttetinどs a1ld c10sintts、 T 出9 T129 itical ReJPOnscf ビl・ Dail〕L曲1ど uatte Tl19 Activities,T215 Rtadinど wih ExPttsSiOII.T13(〕 StDItt Tと PC Phrascs.T128 │ │ VisualLiteraq,. T2(). Tl{) ReaclerResponse Groups.T-18 CreativeResponse, T39 Cdtical Response, T-39 ConnectingAcross Texts.T39 Assurninga Poilrtof View. T50 Stun,Taue TeacherReadAloud. T54 Resporrding to the Narration,T59 StoryTape M i S→p C l l Cdds ,W O l ・ │ │ GGlllゃ ! 胤istorical Fiction. Pcl・ s ollal RcsPol15e― T154 T l 将ユ Sto母Stl■ 1● tul・ c:Scttillど Cre3とi、 G Rcsp01lsc. │ T155.T175 T181 G h a r a c t e rT‐ 161 T186t 寸usin革oill● どヽ Vords. 187 T19()-191 Author's CrJ止 : │ 寸Fiど l11■ t市c Lan革冊増eⅢ T157t T184‐185 Hunlor、T160 lll ││ lVRlTrNG 1撤 i部 贈 品酷 品 [s‐ │li ll LITERARY ANALYSrS AND APPREfrATrON TeacherReadAloud. Tl-l+ Rcspondingto the Poern.Tl -1j Ston,Tape M ′ '.ヽ ド〔P I 〔 〕 R丁 「 !ヽ P E ヽ 、R 二 ヽヽ II.ヽ Pjl,EIヽ ヽIドI.Aヽ(:1:ヽt:E村 Nl_jttES: 踏 SocialStudies:The UsirtgMaps.T23 Careerof Donald { Choosing McKay, T-iZ Resouces. T--1.1. T-t+Ma.tringa CliruateMap. +5 T5-r Art: IllustratingMenral Images.T52 Science:Studfing Birds of Antarctic4 T5-1 Mathematics : Calculating CargoPercents.T5-3 SocialStudies:Research the Ernarrcipation Proclalnation"Ti6 Researchthe Undergroud Raihoad, T59 SociaI Stuttes:RcPoTt Lh「 itentt Cller●監鴻 LangLlagc, T上00 由路革c a Mectins‐ T101 Alti Compttc c10thng S与「 leS卜T101 Sciencc:Learn About GO柱oll,T101) ヽ住lth● Illatics:G■ lcuiatl tlle Al■ Ounts,T上01 Science: LearnAbor.rt Bu-ffalo, Tl-12 SocialStudies:Usesof Bnffalo.Tl-12 Mathematics:Animiil Populatiorr. Tl-15 CnlculateArrow Shots. T 1.1:1 Art: CreiltePicture Stofies.TI -jI SHllsi T78、 T,l GraPhic Aids:挿mps‐ T92 V Choosing Resources. T12+-125 ■︻ r一 竹 竹一 一 ・ ” ︱︲ ≡■” rr■ ︻ ¨ ︻ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 口 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 日 ■ 口 BB ■ ■ 口■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B SELECT10NS ;OMPREHENS10N/ 〔 CRITlCAL THrNHlNG VOCAB【 ILARY′ WORD ST【 rDY L]TERARY ANALYSIS ANl) APPRECIATrON E、clalll■ 10恥 S●1ltcllGGSl Respondirrg to the T13, Litcr:itturc. TI-ll D n s ! l c s . T l{キ ) CrcittingOrrl V Thttc and Four SyIIable WDrds、T195 ua揮 ,お ly La11革 Act市itiesh T236 母Pellintt Ptttests出 ld Posttests、 T21, AstttW● H Historics. TI-l I Sto4'Tirpe ViervingtheAfl, Tt+"t SociulStudies:Mriliing a Map. Tl-t6 Research Kansas"Tl-t7 Art: CreatcYour Oun. Tl47 寸111● ●nlplc[● Scntcnces、 T159、 T192 G鮮 阻lT距ユ r Rcvlew、 T19] DH!y Ltlllttuage Activities.T236 L口 Ⅲ〒 l L4b I ヽ 組LLS:N llfIS THEヽ IE PPORT Ъ ヽPEs AREふ rAILrIBtt N sⅨ ヽ│ゴ :― Vis■lal Litcm●〕 T16斗 : T177 Read● r R6SpOnsc Cr●iIPs.T182 Cr●■tivc ResP●ns●‐ T183 CHticaI Res―pOnse‐ T183 C●nllectins AcrO掛 T●、ts_Tユ83 L舶 ●ni11革B●tWttn the Lincs,T上 94 Stortt Tュ D● ェ r、Nt■fA8E母 NOTES: ■■ “ ︱ 一 146 ヽVRITING Foolrtotrrs, TI-i7 Graphic Aidsiヽ イapsb Tlキ6 Socinl Studies:Wite F0110wi11尊 D ir“dolls、 A b O u t C h i l d P 1 0 1 lT189 eers. T196 Map Routes‐ T196 Alti Creatc a DiDrtun■ . T197 ヽど ath●]llatics:Solwe C●1lstl■ ction PrOblel■s. T197 Scicnce:Repolt On Fannill.J ttquipill● 1ltⅢ Tl,7
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